#am i being parasocial? maybe
Jegulus + neck kisses
It is now one shot dump time! Say thank you to Corr who gave me enough serotonin to do this stuff and actually show the world my writing.
Regulus lazily strolled through Hogwarts’ corridors, his outer robe left in his dormitory after lunch. The sleeves of his white shirt were rolled up, showing a carefully manufactured image of a self-assured heir to the Black family.
It was a warm day. Most of the students were outside during the long free time after lunch. They all desperately grasped the moments of free time. Oh well. He was free until Pandora or Barty would decide that he needed his annual dose of sunlight.
He strolled down the corridor, his bag hanging from his shoulder. He still had to finish his essay for Potions and read two chapters for DADA. Right, and Transfi-
He was suddenly yanked into one of the classrooms he walked beside. His body was thrown against one of the desks. Two strong arms, with the sleeves rolled up to the elbows revealing perfect brown skin, caged him against the desk. He looked up at the person, slightly scared, because you didn’t get manhandled into an empty classroom everyday. His fear turned into annoyance when his eyes finally landed on the person’s face.
His voice was snarky and annoyed, reflectring the feelings probably seen in his eyes. James Potter was standing in front of him, with his infuriating glasses and his infuriating fluffy hair and those bottomless eyes that reflected his pale face.
-Hello, lovely. -James’ voice was not its usual cheerful tone that made Regulus’ muscles twitch (his face muscles. Specifically the ones around his lips. Jamie called it a smile.). The other man’s voice was weirdly calm and collected. reserved.
-You are not your usual annoying self today. - it wasn’t a question, more like a statement. - Why?
Jamie’s eyes darkened dangerously (no, Regulus did not like that look. Absolutely not.) and he tilted his head to the side. He was much taller than Regulus and he had to bend over slightly to look him in the eyes.
-That Ravenclaw boy was awfully friendly with you at breakfast.
So this was it. James Potter, sunshine of Hogwarts, the happiest man Regulus knew, was jealous. Oh boy.
In this moment Regulus realized he played a little too close to the fire. His innocent playing of the Ravenclaw boy to get him to help with his Herbology project might have gotten him into trouble.
You have to understand, dear reader, James Potter was not a jealous man. He did not get angry with Regulus. He did not get jealous of Regulus. He was not possessive of Regulus.
He knew, no matter who Regulus flirted with to get something he wanted, that James Potter in the end was the one who Regulus came back to. He was the brotherfucker, a title earned through tears, sweat and even a little bit of blood. He was the man Regulus trusted the most beside his beloved brother. He was the man his heart yearned for. He was the man who infuriated Regulus to no end but still pulled him back over and over again.
So when James Potter gets jealous because some Ravenclaw boy (who in the end had an ugly personality and Regulus would not consider him even if James never existed) tried getting cozy with him, it surprised the younger Black brother. Not a lot of things surprised Regulus Black.
-Are you jealous, Jamie? - he coos in a mockingly sweet tone and tilts his head.
And then, much to Regulus’ dread, James growls and grabs his jaw roughly. For just a second a jolt of fear washes through Regulus and his breath hitches. James seems to realize in what position exactly his long fingers were. The rough look in his eyes dims a bit and he moves his grip lover, instead resting his hand on Regulus’ long and thin neck.
His thumb brushes over Regulus’ pulse and his head leans closer.
-I am. I really, really am.
James’ hand wasn’t restraining his breathing or his blood flow whatsoever, more just holding him. Showing him exactly what this situation was.
Regulus cast his gray eyes down and sighed.
-I’m sorry, Jamie. I wasn’t flirting with him, y’know. At least not more than normally. - his voice was gentle and apologetic.- He was kinda… pushy.
James slowly shakes his head. He keeps his eyes on Regulus, like he was trying to look into his soul.
-I know. I’m not mad.- James’ voice was gentle but it held a certain dangerous edge to it. That edge, unfortunately, made the little hairs on Regulus’ nape stand up.
-Then why did you manhandle me into the classroom, if you’re not mad?
-I don’t need to be mad at you to want to mark you as my own.- His voice was a low growl. Oh good lord.
James leaned in and pressed his nose to Regulus’ soft skin. He inhaled deeply and sneaked his hand around to the back of Regulus’ head. He threaded his long fingers into his soft hair and tugged gently.
Regulus took a deep breath and fixed his position. His knees were weak and trembling, the only thing keeping him upright was sheer willpower and the desk he was pressed against. James seemed to see the movement and smirked against Regulus’ skin.
Regulus didn’t think about this too much. He thought that maybe James would just ignore it and continue with whatever was happening right now. Maybe, if he was particularly unlucky, his lover would tease him about it. But no. On this day, in a matter of maybe ten minutes, James Potter managed to surprise his beloved boyfriend, Regulus Black, not once but twice.
James’ hands roughly gripped under his thighs and lifted his slim body up. Regulus was set on the desk, his legs on either side of the taller man’s body. His hands were keeping him upright, braced on the cold surface of the desk behind him.
-This okay, baby?
In a moment of sweetness, James stilled and murmured into his pale skin. Regulus wasn’t sure if he could trust his lips to properly work so he just nodded. He felt the other grin into his neck.
And then three things happened. James pulled his head back with the tight grip on his black hair. Regulus whined.
James smiled.
James sighed.
James sunk his teeth into Reggie’s pale skin.
Regulus Black was always taught how to be a respectable young man. One part of that was learning to never react too much. Not cry, not scream, not yell. So when James’ teeth sunk into his neck a very surprising thing happened. Regulus yelped in surprise and his whole body jolted. His hips accidently bucked agaisnt James’ own. Oh, no. This was bad. This was very, very bad. (Also, Reggie just realised, James was slowly building a life record of how many times a person could surprise him in their lifetime. Regulus thought taht if someone were to actually do it, he was glad it landed on James.)
James leaned back and looked Regulus in the eyes. He had to basically loom over Regulus’ form to properly hold eye contact with him.
-Oh, baby… Did you like that?
Regulus blushed wildly at James’ sweet tone. He grumbled and shook his head.
-No. I didn’t like it. You just surprised me, that’s all.
James snickered and chuckled darkly.
-Mhm, sure. Whatever you say, baby.- James said in a sarcastic tone. Regulus should not like that pet name so much, damn it! He was the heir to the house of Black, for god’s sake.
Regulus scowled at James and leaned back on his arms.
-Of course taht’s what happened, you bastard. You’re not all that, no matter what the gryffindor girls say.
James tilted his head to the side and grinned at him.
-Really? So you wouldn’t mind if I just left, would you?- and then he pushed himself off the desk and took two steps back. Oh no.
-Wait!- James smirked but stilled. He waved his hand in the air, motioning for Regulus to continue.- I… OKay, maybe I did like it a little bit.- he grumbled and put his head down in slight shame.
James stepped closer and caged him with his arms again. His fluffy hair was covering his eyes a little bit. He blew some air up to clear his vision and smiled that goofy, annoying and absolutely stunning smile of his that was reserved for his beloved.
-There you go, baby.- his voice was a confident coo.- Good job.
Regulus crumbled. He put his head down to hide the angry blush spreading over his heels and grumbled something even he wasnt sure what it was.
James chuckled and kissed his cheek tenderly. He didn’t force him to look at him or something. He never did, he just accepted that sometimes eye contact was just too much and he would not get it even if he tried. He also knew that forcing Reggie into looking at him would end very, very badly. He witnessed it first hand when some bastard from Slytherin tried to pull that. It was an ugly sight.
And then James dove in and started pretty much ravaging his neck. He bit, he sucked, he nibbled. The sensations pulled little broken noises out of Regulus. He seemed to revel in them and tried different spots just to hear them all.
Regulus struggled with the sensations. James’ lips sucking on his skin, leaving angry purple marks that would probably take at least a week to fade. His teeth nibbling the skin on his collarbones in the most gentle way possible. The full on bites made to the soft flesh of his shoulder, not enough to break skin (he would kill James if he ever actually bit him. Maybe he licked having visual proof of their relationship on his skin but scars were just too much, god damn it.) but enough to make him whimper and throw his head back in a lazy motion.
James leaned back and looked at him, his cheeks red and his lips covered in spit.
-You okay, baby?- he gently brushed Regulus’ fluffy hair back and out of his face. His eyes were awfully tender, now that he got his need to mark Regulus up out of his system. Reggie hated how that look made his stomach flip.
He took a moment to take a deep breath and gather the reality around him. James’ hands were on his thighs, grounding him and providing him with a consistent sensation he could focus on. Damn that perceptive bastard.
Regulus nodded and took another deep breath.
-Yeah. I think I’m okay.- His words were slow and weirdly intentional, like it took a lot of effort to get them out. james squeezed his thighs, not too little but not too roughly either. Just right.
-Can I continue?- His dear asked in a gentle tone. He kept his face leveled with Regulus’, even if they didn’t hold eye contact.
Regulus only nodded.
-...Do you want me to continue?
This was their issue. James Potter was just too perceptive of Regulus’ reactions for the younger to keep any secret around him. Damn him and his stupid, kind heart.
Regulus took a moment to thinkl about the question. He thought for a long time, longer than it usually took him. James was there the whole time, keeping his big, warm hands on his thighs.
He slowly nodded. He realized he had been running the tips of his fingers over the veins on James’ hands to soothe himself. He didn’t stop the motion, despite his embarrassment.
-Do you remember what to say if it gets too much?
James’ voice was so infuriatingly gentle and soothing as he spoke to him. He didn’t demand, he didn’t rush him. He let him take his time and find the words in the mess that was now his mind.
He took a deep breath and tried to get the word out. Then he tried again. He parted his lips and focused very hard on getting this one word out for his dear.
James’ grin widened impossibly. He leaned in and pressed a sweet kiss to his forehead.
-Good job, baby. Thank you.
Regulus blushed and dipped his head forward. He put his forehead on James’ wide shoulder and sighed happily. Even when words would get a little too hard for Reggie, James would make sure he was okay and that he felt loved. He knew how sometimes Regulus would drown in his own thoughts.
-Okay, and can you show me what to do if words get too hard?
Regulus thought for a moment. He then brought his hand higher on James’ forearm and wrapped his thin fingers around his strong arm. He squeezed his arm three times, the first squeeze long and the other ones short.
-Mhm, that’s it. Good job, baby.
Regulus blushed and grumbled into James’ shoulder. The other laughed at his reaction, the kind of laugh that would make Reggie’s heart skip a beat and do a flip. The taller man dipped his head lower and attached his lips to a spot above Regulus’ collarbone that wasn’t yet covered with a bite or a hickey. He slowly moved along his skin, filling in the gaps he left before. His touch was less urgent, less possessive, more gentle. It was like the result mattered less than the process in this moment. There was always one warm hand on Regulus’ thigh, under his own smaller, pale hand. It made him feel assured that no matter what, he had control over what happened to him. That no one ever would make him hold eye contact or do something to him he didn't like.
He whimpered and let his head roll back, revealing more of his pale skin. James snaked a hand under his slightly long hair and put a big hand on the back of his neck, supporting his head and letting his neck relax. He gently put his thumb behind Reggie’s ear and so softly moved his head to the side to kiss and nip at the spot behind his other ear.
The hand on his thigh squeezed him, seemingly in a silent question. He squeezed back, his hand shaking just a little.
James moved to the other side of his neck, rolling his head gently in his grip. He was so tender about it, so soft and careful.
They would emerge from the classroom forty minutes later, Regulus's hair tussled and fluffed up from being held so much. And if he walked a little funny and paid a bit more attention to keeping his neck covered, then damn him for having little joys in life every now and then.
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skunkes · 1 day
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party-lemon · 3 months
when the celebrity is a genuine actual good person
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lume-nosity · 2 months
boo! lume jumpscare coming to your feed because i finally found the time (and memory) to visit here. I MISSED YOU GUYS AAAAAGH i mean um hi or whatever,, what did i miss? how’s everyone? it’s been a hot minute.
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breastmaster64 · 10 months
catching up on slmccl's qsmp shit is so fun bc like. you can tell that he actually enjoys this server.
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devilsskettle · 5 months
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i feel like i’ve been WAITING for the other shoe to drop wrt people’s opinions about watcher for this very reason. not that i think the reaction is completely not understandable but the greater the parasocial relationship, the greater the fallout as soon as public opinion shifts. you don’t have a relationship with these people they’re just content creators, chill
#ready to see all the people coming out of the woodwork to say how they’ve never liked watcher/unsolved/etc#and act like it’s ‘cringe’ now that their fanbase feels ‘betrayed’#it’s great to have a fanbase but parasocial relationships will bite you in the ass every single time#it’s interesting too though because i’ve seen watcher have a LOT of support as they’ve tried to build something separate from buzzfeed#so this is the first time they’re getting real pushback about a decision they’ve made wrt shifting their platform/expanding their brand#so ig we’ll have to see how they react moving forward#but it’s soooo interesting to see how enthusiastically people dump on buzzfeed#AND how many people dump on youtube and how over the years so much of its functionality has been stripped away#how many ads you have to sit through. how much sponsored content there is now. etc#but when they try to do the same thing with youtube that they did with buzzfeed it’s like how dare you not lick their boots#because if you lick their boots and we lick their boots we can watch stuff for free#anyway.#even if you don’t any to say it’s a bad business decision. it’s not like there’s not precedent for it#1) the move away from buzzfeed was successful and 2) what about the dnd shows or whatever#don’t you guys watch those dnd shows that are ‘behind a paywall’#don’t you guys have netflix hulu disney hbo amazon etc ad nauseum that are actually owned by billion dollar corporations#don’t you guys get on your high horses about supporting independent artists all the time#it’s interesting that people will profess to be such big fans!!! and feel like they’re friends!!!!#but how dare they think their work might be worth paying for#idk. idk. it’s entitlement though#sorry for the rant i’m ALSO not trying to blindly defend a bunch of people i don’t know#but you guys are being soooo fucking annoying about it lol#anyway i’m still waiting to see what their response is going to be from here before jumping to conclusions#also to be fair i am biased to be lenient about decisions made by independent filmmakers vs big studios etc#like everybody freaking out about the ai art used in late night with the devil. who cares honestly#‘they should’ve paid a real artist!!’ idk maybe their budget didn’t cover that#i don’t want it to become the industry norm but at the end of the day i would rather see indie shit getting made then only seeing#the big studios (who don’t have equitable practices anyway!!) making shit#but that’s another conversation. just to be transparent about my viewpoint on this kind of thing#maybe controversial but also can’t we have nuance. for once.
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musical-chick-13 · 10 months
So the problem is. That I don't want to call Ten-cubed "fourteen." I think Ncuti should be. Fourteen. He IS fourteen.
But if I want to talk about Ncuti's specific incarnation of this character. And make it clear that I am talking about him. I will have to call him "Fifteen." But doing that means that everyone involved in this ridiculous naming decision wins.
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schumigrace · 1 year
I feel like everyone is loving this rumour meanwhile I'm just getting increasingly more uncomfortable lmao
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I'm pretty sure Gerard has said that Save Yourself is a cousin to Famous Last Words but I also have this sense deep in my heart that Surrender the Night is also related
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eugeniedanglars · 1 year
some of you need to learn to be less personally offended by writers saying “canon is just the things that explicitly happen in the show/book/movie”
#can’t believe i’m defending n*il g*iman i don’t even like the guy’s books and i have a tumblr vendetta against him#i genuinely don’t know much about him as a person except that he married am*nda p*lmer and therefore has extremely questionable judgment#so despite how much this website loves to throw the term parasocial around i have no parasocial attachment to him i just care about facts#but i just read two blog posts of his (including a pre-tumblr one)#that people linked as ‘proof’ of him being homophobic to aziraphale/crowley shippers before the tv show came out#and they were literally just. completely reasonable posts saying ‘the text of the book does not say that they’re in a relationship#and things i say online or in interviews should not be taken as canon and neither should popular fan interpretations’#i think people were mad because he phrased it as ‘making things up’? but in context it clearly wasn’t meant as an insult#it was just a way to differentiate ‘things that are explicitly in the text’ and ‘things that you have to use your imagination for’#at no point did he say anything bad about shippers he just said that it wasn’t textual canon in the book. which is objectively true lol#and even then the more recent post was like ‘it’s not book canon but tv canon is different’ like he literally was supporting it lmao#idk maybe i’m not offended bc i’m not a shipper#but i really think you’ve gotta read those posts in the absolute worst faith possible to interpret them as homophobic/anti-shipper
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pinkseas · 2 years
[parasocial bestie] sorry i got passionate. it may or may not b them in ur post but thats my automatic thought.
anyway wanna hear that i had zhongli xiao went to fishing once it was crazy i was thinking abt them Finding Solace thrugh another personal brainrot i have where xiao gets thru pretty rouch repercussions from the chasm and now chasm crew AND zhongli gets involved in his recovery its sad it hurts like shit that xiao contemplates more abt his existence to Keep Living and the chasm crew emphasizes that thru different perspectives and zhongli pops in and out for narrative purposes thats got him even more Mixed and they had a Necessary talk for the story. a talk that xiao finally breaks. i think. yeahgh. they reconcile they find a Little peace esp for xiao who finally mourns properly abt bosacius' loss and zhongli is there to comfort him and i break everysay thinking abt that brainrot i thinj and like
Anyway zhongli gets stupidly giddy with the lil progress theyre having and then outta nowhere afrer xiao is Okay he invites him to go fishing. the dude does Not Get it. is that a lumine influence or is he actually succumbing into karmic insanity he doesnt know but he follows the Geo Archon Definitely Not Fisherman to the marsh thats got fishes and just waits. for an hour probably sitting with a fishing rod waiting in silence he feels stupider by the minute but doesnt wanna point that to zhongli. turns out they forgot the worm bait and the Scrutinization the Seriousness they both have to stick the worm onto the hook is a detail all details i have there makes me crazy. anwyay even with the bait it takes another hour. zhongli goes ok fuck it then Remember when bonanus used to do this (goes knee deep into the lake, sleeves up pants rolled) and guess what the very formal very elegant funeral consultant reverts into a feral uncle just catching fish witg his hands and XIAO DOESNT FUCKING GET ITTT like shishou my lord mr zhongli why are you doing that and hes like TRY THIS KIDDO ITS SO FUN as he gets slapped in the face with jumping fish. xiao gets in but a lot more soaked cus hwo cares abt his outfit in the water bro hes anemo. then hahahwhrshhehehehehe uh oh xiao gets fish slapped next and guess whst happens zhongli goes full on guizhong to splash more water at him xiao gets SO SUSPRISED BUT HESITANT SO ZL SPLASHES MORE and gets absolute destroyed when xiao made up his mind getting over respecting him as his lord to a mere friend of his level. they splish sploosh splash water wars it was fun it was hAPPY theyre both smiling squealing xiao has almost never done this before neither did zhongli but he's seen how parents get to be playful with their little kids and xiao is No Little Kid but he wants to take the chance to introduce a little fun to xiao anwyay even if it gets them Soaked as Hell and theyre dumping themselvws under the water kicking it to their faces coughing when their noses get filled too much of it THEY STILL CHASE THE JUMPING FISHES TOO that rlly spices up the whole scene bcno one forgets theyre Supposed to get fish but theyre doing it caveman style and THEN THERES A HUGEASS FISH JUMPING OUT AND XIAO IMPULSIVELT JUMPS FOR IT but gets carried down into the water zhongli was like XIAO NO and plucking him out bc xiao doesnt let the big fish go AND IS STILL HOLDING IT it keeps slapping his face getting them both even wetter when zhongli lifts them both above the surface xiao gets irritated likr STOP FUCKING MOVING HE KARATE CHOPS IT DEAD so anyway thats how verr goldet gets there absolutely horrified at zhongli xiao standing at the reception soaked to the core and the former was holding an abnormally big fish and the latter going "do u have any spare clothes and towels? also we'd like to give this to yanxiao as thanks" and the inn staff has a nice buffet of a big ass fish grill while zhongli xiao chills in their room drying and doing lil comfy dad son things (explodes into a million pieces)
crying shaking bawling sobbing i dont even know what to SAY i love every single little thing about this dear LORD. this is so fucking perfect the time spent waiting the Forgetting the concentration before zhongli finally says fuck it we ball. THE TWO OF THE GETTING SLAPPED... THE WATER FIGHT.......... im genuinely going to fucking explode oh my God. this is everythign to me. they are everything to me.
thinking so hard about xiao chasm repercussions now ive thought about it short term (obviously) but never really long term......... eyes Wide Fawking Open right now ESPECIALLY with both the full crew And zhongli being involved in his recovery mgngnfgmmnfnmgmnfnmfnm god. God.
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frogmascquerade · 1 year
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duck-era-lexi · 2 years
i miss traves and cscoop so much even tho i literally have never been interested in streamers/mcyt content at all i just remember watching mcm. 
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daydadahlias · 1 year
Continuing on your last ask: How many different anons do you think you have, or have you never really thought about that?
y'know this is a great question bc to be honest, I've never really thought that much about it. I've kind of always operated under the assumption I have, like... 10 people that send frequent anons and then maybe a few one-offs here and there.
However, this made me curious, so I went and did some snooping around my own blog like a little detective.
I discovered that if you go into my archive on tumblr and just look at the posts tagged with "anon" there are quite a few! For instance, in April of this year (2023) I answered around 90 anon asks.
then there's the matter, ofc, of the ones I don't answer. right now, after some spring cleaning, i have 226 unanswered asks in my inbox (mostly anons). I think the most unanswered asks I've ever had in my inbox has been ~500.
so all this detective work has lead me to believe that, maybe, it's more than 10 people. could be 12.
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razette · 26 days
Lots of celebrity discourse on tumblr as usual. every so often I remember im mildly face blind and wouldnt recognize a celebrity out of context just... on the street doin their thing or whatever. I probably only know of them by their face if I know of them at all, but only in the context of their filmography or whatever. Out and about in the world they would be nobody to me. I loving this for me honestly.
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caruliaa · 4 months
i think if my father was a good man hed be a fan of brennan lee mulligan . but well i dont really know if he is a good man or not so whether he would be a fan right now is up for debate
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