#and I don’t have social anxiety
hobisexually · 2 years
#I was at a fair all week#I don’t know how to talk about this really#but I met like 80 new people in the span of 72 hours#and I don’t have social anxiety#but I do have anxiety in general#and this entire week. just took so much out of me and I was confronted with myself So Much#I can do more than I think I can! true! but it requires complete compartmentalisation#and I’ve been shutting myself off from everyone since .#well since July basically after I got covid because my life got insanely hectic from that point on#and I’ve grown a lot. I have. I’m proud of the things I’ve done#but idk I find it hard to balance everything#and I find living just hard in general and even when I do these things like this fair#which was 2939:9;993 steps out of my comfort zone and I did WELL so yes I’m proud#but also I’m. frustrated with myself#and how difficult my brain decides to make things#and how disconnected I feel from everyone but how I don’t have the energy to do something about it#you know?#ah either way.#sometimes I wish I picked an easier job because no one seems to get how insane it is sometimes#and how it isn’t just reading#if it was that! it’d be fine#but every aspect that comes with it…… woof#idk the me from six years ago couldn’t have done any of this. she really couldn’t have#I was rereading conversations this morning and the me that I see there. holy hell I just want to wrap her in a hug#so I’m proud of what I’ve done in the mean time. I showed up for myself I really did#but sometimes I’m afraid I changed so much that I’ll lose everyone in the process#idk man post lockdown life is difficult#and my fear of covid is not gone by any means (not even after having had it) but we’re meant to continue on as before#and I can’t rhyme those two things together#ah. this is nonsensical and doesn’t even touch on 1% of what I was trying to say but WHATEVER
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pretty-dead-weight · 1 year
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They both have social anxiety 😥
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apotelesmaa · 4 months
I don’t think ppl give enough credit to rui for his dedication to fucking with people (outside of tsukasa of course) like. Knowing & acknowledging that nene wants nothing to do with him and Tsukasa on her first day of second year and deliberately following tsukasa to loudly ask if she’s getting along with people (just to be a jackass)? Implying his gift to akito will explode even though it won’t bc he wants to bug akito? Like I think rui at his core is full of love and a desire to make ppl smile but I also think he’s 200% committed to the bit first and foremost. If something will be funny he’s going to do it regardless of the consequences. Guy filled with zero social anxiety & a never ending desire to embarrass his friends.
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bookwyrminspiration · 5 months
“my anxiety isn’t that bad” bitch you’re wide eyed and shaking frantically googling ‘how do cafes work’
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hanakihan · 1 month
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‘Unfortunately, people talk. They don’t know what they’re talking about.’
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wardenparker · 4 months
Every time one of my coworkers comments about how much I like to talk I want to scream and cry and hold up a sign explaining my mental illnesses that apologizes for the fact that I have NO social awareness as to when it is appropriate to talk more or less so I am literally just existing and trying to survive.
After I put the sign away, I will go hide in a tunnel or hidden corner or something for the rest of the work day.
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stardustdiiving · 7 months
How evil is arlecchino and what is she cooking
As of 4.2, I’m really curious what they’re planning with Arlecchino as a character, especially as a villain/antagonist/morally dubious character, and how far/which direction they may go with that
Intuitively my impression is we’ll see her do something way more “villainous” than she presents herself as being for majority of Fontaine’s AQ in front of us right—(which isn’t a surprise given that, you know, Arlecchino nor the House of Hearth have never been presented as 110% ethical LOL) but I find myself not being in complete agreement with most analysis or speculation threads I see about Arlecchino’s morality and the like, level of sinister people seem to ascribe to her.
Idk how to put it, especially in regards to her children I do agree they are not a wholesome found family, that Arlecchino is not above pulling strings or using them for her own ulterior motives, but I kind of hesitate on the idea she only cares about the Hearth children as a means to the end/things she can control and there’s nothing else going on with her characterization wise there. I’m not saying that impression seems remotely unreasonable or unfounded, but just that it feels there’s something intentionally missing in how we are supposed to conceptualize her as a person
My main reasoning for this hunch is the fact they have not elaborated on Arlecchino and the previous Knave—who Arlecchino is stated to have taken over the position from by force. The extra tidbits I think about are that 1) Arlecchino was previously an orphan in the Hearth 2) the previous Knave is described as way, way crueler to the children of than Heart than Arlecchino was from when she took control of the House
Often, people’s major indicators that the House of the Hearth is kind of super fucked up are the NPCs we meet in world quests who are part of it and clearly suffering. But one thing I haven’t ever seen people mention w this that i think is a very interesting detail is, in The Very Special Fortune Slip Inazuma worldquest, where we stop this House of Hearth guy (Efim Snezhevich) from manufacturing tension between Watasumi/the Shogunate to restart the war with his other Hearth subordinates, at the end of the quest we get this dialogue that reveals he had been acting under the previous Knave’s directives:
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It’s also mentioned he’s employing this plan in an attempt to “rebuild the prestige of the Knave” following Signora’s death, iirc? Now, see, the dialogue itself says that this is “assuming our captive is telling the truth” so who knows what’s really going on, but I find this a really odd/interesting thing to highlight. I’m a bit fuzzy on other world quests with Hearth members, and am not saying none of them were acting and subsequently being treated poorly by our Arlecchino, but like, this gives me a lot of questions especially when paired with implications this previous Knave seemed to be way worse
Like, what drove Arlecchino to take over? How unexpected and controversial was this within the House? Assuming the above information is all true it definitely says something this guy went rogue and acted on what the previous Knave would want and didn’t think our Arlecchino would greenlight it, which does feel consistent with the previous Knave being described as basically worse & crueler than our Arlecchino. It also makes me question how much house of hearth things we’ve seen outside the main story are the work of our Arlecchino or if there’s a bigger divide of loyalty. Heck, I could be wrong but it doesn’t even seem like we know if the previous Knave is dead or not
This isn’t me saying Arlecchino couldn’t possibly be treating hearth children worse than she wants us to know, especially ones who aren’t her “favorites” the way the fontaine trio seem to be, but I really don’t feel sure about making a solid conclusion of her exact level of malice the way ppl r generally understanding it rn when it feels there’s going to be more about her. Just the idea of she, as a Hearth child, clashed with the previous leader who was known for being cruel, overtook their position and took on less harsh methods of leading that made at least some members with more power/possible closer proximity to the previous Knave go rogue and try to commit atrocities in the previous Knave’s name…I feel this leaves a lot of room to suggest there’s more going on with how Arlecchino is as a person
I don’t mind if she’s just very evil and deceptive bc if she totally had me fall for thinking she was less evil than she actually was that’s fun tbh. But I feel people suggest that’s all her character could be with no degree of like, “sympatheticness” or deep grey morality and that if her character did go there it would be automatically poor writing and genshin walking back on making a truly evil woman when IDK. I feel you can claim at this point they have left it open ended and it’s never been completely confirmed she’s pure evil. Also sometimes I just get a hunch and feel cautiously confident in Genshin executing certain characters well. Not all characters, just certain ones. Especially given Fontaine’s character writing being very good and a character like Lyney feeling very solid to me when any development with Arlecchino would likely involve him and his siblings as well, I honestly feel open to the idea of Arlecchino being satisfyingly written to be both villainous/morally dubious but “sympathetic/likable as a person” in ways outside of just her ruthlessness if that makes sense
If I’m wrong/they drop the ball with it more than I anticipate I’ll eat my hat but I am pretty excited about her character and which way they decide to go with it. I will say the only potential impression I have of where they’ll go with her has been wondering if it will go in a “cycles of abuse” direction—I’d be surprised if they ever elaborated on Arlecchino’s character especially in how she feels about things and her also growing up as an exploited child of the hearth wasn’t relevant
#arlecchino#see my track record with said hunch with when I feel I should let genshin cook has been#for months truthing my vision of xiao’s speififc brand of internalized dehumanization induced suicidal ideation#and how genshin will one day he will get another quest of sorts thst develops his character towards#the idea he’s allowed to live and enjoy people’s company and this will likely#also come with following through on yaksha lore and when they do this they will do him SO well and it will be peak genshin quest#all of this Months before the existence of perilous trails was even rumored#and then I was soo stubborn xiao would show up in 2023 lantern rite w more character introspection to follow up PT#and also from the first fontsine teaser I was in the trenches for furina bc I felt so confident#the main storyline would handle her very well & if genshin went anywhere near the direction of her#not being a ‘true archon’ & ppl were Wrong if they thought genshin woudlnt take her seriously#and HAHA. WWOOWOOWOWOEOEOOEOEE#I have also been sent into hysteria multiple times bc genshin keeps canonizing my exact ideas of my favorite character dynamics#and often exceeding my expectations that I thought were jsut wishful thinking#yes I predicted exactly how xiao would interact w Venti & zhongli on screen yes I predicted#the exact nature of hat radish friendship no I was wiped out on the floor#by nahida enrolling wanderer in college & calling him hat guy & zhongli saving xiao’s life#& xiao having hardcore social anxiety from zhongven flirting with each other st the dinner table#this sounds so conceited. see I often don’t know What genshin is cooking but k feel sure in knowing when soemthing is going to be#a shitshow or mediocre or when we need to let them cook. even if it takes 6+ months#TRUST ME <— guy who has been waiting on genshin to cook for several characters for multiple years and is still sure I will get my food#am I crazy. yes. am I also often right when I have hunches on when genshin is going to suck and when it’s going to be good esp character#writing wise. often yes#one day I will annihilate genshined impact with my bare hands#genshin#fern.txt#fandomferns
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da-proti-toku-grem · 4 months
18 for Jance please? :)
Thank you for the request! Hope you like it 🫶
Send me a Ship and a Number and I will Write a Kiss
tw description of (social) anxiety + an anxiety attack (therefore, a bit angsty + hurt/comfort)
18. …as encouragement.
Jan didn't feel like going anywhere right now, much less having to be in a place full of people and having to interact with them.
Yes, he loved going out for drinks with the guys to that gay club in Ljubljana that they loved so much and dancing in a crowded dance floor. But there were times when the mere thought of being in a room full of people – no matter if they were friends or strangers – was terrifying.
Yes, he played guitar in a band that played sold out concerts in huge venues and loved to play music at full volume with his headphones. But sometimes the noises around him seemed to increase tenfold in volume and he felt like pulling his hair out.
Yes, he always tried to talk to as many of their fans as he could before or after gigs. But there were times when a simple small-talk was enough to put a lump in his throat and make him want to cry.
Oftentimes he was completely fine. Sometimes it was simply too much.
So that's how he found himself at the moment.
Joker Out had been invited to an event and, of course, that event would be crowded. And not only that, but it would be full of people who would want to talk to them, to interview one of the most successful bands in Slovenia at the moment. And Jan didn't feel like he had the willpower to cope with that in that moment.
So that was what had brought him to the situation he was in now: sitting on the floor of his and Nace's room, his back leaning against the side of the bed, his legs pressed against his chest, arms wrapped around his legs and his head resting on his knees, black hair covering his face. He was breathing heavily and that pang in his chest – that was unfortunately so familiar – had returned.
Jan wanted to cry. Or scream. Or maybe both. But even that seemed to be too much right now. All he could do was sit there, trembling.
“Janči, have you seen my-” Nace's voice snapped him out of his train of thought.
He had entered the bathroom a few minutes ago to take a shower, but apparently he had forgotten something. He went out to grab it before showering, but the question hung in the air as soon as his eyes fell on the younger. “Hey, hey, love, what's wrong?” He said, concern evident in his voice as he approached the man on the floor.
Shit shit shit, now I've worried him, Jan thought. Why can't I do anything right?
When Jan didn't answer, Nace asked again, gently. “Is it because of the event?”
The guitarist let out a broken sob.
“Oh, honey,” he reached out to touch him, but stopped himself before doing so. “Is it okay if I touch you?”
Jan's heart melted as he tried to nod.
However, Nace didn't touch him immediately. Instead, he sat next to him, close but not touching him yet.
“Okay, I know you probably don't have the strength to talk right now, so let's try something,” he said softly. “Tap once if you want to say yes, and twice if no, okay?”
He tapped once.
“Good job. Are you still okay with me touching you?” He asked again. Not pushing, not judging, just not wanting to force him. And God, what did I do to deserve him?
Jan tapped again. A ‘yes’.
Nace slowly approached him, put his arms around him and, oh so gently, began to move his hand up and down the younger's back, soothingly.
Jan's brain is too cluttered to process how or when it happened, but he found himself in Nace's arms, facing him this time, resting his head against his chest and crying.
The bassist's arms wrapped around his body, tight enough to give him the comfort he needed, but not so tight that it became too much.
When Jan stopped crying, leaving only some small sobs, the older spoke again.
“Breathe with me, love.”
And so he did. He followed Nace's breathing until his own breathing regulated and his heartbeat returned to normal. Then, he slowly separated himself until their foreheads rested against each other.
Again, Nace was the one to break the silence.
“I want you to know that if you need support at any time, I will be there. You can always hold my hand or, I don't know, whatever you need. And if at any point you think it's becoming too much and you need to get out, you tell me and I'll make an excuse to get us out of there, okay? No interview is more important than you and your well-being, Janči.”
If it weren't for the fact that he had already used up all the tears he had, Jan would surely have started crying again at those words. He still couldn't understand how he had managed to have someone so caring in his life, and what's more - to have the enormous pleasure of calling him his boyfriend.
“Thank you,” he said in a small voice, hoarse from all the crying.
Nace started leaning closer and, when their lips were about to touch, he stopped. “Is this okay?”
“More than okay,” Jan smiled and closed the distance with a soft, tender kiss.
As their lips slowly parted ways, they stared lovingly into each other's equally brown eyes.
“You can do it, Janči. You're so strong and I believe in you, alright?” Nace kissed his forehead.
Jan leaned into the gentle touch as a whispered 'thank you' escaped his lips.
“Wanna join me in the shower?” Offered Nace. “I can wash your hair if you want. Maybe it’ll help you calm down a bit.”
Jan was sure his boyfriend was an angel sent straight from heaven.
“Mhm,” he hummed, giving him a weak smile.
“Okay let's go, baby.”
masterlist | ao3
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nekoerotica · 4 months
I am half domestic cat and half human. Therianthropy is the closest thing that can define me. I like to say i’m an animal-like human.
I don’t have shifts, phantom limbs, dysphoria. I’m not interested in quads (I have long legs and I get tired easily). I already feel at home curled up in my nice warm bed. I make animal sounds subconsciously. I still like my human body and my human life but sometimes when I get depressed I want to become a cat. Regularly I already feel like a cat, I don’t wish to look like one.
Therians on reddit, tumblr, twitter seem much more animal than me and I feel like I can’t fit in. Other therians feel too animal for me and humans feel too human for me. I feel lonely.
Does anyone feel the same?
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pixlokita · 11 months
Someone: why are your hands shaking so much?
Me: oh i just have some anxiety.
Them: hahah, in olden times a good slap to the face would have fixed that right away.
Me: okay?
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unfunnyaceartist · 4 months
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Me when @kovox
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un-pearable · 6 months
big fan of how i completely fall apart the moment i don’t have Structure. i’ve had exactly 3 days since the end of the semester and i’m currently awake at 7am bc i just. wasn’t tired and kept reading 👍
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samyelbanette · 2 months
I hate the proliferation of Discord in modern fandom. The idea that people are having all these fun conversations without me is so isolating.
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bisexualseraphim · 6 months
Possible spicy take but I’m so bored of people crying ABLEISM!!! whenever someone has a controversial opinion such as “hi I am a service worker and I feel dehumanised when all you do is stare blankly at me or bark your order at me please smile and say hello”
As an autistic person who until just 2 years ago was so socially anxious I couldn’t go outside alone, if you’re an adult and you can’t even give someone a quick smile and a “good thanks how are you?” that’s not poor social skills due to autism or social anxiety, that’s you being a prick.
It is the absolute most basic human decency and manners to fucking smile at someone and say hello and if you’ve made it to adulthood without learning that then someone deeply failed you. It takes 2 seconds and costs absolutely nothing. Yes you may find small talk or whatever uncomfortable, but most people do and it’s just a part of life that you’ve got to learn to deal with. Being a bit awkward or uncomfortable isn’t trauma. You don’t have to tell your whole life story when they ask you how you are, but don’t just fucking ignore them. And tbh associating neurodivergence with acting like an asshole is ironically one of the most ableist things you can do
Also, I see a LOT of people daily who just walk up to service workers and go “CHEESEBURGER” without a “please” or “hello” and I know that 90% of people aren’t autistic adults who were never taught the bare minimum social skills so don’t bullshit me with that excuse. You all just want any reason to be mean or rude and it’s gross
*NOTE: This post is obviously not talking about non-verbal people or anyone else who may struggle with the simplest general conversation due to disability. It’s about people who are capable of having a normal social interaction with for example friends, but then use neurodivergence as an excuse not to treat others with basic decency
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rainymoodlet · 1 year
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Kiss Me in Komorebi+ 🌸
[Episode Five] One Last Push!
I am just gon sit here kickin’ my feet around over this one fhdhd they are too sweet! While Ainsley and Daniel don’t often seek each other out in the group at large, their solo chemistry absolutely shines through when they get to talking! If you’re noticing a theme between these One-on-Ones, it won’t be surprising to learn that Daniel would have 3000% majored in Psychology and become a Therapist if he hadn’t been shipped off to Military School.
[ Part 19/?? ] 🌹
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wren-kitchens · 2 months
social anxiety can be so funny sometimes because i’ll be talking to someone and they’ll go offline for whatever reason and i’m always like ‘oh no did I say too much’ when I said probably one of the most average things i’ve ever said to that person
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