#and Gallade is like tHAT'S ALL IT TOOK
softquietsteadylove · 2 years
I really love every AU you have written so far! And I have to thank you for keeping every one of them somehow alive because reading every new prompt is just saving the day!!❤️❤️
May I ask for a Pokémon AU prompt? Thenas Pokémon are telling Gil that he should have a nice dinner date with Thena so they are helping him, asking her for a date.
Just them and their Soft, funny and beautiful moment. (You decide if there will be a kiss^^)
Gil nearly spit out his bite of food, instead aspirating and choking on it. He thumped his fist on his chest a few times before he finally managed to swallow it properly. He stared at the pokemon leaning against the kitchen counter, just...looking at him. "Excuse me?"
"Gal," the psychic/fighting type shrugged. Gil had heard him just fine, there was no mistake. It had said what it said. "Gallade."
"Uh," Gil stuttered, his face flushing at the deadpan request - really it sounded more like an order - to ask a certain Ace Trainer out on a date. "What...brought this on?"
But Gallade still didn't rise to Gil's flustered reaction. It did lean off the edge of the counter, looking over to the sliding side door, where Thena was mixing Dragonite a bowl of special, personalised pokechow. Teddiursa was watching her do it, in a phase of being fascinated with every process he witnessed. "Lade."
Gil blinked at the very simple statement of Thena's happiness. He supposed he could see what her pokemon meant. She wasn't always the most expressive person in the region, but certainly Gil could always tell what she was thinking or feeling. And yeah, maybe recently it had been easier to read a clear lightness and happiness off of her. And yeah, maybe she seemed to be in a pretty good mood, even after long days in Victory Road or when he got in late and literally woke her up from waiting for him. And yeah, maybe it was really cute, and made him really happy to see her so happy.
Gil just wasn't sure if it could really be said that he was the reason for that happiness. Was he happy that Thena was happy?--of course! But to say that he was the reason for it. Gil nodded his head at the low patio on the side of the house, where Teddiursa was watching over Thena's shoulder as she pointed out the elements of Dragonite's specially tailored and nutritious meal. "You don't think that has something to do with it?"
Gallade smiled, its fondness for its new teammate and little brother showing through. It might have accepted Teddiursa as a mere presence at first, but even he had to admit that the little cub fit right into their family.
Gil looked at Gallade again as it basically argued that Teddiursa was far from the only reason for his trainer's recent spike in happiness. "Noticed what?"
"Gallade, Gal-Gallade," he continued, moving his hand(?) in a very human way as he chatted with Gil. They had known each other for a long time, after all--before Gallade was even a Gallade at all. It had known Gil all this time, and been able to notice that he and Thena clearly were bonded. But it was more recently that the bond seemed to 'change' as the pokemon phrased it.
"Change how?" Gil frowned, although Gallade was quick to assuage his worries. Gil hadn't really thought about their relationship being all that different--certainly he hadn't noticed any big, dramatic shifts between them.
There were some...significant events, sure. But maybe the repercussions from them had set in more slowly than he had really realised. From Teddiursa's arrival, to them becoming 'Mama' and 'Papa' to the little cub, to the Beware incident and beyond. And of course there was that one time...
"Gallade," it said more firmly, pulling Gil out of his thoughts. This wasn't about him thinking about things too hard. This was about him and Thena finally acting on feelings everyone could clearly see they had.
Gil scoffed, "we do not."
"Not you too," Gil sighed as the fire/psychic type walked over to them. Her tails swished as she settled in the kitchen to be part of the discussion that was making Gil feel more and more ganged up on. "I don't-"
Gil blushed. Well, sure, maybe he did have some feelings for Thena that were not...entirely friendship based. But surely that just came with the territory of someone's best friend being perfect in every way. Friends could be friends and also be smart, and beautiful, and talented, and a great trainer, and sweet, and caring, and humble, and devoted, and mindful of the environment, and a good mother, and-
"Look," Gil held up a hand to both the stubborn pokemon staring him down. "Even if I did have feelings for Thena--which I'm not saying I do!"
Gallade actually rolled its eyes at him (the nerve).
"That doesn't mean she has those feelings for me."
"Nine?" the fox pokemon looked up at Gil, utter disbelief - and maybe some amusement - on her muzzle. Her tails swished on the kitchen floor letting him know how unconvinced she was. "Ninetales."
It was hard to argue with a part psychic type that could read the occasional mind. Not that Thena's mind needed reading, as far as Ninetales was concerned, her trainer's adoration of Gil being so obvious (apparently).
"Ninetales-Nine," the pokemon continued, utterly remorseless about telling Gil all about Thena's increased thoughts of him, her eagerness to see him at every possible opportunity, even her new habit of sighing every few minutes. And that was nothing to say of her increased heart rate whenever he was around.
"Gallade," it interjected, trying to argue a more action based approach. No matter the evidence presented, it didn't matter unless one of them actually did something about it. And Gallade was through with leaving it up to his trainer to make the first move for herself. "Lade."
She still hadn't entirely forgiven him for the stunt he pulled that one time.
Gil blushed again, looking out at Thena, chatting with Dragonite so he wouldn't have to eat outside alone, or cram himself into her modest little kitchen. Teddiursa was sitting in her lap, happy just to be in his Mama's presence.
Gallade poked Gil in the cheek, just to make sure the ranger was aware that he was, in fact, smiling like a fool.
"Ugh," Gil swatted the hand(?) away, "yes, thank you, I get it."
"I don't know," Gil sighed at the persistence of their conversation. He looked over, now finding that even Froslass had joined them. For all he knew, the ghost had been there the whole time, invisible to his human eye. "What if...what if it doesn't work? What if that's not how we're meant to be and I...ruin it?"
"Froslass?" the sensitive ice/ghost type frowned, tilting her head at him.
"What if," Gil paused, leaning on the counter and dropping his head, "what if I ruin the best thing in my life?"
"Of course she is!" Gil barked in response, raising his head but still stuck looking at Thena outside, bathed in midday sun with the mountain wind tossing her hair around. "How could she not be?! She is the best part of every single day I have! Days I don't see Thena are--are awful! They're the worst--they don't even count as days! They just one long, miserable stretch of time!"
The three pokemon let him go on.
Gil let out a laugh, unable to stop now that the ball was rolling. "You think I can have a good day without that?!"
He held out his hand, pointed in the direction of Thena, her head tossed back in laughter.
"Impossible! I'd rather be on Garbador duty for a month! I could have the worst shift of my Arceus forsaken life!--and if I get to see Thena smile, then everything's fine! I know my job isn't easy. I love it, and I'm happy to do it, but it's not like I can be happy every single second I'm at work."
"But being with Thena?" Gil slammed his head down on the counter, letting out a kind of muffled shriek into his hands. The pokemon startled faintly but still didn't interrupt. He raised his head, leaving his chin on his hands as he looked at her. "It's what I was meant to do."
Arceus and Celebi and all the legends in between: the ranger was done for.
Gil groaned as he felt a cold hand(???) pat him on the shoulder, "thanks, Froslass."
Gil picked his head up, looking at all three pokemon trying to encourage him. "Are you sure?"
"Froslass," the ghost tapped his shoulder again and pointed outside at her trainer.
Gil wasn't sure what she was trying to convey to him--he didn't have any ghostly powers for him to know what they were saying. But he did watch as Thena talked with Dragonite, now making the large dragon type laugh and flap his wings in delight. She gestured for him to lean down, swiping some crumbs away with the scarf around his neck. He let her happily, his tail swishing around.
Just like Gil had known Gallade as a shy little Ralts, Thena had been there when Dragonite had hatched as an itty bitty Dratini. She had even held Gil as he'd cried tears of joy after hatching his first egg all on his own, outside of work.
"Fross," the ghost nudged him, telling him to keep watching.
Thena turned her attention to Teddiursa, as the little cub began its part of the conversation. Her smile was bright as it talked and gestured out parts of its story.
Gil loved that smile.
"Maybe," Gil inhaled, looking at Thena and drifting out of the kitchen as he was drawn to her inexorably. "Maybe you're right."
Gallade's jaw dropped--that was it? He had been trying to convince the ranger and their trainer to act on this for months - although it felt like literal years - and that was all it had taken? The ghost that had joined their team only two months before Teddiursa was the one to convince him?!
"Ninetales," the second-longest standing team member offered in condolences. She picked herself up and wandered back to her bed by the fireplace, content that at least something was going to happen after all this.
Gil slid the patio door open and shut it behind him. "Hey."
"Hey," Thena smiled, twisting around to look at him and tucking one of her legs into the other at the knee. "Teddi was telling me about a herd of Bouffalant in the valley."
"They're migrating," Gil smiled, sitting himself down with a chuckle. For as worked up as he had let himself get mere moments ago, he felt a lot calmer now. Looking at Thena just had that effect on him, maybe. "We're spending the next few days making sure they don't invade the Tauros' space too much as they all settle for the spring."
Thena looked down at their little bear, "would you like to go see them down in the valley tomorrow?"
Gil watched the little bear bound up Thena's arm to her shoulder, nuzzling his fuzzy cheek against hers. She picked the bear up to tickle its tummy, relishing in its laughter. And when Teddi laughed, Thena laughed.
"I have the day shift."
Thena looked at Gil, at the sudden declaration and the way he'd said it. "That's good."
"And," he inhaled, trying to keep his focus while Thena looked at him, the wind at her back, the sun on her cheek, the valley slightly out of focus behind her. "Since I'm off nights this week, what about...dinner?"
Thena let out a faint laugh, trying to discern where he was going with this. "Well, you're the one always reminding me to eat it, so I'm sure we could-"
"No, I mean," Gil leaned forward, pulling her extended leg to slide her closer to him. He held her eyes, encouraged by the way her pupils grew wide and her breathing hitched. "Dinner...just you and me."
She blinked at him, her lashes fluttering, breathing quickened. A faint flush rose in her cheeks, "you and me?"
"Me and you," he smiled. Maybe this wasn't such a bad idea after all.
Gil wound their fingers together, pulling her closer despite Teddiursa in her lap and Dragonite sitting behind him with its jaw dropped. He let his lips move against Thena's naturally--almost too naturally for being 'just friends'. He pulled back with a grin.
"It's a date."
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fr0stymaple · 3 months
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Archie :]
This took me 179 resets, but i finally got a shiny alpha Gallade to name after this oc. He's kind of a past paradox Gallade, when i created it i wanted to go for something like Roaring moon which looks like mega Salamence, not original at all but i like this oc a lot either way.
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pokemonshelterstories · 3 months
Hey there! My Gallade has been acting strangely lately. He won't eat his favorite foods, and he's been acting really aggressive to my Fenekin. He's also acting weirdly affectionate with my Reuniclus. It's really strange. He's a younger Gallade, he's only been evolved for a few weeks. Do you have any ideas for how I can help him? He's been with me since I was little. He was a slow evolver too, took him longer than most Raltz to become a Kirlia, and he's been that way until recently. If it helps, he was also shaky for a while after he evolved. He sat on my bed and I had to help him learn how to not knock things over with his new height. Anything helps!
please take him to a vet. post-evolutionary aggression and anorexia, as well as latching onto a single companion, are all indications that your pokemon is experiencing evolution-related health complications. he's not feeling good, and a few weeks out that's cause for concern. it's possible the reason he took so long to evolve the first time is because of an underlying condition that results in evolution being too taxing on the body.
don't send medical concerns like this to a blog. anytime your pokemon goes off their food should result in an immediate veterinary checkup.
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cheshire387 · 28 days
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Uses the pokeballs that he finds the coolest looking, usually fastballs.
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Chimchar just seems like the best starter option for Luffy, other being Grookey but I went with a fire type. There is several monkey pokemon that could be on his team, maybe he has them in the box.
Scizor and Heracross because Luffy loves collecting bugs, plus Scizor, Clobbopus and Breloom all fight using punches. Also Breloom has a hat and a shiny version is red.
Fighting type is also fitting for Luffy.
Talonflame as a reference to red hawk move.
Doesn't care about pokeball types so uses plain npokeballs, with the exception of cherishball that holds Kuina's Gallade. Only has 3 pokemon, cause, you know.
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All three pokemon seem selfexplanatory why I picked them for Zoro? Gallade's story was here.
He easily went through rock and grass gyms with Treecko and Charcadet but got stuck at fighting gym because of Kuina.
Uses luxuryballs, probably stollen.
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Found shiny Purrloin in a trash as a kid and took it home. Has a team of sneaky cats with Meowth being a lucky charm in their heist.
Castform and Wingul as a reference to her navigation skills/role in canon.
Nickit could be on the team but I thought it'd fit Karina more with the whole cat and fox dynamic. Done it here.
Bug collector and uses netballs, probably has every bug pokemon and a few shinies in the box.
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His Heracross often spars with Luffy's.
Doesn't collect badges but somehow ended up earning one in a ghost gym.
Probably has Smeargle and Kecleon in the box.
Is a sea cook so he fishes a lot, uses lureballs, diveballs and netballs, which is funny because I forgot to give him a water type on the team let's just say he has them in a box. He feeds wild pokemon.
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Blaziken is just a pokemon version of Sanji pretty much and Tsareena seems right for his team… for several reasons.
Alcremie is just one of the many food related pokemon that Sanji probbaly has.
Ninetails and Zorua mainly because Sanji assosiates with a fox for me, been thinking of Alolan Vulpix line and Hisuian Zorua line as options too, but went with fire type because of Sanji's moves and a dark type for how sneaky he usually is during story arcs.
Gardevoir as a counterpart to Zoro's Gallade.
Been thinking of giving him Skiddo because of Oda's words that Sanji's animal self would be a goat and grass types just seemed fitting with all the ingredients that grow on themselves? Maybe a flying type too.
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dreamy-selkie · 9 months
My Time at Sandrock: Pokemon Team (Bachelor Edition)
Bachelorette Version [LINK]
With Pokemon Indigo Disk being released I thought I might make a small Pokemon team for the bachelors and bachelorettes of the game; both will be posted separately and if anyone had other ideas as to what other Pokemon they would have don't hesitate to put them down. Buckle-up, this is a long one.
Arvio would probably have Pokemon that would have his energy, so the team I think he would have is an Scyther, Plusle, and Roserade; the trio especially would put up a performance to draw the attention of tourists over to By the Stairs. Scyther is based on the fact he uses dual weapons when MC spars, of course him and Amirah both would have the Plusle-Minum duo, and with Roserade I can see as his ace for various reasons; roses being a symbol of love while Arvio is a charmer being one of the big reasons.
Burgess is a kind-hearted pacifist and a devoter to the church, so to match his kindness I think his Pokemon team would be Togetic, Sylveon, and Blissey. Togetic's entry is that it only approaches those with a good heart, a top-perfect Pokemon, Sylveon would be his ace and its entry also says that it'll emit an aura that would erase hostility, and Blissey is a compassionate Pokemon that evolves through high friendship; I can definitely see Burgess raising it as a Happiny.
Ernest was a little tough, but I think he would have a Toxtricity (Amped form), Meowstic (Male ver.), and Alolan Persian. Both the Toxtricity and Meowstic, his ace, would match with his twin Luna, while the Alolan Persian is considered the symbol of wealth and it matches with his background.
Fang's team would definitely be Corviknight, Mimikyu, and Audino. Corviknight, his ace, is obviously based on his crow X, Mimikyu I can see Fang adopting from years back and Audino not only acts as his assistant but the Pokemon would also help soothe him when his PTSD would come around.
Justice was pretty easy as well, since he's for... well, justice, I picture him having noble and quite strong Pokemon; his team would Rapidash, Mabosstiff, and Pidgeot. Rapidash would definitely be based on his horse Truth, Mabosstiff, I can see as his ace, would be a Birthday gift from Vivi, and Pidgeot can be his eyes in the sky.
Logan was interesting to say the least, but I think he would have a team of Gogoat, Lucario, and Mightyena. Gogoat, his ace, is based on his companion Rambo, Lucario I see Logan adopting as a Riolu while on the first couple of weeks being on the run, and Mightyena while not only having canon hyena enemies in the game but one of its entries mentions that it obey only certain trainers that possess superior skill, which the Pokemon can see in him.
I admit I don't know much about Miguel, so it was a guessing game based on the wikia- with that I think his Pokemon team would be Luxray, Gallade, and Talonflame. His Pokemon team would match his calm and clever demeanor with Gallade as his ace.
With Owen working at the Blue Moon Saloon he would have at least a couple of Pokemon that would assist him, being Slurpuff, Centiskorch, and Indeedee (Male ver.). Slurpuff is a gift from his father when he first took over the saloon, each of Centiskorch's segmented body has coil-like heat that Owen can use whenever something happens to the oven, and of course he has an Indeedee to help wait tables before Grace came in. He probably won't have an ace since he believes all Pokemon are good Pokemon, but if I do give him one it would be Dusk Lycanroc.
Pablo's team would be Furfrou, Delcatty, and Smeargle. With Furfrou I can see Pablo having it as a guard Pokemon, Pablo's favorite trim would be the Heart trim, Delcatty is considered to have sublime fur which I think Pablo would love in a Pokemon, and Smeargle, his ace, matches with how Pablo is canonically an artist based on Arvio's questline.
Pen, of course, would have muscular and powerful Pokemon to match him in all aspect; so it would be no surprise that his team would have Palafin, Machamp, and Feraligatr. His aces are both Palafin and Machamp and he would be the trainer who would love double-battle.
Qi's team would be quite interesting, let me explain why: his team'll be Magnezone, Charjabug, and Minccino. Magnezone is his ace that he would have since back in Vega 5, Charjabug was a trade from Mint and refuses to evolve it when he finds out about Vikavolt, and Minccino it just happened to stumble upon his research center and saw it cleaning so he decided to keep it as a mini-assistant. Though I also imagine finding a Minior one night through a telescope and saw that it fell close to Sandrock premises and with the assistance of MC he kept it around as a memento.
And last but not least, Unsuur I can see as a Rock-type trainer only; his team would be Gigalith, Naclstack, and Graveler; Gigalith, his rockin' ace, being his gift from Justice when he became a Civil Corps memeber, and throughout his time caught the latter two- and eventually took in a Carbink that took an immediate liking to him and, of course, he named the little Carbink, Wilson.
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jhynka · 2 years
- aib boys as pokemon trainers
characters: chishiya, niragi, and arisu
genre: headcannons, fluff
synopsis: how the aib boys would be as trainers
cw: mentions of death, unedited
an: My brother's been watching pokemon masters again and I've been replaying shield and let's go so why not make a crossover? anyway, depending on how this goes and if people like this concept, i will be making one for the girls! happy reading!
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Psychic and Ice type trainer
His starter pokemon is obviously a Froakie, now an over powered Greninja
His team consists of Greninja, Espeon, Vanillux, Frillish (who he sometimes switches out with Solosis), a Galarian Meowth, and a mighty Kadabra.
He completed two of his Pokedexes in his first 3 years of being a trainer.
Treats his pokemon team like a sports team. he’s the coach and he trains his pokemon to be the best.
One day, he last the Pokeball containing Espeon when it was still an Eevee, he retraced his steps so far that he ended up getting lost in a forest. When he found the Pokeball, Team Rocket was already there, trying to take his Eevee. He fought them so hard that even though he got a few injuries, nevertheless he won. Letting his Eevee out, he celebrated internally, and little did he know, the Eevee was two seconds away from evolving.
Even though Greninja was his starter, his little Espeon will always be his favorite.
Fire type trainer (oops)
The team he built contains Torracat, Charizard (evolves into the Y form to be specific), Cinderace, Blaziken, Litleo, and Houndoom
Keeping things simple, he only catches fire type pokemon with a dash of fighting types.
He has huge respect for his pokemon, they're the ones fighting, not him. When they are all out of their Pokeballs, he treats them like his best friends and always takes care of them.
When in battle, he makes sure to always burn his opponent on the first move.
HATES grass-type trainers and grass-type pokemon in general. He thinks of them as useless since they're weak against most types.
His amazing pokemon story as a trainer would be when he first got his Litten in high school. The Litten he received HATED him at first. Every time he would try and train it, it would always end up with him having cat scratches all over him. It was only until his bullies at school approached him with their pokemon and tried t attack him. The Pokeball in his pocket opened by itself revealing the Litten, and Fire Fang’ed those kids back to their mommies.
from then on. he realized the problem was the Pokeball, and that he can't just be too bossy over the Litten, since it had a mind of its own as well. Every night after that, he would sleep next to the Litten like his very own companion throughout his journey.
Fighting and Electric type trainer
his team has Gallade, Lucario, Luxio, Pancham, Togedemaru, and Marshadow
As the dedicated trainer he is, he’s completed 4 of his Pokedexes in just a year of training. It was mostly because he loved to collect regular pokemon and always trained them to get their evolutions instead of catching an already evolved pokemon.
Treats his pokemon like his pets, always handing out treats, playing and buying them new toys, and eating with them.
He always battles with a balance of fun and strategy. He loves to knock out the opponent on the first move, and when they switch out their pokemon, he paralyzes them.
Never uses a normal Pokeball due to his laziness, even though he’s broke, he will never buy a Pokeball. Rest assured that he’s stocked up on Great and Luxury balls.
Talking about being stocked up, he has EVERYTHING. when I say everything I mean it. He often goes away from the city for a long time to collect new pokemon. Potions, poke dolls, repellents, you name it he has it.
His Bulbasaur that he received as he started died due to some failure in its organs. That death was something instead of being grieved too much, took it as a lesson in life on how every living thing could die at any moment. He used this lesson to always spend time with the people he loves and makes sure that all his pokemon know how much he loves each and one of them, no matter how many times they fail in battle, his pokemon will always be his best friends no matter what.
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Pokemon and Hunter x Hunter as decided by my friend @doodle-storm after only seeing Hunter Exam and Zoldyck Family Arcs... Part 2!!! As always friend, add onto this post if there's any reasoning I've missed!
Netero: Medicham (I think the rationale here was that despite looking a little goofy, it's actually quite strong. I think this guy is very appropriate for Netero, for reasons I can't tell my friend yet.)
Hanzo: Greninja (It's a ninja pokemon. However, my friend laments the fact that Greninja is not bald enough, nor does it have "bedazzled eyebrows". She has therefore made an entire team for Hanzo that is purely comprised of bald and bedazzled eyebrow pokemon. She took this very seriously I'll have you know.)
Pokkle: Decidueye (An archer! She hopes Pokkle gets to finish his pokedex.)
Satotz: Omanyte (I honestly can't remember the initial reasoning but they both have mustaches and no visible mouth so that's cool.)
Menchi: Dachsbun (Bread dog. As befitting a Gourmet Hunter.)
Buhara: Snorlax (Probably needs little elaboration.)
Lippo: Rotom (Because of all the cameras in the prison and the fact that he operated from behind screens using electronics.)
Beans: Politoed (She can picture politoed in an identical suit.)
Tonpa: Trubbish (...she does not like Tonpa very much.)
Ponzu: Beedrill (Bee pokemon. She has bees in her hat.)
Bendot: Machoke (He's a fighter pokemon. Also he was going to choke Tonpa so there's that too.)
Sedokan: Litwick (It's a candle. It's also got one eye hidden.)
Majitani: Wishiwashi (We spent a long time trying to find a pokemon that sort of gives that impression of guy trying to look way more intimidating than he is... She decided on Wishiwashi because its school form is powerful but it also reverts back to weaker solo form when wounded.)
Leroute: Salazzle (I did not know there were pokemon people thirsted for and I don't think I needed to know that. Anyways, Salazzle is kind of an exotic creature and she was involved in exotic animal trafficking so. Checks out.)
Johness the Dissector: none. (She tried to think of one but really couldn't. We both kind of agreed that he probably wouldn't have any on account of... probably killing them.)
Geretta: Aromatisse (I don't know lol. I think this was just vibes.)
Agon: Galarian Farfetch'd (He appeared to have been a fencer so I think this was the closest thing. Plus eyebrows.)
Bodoro: Gallade (She was trying to think of an honourable type of pokemon. I don't think she was entirely sold on Gallade, especially since she gave Kurapika one later on, but we moved on.)
Bourbon: Seviper (Viper for the snake charmer.)
Nicholas: Abra (Abra just kind of sleeps, and though Nicholas tried to predict the Hunter Exam, he wasn't prepared for it, so I think that was the rationale here.)
Siper: Inteleon (A sniper pokemon for the sniper. I questioned why she was giving this minor character a pokemon when I'm pretty sure she didn't even have a speaking line, to which she replied, and I quote, "Yeah, but I want her to step on me.")
Sommy: Aipom (Mischievous monkey for the monkey trainer.)
Todo: Hariyama (Sumo pokemon for the sumo guy.)
Amori Brothers: Falinks (Yes, all three of them have the same pokemon. They work together for team attacks and so do the brothers. Do not separate.)
Zeno: Roaring Moon (I brought up Zeno's association with dragons. She liked the vibe of this one for him.)
Silva: Kommo-o (I think she wanted to keep the dragon theming. ...she also refers to Silva as "evil He-Man". Just thought you should know.)
Kikyo: Hatterene (She picked this one because of its elegant look... and the fact that it attacks anyone who is too loud or hostile within its home range.)
Illumi: Ferrothorn (It's absolutely perfect omg. She said it attacks using spikes and thorns, and it also "has the eyes". She also cheerfully informed me it's weak to fire. She does not like Illumi very much.)
Milluki: Forretress (Also has the eyes, and stays in a shell. It shoots things I think. She was trying to pick one that calls to mind Milluki's bombs.)
Kalluto: Kartana (I mentioned Kalluto's association with paper, so she picked this one.)
Gotoh: Meowth (For the coin association. Also she thought it'd be kind of funny if all the butlers had cat or cat-like pokemon.)
Canary: Espeon (Because it evolves based on friendship... augh... also vibes.)
Zebro: Cinccino (Zebro's kind of the janitor, and Cinccino likes to clean, if I'm remembering correctly? Also it's kind of disarmingly cute and harmless looking, which fits Zebro's "taking the key from the hapless guard" shtick.)
Seaquant: Watchog (Vibes, I'm pretty sure. hjdfkbvdshjvh)
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cadmusfly · 11 months
#I have thoughts on Pokémon teams for some of the marshals omg pleaseee make a post about it i would love to read it <3
Made those tags on this post by @bambooale - and yeah, I love Pokemon ever since I played Pokemon Blue as a small child and named my Venusaur "AAAAAAAAA" so I definitely have pokemon thoughts!
I was thinking about answering this in the form of drabbles but I do have Assignments, but I am Tempted to write some silly fanfic about this at some point.
Edit: I wrote fanfic oops
Michel Ney and a Balloon
Young Murat and Bessieres and art by @apurpledust !!!
Anyway, using this page to put together pokemon teams for Lannes, Murat, Ney, Bessières, Soult, Masséna, Davout and Napoleon, and feel free to disagree or talk about your own thoughts!
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Dubwool, Ampharos, Aegislash, Diggersby, Ceruledge, Falinks
Obviously Lannes needs the two sheep(ish) pokemon in his team: Dubwool and Ampharos. Even if Ampharos loses its wool as it evolves, maybe he got it as a cute Mareep and still loves it.
The other pokemon are based on him as an infantry commander who participated in besieging fortifications - Diggersby for tunnelling, Aegislash and Ceruledge as... swords, ghostly swords who "fell before accomplishing their goal"
and Falinks, well, Lannes was known as the Roland or Achilles of the Grande Armee, Achilles was Greek, Falinks is kinda Greek-
but I was also thinking that Falinks fits Napoleon a lot as well, especially with seeing that drawing by bambooale-
What if Napoleon looked after Lannes' Falinks after he died?
Interesting thoughts.
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Mudsdale, Pyroar, Armarogue, Talonflame, Lycanroc, Drifblim
The entire reason I started thinking about this was because I thought it would be extremely funny if Ney had a Drifblim because of the time a guy claimed to have invented a hot air balloon for battlefield reconnaissance, sold the idea to Ney and promptly disappeared with the money.
It would be even funnier if in Poke-verse, the guy sold Ney a Drifloon.
Mudsdale is because Ney started out as a hussar/cavalryman, Pyroar because "that man is a lion!", Talonflame is a brave bird that has the powerful recoil-causing moves Brave Bird and Flare Blitz, Midnight Lycanroc is red and loves to charge in, Armarouge is also red, loyal and gallant.
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Rapidash, Milotic, Sylveon, Gallade, Sirfetch'd, Vanilluxe
Obviously a horse man needs a horsie, and a fiery unicorn is definitely up Murat's alley. As the beau sabreur of France, he also needs valiant swords-pokemon by his side, and also the most fashionable and beautiful pokemon with him, such as one that grows from an unassuming fish into a splendid creature and one that evolves with love and affection.
I was stuck on the last pokemon to give him. It's a bit anachronistic, but what if King of Naples had, uh, Neapolitan ice cream.
Also Rapidash and Sylveon go along with...
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Galarian Rapidash, Zebstrika, Swanna, Indeedee, Furfrou, Glaceon
Another horse man obviously needs a horsie, and look, I enjoy Murat and Bessières's friendship and shipping, I do like the idea of paralleling them with their Rapidashes and Eeveelutions.
I was thinking Umbreon because Umbreon is my favourite eeveelution and Umbreon evolves via happiness, but Glaceon's hair kinda fits and Bessières was described as seeming to be "cold". Ah well, I'm sure Glaceon loves him anyway.
Zebstrika is another horse, and Bessières is described as having eyes that "project lightning bolts". I think there's a description of his manor's lake having swans, and he did teach his men to swim at one point? Indeedee is a gentlemanly pokemon, and Furfrou, there was a claim that Bessières was a hairdresser at one point, and he does wear his hair in "dog ears".
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Dachsbun, Appletun, Smeargle, Oranguru, Thievul, Skarmory
I could have filled this all up with baking jokes. Dachsbun, Appletun, Centiskorch, Alcremie, Slurpuff, uh, maybe I couldn't. Exeggcute. Anyway.
Soult had an appreciation for art and took some from the pieces that had already been looted, and I think with him being known for Strategy he might enjoy Smeargle's potential in learning Any Move. Oranguru is a teacher, Soult was a drill sergeant, same thing, right.
Thievul... Soult was not the worst plunderer but gained a reputation for being such. I was thinking a dark type to represent that reputation (as well as the Roi Nicolas thing) and tossing up between Liepard - as the Dalmatia coat of arms has leopards - and Thievul. But then I thought about the Duke of Wellington going "View Halloo! I have you now!" to Soult, years later, and the association of that kind of cry with fox hunting, and the legend of Wellington going fox hunting with French soldiers, and that clinched it.
Skarmory is because I wanted a steel type for Monsieur "Iron-Arm", a lot of steel-types I've already put aside for the obvious, and Skarmory is my favourite Pokemon. Their feathers harden in the thorny nests that they grow up in, that's totally like what Soult did at the camps of Boulogne right.
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Clefable, Klefki, Gholdengo, Persian, Sneasler, Grimmsnarl
I admit I got a bit stuck here.
Sneasler, Klefi and Grimmsnarl are inspired by Masséna as a smuggler before rejoining the army, with Sneasler helping out in the mountainous areas.
Clefable is based on thoughts of the "Dear Child of Victory" - I didn't want to use Legendaries here, otherwise there is Literally A Victory Pokemon - and I kinda characterise Masséna in my head as a gambler, so a pokemon with Metronome makes sense to me.
Persian and Gholdengo is because he did like his plundering and he was pretty salty about losing his "Livorno millions"!
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Metagross, Bisharp, Lucario, Corviknight, Bastiodon, Swellow
Oh look this is where all the steel types went, to the Iron Marshal. I really wanted him to have Metagross and Bisharp as they'd make great buddies for a tactician and strategist, and then the other three steel types are also just cool for the goddamn Iron Marshal.
Swellow is purely because of the cute partridge story (and this is the second time I've referenced something @northernmariette has posted!). Swellow also has the ability Guts, where its attack rises if it is afflicted with a status problem. I think Davout is pretty gutsy, too!
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Empoleon, Dragapult, Vespiquen, Clawitzer, Falinks, Braviary
Napoleon needs an Empoleon, the pokemon literally named after Napoleon.
Dragapult and Clawitzer are artillery pokemon. Vespiquen and Braviary are symbolic of the First French Empire, with Vespiquen's rulership over Combees being very fitting.
And Falinks could both represent the Grande Armee... and also be a remnant of his fallen friend.
Miiiiight write some fanfic for this if the inspiration hits and I survive this last week.
Thank you very much for the ask though! I leave you with a meme screenshot from the Pokemon game set in Pokemon France:
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thegirlinnacrenecity · 4 months
I wouldn't say this is my first time using social media, but according to the twins I need to "become more sociable" sssooo..this counts right. Anyway that's besides the point, figured I'd make an introduction post as a way to properly say hi.
One-My name is Rae, I have already said I grew up in Virbank city, aannnddd I did ATTEMPT the gym challenge bbuuttt two badges in and I was just like "the amount of STRESS I feel from this is not a vibe" ssooo I went back to school(Fun fact as a graduation gift my papa and nana took me on a trip to Galar) and once I finished up I became a janitor over at Pokéstar studio. Sure it wasn't the ideal job but I had fun getting to see all the cool props and passing by stars/up and coming stars!
(not that they uh, interacted with me)
Two- I decided to move to Necrene to honestly cross it off my bucket list. I've always wanted to live on the main land and while so many of the other cities and towns looked amazing I've always been down to learn about history (the library is a plus) the biggest deal for me though was finding a place big enough for my pokemon! I am a firm believer in not keeping my pokemon in their balls unless required to. So the warehouses(even though I practically sold my soul to Darkrai for it) is what bought me.
Three-Lastly the team! Through out the years my pokemon have basically grown up with me. Sometimes I don't know if I consider them my kids or my siblings (I am not exaggerating when I say I'm a shut in) Smokey the Emboar and Lady the Lopunny are the oldest, from there it's Goldie the Infernape, Princess and Prince the Gardevoir and Gallade, lastly Mr.Rime. (Fun fact Princess and Prince are twins!)
Due to my long exposure and bond to Princess and Prince I've gain somewhat of a telepathic link? If that makes sense? That or Princess is just screwing with me- Anyway! Hope all this helps!
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raindropsonwhiskers · 2 months
Alright fuck it Fantasy High Pokemon AU time
Aguefort Adventuring Academy, the premier Pokemon education facility located on the very outskirts of Unova, functions similarly to the Paldean Academy system for the most part. Uniquely, there's a heavy emphasis on training the kids to work together to take down the neverending supply of evil teams that keep popping up, stop rampaging legendaries, undermine tyrranical governments, etc.
Arthur Aguefort is, technically, a League-recognized Professor. However, he is not allowed to give students starter Pokemon anymore, as part of the ongoing series of threats-slash-negotations with the League that allows him to continue running the Academy
He is also functionally immortal, thanks to a... close companionship with Ho-oh. The details of this are explained in uncomfortable amounts of detail in his autobiography
Adaine Abernant (of the Galarian Abernants) started out as a far more traditionally Galarian Psychic/Fairy trainer, with her darling little Ralts that her parents expected her to evolve into a proper Gardevoir. By the end of junior year, she's ended up with a Gallade, Aegislash, Galarian Slowbro, Sneasler, Kommo-o, and her emotional support Poliwrath, Boggy. Being the Oracle of the Lake Trio is an additional piece of work she could have done without, but at least she gets paid for it now!
Fabian Aramais Seacaster, son of the feared Captain of Team Aqua, has gone through quite a few changes to his team over the years, but the one thing that's stayed the same is his loyal starter, Quaquavel. His equally loyal Houndoom, Hangman, has gotten better about sharing. Now firmly comfortable in his masculinity and place in the world, the rest of Fabian's team skews in the direction of Fairy and Flying types, with Togekiss, Sylveon, Crobat, and Gliscor moving in perfect harmony
Figueroth Faeth, rockstar extraordinaire and leader of Team Magma (after her father retired), is an enigma. Her team is all over the place, from her Zoroark to her Corviknight, her Mimikyu to her Salamence, her Toxtricity to her Hisuian Arcanine. One thing's for certain, though - you can never entirely trust that the person you're speaking to isn't Fig in disguise
Gorgug Thistlespring may be soft-spoken and a bit awkward off the battlefield, but he directs his team of Rotom, Alolan Golem, Copperajah, Swampert, Heracross, and Skarmory with ruthless efficiency. He's also the go-to guy for any technology, whether it's a portable PC for adventurers or a broken Pokedex in need of repair
Kristen Applebees came from a family very dedicated to the worship of the Unovan weather legends, believed to be descended from Solgaleo. As such, she was expected to raise her Petilil into the traditional Unovan Lilligant, but after an unfortunate face-to-face meeting with Landorus and the realization that she was essentially worshipping a gust of wind, her team took a turn. Now she has a Hisuian Lilligant, Froslass, Chandelure, Absol, Grimmsnarl, and Minior, as well as some newfound Darkrai and Cresselia worship
Riz Gukgak has been pretty consistent through the years, only rarely changing his team. His Luxray, Inteleon, Porygon Z, Vikavolt, Weavile, and Dragapult are all incredibly fast, hard to predict, and hit like trucks - when they connect. And don't worry about the strange Mimikyu that's been following him since before they traversed the Nightmare Forest of Sinnoh. It's fine.
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monsoon-of-art · 2 years
Donut Hole
Chapter 10 - Sad Machine
And though I know, since you've awakened her again She depends on you, she depends on you She'll go alone, and never speak of this again We depend on you, we depend... I'll depend on you
[Amazingly. I have to say this; but minor Scarlet and Violet spoilers in the form of a Gen 9 Pokemon (kinda). Also minor violence!]
[ao3 link here!]
Barry woke up and immediately knew something was wrong.
All of his pokemon were awake and in the little nook, including Fern, who had been sleeping outside last he checked. All of them were awake, and completely, perfectly still. Scared stiff, as it were, their eyes wide and anxious.
Second, the air was…different. Tense, thick with static electricity. It felt as if a foggy thunderstorm had rolled in while he slept.
He tried stretching in the confined space with a murkrow on his chest, a piplup on his shoulder, and a burmy and kirlia filling up any of the remaining gaps. “Guys, c’mon. A little elbow room? Please?”
Moving Mystery off of his chest, Barry started for the exit to see what was going on outside, but Fern sat right in his way. The kirlia shook its head, tapping its paws together in a clear act of anxiety.
“C’mon Fern, let me out! I wanna see out there!” He tried to peer around the pokemon, seeing that it looked very dark outside, with flickerings of multicolored light. Was it still nighttime? Barry did feel tired, but he was always tired.
Fern shook its head.
“Pleeease? I just wanna take a look! I’ll be careful!”
Still tapping its paws together, Fern considered this. Then it carefully moved out of the way for him to move past.
Stepping out of the hollow, Barry felt the electricity crackling around his hair and skin, sparking at his feet. Looking up, it appeared as if a giant dome had settled over them; the sky was dark and swirling with energy, but with clear boundaries.
The poketch on his wrist buzzed. Looking at it, all of the lightning surrounding them had given it a bit of power, but it was still clearly busted beyond repair. It garbed nothing but static, refused to switch apps, and the screen was nothing but colored lines.
“Well, there goes that idea. Let’s take a look around-”
All of his pokemon swarmed him, desperately trying to tug and pull him back to the safety of the hollow. “Guys! Guys! C’mon! I know it looks scary out here, but it seems fine!”
They’ve probably never seen something like this before, Bary reasoned. (Neither had he, but he was ignoring that part).
“Maybe there’s cool stuff here! Let’s go look!”
He began to explore inside the dark sphere, his pokemon hesitantly following behind him. “See? Nothing bad is happening! It must be a weird weather fenom…feninime …fonomone-”
Barry could’ve gone on his tangent of mispronouncing ‘phenomenon’ for quite a bit longer, but an object falling from the sky interrupted his thoughts.
It was a blue stone, roughly larger than his palm. It glittered, even in the low light. No matter how Barry turned it in his hands, he could see a star-shaped pattern inside.
“It’s…” he hesitated with the name for reasons unbeknownst to him, “It’s a Dawn Stone.”
It was an evolutionary stone, but a very rare one. He took a moment to try and remember what pokemon evolved from it. All around him, more objects fell from the sky - nuggets of gold and pearls, more stones, a pokedoll, a magmarizer, and a lot of shards.
Barry was lost in his thoughts to notice. Behind him, his pokemon scrambled to dodge the falling objects.
Finally, something pinged in his mind.
Spinning around, he slapped the dawn stone into Fern’s paws. “Alright! Evolve into a Gallade, please!”
Fern squeaked in surprise, looking at the blue stone in its paws. Baffled, it looked back up at him with wide eyes - wanting to make the boy happy but not knowing how.
It tapped the stone several times, clearly unsure of what to do.
Barry frowned, scratching at his head. “...maybe I’m doing something wrong here.”
He stood, kicking a blue shard with his foot. “Yeesh, this place is a dump! Where did all this stuff come from? Oh, oh, is that gold?? OK, let's grab some of this and then we can go!"
Eagerly beginning to pick up some of the more valuable items, Barry didn't notice the electricity in the air growing stronger, top of the dome crackling with energy.
The sky split open with a horrendous screech. White lightning screamed above them.
All four of his pokemon forced Barry into a patch of tall grass to hide. “W-What’s going on?!” He tried to whisper, before being shushed.
A dusknoir silently floated above them, several dusclops following behind. Barry felt the air grow colder as the ghosts passed by.
Was this a type of Mass Outbreak? A swarm? Barry wished he had listened to Lucas better about them, he had no clue what to do in this situation. Hiding seemed to be the best bet, though, so Barry and his pokemon hunkered down.
Maybe they could wait this out.
Or maybe, instead, a nearby magmar could push aside the tall grass with its large tail purely on accident, revealing the boy’s hiding space.
Magmar stared at him. Barry stared back.
Instinctively, he went to grab one of his pokemon. He was hoping for Jen, but instead he grabbed Pest. Holding the bug out like a can of pepper spray, he shouted, “PEST, KILL!”
Pest let out a ferocious war cry, then spit silk all over the magmar’s face.
The magmar was clearly not impressed, glowering at the boy and his pokemon. Barry tucked Pest safely back into his coat. “Alright let’s try that again - Jen! Bubble Beam! Let’s get going!”
Jen was more than eager to get fighting, sending a stream of bubbles at the opposing fire-type. “Yeah! That’s the ticket!”
The magmar recoiled from the attack, but quickly recovered. Typing was important, but this magmar was clearly stronger. It took a deep breath-
“DODGE! DODGE!” He shouted, scooping up Fern and Mystery and ducking out of the way. Jen darted just before the magmar released its flamethrower attack.
“Another bubble beam, while it’s recovering from Flamethrower!”
Jen complied, aiming for the magmar’s sides and back. The magmar hissed and spit, trying to shield itself from the torrent of bubbles.
“You got ‘em on the ropes! Hit them with everything you got!”
With a shrill squawk, Jen sent out a water pulse. It hit the magmar square on, the large fire-bird falling to the ground with a rumbling CRASH.
Defeated. Winner, Jen!
“Yeah! YEAH! That was amazing!” Barry praised, reaching over to give Jen a pat on the head.
Before he could give Jen the praise it deserved, it began to glow. 
Barry gave the penguin a wide berth for evolution, watching in complete joy as his little piplup grew. Its form shifted, stretching, growing taller. Flippers growing stronger, more sturdy for physical attacks. Starting to form a respectable crest.
His poketech buzzed to life. Kinda. It began garbling a pokedex entry;
Pri-plup: The P---uin Poke-on. Abili--: Torr-nt. With a --ight of 2 feet and a w--ght of 5-.7bs, the-e are 7 -ales for e---y female. It li-s alone, a-ay from --hers. A-par--tly, ever- one of t-em believ-s it is the m--t import---. Its -ings de---er wi-ked b-ows that sn-p even the t-ic--st -- trees. It se--ches for pr-y in ic- seas.
He gave Jen a hug, ignoring the embarrassed peeps. (Prinplups were horribly self-entitled, but he hoped that enough socializing could nip that behavior in the bud.)
“I knew you could do it, buddy! Look at you!”
Setting Jen down, he turned to the magmar and began rummaging in his bag for a pokeball. “And now let’s get you, new buddy-”
The magmar vanished in a blink of an eye, swallowed up by purple lightning.
“...oh.” Barry put the pokeball back in his bag. “OK. That’s kinda rude. Didn’t have to leave like that-”
In its place appeared a massive Rampardos, sporting the glowing red eyes that Barry was beginning to loathe.
Immediately, Barry wondered how this thing was alive. Rampardos could only be resurrected from fossils, they were supposed to be extinct. And yet, here it was, slowly turning its head to stare down at them.
“We can handle this! Jen! Let’s get another-”
The rampardos didn’t let him finish. Swinging its tail like a club, slamming into both boy and bird. It knocked the wind right out of Barry’s lungs, sending him sprawling onto the unforgiving ground, and poor Jen flew right into one of the cliff walls with a horrible CRUNCH.
With a strangled gasp, Barry reached into his bag for Jen’s pokeball, recalling it. The last thing he wanted for his newly evolved Pokemon to take any more damage.
Pokemon were always a bit fragile after just evolving. Their new bodies weren’t quite ready for physical damage yet, like a dratini after a fresh molt. He should’ve recalled Jen immediately, not try to pick another fight. Stupid, stupid, stupid .
The rampardos bellowed, rattling deep into Barry’s bones. “Y-You can do whatever you want to me!” he said, painstakingly standing back up. “But you’re not gonna hurt my friends-”
Another slam of the rampardos’ tail sent him skidding back to the dirt. He felt his head hit the ground, and he saw a flash of white and black dots.
That was a concussion, definitely. And damn, it hurt too. It felt like his world was spinning, even though he was fairly certain he had stopped moving.
Fern and Mystery tried to tug him back to his feet as the living fossil stomped closer. “N-No, guuyss-” Barry slurred. “‘M trying to protect youu, get outta here!”
Mystery immediately took Barry’s advice, flying just far enough to be out of range of the rampardos’ attacks. “‘M not running away anymore!” Barry shouted as he stood, glaring right back at the giant dinosaur. “You’re not even TRYING to kill me, you big!...Dumb!...Stupid-face!”
(If he was thinking a bit more clearly, Barry might’ve realized that the rampardos was toying with him more than anything.)
“Go, Fern! Please!” he said, looking into the kirlia’s eyes. “It’s my job as your friend to protect you! Because that’s what friends do. I’m not going to lose any more friends!”
Tears began to well in Fern’s eyes. It reached to hold Barry’s hands.
“It’ll be OK.” said Barry.
The rampardos lowered itself, claws scraping into the dirt as it prepared to charge.
“It’ll be OK.”
The rampardos bellowed as it began sprinting for them. It tore up the packed, rocky ground as it ran for them.
“It’ll be OK. I promise.”
Holding onto Barry’s finger with one paw, and holding the dawn stone in the other, Fern began to glow.
Fern’s body flickered and shuddered, limbs stretching, jumping too far, then snapping back into place. Like a broken gif, looped in unnatural ways. “Fern!? FERN!?”
He didn’t care that the rampardos was still coming for them. He didn’t care about anything else right now - he needed Fern to be OK.
But Fern still held on tight to Barry’s hand. Even as its paws grew and changed, its grip held firm.
Barry could see a head horn forming, along with the long blades on its arms indicative of a Gallade - but he could see the flowing skirt grow longer, into almost the dress of a Gardevoir.
“Fern?! Don’t hurt yourself! Please!”
The rampardos was right on top of them now. Even if he wanted to, Barry couldn’t move. It was roaring now, shaking Barry’s very soul-
Mere inches away from headbutting Barry into a fine red mist, something too fast to see slammed into the rampardos’ thick skull, sending it careening off into a rock pillar. It smashed right through it, falling into a pile of boulders.
Barry slowly turned to Fern.
Fern stood tall, shaking off the lingering energy of evolution. It wasn’t a Gardevoir, sporting a blue head crest and bladed arms. But it wasn’t a Gallade either, sporting a dress and longer ‘hair’. But there were other things that neither evolution had that Fern did - such as its bladed arms being a pinker color, and its belly being black.
Its fist was clenched, and Barry realized it must have been Fern punching the Rampardos in the face moments earlier.
“Fern? Buddy?” he whispered. “Are…are you OK?”
Fern turned to Barry, giving the boy the smallest of smiles. It unclenched its fist, carefully patting him on the head - not unsimilar to what Barry would do when Fern was a ralts.
Then, Fern’s gaze snapped back to the rampardos as it stumbled out of the rubble. It shrieked at the two of them, already preparing another charge.
Fern finally let go of Barry’s hand, striding over to the dinosaur. Barry’s poketch buzzed.
ERROR ERROR ERROR ERROR - True -o its honorable-warrior image, it u-es the blades on its elbows protect --s Trainer even at the risk of its own life seeks out those in ne-d and aids Tra-ner it has bonded c-osely with cut down any-ne confront--g it without hesitat-on protect trainer protect trainer protect trainer protect Barry-
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It stood in front of the rampardos, glancing over its shoulder. Waiting.
Barry understood completely.
“ALRIGHT FERN!” he shouted, finally feeling like he was in his element. “LET’S SEND THIS CLOWN BACK TO THE STONE AGE! Let’s go with a close combat! Before it gets a charge in!"
Fern didn’t hesitate a moment.
It sprinted forward, rearing back to uppercut the rampardos before it could get in a double-edge. With how slow it was, rampardos didn’t stand a chance. Fern barraged the opponent with punches, moving far too fast for the rampardos to even try and retaliate.
“Let’s go with confusion now!”
Fern stopped. Luckily, the rampardos was too stunned from the previous attack to do anything. Fern looked back at Barry, clearly confused and a little panicked.
What, did it forget confusion when it evolved? Was it not a psychic-type anymore? “O-OK! Let’s go with a final close combat! Let’s end this!”
With a final blow - an uppercut directly under the rampardos’ head, Fern sent the dinosaur crashing back into the rocks. And while it shuddered and twitched, this time, it didn’t get back up.
Before Barry could properly praise his pokemon, the black dome that had covered them at the beginning began to shake. Lightning cracked and the air seemed to scream in his ears.
And then, just like that, it was gone. His poketech shut back off, the sky was a brilliant blue, the darkness was gone.
The rampardos too, disappeared with the black dome.
“...that was. Really weird.” he muttered, feeling a headache coming on.
Mystery flew back from wherever it had hidden, chirping as if nothing had happened. Barry, a tad annoyed that his murkrow had ditched him, recalled Mystery back to its ball.
He slowly approached Fern. “Buddy…I have no idea what you are.” he said honestly. “BUT YOU LOOK SO COOL!”
A Gallade? Or a Gardevoir? Barry wasn’t sure. Barry also didn’t care. If Fern was safe and fine with it, then he was fine with it too. “Maybe you’re like uh! Regional variant! An alternate universe kirlia evolution! I think I get naming rights! Maybe even a finders fee!"
Fern hummed alongside him, happy that Barry seemed happy, but not quite understanding why.
Barry circled around Fern, taking note of the petal-like formation of the dress. The longer hair with pink ends. The difference in coloration. The horn shapes. All were just slightly off from normal.
"Let's call you….Galiant! Because it starts with a G-A like Gardevoir and Gallade and a mix of Valiant! They should pay me to make more names, heh!"
Fern the ‘Galiant’ chirped at that, again patting Barry on the head. “H-Hey! Just because you’re taller than me doesn’t mean you get to tease me about it!”
He tried to brush the affection away, Fern chuckling as he tried. It had black paws now, and it kept trying to poke and prod at him.
“Yeah, yeah, c’mon bud, let’s get serious for a second. We gotta get back on the road. We gotta find Cyrus, so we can punch his stupid blank face in!”
[Surpriiiiiseee! Fern's a girl! :) and also technically an Iron Valiant. But not Iron! (Galiant name came from tumblr user @/hezuart!)] New Team:
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xx-just-c-xx · 1 year
Prologue [ Welcome to the Villains' World ] Chapter two
when they at the dorm it looks like old building that ghost Pokemon live.
"Hmn.. that have a lot of character.."
The old building that Crowley had lead them was like ghost Pokemon live in there, and they would be right, the building is on a hill, have a lot of dead trees and a half broken gate Florida looked at the building like it can make a good home for now, Everyone go inside the building, the inside wasn’t better than the outside, Florida think which pokemon can help with what, until someone say.
“This should be ok for you and your creature for the time being, Now I should return to my research. Do try to find some way to busy yourself. But don’t let me catch you wandering the campus! Ta ta!”
And he disappeared in the air, when he gone she say "Rotom come out please"
"Good morning master" a Rotomphone fly out of her bag
"Hello Rotom can you help me with something"
"Sure what is it? master"
"can you somehow connect to our PC back home?"
"Of course master!!" as Rotom finish saying Rotom being to try to connect the PC, while Rotom doing that Florida take out all her pokemon out "Come on out guys!!"
There is a Gogoat, Sableye, Gallade, Goodra and Haxorus come out of their ball as they come out they cry their name out
"Sylveon!"[Hello everyone!]
"Sa sableye?"[Where are we?]
"We somehow go into a different world for now I want Gogoat, Gallade and Sableye help me find some cleaning supplies"
"Gogoat!!" "Gal!!" "Sa!!" [Of course master]
"Ok Haxorus and Goodra I want you as a look out for outsider or anything"
"Haxorus!" "Dra!"[Yes master]
"Now Sylveon will be with me just in case"
"Sylveon"[Ok mom]
At that's all the pokemon except Sylveon go do their job that gives by Florida, some moment later Sylveon heard something.
They watched the rain until there was a sound coming from outside that got Florida and Sylveon’s attention.
“GWAH! It’s raining out here!” a familiar voice, Florida look at where the sound coming from to see the fire cat pokemon, Grim again “Oh my Arceus”
Grim have saw Haxorus and Goodra “Nya!? How many monsters do you have?”
"I don't know never count them before” Florida told Grim as she go pets Sylveon to calm down. "But how you get in here again though"
Grim looked so prideful “Of course I would just sneak back onto campus the second I got kick out, You got no idea what I’m capable of, I'm not giving up on going here just cause I got kicked out one time”
“you got a lot of spirit I can tell that but why want to go to this school anyway?” Florida asked.
“Isn’t it obvious? I was born to do this! I'll become one of the greatest mages who ever lived! So I’ve been waiting and waiting for that black carriage to come for me. And yet” his eyes started to have some tears. “Hrmph! That Dark Mirror’s got no eye for talent! That’s why I came here by myself. You humans don’t understand what a mistake you all making! by not letting me in. This is a great loss to the World!”
A rain drop from the ceiling drop onto Grim face as he jumped. “Nya! C’mon, please let me stay inside, I’m getting dripped on here!”
This made Florida let out a chuckles.
"Ah, indeed! It seems I'll have to repair the roof too" She said as more drops came from the ceiling.
“Ah! Another hole in the roof!” Grim cried as he took cover. “ These flaming ears are like my signature, you know? I can’t let them get all wet!”
“And here I thought all my fire and rock type pokemon was fussy with water” At that Gogoat, Sableye, Gallade, Goodra and Haxorus come back into the room some with the cleaning supplies
"Go gogoat"[We have the cleaning supplies master]
"Good job guys and what about you Rotom?"
"Buzz Rotom have connect to our PC back home, which pokemon you need?"
"Ok well I need all other the eeveelutions, Cinccino, Blissey, Quagsire, Gardevoir, Leavanny, Chandelure, Eelektross, Joltik and all Lycanroc"
"Ok master" After few minutes pass, some pokeball appear in the air, Grim look so surprised by that.
"Nya? How did you do that???"
"Technology" Florida answer, she take out all pokemon out "Come out guys, I need your help"
As the pokemon come out they confused but one pokemon say.
"Cin cinccino!!"[This place is Not Clean!!]
Both Jolteon and Espeon agree with the chinchilla-like Pokémon.
"Gar? gardevoir"[Master? what do you want us to help with]
"Ah yes, since we're in different world and this place is where we stayed until we can get back home so I think some of you already know who gonna do what"
"Jolteon!!"[Cleaning time!!]
"Yes yes the cleaning supplies is with—"
Cinccino, Jolteon and Espeon already have the cleaning supplies and start to cleaning the house.
"Ok the cleaning team is already do that next is landscape for other pokemon that'll be Leafeon, Vaporeon, Glaceon, Quagsire, Leavanny, Blissey, Gogoat, Sableye, Gallade, Goodra, Haxorus and all Lycanroc you guys know what to do"
"Ly!! lycanroc"[Of course!! Let's go Big bro Nox and sister Layla]
"Lycan!!"[Slow down Saule!!]
All other pokemon follow the 2 Lycanroc outside of the Ramshackle dorm.
"Ok now Chandelure please light this place also explores"
"Chandelure"[Yes Florida]
Chandelure go around make the Ramshackle dorm bright a little bit and have some place to sleep.
"Now is— Gardevoir use Psychic over there" Florida point at the stairs.
The Embrace Pokemon unleashes psychokinetic energy around the stairs revealing 3 ghosts. One of them is giggling.
“Bwa ha ha ha ha ha. You sure have good instincts. It’s been a while since we’ve had guests!!”
“Oh, I’m itching for new friends! ha ha ha ha ha ha!”
“AAAAAH! GHOSTS!!” Grim screamed so loud.
“If you’re so scared of ghosts. How can you will handle my ghosts pokemon” Florida said to Grim. "They look like three marshmallows ghosts with a cute top hats" She said this with gentle voice.
“All the people who used to live here got scared of us and ran away” The average-looking ghosts explained.
“Oh, They did? How rude of them” She know people though about ghost pokemon and real ghosts in a scary way.
“I’m the great Grim! I'll not be afraid of any dumb ghosts! Myahaaa!” He use ember to the ghosts but they immediately dodged.
“Not even close.” The bony ghost said.
"Why would you close your eyes while use ember. Let's my pokemon show how it done. Umbreon, Dark Pulse"
The Moonlight Pokémon start to shoot out black and red energy ball at the ghosts and hit right on the head.
"Ow that somehow hurt" The ghost sounds surprised.
"How did you make it so easy" Grim say in annoying voice “Myah!! I’m Grim, THE GREAT GRIM!!! How come I can’t even hit one of these little—“
The ghost started to laugh at him “Hrmph! Ganging up on us… You all just a cowards!”
"Rest assured, if you gonna to follow my command, your aim will be perfect" She look at her Pokemon. They know that they have to stand back and wait for her command.
“Shut up!” Grim argued. “I don’t need anything from you, human!”
“I’m a trainer and used to be champion this is what I do for a living” Florida say back at Grim “Look, what if you chase them out, the headmaster would let you enroll in here?”
Grim immediately changed his attitude. "so all I have to do is follow your command?"
"Yes follow my command" All the 3 pokemon took their places. Sylveon stand next to Florida, Umbreon let Grim on top of her, Gardevoir also stand next to Florida as well.
“You tell me which way the ghosts are!”
"Yeah yeah. Gardevoir use Psychic get them out of their hiding places"
"Gardevoir"[Of course Master]
Gardevoir unleashes psychokinetic energy and get them out again.
“Ah!!, what are you guys?”
“Are you like us too?!”
"How did they get us out again"
After that, the Pokemons and Grim quickly dealt with the ghosts. With one last ember Grim threw at the ghost, they gave in.
“Aaaahhh! Ok ok you win! We gonna get out of here! Before we'll be disappeared for good!” They all vanished.
"If you want a another round. We shall give you better than this one" She said.
“H-huh? Did we… win?” Grim said in shock. Umbreon make Grim got down from her and go back to Floride's side.
“You all did amazing” She said as she pet her Pokemon then turned to Grim.
“Aw, geez, I was scared out of my—“ He quickly stop and said. “I mean they didn’t scared me one bit! What you got to say now, ghosties? That’s right!”
The Pokemons looked at him weird but also didn't care about it. “Well that's done now the roof—”
The door opened again and the Pokemon ready their attacks again but it was just the headmaster.
“Good evening. In another gesture of my kindness, I have brought you dinner.” He noticed Grim. “ Wait- That’s the creature we ejected for causing trouble at orientation! What is it doing here?!”
“Helping me with the ghosts problem you forgot to told me about” Florida say back at him with an intimidate gaze.
Grim looked surprised but quite confident with the old champion backing him up.
“You’re welcome by the way!”
The headmage looked confused. “What is the meaning of this Miss Lumia? But you know, on that topic, I do recall that this dorm had mischievous ghosts problem. Ah yes… That’s why it was abandoned, in fact because the ghosts scared away all the students”
“And did that fact just gone from your mind when you let me and my friends stay here?” Florida say with an annoyed tone.
“Yes, sorry about that but you were saying that you 2 joined each other forces to make them go away?”
"Yes it still just like a Pokémon battles and that's what I do for a living" She said while petting Sylveon.
“ ’Joined each other forces’ that isn't exactly how I’d describe it. More like I drove them away, and the human watched. And I only did it because I want some tuna”
“Yes, you drove them away with MY command and MY Pokemon’s help”
Crowley looked at her really impressed. “You truly are beast tamer. Would you two be so kind to demonstrate your ghost-eradication methods for me?”
“One no cause I already wiped them all out.” The cat argued. “And two no cause where’s my tuna?!”
“I will play the part of the ghosts. As for the tuna, you’ll receive it when you defeat me.” He smiled. “Oh, what generosity, Crowley…” He then pulled out a bottle of some kind and drink it in one go. The headmaster became ghost
The Pokemon ready themselves up for the next battle again as Grim complained.
“Ahhhhh!! you gotta be kidding me. I gotta work together with the human and her weird monsters again?”
"Stop complaining before I'll ask Sylveon take you out of this dorm and didn't your sole opportunity is to be in this school"
“Hrmph. All right, but this is the last time. And I better be up to my tuna afterward!”
Crowley didn’t last very long. With the combination of Gardevoir use Psychic to make him appear when he vanished. Umbreon use Confuse Ray and Grim use ember and with the help of Florida command them, they quickly able to beat him. The Pokémon didn’t even break a sweat but Grim having a hard time catching his breath.
“Well? how is that? Sir” Florida asked.
“Incredible… I’ve never seen anyone bend monsters to their will quite the way you have” The headmaster muttered and returning to his original form.
“That’s what my job, headmaster" She told him.
“I must confess my educator’s intuition did sense something about you after that accident at orientation. Miss Lumia I could tell you has a certain animal beast trainer that have master-ish quality to you. Oh yes. That said, I…” he kept mumbling to himself while Florida and her pokemon gave him a no reaction look ;-; .
“Really? That was your first clue about my job? About what I do for living?” she said. “Anyway would it be possible for Grim to stay with us?”
“WHAT!? A monster to stay HERE!?”
“Whoa..” Grim say and genuinely touched by her words.
"I'll say it again sir. Please consider allowing Grim to stay in this dorm. He may have fiery temperament but I have had experience dealing with such spirited Pokémon in the past. Therefore even if we try to dismiss him again he would find a way to come back. By letting him to stay, I can assume the responsibility of taking care of him. I asking you kind sir, to grant us this favor."
Crowley sigh. “Hmnn… I suppose I can not deny your favor Very well.”
“Myah?! Really?” Grim yelled as Sylveon gave his trainer an unsure look, but Florida reassured him with smile.
“Let me be clear!” the headmaster interrupted. “Under no circumstances would I admit anyone to Night Raven College who has not been selected by the Dark Mirror especially not a monster! Nor do I intend to allow you Miss Lumia to freeload until you’re able to return home”
“Never should have got my hopes up…” Grim muttered.
“Now allow me to explain. Since the Dark Mirror somehow transported you here. Therefore this school does bear some responsibility for your well-being. So I'll allow you to remain in this dorm free of charge. However you'll need to pay for your own food, clothing, and other stuff. As to how you'll do so penniless as you are…” he thought for a moment.
“Ah Yes, I’ll simply going to ask you to do a few odd jobs around campus. From what you’ve done here, Miss Lumia. I can tell you know your way around a broom. So what do you say to you two working together as a janitorial team? If you agree to that, I will make a special exception and allow you to be on campus. I’ll also allow you to use the library, so that you may study, and research ways to return home. How boundlessly kindness I am. Ah, but only when your work is over, of course!”
Florida sigh. “I guess it can’t be helped. Okay headmaster”
“What?! What kind of deal is that?! I wanna put on one of those sweet uniforms and be a student, not a janitorial!”
“If you’re not satisfied with my offer, I can just have you thrown out again.”
“Myah?!... Alright, fine! Let’s do it.”
“Don't worry Grim” Florida said “With the help of my 3 Pokemon that love to cleaning, we’ll finish everything fast”
“Wonderful, starting from tomorrow morning work as hard as the newest members of Night Raven College’s janitorial staff!”
"Ok sir"
“See you in the morning,”
The masked man was already out the door, “Sleep tight, you’re gonna need it!”
"Time to make the PC now and oh yeah fix the roof too"
"Gardevoir"[I can fix that Master]
After sometime later the ghosts appears again they saw Grim asleep and Florida making Pokémon PC.
“Do you ever sleep?” one of the ghosts ask. “You’ve been working on that machine to midnight”
"I'm almost finished this and I'll go to sleep" She yawn.
“So I hear you’ll be living here from now on” the bony one asked. “Hope you like pranks as much as we do! Ha ha!”
She smiled at them. “I sometimes fondness for pranks but however you need to limit your pranks before one of my Pokémon will start a war pranks.”
She extended her hand to them. “I didn’t get a chance to introduce myself, I am Florida Lumia but you can call me Flor. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”
The three ghosts looks with each other, then the average-looking one came forth and put his hand on top of hers. “Pleasure to meet you too young lady. My name is Brody” he first pointed to the large ghost then the bony one. “This is Mason and Philip. To be honest you’re really different from everyone we have met so far”
“Yeah, you’re not scared of us one bit,” Philip spoke up.
“Why should I be scared? My mom is ghosts trainer so I met a lot of ghosts Pokémon" She said and looked at the clock.
"I should go to sleep now" She yawn and pick Grim up and the ghosts giggle and disappear. She go to her bedroom and sleep.
Tomorrow morning she already wake up and making breakfast for her, Grim and all her Pokémon.
Chapter one, Chapter three
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Chapter 29- Part 12
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ANOTHER CRIT ALREADY!? But how did it kill!? I could understand it the first time, Gust was almost at half health, but this time- she barely took any damage from the first attack! And Gallade's Attack isn't boosted! 
No no no, I'm not losing a fourth time, there's gotta be a way around this- do I actually have to get a damage calculator out!? I think I do! Because the only Pokémon I've got now who can feasibly finish it is Bloom, and he's at about half!
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I'm gonna have to look up the stats for Victoria's Gallade to do this, but- it's been four attempts, I know what her team is about by now, it's fine! I'm not spoiling myself for anything I haven't already seen!
Let's see…yes! Bloom can outspeed and kill with Giga Drain! Wow, this Gallade is slower than I thought, Gust can outspeed it by default, I didn't even need Prankster priority. But anyways! Giga Drain to finish the job!
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Well now he can't kill, he's gonna die to the Psycho Cut next turn! I need…shoot, do I need to Revive Gust a second time? Or maybe…can I Toxic stall this thing? I might need to Toxic stall.
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Lemme see something on the calculator here…
Okay, okay- turns out, Gust can survive a Psycho Cut crit…but only if she's at 100% HP. I can do that, I just need to Revive and heal her. And to do that, I need to sacrifice…Kirin. Oh boy…
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Well…here goes.
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The Shell Bell will heal whenever Psycho Cut hits, but the Toxic damage will build up over that same amount of time, so in like…two or three turns, Gallade should die. I just need to keep Gust topped until then.
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So far so good, just a little more, hasn't gotten a crit yet…
(Future edit: You know...in hindsight, since I established that Gust just outspeeds, I could have just killed it here with Fairy Wind. Eh, I dunno- I guess I was just so scared of this Gallade and Gust being my final Pokémon, me not wanting to do a fourth reset…the stress probably just made me play this like performing surgery on a bomb, one wrong click and it all blows up.)
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OH SHOOT THERE IT IS! But it's fine, because the Toxic is about to-
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And that only leaves…
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Mienfoo…I never thought I would feel so stressed staring down an unevolved Pokémon like this…
Okay- I know it's going to open with Fake Out, so I'm safe to just heal with a Super Potion.
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Like I said. Now…Cotton Guard, to stave off damage from Drain Punch or whatever…
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Heal again to get Gust back to full…
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Now Fairy Wind, don't even bother with Charm, we just need to kill it!
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It used Meditate? Fine by me, we'll just use Cotton Guard again!
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Now…one more time, Fairy Wind! Finish this darn fight for us, Gust!!
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Excuse me, I think I need to go reduce myself to a pile of ashes and then reconstruct myself just as fast-
Why was that Gallade…why was any of that…just, why? Why? That was way too overtuned, I mean really, what was that? And the Incineroar? And the AI acting in all sorts of ways, and- and- 
I mean I'm happy for Victoria getting so much stronger, if it was Fern giving me this much trouble I'd be absolutely livid, but- goodness almighty, that was horrifying! That did not need to be that way! And if some random Bob shows up in the comments being all “well you could have avoided this if you'd fought Cal instead, he's the easier fight” (I don't know if he's actually easier than Victoria or not), I'm going to reduce them to ashes and then rapidly reconstruct them!
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Good! I've got some!
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Yeah, but I feel like it's still not gonna be that simple. But before my suspicions can be confirmed or denied, I need to go to the Pokémon Center!
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All better, nothing bad happened! And yes, I did switch Gust back out for Prong, but I'm sure we'll need her Prankster powers again at some point in the future, so I won't forget about her.
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youllallriseintheink · 8 months
One For All, chapter three
In an AU where the protagonist never fell from the sky, the Survey Corps will have to pull together and make use of every resource at their disposal to face the challenges present in Pokemon: Legends Arceus. There will be surveyshipping.
I expect this story to last another two chapters.
“Now!” Cyllene shouted, taking out the tangrowth she’d borrowed for the purpose of the mission. Two Survey Corps members at her side did the same, taking out their respective grass-types, and if the three vines coming their way were any indication, so were three other members on the other side of the beast. Cyllene and the other two members caught the vines and pulled down hard, pressing the vines down on avalugg. It lost its footing and fell onto the icy ground with a boom. The remaining six Survey Corps members threw balms as the grass-types sent out their various attacks.
Before long, however, Cyllene felt the vine moving as the beast pressed against the ground and stood again. Now the vine-minders were the ones losing their footing, slipping on the ice. Avalugg shot out great icicles. Cyllene dropped the vine to shield her face. She heard the sound of ice shattering inches before her. She opened her eyes. Her alakazam had come out and put up a light screen just in time to save her.
“Phase two!” Rei called out, taking out his gallade. The other corps members did the same with their own barrier-users, together creating a barrier that could withstand the avalugg’s icy attacks. Balms were thrown ferociously. One trainer took out a hippowdon to create sand for better footgrip on the ice.
Finally, the barrier broke. They’d planned for this. “Phase three!” Cyllene called out. Rei released his Decidueye and ran in front of the Avalugg. The decidueye attacked the monster’s face with its talons, forcing its attention away from the corps members as they continued to throw balms and their grass-types asssisted the assault. Avalugg threw out icicles, which were blocked by psychic types. Finally, the golden glow left the beast.
Irida, Adaman, and Laventon entered the arena as the Survey Corps regrouped, along with their honorary member, Volo. Volo stretched out his hand as Lord Avalugg approached the Survey Corps, but it went right past him, giving the icicle plate to another member of it.
Laventon chuckled as Volo scowled in displeasure. “Better luck next time, my friend!” he said. “Let’s take a look at the plate together once we’re back in Galaxy Hall.”
“There won’t be a next time,” Irida reminded him. “That’s the last noble Pokémon.”
“Maybe now the sky will finally go back to normal, like Kamado said,” Adaman added.
The Survey Corps was in high spirits as they marched home- so much so that when Laventon looked back and saw the hole in the sky crack and widen, he didn’t say a word.
It was as the group passed through the gates of Jubilife Village that there was an ear-splitting crack followed by a carpet of red billowing out from the void over the coronet highlands and darkening the sky from horizon to horizon. The Survey Corps members looked to Cyllene in their panic, hoping for answers. In turn, she looked to Laventon, hoping he knew something she didn’t, and Laventon looked to the clan leaders for the same reason. Without anyone breathing a word, it became apparent that no one knew what was going on.
“What does this mean?” Rei asked. "Will we be able to live like this?"
“I don’t know,” Cyllene answered. She wasn’t sure whether this darkness would be enough to wither plantlife, but it was a bad omen regardless. “We will find a way to fix it.”
“Laventon,” came the grave voice of Kamado. In the group's distracted confusion, Cyllene hadn't heard him approach. “Report to my office immediately.”
Laventon gulped. “Y-yes, sir!” he said. Kamado turned towards Galaxy Hall, and the two began to walk.
Cyllene followed, and Rei and the clan leaders followed behind her. There was something in Kamado’s voice, combined with his tendency toward rash decisions, that told her that she would want to be present for whatever he chose to do next. Most likely she would be unable to stop it, but she knew Kamado well and would use that to manage whatever he did the best she could.
The group arrived in Kamado’s office, where he took a seat behind his desk and, a harsh glare on his face, gestured for Laventon to sit across from him.
“This void in the sky opened up not long after you arrived,” Kamado stated.
“Yes…” Laventon admitted, trying to hold Kamado’s gaze and hold onto his dignity.
“And with it came Pokémon turning berserk. You’re from Galar. And you’ve come here seeking glory. Hisui isn't home to you like it is to us.”
“Well, yes-”
“It is very convenient that you knew how to calm the nobles.”
“It was pure luck and experimentation on my part! Nothing more.”
“You’ve recorded a number of oversized Pokémon while you were here, in a addition to the raging nobles. And you photographed as much of every enraged noble encounter as you could.”
“Th- that doesn’t- sir, the alphas were merely undiscovered before I- I- we- the clans already knew about them.”
Kamado stood, eyes closed. “I’ve been to Galar. Galar has a method of turning Pokémon enormous and aggressive called dynamaxing. It involves energy much like we've seen emanating from the sky. And if you recreated the dynamax phenomenon here, it would give you the glory you seek. ” Kamado focused his glare on the stuttering Laventon. “There is good reason to believe that you are the cause of this mess. Professor Laventon, you are hereby banished until you can prove your innocence beyond doubt. No- until you have undone the breaking of the sky.”
Everyone in the room was aghast.
“But he’s helped us so much!” Irida insisted.
“And we’ve always had alpha Pokémon. They have nothing to do with him!” Adaman shouted.
“Sir, you can’t be serious,” Rei said.
Only Cyllene remained silent and stoic. It was clear that Kamado would not budge on the matter. It was best to feign obedience if she was to help as much as she could. “Orders are orders,” she stated, drawing looks that one would give if she’d kicked an eevee. Laventon looked at her like he was the eevee who’d been kicked. It hurt. She forced herself to focus on Kamado. “Hiring Laventon was my decision. It is only right that I should personally escort him from the village and to the Fieldlands Camp.”
Cyllene led Laventon to his quarters and kept watch of him as he packed his bag. By the time he was ready to leave, the whole village had gathered outside to witness his banishment. Some were horrified, speaking of how kind and sociable Laventon had been. Others were showing their xenophobic colours. Most, however, were holding their tongues in fear of Kamado's ire.
“You can’t be doing this,” Laventon said, his voice thick with tears. Cyllene ignored him as he took him through the gates. It was only once she reached the Fieldlands Camp, which was thankfully empty, that she stopped and looked him in the eyes.
“It will be my duty to prevent other Survey Corps members from helping you openly, lest Kamado exiles them as well,” she stated. “However, there are others. You've been an aid to both the Diamond Clan and the Pearl Clan. Don't die alone out there. That's an order. I will ensure you have all you need to complete the survey the commander has tasked you with.”
“Captain- I thought we were friends…”
“We are. This is all I can do. If I might offer my advice: in this life, you will meet with both admiration and abuse from others. How others choose to view you is a choice only they can make. You cannot make it for them. All that truly matters is that you hold firm to your own values."
With that, Cyllene turned. Laventon watched her walk away. With nowhere to go, Laventon began to make his way to the Grandtree Arena to meet up with a member of the Pearl Clan. When he met up with Warden Lian, he was turned away. The Pearl Clan were too afraid of Kamado retaliating to help his exile. He ran into Warden Mai not long after and received the same message on behalf of the Diamond Clan.
Morosely, Laventon wandered. He didn’t know where to even begin fixing the sky. He supposed he could eventually sneak onto one of the Ginko Landing ships to end up somewhere more welcoming, but that was more easily said than done. And until he made his way to the eastern shore, he would have to survive in the wild. He didn't know how to build a shelter. It was quite likely he'd die. And whether he escaped or not, the sky was still bleeding. Hisui was in danger- perhaps the whole world as well.
After a period of following an eastward trail, Laventon caught sight of a Galaxy Team encampment attended by a woman in a blue Survey Corps uniform. He kept his eyes off of it.
"Hey," said the Survey Corps member as Laventon approached the encampment. It was the voice of Poppy, a Survey Corps member whom Laventon had shared many a meal and many a discovery with.
Laventon continued down the trail. He wasn't in the mood for more verbal abuse.
"Hey!" came the voice again.
That was too much. Laventon broke into a jog.
Poppy let out her ursaring, which passed Laventon easily and blocked his path. Poppy then approached him from the side. "Hey. Do you want to stay at the encampment for a while? Get some rest and healing items and talk about this?"
"Well, I would love that, of course! But I'm exiled. If you welcome me, won't Kamado exile you, too?"
"Captain Cyllene said to keep any help we give you on the down-low for that reason. But she also said that so long as we're in the middle of nowhere, it should be safe. She'll send a message through her alakazam if Kamado is coming. So it's fine."
"Oh..." So Cyllene really did care about him. She really was doing all she could. And the rest of the Survey Corps were taking their trust in her and their liking for him over Kamado's authority. "Well, in that case, I'd love to. Thank you."
"No problem. Let's get a fire going and some food cooking."
As the two gathered wood in a forested area, the two heard the footsteps of a third person.
"Hide!" Poppy snapped. Laventon dove into the bushes.
"Ursaring, find whoever's out there and scare them off," Poppy ordered.
The big bear took off running. A minute later, Volo sauntered into their line of vision, his garchomp walking beside him with a fainted ursaring in its arms and not a scratch on its purple hide.
“I hope I’m not interrupting,” Volo said. "I saw Laventon around here a while ago. I heard about his predicament and wanted to lend a hand."
Laventon stumbled out of the bushes and came to Poppy's side as she returned her Pokémon. “Volo. Very glad to see you here and not Kamado or one of his men. Would you like to join us around the fire and discuss a plan going forward?”
"Actually, there's somewhere else I'd rather discuss that, and a person I'd rather discuss it with. I know someone who might know how to fix the sky and clear your name."
Laventon lit up in excitement. "Wonderful! Let's go."
With that, Volo led and Laventon followed. "Do you happen to have any of the life plates with you?" Volo asked as they walked.
"Only one," Laventon replied. "The wave plate, from basculegion. Why do you ask?"
"Oh, well, you see, they're artifacts that I have use for. If I help you with this, I'd like you to give me the plate. I'd also like you to ask the rest of the Survey Corps to give me their plates as thanks. It's not as though you have any use for them, and they're very important to my research."
None of this came as a surprise to Laventon. Pretty well everyone in the Survey Corps knew that Volo only lent them his abilities on occasion because he wanted access to the plates. As far as any of them could tell, the plates were useless. It made Volo's fascination with them rather unnerving. But then, a lot of things about Volo were rather unnerving.
"Well, I suppose I could ask Captain Cyllene. I doubt she'd agree to it, but there's no harm in asking."
"If that's all you can promise, then that's what I ask. We're almost here."
The two turned a corner on the rocky path, and Laventon first saw the quaint farm and homestead, with a tall, white-haired woman drinking tea at a little table outside her house. As they approached, the lady looked up at Volo from her tea.
“Shirking your work to come pester me again? Even beneath a bleeding sky, you never change.”
“Mistress Cogita,” Volo replied cordially. “I brought you a member of the Survey Corps- one who is close with their leader. I believe that with your instruction, he could help mobilize them to mend the sky.”
“Is that so? Well, beggars can’t be choosers, I suppose. The task of preventing great disaster falls to you. The rift in space-time must be mended, lest time and space themselves be thrown out of balance. But come. You may enter my dear hideaway. There's much to be told.”
Cogita brought the two into her cozy cottage, sat Laventon and Volo down at her table, and told them everything. About almighty Sinnoh, who was both time and space. About the lake guardians, who could create a chain to mend the sky. About what Laventon must do to set it in motion.
Laventon fidgeted uncomfortably with his coat. “With respect, Mistress Cogita, that sounds impossible. I mean, I’m only one person, and a person who can barely do his own fieldwork at that. I… suppose I have to try, for Hisui’s sake. But if only I had allies…”
Suddenly, the sound of teleportation came from outside the hut, setting Laventon on edge.
"That's probably a wild Pokémon," Laventon reasoned. "But please, someone check. And if it's one of Kamado's men, hide me."
Volo got up, left the hut, and came back a moment later followed by an alakazam. It floated over, rubbed its head against Laventon's neck, and handed him a letter. Laventon opened it.
I have informed the Survey Corps that you are to be allowed to use the encampments. In addition, you may use my alakazam to access the pastures. If you have any information as to how to mend the sky, send a message back through my alakazam immediately. Kamado is growing desperate.
“Good news!” Laventon said, excited and relieved. “Cyllene is looking for the very information we have. Everyone, gather around the alakazam.”
Volo looked over Laventon's shoulder and read the letter. "Are you sure this is a good idea? Volo asked. "Cyllene has always been pretty loyal to Kamado. Can we trust her not to refuse us because of what he would do?"
“What’s going on?” Asked Adaman, who was poking her head into the retreat.
Cogita looked at him with playful disdain. “I know how you value time, but it would have cost you seconds to knock.”
"Well, there isn't any time!" Adaman insisted, stepping in. Irida was right behind him.
"We saw Kamado," Irida explained. "He was marching an army to Mount Coronet. It looks like something is coming out of the void. He's going to get people killed!"
Laventon's mouth hung open. "Has he taken leave of his senses?" He looked around the room nervously, and his eyes fell on Cyllene's alakazam. "Everyone, gather around the alakazam. We must gather a red chain-making army of our own! It's a risk, but I trust Cyllene and we don't have any time to spare."
After exchanging some awkward glances, the group did, and at Laventon's command, the alakazam teleported them directly into Cyllene's office.
Cyllene stood from her desk immediately. "Laventon. You've managed to not die, as I ordered. Congratulations. Why have you brought these four?"
Laventon peered back to the group and then to Cyllene. "There's a lot we have to explain. But in gist, I think we know how to mend the sky."
By the end of Laventon's explanation, Cyllene was emboldened.
"If creating this 'red chain' is what we must do to save Hisui, then that's what we'll do. Professor Laventon, you are reinstated at your former rank."
"But- Kamado-"
"If Kamado did not want me to make decisions on his behalf, he should not have left me in charge. At any rate, Lady Cogita, you mentioned a location where we must take the materials to forge the chain. I'll have you lead several members of the Survey Corps to locate it. As for the rest of you, I will lead you to find the needed materials. We will take Rei as well. His abilities in battle may prove indispensable. Prepare yourselves and meet me at the town gates as soon as possible."
There was general agreement, and the others left to prepare. Cyllene began to file out, most likely in search of another Corps captain to hold down the fort in her stead. Laventon caught her arm.
"Thank you," Laventon said. "I was certain that everyone had turned their back on me. But you stuck your neck out against Kamado's orders for me, and the Survey Corps trusted you so much that they did the same on your orders. Truly, thank you."
Cyllene hesitated. "All I know is that my alakazam..." she closed her eyes, most likely realizing that any attempt to cover what she'd done would be transparent. "It was what was right. You are valuable to us."
Cyllene held Laventon's gaze, trying to find more words. "I hope your plan succeeds, and Kamado will agree with my decision."
"Me as well," Laventon replied.
With that, they went their separate ways.
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ask-overwatch-heroes · 8 months
(PART 3 of Overwatch getting Pokémon partners for the holidays (there are so many heroes...)
Efi and Orisa: A Bulbasaur and Metagross, a happy plant froggy whose true potential shines in defense and healing, wanting nothing more than to see its friends blossom into their true selves and an impenetrable tank of pure steel and a brain as fast as a supercomputer that has the ultimate defense to protect you and your team from danger! It took me awhile to find the ones that you two would connect with, but I hope I did well! Happy Holidays!
Widowmaker: A charming Spinarak with a purple bow. These little spiders may seem unassuming, but the in truth hide a terrifying ability to create intricate webs and excrete a deadly venom that melts their prey from the inside out. The same cannot be said for their evolution, Aridos, whose true terror is revealed in force in the form of its bright red, black and yellow bodies. But when it comes to personality, no one can pinpoint what it's true self is, I guess that's something you can find out for yourself when you bond with it. Merry Christmas, Miss Amelie.
Junker Queen: For the queen that went against all odds to bring change to a corrupt society and looks good rocking that electric guitar, for you I present Toxtricity Amped Form. These punktastic Pokémon have the unique ability to conduct electricity by strumming the raised bumps on their chests, making it look like their strumming the strings to an air guitar! Merry Christmas, Junker Queen!
Baptiste: A Shinx with a little Santa hat! These cutie pies are tough cookies when you get to know them, you can try and knock them down, but they always get back up to face the tough road in front of them! Bonding with a Shinx is a journey, but it's one that changes you for the better at the end. Merry Christmas, Baptiste!
Lifeweaver: A Spring form Deerling with a pink scarf! Deerling is a Pokémon that embraces change in a unique way, through the changing of seasons. Each Deerling is different but are equally strong in their own environment. Through rain or shine, a Deerling is always happy to embrace the day and ready to adapt to anything thrown in its path. Happy Holidays, Life-saver!
Cassidy: I know it's cliche, but for you, I present Ponyta! These flaming foals are born ready to trot and take a long time for them to trust others, but if you stay the course and remain true to yourself, this little Ponyta will let you pet or even ride it without getting a nasty burn! Merry Christmas, cowboy!
Echo: A Ralts, these little creatures are empathetic Pokémon that take on different forms as they grow, either becoming the gallant Gallade (if they're a male + a dawn stone) or the motherly Gardevoir (regardless of gender). Regardless, Ralts and its evolutions are protective towards those they take into their care and are proof that you can be strong while embracing your most sensitive side.
Symmetra: As someone on the spectrum as well, it took a while to find a Pokémon that you'd feel comfortable with. I eventually settled on Elgyem, these mysterious Pokémon are the perfect enigma but have incredible balance between attack and defense, and try their hardest to live in a world that sometimes overlook their talents because they never give them a chance to understand them.
Bastion: A new little bird friend, Ducklett. These water loving mallard Pokémon are the friendly sort of Pokémon that love looking at nature with you, as long as they have a little pond to paddle around in. They are spunky, adventurous and follow those they trust, well, like a little duckling. I hope you like her, Bastion. Merry Christmas!
Wrecking Ball: A bouncy Wooloo! These fluffy sheep Pokémon that have a special technique that they use to get out of danger. They curl up and use their spherical, wool covered bodies to roll away or sometimes, charge straight at you as a cottony cannonball then bounce away to safety. Aside from their round shapes, Wooloo are docile Pokémon that enjoy a good frolick in a meadow or just rolling around to pass time. They're probably not your cup of tea, but everyone eventual fall in love with Wooloo sooner or later.
Brigitte: Behold, Sprigatito! The weed cat Pokémon, you like cats? Say hello to the friendliest cat Pokémon that has a sunny and friendly personality that has you charmed the moment you hold it in your arms. The best part, they probably smell like wildflowers from how long they spent time around them. Merry Christmas, Brigitte!
Mei: Larger than life but friendly and a lover of snowy days, the cuddly Cetoddle is a perfect friend to spend snow days with, prancing happily around on the stubby little feet through dunes of white. Unlike the cold, Cetoddle are as warm as a fireplace, their happy mannerisms filling your heart with cheer as you chase the land locked whale Pokémon around like a child on Christmas morning. Happy Holidays, Mei and Snowball!
Ashe: While the male is the leader of the pride, the Female Pyroar is the one to bring home the bacon (both figuratively and literally), she hunts, fights and raises the cubs while commanding respect from her gender counterpart. And what the queen wants, she gets as the female Pyroar has the favor of the youngest members, the Litleo cubs. For a self made woman who runs her own gang like the family she always needed, I hope you have a merry Christmas, Miss Ashe! Oh, you too, Bob!
Pharah: Rufflet, these little birds have a lot of spunk, which they will need when in order to evolve into Braviary, the king of the skies in their own right. With sharp eyes, sharp claws and an even sharper wit, I couldn't think of a better Pokémon for the brave Pharah! Happy holidays!
Well, I hope everyone enjoys spending time with their new friends this Christmas. And you guys are definitely going enjoy watching them grow!
Orisa: Yes, I like this. You have made good choices. I believe me and this Metagross and Bulbasaur will keep people protected together.
Efi: Numbani will be safer with these Pokémon around.
Widowmaker: Hmm... Your poison will prove useful.
Junker Queen: Heck yeah! I've needed a new drumma' in me band after I bashed the last one's head in. So, anyone who can play is welcome here!
Baptiste: Hey, little bud! Aren't you a cutey!
Hey! Who's a good pup?! Who's a good pup?! Wait, the camera's still going? Oh, um *clears throat*, guess I got a bit carried away.
Lifeweaver: Deerling, I have much respect for your openness to change and seeing the world grow into a better place. We need more people like you in the world.
Cassidy: Cliche? You got me a fuckin' flamin' pony! That's cool as hell! Just imagine it, a lone cowboy, ridin' through through the darkness of night, illuminatin' the path with the embers of my valiant steed!
Echo: Hello, Ralts. What's your name?
Oh, I see. That's a nice name.
Hm? Of course I can speak to Pokémon. I am programmed to understand as many languages as possible.
Symmetra: Thank you. I appreciate that you chose something that will suit me as well as possible.
Elgyem. You are truly a beautiful creature.
OP: Wait! I just looked it up. I never realised she was on the spectrum, too! This is very cool!
Bastion: Yee swee! (Yes, she's very sweet!)
Bii kuu lod bee vow! (I may not be able to join them in water but I will make sure they have plenty of it for yourself!)
Wrecking Ball: TRANSLATION: A bouncey ball! And, it's soft! I'm in heaven!
Brigitte: I'm going to be known as a crazy cat lady at this rate.
But, I can't turn down someone so cute and special as you!
Mei: I love them! Whenever I'm back in Antarctica, I can get all nice an cozy with my new pall, here.
Mmh... you're so warm and comfy!
Ashe: Finally, someone who knows what the hell she's doin' around here! Apparently, that's near impossible to find 'round these parts! I need someone who can stand on their own two... or... four feet!
Pharah: Yes! We will rule the skies, together! The Falcon and The Jet: Guardians of the Sky!
OP: Sorry for this taking so long. I've been so busy over Christmas, and I really wanted to complete this little trilogy off right!
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platinumrosetail · 2 years
Can I request yandere Monkey King six ears macaque mk and red son x shiny mom Gardevoir Reader separate scenario
Like the they find the reader who a Gardevoir running with her egg and is scard and they help her .
fall in love with her and how they help her take care of her egg and how they react to her fighting by they side and become a dad to the egg as well .
This is interesting request! I don’t usually get crossover requests so this makes me happy! 🤩😁😆😍🥰 anyway I’ll see what I can do!
Also I might get the scenario mixed up with something else so sorry about that if I did 😅😂
Waring: noob author, crossover, female!reader, yandere, milf!reader, murder, dark themes, Stockholm syndrome, and others.
Chapracters: monkey king, macaque, mk, and red son.
You and mk met each other when dbk was attacking the city again, you were running away from the bull clones as they had just killed your mate in a previous attack so you were left all alone with your egg that you had just conceived before you came to this world.
(You can pick if you want your deceased mate to be a male gardevoir or a gallade, also it’s sad that there’s no female gallade y’know.)
He and the group had found you trying to get away from the bull clones, all of them noticing that you’re holding something that has a blanket covering it; they quickly figured that you’re with a baby and quickly came to your rescue.
(Also since that world have demons and such I’m going to keep you as a Pokémon and so you can pick your own design if you want to be a gijinka since all gijinka designs are different from one another plus with you being a shiny gardevoir.)
You and the others got along well but they noticed how infatuated mk is with you and knew he had a crush on you.
Though you didn’t notice as you had just became a widow with a child about to hatch so you weren’t that interested in any relationship at the moment as you have to be strong for your child and mourn for your mate.
It took a whole 11 months to finally recover from your mate’s death and when that ended you had finally noticed his attraction to you, you’re flattered but you still love your mate but you also remember his words to you as he died in your arms.
He said to find love again and and not live alone if not for him but for their child who would very much need a father figure wether it was platonic or romantic.
So you started going out on 1 date to see how that would go. The date went great but you didn’t feel that attraction to the person that much anyway considering it’s a first date and love can take time, though when the second date was being planned and you had went to where they had said to meet up with you but they never showed like they had promised.
You went back to pigsy’s in a sad mood as you were stood up by that person, mk comforted you and said that it was them who was making a mistake on not seeing the greatness in you and that you’re the best person he ever meet.
That what made him more attractive than he already was before, you actually had felt more attraction to him than the one who stood you up.
Though what you didn’t know was the reason why they stood you up, it was because mk had murdered them and put them out in the woods to be eaten by meat eating animals.
When your baby was born it was on the 9th month of your mourning and seeing as how hospitable the group is you let them named the child but they declined and said that they would let mk name them as the group notice his love for you as soon as they all met you.
He named them (c/n).
And after that you and Mk started dating.
When you protected him it was when mei was training with redson and a possessed monkey king came in.
You used a combo of double team and draining kiss, that move there got mk jealous but he knows not to attack monkey king and also you later explained the properties of that move.
He fell more in love with after that as you also explained a lot of other things about your species.
Sun wukong:
You didn’t really meet him more like him stalking you and your mate, both for a different reason. For you it’s because he fell in love with you and for your mate is so he can kill him and soon take his place as mate to you and father to your child.
Seeing as how you cared to much about your egg he decided on not to destroy but he would have you birth his kids.
(As weird as it sounds I feel like he would have a breeding kink and would love to have kids of his own, y’know.)
How he killed your mate was when he was going to get some food but ended up dead by sun wukong, and how you found out was a mystery to the monkey.
You and sun meet when you yourself came to look for food, and seeing as you’re living in the wild you can’t really rely on anybody yet you had to bring your egg along with you.
Sun seeing you in that vulnerable state almost made him feel sorry for killing your mate but it was part of the plan to have you fall in love with him.
And like I said you have a vulnerable state and so you feel in love with him (with a little Stockholm syndrome) after your child was born which was 5 months.
When you protected him it was when he went up against lbk, he had almost been possessed if it weren’t for you saving him.
You used the combo of hypnosis and dream eater to get rid of lbd away from the little girl she possessed and to elevate lbd for good, you also used heal pulse on both they little girl and sun.
He also was worried on where the egg is so you pointed to mk who was holding the ralts child and making funny faces to entertain them.
The little one had hatched when you and the group went to where the samadhi fire ritual was held in the past.
He named them (c/n)
You met him when he saved you from the yin and Jin, twins demons.
You had just appeared to this world not to long after you birth the egg of you and your mate who sadly had passed away long before the egg was out ready to hatch.
He honestly reminds you of a few of your dark type friends back home, and since you know so much about them you pretty much understand macaque much more than probably anyone else that he met.
That’s what he thinks and that’s also why he wants to keep you to himself plus he would love to be the father of your child as he knew if he did anything to the egg and that would make you hate him, and he already got so many insecurities so he doesn’t need this one.
When you protected him it was when everyone was fighting lbd and saving the possessed girl.
And thankfully that’s over since not to long after, the egg hatched. The girl you two saved and adopted was so happy to see they little ralts and since she been through so much you and macaque let her name the ralts which was (c/n).
You were captured by a group of bull clones, he was shocked to see you as he never seen any being like you before.
Of course you were obviously angered at being captured by him and at yourself getting yourself captured.
You tried everything to escape until you decided to wait for the perfect time as you still have a egg to protect and to love.
You had been given a nice room shocking enough plus amazing food that was made by mrs. pif as well, so you decided it was ok for now as your mate would be here to save both you and your child.
Though you do wonder where he is and what’s taking him so long to save you.
Though that will never happen since as soon as red son found out about your mate he sent his bull clones after him and killed him.
It was on the news when you found out your mate has passed away, all mangled and hardly any identification of who he is anymore, just his red crest on his chest.
You have cried for months, specially 8, but for you it seemed like a day when it happened, though you weren’t alone as you had the comfort of your baby still in the egg and the comfort of the bull family.
You finally started eating and drinking regularly as pif reminded you to be strong for you baby, that made you not realize the strange taste to the food as all you can think about is your child safety, though if you did notice you’d probably just think it’s because of the new food being on your taste buds.
It wasn’t because of the fact about the new taste in your system (though that does help conceal what is about to be mentioned.), no, it was because of the drug red son had put in it beforehand; the drug messes with one’s mind and make their memories scrabbled and messed up, like amnesia. It was his own concoction that he had made when he found out about you and your mate.
He was going to experiment on the egg with his dna so the child would be a part of you and him and not the little mistake he taken care off, but you had your child around you all the time so he couldn’t do that but it didn’t matter anymore as the egg hatched.
And with your memories all scrambled and missing you really thought that redson was the father of your child and they just mostly took after you which he decided to go with it at least now that he has you and the two of you can always have another child.
(A/n: I honestly liked how this turned out! Anyway thank you for requesting I had fun with this In fact and it lets me practice my yandere, anyway I hope y’all like it and have a wonderful day/evening/night.)
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