#and Finn gets some bonding time with his dad
fandoms--fluff · 11 months
The Things I’d Do For You
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Older Mikaelson sister reader x Hope Mikaelson
Summary: Hope distances herself away from you and everyone so you go to her school, and comfort her through a breakdown about your dead family members and her fears and guilt and everything
Warnings: mentions of death, swearing
A/n: very fluffy but angst at the same time i think? And of course had to incorporate Alaric bashing. Currently working on more hope content!!!!!!
Some would think with the mass age difference of six hundred between you and your younger sister, Hope, that the two of you wouldn’t be that close. But it’s the total opposite. Ever since Hope met you and you guys have bonded, you’ve been closer with each other than anybody else. 
You may have different mothers, both are dead, but you still feel close to one another either if you were half sister like now or full sisters. 
Your mother abandoned you when you were very young, and even when she was there, she wasn’t ever the best mother anyways. You crossed paths with your father, the original Klaus Mikaelson, when you were in England in 1492 after you were turned almost a century prier from being killed by ironically, a vampire, when you were 19. He was on his journey to just about complete the sacrifice with Katerina Petrova in some little days when you showed up. He automatically could tell you were connected to him in the first couple minutes of talking. Something about you seemed so similar. 
That’s when he got you to open up about your past that you both put together what had happened. Starting when your mother and him had a long relationship until she ran away one day with no trace to follow. Like she evaporated out of existence, fell off the face of the Earth. She was pregnant with you, their daughter and obviously hadn’t wanted Klaus to find out about you and tried to do everything in her power to get rid of you, not knowing you’d be a first born Mikaelson witch-tribrid when you were born. 
It was the first time in a while that Klaus had openly showed affection with anyone, but with you, he didn’t skip a heart beat. After meeting for the first time and connecting with your father, you guys had went your separate ways, Klaus not wanting Mikael to find out about you. 
You had kept in touch with each other, meeting all your aunts and uncles, besides from Finn until Mystic Falls in 2010 and Freya later on after you came back to New Orleans because a call from your uncle Elijah about something he shouldn’t tell you over the phone. After that, you quickly packed your things and left Mystic Falls after saying goodbye to your friends, Caroline, Stefan, Bonnie, and Damon. 
After everything that had went down over the years when Hope was growing up and learning how you were her sister and about your past. She always made it clear that she looked up to you and wanted to be like you, someone who’d drop everything to help her family. You didn’t know how to feel about that when she first told you after you read her a bed time story when she was six, but after that, you knew how special you are to her. Even your dad and Hayley pulled you aside to say how grateful they were to have you stay in Hope’s life even though you had every right to not want to. 
She had started sneaking into your room at night when she was supposed to be asleep when she was seven. It woke you up straight away when you heard the doorknob turn, but after a while you knew how to tell it was her. You’d always welcome her into your arms and let her cuddle you to her hearts contents. 
It slowed down for a couple years when she was entering her teenage years, thinking that she was too old for it, but caved a couple times. 
It picked up greatly after your guys’ dad and uncle Elijah died, plus her mom, Hayley, who you were starting to consider a mother figure yourself. And it hadn’t stopped or slowed down, not that your complaining though, it’s just when she was younger she’d always tell you when somethings wrong or if she just wanted cuddles. Now, she barely opens up, and when she does, it’s when she’s on the brink of a meltdown and you calmly pull her out of it. 
Like right now, you’re really worried about your baby sister. She hasn’t phoned or texted you for a couple days now since going back to the boarding school after winter break. You’re getting anxious about what might happen, considering everything that happened with the boy that she was dating and he had died the previous year. 
You’re pacing back and forth in your room at the abattoir when you feel a presence in the doorway. “What are you doing here Marcel?” You stop your pacing and turn over to look at the younger vampire. 
“I just wanted to check in on you, I haven’t seen you out in a couple days” he says and comes into the room, standing in front of you. 
“I’m just worries about Hope, I haven’t heard anything from her in almost a week and she hasn’t been answering my phone calls or texts. I’m trying to figure out if I did something to make her mad at me, or if I forgot about something and she’s mad about that” you rant to him. 
“Hey, take a deep breath, I’m sure everything is fine. How about you go visit her, and if your nervous, you have friends there that can also give you a helping hand about it, right?”
“Yeah, thanks Marcel” you guys quickly hug before he leaves and you start packing a bag. 
Once you get to Mystic Falls, you were about to turn around from the school and just go over to see Damon, but before you can, you get a phone call from an unknown caller. Sighing, you answer it, not having any reason not to. 
A voice quickly starts speaking, “Hey Y/n, I’m Lizzie, Hope’s friend- kinda friend? from school. I know from what Hope had told me about you that you dont like to be disturbed, but I think you might want to know about this.”
“What happened, is hope alright?” you ask concerned. 
“I don’t know, she hasn’t left her room besides for necessaties and won’t talk to any of us. I was wondering how fast you can get here, I know it’s far from New Orleans but I’m worried about her. It’s as if she’s turned off her emotions even though she hasn’t activated her vampire part” Lizzie quickly tells you, worry evident in the girl’s voice. 
“Hey, hey, sweetie, calm down, it’s going to be okay. Believe it or not, I was just on my way to the school, I’ll be there in five minutes, okay?” You soften your tone. 
“Okay, thanks” she says, clear that she’s taking deep breathes before hanging up. 
You put your phone down and immediately step on the gas, breaking more than one speed limit getting to the boarding school in record time. As you step into the school, you see a tall blond girl leaning against a wall, waiting anxiously. 
You walk over to her, and place your hand on her shoulder. “You must be Lizzie, right?” You say.
“Yeah, sorry about the panicked phone call, I didn’t know who else to phone” she murmured, calming from your gentle touch.
“It’s alright, I know you’re worried, is Hope in her room?” You asked, already knowing the answer. “Um, yeah. The last time she came out was to take a shower last night” she tells you. 
“Okay, thanks Lizzie. I’ll see you later” you smile and squeeze the siphoner’s shoulder before making your way to your sister’s room. 
You knock on her door, not getting an answer, but you know she’s in there from her breathing and heart beat. You memorized how they sound when she was younger in case anything happened. 
Unlocking the door with your magic, you walk into her room. Her back is facing the now closed door and you, “I thought I made it clear I didn’t want you Lizzie” Hope sternly says, not noticing it’s you and not her blond friend. 
“Good thing I’m not Lizzie then” you tell her, crossing your arms over your chest. 
Hope immediately freezes, realizing who is in her room. It’s definitely not her frenemy, but her big sister. The same sister who she’s been ignoring for almost a week. The same sister who she knows was worried the second she made her phone calls go to voicemail.
She doesn’t know what to do, but she does turn around, which she doesn’t know if it’s a smart move or not, seeing the stern and worrisome look you have. 
“Y/n” she mumbles. 
“Hey Hope, I want you to know that I’m not mad at you” you tell her, slowly making your way over to her. She lets out a breath of air she didn’t even know she was holding in. 
“All I want to know is why you’ve been pushing everyone who cares about you away” you crouch down in front of where she’s sitting on her bed. 
She shakes her head, trying to avoid eye contact with you. 
You look over to her nightstand and see pictures and small trinkets laid out in a haphazard manner. Looking closer, you notice the pictures are the ones you printed for her when she was 12. They’re some of her, you, your guys’ family, both of you in selfies from when she was really young. 
You reach over and pick a handful of them up. “I remember this day, I took you to the zoo and you wouldn’t leave the lion exhibit because you were waiting for Simba to come over to you and have a conversation with him. I’m pretty sure Hayley despised me for allowing you to watch Lion King all those times, she said one day you’d drive her crazy with how much you sang the songs” you hand Hope the photo. 
She chuckled, tears forming in her eyes. “I remember, I kept begging mom to go back to the zoo with you after. I was committed to try talking to a lion” she looked back up at you with a sad smile, remembering the day more clearly. 
You see the emotion in her face, you smile knowing you’re getting somewhere. Digging another one out of the pile. “Oh, this was a fun day. Dad took us to the ice cream place and allowed us to get whatever we wanted. By the end of the day you had, I swear, the biggest sugar high ever.” 
Hope took the photo handed to her, it shows a picture that you’re taking with your phone with your guys’ dad across the table and her beside you with ice cream all around her mouth. “Mom yelled at dad the second she saw me” Hope’s smile widened. 
“Yeah, boy did he get a talking to. But even through all that, you still somehow fell asleep in my arms, and ironically it was during the loudest part of it” you say, making you both chuckle. 
You sort through the pictures in your hands, pausing after seeing a specifically worn out one with light yellow aging on the outline.  
“Hm, now where’d you get this one?” You say with a risen eyebrow, lifting a picture of you from the 1840s. You’ve been looking for it in your room at the abattoir but you had a hunch of where it went, and it seems you were right. 
Hope pauses for a second, realizing she got caught with something. “...I may have taken it from your room. It was after m-mom died and I couldn’t find you, but I saw this on your dresser. And I thought you looked to so pretty in it, I took it because... I don’t know really. I guess I was scared that you were going to leave too and maybe having something close to you from your history made me think that it help with my paranoia.” your younger sister slowly explained, thinking back to when she took it. 
“You were really scared, weren’t you?” You softly say more than ask.
“Mhm, I thought you’d be next. But then it was Dad and Uncle Elijah. I’m so scared you’re gonna leave me too” Hope sobbed, finally breaking after not talking for so long about it. 
You immediately put the pictures down and lean forward from where you’re still crouching and pull her into your arms. One of your hands lay on the back of her head, rubbing your finger tips in slow circles. It’s something you used to do when she’d come to you with nightmares. 
“Oh sweetie, I’m so sorry you’ve felt this way. You don’t have to worry, I’m not going anywhere, I won’t let anyone make me leave you ever again” you tell her and kiss her forehead. 
You wrap your arm tightly and securely around Hope’s lower back. After a second, you stand up, carrying her. Her legs automatically wrap around your torso and she clings to you tighter than before, letting her emotions out as she cries into your neck. 
“E-everyone around me d-dies. I th-thought if I distanced myself from everyone then n-no one else would die” she explains her actions to you through her sobs. 
You start walking around the room and slightly bouncing her as if she were a baby. Some may find it weird that you’re doing this with a fifteen year old but it’s starting to calm her down, so screw what other people may think weird about it. 
 “Baby, that would seem like the best choice at the moment, but after a while you’ll feel so alone until you don’t feel at all. Think of it as a human humanity switch. No one, especially me, wants you to go through it, it’s horrible” you tell her, your own eyes starting to water from how your sister has been feeling. 
She clings to you, her arms wrapped around your neck, like a koala. She doesn’t want anyone else she loves to die. “I want them to come back” she whimpers through her crying. 
“Me too, me too. If I could just wave my hand and have them appear, I would.” You go back over to her bed and sit down on it with Hope now sitting on your lap, not wanting to let you go.
“I-I miss Mommy and Dadddy and uncle ‘Lijah” she mumbles, trying to blink her tears away. 
"Oh I know you do, I know sweet girl" you comfort her, rubbing your hand in circles on her back. You feel horrible for not realizing it sooner, how she felt on the inside about all of this. But who can blame her, she's only fifteen and lost so many important people in her life, and now scares that by getting close to anyone will send them to their death beds aswell.
She nuzzles further into your chest and scrunches up fistfuls of your shirt in her hands. Looking to the side, you see the simba stuffed animal you got Hope for christmas when she was eight in front of her pillows.
You unwrap one of your arms from the fifteen year old and grab the stuffed animal. Kissing Hope's forehead, you slowly start to move a couple inches away from her, earning you a whine of protest. Before she crashes back into you, you press the stuffed animal to her chest.
"You still have this" you say softly. She looks down and slowly unwraps her arms from you, noticing what you're talking about.
She picks Simba up into her arms and snuggles him after a couple back and forth glance between you and the stuffed animal. "Would never get rid of him, you gave it to me" she pouts at how you dare would've thought that, behind the lion's head.
“Well now I know where all my things are going” you softly chuckled, noticing the reason why the sweater Hope is wearing looks so familiar, it’s yours.
"You're clothes are just comfier" she mumbles into your chest, the lion held tight in her left arm.
"Is that right?" You ask with a teasing smile on your face. "Mhm."
"You're not gonna leave. Right?" She looks up at you with widened puppy eyes. "I'm not going to leave, I promise" you brushed the hair out of her face. You get an approving nod, before laying back into her big sister.
"I think it's time I move back into our old house" you say and she looks up at you with confusion. "Oh, right you've never been there, have you?" You ask. She shakes her head.
"Well, our dad built-actually got hybrids to build it, but that's whatever, a mansion just outside of town, and I'm pretty sure everything's still there. All I have to do is pack some things and get the keys to it from New Orleans before moving back in. I can't believe Alaric never told you about it- actuay I do believe that, he's an ass" you tell her.
"Wanna know a secret?" She whispers into your ear like she's seven again. "Of course" you whisper back.
"I think he's an ass too" she smiles, getting an affirming smile and nod from you. "Now you're speaking my language" you kiss the top of her head.
"I love you, y/n/n" she tells you.
"I love you too, little sis."
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I would kill to have you overanalyze everything about Falsettos. Hope that didn't sound too threatening, I was joking, I'm just really into your analysis of the chess game :3
omg! I would love to analyze anything for you, man! 💗 I've pretty much picked everything out of a lot of the songs─ lil surprised I don't have my own corkboard with red twine commemorating my insanity on this musical lol
Looking through the album, the first option that came to mind might've been The Thrill of First Love but I think I'll take a break from toxic gays for just one moment and give you a strangely written analysis on Marvin at the Psychiatrist: A Three-Part Mini Opera, because of the different character pov's (i.e., Mendel, Jason, somewhat Whizzer, and of course, Marvin─ and I know Whizzer only announces each section of the song but hear me out, the theories are crazy and I'm obsessed with them and this song definitely factors into them aswell).
Basically, we'll start off with a quick look over Jason's lines, as he is the first character to speak/sing in the song. Right off the bat, we have him showing a HUGE disdain for love because of his father pretty much ruining his home life with the illusion of it. Well, maybe disdain is strong, but you get what I mean─ he's very reluctant to accept romance as an option for himself at all at this point because the wound is still very fresh from Marvin blowing up their family life, but yeah, also, he's a little preteen boy so it also makes sense for him to object to liking anyone just because of immaturity.
As we progress, Jason does a joint-therapy session with Marvin and they talk about outings and father/son bonding time gone badly wrong. He lets us in on his hyper-observance with his reaction to Marvin saying the pitcher they saw at a baseball game was handsome, and makes sure the audience is well aware he has some pretty conflicting emotions about his dad and his dad's sexuality. Especially given My Father's a Homo comes directly after this song, and in turn, also directly after this moment, so we know his feelings over Marvin and Whizzer (being that he enjoys Whizzer's company, seeing as Whizzer is the only adult who actually treats him like a kid and not like a victim or a baby or an average adult, like- but still) and their messy relationship.
It really makes me wonder on how it is when he's meant to go over to their apartment, since it's canonical that they live together and that Jason sees him regularly. And if they act terribly in front of him still. I assume Whizzer wouldn't allow that, another trait that gives Jason reason to side with him, because he seems like he really just doesn't want to completely, for lack of better words, fuck up Jason's whole childhood experience by being a part of it.
Now! Mendel isn't a complicated perspective, per say, just very eccentric. Especially assuming he asks MANY intrusive questions to a man who just openly came out as gay about his ex-wife and her sexual habits and such. This is where we tell him to go to horny jail.
(That's not the whole analysation, I swear─)
Mendel to me seems like he probably takes the initiative to not relay any of his clients actual info to other family members, but this song pretty much just proves he's incapable of brain-thought when he's horny. Which, yeah, that's hilarious that the only straight man is just thirsting over a woman to this gay guy. William Finn, you've done it again.
Anyhow, Mendel is pretty vital in this song. We get to see his psychiatry techniques, and with that, understand exactly what kind of situation Marvin's been, in taking therapy from him this whole time. The first part of the song is probably the best way of analyzing, since he's actually intelligible and giving Marvin advice. Well, that advice consists of telling him to ignore Whizzer's flaws and love him regardless, you can actually sorta see that at work in some aspects of the musical, even if he's constantly condescending to Whizzer throughout act one.
But generally, Marvin tends to take the exact opposite path that Mendel gives him, and basically just uses him as a venting device. Then again, Mendel is not to great at giving advice, as a neurotic little man who has like four mental breakdowns in the course of act one and two.
Next, Whizzer, of course. Short but sweet, or.. angsty? I've heard a few people theorize that Whizzer narrates the story ("Marvin at the psychiatrist, a three part mini opera, part one." "Part two." "Part three." "Psychiatrist, returning, returning! Five sessions later..." "A day in Falsettoland─ Doctor Mendel at work.") because after he dies, it sort of becomes his story of finding a true family and lover and son and being actually happy and knowing he lived well before he died really, tragically young, at least.
I'd like to take it a different direction, because I hate angst, and only sometimes tolerate it.
I've realized that Whizzer only actually narrates Mendel's shenanigans, which makes me think, especially with how he still does in act two, he gets to HEAR about the sessions. Whether it be from Marvin, or Jason, or Trina. Or even Mendel himself (this one's more act two based). It may introduce a new side because Whizzer doesn't go to therapy (shocker), but the people he's around all see this one guy so maybe he hears about the sessions and can relay them because he knows this one person's aspect of the story each time.
It wouldn't make a lot of sense for him to hear anything from Mendel in act one assuming they weren't close (at least not in the revival), and he doesn't marry Trina until Marvin and Whizzer are broken up, basically. But it would make more sense for him to get it from his boyfriend who absolutely loves to complain about any minor inconvenience in his life. I just think this could be an interesting perspective, because I've only ever seen that first theory and although somewhat fitting, I need less angst and more cool little headcanons in this fanbase please and thank you.
Finally, we go to Marvin. The star of the show, our princess with several disorders (we all know who our real queens are *stares directly at Trina and Whizzer*).
Throughout the entirety of this song, we see him barely entertaining Mendel with information. He's very vague, which probably stems from a life of secrecy and sneaking around. Although I presume he told Mendel about the affair while it was happening, or a few months in? Or Mendel just knew? Just by the general air of it, and how it seemed well-known by that point even though him and Trina only just divorced.
Marvin definitely keeps to himself, and waits for Mendel to butt in with something. Not so he can take his advice, but moreso so that he can kinda just. Have it, on hand? Or maybe so he can prove to himself that therapy is a hoax, because that certainly sounds like a Marvin thing to do.
Even while going through events with his son, he only states that eventually their interactions just go back to being stale and that they SHOULD be closer, without ever trying to actually make an effort (he assumes making an effort is taking Jason on outings even though they both prefer to stay inside, on their own. This definitely comes from his parents not doing anything with him as a kid, it's internalized so he pushes going out in public and doing what would be father/son outings onto Jason. It's something he never got to have, so he thinks that means he's fathering Jason better than average).
Not much to be said about that middle factor, besides the point of Marvin not knowing Trina was withholding love from him, which is interesting. Her character and lines definitely prevail that she was fed up with Marvin, but it could have just come out as indifference during their marriage. In I'm Breaking Down, she does make a point to state that she only wants a man to love her, so that could've been an overwhelming point in their marriage that Marvin remembers more vividly then her drifting away.
He did seem genuinely surprised when Mendel brought it up, so there is something there for sure.
But now, my dear silly, it's time for me to say adieu, because it's semi-late and I gotta update a fic draft :) but thank you sm for asking! made my day, it was so sweet. my inbox is always open for any suggestions, I'm really glad you like these little rants lol.
I'll try to post more soon 🫶
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railingsofsorrow · 1 year
hi maybe do a klaus mikaelson x daughter!reader angst. reader and hope are the same age older pls!! maybe that reader! and hope get into a fight physically and use their powers against each other and maybe the reader or hope gets hurt. and we get blamed at and screaming and maybe daggered by our father. by our cruel actions against each-other . but our uncles and aunts prevent it from happening. ^idk im bad at storyline plot XD. reader daughter is a witch you decide :p
Always and Forever
A/N: hope is a bit of a dick in the beginning, just a heads up.
A/N²: thank you for this request I loved writing it! sorry for taking so long to post it, university is burying me alive.
summary: you and hope have a quarrel. there's spilled blood and a few apologies.
pairing: none.
w.c: 3K
warnings/content: mentions of a major character death; lucien castle (I fucking hate him so it's a warning); mention of minor characters death; siblings arguments; description of violence; blood; injuries; gore; lots of angst; happy ending.
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“I am so done with you, Hope.”
The storm your feet were causing against the wood of the compound reached your family's sensitive ears quickly.
“Oh, you're done with me?” Your sister followed your harsh steps, earning a glare from you that you didn't need to look back at her for her to see it. “Is there anything else you'd like to tell me? Like how stupid I am for making a decision? Isn't that what you always say anyway?”
“And you still don't listen!”
Rebekah was the first one to protest from the living room where a bunch of compelled men were being ordered around to redecorate the place.
“Girls, pitch it down. I'm trying to do some redecorating here,” her unhelpful jab was promptly ignored as you yanked the door open, the sound echoing through the room. “Hey!” Rebekah stared at your angry breeze in indignation. “Do not ignore me—”
“Come back. We're not done talking.”
Then, just as you were in the middle of the street, you went back inside the compound. Or rather, pulled back by an invisible force.
Did Hope just used her magic on you? Did she just—
“Say it. Say what you think. What you have always thought about me. Go ahead.”
“Hope.” Warned Elijah.
Your eyes narrowed into slits as your fists clenched, “Do not manhandle me with your stupid magic, Hope—”
“What on Earth is going on here?” Kol peaked below from the bannister. He could hear the screaming from ten miles away and he was trying to take a nap for goodness sake. “I thought we didn't have children in this family anymore? You know,” he starts to descend the stairs slowly. “It was the best day of my entire life when you both quit the shrieking phase—”
“Then don't turn your back on me when I'm speaking.” Hope said, completely ignoring Kol's irrelevant input in your argument.
“You sound just like Dad. Maybe that's why you bond so well. The reckless and the paranoid.”
Hope scoffed.
“Is that jealousy I hear? What, the second child couldn't accept the scrapes of left-over love?”
Finn arrived in the living room just as your whole demeanor switched from angry to numb in less than a second. The workers had vanished, Rebekah's doing because she read the situation previous to the outburst.
And she did not want an outburst. Less alone from you, a witch-in-learning since your powers had gotten out of hand due to the Mikaelson's last inconvenience — Lucian Castle.
He had done a number on you. The magic that used to run free and controlled through your fingers now felt like electric currents burning inside your veins. Not in a good way. Long story short, your abilities were in time-out. Until your emotions take over and you lose control.
Which was what was happening in that moment.
“Hope,” Rebekah walked towards your pair carefully as Kol and Finn watched from afar. “That's enough. Why don't you take a walk—”
“Why do you never stay on my side?” Hope snapped at her aunt, finally breaking your stare.
Rebekah let out a sigh, “I'm not taking any sides here. You both have got to take a minute and discuss this later.”
You could feel the slight twitch on the tip of your fingers.
“Do you remember how many people I've lost because of her, Aunt Beks?” You asked, the corner of your lips raising. Hope gave you a roll of eyes. “Some by choice, because I chose her above anyone else. Blood is thicker than water, right? Then, some because they were collateral damage. Why? Because the fucking world revolves around Hope Mikaelson?”
Hope's expression morphs into annoyance, “It was not my fault they died!”
“Of course, not. Who would've thought there would be consequences for your actions, Hope?”
“You're unbeleavible. You told me it wasn't my fault. You!”
“Well, I lied!” You marveled, taking a step foward as anger seeped within your body. “I lied when I said that it wasn't your fault. I lied when I covered for you all of those times. In fact, I lied when I said I'd always be on your side. I'm so done with your selfishness, Hope. Because although you're my sister, you've hurt me more than any other being has hurt me!”
A warm hand attempt to tug you a few steps back. You barely acknowledge it.
“I never asked you to do anything, you've made your own choices. Don't come blame me for it. If the people you care about were hurt, that's on you. Not me.”
Your father's voice caused the both of you to freeze in your spot. Hope shoulders sagged as she let out a huff.
“She started it. I'm just telling the truth.”
“Shut up, Hope,” you exclaimed in exasperation. Your patience wearing thin. Everyone could feel your powers praying to be unleashed.
“I said enough!” Klaus's tone might have been final but your argument was far from the end.
Elijah said your name when he noticed the your eyes darkening lightly.
“You know what?” Hope took a few steps towards you. She, too, could feel your magic and a little sly smile grew in the corner of her lips. “If it weren't for you, mom might still be here,” even though she whispered, every vampire heard the affirmation and tensed.
They should've acted sooner. But now it had gone too far.
Just as she had moved you like a marionette previously, you raised your hand and threw her body next to the closest wall. The force created a ruptured in the outline of your sister, who let out a groan.
Your name was called in warning. You couldn't hear if it was your Dad or one of your uncles. You knew it wasn't Rebekah because she was already helping her dear niece out of the mess you made.
Too late.
“Say it again.”
Before she could use her own magic, you used your vampire speed to push Rebekah away and grab your older sister by the neck.
“Go on, Hope,” you shoved her in the adjacent wall. Why did no one was trying to stop you? Well. They were busy being held thrown in different areas of the house by your out-of-control stupor. “Tell me how I'm to blame for her death. Tell me how I have scrapes of our family's love. You got it all first, didn't you? I arrived to take it away? Is that what you thought? Is that what I am? A leftover?”
Hope's groans of pain didn't phaze your unstoppable strength, nor did her beaten-up face or her bleeding nose. You smirked upon seeing the glint of annoyance in her bright blue eyes. The color shifting towards yellow slightly. You were practically taunting her wolf.
“A leftover daughter, right, Dad?” the jab directed at your father wasn't unnoticed. “I'm sure he'd agree with you on that, sis.”
“Bitch.” Hope let out a sneer and kicked you on the stomach.
“For fuck's sake!” Kol used his vampire speed to push Hope out of your reach as Finn grabbed you by the shoulders. “That's enough. Both of you, stop.”
Ripping out a piece of a chair, you grabbed the pointed wood and stuck in his heart. His shocked expression didn't brought guilt to your chest, not when anger was still the bigger emotion gripping you wholly. You created an invisible barrier to keep anyone but Hope away. And when your sister is about to sink her hybrid teeth into your arm, you lift her from the ground with your powers.
You drowned out all the protests and focused on squeezing her neck with your mind.
“I'm so sick of you.” She struggled to breath. “I'm sick of being left out. I'm sick of being on the receiving end of your problems. I wish you weren't my sister!”
It was all too fast. Hope's body was released and she fell to the floor like a ragdoll. You walked slowly towards her. She wasn't completely weak, just recovering from being cut out of breath for a few minutes. At any moment, she could surprise you with the little souvenir of a deadly warewolf bite, one you didn't have the cure of because your warewolf gene was never activated.
You weren't scared of her. No. You didn't feel anything. Just frustration. All anger anger anger anger.
As your hand sinked into her chest and she screamed out in agony, satisfaction slipped through your fingers. Your sister's blood in your hands may have been the prettiest art you had seen till today.
Then, a gasp echoed throughout the room.
You blinked in surprise as you felt a cold, thin metal etched into your back. The stinging of the blade made you let go of your sister's heart and stumble back. Your vision blurring slightly.
“Shh, shh, it's okay,” your dad's arms were the ones you fell into as you moaned in pain. “You'll be fine.”
“What are you doing?!” Rebekah exclaimed. “Pull the dagger out, Nik. Now!”
“This is your daughter, Niklaus!” Finn took her side as he helped Kol to his feet. He had been the one to take out the stake out of his chest.
Hope stared at your unconscious body as her own healed. It was turning gray little by little, the blood from her chest painted in both of your hands. The lifeless expression should've brought her relief. It did for a glimpse of second. Then the guilt arrived like a bucket of cold water.
She didn't particularly like you at that moment. She wanted you dead, quiet, unmoving. But the images of your daggered family through decades flashed in her mind. Their unfamiliarity with reality. Their numbness with life all together.
Hope didn't want that for you. You were her sister. Even if you tried to kill each other occasionally, even if she hates you some times.
It was her fault.
“Dad,” she croaked out, “Dad, pull it out,” her tone had an edge of desperation, the situation sinking in.
Has it gotten that bad that their father thought this would be the only solution? “Dad.”
“We have to find a way to control her.” He said calmly, caressing a few strands out of your bloodied face.
“You're not protecting her like this, Niklaus. You know this isn't what this is.” Elijah attempted to step closer. “We can handle the matter,”
“Don't say that.” Kol gazed up at him with bitterness. “Don't call my niece a matter because you can't admit the truth.” He didn't care that you had just literally stabbed him through his chest. You weren't aware of your surroundings, of what you were doing. He knew how that feels like. Not being in control was an all-too-familiar place he had been before. “We can help her without inflicting pain. She's struggling. She was tortured, Nik. The girl is traumatized. Do you think it will help if you keep her away for— what, how long this time? Three, seven years? She's your daughter. Snap out of it.”
“She'll regret you for the rest of her life if you do this.” Rebekah let out. Everyone turned to her. “I almost did.”
Klaus's eyes flickered to your peaceful demeanor for a moment, hand pressed against your cheek softly. He looked up at Hope, her desperate matching blue irises silently begging him.
A leftover daughter, right, Dad? Had he made you feel like that? He couldn't tell. Ever since Hayley died, he crawled into a wheel of uncertainty. He was buried underneath the earth of mistakes and enemies he had acquired. His own mind being the mastermind of it all.
One thing he was sure, the two of you were always and would always be equal in his heart. He'd have to make sure that you understood that. The last thing he could do as he lived was fail you.
Hayley would be so disappointed.
Just like Kol requested him to, he snapped out of it. The fear of facing your uncontrolled abilities materialised in the image of numbness in your eyes. He couldn't lose you. And he wouldn't. But his brother was right, inserting a dagger in your heart wouldn't make the situation better.
He had to learn from his mistakes at some point.
Your gasp as you returned to reality sent guilt right into his chest. Hope cradled your body in an embrace, mumbling I'm sorry's repeatedly. Everybody watched in expectation of your reaction. The furrow in your eyebrows as you studied your surroundings were a small indication that you were coming back.
Blinking slowly, you looked down at your sister with widened eyes, “Did I hurt you?” the question slipped as you noticed the blood in her clothes and the hole in her blouse.
Hope's tear-stricken expression switched to an amused one, “What do you think?” then, she started crying again. “I'm sorry, I didn't mean to say those things, I—”
The pang in your head made you wince slightly. The memories coming back.
You squeezed her arm, shaking your head, “It's fine. I don't know why I lost it. I'm sorry.” a frown etched into your forehead. “I didn't mean it, Hope.”
Meeting your eyes, she knew what you were talking about, “No, I am. I shouldn't have pushed you. You were right. I'm reckless and irresponsible and paranoid and I never put your first. I'm sorry. I love you, I'll try, okay? I never meant to hurt you.”
You sighed, a sad smile pulling at your lips, “Yeah, okay. I love you too.”
She hugged you again and a grimace twitched your face, “Uh, you've got blood all over you, can you...”
“And whose fault is that? That was my favourite blouse!”
“That was not your favourite blouse. Your favourite is a red one with a sweetheart neckline—”
“And they're back.” Kol rolled his eyes fondly, leaving to go back to his room. He needed to get you form his bloody clothes, thanks to you.
“Should we stay?” Finn queried Elijah, watching you bicker over a blouse. Elijah smiled faintly.
“No. It's all dealt with.” His eyes caught his half brother's across the room before he and Finn left. Get rid of the dagger or I'll get rid of you. He knew Klaus could read his mind — not literally — as no one else were able to do. He hoped he would at least listen to this advice.
Or else.
“Did you dagger me?”
He blinked caught of guard by your sudden appearance in front of him. Face emotionless.
Hope and Rebekah had left as well. Probably understanding that you need to talk privately.
“I did.” He said, eyes softening. “Sweetheart, I—” he was cut off by your arms wrapping around him in an awkward movement.
You weren't the closest pair of father and daughter out there. You've had your disagreements, there was a lot in which the both of you were different. Hayley was the one that you clinged to. Ever since you were a child. He knew you missed her warmth, her words, her. One could never move on fully after losing a mother. It's heart-wrecking. If he had any say on it, he would've never let Hayley go. He'd surrender in a heartbeat.
“Thanks for bringing me back, Dad.”
Klaus let out a shaky breath, caressing the back of your neck. And still, with Hayley gone, there was so much of you that brought her back constantly. Your eyes. Your compassion, mostly. “Do not thank me. I shouldn't have done that. It was wrong. Once again I have let myself be taken my selfish reasons. Sweetheart,” he cupped your cheeks, and you looked up at him. “I'm sorry.” That was the sentence Klaus found more difficult in saying out loud. This turned on his back quickly when you and Hope were born. It wasn't a matter of ego, anymore. It was about not hurting you the way he had been hurt by the people that gave him life. He'd rather die than disapoint his daughters. “If you need time away, I understand. That was wrong—”
“Will you let me speak or I'm supposed to stay quiet the whole time?”
Klaus snapped his mouth shut.
You smiled, “Alright. Yes, that was wrong and selfish. But so was I. I was out of me, Dad. Honestly, I don't know what would have happened if you hadn't done that. Hope, she— I can't even think—”
“Don't think. Nothing bad happened.”
“It might have!” You cried out. “I'm not okay. I don't know how to be okay. And I don't want to hurt anyone else in this process. What if the next time I snap it's you? Or uncle Elijah? Or anyone else?”
Klaus pressed a kiss against your forehead and brought you closer again, your shoulders slumped as you let you a sob. “I'm scared, Dad.”
“I know, I know.” He whispered, tightening his hold on you so you would calm down. “We'll get you help. You've been hurt, sweetheart. It's not going to be easy, it never is. But you'll get better. We'll be there.” He paused. “But first and foremost, don't ever think you are not loved by me. Or any of us. Is that clear? You come first. You always have and you always will. You and Hope.”
Hayley would've worded it out better.
You nodded weekly, averting his eyes.
“I'm going to make sure you don't feel like that anymore, alright?” He tipped your chin so you would meet his eyes. “You're not alone, honey,” the sniffles slipped from you against your will and soon the tears arrived. He dried one by one to then cradle your head against his chest.
Letting out a shaky breath, you buried your face deep into his shoulder. You were tired, but your family could give you strength. Even your mother — especially your mother — who might not be present but she was still there. You could feel it.
Your father smiled down at your bloodshot features, bopping your nose which made you crack a laugh. “Always and forever,” he whispered.
A promise.
“Always and forever,” you mumbled back, smiling in response.
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skinnywalker · 2 years
Platonic older male taking care of the black phone kids
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oh my god he loves you. Big daddy issues. You've taken both roles of dad and mom.
You protect him from bullies and his dad's anger.
You come to his games to cheer him on.
Grabs your arm during scary movies. Not that any can know that.
Sure he isn't the most open person but he feels safe telling you things and asking for advice.
10/10 big protective brother enegry.
Very pouty at first.
He feels like he needs to do everything alone.
He's not some baby that needs to be cared for >:l
Until his bike breaks down and you fix it.
If your patient with this boy and do your best to not hover over him, he'll start opening up.
Like Finn you go to his games and cheer for him.
I have this headcanon that Bruce collects baseball cards and it's his pride and joy.
So of course you can help. That would be the final inch into friendship.
8/10 takes time but he is very sweet.
Aw man.
You two clicked at once. Honestly just treating him well and scaring off his bullies with him and yall are bonded.
Again, Big protective brother.
So cute and fun. Just going places as Robin's personal bodyguard.
Even better if your taller but just your age scares off kids.
Low key a thief of your things. Jackets? Now his. Shirts? Now his. Pants? Shoes? Jewelry? All his Now.
10/10 mini me
Grump. Seriously full grump.
You need so much patience for this boy.
You've beat him at pinball and now your on his map. Probably not in a good way.
Has threatened to fight you but if you act nice and playfully fight over the game you can get into his goodbooks
Just treat him well and listen to his rants about his shitty parents and he'll warm up to you.
Soon enough you're close. Any time he doesn't want to stay at his house he crashes at yours. It's an unspoken rule.
8/10 he's a struggle but it's a life long friendship
Bonus! Gwen
Again it takes time.
Gwen has dealt with such a awful dad so older men make her feel unsafe.
If you are close to Finney that will help a lot.
Sometimes you're just a piggy bank for her giving her ice cream money and rides to the arcade/movies.
Honestly just treat her with kindness and she will give it back to you.
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annahxredaxted · 10 months
Diving into the Sam’s And sweetheart! Siblings Headcannon:3
If you follow me- you probably know that this is in fact my favorite headcannon- so here are some headcannons of the headcannon:)))
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Okay so sam ran away from home- that’s been established.
When he ran away sweetheart was awake- getting water or something, and they caught him. He was sad he had to leave them, but he couldn’t stand their parents.
He’s carried the guilt of leaving them with their parents for 20(ish?) years. They were only a little kid
When Sam left, because of the way his parents/family treated him he realized what would happen to sweetheart if they were there by themselves.
The guilt overwhelmed him but he couldn’t do anything about it.
Present day sam got invited to a pack meeting by tank and he gladly came with them.
When he got there he could have sworn he recognized someone but he couldn’t quite put his finger on it.
Sweetheart saw him and panicked. It had to be a coincidence.
When tank introduced Sam to Milo or whatever sweetheart just stood there, shocked and avoiding eye contact.
They felt like crying. And they almost did before sam asked if they were okay.
“You look a little nauseous..?” Is how he put it.
They mumbled his name trying to recount memories.
His eyes flew open when he realized where/when he remembered them from.
They hugged him and forgave him, said they were never mad at him.
They both cried by the way.
Tank and Milo kinda stood of to the side, confused but happy for their partners.
Sam apologized over and over again and sweetheart threatened to beat him up if he kept saying that.
After a while of them bonding and crap they had long talks on Sam’s porch.
Sipping tea and talking about Sam’s past, what’s going on with sweetheart, Alexis, the shade, Quinn, ect.
Sometimes something will happens and Sam/sweetheart will be like
“That reminds me of when my elementary school teacher threw a ruler At Sam for forging my dads signature.” Or some shit like that; that literally no one else would get.
They frequently get together and hang out.
Sam at first was skeptic that sweetheart dated milo- but now sam and milo are really close
When sam said “you celebrating over there or inspecting their tonsils?” THATS SUCH A BROTHER THING TO SAY
Like teasing your little siblings about kissing and dating and such reminds me so much of Sam!
Milo and sam are great brother in-laws
Because even if I don’t think they are-milo and tank act like siblings and pack=family ect
Sam and sweetheart wrestle all the time
• if either of them had kids, they are each others designated babysitters and godparents.
Sweetheart is the cool aunt/uncle they give them the things Sam said no to.
Sam will read his niece/nephew books to go to sleep, like adventures of Tom Sawyer or huckleberry Finn,
but his favorite to read is Oliver Quinn because he likes to do a British accent when Oliver asks for more.
Sweetheart takes their niece/nephew to get deli sandwiches and talk about school.
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rainofthetwilight · 7 months
for everything's sake if only I had enough mental resources to explore other people's ocs (jenna......... ethan......... kaida........ ) instead of constantly throwing things about my own girl
(just saw the post about ninjago ocs crawling into others' heads and that destroyed me so bad I KNOW NOTHING ABOUT THEM BUT I WOULD HIVE ALL MY PROPERTY TO THEM)
also hi levi have a good day :D
me, taddy and finn combined both taddy's dad jay au and my early family au together and boom we're the Dad Jay Group™ 😎
ofc kaida is @taddymason's oc and if you have the time and wanna know more about kaida, you should go read taddy's fic Everything I think I know is just static on the radio! IT'S SO GOOOD AND SO WELL WRITTEN AND THE FRICKEN ART THROWN IN THERE??? AND THERES SUCH GOOD ANGST AND FAMILY BONDING AND-
I. I think u get it. there's also her ongoing fic for kaida and jay Lightning pin which is (technically) a continuation of the first fic!! read both. I beg of you. you will never love an oc so much
jenna and ethan are both still in the works too!! my fic of them on ao3 is currently being rewritten (long story short: it was my first fic, and the writing wasn't the best and there were alot of things I missed) and I don't know when the heck I'll finish, but I'll get there!! I have alot of ideas for my children and fics I could do for them in the future but I need to atleast get past the reunion part of the story before I make anything bc my ideas mostly have nya and jenna bonding in 'em, but with how slow I am I might get impatient and just write whatever idea I have lmao
I do draw them alot tho!! these are my most recent ones! (ignore that jay design since I kinda changed it now)
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andd here's some art taddy made of jenna too!!
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look at kaida and jenna, hellspawn siblings <333
anyway sorry for my rambling I'm just really happy you like them!! :DD
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bluejay757 · 10 months
Adventure time head cannons and predictions before Fionna & Cake comes out
Head cannons
Simon's knows how to hunt and this shocks everyone around him, given that he's a "dork" and when prompted, "Why do you know how to do that?" His response is, "you live through the apocalypse you learn a thing or two"
Ever since returning to normal Finn and Simon talk frequently and have a sorta father son bond, given that Simon has always cared about Finn, they are both human, and Finn doesn't have a Dad anymore and he needs an older male role model in his life
Simon is autistic
Finn is autistic
Princess Bubblegum is autistic
Finn Jake Simon Marceline and Bubblegum have family dinner on the weekends
Simon is having some kind of crisis that is causing him to fear becoming the Ice King again despite that being impossible, and he is seen helping Finn hunt a monster because he needed to get away from home and clear his head.
The scene of him shaving and frowning while looking in the mirror is because the white shaving cream reminded him of his beard as the Ice King and freaked him out
Prismo looks shabby because he is hungover, hench the empty cans next to Simon when he's sitting in his time room
Simon is wearing his blue mumu in that same scene because either he sleeps in it and prismo beamed him up in the middle of the night or while he was "coping"
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mariedreamlove · 1 year
Feeding into the sibling headcanons of my newest fic ( a second chance (I'll take it no matter what)):
Finney and Gwen:
- their bond is even closer, they understand eachother without words
- if someone even tries to pick on either of them, the other comes to the protection, if verbally or physically is actually more or less depending in what condition the other sibling is.
- Gwen would literally travel through time for Finney, and does so.
- Finn's main goals are simple: protect the boys, make sure the Grabber doesn't even realize Gwen exists.
- They have disagreements. Quite often actually, though they still have the mentality : we can't be against one another if someone is against us two (either their dad or the Grabber)
- Finney still eats Gwen's ice cream, and she drinks his grape sodas if she gets the chance.
- she also likes, if the situation let's it be, to pick on Finney's crushes. (Donna First, then Robin.)
- tho Finney acts like he doesn't like it, he enjoys buying Gwen sweets or magazines or anything she likes.
- they always are there for eachother, and know of to clam the other one down I'm case of a panic attack.
- Gwen always tells Finney everything, and he tells her almost everything.
Donna & Billy (they are siblings in this AU)
- They don't have a great relationship ( constant fights, sometimes getting physical with shoving and when they were younger even hitting)
- after Billy was kidnapped, Donna fell into some kind of trance and just acted like.. nothing happened. She couldn't quite grasp what had happend and that her brother didn't return from his paper route. After his killer was dead though, she fell into a kind of realization and now only wants to make things better, change the past and save him to get the chance to at least tell him how sorry she is for him she treated him.
- Billy always left, though the siblings mostly were cold to eachother, a chocolate bar before Donna's door if they had a fight to say he was sorry. He doesn't know how to say sorry really. Sometimes it annoys Donna but she also appreciates it.
- Billy is a year and a half older than her, and is constantly acting like he is absolutely superior to her because of this ( he is only a few inches taller than her, and in the future Donna would have grown taller than him).
- tho they absolutely act like they despise eachother or don't know eachother, they can grow quite protective of eachother. Of course this grow into fights sometimes.
- Billy has terrible fears of storms and tornados, after he survived a bad storm on one of his routes. (A tree he was driving under was hit by lighting and a branch almost fell on him, but he survived with only a few bruises and a broken toe) Donna then either told him stories or just slept in the same room as him. Neither of them talk about it, but it happens.
- they do have to go through a lot of therapy before they can say to eachother that they love and appreciate each other. (Yet Donna traveled back in time to save him from the Grabber.)
Vance & Griffin
- Griffin used to sit right next to Vance and watch him with Vance's other friend break his Highscores and was having the time of his life while doing so, because oh my god the Vance Hopper is my brother and he lets me watch!
- Vance is a terrible comforter, and Griffin is a emotional kid. Chaos ensues everytime Griffin comes to his big brother crying and he just tries to clam him down. He often just offers to buy him ice cream or go catch bugs with him.
- While Vance likes to fight, while not in any sport, and to play pinball but this irrelevant for this rn, he wouldn't do it in front of Griffin. Not because his brother doesn't like violence nor not to scare him. Griffin just gets way too much of a big mouth and tries acting like Vance, while being build like a stick. ( How easy his back was to break.. like a stick.)
- the two curse a lot around eachother, and Vance tries to talk Griffin out of trying to beat people up. Because he can't, and Vance is terrible at patching himself up. Let alone his little brother!
- their dad isn't around a lot, so Griffin looks up to Vance. He gets a lot of his humor from Vance and his attitude sometimes.
- tho sometimes having different opinions, they two always stick together.
- Griffin loves bananas while Vance despises them like he has personal beef with them.
- as ghosts, while Vance was in the basement, Griffin knew he knew Vance from somewhere. Vance called out to Griff, but Griffin never realized they were brothers. When Vance died, he hugged Griffin so hard and cried harder than ever before, even while dying he didn't cry so hard. He apologized for leaving him alone that day for not walking him to school and anything. Griffin just asks who Vance is.
- normally Vance walks Griffin to school ( on the day of his kidnapping they had a fight.. Vance stayed home while Griffin walked to school. We know how this one ended.)
- Griffin is someone who overhears, through being almost unnoticeable to his peers, everything. Meaning Vance knows exactly what someone said. Because Vance is the one Griffin tells everything.
Bruce & Amy
- don't get always along, kind of rivals in things to impress their parents.
- when they were younger, they had a similar situation as Billy and Donna, but they grew over it. They still have tension but get along way better.
- Amy is more antisocial than Bruce, and unlike him she tells when she doesn't want something.
- Amy loves sweets, while Bruce likes more spicy snacks and less sweet deserts.
- Amy is at every Baseball game of Bruce, and he goes to every soccer game she has.
- After Bruce disapeared, Amy's grades really got low. So low, she had to repeat the year, because she was so distraught by her big brother dissapearing.
- for that reason she didn't like Donna. They were in the same situation and shoes, their big brothers being gone, and Donna acted like.. nothing happened. After Finney disappeared she and Gwen got to be friends, and later she warmed up to Donna too, after realizing that was the way she dealt with the trauma.
- Bruce tells Amy all about his problems and is the only person he is like half out to, and she does so too.
Robin and literally everyone.
- the literal only only child in the friend group.
- he acts like a big brother to the younger siblings (Griffin, Gwen and Donna, sometimes Amy if Bruce brings her along) and like the annoying younger brother to Vance and Bruce and Billy, and to Finney he's his soulmate.
- he one time snuck all of his friends in his uncle's truck to the cinema without him knowing
- he got the best lunches, because either his mom or his uncle make them.
- look at his friends the wrong way and he'll make you pay. Bare you nice, he'll be nice
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xgmtmdmx · 11 months
Chapter nine ~ Hall of Fame
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You woke up early in the day to start getting ready for reys ceremony, triple h and Stephanie had decided that they wanted the judgement day to walk out during the ceremony (I know Finn wasn't there to walk out with Rhea ,Dominik and Damian but I'm gonna act like he was). Although you all knew it was all fake you knew it was going to hurt dom to not be able to watch his dad in get inducted in person. You went to go get your hair done for the night and go get your makeup done before going to get your nails done  
*time skip*
When you arrived home you ran to your closet to hide your dress from Rhea because you didn't want her to see it until right before the ceremony , but you weren't going to see hers untill then either. Rhea wasn't back from getting her makeup done yet so you decided to call Becky who you had recently become a lot closer too after bonding with her over your shared miss of your homeland 
Y/n : 'hey becks' 
Becky : 'hey y/n what's up?' 
Y/n : 'so recently I've been thinking a lot about how much I love Rhea and how I want to spend the rest of my life with her' *you start tearing up* 
Becky : 'y/n don't start crying your makeup will be ruined' 
You take a minute to collect yourself before continuing talking 
Y/n : ' i can't imagine losing her for even a second without it breaking my heart' 
Becky : 'y/n what are you trying to say' 
Y/n : ' i want to marry her becks , I can't stop thinking about her , she is the love of my life' 
* Becky is now starting to tear up at this point* 
Y/n : 'becky i swear to god if you start crying' 
Becky : 'I'm not I swear y/n but I'm so happy for you I can't believe it' 
Rheas pov ; 
After getting my makeup done I was sitting in doms living room because that's where my dress is and the ceremony wasn't for another 6 hours so I decided to have a conversation with dom that had been weighing on me 'dom can we talk seriously for a minute' 'yeah of course Rhea' 'how did you know Marie was the one for you?' I ask 'I just knew , she fufills me in every way possible and makes me so happy , why?' 'I have been thinking recently and I love y/n so much , I can't go a day without her making me laugh and she makes me the happiest I have ever been , even though we aren't a couple that people expect but I can't imagine my life without her , she has changed my life so much I would do anything for her' 'Rhea what are you trying to say?' 'Dom I want to marry her , I had already been looking at rings but I genuinely want to' 
*time skip to dress reveal*  y/ns pov ; 
You and Rhea had decided ready in your closets because they were opposite eachother so when you walk out you will see eachother straight away , as you got ready to walk out you started imagining this on your wedding day , her seeing your dress for the first time when you quickly got snapped out of it by her shouting asking if you were ready , you shout back yes and both open your doors at the same time and walk to eachother 'Demi you look amazing' you say looking into her eyes 'y/n my love you look absolutely divine. 
*time skip to hall of fame after y'all had walked out* (also sorry about all the time skips) 
You , Rhea , dom , Finn and Damian were all behind the curtain watching the ceremony on a monitor when you could see the admiration on doms face with a hint of sadness . You reach out and grab his arm to give him some reassurance and tell him that his dad is so proud of how far he has come and he gives you a soft smile and  a thank you. Rhea wraps her arm around your waist and pulls you close to her while placing a soft kiss on your temple as you take in how gorgeous she looks.
*authors note* 
So it has been a hot second but here is chapter nine , it's only half the length it was going to be but I am absolutely wrecked so I am going to split it into two , but anyways how are y'all?
I hope you have an amazing day/night 🫶
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spaceorphan18 · 5 months
Do you think some of the Hummelberry friendship could be attributed to survival mode and later trauma-bonding because of the break-ups and later Finn dying?
this is such an interesting question nonny! I'm sorry it's taken me so long to get to it! I mean, yes-ish? The break ups -- not really but Finn dying definitely.
Sometimes I find it hard to analyze Hummelberry because I'm always coming from the writers' perspective of they needed Rachel Berry to have a best friend and Kurt was popular so they made it happen.
I know they were planting seeds of Hummelberry in Season 2, and namely BTW and New York they kind of started this whole thing about the two of them bonding over having a shared dream of Broadway but I think Season 3 is where the deconstructing really becomes beneficial.
And an interesting take - more so than the shared dream - is this idea that Kurt now has a (literal) brother in Finn and Finn's girlfriend is Rachel Berry. And by proxy, by the fact that they have to share the same space not only at school but now at home leads to a sibling dynamic between the two of them.
I don't know if I'll ever fully buy the gay bff angle they were trying to push in Season 3 -- because Kurt Hummel just will not stand for being someone's gay bff - but because also siblings seems more apt to their personalities.
So getting back to the thoughts above...
The thing about moving to a place you've never really been before and going to college on your own, you kind of latch onto the only familiarity you might have. And for Kurt it's Rachel. Rachel, in turn, doesn't need that sense of stability in the same way -- she's busy reinventing herself anyway. But while that change is happening at that time in your life, you do hold on to things you know before spreading out and latching onto the things that make more sense.
So in that way - I buy Kurt and Rachel sticking with each other -- the same way Santana coming into the dynamic works, even if it doesn't. The familiarity and past experiences is what binds them together.
As for the break ups... this is such an interesting thought.
I think, first of all, their break ups were very much different. Because those particular relationships were very much different. Beyond the fact that I think Finn and Rachel, while always being tied together in a way for being a connection in high school, were always destined to be on different paths, Rachel was the one who broke it off. She needed space to grow up and find herself and learn who she was without defining herself with Finn. It's why she pushes Kurt to go out and date and experience the world because she wants him to be where she is.
And Kurt isn't. Kurt, when it comes to relationships, very deep relationships -- with his dad and with Blaine, is very closed off. He always guards his heart very closely. And Blaine (like his dad) was supposed to be a constant he always relied on. It's kind of insane that Blaine did what he did because Kurt just figured that he would always just be there and fixed and that's it. (Kurt and Blaine's issues aside - that's a full different conversation.) And when Blaine wasn't there anymore, his world shattered a bit - and he went inward. It was much easier to let Rachel lead him through the world because he didn't want to deal with his. But I don't really think Kurt let her in to the subtleties and realities of how deeply he was hurt. He kept his feelings buried for himself.
But I don't really think that made them closer. Once Kurt starts to be okay with himself, and his relationship with Blaine, and his relationship with New York - he starts to pull away from Rachel and be his own person and they kind of start their journeys of going through life in different directions.
Finn's death, though, did give them a bond that is permanent. It goes back to what I was saying about Finn being Kurt's brother and Finn being Rachel's partner. They shared a valued connection with this person who is no longer there, and they have a different grief from others that they can share between them.
I think that long after Kurt (and Blaine) have moved out of the city proper and are busy with their own lives and long after Rachel Berry has been happily married to someone else, there will be moments and times when they look to each other to remember this person who once meant so much to them.
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virtie333 · 6 months
Day 5 - Life Day Damerey Celebration
Prompt: Holiday
Summary: A new relationship is tested.
Warnings: This is a Modern Alternate Universe story. There will be more incoming. Fluff and feelings in this one.
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“What do you mean you can’t come because you’re working?” he asked her. “It’s Christmas Eve! No one should have to work a holiday.”
Rey had just started dating Poe Dameron two short months ago. They had met thanks to their mutual friend, Finn, and while things had been going well in their relationship so far, and Rey was exceedingly happy to have finally found someone who actually seemed to ‘get her,’ she knew there would be bumps in the road. Apparently, this was the first one.
“I agree no one should work on holidays when you’re talking about retail or service industries, but some jobs are necessary all the time,” Rey argued. She hated that this conversation was happening over the phone. She would really like to see his expressive face right now, to know what he was thinking.
“Well, of course!” Poe countered. “Hospitals and cops and firefighters and such,” he continued. “They are needed and are hopefully getting extra pay for their service.” He paused. “But Rey, you work for a bank. Why are you working Christmas Eve?”
Rey smiled. There was a bit of a whine in his voice. “I’m not working my regular job,” she told him. “I’m volunteering at the local animal shelter.”
The other end of the line was silent, so after a moment, Rey continued.
“I’m volunteering to feed and clean that night so that the regular staff and other volunteers can have the night off to be with their families. I’ve always done it over holidays since I don’t have family of my own. I had already signed up to do it this year before we started dating and I didn’t bother changing it because I didn’t know if you even celebrated Christmas or not.”
“Well, yeah,” Poe answered her non-question. “Dad and I have always had a traditional Christmas Eve. Dinner followed by presents.” He sighed. “I was really getting excited about the thought of you joining us. I think he was, too.”
“I’m sorry, Poe,” Rey said, and she truly was. “I should be done by eight, if you guys want to do it a little later than normal?” She paused. “Or you could come with me and we could get done sooner..?”
“I… I wouldn’t know what to do. I’d just be in your way.” He sounded surprised but not upset. And he hadn’t said ‘no.’
“It’s not that difficult. I’ve done it so much I could do it in my sleep. It would be easy to direct you.” She bit her lip before adding, “and I know you’d love to love on all those dogs and cats.”
He huffed a laugh. One of the things that had helped them bond was their shared love of animals. Poe’s dog BB had solidified that bond by attaching himself to Rey more than any other woman Poe had dated. Or so he said. “Are you sure?” he asked, his voice still uncertain.
“Poe, I would love to spend Christmas Eve with you, even if it means cleaning cat litter boxes and scooping dog poop.”
His responding laughter made her smile. Oh, how she loved to hear him laugh!
“Okay,” he finally said. “I’ll do it. I’ll just let Dad know we’ll be a little later than normal.”
Rey’s heart thumped hard a couple of times in her chest. She was more sure than ever that she was falling in love with this man. “Thank you, Poe,” she said softly. “For inviting me to be a part of your traditions and for your help.”
“Thank you, Rey,” he responded. “For letting me be a part of your holiday traditions, too.”
This just might be the best Christmas ever.
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sugarcubetikki · 2 years
I’m going to analyse all three characters involved in the love triangle based on their personal needs and wants as well as their relationship dynamics linked to some of the themes of the show to prove that byler is the best endgame narrative.
will - his personal arc has always focused on acceptance and gaining love. his sexuality has always been a huge part of the show too and we can see how it makes him feel like he’s different, a mistake, how he’s  social outcast in a way just because he likes different things to other people and how he’s had to undergo so much homophobic bullying from school and pressures to conform mainly from his dad (a lot of his childhood trauma starts from the way Lonnie treating him and made him feel like an outcast for not liking socially normative things). a big part of his arc has always been finding people in his life who accept him for who he is and people who make him feel loved - it’s key for him to stay strong and overcome his trauma and that’s why support systems are so important for will’s character which is why he felt so isolated and heartbroken when he felt neglected in s3. his love for mike also has always been there as a layer under all his character intentions okay and it’s so deep. he loves mike to the point he’d sacrifice his own feelings for mike and el’s happiness even if it’s hurting him. also the fact that he’s thought about having a future with mike through “wanting to play d&d with him for the rest of his life” and it’s also a canonical fact that will needs mike only because he loves him too (not that el needs mike as it’s will’s truth) and that mike makes will feel better for who he is thus he makes him feel safe and that he’s always given will the strength and courage to fight on. will’s love for mike/beautiful bond with mike is beneficial for his character arc as it makes him feel safe, comfortable and accepted. when finn said, will’s love for mike is beautiful he wasn’t lying, it is beautiful. i can’t even comprehend why they’d build it up like this so much if they were only going to have will get rejected or not do byler it would be pointless buildup and focusing so much over will’s feelings towards mike and his heartache to the point they focused on will over milkvan this season is just so insane they intentionally wanted the audience to feel and root for will. if he doesn’t a happy ending, it would be dreadful and all this buildup being thrown away would be pointless especially when his love for mike/bond with mike complements with his arc so perfectly. 
el - her arc is about becoming her own person: discovering her own needs and wants, finding strength in herself to stand up to those who try to control her, ultimately it’s about el embracing her own personal freedom. it’s also about el finding a home, finding family and finding people who’ll love el for who she is and let her be herself instead (similar to will).. a lot of her relationships are the ones that line up with her arc and contribute to her character growth as her arc is focused on people loving el for who she is and enabling her to grow as a character by offering her that personal freedom. at the start, mike and el’s arcs did align and mike truly did make el feel safe and loved for the first time in her life after how much brenner controlled and abused her in the past it was refreshing for el to receive that kind of love. mike is an important person in el’s life but he’s also the first person to make el feel loved and el still had no idea what she wanted then and no idea what love was so she was entering a romantic relationship way too quickly at that point. during the time of the kiss she’s surprised and a bit confused as she is with everything she’s not wrapped her head around it she was asking him whether they were like brother and sister. as the show progresses el builds bonds with more people and so many more people are important in el’s life in addition to that milkvan’s romantic relationship is just a disaster and it’s just not working out. furthermore, it becomes clearer as the show goes on that her attachment to mike weakens as more people enter her life and when talking about mike romantically she’s very unsure about the state/the future of their relationship. when she’s with max she seems interested in the prospect of having other boyfriends/liking other boys and she calls mike her “first boyfriend” too. there’s not a sense of forever established like it is with will. it’s never been implied not even once that el can see a future with her and mike - I do think it’s largely because el’s figuring out who she is and hasn’t come to terms with that yet so seeing a future can be difficult for her but she definitely does express that desire of dating more people in the future and that she doesn’t see mike as the one for her anything like that. I mean she is a bit upset when max calls mike her ex boyfriend but I think that term just alludes to the fact she’s afraid of losing mike in general. el can see herself in other romantic relationships in the future but she’s afraid because she feels that not being in a relationship with mike means that they won’t need and love each other anymore so they’ll lose each other. she wants mike in her life and doesn’t want to lose him but at that point she was in that position where she felt like she had to be in a romantic relationship with mike for him to love and need her (same with mike) when in reality they’ll still love and need each other even if it’s not romantically they won’t lose each other. I think el realises that more this season as her arc is more about self-growth, finding love and strength from within herself. she’s definitely pulled away from mike romantically at least in my eyes she’s realising that she needs and wants him in her life but not romantically because when they’re in a romantic relationship they don’t work out. she feels like she has to live up to a standard for him and she lies to do that even though she hates it and she feels like mike’s not offering her the love she wants/needs at the start of the season (because he’s going through his own thing) so she feels unloved by him and she doesn’t tell him things because she feels like he doesn’t understand her too. el wants to be loved by mike but she won’t be in a romantic relationship with him if she’s not getting the love she wants like this. it’s better off for her to escape a relationship that’s making her unhappy and like. el loves mike but not romantically she doesn’t need him romantically and the show has established it too - them breaking up is a better move for her ac.
mike - he’s a difficult one but his arc has always been focused around his desire to be being needed. his saviour complex is his way of expressing that need and proving his worth. a lot of that seems to root from his insecurities about being unwanted as he seems to feel unworthy and not special and just like some random nerd as he put it. he loves being a nerd and loves playing d&d of course but I feel like he thinks that it’s nothing special and maybe that’s all there is to him and that he isn’t good enough for anyone thus he wants to be needed and wants to prove himself worthy. he also hates being alone and he’s afraid of losing people in his life. I think that fear has been strengthened throughout the course of the show due to traumatically losing both el and will because of the ud and therefore there’s a lot of focus around his relationships with those two mainly (as well as the love triangle aspect). like I mentioned with el, in s1/2 before they started dating their relationship worked well together and it was satisfying both their character needs/wants. when mike lost will, he was clearly having a hard time coping, and he did not want to accept that will was gone, he always had hope that will was out there somewhere and that he was going to find him. mike’s not the best with introspecting his own emotions and he doesn’t really reflect back on them he seems to be type of person who projects everything he’s feeling onto action, onto doing other things and onto other people. when el came into his life, he’d lost will, and el needed someone as mike himself put it so mike became that person el needed and was one of the first people to show her compassion and make her feel special for who she was instead of an experiment in a lab (these are mike’s words too and they’re truer than that entire monologue because they can be backed up!). the truth of the matter is mike needed el in that moment too, he needed someone to impress as Finn would put it and he just needed someone to need him because will wasn’t there anymore. will not being there is important because will has always been there for mike and will was mike’s first friend and he has always made mike feel less alone. as mike would put it, asking will to be his friend was the best thing he’s ever done. hawkins isn’t the same without will to mike even to this day as will has always made mike feel needed and loved and wanted (he’s singled out from max, lucas and dustin too). with will gone, mike had an empty hole in his heart and mike was trying to fill that in through finding will and also caring for el or impressing el. I’m not saying mike didn’t truly care for el or anything definitely not all I’m saying is that during the time of s1 el and mike needed each other for very particular reasons and it doesn’t stay true throughout the seasons. el gains her own autonomy and more people become important to her and make her feel special other than mike and mike feels distanced/disconnected from el throughout her entire journey. at the time of s4, there’s a disconnection between them because mike’s still connected to the el from s1 that needed someone back in those woods he found her in but the truth and reality of the situation is that el has grown and changed as a person so much that she’s not the same person who needs mike in that way anymore. as el grew as a person, she felt unreachable to mike (her lying in those letters about her fake glorified life didn’t help) and that’s why he feels like she doesn’t need him anymore and he’s right. his insecurities come in here about being afraid of losing her due to the fact that she doesn’t need him anymore. I think like I mentioned for el, mike believes that not being in a romantic relationship with el means that he’ll lose her entirely and they won’t love and need each other anymore when that’s simply not the case. you can see the effect that heteronormativity has on the perception of their relationship and I think that’s also the reason mike perceived their bond in s1 as romantic because if we take my reading that mike was somewhat subconsciously filling the empty hole in his heart that will left through el then he’s sorta piggybacked his romantic feelings for will onto el but he didn’t really realise he was doing that because of heteronormativity. for me it’s still unclear if he truly liked el or not I believe it’s possible that maybe he did like her like maybe it was a puppy crush as the duffers put it but I still believe his deeper romantic feelings were piggybacked. it’s funny because it could be a stretch but he’s still doing it in s4 to this day it’s just gotten clearer that monologue is just him piggybacking off of will’s coded confession. I think at this point and stage though el doesn’t need mike like that and never did and the reason why mike feels like he has to pretend around her and keep pretending is because he can’t be natural around her. their romantic relationship is full of lies, facades and superficiality is because mike can’t be natural around el, he has to pretend and he’s trying to fit a framework that he can’t fit. mike in s3 was just him trying to be a good boyfriend and failing because of how staged and unnatural it was. he was going off being a good boyfriend very logically like he was taking advice from lucas and trying to follow rulebook instead of just being himself. however that’s the problem he can’t be himself because he doesn’t love el romantically and didn’t want to confront that. since it’s not addressed in s3, that patterns of behaviour continues in s4 into the airport scene where he’s still wearing a facade and still trying to be a good boyfriend, but he’s gotten even more cold and disconnected. their fight when el points out how mike never says it and never writes it is because he can’t he just can’t because he doesn’t love her in that way. when that fight happens, he’s back at will’s side, and his relationship with will is such a contrast to how he is with el. he can open up to will and be himself around him. will is one of the only people mike is vulnerable around. will makes mike feel comfortable and safe enough to do that and we know that the feeling is mutual. the coded confession getting through to mike is important because we as an audience know that those are will’s feelings and everything he’s saying resonates with mike so so much because it’s exactly what he wants. he’s looking for it in el but he can’t find it in her because they don’t romantically love each other in ways that the other desires. they don’t speak the same love languages and hold the same romantic priorities but mike and will do. however it’s like mike thinks those are el’s feelings so he’s responding to them and feeling them during the monologue it’s another piggybacked situation here where he thinks he loves el but it’s will instead. I think throughout the course of this season or maybe the hiatus between s3 and 4 - his feelings for will have started to dawn on him (because there is no other explanation for his strange behaviour). I feel like he’s in a similar position to nancy in s2 with steve and jonathan. st*ncy and milkvan are the safe options that parallel ted and karen wheeler (arranged loveless marriage) that mike and nancy feel like they needed to conform to - they saw them as the ideal relationships they grasped onto and refused to let go of because they’re the safe options and they try to convince themselves that they do love steve/el despite knowing deep down in their hearts that they don’t they love someone else. this got very long but mike needs and loves el just not romantically but he keeps trying to convince himself he does and it always come out so unnatural because of that as he’s trying to conform to something he isn’t. in a show about embracing yourself for who you are and being social outcasts let’s say maybe he shouldn’t be in the relationship that he’s not himself in. when he’s with will, it’s the opposite, he can truly be himself around will and everything with will is so natural. will makes him feel less alone and his desire to be needed is effortless around will because he doesn’t have to live up to certain standard to appease will he doesn’t have to impress will he can just be himself around will and will would need mike in any shape or form because it’s clear that will loves him for who he is. 
in conclusion, to fit the show’s theme of defying forced conformity and loving people for who they are, byler endgame would make the most sense because mike and will can be themselves around each other, they love one and other for who they are and milkvan is also just a product of heteronormativity - an example of forced conformity and a restraint in mike and el’s arcs so them being endgame when their relationship is so unnatural would go against all the themes of the show. 
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Finn as a farther <3
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Finn was a protector and he would protect his wife and his daughter to his last breath, he was always embarrassing his little girl, even if she was still in kindergarten it was his job! Every time Finn and MC pick up their daughter it was always Finn, she came up to her every time but then she gives her mom the biggest, kiss. It pissed Finn off so much when his baby girl came back crying from a kid at school pushing her or taunting her that was the time, Finn wanted to fight a fucking child, maybe that was just the Scottish in him but he meant it! Mc had calmed their daughter and had her explain, what happen. Finn would try to cheer her up the best he could, by playing dress or up or anything just, to see her smile and it worked of course!
Tea parties and dressing up were something Finn enjoyed he was weirded out before but if his baby wanted him in a dress, he is damned to not obey. Mc would for sure sneak in with her phone to take pictures of her and Finn, their daughter would put makeup on his cheeks, fairy wings were a must, for the tea parties, and that picture would be mc wallpaper.
Finn would calm her down when she was crying even if she was being bratty, he still was gonna talk to his little mini-me, about what was bothering her. Dancing of course he would bust a move with her late nights normally we're filled with them, when your guy's daughter couldn't get to sleep you, of course, tried your guys, best to wear her out! Finn had NO dance moves and your guy's daughter was sure to bring it up or tease her further about it causing Mc to let out some laughter.
Nighttime was hard for any toddler Finn would sit down after tucking her in like a bug in a rug and read her some stories, or sing to her he was an angel at putting her down to the bed so it was just a normal thing he did now.
Finn was the type of father to be at every sport or choir concert, didn't matter how old she was, he was the dad who would film it all trying to keep from screaming and cheering, in the middle of the sports field or the theater.
Finn would braid his daughter's hair because he always had long hair so his mom taught him to braid his, own hair MC would also teach him how to French braid or do new hair styles, like space buns or half up half down, it was a way he and his daughter would bond.
Finn and Mc made sure their daughter was loved and they knew there daughter was loved, and they were good damn parents.
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thegayclownbook · 2 months
I wrote a little video essay on beverly marsh‘s adaptation into film but i probably wont turn it into a video essay so here it is.(yes i‘m obsessed with beverly let me live):
The Bob that never happend - Beverly Marsh
Content warning! @buse, s3x, ch1ldr3n are involved in said things
It by Stephen King first takes place in Maine, 1958. As we meet the loser Club one person stands out in their own way, they all do but she has something about her, doesn’t she?
1958 is an important year for the following content, it adds a odd feeling to the story as an observer that was born in the 2000s. Most people of gen z understandably only know the story of derry, the loser club and most notably Pennywise from Finn Wolfhard and the killer clown craze in 2017 and again in 2019. The Movie follows the basic plot, the adventure and obviously the iconic characters. But let’s look at how Beverly Marsh got adapted into film and compare the two so let’s start out with book Beverly in 1958.
Young Beverly Marsh is first introduced from Ben Hascoms point of view, she is described as pretty, kind and warm but also as lifeless with a Bruise on her cheek and in clothes from salvation army. The first time we really get her point of view is in the blood scene. Said scene is quite memorable, it follows beverly in a normal situation just at the bathroom sink. But it obviously doesn’t stay like that and the reader is confronted with what beverly fealt and experienced. The sink talks or rather what’s inside the sink talks, the voices belong to children who have been murderd by It, children who Beverly knew. The scene shows us how Beverly is confronted by It without actually being harmed but hearing the dead children talking to her stops her from ignoring what’s going on in derry. But Voices are not enough to frighten Bev and It knows that, so a fountain of blood pours out of the drain. It covers the sink, mirror and walls. Beverly understandably runs out of the bathroom just to be confronted by her other Vice, her father.
Al Marsh is described as having given her her red hair but he is the main person who has made Beverly to what we know her as, and not in a positive way.
The Scene introduced us to the world of what we are about to experience with the kids, adults not seeing the blood, the others helping beverly clean up and the horror these kids will be confronted with. But before the scene gets resolved by beverly and some of the losers cleaning up the bathroom, Al Marsh tells Beverly
how he’s worried about her and abuses her mentally. The perspective of beverly being the pretty girl ben had a crush on gets switched, as her father insults her and tells her she is acting crazy. After that Al Marsh goes into the Bathroom and washes his hands, Beverly sees how his pants get stained from the blood and is terrified the blood will touch his skin.
But now we get a scene with four losers bonding, cleaning up the bathroom and going to the laundromat. As the blood is wiped away by Eddie, Ben, Stan and obviously Beverly we see how the loser can work against It.
So this was a little Digression about the first real young beverly scene. Now we will talk about Beverly herself. Beverly is iconic for her auburn red hair and freckles. Besides her dad Book Beverly also has a loving Mother that works long hours in a restaurant and even asked her indirectly if
her father abused her sexually before.
Beverly has great aim with a slingshot witch gets us to a iconic thing from the book. When the club first decides to fight It they make silver ammunition for bills slingshot because all they know is that in horror movies they always fight monsters with silver and they see It as just a monster at this point. But instead of bill or any of the boys being the one with the responsibility of shooting It, it’s beverly who manages to shoot 9 out of 10 cans in their test runs. So when all the losers fight It in the house on the neiboll street Beverlh shoots both bullets but only succeeds the first time. All the losers accept that since they knew they couldn’t have done better. Everyone in the book accepts that she was the Best for that role no matter how scared she was or if she fully succeeded, I think that every observer should think so too Beverly holds power and is great at what she does.
But now let‘s talk about the most controversial scene of the 1500+ page book because Beverly is the fundamental source of what happened. Some may know what i am about to cover but before we have to know what happens on the same day with beverly not catching a break. When beverly gets home from playing in the barrens she immediately gets physically abused by her father as he asks her questions about what shes been doing with those boys and playing in that part of town. He talks about all the things beverly didn’t want him to find about or what she’s insecure about. Smoking, hanging out with boys, not even being 12 yet and doing that, and during that he tells her how pretty she is and how much he worries about her. Beverly runs and Al chases her trough the whole city, people stare at them, she crawls under a truck to get forward and burns her back on a pipe, she is full of it’s oil and is really thirsty. Reading how much this little girl has to endure simply because of her father hurts but as she hides from him and finally leaves him behind we get confronted with another danger. Henry, Victor and Belch follow her silently but gradually Beverly feels she’s being followed and as she turns around Victor is already holding his knife. Beverly is shocked but as she tries to run away her long hair, her femininity is what Victor grabs and uses against her. Another chase of horror starts but I think that the point that Beverly definitely had a horrible day comes through. In the events of the hunt she managed to end up in the underground clubhouse with ben, in the dark with Belch sitting right on top of them on the ground. Well i’m going to summarise the following events because their not a priority for this video, right now i want to focus on what happens after and i am giving a content warning again, there will be children interacting s3xually. So these 7 kids are lost in the sewers after just massively hurting this otherworldly monster, they are dirty from the sewers, tired and really close to having an absolut mental breakdown so Beverly says she has an idea. I’m not going into the depts of what is about to happen but Beverly knew that her father thought she had intercourse with all these boys and that that was his pure nightmare. All she knows about intercourse the basics and that it connects people. So something disturbing happens, but when you have read 1400+ pages of this book there isn’t a lot left that can disturb you. Beverly undresses and has intercourse with each of the boys. I don’t think that word fits but i’ll use it for lack of a better one, it’s not s3x, an 0rgy or anything of that kind. It’s just another part of the horror of this book but this time it probably just hits to close to home for most, the scene just describes how Beverly reconnects with each one of her friends and regains power against her father. But the physical nature is something that children simply shouldn’t do, wich makes the scene to what it is, I don’t know how it could have been executed better but I also think that it’s bad and when a scene stirs up conflict like that i don’t know how bad it really is.
I think those were the most important scenes of young book Beverly and I hope everyone can feel a similar connection to her as me. I’m a woman and felt connected to all of the losers while reading the book but Beverly is different, I will explore the character further but her story is about so much that only women can experience in the way she does. She is so important for the loser club no matter her portrayal so let’s talk about young movie Beverly.
In the 2017 and 2019 movies young Beverly is portrayed by Sophia Lillis and I think that she was a great choice. But I do have some minor complaints. First off she is older in the movie where she looks about 14 years old and not 11 but that didn’t really ruin the themes of childhood and makes her smoking look more coherent with the fact that they changed the first movie from setting in the 1950s to the 1980s. I don’t like that change but the adaptation is fundamentally different anyways and this video is just about Beverly. Another minor thing is her hair being a little lighter than described and Sophia having more freckles.
Now we’ll discuss the blood scene again but this time in the 2017 movie. this time beverly is chilling in the bathtub (not bathing tho) and reading the poem over and over again as she hears voices from the sink. The voices are really similar to the book but then beverly does something she does later in the book to check if the sink is still doing what it was doing. She gets a ruler and sticks it down the drain and as she pulls it out she sees that its covered in blood but then something unknown for bookreades happens. The ruler grows tentikals for lack of a better word and they grab beverlys arm and then her whole body and try to pull her head first into the drain. Only when as shes right above the drain the fountain of blood erupts covering the whole bathroom in blood not leaving a spot that isn’t red. The bathroom is completely flooded and Al marsh burst into the door because of her screams and talks to her telling her how much he worries about her. Considering how i previously stated how this scene happens in the book every one in their right mind can see how overdramatised this is and how it’s way more gory. The movie tries it’s hardest to be a scary scary horror movie but the book simple doesn’t do that it’s more of a tragedy than a thriller or horror book. But when criticising this scene i have to talk about how great Sophias acting was even though she was only 14 when filming, she perfectly portrayed Beverly’s pure fear. There isn’t much more to add to that, the scene is simply gory.
I would love to talk about the other book scenes in covered and how they got adapted into film but i can’t do that because both got cut. But the cutting of the last one was totally necessary and obvious lol i definitely won’t complain about that. The other scene was also understandably cut simply because the movies story goes totally different than in the book but that’s not the topic of this video. I would have covered the scenes uniquely about beverly in the movie now but the only thing comparing to the ones from the book is beverly seeing the dead lights. To that i will only say that i didn’t get it, i watched both movies and simply didn’t understand what they were trying to do with that it simply didn’t make sense and had no connection to the dead lights from the book so i wont cover that monstrosity. But I will cover one more scene from the movie and that will be the namesake of this video. It starts with her father Al Marsh just being weird to her like know her and obsessing over her still being “his little girl” while stroking and touching her hair. At this point i’d like to mention that the casting of Al is great but let’s continue in the scene. Beverly stands at her sink woth scissors, crying and sobbing. She starts gradually cutting her hair and insulting herself and giving herself the blame for how her father treats her. And as the strands of hair go down the sink a bob happens that never happened.
Now we are getting into the depts of why i choose this scene to represent this whole video. So let’s start with why I think they made this change for the movie wich is first of the change in timeline because maybe book beverly would have done this if she lived in the 80s as a child but she simply didn’t. Also i think it was because they tried to make Beverly a strong feminist character who kinda rejects femininity and only hangs out with boys because they’re funnier or more relatable. But that couldn’t be further from how Beverly is actually like, in the book she styles her hair in braids and wears dresses, of course she also does boyish things but she fundamentally likes being a girl. Sh mainly only hangs out with the other losers wich are boys because they know they belong together to fight It and because girls don’t like her because of her looks and poor upbringing. Beverly can be a strong character while also swinging her hair around, the bob ruined that. But let’s continue with why i think they did that and i think a reason for it was limited time. You can’t make a ten hour movie but you can make a 1500+ page book. Beverly’s character is complex and her rejecting her fathers doing and fighting like she wants to would have been hard to bring across in a movie especially with an audience that wants to see a horror movie and be scared and can’t bring themselves to read a long ass book.
But eneugh about the hair Beverlys character survived the adaptation process as much as she could considering all the changes that were made. But she is simply different maybe i shouldn’t even made this video as the could be interpreted as incomparable but here we are. Thanks for listening, comment what you think.
sorry for typos and language mistakes english isn’t my first language and i read the book in my language.
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Kurt Glee Rewatch: Home
Burt and Carol are such a wholesome couple. Prob the healthiest on the show lol.
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These two are iconic. I also love how Kurt adds the armband bc even in a uniform, he needs to personalize it somehow.
He’s so supportive of Mercedes here... sadly not as much rest of the ep.
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But also his expression at being told he has hips like a pear... awe. He’s so tiny though.
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Cowboy wallpaper... *Kurt shudders*
Also, seems like ages since the Finn crush was a plot. And wow, Kurt going strong. 
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Can I just say how happy I am they’ve started styling his hair? The bangs were cute, but like. This looks much better.
And yikes, Kurt... Mercedes is doing the right thing here, she’s having a very healthy lunch! And Kurt took the criticism so seriously like omg can he please eat real food. I get that he’s happy to not be bullied for once but like. Babe pls.
All Kurtcedes fights are in the cafeteria, apparently.
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“Act as translator” Kurt, I thought you were doing well in your classes.
I love how protective he is of Burt. He really stepped into the caretaker role and even when their relationship was more strained, they both love each other and protect each other and I love it.
“Fate brought them together” gee Kurt, when did you change your name. I find it hilarious that this was all his scheme but it resulted in Burt and Carol being so besotted with each other. Who knew they could bond beyond just having dead spouses?
I am curious wtf Kurt’s plan was here. Like, did he think he’d get to spend more time with Finn but then Burt and Carol would break up? Was he hoping they’d get married?? This is such dumb teen boy logic. And I’m really not having the whole ‘predatory gay’ stereotype bc we don’t need to see that
He is very intense here. Like Kurt. Finn is clearly not comfortable here. and omg when he refers to Burt and Carol as ‘Mom and Dad’ like sweetie. No.
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Again, Kurt is way too much here but omg the way he looks at Finn and then Puck mouths ‘Are you gay’ and I can’t stop laughing. 
But I do like how he sings the song, much smoother than Defying Gravity. ANd Mercedes is smiling at him and Brittana cuddle bc they like the song too, v sweet.
Not my fav Kurt song? But it’s nice. And I do like Kurt’s singing better than Finn’s. I find in general Finn does well at the upbeat/rock songs, but not a fan of the more ballad style.
Kurt’s crying at the end, he’s legit so in love. It’s also probably hard that he has just... no one to really talk to about it? We never see him discuss it with anyone. His dad is not ready for that kind of talk. And with the girls him being gay is fun for them bc he can talk about fashion etc, but lowkey him being gay is rarely about him liking boys? I mean, everyone knew bc of his clothes etc, he has never shown interest in an actual boy before. Him having feelings might break the illusion of the girls seeing him more as an accessory. 
I do wish he could talk about it with Mercedes though. She’d be a good voice of reason, and him having some sort of outlet could be helpful so he might be less intense around Finn.
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I do appreciate that as soon as Finn is a threat to his dad, crush is on the backburner bc *Danger Danger Danger*
And you know it’s not intended as an insult, but how Burt brushes Kurt off and is so excited to talk sports. And you can see it on Carol’s face, that she spots it too and has sympathy for Kurt, while also happy for finn to have a fatherly presence. Ugh, this whole family dynamic, all 4 of them, best writing in the show.
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Every Kurt and Burt scene is just a masterpiece. Kurt being passive aggressive, but Burt will call him out, try to talk it out.
And I love how you can see here that Burt is still in his beginning phases. ugh when he says “guy talk” and Kurt is just “I’m a guy” my heartt. Bc he is a guy but he’s a different type of guy and bc of that everyone treats him differently and just.
Burt is trying so hard, but he still makes these mistakes. And even though he accepts his son, he still has that ‘let’s just each do our own thing’ mentality.
But I am glad he does call Kurt out, asks why he fixed him out with Carol. Bc Kurt was being selfish about it, setting them up to get close to Finn, and now backtracking bc he feels like he’s losing his dad.
Bc his dad always comes first and just. Kurt s1 is so flawed bc he’s such an angsty/dumb teen and it makes him such a real character and fascinating to watch. Plus, his heart stays int he right place
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Crush aside, s1 had some of the best Finn and Kurt interactions. I love how Finn knew right away that Kurt was hurt by Finn bonding with Burt. And Kurt isn’t even offended here by Finn not wanting to live with him bc right now his dad is his priority.
I’m so glad the whole ‘let’s break up our parents’ didn’t turn into a drawn out scheme. They quickly see how happy their parents are and accept that they’re together.
Bc different eps focus on different characters, I like how a lot of plots are wrapped up within the ep. The show has character arcs etc throughout, but I find I’m not a fan of certain plotlines going on for way too long. Like the fake baby, or Puck being the father, ugh or the student election. Those all had me like ‘just get on with it’ whereas character arcs, like kurt and his dad, the mercedes/troubletones, etc are much more interesting.
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Aww I love them. And Kurt immediately says “I was wrong” and owns up to his mistake, yay.
So glad Mercedes got another song, but oof I want more of both of them performing with the cheerios! Only a few eps left of them on the team... And!! Apparently they cut a song from the ep?? Kurtcedes and the Cheerios were supposed to do Fergalicious (there are some pics of behind the scenes) and the fact that we missed out on that actively angers me.
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K but first off, they’re at Finn’s house? Why was Kurt there? Was he visiting Carol? Did he just walk by?? I need answers bc it’s lowkey creepy lol
At least Finn has learned how Burt is legit the best dad and is happy to hang with him. And it’s well done, how Finn’s part is pretty wrapped up, but there’s still Kurt on the outside, bc it’s not all perfect yet.
I’ll say it every time. The best Glee writing went to this family dynamic. Mainly Burt and Kurt, but really the 4 of them together. I love it.
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kirakiwiwrites · 1 year
Here is a fun question for you guys:)
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So obvs we love writing Kurt and Blaine, but also Burt. Sure, he’s very popular in the fandom and for good reason. He has so many good lines, so we will just focus on three of our favorite things.
Kurt coming out in Preggers. (1x04)
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At the time this aired, there wasn’t as many shows depicting a father like Burt accepting a son like Kurt. The fact that he was a bit clumsy with it although he already knew about Kurt was realistic. He’s sort of reluctant, but ultimately has decided that his relationship with his child is more important than any uncomfortable feelings he might have. This was especially meaningful for us because of our own personal journeys. This is one of the foundational moments for Kurt who struggles with his sexuality which is pretty obvious to everyone around him. However, he gets this immediate acceptance and love from his dad, letting him know that the rest of the world might hate him, but he would always have him. It’s this moment that seems to bond them and heal the rift that had started to form between them.
2) Burt standing up for Kurt.
Wheels (1x09)
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And again…
Theatricality (1x20)
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And again…
Furt (2x08)
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You get the idea. This taught Kurt how to stand up for himself and face opposition head on therefore preparing him for life.
3) Burt & Blaine.
Sexy (2x15)
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Now, as for Blaine, a lot of his relationship to Burt developed off-screen, but we did get to see how they gradually grew closer. Unfortunately, all we know about Blaine’s dad is a few small comments here and there that seem to give the impression they aren’t especially close. The fact that only Blaine’s mother came to the wedding could either suggest that the relationship was never mended completely or just be the result of the poor planning that came with season 6. We might never know. What we do know and got to see was that your boy had some issues. And since he didn’t seem to be able to talk to his own dad, he grew closer to Burt, oftentimes seeking advice.
Wonder-ful (4x21)
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It seems like their relationship evolves beyond just Kurt and it was a nice little thing to come out of the relationship whether you like Klaine or not. It’s one of the things Glee did best, taking the intentional relationships and letting them (some) develop organically.
Glee, actually (4x10)
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We could continue on, but we will stop there lol. In summary, we ❤️ Burt and what he means to the fandom.
We didn’t even touch on his relationship with Finn and that was a whole other thing. There are lots of other moments too, but these kind of stuck out to us.
Thanks @annatimberlakesworld for the thought provoking question and for making us want to rewatch Glee again lol.
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