#amphibia reader insert
tea-plantz · 2 years
helloo!! can i request sasha waybright with an s/o that’s short and feisty, like is kinda like one of those chihuahuas that thinks they’re a pit bull?? peas and thank you 🫶🫶
Pls that is hilarious! Definitely one of my favorite requests.
She/her for Sasha
They/them for the reader
~Sasha Waybright x reader with chihuahua energy~
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Ok so first of all, Sasha finds you really funny. She thinks it’s so amusing when you get all snarly and jump around, thinking you look scary, when in reality you just look like a stubborn fourth grader.
When you guys first met, Sasha definitely thought of you as one of those little ratdogs that was like two feet tall and just barked at EVERYTHING. But she found it cute, regardless.
I feel like you and Sasha have sort of matching energies, which also makes you two fit together even more! You both got that sort of intensity and overhyped energy, if you know what I mean. Even though Sasha tends to be the more mature and chill person in the relationship, while your kinda like the feisty little kid.
You guys definitely scare people, and are known as the “scary couple”.
A really cute thing you do is when you try to “protect” Sasha from other people. Like, for example, Sasha was sort of fighting with this one kid at school, because they said something that she didn’t approve of. So while they are peacefully standing there, arguing back and forth, you suddenly jumped up right in the other person’s face. You continue by holding your arms out (to sort of hide Sasha behind you) while aggressively screaming at them and jumping up and down, thinking you look super threatening, when you really just you looked like a rabid rat. Sasha found it extremely funny, looking at you “defending” her, while the person she was beefing with is kinda just standing there like: ._.
A sentence you often hear from your girlfriend on a daily basis is something along the lines of “hey babe, chill” while she placing her hands on her hips and looking down at you with those judgy eyes, meanwhile you’re standing there all like: >:(
You and Sasha do tend to get into arguments, and boy they can get quite heated. The main reason for this is probably because neither of you back down easily, and you’re both pretty aggressive arguers. The arguments are usually over some stupid thing too like “cheese is way better than ham, face it Waybright!” “No, you listen here L/n, HAM IS SUPERIOR!!”
Sasha loves to just randomly pick you up, especially since you squeal and frantically shake around when she does it. It’s also a pretty easy task for her to do since the blond is a whole lot taller then you, and she finds it super enjoyable.
Another thing the cheerleader does a LOT is to simply hug you close to her while kissing your face, while you’re kicking and screaming for her to let you go. She does this whenever you get to intense and keeps you there until you run out of energy (which usually doesn’t take that long), and you just give into it with a grumpy look on your face. (Though, inside you actually feel quite happy cuz y’know, free cuddles!)
Sasha also leans on you almost half of the time I swear. “Sashy, honey stop leaning on my head!” “Hmm, lemme think about it.. no” “>:O”
When it comes to Marcy and Anne, they’re… honestly kinda scared of you. Now, don’t take this the wrong way! They absolutely love to have you as a friend and they think you and Sasha are such a cute couple! However, you have quite a strong and unpredictable personality. Nothing wrong with that though, you just make them a bit nervous sometimes, especially Marcy.
In the end, you and Sasha Gaybright Waybright are such a great but chaotic couple. We have Sasha, the cool, laid back and dominant girlfriend, and then there’s you.. the gremlin! Match made in heaven fr.
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Please feel free to leave more Amphibia requests, I love getting em!
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Does anyone remember this weird episode in Steven Universe😂😂😂.
I was rewatching the series and completely forgot about the random crossover episode😂😂
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I swear Ruby is shorter than Y/n-
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amooo1023 · 2 years
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SORRY FOR THE LONG WAIT. Really didn't mean to keep you waiting for this long. I hope you enjoy this fic.
Yandere!Darcy x reader(ROMANTIC HEADCANONS)
Yandere type: Possessive, obsessive, sadistic, manipulative and clingy. (The last one is a quirk they got from Marcy after 'taking over'.)
• It depends how you met them, unless you also haven't? There are many ways they could've known about you. • Scenario A: Maybe they knew about you after going through Marcy's memories. Perhaps you were her crush? Or maybe you two were already dating? Well, if that were the case you would've gotten kidnapped when they were invading earth. And if you were in amphibia you would've also gotten kidnapped. The only difference is that you would get less of a shock.
• Scenario B: Another way they could also have known about you is if you were helping Andrias with their plans. In that case you'd have to help with the core a lot or at least be near the core when they were shortly soon turning into 'Darcy' as they like to call themselves. In that case you would get a lot of attention from them while you're fixing or helping with work. Some very oddly personal compliments from them and just general clinginess.
Because of the multiple scenarios and how different they can all go down. I will list these headcanons in two stages. Scenario A and scenario B. (I originally had more but that would be too much for me to write.)
SCENARIO A: (Takes place when earth is being invaded)
• You're technically they're first 'love'. Sure, the core has multiple beings who have had romantic interests but most of the time they'd shake it off, not thinking much through it. You on the other hand was different. Unlike many others they couldn't just shake you off, you had a much stronger effect on them. Not because you had a special 'personality'. Just simply because they couldn't get rid of you. Sure, now that they think about it, you might've just had a stronger toll on them because of them possessing Marcy's body. Making the romantic feelings more evident and not controllable. They hated not being able to control their feelings. They've never had this kind of problem before. Even when their minds were all focused on one end goal you just had to pop up out of nowhere. You were essentially an annoyance at best and they simply just wanted to get rid of you. But they somehow failed at even bringing themselves to kill you. Instead they started to feed into their obsession. Constantly going through Marcy's memories, taking in any detail and any type of information that has with you to do. Replaying your smile over and over again. Their obsession only grows more as they learn more about you. Eventually they need you. And if that would mean having some errors here and there, then so be it.
• Since it's their first time dealing with feelings like this. They won't really know how to act or how it even works. You're charming and annoying, that's it. Well besides from that you've become a basic need if they wanna be able to continue with world domination. Considering the fact that they don't know how to deal with these types of emotions, they would essentially just immediately kidnap you. Thinking it would be over just then and there. Not even letting you get a refresher on the situation Darcy would force themselves upon you immediately (not sexually obviously, more or less forcing affection on you so basically nonconsenal touches) after you had been kidnapped. Practically stating you two are dating and will comply with them. They won't be slow with you at all, just forcing you into it without anything to at least get your head wrapped around it. Although you did not notice Andrias' worried gaze.
• Well that is to say if you're really confused and don't understand a single thing at all. They'll be a lot more slower with you if that were the case. Ordering Andrias to show you the ropes while they accompany you.
• Since their emotions and feelings for you are mostly based off of Marcy's memories of you and not actually knowing you. Darcy will get really confused or frustrated at you when you wouldn't comply or quote 'not doing what you're supposed to'. Not only that but there will be a lot of forced affection as well as nonconsenal touches. Whenever you thrash out of their touch or push them away they get annoyed but also.. hurt? An emotion they don't recognize very well. And if they can feel hurt just simply from rejection, who knows what else they can feel. It terrifies them that they can feel pain just from three words from you. But if they feel hurt when you reject them, that just has to be love! It just has to be, after all what is love if it doesn't have a few errors and setbacks?
• If you keep resisting Darcy will eventually seek Marcy out for help. Threatening Marcy that something terrible would happen to you if she doesn't help them. Most of the time, it works. Which would result in Darcy being a lot more open and patient with you or otherwise kind? Cracking up jokes and being more humorous with you, more Marcy-like. Although most of their jokes are more dark then light.
• However, that facade will eventually crack when you keep acting distant towards them. Instead talking with Andrias more and trying to find ways to escape. They practically snap right there already dragging out their scythe, pinning you towards a wall while spilling various threats. And if you somehow got them real mad, they wouldn't be afraid to kill your entire family and to make it worse, force you to watch the entire thing.
• Darcy loves being near you, fuck even knowing you simply exist is enough for them to feel a sense of calm. But when you keep ignoring them or just scoff and scowl when you're near them makes it emotionally draining for them. It's frustrating and tiring, it hurts being neglected. Neglect them for too long and they'll go in a fit of rage, destroying anything in sight, sending out robots to kill people you're close to. They'll insult you with weirdly personal insult with pure malice in their voice. They will make you feel like shit whether you like it or not. Andrias of course will eventually hear Darcy's screaming and will escort you elsewhere.
• As time goes on you will surprisingly get a close bond with Andrias or close enough that he'll open up to you. Of course you won't get to be with him for that long until Darcy comes storming in and immediately puts Andrias on duty while they tell him they'll have to do something very important, with you of course. Whenever this happens he always worriedly glances at you before he runs off. So moments with him aren't long but still treasured.
• Activities with them are weird and it's not like you get to choose either. They'll always force you into it. Most of the activities are essentially them showing off all of their gear and many other things. They offer their stuff to you free of charge, even talking on and on about how lucky you are to even be able to be in the spaceship. And well many other things. Don't be fooled, it's not as if you can use the weapons out of the room. They added a small detection system for that, so don't get any ideas now. But this isn't the only thing they do with you, sometimes you even get to be with them and help with the world domination thing. Of course you most of the time decline such offers. Which kind of annoys them, they want you to rule by their side at some point. But it's okay, they can be patient.
• They're manipulative. Another moment you might be yelling at Darcy and then out of nowhere you're suddenly in some sort of state of calm. Their manipulation tactics change every so often. Some are harsh and some are more at the psychological side. Unfortunately for you they like to use the harsh ones. Let's say you're just simply conversing with them about someone you know. You suddenly say something they don't like and then BAM! Suddenly they're making vague threats towards them, forcing you to believe you were insignificant to them and was simply a tool for their own amusement. Pointing out multiple things you had told them and twisting it into something sinister always making you re-think what had REALLY happened. Making them seem like they're the only person you can trust. And if they succeed you would suddenly have severe trust issues as well as lower self-esteem.
• Don't be fooled too much by their act! They're sadistic, sure not a huge sadist when it comes to you getting hurt. But more at your friends or other people you were near with before the kidnapping. That's not to say that they don't enjoy seeing you in pain sometimes. However that side of them is mostly left hidden and barely even shows. And even when it does it'll mostly be at your mistakes or just simply laughing at your reactions. Even then it'll mostly be on small things. But I will say one thing they don't enjoy it when you're in physical pain. Emotional pain is more their forté. Oh, but don't let that fool you they'll definitely hurt you physically if you get on their bad side. You won't lose a limb but you'll certainly get badly bruised. Or worse a broken limb
• This isn't the worst scenario to get stuck in. At least in my opinion it isn't. Sure it's emotionally draining but you won't have to go through absolute torture. You still have the chance at being saved because of Anne and Sasha.
• At first you didn't even get a glance from them. You weren't a big deal. But you were certainly loyal towards Andrias and the core, just a little bit closed off. The reason why wasn't ever revealed, or at least you didn't wanna share it. Which might've sparked some interest in Darcy. When Darcy had asked about you Andrias would simply inform them that you had been a big help when it came to machines or anything that was needed to be built and even after the whole entire world domination thing you were surprisingly chill and simply told him you already knew. When asked about how or why you never answered and would tell him to be grateful to have someone as loyal as you, especially someone as great of an engineer. You were also very closed off, not talking to anyone ever. Even when Andrias tried to get friendly with you, you would always close yourself off or not acknowledge him, not ever wanting to converse with him for more than 5 minutes or two. Which only intrigued Darcy more. Darcy just had to get to know your entire ordeal and as dumb as it sounds, they wanted to get to know you.
• Just after their conversation with Andrias they'd immediately be hanging around the other corner just waving towards you. To which in Darcy's surprise you scowled and started to walk faster. Before they could even catch up to you or talk to you, you were gone. Darcy had never felt so many emotions at once, confusion, frustration, shock and amazement. Every single part of them was practically screaming at once, they were practically baffled. You're working FOR THEM? You seem to hate their guts. It didn't even seem like you wanted to be here. Were you planning to betray them later? Or maybe take all the power for yourself? Or maybe you just had a bad day? They were so confused, you didn't make any sense. Especially since Andrias said you were loyal to them.
• Don't be to surprised if you're met with a smiling Darcy looming over you right after you woke up. You understandably freak out and throw a pillow right at their face. But to your surprise they laugh at. If you decide to show more negative emotions towards them, they'll only grow more intrigued. "The hell are you doing in my room Darcy!?" "Relax, It's not as if we're going to kill you or something. We just wanted to invite you to our cupcake trips."
• You cannot decline, you will follow along with them whether you like it or not. Just be prepared for a lot of questions from Darcy while walking with them. Oh and they'll walk extra slowly just to lengthen the time spent and maybe to annoy you. Once you two do arrive Darcy will shoo you off with no cupcakes to eat and send you to do some work. Before you can even protest they shut the door on you, although you could swear you heard snickering from behind the door. Not only did they waste your time, but they also made you walk all the way there only to get nothing.
• You'll be 'called in' more than usual with Darcy in the system. Weapons and machines mysteriously break more often, and for some reason Darcy has to be near you while you fix the equipment. Constantly taunting you and occasionally complimenting your work. Although, let's say they don't think you spent enough time with them the equipment. They'll tell you something looks dodgy with your work telling you to do further fixes on it. Increasing the time spent.
• You'll find yourself spending more time with them than actually being alone. 80% Darcy, 20% literally anything else. One second you might be alone, away from anything else and finally getting a little time for yourself, taking a sigh of relief. Until.. BOOM! Darcy comes out, out of fucking nowhere, clinging onto you and complaining about how boring it is to wait for world domination to unravel on earth.
• Once they do realize they're a bit attached to you, they'll treat you like an object. Constantly convincing themselves they're simply using you and don't have any kind of attachment with you. After all any kind of relationship is stupid. They just can't stop thinking about you because so much needs to be fixed! Granted, most of the times they're the ones that have caused the damages- but still! They're just using you for entertainment, nothing else.. right?
• Unlike the other scenario they (partially) like your rude and unwanting side. It makes things more interesting for them. Although what really interests Darcy the most is how you'd come running whenever there was something wrong with the gear. However if it was anything else that doesn't have to do with future plans and objectives it was irrelevant.
• Your privacy? What are you talking about? Ever since they started to feed into their obsession your so called "privacy" is gone. Now you have cameras all locked into you 24/7. You won't be able to notice them of course, they're all so minuscule and most of them just materialize. Oh and did I mention that they're always recording? Only Andrias and Darcy knows about it, but you might just accidentally find it when Darcy gets a bit to sloppy and you're called in. Now how you take that information is up to you. Because Darcy will only react if you react.
• You might just be walking down a hallway and suddenly be in a deep conversation with Andrias. Of course these conversations don't ever last long because Darcy comes RUNNING if you ever talk to someone else. Especially if you're more open to others than them. You might finally be enjoying yourself until suddenly Darcy grabs your arm and yanks you towards them and yells at Andrias until quickly walking away with you. Andrias giving you a look of concern and sympathy until walking away to whatever duty Darcy has given him while Darcy is talking about all of their accomplishments and bragging about themselves.
• Darcy is also completely new to craving things from you, especially something as useless as touch or affection. They haven't felt anything close to romantic feelings in millennias, and this is probably the closest they can get to "romantic". They'll probably only notice they're in "love" with you after watching some stupid romantic human show, ironically of course. They wanted to mock humanity until realizing what the show had just presented was something they wanted with you. Marcy of course could've also explained to them what it was or they went into her memories while she was mass shipping and watching a movie about romance, religiously.
• After they realize this, Darcy will just straight up self loath which is surprising because of their incredibly big ego. They've always thought that they don't need anyone. But you just completely threw that idea out of the roof, because now they felt like they NEEDED you. So at this time you might suddenly find yourself getting more time for yourself. Not a random Darcy popping up out of nowhere and demanding you accompany them. And although it will probably not take that much time before Darcy comes back and accompanies you every single fucking second. It will definitely give you a breather before going through hell again.
• Don't think this makes them more nicer with you though. They're forcefulness will go up by a lot as well as their possessiveness, just with that new tint of "I love you" in there. Playfulness will spark and go up and they won't feel the need to break something to get your attention. Well, they'll still do it just not as much as before.
• Because of their egos they'll think you won't even think about denying them if they were to ask you out. So when they do ask you out and you reject them. They'll go in a tantrum of rage, breaking everything in sight and demanding you to be serious until you deny them again. Now if you think about running away in this moment they won't even stop you and will just let you go. You'll probably go in your room that had been assigned to you and take it easy.
• Don't be to surprised if Darcy switches your room to be with them. Because from now on you're with them forever. Always in their line of sight and always near them. They won't take no for an answer and you won't have any rights anymore.
• To them you're just an another planet to conquer, to dominate and control. I mean, they didn't call themselves a power-freak for no reason.
(Shh I know this seems unfinished but still-)
Base yandere Darcy headcanons:
• They crave your attention all the time and expect you to be free every single second to fulfill their "needs". Whether it be in the night or when you're eating, or doing anything really. Every ounce of your attention should be directed towards them. Good or bad, it doesn't matter. As long as you're paying attention to them they're content with it.
• They wouldn't hesitate to kill for you. To them they are completely irrelevant. Even if it were to be your friends or family, they'll kill them. But it's not as if they are oblivious to the fact that you might get hurt. In fact they are completely aware of it.
• They enjoys cutting ties with the people you feel bonds with. They do after all find that relationships are just obstacles and useless. Relationships keeps you from pursuing your goals. A bit hypocritical of them if I'm going to be honest.
• Sadism won't be a trait that appears as much when they're with you. It'll mostly appear when you make mistakes or just be clumsy in general. They don't however enjoy you being in physical pain. They're totally fine with you being emotionally vulnerable or having any other mental instability. Sadism will also appear more towards other people than you. They just feel bad whenever they hurt you. An annoying trait for them because they always enjoy hurting people. And seeing as they feel bad whenever they hurt you kind of hurts their ego.
• Clingy, holy shit are they clingy. They'll follow you everywhere and the minute they lose sight of you they freak out. Well not freak out as frantic. They're pretty dependent, they just cling onto you a lot. But if you do somehow manage to escape, they will lose their marbles.
• Ever since they became Darcy they had a sudden love towards games. For that reason they will invite you to game nights. It's not even an invite you just get forced into it. They really needed a buddy to game with. Even if it's abusive and a forced relationship from your side.
• They will manipulate you and make you feel as if you're taking them for granted despite the fact that they trapped you here and made you feel like shit. Manipulation won't be new, it will happen every once in a while towards you. Putting toxic mindsets on you, giving you trust issues and BOY is there coming a lot more.
(So sorry about making you wait this long, it was not my intention to keep you waiting for this long. I HOPE YOU ENJOYED!)
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youjustgotxfiled · 2 months
Hey, everybody! I've finally gotten around to starting to upload my own works on this hellsite! :D
This one's dedicated to all the Amphibia and Sashannarcy fans out there, as well as to everyone who deals with trauma, CPTSD, anxiety, depression, and other mental & emotional conditions and disorders, as well as to everyone in the LGBTQ community at large. You are ALL warriors who deserve the best out of life.
This piece was written between May and November of 2022, but is only being uploaded here now because a) I wanted to run it through beta readers to feel confident enough to post it, and b) I wanted to make sure my AO3 and DeviantArt accounts got their uploads going first.
If you like what you see here, feel free to like, reblog, and share with everyone! Any and all engagement helps me out a ton (especially the reblogs XD).
Story for Chapter 1 below the cut for those unable to access the link above.
You are invited to: THE BEST FAMILY DINNER EVER!
You’d recognize that script anywhere. The kind of writing that can come from just one colleague of yours: the inimitable Marcy.
You’ve known each other for a fair bit now; ever since Marcy moved back to Los Angeles and took a job in your studio three years ago, you’ve have been quite the talk of the town as perhaps the two lone people ever to have gotten more than five words out of each other in any given conversation. Not that either of you mind too much—being both introverts and nerds helps you be that much more attuned to each other’s needs and interests, to say nothing of the ease with which each’s rapt attention to the ramblings of the other helps block out the surrounding office gawking and gossip. After all, both of you are very much used to it by this point in your lives. 
Still, this invitation comes as a surprise. For one thing, Marcy is not one to talk about her private life or after-work plans much, and neither are you. For another, one of the few things she has revealed is that she’s married to a pair of women, and not just any pair: they’re Anne and Sasha Boonchuy-Plantar, famed heroes and defenders of Earth from the attempted “Frogvasion” over ten years ago. Though you haven’t said as much to Marcy, you’re filled with all sorts of weird emotions at the mention of their names. Excitement, fear, curiosity, and longing all collide within you, TV and social-media images and sounds of that day—of THEM, at their most fierce and intimidating—bouncing around in your mind, leaving much more space than is comfortable to wonder how much of it carries over, then or now, into their private lives.
How similar it makes them to…well, them.
No, you think. Your hands are beginning to tremble, your breathing becoming tougher to do. Not them. PLEASE not them. Not right now.
You put the invitation card down on your desk, gripping your hands against the front edge to steady them and not tip off any snooping passers-by. For a long moment, you close your eyes, trying to steady your breathing, hoping the serrated pattern it takes on when you get like this isn’t loud enough for anyone to hear it. After a shake of your head for good measure, you open your eyes again. 
You jump in your seat, and it’s all you can do not to scream. At least your hands have stopped trembling. You can’t say the same for your breathing, however. 
“Oh my frog, I’m SO sorry! I didn’t mean to scare you!” Marcy says as you turn your head to see her standing next to you. Her hands are covering her mouth, and her brows are furrowed upward. Uh oh. Better make a quick cover.
“No worries, Marcy! I was, uh…just kinda tunneling on this frame, is all,” you reply. You throw in a sheepish laugh and grin for good measure, hoping to God—excuse you, FROG—that she buys it. “You know how I get with that sort of thing.”
“Oh, yeah! I’m the same way when I get SUPER-invested in something,” says Marcy. She flaps her hands to accentuate her words, a trait you find makes you smile. For a moment, you wonder if Anne and Sasha react the same way about it, too, though the chill coming up your spine and settling in your stomach at the mere thought of them prompt you to shove the question aside and turn your attention back to the still-chatting Marcy. 
“—so she was thinking that we should sub it out for roast beef sandwiches, but of COURSE Anne wanted something a little more special than that, so—”
“Marcy,” you say. She quiets right away, noting the tension and uncertainty you’re failing so hard to hide in your voice. “Do…” The names seem a bit too difficult for you to spit out, so you opt for the next best descriptor. “Do your wives know you’re planning all this?”
“Of course they do,” Marcy replies. She tilts her head with a confused look. “I’ve been begging for them to put this together with me for at LEAST the last two weeks. I can’t even BEGIN to tell you how many work stories of our convos I’ve shared with them just to get them to let their guard down and be a LITTLE curious about you.”
Let their guard down. Sounds…possessive. That doesn’t bode well. The icy feeling in your stomach begins to swirl. Out of sight—you hope—your grip on the edges of your desk tightens, even as you flash another smile. “Heh, yeah. Probably should have figured that. Sorry for the stupid question, Mar.”
“Oh, no! I don’t think it’s stupid at all,” says Marcy. She looks down for a second, her beautiful smile fading a bit. “Frog knows I’ve hurt them enough with trying to plan stuff behind their backs.”
It’s your turn to shoot Marcy a perplexed look. Hurt? Behind their backs? Whatever in the multiverse could she be referring to? You look down towards the ground for a moment, wheels turning at an even higher speed in your mind. You look back up at Marcy. “Are…are you okay with telling me more about that?”
Marcy emits a sad grin, shaking her head. “No. Not right now, anyway. That stuff’s…pretty private between the three of us.” She looks back up at you. “You ARE super-nice and considerate, though. Maybe one day. When I’m ready. When all three of us are ready.”
When all three of us are ready? Now that’s curious phrasing if you’ve ever heard it. Your pulse begins to quicken, as does your breathing. Your trembling hands are becoming a bit more pronounced, too. Does your possessiveness reading have legs? Maybe accepting this invitation isn’t such a good idea…
You squeeze your eyes shut, gritting your teeth. You exhale in a huff. You’re not letting this fear overtake you again. Not ever again—you let them control you enough as it was then, and you have no intention of ever letting them win. This is YOUR life to live now, dammit!
You reopen your eyes and shoot an even more exaggerated grin at Marcy than before. It’s crucial that she not see your panic right now. “Fair enough. Perhaps tonight’s dinner will be a start, then.”
Marcy’s eyes widen. She begins to jump, hands flapping a million miles a minute. “EEEEE!” She squeals, all toothy smiles. “I’m SO excited for you to come over! Oh, I can’t WAIT for you to meet the other girls! This’ll be the best guest-dinner EVER!”
You arrive right on time at six o’clock, though more so because you had trouble finding the right address than out of any sense of precision or punctuality. After all, the directions are but one of several thoughts racing through your mind.
At length, you reach the bottom of the steps leading up to what appears to be a modest suburban house like most others here in Long Beach—small front porch, two stories with a couple of windows apiece, sloping up at the top where the attic might well be. 
You close your eyes, taking one more deep breath. You look down at yourself—not dressed the fanciest in the world, but presentable enough, in your opinion. Plus, you made a point to comb your hair and shower before heading out. Outside, you’re about as good as you’re going to get.
The question, of course, is inside. 
You’ve been running through several scenarios in your mind—or rather, your mind has been running them through you. It’s never been your best friend for most of your life to begin with, but you and it have been on extra bad terms with each other since they tore you to pieces all those years ago. Fear and suspicion have lived so long in your head that they now color your perception of every person who tries to touch you, and these three are no exception. 
First off, Marcy. She’s sweet and all, if a little on the airheaded side of things in spite of her clear exceptional intelligence. Despite your mutual talents for talking each other’s ears off, however, most of your convos never turn to your personal lives, in part because she seems to…well, never want to talk about it. She always tends to look down, or in directions other than your gaze. Like she’s far off from that moment and into one from the distant past. One with a lot of secrets.
Too many secrets.
What do they contain? Do you want to know? Is it something that can hurt you if you don’t? How long do you let her play this out before demanding she come clean? And are you willing to lose her as a friend because of it, like you have so many others--?
You shake your head in a violent motion. You’d better get this show on the road before you change your mind.
You pull out your phone, pulling Marcy’s contact info up. “I’m here!” you text. You add a smiley face for good measure.
A minute passes. Two. You start to wonder if maybe you’ve got the wrong house, after all.
“Be ready in five! Just need to finish the main course lol,” Marcy replies. For a moment, you’re confused as to why they don’t just let you in and make you wait in the living room or something. Then comes the second ding! “Still trying to clear the last of the smoke from the oven. Wouldn’t want you to die from carbon-dioxide poisoning before the loves even get to meet you,” she adds, throwing in a sweating-smile emoji for punctuation.
You begin to smile and sweat at the same time, too, though not for the same reasons she is right now. Loves, she called them. And they might be possessive. Which means getting too close to any of them, too quick—but to Marcy in particular—equals a high chance of getting eaten alive by them. In any case, you need to sit down and get your thoughts a hair more together. Strategy was key for a successful night here, after all.
You take a quick glance at the porch, and notice that there’s a swinging chair hanging from the right-hand side of the eaves. Three, maybe four people wide. Perfect. You waste no time in marching up the steps and making yourself comfortable, taking care to keep your toes dug into the wood of the porch floor so that you’re not swinging all over the place. Once you’re settled, the thoughts catch up to you again.
Strategy, comes the first offering from your subconscious. A fitting word for this situation. One an ex-military leader like Sasha would appreciate.
Sasha. Right. The blonde double-sword warrior whose severing of the interdimensional demon’s cord—umbilical? medical? The public debate still raged—was now perhaps the second-most iconic news image in recent memory, of course to Anne—
A full-body shiver strikes you. Not now. Not right this second. And why are you feeling so cold as you’re sweating, anyway? Isn’t it 75 and sunny? You squeeze your eyes shut a moment, then reopen them, determined to keep them on the porch floor for now. Okay. Time to focus.
Determination, your brain titters. And focus, too. I wonder how many more appropriate words we can add to the vocabulary list of Sasha descriptors before we—
“Shut. Up,” you growl. Frog, you wish you could just grab the jokers that liked to snatch the microphone for your thoughts and crucify them against the wall, sometimes. You can dream, can’t you?
Dreams, your mind responds. You’ve been having all SORTS of dreams about Sasha, haven’t you?
Much as you hate to admit it, you have. And many of them haven’t been pleasant.
Ever since the footage of that fateful day was uploaded for all to see and meme, you’ve developed a nasty habit of rewatching it over and over along with millions of others. It’s become a bad combination with your memories of them, but Sasha’s clips, though brief compared to Anne’s, are anything but merciful in how they’ve impacted your psyche. For starters, they helped you develop a deep fear and suspicion of anyone with combat training, in particular those teenaged or older with any kind of military background. For another, one of the few things Marcy has deigned to mention about her wives is that Sasha, like them, seems to have a chronic short fuse even outside of battle, and you know all too well the various kinds of body discoloring that can result from someone with a loose emotional grip. All well and bad, to be sure. But that’s not even the worst part.
The worst part is the dreams.
It’s enough of a struggle to get to sleep these days anyway, has been for years. But once sleep comes…the horrors are often indescribable. Them, seeming to save the day and the city from the invasion—and then continuing to kill, and kill, and kill, until you’re the last Angelino standing, begging for mercy and a second chance that will never come. Sasha and them, together, tying you up and forcing you to watch their plans for a dictatorial new world order come into fruition, with your eyes being taped open to deprive you of sleep for good measure. Sasha alone this time, in your house that you bought with your own money, stalking you, beating you with a cup, and then her fists, and then her boots, because it’s just so fun to torture you for being so weak and helpless and not wanting to learn how to fight like she does, then taking the sword from her beltline and tearing your heart out with it, with watching you lose consciousness and your life being so funny to see that she just keeps laughing and laughing and laughing and laughing and—
“Jesus!” you shout. Your toes lose their grip on the porch floor, and you’re quite certain at least a couple of the neighbors heard you. As you wait for the swing to run its course, you look down. Your upper body is now soaked in sweat. Great. Just great. At least you can use the weather as an excuse, you hope.
The swing comes back to center position, and your breathing has returned to a manageable level. You waste no time checking out the text that startled you from your poisonous reverie.
“Gonna be another 5 before we’re ready, love! SO SO sorry to keep you waiting outside,” it reads, punctuated by a frown. “Smoke alarms going off ALL over the house now, so now we’re trying to keep the food, furniture, AND you from getting soaked. Try and enjoy the sun! Will text again when we’re all done.”
Smoke alarms? You scrunch your face. Then, you hear the faint, shrieking beeps coming from inside, the detector in the living room behind you losing its mind as you felt like you were not a few moments ago. Perhaps that was why you didn’t catch it the first time. And as for poor Marcy…well, she’s confided to you about being a walking disaster before, but this? This is another level. You wonder if these are the kinds of pratfalls Sasha and Anne have to deal with every day. And what their limits are for tolerating it.
More to the point, you wonder about Anne’s limits for tolerating it.
For tolerating you.
Unlike Sasha’s limited footage, Anne’s is so extensive that breakdowns of her fight with the mad King Andrias are plentiful on social media. What that’s meant for you is plentiful opportunities for every punch, kick, shot, and word between the two of them to be burned into your mind. Bad enough that every moment of combat itself raises their specter in your mind, and that the additional sounds of shattered windows, wrecked cars and buildings, and ear-piercing screaming churn your stomach. Even these things, however, pale in comparison to how Anne powers up—and how it all ends.
First, the power-up. By some grace of the multiverse’s cosmic forces, she had—has? —the ability to go from regular, brown-skinned Thai to a glaring, snarling, blue-haired demigod of immense power. The aura itself is intimidating enough, but the changing of her eyes from brown to icy blue is unnerving. And that voice. Oh frog, that voice—a voice at once hers and that of a power far beyond comprehension, one even angels and demons alike would tremble from in fear. Her power in this state is (was?) nothing to sneeze at, either—she could fly, summon swords, dismantle enormous missiles, knock the block off of dozens of robots, take insane physical punishment. All primo nightmare fuel for someone prone to conflating, extrapolating, and associating. But even this—even this—doesn’t stack up to the real reason you can’t sleep at night anymore.
The way the fight ends.
For all the damage and punishment the two dealt Los Angeles and each other up to this point, it was at least comprehensible thanks to its striking similarity to that of a superhero showdown in a Marvel or DC film. Even when Anne, demonic voice and all, began to tear down the leviathan about his inability to open his heart or follow his true feelings, it felt, cruel as it was, familiar enough. Precedent, after all, bred familiarity and minimized shock value, the key ingredient to creating trauma. Which made what happened next all the more insane.
There were two occasions in the fight where Anne lost her grip on her powers. The first time, she’d been clocked enough by the king’s fists and missiles to make a mini-crater in the helipad of a nearby hospital, where she appeared to be down for the count—that was, before some FBI agents on the scene had the bright idea of using enormous loudspeakers to play one of her favorite songs, a move that brought her and her powers back and is now the reason you still struggle to listen to K-Pop on the radio anymore. The second time, however, was where things began to defy description.
Alongside Anne and Sasha, there were dozens of the aforementioned FBI agents, some military, and a host of creatures—from the other dimension, it was presumed—battling all manner of robots and perverted animals on the street level. Among them was a small family of what appeared to be anthropomorphic frogs, from which the event itself would get its name. One of the more well-known images from the day was when they began a strange, hypnotic dance that would end up subduing a pair of mutated herons responsible for much of the early damage. It was one of these smaller frogs—Sprig, you seem to remember Anne calling him in the fight footage—that stepped in as a meat shield when Anne seemed to just lose her glow all at once, leaving her on the physical brink and ripe for a finishing blow from the titan. A single slingshot to the dome to get his attention. Then…the speech.
There are internet denizens who can quote the whole thing chapter and verse, but you’ve never been one of them. Something about the necessity of change, feelings repressed, and following one’s heart when the moment comes, all coming from the soul of someone once near and dear to the king long since lost to time and regret. All you know is that the letter Sprig read to Andrias appeared to have moved him to tears, to the point where he began to wail about the accruement of his sins being too high to overcome and pounding the roof of the building they were both on. And yet…Anne didn’t care.
She just. Didn’t. Care.
No matter that her enemy had seen the light, no matter that his subsequent redressing himself into the armor he’d been using the whole time looked involuntary, no matter that she seemed ready to hear him out for a second before his re-armoring appeared to be all it took to convince her otherwise.
She kept trying to power herself back up. To rear back for one last blow. A couple of snaps of the fingers. A spark. Then all blue again, circling back around, picking up speed as she—from what you remember of the footage available—aimed straight for the frog’s heart. The king himself, frozen for a moment, then waiting until the last possible second before disarming himself again, eyes closed, arms spread wide, embracing the inevitable—a gesture that even the most hardened of war veterans would give pause over, reflexes permitting.
Anne did not give pause. 
She killed him.
Oh, everyone debates whether the king died from the blow, citing deceptive camera angles and trajectories and combat philosophy. But you know.
You know better.
You can’t speak for creatures from other universes, but you know for a fact that not a single one of Earth’s would have survived a direct shot like that. And that the king, torn limb from limb, never moved much again. And that Anne, smiling and triumphant over her deed, took one last look at him, went up to the floating castle for something (someone?), and came back to drag his body up to it before the castle vanished into the portal from whence it came. 
All of this, burned into your memory. And that blow. That last blow, that image seared into the brains of everyone who lived through that day but yours in particular—THAT’S what keeps you up at night. What wakes you up, shaking, crying, sweating, hyperventilating. 
Because she could do it to you.
“GAAAAAH!” you scream, yanking yourself out of your daymare. As your feet kick out and the swing begins to go again, it turns out you are, in fact, hyperventilating, and your heart rate is an easy two-and-a-half beats per minute. You look around for something, anything that will get it under control before you pass out. 
You check your pockets. Nothing. And you didn’t bother bringing a bag with you. Dammit.
You cock your head in every direction you can, discovering that your scream somehow didn’t bring a single curious neighbor out to inspect the unholy noise. Nor did anyone from the Boonchuy-Plantar house come to check you out. Yet.
Okay. Time for a last resort.
You cup your hands together as tight as you can, then thrust them onto your nose and mouth. Out, in. Out, in. Easy now. Slow it down. Not so high and low, now.
Out, in. Out, in.
On this goes for about two minutes. The breathing stabilizes to something resembling normal, as does your pulse. You’re shaking again, but that will be easy enough to hide. So will the tears that are now intermixed with the sweat flowing from your hair. What won’t, however, is the icy feeling in the back your head, or the slowness with which your body now moves. Whatever. You can figure that out as you go tonight.
You jump again, almost dropping your phone as you pull it back out of your pocket. Stabilizing the bottom of the phone against your chest, you see another text from Marcy.
“All done! Ready when you are! Just ring the doorbell and I’ll come let you in,” it reads. Below the message, a second one that came in just as you were reading the first: “SO sorry again about making you wait. Hopefully you didn’t get too bad of a sunburn!” A sweating-smile emoji punctuates the text.
You have to smile at that one. You, a native Angelino, getting sunburned? One might as well be worried about a Republican becoming governor of the state any time soon. Letting out a small snort, you find yourself a bit more relaxed. Good. You’re going to need your happy face on for this one.
You stand up, legs still wobbling a bit. You limp your way over to the door and use the doorframe to straighten yourself. One last exhale, and a straightening of your top. 
Then, you ring the doorbell.
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leonwrites4u · 1 year
Updated list of what I will & won't write for!!!!
What I will write for
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
Ouran High School Host Club
Genshin Impact
Inside Job
The Owl House
Feel Free To Request
One shots
Character x reader
Platonic relationships
What I Will Not Write For
Anything else that isn't appropriate or gross
Characters I will gladly write for (favorites)
Danganronpa: Rantaro Amami, Makoto Naegi, Izuru Kamukura, Kazuichi Souda, Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu, Shuichi Saihara, Kaito Momota
JoJos Bizarre Adventure: Rohan Kishibe, any JoJo, Any SDC, Suzi Q, Yukako Yamagishi, Koichi Hirose
Ouran High School Host Club: The twins (seperately) Tamaki, Kyoya, Mori
Genshin Impact: Kaeya, Chongyun, Any Anemo boy, Kujou Sara, Thoma, Ayato, Xingqiu, Tartaglia, Arataki Itto, Kuki Shinobu
Inside Job: Reagan Ridley, Brett Hand, Andre Lee, Ron Staedler
The Owl House: Luz Noceda, Amity Blight, Hunter, Willow Park, Gus Porter, Eda & Lilith Clawthorne, Collector
Amphibia: Anne Boonchoy, Marcy Wu, Sasha Waybright
Characters I Will Not Write For
Danganronpa: Junko Enoshima
JoJos Bizarre Adventure: TBA
Ouran High School Host Club: Any lobelia student
Genshin Impact: Fatui Harbingers (Until there's more information about them)
Inside Job: TBA
The Owl House: Belos/Philip Whittebane
Amphibia: Any frog
Feel free to request!! I'm always happy to write for you all !
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femalefinder800 · 2 years
Amphibia x Luz!reader
Prolouge-Amphibia (pt.2)
You stood up,placing your things inside your bag,Looking around with furrowed eye brows of anger. You ended up in another mystical world against your will,did the world have it against you or what? 
You sighed as you slung your bag over your shoulder,luckily your time in the demon realm has prepared you for this,You looked down at the key in your hand,You could use it to go back,but who knows? You might end up in another realm again.  You looked down at the hill,it would be to steep to just walk on alone,You had note book paper and that's all you would need.
You wrote the symbol for the ice spell and slapped it onto the ground as it got covered in ice,you smirked as you slid down it like a pro,before you ment the end you grabbed a plant glyph paper and slammed it into your hand as a vine went up and grabbed a branch from above,you swung along the rest of the ground,hitting a front flip as you hit the ground.
You stood up from your crouched position on the ground and looked at the hill you had just came from.
"Too easy." You muttered to yourself turning back around to the rest of the woods,You began walking,making sure to watch out for twigs and low branches this time. This place looked fairly easy to live in,you should know,you've been through hell and back in the demon realm. You eventually made it to a town where frogs were.
You truly were in amphibia. You put on your hood,your cat ears showing. You had to fit in some how,You walked into the town,attracting the attention of many frogs.
They whispered to their fellow friends about you,however,you could care less as you said before. The demon realm has already prepared you for this,You walked on looking around the town seeing there were many stores. You would have no problem finding food here,You looked in front of you to see a shack with a orange frog in front of it.
He seemed to be selling food,You put your hand into your pocket and looked at the coins and money that laid in it. You really hoped they took cash.
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skygent · 2 years
Sasha has a run-in with an old classmate that dredges up painful memories of her old self, memories that have her wondering if she really deserves the life she has.
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snakewithawitchhat · 20 days
Bill Headcanons
I have enough of these to fill up my guts whatever that means
Includes: Normal, readerxbill platonic, readerxbill romantic, freaky stuff he into
He definitely said skibidi once because he had no idea what it meant or where it came from
He would probably honest to god enjoy interacting with an iPad kid because he thinks they're fucking funny
Tea person over coffee
Probably reads books on the randomest subjects. Mostly they all have human psychology in common, though. Or anatomy.
His favorite kids movie is Wreck It Ralph, favorite adult movie is Shawn of The Dead (He doesn't believe British people are actually real and finds the movie funny), favorite horror movie is probably something really obscure and is just plain goreporn or something like that.
(In my opinion) I feel like if he had a more anthropomorphic form (legs and arms and body) it would probably be something VERY weird core or something like that. Like, extra limbs, weird ass colors, and random effects. He'd probably keep the triangle imagery, though.
Would definitely just say random ass shit to freak people out
He has a thing for teeth. Not, like, a weird thing or a sex thing. He just really thinks they're cool.
If he had an iPad... he'd spend all day either being your standard reddit user or an iPad kid.
Probably like King from The Owl House sometimes.
Speaking of TOH, he met The Collector once. He thought the kid was neat and played a few games of chess with him before leaving. Probably one of the inspirations for The Collector's insaneness
He also met The Core from Amphibia. Or at least knew the core existed.
His favorite human color is either red, yellow, or orange. It's really everything on the hot side of the color wheel tbh.
Platonic X reader
Dream invasion time-- He would SO rummage through your mind if you made a deal with him.
If you pissed him off, he'd probably jab a fork in your arm while possessing you. He wouldn't be as insane as he was with Stanford's body, though. He wants yours to work properly.
Dream demon or not, he probably had a Drea- NIGHTMARE... it was SO a nightmare... about having more fun with you if you built the portal.
Would be touchy. Not in a weird way (if you ask, he'll stop) but he'll just, like, pat your shoulder or something like that.
If Weirdmageddon 2 happens he is SO finding you and inviting you to his party. You're coming, too. You don't got a choice. Womp womp.
If one of his friends were to eat you, he'd probably be disappointed as all hell, but it really depends on how close you are with him. Besties? He'd kill that monster and resurrect you with the parts left. Just acquaintances? Who are you again?
Would still possess you even after he gets a physical form. (he likes to prank you)
Romantic X reader
Clingy bastard. If your insert is mortal, he'll be by your side 24/7 if Weirdmageddon is happening. Even if your insert ISN'T mortal.
Would be even MORE touchy.
He'd set up boundaries and be clear with his own while probably ignoring yours. (he isn't a great partner)
It's probably a toxic one-sided relationship at first. Bill is NOT a good person at ALL. He always had a goal in mind. He sees his romantic interest of you as a little thing that just ALSO happened.
Probably gets flustered by affection really easily if you're the one showing it.
He won't know much about human affections, so you'll probably have to show him the ropes.
Before you do THAT, though, he'll probably just bite you (with his freaky fucking eyeball mouth thing). Not even as a sexual or possessive thing. He just likes to bite you. It's like an awkward thing he can't control. Get too close and he can feel your warmth? Bite. Bite. BITE. It's not light stuff, though. It's always hard enough to draw blood. Purposeful or not. (It's not on purpose)
He doesn't get JEALOUS, but he does get a little insecure if you start getting infatuated with someone else.
If you're hurt from someone, you BEST know he's overprotective as fuck. Your puny mortal body is pathetic, but if you lose it, he loses you, too.
You aren't aging ever again. You aren't DYING ever again. No. He won't let you die ever. Body is giving out? Here's a new one. Forgetting...? No, he'll plant more memories in your mind. He's too late and you're dead...? No you aren't... You'll always be conscious. Whether your body is rotting around your mind or not.
Sex junk
Sadist. 100% all the way. Not even light things, like slaps. No, if you consent, he will full on break your bones.
He doesn't feel sexual gratification like humans do, so it's more of just something he'll do to either please or displease you. Whichever one, it's almost always about how you feel.
He doesn't have a dick, so you'll be on the receiving end always. Unless you REALLY want to give.
He has a giant eyeball on him. He definitely likes to watch.
Always tops because there isn't much you can do to dominate him. He'll try to let you if you really wanna, but it probably won't be the easiest.
Blood kink. That's it. He thinks it's so pretty on you. Especially if it's yours.
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multifanlol · 2 years
Hey! So i wanted to start writing character x reader stuff so, feel free to request, (I’m so bad at this help-) I’m guessing first i should write the fandoms I’ll write for/characters i will and won’t write for etc, so yeah-
All students from trigger happy havoc platonically and romantically (excluding Junko Enoshima unless your some sort of mastermind like her)
All students from goodbye despair platonically and romantically + Monomi platonically only
All students from V3 platonically and romantically excluding Tsumugi again like Junko if your some sort of villain like her
Ultra Despair Girls
Komaru Naegi (Platonically and Romantically)
Yuta Asahina (Platonically and romantically)
Warriors of hope (Mainly platonic although I’ll only do romantic with them aged up)
Monaca Towa (Although i should be putting her in the category with Junko and Tsumugi i still really wanna write her lol mainly platonic though)
Characters i won’t write for in Danganronpa
Haji Towa
Monokuma (unless it’s some sort of funny platonic oneshot or something nothing serious though)
South Park
Characters I’ll write for
Adults (I’m okay with writing for most of the main adults like Randy, Sharon Gerald romantically and platonically etc…)
Most of the kids (I mainly prefer platonic like the WOH although I will do romantic but would prefer aging them up would prefer writing there post covid ones more although i will write them that age more reluctantly though)
Now that i have that clear the characters in specific I’ll write for are probably
Stan Marsh
Kyle Broflovski
Eric Cartman (Reluctantly)
Kenny Mcormick
“Mysterion” (just forget that isn’t Kenny lol)
Butters Scotch
Goth Kids (only platonic for Firkle)
Randy Marsh
Sharon Marsh
Craigs gang + Tweek
Main girls (Wendy,Bebe,Heidi,Nicole….)
Most of the parents
Teen characters (Shelly Marsh, Kevin Mcormick, Scott Tenorman…..)
Characters i won’t write
Ike (would prefer doing platonic and writing romantic stuff for post covid him since he’s like 3)
Firkle except platonic stuff
Characters i will write for
Anne Boonchuy (platonic and romantic)
Sasha Waybright (Romantic and platonic)
Marcy Wu (Romantic and platonic)
The planters (Platonic only)
Darcy (Romantic and platonic forgetting the core controls her and focusing on Marcy lol)
Pretty much I’ll do platonic for all the other frogs and only platonic since i feel uncomfortable kinda writing non human readers
Total Drama
Characters I’ll write for
All romantic and platonic (well excluding the tennis rivals unless platonic
Characters i won’t write for
Romantic for any of the frogs
What i will write in general
Male, female and gender neutral readers all are good here!
Male reader x male character/gender neutral x female character etc
Reader acting like a character as an example gender neutral reader! Acting Like Makoto Naegi from Danganronpa to (insert character)
I can go up to four characters at the moment at best I’ll add it up when i feel more comfortable doing more then four
Fluff, wholesome stuff etc
Angst but only reluctantly because i suck at them i feel like i wouldn’t make it serious so only if you really want one but i warn you
Platonic and romantic i think yk
I write parental f/o stuff or sibling f/os etc…..
I can write ocs and self inserts but I’d need important details
Stuff like kissing, etc I feel like I’m gonna suck at it but cringe culture is dead right-
Yandere stuff if yk yk
What i won’t write
Smut or lemons (I don’t mind it but i can’t write stuff like that because it comes out SO BAD I can’t even-)
Non consenting stuff, harassment, abuse, pedophilia etc (if yk yk….)
So that’s it for now i think I’m in other fandoms but there the main ones I’ll write for now sooo…..
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Welcome to my “Well…We’re Getting There” Story blog!
You can read this story on Quotev!
So if you are new and want to read it I will tell you a bit about it!
This is a “Crystal Gems x Female Reader!” Book. It’s a full story not little oneshots. It’s like “No Rest For The Weary”. It’s actually NOTHING like it. Just a reader insert for the series.
This book is about a young 15 year old girl who found a Ruby at a very young age and has stuck by her side throughout all the neglect and abandonment throughout her foster families. She later meets the gems and that’s when her story begins.
I’m not gonna spoil anything though :).
I am currently looking for a cover for the story. Feel free to make your own work and send it to me. Me and my sister will decide on which artwork we love the most for the story. If your making a cover please do not include Y/n or your OC on the cover.
You can ask me questions in asks if you wanna talk about it or just want to know something! (Not in replies though. Idk what’s wrong with my tumblr but I can’t respond in replies. So please ask things in Asks)
Hope you stick around for the series!
Total of Chapter so Far-
9 chapters! 83 pages
Chapters coming out next-
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Hello!!!!! Welcome to my new blog( again). This is another blog that goes with my first story blog “StevenUniverQuotevStoryatory” no capitals it just autocorrects everything.
Here’s the link if you wanna visit my first story blog.
Anyway, this is for art for the story!!!! Anyone can send me art so don’t be shy!!!! I will never make fun of other peoples artwork!!!!
But there are some rules on here-
-All work must be appropriate
-No changing the sexuality of the characters
-No weird ships
-No one is aloud to make fun of other peoples artwork
-You can draw Y/n in your own style too!(Isnt gonna be used for the story though-)
And I believe that’s the rules for now, I’ll add some more later if I have to!
Also, I’m looking for a cover to this book and am going to be choosing my favorite one. Here are the rules if you want to try to win!
-Y/n or Ocs cannot be included. I also recommend that you don’t include ruby on there too.
-Title must be somewhere on the artwork.
-Nice backgrounds
Please take note that I may choose multiple and the Coner will most likely change every year or so. Not most likely though.
I’m happy you read this and I can’t wait to see your art!!!!
Also, I’m really bad at drawing but am gonna post here anyways too lol
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Just went through this old thing and purged almost everything. Gonna start posting fanfiction here, so we’ll see how that goes.
Also maybe art too, we’ll see. My Instagram is really where I put art but I might sprinkle some in here occasionally.
Shoot me a message if you have a request I suppose.
Fandoms I know are Harry Potter (both movie and book), Fantastic Beasts, Hogwarts Legacy, Hollow Knight, BATIM, Batman, Danny Phantom, Warriors, Wings of Fire, Owl House, Amphibia, and Pokemon.
You can request other things but characters might not be super accurate because I won’t know them as well.
I’ll do Reader Insert, shipping, fluff, angst, AUs, crossovers, and horror.
Might consider others if you pitch them to me as well but I reserve the right to say no for any reason so please do respect that, thank you!
Hopefully I’ll have something to post soon :3
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thesoulbox · 10 months
Whoop!! Hello!! This is just some basic info about me and the such, as well as some other things I'd like you to know!! If you have any questions feel free to ask!
Name: Maple/Reese/Sol
Pronouns: She/He/They
Writing / Drawing / Animating / Painting / Reading / Roleplaying / Gaming
FNAF / TWD (Game + Show) / Warrior Cats / The Office / TLOU / DBH / Adventure Time + Fionna And Cake / TOH / Amphibia
As of recent I have been incredibly hyperfixated on The Office and FNAF (specifically Security Breach)
How long have you been on Tumblr?: I've literally never used it before but I've had an account for a little while for reading stories and such, I honestly have no clue what I'm doing :)
What are your socials?: I have a YouTube, an Instagram, and an AO3 account! I also have Discord but I'd rather keep that personal! Here are some links below!
Are writing requests open? Yes yes yes!! I'm thinking of making a fnaf sb oneshot book, so feel free to send in story prompts! (Extra points if its a Gregory and Freddy duo prompt or something with Gregory, Cassidy, or C.C ^^)
Is the art on your account yours?/May I use your art? All art on this account is mine unless stated otherwise! If you would like to use my art/catified designs that's fine! Just please provide credit!!
Will you do requests for other fandoms? I don't mind doing requests or prompts for different fandoms in my fandoms list! Just please note that I most likely will take longer on them due to my own inability to stay focused on something that I'm not hyperfixated on!!
What are your boundaries? I will not tolerate any kind of nsfw content nor will I create anything of the sort, I am willing to write graphic content (violence-wise) and I don't mind writing darker topics, just please do not take requests too far. Constructive criticism is allowed, just please be gentle!!
As for my personal boundaries, please do not pester me over requests or story updates, I get demotivated really easily and being harrassed doesn't help matters any. I'd prefer it if you used tone tags whilst talking to me, I struggle with tone in text!! My anxiety is a menace and I tend to freak out and panic over simple topics like, discussions of heart issues, discussions about death, pet loss, etc. If a conversation is becoming too much I will let you know, all I ask is that you respect my boundaries 😭(also please do not bring up nsfw shizbiz in my messages, it's just yuck.)
Do you accept questions/ideas? Yes of course!! Feel free to send it in the ask thingy or in my messages!!
Do you have OCs? SLAPS DOWN A BIG ASS BOOK OF TRAUMATIZED CHILDREN. You called? I'll occasionally post art of them, so keep a lookout for that! I'm also willing to answer questions about them as well! :)
How long have you been writing fanfiction? I've technically been writing fanfics since I was 10?? But they were self inserts and they were really bad, I used to write x readers when I was 11-12 but I eventually stopped writing fanfics to write my own stories. I'm just now starting up again on AO3 after a 3 and a half year break!
Are there any certain requests you want? Anything FNAF SB related would be an absolute godsend. like I said before, I am absolutely stuck on it LMAO
Will you share stories/headcanons/art here? I will be sharing my stories on ao3 here, as well as some little character headcanons I have! Along with some catified refs of them because I can't draw a human for the life of me. I will also be sharing oc art and animations here but don't expect too much of that LMAO
But uhh I believe that's all! I can't think of anything else but if you have any other questions, just message me! Dont make it personal though or I'll hit your kneecaps with a shovel!! I can't wait to learn more about you all, have a lovely day! <3
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youjustgotxfiled · 2 months
Hello, everyone! Back with the second chapter of my Sashannarcy Reader-Insert Hurt/Comfort Fanfic (that's a mouthful XD). Thank you so much to everyone who's checked out my story so far, and everyone who's liked it! I hope you stick around to see what else I've got in store.
If you like what you see here, please reblog, like, and share with your friends! Any and all actions you do here will help me out a ton.
And now, below the cut for those unable to access the link above...our feature presentation! :D
A series of excited footsteps come towards you from the other side of the door. You recognize them as Marcy’s right away, but you don’t show as much when she flings the door open.
“Woah! Marcy!” you say, exaggerating your surprise. “YOU live in this wondrous abode? I never would have guessed!”
“Oh stop it, you,” Marcy replies. She sticks out her tongue, then resumes a wide smile before giving you a hug. As she does so, you feel yourself beginning to cool off already. “Glad you made it! Anne’s finishing up setting the table, and Sashy’s drying the last of the chairs in the living room.” She pauses, having gotten a look at your wet face and top for the first time. You flinch, but remain calm. Your line’s already prepared. “Woah, what happened? You’re all soaked!”
“Yeah, the heat got to me a little bit,” you reply. You add a small smile of embarrassment, and your cheeks begin to flush. “Still takes me a bit to adjust to the Californian summer months. You know how it is.”
“Oh, do I!” says Marcy. “I remember when I moved out of state to get my illustration degree, and I was NOT prepared for the sun and heat of Long Beach when I came back. Anne and Sasha wouldn’t let me live that down for months!”
Your smile fades a bit, and your next breath intake is quite sharp. Anne and Sasha. Right. They live here, too.
You look around the hallway, taking in the scenery. A whiff of pot roast comes from beyond the dining room to your left, mixed in with the smells of warm bread and…some kind of salad dressing? You don’t quite recognize it. Along the wall of the hall, several portraits of the trio—and other people you don’t recognize, leading you to believe they’re family members of some sort—are hung in frames of many shapes, several of them decorated with an embossing of leaves or frogs. You smile. Guess Marcy’s proclivity for using a lot of “frog” stuff in her life isn’t exclusive to her in this household. Though it does make you wonder if Frogvasion might have something to do with that—but, no. She couldn’t have that much in-depth knowledge about it…could she?
You blink your eyes a couple of times, trying to concentrate on Marcy again. She tilts her head in response. “You all right? You look like you could use a drink of water.”
You sigh. “That’d be wonderful, actually,” you reply. You COULD use something to calm your nerves a little bit.
“Okey-dokey, then! I’ll be right back!” Marcy turns, then gestures to your right. “Why don’t you wait in the living room? I think Sash just finished cleaning in there and Annie still needs another minute to finish the—oop!” She covers her mouth, her cheeks flushing a bit. “Forget I said anything! I mean, we TOTALLY don’t have a surprise for you—I mean, what?” A nervous giggle. Then she bolts into the dining room and the kitchen beyond—and almost trips over one of the chairs in the process. “Eeek!”
You smile. At least she quit while she was ahead. Not that you don’t find her adorable while she’s like this.
Watch it, you idiot, your mind fires back. Remember whose house you’re in. And who you’re dealing with.
Of course. Sasha and Anne. And Sasha’s still in the living room, in all likelihood. 
You huff out another breath, squeezing your eyes for half a second before reopening them. You look around again—dining room to the left, bathroom at the other end of the hall, a set of stairs right in front of you, the living room to your direct right.
You grit your teeth and head into the living room.
You walk in to an interesting sight.
To your left, a big-screen TV dominates a bookshelf taking up the entire wall, with video games and a fistful of controllers—all Nintendo stuff, from the looks of things—taking up most of the rest of the shelves, save for a few scattered Blu-Rays and magazines. The floor itself is dark-brown and wooden, with an oval carpet in the center of the room—green in the center, pink in the middle rim, blue along the outer edge. On top of it is a circular coffee table—one that, for the moment, is all covered up in wrinkled newspaper pages. To the right, a big couch takes up most of the wall space, with individual leather chairs flanking it on either side. Each of these chairs also has a big pile of wettened newspapers on them, and there’s another one in the middle of the couch where—
You freeze. The serration in your breath comes back, though you try not to be too obvious about it.
In the middle of the room, folding the last of the newspapers and putting them on the pile on the couch, is Sasha.
You clasp your hands behind your back so as to hide their trembling. You keep your smile on as you get a good look at her.
Her hair is cut down into a much shorter bob, but there’s no mistaking that incandescent blonde color. She’s also wearing a black leather jacket with a distinct crossing two-sword patch on the shoulder, both of which make you wince. Beneath that is a pink flared skirt stopping at the top of her knee, with black leather heel-boots stopping halfway up her muscular calves. You can’t quite see her eyes in the dimming sunlight, but you could swear that she has a scar on her right cheekbone. A remnant of her battle with the demon, maybe?
All of a sudden, she looks up. She locks eyes with you. No visible emotion on her face. 
Your breathing almost comes to a dead stop. Your hands are starting to have a real tremble-dance party behind your back. You heart begins to pound again.
A pair of raised eyebrows from Sasha. A curt, questioning wave. “Uh, hello?”
It takes a second to register that she just spoke to you. As you jump, you can feel your eyes dilating as you blink them several times, shaking your head. “Oh! Uh, hi! I, uh, heh heh…sorry to startle you.” You scratch the back of your neck, then return your right hand behind your back to clasp with your left. You straighten up, chest pushed outward. “I’m Marcy’s friend, from her studio.”
Sasha blinks. Then she bursts into a guffaw, closing her eyes and tilting her head back as her chest vibrates from laughter. Wiping away some tears, still grinning, she turns back to you. “Yeah, you look like the kind of friend Marbles would make, all right. At ease, soldier.” She puts down the last of her newspaper and begins to walk towards you, hand outstretched. “And it takes a lot more than that to startle me. Name’s Sasha, by the way.”
“Yes, I know,” you reply. You venture your right hand forward to meet Sasha’s, your left now resting on your hip. Though you’re still tensed up, your smile feels a bit less strained than before. Perhaps her grasp might have something to do with your circulation coming back online. “Marcy’s told me a bit about you. Anne, too.”
Another hearty chuckle from Sasha. “Only the good parts, I hope.”
Good parts, you think to yourself. Sure. Let’s go with that. For now… “She’s been a little light on the stories, admittedly. You look pretty cool, though.”
“D’aw, thanks,” Sasha says, waving a dismissive hand. She flits her eyes and lifts her back leg as well, and you start to feel a weird tightness in your chest. “This is nothing, though. Wait until you see the rest of my wardrobe. It’s got like, so much more style than this ol’ getup. I’ve had this for, what, five years now?”
“Hey, far be it from me to tell you what’s in fashion and what isn’t,” you say, putting your hands up. You laugh a bit, though yours is much shakier than Sasha’s. “I’m just saying you seem like the type who looks good no matter what you wear.”
“Oooooh,” she coos, putting the tips of the fingers on her right hand over her mouth. She wags her pointer finger at you as she replies. “You better not tell anyone else you said that to me. Some little birdies around here might get a little jealous.”
Your smile begins to stiffen. You feel yourself beginning to sweat again. Oh no. Have you made a mistake? Better backtrack, and fast.
“Oh, I didn’t mean to make you feel uncomfortable or anything! I just—”
“Hey,” Sasha cuts you off. You swallow, your smile now melted away. You HAVE to be in for it now, don’t you?
Sasha steps forward, making it impossible to look anywhere but right into her eyes. You brace yourself. 
To your surprise, however, she doesn’t yell at you. In fact, her tone is quite quiet and calm as she speaks, even if still clipped and short. “Don’t EVER feel the need to apologize for complimenting someone on how good they look. Okay? I do the same to plenty of people other than my wives, and they don’t really mind.” She takes your right hand, and her firm touch seems to cause at least some of the tension in your body to leave. “You just enjoy yourself tonight, okay? We’re all friends here. If any of us actually have a problem, you’ll know. Believe me. Besides, you look too nice for that.” She slaps your shoulder with your other hand, and it’s all you can do not to yelp in fright. “Now come on. Let’s have ourselves a little fun. It’s the weekend, after all!”
Ah, yes. The weekend. That thing the rest of humanity does where this magical concept called “fun” is the primary thing people love to engage in. Yes. Something you’re very familiar with.
You jump again when you see Marcy out of the corner of your eye.
“Hey! Sorry that took a bit,” she says, handing you your promised glass of water. “I, uh, got into a convo with Anne about her workday. Oh, and the roast’s just about done!”
“Thank frog,” Sasha sighs. “I’m starving. What say we all make our way to the table?”
“Heck yeah! Let’s do it to it!” Marcy replies, flapping her hands just a bit. Sasha grins, a peculiar twinkle in her eye. You don’t trust it, and brace for the inevitable even as the three of you begin to make your way to the dining room.
“So, what is this ‘it’ in ‘do it to it’ you speak of, Mar?” Sasha inquires. 
Marcy looks at her, perplexed. “What do you mean? You’ve never heard the phrase before? It’s been a pretty common one for at least the last few decades.”
“Oh, I’ve heard it before,” Sasha says. She’s beginning to grin now, and you don’t like the looks of it one bit. You take a couple of sips from your water glass, hoping against hope the other two don’t hear the ice rattling thanks to your unsteady hands.
Marcy’s frown deepens, as does the lowering of her brows. “Then what are you trying to ask, Sash?”
Now Sasha’s grin seems to stretch across her whole face, and her eyes have narrowed. Unbeknownst to the two—please let that be the case, you hope—your eyes have widened, and your mouth is pursed shut as you brace for impact.
Sasha leans in to Marcy, her voice a near whisper. “I’m asking if we haven’t already ‘done it to it’ enough.”
For a moment, Marcy looks at her. Then her eyes widen, her cheeks going red. She grabs big tufts of her long, silky black hair, attempting to hide her face from a now-chuckling Sasha. “Sashaaaaa!” she groans, still trying and failing to hide herself. “You KNOW that wasn’t on purpose! I tried my best! Honest!” 
By this point, you’re thankful you’ve all made it to the dining room table and sat yourselves down. Otherwise, you’re certain you’d have lost your ability to walk right by now, and the others would not have failed to take notice even if they’d tried. As it is, you’re now avoiding any and all eye contact with the other two, narrowing your world to just you and your medium-size, multi-ridged water glass as best as you know how. Even so, a stampede of flashbacks to them, and to every time they and every student, teacher, and principal at school teased you and berated you like this for being slow and weird and…worse, roars through your mind, with you just trying to take cover, hoping they all pass by. It always does. At some point. You’ve just got to wait it out. You just need a little time.
But you don’t get time. 
Because that’s when an all-too-familiar voice rings out. 
“Come on, Sasha. That’s enough.” 
Every part of your body now refuses to move. Petrified doesn’t even begin to describe the state of your mind and heart right now. In fact, your eyes seem to be the one part of you that hasn’t lost agency, and it’s these very eyes that turn towards the source of the rebuke.
They stop when they find it. Because you KNOW who it is. 
Even with her curled hair now tied back in a bun, sweat glistening on her brown face and forearms under the bright lights of the kitchen, and a few more wrinkles under her eyes than you remember, there’s no mistaking that glare. Those wide eyes. That booming, commanding contralto voice.
It’s Anne Boonchuy-Plantar.
The charge of thoughts and images in your head is back now at full force, but it has a curious effect this time: you feel compelled to keep your eyes on Anne, as if missing a single word, movement, or even breath she takes might be somehow tantamount to death on the spot. One image that sneaks into your conscious in the middle of your internal tsunami is that of a rabbit in a park, keeping a close watch on an overenthusiastic dog wanting to play chase. Or hunt. Either way, diplomatic negotiations by other parties—be it dog owners or Marcy and Sasha in the here and now—must be maintained posthaste, lest one misunderstanding create the spark of war.
Lucky for you, Anne seems not to have caught on to your off-putting stare, at least not yet. Fists on her hips, a large bread knife gripped in her right hand, and sporting a bright-blue apron with several dark blotches on it (not unlike the cuts and bruises she had when she killed Andrias, your very unhelpful mind chips in), she cuts quite the profile as the flustered housewife. Right now, she’s glaring daggers at Sasha, like you’ve seen her do so many times before. Too many times before.
“You know she’s been wanting to do the cooking for this one dinner for weeks. It’s not her fault our oven’s as old as dirt.”
“Oh, lighten up, Boonchuy! I was just kidding,” Sasha protests, holding the still-hiding-in-her-hair Marcy to the base of her own neck and stroking her love’s black hair for emphasis. 
A grin appears on Anne’s face. You feel yourself starting to sweat again, but you remain resolute in keeping your eyes trained on Anne. You sure as hell aren’t going to let the same thing get to you twice. 
Anne points the knife at Sasha as she retorts. “That’s Boonchuy-Plantar to you, missy. A name you and Marce share with me, in case you forgot.”
“I know. I was the one who suggested it to you,” Sasha deadpans. Her eyes narrow even more, her grin now beginning to resemble Anne’s. “And you did not just call me ‘missy.’”
“Uh, I was the one who asked you guys, thank you very much. And so what if I called you ‘missy’?” Anne takes a couple of steps forward, moving around the counter separating her from the dining room, still maintaining her wicked smile. You swear your heart is in your throat right now. “Watcha gonna do about it, commander?”
Keeping her own grin, Sasha turns her face up to the sky, her hair whipping behind her in dramatic fashion as she does so. She uses her free hand to rub her chin. At last, she shoots a glance back at Anne. “Don’t you worry, Annie. I’ll…think of something.”
Anne responds with a slow raise of her knife up to chest level. By now, you’re wondering if you’re ever going to be able to breathe again, though you somehow must be if the world hasn’t gone spotty and white on you yet. She points the tip of her knife towards Sasha, her own grin widening. “Not if I think of it first, Waybright.”
You’re shaking all over now—legs, arms, hands, head, you name it. Your brain is spinning with questions. 
Something? First? Waybright? Knife? Hurt? BDSM? Possessiveness? Bad blood? Former warriors? Violent tendencies?
Violent tendencies?
“Uh, guys?” Marcy says, giving you a lightning-bolt shock out of your fugue, at least for the moment. “Can we not do this right now, please? I think my friend’s getting a little scared.”
Anne seems to be yanked back to the here and now, too. She looks around—and makes eye contact with you for the first time. By now, you’re starting to get a bit exhausted from all the fear that’s been coursing through your spirit for the past twenty minutes, so there’s little to spare when she speaks to you for the first time. You figure that’s for the best.
“Oh. Hi. Uh…didn’t see you there. Sorry about that,” she says. Her cheeks have gone quite dark all of a sudden, though you can’t tell if it’s from embarrassment or stepping into the dimmer lights of the dining room. She puts the knife down on the table and offers her hand out to you, her smile now much more soft. “I’m Anne.”
You hesitate for a second, fighting your uncertainty over which version of her you just saw is the more genuine one. The more trustworthy one. Realizing that you don’t want to be rude to the apparent master of the house on your first visit, however, you force your right hand to put down your water glass, then raise it back up to meet Anne’s. “P-Pleasure to meet you,” you manage to say.
To your surprise, her touch is quite calming. You could swear you feel caterpillars blooming into butterflies in your chest and flying away then and there. 
You break off the handshake with unexpected reluctance, shaking your head, mind still spinning. Maybe you need to start working on that water Marcy gave you to get your head back on straight. 
You clear your throat before grabbing your glass again, downing about a quarter of it in one swoop. As you do so, you take in what’s on the table for the first time. Feeling the surface of it with your free hand through a plaid tablecloth decorated in pink, green, and blue squares with multicolored frills, you discern it to be made of pretty solid oak. Everyone’s plates are as white as healthy teeth, with single blue stripes encircling their round edges. The utensils themselves aren’t too flashy, but the glasses are quite intricate in their decorations; in addition to the water glasses being triple-roll-ridged at the top, the others have beautiful wine glasses as well, with each corresponding to their apparent favorite color—Sasha’s already downing her pink one, Marcy smiling at her green one, Anne pouring out some red wine into her blue one. All three have alternating clear-and-colored stones, bordered and stitched together. 
You take another sip of your water, smaller this time. Your thoughts are slowing down again, but you’re still very much unsettled. Something’s gonna break if this keeps up, and you know it. Should have come in here with an exit strategy…
No, your mind intones. You wanted this. You NEED this. You’re not going to let THEM dictate your evening, are you?
You grit your teeth. Another gulp of your water. You don’t know about needing this visit, but you sure aren’t going to let them dictate how this night’s going to go. That time has long since passed.
You think.
You turn your focus back to the table. Best to see what dishes you’ll be dealing with tonight.
True to Marcy and Sasha’s word, a big pot full of steaming roast beef dominates the center of the table, with fistfuls of chopped carrots, celery, and onions poking out over the top of it. Okay. So far, so good.
To the right of the roast, a mid-sized bowl full of bread rolls sits, radiating with heat. Right next to that is…a bottle of A1 hot sauce? Huh. Not the most conventional thing in the world, but could still be workable as long they were separable.
To the left of the pot, however…a dish you can’t quite begin to comprehend. It looks like a salad at first glance, but the construction of it is quite unusual. To begin with, a large, ridged leaf of some kind serves as a makeshift floor for the rest of the ingredients piled on top of it. Some of these you don’t recognize, but what perplexes you are those that do: tomatoes, carrots, peanuts, shrimp, lime juice, and garlic. Combined with the scattered flecks of beans, pulp, and sugar you see sprinkled on top, you can’t help but feel a touch nauseous looking at it. The last thing you need right now is something spicy or weird that could upset your stomach more than it already has been—and tip the others off to anything wrong with you. 
You look at Anne. She’s been chatting with Marcy about her workday and how fascinating you seem to be to work with and talk to, and she’s now looking you in the eyes again. Which means…
Hoo boy. You don’t have a backup for this one. You consider coming up with an off-the-cuff joke, then think better of it. Not a good idea to make a bad first impression worse if you can help it.
You blink, clearing your throat. “I’m sorry, what was your question again?” you ask.
“I was asking if you had any hobbies. Outside of work, I mean,” she replies. No visible change of expression at your miscue, from what you can tell. Okay. Maybe this is still salvageable.
“Not really, to be honest,” you reply, forcing your happy smile back onto your face. “I mean, unless you count watching TV or listening to music or…reading.” You look down and blush at this last one. Good frog, you must sound like such a loser nerd right now.
“Hey, it’s okay! You don’t have to be embarrassed,” Anne replies. She smiles. “I mean, I was never super into books or anything, but I love music and TV shows!” She leans in. You could swear her eyes seem to be a bit wider now, as if anticipating your next answer. “Do you listen to K-Pop at all?”
Crap. Going straight for the garrote, are we? Well. Here’s hoping this is a quick death.
You let out a huff, hoping it’s enough to hide your momentary widened eyes and flared nostrils at Anne’s query. You lock eyes with her. “Can’t say I do, to be honest,” you reply, keeping your voice as even as possible. “Never really…struck a chord with me, I guess. At least, none of it that I’ve heard.”
Anne begins to smile. You feel the tiniest ball of ice beginning to form in your privates. “How much of it have you actually heard?”
Your hands start to wiggle again, and you thrust them under the table as quick as you can to hide them. From the corner of your eye, you think you see Sasha raise an eyebrow, but that’s not important to you right now. What is, is keeping composure. Keeping appearances.
“A very limited amount,” you say. Your voice is starting to dry up, and you hope Anne doesn’t notice. “Only what I’ve heard sneak onto Top 40 stations.”
Anne grin widens. The ice-ball in you begins to spread into your bowels.
“Dude! You’ve been missing out. There’s so many amazing artists out there that don’t get any airplay. Here, I’ll show you!”
She whips out her cell phone from beneath the table, looking to Marcy and Sasha. “Everyone all right with Blackpink with dinner tonight?”
No, you think. Your heart’s beginning to pound. You feel your eyes widening and dilating again. No. Frog. Please. Please don’t play the song I think you’re gonna play. PLEASE don’t play the song I think you’re gonna play.
“Yaaaaass!” Marcy yells, raising her arms as if in triumph.
“I couldn’t think of a better choice, Annie,” Sasha says, a big grin on her face.
I couldn’t think of a worse one, you think, though you bite your tongue for the sake of formality. At least, that’s what you’re telling yourself. You’re sure it’s true, though. Pretty sure.
You do, however, find room to voice one concern out loud. “Hold on a second. They’re a dance group, right? Or at least dance-pop?”
Anne raises an eyebrow, thumb hovered over her phone—over her music app, you presume. “Yeah. Why?”
You take a deeper breath, one you hope is not too needy-sounding. Frog knows you’ve made that mistake too many times. 
“Wouldn’t it be, uh…hard to talk to each other, then? If we played it too loud, I mean? We are at dinner, after all.”
Anne’s face falls a little bit. Disappointment. Oh no. Oh no no no no NO. You need to—
“They do have a point, Anne,” Sasha cuts in, making you flinch again. Good frog, there’s actual amphibians who jump less than you do at the littlest things, it seems like. You feel a twinge of warmth in your chest for Sasha’s good timing, though that’s more because of sheer dumb luck on your part than any kind of perceptiveness on hers, at least from what you can see. 
Sasha presses on. “I mean, we don’t have to listen to classical stuff or anything, but we should be able to have background music on without having to shout over each other.” She smiles, then reaches over to your right shoulder to squeeze it. “Plus, our new friend deserves to feel comfortable here.”
You can’t help but drop your head at that. How pathetic must you be to not just want music to be quieter, but to have someone request that on your behalf? Too much to be considered anybody’s “new friend,” that was for sure. Why couldn’t you just let people play their music the way they want to? Why did YOU have to be such a special snowflake that a harmless little EDM song left you on the edge of a nervous breakdown every time someone made a meme or repost out of it? 
What validity did YOUR pain have compared to anyone else’s?
None. That was how much validity it had. None whatsoever. Nothing that could compare to what Anne and Sasha must have gone through in battle, or anything Marcy must have endured while watching her “loves” put life and limb on the line for the sake of your world and another. Bottom line, you didn’t deserve to be here. Plain and simple. Not in this nice house, not with this meal made with passion and love you don’t deserve to be given, not with this group of beautiful and amazing women whom you have no right to feel affection for and are too damn good for you. 
Your breath starts to hitch, though it doesn’t quite feel like a struggle to breathe. Your chest feels very tight and heavy all of a sudden, but it’s not the kind of tightness you’ve experienced before that would preclude one of your fugues or fainting spells. You can’t quite place it, but you know you don’t like it. Perhaps you should do something useful for once and figure out a cover for it, double time.
You start to cough. You wait for a reaction from the others.
“Woah! Easy!” Marcy leans over, putting a hand on your other shoulder. Bingo. That’s your cue. 
You cough louder, putting the crook of your arm over your mouth. You consider wiping away the tears starting to leak out of you, then decide against it. Better to use them to help sell this than give away their true nature. You squeeze your eyes shut for emphasis, then bring yourself back up again, blinking your eyes fast as you fix them on the ceiling for a moment.
“Hooooo,” you grunt, shredding your voice a bit in the process.
“You all right?” Marcy asks, rubbing your left shoulder just a touch. You’re blushing a little now—have been since Sasha started to do the same to your other shoulder, as a matter of fact—but this, too, can be covered up as part of the act. And now that it’s a bit deeper from Marcy joining in? All the better.
“Yeah, yeah! I’m okay. Just, uh…” Your mind blanks for a horrifying moment. Then you remember your sweating from outside, and decide to use it one more time. Just this once, though. More and they’ll be suspicious for sure. “—still dealing with a little dehydration, is all. I should probably drink more of my water here.” You throw in a patented embarrassed laugh for good measure.
You feel Sasha and Marcy’s hands leave your shoulders, though with odd slowness. You swallow. They bought it, but you’re out of deflection cards. Better step your toughness game up if you want to last the rest of the night.
You grab your water again, noticing it’s half-empty. All right. Not as bad as it could be. As you take another sip from it, you glance back at Anne. She’s put her phone down on the table for the moment, but she’s staring at you, quite tensed up. Waiting to see if you’re going to break even further, perhaps?
You smirk, raising both of your eyebrows. If she’s as on the wrong side of kindness as you think she might be, you’re not going to give her the satisfaction of seeing you break down even further. 
“You see something green?” you ask her. You slurp your water, keeping your eyes on Anne’s as you wait for her response.
It's her turn to furrow her brows and tilt her head at you. Then a spark of understanding lights up her face, and she shoots you the same wicked grin she was giving Sasha a couple of minutes ago. “Well, no. First off, I was just wanting to make sure you wouldn’t hack a lung all over my table—”
“Our table, exsqueeze you,” Sasha interrupts. You slide your eyes to the right to see Sasha with a similar grin as Anne’s, then flick them back to Anne just in time to see her narrow her eyes and stick her tongue out at the blonde. Your own smirk begins to widen as Sasha continues. “What? I was the one who bought it with my own money.”
“Yeah, and all you ever do is eat off it, ya big meathead.”
A playful half-grimace from Sasha as she puts a fist on her right hip. “Takes one to know one, girlfriend. Remind me who’s been cooking Friday night dinners the last few weeks?”
Anne flicks her eyes to the ceiling in mock deep thought, then fires them back at Sasha. “Can’t say I remember exactly. Something about a musclebound brute with a psych degree.”
“Says the one who loves invading my gym room every chance she gets.”
“What can I say? You put on quite the show when you’re in there.”
“Uh, duh. It’d be kinda weird if the so-called ‘Strength Person’ in this family didn’t tear it up in every gym she went to. If anything, you’re the weirdo.”
“I’m sorry, who’s the super-saiyan between us again?”
You freeze at that. Up to this point in the banter exchange, you’ve been maintaining your smile and mischievous façade with surprising ease, considering what you’ve been through today. Inside, however, you’ve been feeling yourself teetering again. Now, Anne’s casual mention of that form of hers makes you feel like your grip’s slipped off the controls, stumbling into empty space. 
In one unconscious motion, your right hand shoots up into view and grips the table with a firm claw hold. The soft bang of hand on wood causes Sasha to whip her head towards you, and everyone falls silent.
Dammit, you think. Thought I was a lot more quiet about it than that. Now what?
Now what comes in the form of Marcy reaching over to slide a couple of her fingers under your clawed hand, pushing upward against your palm to try to loosen your grip on the table. You don’t move it at first, wanting to make sure it won’t be trembling and give everything away when you do.
A moment passes. Two. The silence becomes more awkward as the atmosphere of concern in the room becomes more apparent. You maintain your focus on your hand, however. Doing this right is going to be crucial. 
A couple of more seconds pass. At last, you feel some stability coming back into your hand as Marcy’s fingers somehow help relax it. You decide to take a chance.
You lift your fingers up from the table edge—one inch, two, three. Marcy takes the opportunity to slide the rest of her hand under yours. Frog, I hope Anne and Sasha aren’t seeing this, you think, your heart beginning to race yet again. I REALLY don’t want to get kicked out of their house for this.
You shoot a look at Anne, then at Sasha. They’re both watching you, but with strange looks on their faces. Concern? Panic? You can’t quite tell, but they both seem ready to jump at something. Someone, perhaps. 
You swallow, turning your attention back to Marcy. She begins to lift your hand up in hers from the table, then lowers it into your lap. The ice-ball in your nether-regions, still growing after all this time, has now spread through all of your bowels. You decide to focus your attention on Marcy’s face in hopes of staving it off.
Looking into her eyes, you’re surprised to see her smiling. You decide to focus on her features in the hope of grounding yourself a little bit. Not because you think she’s as super-pretty as the others, though. No siree.
It’s fascinating, though, looking at her like this. You knew the general details of how she looked on a regular basis. Long black hair that went about a quarter of the way down her back. Green clip on the right side of the top of her head. Tan skin that’s smooth aside from the scar above her left jawbone. Small yet rounded eyes, nose, and mouth. Jean jacket with a fistful of frog-related pins and buttons on the collar and breast pockets, often covering a plain green t-shirt underneath. Regular blue jeans with the smallest of knee holes. Red sneakers scuffed with dirt along its white edges. 
And yet, looking at her now, you feel yourself picking up on a few things about her that you somehow didn’t notice before. Like how she’s not bothering to pull her stray hairs back behind her ears. And how her dimples help accentuate her sweet smile and caring eyes when she’s talking to someone she trusts. And how her hands fit so well over yours like a pair of gloves, not to mention how the softness of her touch often makes you want to sway side to side. 
“Are you sure you’re feeling okay?” Marcy asks. There’s no mistaking the concern in her voice now.
You grind your teeth. You hate to lie to her like this—to all of them, in point of fact. But…there’s no way you can tell them about this. Not here. Not now. Maybe not ever, considering their sources of whatever trauma they all have are a lot less mundane and stupid compared to yours. Better to just finish this evening off as best you can and try to get back home.
You put your smile on again. It feels like more of a struggle than before, as if your facial muscles are one of the apparent weights Sasha likes to lift. Not that you can afford to think about that right now. 
So many traps for you to fall into, you oversensitive ninny…
“I’m fine, Marcy. Really. You don’t have to worry about me. Matter of fact, a round of food in my belly will probably do me some good right about now.”
Marcy scrunches her eyebrows up, her face contorted into an expression somewhere between frustration, helplessness, and unhappiness, as best you can tell. You look down. It hurts your heart to do this to her, but it’s just what’s gotta happen, right? Batten down, get going, get through it, and get out. Perhaps even Sasha could appreciate that.
Nonetheless, you feel her hands leaving yours with the same awkward slowness with which she and Sash took theirs off your shoulders after your fake coughing fit. She nods as she begins to turn back towards the table. “You know what? Yeah. Maybe we should.” She looks up towards the others. “What do you say, guys? You think we should start now?”
“Fine with me,” Sasha says from your other side. “That pot roast ain’t getting any warmer.”
“I agree,” says Anne. She’s smiling again—the warmer variety, this time. “We might as well rip the band-aids off and see just how good we are as ‘food rescuers.’”
That gets a big laugh out of all the girls, easing much of the tension in the room for the moment.  Though you don’t join in, you can’t help but smile in solidarity at the crack. You have to admit these girls can be pretty funny with their banter. At least, when they want to be. 
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leonwrites4u · 1 year
Hello! Could I request some headcanons of Marcy and a very shy reader that like each other. but Reader is dating Sasha tho both develop feelings for each other during Amphibia maybe have both of them end up in Newtopia as well?
Yeah!! Marcy is literally my favorite 0-0 she's so real
Marcy Wu with a shy reader whos dating Sasha
Let's make one thing clear, you love Sasha
Well, you thought you did
After you got trapped in Newtopia you kinda realized how cool Marcy was
I mean she got you two connections to the king on your first day
You could barely mutter a word
"Isn't this great, y/n!? Just you and I, epic warriors of Newtopia!"
Marcy has always liked you
But you're dating Sasha!
No way could you cheat on Sasha with her
You're all friends
Though, she can't help but like you
Your shy nature is so cute
And to you, Marcys love for fantasy was always so fun
It's almost like a forbidden love situation
It's so bittersweet
Always being my Marcy, having fun with her
But you wanted to date her
I suppose you'll have to have a talk with Sasha
If you find her
Okay so I hope you like it!! There isn't much to say about this but ehfjejf Marcy is so amazing
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