#and I got voted last unless my friends got to vote then I got voted first sometimes <3
Ties That Bind - Part 10: Can't Lose You
Characters: (AU: first names are as in the show renaming a few last names to fit my story): Reader (Y/N Harvelle), Detective Dean Winchester, Krissy Chambers, Timmy Chambers, Ben Braeden, Random Kids at The Clouds, Castiel Novak (mentioned), Detective Benny Lafitte (Mentioned), Bela Lafitte (mentioned)
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Warnings: Chaotic work environment, fighting (verbal), smut (not implied but not overly graphic either in this one).
Word Count: 4100ish
A/N: Thanks to @blacktithe7 for betaing and helping me rework this series.
***My fics are not to be saved nor posted on any other sites without my express written permission.*** 
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“Is it always this crazy here?” Dean quickly moved out of the way of a teenage girl chasing a younger one down the hall.
“It’s girls. Girls are always crazy.” Ben shrugged. “And I think Y/N is alone right now. Cas is at supervised visitation with Caleb and his parents. Patience and Kaia had soccer practice so the tem are with them.”
“Hmm,” Dean frowned as he quietly followed Ben into the kitchen to find Y/N at the stove with a young boy sitting at the counter. She was clearly trying to help him with some homework while simultaneously trying to make lunch and yelling at the girls to stop fighting.
She didn’t notice Dean or Ben before she swore and ran from the stove towards the window just as a football suddenly crashed into it, luckily without breaking it. She twirled around, almost running straight into Dean’s chest.
“Hi?” he tried, but he hardly got a response, just a quick nod before she was out the door, yelling at the 3 teenage boys to take their game elsewhere unless they wanted to spend their allowances paying for a broken window.
Dean quickly shrugged off his jacket and headed for the stove, sending Ben a quick nod and grin when the boy’s eyes opened wide in surprise.
“You’re staying?” 
“It is my day off. Besides, it looks like you guys need a hand.” Dean smiled as he started assessing the damage Y/N had done to the food without really paying attention to it. It looked salvageable.
She returned from the garden half out of breath, and Dean smiled at her when he saw the clear surprise on her face at finding him in the kitchen.  
She walked up behind the kid at the counter, who Dean just then noticed was staring at him, and ruffled his hair a little as she sat down next to the kid addressing Dean.
“What are you doing here, Winchester?” She had a teasing tone in her voice, but she looked exhausted. Dean wanted nothing more than to wrap her in his arms and kiss her until she relaxed, but he knew this wasn’t the place. He just had to save that for later.
“Helping you out,” Dean replied just as a loud bump sounded from down the hall, followed by the voices of teenage girls yelling from down the hall. Y/N jumped back onto her feet. “Go deal with the posse. Ben and I got this. Right?” Dean winked to the kid, stirring the pot next to him.
“Right.” Ben smiled brightly, clearly happy for the vote of confidence Dean was showing him.
“Okay… erhm,” Y/N shifted lightly on her feet, glaring at the kid next to her before bending down. She took his hand and gave it a gentle squeeze.
“Timmy, this is Dean. He is a friend of mine and Ben’s. He is gonna stay here in the kitchen with you guys, and maybe he can help you out.” she sent Dean a questioning look as she finished the sentence, and he sent her a reassuring smile.
“Of course. What are you working on buddy?” Dean addressed Timmy, but the kid just stared down into his book.
“Timmy doesn’t say much, but he can point. He understands everything,” Y/N quickly explained before running down the hall as the yelling started to increase.
After a few minutes, Dean let Ben take over in the kitchen so he could sit down next to Timmy and try to help the boy with his math. Eventually, he earned a few smiles and nods from the boy.
Ben roamed around the kitchen, glancing over at Dean every so often to make sure he was doing the right things. Dean sent him a few encouraging nods and smiles, making Ben beam with pride.
“Who are you?” Dean looked up to see a young girl with unruly dark brown hair standing before him. She had a hard look in her eyes, but she still seemed a little unsure of herself, broken somehow. Yet still defiant.
“Oh relax, Krissy. Why do you have to be like that all the time?” Ben snarled from the kitchen. Dean quickly interrupted before the girl had a chance to bite back at him.
“It’s okay. I would be wondering too if I found a stranger in my home,” Dean addressed Ben before smiling back at Krissy. “I’m Dean. I’m a friend of Y/N’s. I’m just here to help her out for a bit. Is that cool?”
“I guess.” Krissy moved around the table and took a seat on the other side of Timmy. He looked up at his her before looking back at Dean. “Krissy is my sister,” the boy spoke quietly but the pride in his voice was evident, and Dean smiled at him.
“You’re lucky. She seems very protective of you,” Dean replied before looking up to see Y/N standing in the hall with a choked expression on her face. “I’ll be right back buddy,” Dean promised before walking out to Y/N, who immediately took his hand and started dragging him into the office.
“He spoke to you.” Dean looked at her, confused by her sudden outburst.
“Timmy? Yeah. Just a sentence, but yeah. He did. Why?” A big smile slide across her face before she threw her arms around Dean’s neck. He immediately wrapped his arms around her almost by instinct, his heart skipping a beat with her sudden display of affection.  
“He has only ever spoken to Krissy, or me, or Charlie the entire time he has been here. You walk through the door, and he speaks to you? Do you have any idea how amazing that is?” She was babbling, and Dean couldn’t help but laugh, feeling more than a little proud by the way she was looking at him.
“No, but you clearly do, sweetheart.” Dean grinned letting out a small surprised sound when her lips crashed against his. It didn’t take him long to respond to her, pulling her impossibly closer, kissing her back. He didn’t let her pull back before Ben’s voice sounded through the house.
“Lunch’s ready.”
Dean’s heart skipped a beat when he saw the genuinely happy smile on her face as she stayed in his arms, looking up at him.
“Stay? Cas will be home soon, but you helped cook, and I will be off in a few hours. We could drive home together?”
Dean smiled, loving how she thought she had to convince him, like it was a chore for him to be around her in an environment where she shined. Dean loved seeing her with those kids. He loved seeing how much she cared for them and how much they cared for her. He didn’t even hesitate for a second before answering her.
“I would love that, sweetheart.”
Dean took a deep breath as he watched her walk through the house to let her dog out of his kennel and into the yard. He had doubted whether or not he should have come in or not for the first time in a long time.
Everything had been fine between them before they left for Benny’s. She had been laughing and had laced her fingers through his as they walked out to his car. She had seemed so happy, but sometime during the evening that had changed. Dean wasn’t sure what had caused it, but he knew he wanted to fix it.
He watched her stand in the doorway to her garden, waiting for Santo to return and did the only thing he knew how to in the moment. He showed her he cared. Wrapping his arms around her waist from behind and pulling her against his chest, he pressed his lips against the side of her head and lingered a moment longer than he had too.
“Are you okay, Y/N/N?” he asked quietly as he finally felt her lean into him a little.
“Yeah. Just tired. I’m fine, Dean.” There was something in her voice that kept Dean from believing her, but he also didn’t want to push too far and make things worse.
“Do you want me to leave?” He hoped with everything in him that she wouldn’t want that and drew a small sigh of relief when she answered.
“No. Stay. I am just in a weird mood.” She tilted her head up to look at him. The look in her eyes was something Dean couldn’t quite read.
“Okay. I’m gonna take a shower.” He sent her a small smirk, hoping he could cheer her up. “Do you wanna join me?”
“Not tonight. Go ahead. I’ll be up soon.” Her smile looked forced, making Dean feel all the more hopeless.
“Okay.” He pressed his lips against hers in a chaste kiss before heading upstairs on his own.
Dean’s mind didn’t leave her as he showered, wondering and worrying about what he could have said or done wrong. He hated this. Seeing her unhappy. Her happiness meant more to him than anything else in the world. The thought that he may have done something to jeopardize that happiness left a pit in the bottom of his stomach.
When Dean returned to the bedroom wearing only his boxers, she was already under the covers with her back to the door. Dean closed his eyes for a moment, trying to decide his next move. He let out a deep sigh before wandering over to the bed and crawling under the covers. He pulled her tightly against him and breathed in her scent.
He felt her tighten up for a moment before relaxing in his arms.
“Are you sure we’re good?” Dean mumbled against her neck, worried about her initial reaction to him.
“We’re good.” She turned around in his arms to face him and pressed a kiss to his lips before he had a chance to think too much of the sadness in her eyes. Her kiss was passionate without pushing for anything more. She kissed him like she wanted to do nothing else for the rest of the night, and Dean was more than happy to oblige.
He couldn’t tell how long he had been kissing her for or even how she ended up almost on top of him. He just knew that she was. When they finally broke the kiss, he took a deep breath and looked down at her. He enjoyed the way her head rested against his chest while her fingers drew small patterns on his skin.
Her index finger circled the scar on his left side below his ribcage a few times, and Dean closed his eyes. He was starting to piece together what had happened. He remembered seeing her freeze up for a moment when Bela called out DJ’s full name, Dean Joseph Lafitte, after dinner when he almost knocked over a lamp in the living room. Y/N and Bela had disappeared into the kitchen while he and Benny were talking in the living room after DJ had been put to bed. Y/N had been quiet for the rest of the evening after that. He knew what was coming, but still he waited. It wasn’t that he didn’t want her to know, but still he worried. He worried that the dangers of his job would be to much on her. That she would leave.
She stayed still in his arms, the only thing moving was her fingers as they traced over his skin. Her voice was low but relaxed when she finally spoke.
“How did this happen? It’s a bullet wound right?” She tilted her head, resting her chin against his chest as she waiting for him to speak. Dean took a deep breath and tightened his grip around her slightly, almost afraid that she would disappear right before him if he didn’t hold on to her.
“It’s an old wound. The only time I’ve ever really been shot…” Dean started but immediately regretted his choice of words when he saw her eyes widen. 
“Really been shot?”  
“Yeah… I mean I’ve been grazed a few times, but…” Dean twisted his upper arm so she could see the scar. “See just burns. Nothing serious.”
Dean saw the tears starting to form behind her eyes, and he didn’t hesitate to wrap his arms back around her. He hated this. He loved his job, but the dangers of it… He didn’t want to burden her with those.
“I’m okay sweetheart. We don’t have to do this…” The stern look on her face stopped him, and he nodded as she spoke. “I need to hear this Dean.”
He closed his eyes for a second and took a deep breath before he started talking. “It was 5 years ago. I had been a detective for a little over 6 month, and Benny had been my partner since day one. He erhm.. He’s a few years older than me, so he taught me the ropes. We became friends quickly, and I was the first he told when Bela got pregnant. He was so excited…” Dean took a small pause. Remembering that day was not as easy as he thought it would have been, and Dean was grateful for the loving expression on Y/N’s face. The soothing touch of her hand drawing circles on his biceps helped keep him calm and allowed him to keep going.
“He was on an undercover assignment, and he got made. I was his backup, but I was never supposed to go in. So I wasn’t wearing my vest. When things went south… me and a few other guys ran in. One guy almost got away. So Benny chased him, and I took after a minute later. He had Benny on the ground aiming at him when I caught up. So I took a shot.. Only… It was the first time I fired my gun at someone. So I didn’t... He went down, and I was dumb. I didn’t check on him. I went to Benny. He was hurt pretty bad. I just didn’t pay attention. The guy got up and knocked me out of the way. Then he aimed at Benny again… So I jumped in front if it. Some of the other guys showed at that point. I don’t remember much… It would have been my fault if DJ had grown up without a father. If I had just done my job in the first place…” Dean’s voice sounded more strained now. The memory of that day combined with the knowledge of what could have happened was taking a toll on him.
“Sssh you don’t have to say anything else… It’s okay. I get it.” Her hands cupped his face, and she leaned up, pressing her lips against his. Dean closed his arms around her and held her close as he fought back the tears, tears of happiness that she was still here. She wasn’t running or screaming at him. She still wanted him.
Dean rested his forehead against hers, gently rubbing her nose with his. “You’re amazing you know that?”
“Yes.” She grinned, making Dean chuckle.
“I am not sure how you do it,” he added, more serious this time, giving her a small squeeze.
“Do what?” She looked so adorably confused. It made Dean smile.
“Accept this. My job… I… If I knew you were getting shot at... I’m not sure I would ever let you leave the house.” Dean watched her expression change slightly. She suddenly looked a little more pale, but she took a deep breath. Dean instinctively knew she was gonna tell him something he didn’t want to hear.  
“There have been shootings at the Clouds. Kids being involved with gangs and stuff. Never at our house,” she quickly added since she must have felt Dean tense up beneath her. She took another deep breath before she sat up, leaving Dean more than a little confused. He pushed himself up onto his elbow, watching her as she lifted the hem of her tank top to just below her breasts before taking his hand and guiding it over her creamy soft skin. He instantly felt it. The scar he knew was there but had never really given much thought to until now, and he froze as he listened to her words.
“A mom came at me after a court date last year. I had testified saying I believed her to be violent and that I recommended that her two kids would be placed in permanent foster homes. She called my name, and I turned without thinking… She had a kitchen knife, and she almost pierced my lung.
Dean felt every ounce of color drain from his face. The thought of her in a situation like that chilled him to the bone. It scared him more than taking that bullet ever would. The thought that he… that she… It was something he couldn’t even fathom. His grip got a little tighter.
“Is that the only time that’s happened?” he asked.
She shook her head. “No.”
The fear he felt morphed into a near palpable rage.
“I don’t want you going back there.”
“Excuse me?” She pushed free of his hold and stared down at him. “Did you just tell me what to do? To not go to work?!”
Dean knew he should take the words back, but he couldn’t. His fear that something would happen to her overwhelmed him, making him restless. He pushed himself up off the bed and started pacing the room. He needed to make her understand. He needed her safe. He had to make sure that she was safe.
“Dean. Would you stop pacing like a caged lion and fucking talk to me.” Her voice was high pitched, and Dean turned around to look at her to see that she was now standing in front of the bed, staring him down in challenge. She misunderstood everything, and suddenly Dean felt as if he was back to square one with her. She was looking at him like she wanted to kill him and her temper only fueled his.  
“You can’t go back there. I don’t want you to work in a place like that. You could get hurt.” His words came out a lot harsher and angrier than he intended them to. He saw the rage in her eyes, in her entire body by the way she tensed up.
“Then I don’t want you to go back to work either. You are in way more danger than I will ever be.” She was screaming at him now, and Dean fought the urge to kick the chair beside him.
“It is not the same thing dammit. Being a cop. It is who I am Y/N…” She interrupted him, throwing a pillow at his face before he could get out another word.
“Being a social worker is who I am. I never thought you would be like this. Controlling…”
Dean glared at her. She didn’t understand. This wasn’t what it was about. He didn’t want to control her. He loved how strong and independent she was. Hell as stunning as she was, her real beauty was in her strength and capacity to love. He needed to make her understand. This wasn’t about control. This was about keeping her safe.
“God Dammit Y/N. It is not about control. I can’t lose you. Why can’t you see that? I don’t know what I would do if I lost you. I love you.”  
Dean froze as soon as he realized the slip, and she stopped. The anger on her face disappeared instantly, and he could see the tears build behind her eyes. Fuck. What had he done? He didn’t want to tell her like this. He had known for a while, and of course he was going to say it. He just hadn’t wanted it to be like this. Not screaming at her. Not when they were having their first real fight.
“What did you say?” Dean couldn’t read her expression. What if she didn’t feel it? Should he take it back? He couldn’t.  Even if he could, he didn’t want to. He slowly stepped towards her, his eyes never leaving hers as he took her hand in his. “I love you, Y/N. So fucking much. And I am sorry for being an ass, but the thought of seeing you hurt… it scares the shit out of me.”
He saw her watery eyes, and he was sure she was going to kick him out. That this would be the end. He opened his mouth to make it easier for her. That was the least he could do after how he’d just behaved, but she spoke before the words could leave him.
“I love you too, Dean.” Her eyes found his, and he lost control. He needed her, needed to show her how he felt. His lips crashed against hers. He wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close. The kiss was passionate and heated, but soon the feeling of her in his arms was no longer enough. He needed to feel her. All of her. So he lifted her off her feet and gently lowering them both back onto the bed.
His lips and tongue began exploring her skin as he slowly undressed her, drawing soft moans from her. He soon had her gloriously naked before him. His eyes never left her perfect body as his fingers moved in and out of her wet heat, his tongue dancing over her clit, pushing her towards her high.
Fuck he loved watching her. Loved making her feel good. Loved that she let him. He wrung every last drop of pleasure he could from her before he was content. He watched her as he got up to remove his boxers. Her chest heaved, making her soft perfect breast sway a little. Her body glistened with sweat. Her hair mushed up and was almost curly from the perspiration on her forehead. Her eyes glazed over with lust and love as she reached out, calling out for him. Dean immediately obeyed her wish.  He lowered himself down on top of her, kissing her deeply as he slowly pushed his cock inside her. Staying completely still for a minute, he was content to just feel her wrapped around him in every sense of the word. Her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist. Fuck he loved her.
Then he started moving. Slow, languid thrusts graced over her sweet spot, making her moan against his mouth. Dean had no idea how long he fucked her like that. Could have been a minute. Could have been hours. He didn’t care. He pulled back from their kiss to look her in the eye.
“I love you,” he repeated. He felt the effect his words had on her as she clenched down around him, clawing his back. “Dean, please…”
Then he let go. Fucking her into the mattress. Chasing both of their ends until she fell apart beneath him, screaming his name. Her walls squeezed down on him hard, pulling him with her over the edge.
“Jesus Christ…. Y/N/N.” Dean rested his head against her neck, letting her run her hands soothingly over his back.
“I love you, Dean.” His heart fluttered at her words, and he slowly pulled out of her before rolling them both over until she was resting back against his chest.
“I love you too.” He held her for a moment, letting his mind wander before speaking again.
“Sweetheart?” A contented sigh was his only response. “If things ever get dangerous like that again, promise me you won’t go alone. Take Cas with you. Promise me you’ll call me.”
She rested her chin on his chest and studied him for a moment. She didn’t seem angry this time, more like she was trying to read him. Make sure he was not trying to order her around, and when she seemed content that wasn’t the case, she spoke.
“I promise. If you promise me something?” Her voice was soft, but he felt the seriousness in her tone.
“Anything,” Dean gently ran his hands up and down her naked back, his eyes never leaving hers.
“Be careful. Don’t do anything stupid. Come home to me.” Dean could see the tears build behind her eyes, and he quickly leaned down to kiss her tenderly, pouring his every emotion into it.
“I’ll always come home to you.” Dean pulled her back against his chest, holding her tight, silently wishing he could keep that promise. He was going to do his damnedest to do so. No matter what happened, he would always fight to get back to her. She was his home now. 
Dean Tag Team 
@percywinchester27 @slowlywithfreeedom @flamencodiva @deansgirl215 @atc74 @winecatsandpizza @blackcherrywhiskey @feelmyroarrrr @whimsicalrobots @torn-and-frayed @jadewritings @mogaruke @wayward-and-worn @super100012 @blacktithe7 @becs-bunker @docharleythegeekqueen @smoothdogsgirl @ericaprice2008 @danijimenezv @roxyspearing @adoptdontshoppets @supernatural13-13 @onethirstyunicorn @deanmonandnegansbitch @mysupernaturalfics @angreadsficsandauthors @its-not-a-tulpa @like-a-bag-of-potatoes @atwistoffate @adriellej @mrswhozeewhatsis @sillesworldofwriting @sandlee44 @wildfirewinchester @mary-magizoologist @ruprecht0420 @winchesters-favorite-girl @spnfanficpond
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polarisblitzwing · 1 month
Winn & Jasmine: my MLP AU Edition! ~*
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Semi-complex designs for these two as their color schemes are unique, but easily clash. Had to find a fun way to mix them!
I usually base these mlp designs on the prominent colors of their most worn outfit or general color vibes. Utilized to its full extent here :]
- Winn is a hippogriff! Their hair reminded me of one & they seem to be the tallest of the trio, so this felt like a cool choice for them.
- They were the first in their class to get their cutie mark, in an assignment in which you had to write up a law / act and persuade people to vote in favor of it. Winn did this with both a good presentation and the power of cool as heck skateboard skills. Their cutie mark is a colorfully lined scroll and a skateboard on it! (This cutie mark is based on their answer during the career presentation.)
The whole class was in awe to see them earn it in class, and Dev was rather jealous at first. Ultimately respects them, though.
- Jasmine is a kirin! She reminds me a bit of Autumn Blaze, I think they'd be friends if they were in the same mlp universe.
- She dyes herself with magic to get those blue stripes, spots on her mane and tail, and leopard or cheetah spots (based on the print on her shorts).
- Her cutie mark has to do with her love of music / singing. Even if a bit scratchy & rough right now, passion for something can definitely lead you down plenty of paths you want to be on in the future!
AU Info
- The area they live in has a lot of different creatures living together
- Most of the main character names are easily fantasy names, so I'm keeping them the same for the most part unless the name is less mlp-like. Will likely give them different last names though!
Peri & Dev
Hazel & Cosmo & Wanda -
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tapwater118 · 3 months
The Post-Split Rant, Part 2
a.k.a.: Grown Adult somehow whines about Baby Cartoon for even longer
Part 1
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BFB Post-Split is my least favorite season, so I’m gonna keep whinging on about it. As a reminder to all who bother to read this, this is my opinion. It is fine if you disagree with me about something, and you probably will. This is a good thing! Disagreement invites discussion, as long as all involved are willing to discuss.
Ok let’s just get right into it.
BFB 22
THE LEAFY PLUSH IS NOW AVAILABLE!!!!! I don’t have really anything to say about the ad intro other than it’s become a vocal stim for me. Moving on.
erm taco got out and she was my favortie character so this js the wrost epistioe
Ok, but seriously.
Overall, this is a pretty fun episode! “Court case” doesn’t really sound like it would make for that good of a challenge, but they make it work! A lot of funny moments all around. Jet-flying class is a top tier bit.
That being said, I have two VERY BIG ISSUES with this episode that keep it out of my favorites list. The second one I want to save for later (after BFB 24), so let’s talk about that first one.
This episode, and the resulting elimination segment in the following episode, is the biggest middle finger to Bubble Post-Split ever pulls. She is killed off very early into the challenge, and is not recovered until the next episode. I believe this is directly responsible for her elimination. Leafy gets her moment with Firey (more on that later), Lollipop and Gelatin form their Newbie Alliance, and Teardrop has some cute moments with the typewriter. Every Have Cotter gets to do something intriguing or endearing this episode, except for Bubble. She is, quite literally, written out of the show. It’s not even like she did nothing because she’s a boring character; Bubble is a very interesting character! She was just killed off. (Honestly reminds me of how in season 1 they were pretty obviously trying to get people to vote Ice Cube out near the end, only this time they didn’t have to resort to a contestant vote to do so.)
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Like I said, we’ll get to that second issue in a bit.
BFB 23
One last one-two combo on Bubble for really no reason or payoff here. Pretty much nobody remembers she even died last episode, and her elimination is by far one of the most anticlimactic in the entire series. No drum roll or anything, and she barely even gets to say bye. Spongy, the character everyone always seems to point to when people talk about characters being mistreated by the writers (rightfully so imo), had a more impactful elimination.
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This episode is just bland. Challenge-wise it’s the exact opposite of BFB 22; the premise for the challenge is really interesting (A jailbreak! That’s exciting!), but they execute it in probably the most boring way possible. One team spends the whole time jumping on boxing gloves, and the other basically has a repeat of BFB 21. The Flower and Purple Face stinger is the best part of the episode.
Just wanted to mention Flower here because I’ll probably forget to do this later; she’s actually written pretty well, by Post-Split standards. I’ve seen people say she wasn’t done well by Post-Split, but I honestly don’t really see it. Post continues her character quite cleanly from Pre-Split; she wants to make friends and make amends for her past behavior, while also still being a bit rude and off-putting. Don’t really see where the issue is here. (As for why she’s like this versus her BFDI/A self, we’ll probably have to wait for IDFB to pick back up.)
BFB 24
Unless something really dumb happens in BFB 28-30 that I’m forgetting (haven’t got there on my rewatch yet), this is probably the worst episode in all of Post-Split, and maybe even the whole series. I know this is the worst episode because it was the only one during my rewatch where I checked how much time was left, saw I still had half the episode to go, and audibly groaned. Nothing happens the entire challenge except for people shitting around and talking, and the overall payoff for most of the contestants not doing the challenges is like one and a half kinda funny jokes. We barely get to see any of them getting the supplies for their parties, or setting them up, or even anything related to the parties until it comes time to judge. The intro/Cake at Stake are so much more engaging than the actual challenge portion. The best part is the Flower and Leafy team-up and even then barely anything happens. Definitely up there with the likes of BFDI 16, BFDIA 1, and BFB 5 for the “real stinker challenge segment” award.
Purple Face becomes a mainstay here, so I guess I’ll comment on him. He’s whatever. He has some good bits, but overall feels like he doesn’t bring anything new to the table. Kinda unnecessary for what Post-Split goes for (or at least tries to go for).
I’ll be completely honest and say I completely forgot about this Gelatin-Teardrop “arc” before this rewatch. It kinda comes out of nowhere too; their moments of “conflict” are not brought up as such (not even any subtle insinuation) until this point. But hey, maybe if they expand on it, Post-Split could really have something intere—aaaaaand it’s over. The same episode this “arc” is established, it gets entirely resolved. Glad that that conflict totally got fleshed out and developed to its full potential. Yup.
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Ok, I said we would talk about it after BFB 24, so here we go. My second main reason for making this rant:
I do not like how Post-Split resolved Firey and Leafy’s arc
If you’re gonna disagree with me on anything in this rant, it’ll probably be this.
Let’s start with BFB 22.
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First off, bozo, she DID try to talk with you, you just slammed the (soundproof) door in her face before she could get a point across. Ok time to talk about the actual writing.
As a whole, this whole scene comes off as extremely biased towards Firey. Yes, Leafy never apologized for stealing Dream Island, but Firey never apologized for both excluding her for an extremely petty reason and for ignoring her in the years since. This SHOULD have been a mutual make-up between the two. Both apologize for their misdeeds towards the other, and both promise to do better with each other moving forward.
Instead, we this one-sided argument wherein Firey is given much more pity than Leafy by the show. He isn’t even all that remorseful about how he’s treated Leafy, he’s more distraught over potentially being eliminated for stealing the diary. And Leafy, of course, offers to throw the challenge to make sure he isn’t up for elimination. Ok. Sure. Maybe that is in Leafy’s character, to help save Firey from elimination when he’s done something the viewers won’t like; she is the super nice one after all.
Anyway here’s a completely unrelated screenshot from BFB 15. Just putting this here for no particular reason.
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Episode ends with them being friends again, and Firey’s only punishment for stealing the diary is to clean the railway. Yippee.
Fast forward to BFB 24: Lollipop snarks in Leafy’s direction, and Leafy tells Firey she’s upset about him not standing up for her, as well as all the time he spent ignoring her. And Firey apologizes! Great!
THIS SHOULD NOT HAVE TAKEN 2 MORE EPISODES TO GET TO!!! THIS SHOULD HAVE BEEN IN BFB 22 WITH THE REST OF THE MAKE-UP SCENE (aside from the ferris wheel probably)!!!!! I can only imagine the crew realized how one-sided BFB 22 was to Firey, so they decide to shoehorn in this scene into BFB 24 to try and fix it. It doesn’t, and this moment feels so phoned in.
Overall, my main issue with how Post-Split handles this reconciliation is that it feels sloppy. It’s too biased towards one side, and they try and correct for that too little too late. It feels like rather than something they wanted to write, it was something they had to write, as they (correctly) predicted Firey didn’t have much more time in the game left, and if they didn’t do this now they wouldn’t get a chance to later.
Anyway, Firey gets eliminated so no more of this arc for a bit. Let’s move on.
BFB 25
Just want to mention it here, because this episode has a perfect example of it, but Four has definitely changed from Pre to Post-Split. Here Gelatin slaps Four, and instead of Four giving him a face full of zappies like Four most certainly would have in Pre-Split, Four just kinda insults him and then the episode moves on. I won’t really say whether this is a good or a bad change, but I will say I like Four much more in TPOT than in Post-Split.
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Meme-slop aside, this is a very whatever episode. More just walking and talking, you know how I feel about these already. I do like both the detail of how Flower’s vomit-repelling sweater was what was causing the vomit-filled totem to run away from her, as well as the fact this detail goes pretty much unspoken. Certainly a nice change of pace from the amount of over-explaining characters tend to do (COUGH COUGH LOLLIPOP COUGH).
The best part of the episode happens near the very end. You know what part I’m talking about.
i need her
BFB 26
It’s the Profily episode! I guess I’ll touch on them a bit. They’re a pretty funny joke character! I can’t decide whether it’s funnier for them to have been there all along and nobody noticed, or for them to straight up be lying about everything. This is a good thing. Past that though, they’re just ok. Some good bits here and there, but after this episode they just become another face in BFDI’s minor character menagerie with nothing to really set them apart.
Nothing really to complain about here. Fun episode! Lots of silly things, and nothing stays still for too long. This and BFB 20 really show how good Post-Split could have been, I think. I do prefer 20 a good bit more, but I’d rank this one above 22.
Time to ditch the Pillary Ruins.
BFB 27
The thumbnail is the worst thing about this episode. Just look at it. Why is there just an ugly chartreuse slab on the side. Why are the characters arranged so haphazardly. What even is this composition. It barely even fits with the rest of the Post-Split thumbnails. I hate it.
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What gets me is that there was a scrapped thumbnail that looked a lot better! No clue why they switched it.
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I do like the desert as a setting more than the Pillary Ruins, which might be an uncommon opinion idk. The ruins always felt too cluttered to be good default backdrops, so going to something simpler is nice.
Yeah I don’t have much to say about this one, another “whatever talky bluh bluh” episode, but this does have some more funny moments than others like it so there’s that. The Flower and TD montage was silly, and it seems like they kinda set Leafy up for elimination solely because they didn’t want her in the top 3 again. Nothing really much else to say.
Actually, come to think of it, this is the last “regular” challenge before the final all-in-one challenge. Maybe escaping the oven was a callback to BFDI 22’s escaping the volcano? If so, BFDI 22 did it better.
This seems like a good time to stop for now. They’re about to bring back all of the eliminated contestants, so I’ll be touching on both Taco and Firey/Leafy again in the next and final part of this rant. We’ll also get to the third main reason I’m making this rant: BFB 30.
Part 3
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1mlostnow · 2 months
Hi!! I’m Evan! This is Intro Post IV.
- Red text is primary information, things that I’d like to bring attention to, or just things I’d like to elevate above the others
I’m genderfluid, I only use he/him, I don’t have a label but I mostly like guys, and I’m a minor!!! If you’re 18+ feel free to interact but please don’t DM me or send asks.
[spotify] [insta] [wall of text] [tone tags] [ppth staff]
This intro post is incredibly long so I put primary info before the cut ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ I love using those faces
Apologies if the red or the Blinkies are hard on the eyes :<
Other Blogs ⇩
EvanRadio : @evan-radio
Poetry and Writing : @1mfoundnow
House MD [B. Corcoran] : @head-of-forensics
House MD [G. Kramer] : @plastic-surgeon-gabi
Blinkies below the cut and throughout intro :>
Table Of Contents ⇩
1. The Basics
2. Fun Facts
3. My Resume
4. Primary Music
5. Guide To Tags
6. Hobbies
7. Other Media
8. Kinnie List
9. Primary Fandoms
10. Cast List
11. Outro
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[ The Basics ]
- I absolutely adore nicknames, feel free to call me anything you want; chances are I’ll be fine with it
- pretty basic DNI -> homophobes, transphobes, racists, xenophobes, proshippers (wincest ಠ_ಠ)
- feel free to interact or spam (the good kind), my notifs are off so you won’t be bothering me at all!! Feel free to do asks or anons as long as yr a minor, I love love love answering asks. I promise I’m not scary, I don’t bite (anymore lol)
- I would prefer it as a personal boundary that you don’t DM me unless you truly deem it fit, those 1 on 1 situations tend to be incredibly uncomfortable for me. If there’s truly something you’d like to speak to me about in private, go for it.
- I love my mutuals to death. Whether we talk every day or haven’t spoken once, ily :)
- I greatly appreciate tone tags!!! There is a list at the top of this intro with a tone tag guide!
- CDT timezone, typically active from 7 AM - 12 AM (this will change to 6-8AM and 5-11PM soon)
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[ Fun Facts ] + notes
- my car’s name is TOMATER (all caps)
- im the ninth wonder of the world
- I love doing little drawings
- if you want one just ask (examples at end)
- once again I love love love my mutuals
- Richard Cameron defender for life
- theme changes often
- ADHD & severe social anxiety
- if you ever draw anything for me I’ll love u forever
- The Man Who Would Be King (6x20) is the best SPN episode and nobody can convince me otherwise
- if I don’t respond I swear I’m not ignoring you!! Chances are I said ‘I’ll answer later’ and then forgot—just @ me!!
- if you ever have any corrections for one of my posts (typo, incorrect facts, hurtful language) please please let me know whether it be public or private, as the last thing I’d want to do is upset anybody.
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[ My Resume ]
- Professional Ghostbuster, Midwestern Cowboy, Supervillain (for the fits)
- Bug you put in a jar with sticks and leaves and a few holes in the lid so it can breathe kinda guy yk?
- Weird kid and loser for life (I’m happy this way)
- I believe I’m incredibly funny (tell me if I’m not)
- Most sentences have bonus sentences (for the thoughts that didn’t fit into the sentence right)
- hot feral scientist
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[ Primary Music ] + fav song by each (‘m basic wtv)
- AJJ -> Getting Naked, Playing With Guns
- Cage The Elephant -> Spiderhead/Halo
- Car Seat Headrest -> Life Worth Missing
- David Bowie -> Rebel Rebel
- Radiohead -> Karma Police
- Seb Lowe -> The Man, The Myth
- The Front Bottoms -> Be Nice To Me / More Than It Hurts You
- The Smiths -> Pretty Girls Make Graves
- Vundabar -> Worn/Wander, Sad Clown
- Will Wood -> Memento Mori
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[ Guide to Tags ]
- #evan speaks -> yapping time, applies to majority of my posts
- #evan rants -> I’ve got a lot to talk about!!
- #evan draws -> I draw :3 some art at the end
- #evan can’t vote -> US politics (doesn’t come up that often, but still)
- #evan loves his mutuals -> y’all are my best friends and ily sososo much
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[ Hobbies ]
- Occasionally crocheting
- Reading and writing
- I play alto sax in marching band (never rains on the *redacted* 🫡🌧️)
- loveeee art so much, specifically pencil drawing and painting
- idk if music counts as a hobby (listening+playing)
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[ Other Media ]
Shows -> Supernatural, Sherlock, House MD, My Babysitters A Vampire (Rory my beloved), Scooby-Doo, Over The Garden Wall
Movies -> Dead Poets Society, Ghostbusters, Velvet Goldmine, The Truman Show, Goonies, Stand By Me, Saw Franchise, IT 2017
Others -> Homestuck, The Secret History, getting into newer classics (highschool english class books tbh), I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream
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[ Kinnie List ]
Steven Meeks (DPS), Castiel (SPN), Richie Tozier (IT), Truman Burbank (TTS), Egon Spengler (Ghostbusters), Adam Stanheight (Saw), Henry Winter (TSH), Will Graham (Hannibal)
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[ Primary Fandoms ]
Supernatural, Sherlock, Dead Poets Society, Homestuck, Ghostbusters, House MD
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[ Cast List ] <- y’all are like my family ily
@pingunaa @ghostboyhood @wordssricochet @poetsinnyc @meekspeaks @midwest-quill @yourfavvgal @alightelixe @lv3buzzz @craicapparition @asclexe @lefthandedspaghetti @notcatseatheadrest @wilsons-three-legged-siamese @de4d-poet-kisser @cherrishnoodles @blakenation1 @desire-mona @prettypinkbubbless @sesamie @hemlocksloadofbull @mighthavebeenmurder @tired-and-bored-nerd @neil-perrys-suicidal-tendencies @sillyhyperfixator
^^ if we ain’t close like that lmk and I’ll take you off dw ♥︎ and if I somehow missed you please please tell me and I’ll fix it right away, there’s some people I was gonna add but I wasn’t sure if we were friends like that yet lol
If you made it to the end of this thank you thank you thank you so much it means the world to me.
I can’t add more photos, so I’ll make and link a separate post with my art, so you can decide if that’s something you’d be interested in!!!
[ art here!! ]
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liketwoswansinbalance · 5 months
@wisteriaum If you'd like, you can accept this as tribute for your magnificent art! (This was sort of a scene from a WIP, but it doesn't require any context to be understood since it probably won't fit into the plot.)
In a Modern AU:
Rafal: Why are we friends?
Sophie: I answered the Scheherazade question on trivia night that you couldn’t.
Rafal: Mm. Shouldn’t call you or Rhian a friend or a loved one. Most people get to choose them. You two are more like shots in the heart I can’t remove. Not even surgically. Which senior superlative did you get voted for?
Sophie: “Most Dramatic.” Though, I suppose that’s a given, considering I’m in theater.
Rafal: Huh. That’s surprisingly unproblematic.
Sophie: What do you mean? What did you win, then? [she posed the question, tilting her head.]
Rafal: “Most Likely to Say the Ends Justify the Means,” [he groused.]
Sophie: [drily] Fitting. Verily. How astute of them to notice. [she laughs.] You should be thankful that there isn’t one for “Most Likely to Commit Genocide.”
Rafal: Do I really come across to others that terribly?
Sophie: Not to me. But to everyone else? Yes. Let’s just say you make a certain impression on most. But, you hate almost everyone anyway. And, I know you find me amusing.
Rafal: I don’t hate everyone. I just… find them unstimulating. That’s all.
Sophie: [sighs]
Rafal: What’s that supposed to mean?
Sophie: Nothing, darling, except that, well—no one is likely to act any more interesting than they usually are around you, especially if they fear you. They’re inhibited when in your presence. And, they’re not dull. Granted, some of them are. But most of them are… tolerable. Maybe, more than that: adequate or competent, if we’re speaking in your terms.
Rafal: What do you mean, my terms?
Sophie: You evaluate most people based on what they can offer you and how you can best use them to your own ends, like an old fogey calling the police about oafish children on his lawn, unless they do your yard work.
Rafal: I—
Sophie: Don’t think I haven’t noticed. At the start, you only spared me a glance when I answered the questions you couldn't. Though, I suppose your brother and I are the exceptions, hmm?
Rafal: [stares speechless for a moment.] You read me too well. Never do that in public ever again.
Sophie: Of course, but you’ve got to play your part. Be unpredictable to me for once.
Rafal: There’s no winning with you, is there? [he sighs, resigned.]
Sophie: When has there ever been a chance? I’m your match. Don’t forget it. [she sweeps away.]
Rafal: [dourly] Check. And mate.
Rhian: [steps up, not knowing the context of Rafal’s last conversation] There. Now, you’ve really done it! Blown it with the only girl who’s ever had the nerve and a sufficiently inflated ego to speak to you. Do you know how hard it was to get her paired up with you on trivia night?! I had to convince her you were worth her time!
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If you’re a conservative with reasonable beliefs, more power to you, that’s great, we need more people like you.
But you’re doing yourself a major disservice if you take a post about anti-social behaviors from our party and showing you don’t socialize much and just stick your head in the sand and go “nuh uh that doesn’t happen!” Just leaves that avenue open to attack from Democrats.
Both my parents are registered republicans, and my mom has had to distance herself from fellow conserative friends specifically bc of that adrenochrome stuff. (Some of the friends were Korean btw, so i don’t wanna hear racism bs) My friend who isnt a republican but whose parents are both R has her mom sick of her dad bc of this stuff. Even at my job, the guys who talk about politics are work go to the exact topics mentioned in that post you said doesn’t happen. Democrats are just gonna pull up screenshots and use that to undermine everything else youre saying and say its fake and made up too.
Project2025, which I have read, wants to abolish overtime pay unless it interferes with the Sabbath - not religious stuff in general, only the Sabbath and only if you believe in the Sabbath for real. That’s literally only christians and jews. nobody else.
I’m not saying those are your beliefs, I’m not saying that’s what’s going to happen if trump is elected president. But Project2025 is a really big thing and not just bc liberals keep on pointing to it to fearmonger. abortion is one thing but how are we gonna tell people “we dont want christianity to be the main thing we just have morals” if we’ve got big think tanks going “actually we wanna test people for their religon at work” ? radical conservatism is gonna kill moderate conservatism and make people vote dem. my dad even voted for biden last election and hes been a republican since before the 90s. the weird stuff is immature but the things they’re calling weird do happen
Okay look I fully understand that no one wants to believe me here so I'm shouting into the void expecting something to happen and that's ridiculous but I'm going to do it anyway because I still have a few minutes until my conference call starts.
I've been working in Republican politics professionally for ten years. A decade. I'm not talking out of my ass when I say no one is taking Project 2025 seriously. I actually do know that directly. When the Heritage Foundation is mentioned in conversation, people roll their eyes. The thing about think tanks like that is that they don't have to deal with the reality of what they're suggesting. They essentially throw spaghetti at the wall to see what sticks. If something does - then they'll write an actual policy prescription or draft legislation so that lawmakers have something to start working on. I know you probably don't know what the difference is (which I don't mean as a knock on you, it's just not something most people know), but Project 2025 contains none of that. Until the conversations I hear at work start to shift or I see one of those ideas become a policy treatment or draft bill, I'm not going to worry about it. From a practical standpoint, all Project 2025 is today is a Democrat fundraising point.
To your other point, there are roughly 70 million registered Republicans in this country, not counting third party members or conservative leaning independents. Some of them suck. A lot. I'm really not trying to pretend that's not the case. But to write a post claiming that all conservatives are like that is absurd and shows that you don't spend time around us. The very vast majority of conservatives are just normal human beings who go to the grocery store and work boring jobs and take the kids to little league practice and hold extremely boring opinions on politics. Just like the very vast majority of liberals. It would be equally unreasonable of me to go around telling everyone that all Democrats are the equivalent of the Bernie bro who shot up a bunch of Republican members of Congress a few years ago or that they're all the like the people who send me rape threats here or call my old campaign office to say their going to firebomb us. It would be really easy for me to believe that if all I did was spend time around other conservatives and my only interactions with the left were with their raging nutcases. But I spend time around liberals so I know they're not like that any more than we are like that jackass last night.
It is so easy these days to put yourself in a little bubble of people who think like you and only ever see the worst of the people who don't. That used to be difficult for conservatives to do because media was all very left-leaning so even if we didn't personally know a lefty, we still saw them portrayed positively on tv, whereas the left didn't see that of us. With streaming and algorithms and alternate media these days, we are heading in that direction too. Very little scares me more about the future than that.
The only way to fix that is if we all start talking to normal people on the other side the aisle again. That's all I'm trying to get people do to. You don't even have to talk to them about politics. Talk to them about baseball or something, I don't care. Just something so that when you think of the other party, you think of the human beings you know instead of some boogeyman. There are nearly 12,000 people following this blog. That guy last night wasn't one of them - why does he get to represent them? They didn't do anything wrong and they outnumber him, literally almost 12,000 to 1. The only reason anyone listened to him was that he 'confirmed' their bias and they didn't think about it any more than that. They saw one example of what they already believed and let that give them a reason to ignore the mountain of things contradicting them. So I'm pissed at that guy for that and for generally being a shithead.
But I'm still going to say it because it's still true: if you think that's how all conservatives are, you obviously don't spend a lot of time around conservatives.
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antimony-medusa · 3 months
Okay so Hurt/Comfort went live today and my gift (the gift to me) was this absofucking lutely INCREDIBLE codebreakers gladiator au, which is mostly etoiles dialogue, and it is absolutely pitch-perfect. Stream "smiling like you mean it" forever.
“Hell of a risk to take when they’re the ones feeding you,” Philza said after that, eyebrows raised. Survival was very difficult outside of Federation control, and he was a little bit scrawny, so this was fair. “Is this– tell me if I’m asking too many fucking questions, but is this where you are unless they’ve got you fighting?” Oh, shit, exposition time. Etoiles had never had to explain being a gladiator to anybody before, though he had taught people how to fight, a long time ago– he had taught a little girl, and some friends, and now he was trapped in a dark pit to be driven into battle as a slave, which was really just a more literal version of how existence had metaphorically felt before this. “Mostly I am here, yes,” he admitted. He collapsed into a cross-legged seated position, facing Philza but out of grabbing range. Philza sat down as well, breathing still labored. “But I am meant to be in solitary– more usually, we would be in the barracks, but I snore so much and I stink, and so they voted me down here.” “Really, is that why,” Phil deadpanned, mouth twitching. “It is exactly why,” Etoiles said mournfully. “The Federation asks, what do you think of Etoiles, and the others say that I am shit, that I should be told nothing and will probably die to a capybara one day. They made a poll and I was voted last in all categories. They put a rock in as a joke and it was voted more handsome than me, a better talker, and then they took pity, they gave me a signed paper that said everyone agrees I am too ugly to live–” Philza choked out a laugh, sucked in a breath and let it out in shivery mirthful gasps, almost doubling over. Probably because he had a broken rib or two. “Shut up,” he managed, wheezing, “shut the fuck up, quit , that is such bullshit–” “I would show you the certificate, but one day I ran out of toilet paper, so it’s gone,” Etoiles sighed, sending Philza into another fit of smothered laughter. “And now you laugh at my pain, you have come into the ditch I was thrown into just to mock me, Phil, Phil. I deserve this. I deserve your cruelty. You can do an event with only armor you stole and I need sponsors to live, bro, I am a weakling.”
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dappercritter · 6 months
I reblog a lot of political posts on here so I guess it's only natural I'd make one myself at some point. Anyways... (*deep breath*)
While Genocide Joe absolutely deserve to have his approval ratings plummet for ongoing support of the IDF's brutal invasion of Gaza, I worry about what this means for the elections this year.
I worry about how many people realize that refusing to vote blue at all in November to protest a genocide could lead to another one in their own country over an angrier Trump.
Palestinian lives matter, do not get me wrong. Do not stop talking about Palestine. But we all know Trump's not going to fix it. He's going to endorse it.
Just like how he'll endorse America becoming its worst possible self at this point.
I don't know if it will get as bad as Gaza, but I know that I have a lot of friends who mean so much to me that could be put in serious danger if the government doubles down on rolling back basic human rights. Especially internet privacy and protection for queer people.
I know it's sickening to see another POTUS endorse another attack on an Arab country with all the horrific casualties it entails, but listen.
I watched the last one endorse turning the country into a living nightmare with influence still felt today, wondering if my friends--my only real friends at the time--would make it if he got another term.
It's not a perfect solution I know. But unless you guys are ready to storm the White House for different reasons this year, and you have a plan to keep this kind of scenario from ever happening again, you need to vote in the Democrat primaries and/or vote Democrat in the November elections.
And yes,
Palestine still matters.
But so does the trans community.
So does the gay community.
So does the ace community.
So does the black community.
So does America's own muslim and arab communities.
So does every community living in America under threat.
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nopeferatu · 1 year
Poll time!
I'd love to hear your reasonings for your responses! See below the cut for my own take, but only after you vote! :P
Putting this out there bc I've read a lot of BBM fic and I always thought it was pretty clear that the whole "Fellas like you and me, we march off to hell" "You may be a sinner, but I ain't yet had the opportunity" scene was Ennis slyly admitting to Jack that he was a virgin.
There are no lines that directly say this is the case, neither within the movie script (although there were rumors that an earlier draft had Ennis saying smth like "You may be a sinner, but Alma ain't yet given me the opportunity) nor the short story (unless you take "nothing he'd done before but no instruction manual needed" as the narrator saying Ennis had never penetrated anything before, which is how I have always understood it). I just always felt like Ennis assumes that Jack, the a swaggering, cocky rodeo dude, is more wordly than him and has been presented with a lot of different opportunities to indulge in what their conservative Christian society considers sin and vice... including premarital sex.
So imagine my surprise when I found that a surprising amount of people write Ennis as having had previous sexual experiences before ever meeting Jack. There's nothing wrong with it, of course, like you can interpret these characters however you want yanno? I just don't personally agree with that assessment.
Not to like... give any validity to the idea of virginity since at the end of the day it's just a social concept, lol, but I just think it's really important narratively that Ennis lose his virginity to a man. Like, he's been worried all his life about the consequences of queerness within men, and yet the seemingly first time he's ever presented with the opportunity to have sex is with another man, and he absolutely jumps at it. That point is in tandem with my belief that Ennis is the type who probably never pressured good lil Christian Alma for sex, which probably also leads him down a mental spiral after that first night with Jack. What does that say about him, that he was perfectly content with Alma not putting out, but that he did Jack with an angry enthusiasm the first chance he got? He might deny that it doesn't mean anything, but you know he lingers on it all the time.
Plus, I just think it's really cute that Jack is his first time. Jack, who he's been really drawn to since they first met. Jack, who probably became his first and only friend in life. Jack, who understood him in ways that Alma never could. I just really like the idea that Jack was the first person he ever had sex with, and the love that grew from there kept them coming back to each other over the next 20 years of their lives. How many people can say that they stayed loving the first person they ever had sex with that long? His relationship with Jack lasted longer than his own marriage, for Christ's sake.
Anyways... incoherent rambling over. I'm excited to see the results :3
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thesugarhole · 1 year
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However this is all still in japan. maybe some other asian countries, but they haven't quite broken out of the puroland sphere unless you're willing to pay extra for shippings and proxies.
HERE'S THEIR CHARACTER PAGE: https://ranking.sanrio.co.jp/en/characters/lloromannic/
voting is once per day japan time. so, if their midnight is your 3pm, you could vote once in the morning and once in the evening. but not again the next morning because you already voted.
(tldr they are my favorites ever and i would like to see them as worldwide as other mascots so if you have no stakes in this take a minute off your day to vote. thank you)
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roo-bastmoon · 2 years
Puppykitties, I do not mean this harshly, but distractions, drama, and sabotage happen with every comeback and never more so than with Jimin.
We are in the fight of our lives for placement on the charts and awards on music programs. We need fewer filtered streams and much higher sales.
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We absolutely cannot focus on trash talk and ship discourse right now.
Yes, I know today there was a lot of excitement. Joon, Yoongi, Tae, JK, and others (many others in the industry) went to Harry Styles' concert today and it very much appears that Jimin and J-Hope did not. How do I know? Because there's photos of the Tannies on their personal time all over my timeline when there should be screenshots of streaming and voting.
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It's disappointing because Jungkook just got done saying he was human too and asking us not to stalk him during his private time. I know some folks feel like if you're out in public, you are "fair game." But that's my point: they aren't game, they aren't prey--they are people and they deserve to be able to hang out with their friends and not have it scrutinized and weaponized. So just know it's always best to let THEM be the ones to share such info, like Joon and Tae did on their insta.
You best believe, the more we pressure them like this, the less we'll get of them.
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The last time we saw Jikook together off-schedule, just the two of them alone, they got in a car to leave from the airport in April of 2022. A few days later, the gossip rags sabotaged Jimin's first OST With You with a bullshit scandal about missing insurance premium payments and his apartment "seizure" (on paper).
And ever since that day, we have not seen Jikook hang out in any personal capacity, unless you count the arcade in DC with Hobi and Her. Not once have we seen them alone. POINTEDLY.
There's been blurry CCTV photos of two people in a mini mart and whispers from K forums of folks seeing them around the neighborhood, but nothing concrete; they don't even mention each other in TMIs any more.
We KNOW they have hung out, as per inferences from their family, tattoo artist, and boxing coach, but no solid evidence from the primary source, even when directly asked. Again, POINTEDLY.
And yet when they are together for a work thing or online, they get along like a house on fire. They slap butts and tap hands and do cute things for each other's birthdays and get into giggle fits and compliment each other and flirt like crazy on WeVerse. Jungkook has issued several emphatic invitations for Jimin to come to him and told us to look forward to his teaser at midnight.
But they aren't sharing their relationship with us like they used to, so we honestly do not know if they hang out in person much these days.
Not because there's any indication of bad blood or a whiff of a breakup. Our little perfectionist is booked and busy, and our golden maknae was taking time to recharge.
You need to remember that since solo era was mentioned, Jimin has been writing, composing, and recording his own songs.
He's traveled abroad multiple times--Chicago, LA, NYC, Paris--to name a few.
He's hosted people who have traveled to Korea to work with him.
The producers admonished him for not taking breaks to eat or shower and in fact sleeping in the studio for many nights.
He's had to rehearse for music shows, concerts, his collab, and his own music videos.
He's been training so hard on new choreo that he was in too much pain to join Jin for his birthday and you KNOW how our boy feels about his members' birthdays.
He's filmed RUN content and commercials and a documentary and all sorts of stuff for his own album.
He's had work as brand ambassador for Dior and Tiffany's beyond just Fashion Week, which was huge.
I've lost count of the number of high-end photoshoots he's done for Vogue, W, Elle, and I don't know what all else.
The man JUST got off a plane the day before from traveling half-way around the world to interview with and perform for Fallon for TWO NIGHTS.
If I were him, I wouldn't dash over to a packed concert less than 24 hours later, either. Doesn't mean I don't love my members, or my partner, or Styles. It means I'm TIRED and I'm protecting my health and energy.
Especially considering there are appearances on television coming up and god knows what else to promote FACE.
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I love you all, but I swear to God, if you give your time and energy to the assholes on the timeline attacking Jikook, you are robbing Jimin of the time and energy you should be giving to voting, streaming, buying, and hyping FACE. Which is what they want. They want to siphon that energy from you. Please don't be stupid.
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We are grasping for every INCH of space on the charts up against absolute giants this and next week. It would be different if all of ARMY got behind Jimin 24/7 but you know how many little 7s actually behave when push comes to shove. To say nothing of the antis, mantis, multis, and cult working against him with purpose.
Please don't let this kind of crap sabotage Jimin's hard work. Celebrate the fact that some BTS members got to hang out at a concert, and honor the fact that some BTS members had other things to do.
PLEASE snap out of it and stick to our goals. We can debate Jikook all day long after FACE is safely to bed. FOCUS FOCUS FOCUS.
We are in lockdown.
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Love, Roo
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variousqueerthings · 3 months
there's something about young soul rebels as part of a canon of british working class culture cinema and centred on queer characters set in the late 70s, but it's not as well known (including in queer circles i feel) as billy elliot and pride and my beautiful laundrette, which do take place later (we're firmly 80s and miners strikes and the AIDS crisis), and generally not as well-known as other working class narratives like this is england (punks and skinheads) or miniseries like our friends in the north (set, unsurprisingly, in the north)
i don't know if this is because it centers mainly black characters and culture and hasn't been well-marketed to a wider audience or what, because it's got an incredible soundtrack and a narrative that depicts the earlier days of many of the subjects covered within the other works with neat characters, and it's got similar vibes to a lot of the others (especially my beautiful laundrette, but maybe i'm biased about how well-known that one is as well... i consider it a cinematic classic)
but yeah, young soul rebels definitely deserves a wider audience and appreciation -- also wonder if one were to do a watch that went chronologically, how jarring it would be to go from this one, to my beautiful laundrette to pride, considering the former two are about people of colour, and the last one -- as much as it means to me -- really dropped the ball on like. any characters of colour
all three of them do have the "we have one lead female character, but to be fair (i guess) she's fucking great" thing happening as well. sophie okonedo, rita wolf, faye marsay, you're fucking carrying on your backs!
but yeah. i do enjoy the particular cinema that goes "hey... you know what wasn't great? the rise of neo-nazism, hyper-nationalism, and generally everything that happened around the time thatcher became leader of the conservative party, i wonder if the politics was all connected somehow... but we did have great taste. we did have that."
considering the vote coming up on july 4th (and everyone in the uk, please do vote!!!! (unless you're a conservative, stay at home or change your hearts)) and the promise of the conservative party losing so badly that they may not be in the top two parties in the country anymore, i feel like... this has been a long long time coming
highly recommend this film
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alfiely-art · 1 year
Okay so I think this is how my voting is going to go next Trial? Unless huge stuff is revealed/happens
Haruka - Innocent
Haruka's expressed that he regrets what he did and feels horrible about it- he knows what he did was bad, and he wants to be better. He just needs the proper environment to heal.
Yuno - Innocent
She did nothing wrong. Like unless they suddenly decide she did infanticide instead of abortion, there's absolutely no question about it that she doesn't deserve to be in Milgram?? Sorry Yuno I don't see you as a innocent girl who can't do anything wrong, you just. Did not do anything wrong here.
Fuuta - Innocent
Now that he's realized that, yeah, doxxing people and witch hunting them is wrong and hurts people, I don't think he'd do it again. I mean, in trial 1 I think he was already sorta horrified by what happened, but trying not to claim responsibility- because that's a horrid thing to think about. "My actions killed someone." That's scary. But he's accepted it, and I think he's going to work on himself and be better.
Muu - Innocent
I know she was an asshole and bullied others. However, I'm a firm believer that NOBODY deserves to be bullied. I think everybody in the situation just majory sucked ass. And she's clearly horrified by what she did, she's just putting on different personas to cope with it. Get this girl some therapy.
Shido - Guilty
So, from my understanding, Shido convinced families that their loved ones were beyond saving, and then he killed them and harvested their organs? Very shitty to me. Once the trials are over I really don't think this guy will remain innocent. I know he was very suicidal in the beginning, but it read more to me that he was upset what he was doing didn't work out- that his wife is dead anyways. Idk.
Mahiru - Guilty
100% Guilty. I really can't understand Mahiru Inno Voters- Mahiru is an incredibly selfish and self-centered person, and it killed her lover. In trial 1 she's just singing about her needs in a relationship, about how she knows how to love better than her partner did. In trial 2 there is quite literally a line that goes "my emotions are out of control? I don't care!" Mahiru WILL hurt others and refuse to change herself over and over again. She doesn't even seem remorseful about her dead boyfriend. Like. She lowkey flirts with Es upon meeting them. Mahiru is just looking for someone else to hurt. She doesn't seem to understand that it isn't wrong to want to love and to be loved, but what's wrong is ignoring your partners needs for your own and making every part of the relationship about you. Also, I think she may have forced herself on him based on that scene where she does grabby hands and pounces, making the feathers scatter everywhere (like its what broke her boyfriend).
Kazui - Innocent
Kazui tried, he tried so hard to love his wife the "correct" way. Whether he's gay or alloaro, Kazui DID care about his wife and didn't want to hurt her. He couldn't keep lying to her and himself anymore. But the truth killed her, and Kazui feels so fricken?? Awful over it??? They were work friends before they got together, he clearly liked her. Just not romantically. He's struggling between whether lying eternally is the better choice, or if being truthful to himself and everyone else is the better choice. The truth killed his wife, but the lies were slowly killing him. Idk man, I've been in the same situation (nobody died though) and it's so hard to tell the truth about your identity.
Amane - Guilty(?)
Purge March is gonna help me decide, I think. I don't think Amane should've been voted guilty last trial- it, uh, clearly didn't have the affect we wanted it to have. But also, she's so far gone in her cult's beliefs that... I don't think either vote will shake that. I love Amane, she's a wonderful character, but Milgram won't help her. She would need YEARS of therapy and a safe, stable environment, and patient people, to help her heal. A Guilty vote won't help her. An Innocent vote won't help her. So Purge March is just gonna help me decide what to vote- because I highly doubt we can get EVERYONE in the community to refrain from voting. I'm leaning towards Guilty, though.
Mikoto - Guilty(?)
Okay this depends on who actually committed the crime. I believe that Mikoto himself did it, and his alters are trying to protect him and take the blame for the crime. In that case, my boy is guilty (sorry Mikoto). But if Milgram goes the "killer alter" route, then he's innocent. You can't really control what your alters do, yk? I might vote him innocent depending on the circumstances of his crime, too- it all depends. I'm hoping Double sheds more light on what's going on with my guy. (Btw he's my favorite character I'm so pumped to see what happens)
Kotoko - Guilty
I'm gonna be transparent here, i dont know Kotoko's character very well. So keep that in mind. Anyways. Her first trial song was very cool and its great she stopped a predator. I am not disagreeing with that. I do recognize that she probably felt forced to take on this vigilante role- that the law failed her and many others. However... we don't know who exactly she sees as "guilty". Obviously, she sees the prisoners voted "guilty" as guilty, but what about outside of Milgram? Does she just punish those breaking the law? Those she personally disagrees with? I think it's dangerous for her to do that. I think she's Guilty currently, but I'll have to see how her song goes- it may give me more insight on her thoughts and ideals.
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kix-mm · 1 year
G/t build up and break down
Holy shit 54 votes??
Also side note: due to my health I wasn't able to make any art for this post as promised, it'll be released in a separate post and the continuing art will be of what I've made in the past. I'm really sorry but I don't want to keep you all waiting :(
T had always been a sensitive soul, not only to sound and touch but to words too, and yet, somehow they managed to always keep themselves calm and collected, never showing those who would hurt their feelings a single care in the world... they would suppress their feelings, which was already difficult and unhealthy, but it only became harder over time...
G had gotten so used to T being unaffected by their words that G slowly but surely became more and more careless with their teasing, making downright nasty comments about T without actually realizing it hurt their friend, what was even worse is that T also tended to agree with everything G had to say, breaking down any slither of self-worth they still had.
T at this point considered G more of a bully than their friend, but still stuck by them, for days, weeks, months, and a whole 2 years this went on before it finally became too much to handle.
T was emotionally drained and just wanted to be left alone... but unfortunately, G had noticed that T was more quiet than usual, and was being extra pushy to get T to open up to them, G was persistent, too persistent...
"You're so sensitive"
That very last comment made wasn't even the worst T had heard, yet that was what made T finally break into tears, they cried and cried and cried, rubbing the tears away for only more to come streaming down their red cheeks, they just stood there, sobbing profusely. They didn't care what G thought of them anymore, they were hurt, they had put up with G's careless commentary and this is what they got for not being honest about their feelings.
G sat there, completely silent, they had never seen T cry before, and they weren't sure what exactly caused it but G knew that they had probably gone too far... but how? What had happened to T that made them cry this much? Who hurt them so badly that they didn't want to tell their best friend? G was furious at first and was about to persist before T started to spill the truth, how hurt they felt, how the teasing had become more painful than fun after a while, and how they regretted not speaking up sooner...
G slowly picked up the other, gently wiping their tears away with their sleeve and just listening to everything they had to say... this went on for about an hour and T had finally fallen silent like they were before, only this time they looked worried, they had said things that they had never said to anyone before, ever, and the last person they wanted to suddenly vent to was the one who had made them feel like this in the first place... but G didn't get upset for what T had said, instead they were frustrated why T never told G about it until today.
"Did you mean all that you said?" G asked while looking at T, lying curled up in their hand.
"No- I mean- I" T could already feel more tears filling their eyes, and it hadn't even been 2 minutes since they last cried
"Don't backpedal now" G said in a harsh tone and made T face them "I'm not mad at you for saying all that to me, I'm mad that you never said this before. Why? Did you think I would have hurt you? Are you so scared that you would rather suffer in silence than try to communicate with me? Did you think I tried to hurt you on purpose?"
"Yes... I was scared, I was terrified! I didn't want to say anything in case you thought I was being too sensitive." T said while tubbing their eyes
"I wouldn't have thought that! Maybe you are sensitive, there's nothing wrong with that, please just don't do that ever again, okay? I'll be more careful with my words, I promise you can tell me in the future if I hurt you" G never made promises unless he knew they could keep them, and he did, it took T a long time, a very long time. But they got better, more honest, more vocal about how they felt and their opinion on certain things, they were less afraid of their friends reaction because they felt safer around G.
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lakecountylibrary · 1 year
Howdy! I live the area and want to know how to best support your library right now amidst all the book bannings and political suppression of library resources nationwide. Other than checking out books and stuff, how best can people support their libraries?
What a lovely question. Thank you for asking.
Of course using the library as you mention is important! But other than that I'm happy to say it's pretty simple. Here are our four top suggestions:
1: Tell your friends how great the library is. It can be as simple as posting your book haul to your blog, wearing a pro-library pin, pestering helping all of your friends and family get library cards, or using the swag we hand out at Farmer's Markets: just little day to day things that spread the word about why libraries are great.
We call this advocating for the library and what it does is build up a strong wall of positive feelings about the library in peoples' minds that can stand up to whatever insidious lies book banners come up with.
If you want to get really extra about it you could write to your local politicians (especially the ones who appoint library board members) or newspapers just singing the library's praises - it's rare for politicians in particular to hear about us unless there's a problem and getting in with some positivity while things are quiet could influence them when things get loud.
2: Pay attention to your library. You, my wonderful anon, have obviously already got this one down, but for the folks in the back - when the beacons are lit and the library calls for aid, we need everyone to answer.
Find out how your local library communicates and tune in. That may mean subscribing to their email newsletter or following them on social media - wherever they're talking, go there and listen. What you've heard about happening in other states can easily happen in yours and this is how you'll know exactly what your library needs when the time comes.
3: Vote in your local elections! Library boards are appointed by elected officials (for example, ours is appointed by various school boards, the Lake County Commissioners, and the Lake County Council). If you want a board that will defend readers against book bans, vote accordingly when the time comes.
4: Say nice things to your librarians, in writing if possible. Are there comment cards at your local library? Fill one out. Is there an online form? (Ours is called Ask a Librarian but it's for comments too!) Submit one telling us about something we're doing right.
Tell us how much you love the last event you went to, or how thrilled you were to find a certain book on our shelves, or how much you liked that Pride Month display. I don't care how small it is, if it made you happy we want to hear it.
These kinds of things are lovely to receive and a huge morale booster - and they are also direct, quantifiable evidence that we WILL print out and stack up in front of the board of trustees, politicians, the local news, the pope and/or Dolly Parton. As needed.
Those are our top tips! They seem suspiciously easy, right? Don't underestimate how helpful they are - and how helpful YOU are.
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lukewarmsoapytoast · 2 months
UGH the URGE to just spam this acc with angst writing is INSANE. Sadly, I haven’t written a full-length read in a while, I’ve had college classes in the mornings and I get busy in the afternoons. So, my point is, HERE’S SOME QUOTES I CAME UP WITH OR WANT TO USE‼️‼️
Please only reuse w/ credit!
Most of these taken from irl because it was funny 😭
"Of course you do, and you’re going to regret those bad decisions in the morning when you’re sober."
“What morning?”
“You ignore my requests like they’re food allergies at a foreign restaurant and you wonder why I wanna hang out with girls more.”
“I wish I could love you, too.”
“It’s because I’m in love with you.”
“Because you wha—oh my god, it all makes sense now.”
"Alright, alright, I’ll tell you. But you can't laugh, okay? Promise me you’ll listen without judgment."
“I mean unless you say that you managed to kill a god, I won’t laugh.”
“Gee, thanks for the vote of confidence.”
“My love…You— You know there isn’t any recovering from this, the medics won’t arrive in time, I-I’ll die. I deserve to be made fun of for being that stupid, but I don’t regret my choice…saving you was my goal overall in life, my purpose, and I succeeded..I can die happy, but you need to let me go, first.”
“And how am I supposed to believe you, huh? You wanna bring that fucking whore in to confirm that you still love me? That you regret fucking her over and over, and over, repeatedly, on our own damn bed??”
“[First Name], I—”
“It’s [Last Name] now, that’s what you’ll be referring to me as. No more pet names, no more first name. Goodbye, find somebody else to manipulate.”
“Dude, you literally shot me.”
“I was beat as a child, do you hate me, do you want me dead, I know you do, I understand—”
“I have a penis and it isn’t mine. ☺️”
“Uhh, what?”
“You heard me.”
“Where r u rn??”
“I’m w ur mom”
“The party you told me not to go to.”
“If you could have any superpower, what would it be?”
“Uh oh? Please tell me you haven’t written an essay about this already and I happened to send that around the time you finished it.”
“I think I'd have the ability to persuade people. It's nothing special but imagine how much success you could end up having and also how many people you could befriend. I like having friends. ALSO you can stop any wars with just a "Stop pretty pls 🥺👉👈" like it's the best superpower. You could save the world with it basically, screw pollution”
“Dear god, keep going. I’m interested.”
“People who wanna fly are confusing, like, go skydiving or something like that, pull a hiccup from HTTYD. And why obtain invisibility when you can just tell people you aren’t there?”
“Wait, you’ve got a point.”
“Somebody asking why we’re stalking them? Hit them with the ‘NUH UH! I’M NOT EVEN HERE, BABY! I’M A HALLUCINATION!’. That’ll win.”
“Oh my god you’re onto something.”
“Someone trying to end the world? Nope. ‘Pretty pls be a good person 🥺’ them.”
“How long have you been thinking about this?”
“Since you asked.”
"What if he thinks I'm being dense?"
"Then he'll stop liking you. Problem solved."
When they're constantly assuring as they lay dying, "I'm fine, I'll be okay, don't worry about me, l'll live." But their final words, whispered, barely audible,
"I don't want to die."
“I’ll be there for you”, “I’m sorry”, “I love you”, over and over again. “don’t hurt yourself”, “We need a break”, “I need you”, All of this, but you never mean it. Never. Not when I need you, your mistakes are a record on loop, your love is as present as my father. You don’t care if I hurt myself, especially because you hurt me. Can this break last forever? You need me to do as you say, you don’t need me there.
If HS!Gojo had a crush he’d confess like this:
“Let’s go on a date, do you like sex? Lol. <3”
Chr picks up a completely dry and closed jar of salsa.
Something drips on their toe.
“Is…Is it wet?”
Frantically checking the jar for water droplets or cracks. Nothing.
“Excuse me???”
Father telling small adopted demon child to stay behind while they search for a plushie.
"Perhaps you should stay here, honey. This is no place for a child anyways. I'm sure we don't want you getting kidnapped by some kind of murderer, do we?"
"👹" Foaming at the mouth.
"Dear god, what have I done?"
Two characters arguing in a group chat over who’s hotter and it turns into an argument over who would be a better boyfriend to you. This is how you make your grand entrance.
“What did I just stumble upon at this very unfortunate hour. I wish to die.”
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