#and I am working on another Rose/Scorpius/Al fic
hey! i loved august <3 can you write a microfic about rose, scorpius and albus in the school year after the fic?? i'm just dying to know what happened after the story ended but before the 2021 part of evermore
So I love Rose and Scorpius so much, and Al is always an adorable mess of a human being, so here is a little exam stress with Rose and Scorpius!
Exam Stresses
August slipped away in a moment of time….because it was never mine…
Rose groaned as she opened her eyes, her neck hurt and her back felt stiff from sleeping on top of her books again. She hated exam time, she hated waking up early and staying up too late studying when she knew that it was ridiculous to do so. She knew the material, but she was her mother’s daughter, and something inside of her was compelled to spend hours and hours of her time studying up until she put her quill down for her last exam.
Her OWLs were important, they would determine her classes for the next two years, but she kept thinking about the conversation she had with Professor Longbottom, with Neville, the month before exam season. She knew what her parents expected of her, to follow them into the Ministry, to find herself writing legislation like her mum, or becoming an Auror like her dad.
“Alright,” said Scorpius, sliding into the open seat beside Rose at the Gryffindor table in the Great Hall, his white blond curls a mess on top of his head, well overdue for a haircut. “We have tea, chocolates, protein bars, warm socks, a pillow, and a water canteen.”
Rose stared at her boyfriend, still in a daze of waking up herself as she sipped her tea and ate her bacon. She missed being in a kitchen, and even though the House Elves would let her cook with them, she knew that she just got in their way. They were always kind to her, appreciative to her for her parents, but it wasn’t the same as her kitchen at home, her recipe cards handed down from her Grandma Jane.
“Mum sent an exam care package for you and Al,” explained Scorpius as he handed Rose the neatly wrapped up box, its contents written on the thick butcher paper it was wrapped in, along with a few small illustrations of flowers she had seen around his family’s manor house. “She knows how Al goes all out around exams, and I may of mentioned how you keep falling asleep in the common room.”
Rose took the package, feeling immediately touched by Astoria’s kindness. She knew that their parents, their fathers, were still hoping that they would break up at some point, but being at Hogwarts together…it just made Rose feel even closer to Scorpius. They got to spend so much time together, and they got time apart when they needed the space from one another. They were still able to spend time with their friends outside of one another, they both got to have Quidditch and prefect patrols and classes apart, but without the feeling of never seeing one another.
Not that they really ever needed excuses for that or anything at all, they always had Al.
“That’s so…” Rose was actually at a loss for words, her mum always sent her chocolate for a special treat after exams, but the fact that Astoria sent her a whole care package just to get through the next ten days….
“Don’t worry about it,” said Scorpius as he started adding food to his plate, piling on eggs and bacon and toast that he added copious amounts of butter and jam too. “She likes to do things like that.”
But it was so…so unnecessary.
“I’ll write her between the Charms written and Potions practical today,” Rose told him, even though she felt a sudden spike in anxiety about the thought of not studying in that time.
“Write her after exams,” said Scorpius, his voice stressed and not like himself.
“Okay,” agreed Rose, as Scorpius started eating, and she reached a hand over to cover his free hand with her own and gave him a little squeeze. “Did she send you anything?”
“Of course,” said Scorpius around a mouthful of toast and bacon before reaching for his glass of pumpkin juice, “about twice as much stuff as she sent you and Al, but I didn’t want to make it awkward.”
Rose smiled and leaned over to kiss his cheek before resting her head on his shoulder, so tired. She laced their fingers together, the pair of them sitting together in their own little pocket of quietness in the loudest room of the whole castle. But that was what Rose always loved about her relationship with Scorpius, even in the loudest and nosiest spaces, they had their own quiet.
He felt like her true home.
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prbni · 4 years
Dramione Headcanons/Prompts
(Note:Might update the post and tags according to the requirement)
A 15 y/o Scorpius Malfoy accidentally stumbles upon a pensive of his father, that contains the memories of a certain witch he had feelings for before he met Scorp's mother. Seeing the loneliness and despair that has fallen upon his father after the death of his mother Astoria, Scorpius decides to use the prohibited Time-Turner to change the courses of the past.
But this meant two things: he'd never be able to experience the love and warmth of his mother and....he probably would cease to exist.
"This is madness Scorp!" Albus shouted angrily. " Uncle Ron and Auntie Mione are happily married. They have loved each other for ages. And this also means,Rose wouldn't exist as well. Do you really intend to do this over the one-sided crush that your father had on Auntie Mione once upon a time?!"
Basically, Albus trying to convince him in all possible ways that this is a bad idea.
Cue to Ron and Hermione arguing at the backyard of Harry-Ginny's house. They even forgot to cast Silencing Charm. Hence,everyone including the kids heard their argument.
"Oh,stop behaving like you're the only one who has been compromising in this marriage!!! Did I tell you to give up your position in the Ministry of Magic? No!" Ron yelled. " Why are you even bringing this up?! I never said it was your fault or anything!"Hermione tried to reason. "BECAUSE I'M TIRED. TIRED OF EVERYONE PRETENDING LIKE YOU HAVE DONE ME A FAVOR BY MARRYING ME WHEN IT IS THE OPPOSITE!!!" "Wh-what do you mean?"Hermione asked meekly. Ron scoffed. "Your parents are gone,Hermione. If we didn't take you into the Burrow, you wouldn't have anywhere to go. You needed us. You needed me." Hermione looked like she was trying to process the words that Ron just said. Or maybe, she was just trying to convince herself that Ron is capable of saying something like this. It's just Ron being in a foul mood. He definitely doesn't mean it."Ron let's talk about this tomorrow, okay?" Hermione tried to calm herself down. "Harry and Ginny are probably waiting for us in the dining table."
"Why? Can't face the truth?" Ron sneered. "If you were sensible enough Ronald, we'd be having this conversation at our own home,with a Silencing Charm on and without children listening to this," Hermione retorted while hinting towards Albus and Scorpius behind them,who were looking warily back and forth between the older duo. It took a while before Ron realised what she meant and grudgingly complied to go inside the house.
Scorpius gave Albus a if-this-is-what-you-mean-by-them-being-a-happy-couple look.
"Well,older couples fight. My parents fight as well. Uncle Ron is a bit aggressive,you know. But they have been like this for years.Also we don't know what actually happened between them.See,Aunty Mione didn't even fight him back," defended Albus."She didn't fight back because she knew we were listening,Al. And I don't know but this sounded more like defamation than argument." Albus sighed loudly,aware that there's no point in arguing. "So, you're still keen on getting Mr.Malfoy and Auntie Granger together in the past?" he asked instead.
"I think now I'm even more keen on getting them together,"Scorpius replied with a slight grin.
Yule Ball AU: Draco is awed when Hermione descends downstairs.
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His expressions form into a scowl when he witnesses Ron and Hermione's encounter,and it pisses him off to no end when he sees her crying.
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"Pathetic shite really. Ruined the whole festive mood" he mutters to himself. Even all the purring and cooing of Pansy Parkinson beside him couldn't fix his mood."Well that's what she gets for gushing over Weaselby of all possible blokes. Even Longbottom or Potter would know better than making her cry at the Ball. Seems like Weasley lacks in everything,even courting manners. But well,what do I care?"
"Enough to disturb others' sleep through your late night self-indulgent altercations" a voice drawled in beside his bed.
"Seriously,mate. Try to sleep or let others sleep. This was a long,tiring day and we have a tournament ahead,"Theo grumbled from under the covers while Draco shot a glare at this direction.
Another Time Travel fic. This time it's Hermione and Draco going back to time for their own purposes but getting entangled in the middle as they decide to help each other out before returning to the original timeline.
"Be wise before you hold my hand,Granger" Draco said. "I'm not just offering you for a dance. I'm offering you for a lifetime with me. Once you accept this, you're never returning to Weasley."
If Hermione didn't know better what Draco looks like and sounds like when he's joking,she'd almost think this was just one of his attempts at flirting. But one look at his eyes and the intonation of his words sent her shivers.
"That's not how time traveling works,Malfoy. We aren't supposed to end up together. That's not why we're here,"she explained.
"It's okay,Granger. You can just tell me you don't want this,"he chuckled bitterly. "For if you did, you wouldn't care what happens and what's supposed to happen. You'd just join me without excuses."
"I'm not making excuses,Draco. I'm a mother as well. If I mess here in this timeline, they'd be gone there in the future,"seethed Hermione.
One of the common tropes here: Compulsory Marriage under Marriage Law post-war. Here, Hermione is literally fighting with the Ministry to prevent her marriage with Draco. While Draco reluctantly agreed to the marriage since this was the only way to save himself from landing into Azkaban, Hermione had a huge outburst.
"Minister,are you seriously telling me I have to marry this git?" Hermione scoffed in disbelief. "Now now Granger. That's not the way to refer to your future husband," Draco drawled in. She almost forgot Kingsley called both of them to talk about their compatibility in terms of marriage. "Quite rich coming from someone that called me filthy mudblood the entire time he'd known me".That seemed to shut Draco up. The Minister in the question coughed a bit to grab their attention. "Hermione, I'm sorry,okay? I tried talking with the other ministers about this. But nobody including myself seem to come up with a solution better than this." "Granger, don't act like this is a punishment only for you. If choices or circumstances were any better, I'd rather do a dirty dance with goblins of the Gringotts than showing up here and talk about the prospect of marriage....or whatever this is," Draco said in an annoyed tone."Serves you right for all the horrid things you were part of," Hermione replied to him and then turned to Shacklebolt, " I understand why and how this is a punishment to him. But this is a punishment to me as well. And what am I being punished for?"she almost cried out. Draco visibly flinched a bit. "Ever since I stepped into the Wizarding World, almost everyone has taken a knack of making a point to me that I'll never be good enough to belong here. So, I studied.I learnt as much as possible,more than anyone else and tried to dedicate myself to whatever it takes to make a perfect witch. Then, Voldemort returned. Second Wizarding War came along. Everyone talks about what or who has been lost who has made sacrifices but does anyone know I had to take it to myself to wipe out my parents' memories of me and drive them away because the Wizarding World cannot provide them with protection?!"Her eyes were glistened and voice became hoarse. "Hermione,you have to know I'm sorry and thankful-" "No,Minister. I'm not holding anyone accountable for what became of my parents. That's completely my own doing.What I'm trying to understand is after everything I've seen and been through, why am I to be hitched against my own volition to this rotten scum of a Deatheater?!" "Ex.Death. Eater,"Draco said in a dangerously low voice. "You have all the reasons to hate me,Granger. But don't carelessly throw around words like you know me. Despite all the hatred and animosity over the years, I tried to warn you during the Triwizard tournament. I didn't want you to end up at the Manor and I definitely didn't want this!"he shrieked pointing at her forearm where that eight-lettered word was curved in forever. "I didn't want this either," he said in a softer tone,pointing at his own forearm and own scar this time. "So,you see. I'm not the good guy that you'd want as your husband. But I'm not as evil as you expect me to be either." Draco's eyes held nothing but honesty and sincerity which took Hermione aback. "Have you said your piece?" she asked with a renewed vigor to which Draco nodded.
"I'd submit my wand and all magical articles to your office tomorrow,Minister. And return to the Muggle world for good. I shall take your leave now." With that she stomped out of the room without even sparing the other two wizards a glance or letting them speak.
Draco's boggart wasn't his father's disappointment in him. Heck it wasn't even the Dark Lord himself. His boggart was a certain Muggleborn witch crying and writhing in pain on the stone cold floor of the Manor,her screams ringing through the Manor walls tortured by his own aunt while he stands there like a coward, doing nothing,not even looking at her.
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After being able to successfully able to restore her parents' memories using the Memory Charm,ever-so-curious Hermione Granger tries it on herself. What she didn't expect was an overwhelming rush of memories consisting of a certain very familiar blonde with very unfamiliar moments between them. Shock,surprise,sadness and anger crashed down on her altogether. Did anyone else know? Had he obliviated himself as well?
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She knew accepting a dare from Weasley Twins meant trouble. Yet,when they called her a scaredy cat for trying to back down from the bet,she lunged into it. Even if that meant she had to stalk Draco Malfoy the annoying ferret for a week while disillusioning herself. What she didn't realise was that the thing that started as a dare would become habit while being thrust into a totally different perspective of what the-boy-who-made-her-school-life-hell really was.
She was tired of being called ‘boring’ and ‘no fun’. The one time she decided to pull on a prank was on someone no one would expect. Draco Malfoy. So,when an accident happens while concucting the Love Potion and the cauldron explodes,Hermione falls in love with her forever nemesis. Or should I say, pretends to fall in love with him.Draco Malfoy was already having a hard time accomplishing the task he was assigned with. A bushy headed witch being all sappy and clingy was the last thing he needed at the moment.
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truemeg · 3 years
wip tag game
thank you as always for tagging me @hyperiius 💜
I do have one fic I am actively working on (Numbersfic), one fic I'm passively working on (the anastasia au), and the rest are ideas that I know I will write someday, or I'm pretty sure I will write someday!
Numbersfic: a Scorbus modern day, university, texting au. One of the boys accidentally texts a wrong number, and their relationship blossoms from there while they're both students in university, working jobs, and dealing with family other relationship situations. It's actually about 2/3rds of the way done, currently at roughly 27k words.
the anastasia au: years before the story takes place, young Albus potter disappeared in an attack on the potter family. now, scorpius malfoy has decided to solve the mystery of "the lost potter" along with his friend and fellow hogwarts student, al peters.
muggleborn albus verse: two more fics in this verse, one about Scorpius and Albus meeting Rose, and another featuring James again!
ideas i have written down but don't currently have plans to start yet: a sports au, albus and scorpius' christmas at hogwarts after their adventure 4th year, scorbus grisha au, scorbus ATLA au, and Draco discovering he owns five ovens
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thegrandtortoise · 6 years
The Exchange Students
Chapter: 4/? 
Scorpius POV
Fic Summary: Hogwarts decides to create an Inter-House exchange program, and the fifth years of Slytherin House get two unexpected visitors: Enter Adhira Nazari- perceptive, nerdy, Hufflepuff, and Scorpius Malfoy- mysterious Gryffindor that’s caught the eye of Albus Potter. (Alright I’m giving up with this summary there’s like five important characters and I’m too lazy to describe them all. Basically it’s next-gen, there’s a lot of fluff and romance and lgbtq and I’ll try to make it funny okay thanks I hope you like it)
Chapter Summary:  We get a little look inside Scorpius's (gay as hell) mind, and surprise surprise- a little flashback!
Word Count: 2280
Rating: Teen and Up
Warnings: Spoilers, Panic Attacks
(I will add more as I add chapters so keep a lookout)
A/N:  Right, so here it is! Scorpius's POV! This didn't go exactly how I imagined it would go, but I'm really happy with it. It's also kinda long, so yay! Trigger Warning: Panic attacks (nothing too major, but tbh I did get a little emotional while writing that part so I thought I would include this)
DISCLAIMER: I own nothing you recognize, it all belongs to Queen JK Rowling.
(ao3 link)
(read from beginning)
Chapter 4: Scorpius POV
           I stare up at the green hangings above me, willing them to turn red. Or blue. Or even yellow, for Merlin’s sake. Wait, no, not Merlin. He was Slytherin too.
           Godric, what have I gotten myself into?
           When I signed up for the exchange program, I wasn’t betting on getting put into Slytherin. It was actually the last thing I wanted. I was betting on the chance that I was going to get into Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff.
           I know what you’re thinking. But Scorpius, when you signed up you should have known that there was a chance to be in Slyther- yeah, I KNOW. I was an idiot, and now I’m paying for it.
           Of all the Houses, Slytherin. It had to be Slytherin, with the dim, damp common room, with the weird serpents carved into the ceiling,  with the expensive silver antiques everywhere- with Albus frickin’ Potter.
           Albus frickin’ Potter, with his stupid messy black hair and his stupid ‘emerald’ eyes and his stupid glasses with the stupid frames that he looks stupidly cute in.
           Stupid, stupid, stupid.
           And now the word has lost all meaning.
           I groan loudly, and pull my blanket up over my head, squeezing my eyes shut tightly. The only saving grace in this place is that the sun isn’t directly in my eyes in the mornings. It’s really fun when you’re a first year Gryffindor that thinks he’s let his entire family down, and on top of that you’re half blind the next morning.
           I have a lot of pent up emotions.
           “Malfoy, mate, we’re going to be late for class. Better hustle,” Tanaka says from somewhere next me, and proceeds to pull my blanket off of me, leaving me cold, and also half-naked. Wow. More fun.
           Shivering, I grab the nearest t-shirt (which was on the floor) and my stuff, and head for the bathroom, which is locked. Yawning, I knock on the door.
           “You almost done in there?” I yell. There’s a weird scuffling sound, and then a voice.
           “Yeah mate, I just…can’t seem to find my…shirt,” the voice says. It’s Albus.
           More scuffling, and then the door clicks open. From the steam and the yellow light emerges a (rather pretty) shirtless Albus Potter. Still damp. And wearing his glasses.
           He looks at me, and then at my torso.
           “That’s my shirt,” he says, pointing. I glance down, horrified. Shit. I must’ve picked up the wrong shirt from the ground.
           “Oh, um- I’m- I’m sorry,” I say quickly, and pull it off, handing it to him. My face is burning. It’s literally on fire. “I’ll just- go get another,” I ramble, heading back to my bed and leaning down to grab a shirt that is (I double-check) definitely mine.
           Albus is still standing by the door, holding the crumpled shirt in his hand as I walk into the bathroom and shut the door behind me. The image of him is burned into my retinas.
           I think I might go for a cold shower today.
           All the Slytherin fifth years have the same class Tuesday morning (Defense Against the Dark Arts), so us boys have joined ranks with the girls, and we’re all trooping up together from the breakfast hall. I think there’s a house elf down in the kitchens that favors the Slytherins, because the pancakes today were the best I’ve ever tasted.
           Adhira Nazari, the Hufflepuff transfer, is at the front, squished in between Tina Chang and Lila Kim, who are busy interrogating her about something. Poor girl. She’s probably even more overwhelmed than I am.
           Behind them are Matt Peterson and Albus who are chatting like the old friends that they are. Actually, it looks more like Matt is staring at something in front of him and Albus is talking at him. Speaking of Albus, I’m pretty sure that his robes have been modified or something because it should be criminal to look that good in a school uniform.
           Directly in front of me are Kaito Tanaka, Sebastian Alvarez, and Rose Weasley. Weasley seems to be regretting her choice to walk with them, because Alverez is flirting with her shamelessly, and she keeps snapping at him with those classic, cold Slytherin remarks. It’s rather funny, actually, but good for her. As far as I know, Alvarez is the biggest player in the school, and most of the girls that fall for him end up heartbroken while Alvarez gets off scot free with his absurdly good looks. Not to mention that he’s the star chaser of the Slytherin Quidditch team. He has got a fair number of enemies, though, I’ll say that.
           I’m strolling along behind all of them, feeling slightly awkward with Veronica Westbrook next to me, her nose buried in yet another book. I don’t think I’ve seen her even once without one at least three feet away. I try to get a look at what she’s reading, but her hand is obscuring the title.
           “So…what are you reading?” I try. Veronica just holds up the book for me to see. Something called The Blood of Olympus.
           “Sounds dark,” I say. “Is it any good?”
           She shrugs.
           “Not a big talker, then?” This time I get no acknowledgement whatsoever. I wonder if she’s even listening to me.
           “You know, you’re about to walk right into a wall.” Nothing.
           “Peeves is about to drop a Dungbomb on you.” Again, nothing. I wonder…
           “I think Albus Potter is fit.” I may have just made the biggest mistake of my life. But still- no response. I check to make sure no one is listening, and then lean in closer to Veronica. “In fact, I fancy Albus Potter.”
           Nothing. I lean back to where I was before. “That good, huh?”
             After a lot of climbing, we reach the Defense classroom, panting slightly. After all, it has been a while since we had to climb several flights of stairs. The classroom is already half full- we share this period with the Ravenclaws, and as usual, they are early. They’re comparing notes from other classes at the moment- the cheeky little smartasses. Professor Potter (yes, that Potter) is chatting with a couple of them, asking about their summers. When we walk in, Professor Potter looks up.            
           “And here’s the rest of the class, just on time! Let’s get started, shall we?” Professor Potter says, whipping out his holly and phoenix feather wand, exactly 11 and a ½ inches long.
           Oh yeah. I’m a bit of a Harry Potter fanboy.
           It drives my father crazy.
           “Today,” Professor Potter starts, “we will be attempting the Patronus charm.”
           A couple of gasps and also squeals of excitement from around the room.
           “Can anyone tell me what the Patronus is used for? Except for Al and Rose,” Professor Potter says, shooting a pointed look at his son and niece. Obviously, they already know the charm. I’m pretty sure all the Potter-Weasleys have it down, considering that Harry Potter considers it one of the most important charms that anyone can know.
           Instead, he picks an overeager Ravenclaw who answers the question like he’s memorized the entire textbook. Which he probably has.
           “Very good,” Professor Potter praises. “Now, can everyone get their wands out, please? I want all the desks moved to the sides of the classroom. Quickly, please.”
           The class stands up and we work together to slide the heavy wooden tables to the perimeter of the classroom. Professor Potter then directs us to stand in a big circle, and he positions himself in the middle.
           “Excellent. Now- the Patronus charm is a difficult one, but I’m sure that you will all get it soon enough. Casting the charm requires a happy memory- your happiest, preferably. I’ll give you a minute to think of one.”
           We stand in silence, and I search my mind. My happiest memory…
           First year. First day. The Great Hall, the sky a swirling mass of drab, grey clouds. Sitting alone at the Gryffindor table, all the people I knew across a room that seems as big as a whole country. A bright red letter floating in front of me.
           Clutching it in my hands as it grows hot, running as fast as I can out of the hall and through the main doors onto the grounds, only releasing the letter when it singes my fingertips. Sinking to my knees as the letter rises up and opens itself to unleash the worst words I’ll ever hear.
           “How could this happen?” Squeezing my eyes together.
           “I’m so ashamed.” Throat closing up.
           “Why not Ravenclaw, or even Hufflepuff? Why Gryffindor?” Tears pricking the back of my eyes.
           “We’re so disappointed in you, Scorpius.” Can’t see. “Shame on you.” Can’t think. “You dishonor us.” Can’t breathe.
           Suffocation. Panic. Fear. Anger. Sadness. Everything at the same time, clogging up my mind, my thoughts, my throat, my body, not letting anything through, not letting anything out, swirling thoughts of pain and terror, visions of my family, pale faces and pointed noses and grey eyes, staring down at me, no love, no happiness, no care, just disappointment and shame and I can’t take it anymo-
           “Malfoy?” Release. A breath, a wipe at my eyes. Turning around to see who is casting the shadow over me.
           “Yes?” It’s Hagrid. I know because who else is a half-giant with the biggest beard I’ve ever seen?
           “You alright there, lad?”
           I stand tall, ignoring the burning paper behind me. I might be a Gryffindor, but I am still a Malfoy. I still have a reputation to uphold.
           “I’m fine,” I say, not meeting his eyes, which are beetle black and glisten with kindness and concern. Exactly how Harry Potter describes them. If I look at them, I’ll melt. I know it.
           “Why don’t you come in for a cuppa tea?”
I stare up at him. Tea? How…how could tea fix this?
“We’ll have a look at the pumpkins, and I’ll give you a little sneak peek at the Diricawls that I’ve been breeding. Rather fluffy and cute, if I say so myself.”
Pumpkins? And what on earth are Diricawls?
“Come on. Get your mind off your troubles for a bit. You don’t want to miss my famous fruitcake, do you?”
Well, fruitcake does sound good…
“Well…alright then. I suppose a cup of tea wouldn’t hurt.” I say. He grins, and claps a hand on my back, which nearly pitches me forward into the ground.
“There’s a good lad,” Hagrid says, and leads me to his hut, which while small, is rather cozy, and neatly kept.
He sits me down on a cushy chair, and pours me a cup of steaming black tea, with plenty of cream and sugar. It’s delicious. A plate of fruitcakes sits on the table, and he offers me some. I take one and quickly realize that these are not cakes that one can bite into. Quite nice to suck on, though.
He starts talking, and I just sit there quietly as he chatters on, sipping my tea.
“I saw you at the Sorting yesterday. Was a bit surprised that you got into Gryffindor, but I think you’ll do well. You’ve got that look in your eye. Same look that little Harry had when I saw him as an eleven-year old. Bit scared, nervous maybe. But you’re brave. I can tell, trust me. I’ve seen enough Gryffindors come and go to know one when I see one.”
“It isn’t all bad, y’know. You’ll make friends. It’s near impossible not to. You can try out for the Quidditch team, or you can always join the Gobstones club. They’re always looking for new members. Or go for Dumbledore’s Army. Harry- erm, excuse me, Professor Potter is the head of that one. Or do something else, y’know? Whatever you want, really.”
“I knew your father- hell, I knew your grandfather. I’m old, I am. Still here though. My back’s a bit crooked and my mind’s off with the fairies half the time, but I’m still here. If I can push through, so can you. I know you think you’ve been disowned, but you need to relax. Your family will get over it. Your father made nice with Professor Potter, didn’t he? He’ll accept you too. Jus’ give it a bit o’ time. They’ll come around, don’t worry.”
He spends nearly a half hour talking to me before I start responding, and I find that it’s ridiculously easy to talk to this kind, slightly scatterbrained old man. After I finish eating, he takes me outside to look at the pumpkins, and I comment on how large they are. He beams proudly. Then, he shows me the Diricawls, which turn out to be fluffy, flightless birds that disappear whenever I try to touch them.
“They’re just a bit jumpy,” Hagrid explains. “Don’t be like them, Scorpius. You ever get scared, don’t disappear like they do. Talk to someone. Talk to me, if you want. Push through it, and you’ll be fine.”
             I chuckle as I think about that day. My happiest memory. I still adore Diricawls and Hagrid’s cakes to this day.
           “Everyone have their memory?” Professor Potter asks, and I’m snapped back to the present. Everyone nods.
           “Excellent. Now, for the incantation,” he says, and takes out his wand. “Expecto Patronum.”
           I know what’s coming before it even appears; the famous stag, which prances around the room until Professor Potter releases the spell and it fades away, leaving us with a faint sense of happiness.
           “Now, you try it.”
           Taking a deep breath, I hold out my wand as everyone else is, and focus hard on my memory.
           “Expecto Patronum.”
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camelliacats · 6 years
Reality is Quite Nice
Another oneshot inspired by a quote.
Fic: "Reality is Quite Nice" [FFN] [AO3]
Pairings/Characters: Scorpius Malfoy/Luna Lovegood–Scamander, Lorcan Scamander, Lysander Scamander, & Rolf Scamander
Rating: K+
Words: ~1,700
Additional info: romance, angst, cross gen, Next Gen era, 1st person POV
Summary: Now an adult, Scorpius catches up with his mates, the Scamander twins, and their parents. The Scamanders are all his friends...but he can't help the feeling something's amiss...
"You are incredible…my only one…I never thought love…could be passionate fun."—Unknown
                  If Luna were clinically insane, would anyone be able to tell?
                I can, which is why I'm the one by her side, not Rolf.
                Allow me to explain. Girls like Rose and Lily aren't for me. I'm far too levelheaded and poised for the likes of Rose's brainy and OCD ways and Lily's rash and sporadically berserk personality. I am best-suited for the…how should I say…er, zany type. I just didn't realize it until I was an adult.
                My friends, twins Lorcan and Lysander, had invited me over to dinner a few years after our having completed Hogwarts. Lorcan traveled with their parents as a training Healer, Lysander was Hagrid's assistant and apprentice for the Care of Magical Creatures class, and I was training to be an Auror with my best mate, Al. I hadn't seen the Scamander twins in a while, so it was nice to catch up.
                "Beware," Lorcan warned me as we entered their home. "Last I knew, both Mum and Dad were cooking. I hope you still have that stomach of steel, Scor."
                I frowned. "I'd hope so, too. Now that you're dating Roxanne, I have this horrible feeling she'll try to pull a prank on Sander or me just to see if George's new Wheeze works."
                Lorcan grinned. "Now, would I let that happen to you two…?"
                "Yes," Lysander and I spat in unison.
                Lorcan took our jackets, and we headed into the dining room. I took in the room in one glance and saw that nothing had changed—mismatched furniture, carpet too bright a violet, wallpaper mixed together in stripes and dots and patters and such. That made me smile. I'd seen a lot of my school friends' homes, and so much was different now that we were older. But the Scamanders were the Scamanders, and that was something that felt good because it was sturdy, reliable. As reliable as Rolf's warm handshake and Luna's sweet smile. Speak of the Nargles, they entered.
                Wait—was it just me, or did Luna's smile seem off?
                I chocked it up to a trick of the dining room's dim lighting as pleasantries were presented and we sat down and started the meal. It wasn't as disastrous as Lorc had led me to believe; in fact, it was quite delicious. We had a roast pheasant that we washed down with a butterbeer and firewhiskey concoction of Rolf's, and, for dessert, Luna presented us with a cake that—
                "—glows?" Lysander asked in astonishment. "Why's it glowing light blue, Mum?"
                Luna waved her younger son off as if it were nothing. "Oh, I just made friends with the faeries in the backyard. I admired their light shows, and they told me it was due to their faerie dust. I was delighted, and they allowed me some faerie dust, which I thought would be nice to brush on the cake."
                "Faerie dust?" he further exclaimed as Rolf gaped at her, Lorcan sighed and held his head, and I looked around the table, wondering what the problem was. Luckily, Sander felt his mother needed a recap, too. "Why do you think the faire folke are so happy all the time? Faerie dust is intoxicating. It makes them see the world in—in bizarre ways!"
                After his outburst, the house was abnormally quiet. I heard the chirp of the crickets outside and suddenly wished I were outside, as well. This was such an awkward moment.
                Rolf broke the quiet. "I…think I've had enough to eat," he said, dropping his eyes to the table as he stood. "Goodnight, boys. Good to see you again, Scorpius," he said to me with a forced smile.
                The twins shifted awkwardly in their seats before Lysander rose and went up to bed. Lorcan got up, too, but he followed behind his father. I lagged to help Luna clean up.
                In the kitchen, it was unusually quiet. Luna was smiling again, but…it still seemed off. I felt as though she were wearing a mask, which just wasn't meant for her. Luna was supposed to be vivacious and brilliant, not taciturn and housewife-ish.
                "Thank you," she said sweetly as I passed her the last dish. She waved her wand, and the cleaning supplies set about scrubbing the plates. The cake sat on the counter behind her, an uneasy reminder of the earlier awkwardness.
                "Luna…," I began hesitantly. She waved her wand to put away the table settings, but I gently took her wand out of her hand and held it at my side. It was a bit strange, and I'd never been so forward with the twins' parents. But I did know this family well, and I was comfortable enough to speak my mind in this house. "Are you all right?"
                The witch gave me a genuine smile this time, though it was small and slightly sad. "I'm afraid no one sees…eye to eye anymore with me."
                "What do you mean?"
                Luna sighed and swept her hair to one side. I caught a whiff of her shampoo—gardenias, which I thought instinctively—and watched her ageless face crease ever so slightly as she pouted. "I like the excitement of life," she said. "I know I see things differently than others. I refuse to believe Nargles and Blibbering Humdingers are make-believe."
                I frowned. "Luna…you're an adult."
                "Yes. You are one, as well."
                "There are… There are some things you just…know when you grow up."
                "Of course." She said it, but her eyes wavered, and I got the feeling she was pleading silently with me not to say any more.
                I looked away, my eyes refocusing on the cake. "Certain things don't—"
                "Luna." Rolf cut me off as he leaned against the kitchen doorframe. He straightened. "Can I have a word?" He turned and marched down the hallway. Luna glanced at me before following him.
                All the prior times I'd come here, I'd felt like family. Yet, tonight, I felt like an outsider. I was considering leaving without a word when someone else's words caught my ear. Knowing it would probably be considered eavesdropping, I took a cue from Lorcan and peeked around the doorway. I could glimpse them near the corner of the opposite end of the hallway.
                Rolf waved his arms up and down. "…could you? Lune, I fell in love with your antics when we were younger. But that was then—this is now. Physically, you've grown up. But mentally?" He pinched the bridge of his nose…which I was beginning to itch to hit.
                "Without imagination, we are nothing," she stated, her voice shaking. She stared into her husband's blue eyes.
                He searched her eyes before sighing. "Godric, Luna… I can't even get angry at you anymore… Wizarding naturalists—what was I thinking? I—I encouraged this kind of behavior!"
                Luna frowned. "Rolf, it's not a bad thing—" She tried to touch his arm, but—but the bastard swatted her hand away!
                "Luna… Luna, Luna, Luna!" He met her eyes again. "I can't get angry at you anymore, not while I spend all my energy being sad, and d-disappointed in you." He sighed again, and some of his scraggly red hair fell over his shoulder, having come free of the strip of dragon-hide leather he used to tie all of it back. What I noticed was that the free piece…was graying. "I need to get some air," Rolf said abruptly. He grabbed his cloak from nearby and put it on, then marched my way towards the door. I ducked, but he didn't see me. He took his broom from inside the door before heading out. After that, the house was fairly quiet.
                I exited the kitchen and walked into the living room, in shock and staring at the door. Rolf had just—just left. He never left! Where Luna was, erm, flighty, Rolf was a rock—her rock. They were— I paused in my thoughts, understanding. No wonder Luna was off tonight. This hadn't been the first argument like this.
                Luna entered the room behind me. "Well, Scorpius, it's been lovely seeing you again. May I get your jacket for you?"
                I fisted my hands, a muscle in my jaw twitching so my jaw was clenched. Suddenly, I turned on my heel. "Luna, are you hungry for dessert?"
                She stared at me. "Scorpius?"
                I grabbed her hand and tugged her behind me. We reentered the kitchen, and I strode right up to the cake and swiped some of the icing with my finger. I tasted a little bit of it  and— "This is delicious," I commented truthfully, surprised and turning back to her. "This has to be the best dessert I've ever tried."
                "Scor, I—what?" I'd never seen it before, but there was Luna's confused face.
                I got a little more on my thumb and drew her close to me. "Really," I mumbled with a small, encouraging smile. "Try it."
                Color dusted the apples of her cheeks, but the lovely blonde witch before me licked the icing from my thumb. Relief seemed to flood her being as she gave in and leaned into my light embrace.
                It…it was amazing to hold her. I felt as though I'd never felt such warmth before. Gently, we slid against the wall onto the floor so I was holding her partially curled-up form. Her breathing was even, steady, but I knew things weren't wholly right. "Hey…Lulu," I whispered tentatively. Never would I have thought I'd be giving her such an endearing nickname.
                "Certain things…do exist." I stared at the glowing blue cake until she raised her head, her eyes shining; they almost glowed the same silvery-blue. "I shouldn't have tried to say otherwise." I licked the remaining icing from my fingers and grinned. "I think I can even see a Blibbering Humdinger dancing near the cake!"
                I fretted when tears started running down her cheeks, but Luna was smiling again. And this was the real smile, the Luna smile. "Scorpius, do you see eye to eye with me?"
                "Well, we are staring at each other," I quipped, and she timidly caught my chuckle in her mouth as soft lips touched mine. I tasted sugary icing, Luna, and faerie dust—and I knew that Rolf had given up on something that was one-of-a-kind.
:3 This is a very interesting oneshot… Scorpius didn't have to go back on his words; Luna didn't have to be so Luna; Rolf didn't have to act so deflated and walk away… So this is rather open-ended. Still, it kind of works as a oneshot.
Thanks for reading, and feel free to leave an anon/unsigned review via the FFN link or comment via the AO3 link at the top of the post, especially if you enjoyed this!
2017 note: Hmm. Another one where I like the potential, but I confess the pace is a tad too fast for my liking…hmm.
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camelliacats · 8 years
Once Bitten, Twice Shy
Another oneshot done for a prompt.
Fic: "Once Bitten, Twice Shy" [FFN] [AO3]
Pairings/Characters: Lorcan Scamander/Scorpius Malfoy, Rose Weasley, Lysander Scamander, Albus Severus Potter, Fred Weasley II, Roxanne Weasley
Rating: T
Words: ~3,700
Additional info: romance, slash, Next Gen era, 3rd person POV
Summary: Lorcan has always gone after Rose, wishing that redheaded lion would give him the time of day. But she likes Malfoy. Malfoy doesn't want her, though...he wants a particular Ravenclaw...
                "Most people would rather give than get affection." —Aristotle
                  "Rose! Rose, come on!!"
                Rose Weasley sighed, fighting a blush down. She hated this attention from Lorcan Scamander. She wished that he would get it. She was crushing on Scorpius Malfoy, not him.
                Lorcan, however, had no plans of ever giving up on her. Even when Scorpius came to her rescue and led her to the Slytherin table with their other best mate and Rose's cousin, Albus. Being the Ravenclaw and of no family relation, as well, Lorcan hung back and watched the trio. There was Al, the Potter kid of Slytherin. There was Rosie, the Gryffindor brainiac, like her mother. Last, there was Scorpius Malfoy, the son of a snake.
                Lorcan couldn't help the scowl that morphed his features. Merlin, if only Scorpius didn't exist! He'd have his Rosie-Posie already!
                Suddenly, the Scamander twin didn't feel like eating lunch anymore.
                Lorcan left the Great Hall and headed outside. He thought about going to the library, but, really, he didn't feel like it. Any time he saw Rose with Scorpius, it pissed him off. Rose really liked that arse, but Scorpius would never give her the time of day. Apparently being best mates was good enough for the damn pureblood.
                He stopped. If he ever found out Scorpius wasn't with Rose because she wasn't a pureblood… Well, Lorcan would surely have to kill him.
                With a large sigh, Lorcan rolled a crick out of his neck and stretched his limbs, settling on the green grass of the inner courtyard. He was feeling antsy. He wished that the weekend would hurry up and arrive. He needed something to do. Maybe he could go and find Freddie and Roxanne… He'd always been friends with the Weasley twins… Maybe he could cajole them into a lunchtime prank…
                "You're not plotting, are you?"
                Lorcan looked up and found his twin brother, Lysander, standing over him. He rolled his eyes before closing them again. "Oh, come off it, Sander. I wouldn't tell you if I was planning a prank or not. You know this."
                "I also know you're a Prefect, something which you seem to forget a lot," Lysander said, sitting beside his brother. "Oh…wait. It's Rose, isn't it?"
                "Shut up, Sander."
                "She's turned you down quite often, you know. Don't you think that means something?"
                Lorcan sighed. "You know, I wasn't plotting any pranks, but now I'm getting ideas."
                "Hey! Don't you pull one on me! I'm your brother! I'm here for you. Sometimes that means I'm your voice of reason."
                "I drowned my voice of reason a long time ago in what I like to call 'carpe diem.'"
                "I'm surprised you even know what those words mean."
                "Well, I am the one in Ravenclaw."
                "Hey, there's nothing wrong with being in Hufflepuff." Lysander sighed and got up, smoothing his black-and-yellow robes. "You know what? I think I'd rather find Dominique than stick around and be tormented. Go eat something before lunch ends, Lorcan."
                Lorcan grimaced at his brother's back as the kinder Scamander walked away. "Oh, yes, ditch your brother for your girlfriend!" he hollered at him. "That's being so loyal!" But Lysander ignored him. Soon enough the bell rang, and Lorcan was left feeling just as antsy inside the classroom as out.
                Lorcan made it his mission to point out all the bad things about Scorpius to Rose.
                It didn't seem to be working.
                All Rose took it as was Lorcan being jealous. Well, yes, he was jealous. But that didn't mean he was wrong!
                "He's a pureblood!"
                "So's plenty of my family," she would counter.
                "He's a Malfoy!" he would say with a look of disgust.
                Rose would shrug first. "And Draco and the rest didn't turn out so bad. Besides, Astoria's actually very nice from what I've heard."
                "He's—He's a Slytherin!"
                "Now you're being insulting. Al's a Slytherin, too. Not only is he family, but he's my other best mate. Would you show me some respect and stop talking me out of my friendships?"
                Lorcan frowned. "But he's Scorpius!" was his latest argument.
                "So? He's a nice bloke. He's actually very sweet and kind and…and I can't help but like him." Rose sighed. "I wouldn't expect you to understand. You're a womanizer, Lorcan—"
                "I only like you!"
                "—and Scorpius is…well, he's my prince." Rose shyly blushed at that. Then she looked up at Lorcan. "Do you get it now? Will you leave me alone?"
                He grimaced. "I—"
                She strode right up to him in the hall so they were almost nose-to-nose. He paled. She slowly smiled. "See? Lorcan, if you really liked me, then your face wouldn't drain of color. If you liked me, then your breath should hitch and your heart should race and all you should be thinking about is kissing me." She backed off and sighed, putting her hands on her hips. "You shouldn't be reaching for your wand."
                Lorcan blinked and looked down at his right hand, realizing he now gripped the hilt of oak and rosewood. He blushed. "Er, sorry. I like my personal space."
                "It's okay, Lorcan. But please—I'm asking you one last time: Leave me be?"
                He looked her in the eye, cerulean meeting umber. What he wouldn't give to have those umber brown eyes on him all the time… He wouldn't admit that she was right, that he didn't feel that way towards her, but he nodded. "I'll…back off," the Scamander son finally said.
                Rose genuinely smiled at him for the first time. "Thank you so much, Lor—"
                Lorcan's blood boiled as soon as he heard the voice. Did he have to show up right now? Lorcan grimaced as Scorpius entered the corridor and shot his best mate a concerned look. Suddenly, Lorcan felt very out-of-place.
                "You were late joining Al and me in the library, so I came to look for you. You coming? Break's only an hour," Scorpius said.
                Rose nodded. "Um, uh-huh. I just had to talk with Lorcan."
                "With Lorcan?" Scorpius shot him a look. He glanced at him from head to toe in one quick shot and raised his eyebrows. "You aren't bugging her again, are you?"
                "Scor!" Rose gasped. She shot Lorcan a glare, knowing his hand was still on his wand. "Don't start something—either of you."
                Scorpius shrugged. "All right. Why don't you go on ahead? I'd like a word with Scamander here."
                The witch stared him down. "Scorpius…"
                "I promise to be nice."
                She rolled her eyes and kissed his cheek. "All right, you. I'll see you up there in a few. If you don't come in fifteen minutes, then Al and I will send out the search party." She left the corridor, and Scorpius faced Lorcan.
                "I promised to be nice, but I never said I wouldn't bite." He approached Lorcan and halted when the Ravenclaw raised his wand. He held up his hands. "Hey, I'm not putting you in danger, Lorcan."
                Lorcan narrowed his eyes. "Then what do you want, Malfoy?"
                "Walk with me?"
                After an awkward moment, Lorcan gave in and followed Scorpius outside. He wondered where they were going and was stunned when Scorpius kept going and going until they were walking out past the Clock Tower. They were actually on the bridge leading to the stone circle. Lorcan could hear the screeches of the Owlery nearby.
                "It's a lovely day, isn't it?"
                Lorcan stared at Scorpius as if the Slytherin had two heads. "Excuse me?"
                "Isn't the weather nice?"
                "I guess…"
                "You…really have a thing for Rose, don't you?"
                Lorcan scoffed at the abrupt topic switch. "According to her, I don't." He crossed his arms and leaned back against the railing on the bridge. "Take good care of her, okay? I'll murder you if she's hurt."
                Scorpius glanced at him. "What do you mean?"
                Lorcan mussed his hair and sighed. "You don't get it?" He faced the other seventeen-year-old. "Rose is in love with you, Scorpius."
                He gave a sad smile. "Yeah, I know."
                "Wha—? If you've known, then why haven't you—"
                "I don't like her like that."
                "It's because she's not a pureblood, am I right?" Lorcan glowered at him. "That kind of discrimination is old water under the bridge, Malfoy," he spat. "Rose is a good girl. She deserves someone better if you would really let that come between you."
                Scorpius pinched the bridge of his nose in exasperation. He shook his head. "No, Lorcan, there's my friendship with her that's between us."
                Lorcan's shoulders slackened. "Oh… Well, that's different."
                "And I do like someone."
                "Shyeah, well, one of us should break it to her."
                "I think Al might be, right now," Scorpius replied, edging a little closer to Lorcan.
                Lorcan's face grew warm, and he instinctively backed away. "Whoa, you're not trying—"
                An angry thing flashed in Scorpius' eyes. "One thing you failed to warn her of was that, being a Malfoy, I tend to get what I want."
                Lorcan didn't have the chance to slip his wand back out of his sleeve; Scorpius came at him too fast. Lorcan really wished he'd remembered his outer robe on this chilly day, because then maybe the warmth from Scorpius' black and green one wouldn't have felt so nice. Also, he wished he were the taller one; Scorpius was only an inch taller than him, but it was enough height to trap him. Lastly, Lorcan felt incredibly guilty that he was the one sharing a snog with the Malfoy boy, not Rose.
                Worst of all, he…ugh…enjoyed it.
                Hot breaths, wet lips, warm hands—Lorcan was weirded out that not only did Scorpius not hate him, but Scorpius liked him. A lot. Very much, in fact. A good load, indeed. But when the Slytherin yanked at Lorcan's already loosely-worn tie to pull him closer, Lorcan knew this would have to stop. This…This wasn't Lorcan. This wasn't Lorcan at all—he was pretty sure. Er, somewhat sure. Maybe thinking about it.
                "Don't even think of going anywhere," Scorpius muttered, trapping Lorcan against the siding with each hand on either side of the other wizard. His gray eyes blazed like smoky steel. "Don't even bother telling me that that didn't stir something in you, otherwise you wouldn't have reacted like that."
                Lorcan did as he knew himself to do: He acted. He hit his forehead against Scorpius', and he was released. He jogged several yards away before even glancing back at the Slytherin. "Shut it, Malfoy! I'm not falling for your games!"
                Scorpius groaned and rubbed the developing bruise on his head in response.
                The Scamander twin ran the rest of the way back to the castle. He didn't stop at the Quidditch pitch to watch his House team's practice. He didn't stop when Roxie and Freddie hollered at him to help them with a joke. He didn't stop when Sander and Dominique saw him and his brother called out in concern. He didn't stop when Rose saw him and gasped in surprise.
                Lorcan ran all the way to the Prefects' bathroom. He felt lucky at least that no teachers had seen him; if they had, he knew they would've come down harder on him since he was supposed to be a role model for the younger students. But he didn't feel like a role model right now. He felt…
                Crap. He knew what he felt. He didn't necessarily like it, but he did like it. Shit, this was too confusing. He splashed some cold water on his face, but his cheeks still burned. Lorcan looked into the mirror. Okay, so there was his face.
                But he only saw gray eyes.
                "This isn't the best hiding place, you know."
                Lorcan jumped at the sound of Al's voice and saw the Potter son in the mirror's reflection, behind him, over his shoulder. He frowned. "Why are you in here?"
                "I'm a Prefect just like you." Al took a couple of steps closer, but he didn't come too near his classmate. "Are you all right? He didn't try anything too bad, I hope."
                "'Too bad'? 'Too bad'?" Lorcan darkly laughed and wheeled on him. "He sodding snogged me, Potter!!"
                Al hung his head and sighed. "I was afraid he'd try something too soon…"
                "I knew he liked you. I'm Scorpius' best mate. I know him best." He looked sympathetically at Lorcan. "Maybe I should've given you a head's up…"
                Lorcan scoffed. "Y'think?!" He frowned, shoulders sagging. "He… All this time, I thought it would be him and Rose… Y'know, Scorrose. I don't want… Oh, Merlin, Scorlor."
                Al gave him a small smile. "You rhyme."
                "Oh, shut up."
                Al was quiet for a moment. He fidgeted with his jumper sleeve. "Look, I'm not saying you swing that way or play for that team—"
                "Tsk. Thanks."
                "—but maybe you should keep an open mind. I mean, we're only teenagers. We don't all know what we want right now."
                "I dunno. Scorpius seemed pretty damn sure of himself." Lorcan rubbed his chin, wishing his lips weren't as swollen as they felt. "This is really that bad a hiding place?"
                Al smiled. "The worst. Scor's bound to come looking for you. He's not going down without a fight."
                "Ha, I'm not going down either."
                "Oh, Merlin, I didn't need that image, Scamander…" Al scratched his cheek, looking a little green. But then he shook off the feeling. "But Scor will come looking for you. I think the only place you'll be safe is your common room."
                "Yeah. That occurred to me." Lorcan dried his hands and face and managed to stabilize his breath. He started to leave the bathroom when he stopped. "Um…thanks, Albus."
                Al shrugged. "Someone's got to look after Scorpius. Apparently that's my job, though it really should be Rose's. She's quite surprised that she wasn't the prize, by the way. Have you seen her yet?"
                Lorcan averted his eyes. "Heh, I zoomed by her… But I think I'd rather deal with people tomorrow…" He clapped Al on the shoulder. "Again, thanks, mate."
                With a sigh, Lorcan made his way somewhat peacefully to the Ravenclaw common room. He'd somehow managed to slip all Weasleys and his twin, something for which he was very grateful. He went straight up the stairs and threw himself onto his bed. Screw last period. He needed to sleep off the stress he'd built up in the past couple of hours.
                The blond wizard closed his eyes and counted his breaths. After a little bit, he was calm enough that he began to doze…but all he saw were those damn gray eyes.
                Cursing, he woke and sat up. It was no use. He couldn't get Scorpius out of his mind.
                "I never said I wouldn't bite."
                Lorcan jumped and scanned the room. No one was in there with him. But—But he could've sworn he'd just felt Scorpius' breath on his neck, in his ear.
                He rubbed the back of his neck and paced the length of the dormitory. Several times he stopped at the foot of his bed and leaned against one of the bedposts. Several times he resumed his pacing. It wasn't long before he decided that he'd never gotten over being antsy from earlier in the month. But surely he couldn't leave Ravenclaw territory. If he did, Scorpius was bound to find him.
                One of the downsides to the bloody prat being Slytherin's Head Boy.
                Lorcan grimaced. What the hell was he thinking? Was he really scared of facing someone? Him, Lorcan? He never let anything like this get to him, but here he was, hiding from Scorpius. Lorcan Scamander didn't hide.
                Lorcan Scamander pranked.
                With his masculinity reestablished, he hurried out of the dorm and out of Ravenclaw Tower. Yes, he had the… Hmm, he could use… Maybe Lorcan could even…
                Down outside the Great Hall, Lorcan remembered that it was suppertime. He reddened. Funny how someone could take up all of your thought-space.
                No one bothered him on his way inside. At the Ravenclaw table, things were quiet and normal. Freddie and Roxanne joined him quickly enough.
                "Lorcan, we've got this great idea!" Freddie began.
                "We were thinking—since Malfoy deducted those House points from Gryffindor last week—that we could feed him some…augmented Fizzing Whizzbees," Roxanne supplied. She exchanged a conspiratorial grin with her dark-haired twin. "So? What do you think?"
                "I think," Lorcan began to the two sixth years, "that Fizzing Whizzbees aren't enough for the Head Boy."
                Freddie and Roxie were all ears. "Yeees?"
                "I was thinking of taking an idea of your dad's…"
                Freddie smirked. "Always a good idea."
                "Remember that large dragon firework he and your uncle set off in their seventh year?"
                Roxanne sighed. "If only we could reach that level of ingenuity…"
                "Well," the blond wizard continued, "how about taking a Pepper Imp to that level?"
                "To the—" Roxanne said.
                "—dragon level?" Freddie finished.
                "Brilliant!" the Weasley twins chimed.
                "Then take these," Lorcan stated, handing them the aforementioned sweet. "Use this spell…" He gave them a few more instructions, all the while keeping an eye on the Slytherin table. Scorpius seemed fine with just Rose and Al occupying his attention. It was as if nothing had ever happened.
                Well, Lorcan's mind's eye vividly recalled the kiss. He blushed and glared to himself. Of course nothing had ever happened…bugger.
                Towards the end of supper, the twins disappeared. Lorcan kept an eye on the table of snakes. He saw a bit of maroon edge near the trio, so he turned back to his plate. All right, time to go distract Scorpius Malfoy.
                He got up and walked over to their table. He plopped down next to Rose. "Hello, my favorite slippery friends. Mind if I join you?"
                Rose glanced at him. "Are you all right? I would think that—"
                "—your rejecting me for the billionth time would hurt? It did," he quipped. He jerked his head towards her friends. "I wanted to borrow Malfoy here for a little chat."
                Al quirked an eyebrow. "Does this 'chat' involve wands?"
                "Of course not, Ally," Lorcan stated with an grin. He—begrudgingly—met Scorpius' eyes. "Dinner's just about over. Well?"
                Scorpius put down his napkin. "I suppose so…" He grabbed a few Pepper Imps off the table (the ones Lorcan realized the twins had switched, much to his delight) and got up. "We can start our corridor patrol early. I'll see you two later," he said to the others, and he followed closely behind Lorcan as they left the Great Hall. Much to Lorcan's disappointment, he did not eat the candy inside the meal room where everyone might've enjoyed the spot of entertainment. Lorcan let it go, though; if he could get back at Scorpius, then he'd consider them even. And he would let the kiss go. Certainly. It didn't matter that he'd been thinking about it all day long.
                Lorcan loosed his tie, a habit he'd picked up from Merlin-knew-where. He did it whenever he was uncomfortable…or lazy.
                "So you're still sane," the Head Boy observed.
                "Somewhat." Lorcan frowned. "Did you really have to…?"
                "Yes, I wanted to. I told you; I get what I want."
                Lorcan crimsoned. "Does that have to be me?" he whispered.
                Scorpius smiled. "Do you want it to be you?" he inquired with the same inflections.
                That made the Scamander twin think. Suddenly, all of his reasons didn't seem so sound. In fact, Rosie's logic made much more sense. Why should it matter he was a pureblood? Why should it matter he was a Malfoy? And from what Lorcan had seen of Al, it shouldn't even matter that Scorpius was a Slytherin. Maybe Al was on to something. Maybe Lorcan should keep an open mind…but, blokes?
                Scorpius seemed to recognize that train of thought. "A little concerned, are you? Well, here's something to think of: Those of the same sex always know what's most pleasurable." He said it with a mischievous glint in his eye.
                Lorcan wished he'd die. Then maybe his insides wouldn't be jumping around because of Scorpius' insinuations. "Aren't you going to have your dessert?" he asked, changing the subject in hopes of getting Scorpius to fall victim to the prank.
                "I'll get to the Pepper Imps." He paused. "You reacted so heavily to earlier…"
                "So what?" Lorcan snapped, looking away.
                Scorpius caught his wrist. "So…give me a chance." He turned Lorcan back to him. "You like fun things, don't you? You like adventure. You're antsy all the time, I've noticed that. You can't keep still unless something's entertaining you."
                He bit back a remark. Why did Scorpius have to be the one to read him? "Uh… I've heard Pepper Imps scorch their containers if you don't eat them fast enough…"
                "You really want one, don't you?" The Malfoy chuckled at Lorcan's misinterpreted childishness. Before Lorcan could dodge it, Scorpius plopped one into Lorcan's mouth with a sweet, unknowing smile.
                The prank was genius, really. It worked exactly as Lorcan had thought it would. As soon as the sweet touched his tongue, his mouth lit on fire, and he was breathing fire dragons like a fire dragon. Lorcan tried swatting the serpentine flames away, but it didn't work. When he reached for his wand, he froze. It wasn't there.
                "You want this, right?" Scorpius asked, holding up the eleven inches of oak and rosewood. He was smiling again, but it was a devilish smile. "Oh, poor Lorcan. Can't even talk."
                Lorcan glared at him through the tears.
                "I'll clear your prank and not report it or take away points," Scorpius stated.
                The other wizard watched him apprehensively.
                "On the condition that you give me a shot."
                Lorcan's shoulders sagged.
                "You've always given attention to Rose, Lorc," Scorpius said quietly. "Allow yourself some affection this time."
                He fought back the thrilling chill that traveled up his arms as Scorpius grabbed his upper arm and pulled him close. The Head Boy merely calmed and undid the incantation. When it passed, Scorpius didn't let go. Instead, his eyes were darting all over Lorcan's face.
                "Care to indulge in some affection, then?"
                Lorcan had no choice. As Scorpius' mouth came over his for the second time and certain hands groped certain places, he knew he was in too deep. At least it would be an adventure.
                As Scorpius had said, Lorcan liked adventure. He liked it quite a bit.
This took me 16 pages to clear my throat…I can't wait to do more Scorlor!!! X3 I'd like to thank BlueMango especially for helping me work out the end!
Thanks for reading, and feel free to leave an anon/unsigned review via the FFN link or comment via the AO3 link at the top of the post, especially if you enjoyed this!
2017 note: *LOL* This is about as fun as I remember it being. XD I'm glad there wasn't much I had to clear up/edit, though I added some flares here and there. This was deffo towards the beginning of my writing longer fics (and slash fics, tbh), and I'm happy I wrote this. Hope you're happy to have read it! :D
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