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Our Ancestors love us, and want what's best for us. No matter what we're going through in life, someone we came from has gone through the same thing before. The knowledge, wisdom, and advice our Ancestors offer is immense and irreplaceable. By contacting your Ancestors, you can begin forging a relationship with them that can give great perspective and great profundity to your self and your life.
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eggsploded · 9 months
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heiress eternal
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thevirgodoll · 6 months
the overwhelming, inescapable truth is that they know what they’re doing is hurting you. they’re literally choosing to do it anyway. people have common sense. don’t give them the benefit of the doubt anymore. they would never do it for you. they literally know their behavior isn’t something they’d condone themselves. respect is just the minimum… and they can’t even do that? let them be. that person will answer for what they are doing to you.
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I feel like Crystal is going to have so much going on in season 2, and she is probably not going to handle it super well at first… just a guess
She’s trying to piece together her old life, coming to terms with who she was (not a very nice person) and who she is now that she has her memories again, her parents didn’t even notice that she went missing, Niko “died” saving her and I suspect she’ll have no small amount of grief over that, and David is buried in her mind and we already know he’s going to cause problems with the tree if he stays there too long. That’s. That’s a lot. Poor Crystal :/
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bucephaly · 1 month
I'm so excited and so nervous for this job. Mostly excited though
And I'll be getting blocks of days off and get to just hang out and spend time around the area of the southern appalachians. There's so much I wanna do around there and I'm excited to get to do it
And I'll probably be doing a lot of it alone which I'm fine with. I'll get to get more used to just going and doing things by myself and taking my time.
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fanworldbuildingfun · 2 years
Tonight I have two moods:
·         Desmond angst with Bleeding Effect
·         And Desmond being reborn as Al Mualim’s surprise kid
(note of warning: these are NOT in the same universe) (Unless?)
1.       Desmond angst with Bleeding Effect
So. This one leans heavily into feeling of entrapment that never went away after Abstergo. Desmond DID technically go from being used as Animus subject to being used as Animus subject. Admittedly, he did swap the relatively comfy accommodations for relatively better company (listen. Listen I may not dig the ascetic glass-n-white style Abstergo rocks, but I can appreciate that the room looked like a good hotel room). But that negate the fact that he, technically, had no real choice in either scenario
And here, instead of learning to trust Lucy/Shawn/Rebecca, Desmond instead clings to the memories of his ancestors. After all, they have neither any way nor any reason to use him, right?
He’s amicable with the team. Jokes sometimes, has lighthearted impersonal talks – basically, treats them as colleagues at most. But whatever vulnerability there is, is shown to the people he sees during Bleeds
So leaning against where he sees a ghostly Ezio sitting on his bed, or laying on the floor where he can see barely-there shades of throw pillows and rugs that normally sit in Altaïr’s office? It’s comforting. And so is the skritch of quill on parchment as Altaïr writes… Something
To Desmond, it’s not real
But for his ancestors, from the moment they held the Apple in their hands? The shadowy form of Desmond is very much real. Ezio can feel the press of Desmond’s body against his side. Altair can see how the pillows dip under Desmond’s weight
And Desmond probably wouldn’t have said half the things he did if he realized that the ghostly Connor who was making his own arrows across from him was listening. That they all listened. And could do precisely nothing
2.       Desmond as Al Mualim’s surprise kid
This is a complete and utter crack taken seriously(-ish). No one can prove Al Mualim never had any lovers, in or out of the garden. And he is not THAT old, by our standards (the man is killed at 56. Only 56!)
But he never did plan to sire a child. There was no time nor desire had for one
Except, no one thought to tell whatever Isu-bull went on with the Temple that
So in 1174, he gets “blessed” with a child from his preferred Flower who had never, to point, had a pregnancy. Ever *thoughtfully sprinkles in some more Isu bullshit because the lady genuinely never had it be an issue*
One may think Al Mualim would be the kind of man who would be a distant parent, or just forbid anyone from speaking of him having a child. But nope. Instead, Al Mualim goes completely Rodrigo Borgia over his newborn daughter
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rotzaprachim · 11 months
this would be a fantastic time for community leaders and Jews in general to recognize the intersectionality of many Jewish experiences and that community members might have deep intergenerational scars brought up by both the deaths of Israelis and Gazans actually
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uss-edsall · 7 months
Damn they sure do be right about the difference between writing something you yourself want to do versus writing something because you were told to write it
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brotherdusk · 1 year
I'm finding that people (especially men let's be real) look at me a lot more and talk to me more warmly since I started wearing contact lenses and I don't know what to make of it?? am I "pretty" now?? was I invisible to them before??? it's not unwelcome it's just a bizarre thing to start experiencing literally overnight
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moonrevolutions · 5 months
actually in hell
@shadowhoops has been playing the song hot potato by the wiggles for over 24 hours straight in the living room.
i want a divorce actually.
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ace-s-fave-tv-shows · 6 months
Twinkle Eyed Pony G4 Redesigns
Whenever I see a G4 redesign that makes one of the Mane 6 a twinkle eyed pony I'm not gonna lie, I am disappointed that they always pick Rarity by default because her whole thing is gemstones.
I, on the other hand, think that if any of the Mane 6 should be a Twinkle eyed pony it should be Pinkie Pie, and that the Pie family being Twinkle eyed ponies, should be their connection to the Apple family.
Let me explain.
Okay, so the Twinkle Eyed Pony origin story in G1, as far as I know (they could have another origin, this is just the only one I know of) is that in a comic, G1 Applejack is captured by an evil jewel wizard (or sorcerer? It's an evil magic man), and forced into slavery working in a magical gem mine with a bunch of other ponies who've been in there far longer than her.
The pony slaves who've been trapped in the caves for so long, tell Applejack to escape before she becomes like them. Who've been trapped underground, toiling away in the dark mine for so long, that their eye sight has deteriorated to the point of blindness. Or at least to the point that their eyes are too sensitive for them to go out during the daylight.
So after hearing this Applejack attacks the Jewel wizard (presumably killing him, like it says he fell to The End of the Earth), and smashes his jewel throne, freeing the enslaved ponies. She then starts to lead them out of the cave, telling them to follow her and that she'll guide them, because of their extremely poor eyesight.
It's only when they reach daylight, that Applejack and the twinkle eyed ponies learn that their eyes were healed when Applejack smashed the throne made of magic jewels. Returning sight to the enslaved ponies, but also causing their gemstone eyes to develop.
[Also, in this AU Twinkle Eyes are a genetic thing, as in they're passed down to their descendants. Which is not the case in G1 canon, multiple G1 Twinkle Eyed Ponies have babies, and none of them inherit the Twinkle Eyes.
Meaning that the Twinkle Eyes are more like magical scarring as a result of their eyes being healed by gemstone magic, rather than them being a unique pony subspecies within the canon of G1.
I know they're not supposed to be genetic in G1, but this is about a fanon G4 version of Twinkle Eyed Ponies, that I'm making up, in order to justify Pinkie having Twinkle Eyes. Okay.]
So I'd think it'd be interesting if Applejack's ancestor (like hundreds of years ago, like Granny Smith's grandmother or great-grandmother or something) was the savior of the Twinkle Eyed Ponies, who were Pinkie's ancestors.
So the Pie and Apple Families aren't related by blood in this AU, but instead an old debt of gratitude for an ancestor of theirs freeing their ancestors from slavery.
This is basically a fanfic outline from here on, there's no dialog or actual scenes, just a bunch of ideas thrown out there:
The Story of Applejam
Now you might ask why the Twinkle Eyed Pie family would become rock farmers after being enslaved and forced to mine for magic gemstones by an evil wizard.
Because mining and working with rocks was all they knew how to do, and it was what most of them were comfortable doing. Heck working with rocks or gemstones was a lot of their special talents.
I'm going to say that the vast majority of the enslaved ponies who become Twinkle Eyed Ponies, were taken as fillies & colts. Either already orphaned, or taken from their parents so young and moved so far away that there was no hope finding them again after they were freed.
While not all of them got their cutie marks while trapped in the mines, some in fact got theirs extremely late only after being freed, there were still those that did. [Which caused issues and trauma to develop around their cutie mark and special talent in general which lasted long after being freed for a lot of them.]
Anyways, the damage to their sight was caused by spending years, literally most of their lives for some of them, trapped in those under ground cave systems away from sunlight.
Applejam (Applejack's ancestor who's taking the place of G1 Applejack in this version of the story) is snatched up by the Jewel Wizard, while traveling home across Equestria from an Apple Family Reunion.
The Jewel Wizard felt like he needed more workers in his mine. And Applejam, in spite of being quiet a bit older than those he'd usually take already being nearly fully grown mare, was an ideal candidate.
She was physically strong and healthy, as evidenced by her seemingly trekking across the country on her own with no other pony to switch out hauling the wagon with. Most of his workers were rather weak and sickly, with the quality of their work degrading over time.
Applejam is taken suddenly in the night, waking up in a dimly lit cavern, surrounded by other young ponies. Only a few could be considered young adults, most were teens, and a few were even fillies or colts not even old enough to develop their cutie mark yet.
They weren't doing too good.
The hair of their manes and tails haphazardly chopped short, but hanging limp and dirty all the same. Coats similarly dull, full of dust from the crushed and shattered rocks mined away.
They were thinner than they should be. Not emaciated. Apparently the one holding them captive fed them enough to keep them capable of working, but not much more than that.
The worst thing though, in Applejam's opinion, were those poor ponies' eyes. Cloudy and clearly irritated. The older ponies seemingly unable to see much at all, considering how their eyes never focused, and mainly drifted around. The younger ponies however, had retained some sight. Their eyes able to focus on things, but even then they were all squinting.
Many of the ponies had been trapped down in the mines for so long that they'd forgotten what the sky had looked like, and the warm light of the sun was but a distant memory.
What allows the Wizard to command and keep all of these other ponies under his control, is a throne entirely made of magic gemstones. By tethering the slave's magic to the gemstone throne, and keeping that tether short, he can insure no pony can leave the cave.
This also allows for the Jewel Wizard to use the throne as a kind of magical battery, using the enslaved ponies' magic as his own.
Applejam spends a few days trapped with the gem miner ponies, coming up with a plan for escape. She's sure that she can free all these ponies, she just needs the right opportunity to come, so she can finally take out the guy who kidnapped them all.
Applejam is successful in her defeat of the Jewel Wizard, with the help of a few of the gem miners to distract him, she managed to knock him down into a deep mine shaft (killing the wizard in the process). While also destroying the magic jewel throne in the process, as it was also knocked down the mine shaft.
Applejam and the other now freed ponies travel back to the surface, and are so happy to discover that their blindness had been healed as a result of the destruction of the gemstone throne.
The shattering of the gemstone throne had broken the tether spell, and returned the portion of the enslaved ponies' magic (and life force, because canonically their magic is also part of their life force) that had been stolen. Though that their magic sat contained and bound to the gemstones for so long, is what lead to the interesting side effects of the now freed slaves.
Twinkle Eyed Ponies, as they'd come to be called, would come to be a protected population of Equestria, after gaining their freedom.
Once herself and all the other ponies were now back above ground, Applejam came to the conclusion that she couldn't help these ponies on her own no matter how much she wants to. The only pony who could help them settle into new lives of freedom after spending most of their lives imprisoned, would be the ruler of Equestria herself, Princess Celestia.
So after locating her wagon, still left abandoned at the roadside from where she'd been taken in her sleep, she guided the Twinkle Eyed Ponies to a place she'd hardly ever been. Canterlot.
Applejam had a group of ponies who'd been imprisoned for half their lives or longer, who needed things like medical attention, and schooling that had been cut short, and families who they'd been separated from. And nothing was going to stop her from getting them to where they needed to be and seeing who they needed to see to get help.
Even if that pony happened to be the ruler of the country and raiser the of sun herself.
Celestia would indeed see to the needs of the Twinkle Eyed Ponies, and would send out an investigative team to see to it that no remnants of the gemstone throne remained, to see to it that there would be no copycats. Along with searching for the origin of the Jewel Wizard, and where he'd taken so man young fillies and colts from without anyone noticing.
Applejam would be awarded with a medal of honor for her heroism in freeing the Twinkle Eyed Ponies and defeating the Jewel Wizard against all odds.
The Twinkle Eyed Ponies would eventually, after counseling and rehabilitation to ensure they'd be able to function in pony society as free ponies, found the town of Rockville.
Home of the Pie family from that point on, and eventual birthplace of Pinkie Pie herself. Who'd funnily enough move to Ponyville, a town founded by the Apple family, and become best friends with a mare named Applejack.
As for Applejam? Well, she would stop by the city of Rockville during her long trek across Equestria, on her way home from Apple Family reunions, for many years after meeting and befriending the Twinkle Eyed Ponies. They weren't blood, but they were family after all.
Only stopping her yearly visits, when she had grown too old to make the journey. Though she'd eventually insist on moving there full time in her twilight years, and being buried there. Much to her family's confusion.
Why, under Celestia's bright sky, would Applejam want to live in that tiny little town, full of odd ponyfolk, without nary an apple orchard to be found?
Well, who's to say. There's only one apple tree too be found in Rockville.
A giant behemoth of a thing by the time Pinkie is born, 40 meters tall, and a 2 meter diameter for the trunk. The center piece of the community garden of Rockville. Originally planted by Applejam nearly 300 years prior, but lovingly tended to by the citizens long after the original planter had passed.
For much like a plant, no friendship can succeed, with out a bit of hard work, and the care of someone who wants to see you flourish.
IDK, I've just had a lot of feelings after learning the backstory of the Twinkle Eyed Ponies of G1 and how Applejack killed an evil wizard and freed them all from slavery and blindness.
Anyways, if you like Twinkle Eyed Rarity because gemstones are her thing, okay.
I'm a Twinkle Eyed Pinkie kind of person, because the origin story of the Twinkle Eyed Ponies and it's relation to G1 Applejack, just meshes really well in my brain with Pinkie Pie's backstory of growing up on a rock farm that made her miserable, along with the possibility of the Apple and Pie families being connected.
It's just really satisfying to me that all of these pieces fit so well together.
When I see a Twinkle Eyed Rarity I don't like connecting it to the G1 idea of Twinkle Eyed Ponies, the way I do Twinkle Eyed Pinkie.
I like the idea of Rarity getting Twinkle Eyes not genetically, but as a result of unknowingly messing around with magic gemstones not long after getting her cutie mark.
Rarity likes digging and hunting for gemstones too much for me to want to have that in anyway connected to something as traumatic as slavery. Even if it's generations back in her family tree.
When I think about it too long it makes me think of that one video of the black guy explaining that really racist field trip he was taken on in elementary school, where he and his classmates were taken to a cotton farm, and made to pick cotton they didn't even get to keep. Like literally taken to a cotton farm to do unpaid child labor.
And I know it's not actually like that, but it's always where my mind goes first when it's said on the redesign that Rarity was born with Twinkle Eyes, meaning it was an inherited trait.
Also I'll definitly attempt drawing my version of Twinkle Eyed Pinkie (and maybe some of the other Pies like Maud) at some point, but I just can't get the eyes to look right to me, so that'll be later.
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jkjs · 1 year
i think i hauve covid reading just1ce r1ders so suddenly was a mistake i keep thinking about beetle puttign boosters clit in untested and increasingly iron-lung-esque contraptions
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still going absolutely crazy about c.ornelia f.unke just dropping the origin of silvertongues in the recent r.eckless novel fjsdkljfksdjfldf
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alliluyevas · 1 year
how do you find out if any of your deceased relatives have been baptized mormon posthumously
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holyfated · 1 year
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@lunarscaled liked for a starter!
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❝ You're desperate to bring him back, aren't you? ❞ While she did not mean to come off as cruel, her smile says otherwise. It fascinated her, how they stand before her with all the things Gita had suggested they grab for her in order to begin the process of reviving the dead.
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