#amulet of light
prosegalaxy · 6 months
In the land of shadows, where darkness reigned supreme, two groups clashed in an eternal struggle for power. One side, led by the enigmatic sorcerer, wielded ancient magical artifacts, their very presence threatening to plunge the world into perpetual night. The other, a band of unlikely heroes, bound together by fate and courage, sought to defy destiny and restore balance to the realm. They embarked on an epic quest for the long-lost amulet of light, a relic capable of banishing darkness and uniting the world once more. As the battle raged, the heroes discovered that their true enemy was not the sorcerer, but the very shadows that consumed their hearts. United by a common cause, they overcame their fears and forged an alliance with the sorcerer, vanquishing the darkness and ushering in a new era of hope.
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piedpiperart · 2 years
DC x DP prompt
Danny is hanging out with Dora, and gets caught in a trap by Aragon. He takes the dragon amulet and phases it into Danny’s chest, which turns Danny into a dragon, and then sends him through a natural portal to cause chaos.
Aragon tries to take over the zone while Danny is gone but Dora beats the crap out of him.
Meanwhile Danny is a dragon now, smaller than his human form because he’s still a baby ghost, and his core reflects that. Baby dragon Danny was sent to the DC universe and lands (un)gracefully in an alley in Gotham.
He could be feral like little baby man but he could also just be regular Danny brain power as a ghostly dragon. Who is like three feet long. He does his best to get his bearings, roams around a bit, hides from people, and scrounges for food as he tries to find a way back home. (Might not realize he’s not in his universe)
Danny catches the attention of some not so great people and runs and hides in an alley, digging into the trash or under a dumpster bc he is Smol.
Meanwhile Damian is out on patrol and hears commotion on the streets. He swiftly beats up this gang of guys chasing someone(or something) into an alley. After running them off he hears rustling amongst the trash in the dark alley. He thinks it’s a cat, as it usually is, but is surprised to find an actual, baby, black and white dragon with bright green eyes.
Obviously he plans to take him home, but has to coax Danny out from underneath the dumpster. Maybe he uses some snacks from his cool pouches on his belt. Eventually he wins over Danny, but Damian has to keep him a secret from the batfam.
The secret does not last long. Keeping a dragon in your room is not a good hiding spot. But, he found that Danny likes to cuddle, so obviously the little dragon had to stay with him.
Alfred found out first, promised not to say anything and help feed the dragon. Not sure who finds out next but Danny probably tries to bite Dick when he tries to pick him up a bunch.
Damian plans to train Danny to be his sidekick. If Batman gets a batdog, obviously Damian needs a bat dragon. Name is a work in progress, but Damian still makes Danny a lil bat outfit to match Ace.
Eventually everyone finds out and Bruce especially is trying to figure out where the dragon came from and why he’s just chilling with the fam. The tamest dragon he’s ever seen tbh it makes him worried
Damian finds out about some of Danny’s powers and shenanigans ensue. Danny gets comfy with the bats and is treating the whole thing like a vacation away from his troublesome life. Dragons probably purr, right?
Eventually maybe Danny finds a way to communicate that he’s actually a teenager trapped in dragon form and he needs help. The batfam collectively lose their minds when Danny’s revealed to have black hair and blue eyes.
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PEPPINO, YOUR SMILE IS SO CUTE I CAN'T,,,, You should do that more often!
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Peppino : A-Ah.. well.. I.. my… *He smiles shyly.* I-It’s a bit hard to always smile with everything that happened. I hope everything will be better in the future.
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Peppino : Ah.. well… I will get some warm milk with honey like planned and see how it goes. I barely caught any sleep in that awful tower, so I’m hoping to get some shut-eye…
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motherstone · 8 months
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On Stone Magic
Hm. Yeah, this was a needed distraction from the atrocity called Waverider. 💀
Really needed an excuse why I draw the stonekeepers using elements in my art, ended up getting carried away!
[1] The outfits they're wearing is around post book-4 or 5. My rewrite I jumbled things around, so technically in this timeline he should be wearing his armor in the og series. It's intentional he looked uncomfortable in it. It's a revamped design of his fit in book 6.
[2] Magical fire can only be dispersed by magic. It'll burn forever otherwise. Guess what Emily used on Ippo.
[3] We never really see Emily be silly or undignified, and to me, that's what she was lacking on why she didn't leave much of an impression nor appeal to me. this is an attempt to make it seem like she's still just a kid learning and stumbling and getting into embarrassing situations.
Still haven't finalized the design on Max, but I have some idea. If you noticed, he has the same collar as Trellis, meaning Trellis borrowed some Cielan attire before discovering a healer's robe, which is more elf-like attire.
[4] Trellis's magic may seem silly or trivial than say, what Emily developed to give her advantage in combat. It may also give you the impression he just did it to have an easier time for chores. But if you dig a bit deeper, that's extremely useful magic, especially for a society like Alledia.
[5] the Elf King didn't show up on the other scale because we don't know his level of skill. Other than that, he's insanely powerful.
[6] Every other stonekeeper can manifest both if they're skilled enough, but Trellis was the first to perfect a defensive style and do it consistently.
[7] Just a nice lil joke. Also, Max is wielding an ice pickax that can split into two or combine. Very dangerous.
You can tell I've been rereading wha and dungeon meshi for this.
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radioactivepeasant · 2 months
Free Day Friday: Trespasser
(From the poll: "In Which the Demolition Duo made it to the Wastelands without being banished because They Are Trespassing)
Damas was not, by and large, a religious man. He didn't worship Precursors -- there were some who insisted that his ousting from Haven was divine punishment for his arrogance -- nor spirits. If spirits could be killed, so could Precursors. That made them oracles, elders to be respected for unique perspectives on time, but not gods in Damas’s opinion.
Which made it an oddity to find him in the temple.
He sat on the shallow steps, staring up at the six carved heads meant to represent Precursors. More insectoid than Oracles, or perhaps just more elaborate. They seemed to wear headdresses over their bizarre masks.
"If you, by action or inaction, let Mar die, then at least have the decency to tell me," he whispered into the empty air.
"You always foretold a future moment of need that my House would answer. Has that need passed unnoticed that you stay silent while my bloodline ends? Or does my son live?"
The masks were silent, of course. Carved stone could neither hear nor speak.
Ungrateful wretches. Damas had a fleeting thought that perhaps they'd allowed -- or even orchestrated -- the abduction of his little son because he wasn't servile and "pious" enough for their tastes.
Damas wondered if spirits could harm Precursors. If perhaps the "Good Grandmother"*, She-Who-Hears-Them-Cry, might take an interest if something in this temple had been directly involved in bringing Mar to harm.
Má took her payment even from the hides of fellow spirits, after all.
"Even if you were capable of bringing him back unharmed, I very much doubt you would," Damas whispered harshly to the open air. His throat bobbed with a painful, bitter anger.
"But if you took him, you owe blood-debt to my House, old ones. So grant closure or sit in your realm knowing that I will seek answers among others as old as you."
Was it wise to threaten the Precursors? Damas neither knew nor cared anymore. Two years he'd barely survived having his heart metaphorically ripped out of his chest.
What more could they do to him? Really, what could they possibly do that could be worse than not knowing?
No answer arrived, not that it surprised him. Damas sighed and braced his elbows against his knees, head in his hands.
Stone grated against stone and metal to his left, and he turned his head swiftly.
There was a door there, one heavily fortified with traps. A hovering Sentinel eye kept watch for movement, designed to activate a spike trap if anyone tried to enter the lower levels without permission. And if someone managed to somehow get past that, the door would still be sealed. Whether by an enterprising ancestor of his or by meddling Precursors, that door could not be opened without an Heir of Mar. Damas was the only one who had ever been beyond it.
It should not have opened even an inch.
And yet Damas was witnessing the two mighty halves forcing themselves apart with a tortured groan born of idleness.
He was on his feet in an instant, ready for a fight. There was no chance that this heralded anything good.
That was a hu'men voice.
Damas’s hand hovered over his sidearm, ready to draw the moment he saw a face.
"And I thought this place was huge before!"
It was a young voice. High and a little squeaky.
"It just keeps going, doesn't it?" laughed a second voice, deeper, but just as young.
And then the doors were open wide enough to see the silhouette in between them.
And more importantly, to see the object glowing faintly in his outstretched fist.
Damas’s mouth was dry as he fumbled for the pouch between belt and leather armor where he kept his own amulet of Mar. He knew the shape by heart: twin comets orbiting each other, over stylized hands.
Pure, outraged, fury burned through his veins for a moment. Who had this scrawny figure stolen that amulet from? Heaven forbid it be Mar's amulet, lest Damas murder this boy before his very next step.
"Identify yourself!" Damas shouted, raising his gun.
The figure stepped into view. He was small, so thin his clothes hung loosely on scrawny limbs, but he held himself like a warrior.
The animal curled around his shoulders sat upright and spoke.
"Jak! There's real people in here! We're saved!"
Odd reaction to a man pointing a gun at them.
The boy eased a step forward, hands raised as if soothing a frightened animal. He still held the incriminating amulet in his hand.
"Whoa, okay, put the gun down. I don't want to hurt anybody-"
He took a step too far and the sentinel flashed. The spikes shot up out of the floor with a faint shunk!
With a yelp, the boy leapt back -- he was surprisingly light on his feet for someone wearing boots two sizes too big. Then, as if the nearly fatal encounter was no more than a slight inconvenience, he backed up, got a running start, and launched.
He kicked off the wall, seeming to find handholds in the tiniest of crevices as he bypassed the spikes entirely.
Once on the ground again, the boy dusted himself off.
"You okay, Dax?"
"Just peachy, considering you almost dropped me!"
"Did not!" the hu'men boy protested in annoyance.
He really was small.
The general gangly sprawl of his limbs suggested he would gain an impressive height, but for now he just looked..small.
And entirely too excited.
"Who....do you- Where did you come from?" Damas demanded.
The boy pointed back down at the steps and shrugged before scratching his head.
Oh that green hair hurt to look at. It was filthy, and matted, like it hadn't been correctly washed in years. He couldn't even determine the age of the trespasser, what with the layers of grime embedded into every crevice of his face. The clothes were just as stained with sweat, dirt, and what looked to be bloodstains. From traps?
Damas repeated the stranger's explanation incredulously. "How did you even get in here?"
The boy and the orange animal looked at each other for a curiously long moment. They seemed to be having a conversation merely by narrowing and widening their eyes in turn. Then, seeming to come to an agreement, they shrugged and turned back to face Damas.
The boy pointed down a barely visible flight of rough-hewn stone steps, lit by torches.
"We came up through the catacombs."
There were catacombs? He hadn't seen anything like that down there, and Damas liked to think he'd made it pretty far! He examined the stranger more closely, avoiding his eyes -- they're not familiar, you're just projecting your grief -- and avoiding looking at the talking weasel thing. He saw sunken cheeks drawn tightly against sharp cheekbones. A pale, barely visible scar across the bridge of his nose. Deep, deep shadows beneath his eyes. How large was the temple, altogether? Were there more people living below their feet?
"How...long were you down there?" he asked after a few seconds.
"Trust me pal," the weasel-rabbit said, "he smelled like this before we got in that zoomer."
"What zoomer?!" Damas asked, feeling more confused than before.
"The one we took through the lava tube to the catacombs."
Damas was beginning to wonder if he'd somehow inhaled the monks' incense by accident.
The trespasser cringed as if only just noticing the bewildered and only barely softened hostility on Damas’s face. He shoved his amulet -- not his, it can't be his, there aren't any more of us left!*-- into his pocket and waved his hands placatingly.
Was there another Heir all this time? Is that why I was given no chance to protect Mar? Were my child and I expendable?
"Didn't mean to bother you," the kid apologized, "We'll just uh- huh. Actually, where are we?"
And then he looked to the door rather than Damas.
"Hey Oracle!" he shouted, and Damas was glad no monks were present to hear this and faint at the impertinance.
"Where the rot are we?"
Alright. This was now officially more of a problem than he'd first thought. Not even the monks were supposed to have found that Oracle down there.
One of the past Heirs who never inherited the throne had sealed it up the moment he discovered it long ago. After all, the discovery of light and dark eco being opposite poles of one energy might have thrown society into chaos and they didn't want to deal with the fallout. Even Damas was leery of reintroducing that knowledge outside of the Arena yet. Apparently this trespasser had no such thoughts.
He spoke to Oracles -- or pretended he did.
He held and used an amulet.
The boy was a mystery. And Damas hated not having the answers.
"You," Damas decided, wearing anger like a shield, "are coming with me. You have questions to answer."
The boy balked.
He dodged before Damas could seize his arm, stumbling back amidst the columns.
"Uh-uh, I'm not falling for that."
"Falling for what?"
Damas was genuinely confused, and more than a little irritated.
The boy continued to back away.
"No, no I know how this goes. You're gonna take me back to the Haven Council, aren't you!"
"Haven?!" Damas sputtered, "Why the bleeding rot would I want to go there?! I'm taking you to my city!"
That didn't reassure the kid, who apparently was not fond of the leaders of Haven City.
Well, that was at least a bare minimum of common ground.
"You ain't takin us to no secondary location!" the orange one declared, pointing a skinny digit at Damas.
"The last time I got transported to a new place, I got kidnapped and experimented on for two years," his friend agreed.
Embleer Frith.
Damas stared at the boy. He squinted, as if that would give him insight into the unsettling response, then shook his head.
"You what?!"
What was he talking about? Experimented on?! That would explain the sudden shift from curiosity to distrust. But why-?
Damas knew. Deep down, he thought he knew.
If the boy was an Heir -- and he didn't even want to entertain the thought, but it had to be acknowledged as a possibility -- then that alone would be motive for someone like Praxis to torture even a young man -- or young boy?
If he was still obsessed with creating the ultimate war-sage, then an unclaimed and unattended Heir of Mar would be invaluable.
But if Praxis had been so focused on an older Heir, then perhaps it at least meant that he'd never gotten his hands on Mar.
That there was a stab of shame to follow that whisper of relief was an unsettling proof that he had not successfully hardened his heart as much as he'd thought.
"You came here from Haven?" he asked.
Thoughts of a breach in their defenses sickened him.
"And others will follow in pursuit of you?"
This time both trespassers scoffed.
"Only if they feel like sharpening their reaction time enough for a volcanic subrail," the hu'men said. He almost smiled.
The orange one nodded. "Jak here's the best driver there is! Also the most demolition-happy, but nobody's perfect."
Now that was a name his spies had been mentioning a lot in their reports. An alleged juggernaut who had turned the Baron's own secret project against him and -- rumor had it -- even destroyed the metalhead nest.
Damas had been expecting someone a little...older.
* the "Good Grandmother" Damas is referencing is a spirit I made up for the Wasteland called Má Crocadeer. Fairly grisly figure with a crocadeer skull wreathed in flowers for a head, and a crocadeer's legs and tail. Her purpose is to punish those who deliberately cause or inflict harm on children. There's a lot of people in Haven who should avoid the desert for this reason.
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chi-the-idiot · 6 months
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"Armor and Walls"
(Press the images for better quality)
A while back, after the release of book 9, I started chatting with @motherstone (an INCREDIBLE artist, even if you're not an amulet fan you GOTTA check his art out) and he shared this idea he had for a comic that he wanted to make but didn't really have the time to at that moment.
And me, lowkey loving the concept, proposed the idea that I make the comic for him as a gift.
This is the result.
-Concept credits go ENTIRELY to motherstone, from Emily's and Trellis' designs to the script
-I did the art and modified a bit of the script
-And obviously, all of the characters were created by Kazu Kibuishi and belong to him and Scholastic, along with Amulet as a whole. This is fanart inspired by the series.
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Akatosh: Any final remarks before your quest concludes? 
Martin, about to break the Amulet: Just the one. Tell my fangirls, I love them. 
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mahousensory · 1 year
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☘️ ☘️ ☘️ / ☘️ ☘️ ☘️ / ☘️ ☘️ ☘️
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lotus-moon9108 · 1 year
some thoughts i have abt amulet bc recently I've been thinking abt it a lot
- if max wasn't killed off he could have had an interesting arc
- if riva is gonna play a big role in waverider (she probably will tbh) she should have been introduced sooner and/or been in firelight
- emily just wanted to save her mother and now she's in this mess. i know she's the "chosen one" but i still sort of don't like leon for pushing emily into this
- trellis' redemption arc is way early compared to others
- if any ship is gonna end up canon it's most likely gonna be nalyson (I think that's the ship name?)
- is it just me or in supernova didn't vigo propose riva help trellis lead the elves? which could be seen as platonic but who knows??
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astranauticus · 1 year
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A thrilling and horrific tale of 5 strangers caught up in a mysterious supernatural conspiracy, will they uncover the secrets of the peculiar artefact bestowed upon them or will they fall to what lurks in the shadows? Find out in Curse of the Amulet, coming to a theatre (heh) near you this Halloween season!
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abyssforphantoms · 3 months
I know it can be kinda rude to make comparisons (and i kept quiet about this for a long time... more than 2 years)
BUT THEN THAT FREAKING 2 EMBERS THING HAPPENED. And I cannot keep this to myself anymore...
Resh (Eden Elder) be shaped like Elf King (from Amulet) XD
Resh (from that trailer thing)
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Elf king
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I just can't unsee it ;-;
Granted I been an Amulet fan for about 14 years... ( basically grew up reading those comics), so maybe seeing something that isn't there, or both may have a few similar inspirations, or a coincidence.
Also not accusing TGC of anything!!! but they kinda do have a habit of wearing their inspirations on their sleeves and if Amulet influenced them...
ngl that would make me really happy. :D
But wait, there's more... except it goes into some amulet spoilers, so continue at your own peril
So Elf King is Ikol - a ghostly mf entity thing that is connected to crystals who is the main antagonist of Amulet's story...
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Also, including images of Emily's (and one image of max's) Amulet
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But yeah that symbol reminds me of the season of prophecy symbol.
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Granted, it is a simple star shape sooo.... like idk
However, I do remember seeing an image that was "supposedly" was a leaked model of Resh on the official sky discord but can not find it again (tbf idk if it's even real), but if u know what I'm talking about... doesn't that look similar to Ikol a little???? Just saying.
There are also a lot more things I could bring up between both Sky and Amulet that remind me of each other, but it was mainly the Resh/Elf King thing that was a worm in my brain...
Also I don't really feel like that would be best thing for me to do because, at the end of the day, I like both Sky and Amulet for their own merits, and while they may have similar themes, they still go in very different directions.
Granted, if someone wants to continue that conversation... I would be interested.
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maxphilippa · 1 year
What are your OC's traumas?
thank you for asking *grabs em like a squishy toy*
it's not all of 'em but it is the ones i thought about the most!
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"An ornament or small piece of jewelry thought to give protection against evil, danger, or disease."
Her story is fairly uncertain and unknown, even by her closests of friends, but most objects consider her to be cursed in ways that others fear, though it isn't intentional. She has been around for a very long time, and has been through many experiences already. Being an Amulet Of Protection, she's meant to protect others from any type of harm, and that's her duty as a whole. However, this ability tends to be sharp on the both ends, but she doesn't realize this. It acts upon her wishes, and her wishes were always to protect those who cannot protect themselves. She had a pretty decent life nonetheless with a group of friends that she loved deeply, but things took an 360° turn one day. Someone came back for her, and the reckless, brave Amulet, disappeared. Instead of wishing the protection of others, she wished for her own, she decided to be "selfish" for once in her life,
And ended up losing everyone she loved. She was safe, but everyone else she loved was now gone. The guilt she felt was so awful that she ran away and was never seen again, never tried to get friends, a family, or peace again. Because in her own words, that's the dream of a coward that won't confront her faults. Many years have pased, and she's not up for the "third time's the charm" phrase, but perhaps, she can finally get some courage to stand up and fight for herself.
Or maybe not.
After all, why even bother? It's all pointless.
Cursed with her own being, it is now up to her, will she give in, or will she fight to protect the new people in her life?
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"Darkness conceals all the sentiments. All the blames. In the depths of the crimson sea, hopes rest. Don't surrender."
Ribbon came from a very wonderful place, despite the thoughts that she has of it. Was surrounded by loving people, and ultimately had a pretty great life. Despite this, she was pretty important to this place due to her connection with the stars and strange properties. At one point, someone who she had trusted, a very close friend of hers, ended up betraying her. Which sure it hurted, but she can't bring herself to be mad at him. She doesn't know the reasons, since her memory doesn't want to cooperate. Thanks to this, it escalated to a whole fight in the place in which she was living with another one, and at one point, they got her and... everything she loved was now gone.
They broke her enough to the point in which she... was no longer herself. Prepared to spill blood and cause havoc, she was feared by those who adored her. But at one point, thanks to someone she loved, she came back to her senses, and escaped from there, not without taking care of the one that caused such pain. Years passed, her whole appearance changed to a softer one, and she seems to be rather cheerful and lovely. Like nothing happened.
But truth is... that she doesn't want to remember anything. She was weak. She wasn't able to save them. She was so young when it all happened. She can't remember. Her story is incomplete.
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"Hold tight to this time, to this place cause, everything you know will be erased."
Light's story is unknown, just like Amulet's. However, it seems to be the main reasons as to why it's so... hollow, in a way. Their crystal is always radiant and full of colors, but their aspect is dull and dark. They seem to be scared of meeting new objects or interacting with anyone of that nature. After you lost something you worked so hard for, there's no point in trying anymore. He...
He can't tell what's real or what is fake. He feels too out of place. He doesn't seem to be able to talk about it.
But think of it as in, the sea taking away what was dear to you. A sand castle is usually the first thought. But it wasn't that for him.
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"So I dance with brown bears, and my soul is torn apart."
Two siblings who once wanted to host a show, they fought against eachother because one of them had darker intentions, contestants could not be brought back to life. Rose tried to stand up for the remaining contestants when he found out the truth, and helped them escape... and everyone was happy...
That's not how it happened.
he is a traitor.
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motherstone · 1 year
Vigo HAS a favorite stonekeeper you can NOT convince me otherwise
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winterfox26b · 7 months
Amulet RE-read: book 9
Final book and no matter what people say I think the ending is great.
Now Emily is showing Ikol the consequences of his actions.
And now Emily is not listening to him any more.
Trellis giving up the crown to Gabilan feels right.
The masks that Ikol wears is not fooling Emily any More.
It’s amazing how Emily was able to save both Cora and Cala.
What Ronin did is amazing thinking about the future and not the past.
West is right on page 83
I agree with Ronin that there will always be darkness everywhere.
Emily right that Ikol has no control over her.
Emily right that the planets need to be in a better shape than they found them.
Page 114 and 115 show how much Emily change in the book series.
Who ever that robot is on Page 132 and 133 is right on Page 133 panel.
And again on Page 136
I had no idea this how Gadoa trees were planted like this.
I’m amazed that Navin was able to figure that out.
Emily now knows you true colors Ikol.
What Emily did on page 186 to 192 was powerful.
Trellis is right on Page 206.
What Emily said at end of the book felt vary powerful and amazing as well.
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corvidcrybaby · 7 months
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This was an older piece I did of Judah with an older design and when I was still shaking off the dust of using a tablet again, but I thought I might post it any way even though the color palette is so totally off
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y-rhywbeth2 · 7 months
"You owe me." - Astarion, being directed to cast lesser restoration on me after I let him bite me*.
...really? I know it's just a randomly chosen line that doesn't take context into account, but wow.
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