#am i making any sense. hello
kiilonova · 9 months
do you evr think about how since earth is the only planet with art (that we know of) that all the depictions of the sun with the moon is the only art of the sun with a moon. like we consider them dichotomous, but there are thousands of moons in this solar system. yet most of the art of the sun that exists in the universe depicts it as roughly equal in status to our singular moon. maybe not now that we have telescopes and space probes n shit but historically people consider [the star at the center of our solar system] and [the sole moon of planet earth] to be roughly equal counterparts. isnt that crazy
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edsbacktattoo · 8 months
i wanna talk about the ‘treasure room’ because i think it does a really good job of summarising what’s happening between ed and stede at the moment.
stede ‘takes the initiative’ (or acts without discussing what he’s doing) and puts all of ed’s remaining treasure in one room that’s completely hidden. his reasons for putting it away are:
it was all over the place
he was tripping over it
some of it is quite ugly :/
and instantly ed hits him with the “excellent. a reminder of all my guilt. a guilt room. 😔🤘”
they’re not being subtle about it. this is a physical representation of their guilt and they’re demonstrating here exactly how they’re taking care of it.
ed is living with it. it’s in his space. sure it might be in the way but where else could he possibly put it? there’s so much of it and it’s his. there’s no use in just palming it off to someone else. no one wants this much treasure.
but stede can’t stand it and he has to deal with it now or he’ll die. so he just crams it into some hidden space and considers the matter resolved. it’s out of the way. it can’t hurt them if they don’t think about it. and it’s ugly! no one wants to look at something ugly, especially when they’re trying to rebuild their space.
but that’s just the thing. neither of them are actually dealing with or addressing the problem. stede has just. put it away.
so they decide to just use it to throw this big party because surely that will fix it, right? that will get rid of the Treasure Issue.
because they still didn’t talk about any of it. yeah they talked about “turning poison into positivity” and “giving some of it to the less fortunate” but they didn’t deal with the root of the problem. how did ed amass that much treasure in the first place? what’s the ideal way of getting rid of it? is there anything they want to keep?
they’re on such uneven planes this season because they can’t communicate to reach a common ground. ed is surrounded by his guilt and wants to leave it all behind. stede has just hidden the guilt and wants to pretend it isn’t even there.
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ohhamlet-art · 4 months
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tearing your guts out. can anyone hear me.
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cat-vase · 9 months
I think Julien should have a weird little obsession over Liam like Liam had with Airy/the notes (at first, at least).
"But Liam only acted that way due to stress and trauma from being on The Plane for so long!"
I think after getting over "OH MY GOD I'M HOME" and "WHERE THE FUCK AM I" Julien would always, in the back of his mind, be searching for Liam. And very much in the front of his mind worship him. Like in a weird "you saved my life and I owe you everything" sort of way. Because that IS what happened!
When Liam died for the first time the first thing he says when he's not in shock is that there was someone else there. The fact that he sees the website and seems shocked that there's others that have been on The Plane. His "alone?" when he's talking to Airy. Liam CARES about people, he empathizes with them even if he maybe shouldn't, and just... ough. It GETS me.
Also the fact that Julien is Liam's season one counterpart? And Liam is the only one that knows Julien EXISTS? Okay, Airy knows he exists, but Airy thinks he's DEAD dead. And Bryce saw his picture but do you think he'd remember that? Liam's the only one that SAW HIM. And subsequently he's the one that HELPED HIM. And Liam didn't need to do that! But he did! He succeeded in saving someone! Even if at the end of the series he probably feels TERRIBLE about everyone else! Can you imagine meeting the person you saved and they treat you like you're above them, like you're not both just people? Can you imagine meeting your savior and them having a lot of the same traits as you, which grounds you and makes you wonder "why me? why was it me"?
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metukika · 5 months
ill say it before and ill say it again. hc that teru doesnt like serizawa at all.
#im gonna go into it here cuz im not confident in my hcs hi hello#so actually not cuz of the whole claw thing. i think that seri wanting to be a better person is like the one thing teru respects about him#and thats the thing. hes like !!! hes kinda like me!!! so he lowkey tries to make a connection thru that like haha we were both assholes an#arent perfect but trying! but see heres the thing. serizawa is an adult. he wants to act like an adult. so he treats teru like a child. not#in a bad way. normal adult to child. he respects him and all but see teru acts and maybe feels that he feels like an adult. so he sees that#as disrespectful. finally someone whos kinda ignorant like him... but hes treating teru like hes a child?! maybe legally serizawa is an#adult but after staying inside his room for years and then all that manipulation at claw.. mentally teru considers them the same. except#that seri wont act like it cuz reigen told him how to treat regular teenagers but teru isnt a regular teenager get what im sayin#ok and. then teru is kinda mean to him like ok man get outta my way but seri respects him and gives him more chances which makes teru feel#guilty which makes him dislike seri even more and try to push him away by being mean and its this hopeless cycle until one day teru snaps a#him and they have an actual conversation and he can see that hes actually the one treating serizawa like a child. and that hes like a shitt#adult in this scenario am i making any sense is anyone even listening#anyways sorry this is in the tags if u thought it was good and wanted to rb. hope i made u consider some dynamics
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itsalwaysforyou · 11 months
jafar raised jay to be slippery and selfish but jay knew there was strength in numbers and decided to trust and love and hope despite everything else. and he protects these people that he finds, the only things his father can’t take from him, his own treasure he guards like the lion’s head at the cave of wonders.
he’s the last one out, there to watch their backs, as close to them all as their own shadows. he’s their third eye, always hyper-vigilant, always on the look out. he knows when to start a fight, and when it’s best to leave it alone. it’s nearly always best to leave it alone. he wrangles them all back in, keeping them safe so they don’t have to worry about injuries or repercussions or consequences. his job is to keep them safe, and keep them alive.
and yet, in auradon, with no brawls or street fights or leering parents or turf wars or rivals or enemies, what is there to protect them from? passive aggressive comments? pastels? afternoon tea? what is a guard dog with nothing to guard? jay has built his entire life, his entire self, around servitude. if it’s not his father, it’s his gang, always the helping hand and the shoulder to cry on (metaphorically, of course) and the reassuring presence. without any of that, he is nothing.
he is the thief that gives. the boy desperate to hold on to his only sense of purpose. it’s all he knows: give enough away and they might let you stick around. chameleonic, knowing exactly who to be where and when. the charmer, the heartthrob, the villain, the protector, the liar, the snake, the attacker. anything you need. he can be anything at all, as effortless as breathing.
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the-valiant-valkyrie · 4 months
i see a lot of interpretations of zor being this otherworldly, anomalous presence- larger than life, practically non-human. and i, too, like perceiving zor through this veil of anonymity. i think making them too tangible or perceivable really detracts from what's been established about their character.
but, i personally really, really like the thought of zor being human. mortal. but terrifying to the point where you'd be forgiven for forgetting it.
i think one of the things that i adored about ieytd before the third game dropped (and honestly made me a little disappointed when it was changed later on) was the fact that the agency never had a face. it just... was what it was. it had facets- granted, the EOD was always the only one of any relevance. but, really, think about what we know about the agency between all three games. compare that to how much we know about zoraxis.
there's something really appealing to me about zor being who they are... they're probably the most wealthiest person on earth. they had a monopoly that quite literally gripped the world in their first- as their emblem would suggest. they hire some of the most lethal minds in the world- chemists, inventors, engineers.
and yet... despite it all, they're just one person. to me, their anonymity is a shield against the fact they are a person. they hide behind the lethality and prowess of their elite operatives- not to mention we've seen how clever they can be when it came to manipulating prism. they're by no means useless.
but what would they be without their anonymity? what would they be without the weapons they didn't design, the lairs they didn't build, the employees they use as human shields? the second zor is gone, zoraxis crumbles. they are the support pillar of their entire corporation.
... but what's the agency's equivalent? even post morales being a character, can we be certain that he's the glue holding the entire organization together?
think about zoraxis' most lethal schemes. seizing control of the world's atomic weaponry. striking targets anywhere on earth's surface with a giant laser. exploding the brain of every telekinetic agent on the planet. are they really seeking to cause as much damage as possible- to the agency specifically, collateral, or otherwise?
or do they not know where to strike. zor's tactic- for as high the stakes have been escalating- has always carried a similar motif. cleave and strike indiscriminately until the threat is neutralized.
but it never works. zor is lashing at a hydra- sprouting new heads where the old ones have been lopped off. they don't seem aware of how to destroy the agency other than exterminating each and every one of them off the face of the earth, in whatever way is most convenient at the moment.
i just think there's something to be said about zoraxis- and by extension, zor- always being seen as this oppressive, near-otherworldly force, constantly applying pressure on phoenix... when for all we know, zoraxis could be perceiving the agency in the exact same light.
zor, ultimately, has one beating heart. the agency has thousands. and all of them are dispensable.
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uhbasicallyjustmilex · 8 months
four walls playlist
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soapcan18 · 11 months
Did you notice how when you first listened to Torches it sounded so fun? And then when you listened again and paid attention to the lyrics you realized it was about hate and using your beliefs to push hateful rhetoric? And you were surprised because “but this song is so upbeat and fun and the chanting and call-and-response only adds to that”? Surely with that big community of voices surrounding the narrator what they’re singing about isn’t that bad? Like how in real life being surrounded by others who share the same beliefs as you and glorify their actions makes it easier to go along with things and be brainwashed? In this essay I will—
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theultimatewildcard · 2 years
"Because I love you, B."
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i would love to be doing something productive right now but instead i am thinking about mark winters reptile biology
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hoodieimp · 6 months
I've never seen a single episode of Breaking Bad in my life so I'm just assuming this is Completely Accurate to the show
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xxlovelynovaxx · 10 months
Ah. "Animals rights" bullshit okay. Being animals that are not obligate herbivores and eating the flesh of other animals because of it is "oppressing" non-human animals. And they called out my comparing it to anti-choicers because "murder is different than death" okay well anti-choicers think abortion is murder. I don't happen to consider a human killing an animal for food murder any more than I consider an animal killing another animal for food murder, especially when as you pointed out yourself some people can't survive without meat.
Or is it a contract killing/hit on every animal You've ever eaten to survive? Are you just not a murderer because you paid not to get your hands dirty?
Like yeah it's fucking NATURAL. Humans aren't some wondrous ascended beings that don't crawl through the dirt. We fuck and fight and survive and yes, part of that survival for many is KILLING.
And it's good that you don't think people should be forced onto veganism because that would be as bad as the people who want to force all animals to eat synthetic meat and hunt via robots or whatever but my gods can you imagine telling someone who has been a vegetarian by choice for years for animal WELFARE purposes (not rights) who is vegan for disability reasons that they are "justifying the oppression of animals" and "killing animals for food is murder" when you literally can't go vegan for health reasons yourself? Okay murderer. Guess your life matters more than those oppressed animals.
Like sorry I'm going full "you're an asshole and I despise you and I'm genuinely sorry for myself that I thought we could be friends".
Like yeah the anti-choicer metaphor wasn't perfect. But it also got you to cut right to the heart of the matter. You are so divorced from humans as part of the ecosystem and food chain you genuinely believe we have some moral duty to not kill animals (but only animals, not plants or fungi, which are also living and have some measure of sentience) and to hold ourselves separate from the biosphere to the greatest extent possible.
That's just ecofascism 101. Are we gonna do the "any form of hunting or land management, even responsibly by indigenous stewards using traditional practices is bad" next? Or are we gonna avoid that one because you hopefully know better than THAT and simply think that removing humans from ONLY one part of the consumptive chain is ✨different✨?
For reference:
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Also where does "choosing to die" come in to this? I wasn't talking about euthanasia, I was talking about withdrawing the life support provided by a human body if the owner of that body stops consenting to providing it, therefore depriving a fetus dependent on that life support for survival of said survival. I'm pretty sure the fetus doesn't have a choice in the matter. (Whether or not it's "alive" doesn't have much to do with anything since it's been made pretty clear that medical autonomy in terms of mandated use of your body's parts or resources is unethical at ANY point. Even if you ARE killing it, we've determined that's the most ethical option.)
Also if we're going to make bullshit oppression claims why don't we talk about transspecies people who are obligate carnivores?
#literally I'm not a fucking legalist but no I don't believe murder in the sense of nonconsensual killing is always wrong#like self defense. hello.#like maybe my moral system is just built different but to call it oppression and make me out to be some kind of bigot?#come on. that's bullshit and you know it.#we're literally not talking about rights being taken away. also this is why animal welfare is such a better concept than animal rights#stop anthropomorphizing animals!! stop treating them like furry humans that can't speak!!#literally somehow both a veganism centrist and an 'animal rights' person at once#go yell at people for literally having a moral-spiritual belief system that encompasses eating animals as neutral somewhere else#oh and btw don't EVER fucking moralize any kind of food related consumption around me again that goes for everyone#meat is neutral. sugar is neutral. artificial sweeteners are neutral. preservatives are neutral. plants are neutral. fish are neutral. etc#some of these may be unhealthy for a given individual and their production under capitalism may be fucking harmful#but conceptually they are neutral and there are ways of making them physically so by changing the harmful systems#you can keep feeling bad about your oppression of poor animals or w/e. or maybe you don't feel bad idk#I happen to find that far more harmful than humans who want or need to eat meat - doing so - will ever be#thanks for the mask off moment where you decided it was actually okay to moralize food and survival#I'm so happy to say goodbye forever#(note: if you know who this is don't fucking harass them. I have them blocked and am being a bit nasty *bc* they can't see it)#(I don't want them to suffer. I just think they're a monumental asshole. gods know I'm one too.)#(let people be assholes 2k23 lol)
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Mage Ranks the JD2023E Map… Locked Out of Heaven
IT’S BLORBO TIME BITCHES. Um, I mean, we’re getting a bit dramatic now in our story line, as we meet Jack Rose, the flamboyant superstar son of our main villain!
MAP: Locked Out of Heaven - Bruno Mars DIFFICULTY: Medium EFFORT: Moderate JD+ NEEDED?: No SEASON: Base game/Enter the dancerverses playlist
Category Seven Autism Event inbound under the cut! Seriously, though, this one is long, ramble-y, and overall just a big excuse for me to infodump the fuck out of this map. It might not make a lot of sense, but putting it all down made me happy, so I hope it makes you happy to read it :)!
I don’t need to tell you this song is good, right? It’s Bruno fuckin’ Mars, of COURSE it’s good! This song was actually pre-Uptown Funk, and it’s honestly one of his best songs from that time. I actually hated a lot of early Bruno Mars stuff (Grenade my beloathed), but now he’s probably one of my favorite vocalists. So yeah, I don’t need to tell you the song fucks! You already know that!
However, it’s the way that this song is used that fascinates me. The original context of the song is just “wanting to spend the night at someone’s house because they’re real good in the sack”, and the JD team saw that and went “But What If It’s About Parental Neglect” and ran with it. During the second verse, Night Swan’s face keeps taking over the background, that’s supposed to just be reflections of Jack dancing. And during that final chorus, after the first gold move where Jack is on his knees, and Night Swan Tower reveals itself, the jumbotrons that had Jack’s face on it are replaced by the tower’s visage, as the chorus sings “I’ve been locked out of heaven/for too long/for too long” and it fades back to his room, right where we started. Hell, even before that, he’s pointing to the audience during the lines “Can I just stay here?/Spend the rest of my days here?”, telling us in pretty fucking clear terms that his passion isn’t what he’s supposed to do, but what he wants to do - perform. He’s been locked out of heaven for too long, he’s been kept away from the love a mother should express for her child. And now he’s trying to find that happiness in his performance.
Speaking of, the routine! It’s fucking great! I think it’s ranked pretty fairly in terms of difficulty and effort, but if I can be honest, I found this routine shockingly easy. It’s not the easiest thing in the world, but after the technical nightmare that was Rather Be, and the (slight spoilers) upcoming technical nightmare that is Majesty, I would consider LOoH as almost a breather level. Almost, I say, if it wasn’t for the FIFTEEN SPINS you have to land. Seriously, between the one leg spin-hop, the full circle he makes during the chorus, and even the spin you have to do before the final Gold Move, there’s a reason a lot of people were joking that this song should’ve been called “Spinned Out of Heaven”. But maybe it’s the theater kid in me (it’s probably the theater kid in me), I didn’t find the spins all that difficult or demanding. And both the Gold Moves in this routine are fairly easy, with one being the jump you have to do at the start of the final chorus, and the other being the final move in the entire song, the hand raise that you started with. If I had to complain about one thing, I would say that I wish they had you “holding” the microphone in your right hand more. It’s easy for me to imagine holding the mic while doing certain moves, the bridge of the song being the most obvious, but most of the time it’s “in” your left hand when the game only tracks your right hand. It’s just a bit of a dissonance in my head, where it goes “wait, but i AM holding something in the right hand, why are you saying there’s something in my left?!”. But at that point, that’s just a nitpick.
The whole choreography tells us so much about Jack as a dancer. He’s flamboyant, he’s a showman, he lives for the dramatics. He knows how to work a crowd! His stage presence is amazing.
Speaking of! Jack Rose! The blorbo that has ruined my fucking life!!!
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Quick note before I get into this... I’m not crazy when I say his name, Jack Rose, probably comes from the two main characters from Titanic, Jack and Rose, right?! No one else has pointed this out, not even the wiki, and I feel like I’m going fucking crazy. Like I know “Jack” is a very common guy’s name and “Rose” ties into the face his main color is red, but together? That’s a Titanic reference, baby! I’m not the only one who saw that, right?????
Anyways! Look at this man in his red suit, his stupid (affectionate) feather boa shoulder piece, his lipstick matching his hair, his gold glove, his stupid little microphone!!! All of this combined makes for one hell of a memorable character, at least for me. I love love love love LOVE monochrome character palettes, I love the mix of reds and blacks, I love it when random strappy things are on a character, I love a little pop of fur...
... wait a god damn second. Those are all the elements my ultimate blorbo of all time has!!!
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(pictured: my ultimate blorbo of all time, aka my warrior of light in final fantasy xiv, ahrora, in her current outfit. note the reds, blacks, strappy things, and pop of fur. no matter what, she’s always gonna be my absolute favorite just because she’s my oc i poured so much into. don’t worry rora, you’re not getting replaced, you never could be <3) (it doesn’t help that her main class is quite literally dancer ALDFSKJAS;DFLKJASLD)
Okay, that’s a bit of a stretch, but I do adore red-coded characters, and honestly with the feathers it’s reminding me of one of my top 5 favorite characters of all time, Yamato Kazakiri from Animal Sentai Zyuohger, mostly because they’re both red and both give off Bird Vibes and not much else. But Yamato could sometimes serve this type of cunt. But now we’re getting twenty miles off from the topic so let’s get back the fuck on track.
Okay I’m sorry this is so much longer and more disjointed than the other reviews but this map makes me scream cry and throw up.
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The map starts with Jack as a kid, dancing alone in his room. His mother, Night Swan, looks on, and motions in a way that says she’s disapproving of her son’s actions.
How it’s supposed to come off: Night Swan disapproves because Jack is supposed to be training to be the leader of her army, and shouldn’t have time for frivolous shit like “his own happiness”.
How it comes off to a lot of people: Night Swan disapproves because Jack is expressing his interest in a traditionally “feminine” hobby.
I’m not sure how many people related to that second interpretation, but I did see a LOT of people say that’s how they felt when they saw this cutscene for the first time. Personally, my interpretation was more like the first one; Jack wasn’t being absolutely perfect, and she thinks that if he’s not, he shouldn’t even bother. Of course, a bit of parental neglect never stopped anyone! It just traumatizes and yassifies you!
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Honest to god, when I first saw this transition from his child self to his adult self, it made me gasp a bit, Even after his mother has expressed disapproval, he’s still going forward with being a performer. Sure, he is the main leader of her assimilated army, but he just wants to perform in front of people! And he loves it! And the audience loves him too!
But at the end of the day, the one person who he just wants to get some form of approval from won’t give it to him. He’s not good enough.
No, not good. She doesn’t care much for good.
He’s not perfect enough.
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God, the love of performance and heartbreak over still not getting any love from his mother after all this time is portrayed so well by his dancer. Makes me feel extremely insane.
I think a question that’s fair to ask is “well if she wants Jack to follow all her orders, why not assimilate him, too?”. And I think the answer is twofold. One, she needs someone who’s able to make snap decisions outside of her own brain to lead her army successfully. If you’re left to your own devices, you may end up making a huge mistake you didn’t foresee. And secondly, no matter how much parental neglect she’s shown Jack, on some level she can’t bring herself to assimilate him because he is her son. She doesn’t care about his happiness, but she doesn’t want to lose someone who may potentially be the final tie to her life before Night Swan, since the dad seems to be M.I.A. And her disapproval of Jack being a performer might stem from her own insecurities of being a failed ballerina; she’s already gone through the pain and humiliation of trying to be a performer and failing, and she doesn’t want Jack to go through the same. Of course, there might be an element of jealousy there too. He IS a successful performer. He’s performing in front of an arena of people, for god’s sake! She’s seeing him live out a dream she couldn’t have, and wants to shut that down for him.
Many thoughts, head full, blorbo living in there.
Of course, by the end of the map, the Just Dancers make it through to where he’s staying...
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But for now, that’s where our story must stop.
Holy shit this is my favorite map in the whole game. I don’t give a shit. The choreography is fun and easy for a theater kid like me to grasp while still being genuinely challenging in a fair sense, the story of the map is told so well in less than five minutes, Jack Rose is just an iconic coach, everything about him just rattles my fucking brain like a cup of dice. Does he know how much I care about him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And to top it all off, he gets a song that already fucked hard and gets it recontextualized to be about an emotionally distant, neglectful mother, and how he just wants that closeness with somebody, anybody, and that he just wants to perform!
He just wants someone close to him to care about it, too!
... Is that really too much to ask?
THANK YOU for reading, especially if you actually DID read my absolute fucking brain rot on a page and didn’t just scroll down to the end. No shame if you did, I would do the same LMFAO. Next time, we’re looking at the penultimate song in the playlist, Majesty! There’s no obligation to follow me (especially not after the absolute thesis i just wrote), but if you wanna see my rankings of all the other JD2023 maps, please stick around! I promise they won’t be as long/disjointed/nonsensical as this one ended up being! Have a good day!
~ Mage <3
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ereborne · 16 days
Song of the Day: June 7
"STFU!" by Rina Sawayama
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late october
i could read fortunes by the twisting and unfurling of breath,
by the arrangement of veins under my skin
[longing like a baring of arteries] --
violet and blue and green and the hollow shape of her name.
an absence that drags the edges of my body inwards;
a collapsing of heat,
a folding of breath.
girl made god that does not die.
pull lightning from between my ribs.
make me something holy.
make me something wanted.
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