#and 7 hours to rig and animate
harbek · 4 months
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Get ready for a Game Changer!
I̴̫͈͖͠'̸̘̺͛ͅv̸̲̰̦͛e̵̬̪͊ ̸̧̬̤͂b̸̼̰͊͒͜e̵͇͎͐ẽ̶̟ṉ̷̯̪͗͂͒ ̵̭̑̓h̸̬̾̄ḛ̴̛̹̪̿r̸̮̊e̴̖͆̒ ̵̣̬̲̽͝t̴̳̫̔̇ḣ̴͓e̸̥͕̎ ̴̡̧͉̔̒̏w̶̲͑̀͐ĥ̶̖o̴̙̻͂ļ̷̍e̵̫͇̅ ̸͍̓͂̕t̷̗̗̼̂̅i̴̟̞̍̒̈́m̵̲̠̃ͅë̶̡̳͇́͒͐!̵̹̦͌͠
Drawn in Photoshop, animated in Spine Pro. The final art piece I made for my bachelor thesis on GIF as a medium for art.
I've been researching digital art in the context of modern folk art, outside institutional or commercial art. I analysed almost 500 art GIFs across Tumblr, Artstation and GIPHY.
There's almost no academic research on art GIFs, so it was important to me to examine and document it. I also examined the optimisation of GIFs and how it relates to web sustainability.
And because the bachelor program was focused on art practice, I then created my own art GIFs, and it seemed only right that I should do it through fanart of something I've been really into lately. Thanks @samreich and the rest of Dropout for giving me some unhinged content as inspiration. Watch 'Game Changer' everyone, it's great.
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egophiliac · 10 months
here's the Meleanor chibi speedrun! upfront warning for some flickering and/or flashing throughout from all the sped-up zooming/layer changes.
it turns out I only really recorded up to when I exported the PSD for the first time, so I went back and recorded a bit more to at least show a little of the reworked cape breakdown and background. and then bounced her rig around so you can see a bit of it too! the parts I'm not too embarrassed to show, anyway
even sped up it's still like 47 minutes (s-she took a really long time to make okay), so there are timestamps/chapters in the description if you click through! I certainly don't expect anyone to sit and watch it through, but maybe it'll be interesting to skip around in?
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awingedllama · 1 year
so i know this animation looks incredibly janky and there’s no text but here’s the IMPORTANT thing
the phone is now animated!!
the way i was doing it before, just replacing the prop and using the original EA animation, was great… except for the fact that apparently overriding props via tuning seems just not to work at all. which means the phone color didn’t match the base. either it could stay mismatched, or it could only have 1 swatch and mesh, unless i renumbered 40+ xml references for every color/variation
obviously wasn’t feasible, especially not for allowing people to make their own functional phones
so, after 7 hours of non-stop pain, i’ve redone it! properly! it has a rig and bones and weight paint and everything! it’s a real boy now!
now any cc wall phone can be weight painted and use the tuning 🥺
it seems really small, but this is the first sim/object animation i’ve ever made. and it works!!
i’ll need to do a lot of work to understand animation better and make the phone less jumpy, but i’m so proud rn, i had to share
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askagamedev · 7 months
So how much $ (in general) does it cost to produce a fully animated/rigged, fully voiced 1-3 minute cutscene in a game that’s in ongoing development (something like SWTOR, where they have a lot of prebuilt assets)? Like just a general low range and high range?
I’m seeing a lot of people complaining about prioritizing content they want, and don’t know enough about the behind the scenes costs to properly communicate they’re being unrealistic with their complaints.
The cost of any content in game dev is directly proportional to how much new stuff needs to be created for that content. In order to create a basic conversation cutscene to put into a game, we would need:
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A narrative designer to write the script for the cutscene
A cinematic designer to script out the cinematic - which characters speak, in which order, with what timing, in which location, and what other actions they would take over the course of the cutscene
Animations for the characters to play in those positions
A rig for those characters to play those animations
Character models for the characters involved
Voice recordings for the characters to speak
A tool with which to set all of these parameters and organize the cutscene
A game system that can parse the tool data and assets and construct the cutscene from them
A script system to start playing the cutscene when the proper conditions are met
This doesn't include extra stuff like VFX, music, lighting, environments, props, etc. that might need to be created for certain specific cutscenes. In an ongoing game like SWTOR, element numbers 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 were already built long ago and already exist. As long as the designers can create the characters with the in-game character creator and reuse the existing rigs, no new resources need be expended to create them. If you need a completely new custom character model, that takes time from a character artist and a texture artist. If the character needs to animate differently than everyone else (i.e. needs its own rig), that's time from a rigger to create. If the cutscene needs new animations we need to bring on an animator to spend time building the new animations needed for the cutscene.
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Using some napkin math, let's consider costs. We usually use the $10,000 per month figure to pay for a developer (salary, benefits, rent, utilities, software licenses, etc.) or approximately $2,500 per development week per person. Let's assume that each task takes a developer a week to complete.
Write the script (Narrative designer)
Script the cinematic (Cinematic Designer)
Record audio (Sound Designer + Voice Actor + studio time)
Rig one new character (Rigger) x however many new characters
Animate one animation (Animator) x however many new animations
Model one new character (Character Artist + Texture Artist) x however many new characters
Track all tasks and keep everyone on schedule (Production)
Test and validate that the cutscene works (QA)
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At the very minimum, we need the script, the cinematic, production, and the QA tester, so a very bare bones cutscene that reuses all assets and has no new VO (say it only reuses the alien language) would cost 4x$2,500 = $10,000. If we add voice recording and keep it to one voice actor (let's say she voices both characters in the cutscene), then the cost jumps to 7x$2,500 = $17,500 because we need the sound designer, the voice actor, and the recording studio time. Adding in two new animations (e.g. one character throwing a punch and the second character reacting to getting punched) would add another two weeks of animator time, raising the cost to 9x$2,500 = $22,500. And so on and so forth. Those costs add up very quickly.
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There are ways to get a "bulk" discount of course - we hire voice actors for blocks of four or eight hours, so we can record multiple cutscenes during that session and share some of those costs. We can create one new character and reuse her across multiple cutscenes so that we get more value out of her. Things get cheaper if we reuse stuff more, but they still cost a lot up front. The bulk discounts only really work if the things we're paying for can be reused multiple times though - the more specific an asset is (e.g. a kissing animation), the harder it is to reuse and the more expensive it tends to be relative to other assets.
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onboardsorasora · 7 months
For de aged Daniel, max has a stream with red line that he can’t get out of so he sets Daniel up with a coloring station and Daniel draws the two of them racing or on the podium. So obvs he has to show max and he does so during the stream which is how the Max Verstappen secret kid rumors start
And since the kid is wearing so much Ferrari people assume that it’s a secret Lestappen baby which max hates because he loves Daniel and Charles is just laughing at all of the tweets/chaotically liking them to add to the rumors
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De-Aged Daniel | De-Aged Daniel Pt2 | De-Aged Daniel Pt3 | De-Aged Daniel Pt 4 | De- Aged Daniel Pt 5 | De-Aged Daniel Part 6 | De-Aged Daniel Part 7 | De-Aged Daniel Part 8 | De-Aged Daniel Part 9
“Mate, when are you gonna be able to get here?” Max asked over the phone, keeping an eye at the coffee table where Little Daniel was colouring with his tongue sticking out adorably while he concentrated.
“Mate, I told you I'm gonna be late. I am helping maman with something, then I will be there.” Charles' voice was distant on the phone and Max sighed explosively.
“Ok, the door code is the same. I have to jump on.”
“It will be fine, Max.” Charles tried to soothe before they hung up. Max looked towards Little Daniel. “Daniel, Charles will be here soon. Are you ok out here while I go into a meeting?”
“Shaarrllll.” Little Daniel drawled, not looking up from choosing his next colour.
“Daniel? Did you hear me?” Max asked again softly.
“Yeah Maxy. I'll shtay here.” Little Daniel nodded up at Max, brown eyes bright.
“Pinky promise?” Max asked sticking out his finger.
Little Daniel looked at him consideringly before hooking his pinky with a grin. “I'm gonna draw you a picture Maxy!” He declared.
“I'd love one thank you, Daniel.” 
Max went into his sim room after taking a long look at Little Daniel who took a new sheet of paper and started colouring again. He settled himself in his rig and joined the stream, apologizing for being late.
“Everything ok, Mate?” Crane asked. Max glanced up at the camera and waved before straightening his shirt across his chest while he watched them play a round.
“Yeah, I just had to deal with something. Of course, I would never miss staring into your eyes Crane.” Max laughed when his friends snorted.
They set up for iRacing, Max letting the chatter wash over him while he slowly tried to relax and stop listening out for Little Daniel in the other room. Little Daniel had snacks, he had his crayons, paper and a colouring book. The TV was also on, playing another race, and Jimmy and Sassy were around to distract him. He only needed to last at most a half an hour before Charles came.
After the first race– that Max won, he begged off a minute and turned off his camera. He got up and peaked out of the room to see Little Daniel where he left him, looking up at the TV attentively and nibbling his finger.
Max sighed and relaxed further before climbing back in the rig. He came back to chaos as Bennett and Gianni were arguing about whether iguanas truly fell asleep if it got too cold. Max joined in, stating a few animal facts he learned while looking up information for Little Daniel.
They're going through qualifying again when the door to the sim room busts open. It wasn't fully closed in the first place so Little Daniel met little resistance when he barrelled in like the koolaid man.
“Maxy! I finished it!” He's waving his drawing around like a flag. Max's eyes widen and he lunged for his camera, fumbling to turn it off. 
“Fu–sorry mate! He's really fast.” Charles charged in and scooped up Little Daniel in his arms. Max yanked off his headphones and turned to look at Little Daniel who is smiling broadly at him before frowning at Charles. 
“Shaarrllll I wanna show Maxy!” Little Daniel whined, his body going toddler tantrum tense.
“How about we make him another one then put it on the fridge so he'll see it as soon as he's finished his meeting?” Charles tried to bargain, walking out of the room. Max heard the first sounds of Daniel's unhappy cries and followed them out of the room.
Little Daniel looked up at Max with wide, wet, unhappy eyes and Max reached for him. He pressed his face in Max's neck unhappily and Max rubbed his little back, underneath his red Ferrari shirt.
Max took the crumpled picture that Little Daniel still clutched and looked at it while small hands squeezed around his neck. It was a picture of Max and Little Daniel in their race suits in front of a race car. 
“Thank you for the drawing Daniel. It is lovely.” Max said softly, soothingly. Little Daniel sniffed loudly and scrubbed at his eyes 
“You like it?” He sniffled.
“I do! Can you and Charles make me another one?”
Little Daniel nodded against Max's neck and Max thought he must have been very upset to forgo his usual “Sharl” vocal stim.
Max looked over to see Charles watching him with an unreadable expression. Max ignored him and put Little Daniel safely in his arms.
“I'm going to beg off the rest of the stream. I'll be back in five I think.”
“Of course. Sorry.” Charles looked contrite but Max waved it off. 
He got back in his rig and put on his headphones, listening in as the guys gained control over the stream again after his very abrupt departure. The chat was going wild based on what Max could see. He turned on his camera and Crane visibly relaxed.
“Everything ok over there Maxy Max?”
“Yeah mate. But I've got to go, something's come up.”
“Would that something happen to be toddler shaped?” Gianni asked
“Was that Charles??” Bennett jumped in.
“I'll talk to you guys later. Bye!” Max turned off his camera and mic quickly, before shutting everything down and quitting the room. He found Charles and Little Daniel exactly where he left them and Little Daniel raised his hands immediately when he saw Max, wanting to be lifted. Max obliged without hesitation. 
Both Max and Charles’ phone went off at the same time– denoting a group chat message. Max watched curiously as Charles' eyes widened.
“Oh no.” 
“What's happened?”
“Apparently we have a love child.” Charles raised his phone to show the looping gif of Little Daniel running up to Max and Charles coming to scoop him up before Max turns off his camera.
“Well, crap.” Max muttered.
“Shaarrllll….crap.” Little Daniel mumbled tiredly against Max's skin.
“No, Daniel we don’t need to repeat that.” Max mumbled, narrowing his eyes at Charles who was giggling at his phone. “What are you doing?”
“Mate, the internet works so fast, theres already theories about which one of us got pregnant.” Charles snickered into his palm and Max rolled his eyes, knowing he was on twitter liking tweets. Well there went his hope that this would blow over quickly.
“Why would I even want to have a baby with you?” Max groused, not wanting Daniel to be seen as he and Charles’ anything. 
“I would be a good mommy, no?” Charles rubbed his belly before giggling again. “I am going to call Lando to sort this all out.”
“You do that, Daniel and I are going to order pizza.” He rolled his eye before looking down at Little Daniel who seemed to perk up a little. “Would you like to choose the pizza?” 
Little Daniel nodded against his chest before covering his face. Max frowned. 
“What’s wrong?”
“I’m schowy.” He mumbled while biting his palm.
“What for?”
“I-” Little Daniel frowned and looked at the floor sadly.
“I broke the pinky pwomise.” He whispered morosely. “‘Shell says it's bad. I didn’t mean to Maxy.”
Max felt that cuteness aggression that he’d become very accustomed to feeling. He stopped himself from squeezing Daniel’s little body to his chest and stroked his hair instead.
“It's ok bud, you didn’t mean to. You were just excited.”
“I won’t do it again. Pwomise!” Little Daniel vowed.
“I believe you, let's get some juice. Do you want juice?” Little Daniel nodded and Max walked them into the kitchen, ignoring Charles’ heart eyes and the phone trained in their direction.
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logan-lieutenant · 27 days
i feel so high school (au) pt. 4: webbonso
anyway here are some high school aus for my fav f1 rpf ships and an exploration of who knows how to ball, and who knows aristotle
(based on american high school setups because of the song)
buckle up guys this one’s gonna be a wild ride
punk band!mark/delinquent!fernando: so in some american high schools we have this term called ‘supersenior.’ it’s not actually a grade, it’s a term describing an older kid who should have graduated last year or even years ago and is suck repeating senior year. they’re stereotypically the future dropout kid, probably stoned 24/7, a bad influence etc. fernando is a supersenior. two years ago he was in the right grade for his age, all caught up, but he got into way too much trouble. never showing up to class, being disruptive, pulling the fire alarm, skateboarding through the halls– and that was just on campus. outside of school he ran with the wrong crowd. sneaking into places, vandalizing, smashing windows, racing their parents’ cars at night and driving drunk. that was his life since he was like fourteen and he never saw a reason to change his ways until he crashed a car into a telephone pole with some younger high school kids inside. by some miracle no one was hurt, but he nearly got charged with child endangerment and driving without a license, there was a trial and everything and he barely made it off with a year of probation and community service.
that was then, this was now. he’s done a lot of volunteering to get his hours in, mostly at animal shelters cause when he tries to work with people he brings his belligerent attitude with him too often. since he’s on probation he ends up cooling down, getting sober, leaving behind the crowd he was getting into trouble with in the first place. it’s taken a while but he’s almost out of the woods, he has three classes to repeat but since his schedule is almost free the rest of the week he helps out the janitorial/maintenance staff at school since that counts for community service hours too. he does a lot of setup for events (american high schools think they’re fun by having like six events a year on average) and he ends up getting really good at rigging the lighting and sound systems. so of course he ends up doing a lot every year for battle of the bands. it’s a pretty big school, but since it’s more or less the same musicians every year he gets to know quite a few of them over time. sometimes he stays for practices and he usually goes to the performances even though he pretends to be too cool to enjoy it.
mark is a little bit younger than fernando, but he got held back a grade when he was younger so he’s a year older than the rest of his grade. and yeah, he’s in his punk kid era. perhaps even the lead punk kid. he doesn’t have a single t shirt that’s not a band shirt, his hair is too long and he changes the color of the highlights once a week, he definitely wears combat boots that make him significantly taller than he is (not that he would admit that or be caught dead in normal shoes). and he’s in a band, lead guitarist. there’s a couple scrappily assembled bands in their school, but they’re the ones who think they can make it. they’re gonna be the next blink 182 or green day, they swear. and as much as the other kids get annoyed with them (“stfu you actually are like the other girls give me a break”) they’re the only band that makes it to BOTB finals every year.
he and fernando meet at the beginning of the school year because mark’s band got permission to play at the homecoming dance for the first time. fernando’s doing the setup for the event, he’s done it before and never really pays attention to the practices, just puts on some noise-canceling headphones so he can focus. but then the band starts to play and he’s like holy shit, what is going on since when do any of these kids actually know how to play? and he just stands there kind of starstruck with a forgotten staple gun in hand watching them play and mark steps up and has his lil guitar solo moment at the end of the song and fernando is immediately caught in the throes of gay panic
and mark doesn’t even notice he’s there at first because there’s plenty of people moving around putting up signs and rearranging the space and he just tries to stay out of their way, their first conversation is fernando throwing out a song request (he tries to speak casually but he’s actually super nervous butterflies and probably sounds like he’s on something) and mark is like omg you know good charlotte? and fernando scoffs and is like do i look like i was born yesterday of course i know good charlotte and mark i like yeah i got that for you :) and because he’s a little shit he tries wayyyyy too hard the whole song like eye contact fucking smolder looking at fernando in the audience like he’s trying to seduce him with his shitty dollar store eyeliner and fuck it might be working and
yeah the rest can be history
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romanarose · 8 months
Get to know me tag game
Thank you for the tags @not-a-unique-snowflake-blog
1. Were you named after anyone? Rebecca from the bible for my legal name. Named myself after Romana from doctor who bc I wanted to be a time lord in high school lol
2. When was the last time you cried? Today, Heroe by Enrique Iglasias came on (spanish version of Hero) and i cried i wanna be loved
3. Do you have kids? Not unless you count my daycare children I adore.
4. What sports do you/have you played? Like kate ive done tea kwon do, made it to high red! and i did bike races in elementary school through middle and was pretty good. One of the few good memroies with my dad was doing that on monday nights in the summer. Now all i do is chase after children.
5. Do you use sarcasm? Noooooo neverrrrrr
6. First thing you notice about people? Im too busy wondering how im percived XD
7. What's your eye color? blue but like a boring blue
8. Scary movies or happy endings? HAPPY unless im like, at a theater or doing a sleep over.
9. Any talents? Im a great writer <3
10. Where were you born? Kenosha, WI (yes, of kyle rittenhouse fame BUT HE DOESNT REPORESENT US)
11. What are your hobbies? Reading and writing fanfic, crying
12. Do you have any pets? No but im taking care of my roommate/landlords cat while shes out in north dakota with her oil rig boyfriend XD i dont like animals though.
13. How tall are you? 5'9 (im willing to be taller than oscar)
14. Favorite subject in high school? English
15. Dream job? Dream job is a rich husband and I take care of our children and spend several hours a week volunteering at soe women's shelter or childrens center
NP tags @whatthefishh @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction @ivystoryweaver @campingwiththecharmings
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queeryutbrb · 6 months
Hi, I saw you commented on a Sonic animation post and you said you were learning 2d animation. I wanted to know if you've progressed and if you could spare any helpful information I could use on my animation journey. Thanks
yo! sure, yeah, id love to help ^^
i have made some progress, yeah. there's a lot of stylistic variations, but here's what's been most helpful to me :)
0. a lot of these mention speed - if you get too caught on something, it's likely to sap your motivation. also, i use frame-by-frame, not rigging, so some of these might not be helpful if you use rigging.
1. learn to accept mistakes.
perfectionism will slow you down. it's a little each frame, but that *adds up*. in a few second long animation, it may be fine. but if you're going for 15+ seconds, even into minutes, that can cost you hours to days to even months of progress, depending on the length. learn to accept minor mistakes, if you haven't already. you can always fix them later.
2. you dont have to redraw every single frame.
first, you can cut up an individual frame and move the parts of it. i draw characters art, and i cut up different bits of the arm when i wanna move it. second, you can warp a frame - stretch it, slant it, squish it, lots of things. you can also slide them around on the screen. third, you can reuse a frame. that's one you have to experiment with a bit, seeing where it's helpful for you and where it isn't.
3. do one thing at a time.
if you've just sketched a frame, dont move onto lining it, sketch the next one. if you get bored with one step but still wanna work on the animation, that's when you switch to the next. getting into a rhythem can help you enjoy the work more and let it go by faster.
4. stretch!
if you wanna animate, you have to take care of your body. it's fairly easy to find stretches online, look up "stretches for artists/animators" or "stretches to avoid carpel tunnel", and walk around a couple minutes every hour you've been seated. if you don't, that strain will add up, and you can cause or worsen chronic pain in yourself.
5. check your progress every so often.
if you ever wanna see your current progress, go for it! it can help you stay motivated and show you want you like and dislike about your animation so far. to do this, put in a few frames of your animation and time them properly. put them together like they should be in the final piece. watch this back whenever you like :) it's a great way to give yourself a little reward for all your hard work!
6. watch videos on animation from other artists.
plenty of people share their tips. i've learned a lot by going on youtube and searching "animaton tips". you can also play this in the background while you animate, if you'd like. i always like having something to listen to, myself, and it can help me a lot to have it be related to the art i'm making.
i reccomend doodley and lavendertowne, personally :)
7. animate for you.
remember, if there's anything you don't wanna do, you don't have to. make what you enjoy making, not just what you think others would wanna see. if you end up sharing your animations, which you don't have to do, you will find your audience. do what you enjoy, skill will come to you along the way. :)
i hope these are helpful to you ^^ best of luck on your animation journey!
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deffers · 2 months
Artfight Attack #7-- N0ISAAC's Frank!
This attack was a special self-imposed challenge-- get a project complete in one day. I kind of did it! Within 24 hours, not under. Total time was like fifteen hours of work, so definitely my fastest one yet. Shoutouts to N0ISAAC on Twitter.
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It was deceptively difficult, I'll be honest. I tried to get away with rigging the model in a way that avoids weight painting by using curves-- it works, but then the sleeves didn't follow them. That's where the real challenge was, as it turns out. My solution? Animate shape keys! Blender's rigid body constraints also gave me some guff. Pro-tip: if you need to keep something from moving for a little bit, disable animation on the collider, not the active element.
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doctorbrown · 5 months
what color do you associate with your muse?
is there a song that reminds you of your muse?
how do you get yourself out of a writing funk?
do you have any advice for other writers?
would you hug your muse?
how are you and your muse alike?
how are you and your muse different?
do you follow canon, or dump it in the trash?
best scene featuring your muse? (chapter, film, episode)
1-4 answered here!!
5. Would you hug your muse?
In a goddamn heartbeat actually. Doc is absolutely the kind of supportive, awesome adult figure I wish I could've had growing up and he's one hell of a friend on top of it all.
6. How are you and your muse alike?
We're both very animated. When I'm with my friends and especially when I'm getting into something, you'll find me moving/hopping around, gesturing wildly with my hands, just absolutely full of energy. I'm not nearly as into science as Doc is, but I do enjoy and appreciate it a lot and there's a part of me that wishes I went into some kind of engineering.
We're also both good at fixing cars, albeit to varying degrees.
We're both the ones typically considered weird amongst others.
7. How are you and your muse different?
Oh in so many ways. The obvious being I do not have a doctorate but I do have a law degree haha.
For one, Doc's far more comfortable in his skin than I ever will be and I kind of envy Doc his confidence in that regard; I've never had that and who knows if I will.
You'll be hard-pressed to ever get Doc on a motorcycle and I'm over here dreaming about the second one I want to buy myself.
Doc's also far more optimistic about things than I am. I've got more of a realistic approach to things and also lean far more heavily into morbid jokes and joke about how if I live to forty, I'll already have exceeded my personal life expectancy. Some of these jokes are rooted in reality, because again, I ride a motorcycle, I like to do a lot of things considered dangerous, and you just never know what's going to happen on any given day. I've well outgrown my youthful phase of I'm invincible! and sometimes you just gotta make jokes about things to get through the days.
Doc would also probably faint if he heard how much I curse on the regular tbh.
8. Do you follow canon or dump it in the trash?
I follow film canon for the most part! I've got my gripes about pt2, of course, but 1 & 3 are solid films and I adore them with my whole heart and 1985A is one of my favourite underexplored timelines; I want to do way more with that, short-lived as their time there was. Then again, I suppose they were there for probably ~12 hours, despite Marty being unconscious for 9 of them but hey.
Everything else outside of the films, really, I pick and choose from at will to use as inspiration. Nothing in the comics or game for example I consider having happened in Doc's canon proper, maybe save for the comics with Doc & the family with the Time Train during that time before they get back to Doc's present to settle down. I do love some of those adventures the family get up to and they've definitely had some of their fun.
The games/comics otherwise, though, I consider more of a, this could be an alternate reality so I'm not going to completely discard it, but the events won't be referenced here, certainly not in the same way.
9. Best scene featuring your muse? (chapter, film, episode)
Another really amazing Doc scene is from pt2 again and it's the the scene where Doc inadvertently does exactly what he'd been cautioning Marty against since they arrived back in 1955 to track down Biff—he meets his younger counterpart in Courthouse Square rigging up the cable for the lightning strike.
That scene to me is just incredible, not because you can see the small differences behaviour-wise between his younger and elder(current) self or even because it's so interesting hearing the way Doc talks to himself, but because of the way you can see all of Doc's reactions so clearly written on his present-self's face. The wonder and amazement at seeing this from a different perspective, free of any time constraints and worries. Doc knows how this is going to all play out, of course, so seeing his work now is fascinating.
I'm sure he's thinking of all the other better ways he could've done it/things he should have done that evening to save him a heart attack or two. Hindsight's 20/20.
I also love that this cements what a fantastic memory Doc has. This moment, for him, happened thirty years ago. For Marty, it was, what, two days ago? But Doc remembers. Vividly. To the point where his younger counterpart asks for the 5/8 wrench and Doc immediately makes that face and goes 5/8? Don't you mean 3/4?
And it's the fact that you see Doc's expressions change from awed to surprised to uncertain, to a little more confident, and there's even this, to me, moment of realisation. Now maybe isn't the time to think about it—he'll have plenty of time in 1885—but he met his temporal counterpart and the fabric of reality didn't unfold just because of their meeting.
Doc's the first one of them to meet his other self, iirc, and idk I just really really love that scene.
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alueivtuber · 2 years
God, I wish there was more time in the day. There’s so much I’m excited to do, make, learn and practice… and at the same time, of course, I still need to do necessary life things like cooking or sleeping… I know it’ll take some time to really get the hang of decent time management for it all but I’ll figure it out somehow. ;u;
So, here’s a list of goals I’ll look back on in February 2023 to see if I’ve accomplished them:
• Continue streaming 3x a week
• Work out at least 3x a week
• Practice drawing to make a bunch more emotes
• Learn to rig, finish at least 1 practice model
• Practice singing often and write lyric ideas down even if they’re bad and cringe!
• Fully design the look/feel of stream overlay
• Have lore mostly finished and written
• Learn to animate, make at least 2 animated emotes
• Learn a little bit of video editing for at least minimal things
• Implement at least 2 new channel point redeems, something fun and cute!
• Sleep more, at least 7 hours a night!! 💦
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zoewilkinson · 2 months
FMP Practical Work
We’re combining all of our work together tomorrow so I’m wanted to make sure all of my animations are ready to go so we can get straight on with it. I had a bit of a weird learning process with this, I think it was mostly just user error but I spent a rather frustrating 7 hours trying to work out what I was doing wrong.
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Trying to rig my model.
I spent a long time trying to get this model into Mixamo for animations with no success, so I took a T pose rig and connected it manually, hoping that I would be able to get it to recognise the shapes after that. I followed this tutorial and was able get it to connect and set the T post as the default rest pose, but still was unable to get the model into Mixamo.
I wasted a lot of time trying to get it imported in, and even looked at if it would be easier to use Rokoko animations and project them onto the rig I added. I also tried to get it to work by posing it using Maya’s rigging tools but this also didn’t work. I eventually realised I could use the original FBX file that I had imported into substance painter rather than exporting this model out of Blender and that worked perfectly, so I was able to get my animations. A bit of a silly mistake but luckily it worked out in the end!
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Successful Mixamo import.
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I will create an adobe character animator puppet
Visit Here 👉https://go.fiverr.com/visit/?bta=976934&brand=fp&landingPage=https%253A%252F%252Fwww.fiverr.com%252Fjairocartoon%252Fcreate-the-character-to-adobe-character-animato%253Fcontext_referrer%253Dsearch_gigs_with_recommendations_row_1%2526source%253Dtop-bar%2526ref_ctx_id%253D96b0829fdda246a4891a5bec48b6113c%2526pckg_id%253D1%2526pos%253D1%2526context_type%253Dauto%2526funnel%253D96b0829fdda246a4891a5bec48b6113c%2526fiverr_choice%253Dtrue%2526imp_id%253Dbdbb459a-528d-4a4c-b71d-2338ce116020
All puppets are 100% CUSTOMIZED! There are no templates!
Why should you buy my service?
Due to my brilliant comments from some of the best entrepreneurs.
Because I have delivered more than 1200 Adobe Character Animator puppets
I will create an impressive and fun puppet to be manipulated by you in Adobe Character Animator for you.
Check my Premium wallet at https://www.fiverr.com/jairocartoon
How to start:
1) Simply send me your character (layered vector .EPS or .AI)
If you don't have one, I can draw for an additional cost.
2) And send me your initial ideas for the puppet, with or without a trigger.
If you have no ideas, you can leave it in my hands, I am very creative.
* All puppets are delivered in adobe character animator .puppet formats
Project costs vary depending on what is done.
Your satisfaction is my priority. I try to be online 24/7, I strive to answer any questions I have within an hour unless I am asleep!
I look forward to working with you! Just send me a message for a personalized quote.
Package prices are per rig, design not included
Thank you!
Important - PLEASE contact me BEFORE orderi
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creativecourse · 10 months
Motion Beast Information Motion Beast is an online course designed to teach individuals how to create visually appealing and dynamic animations using Adobe After Effects. A must-see course for any Motion Designer. It lays the foundation for all aspects of modern motion design and covers every topic from After Effects basics to character rigging and frame by frame animation. What is this course about? Get full access to our constantly updating motion beast course with 20+ tutorials and dozens of additional supporting videos to thoroughly cover every aspect of modern motion design & animation. Here’s what you’ll learn LESSON #1: Interface, Transform Properties We will go through interface, major AE panels, customisation, the Collect Files function, files import and the Project panel, basics of composition, instrument panels, viewport, layers & timeline LESSON #2: Shape Layers & Masks We will study Shape layers, simple shapes, principles of work with the Brush tool, common path settings, masks, parenting & importing files from Adobe Illustrator. LESSON #3: Shape Modifiers We will understand what shape modifiers are, what possibilities for animation they uncover, what combinations you can use them in and much more LESSON #4: Easings We will go through the most important things in animation — easings, which mean a smooth animation. We will look through easing examples, how to distinguish good easing from bad easing, and once and for all will decide what’s better: Values Chart or Speed Chart. LESSON #5: Effects & Stylization. Part 1 We will learn different ways to stylize your art, what animation possibilities are hidden in the Adjustment Layer, what is the best use case for Pre-compose and what makes it different from grouping. LESSON #6: Effects & Stylization. Part 2 Here we dive even deeper into the stylization of your animation. We will learn how to make stylish liquid animation, glitches and much more. Using the example of glitches, we will look through different effects that you can use later in your practice. LESSON #7: Loops We will learn how to make seamless cycles and endless loops, and what type of movements and transitions can make your animation much more interesting. LESSON #8: Text Animation We will understand what type layer is, what settings are available for animation and how we can use that to animate text. We will animate a text along the path, have a look at animators and range selectors, and understand how to properly save presets for the future. LESSON #9: Morphings We will learn how to morph one object into another, try the main methods and find out what conditions should be met to create realistic-looking morphing. LESSON #10: Lettering Animation We will learn all possible tools and instruments that give life to any possible type of letterings out there. LESSON #11: Optimize Your Workflow We will learn the ways to optimize and speed up the work process due to a systematic approach to motion design. In the same module, you will have access to our bestselling plugins and internal studio scripts, that will help you quadruple your productivity. LESSON #12: Logo Animation We will learn new techniques and ways to animate logotypes, understand the latest trends in this area and receive tons of motivation by animating your own logo. LESSON #13: Expressions. Part 1 We will learn a basic introduction to JavaScript language that is enough to start making your own simple scripts. We will understand what are variables, arrays, how to build conditions and perform basic arithmetical operations. We will also learn how to make almost everything that we do manually faster with just a few lines of code. LESSON #14: Expressions. Part 2 We will learn very handy functions, understand how to make dependencies between parameters and finally get to know what is animation without keyframes. We will learn how to export animations into the code and use it in any online project. You will also receive some handy scripts that you will definitely benefit from in the future
LESSON #15: Export to JavaScript and 12 Animation Principles We will thoroughly examine and recreate all 12 principles of Disney animation that, if properly used, can improve almost any type of animation. LESSON #16: Character Animation. Walks One of the greatest animators at Warner Brothers Studio, Ken Harris, once gave such advice: “A walk is the first thing to learn. Learn walks of all kinds because walks are about the toughest thing to do right”, so that’s what we will go through. LESSON #17: Character Animation. Runs It’s not enough to speed up the walk to make a character run. There are quite a lot of differences between these cycles. Here we will learn these differences. LESSON #18: Rigging By this moment it should be clear how difficult it is to animate characters with the basic instruments of After Effects. Here we will learn how to create a comfortable rigging with controls so that you will not have to suffer from paths animations and basic transformations. LESSON #19: Pseudo 3D & Face Rig We will understand how to imitate volume with the help of simple 2D layers and look through one of the most popular techniques to create a facial rig of a character. LESSON #20: Facial Animation In this lesson, we will consider very important thing which most of animation beginners usually forget about — head animation and emotions! LESSON #21: Path Animation In this lesson, we will consider the principles and techniques of the Path property animation. It’s like a light transition from After Effects parametric animation to classical frame-by-frame techniques. LESSON #22: Frame by Frame Animation We will learn the techniques needed to create frame by frame animation in Adobe Animate and how to properly transfer this animation into After Effects to create outstanding animation projects. LESSON #23: Frame by Frame Animation. Part 2 We will have a closer look at the Pose-to-pose approach which will save you a lot of time while you are planning and creating complex animations. We will also figure out 3 techniques to clean up and finalize your shots. About Author Iaroslav Kononov I’m the Motion Designers School founder I’ve tried many fields in motion and AE is my favorite. Seasoned in our yaroflasher.com, freelance projects with big brands, and stock footage I will give you the knowledge that I’ve gained in 15 years. We have gone all the way from a tiny team to a large-scale and well-organized company that produces quality courses and is always ready to experiment and accept new challenges. See you in the course! More courses from the same author: Iaroslav Kononov
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conflagrate · 2 years
Winter 2023 Anime + TV Season
Another year is gone, another year closer to us all expiring (raises a glass). But first, recap of the autumn gone...
Oh noes I barely remember watching anime this season!
Rankings 1. Chainsaw Man 2. Spy x Family Cour 2 3. Gundam: Suisei no Majo 
Odd, cos I wouldn’t say I particularly preferred Chainsaw Man to the other 2 - all three were just ‘better than okay’, scoring around the 8.00 average mark. Oh well....
Shows completed: 6 Shows still ongoing: 2 (Blue Lock, Gundam) Shows stuck in purgatory: 2 (Isekai Ojisan, Golden Kamuy S4)
AND NOW WINTER IS almost HERE (especially for all ya US folks, hope y'all stayed safe & survived) and I can safely predict I will be watching a whole lot more Japanese cartoons this season...thanks sequels!
Must Watch: Bungo Stray Dogs S4, Tsurune S2, Kyokou Suiri S2, Bofuri S2, Hikari no O, Junji Ito Maniac [6]
Sounds Interesting: Revenger, Mononogatari, Buddy Daddies, TRIGUN STAMPEDE (I’m scared), HIGH CARD, Tondemo Skill de Isekai Hourou Meshi (only for the FOOD), Oyukiumi no Kaina [7]
Not My Thing But Who Knows!: Tensei Oujo, Technoroid: Overmind, Spy Kyoshitsu, Sugar Apple Fairy Tale, Ars no Kyoju, NieR, Mou Ippon, FLAGLIA
Do I have To? (No I Don’t): Koori Danshi, Tomo-chan wa Onnanoko, Inu ni Nattara, Nokemonotachi. The Legend of Heroes, Ayakashi Triangle, Kubo-san wa Mob o Yurusanai
Sequel Hell: Danmachi S4, Maou Gakuin S2, Nagatoro-san S2, Tokyo Revengers, Kamihiro S2, Kyuketsuki Sugu Shinu S2, Vinland Saga S2, Pokemon whatever, D4DJ S2, Shinka no Mi S2, Cardfight Vanguard will+Dress S2, Orphen S3, KJ File S2
Light Novel/Isekai/Idol/Imouto Hell: Ningen Fushin, Onii-chan wa Oshimai, Hyouken, Isekai Nonbiri Nouka, Tsundere Liselotte, Ankoku Heishi, Otonari no Tenshi-sama, UniteUp!, Saikyo Onmyoji, Roukin8, Benriya Saitou-san, Eiyuu-ou, Nijiyon
Continuing: Blue Lock, Isekai Ojisan (maybe)
Expected Load: 15 (OUCH)
Moving on to Broadcast TV & Streaming!
What I’ve been watching over the last quarter:
CBS: NCIS S20*, NCIS: Hawai’i S2*, NCIS:LA S14*, Fire Country*, East New York* Disney+: Alaska Daily* (ABC), The Patient, Andor, The Mysterious Benedict Society S2, Subete o Wasurete Shimau kara Netflix: Cabinet of Curiosities, HIgh Water, Manifest* Apple TV: Bad Sisters, Slow Horses S2 Amazon Prime: The Peripheral, The Devil’s Hour HBO: The White Lotus S2 Gameshows: Only Connect S18 Others: The Chosen S3* (app), Rogue Heroes: SAS (BBC), Wreck (BBC)
Series completed: 13 Series ongoing: 7 Full-length films watched: 20
What I'll hopefully be watching in the new Year
CBS: NCIS S20*, NCIS: Hawai’i S2*, NCIS:LA S14*, Fire Country*, East New York* Disney+: Gannibal, Extraordinary (?), Alaska Daily* (ABC) Netflix: Treason, The Recruit, 1899, Manifest*, Gudetama, Makanai-san, Kaleidoscope (?), Copenhagen Cowboy (?) Apple TV: Shrinking (?), Dear Edward (?), Liaison, Hello Tomorrow Amazon Prime: The Rig, Daisy Jones & The Six (?) HBO: The Last of Us Gameshows: Only Connect S18 Others: The Chosen S3* (app), Mayflies (BBC), Poker Face (Peacock), Stonehouse (ITV?), The Company You Keep (ABC)
* - continuing series or a marathon of old series, ? - will try, no guarantee of watch
Plus a ton of films before the Oscars come around =____=
PRAY FOR ME, THAT I CAN KEEP UP (also I’m now officially jobless so hopefully I find a job and not just park my ass at home and watch TV all day long bwahahahha)
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rendersfarm · 2 years
Top 6 Render Farm for 3DS Max in 2023
Many artists prefer 3Ds Max for professional 3D modeling, rendering, and animation. The software includes practically everything a designer needs, including a rich, flexible toolkit and the ability to generate realistic designs. You must have wondered a lot when looking for a render farm that provides the power to create excellent work. Best render farm for 3DS Max. Take a read on choosing the suitable render farms for your needs!
What is a render farm ?
A render farm is a large group of high-performance computer that are all working together to render your 3D projects (computer-generated imagery (CGI), typically for film and television visual effects). Your 3D projects will be able to fulfill deadlines if you use render farms. What would normally take days to render on your PC may now be done in only hours.
Pricing varies by company, with fee structures based on factors such as file size and rendering time. 
What is 3DS Max ?
3ds Max is a computer graphics program for creating 3D models, animations, and digital images. It’s one of the most popular programs in the computer graphics industry and is well known for having a robust toolset for 3D artists.
3ds Max is often used for character modeling and animation as well as for rendering photorealistic images of buildings and other objects. When it comes to modeling 3ds Max is unmatched in speed and simplicity.
The software can handle several stages of the animation pipeline including pre-visualization, layout, cameras, modeling, texturing, rigging, animation, VFX, lighting, and rendering.
As one of the most widely used 3D packages in the world, 3ds Max is an integral part of many professional studios and makes up a significant portion of their production pipeline for games and movies.
This article shows only the 6 most suitable render farms, and the order of companies is randomly arranged.
The best render farm for 3DS Max
Fox RenderFarm
Fox Renderfarm supports major software such as 3ds Max, Maya, Cinema4D, Blender.. If you are using the Desktop Client application, there are two operating systems: Windows and Linux, which allow you to submit render jobs directly from 3D applications such as Maya and 3ds Max.
CPU: Dual Xeon E5 2660
GPU: GTX 1080, 1080 Ti
Ram per node: 64GB
Price: From $0.036 to $0.06 per core hour or from $1.0 to $2.0 per node per hour
Super Renders Farm – Powerful render farm for 3DS Max
Super Renders Farm was founded in California, USA in 2010 as a small local rendering company. In 2017, they began to grow considerably by developing online render technologies. Super Renders Farm is a cloud rendering service that is based on SaaS (Software-as-a-Service) and IaaS (Infrastructure-as-a Service). They supported all major apps used by the industry 3dsMax, Maya, Blender, Houdini, SketchUp…
Super Renders Farm offers users two rendering methods: submit jobs to the render farm via Web or Desktop Client application. If you choose to use the Web, then you only need four steps after creating an account, uploading resources, submitting the job, analyzing the scene, and rendering. If you are using the Desktop Client application, they only support Windows operating systems, which allow you to submit render jobs directly from 3D applications such as Maya and 3ds Max.
Super Renders Farm based on IaaS model. It allows users can control every aspect of rendering from choosing the hardware to installing software, plugins, and scripts, using their remote servers as your computer, and more. So, you can install any versions of 3DS Max (which run on Windows 10 or Linux …), and any renderers. 
You can select a wide variety of service package including CPU rental packages or GPU rental packages (namely GTX 1080Ti, RTX 2080Ti, RTX 3080, or RTX 3080Ti which are all the state-of-the-art and newest ones in the market). Using Super Renders Farm service will not limit your types of plugins, software version or GPU/CPU rendering. 
Super Renders Farm has a 7×24 real-time service, so if you encounter any difficulties while rendering, the technical support staff is always available to help you remotely. Its pricing is very reasonable and very cheap compared to the price of market.
CPU: 2x Intel XEON E5-2670 v2
GPU: GTX 1080Ti, RTX 2080Ti, RTX 3080, or RTX 3080Ti
Ram per node: 48GB -128GB
Pricing: New customers receive a free $25 credit, with discounts for regular users
Rebus is a company in Germany who provide high performance 3d rendering service. It has more than 15 years of experience in the field of 3D rendering and gets the trust of many big studios and companies. No doubt if it could be one of the best render farms for Maya. It provides SaaS platform They develop tools called Rebusdrop which can be added to your own software and you can just render from your software. 
CPU: 2 Intel i9-7980XE and 2.60 GHz, 18 cores
GPU: Quadro RTX 6000, 4608 CUDA cores
RAM per node: 64 – 256 GB
Pricing: 25 RenderPoints free trial after the registration; offer a price of 1.27 cent/GHzh for CPUs rendering and 0.48 cent/OBh for GPU rendering.
GarageFarm is a small team of tech and 3d enthusiasts who one day decided to set up their own farm in GarageFarm after years of painful and horrible experiences with rendering farms. GarageFarm allows you to upload and manage your projects with ease. With intuitive and lightweight plugin, you can submit your .blend scene easily and seamlessly from within your Blender GUI.
Hardware: 25,000 CPU cores, 500 GPUs, 256GB RAM
Pricing: $ 50 credits and 30% discount for blender rendering. Others offer $20 credits. $0.015/GHz per hour for CPUs and $0.0025/GHz per hour for GPUs.
Ranch Computing
Ranch is a company in France who provide high performance 3d rendering service. It’s a well-established farm which has a long history of 15 years in this industry. People also consider it as one of the best render farms for Maya. It provides a SaaS platform, with a plugin integrated to your Maya called RANCHecker. It will help you to check if your project is okay. If it’s okay, it will upload through RANCHecher. Then you go to their website and submit it. And now it’s their job to render for you and notify you when it’s done.
Hardware: Up to 192 CPUs or 56 GPUs, 128 or 156 GB RAM
Pricing: pricing starts at $0.011-$0.047/hour. Free trials $36 and you need to apply for it. 
Turborender has been helping customers hit the ground running with its rapid rendering capabilities since its inception in 2013. They offer over 800 servers for a quick and secure cloud rendering experience, as well as a Windows desktop interface for project management.
This render farm is a SaaS (Software-as-a-Service) platform-based web render farm. Customers can use the render farm to speed up their rendering time with just a few clicks thanks to Turbo. They provide services at reasonable pricing not just to independent developers but also to large-scale industries. It is advertised that they will issue an NDA to each user, so you can rest assured that your information will be safe.
CPU: Dual Xeon E5-2650V2, 2.60 GHz, 16 cores with 64GB RAM
GPU: 4 x GTX 1080 Ti
There are numerous articles regarding render farms for 3Ds Max available online. These services give you the power to produce your best work from 3Ds Max. Of course, we just present an overview, and the best render farm for 3Ds Max you need is determined by your needs, project, intended use, and anticipated budget. We hope this information is necessary for you! 
Source: https://blog.superrendersfarm.com/news/top-6-render-farm-for-3ds-max-in-2023/
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