#an elliot mood
ryukisgod · 1 year
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ragingstillness · 4 months
Elliot had to shed some things to be ready to be with Olivia romantically. No, not his emotional baggage, trauma, anger issues, his kids or his wife. His hair. Elliot wasn’t worthy of her until the last hair fell. Now bald, he is free
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echo-goes-mmm · 10 months
Ambrose and Elliot #22
Warnings: self-deprecation
The days were getting shorter and colder, which meant the solstice was soon. Which meant solstice parties.
His old master locked him in the closet those nights, so he’d be out of the way. He could hear the drinking and the party games and presents being unwrapped from behind the door.
It meant messes, and it was always his job to clean up in the morning after the guests were long gone.
But this year, he could tell from Master Ambrose’s excited chatter that he wouldn’t be put away for the party. 
“It would be nice if you’d join us,” he’d said, “I know you don’t like talking to others, but just consider it, alright? You can always go upstairs if it’s too much.”
That was fine. He could talk. How hard could it be, right? 
The really hard part was finding a present for Ambrose. Everyone at a solstice party got a present. And he didn’t know anyone except Master Ambrose. It would be rude not to give him something.
He even had the money to buy a gift. But what?
Ambrose had a lot of books. Elliot wasn’t sure he’d be able to get one that Master didn’t already have.
Master Ambrose was running low on incense for his altar, but he’d hadn’t been praying much lately. It would be a bad gift.
Maybe a teapot? Or a kettle? Master liked tea, but didn’t have either one. He used a pot on the stove for one cup at a time. It was silly to think Elliot was smart at all, but surely it would be better to make lots of tea at once? He drank so much of it.
Both, then. Something pretty; dark blue to match his favorite mug.
Elliot went to put the broom away. He liked thinking when he swept. But sweeping time was over. Everything was clean from top to bottom. 
Well, except for Master’s room and all the laundry. He still wasn’t really allowed to clean up there, or wash any clothes. He wondered a little about that. Not that it was any of his business, but laundry was boring and he couldn’t see why Master insisted on doing it himself when he had a slave who could.
Right, thinking time was over. 
He glanced out the window. It wasn’t snowing, but it had last night and the pristine white still lay on the ground. 
Elliot hated snow. Ambrose had told him that there was probably going to be snow either on the ground or in the air all winter. Gross.
He’d have to go out into it. Walk into town, find the general store that was full of solstice goods, buy the kettle and teapot, and walk back. In the cold.
In the cold where he could freeze to death or lose fingers or toes or get horrifically sick again. And Master wouldn't have his solstice present and would have a body to bury. If he was worth burying.
Master had said he was proud of him. That he was getting better. Elliot didn’t feel brave, but if Ambrose said it, it must be true. Would he be even more proud if he had gone out into the snow?
Either way, next year he’d go buy the present before the cold came. If Master Ambrose still had him by next year.
Elliot trudged upstairs and gathered the loose pile of gold coins he put in his sock drawer. He placed them into the pouch of his belt, one by one, trying to delay going out. Unfortunately he only had so many coins, and the snow was still there. 
Elliot chewed the inside of his cheek. He pulled the heavy coat from the wardrobe and wrapped it around himself. He yanked on his boots and tugged on the gloves and mittens Katie made for him.
He thudded downstairs a little, unused to the weight of wool. But he made it out the door, and it wasn’t… so bad.
Okay it was awful, but Master needed a solstice gift. 
He walked down the road, avoiding the slush on the ground. His boots were leather and waterproof but he didn’t like risking it.
The snow was pretty, even if it was horridly cold. He paused to look at the untouched fields and branches of evergreens. They were so white and the light sparkled off the icicles.
If only snow came in a warm version.
He wanted to take in a little more of the view, but he could feel eyes on him. Staring. 
It was a small town and he was still a stranger here. Maybe the solstice party could change that. 
Best to move on anyway.
He came to the store quickly enough. The window was decorated in evergreen and paper flowers that mimicked spring plants. Candles too, but they were unlit.
The whole point of the solstice was to coax in spring and give presents and throw parties to keep people happy through the empty days of winter. Spring would come no matter how many paper and fabric flowers people made, but the fun was nice. Or so he heard through the closet door.
He browsed through the aisles, looking for the kitchen items among the bits and bobs of toys and fancy things.
Elliot wasn’t sure if the party would work on him. Nothing much had ever made him happy. 
He looked at the funny bottles of perfume. All perfume bottles were strange to him. Just be normal glass bottles instead of in the shape of bows or shoes or stars. Weird and impractical.
“Hi, can I help you find something?” 
“Oh. Um,” Elliot turned to find the voice. A woman with graying brown hair smiled at him. “Hello.” 
Maybe making conversation would be harder than he thought. 
“Uh, where are the tea sets?” 
“Right over here.” She led him to the next aisle over, and sure enough it was full of ceramics.
“Thank you, ma’am.”
“You’re welcome, sweetie. Are you getting some solstice shopping done?” 
“Yes, ma’am. I’m buying Mas- I mean, Ambrose, a teapot. He doesn’t have one.”
“Ah, I know Ambrose! You must be Elliot, then. I’m Judy. Don’t worry, I'll keep quiet about your gift,” she winked. 
“Thank you, ma’am.” A thought nagged at him. “But, um, how do you know my name?” 
“You know us old folks, we like to talk.” He shifted, uncomfortable.
“All good things, hun,” she reassured. “But I’ll let you get back to your shopping. Happy Solstice!”
“Happy solstice, ma’am.” He waited until Judy left to wrap his arms around himself. It really was hard to talk to people. Being quiet was just so easy. Too easy.
If he wanted Ambrose to be proud of him, he’d have to work harder at it.
He looked at the rows of cups and sugar bowls and creamers and more. Teapots were right at eye level thank goodness. He was too small for things on the top shelves.
They came in many patterns. Mostly flowers and landscapes, occasionally birds and buildings.
Too fussy for Ambrose. He liked the roses and gold pattern, but that was a whole set. He just needed the pot.
Only a few of them were solid colors. 
There was plain white, red, black, green, and blue. The blue didn’t match the dark mug that Master favored. It would clash.
Elliot worried his lip.
Black maybe? No, that would be hard to see in the early mornings and late nights. 
Red didn’t seem like it would go well with the rest of Ambrose’s things. 
White or green?
Green or white?
Which one would make Ambrose happy?
White went with everything, he decided. It could always be painted if Master Ambrose hated it. He’d get a kettle too, just to be sure.
He turned to see a selection of kettles. That choice was easy, they were all copper. He picked up the one with the elegant spout, and got the teapot from the shelf. Cradling it in his arms, he carefully picked his way through the store.
“Would you like these wrapped?” asked Judy at the counter.
“Yes, please, ma’am.”
Judy pulled two boxes from under the counter. She lined the first box with paper and cloth scraps. She gently laid the pot down, removing the lid to stuff balled up paper inside. Judy put the ceramic lid on upside down, and the box’s lid fit snugly over it. 
The kettle didn’t need nearly as much care.
After, she pulled a pretty patterned paper down from a roll attached to the counter. It was green with white dots for the holiday. 
Judy was precise with the paper, none of it was wasted. She tied both boxes with twine, a pretty bow on top.
It seemed like a lot of work, but it was for Ambrose after all. He deserved it.
“Thank you, ma’am.”
“You’re welcome sweetie. Stay warm!” She waved as he left.
Elliot liked Judy. Maybe she’d be at the party. That’d be nice.
He made his way home, the boxes heavy but his heart lighter. 
Ambrose smiled at him as he walked in. “What have you got there?” he nodded at the boxes.
Elliot grinned at him and said nothing. He knew Master was kidding. Ambrose shook his head.
“I guess I won’t tell you about your present,” he joked, “Your loss.” He turned back to his book.
Elliot hid the boxes in his wardrobe. 
He was definitely looking forward to the solstice party.
taglist: @cupcakes-and-pain @secretwhumplair @paintedpigeon1 @whump-blog @whump-em @thingsthatgo-whump-inthenight @starfields08000 @littlespacecastle @mylovelyme @whump-cravings @zeewbee @just-a-whumping-racoon-with-wifi @keepingwhumpwiththekardashians @fanastyfinder @roblingoblin285 @whumpzone @snakebites-and-ink @astrokea @magdalena-writes
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dopestbitch303 · 10 months
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angelamcss · 2 years
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Mr. Robot (2015 — 2019)
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shapituha · 9 months
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Spit in the face huh
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dye-it-rouge-et-noir · 8 months
Version with text + Version without text
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egsreactions · 2 years
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bensonnstabler · 6 months
mister dann florek going for the emmy award for best guest actor with his lil distraction performance there. 10/10
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jupitersmoonsstuff · 1 year
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rutons · 7 months
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hes so Elliot Page
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mushroompollution · 2 months
the maids said that Gilbert came by the house while we were out of town...
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finclgicls · 1 year
@fxcdboys liked for a starter based on the wishlist !
𝗜𝗧 𝗪𝗔𝗦 𝗕𝗘𝗖𝗢𝗠𝗜𝗡𝗚 𝗛𝗔𝗥𝗗𝗘𝗥 𝗧𝗢 𝗞𝗘𝗘𝗣 𝗛𝗘𝗥𝗦𝗘𝗟𝗙 𝗔𝗪𝗔𝗬 𝗙𝗥𝗢𝗠 𝗛𝗜𝗠 , especially when she knew he was right there . a few months ago , when the chance to go on a summer vacation with her best friend and her family had presented itself , clara had all but jumped to the opportunity . it wasn't uncommon for them , not when clara had done so since she was a young girl .
naturally it all changed when by chance , she had matched with her best friend's brother on tinder . of all people . suddenly she wasn't so sure if she should be there , last thing she wanted was to make him think she plotted this somehow , but seeing as not-so-innocent looks had turned to her sneaking away into his room once her best friend was asleep , it felt like she had made the right decision not backing down from it after all .
there she was again . tiptoeing to the upper floor , hoping no one would hear her . hoping she would be silent enough as she opened his bedroom door with a smile on her lips and excitement in her bones , soon occupying her place on his bed , ginger hair thrown to the back as to not block her view of him . " you're slowly but surely getting in the way of my nice nights of sleep , your sister almost pulled an all nighter on me today . "
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punkass-diogenes · 1 month
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Dead Ringers (2023) // James S.A. Corey, Leviathan Falls // Ferris Bueller's Day Off
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doodlboy · 2 months
I am!!! about to quit my other job!! Bc I can't do this anymore!!
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lusz8 · 2 months
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