#and I haven't even watched the show it's from bc like again by all accounts it's not very good
unityrain24 · 8 months
i've gotten a few new followers recently who seems to be loki series fans... and i just. you do realize that this is a very anti-series blog, right? it's in my description too
i know i haven't reblogged a whole bunch of anti loki series stuff lately, but it's not because i've "changed my mind" or anything. I am just to tired to read long metas (i haven't been reblogging many og loki metas recently either), i do not have the emotional energy to deal with awful feelings that come with the series, and also the other anti-series blog i follow also are getting emotional burnout from it so they aren't posting/reblogging a whole bunch of anti loki stuff either so that's less content for me to reblog.
but know that i am still very anti-loki series, and had strong feeling about it even before i got a tumblr account and literally no one in my life shared my views. When i finally got a tumblr account, like the first thing i did was read through all of the master posts of all the most major anti-series blogs. I read and reblogged probably hundreds. Like i combed through the archives. And i felt so validated finally.
The loki series was a terrible insult to lokis character. They took away his intelligence and his grace and his strategy and his humour and his masking and his cool reserved (but still witty) demeanor. They took away key aspects of his backstory, and invalidated every bad thing that ever happened to him. They didn't simply reduce his complex personality to something stupidly simple, they completely took away practically every part of his personality, and replaced it with things that weren't ever part of him. They blamed him for things he never did (and don't mention things he actually should be blamed for), called him inherently evil, and made him the butt of every joke. That thing you see on the screen is not the same character, not even a different character, but a bastardization of wearing someone else's corpse. The makers didn't even watch the previous installments he was in.
The series was questionable, if not outright terrifying, in its morals/messages (having the main character be stolen and stripped of everything, then work for a genocidal fascist organization and be happy about it)(portrayed either a questionable strange psuedo-incest abuser or an abusive fascist as the two romance options)(etc etc).
Even smaller less important things made it terrible. Making a show about "loki" then having it not be about him, but rather the tva, just to expand disney/mcu's while multiverse obsession? Having the series be called "loki" the whole aesthetic of the show being something painfully not loki? from the music to the lighting to the costumes to the plot to the everything? The lack consistency of the show to the installments prior/post it (again bc they don't care to research)? Gaps in logic? Also the fact that they seem to keep mixing up the concept of multiverses with timelines? (an alternate universe is different from a branch off of one universes timeline. Alligator loki, for example, does not make sense being a loki "variant" because the timeline could not deviate in a way that would make that happen). The fact that it was called "loki" but all the merch is racist genocidal tva? The fact that they condemn loki for certain things but praise the tva for doing far worse things? The way they made tom overact in such an embarrassing way? The way they marketed as having genderfluid loki, and then not only not showing it, but actively denying it?
i could go on and on and on but since i'm not formatting this as an essay the disorganization and lack of proper sentences/grammar is just muddling my point so i won't continue that long paragraph.
and it's not "just" a show to me. its not "just" a fictional character. it's not "not a big deal." It is. It is a big deal. To me. I've dealt with mental illnesses my whole life, and when they get bad, they get bad. Dangerously bad. Having a comfort character/ world in my head i could escape to is a vital coping mechanism for me. When they first announced the loki series, a certain nervousness set in me, and with every new piece of information released, it got worse and worse, and my mental state got worse and worse. fuck man, i wanted to kill myself so that i wouldn't be alive when it came out (amongst other reasons). When it did finally come out, not only were all my fears proven correct, it proved to much, much, much worse than i could have ever imagined. It was horrific. It was like they stole what was dearest to me and disfigured it in front of my eyes and got the blood all over me and it would wash out, and the scent and colour and feel and taste of blood filled all my senses. My mental illnesses got a lot worse (both from reason related to and unrelated to the series), and i couldn't even use my necessary coping mechanism bc every time i thought of loki (even my og loki), the series and how it ruined everything would invade my mind. things were bad for me. and all i got was people saying "it's not that bad, your being dramatic, you should watch it!"
And perhaps i'm one-in-million in that sense, it's not like they made the series specifically to personally do that to me. And they don't know that it did.
but should they be ashamed? that they took something that was originally a complex piece of art and passion and expression, and did that to it? They turned it into some soulless money-making formula? They went from wanting to make stories to wanting to make money? From quality to quantity? Shouldn't they feel ashamed, that they disrespected the original artists and writers and filmmakers who put so much into it, only to not even watch them when "wanting" to continue it? Shouldn't they feel ashamed at their hollow greed and corruption? Shouldn't they feel ashamed for forcing an actor to ruin a character they cared so much about, and not allowed for their ideas?
even without what it emotionally did to people, they should be ashamed.
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finleyforevermore · 6 months
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You like theater. I like theater. It makes sense
We would definitely watch live action musicals and plays whenever possible and you would show me the ones you like and i would show you the ones I like
Now if you were interested we would audition to shows together bc i volunteer at a local theater all the time
We would have so much fun together! Honestly you would love the theater i go to (i even run their tiktok account but it only has two videos 😢)
Going over to your house to run lines and practice songs (well i don't sing bc i am bad at singing but i would help you!!)
Sleepovers bc i stayed over too late to go home. Taking all nighters to practice scenes and watch the show
Probably also fantasizing about our dream roles together. (Its Veronica from Heathers for me but again I can't sing 😭)
And if I'm not in the show you're in, don't worry!! I'll still be there cheering you on!!
We would be menaces if ee went to the same school. Targeting everyone to come see the show
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convenient segue everyone 😉
If we went to the same school I imagine we would go to the gardening club together
You just have the vibes of someone who likes plants
I would complain about the weather and fret over you, making aure you're staying hydrated in the warm sun
I imagine it would be pretty empty except for us too
We're like the groundskeepers basically
Probably planting specific flowers to convey different meanings
Selling some of them during the holidays like poinciana
Getting specialized and matching gloves
Singing while we work bc music makes everything better
I would be give you all the drama and say all my judgy comments
"Then she got up and sat next to this other girl who is barely even her friend! Like hellooo, why are you ignoring me 🙄. And the bitchiest part was when she tried talking to me like normal."
And then you would be lile "amor 😨 that's pretty mean. Maybe she didn't notice?"
After gardening we would probably get a snack and eat inside the greenhouse, maybe also get a refreshing drink
I'm your younger bro to clarify then! XD
And for the record I'm sure you sound wonderful! 💚💚💚💚💚
I love theatre BUT I'm frightened of the idea of performing onstage XD
You'd have to drag me kicking and screaming to the audition
But if I WASN'T, I'd be so excited ehehe
We rarely watch movie musicals anymore because I'm always ranting about how much better the stage versions are and how they ruined it XD (unless we watch one of the good adaptations ofc like West Side Story for example)
Got the funny visual of you waking up in the middle of the night and waking up to me trying (and falling) to quietly sing Pierre from NPATGCO1812 to not wake you up XD
I'd love the gardening club!! :D
I keep planting carnations "BECAUSE IT'S THA HADESTOWN FLOWER, AMOR! YOU EXPECT ME TO JOIN A GARDENING CLUB AND NOT PLANT THE HADESTOWN FLOWER?" "I love your enthusiasm but that's not at all what I said-"
Ik I seem all nice and kind on here and I think I'm like that irl, but trust and believe that if your pissed, I'm gonna be pissed too XD especially I've gone through similar crap with an ex friend
"She did not!! I told you about Marissa right? She did crap JUST like that! Even try to talk to me sometimes like she wasn't being a total prick- I swear people are the worst sometimes-"
We have a little treehouse or some kinda place where we can just hang out and have fun and have an absolute ball there :)
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ryuichirou · 2 months
Some replies!
Anonymous asked:
Do you have an Ao3 account?
I honestly forgot that I had one because I don’t read or write fics… so it’s just for leaving kudos from time to time when I remember to log in lol
Katsu’s account isn’t as empty as mine though! But Katsu doesn’t write fanfics very often; the one I posted a sketch for yesterday was the first twst one Katsu wrote.
Anonymous asked:
I was looking at Union birthday interviews again, and the deserted island answers spark some really really reallyinteresting scenarios... Stuck in a deserted island without Internet with a guy who now can do whatever he wants with you(r body) 👀👀👀 And you can't even complain because YOU chose him!!!
Truth to be told, I originally thought of this with Lilia/Vil considering how Lilia behaved back in Stitch event, but then I realized it could be so scrumptious with other ships too! Ruggie/Deuce, Kalim/Leona, Jack/Jamil (and these three who picked victims to stuck with on an deserted island: Jack/Epel, Rook/Silver, Ortho/Malleus)
I really love this question, I wish the next bunch of birthday interviews would have more “theoretical scenario” questions like this one. It’s like the characters themselves give us a prompt for a fic or a doujin lol Stuck in a deserted island…together…
Lilia/Vil on a deserted island sounds like a delightful time, but I also don’t know what Lilia did in the Stitch event, so maybe it’s not as delightful as I picture it LOL But all of these combinations are so fun… I think Rook/Silver and Ortho/Malleus are the ones I would love to see the most.
Also, if I remember correctly, Idia went through an entire list of characters before making his pick, the boy ANALYSED IT he is so picky!!
Anonymous asked:
I was rereading Lilia's union birthday card (spoilers now if you haven't watched it— you should!!!) And thinking that his ideal brother being someone who is not "boring or too independent" but more unpredictable and interesting is really silly when it sounds like his ideal "baby brother" is the total opposite of Silver lol 😭 I can't help but think Lilia has been waiting Silver's whole life for him to hit his rebellious phase and start acting out, but Silver remains as adoring and steadfast as ever... I wonder what Silver would think of this lol
OH I remember that one!! It’s funny how pretty much the first thing he said was “well not Vil or Trey”, like why would you even mention them then, Peepaw? So mean lol
It really is very easy to imagine Lilia waiting for Silver to become a little rebel… If he had had a moment of disobedience or brattiness, Lilia would’ve probably secretly be very pleased. It’s like wow! I’m raising a little firecracker. Or maybe it was a pleasant contrast with Malleus: finally, a child that isn’t trying to burn your face out of pettiness lol
Maybe Silver would get confused and/or upset by it… he is trying his best to be the best son for Lilia, and all this time Lilia just wanted more trouble?
Anonymous asked:
do you ever intend to watch cloudcalling on the savanna/tamashina mina? i know you’re not a big fan of leona and leona’s the star of the show, and i honestly can’t say i disagree with your criticisms of book 2 — frankly, if you said it’s the weakest book, the majority of the fandom would agree with you (and idk if you know but there’s a theory that book 2 was originally book 6, bc when the books were being announced before the game’s release, they were largely in order except savanaclaw being 6 instead of 2. which is admittedly not amazing evidence that the order was rearranged way too late in development, but it’d explain why b2 is so rushed and just… bad, and p. much all other advertisement and promotional material for the game since then has been in the current order). however i feel that this event does a lot for leona’s character, and also offers a lot of worldbuilding for the savanna and context for the way he is. almost like an apology for fumbling the bag on book 2 haha. i’m not trying to force you btw and it’s totally fair if you don’t want to or have other things you want to watch first!!! i’m just a faceless blob on the internet and i obviously can’t (and don’t want to!) force you. i just recommend this event, as a resident catboy lover and lion snuggler!! :3
besides that, are there any potential events that you want to see? for example i’d love an event that takes us to the coral sea, briar valley, or even the isle of woe!!
In general, Anon, we would love to watch all the events at some point (or at least the majority of them), but yeah to be honest Tamashina Mina isn’t really in our top-10 when it comes to priority.
Even though it has Lilia, Vil and Kalim, whom we love a lot, and actually learning more about Savanna would be very cool, and the idea of Leona’s character being better written there is inviting, I guess we’re just not in a Leona mood most of the times lol It all boils down to how I just don’t like the way he is written the majority of times. This balance always feels off somehow, and the way he bounces off other characters doesn’t feel as fun, but maybe it’s due to my personal taste and me disliking this type of character in general. I don’t even know how to describe it in a way that makes sense.
But the thing is, Leona has moments that I genuinely enjoy; for example, I love it when he gets called out or when he is stuck in a funny situation. I liked his fighting scene in the Playful Land event (if you know you know, I’m not spoiling it since it’s not out in EN yet) because it shows him being smart and skilled and then adds a punchline on top of it. So it’s not completely impossible even for me have fun with Leona, and I hope this event has moments like this. But we’ll see… eventually.
The theory that Book 2 was originally Book 6 makes sense because it feels super rushed and “raw” with writing all over the place at times… Honestly, I hope we’ll get some info on it at some point! I doubt we ever will unfortunately, but it would explain a lot. But I’m happy with their order now because we got a lot of stuff from Book 6, which we love so dearly. If Leona had to be sacrificed for it, so be it, we won’t complain lol
THE CORAL SEA EVENT, YES!!! This is the one we are the most excited about, I really hope we’ll get to see it soon! And Briar Valley too of course, and the Isle of Woe since in my head I almost always picture S.T.Y.X. facility, which is so unfair because they have their own (fake) ecosystem underwater, so it’s pretty much Greece-like place!
More events…. more….
It also depends a little bit on the character combo which participates in the event, we clearly have our biases too lol Events with the characters that we strongly ship will most likely get our attention asap. We actually planned on watching the Stitch event back in April, but personal stuff made us delay it for so long that it actually came out in English. We didn’t want to overlap with the Western fanbase, so instead we watched White Rabbit Fest and Ghost Marriage Event or whatever it’s called. The second one is not fully watched though, I’ll mention the reason below. And now I’m not at home so we won’t be able to finish it properly.
What hinders us in most cases is the lack of non-official translations because as soon as the official one is out, nobody is going to bother with translating the event since it doesn’t make sense. But it matters to us :c Same with vignettes, which are even less likely to get translated after their EN release. It ruins the flow of watching TWST by making us constantly looking for videos with the events being unfinished or nobody bothering with the vignettes for the event. It’s a pity, but I understand that it’s a very hard work to translate stuff in general and not to get demotivated by the official translations, because who then needs yours? I NEED!!! Please...
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saturnaous · 5 months
I realize I'm not sure I saw, and I haven't asked: what got you into the FMA kick? Did you watch it for the first time recently, or was it a rewatch? What made you want to watch it? Gimme all the context of your obsession.
OKAY OKAY. so actually what made me BE like "holy shit fma? ohhhhh" was. uuhhhh one, one of my mooties (red-r0ver thank you) like not often posting about it but agreeeing when things about it happened or something. there's a media axis thing somewhere on this website that like was like :"well made art-udder dogshit" on Y and "ok.-I will never be the same again/made me eat glass" and ON THAT. in "wellmade art-neverbe the same/made me eat glass" side of it was Fullmetal alchemist. and like it got agreed with or something idk. anyways that's how it fell on my radar. as a like "hmm I don't know anything about it but I wouldn't be opposed to this. it seems like it'd be enjoyable." and yeah. also I should feel I should mention that in the vauge void of it not quite existing in this time period it conisitantly connected in my head with Doctor Stone for some reason. I've literally only seen doctor stone or whatever through crunchyroll adds when I was wtaching that time I got rencarnated as a slime but it somehow got mixed up with fma. wirse crossed or something. idk.
but what ACTUALLY made me watch it was a video that was talking about Disabilities and Queerness in the Owl House. and DURING that. The person who had made the video brought up FMA and Izumi and was going through scenes of stuff of it. I'm pretty sure they were talking about Izumi with her organ damage and not being able ot have kids(how having disability rep can become related in points of your life), but it was going through some scenes of the show.
BASICALLY. I've seen Alphonse around very vaugely. I knew that he existed to an extent. I knew he was a lot of armor or a robot or something. But I had no clue where he was from and who he was. but he existed in a vague void of "cool character design that I want to kiss SO BAD" but nothing else really. did not know jack about him. not even his name. So I saw HIM in the scenes they were playing and I basically went
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so. knowing me. an absolute sucker for armor and robots and things of that sort.(stares at ultrakill longingly). I went into a gc with my friends(it's called monster fucker faggot central btw. mffc. it's great) and I. WAIT I can actually get my exact words hold on. FUCK my screenshots are broken on my computer hold on. I will remedy this.
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LIVE SPENXER REACTION.anyways. that's how my friend told me before his account got hacked that fullmetal alchemist is supposed ot be like thr greatest anime of all time. and then he told me to watch brotherhood and I DID and then I became OBSESSED and then I read the manga and now I'm watching 03. from literally the first 5 minutes I became obsessed with Alphonse. Alphonse. . . save me alphonse elric. . . alphonse elric saveme. . . anyways. yeah. I also have uerhmmmmm liveblogs somewhere skewed abount my servers and stuff of when I first watched it and when I read the manga. there's actually an image of me bawling my eyes out when I finished bh that my friend saved bc it's his favorite photo of me ever. teehee.
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lexa-ocean · 3 months
Hi I think we might be mutuals but anyways heres the real ask:
I read in your tags from the "get isekai'ed into the last fanfiction you wrote" post and I saw you were writing a bh6 fanfic. Am I correct to assume it means Big Hero 6? Big Hero 6 fanfic in this fabulous year of 2024?
If you have thoughts or would like to ramble about your fic I'd love to hear your thoughts!! (But only if you feel like, please don't feel obligated to answer)
(Ramble under cut)
I watched the entire series during 2021 i think??? And it was recently frankestein'd back to life since i watched the og movie, then watched some of my fav old eps again (and the Baymax shorts!)
Anyways!!! I'm gonna be honest i haven't been working in the fanfic for a couple days since idk, i'm starting to think it might be too angsty...? Basically, i decided to follow the prompts from this Bad Things Happen Bingo:
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And the idea i have is basically
"Random bad guy figures out Mini-Max is a member of Big Hero 6, but doesn't know Fred is too. In an effort to get info of the group, he kidnaps the duo and tortures Fred to get Mini-Max to talk"
So yeah. Dark. I have a curse called "i show my love of fictional character by Making Them Suffer" and the Fred and Mini-Max duo is mi favorite from the show
AND MINI-MAX IS SO UNDERRATED. He's literally so cute and cool but there's barely any fic of him out there!!!! I gotta fix that!!!! (╯'□')╯︵ ┻━┻
And I also wanted this to be a bit of character exploration for Mini-Max? Bc one thing thats intersting from the series is that in his debut episode, Mini-Max dead up says he 'doesn't have feelings' in account of being a robot, but that just... doesn't feel right??? Not only wrt Mini-Max, but also all other robots in the bh6 verse (Noodle Burger Boy, Trina, even Baymax) clearly have feelings. Hell, the Baymax series straight up had that moment in the final ep where Hiro asks "how do you feel?" And Baymax replies "I am satisfied with my care" (which btw, Screaming Forever 😭💖). So with this fic, I planned to write Mini-Max's feelings during and after the situation, and how he (doesn't) deal with them. As well as Fred's ofc, my man wanted to be a superhero, now he gets Superheroic PTSD™
(I also have the rescue scene planned where Fred's dad, his mom and Heathcliff all take their superhero/villain/spy identities up again and wreck havoc in the bad guy's HQ bc "What do you mean our boy was kidnapped. Bitch We're Gonna Kill You")
But yeah that's basically it??? Aside from this fic i was working on a more memey lil comic, which since i'm here already i might as well share my fav sketch from:
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Thanks for the ask!!!! ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝💖
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forcebookish · 1 year
i haven't watched the new episode properly yet but omg so furious - if they decided within a week to cut out that scene then why put it in the preview? where are all these topmew haters getting to jojo from?? is it just twitter? im genuinely so devastated for them they deserve so much better. can't help but wonder what got cut that we don't actually know about too. legit boiling idk if i can watch the new episode rn im honestly tempted to get twitter just so i can support forcebook with this show 😭 how can people hate them this much?? i don't see forcebook/topmew fans out here dragging firstkhao and neomark through the mud??? ive gotten 10/10 bored of particular sandray and i really hate ray bc i have dealt with a horrible destructive violent addict so he is a triggering character (it's mostly horrible to see fans glorify that behaviour) but im not out here screaming at them to cut the actors scenes im just is it ok to cry about this hahahahaaA
cry it out, dude. it's fucked up the way they treat our boys.
i think it's twitter and youtube (i think it was you who i talked to about a yt commenter being a dick to me because i had the gall to ask why there was no forcebook footage in the last bts?😒). and yeah, even with p'jojo's explanation for why it was cut, it doesn't matter because mew was at that level of anger throughout the episode anyway. all it did was take something away from foxmochis and topmewists when we're literally begging for crumbs. and like you said!!! we're not bashing any actors, we're not complaining about screentime, we're not making shit up about the story or the characters - we're the ones who have been having a good time, even when there are characters that we hate, it's not the story that we're complaining about.
I MEAN NOW IT IS, but this was a uniquely bad episode lol
but certainly not the actors! there have been MULTIPLE people saying that they wanted topmew to be minor characters just so that their faves could have more screentime. all i want is for forcebook to be in a drama on their own without any of these other fucking "fans" going out of their way to bash them. and it's always, "why are foxmochis so defensive?" "tomafoxes have a victim complex." "gmmtv shows favoritism to forcebook." LIKE EXCUSE ME??? it's like they live in an alternate reality designed just so they feel better about hating on two perfectly lovely, talented guys and some of the kindest people i have ever met in a fandom space ever.
and honestly, i never thought i'd say this... but i do recommend getting a twitter account. i got mine just to lurk and see what forcebook was up to, but i've gotten in the habit of sending them tweets about how much i love them every now and again when i see something heinous or am just thinking about them. they get flooded with shit they don't deserve, and honestly? it makes me feel better too, knowing that i'm pushing back against the wave. who knows if they see it or understand it, but at least it's out there.
if they didn't need all the support they could get, i'd probably stop watching at this point (or at least pause), because it feels like we're being fucked with at this point and that our voices and viewership don't matter :( but they need us! gmmtv isn't going to do their job, so we have to do it for them!
thanks for popping in!❤️‍🩹 it took me a long time to respond to this so maybe you've already seen the episode but good luck anyway, pal. it's kind of a slog lol
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scripted-downfall · 2 years
Hello! I am the rambling anon, bc I'm an Anon who loves to ramble about everything and nothing all at once.
Allow me to make a comment on Jpeg's acting please (even tho there have been countless).
I've always loved acting and the art of it, I still do, and I've never done professional acting, only theater acting as well (theater kids 4 lyfe!), and I'll admit, I'm can't really act. But Jesus Christ, there's times I watch Jared act (on SPN, I haven't ever really cared for Walker) and I cringe bc for fucks sake, even I can fucking do better than that. (or at least I hope and pray I could fucking do better) it's EMBARRASSING. It astonishes me how Jpeg stans say he's a good actor when Jensen just BLOWS him the fuck out of the fucking water. And it's sad that Jensen was always overlooked and was handed the shitty Bloody Valentine movie, while Jared was the golden child essential and got the Friday the 13th remake role. It's such bullshit.
You seriously mean to tell me that you couldn't find ANYONE else who could act Sam out than Jared? And do a better job? I doubt it.
And you're right, acting college major. Jared's acting in the early seasons was better, but that being said, not by a whole lot. It's just........ Sad.
Hello, rambling anon! Welcome! (Also, loving the theatre kid representation; it's always nice to find another :) )
I definitely agree with what you've said, at all points. I haven't had any on-film acting experience, and I don't consider myself a vicarious expert in assessing acting skill, but I'm not a complete novice either; I did speech back in high school, and I've done a decent amount of theatre acting in my day, too. So, expert? Nah. Complete amateur? Also no.
But it takes very little experience to see that Jared is just... bad? Like, to the point that I don't understand why anyone thinks he's a good actor, much less a good enough actor to stan as violently as his do. (Also, they don't seem to realize that they're actually making it less likely that I like jpeg? Like, I didn't feel half so strongly about being anti-Jared until they launched a whole-ass campaign against me, and now I'm deeply anti.) And it truly is, as you say, embarrassing to watch. I was watching s12 of Supernatural with some folks and I was sitting there, watching Jared, and cringing the entire time, praying they wouldn't judge every element of the show by Jared's standard.
I kind of understand why people say the whole "you don't need to raise up your fave by tearing down another person's" idea, but also... that statement doesn't take into account how much worse Jared looks through the juxtaposition of good acting and bad. Jared is bad already --- Cry_Wolf, Friday the 13th, House of Wax --- but he's not anywhere close to the worst actor in those, so it's less noticeable. He's about 15x more painful to watch in SPN because he's so close to good acting and falling short.
I definitely feel like there are a great many people who could have played Sam better. I just... the list is great.
Thank you for the ask, and welcome to the blog :) I hope you'll reach out again as things spring to mind; I might be slow to answer at times, but I always appreciate hearing from folks! Be well!
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g0sts · 1 year
Guillermo, salmon, coconut, death 🥥
jamie u MENACE droppin all three ask memes at once, come over rq i just wanna talk (talking is code for fist-fighting you on behalf of how long this is gonna be)
(from this ask meme, this other ask meme, and this third one!)
first up Let's Talk About Gyemmo!
My favorite thing about him - he's Nice, sort of, when it benefits him, but he's definitely not A Good Person. he's just like me in that he's got that baby-faced Charm combined with a polite disposition that enamors people to him, but he's ruthless. he's just sweet about it. only this bitch can give up almost everything in his life in pursuit of pure selfishness and then struggle to accept that there's consequences ♥
My least favorite thing about him - mans has got to stop Leaving For Good For Realsies This Time at least once a season (twice in season two!!), he's gonna be the boy who cried Gone For Ever ('whale eyes at the coming finale but pretending i don't see it' voice)
My favorite canon relationship - you know im a nandermo bitch. they make each other worse and they might just turn out better for it. it's like watching two dogs who both want to play but are both just doing the little bow thing bc neither dog is taking the bait to chase so they're just whimpering and pawing at each other thinking "why doesn't he wanna [redacted] 🥺" it's pathetic, sort your shit out guys
My favorite non-canon relationship - That Year In London With Nadja. they never showed it to us but we all know it happened. they did mani-pedis and nearly killed each other multiple times and then she hired him as her accountant
The sexuality I headcanon for him - baby boy canonically gay and that's such a win ♥ i do hc him as trans but you knoowwwww that's some juicy little projection i like to do~
What I’d do if I could spend the day with him - in all honesty i do not anticipate that we would get along! like if i'm lucky he lures me home to be dinner but probably we would end up somewhere with a line unable to surpass our own giant social walls enough to do anything Cool. like, ok. is this pre s5? if i watch someone take a fork and knife to a burger i am Leaving Immediately
Random fact about him I like - the little snippets we get about his family life and what he gets up to off-camera. tell us more about the meat dress for your cousin's quinceañera!! u freaque, gimme more of this shit!! i'm obsessed!!
Salmon: How many pairs of sunglasses do I own? triangles, tiny shades, blurple circle shades, alien circle shades, ghosts, cat circle shades, and i think i still have the coral foldable shades but i haven't seen em in a while? so 6 or 7. for now.
Coconut: A subject I enjoy learning about crafting historyyyy how shit's madeeee show me the machinesss show me vintage vintage patterns, show me how vikings made yarn and then make a scarf out of it
Death: 3 things I wanna do before I die 1) go to New York City 2) get a tattoo 3) i wanna get married 👉👈 specifically i am holding out hope that i can connect with someone and forge that level of love trust and commitment that makes you decide "yeah this is a Forever thing" even if Marriage Specifically isn't on the table for whatever reason. thot i had it once! so i can get there again! just gotta do the hard part and meet the right person, which includes meeting a lot of Not the right people 🤷‍♂️
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wellntruly · 2 years
Hello! I just made an account specifically to ask where the rest of your Babylon Berlin recaps are! They have been my lifeline watching this show for the first time on my own! 😂 I feel like I’m reading my own brain it’s incredible! Although you know much more about German expressionism etc than I do (which is little to nothing but that will change bc I have a library and a half saved on Wikipedia right now!)
Oh yay!
But also, I am so sorry!
I need to figure out how to convey this information more reliably, because this keeps happening and every time I’m like, oh noo. Could you please let me know how are you getting to my Babylon Berlin posts? Because I had thought anyone reading /chrono through my Babylon Berlin Blogging tag would just in natural progression see what happened, but you are certainly not, as you will see, the first person who has not. But it was Covid and I was having a very hard time.
May 1, 2020, someone asked when I was going to keep writing, and then again just a week later someone else asked, aannd then this was actually when I finally turned off anon on my inbox, because, and I’ve never mentioned this before because it feels very, you know, There Are Real Problems, but at the time this really sent me into a pit of mud: I then got another anonymous ask to my responses that I'd tried so hard to make as fun and breezy yet clear about my struggling as I could, while feeling very exposed and tender and distressed about it because I loved that show and the lockdown depression was taking it from me, that was like, inconsiderate of you to ask me to be considerate of you feeling bad when I feel bad too, except meaner, I specifically remember the message literally concluded with "whatever, have a nice life," and I was like, Wow. And somehow it felt even more demoralizing and unfair that I was having to deal with these sort of asks when before this, those S3 recaps had been so much quieter than my earlier Babylon Berlin writing, those posts were only getting all of 12 notes on average, and not even from these people, because I knew all 12 of them!
Not anonymously anymore, but I've then continued over the last couple years to keep intermittently getting innocently well-meaning questions from people still apparently not seeing the posts in my tag, and to confess, most of those asks I've just quietly deleted in despair, though occasionally I'll work up enough false optimism to make vague cheery promises, like most recently in April 2022. But the sorry fact is, I haven't been able to go back and finish writing about Season 3 because, and this depresses me so much, but whenever I think about picking back up again this show I love so deeply, I still recall all the guilt and sadness and resentment around when I had to stop writing about it partway into the third season, and I just feel, rather low again.
Sorry that this answer is so sad! :( Please try not to feel bad for asking, I've kept my own counsel on much of this specifically to avoid that, but this approach does not seem to be working, because people keep asking and my heart just keeps dropping.
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harryconcepts · 2 years
part 51
in my feels tonight thinking about how harry would be so good if he knew you'd had some bad relationships in the past 😔 maybe it's not something you outright told him, but he can kind of just tell, there's lots of little things that make him piece together that you haven't always been treated well 😔 and ofc he's always been sweet with you, but now he makes an even bigger point to be careful with everything he says and does bc he always wants you to feel safe with him 😔 he's always gently letting you know that he wants to hear your opinions, and that it's okay to tell him how you're feeling, and he'll never be upset with you for that 😔 always telling you how much he loves you, and he shows it with his actions too 😔 and someday when you do feel comfortable opening up to him, he's so attentive and respectful while you talk 😔 he keeps his hands to himself, not knowing if you need space right now, and he doesn't make any moves until you lean against him 😔 if you cry a little he doesn't say anything, he just gently wipes the tears away while you keep talking 😔 and when you're done saying everything you need to say you're exhausted, so you lean your head on his chest to listen to his heartbeat, and after a while you realize that you're not scared to be vulnerable around him at all because he only ever makes you feel safe 😔
he would be so so so sneaky about it too, I can see him making a fake Pinterest account to follow you and find exactly what you want so when he proposes it's with the ring you've dreamed of having your whole life 🥹 and ofc he talks to your mom and sisters and best friends to make sure it's 100% perfect for you 🥹only the best for the love of his life 🥹
or one night when he's really tired after a show but you're just feeling 😋 after watching him, but you don't want to bug him so you just grab your vibrator with the intentions of heading to the shower, but he turns over as you're quietly going through your drawers to find it, and as your fingers close around he he's like "what are you doing baby?" in his sleepy voice 😋 and you're like "oh i didn't mean to wake you up, I was just going to go take a shower" and he's all "mhmm, at 2 in the morning?" bc he knooooows what you're looking for in the bedside table 😋 and you're just like "...yeah?" and he says "a shower with your vibrator?" and you're blushing so hard but you say "didn't want to bother you, I know you need to sleep" and he's quiet for a moment before he flips onto his back and throws the covers off saying "have at it babe" and you roll your eyes but he's like "I'm serious, you can use me any way you need, just want to see you get off" and you're like 😶 but not about to say no to him 😋 so you start to close the drawer but he's all "now hang on... didn't tell you to put that away" and you're like 😶😶😶😶 even more but you do what he says, pulling it back out of the drawer and moving to straddle him 😋 you can tell he's tired from how heavy his eyelids are but he grips onto your hips and says "I'll take this little guy..." taking the vibrator from your hands and he says "I'm a bit worn out, so we're going to have to work together on this" while he looks at the toy bc he's a moron like that 😭 he guides you to sink down onto him and he pushes the vibrator into your clit at the same time, and you're close already 😋
he would suck on your vibrator to clean it off after he uses it on you no offense though
after you cum you're laying there with your eyes closed and your chest heaving and when you finally look over at him your jaw drops when you see him sucking on it 😌 you have to look away bc you physically can't cum again yet but if you keep watching this you'll be ready to try 😌
harry rlly just loves to get you off 🤕any time of the day or night he's coming into your room, pulling on your legs so you're laying flat, and saying "be a good girl and let me take care of you now 😌" and who are you to object to your man 🤕
this might be weird but like I find the human body so..... aesthetically pleasing ???? i have no idea how to put this but something about like shoulders and collarbones and hips are just so so beautiful and lovely and i feel like harry shares this fascination with me and he loves to trace his fingers over the lines of your body bc you're just so nice to look at 😌
thinking about being an influencer who's dating harry secretly, as in no one knows, and it's just fun to keep it that way 😌 one day you make one of those aesthetic little morning routine videos and you have a short little clip of you smiling in bed, and you can very clearly see Harry's arm in the shot 😌 ofc you never include anything that would let people know that it's him, but he says he's fine with you posting that, and within seconds your comments are blowing up with nosy people 😌 but it doesn't matter bc you have Harry and the two of you just do your own thing 😌
or one day you post a selfie and you're sitting with your back to his chest, he has his head turned so you can only see the very edge of his chin but you're clearly with someone, and everyone is going insane trying to figure it out 😌
im obsessed with these first bf concepts ..... the first time he kisses you you get soooo blushy and you're just not sure what to do with yourself, and he's always sweet with you but he just can't help teasing a little bit 😌 he runs his finger over your cheek and says "you must really like me, hm?" and you manage to stammer out "I've, i've just never done that before" and the teasing look drops off his face immediately, and he's all "you haven't?" and you shake your head, but then he just smiles and says "well now you have 😌 did you want to do it again?" and you're nodding, before you can even say yes he's taking your face in your hands and kissing you for the second time ever 😌 and maybe you're shaking a little bit and who can blame you, there's a lot of nerves and adrenaline going on right now, but it's okay because you know Harry's got you 😌
usually the name babe is kind of annoying to me but when i think of harry saying it 😮‍💨😟😩🙂🥰😍🤩🤪🤭 like anon said you're kissing him, you're pretty inexperienced and not really sure what to do but he's just all "don't worry about it, I've got you babe" just telling you to follow his lead and do whatever feels right 😮‍💨😟😩🙂🥰😍🤩🤪🤭
and the first time you're more intimate and he gently pulls your shirt over your head, he has to take a deep breath to calm himself down bc he's realizing he's the first person who has ever seen you like this and you trust him enough to be this vulnerable with him and he's feeling absolutely feral🤕and you see him close his eyes and tip his head back, and you get nervous and a little insecure so you're crossing your arms over your chest and shuffling the blankets around to cover you, but he hears and looks down and is all "no, no baby you don't have to cover yourself- not at all, you're so fucking hot i just needed a minute to breathe" and he almost looks embarrassed to admit that 🤕 you're like "really?" and he nods, moving to lay over you again and he gently takes your arms away from your chest, moving them above your head so he can pin them there 🤕 you're breathing so fast bc you're so turned on and he leans closer, glancing down at your lips when he murmurs "this okay?" and you nod before he even finishes talking, and finally he closes the gap and kisses you 🤕
harry just loves to please you 🤕 his favorite favorite thing is spreading your legs and licking you until your legs are shaking and you're pushing him away 🤕
exactly Harry would be so good if you'd had bad relationships in the past 😭he knows you get anxious really easily, so he always sends you text like "I'm gonna be really busy today and won't have my phone, but i'm okay and i will text you whenever I can ❤️" and he does stuff like ordering your food for you bc he knows you get scared and going with you to doctors appointments so you won't be alone ☹️ he knows you haven't always been treated right so he does everything he can to show you how you deserve to be treated ☹️ or things like being in your space with you, he knows you get jumpy and don't like loud or sudden noises so he's always careful to close the door gently, and not sneak up on you bc he never wants to scare you ☹️ aaaalways asking permission before he touches you, even in nonsexual ways, bc he wants to make sure you know that he respects you and your body and your decisions, always ☹️☹️☹️ and sometimes you'll be set off by a situation that reminds you of something bad that happened a while ago, and he's always so good about it 😔 talking to you gently and letting you know that he's not mad at you, that you're okay and you're safe 😔 giving you a tight hug to help ground you, and basically so he can be your weighted blanket for a minute bc he knows it calms you down 😔 always reassuring you that he loves you, and he'll tell you as many times as you need to hear it 😔
want to talk about the first time Harry fucks you all the way 👹like usually he can't push all the way in because it's too much for you, it starts to hurt just a little and your face scrunches up so much that he stops, you shake your head and say "it's okay, I can take it, just give me a second-" and he kisses your forehead, saying "it's okay baby, promise it's okay" and then he's gentle for the rest of the night, so scared to hurt you 😔 but then one day you're just feeling absolutely feral, you've already had sex twice but that evening you're coming onto him again, and he's jokingly like 😧again??😧 and you're whining because you're not kidding, but he says "I'm just teasing baby, you know I'll give you anything you want" and you nod, then take a deep breath and say "I want to feel you all the way" and he raises his eyebrows, you know what he's about to say but you whine "I just want to feel you so deep, want you to make me sore tomorrow" and he buries his face in your neck because he can't look at you when he's so turned on 😌 then he flips you over so he's on top, and says "you'll let me know if it hurts?" and his voice is all stern and in charge 👹 you nod, clutching his shoulders to get him to move, and finally he starts to push in, groaning at how you're still wet from earlier 😌 you're gasping, trying so hard to keep relaxed and let him in, but soon he feels you clenching too hard and he lets out a little sigh, saying "have to relax, love, can't get inside if you're all tense" and you nod, trying so hard to be good for him but it's so much 🤕 he's pushing in a tiny bit more, your face is scrunching up and he slows down, saying "maybe we should-" and you wrap your legs around his waist, huffing out "don't you dare stop" and well he can't say no to his girl 🤕 he keeps leaving tiny kissies on your neck, whispering "relax, calm down for me" and finally finally he's all the way in 🤕you've never felt so full in your life and you're breathing in short little gasps bc it feels so good, and when he reaches down to press on your tummy you nearly scream 🤕 you're clutching at his wrist and he's so mean, pushing a little harder and saying "you like that? feel me allll the way in your tummy, don't you" 🤕then he leaves one last kiss on your neck and says "I'm gonna make sure my girl is sore tomorrow just like she wanted" 🤕then he would be so mean about it, holding you down by your hips while he drives inside over and over 🤕 you're so whiny bc it's so intense, but he just shushes you and says "thought this was what you wanted? said you wanted me to fuck you all the way, so how come you're whining so much?" and his voice is a little mocking 🤕he even pulls your hips up so it feels like he nudges a little deeper with each thrust, and you're crying from how good it feels 🤕 he's all "aw, is it too much for you? poor thing can't handle taking me all the way, hm?" 🤕 and then "but I know you'll be a good girl for me, won't you?" and you nod so fast, not wanting him to stop any time soon 🤕
being someone who usually has a hard time having an orgasm with someone else, the second you let harry know that he would be all in 😌 he wants to sit down with you and have a serious conversation about it, so that's exactly what you do 😌 he makes it clear that your pleasure is important to him, and he wants to do everything he can to make you feel good, whatever that takes for you 😌 telling you he's okay to do anything you want or need, he just wants you to have fun and feel good 😌 and maybe there's a few times in the beginning where he doesn't get you there, you're really upset and he can tell you're beating yourself up over it but he makes sure to calm you down and tell you it's okay 😔 that he's not mad or upset with you at all, he just wants to make sure you're okay 😔 then when it finally does happen he's sooooo excited, he's so happy he could make you feel so good and that you trust him enough to relax and let go 😌 and ofc he's a big fan of the way you immediately cuddle into him afterwards... that has him immediately ready to try again 😌
I need to talk about harry fucking you so good you're trying to push his hands away bc you don't know how to deal with how intense everything is 😮‍💨 he keeps trying to rub circles on your clit and you keep crying out and grabbing for his hands, not sure whether you're trying to tell him to stop or to please please keep going 😮‍💨 and he knows that if you really wanted him to stop you would let him know right away, so for now he just whispers in your ear "I know, baby, feels good hm?" and by now you're crying from how overwhelmed you are and he just reaches down to brush the tears away with his thumb 😮‍💨 whispering "i know, I know" as he puts more pressure on your clit 😮‍💨 he's hitting all the right spots inside and out, and you're clutching his wrist so hard bc it just feels so good 😮‍💨 and when you cum he doesn't stop, you're a sensitive and sticky mess but he's nowhere near done with you 😮‍💨
harry teasing you and edging you until you're losing your mind, saying "please, it hurts i just need to cum, please stop teasing" and he's acting like he feels bad he's pouting and cooing "ohh I'm so sorry baby, just need to cum, hm?" and you nod, thinking he's finally gonna let you, but he just says "but i know you're a good girl for me, and you'll keep being good, and take what i give you, right?" and his voice is so soft and sweet even as he says the meanest things 😣 you shut your eyes as you nod, and he runs his knuckle along your cheek saying "such a sweet girl" before his fingers on his other hand sink inside you again 😣
he has his head between your thighs and he moans softly saying "smell so good... i could stay here forever, just wanna fall asleep here and wake up and still be between your legs" and you're like welllll maybe don't fall asleep but I'm not opposed to you spending a bit of time down there 😌
the baby boy harry would text you for your coffee order one time and then he would tease you so bad for how confusing it is, he gets home and kisses you saying "two and a half pumps of carmel? don't you think that's a little extreme?" and you're like 😌no😌 and he just shakes his head at you 😔 then the next time hes picking up drinks he asks if you want some and you say yes, then ask if he needs your order and he says "nope I have it memorized" and you're like 🥹
harry loves kissing you after he goes down on you🤕 he likes to lick into your mouth and he's obsessed with the way you moan when you taste yourself on his tongue 🤕he's such a slut and so are you 🤕 two whores in love 🤕the thought of him kissing you after that... he says "you're so sweet, baby, have a taste" and kisses you 😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨
he's always grabbing your jaw to make you turn your head and kiss him 🤕 holding you in place there just bc he can 🤕 oh my god I need him to completely physically control me atp 🤕
he knows how much his voice and his words turn you on so he's always torturing you 🤕saying the absolute filthiest things right in your ear while he's holding your hips down so you can't grind on him like he knows you so desperately want to 🤕telling you exactly what he's going to do to you while he's holding you still and you can't do anything but lay there and take it 🤕 he even presses his forehead against yours so you're so overwhelmed by his presence and how close he is and how he's just surrounding you 🤕when he finally reaches down between your thighs you're nearly crying from how worked up you are and how badly you just want him to touch you but he's not done teasing yet 🤕 he says "yeah? you want my fingers so bad, don't you? can feel how warm you are down here, you must be so ready for me" and you nod, trying to move your hips closer but he just clicks his tongue and says "none of that now, you know only good girls get what they want" meaning you have to be good and let him do his thing before he'll even consider making you cum 🤕
harry shushing you 🤕 it's been a while since you were together, he was away on business so you didn't see him for a few weeks and when he finally gets home he's dragging you to the bedroom immediately 🤕 he has you on his lap while he kisses you, and you're whining and rolling your hips against his because you just need more but he's all "shhh sh sh baby, you know I'm gonna give you what you need, just need to kiss you a bit first" 🤕
you're whining about how deep he is and he presses one of his big hands down on your tummy to say "feel me right here? so deep, hm?" and all you can do is nod and grab his arm to keep him there 🤕he smirks, so cocky about how he can get you so worked up so easily 🤕
no if I dated Harry he would never know peace bc he would be like "look at this cute little interview that just came out 🥺" and i would take one look and then be like...... take your pants off I'm not playing with you take them OFF
harry is obsessed with how wet you get just from kissing 🤕he lifts you off his lap and sinks to his knees to spread your legs apart, then uses his thumbs to spread you open all the way 🤕 he can't help but shiver at the wet sound when he does that, and you close your eyes bc it's embarrassing to have him staring like this but he just wants to look 🤕
thinking about making out with Harry and his mustache is scratching your face a little bit and he keeps wincing and apologizing thinking it probably hurts but actually you like it so whenever it happens you just grind on him a little harder bc it turns you on and you whisper "stop apologizing, it feels good" and his head tips back bc he just can't handle how much he likes you 😌or the first time he goes down on you with some scruff and the next morning your thighs are all red and he's all 😟😟 kissing them so gently saying how sorry he is and that he's gonna go shave right away but you're like ummmm you better not bc it was hot
and on those nights when he's so proud of you he really really does give it to you good 😮‍💨doing all the things you like to make sure his girls cums hard 😮‍💨 multiple times 😮‍💨 ok I can't that's so.... 😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨 he's saying "my good girl, my best girl, gonna make you feel so good like you deserve baby" making you cum with his tongue at least twice 😮‍💨 probably trying to get you to squirt too bc he knows how intense it is and that's what he wants for you 😮‍💨 moving you into all your favorite positions and doing everything he can to make you scream 😮‍💨
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noro-noro-noro · 1 year
just woke up brain dump sorry about the shit numbering as I remember something I just fling it down
1. the apocalypse?? the storm. my sister and my dad and mom and me all trying to go home from downtown ;+5 but the flood the weather the storm the debris from the sky the collpasing buildings the road in shambles. we walked instead to avoid the rising water even though it wasn't stable . the sky was dark. my dad ended up safe at home even though the rest of us were on the secons store of what looked like an avant garde clothing store. therre were huge things collapsed on the road and I was driving and walking under bc I just wabted to go home.
1.2?? the apocalypse more intensely. the sky was purple now we were on the roof I was separattfrom mom & sister it was otherprolle. some of us had psychic powers iof some kind. Elon wisk was there trying to launch stuff into the sky but it kept failing. it was making ??? mad. we were running and hiding scrambling avross the roofs and through the concrete all the light sources were a bright teal blue
1.5 ? I was watching my friend ride a merry go round and other things through hmy phone . it was chill and fun
1.7 at the end of a sleepaway summer campin the woods at a national park or something waiting for parebts to come pick us up . vibe shift I'm talking to a jp guy first I thought it was bc I won a commission from him but his engoish wasn't good so I was trying to communicate by seding pictures (I wanted him to draw kuroha) & then it turns out I won a trip ?? it was maras y8 btw the anime piano guy ive been listening to flor like a decade & he looked super young (like we've seen his face before but now he was just like a7/10 asian guy . actually he looked like a dude named Jeffery from . highschool maybe?? but iirc he was like the Kevin Nguyen fuckboy type LMAO idk I haven't thoughbt about him in a while wonder if he's on insta i just want to see what hes doing before going back to nit thinkijg abuot him ever again. anyway. guy had a blond Russian gf who had bad skin & was scared of squid) and also the Convo changed & now I won like...a trip to visit him or smth? also he spike some engljs h now and also understood some chinese which made communication easier and he knew my mom. and he owed my dad $225 ?? imf not sure how. one of my friends who was sitting at an adjacebt picnic table commebted on it after we settled the plans & stuff like damn how u know THE marasy & I had an answer at the time. and forgot. he also gave me food to take back to my mom and I did and she was kind of excited about it
??? krndhi yonezu was also in one of my dreams, I don't remember like which one or why he was there, or maybe this is a whole separate thing, but he was opening? he wasn't an area and I was surprised to see him, it was a place that for all accounts he shouldn't have been but there he was standing on a table or a small stage or something wearing like a tank top? I don't know from what I've seen him do his live shows and he usually dresses in that like extremely oversized fashion so I was surprised it was just a tank top and baggy jeans, just passed a car with the license plate hag never mind I misread it it's ha6
2. we all ended up on the computer lab doing our things..different time zones different people. I saw the ghost ? if my fresan year roommate bc I got notifications on old documents and opened them and suddenly she was there flickering and indodnt know what to say to her since we were hbotj shy and she she dropped our. there was bloos on her lips she'd had sirgeey. unsure if she survived. but the others could see her..we werebally waiting for the train to take us back home. it came through the center. her project was a circus gambling app called strom. a secret level stage 5 was unlocked by reassembling slicesf a half eaten apple. when I talked to her she said she was a ghost but how? they saw her. she became fast friends with this girl named Sharon who was rraunchy and talkes about sex. did she remember me too ?
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tsukasageorge · 2 years
9 12 18
9: What's your all time favourite movie/tv show?
sin WHY 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 /lh
my all time favorite movie should be easy bc i don't watch movies! wait. actually. how do I pick between ghibli movies-
best non anime tv shows i've seen are lucifer and phineas & ferb (i do not watch non anime tv shows often)
top anime i've seen: okay so taking plot, characters AND artstyle into account, violet evergarden's probably at the top? tbhk is taking hold of me very fast but I like the manga more than the anime soo. yeah
12: Your favourite music genres?
is frobisher bay a music genre (I like most genres that aren't country)
18: Do you like reading? If yes what's your favourite book?
i LOVE reading i was that kid who took a book everywhere they went!
top 4.5 books recs:
Greetings From Witness Protection! - Jake Burt (middle grade): An orphan with kleptomania is tossed into a family running from the nation's most notorious criminals. She has to keep her new family, and herself, safe, but threats are always close behind, and one slip up could cost them their lives.
It's a fun, sweet novel with characters that I personally love. If you like found family, give this a read
Orbiting Jupiter - Gary Schmidt (YA/middle grade): I AM TAKING DAMAGE. A family takes in a traumatized 13-14 year old boy named Joseph, who has a bit of a criminal record, and a daughter that he's never even seen. Joseph wants to see her more than anything, but how much will it take to find her?
The story is told by his new younger brother and Joseph's only(?) friend. It's a fairly short read (<200 pages + large font). I love the writing style, the characters... yeah I really liked this one
This Savage Song/Our Dark Duet - V.E. Schwab (YA): A city divided and overrun with monsters. The daughter of a harsh ruler that vows to destroy the shadows and a monster that lurks in it. They have opposing goals, opposing backgrounds, but the city is dangerous all the same, and they share a common goal: they want to survive.
y'all know I love V.E. Schwab!! The first book does NOT focus on romance AT ALL which is great! The second book does have a little romance in it, but it's not the main focus of the story. If you're gonna read v.e. schwab's books I suggest starting with these two because. reasons. but yeah it's pretty tense and a bit sad. Nico read this one too, and he said "It's really good but so fucked up. I'm never reading it again"
bonus book rec: A Darker Shade Of Magic - V.E. Schwab (YA): I have DEFINITELY not gotten far enough into this book to give it any sort of proper review, but it's a fantasy trilogy about three parallel Londons and the Antari that can travel between them. I'm including it here because even though I haven't really read it, everyone who has tells me it's AMAZING, and that monsters of verity (prev rec) pales in comparison.
tysm for asking!!! sorry 4 writing a whole ass essay when u just wanted to know if I read or not 😭😭😭😭
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flames-memory · 5 months
So, that’s now. I’m almost done with this drone work. I took this job to get some downtime from BLP. Make some money Kass wouldn’t be looking for. They all kept telling me to make an account, set up auto pays, blah blah blah. I didn’t pay her since that first payment, cuz I only pay cash, and I never delivered the rest! Still, I’m keeping the job. It’s good to be busy and normal for a good part of the day. Well, night. Also good for me. Fewer people.
Max and I will be meeting up later. He’s schedule is different, so late for me. I’m going to go make a cute outfit, so he’ll smile when he sees me. BC Promised to hang out with me before hand, so really, I’m the luckiest. I can’t wait.
**__Movie Night__**
Either Max was early, or I misunderstood. I managed a cute outfit, and went up to chill blueside for a bit. Ran into Stormy and Rad. Steph showed, and I got a little girlie outfit approval, and thanked Steph for the Banana Bread. (BC made a sandwich with it... O,o wth lmao I love her so much)
I met up with Max, and we watched Dune 2 at the cinema by Afterhours. He was so handsome, all shirt and tie heh.
We talked about BC. I don't want to hurt him. He seems to understand, at least in general terms of thers's romantical hijinks afoot wit both of them, and they mean... just everything to me.
Makes me think about Jay, and the other "options" I might have, but I don't know that I want or need anyone else. I guess if I meet someone, and like Max and BC, I'll love them or not. I didn't pick Max, or BC, I just love them, like it or not.
So I'm going to just be happy now, and not "look". Not for "love". I want to look for friends, and find love if it's there. Like with Max and BC.
So, many jokes, much sugar, and several (not enough) kisses later, and I'm pretty sure I saw MOST of the movie. Sitting in Max's lap, well, almost, cuddling with him. No pressure or expectations. Just happy sweet love. Again... like nothing I've done... maybe ever. I mean, even in high school, I don't think I ever felt anything like that. In my experience, Rogue Isles boys were not... romantic.
I guess they gotta come from a powerful crime family to come out as nice as Max
He kissed me good night, at my doorstep. Such an amazing night. I didn't know I could have moments like that.
I shared this with BC... I'm glad she can read what I'm thinking here, understand me better. I messed up so badly there, I want to know she understands, that I haven't used the wrong words somehow, and said things wrong... or save her have to listen to too many long speeches about feelings, heh.
But I forgot about the pictures. I forgot I mentioned them. I don't mind so much that she knows. I hope she never has to see them. To see me like that. I wasn't ashamed when it happened, exactly, but I also didn't ask her to take them, and I certainly didn't ask her to sell them online. At first, I was kind of impressed at the amount of money. That seemed strange. Who pays a bunch of money for porn pictures?
I tried to get back in and get them from the server, but I couldn't access it. I'm not a hacker, what can I say.
And Now.. BC says she's going to get rid of them. Please.. don't let her get hurt, or get in trouble.
I worry, just a little.. that if Kass knows I'm worried about them, that if I draw any attention to them, she might get ideas. Might do something... but really, that's probably not going to happen. Kass would have to FEEL something, feel anger, feel resentment, over me. And I don't believe she has any such strong feelings, not for me. Fearing that drama is just ego, some sick part of me that wants Kass to be mad, to be hurt, to feel something over me leaving, but I don't believe it. Not really. Besides, I'd rather she just forgot all about me. If she did feel something, BC or Max might get hurt, and I don't want that, not for any reason.
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moonlightperseus · 10 months
I get that. I was kind of like "it won't be good, bit it WILL be babs" and that was almost enough for me. I tried. I just didn't succeed.
I am an hour away from finishing the Graceling audio book and I just? Cannot get myself to listen to it. I had to renew it just for AN HOUR. That's my biggest issue with audio books. But everyone's different. I understand you liking them for long drives.
I liked seeing Dinah have a mom lmao. That was literally my favorite part I don't even remember what else happened.
That's fine I haven't continued bombshells. We're in this together 💔 I'm glad you're enjoying the others though!! I forgot actually that I was going to look into buying my brother a zatanna comic for Christmas. So thank you for accidentally reminding me.
I went to them a lot when I was little because all of my big siblings were super into them but then I stopped for a while and only wanted to go this year for art I didn't buy. They ARE fun but also yeah I spent like a solid 4 hours too overwhelmed and just not wanting to be there.
And I DID draw her. I hate it, because I'm not good at what I do. But the cosplayer did lead to me drawing a Dinah and posting her on my silly little art account.
The delay is fine dw. We're equally bad at being timely it seems.
I will just add a quick note though: I was scrolling through Amazon and saw leverage and I ALMOST watched it because of you. (until I remembered that I am a disaster and cannot sit through a single episode of anything and it was a lost cause)
i would like to apologize because it has been basically 2 weeks since i received this ask. i apologize. i have been busy and tired 😔
oh yeah i def have a harder time remembering to read audiobooks when i’m just chilling at home. it’s like. yeah i could put my headphones on and listen while i do chore stuff but that requires me to motivate myself to do said chore stuff 😭 sometimes i’ll listen to audiobooks when i’m alone at work (sometimes it’s a little hard when dogs are barking) or when i go on a walk with my dog and that’s been helping me with reading outside of just long car rides.
i think i started the annual of injustice2 before i went on my unintentional comic break (had a friends wedding and just Life happening) but i need to actually commit to continuing my read. for a little bit before my break i had started on some of the old dc/marvel amalgam comic specials because i think the concept of mashing characters together, especially from different comic universes, is really fun.
oh!! so i was away at the beach for my friends wedding (wild that i am old enough that the friends my age are getting married.) but while we were there my family went to a flea market and i found some of the old guard tales through time comics for 2$ each and i bought three of them. i haven’t cracked any of them open or even taken them out of their plastic sleeves yet but i’m proud of myself for getting them bc they are used (though in pretty good condition) i’m not a fan of the traditional tog comic art but, at least for the one joenicky one, the art is a lot more my speed. and i got the andy and nile cover ones too because. women.
i think i would like to go to a comic con eventually. at some point. a smaller con though probably.
if you ever feel like sharing i would love to see ur art/art account!!
omg i love that you associate me w leverage. i do LOVE that show and heavily recommend it to anyone seeking out a new show but i completely understand you not seeking out a show rn! (if u ever do feel like checking it out i would love to hear ur thoughts but no pressure)
hope you have been doing well in these past two weeks and i promise i will try to not unintentionally ghost you again for two weeks i really kept meaning to reply to this ask but also kept forgetting 😔
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baekhvuns · 2 years
Was The Crown good? I'm so behind I didn't realise it came out, pretty sure I haven't finished the previous season 😬
Maybe it's good I don't live in LA, because I would go bankrupt with all the gigs and prices..
I'll start calling you Baeksussy from now on, because you're always up to no good 👀
Literally, because I see people celebrating Taemin's return this month and I'm like "besties, I have some bad news..." unless they surprise us and he comes back early. You know what, I actually don't know who Taemin is???
Me going to see Seonghwa at the night club I came here to drop some money, dropping all my money
Oh yes big accounts are guilty of taking jokes too far and being annoying in general, that's why I have 50% of Atinys blocked akdhiagshahahaa can't stand their asses.
Not stalkers at it again... On a lighter note, Wooyoung paid for Atinys meal, me when. Pay my rent!
You know who should invite Key? Drag Race South Korea, it's apparently happening sooooo
Seonghwa, Ddeonghwa, Hwaseong, Mars, Hwa, Seong so many different personalities. (I set the wallpaper 😭). Truly Seonghwa is genuinely so sweet, nerdy, wholesome, sensitive, smart and sexy too?! He needs to calm down
It's good your friend is using kaddy, it should be much easier! Wish her good luck, may the force be with her. :3
Platinum CEO Hwa in theatres near me? Can he come to my house?
The lacey blouse he's wearing for Paradigm :o we're in danger!!!
Not Seonghwa trying to rename Shinestars again?! What does he have against that name it's so fucking perfect. No Ddeongwives, no Ddeongps.... S H I N E S T A R S
Yes, I'm very into Seonghwa's shoulders and arms era 🥴 and clearly I'm not the only one
Twins AU? But how do you choose :///
Hwa's shoulders are already nice and wide, he wants to commit to the Dorito shape even more 😭 I didn't mind gym lessons, because it meant I could do the bare minimum, but the only thing I do at the gym is exercise my legs (track, bike) lmao. Omfg those exercising games can be fun, but not when the whole school is watching and waiting for you to embarrass yourself 💔
I wonder what's gonna happen in PD3, hope D*sn*t doesn't fuck it up completely
I know a few people who would love to be pulled over by Wonho. Yes, he is!
Uh I think BTS showed up in my dream recently, but only for a second, I was also crying lol
That fucking nose on Hehetmon, Yunho why 😬
"See you later" just like "European dates will be announced soon" right 🤡
Aaaaand we got Sanhwa patisserie!!!
Hongjoong looks cute, but Seonghwa... between him looking like an adorable grandpa, SPREADING, big ass shoes and a tin of crisps I don't know where to look
Me at Seonghwa Kino wife material, lol
I got "full moon lighting up my lovers face"
Bestie, Seonghwa's vlog, so far I saw arms and him flexing his Black Opium perfume.... - DV 💖
hi hello!!
Was The Crown good? I'm so behind I didn't realise it came out, pretty sure I haven't finished the previous season 😬
im at the last ep, and tbh i haven’t moved on them the last season characters esp the queen! but the diana this season is just sOOO 🤌🏼🤌🏼🤌🏼 its crazy how their facial features rly match! truly the best diana ever. literally.
diana and her pakistani men <33 mr mohammed al-fayed and his friendship with diana >>> and mr dodi is very 🧍🏻‍♀️ ive been quoting this for the past few days and i cannot stop this is an addiction with the fact that i have a sudden urge to speak in their posh accent
Maybe it's good I don't live in LA, because I would go bankrupt with all the gigs and prices..
no seriously 😭😭 every god damn thing just happens there and for it to be so expensive but not even clean is 🔫🔫 its so romanticized too! i feel like one can sign bankruptcy the second they look at a door to a house, bc YOU KNOW THE DOOR BE MAD EXPENSIVE TOO
I'll start calling you Baeksussy from now on, because you're always up to no good 👀
Literally, because I see people celebrating Taemin's return this month and I'm like "besties, I have some bad news..." unless they surprise us and he comes back early. You know what, I actually don't know who Taemin is???
saw a panchoa article saying “idols who’ll return from the military next year” and it said baekhyun and on this date then taemin it said n/a and i lost it,,, i need this man to drop a date we are thirsty. hungry. not breathing.
NO BC ONE OF THOSE WHO BE CELEBRATING IS ME IN MY DELULU 😭😭😭 ur right, who’s taemin? taeyeon’s cousin? taeyong’s brother? no idea.
Me going to see Seonghwa at the night club I came here to drop some money, dropping all my money
LMFAOOOO id waste all my money on him tbh,, as long as the stripper in him continues take my money 🤲🏼
Oh yes big accounts are guilty of taking jokes too far and being annoying in general, that's why I have 50% of Atinys blocked akdhiagshahahaa can't stand their asses.
YEAAHHH its the way ppl dickride them without pointing out where they’re wrong is very 🔫🔫 ur so right on that, blocking and moving on lowkey was glad that twt was gonna seize to exist 😭😭
Not stalkers at it again... On a lighter note, Wooyoung paid for Atinys meal, me when. Pay my rent!
You know who should invite Key? Drag Race South Korea, it's apparently happening sooooo
STOP. STOP STOP HE’D BE PERFECT STOPPP ID WATCH IT JUST FOR HIM, he’d judge so hard too and without any bias 🤚🏼 if sm sends boa again 😭😭
Seonghwa, Ddeonghwa, Hwaseong, Mars, Hwa, Seong so many different personalities. (I set the wallpaper 😭). Truly Seonghwa is genuinely so sweet, nerdy, wholesome, sensitive, smart and sexy too?! He needs to calm down
he’S SO AGGRAVATINGLY HANDSOME, WHOLESOME no how can someone be a wholesome sexy? how. who tHE FUCK CAN EVEN DO THAT (im so glad u did bc it reminds is of our roots) BESIDE HIM??? WHAT WONDER DID HE DO LAST LIFE TO GET THIS IMMENSE EVERYTHING ???? god’s favourite truly, when is it my turn to BE UR FAVOURITE
It's good your friend is using kaddy, it should be much easier! Wish her good luck, may the force be with her. :3 /// Platinum CEO Hwa in theatres near me? Can he come to my house? The lacey blouse he's wearing for Paradigm :o we're in danger!!!
its really going good for her! thank you for your expertise!! she’s currently stuck trying to get good thank your cards <3 will be making a batch 😭😭 WDYM IN UR HOUSE BESTIE HES THE MAN UR ARRANGED TOO, HES IN UR HOUSE FOREVER <33 WE’RE IN DEEP DANGER. HAHA. he looks like he’s about to star in the house of dragons with that on
Not Seonghwa trying to rename Shinestars again?! What does he have against that name it's so fucking perfect. No Ddeongwives, no Ddeongps.... S H I N E S T A R S
he’s what
Tumblr media
Yes, I'm very into Seonghwa's shoulders and arms era 🥴 and clearly I'm not the only one /// Twins AU? But how do you choose :///
if he drops one more photo like that, im quitting kpop 🔫
hear me out, one’s the nerd. the other’s the resident fuckboy or whatever. yn likes the nerd twin (let’s name him hwaseong) and seonghwa (the fuckboy) finds that out and decides to make his mission to tease yn about it bUT they come on an agreement where yn begs seonghwa to help her in getting hwaseong and her together which obviously he’s gonna say no too, but then eventually comes around! and so then it starts,,, he’ll tell her what he likes and just watch yn fuck up dbwmdhsk all while he enjoys <33 tho it’ll def be confusing with using the names 😭😭
Hwa's shoulders are already nice and wide, he wants to commit to the Dorito shape even more 😭 I didn't mind gym lessons, because it meant I could do the bare minimum, but the only thing I do at the gym is exercise my legs (track, bike) lmao. Omfg those exercising games can be fun, but not when the whole school is watching and waiting for you to embarrass yourself 💔
he knows exactly what gets everyone triggered, the dorito bod, the looking so fine in suits, and what’s next. he drives with one hand, does the reverse with one hand? 😀 OH UR LEGS MUST BE TONED AS HELL !!!!! tripped and hurt my knee during one of those <333 felt amazing bc i got to sit out dhsmhdjs
I wonder what's gonna happen in PD3, hope D*sn*t doesn't fuck it up completely
I know a few people who would love to be pulled over by Wonho. Yes, he is! /// Uh I think BTS showed up in my dream recently, but only for a second, I was also crying lol
i didn’t when read the first part, tell me everything about the last part. ppt format.
That fucking nose on Hehetmon, Yunho why 😬 /// “See you later" just like "European dates will be announced soon" right 🤡
yumho surprises me everyday, i don’t even know how to say this but he’s a true man. a man. men.
id literally die if he gets the mc job, everyday he’s gonna look all pretty and dress up all while im eating glass
Aaaaand we got Sanhwa patisserie!!! /// Hongjoong looks cute, but Seonghwa... between him looking like an adorable grandpa, SPREADING, big ass shoes and a tin of crisps I don't know where to look
seonghwa. FJAKJDKS ADORABLE GRANDPA LMFAOOOO 😭😭😭 u think his grandkids would ask him to dance and its him doing bulnoriya while his knees crack but he’s so determined to show them his glory days and the fact that he’s still young. grandpa hwa <3
Me at Seonghwa Kino wife material, lol
male wife ☺️☺️
I got "full moon lighting up my lovers face"
😮😮 a hopeless romantic i see,,, i got sneaking downstairs to get more cake but it turned out to be a very wholesome au that I will write ONE DAY
“you're not even in your double digits, and your best friend who you have a secret crush on came over for your birthday party. it's after midnight, and you decide to sneak downstairs to eat more cake. you're both as silent as you could possibly be, careful not to wake anyone. you scoot a stool over to the counter and crawl up ungracefully, snatching two small pieces of cake and sitting on the floor to eat. you both whisper about what you'd gotten as gifts, and they tell you they have something else that they wanted to give you in private. when you get back to your room, they pull out a small box. you open it to see an action figure, one that looks like you. they tell you they were at toys r us the other day and noticed it was basically a little you, and begged their dad for it. he agreed, and they went home and wrapped it themselves, poorly but effectively.”
Bestie, Seonghwa's vlog, so far I saw arms and him flexing his Black Opium perfume.... - DV 💖
black opium. ysl. model seonghwa. just happens to be the one the yn and hwa endorse! just so happens! haha!
ok but this is so 😭😭😭 they should’ve let him go 😭😭😭 man missing a sibling’s wedding, damn, must be heartbreaking
me when.
u know if boxer seonghwa was alive, this.
0 notes
I decided to introduce myself a little more by telling you some fun facts about myself:
tagged by my bro ​😎 @naysaltysalmon
emilio| they/them | lesbian | nonbinary | pisces (☀️) taurus (🌙) pisces (🌅)
🌌 i'm puerto rican and irish mostly and that's definitely what shows in my appearance and personality i think too (lol)
🌌 i finished writing 7 book before the age of 21, but i haven't finished a thing since bc of a variety of factors; i am finally working on a novel again though woohoo!!
🌌 i'm a fictive in a traumagenic system caused by a really shitty upbringing (no, fictive is not the same thing as kin); for comparison: to those of you that have read the sparrow, my childhood was rakhat without all the happy parts.
🌌 i'm also chronically ill and disabled, but lol for the love of g-d i don't know what with because doctors are horrifyingly ableist
🌌 i can play the violin and piano and read music, but i have done none of those things in a good long while and i'm actually much better at learning things by ear; i also have perfect pitch, and i think i'm a much better singer than i am violin or piano player.
🌌 i can fence and irish dance; i taught myself how to irish dance by obsessively watching riverdance growing up, but i quit when i started middle school because a) the teacher was a fucking cunt and b) that's when i started really first feeling the effects of having a body that Doesn't Work Right
🌌 i had thyroid cancer in 2016 and so i don't have a thyroid anymore lol, which means i have a really hard time regulating my temperature. i also don't have a gall bladder, which means i have a really hard time eating fatty foods without...revisiting those meals.
🌌 emilio sandoz is me in ways i cannot even begin to describe. like i said that when i finished the book the first time around, but hot fucking damn; i'm rereading during my annotating and posting of quotes on the account i made on twitter and i'm just rerealizing this all over again and it's fucking insane. maybe someday i'll write that dissertation and it'll just be a self-centered, self-indulgent essay about why emilio sandoz and i are the same person; also likely an essay about how fucking amazing mary doria russell illustrates the effects of that level of trauma (coming from someone who has experienced it).
🌌 this really isn't news to anyone who follows me (or read the last point lol) but the sparrow series by mary doria russell is my all time favorite book sequence. i really really REALLY want to be able to talk to mary doria russell one on one about it and fantasize about doing so daily, but the closest i've gotten to that was her approving of my fancast that i posted on twitter.
🌌 i love animals and particularly cats <3 i have two cats that are very definitely mine, but my fiancee's family also has three other cats that cling to me in various ways too. i love them all dearly and love being the resident cat mom; i literally am being followed by at least one of them at all times.
🌌 i love score music. all time favorite genre of music hands down holy fuck. i listen to....usually the score or playlist score i've created of whatever i'm hyperfixating on at the moment; you can see all of those playlists on my spotify. also, according to my spotify, the only lyrical artist i enjoy regularly outside of my score music genre is ethel cain <3
🌌 my favorite genre of media is philosophical sci-fi (examples: foundation, halo, the sparrow, the fountain, annihilation, arrival, sunshine, i origins, the matrix, interstellar, etc.). idek why tbh. i do love space and science a whole lot, but i just came to the realization that this is my genre of choice rather recently when my fiancee pointed it out.
🌌 my biggest special interests are space (and literally everything to do with it; in particular string theory, theoretical physics, quantum mechanics, etc), linguistics, volcanology, religion, and really anything to do with STEM.
I hope you’ll reblog and give a few fun facts about yourself so we can get to know each other a little better~! Open to all!
Tagging: @creaturecomplex @chateauofmymind @sarayashikis @thinking-in-broken-scenes @good-as-dead @dykeromanroy @smallredb0y @redwindflower
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