#amnesia buck fic
theotherbuckley · 5 months
Tease Tidbit Tuesday 🫣
New WIP, hope you enjoy
The day started just like any other; Buck woke up to his alarm blaring, slapping around in his nightstand until it shut off, he forced himself out of bed, made a double shot coffee which he practically inhaled, before running out of the house, barely remembering to lock the door behind him. So the day started out like any other but now he’s in the hospital and he can’t remember why.
His head aches as he twists in the uncomfortable bed, turning to see a man sleeping in a chair pulled beside him. Buck’s not quite sure who this man is, other than that they may just be the most beautiful man that Buck has ever met. His soft brown hair is sticking out in every direction but he looks absolutely adorable. Buck’s not sure he’s supposed to have this kind of reaction to seeing a strange man in his hospital room but he’s never been one to make good decisions — he did steal a fire truck to go hook up with a girl like a month ago.
Buck groans where he lays, he’s lucky he still has his job he shouldn’t be thinking about more ways to lose it again. The noise startles the man beside him from his slumber. Deep brown eyes stare back at him. Buck swears he could get lost in them.
“Buck? Buck, you awake?” The man beside him says frantically, rising from his seat to stand over Buck.
Yeah sorry Buck’s brain has gotten a lil bit jumbled 🫣💜
Tagging the gang: @bidisasterevankinard @fortheloveofbuddie @jeeyuns @wildlife4life @honestlydarkprincess @eddiebabygirldiaz @jesuisici33 @your-catfish-friend @ladydorian05 @giddyupbuck @eowon @elvensorceress @watchyourbuck @steadfastsaturnsrings @housewifebuck @thewolvesof1998 @rainbow-nerdss @cal-daisies-and-briars @evanbegins @diazsdimples @wikiangela @bucksbirthmark @underwaterninja13 @daffi-990 @fionaswhvre @aspecbuddie @lover-of-mine @nmcggg @tizniz @monsterrae1 @smilingbuckley @loveyouanyway @hippolotamus @incorrect9-1-1 @buckdefencesquad @actualalligator @pirrusstuff @actuallyitsellie @dangerpronebuddie @babybibuck @exhuastedpigeon @perfectlysunny02 @buddieswhvre @loserdiaz @rogerzsteven @bucksbignaturals @smallandalmosthonest let me know if you want to be added or removed
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lonelychicago · 7 months
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got love-struck, went straight to my head
for @monsterrae1
buck/eddie | teen and up | 17.5k words
It takes a while for Eddie to realize this morning is not like the others, that there’s this wrongness thick in the air of the room. It takes a while for Eddie to realize Buck’s tense and stiff as a board in his arms and that he’s not responding to any of Eddie’s touches with the usual eagerness and earnestness as only Buck can be. “Buck, baby?” His voice comes out all croaky from the tiredness and from only just waking up. “What’s wrong?” “I’m sorry, I, uh, I don’t-” Buck stutters, crawling out of bed and getting his legs all tangled in the sheets in his haste. Eddie’s frozen in place. “I don’t, uh— Who are you?.” or: The morning of their wedding day, Buck wakes up with amnesia.
read on ao3
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daffi-990 · 1 year
What if …
Buck and Eddie got together days before the lightning strike and hadn’t told anyone yet (not even Chris), and when Buck wakes up he’s fine .. except he doesn’t remember that he and Eddie finally kissed and had the talk and promised each other forever.
But Eddie remembers.
Eddie remembers but Buck doesn’t and Eddie just .. he just doesn’t tell him. He’s scared and has all these feelings about the lightening and the memory loss and he talks it all out with Frank for weeks and when he’s finally ready to talk to Buck about it .. the graveyard scene happens.
So Eddie stays quiet and tries to move on. He tries with Marisol but his heart isn’t in it and so they break up and he decides to not date. To be alone because he loves Buck and will always love him. He’s his forever, even if he can’t have him the way he wants .. the way he briefly got a taste of.
And Buck is dating Natalia and things are .. fine. They get a couch and she stays over every now and then and things are fine. Except they’re not because something feels like it’s missing, and Eddie has this sadness in his eyes and Buck doesn’t know what’s wrong, and of course Eddie doesn’t want to talk about it.
And then one day Buck just remembers. He remembers everything and oh my god how could he forget?! How could he forget what Eddie tastes like? The way his eyes shone with tears of utter happiness and joy after their first kiss, their first “I love you”. How could he forget?
Cue Buck knocking on the Diaz front door at 11pm on a random Tuesday and of course it’s raining and Eddie opens the door and he looks tired but so soft and warm and like home and he says “Buck?” and Buck just starts crying.
“I remember”
And then they’re kissing and holding each other and crying but it’s okay. It’s better than okay because Buck remembers and he’s here. He’s home.
I ended up writing this and it’s now a fully completed fic on AO3.
You can read it here 💛
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I have a couple of fic types I'm looking for.
Amnesia fics
Any fics where the ladder truck incident resulted in Buck losing his leg.
Apparently I'm in the mood to suffer 🤣
Thanks for your help!
ohhh i do love to suffer while reading about my blorbos 😂
i'll list some below, but anyone else feel free to add on! special thanks to my wife rawie for sending me some 🩵
you've got the antidote by hattalove
and i’d choose you (in a hundred lifetimes) by MonsterRae1 @monsterrae1
remember to remember me by Daffi_990_ao3 @daffi-990
as I comb back through my memory (how you said you'd be here) by heartbeatdiaz @lonelychicago
calling (so you'll answer) by Princessfbi @princessfbi
i could never forget you, not really by browney3dgirl6
i hate accidents except when we went from friends to—wait, what happened? by browney3dgirl6
if i asked you to stay, would you? by browney3dgirl6
ladder truck
i never could hope to win by mansikka @redlightsandicedtea
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Another unhinged buddie fic idea - amnesia Eddie at his best and dumbest
So Eddie gets hurt, hits his head, is unconscious for like two weeks and when he finally wakes up, he thinks it's 2018, he's almost finishing fire academy and his parents are still saying he should let them take Chris away permanently.
To say he panics is an understatement — his muscles are weak after the lack of stimuli but he still puts a fight with the nurse that's trying to take his blood pressure.
He keeps on asking about where he is and where is Chris, only gets a you're in Cedars Sinai MC in Los Angeles and doesn't take for answer anything that tells him to stay still or to be careful with the IV, until the nurse says, "Your partner is right outside, I'm sure he's arranged something for your son."
He freezes. "My partner? I don't have a partner. Who is taking care of my kid?"
The nurse's face changes and there are suddenly more and more questions about what he remembers last, what year he thinks is, and does he remember his partner's name. He tells her - he fell asleep in his bed, 2018, he doesn't have a partner because he's been separated from his wife for a few years now.
Apparently, the year is 2023, he was on a call with his fire crew and got hurt, his partner is definitely his partner because he's his power of attorney, next of kin, and has been taking care of his kid.
So the nurse leaves to talk to the doctor and his partner who is still outside, with said doctor.
(Eddie doesn't know that but the nurse was either absolutely sure this is what Buck is because there are assumptions and there are legal medical documents or she is sure this is the mythical firefighters' bond and they're just very close work partners - your pick. Either way, Eddie thinks she means romantic life partner.)
Meanwhile, Eddie goes through all stages of grief because his apparent partner he acquired in the past five years is a he and apparently such a sure thing he's in all of Eddie's medical documents.
A guy. What kind of a guy he would have to be for Eddie to choose him as his partner?
Then the nurse comes back with a very tall, very handsome guy built like a brick wall but also making a face that makes him look like an eager but sad golden retriever and—
Oh. That explains some stuff. If just looking at him makes Eddie feel like it, then he can't even phantom what being with him feels like.
The guy stops mid-room, not going for a hug like Eddie expected him to. "Heard you don't remember me."
And he sounds so sad that Eddie reaches his hand out and the guy — his partner — is instantly at his side, gripping his hand, and Eddie doesn't let him go until he gets the point and pulls a chair closer and sits with him.
"I don't. So a name would be nice."
"Buck. Well, Evan Buckley, but everyone calls me Buck."
And like, Eddie's never been big for pet names but even in this short moment Buck seems so bright he wants to call him mi sol. "I call you Buck?"
Buck chuckles. "Yeah, you call me Buck. Unless you're really serious, then you call me, you call me Evan."
"Evan," he tests out. "Sounds like you're in trouble."
And Buck smiles at him so softly Eddie is melting in that bed, warmth hitting him where he's still holding Buck's hand hostage and traveling up. "Not to me."
Bobby, who is apparently their captain — even though Eddie has a feeling like he's talking to his in-laws again the whole time he is there — brings Chris to the hospital and he's so big, already eleven, and so sassy with Eddie.
He's also very, very familiar with Buck, which calms him down - he talks about the funny sandwich cutters Buck's been using the whole time Eddie was in the hospital to cheer him up and tentatively admits how they slept in the same bed the first week because Chris had nightmares.
And even though his dad landed in the hospital — again, apparently? — Chris seems very, well, very well-adjusted to the situation at hand, even if Eddie can see he's being a bit clingy with both Eddie and Buck. Like the adults in his life are doing a good job at shielding him.
Buck is the one who has all the hard conversations with him, about Shanon, about his parents, about his abuela moving to Texas because of a whole pandemic, about the accident he had at work, and what will happen once he leaves the hospital.
It's really reassuring, that it's Buck telling him all that.
If he had any doubts about Buck being a very, very good and very, very close partner, all of it disappears when they go back home from the hospital.
His whole house has signs of Buck living their best lives in there — there are photos, cookbooks, cooking utensils Eddie doesn't even know the names of, Buck's clothes mixed in his wardrobe, cards from Chris for the both of them. It's very clear Buck is not only a big part of their life but also lives with them full-time, too.
He knows where everything in the kitchen is — "I have a system, Eddie" — and he knows where all Eddie's insurance paperwork is, knows the PINs to his phone, his cards and accounts, he knows all about Chris' medical needs. He knows how Eddie likes his coffee, how Chirs likes his toasts, which shaving cream Eddie likes, which toothbrush is Eddie's, which pair of shoes Eddie's only bought because they were on discount and never worn, which of Christopher's notebooks is the one for math.
He doesn't remember the past five years but he can't imagine not having Buck as his partner. Knowing he is there doesn't make him anxious like he thought it would — it makes him calm, settled.
So he's offended when the first night comes and Buck tries to bring spare blankets onto their couch. He wants him in their bed.
He gets that Buck is trying to give him space since Eddie doesn't really remember all the years they've been together, but that's a bit much. They're partners, and pretty solid ones at that, not just a new couple figuring stuff out, they must have slept together a million times.
So Eddie tells him to go off the couch and sleep in bed with him. It takes some convincing but eventually, Buck agrees. They lie down, Buck is being unnecessarily awkward, turning his back on Eddie in the dark. Eddie is not having this — turns towards him and spoons him, holding him in his arms. He's pretty sure Eddie getting hurt and forgetting five years is stressful on Buck, too, even if he doesn't show it. He deserves the comfort of his partner, even if said partner doesn't remember all of their life together.
It happens again the night after, and the night after that, until Buck stops tensing up whenever Eddie wraps his arms around him.
Because Eddie was unconscious for so long, he still needs PT, and Buck somehow manages to arrange that Eddie's and Chris' PT is at the same time and Buck oscillates between staying with either of them for the duration. There's one time when the receptionist at the therapy center asks him why he comes in so often when he looks fine — she's flirting with him, Eddie knows, which makes him glare at her, and Buck just tells her, "I'm just the chauffer for my boys." And Eddie calms down.
They assessed him at the hospital and he's supposed to have someone's handheld assistance or use a stick or a frame when he walks, until the PT gets his legs to the state from before. Using either the stick or the frame makes him feel like an old man, and the feeling doubles when Buck, the hunk of a man that he is, is nearby, so he refuses to use it when Buck is around. Which ends with Buck helping him around by placing an arm around his back and holding his hand with the other whenever Eddie needs to move.
Which is an absolutely amazing feeling because Buck is both the gentlest of giants, always knowing when Eddie needs reassurance and so freaking fit and big, Eddie can just rest against his chest whenever he feels wobbly or needs comfort from the embarrassment. It's a very contrasting feeling because it makes Eddie want to be held and pecked all over his face and thrown into the wall to make out.
Eddie's physical fitness improves and he misses Buck's touch the second his therapist says he can start moving without assistance.
That's the only problem Eddie has — Buck refuses to touch him. Again, he knows it's a bit weird with Eddie not remembering. At first, he thought it was just Buck giving him the lead on how much he wants them to do but then Buck keeps on ducking out any time Eddie initiates something.
He goes in for a kiss when Buck is drinking coffee and he dodges, standing up before Eddie can try again. Eddie gives Chris a kiss goodbye and goes to give Buck one, where he's standing next to their kid, and Buck skips out the door, telling him he's going to start the AC in the car. He tries to curl up against his side on the couch and Buck gets up with an excuse of making popcorn or tea or anything else possible. When Eddie slips into the shower while Buck is brushing his teeth, he leaves the bathroom with the toothbrush still in hand. Buck pretends to be asleep when he kisses his neck and swats Eddie's hands off when he moves them under his t-shirt when they're spooning, always calls out Eddie in the dark, like he isn't sure Eddie is comprehending what he's doing.
(Buck is pretty sure Eddie is trying to kill him — just make him have a heart attack or something — even if not deliberately. He isn't suspecting a thing about Eddie's partners assumption.)
It's like Eddie has a partner that loves him but without the bits that are funny. Like, he thought life-affirming sex is a thing and he is cleared for physical activity now and still out of work and going stir-crazy.
He doesn't get it and he can't talk about this with Buck because it almost feels like Buck is rejecting him, every time he ducks away from Eddie's affection or doesn't reciprocate it.
"Buck is—He loves me, right? He hasn't stopped after the accident, he's—He finds me attractive, he wants me, right?"
(Hen, sweet Hen, thinks he figured out Buck is in love with him now that he has a bit of an outsider perspective, and mutters, "Oh boy," cursing in her head because it's too early for this conversation. She isn't even suspecting Eddie heard partners once and ran wild with it.)
"I don't see where you're going with this," Hen says diplomatically.
"It's just, he's not doing anything about it," he explains. "It feels like he's barely touching me."
Hen is freaking out because of all times, Eddie had to realize now—"Do you... want him to touch you?"
"Have you seen him?" Eddie asks and then frowns. "Oh, right, playing for a different team."
"You just had a brain injury," she points out, hoping Eddie will find his brain somewhere, actually, and think.
"It's been almost two months, the doctors say I'm fine, memories aside," he says stubbornly.
"Eddie, I don't think Buck is going to make any first moves when you don't remember the past five years you guys—" She needs to change the track because she's saying too much. "Why don't you just talk to him about it?"
"And say what? Please bend me over our kitchen table? Please shower with me? Please give me kisses goodbye? Please hold me at night?"
"You probably should start with something more...tame," Hen suggests.
He's tried tame — he's tried initiating kisses and hugs and Buck doesn't respond. It's like he is afraid to touch him and Eddie isn't made of glass.
He needs to do something drastic.
So at night, he waits for Buck to come to bed, lights dimmed, and when Buck pulls the covers away to slide into bed with him, Eddie is naked — he can't be more blunt, if this flies over Buck's head, he'll be worried.
"Oh my god," Buck keeps on repeating, not looking at Eddie, blindly trying to put the covers over Eddie.
"Oh, come on, I can't be more obvious," he complains. "Why can't you just touch me, Evan?"
He's taking deep breaths, not looking at Eddie at all and this is the opposite of what he aimed for. "You don't want me, Eddie, you don't even know me."
"I definitely want you," he protests, irritated. He knows what he wants, it's Buck who's been missing the signals right and left. "And I know you, you're my partner, my Buck—I know you want this, too."
It's the truth — when he thinks Eddie can't notice, he looks at him like Eddie is everything he could ask for. He wants him to look at him like that now, too. He knows Buck, even if memories aren't there.
"We're not doing anything until you get your memories back and you actually know who I am."
"What if I never get my memories back?"
Buck doesn't reply and for a second Eddie think he got him, but then Buck stands up from the bed and says, "I think I should move out."
"What?" Eddie protests because that's definitely not what he was aiming for. Buck's place is with them, even if things in their relationship are a bit dry or stilled. "And where exactly would you go?"
"I do actually have my own place, you know?"
And how Eddie was supposed to know? He lives with them. He should not have a back-up place to go.
"I think I'm sending you mixed signals and you obviously don't remember enough to interpret them with clarity in your head," he tells Eddie and leaves.
He actually leaves the house, too, no matter how much he's asking to just sit down and listen to him. He spends the night trashing from side to side, expecting Buck to be back any moment but never getting him back.
(Meanwhile, Buck doesn't go to the loft because everything is dusty in there since he's moved into Eddie's place when he had to take care of Chris when he was still unconscious. Instead, he goes to Maddie's and complains to her over a glass of wine, aiming to stay on her couch overnight. "You didn't see him, Maddie, he was just lying there like a starfish, completely naked, going all, now you can touch me all you want—" and Chim wakes up Jee with how hard he drops the pans he was pretending to clean while eavesdropping.)
Buck comes back in the morning to take Chris to school — he doesn't offer Eddie to take him together and they don't talk at all.
Eddie needs to talk to someone about this because he might have somehow ruined the relationship with the man he's pretty sure he'd like to marry one day. By wanting him to touch him, of all things. But everyone is at work.
Pepa is retired, though. The problem is, Eddie isn't about to tell her Buck had threatened to move out because Eddie wanted him to fuck him.
So he asks the more appropriate question, "Why are we not married yet, actually?"
Maybe if they were married, Buck wouldn't have some secret place to escape. Maybe he'd feel like he can touch Eddie because Eddie is his on paper, too.
Pepa gives him a look that says he's crazy. "Who?"
"Buck and I, obviously." Forget crazy, Pepa stares at him like he's insane. "What? Does Buck—not want to get married? Did I say anything about this to you?"
"Mijo," she says, sounding like it pains her to do so. "You and Buck are not—you're not together, Eddie."
Eddie laughs because that's—that's not possible, they're partners, Buck's been taking care of him and Chris since Eddie woke up, and long, long before that even if Eddie doesn't remember it. He's Eddie's power of attorney and next of kin and he's in Eddie's will, he's all but a step away from adopting Chris, knows all of Chris' and Eddie's medical history, their allergies, their likes and dislikes. He's Eddie's partner.
Pepa is not laughing, just looking at him with that pitying expression on her face,
"But—he loves me, he loves Chris, he loves us," he says dumbly.
"Believe me, I know, we all know," she says. "We've tried stirring you in the right way but you're very stubborn, mijo."
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iltrpls · 5 months
summary : “Your condition is called retrograde amnesia.” The doctor says, handing him a pamphlet.
“I’ll take that.” Buck says, reaching to take them from the doctor’s hands.
They both follow Buck’s movement slowly. “It’s a form of memory loss that causes an inability to remember events from the past.” The doctor says, bringing her attention back to Eddie. “You’re missing a few years right now and-”
Buck’s scoff interrupts them both. When both Eddie and the doctor turn their heads to watch him, he shrugs, “Sorry.” He says sheepishly, “But eight years is not exactly a few years.” He quotes.
OR: In which Eddie loses about eight year of his life and things are… heavily different than he last remember. OH! And you get to see buck and eddie be parents to a little girl.
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jakes3resin · 6 months
Pls im so desperate for the amnesia fic angst 🙏🙏🙏😫
Oh, amnesia fic! Genuinely, I'm still in love with that idea. I'm just a little freak of a writer who has so much in her head that things do tend to fall by the wayside. It will hopefully come out sometime between one of my a/b/o fic arcs. I desperately need to get through England arc first before I even allow myself to write for a different fic.
The whole fic would explore the soulmatism of Clegan as Bucky would be so different from the show there and Buck would be losing his mind trying to keep hold of his John. There'd be switched POVs so we could see how neither of them are doing well.
I'm partial to the Bucky shows up with no memory idea rather than he loses it after his arrival that I laid out in my original post. I have part of the train scene written that genuinely still makes me giddy because I just love the dynamics present in the scene that supposedly only has Bucky. I'll put it below because I really do adore it.
Help the boys onto the train, John. Keep'em calm, keep'em alive. A voice deeper than his own, with a twang Bucky can't place, seems to float through his head. It's comforting, yet he doesn't know why.
The boys trust you, John. Use that. Bucky swallows and reaches down to help drag the next man up. He goes until every man is on board, and he's left facing a yard full of Germans. A one man wall.
The boys all shuffle around, scared and unsure. Most of them turn to him when the doors close, whispers start to spread that he's a major as the train moves on. He thinks that means he's the highest ranked here. He thinks that means he's supposed to know what to do. He puts on a brave face and faces them head on.
They don't trust me like I trust you. Bucky says to the voice in his head. The voice says nothing in return.
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lovecolibri · 4 months
Well, I finished both amnesia/presumed dead Eddie fics that I remembered the premise of and pulled from my bookmarks. Both were absolutely as good as I remembered however neither of them had a specific scene I remember from an amnesia!Eddie story where he thinks Buck is lying about them not being together because all signs point to them being in a serious relationship. So, the hunt for more amnesia!Eddie fics continues! If you know which one it was, hit me up!
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buddieswhvre · 6 months
Okay so hear me out what if Eddie gets hurt during a call or maybe gets hurt in an accident where he suffers from post traumatic amnesia. Now of course Buck will take proper care of him, he'll move in his house and Eddie watches how Buck knows his way around the whole house. He has Christopher's and even Eddie's whole routine on his fingertips he seems to know everything about them and he concludes that they are dating maybe even married. Now he frantically searches for a ring but couldn't find one and everyone seems to hiding their relationship as Eddie doesn't remember anything about it. He looks at the hurt expressions of Buck and feels absolutely gutted to cause hurt to the person who cares about him and loves him so much. So he thinks the best thing to do is just ask about their relationship and hope that Buck talks to him. So he does and plot twist is that they are actually not dating. I just think it'd be so funny if Eddie goes "So you cook, clean and take care of us, you almost spend all the free days here with us having family nights we're supposed to have each other's back and you're written in my will and we're still not together?" And Buck goes now that you mention it really doesn't make sense? So of course they get together because logic somehow exists for them now. Okay maybe I can write this one for Day 6 of buddie week (I'm not letting you go)
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chronicowboy · 2 years
you know what buck getting hit by lightning, falling like 40 ft to the ground and going through a coma isn't enough actually. give that man amnesia, make him forget the love of his life and his son, commit to the mfing bit!!!!!!!!!!!!
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theotherbuckley · 3 months
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Combining these @loveyouanyway @cal-daisies-and-briars
🧠 - amnesia Buck fic
When the night falls once again, the moonlight seeping into his hospital room, Buck turns to Eddie once more. “I think you should go home,” he says.
Eddie’s shoulders slump, his brown eyes glossy with unshed tears. He nods, resigned. “Okay,” he whispers.
“It’s not—” Buck starts, words failing him for a moment. “It’s not that I’m not incredibly grateful that you’re here. I just— you look like shit, man.” Eddie visibly flinches and Buck’s not sure if that’s because he just insulted him or because he called him man.
“I— shit,” Buck says. “Sorry, just I mean— you don’t look like you’ve had a good sleep in days, and I mean, you could probably use a shower.” Buck is startled by the short laugh that escapes Eddie’s mouth. It’s a beautiful sound, Buck wants to hear it again.
Eddie wipes at his eyes a few times because nodding at Buck again. “I’ll go home, Buck. Should say goodnight to Chris and—” Eddie cuts himself off, shaking his head.
Also tagging @steadfastsaturnsrings @firefighterevandiaz @hippolotamus @dangerpronebuddie @tizniz because they also asked about it/were interested
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lonelychicago · 7 months
several sentence sunday 💌
tagged by the lovelies @monsterrae1 @spotsandsocks @exhuastedpigeon @hippolotamus @disasterbuckdiaz @wikiangela @daffi-990
this is from my amnesia au!
"I can't do this." Eddie shakes his head and pushes Buck further away as he shifts and and sits up straighter, with his back against the bed frame, the sheets pooling around his waist as he goes. "Not when you don't— You don't remember anything and it just feels wrong."
Eddie sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose and closing his eyes for a few seconds.
He feels Buck moving beside him, hears the little rustle of the blankets as the man straightens up.
"Oh, sorry. I guess I got a little carried away." Buck clears his throat and Eddie's eyes flutter open, his arm falling to the side as he just stares at this— stranger that's on his bed.
Buck tilts his head and gives him a breathless, sheepish crooked smile. "I'm a sex addict?" He says as if looking for an excuse to be absolved of whatever that was, a poor attempt at trying to dissipate the tension that's now choking them.
Eddie raises an eyebrow and gives him an unimpressed, unamused look.
"Self-diagnosed." Buck says and Eddie scoffs and snorts.
"You're unbelievable."
"Listen, dude. Sex is sex and you're like, stupidly and annoyingly hot." Buck says blunty. "Can you really blame me?"
His skin still feels too hot and there's this buzzing underneath, like a beehive has made a home of his insides.
"Look, I know neither of us knows how to handle this or what we should do," Eddie sighs as he looks for some clothes. "But we need some ground rules."
"Bossy," Buck smirks, still from his place in bed. "I like it."
Eddie fixes him with a stare and points a finger at him, "No more of—" He makes a vague gesture towards Buck and then to the sheets all in a tangled mess on bed. "That. At least not for a while."
tagging @hoodie-buck @buddierights @rogerzsteven @bigfootsmom @honestlydarkprincess @underwater-ninja-13 @father-salmon @devirnis @wildlife4life @barbiediaz @buckaroosheart @jesuisici33 @evanbegins @steadfastsaturnsrings @fortheloveofbuddie @athenagranted @malewifediaz @weewootruck @eddiebabygirldiaz @elvensorceress @watchyourbuck
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daffi-990 · 11 months
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remember to remember me | the lightning amnesia fic | Explicit | 31K | Completed | Read on AO3
cover art by @daffi-990
Something is wrong.
“Buck”, Eddie says his name slowly, like he’s a deer that could easily be startled, “do you remember Monday night, after I got home from working a shift without you?”
“We had a few beers and you told me about that crazy call.”
“Yes. And do you remember what happened afterwards?”
“Uh — no? Should I?”
The ice in his veins spreads and soon his whole body feels frozen, like a bucket of icy water has just been dumped all over him.
“Oh shit, did I drink too much on an empty stomach again? That always leaves me way drunker than I should be and I can’t remember shit the next day”
Buck doesn’t remember.
He doesn’t remember.
Eddie’s entire world crashes down around him. He feels like his body has stopped working. He doesn’t know if he’s breathing but he’s pretty sure his heart has stopped.
Buck’s memories of them can’t be gone.
Buck and Eddie finally get together only for lightning to strike a few days later, leaving Buck with no memories of them ever becoming a couple.
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Chapters: 7/7 Fandom: 9-1-1 (TV) Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Evan "Buck" Buckley/Eddie Diaz (9-1-1 TV), Evan "Buck" Buckley & Christopher Diaz & Eddie Diaz (9-1-1 TV), Evan "Buck" Buckley & Christopher Diaz (9-1-1 TV), Christopher Diaz & Eddie Diaz (9-1-1 TV) Characters: Evan "Buck" Buckley, Eddie Diaz (9-1-1 TV), Christopher Diaz (9-1-1 TV), Bobby Nash, Maddie Buckley, Howie "Chimney" Han, Henrietta "Hen" Wilson, Helena Diaz (9-1-1 TV), Ramon Diaz (9-1-1 TV), Josephina "Pepa" Diaz, Isabel Diaz (9-1-1 TV), Sophia Diaz (9-1-1 TV), Original Female Character(s), Carla Price, Albert Han (9-1-1 TV), Ravi Panikkar, Athena Grant Additional Tags: Podfic, Podfic Length: 4.5-5 Hours, Hollywood!Amnesia, Eddie Diaz: Friend of Lesbians, Mourning, Grief, Grief/Mourning, Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Eddie Diaz is a Good Dad, Evan Buckley is a Good Dad, Christopher Diaz Has Two Dads, Getting Together, Presumed Dead, Happy Ending, Heartbreak, Pining Summary:
This is a podfic of the fandom classic story by HMSLusitania. Summary:
An accident on a call leaves Buck with custody of Chris after Eddie is... missing presumed. While they navigate their new family circumstances -- and fight to stay together, despite Eddie's parents' best efforts -- a John Doe wakes up in a coma ward with no memory of his own life beyond the knowledge he has a son named Christopher and, somehow, he needs to get home.
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iltrpls · 4 months
summary : “Your condition is called retrograde amnesia.” The doctor says, handing him a pamphlet.
“I’ll take that.” Buck says, reaching to take them from the doctor’s hands.
They both follow Buck’s movement slowly. “It’s a form of memory loss that causes an inability to remember events from the past.” The doctor says, bringing her attention back to Eddie. “You’re missing a few years right now and-”
Buck’s scoff interrupts them both. When both Eddie and the doctor turn their heads to watch him, he shrugs, “Sorry.” He says sheepishly, “But eight years is not exactly a few years.” He quotes.
OR: In which Eddie loses about eight year of his life and things are… heavily different than he last remember.
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buddierecs · 1 month
fake dating buddie fics
all explicit rating - 18+ only!!!!!! make sure to kudos/comment on these amazing works :)
to build a home we deconstruct our rituals by: letmetellyouaboutmyfeels "after the shooting, eddie realizes he needs to put some things in place. like who will get his assets if he dies. who will speak for him if he ends up in a coma. what might happen if his family contests buck's guardianship. luckily, he's got a simple easy-peasy solution that won't result in insanity, catastrophe, or heartbreak: marry buck." word count: 44k important tags: fake marriage, slow burn, mutual pining, friends to lovers, fluff, angst, eventual smut meet me in the middle (underneath a little bit of mistletoe) by: princessfbi "buck and eddie agree to fake date each other to get through dinner with their parents during the holidays!" word count: 40k important tags: mutual pining, idiots in love, angst, fluff, protective!buddie, jealous!evan buckley, slow burn, smut what do i say (to make me exist?) by: cuddlyobrien "buck gets hurt at chim & maddie’s wedding, earning some temporary amnesia and thinks he was marrying eddie. the doctor advises they let him believe it. eddie is stressed from day one" word count: 27k important tags: temporary amnesia, mutual pining, season 6, anal sex, blow jobs, riding you became my world by: monstrous_moonshine "buck needs help; to get his inheritance money he has to be married. eddie offers to help, because that’s what best friends do, right? he can pretend he’s not woefully in love with buck, surely?" word count: 30k important tags: boys in love, kissing, oblivious!buddie, hurt!evan buckley, first time, hand jobs, anal sex, rimming, top!evan buckley, bottom!eddie diaz breathe out now and we fall back in by: withoutthetiger "set during the summer after 5b, buck and eddie are complete idiots (affectionate) while they pretend to be in love and then realize they haven't been pretending at all. It's just a lot of fake dating, written for the prompt "you could never hurt me." word count: 32k important tags: friends to lovers, soft!buddie, first dates, sexual tension, light angst, mutual pining, anal sex, blow jobs, hand jobs raise her with me by: jayjay__884 "buck realizes that it takes a village to raise a child when a baby girl is left on his doorstep. left with a note that tells him she's his, buck tries to do the right thing and step up to the role that was given to him, finding himself responsible for taking care of an entire human being who is depending on him. and with eddie's help, who is on his own journey of healing and self-acceptance, they both learn about the readymade family they've always had as they end up co-parenting their children together and becoming something more." word count: 222k important tags: kid fic, relationship of convenience, friends to lovers, slow burn, mutual pining, co-parenting, eventual smut i can see it in your eyes (do you mean it?) by: smilingbuckley "eddie hears that his cousin is getting engaged. not wanting to get set up by multiple family members on awkward dates so he can bring someone to the wedding, he and buck plan to fake date. they put a lot of thought into it, getting comfortable with pda, going on fake dates, even practicing kissing once... and then it's finally time to travel to el paso. but faking it is hard when he's not really faking it at all." word count: 29k important tags: idiots in love, weddings, pre-relationship, mutual pining, slow burn, sharing a bed, eventual smut, top!evan buckley, bottom!eddie diaz a thousand words (and then some) by: tawaifeddiediaz when buck and eddie get roped into a photoshoot for the friend of a friend, neither of them expect what they'll have to do. or what it'll cost for their relationship. or, the photoshoot fic that got a little angsty, then a little sexy. word count: 25k important tags: pre-relationship, photoshoots, idiots in love, light angst, soft!buddie, emotional hurt/comfort, fluff, mutual pining, explicit sexual content
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