#am i ever going to get rid of this ache. it hurts so fucking much. i just want to see my friends again
misskirisame · 1 year
#it's a really bad night for missing my source material#i hoped a year ago id be feeling better. now we're here and im really not#am i ever going to get rid of this ache. it hurts so fucking much. i just want to see my friends again#it's days like this i want to just uninstall everything social media wise and cut everyone off and then never come back to the internet#like i swear so much of my misery spawns from the people i meet online and how my life is in general#i want a simple life again so badly. back in my home in the woods not really worrying about shit too much#i mean yeah i had issues but god it wasnt like this. it wasnt anything like this.#moments like this also make me hate being a system kinda. not really but also idk i want my own life again. but also idm at the same time#bro idk#we'd all happily live my life from before tbf LOL if i did just go ahead and try to shape things different to make myself happier.. hm yk#idk. idk idk idk. im just unhappy. horribly unhappy. even the fucking modernity of street lights and shit bothers me now.#i hate trying to sleep and hearing loudass cars outside and i hate the artificial lighting CONSTANTLY#it makes me appreciate that we lived in the countryside previously that much more. ya bitch actually had a natural sleep cycle to rely on#and it was like that back home too...#i feel like a fucking 'born in the wrong generation' kid for saying that lmao but yeah take me back to the weird 1800s fantasy world#i hate it here#i vent a lot on this blog i apologise
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fishsticksloser · 1 year
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Hobie x gn!reader
Warnings: swearing, angst, comfort, slight open ending (but I have a feeling I know what most people will pick)
A/N: I didn't expect part one to be so loved. Wow. I'm stunned and just... Really flattered. Thank you guys so much. Apologizes, I don't use text talk at all, I text like I would talk in person. Also! You can now request Spiderverse characters (as long as they're on my masterlist)
Preface  |  Bad
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It's been months since Hobie dumped you. You tried to move on, but it was difficult. You had a box of his things to give back, but yet you couldn't part with some of them. The feeling and smell of his hoodies were a comfort, but you knew you had to give them back. Hobie hadn't spoken to you since that night. You texted to ask when and where he'd pick up his things, but got no answer. You missed him. you weren't sleeping, your eating schedule was also messed up. But you didn't blame him or yourself. Sometimes things are just destined to fall apart.
You hear his car outside, which comes as a surprise. He’s never come back here before. The knock on your door echoes throughout the house, sending goosebumps down your body. You approach the door, heart in your throat, and open it slowly, finding Hobie. His face is guarded, eyes downcast, his usual smirk replaced with a tense expression. He holds his keys in one hand, a duffel bag in the other, and your hoodie, freshly laundered. You can smell the detergent, but it doesn’t get rid of his unique scent.
"I'm guessing you're here for you things...?" You ask softly, not expecting him to come here. You step aside for him to come in.
"We need to talk," he says, stepping inside slowly. You’re not sure if you like this new serious vibe of his. It’s almost as if he’s a bit... frightened? He’s always been so sure of himself that seeing this side of him almost makes him feel like a stranger. He shifts his weight nervously and looks at you expectantly, waiting for you to respond or say something first.
"Okay...?" You mumble, closing the door behind him. You turn to face him, waiting for him to continue. He stares at you for a moment, biting his lower lip unconsciously before he speaks again.
"I miss you." It’s simple, blunt, and leaves you speechless at first. You know you’ve missed him too. He must have noticed that you hadn’t responded to his texts. "It hurts to be without you... And the more I think about it, the more I realize that you’re important to me." He takes a deep breath, looking down at his jeans for a moment before he looks up. "I don’t want to lose you."
You tug on your clothes anxiously, having not slept well since he dumped you and eating less. "You should've thought of that before you dumped me... And said all those things."
"I know… I’m sorry, Y/N. Fuck... I really am." He takes a deep breath before continuing. "I made a mistake, okay? I’m here to fix it. Let’s just start from the beginning, we don’t have to go any further than that. Just, please… give me another chance."
You’ve never seen him this serious before, the gravity of his actions seem to have finally hit him. The usual arrogance he exudes is completely gone, instead replaced with humility, and his eyes are softer than you’ve ever seen them. It’s almost hard to be angry at him—he looks so vulnerable.
"Hobie..." You shake your head and step away, your back against the door. "You-You can't just expect me to welcome you with open arms. You hurt me... Badly..."
"I understand I hurt you. Please, just… let me make it up to you." He continues. “I don’t want anyone else. I want you, Y/N.” His eyes are filled with emotion, raw and vulnerable. Everything inside of him aches knowing that he could lose you because of his stupidity. He reaches out towards you, his hand outstretched, and his gaze is desperate. "What do I have to do to prove to you how much you mean to me, Y/N?" He asks, his voice breaking slightly.
"If you actually wanted to change and try again, you have to do it yourself." You don't move away from his outstretched hand. "I'm not going to tell you how to fix things, you have to do it because I tried... So many times..."
He looks like he’s about to say something—then thinks better of it, looking down. "You’re right." He says finally, nodding slowly. "What do you need from me… to show you that I want this?" He looks up nervously, waiting for your response.
"Show me that you want to try again... And do it right..." You wrap your arms around yourself. "We aren't together anymore, so... Do what you'd do if you wanted to date me... Like when we first met."
"I’ve missed you so much and I know I hurt you… But I promise to make it up to you in any way I can." Hobie glances into the box of his things, the Spider-Totem still poking out from the pile. He smiles and pulls it out, offering it back to you with a sheepish grin. "Do you mind if I have this back?"
"I gave that to you... it's yours." You nod, holding the box out for him to take. "Everything in this box is yours." He takes a moment to look at the box—memories flooding back as he looks at all the things he had left behind. He nods and accepts the box. "Well... You have my number, so... Whenever you decide, let me know."
"I will." He responds, taking another step towards you. This is an important moment for him: he wants to make sure that he gets it right and doesn’t lose you again for his own stupidity. He reaches out for you again, smiling warmly, with that same boyish earnestness he always wears around you. "I promise to be the best partner I can and make it up to you in any way I can."
"Remember... We're starting over... Like the last 3 years didn't happen..."
"'Starting over, from the very beginning'—I know. It means so much to me that you’re giving me another chance.... And I won’t screw it up." He says with a warm smile, stepping through the doorway and waving back at you as he leaves. "I’ll message you soon."
You watch as he walks away—his black hair glinting in the sunlight, as he heads towards his car with the box of his things under his arm. You shut the door once the last of his things are outside and take a moment to consider everything that just happened. Starting over... Starting over. Which means another first date, another first kiss... So many firsts you get to have another try at. And hopefully this time, he stays. It looks like he really is taking you seriously, and you can’t remember the last time you’ve felt so loved and appreciated—even if there’s something in the pit of your stomach that’s telling you to be cautious. It feels good to feel wanted for a change…
It takes almost a week, but finally, you get a text from Hobie.
🕷🖤: Hey! I was thinking maybe we could meet at that cute café we used to go to? I figured it’s a safe, easy place to talk. Does that sound all right with you?
You: Sounds good. What day and time?
🕷🖤: How about tomorrow afternoon? Like… 2 o’clock? I was hoping after that we could take a walk… Is that okay with you?
You know that he’s been busy recently, so you didn’t want to ask for too much of his time.
You: Sounds good to me. I'll meet you there.
The next morning flies by in a whirlwind of anxiety and excitement. It feels like you’re seeing Hobie for the first time all over again. You feel so nervous just thinking about it—the possibility of it finally working out is so much to handle.
You head over to the quaint little café he had suggested, eager to see him. The café has an outdoor seating area that looks pleasant, and you find an empty table. You take a seat and wait for him, fingers nervously fidgeting on the tabletop. After a few minutes, you see him walking in through the cafe’s front door. He looks over at you, and the corners of his mouth turn up in that signature smirk that you never knew you missed. He walks over and takes a seat in the outdoor diner across from you, looking you over and admiring your appearance before smirking again.
"Hey," he says, holding the menu up for the waiter. "You look nice." He adds quietly, with a shy, boyish smile.
"You're late."
"Am not!" He replies, slightly defensive. You can tell he’s not really upset, but he’s clearly trying to hide his embarrassment and cover it up. He tilts his head back and checks his watch before rolling his eyes. "Yeah… you might be right, actually." He scoffs, shaking his head with a smile. You’ve never seen him look quite this… cute.
"10 minutes." You tell him, pushing his coffee to him. You'd ordered it, knowing what he preferred.
"Alright, alright," he says, chuckling. "Just don’t rub it in. I know I messed up." He takes a small sip of his coffee, watching you over the rim of his cup. The shyness he’s showing is very much out of character for him, and his sudden shy demeanor is almost… endearing? You can’t help but notice how handsome he is. The afternoon sunshine hits his gorgeous face in a way that makes you think, Maybe things really will work out this time.
After you finish eating, you go on a walk. You don't hold hands, you don't touch each other at all in fact. Just two friends out for a walk. Two friends that have a bit of history between them. And two friends who might just be trying to rekindle that lost spark.
You wonder if he notices that you’re keeping your distance, too—he’s been pretty careful not to break that touch barrier. He wants to prove that he’s changed, so he’s trying to play it cool at the moment. As much as it’ll eat him alive being so patient, if he wants things to work out, he’s going to stay on his best behavior.
You two walk past a bench in the park, and he gestures to it softly.
"Wanna take a seat?" He asks quietly, sitting down on the bench and spreading his legs out in front of him. He glances at you, a little curious why you’ve been so quiet—usually, you two have small talk for days. Is something the matter? He seems to ask, through his expression alone.
You take a seat next to him. You're not sure what to say. He watches you carefully, waiting for you to speak. You can see the tension rolling off of him by now—he expected a talk here, and he wants to get it over with. He’s been on edge all day, waiting for you to confront him about... something.
When you remain quiet, he looks away slightly, glancing out at the park around you while he waits for you to speak. "If something’s wrong, we should talk it out." He says after a few minutes, his voice quieter than even it was at the coffee shop.
"What you said really hurt me." You confess, looking down as you fidget with your hands. "You told me that your activism and band were more important than me, that I was second place. I guess... I guess I'm have trouble getting past that."
His head drops a little, and he sighs. "I know I have a habit of saying whatever I’m thinking at a certain moment." He explains quietly. "Without thinking about the consequences of… how I word things." He shifts slightly, resting his elbows on his knees as he lets out a sigh. "I guess what I… should’ve said in that moment was that I’m always going to fight for what I believe in, no matter what. But that doesn’t mean I care about you any less��"
"But you thought I was less than." You mumble, not looking at him.
"…You’re not," he responds immediately. His voice is soft, and it’s obvious that he really means it this time—like he’s being completely sincere. His feelings for you are real, true, and as deep as ever. "You’re my partner," he continues. "My soulmate. You’ve always been more important than anything else in my life—I just didn’t see it that way, before. You’re right that I prioritized the wrong things, and I’m sorry for making you feel unappreciated."
"I didn't just feel unappreciated." You shake your head, sighing. "I felt unwanted, unworthy..." Then you whisper. "Like maybe it was because you'd found someone else...?"
"God, no, I didn’t!" He replies, shaking his head and looking at you in shock. If he had known that his neglect would make you think that, he swears he would never have acted that way towards you. He regrets being so self-absorbed—he wishes he could take it all back, but he can’t. All he can do now is show you that he’s changed. "I love you," he says, his voice still quiet, as though it might break if he says it any louder.
You look at him shocked. Those 3 words. He'd never said them before. Those 3 stupid words that you'd always wanted to hear him say. He waits for you to respond, his heart pounding in his ear—he can’t believe he finally said it. He really, truly loves you, and hearing himself say it out loud to you is… so freeing. He just wants to feel your arms around him right now. He hopes that you feel the same way about him, too.
"I love you," he repeats, more clearly this time. He can’t help the smile that spreads across his lips, though it doesn’t fade his nervous expression as he awaits your response. He’s never that before, though he always felt it… now, it’s just nice to be able to say it without any hesitation.
"I love you too..." You answer, still shocked. He smiles, seeming surprised that you answered so quickly. Though the nervousness is still there, he looks like he’s more at ease now. You can see the light in his eyes come back—he still has a long way to go to earn the trust you once had in him, but maybe his feelings are genuine after all—and that makes it easier to believe in him again.
He reaches out to hold your hand. It’s subtle, but something about it is really sweet. He wants to show you that he cares for you. You take his hand without hesitation, your fingers folding together with his. His hand feels warm against yours, and the way the sunlight glistens off of your skin makes you feel all tingly inside. Something about the way he looks at you… as though your relationship was always going to end like this… it makes your stomach twist in the best way possible.
It’s the first step towards getting you back into the place in his heart that you deserve. At least now, he finally knows where his priorities should be. You’re his top priority—always.
You lean forward slightly, an invitation. Yes... Again, you'd made a deal to start over. But after 3 years... Was that really possible? Especially after Hobie finally said those 3 words.
You lean a little closer, and so does he. He looks at you as though he would die if he didn’t kiss you right now. He kisses you tenderly, his other hand coming to rest against the small of your back, holding you close to him. The kiss is gentle, slow, and passionate. At first, neither of you wants to pull away, but as the moment draws to a close after a few minutes, you both part, breathing heavily. God, you could kiss him forever… and you never want this moment to end.
Maybe it really is possible. You always heard that people who loved each other would be able to stay together no matter what—and now, you and Hobie get to put it to the test.
"Do you think we could try again...?" He asks softly, smiling at you. You always knew he was good with his words, and he knows damn well how pretty he looks at the moment. That charming smile of his would be enough to charm anyone, you’re sure of it.
🕷ᵗᵃᵍᵍⁱⁿᵍ: @xxmadamjinxx │ @abbiejoker10 │ @freeingrebels │ @xoxobabe │ @jojo-munson │ @maya-custodios-dionach │ @wisteriaflowersss │ @aaura3 │
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inoreuct · 11 months
can we talk about everything sanji’s gone through.
he has a pit of trauma three klicks wide that goes down deeper than the mariana trench. he feels the phantom pain of broken bones and the crush of iron around his skull. he lets himself dwell in the past and his heart begins to ache, and that’s not even going NEAR the shitshow on whole cake island. he has to constantly remind himself that he’s worthy of being alive, worthy of everything that he has, because of the stupid fucking voices at the back of his head that sound too much like his father and brothers and no matter how hard he tries he can’t get rid of them. he’s alive, but if you told him that he wouldn’t wake up the next day and there was nothing he could do, he wouldn’t fight it.
all he’s ever known is the mercy of a woman. his mother. his sister. he treats women like they’re goddesses because to him they are, they’re the only ones who saved him when he had nobody else. and deep down inside, in a box that he won’t touch, is the fact that he’s scared of men— which then ties into his possible gender fuckery and queer identity because he loves pretty things yes but also he can’t stand the thought of seeing those monsters in himself. he knows how cruel they can be. the way their strength could cause so much damage. the way a man could so easily make somebody feel helpless and cornered, and he never wants to make anyone feel that way; some days the hair and makeup and dresses help. they soften his edges, smooth him into something he can believe is gentle and sleek and pretty.
others days they just makes him feel like more of a fraud.
and he’s attracted to men but also, why? why, when all they’ve ever done is hurt him? it makes disgust roil in his gut, self-loathing burning, dripping through his ribcage, but he can’t help it and he hates it and he thinks that it must really be some kind of cosmic joke, him turning out attracted to the very people he’s terrified of.
(am i writing a sanji angst drabble right now? …yes.)
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s-e-v-e-n-24 · 1 year
you’re so real about new york by the way . this man is well aware he is like . fucked up in the head. (but they all are, really ) but he’s not going to do anything about it! no one else is going to do anything about it! so they all just gotta live w it
Ohhhhhh my god, oh my god wait wait wait wait I have SONGS and HEADCANNONS for him hold on
I am using this ask as an excuse to dump all of it here
(TW, Unhealthy coping mechanisms, mentions of eating disorder, immortal "I can't die so what's the point" Crisis, drinking, drug use)
New York is a very touristy place, as well as having Broadway, and being a very fashion design/Model place (New York fashion week)
He is used to attention. He can thrive on it when it needs him. He can and will push his body to the limits for it just to be good enough. No matter the cost
New York is a very private person. He hates being asked things, he hates too much attention. Both of these are true, and he hates that too. He wants to be left alone and to get rid of the tourists, to be seem as more then a city, he hates the way he gets for a performance or s gig, and yet he will do it anyways, half feeling sick for it, half loving it in a messed up way. A comfort in something that hurts, really
And the ways that he pushes his limits, this can be not sleeping,not doing anything but practicing or working, not eating, basically just not functioning like a human being. Modeling, if he were to do it, notoriously hates most bodies and has given many models eating disorders
He's got anger issues. He's NE, it's practically a requirement. He takes this out by pacing and ranting, maybe blowing off some steam with a punching bag, sure, but that wouldn't stop him from maybe getting drunk, purposely picking fights just for the thrill, the need to blow off his anger, and the feel of it. He us violent at tines and hates it and can't brinv himself to stop. He might sit there with his bruises and his aches because yeah, he probably does deserve it And why bother Mass or anyone else about it when he's just going to get a lecture not to do it again, only for him to do it again
(Side note: Headcannon Mass, if hospital is not needed, patches up NE and other states. Great for rivalry hijinks, better for Mass/York and MA/NY/NJ hijinks yes I have fics planned for it)
There's also the matter of relationships. He looks like commitment issues. He looks like emotional issues like he won't open up and trying will send him into a panic. He looks like he hasn't cried infront of anyone in decades and isn't about to start now, and like someone so highly paranoid, but it's only seen after as he covers it. He looks like deep-seated abandonment and attachment issues that will never get properly addressed and only brought out in a careful, tender conversation that leads to tears he will hide.
Sure he has flings with Florida in the winter. Sure he flirts with Cali or Jersey or Mass or whoever. Commitment? No. Will leave at the first sign of himself getting attached, keep everyone at arms length with insults and biting words. Keep them guessing if he is friend or foe
He is both scared of death, despite the fact he'd resurrect (Headcannon), and doesn't care for it, as he'd resurrect. He's immortal, what's the difference to what he does to his body. It won't kill him, not for long
Honestly he's probably had drugs/Drinking/Smoking problems, probably still does. Probably has both image issues and loves his looks, mostly
He sits on his bed, knees to his chest, frozen. He doesn't count his deaths, because half of them he can't remember, whether his mind blocking it or his state at the time,he does not know. But he remembers the ones he can. Sometimes he wonders what it would be like to die permanently. Or if he'd ever get the chance. He does not cry. There's nothing left in him to cry over.
And he knows on some level, all of this is wrong. He could be doing better, he should listen but he is still New York, despite it all, and New York is a stubborn, stubborn man. He does not do and he is told, and lives through spite. He does not admit defeat. Or that he was wrong, no he's content to suffer in the mess of his making. You cannot help someone who won't help themselves, and he is not quite there yet
I dunno if that makes sense, I'm not re-reading it
The Other Side Of Paradise by Glass Animals
The Only Heartbreaker by Mitski
Brand New City by Mitski
Real Man by Mitski
Hungover in the City of Dust
Tongues & Teeth by The Crane Wives
CORALINE by Måneskin
SUPERMODEL by Måneskin
A Scale, A Mirror, And Those Indifferent Clocks by Bright Eyes
Recktify by Rainbow Kitten Suprise
No Vacancy by Rainbow Kitten Suprise
Farewell Wandererlust by The Amazing Devil
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Dagnabit now I wanna write magical Odd shenanigans. But. I have so much to write.
So a few things that would happen. Probably.
The reason Odd takes Kiwi with him to Kadic is because it hurts to be without him. Literally. Being too far away from your magical animal companion would hurt. Minor aches at first but with a slow escalation. (I. I just like angst sometimes. But Odd gets pretty far away from Kiwi at times. So... Connection with issues involving distance.)
Odd can only transform with Kiwi. Luckily Xana doesn't know shit about magic otherwise the zombie thing would have been. So much worse.
Jim's companion isn't dead. He never had one. He had a different kind of magic thing. He can't transform anymore because his prerequisite broke. This didn't hurt him. Odd is jealous. Jim refuses to talk about it because I refuse to clarify. I don't know and neither will anybody else. (Little does Odd know that Kiwi will live. So long. Kiwi will only die when Odd does because I don't like angst that much.)
The Lyoko gang finding out is like. Worst case scenario to Odd. It means things got bad enough that Xana finding out is a minor concern. Once Xana is gone Odd will tell them but until then better hope it never comes up.
Odd has no idea what he's supposed to use his powers for, or even what all they are. All he knows is that he sees the future sometimes. (It felt wrong in Lyoko. It wasn't set up right. It shouldn't freeze him in place. Jermie did him a favour getting rid of it in this verse.)
Jim figures out Odd has magic, because he literally feels like so much of the stuff (Odd can feel the remnants on him too but has no clue other. All Odd knows is that this is the adult he trusts most ever). He mentors Odd while explaning nothing. (He might remember the returns he might not. He refuses to talk about it. Because of course he does.) Odd questions why Jim is teaching him all these cool flips and balance tricks that can double as self defence. Odd gets no answers.
Odd does have a magic weapon. It is literally a gun attatched to his wrist. He is thrilled when he figures it out.
Odd's magic kind has a downside. If he doesn't transform often enough he gets stuck as a cat for a while. A stray cat is frequently seen roaming the school grounds. A friendly thing that Jim refuses to try to get rid of. He brings people he likes (and Kiwi) mice sometimes. Sissi got a live one once (it was cute and clean, and she got it a nice new home because mice are cute. This one was friendly).
(I'm gonna send another ask in soon, I just don't wanna lose this. Also hi I am both the original anon and the magical Jim one. I am just shy.)
Howdy anon, I'm sorry that it took a bit to get back to this. Life has been a rollercoaster of emotions and my computer is not very cooperative with its keyboard so it's been annoying trying to type on it when it likes to either double input or eat my keyboard inputs in general haha
I'm marking this with a 'read more' just to quote the second half of the asks so I don't do a back-to-back answer yeah
I am also hoping this works and it doesn't just eat an ask again (cause I'm pretty sure it did to another ask a while back lol)
Magical Odd from the shy Anon part 2: electric boogaloo.
I think, depending on how the Lyoko group finds out (and when in the timeline) things will go differently and reactions will range several different directions. I haven't decided how and when that will go down. But if they find out the hard way with a bunch of stress involved there will likely be hard feelings. All I know is if Xana finds out Xana will use the cat instincts against Odd. Xana refuses to fuck with actual magic that has a chance of breaking the computer.
Odd does not know if magic messes with machines, and so long as Aelita is tied to the computer he refuses to find out. No accidental fucking up Aelita for him. (He worries about this a lot less when they find out she is a girl that got trapped and not actually an AI.)
In this, Odd would probably be magic to fight something horrific. The sheer terror is how he finds out he can temporarily turn his friends into Lyoko form. He can only do it one at a time (some focus required, and more than one is super hard. Technically possible, but by golly does he hate it to the point of refusal) and it makes the Magic Lyoko form really frilly. Jermie refuses.
Odd's powers have no rhyme or reason. He doesn't know why. Jim has no clue either. (The reason is because I like the anime trope of pulling out new powers as required. Odd's unique magic power is literally adaptability. He can't repeat half the magic tricks he pulls off and it drives everyone nuts. Xana would extra avoid messing with this bullshit, specifically because of the uncontrolled adaptability.)
Odd's parents know. Odd's family sends Kiwi's food frequently. Jim turns a blind eye.
The reason one of Odd's unchanging powers is seeing the future is because if you predict an event you can adapt better.
Once Odd starts facing his threat the entire school politely pretends not to notice. The one power Odd did not get was the ability to be unrecognized. They all work together to gaslight gatekeep girlboss the world away from his identity. Eventually Jermie and Aelita hack magic just enough to get him a mask and everybody breathes a sigh of relief. (Magic allowed it because it really likes these two.)
Ironically. Jermie would be the easiest one to magical backup. Odd would easily be able to get another backup if he got Jermie first.
Maybe Xana and Franz's shenanigans messed up reality enough to let some demons into their world or something. All the supercomputer stuff Jermie and Aelita pulled (ironically) starts to repair the rift. Something like that. I haven't decided yet IDK.
Anyway. I bet Sissi is like. Odd's biggest fan but only in costume.
The Lyoko gang has no idea the entire school knows. Jermie has suspicions. Odd is thinking he has the perfect disguise. Odd's clothes don't even change besides to accommodate the tail and limb changes. (Cat legs cat legs cat legs. Idk why just. Cat legs seems like a fun concept to have baby Odd adapt too.)
I will immediately put out there that juggling stories is rough so I feel you anon. It's fun to try to tack on more concepts to the ideas that come into your brain but when it comes to trying to write them all out it gets messy haha
The Kiwi attachment is pretty neat, as well as the general cat transformation as a con for not using the powers. I do wonder if Odd can find ways to use his powers in secret without worrying about revealing himself on accident to people who don't know
The ambiguity of Jim in general is hilarious and it feels pretty in character. He's willing to help but only so much when it may reveal pieces of his past that he doesn't want to recall/explain.
Sissi getting a pet out of this mess is also cute ;-;
The magic being constant adaptability but not really helping Odd (beyond Future Flash) is so chaotic it's great. He gets to whip out the 'necessary power of the day' to defeat the monster of the week and it doesn't really register to him that 'oh my power isn't really hiding me is it'.
I like to think the gaslight-gatekeep-girlboss shenanigans happening post-reveal is just the Warriors taking it upon themselves not to really tell Odd that he's not being subtle anymore and it's getting out of hand. The rest of the school joining in to help piece by piece is also p funny (and sorta lines up with what I wanted to do in 'Trio are AI' so I'm always going to be down for the school to support one way or another) and Jeremie being the only sane one re: 'oh other people are realizing this too' -> convincing Aelita to help him figure out magic so they can help Odd is so good.
Thank you for the asks anon and I'm sorry it's been too long with replying n all
I'm slowly trying to get stuff figured out and in the meantime inspiration is always iffy given my hyperfixation is like, never consistent enough haha
Still down to take asks/answer some speculations behind my mentioned AUs (given I've seen people still liking the other ones in the meantime lmaoo)
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promptseverlark · 2 years
The Photograph - 4th Letter
Peeta seeks help from his best friend, Dr. Finnick.
By @dandelionlovesyou
10 December
Dear Finnick,
I did it. I wrote Katniss again, probably for the last time if she still doesn't respond to this one. I want to fight for her, brother, but it's clear that she doesn't want to have anything to do with me right now.
Just between the two of us, I went to her house every day after her first letter. I wanted to talk to her right away, but several times my feet stop just at the apple tree in the corner of her yard. I tried to rationalize it, to understand why I never got to the point of knocking at her front door and waiting for her to answer. Why didn't I continue just to get a moment with her?
At first, I thought I was giving her space and respecting her wishes. But now that I had more time to think about it, I realized it was because I was ashamed. I was ashamed of myself, of what I did twelve years ago. It may have been a long time in the past, but the repercussions follow me and her family now.
I was also mad at myself for the pain and hurt I caused Katniss with the affair. She doesn't deserve any of this. She doesn't deserve more pain or heartbreak after everything she's been through. She's the most wonderful woman I've ever met -- strong, independent, loving, and compassionate -- and I brought her tremendous heartache. If anything, the news about the affair saved her from having a life with me. I'm a home wrecker, Finnick. You said before that that was an exaggeration but look where I am now. I ruined her family.
I'm no good, brother.
I don't deserve love at all.
But I still want her … I’m such a selfish man.
As much as I want to resolve the sins of my past, I can’t ignore the beat of my heart. I want Katniss in my life, Finn. Undeniably, she is the best thing that happened to me. She's the best part of me. Was the best part of me.
Finnick, I love her, and I want her to be happy.
Can she have that with me? I definitely don't deserve her.
I’m a mess. A stupid mess that I created years ago.
How do you live with this pain? This conflict, this shame. How do I make it right? Can it be made right?
Should I just let her go? Because she's better without me. I’m a mutt, Finn.
Brother, it hurts so much. The physical ache in my heart feels like a heart attack. Yesterday, I had to stop mid-shift at the hospital and hide at the research laboratory just to stop myself from shaking. Anxiety fills me and spills out of me whenever I think about Katniss. I feel like blowing up, wanting to scream myself raw from this pain and disgust. I can't forgive myself for hurting her.
Finn, it's heaven to be loved by Katniss. She made me feel whole, wanted, and cherished -- that I had self-worth outside my work as a nurse. That me, Peeta Mellark, was an individual. A person that another could love and live with for a very long time. I don't know what she saw in me because when I look at myself now, all I see is a fucked up man who would never escape the sins of his past.  
It was bliss holding her. Getting to hold another human being that melts in your arms because she trusted you and loved you in return was a rare gift. She gave me life, brother. Katniss made me feel alive and want to do more with my life. Heck, I wanted to open a bakery because of her. To continue the legacy of the Mellark name that vanished when my mother divorced my father. I wanted to start a family with her, Finn. I never thought I would have that feeling again. I thought that part of me had died, but Katniss made me want it again. And with her, I felt like I could actually do it. How privileged I was to find a person like that in this world?
But I screwed up my life a long time ago, I realized. And now, here I am. I'm a selfish bastard. After what I did to her and her family, she has every right to rid herself of me. I don't blame her. I would want to get rid of myself too.
My mistake haunts me and follows me, Finn. How will I ever make things right? Katniss deserves a happy, peaceful, and fulfilled life.
I need your help, brother. I don’t know who else to ask right now.
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ohtobeleah · 9 months
Okay Leah, you know that I just read ToE for the first time so here are my thoughts on Terms Of Endearment:
1) ow.
2) ow again.
3) I admired how you described the DV without sugar coating anything. The deep descriptions truly showed how evil Jaidyn was and how absolutely psycho he is. There was no room for misunderstanding. It was all described so well that I actually made me feel scared and I was just reading it.
4) My heart aches for little Dot. Teenager Dot is a hooligan and I love her for that…but little Dot is so absolutely precious with her little speech impediment. My nephews had speech impediments so they use to call me Wo Wo and the moment they started saying Lo Lo, I was in shambles. So I can’t definitely relate to Tooster.
5) NOT ME LOWKEY SHIPPING JAKE AND FE THE WHOLE TIME. I think I have to accept that I am a Jake girlie first and foremost. Like when he “confessed” to Dot being his child and that he was in love with Fe, I was like yeah you are! Even though I knew it was a ploy. I’m a sick woman, Leah, a sick sick woman.
6) BOB, my precious baby Bob. I even knew that he died before going into this and I was delulu enough to be surprised when he actually did.
7) I see your little self indulgence with the Amilia character… Ms Austrian personal trainer… I see you and I respect it. But fuck her for driving Dot to go see Jaidyn. What the shit was she thinking?! I understand she was thinking it was for the best bc Dot would have gone by herself if one of them hadn’t taken her and that would be worse but STILL I was so angry.
8) Absolutely adore Chase. The boys locker room scene was so funny.
9) the way Bradley and Jake were like divorced dads sharing custody while Fe was in the hospital. It was adorable and so sweet but actually made me laugh out loud at the thought of what they must’ve looked like from the outside.
10) *eye twitches* Jaidyn burned one of the only photos Bradley had of his parents….
11) I just LOVE that his name is Jaidyn bc my best friend is currently fucking around with a deadbeat guy named Jaidyn and I CANNOT STAND HIS ASS.
12) I would love love love to see a snippet of Jake trying to bring a girl home when Fe and Dot were living with him. I can just see him bringing home some smoking hot girl from the bar and he’s thinking “how the fuck have I managed this?” as they’re walking up to his door. And they start making out and stumbling into his apartment and BAM Jake trips on a block castle Dot had made earlier that morning and busts his ass. Then the girl looks around to see a living room full of toys and is like “Imma head out.”
13) The staring contest between Rhett and Fe was so funny. I loved their dynamic. Grumpy man forced to watch an even grumpier woman with the stubbornness of an ass.
14) “mama and tooster left me… but I wove dem doe.” OW OW OW. You bitch, that hurt.
15) I still ship Jake and Fe. *continuously snaps rubber band on wrist to get rid of the bad thoughts*
16) I ADORE Bradley though! I love how you made the point that Dot knew Jake loved her but she could tell that Tooster loved her the same way her mom loves her. AHHHHHH that was just precious.
17) The cattle prod… I will murder that motherfucker if I ever see his fictional ass in the streets.
18) You are amazing, I loved this series and I can’t believe it’s taken me so long to read it. I am so excited for the WIO series but I’m trying so hard to wait until it’s fully released bc it will tear me apart to read that over the holidays and not know how it ends lol!
Okay that’s all!!!!!!! Actually it’s probably not all, but I’m very tired, it’s 2am here so I must force myself to sleep now!
Much love ❤️ ❤️
My literal reaction when I saw this. Woah, just woah. Lo! Thank-you so much for your love and support for terms of endearment 💕💕
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You have so many thoughts but one sticks out to me! Yes, 12) yes we do need a blurb about Jake bringing home a hookup just after Fe and Dot moved in.
We need to talk about all these points!
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erisenyo · 2 years
Hello again! Somehow chapter 3 was simultaneously sweeter and angstier than the others. The time being both a curse and a blessing to Zuko? Him knowing it was almost over so he should be relieved, but ALSO making it that much harder to resist just letting his feelings out!!!! Ma'am??? MA'AM. I AM SQUISHY BE GENTLE WITH ME. I hope you know I physically gripped my chest when Sokka flirted with Zuko!!! It felt like a movie scene! Like there was background talking and music from the dancing, maybe glasses being clinked, the whole vibe of a crowded wedding. But the second Zuko lost his breath, everything faded away. I swear, I could SEE Zuko getting flustered! And Sokka pulling back afterwards with a laugh, was when all the noise flooded back in. You're so good at creating little moments for the boys to get lost in!!! Also Zuko checking out Sokka as he walked away?? Absolutely get it. He deserves to be ogled. In love with the line about him wanting to go back to being mildly interested if Sokka and Jet were flirting! The way he is immediately pining lmao. The torture you put him through is so funny.
“It’s been years,” Sokka is teasing as he tucks the jar away. “I don’t know how you’re not over it by now.”
“Yeah,” Zuko says after a beat, feeling the question like a dull ache in his chest, a familiar pain he barely notices anymore except when he pokes and prods at it. “Me, too.”
“Did you ever try?” Sokka asks, curious.
“Yeah,” Zuko says again, heartfelt and briefly closing his eyes.
This whole interaction? Not fucking okay. I am NOT OKAY. I have to go lay on the ground for a while. I'm SENSITIVE! God to admit to being in love with your best friend without actually saying it. Without them actually hearing it. Ugh. You're brilliant. The way Zuko has so many moments of yearning and Sokka clearly sees none of it. I'm literally the audience. I KNOW Sokka loves him back! But the second the perspective changes, I also feel like the character is reading into things. The chase in the kitchen? That's basically foreplay for them, and yet I'm like "You definitely shouldn't make a move, Zuko. This is just friendly groping, you know how it is." OH my God. The scene where he told Mai he was thinking about leaving.
“I don’t know if I know how to be without him,”
I genuinely started tearing up. This is truly is a divorce fic. This is why I rarely read breakup stories man! I know there's a happy ending, but it hurts!!!! You did such an amazing job making us care about these characters. Too good, actually. Imma need you to stop!!! And the last scene where he is just awful at baking but deciding to take the several hours to just make something for Sokka. He's literally the sweetest!!! But to end it with "And he knows some things can’t go back to the way they were before, no matter how much you might try your best to make it happen. 'Toss it.'" was cruel!!! The defeat in that paragraph is difficult to cope with. I need to go eat a box of brownies myself. This was so bittersweet. I loved every second, but I need to read the happy ending like 6 times to get rid of the ACHE in my chest!!!!! Thank you for literally stomping on my feelings for a whole chapter lol. I know I'm like crying in all of these comments, but I promise it's all a joke. I loved it so much and imma be thinking about it for the next WEEK. I think I need to put on some sad music now, I'll be back to yell about your beautiful writing on Friday!!!💕💕💕 Have a good day!!!!!💖💞
Hello again!! I love to hear that Ch 3 managed to up both the angst AND the sweetness! All the emotions to the max, that is what we are here for!
I love that the passage of time was so present for you this chapter, and that dual sense of relief and agony came through. The end is in sight but also the end is in sight. And when the end is in sight, well...where's the harm in a bit of indulgence? (Something Zuko might have thought...more than once in the past)
And I am LIVING for the fact that the Kataang wedding flashback was so vibrant for you! That you physically reacted! That it felt so much a movie scene with everything fading away and the focus pulling in tight to them and then suddenly rushing back in! That's exactly how I envision it in my head, complete with soundtrack and camera angles and the loving framing of Sokka's ass as he walks away as Zuko checks him out. He's earned a bit of ogling :P And poor Zuko immediately knowing it was bad, I did really line up the torture for him in this one haha
I'm doing a little happy dance that you notice and love all those little moments for the boys to get lost in, even in the midst of a crowd, and I'm THRILLED that you called out the have-you-tried-to-get-over-it-scene! That's one of my favorite exchanges of the whole story and for exactly the reason you say, all the admission and honesty that's happening without the other person even realizing it, two identical but entirely different conversations happening at the same time, miscommunication happening in the midst of talking to each other. Good stuff haha
And I LOVE that Zuko's yearning and Sokka's obliviousness worked so well, and that even knowing that Sokka has to return his feelings the POV switches and external views of each other were so effective for creating that doubt! Especially in a big giant miscommunication-that's-lasted-5+-years fic, it's so wonderful to hear that the uncertainty and doubt feel so genuinely rooted in the character's actions and how they read each other, and that Zuko doesn't come across as a total idiot for not making a move (even though we as the audience know they're both being complete idiots about it haha)
I'm so happy too that the scene with Mai where Zuko finally levels out loud about his feelings was so moving, too! (It's always weird to say I'm happy when someone tears up haha. And given the audience, I'm so happy the divorce-even-though-we-were-never-together vibe is coming through so strongly, and that it feels like such a breakup even though it doesn't have any of the 'we dated' pieces! It puts such a smile on my face that you've come to care about these versions of the characters so much :)
And that 'toss it' was rather mean, wasn't it haha? I love that the sweetness of Zuko's determination to bake something for Sokka contrasted so sharply with his defeat only a few months later, and that the sense of being worn down by it all came through so clearly. Though hopefully you could cope with the promise of the HEA incoming (and maybe some box brownies :))
You are more than welcome for the feeling stomping and the chest pains, I'm beyond happy that you're enjoying this story so much and that it's so in your head. Thank you for these lovely amazing awesome asks!!!
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mr-s3lfdestruct · 3 months
It hurts so bad. I don’t know why it hurts so much, I’m absolutely being dramatic about it and it shouldn’t make me this upset but it feels like my chest and throat are on fire.
I feel like I’m gonna be sick, I wish I could be better with this. I wish the ache wasn’t so strong, I wish I wasn’t so needy and all of the other horrible things I use to describe myself that I’m too lazy to write out right now.
I feel so sick, I’ve barely slept. I’ve been trying to give myself a break but I’m just hurting myself over it instead.
How do I even fix this? I can’t just bring it up, I can’t just ask them to change because that’d be cruel of me. It’s an issue inside my head, not an issue that exists in reality. They’re not doing anything WRONG. I’m just. So miserable. So fucking miserable just. WATCHING. But it’s embarrassing. It’s embarrassing and pathetic and shameful that I’m letting it bother me this much. Im scared, I feel like I’m walking on eggshells with every move I make to include myself but it’s my OWN FUCKING FAULT IM LIKE THAT!! They’re literally welcoming me with open arms and yet. The fear is the strongest thing I’ve ever felt. It burns in my chest and it makes me wanna puke, it turns my blood cold and my head into an irrational spiral of thinking that eventually crashes and burns and takes me with it. What if this? What if that? What if I don’t fit? What if they’re lying? They’re not lying, they wouldn’t lie to me!! I trust them and I love them with everything I have!! It’s cruel of me to assume they’re lying but. Anything’s possible. Maybe they talk behind my back. Maybe I’m not as safe as I thought I was. So why shouldn’t I prepare for the worse? Shelter myself in my compulsions, beg and plead for attention like the sick whore I am. It must get exhausting for them. It probably feels like they’re dragging me around, I’m a weight tied to their ankles and they can’t get rid of me without me hurting myself in some way so they keep me around out of pity. Maybe they wish I would leave them alone, maybe they wish I was dead.
I’m so tired, I’m so scared, I feel so trapped but it’s my own goddamn fault. Everything’s my fault. I’m stuck and I can’t get out, I wanna be free so bad, I want to be happy but instead I’m wasting away my summer by being miserable at myself. I’m so burnt out, I’m so stressed and I’m so afraid. I wanna scream, I wanna rip out my hair and scream into the void for no one to hear. I wanna scream until my voice gives out, until I’ve shredded my vocal cords and ruined my speech forever. I wanna hide, I wanna run away, I wanna die and I want them to kill me.
I don’t actually want to die, I don’t want to hide, I want to be seen and alive and loved and held and cared for and spoiled and given things because it makes me feel so good, but it’s not about what I want, it’s what they want. Do THEY want to love me? Do THEY want to do things for me? Do THEY want to include me? Am I special? Am I important? Do you hate me? Do you want me gone? I’ll leave if you want me to, I’ll go away, I’ll stay quiet and leave you be, I won’t say a thing, just give me the word, I’ll obey. Whatever you need to be happy, even if that ruins me. I’ll be good, all I want is to be good.
Am I still good? Please tell me I am, I’m really starting to lose it.
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vesselandmoon · 4 months
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VII- Space Between Pt.4 - Decisions
-----------------------------------------------Sleep Token fanfiction exploring lore and a few things between. I will TW scenes/chapters as needed, if I miss something please DM me.
Previous Chapter - When the Bough Breaks
Edited: 8/2/24 Word count: 720
Hunger ached like a hollow pit in his stomach, but it didn't touch the weight in his chest. Didn't give him enough reason to rise from his bed and find food. He lay awake, eyes half lidded, staring at the ceiling.
Early morning light cast a pale glow across his sheets but brought him no warmth. Whisper had been lurking in the hallway. Silent for days.
She peered over the foot of the bed and watched him.
"Are you sick?" she asked but Vessel barely blinked in reply. "It has been three days and you have hardly moved."
"Leave me alone, Whisper," he groaned, rolling so his back was to her.
For a time she was silent, but he could hear her crawling across  the floor to peek over the edge of the bed only a few feet from his face.
"You have been sleeping often. More than a human should I think."
"Don't you ever sleep?" he snapped.
She blinked. "No. I go into stasis, but it is easier to say sleep. It is similar I suppose... but I do not dream. I sleep every night when you do, though I do not require as much time as a human would."
"Why can't you do that during the day or something so I can get some fucking peace?"
Whisper's gaze dropped a little as her fingertips slid over the edge of the bed. They were long, thin, and tipped with claws that he could swear shimmered in the light. When she did look at him again he could see his own reflection in her eyes, a silhouette backlit by sunlight, interrupted only by her glowing pupils.
"You struggle during the day and I wish to be present and aware for you," she explained.
Vessel sat up and sneered at her, the wisp of a shadow beside the bed. All of the frustration and pain from the thought of losing Sleep welled up in his chest.
"Can't you understand that you're part of the reason I struggle?" he said. "You whisper these horrible things about Sleep. About what she wants from me. You plant seeds of doubt. You make me run in circles with insecurities that leave me reeling in this fucking bed for days on end!"
While his voice rose, his anger poured from him, she remained silent. Watchful. Attentive.
For some reason her lack of reaction drove him to throw his pillow across the room and slam his bedroom door against the wall. Why wasn't she hurt at him lashing out at her?
"Does yelling help?" she asked and he huffed in frustration, tears burning his throat. "I was watching a cooking show with a rather angry chef. He yells a lot too, and yet those who listen become stronger. You do not have to be concerned with hurting my feelings as I have none. If you wish to shout, you may do so."
Anger forced him out of bed, flinging the blankets back before storming toward the kitchen. He clattered around, slamming bowls and utensils. Whisper watched from the hallway.
"So you are not ill?" she asked and Vessel had enough.
He clenched the edge of the countertop. "I'm not sick," he hissed through clenched teeth. "I need her. I need to see her and she is pushing me away. I'm losing her, don't you understand?"
Whisper's shoulders slumped a little. "I am you, Vessel. I understand, but I do not feel as you do. I do not feel at all. I must begin to consume you for that to happen and you are not prepared for that yet. I will be patient in my desires, but Vessel... I do not mean to plant seeds of doubt. As you wish me to understand your desperation concerning Sleep's loss, I do not bring forth any thought that does not already exist inside of yourself."
"I don’t doubt her!  I love her. She is everything to me and you... you need to get the hell away from me. I told you before that I’m devoted to Sleep. I'll find a way to keep her and a way to get rid of you." His tone dripped venom, but she was unfazed.
"I love you," she said, her voice soft against the birdsong outside.
"Fuck off. You don't feel anything."
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sunriseverse · 1 year
you are so coherent don’t worry. also yeah. xue yang thinks he is so normal and song lan thinks he is so fucked up. you’re exactly right! it doesn’t help that being with each other heightens these feelings.
can you imagine xiao xingchen pitching the idea of a sex therapist. xue yang who clearly already hates therapy is immediately like fuck no i’d rather die than talk to a THERAPIST about my sex life (deep down he knows there’s more to it than him just “liking sex”, and seeing a therapist would make him confront things he Does Not Want To, especially not in front of xxc and sl)
and then there’s song lan, who is fine with therapy in theory, but he can’t help feeling like a sex therapist would just confirm his worries. there’s something wrong him. he needs to try harder. it’s all his fault. it doesn’t matter how much xiao xingchen says it’s not.
does xiao xingchen get them to go eventually? i haven’t quite decided yet but if he does it’s a very very very very very very very long process with the both of them and there’s a lot of hurt in between
he does Not want to confront Any of that around them. that’s like. it’s worse than baring his throat and asking to be stabbed in his mind. at least with that the two options are 1. get stabbed and die (expected) or 2. not get stabbed and live (unexpected but like, he can live with it, he Likes living). that’s asking him to be emotionally open and like. he’s just categorically Fucking Allergic to that. both in a personality way and in a “i have so much trauma that i am trying Very Hard to not look at or acknowledge because if i can’t see it It Can’t See Me” sort of way.
i think like. thesis statement for sl is that he is Constantly Fucking Terrified He Is Bad And Wrong. like no matter what anyone tells him no matter how much he trusts them he CANNOT get rid of that voice in his head that tells him he has to be good, he has to be better, he has to Fix Himself. if he isn’t Perfect if he isn’t Good then he doesn’t deserve anything he has and he’s a Bad Person for having or wanting them. (ah, he’s got so fucking much wrong with him. he need a hug so bad. please, someone give him a hug.) yes, the sex therapist would 100% tell him he is unequivocally NOT WRONG or fucked up or doing something bad by having like. boundaries and needs and wants. but the thought of being told that he is? it’s fucking paralysing.
i think ultimately like. it would have to be a group effort. if it’s only ever xxc pushing things it won’t work. but yeah to get to that point where they’re all TRYING……..it’s going to hurt like hell and they’re going to have a lot of days where maybe they can’t be around each other because they’re just scraped too raw. i don’t know i don’t know i just think about the inherent complications of their relationship dynamics A Lot. that said i do picture them at some distant point in the future all slowly getting better passes out on the couch after watching a movie or something and i Ache.
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fishsticksloser · 1 year
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Hobie Brown x gn!reader
Warnings: break up, angst, pretty peaceful break up
A/N: this was asked for on ao3 and in the comments so here it finally is! The bad ending :) Also in case you're interested, this is kind of what I imagine the spider totem looking like. It is an etsy link and it's so cute I really want it
Preface | Good
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It's been months since Hobie dumped you. You tried to move on, but it was difficult. You had a box of his things to give back, but yet you couldn't part with some of them. The feeling and smell of his hoodies were a comfort, but you knew you had to give them back. Hobie hadn't spoken to you since that night. You texted to ask when and where he'd pick up his things, but got no answer. You missed him. you weren't sleeping, your eating schedule was also messed up. But you didn't blame him or yourself. Sometimes things are just destined to fall apart.
You hear his car outside, which comes as a surprise. He’s never come back here before. The knock on your door echoes throughout the house, sending goosebumps down your body. You approach the door, heart in your throat, and open it slowly, finding Hobie. His face is guarded, eyes downcast, his usual smirk replaced with a tense expression. He holds his keys in one hand, a duffel bag in the other, and your hoodie, freshly laundered. You can smell the detergent, but it doesn’t get rid of his unique scent.
"I'm guessing you're here for you things...?" You ask softly, not expecting him to come here. You step aside for him to come in.
"We need to talk," he says, stepping inside slowly. You’re not sure if you like this new serious vibe of his. It’s almost as if he’s a bit... frightened? He’s always been so sure of himself that seeing this side of him almost makes him feel like a stranger. He shifts his weight nervously and looks at you expectantly, waiting for you to respond or say something first.
"Okay...?" You mumble, closing the door behind him. You turn to face him, waiting for him to continue. He stares at you for a moment, biting his lower lip unconsciously before he speaks again.
"I miss you." It’s simple, blunt, and leaves you speechless at first. You know you’ve missed him too. He must have noticed that you hadn’t responded to his texts. "It hurts to be without you... And the more I think about it, the more I realize that you’re important to me." He takes a deep breath, looking down at his jeans for a moment before he looks up. "I don’t want to lose you."
You tug on your clothes anxiously, having not slept well since he dumped you and eating less. "You should've thought of that before you dumped me... And said all those things."
"I know… I’m sorry, Y/N. Fuck... I really am." He takes a deep breath before continuing. "I made a mistake, okay? I’m here to fix it. Let’s just start from the beginning, we don’t have to go any further than that. Just, please… give me another chance."
You’ve never seen him this serious before, the gravity of his actions seem to have finally hit him. The usual arrogance he exudes is completely gone, instead replaced with humility, and his eyes are softer than you’ve ever seen them. It’s almost hard to be angry at him—he looks so vulnerable.
"Hobie..." You shake your head and step away, your back against the door. "You-You can't just expect me to welcome you with open arms. You hurt me... Badly..."
"I understand I hurt you. Please, just… let me make it up to you." He continues. “I don’t want anyone else. I want you, Y/N.” His eyes are filled with emotion, raw and vulnerable. Everything inside of him aches knowing that he could lose you because of his stupidity. He reaches out towards you, his hand outstretched, and his gaze is desperate. "What do I have to do to prove to you how much you mean to me, Y/N?" He asks, his voice breaking slightly.
"If you actually wanted to change and try again, you have to do it yourself." You don't move away from his outstretched hand. "I'm not going to tell you how to fix things, you have to do it because I tried... So many times..."
"Fine..." Hobie reaches into his hoodie and pulls out the spider totem. He holds the smooth, almost metallic surface in front of both of you. "I'm not just going to say I care about you - I'm going to show you" He says, staring down at the totem in his palm. After a moment of consideration, he opens his palm up and holds it out to you. "Y/N, I'm giving you my totem... I want you to have it."
"Hobie, I gave that to you." You shake your head, pushing his hand away. "I can't take it, it's yours."
"It was always meant for you." He pauses as he looks at you, waiting for you to accept the totem. "I don't want you to think of this as a romantic gesture or an attempt at a grand gesture. This isn't about me trying to woo you or impress you. I'm doing this because this totem means more to me than anything else. Please take it."
"Hobie, it's meant for you. I don't want gifts." You answer, closing his fingers over the totem. Hobie shakes his head and grabs your hand. "I can't take this."
"I want you to have it." He smiles and places the totem in your palm. "You've done so much for me, Y/N... I'm giving you a piece of me. I'm not giving it to anyone else." Hobie closes your fingers around the totem like you'd done to him just seconds ago. "There's one more thing I want you to do for me though." His voice is quiet, nervous almost.
"What's that?" You ask, focusing on your closed hand to avoid his eyes.
"Keep it safe. You can keep it in your pocket, on a necklace, I don't care. Just... Promise you'll keep it safe." He pauses for a moment then steps forward, placing his hands on your cheeks. "I don't just want to repair our relationship, I want this to be better than it was before." He says, tilting your head up so he can look into your eyes. "I don't want a second chance, Y/N. I want a future with you."
"It's probably best if you leave now..." You clear your throat and avert your eyes. His smile fades slightly, but he doesn't stop looking at you. Hobie's gaze flickers to where his palm is still over yours.
"This isn't a romantic gesture, I don't want you to feel pressured to forgive me. I just wanted you to know that I'm here, that I'm not going anywhere." He smiles again, his gaze soft and sweet. For the first time in a long time, he isn't flirting with you or using his usual swagger. He's here as Hobie, not Spider-Man or whatever alter ego he wants to use. "I'll see you later, Y/N..." He mumbles finally, pressing a small kiss to your forehead.
Then he's gone.
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buckyownsmylife · 3 years
I've Told You Now - Lee Bodecker smut
The one where Lee seduced his sister's babysitter.
Warnings: smut, dubcon, age gap, innocence kink, dirty talk, loss of virginity, blood
Word count: 1.7k
A/N: This one is a part of my kinktober celebrations. My original intention for this October was to work exclusively around prompts that my wonderful friend @darkficsyouneveraskedfor created for her challenge and dedicate each story to a different friend. My new plan became then 31 days of different kinks, which expanded on a poly relationship with Stucky, as you might know by now. However, some of the stories I started were already truly loved by me, and so I kept on writing them. It worked well because as it turns out, I am fortunate enough to have more than 31 friends on Tumblr, so here is the story I wrote for @slothspaghettiwrites! You were the biggest reason I fell for Lee and it was only appropriate I wrote you this! I only hope it doesn't disappoint! Special thanks to @sweetkingdomstarlight-blog who helped me believe this was good enough to be posted! @sweeterthanthis also has a big hand at this!
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Y/N’s P.O.V.
I was finishing packing up the toys in the living room when I heard the door slam, startling me into dropping the box of legos on the ground. Looking at the clock, I considered the time before looking back at the hall again. When no one appears from the hallway, I get confused. If the Hendersons hadn’t come home earlier than they intended, who else could it be?
“Waiting for me, bunny?” I immediately straightened out at the sight of Sheriff Bodecker, trying to resist the urge not to flush and keep eye contact, but ultimately failing to do so. I hadn’t seen him since the night he offered to give me a ride home and I ended up with his cock in my throat, his cum in my mouth.
“I-I didn’t even know you were coming.” Silence followed my confession as he slowly approached, eyes never leaving my body while I tried to keep myself up. He’d always had this effect on me. I remembered being a young girl and Sheriff Bodecker being the crush I knew was too old to be mine, the guy I’d never have even in a million years, but that didn’t stop me from daydreaming about him.
If I thought that maybe having him would help this infatuation disappear, it’d become clear by now that it wouldn’t be the case at all.
“And here I was, thinking you wanted me just as much as I wanted you.” The Sheriff tsked, and the sound went straight to my already dampened underwear. I couldn’t process his words very well, given how close he was and how loud my own heartbeat was ringing in my ears. Did he mean to say that he actually really wanted me?
“If that was really the case,” he taunted, circling me like I was some sort of prey. “You’d always be expecting me, wouldn’t you? But it’s alright, honey. You know why?” When I shook my head, he answered his own question, a single finger running down my jaw to guide me to look him in the eye. “Because I think you were expecting me. You’re always expecting me, looking for me wherever you go, just like I do. And there’s an easy way to prove my theory.”
Before I could question it, his arms embraced me from behind, hands slowly running down my stomach until they reached the edge of my skirt. I started sweating in anticipation. I knew what he would find.
“Let me check.” His fingers went over the fabric first, and he chuckled when he noticed how wet it was. “Would you look at that?” I was already trembling when he pulled my panties to the side and ran that same digit over my lower lips, just lightly grazing them. “Soaked already.”
Although I couldn’t see it, the humming sound he emitted after taking his fingers from under my dress didn’t leave me any doubt about what he did with the moisture he collected. Just the thought of him enjoying my taste that much had me weak in the knees, and I tried to keep myself up by reaching for a chair nearby.
Lee’s P.O.V.
I chuckled to myself at how sensitive she was, barely able to keep up with the little I’d done so far. Then again, it was clear I had a particularly strong effect on her. That had been obvious for a while, ever since she started working for my sister, probably - around the same age her womanly features began to stand out.
She seemed unable to look me directly in the eyes, always averting her gaze and biting her lower lip when I decided to stop around here for a coffee or check in on the little rugrat. I began doing this a lot more often after she was hired, but neither her nor my sister seemed to connect the dots.
Her innocence, her beauty just left me so fucking hard. I was hard right then, and I wanted her to know it. So I pressed my body against her back, lightly grinding my member against the curve of her ass.
“I suppose you’re finished for the day,” I speculated, knowing once the kid was out all she had to do was wait for my sister and her husband to arrive. “Guess I can help you unwind…”
She gasped when she felt my hardness, making me chuckle. “Your sister and her husband should be back soon…” She tried to reason, but I wasn’t having any of it.
“We’ll be quiet anyway. Can’t risk waking up the kid.” I gripped her wrist and pulled her on the direction of the guest bedroom, now fully unable to control myself. I was so close to having what I had wanted for so long.
She looked unsure of herself as I closed the door behind us, and I raised an eyebrow in a questioning look. “What’s wrong?” She shifted her weight from one foot to another, fingers playing with the hem of her skirt.
“I-I don’t know about this…” Chuckling, I approached her to cradle her face between my hands and deposit a kiss on those sweet lips.
“Don’t you trust me, pretty girl?” I had caught her now, we both knew it. She’d never risk disappointing or offending me, so when her mouth opened to explain herself and I raised an eyebrow in warning, it was only a matter of seconds until she closed it altogether and nodded, her eyes dropping to her feet.
“Yes, I do.” My smirk was full of victory, and I could taste it in my lips now. It was as sweet as the nectar between her legs I’d only had a taste of.
“There you go.” Approaching her once more, I settled my hands on her hips before leaning to kiss her shoulder. “Besides…” I continued, already bunching up her dress to get rid of it as quickly as possible. “You obviously need me to take care of you and this little wet hole.”
She bucked when my fingers rubbed her this time, dress already forgotten on the floor as I slowly shoved down the fabric of her underwear to join it. Once she was completely naked, I ran my digits over her cunt, verifying that her wetness was already so overwhelming that it was threatening to drip from her.
“So sweet.” I hummed once I wrapped my lips around those digits, tasting her on my tongue again. Yes, I was already obsessed. I think anyone who had the chance to try her nectar would understand my situation - but no one ever would.
She was mine now, and I would never let her go.
“C’mon, bunny.” Patting her ass, I directed her to the bed, chuckling at how embarrassed she seemed, being this exposed to my hungry gaze. “Be a good girl and spread your legs. Be my little angel, won’t you?”
I wished I could have done this somewhere more private - my own house, instead of my sister’s. But I just couldn’t wait anymore. My cock twitched inside my pants. I felt like I was drunk on this, drunk on her.
“C’mon, honey!” I repeated, lightly slapping the outside of her thigh. “I wanna fuck you. And I know you want to be mine, pretty girl. You can’t hide it from me.”
When she finally relented and slowly parted her beautiful legs for me, I nearly melted at the sight. Driven by my desire, I unbuckled my belt and worked to whip my cock out as quickly as possible, smirking at the wide, innocent eyes that settled on my member as I fisted it in preparation.
“Doesn’t it look good?” I teased, climbing on the bed to take my spot between her legs, rubbing the head of my dick against her slit. “I’m gonna have you taste it next time. But for now…”
Resting my forehead against hers, I slowly started to penetrate her tight pussy, slipping only the head at first, even though I was aching to fuck her throughly.
“This is gonna hurt a little,” I warned, not able to stop mid-way to let her adjust but keeping my invasion of her maidenhood slow until I had bottomed out inside of her. “Sh…” I tried to calm her, gently wiping away the few tears running down her soft cheeks. “I know it hurts, bunny. But you can take it, can’t you?”
She managed to nod despite her whimpers, and I brushed her tears away as I warned her, “I’m gonna make you feel so good, honey.”
It took a little while, but at last, she opened her eyes and I waited until she was able to focus them on me again. “You look so pretty, bunny…” I whispered, kissing her while I finally started to move inside of her, stopping only to moan out loud at her overwhelming tightness.
“I’m gonna train you until all you can think about is my cock,” I warned her, slowly pulling out until only the head of my cock was keeping her open.
“I can’t wait any longer.” Slamming my dick all the way in, I felt her nails running down my back, leaving trails of blood behind - trails I wouldn’t mind wearing under my shirt, sting as they might.
“I promise you, honey…” I panted, sweat already dripping from my forehead onto her pretty face. “You’re gonna miss me when I’m not inside of you.”
I kissed her cheek, rubbing my nose against it as she held me tightly against her. “I know you don’t want any of those boys you used to go to school with touching what I’ve already taken.”
She nodded quickly, my pretty little honey. Yes, she was mine already and she knew it. “It’s alright, pretty girl…” I soothed her as she started to whine, her cunt clenching deliciously around me. “It’s alright, cum with me…”
She closed her eyes when she met bliss, but I kept mine wide open so I wouldn’t miss her perfect expression of pleasure. It was almost enough to keep me hard, but I wasn’t as young as I once was.
I never pulled out of her tight heaven, keeping her body snuggled against me. I was happy that I decided to be patient, if it meant I now got to have her like this.
“I hope you know that you’re mine now, bunny.”
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scarlettriot · 3 years
For All The Uterus Owners
What the MHA boys do to make you feel better during that time of the month when you are in absolute PAIN!
Warning: 18+ content below the cut. Mentions of sexy times. And period things, obviously. Mild cursing. 18 and under DNI
A/N: Yes, I am projecting. No, I don't care a single bit.
. This man knows your cycle better than you do!
. It might seem annoying but Midoriya just uses all the knowledge he's gathered to make it this time as comfortable as it possibly can be.
. During the days leading up to your period, he will stock up on all your favorite snacks, make sure the heating pad is easily accessible and he buys pain meds in bulk!
. Throughout your period, Midoriya will do little things to make your day easier.
. He'll always make sure you have a glass of water because hydration is important.
. He will throw your towel in the dryer while you shower so it's warm when you're done.
. Absent minded massages for your shoulders, feet, legs, chest. Things like that.
. "I just want you to be as comfortable as you can, doll."
. He knows when your worst days are and will do whatever he can to make them less painful. If you're irritable and want him to fuck off, he will. If you want cuddled until you're sick of him, he'll do that too!
. Hero work will come up but he does his best to check in with you in case you need him to bring anything home.
. The one thing he hasn't ever been too comfortable with is sex during this time. He's tried, poor man really has but he just cannot.
. But, he knows how much it can help SO! Whatever toys you want, he'll get them. You want dirty talk or phone sex, he'll be at the top of his game! Anything to help you, during this time, he doesn't give a single crap about his own pleasure.
. He will pounce on you the moment it's over though and I hope you didn't plan on walking anywhere in the days that follow.
. He might seem like he doesn't pay attention to these things but the man knows.
. He doesn't think about picking up pain meds or putting new batteries in the heating pad but without fail, you can find your favorite snack well stocked just before you're due to start.
. It might have taken him some getting used to but Bakugo has come to the decision (begrudgingly) that while you're on your period YOU are the one who gets to be full of sass and attitude.
. He does try his best to temper his anger around you during this time. He has his slip-ups but he's trying to not make you more irritable than you already are.
. That doesn't mean he lets you get away with shit though.
. You're still drinking that water he's brought you.
. You have to eat something other than sweats and salty treats.
. You're also are not allowed to miss that meeting for work.
. If you're cuddling, he will pop off tiny little explosions to heat his palms and rest them over your lower abdomen, your back, or your chest. Whatever is aching.
. If you suggest a little sexy time might help relieve a certain ache he'll be more than happy to aid you. But, HE will only suggest it if you're being particularly sassy, complaining too much.
. "Cramps bothering you? Bet I can make you forget about 'em."
. Bakugo will take it as a personal challenge to make you forget about the pain your damn uterus is causing you. The only one allowed to make you feel sore is him, damn it!
. This poor guy...
. Todoroki obviously knew what periods were, he has a sister but he didn't KNOW about them until he lived in the dorms of UA. (I headcanon that Ochaco had very, very bad cramps one day and missed training and when he asked Midoriya why she didn't go to Recovery Girl to fix it they decided it was time for an educational meeting).
. They're still a mystery to him for the most part. He knows they hurt you, make you double over in pain sometimes and it's not the kind of pain that can be healed through a quirk.
. He knows you like certain foods and that snuggling against his warm side makes you feel better.
. With his father's credit card, he will buy you whatever food you like. Tell you to book a day at the spa or whatever it is that will make you feel better.
. He's shocked you don't usually accept his offer and would rather just stay in, cuddling against him instead. Not that he minds after a long day of hero work.
. Todoroki will regulate his heat until you are comfortable, you practically pulling his leg across you and using him as your personal heating pad.
. "This can't be comfortable for you. Please, let me just get you something that's meant to help you."
. He has a hard time understanding that he is your favorite and that this actually is comfortable.
. You'll have to explain to him there are other things only he could do to help you too...you'll really have to explain it to him too.
. He's willing to give you what you need though as long as it gets rid of some of your pain.
. He is going to suggest doing it in the shower though, hoping to avoid making too much of a mess.
. Yeah, I think Kaminari is too scatterbrained to actually remember when your time of the month is. He picks up on the subtle changes in your mood quickly though when it's coming.
. When he does realize though, he's at the store that very day throwing literally EVERYTHING and ANYTHING in the cart that even has the possibility of making you feel better.
. From food to medication, to stuffed animals, to video games, to board games... it's all going in the cart.
. This is how you ended up with the life-sized teddy bear that now sits in the corner of your room...
. Take-out happens every single night. He'd try and cook if you asked him but you know that's probably safer to just let him be generous and order in.
. Big time promoter of snuggles!
. Big time promoter of period sex!
. "It helps! Or, that's what I've been told... I'm just sayin' we could give it a shot!"
. And it did help. Because of that, it is now one of the first things he suggests doing when you are even just a smidge irritable.
. You can chuck the life-sized bear at him. He won't take it personally.
. It might come off as annoying but, he does everything he can to get you feeling wonderful again. Expending all his efforts on you. Doing everything he can to be a buzzy distraction and get you to smile.
. Not nearly as detailed as Midoriya is but also not as aloof as Bakugo. Kirishima cares about you and your health and he sure as hell isn't afraid to show it.
. He'll take a peak where he knows you store your feminine products a few days before you're due to start and then go out to the store to pick up anything you might be running low on. You seriously haven't had to buy anything for yourself. He learned after like two months of dating.
. While there, he will also make sure you have plenty of snacks as well as actual food for meals because keeping your energy up is just as important as making sure you're comfortable.
. When he isn't off being the sturdy hero he is, he's your comfort hero at home.
. Wrapping you both up in the heated blanket, he has to stick a leg out so he doesn't overheat but he'll be damned if he gives up cuddles just because he's a little warm.
. During this time, Kirishima will do everything he can to make sure you aren't lifting a finger! He's had cramps before, in his legs and arms from working out and his several growth spurts, he can't imagine how you deal with them month after month!
. He'll offer to do just about anything for you normally but that goes double when it's your time of the month.
. Massages are his favorite way to help you though. They usually always turn into something more not that either of you complains.
. He will let you take the lead every single time.
. "Just tell me what I can do to help. Whatever you need, pebble, just tell me."
. That statement is always said multiple times over the course of your period but with different contexts.
. Going to the store, running you a bath, getting medicine from the pantry, dicking you down until you're speechless... you know, whatever you need.
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scuttle-buttle · 3 years
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WC: 2261
Rated: M
Tags: angst, medical issues, pregnancy complications, hurt/comfort, anxiety, brief mentions of medical procedures but no gore, nothing is technically sad, fluff, papa laszloooo
A/N: honestly tho I am sorry. also i maybe cried a little writing this, which is a first. also also everybody is fine in this it's just emotional
Blame @hardlyinteresting
"Three weeks…. Three weeks little bean…" you mumble as you rub your protruding stomach after a particularly harsh kick to your ribs. The chair was a sweet relief to your ankles after a long day at work and doing some light chores around the house all afternoon. You had three weeks until you hit 39 weeks into your pregnancy. As much as you were anxious you were ready. Ready to not feel like a bloated whale. Ready to not have sore feet. But most of all, ready to hold your baby girl.
Laszlo had been trying to convince you to take it easy and start maternity leave early, but you resisted. The last thing you were about to do is nothing. Most first pregnancies went late anyway, you'd argued, so you didn't worry about it yet. I’m pregnant, not dying - give me another week, you'd told him.
What you didn't tell him was about the headaches. Or how sore your legs were. Or how absolutely exhausted you'd been feeling the last couple weeks. Whenever he would ask if you were alright or offer a foot rub you would just brush it off as third trimester woes. You didn't want to worry him.
You were sat in an armchair in the parlor, feet propped up, damp rag over your eyes. The droning from the tv had your nerves on edge. All you wanted to do was take some tylenol and feel better, but you had been knocking back more than was probably safe the last few days so you went without.
A sudden pain shoots through you causing the rag to fall onto your chest. “Ohh...ow? OW!” You sit up straighter as the ache persists; the dull throbbing in your upper abdomen unlike anything you’ve ever felt before. Were you in labor early? Did she just kick in a bad spot? No no - surely the pain would’ve died down by now had that been the case. Unless? Can babies kick so hard they rupture something? Did my kid just bust my liver? Your thoughts run rampant as you wait, in vain, for the pain to go away. The pricking behind your eyes and in your temples only made it more hellish. Pressing your palm to the spot does nothing, nor do the breathing exercises you had been taught.
When five minutes have passed by without relief you make the choice to call out for your husband. “Laz?” No response. “Laszlo!” A beat passes; nothing. You swallow through your building nausea.
“I swear to fucking-” you growl as you snatch your phone from the end table to your left. You use all your concentration to dial his number.
It rings four times.
“Bärchen, why are you call-”
You don’t let him finish. “Something’s wrong.”
Head thrown back into the flat, starchy hospital pillow you groan in frustration. “permanent bedrest?” You scrub the hand not clutching your belly down your face.
The emergency room Obstetrician gives you a pitying look. “I’m afraid so - your blood pressure is high and we want to keep it under control to prevent outcomes such as pre-eclampsia. I recommend doing as little as absolutely possible; get rid of as many stressors as you can.” He flips through your chart. “You said you’ve been having headaches and fatigue for nearly two weeks? Why didn’t you come in sooner?”
Huffing, you tell him “I thought it was just part of the third trimester. Everyone always complains about how bad it is.” He hums in response.
“Well. I’m going to go take a final look at your labs, make sure everything else is fine before we discharge you. I’ll send in my Nurse Practitioner to give you the run down and anything else you’ll need to know. And should anything else like this happen again - get in here immediately.” He pats you awkwardly on the hand before nodding at Laszlo and leaving the room.
Sparing a glance from the corner of your eye you see him looking towards his lap, his weaker hand cradled in the other. He’d been quiet since you admitted when your symptoms had first begun. Every single time he’d asked you how you were feeling you had lied to him. Granted, you didn’t technically know you were lying. But it makes little difference when you’re sitting in the ER. He had every reason to be upset.
“Laszlo honey,” you reach over to him. Slowly he takes your proferred hand and stands, coming to stop beside the bulky bed frame. His thumb caresses your wrist.
“Why didn’t you tell me? I could’ve examined the signs, kept a better eye on you.”
“-I didn’t want to worry you, okay?-” Your voice breaks as you defend yourself.
“-I could’ve done something, maybe- I don't know!” His slightly raised voice startles you quiet. The pain in his eyes only makes you feel guiltier. He licks his lips. “I took the liberty of calling your mother. She will be here tomorrow afternoon and will be staying in the guest room as long as we need her.”
Now you look away, indignant. “I don’t need to be watched like I’m a child.” The tears behind your eyelids rush in; a lone drop trailing down your cheek as the embarrassment settles within your gut. You knew that at some point it was likely you would need her here. However you imagined it to be under happier circumstances. A deep inhale fails to calm your sobs. “I just- I don’t want to be a burden with all this.” Your tears flow freely now.
“My dear you could never be.” Laszlo sits on the edge of the bed. He rests his right palm above the swell of your child, his left cupping along the curve of your jaw. He tilts you to face him. “But the health of you and our girl is what is most crucial now. Let us take care of you. Please.”
A gentle kick underneath his palm from your daughter is answer enough.
Two weeks. 14 days.
Lying in bed, sitting in the same spot for hours on end was actually going to be the death of you. You were sure of it.
Your mother truly has been a huge help since arriving. Laszlo wanted to start his paternity leave, but you insisted that he stay until you were closer to your due date. Which couldn’t come fast enough, you might add. Both Laszlo and your mother were prone to pestering you about some things, but at other times if you truly wanted to be alone they gave you your space. Now was one of those times. Laptop to your side, you watch another episode of Grey’s Anatomy. A knock sounds. You turn to see your husband standing in the doorway, the blood pressure monitor in arm.
He gives you a bright smile. “How are you two on this fine afternoon?”
“Cut it with the attitude, bucko. Let’s get this over with.” The words, while harsh, had little bite to them. His brow raises but he says nothing. You honestly felt bad that you’d been in a pretty foul mood since being discharged. On more than one occasion you’d said as much to Laszlo and your mother - they didn’t deserve your ire. Thankfully they understood why you were so frustrated.
You held the strap in place as he secured the velcro and started the machine. Buzzing filled the overall quiet room. Closed eyes you wait. Some days your results were higher than others. Unless you became higher than a certain threshold the doctor said you were safe to be home. At the sound of a beep Laszlo unhooks the cuff, reporting that your levels are within the acceptable range. When he goes to leave you alone you clutch at his sleeve. He waits as you peer up at him. “Stay?”
He never could say no to you.
Little bean’s ruthless treatment of your bladder had you up for the second time that night. You waddled to the bathroom to attend to your business and wash your hands. Glancing at the circles under your eyes in the mirror you sigh. “I love you baby bean but you’re giving me a run for my money here, kid,” you whisper as you rub your stomach. Three days, you remind yourself.
The floor creaks as you shuffle back to bed. Suddenly, an odd warm trickling sensation travels down your legs. “What the fuck?” Looking down around your bulging bump you find yourself standing in a small puddle, the glint of the bathroom night light reflecting off the surface. “Shit okay…ah Laszlo? Hey, I need you to wake up.”
He grumbles. With a roll of your eyes you walk over and shake him awake. “Hey- what-” he sits up instantly and blinks at you. “Is everything alright?”
“My water broke.”
He hops into action right away. Moving you to sit on the bed, he pulls out his cell phone to call your doctor. As he talks you watch him move around the room, the phone wedged between his ear and shoulder, as he collects your hospital supplies. You feel useless as you sit. Yet, you know that your priority needs to be keeping yourself calm and that moving around could exacerbate your condition.
He hangs up. Coming to stand in front of you he presses a kiss to your forehead; “I’ll go wake your mother. Don’t move, Liebling.”
As you sit you blow out a long breath. You look down at your bump. “Guess you decided you’re ready to go, huh kid?” The tip of your fingers brush along the side of your stomach. “I know we’re ready for you too. We’re going to love you so much, and your daddy? He’s gonna be the best, you’ll see.” Placing your palms flat she nudges you from within.
The doctors decided that a c-section was the safest route. You both knew it was a possibility, but you had hoped that after weeks of bedrest that your blood pressure would balance out enough for a natural delivery. Unfortunately, that wasn’t the case. They monitored you for an hour before your contractions began, officially confirming you were in fact in active labor and dilating. After the fourth hour your blood pressure began to spike again. That’s when they decided to prep you for the procedure.
The operation went smoothly. The atmosphere of the surgical suite was tense with your nerves, but Laszlo’s calming words and his hand squeezing yours kept the anxiety from spilling over. You even found it in you to poke fun at how ridiculous he looked in the puffy blue elastic hair cap he wore.
When the first cries rang out you nearly tried to hop off the table to see your baby. The doctors worked quickly to ensure you were in proper condition while the infant was cleaned.
“Dad? Would you like to come and cut the cord?” one of the nurses calls out.
Laszlo looks back at them before turning to face you. He searches your eyes for a moment; “go,” you nod with a smile. You watch as he did what the nurses instructed as best you could, her soft wails echoing in the small room. He returns to you right after while they finish wrapping her up in a blanket.
“She’s beautiful my dear,” your professor confesses. He leans to give you a lingering kiss. “I’m so unbelievably proud of you.”
“I love you so much.”
“As I love you.”
The doctor interrupts your moment. “Would you like to hold your baby girl?” The question is directed at you, but you look over to your husband. The man you love more than life itself. He stares at the little bundle as if she’s the most incredible sight he’s ever laid eyes on. He can’t take his gaze off her. His irises sparkle with unshed tears as he looks on with wonder.
“Laz?” Finally he breaks away. “Hold your little girl - she’s been waiting to meet her Papa.”
Carefully the doctor shifts his hold on the babe to slide her into Laszlo’s waiting arm. He swallows as he pulls her to his chest. Something caught between a sob and a laugh leaves him. You blink through your own tears at the sight of your husband and daughter, a sight so far beyond perfect there could be no words. Laszlo held her with such delicacy, such reverence. It was as if any moment she could slip away as though a dream.
“Hello there my little dove, I’ve been waiting a very long time to meet you.” He doesn’t bother to wipe away the streams that fall from his eyes. “I’m your Papa and I-” he sniffs, looking towards the ceiling and blinking rapidly to clear his eyes. You rest your hand on his bicep. “I love you so very much. I would give you the world if I could. Your grandfather didn’t...he was not....” he pauses to gather himself. “To me you are the greatest gift I could ever receive. I will be the best father I can for you. A father worthy of you. Mein Gott, Ich liebe dich my darling dove.”
He continued to hold her in his arms until it was time to take you into the recovery room. When he had asked if you wanted her you simply shook your head. You would get your chance, you had a lifetime to do so. But your Laszlo needed this. He needed his little dove.
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shadowworks · 4 years
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Pairing: Mafia!Dabi X Reader
Warnings: dubconish themes, flirting with Hawks, blood, murder, blackmail, fingering. NSFW, quirkless AU!
Word Count: 4.4k
A/N: Alright! This piece is for The Smut Pile Mafia Collab
I have to give my wholehearted thanks to @hisoknen @some-kindofgnome , @pleasantanathema, and @ever-enthralled for reading this over the last couple weeks, and making sure it reads well! I am so happy to have you beautiful souls! Also a special shoutout to Raph for brainstorming with me when I was stuck at the very end. 💕
Edit: This has fanart! Beautiful @maewoahoah created a Mafia!Hawks piece right here and a Mafia!Dabi piece here! She’s very talented! ;)
On this ominous winter evening it begins snowing. 
You readjust your peacoat and step through the frosty glow of the street lamp to your front door. Your muscles ache a little more than usual, your steps a little heavier. It’s been a long and tedious day at work; far less stimulating compared to Toga’s position working for a bootlegger named Tomura. But both jobs pay the rent. You push papers and withhold your scowls towards clients. Now, you want a bath. 
The sound of a muffled radio plays on the other side, and it floods your ears as you walk in with warmth and an iron smell wafting your chilled nose. 
“Folks, I'm goin' down to St. James Infirmary...
Seeeee, my baby there;
She's stretched out on a long, white table
She looks so sweet, so cold, so fair.”
Toga’s playing blues again. It’s a routine she has before the graveyard shift across town. At this time, she’s in the kitchen making something before she goes, but you’re having trouble figuring out what food smells like copper. 
“He-e-e-y,” you call lazily, a sing-songy tone in your voice. 
She doesn’t answer, though you hear the clacking of stiletto heels on wood, which makes you amble down the hall to see what she’s doing. 
“Think you can smuggle some whiskey tonight? I thought we had some, but Keigo probably polished it off last—“
You stop in the doorway. 
There’s a poor bastard lying flat on his back, head twisting too far towards the sink. Ribbons of blood streak down his colorless skin, pouring out from a dark and glossy hole just beneath his jaw. You see it puddle and stain the edges of his hair a sticky red, the only sound besides your heart thudding is the soft thrums from the parlor.
“ When I die please bury me in my high top Stetson hat
Put a twenty dollar gold piece on my watch chain
So the gang'll know I died standing pat.”
You’re in a daze, one where you’re not sure how long you’ve been staring. It doesn’t seem real. Is it real? But it’s not until you hear the sound of heels clicking against the wood floors that you drag your gaze to the noise. 
Toga’s standing near the stove, her features vacant, shoulders slouched, and she’s holding a knife that’s still wet.
What the fuck? 
You want to scream, berate her, seethe what the fuck was she thinking, or if she was thinking for that matter. But the blonde speaks up before you do, with a voice above a whisper. 
“He was going to leave me. Said he was too dangerous.” Toga doesn’t look in your direction, moving to the rim of pooled blood which has stopped spreading out, “I told him I wouldn’t let anyone come between us, but he wouldn’t listen.”
Your jaw goes taut, staring incredulously at her steely face. The lack of emotion gives you a sinking feeling in your stomach.
The man wasn’t a random suit who bled out on your floor, this moron was seeing Toga on and off for months and had been trying to be more present.
Nights spent arriving at your door with flowers and sweets, and driving her to work was becoming a staple in his routine. He preferred staying in Toga’s room if they had the day off, and he always slipped out when the morning frost dusted the grass, a soft bluish hue painting the streets before sunlight. 
But that’s not the problem. See, he was a core member inside the Mafia running the northern side of the city, ‘The League’ they like to call themselves. The only men above this guy was his boss Tomura, and the underboss Dabi. You don’t know the former, but you’ve spent time with the latter.
You’re aware of his sadistic nature that flashes behind those teal eyes, and he doesn’t try to  hide it, either. The sideway glances during a poker match before he fucked someone over , the smile he wore when you asked about the purple bruises on his knuckles. 
So fan-fucking-tastic, the broad has some nerve.
You curl your lip, already shrugging your shoulders from your coat. You toss it over the table and start rolling up your sleeves to the elbows.  
Toga finally turns towards you after catching movement by her side, brows raising confused, “What are you doing?”
“You’re gonna grab his feet and we’re gonna move him onto the rug in the hall.” 
You step in the blood, grabbing him by the rusty black colored jacket and dragging him from the puddle. Of course it leaves drag marks, your heels making tracks alongside, but you can deal with the clean up later. 
Toga hurries over to help, carrying him by the legs and letting you guide the body to the floral rug.
“You don’t want to know what happened?”
You stop. Immediately dropping the dead weight, his blond head lolls off to the side. Your palms sheen with red, but you straighten up and push a beach curl from your cheekbone with the back of your hand.
“Not really. All I want is this fucker out of my house.”
It’s her turn to stare at you incredulously. This is completely out of nowhere for you to be assisting in hiding a dead boyfriend, even if you two are roommates. You’ve only been living together for four months now.
“Toga, I need you to listen, okay?” you say, a bit mockingly, “I can look past the murdering business by pretending you acted in self defense, but if you don’t have the goddamn brains to realize this idiot has friends, then I suggest you don’t stab people!”
Toga flinches slightly at the lilted pitch in your voice, already suggesting panicky, “We can take him to the woods and hide him there?”
“That’ll work.” You don’t think Twice about it.  
Working together, you both hoist him a couple feet onto the rug, refusing to look at his face. You didn’t need to be feeling a pang of guilt. It doesn’t take long for you to roll him towards the front door, as the material wraps around his figure. 
The hardest part is retreating to the car. The moment you push through the door, you see the distance from where you stand and the car parked a little down the sloping street. You both give a hard look to the powdery snow dusting the ground, quiet and enchanting. It would be beautiful...had you not been carrying a corpse.
“Stop being a little bitch and heave!”
“I can’t! You’re making me hold all the weight!”
“He’s off the ground! How the fuck are you holding all the weight?”
“But my arms hurt!”
“Fucking hell, Toga. What if I had stayed at my sister’s tonight? What then?”
“Stop yelling at me! I get it, alright? I shouldn’t have done it in the house!” 
Your bickering toils through the winds, muffled by the falling snow. The burst of cold air is running through your buttoned blouse while crossing to the 1929 Chevrolet causing a shiver to roll down your back. When you reach the car Toga plops the rug down onto the snow first, then you. Your wet fingers feel numb against the metal handle. 
There’s one entrance on each side, which likely will make shimming the body to the backseat  much harder. You pause, looking at the front in thought. 
“I’ll go first,” you say, “when he’s in, you go and grab our coats.”
“Are we burying him?”
“Think the lake’s faster.”
“What if it’s icy? They’ll see the hole if we throw him in.”
You both ponder your options for a little while, this isn’t exactly something you’ve done before...You can’t say the same for Toga, but she seems just as puzzled, almost clueless on how to get rid of her ex. 
Meanwhile, the rolled corpse behind you starts to slip downhill, little by little. The slanting street gives speed and the rug starts to roll.. Red droplets trail behind in its wake. 
You just happen to see it first.
“Toga—Toga, the body! The body!” 
Toga cries out, taking off after the rug as best she can on a frozen sheet. “Fuck, fuck, fuck!” 
The graceful snowfall flutters with pain and chaos.
Toga skids against the fresh ice, feet stumbling under her navy blue dress. She falls to the ground with a hard thud, and you see she isn’t stopping. She keeps going alongside the body, sliding until the two disappear under another parked car. 
You don’t have time to think, a chill strikes up your spine in your panic. 
“Toga!” you call out, taking off after her. Unfortunately you find yourself abruptly on your back, pounding hard on the stones and stealing the breath from your lungs. 
If you could sigh right now you would. Or rather, if you could punch Toga right now you would, as rage twists with a throbbing pain in your chest. Was all this worth having a mobster roommate? The odds were piling against her. You have a mind to push her in the lake when you get there.
Several silent minutes go by with you staring up at the cloudy sky. It’s brighter from the illuminating white snow, and despite the icy powder prickling your flesh, you have no choice but to wait for the ache in your chest to fade. 
“Enjoying the view?” 
You hear a new voice, male, and the suave tone tells you who it is before he treads near. He looks over you with half lidded eyes of honey gold. 
He’s very pretty. The drifting snow flakes above his wheat coloured head manage to enhance this, though the uplifted eyes lined in black, and nicely sharp features are the last thing you want to see. You’re nowhere near ready to start lying out of Toga’s mess. 
“That can’t be too comfy down there,” Keigo says, bending forward with an outstretched hand,“C’mon, upsy-daisy.” 
You take his hand, feeling another leather glove hold your waist and lift you onto your feet. When you settle, he starts brushing the caked snow off your back. Mobster or not, he’s at least a gentleman.
“You alright?” he asks, giving you a once over for any fresh scratches.
You give a slow nod, crossing your arms over your chest. Fear’s got the better of you, and you look anywhere but him., “What are you doing here? I thought you were working tonight.”
“Oh I am! You could say I’m on patrol, need to pick up a few things.” 
Your gaze stills to your left, heart skipping. Keigo’s not alone. Standing nearby, a slim figure dressed in black from head to toe is watching you two lazily. A thread of smoke seeps from his parted lips, clouding a handsome face and spikes of black hair. Keigo keeps talking, but you can’t take your eyes off the ghostly presence you know to be Dabi.
“Unfortunately that includes loverboy. He was supposed to be back hours ago, but we figured he’s still fooling around,” a little smirk tugs at his mouth, suggestively “He’s still inside, right?”
You blink, turning back to face Keigo, “I wouldn’t know, I just got home,” you lie. 
“Look at you! You look like you’re about to freeze to death.” He starts suddenly, swiftly slipping his arms out from his heavy coat, revealing a black three piece with pinstripes, and a brighter crimson tie. In one smooth motion he twirls the long, beige coat over your shoulders, letting it rest over your figure.
“Thank you,” you say, before your eyes catch something. 
Dabi moves towards the clumsy skid marks, head tilting down to the red dots in the snow near his polished shoe. You stiffen.
“You sure you’re okay?” 
Your gaze flashes from Dabi’s retreating back to a politely smiling Keigo, “Yeah, I’m fine! I’m really cold is all.”
“Well, we should get you inside. You know you left your door wide open?” Shit, the door. You forgot about the stupid door—
(Dabi looms across the indents in the snow and follows down the hill like a dark shadow against crystals illuminating bright.)
“Ah yeah, I thought I left my purse in the car. It was just for a second, and then I slipped,” You force a smile. Relax. You need to relax. Keigo doesn’t seem convinced, reading something off in your features.
“Is that right?”
(He gets the edge of the old Ford, and notes the specks of red soak wider here. The spots lead underneath.) 
“I know, it’s pretty foolish. It’s um...It’s a good thing you showed up when you did, or...”
Your eyes drift over Keigo’s shoulder. The underboss starts to crouch low. Your pupils shrink, a new wave of panic tingles the back of your neck. Damn him, why was he so clever? 
“Dabi, wait!” you shout, pushing past Keigo’s shoulder. In your hurry you kick up the snowy crystals, rushing to the taller mobster in his long obsidian coat. Dabi quickly turns, standing up.tall before you hook onto his upper arm like a lover. “I saw an animal go under there that looked hurt. You shouldn’t mess with it.”
A smirk that breaks into a grin spreads on his face, a look of amusement blooming from your look of fright. You want to glare at him, though that could be dangerous. Why does he like seeing you scared?
 “An animal, you say?” he parrots back, adopting the same mocking pitch you gave Toga earlier. He’s not in the least bit on edge, and you really don’t like that. He flicks his teal eyes up to look behind you just then, “Good thing I have the city’s best exterminator right here.”
As if on cue, you hear the crunching boots of Keigo walking to the car. “Give me a break with the dirty work, will ya?”
“What, scared of a little pest?” Dabi taunts back coolly.
 “I’m not too fond of getting my knees wet, actually,” Keigo returns quite dryly, sharp eyes studying the long pattern marks. He places his gloved hands on his thighs and drops himself to a crouch in front of the vehicle.
You desperately hope Toga proves you wrong. Maybe she had the common sense to bail while no one was looking. It’s all you can do at this point, while Keigo dips his head underneath. You don’t realize, but your grip on Dabi’s arm presses tighter into the wool.
Keigo inspects below for a moment. There’s a long pause like a winter evening should be. Silent. Calming. You can almost believe in the soothing little lie. Then Keigo coughs a laugh  that echoes through the street. Bursts of manic giggles grow louder from the mobster, leaving you tilting your head at his pushed back hair, confused.
“There’s a pest, alright! I think I caught something—“
Keigo reaches under, and with an impressively strong yank, Toga’s head pops out in a doe eyed stare. Her arms are wrapped around a bundled rug with a fairly familiar head sticking out. 
“Hey there, Toga!” Keigo exclaims, “When did you become a rat?”
 Dabi tips his head down, drawing the lit cigarette back to his lazy smile. He’s shockingly calm which does nothing to ease your shivering panic. Toga however, seems fine. In fact, she’s moved on to livelier feelings.
“Hey! Does it look like a rat could’ve done this?!” she snaps, shaking the body in her arms. It bangs against the bottom of the car sending loud echoes through the nearly empty street. Specks of blood dribble on the white ground, and a couple more drops spray her cheeks.
You stare up at the clouds, rolling your eyes. Goddamnit Toga.
“Yeah, I guess a rat can’t hold a knife, huh? Ya got me there.” Keigo turns and beams you a smug look, eyes half lidded in an expression that reads, nice try, but you failed.
You scrunch your nose, quietly shooting him back a glare. Asshole might’ve caught you both red handed, but he didn’t have to be so fucking cocky about it. It’s only charming when he has a winning hand at cards. Beside you, Dabi’s shoulders shake with silent laughter, though you don’t have the guts to flash him the same glower. He is second in command after all.   
“Yeah, see? That’s what I thought!” Toga says in victory.
You blink very, very slowly at Toga when she finally meets your vastly unamused gaze,“...Nice work, Toga.” 
It comes suddenly. A fiery warmth ghosts the dip in your waist as Dabi leans in. It’s not unwelcomed, raw and soothing even, but it hardly lasts. His hand curls around Keigo’s coat collar and pulls it off your shoulders. The crisp wind rushes to your exposed arms.
“You got any rat poison on you, Hawks?” Dabi tosses the coat to Keigo. 
He catches it mid air as he rises to stand. “Nah, fresh out. But we have some back at the house.” 
“You want to take care of our rat problem then?”
“Can do, boss man.”
Before you can figure out what they mean–what they have planned for Toga–Dabi’s pristine leather glove presses at the small of your back and directs you toward the pouring light of the open door. “Don’t wait up.”
It’s barely there, but as you shift your eyes to Keigo, his features take on a darkened look toward Dabi.
“Play nice, now,” you hear Keigo say. This time though, the joyous tone is gone. 
A new song hums on the radio when you’re pushed through the threshold, you listen to the richly solemn blues as Dabi closes the door. He turns the lock with a click and pockets the key.
“I forgive you 
'Cause I can't forget you.
You've got me in between the devil and the deep blue sea”
He doesn’t give you a passing glance, instead he turns and strolls down the freshly bare hall. He hasn’t removed his coat, and each room he passes he tilts his head in to search for something, stopping by the parlor. With a twist of a knob, he shuts off the radio.
“Where’d she ice him?” he asks, still not looking at you by the stairwell. 
“In the kitchen.” You return. No point in hiding it now. 
His steps creak the wood as he ambles further down, knowing full well where to go. He’s been here a handful of times; of course, those were happier evenings filled with drunken laughs.
You watch him stand by the doorway, staring at the vibrant mess of a crime scene. He pops the tip of his cigarette in his mouth before slipping from your line of sight. Dabi’s got the key to the door, so it’s not like you can run away—especially with Keigo just outside. It’s too risky to try and you know it, but it does cross your mind. 
Summing up the courage, you decide to follow Dabi with measured steps, “What are you going to do with Toga?” 
When you face the kitchen, Dabi’s near the table where you threw your coat. He has a hand in one of your pockets, and he’s fishing for something inside. It jingles in his grip as he stuffs it into his own pocket. Your car keys. 
“Are you going to kill her?” you try again, a little irked he’s swiping your things left and right. He doesn’t release your coat either, laying it over the crook of his elbow.  
He draws a final inhale from the dying bud, and crosses to the sink to snuff it out. An exhale of smoke blows out from his lips, “Killing her seems like a favor, don’t you think?”
“I thought it was the other way around.”
He turns, flicking teal eyes sheening with energy at you, “That lunatic’s no longer your concern. Right now, you ought to be more worried about yourself.”
Your features go taut, which in turn makes Dabi’s sadistic smirk return.
 “I didn’t help her kill him.”
“No,” he agrees, taking a few strides around the blood to approach you,“but you were willing to stash the stiff.”
“Yeah, for this very reason. I didn’t want you coming after me!”
Dabi draws dangerously close, mere inches apart as he glances down with lidded eyes, the smell of tobacco perfumes from his shirt collar nestled under a violet tie. He crooks his index finger, embellished with a silver ring, ghosting it under your chin. “How’d that turn out for you, babydoll?”
With a ruthless smile, he breaks the fixed stare and rounds you to the hallway. He seems to be making his way towards the parlor again, but the swish of your peacoat in his arm, set you off.
How dare he? You don’t like how he’s walked inside, claiming what’s yours. You might have your life screwed over, but at the very least you want your coat back as some semblance of control.
You stalk after him, picking up pace to aim for his arm. The clacks of your heels are loud, but you currently couldn’t care less about being sneaky, “Give it fucking back. You’re not keeping that!”
You lunge for the black wool, but as your fingers brush the material on his left elbow, Dabi whips the coat, rotating arms. You’re not fast enough, but you try a second reach for his right arm, huffing out a growl at his stealthy reflexes.
“Dabi, I’m serious! You’re such a—”
In a twirling motion his newly free palm shoves at your shoulder, pinning you against the stairwell’s wall. He’s close, so close, the blue flames in his eyes are absurdly intense. 
“That makes two of us. You’ll get this back when I say so.” 
His voice is low, soft lips almost connecting to yours. You tilt your chin up, glaring at him with fearful, tentative eyes. His gaze flashes with mirth, and he huffs a small laugh at you.
“I’ve always liked this about you. That spark inside you.” He muses. The peacoat spills to the floor. Dabi lifts his slender fingers, pushing back a loose curl from your cheek. 
Your stomach flips, as shocks tickle your skin. There’s been subtle flirting between you two before. You just wrote it off as overthinking the moment. Even though he only called you, babydoll, and he sat next to you at gatherings. How he filled your glass with water instead of booze as the nights waned. Now, you feel foolish for denying the little signs. 
“You have a horrible way of showing girls you like ‘em,” you counter back, your voice’s quiet but leveled. 
“Yeah?” he asks. The arm holding your shoulder tightens, while the other lowers to collect your long skirt. He traces his knuckles on the soft flesh of your thigh. As his hand trails up, his eyes remain fixed on your facial features. “Maybe this will help.”
His slim fingers reach the cotton slip, and it’s easy to pull off to the side, exposing the lips of your warmth. He tests the waters, sweeping the tips of his fingers across your folds. Your mouth parts in a breathless hitch in your throat. Dabi parts his own lips drawing near, ‘til his lips touch yours but not quite pressing together yet. His pierced nose bumps yours.
“Now here’s what’s going to happen,” he starts, just before sinking two fingers between your folds, pumping deep and slow inside. “You’ll go upstairs and pack what you need. When you come down—”
He thrusts particularly hard into you, sending a gasping moan to fall from your open mouth. His voice remains calm, a hint of glee can be detected. Fucking bastard.
“—You’ll be leaving with me. You’ll work for me...Live with me…And you’ll do everything I say. You got it, babydoll?”
He adds a third finger, soaking his knuckles deep with your slick. He’s hitting the right spots, the perfectly deep pressure. Your attention turns hazy as wakes of pleasure tighten just below your stomach. Your hips buck against his thrusting hand, yet still, you manage to nod your head. 
Moans flutter from your lips and vibrate onto his smiling one. To heighten the pleasure he begins swirling your wet clit. “Ah, Dabi...Oh god, Dabi—”
He slows his fingers suddenly, which makes you cry out. He pretends to ignore it. “If you try to escape me...I will hunt you down and hurt you in ways that will marr that pretty skin of yours. I’ll make you scream so loud, and no one will be there to save you. Tell me you understand.”
He curls his knuckles, pressing into a rough spot at the top, pumping fiercely against your slippery, muscular walls. You cry out, squeezing at his shirt collar and coat. “Fuck—I understand, I understand! Baby, right there, ah!”
Dabi gives you no mercy. He tugs and twirls the bud of sensitive nerves, swirling with driven circles that clench your walls in wonderous pressure. You’re close, he’s so close to sending you in high bliss. Your moans get heavier, and your clenching more and more and—
He removes his fingers. Another cry of protest sobs from your mouth only to be swallowed by Dabi’s lips on yours. His tongue massages the moans from your breath, his scent of cigarettes and smoke immerse your senses as you drown in the kiss.
He slowly breaks apart with a wet sound, looking deeply in your lust-glossed eyes. His voice is low and arousingly husky. “Now get your things.”
Before you know it, Dabi pulls away from your shoulders, and turns for the parlor. You try catching your breath, watching his slim, muscular back...Did that happen? Did he rob you of everything? Your home, your life, your orgasm?
Eventually, with light steps you do as you’re told, and turn to climb up the stairs. What choice do you have? He has your life in the palm of his hand. And right before you make it to the top, your hand drawn on the railing, the spinning clicks of your house phone perk your ear.  
A long pause. Then finally, Dabi’s rich voice speaks up from the parlor,
“Hey, I’ll be needing a few guys at Togas...Yeah, we found him….Toga did him in pretty good...No, we’ll need the good bleach for cleanup.”
P.S, this might be a mini series 👀
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