#and I had to read it on imgur
obstinaterixatrix · 8 months
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Han Yu-na gave up being a girl.. but secretly loves girly things. She encounters Lee Yu-na with one big misunderstanding which creates something brand new….
happy femslash february, here’s a 60 chapter webtoon about office ladies
the way I generally pitch this series is it’s yuri that feels a little more like BL, because 1) it’s high-energy shenanigans, 2) the main character… kinda sucks LMAO. like, it doesn’t come from a malicious place, and some of it is very much exaggerated webtoon shenanigans (like kidnapping someone for a makeover), but in general lee yu-na is manipulative, fake as hell, pushier than she should be, and more than a little inconsiderate. I love her.
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since lee yu-na and han yu-na are extremely different characters, it takes a solid while before they get on the same page
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worth the read if you want to see office ladies being kinda stupid together <3
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joseigamer · 10 months
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真・女神転生 東京黙示録 (1995)
Shin Megami Tensei: Tokyo Revelation (1995)
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mushroompollution · 2 months
Chapter 41: the Sablier Arc part 7
chapters: 35 || 36 || 37 || 38 || 39 || 40
read the manga: imgur || mangaread (ad warning)
This chapter opens on the Duke Rufus Barma, surriunded by a pile of books deep in his ancestor's grand library. He reads a passage that details the 100-year rebirth cycle that their society's angel religion believes, that once a soul is freed from its body by death, it rests for 100 years, then returns to the world for a new journey.
Finally, he's found his ancestor Arthur Barma's notebook.
Back in Sablier, Oz is having a hard time comprehending everything that's happened.
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Elliot and Leo cry out for Oz to stop as he holds out his hand to summon that scythe again. But just as that ominous pressure collects around Oz, a rock comes flying from somewhere else, pinging him in the head and breaking him from his trance.
Elliot and Leo are shocked and confused by the interruption, and look up to find Alice standing confidently on a ledge nearby. She joins the trio, and chastises Oz for wandering off, though she had been the first. She asks what happened, and Oz suddenly looks sad. It's unusual to see that boy cry, so Alice tries to cheer him up in the way she learned from Sharon.
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Elliot comments thst the rain is getting harder, they should hurry, find Gilbert, and head back. But Alice says the rain is refreshing and wonders why it means they need to leave. The rain will wash away the haze that rises from the crater, she says as she throws her arms to the sky, dancing in the rain. It's funny, Oz thinks. He really hates the rain right now, but seeing her so happy makes his chest feel warm.
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The scene is interrupted as Gilbert comes into view, carrying Xerxes Break on his back, who says he's humiliated to be carried by Gil of all people. Elliot and Leo rush over, asking if either of them are hurt. No, Break says, it's just a consequence of overusing the power of his Chain.
Oz approaches Gilbert more hesitantly than that pair.
Gilbert apologizes for chasing after Oz's dad and says he wanted to beat him up. Oz says that's great, because he had though Gil would kill that man for sure. Oz tells his servant that he's alright, but. Ah. It does hurt.
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All seems to finally be well. But when Elliot turns around, he finds Break collapsed, completely unconscious on the ground.
We fade into a flashback of the conversation Break had had with Lottie Baskerville previously. Break says he won't hurt them anymore, that he'll let them live. He looks at Zwei and recognizes the Baskerville as Echo, Vincent's valet, who had disobeyed her master to save Sharon Rainsworth's life once.
He throws a hand against the rock where Lottie rests, trapping her as he leans in to ask a question.
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What the hell was that about, Lottie wonders as she walks through the ruins of the deepest part of the crater. As she passes through a cloud of the dark haze, the scenery changes. Suddenly, she's standing in a chamber of stone arches and one giant, closed gate. The same chamber where Oz had been confronted by the memory of Glen Baskerville.
Zai Vessalius has been waiting for her here.
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As they speak, that giant gate creaks open on its own, and Lottie's eyes light up. Perfect timing! Another of their family is returning from the Abyss. She watches with hope and a soft expression as a young girl, no older than 10 or 11 with a tattoo carved into half her face, crawls out of the darkness of Abyss.
The young Baskerville, Lily, asks how long it's been. Lotti explains to her that it's been 100 years. They had been killing everyone on their master Glen's order when the city was swallowed by Abyss. That that night is now called the Tragedy of Sablier.
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Far away, Rufus Barma meets with the Duchess Sheryl Rainsworth to discuss his new findingings. He recalls the legend of the 100-year cycle, and says just because it's a religious rumor, doesn't mean it couldn't be true. Especially for someone like Glen Baskerville.
He says that the Baskervilles should be drawn to their master's presence by instinct, able to find him anywhere on earth. However, according to his ancestor's notebook, Jack had worked with Arthur Barma to create a way to seal Glen's soul.
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As he speaks, the ground begins to tremble violently, felt all the way in Sablier, as Fang Baskerville destroys the first of those sealing stones.
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pluraldeepdive · 3 months
Let's Fact Check: Was MPD renamed to DID for Harmful Reasons?
(Disclaimer: This post contains descriptions of ableism and disbelief in plurality. I do not condone any hatred towards any person mentioned on this post. If you see anyone attacking them, please report them for harassment! This post was made to spread awareness, not negativity.)
In this post, we will be investigating the claim that multiple personality disorder (MPD) was renamed to dissociative identity disorder (DID) for harmful reasons.
Origins of the claim
This claim most likely originated from a (now privatized) wordpress blog post made in 2019.
Click here for an archive of the blog post.
In this post, the author is discussing a blog post they found that's written by Allen J. Frances, the chairman of an outdated edition of the DSM. After reading his blog post, they came to the conclusion that Frances renamed MPD to DID out of malicious intent towards people with MPD because his blog post states that he does not believe in MPD.
This wordpress post was later linked on Twitter, where many users began repeating the claim. As it spread across Twitter and other social media platforms, the claim has adopted several variations. Some people claim that Frances attempted to get rid of MPD entirely, some claim that he renamed it as a scheme to erase all plurality, and some claim that “DID” is an ableist or offensive diagnosis because of all of this. It seems like most of the people spreading these claims do not have DID themselves, however.
Click here for a link to an imgur folder showing examples of this claim in online plural spaces.
The post by Frances
Now, let's look at the blog post that was cited as proof that MPD was renamed to DID for harmful reasons.
Click here to read his post (TW for fakeclaiming and ableism).
This post was written in 2014. In it, Frances is expressing how he doesn’t believe in what he calls MPD. He personally adheres to the debunked skeptical models which suggest DID is created through therapeutic suggestion or is a “fad”. He talks about how he wished he could remove MPD from the DSM-IV, but couldn’t do so. The next best thing, to him, was to allow controversial statements to be injected into the manual. These statements were removed in the current edition of the DSM.
Frances does not mention anything about the diagnosis's name change.
Addressing bias & concerning behavior
First of all, it’s important to look into the author of the wordpress blog to understand how reliable their word is. The author is a median system who I found out, from the blog, is @/multi_sapphire on Twitter. She also runs the blog @/acting-nt on Tumblr, which is a fact known by many in the online community.
At the time of making her blog post, she did not identify as having DID. She is openly anti-psychiatry, as well. While I don't want to make this a big focus, this system also has a history in the plural community of being very hateful towards the DID label. I have had to make a PSA about them before for posting hatred in the DID tags (source). They are the coiner of the term "traumascum" among other things (source). Many, many PSAs have been made about her by other systems about various concerning behavior (source).
Frances’ post can be easily triggering to anyone with DID, OSDD, or plurality. It’s understandable how a system, who was already unfavorable towards psychiatry, came to think that all of the changes made to DID in the DSM-IV were done out of malicious intent. Let's investigate that next.
Addressing how the DSM is made & who coins names
For anyone who doesn't know, "DSM" stands for the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. It is a handbook used by clinicians to diagnose mental disorders.
The DSM-IV is an outdated edition that is no longer in use. It was published in 1994 and was replaced by the DSM-5 in 2013. While Frances was the chairman of the DSM-IV, he was kicked off the taskforce and has nothing to do with the current DSM. Most of the changes he made were completely reversed in the current manual.
The DSM taskforce is run by many people. Diagnoses are divided across different work groups who receive input and data from researchers that specifically research and work with people with those disorders. Suggestions are proposed from the researchers to the work groups, who then analyze this, conduct field trials, and propose changes that should be made to the DSM (source).
While Frances oversaw the taskforce, he is not listed as a member of any work group or researcher in the DSM-IV. This means he did not come up with any of the proposed changes to the DSM-IV.
Why MPD was renamed to DID
All of the dissociative disorders were renamed at the same time! All of them, except for DPDR, were changed to have the word “dissociation” in them. Researchers explain that they proposed this change in order to make the dissociative nature of these disorders more understandable.
Psychogenic amnesia was renamed to dissociative amnesia.
Psychogenic fugue was renamed to dissociative fugue.
Multiple personality disorder was renamed to dissociative identity disorder.
Atypical dissociative disorder was renamed to dissociative disorder not otherwise specified.
When it comes to DID in particular, there are two main reasons for the shift from multiple personalities to dissociative identities. Hersen et al. states the one of these reasons is that the term 'personality' defines "the characteristic pattern of thoughts, feelings, moods, and behaviors" of the whole brain (source). This is what makes alters identities rather than personalities. According to this definition of personality, having multiple personalities would mean having multiple brains! The second reason is that the older term emphasized the alters over the dissociation (same source).
In my opinion, refocusing on the dissociation rather than the alters allows people with DID to have the full spectrum of their symptoms recognized, and helps distance plurality from disorders. Many plural systems don't view their systems as the problem. Many systems don't have DID, either. The shift in this diagnostic language has made it much easier for that distinction to be made! It's very unfortunate that false claims have been made about this, casting more stigma onto both DID and non-DID systems.
To summarize everything:
The claim that MPD was renamed to DID for harmful reasons most likely originated from a 2019 blog post.
The author of the blog post was reasonably concerned about a figure of authority being ableist. However, their own biases against the DID label likely influenced their claim that the DID label was created by said figure of authority.
In actuality, that guy did not come up with the name "DID." Researchers are the ones who did.
MPD was renamed to DID in order to make it more understandable and put an emphasis on dissociation.
All dissociative disorders were renamed along with DID to include the word "dissociation" in them.
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vriskaenergy · 5 months
Homestuck ancestors nativity diorama
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Tumblr killed the images so i posted on imgur as well: (link)
The Alternian writing reads " They divide us by color but we are one trollkind". The trees are supossed to resemble 'wishing trees'
had a lot of fun making this! c:
more detail shots under readmore:
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pinkyjulien · 5 months
Informative post about what's currently going on involving Nexus Mods, Valerie Silverhand, Zwei/Rockergirlfriend, and others
I'll try to keep this as unbiased as possible Screenshots's source will stay anonym Feel free to ignore the post or to share it Most importantly, form your own opinions
▶ Links - Please read the post for context imgur album on current event | Zwei past behavior 2022 | Valerie's added context (available in the replies) | My own last conversation with Zwei
The post will link specific pictures from the linked imgur albums
Last month, a Nexus User by the name AnciLove uploaded a V preset on Nexus Mods - now deleted
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This preset share similarities with Zwei/Rockergirlfiend's V Whenever this was a bait or not doesn't really matter* (*see the 2022 album for why it doesn't matter)
Rockergirlfriend stepped in to call out the modder on their behavior Followed by MeltingAngels multiple comments on their mods and pictures
ValerieSilverhand decided to step in and report Rockergirlfriend's and MeltingAngels's harassements to NexusMods, using a throw away account
NexusMods are strictly against having multiple accounts; it backfired, resulting in a ban of her main account and the report being made public
ValerieSilverhand made a post on Twitter, sharing her stance against bullying
Multiple people are pointing out the public Nexus report, mentioning how Valerie herself was banned for harassement, which is technically false, the ban being for multiple accounts
Emmjay | Adshield | Lucent | BusyVampire | Sneaky
Now for more context - Again, I will TRY to stay unbiased
I will start by sharing this imgur album, compiling posts from Idylla (@/IdillysSFW) who called out Zwei's behavior back in 2022
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Zwei has been harassing people, either actively or passively, for the past 3 years; multiple proofs exist of this despite the fact that Zwei has the habit of deleting her DMs with people
⚠ Biased information / Personal experience Zwei and I used to interact back in 2022 and she often vented in our DMs about people's oc looking "too similar" to her own V for her comfort, often going into their DMs to "confront" them about the "copying" - Again, I do not have proof of it, the DMs being wiped on both sides
Back on topic with the current drama People who know the kind of person she is can be intimidated or scared of what she can do; even if the legal threats and laywers she use are fake, it can still affect someone's mental health greatly
Valerie Silverhand decided to create a throw away account to report Zwei's behavior to NexusMods, in the hope of staying anonymous
As mentioned in the begining of the post, it backfired In NexusMods's moderators eyes, Valerie had 4 accounts, which is strictly against the rules
In February 2024, Valerie created (and since deleted) an account to post this comment on one of BusyVampire mod BusyVampire reported the comment to Nexus In December 2023, her husband (who lives in the same house and share the same IP) posted this comment on one of Adshield mod Adshield reported the comment to Nexus I haven't found anything tied to the DawnJulio9403 account
NexusMods's Moderators, looking at Valerie's IP already being tied to two reported comments, banned her account(s) under the Multiple Accounts Abuse rule
I am not involved in this situation but I choose to speak up about it, to write this post, for multiple reasons
The main reason being to educate/make people aware of Zwei's behavior before they choose to support her/side ""with her"" What is happening to Valerie Silverhand, this harassement from Zwei and her friends, isn't fair
It's easy to follow the loud crowd, especially when they are modders, virtual photographers that people look up to
But it's important to form your own opinion; and for that, it's necessary to know the full picture, to understand why something happened the way it did
We are all humans and we ALL make mistakes
I fully understand how frustrating it is to see someone, who did so much wrong to so many people, being praised, but creating side accounts to leave hateful comments on content you don't like isn't the way to go; use the block button, it's here to help you curate your space
Feeling icked or triggered by someone's OC doesn't give you any right to "claim" a look either; you can NOT harass people because their OC look "too similar" for your own comfort. Nobody owns vanilla CC options, nobody owns makeup or hair colors, and nobody other than Mike Pondsmith himself owns the terms "Rockerboy" and "Rockergirl"; once again, use the block button, curate your space
Despite my own stance and opinion on the matter, I'm not here to tell you who to """believe"""" / """"support"""" / whatever, take everything you see from anyone with a grain of salt
I simply hope this post can help those who are confused right now in what's going on, and to help y'all to form YOUR own opinion with all the informations I have available on the current situation (and I do not know/have access to everything either)
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ashendalia · 5 months
A person in this community has been harassed for years now and I am tired of it.
I have a friend @waymorehandsome who has been being harassed and alienated for years now by someone who has had an unhealthy and disgusting grudge against them that started over a fictional character. It spiraled into disgusting and unsubstantiated claims of pedophilia, abuse, harassment, and other things.
My friend has been dealing with this constant abuse for years now, and I'm so sick and tired of it because never once have I seen any proof of these claims.
Do you remember the @selfshipbeware account that was up recently and only existed to to harass Steorra?
I had a conversation with them, that they initiated, and saved the whole thing. Plus their awful replies in one of their posts.
Link here to an Imgur album also
This is obviously a burner account but I firmly believe this to be the person who has been harassing Steorra for years now, especially with how quickly they admitted to not having proof and doing this because they hate them. I don't have absolute proof on that though, so I will not say their username because I cannot fully prove it.
If you still want to block Steorra after reading this, fine. Please just at least see how this person is acting when I ask for even a tiny bit of proof and just their attitude in general.
If you want to block me or whatever after reading this, fine I guess. I'm only here showing what happened when this account spoke to me and if you don't like me standing by my friend that is your decision.
Also, if there's actual proof of this person's claims, show it to me. I can admit I'm in the wrong if that's the case, but until then I am standing by my friend.
Thanks for your time in this awful matter.
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saltminerising · 9 days
No, I wasn’t joining their raffles. That’s way off-base.
A few days ago, when I read “Not someone having a public blacklist in their raffle…” I headed over to raffles. Their raffle was literally at the top of the page and lo and behold, it was that nutcase from the other day, blacklisting me.This was the entire interaction we had on FR (plus them trying to get me in trouble with mods on Discord)
https://imgur. com/a/Wjmwh9aSo I rented two nests from this person like 2 weeks ago, for 40kt. On September 4, the nest hatched. Also on Sept 4, I asked them if they could do me a favour and hold my dragons for a couple of days (kind of like ‘payment’ for me giving them one of the hatchlings, rather than monetary payment).They said they didn’t mind holding onto them, but for how long, I had already said 'a few days’ but I should have specified 'till the hatchlings grow up’ because that’s what I meant, but I was busy that week and dealing with my lair space.
On September 10, I sent them a message telling them I could take the dragons back that day. I accepted the first CR. The next day I explained I wasn’t feeling well the day before, so I wasn’t online as intended, but I would be accepting the other three CRs. They said no problem! And then less than 3 hrs later, they wrote on my profile threatening to exalt my dragons, while I was literally in the middle of taking them back (see timestamps). I don’t know why space was suddenly a huge issue for them because they had over 40 slots available.
They seemed super nice too :(
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bonefall · 1 year
Better Bones ThunderClan Family Tree: Draft 1.1
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[ID: A massive image of the ThunderClan family tree for Better Bones, with every starting ancestor marked with yellow, every joining kittypet marked in pink, and all of the Firekin cats marked in orange.]
You may also want to see:
The RiverClan Family Tree
The SkyClan Family Tree
The Three Strict Rules
The ThunderClan Family Tree Diagnosis, to compare
Several days of research, drafting, and meticulous nitpicking has brought us here. As much of a family tree fix as I can manage alone, including over 200 cats!
There are NO OCs in this graph. Everyone you see here is from Su Susann's Missing Kits, mentioned in a field guide, or directly from forgotten allegiances. A few characters have been renamed, shuffled, or intentionally removed.
1.1 update: Imgur link was replaced with smaller image that Tumblr is able to handle.
Just like RiverClan's, below the cut is Renamings, Removals, and the Changelog.
RENAMINGS: Format: Old Name (Origin) -> New Name (Reason)
Fallowpaw (BOTC) -> Fallowhawk (Repurposed)
Oatwhisker (COTC) -> Oatbell (Conflict)
Beechfur (BOTC) -> Beechfeather (Conflict)
Seedpelt (MV) -> Seedwhisker (Conflict)
Seedpelt (PC) -> Seedfall (Conflict)
Rabbitleap (TC) -> Rabbitbone (Conflict, Honor title)
Rockfall -> White-eye (Honor title)
Pheasantfeather -> One-eye (Honor title)
Mistlekit -> Mistleclaw (Save)
Cricketkit -> Cricketclaw (Save)
Tulipkit -> Tulipflight (Save)
Chestnutkit -> Chestnutface (Save)
Elderkit -> Elderberry (Save)
Sorrelstripe -> Duststripe (Sorreltail does not die in the Great Battle)
Graykit -> Fernkit (Ferncloud confronts Ashfur in the Dark Forest)
Hollyleaf -> Fallenleaf (I don't even know how to summarize this, Go Read This)
REMOVALS: These may be shuffled to another litter at a later time, but for now, are effectively cut or combined with another character.
Lilyheart needs no children and the clan had more than enough cats already. Honeyfur, Leafshade, and Larksong are cut.
Larksong's roles have been absorbed by the composite cat, Hollylark.
On that note, Hollytuft is the other half of the composite.
Brightheart is a frequent surrogate for cats in other Clans; Snowbush, Ambermoon, and Dewnose may show up elsewhere, but NOT in ThunderClan.
Eaglewing is cut.
CHANGELOG: When a group is referred to as "Characterkin," it refers to the common ancestor with that suffix. For example, Firekin refers to cats with Firestar as a common ancestor.
Daisytoe and Flashnose COULD still be siblings without issue but I decided to leave it off for better visibility
Squirrelwhisker and Beetail are probably siblings but Re: better visibility
Icecloud is now born AFTER the Great Battle; they are named after Iceheart, the cat who was Scourge.
Foxleap is now a CloudxBright child
Rockfall becomes the mate of One-eye, and attains an Honor Title; White-eye, for losing an eye to infection.
One-eye's pre-Honor Title name was Pheasantfeather, she also lost an eye to infection.
They both found this VERY amusing.
Halftail is now a child, not One-eye's mate, fixing a very frustrating retcon where One-eye was not the oldest cat in ThunderClan.
Mistlekit becomes a warrior named Mistleclaw, who died in a very serious sickness during Spottedleaf's Plague
Graystripe is now Dappletail's son, and his littermate Featherkit died in Spottedleaf's Plague
Cricketkit becomes a warrior named Cricketclaw, and was the littermate of Darkstripe.
Tulipkit and Chestnutkit were taken from other litters and given to Robinfuzzy, to create an in-between generation for Dustpelt and Raven, as Robinfuzzy would be too old.
Tulipflight and Chestnutface died in, you guessed it, Spottedleaf's Plague.
Though he was ultimately renamed for conflict reasons, Rabbitbone is sporting an Honor Title. He was made the head chef after Mumblefoot became deputy.
Speckletail is the niece of Doestar now, and strongly desired to carry on her legacy.
Oatbell's name refers to the bell-shape of some flowers, such as bluebells, gorse, and oat berries.
Hazeltail does not die of greencough, she is saved by Jayfeather. Mousewhisker is going to leave for RiverClan in ASC (minnowmouse shippers stay winnin'), and Hazel will be taking any noteworthy actions he does in ThunderClan
Fernsong is now an ex-kittypet who joins along with Stormcloud and Jessy. His old name was Fiddles.
Blossomfall's kits were conceived during a stay with The Kin, the father(s) are not known.
Redtail and Spottedleaf are now the children of Rosetail
Redtail and Runningwind are the parents of Sandstorm and Longtail.
Patchpelt is now the father of Willowpelt, adding a generation between Willow and AdderSwift.
The Three Seedpelts
There were THREE Seedpelts to begin with. I decided to split them into 3 characters.
The oldest Seedpelt keeps her name; she was deputy of ThunderClan when SkyClan was exiled, and stepped down in protest. She joined Ripplestar's Rebellion, and was condemned to the Dark Forest when she died.
She has a striking resemblance to her descendants, Ferncloud, Elderberry, and Ashfur.
The next was Seedwhisker. He was the brother of Mapleshade.
He lived the rest of his life in regret at his cowardice, having not spoken up for his sister or nespring, and became a supporter of the Queen's Rights in spite of Oakstar's opposition to them.
His new name comes from an accidental misprint, he was called Seedwhisker once in canon.
The last was Seedfall, who could have plausibly been Seedwhisker in the timeline, but I decided that Adderfang could use a sibling.
Firekin is now HARD defined
It means that you are directly descended from Firestar and Sandstorm. (Who were btw in a QPR)
Cloudtail is not counted in this category because Fireheart botched the claiming of the Queen's Rights when bringing him to ThunderClan, admitting he was his nephew and voiding his right.
Firekin only tracks through direct descendants as a result.
Squirrelflight is infertile and will always be. All Firekin can trace their way through The Three, and ergo Leafpool.
Ivypool and Dovewing are technically the bio-offspring of Poppyfrost and Jayfeather, but this is not widely known, and they are raised by Cinderheart and Lionblaze.
Sparkpelt and Alderheart are no longer Firekin. Nightheart and Finchlight are Firekin through their other parent, Hollylark.
Hollylark was conceived through supernatural methods (and by accident).
Flywhisker and Snaptooth were foundlings adopted by Toadstep and Lionblaze; but they are leaving the Clans in a similar way to Canon.
The Tigerkin Family
Goldenflower's only mate was Tigerclaw, unlike canon where she was with Patchpelt to have Swiftpaw and Lynxkit.
Brambleclaw becomes Bramblestar just after BB!Po3, and Squirrelflight doesn't get back with him after the secret is revealed
His kits are from Jessy, who was temporarily named Sweetbright.
She cat-divorced him shortly after their kits were born, taking Alder with her. The human named him Louie; Bramblestar changed it back when he returned
Both of them have a very complicated relationship to their father.
The Dustfern Fixes, Fernkin Broadly
Elderberry was saved to fix an age gap; Ferncloud is closer in age to Dustpelt, and Ashfur is from a litter born just before Brindleface's murder. Elder was the sibling who was part of the Dog Relay Race.
Dustpelt was also not a mentor yet, as he was too young. Instead, he was undergoing a secondary apprenticeship under One-eye for construction work.
Cloudtail was Elder's and Fern's best friend growing up, but NOT an adopted brother. This is to avoid Whitewing x Birchfall being adoptive first cousins.
Because Brackenfur dies in BB!Po3 and wasn't alive to sire them, Seedpaw and Lilyheart have been swapped over to Dustfern.
Dustpelt died saving them in the Great Battle, reinforcing a den wall against invaders.
Spiderleg and his children are not dying unceremoniously as Greencough Fodder and a TBC kill. All three are alive to the current arc.
Lilypaw watching her sister die to save her was formative. She has no interest in romance, but is much more caring and nurturing than her grumpy face suggests.
Because Whitewing and Birchfall no longer have Dovewing and Ivypool, they get Spotfur and Duststripe instead!
Because Sorreltail didn't die in the battle, Duststripe is named after her grandfather instead.
For a similar reason, Spotfur's child Graykit is now named after their great-grandmother instead. Graystripe lives out the rest of his days in the mountains; Ferncloud must confront her brother.
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OVERHAUL UPDATE 06/02/23 - New website and pins by Ventus Pins.
Hey everyone and welcome back to another update post!
We're finally beginning to pick up work again after a bit of a hiatus period. We're taking it slow, as to not push ourselves back into work too early. Our scanner has still been busy at work for this entire period, since there is obviously a lot to scan and magazines to collect.
Information on the new site and the Imgur issue below for those who haven't read previous posts!
Also read about the pins using Overhaul 2.0 cleaned official art below by Ventus Pins.
Our scanner and fellow member of the team, Arth, has set up a new hosting site for our Overhaul project, as we ran into issues with our previous hosting site. Imgur updated their TOS and this included the removal of all posts that were tagged as mature. Unfortunately, it was not possible for us to see which of our posts were marked as such, and when chapters began disappearing, we had no option to appeal the mature mark.
Instead, Arth has paid for a domain for Overhaul, and we've begun updating all links for reading the chapters online. This new site is a lot more phone friendly to read on, and in general a lot more straight to the point. There are no ads or anything else beside the pages, so it's sparse but it does its job. It might be a temporary hosting site, but for now it's a better alternative to Imgur.
If you come across any broken Imgur links when you try to read a chapter online, don't worry, it will get updated soon!
Let us know how you feel about the new hosting site when you have a chance to see it, and we always welcome feedback if there's something you feel like is missing or if you find a mistake.
Trigun pins will be available tomorrow!
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We've shared a piece of our Overhaul 2.0 cleaned official art with Ventus Pins and it has been made into a pins that will become available tomorrow from their website or their Instagram
Free pins were generously given to the entire Overhaul team, and after receiving my own, I will say I am quite pleased. It is a large, solid pin. quality is high, the pin is hefty and doesn't bend easy. The white parts are indented, giving the surface lines texture, otherwise it is completely smooth. There are four pins in the back with their own locking mechanism.
All thanks goes to Ventus Pins for the amazing pins and for the opportunity to take part in their creation, as well as their gift to the Overhaul team!
Anyway, that was all for this update!
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patricia-taxxon · 1 year
i had my sexual awakening reading thru tolstoy length imgur image albums of gay furry yiff comics in 2014. where would I go now?? fucking u18chan???
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choco-pudding · 1 year
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Space Channel 5 Part 2: Sugoku Sugoi Guide Book p. 160-169 (Translations by @lavoszero and myself. Edits and typesetting by myself)
Last part of Report 6 and the beginning of the bonus content.
Imgur link to all of the Sugoku Sugoi Guide Book translations we’ve done thus far.
Plain text below.
p. 160 Noize's Evaluation: The Curtain Falls on the Rhythm Rogues' Attack
Whereabouts of the Blown-Away Purge Thanks to the Astrobeat Jr., I was able to watch, firsthand, as the dance energy of 86,429 individuals combined into something truly spectacular. But I wonder… what happened to Purge? I don't recall Ms. Pine arresting him… were you content with him being blasted away? I dunno. Looking at the lyrics, "All the whole wide galaxy dances for me; yes, I'll make each one of you very happy," maybe he really thought he was the good guy here. Near the end, I think he said something like, "I won't forget this!" Or maybe it was, "See you next week!" Honestly, I’m a lil' worried. Even Mr. Blank was able to covertly return, so…
Ms. Ulala Marching On Anyway, the last was really cool, wasn’t it. Just wow… The Super Ulala Dimension dance and melody was so powerful I could see and hear it from the outside, too. It felt like something straight out of “Ten Billion Days and One Hundred Billion Nights.” It was like a holy cosmic showdown! It really was… I wonder if the “power of love” did all that. To cap it all off, everyone joined in to do the Space Channel 5 pose. I was so relieved everything was finally over. After that, as you know, we marched away like it was a regal procession. I couldn’t just leave after Ms. Ulala cheered, “Let’s march to the ends of the galaxy!" so I ended marching about 24 more space kilometers.
That’s where the report itself ended. Ms. Ulala, though, she was still so full of energy, even after marching, that she went off to dance somewhere else (laughs). The day after that, my team had the day off. Not that we had much to do in the first place. By then, the incident became a huge story picked up by all the regular news shows, rather than special report teams. Despite the whole fiasco, the government didn't really give us anymore commendations, and everything soon went back to normal. Ms. Ulala is still being routinely scolded by Mr. Fuse. I don't think that will ever change.
Groove Guru 155
Up Up Down Down Hey Hey Toyota
p. 161
When Mr. Fuse Returned Sometime after I landed the Astrobeat Jr. to watch Ulala and the other’s grand march, Mr. Fuse came down to join me. While we were watching, I said to him "Nice job, Mr. Fuse. I can't believe you're alright." I really thought he met a gruesome fate after the Astrobeat was blasted down. Apparently, he was able to escape unscathed due a number of factors (you can hear the details right outta Mr. Fuse's mouth on the soundtrack CD released on April 24, 2002). I guess it was a traumatic experience regardless, since he went to his usual drinking spot as soon the show was over.
What Did I Do Next? Right now, I'm being interviewed by the Space Police… I don't really mind, they're being nice. But after the incident, I had my hands full! I was involved in the major project to recover all the antennas that had been modified by Purge; it happens when you’re a Technical Development chief with deep connections in the industry. At least the huge dance floor Purge constructed made it easy for all of us to work simultaneously. After about three days, we finally finished and I returned to modifying microphones for Ulala to use while incognito. I made some that look like an ice cream cone, an ear of corn, and a couple of other things.
Groove Guru 156
Up Toyota Up Toyota Down Down Down
p. 162 Fuse's Broadcast Notes
Report 6 & Repeat 6 Last but not least, here are the final instructions prepared by director Fuse for the live broadcast of "Ulala's Swingin' Report Show," presented in an easy-to-read fashion. Its contents show useful tips for succeeding on the secret input locations. Modifications made for the rerun broadcasts for "Ulala's Swingin' Report Show" (Reruns have unique features from the first airing) are also included. Note, the timing and locations of the secret inputs are exactly the same between the main (Lap 1) and rerun broadcasts (Lap 2).
The Hidden Inputs
[1~2] Return of Mexican Flyer It’s finally back, the last "Jan, Jan, Jaaaan!," featuring the fan-favorite second and third beat of "Mexican Flyer." After Report 2,"Mexican Flyer" took a long hiatus, but these "Jan, Jan" timings haven’t changed one bit! Let's go, all together now! "Jan, Jan, Jaaaan!"
Jan! Jan! Jaaan!
Groove Guru 157
Down Down Down Down Hey Hey Toyota
p. 163
[3] Ulalaaa! U! La! La! Purge the Great had overwhelming power in the confined space of Dance Dimension X. Ulala skillfully dodged the volley of beams, but even she couldn’t outmaneuver an all-out attack, and fell unconscious. However, Ulala came to her senses once she heard the rhythm of her friends calling to her in her mind. But, there was only three seconds left before the Ballistic Groove Gun fired! That would've be the end of the report! What was your quote, Ulala? That's right, it was "when have I ever lost at dancing! Get the secret input "pikoon" right after "lost!"
When have I ever lost [beat] at dancing!
[When Ulala's face pops up, that's the signal that she's ready to shout. The ratings are almost at 200%, rise up and give it your all!]
Flub the Final Finale and Face the Staff Roll Be careful not to miss the final "Chu! Chu! Chu!" mixed in with all the hype. A few mistake here and there before then is fine—reasonable, even—but the ending of the game changes if you flub here. This ending is a not-so-special shortened staff roll against a pitch-black screen, devoid of President Peace’s song. Needless to say, there's no group "March to the End of the Galaxy" either. And on top of all that, Purge won't perform his last hurrah (an input that can increase your ratings by one percent) at the end of the credits! So, if you screw up right at the end, you'll have to redo the entire report again, no matter what! Try again!
[Here’s the rundown on the failure ending; Mexican Flyer plays and the credits roll by super fast. The ratings? 149% at the most.]
[Now, the successful ending. We get to march to the ends of the galaxy and you get to hear the full lyrics of President Peace's soulful song. You get the complete credits roll, too.]
Groove Guru 157
Down Down Down Down Hey Hey Toyota
p. 164 Reference Material Direct Hit Interview with Pres. Peace, Post-incident
~Tachibana, interviewing Space President Peace~ Hey, Texas here. The following is an interview conducted by Tachibana of Channel 01. But really, I’m sneakin' this in 'cause Piney, who was with me during this, was being so adorable and hilarious while we moved through the crowd. After the battle with Purge was over, the press started surrounding President Peace, so the president had to walk with Pine leading the way.
Pine: Attention, all members of the press, Space President Peace is very tired at the moment. Reporters, please get out of the way immediately. Reporter 66: Mr. President, a word please… Pine: Please, move out of the way! Reporter 59: Mr. President, do you have any comments… Pine: Get out of the way! (The press still are pouring in) Pine: I said outta the way! Tachibana: Excuse me, Mr. President, may I have a word? Pine, who's heart skips a beat: Oh my gosh! It's Tachi, (Pine's nickname for him), my ideal man, so full of reason and intelligence aaaah!) Pine: Alright (ba-dump), Tachibana from Channel 01, you may approach. Tachibana: Mr. Peace, I hope you're in good health. Peace: Thank you, I'm as healthy as I can be. Tachibana: Could you comment on the recent disturbance? Peace: I believe I can disclose this now, since the case has been successfully and safely resolved… That being said, please, don't hate Purge too much. I don't think his goal to make the galaxy happy was overtly malicious. I think it was just… over the top? He meant well, but went about it the wrong way. Tachibana: I see, thank you very much. Reporter 21: Mr. President, may we have a comment? Pine: Shut up! Tachi is still talking! Reporter 21: Oh, my apologizes… wait, "Tachi"…? Pine: … (I'm done for, I wanna run away). Tachibana: I can ask the question for you, if that's alright? Pine: Ah, alright. (Angrily turns to Reporter 21) Since Mr. Tachibana also asked, I'll allow you to do so, too. But please, limit it to just one question. Reporter 21: Right. Mr. President, what do you make of Ulala? Peace: When I saw the live report of the "Morolian Incident" I was honestly so moved. The fact there are still youngsters who can deeply inspire others, it reminded me that how much good is still in the universe. Disregarding my presidential status, I cannot help by appreciate the fact she saved so many people, including myself, who were under the influence of dance beam. However, I'm not judging her solely as a reporter, but her nature as a person. That is all. Reporter 21: Thank you very much. Pine: Mr. Tachibana, would you like to ask one more question? Tachibana: Yes. Mr. President, what are your thoughts on the current security? Pine: (ba-dump) Peace: Even though I was abducted, I was saved and guided to safety by Miss Pine here, so I think she gets a passing grade. Aha ha ha ha ha! Now then, if you'll excuse me. (Pine shakes Tachibana's hand and slips him a piece of paper) Tachibana: … A phone number??? Pine: (Tachi…)
Groove Guru 159
Up Down Toyota
[[Translator’s note: I believe it’s implied that Pine’s internal dialogue is all Texas’s interpretation of her sister’s thoughts. Basically, she’s teasing her.]]
p. 165 Bonus
Groove Guru 160
Toyota Toyota Toyota
p. 166 Miss Ulala’s Changing Room
Costumes Cleaning isn’t in Miss Ulala’s repertoire, so the burden of tidying up the Changing Room always falls on us. She'll swear she’ll pitch-in but she never follows through. It’s kinda irritating. Most outfits are returned as soon as the report ends, but some aren’t collected until a few hours after. So, it’s not unusual for some to go missing during that gap. I wonder when we'll have them all again.
01: Channel 5 Retro Gear [Unlock Requirements] Unlocked from the start.
Newly-supplied company reporting fatigues. Made from ultra elastic material for easy movements.
02: Flower Costume [Unlock Requirements] Clear Report 2.
Aromatic Multi-Functional Suit. Regulates body temperature and humidity for extra pleasant reporting at all time.
Groove Guru 161
Toyota Toyota Hey
p. 167
03: Gogo Gear (w/o helmet)  [Unlock Requirements] Clear Report 3.
Designed to protect the human body from space dust at high speeds.
04: Gogo Gear (w/ helmet)  [Unlock Requirements] Clear Report 4.
Must have for any space-roaming citizen. The helmet can usually be stored in the back.
05: Spy Suit [Unlock Requirements] Clear Report 5.
Designed for infiltration. A special wire attached to the back allows the wearer to move like a spider.
06: Old Retro Gear [Unlock Requirements] Clear Report 6.
The company-issued suit Ulala used during the Morolian Invasion. It was in her closet.
p. 168
07: Old Retro Gear (Dirty) [Unlock Requirements] Clear Report 6 (Extra Mode).
Designed to protect the human body from space dust at high speeds.
08: Super Ulala Costume [Unlock Requirements] Clear Report 6.
A super costume that is an amalgamation of dance energy. Rumored to be just underwear.
09: School Uniform [Unlock Requirements] Clear 24 consecutive trials in Ulala's Dance Mode.
A modified version of a uniform from School M. Altered by Ulala herself.
10: China Dress [Unlock Requirements] Clear 100 consecutive trials in Ulala's Dance Mode.
Used for the undercover investigation of the Shanghai Restaurant.
p. 169
11: Woolen Wear [Unlock Requirements] Clear Report 1 with the Ratings at 100%
This was a suit that Ulala used to wear for her part-time job a while back.
12: Stealth Suit [Unlock Requirements] Have save data for Rez (PS2). Have save data for Rez (DC).
A super futuristic suit that apparently looks like a wire frame.
13: Pudding Costume [Unlock Requirements] Clear Report 2 with the Ratings at 100%
A costume of Pudding. You can also use it to imitate Padding, who is imitating Pudding.
14: Pine Costume [Unlock Requirements] Clear Report 3 with the Ratings at 100%
A costume of Pine, the Eastern Galaxy Space Police Chief. It can also be used to dress up as Texas, of the Western Galaxy Space Police.
Straight Up Filthy Groove Guru 164
Honda Honda Honda Honda
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eishtmo · 2 years
The Scholomance in Minecraft
So after finishing the second read through of the series, I decided I wanted to get a true feeling for the scale of the place and the first thing I had to do so was Minecraft. So I've been working on it for a while and I'd figure I'd share some of the results.
Three things to keep in mind:
This is Minecraft Java Edition, unmodded, no texture packs. There are somethings it just cannot do, or do so in a nice way, like angles and circles.
I based it on the illustrations in the book more than the text and those don't match as much as you might think. Thus this is not book accurate, and not super accurate to the illustrations either.
It's not done, not by a long shot. Most of what you'll see are mock ups and samples of the overall structure. It's way, WAY too big to do more than that.
With that, I present the Scholomance, done in Minecraft.
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Dorm room, generic. No, I didn't model El or Chloe's rooms.
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Dorm landing. Only those four doors have actual rooms.
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One of the library reading "rooms."
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Mezzanine reading room.
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Maleficaria Studies, just the bare bones of the space right now.
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Small classroom.
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Language Lab.
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Small Alchemy Lab
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Senior Seminar Labyrinth.
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Graduation Hall.
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Graduation hall doors.
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Scholomance from the outside.
This Reddit thread collates all the build journals over on Imgur (how many social spaces can be connected together?). There are a lot more images than these few I posted here. The most recent back up is linked in the last image of Build 11. Feel free to download and explore. If you get running on a server, let me know, I'd love the help to finish it.
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dokidokimaster · 10 months
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Chapter 3, Part 8 of my Ryou/Chigusa (offline Haseo/Atoli) comic!
Pt 9 might be a couple days late next week b/c Pts 6+8 took so much longer than I had anticipated, they absolutely demolished my uploading schedule for the chapter lol (I wasn't planning on taking an extra week b/w 7+8 but it had to be done) It's the shortest part of the chapter and is more like a bonus epilogue so… just wanted to temper expectations LOL I'll have a lot more to say about the comic in general next time! Thank you for reading!
Chapter 3 Links: Parts 1+2, Parts 3+4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 9
Chapter 3 imgur album (to read on one page)
Links to Past Chapters: Chapter 1, Chapter 2
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amefuyuu · 6 months
So I went to the Writer’s Guild Foundation library today and snapped some photos of the Assassin’s Creed scripts they had that I read through (your not really supposed to take photos but oh well-) most of the photos I took were of the Haytham and Connor scenes because I think they are amazingly well written. Not all the photos will fit on here so I’m just uploading Imgur links:
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pinkyjulien · 5 months
This might be the only occasion to talk about it, and It's no secret that her and I stopped talking more than ~1year ago, so here we go
Some of my personal experience with Zwei and her modding gatekeeping / monopol
For some reasons, my guts told me to screencap our very last conversation, right before she blocks me and wipe our DMs, and looking back now I'm glad I did
▶ You can find the conversation here
Please read the post for more context:
Important to note that live in Europe, meaning my timezone is CET
Zwei and I weren't up at the same time
Back in September 2022, a Drama happened in the Modding Server
This is the only screenshot I have of the drama, provided by a friend, I have since left that server (you should be able to find it with the search option tho)
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Anec, the guy who can be seen on the screenshot, and who initially asked about the glowing eyes in the server, shared this imgur album with Zwei DMs as well back in 2022
I was asleep when it all happened, waking up to Zwei accusing me in DMs of being involved in it
The day before, a fellow modder asked me if they could make a mod similar to my old Player Replacer that would involve Photomode, asking me for help on the matter too; I gave them the greenlight and told me to ask NoraLee, as I do not have much knowledge on Photomode itself
So when I saw Zwei's DMs I assumed it was about this encounter, but I quickly understood that it wasn't the case
I later went to NoraLee's DMs to ask them what that whole "glowing eyes" stuff was all about, and thankfully got more context (and confirmation that Zwei was once again trying to gatekeep mods ideas)
That's about it for the whole context on the last convo I had with her
Now I want to mention some details and explain a lil bit more, especially about the Scenerids bit here
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For the lil story, Scenerids animation were something I always wanted to figure out, way back in 2021 even
When I was still in AMM, we were making progress on the matter with the help of a fellow modder; the goal was always to make them, and the knowledge, public
One day, Zwei asked me in DMs about Scenerids Animations, and where I was with my digging; She wanted to share the knowledge with Deceptious, a new guy (at the time) who was making all kind of cool mods, if there was one guy that could find how to grab them, it was him
Excited, I told her all I knew back then
She also told me that Deceptious was doing streams in the Modding Server and that I should come by and check what he does
So I did, I jumped into his next stream, and yeah the guy was impressive with his method. In the stream chat, I asked him about Scenerids animations, we chatted a bit more and he seemed interested, said something along the lines of "it shouldn't be too complicated" - I went to bed after his stream ended
Next morning, I woke up to Deceptious sharing videos of Zwei's V, in the modding server, doing Alt's animations from her romance scene in the middle of Tom's Diner; he had it figured out during the night
So I went to his DMs, asking him how he did it, and got a somewhat cold reply; not unexpected, nothing to overthink at the time. I asked Zwei as well- I wanted to know, and to me it seemed only ""fair"" considering I ""helped"" with the whole thing
It all spiraled from there; Zwei would told me the "secret" ONLY if I kept the knowledge to myself. I somehow got involved in a ""modding ring"" involving Zwei, SilverEz (can't remember his full name, the owner of the Modding Server) and Deceptious
Zwei and I would extract the animations from the Scenerids files; She would work with SilverEz to release them for PMU, and I would release them as AMM packs
At first, I had to wait until Zwei's packs were published to publish my own mods; nobody would keep me updated on WHEN they would hit live, so I had to rush my own modpages to release them for AMM simultaneously
It was a lot of unecessary stress. One day, I asked SilverEz directly if I could just release the packs as I was making them? And he told me something along the lines of "Yes, of course, it's your mods you do whatever"
I was so confused- I thought he said he wanted me to wait until the PMU releases? But no, it was just Zwei's lies/manipulations/whatever
(Important to know that everything was going on by her, I was sending her the files, and she would share knowledge with me from Deceptious and SilverEz if needed)
Anyway, the scenerids stuff happened in October 2022, but that's when I started to be even more cautious of her. It wasn't the first time something rubbed me wrong, of course not, multiple instances happened on a lot of different things, but I do not want to share it publicly since I do not have any screenshots to prove it
Going back to the "Glowing Eyes" drama, which happened in September 2022
As said at the begining of the post, this was our last conversation, both in DMs and in public. I noticed a mood shift following the next weeks in the Modding Sever; most of the people here were either her friends or fanboys
Zwei and I were ignoring each others, but I quickly noticed Deceptious was also ignoring me
I decided to confront him in DMs about it, that's when I noticed he wiped all of his DMs
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That's something we all know now that Zwei does a lot- so it had to be her, somehow telling him to wipe his DMs with me
I felt my blood go cold; Deceptious was someone I looked up to, his knowledge was really impressive and I wish I could've learned more modding from him somehow, but anyway
Seeing this, I rushed to Zwei's DMs to tell her to basically fuck off, to stop draging others into her bullshit- and that's when I noticed I was blocked, I couldn't send anything, but most importantly, her DMs were slowly being deleted
Now, I should've done a quick back up of everything, there's a lot of script that exist to extract full logs or to wipe them out. I didn't know about such scripts back then
I decided to ask around for the script she uses, called "Undiscord", wanting to give her a taste of her own medicine
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So I was sitting here, watching her bulk delete her dms, as I was bulk deleting my own. Yes, it looks really fucking dumb and cringe lmao
And that's about it, really, that's how it all went down
▶ Pre-Shooting random questions
❓ Why did you compared her to Wing
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Wingdeer is another person who is known to harass others for doing similar "Inversed Cross" makeup and cyberware, it happened a couple of times now. Zwei never liked her, despite modeling a lot of her mods; I thought comparing her to Wing would snap her out of her bullshit
❓ Isn't it hypocrite of you to say you're against gatekeeping?
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"Gatekeeping" is when someone actively harass others for liking/doing/having something that they like/do/have, like Zwei (with hair color/makeup/rockergirl style) and Wingdeer (with reversed cross mods) for example I never harassed anyone, all I ever did was blocking people People taking a block as a personal attack is not my problem, and shouldn't be turned into general fandom drama
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