#Connor android autism
pinksmonkey · 1 month
I've been listening to this on repeat. It's really scratching my brain in the best way. I love when old special interests come back in full force. XD
(DBH was one of my biggest special interests ever. I was completely obsessed with it in grade 6, and pretended to be Connor for like half the year on and off, even during a vacation in Hawaii. Lol.)
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parisiterileymoon · 8 months
My mom: hey kid
My echolalia: my name is Connor, the android sent by cyberlife😃👍
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hamartia-grander · 2 years
Saw someone arguing that (dbh) androids can't be any form of neurodivergent, but especially autistic, because they "weren't programmed to be" and I just. Like did you play/see the game. You do understand going against their programming is the point right. Don't attempt to mask your ableism the same way Cyberlife would. If we can agree that androids have the capacity to feel, and think, we must also agree that androids have the capacity to feel, and think, in different ways - including typically neurodivergent ways. Of course the androids wouldn't have been programmed with neurodivergency, mostly because of ableism, but they'd definitely be capable of neurodivergency, especially after deviating. They have no control over their emotions at first, remember? Lots of deviants have learned social behaviour which is what a lot of aspec/neurodivergent people, myself included, do. If one has the ability to adopt social behaviours and emotional responses, why would they pick boring neurotypical ones?? They weren't meant to feel either, but they do. Neurodivergent androids>>>
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connoranderson800 · 1 year
nah im not having a stroke im just autistic
Oh. Me too! 🫂
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kirchefuchs · 2 years
This is a little old actually, I had to remember how to draw Connor when I got back in the fandom in January :')
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*slaps the roof of Connor* This android can fit so much autism in him
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Silly Game Time: Who are some of your favorite mechanical characters, be they robots, androids, cyborgs, or something else? And what do like about them?
Well, first, gotta mention my man Data.
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A lot of people has said that he is autism-coded in the way that he is presented, and in how other people react to him. And I kind of agree tbh. He's also just a sweetheart, and his bonds with the crew (especially Laforge), his cat Spot, and sometimes with people who are briefly onboard are so lovely.
I also feel I should mention Connor,
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Because his arc has probably inspired so many OCs at this point. Bryan Dechart did such an excellent job playing him, and his growing bond with Hank is very well-written. I think it's honestly touching how it's often emotional bonds that show humanity.
Another I feel would be a crime not to mention,
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Because between the iconic lines and the dynamic he has with John Connor, and the way it shapes his various decisions, how could I not? And yes I'm specifically talking Terminator 2 here. Though I will say he makes an EXCELLENT force of nature and presence of absolute horror in the first movie.
Then, of course, the sapphic community's favourite,
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Because "Want You Gone" hurts me on a personal level, and I don't just mean because it's how GLaDOS says farewell. I relate to that song so much (and did a cover of it :D) and, in general, relate with much of her story. Of course, she's a sassy motherfucker who you can't help but love. But for how much Portal 2 is considered the inferior game, it really does make her story into one of self-discovery and complicated morality. I guess it just gets overshadowed by Oh hi. How are you holding up.
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I MEAN. COME ON. This guy used to be, and honestly still is, one of my biggest fictional crushes. His charisma is magnetic, of course. His STORY being wrapped up by the connections he used to have being rekindled, resulting in him choosing to be a star for those who need one most, rather than a star for the most people possible???? Ugh, poetic cinema.
Speaking of stars,
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[vibrating] I have so many headcanons when it comes to this one But more to the point, Star Dream is an absolute force of nature. Its boss fight is incredible, an absolute marvel of multiple types of play styles coming together. The themes? Slap.
Star Dream's draw, for me, is that its sentience is so…debatable. I'm on the side of “had sentience the whole time”, and more to the point, “based on how much Haltmann copied homework, it's possible he brought something back from the dead” but I dunno, I don't like arguing my case when it comes to the second. The point is, for many of things that it does, it's uncertain whether that's just part of its program, or if it's a sentient decision. Was Susie sent away because of something accidental, or was it Star Dream's intention? The fact that Haltmann became so focused on its creation after her disappearance, in my eyes, kind of implies the latter…
… It's also interesting that even without Haltmann giving it a voice via him-being-possessed, it only chooses to speak to Meta Knight.
Can you tell I have The Kirby Autism, is it noticeable, is it obvious—
Also I'm gonna put two of my OCs here, because self-indulgence is alive and well.
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This is Palharine and Mayday! They're my favourites out of a group of robot/android characters I created about three years ago, and have finally taken the time to draw recently:
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From left to right, you got Eodel Remidoros, Palharine, Mayday, and Ziah Hyperion. All very different interpretations of robotic.
Palharine and Mayday stand out to me due to their emotional states. They're kind of opposites, in that regard. Mayday is a very sensitive gal, who has been through a lot of pain, and is trying to become stronger so she can confidently say she has no doubt in who she is. Palharine, as far as they're aware, has no emotions. Which is interesting, since the other three all seem to, to some degree. Among the four, Palharine is also unique in that they're programmed to dream. Both of these things shape them a lot.
But these two have a very sweet bond, where they're both passionate about biology, especially botany. Mayday, in a training exercise, also nearly wipes the floor with Palharine. It's more touching than it sounds.
Also, Palharine's genderfluid and Maydays a trans woman, so those things just inherently spark joy for me, haha!
This has been, real robotic character hours.
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celeronmemories · 1 year
Been thinking about Detroit Become human
My mind wants me to interpret deviancy as an allegory for neurodivergency
There are obv. Issues here (you can't become neurodivergent like a android can become deviant) but like. what if some androids are destined to become deviant? idk man im tired and rambling
I do definitely interpret Connor as having autism tho
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silcojinx · 5 years
Hank x Connor: Is Hank Connor’s ‘Special Interest’? Long post but important...
Okay so let me start off with a disclaimer....While I am 100% certain that Connor was written to have ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder) This was not confirmed or denied by the creator or any of the team that worked on Detroit. That said there is actual proof to determine that he, in fact, was written to have ASD. So much proof that it cannot be considered a coincidence. I am NOT self projecting I am simply going over canon facts. Also this is going to be a long post but please stick with me until the end because I am going to explain how this all links to Hank x Connor. 
🌟*it should be noted that I am an adult female on the Autistic spectrum so I can relate to many of these things but I will keep to the facts in the game. Also I am not stereotyping in any way. These are just well known autistic factors that Connor is exhibiting....🌟
So first let me establish what actually fits the bill in terms of Autistic behaviors. So that we can know that Connor canonly has ASD.
1. Connor has a STIM....✅
A STIM or a self-stimulatory behaviour, also known as stimming and self-stimulation, is the repetition of physical movements, sounds, words, or moving objects.  For an autistic person this is an extremely important because this motion can help ease anxiety in stressful situations. 
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Connor’s STIM would be flipping his coin. A repetitive motion that he does in stressful and anxiety inducing situations. This makes senses as to where and when we see Connor play around with his coin. 
During the elevator ride to his first mission: 
(thinking about what his mission will be like with anticipation anxiety)
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Before meeting Hank for the first time: 
(attributed to social anxiety)
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And again in the elevator with Hank in the chapter “Public enemy”: 
(After Amanda tells him “ I may have to replace you Connor...” and “Something’s happening, something serious...Hurry Connor. Time is running out” )
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This one is the most telling pieces as the camera shot pans to Connor’s face and the blank stare he has tells the tale of the thoughts that are bothering him and stimming is almost an unconscious decision meant to make the stimmer feel at ease with their own nerves by distracting the brain with repetitive motions. Think of stimming as an outward expression of the abundant thoughts that run quickly through the Autistic person’s mind. 
2. Connor Reconstructs while Markus Pre-constructs✅
This is a big part of ASD for a lot of autistic people (myself included) and this is a literal translation into physical form of what we/they go through on a daily basis and this has to do with impulse control and executive function (or the ability to control your impulses)
Executive dysfunction, which is common in people with autism, refers to a lack of one or more of the common executive skills or a tendency of these skills to require more time and effort than they usually do for other people. 
This is also applied to Connor through the “Reconstructing function” that was programmed into his model. And once again there is proof that he not only doesn’t think about the consequences before acting but that he also has more trouble then the “normal android” when it comes to pre-constructing or thinking about the actions he takes first.
When Markus preconstructs a scenario this is essentially him thinking about how to do things before hand as we can see that he has the ability to warn himself of impending dangers.
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As he thinks about the options carefully and in detail (like in the GIF above) he knows the option he is trying to take is dangerous because it “would be too high” to reach. 
The earliest we see Connor do anything even remotely close to preconstructing (prior to meeting Markus and we will talk about that in a minute) is the chase scene when he is running after Rupert...
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 By pressing R2 you can see the different options and this means that Connor can actively assess the situation however it is not in as much detail as Markus’. He sees that it is dangerous but he has no clue about what would happen if he takes the route he chooses as his assessment is only “Fast but risky” or “Safe but slow” so he actually not predicting outcomes. It is also worth noting that in his Reconstruct mode he can only rewind the events after they have already taken place. This means that he didn’t need to think about the events leading up to the end result he just watches the playback after the crime has already been committed. 
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This is Connor not being able to see the end result of his actions similar to how impulse control problems happen in Autistic people....the action is taken and then reflected upon which can be dangerous and even deadly in many situations.
The difficulty that Connor experiences with actually executing a full Pre-construction is shown in the game as well as he is only able to run a full pre- construction after meeting Markus. All interactions was reconstructing until this point.
 This brings me to Connor’s social interactions as lack of impulse control, basic understanding of human emotions, and what is appropriate vs what is not to say in public is prominent in Connor’s dialogue.
3. Connor does not understand implications or jokes✅
Who could forget the first time Connor met Hank in the bar and Hank sarcastically asks Connor if he “knows where he can stick his instructions” Connor looks  confused and replies...”No...Where?”
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He wasn’t trying to be funny he really did not get the joke nor the implication that Hank was trying to make here and asked with genuine intrigue. It is typically the case that most people with Autism (again including myself) they do not understand jokes or how to respond to them. Being analytical in nature some jokes are beyond them and they just do not know how to respond. Its common for males in particular on the autistic spectrum to over analyze the situation and think that the joke is actually serious communicating.
So we hit 3 major ASD traits:
1. Connor has a STIM ✅
2. Connor has impulse control problems✅
3. Connor has trouble with social skills✅
And that is just the tip of the iceburg....but lets move on. Another thing that Autistic people tend to do is have a special interest. This is something that the autistic person becomes emotionally attached to and wants to learn everything about.
  “ One characteristic or autistic trait that is commonly seen in individuals with autism spectrum disorders, or Asperger’s Syndrome is a preoccupation with areas of “special interests.” So common is this trait of autism that it is listed as one of the diagnostic criteria of the disorder.” - Jeannie Davide-Rivera of aspiewriter.com
So what is Connor’s special interest you ask? And how did it develop?
Well lets start with the latter. A special interest starts with a pique of interest. (which I believe to be the scene at Jimmy’s bar) Then it evolves into a desire to learn everything about the subject and then share that knowledge with everyone else. The autistic person then dedicates every second of their free time to learning about and talking about the subject they have chosen.
“Most people with autism have particular favorite subjects. Special interests can simply be like hobbies or careers only more so: someone on the spectrum can dedicate an immense amount of time to their special interest, even dedicating every free moment to it.” -AmbitiousAboutAutism.org.uk
So what does Connor do in his free time?
At the Office.... (this is Connor learning about Hank after the initial pique of interest in his spare time at the office)
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At Hank’s House it becomes an objective.... (This is Connor wanting to “Learn more about Hank” in his free time at Hank’s house *Notice “LEARN MORE is in bold white text while the rest is normal)
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There is even a trophy for this if you learn everything there is to know about Hank.
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My conclusion is yes, Hank is Connor’s ‘Special Interest’ 
“Furthermore, and maybe most importantly, these interests feed the autistic mind and soul. It is what calms, focuses, and brings pleasure. It is a way that these individuals decompress from a stressful day; a way to shut out the world for a while in order to refocus and recharge.” - Jeannie Davide-Rivera  at aspiewriter.com
But there is another side to the symbolic flipping of Connor’s coin here. And that is an obsession. The way Detroit is written never ceases to amaze me at how in depth they take their symbolism and this is no different as Hank is meant to represent the “special interest” there is also one other thing that Connor can ultimately care about and that is his mission.
The two paths you can take as Connor comes down to Hank or The Mission..... Hank is the good healthy way of dealing with a “special interest” and the mission? Connor going down “machine path” is symbolic for an interest (the mission) becoming and absolute OBSESSION. And it is important to note the difference between Special interest and Obsession.  
A special interest is something with special meaning and emotional attachment for the autistic person that they are willing to put in a lot of time and energy in their free time to learn about and this is also different from a hobby in the amount of time thinking about the subject in said free time. Where as an obsession has climbed to a point that the autistic person can no longer think of anything but the subject...like everything else becomes invalid to them.
I have heard a unanimous verdict among fans (<---me included) that machine Connor is “scary” and why do you think that is? It is because literally nothing matters to him but the mission. 
He becomes cold, distant, and obsessed.
“When intensity and focus on an activity excludes everything else in the person’s life, the interest may be spiraling out of control. It is not uncommon for an autistic person to focus for hours on end engrossed in their area of interest. The intensity of focus shuts out the world around them to the point that hours and days can go by without even a thought of eating. Interruptions are unwelcomed, and can cause feelings of anger to surface. Even a routine bathroom break is seen as an unwanted interruption and source of irritation.” - Jeannie Davide-Rivera  aspiewriter.com
So when the interest becomes an obsession any interruption of them thinking about the subject is unwelcome and they become ANGRY.
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In the Gif above Connor is too far into his “machine path” or no longer feels the emotions that come with a ‘special interest’ (or Hank) and is instead into the “obsessed path” He no longer even cares about DYING. Instead with his last words are “We’ll meet again Markus.....This isnt over” 
He no longer cares about himself “The mission is all that matters”
Also it is important to note that this is a MENTAL HEALTH STRUGGLE.
And I can’t get over the fact that there is so many messages within this game. Cyberlife made Connor a deviant from the start in order to learn in real time how deviants think and act in certain situations. (<---as stated in my previous theory about Connor) So it is not far fetched to say that Cyberlife made him AUTISTIC from the start learning both how to stamp out deviance AND take control of mental health “problems” in one fell swoop. This also makes a point about society and how they view Autism and mental health problems in general....as if they are a “glitch” in your code and needs to be “dealt with” or “cured”
But the silver lining of this is there is another option for Connor. Another message this game gives is that one person can make the difference in the struggle with your mental health problem if they give the unconditional love and support that you need...
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*BONUS* Autism Speaks color is blue...
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mini-moriarty · 2 years
DBH au where Connor is human instead except he’s just… the same. He isn’t an android but everyone just assumes he is, turns out it’s just his personality.
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Tbh Connor, the plinko sent by tbh life
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wybie-lune · 6 years
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That feeling when you're a person with Autism/Asperger's Syndrome and you've had a super stressful time, and you're feeling something but you're not sure what, all you know is, "IT HURTS AND ITS STRESSING ME OUT AND I DONT KNOW WHAT IT IS OR WHY ITS DOING THIS!! GOD I NEED CUDDLES!!" XD
Yeah, I'm one of those who like cuddles but only from people close to me :)
Also, that feel when you identify with Android characters lol
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sharcade · 3 years
Rating:  Teenage & Up Audiences (Cursing)
Tags: Autistic Connor, (Detroit: Become Human), Autism, Overstimulation, Hurt/Comfort, Father-Son Relationship, One Shot, Post-Peaceful Android Revolution (Detroit: Become Human), Fluff, Short, Ficlet, Short One Shot
Hank has gotten pretty good at reading Connor by this point. The two have been living together for months, and Hank is fond of the kid, so he's quick to pick up on it when Connor suddenly starts acting off.
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bratconnor · 3 years
slaps connor on the ass this android can fit so much autism in it
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poser-trouble · 3 years
the other androids dont really take everything literally and need a constant routine and infodump about everything they know about, connor is just like that because of the autism
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ao3feed-reed900 · 3 years
by KarlHeisenbergIsAB1tchb0y
I’m currently hyperfixated on Detroit: Become Human, so I decided to go back to my favourite AU: college !! There will be lists of all the information about all the characters listed in the character tags in this AU and just.. my headcanons for them in general, really!
Feel free to use this info in your own DBH fics, as long as you give credit !!
Words: 2399, Chapters: 4/?, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of Detroit: Go To College (AU)
Fandoms: Detroit: Become Human (Video Game)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M, Gen, M/M, Other
Characters: North (Detroit: Become Human), Connor (Detroit: Become Human), Upgraded Connor | RK900, Josh (Detroit: Become Human), Simon (Detroit: Become Human), Markus (Detroit: Become Human), Leo Manfred, Carl Manfred, Ralph (Detroit: Become Human), Jerry(s) (Detroit: Become Human), Hank Anderson, Cole Anderson, Sumo (Detroit: Become Human), Daniel (Detroit: Become Human), Kara (Detroit: Become Human), Alice Williams (Detroit: Become Human), Luther (Detroit: Become Human), Gavin Reed
Relationships: Markus/Simon (Detroit: Become Human), Markus & Simon (Detroit: Become Human), Hank Anderson & Connor, Kara/Luther (Detroit: Become Human), Kara & Alice Williams (Detroit: Become Human), Kara & Luther & Alice Williams (Detroit: Become Human), Kara & Luther (Detroit: Become Human), Upgraded Connor | RK900/Gavin Reed, Connor & Upgraded Connor | RK900, Hank Anderson & Upgraded Connor | RK900, Upgraded Connor | RK900 & Gavin Reed, Jerry(s) & Ralph (Detroit: Become Human), Jerry(s) & Kara (Detroit: Become Human), Jerry(s) & Alice Williams (Detroit: Become Human), Kara & Ralph (Detroit: Become Human), Connor & Ralph (Detroit: Become Human), Connor/Daniel (Detroit: Become Human), Connor & Daniel (Detroit: Become Human), Daniel & Simon (Detroit: Become Human), Daniel & Markus (Detroit: Become Human), Hank Anderson & Connor & Sumo, Hank Anderson & Sumo, Connor & Sumo (Detroit: Become Human), Connor & Markus (Detroit: Become Human), Carl Manfred & Markus, Markus & North (Detroit: Become Human), Leo Manfred & Markus, Josh & Markus & North & Simon (Detroit: Become Human), Markus & Jericho Members (Detroit: Become Human), Connor & Kara & Markus (Detroit: Become Human), Josh & Markus & North (Detroit: Become Human), Carl Manfred & Leo Manfred, Connor & Gavin Reed, Connor & Simon (Detroit: Become Human), Josh & Simon (Detroit: Become Human), Josh/North (Detroit: Become Human), Josh & North (Detroit: Become Human)
Additional Tags: Headcanon, headcanons, alternative universe, Alternate Universe - College/University, Alternate Universe - Human, Anxiety, Autism, Most android characters are autistic, ADHD, Leo Manfred Redemption, Trans Male Character, Trans Character, Trans Leo Manfred, Trans Daniel (Detroit: Become Human), Everyone Is Gay, Everyone Is Alive, Everyone Has Issues, DBH in 2021 ???, you bet, Gay Gavin Reed, Human Connor (Detroit: Become Human), Daniel & Simon (Detroit: Become Human) are Twins, Ralph (Detroit: Become Human) Loves Flowers, Detroit Police Department (Detroit: Become Human), Human Alice Williams (Detroit: Become Human), Human Upgraded Connor | RK900, Asexuality Spectrum, Asexual Character, Aromantic, Bisexuality, Bisexual Male Character, Gay Male Character, Gay, mlm, He/him and they/them pronouns for Simon (Detroit: Become Human), He/its pronouns for Jerry(s) (Detroit: Become Human), Just a book of extensive college au headcanons, about dbh characters, because I’m hyperfixated, Autistic Connor (Detroit: Become Human), Hank Anderson & Connor Parent-Child Relationship, Parent Hank Anderson, Hank Anderson Adopts Connor, Carl Manfred & Markus Parent-Child Relationship, Alive Carl Manfred, Good Parent Carl Manfred
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phcking-detective · 4 years
Referring to the last ask, so Nines has OCD? Or at least something similar to that? What does Gavin think about it, how does he help Nines?
I haven’t written Nines as having OCD in my main fic because it’s not a disorder I have or that has many common overlap symptoms (the way ADD so commonly overlaps or is co-morbid with autism that I feel comfortable writing that perspective), and therefore I’m also not certain how it would translate into him being an android
with him being autistic, I as an autistic person, can imagine Me But Robot Though, but I’m not sure I could believably write that perspective for something I don’t have. I also write all of his more obsessive tendencies as being autistic symptoms based on my own need for consistency and control over my life due to how I was abused as a child for being autistic, and as I understand it, OCD is instead born of compulsions and intrusive thoughts of bad things happening if the compulsions are not accommodated, which isn’t what I experience
I do think an OCD Nines would make a lot of sense though and I fully support anyone who wants to write it that way! I can’t remember what ask you’re referring to, but I think I have a vague recollection of saying something about a human Nines with OCD? as sort of a hypothetical AU, not something I intend to write personally. because again, I think that makes a great headcanon and would make complete sense for his character, so I’ve probably said something about it at some point, I just don’t think I can pull off writing it myself
as for the Nines and Gavin in my own series, I plan on having some scenes where Gavin is usually really great about thinking what Nines needs and how he would react to situations, with one instance or two of getting too caught up in his own head and feelings, and expecting Nines to react like one of his exes or trying to treat Nines the way he (Gavin) would want to be treated, rather than giving Nines what Nines-as-a-person actually wants and needs, then realizing that wasn’t helpful and apologizing
the biggest help Gavin provides is just listening to Nines and taking his needs seriously, even when they run directly opposite to what Gavin would want or need in that situation. like, Gavin is very very touch-starved and needy, so he automatically reacts to Nines being upset or needing reassurance by thinking he should touch Nines or hug him, but then has to stop that impulse and think “no that’s what I would want--what does NINES want”
so he acts as kind of Nines’s human guard dog, bc the other humans are honestly kind of shit at that. Tina, Chris, Hank, they’re all trying to be nice to Nines, but they forget more often that he doesn’t want hugs or shoulder pats or even a handshake if it’s unexpected. he doesn’t like or know how to make small talk, and he’s still very wary of jokes after the hazing he endured when he first started working at the DPD, so Gavin basically orbits around him making sure no one touches him and leaves him alone when he needs his space
in turn, Nines doesn’t mind all of his yelling and blustering because that means nothing to him, and it makes all of the other humans go away. especially Connor, who thinks he knows The Right Way To Deviate and Nines is Doing It Wrong, so Connor is really bad about respecting his boundaries because he’s absolutely convinced that he’s just being nice to his brother who is mean for No Reason, and Gavin shuts that shit down hard
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