#and I had to look her dead in the eyes and go ‘I mean yea as cute as a guy the same age as my little brother can be’
silkythewriter · 8 months
I had an idea for a few headcanons you could do if ya want—
Maybe Sir Pentious with a reader who is so obviously in love with him, and keeps pining over him while literally everyone else but Sir Pentious himself can tell they like him? Like he's just really oblivous until reader finally straight up tells him.
Sir Pentious with a clearly in love reader!(●’◡’●)❤︎︎
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Warnings!: Non!
Fandoms!:Hazbin hotel!
Summary!: reader who’s clearly in love with our favorite snake demon
❤️Written by silkythewriter Do not steal or repost on any other platform please! ❤️
“Call me, you can call me
Boy, just call me (call me, call me)
While you stalling, I'm evolving
I'd give all me”
!🐍✨Sir Pentious✨🐍!
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First of all, just to get out of the way, THIS MAN IS OBLIVIOUS!!!!, Autism be damned my boy can pull without even telling!!!!!
No but in all seriousness he is oblivious to your obvious longing for him.
Everyone can see you giving him shy longing stares only for him to be ranting about his latest invention. Not only would he not be able to tell but he’d always think your just being nice!
Of course he’s crushing hard behind his bedroom door to his little eggs. Happily stating and going on rambles of how gorgeous you looked today. He’d state everything! From the new hair style you tried to the new piece of clothing you bought and wore. When I mean he notices everything I mean it, but for some reason he can’t pick up on your obvious love for him.
The way he could stare in your eye as you tell him he looks breathtaking and still think you mean it just to be nice is astonishing. OF COURSE HES BLUSHING AND KICKING HIS TAIL, but he can’t bring himself to think you like him anymore than just friends!
He’d go to his egg boys and sadly rant on how you’ll only see him as friend. And the egg boys all share one Brain cell so they can’t tell you like him aswell!, maybe they might accidentally spill, or almost spill the secret of him liking you but he quickly knocks them away before you can make sense of what their saying.
All the residents watch as you do your best to drop hints only for him to complete miss it. Even angel cringes as he watches him completely be oblivious to the obvious flirting, it’s take Charlie and Vaggie to stop him from pointing out the obvious.
Husk almost always gives Sir Pentious as gaze of just utter confusion and tiredness.
He’d gladly take flowers from you that you gifted him and take care of it for weeks on end without realizing the romantic gesture!
Alastor, as always finds it humorous, although he usually doesn’t indulge himself in romantic like things he’s find it hilarious. “Even with three eyes he still can’t see the obvious! Ha!”
Charlie tries to help to the best of her ability to help guid him the right direction but it’s just end up with him more confused. Vaggie just face slaps internally,
honestly the whole crew wasn’t having high hopes for him as dim as that is. , look! He ain’t bad looking, but not many people would prefer his clumsy self, so they were honestly hoping he’d figure it out before you possibly moved on.
Even when your upset at the obvious frustrating situation he’s still be confused while trying to do his best to comfort you.
“Well I think the man isss clearly as dumb as a rock!”
It took you starring dead in his eyes for him to question if you were alright. Before you stated it was him
The way he just stood staring at you in pure disbelief, before snapping out of it and embarrassed as his previous words. But after the said embarrassment he’s full with giddy, why of course you love him!, he’s the great sir pentious!
Yea his embarrassment would quickly turn into pride, considering he got someone as beautiful as you to fall for him.
Definition of a clumsy gentlemen, he’d open doors so fast it’d smack him in the face, or pull when it’s a push door and be confused why it’s not opening.(´ω`💧)
He’s just a silly lil guy! (⸝⸝ᵕᴗᵕ⸝⸝)
I feel like the crew in the hotel would be relief to find he finally figured out.
At the end of the night he’s squealing like a high school girl as he rambles to his egg boys about you in a new light!.
He’s gift you small little trinkets or happily spend hours with you talking!
He’s as lovesick as your are! He’s just a bit dense when it comes to accepting the fact you love.
It’s like the roles switched! Now he’s daydreaming-ly staring at you happy to have you as his, and him a yours.
Like I’ve said before! He’s a total drama queen, he can’t help it!, deny him a kiss teasingly? He’s crumbling down to the ground and holding his chest as if he just had a heart attack! (¬_¬)
He’s not at all secretive of his love for you, even if he wants to, to keep his image “professional”, he just can’t help and dote on you!
overall he’s a big dote and softy even if he tries to hide it, loves you with his whole being! ( ˘ω˘ ) He can a be a bit over the top sometimes but you’ll come to accept it! And hey who wouldn’t want a silly snake demons who’s tripping over their tail for you. Yea you got him in and over his head but he wouldn’t have it any other way. The roles have truly reversed(≖ᴗ≖✿)
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kleftiko · 1 year
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ft. kita, suna, atsumu, osamu
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another long and exhausting week. because your husband always gets up early and comes back late everyday because of his work, and you watch the baby all day, you both are dead to the world when you sleep until you hear the cries of your child. it’s instinct; so when you didn’t hear the baby in the middle of the night, you woke up anyway with worry. only to find shinsuke bouncing them, his lips singing a soft and out of tune lullaby that took you back to your childhood. you know for a fact that your child didn’t cry that night, your husband just wanted to hold them while they slept, despite his tired eyes, he wouldn’t trade that moment for the world.
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“no, i’m mom’s favourite.” your husband argued rather vehemently with your son as you ate dinner together. it was endearing to listen to, especially because of the fact that your son couldn’t speak. his baby babbling created bubbles of his food along his mouth. rintaro shook his head and wiped him with the napkin.
“yea, right, i’m way better at volleyball than you.” he scoffed at his kid. “that’s why your mom fell in love with me in the first place.”
“rin,” you couldn’t help but laugh. “stop it.”
he sent you an innocent smile before turning to the baby again, he made sure you could see him mouth ‘you won’t beat me.’
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if you couldn’t find your toddler, she was with her dad. today, they were in the garage, atsumu had arm and chest day, he sat on the bench, daughter in his arms as he curled her. despite the smile on his lips, his breathing and counting were even, only interrupted by her continuous giggles as she squirmed in his hold. when the set was done, he set her down and you saw them look at each other with stars in their eyes.
“’m gonna be as strong as you when i grow up!” she told him.
“hell yea!” atsumu raised his hand and your little girl jumped to smack is hand.
“hell yea!” she repeated and atsumu’s face dropped.
“…don’t tell yer mum i taught’cha that.”
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“ya gotta shape it with love, baby.” he told his daughter, hands full of rice as they stood in the kitchen.
your daughter pouted, fingers stuck with rice as she glared at the tuna filling that fell on the cutting board. “i make with hate.” she said and you couldn’t help but burst out laughing.
“yer too much like yer mum—go sit down.” osamu shooed her to you, and she happily obliged as she ate the rice off her fingers.
“why’d you do that, baby?” you asked and pet her head. “you’re great at this.”
“daddy makes the best onigiri.” she smiled at you before turning back to her father and watched him work. “i want him to cook for me my whole life.”
she clearly didn’t mean for him to hear, but you could see the foolish smile tugging at his lips.
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phoward89 · 7 months
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Banner by me, dividers by @saradika-graphics
Based on this ask
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Love Is A Losing Game
The avox stood against the wall, waiting for you to beckon, while you sat in your sunroom with your longtime best friend, Livia. You were at a small table drinking tea and listening to her complain about her toddler, Plutarch.
“Ugh. I swear, I can't even go to the powder room without him following me.” Reaching for a biscuit, your dirty blonde friend sighed, “I told Hilarious that we need to hire a nanny, but he said no.”
She took a small bite of her biscuit as you sipped on your tea. You didn't know why she was so upset about her toddler wanting to spend time with her. And you told her so too.
“You just don't understand how demanding motherhood is, Y/N. Just you wait and see.” Pointing to your round belly, Livia factually remarked, “In a few more months when you pop out Coriolanus’ little brat you'll be singing a different tune.”
“Don't call Cassian Xandros a little brat.” You snippily ordered your friend, causing her to just roll her eyes at you. Setting down your teacup, you decided to change the subject to something that you needed to get off your chest; something that's been eating away at your mind. “I think Coryo's having an affair.”
“He's only been president for a few months, Y/N. If word got out, well, it'd be scandalous and I'm sure his political career would be dead in the water.” Livia told you while nibbling on her lemon butter biscuit. “Do you know with whom?”
“No, but I know he has to be having an affair, Livia. I mean he comes and goes at all hours and half the time he's not even coming to bed; we haven't slept together in a while too.”
“Oh no, now that is a problem.” The dirty blonde socialite sighed. “I bet it's Clemensia Dovecote that he's cheating with. You don't know, since you were a couple grades below us at the Academy, but they were always walking into the school linked arm in arm. Even though they denied it, they looked like a couple back then.” Livia bluntly informed you, picking up her teacup and sipping it.
“Really? I didn't know that.” You honestly told your friend. Reaching for your own teacup, you revealed the name of the person you thought your husband had a thing for back in his Academy days. “Coryo was always with Sejanus back then; I always got the vibe that they were a little bit more than just friends.”
“Oh I hope not. He was district.” Livia spat out; the thought of the president having a past love affair with a district person making her skin crawl.
If only she knew about what went down between him and Lucy Gray. Oh, she'd shit her pants if she knew about that.
You know, of course, since he told you about it after a year of dating. When you had to all but pull his teeth to get him to reveal why he refused to tell you that he loved you; show you anything other than lust and his OCD tendencies.
It didn't bother you.
Correction, him having Lucy Gray as his ex and his failed first love didn't bother you, but the number that she did on him- now that’s what bothered you.
She fucked his head up pretty bad; took you a long time to unfuck it up too. To get him to be able to confess his love to you.
But somewhere deep inside of your soul, you always feared that Coryo was just telling you what you wanted to hear. That he didn't truly love you; that he could turn to somebody else once he got bored of you.
“Yea…but they were close friends. Like brothers” You reminded Livia. “And his death hit Coriolanus hard.”
That was an understatement. Your husband still had nightmares about his fellow comrade’s death. It happened a decade ago, but he was still haunted some nights by nightmares. Those nights you usually had to ride his cock to calm him down so he’d be able to go back to sleep.
He never talked about the nightmares, other than the one time he told you that it was about Sejanus’ death. You never pried, knowing that the Plinth boy's execution was a taboo topic for Coriolanus.
The socialite rolled her eyes, only to suggest, “If you think he's having an affair then you should wait up for him tonight and confront him.” Giving you a look from over her teacup, she added in, “It's what I would do.”
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Coriolanus was exhausted. No, wait, take that back- he was FUCKING exhausted.
Between trying to clean up the fucking mess that older then dirt President Ravenstill left for him and trying to ensure a smooth transition of head gamemaker duties to his successor (a recent University grad that sadly didn't know his ass from a hole in the ground), he was stretched too thin.
Burning the candle at both ends as one might say.
He was barely sleeping; worse he was barely able to spend anytime with you.
You were 6 months pregnant with his first child.
A son.
He felt guilty for being in his office on the opposite side of the presidential palace or at the Citadel, but he didn't have a choice. The games along with trying to keep the country afloat was his top priority.
As much as he wanted to spend his late afternoons and evenings with you, he couldn't. And he wanted nothing more than to fuck you dumb on his dick every night too, but sadly he was just too tired anymore for that either.
When the new Head Gamemaker calls up in the middle of the night frantically asking what to do if an intern falls into a mutt tank…well…yea…that's when Coriolanus knows he has to do two jobs instead of just one.
He's stuck puppeteering the new head gamemaker *cough* telling him step by step how to do is damn job since he fucking fudged his job application and has shit for brains *cough* and running a country that's national bank account’s lower than it should be *cough* looks like President Ravenstill and his cabinet were embezzling funds or something cause the numbers aren't adding up *cough*.
“Yes, well, if you need any more assistance on this matter don't hesitate to call.” Coriolanuse tightly told the Head Gamemaker. The man was grating on his nerves. Before the unqualified idiot could utter a word, the president said goodbye and hung up.
Hung up with a firm, loud, clunk since he was so tired and aggravated.
Unfortunately, the president was always tired anymore. He was even too tired to fuck you these days, which was truly depressing for him since your Coryo felt you were even more beautiful now that your belly's round with his child.
Coriolanus felt that your pregnancy makes you look radiant. Your skin had a glow to it, he felt you look ethereal.
Your tits were full from the milk your body was making in order to feed your son once he was born; he loves your milk heavy boobs. Coriolanus Snow’s a tits and ass man; so your boobs going up by 2 sizes was heaven for him. The president enjoys sucking and massaging them in his large, calloused hands while you ride his cock. Burying his face in them, peppering kisses in your cleavage.
Something his exhaustion has been keeping him from doing.
Also, your ever growing belly (full of the precious life you created during a very passionate and lustful night 6 months prior) made his chest swell with a burning pride. Coriolanus loves kissing your stretch marks and running his hands all over your belly.
He also enjoys whispering to your belly, telling your growing son all kinds of father-son secrets.
But he’s been too tired and tied up with his never ending work to do that ritual.
Half the time he was passing out on the sofa in his office before he could even make it to your room; the other half of the time he was sliding into bed in the wee hours while you were in a deep sleep.
He hated it.
But he has to endure it because he refuses to have the games flop during his first year as President of Panem.
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When Coryo dragged his feet into your large, ornate bedroom he wasn't expecting you to be up, waiting for him. He assumed you'd be asleep, like every other night.
“It's nearly 2 in the morning, Y/N. Why aren't you sleeping? You know you need proper sleep in your condition, my darling rose.” Your husband lectured you, tiredly fumbling to untie his tie.
You decided to do what LIvia suggested. Wait for your husband and confront him. So, when he shuffles into your room, a sight for sore eyes, with the nerve to lecture you about being up, you lost it.
Your eyes narrowed at the president as you snipped out, “Coriolanus, I know you're cheating on me. Who is she? Is it Clemensia Dovecote or somebody else?”
Pulling his tie off and tossing it to the side, he looked at you as if you had lobsters crawling out of your head. You’re accusing him of having an affair. Seriously?
“With how I’m spread too thin, darling, where would I ever find the time for an affair?” Coriolanus chuckled.
He thought this was funny, oh how dare he!
“This isn't funny, Coriolanus! You're coming and going at all hours; we never sleep together anymore. Who is she?!” You yelled at the top of your lungs, watching your husband unbutton his waistcoat and take it off.
The platinum blonde’s long fingers numbly unbuttoned his shirt. His tone was flat and tired as he gave you the blunt answer of, “The she that's taking all of my attention off of you, my love, is the shaky finances of Panem and the Hunger Games.”
All of the air was knocked out of your lungs upon hearing your husband's words. All you could do was blink. “What?” you whispered in disbelief.
Coryo's shirt hit the floor, in the pile his red waistcoat and tie was in. Toeing out of his shoes, he sighed, “Being president and passing the baton for the games to an under qualified head gamemaker, unfortunately, has taken up all my time.” Unbuckling his belt and pulling down his deep crimson pants, he offered up a sincere apology of, “I’m sorry, my darling rose, that my neglect made you think, even for a moment, that I’m being unfaithful to you.” His pants pooled around his long, pale legs, and he gracefully stepped out of them. “Y/N, I truly did not mean for you to feel such a way, my love.”
Watching your husband pull off his socks and toss them to the side, you cried tears of joy. “I forgive you; I'm just happy that it's work taking up your attention and not some whore.”
Coriolanus tiredly made his way over to the king-sized bed you shared and climbed into it. Pulling you into his arms, he let out a puzzled scoff of, “Clemmie? Really, of all people to accuse me of having an affair with it's her?”
“I didn't accuse you of cheating with her; that was actually Livia this afternoon when I told her that I suspected you of having an affair.” You informed your husband as he pulled the blankets over the both of you.
“You told that bitch you thought I was cheating on you?!” Coryo exclaimed, his nostrils flaring; baby blues wide in utter horror.
“Don't call Livia a bitch, Coriolanus.” You reprimanded your husband, only to remind him that, “She's my best friend.”
“I don't know how you're best friends with that shrew, darling.” Coriolanus mumbled mostly to himself, even though you heard him. His large, calloused hand rubbed your ever growing baby bump softly. “Telling Livia your ill founded fears was a mistake. She'll just tell that political reject husband of her’s; he'll be calling up Capitol News 6 with a juicy insider story about the unfaithful president.” Coryo’s tongue popped angrily. “My fake affair’s going to be the the main news headliner tomorrow morning, my darling rose.”
“No, it won't, Coryo.” You assured your husband since you had too much faith in your best friend.
Your husband on the other hand didn't have faith in Livia Cardew-Heavensbee, at all. No, he didn't trust her after the temper tantrum she through when her mother informed her that he was courting you, General Prometheus Byzantine’s step-daughter, and had refused to meet with the Cardews regarding a money match.
Coriolanus never told you about that because he didn't want to taint your friendship with the dirty blonde shrew, who only married Hilarious because she couldn't have him: the adoptive heir to the Plinths fortune.
But now maybe it was time to tell you. Maybe it was time to taint and ruin a girlhood friendship of yours.
Only to ensure that you wouldn't trust anyone that didn't carry the Snow name.
Yes, the only people you could trust were him and Tigris. He was even leery about Tigris’ new lover, Aleka. Eh, but that was because his spies haven't been able to dig up enough information on them for the president to decide whether or not they were trustworthy.
But, he's sure that after he tells you the truth about Livia that you'll be rethinking that friendship.
And when (not if) that article hits the news as the big headliner, he'll make sure to invite Hilarious over for drinks.
Drinks that only one of them will enjoy.
Snow lands on top and he'll make sure that anybody who slanders his good name or makes you believe he's an unfaithful man, when he's actually the most devoted and faithful husband in all of Panem, chokes on their own blood.
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Tags: @kuroosbby001, @purriteen, @poppyflower-22, @meetmeatyourworst, @whipwhoops, @bxtchopolis, @readingthingsonhere,@savagenctzen, @ryswritingrecord, @erikasurfer, @tulips2715, @universal-s1ut, @thesmutconnoisseur, @squidscottjeans, @sudek4l, @wearemadeofstardust0, @mashiromochi, @gracieroxzy, @belcalis9503, @shari-berri, @aoi-targaryen , @whiteoakoak @spear-bearing-bi-witch, @gisellesprettylies @loverandqueenofdragons, @qoopeeya, @mfnqueen1
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cultofdixon · 7 months
Secrets kept for another’s safety, until you lose it
Daryl Dixon • She/Her Pronouns • Some Saviors just can’t let go and go for what’s important to Daryl Dixon. But little did he know about more than losing his partner. • ANGST/SFW • TW: Pregnancy / Injuries / Anxiety Attacks / Blood loss
Requested by: Anon
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Just because the Saviors War is over, doesn’t mean it’s completely dealt with. People have their vendettas and everyone will forever be scarred by the actions of Negan, apart of the Saviors or not.
When Negan was taken to prison instead of hell, the group decided that it would be best to have shifts of their people to watch The Sanctuary until they’ve fixed everything. Or until they put someone in there for a more permanent position.
After a month in and it was Daryl and Y/N’s turn to watch the place. Both having their own imprisonment to the place because of Negan. So they weren’t all too happy to be back. But the night gave them time to themselves.
Which led them on the roof this night…
“What’s going on in that pretty little head of yours?” Daryl asks, putting the joint back to his lips watching Y/N finish putting up the last of their clothes on the clothesline. “You haven’t talked in a bit”
“Am I really that talkative?” She laughs softly, tossing the extra pins in the empty laundry basket. “I’m just enjoying the night with my husband. What else more could I ask for?”
“Could go dark on yea and say for Negan to be dead”
“Well you’re not the only one wanting that” Y/N sat on the stool while Daryl laid on a mattress they had brought up there. Neither of them want to live inside the walls anymore. “Can we just think toward the future?”
“We can” Daryl pushed himself to sit up, offering the joint to her as she shook her head. He stared a bit confused before shrugging it off. “Again, sunshine…what’s going on in that beautiful mind of yours?”
Y/N fell silent once more before looking out toward the woods trying to find a good start to what she wants to talk about.
“You remember when you first held Judith?”
“Lil’ Ass kicker, yeah?”
“Do you remember what you told me afterward? When you handed her off to Hershel?”
The confused look on his face gave her answer.
“You said I don’t think I’d be cut out for this if I were Rick.”
“Why are yea bringing that up now? Are you—-“
“No!…No…” Y/N visibly slumped. “It’s just. The threat is gone. We have a home that is ours. Walls to protect us from the dead…we could. Do it. Have a child. Have that future…”
Give Daryl some credit when he has thought about this before. Having a child with his wife…all of their love put into a single human being. But all the anxieties that came with that thought flooded his mind.
“I don’t wanna lose you like Rick lost Lori” For something that happened years ago, it still haunted him. Especially with the scares they’ve had before a true moment of peace came.
“Daryl…that…that was going to happen to Lori regardless…she had a c-section with Carl, any baby after that was bound to come out the same way. This would be a first for me. We could prevent the possibility of needing a c-section”
“But there’s still a chance. I…” Daryl stopped himself to avoid her eyes and hang his head not ever wanting to think about that possibility. But then again…what was he going to do? “I just can’t” he whispers which led Y/N to bring herself to his level and coax his gaze back onto her. “I can’t lose you…I…I’ve lost enough and everything about how I’d be a terrible father aside I won’t be able to raise our child alone if I lost you…I will always need you”
As much as it broke Y/N’s heart to know his feelings and to have to push aside hers because the last thing she would want is to lose or hurt her husband…the tears fell from her eyes as she presses her forehead against his.
“Okay. Okay…You won’t lose me. Ever. I’m here…just me” Y/N brought her arms around his shoulders bringing her face into the crook of his neck as Daryl wrapped his arms tightly around her holding her close.
The things you do for love will always be something…that will always be changing
About four months later…
Y/N finally emerges from the basement living she and Daryl live in under the Grimes’s residence. She gave a smile to Michonne who said “good morning” in her arrival watching her friend join her and Judith at the kitchen island.
“Think you can handle breakfast?”
“Yes, I think I finally got over that ill spell” Y/N took a seat at one of the barstools smiling to Judith beside her before drawing her attention to the quick footsteps making their descend down the stairs.
“Hey! You’re up here, how yea feeling? Yknow Daryl—-“
“Has been having you ask every day since I came back from the Sanctuary not feeling well. I’m doing okay. Better than before”
“Great to hear that, I’ll tell Daryl in person when I make my rounds to the other communities” Rick smiles approaching Judith who was happy to see her dad. “First thing, take this little one to the teacher to watch her while we’re all out”
Michonne gave Y/N a confused look as she tiredly turned to her lifting her head from her hand.
“I’m gonna work in the pantry. So I don’t feel entirely useless”
“You’re allowed to take it easy” Michonne was stern with her words which brought the confusion out of Rick’s expression while he picked up Judith heading toward the door.
“I think I’ll be fine” Y/N shot a stern look at her friend as Michonne instantly waited for the front door to close, ultimately for Rick to leave. “The baby will be fine”
“Y/N, when are you going to tell Daryl so this doesn’t have been a secret between you and I? You’ve mentioned about a conversation you had with him that doesn’t quite add up to the fact that you didn’t——“
“He doesn’t want to have a baby.” Y/N frowns forming fists as she had the habit of digging her nails into her flesh to avoid the crying. “He doesn’t want to have a baby with him and I promised I wouldn’t. But I still got knocked up. Now he’s going to lose me or I’m going to lose him” the tears came anyway as the frustration was obvious in the discomfort in her face which led Michonne to maneuver around the island to bring herself beside her friend letting her rest her head on her shoulder as her arms caged her. “All I wanted was a family with the man that I love but the factors of being good enough or dying unexpectedly just floods that man’s mind and hell I can’t blame him for any of it. But now I’m plagued with it while I carry his child”
The two didn’t hear the click of the door finally closing. All that mattered was Michonne comforting her friend until it was time for the day to get started.
“I’ll be helping Gabriel rebuild his chapel with a few Saviors we have taken in for rehabilitation to show they can do something good. We are thinking of making it also the leading to the farm” Michonne stated as she walked Y/N to the pantry. “So I will be around if you need me. I’ll also keep an eye on the saviors. I know what some of them have been saying but we haven’t come across one angry with Rick or Daryl or literally any one of us”
“Are you really trying to say you’re watching out for my safety when I’m gonna be confined to a chair and a notepad for the most part”
“Yes, yes I am. Plus…the infirmary is right next door and I know Siddiq is doing his inventory and preparing shipment of medical supplies we’ve found on the runs we had recently.”
“You’re rambling” Y/N laughs opening the door to let herself in. “I’ll holler if I need anything” she says halfway inside when Michonne quickly reminded her about the no heavy lifting which got a scoff out of the woman.
About an hour or two has passed and Y/N groans out of boredom while sitting on the stool in the pantry. She stared out the window watching people walk passed or the few groups carrying wood and metal around for the walls and new buildings. Inventory was done, restock of what they have was done, and she was about to get started on the shipment for the Kingdom when she heard the door open.
“Michonne I really don’t need you watching—-“ Y/N stopped speaking when she watched the unfamiliar man step in quietly, assessing the environment. “Uhm. Can I help you with anything?”
“I was told by that scary priest that we hold the extra building supplies in here on occasion when the shed ain’t organized” He stepped around the pantry looking for himself before looking at Y/N as she couldn’t shake this familiar feeling. “You’ve got nails? Maybe a better hammer than this shit?” The hammer she didn’t notice before only confused her on where he pulled it out from. But asides from that, Y/N got off the chair and went to grab such for him.
“How’s the construction going?”
“It’s going. That Rick guy has us doing a lot just has his woman bossing us around” He scoffs looking at the jarred goods they have while Y/N knelt down to carefully go through a box for a smaller box of nails. “How can you even do what Rick asks y’all to do?”
“Have you even met Rick? He does the right thing, most of the time” Keeping Negan alive was the wrong one.
As Y/N rose to her feet with the box of nails she watched the man pull off the Polaroids that were stuck to the window. Just for a better look but it made her uneasy thinking he was going to get rid of them.
“Family?” He questions lifting up the ones with Glenn and Maggie, watching Y/N nod as he fixated on one with her and Daryl before putting them back. “Find’em?”
“Yeah, here” She handed off the box hearing him thank her before stepping out. But before she could even straighten out the pictures and take a seat, Y/N didn’t hear the door close entirely.
It didn’t take long for what to happen, happen.
The second she rounded the corner…Y/N flinched slightly being up close to the man without a name. She looked down to find a few nails shoved deep into her side. The shock made the pain not come right away and she was still experiencing it while he drove them to the point he couldn’t.
“You are just as dumb as you were back when you were his wife.” He glares into the deep pits of her soul as Y/N lifted her head from watching the blood spill from her side. Her mind racing to one thing. “Rick shoulda killed him. Your bitch dog of a man shoulda killed him. Maybe even the sword lady. Anybody. Then you all would’ve been seen as stronger instead of weak ass beings.”
“I-…I—-“ Y/N felt the tears spill and he grabbed her face to make her force eye contact.
“Let me take you away from everybody and I’ll watch them suffer” then the man quickly removed his hand when he heard voices outside. He pushed her aside but the blood loss led it to be a bit more dramatic as she fell to her knees.
As he made his escape through the back, Y/N slumped against the wall hesitant to touch her side. But they weren’t in prime condition, they could have some traces of rust and she can’t afford an infection if she wants any chance of that surviving.
A few were hard to pull out and one was embedded deep that Y/N contemplated letting it stay in but she was already this far.
Daryl… Y/N sobbed as she used her knife to cut into her to pull out the last nail that was embedded deep. She had to stop the bleeding so she could go get help and knew she had towels in the other room out of the foyer. But the blood loss was too much that when her weak body crawled about halfway there, it gave out.
“I know this shithole sucks but yea said you’d be here earlier” Daryl clearly was in a mood while working on his bike, and with Rick only crossing his arms with an annoyed expression after his words. He knew he shouldn’t have expressed all of that. “Sorry. I’m frustrated.”
“Did something happen?”
“No…” Daryl frowns fiddling with a tool in hand. “Y/N hasn’t radio’d me today. Michonne was gonna give hers to my girl so I can check up on her but nothin’”
“I’m sure there’s a good reason for that. Plus I’ve got uh…an update of my own regarding your wife” Now he had to be careful. He did hear everything in the kitchen that morning but Rick isn’t the best at de-escalating the situation.
But it felt like fate for him to be interrupted by his radio in that exact moment.
“Rick—-Are you with Daryl?”
“Gabriel? Yes, why?”
“Michonne—-Hilltop” his end was cutting out and the urgency only stressed the retired sheriff and huntsman. “Bleeding—-Stopped—-Other reasons—-Y/N”
“Gabriel. Who’s injured?!” Rick shouts annoyed as the silence grew for a moment.
“Y/N was found bleeding—-Attacked—-Go to Hilltop”
“Load up. Forget the bike” Rick stated even though the second Daryl heard it was confirmed to be Y/N, he went right into the driver’s seat of Rick’s truck. Rick quickly got in the passengers and didn’t wait another minute to tell Daryl.
The accident happened a few hours ago before Gabriel radio’d Rick. He only comm’d him as per request from Michonne to update him and to get Daryl on their current actions of getting Y/N to the Hilltop. For their ultrasound machine. The one from the Sanctuary got moved to the Kingdom to be repaired by a retired technician.
Y/N sat up in bed in the medical trailer not liking the feeling of the IV in her arm and the antibiotics Siddiq had her on. Made the sick feeling return and the nausea meds never worked on her.
“Daryl is on his way” Michonne frowns sitting in the chair beside her as Maggie sat at the edge of the bed with her hand rested on her calf. Both being protective of her in her current state.
“I didn’t get a name of the guy…”
“Hun we don’t have to do that now” Maggie assured her. “Aaron and Rosita are looking for the guy back home with the description you gave before they moved you here. We don’t have to talk about it at all and focus on you staying alive and healthy”
The tears returned as Y/N pulled her hand away so she could hide her face in them. As she sobbed she didn’t hear the sound outside of 1. The car stopping in front of the trailer. 2. Daryl shouting at a few people. And 3. The sound of a Hilltop resident screaming after Daryl shoved them out of his way to get inside the trailer. The second the door opened and his worry expelled from him, Michonne and Maggie got up from their spots moving so he could get close to his wife.
Michonne motioned for Maggie to leave with her as she instantly went to Rick to talk about the guy that attacked Y/N.
Daryl instantly wrapped his arms around her feeling her grab fists full of his vest, making him want to squeeze her but he instantly pulled away when she winced. He started to check her person himself even if Siddiq does a great job with his assessment after dealing with the main problem. He even checked her bandages watching the discomfort grow on her face along with a few tears still falling.
“Are you okay? What did that bastard do to yea? Is the peanut okay?”
“Is the baby okay?” Daryl’s voice cracked when asking that question as it only made Y/N cry even more giving him mixed signals.
Someone told him she thought and as much as that brought relief, it brought a lot of regret and pain that she didn’t tell him herself.
As she pulls from his touch, Daryl watches her reach for the table beside the bed grabbing a piece of paper before returning and giving it to him. He carefully took it into his hands looking at the picture of the peanut that was very much still there. He exhales relieved, feeling his own tears spill and the softness of her hands gently wipe them away.
“I’m sorry—-“
“No.” Daryl cut her off setting the photo in her lap so he could take her hands into his. “I…I shouldn’t have said what I said months ago…I didn’t want to push you away ever if this were to happen. Cuz let’s be honest with ourselves, we fuck like bunnies. It was bound to happen” he broke out in a smile listening to Y/N laugh to his words. He planted a kiss on her cheek as she kept that smile of hers. “We…we can die to anythin’ and that shouldn’t stop us from living.”
“Let’s go home, sunshine. Let me protect the both of yea”
Daryl helped Y/N get in the car before approaching the small group that was fixated on the woman.
“There’s a lead”
“You know I’m not gonna hesitate to kill that guy” Daryl stated and instead of receiving the usual Rick talk about no need to go far he was genuinely confused. “What”
“I’m going to help you get the son of a bitch. He does want to take us out because of Negan”
“You’re willing to be bait?”
“If Rick gets hurt, your ass is next” Michonne threats with a smile before joining Y/N in the car giving them a bit more time to discuss then joining their partners.
The day progresses into the night and Daryl found the right moment to slip away from his spot beside his wife so he could leave the house to take care of business.
As the man climbs over the wall after hiding out until night, he stumbled on his landing and when he straightened up he was face to face with Rick.
“Seriously. Just let me go”
“I don’t think that’s gonna happen”
“Like you of all people will pull the trigger” He scoffs, making the mistake of reaching for his weapon because that led to a bolt piercing him in the side of the skull.
Rick watches the body fall limp to the floor before turning to Daryl emerging from the shadows.
“There’s gonna be more like him” Rick stated. “We won’t kill them all”
“Anybody, and I fucking mean anybody…who comes near my pregnant wife the way that guy did? Will meet the same fate”
And on that note, he returned back to his spot beside Y/N who instantly rolled over to face him and bring herself close.
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raya-hunter01 · 10 months
Can you do a story on jey about his gf tryna go to bed mad at him and he ain’t having it 🤗🤭
We Ain’t Going to Bed Angry
Jey Uso x Black Female OC! (Jasmine)
Rating: 18+
Warning: Smut; sex, fluff, couple arguing, Jealousy
Summary: Jasmine wants to go to bed angry and in separate bedrooms, but Main Even Jey Uso is putting his foot down.
My first ever request....I hope you enjoy it @mya2real
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Pensacola, FL
Jasmine’s POV
“Damn I finally get you alone, and all you want to do is cruise the coast and talk about your man. I hope he realizes how lucky his ass is, cause I really was trying to get your number,” Carmelo said as I laughed.
 “Thanks for helping me out Melo you are a sweetie. I promise he won’t come at you with any drama,” I said giving him a kiss on the cheek as I began my walk back to Jey’s house.
 I had Carmelo drop me off down the road from the subdivision. I ain’t crazy by no means, I ain’t letting just anybody know where I lay my head at night. Folks can be crazy as hell.
I groaned as my phone rang again looking down, I sighed. Another call from Jey. I knew I was wrong, but I was still pissed so I hit ignore and punched the code to be let into the subdivision. You let a bitch dance all up on you like you're single and shit.
But, oh, but when I leave yo’ ass at the club you concerned. Give me a break you weren’t worried about what I thought when she was twirling all up on your dick,” I muttered continuing my walk. I hate these fuckin’ groupies with a passion.
Jey’s POV
“Jasmine, I know you ignoring me.  What you doin'?  I know you had betta be on your way home. I bet he trying to fuck you ain’t he?  I’mma get’em you know dat right? I’mma hurt him bad Jasmine,” I said ending the voicemail before I dug an even deeper hole.
“Well damn, you just threatened to kill Melo for nothing, Jasmine ain’t that type of woman, and you know it,” Jimmy said shaking his head at me.
“She ain’t, but I know Carmelo likes her. I knew when I brought her to a show last year. He was looking wit no damn shame Uce, and tonight she got into a car wit his bitch ass trying to make me jealous,” I said steaming thinking about Carmelo touching Jasmine in any way.
"Hell, ain’t no tryin’ in it, you jealous Uce" Jimmy said as I rolled my eyes at him.
 “This woman gon’ be the death of me,” I muttered as Jimmy snickered. “Aye, sis told you not to play in her face, and you did anyway. Serves yo’ ass dead right,” he said laughing.
“I ain’t played in her face, I was just dancing with a fan,” I said oblivious to what he was trying to say.
“Uce, it wasn’t that you were dancing with her, it was how she was dancing all up on yo’ ass and you did nothing to stop it. Ya’ll was all but fuckin on that dance floor,. You lucky Jasmine didn't show her ass,” Jimmy said as I tried to think back to what happened, and when it finally clicked, I felt like an ass.
“Ok, yea, I admit it was outta pocket, but she ain’t have to leave with his ass to prove a point. She knows I’m wit her, that shit didn’t mean nothin',” I said as I heard the front door open.
A wave of relief washed over me as I saw her beautiful face as she took off her heels seemingly ignoring me. Thank God she was home safe.
“Uh, I’ll let myself out, and let ya’ll talk,” Jimmy said trying to hurry to the door but not before hugging Jasmine. “Glad you ok sis, you had me worried,” he whispered as she smiled rubbing his back. “I’m ok bro, tell Trin I’ll call her tomorrow” she whispered as I tried to keep my cool, at least until Jimmy left.
I felt my anger rising by the second. What had she been doing with Carmelo that she couldn’t pick up the fuckin’ phone? As the door closed behind Jimmy I exploded.
“Where the fuck have you been?!” I hissed trying not to wake up our son upstairs.
“I went for a ride with an old friend, is that a problem?” she asked with a bit of an attitude.
“Aye, chill with the attitude, I’m the one that should be mad. My girlfriend left me at a club to go be with another motherfucka she knows I don’t like,” I said as Jasmine rolled her eyes.
“Well, my man was dancing all up on a ho like he’s single so I guess we even, and can both be pissed the fuck off together then. Ugh, I can’t wait to go back to Georgia, this was a mistake coming here to visit, It just was too soon,” she said walking away as I followed her upstairs.
“What the fuck does that mean? You really feel visiting me was a mistake?” I asked as she stopped walking.
“Jey, all I wanted was to spend time with you, and all you’ve done is spend time with everyone else but me and our son! I feel like we don’t belong here Jey, that’s why I left in the first place!” Jasmine exclaimed as I ran my hands over my face in frustration.
I knew she was right; I had been on the go since they got here, and I had promised I wouldn’t be. I truly had no defense for my actions.
 I was in keep-busy mode because that’s all I had been doing since Jasmine had left with our son a couple months ago.
This was my fault, I agreed to host that party at the club tonight knowing they were here. I asked today to be added to the meet and greet for tomorrow instead of enjoying my day off with them.  
“Baby, I’m sorry ok can we just talk about it in the morning. I promise I’mma make it right please, I don’t want us to go to bed mad at each other,” I said as she sighed in defeat.
“I’m not mad, I’m hurt and I’m not going in there with you pretending everything is ok when it isn’t. I’ll sleep in the spare bedroom. I put my bags in there earlier anyway,” Jasmine said as I frowned at her not believing what she was saying.
Jasmine’s POV
“You ain’t staying in the spare bedroom, that’s for guests and this is yo’ fuckin’ home regardless of how you feel about it. “Jey I’m not,” I started as Jey cut me off firmly. “Jas! You ain’t stayin’ in there and that’s it!” Jey said as I felt myself shiver at his commanding deep voice.  
I was speechless looking at him trying to remain unfazed. “You are sleepin’ in our room…. In our bed, and in my fuckin arms 'cause that’s where you belong, nowhere else,” Jey said full of conviction as I shook my head in defiance at him.
“I ain’t doin’ this wit you, I’m going to check on Jayden,” I whispered walking away from him and peaking my head into our son’s room. I couldn’t help but be in awe of him as he slept in his crib.
He’s almost a year old, and I still can’t believe we made his little amazing self; he looks so much like Jey it’s scary.
I felt Jey’s eyes on me as I turned to see him standing now in the doorway of the bedroom, we shared together for the last four years up until four months ago.
His intense gaze makin' me weaker in the knees by the second as I closed my eyes finally breaking eye contact with him, it was too intense.
“Jasmine, we been playin’ this game for four months too long…Don’t make me have to come get you. Tell our son goodnight, and get yo’ fine ass in here so we can go to bed,” I heard him say as I opened my eyes ready to give a smart-ass reply but saw he had already disappeared into the bedroom.
I could hear him shuffling around the room, then the shower started. I blushed to myself at the thought of him getting naked to take a shower. “No, remain strong Jasmine,” I whispered to myself as I went to the spare bedroom.
Jey’s POV
 “I know her ass betta be in there when I get outta this shower. Sick of this shit, she knows I love her ass,” I muttered letting the hot water and steam relax me.
Ok, maybe my approach wasn’t the best, but I love my family and if I have it my way they won’t be going back to Ga if I can help it. “Jey, you got to get it together and get yo’ family back,” I muttered to myself stepping out of the shower and drying off.
Walking back into the bedroom I saw Jasmine wasn’t there. “Oh, so yo’ ass think I’m playin’ wit you huh,” I muttered to myself wrapping my towel around my waist, and heading down the hall. I could see the light under the door and as I got closer I heard her on the phone with her mom.
“Hold on mama let me put you on speaker, I'm changing," she said as I heard her mother take a deep breath. "Now like I was sayin' Mama I am trying, we came out here didn’t we,” Jasmine said as her mother laughed.
“Girl, you flew out there with hell in you, 'cause of them thirsty ass Instagram comments on his post he made about being happy ya’ll were flying out to see him. “Mama, I wasn’t mad,” Jasmine said as her mother laughed.
“Baby, he loves ya’ll. I know all the female attention he gets worries you especially since he’s on the road more with them adding more house shows,” she said as I frowned at her words as Jasmine wiped her tears.
“I know he loves us mama, and I love him.  I just want him to act like he’s in an actual relationship. I mean stop making these women think they have a shot with you dude, you got a family at home waiting on you. That's why I gave him the engagement ring back and told him we needed space,” Jasmine hissed as I sighed. Damn was I that bad?
“Baby, why do you think that man has been begging, calling nonstop, and flying to Georgia on every off day he has just to come to little ol Warner Robins, GA even if it’s only for a couple hours. He misses ya’ll and wants his family back. You gotta let him in baby, this been goin' on long enough,” her mother said as I felt the need to make my presence known as I opened the door.
Walking inside I saw her standing nervously there in her bra and underwear talking to her mom as she spotted me trying not blush.
Yea, I’m looking at yo’ fine ass. Damn, my baby was fine as fuck, it had been four months too long for my liking. How the hell did I even let her leave in the first place.
Jasmine’s POV
I can’t believe he brought his ass in here, didn’t even fuckin’ knock. He is getting next to my nerves I swear. I see him lick his lips looking at me as if he could devour me whole.
I ain’t gon’ lie, I felt powerful as hell.  I could see and feel his need for me, just from his intense stare that seemed to be burning a hole in my soul and it made my thighs quiver at the thought of being in his arms. He knows what he’s doing coming in here in that lil ass towel.
“I love you, sweetie, give my grandbaby my love,” my mother said as I smiled. “I will mama, good night and love you too,” I said rushing to get off the phone.
“Why are you in here?” I asked as Jey began walking closer to me almost like he was stalking his prey. “I told you to take yo’ ass in our room, but you just keep tryin’ me,” he smirked as I shrieked in shock as he picked me up and put me over his shoulder.
“What the hell are you doing?”! I hissed as Jey carried me down the hall back to our room. “What does it look like? I’m takin’ your ass back to where you belong, which is in our bed wit me with yo’ stubborn ass,” he said not missing a beat as I hit his back continuously.
“Put me down Jey! This shit ain’t funny!” I exclaimed irritated as he laughed. “Calm yo’ ass down, before you wake up the baby. I want you to myself da night,” he said slapping me hard on the ass before tossing me on the bed as tried to gather myself.
 Sitting up on my elbows, my eyes met his smirking face, and it made me madder.  “Oh, you want me to yourself?” I asked smartly rolling my eyes.
Yeah, I do. That ain’t gon’ never change Jasmine,” he said as I got up and tried to walk past him as he growled pulling me close.
“Jey let me,” I started as he took me in a possessive kiss, pinning my arms behind my back with one hand as the other grasped my neck, angling my mouth for better access as our tongues battled for control.
“Mmm, we can’t, we said we would wait,” I moaned against his lips as he released my arms, and I tangled my fingers in his hair. “Yes, we can baby, I got you,” Jey said picking me up by my thighs as I wrapped my legs around his waist tightly, as his towel fell to the floor. God, it felt so good to be this close to him again, I needed him bad.
“I want you so bad baby; Daddy missed you, and he needs his pussy,” Jey whispered against my lips as he ripped my underwear. “Fuck! I missed you too,” I moaned moving my kisses to his neck as he groaned moving us to the bed.
“Can I have you, it’s been so long Jazzy” Jey moaned gently sucking on my neck as I shivered at his use of his nickname for me.
“Jey, I’m still mad, we need to talk,” I moaned, unexpectedly gasping along with him as he entered me suddenly, both of us shivering at the feeling of our bodies and souls becoming one with each other again after four long months.
“You can be mad all you want tomorrow. Not da night, you gon’ enjoy Daddy reclaiming his pussy,” Jey moaned never stopping his thrusts as my hands clawed at his back as he hissed.
 “Jey, you feel so good,” I gasped as my body felt like I was on fire, I bit his neck before attacking his neck with kisses, sucking greedily, applying pressure trying to leave my mark for the world to see. I wanted them to know he was mine.
“Yea, suck that shit and mark me up, this yo’ dick, let’em know I’m yo’ man fuck,” Jey encouraged as I purred at his words as he rolled us over with me now on top. “Jey! Shit! Mmm,” I whimpered scratching down his chest, feeling him so deep from our new position.
“Uh huh, daddy deep in his pussy ain’t he? Come on and ride Daddy's dick and tell him how much you missed him. Tell me how this pussy was made just for me,” Jey groaned grasping my hips as I began riding him slowly enjoying the jolts of electricity going all over my body.
“Mmhmm, it’s made just for you daddy, you hear her talking to you,” I moaned talking my own shit as Jey growled beneath me as the sounds of my wet pussy sinking up and down on his dick filled the room along with our moans of desperation.
“Fuck Yea, Daddy hear, see, and feel her, damn she wet and tight as fuck. Talk yo’ shit girl, you makin’ daddy dick even harder. Give me dat pussy,” Jey groaned slapping my ass before grabbing my breasts with his hands almost painfully squeezing my nipples while meeting my slow deep thrust.
Shit, he knows what to say and what to do to set my body on fire and I loved it. I’m addicted to him, and I didn’t care who knew it.
Jey’s POV
“Yea, ride that shit slow and deep, you know how much I love dat shit,” I panted biting my lip trying not to lose control. “Mmm, I guess you did miss me, Daddy. Shit, you gettin’ even harder,” Jasmine moaned swirling her hips beginning to bounce harder on my dick with wild abandon.
“Fuck yea, I missed you, only you can get me like this,” I moaned not afraid to let that shit be known slapping her on the ass again as she whimpered, her body shivering with anticipation.
"Oh! Fuck, you promise it’s only me that gets you like this…You promise,” Jasmine groaned leaning down, kissing me with all her might as I groaned complete putty in her hands. I held her closer as our eyes met.
 In that moment I knew I had to let her know how I felt. “We gon be ok, you hear me,” I whispered as she nodded as a few unshed tears fell from her beautiful eyes as we both were chasing our orgasm.
“Say you hear me,” I said more demanding, sitting us up as she held on to my neck as I gripped her hips helping her keep pace, thrusting her even harder down on my dick.
The feel and sounds of her wetness was driving me insane. “Tell me you hear me Jasmine,” I moaned, sucking on her neck trying to leave my own mark. “Josh, I hear you!” She cried as I moaned in satisfaction hearing my real name fall from her lips in passion as I rained kisses from her neck back to her beautiful lips.
“I ain’t never letting you go, we workin’ this shit out,” I growled holding her gaze as I reached between us rubbing her clit, while meeting her thrust with equal power.
"Oh my God," Jasmine moaned as I knew she was close. “You gon’ cum hard for daddy? You gon’ gush on daddy’s dick ain’t you?” I said, taking her in a deep kiss as she whimpered in my arms.
“Mmhmm!” she whimpered in pleasure as our tongues danced passionately with each other as I felt her nails scratching my back as she fell apart in my arm. “Josh, I love you!” she moaned as I saw the look of ecstasy that washed over her as her orgasm took over.
“Fuck, you are so fuckin’ beautiful. I love you too,” I said feeling my dick get even harder as I kept thrusting. Yeah, you gon’ give me another one and it’s gon’ be big.
Jasmine’s POV
 “Mmhmm, I want you to give me another one Jazzy,” Jey growled reversing our position as he now towered over me, playing with my sensitive clit, thrusting long and hard trying to make me cum again.
“Josh, I can't, it's too much,” I moaned as sweat dripped from his face, falling onto my chest as he kissed me speechless “I…Said. Give…It…To…. Me…Now, “Jey growled against my mouth, each thrust more powerful than the last as my pussy gripped him like a tight vice, and I couldn’t hold it anymore.
“Josh! I’m cummin’!” I cried as my pussy quivered and gripped him even tighter as another orgasm rippled through my body.
“Oh yea, that’s what I wanted, shit! Give it all to me baby, I’m cumin too!” Jey groaned loudly as he came inside me. I could only hear the heavy beat of my heart and our heavy breathing in sync as he collapsed beside me holding me close as we came down from ecstasy.
“You know you I ain’t letting you go right? We a family and gon’ stay one,” he said as I smiled. “I know and I ain’t letting you go either,” I whispered as he kissed me gently.
“When I’m on the road all I think about is you and lil man, you ain’t never gotta worry bout, nothin’ girl, I love ya’ll and I ain’t messin’ dat up for nobody he said as I tried not to get emotional. "I know, baby it's ok," whispered as he held me closer.
"I was outta pocket not stopping her from dancing all up on me like that, I promise it won’t happen again,” Jey said as I sighed tracing his arm tattoo.
“I love you and I’m sorry about leaving the club with Carmelo,” I said honestly as he growled. “You had my ass trippin’ I was ready to kill his ass, Jasmine. I don’t even wanna imagine you wit somebody else,” Jey said as I shook my head.
“Can we just drop it for tonight before one of us gets mad again,” I said as he laughed.
“A'ight new rule, we ain’t never goin’ to bed angry in this house again,” Jey whispered caressing my face as I smiled. “I like that rule, no more going to bed angry,” I whispered settling in his arms as we both fell asleep.
The end
 Taglist: @reci24 @southerngirl41 @vebner37 @jeyusos-girl
@melaninsugababy @romanreignkisser @bebesobrielo
@arination99 @2-muchsauce @bakugoumarianawrites
@empressdede @alyyaanna @christinabae @anonandwannakeepitthatway @venusesworld @jeyusosgirl @mya2real
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sergeantbarnessdoll · 11 months
Best Friends » Bucky Barnes/Winter Soldier
Pairings: Avenger!Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: Bucky and the reader have a close friendship.
Warnings: Fluff, language, flirting, hugs and kisses, cuddling, pet names (doll)
Written on my phone so sorry if there’s any mistakes or typos.
GIF IS NOT MINE! Credit goes to the creators.
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You quietly opened Bucky’s bedroom door, closing it behind you. You smiled when you seen Alpine sleeping on her cat tree. You quietly tip toed past the sleeping cat to Bucky’s bed.
“Good morning, Jamie! It’s morning!” You say happily as you threw yourself on his bed.
Bucky groaned, putting a pillow over his head and continued sleeping. You pouted and poked his side making his body jerk.
“What if I was sleeping naked?” Bucky asks.
“I don’t think that would stop me.” You say.
Bucky took the pillow off of his head and looked at you with a weird look on his face.
“You’re fucking weird.” He says.
“You love me!” You grinned.
“You’re right. I do.” He says.
Bucky wrapped his arms around you, pulling you on top of him and attacking you with kisses making laugh and squirm. Alpine jumped off of her cat tree and jumped on the bed to get some morning kisses. She let out a squeaky meow to get yours and Bucky’s attention.
“Aww, Alpine wants morning kisses from her daddy.” You smiled, petting her head.
Bucky leaned down to give Alpine kisses and petted her. She started purring with satisfaction.
“Let’s go get coffee!” You say.
Bucky laughed at your cuteness and got out of bed to get dressed. As he was getting dressed, you noticed one of his sweatshirts on the floor. You grabbed it and put it on without him noticing.
“Ok, doll. Are you- is that my sweatshirt?” He asks, looking at the sweatshirt of his that you’re wearing.
“Umm… no.” You lied, trying not to laugh.
“It looks better on you anyways.” He smiles.
Bucky held out his metal hand for you to hold, knowing how much you love his metal arm. You smiled and happily put your hand in his, intertwining your fingers with his metal ones. You and Bucky walked into the kitchen hand in hand.
“Morning guys!” You smiled.
“Morning, Y/N!” The Avengers say.
You sat down at the table while Bucky got you two coffee.
“Weren’t you here like 12 hours ago?” Tony asks.
“Yes.” You answered.
“Why are you here again? Don’t you ever go home?” He asks.
“Why would I go home when Bucky is here?” You smiled.
Bucky put a cup of coffee in front of you and sat down in the chair next to you, wrapping his metal arm around your shoulders.
“How the hell are you two not fucking?” Tony asks.
“Stevie! Tony said a bad word!” You say like a child while pointing at Tony.
“You’re weird.” Tony says.
You squinted your eyes at him, giving him the death glare.
“If looks could kill, you’d be dead right now.” Clint says to Tony.
“That stare is kinda creepy.” Tony says, getting up and walking away.
You giggled to yourself and took a sip of your coffee.
“I think you just scared the shit out of Stark.” Bucky laughs.
“It’s what he gets for calling me weird.” You say.
Soon after that, Bucky had to train recruits with Steve. You just hung out around the Compound while he worked. You were currently in the lounge room on your phone.
“Hey Y/N.” Peter says, walking in the room.
“Hey Peter. What’s up?” You say.
“I was wondering if you wanted to check out the new features on my web shooters.” He says.
“Hell yea!” You say excitedly.
Peter sat down next to you and showed and explained to you what his web shooter can do.
“So what you’re saying is that if I push this button, webs come out?” You asked.
“Yes. Give it a try.” Peter says.
You pushed the button and a web shot out of it. Bucky walked in the room and almost got hit by the web. You and Peter went silent.
“Sorry, Mr. Barnes.” Peter says.
Bucky didn’t say anything. He just walked up to you and picked you up, throwing you over his shoulder.
“She’s my best friend. Get your own.” Bucky says.
“Don’t be mean.” You say, playfully punching his back.
“I’ll text you later, Peter.” You say.
“No she won’t.” Bucky says, walking out of the room.
You punched him again. Bucky put you on your feet when you guys got to the hallway.
“What was all of that about, Buck?” You asked.
“Nothing.” He says.
“Wait, are you jealous that I was hanging out with someone who’s not you?” You asked with a playful smirk.
“I don’t get jealous.” Bucky says.
“Aww, you’re so jealous! The Winter Soldier is jealous!” You teased, playfully poking his stomach.
Bucky’s face turned red and he swatted your hand away making you laugh.
“I’ll stop teasing you now.” You say.
“Give me a hug and I’ll forgive you.” Bucky says.
You hugged him and kissed his stubbly cheek.
“Forgive me?” You asked.
“Yes.” He says.
“Good. Now, last one to the gym has to pay for the winner’s lunch!” You say, running towards the gym.
“Oh you’re on!” He says, running after you.
You completely forgot that he’s a Super Soldier and the serum made him run faster cause within seconds he past you and got to the gym before you. Once you got to the gym, you playfully pouted at him.
“I win!” Bucky says triumphantly 
“No fair! You have Super Soldier serum running through your veins to help you! I don’t!” You pouted, crossing your arms over your chest.
“Aww, come here.” He says, opening his arms.
You walked to him and he wrapped his around you, kissing the top of your head.
“Even though I won, I’ll still pay for your lunch.” Bucky says softly.
“Thank you, Buck.” You smiled.
“Anytime, doll.” He smiles.
-Bucky’s Doll
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miniversse · 6 months
⭑“race my heart”pt.1⭑
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⭑ lee know x female reader
⭑ synopsis: lee know, your academic rival strikes your path again during a motorbike meet up, and the lines of hatred and love begin to blur. as the engines rev and the wind blows hard, these lines intertwine and you both spill the bottles of emotions you had for eachother.
⭑ content includes: (barely any) drinking, non-idol lee know, non-idol reader, enemies to lovers, readers friend, pet name (sweetheart)
⭑ minors dni
the sound of the roaring engines shook the bones in your body. you regret telling your friend you were into biker guys because here you are, sitting on a stack of tires, watching the cocky guys rev their motorbikes and force clearly uncomfortable girls on rides. “loosen up! here’s a beer” your friend approaches your way…
“yea, thanks” you take a large swig and continue observing the group of guys, hoping to maybe find someone that stood out to you.
“see that guy there? with the blonde hair? what do you think of him” your friend points at a man, grabbing at another girls ass and eyeing you disgustingly.
“girl what the fuck”
she lets out a loud laugh and jumps off the tower of wheels she sat on, dusting her pants and winking at you.
“i’m gonna go talk to him”
“good luck! he can drive your ass home too!” you scoffed at how gullible she was, falling for any guy that met one of her pity demands. in this case, he happened to be blonde and about 6 foot.
you began to get lightheaded and bored, so you walk off from the crowd to enjoy some silence on the dark sandy roads. as you move further, you identify another motorbike and a man squatting infront of it, inspecting something. the lights of the motorbike beamed his whole face, and you stopped dead in your tracks.
“l-lee know?” you were certain it was him, not even bothering to move any closer.
his head slowly moves to face the direction his name called, his eyes still on the motorbike.
“hm?” his eyes now move to face you, and his eyes widen. he gets up from his knees and he stands tall, in all his glory. he wore a tank top and black jeans with a puffy harley davidson jacket, helmet resting on the floor. you could’ve sworn your heart stopped.
lee know was your academic rival. during college you and him would battle head to head, always aiming to achieve perfect grades and grades better than his. the hatred never settled, and you both graduated with pure hatred for eachother. but as you grew older and started stalking his social life, the line between hatred and love blurred, and you began to see him in another light.
“what.. the hell are you doing here?” he exclaims
“my friend brought me over with her, in hopes i find my ‘dream man’ “ you gestured with air quotes.
“good luck, none of the guys would settle for someone who looks like you”
“huh, you haven’t changed in the slightest. i mean, we both graduated with the same grades and you still hate me?”
he turns to face his motorbike again, wiping the hood with his hand
“i didn’t want to hate you y/n and figure things out, but you really are a scumbag and there is no arguing that”
you’re taken aback, remembering all the times he tried sabotaging your exams and putting everything at risk to bring you lower.
“let me remind you of that one time you shoved the answer sheet in my exam papers and failed me.”
you see him grow a grin on his face, and your blood begins to boil.
“you’re just calling me a scumbag because i didn’t put up with your shit like every other person who wanted your sympathy”
“what do you want now, y/n”
you take a long breath, thinking about what you wanted. you wanted him to apologize, to get to know you now, to drive you to his place, to make love with you, to degrade you like he always did. you wanted a lot.
“you can drive me home since none of the guys ‘want me’ ”
“and what makes you think i want you? hm?”
“it’s the least you can do for that exam you made me fail. don’t get me started.”
he seemed to love everytime you mention it, because he grins uncontrollably and it makes you want to slap him across the face.
“fine then, but you’re waiting till i leave”
you let out an audible sigh and go back to where your friend is, or was. it seemed like he really drove her ass home.
you’re eyes got heavy while you laid on the sand, watching the clouds drive on the starry night. everyone had left with their pair, and you were left waiting for lee know to finish whatever he had going on. you would call a cab, but this meet up was in the middle of a desert and no cab was willing to off road at 1 in the morning. you check your phone to see if your friend had left you a message. and sure she had.
MY OTHER HALF- i knew lee know would be there 00:17
MY OTHER HALF- have fun girlfriend ;) 00:17
YOU- kys 01:03
you hear the faint noise of an engine and jolt up, ready to go home and process what happened today. he gets to a stop behind you and you lift yourself up, squinting at the intensity of his bright white lights. you awkwardly approach the back of his motorbike and climb on, resisting to place your hands around his waist.
“i’ve never done this before.”
“we’ll wrap your hands around me, so it doesn’t become your last”
he was always straight forward and rude, since the first day you met him. but he never spoke anything that could be argued, and you surely didn’t want to die in his arms.
you let your arms wrap around his stomach and distance your body from him, trying to keep things mundane till you would reach home.
“hold tight sweetheart”
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imtheproblems · 1 month
Baby you're so fine, i love it when you look me in the eyes✮
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✦what? -- headcanons
✦summary -- you and quackity have been friends since high school, but what if you both want to be more than friends?
✦tw -- use of quackity's real name, friends to lovers, fluff, quackity is going to a american high school (so kidna ooc ig), errors cus im not english, i think it's all? Lmk if i missed something!!
★ you knew Quackity from high school. You didn't really talked, but you knew he was there ★ it probably started when you had to do a project togheter
★ you met in the library, and studied a bit together ★ you were amazed, by actually how smart he was
★ you quickly got off topic, and started to befriend each other ★ he was so cute omg ★ you actually said hi to each other the next day in school!! ★ you probably got like a C+ or a B from the project!! ★ you continued to hang out after tho ★ he told you about him being a streamer after like 3 months lol ★ you were supportive asf!! ★ and that was what made him feel the odd, tingly feeling in his chest ★ fast forward to collage!! ★ you often helped him with some of his homework ★ you had realized you have a crush on him when you saw him dead asleep next to his homework papers ★ you cried alot, like, alot when he said he's moving to Los Angeles ★ then he said that you can move with him!! ★ you were like 😨 ★ then you were in Los Angeles!!! ★ with Alex!! ★ you probably confessed first ngl😭 ★ it was when you two were watching a movie together and a confession scene was on!! [You looked at the boy on the screen, telling his love interest about how he would do anything on her. You felt your stomach knot and you looked at Alex, sitting next to you. "Alex?" you asked quietly, and he turned to you "yeah?" he smirked, slightly confused. "You know.. You know I would do anything for you? Right?" you tried to slightly soft launch your confession "y-yeah, i know" he chuckled, raising an eyebrow. "Alex" you sighed, of course he wouldn't get it. "I mean- i like you" you blushed a little "yea, i like you too!" he smiled, and you rolled your eyes "i like, like you" you blurted out and he dropped the smirk. "Oh." he said, his cheeks tinted with pink. "Listen. i understand if you dont want to be anything more than friends, i dont want thing to be awkward, please say if you dont like me anymore-" "Stop." he interrupted you. "Y/N. I like like you too." he said and gave you a shy smile. You stopped rambling and blushed. ] ★ no awkwardness with this boy!! ★ he hugged the shit out of you after ★ he loves you ★ you love him ★ what more can anyone want?
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kookwashere · 1 year
Can we get over it?
Summary: You and Jungkook grew up together, you ate from the same lunch box, rode the same bus, cried on each others shoulders, until his new girlfriend came in between you two and you both got into an argument and began to hate each other, but can you guys just get over it?
Warning: Contains fluff (my baby 😭), smut (yeehaw bois) oral (f&m), soft AND rough sex, riding, OC is a virgin, Jungkook is experienced but still gentle with OC, breeding kink, petnames (Baby, my love) language (Obviously) Aftercare, smut with very little plot 😋 This is my first ff so please don't expect it to be good 😔
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Pain. That's what I felt as I laid in bed, curled in a ball, with dark chocolate and a heating pad on my stomach.
I didn't feel like going to school today, why? Well, what a very "lucky" day to be a woman, right? This period seems to be worse than some of the other ones i've had.
I groaned in pain as the cramps kept pulsing in pain, it felt like a knife was in my uterus and it was being twisted.
I managed to pick up my phone from my nightstand, I got a text from my friend Eunhye.
Eunhye: gurl u good?
Me: hell no, cramps 🤧
Eunhye: aw im sorry, anything i can do for u?
Me: no, it's ok, did you finish the project for art?
Me: it's due soon
Eunhye: uhhh abt that...
Me: wat?
Eunhye: jungkook is in our group 😭 but don't get mad at me!! i tried to tell the teacher to switch him out
Me: r u fr.
Me: time to switch out of that class
Eunhye: listen, maybe it's not the worst thing, i mean, he is a good artist? it could get us a decent grade
Me: yea but it's HIM and that's the problem
Eunhye: just pls give it a try, why can't yall js get over it?
Me: i wish it was that easy, i gotta go eunnie, love ya
Eunhye: ttyl girl, love u lots
You sighed as you put your phone down, maybe you should just sleep, you got tucked in your burrito blanket and fell into an abyss of darkness.
"Hey ____" You sighed and looked up, immediately recognizing the voice. "What is it, Jungkook?" You looked back down at your paper, trying to ignore him. "Why weren't you here yesterday?" He pulled out the chair to take a seat next to you.
"Why does it matter to you?" You said and rolled your eyes mentally "I'm just curious, calm down girl," He chuckled "You know, it's cute when you are annoyed." He smiled a bit, "Jungkook? Where's your girlfriend?" You started to become flustered so you changed the topic
"Oh, we broke up." Your jaw dropped, Mimi and Jungkook were basically like the golden couple, the couple that everyone wanted to be, they were like in love with each other, what happened?
"You and Mimi broke up? Why?" You put your pencil down, now stopping your work to listen. "She was just to controlling, she didn't even let me hangout with any other girls, I couldn't do it, plus, there are plenty other girls that are way better than her in this school." He explained, "Oh yeah? Like who" You said and crossed your arms looking at him. "Hm, well," He looked up thinking while leaning back and crossing his arms too "Bomi's pretty hot, so her...Your friend Hannie, and well..." He put up fingers naming the girls and then paused, "Well.." He chuckled once again "You."
"H-huh? Me? What?? Why?" You were shocked "Calm down, ___. You are just...like the perfect girlfriend, I mean, you are smart, you have a good sense of humor, you are drop dead gorgeous, what else can I say?" He smiled to himself, looking down.
"I-I'm what? Gorgeous?" You turned away, flustered again. "Have you seen yourself, ___? Every boy in this school wants you are has wanted you, no exceptions." You felt your breathing getting faster, as well as your heart beat. "Every boy...does that mean you too?" You whispered, he went silent and looked down "I have to go now, bye loser" He teased you and smiled.
"Why can't we just get over it?" You mumbled under your breath, playing with your fingers.
Okay, okay, Jungkook is coming over today for the project, Jeon Jungkook, my enemy, my first crush, my only crush.
I wish Eunhye was here but she got the cold, fuck you cold weather.
You were getting a snack and then you heard the door knock, you took in a deep breath and opened the door, seeing one of the most handsome man you have ever seen.
"Hi, Jungkook."
"Hello, ____."
"Come in, it's cold outside," You moved out of the way so he could come in, "Ah, so you do care about me." He smiled "Shut up or i'll lock you out instead." You closed the door.
"Where are your parents?" He asked while taking his jacket and shoes off "Out of town, my aunt died so they are at her funeral." You said while getting everything ready "I'm sorry for your loss, why aren't you there with them?" You sat down next to him on your bed "I wasn't very close with my aunt, I didn't know her that well.." You said and played with your fingers again
Jungkook went quiet, we both sat in silence for what felt like forever. "____, that fight that we had that night, I never wanted that to happen, you were the only good thing in my life and I just let you go." He was still looking away from you, you looked up at him. "Then why? You knew what she was doing to me, and still, you always picked her...it's like I didn't even exist to you anymore or I was just a burden in your life." He finally looked up at you too, looking in your eyes.
"You never have, never was, and never will be a burden in my life...I guess I was just scared." He laughed at himself. "It's silly, I know..." You licked your lips "Scared of what, Jungkook?" You scooted closer to him. He took a deep breath in and out, "I was scared of my feelings, I mean, fuck. You were the most beautiful, caring, funny, smart girl I have met, I guess I was scared I couldn't ever admit my feelings for you..." Your eyes widened "____, I don't hate you, if anything, those feelings never changed, I don't like you anymore, I love you, I'm sorry if that was sudden but I-" You cut him off.
"I love you too, Jungkook."
"You what?" His jaw was dropped "I said I love you too, I don't care if it sounds selfish but you don't know how long i've been waiting for you two to break up." You giggled a bit "I've liked you sense we were kids Kook," You smiled at him "I really really-" This time it has his turn to cut you off, but not with words, his lips were tangled with yours, one of his hands on your cheek and the other one on your waist.
"You don't even know how long I have wanted to do that..." He whispered and pulled you into a kiss again.
The kiss got more intense and he pushed you down onto the mattress and came above you"
"Mmh" He groaned into the kiss and pulled away, "Do you..do you want to?" He asked still hovering above you. You nodded and pulled him back down to kiss.
He started unbuttoning your blouse as you guys were kissing, you sat up to let him slide it off, then he pulled away from the kiss to slide the shirt over his head.
"Can I?" His fingers fiddled over the top of your panties "Yes." You whispered softly
You lifted your bottom up off the bed so he can pull your panties off, he threw them somewhere across the room, and let his fingers slide all over your body to your back, he undid your bra, letting it slide off your shoulders.
He takes a moment, taking in a deep breath, eyes scanning over your body, taking it in "Fuck, you're so beautiful...most beautiful girl in the whole world, my pretty baby..." He rubbed his hands on your legs, brining your feet up on his shoulder, he gave a soft gentle kiss against your foot and set it down
"Jungkook..." You whined "What is it baby? How do you want me? Hm?" His eyes still taking your beautiful frame in
"I want you here..." Your hand resting ever so gently over your mid section. "I'll get there my love, just be patient." He said while kissing down your thighs, going in a zigzag line between each thigh until his mouth was over your pussy.
With one lick against your clit, you developed goosebumps over your body "Kook- Mmh" You moaned softly.
His long tongue went over your clit, kissing, licking, sucking, with his mouth over your clit, he shook his head side to side to get you closer to your high.
"Kookie...I-I'm gonna...mmm- cum.." You said and gripped his hair "Yeah? let go for me baby, cum all over my face, you can do it baby, let go..." He mumbled, sending vibrations through your whole body starting on your mid section.
You released over his face, wetting it, soaking your bed sheets. "Good job baby, good girl..." He whispered while coming back up to kiss you so you can taste yourself.
"Jungkook, I want to help you too." You said softly. "Baby...you really don't have to, it's okay." He looked down at you
"No, I want too. Please?" You pleaded "Fuck, alright, yeah." He breathed out
He layed on his back, head resting against the pillows, you kissed down his chest, defined abs and toned body, reaching his jeans, sliding them off, then the exact same with his boxers, his cock hard and leaky, veins running his big length.
"Can you take it baby?" He asked teasingly "You know I can." You whispered before grabbing his length in your small hand. "Mmm, oh fuck...s-shit..." He moaned gently.
Jungkook was very vocal in bed, sometimes when he had girls over you could hear him, sometimes even louder than the girl, that was very rare though.
"A-ahh, baby, can you take it in your mouth? Please...I need it.." He whined, you slowly enveloped his cock with your mouth, gagging noises filled the room, your eyes getting teary.
"Oh my god...like that babygirl..." He tilted his head back, your hands caressed his balls and he whined at that, moving your head faster with his hand.
"B-baby, I need to cum...where c-can I?" He stuttered because he was about to see stars. You didn't answer so he presumed down your mouth, and he was right.
"O-oh yeah...shit! Oh my fucking god baby..." He cummed down you're throat, you tasted the salty liquid and swallowed it like the good girl you are for him.
"Can I fuck you now? Please.." He practically was begging "Yes, take me, im all yours Kook." You layed your back on the mattress again.
He put hands on each of your knees, slowly spreading your legs apart, seeing your pink pussy dripping with need for him, that only he could make happen.
"You are all mine, my girl, my princess, my pretty baby, my little cum slut." He said while looking down at your cunt, giving it a slap, making you jolt.
"Can I put it in now baby? I'll go slow...I promise." He said and grabbed his shaft in his hand "Yes, oh god please Jungkook."
He moved his hand up and down, getting on his knees while the top of his hand was filled with his pre-cum that had leaked out.
He slowly slide in with easily, your wetness helping both you and him to feel more comfortable. "I-Is this okay?" His breathing quickened and you nodded.
"I-I'm gonna move now, okay baby?" He slowly moved his hip back so only the tip stayed in, then slowly pushed it forward, you were already addicted to the feeling it gave you, and he felt the same way.
"Fuck, you're so tight...such a good fit for my fat cock." He breathed out, face stuffed in your shoulder and neck.
He started slow at first then started going faster, the headboard was rocking against the wall, you were pretty sure you were going to receive noise complaints.
"Ride me." He said out of breath. You winced when he pulled out and flipped you on top of him, he helped you guide him in and you sunk down, moaning loudly and throwing your head back.
"Come on babygirl, show your boyfriend what a good girl you are...only for me, no one else." You slowly moved up and down, gaining a steady rhythm, his hands were all over your body, your ass, waist, hips, your breasts that were bouncing right in front of him.
"That's a good girl, that's a good fucking girl..." He growled out "Nobody in this fucking world gets to have this cunt, just me, just your boyfriend." You whined again "You like that huh?" You nodded fast, still riding him hard, his hands intertwined with yours and you rode him faster.
He threw his head back and his eyebrows furrowed, biting on his bottom lip. "Shit, I think i'm gonna cum baby..." You nodded "I-I am too..." You whimpered feeling a knot in your belly, trying to chase that feeling.
"You gonna let me cum in you? You gonna let me fuck a baby into you? Let you be my baby mama?" He growled and flexed his hips up to meet you in the middle.
"Oh yes! I will Jungkook, take all of me.." You moaned out.
"I-I'm cumming..." He moaned and came inside you, just a few seconds later you came, your legs shaking and back arching.
You rolled off of him, onto the side right by him, and he slowly pulled out of you. He kissed your forehead and got up to clean the mess. When he was done he joined you back in bed and cuddled you.
"Fuck, that was amazing, you're amazing.." He whispered while playing with your hair "Thank you Kook, the feelings mutual." You giggled
"I love you so much, ____, words can't even describe it." He whispered "I love you too, Jungkook." You smiled, and he smiled back sighing contently, but also while wondering,
"Why couldn't we just get over it?"
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deanswhiskey · 10 months
𝐡𝐨𝐥𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐛𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡 - 𝐬𝐚𝐦 𝐰𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫
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⛥ ⛥ ⛥
summary; you and sam get stuck in an elevator. what could go wrong?
wc; 1,622
warnings; sam having a panic attack :(, cursing, kissing
authors note; this is partly inspired by the book stinger by mia sheridan and a little by that one episode of teen wolf (not proofread)
⛥ ⛥ ⛥
sam wasn’t scared of many things. how could he be? he had to fight vampires, werewolves, and a ton of other monsters only you could dream of on an almost daily basis.
he was scared of two things, however; clowns and elevators.
so, he wasn’t too thrilled about having to ride one, especially in this circumstance.
the day had gone great so far. he was the one to figure out who the monster was. he was the one who figured out how to kill it. hell, he was the one to find the hunt in the first place.
now, you and sam had been tasked to interview someone who was close with the victim. you had reached out and contact them asking if the both of you could interview her. she had triplets at home and she explained how chaotic it’d be to try and interview her from home, so she suggested her workplace.
the two of you had made your way to almost the dead center of the city. it wasn’t a tall building thankfully, so the flight of stairs wouldn’t be daunting.
you had known of sams fear of elevators. it was something you’d completely understood. trusting a metal box to bring you up several stories doesn’t sound too pleasant.
so when the two of you went past the revolving doors and checking in with the front desk, you bother were frozen at the sight of the two poorly taped up pieces of caution tape between the stair railing and the wall and the two yellow caution signs propped up on the floor in front.
of course they had to be cleaning the day you two arrive.
you were frozen because you knew you had to take the elevator which sam was not going to be happy about. sam was frozen because he realized he had to take the elevator.
you looked up at him, his face displeased and almost a bit pale. it was a mixture of anger and fear that you saw in his eyes.
slipping your hand into his, you spoke up first, “are you gonna be okay to do this?” sam broke his gaze from the stairs to look down at you, then at your hands and back up to your eyes. he could tell you were concerned for him.
sam put on his best brave face, which wasn’t fooling anybody, and nodded, “yea, let’s just get this over with.” he gulped. “no turning back now, right?” he let out a half-assed laugh.
there really was no turning back. you couldn’t send dean to do it, he was already off on a different interview.
you wanted to give sam one last reassurance before heading to the elevator but sam whisked you away before you could; hands still interlinked.
thankfully the elevators were away from people so no one could see his jittery stance before he pressed the up button next to the doors.
“sam, it’s okay if you don’t want to do this. i can go up there myself.” you unlaced your hands to step in front of him.
he shook his head, “i got this. just an elevator, right?”
“you don’t have to pretend not to be scared, it’s okay?” sam just nodded in response. you grabbed both of his hands after noticing his fidgetiness with them.
you looked up at him; boy, could sam get lost in those eyes. he knew he was going to be fine because you were there; you made him brave.
the elevator dinged, signaling it was ready. the two of you hopped in and you pressed the 10 button.
it was silent until you spoke up, “so i was thinking, what if it’s a vamp nest? instead of just the one like we thought. i mean it doesn’t make sense, how can it? the killings are too fast and too close together. it definitely has to be more than two, at least. another wild theory, what if it’s a couple shapeshifters. i mean how else could you explain the weird goopy stuff near the bodies.”
you looked over at sam, he was deep in thought, clearly not lying paying attention. you couldn’t blame him, you were slowly going up 10 floor in an elevator. so you decided to mess with him, “and i’m also pregnant. yea, i don’t know who the father is.”
“what?!” sams eyes nearly flew out of his head. he looked over to see you nearly doubled over laughing. he started to chuckle too once he realized you were joking.
“oh man, you should’ve seen the—”
your sentence cut short but a couple loud clicks and clanks, followed by a loud bang, and the elevator coming to an abrupt stop. the light in the elevator flickered a few time before going on and the emergency one cutting on.
“shit, shit, shit.” sam kept repeating to himself and his hands became more and more sweaty, knees weak, while slowly backing up into the wall behind him. “no, no, this can’t be happening.”
you looked over at him, worried for his wellbeing. “sam? sam, look at me. everything will be fine. i’m gonna call someone on the emergency phone.” you grabbed one of his hands, not caring about the sweat. your other hand reached up to the side of his face to make him look at you.
“just— uh,” you were stuck in thought, you didn’t really know what to do, “just sit, right here, on the floor. hold on.”
the guy on the other end of the emergency phone said there was a power outage in the building and they were working to get the power back on and emergency services to you. you didn’t bother telling sam that it would take an hour or so to get the paper on and you both out; he didn’t need that in the moment.
you crouched down in front of sam, “sam, are you okay?”
“yea, yea, what’d the guy say?” his breathing was labored, struggling to maintain eye contact.
“he just said there was a power outage and they’re working hard to get it back on while sending someone to come get us.” your hands grabbed his in attempts to calm him down.
it didn’t look like much but it calmed some of his nerves.
sams breathing still labored. god, what could you do to help, you thought. “talk to me, sam. tell me something, anything.” you encouraged.
“i— uh,” he struggled to think of something. words formed in his mind but nothing was coherent, nor coming out.
his hands grew more shaky while his breathing became shallower, tears pricked his eyes.
“sam, look at me. can you breath with me? i’m gonna take some deep breaths, can you follow?” he only nodded in response. sam couldn’t really follow your breathing but he tried, for you.
the only thing running through was you. the look on your face saddened him. he wish he didn’t feel this way, he never wanted to bother you with this. your soft and delicate features now filled with worry and panic of your own.
“you gotta breath sam; please don’t pass out on me.” you let out a sad chuckle. one of your hands reached up to push the hair out of his face. sam leaned in your touch, feeling comfortable by any sort of touch you provide.
then you remembered, and old tale, holding your breath can slow your breathing. “hold your breath!” sam just looked confused. “holding your breath can slow your breathing. try it, sam!”
so he did, thought it was unsuccessful. “it’s not working.” he breathed out.
the fireman weren’t even close to your guys yet. your brain was racing a million miles a minute. you had to do something, and you needed to do it now.
before you even knew it, your lips were on sams. you hold your breath for a kiss, right? in this case you both did.
you pulled away after a few seconds. “what was that?” sam half smiled.
“you’re not breathing heavy anymore.” you smiled at your accomplishment.
sam took a moment to realize this. “oh, yea. i guess not.”
his eyes searching for he doesn’t even know. he couldn’t help stare into your beautiful eyes. he had pictured a million different ways he’d kiss you but he never thought it’d be this way; same goes for you.
“sam, i—” you didn’t get to finish before sam gently placed his lips back on yours. the kiss was sweet, like a give you’d give your high school boyfriend on prom.
you kissed back with more passion, prolonging the kiss. sams head tilts and so does yours to deepen the kiss. his hands find their way to your waist pulling on top of his lap.
the kiss only lasted a few more seconds before you pulled away. you just smiled, “what was that for?”
“thank you, for everything.” his eyes saying what he couldn’t get out at the moment.
“i hope that’s not how you thank everyone.” you joked with him.
“only you, sweetheart.” he winks and leans in for another kiss.
not but a few minutes later the rescue squad came and got the two of you. you had to cancel the interview but that was okay, dean had figured out who the monster was and the three of you took them down the next day.
the hunt was successful for many reasons. you took down a vamp and shapeshifter who teamed up, in record time too. sam had somewhat conquered his fear of elevators and finally gotten the girl of his dreams. and you had gotten the man of your dreams, too.
maybe you and sam should get stuck in elevators more often.
⛥ ⛥ ⛥
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yrsdf · 1 year
{AGE GAP: simon!30-40- reader!20 MDNI}
|tags: innocent!reader, dominant!simon|
you came back home from college for the summer, you walk in the door to see your parents sitting at the dinner table with a man, he was wearing a balaclava with a skull attached to it, you noticed his broad appearance, the tattoos on his forearms and his thick british accent, his back faced you and your father called you over.
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“Honey bun!! Oh welcome home sweetie!”
Your mother stood walking up to you, she engulfed you in a hug and you nearly melted, the scent of your home comforted your senses and you hugged her back, your items dropped to your side, you only had two bags, you were never a HUGE packer.
“God mom… you have no idea how amazing it is to be back, i mean it”
She sighed and nodded, she backed up and rubbed your arm in a comforting manner, you didn't even realize your dad had followed her and he opened his arms, his bear hugs were the ones you loved the most, he squoze you with brute strength making you giggle.
“Ohhh look at my ladybug! You're so grown up.”
He let go and you noticed the skull man's eyes boring into you he stood walking up to you three, he stood his height was towering, your father laughed
“Oh yea! Sorry hun, that's simon.. Me and your mum are leaving town for a bit for a small getaway, he offered to watch the house!”
You raised an eyebrow
“Dad.? I'm 20…? I can definitely watch the house on my own.”
Before you could continue to protest simons overbearing figure reached a handout to you and offered a handshake, even though that intimidating demeanor he held, you took his hand, his calloused rough hands tickled your hand making you shiver, he shook it softly before letting go of your hand.
“I know I know.. But you're still my little girl, I'd be a bad dad if I didn't make sure you were safe! The cars are already packed and we just want you to know we are a call away.”
They said their bye and gave hugs and kisses, before slipping out of the door and shutting it, you turnt to look at simon his eyes were cold and dark, but not in a mean or hateful way, more of in a flat expression type of way he speaks, tone deep and rough his accent rolls nicely off his tongue.
“Well, i suppose i didn't quite introduce myself..Im simon as your father said, since im the one in charge ill set some ground rules, no staying out late be home by 9:00, make sure i know when any friends come over, and lastly, be in bed by 10:00…”
Your mouth fell wide open in shock, so yea you assumed  he would be maybe a little laid back or cool but definitely not, you scoffed and rolled your eyes before grabbing your bags storming up the stairs and into your room slamming your door, he didn't necessarily care if you were upset by his ground rules, simply he sat on the couch in your living room propping is feet up on your coffee table and watched tv.
{a few days pass}
It was about 4 am, simon was dead asleep on the couch downstairs and you snuck your boyfriend into your room, he fell on the floor and you shushed him giggling, your boyfriend kissed you, and pushed you onto the bed and he sloppily made way with you, he struggled undressing you and himself, he was in his boxers, and you were in your bra and panties, you heard simons boots from downstairs and you hurried your boyfriend into the closet before quickly throwing on an oversized shirt, the door swung open and you were standing there awkwardly, he knew something was up.
“Heard some stuff knockin around up here…”
 his eyes looked at the close on the floor and you internally face palmed, then to your surprise he began searching your room, he stopped at the closet, and he opened it your boyfriend looked terrified.simon grabbed the boy by his shoulder and pulled him out of the closet throwing him to the floor
“Now what the hell did I tell you?”
His voice was raised and demanding as his eyes dug into your soul, you mouth dry and speechless as he looked now to your sobbing boyfriend you scoffed
“Seriously Anthony…? Seriously, you're crying.”
You said with a aggravated tone simon laughed ever so slightly
“Y’know love, if you wanted a good time you could have picked anything other than this slag…”
He looked at the boy
“Now leave this fucking house you twat”
The boy scrammed running out, leaving his clothes and dignity behind and Simon looked at you, you looked at him and you looked disappointed in yourself and he sighed walking up to you, he caressed your chin and had you look up at him.
“Has he ever pleased you love..?”
You shook your head no, and you kept eye contact with him, he nodded leading you to your bed, he had you sit on it as he crouched in front of you.
“Then how bout you let me take care of you hm..?”
You thought about it, and soon you nodded once again, he lifted your legs to hang over his shoulders, he lifted his mask above his mouth and kept your legs parted with his hands that were now gripping the plush of your thighs, his breath fanned on your sensitive clit before he began to eat you alive, Your fingers are tangling in his hair, pulling and tugging at the roots until he lets out a low groan.at this exact moment nothing more matters to him than to have you cumming all over his tongue over and over, sweet juices coating every inch of his mouth until it’s all he can taste
His movements continue on for a few more minutes.
you whimper, and your core tightens as you feel yourself getting closer and closer to the edge. 
“C-Can’t take much more… Gonna—fuck—gonna cum”
simon's hips buck against the mattress to their own will, and his eyes pierce through your skull as he chases the stimulation against his neglected cock. He's desperate, starving, driven with the need to hear you cry out his name until your voice becomes hoarse. He can’t stop, not now, not when your thighs are shaking around his head and his tongue is swirling around your clit. his dick aches and leaks, he thinks he might be close to, he is sure of it when he throbs in his boxers at the sound of your whimpers.
Your juices are coating his tongue with the sweetest taste and his ears are ringing with your pleas, but he isn't even satisfied yet.
“Hmmm love…?” he mutters against your cunt, his lips ghosting over your throbbing clit and tongue flicking against it. “You want more?”
He buries his face between your legs, feels your body convulse and your mouth let out soft whimpers.he can hear a low rumble in the back of his skull and feels a fire ignite in his guts and his teeth are nipping at your thigh and his mouth his slick with your juices, tears streaming down your face .
“That's it, doll..,” 
he coos down at you, his tongue running laps around your sore clip until you're seeing stars burst behind your eyes.
 “Show me how good I make you feel. Go on, keep crying, you dirty slut…, let me see your tears”
You came undone on his tongue, your body jolting and convulsing with each stroke of his tongue, he bit into your thigh leaving a bruising tooth mark as he kissed it, he had to leave his mark somehow? He leaned his head against your inner thigh and admired how peaceful our sleeping body was, proud of how he was the one that caused this.
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tinkerbelle05 · 1 year
Please do pavitr x reader please!!
Thanks for the Help
Characters: Pavitr Prabhakar x GN!reader
Genre: Slight angst, Fluff
Summary: After getting sick, you are there to help Pavitr get through it. Thanks for the reqs boo ✨
Warnings: I aged up both the reader and Pavitr to 18 bc there is a slight suggestive scene but nothin to crazy
Notes: this is my first time writing Pavitr so I’m sorry for if it’s ooc.
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“You look absolutely terrible, Pav.” You told him. You both were in the nearly empty cafeteria at HQ. He had a runny nose and he was constantly clearing his throat.
“Hey, it’s not that terrible. I’m fine,” he cracked a smile and attempted to get up just for his knees to buckle under.
You caught him before he hit the ground, thankfully. “Someone whose fine wouldn’t fall to the ground like that, Pav. You’re sick and you need to rest so you’ll get better.”
Pavitr struggles out of your grasp and leans on the table to stand, his back facing you. “I am fine, okay. I don’t have time to be sick, Mumbattan needs me. They have nobody else protecting them.”
You grab his shoulders and turn him to face you. You held his face and held it steady, “Listen, I know. You feel like you are the only one who can protect your city and without you, it would fall and crumble to the ground. But you're not alone, Pav. I mean you are literally in a spider society. Plus, you cannot really protect anyone if you're dead on your feet.”
“But I can-” Before he can continue he breaks out into a coughing fit and when he recovers you give him a “I told you so” look. He sighs, “Yea, you're right.”
You start leading him to your room and thankfully Pavitr follows without much fussing. You pulled out some sweatpants and a t-shirt that he should be able to fit. You think that these are Miles’ and Hobie’s clothes that Gwen left. You weren’t totally sure.
“So, do you need help getting dressed or…?” You asked him and in response he gives you a sly smirk and a tilt of his head.
Rolling your eyes, you left the room to give him some privacy. If he can have thoughts like that then he can get dressed himself.
“Okay, I'm good,” you hear Pavitr and you go to check up on him. He was sitting on the very edge of your bed, looking extremely out of place.
“What's wrong, Pav? You wanna go to your room?”
Truthfully you chose your room because it was the one closest to the caf and you wanted him to be in bed quickly. But maybe you should’ve been more considerate about where a sick person would want to be resting at.
“Sorry, do you want to be in your own room? I didn't really consider that.”
“No, no, it’s just I don't want to intrude. And this is my first time being in your room,” he explains to you, avoiding eye contact.
“Oh, no, no you don't have to worry about that, Pav. I’ll go and get some tea for you and vicks for you, okay? And take some cough drops in the meantime. Get comfortable.” And with that you were out the door. You decided to focus on getting the things Pavitr needed rather than what he just said.
This is the first time I'm in your room. Oh and he was in your bed too! Oh, god you didn't think this through. You were so focused on not letting him get out, you didn't even think about it. No, no. He's sick right now. He needs a friend right now, not someone who has a crush. Get yourself together.
You walked back to your room with supplies in hand but then you stopped when you heard Hobie’s voice.
“Mate, what's going on?”
“I'm in her room, in her bed. Dude, I'm freaking out here,” you hear Pavitr answer. “I don't wanna blow it.” It seems like they are talking on the phone.
“So don't blow it then,” Hobie answers casually. “Listen, you are overthinking it because you like her. But like you're sick so just focus on getting better first okay. And let's be honest, if she didn't like you, would she really be doing all of…this? Now go take some cough medicine, you sound like shit.”
No, no you shouldn’t be eavesdropping, it's wrong and weird and what is wrong to you? You decided to drop that train of thought for now and knock to announce yourself.
“Hey Pav,” you greet him with a big smile even though you were screaming on the inside. “So I made you some black tea to help with the sore throat and the Vicks is to help with your stuffy nose.” You place the items on the end table, “Need anything else?”
Pavitr looks up at you with half-lidded eyes and slightly slurred words, “Um, can you put the Vicks on me, please? My arms are heavy, sorry.”
“It's fine, Pav. I told you I'll take care of you and I meant it,” you reply.
You sat on the edge of the bed and started to unbutton the shirt, and you started to rub the substance on his chest. Your gaze met his and god was he beautiful. His eyes, his hair, his smile.
“What are you smiling at?” You asked when you noticed it.
“You. You're really, really pretty,” he answers you and maintains eye contact.
“Oh, Pavitr, listen-” you start off but he interrupts you.
“No, I'm being serious. I've always thought you were pretty and smart and amazing and everything else. I just was too afraid to tell you until now. When I get better, let me take you out on a date?” He confesses to you.
“Oh”, is all you can say while you attempt to take in what you just heard. Because what? “What? What are in these drops?” You reached to grab the bottle but he stopped you.
“It has nothing to do with the drops and everything to do with how I feel about you. I truly mean it.” He tells you. “You probably-“
“Okay, I’ll go. I kinda, sorta, think your amazing too. But you have to do everything I tell you to do. Understand?” You offer to him.
He gives you a beaming smile, “Yea, that’s cool with me.”
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Tags: @butterfi, @justbeethings, @jam-skullz, @zomb1te, @dreamxcollide, @shibble, @sciamachy-after-dusk, @sleepdeprivationis4coolkids, @somber-starz, @maypersonne, @hoeboat101, @rosebunny, @midnight-the-shadow-wolf, @mur-docs, @eight-cats-in-a-box, @emgavi, @sawi-06, @707xn, @niktwazny303, @nagi3seastorm, @ghostsimp000, @cloudstrifefantatic, @vixqn, @mewxzx, @yourtsahik, @angelzira, @im-jisoo-im-okay, @itstooearly-its3am, @universallypeanutpizzapersona, @gricelovesu, @sodapopzds, @peter-parkers-gf, @star-light18464, @andhdi68a, @liural, @wraithlueintheirlittleworld, @targaryenstormborn
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blippymilk · 9 months
Veneer x Fem! Dancer Reader
(I’m going to make a headcannon version of this and it will be gender neutral)
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(Please feel free to replace the female pronouns if needed. I’m mostly going to stick to gender neutral fics, but because I’m so familiar as a dancer as a female, I’m making this a female reader fic.)
“Enjoy the show!” the ticket booth attendedent lady smiling at Veneer, as she handed him the tickets.
“Thank you.” He returned the smile as he walked through the black double doors into a room about as big as a theater. Your boyfriend had purchased two tickets to the dance competition your studio was going to be competing in today, one for himself, the other for his sister Velvet. “Ugh! Do I have to be here?” Velvet exclaimed, throwing her arms around in a over dramatic manner.
“No, you don’t that’s why I’m thankful that you tagged along sis.” Veneer said, now frantically looking for you. He came a bit early in order to see you. There were about 30 other people, stage managers, and a few dancers running around. He looked for you in your costume because he specifically remembered what it looked like when you tried it on.
Veneer pulled out his phone to text you and began typing, only being put to an immediate halt when you came, throwing yourself at him. “Venee!!” You giggled as he immediately caught you in his arms, his smile even wider than before. You were in his warm embrace as your tutu smooshed across his body.
“Heyyy (name).” Veneer stretched out this sentence like he usually does when he greets you. He gave you big kiss and you returned it. Velvet’s loud groan was the only reason you knew she was there to begin with. He put you down and observed your outfit, twirling you around once with his hand. “Where’s your costume babe?” he asked. “Oh, this is the group dance costume. We’re doing ballet this time, hence my tutu. But the one you saw me in was my solo costume.” You replied as veneer nodded, still focusing on your outfit.
(Choose one or make up your own)
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“Your still slaying the look though babe.” Veneer said spinning you around once more as you giggled. You were used to having such a sassy boyfriend, which sometimes confused others but who cares, it’s Veneer. Velvet grumbled again and this time you paid attention to her. “Hey Velvet.” You said as she nodded her head in response. Velvet really did have a soft spot for you when it came to her brothers happiness, but dance competitions aren’t really her thing. Especially when she’s not one of the performers. It’s just hard for her to let anyone that’s not her enjoy the spotlight, so you were just thankful that she showed up.
Veneer began to speak again before being interrupted by a loud shriek then sent a shock through his body, nothing he wasn’t used to though being the brother of Velvet. “That sounds like my coach, I better go.” You said before turning around to run back, being stopped by Veneer grabbing you by you wrist. “What your not gonna give me a goodbye kiss?” Veneer said jokingly, but you could tell he was so dead serious. Rolling your eyes playfully you turned back and grabbed Veneer by the chin and pulling him into a kiss. Almost biting your lip in surprise, Veener melted into the kiss. If it weren’t for Velvet sighing loudly (and I mean loudly) you two might’ve went on for hours.
“Thanks Velvet, sorry about that.” You chuckled pulling away. “Yea thanks a lot Velvs.” Veneer said wiping his mouth (unintentionally) with almost a hint of sarcasm behind it. Velvet gave him quick stern look before he fixed the frown on his face. “Alright guys, hopefully I’ll see you in the audience.” “You know you will.” Veneer said finger gunning you. “And thanks again for coming Velvet.” You smiled at her. “Yea yea, no problem.” She replied sternly, but her eyes had softened as she gave a little smile.
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More people started to come in so the twins grabbed an up and close seat. Velvet was occupied scrolling through her phone while Veneer was just anxious the whole time. His leg bouncing up and down, waiting and praying that you would do the best you could. He even found a pen in his pocket and started clicking like crazy. “VENEER!” Velvet said after literally point two seconds. “Sorry sis I’m just really nervous.” Veneer dropped the pen immediately. “Lord have mercy, the show hasn’t even started yet.” She rolled her eyes so hard you could see it from the stage if you were standing in it.
So when the competition finally did start you can imagine how anxious Veneer was, and how pissed Velvet was. Veneer kept looking through the program paper to see when your group dance was on. “Two more…two more…” at this point he was just excited and Velvet didn’t feel like bashing him for it, this time.
When your group dance was finally on he once again, frantically searched for you. After a few seconds he spotted you and the rest of the world just seemed to fade away. His eyes were on you and you only. He can feel himself falling in love with you all over again. The rest of the girls weren’t even there, if someone had asked he might’ve said it was a solo. He thinks knows you’re the best dancer on that stage. You stand out to him so much, and he thinks your above the rest of the girls. He thinks your too overlooked by your coaches. You could be the feature in the dance and he still would think you don’t have enough recognition.
Once your dance was over he was upset to see you leave the stage. But he remembered your solo was coming up and he regained hope. Then lost it again when he realized that the competition had to get done with the group dance category.
Veneer had watched, and slouched, and waited patiently through the group dance category until the competition manager announced the solo division. Veneer sat up in his seat because he knew you were one of the first to perform. He waited and waited until the announcers called the name of your dance. You gracefully walked out onto the stage in the costume Veneer had seen you in a while back. He thought you were gorgeous.
(You can choose one of these or come up with your own. Also the style of dance is up to you)
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And when you started dancing once again, it was just you. His sister wasn’t there, the audience wasn’t there, the judges wern’t there. It was just you and the music. There was a moment in the dance he could’ve sworn you looked over at him and smiled brightly (which you probably did) which put this lovesick look on Veneer’s face. He watched as you turned and leaped (sorry for those that chose hip hop 😭). He could almost name a few of those moves. Even though Veneer could dance he never knew the names of certain moves, so he tried learned them so he could connect with you more. ‘Calypso…pas de chat…a la seconde turns…’ he was almost a pro.
He had been so focused and connected that before he knew it, your solo was over. He made sure to give you a standing ovation clapping loud and shouting your name. Velvet rolled her eyes but made sure to clap just as loud. And a few other people joined in with Veneer.
Soon the results rolled around and Veneer was as anxious as ever. All the teams were sitting out on the stage. He really wanted you to win your solo. He cared about the group dance but not as much as your specific solo. At this competition they announced solos first so Veneer was on cloud nine. When they got to your age division he noticed you tense up a bit. He waited for your eyes to lock with his and he gave you a ‘Don’t worry I know you’ll win this’ look with just his eyes. You smiled a bit and went back to focusing on the judges.
“Third runner up…(____).” The judge called as the girl went to claim her award. You and Veeners legs were bouncing as there were only two more places left and no sign of your name. “Second place goes to…(____)” Now you knew you had either blew it or knocked it out of the park. You waited for them to announce first place as some of the girls held your hand. “First place overall goes to…” Veneer was would’ve exploded if the judge took any longer, “(Name!)” the announcer called as you pumped your fist in the air and went to collect your prize. Veneer almost jumped out of his seat. He was louder than the whole theater combined.
The announcer asked you the name of your studio, as Veneer whooped and hollered. You looked back at him and smiled and you even saw Velvet smiling at you as well.
Your group ended up getting second in the teen group division, but you were still so happy that you had won.
When the competition was over you ran to Veneer with the big trophy in your hand, as he held his arms open to embrace you. “Try not to knock me out with it!” Veneer yelled right before you got to him, and for the record you almost did. “You did so good! You definitely deserved that win more than anyone else here, I don’t care.” He said causing you to laugh. “I don’t know, it was really hard competition today.” You replied. “Well you deserved it.” He said dragging out the last word, that meant he was about to get lovey dovey.
“Yeah that was good (name). Now let’s go now or I’ll never get you two in the car.” She said walking off. Was she a little aggressive? Yes. Was she wrong? No.
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serxinns · 9 months
Yandere mha x Svarlet reader Extra 1: Hot springs
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The reader is gender neutral use they/them pronouns
(the reason why they're going to the girl side of the hot springs is because they didn't wanted to be by mineta and you don't wanna be with a lot of people rn)
A/N: so I've been reading @demonlamb666 Class 1a reaction to mineta climbing the bath to see you and the girls naked bodies and I was like "Man I wish they could make a extended version of this" and I realized "If nobody's doing it Fine ill do it!" so here you go!
This Fic was inspired by the dabble by demonlamb666 if you wanna go on her og then go to here
The class cheered as Aizawa announced that there would be a hot spring to relax in You however didn't you just want to have a summer break and play with your game device all day and laze away luck isn't on your side today now is it
Cmon y/n join our side it'll be fine," Hakagure said while waving her arms around "I don't know guys I don't like the hot springs very much and I'm gonna see y'all naked..." you muttered the last part out in discomfort while clutching your towel but tsu put a comforting hand on your shoulder "we trust you y/n we know your not gonna do anything *kero*""Yea! You not like that disgusting perv like Mineta ur the total opposite!" ochako said the other girls chimed in encouraging you saying it was fun until you made up your mind "Fine fine! I'll join but only for a little the girls cheered and praise you for your braveness
They decided to let you go in 1st so they wouldn't see you and then they decided to go in as well "See isn't it nice y/n" Momo said while giving you a hug "Y/n San feels so warm~" momo thought in her head as the other girls glared jealousy her
the girls and you chatted along while at times splashing each other and giggling at each other's jokes mina brought each ball and decided to play ball-related games like a hot potato, keep the ball in the air, or even volley ball the girls had a little fight over who gets to be in your team but other then that it's been fun unaware that a purple cockroa- I mean teenager plotting a plan
"What I'm here for is beyond the wall," mineta said while holding his towel he then pressed his head up against the wall with a satisfying smile hearing you and the girls chatting and giggling the boys were now focusing on Mineta now confused about what he was gonna do "nowadays, for them not to stranger bathing times for men and women is an accident" mineta continued his speech while the boys were slowly starting to know he was doing "Dont tell me you're.." denki said with a glare while tenya standard up lecturing mineta not to do what he's about to do while Mineta eyes rolling back rolling as he eagerly listen to the other size of the wall (EW EW EWWWW 🤢)
"You're being too fussy" mineta said while reaching for his hair taking a ball out "cause walls.. ARE MEANT RO BE CLIMBED OVER PLUS ULTRA"
And chaos exploded over
"mineta stop what your doing it's wrong!" zuku pleaded while holding him by the ankles "YOU FUCKING BASTARD WHEN I REACH UP TO YOU UR DEAD" katsuki threaten while Shoto created a nice step to help Katsuki get higher Meanwhile Kiri and Denki was fantasizing about what would your body would look like while getting turned on about it while kiri was waiting for katsuki to jump Sero was aiming tape to trying to tie down the grape boy
"What's going on?!" y/n said while hearing the commotion at the other side of the wall "MINETAS TRYING TO CLIMB OVER THE WALL JIROU MOMO COVER Y/N" Shoto yelled while trying to keep Katsuki steady Momo and jirou quickly wrapped you up in their arms while also blushing at the fact that they're touching your warm s/c skin Making the most of it "LET ME GO IM GONNA TOUCH HIM NOT TO MESS WITH OUR LIGHT" black shadow yelled out while trying to come at mineta but tokoyami was holding him back trying to calm him down "DARK SHADOW NO!" As much tokoyami wanted him to do it but he didn't want him to be responsible for him he's focusing on you being safe and sound "LADIES PROTECT Y/N's HONOUR"
"OH IT ON" Mina yelled determined to beat Minets down for your honor, Ochako and Mina nodded to themselves, and while Mina Jumped in the air she slapped ochakos hand to make her float to the top of the wall to drop kick Mineta You stared at the chaos that was in front of you the yelling the screaming honestly it was pretty hilarious to you and you wanted to join in beating Mineta's ass cause why not you wrested out the grip of momo and Jirou and use your telekenies to make yourself float, tsuyu to tried to grab you by using her tongue but you dodge you went and grabbed mina's hand floating her up with you when Mineta made it to the top you both dropped kick him so hard he lost his balance and fell right on top of iida
(Poor boy having a image of that 😅)
Safe to say you were praised for your dangerous but badass stunt the girls were all over how amazing that love was and Mina even suggested you be her training partner even iida praised you but still lectured how unsafe that stunt was for the boys (including Bakugo) was shouting how compliments of how badass or manly it was even Aizawa heard about it and praise you for it and also gave mineta 48-hour detection and gave you extra credit all the teachers heard and gave u praises as well and hawks gave you a high five for it they're never living this memory down
Also, the class planned to pay Mineta a visit when they got back to the UA dorms
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raya-hunter01 · 6 months
Cruising Love Pt. 2.2
Two Shot Request
Jey Uso x Black Female OC! (Kayla)
Jimmy Uso x Trin
Roman x Black Female OC! (Robin)
Sefa x Black Female OC! (Cameron)
Montez Ford x Bianca Belair
Rating: 18+
Warning: Smut,
Thank you for the request and for trusting me once again @royalkay23
Jey has planned a five-day cruise to the Bahamas and Puerto Rico for his girlfriend Kayla’s birthday. Jey is determined to make sure the trip goes smoothly as he’s enlisted his family and friends to help him plan the perfect wedding proposal.
His plans are in danger of going up in smoke as his toxic ex is also on the cruise and is desperate to rekindle their toxic burning flame.
Will Jey give in, or will he stand strong in his love and devotion to Kayla and leave the past in the past?
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Regen Seven Seas Cruise
Nassau, Bahamas
Kayla’s POV
Last night was a pure disaster and after the dinner from hell, Jey and I spent the night in silence. I slept in the bed, and he took the couch, and I made a point to haul ass early this morning before he even woke up.
Now my new problem of the day is sitting in front of me. Colton showed up and is trying to convince me to hang out with him on the island today.
“Are you sure I can’t take you out? I heard there is some good restaurants, we could even do a walk on the beach,” he said with a hopeful smile.
 “Look, I have a great boyfriend, even though he does stupid shit sometimes so no that won’t be happening. Plus, I don’t want to have to attend your burial at sea if he sees me with you,” I said honestly as Colton seemed unfazed.
“You really love him, don’t you?”
“Yea, I do and I ain’t the cheating kind. If I’m with someone, I’m with them, and that’s the beginning, middle and end of it,” I said making sure he understood.
 Suddenly, feeling eyes on me, I looked up and saw the girls.  I waved them over, my smile instantly dropping mid-wave as I saw Jey standing beside them and he didn’t look pleased.
“I think you need to go, Colton,” I said trying to avoid a confrontation because if looks could kill, Colton would be dead right now.
Great, this is all I need him acting a fuckin’ fool.
“Girl, we been looking all over for you,” Trin said as I smiled.  “Yea, we missed you at breakfast, I thought maybe you had gone to explore the island alone,” Cameron said as I shook my head at Jey mean mugging Colton.
“Nah, not yet anyway, I wanted ya’ll to spend some time with your husbands. It’s your vacation too, and ya’ll have babysat me enough,” I said as Colton seemed unfazed by Jey’s attempt to intimidate him.
“We are going on the island in a bit for all of that,” Robin said as Jey cleared his throat.
“Bae, check your phone,” he said as I picked it up wondering why, but instantly cringed reading the messages he had apparently sent after seeing Colton sitting with me.
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“I guess I still had it on silent from last night, so much was going on.”
“Sometimes that happens, and it’s ok to take some time for yourself when that happens,” Colton said as Jey scoffed.
“Aye, didn’t I tell you last night to stay away,” Jey said as Colton smiled. “Yea, you did but I hated to see such a beautiful woman eating lunch by herself.”
“Ah, hell,” Bianca whispered as Jey smirked. “She isn’t alone, she came on this trip with seven other people. Your type of company ain’t needed,” Jey said sitting down beside me.
 “Well, she’s a really beautiful woman Jey. I mean any man would love to be in her presence,” Colton said as Jey took my hand in his as I sighed.  Great, let the pissing contest begin….
“Yes, Kayla is a very beautiful, so I don’t blame you, but she’s my woman. Yea, all this mine and you ain’t her type anyway,” Jey said gesturing to me while locked in an intense stare down with Colton as I looked on in disbelief.
“I was just keeping her company, she looked like she had a lot on her mind. I really meant no harm but what you mean I ain’t her type?” Colton asked as Jey looked at me.
“Like I said, you ain’t her type….. Kayla likes grown men.”
“Don’t do this,” I whispered as Jey pulled my chair closer to his, staking his claim. I should be pissed off, but I’m kinda turned on by the exchange.
“Kayla, I’m just telling him what the deal is. You like grown men, don’t you?” Jey asked as I gulped truly speechless as the girls sat down.
  “Let me clock this tea,” Bianca whispered as Colton smirked.
“I am a grown man Jey, so I’m trying to figure out how I ain’t her type,” Colton said as Jey smirked at me, refusing to even look at him.
“Maybe, but Kayla likes grown ass men that know how to lay dat pipe, and I don’t see you being that type?” he said staring at me intently, almost daring me to say he’s lying.
“Oh, my goodness,” Robin said as I squirmed in my seat not believing he said that no matter how true it was.
“Damn you,” I mumbled as he licked his lips. His passionate, possessive gaze held me captive as he caressed my thigh.
“You ok, princess?” Jey asked as I cleared my throat and nodded. I was unsure of what to say as he continued to talk to Colton while staring intentionally at me.
“Now Colton, you enjoy the rest of your trip, and don’t let me catch you around Kayla again. She’s taken, now if I have to tell you again….I’mma have to get you,”” Jey warned as I gulped.
“Damn, he layin’ down the law up in this bitch.  Pick up yo’ jaw off the ground Kayla, you heard the man,” Cameron whispered as Trin snickered, giving her a high-five.
I remained neutral, but inside I was screaming. I wanted to fuck him right now on this deck for the world to see.
I felt the walls I had built up slowly start to crumble as I got lost in his eyes and I felt overwhelmed and tired.
We needed to squash this shit because I truly did miss him.
“I guess I’ll take the hint and leave. Ya’ll enjoy the rest of your trip,” Colton said getting up as I finally looked at him and nodded.
“It was nice to meet you, Colton,” I said as he smiled. “Likewise, Kayla,” he whispered before walking away as I shook my head at Jey’s antics.
“Damn, did you really just have to put it out there like that?” I asked as his hand continued to caress my thigh as he ignored my question.
“Ugh, Jey, are you gon’ to stay and eat with us?” Robin asked as Jey finally removed his hand from my thigh, grasping my hand in his.
“Nah, I’ll let ya’ll ladies talk, I’m bout to go back to the room and grab a nap. I really hope we can go out tonight, Kay,” Jey said gently kissing my hand before getting up and leaving.
As soon as he was out of sight Bianca reached over and punched me in the shoulder. “Ow! That fuckin’ hurt,” I moaned still feeling a little sore from last night.
 “It was supposed to, now gon’ squash this shit and talk to your man.”
“Yea, we only got a few days left before we back to our busy schedules. Do you really want to spend the rest of this trip mad,” Robin said as I shook my head truly tired, especially after last night.  
“No, I don’t and if ya’ll would have given me a minute, I would have told you I was going to talk to him sometime today.”
“Well, no time like the present so go on,” Cameron said as took one last sip of my drink before l left them.
I took the stairs, wanting a few minutes alone to get myself together. Lost in my thoughts, I got confused as to which floor I was on, so I quickly got off the stairwell and went in search of an elevator.
The last thing I wanted was to be lost on this big ass ship. Rounding the corner, I saw Jey and Danielle engrossed in an intense conversation, so I quietly ducked back around the corner before either of them saw me. 
“Daniell, this ain’t gon’ happen, so why you keep following me?” Jey asked, trying to get leave as Danielle tried to block his path.
“Yes, it can…Just dump her and let’s start over.”
“Why would I do that? Kayla is the best thing that has ever happened to me, and I love her,” Jey said without hesitation as I smiled.
“Well, what was the other night?”
“Truthfully, a desperate ex trying to fuck up the one good thing in my life.” Danielle frowned, looking offended as Jey seemed just over the conversation in general.
“Why are you looking like that, you wanted honesty, right? The truth is I tried to give you the benefit of the doubt and not hurt your feelings. When I saw you, I should have left right then.”
“You don’t mean that, you love me. Your actions screamed it.”
“Danielle, I told you I had someone, I told you I love Kay. I stopped you from kissing me. How did any of my actions that night scream that I loved you?”
“Jey, let’s stop with these games and let’s be real.  What can you do for a woman like Kayla? You don’t even come close to being in her league.”
“There’s the old Danielle, I wondered when she was gon’ show up and start spewing bullshit.”
“It ain’t bullshit, and you know it Jey,” Danielle said with a smirk. Oh, this bitch was really a piece of work. I can’t imagine what hell he went through in that relationship.
“You know what? I may not deserve Kayla, but I love her, and I know she loves me. Like really loves me Danielle, not my money, but me.”
“So, do I Jey, look at all we’ve been through. You know that I haven’t stopped loving you,” she cried as Jey shook his head.
“What we had wasn’t love, it was toxic as fuck. It was you spending my money, stealing from me and manipulating me. What I have with Kayla is real, and I ain’t letting her go, so just leave and miss me with that toxic shit.”
“Yea, I ain’t going nowhere bitch,” I muttered wanting to do nothing more than to go over and kick her ass again, but I knew Jey needed to face this alone.
“Oh, so I’m toxic because I love you!” Danielle cried as Jey looked at her shaking his head.
“Danielle, all the shit you put me through had me wondering if I was even capable of being in a normal relationship with somebody. You truly had fucked me up, had me thinking something was wrong with me, when it was you,” Jey said unwavering and strong as listened intently to him speak his truth.
“Well let me guess, through it all Ms. Perfect helped you, huh,” Dainelle said sarcastically wiping her tears as Jey seemed even more unfazed.
“Yea, she did, and I know that probably pisses you off, but Kayla put me back together again after you broke me. Kayla motivated me to be a better man. Kayla did that, not you,” Jey said as Danielle began pacing.
“Jey, how can you say those things to me, like what we had didn’t matter?” she whispered, as Jey ignored her and continued to talk as my heart swelled with each word.
 “Kayla has stood by my side, always had has back and loved me through all the shit I went through. So, when I say I love her, I mean that shit with everything in me, and ain’t nobody takin’ that away from me."
“So, what you sayin’ Jey?” Danielle asked, her voice cracking as Jey walked closer to her.
“I’m sayin’ the same thing I’ve said for the last four years, it’s over between us Danielle. Stay away from Kayla, me, and my family or it’s going to be a problem.”
“How can you say that to me after all we’ve been through?” Danielle cried as Jey rubbed his hand over his face.
“Danielle, it ain’t working, you can turn off the tears,” Jey said as a frustrated scream left her lips as she dabbed at her eyes. “Fakin’ ass bitch,” I muttered to myself as Jey shook his head.
“Damn, I’m fucking up my makeup and I’m losing my touch,” she said now wiping her tears as Jey scoffed.
“Danielle, have a nice life and don’t ever contact me again.” The elevator suddenly dinged alerting them that the doors were about to open.
“I’mma take the stairs, the last thing I need is to be seen with you and more fuckin’ chaos happens. Stay away from my family or I won’t stop Kayla the next time,” Jey said before walking away from a screeching Dainelle.
“You can’t just do this Jey, this is me! Come back and let’s talk!” Danielle cried as I felt the need to make my presence known.
“Hey, Dainelle,” I said casually walking into her peripheral.
“Ugh, what do you want? Look, if you touch me, I’ll call security.” She panicked as I waved her off.  
“Girl, I ain’t gon’ hurt you, but it is amazing what a good ass whooping will do to a person. Nice eye by the way,” I said seeing the slight swelling around her left eye.
 “Yea, it ain’t everyday a crazy bitch attacks me. You were out of control,” she said as I laughed.
“Nah, I wasn’t out of control. I just wanted to give you a preview of what happens when you fuck with me and the people I love,” I said as she frowned.
“Look, you just missed Jey, and he just read me the riot act. I know to stay away from your little group,” she said as I nodded.
 “Oh, well that’s good, I guess I have nothing else to say,” I said walking towards the elevator as she scoffed.
“Oh, and if I were you, I’d stay away from the railings on the deck.”
“Uh, why is that, Kayla?” she asked with an attitude as I looked back at her and smirked.
 “After all the things you’ve done to Jey, I might be tempted to throw yo’ ass overboard if I see you, but that’s neither here nor there,” I said as she folded her arms over her chest.
“I said I get it alright-” Dainelle started as I cut her off. “I wasn’t finished, I also wanted to make sure that you are clear on where things stand with you and Jey. You’re his past, and I am his present and future. Stay outta my way or I will have no problem finishing what I started last night,” I said calmly, making sure she knew I wasn’t playin’ no games with her ass.
“Yea, we’re crystal clear,” she said with a frown etched on her face as I nodded hitting the button on the elevator.
“I’m glad we could talk this through like grown women and come to an understanding. Enjoy the rest of your trip Dainelle and remember my advice,” I said stepping onto the elevator before meeting her cold stare once again.
Yea she was crazy but the bitch ain’t stupid.
Without another word, I watched her storm off as the elevator doors closed.
“Crazy bitch.”
Jey’s POV
I wandered around the ship, for about an hour trying to calm myself down. I refused to take any anger into the suite Kayla, and I shared. I was done giving Danielle and my past power over me.
I had a proposal to get ready for but first I needed to apologize to Kayla.
She was more than right; I should have walked away when I saw her. Then she really got my ass where it hurt last night, and I definitely see her point the more I thought about it.
 I needed to know how she felt and didn’t like it at all.
“A’ight you need to fix this shit, you know you can’t live without this woman. Get a nap, regroup, and find her.”
Opening the door, I sighed in relief, seeing Kayla dressed in one of my shirts, looking through her clothes hanging up in the closet.
“Hey, when did you get back, is everything ok?” I asked as she paused, a sad smile adoring her beautiful face. “I’m fine, I got back bout an hour ago. I realized I hadn’t taken out what I was going to wear for my birthday dinner tomorrow. Plus, I need a nap before we hit the island,” she whispered as I sat on the bed watching her, aching to touch her.
Wait, did she just agree to go out with me on the island?
“Can you wear the dress I got you tomorrow; I want to see you in it.”
 I thought that would get the conversation started but Kayla just silently complied pulling it out and hanging it on the hook by the mirror.
I didn’t know where to even begin, but I knew I couldn’t take much more of this as she moved around the room.
“Kay, I can’t take another day of us being like this. “I miss you,” I whispered grasping her hand stopping her in her tracks as she looked at me with tears in her eyes.
The silence killing me I caressed her hand, nervously biting my lip. “Talk to me Kay,” I pleaded. “I miss you too,” she whispered, as I finally breathed a sigh of relief.
 “Come here baby,” I whispered pulling her gently onto my lap, caressing her face as a few tears escaped her eyes. “You hurt me.”
Those three powerful words breaking my heart. “I’m so sorry baby, I swear I didn’t mean to hurt you,” I whispered wiping her tears as she sighed.
“I know you didn’t,” her beautiful voice said as I held her close. I wasn’t going to let her go without a fight. This was going to be my wife.
Island cove
Bianca’s POV
“Ok, I need the speakers over here and out of view,” I said trying to picture the setup in my mind.
“Man, is Kayla gon’ even go for this while we doin’ all this stuff Jimmy, said as Montez slapped him on the back of the head.
“Aye, stop damn hittin’ me,” Jimmy hissed as I laughed. “Stop sayin’ stupid shit then,” Montez said as Jimmy rolled his eyes.
“I have you know she’s with Jey now, so there,” Robin said as Sefa smiled putting his chairs down.
 “Thank God, maybe this trip can get back on track. No more exes, or fights, just us all having fun before we gotta head back on the road.”
“Don’t forget an awesome proposal, decorated and planned by yours truly. Eww, I don’t like the color of that chair.”
“Well, it’s gon’ have to do because it’s all the folks had,” Sefa said as I sighed.
“It will be fine once we put out the rest of the decorations and I’m ready for tomorrow. I want to see what you’ve come up with because you been holding out on me,” Trin said as I shrugged my shoulders.
 “You will tomorrow because I need your help,” I said as she rolled her eyes.
Everything looked beautiful and didn’t take long, it was simple and romantic. Now with the mood was set, we just need Jey and Kayla on the same page so they could enjoy the cute beach dinner we had set up for them.
The owner also said, he has closed this part off to the public so they will get some needed alone time, so everything was falling into place.
Jey and Kayla’s suite
I didn’t know what to say, especially after witnessing his blow up with Dainelle. Jey had said all that was needed, and I knew where he stood. I also knew we were going to have to talk, but not right now. I needed him and I was tired of fighting it.
We were supposed to be napping, but my mind ain’t on sleeping, especially with him nestled between my leg caressing my hips.
“What are you thinking about beautiful?” Jey asked, as I bit back a moan as he kissed my neck.
“I know we both need a nap, but I was thinking about not sleeping in this bed right now,” I said as he looked up at me with a sly smile.
These past few days forgotten as we released our inhibitions, our lips crashing against one another in desperation.
Our kisses becoming deeper as we yearned for each other, only forcing ourselves to part so we could catch our breaths.
I just want this feeling to last
I'll bet, I'll beg for you to face it
Fears, they change like the weather
Close my eyes, find forever
Gotta be nice on the other side, other side
“I need you; I promise I’ll make it up to you,” he groaned as I moaned, helping him out of his sweats. My heart beating wildly against my chest.
“I need you too, it’s ok- shit!” I gasped as clinging to him as we became one again.
 “Fuck, I missed you, did you miss me?” Jey asked, our lips entangled in a rough sensual kiss. “Yes, I missed you so much.”   
“You were made just for me.”
“Babe….Faster, please, I need it.”
“Who’s making you feel like this? Tell me?” he demanded as he tortuously slow thrusted deeper as I yelped in surprise. “Jey! Shit!”
“Yea, dats it…Tell the neighbors Daddy’s name like a good girl. Scream dat shit,” Jey commanded.
“Babe!” I screamed clawing at his back as he winced against my lips. “Nuh uh, say my name,” he demanded, masterfully lifting up slightly and grabbing one of my legs, laying it across the other as I groaned at the new position of laying on my side never stopping his powerful strokes.
“Oouu babe, Jey,” I whined, struggling to catch my breath as he groaned, biting his lower lip watching me.  
“Breathe baby, you can do it,” he whispered coaching me through the new sensation as I moaned welcoming the pleasure.
 “Yea, that’s it….Take dat shit, Mmhm.”
 “Fuck!” I exclaimed, unable to keep my eyes open from the intense pleasure.
“Watch me beautiful,” he whispered as willed my eyes to open to watch him.
Don't let it go
Shallow breathing, fade away
I think it's a good time
To fade away
“Yes, watch daddy cause’ he loves watchin’ you. Fuck, you look so gorgeous,” he praised as I moaned in appreciation, caressing his chest.
“Stop holding back, I know you wanna scream. I’m real deep up in dat pussy hittin’ dat shit from the side ain’t I ?” he panted snapping his hips forward, going even deeper.
“Fuck you! Mm, Baby!”
 “Nah, it ain’t fuck me…. It’s I’m fuckin’ you, and I’m doin it real good, ain’t I?” He moaned wiping the sweat from his brow.
“Jey! Jey! Mmm, not yet. Shit, baby, slow down,” I moaned feeling warm all over, that familiar flush washing over me. My senses heightened as he watched me through hooded eyes, never stopping as I tried to cover my face with my hands. It was all too much and I was fighting it.
“Nah, stop hidin’ from Daddy. I told you that I wanna see you,” he moaned caressing my face as I trembled, truly not knowing what to do with myself as I clawed at his arms.  This position had me fucked up in more ways than one.
Please don't push me, I'm on the edge
I don't care too much, but you want it, baby
Let's go through it together
“And ain’t no stoppin’ cause’ I know you close. So, stop runnin’ from dis nut and get dat shit. You know you want it, and you know I’mma always give it to you,” he moaned as I relaxed grasping him by his Cuban link, pulling him closer.
My body welcomed him as we both gasped in surprise as he filled me to the hilt.
 “Uhhh huh, yea, that’s it, baby.  Let daddy all the way in so he can give you every inch of dis dick,” he moaned, slapping my ass as I whimpered, biting my lower lip in concentration, meeting his thrusts.
Maybe it's just peace of mind that we're tryna find
“Mmhm, give it all to me daddy!” I screamed finally not caring who heard me as he moaned smacking my ass again.
 Each second becoming more intense as we continued to watch each other, our eyes glazed over in pleasure and passion as we climbed higher and higher together.  
Jey’s POV
“Yea, be a good girl for Daddy and just let go,” I whispered anxiously knowing at any minute she was going to give me what I wanted.
“You want me to squirt all on dat dick don’t you?” she gasped as her pussy pulsed around me as she clawed at my chest.
“Hell yea, Daddy got her good and sloppy wet. Fuck! You know how I love dat shit, now stop playin’,” I groaned as Kayla shook her head in defiance.
“You want it……Then take it,” Kayla moaned as I growled, her innocent smile driving me crazy. “Mmm, what you say baby?” I asked knowing what I heard, I just wanted her to say it again.
“I didn’t stutter…..Make me give it to you,” Kayla gasped as I grabbed her by the throat, slightly tightening my grip as she moaned in pleasure.
“You ain’t said nothin’ but a word,” I groaned as she took my strong deep strokes like a champ.
Her pussy engulfing me as I went deeper, the sounds of her wetness was music to my ears.
“Yes…. Yes,” Kayla moaned as I felt my own ending near, but I was on a mission, this was all about her.
Don't let it go
Shallow breathing, fade away
I think it's a good time
To fade away
“Oh, you like dat shit don’t you? You like me chokin’ you, huh?” I whispered, claiming her lips in rough passionate kiss. The sound of her wetness and our moans of pleasure filled the room.
“Yes! You know I love it, now make your pussy cum,” Kayla moaned against my lips as I growled, gripping the headboard with one hand, the other still locked firmly around her throat as she screamed in pleasure.
“That’s it, scream for Daddy, I want everybody to hear you.  Tell’em again who’s pussy this is, and you betta scream dat shit.”
“Jey! It’s all yours, fuck!”
“It’s my what? I didn’t hear you baby,” I moaned, never stopping my deep strokes as she trembled in my arms.  
“Pussy! It’s your pussy!” she cried as I growled in satisfaction.
 “Mmhm, damn right, it’s my pussy…. Every inch of you belongs to me and can’t nobody else have you,” I declared as she purred at my words.
“Your mine too,” Kayla she gasped, our lips dangerously close. “I’m only yours, never forget that,” I moaned swallowing her screams as we came together.
 Her essence soaking the sheets we surrendered. Totally spent, fighting to regulate our breathing and regain our senses.
It was always that way, we were always in our own world when we were together and I loved it, I just loved Kayla.
“I love you,” I whispered claiming her lips once again as she sighed in contentment. “I love you too.”
Yea, this is where I belonged, and nothing would ever change that…
More money, more thrills
More satisfied
More pleasure, more pain
Wanna feel inside
Don't let it go
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Island Cove
Kayla’s POV
“Ok, turn on the music Tez,” I heard Bianca whispered as I smiled. They really were working overtime to make sure we had a good time.  
“Girl, go spend some time with your husband!” I yelled as she laughed.
“We did our dinner earlier thank you very much, now we bout to head back to the ship if you get my drift,” she said coming into view as I gave her a hug.
“Oh, ya’ll gonna go do it,” I said laughing as Montez gave me a kiss on the cheek.
“You so messy,” he whispered as I shrugged my shoulders. “I’m just calling it how I see it,” I said as Jey shook his head.
“Girl, goodnight I’ll see ya’ll in the morning,” Bianca said as Montez reached over and shook Jey’s hand. “Guy’s brunch in the morning?”
“Damn, I thought we left that in the states,” Bianca said hugging Jey as he smiled.
“Thanks for everything, sis,” he whispered as she nodded. “It was my pleasure, expect a call early in the morning.”
“What are ya’ll up to now?” I asked as Bianca waved me off. “You’ll see tomorrow, have fun,” she said leaving in a hurry with Montez in tow.
“Aye, stop worrying about tomorrow, let’s enjoy this moment,” Jey said taking me in his arms.
“Ya’ll ain’t slick, but I’mma let it slide for now,” I said he chuckled spinning me around as I laughed.
 “Thank you, now did you have fun tonight?” he asked, caressing my back.
Don't wanna make a scene
I really don't care if people stare at us
Sometimes I think I'm dreamin'
I pinch myself
Just to see if I'm awake or not
 “I really did, dinner was amazing and everything is so beautiful. You have been outdoing yourself Mr. Fatu,” I said as we danced.
“Hey, I wanted everything to be perfect because you deserve it.”
“Everything has been perfect despite everything,” I said as he smiled.
“I can’t lose you; I love you too much,” Jey said as I stared at him in confusion. “Hey, I’m right here and I’m not going anywhere,” I reassured him.
Is it real?
What I feel
Could it be? You and me
'Til the end of time
Never part
Take my heart
Hold it tight, it's true love
You know I gotta be
“You know when I met you, I closed myself off because I had gone through a lot of shit. I didn’t believe you could love somebody like me, but you did,” he said as I smiled.
“Jey, we don’t have to talk about it now-” I started as he kissed me gently on the lips.
“I know, I just wanted to let you know that my past is just that…The past and I will never let that touch us again,” he said as I fought back tears. “I know you won’t, I trust you.”
I gotta be the one you touch
And baby, I gotta be the one you love (I'm telling you that)
I gotta be the one you feel
And I gotta be the one to fill your life with sunshine
 “My biggest fear is you waking up one day and thinkin’ you wasted your life wit me. I know the life ain’t ideal, I’m gone a lot. I uproot you sometimes from your job because I miss you and I bombard you with facetime calls-” he said as I chuckled in amusement.
I gotta be the one you know
'Cause I will always love you so (I'm loving you, girl)
I gotta be the one you need
I'm just telling you that I gotta be
“It's never wasted time; I love to visit you on the road because I miss you just as much.  I wait up for your calls because I want to hear your voice and hear about how the show went,” I said as he smiled. “Really,” he whispered as I nodded.
“Yea, really…..I love keeping you company on Facetime as you drive to the next city because I want to make sure you get there safe and hearing your voice helps me rest easy.”
“Man, how did I get so fuckin’ lucky, he whispered, hugging me close and placing a gentle kiss on the shoulder.
 “We both got lucky, and don’t even get me started on the mind-blowing facetime sex sessions,” I said trying to lighten the mood as he laughed.
“Hell yea, that gets me through them lonely nights. Best damn invention ever,” he said pushing my hair behind my ear as I blushed.
You make me whole, you make me right
Don't ever wanna think about you leaving my life
You make me whole, you make me right
Don't ever wanna think about you leaving my life.
“We’re going to be just fine,” I reassured him with a kiss. “Yea, we are, because you stuck wit my ass now.”
“Promises, promises,” I whispered, sighing hearing the ship’s horn blaring, letting us know we were pulling out in two hours.
“I guess that’s the sign to head back to the ship,” I said as Jey nodded taking my hand in his as we began our journey back.
Jey’s POV
“I have to tell you something and I don’t want you to flip,” I said putting my arm around my shoulder as she wrapped her arms around my waist as we walked back.
“I’m not going to flip; I may actually surprise you.”
“Danielle followed me today after I left ya’ll on the deck,” I blurted out, relieved I said it.  I didn’t want any secrets between us. I waited for the blow up, but I was met with a small smile.
“I know, I actually ran into you guys, but you didn’t see me. After you left, her and I came to an understanding.” 
Sighing, I paused, rubbing my hand nervously over my beard as Kayla turned to face me.
“Kay,I didn’t need you hearing that shit, or having to deal with her.  It’s just a fuckin’ mess-”
“Hey, it’s ok, I’m just glad you got a chance to get that stuff off of your chest. Besides we are in this together, aren’t we?”
I searched her face for any signs of discomfort in the conversation, after seeing none, I continued.
 “Yea, we’re in this together,” I said as she caressed my beard lovingly.
She doesn’t know but I kept the grey in it because I know she secretly loves it.
“You needed that closure, and I’m happy you got it,” she said letting me know she wasn’t trippin’ over it.
That seemed to put my mind at ease as I saw Sefa and Cameron walking towards us.
“Aye, I heard from the place in Puerto Rico. Everything is a go for tomorrow,” Sefa said as I smiled.
“Good looking out, Uce.”
“Ok, now that’s twice tonight, but I ain’t gon’ even ask.”
“Good, cause’ I ain’t tellin’, just know I got this,” I said as she smiled.
The damn line was long to get back on the ship, so it was a good thing we came back when we did.
I felt nervous and excited watching Kayla and Cameron taking pictures.
By morning we would be in Puerto Rico and by tomorrow evening Kayla will be my fiancé.
Yep, this trip was finally back on track, and I am determined to keep it that way.
@reci24 @southerngirl41 @vebner37 @jeyusos-girl
@melaninsugababy @romanreignkisser @bebesobrielo
@arination99 @2-muchsauce @bakugoumarianawrites
@empressdede @alyyaanna @christinabae @anonandwannakeepitthatway @venusesworld @jeyusosgirl  @theninthwonder @mya2real  @justazzi @whatdoeseverybodywant @reignsboy19 wooahmiri alichesmi pytbgeezy
One more Chapter left....Pardon any errors, the flu has hit my household and I'm running on empty. Enjoy ya'll!!!
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eddiesxangel · 4 months
Hellooo today is my birthday, sooo since im alone and nobody came to wish me a happy birthday,cab you do one where Eddie is the only one that remembers reader birthday and decides to reunite the whole Hellfire club to give a party that reader (us) deserve 🌹🌹🥳😘🥰
OMG HAPPY BIRTHDAY SWEETHEART 🩷🫂 ( I hope I can help with the birthday blues 🥺) my birthday is also this month, Gemini twin! ♊️ 👯‍♀️
Sometimes, you dread today because the impending disappointment is always there... Did you expect everyone to wish you a happy birthday? No. But you still want at least one person to acknowledge your day, especially your best friend.
Yet, here we are, 3:00pm and still not a call or mention of anything remotely birthday related.
You impatiently watched the clock that hung on the wall of Family Video tick, watching the minutes pass so slowly. It was dead, but what did you expect? It's three in the afternoon on a Wednesday, and not many people come in on weekdays to be in with... Until you see a familiar metalhead bopping past the large window and through the door, making his grand entrance.
"Sorry, I'm late, sweetheart." He schmoozed as we walked towards you at the checkout counter.
"It only took you long enough," you rolled your eyes, suppressing the feeling of our heart fluttering; maybe he remembered after all.
"Come on, what kind of best friend would I be if I didn't at least apologize for returning this fantastic movie six days late?" he smirked as he leaned an elbow on the counter.
There it was, the inevitable disappointment. He had forgotten.
With a heavy sigh, you take the slasher film from his grasp and think for a split second about not waving the late fee.
"This was supposed to be in on May 30th... It's now the fifth." You deadpan, hoping maybe something clicks.
"I know that sweetheart, but now I have an excuse to see my best friend at work on her birthday." He smiles knowingly.
The breath you didn't know you were holding gets released, and you cannot help but smile.
"You didn't think I had forgotten?!" Eddie steps back dramatically while metaphorically clutching his pearls.
"Well, since you're the first one to acknowledge my birthday and it's..." you look at the clock you've been watching all shift. "3:49pm. Yea, I didn't think anyone would have remembered." You look down, playing with your nails.
"What do you mean the first to acknowledge your birthday?"
"Exactly that," you shrugged.
" You mean like no one has said happy birthday yet?" He raised a curious brow. " Not Dustin, Mike, Max, Erica?" He could go on bit you cut him off by shaking your head no.
"Well, I am sure glad I got to be the first." He smiles, and you can't help but smile back. Eddie has always been a good friend. Ever since you met in high school when you became a part of the Hellfire club, you've been inseparable ever since.
The back door opens, catching both your and Eddie's attention, and Steve walks out, chewing on a half-eaten sandwich.
"Sup, Munson," He mumbles.
"Come in to wish y/n here a Happy Birthday," he emphasized, and you could not help but roll your eyes.
"Today is your birthday?!" He almost choked on his food. " Why didn't you say something!?"
"It's not a big deal."
"It is! and it makes me look like a total ass."
"Steve, stop. You're not an ass... Doofus, maybe, but not an ass." You giggle.
"I'll give you that because it's your birthday. Happy Birthday"
"Thanks, Stevie"
"So, any big plans? He asks, looking at you, then to Eddie, then back at you.
"Umm, no, not really."
You and Eddie say in unison, and you look at your friend quizzically.
" Don't make any plans for Saturday night, okay?" he taps the counter before taking off.
"Okay? Bye?" You wave after him, confused as ever.
"He's so weird." Steve looks to you.
"Yeah, tell me about it."
The rest of the week was average and went by quickly. The only thing Eddie told you was that you were expected to come to his apartment at 7:30 p.m. Which you did.
You knocked on the door and heard Eddie shushing people from the other side. With a huge grin on his face, he leads you into the apartment, and then around the corner, you're ambushed by your friends yelling, "Surprise!"
"Oh my god, what is this?!" you smile, this was very unexpected. Everyone was in their old Hellfire shifts and stood around a table that had been set up for a game of DND with some gifts beside it on the floor.
"We are celebrating your birthday." Eddie nudges your shoulder.
Tears threaten to form as you take in the sweet gesture Eddie set up for you.
"You did this from me?" You try not to sniffle but fail.
"Of course he did!" Dustin pipes in.
"Happy Birthday," Mike smiles. and the rest follow suit.
"Please tell me you didn't get me presents." You notice the gift bags sitting beside the table.
"Of course we did! What kind of friends would we be?"
"One's who forgot her actual birthday until I reminded them," Eddie sneered.
"It 's okay, we are all here now together; thank you guys, this means the world." And it did. Nothing meant more to you than spending time with the people you loved, playing a game you all love, and having fun.
It had been so long since the last Hellfire meeting, and you were so happy they could all make time from their busy lives to spend it with you.
"Ok, let's eat and then play!" Eddie turns to the kitchen, and you follow.
"Thank you, Eddie. I don't know how else I can show you how grateful I am for you."
"No need to thank me, sweetheart. What are friends for?" He leans in and gives you a wet kiss on the cheek, making that the second time this week Eddie's made your heart flutter.
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