#american highschools in japan etc
cryptturon · 1 year
before you read this i'm writing this as a filipino
characters actively referring to older siblings as big brother/sister when speaking to them is inaccurate because, culturally, that's not a natural thing to do when you speak english.
on the other hand, when speaking in tagalog, it feels incredibly awkward not to use kuya/ate (or manong/manang in some cases and in other philippine languages) on an older sibling or your friend's older sibling, though the term also widely applies to highschool upperclassmen, guards at school and mall entrances, stall clerks, jeepney drivers, etc.
now, if i'm writing a filipino story in english (for the sake of a wider audience and partially my sanity) i'm not fucking translating that into big brother/sister because it almost feels like removing too much. we're english speakers too, so a full english sentence with kuya or ate thrown in the mix happens regularly. we are not calling those bitches big brother/sister lmao
that's why i believe japanese characters with their dialogue in english should keep stuff like oniisan/oneesan and senpai (as well as the more general and common ones like -san, because it gives a bit of insight on how the characters see each other). like, terms whose english translations work fine can just be in english (i.e. mr./ms./mrs. for teachers & dr. for doctors instead of sensei). but when i keep a few terms untranslated it's because it genuinely holds some cultural weight that the english translation doesn't carry over and turns awkward instead!
it just really upsets me to see the sibling honorifics getting memed on and given sexual connotations just because the internet is so much more interested in how they were used in another ecchi or something. like, that's a term regular people use on the daily. i know american translators probably don't have the insight of another non-japanese culture which utilizes sibling honorifics, so deciding to opt for big brother/sister or just the characters' given names happens, but i get the feeling it's partially caused and/or maintained by internet stigma.
it was embarrassing to notice how hypocritical filipinos also make the same stupid oniichan jokes while we still actively use kuya and manong but that's exactly how i caught on. this shit's still about looking at japan weird and refusing to dismantle that mindset
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wordsaladsenpai · 5 months
Trees recommendations
Hello, long time no post. I want to start something here on my blog about any media recommendations. Whether it be games, books, movies, web novels, shows, etc etc.
I’ll start off with my first recommendation:
Title: Eternal Yesterday
Genre: Japanese BL
Category: Show
Episodes: 8
My thoughts: I usually don’t watch anything BL related because I don’t want to get caught up in the drama and negative connotation (which is honestly quite a fair assertion since many women (I am a woman) have exhibited tendencies towards fetishizing gay men when it comes to consumption of media regarding bl and mlm relationships). I do not actively engage or support the narrative of fetishizing gay men or mlm relationships. This is just a disclaimer. I myself am biromantic and when I usually search for shows or media to consume I try to actively avoid anything overly explicit since I am not trying to consume the media for the purpose or sake of finding my own fantasies or daydream pleasure about any acts of intimacy that might occur in said piece of media. Though I am biromantic myself I do get curious about some of the explicit intimate aspects or details that may occur in the media itself. Though I have to say I do find it quite distasteful if the only plot point is the explicit intimate actions of fan service that maybe liberally splattered throughout a series or work of media. For this main reason I don’t watch many American Tv shows despite being an American myself. I have gained a taste for some shows and media originating in China, Korea, and Japan, as well as Taiwan, and a bit of Thailand. I like how most of the shows I’ve seen from these areas contribute multiple story plot points while still being able to show the progression of the main love interests relationship through the entire show. While each countries media definitely has different styles of storytelling the Japanese BL eternal yesterday really caught my eye.
I don’t watch many Japanese shows or even Japanese BL for that matter so this was my first one ever to watch and honestly I was very surprised and impressed with it. What stuck out to me was the premise of the show, which showed a budding gay romance between two highschoolers. As someone who is interested in the concept of grief and death and emotional connections to others and those we love I thought it was beautiful at harnessing and processing those emotions and bringing it forth visually through the writing and acting and directing. It was perfect. Though I thought an 8 episode drama with a little over 20 minutes per episode would not be enough to really give the story it’s all. I was pleasantly surprised how it worked perfectly. It was a show that made me cry and make me think of my own relationship with my own bf. While it may have been a BL it harnessed different relationship dynamics that I thought was a lovely thing to do since it is about love in all its forms. I could go on forever about this show and honestly it will stick with me as a forever favorite.
Pls check it out.
I watched it on Viki. (I think you can also watch it on Netflix but pls double check the avaliable platforms of where this show might be to watch)
Rating - 10/10
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P.S - the pacing can be kinda slow but I loved the awkward pauses and camera panning because it in my opinion realistically showed the progression of a relationship between two people where one doesn’t want to intrude on the other and the other person is very reserved and quiet who also takes a bit more time to open up.
Thank you for reading this long long review. I hope yall learned a new show to maybe watch and enjoy or learn a little bit about me through my thoughts and opinions on this piece of media.
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un-fairway2003 · 2 years
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This canon Kim Possible comic “Rock ‘em Soccer Robot!” was released on March 1, 2005 in a mailbox-only magazine called, “Disney Adventures”.
This is the strangest KP comic that I’ve ever seen because there was a contest in the April 2004 edition of Disney Adventures called, “Great Mistake” and the winner would choose to be appear in any Disney comic of their choice, basically being made/canonized as a character into their desired cartoon TV show/fictional universe that was on the Disney Channel, the winner “Jasmine V.” picked the best choice = Kim Possible!
After Jasmine won, I guess that the creators of the American Kim Possible comic team interviewed her by phone-calls and emails regarding her life story, who she was, what her personality was like, getting pictures of what she looks like so they can make a “Kim Possible-TV style” character version of her, what she does in school (she was on a highschool soccer team at the time of this comic),etc. Also, Disney would have done the most important part: talked to Jasmine about this comic and get her responses for what she would say if she herself was placed in this situation in the comic/what she would have done, thus her recorded responses were what her Kim Possible universe-based character is saying in this comic. I can only begin to imagine how happy Jasmine was when she heard the golden-ticket news that she won the contest and the magnitude of what it meant: that she was going to be made as a canon Kim Possible character!
Did anybody notice Ron’s eating pork again? 😳
I also noticed the mecha that Drakken is using was the same one he used from the 2nd episode in Season 1 “Crush” when he stole parts for it from the Nakasumi/ Z-Boy toy company in Japan.
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prettyboykatsuki · 2 years
if you don’t mind elaborating, what do you mean by that?
of course! and this isn't like. a discourse post. it's just about the differences in philosphy from someone who comes from an immigrant south asian community. it's not really a diss or commentary though i guess i could offer that too.
a lot of western philosphy but im focusing specifically focusing on the united states is based in individualism. this is a result of a plethora of long standing history but in general, for a lot of people who grew up in america there is a really big level of focus on the individual. growing up to be independent. there's less emphasis on community and community values. there are exception and circumstances though ofc.
but a lot of asian countries (and i use the term broadly bc there is overlap) there's more of an emphasis on collectivism. a focus on community, interpersonal relationships and compromise. and collectivism isn't like novel to japan or anything like that.
i grew up south asian and a lot of my experiences are through the lens of the collective. for a lot of my american friends - the way i engage with my community can be very confusing. my specific tolerance for peoples behaviors and my willingness to still fight for those people even if they frustrate or upset me.
both situations have very different circumstances. it's not about good or bad, just very different.
sometimes when i read fic, i sort of catch the way that a person has been raised through means of how they write characters. in small, almost unnoticeable ways. in how characters relate to each other and how they engage with the world around them.
a big tell is how often a relationship is written as solely transactional without any other nuances you could say. people don't seem like they intrinsically owe each other anything is always a big tell. the lived experience of being raised in collectivism is having concern for people you even personally dislike them. a huge tell is how people write a character pair like bkdk for example and if people potray bakugou never doing anything for anyone out of his own will.
bakugou is a pretty selfish and self-involved character. much of his personal journey is learning how to be apart of the collective. and the reason class 1a accepts him, no matter how frustrating or annoying he is - is because bakugou is apart of their collective. his growth as a character can't be separated from that sense of community. a lot of people who grew up with individualism also have a hard time displaying bakugous outcast nature and how his deviation effects him mentally while also showing how his status altered his viewpoint before highschool.
for me, i just sort of notice in character interaction. in fics where there are high stakes and personal feelings get in the way. how accomplishments are achieved or celebrated. how a characters good will is displayed i.e. is this act of kindness especially novel or is it simply decency and respect for another person. how dekus self sacrifice is written in percieved etc. how roles are assigned to characters in their lives (a huge example of roles is how deku consistently calls himself allmights successor or how todoroki is referred to as endeavors son.) as for collectivist societies people often describe themselves through the relationships etc.
again it's kind of difficult for me to explain or give you any solid answers on. it's just sort of a vibe i get where i can feel that the person writing something has that frame on character behaviors and it bleeds into the fic.
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milky-moo · 3 years
Being privileged is no excuse for not educating yourself. I live in Sweden and I'm 100% sure that I'd be considered more privileged than you. Most people don't learn about human rights in school, they educate themselves. It just shows how ignorant you are when you don't even know being a Jew is considered an ethnicity. Did you grow up under a rock? I find it hard to believe that you have never come across any movies, books etc about for instance WW2.
Cool. You’re still just as bad as the American. 👍 shaming those who are learning and trying to learn.
In that case maybe I’m not privileged enough? 🙄 who the fuck knows. No one goes out of their way to look at things that don’t interest them and that they don’t know about in the first place. I didn’t have interest in the Human Rights laws because my fucking life is so “perfect” in comparison to others and I never sat down to think why.
I never went out of my way to learn about ww2. It was bloody, it was cold and it was horrific. I just accepted that Hitler hated Jews as a story and moved one. Other than that Australians are more focused on the conflicts we shared with Japan more than the Holocaust which didn’t affect us as much.
Jews don’t look different to me or my family which is why I didn’t realise they were a race. They looked white and tan in photos. 🤷‍♀️ they all look Italian and German. I went to church and they looked like us. They sounded like us, they danced and sang like us. Hearing the word Hebrew from the bible is what I thought they still used as a descriptor for their people- turns out they call themselves Jews.
Also the population of Jewish people in the valley where I grew up and still live in is now 0. And it has never been above 10 in the last 150 years ✋😩 so fuck off for real. They came in 2009 and left us 2014 and their Jewish heritage wasn’t talked about often- why? I don’t know? I was a kid and they looked like me I didn’t know they were “Jewish” because I didn’t know “Jewish” was anything more than a religion- I had no European friends until 2020. And my Jewish friend herself is partially Slavic.
Maybe I did grow under a rock. But legit accept that people in the world are not as special or smart as you. And instead of shaming them think about trying to help them, educate them, leave a little stepping stone
You legit have no clue of my raising. I was in fear of my life most my childhood- you think I had the option to watch tv and read a book?
And don’t quote me and my “but you said you used a computer at age four.” Yea in daycare in electronics class. We enjoyed the painting app and on Word Docs we editing photos, basics. Plus schools have search bans. You search up Holocaust in primary school there’s a ban. And in highschool when I escaped my abuse and lived with others I relearn a lot of things.
I had no fucking interest in something I didn’t know about.
The first ww2 movie I watched involving nazis was Sound of music at age fourteen.
Most the WW2 films they idol in Australia are related to Japan. Japan fucked us up and left a deep scar in the country when they bombed Australia and then the news that America came around and handed them the A-bomb.
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travoltacustom · 3 years
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Thank you for your participation! These are the final results for the 4th Hypnosis Microphone International Poll. After months of work on this, we have estimates for general fandom opinions. Do you agree or disagree with the general opinions? Please let us know!
The results were held back from original posting as we were waiting to post for a month before the 2nd DRB finals (which is on Doppo’s Birthday this year.) My deepest apologies for how long this took to get out. We will be releasing these results with a section per day, with the end of these results showing the Japanese side.
Click the READ MORE to view the results.
The data collection for this poll received 902 votes to give us an indication of the demographic of those who consume Hypnosis Mic. This poll was open to English speakers, and thus, results may be considerably Euro/American-centric. The word ‘international’ has been used to refer to how fans are from many places around the world, but the poll may also refer to this group as ‘English-speaking’ etc. The Japanese poll had a smaller respondent pool with 400.
This poll received the most activity through Twitter, given that the series is most active on that platform. The poll was also posted on Tumblr, Facebook and the HypMic wiki. Commentary has been given on sections of the poll. These results will be available in full on from this account. The Japanese poll results shall follow about a week with comparison to this poll.
The poll was conducted from December 2020 to January 2021. This poll is UNOFFICIAL and none of the composers of this poll have any relation to King Records whatsoever.
This has been split into MULTIPLE posts due to the amount of data and limitations of tumblr.
PART 6: Miscellaneous Questions
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Respondents were allowed to select up to 3 characters.
As we were processing these results, all characters have received some part of character development.
Did MTR deserve the 1st DRB win?
YES, Matenro did deserve the 1st DRB win: 73.1%
NO, Matenro did not deserve the 1st DRB win: 26.9%
Did FP deserve the Rule the Stage DRB win?
YES, Fling Posse did deserve the Rule the Stage DRB win: 83.9%
NO, Fling Posse did not deserve the Rule the Stage DRB win: 16.1%
Who do you believe will win the 2nd DRB? This was not a ‘who do you WANT to win’ question.
Fling Posse: 21.7%
Dotsuitare Honpo: 14.6%
Matenro: 9.6%
Bad Ass Temple: 8.4%
Buster Bros!!!: 4.7%
Who do you think will win BB vs DH, MTC vs FP, MTR vs BAT?
Dotsuitare Honpo VS Buster Bros!!!
Dotsuitare Honpo: 56.3%
Buster Bros!!!: 31.1%
Can’t Decide: 12.6%
Bad Ass Temple VS Matenro
Bad Ass Temple: 33.4%
Matenro: 50.8%
Can’t Decide: 15.9%
Fling Posse: 44.8%
Can’t Decide: 13.7%
With 902 responses, we decided not to do a table of these as we’ve already showed which characters respondents wanted to be explored more. However, we will show ‘interesting’ points that we’ve found.
Exploration of the pre H-era Japan, what caused the war and what the war was like.
Exploration of post WW3 / H-era Japan with politics, society etc.
More female characters as either part of Chuohku, rebellion etc. Possible mixed gender crews
Revolution/rebellion against Chuohku. Referred to as “a SUMMIT OF DIVISIONS moment in canon” and later governmental reform.
Why was the Hypnosis Mic created and more on its development.
In depth explanation as to what happens after being mindhacked.
General insight into more than backstories but their daily lives and possibly romantic lives.
Introduction of more divisions / return of old characters to form new divisions
Another anime season; a proper adaptation of the manga
Why were the Yamadas ‘orphaned/abandoned/separated’ from Rei? Why did Ichiro hide what happened?
BB’s Mother/Rei’s partner - did something bad happen to her?
Jyuto’s past - how he used to be when his parents and partner were still alive.
Why did Jyuto interrogate Doppo?
Does Samatoki feel guilty for blaming Ichiro? Does he feel resentment towards Ramuda even though he figures that he was ordered to do this?
Jakurai’s history as an assassin
More on Yotsutsuji and Jakurai’s relationship
Jakurai and Hitoya’s friendship and how it ‘fell apart’
Who is the original Ramuda and why were the clones created?
Others finding out about the Ramuda clones.
Hifumi and Doppo’s childhood/highschool years.
How did Doppo’s depression get so bad?
The Dirty Dawg’s reconciliation
MAD COMIC DIALOGUE / Ichiro & Kuko / Samatoki & Sasara talking things out and addressing what happened
Many responses of just “yes”, “):” “I’m” and “...”, but most importantly “I’m just kind of here for the ride”
There are many that are begging for angst, character death and “chaos”. Some have wished suffering upon certain characters but these will not be disclosed.
“For all of them to get therapy tbh”
“A more complex plot”
“fun and crazy things”
Mentions of ships becoming canon: Hifumi x Doppo, Sasara x Rosho
There were accusations of HPMI being “sexist/misogynistic/not feminist enough” that went on to describe things that have already been addressed.
“I just wanna see Ichiro yelling “fuck you” to his dad”
Otome being Buster Bros!!! mom as well, or that she had some relationship with Rei.
“more test tube babies”
“More Doppo screams”
“(...) Whether or not Rei is worth saving or if I should just rip his tits off (...)”
“An explanation for (why) Rei is Like That”
“Rei vs the rest of the cast just because Mastermind boss battle”
“rei boobs”
“man I just hope they have a nice day. I would like to know about Kuko more :) hes funky and i think that's neat hope hes having a nice day :)))“
“More Kuko feet”
ADDRESSED REPONSES: Responses that have been answered/addressed during the 2nd DRB dramatracks to some degree.
Buster Bros!!! fighting with Rei
Jiro and Saburo no longer being dependent on Ichiro
Jiro and Saburo’s relationship being repaired / seeing eye to eye.
Jyuto’s backstory with the drug problem
How is Ramuda able to participate in the DRB if he’s being hunted down
Gentaro’s identity and brother/family.
Dice confronting Otome
Jakurai coming to Chuohku’s side
Hifumi’s trauma and who Honobono is. (Note: I hope you guys are okay after this one)
Sasara’s time as a gangster with Samatoki
Sasara/Rosho dependency
Nemu being freed from her mindhack/will she be freed.
Is Yotsutsuji still alive/comatose?
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Of 902 responses, 166 responses mentioned a character by name or song. Not all characters were mentioned but of the ones mentioned, each was mentioned:
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Of 902 responses, 47 mentioned a division by name or song. Each were mentioned:
Fling Posse: 11 times
Bad Ass Temple: 9 times
Buster Bros!!! 7 times
Chuohku: 6 times
Dotsuitare Honpo: 4 times
Matenro: 3 times
Of 902 responses, 43 mentioned a seiyuu. Each were mentioned:
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Here are some ‘notable’ reasons people got into HypMic:
“That's a loaded question buddy, assuming I went into this willingly. (...)”
“(...) I love how hypmic combined Male Idols, (Jojo) Stands, and a whole lot of angst in a project (with some fluff here and there).”
“Riou’s tits”
“Because I hated seeing it everywhere so I decided to learn about it before I hate it more. I've fallen deep into this hell.”
“ensemble stars made me v upset”
“I saw bald Ramuda plushie and wanted to know more about him”
“I saw Jakurai and went OOGA BOOGA.
“honestly i saw some fanart of doppo with the fattest and most juiciest ass ever and i was immediately interested, but unfortunately doppo cannonically has a concave ass and jakurai doing a brazillian butt lift on doppo’s ass cannot save it </3 i still love him though”
“Haha pretty rapper bois go brr”
“I'm gay”
“someone was hating on it on twitter and i decided to download arb”
“friend of mine told me to install enstars game, so i installed hypmic”
“I downloaded one of the songs without knowing what it was from for a two week trip into the buttfuck middle of nowhere Wyoming for a school trip in 11th grade and it’s one of the only things that kept me sane”
“Because Jakurai was a hot milf “
“Ice cream spoons”
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To see the next part with comparison to the JP fandom, please follow us to the next post. To view ideas on the series’ production, go back to the previous post.
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kitsune-kaos · 4 years
30 Question Ask Game
I was tagged by @engiqueers 😄💕
Name - Michael
Gender - Cis-presenting genderqueer
Star sign - Libra Sun♎️☀️, Gemini Moon♊️🌙, Aquarius Rising ♒️☝️
Height - 6’ish
Time - started this at 11:59am, finished at 8:30am 😂
Birthday - October 19th
Favorite bands - Slow Club and Fleetwood Mac are the only bands I’d call my faves, more often I tend to listen to Indiv songs by a variety of artists so it’s art to choose
Favorite solo artists - Adele and Doja Cat are the only ones coming to mind atm lol
Song stuck in my head - Phenomenon from RPDR season 13 ep 3
Last Movie - I been watching lots of people reacting to movies on YouTube so if you count that then Hunger Games. If not counting that, then it might’ve been the first half of the Scooby Doo movie (2001)
Last show - Rupaul’s Drag Race
When did I create this blog? - I wanna say 2015, maybe 2014 (damn)
What do I post? - cute things, nerdy/geeky things, occasional things I find aesthetically pleasing, cute guys, funny posts, and positive stuff
Last thing I googled - “Zelda release timeline” to check if A Link to the Past came out as early as I thought
Other blogs - omg yeah 😅 there’s like 9 others I post on fairly regularly, but I use them in a similar way to a playlist, so I have a blog for just adorableness (@omgthisisjusttoocute), my aesthetic blog (@moonriseblossoms), my nerdy fandom blog (@gaymergrotto), my porn blog, etc. And then there 4 I rarely post on, and 5 I never post on anymore (and should really just delete at this point lol)
Do I get asks? - I’ve been getting a lot more than usual recently but I used to get none haha
Why I chose this URL? - it has to do with a story I started working on in highschool where the main character, Kitsune (a fox guy would you believe) was gonna have chaos magic. And for the sake of alliteration I switched the Ch to a K and went with Kitsune Kaos
Following - 1590
Followers - 2044
Average hours of sleep - 8ish? I’d say I typically fall asleep between 10 and 11 and wake up between 5:30 and 8
Lucky number - 3, 9, 13, and 19
Instruments - Piano for like 15 years, organ for about a year when I was still Mormon, and a year of violin lessons years ago and I haven’t touched it since 😅
What am I wearing? My blue small floral print shirt, my blue pajama pants, my blue long socks, blue-gray slippers, my gray beanie, and my maroon hoodie
Dream job - I wanna be able to help people. I’m also interested in education, though not necessarily teaching. More so I’m interested in addressing the Fuckery of the education system as well as the general perceptions of education the edu system creates that is fucky
Dream trip - I think Japan would be super cool, but honestly I’d just love to go somewhere that has great food and isn’t an overcrowded destination hotspot
Favorite food - imma list a few 😜 Falafel, Shepard’s pie, sushi, and fried fish tacos 💕
Nationality - American
Favorite song - Our Most Brilliant Friends - Slow Club (link at bottom)
Last book I read - Avatar the Last Airbender: the Rise of Kyoshi
Top 3 fictional universes to live in - Avatar, Pokémon, and maybe My Hero Academia
Imma go ahead an tag @wayweaverr @bareback-to-the-future @anime-penis @wesley-2 @lil-chernobyl-mutant @lexibility @onlyhams @von-felden and if anyone else wants to do it you can say I sent ya 😊
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goldenpctals · 3 years
CHARACTERS I’D GIVE MY HEART, SOUL AND FIRST BORN CHILD FOR.  for the longest time i’ve been thinking about the npc’s in my muses life and i wanted it to share it with you guys. if you ever feel like picking up a character and you’re interested in one of these, please let me know. i’d love if they, or one of them, got picked up :’) i’m sorry if this post is long LOL i’ve also tried to give them some background story and a potential secret just in case! 
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a connection to elodie (platonic & romantic) - link to pinterest board
𝗻𝗮𝗺𝗲: kim dong soo ‘daniel kim’ (fc: song kang) 𝗯𝗼𝗿𝗻: busan, south-korea -- july 12, 1996 (cancer) 𝗻𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻𝗮𝗹𝗶𝘁𝘆: korean / american 𝗰𝗼𝘂𝗿𝘀𝗲: sports (basketball) 𝘂𝗻𝗶𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘀𝗶𝘁𝘆: blossom bell, japan (could be portrayed as an exchange student)
+  𝑛𝑢𝑟𝑡𝑢𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑔, 𝑡𝑜𝑢𝑔ℎ, 𝑎𝑓𝑓𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑎𝑡𝑒 -  𝑝𝑎𝑠𝑠𝑖𝑣𝑒, 𝑚𝑜𝑜𝑑𝑦, 𝑠𝑒𝑙𝑓-𝑎𝑏𝑠𝑜𝑟𝑏𝑒𝑑
important headcanons (background, personality, love-life etc.): 
born in busan, south-korea but moved to new york, usa when he was only a couple of months old
grew up in a low-income family. his mother cleans elderly homes and his father is a bartender 
he is their only child, so he knows how to be on his own 
never had many friends, perhaps a handful of them
he was bullied because of his lifestyle during primary and the beginning of higschool until he hit puberty 
puberty pretty much hitted him hard and he eventually got more and more known for his looks during highschool 
however, because of his lifestyle he matured and grew up quickly, so he sees through people easily 
known to be charming towards girls, but he never has an interesting in them instead of a potential hook up. can be seen as a dick, since he draws the line pretty quickly after some time 
never has had a serious girlfriend before (considers himself heterosexual)
other than that he’s pretty laid back and likes to hang out with his friends
loves sports, especially basketball 
he got scouted into his university which he is very thankful for
connection with elodie: he and elodie met when elodie was on a short exchange from st jude’s when the explosion happened. they were introduced to each other through a mutual friend (my muse taehyun) and have ever since been inseperatable. it’s completely platonic at the moment, but daniel is starting to feel something towards elodie. however, she’s completely oblivious to it since she is focused on her own feelings for haneul. we can definitely discuss this! 
potential secret idea: maybe he was DARED into ‘dating’ one of the girls he had a fling with by his guy friends? he would have tried to keep this going on for as long as possible but maybe the girl eventually find out and daniel just shrugged it off? also an open plot idea !! 
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a connection to mackenzie (and sebastian) - family related 
𝗻𝗮𝗺𝗲: odette quinn (fc: virginia gardner) 𝗯𝗼𝗿𝗻: queensland, australia - september 1, 2003 (virgo) 𝗻𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻𝗮𝗹𝗶𝘁𝘆: australian 𝗰𝗼𝘂𝗿𝘀𝗲: producing 𝘂𝗻𝗶𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘀𝗶𝘁𝘆: st jude’s, violet springs 
+ 𝑎𝑑𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑒, 𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑙𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑖𝑐, 𝑐𝑎𝑢𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑢𝑠 - 𝑐𝑟𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑐𝑎𝑙, 𝑓𝑢𝑠𝑠𝑦, 𝑠𝑡𝑢𝑏𝑏𝑜𝑟𝑛
important headcanons (background, personality, love-life etc.):
odette is the youngest of the quinn siblings, there’s an age gap between them of 9 years 
was not planned on, but her parents made it work in the end 
ever since she was little, she is constantly compared to her older siblings. at first she didn’t said much of it and just tried to please her family as much as she could
eventhough the comparison, odette used to be close to her older siblings
however, this changed when she turned 16 
got more involved in partying, expirimenting with drugs and eventually hook ups too 
got the nickname ‘the real harley quinn’ for her rebellious and reckless behaviour 
was send to a boarding school by her parents shortly after they found out 
but at the age of 18 odette decided to sign herself out and apply for college
she applied to st jude’s to pursue a career in producing 
the last 2 years has calmed her wild side down a bit, but this is definitely picking up again now that she’s in college
she’s definitely a risk taker and loves to go on adventures
‘rules are meant to be broken’ is one of her mottos that she actually follows
does not want to be associated with her siblings nor her parents anymore
connection mackenzie (and sebastian): even when odette was compared to her older siblings a lot growing up, she used to be very close with them. mackenzie definitely understood and tried to shush the pressure on her, but it never really worked. so she was pretty shocked when odette changed her life around and got send to boarding school. ever since, odette keeps them on a short leash. whenever she needs something, she will show up and be a ‘quinn’, but the moment she’s got what she wanted, she’s back to her old ways.
potential secret idea: i have 2 in mind. LOL 1: she’s either here in st jude’s to destroy her siblings careers OR 2: something happened in boarding school, like she sold drugs there and was kicked out and lied about signing herself out. maybe she got kicked out at the age of 17 and has been travelling for a year until she was old enough to apply for college.
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a connection to clyde (family related) 
𝗻𝗮𝗺𝗲: bridgette ‘open last name’ aarons (fc: victoria pedretti) 𝗯𝗼𝗿𝗻: london, united kingdom - march 30, 1995 (aries) 𝗻𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻𝗮𝗹𝗶𝘁𝘆: british 𝗰𝗼𝘂𝗿𝘀𝗲: writing  𝘂𝗻𝗶𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘀𝗶𝘁𝘆: st jude’s, violet springs
+ 𝑏𝑜𝑙𝑑, 𝑐𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑒, 𝑝𝑎𝑠𝑠𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑎𝑡𝑒 -  𝑡ℎ𝑜𝑢𝑔ℎ𝑡𝑙𝑒𝑠𝑠, 𝑞𝑢𝑖𝑐𝑘 𝑡𝑜 𝑞𝑢𝑖𝑡, 𝑏𝑜𝑠𝑠𝑦
important headcanons (background, personality, love-life etc.):
bridgette is the biological half-sister of clyde. she’s the love baby of someone his father had an affair with during his marriage with clyde’s mother 
clyde has absolutely 0 idea that she exists while bridgette on the other hand, does know who he is 
bridgette was raised by her mother (and potentially her new family. it’s all up to you!) 
she would love to get to know clyde and see what their father’s side of their family was like, but she is too scared to cross any lines with him
has a passion for writing and art
she is the type of person who could look at a painting and tell you the artists emotions behind it, kind of girl 
also loves to reads books and cook
can be kind of awkward too. but once she’s comfortable, she’s pretty smooth with her words
she’s everyone’s type of friend
bridgette can be social. she wouldn’t be mad at a few drinks here and there but she also has her moments where she prefers to stay home and write, do art, read books etce 
connection with clyde: since clyde doesn’t know who she is, there isn’t really a connection at the moment. HOWEVER, i’d love if one day he founds out about bridgette and they get to know one another. i feel like clyde wouldn’t believe it at first and shrug it all off like it’s some kind of joke, but he will eventually get interested in finding out more about his father’s history. PLEASE. 
potential secret idea: she’s the only one i don’t really have an idea for, so she’s a pretty open canvas! 
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ms-hells-bells · 4 years
dont judge me but i usually feel safer around asian american men & boys than white american men & boys. is what i meant is all. is that dumb of me?
i think it’s largely idealism. you hope for some subset of men that are “safe” because you are attracted to them. and western standards view certain physical aspects as more masculine, like large jaw, big muscles, loud, deep voice, obvious external aggression, etc, which are less common with asian men, so in our minds we see them as “more feminine” when they’re not (similar to how non white women are seen as more “masculine”). it also helps that on average they’re shorter and less strong than white men. BUT THEY ARE STILL MEN. not entirely relevant to asian AMERICAN men, but have this info; south korea is one of the rare countries (along with japan, new zealand, iceland, latvia, and tonga. only countries in the world) that on average has a higher female murder rate than male murder rate. women are more likely to be murdered in these countries. 
now, i will be honest and say that despite all of what i’ve said above, i personally feel this way too. i’m a tall woman and i have been friends with or at least been around a ton of asians from different countries because i went to a highschool and university with high levels of exchange students. and i never once felt threatened by them. but even though they are almost all shorter than me which helps, most of it will just be 1. bias 2. stereotypes/western gender standards, and 3. being unfamiliar with this subset of men and so not having the experience to feel endangered like asian women do. they are just a dangerous to asian women than white men are to white women, and i think caring about how asian women are treated is more important than trying to find a “safe” subset of men. 
i’ll say just one more fact that may help your mindset; the virginia tech massacre was committed by an asian male. one of the deadliest shootings in history. men are men, no matter where they’re from.
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Youtube Resources
Here are some channels i follow on youtube for listening practice, culture stuff, or for learning lol i’m always open for recommendations and enjoy watching videos of people doing stuff in the language instead of just teaching it to me
YTN News- Korean News Channel Edward Avila- I follow him for makeup but he will have people that speak korean on his channel and korean subs (but not on all videos i think) Jumi ơi Hàn Quốc- She is korean learning vietnamese and will speak in korean and have korean subs  Beom E 범이-He is korean learning vietnamese and speaks in korean and (i think) has korean subs (i also think he just went in the military so it might be a while for new videos) Prof. Yoon's Korean Language Class - he has reading practice and he teaches grammar MasterTOPIK- pretty self explanatory lol but it’s stuff to help study for the TOPIK 꿀키honeykki- a cooking channel. no talking but korean subs 박막례 할머니 Korea Grandma - not sure how to describe this channel besides it’s just a grandma doing stuff lol i actually made her recipe for the cold noodles and it was good Cooking tree 쿠킹트리-a cooking channel. no talking but korean subs
KemushiChan ロレッタ- Probably everyone knows this channel if you’re studying japanese, but loretta lives in japan and talks about life there and more lol. japanese subs and she speaks in japanese often. Watercolor by Shibasaki - this is my favorite channel by far and i recommend everyone watch this even if you aren’t studying japanese (he provides english subs) but this is a kind grandfather that teaches you how to do watercolor. speaks in japanese and also has japanese subs  まーるちゃんねる - I watch her for animal crossing content 꿀키honeykki- a cooking channel. no talking but japanese subs Cooking tree 쿠킹트리-a cooking channel. no talking but japanese subs 日本語の森- one of my favorite channels for self studying japanese JunsKitchen- probably another channel most people are familiar with even if you’re not studying japanese, but he lives in japan with his (american?) wife and they have another channel, but i’m not subscribed to it (jun and rachel i think is the name) he speaks a lot of english but has japanese subs. happyknittingmama/ハピママ- if you’re interested in knitting here’s a good channel lol  일본 서예가 다쿠미 - idk why his name is in korean? but he’s a japanese man that does calligraphy and writing Learn Japanese- an older channel (that i’m not sure if it posts now) and i’ll be honest (i didn’t watch many of his videos lamo) but he does have a lot of anime stuff if people are into that  三本塾Sambon Juku - this guy is great, i found out about him because of Loretta, but he teaches you japanese fully in japanese. i think he’s a japanese language teacher in real life as well  meetang &co. - if you’re into crochet this channel is great
Chinese (Mandarin)
Evany Carr - this is a new channel i just found (like two days ago) but i really enjoy her content so far. i know she has one video where she’s speaking entirely in chinese, but she has some good learning tips and introduced me to other chinese youtube channels 杰里德Jared- one of the channels Evany recommended, and i have enjoyed what i watched. another new one for me, but it’s a foreigner that has lived in china for 10(?) years and almost all his videos are in mandarin (i think again i haven’t watched all of them lol)   Yoyo Chinese-the first chinese youtube channel i followed and then did nothing about that The lady teaches chinese and i like it  李子柒 Liziqi- probably a channel you’re familiar with even if you don’t learn chinese, but this is a girl that basically hand makes, hand cooks everything from scratch. no talking but there are subs (or she writes it on the video itself i don’t remember) Mandarin Corner- Evany recommended this channel and i won’t lie i haven’t watched any of these videos yet but it looks good and this is more of a teaching channel   小高姐的 Magic Ingredients- a cooking channel. she speaks in mandarin and there are chinese subs as well 
Learn Vietnamese with VietnamesePod101.com- here are my friends lol anyways i’ve talked about them before in another post. they have great free resources and i recommend this channel Jumi ơi Hàn Quốc- She is korean learning vietnamese and will speak in vietnamese sometimes and have vietnamese subs Beom E 범이-He is korean learning vietnamese and speaks in vietnamese sometimes and (i think) has vietnamese subs (i also think he just went in the military so it might be a while for new videos)   Learn Vietnamese With Annie - if you are studying vietnamese you most likely know this channel, but annie is a teacher that helps you learn the language  Learn Vietnamese With SVFF - this channel teaches you vietnamese with the southern accent  Tina Yong-i’m including this channel because she did 3 or 4 beauty videos in vietnamese, but she’s not really a language or vietnamese channel. i do really enjoy her videos so went ahead and included her 
Sign Language (ASL)
Sign Duo- this is a new channel i follow and i love it. basically it’s two people showing videos of their life while using sign language Sheena McFeely- this is an older channel (and idk if they post anymore) but this was a family that helped teach sign language Bill Vicars-when i was in highschool taking sign language all of my teacher’s teaching material came from him (then i got a deaf teacher and the lesson plan changed but anyways he was basically how i learned sign language) 
Easy French- They feature a lot of native speakers, and i believe all videos are in french Comme une Française- Geraldine helps teach french
Spanish (Latin America)
De mi Rancho a Tu Cocina- A mexican grandma that teaches you how to cook in spanish 
NativLang- a lingusitics channel?? idk he talks about different languages and what makes them up and where they originated from and similarities and differences to other languages. i enjoy it 시사북스 - okay this channel is completely in korean (with korean teachers) but they teach a lot of different languages (vietnames, spanish, japanese, english) and i really like it Easy Languages- this channel is nice because they feature native speakers and they offer a lot of languages (polish, russian, etc) and if the language you’re looking for isn’t on this channel, it might have it’s own channel like the french does Language Pod 101- again i highly recommend their youtube channels for whatever language you’re learning. 
*I will update this as I find more stuff (always open to suggestions)
**please let me know if the links don’t work
***any corrections, comments, or constructive criticism welcome
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end-of-pizza · 4 years
Weird anime night ~Please teacher
Okay guys, I know I’ve been out of this whole anime discussing thing for a bit. Been in my own little world of building gundam models, watching ASMR videos and doing my tech support job, also got into buying stocks….the quarantine has been weird. I haven’t really left the house save to go to meijers to get groceries for 4 months now……kinda starting to lose touch with reality. To try and ground myself I have been revisiting things from when I was a teenager, rewatching old tv shows, reading old books….started with gundam 08th ms team, and Red Mars, and lo and behold I fell back in love with my old flame…ROMANCE ANIMES
long time readers of weird anime night will know that this is a thing that happens to me off and on. Highschool romance shows just vibe with me in a real way, I have been dating the same girl since I was 13, and I am 29 now, and we live together, so learning how to love while learning what love is, and learning about girls while also learning how to love one girl, man romance anime have that shit in spades….and it makes me feel really nostalgic, for things like first kisses, sneaking out after hours, being nervous with someone you will later be intimate with. I love it man, that shit DOES. IT. FOR. ME
so while revisiting my favorite romance anime of all time, Suzuka, I remembered about one I hadn’t watched since 2006, Please Teacher.
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I remember it being pretty run of the mill, comedy romance story about a kid who bangs his teacher…..and like, yea on the surface that is what it is, but like…..spesh if you incorporate the second season into it, its sort of about ALL love….even some kinda eh….troubling kinds of love, like in season 2 a dude straight up wants to plow is like……kid sister, and that is…..well fucking disgusting, I know its like a THING in japan to want to bone your parents and siblings, because well……some sort of mass mental delusions or something…..but like, its there….its gross as fuck but its there….
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The rest of the show is fun though, still pretty problematic, I guess it was less gross to me when I was 16, but as a 29 year old….yea a teacher wanting to bone her 15 year old student is pretty gosh darn awful......I mean she’s also like...an Alien.....but he’s still 15 years old and she is a dang adult
heres the wiki plot summary of season 1, warning spoilers ahead.
Please Teacher! is a story mainly revolving around a tight-knit group of friends in high school and how they cope with several life-changing events that are never too far off from intimate relationships. The main character is a boy named Kei Kusanagi who suffers from a very rare disease which causes a comatose state referred to as a "standstill" whenever he is under severe emotional distress.
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Before the beginning of the story, Kei, at 15 years of age, had fallen into a "standstill" lasting three years after witnessing the suicide of his elder sister. After recovering, he quietly moved away from home in order to avoid social difficulty due to his long absence, and began living with his uncle, a medical doctor, and aunt. Due to the strange nature of how he came to live there, Kei wanted to keep the situation a secret from his new friends for fear of being ostracized as being too old to associate with them. After Kei had established himself in his new surroundings and had entered into a close group of mutually supportive friends, a Galactic Federation starship had entered Earth's atmosphere stealthily, approached Honshū Island and landed surreptitiously in Lake Kizaki.
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The story begins with Kei suffering a minor 'standstill' while in the vicinity of the lake, witnessing several unexplainable phenomena happening there, and then watching as a beautiful half-human alien named Mizuho Kazami materialize beside the shore. Kazami was sent to observe planet Earth by a seemingly benevolent Galactic Federation in order to prevent humans from making developmental mistakes. Kei, upon observing the materialization, attempts to escape the pursuing Kazami. Kazami is under strict orders to prevent her true identity and mission from being discovered. During his attempt to escape, Kei falls into the lake. Kazami rescues Kei and, using information from his identification, is able to return him home in secret. The next day, Kazami has become Kei's new homeroom teacher and next-door neighbor.
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During assisting her in moving in, Kei suffers another standstill, and while in a weakened state explains his predicament to the compassionate Mizuho, who ends up revealing her own origins and purpose on Earth. Several accidental activations of Mizuho's teleport technology (which were inadvertently caused by Kei) eventually place Kei and Mizuho in a couple of compromising situations in front of his uncle and aunt and his school's headmaster, but Kei protects Mizuho from charges for an inappropriate relationship between student and teacher by impulsively stating that they are married, resulting in an actual civil marriage that later blossoms into genuine affection for each other. The headmaster relents, partly because he, too, had married a former student younger than himself and can understand their situation personally. Both are allowed to stay so long as they do not reveal their status to the other students, and do not engage in any public displays of affection.
 The remainder of the series concerns the budding intimate relationships between the close friends, one of whom (Koishi Herikawa) is romantically interested in Kei, and another (Ichigo Morino) who has suffered even greater loss of time from the same disease as he has; the problems of having to maintain the secrecy of the marriage; an interfering parent and sibling visiting from the Galaxy Federation; and Kei learning to overcome the ever-present threat of another lengthy 'standstill' stealing more of his life, particularly as he has fallen deeply in love with Mizuho and desperately wants to remain with her.
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Eventually Kei falls into another major "standstill" and in order to bring him out of it, Mizuho has to use her technology which is against the law. As a result, her status on Earth is revoked, she is banned from the planet and all memory of her is erased from everyone's, including Kei's, minds. With the help of her mother and sister she sneaks back and is devastated to learn that Kei, who she is deeply in love with, has no memory of her. While helping her move back in, Kei reveals that his memory has returned and the two express their love for each other and get married again.
 I am rewatching it, its nostalgic, not as nostalgic as Suzuka or School Rumble, which are my number 1 and also number 1 favorite romance anime. But it’s also not as problematic as like, Rumbling Hearts or School days.
I am happy to have this tumblr back in my life, it’s helping with the depression, I think that’s why I started it in the first place….the American Education System was surprisingly good at both causing depression and training me to help people cope with depression.
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I love you guys, I will start doing one of these every week, and I really am thinking about doing a sort of short podcast on all the series I have done thus far, like a 30 minute episode or so discussing the stories, rating them etc. I really like the idea of doing a podcast, just takes a long time to make em, I’ve been trying to do a D20 or Cyberpunk real play podcast for like 2 years now, and still just in the editing process of it.
blah blah blah, TLDR
this shows weird, fun and heart warming at times, but it is about a teacher who fucks her student, and like YES she is half alien.....but…..she is also a pedophile, that didn’t really stick with me when I was 16, but it does now….so it is harder to watch then I remember.
~Hoover ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
please teacher update
maybe I wasnt watching the show closely enough but I guess he isnt 15? I got the impression he was like early highschool, but watched some more tonight and I guess hes 18 during the course of the show.....so she isnt a pedophile, but she is boning her student, and she is a space alien so there are still some not good implications there power dynamics wise.....but lets just say maybe I was too hard on Please Teacher 7.5/10
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unlocktxt · 4 years
𝗎𝗅𝗍𝗂𝗆𝖺𝗍𝖾 𝗍𝖺𝗀
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tagged by: @luvmoa ❣︎
𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐞: alexis
𝐧𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐞: lexi
𝐛𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐡𝐝𝐚𝐲: december 10
𝐳𝐨𝐝𝐢𝐚𝐜: sagittarius
𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐲/𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐧𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐭𝐲: american
𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐮𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐬: english (although I want to learn the basics of different places I plan to travel to)
𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫: female
𝐬𝐞𝐱𝐮𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐲: straight
𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭: 5′2 (and a 1/2 :( )
𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐦𝐮𝐬𝐞: the boys are ofc a major inspiration, but other than them there are many inspirations. My mind kind of just wonders everywhere, but a lot of ideas come to mind while taking a car ride.
𝐦𝐞𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐛𝐞𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐮𝐫𝐥: for this I was mainly thinking about the whole website where you find their song Sweat. There was a key, which brought me to the unlock idea.
𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐠 𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐞𝐝: uhhh I don’t really know for sure but... it was really recent in June or July.
𝐟𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐬: 20 (it’s not much, but I’m glad to have all 20 ☺️)
𝐟𝐚𝐯𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐥: I really really love octopuses! I saw a video of a rlly tiny octopus that made friends with this one guy and I just 🥺 I’d love to be reborn as an octopus. (I also didn’t know what calamari was the first time I ate it and nearly cried even though it was a squid... it tasted pretty good though)
𝐟𝐚𝐯𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐛𝐨𝐨𝐤: this may sound boring, but we read this book in class called Education and it really left a mark. (As a kid my favorite series was The Magic Tree House though)
𝐟𝐚𝐯𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐫: so it basically switches depending on the day, but it’s between red, black, and green (for some reason I really like the color black in the summer)
𝐟𝐚𝐯𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫: ...there are way too many to choose from and I get attached to easily to fictional characters 😭
𝐟𝐚𝐯𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐟𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫: delphiniums and muscari
𝐟𝐚𝐯𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐭: ok this is gonna sound awful but gasoline, tea tree, sweet vanilla, and honestly there’s a whole thing about how your family has their own scent and I love our natural smell (not the body odor tho)
𝐟𝐚𝐯𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐬𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐨𝐧: in between fall and winter
𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐠𝐞 𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐬𝐥𝐞𝐞𝐩: usually 9-10 until school ruins it
𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐬 𝐨𝐫 𝐝𝐨𝐠𝐬: dogs (I used to be a cat person, but I now have a dog who has turned me into a dog person. I now want an English Bulldog, French Bulldog, Pitbull, Great Dane, etc.)
𝐭𝐞𝐚, 𝐜𝐨𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐞 𝐨𝐫 𝐡𝐨𝐭 𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐞: every time I see this I want to say tea, but I only like sweet tea...so coffee
𝐜𝐮𝐫𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞: 10:45 PM
𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦 𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐩: Australia or Japan
𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦 𝐣����𝐛: psychologist or teacher
𝐡𝐨𝐛𝐛𝐢𝐞𝐬: reading, writing, cheerleading, does listening to a ton of music count ;)
𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐦𝐨𝐯𝐢𝐞 𝐰𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐝: I started watching Okja, but didn’t get very far yet. The last one I’ve completed was Camp Rock 2: The Final Jam (p.s I have some good movie recommendations)
𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐨: omg I’ve been caught... Can I Have This Dance - Highschool Musical 3
𝐧𝐨. 𝐨𝐟 𝐛𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐤𝐞𝐭𝐬 𝐬𝐥𝐞𝐩𝐭 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡: 1 1/2... I become a heater at night, but I use a weighted blanket that doesn’t reach my feet so I put a light blanket over them.
𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐦 𝐟𝐚𝐜𝐭(𝐬): should I give some basics? I’m a middle child (wooooo) with a older brother and younger sister. I love writing on paper the first time around. I’m currently a simp over a Minecraft player 😔
Tagging: @txthearteu (hewooo)
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reyofgreenplaces · 5 years
In the year of our lords, Adam Driver and Rian Johnson, I am coming out with probably my longest and most comprehensive reylo fanfic rec list to date (about a hundred more under the break ;). Each fic has been read by yours truly, sorted into three parts as per usual under au's, in- universe, and completed. Each will be accompanied by the title, author(s), chapter count, and a short synopsis and notes. This fic list is only the start of a more ambitious project I'm working on that will further filter my fanfic lists to more specific types: long fanfics, genre fanfics (angsty, mystery, funny, fluffy, etc.), one-shots, and many more! So I hope you enjoy this one with many new additions and some familiar faces and keep an eye out for my new lists coming out soon!
(These are pretty much all explicit fics, cuz I’m a thirsty B)
Forbidden: koderenn (24/?)
Canon Divergence/Senator Ben/Jedi Rey/Forbidden Relationship, very angsty
A balance of chaos: JaneofJakku (20/?)
Post TLJ/Enemies to Friends to lovers
Reset to Default: selunchen (17/28)
Canon Divergence/ Suspicious Prince Ben/ Angry Jedi Rey
The Tether: ClasseySpanks (30/40)
Post TLJ/Enemies to Friends to Lovers
Allegiance: Have_A_Biscuit (26/30)
Canon Divergence/King of Alderaan Ben/Jedi Rey
The Beauty of a Secret: caisha (15/?)
Canon Divergence/Jedi Ben & Rey/Heavy Smut/Heavy Angst
The Girl From Nowhere: SouthSideStory (6/?)
Post TLJ/Conflicted Rey/Big Asshole Ben/Heavy Angst
Footnotes: Camucia (20/22)
Post TLJ/Rey finds Ben’s bad poetry
The Bond that Ties Us: moontear (120/?)
Post TLJ/super long fic
Alternate Universe:
In Living Memory: SpaceWaffleHouseTM (30/32)
Immortal Ben & Rey/ Enemies to Friends to Lovers over centuries AU
Believe it or not: P_dunton (4/?)
Soulmate/Miscommunication/Heavy angst AU
Glory's Fray: avidvampirehunter (53/75)
Gladiator/servant AU
Ashfall: SpaceWaffleHouseTM (6/14)
Rival geologists/Forced together for science AU
Lie to me: ssalemghostss (18/?)
Rival Gang town AU, angsty
Mint to be: fettuccine_alfreylo (4/?)
Reylogan Sugar Daddy AU, very fluffy and sexy
Give me time: TheAfterglow (11/?)
Wedding singer AU
Her Killing Moon: Angelic_Hellraiser (21/23)
Vampire/werewolf war AU
Need a big God (big enough to fill you up): jedihbic, sapphiresunset, thumosren (8/?)
Sugar daddy AU
Where we left off: coffeeandcigarettesplease (8/10)
Young Rey has a crush on Ben, Ben goes off to war, comes back and feelings are felt.
Dear Mr. President: crossingwinter (2/15)
Soulmate/Political Life AU
Mating Systems, Reproductive Success, and Sexual Selection in Secretive Species: A Case Study of the Wild Ahch-to Omega: NewerConstellations (17/20)
ABO/Scientist Ben/Wild Omega Rey
The Witch in the Wood: HarpiaHarpyja, Inmyownidiom (13/18)
Knight Ben/ Witch Rey
What's Your Damage: Enterprisingly (5/22)
Dungeons & Dragons Roleplaying AU
Matchmaker, Matchmaker: meeda (8/10)
Matchmaker Rey/ Divorce Lawyer Ben AU
Queen of Alderaan: bunilicious (5/10)
Queen Rey/Usurper Ben AU
Fixer Upper: MyJediLife (3/?)
Southern single lady Rey/ House contractor Ben AU
Landscape with a blur of conquerors: diasterisms (63/65)
Post TLJ/arranged marriage AU
When these moon met the sun in the sky: RebelRebel (16/20)
Feudal Japan fantasy; childhood sweethearts/separated, emperor/samurai AU
Refuse Me: Autonomee (4/?)
ABO/ Private School/ Hidden Identity AU
A Spy’s Game: InfiniteBlackRose (30/?)
American Revolution/Opposite Sides AU
Dystopia: Cosmogonika (25/?)
Cyberpunk/Blade Runner AU
Find my nest of salt, everything’s my fault: Like_A_Dove (15/?)   
POV from Ben of We Could Plant a House
The Sun Never Sets: asfragileasasword (7/?)
Professor/Student AU
You Should See Me in Crown: 3todream3 (5/8)
ABO King Ben/Handmaiden Rey, angsty
Aegis (In This World or Any Other): Lucidlucy (15/30)
Hades/Persephone AU
Land’s End: Hagen (3/?)
Part Two for Salt in the Blood Series
Shift the Tide: AdriannaXVI (3/?)
Shapeshifter AU
Let’s Get Together: KyloTrashForever, ohwise1ne (4/8)
ABO/Camp Counselors AU
All the Money in the World: HerSistersKeeper (17/?)
Rich Bitch Rey/ Rich Bitch Disaster Ben
Say it With Sugar: fettuccine_alfreylo (18/20)
Chocolate shop/mental health and anxiety AU
Silver and Shade: midnightbluefox (6/?)
Soft Demon Ben/Investigator Rey
Genesis: Eris97 (8/?)
Zombie apocalypse/last people on earth AU
Redwood Specters: Ria84 (10/14)
Haunted mansion AU, fluffy and spooky
The Hand that Feeds: persimonne (9/?)
Ancient vampire Ben/Victorian historian Rey
I’ll be Seeing You: tomorrowthestars (22/?)
1940′s young Rey and Ben AU
The Good Fortune of the Skywalker Family: MissBliss12 (5/18)
Violent Meet Cute/Crazy family AU
The Moon Child: MotherofPorgs (6/?)
Werewolf/PNW AU
The Strange Case of Dr.Solo and Mr. Ren: fear_of_being_written, NewerConstellations (12/20)
Dr.Jekll and Mr. Hyde Au
The Layover: Hydra_bitch_please01 (18/?)
Flight Attendant Rey/Mystery Wealthy Man Ben
Cupcake Wars: crossingwinter (8/8)
Rival Cupcake shops AU
Leave Nothing Unsaid: theselittlethings (1/1)
Post TLJ oneshot/secret tryst
You should see the things we do: Ever-so-reylo (Ever_So_Reylo) (3/3)
Roommates/Enemies to Friends to Lovers AU
Sweet Rey: bunilicious (7/7)
Very soft warrior Ben/very sweet maid Rey historical AU
An Unexpected Vacation: tigbit (10/10)
ABO medical study AU
Demon’s Possession: DragonWhiskers (13/13)
Demon Ben/Sacrifice Rey AU
Higher Ground: KathKnight, Seraphprotocol (31/31)
Post TLJ/ Disaster Kylo Ren/Angry Rey
Delicate Matters: KyloTrashForever (5/5)
Shy Ben/ Awkward Meet Cute with Underwear, very fluffy
the surface of last scattering: diasterisms (2/2)
End of the World AU
A Poetic Match: commandercrouton (2/2)
Professor/student AU
Your Eyes (Are Holding Up the Sky): elemie89 (5/5)
Highschool athlete Ben/tutor Rey AU
Just A Sandwich: walkingsaladshooter (1/1)
Hook up with feelings AU 
The Lady and the Monster: 3todream3 (21/21)
Rival colleagues AU
the world shifts (and I am better here): lachesisgrimm (olga_theodora) (32/32)
fairytale/sleeping curse AU
Witch’s Moon: Dragonwhiskers (12/12)
Witch Rey/Witch Hunter Ben AU
Steal Away With Me: Erulisse17 (18/18)
Thief Rey/Investigator Ben AU
I Caught Fire: KyloTrashForever (9/9)
Emo Highschool students/Misunderstanding AU
welcome to my cage, little lover: KyloTrashForever (8/8)
ABO warlord Kylo Ren/servant Rey
I move the Stars for No One: SageMcMae (13/13)
Post TLJ/ Labyrinth-esque
fourth part whole: trailingviolets (2/2)
Cyborg Kylo/mechanic Rey AU
Salt in the Blood: Hagen (52/52)
Kelpy monster Kylo/village girl Rey historical AU
Dust to Dust: KyloTrashForever (10/10)
Victorian Priest Ben/ Lady Rey AU
The Trail Bride: SecretReyloTrash (BadOldWest) (46/46)
Oregon Trail AU, angsty
A Scandalous Match: Musickat18 (18/18)
Victorian arranged marriage AU
Satisfied: commandercrouton (11/11)
My best friends wedding AU
At the Stroke of Midnight: bunilicious (4/4)
Cinderella AU
They Don’t Have a Word for What We Are: andabatae (69/69)
Post TLJ/ mutual pining 
Wolf at the Door: Shadowlass (4/4)
Red Riding Hood AU
Imprints: KyloTrashForever (22/22)
ABO/ reuniting AU
Looking for Raid: Polkadotdotdot (16/16)
Gaming online friends/ office rivals AU
the shore, so far away: neonheartbeat (23/23)
Titanic AU
long way home (nonstop to takodana): the-reylo-void (Anysia) (2/2)
Reuniting after breakup AU
lay then the axe to the root: sciosophia (1/1)
Duke/governess AU
Parallel lines: nite0wl29 (22/22)
Teacher/student with horses AU
Rules of Engagement for Sinners and Saints: Black_Eyed_Suzannah_Q (21/21)
Western Homesteader Rey/Outlaw Kylo Ren AU
Sun, Sand, and Stone: Black_Eyed_Suzannah_Q (21/21)
Post-Apocalypse Mad Max AU
So long, my adversary: Like_A_Dove (3/3)
Snowed in coworkers who hate each other AU
Heather and Honey: Polkadotdotdot (9/9)
Corporate lawyer Ben/Irish Brewer Rey, fluffy AU
Don’t feed the bears: Ria84 (22/22)
Canadian mounties AU
Effloresce: lovelydarkanddeep (16/16)
Flowershop/tattoo parlor AU
Tattooed Heart: KyloTrashForever (16/16)
Destination Wedding/Bridesmaid/BestMan AU
 Songs of Innocence, Songs of Wisdom: Cosmogonika (36/36)
Post TLJ/fate 
Coming Home: inexorablydrawn (14/14)
Highschool reunion AU
Snow Sparkles Like Stars: raptorginger (9/9)
Stranded in snow/Christmas AU
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jaigny · 5 years
21 Questarunies! ❣
I was tagged by the sweet @mayusimsie who wanted to see my rubbish attempt  ♡
Rules: Answer 21 questions, then tag people that you want to get to know better.
Nickname : Jaign (Pronouced like Jane)
Height :  Short  5′2′ish I think LOL
Last thing searched: “Conssoiuer Mountain  Mint Icecream” (Don’t judge me its my birthday soon 👀)
Favorite musicians: There are so many we would still be discussing this for like forever...sooo... I like a range of music from today, 90′s, 80′s etc and even like music from games like League of Legends and Wow (Like Eurtan’s music is just *Chef kiss*) and I like a few kpop too!
If you had a time machine, would you go back in time or visit the future? I guess it would depend really? I’m human and I’ve made a few mistakes in the past or I would of done something different. But like the fact that tomorrow is basically the future is amazing too and that would be interesting too see too.
Do I get asks? Very very rarely lmao And I mean it’s fine my blog is just quiet and that’s great!
Following: 355 beautiful people that like my trashy content LOL
Would you rather be rich or famous? Rich but not famous being famous wouldn’t be for me LOL
Amount of sleep: well.... 👀.... Atleast 12hrs of sleep...just depends? Cause sometimes in that combined 12hrs I have naps if I sleep averagely 9 hours?...Sleeps great for the skin ya know 
What I’m wearing: Black sweat and a white singlet cami top cause its like my basic comfort zone. Ultra comfort zone only happens in colder weather when I putt out my fluffy marshmallow fleece pjs!
Dream job: I’ve had alot of dream jobs...but I feel like cause I really like helping people of all ages..like..I wanted to be an anime artist when I was a teen...then wanted to be a florist...a counselor...actually started a course on it until I couldn’t do it and had to quit because lots of stuff went down..bad stuff..and a whole bunch of other things throughout the years til I became a carer for my grandmother for 24/7 literally. And as exhausting it was for those 5 years (I had to stop cause mental health reasons that I still to this day have) I’ve decided I like helping people and went and got my Cert 3 in Individual Support for the elderly and am now wanting to do Cert 4 in  Disability. I want to learn more because my youngest sister has Autism and I find that and Dementia just so fascinating despite how it not pretty it is.
Dream trip: Japan mainly and take my boo there for his anime pleasures LOL  And just learn about the culture I’d love to see Ireland and Scotland and other places but beech I’m a broke woman
If you were an animal. What would you be? I would probably be a cat (Literally my nickname is Kitty) 👀
What are some of your favourite books/films/shows/games/etc.?
Books: The Lord Of The Rings, Z for Zachariah, Waterfire, Vampire Academy Books.. SO MANY BOOKS LOL  I mean I even love to nowdays just read Fanfiction of my fave shows anime and tv alike! Like its amazing how creative people can be!
Films/Movies:  Well I gotta say classics like Jaws, Deep Blue Sea, The Alien franchise, Predator (Even the AVP stuff) Tau, Marvel, there’s alot of movies I like too LOL but the genre is mainly rom comedy, thriller scary stuff. I watched the latest It movies and I liked the first one more then Chapter 2 but I was happy Ben finally got his girl in the end lol I’m looking forward to watching Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark. And then I love like Disney films like Moana, Tangled and  the classics that I grew up with like Little Mermaid etc Frozen 2 looks interestingly better then the first so yeah lol
Shows: Hmm... I’m currently watching Supernatural, American Horror Story and Dr Who lol But I love Buffy the vampire series and Friends...Stargate...Orange is the New Black..and then I like fail cooking shows like Nail it lol And then I have all my anime I watch LOL
Games:  I grew up like alot of older simmers round my age and older the Sims 1 and Sim City, Mario Bro 2 on Nintendo 64 , Resident Evil 1, 2 3 and Outbreak File #2 on Ps1 and 2 (Love Resident Evil) Final Fantasy 7 on Ps1, Parasite Eve 2 on Ps1 ... I also loved to play Pokemon on the gameboy that my cousin owned lol I remember playing a Digimon game on I think ps1? Oh I played Alien Isolation that was such fun...I played Grand Theft Auto throughout my childhood on Ps2 and then GTA5 I mainly though played Sims 1 and then later on Sims 2 and 3 til Sims 4 came out.
Play any instruments? I used to play keyboard in Music class that was like part of an assessment in highschool but mainly I just like to sing however bad/good I am LOL
Language(s): English (I did learn French in Year 7 and 8 and I know a couple of stuff  in Japanese from watching anime and reading Fanfiction!
Describe yourself as aesthetic: Warm cozy (Not too much clutter) homey Minimalist I guess lol
Tags: WELL! I tag these lovely darling people! (I’m sorry if the people I tage have already done it as I didn’t know!) @tea-sims @stardustsim @peonypyxels @grouchysims @blarffy @99simproblems @whoeverelsewants to do it i guess?
Peaceout and Much love y’all! ♡
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some languages i'd love to learn (but probably never will)
american sign language (i'm actually taking this in highschool)
german (i'm taking this if i don't get asl)
french (not quite fluently, but maybe some basic words like 'thank you,' 'your welcome,' 'hello my name is,' etc. i know hello and goodbye and that's it)
japanese (i'd love to move to japan and knowing japanese would be useful. i love the language, especially kanji)
greek/ancient greek (i'm obsessed with mythology, esp. greek mythology, but this is more of a wish i'd like to keep in my dreams rather than make it a reality)
latin (ILOVELATINSOMUCHHH i've heard it's incredibly difficult, though, so i'd rather stick to the first two heh)
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eurekq · 6 years
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got my full fanganronpa designed with names and backstories and personalities and everything... character info is under the cut! all the bios took about a week to put together so i hope you give them a look <3
basic premise: 16 fresh-out-of-highschool prodigies are invited to star in well-respected and widely-watched reality tv show, which takes place on a cruise ship. what they weren't expecting was for the show's 25th season to be a killing game! the students: TOMOKO KAITA: a peppy and outgoing astrology guru who can read your deepest flaws and strengths with just your date and time of birth. known worldwide for her extremely accurate personal horoscopes. despite this, she strongly believes in the ability of an individual to defy their fate through hard work and self improvement. she dislikes giving negative horoscopes, and does her best to focus on the positives that the stars hold in store. her smile brightens the whole room! she is intensly loyal to her friends, to the point of self-sacficing emotional labor. KENJI MINAMOTO: a formal and eccentric olympic fencer whose strange insistance on not wearing protective gear during practice (he believes it makes him better by giving him a stronger motivation to not get hit) has earned him many a scar over the years, and has left at least half of his joints in braces at any given time. he follows his own bushido-esque moral code, although he will not put himself above whapping the occasional really annoying person in the ankles. his épée is his best friend and he carries it most everywhere. most of the scars on his face and hands are actually from trying to put in his very sharp industrial piercings while drunk. despite his oddities, his lightfooted and elegant fencing has been compared by many to a graceful dance. HAZUKO KAGENO: a secretly sweet and polite orphan who took up puppetry as a child in an orphanage to amuse the younger kids. years of retreating into her puppets' personas has left her unable to communicate normally, and she prefers to talk through her puppets, her favourite being lady ravensdale, a proper lady in victorian fashion. she doesn't take very good care of her actual appearance, with long, tangled, split-ended hair and rips in her clothes. the only exception is her hands, which she keeps meticulously maintained and manicured, since they're the only part of her body visible during shows. her creepy smile and wide, glazed-over eyes are offputting to most she meets, but she is a truly kind and passionate person whose animated and lively puppet shows can bring a smile to any childs face. EISUKE ITOU: eisuke grew up sewing clothes for his younger sisters barbie dolls, and he particularly loved dressmaking. he gained exposure in his first year of highschool by handmaking gorgeous outfits for his class's booth at the school festival, and, through application to various junior fashion competitions, he was eventually noticed by a big-name designer in paris. however, he found learning french next to impossible and has spent the year prior to the game in relative isolation, unable to have any real human conversation. his pyschological state was fairly severely impacted by his long hours spent sewing and designing on internship with no company to get him by, and he is now debilitatingly socially anxious and finds conversation difficult and awkward. SHIN TOKUGEN: a silver-tongued and charistmatic human interest and general news reporter who specializes in getting personal accounts from those affected by newsworthy events. growing up billingual in english and japanese due to his american mother, language comes as easy as breathing to him. in addition to his mother tongues, he fluently speaks chinese, korean, arabic, spanish, and russian. news outlets pay hefty prices for his emotionally provacative and insightful interview stories, which covers all his travel expenses. he has a unique talent for getting complete strangers to reveal to him things that they might not even tell close friends. actual casual conversation with can be a little offputting, since it always feels like an interview, even when he's trying his best to not. MARIKO MIKAMI: mariko was a sickly child, and spent a large part of her elementary school years in hospitals. around the age of seven, she began folding paper cranes as something to do, and wished to live normally after she folded her 1000th. she soon recovered, and feels that she owes her life to origami. she is precise and calculating in everything she does, which shines through in her art: every delicate, artful piece of origami that she makes is creased and folded perfectly. she also dabbles in wet-fold origami. she's most famous for her dry-fold though, and her pieces are well known for their complex, precise, mathematical beauty. she refuses to fold paper cranes anymore, feeling that they are too sacred for her to touch after they saved her life as a child. a calm, slightly disconcerting smile is always on her face, no matter the circumstance; her manner is consistantly cool and polite. YUU IROIKE: yuu iroike isn't even his real name, and it's a mystery as to how show staff even tracked down his mailing address to get him on the show. he's a well-known public figure for painting huge, sprawling, colorful murals in tokyo, yet who he really is remains unknown. he paints faster than his murals can be scrubbed away, and has somehow never been prosecuted for vandalism because his graffiti is generally considered an improvment. he's sly, mysterious, and teasing in person, and gets a bit of an itchy trigger finger when he hasn't painted in a while. His skill with spray paint is so great that it seems as if the paint bends to his very will. MARIYA HAN: born and raised in rio de janeiro, mariya moved to her father's home country of japan at the age of eleven. inspired by the more vibrant trends in brazil as opposed to japan, mariya broke out of her mold at the age of 13 by experimenting with dramatic makeup and dying her hair blonde. she has adopted a delinquent-ish persona over the years due to general disapproval from teachers because of the looks she presents. her impeccable sense of all-around style has made her one of the very few half-japanese models to appear on the covers of magazines like kera and zipper. she has an uncanny sense of color and structure and is able to create attractive and stylish looks for almost any face. HARUMI HAMANAKA: harumi is a sweet and bubbly girl, if almost cloyingly so. her good luck is a fairly stable force (nowhere near as chaotic as komaeda, for example), generally acting in the favor of wishes of people around her. her mother intensly wanted for her to be on the show because of the exposure it provides, and this is what harumi attributes to her being selected. despite the way her luck operates, shes no doormat and in fact has an overwhelming force of personality, and her sweet demeanor can become rather passive aggressive if challenged on pretty much anything. MOMOTAROU KOBARA: momotarou, born into a rich family that fufilled his near-every want, made a name for himself in the world of collecting at the age of just eleven by, through luck and love for the series, collecting every pokemon card. from then on he set onto collecting just about anything non-perishable: pins, collectors set bandaids, vinyls, etc. he has exceptional luck in finding deals on ebay and other sites. he cant really be called a hoarder, since he likes to have just one of everything; he resells, gifts, or uses any duplicates. his mood swings between a dreamy, chilled out, flirtatious persona and periods of numb depression when it hits him that his whole life revolves around material possesions and that he has no real human connections. CHOUMI YUKIYAMA: exceptional among even her fellow shsls, choumi made her historic mark on ballet by becoming the world's youngest ever prima ballerina at the age of 13 and japan's first ever prima ballerina assoluta at 18. fans flock to her ethereal, angelic grace on stage as well as to the percieved sense of otherworldlyness surrounding her albinism. on the darker side of her popularity, repeated sexual harassment from fans and male dance partners alike has hardened her world view to make her not quite cold, but definitely reserved in her emotions. she adapts fairly easy to stressful situations and pushes through pain with almost no visible outward struggle due to her all too common experience with dancing through foot and ankle injuries. because of this she usually ends up taking initiative in difficult scenarios if no one else steps forward. she is also a quite talented hobbyist figure skater and is fluent in both english and russian. REN KIKUHARA: a fairly odd florist in that instead of ordering flowers to arrange into bouquets, every flower he sells is grown himself. although this means that his selection is seasonally and fairly regionally limited, he has an incredible talent for working with plants and can even sometimes coax out-of-zone flowers to grow. he's fluent in hanakotoba and is surprisingly good at flirting through flowers without it seeming cheesy, although he doesn't do it very often. people often remark that his bouquets often seem to have more love and life in them than store-bought ones. ren is a calm and kind soul and prefers listening to talking, with what he does say always seeming to be just the right words for the situation. JUN TENSEI: born jun harada, many believe that his spiritual connection is the real deal, but a few critics hold that he is most likely just an incredibly talented bluffer. the real truth about him is unknown, but many say that his seances do accurately reflect the personalities of their deceased loved ones and help them feel at peace. he is deeply religious, but not to any one traditional faith (although he does use traditional christian symbols such as crucifixes and items such as holy water on occasion). he believes strongly in the power of the soul and its ability to exist beyond death. his voice is soft and low, and he has a penchent for gentle teasing and riddles. he comes off as pretty shady to most, but he's fairly harmless. SARA KUROKAWA: a talented young woman from a long line of popular backalley tattoo artists. she combines traditional symbolism and youthful influence in her designs to make something new and more appealing for the younger generation, and is a huge proponent for tattoos being shown off for fashion rather than hidden away in the traditional style. sara does have (illegal) tattoos done by her older siblings on her arms despite the minimum age being 20, although her being homeschooled, looking older than her actual age, and having a tendency to wear long sleeves year round has led her to encounter few problems. she and her family are among the many who simply choose to ignore the statute requiring a medical license to tattoo. sara is a fairly rude person in a backhanded way, acts stereotypically catty, and enjoys making herself the center of attention, whether through her appearance (dyed pink hair and white contacts) or the things she says. the only two things that can break her shell and make her excited and genuine are tattooing and piano, which she has played from a young age and loves. SHOU KATSUKI (PROTAG): pushed to succeed in the game from a very young age, shou is japan's reigning chess champion, a FIDE-certified grandmaster, and went to international competition the year before the killing game. he played through to the finals with influenza, which worsened through the matches due to lack of treatment and culminated in debilitating pneumonia that left him in the hospital and unable to play for first. because of this, he's cultivated a sort of inferiority complex that he tries to cover for with self-confidence, which actually comes off as condescending rudeness. he has a natural talent for cause and effect analyzation and is good at planning ahead. he gets flustered easily over trivial things and is a sore loser, but tends not to crack under actual pressure. shou doesn't like to be associated with his family due to the intense pressure they put him under only to steal his winnings the second he began to succeed and thus prefers to be referred to by his given name, even by near-strangers. he does genuinely love chess, but his favourite board game is actually risk. (no one ever wants to play with him, though.) MIKI SHIMAZAKI: a child prodigy from a family of cheerleaders, miki learned to love the sport over years of family pressure. famous for winning back to back nationals from age 13 to present, she's well aware of the image of unintelligence and sexualisation that comes along with being a young girl in cheerleading, and these two topics are sort of trigger points for her. after a while she grew tired of people telling her that they were suprised she was nice and were expecting her to be a bitch, so she adopted a fake-nice, popular girl type persona to basically give people what they were expecting. miki trusts very few people due to the many creeps shes encountered, but her few friends are the most important thing in her life and she would stop at nothing to protect them.
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