#when she’s persistent with it that means she’s trying to be affectionate
ajokeformur-ray · 2 years
I came downstairs after my shower and mum took one look at me, told me to “grab your hair shit”, brushed and braided my hair, handed me a pack of cookies from my snack box, and said “go curl up in bed and watch your sad clown, you’ve got work tomorrow and a look on your face I keep seeing and don't much like” and I’m just🥹🥹🥹is my stress THAT obvious?😂😂😂😂
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lecsainz · 8 months
summary: some cute moments if you were dating one of the characters from the riordanverse.
an: my inspiration is running low 😭
( my last work for riodanverse || go to main masterlist )
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Clarisse returned to her cabin after a day of training, only to find you cozily wrapped up in her oversized hoodie. The sight made her heart skip a beat. "Hey, that's my hoodie," she grinned, a playful glint in her eyes.
You looked up, a shy smile tugging at your lips. "I hope you don't mind. It's just so comfy."
Clarisse chuckled, walking over to you. "Nah, looks better on you anyway." She slid her arms around your waist, pulling you closer. "Besides, it's not like I mind sharing with my girl."
You blushed at the affectionate words, leaning into her embrace. "You're the best, Clarisse."
"Damn right, I am," she teased, leaning down to steal a quick kiss. "But you make my hoodie look even better. Maybe I should let you borrow it more often."
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Percy returned to his cabin, tired after a day of training and quests. As he entered, he noticed a familiar figure curled up on his bed. It took a moment for him to register, and when he did, a surprised smile crept onto his face.
"Y/N, what are you doing here?" he whispered, not wanting to wake you.
You stirred, blinking sleepily at him. "Hey, Percy. I...uh, might have dozed off waiting for you."
He chuckled, finding your presence more delightful than any surprise. "You're adorable when you're asleep, you know that?"
You blushed, sitting up and rubbing your eyes. "Sorry for intruding. I'll go back to my cabin."
Percy shook his head, moving closer. "No way. You're staying right here." He wrapped his arms around you, pulling you back onto the bed. "This is the best surprise ever. I wouldn't want to come back to an empty cabin anyway."
You snuggled into his embrace, feeling completely at ease. "I might have left a surprise for you too."
Percy raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "Oh? What's that?"
With a sly smile, you pulled out a small bag of blue cookies. "Blue chocolate chip cookies. A little something I whipped up for you."
Percy's eyes lit up, and he grabbed one eagerly. "I love you, you know that?"
Your cheeks turned a deeper shade of red, and Percy's laughter filled the room. He placed a gentle kiss on your blushing cheek.
"I love your cookies and you," he teased, his expression softening. "I mean it, Y/N."
Your heart fluttered at his words, and you replied with a shy smile, "I love you too, Percy."
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Leo couldn't help but grin as you fussed over a small scrape on his arm, your eyes filled with concern.
"Hey, Sunshine, what's with the worried face?" he asked, his eyes sparkling with amusement.
You sighed, "Leo, you need to take better care of yourself. You're always getting hurt."
"Ah, it's just a little scratch. I'm practically fireproof, babe," he teased.
You rolled your eyes, but your concern persisted. "Seriously, Leo, let me help. I don't want you getting hurt all the time."
Leo's expression softened as he looked into your eyes. "Alright, alright, Nurse Y/N, do your thing."
As you rummaged through a first aid kit, Leo couldn't help but admire how adorable you looked, completely absorbed in caring for him. The thought crossed his mind – he was the luckiest demigod in camp.
When you returned with antiseptic and a bandage, Leo flashed a sly smile. "Does this mean I get a kiss for being a good patient?"
You blushed, trying to hide a smile, and replied, "Leo Valdez, you're impossible."
He winked, "But you love it."
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As moonlight spilled across the camp, you emerged from your cabin, a sheepish expression on your face. Luke, who was sitting by the fire, noticed your arrival.
"Hey, couldn't sleep again?" he asked, sensing your restlessness.
You nodded, a slight blush coloring your cheeks. "Yeah, I thought... maybe I could sleep with you tonight? If that's okay."
Luke's eyes lit up, and he patted the space beside him. "Of course, come here."
You settled beside him, feeling the warmth of the fire and the comforting presence of Luke. As you nestled into his side, he wrapped an arm around you, pulling you close.
"Much better?" Luke inquired, his voice filled with tenderness.
You nodded, appreciating the security of his embrace. "Thanks for always being here, Luke."
He smiled down at you, planting a gentle kiss on your forehead. "Anytime, sweetheart. I love having you in my arms."
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You were quietly sketching in your notebook, capturing the essence of Annabeth's features with each stroke of your pencil. Lost in the moment, you didn't notice her approaching until she peeked over your shoulder.
"You drawing something interesting?" Annabeth inquired, a hint of curiosity in her eyes.
You looked up, a mischievous smile playing on your lips. "Maybe," you replied cryptically, revealing the sketch of Annabeth you had been working on.
Annabeth's eyes widened as she saw herself on paper. "You... you drew me?" she asked, a hint of surprise and shyness in her voice.
You looked up, a warm smile on your face. "Guilty as charged. Couldn't resist capturing your beauty on paper."
She blushed, clearly not accustomed to being the subject of someone's artistic attention. "I didn't know you could draw so well."
Leaning in, you pressed a gentle kiss to her cheek. "There's a lot you don't know about me, Wise Girl."
Her blush deepened, but she couldn't hide the small smile that played on her lips. "Well, keep drawing, then," she said, feigning nonchalance.
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You sat in front of your vanity, engrossed in the process of applying makeup. The soft hum of a song played in the background as you carefully blended shades on your eyelids. Unbeknownst to you, Jason lay comfortably on your bed, observing your every move.
"Wow, you really know what you're doing with that stuff," he remarked, a lighthearted smile playing on his lips.
You turned to see him lounging there, a teasing glint in his eyes. "I'm just experimenting. What do you think?"
Jason propped himself up on his elbows. "You don't need any of that to look amazing, you know?"
You felt a blush creep up on your cheeks at his sweet comment. "You're biased."
He chuckled, getting up and walking over to you. "Maybe a little, but you're beautiful with or without makeup."
With a gentle touch, he brushed a strand of hair behind your ear. The sincerity in his eyes made your heart flutter. "I'm the luckiest guy to have you," he whispered, leaning in for a soft kiss that lingered, leaving you with a warm and fuzzy feeling.
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goodlucktai · 2 months
the soft animal of your body (1/3)
rise of the tmnt daemon au word count: 4k title borrowed from 'wild geese' by mary oliver
this au is the brainchild of myself and my dearest meeks, @gibbouslunation on ao3, @mykimouser on tumblr. it's inspired by 'his dark materials' but we're playing fast and loose with canon so please dont take it too seriously <3
the daemons so far !
read on ao3
“Mikey,” a persistent voice says, “wake up!”
“Mmmmno,” he mumbles, rolling over. “Five more minutes.”
The mattress gives beneath him with a bounce and a furry body wriggles its way close, shoving a wet snout against Mikey’s cheek. He giggles despite himself and tries tugging the blanket over his head, but it’s caught carefully in a set of teeth, and a game of tug-o-war starts immediately. 
“I thought you wanted to make Raphie and Teddy’s favorites for breakfast this morning! If you sleep in there won’t be time!”
With a start, Mikey remembers the significance of the day and shoots upright. A second later, his arms are full of a very enthusiastic Border Collie. Helianthus is always excited to see him in the morning, like she didn’t just see him the night before. She’s always excited to see everyone, and Mikey both understands her and loves her with his whole entire soul. 
He gathers Sunflower’s head in both hands and kisses her firmly between the eyes. She holds as still as a statue until the deed is done and then explodes into action, licking his face like it’s the last thing she’ll ever do, entire body wagging from the force of her happy tail. 
Dodging her affections and untangling himself from the blanket, Mikey manages to climb out of bed. He’d wanted a hammock when he was little, but when Sunny settled, it didn’t make sense to have a bed that was so tricky for her to get into and out of. 
She was the first of all his siblings’ daemons to settle, even April’s. She knows exactly who she is, and always has. 
“Breakfast!” he reminds her.
“Oh, right!” she says, and shoots out of the room like an arrow. 
A startled squawk in the kitchen probably means Donnie and Terror are up already, which probably means they pulled an all-nighter. And if they’re awake, their twins definitely are.
Leo’s relationship with sleep is hot and cold on a good day, but there isn’t a force on earth that could persuade him to lay around in bed while his counterparts were getting into trouble somewhere without him. 
Sure enough, Mikey rounds the corner to find the four of them clustered around the kitchen table. Lucky perks up when she sees Mikey, and waves with one of her tiny paws, and he takes that as full permission to swoop in and steal her from Leo. 
Leo smiles into his coffee mug and lets his little daemon be the one who says, “Good morning, Angie!”
She rubs her face against Mikey’s cheek, as outwardly affectionate and sweet as Leo likes to pretend he isn’t. 
“Good morning, Lucky girl,” Mikey tells her, giving the ringtail an extra squeeze before letting her climb nimbly up his shoulder and perch on the lip of his carapace. 
With his daemon already smothered in love, Leo leans into Mikey’s hug immediately, none of that new reluctance they’re all trying to maneuver present in any inch of him. That’s how you game the system. 
(April was surprised by it when they first met. She was nine years old at the time, and absolutely fearless about following her new friends to their subterranean home. She greeted Splinter with the brisk, unbothered attitude of any native New Yorker and was an order of magnitude more impressed by Yumemi, who landed on August’s head in greeting as gently and prettily as a snowflake. 
Mikey had been pretty sure that nothing on earth had the power to surprise this girl. 
But less than an hour into her visit, Terror had gotten into trouble, as usual. She was scampering up the cabinets as a red-knee tarantula, because she’d made a bet with Lucky that she was just as fast climbing as she was flying. But when she was little, Terror tripped over her feet constantly no matter what form she was in, and eight legs was way more than she was used to keeping track of.
A panicked little squeak was their only warning when Terror slipped from the top of the cabinet, and maybe she would have thought to shift in time not to get hurt or maybe she would have kept scrambling to catch herself. It didn’t matter either way, because Raph reached out with both hands and caught her in the cup of them, safe and sound. 
April had sucked in a startled breath, but the twins and their daemons all chorused, “Thanks, Raphie!” as he stood on tiptoe to place Castor carefully back in the spot she’d slipped from. And the spider raced off again, lesson totally unlearned. 
“It’s okay, she won’t fall again,” Mikey had piped up, six years old and completely misunderstanding April’s reaction. “Terror is super clumsy but after their game she’ll probably turn back into something that flies!”
“It’s not that,” April said, looking between Raph and Mikey and Teddy and Sunflower like she had just discovered something besides their green skin and turtle shells that made them very strange to her. “Didn’t it—feel bad? To hold someone else’s daemon?”
She hugged Augustus to her stomach like the thought of anyone getting too close to him was enough to upset her. 
But Raph tilted his head in confusion and Teddy, a fluffy baby cow at the time, tilted hers with him. “It felt the same as holding mine,” he said. 
Any silly scampering part of Donnie was a part of Raph, too. Obviously. 
They hadn’t known it was anything strange growing up, as insular as their family was. Of course, they hadn’t known about their ninpo back then, either—that secret mystical connection they inherited the second Splinter became their father, that tied them all together, that made their souls neighbors to each other. 
And only a few years down the road, on a random summer afternoon in a busy comic book convention hall, when the big crowds were causing Teddy to shrink into a miserable little ball on Raph’s shoulder, April would say, “Come here, baby.” 
She wouldn’t overthink it or second-guess herself when Theodora crawled into her arms, even though a random kid in the crowd who clocked the exchange would do a comical double take. She would just scoop her little sister up and make her feel safe, like it was the simplest thing in the world. Because by then, April would be Hamato, too.)
While Leo’s occupied, Terror hops across the table and dips her beak into his cup. He clocks it and sighs deeply but doesn’t wave her away. 
Terror can get away with most things by virtue of being able to out-talk literally anyone, or by simply flying around like a maniac until her siblings get tired of trying to scold her and move onto damage control instead. 
“It’s not my fault your coffee tastes better,” she complains, feathers ruffled. “Donnie’s still trying to pretend like he likes to drink his black, and it’s gross!”
Sunflower laughs out loud, then tries to pretend like she didn’t. Donnie’s head snaps up from where he had it buried in his phone, an expression of theatrical betrayal painted across his face. 
“Buy my silence! Use some syrup and creamer!” the hooded crow screeches back. 
Leo is giggling too, slumping down in his chair so he won’t be Donnie’s next target, and Pollux springs from Mikey’s shell on his way past the table to rejoin her person. She has her own little cup of coffee but she dips her weasel-like snout into Leo’s instead, because whatever Terror does, Lucky wants to do. 
“Good morning, Michelangelo,” a melodious voice greets him as he ties his apron on. 
Mikey beams at the little moth perched on the upright handle of a wooden spoon and says, “‘Morning, Emi. Did either of those bozos make you tea yet?”
The moth hums, an amused, affectionate sound. “Yes, my dear. They’ve been awake for an unfortunately long time already.”
“Ugh, that’s what I was afraid of,” Mikey grumbles, but his heart isn’t really in it. There’s no sunlight in the lair, but the company of his dad’s daemon is warm and bright all on its own. 
Yumemi is all the parts of Yoshi he doesn’t know how to express. Even back when his bad days could turn into bad weeks and he couldn’t muster the strength to get out of bed, his children never had the opportunity to question his love.
Not when Yumemi remembered all of their favorite things, and oversaw meals with watchful eyes to make sure everyone was eating their vegetables, and woke them from bad dreams with lullaby soft Japanese that needed no translation. 
Of course dad loved them. His soul was proof. She told them every day. 
Since he’d prepared the batter the night before, Mikey makes a decent headway on breakfast and has a tall stack of thin, flaky crêpes to show for it by the time Raph and Theodora wander in. 
They look surprised and then pleased to see everybody waiting for them, smiling at the lively chorus of “good morning”s and “happy birthday”s they’re accosted with right out of the gate. Terror is quick to flap around them at speed, talking a mile a minute, and it detracts from the weird bit of tension between Raph and Leo that still exists in the margins. 
Lucky quivers eagerly where she’s perched at the corner of the table, uncertain of her welcome and waiting on a cue. But the second Raph puts his hands out for her, she’s leaping into them. 
“Happy birthday Raphie, Teddy! We picked out the best best best presents for you!”
“We helped!” Terror interjects, incapable of being sidelined, or silent for longer than thirty seconds. “It was a team effort!”
“With all four of your heads together, I bet it’ll blow us away,” Raph says, gentle in that particular way he saves just for little siblings. 
To his credit, he doesn’t hesitate at all to pull Leo into a sidelong hug at the same time as he does Donnie in the opposite arm, and Leo sinks into it readily. Things have been a little weird and different, but not necessarily bad. 
When you can hold each other’s hearts in your hands on the regular, it’s hard to miss how loved you are. 
(About a week after Splinter’s abrupt announcement two years ago, shifting the leadership mantle from Raph, who had always held it, to Leo, who had never given indication he even wanted it, things were tense, to say the very least. 
Yumemi was downright chilly with her other half in a way Mikey hadn’t witnessed since the disastrous flu incident when they were kids, that time Donnie’s fever had to officially break 101° before Splinter could be convinced that Something Was Wrong.  
And unfortunately for dad, Leo had decided he was fully not on board with the decision, being his most contrary, uncooperative self at every turn. You have never seen malicious compliance until you’ve seen Leonardo with a point to prove. 
It all came to a head in a big blowout argument that really everyone should have seen coming. 
Looking back, Mikey doesn’t remember what started the fight, but it had been festering for days. Raphael was frustrated and his feelings were hurt. He’s been replaced out of nowhere, and his replacement didn’t seem to care about the job one way or another. 
And to make matters worse, Leo almost seemed to be baiting him. He had his arms folded and his hip propped in the doorway, a mean little smile on his face that Mikey almost didn’t recognize—he had never, ever seen Leo smile like that at Raph before. 
“Can’t you take something seriously for once in your life?” Raph said, fists clenched at his sides. “This is important and you’re acting like you don’t even care.”
“I think it’s safe to say you care enough for both of us,” Leo replied blithely, unmoved. 
Mikey felt a sharp spike of worry from Sunflower, who was reading all the high emotions in the room like a book. Teddy was still trying to mediate, but her soft voice got shouted over. 
“What if you goof off and one of your siblings gets hurt, huh?” Raph yelled, at his limit. “What if somebody gets killed cause you couldn’t bother to just grow up!”
Leo’s expression didn’t change at all, every inch the irreverent, unbothered teenager fully prepared to breeze past everything his big brother had to throw at him. 
But Lucky burst into tears. 
It drew everyone up short. The entire room just froze, like someone took an ill-timed screenshot. The only sound was Lucky crying, and then the scrabble of nails on concrete as Sunny raced across the room at top speed to comfort her, and Terror clicking her beat anxiously, all puffed up to twice her size. 
Raph looked like someone punched him in the stomach. Leo didn’t look at anyone at all. At least his mean little smile was gone. 
“Okay, boys and girls,” Yumemi said suddenly, startling them all out of the tense tableau. She was perched on the back of a kitchen chair, having observed the argument for who knew how long. Long enough, probably. “Family room, now.”
She was using the no-nonsense mom voice that got everyone moving. Seemingly between one blink and the next Mikey found himself on the sofa, Sunflower pressed into his side and panting anxiously. 
“I won’t pretend not to know what this is about,” the moth says. “Yoshi has certainly spent the last few days hoping it would resolve itself before intervention was necessary, but that clearly isn’t the case, and I’ve let this go on for too long.”
She wasn’t scolding them. She had a soft spot for her turtles and their daemons that was a mile wide on all sides. But she clearly expected to resolve this issue right then and there and wouldn’t tolerate the usual time-wasting tactics. 
Beating everyone to the punch, Terror bated her wings and blurted, “They don’t want to be the leaders, duh.”
After a beat of silence that felt extremely loud, Donnie added, “I would have thought that was obvious.”
Raph seemed shocked and Mikey felt that way too. Their whole lives together were a multi-part series of Leo stepping up and smoothing things over when they got out of hand, convincing his brothers to wait half a second instead of diving right in, scheming a way to get them out of trouble—or into trouble, as the situation called for it. He always seemed to live for it when a plan went off without a hitch. 
Mikey had never thought about it before, but now that it was laid out in front of him, it was weird. You’d think Leo would jump at the chance to lead. 
“It’s not really my bag,” Leo said instead. He had a hand on Pollux, almost hiding her completely. “All that extra work and responsibility, and not even a decent pay raise? No thanks. Besides, Raph does a great job. Why fix what isn’t broken?”
He refused to bend, sticking to his story. Knowing she was the weaker link, Lucky pressed her face into his plastron and wouldn’t answer any direct questions. Raphael looked like he was afraid to even breathe too loudly in their direction after making his littlest sister cry, and nodded rapidly when Yumemi asked if he was alright with things going back to the way they used to be. 
“Yeah. Of course. Whatever—whatever’s best.”
The moth sighed, but not at any of them. 
“Very well. I will speak with your father. He was wrong to handle this the way he did. Any future changes will be discussed beforehand, as a family. As for right now, Raphael is the eldest and he will continue to lead you.” 
Leo was out of his chair and out of the room so fast that Mikey wasn’t entirely sure he didn’t teleport. Donnie followed right behind him, their regular roles flipped. Raph didn’t move at all, hands squished between his own knees as if he didn’t trust them. 
Teddy was talking to him in her gentle voice. It was always so obvious to everyone who knew him why Raph’s soul took the shape it did, this soft thing that carried around a love so big it was better suited to someone ten times her size. 
Mikey couldn’t hear what Teddy was saying, but it wasn’t for him to hear in the first place. He couldn’t bear to leave his big brother like this, but he couldn’t bear to leave another brother hurting out of sight either.
Their bond pulsing both ways with white-hot worry and impatient, leaping love, Mikey could tell when Sunflower absolutely couldn’t wait another second. She hopped off the couch and circled around to where Raph was sitting and laid her head on his knee. 
It was delayed, but still a knee-jerk reaction for their biggest brother to give her the attention she was begging for. After a few minutes of petting her soft glossy fur, it was Raphie’s turn to cry. 
Lingering, still not entirely willing to leave them and feeling torn in two about it, Mikey looked at Yumemi. The moth waved her antennae at him gently, an unspoken assurance that she would stay and make things right. 
So Mikey left his heart behind to work her magic, and followed the twins from the room to work some magic of his own. If he could wheedle at least one smile out of each of them by dinner, he would call it a win. 
That evening, when everyone had been dragged to the table not quite kicking and screaming but close to it, Splinter stood up awkwardly and apologized to the far wall for how he had handled the situation. From his expression, Mikey wouldn’t have been that surprised to find someone holding a gun to his head. 
“The important thing is that you are a team,” Splinter went on, the formal stiffness fading from his tone and something more natural, more rueful and affectionate, replacing it. “You have always been a team, and a very good one at that.” 
Yumemi fluttered from the table to his hand, wings opening and closing slowly in approval. Splinter took strength from her, and added, “It does not matter who leads and who follows, as long as you remain on each other’s side.”
Leo darted a quick, sidelong look at Raph, who met his gaze hopefully. Some line of tension in Leo’s shoulders went slack and he said, “Where else would we be?” and smiled as easily as if the last handful of hours had happened to somebody else. 
Forever the more honest of the two, Lucky crept across the table inch by inch until Teddy could draw her into a tight hug that lasted well into dessert.)
Now Sunflower hops down from her padded bench and scrabbles like crazy around the counter for Raph’s attention. She’s such a good girl for waiting when all she ever wants to do all the time is run right to the people she loves as soon as she sees them. 
Raph scoops her up as easily as April can scoop up August, a full size Border Collie dwarfed in his big arms. She shrieks gleefully and bellows “Happy birthday!” loud enough for all of Manhattan to hear. Mikey smiles as if her joy is his own and carefully flips the next crêpe. 
“What do you want to do after the party tonight?” Donnie asks, setting his phone down. “The world is your oyster, Raphala.”
“But no patrol,” Terror pipes up. “It’s an important holiday.”
“It is an important holiday,” Sunflower agrees, tilting her head to the side so deeply that her floppy ear matches the upstanding one. “So are we going to the arcade? The movies? The park? New Jersey??”
“Hey, watch your language,” Leo says faux-sternly, causing her to yip with laughter. 
“I was thinking ninja tag,” Raph says. He crosses the room to Mikey as he speaks, and wraps both arms around him from behind to lift him off his feet in a big bear hug, spatula and skillet still in hand. Mikey giggles and holds breakfast as steady as he can. “We haven’t done that in ages,” Raphael adds. 
It’s an activity that rides the thin line between training and play, but if that’s what Raphie wants to do on his birthday, then that’s what they’re doing. Leo falls in line now as agreeably as he did two years ago—maybe even moreso. There’s some whining and complaining when the situation calls for it, but no more than any of the others are prone to; average annoying little sibling stuff because it’s good for Raph’s constitution. 
Mikey thinks the biggest difference is that Leo doesn’t really suggest his own ideas anymore. He doesn’t test Raphael’s authority the way he used to, even when sometimes they could really use his voice of reason or his lateral thinking. He so adamantly does not want to lead them, for whatever reason, that he won’t do anything that might give someone the right idea he’s leadership material. 
It’s something Mikey desperately wants to bring up, but every time he starts to, he can’t help but remember that uncomfortable family meeting and at that point his courage always deserts him. 
The last thing he wants is for Lucky, that easily hurt part of Leon’s heart that walks around unguarded outside his body, to feel small or sad because of something Mikey said. He doesn’t know if he’d ever recover from that. He doesn’t know how Raph did it. 
Two years ago, Leo would have thrown up his hands and said something like, “Ninja tag? For your eighteenth birthday? Come on Raph-a-doodle, think big! We’re hitting the Cheesecake Factory and then your favorite karaoke club. We can play ninja on the way home, how about that?”
Today, Leo stretches his arms above his head and then folds them, leaning back in his seat and telling Raph in his good-natured teasing kind of way, “Whatever you say, big guy. But don’t think I’m gonna let you win just ‘cause it’s your day.” 
It’s a change you have to squint to see. But Sunflower told Mikey in a whisper one night that she missed how playful Pollux used to be. She missed the little ringtail who used to want to be everyone’s friend and solve everyone’s problems, who used to run around in circles trying to be helpful and good, never worrying about making herself a nuisance because she knew better than to think her family would love her any less for it. 
“Maybe she’s just growing up,” Mikey had whispered back, stroking Sunny’s soft ears and ignoring the uncomfortable feeling in his stomach his own words put there. 
“Maybe,” Sunflower said, but she didn’t sound very sure either. 
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yanderes-galore · 5 months
Could you make Yandere Platonic Nemona?
Sure! I hope you enjoy the yandere rival :) Sorry for the long wait! Tried to keep it in character, so don't expect random murder... she just isn't the type.
Yandere! Platonic! Nemona
Pairing: Platonic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Manipulation, Clingy behavior, Delusional behavior, Stalking, Jealousy, Subtle threats, Subtle yandere behavior, She really is tame and just clingy/competitive, Possible gaslighting, Dubious companionship.
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Nemona is a very energetic and sunny person.
She would start as a guide to you like she does in the game.
Nemona's intentions towards her obsession are probably the same ones she has towards the player in Scarlet and Violet.
She wants to model you into a rival of her level and help each other improve.
She views your rivalry as something fun, she does it because she cares.
She wants to see you both succeed.
However, as this is a yandere concept, it appears she takes such a goal too far.
Nemona always seems to be where you are and is very insistent on making you two rivals, regardless of what you think on the matter.
She never seems to take 'No' for an answer.
It's actually a bit unnerving sometimes when she somehow manages to guess the next Gym you're going to.
... is she guessing?
Nemona just always seems so happy and aloof that it's hard to suspect her of anything bad or malicious.
If she did have a darker side, she certainly knows how to hide it.
When you're unaware, Nemona probably stalks you and tries to predict and set up meetings with you.
Oh she's just in this town by pure coincidence.
Anyways... Pokemon battle?
As this is platonic, her obsessive behavior is just because she wants to try and make you her perfect rival.
She doesn't mind too much if you have other friends as long as she's your rival.
Hopefully even your only rival....
I can't see her as violent, just overly obsessive over the idea of you two helping one another prove.
Others slowly begin to see the red flags before you do.
To you, Nemona just seems to be your friend who wants to make a friendly rivalry with you.
Although... maybe someone else alerts you to her darker behavior?
Perhaps you have a friend or another friendly rival who notices how Nemona clings around you.
When you're with her, she often hugs you or has a hand on your arm.
For a rival she's awfully affectionate.
That or when you're away, she's watching you, following you, stalking your socials to figure out where you may go next.
Nemona is never far from you.
Don't you find it a little weird that she seems to be where you are at all times?
When you start to suspect such behavior, Nemona would try to manipulate you into not trusting the person you heard it from.
She won't hurt them... She isn't that type of person!
Threats, however... They may come out with a small smile so they'll leave you alone.
Perhaps they're just jealous of what you have.
Maybe they just don't like her.
But... you like her, don't you?
Then you should trust her!
She's definitely subtle and not very volatile in the slightest.
Even when jealous she hides it or clings to you more.
She's persistent and clingy, but never violent.
Nemona promises that she's merely trying to help you improve.
You'll see you need her... after all, you aren't getting rid of your biggest rival, are you?
She won't let you go that easily... you're her friend and rival... and she plans to be your one and only rival in your journey no matter what.
"What do you mean I've been following you? I'm not! I was just... checking out the shops... want to come with me!? You might as well since you're here now!"
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dracosbabygirl8 · 6 months
I loved your fic with Draco sm! Is there any way you can do head canons of dating him with the same reader in the fic pls!(If that makes sense)
thank you so much for the request and sorry for the delay in writing it, i was lacking inspiration, and tbh i’m not particularly fond of this one, but anyway. i did a little moodboard to accompany it, bc why not. hope you like it ♡
WARNING : slightly toxic (possessive) but nothing crazy, there’s a nsfw part at the end.
moodboard & headcanon of dating draco malfoy based on this fic
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• with cedric out of the picture, draco and you resumed hanging out together as much as before, recreating your old routines from when you were friends.
• however, you needed some weeks to appropriately get over your messy breakup and completely move on from your past relationship.
• during this time, draco was patient bc he knew soon enough you would be all his. he provided comfort, listened to you, and reassured any insecurities caused by the cheating
• a month after your break-up, draco asked you out on a proper date to your favorite restaurant in town, followed by a night drive, knowing you loved driving around at night.
• he used this opportunity to once again admit his feelings to you in a less messy way than the first time, and you exchanged a sweet and soft kiss that lasted for endless minutes because neither of you were ready to pull away from this sweet feeling.
• at the beginning of your relationship, you feared that your friendship might not survive the transition into a romantic relationship. however, draco’s persistent and genuine efforts to win you over gradually erode your doubts.
• after a few months of dating, he was completely infatuated with you, feeling like you had him wrapped around your little finger.
• sometimes he silently wonders to himself « how tf did I manage to make this girl mine? »
• regularly catch him staring at you like you were one of the 7 wonders of the world
• he can’t help but think you’re his greatest blessing and secretly feels very grateful that cedric messed up with you, so he could’ve his chance.
• he’s very affectionate in public, holding your hand or placing his hand on your thighs, waist, or shoulders. always craving to touch you.
• you resume attending every one of his quidditch matches, eventually wearing his jersey with his name written on the back. he couldn’t be prouder.
• if he scored good points or grabbed the golden snitch he would immediately look at you or blow a kiss in your direction.
• you now attend every malfoy’s ball as his date, dancing and sipping fancy champagne all night together (narcissa eventually made a comment that she ‘knews from the very beginning they would end together’).
• literally nobody could make you laugh like him. he loves the sound of your laughter so much that he would try to be as funny as possible. not at the point of making a fool of himself, but just little silly jokes or sarcastic remarks here and then.
• spoil you rotten with whatever you want, if you pass in front of a store window and say you like this, you will have it tomorrow morning.
• he buys you expensive gifts as well, but most of time meaning presents. like he would buy a book for you and leave a little note on the inside, telling you why he thinks you would like it.
• take you on date in a fancy dinner, he reserved the whole rooftop of the restaurant just to be in calm place with you, giving you a beautiful bouquet of your favourite flowers.
• write you love letters time to time when his feelings are overwhelming and he don’t know how to express them out loud. just to remind you how grateful he is to have you in his life and how you are his safe place.
• he could be very territorial and easily jealous.
• you’re his and he needs to showing that to anyone that seemed to forget.
• he treats you like royalty, always making sure you feel like a princess.
• he sleeps poorly if he isn’t next to you, so he would literally beg you to stay sleeping with him in his dorm. not that you are complaining because, being a prefect, he has an individual and very comforting dormitory. so, after a couple of weeks, his dorm becomes your dorm too.
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• first time you made love, you were so nervous about not being experienced enough, but draco was reassuring, affirming that you’d ‘always be so perfect for me, darling’. he approached the moment with gentleness and care, ensuring you felt comfortable and safe.
• as you both grew more comfortable with each other’s bodies, draco’s confidence grew too, showing his cocky and dominant self. leading to more playful and occasionally rough sex session.
• he never gets enough of you. very insatiable.
• could have a boner in public just by looking too long at you or thinking too much about you.
• could be horny anywhere and anytime. and if you’re too, could fuck you anywhere and anytime.
• never pressures you into doing anything you’re not comfortable with.
• he enjoys rough (but not harsh) and soft dom sex the most (and fortunately, you’re into it too).
• however, there are times when he just wants to make love to you very slowly and lazy. he adores lazy sex on sundays afternoons.
• receiving oral sex is a must, he loves it but it's not necessary (except after a quidditch loss, he needs to fuck your throat to relieve his nerves). BUT giving you head such an hobbie for him. eating you out like a starving man.
• he makes you wear his shirt after sex.
• he literally worships your body and he's the king of aftercare. brings you snacks if you’re starving, makes you a bath to relax the both of you, and whatever you want, because you were ‘just too good for me, my precious little angel’.
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voiths · 1 year
☾Genshin Characters showing affection ☽
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𑁍 Warnings: None 𑁍
𑁍 Characters featured: Venti, Zhongli, Raiden Shogun, Xiao, Kamisato Ayato 𑁍
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❥ Venti
Would take you on a flight with dvalin high up in the class and show you teyvat
Wherever u want to go he’ll take you there
He’ll bring you little souvenirs from around the whole world
Jewelry, wine, food whatever u want you will get
If u want to he’ll let you braid his hair and in return he will braid yours and put little dandelions in it
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❥ Zhongli
Whatever u desire it will be yours no matter the price no matter the cost
He would move mountains for you if u told him you don’t like the way they look
Will always make sure to have at least someone around to protect you and make sure you’re safe
If anyone even dares to lay a finger on you he will make them suffer for eternity and make them regret their decisions
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❥ Raiden Shogun
She found out once that u really like muffins so she tried her best to bake them
She might have failed miserably but you appreciated a lot and thanked her multiple times
After that she just sticks to buying muffins for you or letting people bake them for you
(Though she did ask Yae Miko to show her how to bake muffins)
Just like the other archons whatever you desire it will be yours
She will get whatever you want and she doesn’t care what she needs to sacrifice to do so
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❥ Xiao
He doesn’t show affection very openly but when he does it’s always very sweet
With his observant nature he’ll notice immediately if you’re not doing well or feel ill
If you keep on being persistent that you’re doing fine he’ll make sure to help you with whatever you’re doing
When you ask him why he is helping you he’ll just tell you that he wants to make you happy
Also whoever you want gone they will be gone in an instant without you even telling him to do so
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❥ Kamisato Ayato
He would be the type to be really physically affectionate in public
Holding your hand and walking you to wherever you need to go even if it's a few blocks away
Having his arm around your waist when someone is trying to flirt with you or making you uncomfortable in any way
People will know you are his which is good because a lot of creeps stay away from you but it also puts you in danger a lot of times but he doesnt mind having to kill a hundred man if it means you are safe
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entomjinx · 1 year
Luffy and his perception of love
Small thing from twitter because twitter is exploding and I realized I never posted it here. Inspired by my urge to subvert expectations and this post:
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Luffy's perception of what it means to be loved may be warped by all he's been through. His own love is pretty much unconditional, and he cares so deeply for others. However, when it comes to being loved himself-
He thinks he has to earn it via fighting or persistance.
Before I delve into individual characters, I'd like to acknowledge that Luffy is probably the most emotionaly intelligent person in the manga, but also that trauma can affect how a person views themself, leading them to hold themselves to higher/different standards than others.
Let's start with Garp. Garp constantly puts him through training as a child and tells him he must be a marine. He uses his "fists of love" on him to try and make him obey. The one time we see Garp look even remotely affectionate is when he thinks Luffy will become a marine, only for him to get even angrier upon Luffy declaring he wants to be pirate king. He also left him alone in the jungle all the time, and even threw him down a ravine.
Dadan makes a point of loudly declaring she doesn't want them around, which is an obvious lie to the audience, but not as much to the kids. The "If you don't hunt, you don't eat," rule in the mountain bandit's hideout also helps reinforced that important things (food, love) must be earned.
Luffy followed Ace around for three months, being hit with attacks meant to seriously injure him so that he'd be forced to stop following. Many of those attacks may have killed him were he not made of rubber. When he caught up to Ace and met Sabo, they threatened to kill him for knowing about the treasure. Instead, they leave him behind for Porchemy to find.
They spent all that time moving their treasure because they expected Luffy to tell Porchemy it's location. Instead, Luffy went through several hours of torture and refused to speak. If not for this, Ace and Sabo wouldn't have let him be their friend, let alone call him brother and love him. (and while we, the audience, know that Luffy might have broken through to them another way, Luffy doesn't. He would think that not giving into the torture is the biggest part of why he was allowed to be their friend, and later brother.)
He had to blackmail Zoro into joining the crew at first, and Zoro threatened to make him commit hara kiri (suicide via disembowlment with a blade) should Luffy get in the way of his dream to be the greatest swordsman.
He had to free Nami from Arlong for her to join the crew for real.He argued with Sanji at every turn until he wore him down (I refuse your refusal). Robin didn't call him (or anyone) by name until post Enies Lobby, choosing to only refer to him as "Captain."
He saved the lives of most of them, or offered them a way to complete their dreams.
He fights tooth and nail to gain their trust and friendship, because he thinks that they love him the way he loves them if he doesn't. Which could be a major part of why the strawhat grand feet's willingness to follow him confuses him. We know he values freedom above all else, and that he wants them to do what they want, but he still doesn't understand why that choice was following him... because he hasn't done enough to earn that.
Yes, they were all involved in the chaos that was Dressrosa, but that doesn't equal loyaty to that degree.
If it did, Law would finally admit they were friends, and not just allies. Hence his continued insistance of friendship and even though Law says they'll be enimies in the future at the end of Wano, Luffy ignores it. He knows it'll just take so more persistance, because that's what's worked in the past. Growing up in the Gray Terminal would have taught Luffy that people who are nice right off the bat or who suddenly switch to being nice probably want something from you, and while he is canon attitude leads him to not care most of the time, he's definitely aware of it. So he expects people who will eventually care for real to be meaner at first. as if "Real love is always earned and never just given" is a true statement in his mind.
On top of all this, Luffy hates being alone. So of course he fights so hard for these friendships, for the love that he has for his crew and friends... because without them, he'd be alone. What other choice does he have?
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yes-divine-ruler · 2 years
Hi! I want to request a Kai smut where him and the reader broke up and he goes to her house and find out she moves on and he gets pissed but he gets her back🤭 love your work btw!
Kai Anderson x Fem!Reader Smut - “Cake” (18+)
paired with CAKE by Melanie Martinez song request <3
“Cake” is a metaphorically sweet song about Melanie standing up to a toxic sexual relationship lacking a specific ingredient–love.”
CW: kinky unprotected sex, degradation, abusive relationship, breaking and entering
Word count: 1656
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It’s been three months since you left your abusive ex-boyfriend, and it might’ve been hardest thing you’ve ever had to do. You never felt like Kai really loved you, not just because he never said it, but because every sweet, affectionate thing he did always followed with something on the contrary.
The moment you left Kai was clear as day in your head, and often you played it back to try and help soothe the longing you felt for him. It reminded you that if anything, you were a means of sexual gratification, a punching bag to get all his anger out on and, sometimes, someone he could spiel the events of his day to.
“I’m leaving, Kai and I’m never coming back, don’t you dare come find me!” You screamed, tears rolling down your cheeks as you packed only your necessities into a bag.
“Fine. You’re nothing but a fuck to me anyway, leave- I don’t give a fuck,” he spat back, his arms outstretched by his sides as he tried to enforce his point.
Saying nothing, you pushed passed him with your shoulder, bag in tow and left his home. Getting into your car, you weren’t sure where else you could go. Until you remembered your old friend Max, someone you’d been forced to cut off after meeting Kai, and you retrieved his number that you’d hidden in your notes in case anything liked this ever happened.
Max was happy to have you back in his life, and happy to offer his guest bedroom to you. Nothing had made you feel more valued or grateful. The longer you lived together, the more his feelings began to flourish for you. You caved to his affection, because it was something you’d never really experienced before, but you knew you didn’t like him like you used to, still, love Kai. You felt beholden to Max, and because of that, you became his girlfriend.
Max had invited you out with his friends tonight to the bar, but being the three month mark of your break up with Kai you didn’t feel up to it. Instead, you lay in your now shared bed, mindlessly watching TV and trying to think of anything else but him. As you snacked on a bag of crisps, you heard a knock at the door. Hesitantly, you got up, knowing it wasn’t Max because he had a key, and knowing for certain you weren’t expecting any guests. The knocking persisted, until you opened the door just a little, peeking out to the other side to see who was trying to visit you at 9 at night.
The door didn’t stay slightly open for the long, the heavy kick of Kai Anderson pushing it open until it hit the wall behind it. Startled, you took a step back, almost tripping over your own feet.
“Kai? What are you doing here?” You asked, your eyes widening at his personage loomed over your much less significant body.
“I’ve come to figure out why the fuck you thought it was okay to just forget about me, move into a new house and get a new boyfriend?” He didn’t seem sincere in his words, and you knew he had ulterior motives other than just talking.
“Kai- I-” he didn’t let you finish your sentence, his hand coming up to wrap his fingers around the tender skin of your neck. You gasped, as his fingers squeezed tightly, cutting off your airways.
“You belong to me, you hear me? You’re mine, and when your boyfriend comes back, he’ll know that,”
He didn’t say anything more before connecting your lips in a brash kiss. You obliged, caving in to your decrepit need for your ex boyfriend, your indescribable lustfulness satiated by his lips on yours. He backed you against a wall, caging you in as his tongue invaded your mouth, swirling around yours as a reminder that your mouth belonged to him.
“I’m gonna fuck you in this good-for-nothing’s shit hole of a home, and then you’re coming back with me, you hear me?” He spoke against your lips, receiving nothing but a nod in response from you. You couldn’t deny that this is all you’ve been thinking of since the day you left him.
“Good girl, come here baby,” he lifted you from the backs of your thighs, taking you down the hall to the first bedroom he could see, which happened to be Max’s. His pet name only sent butterflies flying in your stomach.
He laid you on the bed, slotting between your open legs as his kisses assaulted the sore skin on your neck. He sucked and bit on the skin, making your hips hungrily buckle up to meet his.
“You’ve been thinking about this haven’t you?” He whispered on your skin, as his fingers worked at the hem of your shirt to pull it above your head. You let him, just like you let him unclasp your lace bra next, watching as he discarded it someone on the floor.
“Kai..” you breathed out, as he took your nipple in his mouth, devouring it like it was his last day on earth. It made you think that maybe this was his way of telling you he missed you, and he needed you just as much as you needed him.
Kai tore off your tights next, followed by your panties, leaving you bare and exposed at his disposal. His eyes raked over your body as goosebumps rose on your soft skin, almost salivating from the sight of you again.
“God, I’ll never get sick of seeing you naked, so vulnerable,” he muttered, pressing kisses to the bones that jut out from your hips, and caressing your inner thighs with his fingertips. You whimpered at his gentle touch, wishing for more, wishing he’d just give you what he came here for.
“You’re so fucking needy, look at how wet you are,” his fingers effortlessly worked through your slick folds, collecting your arousal and popping them into his own mouth, his eyes closing as he savoured the taste of you, “you won’t be able to walk when I’m done with you.”
Knowing he’d fulfil his promise, you braced yourself, holding the sheets beneath you in balled fists as he stripped of his own clothing.
You watched desperately as he stroked his well endowed member, before he positioned himself at your entrance, pushing in just the tiniest bit, but enough to drive you wild. More whimpers and pleads escaped your lips, as you tried to get him to explore you deeper.
“Tell me how bad you want my cock baby, I need to hear you say it,” he pressured, smirking down at you as you squirmed in impatience.
“Please Kai, please I need you,” you begged pathetically, your beseeching enough for him to finally stretch you open. You let out a loud gasp, your walls blissfully pulsing around his length as he bottomed out inside you, filling you to the brim with his cock.
“Fuckkk…” he muttered, closing his eyes again, as he remembered how warm and wet it felt to be inside you, “my little girl, you take my cock so well.”
You looked up at him with doe eyes, as your hands scavenged for the skin on his shoulders, digging your fingernails in to leverage any pain as he began mercilessly thrusting in and out of you. His melodic grunting only made you more ravenous for your release, already hot and lustful for the man above you.
“Oh my god,” your eyes shuttered, as his thumb came down to toy with your clit, his harsh kneading just what you needed to build your orgasm.
“Cum on my cock baby, I want your boyfriend to know you’re mine, I know he wouldn’t be able to make you feel the way I do,” his dirty words had your back arching, his pounding only getting faster, the bed head hitting the wall with every hard thrust.
His collective toying with your clit and his deep strokes caused you to wrap your legs around his hips, caging him in for your release. He was close, the twitching of your cock inside you a firm indicator that he was going to cum. He approached being since you from another angle, moving your legs so that they were hung over his shoulders, his large hands holding your thighs. He repetitively hit that sensitive spot inside you, and as you came, stars obstructed your vision, your body convulsing at the magnitude of pleasure that coursed through you.
“That’s it baby, oh fuck, I’m cumming,” Kai pulled out, making sure to return to rubbing your clit as you rode out your orgasm, spurting his hot seed on the sheets beneath you, some covering your bare stomach.
“See how Max feels about that,” he chuckled, looking down towards you to observe his masterpiece. You wriggled on the bed, panting from your strong orgasm, as Kai pried your mouth open with his fingers.
He spat directly in your mouth, forcing it shut so you had to swallow. You marvelled in his vulgarity, swallowing his saliva happily as he got off you.
“Pack your things, we’re going now, no objections,” he said, reaching to the floor for his clothes and dressing himself again. You immediately missed his bare body, and the feeling of him, causing you to pout.
As if he read your mind he chuckled, “there’s more where that came from, let’s go home, I’ll show you,” he said suggestively as you got up to get dressed yourself.
It crossed your mind for only a moment that you were venturing back in to that cycle of abuse that you once worked so hard to leave. But, Kai Anderson had a hold on you like no other, and if you were just a piece of cake to him, maybe he was just a piece of meat to you too.
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Taglist/ @v-love @evanpetersfav @demxnicprxncess @kitwalkersgfff @quicksilversg1rl @dahmevan @charsdunkie @iruzias @alexxavicry
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flowerbloom-arts · 6 days
How about Seymour Skinner as a parent? I picture him struggling a lot cause first time and Agnes scolding him for being useless while spoiling her grandchild endlessly
That's a question I wonder about alot, honestly, and I find it a little hard to picture in my mind's eye because as far as I can tell the closest thing to having any experience in handling children is just him dealing with his students, which is to say he kind of treats them as a means to an end most of the time and at the very best he's FRIENDS with a literal child (Bart).
It's weird, he's so militaristic with his student body and then a doormat at home, one would assume those facets of him combine when it comes to having a child at home but I don't think it would be in a very good way.. I'm sure he'd desperately try his best, like he always does with Chalmers and Edna and Agnes, but there's something stilted and awkward about the way he acts and his attitudes about certain activities, sort of like how he was in Special Edna.
There's also the majorly heartbreaking possibility of him accidentally picking up on Agnes' less than stellar parenting style, and combined with his military persona it would not paint him a pretty picture when he inevitably gets upset with his child. And like, he would never want that, no matter how irrationally and unconditionally much he loves his mother he should know that she isn't anything he wants to be as a father, and that might terrify him to his core when he inevitably does yell at his kid, or maybe when he gets really weird and persistent about his kid's whereabouts like when he was trying to track down Bart that one episode....
On the lighter side, I melt at the idea of him being a really affectionate and loving father to his kid and he tries so hard to be on their level but he's fundamentally too lame to come anywhere close, maybe try to share his lame nerd interests with them when they're old enough and he's mostly oblivious to the disinterest, but it doesn't matter because his unshakable dorky dad-ness is impossible to be mad at for even a minute. And Agnes being a huuuugeeee spoiler for her grandkid(s) would also be really cute and sweet, treatment of Seymour aside.
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And I mean..... Look at this guy, he'd DEFINITELY nail the Look of a Dad.
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lasbiarez · 10 months
WANSHO PHYSICAL TOUCH HC (because somehow I haven't talked about it here but I made a fic about it ages ago)
This is a pretty long one so bear with me!!
Tsukasa is generally a touchy guy, but only with people close to him; The closer they are to him the more likely he'll engage in physical affection. The level of it would also be different, like with school friends he would give the occasional shoulder bumps, close friends like wansho gets cuddle privileges and small—almost casual—kisses all the time, Toya gets some headpats and hugs whenever they meet, with Saki and Shizuku he's just straight up glued to them when they spend time together their hands would not let go
Tsukasa touches instinctively, there's no real way for him to stop it. If he feels someone is important to him they're going to get hugged or any other type of physical affection, it's just ingrained into his brain at this point. I just feel like touch is a persistent thing in Tsukasa's life and it stems from his childhood, the Tenmas are very affectionate!
He's very give and not take about it, so he doesn't mind not receiving any physical affection in return but he won't refuse it either
If put into words Tsukasa's touch means reassurance, both for himself and for others; It's him unconsciously saying "I'm here, and you're here. We're together!" I think it fits with his entire character of wanting to be a guiding light and a source of smiles for others <3
Touch is Emu's entire love language, it's how she shows people she loves them! Emu has a lot of love to give so this directly affects her way of showing physical touch; it's persistent, it's all encompassing, it's intense. She tackles people to the ground and gives bone crushing hugs as she should!! Also when she catches a person she just doesn't let go she's super clingy, she'll be having lunch with Honami and she's squeezing her arm the entire time
Because of that, though, Emu is very very aware of her touches. I think her family would point it out all the time with how intense she is (especially Shousuke). Her touch is a loud yell of "I LOVE YOU SO MUCH AND I WANT YOU TO KNOW IT!" but not everyone can withstand the intensity of it so she tries to hold back and not let herself get too excited. She doesn't want to accidentally hurt her friends and family, after all
She's very much a give and receive kind of person, but she very rarely directly asks for physical affection even if she really wants it. What she does is doubling her effort in giving others physical affection in the hopes of receiving some in return (This always works with Tsukasa and Hinata btw so she usually targets them when she feels especially touchy)
Nene is touch avoidant because the feeling of people touching her makes her uncomfortable, especially towards accidental touch from people she doesn't know. Basically things she can't anticipate and brace for would be the worse ones, while touches from friends are less so.
Because of how affectionate Emu and Tsukasa are she feels really bad about this, she wishes touch doesn't make her feel bad but the two honestly doesn't mind. They try to find other ways to show her affection, they just want her to be happy and comfortable around them :)
I think somewhere along the line she—with the help of wansho—figures out that she's mostly okay with touch if she's the one to initiate it or if it's something small with people she trusts (pinkie holding is my favourite example). Later on she realises that if she can anticipate the touch she's more comfortable with it; something rehearsed and specific that's communicated beforehand. They use this technique for theatre!
She's a give only and rarely receives kind of person because of the whole 'she's fine with initiating physical affection' thing. Her touch means "I care about you so I'm putting in effort to get out of my comfort zone for you" and it's a very sweet sentiment, please be gentle with her
Rui is the very definition of touch starved and desperate, but also he can't handle the slightest bit of skin touching him without blacking out for a few seconds he's so pathetic about it. He's just not used to getting physical affection other than from... maybe his parents, Nene herself is hesitant to do it when they were younger, so he didn't really have anyone to rely on for it
So Rui has this conflicting want for affection but being unable to handle it and then paired with a very clingy Emu and instinctively touchy Tsukasa, it's a great combination I hope he combusts into flames. Emu also realises this and weaponises it against him.
This doesn't apply to theatre by the way, he focuses too hard on creating a good show that he doesn't realise it when he's literally caressing Tsukasa's arms while trying to get him to the right position. It's like having tunnel vision, basically
He's mostly a receiver rather than a giver because he would rather make a contraption to show his affection. The problem is, just like Emu, he doesn't know how to directly ask for physical affection—this may stem from self doubt; if he even deserves it. Bless Emu with her empathic powers she can sense this want and eagerly uses it against him <3
I think after some amount of time he would eventually get used to touch and become unbearably clingy, he's making up for 18 years of touch deprivation
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mamawasatesttube · 8 months
ask game: “and yet we persist” or “all i ever wanted was the world”? or for one that feels like a different tone “topsy-turvy”?
"and yet we persist" is stoic, long-suffering, and straightforward enough it makes me want to subvert it somehow, so therefore i posit: this is the fic of tim, steph, cass, and kon having to undergo a multi-day roadtrip, for some reason. (why can't kon just fly them wherever they need to go? idk but let's assume i came up with a reasonable justification. the point is they need to all be trapped in a car together, for several hours on end, for a few days.)
tim and steph are in their divorce era. kon and cass are their usual cozy "very affectionate friends who understand each other really well" selves. timkon and stephcass are both in their mutual pining/late-stage slow burn phases.
what this means: most of the roadtrip is tolerable! even when tim and steph are unhappy with each other, they know how to get along. most of the time. the exception is when one or the other says something unnecessarily bitchy, the other goes "oh are you fucking serious don't fucking start right now--", and then tim is bitching while driving and steph is furiously kicking the back of the drivers seat just because she knows it'll piss him off if she gets scuff marks on the leather. kon, shotgun, twists around to start talking to cass very pointedly about each song on his wendy/pierce playlist, because he's recently gotten her into wendy the werewolf stalker. tim and steph are bickering. and yet, kon and cass persist.
at one point the arguing starts at a gas station while tim is filling the tank. steph leans out the window and asks something. tim gets snippy, steph gets snippy back, and 15 minutes later when they're still at it, kon and cass have run out of interesting things to look at in the gas station mini mart. and yet... they persist...
they stop at a motel one night. tim meets steph at the vending machines when she's coming to get some ice and he's trying to get a zesti (and mad because apparently this far from gotham, they don't carry them?). they don't fight, they just kind of awkwardly nod to each other like sooo... are we good? yeah i guess. ok well you don't have to sound so put out about it. oh don't start this again. but they both freeze when cass opens the door for her and steph's room, crosses the hall, and knocks on tim and kon's door. kon lets her slip inside. she's dressed for bed already. tim and steph both freeze. did tim just get sexiled? fuck. of course steph will let him hang out in her room but this can't be happening. surely not. they're in dismay. and yet... they persist...
meanwhile kon and cass are happily snuggled up together watching season 3 of wendy. when tim doesn't come back they both kinda go "uhhh.... did he and steph... surely not." and decide not to think about it. it's fine.
it's a miserable roadtrip but it's funny as fuck. do you see my vision
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moonlight-tmd · 15 days
They have been chosen by the cat distribution system.
It's night, and they go to Prowl's room to cuddle and find a random cat that decided it lives there now.
Oh yah. I can see them just going out on a date and the base being so quiet one would think it's empty.
Then they come back and Bee decided to go ahead and prepare the berth for cuddles while Prowl brings the snacks. He comes in and sees something orange skidaddle under Prowl's berth. He comes closer and omg it's a kittyh-
Prowl comes in and Bee hushes him from any questions and excitedly waves him over to look. Prowl loves animals so he has an entire animal food stash in his cabinet to he can feed them when he goes out. He lured the cat out with a can of food, also gave it water to drink.
The kitty was an orange tabby, it looked like it was one of the street cat considering how dirty it was and neither of them cound sense a chip in it.
After a while of eating the cat got skittish and ran up the shelf and out the window- presumably the way it got inside in the first place. They were sad and hoped the cat would come back later.
Both of the got woken up by meowing the next day. It was the same cat, sitting near Prowl's berth and meowing loudly. Prowl noticed the can of salmon feed he gave to the cat was now completely empty, meaning the cat ate the rest and was now demanding more food.
He got up and gave it another canned feed along with fresh water. The cat ate it right up and stayed just a little longer before deciding to go away.
Bee got the idea of trying to name the cat- since it apparently didn't have a home therefore no name. He gave few suggestions and had a bit of an argument with Prowl- Bee wanted to name the cat something silly like "Gatorade" or "Greg the Devourer" while Prowl was more into traditional names like "Daisy" or "Jasper".They settled on naming the cat "Honeycomb".
The cat had visited few more times and each time it was more friendly with them. At one point Prowl even set up a little area for it to hang out at- few scratchers, boxes and bowls to eat and drink.
They told the others about the cat and they were so jealous- while they have seen the cat few times, it only ever came close to either Bee or Prowl. At this point the cat had decided to stay at the little cat castle in Prowl's room.
The cat seemed more affectionate with time, it even came up to brush against or cuddle with them. It was amazing. It also seemed the cat was starting to get more healthy as well because it seemed to get fatter.
One day however the cat didn't show up, they looked for it everywhere around and inside the plant but nothing. It didn't show up the day after either...
But then the next morning when they woke up Bee heard very quiet tiny meows coming from one of the boxes in the cat area.
They checked and there was Honeycomb laying in the blankets, nursing a fresh batch of kittens. There was 4 in total, all of them had orange fur with a bit of white.
They took the mama and the kittens to the vet to get checked out; the kittens were fine but the mama needed some meds for the parasites and fleas. They got her clean and chipped before taking her and the kittens back to base.
Sari was over the moon when she saw the kittens. Honeycomb was surprisingly chill with everyone else which made them happy. Bee and Prowl decided to give the kittens up for adoption after they were a month old. Honeycomb herself got a collar and a tag and has become the team's family pet, although she favorited Bee and Prowl.
They both taught her tricks like jumping onto their shoulders to ride. She also made herself useful by bringing dead rats she hunted down to them- the little rascals had been biting thru cables at the plant and Ratchet was running out of options on how to get rid of the persistent rodents.
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writingdespair · 2 years
I just read your cat like reader prompt and I'm hoping to request a continuation of it with Kirumi, Maki, Sonia and mahiru
Kirumi, Maki, Sonia and Mahiru with an S/O who has cat-like tendencies.
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Kirumi Tojo
-With her calm and almost cold attitude she’s not one to play into your personality. Early on in the relationship it’ll feel more like she’s your servant rather than your partner. 
-Once the two of you make it though that awkward patch, Kirumi will be more warm and affectionate. She’ll pat the top of your head, hold you while stroking your back. Though these affections will only be seen behind closed doors. Kirumi cares deeply about your safety and her professional position.
-Kirumi isn’t very fond of your habit of climbing on top of furniture. It makes her worry. If she were to catch you somewhere high up, she’ll lightly chastise you. Telling you how you could’ve gotten hurt up there.
Being a maid, Kirumi comes across many boxes. She’ll be sure to offer them before tossing them out. She has even made a variety of blankets and pillows for when you decide to curl up somewhere.
Maki Harukawa
-In the early stages of her crush, she’ll treat you like you’re a burden. Scoffing at you, asking if you wanted to die when you brushed up against her body. Deep down she couldn’t fight the warmth she felt. Your friendliness was a bright and shining beacon in her otherwise depressing life.
-Maki wasn’t given much affection growing up. Your affectionate gestures and cuddling makes her very flustered. She’ll weakly threaten you, looking away as a blush covers her cheeks. She would reciprocate your affections in small doses; linking pinkies in an empty hallway, buying you a snack from the school store, or sitting close enough for your knees to be touching.
-Kokichi would tease the two of you all the time. “Aw, how cute. Maki’s little cat has her all soft now!” She’s about three more teasing remarks away from punching him in the throat.
-When you climb on top of something or hide away in a box, Maki just knows. She can somehow locate where you are like a sixth sense. She’ll tell you to be careful, but other than that you have free range of the counters. In the event you do fall, nine times out of ten she’ll be there to catch you.
Sonia Nevermind
-She thinks you’re just the cutest! Before the two of you were even together, she’ll pet and coo at you. Sonia would be the type to call your attention like she would a cat, she thinks it’s just too adorable. Your classmates were practically gagging at how sappy you guys were.
-Sonia takes any of your affection with open arms no matter where you are. She’ll pull you into her lap in the middle of class with no shame. Though if you were to ask for her to tone it down she will.
-With her almost sickening amounts of money, Sonia would buy you all the boxes you could ask for, including any pillows, blankets, or comforters you’d want. She cuddles up with you in a pile of blankets, leaving dozens of lipstick kisses on your forehead.
-Upon seeing you lounging somewhere high up, she’d panic. Asking for you to come down so you wouldn’t hurt yourself. If her asking won’t deter you from climbing up dangerous places, she’ll do her best to be there to catch you.
Mahiru Koizumi
-At first she’d find you pretty annoying, saying the way you acted was childish. She’d reprimand you for acting so silly. Something about the way you would laze about, ticked something off in her. Once getting to know you better, she’d still be on your case but more willing to let things slide.
-She prefers to keep affection in a more private setting, though if you were to be persistent she’d let you snuggle up to her. Mahiru is used to Hiyoko’s constant clinging, so you’d be another cuddly addition. 
-On the topic of the traditional dancer, Hiyoko would be pretty mean to you. Yelling about how you’re trying to take away Mahiru from her, berating you at any chance. It would take a small argument between her and Mahiru to see how much you mean to the photographer. From then on, she’d cling onto you as well, calling you her big sibling and asking you to help tie her kimono.
-While Mahiru is more lenient on your lazy habits, climbing onto things is not something she favors. “(Name)! Get down from there!” is something you’ll be used to hearing. She will try to climb whatever you’re resting on and drag you off. “Geez! Are you trying to get hurt?”
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galadriel1010 · 2 years
Reasons I think Miss Fisher and Inspector Robinson will probably get married sooner or later:
1. It’s the 1930s.
You can be the most modern woman in the world in love with the most modern man in the world, but unless you also want to have the most modern life in the world (which they don’t seem to. They want to maintain their positions in society where she can push for women’s rights and they can solve crimes together) you will eventually have to flex to world you live in. And in the 1930s, that means that if they want people to acknowledge their relationship, it has to be a marriage. 
We see in S3 a bit of what their life might look like if they don’t, because multiple people assume them to be a couple. Sure, Jack is probably high ranking enough that he won’t lose his job and divorced enough that he can probably get away with having a mistress, and Phryne doesn’t give a fig what anyone thinks of her as long as it doesn’t get in the way of her doing her thing, but eventually it’s going to start to grind that they have a relationship that no one outside their immediate chosen family will acknowledge openly. Suspects may try to use it against them (like Angela Barnes in Game, Set and Murder) or to appeal to them (like Eric Edwards in Death and Hysteria), but that’s as far as acknowledgement is going to go. Jack will be invited to Phryne’s intimate parties, and possibly Aunt P’s, but he won’t be her plus one to any public events that don’t require a police presence. If anything happens to them, the other will be acknowledged as a good friend, like Mac was in Death by Misadventure. And Phryne has a lot of friends in that situation, enough to know what it looks like outside of an accepting and understanding intimate friendship group. They will spend their relationship treading a fine line of how much acceptance they can demand before it becomes too much and compromises their lives, at which point they will come back to the same choice - marry, or end it.
They may well decide that it was fun while it lasted, but they’d rather walk away. I doubt it, but it’s possible. I’m not sure I can see them going back to being just friends at this stage, and I don’t think it would help. The rumours will persist unless they cut off all contact, and probably Phryne leaves Melbourne completely. They are both demonstrative, affectionate people. Maintaining a secret relationship would be unpleasant, maintaining a friendship when they’re still in love would be awful.
Personally, I think that Phryne is softening on the position of marriage. She’s always understood why other people marry, but not how it could apply to her. Jack is different, but she’s also incredibly pragmatic. Marriage is not going to change her, but it can protect her. The one thing she does not want is for people to believe she has married purely to avoid a scandal. Not for her sake, because she doesn’t give a damn what people think of her, but because of how that reflects on Jack. If they do marry, it will be the biggest social event of the decade, and she will make people acknowledge that she has married ‘below her station’ and done so for love.
And if the Chief Commissioner thinks that it’s going to mean she leaves his crime scenes alone, he can whistle.
Because at the end of the day, she might now be Mrs Phryne Robinson (and surely one of the perks of marrying is getting rid of her father’s name), but she’s still the Honourable Miss Phryne Fisher and she will kick you from here to Darwin if you look at her husband wrong.
2. At some point the Fleurie sisters are going to present Phryne with a vague concept for a wedding gown for her and she is going to lose her mind over it.
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Base Yandere Tier Harribel The 3rd Espada Headcanons: Her Heart Is Loyal
#Yandere #YandereTier #YandereTierHarribel #YandereBleach #YandereHeadcanons #Headcanons #Bleach #BleachTierHarribel #Bleach3rdEspada #TierHarribel #TierXReader #Reader #TierHarribelXReader 
[Hello, My Sexy Muffins! I am here with a new chapter! Another Bleach request, and yes another mommy~ Tier Harribel! I hope that you all enjoy this!]
(Disclaimer: Tier Harribel is not yandere in canon, this is just for fun and not to be taken seriously at all. Simping for fictional characters and yandere is fine, just do not be illegal or gross about it! Also, remember to separate fiction from reality and headcanon from canon. Yanderes are not ideal partners to have in real life.)
[Again I hope you all enjoy!]
-Base Yandere Heacanon With Tier Harribel The Third Espada-
.Tier is a calm and collected woman.
.She also believes in loyalty.
.She is one to care about her underlines.
.So much she lashes out when she feels them fading.
.She cares for those she has in her life.
.With you that does not change.
.She cares about you the most.
.She is the type of yandere that is loyal to the end.
.And she is the protective type.
.Putting her life on the line to keep you safe.
.Refusing to let you be harmed.
.She would even betray Aizen if he tried to harm you.
.Your life matters to her that much more.
.Though once someone does try and harm you or take you from her.
.She reacts with rage!
.No one should ever put their hands on you!
.She is a soft and kind yandere.
.Though she also is very affectionate to you in private.
.She can be found stroking your hair or patting your head.
.She deals with rivals by putting them in their place and is not afraid to kill them if it comes down to it.
.She would prefer you to come with her willingly.
.Is very unlikely to come and kidnap you.
.She much rather court you.
.She eventually becomes the new ruler of Hucho Mundo.
.So in other ways she could be considered a queen.
.Which means you will eventually be her majesty and co-ruler.
.She is patient and can watch you for months or years.
.She will do what it takes to have you.
.Vowing to prove herself to you and to show you that she will be everything you need.
.Though her yandere side is still there and if she has to she will eliminate rivals if it had to come to that.
.She confesses to you after the battle of Karakura.
.There she tells you how she feels not as an enemy but as a woman who bears her heart and soul to you.
.If you turn her down she understands but she would not give up, she will still court you she is persistent yandere.
.If you say yes, she will allow you to live both in the world of the living and Hucho Mundo.
.She is nothing but patient.
.She will be your knight and you her ruler!
[YASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS another chapter done I hope you all enjoyed this and stay sexy!]
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darklingichor · 1 month
Viviana Valentine Goes Up the River, by Emily J Edwards
Second book in the series.
Tommy has made Viv a full partner in the PI business and Tally Blackstone has decided, dispite having millions of dollars, she wants to try her hand at being the secretary. This is about where I start to wonder if Tally is in her right mind, because I work as a receptionist and if I had heiress money, I sure as shit would not choose that job. "Hey, I have enough money to live and to follow my passions, I think I'll listen to people bitch about the coffee, and develop a twitch at the sound of a ringing phone!" Hard pass.
Anyway, Tally brings in a friend who has a case for our pair of PIs.
This friend, Buster, is a rich pompous scientist who is working on so top secret type stuff. His household is being disturbed by odd noises in his house. He wants Viv and Tommy to investigate. He's willing to pay, and it would mean a trip away into the country, so why not? Viv heads up first, followed later by Tommy. The house is full of Buster's rich society friends and it quickly become evident that there is more going on here than weird noises. To smooth the way, Tommy and Viv pretend to be engaged and get down to the business of solving the various mysteries of the house, one of which has turned deadly.
We get to see the dynamic between Viv and Tommy, which is awesome. They work really well together and you can tell that this partnership has been cultivated for ten years. And yes, it is obvious that the two are going to get together.
Tommy and Viv, are comfortable with each other, affectionate with each other, respect each other, and rely on each other. Now, this could be platonic, but it is definitely romance coded. Besides, just like you know as soon as someone in an action movie says they are a week from retirement, they are actually about five minutes from death, as soon as Tommy suggested pretending to be engaged you know that they will do it for real. I'm cool with this because they make a good pair.
The story itself is really cool. It helps that it is one of my favorite mystery settings.
A house where everyone is stuck there and it is a process of elimination, either through detective work or because people keep getting bumped off, to figure out who the bad guy is. I will admit, with the initial mystery being "find out what is making the creepy noises" it really did remind me of a Scooby Doo plot. And that tone kind of persists in that even when things get serious, some goofy stuff is still happening. I mean this in a good way.
Buster and all his friends (save the butler and one cool lady) are obnoxious and I found myself hoping that this was like murder on the orient express, where everyone was guilty.
I will admit, I didn't figure out who the bad guy was until late in the game, and the solution to the whole mystery wasn't what I thought it was going to be.
I think like this.one and the first one an equal amount because they are so different. This is one of those times where which one I reread will depend on my mood.
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