#and I feel like surely she’s done this sort of thing before in her criminal career before becoming the head of a criminal organization
daydreamerdrew · 2 years
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Iron Man (1968) #7
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stevieschrodinger · 8 months
Part One
for @vampiregirl1797
“I just feel like we should put all our cards on the table before we go...all in. I’d like to go all in, but I feel like we need to be straight with each other about some stuff.”
“Oooookay,” Eddie says slowly, lowering himself to sit at the table. He had to shuffle the chair back a bit to fit the bump, “uhm, right.” Eddie feels kind of sick. Not the morning sickness kind, that’s long gone now, just the regular this is the End Of The Steve Thing kind of sick. Because someone basically saying we need to talk has never, not once, turned out well.
Eddie maybe hasn’t come clean about anything. Eddie’s maybe been spending months scenting Steve curled up on his couch watching shitty movies. Eddie maybe just said the pups father isn’t in the picture and didn’t elaborate. Eddie maybe thought Steve had just bought that.
But Steve wants the truth, and Eddie’s going to let him have it, even though when Steve finds out what a little drug dealing slut of an Omega Eddie has been, like, historically, this might be it for straight laced Steve.
The End.
“I started in the library because I was doing community restitution.”
Eddie’s brain screeches to a sort of halt. Because wait. This was about Eddie admitting he’s a shit human being, right? Not for Steve to admit to doing anything wrong…? Wasn't it?
“Community restitution?” Eddie starts slowly, “like...you’re a criminal?”
Steve snorts but then looks at the table, fiddling with his own fingers before he looks back up again, “yeah. Kinda’.”
“And the crime was..?”
“Property damage. Rob’s boss tried to touch her up and then when she walked he screwed her out of her last pay check. It was her word against his so that didn’t go anywhere and...I may have smashed a couple of windows. A dozen. A dozen windows. While intoxicated.”
Eddie can’t even imagine that. Steve’s wearing fucking slippers and he’s at home now, so he’s swapped into the glasses that have an old people chain so he can hang them around his neck and not loose them, “I mean. Sounds...like a fair response. Yeah. Okay.”
“Sure?” Steve looks uncertain.
“I mean? If that's the worst thing you've ever done I’m pretty sure were good?”
Steve hums, it’s not a positive sound, “you know I’m,” he indicates the sides of his head. Steve’s told Eddie about the concussions. The sports scholarship. The one too many hits to the head and then the burst eardrum and the following infections that fucked his hearing up real good and pretty conclusively ended his career before it even started.
“Right, so without them in, I mean, I don’t wear them to sleep.”
And Eddie hadn’t thought about that, didn’t realize, because he hasn’t actually slept with Steve yet. Because Steve was courting him. Properly courting him. They have date night. It’s so fucking domestic Eddie nearly turns inside out over it.
Also Steve works in a library and he read somewhere that the bite of an Alpha who is not the sire of the pup can, in a few rare cases, cause the Omega’s body to fail the pregnancy and like...reject the pup in favor of having another heat so it can carry the pup of their actual mate. Or something. And because of that Steve won’t do more than kiss Eddie. Because he’s not willing to even take the risk that he might bite Eddie in the heat of the moment. He’s so fucking committed he actually offered to get Eddie off. Was very clear that he wanted absolutely nothing in return, was just happy to do hand or even mouth stuff to keep Eddie happy if that’s what he wanted.
Steve is like, just, how is he even real? And obviously Eddie said no because he's not a complete dick and saying yes felt incredibly selfish, even though he's been kicking himself every day since because when Eddie makes a decision Steve fucking respects that.
Fucking perfect loveable bastard.
Which is as adorable as it is fucking frustrating. But Eddie has also agreed that they will wait. They will wait until the pups born. They will wait for such time as Eddie can fully focus on a relationship. Whatever Steve means by that because Eddie is horny and doesn’t really care for the waiting part but-
“So I’m pretty deaf, at night.”
“Riiiight…?” Eddie has no idea where Steve’s going with this. Eddie is clearly fucking missing something along the line here.
“So when the pup cries at night, I won’t hear it. Like I definitely won’t hear it. And I get that, someone who can help more would be more appealing. Sometimes I don’t hear so good if there’s a lot of noise, so I’m worried if the pup cries and like, the TV’s on or something, I might not hear right away. And if you’re tired, I want to help at night, it’s not fair if you have to wake up all the time. I know I should have said something sooner but honestly it only really occurred to me today at work-”
Eddie’s heart is fucking melting into his guts. This is too much. Steve Harrington who smashes windows in defense of his best friend's honor. Steve Harrington who actually worries about his ability to look after another Alpha’s pup. This man. Eddie doesn’t know what to do and now his stupid face is leaking because he cries at fucking everything at the moment and Steve is looking at him absolutely horrified. Jesus Christ on a cracker.
Steve dashes around the table and dabs Eddie’s eyes with his own sleeve, while Eddie blubs incoherently about how perfect Steve is and how he’s the best Alpha ever.
So. There’s that.
Later, when Eddie’s finally managed to stop crying, but is lying splotchy faced on the couch, admits to Steve, “I’m not sure who the Alpha is. And they’re all douches so I didn’t want to hang around to find out.”
“Oh,” Steve says quietly, rubbing at Eddie’s knee, “do you want to find out now?”
“Still no. And, I get if you think it’s...wrong or...selfish...or whatever. I understand if you...you know, don’t like that I was sleeping around a bit.”
Steve seems to actually ponder that for a while, so Eddie decides to go all in and put the final nail in his own coffin, “also, I used to sell drugs. And do drugs. Some drugs. But not now. Not touched it since I found out about the pup. Haven’t been selling since I came back. Or smoking actually,” Eddie sighs, “could kill for a smoke right now though.”
Steve’s quiet for a long time, thinking. “Is the Alpha...likely to find out? Could this come back on you?”
Eddie bites his lip, taking a moment over it, “I don’t see how it ever could, no.”
Steve sighs, “okay, and clearly you weren't being safe, so did you get tested?”
Eddie swallows thickly, desperately trying not to start crying again, the embarrassment of admitting this out loud to Steve, Steve who is just so much better than him, might eat him alive, “yeah. Yeah, first uhm, appointment I had with the Omega nurse, we did all that. I’m all good. And I haven’t...been with anyone, since I got back to Hawkins.”
“So, basically, you found out about your pup and changed everything about your life, so you could do the best thing you possibly could for you baby, practically overnight?”
“I- I mean. I’ve tried?”
Steve pulls Eddie up and into his lap, so they can scent each other thoroughly, “Eddie, I think you’re wonderful.”
And Eddie shoves his face harder into Steve’s neck because he’s pretty sure his whole face is bright red with blush.
Eddie’s knee is bouncing, making the chain from his wallet jiggle, but he doesn’t seem to be able to make it stop. Steve rests his hand on Eddie’s disobedient knee; that works.
When Eddie’s name gets called, he goes, knowing that Steve is right behind him. They do the boring bit, and then Eddie is getting up on the bed and then the nurse is saying, “are you staying?” With a frown on her face.
And Steve looks down to Eddie and Eddie says, “yes?” and is then suddenly bristling at the side eye they are both getting from this nurse. Because yes, okay, Eddie doesn’t have a bite, and yes, fine, he and Steve aren’t mated but god dammit he wants Steve here for this.
He can feel the stupid nurse judging him and he fucking hates it but then Steve is squeezing his fingers reassuringly and yeah, okay, that does make it better.
Eddie doesn’t like the cold gel or the pressure, but he does love hearing his pups heartbeat. He really fucking does. It’s quick and strong and perfect.
“Would you like to know the sex?”
Eddie looks at Steve, but Steve’s just smiling and shrugging and being all perfect still. Happy to go along with whatever Eddie wants. Everything Eddie wants. Even though it’s technically not Steve’s choice anyway, even though it’s not Steve’s pup. Even though all of that, some Alphas would be presumptuous enough to pass an opinion, or worse; Steve absolutely never has.
And Eddie was always the kind of kid who shook the Christmas gifts, who couldn’t sleep, who couldn’t wait.
“Yeah, yeah please?”
“It’s a girl.”
“A girl,” and Eddie can feel the waterworks starting up again already and it doesn’t help when he looks up and Steve is looking at the screen with a look of wonder on his face. Steve looks like he’s in love. “I’d like to refer you though, for a routine investigation.”
Eddie’s nerves spark even though the nurse lady hasn’t given any indication of anything being wrong, “what for?”
She hums, moving the wand thing around, “it’s reasonably common in male Omega that their hips are too narrow to safely pass the pup. And from what I see here you may fall into that category, we should find out now and not in the delivery room.”
Steve squeezes Eddie’s hand again, “yeah. Yeah, makes sense.”
At least it means there’s no guesswork. Eddie isn’t waiting to go into labor; his narrow hips mean he has a date and time to meet his pup. He wants Steve with him, Wayne doesn’t even question it; is happy to sit in the waiting room with his newspaper and wordie or whatever that thing is he plays on his phone. There’s a curtain up, and Eddie can’t feel a fucking thing from the chest down because of the godamn terrifying needle thing they’ve put in his spine. So at least there’s that.
It feels like forever and no time at all, a lifetime of trying desperately not to panic while Steve holds his hand tight and tells him everything is okay. And god Eddie wants to snap and ask him where his sudden medical degree has come from, but he doesn’t, he bites it back, knows it’s the fear talking.
And then there’s a pup crying and she’s a bit gross and covered in gack but she’s being deposited straight onto Eddie’s bare chest and he doesn’t know what to do because suddenly he’s a parent. But Steve coos down at her and doesn’t seem at all phased by the gack when he holds her tiny hand oh so gently in his big one.
Eddie wakes up, and his calves are throbbing. He feels like he's actually run somewhere, and has the worst cramp. But then, he wriggles his toes and realizes he can feel everything again, even if he wishes he couldn't because everything fucking hurts.
Right behind that, he remembers why everything fucking hurts, and that startles him the rest of the way awake, suddenly flooded with panic because where is-?
Oh. All he has to do it look to the side, and she's right there, swaddled up in Steve's arms, Steve comfortably feeding her a bottle.
Steve must sense he's awake grinning over, "did you see how much hair she has? It's going to be just like yours." And Steve looks so absolutely delighted by that simple thing, and Eddie can't help but think that maybe this whole thing will work out okay.
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muffinpink02 · 5 months
Bronze Is Better Then Gold Part 4
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Warnings - smut 18
“Right, it's only a small cut. I’ll give it a clean, just to be safe.” Lauren H said, as she opened up the medic bag.
“Thank you.” Ona sighed. 
“This might sting.” 
“It's fine- oww! That hurts.” Ona scowled. 
Lauren laughed. “I did say it was going to hurt.” 
Lucy walked over to the pair, a look on her face that Ona didn't like. 
“The boss wants to talk to us.” Lucy looked between her and Lauren.
Ona let out a sigh, forgetting about the sting of the alcohol on her cut. “Shit.”
Lauren packed away the medical bag. “You’re all done. Good luck guys.” She scurried away.
Lucy drove them back to the office. She looked over at the younger brunette, she looked more scared now then she did on the bridge. “Don’t stress too much. She's just going to be a bit pissed, but it's not going to be that bad. Trust me, I’ve done worse.” 
Ona looked over at Lucy, a small smile crept on her face. “You sure?”
Lucy scrunched up her face and waved her hand. “Pssh yeah, she's a pussy cat.” 
They drove the rest of the way in silence but it didn’t feel strained or awkward, it was needed after what just happened, it was comfortable like it was before. 
Sarina wasn't a pussy cat, but she wasn't as angry as Lucy thought she'd be either. 
“What were you thinking, Ona? No, don't answer that, I don't want to know. I’ll tell you what you were thinking. Nothing! Nothing smart could have gone through your head when you decided to run off and chase an extremely dangerous criminal without your partner, without any backup. You didn't even have your gun! It was the most irresponsible thing an agent could do, and you did it. I expected better from you, Ona.”
Ona hung her head. “I’m sorry.”
“She just didn't want him to get away, mam. if it makes you feel any better she did a number on his face.” Lucy chuckled lightly.
Sarina now had her attention on Lucy who was standing next to Ona. 
“Don’t you start. Don't think I haven’t noticed a shift in you. I don’t know what's going on with the pair of you but I want it sorted.”
The girls shifted awkwardly on their spots.
Sarina sighed. “Leave.”
The girls left. Neither looking back. 
The thing is, Ona wouldn't tell you this, but she had run after Slims in some small hope that Lucy would talk to her again, to even have her look at her for longer than 5 seconds. It was also out of instinct but in the back of her mind she was hoping if she caught Slims, Lucy might want to be her friend again. She knew it was silly but she was desperate. But, she probably did the reverse, and made Lucy even more angry with her.
Only if she knew that when Lucy had got home that night she broke down crying the moment she closed her door. The older brunette didn't get further than her hallway when she felt the hot tears streaming down her face.
A rush of emotions hit her hard. Seeing Ona in danger like she did today was a complete shock to the system. Lucy had felt completely helpless, seeing the younger girl trapped like she did, the pain she was in, and she couldn't do anything to protect her. It was one of the scariest positions she’d ever been in, and that’s coming from someone who has had several guns pointing at her. Not all at once of course, but the girl had been in life threatening situations. But this was scary, and it was scary because it was Ona. 
And she should know better, this wasn't the first time she had been in a situation of losing someone close to her. She was just thankful history hadn’t repeated itself. 
That's when she sobbed harder as she thought about how she had treated the younger girl this last month. How horrible she had been to her, hardly talking to her, being so fucking cold towards her, how selfish she had been. If she had lost Ona today she would never have forgiven herself. She knew she was handling the situation badly, and this was a wake up call.
The thought alone at losing Ona in any way frightened her deeply. She realised if Ona wanted her as just a friend then she was lucky enough to have that. Even if she did want her as so much more. 
She knew she needed to fix things.
She took herself to shower, washing her puffy face, her head was banging from all of her crying. She took a deep breath as she washed the day away. She made her way to her bedroom and looked at her phone, she began to type.
Lucy - Hey, can I pick you up tomorrow?
Ona was drying her hair when she got the text from the older brunette. Like Lucy, she had tried to wash the stressful day off herself, especially her hair. She was shocked to see a text from the older brunette. And when she read it she was even more shocked and slightly confused. Why did she want to pick her up? She was annoyed at how her stomach fluttered, she did still like Lucy after all. But those butterflies died quickly, she assumed Lucy was probably going to give her a hard time about her actions, tell her how foolish it was to run off without her partner. She dried the rest of her hair before she replied.
Ona - Sure, I’ll see you then
Lucy smiled, it wasn't like their texts before, but it was a start.
Lucy pulled up in her spot where she would always park, she smiled when she saw the shorter girl sitting at her usual spot on the wall. The northerners' hands were sweating, she really hoped it wasn't too late to make things up with Ona.
The Spaniard took a deep breath as she approached the car, she braced herself to be scolded by Lucy. She kind of regretted agreeing to this, was it too late to run back to her flat? Ona sat in the passenger seat, looking over at Lucy with a timid smile, she was understandably nervous. Lucy had been nothing but weird with her, and frankly rude, she was unsure what she could have wanted.
Lucy smiled a little awkwardly at the younger brunette, she could tell the Spaniard was confused and maybe even a bit scared. Ona wasn’t really herself around her anymore, it broke her heart to see, but she knew it was her own fault. 
“Morning.” Lucy smiled.
“Good morning.” Ona breathed out.
Nearly 10 seconds had passed, Lucy was struggling to find the words that she had practised all last night.
“Ona, I...,” - “So..,” Both girls spoke over the other, making them nervously laugh. 
Lucy took a deep breath.
“Ona, I don’t really know where to start. I’m sorry for being such a dick. I know I’ve been weird this last month. I was just going through some personal stuff and it’s no excuse but it got in the way of my work and affected my relationship with you. And I regret it. I’m really sorry.” She breathed out. “I fucked up, but I really hope I can be your friend again. And if you don’t want that, I understand.” 
Well, Ona wasn't expecting that. Was she happy to hear Lucy apologise? Yes, but she couldn't help but wonder, why? Why did Lucy act that way? They were so close before, close in many ways. She wanted to ask what Lucy meant with ‘personal stuff.’ but she didn't want to rock the boat, this was already a surprise. And a happy surprise at that, Ona wasn't one for holding grudges, even though Ona was young she was just a little more mature than some people her age, and maybe older. 
Ona looked at Lucy, doing that thing where she could see into her soul, her big brown chocolate eyes looking right at her. 
She smiled brightly. “Sí, you were a dick, but It’s okay, these things happen. I would really like to go back to how we were, friends.” 
They both said the word loud and clear ‘friend’, the pair flinching at the fact that they both had said it. But that's what this relationship was now, and always had been. Friends.
“I err, also got you some fresh coffee and some fresh chocolate chip muffins.” Lucy held up the bag smiling gingerly. 
Ona chuckled sweetly. “Okay, that makes it a little better.” 
Lucy felt a little tension leave her shoulders as she passed Ona over her coffee, it may not be perfect but was a start.
“Do we have to listen to Christmas music everyday? Mariah Carey is getting on my nerves.” Lucy covered her face in annoyance. 
“Get a grip Bronze, it happens every year. Stop being a grinch!” Jess shouted across the room, laughing with Lauren H.
It was the second week of December, Ona eyed up the newly hung Christmas decorations around the office. She couldn't keep the smile off her face, the Spaniard loved Christmas, it was her favourite time of year.
She loved the music, the food, the gifts, the drinks, the cheesy Christmas movies, but most of all she loved that it was an excuse to be with your loved ones. Though some years were hard, not being able to share it with her family. Her fondest memories was when she was a child, herself and her brother used to try and keep each other awake to spot Father Christmas, though they never did. 
The first year Ona arrived in London she had spent Christmas alone. She had hoped to get a call or card from her parents but they never did. She tried to call, but they didn't answer when they saw it was her number. Her brother called her secretly, but that only hurt her more.
Her friend's face timed her throughout the day, but she insisted they spent the day with their families, not wanting to bother them. So, she spent Christmas alone, she even went into the new years alone.
She had never cried so much in her life. It hurt her, not being able to be with the people she loved, but her parents didn’t want anything to do with her, even if it was Christmas. 
But, since her friends moved to London she had spent every Christmas, New Years and everything in between with them. They would make their traditional festive food, play their music, and partake in the traditions they did when they were children. So, for Ona, Christmas was still a holiday she loved, even if she couldnt spend it with her blood family, she spent it with the family she chose.
Ona and Lucy were watching Jill, Demi and Jordan decorate the Christmas tree. Well, it was more Jill telling the others that they were doing it wrong, moving a bauble every time they placed it on a branch. 
“No! What are you doing? It’s already too crowded down there. Giss it here, you obviously can't reach higher than half way up. Yous put all the decorations at the bottom. No. Jordan don’t hit. You know I’ll have you on the floor.” Jill laughed.
Ona and Lucy chuckled at the show in front of them. “Would Jill really be able to beat Jordan?” Ona asked.
Lucy scoffed. “Not a chance, Jill knows it too.” 
Ona watched on. “Hmm. Tea?” 
“I’ll do it, you made tea last.” Lucy got up and made her way to the kitchen.
Since Lucy apologised just over a week ago she had been trying her best to make it up to Ona. They started going for lunch again, they even went back to the chip shop, Lucy brought Ona on her first week. The texts came back, but they weren't as often, though that was kind of expected.
Lucy even got Ona to agree on taking lifts with her again, but it wasn’t hard, it was December and cold. And yeah, it was still the Spaniards favourite part of the day. But Lucy didn’t need to know that.
It quickly went back to how it was between them, but the flirting had stopped. Well, kind of. Sometimes it had a way of creeping itself in, but neither girl minded, they would laugh it off and change the subject.
It wasn't too different, just a lot less tension. Well, it was a different kind of tension, but neither girl could really understand what it was, it was just…new.
Did Ona get butterflies every morning she got in Lucy's car when the brunette gave her that smile that she loved? Yes. Did Lucy find herself completely mesmerised by Ona when she stuck her tongue out in contraction when she was making notes on her laptop? Yes.
Did they still have feelings for each other? Yes. Did they want more than to be friends? Yes. Did they have the guts to be honest with each other and tell the other how they feel? No. It was complicated.
“As most of you know, yesterday Harvey Smith or ‘Bugz’ was sentenced to 20 years in prison, with no chance of parole. We also managed to track down most of the members that were involved in working for the Smith brothers, they were sentenced to 10 years. So that's the good news” 
Lucy looked at the white board with all the criminals' faces plastered on it. She continued. 
“Frank Smith's body hasn't been retrieved from the river, we understand the river does lead out to the Thames so it's more than likely it may possibly never be retrieved. The case will be officially closed once the last bits of paper work are complete. Jordan, I'm looking at you.” 
“Will be done by Wednesday, boss.” She nodded.
Lucy smiled. “Okay great, well done guys. This case was an intense one, but you've all done amazing. So, thank you and well done. We’ll start work on the ‘Green’ case next week. I know Hempo’s already got many leads on that. Anyways it's Friday, it's half 4. Rose and Crown it is.”
The group clapped and cheered on closing a case, and of course the mention of the pub. But mostly for putting criminals behind bars. An hour and a half  later most of the team was in the pub. Ona was listening to Demi and Mary argue about what the best Christmas film was when she got a text on the group message. 
Alexia - hey guys, I just wanted to let you know i'm going home this christmas, my mum is getting angry with me for not going, will be gone till after new years. I’m sorry 🙁 Ona my mums asked for you to come.
Mapi - I was going to tell you guys tonight but ingrid has asked me to go with her to Norway for christmas and new years to meet her family, I said yes and we bought tickets already 
Ona felt her heart sink. She felt stupid for it but her eyes started to well up. The thought of spending this Christmas alone really wasn't something she wanted. Even though Alexia had asked her to come she wouldn't accept the offer. Her parents lived a road away from Alexia's parents, she would never chance bumping into them. It would hurt too much knowing they would ignore her if they saw her.
She quickly excused herself and ran to the bathroom, she could feel the tears just about to overflow. She opened the door and crashed into a hard body. 
“I-I’m sorry. I wasn't looking. Oh. Lucy.”
Lucy smiled but it instantly dropped when she saw Ona’s face, her beautiful brown eyes welling up with tears.
“Woah, what's wrong?” She gently put her hand on Ona’s shoulder.
You know when you're already about to cry and you're holding it in as much as you physically can, but someone asks ‘what's wrong?’ and the flood gates open up? Yeah, that's exactly what happened to Ona. She felt the first tear slip, then another, until her cheeks were wet. 
“Oh Ona, what happened? Talk to me.” 
Lucy felt her heart break seeing the younger girl like this. She didn't think about her next move; she just did it. She brought Ona close to her chest. Pulling her into a tight hug. She felt so small in her arms, so vulnerable.
She was the perfect height to fit under Lucy's chin, that's when she felt her body shake from the small sobs. She hugged her even tighter, rubbing her hands up and down Ona’s back in the most gentle motion. 
Maybe it was because of the drink in her system, or the horrible memories she had of her first year here, that she never thought she'd have to experience again, or the fact that she was in Lucy's arms.
When Ona let go, she cried and sobbed. She just needed a little comfort. She needed this so badly. And Lucy was more than happy to let her cry into her chest for as long as she needed.
After about 5 minutes of crying Ona took a deep breath and pulled back, she saw the wet patch she left on Lucy's shirt. 
“Oh, sorry Lucy.” She pointed to the dark patches. 
Lucy looked down at her top and smiled. “It's not the first time a girl got me wet.” 
Ona laughed through wet eyes, only Lucy would say something like that while Ona had just been sobbing. She just wanted to make her laugh and she did. Ona had to shake the inappropriate thoughts from her head.
“What's wrong, Ona?” Lucy grabbed the shorter girl's shoulders, her serious face was now on. 
“It's so stupid, I don't even know why I’m crying like this.” She sniffled. “My friends aren't going to be here for christmas and new years. So, I'll be alone. And….yeah, its stupid.” She shook her head at herself as she wiped her tears. 
“That's not stupid. It makes complete sense why you’d be upset.”
Lucy didn’t know if it was the drink, or the way her heart broke for the petite girl in front of her, or the fact that she wanted to spend any moment she could with Ona, that her next words came out. “Spend it with me.” 
Ona looked up at the older brunette. “What?”
“Yeah, I’m staying with my parents for Christmas. Come with me.” She smiled brightly.
“I couldn't do that.” Ona lied, she could definitely do that.
“Yeah you could. It will be fun. I also have a party I’ve been invited to for new years, you could come with me. Or if you’re not into that we can just spend it together.” 
She wanted that so badly. 
Ona felt her heart pounding. Was this really happening? Her emotions were all over the place. One minute she was a mess of tears, now she could run through the pub and do summersaults. Don’t get her wrong she was sad about her friends not being here for Christmas, but spending any time with Lucy was still something she wanted everyday. 
“I can see a smile creeping on your face. You'll come, yeah?” 
Ona wanted to argue more, she wanted to say no. But she couldn’t bring herself to, she wanted nothing more than to be with Lucy. So what was the point of lying?
Ona nodded, a shy smile plastered her lips. She really hoped Lucy wanted her to come and it wasn't just out of pity. But the smile Lucy gave Ona made those feelings melt away. 
“Good, it's settled, you're coming to mine for Christmas. I’ll be driving, it's a 4 hour drive, you better be a good DJ.” 
Ona threw her head back laughing, that laugh always did something to Lucy. 
“You know I have the better music taste.” Ona teased. 
“Yeah, yeah. Just no Christmas music.” Lucy playfully rolled her eyes.
A silence fell over them, both not knowing what to say, but wanting to say so much. 
“Thank you, Lucy.” Ona wiped her nose.
“You don't need to thank me. It will be fun. I’m going to the bar, what do you want to drink?” 
“Ah, an aperol spritz?” 
Lucy shook her head, smiling. “I don’t know how you drink that. It tastes like petrol.”
The Spaniard laughed. “You just don’t have taste.” 
“Yeah, yeah.” Lucy squeezed Ona’s arm as she started to leave for the bar. “You okay, yeah?” 
“Yeah, thank you.” Ona smiled. 
The older brunette made her way to the bar, she couldn't hold back the smile on her face. Did that really just happen? Was she really going to be spending Christmas with Ona? She felt giddy, like a kid on Christmas day. She waited to be served, when she felt someone beside her.
“Hey Lucy.”
“Hi Jen.” Lucy gave her a tight smile.
“Aye, listen I’m sorry about Ona, I didn't know you two were a thing at the time. I wouldn't have said what I said,”
“We’re not a thing.” Lucy finally looked at Jen. 
“Oh? Could have fooled me.”
Jen chuckled. “Come on. I’ve seen you two around. I’ve seen the way she looks at you. And you her.”  
“We’re just friends. Partners. We have to be close.” 
“Aye, yeah, friends.” The Scottish women winked at Lucy. 
“We are just friends. I thought you two were a thing.” 
Jen scoffed. “Are you blind? She likes you. I should've realised when I spoke to her at your birthday. The girl wouldn't stop talking about you.” Jen rolled her eyes playfully. 
“I don’t thi-,” 
“Luce. Come on. She was looking around for you all night at the bar. Asking everyone if they had seen you.” She scoffed again, shaking her head. Whispering the next words. “I tried to dance with her. She thought I was you.” 
Jen rolled her eyes. “This is hurting my ego enough.” She sighed. “I tried to dance with her, and I thought she was into it, until she basically pushed me away after she realised it was me dancing with her. I swear she said your name, thinking I was you.” 
Lucy felt her heart sink. Realisation finally kicking in. 
Jen continued “So yeah. The girl likes you. I thought you were kind of a thing now? Are you not?” Jen looked confused.
“Pshh mate.” Jen put her hand on Lucy's shoulder and shook her head in disbelief. “Anyways, I’ve said enough. Enjoy your night.” 
“Y-yeah, thanks. You too.” 
Lucy let out a deep sigh, shaking her head in disbelief. She felt a weird excited but dreaded feeling in her stomach. Had she really messed up this badly? If Ona did actually like her, she had obviously ruined anything that could have potentially happened between them. Or had she? She did just invite her to have Christmas with her family, and Ona said yes. A quick yes. But, as friends. But? No. Maybe? Maybe there was a chance. 
Ona was sat on the wall waiting for Lucy to pick her up. It was the morning of Christmas Eve. Ona would be lying if she didn't say she was nervous, only 3 weeks ago herself and Lucy wasn't even speaking, now she was spending Christmas with her and her family. Talk about your turn of events.
Lucy pulled up beeping her horn at Ona, smiling when the girl shook her head at her silliness. Ona wasn't the only one that was nervous. When Lucy asked her to spend Christmas with her and her family, she wasn't actually thinking about what that could mean. She was also maybe a little tipsy when she asked, so she hadn’t thought about the implications of her question, but it didn't make her any less excited that Ona said yes. 
Lucy got out of the car, helping Ona with her bag and what looked like a bag with gifts. 
“Hola, good morning.” Ona smiled.
“Good morning. Here, let's put that in the boot.” She lifted up a bag spotting the wrapping paper. “Ona you didn't have to get any gifts.” Lucy complained.
“What? Don’t be stupid. It's Christmas, of course I have gifts.” She argued.
“Well, thank you but you really shouldn't have.” Lucy shook her head smiling at Ona’s thoughtfulness.
Ona playfully rolled her eyes at the older girl. The pair got into the car and made their way up North. 
The first hour they spoke non stop, it was so easy. They could speak about anything and everything. The second hour they listened to music, Lucy even put on some christmas songs after Ona pouted and gave her puppy dog eyes. By the third hour they played games, like ‘eye spy', ‘21 questions', and ‘would you rather?’ By the fourth hour Lucy noticed Ona’s eyes dropping. Another five minutes and the girl was sleeping quietly next to her.
Lucy couldn't help but steal glances at the younger brunette, her face was so soft. She looked incredibly peaceful. She looked beautiful. 20 minutes before they arrived Lucy woke Ona up, she really didn't want to disturb her but she also thought Ona would want to wake up a little before they arrived.
“Ona. Ona, wake up. Come on, sleepy head.” Lucy gently nudged her.
Ona slowly opened her eyes. She looked confused at first but smiled when she saw Lucy. 
“We’re nearly there.” 
“Sorry Lucy. I didn't mean to sleep for so long.” Ona stretched.
“No, I don’t mind.”
They finally arrived. Lucy turned the engine off and turned to the shorter girl.
“Right, like I said my mum can chat for britain. Just smile and nod. My brother is a dick and is always teasing. His wife Molly is normal, you'll get on with her, maybe.” She smiled cheekily at Ona. “My dad just pots about, he doesn't really get in anyone's way.” 
“Aye, come on, I'll be fine.” 
“Yeah, you will. If anything becomes too much or you just want some of your own space, or just need a break. Please give me a signal. It can be a lot with your own family on Christmas, let alone someone else's.”
Ona gave Lucy a deadpan look. “Lucy, come on.” 
“No, you come on. Give me a signal.” 
Ona scooped Lucy’s little finger with her own. Bringing it in between them. “This okay?”
Lucy's heart skipped a beat. It wasn't an intimate touch, not at all, but it felt special. It felt familiar. Lucy smiled. “Okay, that's good.” 
Ona smiled, she didn't think about what she was doing when she grabbed Lucy's finger. She felt stupid for it but she felt a weird spark, a shiver that travelled through her. But she couldn't help but notice how natural it felt to touch Lucy, even though it was a small piece of her, she liked it a lot.
The girls grabbed their bags and made their way to Lucy's childhood home. The taller brunette knocked on the door and turned to Ona and mouthed ‘Good luck.’
The door opened to an older looking Lucy, Ona recognised Lucy's mum from the face time they had back on Lucy's birthday.
“Oh Ona! It's so lovely to finally meet you!” Lucy's mum side stepped Lucy completely,  engulfing Ona in a rib breaking hug. 
Ona smiled at the older woman, she embraced her hug easily. It had been a while since she had this type of hug, a mothers hug. She instantly felt the warmth from her, it was nice, it was something she had missed for years. 
“It's so nice to finally meet you. Thank you for having me.” Ona tried to not struggle from the squeeze of Lucy's mum.
Lucy's mum finally let go. “Don’t be silly. I’m so happy to have you here.” She held Ona by her arms stroking her lovingly. 
“No you’re alright, I didn't just drive four hours to be ignored.” Lucy said with a deadpan stare at her mum.
“Oh Lucy calm down, I speak to you all the time. She's so moody isn't she Ona? Lord knows what it's like to work with her. Come on then, give me a cuddle.” Lucy didn't have time to argue, before she was being squashed by her mum's bear-like grip.
Ona smiled at the pair's banter. 
“Come in girls. Get your bags upstairs. Ona what would you like to drink sweetheart? Tea, coffee? Prosecco? I've already opened a bottle.” 
“Oh, I’m okay for now, thank you. But I do have some cinamon rolls for you."
The older women's face lit up. "Oh Ona. Thank you! You shouldn't have, you angle!"
Ona passed the fresh baked goods over. Lucy's mum smiled as she took them. "Such a sweet girl."
Ona’s mum smiled warmly at her. “You let me know if you want anything, don't be scared to ask. Lucy, can you get the games out of the attic please. I can’t reach. John come and say hello to your daughter and Ona. Stop watching that pokie show!” Lucy's mum walked off.
Lucy rolled her eyes. “Come, we'll take these upstairs. You can see my teenage room.” 
Before the girls could move Lucy's mum came back. “Oh Lucy, just so you know you and Ona will have to share your room. We’ve turned your sister's room into a home gym. She doesn't need it living in Australia now. I do my Davina Mcall workout in there every morning. I've lost 5 pounds already!” 
“Erm, okay no problem. Do we still have the blow up bed?” 
“No, your dad popped it when we had some friends round. Had to throw it away. You've got a double bed in your room, you can surely share.”
Lucy looked like a deer in headlights. Her and Ona were going to share a bed in her teenage bedroom? Her teenage self would be fisting the air right now. All three of the women heard Lucy's dad shout something in the background.
“What John? No, I don't know where the tape measurer is. What do you need that for?” And the older woman was gone again.
“Okay, looks like we’re bunking together. Do you mind?” Lucy started to walk up the stairs.
“No, not at all.” Ona smiled. She didn’t mind one bit.
Lucy opened the door to her old bedroom. Things had obviously changed a bit since it was her room, but her mum had kept some of her old posters and football trophies up. 
Ona smiled as she looked at the posters, some looked to have signatures on them. “You liked football huh?” 
“Still do.” Lucy came up behind her. 
“You can play?” Ona picked up one of the old trophies.
“I can. I’m really good.” Lucy said with a cocky smile on her face. 
“Not as good as me though.” A deep voice made them both jump.
Ona turned to see a young man standing in the doorway, he had familiar features to Lucy but only slight. “Hi, you must be the famous Ona. I’m Kevin.” He smiled. That's when Ona saw the resemblance.  
“Hello Kevin, it's lovely to meet you.” Ona smiled.
“She showing off again? She does that a lot.” Kevin smiled playfully.
“I apologise in advance, Ona.” Lucy moved over to hug her brother but was caught in a headlock that she easily got out of after punching her brother right in the chest. 
Ona giggled at the sister and brother relationship. It wasn't too far off her own relationship with her brother, when she had still lived in Spain.
“Auntie Lucy!” A smaller voice joined the commotion.
Ona watched as the little raven haired girl grasped on to Lucy's leg. “Hey, Rudy!” Lucy grabbed the girl and brought her into a hug. “How's my favourite niece?” 
The little girl laughed. “I’m your only niece.”
Lucy kissed her cheek. “Hey Ruds, come say hi to my friend Ona.”
For some reason Ona felt nervous, of all the people she wanted to make a good impression on it was Lucy's niece. She knew Lucy adored the girl, so this was important to her. The little girl nodded suddenly, becoming a little shy. Lucy walked them over to Ona. The Spaniard then noticed Rudy looked like a younger version of Lucy. The resemblance was uncanny. 
“Hello Rudy, I’m Ona.” Ona gave Rudy a small wave. 
“Hello Ona.” The girl tucked her head into Lucy's neck, keeping her eyes on Ona.
“I like your shoes. I've got some just like yours. But I like the colours on yours more.” Ona tapped the girl's shoes. 
“Auntie Lucy got them for me.” She said proudly, smiling at the Spaniard.
“Oh did she? She has good taste.” Ona smiled.
“Yeah. I want juice.” The younger girl escaped from Lucy's arms and ran out of the room. Leaving the two women alone.
“She’s so cute.” 
“Yeah. When she’s not being a brat.” Lucy laughed.
An awkward silence fell over the pair. Ona eyed up the double bed, then back to the posters. “Do you play now?” 
Lucy looked at the posters. “Now and again. I have a team I play on a Sunday with. I played a lot more when I was younger. I nearly went to America to train, but I injured my knee when I was 17. Couldn’t play the same for years after that.” Lucy looked thoughtful.
“Oh. That's awful, I'm sorry Lucy.” 
“Ahh doesn't matter. I doubt I would’ve made it.” Lucy shrugged. 
“Lucy! Ona! Come down, I’ve got the baby album out!” Lucy's mum shouted from downstairs.
The older brunette's eyes closed in frustration. 
“Coming!” Ona smiled wickedly at Lucy. She grabbed Lucy's hand pulling her out the room. “I can’t wait for this.” 
Even though Lucy was just a shade lighter than a tomato she didn't hate the feeling of Ona’s hand in hers. 
“Oh and that’s Lucy on her 5th birthday. It was a football party, of course.”  Lucy’s mum pointed and smiled at the younger Lucy.
“And here’s Lucy having a bath. I’ll tell you what Ona that girl could never keep her clothes on. I’d have to keep an eye on her constantly. She always wanted to be in the nude.” Lucy's mum laughed.
“Mum!” Lucy was a beetroot colour now.
“What? Don’t be embarrassed, you were only a baby.” 
Ona couldn't hold back the laugh as Lucy's mum nudged her arm, laughing with her.
“Okay! I need a drink. Ona? Drink?” Lucy stood up.
“Good idea Lucy, bring the bottle in.” Lucy’s mum said without turning around.
Lucy shook her head, but couldn’t help but smile when she saw Ona getting on with her mum. 
The day went quick. Lucy hardly got to speak to Ona as she was pulled from pillar to post from each family member, even her dad joined in on the fun. The girl had slotted into the family so easily, she got on with everyone, it made Lucy feel at ease. Once Rudy was put to bed Lucy and Ona helped with putting the Christmas presents under the tree. 
That's when Lucy felt the warm skin of Ona’s little finger wrapping around her own. She looked up to see big brown eyes on hers, and a slightly tired smile on her face. Lucy didn't have to say anything, she could read Ona’s face. 
“Mum, we’re heading up.” 
“Okay. We’ll be up in a bit. Lucy, make sure to be a good host and give Ona anything she needs.”
Keven couldn't hold in his laugh on the other side of the room, his wife hitting him quickly. Lucy shot daggers at her immature brother. The girls said their good nights and made their way upstairs. Lucy closed the door behind her as they entered her room.
“You okay?” 
“Sí, sorry I just couldn’t keep my eyes open.” 
“No, that's okay. I’m tired too. I'll grab us towels so we can shower.
“Okay, so that tap can be a bit temperamental, I’ll put it on for you so you don’t struggle.” 
“Thank you, Luce.” 
They waited in silence for the water to warm up. It was a small bathroom, Lucy could feel Ona right next to her, every so often she could feel her arm accidentally touch her own. She hoped the younger brunette didn’t notice the hairs on her arm stand up or the goosebumps that took over her skin from a simple touch. 
She could feel the Spaniards eyes on her, but she kept her eyes on the running water or anywhere that wasn’t at Ona. She couldn't believe how nervous she felt. Once she was happy with the temperature she left the girl to shower. 
“Okay, that should be good. If you need anything let me know, I’ll be right in. I mean, I w-wont come in obviously. Like, I can…I’ll help with what I can. Without coming in, cos you'll be naked.” 
Ona couldn't hold back the smirk on her face. This may have been the first time she had seen Lucy shy, or tongue tied. Was it cute? Yes! Did she almost reach up to kiss her to stop her stuttering? Almost.
“Don’t worry. I’ll call if I need you.” Ona smiled playfully.
The older brunette chuckled awkwardly and scratched the back of her neck. God, what's wrong with you?
“Right. Good. Let me get out of your way.”
Lucy squeezed by Ona, apologising as her body pressed against hers as she did. She was so close she could smell Ona’s shampoo. The coconut one, the one she liked. 
“Thank you Luce.” 
Lucy let out a deep sigh. She didn't regret asking Ona to come here for Christmas but she didn't realise how hard it was going to be. She wanted the girl. Badly. And having her here was only increasing her feelings. Seeing how easily she slotted in with her family increased it. Singing stupid Christmas songs in the 4 hour car journey increased it. Just having Ona by her side increased it. 
Lucy scrolled on her phone sitting on her bed as she waited for Ona to finish in the shower. When the bathroom door opened she nearly forgot how to breathe. She may have pictured Ona like this a few times. No, a lot of times. But this was the real thing, now she was actually in front of her. She came out in her towel, water droplets dripped down her milky skin. The baby hair on the back of her neck curled from the heat of the shower. Her freckled cheeks flushed a hot pink from the heat. Fuck. This was going to be difficult.
“Done. Thank you.” Ona smiled sitting down on the other side of the bed. 
Lucy swallowed on her dry throat. “Great, erm….Yeah, okay.” 
She kept her eyes down as she made her way to the bathroom. She undressed and got in the shower. She closed her eyes and let out another deep sigh as the hot water ran down her skin. She tried to rid herself of her dirty thoughts, but she couldn't stop the images of a naked Ona in her room. She tried to push them away but it only got worse when the memory of Ona underneath her rushed into her thoughts.
She could feel the start of a small throbbing sensation between her legs. Her hand started to creep down her stomach as she remembered the way Ona panted and thrusted beneath her. The way Ona’s brown eyes looked up at her as she bit her lip, the moans the girl let out as she squirmed underneath her. Before Lucy realised what she was doing her hand was between her legs touching her clit. 
It wasn't the first time she had thought about Ona like this, she was a regular occurrence in Lucy's late night fantasies. But she couldn't do this now, not with Ona right next door, it felt wrong, seedy almost. She moved her hand away, but not without noticing the shiny essence on her finger tips. 
This was going to be a long two nights. 
Lucy let out another sigh. In her rush to the bathroom she had left her pyjamas on the bed. She was going to have to change in front of Ona. Fuck sake. She opened the door to see Ona already tucked up in bed. Her long hair was down, like that night at the bar. Her sleepy eyes caught Lucy, sending her a cute smile. But that cute smile dropped quickly when her dark eyes roamed the older brunette's wet body.
Just like Lucy, Ona had pictured very similar situations with the girl in front of her half naked. But in her dirty thoughts she was fully naked. And just like Lucy, Ona had the older brunette constantly on her mind whenever she had her hand between her legs. Picturing the older girl in many different situations. She was doing it right now, even with Lucy in front of her, she couldn't help it. It wasn't until she heard Lucy's voice that she was brought out of her dirty day dream.
“Ona? Do you mind if I change?” Lucy asked. 
“Huh? Sorry, what?” Ona didn’t realise she was staring.
Lucy couldn't stop the smile. A knowing smile. “I’m just going to change. Is that okay?”
“Oh, yeah. Sorry. I won't look. I promise.” She let out a small nervous chuckle. “I’m on my phone.” Ona quickly glanced back at her phone, wanting to give her host some privacy. She did a good job at first, scrolling aimsley on her insta feed. She was concentrating hard to not let her eyes go any further, though she may have glanced up once or twice at the girl. 
Lucy wasn’t facing her, Ona could only see her back, her very muscular back. She looked at her phone, trying her best to not creep on her friend. But her eyes glanced up once more. Lucy had bottoms on already. She was just in time to see the older brunette putting her shirt over her head, catching her firm stomach as she turned back to Ona. She darted her eyes down quickly but of course Lucy caught her. 
Lucy slotted into the space next to Ona. The room suddenly felt like it had no air. 
“So, how has today been?” Lucy wanted to try and pop the hot bubble that was making her sweat. 
Ona looked up from her phone, she didn't even release, she was just looking at the weather app now, too focused on trying to regulate her breathing. 
“Amazing! Your family are so sweet. I’ve already had so much fun. I-I can't thank you enough, Lucy. It means a lot to me that you have welcomed me to celebrate with your family.”
“You’re more than welcome. They love you, you know? They weren't even this nice to any of my exes.” Lucy chuckled, until she realised how weird that sounded. Why was she putting Ona in the same sentence as her exes? Maybe because the next time she saw her family with Ona she wanted her to be more than her friend.
Ona smiled shyly, she didn't miss what Lucy said, but she didn't take it to heart. Clearly  Lucy didn't mean anything by it, she was just comparing. Yeah, it was a bit weird to be compared to her past lovers but Ona would just ignore the nervous feeling in her stomach at the thought of her family liking her more then her actual girlfriends. 
Lucy quickly changed the subject, asking Ona what Christmas was like back in Spain. The younger girl was more than happy to give Lucy a small history lesson on the traditions back home. It wasn't until Ona started to yawn that Lucy decided to call it a night. 
“Right you, let's get you to sleep. Got a big day tomorrow.” Lucy teased.
Ona rolled her eyes at the older girl, smiling as she tucked herself into the covers. Lucy rolled over and turned off the side light, immersing the pair into darkness. She made herself comfortable, as comfortable as she could. She could still feel the slight throbbing between her legs. Having Ona inches next to her did not help, especially when she felt the girl's hand glide up stomach as she moved around next to her. 
Her breath hitched in her throat as her body tensed up.
“Sorry.” Ona whispered.
“It's okay. If you wanted to cop a feel you could have just asked.” Lucy giggled.
“Idiota.” Ona chuckled back.
Half an hour later Ona was fast asleep, but the same couldn't be said for Lucy, she found herself staring at the ceiling, listening to Ona’s steady breathing. She tried to close her eyes and relax but her mind was on overdrive. 
She was thinking of all the ways she could tell Ona. Tell her the truth about why she was such a dick before. Tell her how much it killed her to not talk to her, why she ignored her texts, declined the lunches with her. Explain why she became so cold. Come clean about how Ona was the first and last thing that she thought about everyday since laying eyes on her. 
After an hour of her brain screaming at her, Lucy started to drift to sleep. But as soon as her mind started to calm it was woken back up. The shorter girl beside her shuffled in her sleep, capturing one of Lucy's thighs between her own. And even with the fabric as a barrier, Lucy instantly felt the unmistakable wetness that started to dampen through onto her own skin. 
And if that wasn't enough to send her brain into a complete overdrive, the girl ever so slightly began to grind her hips into Lucy's thigh. The smallest of whimpers escaped the Spaniard's lips as she unknowingly used Lucy's body for her own pleasure. The girl was clearly having a sex dream. Next to Lucy. In Lucy’s bed. And she could fucking feel it. 
“Fuck.” Lucy breathed out. 
Was this really happening? Should she wake the girl? No! She’d be mortified. Maybe if she tried to move her leg? But as soon as she did, Ona only got closer, pushing herself right up into Lucy. Her face was so close to her, she could still smell the mint from her toothpaste. Ona whimpered again, clearly finding a sweet spot in her new position, Lucy could feel the girl becoming wetter. Her own clit was throbbing.
She needed to put a stop to this, even though she really didn't mind Ona using her as her own sex toy. Just as she was about to fully move from Ona, she heard her own name being moaned. 
“Lucy.” Ona whispered. 
Lucy’s whole body stiffened. Was she hearing that right? Ona was saying her name? She was dreaming about Lucy. Her name was being moaned into her ear by the girl she was already wet over. Onas hips picked up a faster paste, her small moans making Lucy's skin heat up. She felt dizzy, she bit her lip trying to hold in her own groan. Ona’s wet fabric was sliding up her thigh, she could feel the warmth radiating from between her legs. 
Just as she was about to stop the shorter girl, she felt her body stiffen. She didn't make a sound. She held her breath. Ona let out a tiny sigh and her body relaxed again. Snuggling her face into Lucy’s shoulder. 
The older brunette couldn’t move. She swallowed the spit in her mouth like she was out of breath, how did that just happen? She couldn’t believe Ona had just used her to get off. Well, in her sleep. How did that just happen? Lucy was sweating, she could feel her clit crying to be touched. But she couldn't, and she wouldn't. She would have to wait until she got back home. 
Even though she didn’t want to move from Ona’s grip, she needed to get to the toilet. She removed herself from the girl and from the sheets, Ona was in an ignorance of bliss, sleeping soundly. Lucy went to the toilet, wiping away any of own essence. She couldn’t stop the smile when she saw the damp spot on her trousers from the girl in the other room. She splashed some cold water onto her face to try and calm herself down.
Lucy made her way back into bed, trying her best not to wake the girl next to her. She could still feel the heat between her own legs, ignoring as best as she could. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. 
Ona was confused when she awoke, this wasn't her bed. Then the feeling of hot air on her neck tickled her, causing her to shiver. That's when she remembered she was at Lucys. She didn't realise a strong arm was wrapped around her body until it pulled her effortlessly closer, she could feel the warm body pressed up against her back, the strong arm locking her in. Lucy was holding her like she was her own teddy bear, their bodies pressed up against each other like lovers.
Ona was fully awake now, she could hear Lucy's shallow breathing, she was still asleep. Lucy's core was pressed right up against Onas’s arse, she could feel the heat coming from between the girls legs. It reminded her of her own dream last night, maybe she was still dreaming?
She couldn't stop the silent gasp as she felt Lucy pull her impossibly closer. She bit her lip, loving the feeling of the strong girl against her body. 
Did she do the responsible thing and move away from her friend? No. She gently counted her hips backwards, pushing her arse into Lucy, loving the way the older brunette's breath hitched in her sleep. Lucy nuzzled closer to her neck, her lips gently brushed the Spaniard's neck. Ona closed her eyes as she felt Lucy’s soft lips against her skin, she could feel her own body heating up, her nipples straining against her top.
That's when Lucy's phone alarm went off. Ona closed her eyes, pretending to still be asleep. She knew Lucys was probably going to freak out when she saw the position they were in. And like clock work she felt Lucy's body stiffen, she was clearly awake. Did it break Ona’s heart just slightly? Of course. But she couldn't feel like that for long, not when she felt Lucy's soft lips press a light kiss to her neck. 
She must still be dreaming. Did that just happen? Did Lucy just kiss her? Why? Why did she kiss her? What did that mean? She felt Lucy move away, her body suddenly felt cold. She then felt Lucy pat her back. 
“Ona. Wake up. It's Christmas!” 
Hearing Lucy's morning voice did something to Ona’s insides. Her accent sounded even thicker. If she didn't know the girl so well she’d probably find it hard to understand her morning mumbles.
Ona pretended to wake, she smiled and stretched her body. “Bon dia.” She turned around to face a very sleepy, cute looking Lucy. “Merry Christmas.” Ona yawned.
Lucy smiled and stretched. “How did you sleep?” She knew how the girl slept, but she wasn't about to reveal that.
“Good, thank you. You?” 
“Not too bad. You didn't take up too much room, so I can’t complain.” She smirked.
“I don’t get many complaints when sharing a bed with another woman.” Ona giggled. 
Lucy laughed out loud. “Yeah, I’m sure you don’t.”
This was a whole other layer being added to their relationship. It felt almost like how they were before, tip toeing on a fine line of friendship and flirting, the undertones of wanting each other was becoming more apparent. 
“It smells like breakfast is on.” Lucy stretched.
“Hmm, I can't wait.”
“Remember don’t force yourself to eat things, if you don't want anything just say so. My mums a feeder.” Lucy warned.
“Good thing I'm an eater.” Ona winked. 
Lucy chuckled. “Okay, you ready?” Lucy sat up.
“Sí, but can I give you your present now?”
Lucy’s face broke into a huge smile. “You got me a present?”
“Of course.” 
“I got you one too. I wasn't sure when to give it to you.” 
Now it was Ona’s turn to smile. She watched as Lucy got out the bed and made her way to her bag, Ona copied her movements, moving over to her own bag. Ona would be lying if she didn't say she was extremely excited that Lucy got her a present. She of course had a small slither of hope that she would, but she didn't actually think she would. She pulled out the gold box from her bag, hoping she got Lucy something she actually liked. 
Ona pulled out the neatly wrapped green and red papered package, with a red envelope on top. She smiled as she saw Lucy looking a little nervous on the other side of the room, she was holding a small gold wrapped box. 
“Merry Christmas, Lucy.” She stepped forward..
“Merry Christmas, Ona.” Lucy nervously smiled.
They exchanged their gifts. Ona opened the small golden box to find a blue jewellery box encased, she smiled as Lucy watched her. She gently opened the box to find a gold necklace with a gold smiley face attached to the chain. Ona’s eyes lit as eyed the gold chain, she couldn't stop her own smile on her face. She loved it. She looked up to see Lucy's nervous face.
“Lucy, I love it! Thank you so much!”
“Yeah? You sure? If you dont its okay.”
“What? No, I love it! Can you put it on me?” 
Lucy gave Ona a toothy smile. “Turn around.” 
Ona pushed her hair to the side to give Lucy space. She felt as Lucy's fingers skimmed her skin, making her shiver. Lucy didn't miss the way the younger girl's skin prickled with goosebumps from her touch. It brought back scenes from last night, making her own heart race, she tried to calm herself before her cheeks turned red.
Ona turned around, the gold chain shining on her neck.
“It suits you.” Lucy ran her eyes over the chain.
“Thank you. It's perfect.”
Ona noticed Lucy's face looked a little flush. “Open yours.”
Lucy opened the envelope first, it was a christmas card with a piece of paper inside. She skimmed her eyes over the writing, her eyes widened in surprise. She read it out loud. 
“The Big London Bake. You and your guest will have a day of eating, baking and of course a day of fun.” She licked her lips as she smiled back at Ona. “I have wanted to do this for the longest time! I can’t believe it, how did you know? How did you get tickets? They're always booked up.” 
“I know you like baking, and I have a friend who knows a friend.” Ona winked playfully.
“I can’t tell you how excited I am! Thank you so much! When do you wanna go?” 
“You don't have to bring me, I-,” 
Lucy cut her off. “There is no way I’m taking anyone else. Of course you’re coming.”
Ona looked at her feet as she smiled. “Open your other present.”
Lucy tore open the paper, smiling as soon as she saw it. It was a picture frame with a picture of Ona and Lucy laughing on stage at the karaoke bar. 
“I still don’t know why we’re doing this job and not forming a band.” Lucy chuckled. “I love it. Thank you, Ona.” 
The younger brunette giggled as she looked at the picture. Their relationship was definitely blurring now. Both girls could feel it. Feelings were growing, and both girls didn't stop it, they were letting it grow, pushing it to grow. 
“Merry Christmas girls!” Lucy's mum was cooking pancakes at the oven.
“Merry christmas!” The pair said in sync.
“Can I help with anything?” Ona walked over to Lucys mum.
“No my darling, you’re our guest. But thank you. You have a seat. Are you hungry? I’ve got lots to choose from. Lucy get Ona a tea, or is it coffee you like dear? Lucy put the kettle on.”
Lucy rolled her eyes at her mum. Ona giggled at their relationship, it was a typical mum and daughter relationship. She smiled as she watched Lucy's mum grab her cheek and lovingly smile at her daughter as she put the kettle on. 
“Ona my darling do you like pancakes?”
“I do.” 
“With chocolate chips?”
“Even better.” 
“Perfect. Got a fresh batch for you now. Do you like orange juice?” Lucy's mum brought the fresh batch of warm chocolate chip pancakes over to Ona. 
“Thank you so much. This looks amazing!” 
Lucy's mum smiled as she squeezed Ona’s shoulder in that mum type way. It was something she didn't realise she had missed so much. Lucy brought over a coffee for Ona, not needing to ask what she wanted, she knew that was her morning drink. 
“Where's Kevin? And dad?” Lucy asked as she sat down. Her mum placed a stack of pancakes in front of Lucy. 
“They all went for a walk. Rudy was up early, bouncing off the walls.” Her mum chuckled. 
The three chatted as they had their morning breakfast. Once they were done the girls had a shower and changed into their clothes. 
“Girls you ready? We have a very impatient 6 year old down here.”
“Okay, show time you ready?” Lucy smiled.
“Sí.” Ona smiled.
They made their way downstairs to open presents. That’s when Ona noticed the large Santa sacks under the tree that definitely weren't there last night. They had large gold initials stitched onto the red fabric. One had an L, a K, an M for Kevin's wife Molly, and then she spotted the sack with an O. She stopped in her tracks, Lucy bumping into her from behind. She felt her hand on her shoulder. 
“You okay?” Lucy looked concerned.
“Ah yeah, sorry.” 
“Come.” Lucy took Ona’s hand in hers and sat them down.
“Ona!” Rudy ran over to the Spanird a present in her hand. 
“Ona this is from me. Open it.” the mini version of Lucy demanded.
“Oh my. Thank you. Is it not from santa?” Ona chuckled.
“Not this one.” Rudy smiled cheekily.
“Oh, okay.” Ona smiled at Lucy as she opened the present.
It was a mug with ‘Top copper’ on it. 
Ona laughed. “I love it! Thank you so much, Rudy.” She opened her arms for the girl. Rudy jumped on her lap and tucked herself into the Spaniard's neck. Lucy grabbed her phone and quickly took a picture of the pair.  Rudey jumped off the girl and ran back over to her mum and dad, ready to open her presents. 
“Okay, present time.” Lucy’s mum passed over Ona and Lucy the heavy sacks.
“Th-thank you. You didn't have t-,”
Lucy's mum was quick to stop her. “No, I don't want to hear any of that.” She grabbed her cheek like she did Lucys and gave her a kiss on her head.
Ona couldn't believe it, she wasn't expecting any kind of gift from anyone, let alone a whole sack. She looked over at Lucy who was smiling at her, gesturing for her to open her sack. She untied the knot to find loads of wrapped up presents. She felt overwhelmed. She hadn't had anything like this before, not since she was a child. She reached in and began to open her presents alongside Lucy.
The list of items was long. She had opened a perfume set, face masks, nail varnish set, a baking cookbook, a candle, pjs set, a hot water bottle with an O stitched in, a hot chocolate set, a bath bomb set, bath soak, hand cream, chocolates, woolly socks, a £30.00 gift card, lip gloss and a beautiful brown leather notebook. Ona could feel the tears in her eyes. She quickly stood up and excused herself. 
Lucy and her mum looked at each other with worry. The older brunette quickly followed Ona out of the room to find her in the kitchen at the sink, a small tear was rolling down her face. 
“Hey, you okay? What's wrong?” Lucy stroked Ona’s arm.
“I’m so sorry. Nothing is wrong, it's just. Your family have been so nice to me. It's overwhelming. They have spoilt me.” She chuckled threw a tear. 
Lucy smiled, she rubbed the girl's arm and pulled her in for a hug, she understood. She knew Ona hadn't been with her own family in so long let alone for Christmas, she knew this holiday was difficult in many ways for the younger girl. Ona loved it, but it also brought weird feelings for her. She held the girl tight, rubbing her back soothingly. 
“Hey, It's okay, Ona. It can be a lot. It's a hard day for you. Don't apologise. I know my mum definitely goes over the top aswell.” She wiped away a tear from Ona’s cheek.
“Thank you, Luce. It's very generous, I just wasn't expecting it.” She looked up, Ona could feel her heart beating, Lucy's face was suddenly so close to hers, looking in her eyes so deeply. Like she was trying to read her mind, her green eyes searched her face, landing on her mouth. Ona stopped breathing. 
“Is Ona okay?” Lucy's mum walked into the kitchen.
Lucy took a step back from Ona, hearing her mum’s voice.
“Sí, I am. Sorry, I am just so happy. You’ve been so kind to me.” Ona smiled.
“Oh my darling!” Lucy's mum scooped Ona up in a hug, squeezing the girl tightly to her chest. “I’m glad their happy tears. I’m sorry if it was too much.” She stroked Ona’s cheek. 
“No, no! Not at all. You’ve been so welcoming. It’s so nice. Thank you so much for my gifts.” 
Lucy's mum smiled lovingly at her. “You’re welcome Ona. We’ve loved having you here. You’re welcome here anytime.”
Ona smiled, she had missed this. A mothers love. 
“Do you want tea, Ona?” Lucy asked. 
Ona nodded. “Thank you, Luce.” 
“Tea then we drink.” Lucy's mum winked.
Ona and Lucy chuckled, agreeing on the plan. 
The rest of Christmas day went perfectly. Everyone loved the presents Ona had got them. Christmas dinner was served and everything was cooked to perfection. Ona had sat next to Lucy, every so often their arms would brush but neither girl said anything. They all sat down to watch ‘The Grinch’. Ona would catch those familiar green eyes on her every half an hour, smiling at her everytime she caught her. She wondered if Lucy even watched the film.
Then the board games came out. Ona got to see first hand just how competitive Lucy was, it made her cry with laughter watching the older brunette and her brother argue over the games. Ona, Lucy and Rudy played football in the garden, Lucy's brother also joined in, and ended up in a headlock.
As it came closer to the evening a few neighbours came by for drinks, the music was blaring and everyone was having a good time. Ona found herself being spun around by one of Lucy's neighbours, as the group danced away. Ona had found herself staring at Lucy while she danced with Rudy in her arms. It made her heart melt as the pair giggled at something Rudy said. 
“Ona, do you want a drink?” Suddenly Lucy was in front of the Spaniard.
Ona was blushed from the dancing. A huge smile plastered on her face, making Lucy's heart melt. “Please. Thank you.”
Lucy nodded, she made her way to the kitchen in search of more alcohol. She looked in the mini fridge stocked with bottles of drink. She grabbed a bottle and popped the cork, pouring herself and Ona some prosecco.
“So, how long have you loved her?” 
Lucy jumped at the deep voice, she turned around to see her brother Keven standing at the door frame, a playful smile on his face.
“What?” Lucy turned back around to continue pouring.
“Come on, Lucy. Don't play dumb. You can see it a mile away. You can practically see the heart shape in your eyes. Even the way Ona looks at you.”
“Leave it out Kevin.”
He stepped next to his sister, leaning on the kitchen side, a serious face now sat on his features. 
“I’m not trying to wind you up Luce, you seem so much happier, and I can't help but think it's Ona that’s done it.” He smiled at his younger sister.
Lucy scoffed. “Is it that obvious?” 
Kevin raised his eyebrows. “Does a bear shit in the woods?” 
The siblings laughed, it was rare for them to have a conversation that didn't end up teasing the other over a game or even what the other was dressed in, it was different, it was nice.
“I hope you're planning on asking her out. Even Molly was asking if she was single. I think she wants your girl.” He winked, making Lucy laugh.
“Yeah, I think I will. I just need the right ti-,” 
“Hey Luce, do you need me?” Ona entered the kitchen with a big smile on her face. 
“Just in time! She does Ona, she needs you.” Kevin smiled as he nudged his sister, Lucy gave her brother daggers but in truth, he wasn’t lying. He chuckled to himself, leaving the two girls alone. 
Ona smiled as she approached Lucy, it was her cute tipsy smile. Lucy had seen it a few times now, it never got any less cute. Lucy turned round, her back to the sink, facing the shorter girl. 
“Are you having a good time?” 
Ona walked up to the taller brunette and took the glass from Lucy's hand, making sure her fingers lingered on hers.
“I am. Your neighbours are fun. They can dance!” Ona giggled.
“Yeah, they do like a good time. Garry's having fun with you.” Lucy chuckled as she drank her drink.
“Hmm, sounds like someone jealous.” Ona chuckled.
“What if I am?”
“You? No, you're not jealous.” Ona teased.
“Well, I haven't had a chance to dance with you yet.”
Ona stepped a little closer to Lucy. Her brown eyes looked up at the taller girl. “You can dance with me.”
“All you have to do is ask. I’d be all yours.” Ona whispered. 
Lucy could feel her body gravitating towards Ona, she couldn't take her eyes off of her lips. Her heart was in her throat. Was this about to finally happen? 
Ona licked her own lips. Her hands were sweating. She had wanted this for so long.
“All mine?” Lucy's words were just above a whisper.
“Sí.” Ona closed her eyes as she was finally about to kiss the girl she loved.
The girls lips were inches apart, months of wanting this exact moment, finally seconds away. Until a roar of laughter came tumbling into the kitchen. Lucy's dad and two other neighbours were completely unaware they had just ruined the moment.
Ona jumped from the commotion, automatically stepping back from their bubble. Lucy closed her eyes in frustration, she could have killed her dad. Ona eyed the brunette a shy smile on her face as she drank her drink. 
“Lucy, Ona! We’re doing shots. Come on, get over here.” Lucy’s dad laughed.
The girls eyed each other, both hungry with lust. It was clear what they both wanted now. Both girls had leaned in, both wanted the kiss, there was no mistaking the heat between them. 
The night got later, everyone continued to dance and drink, including Lucy and Ona, both girls stole glances throughout the night. Lucy wanted nothing more than to take Ona upstairs and have some time with the girl but the house was full. People would look for them within a couple of minutes, she'd have to wait. She just didn't know how long.
“Night Garry, night Pauline. I’ll see you next week.” Lucy's mum slurred as she closed the front door, saying her goodbyes to the last guess.
“Okay mum, we're off to bed.” Lucy yawned.
“Okay, sleep well. I think you have a new admirer, Ona. Gary wouldn't leave you alone.” Lucy's mum winked.
Ona chuckled. “I know, I couldn't even keep up with his dancing!”
“He is funny. Alright girls. I’ll see you in the morning.” 
“Try to keep it quiet. The walls are thin!” Kevin laughed, but his laugh was cut off as his mum slapped him beside the head.
Lucy shut her bedroom door behind her, Ona stumbled in front of her, she was definitely more drunk than Lucy. The older brunette had slowed down her drinking, knowing she had a 4 hour drive home, also Ona was a lightweight when it came to drinking. 
The Spaniard  smiled as she looked over the pictures on the dresser, she hadn't noticed them until now. One in particular caught her eye, if it wasn't for the 90s clothing she would have thought it was Rudy. It was Lucy as a child with a cheeky smile that she still made now, she had her arm around a blonde girl, laughing and pointing at Lucy.  
She casted her eyes over the other pictures, the same blonde girl was in a picture with Lucy but it was years later, similar poses, the blonde laughing and Lucy looking as cheeky as always.
“Whos this?” Ona picked up the picture smiling. 
Lucy walked over, she looked at the picture and felt her heart sink.
“That's Sophie, she was my best friend.”
Ona noticed the sadness in Lucy's voice straight away.
“I’m sorry. Are you no longer friends?”
Lucy shook her head. “No, we never argued. We were friends since we were 4, she moved in a few doors down. Our mums became friends and then we naturally became closer.”
Ona smiled as she listened to Lucy. She continued.
“We did everything together. If I was there, so was she. She even worked with me on the force.” She chuckled. “Sarina made us partners at the same time. We couldn't believe it.” Lucy's eyes became watery. “We were on an early morning raid. Like we had done 100 times before. The house was declared clear. We went inside to collect evidence, but there was a man hiding inside the house. He shot her. She died before the ambulance even arrived.” 
Ona felt her own eyes watering as she watched a single tear fall from Lucy's face. 
“Sorry. Bladdy drink.” Lucy sniffled.
Ona grabbed Lucy in a hug like she had done for the smaller girl before. 
“I’m so sorry Lucy.” She rubbed the taller girls back soothingly. 
“Thank you.” 
The girls spoke about Lucy and Sophie and the antics they got into when they were young. The holidays they had been on, the night clubs they had been kicked out of. Ona couldn't stop the smile on her face, it was like learning a whole new side of Lucy. The older brunette's face lit up talking about her memories with her childhood best friend. It broke Ona’s heart that Lucy had been holding this all in, all the pain she had been through. 
The girls had found themselves laying on the bed, both their eyes slowly closing as they spoke. It was Onas eyes that closed first, mumbling about something Lucy couldn't really understand.
“Okay, let's get to bed.”
Ona groaned like a child “Can you get my clothes?”
Lucy playful rolled her eyes, a drunk Ona was a very cute Ona. She grabbed the girl's pj from her bag and threw them towards Ona. 
“Here you go.”  She chuckled as Ona groaned again.
Lucy looked in her own bag for her pjs. She couldn't help but feel a lot lighter, she hadn't talked about some of those memories since she had lost her best friend. It had been hard for the girl to talk about Sophie over the years, it was hard for her to find the strength to talk about her. But for some reason she felt completely comfortable talking to Ona about her, about their memories, about the bad days and the good days.
Lucy turned around to find Ona half dressed, her bottoms were on but her bed top was wrapped around arms.
“You okay there?” 
Ona flopped on the bed, her t-shirt trapping her arms. 
“Help me.”
Lucy chuckled, she walked over to the younger brunette, she helped her pull her shirt down, over her toned stomach. 
“Thank you Luce.” Ona crawled up to the top of the bed, snuggling herself beneath the covers. Lucy quickly changed, feeling sleep take over her own body. She finally climbed into the bed next to Ona. Turning off the light.
“You have soft lips.” Ona mumbled.
“What?” Lucy chuckled.
“I felt you kiss me in the morning, on my neck. You have soft lips.” 
“Oh…I’m sor-,” Lucy stuttered. 
“It's okay. I really liked it.” Ona whispered.
“So did I.”
“I just wish it was my lips.” 
Lucy smiled shyly, her heart fluttered. When she kissed Ona this morning she didn't do it in a sexual or seedy way. She had woken to Ona pushing herself into her. Her lips were already on Ona when she woke up. So when she woke she didn't think twice, she pressed her lips to her milky skin. 
"I wanna kiss you, Luce."
Lucy wanted to but Ona was drunk, she didn't want their first kiss like this.
“I want to so badly, but maybe when we’re not drunk? Ask me again when you're sober?"
Ona smiled. "Okay, I'll ask again."
It only took a minute before Ona was snoring.
The next morning Ona woke up to an empty bed, she then heard what sounded like the shower running. She was pleasantly surprised she wasn't as hungover as she would have thought, just a small headache, but nothing more. The bathroom door opened to a fresh face looking Lucy.
“Morning sleepy head.” Lucy smiled.
“Morning.” Ona stretched.
“How you feeling?” Lucy started to brush out her wet hair.
“Not too bad, you?”
“A little headache but nothing a full english and paracetamol can't handle.”
“Yes! I love the English breakfast!” Ona kicked her feet excitedly.
“Good, my mum goes OTT, so hopefully you’ll enjoy it.” 
“Can I shower before we go down?” Ona climbed out of the bed.
“Of course. I put a fresh towel in there for you.”
The girls got ready for breakfast, and like Lucy promised, her mum had gone in on the food, she had cooked the works and more. She placed a full English breakfast in front of a very hungry Ona. 
“Thank you!” 
“You let me know if you want anything else, I've got plenty to go.”
The kitchen was a hub of chatter as everyone talked about the night before, laughing at jokes and teasing Ona that she had a new admirer. She couldn't help but still glances at Lucy as they all laughed. The time finally came for the girls to get ready for their drive home. 
Everyone waited at the front door as the girls came to the door.
Lucys mum opened her arms out grabbing Ona in a hug, while Lucy hugged her dad.
“Oh Ona, thank you so much for spending Christmas with us. You are welcome anytime, I hope you know that.” 
Ona hugged back as much as she physically could. “Thank you so much. This has been one of the best Christmases I've ever had. You made me feel so special. Thank you.”
Lucy's dad hugged his daughter tightly. “She's a good one. Do something about it.” 
Lucy smiled, even her dad could see right through her. She hugged him tighter. 
“Make sure to drive slow. Don't go faster than you need to, stay in the slow lane.” Her mum warned.
Lucy rolled her eyes. “Yes, yes, Been driving for 10 plus years now.” 
Rudy grabbed Ona’s legs. “Bye Ona.” 
Ona knelt down and hugged the mini Lucy. “Goodbye Rudy. I’ll see you soon.”
“Bye pip squeak.” Lucy held her arms open for Rudy. The little girl giggled as she flung herself into Lucy.
The girls said their goodbyes to everyone, and got in Lucy's car. 
There had been a thick buzz between the girls since the morning. Their chat last night wasn't forgotten between the pair, but neither had said anything about it. But they didn't need to, they both knew what they wanted. It was just a 4 hour drive away. 
Finally they pulled up to Ona’s flat, helping her Ona with her bags. Lucy followed Ona into her flat, she smiled as she looked around the new space.
“You’ve got a nice place here.” Lucy lowered the bags. 
The shorter brunette walked up to Lucy. “Do you wanna see my bedroom?” 
“More than anything.” Lucy whispered. She cupped Ona’s face into her hands, she lowered herself to Ona’s lips, the lips she had wanted to kiss for months. 
Finally, their lips met. It was soft and sweet. There was no rushing, no pushing, just their lips exploring the other. Even though they had waited so long for this, they didn't want to rush. Both girls were finally getting what they had wanted for the longest time, they wanted to make the first kiss last.
But as soon as Lucy slipped her tongue into the mix and made Ona whimper, all the above went out the window. She couldn't hold back any longer. Lucy’s tilted Ona’s head back just a fraction, pushing the girl for a deeper kiss. Ona whimpered again, letting Lucy take full control of their movements. The kisses started to become messy and loud, the girls were clearly hungry for each other. The months, weeks, days of wanting, were finally here. 
“Where’s your room?” 
“First door on the left.”
The taller girl grabbed Ona by the waist lifting her up. Ona giggled as she wrapped her legs around Lucy’s waist, she’d be lying if she said she hadn’t thought about this exact moment for a long time. 
Lucy carried the shorter girl to the bedroom, never letting their lips come apart. She walked into the open bedroom and gently lowered Ona on the bed below, laying her body on the girl beneath her. Her lips attacked Ona’s neck, sucking and kissing at the soft skin. 
“Fuck, Lucy.” Ona gasped. 
Lucy smirked proudly hearing Ona moan her name. She continued her actions, leaving small red marks everywhere her mouth touched, loving the noises she was pulling from Ona. She couldn't stop her hips from grinding into the girl, her desperate moans making Lucys pussy throb. She finally pulled back. 
“Can I take this off?” She pulled the bottom of Ona’s top.
“Yes, take it off. All of it.” She panted as she sat up.
Lucy nodded. She removed Ona’s top, then her bra, revealing her beautiful breast. She couldn't stop herself from kissing the girl's stomach. She watched as Ona’s tight abs flexed, feeling Lucy's mouth on her skin. She continued to kiss down Ona’s stomach as she popped open the girl's jeans. She quickly undone her zip and began to pull down the clothing. She looked at the girl below her, taking in her beautiful body. Her gold necklace stood out against her milky skin. 
“You too.” Ona pulled at Lucy’s top.
Lucy smiled at the girl below her, she did as the Spaniard asked and removed her clothing. Ona stared at the girl standing above her, Lucy's body was unreal, her muscular arms flexed as she pulled her clothing off. She was truly stunning. Ona sat up, she attached her mouth to Lucy's stomach, sucking on her tight skin as she undone her jeans, wanting to move this along.
Ona spotted the wet patch seeping through the fabric between Lucy's legs, smiling playfully as she eyed the older brunette. 
“Can I take these off?”
Lucy looked down at the girl, her bright brown eyes looking up at her with so much lust, so much want. It only added to the wetness pooling in between Lucy's legs.
“Yeah.” She swallowed.
Ona slowly pulled down the fabric, she let out a sigh as she saw the shiny arousal sticking to Lucy's lips. She began to kiss Lucy's thighs, getting closer to the area she wanted most, she could smell how aroused Lucy was, her own wetness dripping between her legs. 
She got closer to the sweet spot, her lips kissed Lucy's wet sensitive lips, jolting as she felt Ona. 
Ona dipped her tongue between Lucy's lips, coating her tongue in the girl's juices. Lucy gasped as her head rolled back. Ona took another long lick hitting Lucy's already swollen clit, groaning as she tasted the girl above. 
Lucy watched as Ona started to lap at her pussy, she gently stroked the younger girl's face, her fingertips brushed at her hair. She softly undid the girl's bun, hair long hair fell down her back. Lucy cradled Ona’s head as she moved her hips, rocking herself into her talented mouth. 
Ona sighed as Lucy ran her fingers through her scalp, making her shiver from the touch. 
“Ona. Your mouth. Fuck, you’re so good.”
Ona let out a low chuckle, making Lucy gasp from the vibration. She continued to lick at Lucy's cunt, swallowing her arousal every couple of minutes. Lucy gripped Ona’s hair, fucking her face gently as the girl pleasured her. She began to pick up the pace of her hips as she felt her orgasm spread up her body.
“I’m going to come.”
Ona groaned, she continued her movements, keeping the pace Lucy needed. Lucy gripped at Ona’s hair, pushing her closer between her legs. Her legs started to shake as she felt the warm sensation rise up from her stomach.
“That's it. Ona, don’t stop. Good girl. That’s soo good.”
As she came she pushed the girl's head closer to her core, needing the girl ever closer to her, her tongue was suckling her clit perfectly. She rode out her orgasm as long as she could. Ona could feel Lucy's orgasm washing over her mouth. Lucy gasped as Ona carried on licking her through the come down, she stroked her hair, allowing the girl to clean her up. She rocked her hips into her mouth for a couple more minutes, feeling Ona’s tongue against her.
“Wow, you’re talented.” Lucy chuckled.
Ona pulled back, her mouth was dripping with Lucy’s fluids. She panted as her cheeks turned a shade of pink from the compliment.
“You taste even better than I imagined.” 
“Have you imagined it a lot?” Lucy whispered. 
Ona nodded, smirking devilishly. “A lot.”
Lucy leaned down, capturing Ona’s lips with her own, she moaned as she tasted herself on the girl. Ona’s cunt was throbbing she whimpered as Lucy began to pull her thongs down. The younger brunette  sighed as she felt the cold air hit her painfully sensitive pussy. Lucy smirked as she threw the ruined thongs over her shoulder. She looked down at Ona’s drenched pussy.
“Is that how wet you get just from making me come? Making me feel so good?” 
Ona bit her lip and nodded, not able to form words. 
“You’re amazing.” 
Lucy dipped her pointer finger between Ona’s velvety folds, groaning at the wetness. Ona jumped at the contact as Lucy just barely touched her. Lucy pushed her finger into her mouth.
“You taste so fucking good.” 
Ona panted below, desperately needing anything Lucy would give to her. Lucy placed her hand back between Ona’s spread legs, stroking her finger through her sensitive flesh. She dipped her finger into Ona’s cunt, her tight muscles flexing around her digit.
“I love when you say my name.” Lucy growled as she began to fuck Ona. 
The younger girl let out soft moans as Lucy picked up the pace, she easily pushed another finger inside her, cutting off Ona’s crys with a deep kiss. 
“Lucy.” Ona was starting to whimper, the older girl closed her eyes, listening to the way the Spaniard moaned her name, her own pussy becoming wet again, just from the sounds of the girl.
Lucy began to kiss down Ona’s body, she sucked in Ona’s nipple, loving the way Ona’s head rolled back. She then moved over to the other side, giving it just as much attention. The girl's small body began to roll, her noises were becoming louder as Lucy’s fingers relentless fucked her.
She moved further down, gliding her tongue over Ona’s abs. The shorter girl squirmed as she felt Lucy's tongue move skirt over her flesh. Lucy began to kiss Ona’s pubic bone, loving the way she moaned. She felt the younger girl's hand thread into her hair, pushing her close to where she clearly wanted her. Lucy smiled as she kissed lower and lower. 
Finally, Lucy wrapped her lips around Ona’s swollen clit, the cry she let out was music to the older girl's ears. The hand in her hair tightened as she worked the girl's body, her fingers picked up a faster pace, causing Ona’s back to curve. Her vision began to blur as Lucy kept up the beautiful pleasure on her body. 
Lucy only hummed, not wanting to stop, she could feel Ona was getting close, her legs began to shake as her cunt tightened on her fingers, squeezing them tightly. Ona couldn't believe the way Lucy was pushing her body, she could feel her head becoming dizzy, she scrunched her eyes shut she felt the warm sensation prickle her skin.
“Merda! Lucyyyy!”
The hands pushed her further into her cunt, guiding her head up and down, Lucy loved the way Ona was controlling her movements to do what she wanted. Then she felt it before she heard it. Ona became silent, her body went rigid, but Lucy didn’t stop, she suckled and fucked Ona until she pushed her over that edge. 
Ona came, loud and hard. Her thighs clamped around Lucy's head as she rode out her orgasm. Her hips thrusted into Lucy's mouth as she felt her legs start to give in, panting loudly as Lucy kept up her movements. Finally the girl's body went limp, her chest was panting fast as she tried to catch her breath. 
Lucy slowly took her fingers out of Ona. She couldn't stop the smile on her face seeing the girl benather her looking completely wrecked.
“You okay?” 
“Lucy. Merda. Fuck.”
Lucy laid next to the girl laughing at her gaping face. 
She couldn't help but kiss the girl, she could definitely get used to this site. 
The girls laid with each other for another hour talking about the last couple of months.
“So when I saw you dance with her I just lost it. It was so selfish of me. I regret it so much.” Lucy stroked Ona’s back as she explained herself. 
Ona listened, she didn't hold any grudges, she would have probably done what Lucy did, maybe not as cold, but they were different people. They handled things differently. 
“When I saw you on the bridge, it made me realise just how stupid I was being. I needed to sort it out even if you didn't want me like that. I at least wanted you as a friend.”
Ona smiled as she kissed Lucy, she couldn't believe they had wanted each other for so long, and not see it as clear as everyone around them. The girls were in bliss, finally they got what they wanted. They spent the next couple of days of the Christmas break with each other, learning everything they could about the other. 
Learning everything they could about each other's bodies, what she liked, what she didn't like. What she sounded like after 3 orgasms in a row. How Ona liked her hair pulled when she fucked Lucy with her fingers. How Lucy liked to watch Ona when she rode her with a strap. And so much more.
 Everything was perfect. 
But the short Christmas break ended and work came, so the girls decided to spend a night apart. Even though it killed them to do it, they knew they needed to have at least a day apart, they would see each other the next morning when Lucy picked up Ona for work.
Lucy stood at Ona’s door. Kissing the shorter girl deeply, holding her body next to hers. 
“I’ll miss you.” Ona whispered.
“I’ll miss you too. I’ll call you when I get in?”
Ona nodded, she looked up at Lucy giving her those big brown doe eyes. Making it so much harder for Lucy to leave. 
“Onaaaa. Don’t”
The shorter girl giggled. “Sorry. Go, call me when you get in.” 
Lucy yawned as she drove to pick up Ona. The girls had spoken late into the night, not going to bed till late. But Lucy had a new spring in her step, she felt so happy. She finally got the girl that she loved, yeah loved. It was the start of love, both girls felt it, neither saying anything as this was new, but they both felt it. 
She was surprised when she didn't see Ona sitting at her usual spot on the wall. She had never been late. Maybe she slept in from their late night call. She pulled up the car like she normally did. Maybe she was in a queue at the coffee shop? Lucy sat there for a moment, she texted Ona to say she was outside, but didn't get a text back. Lucy eyed up Ona’s building, something didn't feel right .
She got out of the car and walked to the wall where Ona sat, that's when she felt a cold shiver run down her spine. She spotted two coffee cups spilt on the floor. It was the coffee shop where Ona got their drinks. She felt the blood drain from her face. Where was Ona?
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melonberry · 2 months
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Wicked Game (part one)
Pairings : Jey Uso x Reader / Roman Reigns x Reader
Warnings : violence , smut , angst , manipulation , infidelity , toxic relationships , Roman is a bit of an asshole in this story
Plot: The Bloodline is a notorious mafia gang in Pensacola. They trade illegal weapons with other dangerous criminals. Roman notices a change in Jey, his right hand man, and realises that his secret relationship with YN, a regular woman who works as a nurse, is the cause for his mistakes. Roman vows to make his life a living hell.. even if it means involving YN.
He never meant to slip up. He didn’t know what had happened. One minute he’s meeting a crime lord to pick up the weapons Roman had approved for him to pay for and the next he’s ducking from gun fire and making a run for it.
Jey managed to get out of the situation unscathed and get in his car before driving away. As he drove he smacked his steering wheel yelling curse words. Roman is going to skin him alive! He had spent a good amount of money on these deals and Roman had given him the trust and he had blew it!
Jey knew the reason his head wasn’t in the game and not that he wasn’t taking blame, he knew it was because of her.
“Come on Jey, the last time you ‘travelled for work’ you disappeared for two weeks on me.” YN whined as she lay in the sheets, naked from their weekly hook up. Hey was throwing his T-shirt on before signing. YN rolled onto her stomach and smirked up at Jey. “One more night?”
Jey leaned down placed a long kiss on her lips before pulling away.
“There’s more where that came from when I’m back.” He replied flirtatiously which seemed to satisfy YN for the moment. He grabbed his bag and winked at YN before he left.
He had been texting YN on his way to the pick up location, too distracted to check his surroundings. If he did he would’ve noticed the men eyeing him suspiciously. Usually when he does a deal like this, no one really pays attention to you. It’s a sort of ritual they all did to show trust, and Jey failed to miss it this time due to looking at the suggestive photos YN had sent him.
As Jey arrived back at the house he was bracing himself for the absolute annihilation he was about to receive. He got out of his car and walked into the house greeting Jimmy and Solo on the way in.
“Roman’s looking for you, and he ain’t happy twin.” Jimmy said with a worried look on his face. Jey groaned before scratching the back of his neck. Jimmy’s concern never wavered and Jey knew he was done for.
“I bet he ain’t.” Jey replied. He thought he should do the better thing and go find Roman himself. He stalled his way up the stairs, roaming the corridors before he stopped at Roman’s office and knocked softly on the door.
“Come in.” Romans deep voice made Jey stumble a little bit before he opened the door and greeted his cousin.
“Hey boss, look-”
“Shut up Jey. I don’t want to hear any excuses.” Roman scolded and Jey instantly shut his mouth. “I wanna know why you’ve arrived with no weapons and a possible tail by the fucking FBI?” He asked quietly but scarily.
“Im not sure uce-”
“But it’s not the first time is it uce? You almost got caught by the FBI two weeks ago when I asked you to go a find the man who took my stash!” Roman said his volume increasing.
Jey took a deep breath hanging his head.
“Im sorry. It won’t happen again.”
“Good. Because if it does happen again, I’m sure you’re going to regret it.” Roman threatened before dismissing Jey. Jey left and closed the door behind him before grunting and muttering to himself as he walked off.
Roman leant back in his desk scratching his beard before loading up his computer. He plugged in a USB before loading up the documents that track his family members phone activity. He had set up this system just incase he thought any of them would try to betray him.
As he clicked on Jeys name a number of images had popped up on his screen. Roman could feel himself getting hard at the sight of the woman on his screen. Some pictures where she lay naked, others wearing ridiculously sexy lingerie.
As he got to the most recent one he saw the time and knew exactly what had gotten into Jey, or rather what he had gotten into in the last few months.
“Well this just got a little bit more interesting.”
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cambrioleur · 1 year
Random observations on this season (updating)
Episode 1
I don't think we've ever seen Assane do a genuine fourth-wall break before
OK so Claire has a last name now
Assane really expected that he could just show up and Claire would just fall at his feet
I'm surprised Benjamin is just allowed to continue working at his shop
This feels better-edited than Parts 1 & 2
Name a more iconic duo than Belkacem and failing constantly (she really doesn't listen, does she)
Episode 2
Philippe Courbet sighting
NEVER invite Guédira to a funeral lmaooo
Hang on I'm just now realizing that Juliette is at this funeral, too (she's standing in the second row behind Benjamin and Claire and honestly doesn't seem too upset about Assane's "death")
I like how in the flashback Babakar tells Assane that he reminds him of his mother and then it turns out she was a criminal
This seems to be around the time of Raoul's birthday again; he really can't catch a break on that
Episode 3
New shipping war just dropped: Guédira/Belkacem vs Guédira/Fleur
That bit where Claire was outright begging Benjamin to tell her Assane was alive and he couldn't...that was sad
But then it was followed by Benjamin doing the "uhh my FRIEND just died" act with Belkacem which was funny
This gang of thugs is trying a little too hard tbh
Assane's disguise in this episode is fucking terrible lol
The basketball coach disguise, on the other hand, is the only time I've genuinely thought he wasn't recognizable
Episode 4
Ironically that coach persona is probably the best parenting Assane has ever done
Claire? Doing things that are vaguely cool?? That feels illegal. Also, she looked so proud of herself for swiping that book, lol
Betraying Benjamin was certainly...a choice on Assane's part ("everyone disliked that")
This episode is going to devastate the show's Tumblr fandom
Episode 5
Assane trolling the shit out of Guédira will never not be funny
These 1998 flashbacks are pretty dark actually
Honestly the way Claire got that reveal out of Benjamin was very well-played on her part
Guédira out here looking like present-day Ringo Starr with that disguise
Aww look at Assane playing the matchmaker for Guédira and Belkacem, heh heh
This is easily one of the funniest episodes
Except Benjamin is straight up not having a good time -- it looks like he got beaten up in prison
Episode 6
Actually, now that I'm thinking about it, I'm not totally sure Benjamin knows that Assane betrayed him. It's possible he just thinks that he fucked up with the bracelet and then missed a cue in the maze
"Pasta with ketchup" jesus fucking christ Claire that sounds horrendous (although I'm guessing the only reason they did that was because of the ketchup-bottle reveal)
Assane really has Claire's number because he's now seduced her twice under two different identities
IDK whether or not Raoul has figured out that the coach is his dad but it's funny that he still seemed to be shipping it either way
It's nice that we get to see Claire's more playful side in this season, like her messing with Assane by acting really flirty with "Alex" after she realizes they're the same person
INCREDIBLE casting for the younger and older versions of Keller tbh; they easily look like they could be the same person
Episode 7
What a nice family reunion...it would be a shame if something happened to it...
The flashbacks are significantly darker than the present timeline this time around
Guédira finally got to arrest Assane, good for him!
The scene at the train station with the letter from Assane to Claire sort of reminds me of the ending to A Tale of Two Cities, which I had to read for AP prep a while back
Oh look, Hubert Pellegrini is back
So they're CLEARLY setting up another season with this ending
The choice of people to show on the montage there was interesting, lol
I could see a Juliette antagonist arc happening tbh
Maybe Assane's mom isn't all she seems either
And what about Benjamin? If he turns against Assane the viewers are going to lose their minds
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leonawriter · 3 months
DCMK/Snow White fic idea that I had yesterday and made a few notes on but I don't know if I'll be able to actually write it in full or not.
Kaito is on his last heist. Everything's cleaning up, threads are being tied, and they all know this one has to be Pandora. Akako is also warning him to be careful with it now she knows what he's after, because there's apparently more than one Pandora gem myth that goes around, and she isn't sure which one they've got on their hands here.
Then it's the heist night, and he gets the gem in his hands, and puts it up to the moon, and... it is. It really is Pandora.
He's both ecstatic and furious, and manages to destroy the damn thing with the help of the preparation everyone had put into it-
But not before coming into contact with the "tears" before he's even gotten changed out of his Kid outfit. He only gets a moment of looking at the others in apology as he feels dizzy, and then... nothing.
Because the others just see him drop unconscious, as though he's fast asleep.
Akako is furious, of course, and spends several hours arguing with Lucifer and being more demanding than a foreign woman at parent's day, but all she gets out of it is the knowledge that there is a way to wake Kaito back up, that he won't actually be functionally immortal afterwards, and that they have to follow the rules of magic in order to have it work. They can't simply cut the Gordian's knot and ignore what "should" be done.
The difficult part is, again, figuring out what those rules are.
Over the next few weeks, they spend all of their time researching. Kudo Shinichi, with his complete skepticism, is completely useless, and the incident (more than any of the other strange things that have happened since he met Koizumi in person) pushes him to be better than this, because like it or not, criminal or not, that's his cousin who's looking like death warmed up, still in the Kid suit, under observation in Hakuba's place since hospital is out of the question and he doesn't seem to be reacting to things in a normal way.
Oh, he's not waking up at all. And his body isn't reacting to stimuli properly, which is odd because Kaito has never kept still even in his sleep for as long as he's been alive. But the gem's effect (and Haibara, still in her small seven year old form, chastises them for letting Kaito destroy the thing without first providing samples so she could reverse engineer what had happened, and what it was doing to him) meant that even without any external help, he simply kept on sleeping, without any detrimental effects. They start to realise that if he was just left like that, they don't know how long he'd sleep for. Months, certainly. Years, perhaps. Longer than that and they don't like to think about Kaito one day waking up and nothing's familiar.
It's only when Aoko rushes in babbling something about how Kaito had moved, he really had, he'd looked like he'd woken up for a moment there, and when three detectives ask what she did, exactly, to the point and second of it, it's with a very red face that Aoko admits that she'd kissed Kaito. On the forehead! But she really sort of had, and that's when he'd gasped and made a sound like a dying animal before going back to sleep.
On the one hand it's good news. They've got progress, after all. On the other hand- Aoko's account suggests that if they perform trial and error experiments to see what works and what doesn't, they'll be hurting Kaito.
Akako takes to her books.
Hakuba goes to the fairy tales, and Shinichi tries not to roll his eyes, because if he does that again then Aoko is going to give him a mop concussion.
Eventually, Kaito wakes up in a strange room with both Aoko and Hakuba crowding his personal space and both of them are looking kind of red in the face, but also overjoyed, for... some reason.
It turns out that Pandora's gem was named so because the woman it was named after had asked the gods for a way to heal the person she'd loved, and the gods had only granted her the gem under several conditions: that it was a test of unconditional love, a test of loyalty, and a test of perseverance. Because the gem itself had been the cure, but in order to bring her love back to the land of the living the person they had been in love with had needed to kiss them... and it hadn't been her. A true Pandora's box of a gem, to be sure.
Aoko had only been able to half-wake Kaito up, because as much as Kaito loved her, he also loved Saguru just as much.
The Pandora in the story had left. Kaito was baffled and didn't know what to do with both Aoko and Hakuba wanting to stay with him.
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longdeadking · 5 months
By the time Mia was done asking Larry questions, they'd actually learned a lot.
The murder weapon wasn't just a statue, it was a clock — and one that was handmade, too, with only two in existence in the world. Larry had made it himself and given it to Ms. Stone as a gift, keeping the other one for himself.
Ms. Stone had been in Paris until the day of the murder. Larry thought she was going for a photoshoot, probably, but neither of them had an international plan, so they didn't talk while she was abroad.
Larry went to her apartment after she was scheduled to get back because she hadn't called yet, even though she promised she would as soon as she got home. But she wasn't there, so Larry left, assuming that her flight had gotten delayed, or there were problems with her luggage or something.
There was nobody with motive and means to kill her, as far as Larry knew. She was private about her address and her job was pretty low-key. Ms. Stone had been gone for two weeks, so neither she nor Larry would know if anyone had been hanging around.
It was a surprisingly helpful interview.
Of course, it only started being that helpful after he and Mia had gone back to the office and pieced together the information out of Larry's dramatics and unfortunately suspicious word choice. Phoenix, having expected something along those lines, had snuck in a little recording device so that he didn't have to take notes. It was probably not legal to bring something like that into a basically-prison, but it was really the security's fault for not checking him more thoroughly.
That was his philosophy for most of the things he did. If the police were more effective, if there were actual programs in place to make sure people never had to turn to crime, if he could trust the people in charge to have the citizens' best interests at heart, then he wouldn't need to be Spider-Man. He'd just be a regular old civilian with superpowers.
They wrapped up the day with a much more substantial case file and a trial looming in the morning, but before Phoenix could grab his bag and get home, Mia stopped him.
"You said you know the client, right?" she asked. It was a leading question. Mia loved those. Phoenix sort of hated them, but he answered anyway.
"Yeah." And then he didn't elaborate.
Mia didn't scowl exactly, but she wasn't smiling. "He seemed very familiar with you. And you him."
"Oh, yeah, we go way back," Phoenix shrugged. His mouth was starting to feel dry. This was the most he'd told the Chief about his life since the first time they met.
"How did you two meet? College? He's an artist, so maybe you crossed paths with him then," Mia offered, knowing very well it was a lie. She'd met all of Phoenix's friends from college. One of them was a murderer and his girlfriend. The rest of them didn't exist.
She was extending an olive branch, but Phoenix was just too tired to file away the lie to keep up later, so he sat back down at his desk with a huff. "No, we've known each other since we were kids. We went to grade school together. He's one of the reasons I'm doing what I do today."
Doing what I do. Very smooth, Phoenix, not vague and weasely at all. But you couldn't blame him, really. He spent all his time around lawyers, the weasel supremes.
Mia raised a perfectly-shaped eyebrow. "And what is it that you do?"
"Y'know," Phoenix shrugged. "Justice."
A loaded word, justice. For Phoenix in particular. In this moment, he meant his night job beating up muggers and creeps, gathering information for Mia to pull out with a flourish in the courtroom. He was the underbelly of her high society, the stain on her perfect conscience. She appreciated him as an assistant, but she didn't love the vigilantism. It made sense. She was a lawyer. She couldn't fraternize with criminals.
Still, Mia smiled, looking half-relieved. Phoenix had talked around the point, like always, and like always, Mia caught him in the act.
"I'm glad he's there for you, then," she said.
"He won't be if he's stuck in jail."
"Then we'll just have to make sure that doesn't happen."
Mia said it with such certainty that Phoenix didn't even hesitate to believe her. She would get Larry acquitted because he was innocent. No prosecutors or police detectives or warped reflections of justice would stop her. Nothing would. She was Mia Fey, unstoppable.
Phoenix left the office with a light heart, despite the circumstances.
Night hadn't fallen yet, but the sky was just starting to go dim and orange at the edges. He had a couple of hours of down time before he had to go out. Usually, he'd spend those hours texting Larry or Googling case precedents for Mia's next trial, but Larry wasn't available and the Chief already had her case laid out. Murder trials always went by quick. Another way the system failed.
At least it meant criminals got put away quickly.
Phoenix decided to spend his free time actually stretching and warming up. He'd had a good yoga tutorial saved on his laptop for a while, but he used it less than he probably should. His body was pretty resilient, was the thing, so he tended to ignore the aches and cramps, fighting them off with painkillers and heating pads if they were making it hard to move, because by the next morning, they'd be gone.
The yoga still felt nice, though. It got his brain in gear.
Night fell as Phoenix stretched, and once the video ended, he was ready to suit up and hit the bricks.
Miles Edgeworth was still in his office.
It was dark, and nearly every other prosecutor was gone, trickling out over the course of the few hours after five o'clock.
The Chief Prosecutor was still here. Her door must have been open, because Miles could hear someone speaking to her from down the hall. The chief of police, most likely, considering the topics brought up in the few snippets Miles could decipher. Chief Prosecutor Skye seemed to never speak above a firm but close-quarters tone, but Police Chief Gant was much louder, projecting his voice seemingly by accident. As such, the conversation from Miles' perspective seemed to be rather one-sided, although knowing Prosecutor Skye, she was speaking back constantly.
The pitch and volume of the conversation rose until Miles could almost make out what Prosecutor Skye was saying, and he could clearly hear Chief Gant. It was an argument about misfiled evidence, apparently, and an attorney requesting a retrial for which no evidence or interviews were recorded. Gant was furiously defensive, but Prosecutor Skye had taken control of the conversation, and she was not going to back down. Miles respected that about the Chief Prosecutor. Like his mentor, Prosecutor Skye would not be dismissed, and her words were law, often even over those of the judge. Before she was Chief Prosecutor, she was much more timid, often letting the opposing counsel lead the trial, but since her promotion, she had developed a confidence that even Miles could not match. Were they not working for the same cause, on the same side of the courtroom, Miles would have loved to be put against Prosecutor Skye.
However, she was his superior, and more importantly his coworker, and so he pushed the daydream from his mind and turned his steely focus back to the case.
A murder trial, investigated headed by Detective Gumshoe. The victim, a model, murdered in her home with a blunt object. The key witness, Mr. Frank Sahwit, whose police interview was the central point of Miles' argument.
The accused, one Mr. Larry Butz.
That was what stopped Miles the first time. And then the next several times.
All of the defendants that he prosecuted against were guilty, as their verdicts agreed. If a criminal crossed his path in court, they would be punished for their crimes. It was impossible to empathize with them. It was impossible to think that they could be innocent or misunderstood. The evil it took to kill another human being was too great for that. It could not be forgiven.
And yet, Miles could not make himself believe that Larry Butz was guilty.
He'd tried. Over and over again, he'd scoured the evidence, spoken to Gumshoe, visited the crime scene himself, and yet, he still found himself feeling sympathy for the man. It was embarrassing. He had no connection to Mr. Butz outside of a single year of grade school that, in the face of von Karma's legacy and Miles' own success, was so small that it was laughable that he even remembered the man's name a all. He had no idea how his character had changed over the fifteen years they had been apart. Miles certainly grew more ruthless, but his wrath was trained, focused on the ultimate good of bringing justice to the world. Larry Butz, a monstrous and chaotic child, could not have been groomed into perfection as Miles had. Really, murder was the natural progression for him.
Miles repeated it to himself again. It made sense that Larry Butz killed Cindy Stone. Mr. Sahwit's account was airtight, and Butz was the exact kind of person that would commit such a violent crime. There was no reason to doubt, and therefore by doubting, Miles was being unreasonable. Imperfect. He would sit in this office and reread the file until he saw reason. That was the only way.
Miles' pen exploded in his white-knuckled grip.
Chief Gant and Chief Skye went suddenly very quiet. There was a moment of silence as they, probably, finished their conversation in hushed tones, and then two sets of footsteps departed from the office in two different directions.
One of those directions was towards Miles' office. He felt his stomach sink into the basement — a feat, considering his office was on the twelfth floor. His desk was a disorganized mess of papers, he certainly looked terrible, and his pen was still leaking ink onto his hand. He was frozen as the footsteps grew nearer and nearer, and then the door opened, and Chief Prosecutor Skye stepped inside.
"Edgeworth? You're still here? It's nearly ten," she said. When she noticed the smashed pen, she asked, "Is everything alright?"
"Yes, of course everything is fine," Miles said quickly. "I simply didn't notice that my pen was partially broken, and I used slightly too much force while making a note, causing it to snap. The documents are not stained." They weren't, he'd checked. It was the first thing he did after breaking the pen, before even considering washing his hands. Legal documents were much higher priority than his own stained fingertips.
Prosecutor Skye looked down at the papers, recognizing them as the Stone case. "Is this case giving you trouble? I could have it transferred if you'd like. I think Payne has an opening."
"No, please, I have it perfectly handled. I simply lost track of time while ensuring that my case is perfect for the trial tomorrow morning. There is no need to transfer the case to someone else," Miles said, face pinching as he realized that he was very obviously begging the Chief Prosecutor. Clearly this case had rattled him very badly, if he was acting so immature.
"Right. Well, if you need anything, you can call or send me an email," Chief Prosecutor Skye said slowly. "I'm going to leave as soon as I gather my things from my office, and I would prefer that you leave then as well."
Miles nodded. It made perfect logical sense that the Chief Prosecutor would not feel comfortable letting anyone other than herself lock up the building for the night. It was yet another example of her level-headed intelligence. It contrasted terribly with Miles' overemotional outburst. He did not make eye contact with the Chief Prosecutor as she left, and he neatened his office as well as he could with one hand before practically sprinting out of his office to avoid meeting her in the hall. His hand was still covered in ink, although he'd wiped as much as he could off with tissues from a little tin container at the receptionist's empty desk. He used more tissues to protect his steering wheel from the ink as he drove home. He did not think about Larry Butz. He did not think about Spider-Man. He did not think about court.
He did not think about anything at all.
Japanifornia never slept.
Phoenix thought that was probably another city's slogan already, but it worked in this situation, and hey, what's a little copyright infringement to a superhero?
He was currently perched on the rooftop of a high-rise kitty-corner to Eldoon's Noodle Stand. He'd made a habit of stopping by for food when their paths crossed, but Mr. Eldoon was getting sick of him stealing the bowls so he could eat in privacy. Lifting his mask, even for a second, was not an option, so tonight he'd come prepared — in the tool belt around his waist, among the gadgets and helpful trinkets, was a small soup thermos.
He pulled out the thermos first, then tucked it under his arm as he used his free hand to swing down right in front of the stand's path.
Mr. Eldoon didn't even flinch.
"Mr. Spider-Man, Terror of Noodle Stands! Have you come to kidnap more of my family's heirloom noodle bowls?" Mr. Eldoon drawled, coming to a stop.
Phoenix grinned even though Eldoon couldn't see it and held out the thermos. "It's Terror of Japanifornia, actually. And nope! This time I came prepared."
"It should be Terror of Noodle Stands," Mr. Eldoon grumbled, reluctantly scooping broth into the mug. "I'll have to contact that woman from the press and make her change your tagline."
"If you're going through all that trouble, could you ask them to make it something a little nicer?" Phoenix asked.
"You don't deserve something nicer."
Phoenix sniffled, doing his best to communicate being on the verge of tears without facial expressions. "I'm hurt, Mr. Eldoon. I thought I was your favorite customer."
"You'll be my favorite customer when you start paying for your dinner!" Mr. Eldoon snapped.
Phoenix just laughed. Mr. Eldoon never let him pay. "You'll stop being my favorite vendor when you start charging me!"
As Phoenix tucked the thermos back into his belt, he felt a wavering sort of sensation behind him. His back tensed.
Trouble was always around in Japanifornia. It was everywhere, if you knew where to look. When Phoenix got his superpowers, one of the thing he'd noticed was this sixth-sense for danger — not to himself, but to others. Buildings about to collapse, muggers about to pull a gun, manipulators about to spring a trap. It was the reason he could be a hero. Without his spidey-sense (as he'd coined it when he first got his powers, a decision he regrets every day), he'd be useless.
So he waved goodbye to Mr. Eldoon and swung away, towards the growing danger.
The city looked different at night than during the day, and it looked different on the rooftops than on the ground, but Phoenix would have to be blind not to recognize the area. His spidey-sense was taking him right to Fey and Co. Law Offices.
He stopped on the roof of the neighboring hotel, the Watergate or something, where he had a good vantage point into Mia's window. The office lights were off, which was a good sign, but Phoenix could sense some movement through the glass.
A car passed by, and in the second that the headlights illuminated the room, Phoenix saw where the movement had come from.
A gigantic man in a pastel pink suit was standing at Mia's desk, apparently taking apart her office phone. His hands were covered in massive, heavy-looking gold rings (that would fucking hurt to get punched by, Phoenix noted), and as a result, his progress with the tiny screwdriver was slow. He definitely didn't look like a repairman, and it was almost midnight — even if he was a repair guy with a weird personal style, there was no reason for him to be in the office so late. Mia would never schedule something like that, and she owned the place.
The only conclusion was that this guy was bad news.
Phoenix was conflicted. He could burst through the window right now and stop this weirdo from doing whatever it is he was doing, but as Spider-Man, he had no reason to. Spider-Man didn't know Mia Fey, and had no idea that this stranger wasn't the owner of this office. Intervening would mean drawing a connection between Mia Fey and Spider-Man, and Phoenix didn't want to put the Chief in that position.
The man was definitely breaking and entering, but until he did something that would get the cops suspicious, Phoenix couldn't do anything about it. He resigned himself to memorizing the man's face, so that if anything turned up stolen, Phoenix would be able to identify him. He certainly had a memorable enough appearance.
Once he was sure he'd memorized the trespasser, Phoenix turned away from the office and followed another trail.
The night was busy, like it always was. Not many actual fights or threats, but a lot of drunk kids who needed someone to call them a cab, girls who wanted someone to scare off a creep, and shady deals that needed someone to supervise them. Plus, Phoenix swung by Ms. Stone's apartment building to see if there was anything suspicious going on. Ms. Stone's apartment was dark as far as he could tell, and after hanging around keeping an eye on it for a bit, he left, satisfied that nothing out of the ordinary was happening.
There was always trouble on the streets of Japanifornia, but as Spider-Man, Phoenix could do something about it. He could save people.
If only he'd had superpowers back then. If only he could've saved him.
Miles arrived at the Prosecutors' Office at eight a.m. exactly, parking in the garage and scaling the thirteen flights of stairs with practiced swiftness. The Stone case was organized perfectly within his briefcase, and his head was clear of any thoughts of vigilantes or innocent defendants. He was prepared to crush his opponent, whoever they would be. His argument was flawless. The previous day had been embarrassing, but he had put that behind him now. It was irrational to linger on the past, however recent that past may be.
Miles opened the door to his office to see Chief Prosecutor Skye already inside. Immediately he was on edge.
Chief Prosecutor Skye smiled sadly at him. "Edgeworth, I have bad news about your case today."
"What is it?" Miles said, trying not to let his dread show in his tone.
"I've transferred the case to Winston Payne. He requested it, and after seeing how stressed you were last night, I thought it would be for the best."
Miles was speechless.
This had never happened before. Not to him. He'd had many cases transferred to him on extremely short notice (once, notably, only ten minutes before the trial began), but he had never had a case of his transferred to someone else.
Chief Prosecutor Skye did not trust him with this case. She must have realized, somehow, that he was faltering in his resolve, and acted accordingly by removing him. It was a logical decision. Surgically so, Miles thought, like removing a diseased limb to prevent the infection from spreading. Was the case the diseased limb? Or was Miles?
"That's not the only reason," Chief Skye continued after a pause that felt much longer to Miles than it was in actuality. "I was recently made aware of who exactly would be representing the defendant, and with your history, I thought you wouldn't want to be against her again."
"Chief Prosecutor, I completely understand your decision. There is no need to justify yourself. I will pass my current notes to Mr. Payne right away," Miles forced out.
Chief Skye nodded. "Thanks for being understanding. I'm sorry about the short notice."
"You're perfectly alright," Miles said.
He turned around, briefcase clutched in shaking hands, and descended the stairs to search for Mr. Payne's office.
Usually on trial days, Phoenix would just meet Mia at the courthouse. He'd sleep in a bit, get dressed slowly, and enter the defendant lobby with a relaxed, well-rested air.
This morning, though, the memory of the man inside the office the night before had Phoenix tossing and turning, and when his regular work alarm went off, instead of silencing it, he grudgingly got ready to head to the office. The August heat was enough to kill a normal man, and biking in a full suit was nearly enough to finish off Phoenix, abnormal as he was. The lack of sleep definitely wasn't helping. Not for the first time, Phoenix was thankful that he wasn't the one doing the thinking in court — he'd be flying by the seat of his pants.
Mia was already in the office when he arrived, and she seemed reasonably surprised to see him. Phoenix stopped before he had a chance to start talking as his eyes caught on a new piece of decor.
"Morning, Chief. Cool lamp."
Mia looked behind her at the glass floor lamp balanced precariously on a short bookshelf. "Oh, that. I ordered it a while ago. It just shipped last night, so I stayed late to set it up. What do you think?"
"Looks… fragile, but very fancy," Phoenix decided. "Actually, speaking of last night, I was around and I saw something kind of weird."
"You were 'around?' Did anybody see you?" Mia asked, eyebrows furrowed.
"Nope, but I saw somebody. He was big, purple hair, pink suit, a ton of rings. He was messing with the office phone." Phoenix tried to sound casual.
It didn't work. Mia's face was deadly serious. "Purple hair and a pink suit? You're sure? It wasn't just the light?"
"It could've been, but the colors weren't exactly muted," Phoenix said.
"Did he take anything? Move anything?" Mia stood and started scanning her bookshelves.
Phoenix shook his head. "No, he just did something to the phone. I think he was taking it apart. I didn't stay for long, though, and he was already there when I showed up."
Mia wasn't listening. She was pulling files off of her shelf, scanning through them with single-minded focus. The files she pulled out seemed random. A few under "W," some under "S," specific files from "F," "E," and "G." Only once she'd pulled files and folders from all over her shelf did she lean back, satisfied.
"Okay. I need to check the phone. Can you look for anything else suspicious in the office?" Mia asked.
Phoenix gave a thumbs up, but hesitated. "We've only got an hour until the trial, Chief. We should wait."
"If the intruder is who I think it is, we can't afford to wait," Mia argued. "Do you se anything? Any bugs, anything moved?"
Phoenix gave the office a quick scan, but nothing stuck out. Mia was leaning over the office phone with a mini-screwdriver, meticulously taking it apart.
The cover popped off, and Mia sucked in a breath. Phoenix was at her side in a second.
"It's a wiretap," Phoenix whispered. "A listening device. Chief, did you call anybody this morning? About anything?"
Mia shook her head. "Not yet, thank God. I don't take calls before trials."
"Right. Okay. So, we take this off and lock the doors and hope the guy doesn't come back." Phoenix felt dread rise in his stomach as he laid ut the plan.
Mia looked desperate. "Is there any chance you could stay behind and watch the office?"
Phoenix hesitated. "Larry's my friend. I owe him. Plus, I can tell when he's about to say something stupid."
Mia nodded and started gathering her case, but it was slow. "You're indispensable behind the bench, Phoenix. You know that. But if White comes back, I trust you to be there. I don't want to leave all this unattended."
"White? You know the guy who bugged you?" Phoenix asked.
"Maybe. I hope it isn't him, but… Prepare for the worst, right?" Mia gave a weak smile.
"This is the worst? Why haven't I heard of this guy?" Phoenix was following Mia out of the office. He locked the door behind them, and for extra measure, sealed the gaps with some webbing. Risky in public and out of costume, but the tension leaving Mia's shoulders was worth it. It was only a little bit, though.
"You've heard of him," Mia said. "You just don't know it. He keeps his name out of criminal business."
"But how? No one's that sneaky."
"You can be when you've got all the hush money in the world."
Phoenix and Mia made identical faces of disgust. Any other day, it would've been funny.
"I'll tell you more about White after the trial," Mia said as they approached the courthouse. "It's a lot to explain right now. I didn't want you involved, but if he's getting this bold, I might need your help."
Phoenix had a hundred more questions that he wanted to ask, but they were running late already, and Larry was waiting for them. He'd just have to be satisfied with an explanation later.
As Mia stepped into the courtroom, all of her lingering anxiety seemed to wash away. Her shoulders relaxed, her posture straightened, she walked with purpose. Phoenix loved seeing Mia like this. She looked more like a superhero than he ever did. She was saving lives in this courtroom, sparing the innocent and putting away the guilty with her total loyalty to the truth.
She was better than him. Maybe it was hero-worship, but Phoenix didn't care. He'd chase her shadow for the rest of his life, if it meant knowing that she was still saving people. He might be the superpowered one, but she was the hero.
That was all he needed to know.
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mehiwilldoitlater · 1 year
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A small groan from your tights gave you the clue that he was awake from his midday slumber.
"Can I ask you something?"
"Depends. If it's about my hairstyle technique, get lost!"
"Uff, no no. It's more... personal, that is."
He opened one of his eyes, looking at you. The peach tree where you two were sitting gave you both a refreshing spot even on those sunny and hot summer days, with a sweet breeze preventing the both of you from feeling the excessive warmth of the area.
"It doesn't bother you that... well, I'm...It's..."
You felt so embarrassed, especially talking about this matter. You could just let it pass after all, but...it was a small question that started to bother you from time to time, especially when those boring officials came every week, trying to catch an audience with you. He must have caught your difficulty in talking about this matter, so he decided to leave his pants on your legs to look at you, sitting not too far from him.
"I am like Me, the WoOoOoOoOo thing, the allmighty stuff, you know?"
"Yeah, I get that a lot, yeah."
"Okay, but...doesn't it bother you? I mean, don't you feel I don't know, emberassed, a little out of the water?"
You tried to sound as calming and easy as possible, especially with someone like Itto. But it was difficult, especially when you fight with your own demons in your head. The one who tells you that you're making their lives difficult, that they've risked enough, and that you still can't give them the rightful piece even now You've tried to be useful to them, to help them in their works, and all but this Creator status, people wooing at you like nothing, the fact that the Shogun demanded that you start to live under her even after all that she had done, the other nations... You felt like having them cornered.
He looked at you with one of the things that was so unusual about him: patience.
He looked at you, struggling to make you understand enough to him (a funny show to be fair), and... well, he got it somehow. He raised his hand, patting your head with some gentle yet confident gestures.
"No need to tell more! I got it! After all, it must be hard to be the second in command, especially with me as the first one!"
You concealed the fact that the real second in command was Shinobu but decided to keep it to yourself.
"Hehe...seriously, these things bother you so much?"
"I just...I don't want to slow you down or...or worse..."
"Eh, not a chance... Seriously, Y/n?"
He gently toked your hands in is... He had always had those big hands with those big and sharp nails, and they still made you feel protected or safe. They were so warm.
"The first time I heard of you, they said that you were some kind of monster that impersonated the creator. They said that you were pure evil! But then I met you, and you know what I said?"
He looked at you with the same goofy grin that he always carries around.
"To be the most wanted criminals in this world, they sure lack style!"
You stopped, a small gap in your mouth. Then you laughed at heart.
"YES! ...and well, of course, you reminded me when I was little, and my people, you weren't dangerous, you were just...you!"
His voice sounded somehow nostalgic. Itto wasn't someone who liked to be pity; no, I liked to give a good impression, which is simply an impression of sorts. He didn't like to bask in his old misery; he just used it as fuel for his future. You admired him for that, maybe more.
"The Arataki gang was full of outcasts, people who were unwanted...and, I know, a few of them weren't actually so okay about having you in it...but look how things had turned out! With you, our luck just increased! You're our lucky charm!"
He never even addressed you as the creator; for him, you were just Y/N or his lucky charm. That has always made your heart pound a little.
"And, yes, the people now are worse than before, but... Listen, I... umm..."
A small red mark appearedad aed on his face. He scratched his heada  little, looking away from your gaze.
"I won't judge you if you want to leave and start to have the life of a royal!" You deserve that after all! It's your choice, and I would respect that!" But the Gang...but I..."
He sighed. You've never seen him so nervous around you.
"I would feel a little sad to know that my lucky charm is away, not mending our wounds, not helping me catch some fireflies, or in my beetle training."
You tightened your hands on his, caressing with your thumb some cuts that were still there.
"No! I would never leave you or Shinobu for the Archons! You're my family! Itto I..."
Your words stutter in your throat. He looked at you, his eyes glowing with something.
Say it, please. Say it.
"I...I... Itto I-"
"A package!"
The sudden appearance of a new voice almost gave you both a heart attack. Itto fell behind, bunkering his head on the ground. Kirara looked at you two with her two big eyes, wondering why such a reaction! You both were staring in silence for almost a minute; it wasn't like she was disrupting something, wasn't she?
"K-kirara! You...you scared us!"
"OH! My apologies for your grace! They told me you were here, so I decided to bring your delivery directly!"
"Ugh, you could have just left it to Granny Oni, you know?"
"Weeeeeell..." Of course she wanted to see you; everyone wanted to see the creator.
"Geez, I got it. Let me see what they have for me now."
Annoyed, your focus was now on the package. Itto, on the other hand, couldn't get his head away from the fact that maybe you wanted to tell him that thing. That thing that he wanted to tell you some time ago... Somehow, he was grateful to the Neko girl; she gave him the chance to confess to you.
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thegeminisage · 5 months
whoops, i almost forgot about the star trek update. tuesday we watched tng's "firstborn" and "bloodlines" and last night we watched ds9's "the wire" (honorific)
firstborn (tng):
i was actually bracing for this one to suck ass bc everyone says worf is a bad dad. and i dont think he is!!! like, it doesn't come as easily to him as it does to sisko, and he sometimes forgets to be gentle or kind with alexander because he's so laser focused on how things SHOULD be he forgets to the importance of taking others' feelings into account, but that's how he is ALL THE TIME with EVERYONE not just his kid. considering the circumstances i'd say he's doing well
before we get started, GREAT cameo from the duras sisters. i was initially really annoyed with their tit windows but im becoming rather fond
i really liked "the family protector guy "k'mter" at first because he said all the right things to alexander...like, it's scary not being able to defend yourself, etc. then he also was a dick to alexander and i was really exasperated...but then he IS alexander so that totally fixes it. he's angry with himself and conflicted and just wants a HUG FROM HIS DAD and that FIXED it!!! like when he said "nobody will look at you and see a human you are alone on this ship" initially it felt like racism but it being like, not quite self-loathing but just bitter experience...that's actually so clever
this is the only episode where they brought up alexander's mom kind of hating ""klingon stuff"" and how that could possibly have negatively impacted him and it only got two lines of dialogue but still. i think it's really damning that she hated her own heritage and also brought her kid up to hate it and now he's sort of out here...pretending to be human, almost, to the point where he doesn't want to participate in hsi own culture or even bond with his own father (a klingon). like it sucks so bad for him
i was afraid that the plot twist would be "k'mter talks alexander into wanting to be a warrior after all just when worf realizes he doesn't have to be" which would have been sad but a real "oh shit" of an ending. mixed feelings about them not doing that but i understand why they wanted to properly wrap things up for s7
i almost forgot but rare w for picard for bending the rules a little bit to give worf time to go to the klingon festival with his kid. credit where it is due
bloodlines (tng):
i have never been so BITTERLY DISAPPOINTED.......................
they gave. picard. an affair baby.
what have i been saying since farpoint! he has an affair baby! AND THEY GAVE HIM ONE
if that's not his fucking affair child
pussy ass little FUCKS couldnt commit to changes...
i can't even remember what else happened in this episode i was so disappointed about this plot twist
oh yeah actually i do remember picard made a bald joke which i THINK was the only time he's done that in seven seasons? i think the only time ANYONE'S done it? please correct me if i am wrong but i was so shocked it got a big laugh out of me. also a rare w for picard. if he made bald jokes more often i'd hate him less maybe
oh yeah i'm coming back to add this later but it was really hilarious that picard was so torn up over his not-son being a little criminal. his horrific unforgivable spelunking crimes. so true.
the wire (ds9)
ooohhhhhhhhhhhh my god. oh my GOD. let's fucking...get into it
i rly thot garak was just a guy but not only is he a former assassin he's a current junkie. A JUNKIE! he's just like me fr
also, he can act? like that scene where he was withdrawing and saying horrible shit to julian......i was on the edge of my seat.
i love that he gave us 3 different stories about how he got kicked out. i'm gonna be honest, i looked it up, and apparently we never find out the truth? that is a bold fucking move. a daring choice. we, like julian, will never have any certainty. like, sure, i WANT to believe he released some kids from being tortured, but it's also equally as likely that he killed civilians or did a number of other horrible things
like, the fact that he can lie about it even while under significant distress.........king. like you could say oh that's the true one because that's the one where he was physically unwell but he also referred to "elim" in that one which gives it the ring of a potential falsehood
julian forgiving him anyway, even after all the horrible stuff he said, even after being physically ATTACKED (WHICH WAS SCARY!!! i was scared of him!!!!!) for "whatever he did," just because garak said "i need to know someone forgives me"..........AUGHGHGH JESUS CHRIST
THE FACT THAT HE WON'T TALK ABOUT IT. he won't tell even US what he did. eliot spencer core actually. i am beside myself about it all
maybe he's right and it is all true. maybe he destroyed a ship and framed a friend AND let some kids go. it's literally none of business though like he's not gonna tell us
anyway, i heard the term "brain implant" and nearly died on the spot, so 10/10 episode
honestly, they should have just upgraded this guy to a regular. he is so good
NEXT TIME: tng's "emergence" and ds9's "crossover" AND YES I KNOW THAT'S MIRRORVERSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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amethystfairy1 · 9 months
hello internet stranger,
i am in love. you've infected both me and my sister with your brainrot and captivating fics, we've talked about it non-stop the past few days, so naturally we have some questions.
But first, i want to ask what your boundaries are w/ fanart and writing. i've already drawn a couple pieces, are you alright with me posting them, and what should i tag them with? Also, i'm feeling very inspired to write more zed and tango for the travelling thieves au, is that alright if i take your ideas and just yoink them? Im not planning to post whatever i write at this point :P
anyways, moving on, i have a few world-building questions for you, starting w/ traveling thieves:
how does the mercenary guild and hits system work? Can anyone put a hit out on anyone, or do they have to be a wanted criminal? also, how does gem choose her targets? i like to believe she has some sort of moral compass in picking, but knowing the world they live in, i can't be certain
this is less of a question, but i don't see how the world can be resolved. For ttsbc, the obvious solution to the undercity folk living freely is that they overthrow the overcity government or just remove the laws keeping them banned. Sure, it'd be difficult, but from what we've seen, most people don't actually have strong prejudices against the undercity, they just vaguely believe they're evil, which can be very easily disproved. For traveling thieves, it's completely different, because not only is the discrimination in the government, it's in the people themselves; merely changing the laws would not change how people see hybrids, so how can that be fixed? My best solution to them all getting a happy ending is that they run away and found their own civilization where all hybrids can be free, but it doesnt seem like a likely scenario
again, not really a question, but I'm so so so happy in the latest fh piece that they looted the bodies of their attackers. the first time i read it through, i was practically screaming at the screen, telling them to grab the loot and weapons before they continued
next, ttsbc:
4. how do the mobs work? do they act like any normal animal, in that they just kinda exist and happen to be very hostile, or do they follow minecraft mob mechanics and spawn into existence from nothing when the conditions are right? could they theoretically all be exterminated? do all of them dislike light, like the zombies in the cleo bdubs fic? if they do, why are they making their way to the overcity?
5. how did the undercity become a thing? Was it just always there, or was it manmade? did hybrids and mutants always live underground? are the pits really bottomless? and if so, is the world a globe, or is it flat? i understand you might not have thought very deeply about these things before jumping in, but my sister and i were theorizing about different answers. i figured the undercity isnt manmade just like the grand canyon isnt manmade, it just came about through natural processes, and mutants and hybrids just evolved(?) seperately from humans, underground, which is a whole other can of worms with the science behind that. an idea about the "bottomless" pits has to do with physics. at the center of the earth (if it were hollow), you wouldn't feel gravity because it would pull on you equally in all directions. so maybe the bottomless pit really just leads to the center of the earth, and you're not really falling forever, you're just suspended in the center forever lol. not falling, but not hitting the bottom, either
anyways, this was a really long ask (i hope thats ok), and i still have more to say, but i'll leave it there for now. again, i love the angst, and have a wonderful day. im gonna try to get some work done, but it probs wont happen with all the brainrot XD
Hello hello! ✨
I'm so honored that you and your sister are enjoying my AUs and fics so much! That you've been talking about them and theorizing over them is so awesome to hear! Knowing that they've become something fueling discussion is super cool!
I LOVE IT ALL! Fanart/fanworks/fanfic I wanna see all of it! I would absolutely love it if you would post your fanart! Please use either the (#traveling thieves au) or (#through the sky blue cracks) depending on which AU it is for and mention me in the post (@amethystfairy1) so I can see it! And of course you are welcome to write fics based in my AU or using my characterizations, in fact I'd love it if you did! It's the best thing to hear that my writing has inspired someone else to get creative! I know you said you had no intentions of posting it, but if you ever do, please use the same hashtags here if on tumblr, or if you use A03 list the appropriate fic/series as inspiration and please credit me in the notes if you don't mind! I'm looking forward to seeing anything either fanart/fanfic related that you've created!
The mercenary guild is basically like the underground/illegal version of the adventurer guild, and they'll take any jobs that the adventurer guild won't. Blackmail, assassination, smuggling, you name it. Gem has something of a moral compass, but it isn't exactly the strictest thing in the world. We learn when she meets Mumbo in Grian's wing preening fic that she is on her way to assassinate a noblemans son, and while that is a bit of a wink wink nudge nudge if you can figure out who that son is, exactly, it's still Gem agreeing to kill a teenager who is guilty of little more than pissing off the wrong person. Cruel world and all.
Perhaps that's exactly point? 😌 With Traveling Thieves, I did not set out to make a world that could be resolved or escaped from...the whole point is that it is cruel and inescapable, and the best you can do is continue to protect yourself and those you care about...and even then, you might fail to do that. You might be set up to fail in a sick system that would never give you a chance in the first place. And the best you can do is try to put the pieces back together in the aftermath. I don't want Traveling Thieves to resolve in any traditional sense of the word...for where that'll lead all our various characters, well, you'll have to wait and see. 🤔
Loot that body LOOT THAT BODY NOW 💃
They're like your typical minecraft mobs, they spawn in places with low light levels! We've also got some homebrew monsters that I've come up with, such as the bird-men, that we will be meeting as time goes on. Certain monsters such as zombies do avoid light, but there are plenty of monsters will go above bedrock just like certain monsters in minecraft can survive in the sun, like creepers and endermen. No, they can never be exterminated because of how they spawn!
The pits aren't bottomless, we've seen the bottom after all, where Pearl, Jimmy, and Grian were in the Depths! It is a natural chasm beneath the bedrock, and the various caves and tunnels stretch are incredibly huge and diverse, so while everything connects back to the main cavern of the under-city that's so huge, there are also other caves and tunnels where other groups live that we will be learning about eventually, such as the blaze-born pyres or where Cub is from in the Deep Dark!
It is completely totally 100% ok! I love getting long asks like this that give me the chance to develop and worldbuild the AUs and mention some details that might never really show up within the fics themselves! So by all means send more questions and thoughts! And I'd also love to see the fanarts you mentioned if you still are up to posting them, I can't draw so anything anyone draws that has anything to do with my AUs makes me incredibly happy! 😆
Thanks so much for coming by! 💖
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oh-no-another-idea · 6 months
7 Snippets 7 People VIII
Tagged here by the amazing @indecentpause--thank you, friend! To spice things up a little, let's have 7 scenes of my new Peter-Pan-inspired WIP! 💚
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Her bed was a small thing tucked beneath the third window in its own corner of the nursery, and she wasted no time remaking it shipshape. A maid delivered her breakfast to the door, and carefully, Gwendolyn carried the tray back to the first window.
If she was careful and didn’t let her skirts catch on anything, she could drink her morning tea with her legs swinging out the window, five stories above Kensington Gardens.
Gwendolyn rolled her eyes, far from worried. It would be many years before Michael’s mother, Belle, wanted him alone at night. The good lady had heard all kinds of stories before Michael’s birth of babes crying all alone at night, left to the whims of rats and passing burglars, suffocated by their own pillows.
That last was likely pure fiction, but Belle worried. And Gwendolyn had worked with young children before—Michael wasn’t going to be totally self sufficient by the age of four.
“Come on, Michael,” she told the baby who was nearly done with his milk. “Today I think we shall go for a walk through the park.”
He was handsome, her rescuer, with deep black hair ruffling in the wind and a strong slim face. His eyes were indecipherably dark, surrounded by soft crinkly lines like the sort Belle had—he smiled a lot, this boy.
She spared a glance to his clothes; was he a sailor, perhaps? But no, the plainness of his linin shirt and the scarlet kerchief around his neck was the uniform of a porter—hired as extra hands to load cargo, paid, and sent off to search for more work on another ship.
Gwendolyn bounced Michael on her hip. She didn’t dare take him too close to the rail, but made sure he could appreciate the view nonetheless. He seemed all together more fascinated with nearby crew, blowing bubbles into Gwendolyn’s collar.
“Don’t be indecent, Prosper,” said a voice from behind Gwendolyn, causing her to whirl. Two more young men peered out at her interestedly.
“He only means to point out what a novelty visitors are,” Prosper’s companion was quick to add. He was tall with bronze skin and black curls. “Are you lost? Perhaps we can direct you.”
“Don’t give her directions, she’ll leave,” Prosper complained. “And then all I’ll have to entertain myself is your stench.”
One of the other boys called out, “Don’t get anyone started on Edward’s stench!”
“We’re common criminals,” Nicholas announced. “From her majesty’s jail.”
“God save the queen,” the others said as one.
“God save the queen,” Nicholas echoed sardonically. “We’re to be shipped to the Americas, they say.”
“Wendy,” he said, recognition flooding his voice with warmth.
“You’re the one who pushed me out of the way of the luggage,” Gwendolyn realized. Without a strong feeling, her emotions drifted. Anger? Betrayal? Confusion?
He was still as handsome as ever, unfortunately. “I hope you’ll not hold it against me.”
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Tags for @lavender-laney @catchingbigfish @inkstaindusk @dogmomwrites @toribookworm22 @did-i-do-this-write @vacantgodling and anyone else who'd like to join!
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skuntank · 25 days
I like the idea of Diantha branching out into more villainous roles to take a break from her usual Pure Angelic Knight typecast. Especially makes sense considering the other two canon actors in Pokémon are best known for their villain roles, and could potentially play heroic roles alongside her. I’m curious, though, what sort of film villain do you see her being cast as? Noir, science fiction, fantasy, etc, there a lot of compelling options.
Oohh my god id love to see a role reversal sort of situation with Diantha being the villain and Brycen and Sabrina playing the heros ..... That's absolutely something I'm gonna chew on ....
Tbh I see her having an interest in all sorts of genres but she most often finds herself in dramas and romcoms, most often as the protagonist. I feel like those are the roles she's most expected to play, and like. I'm sure she loves dramas, and romcoms are like. Ok. In the junk food kind of way. But I think if she were to stick with one or two genres a lot she'd find herself itching to do something different.
I'd love to see her in a scifi flick. I think her audience would be very divided on her performance, some adoring it and loving her going so far outside of what she's usually in, and some thinking it's one of her worst roles ever (mostly just bc it's so different for her). Regardless of reception, I think she would have a blast with it or anything else entirely different from what she normally does.
This isnt really answering the villain part lmao sorry dbdjdb
The type of villain I see her really getting into in my head is like ..... The kind where their unhinged energy is just bubbling under the surface. I know I said it before but I really wanna see her go absolutely apeshit. I wanna see her lose her mind and like tear a scene apart and throw chairs and claw at her costar's character's face. I think it would be maybe a little startling when working with her to see her embrace such energy so easily and passionately and those who have worked with her on stuff where she's done stuff like that for a role come away from it with a bit of fear of her I think lmao
I think genres that might suit this best would be horror/thriller/suspence, tragedy, again drama, black comedies, and whatever a more introspective study on a specific character/person might be considered. Noir would be interesting for sure. Also just historical pieces, especially those focusing on the Victorian and Edwardian eras, the 20's, and probably the 50's? Idk btw I'm not a movie buff by any means lmao
I think these sorts of roles could probably be like your typical "woman scorned" archetype, I have a harder time seeing her in roles where the antagonist is evil just for the sake of being evil, unless it's like a children's movie or something. Tbh I think she would REALLY enjoy the roles where she can argue and debate that the character she plays isn't a villain at all despite them being listed as such. Or at the very least, even if they are outright a villain, they are either still an empathetic character to some degree, OR swing wildly into extremely over the top unhinged territory. I also see roles like fucked up matriarchs that are far too set in their ways and are an unfortunate part of the cycle in passing on trauma, black widow-types, vengeful spirits of those trapped in tragedy, ruthless criminals with a deceptively pretty face, characters driven by desperation, and the like being things she'd be stellar with....
The movie that keeps coming to mind for me is Pearl. Maybe not so much in terms of straightforward plot/character comparison, but absolutely in terms of raw energy. Or maybe you could make a one-to-one comparison and say "yeah I'd love to see Diantha in that specific role." She'd fucking kill it I think. Also fucking cast her in a movie about Lizzie Borden. God what a dream that would be. Also SUNSET BOULEVARD WITH HER AS NORMA DESMOND .... SIGN ME THE FUCK UPPP
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willowser · 1 year
I'm sure I could read anything about Touya that you wrote and deeply enjoy it. You just have a talent for writing him with all his contradictions and complexity. Thank you for sharing all of it with us.
I especially love step dad Touya. Given his situation isn't the most stable and enviable, plus his rocky past compared to your situation, maybe he becomes worried he could be a "bad influence" for your daughter ? Especially when he becomes more and more part of the family and a role model of sorts like parents are. He's probably self conscious about it. It's a big responsability ; he doesn't show it but you can tell it's hard for him since he has self esteem issues. Poor baby. He would be proud but also devastated if the lil' girl one day just blurted that she wants a job like Dabi's or tatoos when she grows up 😆
you're so sweet kashdkah i'm on the floor. rolling around. how dare you be so kind. i'm weeping 🥺✨
i definitely think he gets really insecure about it !!! 🥺 bc — he's certainly had his hardships, and while he knows it affected his family in a rough way, too, he's always felt alone in his own shit storm — and that was okay !! bc even if his family were hurt by it, he was really only bringing himself down ?? that's how he sees it. and so for him to go through it all and come out the other side, continuously working on himself, he feels kinda !! like he's doing alright !!!
and then enter you and your baby girl LOL
and as someone that had such a tumultuous relationship with his own father, he's very aware of how the actions of the parent can affect the child — and he's really grateful that he's not her real dad, and that things seem to be okay between you and your ex-boyfriend, but still. that lil' girl cares about him 🥺 and he can tell 🥺 and that really frightens him !! all of the sudden, he's in real deep with this and he can't just run away like he usually does, bc the little life he's destroying is just. too much. SAD
not that he wants to leave, whatsoever, but it's scary !!! and it doesn't help that the lil' bean's dad DOES NOT like him — not that he can blame him too much, because he looks like a criminal and actually IS A CRIMINAL and works in a bar and xyz. but still. hurts to know he has such a huge potential to leave a bad impact on her life somehow 🥺
i think he might consider leaving, when it all becomes too much, bc that's what he's always done !!! and maybe he even tells you, like, "hey, i ain't cut out for this kinda thing," and you're so secure in yourself because you have to be for you and your little bug, that you're like,
"okay, if you don't wanna be here, then don't. i don't want anyone in her life that doesn't want to be."
kggjaglajgjdsgja and it's so STRESSFUL TO HIM !!! i think it would take a good amount of time to feel like he deserves to be there, but every time she hugs him before going off to school or telling him she loves him before he leaves for the day or watches him with her big eyes as bed — it would all be worth it 🥺
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Still feeling a bit torn every time I see gifs of Michael and Molly. 😕
When she gets back from her honeymoon and Michael ends up seeing her again (on the street, at the pharmacy, or wherever), girl's really just asking to be blanked.
Not to mention, did she really think it was a good idea to screw with a known criminal who went to prison for killing his wife (however accidently)??? But then it's not like it was a good idea to even go out with him in the first place. lol
Girl just couldn't resist getting her rocks off with a dangerous thrill one last time before she got hitched, I guess. Good thing she only pulled that on our cuddly gangster boy and not a man who'd want to retaliate against her.
Poor Mikey though. The least she could've done was have the decency to tell him to his face rather than have him find out like that. 🥺 And I don't buy the idea that she'd have been too afraid to do so and so just decided to ghost him - Molly's no shrinking violet.
(*sigh* At least we got a few more Charlie kissing scenes out of it - and the one with him in his skimpy black boxers 🔥🔥🔥 - so it's not all bad.😅)
(There's a theory some people have that Molly is actually Mikey's sister Jenny, but I don't think that makes much sense. Birdy had to help Michael's mother and sister and go into hiding from Bren, so why the hell would Julie (their mother) risk letting her daughter live in the same city as Bren, even decades later under an assumed identity? Especially once he gets out of prison?
Not to mention that Jenny would surely remember she had two older brothers named called Mikey and Jimmy? I mean, Mikey didn't mention the existence of a sister when he told Molly his mother had abandoned them so if, theoretically, she was actually Jenny she might not have been able to put the pieces together based on that. BUT Molly did Google Michael before their first date so surely she'd have seen info on his family - likely including at least some of the names of his other male relatives - so might not something have clicked then?
There's just so much we don't know. *sigh* We've no clue how old Jenny was when Julie took her away, but she quite likely wouldn't be able to recognize her brothers as adults if she hasn't seen them in over 25 years. If she and Julie lived under assumed names, and she was young enough, it's possible she might not have remembered her surname is Kinsella, so she couldn't have looked up the rest of the family on the internet to know what they look like as adults.
Of course, Julie would've had to deliberately withhold info from her growing up for her not to have known who her family was. And that's too dangerous a sort of ignorance to let the girl carry her whole life with a father like Bren, surely? And unless something happened to Julie in the interim years - she'd never have let Jenny move back to Dublin, not so long as Bren was still alive.
As a theory, it's not impossible, but I still find it far-fetched. *shrug* Very much looking forward to S3 so we can find out more about Julie and Jenny and, hopefully, see them reunited with Michael and Jimmy after all these years. 🙏)
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turtlethebean · 2 months
CC OC Week Day 2: Past
Read it on AO3: You Can't Run Forever - Turtle_The_Bean - Criminal Case (Video Game) [Archive of Our Own]
Warnings: Child death, child soldiers, child trafficking, and panic attacks.
Why the hell did I agree to do this?
The question lingered in Amaya’s mind as she watched her temporary roommate, Chieko Tsukada, unpack her stuff right in front of her. It wasn’t that she wasn’t used to having roommates; she had slept in tents with plenty of other kids before this. No, there was a different reason she was reconsidering her acceptance of this situation.
But she couldn’t quite put her finger on it.
Elliot had introduced the two, telling Amaya that Chieko would be staying for a few weeks and asked if she would be okay with living with her for that time. She couldn’t remember why, but something had made her feel incredibly flustered at that moment, forcing her to agree despite her blank mind.
She wished she could just go over to their place and tell them, “Nope, can’t do this. Sorry.” But she felt like she had gotten herself into this mess; therefore, she had to deal with the consequences of her own actions.
“Um,” Chieko’s voice popped up, snapping Amaya away from her thoughts, “Are you going to help me unpack, or are you just going to stand there?”
“Oh, sorry,” Something about Chieko’s voice made her flustered again, “I’ll help out, no problem.”
“You don’t have to if you don’t want to. I’ve unpacked plenty of times on my own. It’s just that you standing there staring at me is making me a bit uncomfortable.”
“I-I’m so sorry. I haven’t had to share a room with another person in…” Shit, how long had it been since she was with Sombra? “Like…seven or eight years…”
Had it really been that long? It seemed like only yesterday she got out of her one-year jail sentence for the things she had done for them.
Trying to distract herself from how old she really was, Amaya got to work trying to help Chieko with her luggage. She didn’t want to think about anything that happened back then. She didn’t need to think about those memories when there were more important things to take care of, like…
Like the dog tags she found in one of the suitcases.
It seemed strange that Chieko had those dog tags in her suitcase. She didn’t really seem like the type to wear them. Sure, she did wear a locket, but a locket is fairly different to dog tags.
It got weirder upon closer examination. There was a name engraved on the dog tags – Tsukada Hiroshi. Oh god, she had stumbled upon some sort of secret identity Chieko was trying to hide from, didn’t she? The feeling of doing something wrong crept up on Amaya, causing her to try shoving the dog tags away from her so she wouldn’t have to think about them. However, as she did so, the chain caught on some of her arm hair, resulting in a loud “OW FUCK!” coming from her.
“Are you okay?” Chieko asked, concerned.
“Y-yeah, just…something pulled my arm hair.” Amaya couldn’t think of a lie to get herself out of this situation.
“Oh, I probably should’ve handled that stuff myself.” Chieko noticed the dog tags and picked them up.
“Do…do you mind if I ask you who Hiroshi is…or was?”
“I don’t mind. It’s been a long time since it happened. He was my brother.”
“Was? I’m sorry to hear that. Can I ask what happened to him?”
“He was…murdered. A group of people called Sombra trafficked and then killed him. I couldn’t get to him in time.”
Amaya felt the stinging in her eyes as she realised the truth. Chieko’s brother had been killed in the hunt. Did she even know about the hunt, though? Sure, she knew about Sombra, but she assumed a lot of people knew about them.
Hiroshi could’ve been like her, a soldier programmed to obey all of Sombra’s orders. She couldn’t tell if him dying was the better or worse option than that.
“Amaya,” Chieko waved her hand in front of Amaya’s widened eyes, “Are you okay?”
“Y-yeah, sure, I…I just need a minute. I’ll go make myself a cup of tea or something.” Amaya fumbled over her words. She didn’t kill Hiroshi herself, so why did she suddenly feel so guilty?
“Oh, okay. I’ll call you over if I need any help.”
“Yeah, yeah, you do that.”
Amaya stumbled into the kitchen and stood, staring into the sink as though she was about to throw up. Why? Why did she feel like this? She didn’t feel like this when she killed other kids during the hunt herself, so why did she feel like this now?
She suppressed another wave of nausea as she reached over to turn the kettle on, her hands trembling from the feeling. The guilt washed over her in waves, each one threatening to bring her down with it. Her knees felt weak as she tried to stretch up for a mug. She couldn’t reach the mug, but the idea of climbing onto the counter seemed impossible right now.
She needed to calm down before she did anything.
Gripping onto whatever was closest to her, she slowly made her way to the couch. This is the one time I’m gonna be thankful my kitchen and living room are the same fucking thing. She thought, flopping over as her legs finally gave in on her.
She still needed something to drink, so she tried to reach her shaking hands over to the case of water bottles beside the couch. However, the shakiness of her hands caught onto the case, knocking it over and spilling the bottles everywhere. Normally, this would be the last straw for her, but she didn’t want to disturb Chieko in any way. Instead, she got down onto the floor and started picking things up, starting with the case.
She just needed to make things better. She just needed to be strong. She needed to command.
The damage to the plastic casing was too much, and she quickly realised she needed to find another way to store nearly twelve bottles of water.
She tried getting off the floor, but her legs were so weak that she couldn’t even move them. That meant the fridge was out of the question. She wasn’t about to use the freezer to store them either; she’d rather have floor water than a chunk of ice, especially if she was mid-workout.
“Hey,” Oh god, not now of all times.
“Oh, hi Chieko,” Amaya blushed from the embarrassment of getting caught…doing whatever this was, “What’re you doing here?”
“I heard a loud crash. I figured I should check out the rest of the apartment anyway. May I ask why you’re on the floor?”
“I…I was…I was making myself a cup of tea…when I tripped over the water. I’m totally fine, though.” She unsteadily stood up. “See? Totally fine.”
“Are you sure? Maybe you should lie down for a little bit. I’ll bring you your cup of tea.”
Amaya didn’t want to accept, but it felt exactly like it did before when she agreed to let Chieko stay with her. Unable to accept or deny the offer, she simply nodded and stumbled away into her bedroom. Once there, she fell face-first into her pillows, trying to hide the blush heating her face.
What the hell is wrong with me?
Well, she knew at least some things that were wrong with her, but why she was suddenly acting so strange around Chieko wasn’t one of them. She felt bad for accepting the offer of having her tea made for her. She wanted to take out her phone, pull up Elliot’s contact and tell him that she couldn’t do it, but she felt it would be rude given that Chieko had just unpacked most of her stuff.
“Oh, I didn’t expect you to be lying down like…that,” Chieko commented after Amaya heard her door open.
“Ah, sorry. I didn’t flash you or anything, did I?” Amaya scrambled to sit herself upright and face her new temporary roommate.
“It’s fine, you didn’t. I didn’t know how you take your tea, so I brought the milk and sugar with me.” Chieko placed a tray on the side table beside the bed.
“Oh, well, I usually use a lot of sugar, so I don’t really expect you to get it right the first time.”
Chieko chuckled a little bit, eliciting a smile from Amaya. God, how could she hate someone with a face so pretty, especially when she smiled? She looked as sweet as the sugar being poured into her tea but so much prettier, like the stars in the night sky.
“Can I ask you something? Why have you been acting…off since I got here?” Chieko asked, sitting beside Amaya, who was pouring sugar in her tea.
“Oh, that…that…is definitely a question…one I’m not sure you’d want the answer to.” Amaya tipped the sugar dispenser further, spilling the sugar in faster.
“Well, I feel like we should address it if we’re going to be living together. I’d rather deal with just how much sugar you put in your tea rather than how much sugar you put in your tea AND whatever’s bothering you.”
“Ah! I don’t usually put this much in. Sorry,” Amaya put the sugar back on the tray, “But, yeah, you’re right. I should tell you. The truth is…I don’t know why I agreed to this. It only got worse when I heard about Hiroshi because…because I was part of Sombra.”
She braced herself for scrutiny, for an ad-hominin attack on her character based on one factor of herself. However, she wasn’t met with anything – no shouting, no physical attacks, nothing. Just Chieko looking at her with a strange, almost shocked look on her face.
“Aren’t you going to say something?” Amaya asked, still braced for an attack.
“Well…” Chieko sighed, pulling Amaya closer, “Years ago, I might’ve been angry with you, but I understand things a lot more now. You didn’t kill my brother; you were just another victim of the same schemes, but unlike Hiroshi, you survived, and you should be proud of yourself for that.”
Amaya froze, tears welling in her eyes. She was so used to a more aggressive reaction to talking about her past; she expected the same from someone who had been obviously hurt deeply by the people she once considered like a family to her. This compassion was unexpected but still appreciated.
“I…I’m sorry. I didn’t expect that kind of reaction to finding out I was part of the people that killed your brother.”
“It’s fine. As I said before, you didn’t kill Hiroshi. The actual person who did in rotting in jail, thankfully. Trust me when I say it took me a lot of therapy to get to this point. If you had met me back when the wound was still fresh, I probably would’ve killed you given the chance.”
“Hah, I probably would’ve done the same thing to you back then. But…I love who you are now…and I probably would’ve loved who you were back then.” She didn’t mean to use the word “love” like that, but she knew she meant it deep down.
Chieko laid down on Amaya’s bed. Slightly confused, Amaya lay down beside her, staring at her with widened eyes.
“Your room is adorable.” Chieko giggled, looking around at all the decorations she had collected over the years.
“Oh, yeah, thanks,” Amaya blushed, “I actually decided to decorate it the way I wanted it as a kid, but my parents could never afford to give me a room this nice. It’s helped me a bit with healing from what happened when I was younger.”
“Hmm…maybe I should do something similar with my room. I’d have to travel a lot to collect all the souvenirs that I had to sell to feed myself, though.”
“I’ll come with you. I think travelling around a little might do me some good. Sombra used to send us all over the world for missions, but doing it on my own will might help with the healing, maybe even more than what I’ve done with my bedroom.”
“You could combine the two together. I know there’s a lot of things in Japan that’ll go nicely in your room.”
“Really? You’ve been to Japan before.”
“I mean, I was born there.”
“Damn…it seems like everyone but me has been to Japan before.”
“Well, if we’re going to go to Japan together, I’d recommend going in spring. I’ve heard your favourite colour is pink, and we usually have huge festivals with picnics, viewing parties, and usually a lot of sake.”
“I’m not sure I’d enjoy the sake part, but the rest of it sounds fun.”
“Alright then, it’s settled; we’ll go to Japan…next spring?”
Amaya smiled softly. “Sounds like a deal to me.”
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kristencsummerlin · 2 months
Fanfic ask game - L and M!
L: How many times do you usually revise your fic/chapter before posting?
After I finish a chapter. I self edit two to three times than I send it to my sister to read. She'll correct my grammar. After her feedback I edit again. Send it to her to re-read. And then if I'm feeling paranoid I'll read through it incase I need to edit a second time.
After posting I tend to ignore it for a while, writing the other chapters til I decide to read through it again and it more than often results in me editing it here and there.
M: Got any premises on the back burner that you'd care to share?
I'm assuming I answered the question incorrectly last time which is my bad. I'll tell the stories and ideas I've thought about but done nothing with nor do I think I ever will do anything with. And for fun and it make it easy on others I'll give everything names.
The Fraggers!: LOL So Lobo, New 52 Lobo, Sheba (who I think was supposed to take Lobo's spot in New 52 before they created New 25 Lobo), Slobo from Young Justice, Crush/Xiomara Rojas Lobo's daughter, and my OC Leah (fun fact I created her when I was 11) get forced into an Alien Family Game Show. Sort of like Big Brother except it's families competing other families. Everyone agrees to it because there's this huge cash reward for winning. And everyone in the family likes money to some degree. Crush is lucky to have Slobo because he's the one making sure Lobo doesn't betray everyone. There's supposed to be bonding and fights. The Lobos keep fighting for the name and because they think they know how to handle teenagers better than the other.
Maggie Opal: It's about a young adult girl with an imaginary troll friend/boyfriend named Hank. Our girl basically has schizophrenia and is leaving in a shitty life. People start going missing in her town including our girl's bully so she looks into it. It's played throughout the whole story that magic isn't real. Like the woman kidnapping and killing people is labeled a "Hag" but she's not supposed to be. Until Maggie finds out she's pregnant which makes no sense to her because she's only done sexual things with her imaginary boyfriend. And than plot twist magic is real. Our girl hasn't been imaging anything. Hank is an actual troll. The woman she fought was an actual Hag. Magic just doesn't have a kewl color effect or anything like that. And Maggic never realized the truth because her extension of belief was too strong.
Yandere Boyfriend: A yandere killer becomes obsessed with a detective. So he's been going after and killing criminals that the law's been letting get away due to the lack of evidence, lawyers, or simply because the person has money and power. So our yandere has been playing Dexter, murdering them in the hopes our detective will fall in love with him that way and or to make their life less stressful. Of course the detective will catch on and try to stop the yandere despite believing he's doing the right thing because a crime is a crime. I even thought about the yandere having a pet turtle name Mr. Williams who he talks to about everything.
Demi: It's my demigod college AU story. Like Nicktoons it's gonna be a freak of the week so different stories about different characters at the time. All the characters are somewhere between 18 to 30 years old unless they're a staff member. I guess the premise is "I the writer love mythos and fables."
The last two are connected to my posted fics. One being Hellsing Dracula, which is the story Dracula but what I think the Hellsing's version of it is. Because as much as Hellsing is accurate to Bram Stroker's Dracula, it also isn't. So I figured it would be fun. The second would be a different story of how Shirley and Alucard met. Although I don't think it would be a good read which is why I've done nothing with it. Next would be my altered version of Nicktoon episodes and movies but in my universe. Again never done anything because I think I can explain those events through the Nicktoon series. I guess a fanfic for Dracula vs Hitler being it's my guilty pleasure book but it's too insane to every do anything with. And lastly the Future Hellsing/Blue Exorcist crossover but I need to finish the previous stories before heading to the that one.
Hopefully I answered the question correctly this time lol. I don't know what else to say I don't really come up with themes or messages for stories. At least not before I write them I just pants the stories.
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