#and I appreciate that bc I do miss Arthur very much
ajokeformur-ray · 2 years
I came downstairs after my shower and mum took one look at me, told me to “grab your hair shit”, brushed and braided my hair, handed me a pack of cookies from my snack box, and said “go curl up in bed and watch your sad clown, you’ve got work tomorrow and a look on your face I keep seeing and don't much like” and I’m just🥹🥹🥹is my stress THAT obvious?😂😂😂😂
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georgeclarkewifey · 4 months
Inconvenience | g. clarke
Chapter 1 - Moving out
Word Count: 1.2K
summary: time for Noa to get out of her apartment, with the assistance of Mr Christopher Dixon
Warnings: extremely mild angst / sad undertones
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liked by chrismd10, arthurtv and 10,373 others
noamurphy no bc why is packing the worst
comments open
chrismd10 you haven’t finished packing?
⮑ noamurphy perhaps not
arthurtv you’re moving in an hour you do realise?
⮑ noamurphy yes very aware thank you. and it’s more like in five minutes and not 1 hour
⮑ arthurtv so stop replying and get packing
fan1 omg is she moving in with the boys??
⮑ noamurphy never they’re too messy x
⮑ arthurtv I refute this comment
⮑ noamurphy okay lawyer
⮑ glambyflo god i can't wait for you to be here xx
⮑ noamurphy can't wait to see you!!
fan2 praying this means more Noa content with the boys
⮑ fan3 please!!! just having her occasionally appear in Chris’ videos isn’t enough
gkbarry_ everyone shut up my girl is moving to London
⮑ noamurphy all for you babe x
maxbalegde I need to meet you immediately as soon as you’ve moved in
⮑ noamurphy consider it done x
Noa felt on the verge of crying. On the one hand, she knew this was exactly what she wanted, moving out of her cramped apartment and away from her tormenting job, to a significantly better apartment and a small position at her dream architecture firm. Still, it was all very terrifying.
The move from Jersey to Edinburgh for university was hard enough, followed by a slightly rushed decision to do a masters in Cambridge meant that Noa never really felt settled wherever she went. So, when an apartment in the same building in which her childhood friends Arthur and Chris lived became available, she jumped at the chance. It wasn’t that her apartment was bad, it just didn’t feel like home - as hard as she tried, her room felt more like a dorm and office rolled into one, with plans and building ideas scattered around.
She rubbed her face, trying to stave of the feelings of exhaustion as more books were piled into one of the many half filled moving boxes. Regretting the four hours of sleep the night before, Noa reached to the side to grab her can of Monster, cursing when she found it empty.
"Knock knock! It's you're favourite person!" a voice called in the hallway, followed by the small pitter-patter of hobbit feet.
Noa rolled her eyes and stood up, grimacing at how her joints cracked as she stretched. "Either Arthur has dramatically shrunk, or something isn't right here."
Chris chuckled as he pulled Noa in for a hug, his eyebrows raising as he took in her state. "I see you've had an ample amount of sleep."
She chuckled, turning away from him to start closing the lids on the packing boxes. "You know I thrive off practically no sleep. That's how I did A Levels. And most of university." Noa shrugged.
"I'm aware. So how much packing have you got left to do? Because I'd preferably want to be on the road before it gets too busy." Chris asked, nervously glancing at his watch.
"Calm your tits Dixie we’ll be fine.” Noa grinned, walking into her cardboard box of a bedroom to grab her last couple of things. “But thank you though, I appreciate the help.”
Chris smiled, as he began stacking boxes in the hallway. “You’re welcome Noa, plus now that we’re living in the same building, I can just borrow all your stuff. And your food.”
“I thought the four of you were good at cooking? At least, when you have the right utensils and ingredients.”
“You weren’t the one who had to try those pizzas.” Chris shivered, trying to suppress the memories. “So it’s just these boxes yeah?”
“Sure is!” Noa called, emerging from the bedroom with a backpack and duffel bag. “One of the pros of renting a furnished place, don’t have to move all the furniture when you leave.”
“Are you gonna miss it?”
“Jesus no the mattress was horrible.”
“Not the furniture you idiot, the place in general.”
Noa shrugged as she did one last sweep of the kitchen, checking that she hadn’t left anything behind. “It was nice, but it just felt like the right time to move on.”
Chris nodded, picking up one of the lighter looking boxes, helping Noa ferry them into the hall.
As he grabbed the last box from the living room, curiosity got the better of him and he had a quick peek inside (Noa had written a note on the box telling him to specifically not look). His heart tightened at the sight of the blue football boots inside, mud streaks and grass stains still evident across soles and laces. The leather was deeply creased and the colour was worn around the eyelets of the laces, they used to be used frequently, but the small layer of dust that had collected on them proved that they’d been hidden away for a while.
Rifling around in the box more, he found the matching shin pads, as well as a collection of dog eared photos. Chris smiled fondly, holding the Polaroid up to the light so he could clearing see the people in the image.
It was himself, Noa and Arthur as kids - all grinning at each other. Noa’s hair was pulled up into a ponytail, which was once probably neat, but in the moment it was a mess, flyaways everywhere and her baby hairs sticking to her forehead. Arthur and Chris looked significantly younger, baby faces prominent, with a definitive lack of facial hair. Chris felt his eyes water with emotion, remembering the ecstasy of the moment. Even as an adult, the unbridled joy of seeing someone you cared for win their football league was contagious.
Though he couldn’t help but sigh sadly, knowing how much everything had changed.
“Christopher! I specifically wrote a note on that box for you not to rummage through that!” Noa sighed, taking it from his hands and repacking it quickly.
“Why not?”
“Because you’d get all like…this.” She replied, gesturing her arms up and down at him.
“You just gestured to all of me.” Chris said indignantly, screwing his face up in confusion.
“I’m aware.” Noa answered, pulling the front door open with a grunt, pushing some boxes with her left foot to hold it open. “Now let’s get this show on the road yeah?”
“You’re not even gonna acknowledge it?”
“Acknowledge what Chris?”
“Don’t do this Noa, c’mon.” He sighed, moving to block her view of the boxes that she was busying herself with. “You’ve still got those boots.”
“Sure do.” She replied shortly, piling a small valuables box on top of one marked ‘kitchen - don’t drop’. “Got all my football stuff in there.”
“Do you want to talk about it?”
Noa huffed. “What’s left to talk about? We’ve talked about it many times, I think we’ve covered everything. And it was five years ago Chris.”
Chris raised his eyebrows, not convinced. “Okay, okay, but if you want to talk, me and Arthur are here.”
“Very aware of that, thanks.”
author speaks: welcome to the first proper chapter! Hope you enjoyed it :)
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women-of-malevolent · 1 month
I love reading your takes, especially as someone who was disillusioned mid-season 2. I've read synopsis and glanced at scripts out curiosity, but didn't really realize just how bad the podcast treated women.
What made me drop it in season 2 was how Faroe's death was revealed. Middle of a fight, Arthur loses his confidence and brings up Faroe. Not bc he misses her, not bc fighting for his life reminds him of her own struggle b4 she died. But because Arthur wants John to pat him on the back, reassure him, tell him he's good, hes reliable. Faroe's initial death reveal doesn't even focus on her. It focuses on Arthur and his self-confidence.
And after Arthur gets what he wants, it's dropped. They don't talk about her again for a while. How can one think it's good storytelling to bring up dead baby for like. 5 secongs. And then move on???? Something so horrific was brought up and dropped so nonchalantly it just blind sided me. And I remember thinking "this is how he's going to handle everything of this emotional magnitude" and stopped listening, for the most part.
Tl;Dr: boy howdy do I appreciate reading your analysis and takes and it's kind of reassuring knowing others feel this way too
Thank you! I'm so glad you enjoy and I very much enjoyed reading this too!!
In retrospect, great call seeing it there.... I used to zone out the fights, tbh, because obviously the main characters would be fine (like, there were dozens more episodes, they weren't going to die here lmao). So I was very low-context, let's say, when I zoned in for Arthur's tragic past backstory. I was moved both by the horrifying idea of brain fart-ing your kid dead by accident, and by John and Arthur opening up to each other more… I wasn't thinking about the deeply weird framing!!! But wtf!!!
It's so weird that the Faroe stuff comes out when it does. Mid-fight, right before they kill the gug monster that they've established is intelligent. Faroe has clearly been on Arthur's mind, and John has been poking Arthur about it. But he chooses to share right before dropping the stone?? And then kills it and the story moves on until John weaponizes it against Arthur later.
Faroe seems to be coming back or something, god help us, in Season 5. There's an opportunity for the story to do something interesting and cool with her. I thought, verbatim, the same thing about Hattie. Lmao. I thought the Arthur x Hattie parallel was obvious and was excited to see it explored in season 4. Instead we got a bunch of new dudes, and development for the old dudes, while Hattie got literally NOTHING BECAUSE SHE WAS OLD!!!! WTF!!! So yeah I don't have a whole lot of faith for it being good
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nextstopparis · 3 years
everyones always like "arthur finding out he doesn't know very much about merlins backstory" and i appreciate the angst potential BUT WHAT IF i present to you "merlin being surprised about how many small, seemingly insignificant things arthur does know about him"
like just a passing comment about how " i know you hate the smell of wine, but could you not make that stupid face during dinner with father?" or "so what insult were you thinking of today, regarding (insert noble)?" and merlins like "??" and arthur tells him how he flares his nostrils when holding back a particular insult in public.
or. how about, on merlin's 3rd year in camelot, arthur asks a maid to bring to bowls of a particular stew to his chambers for lunch on merlins birthday, bc "i know thats what you and hunith always did in ealdor. you told us, remember? while we were there?"
or even the way the way he points out flowers that are an obnoxious shade of orange while theyre out riding/hunting just to annoy merlin bc he knows merlin doesn't like the colour. "i saw the stupid face you made at the sight of lady (whatever)'s dress, it was hard to miss, really."
or also just. the way arthur sometimes leaves some reports until late at night to do, bc "i know you always leave polishing my sword and armour for the end of the night, and i want to make sure you do it properly."
and all of these things just suddenly fitting together in merlins mind and he's like. wait.
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afrival · 4 years
random rusame headcanons plz 🤧 space gays space gays
Anon I don’t think you understand how much I absolutely LOVE you rn. These are all gonna be pure fluff and crack, GOD IM SO HAPPY SOMEONE ASKED FOR THESE
no warnings!!!
- America’s accent will get more southern sounding depending on who he’s talking to or if he’s tired/drunk. When he talks to England it automatically gets more southern but he exaggerates it to piss Arthur off. IT ALSO gets southern w/ Russia but Ivan thinks it’s endearing ❤️
- It’s a common occurrence for Alfred to catch Ivan jamming out to Miss Baltimore Crabs despite claiming to hate Hairspray
- Alfred took Ivan hunting once typical like south style and it went TERRIBLY
- Ivan really likes early 2010s American music but refuses to admit it bc he knows it’s one of Alfreds favorite time periods of music
- Another common occurrence i’m the car is a song will come on in e car and the lyrics will say one or two things that he can relate to and Alfred goes “LMAO bruh it’s us during *insert some year*” or “me when you *insert some mega specific event*” and ivan just 😐🙄😬🙃
- The first time Alfred forced Ivan to listen to Rasputin was one of the hardest times Alfred ever laughed
- They take a lot of showers together
- Russias weak ass skin needs extra TLC when it comes to sunscreen. Once he got so sunburnt that Alfred was able to peel most of his back and absolutely bullied the fuck out of him for it the whole time
- They watch shitty reality tv and tlc together. They love to quote iconic lines from Hoarders, 1000 Pound Sisters, etc
- Ivan doesn’t get weirded out by mundane shit but frequently Alfred will bring a bug up to him and Ivan always flinches and goes “EUGHhHhHdhf”. Alfred is the only one who knows this
- Alfred dragged Ivan to every goddamn marvel/DC movie release date. Ivan knows the lore of the entire goddamn MCU because of this. He doesn’t really like them but he knows Alfred LOOVES the so he endorses it bc he likes seeing Al happy. (they both really enjoyed deadpool)
- Ivan lowkey likes country music and it’s all Alfred’s fault
- They generally just make a lot of fun and tease each other a lot, that’s like their love language 🥰
- Rusame loves hugs. they hate initiating them
- They are the mfs who are somehow always touching without realizing it
- They play footsies during meetings but it always leads to one of them kicking the other and everybody hearing it
- They also get into intense thumb was battles in the middle of meetings
- They both know morse code so they use that a lot to say sweet things rather than using their words
- Ivan is more laid back than Al but he will do shit to embarrass him. Like yell something humiliating in public, say that Al is like 14 years old, etc
- They have really long introspective conversations about politics, philosophy, history, etc bc they’re both nerds
- They both absolutely loooove space and are honestly genuinely VERY smart. Like they probably helped their respective space programs and now talk about everything they learned and shit
- Al is like the only person Ivan can get soft with
- They both get nightmares and that’s when they cuddle most :,)
- DOUBLE DATES WITH FRUK ARE ALWAYS SO CHAOTIC. It’s literally just Francis and Ivan standing there while Alfred and Arthur argue like the dumbfuck brothers they are
- They are both really good at cooking and they exchange recipes a lot. Ivan’s favorite meal that Al makes is a Philly Cheese Steak HEHFJFJTJ And Al really likes Solyanka and Pirozhkis
- ALFRED KNOWS RUSSIAN LMAO he learned it during the cold war 🙂 actually I hc that this man is fluent in a LOT of languages (since America has a lot of languages spoken here) including spanish, russian, french, some german, and latin bc Arthur forced him to learn when he was a kid
- They both really adore and appreciate each others country’s cultures
- Alfred takes Ivan to see the ball drop in New York almost EVERY year
- Alfred actually gets along really well with Ivan’s sisters and Ivan really really appreciates it
okay i have to stop but i have so many more of these. i have a lot for fruk and cucan and gerita too so HDHFHF plz request
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hi I'm back again. Anyways; as always you don't have to answer if you don't wish! How do you think the residents would react to a young Pureblood MC? (I'm talking about young like a minor.) With that Gen Z in a nutshell personality. Obviously no romantic feelings, just in your opinion how do you think they'd react? all of my questions are just "coincidentally" oddly specific aren't they, totally
Oh shit whaddup I love the idea of Gen Z MC!!! Young pureblood it is, here we go! I’m going to be moving from the assumption that they’re like Comte/Leo; very sympathetic to humanity and sometimes have existential crises (trauma babeyyyyyyyyy). As such, I’ll also be assuming she’s not super close to her family given she rejects the larger vampiric hierarchy/superiority paradigm, memes and modernity, all that jazz
I hope this fits the bill! c:
Under a cut bc is a lonnnnnnng boi~ Click after Napo to see everyone else’s! No explicit triggers that I’m aware of, but if anybody sees anything I missed feel free to let me know
Comte’s reaction:
Absolute baby, he has decided this is his grandchild--no he will not change his mind or take constructive criticism. Get’s ESPECIALLY concerned when he starts to see signs of that “nothing in life matters 😎” nihilism, but doesn’t pester them about it or becomes naggy. Growing up he had similar issues with the prospect of eternal life surrounded by creatures with a mortal lifespan, so he doesn’t judge. He’s more like nah we all hit that vibe, let’s see if we can get their mind off it c: I feel like Gen Z really understand and appreciate the importance of culture and art, so I feel like they would bond a ton over trips to museums/plays/concerts! Invites them to tea time if he ever sees them particularly silent (ah yes, repression) or particularly tired, and does his best to ensure their safety without being intrusive (has briefed the men to escort/accompany her as needed, though Sebas usually does it).
If he sees fangs out around baby he will thrash the shit out of the perpetrator--unless it’s an accident. No excuses. That’s a child. Doesn’t give a FUCK if they’re another pureblood even with all the arranged marriage bullshit. He said what he said. (Remember that biting between vampires or vampire + human relations is considered something that’s only done between intimate partners, so he is having none of that for a minor)
Leonardo’s reaction:
Also certified granddad, but he’s the one that enables shenanigans and is just like “oh worm” when it comes to the existential dread (it’s a Tuesday). At first though Leo is basically that meme like: (Stupidman = Leo, Maddie = MC)
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Not all purebloods are necessarily dangerous, but most are either incredibly indifferent to the plight of others (especially humans) or actively range from like playing social mind games to being sociopathic murderers/etc. the list goes on. As such, Leonardo is suspicious to no end until he sees that the kid really doesn’t have any ill will in her. She jokes with Sebas (they quote vines on the daily) and works with him normally; even when Leo asks Sebas he’s just “????? bro she’s just my kouhai, thanks for worrying tho”. One day he’s tasked with escorting her to grab groceries and assorted things for the mansion, and she freezes in place before bolting across the street. Turns out she saw a kid trip in the road and fall, and a carriage was moving fast from the other side--it likely wasn’t going to be able to stop. She scoops up the kid and holds them close, and when the parents try to thank her profusely she just seems more uncomfortable with the praise than triumphant. She didn’t want the kid to get hurt. If she could do something about it, it was as simple as that.
From that point on they’re hella chill and hang out together, usually just bonding in silence. If they’re an artist, he’ll offer them pointers and technique manuals--will help however he can. If not, they’ll just be reading together in the library now and again. If she falls asleep, he’ll tuck her in and watch over her (cue red eye meme when the door opens, but then it’s just Vincent so he c:). He’ll often pay close attention to her eating habits to make sure nothing’s amiss with her health since she’s still a growing pureblood. If she struggles with what she is a lot (given she’s sympathetic to human beings) he’ll synchronize his Rouge drinking with hers to make sure she doesn’t starve herself ;-;. Even if she’s just forgetful about drinking/eating, he’ll do what he can to make her life easier (that’s how he shows his affection uwu)
He will, of course, also tease her about being a baby until she kicks him in the shin while Comte sighs and tells him to knock it off with a smack upside the head
Napoleon’s reaction:
Not granddad energy, but you better believe he’s in a weird territory between sheer admiration and “I am your older brother now, eat your vegetables” “But I don’t even need vegetables” “Eat your vegetables and I’ll take you to a crepe shop” “............deal” 
Basically it’s unlikely MC is super close to her siblings or even has any (pureblood children are a rare feat) so she’s like......wary, but then she just ???? this is.....kinda nice? Just having somebody that cares in a chill way, but still fully encourages her to throw men across the street if they’re hurting women/children (high fives her every time). He’ll often invite her to the swordplay lessons with the kids alongside Isaac’s teaching; she’s free to join in the learning, or honestly just hang out with people closer to her age (he’s v concerned about her having friends that she can relate to and talk to freely). 
Protective in a subtle way, like Leonardo. Escorts her places and helps her carry groceries without fail when Sebas is running other errands. She becomes his crepe shop cover buddy whenever he has an intense hankering for sweets: “wanna go to that crepe shop around the corner” “you’re just too chicken to go alone, fool” “do you want crepes or not nunuche” “............BOKBOKBOK” “aight that’s it **gives her a noogie**” (they go anyway and have a marvelous time rating the crepes from best to worst, they got a whole list goin’) 
Glares Arthur down if he so much as LOOKS in her direction
Mozart’s reaction:
Mozart is just the “what is with this sassy, lost child?” meme. Doesn’t dislike them, but they are just not remotely threatened by his haughty disdain by any extension. And he HATES IT. The MC is always just “Okay, boomer” and he just ?????? He doesn’t know what it means but it’s openly dismissive, so he mad.
Like idk if y’all know this meme, but it’s the same energy as:
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It’s only when he notices she’s always punctual and careful with his requests that he starts to warm up. For example, she makes him a mocha by combining the way he likes his coffee and hot cocoa to perfection when he falls asleep at his piano. (She feels bad for him after Comte explains because--though he’s got a stick up his butt--he’s clearly distressed in his new surroundings ;-; Plus, the kind of perfectionism Mozart exudes is an extension of internalized shame, and when she begins to see that she really shifts her approach.) As such, he begins to soften to her presence. He begins to see that she isn’t indifferent to his existence, it’s more that she sees no need for intimidation and believes admiration is earned (basic respect isn’t a privilege, it’s a right). When he figures that out, he stops being so barbed and terse--starts to relax. Offers to let her stay and listen to his pieces if she wants, and she’s honestly touched given his clear struggle with vulnerability. Cuddles with Schelm at the window as he plays, and they become good friends. 
As a result, Mozart becomes fiercely protective despite her sturdier nature as a pureblood and has hissed venom at Arthur about the fact that she is off fucking limits. Doesn’t leave her alone in the same room as the other men unless it’s with Jeanne or Comte; he don’t trust like that.
Arthur’s reaction:
Sweating a lot at the sudden collection of baleful eyes sticking to his back everywhere he goes, but figures he brought it on himself to an extent. That being said, he can’t really get a word in edgewise given she just walks away when he tries to engage in conversation or compliment her.
Tough nut to crack this one, but he doesn’t let it discourage him. The only way she’ll give him the time of day is to play chess--and she kicks his ass soundly every single time. He’s fascinated by her extensive analytic ability, but she keeps silent about her strategies and thinking. Dazai and Theo always love to watch him get his ass handed to him, but he considers it a really interesting experience; it gives him insight into her mind, no matter how much she tries to hide. Patient, efficient, brutal--this kid has seen some shit, probably.
It’s after that point he just concedes she probably won’t let him in, though it doesn’t diminish his curiosity about the future; and perhaps traces of dread. What does the future look like for both her and Sebastian to be that stoic and aloof? It worries him...
Vincent’s reaction:
Vincent is v v impressed by her sense of self, and honestly sees a lot of Theo in her. She’s a little more reticent than Theo, but she has this same commitment to protecting the vulnerable and penetrating through the lies/shitty convictions of others. She is not a person who bends easily, but even so there’s a quiet kind of gentleness to her: she always chats to him v calmly, asks if he needs anything and is doing okay, doesn’t get impatient when he drops things or forgets his apron for the laundry. I think he would respond very positively to her presence, even if it wasn’t intentional. He just brightens up like a little sun and asks her out to picnics for fun; he has no greater intention than enjoying her smile and silly antics (he doesn’t always understand the references, but the way she executes it with so much dry wit--like Theo--makes him laugh). He just feels the warmth of family/familiarity around her ;~;
Ironically, they’re both exceedingly concerned for the other because they’re too self-sacrificing jkashlgdks like this is 100% a case of “I can’t let a young lady risk getting hurt” “Vincent I’m literally indestructible please just let me do this” “But it still hurts” “But I don’t want you to scar--” (This conversation extends so long that the author felt it would be more beneficial to add an etc. here). 
He admires her and trusts in her abilities more due to the nature of her maturity, treats her like a cherished friend and sometimes younger sibling (not condescending but very indulgent; gives her the last of his sweets for example, or pats her on the head when she’s feeling gloomy--more of a wholesome puts her first). But make no mistake, he will throw hands in milliseconds if she gets ganged up on or can’t handle a threat--he just lets her handle most things bc she’s capable~
Isaac’s reaction:
Torn. Because on the one hand, she’s very serious and conscientious about her work--doesn’t want to inconvenience or trouble anyone--and he relates to that heavy.
She’s also got insanely chaotic energy when the mood strikes, so when Dazai starts doing his random shitfuckery you better believe MC is upping the ante. (I’m talking AH. ENSLAVED MOISTURE. levels). So Isaac essentially oscillates between thankful for her fortitude to bashing his head against a table for every second he knows her.
In all seriousness though, I would see Isaac as being pretty concerned. Like Vincent, they’re both self-sacrificing to a fault--and he doesn’t want that for her, especially given how young she is. Often tells her not to overdo it or to ask for help if she looks overwhelmed, though it’s not condemning; he says it softly with a neutral look on his face. (He considers it a Certified Mood^TM). He just wants to give back all the care she puts into helping around the house. He doesn’t feel right watching a kid work so hard without reminding her that she should find time to have fun and live for herself too. There will be plenty of time when she’s older to get serious.
He has a fairly easy time interacting with her because of his experience with kids; he takes her seriously (when she’s not clowning) and treats her autonomy with respect. If anything, she’s probably the protective one. She knows he’s an aberrant so she pays laser attention to when he’s suffering and brings him Rouge (not scared because she’s stronger than him and not human lmao, and she sees no need to put Sebastian at risk). When that uni pres pesters him, she goes cold and angry and asks the man to step off when she sees him start to downspiral. They’re essentially on equal footing (he has more life experience, she has more bodily strength/confidence). They're just chill and kind with each other (babies of the mansion, beloved by all).
Theodorus' reaction:
Because he is a manchild, he will be chill/generally indifferent until Vincent starts being indulgent with her (bro-con). He won't be violent or anything like that, but he will pout a storm and try to verbally shoo her away. Because she's a woman, intelligent, and likely a feminist--this will become hilarious because she will not remotely take him seriously. She will just ignore him or roast him in seconds before moving on with her day. Otherwise he doesn't care much because he doesn't have time to play babysitter (unless there's no one else to help).
At the most, he'll make sure she's safe and use the excuse that Vincent would be upset if he did anything less. If she likes/loves dogs and plays with King while she's there, he'll soften up and thank her for taking care of him. If she makes hella pancakes, he'll be the proudest about it--ruffling her hair. If she protects Vincent in any capacity, he'll be torn between jealous, grateful and impressed; he likes a kid that can hold their own and take responsibility within their abilities.
So their relationship is v much like a chill uncle with their niece; fond, but not necessarily super close or spend a ton of time together. He has his priorities, but he won't be an asshat (mostly).
Jeanne's reaction:
Jeanne is confused on so many levels. He doesn't dislike her spunk he's just staggered by her level of sheer reckless, righteous rage. (And he's a bit wary in the face of another pureblood as a potential enemy) but after a bit more time around her he relaxes. She's fairly simple to understand when you get to know her; cares about others to a fault, existential dread, overworks herself. Stays watchful, but he just treats her like the younger kids that Napoleon brings by the weapons shop when they need armor for practice. It can get a little funny because he’ll just be like “uhhhh uh kids like sweet stuff right? Here have some of the macaroons somebody brought by earlier, I don’t like ‘em that much anyway.” And she just “??? Thanks???” He doesn’t mind being around her, just doesn’t really know what to say so they often fall into comfortable silence after exchanging small talk. She likes that he isn’t complicated; what you see is what you get with Jeanne. It’s nice not to have to keep her guard up every second of the day,
When he sees her feeling particularly down, he’ll take her to that little field of white lilies behind the mansion during a full moon night. The silver light seems to make the petals emit an ethereal glow, and she makes him a flower crown in thanks. He listens kindly if she wants to talk, and if she doesn’t--that’s okay too; he’ll just give her a head pat.
Honestly he finds a lot of relief in the fact that she's a pureblood, because he feels less nervous about her being fragile or her getting fatally hurt when he’s not around. Will still be very gentle with her and protect her when she’s in proximity
Mission Status: Fucking Wholesome
Dazai’s reaction:
Big brother time? It’s big brother time!!!! He instantly makes it his subtle mission to look after her, though he’s v lowkey abt it. She takes one look at this depressed mofo climbing in through the window and just goes “aw yeah, this guy FUCKS” and they become besties at a glance. They basically make a game out of who can be the most absurd whenever they’re in the same room. Comte and Leo find it utterly hilarious, Napoleon is digging a grave for Isaac in the backyard (we all know his heart won’t be able to take it. Mozart is probably next. A moment of silence for our fallen.)
I just imagine them like that one post (@/acoolguy):
Dazai: You ever have to shake your leg because there’s a rock in it? MC: That’s your bones Dazai: Every day I learn some more
He’ll always share treats with her and brings her along for walks if she’s feeling wanderlust; he knows how hard it can be, how restless the heart becomes so far from home. He does his best to distract her with their ongoing jokes, but one day it starts raining very suddenly while they’re out. He rushes her under the nearest tree with broad, broad leaves and settles his haori/overcoat over her head. He looks incredibly serious as he looks to the sky--almost glowering at the dark clouds gathering, He doesn’t look at all like his usual fun-loving self in that split second, even though he’s back to his good-natured chirping “Guess we’ll just have to wait out the downpour. MC, are you cold? I should have been more careful.” She shakes her head and shares the coat with him, holding it out insistently until he relents. Their hands brush and she notices they’re freezing, but she doesn’t say anything. She seems to sense he has a lot on his mind, and leans her shoulder against his. The silence feels fragile; she doesn’t want to risk shattering it--shattering him. It is often said that it is an act of great courage to wipe away someone’s tears. But it can also be an act of great gentleness to turn away, to pretend one cannot see them fall (whether visible or not).
One day, after MC returns to her own time, Dazai returns to his room to find two shadows hanging from his window. Though a little crude--they’ve obviously been made by a beginner--it’s clear what they are. Rain ghosts. (Sebastian later explains it was MC’s wish that he have them, and Dazai only smiles very, very gently in response.)
Shakespeare’s reaction:
MC gets one look at him and knows something’s off. She can’t quite tell what it is, but he doesn’t feel like the rest of the family. She can sense something behind him, something lurking; but she can’t quite place it. (Comte has mentioned before that purebloods can sense each other, so I imagine MC knows right off the bat he isn’t a normal sired vampire--she just doesn’t know enough to identify exactly what it is.)
That being said, she is sus. He keeps talking like some kind of weird ass court jester/fae, and she hated his work when she had to do it for school (only enjoyed the Hamlet memes because, let’s be real, that shit is uproarious). When he tries to coax her to see Vlad with him, she says “'Sblood, do you think I am easier to be played on than a pipe? Call me what instrument you will, though you can fret me, yet you cannot play upon me.” And he just freezes in place before he starts laughing. Considers their battle of wills well-played, and warns her not to go out alone--doesn’t bother her again. Though sometimes enjoys listening to her conversations with others for good roast material. (No he is not taking notes, no this new chara is just fire and feral for no good reason--nothing to do with MC)
Sebastian’s reaction:
The l o r e, MC. Give him the forbidden pureblood lore. Will be incredibly curious and ask about what vampires are like outside of the mansion, for science of course. If he senses discomfort though his questions will die down completely--it’s not his intention to make her uncomfortable. He’s just curious! 
Despite his stoicism he’s actually a very, very understanding and warm person.  Will listen to any teenage jadedness or hopelessness with fond patience, recalling the days he was similar. He’ll offer what advice he can. He’s not one to be preachy, but if he sees someone at a loss, he’ll offer what he thinks might be a productive direction for them. Given her removal from her home and parents--even though she’s already well into high school--he’ll sympathize deeply with her position. Will be a firm but gentle guardian (hello Mansion Mom #2), offers her candy every time she does a chore exceptionally well or offers assistance without prompting. She’s sus and takes it reluctantly at first, but after she tries one in private secretly loves them. Sebas is just silently “you like krabby patties don’t you, squidward”. If she’s honest, she’s comforted by the sense of normalcy and care he gives, the harmless joking and easy respect for others (unless otherwise provoked).
When she finds out about his hobby considers him to be a Fucking Nerd^TM and wants to shove him into a locker, but in reality is endeared by how much he genuinely cares about the men. She thinks it’s a harmless fascination, and she senses the oddest...ephemerality about him. Because of this, she becomes pretty protective; he’s a human and he’s too nice for his own good. While she identifies in one sense, she worries in another. Pureblood are sturdy, but humans can’t necessarily sustain that kind of constant self-giving for long...
Also bc my tag game too strong adding it here: #i love the prospect of pureblood MC trying to bring Sebas and Napo together #MC: bruh i got this #Sebas, full of gay panic: wait, MC nO--
Meme tl;dr in the tags also for your enjoyment! I’m sorry this one took a little longer than most to finish!
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unholyplumpprincess · 4 years
Your Mark
For anon who asked:  what if reader gets the tattoos on their fingers right as BH leaves for the Games, and when they come back, the tatts are healed and they get really excited and spend a solid amount of time just holding reader's hands delicately and softly tracing the runes and notices one of their fingers not-so-subtly reads 'prey'?
You made it correct and horny so u get the Treat. Although no rune nor symbolism exists for ‘prey’ that would be in the nordic branch, HOWEVER I did improvise and added a lil treat that leans into their Paganism AND their breeding kink. Bone apple teet!
Reblogs > Likes. Must have your age (18+ only) in your bio before interaction or you will be blocked.
Fandom: Apex Legends
Relationship: Bloodhound/Reader
Warnings: R18+/NSFT, Reader is gn and ambiguous so no specified parts, however oral is performed on them, Bloodhound headcanons + their body mods mentioned ofc, tattooing your own body to mark yourself as Theirs, aaaand a bit of primal play/ d/s stuff! And an implied breeding kink bc it’s Hound.
Words: 1.3k
It was a surprise.  
You’d been excited—well, not excited for Bloodhound to leave your shared little home on Talos, no, but you’d been excited to be able to schedule the appointment with the tattoo artist. You’d done it under their nose, normally telling Bloodhound about things that excited you, it had been so painful to be so giddy and to see them curious. They had wrapped their arms around you the day before, kissing your forehead once you leant down for them to do so and questioned you with a soft, dimpled smile of, “My love, what has you so excitable recently? Do you wish for me to leave so badly?”  
It had been a tease, but you’d quickly yelped out, “Of course not! I just...have a surprise for you when you come home, that’s all, baby.” To which they’d raised their brows, curiously backing you up against the wall and crooned in your ear that they had ways of making you talk. Despite your flush, you were firm that you wanted to keep it a surprise, and they respected that with a playful pout to their expression.  
When they had left that morning, you had kissed them goodbye and let them rest your foreheads together. They murmured to themself before calling for Muninn to follow, whilst Arthur stayed behind with you and happily crooned. Because he knew he got to get babied while they were away for the month.  
~Rest under the cut~
The bot that had worked on your skin had done a beautiful job, and you’d been careful about the healing process. Diligently keeping moisturized and wrapping your hands up, although it was a touch difficult when it came time to harvest the vegetables and fruits outside in the garden. Your little  two-story  cottage in the middle of the woods was always such a comfort with the bugs humming and Arthur’s familiar croaking overhead or nearby.  
At the end of the month, hiatus hits for the week. And your love you had seen participating in the bloody sport of the Apex games would return to you that day. You were excited, all healed up and taking the time to clean up around the house. Making sure that the stack of furs and quilts were returned to the bed so Bloodhound would not freeze at night. Your poor puppy, always so cold no matter how warm it was outside. But they weren’t a ‘poor puppy’ when they were sticking their cold fingers against your back at night.  
The first signal of their return is Muninn’s much softer croaking. Her voice lower and gentler as you see her land from the window on her perch on the porch. The season made the outside look beautiful in oranges and browns of Autumn’s return, and why you yourself had bundled into sweatpants and a comfortable, large black hoodie with the little Apex symbol over the left breast. Thieved from Hound’s closet.  
Your beloved comes dressed in civilian clothing through the path in the woods. Their fiery red, kinky tight curls pulled up into a ponytail to reveal the shaved underside of their head and their various ear piercings. A lower black face mask with white sharp teeth on the front like a demonic mouth and their red lensed, large circular glasses rest on their nose. They come bundled in a large jacket with a fur collar, tactical pants, gloves, and boots. Clearly trying to burrow under the neck of their jacket from the chilled air.  
When you step outside to greet them, you note the quicker pep in their step to reach you. They’re a bit shorter than you, something that always delighted you, even more so when they scoop you up by your waist and twirl you once in front of the door. “I have missed you greatly.” They practically croon out, allowing you to guide them inside where it would be much warmer.  
From there you let them settle in. Their boots and mask coming off, instantly seeking out a kiss from you that you grant, cupping their chilly cheeks with your warm hands and hearing them hum in appreciation. And as always, they reach up to gently grab your hand, turning their face to kiss your palm affectionately. Moving your hand so they could kiss your knuckles, only to pause.  
You can’t stop the big grin on your face as you announce, “Surprise!!! This is your surprise- I know it’s probably not like. You know, a gift or anything but uh- I wanted to get something that made me think of you.” Their eyes flicker up to you, this warm expression behind their red lenses. Bloodhound’s full lips quirk upwards, taking both your hands now to inspect the black inked tattoos across the backs of your hands. “I just thought it’d be...you know, uh, kind of romantic if I had your markings on me. All the time?”  
Bloodhound- you knew they were sappy in their heart, always so fond of affection- they can’t help but smile brightly now. Showing off their double canines as they look at each rune. You had been careful on your research. Strength on your thumbs, protection on your indexes, blessings on your middles as a quiet joke. But then on your ring fingers, you had Bloodhound’s eye, the symbol they used in the arena and as a symbol of marking you. But on your pinkies? You had an outline of a rabbit for prey, with a small rune in the center of each for Fertility.  
Those last two you finger their thumb brushing over the most. Quietly holding one of your hands and looking over the runes and how your fingers have matching stripes going above and below each knuckle. The artist did a wonderful job, you were very happy with the outcome.  
 “Are you tired, puppy? I know your trek must have been long, especially in the cold.” You murmur softly, raising your free hand to tuck a few loose curls behind their ear. The gesture makes Bloodhound’s eyes raise from your hand, their thumb smoothing over your pinky’s knuckle idly.  
“I am not any longer. Not when you have shown that you have permanently marked your body like this,” Bloodhound’s voice is lower, their eyes dropping to make a point of lifting your hand to kiss your ring and pinky knuckles. “How am I to keep myself from you now?”  
“Who said you had to?” You can’t help but reply with a breathy little laugh in your throat. Dizzy from how hungrily they look at you.   
“Is that an invitation, my love?”  
That’s how you end up in bed with them. Them stripped down to their pants, socks, and low-necked t-shirt, you completely undressed and your thighs on either side of their head. Your fingers rest in their curls, curling in at the roots to tug their head where you wanted their mouth most. They offer it to you without much fight, mindful of their sharp canines when they part their lips and take you in again and again and making you shake with your third orgasm.  
Bloodhound swallows and licks you through it with their split tongue, each dual drag and the bump of their piercings making you twitch and whimper. But every time you try to get up, their nails press into your thighs and their strong arms hold you right in place. This time when you try to pull yourself back up with soft whimpers of, “Please, please- I can’t- Hound, baby, it’s t-too much-” They pull their mouth from you, pressing hungry kisses to your inner thighs instead.  
“You are not done until I am done. Are you not my gift, beloved? My little prey to do with as I please?” Their voice is dangerous, their good eye, golden and bright looking up at you with their pupil blown wide and hungry. You sob out, spreading your legs further with a terrible tremble to your body and watch as that devilish mouth curls into a satisfied smirk. “Good. Stay still for me.”  
Before their mouth licks you up again, sealing their mouth back around you and making you keen in overstimulation.  
Perhaps they liked their surprise a little too much.  
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ai-katsuu · 4 years
Happy Valentine’s Day!
So @cookieek​ posted on the discord sever a cute set of prompts that I answered there so I’d like to do this as well! credits to @lamiahypnosia​ for making these <3
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 1. I actually wrote them to say I love you at the end of their story where Jack's curse is broken, but I changed it to some months after since I felt that was too soon. But I do have this clip where it's implied but they don't outright say it! - 
Jack rolled his eyes as she laughed. He took her hand and looked her directly in the eye, “Audrey, I love how different you are from me. I love how...we’re from two completely different backgrounds, how we first met and I sort of didn’t like you at first.” Audrey was about to say something before he held his free hand up and smiled in assurance, “I love how witty you are, how you never miss a chance to say something funny under your breath, even though no one hears it. How you care for Snow White and the rest of the F7 like family even though you just met them. How you understood me even though...you’ve never been in my shoes. This was more than enough to make me hopelessly attracted to you.” he said “I am so, so” he put emphasis on his words, “happy you’re still in my life. If I had to go through those woods again to save you, go through my curse again to meet you....I would happily do it all over again. 
 “You’re a true partner and…” he looked sideways and gave a sheepish smile, “I’m hoping we could become much, much, more than that.” 
 Audrey looked at him and instinctively laced her fingers with his, Jack was quick to reciprocate the action as their eyes locked with the other. “I would want that as well…” she mumbled. Jack mumbled something under his breath that Audrey didn’t quite hear, but it didn’t matter as he smiled soon after and leaned in forward.
2. First date, hmm probably somewhere on the outskirts of Fairy tale Island. Since they went on an adventure I'm sure just to diffuse any lingering awkwardness Audrey would want to go exploring since that's when they were most comfortable with each other. 
 3. Yup! They live in the White Palace with the other partners and while there are maids and staff, I'd say it's Jack who does most of the cleaning in their room since Audrey never,,,,really had a room to begin with 
 4. Jack oh god, he can't stand Audrey's lack of self-care and room maintenance. She never really understood why one needs to brush their hair everyday?? Or other hygiene stuff? Like if you're clothes are clean then why do you need to wash them? Jack is annoyed a lot by that. For Audrey it isn't really a pet peeve but it's the opposite, she doesn't understand why Jack is so consistent with several face masks and perfumes
5. Audrey probably? They're both mature in their own sense and immature at separate times, but Audrey seems like the one to pull them out of any trouble if there is anything suspicious going on (she has been on her toes since she was younger after all!) 
 6. Audrey too! She's been outside of Fairy Tale Island and had been to many countries. Since she wasn't a prince or princess, she's had tons of time of explore and do fun activities. Jack of course has his own idea of fun which she appreciates^^ 
 7. HERE WE GO      
Merlin and Snow - "They pretty tight." "I love how Jack was finally able to find love from another person!" 
 Pino and Gretel - "Judging from all the stories she told me before I met you guys, they look like they've been through a lot in just 8 months?" "You have no idea haha. Audrey's pretty fun to see outside of the workshop." 
 Noki and Goldie - "They're fine. Jack has stopped bothering me about making exquisite stuff for him so I appreciate that." "I find them pretty cute! I love exchanging Valentine's gift ideas with Jack! He's pretty good at them you know?" 
Kio and Peter Pan - "I love Audrey. She's pretty fun to play pranks on or work on them together. We both have had time to spend on the outside world so we make a lot of pop-culture references others don't get." "Jack and Audrey are probably the most photogenic couple I've had taken pictures of, but nothing compared Arthur and Gwen. Now those two look like they'd step out of a portrait" 
Hans and Briar - "Not gonna lie. I had a bit of trouble with Audrey when I first came to the White Palace, I always felt like she was judging me,,,well I was too but still. But we're all good now! I love it when we go on missions together!" "Jack was my best friend first but it's nice to talk her about him. Whenever she needs advice she comes to me so that's something I have pride on!"
Arthur and Gwen - "THE AMOUNT OF TIMES JACK HAS TAUNTED ME THAT I WAS THE LAST ONE TO BREAK MY CUR-" "I love them! They're very nice and sweet!"(edited)
 8. When Jack proposed to Audrey? It was through a big surpise and she had no idea it was coming bc SO many people were involved and he played it like a heist.
 9. ARTHUR WANTS TO VOMIT. Jack kept on taunting him that he was the second to break his curse and not Arthur and he made sure Arthur saw it. But discreetly of course and nothing too much. Mostly just light hand holding, hugs in the hallway, leaning on her shoulder. Overall they're moderate. 
10. Audrey hates getting jealous but she does. It's an internal thing and something she wants to get rid of. She trusts Jack with all her heart but she knows he could've gotten someone else as the richest prince in FT Island so that makes her a bit insecure. Jack on the other hand? No not really. The only time you see him jealous is when Frosts visits because Audrey told him prior that she didn't have a lot of people she was close to so Jack sort of felt special. So you can imagine he felt a little hurt when he found out he wasn't the only one who knew most of her feelings, secrets etc.
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coinofstone · 4 years
5x03 The Death Song of Uther Pendragon
Arthur went out to collect firewood while Merlin watched over the dying lady 🥺
They saved a woman from being burned at the stake for sorcery and she repays them with a super powerful magic artifact
"He's always like this at the anniversary of his coronation."
"I thought it was a cause for celebration?"
"It is, but it's also the anniversary of Uther's death."
I would like to refer everyone back to my 4x03 post where I point out that Uther was stabbed on Arthur's birthday, which is also the anniversary of his mother's death. Uther would've died a day or two later. So within the span of let's say, half a week, Arthur's got his birthday, his mother's death anniversary, his father's death anniversary, and his coronation. He needs a hug. It's gotta be the hardest week of the year for him, every year. Speaking from personal experience, I know I wouldn't be anywhere near as upright as Arthur is, for all his thousand yard staring.
It's a very nice sarcophagus but what is going on with Uther's left leg?
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No srsly wut is this
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Is it reeeeally swollen? Did he break his ankle in the fight or perhaps when he fell?
Ok I'll stop being mean
The ONE time Merlin knocks
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You think this was a sex thing? I think it might've been a sex thing.
Spirit!Uther, while traumatizing in his own right, still isn't as frightening as actual King Uther could be.
Oooof I have Things To Say™️ about this. The reason Arthur chooses to use the horn, to use magic, is because, "there isn't a day that goes by when I don't think of the thing I wish I'd said to him." But when he gets to speak to Uther, he doesn't actually get to say very much at all, because Uther immediately begins criticizing everything he's done as king. Arthur doesn't get what he sought at all, instead of an opportunity to tell his father any of the things he wished to say, he gets spoken to, harshly criticized. It's a major blow. And he says as much, when the single man tear spills over and he says "this can't be the last time I ever see you" - yes the line is foreshadowing Uther's haunting of Camelot but it's also signaling that Arthur's been traumatized; he went from having had his father mortally wounded in saving Arthur's own life, to having seen his father 3+ years into Arthur's rule as King of Camelot, and point blank being told Uther is disappointed in him. Not proud of him - actively un-proud. We don't really know what exactly Arthur wanted, if he'd hoped his father would've seen all the good his way of ruling had done and praised him, but I think it's pretty safe to assume that was on the wish list.
Be careful what you wish for indeed.
I AMUSE MYSELF. (I spent two hours figuring out how to create this please appreciate me)
Merlin's angry face when Arthur tells goin what Uther said is literally all of us.
I feel terrible for this but when Percival is leaving Gaius' chambers and he stops to look at the wall-torch, I immediately flash backed to Alice Troughton on commentary in S4 saying "Percival's a bit of a wuss isn't he?"
This is also awful but this episode kind of makes me miss the castle-centric contained episodes of S1
Never any guards around when you're being attacked by the ghost of your husband's dead dad, typical.
I understand Merlin bringing Guinevere to Gaius but putting her in Merlin's bed??????
The way Bradley and Colin both convincingly jumped when they turned around and found Gaius had snuck up right behind them kills me every time.
"Poetry". What he means to say there is, 'why didn't you just tell him we were fucking, since that would actually sound less gay'
So. Merlin took the ghost visibility potion but he can't see Utter knocking over barrels and shelves and things to trap in that store room.
Also why is there a pigeon in a windowless store room? Now I'm wondering why there aren't more birds randomly flying into the citadel, cuz they do have quite a lot of open windows... you'd think that might happen now and again.
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Ooooof I love a bamf husband coming through to deal with a shit-for-brains abusive father... ghost.
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^^actual canon scene
Was Tony shot entirely on green for this? That unearthly blue glow even in close ups where he doesn't look like he's on a green scene makes me wonder.
The 'horseplay' scene at the end was so full of sexual tension and d/s undertones that I literally do not want to say anything lest tumblr flag this post for content.
Commentary is Angel and Rupert. The two regulars who were in the least number of scenes in this ep. Since this post is already crazy long I'll keep this brief.
Aaaaand it's the first time either of them have seen this episode 😂 wow.
They've made 'horn' jokes and Rupert's gone full on tongue in cheek dad jokes.
They are also cracking jokes on Colin being all jacked up for S5 compared to previously when he was so skinny hehe... personally I ain't mad at him 😂
Fifteen minutes into the episode and Leon makes his first appearance
The little bottles and decor things in Gaius' chambers are part of a static set so they pretty much just sit there... Angel says that some of the contents have started to go moldy and they found maggots in one of them 🤢
They're talking about Gwen's new hair and while Angel is being really diplomatic, I get the impression she's as annoyed as I am by it. It literally doesn't match her own hair at all. But she also said some people saw her without the piece on and just said 'omg you cut your hair' so I guess 🤷‍♀️
The scene where Gwen is knocked out by a vase smashing her head - Angel says she was hit with the heavier bottom piece of it, which hurt more than she was expecting, and she wound up with a bump on her head from it.
Not a word about Colin picking up Angel 😢
They're talking about childhood pets and a beverage called lilt? Anyway Angel is really clever and Rupert's corny af but he's funny and I love them both.
Oh this is interesting: Rupert says he and the director talked about having Leon walking through the corridor hand in hand with the cook when he stumbles upon Merlin and Arthur's 'poetry lesson', but they weren't allowed to do that bc it would've been just a little bit too much, or a little too tongue in cheek. Which I'm taking to mean, would've accentuated the subtext of 'poetry' too much.
Angel and Rupert didn't know how they got Uther all glowy either, though Angel said it was probably lighting
Rupert says the line where Utter got caught off, what he was gonna say was "Merlin has ... been to the gym!" 😂😂😂😂😂
They really are great together doing these things
Rupert's story was the horse he had been riding all season had a foal, and nobody even knew she'd been pregnant. They just came out one morning and saw she'd given birth, and he got a call to inform him. That's kind of sweet. I wonder if he sent them some apples or something.
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dawniebb · 4 years
If it doesn’t spark joy, throw it away.- Marie Kondo
So now that @healing-winston-pratt and I have explained how we got rid of ¼ of Supernova, let me tell you that it doesn’t stop here because you don’t mess with the type As when something gets into their heads.
For background, you can use this post as a masterlist because we don’t have one yet: https://healing-winston-pratt.tumblr.com/post/624723862884696064/well-this-is-the-last-piece-of-our-marathon
This is our post-Supernova canon divergence :) which, btw, it’s the one we’ll use from now on to create our content (actually, @healing-winston-pratt  already used it for her birthday drawings and I just stood there playing dumb pretending I didn’t have anything to do with it jssjjs). So, if you see that Callum and Winston are suddenly alive in our content or you find some of the things established in this list it’s because...yeah :)
Sooooo @novadreamer95438 and @idkimbadwithusernamesandstuff you asked to be tagged if we uploaded more content about the canon divergence (Which we appreciate very much! thank you!) so here you go <3!
As mentioned before , Leroy starts living with his daughter Nova and Winston, in a house provided by the State (The Council hee hee).
Callum and Winston are (evidently) alive, but Genissa is dead.
Ace, Evander and Honey remain dead.
And this is where our canon continues uwu.
Leroy has to do community service for like...indefinite time :)
Winston, on the other hand, has two jobs. He works in an animal shelter, where he adopts a dog named Carnival bc wE CAN and also we want to quote this post :https://chiyuki-hiro.tumblr.com/post/621159663188180992/oh-no-a-head-canon  by @chiyuki-hiro (AFGSHFVDGB THAT HEADCANON IS G R E A T WE LOVE YOU) because we had come to an agreement that Winston would have an art therapy group for children but this addition is honestly so freaking wholesome :’))))))) <3
Nova has a temporary resignation from patrolling and starts going to therapy, where she is diagnosed with PTSD.
Nova also helps with the establishment of a new system, modifies the recruitment system and that stuff.
She’s not in the Team Sketch full time. Sometimes she’s in the offices, and at night she works with Callum.
And just like Narcissa, she digs her own grave :)
Thing is: Nova suggested that every time a new recruit arrived, the Council had DNA samples taken from them so they could check if they had any crime attached to them.
Now, by the end of Supernova in the canon universe we elected to ignore it is mentioned that Maggie sees Leroy staring at her in the distance, in a very suspicious way. Now, we don’t know about y’all, but we interpreted this as Leroy noticing Maggie looks like young Nova XD. So, this does happen in our canon, when Leroy is already out of prison.
By this time, DNA samples from Maggie and Nova have already been taken and uploaded to the system; and let’s say that Leroy gets very...concerned about the lookalike and decides to tell Winston, who confirms Maggie looks a lot like Nova X’DDD and so, they reach out to the Council to ask them to pls compare Maggie’s samples to Nova’s. U know, like angry mothers at the principal’s office :)
And so they do it just because they have nothing to lose.
And when the results arrive, everyone’s like: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r92hykpvZRw
SO MAYBE, TO DOUBLE-CHECK, they compare Maggie’s DNA to DNA found in the crime scene (from David and Tala or maybe baby Maggie herself) and the results are still the same :).
Then, Winston and Leroy have to tell Nova and she reacts in the worst way possible for reasons I’ll explain in a fic I’ll be uploading soon cause’ I wrote it MONTHS ago.
Maggie doesn’t react much better tbh :)
But after a while, since this is, like, the right thing to do, Maggie starts living with them , but changes her name to Margaret Artino until she feels part of the family and is comfortable living there.
Because at first, Nova and her don’t get along and Maggie claims she fucking hates this house even though she knows is better than living in the streets.
They basically have a very chaotic home during the adaptation period until the girls start tolerating each other :) and even then, they’re still very chaotic bc it’s Winston, Leroy, Nova and Maggie we’re talking about :) :) :)
Not long after Maggie starts living with her big sis, Simon and Hugh ask Nova to join a family vacation and bring Maggie w/her.
Maggie doesn’t want to go, so Leroy and Winston go to Nova all like “If your sister doesn’t go, then you’re not going either” and Nova fucking loses it so she ends up begging/forcing Maggie to go :)
They go to the beach in MATCHING OUTFITS bc Simon said so (LIKE IN THE WIZARDS OF WAVERLY PLACE MOVIE) :) they take a lot of embarrassing pictures and Nova and Adrian are forced to go in the banana boat with Max and Maggie.
They fall and Nova and Adrian are acting as if they were in the Titanic while Max and Maggie are having the time of their lives lmao
At some point, too, Maggie adopts a stray cat whom she names Tofu, and he fucking hates Carnival even though Carnival is the cutest thing :’)
Winston, Leroy, Nova and Maggie celebrate birthdays every year bc they’re trying to compensate years of trauma.
And for that same reason (compensating years of trauma), Nova and Maggie take their sweet time to move out.
Actually, Adrian meticulously plans the date when he’s gonna propose to Nova, so he asks her to move with him exactly a year before that.
They live in an apartment for that whole year, he proposes and they start planning the wedding uwu.
Nova and Adrian have a non-religious ceremony, and since they’re fucking extra, Nova gets married in a black dress and Adrian in a white tuxedo bc miss Artino wanted a dress the same color as her soul :)
Leroy walks Nova down the aisle.
Ruby is Nova’s Maid of Honor and Oscar is Adrian’s Best Man.
Max and Maggie have the rings.
Tamaya’s youngest son is the flower child.
Which, talking about Tamaya, she fucking hates Leroy and Nova bc, honestly, we would hate them too. Leroy fucked up her face and Nova was part of the terrorist attack lmao
SO, YOU CAN IMAGINE HOW CHAOTIC THAT WEDDING WAS, bc they had to avoid leaving Tamaya and Leroy alone at all costs :)
She hugged Nova so violently when congratulating her, that she left a bruise in her shoulder :)
Basically she was there just because she loves Adrian even though she doesn’t approve his decision to marry Nova
Nova and Maggie maintain a close relationship even after Nova marries Adrian. Maggie and Max are included in every family vacation after the honeymoon ofc.
Nova and Maggie get matching tattoos uwu
Nova has the Big Dipper and Maggie has the Little Dipper.
As for the others. The ones who...are no longer there :’)
  @healing-winston-pratt and I have this headcanon that Evander’s wife (we named her Sandra) was expecting a baby at the time of the battle. They had already chosen a first name (Arthur), so she used Evander as his middle name, as the baby didn’t get to meet his dad.
Arthur Evander Wade.
Winston finally gives Evander his DS back.
The Council, thanks to Nova’s suggestion once again, limited a specific area around Georgia’s spot and called it The Aisle of The Fallen.
Genissa, Honey and the victims of the attack to the Arena,  the lift of the city and the battle of the Cathedral are there.
 Evander, however, is resting in Georgia’s mausoleum, next to her, because we think  that mausoleum was constructed in the first place so all the members of the Council could rest together once they left, meaning that they’ll all be there at some point in time. Unfortunately, Evander was the first one to join Georgia despite being the youngest.
Ace is not in the cemetery.
Nova left his helmet in the cathedral, but asked for his body to be cremated.
When she was a child, David used to tell her stories about how Ace seemed to be really happy back in Italy; how he had revolutionary ideas and wanted prodigies to be free; how he used to be a good brother that helped him survive.
So, a few months after Leroy was released from prison, she, Leroy, Winston, Hugh, Simon, Max and Adrian went to Italy with her, to spread Ace’s ashes so he could find peace in the only place he was ever sane and happy.
Ace Anarchy rests in his cathedral.
But what was left of Alec James Artino rests in Italy. (I have a fic about this too)
Yes we’re crying as we write this
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echotovalley · 4 years
so because I’m taking a writing break but still super needy
I figured I would post this outline for a pokemon au that I’m never going to write. it’s basically notes from a conversation I had back in early 2018? Imagine my surprise going back now and realizing this might read much like Detective Pikachu - cubone is just my favorite pokemon
***before we get into anything please know that while I play pgo and I’ve learned LOTS of new pokemon, I’m still the most familiar and attached to the og 150 + 1. I also probably get a lot of canon pokemon rules and history wrong but my heart is in the right place
reblogs appreciated! | come talk at me about your thoughts or literally anything
premise: keith might not be a pokemon person
but pokemon are definitely a keith person
- for unknown reasons keith docks in cuba, he's kind of just been getting work and moving moving always moving because one place never works out for long. pokemon are everywhere but it's not his thing.
it never happened for him besides why would he make an animal be saddled with him? there's no stability there. and again, he's always moving. through so many different regions.
he doesn't have the heart to yank a sandshrew onto a barge across the atlantic or a charmander up the northeast coast of the US. he can barely take care of himself. and it's weird by now. to not have a pokemon by now. they were everywhere and so normalized.
they were part of everyday school curriculum and even in hospitals and rescue stations. which is another reason why he never stayed in one place very long because not having a pokemon didn't incite people to trust you.
bc even team rocket (team rocket still sounds so much better than team galra but team rocket is the galra) had pokemon that bonded and trusted them.
he gets a room and some horrible job on the coast and basically just gets by. tries not to cause trouble or get caught or encourage rattatas or a caterpie to follow him home because they could still smell half the lunch he didn't eat tucked in his bag
- i'm plotting by the seat of my pants but what really kick-started all of this was the thought of Keith finding a wounded cubone in the middle of the night.
it's too dark and raining to tell what animal or pokemon attacked it or if it was a person that fractured the skull he wore enough for a piece to break off along the jaw
the cubone sustained a mean looking scrape to its face and this is not what keith needs right now but he can tell the cubone's crying and kind of just accepted what's happened and it keeps pawing at the missing piece in the skull and keith may not actively interact with pokemon but he doesn't hate them and he still has a heart.
he's docked in cuba and his spanish just gets him by to get food and money and not anger anyone
he didn't think the barge's docking region through all of the way so he's got a cubone to help with rudimentary spanish that sucks on the best day but he's going to try and get the cubone help
he starts rushing through streets and people's yards because he could have swore the town had a gym he passed but in the dark and rain it takes him a full hour to find the gym.
- duh it's closed but he's at least going to bang on the doors and hopefully it's going to set off an alarm or something
the police will show up or someone will be able to take the cubone where it needs to go. his hand is numb from knocking as hard as he could before the door is whooshed open and someone is spitting rapid fire spanish like venom and he thinks he manages to get out that he can really only speak english and shoves the cunbone into their hands.
before he knows it, he's being yanked by his collar into the gym and down hallways and finally into the blinding lights of the pokemon center on sight.
there's more spanish and faces that look so similar that its clear it's a family that runs the gym.
- beep beep guess who's family owns and runs the gym
the pokecenter is actually a rehabilitation center founded and run by the McClain family for several generations
he gets questioned after the cubone is taken back behind the doors and it takes someone repeatedly snapping their fingers in front of his face to get him to come back to the conversation.
his name's keith, he's from the US, he just found the cubone - no he doesn't know if it has an owner, doesn't even know if it’s wild or if it has a nearby pack or how it got hurt or how long it’s been hurt.
but keith,
keith is his name and he can at least answer that.
he stays there over night and finds out that Marco is the one that answered the door. Veronica is the one to actually examine him because he looks like he's about to pass out.
their mother is the one to assure him the cubone would be fine - her daughter Rachel attends to injured pokemon and gets another son Luis to show Keith to a room in their house and keith passes out the second he stumbles to a bed.
- in the morning, when he goes to the bathroom and is in the middle of washing his hands, another son is banging on the door for Marco to get out of the bathroom and that's the first time he meets lance
when Keith yanks the door open he tells him to freaking stop because he's clearly not marco.
an older man, probably come to break up a fight, stops and blinks at keith before shouting over his shoulder about not remembering having or getting another kid (arthur "and who are you???" weasley style)
(our boy Lance has a minor panic about the cute random guy is his bathroom at 8 a.m.)
Keith gets shoved down at a table covered in food for breakfast and can't keep up he definitely has a headache and is ready to throw himself through a window when he's asked about his pokemon and if they need help too
he doesn't have pokeman and never has had one and isn't really interested and this family has centered their entire lives around it
- he sees the cubone again, in recovery and it paws a little at his hands in thanks
over the next few days, he stays with them and somehow gets roped into doing chores around the facility and given an assigned seat at their table for meals and he's just T H R O W N
they literally have an arbok taking a nap in a hammock in their backyard and a pod of seadras in an olympic pool in the gym just hanging out (doing little races between each other or chasing each other)
a vulpix he learns belongs to one of the McClain siblings (Rachel) sunbathes and sniffs at his feet while he’s working in the yard
and there's a persian destroying blinds in the living room window and a charizard in the kitchen
and some random small children he learns are marco's are throwing or shooting across the floor fridge magnets as a game with a magnemite
- begrudgingly on McClain’s part, keith’s assigned to Lance for being shown around the rehab center
lance takes him to the beach and out into the middle of the ocean on a boat
Keith: "this is where you feed me to a gryados"
Lance: "close"
and a freaking L A P RA S pops up out of the water and clicks at lance and makes little waves in his direction and they do a damn forehead touch he's crazy this is crazy
Keith: "YOU HAVE A LAPRAS???!!!!" - because even keith who doesn’t do pokemon knows what the heck a lapras is
Lance "I don't have a lapras. Nobody owns her. We just give her her room and protect or heal her when she needs it"
- the next few weeks see lance having to admit keith isn’t so bad and that just because he doesn’t have a pokemon, it doesn’t mean he actively dislikes them
the cubone is attached to keith - despite his bad attitude, lance says
this is the initial thought that kicked this off: keith asks if they have a 3D printer and once the cubone's injury is fully healed, he makes a mold for the missing piece and fits it in place
lance denies crying
"you've done one (1) good thing, kogane"
- then the real plot kicks in when the lapras is captured and taken from the beach by team rocket
lance blames keith because of the timing, because of keith's vague answers on where he's from, why he has no friends or family, no pokemon
insert painful, raw, yelled, "I TRUSTED YOU"
keith convinces him he's not part of team rocket and the main story starts where lance and keith leave to go after the lapras and return her to cuba.
- before they leave, rachel throws a pokeball at keith "i think your cubone might like this one"
and lance's eyes get huge because he knows what it is and then a pokemon is coming out of the pokeball
and it's a marowak
the cubone very carefully and slowly approaches her and the marowak just watches and waits. the cubone brushes its bone across the marowak's foot and then approaches and okay keith's eyes definitely water as he watches this marowak kind of take in the cubone.
(THE CRITICAL HIT COMES WHEN THE CUBONE EVENTUALLY EVOLVES. I like to think maybe through poke-magic the skull fixes itself when he evolves and the cubone hands the 3d mold back to keith and gets keith to put it on a chain safe for his skin to wear the 3d mold piece still)
- obv they get the lapras back,
they find out keith's mom was a double agent ofc for the team rocket faction that took the lapras
they meet hunk and pidge and allura and coran and romelle and others along the way to take down team rocket because what’s a pokemon au without the power of friendship
- keith and lance wait at the airport in cuba
it's for shiro, he had let keith travel because he saw that keith needed to find room to grow and find who he was
obviously keith is not 10. he and lance are 17.
anyways he rushes keith and pulls him into a big hug and tells keith how proud of him he is
the first thing lance tells shiro is about the time keith almost stepped on an exeggcute and how they chased him
or the time he almost sustained a skull fracture from a taurus and the time a seel thought keith was its mom
there was also that time with a magby-
keith being mildly terrified of the pokemon hanging around the McClain properties
Lance: "if you want to lay in the hammock just move him"
Keith: "just move him?! it's an arbok not a lap dog"
a nest of torchicks gets laid in the backyard and follows keith for two days after they hatch and lance laughs so hard he cries because keith can't shake them and he winds up tripping and they all jump on top of him
keith might not have been a pokemon person
but pokemon are definitely a keith person
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petersheart · 5 years
me again, i sent you the big long 2 part finn rant! i found you on tumblr bc on ao3 in you profile you had a tumblr (which i presume was an old username) but when i looked it up this acc came up! i think maybe the fic you're thinking of, and i could be wrong here, is "independent" but peakyblinders1919. i read that a while ago and it was the first fic i ever saw that tried to fill in finns plotholes. i also thought maybe he had dyslexia or smthn and i would SO LOVE to see the shelbys (part 1/2)
(part 2/2) teaching him to read. i also always think about how finn is an orphan and was pretty much only raised by pol and yet she doesn’t seem particularly close to him? you would think he would be like a child to her but michael comes along and she drops finn like hot shit. tbh it feels like everyone drops finn when michael comes along. & i see it alot around tumblr but loads of ppl say “finn was/is closest to arthur” (part 3) do ppl just presume that bc arthur is the oldest and finn is the baby or is there a scene i missed somewhere? bc yes i see that arthur is one of the few who show finn affection but he’d also the meanest imo what with finn not being able to breath without being told to shut up or fuck off. but don’t get me wrong i love the idea of finn being closest w/ arthur. thoughts? ❤️ (ps sorry for spamming, but u seem just as concerned about finn as me 😂)
noo dont say sorry, i love your messages a whole lot, and i appreciate getting to ramble on about this!! I got so excited when I saw you were back!
I also feel like I should clarify that all my opinions mainly come from what I read out of scenes, since we’ve seen very little of this stuff, and alot of this isn’t “facts” but just how i see it
I was actually just thinking about Finn and Pol today! In math class bc you know, it was boring
Theres a scene, very short, in s2ep5, (i think michaels just been arrested and Pol is LIVID) they’re having a family meeting, and she goes “This life is ALL BAD” and she walks over and grabs Finn’s arm, and he lets her drag him out of the meeting only asking “what are you doing aunt pol???” and she answers “just shut up and walk,” and that he does. And none of the siblings say anything? Just looks on? It’s one of the few times, after the first ep, we get a very clear show of Pol’s feelings about Finn. And it shows the respect the others have for her and her responsibility over Finn, since none of them argues with her. I really wish we could’ve gotten more of Finn’s reaction to the whole “Pol suddenly having a son” thing, and the fact that Michael so quickly got a better position than Finn, though I guess it was because Michael is older. and i know that they only have so much time and so many characters and a whole plot to tell but still, my heart aches for those family feels and i do totally agree with you on how it seems like everyone drops finn the second michael arrives, and it hurts my heart. I feel like even if they haven’t shown it too much, they have built up that kind of view that Pol stepped up and took care of Finn after their mother died? that we’re meant to assume that? maybe its just fanon, idk, i just really wish we got more of that. she barely reacted when she got told Finn had gotten shot in s5????? Like what?? I know that it was probably because he wasn’t in any danger but stilll! and once again; there’s much potential angst and fluff studying that relationship! 
Also for the other part, I think Arthur telling Finn to “fuck off” and stuff, is his own a little misguided way trying to protect him. Finn is his kid-brother, always will be, and especially in the first seasons none of the shelbys wants Finn, for his own best, to be in on all the “grown up” shit they do. Arthur, kind of like Polly I guess, wants Finn to stay out of things for as long as possible, and that means him “fucking off” in serious meetings or him staying out of it when shit hits the fan. Arthur is more open with his care than Tommy, but is also very a kind of “tough love” guy. The scene in s4ep2, when Finn gets to sit at the table, and Arthur grabs him and says “Little Bastard. Sending his fucking kid, Sergeant Major, to do men’s work.” The acting is so great, like that HURT and its right after they lost John,  and i feel like it says alot about Arthur’s relationship with Finn, and how he views his little brother as just that - little, and wants to spare him for the kinda life his older brothers have lived and still do live. 
I think Tommy’s way of protecting Finn is trying to make him more hardened, more of a man, and teaching him the right ways to do things, how to survive in this life they’ve made themselves, while Arthur is more on the “keep him out of it, keep him safe that way” side, at least at the start, and it’s a very interesting contradictory
ALSO the scene i mentioned over when finn gets to sit at the table, it hurts when you later watch the scene where finn admits that he isn’t john which i could go on and on about, and i think it must be quite heartbreaking for Arthur to see that just as much as he wanted to keep his little brother out of “the life,” Finn maybe didn’t actually want it either when he realised what it meant?? and still he was brought into it because honestly, it was bound to happen, they never couldve kept him out of it even if Arthur really wanted too and maybe thats me going a bit off my feelings and not something that clearly shows in the actual show of course s5 fucks all that over but, well
can they please give us more family scenes, i need to see some brotherly bonding or angst with finn, i mean come on
i could continue but this is getting so so long, but yeah, dont hesitate sending me more asks, i love talking about finn and worrying about this poor boyo
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noscorpsaladerive · 5 years
LRA Korea Write Up!!!  This is so freaking long and rambly and fangirly but here we go
So obviously spoiler alert, I’ll mark the appropriate parts with trigger warnings, and also I don’t speak any Korean so obviously I missed a lot of stuff
Okay so first off the theater and stage itself were pretty damn small especially in comparison to the 4000 seat Palais des Congrès in Paris but they def made that stage work for them.  The back of the stage was curved in and had steps going all the way around, a screen above the steps with projections, etc, and a couple of entrances for actors.  They had some minimal set pieces, but the coolest part was the like celestial pattern they had on these giant moving screens that they used for a curtain as well as for backdrops for some of the scenes.  Tbh the costumes weren’t like mind blowing like you could tell they didn’t have the biggest budget but they worked and none were so ugly or awful that it took me out of the story.
So the show starts in a similar way with Merlin and the Dragon, but it was really cool bc the part (i assume at least) where the Dragon mentions the king’s son Arthur pops up at the top of the steps!  As the knights are slowly appearing for the tournament and start fighting, Arthur actually sings part of Je me relève???  Which imo is brilliant???? Anyways it gets down to just Meleagant and as he goes up to try and pull Excalibur from the stone, he sings part of Un Nouveau Départ which is also brilliant????  This production did a great job of establishing and maintaining musical themes for characters and i was living for it.
Anyways Arthur does the thing and yay he’s king now but wait side note Han Jisang who played Arthur was SO FUCKING GOOD.  Like he captured Arthur’s transition from a boyish squire to a grown ass adult king so beautifully and wonderfully it was truly incredible.
Okay so now it’s Advienne que pourra time and holy fuck.  Holy f u c k.  Kang Hongseok was the perfect Meleagant.  I’d link it but I’m on mobile but you can see his Advienne que pourra in the King Arthur press call around the nine minute mark and he just fucking k i l l s it.  Also there were no sword dicks in the choreography so it’s automatically better.  And the projection1!!!  They had a sun up from the beginning bc the Dragon had appeared in the sun but it was still up for Meleagant but then during the bridge it’s eclipsed by the moon and it’s like ooooo symbolism for Meleagant’s feelings~~~
Side note i really really really loved the staging of this like so much of it made soooo much more sense than the french production and like I’m attached to the original because obvious reasons but that doesn’t mean it couldn’t‘ve been better.
The training scene with Gauvain was pretty similar as the original.  Merlin introduces the stag and the wolf again, and ngl the dude who plays the wolf has very nice abs so good for him for being motivated to work out like that lol.  Anyways i really liked the staging of Qui suis-je because Arthur still has his existential crisis but Merlin’s explanation of the Grail is less directed at him???  Like Arthur’s still on stage but he’s not listening and is working on training with Merlin’s brothers.  So it’s much less “I know you’re having a hard time but look at this shiny thing!” Than the french one.
They took out the Danse des guerriers battle dance number music but they did still have a dance battle!  At the top of the stairs they had Guenièvre and Léodagant being held prisoner by Méléagant and they showed Mélé like trying to be romantic ish with Guenièvre so establishing that connection was really nice. And Méléagant had a new song????  That was really short????? But i don’t think it matched any of the melodies of his other songs?????? I’m confused but intrigued.
Oooo what was really cool was how they did Arthur asking Meleagant to knight him.  Like in the french one it’s tense but i really felt the tension among the characters tonight it was sooo great oh my god.  But after Meleagant takes the sword, he sings a few lines of Advienne que pourra and then points the sword at Arthur’s neck and idk i just really liked it it was such a nice touch and maybe it was Hong Seok and the other actors reacting to him but there was a true sense of holy fuck no one knows what he’s gonna do next and Arthur had this look on his face like I’m prepared to die if this is my time and ugh i love them all so much ;alkdjfa;dk 
Okay next is Rêver l’impossible.  I liked our Guenièvre but I’d have to see her again to have a more detailed opinion of her lol.  I really loved this scene because one no pregnant handmaidens and two Arthur was being really cute and acting all in love with her and it was adorable and I love it.  Quelque chose de magique was more of the same like Han Jisang fucking killed it as Arthur like he was such a dork in love and I loved it.  And towards the end of the scene Méléagant walks on stage and looks at Guenièvre and Arthur and so you know he knows he’s lost Guinevere.
Un Nouveau Départ was great because Kang Hongseok is great and I love him.  They did have the dancers do body rolls which i found very amusing for some reason idk why a;dlkfajd;lfksd Next was my one complaint about the show and it’s that there was no transition whatsoever between Un Nouveau Départ and Au diable but maybe they had Guenièvre do that lyrically???  Still some sort of musical interlude in between would’ve been nice.  I did l o v e how they did the water for her arrival like she stood at the top of the stairs and they had blue fabric covering all the steps then they pulled it down as she started to walk down and the screen was doing these cool star projections and it was just so pretty.
RAPE TW for this next paragraph
Next was A l’enfant and Tu vas le payer.  Nothing really changed story wise but our Leia was soooo good and was such a great dancer.  And I noticed the lady playing the role of child Morgane in the story had such great expressions and body language and tbh the same can be said for the entire ensemble they were amazing. Anyways our Morgane was really amazing too her expressions were also soooo great and I’m running out of adjectives bc it’s three am a;ldkfjad;l but anyways the way things go down for these two songs is about the same in the french but the staging is different obviously like instead of the party scene it’s mostly Morgane jamming out with the ensemble then they roll Arthur and Guenièvre in on rolling platforms and then Morgane waves her arms bc magic and she does the same movements as Guenièvre so it looks like she’s controlling her which I thought was a cool way to do that.  Afterwards Arthur is obviously very distraught but instead of Merlin being like “you have bigger problems your people are dying” Arthur runs off stage to (hopefully) process what just happened so i appreciate that there’s that moment instead of just rushing on to the next thing.
Next was Guenièvre’s garden and Lancelot’s arrival, which was really cute bc her handmaidens blindfold Kay and have him try to find one of them and he ends up in Lancelot’s arms ;aldkfjsdl;k. And the way Kay tries to protect Guinevere was so freaking cute he kept throwing his arms up to protect her and she kept pushing them down then his arms would pop back up it was so cute ;ladkjfadlk
Si je te promets goes down pretty much the same, but what’s interesting is afterwards Merlin shows up and is like hey your people are dying and that’s when they have Délivre-nous!  They also had ensemble member solos instead of just one singer which i thought worked really well.  And Arthur’s moving among them and he tries to reach out to help them as they fall dying and i just love the staging so much like from the very beginning with the dude who rushes in to tell Arthur Méléagant is holding Guenièvre and her father captive you can just tell Arthur is so concerned about caring for his people and i love him so much ;alkdjf;aldk 
After that song ends Arthur’s like hey we gotta fix this shit so he creates the round table then goes into Je me relève!!  Which was a lil creepy bc that’s the exact same idea i had in my own LRA rewrite and i was like fuck did they find my blog but it fucking works y’all!!!!  And they end Act I on that song and ugh it’s so beautiful i love it
Act II starts out with Dors Morgane dors but it’s not about her mother’s rape anymore, we think she’s talking about her plans for Lancelot, Guenièvre, and Arthur but that is to be confirmed.  They then show ARthur and Lancelot kicking ass and taking names which i liked that it showed Lancelot had buddies besides just crushing on Guinevere lol
Next was A nos vœux sacrés which holy shit y’all.  Holy shit.  Both actors are so freaking good and they both hit high notes at the end of the song and i died and went straight to heaven it was sooooo amazing ;alkdjfa;ldskjfas;d also they did not paint Méléagant up like a war boy they had this like branch like mask thing??? It looked really cool omg
Next Lancelot and Guinevere had a short scene that led into L’amour quel idiot and i loved this staging so much!!!! Like instead of having him sing at their faces after the wedding he’s downstage singing and longing for Guinevere while she and Arthur are standing at the top of the steps getting ready for the wedding and i just love it so much y’all
The wedding scene didn’t have a song but Morgane sung Ce que la vie a fait de moi afterwards and holy fuck y’all i freaking died and went to heaven every time this Morgane hit a high note she was soooooo good y’all.  So fucking good.
I don’t really remember much about le Serment d’Arthur prob bc i know they changed things but language barrier so I’m not 100% sure how it changed rip
Faire comme si was good but I’m so attached to the french staging of that song i still miss it ;alkdfjsad; one thing that i really really loved and preferred in this one was Lancelot and Guinevere don’t really touch??  It’s just longing gazes and at one point they touch hands and Lancelot like freezes like oh fuck she’s touching me i can’t believe it but then Guinevere pulls her hand away and he just leaves his in the same spot for a second like he still can’t believe she touched his hand and ugh i loved it the lack of touching really upped the ante on the pining and it was sooo good a;ldfkjadfkl;
Next was another scene with Morgane and Méléagant where Méléagant starts out being all like you promised me!!! And then I *think* Morgane tells him something like be patient and explains her plan but once again Korean and changes so it’s mostly speculation
But y’all
They had Morgane and Méléagant sing Mon combat
Like w h a t
But also y e s
I’m glad they didn’t just leave the song the way it is in the French version bc it doesn’t work very well where it is in the French one???  So I’m so happy they moved things around and tried to make things work better
Next up Merlin peaces out and Arthur?????  Sings a slow reprise?????? Of Quelque chose de magique??????? No clue what he says in the lyrics but i thought it was an interesting melodic choice to bring back in the moment Arthur loses his mentor
So Guinevere gets kidnapped and Kay’s the one who actually realizes she’s gone and who took her but Arthur decides to go after her himself???  Then it switches to Lancelot who’s looking for the Grail and they kept the phrase Wake Up in English bless them but he doesn’t find Guinevere’s handkerchief until partway through the song and Niel (the kid playing Lancelot) was really great??? Like it was so much fun watching him as Lancelot ugh
I don’t remember why but Arthur then has a reprise of Si je te promets jury is still out on what he’s singing about but will keep you posted
Yoooo nos corps à la dérive man.  So. Good.  I’m so in love with Hong Seok’s Méléagant he’s so great and i just ;lakdjf;alkdjfd but the set was so cool they had like all these white ribbons???  That Guinevere was attached to??? Which sounds weird but it was like part spider web effect part almost shattered mirror effect????  That’s not explaining it well but it looked really cool and avant garde ish and there was a significantly fewer number of random creepy skeleton projections so i was here for it
Major difference tho Lancelot shows up ready to throw down except he gets his ass kicked and is seriously injured???  And Arthur shows up but he just listens at first so I think that’s when he really figures out what’s up between Lancelot and Guinevere but then Arthur steps in and kills Méléagant (who sings a reprise of Un Nouveau Départ before being carried off into the afterlife) (rip in peace).  Arthur then leaves Guinevere and Lancelot alone while the latter dies and they sing a really sad reprise of L’amour quel idiot :(((( my son dying meant that Il est temps got cut but like they added soo many reprises and things it makes sense that they’d have to cut at least one song but still sad :(
Next Arthur talks with Morgane and I’m not entirely sure what was happening but it seemed like she was having a breakdown because of what happened and what she did to Arthur and Vanessa said that he said something like “Don’t turn into our mother” or something like that but she breaks down and spirits herself away while she and Arthur sing a reprise of Dors Morgane dors
Then it’s Tout est joué and Merlin is standing on the back of the steps while Arthur is in front of the closed screen so it was nice to have that kind of physical barrier present on stage to further emphasize that Merlin’s not gonna be helpful bc he’s now separated from Arthur rip
Next up was Auprès d’un autre which involved a lot less yelling and shit then the French version and holy shit Han Jisang fucking killed it (again) he was sooo great but Arthur lets Guenièvre go partway through the song and so the show ends with him by himself holding up Excalibur
At curtain call they sang some of Je me relève (i think) again and it was cute esp bc at the end everyone was holding a dramatic pose except Han Jisang was just quietly bopping and jamming to the instrumental outro by himself so everyone is dead still except Arthur who was just bopping along it was so cute ;alkdjf;alskdjf
Anyways it was amazing and they seemed to make changes to make the story make more sense which bless them for doing it but i loved it so much and i need to see it like a million more times it was so good a;ldskfjas;ldkfjads;lkfjasd;k
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local-anon · 5 years
OC introduction
Will Barrett (rdr2)
Full Name: Will Barrett
Race: White
Class: Outlaw/ broke
Sexuality: Pan (but doesn't know it bc its the 1800s)
Age: 26
Physical Description
Gender: Male
Hair: Short, light brown
Height: 6’
Build: thicc but swole
Eyes: Hazel (depends on the day)
Scars: Scar round half his neck from nightfolk. Various gunshot grazes. once got stabbed in the hand during a drunken five finger fillet bet
Tattoos: Stick and poke sleeve on left arm.
Summary of their backstory.
An against the world attitude ever since he ran away from his parents' farm (too many kids they didn’t even notice) Worlds been throwing shit at him ever since. gains overconfidence because he somehow hasn't died yet 
“My best skill is surviving because I haven’t died yet so clearly I’m immortal” Takes it upon himself to make everyone smile once in his presence even if they respond by hardcore insulting him.
Do they have any mental illnesses?
Ptsd definitely. prolly adhd bc he forgets shit like a mother fucker, will start 15 chores and not finish any of them.
“Shit probably but who cares about that when people are shooting at you lmao”
How do they cope?
He doesn’t. To the frustration of himself and the rest of camp
Do they have any medical conditions?
“I have this thing where my neck scar will suddenly start burning to the point of my legs collapsing but that’s probably nothing”
Is medicine/ treatment available for them?
Honestly it’s probably psychosomatic and in 1899 he isn't going to bother with it.
How much do they care about their outer appearance?
11/10 He will bathe twice a week and is always doing laundry. miss Grimshaw appreciates him the most because he washes clothes the best.
What’s their “beauty routine”?
Beard is in perfect condition, has added pomade and stimulant to make sure of it. Makes his own soap.
What do they fear the most?
Spiders, it's a hindrance when it comes to checking out caves and abandoned places.
Their biggest flaw?
“My existence?” His self-esteem, not knowing when to shut up.
Do they recognize it as a flaw?
He recognizes his entire being as a flaw so idk
What’s their zodiac sign or which one do you think they relate to the most?
Doesn't know his birthday exactly but I predict he’s a Libra Scorpio cusp with cancer rising and Leo moon. he has a Leo venus. Sagittarius Mars
What Harry Potter house would they be in?
“I’m a Gryffindor” he's a Hufflepuff
What natural alignment are they? (ex. Lawful Good, Chaotic Evil)
Neutral good. He really just wants to live good and let people live good.
Do they have any hobbies? What are they?
He loves gardening and is crushed every time the camp moves because he has to start all over again.
Do they have a favorite holiday? How do they celebrate it?
He once visited new york in the summer and saw fireworks on the 4th or july he was in love. It's his favorite holiday but he will light off fireworks whenever he gets his hands on them. “That's why I loved that mayors party”
What’s their favorite season?
Spring, seed sowing season lol
Do they have a temper or are they level headed?
He is mostly level headed unless you completely got him fucked up (insult his partner, his family, THREATEN his family?) he will shoot you after telling you all the ways you fucked up
Do they express their emotions freely or hide their true feelings?
Both?? He hides behind half truths most of the time. But very blunt if he doesnt like you.
Are they a leader or a follower?
He’s a good team player but not necessarily a follower. Will question you if you give weird not good orders (dutch almost dropped him twice)
How do they come off to others?
Blunt and overconfident, charming in his way that even if you’re mad you won't be for long.
What first impression do they usually make?
You either want to punch him or hug him.
Do they prefer to travel alone or with company?
He likes traveling with people he trusts, and he prefers it to being alone. He will banter with himself if left alone for too long. (Camp has gotten concerned for his mental status a few times)
Would you describe them as selfless or selfish?
He cares more about his family than he does about himself. But would steal candy from a kid bc he wants it.
What do they find most attractive in others?
He just really loves peoples personalities and if ur nice and treat him and his family well he will find you attractive (also he rlly likes muscles on people)
Do they flirt often?
Yes, aggressively, too much, in a dumb way
Do they fall in love easily?
“No” Yes
What’s their love life like?
“Amazing” Awful, at least it was until he joined the gang
Do they prefer to solve things diplomatically or using violence?
It really depends on the situation, he wants the least amount of innocent casualties. keyword innocent
What is their combat style?
“I have a shotgun for sticky situations, but my favorite are these metal knuckles i got from an old blacksmith friend, theyre bladed”
Do they sneak?
When the situation calls for it
What weapon(s) do they always carry with them?
Sawed off shotgun, Sighted rifles, bow & arrow (Charles made him one after a week of pestering)
Their most prized possession?
An old native American ring he was given after this old white drunk dude after sobbing about all the atrocities he's seen and passing out after handing him the ring saying he can't stand the weight anymore. Will dragged his passed out person into his tent and saved the ring as a reminder to try to help out everyone when he can
Favorite armor/ outfit?
Redshirt, black paisley vest, duster jacket over top.
How’s their aim?
“Its the fuckin best” It’s alright, not perfect all the time but still pretty good
Do their hands shake while aiming a bow?
It used to but Charles taught him how to keep steady
Their thoughts on killing to survive?
He does it because he has to but he’d really like it if people would just stop shooting at them
Does it take a toll on them?
Only when they were innocent and were just caught in the crossfire
Or do they shake it off rather easily?
“Fuck O’Driscolls
Thoughts on death if any? (ex. Fear it, accept it)
Is only afraid he’ll die in a stupid way
Do they scavenge for their supplies or simply buy them?
He’s good at looting houses and won't let things go to waste. Once stole an entire houses blankets because the girls were complaining about the chill drafting into their tents
Are they the type to get distracted and go off to an unknown nearby location or do they stay on track?
Ohhhh myyy goddddd. He was once riding from Valentine to Rhodes and stopped at every single herb he saw, even in the distance and was late bu a few hours than he meant to be back to camp.
How do they sleep?
“What is sleep?” He doesn’t, has to be dragged to bed or will pass out on his horse.
Are they picky about where and how or can they sleep basically anywhere?
Yes, he can’t sleep on the bare ground.
Are they a picky eater?
Not really just needs seasoning
Do they know how to cook?
Surprisingly yes, he taught Pearson how to use the sun to bake.
What’s their favorite beverage?
Rum, it gets him fucked up fast and tastes sweet.
Do they drink alcohol?
Anything they like to collect? (ex. Unique weapons)
He collects pressed flowers after Mary-Beth taught him how to do it. Arthur bought him a penny dreadful just for the purpose of pressing flowers because he got tired of Will sneaking off with his journal to do it.
Are they good at disarming traps or do they constantly miss them?
He nearly lost a leg to a bear trap.
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kingdomtual · 2 years
Hi Hope!!! Can I get 4, 19, & 23!
4: Do you collect albums? If so, which do you collect?: I only collect Kingdom in the sense that I have every version of album they have, but I technically buy albums of all the groups I love! I just pick and choose, bc some eras I'm not feeling, while other eras are everything. And technically I suppose I collect Oneus as well...bc I have all of their albums...but I don't have every version, so LOL my idea of collection is owning every version. So, yeah! Kingdom!
19: What's your favorite/funniest mistake an idol has made onstage?: ON STAGE?? hm. I'm not really sure...but I'll say one that I remember, I guess LOL I remember during Excalibur stages, there was a very early stage where Arthur missed the sword that was tossed to him that happens near the end of the choreo. He fumbled with it, but then continued on really well despite it, which to me was a huge moment of like...appreciation for this rookie group. That could have really startled Arthur and made it difficult to continue, but nothing stopped him! I thought it was really impressive. :)
23: What are your top 3 rookie groups?: Kep1er, Kingdom (they're still considered rookie, right? idk, they're like a year and a half in), and Tempest!
Thank you so much for asking, beloved! <333
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yvvaine · 7 years
I used to ship j0nerys until s7 happened then it all ended the moment jon says”I wish you good fourtune in the wars to come” like daaamm boi that was colder than the winter winds lol so after rewatching all of the seasons I got to s6 again&i was like wtf how did I miss jonsa then I checked out both tags&I was so intrigued by the depth of all the jonsa metas all the signs I missed in the show&books(good j0nerys metas are nonexistent)I have to be anon as I fear the J/D ignorance I will receive lol
The whole season was off tbh. I mean the intro b/w the two wasnt toooo bad (they couldve set it up friends to enemies to lovers trope) but everything after that was so go damn cringe worthy
and its little things like that!!! I mean they know how to do romance (and romance in a short time frame; Talisa and Robb anyone???) Plus, the only time that specific line is said like that in the show (theres between ned and arthur, mance and baratheon) is between two enemies (and one ends up dying by the hands of the other too) like how is that not forshadowing????? the fact that he always looks constipated around her, fidgity, wanting to BLATANLY gtfo, never opens up to her (though she tries to open up to him i guess? I see her crush on him, emilia’s eyes are very expressive that way, but d e f not both ways) no real smiles, bonding, jokes, talks, passion (boatfail lmao) a good first kiss, literally anything that makes a romance, well romantic
plus, personality wise, theyre not compatiable at ALL. as danys journey goes on, she’s slowly morphing into everything she never wanted to be. blinded by power (that isnt even hers for the taking). If she had a good heart why didnt she just go to help  w the night king (who is a direct threat to people she SAYS she wants to rule and has the best intent for) and deal with all the political stuff after? Cersei would still be there. When Jon had first arrived, she’d still have her alliances to go back to. Plus when he first came she hadnt gained any territory yet either. Why did she say shed only help if he agreed to her demand of subservience??? from a strictly strategical point of view, thats kinda dumb. its comeplely uneccasary from him to bend the knee for her to help. she wouldnt lose anything. in fact, if anything PR wise that wouldve been a great move for, to elimate the threat to literally everyones entire existance, claim victory in the name of westeros as the HERO of westeros, not the foreign conqoureror, and position her self as the champion of the people (compared to cersei) in the name of the people. making bending the knee a requirement for her to help was extremely unnecessary and in the end detrimental. I mean now she has nothing to go to the north in her favor for. If she went before that she’d be the benevalant queen coming to help their king bc she cared about people, and after they were triumphant he could bend the knee and i doubt anyone would complain too much once they saw that she went into the fight w/o ulterior motives etc
And anyways, how is a one sided, psuedo-subserviant relationship not toxic? How is that a relationship to look up to? What kind of role model relationship is that? a freaking bad one I dear say 
and yes, the lack of metas always astounded me, even when i shipped them. I mean liked them originally bc of all the “parallels” and stuff but the more i analyzed them, it became clear that they were f o i l s, not parrallels.
 I actually stumbled on jonsa by accident. As i slowly became to like Dany’s complex character not as an anti-hero figure, but as the “villian of the other side” or the accidental villian trope, it was around the time i was appreciating sansa more and more. She’s vastly underrated and underestimated both in the show and by fans outside of it, capable and smart. 
The thing that struck me most out of s7 was the spoils of war episode, which focused heavily, as a minor detail, on food. At first Daenerys was complaining that she had nothing to feed her extremely large army, that Cersei was already mobolizing all the food in the reach for her own favor. Then we have cersei bragging how she’s taking all the food, basically to fortify the capital and also making it so Dany wouldnt have any, that she could starve them out so to speak. Then we have Sansa, orginizing a way that she could insure the houses under her control had enough food for themselves, but also asking them to send a fair amount to her, so when things hit the fan, these houses and the pople of the north could flee to winterfell, the largest and strongest northern base, and they’d have enough food to feed everyone already living there plus the influx of refugees despite the extremely harsh winter approaching. Then of course, we have Dany’s feild of fire 2.0 where she first went after the soldiers, then deliberately targeting the food meant to feed the people of westeros during the winter (and the food she jsut complained about needing), then back to the soldiers. 
Out of all the potential queens, I made my choice there. 
Jonsa snuck up on me. I so much loved their relationship in s6, it was so beautiful, the bonding, the reunion, the support of one other. I liked that they argued over legitimate differences, before settling on a choice. I read a few jonsa metas then, and at that point i was pretty much okay with either option, but once s7 came i completly and fully jumped ship so to speak. I re analyzed my take on dany, my opinion on jon’s characterization, and reaffirmed my love for sansa. I read more jonsa metas and coupled with such a warm fandom that jonsa has (we can actually debate diff point of views respectfully for one, we support each other for two - kinda like jon and sansa’s relationship lmao) alas was hooked!
Im sorry for the fear of coming off anon :/ for a while I kept my mouth shut too, and when i finally went more public I got some similar treatment so I entirely understand
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