#america x chile
invaderfromhell · 4 months
USA y México pt.2
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(No me dejan procrastinar augusto chinga xd)
Primer duelo de ambos norteamericanos... Declaraciones
First duel of both Americans.... Declarations of love
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USA: Hey dude, will you come with me to Super Bolt?
Great, Come pick me up at home at 5:00 pm
México: On the count of three, we do it just as we rehearsed!
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river-blue · 7 months
On today’s edition of River’s mental illness, I’ve made ch fankids! Despite previously thinking they were stupid!
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zoetheflower006 · 2 years
Aquí, la ultima parte del reto me divertí dibujando este mes con cosas nuevas ^^ ~
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buckaroosboogara · 8 months
Hi! Just wanna raise some awareness here because South America is on fucking fire and I need to see more people talking about this.
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Source: RSOE EDIS x
Im just going to talk about the ones i'm closest to, but if you know about these fires, feel free to add in the reblogs!
In Chile there's (up to Feb 5) 160 wild fires, of which 40 are still trying to be controlled by authorities. The president, Gabriel Boric, has declared State of Emergency in the whole country, and theres a Red Alert Code in most part of the country.
Isla de Chiloé, Southern Chile (900 km away from Santiago de Chile)
This is a (recently controlled) fire that lasted a week, but many neighborhoods were burnt to the ground.
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The whole South is in red alert for constant sudden fires that spread quickly due to the lack of rain and the elevated temperatues in the zone. Just today, two fires had to be controlled in the main land next to this island, and more are being reported in the Los Lagos region. This is added to the "controlled" intentional fires that farmers make to clean their fields of old crops along the Central-South parts of the country, mostly surrunding the main route, Ruta 5, that connects the whole country, thus making it hard to see and breathe because of the smoke. (flashnews, most of them get out of control quickly.)
Valparaiso/Viña del Mar, Central Chile (100 km away from Santiago de Chile)
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A fire that started on Friday 2nd and grew exponentially because of the wind and the dry, hot climate. More than 100 people are dead, with 70 unrecognized bodies and other 400 that have dissapeared. At least 30000 people that have lost everything to the fire.
There's massive evacuations from this and the neighboring city, Viña Del Mar.
This is said to be the second most deadly fire in the century, surpased by Australia in 2009.
45000+ hectares that include land and neighborhoods have been burnt down.
I could go on about this one, so more info here and here
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Parque Los Alerces (Esquel), Chubut
The fire strarted on the 25th January, and the climate has made it hard to contain. 3000 hectares of native forest have been burnt to teh ground. It is now growing in the direction of the nearest city, Esquel. Theres been evacuations between yesterday and today (4 and 5th Febuary)
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Parque Nahuel Huapi (Bariloche), Río Negro
The reason why im writing this. The city woke up today covered in smoke after a wildfire developed yesterday during the night. The reason? A fireplace that was not turned off in a place where people cannot disembark and can only be reached via boats.
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As of now, there's not much information about the fire but hopefully the firefighters will be able to contain it before it reaches Tronador Mountain, where an ancient glaciar is.
...which leads me to the other point i wanted to talk about.
They volunteer to do this job.
In Argentina and Chile, firefighting is not rewarded with a salary, and most of the times they dont even have full firehouses to stay in. These people are at their houses, ready to jump into action and run to the station the second the alarm goes off.
They are neighbors, people that risk their lives and run into danger willingly, just because they want to help the community.
I felt the need to give a shout-out to these people and say:
Don't be a fucking dick, don't start fires in the woods unless it's an approved place, and if you do, TURN IT OFF.
Pour abundant water on it, and do not stop when you don't see any more flames.
Keep pouring water until the ashes don't burn/feel like room temperature in your hand if you put it 10 cm away from it, and even then, pour some more just to be sure.
No heat and no smoke mean a safely extinguished fire.
Save lives and forests.
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It's time y'all.
Let's talk about HOBIE & RACE
- It is not problematic to say that Hobie would display black solidarity by finding black women in specific attractive.
- It is not problematic to say that Hobie would possibly like a partner who could understand his experiences with racism.
- It is not problematic to say he would possibly like a partner who understands how to take care of his hair, or shares the same hair texture.
- It is not problematic to say that Hobie would find beauty in features specific to the black race - when we have been told those features are undesirable in every way for centuries.
We gotta talk about how Colorblindness is forced on Black Characters - Hobie in Specific
Y'all - it's time we have a VERY VERY overdue conversation about Hobie Brown and Race.
Because it is a necessary one.
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Hobie Brown, The Black!Reader, & Representation -
aka Black people are not Colorblind - and neither is Hobie Brown -
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[let Diane hop on the mic right quick Chile]
Stop acting like Black Fictional Characters would be colorblind.
Black people can't be colorblind, because our color is weaponized against us from birth. We HAVE to see race - because we have to protect ourselves and know our own history
So when we decide to make spaces specifically for us - spaces where black people and black women in specific can be desired and uplifted, I don't see why people have a problem with it.
Hobie Brown loves, yes. But he also lives in 1978. Racial segregation was outlawed in his country in 1965.
Hobie Brown loves, but he's also a black guy who grew up under racial segregation and racism. He's a black guy who fights cops.
The Writers made Spiderpunk - The Spiderperson who fights oppressive cops - black for a REASON.
The Writers chose to have a black guy save Miles for a REASON. To uplift black people.
Writers here on Tumblr made Black!Readers black for same reason.
If Black Lives Matter doesn't mean White Lives Don't Matter -
Then 'Hobie Brown finds black chicks especially attractive' DOESN'T mean 'white women are unattractive'. This isn't about y'all.
And even for the people that say Hobie would like ONLY black people - okay??? They can say that - it's a literal headcanon.
It's not true if you don't want it to be. You don't have to believe it.
But seeing Black people be protective of a black character, and making black content for other black fans - and then saying 'what - stop that. that's wrong. break this up so I can join'
BEFORE you question why they do it - NOT COOL.
That's like asking for more Captain America in Black Panther. Like ?????
That's like hearing a Riot Grrrl say 'All the women to the front!!' and going 'Uhh, all genders are equal, why can't the men stand in the front too?'
Like yes, all genders are equal. But also - This isn't about them. It's about representation.
Stop preaching equality when we're asking for representation.
Cause there are dozens, hundreds, of white characters who only have white on-screen romances.
And their fandoms do not write black!readers. They do not care enough to say 'oh the show isn't representing this, let us do it.'
The media nor the fandom represent black women. They are an afterthought, always.
And you never see posts for them like -
'Dean Winchester loves black women. Dean Winchester loves latinas -'
When it's a white character only dating white women, with xReaders that always imply whiteness, y'all never call for diversity. At all.
You wouldn't make this post for Miguel.
But when it's a black character and someone suggests they only date black women, or people begin to write xReaders that imply blackness instead of your default-
Suddenly you care about diversity.
Because the first time, you're not represented.
Because let's be honest. Let's be real. No one is writing Hobie x White!Reader. Barely anyone is writing Hobie x Latina!Reader.
It's the Black!Reader you have a problem with. Let's just say it.
Allow black people to have their space, without unfairly calling for 'diversity'.
(aka the right to access to black safe spaces, comfort characters, and labor)
Hobie is an attractive, educated black guy who fights and protects people from the aggressors we ourselves genuinely fear everyday.
He is a character like we've never had before. He has so much emotional weight to us.
Let us enjoy him as we please. We aren't hurting anyone else.
We're just not catering to you. We don't have to.
If a black person wants to center Hobie's love on Black people, they have the right.
And I'm not saying you can't write him with a race neutral or even a White!Reader. Go ahead and write that if you want but just know-
1) If you want to write him with an explicitly white or non-black reader - you should approach the topic of race. You should approach and mention the cultural differences. Him going through racism. Don't erase that because you think it makes your writing ugly or sad.
And if you don't put it in, your erasing the reality and black experience because you find something wrong or uncomfortable about it.
2) If you want to write a race neutral reader - make sure they're really race neutral. Don't include details about hair texture, hairstyle, or skin color.
3) If you are asking black writers for requests - do not get mad if they make the request Black.
You cannot get mad at a black writer for interjecting their own experience when writing about a black character. You're basically asking them to strip their blackness from their writing so you can enjoy it more.
Why should they have to second guess and dial back their blackness when we're expected to do that everywhere? If they want to take a break, and write Black!Readers they can.
3) Understand that the black people are going to keep their safe spaces. And they're going to keep Hobie in their corner.
Because honestly, and I'm going to put this brazenly:
Hobie Brown as a character - and what he represents - means more to black fans than it does nonblack fans.
Does that mean he doesn't matter to y'all? No, not at all. Hobie absolutely holds real emotional weight and meaning to you on multiple levels.
But please understand, for black people - we connect to Hobie on an emotional, often trauma-fueled front.
One that you'll never understand.
There is a level that we connect with him on that nonblack people can't. As a dark skinned black guy, a black guy with natural hair, an alt black guy,
As a black guy who has canonically faced police brutality on-screen
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To you, this screenshot is most likely Hobie flipping the camera off, edgy and punk. It's funny, tongue in check. ACAB and all that.
To us, this screenshot is of Hobie - a low income black guy - being physically restrained by police and refusing to stop even when they're taking his mugshot. It's a black guy openly flipping off the police and fighting them off and refusing to go down no matter how much they beat him and he's winning YES
After so many videos over SO many years of cops doing that to black men and them.. not winning.
And them just dying and us having to watch. And add another name to list.
When you see his laces, you most likely think ACAB.
When we see his laces, we see that he's a black man who took on a cop and lived to tell the tale. Which is a RARITY.
Because many of them lose the battle.
For us, the context and connection are completely different.
Fanfiction may just be a way for you to kiss up on random characters or comfort yourself, but for us - that's not the case.
For us, fanfiction is a way to show our experiences and features in a media and world that has collectively ignored them. Shunned them, called them ugly.
Maybe make a post or send an ask to a creator - and ask what Black!Readers mean for them, why they find it important.
Hobie Brown likes Black Girls.
He finds them beautiful. He likes wide lips and broad noses and kinky hair. He loves melanin, and brown skin in the sunlight, and seeing a them in a silk bonnet in the morning.
He loves not having to explain his culture, sharing coconut oil and shea butter. He likes seeing waist beads. He likes people who speak AAVE, with twang in their talk.
He likes ghetto black girls with the acrylic nails. He likes Stallions 6 foot tall. He likes masc girls. And fem ones. He loves black nonbinary people because we do not have to cosign to colonialist ideas of gender. And he loves him some black men too - a good fade will make him go crazy, he loves men with long locs and pretty smiles.
Hobie Brown finds the beauty in Black People that have been erased and demonized again and again by White Society.
Hobie Brown holds blackness dear. And he wants black people to do well.
Hobie Brown loves Black People. Hobie Brown loves Black Girls.
And that's on, what?
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This has been a PSA from Diane Pastors. Y'all stay blessed out there 😌💗
Anyway what y'all wearing to carnival since we going to carnival and cropover and labor day with Hobie and bringing out all the flags. 🇧🇧🇧🇧 I'm bringing him to cropover in Barbados yeah I said it we're all going to carnival with him.
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Buried Secrets Teaser
Frankie Morales x OFC ||| Main Masterlist
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Good evening my lovelies,
I'm at it again...I've hinted at a Frankie series for A WHILE now, so I'm yeeting this out there and committing to it. This will be the next big project after Closed Position is complete. I've started my usual prep work and research and I'm pretty excited about it.
If you know me, you know I'm a history nerd and I love ancient civilizations. The Mummy is my all time favorite movie, so of course I have the urge to write an epic adventure series with one of our favorite Pedro boys, Frankie.
Some random info:
Takes place after the events in Triple Frontier (this is my version of part 2 😂).
The guys are now running their own private security business.
They haven't gone back to get the money (yet).
Frankie and his lady have split because she is over his shit.
Frankie got his pilots license back (no more drugs).
Frankie is in charge this time, but Pope cons them all into another stupid idea
Frankie does finally get his fucking money and falls in love.
The OFC, Mya, is sort of a bad ass.
Mya and Frankie will have an enemies to lovers type relationship.
The guys perpetually give Frankie hell over the "hot archeologist".
Mya is searching for the lost City of Paititi. This is a real Incan legend. We are about to see how creative I can get with it. 😬
The guys learn that their past actions with Lorea have caused a ripple effect that extends well beyond them.
This one is obviously going to be a lot different than my previous fics. Hopefully you will join me on this little adventure.
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Summary: After the harrowing events in South America, Frankie and the guys have returned home and opened their own private security business. They're eventually approached by an archeologist, named Mya, who is requesting their specialized services for an archeological expedition in the Amazonian jungle of southeastern Peru, hours away from where they stashed Lorea's money just over the border in the mountains of northern Chile.
Frankie is hesitant to accept the job, but with Pope's insistence this could be their cover to go back for the money, he relents. However, Frankie soon learns their new job assignment only further puts them and his new love interest in danger in an unexpected way as they set out to find the lost Incan city of Paititi.
👉 Warnings: smut (MDNI), angst, mentions of mental health struggles, there are bad guys with weapons (gun violence, physical violence, death). Frankie Morales comes with his own warnings.
✨If you would like to be added to the tag list for this fic once it gets underway, let me know in the comments.
Tagging my usuals, feel free to tell me to fuck off if you're not interested. 😏
NP Tags: @alokaerza @angelofsmalldeath-codeine @annalovesflorida @annieispunk @auteurdelabre
@avastrasposts @babycatkitty @bitchwitch1981 @bunniboo0015 @burntheedges 
@cakipy-blog @chaoticfestninja @copperhalfcent @darkheartgatita @fifitheragertot
@for-a-longlongtime @girlofchaos @guelyury @gwendibleywrites @harriedandharassed
@hisandsnakes @imdrinkingpedro @indiegirlunited @inkmonster21 @jackie923
@jazzloveslatte @jeewrites @jessthebaker @katw474 @knownasyami 
@legendary-pink-dot @madnessofadaydreamer @maried01 @missladym1981 @misstokyo7love
@musings-of-a-rose @myloveistoolittle @partyofone3413 @pasc4lfuzz @pastelnap 
@poodlebae @quicax3 @readingiskeepingmegoing @rebel-held @rhoorl 
@runningmom94 @samiamproductions @sandaltoesocks @senorabond 
@sherala007 @sin-djarin @stevie75 @sunnytuliptime @survivingandenduring 
@themonadiaries-blog @timpletance @titlee78 @tkchaos @toomanystoriessolittletime
@trulybetty @txlady37 @wannab-urs @weho2kcmo @yghuibt
@lady-bess @nerdieforpedro @din-cognito @joels-darlin
Folks who interacted with my last Frankie fic: @eff4freddie @maryfanson @christinamadsen @morallyinept @sonnestrandmeer
@76bookworm76 @lizzie-cakes @jensensational71 @suziesc @cheekychaos28
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catbread0 · 1 month
hai hello hi :3 can i req sebastian x (GN) reader that knew him before everything happened to him, and reunites in the site !! i feel he'd be happy they're alive but also Not happy they're even there in the first place :3c (i like angst hehehe)
Sebastian Solace x Gn! Reader
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Ty for the request!I'm sorry for any grammar mistakes. Hope you enjoy reading it!
Words: 3,363
fluff, angst, comfort, happy ending, a few curse words, mention of death, SPOLIERS ON SEBITAINS FILES.
All the information I found is from the official Pressure wiki, urbanshade.org!! NOT FANDOM WIKI (MOST STUFF ON THEIR IS NOT CORRECT, PLEASE CHECK THE OFFICIAL WIKI!!) (Note: I made this before the friendly fire update came out)
Sebastian Solace Masterlist
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Rekindled Joy
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It was 2011, and school had started again in America. You were 18, and you had begun to major in ____ in your college. It was a new chapter in your life. It's been at least 2 months into your school year. It was currently a Friday, and it was after school. You were waiting for your friend so you could hang out and you heard your phone ping a notification from them.
“Sorry I can't hang out today as planned. A family emergency happened. Rn rushing to the hospital.”
Great, now you were just waiting there on the benches, looking like a moron. You were about to walk away when you heard the tune of an electric guitar playing in the distance. Curiosity got the better of you. It's not like you had anything else to do today, so what's the harm?
You walked to where you heard the electric guitar coming from, and soon you found the person who was playing it. You stood at a distance away, but you stayed to keep listening to the guy playing while sitting on a bench. He had black hair and blueish green eyes, he also had a nose scar, and he looked to be around 5 '10".
He soon noticed you and stopped playing. Now awkward tension filled the air, as you two stared at each other.
You broke the tension by speaking first, “Are you in a band? You play well.”
He was stunned by your comment, “Not really, I’m minoring in music. I'm majoring in business, but I don't enjoy it, so I'm planning to change it to engineering”
You both soon start to talk to each other and become friends that day. You found out that he's the same age as you, and the both of you exchanged phone numbers to continue talking to each other. You both continued to talk to each other. Time passed by quickly, and it’s been around 3 months since you both started talking. 
He soon asked you to be in a relationship with him, and you said yes. You’ve both been dating for a year, and you couldn’t be happier for him to be your boyfriend. You both had your first date, kissed, etc. 
You both had your embarrassing moments together, like when you both got caught making out by his parents coming home early. You both got scolded, of course.
He taught you things about his country, Chile, since he is Chilean-American. You both met each other's family. His family was happy for him to be in a relationship. His older sister and little brother found you fun to hang around with. 
He was anxious when he was going to meet your parents for the first time. He was nervous that they would disapprove of him due to him being from Chile. (If you're from one of Chile’s neighboring countries, he would probably try to make an excuse. (If you don't know Chile’s neighbors don't like them that much due to their history with them.))
Thankfully, everything turned out great for both of them. Soon, you both finished what you were majoring in college. 
It is now 2013, you and Sebastian are both 20 years old and live in an apartment since you thought it was time for the next step in the 2-year relationship. 
However, one faithful day would change everything….
You were back home waiting for Sebastian to come home. You then heard a knock on the door. You walk over to the door, thinking it was Sebastian and that he had forgotten his keys again.
But when you opened the door, it was 2 police officers.
One of them asked, “Excuse me ma’am but do you happen to have any connections with a man named Sebastian Solace?”
You were taken back but answered the officer, “Yes, I’m his partner of 2 years. What happened!? Is he hurt? Is he ok!? Is he dead!?”
Negative scenarios started to enter your head. Why else would the officer be here at your door!?
“Calm down, Miss, don’t worry he’s not dead. However, you may want to take a seat before we explain the situation that's about him.”
You were in the living room sitting with the 2 police officers sitting across from you.
“Your boyfriend, Sebastian Solace, is in the police’s custody for the murder of 9 people”
…Your blood ran cold after those words. There was no possible way. You know Sebastian wouldn’t kill people. You’ve never seen him act suspicious recently, or even ever. This must be a cruel prank, right!? He isn’t a murderer!? He wouldn’t lie to you, right?
The police’s voices were tuned out by your ears as you tried to get a grip of yourself. Soon, they leave your apartment after giving you notes for when to go to the station to be questioned. 
As soon as you closed the front door, you felt your legs give up on you as you fell to the ground. You cried for what seemed like hours without an end. Your whole world had collapsed underneath you. What were you supposed to do now without him? You had everything planned with each other. It's now all down the drain.
You went to sleep crying, already missing his warmth. It was now tomorrow morning, and you went to the police station, so the police and detectives could begin questioning you. As you answered every question, truthfully, you were given tissue paper for your tears. The officers could tell you had no part in these murders and pitted you for having a monster for a boyfriend. But you knew Sebastian wasn’t behind these murders. He wasn't a monster. 
Once you finished the questions, they took you to a room with Sebastian cuffed up to the table. You could tell he was furious, most likely from the detectives trying to make him ‘confess’ to the murders. But once he saw you across from him, his face changed completely to regretful. He was explaining to you what happened and that he didn't do the murders. You told him that you believed him. You both talked briefly before an officer said the detectives wanted to keep questioning him. 
You gave Sebastian one last kiss before you left the room.
After a few days, he was taken to court for his sentence, cameras everywhere in the court, and everyone was watching the TV to see what ‘justice’ would be taken for these 9 victims that the ‘mass killer’ did. You went to the court, and you tried to convince the judge that Sebastian was innocent. However, it all fell on deaf ears, and in the end, he was sentenced to be executed. You heard everyone's cheer as the ‘mass killer’ was taken away by the police. You had tried to run towards him, but the police held you back, as you yelled and cried out to Sebastian. All Sebastian could do was look back at you before the doors closed behind him. 
After that day, you were harrassed by news stations almost everywhere you went.
“Did you know that Sebastian Solace was murdering people behind your back?”
“How come you didn’t suspect him of anything?”
“Are you happy that justice was severed?”
“How does it feel being with a cold-blooded murderer like him?”
Question after question, you were still processing about him being sentenced to execution. You couldn’t even visit him, due to him being in ██████ High-Security Prison. 
After some months, a police officer was at your door. He told you that Sebastian Solace’s execution had taken place, that he is now pronounced dead, and that you can collect his ashes that are in a sealed urn, along with his death certificate. You immediately went to the police station and collected the urn with his ashes and his death certificate.
You came back home with the urn and immediately felt like someone stabbed you in the heart as you placed down the urn. You still didn’t want to accept that he was gone from the world. 
You spent days on end crying your heart out. Every newspaper and news channel was saying how ‘justice’ was brought to the world. You kept voicing that he was innocent and that you knew that he wasn’t responsible for the 9 murders. However, everyone believed that it was the first stage of grief, denial, that you are experiencing. 
You planned his funeral, you, his parents, his older sister and little brother, your parents, and a few more of his family members who believe he was innocent, attended. After his funeral, you visited him every once a week, with fresh flowers every time, and sometimes brought tobacco, not for you, but to leave at his gravestone since he smoked it when he was alive.
After 2 years, it is now late 2015, and you are 22 years old. You turned on the news channel since you just got off work.
“Shocking turn of events today, it's been found that Sebastian Solace, the ‘murderer’ of 9 victims that took place 2 years ago. Was not the actual killer and was falsely charged. The killer is now in the police’s custody, and his court date is in 1 month.” 
…You felt the feeling of adrenaline fill your body. You were correct, Sebastian, your boyfriend, was not the murderer. Yet no one heard your words. Because you were his partner and ‘that's what almost any partner of a killer would do’.
You decided to take justice into your own hands for your dead boyfriend. You knew that the sentence for the killer would most likely not be executed, like Sebastian, because it is considered too ‘inhumane’ now.
You waited patiently for the court day to arrive, and once it was the day, you grabbed a long coat and hid a revolver in the pocket. Thankfully, it was the middle of winter, meaning you wouldn't be looking out of place with your coat. 
You sat in the front row, close to where the real killer would be standing to defend his case. It felt as if you went back to the time you cried out to Sebastian in court. Cameras were everywhere in the court. Everyone was watching the TV to see the so-called ‘justice’ for the real killer, again. 
Once the killer came out and stood where he was supposed to, you immediately took out the revolver and shot 6 times, 4 of them hitting the killer, and he died on the scene.
You were immediately cuffed up and put in jail. But, you didn’t care. Justice was finally served in your eyes. 
A life for a life. 
You were sentenced to 40 years in prison due to 1st-degree murder, having a firearm in court, putting multiple people in danger, and traumatizing possible children who could have been watching in person or not.
You were put in  ██████ High-Security Prison, the same prison your boyfriend was serving in until his execution. 
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It is now 2025, and you are still an inmate of  ██████ High-Security Prison. You have served 10 years of your 40-year sentence. You are now 32 years old. It has been 12 years since you last saw Sebastian in his court case.
Today, 3 men from the Urbanshade corporation, escorted by heavily armed guards, arrived at the prison.
They were searching for draftees to help them retrieve a crystal of sorts, a highly important asset that they weren’t able to secure during a major security breach in one of their facilities. They stated that the risk of death was very high, but whoever could retrieve the asset and return it to them, would be pardoned, released with a cleared record, and receive a huge amount of cash. 
You saw that many inmates had signed up. You didn’t sign up. You didn't trust these strange men that came out of the blue.
Multiple days went by, and inmates were still signing up. You were surprised that no one was able to retrieve the crystal that they were talking about. You soon caved in and signed up. 
If you were able to get the crystal and get out of this prison, you would be able to see your boyfriend's gravestone again. 
It took a while to arrive due to the place being in the Norwegian Sea, and soon, everyone was gathered up. You were all given a jumpsuit and a Prisoner Diving Gear, also called PDG. 
Everyone was told that the PDG is a diving backpack outfitted with a remotely detonated modified shotgun shell that works underwater and is pointed directly at the inmate user's neck. They would only give the inmate user 2 chances, and if they messed them up, then the HQ or stationed guards would flip the switch, and the shotgun would go off. They showed the list of the reasons why they would flip the switch to kill you.
You were all also told that a monster called Z-13, and that he is incredibly dangerous, that he is to be killed on sight, and they described what he looks like. 
After everything was explained, everyone went their way. Some went solo, some went in duos, some in groups of 4 or bigger. You decided to go by yourself, not wanting anyone to mess you up.
After some time, you arrive at Hadal Blacksite, exiting the submarine, and hear HQ through the intercom. He gave a brief rundown about the keycards, monsters, closets, and warnings of this monster called Z-13 again.
You soon begin your journey to find the crystal. While you were passing through the rooms, you noticed that there was no blood or anything. It's already been a few days since inmates signed up with no success in getting the crystal. If they died before getting the crystal, then where are their bodies? Why did they leave behind data when they are supposed to collect as much as they can? That's what HQ said to do. Doors need keycards as if no one entered or used them, somehow. 
You stopped asking questions once you saw the lights flicker, and you quickly hid in a metal closet. You continued this pattern of hiding, collecting data, closely hearing for anything coming out of nowhere, looking away from a monster that had so many eyes, etc. You soon found a flash beacon. You had no battery for your flashlight that was dead, and you were only on door 41. 
Soon, you reached door 54 and entered. It was dark, empty, and quiet. That's when you saw a vent plate fly across the floor to the other side of the room. 
You were frightened by the sudden movement, and that's when you heard a voice coming through the vent.
“Got something for ya, come here.”
You didn’t want to enter in case it was a monster trying to kill you, but when you tried to go to the next room, you realized the door needed a keycard.
“Don’t even wanna say hi? Rude.”
You sigh in defeat and crawl through the vent. Once you get to the other side, it is pitch black. Until all of sudden, a light lit up the small room, You looked up and started to panic. WHY IS THAT MONSTER SO TALL!? WAIT, IS THAT ‘Z-13’!?
“Welcome, welcome! Don’t be-” 
The monster stopped what he was saying once he took a good look and realized it was you….
You were freaking out on the inside because he stopped talking. Thinking he would attack you, you immediately took out your flash beacon and used it directly at him.
You were confused now. You didn't know him? “What are you talking about? I’ve never seen you in my life!?”
Sebastian was hurt that you would say that, did the mutation make him that unrecognizable?
“Hun it's me, Sebastian. Do you not recognize me?”
There’s no way you're Sebastian. He's gone. “Nice trick, my lover is dead, he was executed.”
Ah, right, he was declared ‘dead’ to the public “I have proof, read the document on my desk, free of charge for you”
You still held the flash beacon in your hands as you moved to the table, where the document was. You opened it and started reading what it contained. 
You saw that he was telling the truth… It is Sebastian. 
You dropped your flash beacon and just jumped on him and hugged him as tight as you could, and he hugged you back. It felt that if you were to let go, you would lose each other again.
“As happy as I am to see you again, Love, only inmates are sent here. Why are you an inmate? Why even sign your life away to come down here?”
You answered his questions, “Well in 2015, when they found the real killer, I knew they wouldn't bring him to ‘justice’. So I did it myself, I killed him while in his court case. I was sentenced to 40 years in prison after that. Now, for me, coming down here. I didn’t sign up at first, I thought it was simple to get the crystal, and they were over-exaggerating the death risk. But after a few days, I realized no one had gotten it and with nothing else to do in prison. I signed myself up, if I were to die then I would be able to see you again, and if I got out alive, then I would continue visiting your grave with fresh flowers, just as I did every week before I was put in jail.”
Sebastian had a warm and fuzzy feeling that he hadn’t felt in years. However, that was short-lived. Because of the PDG, you would be killed if you didn't get going soon, but neither of you wanted to leave each other again. 
“I’ll try to make a deal with HQ. It’s a high risk since, with a flick of a switch I’ll be killed. But at least I know you're still alive.”
Before he could say anything to stop you from possibly risking yourself, he felt your lips on his. God, how he missed kissing you, but it was short-lived again.
You then crawled back through the vent and ran back to a room that had a camera. You knew HQ always watched the inmates through the few cameras that currently worked.
“HQ, I want to stay down here, I will send back the PDG. This means you will save the shotgun shell, and you will save a few bucks. I can stay here and help other inmates try to have a higher chance of getting the crystal.”
You hoped that they heard you and that they wouldn't flip the switch.
“Inmate number ##, (Y/n)(L/n), We accept your offer. Please return to where you first entered. We will press the button to make the PDG remotely detach from you. Once you reach the room, and the PDG is detached, place the PDG on a table.”
Once they stopped talking on the intercom, you ran as fast as you could to where the submarine had first left you.
Just as promised, the PDG was detached from you, and you left it on a nearby table. Once that was over with, you ran back to Sebastian’s shop.
He felt relieved after he saw you again. 
You jumped into his arms, and you both kissed each other. Your love for each other is rekindled and is now brighter than ever before. The both of you would never leave each other again.
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Small bonus!
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You pull away from the kiss and start wiping your mouth, “Sebastian, do you only eat fish? Also, when was the last time you brushed your teeth?”
Sebastian had a bit of an annoyed face because of your comment, but he smirked as he hugged you tighter, “Get used to it hun, because you're staying down here with me until the end, and there’s only fish down here.”
You rolled your eyes but smiled, “Now I'm wondering, who the fuck did I give a funeral and flowers to?”
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cryptfile · 2 months
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hi there! i'm mila (she/her) i’m from south america (from this laaarge country called Chile) so english is not my first language. I've been on the internet for a while and i'm in my 20's trying to figure out life while writing silly little stuff and finishing my degree in Digital Animation at the same time, be kind to me or else i'll cry.
Currently my request are open! so feel free to send promps or whatever! i'm pretty social too, so if you'd like to talk or just ask about anything, just go ahead and hit that button! you can check who i write for here. At the moment i'm writing both +18 content as well as your regular nice fluff, angst, etc.
Please interact accordingly. More fandoms to come soon. Have a good time bby! x
ps: Credits to chimiyaa resources on deviantart for the nice thunder and the pink thingy you see in the first image.
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ᓭི༏ᓯྀ nuclear seasons, [+18 mdni ] — he was friend’s with your mom. friend is a understatement cause when he appears in the middle of the night looking for revenge in your little apartment in the suburbs, you know he’s far from being nice.
ᓭི༏ᓯྀ holy terrain!!!!!! [ +18 mdni ] — when you arrive to vought’s tower covered in blood, you certainly don't expect to enjoy john’s comfort after feeling so numb.
ᓭི༏ᓯྀ mountains at midnight — after a failed relationship, serge knocks on your door half baked / half bleeding-to-fucking-death.
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꩜ drabble — qimir taking you as his acolyte.
꩜ dreamseeker — it all started when you find out he’s alive.
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Ꮺ˖˚₊ leeches [ +18 mdni, vampire!reader] — logan howlett lacks of patience (and he can also be a nice little blood-bag while losing his temper).
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☆ loveseat [ +18 mdni ] — after being in a relationship with carmen, you cannot help but being extra judgemental when it comes to food.
☆ drabble [ +18 mdni ] — it's just the best pie he ever tasted.
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⋆౨ৎ˚ ࣪ over the moon — when your husband starts to stay up painting till late you start plotting a good plan to make him go to bed with you and actually rest instead.
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thatlovelywitch · 10 months
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✨Falco Grice's cheeks have never seen a day of rest since he joined the cast. They are everyone's personal squishie or stress ball and they're always red when he goes home
✨ Levi has another signature other than the iconic cut: kohl. No matter the fit, his eyes are kohled on the red carpet
✨ Levi and Hange did a hit psychological horror movie together as the main leads. Theatre was shook, Tiktok was shook, Theatre was shook and people watched it for.....the amazing plot (the plot was Hange in a lacy black bar and low rise jeans covered in blood and Levi in the shower)
✨ Sasha has taken singing/music lessons since she was a kid, so she has a beautiful voice and can play the electric guitar, acoustic guitar, piano and keyboard. She has a music career aside from acting, and her songs tend to go viral Tiktok for cute trends. Her music has Clairo or Mazzy Star vibes, but she also likes it a bit risque so expect some softer R&B Kehlani type beats too. She tends to forget a lot of her fans are kids though LOL apology statements have been released (left a lip stick mark on an adult male fan's shirt and humped the floor while there were kids in the audience chile)
✨ Armin is THE SWEETEST EVER to kid fans like kid fans are his favorite and it shows. He'll always doodle a heart or sumn when he signs an autograph and you bet he'll go all soft complimenting the kid's mini plushie of him or their little Survey Corps cape
"Aww look at your cape yknow little buddy I had one too but it's not as cool as yours"
✨ Historia and Ymir. NOBODY has deciphered to this day if they're besties or dating it's that confusing and they don't make it any easier to guess.
✨ Annie and Mikasa call each other "wifey" and people try and start like imaginary beef between them like 13 year olds with too much time lol and all the while they're gossiping at award shows and feeding each other pudding or having sleepovers
✨ Zeke is a swiftie and he was the most EMBARRASSING CELEB MEMBER IN THE CROWD 😭 my brotha was twerking during more sensual or hardcore songs and he was getting drunk back there
✨ Erwin is NEVER dodging Captain America allegations he's tried to deny the rumors of him replacing Chris Evans since 2013 to no avail
✨ Erwin is a girl dad who keeps his relationship with his wife very private but sometimes he shares pictures of his life as a married man. The fandom will never get over him in a pink wig
✨ Pieck is a pretty privilege Tiktok lipsync star and we love that for her
✨ Jean and Connie did the Buzzfeed thirst tweets video tgt
✨ "Dude listen I've been goin to the bathroom with him for a decade now and it's more of a pony than a horse"
"Istg if yo bald head don't-"
✨ Eren Yeager reposts bad mafia x y/n Tiktok POV's of him
✨ Eren calls his fans pookie
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fyeah5h · 1 year
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AN EVENING WITH LAUREN JAUREGUI: LATIN AMERICA ↳ Interacting with fans in Chile (x)
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Compañeros, hermanos, amigos escuchen y regocíjense.
Europa está en caos, el imperio español se está derrumbando, Portugal continúa perdiendo influencia y Francia pelea en demasiados frentes, es hora de unir nuestras fuerzas, nuestros pueblos pelearán por la libertad, por la justicia ¡Por América!
No sólo derrotaremos a los gachupines, portugueses y franceses en el campo de batalla ¡También nos veremos mejor que ellos mientras lo hacemos!
Esta encuesta determinará quién de todas estas sensuales personas latinoamericanas será la que opacará más a los europeos, a la que más gente le encantaría tener en su cama por una noche ¡El mas grande ejemplo de exquisitez latinoamericana!
¿Quieres nominar a alguien para tan aclamado premio? Puedes hacerlo aquí
1. Puedes nominar a todas las personas que quieras, el formulario no tiene un límite
2. Animamos a que manden propaganda (en inglés o español o portugués)
3. Sexy man/hombre sexy es un término sin género, todos, todas y todes son bienvenidos.
4. Serán juzgados en base de las edades que tenían durante las guerras por la independencia y los admins se esforzarán para encontrar los retratos apropiados.
Comrades, brothers, friends listen and rejoice.
Europe is in chaos, the Spanish empire is collapsing, Portugal continues to lose influence, and France is fighting on too many fronts. It is time to join forces, our people fight for liberty and for justice. For America!
We will not only defeat the gachupines, the Portuguese and the French on the battlefield. We will also do it while looking better than them!
This contest will determine who among these sexy Latin Americans outshines the Europeans the most, who most people would invite to their bed for a night. The best example of the exquisiteness of Latin America!
Do you want to nominate someone for such an honor? Nominate them here.
You can nominate as many people as you want. The form does not have a limit.
Propaganda is encouraged (in English or Spanish or Portuguese)
Sexyman is a gender neutral term.
They will be judged based on the age they were during the wars for independence and the admins will try their best to find appropriate portraits.
La lista hasta ahora/The existing list is here:
Virreinato de Nueva España
1. Agustin de Iturbide
2. Leona Vicario
3. Juan Aldama
4. José Maria Morelos y Pavón x3
5. Vicente Guerrero x2
6. Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna
Virreinato del Nuevo Reino de Granada:
7. Antonio Nariño x3
8. Antonio Morales Galavís
9. Policarpa Salavarrieta x2
10. Francisco de Paula Santander x 2
13. Simón Bolívar x2
14. José Antonio Paez
Virreinato del Perú:
11. Manuela Sáenz de Vergara y Aizpuru
12. Micaela Bastidas
15. Manuela a.k.a Manuelita Saenz x4
16. Antonio José de Sucre x 2
17. María Ana Carcelén de Guevara y Larrea-Zurbano
21. Manuel Javier Rodríguez y Erdoíza
22. José Miguel Carrera Verdugo
Virreinato del Río de la Plata:
18. Manuel Belgrano
19. José de San Martín x 3
20. Martín Miguel de Güemes
23. Manuel Ceferino Oribe y Viana
24. Juan Antonio Lavalleja
25. José Fructuoso Rivera y Toscan
26. Toussaint L’Ouverture
Brasil/The Empire of Brazil:
27. Joaquim Pires de Carvalho e Albuquerque
28. Maria Quitéria de Jesus x2
29. Joaquim Gonçalves Ledo
30. Maria Leopoldina
31. Pedro I
32. Hipólito José da Costa Pereira Furtado de Mendonça
33. José Bonifácio de Andrada e Silva
34.Francisco Gomes da Silva
35. Domitila de Castro Canto e Melo, Marquesa de Santos
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shiro-s2e2-erukinzu · 8 months
SPY x FAMILY CODE: White Anime Film International Theatrical Release Dates Announced - Crunchyroll News
For those that don't yet, Spy × Family The Movie: CODE: White is coming soon to these places in APRIL:
April 17: Belgium, France, Switzerland (French-speaking)
April 18: Australia, New Zealand
April 19: Canada, Spain, United States
April 23: Austria, Germany
April 24: Italy, Jamaica, Trinidad & Tobago
April 25: Argentina, Aruba, Bolivia, Brazil, Central America, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Curacao, Denmark, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Hungary, Mexico (in IMAX on April 18), Netherlands, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Portugal, Serbia, Slovenia, Suriname, Switzerland (German-speaking), Switzerland (Italian-speaking), Uruguay
April 26: Bulgaria, Ecuador, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Venezuela
If you're a Spy × Family fan and live in any of these areas, GET EXCITED Y'ALL!! 😆
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demifiendrsa · 8 months
SPY x FAMILY CODE: White | Official English Dub Trailer 1
Spy x Family: Code White will hit theaters outside of Japan in April 2024. The film will screen in Japanese with English subtitles and with an English dub.
Global Theatrical Release Dates
April 17: Belgium, France, Switzerland (French-speaking)
April 18: Australia, New Zealand
April 19: Canada, Spain, United States
April 23: Austria, Germany
April 24: Italy, Jamaica, Trinidad & Tobago
April 25: Argentina, Aruba, Bolivia, Brazil, Central America, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Curacao, Denmark, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Hungary, Mexico (in IMAX on April 18), Netherlands, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Portugal, Serbia, Slovenia, Suriname, Switzerland (German-speaking), Switzerland (Italian-speaking), Uruguay
April 26: Bulgaria, Ecuador, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Venezuela
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new-dinosaurs · 1 year
Gonkoken nanoi Alarcón-Muñoz et al., 2023 (new genus and species)
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(Select bones and schematic skeletal of Gonkoken nanoi [scale bars = 50 mm for B–G, J, K–N, Q, S, and V–X, and 100 mm for H, I, O, P, R, T, and U], with preserved bones in white, from Alarcón-Muñoz et al., 2023)
Meaning of name: Gonkoken = duck/swan-like [in Tehuelche]; nanoi = for Mario “Nano” Ulloa [discoverer of dinosaur bones at the site where the original fossils were found]
Age: Late Cretaceous (Maastrichtian), between 70.5–71.7 million years ago
Where found: Dorotea Formation, Magallanes, Chile
How much is known: Numerous bones including parts of the skull, limbs, hips, and vertebral column. It is unknown whether any of these bones belonged to the same individuals, though at least three individuals are represented.
Notes: Gonkoken was a hadrosauroid, closely related to but not a member of the “core group” of duck-billed dinosaurs (hadrosaurids). All other hadrosauroids previously named from South America were true hadrosaurids. In fact, prior to the discovery of Gonkoken, non-hadrosaurid hadrosauroids near the end of the Cretaceous were not known from the Americas.
However, reexamination of supposed hadrosaurid fossils from Southern Patagonia and Antarctica suggests that these may also be remains of non-hadrosaurid hadrosauroids. It might have been that hadrosaurids (which probably originated in the Northern Hemisphere) never made it to the southern reaches of South America prior to the end-Cretaceous mass extinction, allowing other types of hadrosauroids to persist there in the absence of competition.
Reference: Alarcón-Muñoz, J., A.O. Vargas, H.P. Püschel, S. Soto-Acuña, L. Manríquez, M. Leppe, J. Kaluza, V. Milla, C.S. Gutstein, J. Palma-Liberona, W. Stinnesbeck, E. Frey, J.P. Pino, D. Bajor, E. Núñez, H. Ortiz, D. Rubilar-Rogers, and P. Cruzado-Caballero. 2023. Relict duck-billed dinosaurs survived into the last age of the dinosaurs in subantarctic Chile. Science Advances 9: eadg2456. doi: 10.1126/sciadv.adg2456
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louisupdates · 6 months
Louis Tomlinson interviews with Bio Bio Chile in Santiago [4.4.2024]
How do you feel about touring South America? [x]
Not forgetting diehard fans [x]
Holding the Mexican flag at Tecate Pa’l Norte [x]
Were you satisfied with FITF? [x]
Where does the optimism on this album come from? [x]
Any chance of bringing AFHF to Chile? [x]
Tell us about Doncaster [x] [x]
What’s on your playlist? [x]
Would you like to spend more time in England or Doncaster? [x]
What do you miss about One Direction time? [x]
Are you writing songs for the new album? [x]
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Buried Secrets Masterlist
Coming Soon ||| Frankie Morales x OFC (Mya)
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Summary: After the harrowing events in South America, Frankie and the guys have returned home and opened their own private security business. They're eventually approached by an archeologist, named Mya, who is requesting their specialized services for an archeological expedition in the Amazonian jungle of southeastern Peru, hours away from where they stashed Lorea's money just over the border in the mountains of northern Chile.
Frankie is hesitant to accept the job, but with Pope's insistence this could be their cover to go back for the money, he relents. However, Frankie soon learns their new job assignment only further puts them and his new love interest in danger in an unexpected way as they set out to find the lost Incan city of Paititi.
👉 Warnings: smut (MDNI), angst, mentions of mental health struggles and past drug use (it's Frankie), there are bad guys with weapons (gun violence, physical violence, death). Frankie Morales comes with his own warnings.
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>> Meet the Characters
Chapter list coming soon!
✨If you would like to be added to the tag list, let me know in the comments or shoot me a DM.
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Credits: Support and MDNI dividers courtesy of @cafekitsune Foliage divider courtesy of @strangergraphics
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