#and I figure out what I need and grab for it and then I get a big nope
httpswritings · 2 days
if you were my little girl: the series - part 4
alexia putellas x child!reader; this story contains mentions of traumatic experiences as drug addiction, child abuse and similar topics. don't read it if you find those topics triggering.
The Adult In Charge
You had suggested to draw and Alexia agreed.
Colored pencils danced across the paper as you and Alexia settled into a comfortable silence. She was lost in a world of vibrant blooms and playful hearts, while you meticulously built a scene with familiar figures.
It resembled the drawing she'd found in your room, only this time, the message was clearer. Empty beer bottles stood sentinel around the family, a shadow of worry draped over your grandmother's face, mirrored by your own.
The playful smile slipped from Alexia's lips as you presented your drawing. Your wide eyes and a finger pressed to your lips spoke volumes. A wave of guilt crashed over her – the sudden disgust of beer, the unexplained dip in your grades, the way you clung to her whenever she left… it all clicked into place.
Understanding brought no comfort. In fact, she felt even more adrift. You, so small and seemingly fragile, were carrying a weight far too heavy. Yet, beneath it all, a quiet strength flickered.
Without a word, she pulled you into a hug. It was an embrace you craved – warm, safe, the scent of her hair tickling your nose and drawing a giggle from your lips.
Tears welled in her eyes, spilling over as a choked whisper escaped her lips. "I'm so sorry," she said, her voice thick with regret. It wasn't the empty apology you were used to, the ones tossed out by your family like yesterday's trash after a night of chaos. This one felt genuine, laced with a pain that mirrored your own.
You wanted to comfort her, to wipe away the tears that stained her cheeks. Maybe, you thought, there was time. Time before you told her everything, about the turmoil at home, the battles you silently fought. You mumbled, "It's okay," your voice barely above a whisper.
With a newfound determination in her eyes, she grabbed a scrap of paper and scribbled something down. "I'm going to help you," she declared, her voice firm despite the tremor running through it. "I don't know how yet, but I will."
Folding the paper carefully, she placed it in your small hand. "This is my phone number," she explained. "If things get bad, if you ever need someone to talk to, call me. Any time, day or night. Even if I'm not in Barcelona, I'll find a way to answer."
A furrow formed between your brows. How could you call? You didn't even have a phone. But her concern warmed you from the inside out. "Okay," you agreed, the promise a weight in your hand almost as heavy as the one in your heart. "I'll keep it safe." Perhaps, it was a small step, a whisper of hope in the darkness. But with her number clutched tightly, you felt a flicker of connection, a lifeline thrown across the storm.
Alexia's hand trembled as it cupped your cheek, her touch making the tears welling in her eyes overflow. Here you were, barely seven, your innocence marred by the shadows in your own home. It felt unbearable.
Taking you away, whisking you off to a haven painted with butterflies, vibrant colors, and the warm aroma of cookies – that was a fantasy. A painful one that twisted at her heart. But she had to be strong. You needed her to be strong.
Taking a deep breath, she forced a smile, albeit a shaky one. "Alright, little one," she started, her voice thicker than usual. "I need to go now. I'm going to talk to Alba, see what we can do to help, okay?"
"Okay," you mumbled, your voice small. "I'm mostly safe. It's just… random days, you know? Like next week. We're having a barbecue day, and I already know things will get bad."
The way you said it, so matter-of-factly, about your "bad days," sent a fresh wave of anger and protectiveness crashing through her. She wanted to scream, to break something, to do anything to shield you from this reality. But instead, she squeezed your hand gently, a silent promise that she wouldn't rest until there was a better way. "I'll get your parents to invite me," she whispered, her voice firm despite the storm within. "And I'll be by your side all the time, let me handle it."
What It Takes To Raise A Child
The weight of the situation pressed down on Alexia as she hung up the phone after hours of talking to Alba. They had agreed to loop in Eli, hoping her wisdom and experience would offer a solution.
The next day, the two sisters arrived at her mother's house, a collective knot of worry tight in their stomachs. They poured out everything they knew, hoping Eli could find the missing pieces and a way out.
Eli listened intently, then sighed. "It's a tangled mess, girls. The legal system moves slow, and unfortunately, children in dangerous situations often fall through the cracks." She saw the discouragement cloud their faces, especially the deep sadness in Alexia's eyes.
"There might be an option," Eli offered tentatively. "If an adult becomes her legal guardian..." Her voice trailed off, gauging their reactions.
Alexia's head snapped up, her heart pounding. Becoming your guardian, your savior - it was a tempting solution. But could she truly offer the stability you needed? Did she even want that kind of responsibility?
Alexia loved being around kids, but it wasn't the same as having them full-time. Alba, the free spirit who yearned for adventure, wasn't cut out for such a commitment. And Eli, a mother who had raised two daughters while dealing with her husband's death, deserved a life beyond worry.
They all wanted to help, yet the hypocrisy gnawed at them. Each clung to their own life, hesitant to sacrifice the freedom they held dear.
"This needs careful thought," Eli began, suggesting a week or two to consider their options.
"No!" Alexia interjected, her voice sharp with urgency. "She doesn't have that kind of time. Her family reunion is next week, and she already knows things are going to get worse. A child who should be worrying about homework and toys understands danger – that's heartbreaking. I promised her I'd be there, but how can I help when she can't even call me? I've given her my number but she doesn't have a phone. She shouldn't be worried about having a phone!"
The room fell silent. The weight of Alexia's words hung heavy in the air. They needed a plan, and fast. You were running out of time.
The silence stretched, thick with the weight of the situation. Alexia's outburst had shattered the illusion of a simple solution. Eli, ever the pragmatist, finally spoke.
"Alright, let's not panic. We need a two-pronged approach. First, we figure out how to get you immediate contact with her. Maybe we can get her a very simple phone, that only has the option to make and receive calls."
Alba, ever the resourceful one, jumped in. "We just need to get it to her discreetly."
A flicker of hope ignited in Alexia's eyes. "And what about the long-term solution? Taking her in isn't an option for any of us right now, and I have to leave for camp in some weeks. I'm not going to be away for one or two weeks but for four weeks at least."
Eli stroked her chin thoughtfully. "There are other possibilities. Foster care, a safe house for at-risk children... We need to explore all avenues and see what resources are available."
"And in the meantime?" Alexia pressed, worry etched on her face.
"In the meantime," Eli stated firmly, "we do everything we can to prepare for the reunion. We need to have a plan in place, a way to assess the situation and intervene if necessary. We also need to talk to you, Alexia. Are you prepared to become a potential point of contact for authorities if things escalate?"
The question hung heavy in the air. Alexia knew the answer held immense responsibility, a potential life-altering decision. But the memory of your frightened eyes and the weight of your unspoken plea filled her with resolve.
Taking a deep breath, she met Eli's gaze. "Yes," she said, her voice firm. "I am."
The fight was far from over, but with a plan forming and a renewed sense of purpose, the women huddled closer, determined to be your shield in the coming storm.
The Plan
The days leading up to the family reunion were a whirlwind of activity. Alba had bought a Nokia phone that resembled those 2000s phones.
She had managed to make your parents believe that it was a present for you, as you would always play with Alba's phone, acting as if you were an important CEO receiving calls.
Alexia, ever resourceful, remembered your love for baking. She concocted a plan, suggesting to your mother you and Alexia would bake a batch of cookies for your family the day of the reunion, as your parents would clean the house, ready to host the barbecue.
Meanwhile, Eli started researching foster care options and potential safe houses. She contacted a trusted social worker, outlining the situation in careful detail. The social worker, sympathetic but cautious, promised to keep an eye out for any openings and offered guidance on how to report suspected abuse.
The weight of the situation pressed heavily on Alexia. She knew the reunion could be a tipping point. Every stolen glance at the calendar fueled her anxiety. Sleep was a distant memory, replaced by a constant barrage of "what ifs?" swirling through her mind.
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444lec33 · 23 hours
Ferrari Family // Dad!Lewis x Mom!Reader
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Summary: your baby’s first Grand Prix gives you and Lewis a glimpse of the future
WC: 1.1k
Warnings: nothing but wholesomeness, uncle!Charles and Fred make appearances
No descriptions of reader's (or your fictional baby's) physical appearance
Author's note: had to post something wholesome for father's day ❤️
You loved being a mother. Out of all the things you’d accomplished in life your beautiful baby girl was by far your biggest achievement. As much as you loved parenthood there were times that truly tried your patience. Like now.
You and Lewis decided to bring your baby girl to her first Grand Prix. As excited as you were to have your baby at you husband’s race this was definitely proving to be a challenge. You and your husband Lewis were sat in his driver’s room, both of you were doing everything in your power to quell your child’s incessant cries. 
She was overdue for a nap but refused to fall asleep. Ever since you’d arrived Layla had been unsettled. The seven month old barely eating and growing increasingly fussy as the hours droned on. 
Lewis being the perfect husband and father tried his best to calm your child and get her to sleep. Usually he was much better at putting your daughter down than you were but today was proving to be a challenge. 
“Lew, I don’t know what I’m doing wrong,” you whimpered as Layla refused to feed. Lewis took her as you readjusted your top from the failed attempt at feeding your child. Lewis grabbed a bottle you’d pumped earlier, cooing at Layla to get her to accept it into her mouth. 
“Baby girl, you haven’t done anything wrong. Our girl here just feels like giving us a hard time,” he joked as Layla finally began to take down a bit of her milk. “Don’t get in your head, you’re a great mum.”
If there was one thing Lewis was good at it was calming your nerves. He would never let you overthink, always going out of his way to ensure you got the love and reassurance you needed from him. 
A knock on the door interrupted the moment as an intern stuck their head in letting Lewis know he was needed for interviews. Your husband released a heavy sigh hating to leave you alone while Layla was giving you a hard time. You knew what he was going to say but you stopped him. 
“It’s okay, I’ve got her.” You took your baby into your arms. 
Lewis raised an eyebrow. “Babe, are you sure? You two are my priority. I’m not going anywhere unless you’re one hundred percent.” He really was perfect. 
Another round of knocks at the door alerted you that Lewis did have job to do. You flashed him a smile to calm his worries. “We’ll be fine, I promise. I don’t want you stressed on a race weekend. Layla and I will be here cheering you on, don’t worry about us.”
Lewis cupped your face, pulling you in for a sweet kiss. He leaned down and kissed Layla’s forehead much to her delight before heading to his media commitments. 
“Well bubs, looks like it’s just me and you.” Layla stared back at you with eyes just like her father’s. You tried to finish feeding her but that proved to be useless as she refused to finish the rest of her bottle. You finally gave up and burped her, hoping to put her to sleep. 
An hour later your child was still as alert as ever. An idea popped into your mind and you decided to follow it. You grabbed the half eaten bottle and your daughter’s diaper bag opting to take her for a walk. Maybe a change in scenery would help calm her down. 
You stopped and spoke to familiar faces along the way. With your husband’s move to Ferrari, this would be one of your final races at the Mercedes garage. Despite the difficult day you were having you were happy your daughter would be a part of Lewis' last season with the team he loved so much. 
Eventually you found yourself wandering the paddock hoping the fresh air would benefit Layla. You were rocking her, still doing your best to calm her down when a recognizable figure approached. 
“Hey Charles.”
He pulled you in for a quick hug before turning his attention to your daughter. 
“Salut chérie,” cooed Charles as he he addressed the restless baby in your arms. You explained the trouble she’d been giving you and Lewis and Charles was happy to help. 
“Let me try.” Layla welcomed the attention and easily settled into the Monegasque man’s hold. Charles gently rocked her getting her to calm down. 
“Let’s go for a walk, yeah?”
In a few short moments your world was turned red as Charles led you into the Ferrari garage. He turned to you, Layla’s head resting comfortably against his shoulder. “This will be your home soon enough, might as well have a look around.” 
Charles showed you around introducing you to different members of the team. Everyone was extremely welcoming, immediately falling in love with your adorable baby girl. 
Charles waved at a passing figure, careful not to rouse your now quiet child. “Fred, come here for a moment.”
The French man approached instantly recognizing you as Lewis’ wife as he greeted you. 
“And who is this little angel,” Fred questioned looking at your daughter. 
“Would you like to hold her?” You asked, ready to release Charles from uncle duties for a bit. Fred instantly accepted the infant into his hold. Layla looked at him curiously, her wide eyes taking in the unknown man. Layla was surprisingly calm, as a the unfamiliar man rocked her in his arms. The three of you fell into conversation as a now quiet Layla began drifting off to sleep.
Lewis appeared out of nowhere, a sweet grin on his face. “I was looking all over for my girls.” 
“I saw them and figured why not give them a glimpse of the future,” Charles laughed as he and Lewis greeted each other. 
“We’d been trying all day to get her to rest. Looks like we’ve found two new babysitters,” joked Lewis as the Ferrari team leader handed your sleeping infant over to him. You all laughed at Lewis’ remark. 
“We’ll have to get Layla some merch. I hope she likes red,” Charles joked as Fred asked a passing worker to grab Ferrari items for your little one. 
“I think we’re going to like it here,” you said as Lewis pulled you closer to him. 
“Our little Ferrari princess,” Fed cooed at the resting infant. “Welcome to the family.”
Author's note: thank you for reading 🥰
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garfunklefield · 2 days
Kiss Tomorrow Goodbye
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18+ viewer discretion is advised
Fem!reader/inmate!Toji Fushiguro Warnings: established relationship, slight angst, mentions of abuse, conjugal visit, breeding, breeding kink, missionary, cream pie, DILF Toji, Toji has a BD ;) Word Count: 3343 DESC: Your last visit until your boyfriend gets out of jail takes a spicy turns AKA idk how conjugal visits work so bear with me
Hi sorry IVE BEEN GONE! I see your requests and I'm getting there I promise!
It had been a year since your boyfriend decided to defend you in public. And a year since his sentence. That whole day was a mess from start to finish, and you wished you could take it all back. It started innocently enough, a family trip with him and his son, Megumi, at the local mall. Megumi clung to your hand more than Toji’s, causing your comments to start. To you, they were all jokes and to Megumi, they were hilarious. Little things like, “Aw, I guess Daddy’s not the favorite anymore!” Or, “Guess you need to put a ring on it sooner, babe.” It was supposed to be sweet fun, but it was getting to him. Maybe it was his rough childhood speaking or his insecurity as a parent, but your snide remarks weren’t helping his soured mood. Now that you looked back on it, it was your fault that he snapped. 
That man did nothing wrong other than come up to you and begin to gently compliment your outfit while you watched Megumi play in the child's play area. He did nothing that warranted your boyfriend coming up and grabbing him by the shirt collar, and socking him dead in the jaw. He did nothing wrong as he fell to his knees, and as your boyfriend kicked him in the gut. The man did nothing as he was viciously assaulted for merely hitting on a woman he didn’t know was taken. You were horrified as you watched your boyfriend send punch after punch his way, deforming his face with his fists. Megumi was terrified to see his dad do such a thing. 
But Toji heard nothing, saw nothing other than the fact a man was threatening his position as your loving boyfriend. And he was loving. Yet, something made him snap. It was a long time coming with his aggressive behavior in general. Especially with men who even looked in your direction. Call it possessiveness, call it love; You felt sick. Your hand covered Megumi’s eyes and slowly you began to walk backward, staring at the man you said you loved. Once he finished his punches, his hands covered in blood, he looked back at you two. He was hollow, a shell of who he was. He always was after his explosive anger attacks. They came and took hold of that man and made him instantly regret ever being alive. He watched the two of you back away in fear, as the security guards detained him. 
You did love him, you couldn’t help it. Even if he punched that man for no reason in your eyes, to him he was about to lose you. Toji was a sad man who came from a traumatic home, but you didn’t know that. He never let you in on why he was the way he was, or why he had that damn scar on the side of his mouth. The man never let you in and told you about how he got it, or why he was so protective of you. In his eyes, any man could take you away and leave him alone with nothing but a bottle in his hand. 
It took you a month before you decided to visit him in jail. You didn’t want to take Megumi because you knew it would take him a while to warm up to the idea of seeing his father after what he witnessed. You were patted down and inspected, told to take off your shoes and all that fun stuff. It felt like a lunch room, rather than what you had seen on TV. You sat at a round table, with a few decks of cards sprawled in the middle. Toji wasn’t there yet, but he was aware you were visiting. And you knew he’d be pissed you hadn’t come sooner. You figured he’d be all cocky and give you the silent treatment like the bitch he was. So you didn’t expect to see him look so … defeated. He walked into the room with two guards beside him, just for security. They motioned to your table and he looked at you. Your boyfriend looked … dead. Bags under his eyes and a hollow expression. The same expression you saw on that day. Regret and remorse for his actions in a way you hadn’t seen before. There was something different in his eyes when he saw you, a glimmer of hope. Maybe all wasn’t lost. Maybe he still had you. 
You stood up and swallowed, watching him come toward you in his tan jumpsuit. Your arms opened involuntarily and he pulled you into a very quick hug, probably protocol. He smelled different, he felt different. There was a stiff movement about his motions as he sat down across from you, his hands on top of the table. Was he … shaking? Like an abused pitbull, he stared at you and waited for you to speak. 
“Toji…” You began, hesitating before resting your hands atop the table as well, “Megumi isn’t ready to see you yet,” he nodded and looked away. 
“You came to see me. I thought you’d never come back after that day,” his eyes met yours again and you felt a wave of sadness. This wasn’t the cocky man you fell in love with. This was a shell of that man. “I’m sorry baby,” he rasped, voice strained against his throat. 
“Why did you do it?” Was all you could ask. If you got some clarity, and some answers, then you’d be able to figure out what to do after that. You’d be able to figure out how to address your relationship. You still loved him, we know this, but was it worth it? Was waiting for him while he rotted worth it? The man was silent for a few moments, staring at the table between your hands. Your hands were atop each other, near his but far enough you two wouldn’t get in trouble. You wanted to touch him as badly as he wanted to touch you, to break the distance and tell him everything would be okay. He needed it, you could tell. 
“When I was a kid, my brothers threw me into a pit of snakes,” he didn’t look up, “And my parents … laughed,” a defeated laugh came out of his lips, “No one treated me like how you do,” then Toji looked up at you, a dry edge taking to his voice. His eyes were like glass, staring at you with his soul naked to yours, “I can’t lose you or ‘Gumi- I can’t lose you,” then he took your hands, just for a second to squeeze them before he let go. The touch was fleeting, and it burned. Your skin ached where he touched it, and you longed to hold him. To tell him it was okay. Never in your relationship had he ever let you see this side of him, the side of him that was about to cry. The side of him that was truly vulnerable. Even with just a few short words you knew there was more to his childhood than he led on, more horrific stories than that one. His skin was all you wanted to feel, as you saw the tears pool up in his eyes. This wasn’t him, this wasn’t the Toji you knew. This was him at his lowest level, begging for help. Begging for … you. 
You weren’t going to let go of him that easily. 
Every weekend, you visited him. Sunday, at noon, you’d come and greet him with a smile. You didn’t understand how much it affected his mental state just to see you. It gave your boyfriend something to wake up for in the morning, it gave him motivation to work out and help out around the jail. He wanted to be with you, touch you, smell your hair, anything. Even if he couldn’t, and even if he could only see you for a few hours, that was all he needed. You saw his improvement slowly but surely, every time you’d come over. His skin brightened and his smirk was wide. Toji was getting his personality back slowly, but surely. Megumi visited him shortly after you began your weekly visits. You let the two of them talk alone, watching from afar. It was heartbreaking to see how your step-son perspective of the world had shifted all from one incident. It was heartbreaking to see him become cautious around the man who had been there since his birth. But Fushiguro knew this all too well, and he understood things would be different until the trust was built. 
There were two months until Toji would be released with parole. You weren’t able to hide how excited you were, just to be able to see him and hold him. That’s all you wanted. Just to taste his mouth and run your hands through his hair, which had gotten shaggier now. Your boyfriend’s physical appearance had definitely changed, in one way or another. Whether that was his muscles or the fact he had a new tattoo he didn’t want to tell you about. You didn’t really notice the changes, since you hadn’t seen him without that bulky jumper off in … a year. You didn’t want to admit how sexually frustrated you had been since that day. Nothing could replace his fingers, or his big cock thrusting into you. Not even a dildo, not even your fingers. No vibrator was as good as his tongue and no pillow was as plush as his thighs. You had to face it, you were desperate for him to leave. Two months were going by too slowly, and it was killing you. 
Until one of your friends had mentioned something offhandedly. A conjugal visit. You weren’t sure what it was until you did a bit of research, then you knew you were on board. A personal, one-on-one visit with just you and your boyfriend. You knew you didn’t have to ask him, of course, he’d agree. Toji was just as pent-up as you, more so in fact. It was hard, to see you in those perfect outfits and to see your perfect fact, and not being able to do anything. He couldn’t hug you, he couldn’t hold you, and he surely couldn’t fuck you. So when one of the guards came to him on a Monday and told him you had scheduled a conjugal visit for that day, he was intrigued, to say the least. Your boyfriend had heard about it from some of his cell friends, but he didn’t think you were that desperate. He thought if anything he would be the one going crazy while you took this like a champ, he had no idea you were lusting as much as he was. 
You were issued a trailer with a bed, a small bathroom, and a nightstand full of condoms and lubricant. It was spacious and quite clean for being used for sex regularly. You found yourself seated on the bed as you waited for Toji to come with an escort. Once that door closed it would just be the two of you, ready to do whatever the hell you wanted for hours upon hours. The door jiggled a few times before you saw him. 
Never had you seen him that excited to see you, as he slammed the door behind him. He peaked around a bit before he saw you on the bed, waiting for him. A genuine smile appeared on his lips, pulling at that scar and making the skin around his eyes crinkle. “I miss you,” he muttered, strolling into the mini bedroom. You looked up and felt the bed dip down under his weight as he flopped down onto his stomach, “And I missed laying on a damn bed.” You laughed and looked down at him, putting your hand in his hair. It was soft and longer than he usually kept it. Your fingers ran through his locks and lightly played with the strands in a way that made him melt. This touch was bliss, utter bliss. And you hadn’t even gotten started yet. He looked over at you and put his hand on your hip, using his thumb to rub a small circle in your skin. It was intimate without even trying. 
“C’mere,” you motioned, leaning back onto the headboard. Your legs were slightly spread as you invited him to lay between them. He didn’t have to be told twice, practically tripping on himself to seat himself on his front and in between your legs. Toji was warm, as he wrapped his arms around your waist and rested his chin on your lower abdomen. 
Your hands tangled into his hair as you let out a small breath, “Two months and you’ll be out… I’m so excited,” you smiled, “And I was thinking, you know, Megumi wants a sister.” That caught his attention from dozing off, from your supple touch. Toji’s head perked up and his eyes trained on your face. He was listening. 
“I think a good present for me, and Megumi, could be giving him a sister,” you continued, looking away with a shy expression. It felt so right, being this close to him. You needed him in so many ways it was starting to burn again. The way his hands lingered on your hips, and as they slowly started to play with the hem of your pants. And how one hand trailed up the small of your back, making you shiver intently. 
“Right now, princess?” A low purr escaped his lips, as he slowly got up from his lying position to sit in front of you. There was an unmistakable lust building in his eyes, in a way you missed. Oh how you missed it, to hear him mutter filthy fucking things in your ear. And how you missed how he’d manhandle you like it was nothing, using you like the whore you were. You bit onto your bottom lip and nodded, letting your boyfriend do the rest of the work. You didn’t have to speak or tell him twice, as his lips found yours. A tightening feeling arose in your chest, along with a warm, arousing fire that was building in your pussy. His lips molded against yours and kissed you like this was the first time in a year, which it was. Sure, you gave him a quick peck every time you’d see him. But it was never enough. Nothing was enough. Not even kissing him would be enough to satiate the yearning that had been building in your body for months. Your hands made a home on his back, digging into his jumpsuit and then moving to ruffle his hair. 
He tasted like smoke, and like home. This was your Toji. The Toji that took hold and took charge, roughing you around and pushing you to your limits. His tongue slid into your mouth and you couldn’t suppress the noise that came along with it. It was pleasurable, how it rolled and explored your own mouth. It ran along your bottom lip and then touched your own tongue, which tried to battle against it. But nothing could win against his dominance. His hands went to work, unzipping the front of your jeans and slowly sliding them off, with help from you lifting your perfect hips. Of course, you were wet. You were easy to please with him. And it didn’t help you had been waiting for this for practically ever. Every moment you touched yourself in your shared bedroom you envisioned this. The first time having sex after Toji had been gone. You pictured how he’d finger fuck you, then how he’d tongue fuck you, before finally forcefully stretching you with his dick. His perfect dick, the dick you could never fully take in your mouth. The best dick you had ever fucked. You could practically feel it then, as he broke away from the kiss to pull down your underwear.
Your hands moved to cup his face, “No…” A pout formed on your lips, “Fuck me.. Please.. I want it .. so bad…” It was all you had to say before he was unzipping his jumper. He was built, more than before. Muscles flexing in his neck from seeing your dripping pussy on display. Toji stood to fully take it off, watching as you began to touch yourself. You couldn’t help it, you were needy for him. Your fingers played with your clit as you watched him, seeing his jaw clench from the small noises you made. 
“You’re a fucking tease, you know that?” He grunted, kicking off his jumpsuit and pulling down his underwear. There it was, the thing you had been waiting for. He was hard and throbbing for you, begging to nestle into your wetness and fuck you until you sobbed. Fushiguro crawled back onto the bed and grabbed your jaw with one of his hands, “Open your mouth.” He whispered, a seductive tone filling his voice. Your whine filled the air as you complied and he spat into your mouth. You missed being used like a little slut and being forced to do whatever he wanted, just for his own pleasure. 
He didn’t put you on your stomach as you thought he would, instead opting for a very close missionary. It was nice, to see his face as he slid into your warmth. Toji could’ve come then and there from it. How you were tight and how you were dripping for him. All after some kissing? You were so desperate it hurt. Your skin was on fire as he pressed his body against you and rested his face into the crook of your neck. Your boyfriend’s mouth wandered, biting the skin and sucking to leave you with a mark you could show off for days. Toji thrust into you, letting out a noise you hadn’t heard before. It was … a whimper. He was so horny for you that he was at the point of whimpering, how pathetic. 
“M… mm.. I’m gonna.. F-ffuck.. Make you a mommy, a pretty.. mm fuck.. A pretty little mo-mommy,” he groaned, beginning to thrust into your pussy at a good pace. You bit your lip and tried not to make too much noise, but it was hard when he was hitting that perfect spot. It was hot, how he fucked into you like he was in heat. You felt so good it was hard not to just fuck you until he came … and that’s what he was doing. You wanted Toji to make you a mommy and fill you up with his seed until you were bulging in your tummy. You wanted him to make you a pretty little mommy, a whore just for him. And you were. You would do anything for him if he asked.
“Pl-please,” you whined, hands wrapped around his shoulders as he humped into your cunt, “H…harder .. mm.. Sh-shitt..” It was hard not to cum when he was abusing your pretty little spot. You were almost there, and hearing him whimper from each squelch was making it harder not to unravel. You had never heard Toji make such desperate sounds until he was balls deep into your warmth and taking it all in. Then you did cum, gasping and grunting at the sensation. Your walls clenched as you felt the pleasure wash over your cunt a few times before filling the rest of your body in orgasmic waves of bliss. That was enough for him, crying out before letting his cum paint your pretty walls white. Ropes of cum covered your insides and filled you up, making it almost hard to breathe. 
It wasn’t uncomfortable, it was all you wanted. You loved that man and you wanted his kids. Even if he had some baggage, everyone did. You made a vow to love him and you were going to keep it. And so was he. Toji wasn’t going to lose you no matter what.
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wandanatrules · 3 days
Hi there!! I saw that you were taking request so I thought I’d put one in! I’m obsessed with a rich/Silver fox Nat x innocent reader. Silver fox Nat is definitely manipulative and possessive and is obsessed with R. Maybe for the fic nat just had a really stressful day and gets home late and needs to take her anger out on R? Maybe g!p too? Up to you!  definitely super kinky
Try To Keep Me
hey idk if this does your request justice, but I hope you enjoy!! not proofread
word count: 1.5k
pairing: CEO silver fox beefy g!p Nat x housewife fem reader
warnings: smut, nat has a penis, cnc, angst, cursing, slapping, arguing, name calling, breeding kink, lactation kink, (let me know if I miss any )
You were done waiting on her. She told you that she was done with the broken promises, and the worst part was that you believed her. When you agreed to be her housewife you thought it would be less cooking, cleaning, housework and more wife.
It seems as though all you do is cook the meals that she demands, yet she never actually eats, do her laundry, clean her house, and be used as her personal fucktoy. She was never like this when you guys were dating. You used to have fun together, she used to look at you with that special twinkle in her eyes, while she held your hands and showered you with praises. You couldn’t remember the last time she even complimented you on something other than your body.
Yet you stayed, it’s not like she didn’t love you, I mean she paid the bills, you never wanted for anything. And the sex. The sex was incredible. She would take you whenever she wanted and it was always hot and passionate. You just wished she would bring romance back into the relationship and make you feel wanted.
You figured Natasha didn’t try anymore because she got too confident that you would never leave. She’s every woman’s dream being a millionaire CEO, who is exceptionally sexy, with her long red hair and the muscular body that she spends hours upholding everyday in the gym. But that didn’t matter to you, you missed the Natasha she was when you were dating, your gentle Natty who would pursue you each and every day, take you on thoughtful dates and cuddle you to sleep every night. You were going to teach her that she needs to put in effort in order to keep you.
”Babe, i’m home.” she says, walking through the front door throwing her stuff to the side, expecting you to pick it up later. “Where are you?” she wondered why you weren’t in the kitchen cooking or cleaning up like you normally were. 
Walking through the house to look for you, she noticed the light was on in the closet of the master bedroom. “What are you doing, babe?” She asked with a furrowed brow as she saw you haphazardly throwing clothes into bags.
”Packing!” You said with a tight lip, pacing around the room trying to get your stuff together.
”Baby, stop! What’s going on? Where do you think you are going?” She said with an amused smirk. 
“What the hell do you think is so funny! Everyday you come in here and treat me like i’m your fucking sex slave that’s just here to please you and be your maid! I am packing my bags and staying with my sister.”, You said while trying to push past her before she grabbed you by your wrist to stop you and turn you to face her. 
“You’re not gonna leave me baby, you know I love you. Daddy is just so stressed out from work, that it’s hard for me to do all the romantic things you love to do.” She says while holding you by the waist. 
“It’s just that I want you to try, there are tons of women that would beg to take me out and buy me flowers, so I think I am going to go find one of them.” You said trying to break away before feeling a harsh sting on your cheek. 
“You are such a slut, any excuse to whore yourself out to everyone. I bet this bag is filled with skimpy thongs and tight dresses for you to escapade around the town in.” She says as she rips the bag out of your hands and grabs both of your hands behind your back and leads you to the bed. 
Pushing you face down on the bed, she rips your house dress down as you try to wriggle from her hold and smiles when she sees that you are without underwear. 
“Look at how pretty you are baby, I can’t believe you thought you were gonna leave me. You are mine, all the panties in that bag are only for me to see. Do you understand!” She says as she harshly slaps your ass. “You know maybe if I fill you up and make you pregnant you’ll be happier with my long hours, having someone to keep you company. 
“Come here.”, She says pulling you up into all fours, before swiping her fingers through your pussy. “You’re so wet for me baby. Is the thought of me getting you pregnant turning you on?” 
“Yes daddy. Please fuck me, i’m sorry.”, You said while humping back into her trying to reach back and unbutton her dress slacks. 
She swats your hands and moves to unbutton her pants and pull them along with her underwear down and tosses them across the room. Her 9 inch length pops out and hits your cunt and starts to harden, she then begins to jerk herself off in order to fully harden. 
Before slipping in she spreads your ass with hands on both cheeks and licks all throughout your cunt, up and down taking your clit between her teeth. “My goodness baby, I can never get over how good you taste.”, She says after pulling away and planting kisses all over your ass and cunt, licking and sucking on the skin of your cheeks in order to leave bruises. 
“God baby you make me so hard I just have to fuck you.”, She says after pulling away from your ass and lining her cock up with your entrance. With one strong thrust she bottoms out causing you to yelp. Picking up the pace, she grips your hips and with a steady speed she continues to ram into you from behind.
“Oh Natty, please it feels so good. You fuck me so well, I can’t take it i’m gonna cum.”, You say humping back onto her trying to match her pace. 
“Oh not yet baby, you better hold it until I fill you up with my kids.” She husked into your ear, while reaching down to play with your clit. That combined with the unmatched stamina she has from her daily workouts, is making it impossible to hold out.
”Please, please, please, Nat please I’m gonna cum!” 
“Okay baby, don’t worry I got you. I’m right there with you, so cum when you’re ready.” She grunts out in your ear while violently ramming into you trying to catch her high. “Uhh, there you go. Take it all, baby take all my cum.” She releases her load into your cunt, causing you to come right after her. Pulling out she flips you over and pushes you onto your back, fingering the oozing cum back into you to make sure it sticks. 
Pulling her fingers out of your cunt, she licks them and then kisses up your body. Starting between your thighs, she kisses a trail up your stomach, stopping when reaching your chest. “You’re gonna look so sexy as the mother of my children.”, She says while pulling your nipple into her hot mouth, sucking and taking the other one between her skilled fingers, pulling and twisting. “I can’t wait for these tits to be filled with your sweet milk, for me to drink.”
“You know you can’t just fuck me and expect me to forget what i’m upset about!”, You say in between moans as she continues her assault on your boobs.
”Okay, yeah you’re right baby. Tell me, what were you upset about?”, She says, lifting her head from your breasts, looking face to face, with a smirk. 
“No, i’m being serious. Of course I want us to have kids, but I don’t want to feel like a single mother. I want a wife that cares about her kids and spends family time with them and her wife. Please, Nat, I hate that I have to beg you to romance me and make me feel like I mean something to you!” You sit up and cover yourself with the blanket, while you wait for her to reply.
“Yes I understand baby, come here.” She says while pulling you into her lap. “I know i’m not the most present with you, and it seems like I only care about your body when I am stressed out from work, but I don’t. You are the love of my life, and I couldn’t live without you. I am so sorry that I have been so lousy at showing you that. I promise that I will try everyday to show you how much you mean to me and how much I need you. I don’t even know what I was thinking, not treating you like the goddess you are.” She said, grabbing you by the face and placing a kiss on your mouth. 
You move to straddle her hips and grind down on her length, “Okay, baby if that’s how you feel I think we should keep going if we are gonna start trying to have a family.”, You say, leaning in to kiss her again.
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allurilove · 3 days
Yandere Husband, Yan!Prodigy, Yandere Classmate and Yandere Stalker x fem!reader who has large breasts and tries to hide them under several layers of clothing. Despite her attempts to hide them, the yanderes persist and end up convincing her to let them worship her breasts.
Rated 18 + — mature short content !
You said yandere classmate so I’m gonna guess you wanted yearbook guy?, if not, ill just add both yearbook and boyfriend too!
Yandere Husband:
“I’ve seen everything before,” your husband approached you slowly, his eyes looking you up and down before he licked his lips. “Why do you feel like you have to hide yourself from me?”
He grabbed the bottom of your sweater, and you felt him slowly lift it up as he bent down to kiss your stomach. You could feel the vibrations from his voice on your skin. “I love every part of you.”
He stood back up and pushed you down onto the bed. Your yandere husband straddled you and tilted his head. “Are you going to strip for me, or do I have to make you?”
You give him a little pout, really trying to convince him that he doesn’t need to see your chest, but really… it’s one of the best qualities about you. He likes fondling them when he reads, when he goes to sleep, or even when he’s bored. Your husband just likes to have a hand on you at all times.
When you finally give in, slipping off all the layers and your chest was free from your bra, he let out a low whistle at the sight. “…so perfect.” he mumbled and he leaned down to suck on your nipples.
Yandere Prodigy:
He shouldn’t be eavesdropping, but he couldn’t help but overhear how badly you felt about your body. You were just talking to another girl in your section, and you were packing your instrument away. Yandere prodigy did notice how you wore thick layers, and tried your damn hardest to cover any cleavage. He did wish you would flash him every once in a while.
He cleared his throat and looked away shamefully. He felt like a pervert for always staring at your chest, just trying to imagine how it would look like.
His ears tingles as you continue to complain about your back pain and how sensitive your chest could get. “I can give you a massage.” he blurts out and he had to look confident as you turned around to look at him incredulously.
He thought that you would turn him down. He never once thought that he would be backstage touching you. He cleared his throat. “Tell me if anything hurts…” he had no idea what he was doing, and he definitely realized how bad this looked it anyone saw you two. He continued to massage your body, his hand slowly trailing upwards towards your chest.
He did an experimental touch, gently pressing one finger right on your breast, and he looked at your face to see your reaction. Your eyes are closed and a single sigh left your lips. He then took his other hand and placed it right on your tit and he squeezed it. He took a step forward to trap you against the wall and his knee found its way in between your legs. “Is this okay?”
Yandere Classmate:
You came to one of his swim meets. You were hit with a wave of humidity as you opened the doors to the pool area. He was already in the pool, swimming cap on, and he was warming up. You saw his strong arms and legs propel him through the waters, and occasionally his face would pop out to breathe.
You set your stuff by the bleachers and watched the coach usher the team out of the pool. The meet was about to start. Yandere classmate pulled his body out of the pool, he’s wearing one of those tight speedos, and you can see the tan on his legs. His back is wide and strong, the water dripping down his muscled body, and he meets up with the rest of the team.
As the swim meet went on, you were sweating underneath your sweater, your face bright red and you couldn’t help but pull at the collar of your shirt for some air to cool you down.
Towards the end he finally approached you. “You look hot. Quite literally and figuratively.”
“Follow me, I’ll give you one of my shirts to wear.” he pulled your hand and he dragged you towards the locker rooms. He smiled as you instinctively covered your eyes. “Relax, it’s just you and me in here.”
He handed you one of his shirts, it’s bigger than you thought, and you sigh in relief as you realized it could cover your chest. He stood there, ready to stare at you as you changed. When your chest was out he immediately put his hand to feel them without a second thought. “Woah…” his thumb circled your nipple on top of your bra. “Can I take a pic?”
He got down on his knees, pulling out one of your tits, and his mouth opened. He gently bit down onto the flesh and raised his phone higher to take a picture.
Yandere boyfriend:
Your boyfriend gripped onto your hips as he thrusted upwards. You were on top of him and kept riding him to meet your release. He noticed how you always wore a shirt when you two were intimate, and if he wanted to see your tits he would only get to feel them instead.
He gasped as he felt your pussy clench around him. His nails digs into the fat of your hips. “I wanna see you… please?”
“Ah~” his back arched as you grind on top of him. When you see the euphoric expression on his face you finally gave in. You took off your shirt and bra, you tossed them to the side and his eyes widen.
It drove him crazy to think that you hid your glorious breasts from him, his eyes followed the way they moved around as you hopped on his dick. He sat up onto his elbows and he kissed your chest, his hands then moving to sandwich his face in between them.
Yandere Stalker:
Your stalker bought binoculars to look into your window. You stepped out of your shower, your towel wrapped around your body, and he prayed that you would drop it.
You’re quite bold, you know? You have huge windows and yet you get changed in front of them. It gives creeps like him be able to see you. He felt his cock strain in his pants and he bit his bottom lip.
Your hips swayed as you walked over to your lotion bottle. Oh I get to see you rub yourself with white cream? Lucky me.
The moment you flashed the world with your body he quickly pulled took a picture of your form. He got back into his car and drove home.
He was now sitting in his bed, his arm furiously jerking himself off, and his eyes were glued to the zoomed in pic of your tits. His tongue stuck out to lick the screen, and he swirled his tongue. He would pay you a generous amount just to be able to fondle them, to feel the heavy weight, and to keep one of your bras. “…you’re so pretty-“ he whined as his eyes rolled back and he came all over his hand.
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cosmopretty · 3 days
Jealous Gym Day
Azzi Fudd x Fem
warnings: smut
You sit down with your knees to your chest scrolling through instagram, at the gym with your girlfriend. You didn’t like the gym found no point in working out but god did you love to go see Azzi sweating and out of breath.
Looking up from your phone you see turn your head to see Azzi doing pull ups a few feet away from you. Her muscles flexing with every move, you watch her for a few minutes till she jumps down. She wipes the sweat from her forehead and walks over to you looking down at you, grabbing her water you hand it to the girl towering over you.
Azzi wipes the sweat off her forehead “Like what you see?” she says laughing. You nod your head immediately “Of course I do why do you think I come to the gym” she rolls her eyes at you.
“You don’t even work out you sit there on your phone or watching me” Azzi sits down next to you, sipping on her water.
You look at her with a pout “What? So I can’t come to the gym just to see my hot girlfriend all sweaty and sexy?” you ask. Azzi shoves your shoulder getting up from where she sat next to you “One more hour and we will go home. Enjoy the show baby” she winks.
You watch her with your lip in between your teeth as she curls the weights in her hands. Azzi knows you’re watching her that’s why she’s putting on a show for you. She knows you’re down bad for her muscles and you know it too.
Forty five minutes later Paige and KK walk into the gym. You wave at them both “Hi guys” you smile.
KK does a lil dance “Make a TikTok wimmie Paige don’t wanna” KK drags you off the floor. Paige smacks her teeth “I made three already I dont wanna do more” she whines.
You and KK do a lil dance while Azzi watches stopping what she’s doing. She didn’t like the way KK’s arm was around you during it. You laugh at something the 5’9 basketball player says and Azzi walks over wrapping her arm around your shoulder.
“Ew you’re all sweaty” you push her off of you and go back to looking at the TikTok you and KK made together. You grab her phone sending it to yourself “You can post that we look so cute” you squeal.
Azzi rolls her eyes and goes to the showers to change. She trusted you but she couldn’t help to get jealous at the way your attention was all on her merely ten minutes ago before her teammates showed up. Said girl showered quickly before putting on sweatpants and tank top with her sneakers before walking back into the gym just to see KK’s arm around your shoulder as you guys laugh about go knows what.
Azzi walks over to you both “Come on baby let’s go” she says waving to her two other teammates. You frown and wave to them while your girlfriend drags you out of the gym and to the empty parking lot. You go to open to passenger door before Azzi pulls you in the back with her.
“What’s going on Az?” you ask her while she closes the car door looking around before looking down at you. She kisses you roughly sliding her tongue in your mouth, you moan into the kiss wrapping your arms around her.
She moves her hand to your waist grabbing it hard you know you might have bruises the next day. You pull away from the kiss and grip her bicep “Azzi please” you moan as her hand rubs down your stomach down to where you needed her most.
Azzi looks down at you brushing a stand of your hair from your face “What you need me now? KK ain’t here to make you laugh” you grow confused at her words before it clicks.
“Wait are jealous of KK? Of KK?” You laugh at her and Azzi moves her hand into your pants rubbing your clit in figure eights. You moan and she smirks kissing your neck, sucking on your pulse point. You close your eyes and lean your head back gripping Azzi’s waist pulling her closer to you. She moves away from your neck and kisses you before sliding one of her fingers into you.
“F-fuck Azzi” you moan out as she moves one finger in and out of you fast. Azzi looks down at you her big hand gripping your neck making you look at her “No one can make you feel this good huh baby” she asks sliding a second finger into you.
“No one but you A-Azzi all you” you moan again and she pushes her hand on your lower stomach. You grip her waist and your body jolts up “Please- gonna Im gonna cum” you moan out.
Azzi nods and starts going faster “Come on baby come for me” you moan out as the band in your stomach snaps. Azzi slows down but doesn’t pull out of you. She kisses your softly “You did so good for me” you nod and caress her cheek “I love you Azzi especially when you’re jealous” you laugh as she rolls her eyes.
Azzi lifts herself off the back seat and sits up fixing her clothes before takes your pants and panties off of you. She goes on her gym bag and grabs an extra pair of basketball shorts and puts them on you “When we get home we can take a bath okay baby” Azzi says helping you up.
You nod “Yeah I can cook us some pasta too Im kinda hungry” you look at your girlfriend up and down “I know something I can eat right now” your smirk.
Azzi looks down at you and you get on your knees in front of her. You look up at her innocently playing with the string of her sweatpants. Azzi lifts her hips sliding her pants and panties down before grabbing your head “Come on baby” you go forward and start licking at her clit before shoving your tongue in her.
She moans form above you and grips the back of the seat with one hand and the other holds your head in between her legs. Your knees squish into the hard car floor but you don’t notice too focused on trying to make Azzi cum.
She grips your hair tighter “Good girl So-so close baby” you move your tongue faster inside her and move your thumb to rub her clit. Her thighs squeeze around your head as she cums into your mouth. You pull away wiping your chin with the back of your hand.
“Thanks baby” Azzi pets your head breathing heavily. You smile “No thank you babe come on” you grab a wipe and clean her up before helping her slide her pants back on.
Azzi gets up and opens the passenger door for your kissing your head before moving to the drivers side. She starts the car but Paige runs over and knocks on the window.
“We all going to the movies tonight yall two wanna come?” Paige asks out of breath from running to Azzi’s car. You nod and Azzi shoves Paige’s sweaty arm off her window “Yeah we will be there but we going to stop at home first” Paige nods and looks around the car before giving you both a nasty look.
“This car smells like sex and sweat you freaks oh my god” Paige slaps Azzi on the shoulder before running back into the gym.
You laugh “She’s not wrong” you say and Azzi grabs your thigh before moving out of the parking lot and down to the street. Rolling her eyes at you “We are freaks” you look at her shocked “I meant it smells like sex you freak” Azzi laughs and counties to drive you both home.
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hearts4golbach · 2 days
Hello! I hope you are doing great. I was wondering if you could write a Johnnie Guilbert smut where him and the reader have been friends for a few weeks or so, but they both have a lot of sexual tension, that they just haven’t acted on yet. Everyone notices, so Jake and Carrington always make jokes. Then, one night at a party, the group is having fun, and the reader is watching Johnnie intensely. Johnnie notices and decides to walk the reader out of the party and go home to make the move everyone has been waiting for. I'm thinking kind of rough but intimate smut, lots of praise, and maybe choking because he notices that the reader is a little kinky?? 🥰 If you're comfortable with writing that. Afterward, they cuddle, and Johnnie asks the reader if she would like to be his girlfriend. Awh. (There's an edit of Johnnie walking out of a party; it's so fine. That's where I got this idea from, lol.) 🙏🙏
Be Mine.
Johnnie Guilbert x Fem!Reader.
18+ smut, choking, unprotected sex (use protection), tiny drinking mention.
Tumblr media
"fuck, johnnie. you scared the shit out of me." Your pale friend walked into the kitchen. it was half past midnight, and seeing his figure creep into the kitchen out of the corner of your eye scared the shit out of you.
he was standing shirtless beside you. "Sorry, i -" he looked you up and down. you were in your pajama booth shorts and a tank top, both excentuated your figure. "I was just coming to get water."
your eyes hovered on his bare chest and tattoos a little longer than they should've been. "Don't worry about it." You gave him a soft smile.
you were staying the night because you may or may not have gotten a little too drunk to drive yourself home. maybe a lot too drunk.
his hand grazed your waist as he moved past you. "you feeling any better?"
you cleared your throat. "yeah, somewhat. I plan on running home in the morning to get ready for the video, but then I'll be back."
he smiled, "good. im-"
"you guys better not be fucking in the kitchen." Jake interrupted as he came down the stairs.
"what kind of fucking cult meeting is this?" you joked, "why are we all up right now?"
Jake pranced into the kitchen with a shrug.
"I'm fucking dying of dehydration." johnnie finally grabbed a water bottle out of the fridge.
"goodnight you guys." you walked back into the living room and laid on the couch.
it was hard to sleep. your mind was plagued with thoughts of Johnnie. how his hands would feel around your neck, how he'd taste in your mouth. sleeping was useless at this point. it was 4 am by the time you got off the couch to run home. you dragged yourself off of the comfortable couch and slipped on your shoes.
you snuck out the front door in attempt to not wake anyone up. the journey to your house and back was quick. you took a 5 minute shower to wash the drunk look off of your face. then, you got dressed, ate breakfast, and left again.
whenever you got back, you found Carrington scrounging around the kitchen. "hey, Carrington."
"oh, what's up, y/n. where'd ya go?" he pulled a box of Twix cereal from the cabinet and poured himself a bowl.
"just ran home real quick to shower and shit. can't be looking homeless on the internet." you leaned against the counter.
he took a bite of his cereal. "true that. want some?" he asked between smacking lips.
you scrunched your nose. "i'm good, i already ate."
"i know i've said this a million times," he rolled his eyes, "but you need to make a move on Johnnie. that boy is head over heels, choking on his own feet for you."
"first of all, what does that even mean? second, i don't think he likes me like that, i think we just have a unique friendship." you flailed your hand around to make your point.
"unique? yeah, that guy is always undressing you with his eyes, you do the same." he smirked. he wiped a droplet of milk from the corner of his mouth.
"yeah, whatever." you rolled your eyes before turning. you walked back into the living room and plopped down on the couch.
carrington wasn't far behind you. he sat on the opposite side of you. he didn't say anything, just sat and munched on his cereal. you snapped a picture, thinking it was funny, and posted it on your story after tagging him.
"we're recording around 7 ish, right?" you asked him, checking the group chat to double check the details.
"actually, me and Jake were talking last night about making it earlier. Tara wants to go to this party tonight and wants us to come with." he shrugged, "we were gonna talk to you and Johnnie 'bout it whenever you were both up."
you raised your eyebrows. "i'm more than down. i'm sure Johnnie will be too. i mean, i don't wanna answer for him, but you know."
"well, duh."
you and Carrington sat in the couch talking and watching a movie while you waited for everyone to wake up. he mentioned planning on going back to sleep, but he stayed up with you instead.
it was a few hours before everyone had came downstairs. Jake was making a smoothie, which ended up waking up Johnnie. Carrington brought up the idea of going to that party later that night, which Johnnie agreed to.
the last few hours before recording went by fast, as well. you spent most of them with Johnnie.
you had asked Tara to bring you one of her dresses, since you didn't want to leave Johnnie and run home. she obviously agreed. Tara loved seeing how her clothes fit you.
Jake set up the camera in the living room. "you guys ready?"
everyone said some form of yes. Jake started the camera.
recording the video felt long whenever all you wanted to do was go and party. it was truth or drink with everybody. of course, Carrington asked johnnie about me and him. he asked of Johnnie had feelings for me. he took a shot for that one. you knew the fans would be all over that clip.
the video was finally done an hour later. it was about 1:30, so you had time to kill.
you helped Jake and Johnnie with chores around the house while Carrington and Tara ran to get lunch.
you were working on making Johnnies bed for him whenever he spoke up. "y/n?"
"What's up?"
he stuttered, "You excited for the party?"
"Yeah, I guess so. they're always fun, especially when you go. we get to be introverts together." You turned around and smiled at him.
he didn't respond. his eyes flickered from your lips back to your eyes. there was a moment of silence before he spoke up. "Yeah, I'm glad you'll be there."
"Are you okay?" You stepped closer to him.
"Yeah, I just -" he began to lean in closer to you.
"We're back!" Tara yelled up the stairs. it startled both of you. you quickly backed away from each other.
"i-" you began to speak.
"Let's go eat." he shot you a soft smile before leading you back downstairs.
you followed johnnie and sat next to him on the couch. everybody was already in the living room. Jake was scrolling on tiktok while the other two were emptying the Chipotle bags.
"the fuck were you guys doing? making out?" Tara smirked.
Johnnie shook his head. "we were cleaning, tara."
she hummed, "right."
everyone ubered to the party together. Tara was hyping all of you up, but we didn't really need her to. you were all pumped up as it was.
you locked your arm with Johnnies as you walked inside. Tara immediately started singing along to whatever 2000s pop was blasting. it didn't take long for Jake and Carrington to get into it.
you watched as Johnnie followed their lead, bopping his head along and singing some of the lyrics. you giggled, which caught Johnnies attention. he smiled at you, and you smiled back.
everyone got at least one drink. you sipped on a hard seltzer while dancing with tara. you couldn't keep your eyes off of Johnnie.
"y/n!" Tara whined, "why are you so distracted tonight?!"
"it's just johnnie. I don't know, like, what's going on between us anymore."
"it's obvious you two like each other, just go for it!" she scolded.
"But I'm not sure! what if I make a move and I get the wrong idea so... I don't even know!"
"Trust me, y/n. he likes you." she rolled her eyes.
you looked towards Johnnie again. he was already looking at you. he shot you a smile and a wave. you felt your face heat up, and you looked away.
"See? come on!" she laughed. "we both know you need some dick, and Johnnie has had this huge crush on you for so long. I know you like him, too. it's obvious."
"Okay, fine. i-" You felt a tap on your shoulder, making you jump. you turned your head to see Johnnie. he let his hand rest on your shoulder. "Hi."
"Hey, im pretty bored. wanna come with me? I'm going home."
you glanced back at Tara, and she winked at you.
"Yeah, I'm down. this shit is pretty boring." which was a lie on your part, and you knew he was lying too.
you waved bye to everyone and followed Johnnie out of the party. he had already called an Uber, which was waiting by the curb.
he opened the door for you, and you climbed in. the whole ride home was silent.
as Johnnie began to unlock the front door, he spoke up. "I noticed you staring." he pushed the front door open and walked in.
you followed close behind him. "Sorry." You responded, flustered. you shut the door behind you.
Johnnie turned around, stopping you in your tracks. "Don't be. I'm just- fuck. I need you so bad, y/n."
"What? can you repeat that?" You smirked, backing yourself into the door as he followed.
he gripped your hips, placing his head in the crook of your neck. "I said I need you so bad. it's unbearable."
his grip on you was tight. he himself closer to you as he began to kiss your neck. your hand tangled into his already messy hair. he bit your neck gently as he sucked dark hickeys into your neck. those would be hard to explain to everybody.
"fuck, I think I need you more." you whispered into his ear.
he pulled away from your neck and smashed his lips onto yours. his lips were soft and glided with yours perfectly. you had been waiting for this kiss for so long, too long.
as he slipped his tongue into your mouth, he slid his hands up your dress and gripped your ass. he pulled it up, so it bunched around your waist. he massaged your ass with one hand while the other stayed on your hip.
"johnnie, please." you pleaded, trying to pull him closer by the collar of his shirt.
"Please what, mama?" he pulled away, his eyes locked on your lips.
"God, fuck me."
he grabbed your hand and dragged you up to his bedroom. you slammed the door and locked it, just in case.
his hands were immediately on you once more, attempting to pull the dress off of you. once he got it, he threw it somewhere on the floor.
he led you back to the bed. your knees caught against the bed, and you fell back. he crawled up on top of you and teased the rim of your bra.
you clawed at his shirt and eventually pulled it off, leaving his pale skin and tattoos there for you to admire.
you quickly unbuckled and pulled down his jeans, revealing his hard member in his underwear.
you palmed him through his undwear, making him quietly whimper against your lips. he rushed to take off your panties, to impatient to worry about your bra at the moment.
he stuck two fingers in your mouth. "spit for me, baby."
you complied, licking and sucking his fingers before spitting on them. he pulled his boxers down and kicked them off. he rubbed your spit all over his dick.
"Please, Johnnie. need you so bad." You begged.
"so impatient, pretty girl." his hand caressed your cheek before gripping your hip.
he aligned his tip with your entrance before thrusting inside of you. he bottomed out, making you moan loudly. he gave you a moment to adjust.
"fuck, please fuck me." you whimpered.
"yes, ma'am." he smirked and began thrusting inside of you at an agonizingly slow pace.
he let out a soft grunt with each thrust. he leaned down and placed his lips onto yours gently.
you wrapped your legs around his waist, begging him to go faster. he did so, speeding up his pace just enough. you moaned into his mouth.
you reached for his hand that was pressed into the bed beside you. you took it and moved it up to your neck. "fucking choke me." you instructed him breathlessly.
you felt his cock twitch inside of you. "You'd like that, Mama?"
you nodded eagerly as he wrapped his hand around your throat. he gripped it tight, cutting off some of your air flow. your moans became raspy and breathless, and he thrusted faster.
"fuck," you moaned out as Johnnie tightened his grip on your throat. your eyes rolled back as the sounds of skin slapping together filled the room.
"you're taking me so well, baby." he praised as he was breathing heavily. "so fucking good."
he pulled you up by your neck to kiss your lips. you wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed him passionately.
he pounded into you, making you moan loud as you felt his cock twitch again.
"fuck, I'm close, Johnnie." you whimpered before pressing your lips against his again.
he let out a small giggled followed by a moan. "cum on my dick."
your walls squeezed his cock tight as you moaned his name. you felt a coil build up in your stomach as you moaned and cursed under your breath. your walls spasmed around him as you came hard.
Johnnie helped you ride out your high before pulling out and cumming on your stomach. he whimpered as he covered your lower stomach in his cum.
he collapsed on the bed next to you. "thanks for making my bed, but now it's all fucked up." he joked.
you hummed. he jumped up and grabbed a small rag from his closet. he cleaned his cum off of your stomach and the left over juices off of your pussy.
he pulled the covers over the two of you. you curled up against him. "that was amazing." you muttered, closing your eyes.
he wrapped his arms around you. "y/n?"
"will you be my girlfriend?" he leaned his head against yours.
"of course I will, stupid."
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minhosbxtch · 2 days
Snap (pt. 2)
Eris x reader
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Warnings: Cursing, drinking, suggestiveness but no smut... yet ;)
2 weeks.
It'd been 2 fucking weeks since you'd seen your mate.
2 weeks too long.
You would've thought he'd forgotten about you if he hadn't sent tugs on the bond ever so often, to which you returned with 2 tugs of your own.
The first time you had thought you were having a heart attack because it was so strong you had to sit down. And good thing you did. As soon as you did wave after wave of emotion came down the bond. Anger, regret, self-disgust, and the most surprising, anxiety.
In response you sent waves of calm and appreciation back. Responses that you had needed before and Eris had given you.
These days you were just filled with excitement and longing despite how much you wanted to admit it.
Just like you had helped him, he did the same for you.
One night your thoughts had gotten particularly bad and had you almost reaching for your candle once again before an urgent tug stopped you.
This time, it wasn't necessarily emotions he sent to you, but nostalgic comforting memories. A hug, being bundled in blankets, laying out in the sun, wave after wave until you fell asleep.
You had asked Rhys to give you extra work to get your mind off and he obliged thankfully, but that didn't stop your mind from drifting off.
Your work had led Eris to get panicked before and tug in the middle of a job to which you had dropped everything to respond, letting the man get away.
You also spent your free time in the library, trying to figure out how to close your side of the tether on command so poor Eris wouldn't have to feel your emotions 24/7.
Today, you returned to Velaris after being away for the past 2 days hunting a former Illyrian commander and his men who defected and tried rebel against the High Lord.
It was exhausting work but it kept your mind busy.
Arriving home too late for dinner, you went to your room, showered, and changed before collapsing in your bed and letting sleep drag you under accompanied by waves of calm.
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You woke up to dim sunlight shining through the gaps in your curtains. Groaning, you rubbed your eyes and sat up.
Swinging your legs over the bed you grabbed a pair of pants that you tugged on under your sleep shirt.
Not bothering to look in the mirror, you trudged downstairs to get breakfast only to see the Inner Circle having dinner.
Feyre looked up at you and smiled, gesturing to your empty seat, already prepped with a plate.
Giving her a grateful smile you sat down and began loading your plate.
"I think that's the most I seen you ever sleep," Cassian remarked turning to you.
"I don't know why but I think that's the best I've ever slept in my life," you said, voice hoarse.
At Feyre's knowing glance you suddenly became very focused with your food.
Only her and Rhysand knew Eris was your mate due to the simple fact that everyone hated him. You wouldn't be able to stand their sympathetic glances and their shit talking about a male you were destined to spend your life with and who was the only one that helped you.
Rhys gave you a small smile before clearing his throat and saying, "As common courtesy, we will attend the celebration of the Autumn Equinox and the start of Eris' reign next week."
Mor and Cassian groaned while Az, Nesta, and Elain simply frowned. Amren would probably not attend. Other Courts found her creepy.
Rhysand ignored their unenthusiastic response and continued, "It will take place in 6 days time at the Forest House. I expect everyone to attend and look presentable. They are our allies and we will treat them as such," he said with a strict tone.
You didn't say anything, didn't react, just stared at your food.
The idea of seeing your mate was nice, but actually facing him and the whole prospect was a lot more daunting. Especially with the rest of the Inner Circle.
The rest of the dinner passed without any other events. The silence was mostly filled with Mor trying to decide on what dresses would look best on everyone and Cassian joining in, joking to try to lighten the mood how he should wear a dress as well.
Feyre and Rhysand were clearly communicating telepathically for a couple minutes before you felt a light tap on your mental walls.
You already knew what this would be about but Feyre's soft voice saying, You don't have to come if you don't want to, confirmed your suspicions.
Yes I do. If I don't show up that'll just make it all worse, you shot back.
Rhysand didn't comment, but you could feel his relief and agreement. He wouldn't have forced you to do it but he would've definitely pushed you.
Feyre on the other hand would've gladly gone to war against the Autumn Court if it meant that you would not have to do something you were uncomfortable with.
And you adored her for that.
You knew she would argue with you but respected your decision so she just sighed and left your mind.
Rhysand did as well but his sounded more like a sigh of relief.
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6 days later, Mor was pulling on the strings on the back of your dress tighter than you had thought possible.
"If you tie this dress any tighter than I won't be able to eat," you complained between her tugs. That was one of the only reasons you ever went to these things. The food was immaculate.
Rolling her eyes she sighed and said, "Well when you're in dresses you aren't meant to. And besides, you look like a goddess."
At her words, you had a small flashback to when Eris called you the same thing.
He was going to be there. But, he couldn't show you any affection, you knew since there would be an audience.
Honestly, you would kill him yourself if you had the opportunity. Somehow, his very existence pissed you off.
"Ta-da!" Mor exclaimed, turning you around to see the mirror.
Your hair was elegantly styled similar to Nesta's braid crown but had pieces that resembled horns over your temple in a way that made your face look regal and imposing. Mor had also weaved small strings of silver around the horns and throughout the remaining hair, giving a aura of silver glow around you.
Your eyes were accentuated by silver eyeshadow and sliver brushed along your cheekbones, making them look a whole lot sharper that they really are. Silver jewelry adorned your ears and neck.
Your dress was black had a flowy skirt that started right at your waist and a slit that went up to mid thigh but if you wanted to, you could clasp the small, nearly invisible hooks to hide it. The bodice looked like it was painted on, with black vines climbing from your waist up to your collarbone, forming a sweetheart neckline. They flowed down your arms. Under them, there was a sheer fabric that gave the illusion that they were really part of your skin. Small crystals were dotted all along the skirt, giving the appearance of stars.
Mor squealed and grabbed your arm.
Before she could speak a knock sounded at your door and Cassian's voice said, "Rhys said you both look fine and need to hurry up and get out here."
Both of you turned to glare at the door as you heard the footsteps retreat.
Mor bent down and picked a pair of relatively simple silver heels and shoved them into your hands before giving you a thumbs up and rushing through the doorway, probably to down a few drinks before the party.
Now that you thought about it, that wasn't to bad of an idea.
Slipping the shoes on you went after her and caught her in the kitchen, drinking straight out of the bottle.
Voices were approaching from down the hallway and Mor motioned for you to keep quiet and you mouthed to her, Sure but save me some. She grinned and nodded before shoving the half full wine bottle in the cabinet.
Rhysand led the group with Feyre on his arm. They looked devastatingly beautiful with their matching black attire.
He gave you a nod of acknowledgement and turned to the rest who were trickling in through the halls.
Rhys clapped his hands loudly, getting everyone's attention before he spoke. "Don't get too drunk, don't start a war, don't mess anything up,'' he said as he glared at Cassian.
Cassian gave him a lopsided grin and shrugged while saying, "I have not a single inkling of thought of why you'd be looking at me."
"That's because you've never had an inkling of thought in the first place," you muttered.
He turned to you with an offended look as Nesta beside him snorted with agreement.
Rhysand just rolled his eyes and ushered everyone together, acting like the mother hen he was.
You ended up between Mor and Feyre, who gave your hand a reassuring squeeze and smiled warmly before turning to Elain and saying, "You'll take care of Nyx right?"
She nodded but she wasn't looking at Feyre. No, she was staring straight at Azriel.
You rolled your eyes and turned away. You weren't jealous, no not anymore, but it just pissed you off.
Feyre clearly mistook your frustration as impatience and gave you a teasing smile before the world fell beneath you.
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The outside of the Forest House appeared gradually. Blinking at the change in lighting, your mouth fell open at the sight. There was autumn in the Night Court but it was nothing compared to this.
It seemed like each leaf was a different color. Every shade of red, orange, and yellow were on the trees. The castle itself was also gorgeous and was made of grey stone and wood, with large trees arching over entryways. Adjacent to the building was a stream that led around the castle. Fallen leaves from the trees flowed slowly along the current. The scent of earth and growth was in the air.
You felt like you and the Inner Circle was incredibly out of placed dressed in black and silver among the warm golden colors.
It was almost funny how this land could be so beautiful and the people so cold.
Several guards lined the stone pathway into the castle, their faces blank staring straight ahead as if they were merely created by the stone that surrounds them.
Everyone took their designated "places" among themselves. Rhys and Feyre obviously led the group, with Mor and Nesta directly behind them. You were in the last row between Cassian and Azriel who were dressed in their "formal" leathers.
They both obviously had to leave most of their larger weapons at home but had several knives hidden, as did the rest of the Inner Circle.
You had two in your hair and another two hidden beneath your bodice along with one along your thigh and another on the bottom of your heel.
Your role here was the same as Azriel's and Cassian's, to protect the High Lord and Lady.
As if they needed protection.
That was what you were told but you knew that it was also for Eris to know that they held you and if he wanted to try anything, he couldn't, not without risking you.
As you approached the entryway, you entered a small garden that had an assortment of bright flowers and flowy trees.
Another arched doorway led you inside where you were met with yet another doorway that led to stairs which led upwards to the ballroom.
The ballroom was somehow more gorgeous than you could have imagined. The walls were a light orange and had intricate golden details. The floor was a white stone the seemed to shimmer when you stepped on it. Tendrils of ivy and other assorted plants curled over the walls and the tables and tables of food.
You sighed in discomfort as you knew you couldn't make a beeline to the food as you still had a job to do, despite how pointless it was.
Straight ahead from the doorway you came in, was a golden throne that seemed to be carved out of a large tree. Each one of the branches was bigger than Cassian's torso and reached across the ceiling of the ballroom. Occasionally leaves would fall down but before they could reach the floor they dissolved.
Apparently that rule only worked if it was the floor as many of the guests had leaves either on their outfits or in their hair.
The branches curved around the centerpiece of lighting which seemed like a big ball of fire. Tendrils of in dangled down, occasionally sparks flying off before disappearing before reaching the guests.
It appeared that your Court was not the only one that showed up. No, you were just last.
Of course Rhysand had to have his dramatic late entrance.
Before Rhys could dismiss you Eris walked in and sat down with an older Fae women who stood solemnly next to the throne.
The ballroom went quiet at his entrance as did any doubtful thoughts of yours.
He looked ethereal wearing a long sleeve red tunic with a high collar and gold detailing and a dark brown coat with tan fur around the top. Gold earrings dangled from his pointed ears and a golden laurel wreath sat upon his head. There was a faint but definitive glow around him that radiated power.
His hair was a bit longer than when you had last seen him, it was almost like each time you saw him he got hotter.
You remembered what he had said last time and your cheeks burned.
"Your hair looked better long."
To be honest his hair didn't matter. He looked beautiful either way, but the short hair gave him a cold, sharp, godly look.
He chuckled before saying, "If you liked it better then I'll grow it back out for you. But not as messy as that brute."
He arched an eyebrow as everything at the silence and waved a hand, simply saying, "Continue."
At once the music started playing again and people resumed to dance as well as chatter started.
A light brush against your arm caused you to jerk out of your trance and look around to see Feyre smiling at you. She leaned in closer and whispered, "You're drooling it's a tad bit obvious."
"I am not," you bit back, embarrassed.
She only gave you a knowing look and walked back to Rhysand's side to dance.
Only then did you notice Mor, Azriel, and Cassian glaring daggers at the new High Lord.
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Currently, you stood to the side, nursing a drink while watching your High Lord and Lady dance.
Since they had dismissed you, Cassian and Nesta were also dancing, perhaps less gracefully but happy nonetheless.
Mor was somewhere else on her fourth cup of wine and Azriel was standing in the corner, brooding.
You looked up at the dais which held the throne and saw Eris sitting alone staring into space with a glass in his hand.
At your spot next to the tables, the Fae lady that stood up there earlier stood next to you and stared at the dancers as you were doing.
"Can I be of assistance, my lady?" You asked, not unkindly.
"I would only like to know my son's mate," she said simply.
At her words, your gaze snapped to her in disbelief, "Your son?"
She turned at met your gaze slowly and said with a gentle smile, "Yes my son, the High Lord and your mate."
You quickly grabbed your skirts and attempted a curtsy before she waved you off.
Over her shoulder you could see Eris' piercing gaze focus on you and his mother.
"I would love if you could join me and my son for dinner sometime," she proposed gently.
You blinked in astonishment before saying, "I would love to if my Lord and Lady will allow it."
She grinned, "I'll talk to them during the feast," she said giving your shoulder a light touch and walked away, almost floating.
Immediately Mor came up and stared with you and asked, "What did she want?"
Feeling slightly defensive, you said, "Oh she was just talking to me about strengthening the relationship between courts."
Technically no lying done.
"Huh, I figured she would've talked about that to Feyre and Rhysand or me," she said giving you a suspicious glance.
''Yeah I think she didn't want to disturb them," you said, gesturing to the High Lord and Lady dancing joyfully.
"Yes but I could tell them just as well as you can."
Clenching your teeth you just said, "I don't know why she just approached me."
You walked away to the food tables. You knew Mor didn't entirely mean what she said, she was partially intoxicated so granted somethings would slip out. But if she knew the Lady came over to talk to you about her son, your mate, she would flip.
And to be honest you didn't have that kind of patience tonight.
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The next hour or so was spent exchanging pleasantries with people from other courts. The only High Lord you had talked to directly was Helion who had unfortunately left soon after.
After suffering for an hour, a stuffy important man announced it was time for dinner.
Several servants ushered the guests into the dining hall where table among table was placed in a line. The dining room was decorated similar to the ballroom and there was yet another large tree that housed another throne that was at the end of the large table.
The table was made of a giant slab of wood and all the chairs were made of a darker wood with deep red cushions. In the center of the table was assortments of yellow, red, and orange flowers in sage green vases.
In front of each chair was a placemat with a large green plate and a smaller one adjacent to it. There was also three different glasses along with a teacup and four forks, two spoons, and three knives.
On top of the big plate sat a creme napkin with a ruby napkin holder and a orange card with the persons name on it.
You walked past what seemed an infinite amount of seats, scanning the names as you walked past.
Keefe, Kaz, Jacks, Regulus, Five, Minho, Klaus, Stu, Rafe, Maven.
Five? What type of name is Five?
Eventually you found your seat. It was just two chairs away from the end.
On your right was the Lady of Autumn and your right was Azriel who was seated next to a farmer from the Autumn Court who talked his ear off about his fields.
Luckily, you were across from Feyre who would ever so often give you a reassuring nudge with her foot.
After everyone had been seated, servants brought out the food. Your mouth watered at the sight. Several glazed hams, chicken, and plenty of turkey were spread out. There were smaller dishes of sweet potatoes, corn, and brussels sprouts. There was also several casseroles that you couldn't name.
There was also bread. So much of it. Garlic bread, cheesy bread, sourdough, monkey bread, toasted bread, and so many more that had unknown toppings.
Several unnamed fish were also passed around along with sauces to dip meats in. There was one particular dish that looked interesting. It had small noodles in it with a bright yellow sauce.
You could see Eris in the corner of your eye as you hesitantly eyed the dish. Turning your head he nodded to it and gave you a small smile before mouthing, 'Try it. It's good.'
Deciding to trust him for once you got a small scoop and added it to the quickly growing pile of food on your plate.
Why isn't anyone eating? Mother I'm starving.
Then you realized what everyone was waiting on- for Eris to eat the first bite.
You gave him a nasty glare to which he gave you a questioning look.
Mouthing back, you said, 'Hurry up and take a bite so I can eat.'
Eris raised his eyebrows and smirked, saying, 'You're my mate and therefore will be equal to me. You may eat whatever, and whenever you'd like.'
Without your permission, his words kicked up a storm of butterflies. Your glare faltered before returning as you gave him an obscene gesture to which he laughed before winking and taking an annoyingly slow bite of ham.
As soon has he swallowed, the clinking of forks sounded and servants brought a cart of drinks into the room.
Thank the Mother.
Instantly you dove in. After about 30 seconds of eating, you felt a gentle nudge on you shin. Looking up your High Lady gave you a glance to which you straightened your posture, adjusted the napkin on your lap and starting eating in much smaller portions.
A quiet chuckle sounded from the obnoxious male to which you gave your best glare. Eris gestured with his fork to the yellow substance you still haven't touched.
Rolling your eyes, you speared a couple noodles with your fork and brought them up to your mouth to taste.
Holy shit.
Your eyes must have betrayed your surprise and delight at whatever this holy concoction this was. It was cheesy but with the perfect balance of creamy and smooth.
You quickly devoured what little was left and cursed yourself for how little you took. Scanning the table told you that just as you had expected, there was none left.
A hand reached over your shoulder which jarred you from your loathing of the people around you that took the rest of whatever food that was.
It was a servant. You gave them a smile that they ignored as they didn't look anywhere else besides your glass and the floor.
One glass they filled with water, another with red wine, and another with white white. The teacup was left unfilled.
After half an hour, the servants went around to collect the empty serving dishes and plates and to refill and empty glasses.
A couple minutes later they brought out desserts. There were cakes of all kinds, brownies, fruits, puddings, pastries, pies, and crazy confections.
That was it, you had definitely died and gone to whatever life existed beyond this one.
After dessert, most of the guests started, but Rhysand and Feyre were talking to the Lady of Autumn.
Well it was mostly Feyre and the Lady talking. Rhys was just standing there, a dangerous look in his eyes.
He just looked pissed.
Suddenly he nodded once and walked over where the Inner Circle was standing.
You started towards them as you were sitting on one of the couches in the corner of the room, next to the window.
But as you stood up, a hand grabbed your wrist and spun you around.
"Hello Eris."
"Hello love."
"Can I help you?"
"Your very presence does just that."
"Well my presence will be exiting shortly," you said, turning around.
"Wait,'' you stopped, "I also just wanted to give you this."
Sighing, you turned back around to see Eris holding out a dish covered in a lid.
"What is is? Are you trying to poison me?" You said, arching a brow.
"It's called macaroni and cheese," he said unveiling the food that you had been so entranced in earlier. He cleared his throat, "I saw how much you had enjoyed it earlier."
Smiling softly, you took the food and said, "Thank you."
He let out a breath and put on his usual smirk and took your free hand and kissed it before leaning down to whisper in your ear, "See you tomorrow princess. Oh, and wear something colorful for once," before walking away.
As soon as he left, you felt a tap on your shoulder.
Rhysand. No wonder he left.
If he saw Eris' and yours encounter, he didn't speak of it, only choosing to say, "Come on we're leaving."
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The next day, you sat in Rhysand's office, smoothing down your skirts of your light green dress. It was rather simple, more of a long sundress style.
Rhys had eyed the odd choice of wardrobe but hadn't said anything about it.
Clearing his throat he said, "We will pick you up a couple hours after dinner, if you would like the leave earlier, that just try to reach out to me of Feyre. Both of us will be on the lookout for anything."
Nodding you stood up to leave, barely able to contain your nerves and excitement.
"Oh," Rhysand started again, "don't forget where your loyalties lie."
Rage and annoyance flared up and you opened your mouth to respond but the door opened, revealing a smiling Feyre.
You turned to her and put on a nice smile.
"Ready to go?" She asked.
Ready to get away from your mate yes.
"Yep," you said, matching her cheerful energy.
She motioned you to follow her out of the office. Once you got out of her mate's earshot she looked at you seriously and said, "He probably told you to remember what we did for you but here, listen to me. Eris is your mate in your life. Preferably don't just abandon us, but I won't tell you not to pursue him. Also, don't listen to us. Find what you want to do more. I won't try to stop you."
There were no words to express your overwhelming gratitude to her so you just hugged her.
As you pulled away she said, "Green really suits you," taking your hand.
Before you could thank her you were falling.
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The Forest House was just as beautiful as you remembered it. Except this time, there were only two guards stationed. Instead of a servant greeting you, Eris was standing there, hands clasped.
He was wearing a simple red tunic with a long coat with fur around the hood. There was a simple brown scabbard attached to his belt. The sword inside looked simple for a Fae sword. It had a plain gold pommel and cross guard and had a worn leather grip.
Gold rings adorned his fingers as well as a couple gold earrings complimented the laurel crown.
Him and Feyre nodded at each other once before he turned to you and pointed to his mother and said, "You can follow her and she'll show you to the table."
Swallowing, you nodded and went to the Lady of Autumn.
As you turned around you could see Eris and Feyre talking.
Completely civil.
"Hey Y/N, just let me know if you need me to bring anything,'' Feyre called back.
"Don't worry it'd definitely be you that I'd call," you yelled back with a smile.
Her laughter echoed before she vanished back into the Night Court.
This time you didn't go to the large dining hall that you'd been in last night.
As you walked Eris leaned down to say, "The hall you were in last night, we only use for large events."
Your head snapped to him and you narrowed your eyes, "Stop leaning down."
"Terribly sorry, let me just get on your level," he said crouching down so that he was shorter than you. "Is that better, your Highness?"
You raised an eyebrow before pushing his head down further so that you could rest an elbow on his flawlessly styled hair, mussing it up. "Ah, now it is much better pheasant," you said in a snooty accent.
"My apologies your Grace."
"Hmph, completely unacceptable."
"You know, you aren't High Lady yet, love."
Immediately the playful vibe vanished and a heavy silence settled. Looking ahead, you saw that the Lady of Autumn had vanished.
Eris cleared his throat and pushed open the set of double doors, "Here we are."
The room was spacious and was decorated in shades of light green and orange. The back wall was completely open and led to a patio overlooking a garden. Spread throughout the room were couches and paintings, as well as an easel. A large marble fireplace took up most of the right wall.
Eris led you to the table and chairs on the patio and pulled out your chair and gestured for you to sit down.
He sat down across from you, leaving the chair next to you open. Almost immediately, two servants started to bring out food. These dishes weren't nearly as fancy as the previous ones, but there was more that enough food.
Most importantly, macaroni and cheese.
Two bottles of wine were set out along with a water pitcher and a teapot.
With less than a minute after, your plate was completely piled up with various foods and you waited impatiently for Eris to finish getting his food.
He noticed you weren't eating, but looking at him expectantly and chuckled before saying, "Sweetheart you don't have to worry about me. As I said you can eat whenever you'd like."
Instead of giving a response you dug in.
Mother, if I died right now I'd be happy.
The food was just as good as you remembered it.
Soon enough the Lady of Autumn came back and sat down and started eating as well.
Easy and light conversation flowed between the three of you, onnly pausing once dessert came out. After your meal all three of you fell into silence as you all watched the sun set over the garden, giving the appearance that the trees were on fire.
Strangely enough, you weren't cold at all. But, that may be due to the steady heat that came off of Eris.
Too soon, you felt the familiar tap on the outer walls of your mind. Feyre.
Hey Y/N, I'll be there in a few minutes to come pick you up.
She must've sensed your hesitation because after the first message she followed up softly, with, 'If you want to stay a bit longer than let me know. I can cover for you if you need.'
Slowly, you stood up and said stiffly, "Feyre said she will be here in a few minutes to come get me."
Eris also stood up and offered you his arm, saying, "I'll escort you the the front."
You and the Lady exchanged your goodbyes and you let Eris direct you through the winding hallways.
As you reached the front, you could see Feyre waiting at the end of the walkway.
Before you could leave, Eris grasped you by the wrist and pulled you in for a kiss. It lasted for only a few seconds before he pulled away. Holding on to his coat lapels, you yanked him back down for your lips to meet again. This time much longer and filled with much more enthusiasm.
When you finally pulled away, you both were panting.
"Stay. Stay with me," Eris pleaded, staring into your eyes.
Pressing your lips together you thought about what Feyre said. "Okay," you said slowly, "Just let me run and tell Feyre."
Before waiting for his response, you ran out and met Feyre. She gave you a slight alarmed look due to the fact you were flushed and panting.
Grasping her hands, "You said you could cover for me, right?" You blurted out quickly.
She beamed back at you. "Yes, I'll just tell them that I sent you on a job or you're staying at an old friend's house."
"Thank you so much, Fey. If there's anyth-"
"Shh. Now go. You're mate is waiting," she teased before vanishing.
Turning around, you met Eris' eyes and nodded. Walking back up to him you yanked him down again.
He was smiling against your lips and he tapped the back of your thighs. Getting his message, you jumped. He threaded your legs around his waist and started walking back to the house.
Oh Mother. It was gonna be a long night.
@minaethrym, @glitterypirateduck, @lady-targaryens-world, @annieeees, @mybestfriendmademe, @inloveallthetime, @b0xerdancer, @cauldronboilmetakemetovelaris, @acphengene
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tomssexdoll · 3 days
Hello mllll. So i have this idea but if youre uncomfortable writing this just ignore it, <3.
So reader is at a party and she gets drunk asf, one of readers friend calls tom who is readers friend to come and pick her up. When tom comes they get in the car and readers acting stupid, she starts rubbing toms crotch and he gets hard. Tom says that they shouldn't do this cuz they're just friends. And she ends up giving tom head while driving.
Id love you if you do this. ❤
YUHHH OFC!!!! <33
Just friends?
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"We shouldnt be doing this y/n..we're just friends and you know it"
PAIRINGS: Tom 2010 x Female reader
SYPNOSIS: After Tom recieves a call from one of y/ns friends, informing him that she was shitfaced he decides to come and pick her up, annoyed at her recklessness. As they are in the car back home, y/n starts to rub on him, teasing him and making him crack...
A/N: ily all <3
WARNINGS: dom!tom, reader!sub, p in v (riding), fingering, hickeys, sucking d, alcohol mentions, drunk reader (everything is consentual though, she's not super drunk when they fuck)
I was at one of my friends parties, drinking heavily and dancing with anyone and everyone in sight. I wore a short black dress, one where if I did something as little as bending over my whole ass would be out.
I had about 8 shots of tequila, 4 shots of vodka and like 8 beers. I was out of my head, stumbling everywhere and in search for more drinks. I hadn't noticed but my friend had stolen my phone and called Tom, knowing we were very close and he'd be the one to drag me out of parties like these.
Tom picks up the phone
"Hello?" he said, his voice a little groggy.
"Oh, did I wake you up? Sorry, it's just...y/n is shitfaced and she needs to go home, none of us are sober and we don't want to send her in a taxi or an uber, could you come get her please?" my friend said, slurring her words slightly.
A deep sigh was heard before he answered, "yeah fine..text me the address,"
And with that the call ended.
It took Tom around 50 minutes to arrive, this place was basically in the middle of no where, my friend found a farmhouse to rent so he could be as loud as he wanted. By now I was sobered up a lot, having multiple friends give me food and water.
I was still pretty drunk but not as much as I was. As he arrived, I saw his tall, dark figure standing in the doorway, as soon as he spotted me he made his way through the crowd, pushing drunken bodies just to get to me.
"Fucking hell.." he muttered, seeing the state I was in. As soon as I saw him I jumped up, hugging him tightly, "Tommm!" I slurred, burying my face into his chest. "Yes, hi, cmon let's go," he sighed, grabbing my shoes and picking me up, holding me against his chest as he waved to my friends.
He got to his car, slowly placing me in the passanger seat and quickly going to the drivers seat, getting in and starting the car.
"I don't get how you drink so much, go easy on the alcohol," he chuckled, making sure I was strapped in properly before taking off. "Well, I just like to have fun," I smirked, crossing my arms.
About 10 minutes into the drive I felt a sudden change in the mood, like a tension was building. I looked over at him, the way his eyes were so focused on the road, the way his piercing sat perfectly on his plump lips. I felt my heat start to burn, a desire running through my veins.
I decided to take my chances, I saw the way he looked at me sometimes, the jealously he had when I was with other guys. I leaned over and slowly rubbed my hand on his thigh, teasingly close to his crotch.
His eyes widened, looking at me for a moment, "hey, what are you doing? Trying to distract me?" he chuckled, I smirked and moved my hand up higher, ending up on his crotch before going back down to his thigh, his breath hitched slightly, "don't..I have to focus on driving," he grunted, his grip tightening on the wheel.
"Why can't we have a little fun..hm?" I looked up at him, his adams apple bobbing up and down. "Because we'll have an accident that's why," he growled, trying so hard not to look down at me because if he did, he knew he'd give in.
Then, he looked at me for a split second, my eyes burning with lust and desperation, my cleavage basically ready to spill out of my chest. I moved my hand up again and palmed his cock, rubbing it softly. He panted, "don't tease.."
I smirked and kept rubbing, feeling him grow rock hard from my touch. "Ohh no, how about I take care of that," I giggled, placing small kisses on his buldge. "We shouldn't be doing this y/n..we're just friends and you know it," he groaned, "if we were just friends then, why do I always catch you staring at me in a way only a lover would look at their partner, why do you get jealous and possessive when I'm with other guys, was that night that we kissed nothing too?" I challenged him, testing his patience before he broke.
"Fuck..fine, fucking fine just do it.." he grumbled, I grinned and unbuttoned his jeans, his hips lifting to help me take them off. I slowly slid them down, letting them pool at his knees. "Oh wow..so hard for me," I teased, wrapping my fingers around the waistband of his boxers.
"Mmmhhh" he groaned, his body tensing. "Relax.." I smirked, pulling his cock out, my eyes widening at his size. He was a solid 8 inches, girthy and veiny. Precum was leaking from his tip, "well hello there.." I chuckled, scooting closer.
"Suck it baby, fuck.." he grunted, one of his hands moving down to the back of my head, grabbing a fistful of hair from my face. I slowly wrapped my lips around the head, gliding myself down on his thick cock. "Yess..." he hissed, gripping my hair tighter.
"Fuck..keep that up and we're not going to make it home.." he growled, his grip tightening even ore as he thrusts his hips forward, driving his cock deeper into my mouth.
He tries to keep his focus on the road but my mouth felt too good on his cock, "goddammit, you're going to make me crash," he chuckled, he gripped the steering wheel tightly as he fought to keep his composure.
"Mmm.." I moaned softly, picking up my pace and sucking his cock harder and faster, my wet mouth around his length addicting. "Fuck, fuck..gonna cum," he whined, feeling the rush of pleasure building in his balls.
I swirled my tongue over his sensitive tip, making him let out a low groan as his cock started to throb desperatly in my mouth, signalling his release. "Good girl, keep sucking that cock," he moaned lowly, guiding my head up and down his shaft.
Saliva started to build around my mouth, dripping down onto my chin. "Soo fucking messy, good girl.." he praised, the blowjob getting super sloppy. He bucked his hips up, matching my thrusts, his balls slapping against my chin.
"Holy shit, I'm close..cmon.." he groaned, my pace quickened, his tip hitting the back of my throat, making me slightly gag as I wanted to send him into oblivion.
"Yes yes, cmon!" he moaned loudly, his orgasm dangerously close. With one last hard suck he emptied himself in my mouth, coating it with thick ropes of cum, "fuck!" he cried out, his chest heaving up and down as he calmed down from his release.
I smirked and pulled back, swallowing every last drop. "We're not fucking done yet," he slammed his foot on the brake, skidding to a stop on the side of the road.
"Get in the back, now!" he ordered. I instantly obeyed and climbed into the back seat, sitting down on the cool leather seats. He climbed back with me, wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me onto his lap.
He plants soft, passionate kisses onto my shoulders, exploring the skin with his tongue. His hands moved over my body, gripping my hips and pulling me closer, his cock resting against my stomach.
He pulls back and captures my lips in a rough kiss, feeling my breasts pressing against his chest, his cock twitching. "Gotta let those out, hm?" he chuckled, his fingers finding the zip of my dress and slowly dragging it down, grabbing the material and sliding it off my body, leaving me in only my panties.
"No bra huh? Such a fucking tease.." he groaned, grabbing my boobs roughly and squeezing them, latching onto one of my nipples and sucking harshly, a wave of pleasure rushing throughout me.
"Mmmhh.." I moaned softly, wrapping my arms around his neck and driving his head closer. He grabbed my tits and squished them together, licking the skin slowly.
"So sexy...I've been waiting for this moment for so long.." he grinned, continuing to kiss and touch my body, his hands exploring every inch of me. His hands stop at my panties, moving them to the side and teasing my folds with his fingers.
"Fuck..so wet for me.." he chuckled, mocking me from earlier, "oh shut up," I giggled and smacked his arm playfully. I started to softly grind on his fingers, "ohh fuck.." I whined. He grabbed my hips and kept me still before plunging his fingers into my sopping cunt.
"Oh shit!" I gasped, my hands flying to his shoulders for support, "you're soaking.." he groaned, sliding his fingers in and out at a slow pace.
He continued to pump his fingers inside me, now increasing his pace, he can hear the sounds of my arousal filling the car and it only turned him on even more, curling his fingers at my g spot just to get a reaction out of me.
"Fuckk!" I buried my face into his neck, his thumb rubbing against my clit, as soon as he starts to feel me tighten around him he retracts his fingers. "Tom?" I whined at the loss of contact, pulling away from his neck and looking at him confused.
"That was just to get you ready baby, don't worry," he chuckled, grabbing his cock with one hand and using the other to hover me over his cock. His tip rested at my entrance before he slowly slid me down, my tight cunt resisting.
"Cmon..you can fit more," he grunted, trying to get me past the thickest layer of his cock, the base. He knew it wouldn't just go in without any sort of lubrication so he held his hand out, "spit honey," I hesitated for a second but spit some saliva into his hand, it smelt like vodka and beer but he didn't give a shit.
He coated the rest of his cock with the saliva and slammed me down, "ah!" I cried out, my legs slightly trembling from the force. "See, not even my fingers could help.." he chuckled, letting me adjust to his size.
My brain was hazy, vision foggy. After another minute of resting he started to thrust up into me, gripping my hips for security. His pace quickened, slamming into me over and over again, the sound of our bodies slapping against each other repeating as he fucked me relentlessly.
His cock hit all the right spots inside me, stabbing into my g spot effortlessly, making me roll my eyes back. "You like that baby? The way my cock slams into that tight cunt.." he whispered in my ear, I was out of words at this point, only able to muster up a small nod.
"Good girl.." he chuckled, picking up the pace and ramming into me harder, leaning down and sucking at my neck, leaving sloppy kisses all over the skin.
"Mmmm!" I moaned loudly, arching my back to meet his thrusts. He smirked against my skin, enjoying the sight of me losing control under his touch. His thrusts become faster, rougher and harder as he takes me to the brink of esctacy, "I could fuck you like this all day, listens to the sounds you make and the faces you pull as I drive my cock further into you.." he growled lowly, leaving marks everywhere on my neck.
His dirty talk only turned me on even more, my pussy throbbing around his cock, "ohhh fuck!" I whined, his balls slapping against my ass as he fucks me mercilessly.
"You want it harder, baby? You want me to fuck you until you can't walk straight?" he smirks, reaching down to spank my ass roughly, "ah! Y-yes!" I yelped, he grabbed my hips tighter, leaving cresent shaped moons in my skin as he pulled me back onto his cock with each thrust, a knot forming in my stomach.
His thrusts never faltered, only getting more vicious and cruel, his cock pounding into me with such force, his muscles straining. "That's right, baby. Take it all. Take every inch of this fucking cock," he groaned, slapping my ass again, a red mark forming on the cheek.
"Mmm! Gonna cum, fuck..." I groaned, wrapping my arms around him and scratching at his back, the pleasure getting too much. His cock throbbed with urgency inside me, pushing me towards the edge.
"Cum for me baby, let your juices spill all over my cock.." he grinned, reaching down and rubbing my clit with his thumb once again, sending me into a state of euphoria as I felt my orgasm drive over the edge.
"Fuck!" I yelled, my cunt clenching around his shaft as I spilled my juices all over it, "fuck yes!" he grunted, slamming into me and spilling his hot seed deep into me, grabbing my chin and smashing his lips into mine, kissing me passionately.
As he pulled away a long string of saliva followed, "you were amazing..fuck," he panted, pulling me against his chest and letting us both recover from the earth shattering orgasms we just had.
After letting us rest he slowly lifted me off his cock, his cum dripping out of my pussy, "oh fuck.." he chuckled and reached into the front for some tissues, wiping us both down and cleaning the seats.
He moved my panties back and pulled his jeans and boxers back up. Opening the door and holding me tightly, he walked over to the passanger side and slid me in, coming back to the drivers seat and starting the car, driving off.
"How about you stay at my place, let me take care of you?" he turned to me, seeing how tired I already was. I nodded softly and rested my head against the car door, exhaustion taking over me as I fell asleep.
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tags: @itsmealaiah @itsangelll @ballhair
tags: @kaulitzsbabyy @kaulitzswhxre @cosmicck
tags: @bkaulitzlover @ge-billsgf @ella1289
tags: @tomsonlyslut @20doozers @miyukafujii
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bonezone44 · 3 days
Pretty Is As Pretty Does (18+)
Uncle!Ezra x F!Reader x Uncle!Tommy
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Summary: The best part about Uncle!Ezra and Uncle!Tommy is that they always smile when you walk in.
Word Count: 2883
tags: spitroast, double creampie, praise kink, southern accents, being called 'pretty', two men talking about you as if you aren't there. nicknames for Reader: angel, niece, baby, honey, sugar.
It's late at night and you can't sleep. Been tossing and turning for what feels like hours. You finally decide to get out of bed and do something, anything, rather than lie there counting endless sheep.
You make your way to the kitchen with sleepy bare footsteps. You hear murmuring out the back door--deep, smooth voices and soft laughter. You figure Ezra has a friend over. You bite your lip. You want Ezra to yourself for some quality time. Maybe if you let him know you're up, he'll send his friend home. It's worth a shot anyway. You've got nothing better to do.
When you step out onto the screened in back porch, you see Ezra reclining in one chair and his friend in the other. Theyre silhouetted by the blue light of a bug zapper hanging in the corner. It's been a hot summer, but tonight the air is cooler and drier than it has been in weeks. The wood floors creak as you step further onto the porch and both men go quiet and turn to you.
"Hey, angel," says Ezra with a wry smile on his face. "What're you doin up this late?"
"Can't sleep," you answer with a shrug.
"Aww, you poor thing." He holds his hand out towards you. "Me and Uncle Tommy are out here shootin the shit. Why don't you come sit with us for a while?"
That's when your whole body goes hot. You look over and realize it wasn't just any of Ezra’s friends. It was Tommy. And Tommy’s got a nice little smile on his face, too, as his eyes rake over you in your pajamas and bare feet.
" Damn, girl," says Tommy. "You get prettier and prettier every time I see you."
Your cheeks burn and you fidget. "I don't know about that--"
"Shit, I do. I bet you gotta beat them boys off you with a stick."
You wave him off. "No way."
"Aww, look at her bein shy," says Ezra, turning further toward you in his chair. "There is no need to be so timid around your uncles, angel."
"That's right, honey," says Tommy. "It's just us. You don't gotta worry bout nothin around us." He smiles. "We'll keep you safe from all them boys out there. We'll have 'em runnin off. Don't you worry about that."
You roll your eyes with a smile.
"What? You don't believe us?" asks Ezra with big, puppy dog lookin' eyes.
You shake your head. "Y'all are just sayin stuff."
"Oh, c'mere, honey," says Tommy as he reaches out and grabs your hand. "Why don't you come sit by Uncle Tommy and let him show you how pretty he thinks you are?"
Tommy's one of the most handsomest men you've ever seen in your entire life. He's got beautiful wavy hair that curls beneath his ears. His voice is so smooth and syrupy compared to Ezra's deep rasp. He's always wearing nice blue jeans and cleaned-up cowboy boots. Ezra almost never tries to dress nice to the point where you've given up on ever looking nice, too. And right now, you're standing in your sleep clothes and Tommy's offering you something that you weren't even trying for.
Your heart races in your chest and you gush between your legs. Your face is on fire--the whole situation makes you so nervous. What if they're lying? What if they're just playing tricks on you? What if this is all one big joke? Your history with Ezra didn't matter. He could change his mind at any minute and go running off leaving you all alone. You were tired of being abandoned by the people you trusted most.
Ezra rests his large hand on your hip. You can feel the heat of him through the thin fabric of your shorts. "Go on, angel. Uncle Tommy ain't gonna hurt you none." You glance at Ezra nervously and he nods. "Go on," he says again.
You decide to give in. Ezra's been around long enough. He knows you. He knows how anxious you get. And if he's there, it does feel safer. You've at least got one person on your side if Tommy doesn't treat you right.
You take two steps towards Tommy and the two men immediately relax. Tommy spreads his legs and guides you by your hips to sit between them. He pulls you back against his warm, broad chest. He feels so solid and sturdy behind you. And he smells like something clean and bright--waking you up even more, making you more aware of just how much of his body is touching yours. His hands slide up and down your bare shoulders.
"Now what's makin you think you're not the prettiest thing on two legs, sugar?" says Tommy.
"I-I don't know," you answer. You did know, though. It was all the movies and TV and magazines. All the clothing stores and boutiques where the clothes never quite fit you right. It felt like the whole world was telling you that you weren't pretty enough to be loved.
"Too much TV," says Ezra and you roll your eyes.
Tommy chuckles into your skin as he presses light kisses into your shoulder. Each one excites you and soothes you at the same time. "You know all that stuff is fake, don'tchu?" His hands slide down your arms, squeezing you just above your elbows. "You can't be thinkin ya ain't pretty just 'cause ya ain't fake, now, sugar. 'S not what men like anyway."
"Not any man worth a damn," adds Ezra.
"That's right," says Tommy. His hands move from your arms to your waist. "Men know a real thing when they see it, sugar." His hands slide up to your breasts and he gropes them in each hand. "And we got ourselves a real one right here."
Your hands grasp tight onto Tommy's knees next to your own. You glance over at Ezra with hazy eyes and Ezra sits so casually as if nothing unconventional is going on.
"'S about what's on the inside," says Ezra, flicking dirt off his ankle as he goes to cross his legs. "That's what counts."
"That's right," says Tommy. He squeezes your nipples through your shirt. "And I'm proud to say that our little niece here is pretty on the inside and out."
"She sure is, ain't she?" says Ezra.
You don't know how to respond. You're not sure what to do. All you know is that there's a pool of slickness growing between your legs and it's enough that you wonder if you're gonna leave a wet spot on the chair beneath you.
"What? You still don't believe us?" says Tommy.
"She can be real stubborn when she wants to be," says Ezra.
Tommy chuckles. "How 'bout this? Don't you feel this, sugar?" One of Tommy's hands slides down the front of you to cup you between your legs. He pulls you flush against him and that's when you feel it. That's when you feel how hard he is. You're not sure how you missed it before. It feels like a steel rod against your back. "You feelin' what you do to your Uncle Tommy, baby?" He rolls his hips against you. "'M about to burst and we ain't even done nothin, yet. We're just sittin here talkin."
Part of you wants to laugh at that. There's a hell of a lot more going on than just talking.
"I think she's grown weary of conversation, brother," says Ezra.
Tommy chuckles again. "Ya think?"
"Yeeeeep," Ezra groans and stands from his chair. "And you did promise to show her how pretty she was."
"I sure did, didn't I?"
Ezra walks over and stands in front of you. You feel surrounded--caged in. But not unsafe. "Whatchu thinkin', angel?" Ezra cradles your face in his big hands. He leans close enough to you that the whole rest of the back porch disappears. "Want me to get you ready for Uncle Tommy?"
Oh fuck. Does Ezra mean what you think he means? "O-Okay," you say.
"Good girl." He grins briefly before his eyes go wide and serious again. "Uncle Tommy's big. I don't want you gettin hurt."
You nod. "Okay."
Ezra sinks to his knees before you. He reaches for your waistband and you lift your hips as he tugs your shorts down and off your legs. "Mm-mmm," hums Ezra, staring between your thighs. "Our little niece is pretty everywhere." His large fingers poke and prod at your lips. "She's wet, too." He spreads your pussy apart with both hands. "Soakin," he says.
"Is she now?" Tommy says. His breathing's picked up. Both his hands back on your chest. You can feel his whole body rolling into you, even if just in the smallest way. Ezra's touch has you responding in kind.
Ezra's head tilts upward with his fingers still on you. "Remember that job on Breyer street? The house with all those cat paintings?"
Tommy stills a moment. "... y-yeah?"
"Remember how that faucet on the side of the house wouldn't stop leaking?"
"That's about what she looks like right now."
Tommy laughs and holds you close, grinding against you. "Fuck, man. You can't be sayin shit like that to me, man. What the hell?"
"I am merely trying to be honest with you," says Ezra with a shrug. He thrusts two thick fingers inside of you with one hand and with the other, he rests his thumb against your clit. Unmoving. Simply applying pressure as you and Tommy's bodies move together.
"Oh my god," you moan as Ezra's fingers stroke inside you and Tommy whispers in your ear.
"'S Uncle Ezra makin you feel good, sugar? 'S he touchin you just right?"
"Mm-hmm," you whimper. "So good. So good."
"You feel how pretty we think you are, honey?" asks Tommy.
"And it's not just because you're our favorite little niece," says Ezra.
"That's right," says Tommy. "'S because it's a fact, sugar." Tommy grunts. Ezra's fingers squelch inside your wet walls. "It's a fact that you're the prettiest goddamn thing we've ever seen."
"Our pretty little angel inside and out," Ezra says with a smirk as he adds a third finger inside you.
"Oh fuck" you moan and writhe.
Tommy chuckles. "Even if she got a dirty mouth on her."
Ezra laughs, too. "Oh she's filthy."
"Is that right?"
"I-I don't know." Your dizzy with desire. You're surprised you can register anything they're saying to you.
"How 'boutchu get that filthy mouth on Uncle Ezra's cock while Uncle Tommy gets inside this pussy, huh, sugar? How's that sound?"
"Yeah, okay," you slur.
Ezra pulls his fingers out of you and stands. Tommy scoots you forward so he can undo his jeans. He and Ezra situate you so that your feet are on the floor with your ass hovering above Tommy's lap. Your hands grip the arms of Tommy's chair. Ezra pulls his own cock out of his pants and it bobs in front of your face.
You and Tommy both hiss as he pierces your cunt. Ezra was right. Tommy is big.
"Shit, man. You didn't tell me it was like this--" Tommy chokes out through panting breaths.
You bite your lip and groan.
Ezra chuckles as he strokes himself. "I tried, brother, but some things are best experienced for yourself."
"You got that right," says Tommy. He moans and curses as he guides you up and down his shaft, providing you with the rhythm and speed.
Once you feel steady enough, you open your eyes and Ezra's cock is hard and ready for you. You open your mouth, eager to hold its weight on your tongue. He doesn't thrust or move--merely lets your rhythm on Tommy's lap provide all the back-and-forth action.
"You're doing perfect, angel," says Ezra as he caresses your cheek. You've given him much better blowjobs before but he's looking down at you like you're giving him the high of a lifetime. "You look so pretty."
"Prettiest fuckin thing we ever fucked," grunts out Tommy.
"Play with that clit and she'll cream all over ya," says Ezra.
"Goddamn," curses Tommy. And he does what Ezra says. He reaches one hand around and presses hard against your clit. Four fingers rubbing back and forth just above where his cock is thrusting in and out of you.
Syrupy warmth begins to flood between your legs and seconds later your spasming between the two men--thighs twitching and toes curling.
Tommy curses again. "If she wasn't my favorite niece before, she sure as shit would be now."
"Told ya," says Ezra.
Tommy continues to thrust into you as you bounce onto him. "Yeah, suck his cock. Suck Uncle Ezra's cock, sugar."
Ezra does his best to keep his cock inside your mouth, but he doesn't seem too concerned about your performance there. It seems to be enough to watch you getting fucked so hard by your Uncle Tommy. Hearing your thighs slap each other and his cock squelch inside you is like music to Ezra's ears and dick. And your whimpers--goddamn!--you got the prettiest little whimpers he's ever heard in his life. Add in Tommy's desperate grunts and Ezra's careening toward the edge and nearly sent over it. He has to take a step back to get control of himself.
Without Ezra's cock to muffle you, your whimpers turn into shouts and Tommy grits his teeth. "Where do I cum?" asks Tommy through strained breaths.
"Fill her up, brother." Ezra's eyes sparkle at you. "Then I'll take my turn inside our pretty little pussy."
Tommy curses some more. He wraps his arms around you and taps on your clit, hoping to make you come along with him. And you do, it's hard not to. His thrusts were hitting all the right spots in your inner walls and Ezra's standing in front of you and watching you with tender focus. Your legs twitch and your toes curl all over again.
"Alright, now, hold it all in, angel," says Ezra with a stern expression on his face and you know what he means. You reach between your legs as Tommy pulls out and you do your best to keep all his cum inside you.
Ezra sits and then lies down on the floor, his cock hard and at attention. He waves you over with the flick of his fingers. "Come ride your Uncle Ezra, baby. Come show me how it's done," he says.
And something animalistic has been triggered inside of you as Ezra casually reclines on the hard wood floor. His elbows are bent and his head rests in both hands. He dons a simple smile and it almost drives you crazy. You want him as desperate for you as you are for him. You want him aching and writhing for your touch. He's been too relaxed this whole time and you almost hate him for it.
Tommy's cum is beginning to seep from between your fingers so you hustle to sit on Ezra's cock. Ezra's facial expression doesn't change as you sink onto him--but you notice the way his hips curl ever so slightly into you. He's holding back and you wanna make him give in. But you know Ezra, just as much as he knows you. And riding him how he likes it isn't going to get you anywhere. He wants you to use him--make yourself come by whatever means necessary. And that is certainly something you can oblige by.
So you do. Your hands grip his chest and you find the right angle that allows you to roll your hips into him with your clit pressed against his skin. You decide to take. You take and take and take your pleasure from him--you don't give a shit what makes him feel good. This one's all about you. And eventually he does give in. You see the way he grits his teeth and bites his lip. His hands fly to your waist, but you don't let him guide you at all. This is your ride and your orgasm. Even if you've already had two and Ezra's yet to have one.
But it was just what Ezra wanted--he was getting off on you getting off and some kind of feedback loop developed into both of you getting off and your panting and he's snarling and then suddenly there's another burst of hot liquid inside of you and seeping out of you. And you don't know it, yet, but Ezra loves when all the juices and cum are soaking his lap and he's filthy with the remnants of a well-and-good fucking. And if he could suck his own dick after all of it, he would. But instead, he pulls you up his body and has you sit on his face and he gives your pussy the most tender and loving kiss with tongue and all. All while your trembling and dizzy from overstimulation.
Once you finally take a moment to breathe. You find Tommy watching with lazy, tired eyes from his chair, his own cock already tucked back in. But there's a smirk on his face that tells you he appreciated the show you and Ezra just gave him.
"Alright, angel," says Ezra with a messy mouth. "Let's go put you back to bed."
a/n: wow. so horny. jesus christ.
tagging: @neverwheremoonchild @xdaddysprincessxx 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
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crossfandomslut · 2 days
At Peace in your Fire (Pt 4)
part 1 part 2 part 3
Summary: the after math of the meeting in Hewn City
Pairing: Eris x Archeron!Reader
Word Count: 3k
Warnings: out of character Feyre (Keeping secrets from Rhys) slight angst, fluff 😊
Notes: Ahhhhhhhh !! Thank you everyone who is reading, liking, commenting, reblogging and asking to be on the taglist I love each and every one of you ! This chapter is a little short, but I really hope you like it ! I wanted to get something out this weekend, and cant wait to work on the next part this week !
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Eris’ POV
Eris has experienced a lot of fear in his life. Plenty of terrifying moments to plague his nightmares every century of his life. But this- Y/n falling unconscious before them, crying out in agony before the darkness took her- he thought he had suffered all his worst fears by now. He was so devastatingly wrong.
He moved so fast he didn’t have time to think about what he was doing. He was to her before her head could hit the ground. But before he could pull her into his arms, Cassian grabbed her and Azriel yanked Eris back.
“Don’t you touch her.” Azriel growled.
“You’re lucky I moved as quickly as I did! None of you sprang to action and a head wound is the last thing she needs in this state!” Eris defended.
“Why do you even care?” Mor snapped.
“Okay, that’s enough. We need to get Y/n to Madja. This meeting is over.” Rhys started to walk toward Cassian where he still held Y/n’s unconscious figure.
All Eris could do was stand there dumbly and watch as they all prepared to winnow her away, and he would have no way to know how she was or what was wrong. He hadn’t felt so helpless in so long and it felt like a punch to the gut. Only Nesta threw him a look that he couldn’t quite decipher, but it wasn’t nearly as cold as she had looked at him before.
And then they were gone. And Eris had to sit down, or he may have thrown up. He was shaking with pent up energy and emotions. He couldn’t bring himself to look at her at all during the meeting, not when she has been looking at him with soft eyes that expected a good male to be standing before her. He was not good. He was tortured and twisted and wrong. He knew if he had looked into her eyes he would have fallen apart and gotten to his knees before her to ask for her forgiveness for what had happened with Mor, and even with Lucien. He usually brushed off the comments about those events, any event where his morals are questioned. But with Y/n standing there he felt such a need to defend himself- to explain. But he couldn’t. Not fully. And now Y/n will know he is a monster, and she will never again touch his hands with softness, never again look into his eyes with hopeful caution. Gods. All it took was one damn dance and Eris was a fool for her.
He had to see her again. Had to know if she was okay. For now, though, all he can do is go home to the Autumn Court, and pray his father remained unaware of his absence.
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Y/n’s POV
Amber eyes, freckled skin, sharp cheekbones, and the softest red hair. Y/n had been dreaming of this face for weeks, but now, instead of a frozen lake with pain and fear in his eyes, they were on the dancefloor. He still looked at her with fear in those beautiful eyes, but this was a much more vulnerable kind of fear. Not fear of her power, but fear of her looking too closely at him. Fear of being seen. In this dream, he doesn’t turn and run away. In this dream he stays, and they stare into each other’s souls for a long while. Then, she leans into him and rests her head on his chest, and he continues to sway her back and forth until the song comes to an end.
When she looks back up at him, his face is cold. His gaze harsh and unforgiving as he pushes her away. She stumbles, but her family rushes in behind her. Eris, who was soft and warm moments ago, was now distant and cruel as he sneers and looks you up and down before exiting the dancehall.
Y/n jolted awake gasping for air. Feyre was immediately by her side, holding her hand. When Y/n catches her breath, Feyre cups her cheek and wipes away the stray tears that Y/n hadn’t noticed falling. Feyre climbs into the bed next to her. The small bed was set up right next to the fireplace, and Y/n crooned toward the heat and golden glow on her face. It was nighttime, or maybe the early hours of the morning. Feyre laid on the side furthest from the fire, her head propped up on her hand and reached the other out to comb Y/n’s hair with her fingers.
“How are you feeling?” Feyre whispered.
Y/n motioned to her throat in a request for water and Feyre jumped up to get it for her. After a few large, unladylike gulps, she set the glass down on her bedside table. “Thank you. I’m okay. What happened?”
“We were in the meeting with Eris,” Y/n’s heart skipped a beat at the sound of his name and tried to not make it obvious she had just been dreaming about him, “when all of a sudden you cried out in pain and fell unconscious.” Feyre finished.
“My head had been hurting throughout the meeting. I don’t know what was wrong, I’m sorry. That must have been so embarrassing and unprofessional. Is Rhys upset?”
“Rhys? Oh Y/n, of course not! He’s been worried sick about you. Like a mother hen. He’s terrible, honestly,” Feyre chuckled softly. It made Y/n feel more at ease.
“But we didn’t get the information from Eris about the Spring Court. I messed up the whole meeting because of a silly headache- “
“Y/n, stop, it’s really okay. Eris was being an ass anyway and- “ Feyre halted as Y/n groaned and held her head in her hands. “Y/n? Y/n what can I do?” Feyre sat helpless as her twin’s face contorted in pain. Y/n swung her legs over the side of the bed to fully face the fire raging in the hearth and she felt the pressure in her head lighten.
Feyre came to sit beside her again, and when she could think again, Y/n started to remember what happened at the meeting. She remembered being confused the whole meeting. By Eris refusing to look at her, by the history with Mor and with his brother, and the rising tension in the room and the distain that her family held for Eris. She remembered the pain in Eris’ voice that no one else could bother to hear, when he said, “not all of us were as lucky in our friends and family as you, Rhysand.” And that was when the pain in her head escalated to a point that she could not handle. Then she comes to now, when Feyre started to insult him, and the pain came back. The only to help, being the fire… Her twin wasn’t stupid. Y/n knew she had pieced it together too before even looking at her. And it wasn’t her daemati power. Y/n had worked tirelessly on her mental shield.
Y/n slowly turned to lock eyes with Feyre and was met with a knowing but weary gaze. “So… Eris, huh?”
“Ugh, Feyre!” Y/n groaned and threw her pillow at her head. Easily grabbing the pillow, Feyre and Y/n burst out into laughter. They hadn’t laughed like this together in so long. They had been so close until Feyre came to Prythian, and Y/n hadn’t noticed how much she had been missing her sister.
When their breathing slowed and they could once again keep a straight face, Y/n looked back to her sister. “I don’t know. I feel this pull to him, but I also know how much everyone hates him. I mean her tried to take you from us on that damned lake, he apparently has hurt Mor, and I don’t even know what to think about what happened to poor Lucien. And at the same time, I think I see him in a way that not even he can. He is the embodiment of fire, Fey. How could I not be drawn to him like a moth to a flame? I think… I think he might be a good male deep down. But I’m so confused.” Y/n sighed and put her head in her hands again.
Feyre rubbed her sister’s back in an attempt to soothe her. It makes sense, she thinks, for her sister to be intrigued by Eris. But she was in the same boat with their family’s animosity toward the male, it would be difficult to work around centuries of hurt, even if they were misunderstandings. “We’ll figure it out. It’ll be okay, I promise.”
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When Y/n woke the next morning, it was close to noon and Feyre was gone. Likely off performing her duties as High Lady to get ready for the High Lords meeting, they were planning. As she sat up and swung her legs over the side of the bed, she noticed a quill and parchment sat out on her desk across the room. Having learned how to read and write not long ago, she thought it might be a sign to practice. She had already missed her usual lesson with Rhys or Amren, so this would have to do.
She wrapped the plush green robe tighter around her shivering frame and sat in the large desk chair with her knees to her chest, her head resting atop them. The desk was a beautiful cherry oak wood, stained to deepen the natural red tint of the wood. The complexity of the color and the grain of the wood had Y/n’s mind wandering to a certain male who was just as complex and had hair a similar shade of red. Thinking of the way his hand felt on her waist as they danced, how warm he was, and the moment of vulnerability he showed during the meeting. She felt her heart crack slightly as she recounted the look on his face and the way his voice broke imperceptibly when he said, “not all of us were as lucky in our friends and family as you, Rhysand.”
The memories had her picking up the quill, dipping it into some ink, and pressing to the page.
She folded the parchment into a triangle shape that could be carried by the wind, and with all her power, willed the wind to carry it to the Autumn Court. Hoping and praying to whatever gods may listen, that no one else finds it.
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Eris’ POV
The minute he arrived back in the Autumn Court, Eris was so exhausted that he could have wept when he saw his horse standing there waiting for him. The chestnut stallion was a clear mirror of himself. Tall, deceivingly strong with his lean frame, and a coat the color red that could only be found in his home court. A striking white blaze ran down his long face onto his soft muzzle. As Eris approached him, Ignatius lifted his head in greeting and let out a low nicker. Eris approached him with tired eyes and a small, fond smile. “Hello, friend. Let’s go home, shall we?” Stroking his neck in a few long, slow movements, Eris mounted his steed and they started on their way back to the Forest House.
When they made it back to the stable, Eris took Ignatius’ saddle and bridle off, put him in his stall and made sure he had extra gain for the night. Giving his friend a final brushing, Eris bid him goodnight- although it was likely closer to morning by now.
As soon as his head hit the pillow, sleep embraced him in a tight hold and dragged him to a land of dreams. Dreams of Y/n and her shining y/h/c hair, her soft but calloused hands in his, and her stunning y/e/c eyes staring straight into his soul. He could stay in this dream forever he thinks. Hearing her soft voice say far too kind things to him.
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Eris finally awoke when a maid opened his door and startled him from sleep. She squealed and jumped when Eris shot up from his bed, and profusely apologized as she scurries away, closing the door behind her. He rubbed his eyes and rolled out of bed, making his way over to his balcony where the first maid must have come in and set out his tea for the morning. The pot was cold by now, but that was no issue for a fire wielder. Quickly, his tea was hot once again as he sat and looked out upon the grounds of his house. House, not home. As he sat and breathed in the early afternoon air, something caught his attention. It looked like a piece of parchment floating on the breeze. It couldn’t be- but it kept getting closer to him and suddenly in was within his reach. He snatched the paper from the sky and looked at it with wide eyes. He could smell her. Y/n’s scent of cashmere and cinnamon, all things warm and comforting. He closed his eyes for a long moment, just breathing her in. when he regained his composure, he sat down and unfolded the letter.
Dear Eris,
I am fine, in case you were wondering. Truthfully… I’ve been wondering about you. Maybe that isn’t appropriate to say, but I’ve already written it and I simply can’t waste good parchment to not say what I mean and what I feel. I’m confused and I want to talk to you. I don’t believe there is ever only one side to a story and I’d very much like to hear yours.
Eris choked out a laugh and had to cover his mouth with a hand to keep himself from breaking out into a fit. He knew she was bold, but this was something he could not have anticipated. She was thinking about him. Eris shook his head to clear his thoughts and rushed back inside to his large mahogany desk. The drawers painted the shade of green of the forest after a heavy rain. After he thought through what he wanted to say, he put ink to paper and wrote out his response. He hoped he didn’t seem desperate by responding with such haste, but he too was wondering about her and wanted to know her. So, he held the letter in the palm of his hand and set it alight.
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Y/n’s POV
Despite the late start to her day, she tried to regain some sense of control by tracking down Cassian for a training session, eating lunch and doing some studying that Amren assigned her in the library. By the time she got back to her room, the sun was setting, and she asked the house to bring her dinner to her room.
With her eyes half closed from exhaustion, she plopped down on her couch in front of the already lit fire. When she peeled her eyes open, she noticed a small, folded paper sitting in front of the hearth. She felt her heart jump to her throat as she scrambled to reach for it on the ground. Holding her breath, she unfolded the paper delicately. As if it might turn to ash in her hands.
Dearest Y/n,
I am glad to know you are alright. I was… worried. About you. I am also happy to see your boldness knows no bounds. You fascinate me and I find myself wanting to know you. But it seems you have questions for me too, so let us make a deal. A question for a question. What do you say, little dove?
I eagerly await your response,
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Taglist: @abysshaven @myromanempiree @lilah-asteria @96jnie
@ivy-34 @minaethrym @nebarious @anxious-study @slytherintaco @talesofadragon @paleidiot @marvelbros-oneshots @mariahoedt @tenebrisirae
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You know I keep seeing interpretations of possible post-canon Loop integrating into the party. And like how they would interact with said party, but like I feel like there is one aspect of the dynamic people seem to miss out on- which is a shame because it’s one of the most interesting to me.
From the parties perspective Loop is a ‘star’ that Sif met when he was stuck in a Time-Loop. So that means the party is aware that Loop was also stuck in said time-loop. I want to see the party trying to figure out how to help and accommodate Loop’s Time-Loop trauma, because I know this would drive Loop insane. Like imagine alternate versions of the friends you’ve seen die over and over (who Loop definitely feels they’ve failed) and trying to accommodate you because they think you’re traumatised from a COMPLETELY SEPARATE time-loop. I’d simply go insane actually.
Not to mention Loop would probably grind the parties gears because they would act like they always know what’s best for Siffrin and the party in general. And like- yes they know Sif better than anyone, but from the parties perspective they’re someone who knew Sif for something equilvlant to like 7ish months at most. And they just stroll ina js act like they know what’s best for them, AND the party. And loop is condescending even when they don’t mean to be, so double whammy. But then again Loop and Sif (as far as the party know) we’re stuck in a time loop with only each other for that long. So Loop is now reluctantly the Siffrin expert, which would cause some jealousy from people who have been trying and only somewhat succeeding at getting Sif to open up. Because from their perspective Loop just gets all of Sifs secrets and gets to know everything about them, assumedly because Sif TOLD them everything. (Haha imagine Sif communicating). I think they’d be a bit jealous even if they felt bad about it.
Not to mention the miscommunication of it all- from the parties perspective they have a gap in their memories from a massive amount of time that only Siffrin and a (albeit helpful) stranger. The same stranger who both helped you save your friend, but seems to be in some kind of toxic situationship(?) with said friend, AND acts awkward as hell around you. There are so many conclusions to grab from that, and I don’t think that ‘completely separate Timeloop in an alternate dimension where stranger is also your friend’ is what they’ll come up with. Even smart gal Odile needs some actual information to draw a conclusion.
The most obvious conclusion would obviously be ‘Loop is a seprate person Siffrin grew close to due to the fact they were the only ones who remebered being in a timeloop’ and ‘Loop may have done something to/been wronged by the party in the Loops’.
Honestly you only need Loop referencing them not being a star in the past one time for the entire party to immediately conclude ‘holy shit, Loop also had some kind of wish gone wrong™️ that changed their entire body and made them be stuck to a tree woth only Sif for company for months’
Which isn’t WRONG per-say, but I just think we as a fandom should get more creative with Loop-Party assumptions when talking relationships.
Especially Loop-Isabeau, I want him assuming he said something really mean to them or something during a loop. The Situationship jealously I see a lot is fun too, but I think Isa trying very hard to be nice and make up for whatever he ‘did’ would make Loop have a fucking panick attack out of guilt. I just think Loop should be in the torcher nexus here.
Also! Loop-party strain! I think that the party would have mixed feelings in loop! Because they don’t know that’s Sif, so it’s just looks like to them that Loop so some stranger being unfair to Sif and what they went through (Loop screams). And since is inevitably going to be a bit mean to the party on account of being unwell, and teh fact they don’t really have the advantage of the party knowing and loving them previously. I think the initial relationships are strained, and honestly Loop is probably self sabotaging too. Testing boundaries to see how ‘unlovable’ they can be before they are thrown out. And while the party eventually grow to look past Loos hard edges and grow to love them, I think initially there is some fights and tension. Loop has the ammunition and almost wants to be proven right in their assumption they’re unlovable. But I think the party will realise that they are just like Sif was when they had THEIR metal break down and will see how Sif gets better and opens up (even if just being more expressive) with Loop around. So I think they’ll grow to like loop as their own person! But it takes time
Also Loop and Sif informing the party of each other individual triggers and keeping each other accountable (while also trying to work off being the most toxic co-dependant ass relationship ever)
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yarasdead · 23 hours
this one lives my in my mind rent free
“This is wrong.” “So wrong.” While continuing to pull at each others clothes, mind fogged with nothing but lust and arousal.
we are on the same wavelength atp bc that's the prompts that caught my eye teehee
bestfriend!noah sebastian x fem!reader +18
cw. bestfriend!noah au, first time with bestfriend!noah (not loss of virginity on either part), not fully smut but if you guys what a pt. 2 that continues this with full smut then i'll be more than happy to do so!, pervy!noah, noah is condescending, besties who want each other but like it's also really complicated <3
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you watch as noah plays on your switch with a game that he brought over because you don't have a pc setup like he does back at his house or another gaming system other than your switch. it's getting boring as you watch him play super smash bro's ultimate for the last hour. you guys are supposed to be doing something fun.
"noah, i'm bored. can we do something fun? like go to the mall or something?"
"i'm having fun. you're the one who said you didn't want to play." he says, not bothering to look over at you and keep his eyes strained on your tv screen.
you scoff at him. laying back into your pillow and continue watching noah play the game, the entitlement of your bestfriend gets you railed up sometimes. but, you're eye sight is level with noah's tattooed hand as his fingers move quickly across the controller, you wouldn't say that it's getting you railed up, but it's definitely making you wonder a few things you shouldn't wonder about when it's your bestfriend.
huffing you twist to grab your phone off the bedside table and begin to scroll aimlessly through any app possible, hoping it will pass the time and noah will get bored of the game soon enough.
not noticing when noah exited out of the game to switch homescreen you continue to scroll. noah looks over at you. he was going to say how the two of you can go to the mall now, but he's met with your figure sprawled out, a leg hanging off your bed, phone in your face, hair spread over your pillow, and your damn shirt is riding up and he can see your soft stomach.
he bites his lip. he definitely knows something fun to do, you just have to be down for it.
"i know something fun we can do." there's a slight mischievous tone in his voice but you ignore it and perk up.
"you do? is it that thrift shop you said you would take me to?"
"the new smoothie place down the street?"
you were running out of ideas and you thought that he must be pulling your strings. "do you want to play another game?" you sigh.
"then what is it, noah? you know i hate surprises."
"it's not a surprise, but i need your consent?"
"consent? what for."
"do i have your consent or not?" he presses.
"yes, you do. can you tell me wha-"
he interrupts you before you can finish your sentence by smashing his lips into yours. he hovers over you for a minute into the kiss to allow his hand to the back of your thigh of your leg off the bed, while his other hand comes onto the small of your back to push you further into him. and in a swift movement your in him lap. placing both your hands on the side of his face and kissing him harder than you've ever kissed anyone in your life.
the two of you pull away from each other and a string of saliva still connects you two together and in unison it makes both of you groan.
noah kisses you a few more time on the lips before kissing down your jaw and to your neck where he suckles.
"nuh huh. no hickies, noah."
he pulls himself off your neck with plump lips.
"you've got color corrector and concealer. jus' cover them up."
noah doesn't give you time to fight back before going back to suckling on your neck. all worries about the hickies and covering them are out of your head as you start to grind down on his semi hard length. it feels like a wet dream you've had of him before and you're almost expecting to wake up soon, and you hope you don't.
everything is so overwhelming and your body is lulling with arousal for your bestfriend. his head popping up from sucking various hickies on your neck.
"can i take this off?" he ask. pulling at the hem of your shirt, you nod.
you've heard stories of what noah's done with other girls, just as he's heard what you've done with other guys. but to experience with him is completely different and through you out of the loop.
your shirt comes over your head and noah groans, looking you in the face. "no bra?"
"i'm in the comfort of my own home." you whine.
"yeah, i can always tell when you don't wear a bra. sometime i'll crank the ac up to see your nipples get hard." he confessed.
you stare at him, unable to think of the right thing to say that doesn't give away that his words have greatly caused you becoming aroused.
"if you wanted to see my tits you could've just asked, asshole."
he grins at you. "i'll be doing that a lot more, you've got the prettiest tits i've ever seen." his hands cupping your breast and his thumbs smoothing over your hardened nipples.
"i wonder if your pussy is prettier." he says, looking you directly in your eyes.
you moan and push his face into your tits, and noah immediately one in his mouth as he toys with the other.
he's seems content with switching between sucking and playing with your tits for awhile, while you grind down on him before he puts you back on your back. he looks down at you before giving you a quick kiss before proceeding down your body.
reality sets in as he gets further down.
"this is wrong." you blurt out.
"so wrong." noah mocks. his hand coming between your thighs and you let him push your legs apart. his hands smoothing over the band of your shorts.
"if you want me to stop, i'll stop right fucking now and we'll forget about this."
you know he means it, the amount of shit the two of you have been through together that is no longer brought up because the other said so is proof enough. but you've also haven't been laid in awhile, and what's a bestfriend, hot bestfriend specifically, for if you also can't fuck then and still be friends. you've convinced yourself that nothing will change and noah will still be your bestfriend, that you want this him, bad.
"are you also going to fuck me?" you ask.
"oh, i'm going to fuck you so hard that you won't even think of fucking anyone else again."
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0cta9on · 2 days
lewd thoughts on:
Sullyoon being surprisingly daring, wearing a very sexy black laced skirt (the same skirt during NMIXX performance in Dankook University), then does a lap dance to you before getting creampied in her pussy by you
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Hello anon! Decided to combine both of these asks since they're both about Sullyoon. This is an unedited BFH so sorry for missing words and bad grammar :>
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"Manager oppa!" Sullyoon calls out to you from the dance room. "Come here~"
The rest of the Nmixx girls already showered and headed home for the night, exhausted from their performance at the university, but it seems like one of them still has some energy left in her.
"What is it this time, Yoona?"
You walk into the dance room to find a single chair in the middle of the room and Sullyoon with a nervous smile on her face. She still had on her outfit from the performance. You would be lying if you said her body didn't do something to you, but as her manager, you try to keep these kinds of thoughts to a minimum.
"Yoona, you have another performance tomorrow, you should go home and-"
"Wait! There's a dance that I want to show you first." She gestures for you to sit in the chair, which you quickly oblige since arguing would only drag this out longer.
Sullyoon goes to the speaker and plays a slow, sensual R&B track before standing in front of you, her hands shaking with anxiety. Her moves are small and timid at first, unusual for how often she performs in front of thousands of people, but as she starts to feel the music, everything becomes clear.
"Yoona, what is this-"
"Shhh." She places her finger on your lips with a sultry smile. "Just watch."
The way she swings her hips to the rhythm hypnotizes you, the fabric of her skirt swaying with each movement. She rubs her hands over your shoulders and chest, getting lower and lower before feeling the bulge in your pants. At this point, you're too aroused to stop her.
"I saw you watching me earlier. Did my sweaty body turn you on, manager oppa?"
She tosses her top at you, her cleavage peeking through the top of her bra. It's taking every fiber of your being to stop yourself from pouncing on her like an animal.
"You want to touch me so badly, don't you oppa? I bet you jerk off to my body every single night, huh?"
Hearing those dirty words come out of that pretty little face is only turning you on more. You reach out to grab her waist, but Sullyoon swats your hand away.
"Nuh uh, I didn't give you permission yet~"
So that's the game she wants to play. This sweet, innocent girl wants to be in charge for once. Fine. You'll humor her for now, but if a single crack shows in her act, you're ready to show her who's really in charge.
Her skirt is the next to go, leaving her in just a bra and panties. She continues to move to the music, presenting her perfect little ass and running her hands over her curves. You can feel cock strain against your pants, yet your demeanor remains calm. Just because your playing along doesn't mean you'll make it easier for her.
Sullyoon notices this and decides to push further, tossing her bra at you. However, she timidly covers her chest, too embarrassed to give you a peek.
"Y-you want to look, don't you? Your mind is probably, um, filled with dirty thoughts, isn't it?" Even her voice is starting to break. You stifle a giggle. She clearly rehearsed the dance more than the actual script.
Sullyoon continues to dance with one arm still covering her modest chest while the other teases the waistband of her panties. Her movements are confident and erotic, yet the nervous gaze in her eyes betrays her feelings.
Figuring that she's not going to go farther than this, you stand up and slowly approach her, never breaking eye contact. Sullyoon places a hand on your chest. "H-hey, I didn't give you permission to get up-"
"And who said I needed permission?" You grab a hold of her hair, producing a cute moan from her lips. There's the Sullyoon you know. She can practice her little dance and wear her little cocky facade all she wants, but that doesn't make her any less of a submissive slut.
"Move your arm," you command her. With a growing blush, she drops her arm, revealing her perfect breasts, round and perky. They aren't the biggest, but they fit perfectly into the palm of your hand as you gently need her mounds, watching her eyes flutter with want.
You slide your fingers down her toned stomach before reaching the waistband of her panties. Her breath catches in her throat as you touch the damp spot on her crotch.
"Would you look at that. I barely did anything, yet you're already dripping wet."
She forcefully grabs your cock through your pants. "I'm not the only one turned on here," she teases. Ooh, feisty. So there's still a fire inside of her. You'll make sure to extinguish it soon enough.
With her hair in your hand, you push her face first into the mirrored wall of the dance room, sticking her ass out towards you. Her panties and your pants are gone in an instant, leaving nothing between your cock and her sweet hole.
"You want this so bad, don't you?" You egg her on, rubbing your tip against her moist folds.
"Y-you're the one who c-couldn't control yourself, oppa. All I did w-was dance for you, yet you couldn't k-keep your hands off of me."
You snicker. Touche. However, her prideful smirk is quickly wiped away as you thrust into her without warning. Thanks to her slick, she takes your entire length with ease, pulsating around your cock.
"O-oh god, yes!" Any ounce of fight she had left is dissolved as she devolves into a mindless sex toy, pushing her hips back into you to meet your thrusts. Even her face, normally attentive and composed, is turned into a mosaic of lust. Her eyes rolled back, her mouth agape, her hair in a messy frizz, she's your doll that you get to mess up and play with.
You'll give Sullyoon the benefit of being correct - you were, in fact, staring at her during the performance, ogling her sweaty thighs in that skirt. But even if she didn't offer herself up like this, you were going to get her one way or another.
A familiar feeling stirs within your groin, a feeling that Sullyoon senses. "F-fuck, oppa! C-cum inside me! Please!" With your hands firmly grasping her hips, you pull her back into you one last time, shooting rope after rope of your cum deep inside her sweet pussy. Sullyoon's body shakes with her own orgasm, and you hold her before her legs can give out. She goes limp against your chest as she catches her breath.
"Th-thas... nfair..." She mumbles.
"That's... unfair..." She looks up at you with a pout. "I wanted... to lead..."
You chuckle at her. Even after pounding into her mere seconds ago, she still manages to be so cute like nothing ever happened.
"Maybe next time," you assure her, planting a kiss on her cheek. "Now go home before I ruin you again."
"Don't threaten me with a good time, oppa~"
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marigold-hills · 24 hours
June 23: accident | @wolfstarmicrofic | word count: 584
Time to be brave, Sirius decides, or this will never happen.
Opens his mouth wide, then closes it on a grimace. “No,” he says, “I don’t know how to yodel.” Claps, three times. Nothing happens. “I’m clapping, James.” Does it again, feeling ridiculous, eyes locked onto Remus.
“Oh!” James scrambles up, “yes, you are! Wormy-boy, up you get. Off we go. No, don’t grab your stuff. I’ll transfigure you a pair of trousers in the common room. Come on now, up up up with you.”
Peter, the poor man, gets bodily pushed out of the room, trying to pull his T-shirt down to cover his boxers. James sends Sirius a wink and a salute (the idiot child) and closes the door behind them.
“Remus, I… actually wait a second.” He pulls his wand out of his hair, letting it down, and spells the doors shut (then spells it again with an anti-unlocking charm).
Casts Silencio onto the room for good measure, because he wouldn’t put it past James and Peter to eavesdrop.
“Remus. I-” tries again, gets flustered because Moony is looking at him like that and what can he do but fall apart in front of him like a house of cards, fall onto his knees? “Fuck.”
“Mo réalta,” Remus takes over, getting up from his bed and crossing the room to sit next to Sirius, hand on his knee, “have you figured it out?” Because of course he knows, of course he’s there to guide Sirius through this (even through this).
“I have,” he admits, the words so easy they’re almost an accident. Too easy, he thinks. Nothing in his life has been easy and there is no way this can be the exception, there is no way he could get so lucky. He waits for the other shoe to drop, asks: “Did I take too long?”
“Of course not,” Remus laughs that Moony laugh that makes everything better. “You took as long as you needed.”
“Of course. I told you, didn’t I? That I’d be here? I would have waited no matter how long you took, love.”
Sirius folds into him, head on shoulder, hands gripping onto Moony’s thighs. “Thank Merlin and all his dead disciples,” he whispers into his neck, and out loud: “I’m sorry I made you wait this long.”
“You’re worth it. I would have waited a lifetime for this moment with you and if it never came, I would have been glad for what you’ve given me.”
Sirius needs to get closer. He does, pulling himself into Remus’ arms, onto his lap and still it’s not enough because the way Remus looks at him is enough to break every wall he’s ever put up.
Can accidents be deliberate? he’s left to wonder when the words come out and he both means them and didn’t choose to say them, but all the same: “I love you.”
Then there are hands cradling his face like he’s the most delicate sugar-spun thing, and Remus pulls him up so they’re eye-to-eye, so there could be no misunderstandings.
Sirius knows how Remus speaks. Hastily, broadly, with no care. Not now. Each letter is pronounced with purpose and with care, and he responds “I love you too, my star. Is tú mo ghrá.”
The hold he has on Sirius is so tender, he can barely stand it. Needs more, but is loath to break the moment.
“I see you,” Remus huffs out a laugh because his Moony knows him, always knows him.
Part 23! This is officially the longest fanfic I’ve written, at 12k words. Yay!
Is tú mo ghrá means “you are my love”
the next two or three chapters are just going to be smut. Don’t read if at work (or if you do, do so at your own peril ;) or if you’re underage etc etc
@moon-girl88 @digital-kam @tealeavesandtrash @sweetstarryskies @alltoounwellll @hunnybeemarie @hoje--aqui @annaliza999 @hihimissamericanbi @gipitothefrog @shamelesswolfstarshipper @a-pine-cone @cosmicweeds @cocoabutterandbooks @bloodoffire @residentdisaster @shamelesswolfstarshipper @ravenwordss @prancingpony42 @themoonlovesthestars @starving-marauder-lover
(let me know if you do/don’t want to be tagged in next parts)
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matchaverse · 2 days
Idk how to farm it but can u do a logan!greekgod and reader is a pirate who did worship him but wasn't loyal that much but the pirate is stuck in a terrible storm
The Storm | LS2
pairing: greek god!logan x fem!pirate!reader
summary: coming from a family of pirates that worshipped the sea god, you always doubted it since it never seemed that he made a difference in your life until one day you’re stuck at sea with your crew during one of the worst storms of the year.
warning: cussing and drinking
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Age 7.
“grab the offerings honey” your father says as he packs up his truck full for the two month long voyage on the ship.
you nod and and rush into the house, running past your mother as you head to the kitchen to find the Myrrh and frankincense.
your mother smiles softly as she sees your little hands grabbing the jars and running back outside to the dock with your father.
“here you go papa” your small soft voice rings out as you hand them to him. your father ruffles your hair as he take the jars, placing them into the trunk and locking it up.
“you know why we make offerings to the lord of the sea?”
“to keep us safe out on the ocean”
your father nods at your response, kneeling down to your level. “that’s correct baby, we want to stay safe out there and lord logan sticks to his word”.
- - - - - - -
Ten years later, age 17.
and you believed that, you believed it for years until the year of your 17th birthday when your father, his ship and crew were lost at sea.
from that day forward you didn’t believe in the sea god, you stopped giving him offerings, you just stopped because what’s the point in giving offerings to a god that’s supposed to keep people safe out on the ocean when he couldn’t even keep your own father safe.
“sweetheart, would you like to come pray with me?” your mother asks, peaking her head outside the front door to see you standing on the dock looking out into the sea.
“why? there’s no point” you scoff.
you hear your mothers soft sigh and her footsteps echo on the wood of the dock.
“you cannot hold a grudge over lord logan for what happen to your father”
“i can and i will!” your voice raising with frustration. “for years papa has dedicated his life to that deity and he can’t keep my papa safe..? it’s not fair, and i will never give that god the satisfaction of anything again.”
all your mother can do is sigh and head back into the cold, sad home you two share.
- - - - - - -
“why must you follow his footsteps?” your mother asks as she watches your crew carry trunks on the ship.
“it’s in our blood mama, it’s who we are”
your mom shakes her head at your response.
“you’re still young baby..why can’t you stay with me. g-get a job here in town?”
you walk up to your mother and grab her hands, holding them in your own.
“mama..please, i need to do this for papa. i’m going to find his ship, i don’t believe his dead.”
“y/n…it’s been months”
“no body was found”
- - - - - - -
months out on the sea and you haven’t found any trace of your fathers ship. you keep hoping that you’ll find something, anything, because if not then you just wasted not only your time but the time of your crew on this journey.
you sit in your office, looking over the map to figure out which direction you’d like to head in. you hear the chatter and laughter of your crew throughout the whole ship.
the crew is drinking and having a good time to celebrate the months out on the sea, drinking and enjoying themselves is the only pass time you honestly have on the ship.
you truly appreciate every single one of them for coming out here with you because during this time you all have find so much treasure, from deserted islands to taking over other pirates ships. you always make sure to divide it up evenly, even though you give yourself less since you don’t care for the money or treasure.
the only thing you care about is finding out what happen to your father. 
“captain!” a crew member yells from the front of the ship. you jump out of your chair and rush to the noise.
“what? what’s wrong?” you ask looking confused as you look around at the crew.
“there’s a storm coming, and it looks bad”
your eyes widen as your head jerks to the direction the man was pointing. dark storm clouds looking almost black. the waves have started to move faster and higher, lightning cracks in the distance.
your heart drops to your stomach and your blood runs cold. “no..no this can’t be happen.” you think to yourself. it hadn’t rained in months since you’ve been out on the ocean but now? now it wants to happen.
just your fucking luck. the moment you get closer to the destination your father was heading in is when a storm wants to come. you can only blame the sea god, lord logan is punishing you for not believing in him anymore hadn’t he? this is your punishment? the death of you and your crew?
“lock everything down, and hold on tight” you tell the men. watching the scramble as they hurriedly get the tasks done before we head into the eye of the storm.
you stand there as you feel the rain droplets hitting your skin. you glare up into the sky, you won’t let this god punish you, it’s his fault you don’t believe. his, not yours. if only he did his job and kept your father safe.
- - - - - - - -
hours, it’s been hours and the storm is only getting worse. you sent the crew downstairs into the belly of the ship to keep them safe as you continue to bare the storm and steer the ship, or at least try.
crew members below pray to the lord of the sea to keep them safe, to get out of this storm unharmed. you scoffed at their attempts of prayers but soon you realize that the storm is getting worse and the lives of these men rest in your hands.
biting back your pride, you look up to the sky and shout hoping lord logan is listening.
“lord of the sea! please hear my plead..”you sigh before continuing. “keep my crew safe, i don’t care for myself but don’t let them die. keep them safe and i am forever in your debt.”
“in my debt?” you hear a males voice in your head. your eyes widen, you’ve never heard the voice of the god in your whole life and now he’s speaking to you? when you’re begging for the life of your crew?
“yes! just lead us out of this storm and my life is yours” you yell out into the air.
at your words, the sky slowly opens up, you finally see the sun after hours of darkness. your ship makes it way through the ocean, exiting the deadly storm.
a bright light shines right next to you, a figure of a young man appears. you stare at the man, his blond hair, toned body, and handsomely looking face makes your eyes widen with surprise but also awe.
“cat got your tongue?” that same voice you heard in your head is coming from the man’s mouth.
this is the sea god, this is lord logan.
“thank you..” you say softly.
“no need to thank me, it’s my job” he says with a smile.
your face contorts into a stern expression at his words. “your job?” you scoff. “you suck at your job, you couldn’t keep my father safe”.
logan looks confused at your comment. “what? no that’s not true, i did my best to keep him and his crew safe, it wasn’t the storm that killed them, it was sirens”
“sirens were in the waters, i sent a storm out there to make it hard for the crew to hear the songs they were singing but..my storm wasn’t strong enough”
you stand there confused and angry, confused about what the god did to try and save your father but also angry that your father let sirens lure him to his death.
“it’s hard to accept, i know. and im truly sorry i couldn’t do more but sirens don’t listen to me, they don’t care for our olympian laws” logan continues.
“this whole time..i thought you didn’t care for him”
“i care for all my followers, even ones who stray away from the belief..”
your eyes look up to meet logan’s deep blue ones and all you can do is sigh.
“thank you again..and i’m so sorry for my anger over the years..like i said, im forever in your debt”
logan chuckles, with a soft smile. “no need for debt or anything, just burn some offerings once in a while for me”
“now turn the ship around and head home..keep your crew safe” he says after a few moments of silence, before the bright light hits your eyes again and he disappears just as quickly as he arrived.
you let out a deep sigh before turning course of the ship.
“thanks lord logan..” you say softly as you sail the ship and the crew back to the shore, hoping for a nice easy months trip back.
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a/n: WOAH! this took a very long time but i hope you enjoy. please drop some requests in the inbox (i am getting through the other requests i have rn) and let me know if you enjoyed this or if there is spelling mistakes 🤍🤍
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