#and 99% of the time i am the ONLY cashier
sesshy380 · 6 months
Wordcount of the day: 518
I can feel this prompt is nearing completion! One more to go after this, and I've already started on the rewrite (which makes it draft 3, since the other 2 were when I trying to force myself through my writer's block).
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nordic-language-love · 9 months
25 Things That Surprised Me as a Brit Living in Japan
1) Shops and supermarkets change their stock regularly. One day you buy ice cream, and when you go back three days later to get some more, it’s gone and there’s no evidence they ever sold it. No “sorry this is sold out”, no empty space where it was.
2) So much single-use plastic. Cookies, cakes, fruits and vegetables etc are individually wrapped, or wrapped in packs of two. To be fair though, Japan is much better at recycling all this plastic. Which leads me nicely on to...
3) PET bottles go in one recycling bin, the plastic labels and bottle tops go in a different one. You can’t just put them in together.
4) Multipack crisps are not a thing. Or if they are, I’m yet to find them. I’m used to getting 24-bag multipacks and adding crisps to my lunchbox, taking them with me in case of sudden hungries and using them to get me by between meals. Here you only really get crisps in sharing-size bags, and there’s much less variety. (Although you can buy chocolate-coated crisps, which sound like a cardinal sin but are pretty tasty)
5) There are lots of varieties of plain yoghurt. There’s not a lot of variety of flavoured yoghurt, especially when it comes to large pots. In the UK I can get strawberry, strawberry wholegrain, raspberry, blueberry, mango & passionfruit, mango & apple, mango & vanilla, vanilla, coconut, lemon curd and so much more in 500g pots. Here I’ve found vanilla, honey and blueberry in 350g pots.
6) Even in the winter when the snowstorms came, there were many non-coniferous trees that remained green. I cannot begin to explain how jarring the sight of such vibrant greenery amongst white snow is when you’re used to winter being a sea of brown and grey.
7) Cars actually stop to let you cross the road. Even if they’re turning into a side-road or at a junction, they stop for you to cross, holding up traffic. In the UK, you would annoy a lot of drivers if you started crossing a junction they were turning into.
8) Squat toilets. They’re not just a thing; they’re a commonplace thing and almost every public toilet seems to have at least one. I’ve never seen anyone opt to use one (apparently it’s easier for pregnant women though)
9) When the emergency services are called, they really show up. My neighbour left her keys in her door, someone called the police, two of them waited for her to return home. That same neighbour accidentally used a dish that wasn’t heat-resistant in the microwave and while there was no fire, there was a bit of smoke. Three fire trucks showed up, as well as police. Not a chance anything like that would happen in the UK.
10) You’re not supposed to thank the cashier after buying something; you’re supposed to just bow and leave. I cannot do this; I am culturally conditioned to thank cashiers and find myself doing it anyway.
11) 99% of (non-sliding) doors open outwards. In the UK, the opposite is true. I assume this is because, in the event of an earthquake causing structural damage, it’s much easier to barge your way out of a door when it opens outwards. In the UK, we’re more worried about people breaking in, and so doors open inwards such that we can barricade them (or so I’m told).
12) There are differences between some fruits and vegetables here. Cucumbers are tiny green wrinkled things that look like alien fingers. Radishes are enormous white monstrosities. Spinach is rarely baby leaf. Pumpkins are green. Sweet potatoes are white inside.
13) There’s not much in the way of caramel or salted caramel, but strawberry-flavoured things (especially chocolate) is very common (as is macha flavour). Things that are caramel flavour are more like burnt toffee flavour.
14) People wear coats when it’s 25ºC outside because apparently that’s not warm for them.
15) Convenience stores have printers that you’re welcome to use any time. You have to pay, of course, but for A4 paper it’s 10 yen per black and white page or 50 yen per coloured page, which is basically nothing. You can also print out things on A3, B4 and B5 paper, as well as photographs and postcards.
16) The stairwell for blocks of flats is typically outside, and then you walk along a walkway outside to get to the door. You don’t typically go into a block of flats. The opposite is true in the UK: you have to go into the building (which is typically locked, so you have to buzz the flat of the person you’re visiting and they’ll open it electronically for you from their flat) and then go up the stairs inside.
17) Bread is not sold with the end slices. It’s also usually sold in loaves of 6-8 slices, all of which are thick-cut and much sweeter than English bread. Typically only white bread is available.
18) Vending machines crop up everywhere in the seemingly most random places. I stg if Erebor were in Japan in the years of Smaug, it would have a well-stocked and fully functioning vending machine.
19) There’s no such thing as pepsi max, although there is pepsi zero. Typically you can’t get pepsi zero from the convenience store (although you can get coke zero) and have to go to the supermarket, but it costs like half the price of coke zero if you can be bothered to make the journey.
20) There are cars/vans with megaphones that just drive around advertising things. One time one passed us by and I asked my friend what the deal was and he said “oh, it’s advertising gas”. They’re also used in election campaigns. I’m still confused by these things.
21) Exposing your bare shoulders is a no-no. Even when it’s 35ºC with 90% humidity, people wear tops with sleeves that cover their shoulders (some even wear long sleeves to stop them from getting a tan). It’s okay if you’re going out on the town, but not as everyday wear.
22) “Milk” and “butter” are flavours. Personally, I think it’s redundant to describe cream as “milk-flavoured” or cake as “butter flavoured”, but it would seem Japanese people disagree.
23) Cash is still used everywhere. I pay my bills at the convenience store in cash.
24) Prices of produce are REALLY volatile. One day you pay 88 yen for a tomato. The next day that same tomato - now slightly mankier thanks to being a day older - is 198 yen. Two days later tomatoes are 98 yen. The next week they’re 128 yen.
25) Shoes off! In the classroom, at the doctor’s, at the office etc, shoes come off at the door and you change into provided slippers. This is now so deeply ingrained in me that I feel uncomfortable when my UK friends send me pictures/videos and they’re wearing shoes inside.
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fuck-customers · 2 years
I hate that I have to yell at almost every group of middle schoolers hat comes into the store. They leave a mess, or throw basketballs around, or mess with the product (one kid took an apple and banana and put them on his crotch), or go in the beer cooler even when we tell them not to, dont wear shirts (required in my state), or something else even when we tell them not to. One kid always comes in with a dollar and gets a large slushy even though he knows its $1.40. The smaller ones are only 99 cents. But he gets a large every time and acts like he didnt know even when its the same cashier. Like normally we have extra change and I'd look for the 40 cents but come one man. Just get a small one. Another kid always comes in without a shirt and gets pissy when we tell him he has to be wearing one. And he has it in his bag. He knows. One time this group of kids got orange soda all over every surface in the cafe area. Chairs, tables, floor, across the whole room. And they didn't say anything. Which means they were throwing it around. Today, these two kids tried to buy a certain giftcard which you have to be 18 to purchase, and they obviously were not 18, so I told them so. They put it back and then a while later, I have to go outside for propane ang got someone else to cover the register, and when I come back, she has that same giftcard in her hands and those two kids are standing there. They waited for me to leave to get someone else to sell it to them.
Like I hate having to be strict to these kids but damn I never did any of that when I would hang out here as a kid.
(To be clear, I am raising my voice to be heard clearly but I'm not actually yelling or screaming at them, just making sure my voice travels. And I did try to help to two kids find an alternative to the giftcard. Unfortunately it was for a PC game, so not really much they could do unless someone purchased the giftcard for them.)
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kurgy · 8 months
lately when im in public talking to like a cashier or something i am 99% of the time the only person wearing a mask and i know they can hear me speaking just fine but they just sit there saying "what? what? I can't hear you what? your mask is in the way" specifically trying to get me to take it off
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findingmypeace · 1 year
So this is semi work related and semi ed related.
At work we have “New Hire Orientation” (NHO for short) every time someone new starts. As the mental health clinician I am involved in two parts. Monday morning management introductions (via zoom) and a Wednesday morning ‘class’ where I introduce each client in relation to many different mental health aspects. Its a long class (2 1/2 hrs). I’m talking pretty much the entire time. Point being, after that class most new hires are familiar with me/who I am and my role.
But this morning: It’s the start of another NHO and Monday morning management introductions. Today there was a new hire I recognized but I couldn’t for the life of me remember where I knew her. After awhile I just moved on with my day. No big deal.
45 mins ago: I really hadn’t thought about it all day and then it suddenly hit me where I know her from. Omg, now I really want to run and hide.🫣
For a very long time (I’m guessing 10-15 yrs) she’s been the cashier/store manager of the 7-11 (gas station and convenience store) that I frequent. I’ve pretty much always gotten gas for my car there.
That’s all fine and good except for the fact at least a few times a week I buy my BINGE food there AND she is the one checking me out. Fuck!!! I am 99% positive she will not only recognize me but also remember the food I buy since it’s pretty much the same every time.
Omg, it’s not Wednesday yet. I still have to teach my class. 2 1/2 hours with her teaching her about the clients. And soon after that she will be working floor shifts as a direct support staff for my clients. Oh shit. My classes can be in person or via zoom just depending on the circumstance. This week I was told they need me in person. Well, this will be awkward. I have no idea how this NHO will go. I can only hope she doesn’t mention my “shopping habits” and food preferences. If she keeps her job at 7-11? I don’t even know.🤔
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vettechblog · 3 years
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“Dear Pet Owner,
I am writing this to you because I am human. I am a Veterinary Assistant, or a Veterinary Technician with hours of education and debt, or a Veterinarian with even more hours of education and even more debt. But I am still human. My feelings can be hurt.
For those of you that think we only do this for the money, google the average salary of a veterinary assistant (about the same as an Aldi cashier) or a veterinary technician (about the same as a carpet cleaning technician) or a veterinarian (about the same as a marketing manager). I can assure you, the physical and emotional toll is not worth what we are paid.
We do this for the love of animals. Or at least that's how it starts. A glimmer of something bigger than us. The thought that we can make a difference in the lives of pets and their owners. We want to save lives, heal the sick and help ease the passing of those we can’t.
Before you accuse us of only wanting financial gain, ask us when was the last time we helped an owner to relinquish a very sick pet because we could not bring ourselves to see it die because their good hearted human just didn’t have the money. Ask us why we then take on the debt of the surgery or treatment and lifelong care ourselves. Ask us how we feel when we cannot help because we are already paying that large bill from the last one we tried to save, whether or not that pet lived.
Ask us how it feels to be told we have no heart, to be told that if we really cared about animals, we would do this for free. Ask us how much it saddens us when we prepare an estimate only to find it is out of your reach. It kills us that we cannot just reach into our pockets and pull out the checkbook and help you as you agonize over the life and death of your pet. Although sometimes we do. Sometimes we just can’t bear the sadness and we do help to pay a bill. We don’t expect to get paid back, and 99% of the time, we don’t. Your pet’s life is worth more than the money it will take to treat it. Your pet’s life is priceless, to us as well as you.
But the places we work are bound by the same financial laws of every other business. They have to pay the rent/mortgage, utilities, equipment, medical supplies and staff it takes to treat your pet. They even pay the snow plow guy that makes sure you can get into our lot on a cold winter night or the lawn service that makes sure your pet can pee in the grass without disappearing. This is not utopia where money doesn’t exist. If we did every thing for free, just for the love of animals, the place you take your pet for care would cease to exist. We wish it weren’t so, as do you, but it is reality.
Ask us about the multiple animals we support in our own households because no one wanted them or could not fix them. Ask us about those patients that stay with us long after we leave the building. The ones that make us cry through the night while we hug our own pets tightly.
Ask us how heartless we are when we have to look both you and your pet in the eye and deliver bad news. Ask us how many deaths we have witnessed, how many owners we have hugged and cried with. Ask us how we try to keep it together and remain professional until we walk out of the room, then cry. Do not mistake our stoicism for lack of caring. It is merely a thin layer of protection for our hearts.
Ask the ER veterinarian, technician, assistant how it feels to work 16 hours just to have the very pet you diligently attended, grew attached to, pass away or be euthanized because no matter what we did, it was just too sick. Ask us if we grieve with you.... because we do.
Ask us how we feel when we take your bleeding, broken, seizing, crying pet from your arms when you come in the door.
Ask us how we feel when we take your unresponsive pet and race it to the back only to find they are gone and now we have to come back and tell you. We want to hug you while you sob and sometimes we do, because we’ve all been there, we know how it feels. We are all too familiar with the heart wrenching pain that comes with losing a pet, a friend, a family member. Ask us how we feel when we cannot fix our own pets, even with all our resources and knowledge.
Now, let me tell you why we do this for a living…..
For the love of animals”
- Sara Legler, Vet Tech
📸: Marissa Dubois
EDIT: If you'd like to support your veterinary support staff, consider leaving them a good review, writing them a thank you card, sending them flowers, or any edible goodies are never turned away ;)
#vettechlife #nomv
#nomvss #vetmed #vetmedlife #movta
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globe anon again!! sorry for requesting a lot haha i just rlly love your writing! could i get some quality fluffy content of s/o forcing byakuya to spend a whole day with her doing ‘peasant things’ (such as going to mcdonalds or taking public transportation, etc)?? and byakuya not really wanting to do any of this but going along (very pessimistically) because he loves his s/o djsakgk tYSM!!!
Hey lovely! I love this request sm, and I tried my best with it because Byakuya is one of my favs,,, but it ended up with mostly McDonalds IM SORRY FORGIVE ME
Remember to prioritize yourself, health, and wellbeing lovelies!! 💗 - Mod Mikan who has class in like 5 minutes
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Byakuya And His S/O Doing “Peasant Things”
I don’t know how you managed to convince Byakuya to follow you around all day, but I guess if you can manage to steal the Byakuya Togami’s heart, you can do anything! It’ll take a lot of patience and time for it to happen, but when it does, it’s hilariously amazing. 
You were quickly slipping on your shoes to head out when you heard someone clear their throat behind you.
“Hmm? Oh, Kuya! You finally came out of that stuffy office of yours!”
“For the last time, (Name), do not call me Kuya,” Byakuya sighed as he adjusted his glasses. “I just wanted to know where you were going.” (Yea… acting like he totally didn’t just want to spend some with you, drinking expensive tea and reading together. 🥺)
“Just heading out for some errands, Bya,” you hummed as you pulled on your jacket.
“Errands? Are you referring to those peasant activities you take part in?”
“Hey, they aren’t peasant activities! It’s things normal people do!”
“You are the least normal person I’ve met.”
You stuck your tongue out at him as you huffed. “You know, you should follow me around first and then decide whether I partake in peasant activities. You might enjoy yourself!” You knew that Byakuya wouldn’t be caught doing such things, but it was fun to tease your easily irritable boyfriend.
“I’ll just go drink the milkshake Makoto and Kyoko recommended to me by myself then, Kuya.”
“...Makoto and Kyoko?”
“Yup! They recommended me a yummy drink from this place we eat at frequently together! But you never want to come!” you pouted. “Please, can you come just this once? I’ll be there so you won’t be bored, ya know!”
“Fine… only this once though. And you better not tell-”
“Alrighty! Let us depart at once!” you cheered, grabbing the end of his sleeve, and dragging him out the door. Even though he never showed it, your lover had a soft spot for you and his friends.
It wasn’t until you two were walking side by side that you realized how out of place you looked. Byakuya was clad in his normal attire - a crisp, elegant suit, which was… not very normal for other people. What’s more was that your boyfriend was taller than most, and that someone as simple as you were walking with him like it was nothing. You were a bit embarrassed by all the stares you got but Byakuya looked like he didn’t care.
“Oh, we’re here!” you smiled, standing in front of the familiar place with the big yellow ‘M.’
“(Name)... please don’t tell me you took me here.”
“Don’t worry Kuya, McDonalds’ is pretty good. I bet even someone like you have had it at least once, right?”
“... I’m leaving.”
“Oh God, you never had McDonalds before?? *The* Byakuya Togami hasn’t experienced the wonders of fast food? We have to fix that right now!” you once again dragged a very reluctant and stiff looking Byakuya into the building. Thankfully, it was mostly empty save for a few customers. The place was as you remembered it - napkins laid on the floor messily, wet tables, the menu displayed brightly. You knew your partner disliked PDA, so you opted to just stay close to him so he didn’t disappear on you.
“You see anything you like, Kuya?”
You glanced over and it seemed as though Byakuya was busy casting one of his “You’re inferior to me” looks to everyone in the restaurant.
“Right… I’ll order for the both of us then.” You decided to get the frappe for yourself. Would Byakuya like the black coffee? But that was so boring, he drank that too much anyway! So you decided to order him a mocha instead. And some fries as well, you hadn’t had those in so long,,, 
Your order came quickly and you excitedly took out your wallet to pay, when Byakuya stopped you and handed the cashier his credit card instead. (He loves you too much and also has too much pride to ever let you pay. And he just likes *flexing* in front of commoners apparently, you’re not sure whether this is intentional or not.)
The both of you walked over to the tables, albeit Byakuya was more slow, not the fondest of the surroundings and the caution wet floor signs.
“Come on, Bya! You gotta try the fries before they get cold!”
“(Name), I am not sitting… on that.”
“Don’t worry bro, I got you,” you draped your jacket over the chair and beckoned for him to sit down.
He grimaced and sat down in his normal sitting position, arms and legs crossed. “Being around the 99% of the failing population makes me physically ill, (Name.)”
“Shh… and just enjoy your mocha and try these fries man.”
He sighed and hesitantly reached for a fry, inspecting it and placing it into his mouth. You looked at him with stars in your eyes.
“It’s not bad, for peasant food-”
“Really??! We got em everyone! Byakuya admitted McDonalds-”
“I don’t know why or how I put up with you for so long…”
“Haha, because you love me right! Come on, try the mocha now!” After some more encouragement from you, you convinced your lover to try the drink, to which he started listing all of the things wrong about it. You managed to listen to him critique the whole place, how he didn’t expect much from a place commoners frequent, while you sipped on your frappe.
“Ah, wasn’t that so relaxing, Kuya? Spending some quality time with you is truly therapeutic,” you giggled, retrieving your jacket while Byakuya looked at you like you were crazy.
“Why do you always wear that one jacket every time you go out? You have plenty of other options at home.”
“Wow, you paid attention to what I was wearing?”
Byakuya smirked, “Naturally, I know everything that you do.” (His way of saying he cares about you a lot.)
“Well, this was the jacket you gave me on our first date! It was cold and you let me borrow your jacket… I didn’t know you had it in you to be romantic!”
Shock quickly came and left Byakuya’s face. “So you remember that as well…” he looked to the side so you couldn’t see his face. (He was def blushing a bit 🥺.)
“Come on, Kuya! There’s more peasant activity we have to take part in right now!”
You later dragged Byakuya into a bus, and he tries to pay and then you explain that you need to have a Metro Card or coins in order to pay. Therefore you had to pay for the two of you and he never felt so annoyed in his life.
(After the two of you get home, you spread the news to Makoto about your “date” with Byakuya, who spreads it to Aoi and Yasuhiro who can’t stop laughing. They never let him live it down and now Byakuya refuses to go anywhere near fast food. But he still loves you so much, so he still lets you cuddle with him while he reads 🥺.)
I’m sorry to everyone who had to read this, idk what I’m doing.
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a-flickering-soul · 3 years
Reigen, bc I too am unwell. was severely tempted to say dimple though, just to be a nuisance
Well joke’s on you I WILL do Dimple! I will be a nuisance!!!
Sexuality Headcanon: GAY I saw his hands go swoosh swoosh swoosh and watched him sweat and bullshit and be a good role model for children and was like “This Man Is A Homosexual”
Gender Headcanon: Trans dude!! I have seen so many headcanons abt trans Reigen and it is GOOD!!!
A ship I have with said character: SERIREI serirei genuinely makes me so gentle like...these are just two guys!! They are just hanging out!!! I love them so deeply they are such a gentle ship and it’s highkey like one of the few things from 2020 that was like a reliable serotonin up for me it’s just....they are so funny and gentle idk!! It’s good!!
A BROTP I have with said character: I do think he and Dimple are kind of like friends. At first maybe it was just like the weird solidarity of being the only two adults in a room full of middle schoolers but I think they have a compatible sense of humor and after a while they become very odd weirdly close friends.
A NOTP I have with said character: Hhhh. Take one look at the AO3 page for MP100 and you can probably guess a couple that I don’t feel like naming explicitly.
A random headcanon: God. Full stop completely serious--random Reigen headcanons can literally make me cry from laughing because he is Just Some Guy. He Is Just A Guy. Anyways sometimes the cashier at the grocery store bags his items too fast and he has to rush to grab all the bags and it stresses him out. This combined with another headcanon (2 for 1!) that he is great at clipping coupons but forgets to use them because he’s horrible at organizing them makes me really question the romance of a Serirei grocery store date but want to write it anyways.
General Opinion over said character: I literally love him. I’ve talked with @starlitsequins literally so fucking much about how Reigen is genuinely one of the most unique characters we’ve ever encountered. He really quit his job, thought “Hm. Okay. I’m good at lying so let’s roll with that” and created this weirdly fulfilling life out of it. He really said “your life is your own and anyone can be a good person because being good is a choice and not a trait and that you aren’t better or worse than anyone else”. He makes me go wild. He’s so sweaty but also so right all the time. I genuinely can’t say anything like. coherent about Reigen because it’s all just “I love him! He’s so right! He’s so interesting! Funny little man!” He’s great 10/10.
Sexuality Headcanon: Asexual? I guess? I don’t think (I hope) Dimple has sexual attraction. I’m like 99% sure that’s canon.
Gender Headcanon: No gender. He just vibes. I’m pretty sure that’s also canon.
A ship I have with said character: None. Absolutely none. I can’t think about him in a sexual way or I’ll cry. Fuck. Dimple/Disneyified version of Dimple that’s pink with eyelashes because that’s probably what they’d do.
A BROTP I have with said character: Gonna roll it back to the Reigen and Dimple weird BROTP I think they have going on. At first Dimple just needles Reigen incessantly then they mutually realize the other is Very funny and just riff off of each other nonstop. Makes working with them hell.
A NOTP I have with said character: Hm. I see a lotta Reigen/Dimple and like. I get it but also I Don’t. No shade but uh. Hm. Not for me.
A random headcanon: I read a fic--I think it’s called “House Ghost”? About Dimple being the Kageyama house ghost and doing odd little chores around the place. I like that a lot.
General Opinion over said character: God. When I first saw him I hated him because he was so ugly and now I’m like “I swear to god if you make fun of Dimple it’s onsight.” He’s ugly but he’s funny and I like it when he possesses Mob and turns him into a Cirque de Soleil member. He’s a fun lil guy.
send me a character and i’ll give you some takes!!
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Okay, here’s a final answer, just for clarification - 
Firstly, please understand that I’m not angry, and I’m not upset. I just tend to speak very matter of factly, I guess? If I seem cold or something when typing this response, it's not a personal attack towards you or some display of aggression, that's just how I word things sometimes, I don't mean for them to be misinterpreted or want you to think I’m like getting mad with you or etc. Me disagreeing does not inherently equal me being mad about something, it merely means that I disagree, which is an emotion neutral action. If someone said 2+2 = 6, I would disagree, and openly so, but that doesn’t mean I’d also be like, crying about it or upset with them or something lol. 
 I actually even stated so at the end of my tags last time - 
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 So, I apologize if you interpreted my tone as being mean, but I was simply trying to be firm and direct in how I said things so you understand that it's a very serious matter, and I didn't want to be light about it. 
There was a bit of jokiness/sarcasm/exaggeration as well I suppose, but again, that’s not an inherent indicator of upset, just the way I speak - especially when your question can be seen as rude to begin with (which usually leads people to care less about faking positive emotions or seeming polite to others. If a person is not polite to you, you’re not likely to watch how you communicate as much or attempt to display high politeness back). My default state is a neutral flatness as I have a very shallow emotional range (shout out to schizophrenia spectrum negative symptoms and other various issues lol), any excessive positivity or “perkiness” or something that I display is just an attempt to be polite and communicate with others in a simple and kindly manner (in real life I’m often seen as too stoic, blunt, detached, cold, etc. lmao, so in general communication with strangers I tend to overcompensate to being excessively polite instead) - but that also means I can accidentally drop that sometimes if I’m being “real” or whatever. 
Anyway, now that concerns over my tone have hopefully been explained, I’ll address this issue about your previous ask in a numbered list. Please read ALL of this, if you are actually taking this seriously. If you don’t actually read, in detail (no skimming), this entire response, then this is not even a discussion since you’re not willing to genuinely engage in the first place. -  
Firstly, here is the original ask, for reference  ----
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 As for how your question can be rude: 
(1.) In my initial response (in the tags of your answer), I asserted various things, mostly that the question was rude, and that it’s not appropriate to ask people, for a variety of reasons. I’ll explain those in more length here. 
My main point is that even asking the question in the first place is rude. It doesn’t matter how specifically you word it, it’s not appropriate. Just like any personal issue. At least in my culture, it’s typically thought of as inconsiderate and inappropriate to ask random strangers personal questions. for example, it would be rude to approach a random stranger on the bus that you’ve never even seen before and ask them why the have the haircut they do, who their sexual partners are, if they’ve just had a death in the family, how well their marriage is going, what their gender is, etc. etc. 
(2.) On top of this personal boundary issue, another concern would be that the nature of the question itself is baseless -- 
Would you ask a cis woman why they're a woman? Or a cis man why he chose to be a man? Would you ask a straight person why they chose to be straight?
Would you find it acceptable and polite if a random stranger approached you on the street and asked you for an explanation as to why you're the gender you are? Imagine that exact scenario happening to you, and if you would find it odd or overstepping boundaries at all.  
I doubt you ask this same gender identity question to everyone in your life, to your parents, friends, the cashier at your grocery store.  Why is it only certain groups that need to explain or justify their identities to you? Only certain groups that you feel the inherent need to question? It's a double standard which further serves to prove the question itself is unnecessary. 
(3.) Additionally, in case you're genuinely unsure of tone (maybe you have difficulty reading social cues or something, that’s understandable) I will explain - the way in which the question was asked has certain implications. 
The statement “Why are you nonbinary? You seem like a pretty girl to me”, implies that - due to your beliefs about me/how you see me, you find it confusing that I could have a certain identity that you see as not matching your perception of me, or that you see as an invalid label, and are asking for me to justify or explain myself/my identity to you because of that. 
Even if this implied meaning was not intentional, it is what most people will interpret upon reading the question, and would be a commonly held understanding. There are other ways you could have asked the question which would be less condescending, yes, but again, the other points still stand (like that the question in itself is impolite to ask to strangers, etc.)
Again, revisit the imaginary scenario of a stranger approaching you on the street and asking you why you’re the gender you are - would there not be some of this implication present? For example, say you’re a man - would it not feel as if someone were questioning your manhood, or implying you weren’t truly a man, or must not be a man ‘correctly’, or that ‘man’ is not a valid label for how they see you? Why else would they approach you and ask you in confusion for you to justify your identity to them? The implication is that they don’t see you as a valid man, or at least not how they see a man, and thus are having a hard time accepting that someone like YOU could ever be a real man - that it’s hard for them to believe you are what you say you are, because they see you differently.
(3.a)  As an additional sidenote (one which I addressed in the tags replying to you initially), your ask (as well as this more recent one) also made certain assumptions. There are plenty of people who ''look like girls'' or 'look like boys' but aren't as they “seem”, even if you're someone who only believes in a “binary biological sex model” (I’ll include some links at the end about this). It's strange to assume someone's body parts or identity just based off of pictures you see on the internet (which often have specific lighting, angles, or in the case of many people are even edited and etc. I don't do this but it's really common nowadays with phone editing apps and stuff). Just because I appear a certain way to you, in no way implies that I have the physical form and traits you assume I have Consider how you may feel invalidated or uncomfortable if people sent you messages assuming personal things about you that are incorrect or that they have no way to possibly know.
 Your standards and perception are also not universal, various cultures and groups have different ideas about what outward traits would make someone considered a “man” or a “woman”, so making your judgement of someone else’s identity based only on your own (extremely shallow, since it’s only from online pictures) perception of them, is also inherently a bit flawed. 
(3.b-ish side tangent) In extension to this, your ideas and how you view me are likely incorrect. Just as it is similarly true that, from afar, any assumptions I make about you would likely be inaccurate as well. We are strangers.
For example, if you really knew me, you would know that I don’t pride myself in costumes and makeup - It’s a fun creative activity for me definitely, but I feel no pride over it, I don’t do it to look good or seem a certain way, and actually I resent it in a way, because often it feels like people mostly only pay attention to blurry pictures of me looking silly in cheap wigs, but don’t give that same level of engagement to the other more important things I do that I personally care about 100x more, like my worldbuilding and other projects lol. Absolutely nothing against the people who like my costumes, I appreciate them of course!!, and I still love doing costumes - BUT, to imply that it’s a primary source of pride in my life or a characteristic that defines me over other things, would be a mischaracterization. 
Anyone who knows me in real life would certainly list a million other stand-out traits to define me, rather than ‘pretty make up woman’ (most people I know in real life would also not describe me as ‘pretty’ or as a ‘woman’, just for reference lol). 
Your one sided perception of me (which I’ll address in the next section) may allow you to have a shallow idea of me as some sweet pretty costume girl or something, but just know that the reality is more like: I haven’t had much time lately to do costumes because I’m working on a game and other art which I see as much more important, I haven’t bathed or brushed my hair in weeks because of mental illness/functioning issues, 99% of the time I’m not ‘’dressed up’’ - I wear the same pajamas and cardigan that I’ve worn for the past 3 years and barely wash to the point that it’s disintegrating and leaves fabric scraps around the house lol, I have a little moustache right now and a unibrow and other “””non-womanly”””” traits (at least by common media western standards, which is what I assume you go by), I’m excessively analytical, detached, and in real life you would probably see me as blunt and cold and cynical (also commonly missing social cues) - as well as being hugely asocial/ a hermit and mostly lacking the ability to form attachments to others (So definitely not  ~pretty and cute and approachable~ ghgg), I have obsessive compulsive disorder and am regularly so anxious that I’m throwing up and have various other issues - I’m also not Fun or Cool or Spontaneous because I’m too busy being rigid and high strung lol (even before the pandemic, I don’t like to leave the house or interact much at all with others, I’d rather be in my little controlled environment where I don’t have overwhelming sensory information and distractions raising my anxiety constantly),, and my favorite activities are literally all just stuff like pacing around my home alone talking to myself in different voices creating gods and fake religions for my fantasy worldbuilding while I eat boiled cabbage and light little pieces of paper on fire over a candle to help me think - not doing makeup and other Pretty Woman Things. 
Which I don’t want to be too harsh or focus on this tangent too much, since obviously as you don’t know me in real life, these are all things you couldn’t possibly be aware of, and it simply comes with the territory of posting publicly online - so I absolutely don’t blame you for perceiving me incorrectly. If “pretty” pictures are all you see, then that may very well be the only impression that you have. I just personally dislike this certain interpretation some people have seemed to have of me (you’re not the first person to think of me as a Pretty Makeup Girl or whatever lol), since it’s so completely opposite from the truth of who I am, I feel the need to explain it like this sometimes. Just accepting the false perception some people have of me without any argument feels disingenuous and like supporting a version of myself that doesn’t exist. 
 So anyway, no issue with you personally, but just trying to set the perception of me straight a little more accurately lol.. now, back on topic -- 
(4.) Lastly, and here’s the main thing I’d like to stress, there's the issue of personal boundaries. Again, you're a complete stranger to me, I don't know who you are, and you have no idea who I am. Even if you've followed me online for years and read every post I've ever made, you still have no idea who I truly deeply am, only a vague scattering of snapshots over time.  
Here are some definitions for Parasocial Relationships: 
“Parasocial relationships are one-sided relationships, where one person extends emotional energy, interest and time, and the other party, the persona, is completely unaware of the other's existence. Parasocial relationships are most common with celebrities, organizations (such as sports teams) or television stars.”
“Parasocial interaction (PSI) refers to a kind of psychological relationship experienced by an audience in their mediated encounters with performers in the mass media, particularly on television.[1] PSI is described as an illusionary experience, such that media audiences interact with personas (e.g., talk show host, celebrities, fictional characters, social media influencers) as if they are engaged in a reciprocal relationship with them. The term was coined by Donald Horton and Richard Wohl in 1956. “
This is all anyone can ever have with people they follow online. You can perceive them, but you cannot know them or truly understand them. I think this is very important to remain cognizant of in such a massive social media age, as often times people are fostering one sided concepts that are inaccurate or unhealthy (no so much with just you sending me a simple ask, but in a broader sense, how people act towards celebrities, other bloggers, etc. etc. seems to have little boundaries, and often results in a similar manner with people forgetting to maintain acceptable boundaries with those they follow or know about from afar). 
-- This next part is very important, I think it’s a super valuable way of thinking about this sort of stuff, so if you take away nothing else from this, at least remember this next portion -- 
A very good way to think about online boundaries that I heard someone mention in a post once (though I can no longer find the post), is to take whatever you're going to say to someone online, and imagine saying it in person, in real life, to a barista. Before you send an ask or make a comment, think about if it’s something you would really genuinely say face to face to a stranger. 
Would you walk into a random Starbucks and ask the dude at the counter a bunch questions about their gender identity? Or about his personal life in general? You probably recognize that that would be strange and socially inappropriate. It's similarly inappropriate in a case like this. 
Even though you may feel a sense of familiarity with someone online from reading their social media posts, or even speaking to them once or twice through asks and etc. etc., at the end of the day you don’t really know each other much more than you’d know a random stranger. 
Unless someone is inviting personal questions (like by reblogging those ‘ask me anything’ posts or etc.), or has the sort of blog where they are commonly asking people about/discussing their own intimate personal experiences or etc. (mine is not this way), then questions like this are very out of the blue and similar to asking a random person working at a store things like that. It can be seen as rude and inappropriate in general to give those sorts of questions to people who are complete strangers, and typically comes off as crossing personal boundaries. Again, think about a random stranger asking you these questions, and how you may perceive it. 
In summary: 
1. The question itself is borne from an double standard and isn't very good to ask in the first place. 2. The way you asked the question was worded  with certain implications. 3.  Your ask is also assuming certain things that you don't know are true, which can be uncomfortable for some people. 4. Even were it not for the three other things, it's commonly considered rude in many cultures to ask serious questions about the personal details of complete strangers, even if it's online. It could prove useful to utilize the ‘barista test’ to better determine this in the future. 
Final Thoughts: 
Anyway, I wasn't mad and I have no beef with you or whatever lol. Hopefully you can understand what I mean. I've also explained myself as well as I think I can though, so I don't feel like discussing it any more and won't respond to further asks about this. I have a lot of things going on in my life right now (as I'm sure everyone does given the pandemic and everything, you probably do too, so hopefully you can empathize with that), so I’d like to limit my time spent online, especially discussing topics I already don’t like to discuss or am not open to accepting questions about (I just want to talk about cats and elves and stuff lol). 
 If you still can't at least kind of get where I'm coming from then it's perfectly fine to just agree to disagree. If aspects of myself upset you or cause you discomfort, then there's no harm in just unfollowing me or something! Or if you don't even follow me, I would encourage you to block me so my posts no longer come across your dash (or block/unfollow me on whatever other social media you may be seeing my posts on ,etc)., etc. That way you don't have to see content or hear from someone who makes you uncomfortable that way, and there also won't be any need for this to come up in the future. Part of using the internet in a healthy and productive manner is to know when to disengage with certain content and just cut it off/unfollow/block people/etc. if it’s causing you unnecessary conflict or distress, or makes you uncomfortable or etc. to look at. Thank you for the question! Hopefully this response explained things a little better. 
Links and Further Info: 
On the off chance that you were genuinely curious, here are some resources where you can learn more about people of different gender identities and also hear them explain their experiences, etc.  Since these people are actually openly discussing their experiences/making educational content and are obviously actually open to talking about it,  that would be a better place to field any further questions or learn about things. :3
Here’s some reading - 
Understanding Nonbinary People (link)
Gender Variance Around the World (link)
12 Questions About Nonbinary Gender Answered (link)
About the Sex Binary (link)
Ask LGBT subreddit (link)
one ‘ask a nonbinary person’ blog i found (I don’t know if they’re still active, it’s one of the first ones that came up for me lol, but I guess could be helpful) (link)
And here’s some videos with people talking about their experience, or being educational - 
(NOTE: I just did a quick google search and did not deeply research these people and their entire histories and etc., so I can’t say I stand by literally everything they say or know what type of people they are, but it’s just a general place to start~!)
A video examining the idea of gender in general and how it even exists and nonbinary people (definitely interesting to watch) (link)
video about nonbinary gender/explanations (probably at least watch this one too) (link)
What is a nonbinary gender? (shorter general info) (link)
answering all your nonbinary questions q&a (link)
Video about binary sex/gender/etc. (link)
5 nonbinary people explain what nonbinary means to them (link)
another video about similar stuff (link)
#Please stop sending me asks about this now. I just want to talk about elves and cats and fantasy writing and stuff#No personal questions unless I specifically comment on something/initiate the discussion or they're about my art or something else I'm doing#lol... especially with everything going on this year#just a big Let Me Relax I Will Deal With Anything Even Remotely Stressful Later mood#ANd anon if you're still here - go listen to 'And the beat goes on' by The Whispers#no real reason gjhgjhg it's just a good song and I had it playing while I was proofreading#(also for context - it hasn't just been two asks - I'm pretty sure this person sent me others. If that's not true then I apologize anon -#but I definitely got multiple asks that were mentioning similar things/of a similar tone (intentionally referring  to me as a 'girl' 'woman'#consistently and in a kind of agressive way or etc. (which you can block asks even if they're on anon (i think it's just an IP block) so if#it was indeed this anon sending them then they may be blocked from sending any more asks already because I blocked all those weird ones#I got lol. if it wasn't them then they should still be fine though- but anyway. there were other messages being sent#etc. consistently - which only happened after the first initial ask and would happen regualrly so. etc. etc. Just wanted to mention it since#the 'stop sending me asks about this now' comment doesn't make much sense if you think there was only two asks lol. I'm preetty sure#there were more - though of course they're all anon so I can't confirm. ANYWAY - again.. i have no beef with you but if we don't agree then#please just disengage and stop following my content/sending me asks - and maybe watch some of the videos and stuff or go to#other reasources if you really want to know about this stuff because I'm just not the right person/in the correct mindset to explain it to#you. I can barely do basic daily functions like making sure I eat 3 times a day lol.. I don't have the mental energy to write educational#essays and etc. but SOME people do - which is why pursuing other resources is important. ALSO - listen to The Whispers. that is my#final advice.. put on some good music and just dance and eat some cheddar cheese or something. this will soothe every issue )
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fuck-customers · 3 years
i’ve been working at [NAME REDACTED] for about a month now. it’s my first “real” retail job and i knew before how bad retail is and how bad the customers are but you really can’t know until you’re in it. the store’s target demographic is karens (and they all look the same — if i get put on greeter i often struggle trying to tell if someone has been in here twice or not). a store full of average customers is bad enough but when they’re almost all karens? just awful. without further ado i will now complain about everything bad about working there.
-i consider myself lucky if a customer walks in wearing a mask properly
-the rest of them? under their noses, on their chins, or just none at all. it’s gotten to the point where the sight of an entire human face or even a nose gives me a physical reaction of disgust. i don’t know how i haven’t gotten covid yet
-customers coming to my register immediately when they see the customer before them leave, like motherfucker did you not hear all the cashiers calling the customers up when you were in line? i have to wipe down the counter for your nasty ass, give me time to do it
-the people who get pissy at me for advertising the rewards card. like sorry bruh if i don’t advertise it to you my manager will just get pissy at me instead. lose-lose. fuck the reward cards in general, i’m tired of trying to sell them just for management’s approval. also it’s very obviously a shit deal for the customer i don’t blame them for not wanting to sign up
-i am not allowed to go on break or clock out if there’s a line. sometimes there can be a line continuously for a looooong time. the other day i had to stay 30 minutes past when i was supposed to get off because the line didn’t die down. fuck customers get out of my store
-customers who come in with kids. i love kids and i think they’re adorable but i guess karen spawn are built different. they cry incessantly (not their fault, but goddamn if you as a parent don’t know how to get your baby to stop crying then you probably shouldn’t be a parent), they leave messes and spill shit everywhere, they don’t wear masks (even some of the older kids, like 10 year olds), they fuck up my display at the register, and also the baby clothes are a pain in the ass to bag because they’re always attached to the hangers and hangers don’t do well being bagged.
-customers who leave their carts in my line. the registers are all in one row along the back wall, if they leave a cart i have to walk all the way around the end to get it. and they always have to leave them when there’s a huge rush and i don’t have *time* to run and put it away.
-i’m actually not allowed to tell a customer to put on a mask, even though store policy says all customers have to wear one at all times (with the exception of people with medical conditions that necessitate not wearing a mask). the only thing i’m allowed to do is offer a mask, if they refuse i can’t tell them to put one on or else i’d get fired.
-starting pay is $10/hr and i probably will never get a raise
-seriously it is so disheartening to work an hour and only make ten dollars. actually less than that because of taxes
-there are no full-time entry level positions. the only people who get full time are management. i wanted a full time job originally but at my interview they told me that and i said “that’s fine as long as i can get around 30 hours a week” and they said “yeah you’ll probably get 25-30”. my average has been 20.
-i’m like 99% sure there are no full-time cashiers just so they don’t have to pay us benefits
-one of my supervisors is so overbearing and talks down to me and all the cashiers my age. she gets on my ass for taking too long to tidy up my register between customers, likes to just stand right behind me, is more strict about not letting me go on break when there’s a line, and is the one who gives me the most shit for not selling enough reward cards. when i do get a reward card she jumps in halfway through to “help” even though i don’t need it and then takes half the credit for my card that i sold. i mentioned it to another supervisor and she said “yeah i’ve been noticing that” but i know nothing is gonna change.
-customers who say “bless your heart”
-customers who need everything wrapped. it is so unnecessary, i can just bag the breakable stuff individually and you’ll be fine.
-relatedly, customers who need large bags for things. they’re on the bottom shelf of the counter and it takes more time to bend down, get however many bags, and open them all. the bags are harder to open than customers will ever know. you don’t need your lamp in a bag just carry it 50 feet to your car you lazy fuck
-markdown bitches (they always only get 10% off too, like did they really think they were gonna accomplish anything)
-i’m tired of walking by the security camera with a screen showing the feed and seeing how my entire body looks when i walk. not anybody’s fault but i just hate it
-being on greeter and having to wipe down everyone’s carts. i don’t hate the act itself of wiping the carts down but i do hate when customers touch and put back a cart that i just cleaned
-not something bad but i find it funny that since i’ve started working here, now whenever i’m the customer somewhere i do my customer service voice at whoever’s working
as much as everything sucks it could be much worse, i’ll probably work here for another several months. most of my coworkers are cool and make it bearable. working here has also made me feel bad whenever i enter a store and i always try to be a breath of fresh air for the people working there (in my experience it is so relieving to get a good customer and it’s usually people who also work in retail, i love being able to drop my customer service voice and talk to them like a normal person) but uhh yeah if anyone has any advice on how to be better when i’m the customer lmk
Submitted by @officialcooldyke edited because store name was too close to real name.
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lonbergwrites · 4 years
Why they changed it, I can’t say
Istanbul was Constantinople, and the Chili Cheese Burrito was the Chilito. Why they changed it, I can’t say. But it did help me meet the love of my life.
I am a child of the eighties and nineties, and a child of the fast food restaurant. I remember all of the innovations—the McDLT, mom’s favorite, with its pound of Styrofoam to keep the L and the T cold and the burger (D?) hot; the birth of the curly fry; fast food hot dogs; the invention of the wrap; the salad you shake up in the container; the death of the curly fry; the tacos that burger joints shilled and the burgers schlepped by the taco places; pizza showing up where it didn’t belong; every new flavor of shake, and sauce, and spice; the birth of the dollar menu. I remember the failed chains—Rax, more famous for their outlandishly large menus and gigantic salad bars than they were for their roast beef; One Potato Two, an honest-to-God baked potato restaurant; even Wag’s, a restaurant owned and operated by Walgreen’s pharmacies.
McDonald’s had the monopoly on toys, everybody knew that. That’s the place you conned your parents into bringing you. But the fast food chain that got me to open my Velcro wallet and spend my tiny allowance was Taco Bell. Taco Bell made me feel like a king. First off, I could afford to eat the whole menu. It was cheap. But it was also packed with the most flavor. Exotic flavor for a Midwestern kid. Flavor that scared my grandparents. It felt dangerous. All those bright colors and southwestern touches. Hot sauce on demand? Hot sauce on demand! I’d never had hot sauce before.
Oh, the times I had at Taco Bell. And my true Taco Bell love was the Chilito. Don’t remember it? I’m going to have to go Golden Girls’ Sophia on you—picture it, your local Taco Bell, nineteen eighty-I’m-feeling-very-old-these-days. You’ve ordered a magical food item called the Chilito. It is a tortilla lovingly spread with true chili—that means lots of beef and spice and no beans. No beans. That’s important. It is mounded with shredded cheese and melted just-so before being wrapped up into a chubby little burrito, perfect for any and every occasion. Chubby Little Burrito would be my nickname going into high school, and I would not like it. But I digress...
The Chilito got me through high school, but by the time I got to college, the Dark Ages had settled upon America, and Taco Bell had discontinued the Chilito. But I never forgot. Taco Bell and I had an off-again/on-again relationship after that point. It seemed like they just didn’t know what they were doing anymore—where they were going in life. Seafood salad? I mean, seriously? And then they went and took away my dessert. My Cinnamon Crispas. I swear to God, they wanted me to leave them. But I wouldn’t. I couldn’t quit my Taco Bell.
By about the time I got to grad school, the rumblings began. They were quiet at first, but I heard word through something new called The Facebook that there was a new Taco Bell menu item called the Chili Cheese Burrito. Chili. And Cheese. In a Burrito. This sounded a lot like a former friend that had been taken from me too soon, too long ago. I could barely remember its look, its smell, its taste upon my tongue. I headed down to my local Taco Bell at once.
The Chili Cheese Burrito was an optional, regional menu item. And I had chosen my grad school poorly, because my region didn’t buy into that “option.” I was incensed. I nearly quit grad school. I mean, I didn’t. That would be crazy. Though I did know my spring break destination that year—the nearest good Taco Bell. That would turn out to be a three hundred mile road trip away.
But again, I’m getting off track. This was supposed to be a love story. You didn’t think I was the kind of person who fell in love with inanimate objects, did you? Like I’m the guy who’d marry a menu item, just as that one guy tried to tie the knot with the Brooklyn Bridge? I’m sorry, no. That’s not this story.
After grad school I chose my next move from several available job options. The natural, and only real choice, brought me to a sensible metro area, complete with good Taco Bells. I made sure to call around before I took the job offer.
It would have been poetic to have me fall in love with the cashier that sold me that first sweet taste of Chili Cheese Burrito, right? It would have been, but it wasn’t her. But she did lead me to my true love. It was her roommate.
Sure, the cashier—Mary, she had a name—and I hooked up a little when we first met. I was drooling when I stepped into her Taco Bell. I usually drooled at the aroma coming from that place, especially in those days when our relationship was illicit and tenuous. But that day I knew my Chilito had come back to me. Oh, the expectation. The drool must have been a good look. Mary was the one who picked me up. Apparently my new corporate paycheck looked better than my old Velcro wallet, and my new convertible lease and loft apartment spoke to her. I was a little different than a lot of the other men she spent her days around.
But after the first time she took me home, her roommate caught my eye. Mary lived in a cramped little third story walkup in the old part of town. Most of her roommates were cockroaches, but there were two notable exceptions—Julie, and her dog Baxter. Julie and I hit it off right away, and Mary and I knew, honestly, that we weren’t meant to be. Julie and Baxter quickly moved in with me and Mary found a roommate in Daryl, one of the cooks from the Bell. We all hung out. It was cool.
Julie worked in one of those stock-trading-for-the-average-schmo websites and, the business being a startup, she was gone a lot. Baxter and I really bonded. We bonded over the couch, the late night television, and the newly-rebranded Chili Cheese Burrito. You know how they say that people and their pets start to look alike after a while? That wasn’t the case with Baxter and me. But we did begin to smell alike. Two people (ostensibly) and a dog in a loft apartment subsisting on mostly Chili Cheese made for a very ripe atmosphere. Julie was not pleased.
Julie and my relationship really hit the rocks when the lying began. No, I haven’t been feeding Baxter Taco Bell—of course I’d been feeding Baxter Taco Bell. Have you seen that face? He’s a good boy!
Julie, the monster, debated tossing out my Chubby Little Burrito. She thought his weight gain was due to a thyroid condition or something, and the farts—well, he was a dog after all. She thought it would be “humane” to put him down. Little did she know that many of the farts were mine. Hey, I’m no saint; we all blame the dog now and again.
Well I sent her to the farm upstate instead.
You know that silly song by They Might Be Giants? Istanbul was Constantinople? Well the Chili Cheese Burrito was the Chilito. Why they changed it, I can’t say... But I do know that I wouldn’t change a thing about how my life has turned out thus-far. Sure, I hate every minute of my job. But I never regret my decision to take it. No. Because it brought me to the land of the good Taco Bell. It reunited me with my old friend with a new name. It introduced me to my true love—Baxter. What a good boy.
What, did you think I’d been talking about Julie?
--  --  --  --
Why they changed it, I can’t say
by: B. Patrick Lonberg
Originally submitted to Taco Bell Quarterly vol. 3.
[it was rejected, and let’s be honest, where else was I going to submit this? I hope you enjoy reading it here!]
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nyctophilin · 3 years
Can I make a teeny tiny note on your post about masks am coughing? I’m am not coming for you, not at all because I agree with you on like 99% what you said, but there is a very small percentage of people who have certain chronic respiratory diseases, and because of those, are exempt from wearing a mask. These conditions can make them cough violently but yea I know how that looks. These people may be better off staying at home because their health is even more at risk (1/2, bear with me please)
(2/2) like I said they might be better off at home but I can imagine that they want to go outside as well some time because yeah, fresh air/groceries/idk I’m definitely not saying that this might have been the case with what you witnessed but I’m just saying, those cases exist, but we can’t kick those people out of society, right, just because of their chronic conditions? I’m doing this off anon because I will not hide behind that. And I mean this note in the friendliest way possible ☺️
I had to listen to a 40 something years old man trying to tell us how covid is not real and that it's something made up by the government. And they didn't mean "made up" as in men made virus, they meant "made up" as in it doesn't exist. They said that the fact that people are losing their smell and taste and spending weeks at intensive care is just a coincidence and that the government is profiting of off it. They also said that since covid is not real, we shouldn't wear masks and practice social distancing even if we just have the flu and not "covid".
To that my dad proceeded to tell him how when we went to do Christmas shopping and he was waiting in line to buy meat, there was an old man that cut in line. Not only did the man cut in line, when the line was super long and there were people waiting for a long time before him, he also didn't wear a mask and was coughing. In a super crowded supermarket, that man was not wearing a mask and was coughing right in my dads face because he was also standing very close to him. He could have had the flu or covid or anything else that's contagious and he still decided to ignore all protection measures. They had to insist for 15 minutes for him to get to the back of the line or go away.
This is when that 40 something years old started saying how the government is using the masks and covid to turn us against one another and how we can't exclude someone who is coughing from society, because this is what he though people insisting that old men goes to the back of the line and puts a mask on meant. Excluding from society. The only problems that old man had were excessive smoking and a huge lack of respect for people around him.
Also, if the president, the government, the police, the essential workers are wearing masks, then everyone should do it. Where I live, there is not such thing as being exempt from wearing a mask. The law says that everyone has to wear it, so everyone has to wear it. No matter who they are and what they do.
And people that have chronic diseases should especially wear masks since covid represents a huge risk towards people with chronic diseases of any kind. And if they aren't going to wear them, then they shouldn't go in crowded places full of people. Not only do they represent a threat to everyone else by not wearing a mask, they also put themselves in great danger because if they get covid there are 90% chances that they will die.
I didn't leave my house for 7 months and when I did, I wore a mask constantly. Because I acknowledged that I might get sick or get other people sick. So if there are people that are also conscious of these things and choose to deliberately ignore them and break the rules, then they deserve to be excluded from society.
And I am not saying that people that cough should be excluded from society because I cough and my mom is coughing and that cashier is coughing. But if you are coughing and not wearing a mask and not respecting social distancing while going to crowded places, which basically means ignoring all the safety measures, then you do deserve to be excluded from society in my opinion.
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hellishvu · 5 years
Imagine BTS: taking care of you when you’re sick but you’re stubborn
— keke this was fun to make! honestly i can relate to this because i am so skfkskfk stubborn when i’m sick it’s like satan took over me, but thank you for requesting and i hope you enjoy this more silly imagine !
Kim Namjoon: ˚✧₊⁎
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You’ve been sick for a good 3 days and you didn’t want to admit it because you couldn’t afford to get Namjoon sick. So you slept on the couch and pretended that you only slept on it because you “passed out” watching youtube.
Once he came downstairs early in the morning he saw you sleeping, he gave you a kiss on the forehead before going to the kitchen when he suddenly heard coughing like you were dying coughing. Namjoon peeked out to see you coughing in your sleep even being enough to make you wake up.
“Hey are you okay? Are you sick?.” Namjoon said in a concern tone making another cup of tea to help your throat. You groaned covering yourself in the blanket to shield the painful bright sunlight from your eyes that were used to the dark.
“I take that as a yes.” Namjoon claimed before setting the tea down on the end table laying on the couch with you in his arms. You whine trying to push him away almost making him fall off the couch.
“Namjoon you’re just gonna get yourself sick.” Your voice was hoarsely the sore throat finally attacking your voice.
“Huh? I cant hear you. All I know is to cuddle my handsome boyfriend.” Namjoon’s voice was soft spoken not wanting to hurt your head more. You accepted the cuddles but not without a little stubbornness of telling him to think about the consequences.
Kim Seokjin: ˚✧₊⁎
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Seokjin woke up seeing you sniffing near a pile of used napkins that he probably shouldn’t touch just imagining the amount of germs. Seokjin rolled over towards you on the bed wrapping his hands around your waist rubbing his face on your back, you groaned clearing your throat as you thought about the last time you could breath without mucus disrupting it.
“Why don’t I make you a good ol soup?” Seokjin asks making you lay back to bed nodding no, wrapping yourself in blankets because it felt like you were in Antarctica.
“Jinnie can you pass me one of your really furry coats?” You croaked from the depths of sick hell. The reaction on Seokjin’s face when you called him “Jinnie” that meant business! You were in crisis and he came to help.
Seokjin gave you the coat before leaving to the kitchen to make you some microwaveable soup so it doesn’t take too long to prepare. Seokjin walked back in the room hearing sneezing and some more sniffing.
“Here have some soup.” Seokjin places the soup on the end table seeing your reaction of smelling it which lead to disgust since food didn’t seem appealing at the moment.
“You don’t want the soup?” Seokjin titled his head stirring the soup causing you to turn away from Seokjin.
“My boyfriend is so mean~ didn’t want my soup~ now i’m in the coop~ maybe he’s an asshole~ but that’s too bad because i love him~” Seokjin sang making you giggle underneath the sheets, seeing Seokjin proud that he can lower your pain even to a minimum.
Min Yoongi: ˚✧₊⁎
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 When Yoongi woke up in the middle of the night still seeing you on your phone sometimes grunting of the horrible headache you had. The phone was probably not helping your head at all but you tried to keep your grunts quiet but Yoongi was wide awake once he woke up from his slumber.
“I feel horrible.” You groaned turning off your phone wrapping yourself more in blankets. Yoongi got up from laying down using the pillow for support seeing your face puffy and eyes dry from staring at the phone for so long.
“Why dont you drink some night quill?” Yoongi asked caressing your arm trying to comfort you even if it was only mentally.
“It tastes gross. My body can recover by itself.” You whines blowing yourself a tissue before Yoongi looked at you like “are you serious?”
“Are you 5? Take some baby.” Yoongi walked to the kitchen despite your cries of telling him you’re fine. Yoongi came back with night quill and some cap filled with the disgusting purple acid.
“Take the medication.”
“Take it.”
“No it tastes gross.”
“I’ll give you cuddles.” Yoongi smirked as you shamefully grabbed the cap drinking it as quick as possible. It wasn’t long before disgust was all over your face.
Jung Hoseok: ˚✧₊⁎
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Throughout the entire century that you have been sick. You have complained about it being cold then warm then back to cold. Hoseok was probably running in circle trying to please you. He didn’t mind it but of course he wanted to rip his hair out sometimes.
You two were cuddling even though you two probably shouldn’t. You coughing away from him so the chances of getting him sick went from 100% to 99%. Hoseok saw you fidget with the blankets taking it off of you and then gripping at it to warm yourself up.
“Are you cold?” Hoseok asks while you nod. Hoseok turned up the AC to go warmer seeing your pleasant face but that only lasted so long before you took the blankets making Hoseok to pause the movie.
“It’s too hot.”
“Okay I’ll turn it back to normal.” Hoseok announces hearing the clicks of the AC going down. You smiled cuddling next to him once again.
“It’s too cold now.” You were hesitant to say because you didn’t want to be a bother to Hoseok due to him dealing with you so much. Hoseok smiles at you when he looks at you.
“Why don’t you wear my hoodie and then I can give you a lighter blanket.” Hoseok got up taking off his hoodie showing a peek of his stomach, you felt your health go back to perfectly normal! Hoseok gave you it while he looks in the closet for a lighter blanket without a shirt on.
“Stop staring.” Hoseok announces making you to stutter before going back to watching the movie.
Park Jimin: ˚✧₊⁎
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Jimin has been your errand boy since you got sick, blankets? He got it. Medication? He’s on it! You enjoyed the little videos and photos he sent to you while on the adventures of going to the store. Sometimes in the middle of the night or in the early morning. He didn’t complain about it because he knew you would do the same for him, you have!
“J-Jimin.” You rolled towards him having a vomit trash can right next to your bedside. The things Jimin does for you is insane but that’s love. From the pretty to the nastiest parts of it.
“What is it?” Jimin asked urgently caressing your back while you wiped your tears. Jimin got up grabbing his wallet already to get more anti-vomíters that what he likes to call them.
Jimin go in the car in just a few minutes after you requested that you got him something, it was the normal item that helped you feel better when you got sick. Jimin got in the store with a large hoodie that was yours, thankfully it didn’t smell like vomit. Jimin waved at the cashier before looking through the isles of stuff.
Jimin bought it walking out with only the receipt and the item because #savetheearth. Jimin heard a ding from his phone seeing that you wanted something else. Jimin looked back in the gas station feeling embarrassed before entering it once again.
“Welcome back.” 
The shy wave he gave the cashier walking pass him once again. You finally sent him a text of a thank you with a heart , which lead all of Jimin’s embarrassment to go away even if he carried two recipients.
Kim Taehyung: ˚✧₊⁎
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“You shouldn’t go to the rehearsal, seeing how sick you are.” Taehyung embraces you while you are laying in bed whining that you couldn’t go with him. You had another plan up your sleeve, while you see Taehyung waving at you taking off to his rehearsal.
Maybe it was a little chaotic to go anyway, but you never were the obedient type when you were sick. You waved at the staff them knowing who you are and what you meant to the boys. You sat in the large stadium hoping your dark hoodie could hide your identity.
Taehyung and bts started singing you silently cheering on the band. You chuckled at some parts of the rehearsal making Taehyung look around seeing if anyone was in the crowd. You lowered yourself in the chair till he made complete eye contact with you.
“Whoops.” You said when Taehyung got off-stage looking a bit mad kinda scary to see him like that.
“You’re sick you clown, why are you here?” Taehyung hold your hand leading you to the back, seeing the stadium was outside.
“I want to support my boyfriend.”
“Here could I get a blanket and some water?” Taehyung requested for the staff to find while he sits next to you giving his coat to you. Staff came with the requested stuff Taehyung wrapping the blanket around you like a burrito.
“Here now you can watch.” Taehyung smiles when he saw your eyes glow causing him to snicker.
Jeon Jungkook: ˚✧₊⁎
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Jungkook was on tour and it’s like your heart knew he left because your entire body just decided to shut down which lead to the worst fever in your entire life (very much exaggerated). You saw a ringing on your phone seeing it was around 11pm at night seeing it was Jungkook facetiming you. You answered with the best smile you could seeing Jungkook already pouring himself a glass of wine.
“Hey baby.” You said your voice low trying to keep your sickness a secret.
“You’re sick aren’t you?” Jungkook says taking a sip seeing your reaction of how he knew so fast.
“Don’t you think I know my boyfriend like the back of my hand!” Jungkook giggles already feeling the intoxicating wine release in his veins but you knew he isn’t the one to get dead drunk.
“Why aren’t you sleeping?” Jungkook asked like he wasn’t the one that called you. You turned on a light so Jungkook could see you better. You winced at the bright light for a moment.
“Because I want to talk to you.” You grinned seeing Jungkook trying to think of something to say back.
“Well you’ve got a point but I’m going to need wine to deal with you.” Jungkook did little asmr noises on the wine bottle just to see you laugh.
“Gasp! And you’re not going to share?” You drank more water cheering him through the camera. You took some more medication off screen going back to see Jungkook looking directly in the camera, his doll eyes.
“If I gave you wine, your cells would literally explode brat.”
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j-whirl44 · 4 years
Before it’s forgotten or taken away.
y’all knew this was coming.
Jon and Martin own my entire life at the moment and i really wanted to get something out before 162 ruins me.
Read it on AO3! (x)
Song from (x)
NOTE: Most of the dialogue (literally like 99%) was taken straight from 161 and therefore written by Jonny Sims and not me! I take no credit!!! I just wrote around it!
ALSO: MAJOR Spoilers about 161 read at your own risk! Stay safe out there!
Martin couldn’t sit by the windows anymore, the whistling winds of the terros outside were too loud and the hairs on his whole body stood straight up whenever he got too close. So he’s taken to sitting on the floor and tries to not spend his days staring at the door of the small safehouse. He wanted to do something. To make things right. For everyone. For Jon. 
He shouldn’t have left Jon alone that night. It’s not like he wanted to take walks alone anyway, ever since being pulled from The Lonely he’s really not wanted to spend any time alone, but Jon needed a statement and Martin really needed tea, so he went anyway. He remembered feeling a hollow pit form in his stomach as he was in line at the shop to check out. His skin burned hot and he swore he saw the spiders crawl down the cashier’s desk and out the door. Accompanied by screams from a distance outside. He dropped everything and rushed back to the safehouse, but it was too late. He found Jon passed out on the floor, hands over his face. The skies above them seemed to open up; the clouds created a spiral shape.
That was, by Martin’s attempted count, only three weeks ago and whatever hope he had of this blowing over quickly fizzled out. As if that was ever really an option in the first place.
He read the statement before Jon could stop him and the fear and rage bubbled over in him so violently he remembers puking onto the floor. Since then he’s only thought of one thing: Killing Jonah Maguns-or Elias-whoever. He didn’t quite care at this point. As he thought about it he laughed. He supposed he already had the chance to do it, and in hindsight, if that had stopped whatever this was, had stopped Jon from hurting, he would’ve done it with only faux hesitation.
Maybe that should scare him now. His sudden willingess to murder, but maybe Peter rubbed off on him far more than he cared to admit. Or it was something else in the bitter air that now covered the atmosphere.
He didn’t remember a lot of his time inside The Lonely until now as it started to creep up on him in his dreams.
He’s been waking up freezing and his chest hollow a few times now. Each time he came to, however, he’d register the warmth of Jon’s arms around him and then he’d be grounded in whatever reality was again.
Last night, he remembered clearly how he told Jon he loved him. He blushed, wondering if Jon remembered that too. If he did, Martin was a mixture of both thankful and worried that he hadn’t brought it up.
Regardless, they were together now, that much he knew. The first night they were here Jon kissed him. It was quick and gentle and left Martin a bigger stuttering mess than usual. Jon even joked he wouldn’t do it again if that’s how he was going to react every time. Now more than ever he wished he could go back to that moment and just keep them both there.
He felt silly worrying about things like this during the end of the world. But dammit he thinks he’s earned it.
Nevertheless, he can admit Jon here with him helped. If nothing else so Martin can keep an eye on him and make sure he’s okay. It can’t exactly feel good to know you started the end of the world and Martin wants to help him in any way possible.
Though not through tea anymore, apparently.
Martin had begged him not to listen to the tapes that mysteriously came with the deceitful statement. That nothing good would come out of it and though Jon promised he wouldn’t but Martin heard him listening to them later when Jon must have assumed he was asleep. He couldn’t be mad, he didn’t have the energy to be.
But now he was still listening to them. Over and over Jon was torturing himself and Martin just couldn’t take it anymore. It’s been too long; he hasn’t heard anything from Basira since the only phone box available was outside and he was worried. The Institute was probably safe from this but the true radio silence didn’t help his nerves.
He knocked on the door as Jon finished listening to his birthday tape again.
And then it turned into another conversation of Martin trying to get Jon to sleep. He knew he hadn’t and It hurt Martin to see Jon so defeated. To hear it in his voice. See it in his face.
Then he heard Gertrude’s tape. He was shocked at first, from the mention of Sasha to the way Gertrude had it all figured out. How she seemed to have a plan that was going to work.
Except it didn’t.
If only she’d been here to help them. For a second Martin felt completely lost until he saw that same feeling echoed onto Jon’s face.
“Can you imagine,” Jon said, “if we had this-”
“But we didn’t though, did we?” Martin said back with a bite that wasn’t expected by either of them.
Jon’s shoulder dropped as he lowered his head, “no.”
“So there’s no point in dwelling,” Martin said, Jon sighed, “this isn’t healthy.”
“Healthy?” Jon said with a bitter laugh, “I am an avatar of voyeuristic terror who’s unquestioned craving for knowledge has condemned the entire world to an eternity of torment healthy it’s not-”
“Fine fine I get it,” Martin said.
They’ve had this conversation before, probably a dozen times. Martin wanted so badly to shake the self loathing and pity from Jon and get him to wake up and see that this can’t be the end. It can’t be. Martin spent so much of the past year cutting himself off from everything he loved-and he’d just gotten it back. He was in no position to wallow and accept it like Jon had and he didn’t want to. That wasn’t him anymore. It never really was.
“It’s so…” Jon started again. At this point they were sat close together. Martin held Jon’s hands in his lap and squeezed as he wordlessly pleaded with him to leave, “It’s so loud out there. The agony, the terror I can see it all so much more clearly,” he said.
Martin’s heart dropped and he squeezed their hands together a little bit tighter, “I’m sorry,” he said with all the sincerity he could muster. Martin’s head was spinning, the same tickling rage he had about killing Elias crept up inside him again.
“No it’s,” Jon said with a sigh. His eyes were shut and Martin watched him intently. Then Jon’s eyes shot open, “I love you-I just-” another breath, “I need more time.”
Martin fully believed neither of them registered what was just said. Jon was exhausted, not thinking, surely he didn’t mean to blurt it out in that way.
His rage from earlier quickly melted as he felt his heart beat pick up, but now wasn’t the time, and he had to say something of intelligence before the silence lingered too long, “It’s alright,” he said, “It’s alright I’m good at waiting,” and of course Martin meant that, his whole life had been waiting for Jon.
He watched Jon’s face to see if realization hit anywhere in it, then there it was. Jon’s eyes went just a little bit wider for a moment and the softest of smiles crept onto his exhausted face, “thank you,” he said.
Then it was back to business, back to talking about the apocalypse. Back to realizing the sentience of the tape recorders. A moment between them never lasted too long, but that made them all the more special.
They laid in the small bed later, hands held in one another’s, Martin looked over to see Jon seemingly asleep. His breathing felt steady enough at least and the constant creases that lined his face were softer than usual. So Martin took in a breath, now was as good a time as any.
“I love you too,” he whispered and then closed his eyes. He felt the hand in his squeeze slightly. Martin smiled.
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melonkooky · 5 years
saturday evening [park jimin]
word count: 2154
genre: like 99% fluff, the 1% is tiny bit of angst
author’s note: prompts 39. “who cares if they saw?” & 40. “please come with me.” i’m sorry this took some time. school started back up after my spring break so i was busy once again. i’m also prepping for some important tests (like my sat and some ap tests) so i haven’t had a lot of time. anyways, i hope you all enjoy this one!! 
please do not copy my work. but please like and reblog it. thank you!!!!
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you breathed heavily as you struck your finishing pose, looking out at the audience with a fierce gaze. as your audience cheered for you, you wanted to jump around and smile and laugh and cry. you were overwhelmed with emotion. after all, you had just had your debut stage as a soloist. ‘i did it’, you thought to yourself over and over, feeling truly proud of how far you have come. finally, the lights dimmed and you were signaled to leave the stage.
as you walked backstage, a few cheered and congratulated you, complimenting your performance. you flashed wide smiles at everyone, thanking every single person who had worked alongside of you. later, your manager gifted you a small cake, giving you a light hug. you thanked him, before you started eating the cake. now you had to wait for all the other groups and soloists to perform and then join everyone on stage.
you waited in your dressing room, texting people who you knew that had watched your performance. you specifically were looking for someone, your boyfriend. he said he would watch your performance, but he hadn’t texted you. you felt a little bothered by that. but suddenly, there was a knock on the door. you turned and lo and behold, there stood your man in the doorway. he was dressed in dark clothing, a hoodie and pants. his hood was up and his mask covered his face. you would have been scared as to who he was, but you recognized his eyes, and his height. you jumped off the couch, hurrying to your boyfriend. he quickly pulled his mask down to his chin, revealing his grin. luckily, no one was in the room currently, they all had things to do elsewhere.
jimin smiled as you jumped into his arms. “jimin!” you yelled happily.
he laughed and hugged you tightly. “hey, love.”
you pulled away, staring at his face. “why are you here?”
“i came to watch my baby debut.”
you blushed. “i was worried. you said you’d watch my performance but you didn’t text me.”
jimin shook his head. “i wanted to surprise you. i came here and watched you. you were amazing.” jimin kissed the side of your head after his compliment.
you giggled, blushing after. “jimin, what if someone sees?”
jimin pulled away, an expressionless look on his face. he turned slightly and shut the door, then turning back to you. you scoffed, a smile forming on your face. “now people are going to be suspicious.”
jimin sighed, pulling your body closer to his. “who cares if they saw?”
you glared at him. “i do. we need to keep this relationship a secret.”
jimin pouted, looking down at the crowd. you felt your heart crack a bit. you knew how much jimin wanted your relationship be announced to the public, but you and him both knew the consequences that would erupt.
“jimin,” you began comfortingly, “one second of footage of you with a girl and fans will be coming after you.”
jimin grabbed your hands, holding them close to his chest. “my fans would support me.”
you nodded. “most will, i know that. but there will still be those fans that will get mad and possessive, and not support you, especially since you are apart of bts. bts is the most famous kpop group right now, and have the largest fanbase.”
jimin understood what you were saying. you and him had been in a relationship for six months now. you and jimin would often celebrate having hid it from the public for so long. but jimin was growing tired. he didn’t want to hide it anymore. he sometimes wanted to show you off to the world. he wanted to post pictures of you and him together. he wanted to be able to walk around in public and not have to worry about getting spotted and exposed. he knew that you wanted to keep it hidden, because it would be drama for a lot of his fans. but you and him both knew that it would cause issues for you too. a newly debuted girl group who has a member dating park jimin. that could ruin the group. the kpop industry was rough, and caused a lot of pressure.
jimin pulled you into his arms, hugging you tightly. “well, let’s not talk about it anymore. how did you feel on stage?”
you paused, still feeling a bit upset. you released a heavy breath while in jimin’s arms. “it was sensational.” you laughed. “i get to do that for a living. dance and sing, i get to do what i love most.”
you were at jimin’s dorm, hanging out with him. it was a lovely saturday evening, a break for you. you had finally finished music show promotions, after a few weeks of performances. now your agency had given you a small break, before you were scheduled to appear on variety shows and interviews.
you laid on jimin’s bed with his hoodie on - his favorite hoodie, in fact. he laid next to you, his body practically glued to yours, while you watched videos on jimin’s laptop. jimin was interested in all your performances. he hadn’t had a chance to watch them all because he had his own schedule to attend to. a man’s got to support his love. he always complimented you. and every time you pointed out a mistake or thought in your head (or something negative) at the time of your performance, jimin would always reassure you and compliment you. he was the most supportive person you’ve ever met.
you looked up to jimin. he had an amazing voice, he could dance really well, he had good stage presence. not to mention he was a member of an infamous kpop group. he was known worldwide. although you haven’t reached that level of popularity, you were happy where you were. just having a chance to dance and sing and perform on a stage was good enough for you. you often asked jimin for advice seeing as he’s been doing this for years. you’ve only been a kpop idol for a month. he had a lot of advice to tell you, more than the trainers at your agency did.
jimin sighed as he wrapped his arms around you. “i’m hungry.”
you didn’t move your eyes away from the laptop. “seokjin said you guys just went to the store.”
jimin was about to say something. he was about to object to that. but then he remembered that they, in fact, did just a few days ago. he sat up on his bed, leaning his back against the wall. “let’s go to the store.”
you looked up at him. “i don’t want to go anywhere. i’m comfortable right here.”
jimin reached over and paused his laptop, lifting it up. you sat up with a sigh, turning to your boyfriend. he looked at you innocently as you glared at him. “please come with me.” he pouted adorably, staring at you.
you looked into his eyes, finding your heart beat faster. he was just so cute. you sighed. “fine.”
he smiled proudly, pecking your lips before sliding off the bed. “great, let’s go.”
you couldn’t help but laugh at him. you slid off the bed, missing its warmth and comfort, but might as well get some snacks.
you and jimin decided to walk. you asked him why he doesn’t just drive there, it would be safer as matter of fact. but he told you that he wanted to walk there as it wasn’t that far, and it was a chance for you and him to be a couple in public and enjoy fresh air. although you and jimin were dressed in clothing that hid almost everything, except for your eyes, you still felt a bit nervous.
you and jimin arrived at the convenience store that was located just down aways from the dorm. his hand was still laced with yours as he led you through the aisles. “hm, what should i get?” he mumbled to himself.
you looked around before removing your hand from his. you spotted your favorite candy, you couldn’t possibly resist (especially since it was going against your agency). you grabbed it and returned to jimin’s side. he was torn between two different types of ramen. you stared at his options. “which one?” he asked.
you hummed. “why not both? we can both eat them.”
jimin nodded. he held the two cups of ramen to his chest, walking over to the cashier. you followed behind with your bag of candy, placing it next to jimin’s ramen. he quickly paid, thanking the cashier as he grabbed the bag. immediately after, he laced his hand with yours again. you walked close to him, looking around the city and enjoying the cool breeze.
you and jimin arrived back at the dorm. it seemed that the members were in there rooms, so it was just you and jimin. you followed jimin into the kitchen. you smiled as you watched him prepare the ramen. as he was waiting for the water in the sink to warm up, he looked at you. “what?” he asked.
you shook your head. “you’re such boyfriend material.”
jimin’s cheeks reddened as he grinned. “i would hope i am.”
you laughed with him, while walking to the fridge. jimin watched you. his was totally in love with you. you turned around with two drinks in your hands. you set them down on the counter and closed the fridge. “are we going to eat those in your room?” you asked.
jimin came out of his trance - he totally wasn’t thinking about you. he nodded. “there’s a movie on netflix that i want to watch.” he explained.
you reached for you candy and opened it, snacking on it as jimin filled the ramen cups with the hot water. you blushed as a thought popped into your head. you stood next to jimin as he closed the lids and grabbed two pairs of chopsticks. you looked at him before standing up straighter and kissing his cheek. he gasped in surprise, before grinning. you smiled, “let’s go.”
you and jimin sat at his desk with two cups of ramen, drinks, and your candy between you two. the laptop was in front of you, a movie that jimin wanted to watch playing. you were more focused on the ramen though. “jagi.” jimin whispered.
you slurped your bite of noodles and looked at him.
“we’re supposed to be sharing.”
you looked at him, and then his ramen. you then grabbed a bite of ramen with your chopsticks, grabbed the cup, and held the bite up to jimin’s mouth. he blushed. “that’s not what i mean.”
you shrugged. “shut up.” you could feel your cheeks redden. “this is a couple-y thing to do anyway.”
jimin cheeks were red, and he couldn’t stop smiling. finally, he took the bite of noodles, causing you to laugh. “you’re so weird.” you mumbled.
“alright,” jimin said while swallowing, “it’s your turn.”
you looked at him. “what do you mean?”
jimin then got a bite of his ramen and held the chopsticks up to your mouth. now you knew what he felt. you laughed before taking his bite. “there, better?” you asked, chewing the noodles.
jimin mixed his ramen more. “better.”
you shook your head, swallowing the last bit of his ramen. yours was still better.
midnight soon arrived. you and jimin were full from your dinner, eyes were heavy from the dark and having watched a few movies. plus, your back was hurting from sitting in a chair for so long. with the two chairs next to each other, slowly, you and jimin leaned against each other. his arm was loosely wrapped around your back as his leaned against you shoulder. your arm was on his lap, your hand wrapped around his. you were tired, jimin was too.
before you knew it, you felt your head droop a bit. you opened your eyes, trying hard to keep them open. jimin chuckled lightly. you turned and flashed an exhausted glare at him. jimin turned his laptop off, enveloping you and him in darkness as the screen was the only source of light.
your limbs felt heavy as you pulled yourself out of jimin’s chair and let yourself fall onto his bed. jimin sighed. “scoot over.” he whispered.
you groaned as you could already feel yourself giving in to the grasps of sleep. your back was to jimin as you tried to make more room for him. you helped jimin remove the blankets and you crawled under them, resting your head on the pillow. jimin threw the blankets over you, making sure you weren’t cold. he tucked himself in behind you, before moving his arm so that it wrapped around your waist. “night, love.” he whispered, kissing the back of your head.
you smiled lightly. “night, jimin.”
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letaliabane · 5 years
Other Prompt list
1. “This isn’t gonna end well!”
2. “Did you enjoy yourself last night?”
3. “Are you kidding me? We’re not ‘fine’!
4. “You’ve only heard his side of the story. You never asked for mine.”
5. “Well, this is where I live.”
6. “Oh my God! You’re in love with him/her!”
7. “You make me feel like I’m not good enough.”
8. “For some reason I’m attracted to you.”
9. “I am not losing you again.”
10. “Why don’t they just kiss already?”
11. “I think I picked up your coffee by mistake.”
12. “All I wanted was your honesty.”
13. “Why do you keep pushing me away?”
14. “I can’t explain right now, but I need you to trust me.”
15. “I’ve never felt this way before….and it scares the shit out of me.”
16. “Don’t fucking touch me!”
17. “Are you really taking his side against me?”
18. “Wait a second are you jealous?”
19. “I wish I could hate you.”
20. “I’m sorry if this upsets you, but I’m going to marry her/him.”
21. “You know, it hurt when I realized that you’re not in love with me. But nothing can compare to the pain I felt when I saw you fall in love with her.”
22. “Come over here and make me.”
23. “This is by far the stupidest plan you’ve ever had. Of course I’m in.”
24. “You’re the only one I trust to do this.”
25. “I thought you were dead.”
26. “This isn’t just about you. It’s about what’s best for all of us.”
27. “I love you, you asshole.”
28. “You did this for me?”
29. “You can’t protect me.”
30. “You know I wouldn’t do this if I had any other choice.”
31. “Promise me you’ll look after your mom.”
32. “I’m so stupid to make the mistake of falling in love with my best friend.”
33. “Stop talking about the past, I could be dead in a matter of hours… make me up a future.”
34. “The way you flirt is shameful.”
35. “I waited and waited, but you never came back.”
36. “You never told me you had a fucking twin.”
37. “I want to go back to before….”
38. “I just wanted an easy day with my girlfriend/boyfriend. What’s so wrong with that?”
39. “Go then, leave! See if I care!”
40. “Why are you up so early?”
41. “Please, take me instead!”
42. “You braided his hair?”
43. “She’s been missing since Friday and you’re not worried?”
44. “Have you lost your damn mind?!”
45. “Please don’t argue. You have to leave right now, you aren’t safe here.”
46. “I’m your daughter.”
47. “I’m not surprised that you murdered him.”
48. “Is there a special reason, as to why you’re wearing my shirt?”
49. “Am I supposed to be scared of you?”
50. “Don’t use me as an example. I wasn’t a good kid.”
51. “Is that what you’re doing? Trying to make me to hate you?”
52. “I’ve been in love with you my entire life.”
53. “I’m not happy here.”
54. “If he’s going to treat you like shit I’m going to kick his ass.”
55. “I just want to cuddle and watch Friends.”
56. “You’re hiding something from me.”
57. “If I die, I’m going to haunt your ass.”
58. “I want my best friend back.”
59. “You better have a good reason for waking me up at the ass-crack of dawn.”
60. “I don’t know what I did to deserve you.”
61. “A wedding?”
62. “I just want to be alone right now.”
63. “Don’t you dare to ever do that again!”
64. “Where would someone hide in a town like this?”
65. “If I ever see you anywhere near her, you’ll have to deal with me!”
66. “I thought you were a dream come true.”
67. “Everyone keeps telling me you’re the bad guy.”
68. “I came here to explain what happened, and I’m not leaving until you listen.”
69. “I made a mistake.”
70. “H-How long have you been standing there?”
71. “You can’t break my heart like this!”
72. “I wasn’t going to wait around for you forever.”
73. “The skirt is supposed to be this short.”
74. “I’ve moved on.”
75. “This is why you don’t ever have any shirts to wear.”
76. “Run, and don’t ever look back.”
77. “The three seconds rule doesn’t apply to sticky foods.”
78. “I think I’m in love with you, and I’m terrified.”
79. “Please, don’t give up on me.”
80. “When are you going to realize that I don’t care?”
81. “I may be an idiot but I’m your idiot.”
82. “When you love someone, you just don’t stop. Ever. Even when people roll their eyes or call you crazy… even then. Specially then!”
83. “Fuck…I feel I’ve been hit by a car.”
84. “Those things you said yesterday… Did you mean them?”
85. “I know that you have reached a decision, but given that it is a stupid ass decision I have elected to ignore it”
86. “I’m tired of being your secret.”
87. “They always make shower sex sound so appealing, but honestly it seems quite dangerous.”
88. “Do you ever think if people heard our conversations they’d lock us up?”
89. “Let me tell you exactly where in hell you can go.”
90.“Who gave you that black eye?!”
91. “After everything you did, you’re asking ME to apologize for snapping at you ONCE?”
92. “I miss her so damn much, and it’s killing me that she’s gone!”
93. “What the hell are you doing here?! I told you I never wanted to see you again!”
94. “It must be hard with your sense of direction, never being able to find your way to a decent pickup line.”
95. “Are you drunk?”
96. “I’m sorry, what were you saying? I keep getting lost in your eyes.”
97. “You got her pregnant?! What were you thinking?”
98. “It’s okay baby, I’m here for you.”
99. “You say the nastiest things when you’re angry, so yes, I’m walking away from you now.
100. “I’m starting an idiot jar. Any time you do or say anything idiotic, you have to put at least a dollar in it—more depending on how stupid the thing that you said or did was.”
101. “My parents asked about you.”
102.“Oh, gosh, you’ve insulted me! What ever shall I do? I’ll be mentally and emotionally scared for years!”
103. “You haven’t even touched your food. What’s going on?”
104. “Do you need me to get anything from the store?”
105. “They say I’m in here because I’m crazy, I think I’m crazy because I’m in here.”
106. “There’s no getting out of this. You ruined me”
107. “If you don’t want to talk about what happened, then say so. Don’t just lie and say it’s fine.”
108. “I was going to kiss him, but then my friend texted me about going to Taco Bell, and, well, there’s this cashier that works there who is way cuter, so I bailed on the rest of the date.”
109. “Don’t say you love me.”
110. “It’s a hobby of mine to prove you wrong.”
111. Meeting him/her for the first time
112. Him/her asking you out
113. Your first date
114. Your first kiss
115. Cuddling with him/her
116. Neck kisses
117. “I swear I didn’t mean to touch your butt.”
118. “Why are you wearing my shirt? Please, don’t take it off. It looks good on you.”
119. Going on a vacation together
120. Going to an amusement park together
121. Dancing together
122.Him/her rescuing you (if the person you want can do that ex. superhero)
123. Your first time
124. And what did we learn from that?” “Not to mess with you.”
125.Comforting him/her after a nightmare
126. The wedding day
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