#am I delusional? Maybe idk
grimgummies · 3 months
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Wait wait wait I love that actually?? Thin Thief thinks Fat Thief is just freaking out again until he sees that Oh.
That is an Actual Demon.
Since it's still early SM I'm just imagining the three staring at each other in complete silence, and THEN Moloch pounces
TT accidentally pushes FT into some boxes as he's trying to get him out of the way, so all FT hears is roaring and a horrified scream
When FT finally gets out of the boxes TT is just. Gone.
I might draw that actually,, I'm living for this so much,,
Like just imagine the absolute HORROR of stumbling and losing sight of where you are + your partner only to hear terrified screams and violent roars followed by complete silence. Then you look up and see he's just,, gone,, nightmare situation kinda shit
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butmakeitgayblog · 4 months
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She's alive 🥰 we are so back
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I’m probably a little late to the party (heh) but there’s something I’ve noticed concerning color theory and Max, and Max in general
When she is introduced to us as MADMAX, her situation with Billy makes her feel lonely and angry. She’s wearing red clothes (with a white stripe!) and her hair is down (letting her rage roam free).
In here, she’s clearly annoyed. She’s just left Billy’s car, Mr. Clarke made her stand before the class and named her Maxine when she just wanted to melt into the background and get over her first day at an unfamiliar school, still not thrilled about having to move from California.
Still, she’s zipped down, since those people didn’t do anything especially hurtful towards her and maybe she’s a little hopeful about them. 
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When she’s mad after an interaction with Billy she’s wearing red:
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Darker red! She’s at school where she won’t have to deal with Billy for a while. She’s cooling like lava but there’s still one streak of the anger in the back of her head.
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When the boys approach her, her zip-up sweatshirt is unzipped to show some of the color underneath. She’s happy! She will not let her guard down completely but she won’t hiss at them immediately! Still, she’s ready for disappointment and snapping right back to being fully red.
Yellow is not a lighter shade of red, but it’s definitely close on the color wheel. Closer to white, too! She is showing she’s not only mad, there also is softness inside her! It’s still a shade connected to red (anger) but yellow by itself is more of a happiness color. She wants to make friends but is still scared because of the new environment and Billy.
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In the car with Billy (the scene where he wants to run over the party), the entire scene is shot in a way that’s barely letting us see her clothes. It’s mostly covered by hair, too, but we can see it’s still at least a little unzipped as there’s a bit of the yellow collar visible.
In the scene, she’s defending Hawkins saying, that it’s not that bad and that she can’t see any cows (yellow). She’s scared of Billy, so she’s trying to cover up her sympathy towards Hawkins and towards the boys (with red and her hair, Billy saw her get out of the car with the sweatshirt zipped up and hair down, now she’s covering her softness with what is familiar to Billy, so that he doesn’t see anything has changed, notice that softness and hurt her. That’s exactly what she does when she says she doesn’t know the boys trying to protect them from getting ran over).
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Yellow! Fully yellow :) She’s happy to be shown weird pollywog-like creatures with the rest of the Party!
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Right after Will gets possessed, her question as to what “true sight” means gets brushed off by all of the boys. She’s hurt and feels excluded, but her hurt makes her angry again. Next time we see her, she’s all red again.
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“Party members only! This is non-negotiable.”
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“I thought you guys wanted me in your Party!”
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At the arcade! She’s already acclimated to Hawkins, and the arcade is her favorite place. 
Alright, I’m getting tired and my third eye is slowly closing, so I’m going to wrap this up quickly, since I think I presented what the gist of the idea is.
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In season 3, yellow, patterns, colors! She is now fully a member of the party! She has friends, she knows the secrets, El is back. This is the happiest she’s been.
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Clothes are important in both of the girl’s characters! (El changes from murky colors to vivid patterns when she finds herself and there’s a post about El shedding layers of blue in season 4. I’d link it but can’t find it, I’m sorry!) There being a scene like this, with them fooling around with their clothes is basically the peak of happiness :)
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Here Max gets really worried because of Billy. She’s feeling a bit guilty ‘cause that’s her step-brother that’s sowing chaos and hurting her friends. El is straining herself. The situation is looking BAD. Blue!
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Beginning of season 4
Blue - she’s grieving and feeling guilty, Black coat - she’s hiding herself in a shell. She’s not particularly hiding her grief but she can close off at any moment.
(Btw Lucas is also wearing a blue shirt with some coats. I’d say he is sad because Max dumped him and doesn’t want to tell him things but the coats have a couple of colors because he’s hiding away his nerdiness in order to be cool :) 
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Now, the overcoat is blue with yellow elements - Max is being honest about her grief. She’s targeted by Vecna, the Hawkins gang knows she is SAD. It’s her last day, she can unfurl. The sweatshirt is unzipped and showing red and white underneath, the same colors we’ve seen her wear when we first met her. The girl that slammed the door of Billy’s car. The one that was scared of him. That girl is still inside Max. 
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Sometimes, she’s wearing this. Grief covered up with brownish-reddish... Red. She’s going back to her previous self, she is talking to Lucas again and he SEES her... But to get that shade of red you go more towards black on the color wheel. She’s not that vivid, fiery red anymore. There are bits of that girl deep inside her, but she’s too tired to make it her entire self. She’s tired. 
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kinerxy · 5 months
im learnin to use blender
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kamuro-junrenka · 10 months
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Thinking about this
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robin-the-enby · 4 months
Thinking about praising Alastor...
Not that it'd be in a sexual manner (aroace representation yay), but for the mutual smugness of it
Pointing out how dashing he looks, complimenting his voice or strength or how intimidating he looked dealing with enemies attacking the hotel or one of the staff
You'd say it nonchalantly, almost dismissively, but it wouldn't escape the overlord's attention that you'd be watching his reaction from the corner of your eyes, a playful, and yet genuine, smile discreetly on your lips
You knew he knew you were waiting for his reaction and you'd revel in the surge of pride at seeing his everpresent grin turn somehow more smug than it already was.
Alastor would usually be suspicious of compliments so freely handed out, wracking his mind for any possible ulterior motive you could have, but he soon enough realised you liked subtly stroking his ego, for some reason
So he continued to indulge you, letting his pleased expression show just enough for your observing self to see, while the others would stay oblivious to this habit forming between the two of you.
Upping his game after some time, he'd throw you smooth and almost sultry "thank you, dear"s, enjoying how much it affected you and how little you were able to hide your heated cheeks.
He'd also stick to your side more than before, hanging around you for the simple pleasure of a small dopamine rush from your praise.
You'd have to learn to accept that sometimes, when you were getting ready to run some errands, Alastor would join you at the main entrance to the hotel, not stating his intentions or reasons, only quipping up from time to time with small talk like "Quite a lovely weather we're having today!"
In a twisted sort of sense he hopes someone will approach you two with ill intentions. Not because he wished you harm, no. Quite the contrary, with him by your side, he could make a show of protecting you - just for you of course.
And the only thing he'd expect in return was a thank you and a little comment about how well he'd done or how terrifying he looked.
Alastor does not have a desire to be needed, but he likes his ego stroked and loves to show off when he can, subtly, or not so much, reminding everyone that even with his multiple year absence, he's still the dangerous and mysterious Radio demon.
And you, having a nonsensical andcompletely illogical soft spot for the charming, yet cruel radio host, went along with these frivolous endeavours of his.
But you'd be careful not to overdo it, because you needed to keep in mind that Alastor is great at manipulation, and you weren't looking to give up your soul to anyone anytime soon.
At the same time, your compliments were never the same for long, after all, there were many nice things you could point out on the gentleman in red, as surprising as it may sound.
Alastor, of course, knew of all this, your careful nature and cheeky bravery. He respected it. And because of this intriguing, and very entertaining, personality of yours, he realised too late that you had somehow made a little place for yourself in the heart he swore he neer had.
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interestinnggg · 5 months
That one book trope "He is mean to everyone but her" is so Temari. (I know she is mean to Shikamaru too but let's be real it's more good-natured mean.)
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3416 · 5 days
okay i might try to make some more hockey tarot related crochet stuff... mitch solo is obviously represented as the magician, i don't think that needs explaining, but what do we think about auston as the hermit....... first of all, virgo which is what the card is. second of all, i've always loved the quotes about how much auston's drive for hockey and life in general 100% comes from this internal fire in him to just do it. like there is something really spiritual about his connection to this sport and the way he's able to maintain his privacy while being one of the biggest faces of it in one of the biggest markets.... thinking about how much gratitude and love he has and how much of that comes from the self reflection he does about his position in life....... the way he flees that spotlight at every opportunity to get back home and to places that remind him who he is... idk..... it's feeling accurate. i feel like making him something too authoritative like the emperor is just not the right energy even though that ALSO represents a lot that he is too. i feel like if he won the cup already/signed a longer deal/was the leafs captain, that energy would be more fitting but for right now.....
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heraldofcrow · 6 months
"I hope I could draw more diverse cast 🥺" you say, as you actually DID draw more characters than Bloody Crow this year but you STILL decided to showcase only fanart of him -_-
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urcatwrites · 1 year
sometimes i lay in bed and gigle thinking abt all the tragic gay love stories between potter men and black/malfoy men
that shits generational
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sunny12th · 1 year
been walking around in a fuckin daze the past few days thinking about dany giving her fire to the wights and returning them to life. oh boy. oh fuck.
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skunkg1rll · 5 months
when i love someone i WANT to learn abt their past traumas, their insecurities nd pain so that i can learn how to love them right. i want to understand how i should treat, reassure and comfort them. i want to learn their love languages so i can love them the way they need
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katsy-kitty · 2 days
I'm having a strong belief based on nothing but my own conviction that this weekend I'll finally respond to everyone here and irl that I've been neglecting because I've been feeling overwhelmed for no particular reason.
Have faith in me, please. I need it.
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tiedsh0es · 11 months
inanimate insanity ramble incoming ⚠️⚠️⚠️ rewatching ep 6 (invitational) I'm really sad of where Balloon and Nickel's relationship is going because I was really rooting on them becoming friends. And ep 6 is such a good ep to think abt how they could have become friends without it being too out of left field
Nickel is still such an awful guy this episode, the entire challenge is to make people laugh but as TK will point out all he's doing is just snapping back and making people upset, he hasn't lost that side of him-
but then theres that scene where Balloon's on the verge of panicking because Bot and Floory are goin for him. so Nickel forces him out of participating by making him laugh rather than him losing to Bot and Floory. and theres too ways you can take this, Nickel wanting to get a sense of control out of this- Or as I see it, more as a sort of compassion from him?
Season 2 Nickel wouldve been badgering Balloon for this- Balloon would lose and Nickel would blame him for it, and maybe that's why Balloon is so panicky. Because he's the last one in it's all on him. if they lose its his fault. but for once Nickel sees Balloon actually having a hard time and sticks up for him-
granted you know it was a little... self-centered that it had to be him getting Balloon out of the competition rather than bein like its alright dude! but I saw it as a sort of first step? It's realistic for him and his character, and I thought that this would lead up to Nickel kind of realizing he liked Balloon as a friend! I mean he even calls him his friend at the end of the ep.
and maybe this was originally their plan (AE), that Balloon was going to give Nickel a second chance. Cuz that's all Balloon ever wanted was a second chance. but now I feel like in the more recent episode they are backtracking?? Nickel refusing to apologize, and turning on Ballon again. maybe they think now its better if Balloon shldnt forgive Nickel and that's why Nickel suddenly turns on Balloon again.
Nickel struggled to apologize to even TK, in ep 5, and I thought that would lead up to him realizing there are bigger things than his ego and hed apologe to Balloon-- but now it sounds like Balloon never even liked or wanted to be friends with him in the first place???
I dont even know if I think Balloon should forgive Nickel anymore but its sad bc I really liked their friendship
idk ! maybe i'm thinking too far ahead I wont know where their relationship is heading until one of them finally gets eliminated
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this is not the face of someone who "never wanted to work with you again" Balloon has moments where they get along genuinely. i actually hate that quote idk
not that i think its bad balloon finally stuck up to Nickel but i dont like his reasoning being he's kind of been leading Nickel along??? BC BALLOON IS NOT IN THE WRONG.
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angeltism · 8 months
when did we as a society start w the "doubles of me don't exist uu guys are just crazy and stupid" / "if uu think uu love [character] uu need to check uurself into a psych ward because they only love me" all over again
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lord-squiggletits · 9 months
The hard thing about liking Getaway as a character is that people are like "why are you mad people hate him, he's literally evil in the text" and it's like. Yeah I get that and I ENJOYED the way he was shown in MTMTE, the problem is that in LL his character got hit with villain degradation/idiot ball and so my beef with his portrayal is that I think it's shitty and underwhelming writing.
But like, it's really hard to debate about that because canon is the basis of the entire analysis, and if your contention of canon is basically "he would not fucking say/do that" then that means a near-complete rejection of canon in favor of headcanon and you can't really "debate" personal opinions in that way.
Anyways, LL Getaway sucked and the most charitable interpretation one could have of how he was written is that he was a victim of JRO needing to wrap up a billion plotlines at once and getting shafted because the mutiny plotline had to resolve really fast. Which is a flaw of LL and a bunch of its characters/plots in general, not me being an "apologist."
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