#an articulation of form
halflifebutawesome · 3 months
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I am a good person. I am a powerful person, I don't believe in evil. I think that evil is an idea created by others to avoid dealing with their own nature. I understand my own nature, good and evil have nothing to do with it.
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nobodysdaydreams · 2 months
This poll got me thinking:
Tumblr users, which do you think would be WORSE if you were an irl celebrity with an anonymous tumblr?
Option 1: Someone in your fandom gives you anon hate and blocks you on tumblr because they consider your content cringe/problematic/annoying BUT they also consider themselves the biggest fan of irl you, and they are constantly making posts about how cool you are, posting fan edits of you, defending irl you aggressively against your haters, and talking about how they desperately wish you had a tumblr so you could interact with fans (little do they know).
Option 2: You have a mutual you consider a friend, and you constantly talk about fandom stuff together. However, they hate irl you. They mention in DM's about how much they really can't stand irl you and make posts on tumblr saying they consider irl you to be “not that attractive, kinda problematic, weird, annoying, out of touch, untalented, etc.” and state that they really don’t get the hype around irl you (but they have no clue they’re talking about you to you and still maintain that you’re one of their favorite mutuals and a great person).
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cinammonelles · 5 months
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I want to talk about this page in particular because the implications here are so riveting.
Lavi is currently 19. Allen is believed to be 16.
Which means that either
The Bookmen are lying
Bookman Jr. did die then and Allen either didn't age the first few years or his age got fucked up multiple times before he met Mana
The first seems highly improbable at this point tbh. If the Bookmen were planning to make Allen take the poison to make him remember his past then lying about when Past!Junior (presumably) died seems counterintuitive and would only make Allen mistrust them more once he was in full possession of his memories.
It doesn't seem like Allen de-aged to an infant. He says his earliest memories are from when he was in the circus. Even if he did age back to an infant, he would've needed caretakers and nothing in the story suggests he had any.
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(Note how little Allen doesn't have his Innocence in the last panel. What the fuck does this mean Hoshino.)
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Allen looks perhaps 4-5 in both of these panels. If Past!Junior died over 19 years ago and Allen aged linearly since then, then he would have to be 23+ by now. Even considering the possibility that he aged back to an infant, he he should be 19+ by now and he looks barely over 17.
We can assume that he must've aged in a somewhat even fashion once he joined the circus because otherwise the performers would've commented on it at some point of time.
What happened in the years between Junior dying and little Allen getting into the circus? Was he in a child's body till he acquired his Innocence? How did he even acquire his Innocence in the first place?
There's also a final possibility that came to me while I was writing this post— Lavi was born while Past!Junior was still alive. He was born with the 'mark' because Past!Junior was no longer fit to be a Junior. I genuinely have no idea how Hoshino will explain this. Will it be some sort of corruption? Memory loss? Chronic illness?
All of them seem equally unlikely options at this point. But so did the possibility of Allen and Bookman Jr. being different people before this chapter :)
Either ways, this was a very intriguing chapter and I'm looking forward to whatever Hoshino has in store for us.
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Thinking abt how Will and Hannibal are like that old myth where you can cure a werewolf by calling it by its Christian name, making it remember that their true self is human. Except, with them, Hannibal saw Will for who he truly was, allowing him to become the monster he was on the inside.
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gelatinous-globster · 15 days
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brush pen expressions page from like 2 months ago ✨
@drama-glob @enbydemirainbowbigfoot
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strawberrytalia · 11 months
you’re 16 years old. your parents are mentally and physically gone as the result of a horrid, criminal act. you have no idea where they are, but you refuse to accept they’re dead. you’re forced to move into foster homes and live with people who don’t care if you end up dead in a ditch as long as they get their money. you’re homeless essentially. you put your life on the line everyday to find your parents. you’re beaten. you’re harassed. you’re put down. it doesn’t stop you. your grades slip. you have always loved learning, but now you’re forced to put survival first. you start to not care about what happens to you. adrenaline keeps you going. the thrill is the only thing you feel unless you wanna fall into despair. but deep down, you still refuse to lose hope. you fight for a city because you believe it can change, and that change is not dependent on one person in a bat costume, it needs everyone involved. you hate how gotham has hurt you. you hate what it stole from you. but you love gotham and its spirit. you decide change starts now, and history will know you as one of the youths who fought for the city.
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i demand timbern for the ask game /jk
How dare you come into my asks and demand that I talk abt my favourite ship after I reblogged a ship ask game! /jk
I think it goes without question that I ship it lol
What made me ship it?
When I first got into DC (Tim Drake) the only Tim ship I was really aware of was timkon due to its immense popularity. I ended up really liking it (and still do!) but every now and then I'd see posts of people dunking on timber (mainly because they were bitter abt Tim not ending up with Kon). I decided to look into the ship more to see if it was really as bad as people made it out to be
And next thing I new I had a new favourite ship and favourite character lol (Bernard Dowd they could never make me hate you)
2. What are your favourite things about the ship?
There are so many thing I love about them. But I think one thing that doesn't get talked about enough was how Bernard knew Tim before he knew Robin. Yes technically Tim was still Robin when they first met, but that got upturned relatively quickly and I think they spent more time together without Tim having Robin then vice versa. So many people in Tims life that he's close with knew the mask a while before they knew him (which is a fascinating relationship in itself) and E grieves is one of the few times we see Tim without any sort of mantle. I think that there's something special about the fact that Tim, with all his identity and attachment issues around his superhero identity, ended up with one of the few people who knew him (even for a short while) as just Tim Drake.
3. Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
The fact that they have less content then other ships that have been around for decades longer is enjoyable. It means you get to fill in the blanks
I feel like with ships that have been around for so long there's less room for ambiguity to fill up. Everything is already there for you, which is fun don't get me wrong! But having the freedom to be creative and come up with ideas in a way you couldn't otherwise is part of the fun
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fedordostoevskij · 5 months
im delusional. but like this just felt like my cool uncles making me pay to hang out with them like twice a month for less than an hour. and they all collectively made that choice. together. when like i previously knew them to be super anti-capitalism... fucking punch in the gut!!!!
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hazellvsq · 20 days
frank and piper are interesting counterpoint narratives to me. both of them have relatively mundane problems compared to the rest of the cast yet their parent's domains represent the heights of human passion as defined by the series, despite piper and frank both being (outwardly) dispassionate and (inwardly) mopey. the good end of these domains is love and protection (selfless), the bad end is heartbreak and bloodlust (selfish), which both of them try to resist. they both get claimed last out of their trios and had beforehand assumed that they were the children of someone else. both also experience perceived rejection from their mortal family directly before the series begins - both express anger and hurt at being "sent away". their rejection and unexpected claiming, back-to-back, results in discombobulation for them both, and feelings of humiliation brought on by both sets of parents.
they also both go through forced physical transformations by their parents to fit an ideal they don't want. all of the characters experience issues of identity and self-esteem but i think its the most pronounced with these two in the series. neither of them really knows who they are, and are pessimistic about their own capabilities. they are also counterpoints in that they feel disconnected from their own looks - both are very self-conscious people, but, based on how they're described by other characters, piper is probably the most beautiful member of the 7 and frank is probably the least. piper is frequently harassed and objectified, whereas frank is teased constantly about his looks. he neither feels as childish as his face is nor as grown as his body is, and he doesn't understand how to move through the world. both of which are common experiences throughout puberty - suddenly being treated differently on the basis of a body that's changing faster than you want or understand.
(discourse alert) i don't have a lot to add to the piper transformation discourse except that i do think its interesting that her blessing was temporary within the book and her love interest actually self-reflected on his reaction to it and realized that he should not have told her that she looked hot in that instance. rick did reverse frank's transformation five years later and i'm curious about his thought process about both writing it in the first place and in reversing it, and what feedback he received, if any. piper's transformation was a makeover whereas frank's was a puberty, which later rick walked back with "actually frank is still going through puberty". piper's was cheesy, sure, but frank's falls so flat bc that's just not how it works. its too much of a stretch. i don't even think it was in rick's og plan for frank, maybe he just watched captain america and was like "hell yeah i should do that" and flipped a coin between frank and leo, bc again frank was already initially described as physically grown in his debut book. and i can't even talk about hazel's reaction to to it bc its not real to me and i can't read suddenly. idk frank's plotline in general was too rushed in that book and he should have gotten another pov chapter set at least bc rick was trying to do too much too fast and relied on idiocy like the transformation to support it in the place of real character work when it wasn't even necessary for anything he accomplished in the book. he could've just walked around with better posture and achieved the same effect.
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scarlet--wiccan · 2 months
Is it in-character for Pietro to be such a fan of Steve? Bc the recent Avengers issue (#16) made him literally worship him??
I feel like "literally worship" is kind of an exaggeration, so for the sake of clarity, let's take that down a notch.
This run of Avengers-- and to be clear, we're talking the Blood Hunt tie-in arc-- is very invested in propping up the legacy and impact of Captain America as a hero, and the Avengers as a team, in a way that I don't personally find interesting. Pietro is, typically, written as a someone who will challenge authority, so it does feel kinda weird that he's the guy backing Steve up in this story. He's still generating friction, and I actually quite like the abrasive confidence MacKay gives him -- there's a way to maintain Pietro's core personality without making him an outright jackass, and for whatever else you can say, I think that MacKay, Duggan, and Orlando have been hitting that nail on the head.
But I do agree that Pietro's faith in, and overall friendliness towards Steve feels out of place. MacKay's take on their relationship is that Steve has known Pietro longer than most people, and that familiarity lends itself to mutual trust and esteem in the field. I think this is conveyed really well in their dialogue with each other, but Pietro, in other scenes, is a bit too admiring, but also a bit too colloquial, which is part of why his voice feels off to me. I also feel like he gets a little too upbeat and smirky, which undermines the fact that he's meant to be laser-focused on rescuing Wanda.
I think the old-teammates dynamic works well for Pietro and Steve, but it's a fine line to walk for a character like Pietro who still, in my mind, has every reason to resent and mistrust most of the big superhero teams and leaders. Regardless, I don't hate what's happening here, and I think Pietro has a lot of great moments in spite of it.
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hephaestuscrew · 2 years
A book asks the reader to imagine any sensory input of the story, whereas a film or TV show provides both sound and visuals. Audio fiction lives in the space between these two approaches. I think there's a unique power to that middle ground. I love how audio drama asks the listener to co-construct their sensory experience of the story.
Audio drama allows me to simultaneously experience 'This character feels real to me because I've heard their voice' and 'This character feels real to me because I've pictured them myself'.
What the characters are experiencing is both directly presented to me and left to my imagination. There's no page or screen between me and the story. It's there in my ears. It's there in my mind's eye.
There's a strange sense of intimacy to that, the intimacy of feeling like a fly on the wall during a conversation or of hearing a character speaking as if directly to me. Perhaps it sounds contradictory to say that experiencing a story only through sound allows me to feel uniquely connected to that story, but that's one of the reasons why I love audio fiction so much.
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thegreatcrowdragon · 7 months
What I think Shadow milk’s relationship with the other beasts are like
This is all mostly headcanon so if you don’t like it… don’t look at it I guess-
Eternal sugar: their personalities tend to clash. Eternal sugar is… well they’re sloth, and Shadow milk can be very high energy. There might be some days where they get along, but it’s very rare.
Mystic flour: I think they get along decently well, to the point Shadow milk even helped them with designing the church. Otherwise they don’t really talk much.
Silent salt: you guys aren’t gonna like this one, but I think Shadow milk likes them the least. It’s fun to watch them easily take down entire armies by themself, but otherwise they’re pretty dull.
Burning spice: I think they get along great! I like to think Shadow milk sometimes paints them after they kill a bunch of people. They’re very silly
Headcanons are fun weee
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bubmyg · 11 months
anyway i reiterate the cheesy as fuck sentiment abt having grown up with jeongguk like once a month but hearing him describe how his growth has been a process and he has so many factors to account for in whatever that shift may be just made me sit and reminisce a little like i too cant pinpoint a particular moment as a fan and at the same time, the shy youngest who barely spoke in interviews that i felt instantly adoring to doesn’t feel disconnected or surprising from the soft spoken but quietly confident man i continue to adore today. like there wasn’t some drastic image shift. jeongguk has just been jeongguk, at least as long as ive known him, and i think that’s what makes him so easy to love and root for. i’ve never doubted his sincerity and i think that’s one of his strongest traits as a vocalist: he’s believable and he’s genuine and he’s so passionate abt the art of performing and improving. he so ardently is my forever singer and i continuously feel quite inspired by his growth that has never quite come without an equal, if not greater, amount of suffocating love and tenderness. i greatly appreciate that i have been able to “grow up” loving jeongguk
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artbyblastweave · 1 year
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I find this one from The Onion really interesting because half the gag here is that they're usually more complicated than this. I laughed out loud at this, but there's a level on which this isn't really a good joke in a vacuum. "Our political enemy eats children" is not, like, a complicated or novel swing to take. It's not outside the overton/poe window for an actual accusation someone might make for real about a politician. And if this came from a non-Onion, Onion-inspired satire site, it would feel like they were badly grasping at straws.
But I didn't encounter this in a vacuum- I encountered this while scrolling, where this is juxtaposed against a bunch of articles that are dependent on wordplay or "spot-the-imposter" elements inserted into otherwise plausible headlines. For me, the naked, straightforward over-the-top libel hits like a truck when I've primed myself to have to think about the headline for a second. This feels like the digital analogue to something that I remember the printed editions used to let them do; when you've got a physical layout on paper, you can wedge in some hammerblow gags like this as tertiary headlines in the sidebar, made more impactful because of how something so brazen is downplayed in its placement.
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crochetybag · 4 months
still thinking about letterkenny season 12
Mcmurray being 100% hick in rejecting the degens and Derry for aligning himself with them
Wayne respecting mcmurray’s position because he’s right, they aren’t friends with degens, and if Derry is a degen that means he’s not McMurrays friend
Wayne also knowing those life rules enough to find the out- just like Wayne will help Derry in a fight, even if it’s for a gal who cheated on him, so too can mcmurray help Wayne as a friend, even if it’s for a cause he doesn’t believe in
The way the season shows how radicalization can happen- Derry feels a little disaffected from his community, and warmly welcomed by the degens, and then when he starts to see the cracks in the facade of the degens, he feels like he’s overly committed and can’t go back. The hicks were kinda bad friends to Derry, teasing him too much at the comedy night, and they wanted him to change his wardrobe, but the degens show they want him to change his values, to be proud of being a degen and pressuring him to participate in the shooting game. It’s especially sharp that even when Derry knows he could go back, his pride won’t allow him to. It takes the hicks humbling themselves, being willing to go to Derry even after he’s rejected them, skirting their own code of conduct, and saving him from physical harm to get him back into the fold.
Especially in a show that’s interested in showing realistic but positive portrayals of white masculinity (in contrast to feminity, non-whiteness, and various toxic modes of masculinity), it’s so important that the series shows both good people getting radicalized into a bad group and a path out of that lifestyle, one that takes courage from both the person radicalized and those that love him and want him back.
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fredoesque · 4 months
not against the proliferation of pitch correction in the sense that i think it's somehow ""cheating"" or that i care if someone edits their vocals in any way but incredibly wary of the assumptions that seem to underlie its near ubiquitous use; that the perfectly pitched version of a song is necessarily the most beautiful version and that the most beautiful version is necessarily the artistically superior one. assumptions which i feel have terrible implications for both the quality of the art and the self-image of artists
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