#an irradiated person will never glow
nerdygoth77 · 3 months
Some of my favorite Porter Gage lines!
“Keep your irradiated ASS away from me” 
“Piss me off and I’ll still kick your ass from here to the Atlantic.” 
“Sure was fun! Huh Boss?” 
“I ain’t got the brains for mazes” 
“How's it go? “This town ain't big enough for you and me?” Awh nevermind :(“ 
“Ain't no way people paid for this shit, I refuse to believe it.” 
“Who the hell's idea of fun was this shit?”
“Ever feel the tiniest bit hurt that the institute hasn’t tried to replace you with a synth? I mean c’mon! I’m important. I-I’m worth replacing......” 
“Think about it…. If beer is still good after two hundred years.. Is it really something worth drinking?” 
“Personally, wouldn’t ever trust anyone to knock me out with gas or whatever, even if they claimed they were going to help.” 
“Can you imagine… having so much extra shit you’d need someplace to store it all” 
“Not paying ATTENTION-” (I fuck up a lot and trigger traps LOL)
“Not a big fan of being underground, so the sooner we wrap this up the better.” 
“Once upon a time, I suppose folks had nothing better to do than sit around outside”
“Greeaaat, because I ain’t seen enough trees and grass.” 
“Like I hadn’t already seen enough glowing shit to last a lifetime.” 
“Believe it or not, this is more civilized than some places i've lived”
"One of these bugs ever takes me down you tell people I died from trippin’ over my gun, fallin’ off a cliff, anything! It would be less embarrassing.” 
“Places like this….Makes me realize life was mostly shit before the bombs fell” 
“God…. Being in here is soul sucking.” 
“I hope you know where you’re going, I forgot my map.” 
“Least we ain't gotta worry about being hit by a train…..Right?”
“No question that shit was made to last…Maybe the wrong shit but still.”
“Me? I like night time. Something about it just feels right.” 
“You’re a real stunner, ya know that?”
“Are you shittin’ me” 
“Ever seen a dust angel? Bettin’ I could make one.” 
“Shiiiiitt I hate getting weeettt” 
“I’ve got a strong stomach, but ewwugh.” 
“You’re my kind of crazy boss.” 
“Boy do I love watching you work.” 
“Anyone ever tell you….your ass looks great in that vault suit.” 
“Don’t know about you, but I can’t see in the dark.” 
“You’ll always be the overboss of my heart- Hehehehe I couldn’t do it, I couldn’t keep a straight face.”
“Don't mind me, just throwing up a bit in my mouth here.” 
“Damn, I hate insects. Like I needed something else to wipe off my fucking shoes” 
Everything. Just everything he says is wonderful. His voice is so fucking sexy.
"I'm not that big of a dick"
"Bullshit. Without me I'd be scraping your guts off the floor"
"Before you start pissing all over the plan, why don't you take a minute to hear me out."
"You ready to listen?"
"You're one ruthless son of a bitch aren't ya?"
"Awwwhh C'mon :("
"Just give this a chance, you might even have a little fun."
"Tell yuh whut."
"Everything all peachy with our friendly neighborhood psychopaths?"
"Welcome home, boss."
"I knew you had it in you."
"Next, the fun stuff."
"You look like shit."
He refers to getting high as "Getting blitz." LOL
"Well that oughta make things more interesting"
"hehehe OOPS."
"The fun we can have in this thing!"
"That one have pictures in it?"
"I like a good haul as much as the next guy-"
"You sure you got everything? There's a few more rocks you haven't picked up."
"I never had the hands for that kind of shit. Glad you do."
"You got some nimble fingers there huh?"
"You okay?" (When he shows concern?? UGH)
"Well now, would you look at that."
"Oh for the love of-"
"You gonna build me something nice?"
"Lookin good, Boss."
"oooh, gutsy."
"Pretty tough mutt you got there." (Any dialogue about Dogmeat is great)
"Aww, look at how nice and clean this is, and I here am, dirtying the place up." (one of my favorites)
There's so so many more but I didn't want this to get crazy long
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Woe, angst be upon yee
Think about this plot for more than a minute and it'll start to fall apart probably but just uhhh please don't think about it too much😞🙏
So Sosu has been frozen for over 210 years, they came from a world that wasn't as irradiated as the Commonwealth is currently, so, why not give them radiation poisoning?
They feel fine when they first step out but even still, they can just feel things are different, everything, even the air, feels contamimated. Over the many years, most of the radiation has disappeared, people of the Commonwealth have grown a tolerance to the low amount of radiation that still persists, but Sosu being completely new to this world has no such tolerance and even with a radiation suit slowing the process, the poisoning still seeps into them, slowly starting to kill them. At first it's barely noticeable but the closer they get to their goal, the weaker they seem to get.
First true problem presents itself, the Dimly-lit desert- I mean the Glowing Sea. Even with the power armor taking most of the radiation, by the time they get to the insitute, they're severely ill. The fatigue, the effects of the radiation, it's all obvious. Despite never knowing them it pains the Father to see them in such a way, perhaps it was cruel to let them out of their frozen prison.
Nonetheless the institute is smart, has people to deal with what radaway can't heal, and so with time Sosu is cured but it's made clear to them; any trips to Commonwealth are risky, simply put their body can't handle the radiation.
Obviously there are companions that want the Institute destroyed, but I wonder how they'd react to this? Going off of the assumption that they're close to Sosu, just how willing would they be to write their death sentence by demanding them to destroy the only thing that can help them stay alive? The thing that'd let the companion keep their close friend, maybe their lover, alive? How willing would they be to sacrifice the person whose been there for them this entire time, despite Sosu having their own struggles to deal with?
And with X6? Oh with X6 just think about it. Time passes and he's, dare he say, attached to the future leader. Slowly, without his notice, he's started to truly care. How would he take it, hearing other companions, or faction leaders, demand that Sosu does the "right thing" and destroy the Institute, destroy the only place where they can roam free without a hazmat suit, without having to worry about radiation?
He'd be kinda angry about it I think
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realityhelixcreates · 10 months
Beta, Theta, and Me: Iron Dust
Chapters: 12/?
Fandom: Thor (Movies), Avengers (Movies) Marvel Cinematic Universe
Rating: PG
Warnings: Swearing, Homelessness,
Relationships: Loki x Reader (But not right now)
Characters: Tony Stark, Loki(Marvel)
Additional Tags:  A/B/O, Sorta, More Of An Exploration Of Life And Self Expression Within An A/B/O Framework, Loki Does What He Wants, But Loki Does Not Actually Do What He Wants, Antagonistic Bosses, Loki Has A Throne Now, But It’s Not What He Wanted
Summary: A discussion of the red planet.
Coincidence was a hell of a thing. It could pass as luck, blessings, or curses. It could make a person believe in fate, for all the horror that concept held. In your case, it kept leading back to Mars.
Walking past a magazine rack on the way to the closest bodega, confronted by the big rusty orb on the cover of a science magazine. Speculation on Twitter about some billionaire stunt rocket plan. Getting back on to youtube after a year gone, and the algorithm not knowing what to do with you, and so dropping a whole video about the planet on the front page.
So you watched a bald British man with glasses and a beard speak at length about the legendary red planet, and you wondered. Just how plausible was it? Loki moved more freely now. It was clear that he no longer needed you in the bath, and he hadn't asked you back for a while. It was just as well. He had been sharing access to his body under false pretenses, and if he no longer felt comfortable with that, it was better for him to withdraw, rather than pretending that there was something there that wasn't. Being a maid, helping Loki out while he healed, were things you could do. Any more than that though...you'd just never been capable, no matter how much you tried. It was better not to hope anymore, even if you sort of missed the intimacy of scrubbing his scarred back. It was better not to be put in that position anymore, if it was only going to breed disappointment. It was always going to happen. Loki was always going to get better, and need you less. That was the goal, after all. And you would move on, get another job, get on with your life. But you couldn't help but wonder. About what else might be possible. About Mars. Something inside humankind led you toward exploration. You wanted to know. Dinner was grilled cheese sandwiches, with tomato soup and roasted potatoes. Loki didn't need help eating anymore, but still preferred that you share a table with him. That was fine; you needed companionship just as much as Thor has said Loki did. “So...” you said over a plate of cookies. “Tell me about Mars. How can you possibly make it work? I saw a video today that says its core has stopped moving. The center has cooled off. There's no magnetic field. The whole planet is irradiated. What can you do with that?” A cautiously pleased expression smoothed Loki's features. “Well, it is a case of finishing what your star system started, right? We surveyed each of the planets on our way into the system-and my, this star is crowded, isn't it? There is great potential all around, and Mars is no different. You are correct that the core is no longer spinning enough to produce a strong magnetic field. But the core is not solid. The planet is not solidified; it does have a liquid core, and at least part of the mantle is still liquid as well. There is seismic activity. There is weather. There is water. We can work with all these things
You know our technology is different than yours, yes? I'm not certain I can explain it so that you can understand.” He held a hand up at your scowl. “Not for any lack of intelligence on your part. Do you think you could explain to an alien exactly how your electricity works? How your coal becomes lighting, and how you harness that lightning into wires, and how it knows how to make a light bulb glow, or a refrigerator cool, or a clock to tell time? I can no more tell you how we tamed light, but we did. It is an even more pure form of energy than your electricity, and produces no waste. It can be concentrated into an even greater force than your neglected nuclear energy, though...I feel there is some overlap. With a large enough focusing device, we can burrow deep into the planet and heat the core back to melting point.” “Bullshit.” You interrupted. “There's no way. It's way, way too big.” “From a human point of view, perhaps. We are used to planning on the scales of centuries, of planets and moons. This may be unthinkable to you. To us, merely challenging. And if we can build something on the scale of our original Bifrost, we could actually do it quite quickly.” “Well...What about the rest of it? The atmosphere? The soil? It's all...” what was the word they had used? “Regolith. Not real soil, just tiny rocks. And radioactive.” “Oh, we know how to clean and regulate things like that. Atmosphere as well, and water too. Here, you have seen the late, great Asgard in your magazines, have you not. Or online?” “That flat earth-looking thing? It wasn't really like that though was it? Planets are round. There's no other way for them to be.” Loki leaned back. “There is where you misunderstand. Asgard was a realm. That does not mean the same thing as planet. Asgard was as much a built thing as this tower, put together with resources from around its star system. We are very well versed in this kind of thing. Atmosphere can be tricky, but that is where the light comes in. You see, we've figured out how to arrange photons in such a way that they become a semi-solid-enough to hold an atmosphere in. It was one of the reasons Asgard was called the Shining Realm.
And before you ask, no, we are absolutely not going to share this technology with Earth. Not yet. You people cannot even free yourselves from fossil fuels, and your first notion upon splitting the atom was to destroy cities. You'll blow up the entire galactic arm. No, you must wait.”
Well. You couldn't really protest that. He was absolutely right. Humankind would trip all over themselves with tech like that, like homicidal children.
“So we will start with little bubbles around our habitations. Build mostly underground. To begin with, anyway. We will gather the tholins your star system has in such abundance, and add them to the regolith within these bubbles. We will also filter every single scrap of organic material, leftovers, waste, shed skin cells, hair, fingernail clippings, all of it, and add that in as well. That is what makes soil, after all. Dead things. There are many types of extremophile bacteria and fungus on this world. I'm sure they will thrive in our dirt pits. We might even be able to transport garbage from this planet, and use it in ways you are unable. You already dump your waste on other countries, after all, it's not as if anyone here really wants it.”
“What about humans?” you asked. “On Mars.”
“What about you, you mean? Well, there would of course be 'special habitat' just for you.”
“You mean, like I was in a zoo?”
“All your needs met. Plenty of enrichment for your enclosure.” He chuckled. “Admired by all who saw you.”
“We used to keep other humans in zoos you know.” you said glumly.
He laughed aloud. “Disgusting!”
“Agreed. Is that what you have planned for me?”
“Not at all. I was merely teasing. No, you would still attend to me as I saw fit, and that means you would inhabit the very best hole in the ground. Metal walls and furnishings, plenty of light, mineral pigments. Mars is rich in its own resources, much like Earth. They were clearly very alike once. We will be able to create water features indoors to control humidity.”
“That sounds kinda wasteful.”
“Not so wasteful as the blood erupting from your nose from the extreme dryness. No, do you not remember what I just said about recycling everything? That includes the very air we breathe, and the water within it. I do not mean to make it sound as if this will be anything other than a grueling, challenging endeavor for as long or longer than you might be alive. Whether the pros outweigh the cons will be up to you.”
You leaned back in your chair.
“So...cons. Let's see.” you began ticking off on your fingers. “Very restricted movement. Like, there's no way I could just pop out for a nice stroll. I won't see the sky, or sunlight much at all. It'll be really cold all the time. Food and water will be restricted. There'll be basically no commodities. And it'll still be really dangerous on top of all that. Kinda sounds like it'll suck, actually.”
“There is certainly all of that.” Loki admitted. “What pros can we come up with then? For one thing, you will not die in the endless parade of natural disasters brought on by climate change. You will be on the cutting edge of a new frontier. I hear humans like that. To be the first of your kind to set foot on that world. How long have you all stared at that little pink dot in the sky and dreamed? Wondered? Does it not quicken the blood to know it is within reach?”
You couldn't really deny that. Though you knew it was a dry, dead place of endless cold and red dust, it was still...
And if it really could be transformed...you might live long enough to see that begin. To see the first flower on Mars.
“Also, you would no longer be under the jurisdiction of any Earth authority. So there is that.”
“Nah, just a fucking monarchy. As if that's any better.”
Loki spun his hand in a circle, a gesture he'd had to pick up instead of shrugging.
“I can name a few ways in which it would be better for you, specifically. For one thing, no Asgardian ever goes unhoused. It would be a blemish upon our entire society! No, for every body, a bed, for every hand, work of some kind. We do not leave our own behind like that. The sickness of your society will not be able to reach far enough to catch you. And as a part of my entourage, no one would dare trouble you.”
“I don't know if I want that.” you said. “I mean, being safe just because I'm associated with you. My value as a person can't only be tied to you.”
“You think it is?”
“The way you're describing it. That others would treat me well just because of who you are.”
“Ah. Personal worth. Naturally. Well, Asgard is not a utopian society either, even as I have described it. However, the differences I've laid out still stand. We are older, more advanced in many ways. We are also a different species, with a different evolutionary path. Many of the things you fear simply are not a thought for us.”
“How do you mean? The things I fear?”
“You hate this mockery of meritocracy your world has been built on, do you not? That the Alphas of your species run everything, dominate everything, and it isn't because they've been trained to. It isn't because they've earned it. No, it is merely because they are Alphas, and nothing more. Most don't even know how to lead. They view control and domination, and endless battle between themselves as 'protection'. They aren't taught anything, they're just expected to be able to do it by nature. No one asks if that's what they want. No one asks if someone else might be better. They are poisoned by the very power structures they fight to keep in place.
We don't do that. Our Alphas pack-bond. We form a network of support and protection. Rivalries exist, and the power structure is hierarchical, true. But this self destructive competitiveness, where your Alphas can barely stand to be in the same room with one another seems barbaric from our perspective.”
You wanted to argue, but 'barbaric' seemed a tame description in the face of human history. You didn't have all that much trust for Loki's description of his own people's merits. It sounded just too much like 'Our glorious culture vs. their savagery' type talk.
Then again, they were evolutionary different. And could it really hurt that much to try something new?
Maybe. If things got out of hand here, you could just walk out. There was no walking out of fucking Mars. That was a real commitment. But the thought of reaching the red planet before anyone else, before any billionaire, any Avenger, even NASA...it was so tempting. To track down the rovers, dust them off and wave at the cameras. To make everyone know you meant something. It was so, so tempting.
But what would it really prove?
That you were important? A pioneer? An explorer? You weren't.
You'd just be riding the coattails of someone greater, who let you tag along.
You were only here by coincidence. You'd just gotten yourself out of the gutter. It wasn't the time to be getting stars in your eyes.
Loki seemed to catch on to your inner conflict. He reached for another cookie.
“You do not have to make any swift decisions, you know.” he said. “The work will be years in the planning. We aren't leaving soon. You will have time to examine all your thoughts on the matter.”
“Good, because I definitely have some.”
“Care to talk them out?”
You shook your head.
“Not yet. Let me try to get my mind organized first. I might figure some things out on my own.”
Loki leaned back in his chair.
“Take your time. You have plenty.”
Which weirdly made you feel like he might be lying.
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unholycourier · 10 months
I was just doing my ocs asks and then realized I accidentally deleted the one I was going to send you HELP For Lecter:
18. their opinion on lying, stealing, and killing?
32. do they have any habits that aren't particularly self-destructive, just maybe odd?
33. if applicable, how would your other characters describe them? i mean specifically the people around them.
34. how would your character describe themselves? it doesn't have to line up with how they really are.
HNSHNSHM IT DO BE LIKE THAT; i did it a couple times before and i just had to sit down for a sec like 😭
thank you for the ask!! :3c
18. their opinion on lying, stealing and killing?
lecter is a goody two shoes but his feelings are complicated on the matter. while he hates the idea of killing the most, he understands that stealing and lying is just… how things are in the wasteland, sometimes, things you have to do to survive, even though he feels terrible doing either to the point he eventually ends up telling the truth whenever he lies, and has never dared steal something in his life. killing, on the other hand, is an even worse complicated matter for lecter. he knows people have to kill in self defense, but he hates the fact that’s just how it is. he hates raiders, but also understands that they’re trying to survive in a harsh wasteland, but he can’t bring himself to look past their senseless plundering and killing. he doesn’t like killing them, either, even though he himself has to in order to survive. overall, he’s not a fan of anything considered criminal and ill intentioned.
32. do they have any habits that aren’t particularly self-destructive, just maybe odd?
lecter certainly has a number of odd habits! he’s a very curious person and has the terrible habit of poking dead animals in the name of scientific research. he’s an animal lover and adores cataloging both new and old; sometimes, however, it backfires. for example; one time, he disturbed one of those shark dolphins you see beached up on the shores of the commonwealth and, due to his poking, it kinda exploded on him.
another habit is his continuous wandering off. sometimes, people will look away for a couple of minutes and he’ll just be somewhere else or gone entirely. also leads to him sneaking up on people on accident.
lastly, to those that don’t know he’s a synth, he might seem entirely careless about his well being when he walks into highly irradiated zones or areas. in reality, he just doesn’t suffer from radiation at all; so he just sort of saunters into toxic barrels, the glowing sea or the fog like that’s a normal thing to do.
33. if applicable, how would your other characters describe them? i mean specifically the people around them.
lecter would certainly be described as a little oddball guy who is surprisingly very vocal when it comes to witty, sassy remarks, by most of my characters. those who know him less, though, see him as more of a private guy who just simply likes to keep himself, which is also accurate!
34. how would your character describe themselves? it doesn't have to line up with how they really are.
lecter used to describe himself as a fraud, a dead man walking. finding out he replaced the original lecter tanked his confidence and self worth, but later on he healed and embraced this new him— he definitely thinks he is an oddball, as my other characters would describe him, and he embraces it! but despite that, he thinks he is just a simple, peaceful man with curious and artistic aspirations.
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denimbex1986 · 1 year
'The logical reason that Christopher Nolan’s new movie Oppenheimer does not depict the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki that were the fruit of title character J. Robert Oppenheimer’s secret operations at Los Alamos and elsewhere is that the movie sticks hard to its title character. A man who heard about the bombings on the radio just like everybody else in the United States did. Nolan’s movie gives the viewer the world through Oppenheimer’s eyes — while the movie does depart from the character’s perspective to move its frame story forward, it’s never directly about anything but the man and, more importantly, what he did.
For some this puts the movie at a disadvantage…but in terms of what? In terms of spectacle? If any filmmaker could get financing and summon the technical wherewithal to actually depict fiery carnage on a scale of Hiroshima’s, it’s certainly Nolan. And while the filmmaker himself hasn’t cited moral or ethical concerns when discussing his withholding of these sights from his movie, such issues are summoned and given a thorough albeit indirect airing out in two films by the French director Alain Resnais.
The first, and most obvious, is, well, Hiroshima, Mon Amour, Resnais’s first feature, directed after he made a decade’s worth of innovative non-fiction short films. The 1959 fiction film was written by Marguerite Duras, the groundbreaking French writer whose experimental fictions were rife with philosophical and intellectual challenges. The subject of Hiroshima, Mon Amour is of trauma, historical and personal.
The movie, in black and white and Academy aspect ratio, opens with a negative image of a plant growing, perhaps, as we’ll infer later, a mutated, irradiated one. Then we see naked limbs and flanks, components of a couple in embrace. Sand pours on to their bodies. Soon it starts to glow; is it sand, or a form or radioactive dust. A man’s voice says “You saw nothing in Hiroshima. Nothing.” 'A woman’s voice insists that she has seen Hiroshima. She’s been to its hospital: “The hospital in Hiroshima exists. How could I not have seen it?”
She describes, and the camera echoes with physical evidence, what she’s seen: The Hiroshima museum, with its “bouquets of bottle caps” — objects fused together in the nuclear fire of the explosion — and the hair that fell out of the heads of those who weren’t killed in the vicinity that day, and the photos of actual burn victims. But the man insists: you saw nothing. She says “The reconstructions were as authentic as possible. The films were as authentic as possible.” And again, Resnais shows simulations of the survivors of the blast (a couple of briskly moving tracking shots of fake burn victims), and then puts in actual documentary footage of people with missing eyes, twisted limbs, and more.
“As authentic as possible?” Exactly. What, in these circumstances, does authentic even mean? To what extent does the information we are being given correspond to the reality of what happened? Hiroshima, mon amour strongly suggests that such films, however “accurate” or “authentic” (two entirely different categories of course), have nothing really to do with direct experience of trauma. And that such documents are perhaps the akin to the graven images that Mosaic law prohibits, in that there is the possibility that we might elevate them in a vain attempt to transcend or ameliorate trauma.
“The illusion is so perfect that tourists weep. What else can tourists do,” the woman says near the end of an over ten-minute sequence on the question. “What else was there to weep over,” the man asks, and eventually the movie tells us. The woman (Emmanuelle Riva) is French, the man (Eiji Okada) is Japanese, and neither is named in the film. Not naming your characters was a thing in arty postmodern literature and film at this time (the same thing happens in Resnais’ next film, Last Year At Marienbad, another study of reality, memory, and what can be known, albeit a much more abstracted treatment), but here it’s crucial to the movie’s final point, delivered in its last lines. In any event, their love story began with a bar pickup in a post-war Hiroshima, where she, an actress, is playing a nurse in a fictional movie about the bombing’s aftermath. “It’s about peace,” she shrugs when the man meets her on the set. “Here in Hiroshima we don’t make fun of films about peace,” he says. A few extras pass them, carrying signs bearing enlarged photos of burn victims. The couple is obscured but are laughing when they’re revealed again.
This feels insane — how can we behave as we do, with images of such suffering being paraded before us? In part it’s because those images cannot make us know suffering.
The movie’s larger question outside its historical context has to do with the possibility of love, and what love can achieve for both individuals and humankind, if anything at all. While it may seem so at first, the movie doesn’t abandon Hiroshima to tell the story of the female character and her own personal World War II trauma; it tells that story to demonstrate what she carries, and to demonstrate that what we all carry is inextricably tied up with our ability to empathize, as far as it goes, and the film insists that it can only go so far.
Throughout the film, we distinguish between recreations, acted drama, and footage of real events, and unconsciously assess the weight of each form as we’re also processing the narrative of the love story.
“The whole world rejoiced. And you rejoiced with it,” the man says to the woman about the bombings that did, after all, put an end to World War II. This was the world’s shame, and not just the West’s shame — do you think that China and Korea were sorry to see Japan’s days as a military power come to an end? The scholar and historian Paul Fussell shocked America’s more guilt-ridden intellectuals with his early ‘80s essay “Thank God for the Atom Bomb.” From the point of view of a U.S. soldier who was spared having to fight in the Pacific Theater, the atrocity was indeed a godsend. (Believe it or not, the British blues rock band The Groundhogs actually beat Fussell to articulating that sentiment with its song “Thank Christ For The Bomb,” from the 1970 album of the same name.)
To see suffering on the Hiroshima scale meticulously recreated through performance and special effects — would this help us, decades on, to resolve any of these contradictions? The answer to the question, according to Duras and Resnais, is that had Nolan chosen to somehow “recreate” the bombing of Hiroshima, we, the viewers, would really see nothing. I think they’re right. In any event, Oppenheimer finally is about something altogether different: the reality that men of science, completely rational beings supposedly, have enabled mankind’s potential instantaneous extinction. This is indeed unprecedented.
If we want to continue to think about the ethics of re-creation and depiction, though, It’s useful to think about it relative to another 20th century calamity. If the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, while taking a staggering number of human lives, demonstrated the cataclysmic — indeed, apocalyptic — potential of nuclear weapons, the Holocaust, with its six million dead, demonstrated that the horror of man’s inhumanity to man is alas inexhaustible. In 1956, Resnais made Night and Fog, one of the first and most important Holocaust documentaries. The 32-minute film begins with color footage of death camps as they were 10 years or so after liberation — empty, overgrown with grass, still. Resnais’ camera dollies down a railroad track, following the path the trains packed with Jews marked for extermination did. Narrator Michel Bouquet says (the script is by Jean Cayrol, a poet): “we move slowly along…looking for what? Traces of corpses that fell out when the doors opened? Or of those herded at gunpoint to the camp’s gates amid barking dogs and glaring searchlights, the crematorium’s flames in the distance” — and here the camera gets to the very end of the tracks — “in a nocturnal spectacle the Nazis were so fond of.”
While the film uses horrific archival material, it also insists that in revealing the camps as they stand at the time of filming, “we can only show you the outer shell.” As, for instance, the fingernail scratches on the ceilings of the crematoria. The narration pauses to let the viewer consider how these came to be. The Nazis destroyed as much documentation on the death camps as they could once the war was lost and the Allies were on their way (and much documentation had been trashed even prior to that), but Night and Fog is also asking “How much do you need to see, anyway?” Because memory will recede. The gods of war are only pretending to be asleep. Looking at such images and relegating them to the past yields a comfort that is ultimately false. “We pretend to regain hope as the image recedes, as though we’ve been cured of that plague,” the narration states near the movie’s end. Resnais’ approach helps us understand why Claude Lanzmann included zero archival footage in his astonishing Holocaust film Shoah.
As for fictional treatments of the Holocaust, the genie of depiction got out of the bottle quite some time ago. For many, to orchestrate a simulation of such atrocities is itself an obscenity, although good luck convincing a Life Is Beautiful fan of this. Writing about Night and Fog in his 1995 book Flickers, the novelist and critic Gilbert Adair also turned his attention to Steven Spielberg’s 1993 Schindler’s List, and after saying the picture was “not at all the disgrace that one had every right to expect,” he nevertheless deemed it “a monstrosity.” After which he grimly mused on the performative recreation of death camp horrors: “[W]hat I see when I watch the film, what, hard as I try, I cannot prevent myself from seeing, is that cast being put through its paces on some foggy, nocturnal location, put through its paces by the boyishly handsome director himself in his snazzy windcheater, his red N.Y. Yankees baseball cap, his granny glasses and his beard. I see him blowing into his cupped hands and pointing a gloved finger as directors do. I see the bony, skeletal extras, in striped pajamas or else stark naked, laughing and joking and jostling one another (why not? It’s their right) while waiting for a new shot to be set up. I see the makeup artists…” and so on. Let us not allow Adair’s feverish projection (Spielberg doesn’t wear Yankees caps, for one thing) obscure his larger point: Some things, finally, just should not be acted out.
Did this notion inform Nolan’s decision? Maybe not as much as we’d like to think, given that the dramatic structure of the film doesn’t allow for an easy departure across the world to begin with. But in the end, incineration by nuclear blast is depicted as Oppenheimer’s nightmare vision of just one person. A Los Alamos worker played by Nolan’s own daughter, Flora. Who is a film student of college age, so chill.'
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malicemuffin · 7 months
Lies that the moon cult and other conspiracy theorists believe about Celestials:
You can get radiation poisoning by being near a Celestial (no).
Celestials can set you on fire if they look at you with their glowing eyes for too long (no).
Celestials intentionally don't solve the Shard issue because it would lesson their importance in society (no).
Celestials can give you fevers/make you sick just by touching you (no).
Celestials can kill you if they raise their own internal temperature high enough (this one is true).
It's not true that Shards can only be killed by a Celestials; Celestials just say that so people won't realize we don't need them (I mean yes but also no).
Celestials have x-ray vision that allows them to see through clothes (no).
Celestials are all very manipulative and you can't trust a thing they say (Celestials are just people and aren't inherently any kind of personality).
Some Celestials can kill people just by thinking of their target but only if they know that person's name and face. Because of this, you should never give a Celestial your true name and you should hide your face from them if you can (no???).
There is a Celestial civil war going on that isn't being talked about in the media (this one is true).
Celestials want to solve the Shard problem by culling the world's human population until it's 1/3 it's original size (this one is true but it's only the Orion stars and it's also the reason for the brewing civil war because most Celestials think this is insane and horrifying).
Celestials trying to install fancy new tech is just them being lazy and trying to avoid doing their jobs (no.)
Celestial tech can give you radiation poisoning and you should destroy it if it's installed in your city (no.)
Celestial tech can sterilize people who live too close near it (no.)
Celestial tech can give you scurvy (no.)
Celestial tech is ugly and reduces property value (this is true).
People who get infected don't ALWAYS die horrible deaths, Celestials just say that so you have to go visit them and give them money to be healed (this IS NOT TRUE AND KILLS LOTS OF PEOPLE EVERY YEAR IN-UNIVERSE).
Some Celestials want to drink blood and are cannibals (no???).
Celestials aren't actually humans and are actually aliens trying to take over the planet (no).
Celestials are actually demons who are the true killers of the Moon God and they want to usurp the Sun god (no).
Celestials want to be worshipped and look down on humanity (it's true for some of them but not most).
Celestials are weaker when you can't see their stars and that's why they want to put an end to light pollution (no, light pollution + bad weather can effect shard behavior and Celestials want to keep those monsters as consistent as possible).
Like real life conspiracy stuff, these aren't meant to always make sense and some of them contradict each other, but also some of them kind of make sense.
A common one throughout history was that Celestials are very important but are cursed in a way that doesn't allow them to be near humans too often-- they would "make people sick or cause them to die just by being in their presence." Later this was attributed to radiation poisoning and it was thought that Celestials just passive irradiate people all the time.
It would turn out that this isn't exactly true. Shards give off radiation when they die (as they explode), and since Celestials are always killing shards, they often get hit with this explosion. However, Celestials aren't affected by radiation-- but this does mean that they can carry the residue around.
However all it takes to clean themselves is to detransform and retransform. They're basically good as new. A Celestial who kills a Shard and then walks around a city without detransforming is def dangerous though, but it's drilled into a Celestial's head that they have to detransform every time they kill a monster.
This is one of the reasons that Celestials have to be the ones to kill Shards btw-- just by being nearby, they will absorb all of the radiation blast so that it doesn't spread to the surrounding area and linger for decades.
At the time the story takes place, this information has been discovered and is known world-wide, but there are those who are suspicious of it, superstitious individuals who still don't want to chance it, and the conspiracy theorists who think that Celestials are inherently radioactive and should never be around living creatures.
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decidentia · 8 months
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◈   @chronal-anomaly said: ❛ "Sorry, didn't mean to wake you." Bathed in the glow of the fiery rising sun, Odessa's face softened. Stress lines relaxed, the growl of nightmares long faded by the morning hour and years of hardened labor and stress disappeared. Odessa seemed to be a totally different person in the dawn. Lena wasn't entirely sure when the sketchbook appeared in her hands, when she began highlighting the curve of the woman's lips, the flop of a loose mohawk over her eyes. Something felt vibrant, if temporary, and Lena wanted to capture it for as long as possible. Lena bent over the woman, gazing through her eyelashes at the sleepy but adoring look on the junker. Her face split into a grin as Lena captured Odessa's lips with her own. The sketchbook sat abandoned on the bed beside the former pilot. "Good morning, m'queen." ❜
In that timeless space between sleep and waking, Odessa remembered Lena’s face.  Eternally youthful and pinched with concern, framed by an empty sky of brilliant, blinding blue.  Knurled metal vibrated at her back, while tentative fingers sought her wounds, plugging them.  Still the blood leaked out of her, dripping through corroded holes in the truck bed, making sand curl and bead in a sparse, speckled trail that blazed back to Junkertown.  Odessa wondered, vaguely, if her blood remained deep in the beds of Lena’s nails even now.
No, surely not.  That misadventure had played out days ago, and in the wake of wounds the queen’s life was made to move at a slower pace.  As dawn crept over the horizon, in irradiated shades of carmine and coral, there was nowhere else she needed to be, no business that pressed.  Instead, her sleepy attention was given to her bright-eyed bedfellow.
There was no better awakening, no manner more soothing after a slumber punctuated by nightmares.  Trauma had a way of burrowing into the mind, and in the dark horror seeped from those holes like an infection.  A different kind of bleeding, wounds that could not be sutured and would never entirely heal.  Odessa knew her beloved little bird carried similar scars, that she understood what it meant to live, to lug grief with her.
“G’mornin’ yerself…”
A hazy smirk tugged at the queen’s mouth, scarred lips lifting even as they pursed.  From amidst the body-warm sheets a tanned hand emerged, coming to rest at the nape of Lena’s neck.  Better to have the former pilot come to her, and to hold her there, than to disturb the shrapnel sites.  Linen bindings wound around Odessa’s abdomen, beneath which days-old lacerations were beginning to knit and itch. 
Only once she had her fill of Lena’s lips – kissing her sleepily, adoringly – did her crimson gaze skirt towards what passed for a nightstand.  A grill-faced locker, dented and lustreless, upon which was perched a book.  That was something new.
“Wouldja look at that…” Dez murmured, raising an arm to make room for Lena by her side, should she choose to settle there.  “Didn’t know you kept a diary.”
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catherinek-g · 11 months
Research: Secret Societies and Cults
Children of Atom (Fallout):
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The "Church of the Children of the Atom" is a religious movment which worships Atom, a deity personifying nuclear weapons and is heavily influence by christianity. The members of this community don't see the weapons as being something capable of mass destruction but instead view them as being holy tools of creation because they believe the world was created when an atom split meaning every nuclear detonation creates a many new universes. Most of the groups members put little importance in worldly possession so they tend to have low quality weapons (like makeshift gamma guns) and dress in rags decorated with electrical wires and metal items (representing the atom's nucleus). The main practice of the cult is to spread radiation as far as possible in order to show people how "his glow" can transform and create, even going as far as living life irradiated and dying of radiation illnesses.
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Midsommar (2019 film):
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This films plot is based around a celebration organised by a cult at a commune called (the Hårga) for the Midsummer festival. The main character, Dani, and her friends get invited to this festival with the idea that nothing too out of the ordinary will happen there but they soon realise nothing is as it seems as they get given psychedelic drugs and get made to perform in the cults unethical ceremonies. The member of this cult can be seen wearing uniforms with complex traditional Swedish embroidery on it, relating to the heritage of this celebration. One of the last ceremonies done by the cult involved members of the commune offering 9 human sacrifices in order to purge evil, with Dani (being the May Queen) having to pick who the last sacrifice was. The sacrifices were then given drugs to make the death "painless" and put in a barn which was then set alight whilst the rest of the members mimic the screams of those burning alive.
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The Wicker Man (1973 film):
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In this film, main character Howie (a police officer) is sent to an island to investigate into a missing persons case of a girl called Rowan. When he gets there, he's disturbed by the locals paying homage to pagan Celtic gods and there ancestors as he is a devout Christian. The children in this society also take part in the practises as they are involved in May day celebrations. Under further inspection, Howie finds out that Rowan isn't actually dead but is going to be sacrificed due to the islanders having a bad harvest that year (and her being crowned May Queen) so he stops them and releases her but it's later reviled that she was never going to be sacrificed and the sacrifice was going to be Howie as he fit the criteria for their god. He is then force by the islanders into a giant statue of the "Wicker Man" along with animals and then the structure is set on fire.
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Why should you choose organic food? | Five Element "Food from Heaven" | Best Online Organic Store
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People who have a strong interest in both their personal health and the environment should switch to "organic" due to the possible benefits of doing so. People eat organic food to avoid the toxic chemicals that are present in food produced commercially.
Diet is not really a factor when it comes to organic food. Cancer wasn't a problem for our ancestors because they only ate organic food.
Here are six important reasons to eat organic food
To avoid chemicals
People eat food that has been grown organically to avoid the toxic chemicals that come with food that has been grown commercially.
They Are Non-GMO
GMOs, or genetically modified organisms, are either plants or animals that were artificially generated by fusing the DNA of various species. The finest illustration is corn. To produce its own insecticide, it combines with a bacterium. After the maize is harvested and eaten, the insecticide harms human cells and the intestines while also killing the bugs. The toxin cannot be removed by washing since it enters the crop. Organic food consumption protects your health!
You Eat More Nutrients
Organically grown foods develop naturally and are rich in minerals, vitamins, enzymes, and micronutrients because they are grown in soil that is nourished through sustainable standards such as organic fertilizers. organically grown foods have more nutrients than conventionally grown ones.
It’s Good for Farmers
Agricultural pesticide exposure and the resulting negative health effects are quite likely to affect farmworkers. If neighbors reside close to a large farm, a conventionally managed field, they may also be exposed to pesticides through pesticide drift. Drifting pesticides endanger ecosystems, wildlife, and human health.
Healthy environment
Rebuilding soil health through organic farming also prevents hazardous contaminants from entering our water supplies. Two very crucial resources that are required for growing food are soil and water. Organic farming results in greater biodiversity.
Organic food is never irradiated
The ionizing radiation that is exposed to food products is very strong. This takes place for a predetermined amount of time in a processing room. Food is exposed to radiant energy (electrons, gamma rays, or x-rays) during irradiation with the goal of reducing germs. Radiation is a concern because it is known to cause cancer.
To enjoy the glow of good health, choose organic food today at Five Element “Food from Heaven”.
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bogmommy · 2 years
you know what really grinds my gears??? the misconceptions abt nuclear power and radioactivity
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skepticalarrie · 2 years
Allie whenever you're free can you tell us about your experience... How you felt... I have never been to a concert so I love reading how it feels to be there!!
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Hi!! 🥹🥹 Oh my god… about Louis, there’s not much left to be said, I feel like I would be repeating what everyone says all the time. He’s absolutely amazing on stage, he glows, he’s beautiful, his voice is angelical, his band is amazing!!! I’m so so so so proud of him, it’s incredible to actually be part of something like that. I feel like my heart could burst at any moment, he deserves everything!
About the experience and the fandom as a whole, I think I have more to say about that, all my previous experiences were very different from this one. I attended to one previous 1D show in Brazil and the others in the UK, and I was never this emerged IRL in the brazilian fandom for such a long time before - I spent around 16 hours waiting in line. So:
- Everyone loves Louis so fucking much, it’s insane to feel this kind of energy irradiating from people. So many people that were passing by and saw fans waiting in line said they would check who this Louis guy was because the fans seemed so passionate about it
- Safe space for everyone 🏳️‍🌈❤️
- Not that easy to spot larries at all. I bet a massive part were larries (not sure if it was the majority though), but I only saw 2 or 3 people wearing more obvious blue and green accessories and that was it. And then when I was inside I noticed a lot of people had Harry or larry on their lock screens and many were raising the flags on lines that are very often associated to that on this side of fandom. But people were very lowkey about it
- Me and @lets-laughagain were absolutely surrounded by antis and “neutrals”, unfortunately LOL Larry and babygate subjects came up and we had to sit there and listen to them talk and ask about Freddie and completely play dumb. I just wanted to dig a hole and stay there forever. It was an experience 🫠🫠🫠
- Young people. I was the older (I’m 30) everywhere I went, except for the parents accompanying their kids.. which was also A LOT people doing that (parents were having the best time and completely passionate about Louis as well ❤️❤️) Average age was between 15-22 I’d guess. At the barricade where I was at I kind of asked around and people were around 15-16, so I was at least twice their age. They called Louis “old” multiple times and I kind of snapped saying I was 30 too and that’s why I was ~playfully~ asking their ages. Also I noticed most people call him “gay” all the time in a very weird way? It’s weird as fuck, man. And everything about the younger people bothered the shit out of me. I knew brazilian fandom was predominantly very young (and that’s why I rarely engage with it), the show I went in 2014 was basically the same but I mean.. that was 8 years ago?! So I was expecting that people were growing up with it lol and not stuck in time with One Direction.
- Speaking of 1D, many people are clearly stuck at that. Which is both a good thing and bad thing, I guess. And that would explain about the age range on the previous topic. But it’s weird because - and that’s just an example - they were really bothered at Louis’ pre-show playlist and asking for people in the venue to change to 1D songs and stuff like that. It’s upsetting because those are the songs Louis likes and that’s where he’s going with his own sound and career and people don’t really seem to understand that.
- No one knew the set list and the lyrics for 7 and Beautiful War LOL I was clearly one of the only person screaming in both songs at the top of my lungs.
- By far the most “aggressive” show I have ever been to.
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babylyctor · 3 years
can John actually control time or am i making things up? trying to reach a conclusion via tumblr posting
so as a theory this is 75% vibes. however there’s some things in the books that give me pause, and i wanted to put together all those bits and see if there’s something there. i’m not totally on board with this idea because it seems too complex to leave entirely to the last book, and i don’t know how it could fit with the rest of the narrative (or do i?) but in any case i keep thinking about it so here’s this way too long post. spoliers for everything
first, this fucking suspicious sentence that’s one of the first things John tells Harrow (Chapter 2, HtN)
"I would let you come back, bit by bit, until you felt entirely ready to wake up. I can’t. I mastered Death, Harrowhark; I wish I’d done the smarter thing and mastered Time. I have to ask you to get ready soon, and so I am going to show you something I hope might … trigger your readiness.”
so this sounds like a really dull complaint on this immortal god’s part but also i don’t trust a single thing out of this man’s mouth, and this would be the exact kind of private joke he would make if he had actually mastered Time (capitalized) too. Also the context in which it’s said, talking about Harrow coming back from her coma, regaigning consciousness, awakening... you get it, oddly relevant theme wise.
then there’s the whole Soup Moment (Chapter 25, HtN), in which John seems to actually stop time maybe? i have doubts about this so lets see what our narrator tells us;
And God said, “Stop.”
The world slowed down. Augustine and Mercymorn stopped, arrested in the act of half-rising from their seats. Ianthe stopped, left arm paused, outflung, to shield her face. You stopped, sitting upright in your chair: your bones somehow rigid and still, and your flesh chilly and rigid around those bones. The shrapnel spray from the Saint of Duty did not stop, [...] But what remained of him stopped too, half man, half rupture—his prurient details hot and white, naked insides clothed with the sinus-drying burst of the power of God.
so here John freezes all the lyctors in place, they’re still conscious, or at least Harrow is, but they have their range of movement almost totally restricted. this is not like Mercy pinching Harrow’s dorsal nerve to paralyze her, this is a completely different feeling, maybe John’s thalergetic powers? it would make sense, all the lyctors are living bodies, they have thalergy and Johs is able to manipulate that, presumably. the bits of Gideon OG cascading down the table don’t stop but that might be John selectively using his powers, or it might be that that’s no longer living flesh.
so we’re saying this could just be John’s super special thalergy magic and nothing else. the first problem though is that technically he shouldn’t be able to use it against his lyctors without touching them, thanks to lyctoral invisibility. in fact when he explodes Mercy’s chest (rip in peace queen) he expressely reaches out and touches her to do so, because presumably he needs to make contact with a body in order to use magic against it, same as Mercy. so that’s a caveat, then there are these descriptions from the same Soup Moment;
You stared down the table at him: at the blank, remote faces of your two nominal teachers—at the frozen ivory stillness of Ianthe, her hair now whitish pink—at space outside the window, where the asteroids themselves seemed to hang in tranquilized arrest.
The Emperor of the Nine Houses stood. The spell, whatever it had been, dropped like a white sun setting.
These seem to imply certain ambiguity. John’s God and all that but i don’t think thalergetic magic should be able to affect asteroids, lifeless space rocks. of course it says they “seem” to hang in tranquilized arrest, not that they are really unmoving, but i think it’s a suggestive sentence all the same, and i’m suspicious of every word Muir writes. The second quote, specifically the highlighted part, is also a bit frustrating. It seems to imply that John isn’t exactly doing magic as we know it, but something else. If it was Harrow narrating we could go further with it, but since it’s Gideon we could simply attribute it to her lack of knowledge and familiarity with magic. However, two sentences after that we don’t have that problem;
The construct gamely clamberign our of the Saint of Duty dwindled to a powder of pink dust. The shard you had been driving up the cervical vertebrae to the base of the spine [...] simply disappeared: destroyed or removed, you could not tell.
This is still Gideon narrating but in this case she’s specifically telling us that Harrow doesn’t understand what John just did, it’s not magic Harrow is familiar with. There’s also the contrast between what we know is a normal process of destroying a construct - reducing it to dust -  vs this mysterious disappearance, that doesn’t really fit into what we know so far about the way thanergy/thalergy work.
so far, nothing conclusive, we know John is really powerful, but we don’t know exactly how, where his power comes from or what it can do. Then there’s the moment he unexplodes himself (Chapter 52, HtN);
White light.
It bleached the insides of your nose and the back of your throat. It hurt coming out your ears. It bled out your eyeballs. It wasn’t a flash of light, more … a suddenness; when it was gone—as though it hadn’t even existed, but had been a luminous hallucination—time stopped.
That light took colour from the room—everyone was a slow-motion cavalcade of greys, of eyes caught widening, of mouths parting in stone-shaded articulations of shock.
It happened in an instant. It happened over a myriad. A wet red construct knitted itself back together, [...]
again that white light that has been associated with thalergy magic and again all these references to time slowing down, stopping or just behaving in strange ways in general. again lots of ambiguity, this could be a thalergy based power - the ability to hold living bodies in stasis, and therefore make everyone feel like time has slowed down - or it could be that John is actually affecting time, maybe even reversing it (?) since he literally un-exploded himself, after Mercy put all her millenia of expertise into atomizing him and reducing him to almost nothing.
is that even explicable with regular thanergy/thalergy based magic? i’m not sure, a regular necro could never do that, a lyctor couldn’t do that. So if John isn’t just an overpowered lyctor what’s the difference exactly? i mean, how do his powers manifest differently from those of every other necromancer we know?
the other person we’ve seen using powerful thalergy magic is Silas. Whenever he siphoned, Gideon describes a similar vacuum sensation to the one that John’s magic also provokes, as well as white light;
As he faded, the pale Silas incandesced. He glowed with an irradiated shimmer, iridescent white, and the air began to taste of thunder. (Chapter 17, GtN)
Gideon felt an internal tug, like a blanket being pulled off in the cold. (Chapter 17, GtN)
Silas clambered to his knees, clasped his fingers together, and the feeling of suction popped the pressure in both of Gideon’s ears. (Chapter 34, GtN)
Silas is nowhere near as powerful as John but siphoning - thalergy based magic, condemned by God - still causes that suction effect and is marked by white light and lightning, just like John’s magic. However, there’s no mention of a time altering effect, no slowing down, no freezing in place, and seeing how both kinds of magic are similarly coded otherwise i find this difference suspicious.
To end this somewhere, two quotes, first, this thing Harrow tells Ortus when they both discuss what it must be like to be a lyctor (Chapter 5, HtN);
“Nigenad, what would be the tragedy in living for a myriad? Ten thousand years to learn everything there is to know [...] What is the tragedy of time?”
honestly to me that sounds like Muir making Harrow say things she will regret later. of course it could be about any of the numerous tragedies in Harrow life but still, gave me pause, specially because it kinda echoes John’s earlier sentiment, wishing he had mastered Time.
finally, a quote that might be totally meaningless and completely off base in this theory or it could round it up perfectly, i haven’t decided yet;
[...] ; yet you prayed all the while knowing Ianthe’s facility for tergiversation would have given the whole universe pause. (Chapter 36, HtN)
we know Ianthe is a girlboss and gaslighting is her thing. However, isn’t this sentence a bit too dramatic to describe Ianthe? doesn’t it sound kinda ominous to you? it definitely does to me, and although it might totally be my Ianthe bias wanting her to play an important part, who is Ianthe hanging out with lately? exactly John God “Jod” the Emperor.
in conclusion, i haven’t reached any conclusion. but i still think there’s something off with John’s powers beyond what we’ve been told, which isn’t much really, and i think there’s something going on with Time within the narrative (that’s another whole post though), and i think these two things are most probably related. but i can’t say i’m 100% sure of any of it. this was fun though. if you made it here thank you so much you’re the best <3
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danses-with-dogmeat · 3 years
romanced hancock reacting to pregnant sole? (obviously not his baby, but a donor's haha)
Hancock x Pregnant! F!Sole Headcannons:
Oh look! I've been enabled yet again! No, but this is great though, I love thinking about happy companions starting a family with Sole ❤
Also, if y'all want any headcannons or anything for companions as parents please hmu, cuz my brain just naturally seems to consider that after doing these pregnancy prompts anyway 😅
Anyway, thanks for the ask, I hope you enjoy!
The ghoul always wondered whether or not his tear ducts would still work after his whole ordeal, and the news that the love of his life was ready and willing to start a family with him would certainly seek to find out. As soon as she gave the word that the donorship had worked, Hancock would be grinning wide and tearfully, with upturned brows and a trembling lip. Unable to speak at first, he would pull an equally tearful Sole into the tightest hug he could muster, their bodies flush, his arms enveloping his love as his roughened cheek pressed insistently against her smooth one. “You just made me the happiest ghoul in the whole damn world, you know that, sunshine?” He’d say just before touching his lips to her cheek in a long, drawn out, tender kiss. (The action may or may not escalate into a long trail of kisses spanning across Sole's entire face as mirthful giggles escape her lips.)
Who would've thought that this was in the cards for him? Certainly not Hancock. He thought he was lucky enough just to be in the presence of someone like Sole, but for her to return the feelings he had for her? To enthusiastically agree to being in a relationship with him? To want to start a family together? Hancock was sure he was dead, or riding the wildest high of his life, for how could this be reality for someone like him? A junkie, a bachelor, a coward, a ghoul, a flimsy torn page with "bad news" written all over it. Nah, he didn't deserve this, but damn was he overjoyed at the fact that Sole thought he did, and who was he to question her judgement?
Hancock had never thought this would be possible, the whole "baby" thing… even though he knew about donors and such, he always thought it would be too painful for Sole to consider having a family again. And with him? Of all the folks in the Commonwealth and beyond, she wanted the infamous ghoulified mayor of Goodneighbor to be a father? To her kid? He was fucking ecstatic. He didn’t quite understand why she wanted to raise a baby with him, why she thought he’d be any good at it, if she thought that. He knew he wouldn’t be the perfect fit for this kinda lifestyle; that he knew for certain, but the fact that she wanted him to try… that shit made his whole body tingle with warm gratitude from the inside out.
He would try to be calm, collected, and altogether nonchalant about the whole process in order to keep Sole relaxed. From finding the donor, to the fertilization, to the pregnancy, and all the way through to Sole going into labor, he would try to be as calm and cool as a November night. And on the outside, he'd do a damn good job, but inside? Nah, inside, this ghoul's worried sick. If anything went wrong with his sunshine, he wouldn't know what to do, he's not sure he could take a blow like that.
So, he’d try not to think too much about what could go wrong, since he knew that would only make it harder for him to be there for Sole in the way that she needed, but occasionally he’d just have those kinda days. A bad trip, a fitful night fraught with horrific dreams, a bout of horrifying overthinking as Sole uttered a pained sound from one little thing or another, or a stint of morning sickness that seemed to last just a bit too long for his liking. All of these would have the poor mayor on edge. Normally, when he was stressed, Hancock would try to chill out with some jet, or calmex, but he really was trying to give up the junkie life to the best of his irradiated abilities. It was a vicious cycle of anxiety every once in a while, but Sole was always there to help him through it. To remind him that this wasn’t her first experience with having a baby, to tell him that he was doing a wonderful job, despite his anxieties, and to remind him that they were the Sole Survivor and the Mayor of fucking Goodneighbor, and that they could face damn near anything when they were together.
Those were only the bad days though. On the good days, oh, hon... Hancock was simply blissful. Sole really is in for a treat, as she is absolutely 100% pampered and loved on, coddled and looked after for 9 months straight, and then some (minus the couple of bad days, where she has to be the one doing the coddling, but really, how could she mind?). As soon as the pair finds out that Sole really is going to have this baby, Hancock is already offering her anything she may need in order to stay safe and comfortable for the next 9 months.
Hancock’s chill personality really shines when it comes to any mood swings Sole may have, and a lifetime of chem and alcohol use has rendered the ghoul particularly skilled at cooking foods that are comforting and easy to make/eat that come in handy after bouts of morning sickness. Who knew that all of his hangover experience would come in handy like this?
While Hancock loves nothing more than going on adventures in the Commonwealth alongside his beloved, he wouldn’t say it in so many words, but would be more reluctant than usual to leave Goodneighbor or Sole’s house. When, before, he would have leapt up at the prospect of hunting down some goons and making the world a better place through some good ole fashioned violence, Hancock couldn’t think of anything worse than having Sole get injured, or potentially losing the one he loves more than anything in the world, and the possibility of a future family with her if some shit went wrong. So, while he absolutely knows she is capable and an complete beast in combat, and he recognizes that Sole can’t stay cooped up indoors for the whole 9 months, (and let’s face it, he certainly doesn’t want to either, but he’s not about to leave his love behind so he can get outta the house once in a while) he definitely steers the pair away from the areas he knows to be more sketchy than others.
Hancock just loves showing Sole off. He did this before the pregnancy as well, but man, now if anyone comes up to the pair when she starts showing, you know Hancock is already beaming as he tells the inquiring stranger just how far along she is, whether it’s a boy or a girl (if they know), or even what they think the baby’s gender is if they don’t want to know/can’t find out, how often the baby has been kicking, and he may even ask for opinions on baby names from certain kind folks who come up to chat with the parents-to-be. It’s also quite likely that he uses these passer-byes as an indirect way to further compliment Sole, saying things to them like, “Doesn’t she look gorgeous?,” “Just look at how she glows,” or “It’s just incredible how you/these ladies do this, isn’t it? Damn it if she's not the strongest person I know,” just to showcase his admiration for her. Does it sometimes result in strange looks from the strangers? Of course. Does Hancock care, or even seem to notice? Not remotely. He's too busy gawking at the love of his life and her blushing, embarrassed glory.
The mayor tends not to be rude about it unless the person ignores him, but if he notices someone smoking nearby, he will ask them to put out whatever it is, or to simply move if he and Sole were there first. In addition to that, he will make quite the lifestyle change for himself, voluntarily giving up chems to the best of his abilities so long as withdrawals don't prevent him from caring for Sole, and when he does partake, Hancock won’t do it around her, he’ll move outside or to another room. He would also offer to give up alcohol, since he knows that she won’t be able to drink with him anyway, and leave it up to her if she wants him to go cold turkey like her. Even if she doesn’t mind, he still won’t drink in excess around her during her pregnancy. It's kind of a respect thing for him, and there ain't no one he respects more than the future mother of his child.
(little bit of NSFW content here) When it comes to sex, Hancock is even more generous than usual in the bedroom (if you can believe it's possible). His every movement acts as a tribute to his appreciation for the woman he loves more than life itself. He’d be sure to be gentle, but in all honesty, Hancock wouldn’t change anything too much (no need to fix what ain't broken, ya know?). He has always paid particular attention to Sole beneath the sheets, since he’s quite experimental, and comfortable with most kinks and things himself, so he tends to let her choose positions, location, duration, and pacing, and would definitely keep it this way during the pregnancy. You think this man used to really get into body worship before, this is just a whole nuther level. As Sole puts on weight later into her pregnancy, he takes full advantage of her swelling plushness, running his hands over her body, taking the time to squeeze and palm every bit of her growing softness, constantly complimenting every bit of her as his starving eyes eat up every inch of her beauty. Especially if Sole is self-conscious about any of the changes in her body, Hancock will be sure to constantly remind her that she’s the most captivating and gorgeous person he’s ever met. No stretch mark appears on her body without being lovingly kissed, no soreness will develop without the offer of a nice, long massage (this perhaps is just another excuse to get his hands on her), no tenderness will go unnoticed and will be accounted for when his hands are roaming her body. In general, he’s as loving and doting as ever, but he's also on high alert for any signs of pain or discomfort coming from his other half.
He’d be SO excited every time the baby kicked. For some reason, the babe seems to wait until he’s around to do it, and he’s thrilled. Sole is a little weirded out by it, but she honestly takes it as a good sign. But oh man, Hancock's hands will be all up in that shit, not wanting to miss a thing as Sole smiles at him like this isn't the fourth time this has happened in one evening (does he use this as yet another excuse to touch Sole? Hmm, who knows [the answer is yes]). Sometimes he forgets to be sympathetic when Sole can't sleep due to the fluttering in her belly, but his roughened hands smoothing rhythmically over her stomach throughout the night might just help her catch a few Zzs after all.
He’s admittedly quite nervous as she approaches labor, becoming ever more protective as her belly swells to its largest point, ensuring she avoids any kinda gun fight, crazy high heights or unneeded stress, and he would be adamant about Sole sitting out any outings, missions, or other activities in the dangers of the Commonwealth. But man, would he make an environment she didn’t want to leave. Pillows, snacks, dim lighting, good conversation, music, soft touches, compliments galore, and a man who is at her constant beck and call, willing and happy to do anything and everything she might need or want? Yeah, here’s to say, Sole didn’t really want to leave anyway.
By the end of the pregnancy, Hancock has a strange mix of apprehension and denial going on. He’s used to Sole being pregnant now, he knows how to deal with everything, how to take care of her, what makes her uncomfortable and how to fix it. But a kid? An infant? He doesn’t know how babies work, doesn’t know how to tell what they want from him. He’s excited beyond belief at the thought of being a father, but he just doesn’t know how to do it. He tries to think back to his own dad, and the way that he was brought up as a kid, (though, he's not sure that's a great frame of reference given the way he turned out) and definitely goes off of Sole’s judgement, but he can’t shake the feeling that he was never meant for this. To settle down and have a family. He isn’t his dad, he’s Hancock. He’s not a “family man,” not a picturesque pre-war looking man with a normal job and a cookie-cutter backstory; he’s a self-made ghoul, a junkie, a deadbeat whose earned his position of power by bathing in the blood of tyrants who died by his own hand, and shooting his veins up with every kinda poison the wastes have to offer. How do you explain that to a kid? That he made himself the way he is, cuz he couldn’t stand the man he’d grown up to be? What the hell kinda example is that? He wouldn't doubt for a second that his baby would be the center of his world from the moment he sees it, but if anything, that only ups the anxiety that he'll do something to mess the kid up. Hancock would be nervous as shit, but if Sole had confidence in him, well… he trusts her judgement more than he does his own, so if she thinks he’s "daddy" material, he ain’t gonna argue with that. All he can do is hope she’s right, follow her lead, take it one day at a time, and hope that him trying his absolute hardest will be enough.
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friendlystarfruit · 3 years
requested fan fiction Arataki Itto/Reader he forgets your birthday and has to make it up to you somehow!
This is fan fiction request. Itto forgets your birthday and has to find a way to make it up to you in a really cute way , then the two of you fuck xD It’s all fluff though up until he bounces you on his knee. If you just want smut go half way through to chapter 2 
https://archiveofourown.org/works/36701056?view_full_work=true also you can give kudos xx)
For the anon who requested this please tell me what you thought =D
Your character I wrote as pretty adorable , she has cute little pointy dog ears and a bushy fox tail.
This was a request was for this character you role play as , I kind of developed her character over the other fanfics as being a little bit of a cry baby , I find her to be really cute but some people might want a more neutral or tougher personality type of reader x Itto , seeing the person who requested this fanfic liked her character, I was glad I could let her personality shine through it , I also really like how she brings out Itto's protective side it's cute and she makes him feel important , cus most people roll their eyes and don't take him seriously.
I always try to write humour into my fics, it at least made me laugh what I wrote but you should at least find it cute.
Smut is chapter 2.
Sorry for any dyslexic errors !! Please be kind I do my best (= If you spot anything that makes the text hard to read let me know and I'll correct it. Sometimes spelling errors, grammar errors or missing words are missed by me when I edit.
Chapter 1
You where super excited today was your birthday , you had asked Itto to hang out with you today for a picnic , Itto said he’d like to be the one to prepare the meal you thought this meant he’d have a surprise for you.
You had the day off work, you’d already had a small party with family and friends and it was evening , the sun would be setting it would be so romantic!!!!!!
You beamed thinking of all the things Itto would have in store for you , “I bet we’ll play together then he’ll surprise me with a big over the top gift!!!!!!!”
“Or maybe he’ll beat box to me like he did for the traveller” your heart was swollen with excitement you where skipping about , humming and sighing romantically as he waited for him in the spot he’d agree to me.
You leaned against a while with a big smile on your face as Itto swaggered up to you “Hey, hey my lil lady aren’t you just a ray of sunshine? Ya happy to see your boi Itto” He radiated flashing his fangs.
You giggled and he smirked at your excitement to see him , never got bored of his cute little pet fan girling over him , he even posed combing his hair.
“alright lets get this picnic started , I think I out did myself this time but hey you deserve it“ he grinned “check it out “ he purred showing all the food he packed
“And lookie HERE , see what your master Oni Itto did for yea ? look how I painted this cupcake for you”
You looked at the cupcake seeing a tiny icing drawn picture of what appeared to be a not very well drawn super buff man with long hair” (him)
“That’s right baby , I drew you, your’s truly on your cupcake, I mean it’s hard to get icing to truly capture my charm but hey I think I did a pretty good job, I should have baked a whole batch but was low and flour but seeing I’m the generous guy I am I made sure to get my lil pet a treat”
“I wonder if he drew himself on my cake too” You glowed a big smile on your face light irradiating from your eyes , tail wagging so happy and excited.
Itto caught sight of this and puffed out his chest flicking his hair proud of himself. “Impressed by my culinary brilliance eh baby ? go a head have a bite now”
You hummed to yourself all happy and bit into the cupcake suddenly you froze you went pale “What the hell is this shit “ you thought to yourself.
Itto was staring at you waiting for your approval
“huh?” he starred with his mouth open a little worried at your expression. (basically the same expression he made when his beetle was loosing the fight in game)
“It’s so good” you faked (it tasted like he had forgotten to put sugar in it or some weird ingredient instead of sugar)
He smiled “gooooooooooooooooood was a lil worried for a sec when I saw your face, I won’t lie , but of course it’s good ,this is Arataki Itto we’re talking about anything I make is gonna be good baby”
“mmhm” You lie forcing yourself to swallow it.
“can I have a taste?”
“uhhhhhhhhhh” You stuff the whole cupcake in your mouth “opps all done”
“HEY “ he scowls
You didn’t want him to find out this cupcake was utter shit , after all how sweet it was for him to bake it for you ? Maybe he had used the rest of the flour on your birthday cake.
“it was just so good I couldn’t help myself” you muffle as you force yourself to eat another bite on front of him.
“hmmmmmm ok “ He pets your head “come on lets get going, I picked us out the BEST spot on the hill for our picnic “
He swaggers forward and you spit out the cupcake, he looks back and you awkwardly smile at him "heh heh" He was too dumb to read your guilty forced smile.
“don’t fall behind kiddo , let’s get going”
You run up beside him “A special spot “ you think to yourself you imagine candles , candy him gazing into your eye telling you happy birthday and all your friends jumping out of the bushes for your surprise party”
your tail wags uncontrollably and Itto catches this “Hey lil one , you thinking of me?” he chuckles.
“YES” you squeak excited your heart pounding as you get closer to the hill you grab on to him and beam up to him and he pulls you close affectionately smirking at your clinginess “can’t enough of the supreme “ he mutters to himself.
Finally , you where here and…………..you saw people playing chess and suddenly Itto moans “oh darn it that was gonna be our spot, uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh c’mon I’ll find another good spot maybe even better no it has to be better! “
I guess there was no surprise party then you thought to yourself.
He pulls you everywhere searching for the right spot “too shaded” , “hey if we eat here you’ll get distracted by the fish I need all the attention of you on meeee”
- you where getting tired he was determined to get the perfect spot, it had to be a better spot than the first spot he picked the new spot couldn’t be second best not for Itto this was sweet but kind of exhausting you wanted to spend a romantic day to him but instead you where picnic spot rating with him.
You sighed watching the sunset and you follow Itto like his loyal pet.
You pull on Itto “Come on Itto lets sit here "
Itto grumbled there's a flock of birds on that tree , you'll only get distracted!!!!!!
You secretly rolled your eyes (He was jealous of you looking at birds instead of him)
" I promise, Itto I won't get distracted by the birds they'll be falling a sleep soon and leaving look at the sun set, it’ll be perfect as long as we’re together”
“Lets try up this hill”
“Ahh he smiles this is a great spot”
You sigh finally “There where lots of great spots”
“uh yeah but this spot is better than the chess players spot that is what is important” he smirked childishly.
You rolled your eyes and sat down , any time you roll your eyes at him you try not to let him catch you, you know how big his ego is.
Suddenly a group of men approached “yo this is our spot Oni boi”
“HAH Oni boi? I am an Oni are you sure you want to mess with one, I’m pride of Oni Itto”
“SHIT’ You scuffed not another competition, you knew he had an ego you knew he’d turn everything into a stupid duel but it was your birthday…
“Oni scum, think you can get yourself a little fox girl instead of sticking your own kind” The guy taunts.
“Eh excuse me” Itto huffs “OH it’s on , you guys against me NOW but hey I’ll be sure to hand you some autograph’s after I wipe the floor with you guys ”
You come up to Itto and pull on him “Itto lets it go what about our date”
“shhhhhh I’ll be done in a sec ok?”
“but Itto”
“Itto please we will miss the sunset” you pine to him like a helpless puppy you look over at the sun setting shaking him harder.
“ENOUGH , there will be plenty of sunsets “
“b-but this one is special “
“SHH stop whinnying alright ?this is important , go sit over there and enjoy the show” he pointed and you lumbered to the spot.
He signalled to you
You titled his head!!
“cheer me on !!!!!! While I fight” he shouted.
He sauntered over to the men “I can take down all three of you ,it is show time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
You make up the spot for the picnic while the men all fight, Itto will win he’s an oni and these punks didn’t seem so tough. They where picking a fight with him because of his race, you knew standing up for himself was important but why hadn’t he been a little bit more understanding, he hadn’t even mentioned your birthday and the chance of “I pretended to forget your birthday” felt unlikely
“Go Itto “your forced yourself but a little tear shed down your cheek and you wiped it away composing yourself “Itto is the –“
Itto looks over “You ok babe ?”
You nod at him and pretend to smile and he gets back to kicking ass.
After he’d finishing kicking ass the block headed man returned.
“So my lil lady your cheering seemed a little , well sucky what’s up huh?” He smiled at you reassuringly ruffling your hair.
“catch that action? , see all my moves I didn’t go too hard on them just hard enough “
“Oh” you sigh
Itto looks at you concerned “, what’s got your fur all ruffled eh? Usually you are all full of praise so what’s up , my little cheer leader got a stomach ache?”
“It’s, it’s nothing- hey Itto “
“Yaaaaaa sure ? well ok then”
“Do you have other plans for today”
He sat down poking enthusiastically through the picnic basket. “mm lots of sweets” he grins “ and well, yeah ,sure , maybe me and the gang will go out do some stuff ya know? , I always make time for mah homies , and I might play hide and seek with the local kids or something, well maybe it'll be too dark to do that , but I'll find something hadn’t really properly planned anything ya know? ”
“You hadn’t planned anything?”
“ehhhh not that I recall”
“but what about this”
“Ehhh didn’t you plan this ? I guess I planned to come though so ” He grinned “hey sunshine you trying to get some dick” he bellows in laughter.
You blush and turn your head “not right now , d- do you do remember what day is today”
“uh-uh yeah “ he chuckles stuffing his face with candy “mmm so good”
“It’s another special day made by yours truly, I swear this candy is so good , you think my horns would look good in the color of this candy stic---” He looks over to see the tears welling in your eyes “uhh I was just kidding , I won’t change my horns to this candy color”
You run away crying, Itto is filled with alarm “Hey I’m keeping my horns red!!! Come back, look I’ve got candy , cmere!!!!!”
He catches up to you and runs on front of you “Hey look I didn’t know candy horns upset you so much , did you choke on a candy stick as a kid?“
“It’s not that”
“Well ya are crying after I said –“
“It’s what you didn’t say” you whimpered and cuddled your tail.
“I know you’re a cry baby but come on like what did you want some candy, you think I wasn’t gonna share? I was calling out to give yeh some maybe you just didn't hear me !!” (He’s this dumb)
“no , you forgot something important “
“Today is my birthday” you sighed with your ears dropped
Itto froze in horror “It’s your , your, what?” he gulped “oh no” he thought.
“You remembered the traveler's birthday but forgot your own girlfriends”you sniffle.
You run away and Itto stands there feeling annoyed at himself..
“Ah dang it” he growls and kicks a pebble in frustration the pebble flies in your direction and hits you on the back of the head and you fall.
"Uhhh double dang it, babe you ok “ He races over and helps you up
“ You rub the back of your head " I just need to be alone”
“You know I’ll out run you , I’m not letting you get away”
You run anyway , Itto runs anyway but trips ,"Dammit" he had got his shorts caught on a thorny bush that he had fallen beside.
“ “how to I fix this?”he sighs.
He frees him self from the thorn and picks himself up but you were now long gone.
He sighs sadly , then clenches his fists "I'll find her " He sees it's getting dark and is feeling worried , if you go too far while it's getting dark you could bump into some bad guys, he had to make sure to protect you and cheer you up. That was his mission !!
He would not back down!!
Chapter 2
: Happy Birthday Summary:
Itto thinks of a really adorable way to make up for forgetting your birthday then of course you and him fuck , you two dogs ;)
You sat behind a fallen log and cried “I’m I not good enough for him, why would he forget my birthday but remember the travellers “ (your character is such an over emotional pup and being important to Itto means everything to her)
It was getting dark and Itto began to rain you where cold and wet but you just froze in your little spot.
Itto was looking everywhere for you , he was starting to get worried he even had his gang look for you too he even had his bull looking for you.
You had your head buried in you hands crying and then you heard a little noise , a little moo, a plump little bull came up to you and licked your fingers you picked up the bull and held him tight.
Itto walked over “There you are, ya had me worried ! It’s getting dark and it’s my job to protect ya! I knew my boi Ushi would find ya and I knew you couldn’t resist petting him , was I right?” chuckled
You let Ushi go and he moos .
“I like his dance”
Itto scotches in closer “ya ?I like your smile”
You sniffle
“c’mere cry baby come sit on my lap”
You get on his lap and he holds you close “I’m sorry I forget your birthday , but you know I love you right?”
You nod a little “I guess”
“What do ya mean “I guess” ? I love yer guts silly ,so don’t insult me with that "I guess" , me and the gang have been just so busy, it must of slipped my mind ? “
“ are you bored of me?”
“bored of you? nah how could I ever get bored of you?!!!!!!! I love you , we have fun together don’t we?
“play all sorts of games , eat good food
"We do " you sigh.
"remember how I let you ride me and steer me by my horns it turned out it was fun lil embarrassing, but fun !! and don’t I let you carry around my warrior beetles even though I think you baby them too and that is why they keep losing and how much do I let you play with Ushi, you two dance together and you fed him apples “ (Your character is a sucker for animals)
You nod.
“I don't just do those things with anyone , no sir " he smiles then his smile broke and he was a little more serious " and I look out for ya don’t I?”
“C MERE” he holds you tight and kisses the back of your head, then he strokes your head “I love petting these ears “ he grins your lil tail starts to wag “Atta girl” he purrs “You know I love you”
“Y-yea sometimes I just worry”
Itto rolls his eyes , it’s something he can’t understand when it comes to you, your egos you’re his opposite , he’d be loud and egotistical and your quite and self-conscious, he is brash and angry and your are gentle and sweet, his blood boils over the tiniest things, you are more “Just let it go “ type of person he never lets that anger go which often is to do with his ego. You are two are familiar in many ways but so different in others the person you are though makes him want to protect you and make you smile.
“I’m always here to protect you , my lil pet “ Itto coos to you.
You cling to him helplessly “I love you Itto”
He smiles at the little helpless fluff holding him tight , a frown appears on his face and his eyebrows furrow , he has to do more.
“Hey I have an idea do you have your notepad you take orders with in your bag”.
You nod at him.
“give it here “ He smirks “and the pencil too.”
You hand it over and he starts writing you lean over “no peaking missy” you turn away and wait patiently.
After a while of him writing and erasing and rewriting !!!!!!!!!” HE clears his throat. Heh-hum
“Your birthday letter from the best boyfriend ever. Dear my cute little pet, my little ray of sunshine , today is your birthday, a very special day , the day Itto’s lil ,solemate, his lil cheerleader came into this world. I forgot your birthday and I’m sorry , it really makes me feel bad , but you know what I never forget? I didn’t forget how fuzzy and warm you make me feel, your kindness how I want you all to myself all those things I remember all the time" he stops and winks at you " and I respect and love how sweet you are to everyone you are a crybaby and a clutzz but you are cute a button , you’re not the toughest and I’m always rescuing you and protecting you. You make me feel important , cus sometimes people don’’t take me seriously they roll their eyes at me, some people shun me based on my race and too many of my friends don’t rely on me enough but you always make me feel needed and appreciated . WE are pretty different but we’re the same when it comes to what matters, having fun and wanting to have a better tomorrow for those around us, annnd you rarely annoy me , you don’t nag at me , you let me do things my way and ok maybe ,I get into trouble but you know I’m the leader and I like that. You are a ray of sunshine to me , you make me feel like a new man, I can’t imagine my life without you in my arms , Im a strive to keep smiling but if I was to ever to lose you, ugh the thought even haunts me me “ uh-hum you spot a little tear in his eye.
“Itto are you crying?”
“what no, no " he blushed and turns his head “uh where was I - em , let me keep reading: if you ever left me it would turn your boi Itto ,the beaming sun into a cloudy sky, and come on what would the world be without my smile? so never leave me, keep by my side and know that I love you more than anything , happy birthday and thanx for making it feel like it’s my birthday everyday ”
You of course you cry and hold him tight
He pats your back “sooooooooo does that mean you like it”
“Of course I do”
He playfully rolls his eyes and pets you on the head “
He leans down to kiss you , his enthusiastic lips against yours feels amazing, he makes the kiss passionate and fiery full.
You break off his lips and peer into his crimson sexual eyes.
“I have another birthday present for ya“
“huh” you look up at him and he bounces his knee ,so you to feel the vibrations.
You gasp a little and he smiles at your helplessness .
He signals to his crouch with his eyes.
you blush “Itto I”
“Ugh damn the rain had messed up my hair , hold on a sec” he combs his mane.
“now where were we” he smirks ,he runs his hands over you’re your skirt , and he nibbles your neck and breaths on you then he nips you a little with his fangs”
You sigh a little feeling a little nervous “ I- itto we’re outdoors” your voice trembling only arouses him more.
“aww don’t worry , look I’ll put Ushi on guard duty , oi lil guy you're our look out ok?”
“moo” the chubby bull sees him point at something and walks to where he pointed. “Atta boy” the bull walks forward with a few gentle moos under his breath, and he was dancing as he walked (REALLY CUTE)
“Don’t let his size full you, you've seen him fight right? , he’s almost as tough as yours truly and besides I don’t want that innocent little bull to see what I was gonna do to you” he chuckles
You look at him bewildered “does his bull even understand him? , maybe he’s just being dumb and believes that. I mean, clearly Ushi knew to go to where Itto pointed but knowing that bull, he’d probably just stand somewhere and dance, even in battle all he did was dance , throwing him in to battle was his attack then he’d just jam so it’s not the best security unless somebody stops overcome by the lil bull’s cuteness” you thought to yourself.
Itto licks your face and smiles at you.
You bite your lip nervously and Itto licks his lips.
“I don’t know Itto I , I think--- “ you pull away and he pulls you right back
“now , now ,now my little pet where ya think yer going eh?, you don’t wanna miss out on all the fun do ya?”
“sit yourself back down and let master Itto work his magic” he brags.
Itto runs his hands up your skirt “Itto “ you gasp
He purrs on your neck sending shivers down your spine.
He works your clit with his hand and you melt “Oh Itto”
“Say my whole name “ he purrs”
“Arataki Itto “ you purr as the pleasure engulfs you.
his voice vibrates against your neck and your pussy is pooled with wetness, he can feel it against his fingers , he removes his hand and licks your juices “You taste so good” he growls licking his finger seductively , he watches you staring with your mouth open a little drool dribbling down your chin “Heh my pet, hungry for me ? it’s show time he whispers in your eye, Itto could be such a master at seduction when it came to you, the man could be a doofus at times but when it came to seducing his little pet he knew exactly how to tickle her between her legs and have her in sexual awe of him. (Honestly the man is a badass in battle so he's a badass in bed too ;) )
Itto grabs your tits and you gasp, he takes off your top and massages your full tits in his hands “Such lovely and plump tits” he bites his lip as his cocks roars with arousal twitching in his pants , he paws at it too sooth it’s ache over his shorts, rubbing his fingers up the indent and rubbing his thumb on the tip while his other hand squeezed one of your tits, you run your hand down to massage your clit and Itto smiles , you can fell his super hard throbbing cock against you , you can’t hold back the arousal sensations tickling between your legs , you moan a sigh of relief with your hand pushing the folds of your pussy against your clit
“Itto you have such power over me”
Precum leaked though his shorts listening to you praise him “I’ve never met a man more handsome, even your horns they make you look strong and bad ass” you whimpered a little as he stroked him over his pants, his cock painfully strained against his clothing begging to get proper attention , rubbing it gently with his fingers helped ease the tension but he needed more.
He pushes you to the ground and mounts you ,he looks at your vulnerable blushing face and smiles as he unbuckles himself you began to help him “Excited aren’t we” he chuckles
“I can’t help it Itto the things you do to me are –“
Itto drinks in the compliment , he can almost feel his cock thud hearing those words.
“There is something I wanna try he purrs” he takes off your top and works his way up to your breasts now straddling your chest , I want you to rub me off with your tits babe”
You nod and push your tits as tight as you can against his cock and rub them up and down “uhhh my pet good girl” he purrs , you reach up and such the tip of his dick while you tit fuck him “Ugh atta girl” he purrs in pleasure.
You can taste the preum on your lips , Oni cum tastes like earthy salty caramel , it’s very sweet so you lap up every oozing reward , you tickle your tongue on the tip of his cock teasing him a little , and he groans “get to work my pet give your boi the full course” then you massage your whole mouth on his dick , he can feel your lips massaging the sweet spot while his shaft is met with the soft pillowy tits that give his dick soft friction . “aw yea” He responds as you suck him, you kiss and massage your lips on his cock then take the whole head in your mouth , using your lips to stimulate every needy nerve on the head of his mushroom headed cock.
He buckles a little at the pleasure.
“master I need some attention too please “ you whine
he pulls off you lowering his cock to your sweet little entrance ���Well since you asks so nicely” he chuckled and pushes his cock into you and fucks you , you stimulate your clit while he is on top of you , you feel his hot cock inside you and he feels the warm tight, spongy wet cave of your little pussy.
“Such a good girl for your master” he purrs
“Oh Itto thank you”
He thrusts deeper , panting on top of you, he cups your face and faces you to him “Good girl” he pants
“Oh master Itto , you are the undefeated champion of fucking”
The more praise you gave him the better he got off, the friction of your tight pussy pampered the nerves of his cock , pleasure in all the right places.
“master let me suck you off properly “
“HE smiles say please”
He forces himself out of you and stands above you, you get on your knees, wagging your tail in excitement , he grins flashing his sharp fangs down at you, a mighty man towering over you with those red horns , you blush and look up “master you are so beautiful”
“ of course I am now take my cock”
“Yes master " you oblige , you rub your hands up his cock and suck , you drool onto his dick and smile at him , he shutters almost loosing his cool as your big dilated sexual eyes caught him causing his heart to fall and then his chest to tighten.
You tease the pulsating head with his tongue and he gets flustered by you gently nibble his cock and locking eyes with him then you purr against his cock sending warm humid vibrations on to it, he nearly faints "Don't tease" he growls you obey him but secretly you enjoy teasing Itto his desperate arousal is a big turn on .
Then you squeeze your lips and start working his cock up and down your lips while you also jacked him off with one hand , you took your other hand and started touching yourself.
Itto arched his back “Fuck that feels good” he roared.
You concentrated on the throbs in your mouth, Itto's heavy panting , how good he was feeling because of you , he petted you “such a good fucking girl” he says he starts push your head harder and fuck your mouth , at this point you can feel yourself cumming , all with one hand rubbing yourself the other on his cock , while sucking him off, it is having an effect on you , you are really getting you off, you break of his cock for one second with a trail of drool connecting your mouth to the tip of his cock “master “Itto I’m cumming”
“UGH FUCk YES” Itto groaned he was so worried he’d cum too soon , he was just so aroused , getting off ,so well , it would have been forced to edge himself and that was a nightmare for such a horny beast.
Your pussy contracted and your moans where pathetic and needy , they where muffled by Itto’s cock , both your hearts where racing , Itto felt you suck him off harder, your plump lips closing tighter against him and his cock , exciting him greatly it was like sucking you off was pleasuring you at the same time, but it was even if it was your hand on your needy pussy it was his pleasure that was getting you off , it was his pleasure that resulted in you cumming for him.
Tears streamed down your face you broke off his cock while vigorously rubbed him with one of your hands “master Itto , you are what dreams are made of “
“UGH FUCK YES MY PET “ he roared he as you mouthed his cock again , he buckled into you “HAPPY BIRTHDAY GIRL, MY GOOD PET” Itto screeched helplessly as he shot his load down your throat then the second pump of cum he took his cock from your mouth and he aimed for your tits , both of you panted satisfied , you tits painted in cum , you licked your lips and wagged your tail beaming up at him , he gasped for one second overcome the happiness cutest pair of eyes he’d ever seen ,
He smiled panting and petted your head “that’s my girl” he breathed heavily.
The moment was broken however “Hey Ushi , you looking for the bosses girl too?”
It was one of his gang, both of your hearts sank as you both scrambled getting dressed.
You where barley dressed , Itto had now got his shorts back on and stood protectively on front of you , when one of his gang appeared and saw the cute little twitching ear hiding behind Itto and a clearly half dressed girl still visible girl the gap of Itto’s legs , he smiled “So you too made up”
Itto pouted “hey ya better wipe that smirk off your face and look the other way , she an't dressed“
“Sorry boss” he walked away trying to hold back his laughter.
Itto sighed “I hope he didn’t see too much , your mine “ he pouted he turned around looking down at you powerful and hungry while you finished getting dressed he smirked and you gasped looking up this mighty intimating man.
He picked you up cradling you in his arms “I’ll take you home, babe you must be tired “ he winked at you and chuckled.
It was true you actually fell asleep in his arms , you where so cute too , he blushed at the sight off your ears twitching and you murmuring “Itto” in your sleep, it made him feel all warm and fuzzy inside and he was overcome with pride that you where dreaming about him.
Once he took was a the door he gently sat you down so not to wake you and looked at the spot you had recently told him there was a hidden key, he unlocked the door and picked up and put you in bed.
Your little breath as you slept was so cute, he stroked your forehead and smiled. Then he walked away looking back “Happy birthday baby’
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sparxymcfly · 2 years
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This funko pop💀💀
THAT'S HIM THERE HE IS. Give him a little pat on the head for me he's trying his best.
Tbh! This one looked a bit strange to me the first time I saw it but like. He Grew on me. I've since placed an order to get one of my own to have him on my shelf <3 well, him and the cowboy Marty because really . That is one of my favorite outfits he has. [Though sadly poncho cowboy Marty just absolutely does not seem to exist anywhere in merch except for, to my knowledge, that incredibly detailed expensive figure that I saw floating about a bit ago ^^;]
Intriguing detail for those of you who have never gone on a little funko dive before though! I learned what the presumably rarest [or at minimum most valued/expensive] Marty funkos are, and it's. Like most of it was to be expected.
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One of these fellas will run you about a hundred, hundred thirty! Very iconic Marty, and according to the label on that box it was a Canadian Convention exclusive. So okay, makes sense!
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Another convention exclusive! This one goes for about the same as the guitar Marty if not trending ever so slightly more, around $130. "Alien" Marty, very cool very cool!
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THIS bad boy? This one can apparently span anywhere from around those first two [about $130!] to over two hundred bucks! Insane. From what I can tell it was an earlier run, and on top of that, y'know, it Comes With The DeLorean. This tracks too imo.
What’s that? You’re curious why I brought this up? Thank you, completely made up person for the purposes of dramatic buildup, for asking! Because the rarest and most expensive Marty McFly funko pop is the one irradiated with plutonium!
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This one does not go under $600 and can easily break $1,000 for all the listings I saw! Apparently despite most of the above also being presumably limited runs, this one is especially expensive. Which, okay, yeah, sure, maybe it came from an event fewer people went to. And yeah, sure, it glows in the dark- oh yeah did I mention the glow is because he’s irradiated with plutonium? Doc. Doc honey.
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Doc everyone’s been concerned about the placement of the plutonium under what is, to my knowledge and personal presumption [and also y’know, Marty rolling his skateboard under this one], Marty’s bed in your garage. Which side note is WILD to me on account of, if the DeLorean handbook journals are to be believed, Doc having a second workshop for nuclear experiments. Doc why didn’t you keep this there. Out of universe I understand the whole, this is there for a bit of Chekov’s gun type action, and that they perhaps had not thought ahead to the whole “second workshop” idea at the time- who knows? In universe? In universe my best bet is that he perhaps didn’t have time to move it, but judging by the dates- that Doc notes “this hustle” [i.e. getting the plutonium] is very dangerous on October 8th- although it’s unclear if he had done it by then or was preparing to at the time, that’s like, two weeks before October 25th when he actually calls up Marty and long before the entire week Marty notes he was missing for.
Which. Also. Marty. You didn’t notice the plutonium there at all that entire time? No idle investigating? It’s under your bed, Marty. God bless this teenager.
ANYWAYS what’s the point here. The point is irradiated Funko pop Marty is the Marty you all have been looking for with your superpowers Marty AU I think <3
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hi hi! :) I’m back again hehe~ if it’s not too much trouble, could I request the companions (+ mason if that’s alright!) reaction to sole pulling them aside and forcing them to take a rest day full of cuddling, sole playing with their hair, and spoiling them? with how harsh the wasteland is, I bet they could all use some time to let their guard down and unwind. (also, on an unrelated note: how are you doing? with all these stressful things happening, I hope you’re hangin in there! make sure to dress warm for the weather and stay hydrated!)
(Youre so sweet! Thank you, same to you, friend 🥺💖.)
•Had you been anyone else, she would’ve likely laughed in your face and made it her top priority to leave.
•Letting her guard down isn’t something Cait has ever been able to do unless she was drunk out of her mind...but even then she still was alert. Spoiling was an entirely different, even more foreign playing field.
•However you’ve earned her trust. Congratulations.
•Taking a shaky breath, she’ll let you do as you please. Sipping a beer as the two of you talk about current events, maybe even cuddle and simply bask in each other’s presence.
•She could get used to this.
•Curie didn’t really see the need to “wind down”.
•She appreciates your concern, but she doesn’t need the rest. Or..at least she thought she didn’t.
•The more you tempt her with lounging around, the tireder her synthetic body became. It comes to a point to where she just sighs and strips herself of her safety gear, sauntering over to you and rolling her eyes.
• “Well, your offer has seem to become irresistible.”
• as soon as she indulges, Curie becomes hooked. Please. Play with her hair, Talk about her latest experiments with her- she couldn’t have been happier.
•He’d actually be surprisingly willing to go along. Don’t get me wrong, soldier boy HAS to have permission from Maxson and Kells, and know that he has fulfilled his duties for the day- but once he is sure, Danse will happily take some time off.
•If you actually do proceed to go beyond cleaning weapons and power armour and decide to start spoiling him, Danse will give that signature “o.o” face. However he’ll go along, his face glowing red as you mess with his hair and cuddle up close- but he enjoys it, enjoys it very much.
•Expect Danse to expect this treatment every time the two of you have unofficial- non brotherhood related- visiting time.
•It’s really good for him.
• He’s down. Say less.
•Next thing that you know, the two of you are playing distasteful jokes on poor carington.
•Will be extremely reluctant to take a day off, probably will be really judgy about you wanting to too.
•”Boss, don’t you go around starting to act like that lazy sack of shit before ya.”
•With enough coaxing and maybe light threatening, he’ll loosen up a little and begrudgingly agree to chilling out in fizztop.
•It would actually be quite the lovely experience- just picture it. Gage lounging out on one of those squeaky plastic lawn chairs, the two of you watching the sunset while you knock back a slew of nuka colas of every flavor possible- just telling some terrible jokes and discussing what future steps you can take to improve the parks.
•it would almost be romantic..if you squint hard enough.
• Again, SAY LESS.
•Hancock is all about relaxing and properly taking care of his friends- so if you don’t watch it, he may be the one doing all the spoiling to you instead of vice versa.
•regardless, he is beyond pleased with your willingness to relax. The wastes are a rough place, why not take advantage of every peaceful moment you have? That’s his philosophy.
• He much prefer to be out in wastes making some decent caps, but he wouldn’t dare shoo you away.
•Having someone care about you so much was definitely a rarity- one he has learned to cherish after his wife’s passing.
•He’ll do his best to return your affections in the least awkward way he can manage, don’t you worry.
• To actually see a “relaxed” Arthur Maxson, you’d either have to be his significant other or a very dear friend of his.
• Taming a deathclaw would be easier than convincing him to abandon his duties, even if it meant him practically falling over into the window of the flight deck from exhaustion.
• Eventually there will come a time when he decides to metaphorically throw in the towel and call it a day early- personally seeking you out so he wouldn’t have to face the quiet alone.
• Seeing you care so much about him makes his heart skip a beat- making him feel like the young boy he truly was. He wouldn’t trade it for anything- even if he didn’t really like you constantly worrying about him.
• He won’t give you any trouble.
•You think the two of you need to chill out? Very well. Just let him wrap up some case paper work and he’ll be the first one to go put some coffee on- excitingly awaiting the quality time he gets to spend with you.
•Any gesture of affection is greatly appreciated by Nick, usually returned with an equally as kind gesture in return.
• The two of you usually talk about the “pre-war days”, reminiscing on that shared world the two fuck off you once knew.
Old Longfellow:
•He completely understands the need for a “day off” and is more than happy whenever you tell him it’s time for one.
•Go on, spoil him. He’s going to eat it up- teasing you the entire time about how it was so kind of you to “take care of gramps”.
• Between constantly running the irradiated ‘wealth and hounding out stories...boy is she happy that you want her to take it easy.
•She’ll set it all up- power noodles, some low music, quite a few blankets..it’s perfect.
•Often times feels as though he cannot rest- but then he remembers that he can’t actually save everyone and that sometimes just taking a moment to appreciate what you had in the present was best.
•He’d gladly indulge your insistent demands, flashing a smile as he raises his hands in mock defeat when you tell him to get comfortable and stop pacing around.
•He truly appreciates all that you do- so going out of your way just to ensure that he was happy and well taken care of practically made him head over heels.
•Let’s just start off by saying that he is in complete shock.
•X6 can quite frankly never recall a time that anyone had ever regarded his own feelings as important- neither had he, in all honesty. He had a job to do. It was what he was made for- literally.
•So it’s an understatement to say that he was confused.
•He’d probably look at you with uncertain, strangely innocent silver eyes- watching you carefully as you urge him to take the time to relax. He trusts you, he just doesn’t trust what he feels when he is forced to truly calm down.
•For a man that seems so stone cold and stoic, he soon figures out that he could use this “relaxing” time more often.
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