#amy forks
mdshh · 9 months
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Some more pictures of the big day 🥂
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beevean · 5 months
I feel like i've been ran over by a freight train why are they comparing the funny cartoon echidna's sad backstory with the literal holocaust what is going on wh- 💥
Alright, just to prove I did not have a fever dream:
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It's in the third episode, The Shabbat Dinner. No, there is no more context for this. By jumping around the episode (I don't have the strength to watch it in full)... I think it's basically a long long joke based on Jewish stereotypes that I am not equipped to comment (plus some sibling drama between Wade and his obnoxious sister). Like this woman, Wade's mom, asks her son "is he Jewish?" as soon as she invites him for dinner. She threatens to use Krav Maga on his children when they bicker, and Wade explains to Knuckles that she "used to be an instructor" and Krav Maga is "Israeli self-defense" (not touching that). The action scene is set to what I think is stereotypical Jewish music, because the mom asked to protect the Shabbat candles on the table. So yeah. This is sure what I expected from a series based on Knuckles the Echidna.
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murcielagatito · 9 months
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it is so fascinating to me the way amy is so quick to notice and point out so much about dina like this isnt even the first instance she does it do u have something to share with the breakroom 🤨
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torybrennan · 2 years
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luveline · 7 months
hiiiiiiiii jade! <3
would you be willing to write a fic about girl dad!spencer x bombshell!reader? i can only imagine what an adorable riot their daughter would be!!!
ty for requesting!! mom!reader
Spencer always thought you were too beautiful for him. Too funny, too brave, too confident. For years he feared he’d never be anyone you could love; he was the opposite of all your best parts, he talked too much about the wrong things, he went red whenever you so much as looked at him, and he couldn’t flirt back, not for anything. 
But it’s been a very long time since he felt that way. What good is a father who doesn’t believe in being yourself? Amanda deserved to be loved from the moment she drew breath, and he shouldn’t have been any different. 
Now, though, he’s wondering if he shouldn’t be so accepting of all her whims. “I am not wearing that, daddy,” she says. 
She’s just old enough to put together sentences but young enough that the individual words sound like building blocks, chunky and clumsy on her little mouth. Her lips are yours, her smiles and frowns one hundred percent you. (Though you argue with him often that the quizzical pout she does is all his.)
“What do you mean, angel?” he asks, bent over her sock drawer looking for a matching pair. 
“This is pink, and this is purple.” She points. 
“Yes, and you like pink and purple!” 
“I like pink… and I like purple,” she says. 
“But not together?” he asks knowingly. “You want them at different times, is that it?” 
She runs for his legs, hugging them tightly. “Thank you.” 
“You’re so much like your mommy it’s scary,” he whispers playfully, leaning down to pat her small back. “Okay, angel. I’ll find you a different dress to wear. Or maybe the dungarees!”
She lifts her chin up to smile at him. “Y’okay.” 
“Spencer, Amy!” you call, voice carrying from the kitchen. “Are you guys ready? We have to go soon and you haven’t even eaten!” 
Spencer used to sit at his desk daydreaming about you. He’d drink five cups of tea a day to get to walk past you for the kitchenette, hoping you’d be making a coffee, that you’d flirt with him over corporate rewarded donuts. Now you’re making him breakfast as he persuades your daughter into jelly shoes because she wants tall shoes like mommy. They compromise —Any will wear the wrong shoes if Spencer agrees to carry her to the kitchen table. 
“Sorry,” Spencer says as he pushes open the door into the kitchen. He's trying to be the best dad he can be all the time, but he doesn’t have a knack for the mornings like you do. “We won’t be late.” 
“That depends on how agreeable my lovely girl is feeling today.” You pick up the pink plastic plate you’ve filled with eggs, toast, and a mix of washed berries. “What do you think, Amy? Looks nummy?”
“Chocolate chip?” she asks, eyes already widening. 
“It’s breakfast, honey,” you say, scooping her out of Spencer’s arm to carry her to the table. “Chocolate chips are for dinner.” 
“If you promise to be really super duper good at Uncle Derek’s, then yes, you can have some chocolate chips,” you say, tucking her chair in, and kissing her chubby cheek. “You want me to make you milk or juice, mm?”
Spencer spots the two plates you’ve made up for you and him on the counter and quickly brings them to the table, sliding yours in front of you with a long-pronged fork, his hand on your shoulder to keep you in your seat. “I’ll get it,” he says, ducking down to kiss you on the side of the mouth. 
You turn to Amy. “See that, sweetheart? See how nice and kind your daddy is to me? He’s soooo nice. This is why we love him so much, and we appreciate him so much.” 
Amy nods emphatically, blueberries tumbling off of her plastic fork. “So much,” she echoes, her voice like melting sugar. 
He has a weird moment by the fridge where he has to grip the handle. “You know I used to dream about making you a cup of coffee in the mornings?” he asks. 
“Spencer, come over here and kiss me again, please,” you say, sympathetic and fond.
“Me too!” Amy says through fruit. “Me first.” 
“Oh, gosh, this is one of the hardest decisions of my life,” he says, sweeping in to dot your cheeks with kisses, hers then yours, three apiece.
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russo-woso · 2 months
Snap || Leah Williamson
Request | Masterlist
Part of the Mini Williamson universe
Summary You snap at Leah due to the hormones
“Go sit, baby. I’ve got this.” Leah told you as she pointed to the simple pasta you were making.
You were doing two separate pastas, one that was just plain pasta and sauce, obviously for Leah.
And the other one was a lot more colourful and had a lot more flavour, obviously for you and depending on which one she wanted, Ami too.
You’d been in such a bad mood all day, exhaustion creeping up on you, your back aching, and your bladder being kicked every minute.
The last thing you wanted to do was cook dinner, let alone two separate dinners.
Although Leah was amazing at stuff, football, being a mum, and an incredible wife, she was no good at cooking, and was one of her downfalls.
“You cant cook, le.” You pointed out, stirring the pasta sauce.
“I can try. Go sit down.” Leah repeated, trying to take over what you were doing.
“Leah, you can’t cook. Let me do it.” You snapped angrily, taking back the spoon.
“Baby, you’re tired. Go rest, I’m sure I can do it.” Leah said softly, but you weren’t in the mood to keep discussing it.
“Fine. Good, I’m glad you’re cooking. Now you’ll know how it feels like to cook two separate meals every night because you don’t know how to eat normal food. You don’t know how it feels to have your wife come home from work and just sit down and eat, complaining that training was hard. My day was hard too, Leah. I had to look after a two year old, work from home whilst 35 weeks pregnant. I’m exhausted, Leah. I’m so so exhausted.” You snapped again, tears threatening to spill.
Leah was taken aback, you’d had your fair share of arguments over the years but she’d never seen you this honest.
“I’m going to bed.” You sighed, turning round and waddling up the stairs.
You laid in bed as the tears streamed down your face.
You were angry at yourself for saying all of that.
You knew how good Leah was and you made her feel so bad.
You knew how hard training was on her, and she didn’t deserve all of that shouted in her face, and although you exaggerated a bit, it was all the truth.
A small knock was heard at the door, as Leah peeped her head in.
“Can I come in?” Leah asked hesitantly, a bowl of pasta in her hands.
“Of course. It’s your bedroom too.” You replied, sitting up against the headboard.
Leah’s heart broke at the sight of your red and puffy eyes, clearly seeing the evidence of your tears.
“I’m sorry, I snapped. I shouldn’t have—” you began but Leah softly shushed you as she could see you were getting emotional again.
“It’s okay. I’m sorry. I put so much pressure on you every day when you’re so vulnerable carrying our baby. I’m so thankful for everything you do and I don’t let you know that. I’m sorry.” Leah said as she hugged you. “I promise, I’ll start doing cooking, I’ll take cooking lessons if it means I get to help you. I’ll do whatever. You’re carrying our baby and looking after Amelia, and I’m so grateful for that.”
“Thank you, le.” You told her. “The hormones got to me, and I took it out on you. Sorry.”
“Don’t say sorry, baby. I get it. Now, can you rate the pasta? I think it’s okay.” Leah asked and you nodded, a small smile appearing on your face.
You took a bite out of the pasta, humming as you tasted it.
“It’s nice, very nice. I think you should cook more often.” You joked, getting another forkful.
“I will, I promise.”
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myhappylittlesideblog · 6 months
Gotch-yer Back
Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 3.5K
Warnings: Violence, Walker death, other TWD character death (Amy), Daryl being a bit of a jerk and then fixing it, let me know if there's anything else! Basically what seems to be regular TWD fanfic warnings. Also I believe this is only Fem!Reader because he calls Reader "girl."
Summary: A retelling of the night walkers attack at the quarry and how you and Daryl help each other deal with the aftermath.
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You tried to remember the last time you’d eaten fish. It had been a while, a few weeks maybe? A few long weeks forcing yourself to eat squirrel or a rabbit if you were lucky. Or if you were unlucky, even snake. You’d eat whatever was caught if you were hungry enough, or simply to stay alive another day.
Fish was a delicacy these days. The girls- Amy and Andrea had caught a load of them in the quarry. It was white fish which had always been your favorite. It was easy to cook and fell apart in yummy flakes. Hell, you didn’t even need a fork.
It was hot in your mouth and the heat of the meal radiated in your belly. The group chewed and chattered while you were lost in your own thoughts. Your mother used to make a great dish when you lived with her. Cod with a breading on top that was made with Ritz crackers. You missed her. You missed her cooking. You wondered where she was now-
Everyone laughed suddenly and the sound made you jump.
“William Faukner,” Dale said, smiling.
Lori reached over Carl and rested a comforting hand on your arm. Understanding glowed in her eyes in the firelight. Loud noises always made you nervous these days.
By the time you saw the pan of fish that had been passed around, the last filet was being pulled out of it by a stabbing fork.
“Shouldn’t we save some?” you asked Lori. “The guys’ll be back soon.”
“We’ll catch some more tomorrow,” Andrea said to you, catching your attention from a few seats down.
“Yeah,” Amy said. “We’re pros.” 
Despite the light conversation, Lori looked grim. You and her seemed to be the only people worried about the men who’d gone off to find Merle and the bag of guns that was left in the street in Atlanta. She had her arm around Carl as he munched and grinned at Dale. You couldn’t imagine how she was feeling about her husband’s return, nevermind his volunteering to lead the charge back into one of the most dangerous places in this new age. He’d just gotten back. It was written all over her face as she gazed into the flames of the fire.
You weren’t a fan of Merle. In fact, you disliked him thoroughly. The pit in your gut surrounding his abandonment had nothing to do with his safety, or his life, but with Daryl’s. You weren’t even sure if you liked the younger Dixon either. He seemed to follow too closely in his brother’s footsteps to be safe or dependable. Or even nice. But you did respect him. After all, he’d helped to keep you safe and almost single handedly kept the group fed with his hunting and tracking skills. 
Still, no. He wasn’t very nice.
You had a feeling, however, that you had his respect in return. It only took a few crude remarks from Merle for you to fire back at him with enough force to keep him off your back for a few days. Daryl apparently hadn’t been too far away that day and had heard your reply to Merle’s degrading comments. 
“Impressive,” he’d said. “For a quiet girl.”
The next time Merle got colorful with his words towards you, Daryl was the one to take the heat for you. Told his brother to quit it. Since then, your relationship with the older Dixon was extremely minimal and even when it was forced, he left you alone.
Though you wouldn’t have missed Merle one bit, you watched Daryl take the news of his desertion when the cop- Rick- told him what had happened on the supply run. While you of course expected fury from Daryl, you hadn’t expected such emotion to fly out of him. He was a wrecking ball of threats and fists with tears running down his dirty cheeks. It was sad.
He must have seen the pity in your face then. When you called to him, tried to calm him down and move him away from Shane, he’d shoved you. “Get lost, girl.”
Needless to say, the men in this group were difficult. But at least the others were in the group. Daryl was on the outskirts of it and without his brother, it would be too easy for him to get thrust out. While you didn’t want that, you knew it was also vital for the survival of the group for him to stay. You had a feeling he wasn’t as impenetrable as the armor he wore.
You were worried about Daryl. You were also worried about Glenn and T-Dog, and Rick- Lori and Carl included. And as you sat there before the fire, you wondered what the hell would happen if Merle returned.
That was when you heard Amy scream. You didn’t recognize the sound at first, it was so sudden and so loud. It was a cry of anguish and fear. One that begged for help.
After that, it was chaos.
You turned over your shoulder, watching Amy and her assailant, even pondering for a split second who had snuck into the camp. What stranger would go after a girl just trying to go to the bathroom. But of course, it wasn’t a who. It was a what.
“Get behind me!” Shane roared. 
You knew there wasn’t time. Reaching into your pocket, you grabbed the unfamiliar hunting knife you had with you and unsheathed it. You stepped over the log you’d been sitting on, away from the fire, but also further away from Shane and the safety of his gun, towards one of the geeks. It wasn’t just ugly and rank and dead, it was terrifying. The look of it, the smell of it made your stomach sink so far, it felt like it’d fell out of your body.
It snarled and gnashed its mouth at you while its thin, wiry fingers reached for you, but all the while, you focused on its hair. It was the same in death as it was in life- long locks of protein that couldn’t hurt you. Harmless. So you aimed your knife there.
In the brain, in the brain, it has to be in the brain, don’t you know anything-
The thing stopped once your knife sunk into its skull. Its arms dropped to its hollow sides and its lifeless eyes looked at you, long enough to send a shudder through you before it dropped to the ground, taking your one and only weapon with it. 
“Get up here! Come to the RV!” you heard.
There were more screams, the thunk of childhood baseball bats slamming into hard skulls, the echoing sound of gunshots. Closer to you, though, and more urgently, there was deep guttural snarling, groaning and gurgling- the sound of the dead coming for you.
Shane had brought the children to the RV, safe, their backs leaning against the cold metal. Lori and Carol were there, Jim was at the treeline with his bat, Andrea on the ground with- with Amy. Amy’s body. You were alone. In the middle of the chaos, too far from any other living humans to take any aid.
“(Y/N)! Get up here! Jim!” Shane’s voice was hoarse.
You dove for your knife, yanking it out of the walker’s head with a squelch. You could only manage three or four steps up the hill before another undead was upon you. It was too close, its long nails a hair’s breadth away from your bare skin and its decaying teeth lunging closer with every stride. Again, you had to gather all your strength, grip your knife tight and focus- be calm enough to aim for the enemy’s brain. You had one chance, or you’d turn into one of them.
Carl would have to see it, Sophia, Lori. Daryl.
You grunted with the effort and the tip of the knife hit home and sunk into the geek’s head. This time you were able to free your knife before the thing fell to the ground. You scanned the land in front of you, looking for more threats. There were so many bodies on the ground. Bodies of people from your group, people that you’d gotten to know. They were lying still now. Leaking onto the dirt.
Then an arm wrapped around your middle and dragged you uphill. You screamed and thrashed, but whatever had you was strong.
“It’s me,” his voice rasped in your ear. 
It immediately calmed you. You held onto Daryl’s arm as if it were a buoy saving you from drowning in gray, storming waves of a murderous ocean. He led you to the others near the van and deposited you there before letting go of you.
He was back. You saw Rick, T-Dog and Glenn, all in various states of emotional disrepair, but Daryl just looked around, calmly taking in the carnage. 
“Daryl,” you said to him, “you okay?”
“Whaddah you think?” he snarled. “Ya see mah brother anywhere? Huh?”
So the moment was short lived. You ignored whatever he said next, running your hand along the outside of the RV, using it as a crutch as you moved to check on Carol and Sophia, then on Lori. You didn’t have it in you to survey much more than that. You trembled from the inside out and watched Rick hug his little boy as tears streamed down his face. 
At least they were back. 
It was somewhat painstakingly decided that you would all save the cleanup for tomorrow morning. The survivors had vans or tents to escape into. To leave the dead outside. Except for Andrea. One look at her- that was all you could handle- and you knew she wasn’t going to leave her sister any time soon.
You fell to your knees, jeans sinking into the soft dirt and stared into the flames of the campfire that was still burning strong. It was only then you found the hunting knife still in your tight grip, crusted over with brown, lumpy goo. At that point in the night, you couldn’t understand exactly what the remains were and for that, you were grateful. The bit of blade still showing reflected in the light coming from the pit, shades of orange and red glowing between your fingers. 
Shane crouched beside you and though his landing was silent and agile, you jumped.
“S’alright,” he said, taking the weapon out of your scrunched hand. “Lemme clean it.”
“I can clean it,” Daryl grumbled from above, snatching the knife from Shane. “S’mine anyway.”
Shane let it happen, concentrating on you. He carefully set a hand on your shoulder. “Ya did good,” he said.
“You too,” you answered, like a little league pitcher on the losing team. 
He stood and put his hands on his hips. “Try ta get some rest,” he said from the air.
You nodded.
Only when Shane was gone, did Daryl move closer to you. He sat on the ground and leaned back against the log the group had been using as dinner seats less than an hour ago. He sat back for a while, leaving you to watch the flames die down as he worked one of his rags into the crevices of the hunting knife. Slowly, you heard the others of the group- those living- say goodnight to each other and slide into their respective dwellings for what was left of the evening.
Distantly, though he sat just beside you, you heard Daryl speak. “S’right bout one thing.”
“Ya did good. I saw ya when we were runnin’ up the hill. Doin’ what I told ya to do.”
You turned to him, but he wasn’t looking at you. Your feet stung under you, asleep after kneeling on them for so long, as you moved to sit on your bottom next to Daryl. He turned the cleaned knife in his hand before passing it you, handle out.
You shook your head. “It’s yours.”
He plopped it on your lap. “S’yours now. I gave it to ya. You’ll need it.”
You didn’t want to need it. He knew that too. All the same, it was a good thing he’d left it with you when he went to Atlanta. If he didn’t, you wouldn’t be sitting next to him right now. Speaking to him. Feeling the heat that didn’t just emit from the fire, but from him by your side as well. 
“Thank you,” you said, sliding the knife back into its sheath and into your pocket, where you hoped it would stay, unneeded for a long time. Or at least for the rest of the night.
You turned to him, but again, he wasn’t looking at you. He rarely did. But you knew he was still there, still with you by the way his head tilted towards you. Like he was watching you out of the corner of his eye. As if you were a deer in the forest, ready to bolt away from him at any moment.
“I’m sorry you didn’t find Merle.”
He shifted uncomfortably. “Yeah right. You hate Merle.”
“Hate is a strong word,” you said.
He chuckled- a grim, gruff sound deep in his chest. 
You watched him, feeling free to do so since he so rarely looked you in the eye. He was biting the inside of his lip over and over and picking at his fingernails. 
You waited.
He peeked at you, inhaling deep. “Didn’ mean ta snap atcha. Earlier.”
When he yelled, you thought. By the RV, after he’d pulled you to safety. 
You nodded. “S’alright. It’s been a tough day all around.”
Humming in agreement, he turned back to the fire. You two were square now. But you also hoped he knew that if he snapped at you like that again, you wouldn’t be so quick to forgive. 
There was a flapping from above that shook the leaves in the trees. It was a soft, peaceful sound of nature, but after this night, in this new world, it startled you to your core.
“Just a bird,” Daryl said.
You sucked in a breath that made your lungs quake in your chest. “I’m sick of being so scared all the damn time,” you mumbled, tipping your head forward, holding your face in your hands. Things had only been like this for two months? Three? And you were already exhausted, tired of it all. How much longer could you take? Or, how much longer would it take for you to just-
Daryl stood. “Come on,” he said. He waved toward his tent. “Gotta getcha away from this damn bloodbath ‘er you’ll never calm down.”
You violently shook your head. “I can’t- I don’t wanna be alone-”
He was already walking toward the tent he shared with Merle. “Yer stayin’ with me. So I know where ya are.”
Your system went from fight or flight to frozen. He- Daryl- wanted you- where? After every shove and snap and swear towards you, now he wanted you to come with him? To be in his space? Overnight?
You stared at him. He tossed his crossbow into his tent, lifting the flap and heading inside when he turned back and saw you still on the ground in front of the fire.
“Or do ya wanna stay out here alone?”
“Then get off yer ass.”
You scrambled to your feet and scurried to the tent’s flap. You felt like a scolded child, like your dignity had been left in the dirt, but you didn’t care. After the walker attack, you couldn’t be alone and you had been trusting Daryl with your life for weeks now, not that you’d ever tell anyone that. You felt the safest when you were with him. Tonight you needed that. Especially tonight. 
“Ya can take that side,” Daryl mumbled, pointing. 
The tent was small. Big enough to stand up in, but not very wide. There were two sleeping bags strewn out close to each other with a lumpy pillow on each. He tossed an extra blanket onto the side he told you to take. It was the one with the crossbow at its foot. And you recognized his cut off flannel shoved into the duffle beside it.
“I can’t take your bed.”
“Ain’t a bed,” he said, spreading the other sleeping bag open flat and sitting on it.
“Well, I can’t take your bag.”
“Would you rather stick your face in Merle’s pillow all night?”
You grimaced, thinking of the monster of a man and what he’d probably done to that innocent pillow.
“Thought not,” Daryl said. He grumbled it, but you heard the smirk in his voice.
“The definition of ‘pick your poison’,” you said, crouching to sit on the soft sleeping bag. 
“Girl-” Daryl said, swatting at you as he rolled over, putting his back to you.
You swung back, smacking his shoulder. “I was kidding.”
In answer, he gave another blind swat, making you giggle. 
You laid back into the double layer of sleeping bag, enjoying the way it was cool to the touch underneath you. The pillow, though thin, felt nice when you situated it under your head the way you liked it. Everything around you smelled like him- gas, grease, cigarettes- yes, but something else too. It wasn’t a bad smell, just a natural one. Just Daryl.
You were laying on your side, facing him. You watched him sink into the darkness as you spun the dial on the lantern until it turned off. Dark, though it was, you could still see his form clearly. Not sleeping yet. 
“Thank you, Daryl,” you said.
He grunted, flopping to lay on his back and folding one of his arms under his head. “Get some sleep.”
It was then you realized how small the tent really was. When he laid on his back, his leg could almost touch your knee as you curled up on your side. He was an enigma, alright, you thought. Couldn’t bear to look you in the eye, saved your life, snapped at you in front of everyone and now slept beside you like it was nothing.
You sighed, following suit and laying on your back too. “Don’t think I’m gonna be able to catch much of that,” you said.
His pillow rustled as he looked toward you. “What the hell happened there?” He took your hand from where it rested over your forehead and studied the angry red scrapes and purple bruising on your knuckles. “This happen tonight?”
“No,” you said, taking your hand from his grasp and tucking it under you, embarrassed. “Happened earlier.”
“How’d you bust it up like that?”
“I, um… I just hurt it. Against Ed’s face.”
Daryl gave a laughing hiss. “I saw his face. You did that?”
“Some of it. Shane did the rest.”
“Fuck yeah.”
“He had it comin’,” you said, barely finishing the last word and regretting saying anything at all. Ed may have deserved a few punches, hell, he deserved jail time. But what happened to him tonight- eaten alive, alone- you weren’t sure anyone deserved that. It made your stomach roll in your gut and you stung with shame.
“Fucking badass, girl,” Daryl said.
It was quiet in the dark for a long moment. 
“M’not, Daryl. I’m just fucking scared.”
There was more rustling beside you as Daryl shimmied around on his sleeping bag. 
“Turn over. That way,” he said.
You did as he told you, laying on your side with your back to him. His body moved up against yours, his heat blooming on your shoulders, bum, and the backs of your legs. A little too forcefully, he lifted your head to slide his arm underneath and cradle you close.
“Ain’t nothin’ gettin’ in this tent tonight. I gotch’yer back. You can handle your front.”
You nodded, feeling tears gather in your eyes. Your cheeks were hot, as though they were on fire as you cried, finally letting out the emotion of the evening. The death, the kills, the fear, and the relief all ran down your face and into your shirt or onto Daryl’s pillow or his arm supporting your head. As your breath caught, he reached around you with his free arm, hugging you close and rubbing his thumb on the skin of your injured hand. You grasped him hard. You needed to.
Before this night, you weren’t sure what you thought of the younger Dixon brother. He was rough and nasty and you wondered just how much he took after Merle. Before this moment, you thought he’d run for the hills if you ever touched him with one single finger, nevermind your whole body- your whole being like you were now. But he was there, still with you and unbothered. Safe.
“Sleep,” he mumbled.
You nodded, squeezing his hand again before letting it go and allowing your body to relax against his. And eventually, in his arms, listening to his steady breath, you slept.
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stars-and-the-min · 5 months
☆ the wrong way to hard launch (8) | OP81
summary : oscar's girlfriend is a walking pr problem for literally everyone (including herself) social media au
pairing : oscar piastri x zhou!fem!singer!oc
a/n all aboard the speculation train
masterlist | last part | part 8 | next part
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liked by oscarpiastri and 312,294 others
selinabui somehow @.rollingstone thought it would be an amazing idea to slap me on their cover?? anyways may 2024 🔜 it has an exclusive interview with urs truly p.s. whoever came up with that nickname for me deserves a raise ♥️♥️♥️ tagged: rollingstone, shotsbynadia, michealpollard, lilybeehair and jesszhang_
oscarpiastri Forgot how to breathe for a sec ↳ tina_kim @ oscarpiastri ur so real for this
linasgirl4 'the speakeasy siren'??? 😮‍💨
eb_jonno i'm confused by your dress ↳ selinabui @eb_jonno i was confused as well, don't worry about it, just admire how good i look
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↳ kayla @luna_apocolypse · 49m fork found in kitchen, we had to wait over three years for a sophomore album, we'll live ↳ kayla @luna_apocolypse · 47m but then again... no 'new' music makes me think that lina is being sneaky again
oscalina real ?! @ emptyginbottles · 28m too many people talking about the 'no new music' bit of the interview and not enough talking about how oscar's going to drive lina to florence after imola ↳ oscalina real ?! @ emptyginbottles · 27m i didn't think it would be possible, but i think i just heard this woman giggle over a man through my phone via a printed interview
amie <3 @mieflrs · 2h it's actually so insane how smoothly the empty bottles pr team buried all the tommy talk. i didn't even notice bc they moved so naturally to 'chris and eb reunion??' and then the rolling stones cover + interview like they just dropped us better things to talk about ↳ amie <3 @mieflrs · 2h slay empty bottles pr team, i really appreciate y'all 🫶
r/EmptyBottles · Posted by u/luckyluna9364 5 hours ago Lina x Oscar Timeline
Has anyone worked out the relationship timeline for Lina and Oscar? I've been talking to some of my F1 friends, and there's so much confusion about how and when they met because these two people have barely been in the same country at the same time. This is, of course, if we go off the common perception that Zhou Guanyu was definitely the person who introduced them.
buisms84 · 4 hr. ago op i was literally just thinking about this!! lina's been pretty much stuck in california since the pandemic and oscar flies around for races all the time, it's pretty possible that they didn't meet first but rather started texting? but then when did they start going out because they clearly look familiar with each other. fantstic013 · 4 hr. ago streets are saying as early as silverstone 2023 👀 but we all know lina is super secretive about her current relationships (bar whatever mess thomas howard was)
summersweettea1389 · 3 hr. ago i think the confirmed timeline is what we've all been experiencing these past few months. like there seems to be no other indicator they were linked, even platonically, before that insane hard launch. luckyluna9364 OP · 3 hr. ago I know that Lina can be really sneaky but she also loves messing with us, so I'm convinced she was subtly soft-launching him and we all didn't notice. But you know what I found most strange? Right before the hard launch, a bunch of different new sites were publishing rumours, I'm not super online, but were there rumours earlier? whatthekermitdid · 3 hr. ago ur talking about the rumors of them over the holiday season when they both happened to be at the same party but that was debunked ages ago - they went with different ppl but they may have met there?
piaa⁸¹ @ papayaeightyone · 5h no, i don't think u understand, i'm actually SCREECHING over oscar's answer to the 'texting the wrong person' question from the never have i ever video
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↳ piaa⁸¹ @ papayaeightyone · 5h I'M SO NORMAL ABOUT THEM I SWEAR 🥹
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↳ kayla @luna_apocolypse · 2h 'most awkward conversation of my life'??? 'not the best way to confess'??? SELINA WHAT DID U SAY TO THIS MAN 😭 ↳ pookie piastri @op81ln4 · 3h NO I NEEEED TO KNOW HOW SHE REACTED
lina !!! @EB_selina · 48m everyone keeps tagging/sending me the clip of oscar talking about accidentally texting me about me. guys, i was there, i know it happened, and i will be taking my reaction to the grave ↳ Oscar Piastri @ OscarPiastri · 12m She's embarrassed because she ghosted me for like a week ↳ lina !!! @EB_selina · 11m sir why are u lying???
june @linafesting · 2h finding out that oscalina's talking stage was oscar giggling and texting his friends how much he liked her and lina ghosting him after an accidental confession is pure comedy ↳ june @linafesting · 2h oscalina, the couple that keeps on giving us anything but photos together
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↳ clovie @ luvyouvie · 57m wait where did lina mention oscar? ↳ li(n)a @meliabelrose · 44m rolling stone interview, she mentions him like 8 times
r/EmptyBottles · Posted by u/luckyluna9364 3 days ago Lina x Oscar Timeline [read new comments]
whatthekermitdid · 5 hr. ago ok so my f1 friend just told me that the never have i ever video was filmed like in february (or earlier) which means that oscalina were going out since at least then BUT (and maybe i'm delulu) i couldn't help but notice that he's v calm about it like it happened a long time ago which is really no help to this timeline
niaphilia283 · 3 hr. ago not to sound clinically insane but have we considered that they've been together for a lot longer than we imagined? thinking logically, selina isn't the type of person to so publically acknowledge a new boyfriend - she didn't even mention tommy until like seven months - and judging by her recent behaviour (the hard launch, the dedicated performance, the birthday instagram post) she's either down so astronomically bad she'll never recover from it OR they've been together for at least two years luckyluna9364 OP · 3 hr. ago if they've been tgt for even longer than ONE year i'd actually lose it bc there's noooo way lina would be that quiet about it niaphilia283 · 3 hr. ago wait i just remembered that two years ago would be around when tommy got engaged and lina def would've made a big deal about any relationship my bad
clara @ zgy24 · 2h these photoshoots have the same vibe and it was the first thing i thought of 😭
lina for elle china zhou for champion
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↳ lina !!! @EB_selina · 1h what a copycat @ZhouGuanyu24 😒 ↳ 周冠宇 | Zhou Guanyu 🇨🇳 @ZhouGuanyu24 · 1h I did it better
from the phone of oscar piastri
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lina !!! @EB_selina · 2h been feeling mean lately, how much trouble should i cause? ↳ EB BAR @theemptybottlesbar · 2h selina pls have mercy MERCY I BEG
kayla @luna_apocolypse · 1h it's been an hour since that cryptic ass tweet, i'm shaking lina what do you have up your sleeve
piaa⁸¹ @ papayaeightyone · 32m OH MY GOD WHAT DID SHE JUST SAY????
EB BAR @theemptybottlesbar · 43m We'd like to extend our condolences to @ McLarenF1, we're working on getting her media training, but it doesn't seem to be working ↳ McLaren @ McLarenF1 · 39m We're all in this together 🥹 ↳ oscalina real ?! @ emptyginbottles · 42m WHAT DID SHE DO???? IS IT THE LIVE?? WHAT DID SHE SAY IM AT WORK SELINA HOW COULD U DO THIS TO ME
amie <3 @mieflrs · 29m i just know that pr team has being worked TO DEATH this past week like RIP
INSTAGRAM selinabui started a live video
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from the phone of selina bui
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r/EmptyBottles · Posted by u/luckyluna9364 6 days ago Lina x Oscar Timeline [read new comments]
luckyluna9364 OP · 1 hr. ago this thread is getting super active after lina's livestream so i'm doing my best to summarise what ppl are saying: - a much longer relationship than anticipated is highly possible; lina was still pretty vague with the timing all she really said was 'long enough' what long enough is to her is up to debate (most are keeping the benchmark at 7mo) - lina mentioned her aunt (zhou guanyu's mother) has invited them to have dinner in shanghai which means that not only has lina's family known and met oscar but also that lina is stopping over in shanghai for a bit before performing in shenzhen (exciting news for the oscalina stans) - her freezing up suggests that she and oscar were keeping a lot of the relationship private or even secret for a while and it was genuinely a mistaken slip that wasn't at all supposed to happen (one can only wonder how oscar reacted) - a couple people think that EB planned the tour schedule around the F1 calendar (there are quite a few overlaps in races and shows) which would mean that they were together BEFORE tour announcement which was back in november - one user is betting their life savings that they met before oscar's f1 debut, for that user's sake i hope it's true.
✧・゚: ✧・゚:✧・゚: ✧・゚:✧・゚: ✧・゚:
taglist @ririyulife @ashy-kit @fionaschicken @namgification @cherry-piee @urfavsgf
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norrizzandpia · 10 months
The Youngest Love (Chapter One of What We Could’ve Been and What We Are Now) (LN4)
Summary: A backstory to a love story.
Warnings: none, fluff
Note: this one is not that eventful bc I didn’t want to leave yall on a major cliffhanger or anything like that seeing as i am entering into my official finals week and definitely will not have time to post updates for this or anything else i hope you like it tho! And will stick around for the next chapters 🫶🏻
Series Links: Masterlist, Chapter Links, and the Playlist
“Oh, hey! I got the job!” Jon smiles from across the dinner table, his sparkling eyes meeting his wife’s and daughter’s. One hand holds his phone while the other still clutches his fork, his food getting colder by the second as he stares at the bright screen.
Amy, his wife, lets her eyebrows cinch together, “You mean the one with the Formula 3 kid?”
Jon nods, “Yeah, exactly! He’s 16, I think? Right around your age, Y/n.”
His daughter, Y/n, smiles with a closed mouth, her broccoli still being chewed on.
There’s a silence as Jon types out a message in response, his teeth shining under the low light of the kitchen while he grins at his new opportunity. There’s few things in the world that truly warm Y/n’s heart, her dad truly happy is one of them.
Amy applauds softly, a giggle emitting from her as she looks between her family, “When do you start?”
Jon draws out an ominous sound as his eyes squint to read his phone carefully, “Oh? Tomorrow, I guess.”
Amy stops chewing, “But, you said you’d take Y/n to the library tomorrow. Remember? She needs that textbook for her upcoming term.”
Jon’s mouth falls open and he nods in recognition, “Oh, sorry! Is it okay if she comes along? The library is on the way to the facility where I'll be training and really getting to know the boy. We can grab her book and then she can hang out while I’m working with him.”
Amy looks at her daughter, “You okay with that, Y/n?”
Y/n lets her head float to each side as she thinks it through, “No other alternative?”
Jon shakes his head, Amy shrugs her shoulders.
Huffing, Y/n agrees, “What’s his name?”
Jon smiles, “Lando.”
Y/n inspects her new textbook as Jon leads her through the doors of the building. There’s loud commotion and chatter from every corner, but she’s so engrossed in trying to fix the tear in the back of her used book, that she’s not aware of any of it.
Jon mumbles to the reception, a conversation flourishing between them as he tries to sort out where he’s supposed to go. Still, Y/n smoothies down the flap that has ruined the state of her book. There’s a deep frown on her face as her dad begins to walk away, her footsteps falling in rhythm behind him.
When they enter the room, she’s lost hope for the cut and her eyes are finally returning to what’s in front of her.
Her dad speaks cordially with an older man toward the end of the room, leaving her in the presence of the boy her dad had mentioned the night before.
“You’re Lando, right?” She says softly, not truly comfortable being the one to speak first.
Lando smiles, “Yeah. What’s your name?”
She mimics his face, “Y/n. I’m Jon’s daughter.”
He nods, “Cool. Will you be around for the rest of the session today?”
“Yeah, I don’t have a ride anywhere else.” She chuckles, Lando joining her.
When their laughter dies down, Lando extends his hand in front of himself and speaks, “It’s nice to meet you, Jon’s daughter.”
She shakes his hand, “Nice to meet you, as well, my dad’s new client.”
“Can I come along too?” Y/n pleads as Jon stands at the front door.
He frowns at her, “Y/n, the last times you came, you and Lando wouldn’t stop laughing. It distracts him. It stops the work we need to do to get him prepared for the season.”
His daughter groans obnoxiously, “Dad! I promise, it won’t happen this time.”
He squints at her, “You said that last time.”
She shakes her head, “Please?”
This time, it’s Jon who’s groaning, “Fine.”
“Yeah, and I never stopped coming after that. My dad stopped trying to fight it, I guess.” Y/n laughs into Lando’s side, her head bumping into his shoulder.
Lando smiles down at her, “I know! He just accepted it. I mean, it wasn’t like you were the only one trying to get him to bring you back to our sessions.”
Y/n’s head shoots up, tilting in confusion, “What do you mean? You were too?”
Lando nods eagerly, “Yeah, of course! I kept texting him asking if you were coming that day.”
“Yeah, it was annoying.” Jon’s voice cuts through the two’s incessant giggling. Their faces staring at him as he walks over to Lando and grabs hold of his sweatshirt sleeve.
Jon smiles down at them with pursed lips, “And look at you now, my lovely daughter! Still distracting him from his training! Making my life harder!”
Y/n smacks her dad’s arm as he pulls Lando from his chair, “Dad! Rude!”
He chuckles, placing a kiss on her forehead, “You know, I joke.”
Her cheeks warm at him, “I know.”
“But, for now!” He yelps, startling the two teens with his volume, “Let me train Lando. Stay here.”
Lando scoffs, “She makes it so much more fun, though! Jon, you are a buzzkill.”
Jon perseveres, pulling Lando out of the room, “Thank me when you’re a World Champion.”
Lando, just before his body disappears from the door, yells out to his best friend, “Meet me after! For Lunch, Y/n! You know where!”
She shakes her head as he is dragged out. She laughs as she hears his yelps to Jon down the hall, apparently her father was being too rough with him.
Lunch would be interesting.
Lando’s head pulls to the side as Jon pulls the strap attached to Lando’s head towards himself.
“When are you going to ask my daughter out?” Jon says, quickly, a knowing smirk on his face as Lando’s eyes fall open and he leaps from his seat.
“Woah!” Lando looks manically at Jon, his mouth opening and closing at the question.
Jon takes the strap off Lando’s head, scoffing and thrashing his arms at his side, “Lando, we’ve had this conversation multiple times. Don’t act surprised.”
Lando huffs and brings his arms to cross in front of him, “Not multiple times.”
Jon slowly turns around, looking at him blankly, “Yes, we have. Don’t lie. We’ve been having this conversation ever since I started training you.”
The boy rolls his eyes and groans, “Get off my back.”
“Lando, you’ve had a crush on my daughter ever since she greeted you the first day we met. Be honest here. How much longer are you going to wait?” Jon sits down on a machine nearby. His face has hardened and he looks on at Lando with a serious expression, one that both scares and pushes Lando to do what he’s wanted to do for years.
He mirrors Jon’s stance, relaxing into a seated position as he tries to sort his thoughts, “I didn’t think I ever would.”
Jon throws his hands in the air, “Well, that won’t ever do.”
A silence overcomes them, Lando wondering when he’s supposed to put his friendship in jeopardy, when Jon’s face lights up, “The lunch! You guys are going to lunch after this, right? Ask her then.”
Lando shakes his head, “Are you crazy?! That’s too soon! I need to have time to prepare!”
Jon leans on his knees, “Prepare what? Just ask her the question!”
Lando stutters out his thoughts, “I don’t know, I just want to give her something grand. Do you understand?”
Jon nods, “I do, but I don’t agree. Y/n doesn’t want that. She just wants you to take her out to dinner, Lando. You’re over complicating it.”
Lando takes a deep breath, attempts to clear his mind, and maybe he is over complicating it?
His hands shake as he sits down across from Y/n at the table. She’s smiling at him, a sweet grin that has his heart fluttering, when her face falls softly, “Are you okay, Lan?”
He nods aggressively, “Yeah! Yeah! Totally cool!”
She cocks her head and lays her hand over his on the table, adding to the bursting in Lando’s stomach, “What’s going on? You look like you’re going to vomit.”
He shakes his head, a beating finding its home in his brain and he blurts, “Will you go out with me?”
She stares at him for a moment. A moment, a split second, where Lando thinks he’s lost it all, but then she breaks out into the biggest smile he’d ever seen grace her face and begins laughing, “Really? Yes, Lan!”
Air fills his lungs once more and he moves his hand to clutch hers, “Oh, thank God.”
He falls into lovesick giggles with her and the two struggle to get through ordering their food with the way they stare into each other’s eyes.
When their food comes, Y/n looks at him, “Couldn’t this be our date?”
He bites his lip in deep thought before nodding in agreement, “Yeah, actually, that makes a lot of sense.”
She ducks her head, getting closer to Lando and whispers, “Can I tell you something?”
He moves his head just as close, “Always.”
“I’ve been waiting for you to ask me that ever since I introduced myself to you.” She smiles, her hand finding his once more and squeezing lightly.
“Can I tell you something?” He says all the same.
She nods and he confides, “Jon’s been nagging at me for years to ask you out. He pushed me over the edge today.”
Y/n rears back, “Jon?! My father?! A matchmaker?!”
Lando nods in astonishment, “I know! Especially with his daughter?! Scandalous!”
Y/n shakes her head as she chuckles before looking back up at Lando and saying, “I’m glad he did.”
Lando smiles at her, “Me too.”
They stare at each other for a moment more, the two growing slightly shy under the new view of their relationship and turning away. His deep green eyes are addicting to Y/n and, by the way he’d pined over her for years, she believes she’s just as addicting to him.
A blush rises to her cheeks.
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intoxicated-chan · 7 months
𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟓 ║ ❝𝐈 𝐖𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐈𝐭 𝐁𝐚𝐝, 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐁𝐚𝐝 𝐑𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞❞
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(A/n) ➳ Five chapters down, six more to go! Yep this series is meant to be eleven chapters. I think I made Daryl not Daryl. I don’t know if that made sense but I hope it does.
Word Count ➳ 840
Content Warnings ➳ Womanizer Shane, talks of marriage, unrequited love, rejection, light sexual content, swearing, OOC/Soft Daryl…
JUDAS Masterlist
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You wanted to huff, but you sat across from Shane whose eyes remained on you. His gaze made you sit up unconsciously and uncomfortably, even when you looked out at the window beside you, his gaze never moved.
The two of you sat in silence, utensils clicking against plates and the gentle sounds of the neighboring tables. It wasn’t until Shane’s voice brought you out of your thoughts.
“I remember you sayin’ you wanted to travel. Do you still have those plans?”
You shrugged, tearing into the steak with your fork and knife. “Hard to say, money has been tight. I’m surprised you even remember that, I don’t.”
“It was the night we all went to the drive-in theater. You sounded so happy ‘bout it.” Shane reached into his wallet, pulling out a photo of said night.
You looked up at the sky, a wide smile on your face. You wore a thick jacket that you had a feeling that it was Shane’s. You could barely see Rick and Lori, both of them eating each other’s faces.
“You kept this? Why?”
“Memories, I like to keep ‘em close.” He replied, pulling the photo back into his wallet. “And I wanted to travel with you.”
“Ever tell that to the girls who cling to your arm?” You lifted an eyebrow, brought the piece of steak to your lips, eating it. “Who would’ve gotten angry? Susie? Jamie? Or Scarlet? She would’ve become a storm.”
Shane’s eyes flickered with regret. “Should’ve known you’d never let that go. I know I ain’t ever shown you that I do love you, but I’m ‘ere how. I ain’t got plans to go anywhere without you. Even if I’m second-”
“Stop. Jus’ stop.” You dropped your fork and knife, running your hands over your face. “I-I can’t, Shane. I won’t. I ain’t gonna put you through the pain of being with me. I ain’t gonna do it, you can’t convince me.”
You don’t see the way his eyes narrowed, how his jaw clenched. “I love you, (Y/n). I’m willin’ to make this work.”
“But I ain’t. I can’t love how a wife should love her husband.” Your heart raced but you tried to sound stern and remain firm in your decision. “You are my friend and that’s all.”
You reached into your purse and took out enough to cover your portion to cover your meal. You dropped it into the table and stood, eyes locking with Shane’s.
“I’m sorry Shane.” You slipped on your jacket. “I hope you can understand.”
Without another word, you walked out of the restaurant. You walked into the parking lot of the restaurant, leaning against a random car and fumbling with your phone.
You did it. You finally did it. You should’ve felt clear by now, like weight was taken off your back. But why was your heart still racing? Why were you worrying about the opinions of Lori and Rick? What would they say now?
You knew what they wanted for you. It was probably a dream they wanted. High school sweethearts friends with high school sweethearts. So the friend group would still be together.
You dialed Daryl’s number. After a few rings, Daryl answered, his voice rough and warm. “Hey-”
“Tell me this ain’t bullshit.” You cut him off. “Tell me that all of this isn’t for fun. That I’m not some other girl.”
“Y’know, the bar ain’t the first time I saw ya. I came into the diner late, saw ya.”
“Really? What was I wearing?”
“Ya was comin’ out of a room. White shirt, black skirt, boots, with hooped earrings that shined. Ya was standing next to a blonde.”
“Yeah, Annie. I was leavin’ my shift. You must’ve been lookin’ at her who’s better than me.”
“Ya seriously think that?”
“Yeah, so why ain’t you hookin’ up with her?”
“‘Cause she looked miserable. Didn’t matter how much that woman smiled, it was fake. And at the bar, it wasn’t fake. Ya were where you wanted to be, I swear to ya. I ne’er met anyone like ya and it makes me want to enjoy life again… (Y/n)?”
Daryl had brought you back to your place. His hands are carefully slipping off your shirt, dragging his hands over your exposed skin.
“Am I gonna be some other guy to you?” He whispered against the skin of your neck, his hot breath sending chills.
“Never. ‘Cause I know you.”
He hummed, planting kisses down your neck, chest, and down to your stomach. “Do ya now?”
“There’s more to you.” Daryl lifted his head, coming back up. You take it as a chance to wrap your arms around his neck. “I can see past the cold face you put on. Like at the bar. But everytime you were with me, you ain’t a hardass.”
Daryl chuckled in response. “Ya gettin’ yerself into deep shit, only a fool would.”
“Could a fool fall in love?”
“Yer a hopeless woman.”
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© Intoxicated-Chan 2024, I do not allow my work to be copied, translated, modified, adapted, or put on any other platform without my permission.
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Taglist ➳ @deansapplepie , @ladylincoln , @gamingfeline , @lady06reaper , @alanamarie , @daryldixmedown , @celtic-crossbow , @mrdixon , @itwasntaphasema , @duffmckagansbandana , @raspberryslxt , @itsrainingbisexualfrogs , @ingstadstarlight , @gamingfeline , @lor-geeked , @thegeorgiahuntsman , @snailss , @the-lonely-abyss , @number1bashbabe , @xmaeyonaise , @suniloli , @of-storms-and-sadness , @annhells , @sexyxdylanxobrien , @yoowhatthefuck ,
⊰ Chapter 4 ⊰ » » YOU’RE HERE « « ⊰ Chapter 6 ⊰
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191 notes · View notes
mdshh · 10 months
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Wedding day 💕
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mentally-gone002 · 2 months
is it too early to love you? - part 6
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(moodboard made by moi)
part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, part 6, part 7
summary: readers mom is told about her breakup with james by spencer. he made the mistake of thinking she already knew, but it ended in reader getting annoyed, and later angrier than she was before. 
warnings: our babies kinda fight so angsttttt
a/n: HEHEHAHFIDBIDBEKFBEID i needed to prolong it because this was originally gonna be the last part but the voices were like “NO WE DONT WANT IT TO END” so here we areeee😋😋😋 ily guys sm btw thanks for all the support on this series!!!! ENJOY GANG!!!
i’ve been confused.
ever since spencer told me the reason for the kiss in his hotel room i’ve been reflecting. mostly on my feelings, which sounds like a load of bullshit but it has to be done. 
‘is it too early to love you?’ 
i didn’t know the answer to the question i’d asked until i found out that it was my best friend the whole time instead of the guy i was with for three years. and that shocked me.
i don’t know what to do about that. 
i wasn’t about to let it influence my ability to work. 
“thanks penelope.” i reached for the door handle of her lair after asking her to research something for a case i was finishing the paperwork for. 
she spun in her chair, smiling brightly. “of course! i love your visits mon ami.” 
i smiled back to her and quickly walked the hall back to the bullpen. 
upon my quick arrival through the large glass doors i was surprised to see my mom talking with spencer at my desk. i was expecting her to come by but not until five. 
my eyes went to the clock and i read that it was ten after five. i must’ve spent more time with penelope than i’d thought. 
“hi, mom.” i walked to my desk and set down the file in my hands. my eyes went to spencer’s briefly before i hugged her. “sorry i kept you waiting. i had to get some information on something.” i apologized. 
she patted my back. “it’s alright, your work is important.” she said in understanding. i pulled away and smiled at her. “why didn’t you tell me you broke up with james?” 
i looked at spencer, with wide eyes. “uhm,” i looked back at my mom. “can we talk about this later?” i asked, reaching blindly into my bag for my car keys. she nodded and pursed her lips. “i’ll meet you in the lobby, i need to give something to my boss.” i told her. 
she nodded. “okay. i’ll see you down there.” 
i watched her leave the bullpen, waiting for the glass doors to close all the way before i was looking up at spencer. “why did you tell her james and i broke up?” 
he looked shocked. “i- she asked about you two because she hadn’t heard about him in a while and was wondering why.” he replied. “i’m sorry.” 
i shook my head and gathered my things and started walking. i spun around to look back at spencer. “don’t go around telling people things that isn’t any of your business.” with that i turned and kept walking, faster now because of the annoyance bubbling under my skin. 
why would he do that?
 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
“why did you break up with james?” my mom asked over dinner. 
i knew it was coming, i just didn’t realize she would ask as i’m in the middle of swallowing my drink. i coughed slightly and looked away, humming like i had to think about it. “he’s the one who broke up with me.” i told her. 
she frowned. “why? what happened?” 
i shrugged. “he just… got tired of me. he said he couldn’t deal with my job, or me as a whole.” i sifted my fork through the food on my plate. “we broke up like two months ago.”
“why didn’t you tell me?” my mom reached a hand across the small table to touch my hand. 
i gave her a look. “because i knew you’d call him and tell him to change his mind.” she bit the inside of her cheek. “he wouldn’t have anyway.” my eyes rolled slightly. 
she made a sad humming sound. “are you doing okay?” 
i nodded. “yeah, i mean he was kind of a dick because he broke almost all of my dishes, ripped up a bunch of my books and stole my tv after he’d broken up with me, but other than that, i’ve been doing good.” i gave her a tight lipped smile. “i got everything replaced so don’t worry.” i added before she got that sad look back on her face. 
“how come spencer knew about this before i did?” 
i dropped my fork and pressed my fingers into my eyes. “because he confronted me and then correctly guessed what was going on.” my lie was believable because he’d done this type of thing before, and i’ve told her about how strange it was that he could figure me out so fast. 
my mom took a sip of wine. “and then you just forgot to tell me?”
“what? no. i just… kept putting it off. i just didn’t- i don’t want to think about it.” my fingers scratched at the spot in front of my ear. “can we talk about something else, please?” 
 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
after i’d gotten home from dinner i was calling spencer. he picked up as i was locking my deadbolt and i didn’t give him a chance to greet me before i was saying, “i just sat through the most uncomfortable dinner that i’ve ever had with my mom because of you.” 
spencer sputtered over the line. “because of me?” 
“yes, because of you. you and your big mouth that told my mom my business.” i paced back and forth behind my couch, one arm wrapped around my middle. 
“this wouldn’t have happened if you would’ve just told her sooner.” spencer retorted. 
i scoffed. “oh, so this is my fault now? what a mature way to handle this.” 
“this is all immature, not mature.” 
“i was being sarcastic.” i rolled my eyes in annoyance. 
“we’re both being immature.” he said. 
i shook my head while staring at the floor. “i just wish you wouldn’t have told her.”
“i thought she already knew.”
i looked up and walked back to my room. “yeah well, she didn’t.” i put the phone on speaker as i started to get undressed. 
spencer hummed. “no kidding.” he scoffed and i could almost hear him rolling his eyes. “i already apologized for this anyway, why are you calling me?” 
i pulled a tank top over my head. “i don’t know, honestly.” i picked up my phone again and pressed it to my ear. 
“how do you not know?” 
“i just don’t, okay?” i raised my voice. “sorry.” i sighed, sitting down heavily on my bed. “i just needed to hear you voice.” 
“and the best way to hear my voice was to start arguing with me?” he wondered. 
i nodded. “i just needed to vent, i didn’t want it to turn into an argument.” my eyes watched as my feet slid over the carpet. “i’m sorry.” 
spencer was quiet for a moment. “it’s okay.” he replied. “how’d your mom react to everything?” 
i scoffed a bit. “oh, you mean what did she say about him vandalizing my place?” 
“yes, that.” spencer laughed. 
i smiled at the sound of his voice. i didn’t like to fight with him. that was our first argument and i hated it. “she… didn’t say anything, believe it or not.” i laid on my back. “she did ask me why you were the first one to know.” 
he hummed. “what did you tell her?”
“i told her you just figured it out on your own.” i answered. “she believed me.”
“good. now she won’t have to cope with the fact that you love me more than her.” 
i laughed softly. “know your place reid, i love my mom. you’re second on that list.” i bit my lip, waiting for him to reply. 
“what about your sister?” he quizzed. 
i sighed. “you’re a close second.” 
“just a close second?” he inquired cheekily. 
i smiled to myself. “fine, you can share the podium.” i bargained. 
“i can work with that.” he agreed after taking a few seconds to reply. i could hear the smile on his lips and the way it infected his words. 
i smiled. he was contagious. perfectly contagious. “i’m… i’m gonna go.” i said it hesitantly. i didn’t want to go but i had things to do. not sure what they are yet but i’d find something. 
“okay.” spencer’s voice was softer now. a little quiet and disappointed. “i’ll see you tomorrow?”
“tomorrows saturday.” i reminded him. 
“right.” spencer murmured. “i’ll see you monday then.” 
i hummed in agreement. “see you monday.” 
“okay. bye.”
“bye, spencer.” 
when the line beeped to signal the end of the call i sighed with my eyes closed. why did it have to be saturday?
i called spencer again. 
“it hasn’t even been thirty seconds-“
“do you wanna do something tomorrow? like… play chess in the park or something?” 
spencer stumbled over a reply. “y- yeah. i’d like that.” i smiled widely and sat up. “what time?” 
“maybe noon? we could get coffee and then go to the park.”
“that sounds perfect.” he was breathy but loud enough so that i could hear him. 
“okay.” i bit my lip. “i’ll see you tomorrow.”
“yeah, see you tomorrow.”
“okay. bye… for real this time.”
spencer laughed. “for real this time.”
i smiled at his repetition and hung up. 
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kelcemenow · 11 months
As The Snow Falls - Chapter 10.
Pairing Travis Kelce x Reader
Words 1759
Warnings A bit of smut, strong language and a whole lot of fluff!
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The morning sunlight streamed in through the large window and warmed your bare skin. You stirred, barely opening your eyes before quickly shielding your face from the blinding glare. You felt some movement behind you and an arm tightened it's grip around your waist.
"We forgot to close the drapes last night. I can't see a thing." You whispered.
"Of course I didn't close the drapes." Travis' groggy morning voice was loud in your ear, "I was too busy eating your pussy until you came three times...or was it four?" His mouth connected with your skin, lazy kisses travelling from the back of your neck to your shoulders.
"It was four." You giggled, "I remember because you congratulated yourself after the fourth time."
Travis wriggled himself down the bed and pulled the comforter over his head, his voice muffled, "How about five, then?"
"Mmmmm." You groaned as he rolled you onto your back, his lips latching onto your stomach and trailing down to your inner thigh. You pushed your head back into the pillow as you grasped at the sheets that were draped across your body. "Trav, everyone will be getting ready to leave soon."
"I love it when you call me Trav." He growled against your skin, his hands roaming, leaving goose bumps in their wake.
A short gasp escaped your lips as his breath drifted across your pussy. Travis' hands clung to your hips, holding you still as he slowly ran his tongue up your already wet folds.
A loud knock on the door snapped you out of your daze, Marc's voice bellowing through the wood, "When you've finished doing whatever you're doing, there's pancakes down here."
Travis' head sunk underneath the comforter, his brow hitting the mattress hard. You giggled at his obvious display of disappointment.
"And hurry up! I don't wanna have to come back and tell you again!"
You took a long, deep breath, “Come on big guy. We’d better head downstairs.”
“That’s what I was trying to do!” He whined, his voice still muffled.
You laughed loudly at his joke, reaching for his muscular shoulders. He pulled the comforter over his head and crawled back up your body, laying kisses onto your skin every few inches or so. Once he reached your face, his eyes met yours and for a moment, his stare was deep and intense. He studied your face, his own expression warm and admiring.
You narrowed your eyes, “What?”
Travis shook his head slightly, “Nothing. You’re just so beautiful.”
Your cheeks immediately flushed red and your chest tightened at his compliment. You looked away from the man above you, suddenly feeling giddy and nervous. Travis flashed a tender smile, silently pleased that he had had that effect on you. He lifted himself from the bed, the morning rays dancing upon his flexing muscles. You pulled the sheets away from you, letting the cool air wash over your body. You grabbed one of Travis' sweatshirts that were piled on top of his empty suitcase and pulled it over your head, the hemline just touching the top of your knees.
"Stealing my clothes already?" Travis asked with a smile.
"Oh yeah. This is mine now." You said as you tucked your hands into the long sleeves, "See you at breakfast?"
Travis nodded in agreement, his eyes dancing down to your bare legs as you whisked out of the room.
"Okay, so we're leaving at 10." Kylie said in-between forkfuls of pancakes, "Donna has the girls and then it's a long drive back home."
"Well, luckily Jas got a cab back so it'll be a much less stressful drive for me and Marc." Amie said.
Jason swallowed his breakfast down quickly, "Wait, what?"
Kylie threw you a smile from across the table and Travis shuffled in his seat. Marc cleared his throat and Amie stared down at her breakfast.
"Will someone tell me what is going on?!" Jason looked around at the group.
Kylie stroked his shoulder, "You went to bed so early baby, I thought I would wait until this morning to tell you."
"Well?" His eyes were wide.
"And...then I forgot."
There was an awkward pause before Jason spoke again.
"Forgot about what?"
"Me and Travis, might have...sort of..." You trailed off.
Marc looked up and leaned into the table, "They fucked." He said with a nod towards you.
Laughter erupted around the table, aside from Jason, who's jaw dropped open, his eyes wide.
"Marc! That's not what happened!" You screeched.
Travis turned to you, "Was it not?"
"Okay, yeah we did. But it wasn't like that!"
Kylie clutched at her stomach as she tried to stifle her giggling, "Hear her out, honestly, I was there."
"You were there?!" Jason's voice was louder and higher pitched now, "What the fuck?"
More howls of laughter rang out into the room.
"I'm going to get indigestion!" Amie shouted.
"Okay, okay." You waved your hands, trying to get everyone's attention, "Let me explain. Jasmine came at me yesterday, when ne and Travis got back from skiing. She said some things that I-"
"And me." Kylie chirped.
"...didn't agree with. And I told her. She didn't take it well." You glanced at Travis, "And so, I figured that there was nothing stopping me anymore and...yeah. I'm going back to Kansas City with Travis today to spend a few more days with him."
Jason raised his hands in the air, "Yes! See, I knew my wingman skills would work!"
"10 years later, bro." Travis pointed out, before placing his hand on your thigh underneath the table.
"I'll take it." He focused back onto his large stack of pancakes, "So, Jasmine just up and left?"
"Seems it." You said as your raised your eyebrows, "But I think she made it quite clear that she doesn't value our friendship as much as I thought she did. So, I'm not going to stress about it all, I'm just going to see what happens now."
You turned to Travis who smiled before planting a small kiss onto your lips.
"Awwww...I love this." Kylie pointed towards you.
Travis swung his arm to rest on the back of your chair, "Yeah me too, Ky. Mom's gonna be stoked."
"She always said she wanted you two to get together. You have to come visit at Christmas!" Jason said, clutching his knife and fork like a child.
You leaned towards Travis, "I think Jason is more excited about this than we are." You said slightly under your breath.
"Not possible." He replied, giving you another kiss and causing more gushing from the table.
You followed Travis out to your car as he carried your bags over his shoulder with ease. You watched as he carefully hauled the luggage into your trunk before pausing to talk to Jason next to his truck. A small smile subconsciously made its way to your mouth.
Kylie quietly appeared next to you, "Just think, a few days ago, we were here ready for a relaxing weekend. And now, you're leaving with a boyfriend."
"I wouldn't say 'boyfriend'." You said, not taking your eyes off of Travis, "But I'm certainly open to it. He's great."
"I'm so fucking happy to see you this open and excited for this." She grasped at your hand and gave it a squeeze before shouting over to Jason, "Hey! Less talking, more packing the truck!" She gave you a wink before moving off to her husband.
You turned around and looked up at the cabin, all quiet and unassuming. A place where you had felt every emotion and feeling in just one weekend. Taking a deep breath, you felt a short stab of guilt as you thought about Jasmine but as Marc and Amie emerged from the doorway with their multiple bags piled in their arms, you snapped out of your daze.
"So, you're following Travis in your car, and you'll call me as soon as you get to Kansas City?" Amie said once she was by your side.
You nodded with a smile.
"You're gonna be okay, you know?" She stared deep into your eyes, almost checking your expression.
"I know." You said confidently. "I'm just not used to feeling this relaxed and secure."
Amie grinned, "He's gonna look after you, I just know it. And if he doesn't...well, I'll set Marc onto him."
You both glanced towards Marc who had dropped his bags not far from the front door and was currently staring intently at his hand."
"I think I've cut my little finger!" He whined.
Amie hissed a quiet giggle, "Perhaps not."
You wrapped your arms around her, pulling her in for a tight hug, "Thank you for everything." You whispered into her ear.
"Don't mention it." She said before heading towards Marc, "I thought I'd gotten rid of the Princess."
"Girl, I'm the Queen." He said proudly.
Suddenly, two large arms wrapped themselves around your waist. Travis' familiar scent surrounded you and you melted into his strong hold. You watched as the group packed the last of their luggage into their awaiting vehicles and you and Travis waved them off together, calling out goodbyes.
"Shall we make a move?" He said softly.
Your heart skipped a beat and your stomach fluttered with excitement, "Sure."
Hand in hand, you and Travis walked towards your car. He opened the door and before you had a chance to get in, he pulled you close to him, your chests pressed together. Your eyes fluttered closed as he pressed his lips onto yours with a soft kiss. You mouth opened slightly, allowing his tongue to gently drag across yours. Your skin tingled with pleasure as his free hand cupped the side of your face, guiding you through the passionate kiss.
After a moment, he pulled away, tucking a piece of hair behind your ear, "This drive might take longer than I imagined."
"Why?" You said, your mouth twisting in confusion.
"Because we're going to have to stop every hour so I can kiss you like that."
You laughed into his chest, his warmth radiating onto your face. With another quick kiss, you hopped into your car, watched as Travis closed the door and got into his own that was parked next to you. He beamed across through the windows as he started his engine. You closed your eyes, your lips curling into smile and a single tear fell down your face. You laughed to yourself and wiped it away with the back of your hand, your heart full with a true feeling of happiness.
Taglist @rd14 @dandelionwrites8 @keiva1000 @fantasywritersstuff @caelipartem @anacarangel @she-lives-in-her-dreams @kkrenae @kristencochefski1125 @countrygirl120983 @charmed2000 @nouis-bum @cixrosie @delicateearthquakellama @wordsaresimple-imnot @amylouwho9 @queenisa17 @talicat713 @luvvtrent @purecinnamonextract @savaneafricaine @caelipartem @beyxgrande @caitdaniels @ezgirl1108 @vir-tual @lightsoutstyles @macey234 @s294749w @kelcemesoftly @calirindo @livinginmyfantasies @bernelflo @secretmywritingfictionlawyer @killatravtramp @there-goes-thefighter @unicornblueberry @calirindo @tjkelce87 @kristinamae093 @kmc1989 @ajbird18 @triski73 @ctn26 @kgcaputo07 @abby-splace @bobthe-turmpetman29 @cedricbitch @jmamas92 @bellstwd @killatravsworld @marchmaiden @chimchimmarie @blackstabbath6 @fanficfanatic15 @jessiemariebarnes
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queen-of-the-avengers · 11 months
Secret Admirer
Pairing: Peter Parker x Teen!Reader
Word Count: ~1.7k
Warnings: jealousy, minor angst, mostly fluff
Summary: Peter always has to one-up you in everything he does. He always finishes a quiz before you. He gets better grades than you. It's infuriating. Then you catch him doing the one thing that makes you rethink how you feel about him.
Squares Filled: pretending not to care for @spider-man-bingo
Author’s Note: i didn't specify which peter parker is here, so you can imagine any of the three for this story!
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Class could not go by any slower than it is now. It feels like you have been in here for hours even though it’s only been thirty minutes. Math is your favorite subject because you excel in it, so you’re confident to raise your hand when the teacher asks a question.
“Yes, Y/N?”
You open your mouth to answer when you hear someone chime in from behind you. Pete fucking Parker. The bane of your existence. The boy who makes your blood boil. The boy who thinks he’s too smart to be there.
“Fifty-three?” Peter answers like the teacher called on him or something.
“Thank you, Y/N,” the teacher says and turns around to write on the whiteboard.
You look behind you at Peter with a glare. He always has to chime in and give the right answer even though you know it. It’s like he wants to prove how smart he is with his stupid crooked smile, his bright eyes, and his shy exterior. He’s doing this on purpose. He has to be. 
“Alright, kids, it’s time for a pop quiz. You know the drill. Turn in your test at the front and wait for the bell to dismiss you.”
The teacher passes out a pop quiz for all the students to take, so you turn around and focus on your test.  Your teacher likes to give pop quizzes every Thursday, so is it really a pop quiz if everyone knows it’s coming? You scribble your name on it and start with question number one. You circle the right answer, going down the line until you get to the next page. You think you’re going at a good pace until you hear a chair screech signaling someone is getting up.
It better not be him. I swear to God if it is… Peter walks by your desk and places his finished test in the bin where the teacher wants it. You gasp silently at the thought of him being done only minutes after receiving the test. Sure, the test is easy and everyone passes them, but he can’t be done that quickly… can he? Peter catches your eyes with a smirk when he walks by you, and you roll your own out of annoyance. You’re not so annoyed at him being smart. You’re annoyed at the fact that Peter used to be so different before. You’re annoyed because you can’t figure it out.
After class is over, you head to the lunch room to meet our best friend, Amy. She is already at a table reserving your seat next to her. You grab the lunch special of the day and make your way over to her with a not-so-happy smile on your face.
“It’s Peter again, isn’t it?”
“He finished the pop quiz in minutes!” She shakes her head and stabs her salad with her fork. “Amy, you should have seen how cocky he looked. God, I wanna wring his neck.”
“Have you ever asked yourself why he gets on your nerves like that?”
“Yeah, because he’s fucking annoying, that’s why.”
Peter walks in after grabbing his lunch from his locker and meets up with his best friend. You forgot his name. They talk all the time but you’re not really interested in his friend. Peter is stuck inside your mind as you try to figure out what’s different about him. Your eyes are locked on him, studying his every move, trying to figure out his next step. He looks the same. He talks the same. He has the same friend. Yet there is something different about him, something more dangerous.
“You’re doing it again,” Amy nudges you.
“Something is up with Peter.  Something is different. He’s different.”
“Stop stalking your crush and eat your food.”
“Ew, he’s not my crush.”
You grab a carrot stick to munch on while keeping an eye on Peter. He walks with his friend to the table they want to sit at, trays of food in their hands. Flash is at one of the tables joking with his friends when he sticks his foot out to trip Peter, expecting his food to go flying everywhere. What no one expected is Peter to catch every fucking item back onto his tray like it never left it at all. The angrier you get, the more you gnaw on your carrot stick. Peter used to be so clumsy but it’s like he got an upgrade, and you need to know how he did it.
“You’re telling me you’re not the least bit curious as to why Peter got what looks like powers?”
“Not really,” Amy shrugs and keeps eating.
After lunch, you two make your way to your lockers which just so happen to be next to each other. You might have bribed your way into getting a locker next to hers but it’s worth it. You two can gossip in secret without anyone hearing.
“Do you think there will be a flower in there today?”
“Probably like there has been for the past week.”
You put your code into the lock and open your locker, staring at the beautiful single flower resting against your textbooks. Every day for the past week, a single flower has been left in your locker by someone anonymous. It’s always been a different flower that has not yet been repeated. There is no note, no indication of who put it there, or why. Yesterday, there was a pink rose and today it’s a purple carnation.
“I think it’s romantic. Someone has a crush on you,” Amy grins.
“What do I do? I have to find out who is doing this.”
“Well, when did it start?”
“Last week on Monday.”
“Isn’t that when the new flower shop opened in town?”
“Stalk that place. Whoever is getting you flowers has to be getting them from somewhere, and my bet is it’s from that place. See who stops by there after school, see what they buy, and if that flower shows up tomorrow, you have your answer.”
“This is why I keep you around. You’re the smart one.”
“Street smart. You’re book smart.” The bell rings to signal the next period, and she slams her locker closed. “I gotta go. Tell me how it goes!”
The rest of the day goes by without a hitch, probably because you don’t have another class with Peter. If you had, you’d be spending all your time obsessing over him. God, you sound like a desperate girl. You’re not. You’re just obsessed with finding out what’s different about him. Why hasn’t anyone else noticed this about Peter?
As soon as the final bell rings, you rush out of school like a bat out of hell. You want to get to the shop before the other students have a chance to leave, If you’re going to find out who is doing this, then you have to be the first one there. As if the universe is on your side, you’re the first one inside the flower shop. No one else is browsing which means it’s the perfect time to find a hiding spot.
“Hi! Welcome in! Do you need help finding something?”
You look up and see the friendly female cashier.
“No, thank you. I’m just looking.”
“Let me know if you need anything.”
“Will do!”
You walk around the flower shop and admire the different kinds of flowers as you wait for someone to walk in. A few people come in over the next two hours but no one young enough to be in high school. You’re about to give up when the bell on top of the door rings to signal someone walked in. You look between two flowers and see none other than Peter Parker. You quickly hide in hopes he didn’t see you, and by the looks of it, he didn’t.
“Hey, Peter!” the cashier greets.
“Sandra. How are you?”
“Good! Are you here for another flower?”
“Yeah. Something different. Something I haven’t used before.”
“I saved a good bunch for you.” She walks to the back and retrieves a beautiful bouquet of flowers. Instead of handing him the whole thing, she takes a single flower from the bunch and hands it over to him. He takes out his wallet to pay but she waves him off. “It’s on the house.”
“Are you sure? I’d like to pay some time.”
“You can when you get the girl. Did she find your other flower?”
“Yeah,” Peter nods shyly.
“Are you ever going to ask her out?”
“I don’t know. I think she hates me.”
“Well, after she sees this flower, she won’t,” she winks.
Peter takes the yellow flower and leaves the store. If you don’t get home now, your parents will be mad. You sneak out of the shop and run all the way home, excited to see what kind of flower you’re going to find in your locker tomorrow. When tomorrow comes, the first thing you do is go straight to your locker. Amy is already by hers, putting her books into it and grabbing the one she needs for her first class.
“Hey, did you stake out the flower shop?”
“Yeah. Peter walked in and got a yellow orchid. A single flower. He and the cashier talked as if they had known each other for years.”
You open your locker and gasp when you see a yellow orchid sitting at the bottom of your locker. You grab it with delicate fingers and admire the bright color against your skin. Peter thinks you hate him. You don’t. Peter and his friend round the corner and head in the direction where you and Amy are. Maybe you can get over your obsession with finding out why he’s different and just enjoy his company. Peter looks up and sees you with the yellow flower he picked out yesterday with a huge smile on your face. You wait until he passes by you to say what you have to say.
“This is my favorite flower. I really like it.”
You don’t have to look at him directly to see the smile that comes onto his face. Different or not, Peter is still as cheesy as he was when you first met him.
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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ddejavvu · 2 years
hi lovely!! 💓 could you write about aaron hotchner x reader and he’s just admiring her with jack and proposes the idea of another baby hotchner or something along those lines??
have a good day xx 💓💓
hi sweet baby! i hope you enjoy :D
"Mama," Jack's sweet voice rings through your kitchen and without skipping a beat you pipe up.
"Can I have green eggs today?"
"Have you been reading Dr. Seuss in class, by any chance?" You peer suspiciously at him with an amused smile on your face.
"Yes! We read about green eggs and ham, and-" Thus begins Aaron's son's chattering about breakfast. He goes on to tell you, in vivid detail, that Alex from his class said his mom gave him green ham once, but that it made him throw up because it wasn't green-colored ham, it was ham that had grown some sort of fungus. You try stifling your laugh behind your hand, courteous to Alex.
Aaron watches as you drop green food coloring into Jack's eggs for the morning, and while you're not preparing ham as well, he knows his son will brag about the meal to his entire class. You serve up the steaming plate to the boy and remind him sternly to cool it down first. He hasn't quite mastered the art of blowing on his food quite yet, most of the air funneled towards his lap instead of at the eggs on his fork.
"Not yet," You chide gently, watching Jack lift the unchanged eggs to his mouth with the plastic fork, "They're still steamy, Jack."
"Oh." He frowns down at them indignantly, "I blew on them, though!"
"Green eggs are tricky." You fib, and it brightens him again. Aaron marvels at your quick thinking, because he was just going to explain thermodynamics to the boy.
You blow quickly on the forkful of eggs, and Jack watches the steam billow away from your breath. Once you deem it safe for him to eat you guide it to his mouth, patting him on the head as you duck back behind the counter.
Aaron's sure his eyes are in the shape of hearts. You have a more-than-natural way with children, and dote on his son like he's your own. And, he supposes, Jack is your own child. You're not his birthmother, and you never will be, but you're his mom, and Jack loves you for it.
He admires you every day for the way you manage his hyperactive toddler. Jack had dragged you outside the other day for six hours of soccer practice, and you'd made popsicles for the family afterwards. You're a wonder to him, because he feels like passing out after Jack asks why one too many times. He loves his son, with every fiber of his being, but he's not always the most equipped to entertain him.
"Oreos in your lunch today," You pat the transformer on the front of Jack's lunchbox, tucking it into his backpack of the same brand, "Don't let Ashley steal them again!"
"I won't," Jack speaks through a mouthful of green eggs, tongue already turning colors, "She said her mom's bringing her some too."
"Good." You huff, and Aaron has the sudden mental image of you giving the evil-eye to a five year old girl. He doesn't like that she's been stealing his son's lunch either, but he'll refrain from intimidating her, and you will not.
He vows to pick up Jack this week, for Ashley's sake.
The doorbell rings and you're abandoning your own breakfast, rushing to greet Amy's mother. She takes Jack to school on Wednesdays, giving the two of you a break.
"Sasha!" You grin at the woman on the other side of the door, "We'll be right out! He's just finishing up his breakfast."
Aaron vaguely hears her say 'Awesome!' but he's too busy monitoring your breakfast to care. He gives Jack the pointed, 'time to go' look, and his son shovels more green eggs into his mouth.
"I'm ready," He shouts triumphantly, egg flying out of his mouth and onto the tabletop. Aaron lets out something between a good-natured scoff and a chuckle, leaning forwards to pluck the food off of the table and set it on the edge of his own plate. Jack grins sheepishly at him, and he remembers how intensely he loves his son.
"Bye buddy," He offers the boy, squeezing him in a tight hug, "No red cards today, right?"
"No! I won't get any." Jack swears, intent on staying on top of the disciplinary system for the day. He never causes trouble, it just seems to find him.
"You can do it," You've made your way back over to them, ruffling his hair and apologetically setting it back in place afterwards, "Remember, no red cards for a week and you get ice cream!"
"I know!" Jack's excited at the prospect, as if he isn't given a heaping bowlful of the treat every night after dinner while you snuggle up on the couch to watch a movie. The boy's racing out the door to join his friend as soon as you let him go, and you both watch him with a fond smile.
"He remembered to close the door this time," You congratulate your son on repairing his rather lax habits, though you wish he wouldn't slam it, "What do you want for breakfast, Aaron?"
"Green eggs." He jests, a soft smile on his face.
"I just gave the last of 'em to a little boy that came in a few minutes ago," You scoff dramatically, "Get up earlier next time, maybe you'll get first pick."
"Coffee's good." He decides, though he knows it's not for you. Sure enough, when you sit down at the table with your own breakfast, you slide potatoes onto his plate.
"Eat." You command, and Aaron thinks love has never sounded so scary before. He complies so that he doesn't face your wrath, chewing on a potato wedge while he mulls his thoughts over.
"You look like Bert," You giggle, smoothing a thumb over the crease in his brows, "Any reason you're mad at Ernie today?"
Aaron rolls his eyes, but any insult he'd taken to the comment is washed away by your sweet laugh. Instead he's almost happy you're comparing him to a puppet, because he gets to hear your giggie.
"Not mad," He promises you, "Just.. thinking."
"Having children. Or- I mean, a child. Maybe just one. I dunno."
His admission shocks you, but it doesn't drive you away. Instead a blinding grin spreads over your face after you're over your surprise, and you nearly launch yourself into his lap.
"I thought you'd never ask!" You squeal, mouth too close to his ear to be comfortable. Though, he supposes, if he's going to lose his hearing, the last sound he wants to hear is your voice.
"I'll take that as a yes, then." He chuckles, clutching you tight so that you don't fall to the floor. You readjust yourself in his lap so that you're not teetering on the edge of the chair, staring at him with wide, shiny eyes.
"Yes!" Your hands grip the collar of his polo tightly, "Oh my god, Aaron, we can have so many little ones!"
"How many?" He glances at the staircase, "We've only got three rooms."
"Bunk beds." You propose with a sly grin, "Kids love those."
"Bunk beds," He agrees, a giddy smile on his face as he realizes how committed you are.
"Wait.." Your eyes shift and he's worried he's lost you on the idea, "You have the day off today?"
"Yes," He chuckles, staring down at his casual dress.
"Let's get started!" You cheer, springing off of his lap and racing up the stairs. He hasn't even processed your absence yet, but sees your blue bra fly down the stairs behind you, and suddenly his legs are moving on their own. They lead him up the stairs and he finds your panties just outside the door, lacy and perfect.
"Don't come in yet!" You shout, voice muffled from the closet. Aaron bends at the knee to pick up your panties, finding a barely-there wet spot from when you'd straddled him in a hurry.
It makes his stomach knot tight, and he leans against the bedroom door, "You have twenty seconds. After that, I don't care what you're wearing, you won't be wearing it for much longer."
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generic-sonic-fan · 1 year
The post where I do vague cultural worldbuilding headcanons for Sonic characters??
Sonic and Knuckles are mountain man bros in the sense that they both grew up in the wild raised by animals. They dunk themselves in a river, call themselves clean, and then fistbump about it. They eat fruit right off bushes. Knuckles can find you a damn good tuber in a pinch and Sonic would be able to snatch you a worm if you really wanted it. Knuckles finds it difficult to pick up on mainstream cultural customs but Sonic's always found it easy now that he's older.
Tails and Amy, meanwhile, grew up in towns. These towns had a definite human influence, hence their possession of first and last names, but they still grew up in a Mobian in-group of sorts. They know proper fur/quill care, feel that it's gender non-conforming for a boy to wear clothes and a girl to go without them, and are adept at reading ear/tail gestures. Tails was never really one for any small-town slang but Amy still uses more rural phrasing even now that she lives in a larger city.
Rouge grew up in a large city, so she's more well-versed in cultures other than her own. She's adopted some human rituals because she thinks they're fun, like face masks and shaving some of her body fur. She loves exploring human cuisines because they're "exotic" to her while Mobian cuisine are comfort foods. She's fluent in several different kinds of slang along with the gestures/manners of the different cultures.
Shadow was raised by humans. His mannerisms are unmistakably human. From wearing human-sized shirts around the house, to having a taste for "human" comfort foods, to being completely unable to read ear/tail gestures in conversation, any Mobian is able to peg him as an outsider pretty quickly. While he's absolutely embraced proper quill care, Rouge had to first point out to him that he was doing it wrong- using human shampoo is not going to cut it, hun.
Omega is. . . weird. For the most part, he's predictably alien: what few social customs he's bothered to learn he has to have observed first. Rouge has been a helpful educator on the rare occasion he gives a shit, usually in regards to slang translation to add to his dictionary. He's almost more like Knuckles in the sense that he was isolated and now he's playing catchup. Sometimes, sometimes, though, the assumptions Omega makes will lean more towards human biases. Anyone who values their life knows not to ever point that out to him.
Metal Sonic reads like a robot imitating a human imitating a Mobian. Yes, he can imitate Sonic's gestures, but it's the movement in between that's uncanny. The physicality of his limbs. The weight of each step in his out-of-combat walk cycle. It screams "human". Most of his cultural knowledge, the little that he has, comes from observing Eggman's daily routine. But Eggman is just one human, and an isolated and eccentric one at that. Metal Sonic could recognize a refrigerator but not a washing machine, could recognize a plate and fork but not any other kitchen cookware. His knowledge is piecemeal. His imitations are incomplete. He was designed for combat, nothing more. His unconscious attempts to fill in the gaps are illogical, aren't they?
Silver is permanently locked into a culture called "survival mode". That's a joke, but only mostly. His behaviors more closely match that of someone growing up in extreme poverty. He can't stand to throw stuff away and he has a hypervigilance about danger that someone who grew up in a "bad neighborhood" would understand. Not to mention that any cultural values he has learned are a few hundred years out of date, so his guesses at any customs tend to be slightly off.
Blaze is from a different dimension, which basically reads as just a different culture than the one that's prominent where most of Sonic's friends reside! She actually gets a kick out of sharing her customs and comparing them to everyone else's. She's also from an extremely privileged walk of life, though, and it definitely shows no matter how much research she does to try and be less ignorant about how "normal" life works.
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