#and Arcee looks amazing
benadrylcandlewhack · 2 years
I've never felt more conflicted about a movie than Rise of the Beasts
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mellowbean73 · 2 years
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A comic I made of this adorable couple 💛💙 I love how it turned out, they really do look amazing together & I just adore them to pieces! 💕
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Well, I did it
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Megatron - I love his tfp design. Probably one of the best iteration of Megs. He is huge, heavy armoured, his face covered with scars… He doesn’t looks like an ordinary military leader who is only capable of giving orders, but like real warrior who can destroy any enemy with his bare hands.
So, in the WOF version, he definitely shares some features with Princess Burn, not only because of his might, but also because of his horns shape and dirty-dark scales (that absorbed blood of his enemies)
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Starscream - Boy, I hate him so much 🤣… but in the good way, trust me! In my opinion, when the show's creators make you feel such strong negative emotions towards a villain, it means they've done a great job. Also, I think that his animation in the show was absolutely incredible, because even though he's a 3D model, he still manages to move like a 2D character, which is amazing!
I feel that in my design he still looks more like a skywing, than an icewing (which is kinda logical)
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Soundwave - This one was tricky. I couldn't figure out what his mask would look like, so I just made his face a really dark color. I think Soundwave has both gifts of the nightwings, and he’s equally great at telepathy and a future vision. So he doesn't really need equipment to predict enemy movements, which makes him an ideal communicator in the WOF setting. His Laserbeak is part of the armor enchanted by Shockwave, and it might also allow him to open portals (but I'm not sure with this one)
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Shockwave - My favourite evil genius. He would definitely have animus magic and mind reading. I think Shockwave is the only one who has advanced the study of magic so far, precisely because he combined it with scientific knowledge and created safer methods of using it, that don't damage the mind. It's like if a Mastermind got animus magic in books.
I also like to think that he didn't heal the damaged part of his face just so that his enemies would fear him more)
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Dreadwing - This man deserved better! It's really a shame that he was removed from the show so quickly due to financial problems. It would be great if his arc got a proper conclusion in season 3.
Considering that I didn't want to make him a hybrid, it was difficult to choose a suitable color palette. So let’s just say, that I tried my best😅
I don’t think that he would have any nightwing powers, but honestly it doesn’t even matter - this guy can make a bombs, what else does he need to be cool
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Arachnid - Did anyone even doubt that she would be a hivewing? Damn, she even got her own “Othermind” virus. Her design was the easiest to work with - just a little poisonous ass (suspiciously similar to Maleficent).
Just like Starscream, I hate her, but in a good way. She's one of the creepiest characters in the entire series, who’s acting like a fucking heartless monster, especially with Arcee, but even so, there's always was something mesmerizing about her. I just really like strong female villains
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Knockout - Wery bright and charismatic guy, definitely one of my fav cons!
I tried to draw him as handsome as possible. Worked a lot on the face shape and coloring, and as for me it turned out pretty nice (finally).
Most decepticons think Knockout is as stupid and lazy as all the other rainwings. And it's not like he completely disagrees with that. Of course he’s not stupid and lazy, but if it’s means less dirty work on the battlefield, well, he’ll continue act like a tipical rainwing
(I also believe that Megatron keeps him as an “art”)
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Breakdown - Fun fact: "Operation Breakdown" was the very first thing I saw in this series. And it was an interesting experience for 8 year old me. Maybe that's why I'm so scared of eye gouging scenes in movies now…
I think that he didn't have any siblings initially due to his parents nature, and even after meeting Bulkhead, he felt uncomfortable among the other mudwings. And this is why he later chose the side of the decepticons. And maaaaybe because of one cute rainwing influence)
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I think that, being mostly nightwings and icewings, the decepticons are much more concerned about purity of their blood and rarely accept half-breeds into their ranks.
During the war, there were many animus dragons among decepticons, which is why they have so many artifacts that allowed teleportation and communication at a distance. But, honestly, I still can't imagine what Nemesis would look like in this AU
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dragonridernoobie · 2 months
Hello, can I place an order?
The reader has a pet owl (Lona), and one day she shows it to children and Autobots
this bird is very playful)
she would climb up to everyone, sit on their heads, look at them continuously and scare them, but Miko would be delighted)
Good luck!
Ok, I like this, and I don't think I've done an owl request before, so this will be awesome! Also, i chose a barn owl since i think they are the coolest owl out there. By the way, thank you for being Paitent since my hand/arm is injured.
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Reader X TFPAutobpts
(Pet owl edition)
What started this was simple. (Y/N) simple said they had a Pet owl when the kids started to discuss about pets and what they wanted to get.
This caused a lot of them to turn their heads to (Y/N) and asked for pictures. So (Y/N) showed them.
(You're owl)
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They where so amazed by this that they begged (Y/N) to bring it. (Y/N) had to ask optimus first to make sure it's ok.
So, (Y/N) went to optimus and asked, but ofcorse he dident know what a owl was so he allowed them to bring it since he wanted to see what an owl was.
So, the next day, (Y/N) arrived at the bass with their lona, the Barn Owl. The kids immediately came to see long and (Y/N) let them pet her and hold her.
Miko was the most excited since they always liked owls. (I see her as a owl girl)
Soon, the other autobots come to see what an owl was.
Ratchet didn't like the owl since it's weird how its head moves all the way around.
Bulkhead was scared of Lona because of how it kept moving it's head around weirdly.
Arcee was in love with Lona since, in her eyes, "lona looks like a strong Hunter."
Bumblebee loved Lona since she was playful. Always nibbling at his fingers and hooting every time he made a noise
Optimus was the most amazed by the animal. Since he never seen a creature like this. He was even more amazed when (Y/N) explained about everything about owls.
Like, they can't move their eyes so they have to move their head. They have one of the best hearing and eyesight out of the animal kingdom, and most amazing of all, they mate for life and they have a strong bond with their partners. (I don't if the last part is true but I know some owls mate for life)
Optimus was indeed impressed and held Lona. Letting her climb on him and he did enjoy her hooting.
Jack was nervous to hold her but got it down.
Raphael was excited since he was never really allowed to hold or pet animals back home so this was fun.
Miko was just being miko.
Maybe next time you can show them you're snake.
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How about someone who was recently turned into a Cybertronian and Team Prime tended to and comforted them? They have a lot of adjusting to do! 👀
TW: A bit of implied disassociation because, holy shit, suddenly you're a giant metal robot and that's kinda hard to wrap your newly non-organic brain around.
((Knock Out is here because there is not enough Autobot!Knock Out and I love him.))
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Team Prime comforting Reader, who just got turned into a Cybertronian, would include...
Optimus reassures you from the first moment that you have a safe home with Team Prime, should you choose to stay with them. Of course, you do. He makes sure you have the time and space to adjust and be comfortable with your new body before jumping into anything. He's just there if you need him, which some days is more helpful than everyone's else's efforts to offer unsolicited advice right off the bat.
Bumblebee helps you adjust to having wheels by challenging you to races that double as training whenever possible. He is almost certainly going easy on you, but nobody ever tells you as much.
Bulkhead is the first to realize that maybe you just really need a damn hug right now, if only because he's not very good with words. He hugs you and reassured you that it will be okay, and you're amazed how warm and fuzzy you feel afterwards, even though you're fairly sure your new body doesn't actually feel such minute temperature changes.
Ratchet tries to be "comforting" by explaining how your new body works... in detail that goes way, WAY over your head. But eventually, you get him talking about Cybertron's history and culture, and realize that your two species aren't all that different after all, which helps more than an anatomy lesson ever could.
Smokescreen is quick to remind you that you don't have to go back to your boring human school/job/house/whatever. Depending on how much you liked/disliked your old life, this is either incredibly helpful or incredibly irritating. If you get upset with him though, he's quick to apologize, and it's hard not to be comforted by that well-meaning smile and a servo patting your shoulder.
Arcee might somehow be even more protective of you than she is of the humans - she knows what happens when bots overestimate how much they can handle, and she figures that's really easy to do when you go from being a tiny, fragile human to a giant robot. Sometimes it's hard to hear her remind you that you're still mortal, but she means well. "Okay Mom, I get it."
Wheeljack, like Bulkhead, isn't very good with words, but he's also not very good with affection. What he can do, however, is listen. He's there the first time you get frustrated with the rest of the Team - not because they truly did anything wrong, but because being cramped into a tiny base with people you've just met will irritate anyone - and he never breathes a word of what you vented to the others. The Wreckers had their spats too - he knows you'll all be cool at the end of the day.
Oh Primus help Ultra Magnus he doesn't have a comforting servo in his body, but at least he's honest about that. In fact, he's the best bot to go to when you're ready to have things less sugarcoated.
Knock Out doesn't understand what the fuss is about - why would anyone ever want to be a squishy, gross organic when they could be Cybertronian? Humans couldn't turn into cars, for one, and couldn't be polished. He gives you a fresh coat of paint and polish and tells you how much better you look now - it does help, in a way. Being able to pick out new paint makes you feel a little more like your new body is really your body.
But honestly? Your biggest comfort might just be Jack, Miko, and Raf, if only because they will remind you any time you so much as frown just how cool being a giant robot is. And then you remember, yeah, it is pretty cool, actually.
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bones4thecats · 3 months
Hello! Thank you for the answering my previous request, it was a lovely read. If you are still open for requests at the time of me sending this, I would like to request some general relationship headcanons for TFP Megatron, Starscream, Soundwave, and Shockwave with a Cybertronian S/O. Thank you for your time and I hope you have a good day! - ❤️‍🩹Anon
Relationship Hcs With TFP Decepticons
Characters: Megatron, Starscream, Soundwave and Shockwave Requester: ❤️‍🩹Anon A/N: It's nice to hear from you again, ❤️‍🩹Anon! Thank you for the compliment on your past request! Anyways, I do hope you enjoy this Transformers Prime request. By the way, be on the lookout for titles that are naturally feminine, I couldn't find many gender-neutral ones. P.S: The character labeled in the last bit of hcs is completely fictional. ⚠️ Spoilers/Trigger Warnings for: Transformers Prime Series and Movie ⚠️
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��»————————————- Megatron ————————————-««
👑 This guy is known for his tyrannical behavior, but he does tone it down when it comes to you being around him. Megatron does care about his S/O dearly in his spark
👑 Megatron started the war because of the unjust ranking in society, but he also started the war because he did not want you to be shoved around like nothing anymore. He may have been a respected gladiator in the Pits of Kaon, but even that title can only go so far in a corrupt society
👑 Over the course of the war, Megatron appointed many to his side, which was called the Decepticons. And throughout the claiming of titles, he dubbed you his right-hand. After all, a Lord is nothing without a Lady
👑 He may not seem like it, but this ruler is fairly good at treating his lover as an equal. Megatron may be a psychopath during his reign over the Decepticons, but he has morals deep down in his spark
👑 Anyways, when the war did begin to go against both sides and Cybertron fell when it came to life, Megatron was the first mech to realize it. And when he saw how the supposed-quick-war was growing longer with every passing cycle, he rushed you off the planet and onto the Nemesis ship first, with him and his most trusted followers joining
👑 Throughout his time out in space locating the mystical Dark Energon, you attempted to stay in direct contact with him the best. Before he ventured to far away, leaving the Nemesis in control of you and the official second-in-command, Starscream
👑 It was painful ruling alongside the egotistical seeker, but when your sparkmate returned, you lunged at the opportunity to rule alongside him instead
👑 While he was under the influence of the dark energon, he attempted to keep you far away from him, which showed just how much he valued your existence. You may have been an amazing fighter, but he could overpower you with ease
👑 Megatron's death was also the thing that caused many to see just how close you two were. When his limp and sparkless frame fell from the Nemesis, through the atmosphere of Earth, and down into the vast and deep ocean below, you cried in agony while multiple Vehicons carried you away. All Autobots, including ones like Ratchet and Arcee, were shocked to see you crying over his death. They suspected that he was an abuser, when it reality, he was better than that... he was your dream mech...
👑 Before your escaped, you were taken away by the Autobots, locked away in your once thriving ship with your medic Knockout and the many Vehicons who stayed loyal. Though, it seemed that the Autobots, especially Optimus, felt pity for you
👑 And while he laid apparently deceased in everyone else's mind, you felt his spark pulsating through your bond. You were shocked when it was announced that Megatron somehow had come back from the dead, but you knew once you looked at him that he wasn't the Megatron you once knew and loved
👑 During the fight, you were one to fight alongside the Predacons, using your advanced fighting skills when in flight-mode to attack easily. After the actual fighting, Predaking looked at you and nodded, making you fly off and to the surface of the hopefully-near thriving Cybertron
👑 You lunged forward in a sprint and allowed the large mech to pick you up, spinning you around and hug you as you wept into his now-spikier armor. You then rose your head and relaid it down on his forehead, only looking away from him when you heard the coughs of a certain scrawny-stiletto wearing seeker
👑 Starscream merely backed away scared as you and Megatron glared and the titular mech yelled at him in anger. And before you flew after your lover, who was exiling himself after saying the Decepticons were no longer working and he was turning his title in as a warlord, you smiled at the Autobots and handed Knockout a small tablet with a photograph of the main 'cons, then it changed to one of you, Knockout and Breakdown
👑 The red mech smiled and gave you a small hug before you heard Megatron yell for you, making you transform after sending your goodbyes and flying away. A new life to start with your lover, away from war and away from the blood-soaked regime of your old lives
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»»——————————-  Starscream  ———————————-««
💫 He first met you while he was controlling a large armada of fellow seekers in the Cybertronian Air Command. You were a new recruit and gained a close bond with the raspy-Decepticon, quickly rising in the ranks before becoming Lieutenant-General of the Air Command
💫 While under the control of Megatron, he showed quite a favoritism to you. And believe me when I say this; Starscream hated how close he acted towards you
💫 It was when Soundwave revealed you and Starscream's spark-bond that Megatron stiffened slightly around you, but did still act fairly cordial. Until his motives began to worsen over the next few hundred years
💫 Many view Starscream as a very manipulative and fearful being, and they're not wrong there. At first, he tried manipulating you, but you eventually grew onto him like a mold
💫 He also has used you like a Cybertronian-Shield multiple times. But, you always were at the ready with a weapon when against the Autobots and their meddlesome human allies
💫 Speaking of him using you as a shield, while he may use you as one when it comes to some battles when he is obviously at a disadvantage, when it comes to his beatings against your leader, you become his defendant. At least when it gets bad enough to be possibly life-threatening
💫 Starscream puts on a macho-mech persona, which he only lets down when his life in in danger or when you are in a major accident. Like when the Autobots were fighting against you and Shockwave while retrieving a Predacon's fossil. He had immediately noticed you were going to have a small concussion
💫 He was the one who went out with Soundwave to defend you, he could care less about Shockwave's spark. He needed you alive, not him.
💫 You guys are one of the cutest duos on the Nemesis. Whenever a Vehicon walks by you two speaking with a smile lodged on both of your faces, they just look at one another and chuckle
💫 It's your gentle-nature that makes Starscream feel unworthy of having you around. He views himself as inferior, and this only grows when he serves under Megatron. The larger mech makes him feel completely worthless, especially by comparing him to others, specifically Shockwave and Soundwave
💫 Unlike Starscream, you helped fight against Unicron when he possessed Megatron. You helped Shockwave gather his three Predacons to send them off, before going off to use your flight to your advantage before leaving to find Starscream
💫 He angered you slightly when he tried convincing Megatron to take over Cybertron again, and after he flew off, you sent him a comm saying you hoped he lived a fulfilling rest of his life. He just chuckled and wished you and Starscream a good future, making you smile and look at your spark-mate
💫 Smiling at the Autobots nervously, Starscream transformed and yelled for you to follow suit. You sighed and threw a vile of finished synthetic-energon at Ratchet, making him gasp and chuckle as you winked and flew off. What an exit... one worthy of his old lab partner and good friend
💫 As Starscream chanted about being the new leader of the Decepticons, you heard the Predacons approach and stared wide-eyed as they glared at Starscream but not you... damn you were always favored more than him🤣
"Y/N...? Why are they glaring at me so much...?"
"Pretty sure they wanna eat you. You might wanna start running, Hon'."
💫 You just looked at the three mechs and told them to go easy on him, and they just huffed before nodding and chasing him. Leaving a smiling Cybertronian behind
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»»——————————-  Soundwave  ———————————-««
🔊 Ah, the loving silent mech himself.
🔊 He, unlike others, did not meet you before the war began. Instead, you were assigned to be his fellow third-in-command, except you were more located outside of the ship and leading attacks than him
🔊 Soundwave is fairly difficult to get to know at first, since he doesn't speak and doesn't show any reaction. Y'know- with the visor-face and all...
🔊 But, when you did get closer with the mech, it was known to all on the Nemesis that you were held in high regard not only to Lord Megatron, but to the third-in-command as well. Not even Starscream dared to lay a servo on you, fear of retaliation from both of the powerful mechs overwhelming him
🔊 Now, if you are smaller than him, he does make sure you stay out of others ways or get jobs that fit the way you are built and can handle. Normally, the smaller the Cybertronian, the thinner amount of weight they can handle
🔊 Though, if you are bigger, he trusts you to handle yourself a lot more. He would watch over you in battle, sending you codes that could help you in defeating the Autobots and retrieving whatever Megatron needed
🔊 Soundwave also is a very busy mech, so most of the time he has work to do. So, in those kinds of situations, he sends his precious minicon, Laserbeak, out to observe you. Ordering him to send a distress single if you were in danger and he couldn't do anything to help
🔊 When he was kidnapped by the Autobots, you were beyond unstable. Throwing items back and forth across your shared room, successfully scaring all that passed and heard you mixture of angry screams and cries of agony
🔊 Him coming back made your mood lighten up, and it caused even Megatron to slightly smile seeing you run up to him and hug him tightly, before cringing at the sight of the Autobot medic, and your old friend, Ratchet, being thrown in cuffs and pushed away to a holding cell
🔊 You stayed right beside him as best as you could, helping out with everything until those wretched humans came around and had a second Ground-Bridge opened, wrapping both you and him in the warp. Before carrying your screaming frame as his struggling one inside
🔊 Soundwave slightly strutted before lunging at the three mortals, unsuccessfully ending them. This made you gasp and stutter in realization... you were stuck in the Shadowzone with no way out of it and no-one except those humans to know where you were
🔊 Falling to your knees, you began to weep as Soundwave kneeled in front of you and held you close. A low tune being played over his speakers
"Will we ever get out of here...?"
"I will stop at nothing to get us out of here, Y/N." Soundwave said, his natural voice running through your audials.
"I love you..."
"And I love you as well."
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»»——————————-  Shockwave  ———————————-««
🧪 Shockwave and you met in another fairly odd way
🧪 As a very head-strong member of the Cybertronian Sea Special Ops, and holding the rank of a Major, you always kept your mind right on the target. And when you were sent in by your General, Preon, to observe a supposed operation of a revolution against the Council
🧪 You disguised yourself with a device modeled by one of the engineers, and when you came into contact with the one-eyed mech, you were enamored. And you couldn't lie, hearing Megatron's speech of freedom from the damaging oppression laid stuck in your head
🧪 Over time, you began to use your Black Ops skills to escape detection and help Shockwave gain different objects he needed for his experiments. And when you revealed your treachery to the Cybertronian Council, he felt a pang in his spark that was unfamiliar
🧪 While first deeming it illogical, Shockwave did enjoy being in a close relationship with you. You were highly skilled in battle and in everything scientific
🧪 Shockwave is a very distant mech because of his work. He serves the Decepticon cause very well, to the point where many say he comes in a dual battle against Soundwave's loyalty to the cause
🧪 Despite the complaints of Megatron, you stayed on Cybertron, and got damaged when fighting against Arcee and Cliffjumper. And even he had to admit, you grew on him a lot faster than he initially believed. The cyclopian-mech did also prove to be better at being a doctor than he or you thought
🧪 Shockwave does care about you in a unique way. While he doesn't show it outright like other Cybertronians, he does prove how much he cares about you with simple methods. He does three main things; he is extremely honest, sharing his opinions on all matters, Shockwave also trusts you with tasks he wouldn't trust anyone else with, such as caring for the Predacons while he is outside gathering more fossils, and he loves to show his loyalty. He could care less about everyone else, you are his top-priority when it comes to dangerous situations
🧪 If you ever had doubts of your bond, he immediately addresses it. He may be working while speaking, but he does show his devotion to you first
"Shockwave... do I... mean anything to you...?"
"That's one of the most illogical things I have ever heard." Shockwave replied. "If I saw no use in having a relationship with you, I would never had proposed our spark-bond coming to light. I don't ever want to hear about you doubting yourself, Y/N. Understood?"
🧪 He's not the most ideal mech to be bonded to for life, but he isn't the worst
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riskyraiker · 5 months
I have a idea that reader is like a sheep in their monoform and then a black wolf in their alt form kinda like a wolf in sheep's clothing or sheep in wolf's clothing🤩
Oh. my. Gosh! I love this😍😍 Just imagine reader seeming like a sweetheart and all by looking like a sheep, but in battles looking like a wolf they're ruthless!!!
TFP bots with a reader whos bipedal mode looks like a sheep, but alt form is a wolf
You've been on the team as long as you landed on earth. Everyone thought you were so sweet and nice, since you look like a sheep, but why you didn't have an alt form? Well you do, but don't want to show it that much, being afraid of their opinion on you. The team did like having a second medic whose actually optimistic! Unlike Ratchet, who is always grumpy.
Back up was needed and the fight wasn't going well on your teams side. You demanded Ratchet to open the groundbridge which did confuse him, but still went with it. Running through and transforming, you bite the first vehicon who happens to be infront of you. The team thought someone new arrived since the wolf didn't even look like you. Half of the team was amazed about your ruthless acts, the other half was almost horrified! The fight was over...The bots was secure enough to come back from their hiding spots. Optimus spoke first, "With who do you fight? Autobot or an decepticon." Your alt form didn't have a badge for some reason. "Why are you asking optimus? It's me? Y/N."
Optimus prime
At first he didn't believe it was you, until you went back into your bipedal mode.
Was worrying why you hid this from them or did someone do this to you.
Treats you the same ofc! If you need a shoulder to lean on Optimus listens.
He would stand next to you if someone was against Cyberwolfs.
Was actually surprised when he realized you could act so ruthless. He NEVER imagined you were like that this whole time.
If you ever hung out using your alt mode, expect him giving you scratches! If you accept them of course.
Doesn't want you on the battlefield without you using your altmode. He doesn't want to use you, but the alt form is overpowered against regular vehicons. If you disagree about this he accepts it.
If you two were good friends expect him to be around you even more from now on!
Was confused not to see you with the team, but was more than shocked when he saw a cyberwolf walk through.
"WHAT HAPPENED TO Y/N?! WHE-" "Calm down doc, that's her." Wheeljack just teased the medic.
Was a little angry how you kept this form hidden, but couldn't be angry that long since you're so nice
He wouldn't give you scratches unless you asked.
Still confused how your modes didn't match up at all! Was thinking were you a sheep in wolfish clothing or vice versa?!
If he refuses to recharge you just pick him up and walk over to his berthroom door.
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Prepare for A LOT of scratches. He loves earth animals and now he loves you! Platonically!
He gives you scratches when he's in hand reach. So he'll give you scratches a lot!
If you're able to he wants to get a ride on your back!
Was confused why you kept this hidden, but wasn't mad, gladly.
He acts like a cowboy! Or is it a wolfboy? Who cares, it's cool!
He acts like you're his little pet, which you just joke about with anyone
If he's a bee and you're a wolf then you two are the animal duo!
Well this is a surprise! One of the nicest bots left in this cruel world did hide something big.
Was mad at you for a little bit, but forgave you since you're always so nice if others aren't.
Would love your skills in the field!!
If she's acting sassy on you, you just pull the wolf card and pick her up.
Ask her for a little petting and you have a nice little session of it!
Watch out with that tail of yours! Don't hit Arcee with it or you might get a small scar on it.
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Bulkhead & Wheeljack
"Hey Bulk, you always wanted a pet didn't you? So I got us a puppy!" Type of situation.
Since these two are not the smartest lads you might need to carry them out of the battlefield.
First they're protective and now they're still protective :)
But when you're in bipedal mode they treat you like a baby alright?!
They're the passive aggressive petters😭😍
LOBBING! If you want to play with them I hope you prefer the alt mode so you can BEAT THEIR AFTS!
Have fun with two dumb idiots who loves you like family no matter what form.
You're not his pet. No no no no. He's your little puppy now bitches!
If you acted soft like a sheep, protect him like the beast you are!
He's clinging on your tail the moment he has the chance.
You know when he was so happy and excited as he met optimus? This is part 2 baby!
He doesn't care if you're insecure about your alt mode. Number 1# fan right there!
Please let him ride on your back sometimes, he's like a child in a candystore😭
Ultra Magnus
Have fun with Commander here :D
Rules this rules that but still he has respect for you. You're probably rarer than red energon?!
Will not give you scratches when you ask or even if he could. Maybe, like reaaaaally maybe he might give you small scratches if you did something great!
If he's in a hurry just give him a lift. He doesn't care if you pick him up, but do it carefully!
"you're too soft during a war" happy now? Probably yes. If nobody of their own gets hurt, of course.
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lets-try-some-writing · 7 months
All those bugs are fun and all, but what if the bots were patrolling in a more high grass environment and then suddenly the whole field lights up (they’ll probably think they set off some sort of explosive and they kinda did). Then a huge swarm of fireflies comes flying around. I don’t think they would think it’s that gross but they’re more amazed by their hypnotizing beauty and nature.
This requires a short written scene.
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Generally speaking, Ratchet hated insects. It wasn't just that the abominable little things looked like even smaller scraplets, but it was also in large part due to how... odd they were. If he looked at them with the optics of a Doctor, he could appreciate their formation and structure. Carapaces to shield from danger, senses on par with any far larger being, abilities that bordered on supernatural in light of their small size-
The list went on.
And yet, he still had to believe that he hated insects. So spindly, far too similar to the monsters of Cybertron. How could he possibly enjoy them in any capacity outside of the realms of medicine?
"Ratchet! Look!"
Smokescreen ran through the field, his pedes thudding with every step as hundreds of the small glowing insects ascended into the sky. They fluttered about aimlessly, their tiny frames flaring with bioluminescent light that vaguely reminded Ratchet of home.
"They are called Fireflies." Optimus supplied as he stood still in the center of it all, his optics drawn to the creatures that hovered around him. The glint in his optics told the tale of an Archivist not yet completely torn from his nature. The Prime held up a digit, allowing one of the fireflies to land on it. He smiled, and Ratchet found himself a little lighter seeing it.
"So small..." Bumblebee's binary voice chimed in. He reached out, barely prodding the little things as his optics spiraled wide in wonder. His door wings fluttered, and beside him Arcee smiled as she held the children in her servos. They were pointing in awe, glee etched onto their features.
Bulkhead and Wheeljack were doing their best to put a few of the insects into jars, but their digits combined with comparatively tiny containers and creatures led to them struggling mightily. They floundered in a desperate attempt to catch the bugs without crushing them. Ultra Magnus stood stiffly around the edge of the field, but even from a distance, Ratchet could sense ease from him.
He returned his gaze to the insects glowing above. If he didn't focus on the differences, he could almost imagine he was back on Cybertron enjoying the forests during a cycle off from the clinic.
He hated insects, but maybe just for a moment he could learn to appreciate them.
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mariacrow · 1 year
Hi love, Let me start off with saying that I adore your writing! I was wondering if you could do some cute fluffy relationship head cannons with TFP Optimus, Bulkhead, and Bumblebee with a human female S/O please?
Totally okay if you ignore this one, just wanted to throw something out there. Keep up the amazing work!
Thank you, love 🥰 I planned on doing TFP Autobots relationship headcanons so here are your boys amongst everyone else ;)
This one is EVEN LONGER 💀 (that’s what she said pt. 2)
For Decepticon headcanons click here! 💜
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TFP Autobots x reader
❀ relationship headcanons ❀
2nd person
female reader
how you’d get together, confession
how you’d function together, PDA
intimacy, preferences (NSFW)
how long would it last
excluding Arcee because I mainly do male characters
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It would take a looooong time for you two to click. He would treat you equally like he does everyone else and not give you any signals, not even mixed, so you would think it’s impossible to take it to another level with him.
As time would pass though, you two would isolate yourselves more and more when you’d have a chance. He’d take you on long relaxing rides.
Most of the time he would let you blabber while he’d stay silent and listen. He can listen to your beautiful voice all day.
After a couple of romantic rides he’d finally confess to you, asking if it’s even possible for a creature like him to love a creature like you. He’d ask you to be his one and only, to conjux.
He’d totally understand if you’d reject him but of course you wouldn’t reject him, IT’S OPTIMUS PRIME, WHO WOULD REJECT OPTIMUS PRIME??? (lmao)
He’s okay with PDA but he’d still kinda avoid it, he prefers when you two have proper privacy. He’s often too busy throughout the day anyway.
But when you do get some alone time, he always makes sure it’s the best you’ll ever get.
His sex drive isn’t high but at times he would get intimate with you and make you feel special.
He’s quite romantic actually, vanilla yet very sensual. He would do anything to give you maximal pleasure.
He likes to take it slow and passionate, take his time with you but sometimes, just sometimes, when he has too much pent up stress, he’d take it a bit rougher than usual to relieve himself.
He’s not that vocal, definitely a groaning and grunting type. He’d praise you though, tell you how beautiful you are and how much he loves you.
Definitely calls you “little one”.
Prefers missionary or you riding while facing him so he can look at the complete soft beauty in front of him. Sometimes you push his size kink button which makes him tightly grab onto something, sometimes even damage it.
After he’d feel kinda bad, he’d make sure he didn’t hurt you or bring you any kind of displeasure. He’s the king of aftercare though, that’s for sure.
Da hell u mean how long would it last??? FOREVER OFC. IT’S OPTIMUS PRIME!!! 🤸‍♀️
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Grumpy doc. (MY FAV!!!!!!!!!)
He’d pretend you annoy him the most just to deny his feelings.
As time would pass and as you’d grow on him more you’d catch him getting distracted by you. He’d just keep staring at you with a poker face, secretly admiring you. When you’d catch him he’d shake it off and continue his work.
Slowly he’d get overprotective, wanting to become your guardian probably. He’d also talk with you more often, perhaps even flirt a little with his old doc jokes, make you giggle and admire your blushy face.
He’d take advantage of some alone time with you in the base to confess. He’d let you sit on his shoulder for the first time while he works and talk quietly to you.
Finally he’d spill his spark for you, apologize for being too rough on you at times and asking for a chance to change that.
He’s actually a very good kisser, you could smooch him all day. But NEVER in front of the others. PDA is a nono, especially when you get him flustered which you tend to because he cannot absorb so much beauty at once.
Four walls and a locked door is the best for him. He can admire you properly and have his way with you. He might seem vanilla but he can get kinky.
He’s a control freak in bed too. Considering his age, his pace isn’t the best. He’d always complain about his hips and back but his strength is definitely something to cherish. He’s actually quite experienced so he doesn’t need a quick pace to give pleasure to both of you.
He’s girthy and it’s definitely something he’s proud of. He can get quite cocky and throw a couple of dirty talks. He can get very loud too, likes when you’re loud as well so he can shush you for fun.
He kinda has a breeding kink too (perhaps even doctor & nurse/assistant or patient kink), loves filling you up and seeing your tummy bulge, not letting it leak out.
He isn’t an exhibitionist but he’d love to do it on the control panel with you or in the med bay. As time would pass and as he’d remember how good IT feels, he’d want to do it anywhere and at any time, whenever you’d tickle his wild side with a provocative comment or a provocative look.
One thing that’s hilarious is that he can almost immediately fall asleep after nutting (excuse my language). He tries his best not to but he’s an old tired doc after all, you can’t be mad at him.
He’d pray it lasts because deep down he knows he got too attached. Even when you two would argue, when he’d yell at you for a stupid thing for example, later he’d do anything to make it up to you.
He loves you very dearly.
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He would confess to someone by secretly researching customs about Earth and he would be nervous at first.
You two would bond with some common interests he did research on previously. He’d buy you gifts and take you anywhere you want but at the same time he’d worry about your safety.
He gets flustered very easily so you’d get the memo that he likes you from the start.
It would take him a long time to confess which would result in him being a pure blushing mess. The moment you’d kiss him he’d probably almost faint.
He’s ok with PDA, he doesn’t care what anyone thinks. When he’s with you he’s in another dimension.
He’s a big snuggly wuggly teddy bear. Cuddling has become one of his fav things in the world because of you.
He would also need a lot of time to allow himself to get intimate with you hence he’s so huge. He’s scared he could hurt you.
Hence he needs a lot of words of affirmation, communication is key with him.
He’s a soft dom but can also be a switch if that’s what pleases you. He likes when you tug at his chin. He also loves when his digits are tangled in your hair, it’s his favorite part of your body.
He isn’t really a kinky type or at least his fear of bringing you any harm is suppressing anything that can come out onto the surface. That’s why he might be an experimentalist.
He would not stop until you’re fully pleased. You need to talk to him a lot during sex if you want him to be maximally confident with you.
He’s probably the best at aftercare. Would wrap you up in a blanket and bring you food or anything you ask for really.
He only prefers long term relationships and he’d hope you’re his precious little human forever.
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Precious Bee is so clingy that it’s SO obvious that he’s into you.
He wouldn’t leave your side almost. He’d be all happy and bubbly and win you with his optimism.
Don’t let that bubbliness full you though, he’s a hot head and would do anything to protect you. He’s protective in the right amount though.
He’d always snuggle into your hair and press his muzzle against your cheek, as if he’s kissing you. He’d ask you to kiss him back by tapping his cheek and muzzle.
When you’d kiss his muzzle it would be over for him. You’d officially become his partner. He’d probably find a tiny gear to put on your wedding finger.
Totally into PDA! Especially when it annoys Smokescreen and makes him jealous.
Cuddles and any kind physical touch are his absolute FAV. He’s so spoiled when it comes to nuzzling which he does all the time (is obsessed with your softness).
He’s actually very quick to get intimate. You could say his sex drive is high due to his youth.
He’d take it nicely and passionately, especially with his servos. He has a specific kink with digit play. Loves touching you absolutely everywhere and almost every time he overstimulates your private parts with them before he actually penetrates you with his spike.
His stamina is crazy and he always takes advantage of it. His pace is very quick all the time but if you ask him to be slow he will. Your pleasure is also very important to him.
He has a thing for beauty marks, he’d kiss every single one of them every time. You’re the only one he puts his muzzle down for. But not gonna lie he loves when you tug on it.
Perhaps he’d be into leashes and chokers and stuff if you really asked him.
He’s a very soft lover after all so expect epic wholesome aftercare.
Considering he’s a hot head there might be some minor arguments with him but that won’t stop you from having a long term relationship.
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He’d flirt the hell out of you. He’d flirt and flirt and flirt, make you blush and get flustered all over again until he makes you fall for him. He’d tease you with calling you “sunshine” or “kid” or “doll” or “baby girl”.
He’s a player, likes it casual but when he knows you’re the one, he doesn’t give up. He’s extremely stubborn.
You’re probably the only reason he’d stay in the base.
He’d take you out and if he notices you’re a romantic soul, he’d be the most romantic man out there even though, in reality, he isn’t romantic at all.
Doesn’t mind PDA, loves showing off how he’s the best boyfriend in the world (or at least he thinks so lmao).
You know he’s a HUGE hot head. Would kill for you.
The moment of confession would probably be the night you get intimate. We could say the best way he can express his love for you is through sex so expect some extreme overstimulation.
He’s into lingerie, especially black and red. Loves making you stain your panties good too.
He INVENTED dirty talking. Also very into oral, eating you out like the tastiest snack. He also loves eye contact, he’d make you look at him or else he’d stop.
He can combine all sorts of paces and positions and roughness, he has his own magic tactics. He loves making you scream while he’s praising you. Doesn’t matter if the base is full or not, he’s a risk taker and it really turns him on.
Sometimes he’d even grab you with one servo and slide you up and down his spike like a pocket pussy. Backshots and reverse cowgirl must be his fav positions.
One his fav places to cum is onto your face, definitely. Or into your mouth. He likes it gushy and messy. His stamina is crazy too.
Would shower you with kisses and praising afterwards, make sure you’re alright.
As I said, he’s into casual stuff but you’re probably the only one who would make him take relationships seriously and enjoy the long term.
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He’d be so cringe at first. He’s an act first then think after type of mech.
He would flirt SO MUCH with you to the point he’d start annoying you.
He’d notice though. He may seem confident but in truth he’s nervous underneath all that cockiness. He tends to overthink.
He’d ask others for advice, research, anything that could make you his.
At first he would view you as just another one of his dolls he plays with but when he’d realize he actually has serious feelings for you, he’d get serious.
The confession would be spontaneous as he’d probably make out with you like the horny teenager he is. He’d promise to be loyal though and he’d keep that promise.
He’s into PDA, loves showing off how you’re his.
He has a weird kink in making you jealous and vice versa. You’d play a flirting game with anyone you know just to get each other jealous which would result in “who’s gonna give up first and frag the other”.
Loves giving you pet names but also loves when you give him pet names too and refer to him as “baby boy” hence he’s a switch. Also into exhibitionism.
Has a thing for breasts and thighs. He can whimper at times too and when you’d bring it up later he’d deny it and be like “WHAT!? NU-UH!”
Loves when you ride him or his face but is also into backshots even though he prefers when you face him. Perhaps he has a tiny sex tape kink too.
Surprisingly he’d make you cum every time which he would brag about later. His cockiness is always present nonetheless.
As I said, even though he can be an immature horny teenage boy, he can get serious when you put him in his place.
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UH OH 💀💀💀
If you choose to fall in love with this man expect to be heart broken twelve times until you get together (if that’s even possible).
Kidding, it’s possible. But still very difficult. Prepare for a long one, he’s a very complicated mech 💀.
He would not even notice you. At first he’d just call you a native or a soldier but once he starts calling you by your actual name that would be the signal that he views you as someone who he has a positive opinion on.
You’d have to be REALLY pushy on him, be as clingy as possible, annoy the hell out of him so he’d actually set his guard down.
You’d develop your relationship with him scolding you like a parent, telling you what to do and what not to do while you’d disobey him. Sometimes you’d even bring a TIIINY smirk on his face because you’re just too cute, he can’t be mad at you forever.
With that, he’d get overprotective and follow you around all the time, not letting you out of his sight.
Would always correct you that you should refer to him as “sir” or “lieutenant” or even “commander”. He loves it when you do it in bed especially, it REALLY gets him going. Also has a brat taming kink.
This would go on for a loooong time until you actually conjux. He’s definitely a type of mech to keep you in handcuffs in a relationship.
PDA? What’s that? Sometimes it would seem he’s keeping you a secret.
When it comes to intimacy you’d probably think this mech’s sex drive is ZERO. But oh. He’d grope you and touch you everywhere, ex vent into your ear, giving you a sign at the most unexpected time that he wants you then and there.
He has a LOT of pent up stress so you’d be his stress outlet. His foreplay is a bit dry to be honest but he’d learn his way with you.
Even though his roughness can result in not caring about your pleasure at all, he’d still make your eyes roll in the back of your head.
Soon he’d realize how good you actually make him feel as he’d lean and kiss you (your lips, torso or back/neck, depends on the position which don’t matter to him as long as he’s on top).
Would definitely mark you all over with his servos because he tends to grope HARD. He also loves seeing the outline of his spike on your stomach as he couldn’t help but press onto it and feel it move in and out of you.
His aftercare is very poor too. At first you’d get intimate as if it’s a one night stand. He’d leave almost immediately or the next morning without even saying anything.
He’d isolate himself as first, making you feel as if he’s using you as a toy but in the end everything would come together and he’d give himself to you.
He’d still keep his formality at times. Getting intimate with him would probably be the only time he’d express his emotions as much as possible even though it really isn’t much.
This could go on either forever or fall apart after some time… Depends on you.
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Dividers belong to @baexywth and @animatedglittergraphics-n-more 🍓
@k----a27s helped me with Bulk, Bee and Smokey! ❤️
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in1-nutshell · 10 months
I love your work and I was wondering if you could do the TFP autobots and deceptions reactions to a Spider- man/woman/person buddy. Either Romantic or platonic if possible :) have a nice day/night and remover to look after yourself ☺️
Thank you for the compliments! Compliments are very much apprenticed! the Cons section is a bit shorter, only because I feel like the Con's would try and kill Buddy on sight because of Arachnid. Lets see how the Bots and Cons fair with Spider Buddy with their powers and shenanigans.
Hope you enjoy!
Autobots and Decepticons reaction to Spider Buddy
SFW, platonic, some mentions of violence of Con's part but nothing graphic or detailed, Spider reader
Optimus Prime
This is new. Buddy has to sit down with him so he can properly understand what is happening.
He is a bit unsettled by the webbing at first but comes to terms that it is a thing Buddy does and it becomes the new normal for him.
“Buddy, I know you enjoy swinging around the base. But if you can please refrain from webbing our frames?”--Optimus
“Got it Optimus!”—Buddy
Buddy demonstrated their ability to climb and stick to the walls by climbing and standing on the ceiling. He was just on edge and ready to catch them if they ever fell. But he is also amazed at Buddy’s powers.
He discovered their strength when Raf accidentally slipped a controller under the couch and Buddy casually lifted the couch with Miko and Jack on it with one hand and grabbed the remote and tossed it to Raf.
“Agent Fowler?”--Optimus
“Is it normal for a human to lift up a couch with other humans on it single handedly?”--Optimus
“Not if they have steroids. Why?”--Fowler
Buddy nearly gave him a spark attack when they showed their power. To be fair Buddy was trying to explain them, but he wasn’t paying attention. So, they web one of his tools and hold it proudly above their head single handedly.
“You need this Ratchet?”--Buddy
“Thank—What! How are you doing that!?”--Ratchet
Ratchet nearly has the attack right there.
He gets very interested in the levels of dexterity and strength the webbings have. He won’t conduct any test on Buddy, not even if he had their permission. He does want to know everything he can about the webbing’s utilities.
“What else can you do with it?”--Ratchet
“Hmmm… Oh! I can shoot long distance web balls! Watch!”--Buddy
Buddy throws a random web ball behind their back.
 He also wants to know if there is any medical thing he should know about. He wants to know so he can be ready to help when they get hurt.
“You don’t need to be worried about that Ratchet. I have a fast-healing factor.”--Buddy
“Did I ask?”--Ratchet
“No, I didn’t. I don’t care if your healing factor is faster than a speedster-on-speedster circuits. Now where are the bandages?”--Ratchet
He remembers the comic hero that Buddy’s powers are slightly based off. He watches a lot of superhero media on TV with Raf and the kids. He is a fan of the powers.
Of course, he found about their webbing the hard way…
“Bee! Stop moving! I’m trying to help!”--Buddy
Buddy has scared him multiple times. Buddy has the bad habit of swinging and landing on his shoulder. He does get used to it as time goes on.
He finds it cool that Buddy can pick up stuff that shouldn’t be possible for an average person to pick up.
He does worry about them overexerting themselves though, he always reminds Buddy to take some things easier.
“Pass me the couch.”--Buddy
“Bep. (No.)”--Bumblebee
One of the longest to warm up to Buddy’s powers. She is fine with Buddy as a person. But their powers…they remind her too much of Arachnid.
Freaked out seeing the webs the first time.
“Jack! Why are you webbed up? Oh, Primus it was Arachnid! She’s here! Hold—”--Arcee
“Nah ‘Cee that was me.”--Buddy
“You see Jack over here wanted to see how useful his dull knife in his Swiss army tool kit was. So, I gave him a challenge.”--Buddy
“Yeah. That’s my bad Arcee.”--Jack
“…I think I involuntarily gave her Vietnam flashbacks…”--Buddy
She does get used to it after some time.
She finds Buddy’s strength cool but doesn’t like to test it. Who knows where buddy’s limit is? What if they accidentally hit it, what would happen then? She doesn’t want to know.
“Hey Arcee, can you pass—”--Buddy
“I’m not passing you the couch.”--Arcee
He thinks that Buddy’s powers are so cool!
Absolutely eggs them on to do more tricks.
“I’m going to jump!”--Buddy
“BEEP! (Don’t!)--Bumblebee
“Do a flip!”--Smokescreen
Definite instigator. He asks so many questions about Buddy’s powers that Buddy can’t keep up with all of them. So as a compromise Buddy set a limit for questions per day.
“Hey Buddy, how can—”--Smokescreen
“You used your last question 2 hours ago Smokey.”--Buddy
“Wait until tomorrow.”--Buddy
Definitely wants to know how much can Buddy carry. He can never get Buddy to do just enough because someone always comes in when things get interesting.
“Smokescreen have you seen Jackie? I’ve been—BUDDY!”--Bulkhead
“Hi Bulk! I haven’t seen Wheeljack—”--Smokescreen
“Forget that! Help Buddy!”--Bulkhead
“They’re fine. Right Buddy?”--Smokescreen
Buddy holding the couch, TV, and the kids with one hand giving a thumbs up.
Oh, more flashback!
He doesn’t have good memories with Arachnid just like Arcee, but they aren’t as bad as hers.
He does find the webbing to be weird. Cool, but weird.
Buddy webbing a can of soda and drinking it.
“How did you get so good at catching it?”--Bulkhead
“Oh, I wasn’t always good. But I got better with time. It only took The Curling Iron incident for me to really get the hang of it.”--Buddy
“What incident?”--Bulkhead
“Not important.”—Buddy
He holds out about Buddy’s strength when he nearly fell on one of ratchet’s equipment again bit was stopped mid fall when Buddy webbed his back and was holding him steady.
“Hey Bulkhead, if you don’t mind, can you please get your footing right? This isn’t exactly the most comfortable position ever.”--Buddy
This goes in the list of weird things Wheeljack has seen, but he likes this.
Like Ratchet, he becomes fascinated by the dexterity of the webbing. But also, on Buddy’s physical strength.
“So, you stopped Bulkhead from falling using these webs?”--Wheeljack
“Do you think it can hold Ultra Magnus down for 5 minutes?”--Wheeljack
“Hypothetically, yes? It should… why?”--Buddy
“… I think we both know…”—Wheeljack
He helps Buddy with their acrobatics. He is always hyper vigilant in case Buddy looks like they are going to get hurt.
“C’mon Jackie toss me higher!”--Buddy
“Any higher you’ll be eating the ceiling.”--Wheeljack
“Like I haven’t done that 27 times.”--Buddy
“…That’s oddly specific.”--Wheeljack
“Don’t question it.”--Buddy
Ultra Magnus
He is not prepared.
Like Optimus Buddy has to sit down with him to talk about their powers so he can fully understand. He understands for the most part. So now all that needs to happen is the demonstrations.
“These are my webbings.”--Buddy
“Interesting.”—Ultra Magnus
“I can do all sorts of things with them. For example, throw them.”--Buddy
Throws a web ball randomly behind them.
He finds out about Buddy’s strength the hard way. He had gotten in the crossfire of a game of lobbing and was falling backwards from the force of the ball. He is fully expected to land hard on the ground, but he doesn’t he is inches away from the floor.
“Hey Mags? As much as I would love to keep holding you, can you please get up?”--Buddy
“I have no idea. Made it this far on pure accidents.”--Buddy
He doesn’t like Buddy.
“Bucket head.”--Buddy
They remind him too much of the traitor Arachnid. He might send other bots to dispose of them. He lets go of that seeing as Buddy always comes back to the Nemesis.
They become the equivalent of an annoying stray that comes by your house at 3 am asking for food.
“Hmmm… its quiet... too quiet…”--Megatron
“Hey Bucket head! You had your daily dose of space meth!?”--Buddy
“For the last time! It’s called Dark Energon!”--Megatron
“All I hear is space meth!”—Buddy
He really doesn’t like them.
“Insolent Fleshling.”--Starscream
Like many others, he is reminded of Arachnid, too much. He has tried to kill Buddy before, but Buddy is too fast and nimble for him. Buddy now has a grudge against him and purposely webs his pedes together at the most inconvenient times.
“Now! Rise my fellow Decepticons! Rise with the new age of Starscream the—”--Starscream
“I hate that human so much…”--Starscream
Knockout and Breakdown
It was near death on sight.
“Hey! Hey! Calm down!”--Buddy
“Kill it!”--Breakdown
But after some explanation, the pair realize that Buddy is nothing like Arachnid. They have to sit down for another explanation on Buddy’s powers though. Buddy has made it their mission to protect their new friends from Arachnid.
The pair thinks it is a joke.
It’s not.
“I pushed the spider off of the ship.”--Buddy
“Oh, that’s nice.”--Knockout
“Knockout! I heard from some Vehicons that Arachnid fell off of the ship!”--Breakdown
Sudden realization
“Oh, boy…”—Knockout
Child. Must have child.
Buddy is now an honorary cassette after they webbed Arachnid and Starscream into a closet.
Soundwave looking at the loud closet. Walks away like nothing happened.
He doesn’t mind Buddy swinging around and their webbing, it’s just an organic thing they do. Yes, he sat down for Buddy to explain everything. He now has a file exclusively just for Buddy’s things. He is willing to protect his new friend against all Con threats on the Nemesis.
Buddy is his now.
“Operation: Buddy safety”
“Arachnid: Threat must be neutralized.”
He doesn’t mind Buddy being there.
Sees Buddy swinging off a ledge.
“I question where my allegiances are sometimes…”--Dreadwing
He kind of ignores them while they are on the ship. He isn’t that rude though; he’ll acknowledge that they are there maybe a quick chat on what’s happening on the ship but that’s about it.
“I heard that Arachnid fell off of the ship a few days ago…”--Dreadwing
“Oh no, anyways…”—Buddy
He doesn’t bother Buddy; Buddy doesn’t bother him.
He doesn’t know that Buddy exists.
Because he doesn’t come out of his lab.
And, because Soundwave, Knockout and Breakdown don’t want him to meet Buddy.
“Why can’t I meet him again?”--Buddy
“I prefer our conversations to happen when you’re not getting dissected on a filthy table.”--Knockout
They firmly believe that Shockwave would dissect their friend in the name of science.
And that he would.
He hasn’t had enough time to officially meet Buddy.
Mainly because Buddy is so small and Predaking doesn’t really acknowledge them. They are weak and frail like any other human.
Sees Buddy walking down the hall, turns around and walks away from the ‘filth’.
He does know that Buddy is an enemy to Starscream after witnessing Buddy web his pedes to the ground. The enemy of my enemy is my friend, right?
Maybe he would try and strike a conversation in the future.
As much as she loves another fellow spider.
She is going to hunt down Buddy.
Which is tough luck for her because Buddy always seems to know where she is at and at time used her own webs against her.
“When I get my servos on you—”--Arachnid
“You mean IF you get them on me, you evil robotic knockoff.” --Buddy
She is making it her goal to have Buddy’s head on a pike in her trophy room.
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Stupid Pictures of Arcee: An Art Piece
Once again, credit to @short-circuit-the-great, who inspried this idea with their amazing Unflattering Pictures of Knockout post. Be sure to check it out!
How could I NOT do an Arcee one?
Behold, that one picture where Arcee is fighting Starscream and it looks like they're somehow BOTH losing lmaooooo
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cyberrose2001 · 1 year
TFP Optimus x human!fem!reader
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"ROSE I'M FREAKING OUT AAA I LOVE YOUR WRITING!! I am currently watching Prime so reading your Optimus fluff made my heart skip a beat! May I ask for more Optimus x reader (in a female perspective) fluff, and in a common situation like preparing for something humanly important (a ball perhaps)?? I don't got too many ideas but I would love to read anything coming from you! Please stay well 🌹❤️" - requested by @weaksall
Thank you so much!! This was such a cute idea! I found this amazing dress that I think is just gorgeous for this fic -> https://www.pinterest.com.au/pin/706713366535507663/
I also didn't specify any hairstyles too because not everyone has long hair that they can style <3 I hope this is satisfactory!! 💕
Warnings: None! Just fluff
Word count: 1618
Today is a rather important day for you. Your work is hosting a gala ball to raise money for charity, and you are required to attend. You had never been to a ball and the thought of picking out grand outfits to wear and accessories has always excited you. Miko, of course, wanted to help you go shopping at the small selection of boutiques that Jasper has to offer. She may be into the alternative type of fashion, but the young girl has a passion for all types.
“Oh! What about this one, (Y/n)?” Miko drags you by the arm towards yet another boutique. You almost stumble as the stacks of boxes you’re holding pretty much blind your vision.
“Miko!” You laugh, “I think I have enough dresses to last me the rest of my life.”
“Oh, come on! You never know when you need…” She pauses to count the boxes in your hand, “Four, five…. eight outfits!”
You roll your eyes as you let her drag you into the boutique. Looking around, you don’t see anything that catches your eye. However, Miko is practically running around the joint pointing at different dresses and sending your mind for a spin.
“Miko, let’s just go.” It was your turn to drag her through the shop, as much as you love her, if you spent another hour dress shopping with her you were sure you would lose whatever brain cells you had left.
Before you could drag a sad Miko out the door, you spotted a gorgeous navy-blue ball gown that sparkled like the night sky. It had a heart shaped neckline with lace trimmings around the edges that tapered off to create a small off the shoulder sleeves. And by the all spark, you had to have it.
Miko followed your eyes towards the gown, and she grinned, “Do you want to try it out?”
It had been a week since Miko accompanied you to the boutiques and today was the gala ball. You had set up a small makeup station in the human area of the base, Miko of course going through it all trying to find the best shades of eyeshadows and lipsticks to use and making a mess.
“Alright, (Y/n),” Miko held out two sticks of lipsticks, “Purple or blue? Oh! What about GLITTER? OR- “
You wished you could rub your eyes in frustration, but you didn’t want to ruin your foundation, “Miko, sweetheart, how about a nice neutral shade? It’s a gala not a drag show.”
Miko dramatically tosses the lipsticks back into the makeup bag, “Yeah but you would look so cool!”
As you were applying your contour, blush and the colours of the eyeshadows that Miko picked out for you (they were colours you liked thank goodness), Optimus Prime had walked over towards the human area, curious about the commotion.
“(Y/n),” He looks around at all the different things that are scattered around on the floor, “May I ask what this is all for?”
You froze. You had not expected the boss bot himself to ask about makeup, Arcee maybe, but not Optimus. It doesn’t help the fact that you have been in love with Optimus since you first met him, but the way his eyes fill with curiosity as he asks the question warms your heart a little bit. You exhaled and placed the makeup brush you held in your hand down.
“Today is a really important event for my job, they’re hosting a huge charity gala to raise money to help sick kids.” You explained as best as you could to the bot, but you could read his face and tell that he was still a little bit confused.
“A… gala?” He raises an optic ridge.
“Yeah, it’s like a really fancy party.” You smiled, “You get to wear nice clothes, socialise with other people and- “
“And there’s LOTS of fancy food!” Miko butted in, “I’m talkin’ seafood, barbeques and sooooo many desserts…”
Optimus glances towards the young girl, then back to you.
“So, this gala,” He begins, “It is a culturally significant gathering for humans?”
You nod your head, picking up the makeup brush again, “Yeah, it’s a way for humans to come together for a cause, or just to have fun and make friends!”
Optimus hums and that makes you seem to think that he is satisfied with your answer. He watches as you delicately swivel the brush over your eyelids, admiring the movement of your hands. Your focus may be on the mirror, but you can feel his eyes on you.
“You mentioned nice clothes,” Optimus says, “Are you planning to wear something… ‘fancy’?”
“You don’t get to see that yet!” Miko perks up, she then grabs two lipsticks and holds them out to Optimus. “But you can help (Y/n) pick a lipstick colour, she doesn’t like MY choices."
You can feel your face heat up as you watch Optimus’s optics flicker between the two lipsticks with a raised optical ridge. You really do hope that Miko knows what she is doing.
It was noon, you and Miko had just finished the last touches and adjustments to your gown. You had brought a large mirror to the base so you can fully see yourself in the reflection, safe to say that you looked like a literal princess. Miko jumps up and down as she admires her work.
“(Y/n)!! You look so beautiful!” Miko squeals as she pulls you into a hug.
“Thank you, Miko.” You laugh at her energy, hugging her back. One would think that you were getting married by the way she reacts to you.
“I can’t wait to see what Optimus thinks of you.” She grins. You pull her out of the hug and give her a confused look.
“What do you mean?” Your heart is racing fast, “Why would Optimus care about how I look?”
Miko gives you a dead-panned stare, dropping her arms to the side, “Are you kidding me? Have you seen the way he looks at you, (Y/n)?”
Of course you have, but you’ve always thought that those were a different kind of stare, not because he… likes you.
“No," You lied, staring at yourself in the mirror again, “Even if he did, I doubt that he would have time for me, he is the leader of the Autobots… he has enough on his plate as it is.”
Miko rolls her eyes and leans against you, “Don’t sell yourself short, he is gonna faint when he sees you.”
She then takes your hand, dragging you out of the room, “Come on, it’s nearly time to leave anyway.”
You let her drag you out, what Miko said is now engraved into your brain and is now on a constant replay. Have you seen the way he looks at you?
Whilst you were distracted by the thoughts in your head, Miko had stopped you just before the door to the main area of the base, “Wait here, I’m gonna go and make sure that everyone is ready.”
“Ready for what?” You tried to question her, but she shushed you as she ran off. You’re awkwardly standing there now, occasionally fluffing your gown. You haven’t the slightest clue on what she is up to.
A few moments later, Miko calls out, “Ok (Y/n), come out now!”
You take a deep breath as you walk out, holding you gown to keep it from dragging on the floor. Your heart is practically jumping out of your chest.
You walk out to a crowd consisting off all of team prime, some are stunned to silence, and some are cooing and gushing about how beautiful you look. You decided to give yourself a boost of confidence and give them a twirl, the base of the gown flaring out as you do so.
“Wow, you clean up real good, kid.” Wheeljack nods with folded arms. Bumblebee and Bulkhead (with Miko perched on his shoulder) are practically swooning, Arcee is admiring your hair and makeup, Smokescreen is telling you how amazing you look, and Ratchet is scoffing about how silly this all is, but secretly he thinks that you look nice. Jack and Raf are also enamoured.
Optimus, however, is simply stunned to silence. His dermas slightly agape and a blue hue ever so slightly creeps onto his face. He loves the way the gown flows and the small intricate details on your torso, and he thinks the colour of the dress suits you perfectly. The lipstick he picked out for you was a classic red lip with a slight tinge of purple. And he now understands why humans were obsessed with the stuff; he could not stop staring.
You shyly thanked everyone for the compliments and noticed that Optimus had stepped closer to you and leaned down. You stiffen up a little bit as he held out a servo towards you, he touches the dress very gently.
“You look absolutely exquisite, (Y/n).” Optimus says, optics now staring into your eyes. Your cheeks flush at his words. You then gently took the digit that was toying with your gown and gave it a hug.
“Thank you, Optimus.” You smiled, you were sure that he could feel your heartbeat against his servo, “Do you think the lip colour ties it all together?”
His face flushed as you winked at him and then he smiled, knowing that he was the one that picked it out, “Indeed.”
Off to the side out of view while you and Optimus are sharing a sweet moment, Miko is holding out her hand so that a defeated Bulkhead can hand her an imaginary dollar bill, “Told ya he had the hots for her.”
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melishade · 6 months
Okay, I don't know if you're answering questions again since you just got back and you don't have to answer this if you don't want to, but this has been on my mind for a while.
In all of the timelines where a character is in AoP, how would they react to Optimus being different? He's a lot more chill and open and hands-on now that he's not in charge or a Prime. Wheeljack and Arcee noticed and were surprised by the charges, so what would the others think of this?
Bumblebee would be happy about it since now he can bond more with his mentor *cough cough* dad. Ratchet is likely confused as hell since this isn't how Optimus would normally act. I imagine that Knockout just vibes with it since he's never interacted with Optimus outside the battlefields. What do you think?
Oh Knockout would probably be vibing and just gathering all the gossip and tea regarding Optimus' change in behavior. It's amazing how calm and relaxed he looks.
Ratchet is just wondering what the hell this world did to him. How is he smiling more often now?!
Ultra Magnus would hate the idea that reckless behavior and insanity is not only allowed but encouraged.
Bulkhead is weirded out by the fact that Optimus is different. He's seeing Optimus smile more. Smokescreen is definitely surprised because he's practically idolized Optimus.
Bumblebee would be happy that Optimus is more expressive, but there's a lingering thought in the back of his mind of how the Autobots and the war might have put too much stress on him. It guilt, and a little bit of jealously, that a world that's in so much peril is where Optimus has been shown to be the most content.
TFP Kids love Optimus' change in attitude. It's a little weird, but damn it, this Optimus might be willing to party!
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peak-dumbass · 7 months
I’m bored and procrastinating so let me spout my rid2015!smokebee propaganda at y’all please just hear me out
Now y’all maybe wondering “why are you specifying rid2015?? Smokescreen was only in TFP, bro doesn’t exist in rid2015–” EXACTLY! Smokescreen wasn’t in rid2015 so most of the stuff made for the ship is for them in TFP but that’s not what I’m trying to sell y’all on
I’m trying to sell y’all on the idea that — if Smokescreen was in rid2015, he would be in a relationship with Bee — hence the specification
Now what y’all are probably asking is “why????”
Well that’s what this post is for!! First off:
The Shenanigans
Idk if y’all remember but Smokey was the silliest bot on Team Prime, easily the most immature mf in the main cast (other than Miko) — now try to tell me without lying to my face that he wouldn’t fit in perfectly with the goofy goobers the make up Team Bee??
He would definitely see himself in Sideswipe and try to bond with him thru pranks and goofing off while also trying to guide him into avoiding the same mistakes he made (ex. Hard Knocks)
He probably makes Strongarm feel conflicted cuz his reckless personality clashes with her image of what an “Elite Guardsman” would act like, but I think Smokescreen would just try to get her to loosen up a bit while not bickering with her unlike what Sideswipe and her usually do
Upon seeing Grimlock he’d immediately go “HOLY SCRAP ARE YOU A DINOBOT!?!?!”, he thinks Grim is so cool and really wants to spar with him
He probably sees Arcee in the way Drift acts and respects him a lot just based on that alone, though he knows it’s gonna take time for him to earn that respect back from Drift (I LOVE HIS CHARACTER GROWTH IN PRIME AND I WILL KEEP THAT IN THIS SILLY LITTLE IDEA OF MINE, HE DID GET BETTER AND I HATE IT WHEN PEOPLE IGNORE THAT JUST CUZ THEY FIND HIM ANNOYING)
He’s probably not met much minicons so he’s not used to them, but I can see him having a good friendship with Fixit and being very nice to Jetstorm and Slipstream
He takes one look at Russell, turns to Bee and says “do you have a thing for human kids with brown hair and names starting with R??” Other than that I think he vibes with Russell and Denny well
As for his dynamics with the Decepticons — he’d be making constant quips, he’d make fun of all of them immediately like a robot alien version of Spider-Man — after previously fighting against Megatron himself he cannot take any of the furries of rid2015 seriously
The Fluff
Look at me. Like seriously look at me. Look into my eyes and imagine with me for a sec.
Bee and Smokey learning how to work with each other in the field again, reminiscing about the rare good memories during the war
Bee infodumping about Earth culture to him while Smokey just listens while looking at him with borderline heart eyes
I think Bee really likes physical affection and words of affirmation so randomly Smokey will just hug Bee when they’re in the scrapyard and will compliment him when he does well at leading and mentoring the others cuz he knows that shit ain’t easy (again, he sees himself and Sideswipe and realizes “damn I really was annoying holy scrap I’m so sorry”)
I HC that Smokey can still move his doorwings like he and Bee did in TFP, so whenever he sees Bee and gets excited his flap up and down (I know this is purely self indulgent BUT IN MY DEFENSE THIS ENTIRE POST IS ME BEING SELF INDULGENT, THIS FANDOM IS ALREADY DEAD AS HELL I’D BE SURPRISED IF ANYONE EVEN READS THIS FAR INTO THIS POST, LET ME BE SELF INDULGENT IN PEACE)
When either of them get bad days where they just keep thinking about the war, they do their best to comfort each other thru it cuz, unlike the rest of the team, they were both there for most of the late-war-shit together on Earth — and for the stuff that Smokey wasn’t there for, he just listens and makes sure Bee knows that he’ll always be there for him
The shock of the team finding out that Bee has a partner is amazing and it could happen in so many ways (if y’all wanna see one of my interpretations on how this could go you could check out my fanfic: Old Recruit on AO3)
The team seeing their usually serious team leader be partners with this unserious constant-joker of a bot stores a lot of cute potential stories in it that no one is writing about — like come on guys I want Bee trying to be serious in the scrapyard but then Smokey just hugs him from behind out of nowhere and Bee just has to process it for a sec cuz touch starvation go brrrr while the rest of them is like :O
The Angst
While this section is mainly Smokey focused more than smokebee focused, I’m still adding it cuz this still falls under the “what if smokescreen was in rid2015” idea
Smokey definitely has claustrophobia and a hatred for being restrained in anyway from the TFP (waking up captive on a Decepticon ship after being knocked out, Knockout restraining him on his operating table while he tears the Omega Key from inside his body, being stuck with a dying Optimus in a cramped cave for a while panicking cuz holy shit Optimus, his #1 hero, is fucking dying) so any mission that requires going into a cave or dark & cramped area is gonna cause him to freak out — but of course he wouldn’t actually admit that until it’s too late and he’s having a breakdown in a cave cuz he didn’t want to let his “stupid irrational fear to ruin a mission”
Same goes with Bee and his fears — I touched on this a bit earlier, but Bee & Smokey definitely have some days where they’re gonna feel off and they can’t get the war out of their heads — and those days are gonna be the worst cuz most of the team outside of maybe Drift won’t really understand it
Smokey is gonna have some feelings about Optimus coming back and Bee not telling him immediately — while this isn’t the first time Optimus died and came back to him, last time it was for a few seconds, this was for THREE WHOLE YEARS — he’s still gonna be happy that he’s back, it’s just gonna take awhile longer for him to be ok with it than the others (the way that Ratchet is immediately ok with Optimus coming back out of nowhere in rid!2015 was weird to me so I’m fixing that with Smokey)
While he loves giving Bee physical affection, he hates unwarranted touching from anyone else, specifically stuff like pats or punches on the back (Alpha Trion when I get you Alpha Trion Alpha Trion when I get you Alpha Trion Alpha Trion when I get you Alpha Trion Alpha—)
For a potential angsty introduction to Smokey in rid2015: He doesn’t meet up with Team Bee until the finale episode on Cybertron, where he’s being mind controlled by The High Council to capture them (I’m a sucker for brainwashing/mind control/hypnotism plots so I need to understand how BADLY I WANTED THIS TO HAPPEN IN THE SHOW IT WOULD’VE BEEN SO COOL)
That’s all I can think of for now, I just love these funky big robos a lot and I’m currently smashing their faces together like a kid with 2 Barbie dolls in my mind, hope y’all enjoyed reading <3
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eldritch-araneae · 1 year
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Sparkpulse XII - Jewel of Vos
Summary: Bumblebee and Windblade are searching for cultural artifacts to take with them to the stars. What they found wasn't just an ancient heritage, but direct key to Bumblebee's past. ((Hello, I'm back with new update and amazing art! Enjoy! <3))
Days go by as Autobots prepare to leave Cybertron while searching for the missing AllSpark. Despite scouts' best efforts to find the most important cybertronian artifact, they still have zero clues where it could be. As if it’s just vanished from existence.
Trying to distract himself, Bumblebee switched his focus to gathering resources, historical artifacts, and anything with cultural value. They are leaving but still will part parts of Cybertron with them. Thus, he and his amica are exploring nearby regions.
“We’re finally here,” Bumblebee says, gazing at the ruins of Vos below him as he leans into Windblade’s side.
“So eerie to see the city we often see in your dreams being busy and full of life, being so quiet and empty.” She looks at the horizon, seeing nothing but ruined buildings and rubble everywhere. The silence is almost deafening, only a howling wind making it a bit more bearable. Her optics land on the particular building. “I see our destination.”
“Yep, Jewel of Vos, the city amphitheater. It has seen countless people and history in making.” Bumblebee nods, “I hope we’ll find some cultural artifacts intact. The more we take with us the better.”
“Couldn’t agree more!” Windblade smiles and opens her arms. “Shall we?”
Bumblebee happily jumps into her embrace, letting her grip him tight as they fly into the air. In a few minutes they reach the amphitheater, Bumblebee sensed a layer of sadness coming from Windblade’s spark. It’s been like this since they returned from the Spire. Initially, he thought it was stress over seeing him badly injured, but the mood still prevails weeks later, even though he recovered fully without issues. It troubles him, but he doesn’t want to push either.
They head inside, stepping carefully around the unstable floor.
“So, do you like new weapons Wheeljack made for us? That ammo system looks very cool!” Bumblebee tries to bring up the mood.
“Yes, I even tested my sword in the training arena. It’s a bit noisy but very effective! I think those “undead” stand no chance against us.”
“Ugh, right, those things! It would be great if we won’t run into them… but last scouting reports said they’re crawling everywhere.”
“Not good. Is Shockwave sending them or do they just wander around? If yes then why? They don’t seem capable to execute even trivial tasks.”
“Who knows…” Bumblebee sighs, trying to not think around it. Seeing her mood isn’t improving too much, he changes the topic. “By the way, did you hear Arcee and Slipstream are dating now?”
“Huh, really? Looks like your matchmaking efforts paid off!" she chuckles, but her mood still fades quickly. They carefully pass the ruined hallway into an open arena-like space. This was the center of everything for everyone.
“Windblade, are you alright?” Bumblebee finally asks, seeing how dancing around the subject proved no help. “You’ve been feeling sad for a while now and I’m worried about you.”
“Am I?” her optics widen in surprise. ”Hm… now you mention this, I do feel some kind of sadness, but never bothered to stop and examine it.”
Bumblebee perks, seeing being direct was a good choice. He spots a few benches intact in the front of the arena and takes her hand. "Well, we don’t have to rush with the mission, and I feel anyone near us. I think we should rest. And talk.”
Windblade’s expression softens, following Bumblebee to take the seat. They relax in the front row, taking in the melancholy of the forgotten place. Bumblebee opens his arms, offering her a hug. She gladly accepts it and pulls him closer. They stayed like this before she gathered her thoughts.
“The fight with Decepticons near the Spire.“ She says. ”I wasn’t thinking much at the moment as I was afraid for your life, but now the danger is behind us I keep thinking about how I reacted.”
“You were protecting me.”
“Yes, but it’s not just that. Usually, I count hits in my head, always aiming to subdue my opponent as fast as possible. But when Starscream stabbed you, my mind went blank and the next thing I see is his tail in the ground.” She sighs as she slightly nuzzles his head. Bumblebee feels fear in her spark as she said the last sentence. “I know he’ll grow another tail in a few days. His regenerative abilities are impressive… but still.”
“Are you afraid of losing control?” He asks while being impressed if he was honest. He knew she was an incredibly skilled warrior, but he never thought how much precision and focus goes into it.
“Exactly. I don’t want to kill somebody when I don’t intend to. Or killing in general, even if I want to.” Windblade trails off in the end as if now she is not sure she should say it out loud.
“Did you ever have to?” he asks carefully, sensing he’s getting into touchy subject territory.
“Unfortunately.” She sighs. She looks down to see his face. He nods, encouraging her to keep going. ”It saved the rest of Autobots from death, but it’s not something I can easily brush off and get over it.”
“I’m sorry, it must be tough.” He squeezed her lightly. ”No one should be forced to kill for the greater good, and wish I could take this burden from you.”
“You’re very kind, but I wouldn’t want this for you.”
“That’s alright, I think I used to do this kind of thing. Rarely, but I would have to kill a beast only because it grew too big and powerful it started to decimate its ecosystem. When it comes to awful people in power, I tend to think the same. I would take this burden so no one has to do this. That’s what I was made for, I think.”
“That’s fascinating! You’re full secrets, aren’t you?” she lightly boops his nose, earning a cute giggle in return. Bumblebee feels her mood is getting better after she let out the burden from her chest.
“Apparently yes. I still can’t grasp my past, but little dreams here and there show I used to be some kind of guardian. Watching over nature, making sure ecosystems are stable and overseeing evolution.”
“Your vast biology knowledge definitely supports this!”
Bumblebee looks up and reaches with his face to gently nuzzle her face, causing more giggles from both partners. Windblade’s improved significantly, and he sighs in relief.
A shuffling sound nearby interrupts the peaceful moment. After exchanging confused looks, Bumblebee carefully moves towards the noise with his weapon drawn from subspace containment.
“RAAAAWR!” a creature jumps out from the wall crack, ready to maul whoever dared to get close. Sharpened reflexes guide the minibot, he beheads it in one swift motion. Electric pure energon spills everywhere, its limp body collapses onto the floor. Windblade was immediately at Bumbebee’s side.
“Here they are…” she says with much disdain.
“Yes, I forgot they were sparkless, no wonder I couldn’t sense anyone nearby except you— wait!”
He went still, focusing deeply on his senses. “No way! Now I feel someone else, right at the edge of my radius. They’re deeper into the amphitheater and very stressed. Can’t really tell who it is from here, but they might need our help.”
“Lead the way, Bee!” she says with her sword ready.
Carefully the duo proceeds deeper into the establishment, trying their best to not alert the undead husks. It was easy at first, but the number of monsters raises significantly as they keep going.
‘This is getting tricky.’ Windblade says into Bumblebee’s mind to keep it quiet.
‘And in addition to my inability to sense them - they all look gray, merging with the surroundings.’ He grimaces, trying to see how many husks are on their path. ‘At least the spark is nearby… and it sounds like Frenzy or Rumble. Can’t say which since they’re twins.’
‘Right, being split sparks and all.’ She nods, mentally preparing ahead of time since either of the cassette twins can be an absolute menace. ‘Something tells me the husks hunting anyone alive, no matter which side they’re on. Megatron has such little regard for his own comrades.’
‘I’m not surprised, he still lets Shockwave do anything he wants.’ He almost growls but manages to keep it inside. ‘Let’s get moving.’
Tip-toeing around the horde, Bumblebee tries to not react to the unnatural sounds the undead make. They groan and moan nonstop, shuffling and stumbling to stand. He could say they act like dying beasts, but even this wouldn’t be the right comparison. A beast would be silent as it’d weak, it would hide so no one can found it. Meanwhile, the undead has no rhyme and reason! Their behavior is random, only controlled by a simple algorithm that occasionally triggers some other functions.
They shouldn't exist. It’s nothing but a waste of precious mechon that could become a brand new living being housing the brilliant spark! Instead, it’s nothing but a flex of the disillusioned scientist who’s thinking he’s above nature! Every protocol in his mind urges him to fix the balance and return the stolen mechon to the core.
But the core has been broken for a long time! Littered with corpses, nothing gets recycled. It’s the reason why he’s stuck with a fragile cold constructed body that can’t even form into his dragon alt-mode!
Bumblebee takes a deep breath to cool his raging core. He feels the comforting hand of his amica, grounding him. She knows how he feels, but she’s right - no time for distractions. They successfully sneak by the horde into a big round room.
“This looks like a small auditorium.” Windblade stares in awe at the surrounding. Despite the destruction, she can make out detailed ornaments on broken walls. “I can only imagine how beautiful this place used to be.”
Bumblebee took a few seconds to admire the craft before his attention moved to the spark to his right. “You can come out, it’s safe here for now.”
“So you can kill me? Naaah, I’m good!” A distressed voice replies." Especially you bug, you’re scary!”
“What? We won’t?” Bumblebee says, glancing at Windblade in slight confusion. Autobots have never carelessly wasted lives. Even when Sentinel was in charge, he couldn’t convince every Autobot that unnecessary violence was necessary. But, of course, Megatron has to keep what remains of his army on a short leash.
“We aren’t on the battlefield right now, nor killing you is part of our mission.” She says. “And the undead doesn’t differentiate the sides it seems. I think it will be beneficial to all of us to stick together and get out of here before those things overwhelm us.”
“…Fine.” After a few seconds of shuffling, a purple and pink cassette crawls out rubble.
“Rumble, you look terrible!” Windblade gasps, seeing several injuries all over his plating.
“Well… I thought those reanimated people will be friendly to us since Shockwave made them…” Rumble averts his visor away from taller mechs, embarrassed by his naive thinking.
“He has never been on your side, to begin with,” Bumblebee says in the matter-o-fact. “Anyway, let’s go.”
“Wait, Frenzy is out there! When the horde attacked us, I lost sight of him.”
“Huh?” Bumblebee focuses on his senses, trying to locate the other twin for a few minutes. “He’s not nearby. Do you remember where you separated?”
“Sort of… I think? The ruins look all the same!”
“Show me.”
They follow the cassette, avoiding the horde, to the opposite side of the building from where the duo entered. Eventually, he stops. ”I think it was over here.”
Bumblebee’s keen optics notices huge scratch marks on the floor. The size is too big for any creature they have seen so far. That’s concerning, but maybe it’s just old marks left by a beastformer. Like Grimlock! But his claw marks look different. In fact, he can’t recall anyone with such a claw shape among the living.
“Hey? Are you there?” Rumble’s voice snaps him back to reality.
“Uh, sorry.” He focuses on his senses once again. Immediately he catches a distressed ping several meters away from him. “He must be in the next room, let’s go!”
Without hesitation, the group sprints into another auditorium to find Frenzy being cornered by an undead abomination.
“Why is it so huge? What’s wrong with it?!” Rumble yells in horror as Bumblebee and Windblade froze in place. It wasn’t just another reanimated cybertronian. It was a blob welded together from different parts of several people. Countless arms are twisting several faces around like worms, armed with jagged claws. The minibot realizes where the claw marks came from. Those claws looks like roughly cut sheets of metal, welded to creature's fingers.
“Stars! One thing is seeing this in movies and another when it’s in front of you!” Windblade grips her sword tightly.
“Cut this thing to pieces!” Bumblebee growls in fury, loading his glaive. It crackles with electricity. Without fear Bumblebee charges at the blob of hands, unleashing his anger. A loud thunderclap shakes the air as the blade cuts through the arm tendrils.
Windblade follows. His sword hums with energy, heating up so much it activates the fan in the hilt. With a precise motion, she slices another tendril off. The creature backed away from Frenzy, shifting its attention to the duo.
“It’s working!” Windblade cuts closer to the core of the creature. His optics catch a glimpse of amalgamated faces beneath. “Whatever power source it has, it must be where the faces are.”
“Got it!” Bumblebee replies as he cuts through from his side. The moment he sees the core he lunges for it. He misses. One creature’s arms grab his leg and yank him hard.
“Oof!” he falls onto the flower before the hand drags high up allowing more hands to restrain him. Bumblebee snuggles against several arms trying to squeeze him hard. His chest wails in pain and the spark loses its rhythm. He gasps, the pain is getting sharper.
“Bee!” Windblade flies up above the creature, then dives right at the arms holding her amica, severing them off successfully. Immediately she catches him in mid-air, landing a few meters away from the monster. Bumblebee freezes in her arms, waiting for his pulse to stabilize.
The undead amalgamation hisses and retaliates against them with its remaining arms, but the sudden earthquake forces it to lose its balance. Windblade looks over her shoulder to see Rumble using his stompers to stall the monster.
“Come here, you ugly face!” Rumble taunts and it works as the abomination charges at it. It chases the cassette around until he tripped and fell right in front of it. The monster would have injured him if not for the glaive and the sword piercing its core. Everything went still before was sliced into three pieces.
The undead abomination falls apart, revealing Windblade and Bumblebee behind it. The core hits the ground, revealing its power source - a crystallized pure energon. The minibot growls and crush it into pieces with his foot. It was over. Rumble stares at him with a frightened expression, noting to never anger the yellow minibot no matter how harmless he appears.
“Primus this thing was horrible! I almost died!” Frenzy finally gathers his bearings.
“You shouldn’t wander around the horde alone.” Bumblebee reloads his glaive just in case.
“They aren’t supposed to attack us!”
“We should leave before more of them come,” Windblade says.
“Yep, not staying here!” Rumble grabs their twin’s arm and hurriedly to the exit. For a second he pauses. “Um…thanks for the help by the way. You’re not bad. For Autobots I mean.”
The duo silently watches the cassettes leave.
‘Do you think we should leave or explore a bit more?’ Windblade talks into Bumblebee’s head.
‘I think we can stay for a bit. Hate coming back empty-handed. And our new weapons were great! Wheeljack outdid himself.’
Windblade smiles and they continued to explore the building. It appears that dismantling the big creature was enough to scare the rest of the horde, making the search much easier. They kept going until they stumbled upon a locked room. Locks are nothing to Windblade. The door opens and both mean light up, finally!
“Musical storage room!” Windblade rushes to pick up an ancient violin. “It rusted all over and missing strings, but I’m sure Perceptor can fix this.”
“That’s amazing! I hope we have enough subspace to carry all of this!” Bumblebee runs his hand over a drum kit. “You know, I always wanted to try this.”
“And I wanted to learn guitar!” She picks it up after storing the violin. “Imagine us making an actual band, with Jazz and Arcee.”
Bumblebee smiles at the possibility, this can brighten everyone’s lives. He looks around to see what else they can carry home until his optics land on the familiar-looking filigree lantern sitting on the table. His optics widen as he hurriedly runs over to make sure he’s not seeing things.
It was indeed the object from his dreams that houses the protective black hole, hiding him from terrible monsters. He sees the effects of time on it: the silver oxidized into black and the shine long faded long ago, the glass is broken and some bits of filigree are damaged or fallen off completely. He hears a soft gasp behind him as Windblade saw it.
“Lightbright’s lantern! And it is still intact despite how much time has passed. She must be here but she wasn’t part of an orchestra or a singer.” Windblade says.
Bumblebee stares at the lantern as if it can tell him, answerers, then he noticed a bundle inside it. He carefully reaches inside, trying to not damage it further, and picked up something warped in black cloth. Unwrapping it reveals a small metal key. The duo exchange looks.
“A mystery she left behind!” Windblade whispers in slight excitement, making Bumblebee giggle softly.
“There is nothing else, so the lock must be nearby.” His first thought is to check the same table where he saw the lantern. There are a few containers stashed under the table. He pulls each one by one while Windblade goes through counters for something that might resemble the lock until they find an old black case.
She places it on the table and Bumblebee tries the key. It fits perfectly and with a soft few clicks the case opens. Inside is a small hexagon shape a purple ornate box made out of biometallic tree plating, giving it a unique texture. It is decorated with patterns made out of white gold and with crescent-shaped morganite gem sitting on top. A winding key sticking from the side makes it clear - it’s a music box.
“Woah!” Windblade stares in awe. “This box must be ancient, just judging by the materials its made of. Absolutely stunning!”
“Yes, the master made it with love and care. It looks so familiar thought.” He smiles, revering the masterwork. He opens the music box. Inside is a beautiful lotus-like flower, with petals carved of rose quartz. Then he winds up the music box. The flower opens up and begins to spin slowly as music fills the silent room.
The melody and beautiful and serene, yet with notes of melancholy in it. Bumblebee listens carefully feeling the song stirring so many memories in his head, but they are just out of reach. His optics tear up. He knows this song is incredibly important to him. And the fact he forgot because of the seal makes his spark ache.
Meanwhile, Windblade is entirely zoned out, feeling like she’s in a different place and time. She looks up to see Bumblebee’s face which is towering over her like a mountain, telling him he won’t be lonely anymore. He gently smiles as tears float down his face.
But it’s not her memory.
The moment of realization snaps her back to reality. What was that she had no clue, but before she could chew on this thought, her optics caught another thing in the case - a small datapad. She reaches to pick it up, activating it in her hand.
“Voice Auntification.” A robot's voice says.
Windblade glances over at Bumblebee, who also heard it. She passes the datapad to him, feeling like the content stored in it must be addressed to him.
“Um…” he hums awkwardly, not knowing what to say.
“Welcome back Bumblebee.” Looks like it was enough to unlock it. Immediately he sees a message for him left on the home screen. He opens it.
Dear Bee, you probably won’t believe this, but I did! I found your music box! It was hard to track it down. But now it’s here and I am happy to —
The music abruptly stops, making the duo snap their heads where the box was only to see Frenzy holding it in his hands!
Bumblebee’s expression immediately changes fills with the fury that only a few people had the chance to see, giving the cassette a death glade that would incinerate him if it was possible. “Put. It. BACK!”
Frenzy freezes for a second, feeling like he’s just angered something he never shouldn’t, but it’s too late. He stoves it into subspace and bolts out the door as fast as he can. Bumblebee roars and runs after him.
“THAT’S MINE!” he yells as he pulls out his glaive and swings it at the cassette. Frenzy barely dodged the blade. Fear strikes Bumblebee’s spark. He cannot lose this music box! It has such huge significance to him and he won't lose it to some lousy con! He pickles up the pace and leaps after the con, capturing him successfully. They roll for a few meters as momentum carried them into the wall.
“Let go of me!” Frenzy yells, attempting it wrestle himself free.
“Return the box and I’ll let you go!”
“Make me!”
Something inside Bumblebee snaps and he roars, and Frenzy’s vision distorts drastically. The colors and waves fill everything, the chromatic aberration lining everyone's objects to see, becoming blurry and sharp again. He hears the minibot's demands, multiplied by hundreds of voices until he can’t hear anything else.
Frenzy had never been so terrified in his life. What kind of psychophysical warfare it is? Since when Autobots were capable of this?! No wonder many ‘cons are scared of this guy!
Unable to bear the assault on his mind any longer and he obeys. The moment the music box is pulled out of subspace, Bumblebee grabs it immediately and back away from the gasping cassette.
“Frenzy, what are you doing?” Rumble rushes in, confused about what’s going on. “We’re gotta leave!”
“I’m fulfilling Soundwave’s mission! He told us to go and bring this thing!” Frenzy point to the box Bumblebee’s protective hold. He growls at him in return.
“Well, but he saved us!” Rumble objects. “And he looks furious!”
“But Soundwave—“
“Soundwave can shove it where the sun does shine!”
“How dare you! He’s our caretaker!”
“A caretaker that doesn’t CARE about us anymore?! Wake up Frenzy, grows more neglectful each year! Only ‘Megatron this, Megatron that!’, when did he last time remember us outside of his stupid missions?!”
The twins loudly argue, looking like they were about start fighting. The emotions are high and unpleasant, the pain that has been setting in their sparks now is erupting out of the unhealed wound. He feels Windblade’s hands on his shoulders. She soundlessly asks if he’s okay. His expression softens and nods.
“Fine, you know what I don’t care! We’re leaving!” Frenzy throws his hands in the air, and stomps outside through the hole in the wall. Rumble sights, not sure if it was in relief or disappointment.
“Uh…” he feels like he needs to say something but can’t find the words.
“Do you always fight like this?” Windblade asks him.
“Not really, it's only a recent thing. Soundwave is the reason why.” Rumble says as he goes after his twin. “Not your business, though. Forget what you saw.”
‘That was a terrible fight.’ She says telepathically.
‘Yes. Decepticons’ life wasn’t great when I was infiltrating them and seems like it’s just gotten even worse.’ Bumblebee sighs. ‘No wonder so many left.’
Windblade hums in agreement, gently caressing his shoulders. ‘I have the lanterns with me and the datapad. And we got what we came for.’
‘Let’s go home.’           
They returned safely, and Jazz was ecstatic to see many musical instruments the pair recovered. A crowd formed around them to see and make plans to leans an instrument. Optimus Prime couldn't believe his optics when they showed the music box.
“You have no idea how rare this music box is!” he says in awe, carefully looking at it while Bumblebee holds it up to see, not letting anyone hold it. “Many experts dated it to the Primordial Era! The motifs on the box are showing the old world before Quintessons took over. And because of its rarity and one of the kind status, many rich people would do anything to get their hand on it. From blackmailing to murders. We are very fortunate to have it intact.”
Bumblebee grimaces at the thought, thinking about how many times it was passed around like it was an expensive thing for the rich to own.
“Can I keep it? I don’t know why, but I feel really attached to it.” Bumblebee asks, fearing he might have to give it up.
“Huh, I wonder why.” Optimus murmurs, before he nods. “Alright, you can keep it. Just take a good at it. It is one of the rarest Cybertronian artifacts we’ll ever get.”
“I will. Thank you.”
After a little party Jazz decided to throw to celebrate the mission's successes, the duo retreated to their room. It’s past noon and they desperately need sleep. But despite being tired Bumblebee is wide awake staring. The last message is occupying his mind, but at the same time, he is anxious to read it.
But he cannot wait any longer.
Bumblebee carefully crawls over Windblade and takes the datapad.
“Can’t sleep?” Turn out Windblade wasn’t asleep either.
“I keep thinking about the letter and everything. I must know what Lightbright wanted to say or I will never rest.” He lets out a sad chuckle.
“Fair enough,” she says and relaxes against the soft bed. “The melody was beautiful, can we hear it again?”
Bumblebee smiles and winds up the music box again, filling the room with music. Then he activates the datapad, this time he can read in peace without any distractions. His optics began running through the strokes.
Dear Bee, you probably won’t believe this, but I did! I found your music box! It was hard to track it down. But now it’s here and I am happy to return it so the memory of Starjump will always be with you.
Starjump. The name echoed in his mind, making his spark ache. Tears are slowly gathering in his optics as the memories try rushing into his head, but only to be stopped by the seal yet again. But his spark remembers.
It knows.
It grieves.
I’m leaving my lantern with it. I don’t know if my suspicions are true, but Shockwave has been stalking me lately. More cityspeakers are murdered, I feel my end is drawing near. So, if anything happens to me, I beg you not to blame yourself. What happened wasn’t your fault.
Bumblebee chokes softly, his spark hurts more as foggy tears float down his face.
You did all you could to save us. I hope one day you will be free from your prison and live your life again. So, please, live no matter what because I will find you in the next life. I promise!
I love you, Bumblebee. Until we meet again.
Tearful mist flows down his face as the realization hits him. Lightbright knew what was coming, and yet she wished for him to move on without guilt. Part of him that hates him denies this truth. It wants to object, that he deserved suffering for letting her, Starjump and others die. He feels Windblade’s gentle arms wrapping around his chest, pulling him closer.
This is when he knows Lightbright would comfort him if she was in Windblade’s place. She wouldn't want him agonizing over the past. He knows it. It’s hard to accept, but he can try. She asked him after all, he’ll do it for her.
Bumblebee turns around to hug Windblade fully. He buries his face into her chest, allowing himself to feel all his emotions as the music keeps playing.
Author's Note: Phew, that took a while for to update, go hit with burn out really badly that cause me to rewrite this chapter multiple times! And they I decided to be ambitions and to make a title-card-like art for the chapter... which also took a while to draw xD
I'm sorry for all Soundwave fans, Earthspark planted the seed into my head, and now I want to explore this. But don't worry it, won't be just a drama for nothing I promise~
I hope you enjoyed the update! Like, reblog, comment until the next update! Cheers! <3
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2023 Secret Solenoid Gift Directory!
This is the 2023 gift directory of all of the gifts! Be sure to look at everyone's amazing work! ❤️
Some of these are various shades of suggestive or explicit. Those that include 18+ / Gore have been marked as NSFW!
[Anonymous] for sturthepotofmadness: [G1] Art (Astrotrain)
[Anonymous] for artificial-absinthe: [TFP] Fic (Megatron/Soundwave)
[Anonymous] for mxbenz: [IDW1] Art (NSFW) (Tailgate/Cyclonus)
Aecholapis for Alruin(melopardi): [IDW1] Art: (Deadlock/Megatron)
Alruin (melopardi) for utility-cavities: [G1] Fic (Galvatron & Rodimus)
apotherice for SeafoamSol: [IDW1] Fic (NSFW) (Getaway/Perceptor)
Argoxnautililus for OverlordRaax: [Bishoujo] Art (Starscream & Skyfire)
Artificial-absinthe for kagebros: [IDW1] Art (NSFW) (Orion Pax/Shockwave)
Awesomepotato2016 for Skidblast: [Soup] Fic (Starscream & Trailbreaker)
badautobot for spartyll: [TFA] Art (Starscream)
bassomega for hysterical-random-things: [IDW1] Art (NSFW) (Starscream/Shockwave)
bluecookiesabi for radiolovebot: [IDW1] Fic (NSFW) (Overlord)
blurrito for aecholapis: [IDW1] Art (Thunderclash/Rodimus)
bunny-fair for yesnomaybelobster33: [ROTB] Fic (NSFW) (Noah Diaz/Mirage)
cao-the-dreamer for undergroundoil: [IDW1] Fic (Grimlock/Misfire)
cartoonsinthemorning for mostlyhim: [G1] Art (Starscream/Megatron)
darksidekelz for luluvalu: [IDW1] Art (Swerve/Blurr)
deadangelcat for Gemmarose: [IDW1] Art (NSFW) (Rodimus/Ultra Magnus)
deadlysoupy for elmonstro: [IDW1] Fic (Brainstorm/Perceptor)
digispook for rotorarc: [IDW1] Art (Rodimus)
elmonstro for hysterical-random-things: [IDW1] Art (Tailgate/Cyclonus/Whirl)
exdraghunt for cao-the-dreamer: [ROTB] Fic (NSFW) (Noah Diaz/Mirage)
final-milf-ratchet for [Anonymous]: [IDW1] Art (Cyclonus/Whirl/Tailgate)
fowo for noodleblade: [IDW1] Art (Brainstorm/Perceptor)
friedfriedchicken for digispook: [G1] Art (Arcee)
Gemmarose for stynamo: [IDW1] Fic (NSFW) (Dominus Ambus/Rewind)
glasspunkart for cartoonsinthemorning: [IDW1] Art (Rung)
hapships for rodimusofficial: [Cyberverse] Art (Dead End/Perceptor)
hoursgoneby for fowo: [IDW1] Fic (Drift/Ratchet)
hysterical-random-things for thesharmat: [IDW2] Art (Road Rage)
Insecuriosity for megatronstillright/RHplus: [Soup] Fic (Skylynx & Astrotrain)
ivycorp for plainblackcanvas56: [TFP] Fic (Megatron/Orion Pax)
jariktig for badautobot: [IDW1] Fic (Ratchet/Pharma)
Jayspilledink (& nopes-and-dreams) for xenonmalachite: [G1] Art (Mirage)
kagebros for deadangelcat: [G1] Art (Skyfire/Starscream)
kusakichan15 for hoursgoneby: [TFP] (Knock Out/Dreadwing)
Languidly for madness-to-my-method: [TFP] Fic (Megatron/Optimus Prime)
LegendTrainer for Jariktig: [IDW1] Fic (Jazz/Megatron)
letslipthehounds (jedipati) for rinovarka: [G1] Fic (Cosmos & Omega Supreme)
luluvalu for kusakichan15: [G1] Art (Megatron/Orion Pax; Megatron/Optimus Prime)
lush-specimen for spashahoney: [G1] Fic (Optimus Prime & Rodimus Prime)
lush-specimen for undergroundoil: [IDW1] Art (Perceptor)
lyumera for theblueblazes: [Soup] Art (Soundwave/Rodimus)
madness-to-my-method for synchros (five-million-year-old-gilf): [IDW1] Art (Megatron)
mal-co-holic for nuclearjacks: [IDW1] Fic (Megatron/Orion Pax & Megatron/Optimus Prime)
martinthelandlockedmartian for exdraghunt: [G1] Fic (Jazz/Prowl)
martinthelandlockedmartian for gayrob0t: [G1] Fic (Megatron/Starscream; Optimus Prime/Ratchet)
megatronstillright (RHplus) for smoketopus: [G1] Art (Galvatron & Rodimus)
mostly-him for noritaro: [IDW1] Art (Blurr)
mxbenz for ivycorp: [TFP] Fic (NSFW) (Megatron/Orion Pax & Megatron/Optimus Prime)
noamalvaro for [Anonymous]: [IDW1] Fic (Orion Pax/Shockwave; Optimus Prime/Shockwave)
noodleblade for salicinalis: [IDW1] Fic (Drift & Rodimus)
noritaro for bassomega: [IDW1] Art (Starscream/Deadlock)
nuclearjacks for lush-specimen: [IDW1] Art (Thunderclash/Rodimus)
ohdeariemegoodness for Languidly: [G1] Fic (NSFW) (Jazz/Soundwave)
OverlordRaax for hapships: [Cyberverse] Art (Windblade/Slipstream)
pika (pikaisragingmad) for darksidekelz: [IDW1] Art (Deadlock & Drift)
pika (pikaisragingmad) for glasspunk: [IDW1] Art (Overlord/Tarn)
plainblackcanvas56 for martinthelanlockedmartian: [G1] Art (Megatron/Optimus Prime)
radiolovebot (StereoMinded) for thenamesblurrito: [Soup] Fic (Blurr)
rcxdirectrix for pikaisragingmad: [Cyberverse] Art (NSFW) (Astrotrain & Dead End)
rinovarka for lyumera: [G1] Art (Starscream)
rodimusofficial for noamalvaro: [IDW1] Art (Brainstorm/Perceptor)
rotorarc for bunny-fair: [IDW2] Art (Shadow Striker, Flamewar, Slipstream)
salicinalis for inkfamy: [Soup] Fic (Skywarp, Starscream & Thundercracker)
skidblast for jedipati (letslipthehounds): [TFA] Fic (Optimus Prime & Sari Sumdac & Isaac Sumdac)
Slyboots for rcxdirectrix: [Cyberverse] Fic (NSFW) (Astrotrain/Dead End)
smoketopus for starsh0ck: [TFA] Art (Starscream & Sari Sumdac)
spartyll for Insecuriosity: [BW] Art (Rattrap & Dinobot)
spashahoney for mal-co-holic: [IDW1] Art (Megatron/Rodimus)
starsh0ck for jayspilledink: [IDW1] Art (Ratchet/Drift/Rodimus)
Stynamo for Slyboots: [TFP] Art (NSFW) (Knock Out/Breakdown)
sturthepotofmadness for awesomepotato16: [G1] Art (Optimus Prime)
swagrez for toasty-teddy: [IDW1] Art (Cyclonus/Tailgate)
Synchros for swervesbar: [IDW1] Art (NSFW) (Chromedome/Rewind)
theblueblazes for seekertrine: [G1] Art (Skyfire/Starscream)
thesharmat for deadlysoupy: [Cyberverse] Art (Rodimus, Cheetor & Bumblebee)
Toasty-teddy for friedfriedchicken: [IDW1] Art (Chromedome/Rewind)
undergroundoil for argoxnautilus: [IDW1] Art (Nightbeat, Nautica & Skids)
utility-cavities for ohdeariemegoodness(spacecoats): [G1] Art (Soundwave & Jazz)
vitrificvitrol for bluecookiesabi: [IDW1] Art (NSFW) (Thunderclash/Rodimus)
xenonmalachite for graymercy: [IDW1] Art (Minimus Ambus & Rodimus)
yesnomaybelobster (Bremmatron33) for final-milf-ratchet: [G1] Fic (NSFW) (Cliffjumper/Mirage)
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