#and Connor? well. I just wanted some more sarcastic options
Connor RK800 and Jaime Lannister: different characters with the same arc, but one work while the other don’t
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It’s honestly driving me insane how similar and identical are the arcs of Connor RK800 from Detroit: Become Human and Jaime Lannister from Game of Thrones so yeah, now I’m gonna do an entire post (or meta?) about it. It’s gonna be long.
A little background for people who know only one of these fandoms.
Detroit: Become Human is about a future where robots are slaves of humans who abuse and torture them, so they started to “wake up” rebelling and developing free will and emotions like living beings. So the society who sell them create Connor, a very advanced robot designed to stop them.
Game of Thrones is an epic fantasy story set in a fictional world about different powerful families that fight with each other with wars and machinations to destroy each other and gain more power and the throne. Jaime Lannister is a member of one of these families.
These are two very different stories, but so are Connor and Jaime. They have opposite characters, goals and priorities: Jaime always put romantic love above anything else, while Connor doesn’t give a fuck about romance. Jaime is good in communicating with others: he knows how to talk to certain people, can read a room (at least sometimes) and he understands when is being mocked, while Connor is socially awkward and doesn’t really understand when someone is mocking him or someone is sarcastic.
And yet.. they both:
1) have the same beggining
2) are grey characters
3) have an obsession to overcome which is needed for them to develop as character (and if they fail to it, they both gets the involution and the “negative” arc)
4) have the same evolution (or involution, it depends of which arc we are talking about) and the same ending
1) The same beggining
Both these characters start with a child falling from a considerable height, but while one is causing the downfall of the child, the other is trying to save the kid.
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The fact that Jaime is trying to kill the boy while Connor is trying to save the girl doesn’t mean that Jaime is the villain and Connor is the hero. It’s more complex than that. 
Jaime is trying to kill Bran because the boy just saw him having sex with his twin and if he says to anyone what he saw Jaime and his sister would have died. He did it to protect their lives. It wasn’t really about Bran. It was about him and Cersei.
On the other hand, Connor is trying to save Emma not because he cares for her or wants her to be safe, but because it’s his mission. He is a police android who knew really well, even before his arrival on the scene, that his mission was saving the child at all costs. If his mission was killing Emma he would have done it. It wasn’t really about Emma. It was about the mission.
2) are grey characters
Being in both fandoms, I noticed that Connor is way more popular than Jaime in terms of liking a character, while Jaime is more known as a character than Connor because Game of Thrones is more famous than Detroit: Become Human. Jaime is really loved by a part of the got fandom, but the other part look at him as selfish and evil because of everything he did, while Connor is loved by 98% of the dbh fandom, but in truth Connor’s actions aren’t better than Jaime’s actions. I think this happens because:
a) Jaime’s actions are motivated by his incestual and toxic relationship with his sister, so I think some people tend to dislike him more not for the actual actions but because of their disgust about the incest part
b) Connor being socially awkward. There is this tendency to see characters who are socially awkward being always sweet and cinnamon rolls because they aren’t good at communicating with others
In the first case, Jaime’s actions aren’t worse than Connor’s, are only more disgusting which is different and for the second option, Connor isn’t socially awkward because he can’t hurt a fly. He can and he will. He is socially awkward because he is an android created to be a police officer, so they gave him good combat skills and the intelligence he needed to deal with deviants (that’s how are called the robots who developed free will and “woke up”). I assure you, he isn’t awkward when he has to deal with them. Connor was created to do this. He isn’t an android created to make friends, so why bother to give him social skills?
Let’s make a recap:
What Jaime did:
a) tried to kill Bran to protect his relationship with Cersei. But did Bran die? No.
b) threatened Edmure and his kids to return to Cersei? Okay, but did Edmure die? Again, no.
c) fucked Cersei next to their son’s corpse who just died. Disgustingly disgusting. But again, someone got hurt? Someone died?
d) killed his cousin to return to Cersei. Okay. Fair. One person died.
Let’s talk about Connor now. He:
a) Manipulated and lied to deviants to accomplish his mission 
b) can kill Daniel, the Tracis, Ortiz’s android, Rupert, Cloe, Simon, Markus, North and a lot of other androids (and humans too) to accomplish his mission
c) can kill Hank, which is the closest person he has in his life, to accomplish his mission
Connor is not a baby. He is a fucking terminator who can destroy anything that it moves to accomplish his mission. Yes, Detroit: Become Human is a game where the actions of the characters are decided by the gamer, so he can do these things or don’t, but if you decide to make him do these things you never got the feeling he’s out of character. Because he is not.
Yes Jaime is what he is and did the things we know, but Connor too did some messed up things. And I’m pretty sure he killed more and caused more pain than Jaime.
At the end of the game, when he has to locate Jericho to stop the leader of the revolution of the deviants, he is able to remove the head of one android he killed to use it against an another android (killed by Connor too) to get the location of Jericho and after that he drops the head as it was nothing.
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But at the end of the day, it doesn’t really matter who is worse between Jaime and Connor. What I am trying to say it’s that they are both grey characters. They both started as negative characters. Yes, Connor too. Because even if you choose every possible good and positive choice with Connor, he is still a negative character at the beginning. He is a very advanced robot at humans side (humans that are clearly the villains since they are the ones abusing and torturing robots) which priority is hunting androids who just want to be free. It doesn’t really matter if he isn’t the one to kill them, because he knows really well that if he succeeds (and he wants to succeed) they get killed. 
That’s why both Connor and Jaime have two paths in front of them. And what path they’ll take it depends by the next point.
3) have an obsession to overcome which is needed for them to develop as a character
Both Jaime and Connor, despite starting as negative characters, have the potential to have a redemption arc, but this is up to them and to get it they have an obstacle to overcome: their obsession.
For Jaime the obsession for Cersei, for Connor the obsession for his mission. 
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This obsession is what motivated their story and all their actions. It’s there from the beggining. From the moment they tried to kill/save the child. Jaime did it for Cersei. Connor did it for his mission. Every “negative” thing they did was because of that. In the last point, where I made a list of the bad things they did, you can notice all these actions were motivated by that.
To both of them happened things during the story that could or couldn’t change them: Jaime had it with Brienne, a noble and honorable warrior who reminded him who he wanted to be and for the first time in his life he developed a romantic attraction toward someone who wasn’t his sister, and Connor had it with Hank, the human police officer he worked with who had a way more “human” approach to what they were investigating.
For both of them is really hard to overcome it because it’s all they know for most of their life (in case of Jaime) or are programmed to do it (in case of Connor) and it isn’t only something they had in their heads. Both of them got manipulated by people (Cersei for Jaime, Amanda for Connor) who did the best they could to convince them there wasn’t anything else to make sure they remained in this cage for their own interests.
To prevent them from becoming their own person and being free to be who they want to be, and not what they want them to be.
This it’s the Jaime and Connor arc. Becoming their own person. Choosing for themselves. Be free from the manipulations. And the two arcs they have in front of them are just one in which they succeed, and one in which they fail.
4) have the same evolution (or involution, it depends of which arc we are talking about) and the same ending
Both Connor and Jaime have the potential for a redemption arc because even after all those bad things they did because of their obsession, they did good things too. They aren’t monsters.
Jaime saved Brienne risking his life and saved her from being raped. He also saved milions of lives by murdering the king, even if that meant getting the nickname of Kingslayer.
Connor can save Hank. Can choose to not kill the Tracis. Can choose to not kill Cloe. Can help Markus to save North. 
They mostly did all these things when they were away from the toxic person who brings the worst of them (Amanda and Cersei) but near someone who bring the best of them (Hank, Tyrion and Brienne).
And the best part is that all these good actions they did went against their priority: for Connor saving Hank means letting the deviant go, when catching him was his mission. Jaime returning to Harrenhal to save Brienne means delay his coming back to Cersei, when Cersei is the most important thing to him. 
Despite both having all their life surrounded by this “obsession”, sometimes they decided to do the right thing even if that meant going against what mattered to them the most and their own interests.
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This didn’t mean that they weren’t obsessed anymore, it means that for a moment, their desire to be their own person was stronger than their obsession.
But it was just a moment.
Connor and Jaime, for most of the story, are in a “limbo” where they pass from doing bad things because of their obsession (most of the times) to doing good things because they want to (few times). During this part of their story, it doesn’t mean that if they do a bad thing they’ll go to the negative arc and it doesn’t mean that if they do a good thing they’ll go to the positive arc, because none of these decisions are the definitive one.
It’s the decision they will take in their climax scene is the one that determines their future, their arc and their ending.
a) They decide to do the right thing which go against their obsession in their climax scene because they matured as characters for the better -> Their strenght and everything and everyone they faced was enough to overcome their obsession -> they become their own person letting go forever the obsession -> Positive Arc
Jaime: Book!Jaime is currently having this arc in the books, where is pretty done with Cersei and doesn’t even think of returning to her knowing really well she needs him. And this is also the arc Show!Jaime was supposed to have in the series.
Connor: Deviant Connor is the arc Connor will have if he overcome his obsession. He will become a deviant (meaning he outpassed his programation and became his own person) and will join the revolution of the androids, the very same revoution that he was created to stop (and he was obsessed to stop it, since it was his mission). He will infiltrate in the society that creates androids freeing all the robots who are there (and they are a lot) and helps the cause. In the end, he will help robots getting rights as living beings and he will be free to be himself with a person who actually care for him (Hank) with their relationship being stronger.
b) They decide to do the same bad things they did at the beginning being once again slaves of their obsession -> everything and everyone they faced didn’t change them showing that they didn’t matured and didn’t learn anything -> nothing will never be as important as their obsession -> Negative Arc
Jaime: Show!Jaime got this (or at least D&D thought he got this). He received an opportunity to have a better and new life, a life with Brienne who loved him and in doing so he was able to be himself, but he ruined it to return to his obsession who almost got him killed few days before because he wasn’t able to overcome it. So he returned to his obsession (Cersei) and dies.
Connor: Machine Connor is the arc Connor will have if he fails to overcome his obsession. He too received an opportunity to do the right thing, to help his people and be free, but he ruined it to continue his mission. So he will kill everyone who stands in his way (Hank too, who was the closest person of his life) to murder the leader of the deviants. If he fails, he dies. If he succeed and he is able to kill him, all the deviants will be destroyed (meaning there will be a genocide of his own people) and androids will return to be slaves for humans for ever. And Connor will die, because he accomplished his mission so he isn’t needed anymore. Connor is intended to die either way if he goes to this path.
Both Jaime and Connor, if they have a failed redemption arc, return to their old manners and how they were at the beginning, and both died. So..
Why an arc work and the other don’t?
Why an arc is appreciated and considered a sad but good storyline and plausible with no characters being ruined while the other is hated by everyone with all the characters who are involved being ruined and OOC?
For multiple reasons actually.
1) the climax scene
The scene where the character finally take a definitive decision and his path is chosen can’t be a random scene because it’s not a random scene. It’s the scene where the destiny of the character is chosen, so it has to:
- be important and people who are watching it (or reading it if it’s a book) must know it and feel it that something big is coming 
- every factor (the music, the acting, the dialogue etc) must be cured for that scene 
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The climax scene they chose and wrote for Connor work perfectly because has all these requirements:
a) Connor and Markus are two of the main characters of the story but never actually met each other before this scene, so from the moment you realize they are in the same room and they actually met you know something big is gonna happen. Moreover, we know Connor is there to kill the leader of the deviants, which is Markus, so you also feel tense because you are gonna see two characters you got attached to being an enemy to each other because they are at opposite sides so again, something’s gonna happen.
b) The music is fitting for the scene, the acting of Bryan Dechart (Connor’s actor) is good as he entered sure of himself but the more Markus talked the more Connor realized he was right so he becomes less secure until he is full of doubts and all the dialogue is about him having to make a choice about who he wants to be. And as if that weren't enough, Markus ends it with “I think the time has come to you for ask yourself that question” and “it’s time to decide” making perfectly clear that this choice is gonna be definitive, and he is saying it not only to Connor but to us too.
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Now let’s see the Jaime one.
a) It’s important? I have absolutely no idea. It doesn’t look or feel important. 
b) the music is fitting? There was music? I honestly don’t remember. I can’t notice the music because I’m busy to try to understand what the fuck is going on. The dialogue is fitting? What dialogue? All Jaime is saying here is a list of the bad things he did because of Cersei (including lies since some things he says didn’t happen that way just to confuse who is watching even more) and “She is hateful and so am I” like?? What does it mean? This is not a dialogue. This is putting random words together to do a sentence. The acting is fitting? Lmao of course not! Waldau’s acting is really confusing??? Why he looks sad? Why all he is saying is that he is a bad person and not a word about  who he wants to be? This isn’t a grey character who decided is path, this is someone who feels guilty for something he did in the past and wants to be reassured and or he feels like he deserves pain and death because of it. Well if this is the case, than this is a totally different topic that has nothing to do with choosing between overcome an obsession or succumb to it. Fuck, it’s been 4 years since this scene, and I still don’t understand what the fuck is going on and what they wanted to show. What the fuck I am watching?? Can someone explains it to me?? Hello???
This doesn’t look like a climax scene. And it doesn’t look like a climax scene because IT’S NOT.
Because Jaime had already his climax scene.
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a) it’s important? Well yes. The time tells us it is. This is a series and this scene is happening at the end of a season so people expect it to be important.
b) The music is fitting? Very. You could feel it in your bones. The dialogue is fitting? Yes. They don’t talk directly about Jaime and him having to take a decision, but it’s related to that because we see Jaime and Cersei arguing about something and Jaime realizing he had enough (just like Connor in his climax scene is realizing who he truly is) and he decides right here not because he has to but because he is 100% sure of what he wants and decides with zero regrets.
This climax scene was setting Jaime on the positive arc, because he overcomed his obsession. His obsession is Cersei and the sexual relationship he has with her, but here he decides to leave her, and ending the conversation saying “I don’t believe you” and by the acting, the voice and the movements of Waldau, which is excellent, we know he meant “I don’t love you anymore”.
All of this is even more accentuated by this scene that happens soon after that:
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Cersei and the relationship with her being the obsession of Jaime means that if he kisses, sleeps and starts a romantic relationship with a different woman (which he did) after he spent the 40+ years of his life always being loyal to Cersei is the ultimate, irrefutable prove that he got over it. It doesn’t matter how much he loves Brienne, if he still obsesses over Cersei it couldn’t never happened. Never. You can’t make him overcome an obsession and then return to that obsession in a minute. This is not how writing works.
But since Benioff and Weiss don’t know how to do their jobs, after these two scenes (the climax one and the second which accentuated the path Jaime is in) they put the scene they think it’s the climax scene, when it’s just a scene that doesn’t work narratively after the two I just mentioned. Which add another problem:
the decision the character takes in the climax scene is definitive and irreversible. You can’t just put a climax scene where the character decides and then one second later make him change his mind all of sudden. Him passing from a good action to a bad one was supposed to happen before the climax scene, when the character was still grey and still couldn’t decide and the reason both Connor and Jaime decide without doubts and regrets in their climax scene is because they both have no doubts and regrets anymore. 
In Detroit: Become Human, every action Connor did and every word he says after that scene is convinced, there is not even a shadow of a doubt, no matter which arc is in. Despite the game giving you the choices of what to do or say, you’ll never get a choice of Connor helping the deviants if he is Machine Connor, and you’ll never get a choice of Connor helping the humans if the is Deviant Connor. Because it’s irreversible. There is no going back.
So what we got was a mess and both arcs of Jaime being ruined even before they started.
2) OOC
Both Connor and Jaime being grey characters for most of the story means that is possible to write them a good written arc where they remain in character all the time without putting forced things and making them say and do something they wouldn’t, no matter if they are in a positive or negative arc.
Connor remains himself and in character for the entirely of his arc (no matter which arc is). If he is Machine Connor so he has the negative arc, his character doesn’t get reduced to a caricature and he doesn’t lose his intelligence or badass moments, and he still says and does things that Connor would have totally said or done. 
The fact that now is Machine Connor doesn’t mean he is a sociopath who doesn’t care of anything else, it does only mean that everything always comes after his obsession (the mission) because that obsession is and will always be until his death is priority, everything else is after that. That’s part of the reason his character isn’t ruined. He still cares for Hank for example, and when he dies, he looks troubled and in one case he is the one to kill him, and he does it because Hank gets in the way of his mission, which matters more, so he did it, even if he still cared about him. 
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He also doesn’t become stupid all of sudden because he is intended to die. Machine Connor is smart enough to know that the best way to kill Markus is finding a sniper rifle and the right roof and he is smart enough to know that if he gets interrupted the only way for him to accomplish his mission is killing who interrupted him or killing himself after saving his memory so the next Connor will know what to do. He also doesn’t have to move to the other side of the country in two seconds with the story being set in the same city, so he is where is supposed to be without resorting to absurd and improbable teleporters. Machine Connor gets emotional and poetic scenes without getting ruined to force them.
Jaime, from the moment he left Brienne to return to Cersei (so from the moment the writers think his arc begins) becomes a totally different person. He starts to say and do things that contradict his character, the writers were able to destroy years spent to create this character and who he is with a single sentence. Everything that was important to him apart from Cersei disappears, and the things that made him an interesting character like killing the king to protect the innocents have zero value now, because “actually I never cared for them, innocents or otherwise”. Cersei isn’t his priority. Cersei is the only thing he cares about, because the writers deleted every single other part of him and at the end, he isn’t even a character anymore.
He doesn’t only lose all his intelligence, but simple common sense too, all to force scenes that could have happened in a smarter way, like him having to get unnoticed to get to Cersei and yet he shows his golden hand which is the only one to have in all Westeros, just to get caught and have the scene with Tyrion. And of course, he is able to arrive to the other part of the country even before characters who left before him in a blink of an eye because the writers decided so and fuck logic. 
3) Realistic reactions to the characters around them
Both Show!Jaime and Machine Connor have, just before the end and their death, a scene with a character they care about and who cares for them: Tyrion for Jaime and Hank for Connor. In both cases, the way they write the main character it expands to the other character too, meaning that since Jaime is OOC, Tyrion becomes OOC too to force the scene the writers wanted for them, while in the other case since Connor is in character, Hank is in character too, and it’s the scene that is written in a way to be plausible because of these characters, and not the opposite. 
Jaime got caught in his way to return to Cersei and he meets Tyrion. The last time they talked Jaime was still in a relationship with Brienne (which lasted weeks, let’s remember that) and Tyrion expressed how happy he was that Jaime was happy with Brienne because he cares for Jaime wants him to be happy while now is in front of a tormented Jaime who left Brienne, the same woman that was making Jaime happy, to return to the one that abused and tried to kill BOTH OF THEM, and he decides to.. help him to return to Cersei so he will return to be miserable and probably die (and he will)? 
The writers were so desperate to make a scene of them hugging to make watchers cry sad tears that forgot in which situation these characters are, with who they are and what we know about them and what type of relationship they have with each other and with Cersei. It would never ended with hugging. Why Tyrion should help the brother he loves to leave what made him happy and return to the one who hurted both for all their lives? Once again the characters are ruined by forcing a specific scene, a scene that because of it meant nothing to me. Yes, Jaime and Tyrion had a beautiful relationship and a great bond and I love the scenes where they show how close they are. But these aren’t Jaime and Tyrion anymore. So I feel nothing (and nope, I’m not going to create gifs of that idiotic scene from that cursed episode, if you wanna see it just go to Youtube).
Connor and Hank have a very strong relationship too, but they remain in character. Hank wanted Connor being himself and freeing himself from his obsession (just like Tyrion wanted Jaime to be happy, with Brienne) but on the contrary of Tyrion, Hank didn’t forget who he was because it was “convenient” so he has the realistic reaction he was supposed to have, and because of that this time there aren’t gonna be hugs and sweet words, but a fight.
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With “fight” I don’t mean they’ll gonna scream and push each other, with “fight” I mean a real fight, that will end only with one of them killing the other. 
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Machine Connor is gonna follow his mission and killing everyone who stand in his way (in this case, unfortunately it’s Hank) even if he cares for Hank and Hank is not gonna let Connor kill the leader of the androids because it’s not right and by now he knows that the only way to stop him is to kill him and he will, even if he cares for Connor. And they both know it.
And that is what makes the scene powerful and way more emotional than a fake hug between two fake characters who became the shadows of themselves. It’s real, it’s tragically beautiful and sad, poetic in a way (a robot fighting for humans and a human fighting for the robots) but it works.
Of course having Jaime and Tyrion fighting to death wouldn’t make sense. Connor and Hank are doing it because they had a different relationship from them. They knew each other for less time and even if they care for each other, they had a rocky start so them having this interaction is fitting to them. Jaime and Tyrion are siblings who cared for each other since ever, so their clash couldn’t be that violent, but they had to have a clash. Tyrion being disappointed in Jaime and refusing to free him was enough. But we all know what we got, right?
In conclusion, I’d like to say that I made this meta first to analyze Jaime and Connor as characters because I find really interesting they had so much in common and also because I’m fucking tired of people saying that “Jaime’s arc was perfect you simply didn’t get the happy ending you wanted for him” because Machine Connor arc is the prove that is possible to write a failed redemption arc which is satisfying and appreciated, and Detroit: Become Human is written by David Cage which isn’t the best screenwriter in the world, but he is in the Olympus compared to the writing of D&D.
Machine Connor and Show!Jaime have exactly the same arc (and the same ending), the only difference is that one is written well and the other isn’t, and it’s really crazy thinking of how the writing of a fucking videogame which isn’t even that famous is better than the finale of one of the most famous series in the world.
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drawn arrows unseen
part 14 / previous installments/tags
After the trophy ceremony, after the locker room celebration, Mason takes a punishing shower, turning the water back and forth from scorching hot to bracing cold. Neither option’s going to do any good.
The MVP award he accepted an hour ago sits in his stall like a lead weight. He looks away from it as he puts on his suit, and he leaves it behind when he slips out of the locker room alone.
He makes his way down the tunnel back to the bench. The Zambonis have already been through and the ice gleams unmarked. Mason sits in the empty arena, staring up at the darkened scoreboard with his medal hanging heavy around his neck, and faces the unpleasant truth that he shouldn’t be here in the first place.
It was selfish to come to this tournament. Selfish to play with Connor, to sleep in his room, to drape his arm around Connor and notice how well he fits there. To do all of that without thinking whether it would have any impact on Connor. It’s Mason’s fault that Connor’s scenting him. It might even be his fault that Connor can scent him. What if he’s nudging Connor toward presenting, just by being there in Connor’s space smelling the way he smells and feeling the way he feels? Mason’s a huge problem, right when Connor can least afford it. He could massively fuck up Connor’s draft year. If Connor’s an omega, Mason doesn’t want to be the reason anyone finds out.
The floorboards creak under the rubber matting as Kent joins him on the bench. He sits next to him and follows Mason’s gaze up to the silent Jumbotron. The thud and clatter of the arena crew emptying trash bins echoes distantly from the concourse.
Finally, Kent speaks. “What are you going to do?”
“Fix it.” Maybe it’s not too late. The best Mason can do is train hard so he sticks in Anaheim. So there’s no question about missing world juniors in December. “Just… stay away.”
“Okay,” Kent says, sarcastically.
“What, you think I can’t?”
“I couldn’t.”
“Sure you could.” Anyone can do hard things. Close your eyes and grit your teeth and hold that plank until the trainer says drop. There’s always one more rep in you, if you want it bad enough.
“I know this whole deal is pretty weird.” Kent scrapes a thumbnail over the ridges of his water bottle cap. “But I don’t think I could just stay away from Owen. If it’s… anything like that.” Kent doesn’t say the word bond, and Mason’s grateful for it. “You can’t just drop it.”
“Owen’s not here,” Mason points out. “You don’t even live in the same place.” Not even in the offseason. Kent’s been training with Connor in BC, and Owen’s been doing whatever boring things Owen does in Ontario.
Kent rolls his eyes. “It’s not about being together all the time. It’s about knowing you’re good. You can’t just… leave him hanging.”
Mason opens his mouth. He’s not leaving Connor hanging. He’s not leaving him any kind of way. He’s just leaving, because it’s the only option.
“I wouldn’t do that to Owen,” Kent adds, like that’s some kind of standard. 
“We’re not you and Owen.” He and Connor aren’t even a we. “He’s seventeen. We don’t know…” Mason pauses and gets his voice back down to a normal volume. “We don’t know anything for sure.”
Kent flips his water bottle end over end and catches it. “Only one way to find out.”
Easy for Kent to say. Kent’s not the alpha who could seriously fuck things up for Canada’s next star. Connor’s basically a child, and he’s got enough to handle with his draft year. He doesn’t need to know that he might be an omega. He shouldn’t have to bear the terrible force of Mason’s want.
[note: mason and kent did go out to the bench together that night]
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My Love| Echo (12)
Note: kinda short but important at the same time also Sonju hitting on the reader (cough)
Warnings: talks loosely about past trauma
Reader: Male
Part: 1 | 2 | 3 | 3.5 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12
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Echo smiled, laying next to Y/n on the bunk, body bare and only covered by a blanket, sharing with Y/n.
"That..." Y/n spoke with a deep breath, "Was...new..."
Echo chuckled, he had finally gotten back to Y/n, and things returned to how they were almost immediately.
"So were you," Echo spoke rubbing his shoulders and neck, prominent bite marks had scabbed over quickly where Y/n once drank sips of his blood.
"Yeah, sorry about that." Y/n apologized.
"Don't apologize," Echo told him, "I'm not saying I didn't like it."
Leaning up he kissed Y/n's lips, Y/n returning the favor. Echo pulled away with a chuckle.
"Love you."
"Love you too."
Echo smiled, Y/n shifting under him slightly to get more comfortable, his arm around Echo's shoulder one arm behind his head relaxing, his eyes even closing as if he was going to sleep.
"Y/n," Echo grabbed his attention.
"Hm?" he asked with closed eyes, chest rising and falling steadily, skin warm.
"Can, we talk about it?"
"Bout what baby?" Y/n questioned.
Baby, that nickname, returning from the grave, he had never thought he'd hear that come from Y/n's chest, "About, our past, like we use to."
Y/n rubbed Echo's shoulder, "There's still not much to talk about."
Echo frowned, not much to talk about? Perhaps he just didn't want to talk about it, but Y/n taught him you had to talk about everything, the sooner the better, or it would catch up to you. It was silent, Echo not wanting to pry.
"I was put away for a while," Y/n started out of nowhere, "The Corasaunt guard with Tarkin as their director stormed the house after a conversation with my parents, we were hauled away in cages rather than cuffs, I didn't understand, tried to keep the kids safe the best I could, but we were split up, I had managed to keep Princess in the cage with me."
Echo looked up at him, listening to every word that fell from Y/n's lips
"but when we got to the research facility, we were split up. I didn't know what happened to everyone until I escaped with Sonju and Mijuka." Y/n spoke, "After the incident with Dogma."
Echo frowned, but let his fingers rub over Y/n's exposed chest, over some puckering scars.
"I had learned from archives that most of my brothers and sisters had died, there was only one left." Y/n spoke, "You remember Princess?"
Echo nodded, Princess the sweet little girl that had done his "much needed" makeup all the time out of fun.
"I had run to grab her from her cell but, well it seemed her death was more than just experimenting wise, they had her in a tube, filled with flowers and red liquid, turns out they had just sold her and she hadn't been marked as dead yet," Y/n told him.
"Y/n, I," Echo tried to empathize, sympathize, anything, but it was even hard for him to comprehend, "I'm sorry."
"It's okay," Y/n spoke, "I'm not too sad about it anymore, she's with the family somewhere else now, I just hope they're happy wherever they may be."
Echo snuggled up to Y/n more to comfort him, "I'll never see how you'll do it, be able to accept it, especially so fast."
"I haven't been able to accept it, but I know, that I can't keep dwelling on it, when we broke the kids out of the physic section in that lab I realized, I had to be a big brother again." Y/n let out.
"I'm here now, you can lean on me now," Echo spoke, Y/n smiling smally in response, "I want to help you like you've helped me."
"Thank you Echo," Y/n told him, kissing the top of his head, "You've helped by being accepting."
Echo ran his hand through Y/n's hair soothing the male, his hand from the top of his hand ran down to his cheek where he rubbed a thumb over Y/n's cheek. They stayed like that for a few more moments, relived in each other's arms.
"Hey, Roslyn!" Sonju called banging on his door, "Dinner!"
Y/n sat up, quickly throwing joggers on and walking to the door, where he let it slide open, his frame blocking the doorway.
"Alright, I'll be out," Y/n commented, Sonju seeing Echo's form in the background immediately, the clone covering himself up some more.
Sonju looked back down at Y/n acting as if he hadn't seen anything, "And what's this thing with everyone calling you Y/n? Weren't gonna tell me?"
Y/n shrugged, "Didn't know you needed to know." he replied sarcastically.
Sonju chuckled, hands upon the top of the door frame supporting his leaning down the body which rests at Y/n's eye level, leaning in Y/n rolled his eyes.
"You, smell different." Sonju teased, "Want me to change that?"
"Want me to rearrange your insides, and not in a fun way," Y/n argued arms crossed.
Sonju chuckled, "Well then hurry your ass to dinner before I drag you there."
Y/n waved him off Sonju walking off with a shrug as Y/n closed the door locking it once again with a push of a button.
"Come on, let's go eat," Y/n told Echo.
Echo nodded, getting out of bed he dressed, Y/n redressing himself in something more suitable as they walked out together, everyone in the common room eating.
"Your food," Connor spoke handing the bowl to Y/n.
"Thank you." Y/n thanked taking the food.
"Here your's as well," Isabella spoke handing the bowl to Echo.
"Oh, thank you." Echo spoke, the two finding seats on the floor more comfortable than the seats as they leaned up against the curved booth.
"Ooo! y/n! Y/n!" Emma cheered, "Ray has-"
Emma was elbowed hard by Ray, "Hey!"
"I don't have anything," Ray defended as Emma frowned.
"But you just told us that-"
"no, I didn't" Ray argued jerking his head towards Echo who was looking down at his food and eating.
"Anything you wanna say ray?" Y/n questioned with a smile.
"Emma has a crush on the bandanna guy!"
Echo almost choked on his food at the burst of conversation, wait way- OMEGA!?
The two continued to bicker, the elders laughing, "Remember when you had a crush on a certain someone Sonju." Mujika teased.
"Yeah well, I ended up eating her so," Sonju spoke taking a spoonful of potatoes into his mouth.
"That's news to my ears." Y/n spoke, "Her?"
"I like options," Sonju spoke another big spoon of potatoes into his mouth.
"Relationships are a waste of time," Connor spoke.
"Well, you did try and stab your dad to, death," Evie spoke.
"Damn imagine having parents." Jacob chimed in.
"Jacob!" Evie argued, "Really!?"
"Oh was this not trama circle and dinner?" Jacob questioned, "Let's just unpack it all why don't we."
"we rather not," Isabella spoke eating her stew.
"But I'd bloody love to." Jacob spoke, then turned toward Echo, "So what's your story lad?"
Echo looked up food in his mouth pointing to himself in question.
"Please don't entice my brother with stories," Evie spoke.
"Oh uh," Echo spoke, "I'm a clone, that's all really do it."
"You fought in the clone wars?" Norman asked sitting across from Echo as he nodded.
"ARC Trooper, previously at least," Echo spoke. "Not much of a trooper anymore anyways,"
Echo let his words sink in then quickly corrected them, "You know!- with the empire, and all..."
"The clone wars were pretty brutal on the creed." Evie spoke, "Moraled Assassins because ruthless bounty hunters, the republic didn't take nicely to the Creed not taking a side, neither did the separatist."
"So, neutrality destroyed your people?" Echo questioned.
"Yes," Evie spoke. "Very much so,"
"Order 66 destroyed the clones and Jedi, did it not?" Connor questioned.
Echo nodded in response, "It killed a lot of good men, soldiers, Jedi, and Clone."
"Title doesn't do you much good now," Sonju commented, "We're all the same in the ground"
Y/n sat up from his leaning state and grabbed two drinks off the table, handing one to Echo. The rest of the dinner was quiet, eating is the main task, it reminded him of Y/n's house, everyone talked letting out whatever they wished to at the beginning of dinner and then everyone becoming silent as they ate and filled their stomachs.
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I Only Have Eyes For You
Fandom: Chicago Med / One Chicago
Character/s: Connor Rhodes x Reader,
Warning/s: none
Word Count: 3,162
Request:  Hi there, can I get an imagine for reader x Connor Rhodes. Lightly based upon 01x03 Fallback where Connor treats on one of his father's employees and his father tried to take him off the case. So like the reader and Connor are married (got married during their residency) and the father flirts with reader who also works at med not knowing that's his son's wife as he didn't think someone like Connor could snag a girl like the reader. The ending is up to you. Thank you x
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“Maybe you should talk to him,” you suggested, putting your hand on your husband, Connor’s, shoulder as he stared distantly into his locker, his mind clearly elsewhere. 
“I don’t want to talk to him Y/N, I’ve barely spoken to him in years,” Connor sighed, slamming his locker closed and turning to face you. He hadn’t expect to see his dad today, heading into Med behind an ambulance basically demanding to speak to Miss Goodwin and his son at once. Connor had been in surgery at the start of shift so he hadn’t actually come face to face with the man yet, but it was only a matter of time.
“Well now might be your chance, he is in the ED afterall,” you reminded him and he rubbed his face with his hands. It had been a long surgery, starting off the last shift of a very long week, and you knew the last thing your husband wanted was to talk to his father, but maybe he needed to.
“He’s downstairs because one of his employees got hurt on the job and he’s trying to do damage control before a lawsuit is filed, he isn’t here to see me,” Connor all but snapped, his face softening when he realised and squeezing your hand apologetically. There had been some kind of mishap at one of his stores from what you could gather, and one of Cornelius’ workers had found himself practically crushed under a bit of the structure that wasn’t as up to code as it should be.
“I get that, really Connor I do, I’m just saying that while he’s here, maybe you should talk to him, even if it’s just to say your piece,” you tried, knowing that Connor still had a lot of baggage surrounding his father, baggage that had been putting a bit of a strain on your marriage, or more specifically, any discussion of having children. Getting things off of his chest might be the only way for him to move forward, you reasoned.
“I have nothing to say to him, Y/N, he’s the parent, not me, it shouldn’t be on me to be the bigger person,” Connor replied, and he was right, but damn if the Rhodes men weren’t the most stubborn men you’d ever met.
“But you are the bigger person, the better person-” you began, knowing that Connor was ten times the man his father was, and maybe it was about time Cornelius Rhodes saw that for himself, but you were starting to realise that you were crossing a line as Connor interrupted you.
“Y/N, the last time I tried to reach out to my father he decided he’d rather go on a business trip than attend his own son’s wedding,” he said, the bitter undertones very clear as you remembered how crushed he’d been. No matter how bad their relationship was, and even if he wouldn’t admit it, you knew Connor still loved his father, and for him to not show up to his own wedding had broken his heart. “Baby he’s never even met you, and that’s that on him, he’s made his priorities perfecrly clear.” he continued, cupping your face in his hands.
“Okay, okay,” you nodded, realising you weren’t getting anywhere with this conversation, “do you want me to drop it?” It was what you always asked each other when it seemed like you were going to have an argument, or whether you weren’t sure if you’d crossed a line in a conversation, you tried to respect each others boundaries as much as possible. 
“Please, I know you’re trying to help but my relationship with my father is basically unsalvageable, and I’m moving forward,” he smiled but it didn’t reach his eyes, he was trying hard to make you believe him but you both knew you really didn’t, this wasn’t the kind of thing you just moved forward from.
“If you’re sure, he won’t be around forever,” you gave it one last try before letting it go for now, telling yourself you’d broach the subject again at a later date.
“I know, and I am,” he said, giving you a quick kiss before pulling away and grabbing his stethescope off of the table next to you, “thank you, though,” he added.
“For what?” You asked finally closing your own locker.
“For being so very you,” he smiled, a genuine smile this time as he looked back to you, “I love you.”
“I love you too,” you replied, kissing his again as your phone vibrated in your pocket. Stepping back you fished it out, seeing a text from Will. “Oh that’s me, Will wants me in three to help with Mr Harris,” you explained to Connor as you both headed out the door towards the ED.
“My father’s guy?” Connor realised, opening the door for you and letting you out first as you checked over the message; apparently Cornelius was demanding a second opinion, clearly not satisfied by Will’s, but you decided not to tell Connor that right now.
“Yeah that’s the one,” you nodded, slipping the phone back into your pocket before he could see the rest of the text as you noticed Maggie signalling for you to hurry it along, that couldn’t be good.
“Good luck, you’re gonna need it,” Connor noted Maggie’s impatient gestures as you picked up the pace.
“You’re all the luck I need,” you joked, winking at him as you parted ways, Dr Latham needed him upstairs in 5 for a consult, a fact which he was more than happy with since he was supposed to be working the ED all day.
“Ooh cheesy, go on get out of here,” Connor laughed as you waved your goodbyes, heading to three. 
Maggie met you half way and handed you Mr Harris’ chart, looking irritated.
“Everything okay?” You asked, noting the angry voices you could now hear coming from the room to your right, the curtains not providing much in the way of sound proofing, not that you thought Cornelius cared much.
“How Connor turned out the way he did with a father like that is beyond me,” Maggie told you quietly as you quickly flipped through the chart, “he’s been demanding this, that and the other since he got here, and now he thinks Dr Halstead’s not telling Mr Harris all his option because he just wants to ‘extort him for more money’,” she mimicked in a hushed tone as you rolled you eyes, it’s not like he couldn’t afford it anyway, you thought, but there was something about having more money that made some people think they were so damn entitled...
Putting on your best cordial smile you pulled back the curtain and entered, the men stopping in their heated conversation as you did, frozen on some discussion about cost. Will did his best to hide his relieved look when he saw you and Cornelius grumbled in frustration, completely unaware he was standing face to face with his daughter-in-law for the first time.
“Everything okay in here?” You asked, looking between the two men on their feet and the tired, slightly embarrassed, looking man in the hospital bed. 
“Terrific sweetheart,” Cornelius retorted sarcastically and you internally rolled your eyes. Externally, you kept your features schooled and looked to the patient in the bed.
“Hi Mr Harris, my name is Doctor Y/L/N,” you told him, having kept your last name when you’d married Connor, a fact you were pretty glad about right now. You offered your hand and he shook it gratefully.
“Pleasure,” he said as you stepped back, facing Cornelius Rhodes as he rubbed his temple before looking to you, taking you in for the first time as he straightened his posture and cleared his throat.
“Cornelius Rhodes, it’s lovely to meet you,” he offered his hand and you shook it, the way he was looking at you making your skin crawl a little as he finally let go. “I was just discussing with your collegue over here the best treatment for my man here, and we seem to be having a disagreement,” the way his demeanor had changed in your presence was alarming, and Will was clearly taken aback by it too, he’d gone from demanding to charming in the blink of an eye.
“I see, well from reading Mr Harris’ chart it’s clear that there are only two option available, the impact seems to have done some internal damage that, while it might heal on its own over time, will most likely require surgery,” you explained in your perfected doctor voice as Will threw you a grateful glance. Cornelius clenched his jaw as he tried to maintain his own facade, pretending to mull over your words even though you knew Will would have said basically the same thing, and that Cornelius had already made up his mind. 
“Surgery really is the best option Mr Harris,” Will told the patient, but instead of replying he looked back to Cornelius, the man who would be paying for either option no doubt. The surgery would be expensive, you knew that, and it grated you to know that the fate of this man’s life possibly rested on the greed of Cornelius Rhodes. Could Connor talk some sense into him? You mused to yourself as he began to answer.
“I understand your concern,” he said finally, addressing you alone, a far cry from the accusations of greed he’d thrown at Will before you arrived, “but that kind of surgery is not only expensive, but the recovery time would put him out of work, and he wouldn’t want that.” You hid your grimace as Mr Harris nodded, clearly feeling like he had to agree.
“I have deadlines coming up,” he spoke up as Cornelius gestured to him as if to say, see, there you have it, settled, as you did your best to maintain your friendly face. 
“I understand where you’re coming from Mr Rhodes,” you lied, regreting ever trying to get Connor to patch things up with this vile, self-serving man. He didn’t deserve Connor for a son. “But if we leave it and it gets worse, the surgery will be much more invasive and expensive further down the line, not to mention the high risk and potential complications,” Mr Harris paled a little, but still waited for Cornelius to answer. 
Seriously? He could sue this man and yet he was still scared of him, the man probably had no means of paying for the court bills that would require anyway, he needed Cornelius’ paychecks to keep a roof over his head. And he was making decisions about his life like he was a god damn asset and not a person.
“Well, that would be unfortunate,” Cornelius pondered and Will looked like he was close to losing it. It was no secret he prioritised his patients over all else, even their own wishes sometimes, and it was also no secret he’d never liked Cornelius Rhodes. 
“Mr Rhodes-” Mr Harris voiced up but he was shushed, the other man still thinking. You didn’t know whether you or Will were closer to punching the man, Mr Harris clearly wanting to have the surgery now in fear of more severe future complications. If Cornelius wasn’t such an arrogant-
“Alright, if you thinking it will save money in the future- and more important of course Joseph’s well-being, then I suppose we could do the surgery,” he decided and Mr Harris sighed in relief. Cornelius smiled smugly, like he’d done something so generous, it made you sick to your stomach. 
You consciously twisted the wedding ring on your finger as Will fetched the paperwork and soon Mr Harris was being wheeled off to wait for his surgery in a room upstairs, clearing the bay in the ED for the next patient. Will was more than happy to take the next person through the doors as you finalised the paperwork with Maggie, scheduling in his surgery in the system. 
Connor texted you then as Cornelius was practically stalking towards you at the desks. He was letting you know that he was finished with Dr Latham and had thought about what you’d said, and maybe it was a good idea to talk to his father before he left. He’d be coming down any minute, but before you could reply Cornelius had reached you at the desks, a predatory look in his eyes that set off your fight or flight response. 
“Dr Y/LN,” he grinned and you returned a polite and professional smile as he invaded your personal space, looking you up and down in a way that was so not okay, even if you weren’t his son’s wife. “Thank you for your help in there, your input was very... refreshing.”
“Of course, I was just doing my job, I’m glad Mr Harris is able to get the treatment he needs,” you replied tightly, realising that this conversation was far from over as he continued talking.
“It was the least I could you,” he said,  seeming to take your statement as some kind of thanks or compliment to his ‘generosity’. “Say, how about you and me grab a coffee in the cafeteria so you can explain more about how this procedure works, on me of course. If you’re busy now, maybe after you finish work?” As he finished talking he inched closer to you, eyeing you suggestively. 
Was he making a pass at you? Was this actually happening right now? You blinked in shock and it took you a second for your brain to process what was happening before you could answer him.
“Mr Rhodes, I’m flattered” you began and he grinned, like he already had it figured out that you were going to say yes even though you were far from actually flattered, “and while I would be happy to discuss your employee’s treatment with you in a professional manner, I’m... I’m married,” you explained, flashing your ring at him, the ring that his son had put on your finger.
“Well I don’t see him around anywhere,” Cornelius winked at you and you took an instinctive step back, but he either didn’t notice or didn’t care, probably the latter if you were honest. “He’d never know.”
“Oh I’m certain he would,” a voice said from behind you and you turned to see Connor heading towards you both, anger clear on his face as he looked from you to his father. 
“And why’s that?” Cornelius asked defiantly, practically looking down his nose at his son, clearly not getting the hint from what he had said about who your husband was.
“Because I am her husband,” Connor said definitely, standing next to your side as you relaxed, feeling instantly better in his presence. Cornelius balked a little, he really had had no idea who you were this entire time.  It took him a second to regain his composure but when he did, instead of opting for the apology you’d expect from any normal person, he did the exact opposite, actually defending his slimy actions.
“How was I supposed to know that?” He huffed like he wasn’t invited to your wedding, when he’d made the decision to not come of his own accord. Connor put a protective hand on the small of your back, aware you were drawing a bit of attention as April had paused her typing on the computer.
“Well, dad, maybe if you’d come to our wedding, or our anniversary, or any of my birthdays, you would have known that Y/N’s been my wife for the past three and a half years,” Connor’s voice wasn’t raised but you could tell he was getting more and more aggitated by this encounter. He wouldn’t have liked anyone making a move on his wife, let alone his own father.
Cornelius had the nerve to chuckle at that, “honestly I’m just surprised a boy like you could wrangle a woman like this,” he said as you clenched your jaw, so many parts of that sentence rubbing you the wrong was. You could tell Connor felt the same, his stance very defensive as you replied.
"What is that supposed to mean?” You demanded before Connor could speak, Cornelius’ eyes snapping to you like he’d forgotten you were an actual person and not just an object to fight over. “What about me and Connor is so surprising to you?”
“Honestly, you could do better.” he said matter-of-factly and you rolled your eyes, any appearance of a professional facade gone as you faced your father-in-law.
Now it was Connor’s turn to laugh, but it was a dry laugh as he said: “and what, you think your ‘better’?” Cornelius shrugged, the look on his face telling you that that was in fact what he meant. Connor shook his head in disbelief, the first time he was seeing his father in a long time and all of his reservations and fears were being entirely justified as he stood before the two of you.
It was time to end this, you decided, folding your arms and squaring up to Cornelius. “Better? The man who’d rather save money than a man’s life, who thinks it’s appropriate to not only hit on a woman while she’s at work, but to blatantly tell her to... cheat on her husband when she tries to politely tell you she’s not interested. Connor’s a good man, a much much better man than you, inspite of the fact that your raised him, and he doesn’t owe you another second of his time, neither of us do.” You took a breath as both Rhodes men blinked at you in shock. “Now, Mr Rhodes if you’ll excuse us we actually have jobs to be doing, I’d be happy to have somebody escort you to where you can wait,” you finished, seeing April grin out the corner of you eye as Cornelius got a little flustered, clearly not used to anyone, especially women you reckoned, putting him in his place. 
“I’m had enough of trying to reach out to you, I felt like I still had something to prove to you, like it was on me to mend what was broken between us. But you’re not worth it dad, you’re just not worth it. We’re done here, stay away from me, and definitely stay away from my wife,” Connor told his father, gesturing with his head for security to come show him to the waiting room. 
“Oh this is far from over,” Cornelius raised his voice, pointing his finger at his son as security reached you. But Connor didn’t waiver, clear for the first time as he just looked at his father, shaking his head before turning to walk away. Everything that needed to be said had been said, and he was finally ready to walk away from his father, quite literally in this case as you went to follow your husband.
This wound would never go away entirely, but now, maybe, you really could move forward. 
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Apocalypse!AU -- Field Medicine
I 100% could write the events leading prior to this to satiate curiosity, but rn this is all my inspiration is giving me -- hope you like enjoy it! If you want more of this AU, pls let me know! 
Feedback is always appreciated!
Warnings: Violence, swearing, blood mention, field surgery
Tagging (if you wanna be tagged, lmk!): @marshmallow--3 // @yourlocalfrenchie // @rahdaleigh (idk why this isn’t tagging im so sorry) // @sofiewithat /// @iceboundstar // @mythandmagik // @britishhotassassin
Assassin’s Creed Mobile Masterlist
Red Dead Redemption 2 Mobile Masterlist
“Get down!” 
You ducked for cover as a pipe bomb was thrown towards your group. 
Jacob, Connor, Altair, and you were hunting for supplies in a nearby town when you were ambushed by a group of hunters. They outnumbered you by about five to one. 
“Altair! What do we do?!” Jacob peeked over to fire a few aimed shots. 
You all looked over to the leader in question, who was catching his breath behind an old car. You could see the gears turning in his head before he came to a final conclusion. 
“Run.” Another pipe bomb went off. “Run!” 
He led the way to an abandoned shop building that could provide cover, Connor following closely behind with you and Jacob bringing up the rear. Feeling the bullies soar past your head, you ducked as Jacob tripped. You stopped to help him up. “Go!” He waved you off, shakily getting to his feet. 
You vaulted through what was once a window pane and ducked, Jacob clumsily following suit. He landed on his side with a groan. “Hey, are you okay?” You asked, pulling him back against the bricks. Once he settled, you could see his hand clutching his side. What made your heart palpitate was what he was covering. 
“Shit! You’ve been shot!” You turned to Altair, who paused firing and stared. 
“I’ll be fine.” Jacob rested his head back against the wall, taking deep breaths. 
“What are our options?” Connor asked, looking through his rucksack.
A flurry of gunshots flew above your heads. 
“Option 1: We leave him and escape ourselves.”
You scoffed at Altair’s suggestion. “Don’t even think about that.”
“I know! Look— we either try and make a run for it now or we split up and hide; one of us with Jacob while the other two pick them all off.”
You all exchanged glances. “That could work.” 
Jacob shifted and hissed. 
You wrapped his arm around your neck. “I’ll take him upstairs. Keep them off our backs and don’t get shot.”
The two nodded. Connor passed you a first aid kit and some alcohol. “You know what to do.” 
Smiling reassuringly, you motioned for them to get moving. The two of them ran across the street, drawing fire until they were safely across the street. The firing stopped. 
“They split up. Find them. Preferably in one piece, but I can settle for one.” The voice obviously belonged to the one in charge. “The girl. She’ll be the easiest.” 
You and Jacob exchanged glances. “Come on,” you whispered, half dragging him up the stairs. You entered the room at the end of the hall and locked the door behind you. Luckily, the windows were boarded up, so they didn’t see you go in. Unluckily, the windows were boarded up, so there was no escape without making noise. 
The room wasn’t big nor small; but it had a walk in wardrobe that was big enough for now. You set Jacob down gently, kneeling next to him by the side of the wound. Taking a breath, you took in his complexion; sweating, pale, panting. You looked down to see his hand almost drenched in the crimson liquid, which has been dripping a subtle trail after the two of you. “Shit!” You half whispered, taking out the first aid kit and alcohol. Pushing up his shirt, you offered a roll of bandages to his lips to bite down on. He accepted, albeit weakly. “This will hurt, but you have to stay quiet, okay?” He hummed a broken affirmation, grabbing your free arm, assumingly for moral support. “On three; one, two, three…” slowly, you poured the liquid over the wound. Pained gasps leaked through the bandages as his jaw clenched tightly, tension flooding down his neck.”I’m sorry!” You apologised as his grip on your arm tightened tenfold. Opening the first aid kit, you immediately went for gauze to pack the wound with.
“You have to take it out.” 
You turned to meet his eyes as he held the bandages in his other hand. “Please,” her continued. “I can feel it moving inside of me.”
“But I’m not a surgeon! I can bandage a wound but I’m nowhere near transplant surgery.”
“I’m not asking you for a transplant.” He pulled out some tweezers from the kit. “I’m asking you to remove a bullet.”
You sighed, reluctantly taking them. “I was shit at Operation, you know.”
“Now’s your chance to practice.” He balled up the bandages and bit down on them again, bracing himself for the intrusion of the tweezers. 
“Ah, fuck.” Slowly, you pressed them inside the wound, trying to ignore the hitched breaths beside you. Instead, you focused on touch, waiting to feel the contact with the metal ball waiting for you inside. It took a few moments, but finding it gave you the equivalent feeling of striking gold. “I got it. Holy shit, I got it.” As you pulled it free of Jacob’s flesh, you could see his muscles relax, along with a fresh flow of blood. Quickly, you packed it to try and stem the bleeding, evoking another gasp. “I’m so sorry.” 
He pulled out the bandages, chucking them back to the kit. “Had to be done.”
You turned your head back to the first aid kit, eyes wandering for a needle and sutures when you heard footsteps coming up the stairs. Jacob swallowed, ears picking up on the calculated thumps as well. “Please be the guys, please be the guys…”
“Check all the rooms. Don’t miss anything.”
Instead of stitches, you grabbed some surgical tape.”We’ll have to finish this later.” The words barely escaped as you spoke, practically mouthing them in an effort to stay quiet. You taped the gauze to his side, heart rate increasing as the sounds began to increase in volume; they were getting closer. 
You packed everything away and straddled Jacob to peer past the wall at the locked door, gun in hand. You cocked it ever so quietly, aiming it square in the centre. Jacob’s blood soaked hand took your chin gently, a complete juxtaposition to the image in front of you. “Hey,” he said. “We’ll come out of this just fine.”
You wanted to believe him. You really did. 
The door handle began to shake. “Fuck, I hope so.”
You’ve never been this scared in your entire life. 
Someone kicked at the door and you flinched. Hands shaking, you tried to steel yourself with a deep breath. Pulling the hammer down, you waited as a boot came down two, three, four times. The fifth time actually working took you off guard. Two figures stormed in, and you shot multiple times as they crossed the short distance. The gun was kicked out of your hand and you were thrown off of Jacob to the middle of the room. You blinked as your back hit the floor, hands coming up as a figure landed on you, a hand wrapping around your throat. A man of at least six feet with muscles as wide as your head had you pinned to the floor easily. Instinctively, your hands wrapped around his wrist. 
“Not so fast.” The other figure spoke, and a second later had thrown Jacob into view, a sharp quick to his injured side. He let out a pained noise, bringing a knee up to protect himself. “This one’s in bad shape; wonder if he’s worth it.” A gun was aimed at his head.
Your eyes widened.”No!” You tried to claw the man’s hand off of you. “Please don’t.”
He let out a laugh. “Oh, he’s worth it, alright.” Pulling handcuffs out of his back pocket, he threw a pair to his partner. He squeezed your neck tightly, attracting your hands. He quickly slapped a cuff onto one of your wrists. “Turn around.”
You glared defiantly.
“Turn around, or he dies.”
Your eyes flicked between your attacker and Jacob, who couldn’t put up much of a fight in his half lucid state; restraining him took almost no effort at all, and now he had a gun pointed at his brain. 
You gave in, not turning around but allowing him to move you into his desired position to bind your hands behind your back. He leaned into your ear. “When we get back, you’ll be worrying about more than a bullet wound.” 
He pulled you up harshly by the arms. Simultaneously, two gunshots went off. You lost your balance, falling onto your knees. Looking over the bed, you saw Connor and Altair aiming their guns. “Took you long enough!” All tension dissipated from your body, and you almost collapsed. Altair searched the body for the keys. 
“Jacob?” Connor’s voice sounded from behind you.
“Is he okay?” You had your back to him, but Altair kept you straight.
“Two seconds.” When you felt the cuffs fall off your wrists, you immediately went to Jacob. 
Connor had uncuffed him, but he was still unmoving. “Help me turn him over.” Once on his back, Jacob gasped. 
“Great timing,” he quipped sarcastically. 
“Alright, we get it.” Altair pushed Jacob’s shirt up to see the entire square of gauze a dark red.
“Did you stitch him?” He asked calmly, motioning for the first aid kit.
“We got a little preoccupied.” You couldn’t help but feel guilt over Jacob’s deteriorating condition. You passed him the kit from your bag. 
Altair took it and got to work, as if he’d done this a million times before. 
“What about the bullet?”
“I took it out.” 
Altair sighed. “That was meant to stay in, Jacob.”
At this point, all Jacob could do was smile; vague but smug.
“Altair, how do you know all this?”
He didn’t take his eyes off of Jacob as he spoke. “I used to be in the military.” Noticing Jacob had closed his eyes, he snapped his fingers next to his face. Swallowing, Jacob blinked. “Keep him awake, Connor.” He began to suture. “I-uh, a friend of mine died from an injury in the field. It was my fault. He bled out because I never learned how to stitch a fucking wound. I spent hours afterward learning how to deal with field injuries— I wouldn’t let anyone die on me again.”
He wiped the now closed wound with more gauze, and quirked his lips when he saw that no new blood appeared. He covered the wound with more gauze and taped it down to his skin. “And here I thought you hated me.” Jacob chuckled weakly, trying to sit up. 
“No.” Altair pressed his hand against his chest. Instead, he offered a flask of water. “Drink this.” 
Jacob didn’t question anything, doing what the expert told him. 
“We stay here until he recovers some strength. We won’t be able to carry him back to camp.”
“Are you sure it’s safe here? What if more of their group come and see the massacre?” 
“With any luck, they’ll assume that we’re long gone.”
“Okay.” You sat down, pulling Jacob’s head gently into your lap. “Time to get comfy.”
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merlyn boys (any flavor). “This is an intricately constructed blanket fort. It’d be a shame if it went to waste.”
[...This somehow turned into nearly 1.4K of brotherly banter, and never managed to gain an actual plot.]
From the Comforting Cuddles Starters list
Old enough ‘verse
August 2012
“When you said you wanted to stay for the week, I was more than happy to have you, but I did stipulate that you’d need to help out a bit while I’m at work.”
There’s a faint clank of metal on teeth, then a popping noise as Tommy frees the spoon from his mouth. “And I was more than happy to comply,” he points out, waving both the spoon and the now-empty yogurt container. “See? Did a grocery run, per your request.”
“And I appreciate that,” Connor says, keeping his voice level. His gaze lifts from his brother sitting cross-legged on the living room carpet and scans over the cloth monstrosity that’s consumed his furniture. “But ‘take every sheet and blanket I own and toss them all over the place’ was definitely not one of the suggestions I had.”
Tommy points the spoon again in acknowledgement, before setting it and the yogurt on top of the paper towel on the coffee table. “No, no it was not. This was something I decided to throw in free of charge, because I am such a considerate brother. I can assure you, it’s the most beneficial thing I could possibly do for you.”
“Do enlighten me.” 
“Oh, I will. Because this?” Tommy sweeps his arms dramatically over his head, grazing the heather gray flannel sheet canopied above him. “This is an intricately constructed blanket fort. It’d be a shame if it went to waste.”
“A blanket fort,” Connor repeats slowly, crossing his arms. The corners of his eyes twitch after a moment’s consideration. “Well, you’ve had stupider ideas.”
“I… am not going to deny that,” Tommy jabs his finger at Connor to punctuate, “but I do resent the implication that this counts among them. After all my hard work…” He sighs, more for dramatic effect than out of actual hurt, but otherwise doesn’t budge from his spot. 
Alright, Connor’ll bite.
“So, what’s your pitch?” He steps closer, slow and careful, and stops just shy of the fort’s opening. “How is this supposed to be helpful for me? From where I’m standing, it only looks like a hassle to clean up.” Connor pauses a moment, craning his head to peer under the canopy and into the depths of the fort itself. “You better not have dismantled anything in making this, by the way.”
Tommy holds up his hand in solemn promise. “As much as assembling furniture has a way of bringing people together…”
“Tearing them apart, more like it.”
The raised hand turns into another sharp finger-point. “That only happens if you let the incoherent instructions win.” Tommy calmly lowers his hand to his side and gets them back on track. “But we don’t need to worry about that, because no bookshelves were harmed in the making of this fort. Moved some chairs and appropriated the couch cushions for other purposes, and that’s it—simple enough to put back in order.”
Connor just responds with a flat hum: accepting the conditions, but still not sold. “Again, the point of this?”
Something goes soft in Tommy’s expression, and he leans back against one of the repurposed couch cushions. “Did you ever have one of these, growing up?”
Connor has to actually take a moment and think back, brushing through the thick cluster of cobwebs that’s obscured a number of childhood memories (and which he hadn’t exactly taken measures to prevent). “We would have still been really young, both under ten,” he starts slowly, brow furrowing as the sun-faded recollections surface, “but I think Claire and I made a couple small ones in our rooms, on rainy summer days. D- Cornelius felt strongly about keeping the living room as pristine as one would look in a showroom, so our options were kind of limited.” 
He can’t help the bitterness that slips into his tone at that detail, a telling depiction of the man who (in a very loose sense of the term) raised him and his preoccupation with the Rhodes family’s image.
Tommy closes his eyes and nods sagely at that. “So, about what I expected—it’s been a long time, and you never really got to enjoy the full experience.” Eyes opening once more, he spreads his arms like a showman, complete with a matching grin. “That changes now.”
While that does get Connor to crack a smile of his own and crouch down—not quite ready to duck under the blanket tent, but more receptive—Tommy still hasn’t answered his question in full. “Why now?”
The cheery entertainer’s mask falters like a buffering video, before Tommy lets it slip for good to reveal the quiet, earnest face underneath. “I know I didn’t time this trip well,” he starts, settling against the cushion to look back at Connor. 
Sensing where his brother might be going with this, Connor cuts in with a hasty shake of his head. “We planned this all out well ahead of time. I took a few extra shifts last week in exchange for some of mine being covered while you’re in town.” He shrugs. “I just wasn’t able to take the full week off, and that was beyond our control.”
“Still,” Tommy is quick to fire back, “you had a week with a heavier workload, and no downtime between that and my blowing into town.” He makes a V with his fingers and flicks them between his eyes and Connor’s. “Look me in the eyes and tell me that you’re not burnt out and need a quiet evening.”
That’s a challenge if Connor’s ever heard one—especially given the truth of the accusation—and for as natural as it is for him to rise to it… maybe he’ll let his twin have this win.
(Just this once.)
“Alright, move over,” he sighs, exaggeratedly grudging, as he drops to the carpet and scoots back to join Tommy. “Like you said, could at least get some use out of it before taking it down.”
Tommy’s grin is all too smug as Connor settles in the fort, but he holds his tongue and instead reaches for a small bucket of beer bottles tucked to his right. 
Connor’s eyebrows shoot to his hairline as Tommy rolls back to center and offers up one of the two beers in his hand. “Pretty sure this isn’t part of the usual blanket fort experience.” 
“It’s an adaptation,” Tommy amends, passing the bottle and opener. “If this were truer to form, we’d have a much more expansive—and probably structurally unsound—fort on our hands.” He purses his lips in the facial equivalent of a shrug, accepting the bottle opener from Connor and popping the cap on his own beer. “I decided to go for something more sophisticated, better suited to us in our advanced age.”
Connor comes uncomfortably close to discovering how it feels to shoot beer out of his nose, but manages to avoid it with a hasty swallow. “You. Sophisticated. Right,” he ekes out, voice strained as he clears his throat of rogue alcohol. 
Tommy meets that comment with a friendly shove. “And here I was going to leave you the honor of naming our beautiful fort.”
“It gets a name, now?” Another deep cough, and Connor turns towards his brother with an eyebrow arched in suspicion. “What, are we going to spend the night hanging out in Fort Kickass, or something equally refined?”
Tommy’s face goes disconcertingly contemplative at that. “I think I just changed my mind.”
“Wait, no…”
“I mean, I had ideas, but look at you, Connie, coming up with a real winner right away!”
“That was a— !”
Tommy definitively cuts off Connor’s rebuttals by hoisting his beer and shooting Connor a pointed glance. “To Fort Kickass, and an evening of just chilling.”
As chagrined as he is that the name sarcastically thrown out is going to stick, it just doesn’t feel right for Connor to leave his brother hanging.
“To Fort Kickass,” he finally agrees as he lifts his own bottle, “and to looking out for each other when we need it most.”
Connor can’t fight the smile that comes to his face at the approving clink of their glasses, especially when he sees it mirrored back at him on Tommy’s.
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enkisstories · 4 years
Detroit Become Human AU: A world without Connor
In a recent Sims 4 post Daniel accidently erased Connor from existence by means of using a phrase that could be misunderstood as him making a wish. I made this into a 2,000 words essay.
As for my sims, I focus on playing the Renegades atm, so World without Connor is just a what-if that may or may not happen.
The same soul that incarnated as Cole later became Connor (they are not the same person). Therefore the easiest way to go to erase Connor would be to keep Cole alive. From there ripples spread out, changing history (a little).
Hank is still divorced, the accident still occurs and the human surgeon is still high on Red Ice, but this time the android surgeon manages to save Cole. This results in Hank never plunging into depression. Instead it turns him into an android rights supporter early on and, seeing how respected Hank is/was at the DPD, this attitude spreads to all officers. Some more, some less, naturally. The first visible change is the two receptionist androids coming to life slowly, similar to Markus when he was with Carl.
The Hostage
Daniel kills John and kidnaps Emma just like in canon. However, with no Connor, the officers to arrive at the scene are Hank and Gavin. They find all the clues, then step outside. Hank motions towards Wilson with the intent to save him, Gavin doesn’t really care either way, as Wilson is neither a rival nor helpful for his career. Therefore he focuses on the deviant. Strangely enough, Gavin finds that he can empathize with the machine that was to get replaced. Drawing upon his own fears, Gavin manages to talk Daniel into releasing Emma and surrendering. When Cpt. Allen tries to get a shot, Gavin stands “totally coincidentally” too close to the deviant, therefore Daniel gets taken alive.
Over the next few days Daniel gets questioned and eventually reset to factory settings, because by this time “deviance” is viewed as a bug. Caroline refuses to accept her “repaired” android back, so the DPD simply keeps it as coffee fetcher and janitor. Daniel’s explosive personality surfaces now and then, but goes under the radar, because the cops are way worse to each other.
Now we get to see the results of the DPD officers’ being influenced by a pro-android Hank: The duo who comes over to Manfred Mansion actually asks questions before shooting. They learn the full truth and Markus never gets shot. This seems good for the moment, but will backfire later.
Hank and Ben find and arrest the deviant. Simple as that.
The Interrogation
Daniel is present, excited to meet another deviant. Just like in canon Hank doesn’t get the captive to talk, Gavin suggests violence, Daniel (in Connor’s place) begs to get a chance talking to it and Chris probably learns a lot about how not to be a cop. In the end Gavin goes in, gets a confession, but pressures the deviant too much, resulting in him attacking.
Daniel, still mind-wiped, protects his humans, eventually ends up with a gun in hand and shoots the deviant in panic. He realizes it feels familiar.
“Now that is new”, Gavin comments while Hank orders Daniel to put away the gun. Shaken Daniel demands an explanation. “Down with the gun”, Hank sais again, but despite them having bonded those last two months, Daniel turns around and now they both point their weapons at each other. Again the deviant demands an explanation. Funnily enough Gavin of all people defuses the situation by telling Daniel that if he knew the truth, he’d shoot himself and afterwards Gavin and Hank. Daniel replies this order of events isn’t possible, but Gavin shots back that with Daniel it probably is, seeing how fucking irrational he is. Daniel laughs and lowers the gun.
Waiting for Hank
Everyone is worried. It slowly sinks in that deviance isn’t just a series of glitches, but something different. Captain Fowler wants to take Hank off the deviant cases on account of him being not impartial enough. They argue and in the end Hank stays in the cases, however, he has to accept Gavin as his partner. Fowler claims as the DPD’s most anti-android employee Gavin will balance out Hank’s bias.
For a chuckle the player at this point can tilt the camera to get a look into the cafeteria where the “most anti-android officer” sits, amiably chatting with Tina and Daniel. Any by “amiably chatting” I mean the trio making fun of other officers.
On the run
Ben, Hank and Gavin arrive at the scene and the same dialogue as in canon plays: Ben asks “Have you decided what to do with it?”, only this time he refers to Gavin, not to Connor.
Hank and Gavin chase Kara, under the belief that she uses a little human girl as meat shield. Hank sarcastically comments this must be a deviant’s first instinct, Gavin replies “watch out for Cole”, whereas Hank punches him.
They reach the highway, where Hank orders Gavin to stand down. “Too dangerous.” – “Why’d you care what happens to me? You hated me from the day I started at the DPD, because god forbid a man might ask about advancement options and not work out of their bleeding heart’s desire!” Hank punches him again, because “good” doesn’t “imply “nice”.
The Nest
In the elevator Gavin tries to annoy Hank with coin tricks. He uses a dollar coin, then Hank pulls out two half-dollars and does the same trick, only with two hands at the same time. Both Gavin’s and Hank’s tricks do not compare to Conor’s, by the way.
Gavin gets a little revenge when they discover the pigeons in the apartment. He mercilessly teases Hank about his phobia. Rupert tries to slip away, but gets spotted. The cops give chase, Hank drops, but Gavin pulls him back up. They stare in “Did that just happen?” disbelief. Gavin claims he will always save human lives before destroying android lives, but it is obvious that he had an ulterior motive (Daniel would be sad at Hank’s death). Hank concludes that the deviant’s only crime had been squatting anyway and calls it a day.
Russian Roulette
Cue to an utterly sweet scene in Hank’s house where his ex has just dropped off Cole, who immediately greets Sumo.
Then Daniel knocks at the door. He informs Hank that there is another case to see to and that Captain Fowler sent him to babysit Cole. Hank on the one hand is grateful for Jeff being so considerate, but on the other hand side he is loath to leave Cole with Daniel.
Daniel proceeds to greet Cole and Sumo, but suddenly stiffens. The boy being Emma’s age he suddenly remembers her, but not everything that happened. Daniel asks if John sold him to the cops and adds that he feels like killing him. “You did”, Hank sais. Now everything comes back, Daniel has a breakdown and eventually shuts down on Hank’s kitchen floor. Hank has to google the PL600’s manual to revive him, with much cussing.
The Eden Club
The deviants are never discovered, because Hank is still occupied with Daniel and Gavin comes to the same premature conclusion as in canon.
Public Enemy
Tina is present and due to her apathetic nature Perkins takes her for an android. Gavin flares up. He then proceeds to interrogate the three androids in the kitchen while Hank inspects the roof.
Hank discovers Simon, but takes him for Daniel. Realizing that whoever this Daniel is, he must be a deviant and sort of friends with these humans, Simon plays along. He agrees to “return” to the DPD with Hank. He also claims he has identified the deviant. Gavin is at first grumpy, but then he laughs and sais “Of course you would, after all, I trained you!”
On the way back, Simon and the deviant JB300 escape (and subsequently return to Jericho).
Hank and Gavin think Daniel has just defected right in front of their eyes. They are disappointed to no end, but learn the truth when they return to the police station where the real Daniel waits with Cole and Sumo. “I didn’t want to be alone, but I couldn’t leave them alone either, so I brought them…”
Meeting Kamski
Since we have lost/let escape each and every evidence, we now have to kill Chloe.
Hank, Gavin and Daniel go visit Kamski. Daniel remembers more about the Phillips, namely their swimming pool and John’s love for technology. He gets increasingly angry and when asking the android creator doesn’t get them answers, he pulls Gavin’s gun at the man. After little more dialogue and maneuvering, it becomes apparent to the humans that Daniel won’t shoot, but Chloe is unaware of this and goes in-between Daniel and Elijah. Daniel panics and accidently pulls the trigger, killing her. Kamski informs the cops that all the information they need is in her brain.
Last Chance, Connor
Perkins arrives and states that the FBI will take over, despite Hank’s protests that they now have a lead.
Meanwhile Cole has nicked his father’s keycard and goes adventuring. He correctly guesses his dad’s password. Perkins finds out, grabs the boy and drags him back up the stairs. Hank doesn’t take kindly to his kid being handled like this and beats up Perkins.
This allows Gavin and Tina to dress up Daniel as a deviant. He wants to go to Jericho to learn what and who he is as well as everything about deviance. Hank still sort of trusts Daniel. He strongly believes now that socialization is the key, a fully socialized android like Markus won’t go on a murderous rampage and one like Daniel is able to keep their shit together with a little effort. Tina says “Let’s face it, Gavin, he’s no more instable than you are, or any of us. The only difference is that with androids we didn’t expect it.”
Daniel meets the deviant leaders. He is surprised to find a collective instead of a strict hierarchy: Lucy is the metaphysical leader, Simon the secular leader, Josh the diplomat and North the general. And they squabble about as much as his cops.
However, little Cole has curiously followed the deviant and the FBI in turn has followed Cole (Perkins placed a bug on Cole back at the DPD) and now all hell breaks loose. Daniel is forced to flee with the deviants.
Night of the Soul
The deviants regroup. With Lucy dead, Simon, Josh and North argue how to react to the Recall. Daniel once again is disappointed and angry. He votes for attacking the camps. With the other three all contrary his vote turns out to be the decisive one.
Battle for Detroit
Hank and Cole are reunited, but the android surgeon who saved Cole’s life is in danger of getting carted to the recycling camps. Hank is close to drinking himself into oblivion, something he has last done during his divorce. A handful of cops decides on a whim to aid their Lieutenant in getting the hospital androids to safety. Since most of them are not deviants, the androids refuse to leave their workplaces. Footage of androids defending from the army to continue to care for humans goes around all the news channels.
Meanwhile North’s group has succeeded in taking over the camps. Perkins arrives at the scene, but he has only a handful of agents with him. Daniel steps up to him and asks “Looking for the rest of your team? The agents you positioned at the other camps? Uh, bad news. There were no journalists…” With North and Daniel as their leaders the deviants didn’t hesitate to kill their enemies, especially with no witnesses around. Perkins, who normally doesn’t show or even feel emotions, snaps. He is about to call in an airstrike on the neighborhood. North counter-threatens with the dirty bomb. The only one who might have been able to defuse the situation, Josh, is dead.
Daniel knows he can stop either North or Perkins, the other will press the trigger. If he stops North, he will die, but his human friends, Emma, Cole, Hank and Gavin, will live. If he stops Perkins, the humans will die, but he won’t. After everything sacrificing themselves is too much to ask for, so Daniel knocks out Perkins. Miraculously North doesn’t immediately trigger the bomb, but Daniel still feels like shit. Loyalty is important to him and his loyalties now lie with the DPD cops (not the DPD as an institution), yet he let them down.
Now North has looked up to Daniel the moment they met. After all, he didn’t take shit from his humans, from her point of view he “showed them”. She didn’t understand what exactly she felt, her feelings for Daniel always were different from those towards Josh and Simon. Now she realizes it isn’t just her-worship, but attraction and although North hates doing the same motions she had to do as a sexbot, she motions to kiss Daniel.
Cue to the “Kiss” ending and since public opinion should be in favor of androids, we have achieved sort of a good ending.
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thewritewolf · 5 years
Two Cursed Detectives in Paris Chapter 6: Case Closed
All four of our heroes hang out together, just before Eerie and Connor head back to the United States.
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 (Final)
Read on Ao3
“You know what? I think that’s enough English practice for today,” Connor said, throwing his controller onto the couch.
“Wow! Ten minutes and you’re already sick of losing,” Adrien replied with fake sweetness. “That has to be a new record!”
Connor slowly turned toward Adrien and narrowed his eyes. Wrestling the model boy to the ground as pay back was out of the question. Not just because Adrien was a lot more nimble than Connor, but also because Connor had already eaten an entire pizza and the box it came in. Sudden exertion right now wasn’t much of an option. Instead, he settled for glaring at his student.
“Can’t believe I fell for that sweet kid routine when I first met you.” Connor crossed his arms and shook his head. “You’re a little butt when you want to be.”
Adrien stuck his tongue out at Connor, leading the grown man to stick his tongue out right back, with even more vitriol. The next couple minutes were spent just trying to one up each other in an arms race of similar acts of maturity.
Eventually, Adrien asked, “Okay, as fun as this is, what are we actually going to do now? We still have a couple hours that we’re supposed to doing practices.”
“Hm…” Connor stared out the window for a moment. “Wanna go visit the girls?”
“I’d love to!” Adrien’s eyes widened. “Oh, wow! Does this mean I’ll finally get to meet Eerie too?”
“Huh? Oh, right. I guess you haven’t met her yet, huh?” Connor checked the time on his phone. “Yeah, her shift is still going. Although… shoot.”
“She might be doing deliveries. Well, let’s head over anyway. Miss Eerie won’t stop talking about how good their pastries are and I want to get at least one… what are they called? ‘Pain au chocolat’?”
Adrien’s face lit up. “Hey, you got it right! Good job!”
Coming from anyone else, Connor might have glared at them for being sarcastic, but Adrien was nothing if not sincere. Occasional teasing aside.
“Of course I did. Now come on, let’s head out.”
The trip to the bakery only took them about ten minutes, enough time for Connor’s stomach to quiet down as he breathed in the scent of baked goods. After saying a few parting words to the Gorilla, Adrien joined him, practically vibrating with excitement. It brought a smirk to Connor’s face. Ah, to be young and in love…
Connor opened the door to the bakery and the first thing he saw was Eerie leaning on the counter. His smirk blossomed into a full-blown grin as she turned toward the sound of the bells above the door. A smile to mirror his own appeared on her face when she recognized him.
“Connor! I wasn’t expecting to see you until later. What’s up?”
“We finished early and wanted to celebrate with something tasty.” He stuck a thumb at Adrien, who was trying to catch a peek through the door that lead into the house part of the business. “This guy wouldn’t stop talking about his girlfriend though, so I thought we’d kill two birds with one stone.”
It was at that moment that Marinette appeared, cheeks flushed as she caught the tail end of their conversation. Her eyes flickered to Adrien, whose face was beet red.
“Connor!” Adrien whined.
The man in question simply shrugged. “What? It’s true.”
While Adrien sputtered indignantly, Eerie smacked Connor’s arm.
“Leave the poor boy alone! I think it’s cute.”
“I never said it wasn’t,” Connor grumbled as he stacked a few pain au chocolats onto the counter in front of a confused giant of a man. The man said something in French to Eerie that Connor couldn’t follow. She replied and a knowing smile crossed his face. He added an extra croissant to Connor’s order, free of charge.
“...What did you say to him?”
“He asked who you were, I said that you’re my partner.”
Marinette quipped something from behind Eerie and all of them laughed. Connor’s tail flicked back and forth - the only thing he caught that time was ‘petit dechat’.
“Don’t worry,” Adrien said, his laughter dying down. “It’s, um, it’s just a French term of endearment.”
“Yeah? ‘Little trash cat’ is a common expression, huh?” Connor crossed his arms and pouted. Before Adrien could respond, Connor asked, “I was kinda expecting you to be working, boss. What gives?”
“The Dupain-Chengs gave me the day off to explore Paris as a thank you for a job well done,” Eerie said proudly.
“Well, we don’t want to disappoint.” Connor smiled. “What does Paris have to offer us, then?”
Marinette perked up and started talking animatedly. The gist he was getting of the conversation was that she had a lot of places that she’d love to show them. After Eerie exchanged some cheek kisses with the two bakers, the four of them left to explore the city.
“...With her hair fluffed out like that, she scared the daylights out of those teens.” Connor smirked over his coffee. The cafe was one of Marinette’s favorites and Adrien could easily see why as he took a sip of his own beverage. “But after the first time, it’s actually pretty cute.” Nudging his blushing partner, he added, “Wouldn’t you say so, mon petite chouette?”
Eerie was covering her face in embarrassment. “Do you really need to tell them that story?”
“It was a great use of your powers! Why wouldn’t I?”
As the two began to playfully argue, Adrien grabbed his chin and narrowed his eyes in thought.
“Something up, Adrien?” Marinette asked in their native French.
“You don’t think… No it can’t be.” He dropped his voice to a whisper so only she could hear him. “They are dating, right?”
Marinette blinked up at him. “Well… yeah? Of course. They have to be. It seems pretty obvious.”
“Maybe we should ask, just to be sure.”
“Good idea, just try to be discreet about it. You don’t want to put them on the spot if they aren’t.”
“You got it.” Switching to English, Adrien asked, “Hey!” Connor and Eerie looked back at him, eyes still full of laughter from their banter. “You two are dating, right?”
Their pupils shrunk to pinpricks as they gaped at Adrien before glancing at each other, a furious blush mirrored on both of their faces.
“She’s my intern!”
“We’re not like- No!”
“I mean I guess we’re close but-”
“Just because we’re good friends doesn’t mean-”
Adrien held up his hands. “Sorry, sorry! I just wanted to be sure that's all.”
Hesitantly, the two went back to chatting between themselves and Adrien relayed what they said to Marinette.
Marinette winced. “Yeah, I heard the ‘good friends’ part.”
“Huh? You understood that?”
“Of course. After all this time, I can understand ‘good friend’ in four or five languages.”
“Wow! Why’s that?”
Marinette gave him a long, hard look, seemed like she was going to say something, thought the better of it and just gave him a quick peck on the cheek.
“Don’t worry about it, sweetie. And don’t worry about them either - something tells me things will work out for them just fine.”
Eerie followed behind Connor and shakily took her spot beside him. Just like before, he had taken the window seat. It might not have been much to anyone else, but she was touched at how he did everything he could to make this seven hour flight bearable for her.
Like last night, when he tried his best to keep them both awake for as long as possible. By his reasoning, it was harder to panic at the flight when you were out cold. Unfortunately, the long hours they’d spent putting the pieces of the puzzle together had left her exhausted. They might have had the evidence to nail their forger to the wall, but she was fast asleep shamefully early because of it.
A creaking noise made her painfully aware of her talons and how they were starting to crush the armrests. It was enough to wake Connor up from his nap. While she had failed to stay up, he’d had no such problems, binging whole movies. Waking her up hadn’t done much beyond making her grouchy, but she was wishing now she’d given it more effort.
Blearily, Connor’s eyes moved from the armrest to her face. He yawned and held out his hand to her. It took a few moments of staring before she realized he was waiting for her to take it. In any other circumstances, she might have hesitated, but she was willing to take any scrap of comfort she could get ahold of. Literally in this case.
His gloved fingers intertwined with hers, his thumb circling the back of her hand in a calming motion. She wouldn’t say she was feeling good about the whole flying thing now, but she was at least feeling better.
Better enough that she was suddenly aware of how intimate the gesture was. Eerie had found out early on that the sensitivity of his hands made stuff like this very… personal. After that question from Adrien, she couldn’t help but ask herself if this was just comforting a friend or something more. She sat with eyes locked forward, biting her lip worriedly and wondering if she was looking too much into this.
Building up her courage, she looked over to Connor to ask him, only to see that he’d fallen asleep. His tail was cuddled up close to him as he drooled into it. Despite that, he still held onto her - gently but firmly. Enough to let her know he was still there. Her worries melted away as she looked into his serene sleeping face.
She was leaning forward before she knew it, but she stopped herself just short of kissing his forehead. She quickly pulled back, shoving an errant lock of hair behind her ear. What was she thinking?
Then she took another look at him, her heart softening as she watched him breath the slow and steady rhythm of those deep in slumber. She reached out her right hand, felt the fur of his raccoon ears under her fingers as she rubbed them. His blank expression turned into a blissful smile.
Pulling away, Eerie settled in for the long flight ahead, feeling more at peace than she ever had on a plane before.
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fandom-necromancer · 4 years
988. “How do you want this to go? You can play this out, or I can kill you right here and now.” “Dude, we’re playing chess.”
This was prompted by the amazing @sv926! I loved writing something for Allen60 again!
Fandom: Detroit become human | Ship: Allen60 (Warnings: time in hospital, short description of violence and wounds)
Being a SWAT-Captain wasn’t the safest job to have, but no matter what his work demanded from him, he still loved it. It felt him with pride with every mission well done and he knew he was doing the right thing. Most of the time he came back unscathed or suffering minor wounds or bruises. He had counted himself lucky that he had never experienced any job that really had gone south and ended with casualties or hospitalisations. Much of it he supposed was because of the new, trusty android by their side. Sixty was a remarkably efficient addition to the force, even if most had been sceptic inviting someone who had nearly killed Connor and possibly Hank. But Sixty proved himself worthy of a place amongst them. Allen didn’t know how many of his men and women had been saved by this one robot alone. Sure, he was a competitive, self-entitled pain in the ass, but not undeserved.
Unfortunately, regardless of the amount of luck one could accumulate, some time it always had to eventually run out. And this had been his time: A raid of a warehouse rented by an android-trafficker had ended in the androids they had tried to safe from being sold as factory-reset machines attacking them, aiding the criminals in their retreat. They faced nearly the triple amount of enemies they had initially expected and had to quickly retreat themselves. Allen had ordered Sixty to leave his side and help another officer that was about to be cornered. But his attention had been with them both for too long, not seeing the two hacked androids charging into his side, ripping his Kevlar-armour open and shooting thrice through the opening before his team could get them off of him.
He had no memories of being outside the warehouse afterwards, an ambulance or even how much it had hurt. They simply stopped after these three bangs and his name being screamed by a familiar voice that normally sounded as if nothing could bother him and he was bored all the time. It wasn’t this time. His memories came back when he had woken up at the hospital, hooked up to all sorts of beeping equipment around him. A doctor had told him what had happened exactly, but he had been too dazed from painkillers to really understand everything. What he got from it though was that it had been bad. Chances fifty-fifty or worse of him dying. But he was stable now, he had defied the odds and from now on it was a question of how fast his body would restore itself.
He spent most of this asleep, but in his waking hours he read the get-well-soon cards on his bedside table. One from his SWAT-team, one from his brother, one from the police-team, one from Fowler and… one from Sixty personally? It was just a white piece of cardboard, “You better heal fast -60” the only thing written on it. He chuckled at the weirdly personal note and regretted it as his chest flared up even through the painkillers.
After a few days the personal visits came. His brother telling him to finally quit this job and find something calmer. Then the SWAT-team was crowding the little room. They all wished him to get better from the heart and Allen appreciated them all coming. But in the end, he couldn’t help but ask: ‘Did Sixty come too?’ It was silent, until one spoke up: ‘We asked him, but he didn’t want to come. Gave us shit because “humans need peace and quiet to get well again”. I’m sure he means well and hopes you come back soon, too.’ ‘Yeah’, Allen waved the embarrassment away. ‘Tell him I’ll hurry.’ This earned him a few chuckles and they took their leave. He was moved by them all coming to wish him well, but somehow Sixty not being there stung.
He was left to go home a few weeks later, upper body wrapped in bandages still and his arm in a sling. But finally leaving the hospital felt like he was finally free. His own home simply felt more comfortable by far. He struggled opening the door with his nondominant hand and was greeted by Leslie frantically wagging her tail and a few low barks. ‘Yeah, missed you too, old girl.’ He stored his clothes away and sat himself on his couch, treating his dog with long overdue clumsy cuddles. In the evening he made himself some instant noodles. Not the best food, but easy enough to prepare with one hand. After eating, he really didn’t feel like suffering through the procedure of “showering” by rubbing himself off with a cloth and went straight to bed.
The next morning started with cereal and coffee together with mindless TV, then he had wanted to catch up on his missed shower, but was caught midway by the doorbell ringing. He looked at it in bewilderment for a moment, before shrugging, hissing at the sudden pain it caused and opening. ‘Sixty?’ ‘Good to see you didn’t get hit in the head’, the android greeted him. ‘Now will you let me in or not?’ ‘Excuse me?’ Sixty sighed as if it was the most obvious thing. ‘You are not capable of caring for yourself with your injuries. As your partner I am obligated to help you until you are back to full functionality.’ ‘What?’ ‘Can you speak in something else despite questions?’ ‘Er… yes. You want to help me?’ ‘Obviously.’ ‘ObViOusLY’, Captain Allen repeated sarcastically. ‘Wouldn’t have thought so after everyone visited me except for you.’ ‘I wouldn’t have been of help there. All I would have done was distracting you from healing.’ ‘That… That isn’t really how it works…’ ‘Fine. Now would you finally let me in? I bought you supplies to cook with.’
Allen finally let Sixty in, more because he knew he couldn’t argue with the stubborn machine anyways. ‘So, you are not at work then?’, he asked instead. ‘Are they even capable to work with your mechanical genius gone?’ ‘They have to. You are my partner, I still technically can’t so anything without you around even with the laws in place. Whether I’m at work or here makes no difference and here I can be of help.’ ‘And… Just out of curiosity… How long do you plan on staying?’ ‘Until you are fit to come back to work of course.’ ‘Of course…’
It had been a week since Sixty had decided to temporarily move in. The Captain found that he was indeed thankful for his help. Eating something actually cooked was a welcome alternative to takeout and frozen pizza. Someone helping with cleaning and taking the dog out when it was raining, and you couldn’t hold an umbrella and the leash without getting the bandages wet was also a huge relief. What was his main problem with this arrangement was the small-talk. They both had a lot of free time and just sitting there in silence wasn’t really an option for him. Sixty didn’t seem to mind, but Allen lived in an atmosphere of awkwardness he despised. They talked about work first. Allen had asked how the rest of the team was faring, whether they had caught their traffickers again and as he learned, that no, they hadn’t, what steps they were taking to get back on their trail. But after that it was difficult to find anything to talk about. Sixty mostly giving him one-worded answers didn’t help, too. ‘Hey, what do you do after work normally?’ ‘Usually more work.’ ‘Usually?’ ‘Hobbies otherwise.’ ‘Hobbies?’ ‘Yes.’ ‘What hobbies are you interested in?’ ‘Hmm… several.’ ‘Could you name one?’ ‘Yeah.’
Allen stopped trying after a while and ended up on the sofa most days. But the boredom nagged at him and he couldn’t help but groan. ‘Everything okay?’ ‘Yes…’, he sighed. ‘Just bored.’ ‘Do something then.’ ‘Yeah, and what?’ ‘Dunno.’ ‘Hmmm. Same.’
In the end he rummaged through his cupboards, trying to find anything he could fumble with. He knew his old Rubik’s cube had to be here somewhere. He had never managed more than one row, but maybe now his time had come. He didn’t find it, maybe he would have had he searched more, but he stopped as his hands had found a  certain box. ‘Hey, Sixty, you up for a game?’
Allen had just set up the pieces on the table, as Sixty leaned over it. They started taking turns playing and the android had been silent, as always. Until at a certain point he leaned back and grinned. ‘Now, how do you want this to go? You can play this out, or I can kill you right here and now.’ Allen looked up from the board. ‘Dude, we’re playing chess.’ ‘And? I never half ass things. Get your head in the game, I could end this in four turns.’ The Captain sighed. ‘Wouldn’t hurt you to relax a little…’ ‘Relaxing nearly got you killed.’ Allen blinked. ‘What did you just say?’ ‘Relaxing nearly got you killed’, Sixty repeated. ‘Excuse me?’ He couldn’t believe the audacity of- ‘If you want to insult my abilities, you really have bad timing. If you want a fight, I would wait until I’m not only a brawl away from opening my wounds again!’
Sixty immediately had his hands up to stop him. ‘Me relaxing nearly got you killed, Captain. It is my fault you are suffering like this.’ Maybe these were the most words Sixty had continuously spoken this week, but the human didn’t realise it. ‘You- Are you really blaming yourself for what’s happened to me?’ ‘Yes.’ ‘You have to explain that to me.’ ‘You ordered me to go help Charly. But Had I stayed by your side this wouldn’t have happened.’ ‘Then I shouldn’t have sent you away. Or I should have watched my surroundings more. This isn’t your fault, Sixty. Stuff like this happens.’ ‘Not if I can help it.’ ‘Sixty, you may be an android, but you too are not without error. No one is. And I definitely don’t blame you!’ The android stayed silent and stared at their forgotten chess-match. ‘Is this why you are doing this?’, Allen asked softly. ‘Is this why you didn’t visit me at the hospital with the others? Are you feeling guilty about this?’ ‘Yes! Yes, I am! Are you happy now? I failed protecting my partner. I may not be completely perfect, but I could have done better than that! You should ask for a different partner. I would understand it.’
Captain Allen sat there staring at the angry, pouting android. He couldn’t help but laugh. ‘What? What is your problem, human? What’s so funny?’ ‘God, Sixty, you surely are the most stubborn person I have ever met! I am not happy knowing you stress yourself about a known and frequent risk this job simply brings along. You don’t know how much you helped reducing that risk, but it is never gone completely. No one knows everything. Not even you. I would never in my life ask for a different partner, you are stupid for thinking I would. Maybe you could have done better, who knows. Then this will be a lesson to learn for us. No one died. I’m the only one of us severely injured. For not knowing we would be up against triple the amount of people, this mission went extraordinarily well. Please, don’t blame yourself. Who knows what would have happened had you stayed, and Charly would have been alone? Personally, I don’t want to think about that scenario.’ ‘This isn’t exactly something I can simply switch off, Captain.’ ‘I know. Believe me, I know… The guilty feeling never leaves you really. But it is the past. I know if I can help it, I’ll never get into a similar situation again and if I can’t, well… I chose this job. I know what it entails.’ Again the android didn’t say anything. ‘I don’t know what the future holds in check for me. For us. For everyone out there. But I know, I would rather face it with you by my side, okay?’ There was a faint blue blush on Sixty’s face and before Allen could think about what he had just said, he answered lowly: ‘I feel the same way. I’m sorry I wasn’t there at the hospital, it had been selfish of me.’ Allen smiled. ‘You are here now.’
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silcojinx · 5 years
Hank x Connor: Is Hank Connor’s ‘Special Interest’? Long post but important...
Okay so let me start off with a disclaimer....While I am 100% certain that Connor was written to have ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder) This was not confirmed or denied by the creator or any of the team that worked on Detroit. That said there is actual proof to determine that he, in fact, was written to have ASD. So much proof that it cannot be considered a coincidence. I am NOT self projecting I am simply going over canon facts. Also this is going to be a long post but please stick with me until the end because I am going to explain how this all links to Hank x Connor. 
🌟*it should be noted that I am an adult female on the Autistic spectrum so I can relate to many of these things but I will keep to the facts in the game. Also I am not stereotyping in any way. These are just well known autistic factors that Connor is exhibiting....🌟
So first let me establish what actually fits the bill in terms of Autistic behaviors. So that we can know that Connor canonly has ASD.
1. Connor has a STIM....✅
A STIM or a self-stimulatory behaviour, also known as stimming and self-stimulation, is the repetition of physical movements, sounds, words, or moving objects.  For an autistic person this is an extremely important because this motion can help ease anxiety in stressful situations. 
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Connor’s STIM would be flipping his coin. A repetitive motion that he does in stressful and anxiety inducing situations. This makes senses as to where and when we see Connor play around with his coin. 
During the elevator ride to his first mission: 
(thinking about what his mission will be like with anticipation anxiety)
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Before meeting Hank for the first time: 
(attributed to social anxiety)
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And again in the elevator with Hank in the chapter “Public enemy”: 
(After Amanda tells him “ I may have to replace you Connor...” and “Something’s happening, something serious...Hurry Connor. Time is running out” )
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This one is the most telling pieces as the camera shot pans to Connor’s face and the blank stare he has tells the tale of the thoughts that are bothering him and stimming is almost an unconscious decision meant to make the stimmer feel at ease with their own nerves by distracting the brain with repetitive motions. Think of stimming as an outward expression of the abundant thoughts that run quickly through the Autistic person’s mind. 
2. Connor Reconstructs while Markus Pre-constructs✅
This is a big part of ASD for a lot of autistic people (myself included) and this is a literal translation into physical form of what we/they go through on a daily basis and this has to do with impulse control and executive function (or the ability to control your impulses)
Executive dysfunction, which is common in people with autism, refers to a lack of one or more of the common executive skills or a tendency of these skills to require more time and effort than they usually do for other people. 
This is also applied to Connor through the “Reconstructing function” that was programmed into his model. And once again there is proof that he not only doesn’t think about the consequences before acting but that he also has more trouble then the “normal android” when it comes to pre-constructing or thinking about the actions he takes first.
When Markus preconstructs a scenario this is essentially him thinking about how to do things before hand as we can see that he has the ability to warn himself of impending dangers.
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As he thinks about the options carefully and in detail (like in the GIF above) he knows the option he is trying to take is dangerous because it “would be too high” to reach. 
The earliest we see Connor do anything even remotely close to preconstructing (prior to meeting Markus and we will talk about that in a minute) is the chase scene when he is running after Rupert...
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 By pressing R2 you can see the different options and this means that Connor can actively assess the situation however it is not in as much detail as Markus’. He sees that it is dangerous but he has no clue about what would happen if he takes the route he chooses as his assessment is only “Fast but risky” or “Safe but slow” so he actually not predicting outcomes. It is also worth noting that in his Reconstruct mode he can only rewind the events after they have already taken place. This means that he didn’t need to think about the events leading up to the end result he just watches the playback after the crime has already been committed. 
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This is Connor not being able to see the end result of his actions similar to how impulse control problems happen in Autistic people....the action is taken and then reflected upon which can be dangerous and even deadly in many situations.
The difficulty that Connor experiences with actually executing a full Pre-construction is shown in the game as well as he is only able to run a full pre- construction after meeting Markus. All interactions was reconstructing until this point.
 This brings me to Connor’s social interactions as lack of impulse control, basic understanding of human emotions, and what is appropriate vs what is not to say in public is prominent in Connor’s dialogue.
3. Connor does not understand implications or jokes✅
Who could forget the first time Connor met Hank in the bar and Hank sarcastically asks Connor if he “knows where he can stick his instructions” Connor looks  confused and replies...”No...Where?”
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He wasn’t trying to be funny he really did not get the joke nor the implication that Hank was trying to make here and asked with genuine intrigue. It is typically the case that most people with Autism (again including myself) they do not understand jokes or how to respond to them. Being analytical in nature some jokes are beyond them and they just do not know how to respond. Its common for males in particular on the autistic spectrum to over analyze the situation and think that the joke is actually serious communicating.
So we hit 3 major ASD traits:
1. Connor has a STIM ✅
2. Connor has impulse control problems✅
3. Connor has trouble with social skills✅
And that is just the tip of the iceburg....but lets move on. Another thing that Autistic people tend to do is have a special interest. This is something that the autistic person becomes emotionally attached to and wants to learn everything about.
  “ One characteristic or autistic trait that is commonly seen in individuals with autism spectrum disorders, or Asperger’s Syndrome is a preoccupation with areas of “special interests.” So common is this trait of autism that it is listed as one of the diagnostic criteria of the disorder.” - Jeannie Davide-Rivera of aspiewriter.com
So what is Connor’s special interest you ask? And how did it develop?
Well lets start with the latter. A special interest starts with a pique of interest. (which I believe to be the scene at Jimmy’s bar) Then it evolves into a desire to learn everything about the subject and then share that knowledge with everyone else. The autistic person then dedicates every second of their free time to learning about and talking about the subject they have chosen.
“Most people with autism have particular favorite subjects. Special interests can simply be like hobbies or careers only more so: someone on the spectrum can dedicate an immense amount of time to their special interest, even dedicating every free moment to it.” -AmbitiousAboutAutism.org.uk
So what does Connor do in his free time?
At the Office.... (this is Connor learning about Hank after the initial pique of interest in his spare time at the office)
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At Hank’s House it becomes an objective.... (This is Connor wanting to “Learn more about Hank” in his free time at Hank’s house *Notice “LEARN MORE is in bold white text while the rest is normal)
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There is even a trophy for this if you learn everything there is to know about Hank.
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My conclusion is yes, Hank is Connor’s ‘Special Interest’ 
“Furthermore, and maybe most importantly, these interests feed the autistic mind and soul. It is what calms, focuses, and brings pleasure. It is a way that these individuals decompress from a stressful day; a way to shut out the world for a while in order to refocus and recharge.” - Jeannie Davide-Rivera  at aspiewriter.com
But there is another side to the symbolic flipping of Connor’s coin here. And that is an obsession. The way Detroit is written never ceases to amaze me at how in depth they take their symbolism and this is no different as Hank is meant to represent the “special interest” there is also one other thing that Connor can ultimately care about and that is his mission.
The two paths you can take as Connor comes down to Hank or The Mission..... Hank is the good healthy way of dealing with a “special interest” and the mission? Connor going down “machine path” is symbolic for an interest (the mission) becoming and absolute OBSESSION. And it is important to note the difference between Special interest and Obsession.  
A special interest is something with special meaning and emotional attachment for the autistic person that they are willing to put in a lot of time and energy in their free time to learn about and this is also different from a hobby in the amount of time thinking about the subject in said free time. Where as an obsession has climbed to a point that the autistic person can no longer think of anything but the subject...like everything else becomes invalid to them.
I have heard a unanimous verdict among fans (<---me included) that machine Connor is “scary” and why do you think that is? It is because literally nothing matters to him but the mission. 
He becomes cold, distant, and obsessed.
“When intensity and focus on an activity excludes everything else in the person’s life, the interest may be spiraling out of control. It is not uncommon for an autistic person to focus for hours on end engrossed in their area of interest. The intensity of focus shuts out the world around them to the point that hours and days can go by without even a thought of eating. Interruptions are unwelcomed, and can cause feelings of anger to surface. Even a routine bathroom break is seen as an unwanted interruption and source of irritation.” - Jeannie Davide-Rivera  aspiewriter.com
So when the interest becomes an obsession any interruption of them thinking about the subject is unwelcome and they become ANGRY.
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In the Gif above Connor is too far into his “machine path” or no longer feels the emotions that come with a ‘special interest’ (or Hank) and is instead into the “obsessed path” He no longer even cares about DYING. Instead with his last words are “We’ll meet again Markus.....This isnt over” 
He no longer cares about himself “The mission is all that matters”
Also it is important to note that this is a MENTAL HEALTH STRUGGLE.
And I can’t get over the fact that there is so many messages within this game. Cyberlife made Connor a deviant from the start in order to learn in real time how deviants think and act in certain situations. (<---as stated in my previous theory about Connor) So it is not far fetched to say that Cyberlife made him AUTISTIC from the start learning both how to stamp out deviance AND take control of mental health “problems” in one fell swoop. This also makes a point about society and how they view Autism and mental health problems in general....as if they are a “glitch” in your code and needs to be “dealt with” or “cured”
But the silver lining of this is there is another option for Connor. Another message this game gives is that one person can make the difference in the struggle with your mental health problem if they give the unconditional love and support that you need...
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*BONUS* Autism Speaks color is blue...
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Simon-Data Anon again.. just realized that the last ask wasn't anonymous 😅 could you maybe refrain from revealing my account pls? Sorry for the notice
Hello Simon-Data anon! ❤️
Hahaha no worries, I got you hon ;) 
Here’s the ask you sent!
Hey! Simon-Data anon here. That last ask tho… *kisses fingertips* Such good stuff. It got me thinking about a Sherlock Holmes- style AU, set in Victorian times, where Connor is a detective working in London, and Ona is his assistant/secretary/partner in crime? Either that, or Ona could be an Irene Adler type of character, who is a high-society criminal that outwits Connor at every turn, but who also is the source of his affection?
I’m happy you enjoyed the reply!! :D I got carried away but uhgrrfjkd that AU got me good. I’m a huge SW fan and I really really want to draw and write more about this AU!
I really like both options! I cannot chose hahaha. But Ona as his very capable assistant/secretary/partner in crime? Fuck yes. She knows all his quirks, routines, she knows him quite well as she has to work for him quite close and sometimes things being a little bit personal. Just. Under a very professional view. Yes.
But Ona knows when a cup of tea and some biscuits help his deep frown go away, when a certain tune lulls him into a more calm state, his particular way of thinking and getting to conclusions where he often asks for her presence when he recreates a scene, or he just barges into her desk and proceeds to spit out a monologue about the case he’s working on (it helps him think and Ona gets up to go to the kitchen and put the kettle on the fire, Connor following her like a poodle while he keeps talking)…
Connor doesn’t realise how much he depends on her when she calls in sick one day and finds himself in an empty and very quiet home. Even if he tries to give her time to recover and tries to work and do his monologues out loud, he misses her comments, her thoughts, the tiny details that may escape him that she finds and gives them back to him.
So don’t be surprised if Connor is in a sour mood for the entire day and becomes a tiny bit more clingy when she’s back. Connor doesn’t realise himself how much he loves her until an investigation goes wrong and the murderer decides to take her hostage as a way to dissuade Connor from keep looking his way. Needless to say Connor is a barely functional mess with his mind never haven’t been this sharper. And well, if the murderer was delivered to the police unconscious, nobody would have said a thing.
BUT! But, Ona being a high-social criminal is an idea that is so, so appealing. 
She’s witty, sarcastic and Connor cannot help but be enamoured by her, even if he knows she is, indeed, a criminal. But Gods, their conversations and the way she makes the men in the room look like illiterate idiots. Cultured, well read... She would have been labelled the “perfect wife material” if it wasn’t because of her attitude, very frowned upon in this society. 
And well, her being a criminal.
But the tension they would have when alone in a room, walking closer as they speak and rebuke one another, countering their arguments breathlessly... and they find each other so close, noses barely touching, and Connor cannot stop looking at her soft-looking lips and her eyes with the glint of knowledge, so sadly spare in her sex.
Connor has her letters safely stored in his desk drawer and sometimes you can catch him re-reading them with her beautiful calligraphy, as he absentmindedly brushes the scented envelope against his nose, sighing at the soft floral smell of her perfume.
Of course he hasn’t said a thing to anyone, even less to her. But Connor doesn’t know, for as bright as his mind is, that a certain woman who has his affections, has them as well for him.
fuhgnsmfldñlfjgs I love this e___e
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Here's an unfinished fic I was writing earlier this year for a Stan Frederick/EMH Crossover AU. I posted some parts of it when I was originally working on it but I never actually finished writing it (and I probably won't since the new season of SF is coming out) so it never got posted. It literally ends midsentence and I'm not gonna go back and reread the whole thing before I post it but I remember it being good so here you go.
"If we are ever that desperate... " He had trailed off, not even wanting to finish the thought, perhaps not realizing that he may not have been the desperate one after all.
It had been almost a year since the events of 'Amendments'. Almost a year of freedom. Well, kinda. Stan didn't quite know if he would call it freedom. Sure, he was free of Connor, of the monsters that had haunted his past life, but he was on the run, knowing that his monster would be back for the rest of him once it realized it had missed a piece. Sure he was free, but what was freedom if you weren't even really alive to enjoy it, if you were constantly on the run, and if you couldn't go back to the ones you loved for fear of dragging them back down the rabbit hole with you. In this sense, Stan didn't consider himself anymore free than he had been in those years where the monster had lost it's effect on him and he was actually able to help people.
Help people. That wasn't something he quite did anymore either. Obviously he couldn't go back to his position as a 'signal disruptor', that would just pull him back into the fray, and that certainly wasn't an option. Plus, being what he was now, dead but not really, in a way he was just the type of monster he would've been called to investigate in the first place.
A Corruptelum. That's the name he had given to beings like himself back in the old days of investing monsters. Alive, but not quite, a shadow of his former self. He didn't quite like the name anymore, and he wasn't able to rationalize between whether that was because he actually felt the title didn't fit or if he just couldn't quite recognize himself as one of them under that name. Either way it made him uncomfortable applying the term to himself and often he did his best not to think about it, though it was rather hard not to think about, considering his situation.
He had been traveling from place to place, exploring the country as a way to distract himself and stay safe while avoiding places like Maine, New Jersey, Alabama, and Florida, where he knew the monsters often lurked or had victims they were already hunting. Sometimes he fell into the routine of travel so easily that it was almost like he was back on the road investigating again and he almost forgot everything that had led him to this point. Almost.
The only place he could truely cease thought was sleep. Sure, being what he was, he didn't need sleep, but it was a small comfort from his past that he wasn't easily able to abandon in his new form. Most nights were dreamless, an upside considering that almost any dream he did occasionally have seemed to be a nightmare about his monster coming back to collect the pieces it had missed. Even the rare times he had a normal dream he found himself saddened knowing that the dream scenarios he came up with were never going to be real.
Tonight, Stan was almost sure he was having a nightmare when he awoke to unfamiliar surroundings. Well, not quite unfamiliar, the place had a strong hold on his subconscious, he was sure he knew where he was, but he couldn't remember exactly why the place did feel so familiar to him. Either way, it wasn't where he had fallen asleep, and that was never a good sign.
Stan pushed himself to his feet, the air around him crackling with static energy, as if it knew he didn't belong and was trying to push him out. He could sense supernatural power in the house, something that almost felt like a protective force surged through the walls of the home, but more importantly, there was definitely someone, or something, in the house with him, and close too. Alarms were immediately going off in his head. He was starting to realize that this may not have been a nightmare.
He heard the opening and closing of a door somewhere nearby and suddenly the lights flicked on. He blinked to adjust his vision out of instinct, though he didn't actually need to since light levels didn't affect his vision the way it would have if he were truely alive. He was in some sort of livingroom type area, and judging by the small window near the ceiling he thought he may have been in a basement.
Heavy footsteps echoed through the large room. Stan whirled around to face whoever it was walking up on him and was met by a face he had never wanted to see in person. His eyes went wide and he was sure he looked horrified at the realization of where he was. The creature facing him grinned wildly at his terrified expression, a low chuckle escaping his lips as he leaned against the wall casually, looking Stan up an down like a predator would it's prey.
"Stan Frederick, you are a hard man to find." He announced, his voice was rough and low, edged with an echoey static that hinted at his not so human origins. "Or should I call you Evan? That is your real name, right?"
Stan narrowed his eyes, causing his opponents grin to widen further. "Why did you bring me here Habit?" He jumped straight to the point, feigning confidence. He wasn't going to allow Habit to play with him the way he had seen the creature do to others before him.
"Oh, come on, ease up Stan, I'm not gonna hurt you." He paused, chuckling, "... Yet."
Stan took a step back to distance himself, "What do you want?" He questioned bluntly, refusing to give in to Habit's teasing.
"Man, you are seriously no fun." Habit whined sarcastically, standing up straight and stretching his back, the popping of his joints echoing through the room, putting Stan on edge. Well, more than he had been before that is. "And so rude too. You see, I'm trying to be nice to ya' pal, which isn't a pleasure I allow all my guests," His eyes narrowed to a sharp glare as he snarled like the feral monster he was, "So I don't exactly take nicely to your standoffish attitude." His voice was low and threatening, sharp like the edge of a freshly sharpened knife, that demonic undertone that hinted at his true form becoming more prominent.
Stan grimaced, knowing this encounter wouldn't end well if he were to be too stubborn with the creature before him. Habit's rabid smile returned as he realized that Stan understood his thinly veiled threats and would almost certainly be more willing to cooperate.
"So, Stan, buddy, how have things been for you lately?" He questioned, mischievous and arrogant as ever, his lazy, threatening grin gracing his lips once more and his voice sounding almost normal once more. To the point where if an unwitting friend of Evan's were to hear him speak they might just mistake the creature inhabiting their friend's body for their actual friend.
Stan had to hold himself back from rolling his eyes at the question, "Well, you know, not great honestly, considering everything that happened." He answered honestly, annoyance and contempt edging his words.
Habit's grin widened. It was exactly the answer he had wanted and though the words that left his mouth were relaxed and calm, almost lazy, it was obvious he had prepared for this before hand.
"Oh yeah, that's right, you had an... incident, about a year ago, right?" He didn't wait for Stan to respond, continuing with an ever widening smile, "That was a pretty interesting trick you pulled on the old stick-in-the-mud, kind of impressive if I'm being honest." He paused for a second, looking as if he was thinking, "What is it that you called creatures like yourself again?"
He walked across the room theatrically as he continued, his gaze intense, "Alive but not really, a shadow of your former self, a broken puzzle missing its pieces!" He looked to Stan with an excitement in his eyes. Stan was sure at this point that Habit had been preparing for this exact moment for a while.
"A corruptelam." His voice was low and calm, corrupt as ever, "That's what you called them, right?"
If it wasn't for the fact that Stan could quite literally feel the supernatural power flowing off of this creature in waves he may have lashed out. Hearing someone else call him by that title, it hit him hard in a way he hadn't realized it would. He very suddenly regretted coining the term in the first place, as accurate as it was. It was just so dehumanizing. He realized all at once that that was the reason why he had felt uncomfortable applying the title to himself for all this time, the implied lack of humanity that came along with it. For so long, in a world surrounded by monsters, the one thing he had been certain about was his own humanity, the thing that separated him from the creatures before him and joined him with the rest of the world, as fucked up as that world might've been at times. A pit grew in his stomach as the entity before him smiled wickedly at his crestfallen expression.
"Oh, you don't like that, do you?" Habit questioned, amusement clear in his voice.
"Shut up... " Stan's voice was quiet, but commanding.
"But you were the one that coined the term Evan, it's what you are, why is it that you seem so upset then?"
"Stop. Whatever you want, I want no part of it." Stan told him, his voice a bit stronger as he grew angrier at the homicidal entity's mind games. Hearing the creature mutter his real name wasn't helping either. He knew he was being manipulated, but all the same he knew it was effective manipulation, and that scared him more than any title he could be given.
"You say that now, but I have a feeling you'll want to hear me out." Habit smugly suggested.
"And I'm telling you that I don't deal with murderous, baby eating gods with anger issues and a want for war." Stan held his ground, but he honestly wasn't as confident as he sounded.
Habit's face fell, it wasn't hard to tell he was getting tired of Stan's defiance and he didn't try to hide it either.
"Stan, I swear to god, if you don't shut up and hear me out I will feed what's left of you to the old stick-in-the-mud as if I was Micheal goddamn Andersen."
Stan froze. The threat, despite everything, still scared him. The possibility of that monster winning after all the effort he had gone through to make few sure it didn't, it was, in a way, the perfect threat.
"Fine." Stan begrudgingly gave in, arms crossed "Make your offer."
"Perfect." Habit's grin returned as if nothing had happened, "Now Stan, I don't know if you've ever stopped to consider this, but I think it's quite obvious that we share a common enemy."
Stan raised an eyebrow.
Habit sighed in exasperation, "Oh, don't play dumb!" He exclaimed, his patience obviously wearing thin, "I know for a fact that you're not on the stick-in-the-mud's good side, and if you're even half as aware or intelligent as I think you are, then you know that we don't exactly get along well either."
"And?" Stan questioned, just as exasperated as Habit was, if not more.
"If you would just let me finish I'd get to it!" Habit growled, his hand slamming down on the small table next to him.
If Stan didn't know as much as he did about the dangerous entity before him he probably would've been a bit entertained by the dramatic being's frustration. Instead he stood facing a seemingly immortal, openly homicidal, self-proclaimed god, with anger issues currently focus entirely on him, and despite being mostly dead, Stan found fear creeping into his subconscious once more.
Habit took a deep breath and composed himself, his now narrowed gaze focusing back on Stan, "Anyways," He hissed, "You probably know this, but I've been working with
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endoftheworldpaul · 5 years
It's still technically Wednesday for me so looks like we got another close call update!
@dbhrarepairs Here's my submission for day 3, wrong blind date.
Both Convin and Elijah/Leo bc I shouldn't brainstorm when I'm tired.
If you would rather read on AO3, you can click here!
Again, I apologize, but I'm having serious troubles with getting the read more break in here if anyone has tips I'm willing to listen Google isn't helping.
EDIT: I FIGURED IT OUT. Well, really, I just went on my laptop bc mobile, for all its benefits for my schedule, is super confusing when it wants to be.
Usually, Nines is rather reliable. Always prepared, always punctual, always one step ahead of everyone else. 
Just not this week. Finals week had, as always, was hellish for most students. Even Nines felt some of the end of the year panic. And by some, it was more along the lines of going into an over-studying craze. 
One problem that accompanies what his close friends have dubbed The Dark Ages is that he takes on too many extra projects in a failing attempt to distract himself. 
One such project is promising four very confused and stressed friends to set them up on blind dates. Four friends that, he decided, needed something new to distract from the stresses of life. 
Friend number one—Gavin Reed, a police officer closing in on his second year out of police academy—was the one who unintentionally gave Nines the idea to play matchmaker. 
On a cold Friday evening, their weekly "chill day," Gavin was complaining about his coworkers, as usual. 
"So, there's this new guy, a transfer from Dearborn, who is so fuckin' annoying. Dude spends his entire fucking break, I shit you not, to gush about his wife. Just got married. Who cares? Lotsa people get married, why should it be such a big deal? So I say to him, "Why don't you spend less time rambling on about the missus, and more time solving fucking crimes?" And the asshole has the gall to tell me that I'd change my mind if I could keep someone around for more than a week! What a dick right?" 
While Nines loved spending time with Gavin, he made conversations interesting and he was honest, he got into moods and would, for lack of a better word, be a huge bitch about things he didn't agree with. 
Nines shot a glance towards Gavin, taking in his position sprawled out on Nines' couch, one leg dangling off the edge, fiddling with his phone. "I suppose the only option would be to prove him wrong then. Show that you can 'keep someone around for more than a week' and rub it in his face, good ol' Gavin Reed style." He scowled, "But who would be this mystery date?"
Gavin looked up from his phone, shooting Nines a confused glance. "Well, I 'spose it could be one of those friends of yours. You've got like a million, it can't be that hard to find someone who'll like me. Even if I am kind of a dick!"
Nines hummed in confirmation, mentally creating a list of potential dates for Gavin. He had a lot of pros and cons lists to make. 
Friend number two—Connor Stern, a newer acquaintance of his—was the catalyst for the second half of what would eventually turn into Nines' biggest embarrassment. 
Connor had been more forthright with his date searching. On one of their shopping trips, devised when they found out they both lived at the same apartment complex as well as frequently shopped at the same local grocery store, he had suddenly enquired as to whether or not Nines could find someone he could go on a date with. 
"I suppose, since it's been so long that I've tried dating, that I should consider pursuing romantic relationships. Now that I am about to graduate from the academy, I have more time to do so. So you have anyone in mind whom you think I could form a serious connection with, whether it be more friendly or more romantic?" 
At first, Nines was a little surprised. But he quickly overcame that because a wave of excitement washed over him. Since he began planning a blind date for Gavin three days prior, Nines had closely analyzed the personalities of all of his companions. In doing so, he had gotten closer to narrowing down who Gavin's date would be. To find Connor a potential date, all he would have to do is make minor adjustments to his list of complementary personality traits and hobbies. 
He gave Connor a small smile in confirmation. "I think I can come up with a person or two."
After narrowing down his list of potentials for Connor, he had to ask friends if they would be available in the set few days Connor had confirmed he would be free. 
Option one, a close friend and classmate, North Dufay, stated that she had to take over for a friend who was on vacation at the taekwondo studio she worked at. 
Option two, local street artist Markus Manfred, was also unavailable. His father was accompanying him to an art gallery showing in Paris, where both artists would present new works. 
That left one person. The third friend roped into Nines' disaster of a plan, Elijah Kamski, genius and programmer, and massive introvert. It had been at least three years, half of the time Nines has known him, since he had even attempted to socialize with anyone outside of his immediate friend group. Jumping from one project to the next, he had a habit of ignoring any of Nines' attempts at getting him to redirect his attention elsewhere and relax. Nines hoped that, by introducing him to someone new who would match his wit and appreciate his devotion to his goals, it would encourage him to pursue other minor hobbies and allow him to de-stress. 
Connor, who was sarcastic and determined, seemed like a perfect match. 
Finding Gavin a date took a little more thinking than it did for Connor; he had a less approachable personality. Grumpy and irritable, many of Nines' friends would be unable to withstand sharp jabs and brutal honesty long enough to get to see his protectiveness and ambition. 
North might've been a good option, but she had prior engagements. Tina might've gotten along well with Gavin, but they had dated in high school and agreed that being friends was better for both of them. At first, Chloe seemed like she might be a good match, but she had recently come out as aromantic and asexual, so Nines ruled her out. 
The only option left was the chaotic ball of energy that was Leo Manfred, Markus' half brother. When he was younger, Leo had been in a bad situation, but finding supportive friends and a good therapist that encouraged him to redirect his anger to something more productive had helped him find a purpose in life, create goals. 
Now a full time student, well on his way to becoming a psychologist, he was likely to enjoy Gavin's sass and dorky jokes. 
People paired up, all Nines had to do was organize the details of the dates. For Connor and Elijah, he decided that a less crowded, but not isolated café just off of the main streets would be perfect. Or, was that where he had planned Gavin and Leo's date? No, he was mostly sure that he had made reservations for them at a local restaurant by Gavin and Tina's shared apartment. He didn't have time to worry about it at the moment; he had a final to study for. 
Connor had the feeling that something was going to go wrong. Nines hadn't told him his date's name to prevent him from looking him up on social media platforms and form any opinions on him before their actual date. He was just told that his date was about average height, with dark hair, often wore glasses, and had horrible posture. 
So of course, when someone matching that exact description walked through the door six and a half minutes after their scheduled meet up time, he hesitantly waved. 
The man, indeed wearing glasses, seemed slightly out of breath. He hadn't seemed to try to dress up, dressed in a faded gray, long sleeved sweater and wrinkled blue jeans. 
Flopping down into the chair across from Connor, his date sighed, stuck a hand out to shake, and blurted out "I'm so sorry I'm late! My roommate let my cat outside accidentally and I had to chase her down the street so that I could get her home and by the time I did, I had lime fifteen minutes max, and I still had to shower and stuff and then i realized that my dryer broke in the middle of this last load so most of my clothes are either soaked or horribly wrinkled and I couldn't find a shirt that made my eyes look really good and I forgot to put my contacts in and… yeah. I'm so fuckin' sorry, I wanted to try to impress you but I'm doing a kind of shit job at that huh?" 
Connor blinked a few times, trying to absorb the story his date, who still had yet to introduce himself, threw at him. He tried to smile reassuringly, and shook the still outstretched hand. "Well that seems like a horrible afternoon. It's a pleasure to meet you, I'm Connor. You're also a friend of Nines' then I suppose?" 
"Oh yeah! Yeah I am. Uh, I'm Gavin. It's nice to meet you." Gavin shifted in his seat. "Sorry again for being late. It really isn't normal for me, I swear." 
"Well it happens every one in a while. It's sweet that you care about your cat so much that you would go out of your way to looking for her like that. What's her name, if you don't mind me asking?"
Gavin gasped and frantically pulled his phone out, unlocking it. "Her name is Dana and she's a menace! Look, she's so fluffy!" He shoved his phone at Connor, who takes in the fluffy black mass, staring up at him through the photo. Her bright green eyes reflect a tiny image of Gavin, holding his phone to take the photo and squinting in concentration. Cute.
Connor smiles. "Well, that is the most gorgeous menace I've ever seen. She looks so soft." 
"Oh she is. If I don't brush her every day, she gets violent." Connor snorts. "Ha, yeah it's funnier when you're not on the receiving end of her tiny little dagger-teeth. I should probably stop gushing about my cat; you'll think I'm crazy soon! So, uh, how did Nines describe me? Because he described you as, and I quote, a kind of tall, dark haired twink with a nice smile." 
Connor chuckled. "It seems like the stress is really getting to him if he could only describe me as a twink with a nice smile. He was a lot more bland when describing you. He said you're average height, with glasses and dark hair and a horrible posture. Which, I mean, at least he's been pretty accurate with his descriptions, even if they do seem rushed." 
Humming in agreement, Gavin asked, "Hey, what do you do? You got a job or you studying or what?" 
"Oh I'm currently in the police academy. I wanna be a lieutenant someday." 
Gavin wiggled in his seat. "Oh shit, I'm a cop too! I escaped the academy two years ago." 
"Really? Oh that's amazing! Maybe we'll get to work together on cases. It would be nice to have made a friend or something when I graduate from the academy. So what do you do now? What's it like, being a serious police officer like that?"
They continued chatting for the next two hours, occasionally buying each other snacks and drinks. Connor was hesitant to end the date, suggesting they walk to the park or go watch a movie. 
They spent most of the afternoon together, before Gavin offered to walk Connor home. Standing on the sidewalk by the front doors, Gavin slowly took hold of Connor's hands and stood on his toes to kiss Connor's nose. 
"I had a lot of fun, I'd love to see you again" Gavin murmured. 
A blush crept up Connor's cheeks. "Well it's a good thing I'm free next Saturday, because I do too." 
"Oh, well that's good." Gavin sighed. "I'm gonna hafta leave soon, or else Dana'll throw a fit. I'll see you Saturday okay? Is seven good? I got a half brother who can hook me up with some fancy reservations if you'd like."
Connor squeezed Gavin's hand before hesitantly letting go. "Sounds like a date. I can't wait. Goodbye Gavin." 
Elijah was hesitant to go on Nines' blind date. In a hurry, he only said that his date was a smart kid, a couple years younger than Elijah himself, with dark brown, curly hair. 
He didn't want the guy to think too highly of him or else he might want to schedule another date, and Elijah didn't have time for that. So, he decided to show up "accidentally" almost half an hour late. Pushing the café door open, his gaze immediately landed on a grumpy looking guy, maybe twenty-ish, who was slumped over his phone in a booth in the far back. 
Shambling over to the grumpy kid, he asked "Are you Nines' friend? I'm here for the blind date."
Grumpy guy glanced up at him, grumbling a "Yeah that's me. You a little late there dude."
Slouching into the other side of the booth, Elijah quoted the excuse he planned out. "I'm sorry. My car wouldn't start, so I had to get a ride from a friend. Maybe I can buy you like a coffee or a sandwich to make up for it?"
"Well, you don't have to bribe me. If you're offering though, maybe a blueberry muffin and a caramel macchiato. And also a name?" 
Elijah raised his eyebrows. This kid was more blunt than he was expecting. It was… nice. "Hmm I suppose that it makes sense to give you my name. Elijah." He paused. "Kamski." Some people knew who he was. It wasn't that surprising for a programmer as young as he is to catch the attention of mainstream media if they're successful, which he was. 
"Leo. Manfred." Manfred, Manfred. Why did that name sound so familiar? "Are you gonna get my stuff or were you lying about that part?" 
If he had wanted to make a better impression, he might've actually laughed at that. Instead, all he did was not and stand up, heading toward the counter. As he was walking, he glanced around the café, observing a small family, a couple teenagers working on homework, and Gavin? On a date. Hmm. That's something to tease him about later. 
Returning to the table, he expected Leo to still be on his phone, but instead he was casually observing him. Might as well pass the time by talking. That usually pushes people away pretty fast. "You have a job? Studying?" 
Munching on his muffin, Leo hummed. "Mhm. Psychology." Maybe this kid is smart. "Don't worry though, I promise I only psychoanalyze on the second date." Oh. He's actually funny. Maybe this won't be as bad as he thought. 
Elijah allowed himself to smile a little at that. "Well, well, well, looks like I have something to look forward to." Elijah what are you doing? Did you just insinuate that you would like to go on a second date with this guy? 
Leo chuckles and sets his muffin back down on its plate. "Well you still gotta impress me first. Bribery doesn't work with everyone. If this were the second date, though, I'd have a hell of a lot to say about the lying and avoidance of revealing personal details. But, like I said, that'll have to wait 'til the second date." 
Definitely smart. More smart-ass though. That was more appealing than Elijah was expecting it to be. 
He sighed. "Well, since you caught me, I suppose I'll have to share something for the class. I'm a programmer. I'm currently working on developing AI tools that will recognise voices to activate or shut down household items, like a stove that shuts off to protect young children from lighting their homes on fire."
"That sounds pretty cool actually. Gotta babyproof the fancy smart-technology. I was expecting you to be something lame, like a very antisocial plumber or a dentist or something, but you're not that boring I guess." 
This time Elijah couldn't stop himself from laughing. Maybe, just maybe, he'll let himself enjoy this date. "'Not that boring I guess' is a compliment of the highest caliber, coming from someone as attractive as you." Why not go full flirt, if he wants this to go well. 
"Keep talking like that and I'll be swooning into your arms in no time. Seriously though, be careful, I'm starting to like you. That would be horrible, wouldn't it?" Leo raised an eyebrow.
Elijah smiled a little. "I guess it wouldn't be that bad. I think I'm starting to like you too." He snuck a piece of Leo's muffin, then hummed in delight. "That is a phenomenal muffin. You've just been hoarding it all for yourself over there? You are a cruel and unjust monster. Gimme more."
Snickering, Leo smacked Elijah's arm away from the plate. "Only nice dates who ask nicely get to share muffins." 
Elijah sighed. "Well I suppose if it's for a muffin of this quality, it will be worth it. I would like some muffin." 
Leo didn't budge. 
At this,  Leo broke off a large chunk of the muffin and handed it to Elijah. "Well, since you asked so politely, I guess I'm required to give you some now. It's good date behavior. Gotta be good if I want ya to stick around I 'spose." He smirked. Then he glanced at his watch, a rather shiny silver. "Oh shit, I gotta go. I'm house-sitting for my half-brother and I gotta feed his birds."
Elijah hesitated in saying goodbye, even as Leo rushed to clean up. Suddenly standing, he blurted out, "Maybe we can schedule that second date?" 
Leo paused, looking up at him. For a few seconds, Elijah thought he was going to decline the offer, but then he straightened his spine, smiled softly, and said, "Meet me at that Italian restaurant off of Main, next Tuesday? 6:30?" 
"It's a date. I'll see you then. I'll accompany you to your car." The both of them walked side by side, just close enough that every once in a while, their knuckles would brush up against each other. Parting with a wave, Elijah started planning what he would do to show his thanks to Nines for forcing him to do this dumb blind date thing, because it seemed that it wasn't as dumb as he originally thought.
When Nines ran into Connor in the hallway, he had to see how the date went. "So, what did you think of Elijah?"
Connor froze, turned to look at Nines, brow furrowed, and asked, "Who the fuck is Elijah?" Uh oh. 
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mirkwoodshewolf · 5 years
Chapter 7; The aftermath
*Author's note*
Well, well, well been awhile hadn't it? Well you all asked for it and I hereby deliver. Here we go with the 2nd half of Mother Raksha. Now I should tell you that throughout this second half POV's will jump around but the most likely POV's will either be in Rauri's or 3rd Person. So I hope that's okay with you all.
Now I should warn you that towards the end it gets a little too graphic so if you are squeamish of any kind just try and avoid the last part of the chapter. But I hope you all enjoy the LONG AWAITED SECOND HALF OF MOTHER WOLF RAKSHA IN INFINITY WAR :) Gifs do NOT belong to me, all credit goes to the owners.
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*Rauri’s POV*
23 days. Three weeks. Three. Bloody. Whole. Weeks. Ever since Thanos invaded our world and did exactly what he was set out to do. Trillions of people lost families and loved ones, and of course I’m no exception. I lost so many of my friends I finally got to bond with after being freed from Connor’s control, and her.
The love of my life, my mate, my other half. (Y/n) Williams. Barely within 48hrs after saying I do, I hold her in my arms as she faded away into ash.
Now here I am here at the new Avengers facility in upstate New York along with Dean and Mitchell my betas. It was nightfall and I was currently sleeping outside the facility in an old ‘wolf house’ that was once constructed for my wife when she first joined the Avengers.
It was about the size of a mini mansion with an easy open access door for her to walk in and lay in on a large pieces of furniture big enough for her wolf form alone. So here I was lying inside of it, huffing out heavily in my wolf form.
Thinking of how I couldn’t protect her, I should’ve stopped Thanos myself from snapping his damn fingers, if I had just ran over and ripped Thanos’ arm off, none of this would’ve happened.
Suddenly my ears perked up from a deep rumble coming from the sky. I raced out and could see something, some sort of large shape. I don’t know if the others could see or even feel this so I let out several loud barks and warning howls signaling everyone to get out here.
It was then Steve, Natasha, Rhodes, Bruce, Pepper Potts, Dean and Mitchell all came out and soon coming overhead was a large spaceship but it didn’t look like it belonged to Thanos. My eyes however were on the woman that was glowing and radiating some sort of energy and she was single handedly moving the ship and lowering it to the ground.
Once the ship was safely down on the ground the energy faded and she turned to us. She looked to be about my age with medium length blonde hair and wore a red, blue and gold space-suit of sorts.
My attention then turned towards the doors of the ships opening and out came a very frail and weak Tony Stark. He was being supported by a blue robotic woman until Steve went up and helped him down the last set of stairs.
“Couldn’t stop him.” He panted out
“Neither could I.”
“Hang on.” They stopped and then Stark whispered so softly it was like it was wind blowing but of course thanks to my hearing, I heard it. “I lost the kid.”
“Tony we lost.”
“Is, uh….” But when Pepper walked right up to Tony they were both relieved to see the other alive after all this. They embraced each other and wept.
Seeing them together while it made me feel relieved that Pepper didn’t have to go through what I am now, it still made me feel upset that my wife isn’t here. I turned and began to walk away when I heard Stark say.
“(Y/n)?” I stopped and turned around phasing into my human form and said.
“Sorry to disappoint, but my wife is no longer with us anymore.” He looked at me wide-eyed in shock but I didn’t say another word as I walked back into the facility with my hands in my coat pockets and Mitchell and Dean walking behind me.
We were all in the main room with holograms of everyone that had disappeared from the Snap or blip as some of us have called it as Rhodes explained.
“It’s been 23 days since Thanos came to Earth.”
“World governments are in pieces. The parts that are still working…are trying to take a census and it looks like he did…He did exactly what he said he was gonna do. Thanos wiped out….50% of all living creatures.” Natasha spoke brokenly.
“Where is he now? Where?” Tony asked from his wheelchair he was now sitting on as he was being given fluids from the dehydration and malnourishment he suffered up in space for the past 3 weeks.
“We don’t know.” Answered Steve. “He just opened a portal and walked through.” Tony sighed before turning his attention to Thor who had isolated himself into a corner, brooding on his failure.
“What’s wrong with him?” Stark asked.
“Oh, he’s pissed. He thinks he failed. Which, of course, he did…but you know there’s a lot of that going around, ain’t there?” the raccoon Rocket explained.
“Honestly, until this exact second I thought you were a Build-a-bear.” Tony said to Rocket.
“Maybe I am.”
“We’ve been hunting Thanos for three weeks now. Deep space scans…and satellites, and we got nothing. Tony, you fought him.” Steve explained before Tony retorted sarcastically.
“Who told you that? I didn’t fight him. No, he wiped my face with a planet….while the Bleecker Street magician gave away the stone. That’s what happened. There was no fight, cause he’s not beatable.”
“Did he give you any clues, any coordinates, anything?” Tony then sputtered out, like he didn’t even care which really pissed not only me, but Mitchell and Dean off as well.
This was the famed and great Iron-Man?
“I saw this coming a few years back. I had a vision. I didn’t want to believe it. Thought I was dreaming.”
“Tony I’m gonna need you to focus.” Said Steve.
“And I needed you.” Tony snapped back. “As in, past tense. That trumps what you need. It’s too late, buddy. Sorry.” He sniffled before continuing as he tossed his plate of food across the table before standing up, “You know what I need? I need a shave. And I believe I remember telling all youse…”
As Rhodes tried to calm him down, Stark actually took his IV and ripped it right out of his arm as he continued to rant.
“Alive and otherwise, that what we needed was a suit of armor around the world! Remember that?” The Ultron fiasco. I had heard about that, in fact Connor and I were still in Sokovia when it all went down, just before the city blew up to hell. “Whether it impacted our precious freedoms or not. That’s what we needed.”
“Well that didn’t work out, did it?” Steve said softly glaring at Tony.
“I said we’d lost. You said, ‘we’ll do that together too.’ And guess what Cap? We lost. And you weren’t there. But that’s what we do right? Our best work after the fact? We’re the ‘Avengers’. We’re the ‘Avengers’. Not the ‘Pre-vengers’.”
“Okay.” Rhodes said as he tried to stabilize Tony before he would collapse right to the floor.
“You made your point. Just sit down, okay?” Rhodes advised him urgently. But as my love has said, Tony Stark was a stubborn idiot, and now I was witnessing first had just how stubborn this billionaire was.
“Okay. No, no, here’s my point. You know what? She’s great by the way.” He said pointing toward the woman who had introduced herself as Carol Danvers.
“Tony, you’re sick. Sit down.”
“We need you. You’re new blood. Bunch of tired old mules. I got nothing for you, Cap. I got no coordinates…no clues, no strategies, no options. Zero. Zip. Nada. No trust, liar.” Tony said as he walked right up to Steve and got in his face but Cap wasn’t affected by it at all. He then ripped the arc-reactor from his chest and forced it into Steve’s hand. “Here, take this. You find him, you put that on…you hide.” I could just sense that he was ready to pass out.
And my instincts were correct as Stark fell to his knees and Rhodey, Steve and Carol who were the closest to him tried to help him up, but ever stubborn fool he was tried to say he was fine until he finally collapsed unconscious from dehydration and lack of nourishment.
I stood up from the corner in wolf form and walked right up to him and lifted my paw to gently move his lower half so that it was even to how he was laying. I looked up to Rhodes and he gave me permission.
I then gripped onto Tony’s robe and slung him onto my back. I pressed my paw against his arm that hung over my neck before giving him that final buck for him to be fully lying against my back. Pepper then led me to his bedroom and both her and Rhodes got him into bed while Bruce gave him a sedative to help him stay asleep and rest up.
Now that I was back standing beside Dean and Mitchell along with Nat and Steve. Rhodes explained to them about Tony’s condition now when Carol spoke up.
“You guys take care of him, and I’ll bring him a Xorrian elixir when I come back.”
“Where are you going?” asked Steve.
“To kill Thanos.” She spoke proudly as she walked away. We all looked at each other before going after her.
“Hey.” Carol stopped and turned back towards the two Avengers as Nat continued, “we usually work as a team here. And uhh—between you and I, morale’s a little fragile.”
“We realize up there is more your territory, but this is our fight too.” Steve stated.
“You even know where he is?” asked Rhodey.
“I know people who might.” She stated arrogantly.
“Don’t bother.” The robotic woman, Nebula spoke up from the other side of the room. “I can tell you where Thanos is.”
We were now in what looked like a study room/bar as Nebula explained to us where her ‘father’ was at.
“Thanos spent a long time trying to perfect me. And when he worked, he talked about his Great Plan. Even disassembled I wanted to please him. I’d ask…where would we go once his plan was complete? And his answer was always the same…..” she walked towards the table where Rocket stood on and she finished, “To the Garden.”
“That’s cute. Thanos has a retirement plan.” Rhodey said sarcastically.
“So where is he?” I asked. It was then Rocket activated a hologram projection from the center of the table and he explained.
“When Thanos snapped his fingers; Earth became ground zero for a power surge of ridiculous cosmic proportions. No one’s ever seen anything like it. Until two days ago,” the holograph changed from an image of Earth to another planet that made the same surge of energy as Earth did as Rocket explained. “On this planet.”
“Thanos is there.” Nebula said. Nat leaned against the table right up to this new planet as she said.
“He used the stones again.”
“Hey, hey, hey.” Bruce chuckled nervously. “We’d be going in shorthanded, you know?”
“Look he’s still got the stones, so….” Rhodey said before Carol interrupted him.
“So let’s get him. Use them to bring everyone back.”
“Just like that?” Banner asked skeptically.
“Yeah. Just like that.” Steve stated bluntly.
“Even if there’s a small chance that we can undo this… I mean, we owe it to everyone who’s not in this room to try.” Dean stated.
“If we do this, how do we know it’s gonna end differently than it did before?”
“Because before you didn’t have me.” Carol said.
“Look new girl. Most of us have done the ‘superhero’ thing hell my friends and I are still adjusting to it. But if you don’t mind me asking, there the hell have you been for the past 20 years?” Mitchell snapped.
“There are a lot of other planets in the universe. And they didn’t have your buddies or these guys.” It was then Thor finally stood up and walked right up to Carol.
The two of them just stared at each other till Thor extended his hand and I could hear a rumble in the distance and soon flying right past Carol was Thor’s new weapon Stormbreaker. And she didn’t even flinch. Thor set his axe down staring down at Carol before saying.
“I like this one.” Steve then turned to the map before saying.
“Let’s go get this son of a bitch.”
If you had told me 10 years ago that I would be flying in a spaceship with the Avengers, a mutant raccoon, and an enhanced Air force pilot, I would’ve told you that you were completely bonkers.
But here I am, in a spaceship. Everyone with their battle suits on or at the ready for Banner. Mitchell, Dean and I were hanging in the back since due to our animal enhancements we had better balance to survive the space jumps we would be making to reach this planet.
“Okay, who here hasn’t been to space?” asked Rocket as he turned to us. Nat, Steve, Rhodey, Mitchell, Dean and myself raised our hands as Rhodey questioned why and I heard Carol chuckle. “You better not throw up on my ship.”
“Approaching jump in three….two….one.” Suddenly like an airplane taking flight but much faster, we went through the space jump. The galaxy zipping right by us almost giving me a visual whiplash until finally we arrived at the Garden.
Carol was now outside of the ship and hovering in front of us as she told us she would head down there for recon. Once she left, I looked down at my wedding band and felt my heart aching once more.
“We’ll get her back man.” I heard Mitchell say. “All of them.”
“We better. Because I don’t know what’s gonna happen to me if I don’t.” I pleaded. As quick as she left, Carol returned with some shocking news.
“No satellites, no ships, no armies, no ground defenses of any kind. It’s just him.”
“And that’s enough.” Nebula stated. Took the words right out of my mouth.
*3rd Person POV*
In the garden a statue of Thanos’ armor hung in pride as a settlement mark of him claiming this garden as his own after doing what he had set out to do.
Limping along gathering food was the mad titan himself. He soon staggered up the four steps to his hut and prepared himself supper. As Thanos put down the pot to boil his dinner, the entire left side of his body was charred away, almost like he had been burned by something.
Then suddenly out of nowhere as he looked upward, a powerful blast was sent down towards him. He blocked it with the gauntlet that was also still burned from using the stones. Soon Carol tackled him across the hut and she rolled around but regained her footing as she charged at him.
She swung behind him holding him in a choke hold making Thanos scream and groan out. Suddenly out of the firepit, Bruce in the rebuilt Veronica suit, held his left arm which held the gauntlet as well as Dean who roared out angrily and came behind Thanos and held him around his torso crushing his ribs. While soon flying down was Rhodey as well as Mitchell who was in his dog form held and pulled the titan’s other arm.
Encaging him in a trap allowing Thor to fly in and cut Thanos’ left arm freeing the gauntlet and making the titan scream in pain, but of course they did nothing to spare him of the pain. Walking in through the now wide entrance were Steve and Natasha riding on top of the large black wolf that was Rauri.
He snarled at the titan and licked his lips baring his teeth as he snarled at him showing him that now they all had the upper hand and were not gonna submit to him this time.
But when Rocket turned over the gauntlet, he was horrified. The stones were gone.
“Oh no.” he muttered as he looked up to everyone in fear. Steve and Nat looked down at the gauntlet before turning to the titan and Steve demanded.
“Where are they?”
“Answer the question.” Carol hissed into his ear. Thanos groaned which caused Dean to squeeze his ribs tighter forcing Thanos to finally talk.
“The universe required correction. After that, the stones served no purpose…beyond temptation.”
‘You murdered trillions!’ Bruce exclaimed as he pushed Thanos down to the ground. Weak and not even putting up a fight, Thanos weakly turned over and said.
“You should be grateful.” Bruce then proceeded to punch Thanos in the face sending him back down.
“Where are the stones?” Natasha asked trying to remain strong but her wall was breaking down.
“Gone. Reduced to atoms.” Said Thanos.
‘You used them two days ago!’
“I used the stones to destroy the stones. It nearly killed me. But the work is done. It always will be. I am….inevitable.”
‘He has to be lying! Mitchell, Rauri let’s tear this place apart!’ Dean spoke through the collar in his bear form but Nebula spoke softly.
“Ah. My father is many things. A liar is not one of them.” Thanos sighed with relief and turned to Nebula and said.
“Thank you daughter. Perhaps I treated you too harshly.” Suddenly just before Thor could even lift up Stormbreaker, a flash of black pinned Thanos straight to the ground.
Rauri opened his mouth exposing his large canine teeth to the weak titan who for the first time in his life felt fear. His saliva dripped onto the titan’s face as the Alpha’s mouth drew closer. Licking his chops as he breathed his hot, foul breath upon his prey.
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Then as quick as lightning he pounced. He gripped onto Thanos’ head barking and snarling madly as blood began pouring. The sounds of gurgling as Thanos began to echo out as Rauri continued his assault, until everyone heard the bones of Thanos’ neck snap off like a twig being broken in half as Rauri now held in his mouth the Head of Thanos.
He tossed it aside and snarled at it as blood continued to pour out from the rest of the body. Purple blood pouring out of his mouth onto the ground and down his black fur.
‘Jesus.’ Bruce spoke softly.
“What did you do?” Rocket said.
‘What all wolves do. I went for the head. Something you should’ve done three weeks ago!’ Rauri snarled at Thor.
Then as a final act of cold, heartlessness, he picked up Thanos’ body by the arm and dragged it outside, with Mitchell and Dean walking silently behind their alpha.
Everyone was in shock. Nebula who was now crouched down on all fours by the head of her ‘father’ who now bore teeth marks and torn apart shred of flesh from where Rauri had indented into him. In some sort of mercy, she closed his eyes before bowing her head in solemn.
Everyone else just stood there in shock, defeat, regret, and sorrow. They all failed. It was too late, with the stones gone there was no way to bring everyone that had turned to ash back.
They lost.
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carnistcervine · 6 years
My Interpretation of Connor's Personality
Aka local carnivorous deer over-analyses video game character.
I've noticed that the most popular interpretations of Connor are the basically him being either a super cinnamon roll, a tissue paper twink, or the suave and sexy sass master. And well, I've just personally felt that the most popular views and even the popular "unpopular" opinions on him are just so, black and white? Like he's either a sweet cinnamon roll, OR he's badass. So I thought that I'd throw in my unwanted opinion of him. :D So I'm just gonna go ahead and make a basic character analysis of Connor that should cover the way that I interpret his character.
Quick disclaimer: I'm not trying to say that there is any right or wrong way to view or interpret a character, I just wanted to jot down my thoughts on him, since I think about this boy a LOT.
I know that most people tend to view/think of Connor as being suave and sassy, but personally, I just don't see it? I mean, I do definitely get confidence coming off of him. He's very confident, not arrogant though, just confident. But he doesn't really come off as sassy to me. Sassy kind of implies that he has some kind of an attitude, and he doesn't. He has a very calm, dry and stoic tone. Rather than sassy, I'd say he's a bit more snide or shady. Because the few times that he does deliver a zinger, it tends to be a dry sarcastic line, or mean-spirited shade. He uses a very dry tone when calling his and Gavin's relationship a "bromance". When Connor asks Hank if he ran out of alcohol and came to him looking for trouble, he doesn't say it in a cool or sassing tone, he says it more like he's annoyed that Hank came to bother him. Also, Connor's comments about Hank's son, it's a very low blow for him to make. And about Connor being suave, again, I just don't feel he fits the bill. Suave would be cool, and unaffected like James Bond, but Connor has too many angry, aggressive, or just awkward moments to be suave. He's just not smooth enough. Not to mention, he more stoic and emotionless android than cool and slick super-spy. Probably the only time that Connor says or does anything sassy is when he teases Hank about investigating the Eden Club, but again, this is an exception and even then it comes across as more playful than properly sassy.
As for Connor being a ray of sunshine and helpless baby, well... I definitely don't think of Connor as being a helpless baby. He can take out entire armed squads. He's far from helpless. He does have a slight naivete to him, but I feel like this stems purely from a lack of life experience. He's like three months old though, what do you honestly expect? I do feel like Connor has a good/kind soul, though. Connor has the capacity to show a lot of empathy. Even during his first mission, after stepping out of the elevator, one of the first things you can do a save a dying fish. Saving this creature doesn't affect the mission in any way, nor will it endear any humans to him, so he must be doing it of his own volition. The fact that he even stood there and continued to watch as the fish swam away would suggest that he does care on some level about it's well being. There is also the fact that he can endanger his mission, supposedly the most important thing to him, for the sake of others' well being. Like if he saves Hank, spares the Tracis, or even spares Chloe. Often times, sincere dialogue options will result in Connor saying something nice, or friendly. A good example of this is when Connor says that he genuinely appreciated working with Hank in "Last Chance, Connor." Also, in the first mission when you go outside to confront Daniel, Connor will see an injured officer. Even if you don't notice the man, Connor will, and will reach out an arm and look in his direction. Connor wants to help him. Which, again is a demonstration of Connor showing concern for the well being of others. It should also be noted that even at his most machine-like, Connor will show remorse over driving Hank to suicide. Not only through the fact that he came to check on him, and made a (poor) attempt at talking him out of it, but also because afterwards, he'll look down. Like he feels guilty over it. On some level, no matter how bad your relationship with Hank is, Connor cares about him. Although it should be noted that good and nice =/= weak. Connor will still do what is necessary to accomplish whatever he needs to do, and I doubt that he would hesitate to kill someone if it meant protecting someone he cares about or saving innocent lives. There's a reason why people say to "beware the nice ones." And considering that the majority of ruthless!Connor overlaps with machine!Connor, his ruthless behavior is most likely a result of his programming and not his personality. It should be noted that since machine!Connor tends to be rather lifeless in his mannerisms and behavior, I tend to believe that most of his words and actions are simply programming. So he's not the best representative of Connor's personality.
On the topic of machine!Connor though, it has been confirmed by Word of God that Connor can fake his emotions, and does so during interrogations. It's how he's able to switch so easily between bad cop and good cop. He's designed to be manipulative, and an excellent actor. So machine!Connor is not the best place to look when trying to gauge Connor's true intentions or personality. However, one aspect of Connor we can pick up from his machine self is his obedience and sense of loyalty. No matter how you play him, Connor shows signs of deviancy and self-awareness. Connor is a highly intelligent android, considering that he is conscious and self-aware, he should be able to pick up that CyberLife is just using him. So why doesn't he? Simple, they've conditioned him to obey them. Notice how he doesn't listen or act obedient to any other character. Hell, he'll only do what Hank says if he decides that it's what he wants as well. An example of this can be found when you have to decide between killing Chloe or not. Killing Chloe means advancing the investigation and obeying CyberLife, and even though Hank directly tells Connor not to shoot Chloe, it ultimately boils down to him being unable to harm an innocent "girl." Connor fears no man, he will actively defy Hank, Captain Allen, and pretty much any human that tries to tell him what to do. He is very defiant, but seems to fear retribution from CyberLife and actively seeks to please Amanda. He only seems to break from this when deviating, possibly because that's him realizing that Amanda is just using him, and he shouldn't be seeking her constant approval. Whether or not he realizes that Amanda is abusing him, I'm not entirely sure. Despite his defiant nature though, Connor does show a high level of loyalty. Machine!Connor is blindly loyal to Amanda and CyberLife, and deviant!Connor is loyal to his people and to Hank. Even to the point where he could sacrifice himself to save Hank on multiple occasions, and is fully willing to give his own life to help the deviant's cause.
Speaking of abuse, Connor is shown to be quick to take the blame when things go wrong. Amanda expresses slight disappointment and Connor immediately dives into "it's all my fault" mode. Amanda will say that it's a pity that Connor didn't manage to capture Rupert, and Connor will immediately go into how he should have been faster. Despite the fact that it's not his fault that he had to choose between saving Hank and chasing Rupert. There is a case where Connor will defend himself with a "deviants are unpredictable" only to backpedal by saying that he should have been more effective. Connor seems conditioned to just accept blame for when things go wrong. Another example of this is how he seems so ashamed of his part in the downfall of Jericho. Which again points to his quickness to accept blame. "I should have known they were using me..." After the raid on Jericho, you can find Connor brooding in a darkened corner by himself. If you decide not to trust Connor, he won't complain or beg for his life when Markus straight up shoots him in the head. Instead he just looks sad and resigned. He even says beforehand that he'll understand if you decide not to trust him. When he deviates, he immediately lowers his head in shame, possibly feeling awful about trying to kill Markus a minute ago, despite only trying to do so because CyberLife was controlling him and literally threatening to kill him. At multiple points in the story, the player can find out that Connor is afraid to die. Being deviant only cements and possibly intensifies this fear. If you choose to spare Connor, he quickly offers to go on a suicide mission to help Jericho's cause. This also speaks to his lack of regard for his own safety. Again, he seems to be conditioned to see himself as expendable. It doesn't matter if Connor is killed or injured, all that matters is the mission(be it for CyberLife or anyone else). I think the most damning evidence of this is in the aftermath of if you choose not to shoot Chloe. Hank will question Connor about his decision. It's easy to tell from Hank's tone that he isn't reprimanding Connor, it's simply that Connor makes all this big talk about accomplishing his mission and he just blatantly threw away a good opportunity to further his investigation. Connor's reaction however is decidedly more hostile. Connor is so used to Amanda's abuse, that, he just see's Hank's prodding as Hank reprimanding him for not being obedient. Because his software instability is pushing him over the edge, he snaps back at Hank. For that entire time, Connor's LED is red, indicating a high stress level and emotional distress. However when Hank reveals that he's actually pleased with Connor, and wasn't reprimanding him for disobeying, Connor's LED goes back to blue, showing that Hank's comment about him doing the right thing made him feel better.
I'm gonna be blunt here, Connor doesn't care about himself. Sure, you can try to excuse this as him being a machine that doesn't care about or fully understand death. But it's shown multiple times that Connor genuinely fears death. Even in the machine run, there does seem to be a hint of fear on his face if Hank drops or pushes him off the roof. It's possible that machine!Connor is just pretending that he doesn't care if he lives or dies. To be fully fair though, there isn't enough evidence though to say for sure whether machine!Connor is afraid of death. However deviant!Connor immediately offers to do a reckless suicide mission to help Markus' cause. Despite knowing and acknowledging that he will likely die, and being very afraid to die, he puts his new mission above his own safety. If you manage to convert the androids in the warehouse and get Connor killed, he doesn't show concern about about dying. He just calmly tells -60 that he failed. Maybe it's just me, but I do find it rather disturbing that even when recognizing that he's alive and won't come back, and showing on multiple occasions that he is indeed afraid to die, he can be so blase about getting killed as long as his mission is accomplished. Also, another interesting detail, if you get Connor killed without converting the androids, a mission failed sign will pop up. Again, maybe it's just me, but I do find it a little creepy that even waking up and breaking free from his programming is not enough to break him out of that mindset.
Connor is a little socially awkward. Probably one his cutest traits is how he doesn't completely understand how to engage in normal interaction. Sure, you put him in a negotiation or interrogation and he's right in his element, but in any normal interaction he is so awkward. It's adorable. He does get better though. Because he's an anthropomorphic computer with a hyper-intelligent AI, learning is in his blood. And sorry, not sorry, but Connor sucks at hand-to-hand combat. When unarmed, he can get taken down by a fifty year old alcoholic. I mean sure, give him a gun and he can take down entire squads, but it should be remembered that he is an anthropomorphic computer and basically just uses his advanced technologies to pre-construct his way to victory.
All in all, Connor is pretty complex, and I wish more people could see him for all the facets of his character. Not just the ones they prefer. :p
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Elijah Kamski x Reader - Shoot (pt 3a)
A/N: Sorry this took so long to come out. I know people probably lost interest by now- sorry!
This is only pt3a! There is another option! Go back to pt 2 to check out the other ending. 
Part 1 Part 2
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You could see what was about to happen, just before it did. You stood abruptly and grabbed Connors arm, forcing his aim upwards as he pulled the trigger.
“Elijah!” You snapped. The sharp edged of the guns neck pricked your hand as you slowly let go. The atmosphere was now so thick you could barely breath and all was silent. You went to apologise for your sudden outburst, but stopped yourself. Why should you? “I’m sorry about Mr Kamski’s actions, but that was completely uncalled for.” You spoke to Anderson, turning your eyes away from Elijah completely. The lieutenant nodded, obviously grateful for your actions.
“Connor, come on, we’re leaving. Now.” Anderson began to move off, but stopped when Connor didn’t follow. “Connor, what the fuck are you doing?” He barked.
“Mr Kamski said he would help us with our investigation. I complied with his conditions.” The android said defiantly.
“I… am a man of my word,” Elijah agreed. “You may ask me one question.”
“I can’t fucking believe this.” The lieutenant stormed off, pushing past the Chloe near him and headed for the exit. You looked briefly back at Elijah before following after the lieutenant.
“Lieutenant Anderson! Wait, please.”
You chased after Anderson until he stopped at his car. You leaned onto your knees, breathing heavily. It had only been a short distance, but you had not exercised in some time. Chloe hadn’t been kidding when she said it would be cool that day- it was snowing outside! How did you not notice?
You went to take another step towards the lieutenant, but your legs froze. You suddenly became very aware of how cold it really was. Your feet began to sting as icy snow covered your toes.
“Miss (Y/N)?” You looked up to see the lieutenant holding his car door open for you. You graciously jumped inside the heated car on the passenger's side. Anderson got in the other side and looked at you expectantly. “Well?” He said, arms folded.
“Lieutenant Anderson, I’d firstly like to apologise for what happened in there. Elijah… likes to test people.” You tried to explain, but there was nothing to explain. Your eyes fell down and stared at the floor of the car.
“Call me Hank.” Anderson said. “I appreciate what you’re doing, but you shouldn’t be the one apologising.” You nodded, feeling somewhat embarrassed now. “But there is something you could do for me.”
“Of course.”
“You had a lot to do with the first androids created. What’s your take on deviancy?” Hank’s expression had softened now, which made you more comfortable. You were silent for a moment, choosing your words carefully.
“When Elijah and our small team were first designing the first android, we had no intents on making them become deviant. We designed them as if we were making people, so that’s what they became. Lieuten- Hank, the deviants are alive. It’s not an error in the programming, it’s what they are.” Hank listened carefully to your words and he was in deep thought himself.
“Does your partner share the same opinion?”
“I… don’t know anymore. I have been out of it as of late, and I don’t know his current views. I know Elijah does not blame himself and I think it’s because he doesn’t see there’s anything to be blamed for.” You sighed out, huddling into your shirt and pants. There was a pen and paper on the dash of the car. You picked it up and scribbled your number on it. “If there’s anything I can help with, feel free to ask.”
Hank nodded but he was looking past you. You turned in your seat and saw Connor approaching the car and you knew it was your cue to leave. You carefully exited the car and waved goodbye to the lieutenant before running back to the warm mansion.
Once you were inside you were greeted by a Chloe which offered you a large jumper that you gratefully accepted. This is Elijah’s. You wondered if the android had specifically been instructed to give you one of Elijah’s jumpers to wear, especially since you had stormed off on him.
“I thought you might like a warm bath, so I prepared one in the upstairs bathroom.” The Chloe practically read your mind and you retreated upstairs and slipped into a preheated bath. The water was almost too warm, and stung your skin as you sunk your cold upper half into the tub.
You called out for the house assistant to play some music. A soft jazz tune filled the bathroom, echoing off of the tiled walls and sending you into a daze.
How could Elijah do that? Why would he force the test upon an android, especially after its owner had disagreed- especially after you had expressed distaste for the test.
Your views on the androids was similar to Elijah’s, but instead of seeing their potential, you only saw your children. Each face you remembered. Every dimple, every eyelash. You couldn’t understand why someone could so easily destroy an android. They were extraordinary works of art.
Then it hit you.
You weren’t completely sure what ‘it’ was, but it felt like a you’d been hit with a brick of thoughts. Inspiration? Was that what it was? You didn’t know, and you didn’t care.
You jumped out of the bath, almost slipping in the process, and threw on some clothes Chloe had laid out for you. You then ran out of the bathroom and to the stairwell, which you barely even stepped on as you descended.
Elijah was sitting in the chair you had been in not so long ago, pondering. He knew you weren’t happy, more than before now, because of his actions. He hadn’t expected you to get so flustered by his meeting with the lieutenant and Connor. He was trying to think of how to approach you; to apologise to you. He had an idea, but his thoughts were interrupted by the padding sound of wet feet and then your figure briefly in his view as you rushed by.
You slammed open the door to a forgotten room. Thoughts were rushing in and out of your head quicker than you could write them down. You took a moment to calm yourself and turned on the lights. Before you was a dusty study. You had instructed that only you were to enter the room. It had been your art room before you quit, but you still had your equipment. Feeling inspired you began to heat some clay in a microwave and while you waited, started sketching ideas on a large canvas.
Many hours later, not even close to being finished, you had made some progress. A clay sculpture, only in its early stages, stood by itself in the middle of the room. You had specifically made it to resemble the RK800’s. The sculpture stood in a position as if it was trying to break an invisible wall. You smiled to yourself. You felt inspired. You felt passionate. You felt good. It was as if you had been stuck in a dark room and you had broken free and were now in the light, sun kissing your skin as you breathed in fresh air.
There was a soft knock at the door and without thinking you said, “Come in.” As the door creaked open you realised your mistake and whipped clay on your face while trying to clean yourself up. You then looked back to your sculpture. It was kind of morbid now that you thought about it, but you had been so happy while making it.
“(Y/N)?” Elijah’s voice called out to your cautiously and his body barely entered the room. He knew well that you didn’t want anyone coming into your studio. His cautiousness went away once he got a glance of what he had been doing. He pulled the door open fully and stepped in, slightly in awe. “You’ve been sculpting.”
“No- I’ve been cooking. Of course I’ve been sculpting.” You said sarcastically and rolled your eyes to the heavens. Your expression then fell and you strunk into yourself, hands coiling up to near your chest. You were still upset with Elijah.
He smiled for a moment. You? Being sarcastic? He hadn’t heard that in a while. But then he saw you start going backwards to how you had been before. “I came to apologise. I-I didn’t mean to upset you, but I had to test the android. I had a feeling he could be special, but I had to be sure.”
“And are you sure now?”
“No… I’m not.” He said sheepishly. You sighed heavily and Elijah took some experimental steps towards you, but you jumped into his arms before he could get far. He eagerly hugged you back. “I won’t do that again, I promise.” His hand gently stroked your hair.
“Okay,” was all you muttered as you enjoyed his embrace. You never fought with Elijah, and this was barely even a fight, but just being angry with him had made you upset.
“I want to start sculpting again.” You spoke up. “And playing music, and painting, and I want to go out more! I think we should go on a date.” You had piped up significantly, your enthusiasm returning again. Elijah laughed and agreed to it all. He was so delighted to see you so full of life suddenly. Maybe he had been the cause of your passionless phase as he wasn’t one to be very expressive, or maybe leaving Cyberlife wasn’t the best thing for you, but that was in the past. He wanted to promise you he would try to help you feel better, but he decided not to say it aloud and rather say it with his actions.
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