#amc iwtv Season 2 speculation
cbrownjc · 4 months
Helloo, what is your final guess/take on the episode 8, do you think we will see real Lestat in dubai holding or over or even close to Louis's burnt body or do you think we will only see Lestat waking up from the coma state? Reading your predictions gives me some relief on Loustat so thank you for sharing! <3
Hello! I'm glad you liked my predictions. 🙂
So I think what will happen in episode 2x08 will all depend on if we get some kind of visual confirmation before then regarding whether Lestat is in a coma-like sleep in the Al Shafar Tower or not.
Because I think that being revealed before the Merrick event happens would dictate which of the two things the show would do.
If we see Lestat in his coma-like state before (or during) Episode 2x08, then I think the final shot would just be Lestat opening his eyes. If we don't get a reveal of his coma-like state before that episode (or even in that episode), then I think it'll be Lestat there with Louis' burnt body -- or at least entering the room where Louis' burnt body is.
Because you don't want to confuse the audience whichever way you go. Suppose you don't reveal Lestat's coma-like state and just end with Lestat opening his eyes. In that case, you risk leaving the viewing audience, especially those who've never read the books, just rather . . . underwhelmed. ("Okay, so Lestat is somewhere and just woke up and . . . wait, that's it?")
So if the show does go with that scenario for an ending, Lestat's whereabouts -- and why he's "asleep" -- would not only have to be revealed first but explained a little bit at first as well, IMO. At least for it to have any real cliffhanger impact.
So, for that reason, at the moment, I lean more toward the second scenario being the one that happens -- which is Lestat being there or arriving in the place where Louis' bunt body is, and that being the first time we, the audience, see him.
Because I'm actually starting to think that the show is going to keep the info about Lestat's whereabouts in the modern day a mystery right up until the very last moment/episode. And him just "arriving" in Dubai at the end would still keep some of the mystery of where he's been all this time open to speculation going into Season 3.
Plus, given everything that is going on in Season 2 already, I don't know anymore if the show will have any time to actually exposition dump about why Lestat is in a "coma-like" state. Which you would very much have to do if you reveal that he's in that state beforehand; and especially if it is one related to the events of Memnoch the Devil which, for me, makes the most sense for it to be. (Armand knowing that he's immune to sunlight hints towards that timeline placement IMO.)
This is all based on the assumption that I'm correct that Season 2 is going to end with the Merrick event of course. 🙂
And I'm glad my predictions gave you some relief, you're welcome!
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aurabora · 6 months
i’m being so serious rn if assad zaman isn’t rawdogging eric bogosian on my tv screen in s2 i am going to raise anne rice from the grave and telling her that AMC is writing fanfiction and she needs to sue them
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loustat-0 · 4 months
These two moments hold details . The way that they have shot Armand's face in the important questions that both mentions " HER " . More other reasons I think Alice wasn't real but just Armand's replacement in Daniel's head & sets of memories Armand gave Daniel in the 70s or Maybe even later , a fake story of his life .
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creativelycomplex · 3 months
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Louis De Pointe Du Lac single girl era?!
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nightcolorz · 4 months
”if u think Lestat is bad wait until you see armand” “armand is like the big bad of the vampire chronicles” “louis is going from a rabid dog to a rabid wolf” —I can’t claim to know what direction they are taking armand in the amc show and it’s very possible that portrayals will differ, but armand of the books is a wide eyed pacifist who reacts with disproportionate violence in the way a former fighting dog becomes violently reactive. In qotd he pleads with Daniel to explain to him why men like to hurt people bcus the desire to seek out violence is something fundamentally un-relatable to him. In pl he explains that he doesn’t know what is wrong with him that causes him to act the way he does. He’s not a violent dog 💔 he doesn’t know why he bites 💔 /ref. Armand is very similar to Claudia in that it’s an over simplification to portray him as evil or malicious for his insane violent fucked up evil behavior bcus he was raised to be that way, and was cruelly stripped of any choice or opportunity to be better. I don’t think it’s unreasonable to theorize about fucked up things armand will/is doing in amc iwtv but I do think it’s a huge mischaracterization to suggest he is willfully malicious or uniquely evil in the books and that is why he is probably deceitful in the show. I’d argue that not only is Lestat a “worse person” in the books then armand, but so is Louis, and armand is fairly well meaning in comparison to a lot of the cast
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inkyblotposts · 5 months
Guys!!! 🔥 RottenTomatoes has now got the first 7 episode titles in order! Oh nooo look at ep 7 we are not gonna survive 😭 What do we think of this order? Is it what we expected?
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k1tae · 3 months
I love that you can go back to Ep 7 of IWTV & see that Armand directed the trial "play". Lestat using the words "I can say that now," after complimenting Claudia on being an artful predator, & Armand saying the same words after The Interview is over about Lestat loving Louis. I mean, I feel like Lestat did like Claudia's ruthlessness and skill as a vampire, but those words exactly were not his own. This makes me even more intrigued about Armand's character, like how fucked up is this man??!
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iliveinarainbow · 3 months
ok i might be spiraling here but it’s pretty clear to me that armand was perfectly fine with the coven killing claudia and madeleine, but specifically claudia bc she was in the way.
he wasn’t powerless, he was in on it.
a common tactic with abusers is to isolate their victim so that they become emotionally dependent on them bc they’re all they have.
and also so that no one will intervene when they abuse their victim, and the latter will have no one to turn to.
claudia not only reminded armand of lestat, which is not good, but she was also incredibly protective of louis, and she was not afraid to report back whenever she felt the coven (including armand himself) had done something wrong.
she was not scared to speak her truth and be honest with louis in an attempt to wake him out of this spell his relationship with armand had seemingly put him under.
yes claudia’s existence broke the coven’s rules, but if armand had wanted to he could’ve taken them out, and yet he did not.
claudia was in the way of his fucked up relationship with louis, and madeleine sadly for her was just kinda there.
armand needed louis isolated to fully take control of his life and its narrative, and 70 something years later, we see that he succeeded.
until my pookie daniel got there and started poking holes in their “perfect marriage”, icon.
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thebeetleb0y · 4 months
I think it’s so interesting how important it was to Louis that Daniel knows that he didn’t mean for photos that weren’t his to be in those portfolios. That Daniel understands that he would never try to pass someone else’s work off as his. And I have two theories as to why that is(well I think both are true at the same time tbh).
Theory One:
Those pictures are the one thing that he’s actually done for himself because he wanted to since becoming a vampire. I mean think about it. He was clearly very passionate about his photography. Proud of it! He was showing it to other professionals for their opinions. He picked it up on his own with no influence from Lestat or Claudia or Armand. He just enjoyed it. Now some could argue that it’s just him holding on to the remnants of his humanity and that’s true to an extent but I genuinely believe that he also just enjoyed having a hobby to himself again that he had discovered on his own. I mean think about it, he only gave it up because of Claudia and Armand. So for someone(Armand maybe?) to have put work in there that wasn’t his for Daniel to look at and assume is his feels like an invasion of him.
Theory Two:
Louis knows something isn’t right. He knows his memories aren’t entirely his. He knows there’s gaps missing. Things that don’t add up. Dates that don’t add up. That’s why he chose Daniel again. He could have chosen anyone else but he chose Daniel. Why? Because he knows at least subconsciously that Armand won’t just kill Daniel like he would anyone else. That Daniel can actually get to the bottom of things and get the truth surfaced. So when he noticed there were pictures in there that weren’t his he knew he had to draw extreme attention for it to Daniel. Even draw attention to Armand’s possible involvement in the situation. He knows Daniel is remembering, and he wants Daniel to remember so that he can help Louis remember.
Mind you these are all theories and all assuming that any of the story we’ve been told so far is true at all. They’re all liars and omit whatever they want to omit until called out. I just am so excited to see where this goes
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cbrownjc · 6 months
"I'm the quiet you've been longing for." Or, in other words, Gentleman Death.
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So yeah, there are people, rightly, laughing at Armand calling himself the "quiet" that Daniel's been longing for because if you know anything about their relationship, particularly with how it started, it was anything but quiet. Quite the opposite in fact.
But see, I think, when it comes to the moment in the image above, that is actually the whole point. Because this moment isn't from some point when they are romantically together. I think this moment is from when they first really meet and speak to each other after Polynesian Mary's. More importantly, I think this is sometime after Armand had stopped Louis from killing Daniel.
There is a great observation/analysis post here that notes the clothes both Armand and young Daniel are wearing, and how they match up to what they were wearing that night when they first encountered each other at Polynesian Mary's. So this moment above being either later that same night, or maybe even the next night after Louis attacked Daniel matches up.
And this moment is very much Armand offering Daniel an "easeful death." Namely, killing him, probably because of what happened with Louis. Armand likely only stopped Louis from doing so because he knew Louis would feel guilty about it later, as Louis doesn't actually like to know anything about his victims before he kills them. So Armand likely stepped in and stopped Louis to spare him from that and such guilt.
However, Armand probably also thinks Daniel now knows too much to risk letting him live. And so is going to kill him himself. And I think what we are seeing here, above, is one of the ways Armand will sometimes present himself to his victims. And I think it is something he learned from Lestat, which is to be "Gentleman Death."
It's been noted by the writers of the show that they were looking to drawn things from Anne Rice's short story, Interlude with the Undead, for Armand in Season 2. (A short story, btw, which you can read online here and here.) And, of course, the line about "easeful death" that we hear in the trailer can be found in that short story, not once but twice:
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But if you notice, during the first passage, Armand also talks about being "Gentleman Death." The same exact thing Lestat said to Armand to explain his outlook on being a vampire during the time period when they first met; and basically upending Armand's entire worldview (and cult) under Les Innocents.
From The Vampire Lestat:
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From Interlude with the Undead:
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From the opening of Interlude with the Undead, we know that this whole short story was actually Louis telling Daniel something Armand had told him. Well, I think not only has the show cut out the middleman on that, but I think what they are about to do is show how very much Armand, in his own way, embraced Lestat's Gentleman Death mission statement for a time. Probably for a long time.
In the show, I think we are going to see Lestat give Armand his Gentleman Death monologue during the scene when these two images happen:
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And I think, by the time Louis encounters Armand in Paris, we will see that he has, in his own ways and methods, adapted to that ethos of being Gentleman Death.
However, time does march on. And I do think Armand will begin to see presenting himself as such is beginning to not fit with the times he is now in. But it will still be one of the things he still will present himself as.
At least until Daniel.
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Because I really do think when Armand presents himself in this way to Daniel, being a "quiet" (ie death) that he says Daniel has been longing for? Daniel is going to flat-out reject that.
Because Daniel doesn't want to die, no matter how many drugs he takes or the reckless behavior he may sometimes exhibit (during this point in time). What Daniel really wants is to live forever. The reason Louis attacked Daniel as he did was because Daniel asked Louis to make him immortal.
Death? Quiet? Hell no. Give Daniel Molloy immortality, thank you!
So Daniel is going to ask the same thing of Armand he asked of Louis. Which is for Armand to make him immortal.
And just like in the book? Armand is, at first, going to be taken aback. And then, intrigued by this brash (and beautiful) human:
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This human whom Armand is sure is going to go completely mad at some point by the knowledge that vampires actually exist. But hasn't gone mad, no not yet:
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So yeah, I feel that the "quiet you've been longing for" moment in the trailer is the moment when Armand presents himself as his own version of "Gentleman Death" and it flat-out doesn't work, probably for the first time ever. And that it doesn't work with Daniel is what starts The Chase between them in the show's universe; the show leaving out the 3-days or so that Armand locked Daniel in a cage before that, of course.
And all because of something Armand has been doing since Lestat first upended his life under Les Innocents centuries ago did not work on this one particular mortal. So, instead, Armand let him go to chase him instead.
And to hell with trying to seduce this human with promises of "quiet" because that sure as hell didn't work last time.
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aurabora · 4 months
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loustat-0 · 4 months
It's interesting when Louis said him and Armand can still figure out if Alice is even thinking about him now at all ? And then Armand immediately offering going back to the interview . ( Possibly because there is no Alice and he was Alice ) 👀
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nightcolorz · 4 months
wait. Imagine in iwtv s2 Daniel is prodding at armand and trying to get him to open up about his past for the interview and armand says “why would I share these things with you? You have given me no reason to trust you.” Cuz it just slips out and Daniel kind of just looks at him like oh….oh. Oh boy
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“i am the quiet you've been longing for.”
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AND THAT'S A SCREENSHOT FROM THE VIDEO. guys i don't even know, like wow, i am... wow
(PLEASE check meeb90's video by yourself, there are things about louis, claudia, santiano, madeleine and some gorgeous images... oh lord)
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This scene was so poignant and I feel really shapes their relationship. They are both at a loss in what they do and who they are and what they want now. And we definitely see how the choices they made here affect their relationship in the modern day. ( Yes I'm letting the tale seduce me, you are supposed to people! )
But also anyone want to join my hate Marius club? I hate that way he walks, the way he talks, the way he dresses.
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theatrevampire · 7 months
how i sleep cycling through my 100000 theories about iwtv s2 knowing i'm probably wrong about all of them but i'm still gonna enjoy the season anyway
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