#amphibia sasha waybright x reader
vrisrezis · 2 years
can i request a calamity trio x reader that jokes about their trauma? Like, for example , someone can walk out of something and they'd be like " POV: my dad after i was born ☠️" (pls skip if it makes u uncomfy, i totally understand)
Anne also does this so she’s whatever about it lmfao. She’s aware it’s not the healthiest way to cope but she’s not one to talk so she doesn’t mention it.
Sasha goes therapist mode, of course. She’s aware he’s got his own sets of issues to still work through, but wants to make sure you cope with your traumas in a healthy manner.
Marcy laughs it off, though they do show some concern for you at times they also know that it’s probably fine to joke about it.. right?
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amphibiahawks321 · 4 months
[Sasha slams both of her hands on the table]
Sasha : Are you kidding me!?
Grimm : Sighs for the last time—
Sasha : You expect me to go to that disgusting cave just to get rid of some puny large ants!? My hair could get messy! You think this hair looks good on a daily—
Grimm : that's why I want Y/N to occumpany you... he'll go with you because I know you two are a 'thing' I thought maybe that could change you're decision.....
[Reveals Y/N sitting on a chair next to Sasha which Y/N starts waving at her]
Sasha : You play dirty....
[Sasha holds Y/N's left hand]
Sasha : Fine...
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randoms-fandoms · 9 months
Hi can I request a yandere adult calamity trio x reader headcanons please
Yep! I love stories where multiple yanderes share the same beloved <3
Warnings: possessiveness, stalking, obsessive behavior, guilty feelings, kidnapping (more like they just don’t let you leave, but yk),
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🥀(I don’t know all the names for the yandere types/mbti things, but I’m gonna try to describe them—)
🥀Sasha, of course, is a manipulator. She’s unpredictable, cunning, and willing to get violent over you. She wants you all to herself, with the exception of her girls of course 💙💚 you’re not the first person she’s been like this about, but the others were just unrequited crushes. This time it’s true love, right?
🥀Marcy is more careful and precise about how she loves you— on the surface, she seems more normal, but that’s just because she can’t bear the idea of you hating her, so she obsesses in secret (except for Anne and Sasha— they’re just as fucked up as she is). She’s the type to steal your things and takes tonnns of photos. She’s the brains of the operation.
🥀Anne feels really guilty about her obsessive feelings. Shes more the dramatic and sad type, who’s only happiness comes from her beloved <3 she knows it too, it’s happened time and time again. It’s just how she loves. she doesn’t want you to be unhappy, so she’ll bend over backwards to please you. She’d do anything for you.
🥀 you didn’t even know them prior to what happened. It was a mystery to you why they would choose you as their target.
🥀of course, it wasn’t really a choice. It was fate. Destiny. You were meant to be with them— each of them knew it since the first time they saw you.
🥀Marcy had flown out to California to visit Anne and Sasha, but after meeting you and realizing that she couldn’t live apart from you, she decided to move back.
🥀at the time of your meeting, you were working full time waiting on patrons at a high end restaurant— you were good at your job, but it was demanding.
🥀Anne, Sasha, and Marcy were having a nice girls night out, wanting to catch up after a few months of not really getting to talk much. Anne chose the restaurant mostly at random, but thank goodness it happened to be the one you worked at!
🥀Sasha saw you first. She thought you looked lovely, even in just your work uniform. You weren’t even waiting their table, she just spotted you across the room.
🥀Anne and Marcy recognized that smile as soon as it graced her face. The thrill of finding something new to cherish. “Look at that cutie,” she was casual enough, any outsider might just think she was planning to ask you on a date.
🥀Marcy was shameless, selfish almost. She felt no apprehension when she decided to let herself fall for you. She’s been so good for so long, she’s earned this. “Oooh, look, Anne!” She could hardly take her eyes off of you from then on. She had always adored pretty things, she just couldn’t stop staring.
🥀Anne didn’t want to look. She knew what would happen. She didn’t know if she wanted to fall in love again, it always hurt so bad. Even if things went well and she ended up dating the person she was interested in, it was all too much— she would start to worry, then she would rationalize getting too clingy and too close. Before long she would be afraid to let you out of her sight, and then you would leave her. Because she was broken, and couldn’t be normal about love. She knew she couldn’t stand it. “No, not again.” She groaned, putting her face in her hands. I was doing so well, why again? Sasha and Marcy are really a bad influence…
🥀”Come on, Anne. It won’t be like last time.” Sasha lied. “I can get their number for you if you want to ask them on a date,” she said with a smile. It was barely on the edge of a teasing, predatory grin; you wouldn’t notice if you weren’t looking for it, but Anne and Marcy saw. “You can have a perfectly normal relationship… as long as you promise to share.”
🥀Easily pressured, easily falling back into old habits, Anne glanced behind her. She saw you then, and you were the most perfect person she’d ever seen. You looked tired and worn down, taking directions from your boss, but there was a hint of defiant annoyance that made her heart skip. She wanted to take you far away and keep you, so you wouldn’t have to work so hard. She knew she could take care of your every need, if you just let her.
🥀Marcy and Sasha smiled watching her face darken with a blush. “See? Nothing wrong with looking.” Marcy giggled. “I think someone has a crush~”
🥀”Should we wait ‘till their shift is over?” Sasha asked under her breath.
🥀”No! I-I mean, you can if you want, I just— I don’t know if I want to move so fast.” Anne felt flustered. She wondered if you had seen her in the crowd, if you had thought she was pretty.
🥀”I guess we could do things the old fashioned way, like when we were in school.” Marcy mused. Anne frowned. Stalking. That’s what you mean.
🥀Marcy and Sasha were perfectly normal the rest of the night. It kind of put Anne on edge. Did that even happen? How can they act so nonchalant with them in the room? Disgust in herself boiling deep in her stomach, causing her to loose her appetite, Anne realized she didn’t even know your name. And she was already so infatuated it was like you were on a radar, she was aware of your every move. Creep.
🥀Of course Marcy and Sasha hadn’t forgotten about you. They just knew Anne would take a while to get used to having these feelings again. For them, there was no guilt. It was like a game. It was fun. They were almost glad to have another special person to fixate on.
🥀As they were heading out to the car, Sasha had taken a peek at your name tag. She thought your name was very nice. Of course she told Marcy and Anne this new information later that night. She laughed, imagining how their group chat would turn into nothing but you in the foreseeable future.
🥀Marcy was in town for another week. She knew she didn’t have much time. That night, she had a hard time getting to sleep. She couldn’t stop thinking about you. She wondered and wondered and wondered if you were dating anyone. I wonder if I’m their type? Do they even like girls?
🥀mumbling your name over and over to herself, Marcy spent the rest of the night looking you up online. She was able to track down pretty much all of your social media accounts. She took countless screenshots of your posts— even if you didn’t post photos, or anything personal, just knowing your thoughts was important to her. It’s like you’re telling me this! It’s like I’m in your mind! She thought, pretending you were there with her, face flushed. She really had missed having someone to love.
🥀The next morning she was still awake on the couch when Anne walked into the main room of her apartment to make breakfast. She knew what Marcy had been doing. She still had that guilty feeling, but she let Marcy ramble and infodump everything she learned about you as they ate breakfast together. She secretly wanted to know too.
🥀That morning when you woke up you had three new followers on all your social media accounts. You wondered if maybe they were old forgotten friends you knew in high school— it’s not like your personal accounts were very popular, you had no idea why they would want to follow you. For some reason they looked a little familiar, though.
🥀Sasha was already getting restless by the third day. She had spent a good few hours parked outside your place of work or in the surrounding businesses each day, but she wanted to talk to you. Every moment she didn’t have you, you might be falling in love with someone else. Imagining it made her chest tighten up. She told herself she was just angry, just protective, but she was also scared. What if they don’t even like me? Sasha hated getting rejected. She hated losing.
🥀She texted the group chat on your lunch break the fourth day. I’m doing it. She then turned off her phone, even though she knew Anne would be panicking.
🥀do what?? Sash dont
🥀There were a number of things Anne could interpret that to mean. Stalking in real life instead of just online? She already was. Asking you out on a date? Anne certainly wouldn’t put it past her. Kidnapping you? The mental image of Sasha manhandling you into the back of her shiny red convertible was disgustingly thrilling to Anne. She felt sick to her stomach from guilt.
🥀When Sasha approached you in the fancy bakery across the street you usually ate your lunch at, you were a bit intimidated. You instantly recognized that she was there to flirt, and you weren’t necessarily opposed to it, but it had been a while since you had been with anyone. You weren’t feeling too confident in yourself, and Sasha knew that.
🥀”Hey, mind if I sit by you? All the other tables are taken, and you look the friendliest.” Sasha had said casually. She laughed, feigning embarrassed, shrugging her shoulders. “My name is Sasha.”
🥀You introduced yourself, surprised at how bubbly and talkative she was. You were beyond curious about her— what is that facial scar from?— but it wasn’t polite to ask, so you just smiled and nodded along.
🥀It was like a dream. Sasha knew just the right things to say because she had read months back in your social media posts. She had researched your interests, your favorite TV shows, made jokes she knew you would laugh at… she was perfect for you.
🥀You didn’t hesitate at all when Sasha asked for your phone number. “We should hang out this weekend. Wanna go to the movies with me?” She flashed a grin, pretending to be charmingly shy. She knew there was a new one playing in theaters you’d been dying to see.
🥀”Sure. It’s a date.” You said playfully. You went back to work with a smile on your face.
🥀I’ve got a date ;)
🥀Anne breathed a sigh of relief when she received that message— Sasha hadn’t done anything too drastic. She felt a pang of jealousy, but knew that it was useless. She would always have to share with Sasha— either that or get her heart crushed when Sasha inevitably swooped you away. It had happened once before, the very first time the three girls had fallen so deeply in love with the same person. She and Sasha had both asked someone out, and they had chosen Sasha. The loss had devastated Anne so much that she decided she’d rather share than be beaten again. That’s how she had settled into the group’s routine of obsession.
🥀That Saturday, Anne was off work, and Sasha had her date. As she got dressed in a stylish pair of slacks and casual patterned button up shirt, Anne wished she was going too. Marcy was content to wait— that’s because Sasha had let her in on a secret. This wasn’t going to be just a date. The two of them wished her luck before she left Anne’s apartment.
🥀Three hours after Sasha left, Anne heard the front door of her apartment open. She’s back already? She was surprised to hear that the other girl wasn’t alone. The sound of an unfamiliar voice accompanied her, hushed joking and giggles, a familiar voice she’d heard in the restaurant only a week ago.
🥀Anne’s heartbeat sped up. They’re in my apartment! Why didn’t Sasha tell me? She sat up in bed, feeling her blood run cold. I hope they don’t think it’s too messy… she stood up and made her way to the cracked bedroom door.
🥀”Are you sure your roommates won’t mind me coming over for dinner?” Your hesitant voice was like music to Anne’s ears. She felt a smile creep onto her face. Feeling a rush of excitement, she gave in. Fuck it. I’ll play along.
🥀”Hey Sash, home already? How was your date?” Anne left her room and made her way to the entry area. She was nervous as hell, but tried to act cool.
🥀Sasha put on a show of acting annoyed. “I guess I could introduce you…” she said, telling Anne your name as if she didn’t already know practically everything about you. “I thought you guys would already be asleep, so I thought we could come back here and cook something to save money.” She explained.
🥀You and Anne also got along well. You noticed that Anne was acting awkward around you, but thought that that was because Sasha had unexpectedly brought someone home.
🥀At some point Marcy came back from the errands she was running, and joined the three of you in cooking. You were surprised, not expecting to meet so many new people, but they both seemed like reasonable young women. Sasha, of course, was just perfect.
🥀”I should be getting home… Sasha, would you mind driving me?” You eventually said, after another few hours. It was really getting late.
🥀That was when the first red flag popped up. Sasha’s face dropped. You caught a glimpse of her face pulled into an almost confused looking glare before she smiled again, a little agitated. “Uh, actually, I don’t think so.”
🥀You were confused. Sasha had done all the driving that evening, how did she expect you to get home? Little did you know, Sasha didn’t expect you to go home at all.
🥀Bouncing her leg up and down in barely contained excitement, Marcy leaned into your view. “Why don’t you stay?”
🥀You we’re beginning to get uncomfortable. “Uh, I don’t have my overnight stuff…” you glanced around for answers, eyes landing on Anne.
🥀Anne looked scared. She was sweating buckets, face flushed, fingernails peeling at her already bleeding cuticles. At this point she was regretting every decision that lead up to this moment, every time she should have protected you from Sasha and Marcy. And me, she thought, feeling her heart drop.
🥀”Don’t chicken out now, Anne.” Sasha’s voice was cold. It was like she could read Anne’s mind. Sasha then turned to face you, smiling again. “You’re staying with us.”
🥀”What do you mean?”
🥀Sasha rolled her eyes, but Marcy took the time to explain. “You can’t leave. You’ll live here in Anne’s apartment now. We can get you anything you want, we can do anything you need, just… stay here.” She said, voice wavering a little.
🥀Finally understanding— these girls aren’t as safe as I thought they were— you looked back at Anne. She just stared. “Anne? This is weird, right?”
🥀Anne shook her head, resigning herself. “…Sorry.”
🥀”Now, let’s turn in for bed. Do you want to take a shower? You can borrow some of my clothes.” Sasha said casually.
🥀You shook your head quickly, frowning at Sasha. “I’m not staying here.” You stood up and made a break for the door— it was easy to reach, Anne’s apartment was tiny— but before you knew it, Sasha was behind you.
🥀She covered your mouth with her hand and managed to restrain you easily. “Help me out,” she called to Anne and Marcy.
🥀Anne just watched. She watched as you struggled, trying to bite Sasha’s fingers. She watched as Marcy snuck up behind you, smiling wide, and hit you over the head— just enough to knock you out. She watched as Sasha caught you in her strong arms and gently laid you on the hard wood floor, sighing.
🥀"You gonna help out? Or did you change your mind again?" Sasha said to Anne, exasperated.
🥀Swallowing nervously, Anne nodded.
🥀Then the next thing you remember is waking up in Anne’s room, gently restrained. The three of them take care of you, even hand feeding you until you’ve given up enough to not fight when they untie you.
🥀You choose now: how long does it take before you stay voluntarily? Will you ever give in and let yourself be loved by them? It’s up to you!
A/N: hope this is alright! I had fun writing it, especially Anne agonizing over everything lol
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icypenguin · 5 months
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hey everyonee! how’s your day been?? ヽ(*>∇<)ノ
i’ve been thinking to expand my fandom here on wattpad since i’m having a huge writers blog and maybe some requests or suggestions will help?
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here are the fandoms i’m thinking to join on!
- the owl house:
luz noceda
amity blight
edalyn clawthorne
lilith clawthorne
raine whispers
willow park
gus porter
- amphibia:
anne boonchuy
marcy wu
sasha waybright
- school bus graveyard:
ashlyn banner
aiden clark
ben clark
taylor hernandez
tyler hernandez
logan fields
-avatar the last air bender:
aang (platonic if can)
toph (platonic please!)
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that would probably be it for now! request rules are in my page, so please consider looking at it before making a request!
thankyou for everyone’s support throughout my tumblr journey! looking forward to those requests ゚*。:(人´v`*)☆゚:。*゚
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multim00n · 1 year
You asked for requests so you shall receive them. Could you do some Yandere Adult Sashannarcy x Reader Headcanons.
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Yandere Calamity Trio
The relationship y’all have is definitely suffocating
Anne would cling to you every second she got, Sasha would manipulate you to stay with them, and Marcy would most likely ramble about her interests to you
Anne would be the softer one, Sasha would be the manipulative one, and Marcy would be the guilt-tripping one
The reason why your ‘relationship’ has stayed together for this long, is because of Marcy’s guilt-tripping and Sasha’s manipulation
I feel like Anne would give you gifts to try and make you stay with the her and the girls, bribing you with things that you like and her kindness
You would probably get close to Anne considering how kind she is, but it would make Marcy and Sasha extremely jealous
Cuddle piles are a MUST
How they kiss you:
Sasha: rough and passionate with a sprinkle of possessiveness
Marcy: Clumsy and timid with an occasional giggle
Anne: Softer than the others, more romantic, and just a smidge of nervousness
Sorry this was so short! I don’t have many headcannons for the Calamity trio :’)
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liljesterseye · 3 months
I was just looking through your profile and can i request Sasha Waybright (Amphibia) x reader hcs? it can be about anything honestly, and any gender for reader too. Thanks :)
Alright! I will say, I'm almost done with Amphibia, not fully, but I'll try my best!(I'm on mid season 3) Also, Y/N will be Gender Neutral to make it easier! -Sasha would definitely be really overprotective over Y/N and would be and absolute nightmare to anyone who flirts with Y/N (not in a yandere way though) -If you asked her about it she would immediately deny it and she sometimes acts more like a Bestie rather then a girlfriend -Although there is that, She definitely shows you off to Anne and Marcy like you're an Oscar or something -She's reeeeaaaalllyy moody and stuff when she get's overtired, like one moment she'll be like in a popular girl/competitive/heather chandler mood and 5 seconds later she'll be snuggling you i know this was short but again, I'm not that good with Amphibia, Hope you enjoyed!
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lazypiechi · 1 year
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просто забавные штуки с персонажами и y/n х)))) 
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childes-w1fe · 1 year
(Amphibia x Female Reader)
"𝓘 𝓯𝓮𝓵𝓵 𝓲𝓷 𝓵𝓸𝓿𝓮 𝔀𝓲𝓽𝓱 𝓶𝓮𝓵𝓪𝓷𝓬𝓱𝓸𝓵𝔂."~ 𝓔𝓭𝓰𝓪𝓻 𝓐𝓵𝓵𝓪𝓷 𝓟𝓸𝓮
As your unfortunate luck would have it, your mother decided to surprise you with a move to California. All of your previous friends ditched you because of fake rumours, making you wonder, were they even your friends at all? As much as you pretended you didn't care, you always knew you would. The feelings of sadness, betrayal, anger and hurt always linger in your mind. So you decided it was best to move to a different state for a better start. After all, it's what your sister would have wanted. However, it seems your unluckiness couldn't get enough. Because maybe you were unlucky enough to get trapped in another world through a music box stolen from a thrift store. But someone can't possibly be that unlucky?… Right?
┊      ┊     ┊⋆。  ┊     ┊    ┊   
┊ ⋆。 ┊     ┊      ┊     ┊⋆。┊   ༊*·˚
┊      ┊     ┊      ┊     ┊    ┊
      ‧₊ ༉   ┊     ˚✩     ┊    ๑՞.
            ₊˚.༄             ┊
𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 1 - 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑻𝒓𝒊𝒐
!𝑻𝑾!: 𝑴𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏 𝒐𝒇 𝒔𝒆𝒍𝒇 𝒉*𝒓𝒎, 𝒗𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈, 𝒍𝒐𝒘 𝒎𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒂𝒍 𝒉𝒆𝒂𝒍𝒕𝒉, 𝒈𝒂𝒚 𝒑𝒆𝒐𝒑𝒍𝒆.
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A soft golden light began to fill in through the windows of the car you were sleeping in, casting a warm glow on your face as the sun rose into the sky, creating a beautiful painting of colors. The coastal air was warm and salty and provided a nice breeze. Morning dew shimmered off the blades of grass as it was early in the morning. 
Your mother had recently decided to move to California, a decision you did not understand. Part of you still wanted to hang on to the place you grew up in, even with the bad memories. It was 6 am because your mom had decided it would be best to leave early. She had been driving throughout the entire night. You rubbed your eyes and took in your surroundings. Large buildings and traffic, 'how wonderful.' The voice of your mother regains your focus. 
"Did you sleep well, darling?", she asks.
You nodded in response to her question. Mornings never came easy for you, as you enjoyed your rest, not to mention how you had to take melatonin to fall asleep. However, a sudden jerk in traffic startles you awake and causes your mother to laugh, as you roll your eyes in annoyance. 
"Is the traffic always this bad here?" You ask as your mother turns down a different road.
She chuckles at your irritation and nods. "If we are lucky, the traffic won't be as bad in this neighborhood."
Your mother had always had a sense of style and reassurance to her. A kind of reassurance that makes you feel warm and safe. She would always wear simple yet elegant clothes, usually matched with small pearl earrings and a sleek pair of heels. Your mother would wear light floral perfume, unlike the heavy axe body spray that the musty boys at the school would wear. On the other hand, you dressed differently. You had three piercings each on both ears, multiple necklaces, and trendy clothes. Despite having a completely different style than your mom, she still loved you entirely. 
A very large house came into view as your mother pulled up the driveway. Yet your blank expression stayed the same. For as long as you can remember, your family has had decent money. You had nice clothes, a nice house, a nice car, and loads of other nice things that aren't necessary for survival, and you were beyond grateful. Empty boxes were stacked outside near the trash can, as you were informed everything has already been unpacked. When the car came to a stop, you grabbed all of your belongings and rushed inside the front door and up the stairs, almost dropping everything in the process. Your room was huge and had anything you could have wanted. (You can imagine your room however you'd like) You set all of your things down and begin rearranging some of your stuff. Footsteps sounded and you turned to see your mother standing in your doorway. 
"Do you like your new room? It's an upgrade compared to the last one you had."
"Yes! It's awesome!", your voice sounding with  enthusiasm.
Your mother smiled warmly at you and approached you to envelop you in a hug. Before you could hug back, she let go and ruffled your hair. You frowned slightly. 
"I have to go to work already, and I won't be home until later tonight, so feel free to go and explore the different shops and stores, but make sure to stay safe and keep your phone on at all times."
A completely new city full of different people. The thought made you nervous. Your mom seemed to notice your nervousness, because she added, "Don't feel like you have to go out and look around. It was just a suggestion. But I do think it would be a good opportunity to make some new friends and familiarize yourself with the city."
You beamed at her as she kissed you on the forehead. "I love you, mom." She smiled back at you and responded, "I love you too, sweetheart." She turned around and made her way downstairs, her heels making noises each time she walked. You walked over to the entrance of your room and leaned on the doorframe, watching your mother leave. 
She looked up at you from downstairs, "If you decide to go outside don't stay out too late, and if I call you, respond!", she paused, "If there's something you need I'm only a phone call away!"
You replied with a happy grin, "I understand mom." 
The door closed as your mother left for her new job. The house was quiet and peaceful, and you looked at the clock. An idea popped into your head. 'Why don't I explore some of the shops around town? She didn't say where I could go, and a little fun won't hurt.' With a smirk, you turned around and opened the closet. You chose a cute outfit paired with converse. (Can be any outfit you want to wear.)
You twirled around a bit and then grabbed your purse as you pulled your phone out. The sun was up already, signaling the official beginning of the day. 'Where should I go? After all, this is my first time being in California.' Your stomach rumbled, distracting you from your previous thoughts. You pulled up nearby food places on google and scrolled through the restaurants. A restaurant named "Thai Go'' caught your attention. 'Hmmm... I've never had Thai food before, and it's not too far away.' You thought for a second before making a decision and heading downstairs.
You walked on the sidewalk next to the streets in my neighborhood. 'Not much further until I arrive.' The buildings in California were large and took time to get used to. After a few more minutes of walking, you arrived at your destination. You pushed the door open and walked inside. 
A beautiful girl emerged from the back. She looked around your age and had soft, curly brown hair, tanned skin, long eyelashes, and hazel eyes. You froze for a second as your cheeks turned red. 'She's gorgeous...Lord have mercy I'm gay as hell.' 
"Hi! How may I help you?"
You snapped out of the trance you were in and smiled warmly at her as you placed your order. The girl behind the counter nodded and went into the back again. You turned around and sat down at one of the tables and pulled your phone out. A few minutes pass and the pretty girl comes back out with a to-go bag and hands it to you. 
"Here's your food-", she pauses then speaks up again, "Hey, you go to Saint James?" The pretty girl points at the pin on your bag. You look down at your bag for a second before looking back up at her.
"Oh- Yeah, I just moved here not too long ago actually." 
"Nice! I go to Saint James too, it's not too bad of a school." She smiles at you. 'So pretty..'
A voice from the back interrupts your conversation, "Anne!" 
'She even has a pretty name..' The girl in front of you looks up and yells back. "In a second mom! I'm talking to someone!"
The voice yells again, "We have work to do! You can socialize later!"
Anne lets out a sigh and turns back to you. "I have to get back to work. Maybe I'll see you at school."
You nod, "It was nice meeting you, Anne." 
"Oh, by the way, I don't think I ever got your name?"
"It's (Y/N)." You said as you flashed a sweet smile at her. You swore you saw her cheeks turn pink. 
You turned around and walked out the door. A yellow piece of paper attached to the side of the bag caught your eye. It had a phone number and a cute note written on it. ('Maybe we'll see each other at school? ❤️ -Anne') Your heart races as your cheeks return to their previous red state. 
After sitting on a bench beside the sidewalk and eating your food, you decided to look at the different stores around town. While walking down the sidewalk, you got distracted and weren't paying attention, and ran straight into someone. 
You both fell backwards, almost hitting your head during the ordeal. A Nintendo switch landed in your lap, and you recognized the game they were playing. You looked up at them as they were shaken out of their daydreaming. The girl you had run into was also beautiful. 'Why am I meeting so many pretty girls today?' She had shiny, black hair in a pixie cut, emerald green eyes, tanned skin, and a cute hair clip holding her hair out of her face. 
"Ah- I'm sorry! I wasn't looking where I was going!" You apologized as you stood up and held your hand out for her to grab. She looked up at you.
"It's fine!! I mean- it was my fault anyway, I got too distracted." 
She placed her hand in yours, and you pulled her up. As your luck would have it, you almost toppled backwards, seconds away from her falling on top of you. Thankfully, you caught yourself and prevented another accident from happening. The girl was still holding onto you and now partially leaning on you after you almost fell over. You both made eye contact for a split second before you separated. 
"Ack-! I'm sorry!" She blushed and launched herself backwards, slightly covering her face in embarrassment. 
You realized what had just happened, and your face turned red. 'I'm being tested today. Two pretty girls in a row?'
You shook your head bashfully. "It's ok! I should be paying more attention to my surroundings."
Turning your attention back to the Nintendo, which was currently laying on the ground, you picked it up and looked back up at the girl, who was fidgeting with her fingers.
"Hey, I love this game! I play it all the time!"
Upon hearing this, her expression changed completely. She was grinning from ear to ear, so happily you swore she was emitting sparkles. 'So adorable!'
"You do?! I've never met anyone who likes this game!"
You nod with a grin and hand the Nintendo back. 
"That's so cool! I've always wanted to talk to someone about this game, but no one ever listens!" She continued to ramble, but you didn't mind, even though the people passing by gave you strange looks. You giggled at her. The girl in front of you seemed to come back to her senses when realized she was rambling about a video game to a stranger. 
"Ah- I'm rambling! Sorry!-" 
You smiled at her reaction. "It's ok! It was cute."
She blushed at your words, almost falling over again while scrambling to grab the rest of her things. 
You started, "It was nice meeting you.... uh-"
"Clumsy-, I mean-, Marcy! My name is Marcy."
"Nice to meet you, Marcy. I'm (Y/N)."
She smiled and looked away. You walked up to her and gently brushed her hair behind her ear, and placed her green hair clip back in her hair, startling her in the process. She looked you in the eyes. 
"The color green suits you."
You then turned and walked away, leaving her standing there like a scarecrow. Her face was red.
You decided to head to the mall to go shopping, curious about what stores were there. However, you couldn't stop thinking about your previous interactions with Marcy and Anne. Your heart surged with hope and excitement at the idea of having new friends.
On the topic of friends, your mind drifted to the past. After the whole situation with your old friends, of course, you were left heartbroken. You just wanted the people who betrayed you to feel how bad you were hurting. Any little mistake or misunderstanding that happened because of you, they would abandon you without an explanation. 
This had happened so many times before, yet you were foolish enough to run back to them, hoping maybe things would be different. Hoping that maybe, everything would be ok. But eventually, you realized it never would. For the first time, you didn't care if they weren't your friends, because you had others, Or so you thought. You were naive, dumb maybe, but not stupid.
Rumors had spread to the rest of your friends, then all of a sudden, you were alone. Again. Like the ground had been pulled from under your feet. 
Your trust had been broken beyond mending. As much as you wanted to deny it, you couldn't. You were afraid. Afraid of what was next, afraid of them, afraid of everything you worked hard to accomplish crumbling. Some nights you'd lay awake, worrying about what would happen next. Some nights you even think about hurting yourself, in an attempt to forget what you were feeling. Even after all of the pain, this still wasn't the worst part.
The thing that hurt the most was them. A person you had known since you were little. Your best friend and your idol. You had fallen in love. Hearing them talk to you made your heart jump and butterflies emerge in your stomach. You could go on and on about the things you loved about them. You even dreamed about the future and the possibility of you two getting married. They were your girlfriend for over 3 years.. until they weren't. And you knew there was no coming back from this.
You were currently in the middle of a store in the mall. Throughout your entire thought process, you were so zoned out you hadn't even noticed the tears running down your face. 
"Hey-, Are you ok?" A voice startling you out of your trance. You looked up and almost had a heart attack at the beautiful girl standing in front of you. 'If I keep meeting pretty girls I'm going to die.'
"Yeah. I'm fine, my eyes are just watering haha.." You looked away from her eyes. She didn't believe your lie. To your surprise, she gently grabbed your chin and forced you to look up at her. Then used her thumb to wipe your tears. You blushed at her sudden actions. 
"I don't know.., these look like tears to me. Are you sure you're ok?"
You looked into her eyes for a moment. She had long blonde hair tied up in a ponytail, bright cerulean eyes, and long eyelashes. 'Good lord, give me strength. All of these interactions are giving me mixed signals.' You were currently gay and panicking.
"Yes. I'm fine, just some personal issues. It's not that big of a deal."
She looked at you with concern, her eyes gravitating toward your purse. "You go to Saint James?"
You nodded. "I just moved here not too long ago."
"I figured. I would notice when someone new is at our school."
She let go of your chin and introduced herself. "You're cute, My name is Sasha."
Hearing this you turned as red as a tomato, and the pretty girl laughed at your reaction. 
"I'm (Y/N)."
"Your name is pretty, just like you."She winked at you.
At this point, you had already become a flustered mess. This seemed to amuse Sasha.
"I'll see you at school (Y/N). Also before you go, here's my phone number, text me sometime." Sasha handed you your phone back, with her phone number already entered. 'When did she-?'
As you looked up to ask her when she grabbed your phone, she was already gone.
You finally returned home. It was already beginning to turn dark outside. Running up the stairs into your bedroom, you jumped on the bed. 'Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, my my gosh-'
Your hands covered your red face as you thought about your day. 'I flirted with three pretty girls... On my first day here.'
"Maybe moving here wasn't such a bad idea after all." Smirking at the entire ordeal.
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multifanlol · 2 years
Hello! I absolutely love your Amphibia fics, and so, I was wondering if you could perhaps do a calamity trio x reader who’s on their period? Basically just sort of comforting and stuff, since I’m on mine rn, and I could really use some comfort haha. You don’t have to do this is it makes you uncomfortable, I completely understand. Have a nice day, and thank you!
Hey! Thanks, and sure I’m also on mine so it may be more easier to write-
Calamity Trio x reader that’s on there period
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So like they get it i mean they have periods themselves you don’t even have to tell them get ready for a bunch of comfort and cuddles!
Marcy would be ready with the supplies like my girl would have pads/tampons/any period product you use, a bunch of food if your craving it and best of all plushies
If your feeling emotional Anne would be the best to deal with that she would sit there while you rant to her about pretty much anything and comforting you 😭
Sasha would probably be the one to make sure your still taking care of yourself-like would make you go on atleast a five minute walk to breath some air-only if you weren’t dying with cramps though
I can just see them lying down with you wrapped in a huge blanket with tons of plushies watching a movie probably Marcy’s pick but if you wanted to she’d let you pick 😭
If your cramps start getting bad you have them all coming to you immediately! Marcy giving you pain killers/stuff that loosen the cramps a bit, Anne giving you a cup of water and Sasha setting up a hot bath for you to just relax-
They’d get it since they’d also struggle with it if one of them/all of them happened to also be on there periods it’d just end with you all sleeping somewhere on the same bed 😭
If someone was bothering you while on your period/someone was making fun of you, you know for a fact there gonna step in right away
Like Sasha would say the most degrading thing ever 😭 Marcy and Anne would comfort you
In the end of the day they’d understand what it’s like and would comfort you whatever mood swings you may be dealing with-
Sorry it’s really short 😭 i didn’t really have much ideas even though i wanted to write more for it even though it’s very short i hope you liked it-
Have a good day/night everybody!
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tea-plantz · 2 years
helloo!! can i request sasha waybright with an s/o that’s short and feisty, like is kinda like one of those chihuahuas that thinks they’re a pit bull?? peas and thank you 🫶🫶
Pls that is hilarious! Definitely one of my favorite requests.
She/her for Sasha
They/them for the reader
~Sasha Waybright x reader with chihuahua energy~
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Ok so first of all, Sasha finds you really funny. She thinks it’s so amusing when you get all snarly and jump around, thinking you look scary, when in reality you just look like a stubborn fourth grader.
When you guys first met, Sasha definitely thought of you as one of those little ratdogs that was like two feet tall and just barked at EVERYTHING. But she found it cute, regardless.
I feel like you and Sasha have sort of matching energies, which also makes you two fit together even more! You both got that sort of intensity and overhyped energy, if you know what I mean. Even though Sasha tends to be the more mature and chill person in the relationship, while your kinda like the feisty little kid.
You guys definitely scare people, and are known as the “scary couple”.
A really cute thing you do is when you try to “protect” Sasha from other people. Like, for example, Sasha was sort of fighting with this one kid at school, because they said something that she didn’t approve of. So while they are peacefully standing there, arguing back and forth, you suddenly jumped up right in the other person’s face. You continue by holding your arms out (to sort of hide Sasha behind you) while aggressively screaming at them and jumping up and down, thinking you look super threatening, when you really just you looked like a rabid rat. Sasha found it extremely funny, looking at you “defending” her, while the person she was beefing with is kinda just standing there like: ._.
A sentence you often hear from your girlfriend on a daily basis is something along the lines of “hey babe, chill” while she placing her hands on her hips and looking down at you with those judgy eyes, meanwhile you’re standing there all like: >:(
You and Sasha do tend to get into arguments, and boy they can get quite heated. The main reason for this is probably because neither of you back down easily, and you’re both pretty aggressive arguers. The arguments are usually over some stupid thing too like “cheese is way better than ham, face it Waybright!” “No, you listen here L/n, HAM IS SUPERIOR!!”
Sasha loves to just randomly pick you up, especially since you squeal and frantically shake around when she does it. It’s also a pretty easy task for her to do since the blond is a whole lot taller then you, and she finds it super enjoyable.
Another thing the cheerleader does a LOT is to simply hug you close to her while kissing your face, while you’re kicking and screaming for her to let you go. She does this whenever you get to intense and keeps you there until you run out of energy (which usually doesn’t take that long), and you just give into it with a grumpy look on your face. (Though, inside you actually feel quite happy cuz y’know, free cuddles!)
Sasha also leans on you almost half of the time I swear. “Sashy, honey stop leaning on my head!” “Hmm, lemme think about it.. no” “>:O”
When it comes to Marcy and Anne, they’re… honestly kinda scared of you. Now, don’t take this the wrong way! They absolutely love to have you as a friend and they think you and Sasha are such a cute couple! However, you have quite a strong and unpredictable personality. Nothing wrong with that though, you just make them a bit nervous sometimes, especially Marcy.
In the end, you and Sasha Gaybright Waybright are such a great but chaotic couple. We have Sasha, the cool, laid back and dominant girlfriend, and then there’s you.. the gremlin! Match made in heaven fr.
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Please feel free to leave more Amphibia requests, I love getting em!
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vrisrezis · 2 years
Hii can you do headcanons for anne boonchuy sasha waybright and marcy wu with a reader who got corrupted by the core instead of marcy plz and thank you 👍
Anne would feel terrible being separated from you all that time, not knowing what happened to you. She felt bad just thinking you were simply kidnapped, upon knowing much more about your situation she absolutely hated the core. She’s determined to save you, but she probably cries a couple times to herself.
Sasha feels so guilty, he blames himself, thinking that she could’ve done more to save you and that if she was stronger he could have prevented this. If he wasn’t such a jerk to Anne you wouldn’t have been put in that situation. He of course will be the one to fight you in the end, fighting the core whilst seeing your face tears him up inside.
Marcy feels the most guilty, as you can imagine. Once they see the state you’re in, they can’t help but say that they wished it was them. That they should have been in your place, she hates the situation she has put you in and will apologize a million times when you’re back to yourself.
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sleepingdeath-light · 2 years
Flufftober can we get valentines headcannons for the calamity trio from amphibia
Valentine’s Day Headcanons | Calamity Trio
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thank you for requesting, anon!
reader is assumed as gender neutral
the trio are assumed as being adults (post time skip) here
Anne Boonchuy
anne prefers to have a more low-key celebration for this holiday because she’s long since come to appreciate the simple things in life
you both work during the day and she’ll run a themed education thing for local kids and teens, teaching them about the courting habits of the various reptiles and amphibians in her care (also gives the animals little treats of their own)
finishes work early and stops by your favourite takeout place and gets you your favourite meal before also stopping by and picking up some small gifts she ordered on the way home
meets you at the front door and jokes about traffic before you unlock the door and exchange presents, eyes heavy from stress and laugh lines exaggerated from all the jokes you’d exchanged via text and call throughout the day
she bought you some flowers (obviously) as well as a nice set of comfortable pyjamas, the fabric adorned with frogs due to a long running joke from the early days of your relationship
then were the cards (filled with inside jokes of course) and the meal, which you ate on the living room floor in your pyjamas
the settees had been disassembled, their cushions set beneath you to protect your butts from the floor, and various other pillows and blankets around you
you’re laughing at some terrible film you found somewhere, choking on your food every other bite and nearly spilling your drinks as you shoved each other with your shoulders
it’s simple and domestic and fun and you couldn’t ask for anything else
Marcy Woo
spending the day with marcy means that you’re basically asking for things to go wrong in one way or another
which, of course, they do
she insists on waking you up with breakfast in bed — which she does! in the sense that she enters when you’re half awake and startles you into the land of the living when she spills a cup of hot coffee square onto your legs
and that’s just the beginning of the beautiful disaster that was your valentine’s day
she bought you flowers and had them delivered but they got absolutely thrashed in transport and were more stem than petal by the time they arrived
she tripped over her feet whilst getting your gift from the pile and busted her lip on the side of the table
and she smacked you square in the nose out of excitement when she opened your present — before promptly apologising and kissing you
but those disasters were more than expected and you were able to find moments for romance between these chaotic instances
you held her close as she panicked over the flowers and assured her that they were beautiful because of the gesture not the look — making a joke about being like the addams family which cheered her up
you joked about needing to her kiss you better after she oh so gravely injured you, which she did (pressing a chaste kiss to the bridge of your nose) — which then led to you pulling her on top of you and tickling her until she was in tears
her burst lip resulted in you holding a damp washcloth to the injury and caressing her face intermittently whilst you read out your card to her — smiling as she began to cry and thank you through her wound
and the rest of the day went flawlessly for how small and intimate your celebration was: a home cookie meal, ordered in desserts, your favourite series on in the background and you both cuddled up on the settee in your pyjamas
it was chaotic and messy and filled with more laughter than you could have hoped for, and in the end that made it worth its weight in gold (and spilt coffee)
Sasha Waybright
valentine’s day is one of the few days that sasha reserved as a day off well in advance — alongside your birthdays and some other key holidays you celebrate
she takes a much more traditional approach from the moment you wake up until the moment you stumble back into the house, arm in arm with her holding her heels in one hand
she wakes you up with a kiss to the cheek and you hold each other close for a good long while before your hunger wins out — at which point you both go to the kitchen and start cooking a sweet and filling breakfast as a team
you exchange cards and gifts over breakfast and your drinks of choice — with her gifts for you including an accessory that you’d had your eyes on for months before it suddenly went out of stock (after she bought it for you)
then you’d lounge around for most of the day, joking and laughing and being heavily affectionate with each other: just being as close as humanly possible as you bide your time
your evening would be spent in a fancy restaurant, at sasha’s insistence, where you’d fully indulge yourselves, gorging on rich desserts and hearty foods until you’re thoroughly full (and sasha’s thoroughly tipsy on wine)
and you’re laughing louder and sharing kisses between each sip and bite and serving of food, feeding each other with spare forks and spoons until you’re finally far too full and you take a taxi back to your apartment
it’s hearty and luxurious and so so fulfilling and you wouldn’t have wanted to spend the day with anyone else
it’s fun and exhausting and luxurious and you wouldn’t have wanted to spend it with anyone else but her
Sasha Waybright
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randoms-fandoms · 1 year
Hello! I was wondering if you could perhaps write a calamity trio x reader? More specifically, what would happen if all of the girls had a crush on the same person?
Omg yes this is such a cute idea :0 (sorry the reader won’t really be the focus 😅 it’s an Anne pov, and Marcy and Sash are still very much in it)
Warnings: none
Relationships: they have a crush on you👀
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Anne, Sasha, and Marcy had grown more after returning from Amphibia— they had at least another year until Marcy had to move, as her disappearance had prompted her parents to put their plans on hold for a few months, meaning she could stay in California the time being— but even though the three of them were no longer geographically torn apart, conflicting schedules meant that they hardly had time to spend together.
However, now that the trio had begun the new school year, life had been going pretty well. The pestering questions from other students and even teachers were annoying, but easy to get used to. Things felt normal again.
Anne loved her friends a lot, but she also wanted to expand her circle a bit. That was kind of hard when everyone knew her as the superhero girl who defended the city from robots last summer, but her adventures in Amphibia had given her nothing if not tenacity.
Finally, after a month or so of having no one to hang out with during school, she met someone new. Someone who hadn’t seen her destroy a fleet of robots on live television over the summer.
Anne only had two classes with you, and you had separate lunch periods, but that was perfectly fine. You had sat together in class every day since you first started school there, and Anne had quickly made a habit of texting you often. Photos of Domino, memes, random thoughts— she found every excuse to text you. She even took a few cute selfies with you! Overall, your fast friendship was wonderful.
Weeks into this new friendship, however, Anne was beginning to realize something. Her feelings for you were… changing. She didn’t used to struggle with eye contact when you complimented her. She had never before turned into a blushing mess just from a hug. Suddenly, your every action had her overthinking.
“Anne? Are you listening?” An amused voice broke through her thoughts.
Anne looked up to see you staring at her, confused. “Oh, haha— sorry I was just zoning out.” Anne said, face burning. “What did you say?”
“I was just wondering if you wanted to go to the library after school to work on our group project.” You asked.
“Yeah totally!” Anne answered quickly. This is the first time they’ve invited me to hang out outside of school!
“Wait— I mean, I’d love to… but I have plans already. Sorry.” Anne said, frowning. She had forgotten that she and her other two friends were going to be hanging out all afternoon, and even sleeping over at Marcy’s house.
“That’s alright. how about Sunday? It’s due on Monday, you know.” You said with a little laugh.
Anne groaned. “I know, sorry. That sounds good, you can come to my place.”
“I’ll text you, okay?” You smiled as you stood up to put away your notebook and pencil. Anne hid her face; you thought it was funny, but really she was hiding how your sweet smile always made her blush.
Anne needed advice.
Marcy and Sasha were engrossed in conversation (something about a manga they both read; Anne didn’t quite know), but Anne was distracted. She sat on Marcy’s bed, scrolling through her album of selfies with you.
“Anyway, I’m going to get some snacks and change into my pajamas. You guys get comfy too!” Marcy said, plugging her phone into the charger by her bedside table.
Anne waited for Marcy to close the door before she unzipped her backpack and pulled out her overnight stuff.
“So how are you doing? It’s been a while since we’ve hung out.” Sasha made conversation while she walked into the adjoining bathroom to change.
Anne sighed. “Nothing bad,” she started, quickly pulling on her pajamas. It was just a pair of basketball shorts and a t-shirt, nothing like Sasha’s cute matching sweatsuit. Anne wondered if you would think she looked cute if she dressed up. “…I’m just a little… I don’t know. I feel kind of weird.”
“Well what’s up, girl? Having bad dreams again?” Sasha re-entered the room, taking out her ponytail, and lie down on Marcy’s queen sized bed.
Anne smiled softly to herself, getting lost in thought for a moment. She loved how Sasha was always so worried about her. Back when they had just barely gotten home from Amphibia, Sasha would stay up on the phone with Anne all night while she cried. Sometimes she was missing the Plantars, sometimes she was convinced one of Andrias’s robots was after her again, sometimes she was having a panic attack thinking about her own inevitable death— no matter how long it took, Sasha was always there.
“No, I’m fine.” Anne said, a little embarrassed. She sat back against the headboard. “Just normal teenager things.”
“Great,” Sasha said, smiling and closing her eyes. “Can’t get enough of that. Lay it on me.” She said, getting comfy.
Anne laughed. Marcy walked back in the room, making her jump. Her heart was already in her throat, beating hard from the nerves of talking about her feelings (however roundabout).
“Hey guys! Sorry it took me a minute, I accidentally spilled the first bowl of chips.” Marcy said, shrugging. Sasha stood up and took a bag of candy from her arms, which were full of snack food.
“I’m surprised you didn’t drop more, with how much you’re carrying.” She replied, kicking a pillow out of the way so she could sit down on the plush carpet.
Marcy laughed. “Anyway, what are you guys talking about?” She said, relaxing on the beanbag chair next to the outlet where her phone was charging. She put the arm full of snacks on the ground between her and Sasha.
Sasha looked at Anne, waiting for her to answer.
“Oh, haha, I just wanted some advice.” She blushed. “I think I might… have a crush on someone.” She looked away, laughing awkwardly while Sasha and Marcy freaked out.
“Oh my god, that’s great!” Sasha smiled widely.
“Are you gonna ask them out?” Marcy asked, gasping. “You have to tell us everything!”
Anne grinned self consciously, thinking about you. Asking you out. “Well, we met at school, and I really like them…”
“Is it someone we know?” Sasha asked teasingly.
Anne shrugged. With how new they are to the school, what are the odds that they’ve met my two only friends? “Maybe. Anyway, we’ve been friends for a while, and suddenly I just can’t think straight when I’m around them… I’m worried that if I don’t say something and get it off my chest, they’ll notice, and— I don’t know, it would just be embarrassing.” Anne ranted.
Sasha nodded seriously. “Classic story. Not to worry, though, Marce and I have tons of experience with crushes.”
Marcy laughed nervously. “Sasha, you said you wouldn’t tell!” She lightly punched Sasha, who ignored her.
“Anyway, who is it?” The blonde asked. She took a handful of chips and ate them, casually relaxing against the pillows on the floor.
Anne, still sitting on the bed, leaned down to whisper in Sasha’s ear. She was pretty confident that she wouldn’t even recognize your name, but the other girl gasped as soon as she said it.
“No. Freaking. Way. Marcy you would not believe this— Anne likes the same person you do!”
Anne’s heart dropped. “What?” She distantly registered that Marcy said the exact same thing at the exact same time. She would have laughed if she didn’t feel so… weird.
“We eat lunch together like every day.” Sasha explained to Anne. “Marcy has a huge crush on them.”
“You do too!” Marcy accused, embarrassed, making Sasha blush.
“Whatever, at least I can act normal about it!” Sasha argued.
Anne felt an unfamiliar twist in her stomach. Jealousy. They hang out every day? She frowned. She wondered if Sasha was as confident and flirty with you as she was with her sometimes.
“So we all like the same person?” Marcy clarified, after a moment of tense silence. “I didn’t really think they would be your type,” she said to Anne.
“I didn’t even know I had a type!” Anne said, a little exasperated. She had never felt so strongly about a crush before. She thought about your laugh, how you teased her sometimes, how she had picked out a nickname for her…
Sasha for once didn’t really have any advice. “Well who do they like?”
Marcy shrugged. “They always avoid the question. I’ve tried asking.”
Anne was shocked. “Really? You guys talk about that stuff?”
Sasha giggled. “Yeah, some of us are better at hiding our feelings.“
Anne rolled her eyes. “Whatever.” She paused for a moment. “…Are you guys going to ask them out?”
Sasha shrugged. “Maybe. Should I?”
Anne thought about that. Now that the initial surprise had worn off, she found that she wasn’t upset that Marcy and Sasha liked you. She wondered if you would be interested in dating all of them. The trio had shared everything with each other ever since they had first become friends… come to think of it, Anne found that she liked the idea of all of them dating you.
“I think we all should.” Marcy said, smiling. “How should we do it?”
“Let’s FaceTime them,” Sasha suggested. “I want to see how they react.”
Anne shook her head. She knew she was far too shy and awkward about the whole situation for that to end well. “How about just texting? We could create a groupchat.”
The other girls nodded. “Alright, sounds good!”
Marcy inviter you, her, and Sasha to join a groupchat. Anne snorted a laugh when Marcy renamed the chat to an emoji: 🫣
“Who wants to go first?” Asked Sasha, feeling nervous.
Anne just wanted to get it over with, wanted to know what you thought. “I will.” She quickly typed out a simple message and sent it.
You replied quickly, much to Anne’s relief.
I like you.
Why are you saying it in a gc?
Worrying that this was too weird, that you hated her now, Anne was already typing her apology when Sasha and Marcy replied.
Because I do too :D
Me too
Marcy squealed, dropping her phone and hiding her face. “Ah, this is crazy!”
Sasha laughed. Anne knew she was trying to play it cool, but secretly cared just as much. Anne herself felt sick to her stomach from nerves. Her heart nearly stopped when the notification that you replied came in.
Do you all wanna go on a date tmrw? We can talk abt it over lunch
I didn’t know u were friends :)
Anne sighed in relief, laughing. Friends is an understatement. She grinned, excited, hearing Marcy and Sasha celebrating around her. Her heart swelled with joy, glad that her two best friends would be there with her in this new relationship.
She was so caught up in her own emotions that she didn’t notice Sasha taking a selfie of the room, including all three of the girls in it. It popped up in the groupchat.
Anne clicked on the picture, seeing Sasha in the corner of the screen, Marcy waving with one hand and holding her phone in the other, and herself distracted and staring at her screen. Her face was absolutely glowing with happiness, cheeks darkened with a blush, staring fondly at your messages.
“Sash, that’s such an embarrassing picture of me!” Anne looked up, not really upset.
Sasha stuck her tongue out. “It’s cute. I bet our new lover thinks so too.” She said teasingly. Anne looked down at her phone again, still smiling.
Marcy came in for a hug. “First date tomorrow, Anne! Are you excited?”
Anne laughed, hugging Marcy back. “Heck yeah!”
“We should do a spa night!” Sasha said, standing up. “Marcy, do you still have those face masks I got for you? We’ll be absolutely glowing tomorrow.” She posed, making Anne and Marcy laugh.
“Of course!” Marcy replied excitedly. “I even have some nail polish; our signature colors!”
Anne couldn’t stop smiling as she followed Marcy and Sasha into the bathroom. She felt great. Despite things changing for her after she returned from Amphibia, the love she shared with her friends stayed the same. And now, they could all open their hearts up more, expanding that love, growing exponentially closer.
A/N: I hope you enjoyed reading about these dorks crushing on you :P have a nice day!
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lost-dogsfrv · 29 days
Male reader x calamity trio fanfic idea.
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youjustgotxfiled · 2 months
Hey, everybody! I've finally gotten around to starting to upload my own works on this hellsite! :D
This one's dedicated to all the Amphibia and Sashannarcy fans out there, as well as to everyone who deals with trauma, CPTSD, anxiety, depression, and other mental & emotional conditions and disorders, as well as to everyone in the LGBTQ community at large. You are ALL warriors who deserve the best out of life.
This piece was written between May and November of 2022, but is only being uploaded here now because a) I wanted to run it through beta readers to feel confident enough to post it, and b) I wanted to make sure my AO3 and DeviantArt accounts got their uploads going first.
If you like what you see here, feel free to like, reblog, and share with everyone! Any and all engagement helps me out a ton (especially the reblogs XD).
Story for Chapter 1 below the cut for those unable to access the link above.
You are invited to: THE BEST FAMILY DINNER EVER!
You’d recognize that script anywhere. The kind of writing that can come from just one colleague of yours: the inimitable Marcy.
You’ve known each other for a fair bit now; ever since Marcy moved back to Los Angeles and took a job in your studio three years ago, you’ve have been quite the talk of the town as perhaps the two lone people ever to have gotten more than five words out of each other in any given conversation. Not that either of you mind too much—being both introverts and nerds helps you be that much more attuned to each other’s needs and interests, to say nothing of the ease with which each’s rapt attention to the ramblings of the other helps block out the surrounding office gawking and gossip. After all, both of you are very much used to it by this point in your lives. 
Still, this invitation comes as a surprise. For one thing, Marcy is not one to talk about her private life or after-work plans much, and neither are you. For another, one of the few things she has revealed is that she’s married to a pair of women, and not just any pair: they’re Anne and Sasha Boonchuy-Plantar, famed heroes and defenders of Earth from the attempted “Frogvasion” over ten years ago. Though you haven’t said as much to Marcy, you’re filled with all sorts of weird emotions at the mention of their names. Excitement, fear, curiosity, and longing all collide within you, TV and social-media images and sounds of that day—of THEM, at their most fierce and intimidating—bouncing around in your mind, leaving much more space than is comfortable to wonder how much of it carries over, then or now, into their private lives.
How similar it makes them to…well, them.
No, you think. Your hands are beginning to tremble, your breathing becoming tougher to do. Not them. PLEASE not them. Not right now.
You put the invitation card down on your desk, gripping your hands against the front edge to steady them and not tip off any snooping passers-by. For a long moment, you close your eyes, trying to steady your breathing, hoping the serrated pattern it takes on when you get like this isn’t loud enough for anyone to hear it. After a shake of your head for good measure, you open your eyes again. 
You jump in your seat, and it’s all you can do not to scream. At least your hands have stopped trembling. You can’t say the same for your breathing, however. 
“Oh my frog, I’m SO sorry! I didn’t mean to scare you!” Marcy says as you turn your head to see her standing next to you. Her hands are covering her mouth, and her brows are furrowed upward. Uh oh. Better make a quick cover.
“No worries, Marcy! I was, uh…just kinda tunneling on this frame, is all,” you reply. You throw in a sheepish laugh and grin for good measure, hoping to God—excuse you, FROG—that she buys it. “You know how I get with that sort of thing.”
“Oh, yeah! I’m the same way when I get SUPER-invested in something,” says Marcy. She flaps her hands to accentuate her words, a trait you find makes you smile. For a moment, you wonder if Anne and Sasha react the same way about it, too, though the chill coming up your spine and settling in your stomach at the mere thought of them prompt you to shove the question aside and turn your attention back to the still-chatting Marcy. 
“—so she was thinking that we should sub it out for roast beef sandwiches, but of COURSE Anne wanted something a little more special than that, so—”
“Marcy,” you say. She quiets right away, noting the tension and uncertainty you’re failing so hard to hide in your voice. “Do…” The names seem a bit too difficult for you to spit out, so you opt for the next best descriptor. “Do your wives know you’re planning all this?”
“Of course they do,” Marcy replies. She tilts her head with a confused look. “I’ve been begging for them to put this together with me for at LEAST the last two weeks. I can’t even BEGIN to tell you how many work stories of our convos I’ve shared with them just to get them to let their guard down and be a LITTLE curious about you.”
Let their guard down. Sounds…possessive. That doesn’t bode well. The icy feeling in your stomach begins to swirl. Out of sight—you hope—your grip on the edges of your desk tightens, even as you flash another smile. “Heh, yeah. Probably should have figured that. Sorry for the stupid question, Mar.”
“Oh, no! I don’t think it’s stupid at all,” says Marcy. She looks down for a second, her beautiful smile fading a bit. “Frog knows I’ve hurt them enough with trying to plan stuff behind their backs.”
It’s your turn to shoot Marcy a perplexed look. Hurt? Behind their backs? Whatever in the multiverse could she be referring to? You look down towards the ground for a moment, wheels turning at an even higher speed in your mind. You look back up at Marcy. “Are…are you okay with telling me more about that?”
Marcy emits a sad grin, shaking her head. “No. Not right now, anyway. That stuff’s…pretty private between the three of us.” She looks back up at you. “You ARE super-nice and considerate, though. Maybe one day. When I’m ready. When all three of us are ready.”
When all three of us are ready? Now that’s curious phrasing if you’ve ever heard it. Your pulse begins to quicken, as does your breathing. Your trembling hands are becoming a bit more pronounced, too. Does your possessiveness reading have legs? Maybe accepting this invitation isn’t such a good idea…
You squeeze your eyes shut, gritting your teeth. You exhale in a huff. You’re not letting this fear overtake you again. Not ever again—you let them control you enough as it was then, and you have no intention of ever letting them win. This is YOUR life to live now, dammit!
You reopen your eyes and shoot an even more exaggerated grin at Marcy than before. It’s crucial that she not see your panic right now. “Fair enough. Perhaps tonight’s dinner will be a start, then.”
Marcy’s eyes widen. She begins to jump, hands flapping a million miles a minute. “EEEEE!” She squeals, all toothy smiles. “I’m SO excited for you to come over! Oh, I can’t WAIT for you to meet the other girls! This’ll be the best guest-dinner EVER!”
You arrive right on time at six o’clock, though more so because you had trouble finding the right address than out of any sense of precision or punctuality. After all, the directions are but one of several thoughts racing through your mind.
At length, you reach the bottom of the steps leading up to what appears to be a modest suburban house like most others here in Long Beach—small front porch, two stories with a couple of windows apiece, sloping up at the top where the attic might well be. 
You close your eyes, taking one more deep breath. You look down at yourself—not dressed the fanciest in the world, but presentable enough, in your opinion. Plus, you made a point to comb your hair and shower before heading out. Outside, you’re about as good as you’re going to get.
The question, of course, is inside. 
You’ve been running through several scenarios in your mind—or rather, your mind has been running them through you. It’s never been your best friend for most of your life to begin with, but you and it have been on extra bad terms with each other since they tore you to pieces all those years ago. Fear and suspicion have lived so long in your head that they now color your perception of every person who tries to touch you, and these three are no exception. 
First off, Marcy. She’s sweet and all, if a little on the airheaded side of things in spite of her clear exceptional intelligence. Despite your mutual talents for talking each other’s ears off, however, most of your convos never turn to your personal lives, in part because she seems to…well, never want to talk about it. She always tends to look down, or in directions other than your gaze. Like she’s far off from that moment and into one from the distant past. One with a lot of secrets.
Too many secrets.
What do they contain? Do you want to know? Is it something that can hurt you if you don’t? How long do you let her play this out before demanding she come clean? And are you willing to lose her as a friend because of it, like you have so many others--?
You shake your head in a violent motion. You’d better get this show on the road before you change your mind.
You pull out your phone, pulling Marcy’s contact info up. “I’m here!” you text. You add a smiley face for good measure.
A minute passes. Two. You start to wonder if maybe you’ve got the wrong house, after all.
“Be ready in five! Just need to finish the main course lol,” Marcy replies. For a moment, you’re confused as to why they don’t just let you in and make you wait in the living room or something. Then comes the second ding! “Still trying to clear the last of the smoke from the oven. Wouldn’t want you to die from carbon-dioxide poisoning before the loves even get to meet you,” she adds, throwing in a sweating-smile emoji for punctuation.
You begin to smile and sweat at the same time, too, though not for the same reasons she is right now. Loves, she called them. And they might be possessive. Which means getting too close to any of them, too quick—but to Marcy in particular—equals a high chance of getting eaten alive by them. In any case, you need to sit down and get your thoughts a hair more together. Strategy was key for a successful night here, after all.
You take a quick glance at the porch, and notice that there’s a swinging chair hanging from the right-hand side of the eaves. Three, maybe four people wide. Perfect. You waste no time in marching up the steps and making yourself comfortable, taking care to keep your toes dug into the wood of the porch floor so that you’re not swinging all over the place. Once you’re settled, the thoughts catch up to you again.
Strategy, comes the first offering from your subconscious. A fitting word for this situation. One an ex-military leader like Sasha would appreciate.
Sasha. Right. The blonde double-sword warrior whose severing of the interdimensional demon’s cord—umbilical? medical? The public debate still raged—was now perhaps the second-most iconic news image in recent memory, of course to Anne—
A full-body shiver strikes you. Not now. Not right this second. And why are you feeling so cold as you’re sweating, anyway? Isn’t it 75 and sunny? You squeeze your eyes shut a moment, then reopen them, determined to keep them on the porch floor for now. Okay. Time to focus.
Determination, your brain titters. And focus, too. I wonder how many more appropriate words we can add to the vocabulary list of Sasha descriptors before we—
“Shut. Up,” you growl. Frog, you wish you could just grab the jokers that liked to snatch the microphone for your thoughts and crucify them against the wall, sometimes. You can dream, can’t you?
Dreams, your mind responds. You’ve been having all SORTS of dreams about Sasha, haven’t you?
Much as you hate to admit it, you have. And many of them haven’t been pleasant.
Ever since the footage of that fateful day was uploaded for all to see and meme, you’ve developed a nasty habit of rewatching it over and over along with millions of others. It’s become a bad combination with your memories of them, but Sasha’s clips, though brief compared to Anne’s, are anything but merciful in how they’ve impacted your psyche. For starters, they helped you develop a deep fear and suspicion of anyone with combat training, in particular those teenaged or older with any kind of military background. For another, one of the few things Marcy has deigned to mention about her wives is that Sasha, like them, seems to have a chronic short fuse even outside of battle, and you know all too well the various kinds of body discoloring that can result from someone with a loose emotional grip. All well and bad, to be sure. But that’s not even the worst part.
The worst part is the dreams.
It’s enough of a struggle to get to sleep these days anyway, has been for years. But once sleep comes…the horrors are often indescribable. Them, seeming to save the day and the city from the invasion—and then continuing to kill, and kill, and kill, until you’re the last Angelino standing, begging for mercy and a second chance that will never come. Sasha and them, together, tying you up and forcing you to watch their plans for a dictatorial new world order come into fruition, with your eyes being taped open to deprive you of sleep for good measure. Sasha alone this time, in your house that you bought with your own money, stalking you, beating you with a cup, and then her fists, and then her boots, because it’s just so fun to torture you for being so weak and helpless and not wanting to learn how to fight like she does, then taking the sword from her beltline and tearing your heart out with it, with watching you lose consciousness and your life being so funny to see that she just keeps laughing and laughing and laughing and laughing and—
“Jesus!” you shout. Your toes lose their grip on the porch floor, and you’re quite certain at least a couple of the neighbors heard you. As you wait for the swing to run its course, you look down. Your upper body is now soaked in sweat. Great. Just great. At least you can use the weather as an excuse, you hope.
The swing comes back to center position, and your breathing has returned to a manageable level. You waste no time checking out the text that startled you from your poisonous reverie.
“Gonna be another 5 before we’re ready, love! SO SO sorry to keep you waiting outside,” it reads, punctuated by a frown. “Smoke alarms going off ALL over the house now, so now we’re trying to keep the food, furniture, AND you from getting soaked. Try and enjoy the sun! Will text again when we’re all done.”
Smoke alarms? You scrunch your face. Then, you hear the faint, shrieking beeps coming from inside, the detector in the living room behind you losing its mind as you felt like you were not a few moments ago. Perhaps that was why you didn’t catch it the first time. And as for poor Marcy…well, she’s confided to you about being a walking disaster before, but this? This is another level. You wonder if these are the kinds of pratfalls Sasha and Anne have to deal with every day. And what their limits are for tolerating it.
More to the point, you wonder about Anne’s limits for tolerating it.
For tolerating you.
Unlike Sasha’s limited footage, Anne’s is so extensive that breakdowns of her fight with the mad King Andrias are plentiful on social media. What that’s meant for you is plentiful opportunities for every punch, kick, shot, and word between the two of them to be burned into your mind. Bad enough that every moment of combat itself raises their specter in your mind, and that the additional sounds of shattered windows, wrecked cars and buildings, and ear-piercing screaming churn your stomach. Even these things, however, pale in comparison to how Anne powers up—and how it all ends.
First, the power-up. By some grace of the multiverse’s cosmic forces, she had—has? —the ability to go from regular, brown-skinned Thai to a glaring, snarling, blue-haired demigod of immense power. The aura itself is intimidating enough, but the changing of her eyes from brown to icy blue is unnerving. And that voice. Oh frog, that voice—a voice at once hers and that of a power far beyond comprehension, one even angels and demons alike would tremble from in fear. Her power in this state is (was?) nothing to sneeze at, either—she could fly, summon swords, dismantle enormous missiles, knock the block off of dozens of robots, take insane physical punishment. All primo nightmare fuel for someone prone to conflating, extrapolating, and associating. But even this—even this—doesn’t stack up to the real reason you can’t sleep at night anymore.
The way the fight ends.
For all the damage and punishment the two dealt Los Angeles and each other up to this point, it was at least comprehensible thanks to its striking similarity to that of a superhero showdown in a Marvel or DC film. Even when Anne, demonic voice and all, began to tear down the leviathan about his inability to open his heart or follow his true feelings, it felt, cruel as it was, familiar enough. Precedent, after all, bred familiarity and minimized shock value, the key ingredient to creating trauma. Which made what happened next all the more insane.
There were two occasions in the fight where Anne lost her grip on her powers. The first time, she’d been clocked enough by the king’s fists and missiles to make a mini-crater in the helipad of a nearby hospital, where she appeared to be down for the count—that was, before some FBI agents on the scene had the bright idea of using enormous loudspeakers to play one of her favorite songs, a move that brought her and her powers back and is now the reason you still struggle to listen to K-Pop on the radio anymore. The second time, however, was where things began to defy description.
Alongside Anne and Sasha, there were dozens of the aforementioned FBI agents, some military, and a host of creatures—from the other dimension, it was presumed—battling all manner of robots and perverted animals on the street level. Among them was a small family of what appeared to be anthropomorphic frogs, from which the event itself would get its name. One of the more well-known images from the day was when they began a strange, hypnotic dance that would end up subduing a pair of mutated herons responsible for much of the early damage. It was one of these smaller frogs—Sprig, you seem to remember Anne calling him in the fight footage—that stepped in as a meat shield when Anne seemed to just lose her glow all at once, leaving her on the physical brink and ripe for a finishing blow from the titan. A single slingshot to the dome to get his attention. Then…the speech.
There are internet denizens who can quote the whole thing chapter and verse, but you’ve never been one of them. Something about the necessity of change, feelings repressed, and following one’s heart when the moment comes, all coming from the soul of someone once near and dear to the king long since lost to time and regret. All you know is that the letter Sprig read to Andrias appeared to have moved him to tears, to the point where he began to wail about the accruement of his sins being too high to overcome and pounding the roof of the building they were both on. And yet…Anne didn’t care.
She just. Didn’t. Care.
No matter that her enemy had seen the light, no matter that his subsequent redressing himself into the armor he’d been using the whole time looked involuntary, no matter that she seemed ready to hear him out for a second before his re-armoring appeared to be all it took to convince her otherwise.
She kept trying to power herself back up. To rear back for one last blow. A couple of snaps of the fingers. A spark. Then all blue again, circling back around, picking up speed as she—from what you remember of the footage available—aimed straight for the frog’s heart. The king himself, frozen for a moment, then waiting until the last possible second before disarming himself again, eyes closed, arms spread wide, embracing the inevitable—a gesture that even the most hardened of war veterans would give pause over, reflexes permitting.
Anne did not give pause. 
She killed him.
Oh, everyone debates whether the king died from the blow, citing deceptive camera angles and trajectories and combat philosophy. But you know.
You know better.
You can’t speak for creatures from other universes, but you know for a fact that not a single one of Earth’s would have survived a direct shot like that. And that the king, torn limb from limb, never moved much again. And that Anne, smiling and triumphant over her deed, took one last look at him, went up to the floating castle for something (someone?), and came back to drag his body up to it before the castle vanished into the portal from whence it came. 
All of this, burned into your memory. And that blow. That last blow, that image seared into the brains of everyone who lived through that day but yours in particular—THAT’S what keeps you up at night. What wakes you up, shaking, crying, sweating, hyperventilating. 
Because she could do it to you.
“GAAAAAH!” you scream, yanking yourself out of your daymare. As your feet kick out and the swing begins to go again, it turns out you are, in fact, hyperventilating, and your heart rate is an easy two-and-a-half beats per minute. You look around for something, anything that will get it under control before you pass out. 
You check your pockets. Nothing. And you didn’t bother bringing a bag with you. Dammit.
You cock your head in every direction you can, discovering that your scream somehow didn’t bring a single curious neighbor out to inspect the unholy noise. Nor did anyone from the Boonchuy-Plantar house come to check you out. Yet.
Okay. Time for a last resort.
You cup your hands together as tight as you can, then thrust them onto your nose and mouth. Out, in. Out, in. Easy now. Slow it down. Not so high and low, now.
Out, in. Out, in.
On this goes for about two minutes. The breathing stabilizes to something resembling normal, as does your pulse. You’re shaking again, but that will be easy enough to hide. So will the tears that are now intermixed with the sweat flowing from your hair. What won’t, however, is the icy feeling in the back your head, or the slowness with which your body now moves. Whatever. You can figure that out as you go tonight.
You jump again, almost dropping your phone as you pull it back out of your pocket. Stabilizing the bottom of the phone against your chest, you see another text from Marcy.
“All done! Ready when you are! Just ring the doorbell and I’ll come let you in,” it reads. Below the message, a second one that came in just as you were reading the first: “SO sorry again about making you wait. Hopefully you didn’t get too bad of a sunburn!” A sweating-smile emoji punctuates the text.
You have to smile at that one. You, a native Angelino, getting sunburned? One might as well be worried about a Republican becoming governor of the state any time soon. Letting out a small snort, you find yourself a bit more relaxed. Good. You’re going to need your happy face on for this one.
You stand up, legs still wobbling a bit. You limp your way over to the door and use the doorframe to straighten yourself. One last exhale, and a straightening of your top. 
Then, you ring the doorbell.
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meimei-a · 2 years
I have 587 followers yet no anons
I want anons :(
I'm gonna add tags so this reaches ppl coz I want anonsss
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