#and I said “haha yeah well you two are pretty different from each other and I guess I tend to subconsciously act like the people I’m around
shadow4-1 · 24 hours
Your hubby let u sleep with his friends ??? okkk girll i see you living the life we all want too (share ur secrets😣)
Oops I forgot I said that. Well...yes it's true. I've slept with a handful of my husband's friends (all of it was talked about beforehand, planned out, etc.)
Both my husband and I are bisexual. All of his friends he's had for years - since they were babies pretty much. They're all exceptionally close and they've experimented a lot together before I ever even came into the picture.
Besides my husband, none of them have girlfriends or wives (they're all in their late 20s now). I used to think it was a red flag but now I just realize they're all just tied to each other and fulfil their emotional needs that way. In fact, two of them are identical twins. They were suspicious when they met me at first (but after I witnessed a couple of them kissing my husband, let's just say they quickly came to realize I was definitely the girl for him).
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(This picture is almost 10 years old. That's my husband in the blue jacket with half his friend group. We went out to a club, so all of us were piss drunk in the back of that taxi.)
Now, I'm not going to generalize Scottish men/people. I'm just going to give ya'll a rundown on what I've learned/observed over my multiple trips to Scotland. I've noticed that they tend to -
- Be chivalrous. Not a single guy I met (husband or otherwise) was rude or didn't use his manners the whole time I was there. And if they were amongst friends they had no issue with calling each other out for their bad behavior. Now that, that was nice to see. (So, yes, Soap's definitely has his manners and knows how to follow decorum well.)
- Be loud. Almost every man I met was boisterous and bright. Even the quiet ones (once I got them to talk) were animated. The culture over there is different than America (where I'm from), everyone seems to know everyone. So no one is seemingly scared of "strangers", they're usually pretty curious. (So, yes, Soap's talkative and interesting personality checks out.)
- Fight. Now, this one is because I spent a lot of time in bars. Again, unlike America, it's different. They don't carry guns (maybe a knife but even that's not the norm). Usually it's just a lot of posturing, yelling, and intimidation. But, if they actually decide to swing, usually the crowd will break it up and/or throw them outside. Fighting over there is kind of seen as a necessary evil. (So, yes, when they say Soap is a bit of a hot head and hops into fights I can definitely confirm it.)
- Welcome with open arms. I'm a plus size POC and most of the people you'll find in Scotland are Caucasian. You'd think there'd be some friction between me and the locals, but no. Not once was I ever treated unfairly by anyone. In fact, people loved to chat with me. I spent a lot of my time talking with strangers. (So, yes, Soap not batting an eye at Ghost and his ridiculous get up is on brand. He cares much more about getting to know the person underneath.)
I could go on. Maybe one day I'll be able to live my retirement years in Scotland. It's beautiful and green and walkable. Also they have Irn Bru, Jammie Dodgers, and my absolute favorite - Bairns Sausage Rolls. I'd immigrate just for those haha!
So yeah, I know a think or two, and Soap is a pretty great Scottish representation in my opinion. My husband is indifferent to him but maybe it's because he seems the similarities haha. If you want to hear more about my trysts I have no problem sharing! I've seen a lot and done alot in my short time here on Earth and trust me when I say I'm not stopping anytime soon! 😂
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aptericia · 7 months
maybe this a strange thing to get hung up on but like. I can’t be the only one who subconsciously texts my friends a bit more professionally after writing a long email to my professor. Or whose internal monologue temporarily changes to sound like that YouTuber I just binged for 3 hours. Or who acts a little more excited and dramatic after watching an action movie. It’s normal to pick up patterns from other people and situations, right?? Why do my friends act so surpised when I start acting more like them, or tell me I “shouldn’t change who I am”? Like buddy. In NO social interaction am I presenting the Real Me. And besides that, you’re an important part of my life—why would it be so weird to be influenced by you? I don’t like being thought of as Weird or Not Genuine just because I do something differently from your previous expectations of me.
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dreambride · 3 months
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SUMMARY: What was supposed to be a short business trip, turned into a longer stay for a certain oni.
CW: none! just itto having a silly crush
A/N: first fic on this blog lets GOOOO
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Who'd've thought that a noble lady such as you would be charmed by a goof like Itto? Not you, of course.
Originally, you were helping your family tend to family business and went to Inazuma to do work, but you encountered a certain someone...
On the third day of your stay at Inazuma, you were about to meet some important people before you heard some shouting at the front of the road. A little concerned, you took out your weapon as you made your way to the source of the sound.
What you saw when you arrived was... Not what you expected. At all.
A huge man with three other grown men standing by his side, a group of children standing right before him yelling at two onikabutos on a log. What even was happening?
"YEAH!!!" Shouted the huge guy with the horns, followed by a whimper from the kid standing right in front of him. "HAHA!!! I KNEW MY BEETLE GLADIATOR IS THE STRONGEST!!!" He cheered in childlike joy.
After that victory cheer, he extended a palm towards the kid. "You know what we promised on!" He said with a huge grin on his face as the kid reluctantly handed over... Three candies.
You slowly placed your weapon back to where it belonged, straightening your back as you watched on in amusement. The defeated kid lowered his head with a pout as he slowly walked away, with his friends trailing behind him. As he passed by you, the huge guy's eyes landed on you. His already big eyes widened even further as his jaw comically dropped.
"Ah-" right. You just showed up. "My apologies, it was not my intention to interrupt your... Game. I was merely passing by, and heard a commotion, so I've came to check on what's happening." You explained yourself as the huge guy was still gawking at you.
He sputtered for a second before stiffly turning to face you fully, the three guys besides him looked at him in confusion as he does so. Perhaps this wasn't how he normally acted?
"W- you- m-" he stuttered, trying oh so desperately to find the words. Whatever was happening right now was a bit awkward, so you decided on an introduction.
"Um... Well, I am (N). I'm from Liyue, here to do business. May I ask for your name?" You ask with a small smile, and it seemed to have scared him further.
Unbeknownst to you, he found you super pretty and was unable to speak. At all.
After a few more moments of sputtering, he finally mustered out something. "I-I'm, haha, uh, Arataki Itto! This- this is uh, my gang..." Funnily enough, he slouched a little as he gestured to the three men behind him. Each of them introduced themselves and greeted you.
So, that's how you got to know the Arataki Gang.
After that fateful day, you seem to have been bumping into Itto far more frequently than you thought, with him following behind you like a lost puppy at all times. It didn't bother you—in fact, it was charming to you. You thought whatever he's doing was adorable.
You grew rather fond of him, how he indirectly asks for your attention by following you around and asking you loads of questions and talking about his day... It was super cute.
And to enjoy this even further, you even purposely extended your stay at Inazuma for this sole purpose.
Today was no different, as you strolled the streets of Tenryou, Itto followed closely behind you after "coincidentally bumping into you". The sight was quite amusing to some; a big oni following a small human around. It felt pretty cartoonish.
"Hey, hey, (N). Are you still busy? We could- ah- I could take you t'see some sights! Yeah! I know a looot of places! You'd like it a lot, swear." Itto grinned brightly as he stumbled a little over his steps as he was trying to match your pace. It didn't help you were walking slow.
"Mh? Really?" You mused. "I do have time now. I'd like to do some sightseeing." Your words seemed to have ignited something in him as Itto cheered, before he reached for your arm before flinching away.
"Uh- can I hold your hand?" He asked sheepishly, his voice still loud and clear but clearly isn't as confident. His question forced a laugh out of you as you took the initiative, holding his big hand in your small ones.
He stiffened, puffing out his cheeks and eyes wide while looking everywhere but you. Ah, he was so cute.
On the way to wherever he's taking you, he kept on stumbling over his words while you felt his hand obviously growing sweatier by the minute. You didn't really mind.
Soon, he took you somewhere on the hills, where you can easily look out to the vast sea; it was beautiful, really.
"Ya like what you're seeing?!" Itto asked excitedly, pointing a finger at the ocean view with a huge toothy grin on his face. You nodded in response. "It's a divine sight." That seemed to have made him happy.
Both of you stared at the view for a bit, the sea breeze blowing on you and the sound of waves clashing filled your ear, making you calm and relaxed.
Suddenly, Itto let go of your hand and wiped it on his pants, before holding your hand again. "Um," he started swinging your hand and his back and forth, not registering how he's nearly swaying you. "Soooo... (N), you uhhhhh... In a relationship?"
Ahh. You knew what was coming; you didn't mind, tho. "No. Why?" You were curious as to how'd he say it.
Itto turned his head away and did a silent 'yes!' and a fist bump, thinking you couldn't see it before looking back at you, returning to his flustered face.
"Sooo. Y'know, me, Arataki Itto, was thinking..." He starts, seemingly getting more anxious as he swung you and his hand a bit faster. "...well, uh, you- you're really pretty. Yeah! Yeah I think you're pretty and uhhh y'know. I... I..." The words got stuck in his throat as he kept on repeating 'I' over and over again for a good ten seconds. Seems like you have to save him.
"You like me?" You asked. Itto jumped and squeaked. "NO! I MEAN YES BUT-" He sucked in a deep breath. "...yes."
The way he lowered his head was akin to a puppy, it made you want to squish him in your embrace. You couldn't help but chuckle–he's far too adorable for your heart.
Silently, you took his face into your hands as you brought his face in for a kiss, earning a squeal from him.
"Whuh." He blinked rapidly after you pulled back, clearly astonished at what just occured. His hands flew up to grip his mouth, as he vibrated a little, then started screaming into his hands.
You smiled, before patting him on the arm. "We can go on a date tomorrow. Would you like that?"
Itto finally let go of his mouth as he uncontrollably smiled, and you swear you see his eyes sparkle brighter than it had always been.
"YES- yes. Yes please...!"
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judysxnd · 5 months
Cookie dough
Lando Norris x reader
summary: when you burnt dinner, you decided to make the only thing you knew how to cook: cookies
I absolutely don’t like what I wrote, so imma do what I do when I send a risky text, I’m publishing it and staying away from my phone 😭
You were staying with Lando for a few days at his place before leaving for the new F1 season. Tonight he was playing games with his friends again, streaming a little to please his fans one last time. In the meantime, you were trying to make what could be your dinner, but it was not going well.
You’re not really a good cook, but you manage your way through. Usually. This time it didn’t seem like it. You couldn’t cook the meat right, it wasn’t enough, and when you thought it was good, it was overcooked. The rice is the only thing you didn’t mess up. But you couldn’t only eat rice! So you secretly ordered food while Lando was still playing.
But you decided to cook something for dessert, something that didn’t take long and that you knew you wouldn’t mess up: cookies. It was simple to make, and it doesn’t take long. You put some music in the background, from the playlist you made for Lando. You have similar taste in music, and every time Lando put his music you always liked it, so you made a playlist with his musics.
It helped when you were away from each other. When you missed him you put his playlist, making you feel like he was with you. He doesn’t know about it, you don’t think he does. It’s not like you were hiding it, but you usually listened to it when he wasn’t here, since when you’re together you mix both of your music.
You wanted to sing to the music, but Lando was streaming not far from you and no one needed to hear you. So you were doing some playback, moving your hips while you were making the cookies. You were so focused in the cookies and in the music that you didn’t hear Lando enter the kitchen.
“very much liking the view” he said, making you jump
“Oh, Lando! I didn’t hear you” you laughed “what are you doing here?” You asked him as he walked closer to you, leaving a kiss on your head before leaning against the counter next to you.
“Hm, I’m living here” he joked
“Haha hilarious” you rolled your eyes “you stopped streaming?”
“Yeah, I was getting too hungry and the smell of the food made me stop” you laughed
“Well you’re going to be disappointed” you admitted as you poured the flour in the bowl. He looked at you with a straight face.
“Why- what did you do?”
“I’m just not much of a cook”
“What did you burn this time?” He started to look for the food
“I didn’t burn anything!” You started to defend yourself “and you’re not better than me so you can’t say anything”
“I know I’m not better, but at least I know it and I stopped trying” he laughed
“You’re lucky my hands are busy otherwise I would have hit you”
“But where’s the food?” He opened the oven to see the meat completely black “if that isn’t burn I don’t know what it is” he closed the oven and went back to you
“I’m sorry I tried”
“It’s okay, I’ll order something”
“Don’t worry I already took care of it”
“You did?”
“Yeah, I ordered what we were supposed to eat” you laughed “I did hope you would still be playing so that I could pretend I cooked it, but, well, I can’t have everything”
“I would have noticed either way”
“Sure” you scoffed
“There’s a difference between food cooked at home and food from a restaurant, I would have known” he leaned on the counter again, stealing some dough from the bowl
“Hey! Keep your fingers out of the cookies!” He laughed, tasting it. “And no you wouldn’t know”
“At least the cookies are good, if you don’t burn them in the oven we can eat them” you pretended that you were going to hit him, making him step back a bit.
“You be careful with what you say pretty boy, because I know for a fact that you can’t tell the difference between the food I cook and the food from a restaurant”
“What? That’s not true”
“Yes, remember the lasagna we ate a month or two ago? That I made?”
“Back at your place?”
“Yeah, it was del- wait” you tilted your head “you didn’t cook it?”
“No, I burnt the sauce so I ordered them, I was too embarrassed to admit I messed up so I pretended I cooked them” he started to laugh
“I knew it tasted too good to be cooked by you” you couldn’t help but laugh too
“We’re not great cooks”
“No, we’re very bad cooks”
“The fire alarm always turns on when I cook breaded fish” you admitted
“What???” Lando was laughing even more “how is that even possible!” He said in a high pitched voice, still laughing
“I don’t know! So I stopped cooking those too”
“I can’t judge, it does the same for me”
“Okay can you pass me the chocolate chips please? In the bowl over there” you pointed, your hands full of cookie dough. Lando grabbed the bowl and poured the chocolate in the dough while you started to knead it.
“We’re making a good team” Lando said as he put the bowl in the sink
“You just put chocolate chips in a bowl” you laughed
“But I did it good” you rolled your eyes
“Whatever” you couldn’t help but laugh “can you change the music please?”
“Sure” he said as he grabbed your phone, changing the music. “Why is there my name on top of the list?”
“Hm?” You turned around “oh because it’s your playlist” he looked at you with puppy eyes
“You made a playlist for me?”
“Yeah!” You smiled “I love most of your music so I made a playlist with the songs we have in common”
“That’s so cute!” He walked behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist while kissing your neck. “I made one for you too” he whispered in your ear.
“Really?” You had a big smile on your face. “Yeah, let me show you!”
“No no wait” you said before he could move
“It can wait a bit, I want you to stay here” he kissed your cheek and rested his head on your shoulder, arms locked tight around you while you were finished to make the cookie dough.
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zxvmp · 1 year
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You smoke? Tomioka x Fem!reader
Nsfw, Mentions and use of weed, 18+, modern college au, you’re all over the age of 18.
a/n: basically you get high with tomioka and you fuck 🤑 you’re best friends with sanemi and tengen
(smut is more towards the end if you wanna just get to that)
You heard your phone buzz as you finished straightening your hair, checking your phone it was from a group chat with Sanemi and Tengen. You three had been friends since sophomore year in high school, so you were all pretty close.
Yo (y/n) you wanna hot box? I’ll pick you and Sanemi up - Tengen 5:37PM
Um why can’t we do it without her? - Sanemi 5:37PM
Maybe cause she has the shit dumbass 💀 Tbh you don’t even need to come - Tengen 5:38PM
Sounds like a plan 🤑 when are you coming? - You 5:38PM
I’m actually already at your place I was gonna force you if you said no - Tengen 5:38 PM
Such a fucking fein 😭 pick me up soon - Sanemi 5:39PM
😐 - Tengen 5:39PM
Seen by all 5:40PM
You giggled and put your hair up in a claw clip, curtain bangs framing your face. You grabbed some joints you rolled up earlier and slid on some fuzzy unicorn slippers.
“Where are you going dressed in a hoodie and my jogging pants?” Mitsuri laughed.
“Uhhh nowhere…” You say quickly shoving the weed in your pocket.
You had told people you’d stopped smoking a while ago, Tomioka always scolded you for doing it.
“Don’t tell me you’re-”
“Bye Mitsuri love you!” You say quickly dashing out of your shared apartment room.
You skipped down the hallway and jumped down the stairs, you hadn’t hot boxed with your friends in a while so you were abut excited. As you came into sight of Tengen he honked his horn at you, you flipped him off and hopping into the passenger seat.
“Let’s prank Sanemi when we pick him up, tell him you lost the weed.” Tengen snickered as he pulled out of the parking lot.
“Bro he’s gonna murder us if we mess with him. Remember the last time we said that?” You say staring out the window to observe the sunset.
“Who cares, it’ll be funny.”
You sighed and rolled your eyes, he was right, it was funny to get a reaction out of him.
As you arrived at Sanemis place you made sure nothing was in sight for him to see and pulled out your phone.
“Let’s go up the road to our normal spot.” Sanemi said plopping down in the backseat.
“Yeah, about that, (y/n) lost the goods..” Tengen said hiding his face with his hand so Sanemi couldn’t see his smile.
“Bro are you fucking serious? (Y/n) why’re you so goddamn stupid.” Sanemi said flicking your arm.
“Ow!” You say slapping his hand. “We can just go to the store or something.”
“I’m going back inside, waste of my time.” Sanemi said opening the car door, cursing and muttering things under his breath.
You and Tengen snickered as you both had your phones out recording.
“Well now that he’s gone let’s go get high.” You say loud enough for Sanemi to hear.
Tengen locked the car doors before Sanemi could open them, making him bang on the window and beg to be let in. You and Tengen burst out laughing as Sanemi screamed at the two of you.
Tengen finally unlocked the doors, allowing Sanemi in.
“Haha very funny, I swear to god you guys will be the death of me.”
“Will this make you feel better?” You say pulling out a blunt and swinging it in front of his face, quickly snatching it away before he could grab it.
“So how’s it going with you and Tomioka?” Sanemi smirked, knowing about your fat crush on him.
“How are you and Kanae? Oh right! She went to a different university.” You smirk back.
“Alright you guys, let’s not kill each other before we can do our hot box.” Tengen said pulling up to a spot you guys always went too to get high.
The place was always empty and gave you guys a good view of the city and the sunset.
“Okay well at least I can pull people.” Sanemi said.
“Sorry i’m not a hoe like you, I like to enjoy my time with people and not just fuck.” You say pulling out your lighter and blunts. “Now who wants to green out?”
The rest of the night was spent with loud laughing and music, smoke covering the entire car.
“Holy shit Sanemi why is there two of you?” You giggle as you turn to look at the white haired boy.
“I’m so hungry.” Sanemi said rubbing his red eyes.
All you could hear was Tengen uncontrollably laughing at god knows what.
“Tengen shut the fuck up, what’s so funny?” Sanemi said slurring his words a bit.
“I don’t even know!” Tengen snickered, causing the two of you to start burst out in laughter.
“Wait I think I need to throw up.” You say immediately stopping your laughter.
“Bro go outside and do it, not in my car.” Tengen said still giggling.
“Sike!” You say as you burst out into laughter again. As you looked at Sanemi you saw him clench his stomach as his face turned pale.
“Yo I think he greened out, we win!” You say cheering.
You guys had a challenge to see who would green our first, a very dumb decision. Sanemi opened the car door, releasing an ungodly amount of smoke from the car.
You pulled out your phone to record so you could use the video against him one day.
“Oh shit, Tengen look at him!” You giggle as you watched Sanemi throw up his guts. (not literally)
“Bro send that to me.” Tengen said hitting your shoulder and snickering.
Your laughter was cut short as you started to become very dizzy, head throbbing in pain.
“Let’s head back to Sanemis place, I’m done for the night.” You say leaning back into the car seat.
“Alright, let me get Sanemi back in the car real quick.” Tengen said.
About an hour passed since your smoke-sesh with your friends, and you were passed out on Sanemis bed. You woke up in the middle of the night and checked your phone to see who had been blowing you up.
Tomioka slid up on your snapchat story with a question mark. Shit, you posted a photo of you and the others in Sanemis room with Sanemi on the floor passed out and Tengen laughing with a joint in his hand.
You decided to call Tomioka instead of texting, to lazy to type to him.
“Why’re you up so late?” You ask, leaving the room to let the boys sleep.
“I could ask you the same thing.” Tomioka replied.
“Well you texted me first silly.”
“Yeah about that, I thought you quit?”
You paused before answering, not knowing what excuse to use.
“Well, it was just one time, I needed to clear my head.”
Part of what you said was true, you hadn’t gotten high in a while and you did want to get your mind of things.
Tomioka hummed, “Can you come over tomorrow?”
“Why?” You smirk to yourself, was he finally trying to hook up with you?
“I want to try it.”
Did you hear him correctly? He wanted to get high with you?
You laughed before answering, “Are you saying you wanna get high with me Tomioka?”
“Yeah, that’s what I said isn’t it?”
“O-Okay..I’ll drop by in the morning then?”
“Alright, goodnight.”
You hung up the phone and stared at your call log for a moment to process what just happened.
“So are you two gonna fuck or what?” Sanemi said from behind you.
You jumped at his sudden appearance, gaining a laugh form him.
“Maybe, if he makes a move.” You say.
“Awe he’d get to sleep with you before me.” Sanemi smirked.
“Yeah like i’d become one of your hoes.” You giggle, knowing if he ever tried something with you you’d definitely fold.
“We’ll see.” Sanemi said as he followed you back to his room.
Tengen had woken up to and was already playing on Sanemis playstation.
“Dude who said you could get on my game?” Sanemi said snatching the controller from Tengen.
“NO! Bro you just cost me the game.”
“Fortnite? That game died in like 2018.” You say plopping down on the edge of the bed.
“Go suck a dick (y/n).” Tengen said chucking a pillow at you.
“Bet, im going to Tomiokas in a couple of hours anyways.” You say sticking your tongue out.
“Deadass? I would’ve thought you were gonna hook up with Sanemi eventually, or even me, considering I pull all the ladies.” Tengen said flexing his muscles.
You scoffed and laid your head down to fall back asleep, it was around 3AM and you needed the rest.
Hours later you were woken up with a slap to the back of your head, and a plate being placed in front of you. The plate had pancakes, eggs, and bacon. Your favorite breakfast.
“Thanks I guess.” You smile bringing the plate to the kitchen.
“You better like it, I put hard work into those pancakes.” Sanemi said.
You scoffed and dug into your food, finishing it in seconds.
“Fucking fatass, you couldn’t wait for me and Tengen?” Sanemi said looking at you as if you had just killed someone.
“Um I have to go back to my place and get ready, obviously i’m gonna rush and eat my food.” You say placing your dish into the sink. “Tengen, let’s go.”
“Um hello?” Sanemi said raising his eyebrow.
“What? He’s just going to drop me off and go wherever he decides afterwards.” You say. “Here, something that’ll keep your mind occupied.”
You handed Sanemi a pen with a full cart, he gladly took it with a bright smile.
“I’ll text you later, see ya.” You say waving your friend goodbye.
Tengen drove you back to your place and you said your goodbyes. You decided to take a shower to get the scent of weed off of you, even though you were going to smell like it later anyways. Putting on a long sleeve cropped shirt and some cargo pants, you put on some light makeup then blow dried your hair. You placed a pen and some roll ups into you pocket and headed towards your door.
I’ll be there in 10 - You 7:38AM
Alright, Do I need to do anything beforehand? - Tomioka 7:38AM
💀 - You 7:39AM
?? - Tomioka 7:39AM
You turned off your phone and grabbed your keys, since you’d only be at his house for the time being you decided to wear your unicorn slippers.
As you walked past Mitsuris room you caught a glimpse of Obanai on her bed snuggled next to her. Taking a trouble look you pulled out your phone and took a quick picture, sending it to her with a heart emoji.
You got in your car and played your favorite song on your way to Tomiokas place. You’d been there before so you remembered the way there.
Knocking on his apartment door, you heard some shuffling going on before he opened the door to let you in.
“What was up with your silly question?” You say walking passed him to sit down on his comfortable couch, something you always did when you came over.
“Well, i’ve never done it before so how would I know what to do?” Tomioka said closing the door then sitting down beside you.
“Actually let’s go to your room, it’s more relaxing in there.” You say heading towards his room.
You enjoyed his room more than your own, all of his led lights and decorations, not to mention his unbelievably comfortable bed. You could fall asleep in seconds when you laid down on it.
“What makes you wanna do it all of a sudden?” You ask pulling out the weed roll ups from your pocket.
“Just curious, I wanna know how it feels.”
You stared at him for a second before shrugging it off and placing one of the joints in your mouth.
“Well don’t just stand there, come over here.” You mumble as it was difficult to speak with something in your mouth.
You motioned for him to open his mouth, you placed a joint in his mouth and held yours against his as you held your lighter underneath. As the joints started to light you stared into his beautiful blue eyes before breaking eye contact and taking a hit, ghosting the smoke.
Tomioka began to cough as he tried to inhale, making you burst out laughing as puffs of smoke came out your mouth.
“How do you deal with the burning?” Tomioka said as he clenched his chest, holding the joint in his free hand.
“It’ll go away after a while, take your time.” You smile leaning back onto his pillows, watching as he inhaled his second hit without difficulty.
You thought to yourself he did that a bit to naturally.
“No way, and you’ve never smoked before?”
“I never said that.”
You blinked your eyes twice, “Wait a minute, You smoke?”
“Not regularly, but i’ve done it before. I’ve just never smoked straight weed.”
You began to giggle as you were on your fifth hit, weed starting to fill your system.
“I would’ve never guessed a straight A student like you would smoke.”
He shrugged his shoulders and took another hit, blowing a large cloud in your direction.
“Wanna watch a movie or something?” Tomioka suggested.
“Wait let’s finish that one series, Euphoria right?” You say reaching for his remote that laid on his nightstand.
You patted down on the empty space next to you as a signal for him to scooch up next to you. 
You two watched a couple of episodes, both of your joints dying out as time progressed. Now laughing at any little thing that happened, you had never seen Tomioka smile so much, it made you happy that he was enjoying himself.
“We should do this more often, I love your smile.” You say.
You couldn’t tell if he was already heated from the weed but his face was definitely red.
The two of you stared at each other for a while, looking into each others eyes, flickering between each others lips and face.
Fuck it.
You leaned in and brought him into a quick kiss, pulling back his hand stopped you, faces inches apart.
“(Y/n), do you want to…?”
He smirked at you and smashed his lips on yours, your lips parted from the shock of his sudden action, gaining him access for his tongue to slip in. You snaked your arms around him and say yourself above his crotch. His hands started feel all around your body during your heated make out session, joints disregarded on his nightstand, luckily they were just about done anyways.
You broke the kiss as you lifted your arms to take your shirt off, his eyes immediately staring at your chest. His hands reached to unclasp your bra, feeling his cold hands against your body sent shivers down your spine.
Mind clouded with weed and lust you tossed your bra to the side and started to pepper his neck with kisses, sometimes leaving hickeys. Low groans escaped from Tomiokas lips which made you unbelievably wet, the sounds he made were so attractive you wanted more.
Your hands lifted his shirt, making him toss it to the side along with your top on the floor. Fingers tracing over his abs, you slowly scooted you body backwards so your hands could feel his erection that grew beneath you.
Pulling down his sweatpants your eyes darted to the large bulge appearing through his boxers. Looking up at him, you maintained eye contact as you slowly pulled down his pants, along with his boxers.
His cock sprung out, almost smacking you in the face. Precum slowly poured out form his tip, you licked form the base up to form slick to make it easy to pump his cock. He let out low moans as you pressed your lips against his erection, you smirked as you slowly teased him.
You felt a hand come to the back of your head, soon being shoved down, his cock hitting the back of your throat immediately. You let out a yelp which sent vibrations along his cock. He began to face fuck you, making it hard to breath as your were being forced to take him fully in your throat. It didn’t take long for him to cum, you felt warm shots of liquid hit the back of your throat, forcing you to swallow.
His grip let go of your hair as his head fell back, chest rising and falling form his release. He looked down at you and began to pull you upwards, bringing you into a kiss, this time a slow passionate one.
Tomioka flipped you over onto your back, him now towering over you. Something you dreamt of for years, it now finally becoming reality. His fingers latched onto your waistbands and pulled down your pants and underwear, disregarding them onto the floor.
“You’re so beautiful (y/n), I cant get enough of you.” Tomioka whispered as he placed kisses along your neck.
You shut your eyes to contain your excitement, your body was on cloud nine and you did not want to come off of it. His finger slid between your folds, gathering your slick. Feeling his middle finger rub against your clit sent you over the edge, letting out soft moans from each movement he made.
Looking into his lust filled eyes he looked unbelievably attractive, his hair messy, eyes half lidded with a slight red tint from the weed. It all felt so surreal to you.
He finally plunged two fingers into you, starting at a slow pace so you could adjust. Your back arched as his pace greatly increased, fingers curling at an angle that left you in shambles. Even it being your first time with him, he seemed to know all your weaknesses.
Your eyes rolled back as you felt your orgasm building up. His free hand pressed against your stomach to push your body back down, with one last pump of his fingers, your legs began to shake and curses fell from your lips.
He guided you through your high, his pace coming to a complete stop before pulling his finger out, leaving your hole clenched around nothing.
“Do you have a condom?”
Your mind was to hazy to reply, so you shook your head no. “it’s okay, i’m on the pill.”
“Oh really, so im not the only one you’ve been hooking up with? Don’t tell me you got with Sanemi.”
“What- No. I take them because of my period.” You say supporting yourself with your elbows.
“Good, he doesn’t deserve you.”
Tomioka suddenly gripped your thighs, pulling you towards him. You felt his tip press against your entrance before fully thrusting in, causing you to let out a loud moan.
You knew anytime you mentioned Sanemi around him he’d automatically get jealous. You were at his house? Left on read for an hour. Mentioning his name in a conversation? Ignored for the rest of the conversation. He hated the friendship you had with him.
“I’ll make sure he knows you’re mine.”
Tomioka dove down to attack your neck, biting and sucking aggressively. Pain and pleasure mixing together as his thrusts reached so deep inside of you. He filled you perfectly. He pulled back to observe his marking he left on you, smirking at his work.
His hands gripped your waist so tightly it was sure to leave bruises.
Moans of his name constantly fell from your lips from each snap of his hips.
“Yes..it’s a shame he isn’t here to hear the way you’re moaning my name.”
A grin formed on his face as he watched your expressions change when he made sure to brush against your sweet spot. You felt his hand creep up to your body, slightly gripping your neck. You didn’t expect to enjoy it as much as you did.
His hips pounded into yours, tip relentlessly hitting your sweet spot that had you seeing stars. You wondered how he was so good at this, who had he done it with?
You clamped down around him, making him grunt at how tight it began to feel inside you.
“Fuck..you’re so tight, are you close?”
You nodded your head.
He pressed his thumb against your clit to help you reach your orgasm, in seconds you were shaking as you came from an intense orgasm. His thrusts didn’t stop, as he was chasing his own high, causing overstimulation.
“Tomioka!” You moan out clenching his arms.
Low moans fell from his lips as he pulled out, pumping his cock as white shots of his warm cum shot onto your stomach. His head leaned back as he moaned your name.
You felt your release drip down your legs, which made you uncomfortable at the feeling.
“Let’s get you cleaned up.” Tomioka said carrying your bridal style to his bathroom.
What you thought was going to be an innocent shower turned out to be a second round. Your legs couldn’t hold up anymore and you started to stumble as you stepped out the shower. You heard Tomioka chuckled from behind you as he helped you to your feet.
“Not funny.” You say rolling your eyes as you threw on one of his large hoodies.
“You’re right, we really should do this more often.” Tomioka said pressing a kiss to your forehead.
😋 tomiokas so fine bruh, and sanemi and tengen 💀 3 man but my friends don’t exist 😱⁉️
also sorry for spelling errors, there was no way I was going to read over this shit to fix them
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mostlyfate · 5 months
Would it be okay to ask you for jdrama recs? Coming from someone who hasn't watched a single jdrama in their life 😊 Kind of a jdrama starter pack please? ❤️
*sweats nervously once again* bc as I said before I honestly don’t like to rec things bc I think my taste is all over the place... 😂 and I'm not one who really pays attention or think about the faults of dramas. I just watch and enjoy (most of the time) lol. It also has only been almost four years for me with watching jdramas so I feel like I'm still pretty new to them haha. but I will try~ and what I mention is honestly more of ones I enjoyed the most watching and can remember!
okaaay! if you want to start out v short and sweet w some 🦋's i have two favorite drama specials 💘
— Tadashi Koi no Hajimekata (2023) | episodes: 01. genres: romance, youth. » there's only one episode but with two different versions! the name mentioned above is the first version and then tadashi koi no hajimekata: horoama? horoniga? date hen is the second version. it basically the same but shows the perspective of the two male leads with additional scenes! i just loved the pairing of mako and eita and their chemistry was soo good and fun. i am still v sad it wasn't an actual full length drama 😭 and the song that played at the end of date version was on repeat for months! 10/10 reccomend ✨
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— An no Ririkku: Sakuragi An Haiku Hajimetemimashita (2021) | episodes: 02. genres: drama, youth. » i remember enjoying this one a lot it was definitely one of my favorite watches in 2021! since this one isn't the freshest in my memory (i have the worst memory fr) i can't say much but i swear i was obsessed w this special and the leads back in 2021!! 😆
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before i get into mentioning actual full-length dramas i'll mention my two favorite jmovies that i actually physically own :)) so if you're interested in watching a movie before diving into dramas 💐
— Murder at Shijinso (2019) | duration: 2hr. 0 min. genres: horror, mystery, thriller, youth. » i love this dumb (affectionately) silly movie so much!! it might also be because i love the main actress hamabe minami but it's definitely just a fun murder mystery to watch :D
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— You're Not Normal, Either! (2021) | duration: 1hr. 38 min. genres: comedy, romance, drama. » i enjoyed this one a lot!!! obviously since i also went out of my way to own it haha. but yeah my reviews for literally everything i like is "i enjoyed it" 😅 but seriously i did 🙇‍♀️
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now for dramas!! i'll mention my two all time faves then ones i remember enjoying the most! 💐
— Talio Fukushu Daiko no Futari (2020) | episodes: 07. genres: comedy, law, mystery. » it's been three years since it aired and i'm still crying about it 😭 it's the one drama i never shut up about and think about all the time. it's my favorite drama of all time like nothing throughout the years has had a hold on me since!! (what i've previously said about it~) | the way both leads played off each other and their chemistry was just- a++ the soundtrack for the drama was also such a treat and the vibes matched it so well! the vibes of the whole drama though!! I think it was also shot beautifully. and the consistency (!!! the way they kept things going even the smallest details !!!) throughout was something i really appreciated and looked forward too :’) i really be missing it everyday... </3 | i literally have a talio collection that i finally completed a few months ago 🥹 i have the dvd, cd, vinyl, and the magazine the leads were on the cover of 🫶
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— Itsuka, Nemuri Ni Tsuku Hi (2019) | episodes: 06. genres: fantasy, friendship, supernatural, youth. » this one still makes my heart hurt whenever i think about it and i just simply love it to pieces. it really has left an lasting impression on me. short and bittersweet. 🖤
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dramas that are romance focused 💓
— Koi wa Tsuzuku yo Doko Made mo (2020) | episodes: 10. genres: comedy, medical, romance. » ahh so i think this was my first jdrama i watched!?! i honestly cant remember if i watched any before this bc this was the first jdrama i actually made gifs of so i'm going off of that as it being the first haha. but if you want something nice and fun to watch with romance at the forefront this is for youuu! bc i feel like most of my recs aren't romance heavy! and i just remember being obsessed with the leads and pretty sure it's what made me continue to watch jdramas 🫣
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— Animals (2022) | episodes: 08 (+ 2 specials). genres: business, romance, drama. » loved loved loved this drama! one out of the five favorite dramas i watched in 2022!! great friendships, great message, funny and sweet moments, lovely lead— umi-chan i miss youuu. 🤧
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— Oshi ga Joshi ni Narimashite (2023) | episodes: 12. genres: comedy, drama, romance. » definitely one of the funnest and sweetest drama i watched last year and suzuki airi (female lead) it's just such soo good, love her acting! she's also the lead in the drama animals i previously mentioned! pure rom-com with great chemistry!! ✨
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— Kieta Hatsukoi (2021) | episodes: 10. genres: comedy, romance, youth. » high school setting with romance/friendship being the focus!! all the characters are so likable and it was such a cute and fun watch!!
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— Ore no Kawaii wa Mousugu Shohikigen!? (2022) | episodes: 09. genres: comedy, romance. » easy fun and cute watch with great leads!!
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dramas with all other kinds of genres (w hints of romance) ✨
— Bishoku Tantei Akechi Goro (2020) | episodes: 09. genres: comedy, food, mystery, thriller. » ooh i was obsessed w the leads of this one as well LOL. idk i really had so much fun watching this one and i loved main female lead a lot. 😭 also it had some really funny moments 😭
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— Toki wo Kakeru Bando (2020) | episodes: 10. genres: comedy, music, romance, sci-fi » #wasnt expecting any crying to happen going into this drama 😩 #miura shohei's performance though?? AMAZING #he had me in tears every time #ryo i love u #not that it's similar but this reminds me of itsuka nemuri ni tsuku hi 🤧 | tags from a post i posted when i watched yeah 😂
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— Dr. White (2022) | episodes: 10 (+ 1 special). genres: comedy, drama, medical, mystery. » also another favorite from my five favorite dramas watched in 2022! even though it wasn't finished being subbed until last year i still very much enjoyed what eps i watched back then! like i really looked forward to every episode and soo grateful the subber decided to finish it and subbed the special as well! i might be bias because i love hamabe minami who's the female lead (and is in two other things i mentioned above lol) but all the characters are v likable and they all have great chemistry together! plus i enjoyed the v subtle hint of romance between the two mains like it isn't really there but it is and i was quite satisfied with the ending. 🫶
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— Ryosangata Riko: Puramo Joshi no Jinsei Kumitate Ki (2022) | episodes: 10. genres: business, drama, life. » i adore the lead so much, she's the cutest! i find this one to be such a fun and relaxing watch! and there's a cute little hint of romance which was soo good to me and wish we got more of them. 😭 there's also a second season: Ryosangata Riko: Mou Hitori no Puramo Joshi no Jinsei Kumitate ki / with same cast members but set in a new universe that just aired last year!
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— Okaeri Mone (2021) | episodes: 120. genres: life, drama, romance. » the number of episodes might scare you but this drama is an asadora (morning drama) which is only 15 minutes per episode! so if you're looking for a longer watch about life with a bit of romance i 10/10 recommend checking it out!! yes hello i always miss them 😭
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what i'm currently watching ☕️
— Uchi no Bengoshi wa Te ga Kakaru (2023)| episodes: 11. genres: comedy, law, mystery. » i totally have a thing for law and mystery dramas lol. but i've been enjoying this one a lot and recommend if you want something fun but somewhat serious to watch! and if you just like law dramas like mee 😂
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— Nanyobi ni Umareta no (2023) | episodes: 09. genres: drama » this one is keeping me really interested and is definitely a type of drama i haven't really watched much of?? it's engaging, surprising and the actors are great! i feel like most dramas i mentioned are easy going ones to watch besides a few so this one is the latter!
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+ special mention if you wanted to watch something base on an manga w anime-like feel ❈
— Kishibe Rohan wa Ugokanai (2020 - 2022) | seasons: 03, episodes: 03, 03, 02. + a movie Rohan au Louvre (2023) genres: horror, fantasy, mystery, thriller, supernatural. » i had been watching since the first one came out in 2020 and i didn't think we would be getting a season every year since and then even a movie! definitely check out if you're in the mood for creepy mystery with pleasing visuals + great outfits!
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yeaaah that's it from me! ✌️ i feel like this isn't much of a starter pack-friendly list since it's kind of all over the place sorry 😭 but hope even just one peaks your interest!!
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soaps-mohawk · 4 months
Oh that makes so much sense!! Institutes did kinda sound like a 'we make perfect omegas' in a bad way type of thing!! SO MUCH POTENTIAL FOR OMEGA! READER ANGST AHHHHHHHHHH
That makes me wonder even more about how the omega's felt about each other, did they empathize with each other since they were all in the same boat?? Did they have toxic competitions with each other to be given to 'good' alpha's??? WHAT WAS WITH THE GIRL OMEGA! READER KISSED???
I just want to take the fic and shake it between my teeth like a rabid dog because of the LORE 😩😩 any bits of lore I can get that won't make you spoil the story I will eat like it's the last thing in the world because I am a WHORE for a thought out and well written backstory 🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️
Yeah, that pretty much sums up institutes perfectly. "We make perfect omegas but we are not ethical about it." The saddest thing is most people don't even know what they're like unless they've worked in one, know an omega that went to one that was brave enough to speak up about it, or are an omega that went through one. Unfortunately there's not a lot that can be done in terms of changing institutes (though we'll be seeing here shortly in the fic that there are some things happening in that regard).
As far as the omegas in the institute...it really depends. Omegas can have a lot of personality (as we can see in the fic) but the institutes try and squash that as much as possible. I think things could go either way. I do think they have a lot of empathy for each other, especially in the beginning as they adjust to the institute and its expectations. It's an omega's nature to be nurturing and empathetic and put a bunch of them together in the same space going through the same things, it's hard to keep those natural instincts from coming through.
That being said, again, personalities differ and there could be some that see it as a competition. Especially in institutes like the reader went to where most of these omegas came from rich/powerful families and they know that's what their being groomed for. Of course some of them are going to turn it into a competition to get the highest scores and see any omega that's better than them as a threat. But I think over time that sort of dies down as they all begin to have their personalities broken down and get taught how to be subservient and obedient. I think it would be more common in younger, more newly presented omegas to have that sort of competitive nature, but as the time passes and they go through all those lessons and tests, they begin to kind of realize no one is on their side but their fellow omegas and those natural empathetic bonds start to form.
Haha, yeah, so idk if anyone put two and two together but the omega that the reader kissed is the same omega that gave her the sweatshirt. That was why she volunteered herself to do it. I don't feel like I explained it very well in the fic, but not every omega is obviously going to be as good or willing to learn as the reader was. (Part of reader's backstory plays into that but we'll be getting into that more in detail later in the fic.) Some omegas that might have grown up differently or had more influence or freedom in their lives before they presented might have a bit of a struggle conforming to the standards institutes hold, and some might even resist it. Essentially there was an omega in the same age group as the reader that had grown up with more "progressive" ideas, was seen as rebellious and really fought the institute and its attempts to conform all these omegas to the standards they hold.
Of course she had a bit of an impact on a few of the omegas, one of them being the omega that reader had a crush on, who was one of reader's bunk mates (they slept four to a room in bunks so those were kind of who they were the closest to). She's the one that got the book smuggled in for her and didn't want an alpha to be her first kiss so reader volunteered to do it for her. I do think she knew how the reader felt about her, but it's sort of an impossible situation. They both knew they'd probably get picked up fast and they'd probably never see each other again (which is basically what happened for one of them) so there was no way they could have pursued those feelings without major heartbreak after. And of course institutes strictly forbid omegas forming bonds with each other for that reason.
I like to think that omega wound up in a nice place with a good alpha and is living a happy life. She still thinks fondly on the reader and probably would be jealous that the reader got to move to England lol.
I'm such a whore for world building you have no idea. Some things I so desperately want to talk about but also...we're nowhere near that in the fic yet 😫 I just want to spill everything but then the suspense and the angst and the shock and surprise in the fic will be ruined so I have to keep my mouth shut lmao.
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weneeya · 3 months
Oh my gosh I just found your blog and it’s adorable! I thought I’d pop by with a request if you don’t mind! I can’t stop thinking about Noya being “rivals” with a neighbor or classmate who plays a different sport like soccer or something. They don’t actually hate each other but they always argue which sport is better until they go watch each others games and unwillingly fall in love with the other’s sport (and each other haha). Just some rivals to lovers fluff :))
sports and heart w/ nishinoya m.list | rules
note. first, thank u sm!! I'm glad you like my blog hihi I love ur request omg I love Noya with my all heart thank u for requesting this ur idea is so cool :) don't hesitate to request anything else!
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You and Nishinoya Yuu had been classmates since you were little kids. You weren’t really close, but you knew each other for a while, enough to call each other by your first names. You started to know each other a bit more during your highschool years, since you were in the same class. The reason for this? Noya was part of the volleyball club, and you were part of the soccer club. It created a sort of rivalry between you two. 
You didn’t specifically hate volleyball at first, but having Noya telling you all the time how his sport was better than yours had the power to put you out of your mind. You were always arguing with him about which sport was better than the other, without any winner each time. 
Noya didn’t hate you, and it was the same for you. Both of you didn’t really have a beef with the other at first, but it was like you needed to fight with each other all the time. It was stronger than your own wills. 
Today was no exception. You were peacefully reading something under a tree, outside the school, when you saw a figure hiding the light from you. You sighed, knowing pretty well who it was. You raised your eyes to see Yuu, looking at you with his hands on his hips. He had a proud smile, as always. 
“Giving up on your stupid sport?” He said, and you frowned quickly. He was so annoying, and you were never able to get rid of him. You put your notes to the side, resting your back against the tree behind you. 
“I just don’t need to train 24/7 like you to be good,” you said and his eyes widened as his smile disappeared quickly. You know where to hit him, after so long. He was so predictable. 
“Soccer is simpler than volleyball, you have no merit.” He crossed his arms, looking away and you felt the anger rising inside your chest. This small annoying boy. You stood up from your place, and both of you started to fight like you always did. Until Daichi, Suga and Asahi arrived closer to you, apparently searching for Nishinoya. 
“Fighting again?” Asked Suga with an amused smile while Daichi simply rolled his eyes. They were used to it, but it was always so tiring. They needed to separate you all the time, mostly Daichi, and he couldn’t stand it anymore. 
Both of you started to shout at the same time, trying to explain your point of view, when Daichi raised his hands, making you two stop talking in a second. 
“Can’t you stop for a minute? I don’t know, try to make an effort,” the captain of the volleyball club sighed, crossing his arms on his chest. “You don’t even know each other's sport well. Go to see the other play one time before you say you hate it.” 
Noya and you stayed silent for a moment, looking at each other. Go to see the other play? Actually, yeah, you never thought about that. Hating on Yuu’s sport was something you naturally did and it was the same for him. You never had the idea of trying to learn more about the other. Daichi showed a proud smile, before you simply nodded. 
“Fine. I’ll come to see your next match, if you come to see mine,” you said, giving a hand to Nishinoya. He looked at you for a moment before he nodded too, grabbing your hand to shake it. “Deal.” 
This is how you ended up in the crowd of the next volleyball match, not very excited by the idea of spending so much time looking at the sport you didn’t really care about. At least, it was at first. After some time, your eyes were following the movements of the players, and especially Yuu when he was on the ground. It was pretty impressive to see how quick he was to react to what the other team was doing. Maybe you were wrong ; maybe volleyball was cooler than you think. 
The same thing happened to Noya when he came to see you play. Soccer was pretty different from volleyball, but seeing how fast your legs were moving to get the ball was absolutely amazing. He was sure that he could learn some tricks that would help him during his own matches. He was wrong about your sport finally. 
Both of you talked about it after a few days, and you were as excited as the other about the sport. You wanted to know more about volleyball and Yuu wanted to learn some tricks from you. You came to another agreement, and you started to train together when you had some time. 
The other thing that changed was the fact that you weren’t fighting with each other anymore. It was like a mutual respect got created between you two, and your sports. You were coming to each other’s matches more and more frequently ; maybe a bit too much than what was considered as okay from simple friends. 
Nishinoya was the first one to realize how he felt about you, and he wasn’t scared of his feelings. He knew you for so long, it wasn’t so surprising for him to grow romantic feelings towards you. And as he wasn’t scared of how he felt, he was even less scared by the idea of telling you. 
You were training with your team on an afternoon, and he was looking at you from a bit afar, like he did sometimes. Everything was like usual, until he made big waves to you, asking you to come closer. You excused yourself to your team before you stepped closer to the boy. 
“You okay Yuu?” You asked, and a huge smile appeared on his lips. “Go out with me,” he said with no hesitation and you almost choked on your saliva. You didn’t expect this, not at all in fact. You looked at him with wide eyes, trying to catch your breath again. 
“What did you just say?” You asked, thinking you might have misunderstood. “I said: go out with me. I want you to be my partner!” He seemed so excited about it, and you knew that he wasn’t lying. It wasn’t Noya’s type, not at all. 
You looked away, feeling your ears burning a little at this idea of having Yuu as your boyfriend. You cleared your throat before answering a little “Yes” to him. He almost jumped on you ; well, not almost in fact, he completely jumped on you, making both of you fall over the floor. He was laughing, and you couldn’t help but to smile. 
Maybe Daichi had a good idea with telling you to make some effort with each other.
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aaaa I love noya sm he's my favorite boy he's the sweetest pls ask me more haikyuu I love my boys sm it's longer than what I do usually, u can tell how much I love noya lmao
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yawntutsyip · 1 year
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⤷⠀˖ Pretty Girl⠀⁺. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Masterlist
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₊˚୭ paring: neteyam x reader x lo’ak
₊˚୭ summary: how you, neteyam, and lo’ak became met as kids and became friends and they may or may not have developed an innocent crush on you <3 // this is their version of Young Love.
₊˚୭ authors note: Aeytemey(20) , Zawtxsu(8) , Reader(6) , Lo’ak(7) , Neteyam (8). Let me know if you guys would like a part two! I might be able to come up with something ~ // also I apologize if you find the hand feeding thing weird but I’m not gonna take it out because it’s not meant to be sexual- that’s all you if you think that, it’s just an act of love and care.
₊˚୭ na’vi words: tsmuke - sister , nantang - viperwolf
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“Oh, bro! Your brother’s class tomorrow is gonna be so hard I already know” Neteyam groaned in annoyance to Zawtxsu who was the younger brother of Aeytemey, a young well-respected warrior who often taught the younger kids combat skills. “Yeah…It’s because Lo’ak kept making everyone laugh! and Aeytemey is very serious when he’s got his teachers mode on…it’s almost scary how different he is.”
“Come on bro, I wasn’t even doing anything on purpose! I really didn’t know how you were supposed to hold the spear! It was so heavy- I almost flew with the dang thing!” Lo’ak shouted from behind while jogging to catch up with the two older boys. “You were holding it too close up top, when you hold the spear you have to hold your right hand 3 inches from the bottom and your left 6 inches from the point.” Zawtxsu explained to Lo’ak showing him the correct way while pointing to the spear in his hand.
“Well, your brother is the teacher! Of course, you would know that” Lo’ak argued back with his eyebrows furrowed in frustration. “Brother, even I knew that…You were just not paying attention” Neteyam piped in, chuckling at his brother while shaking his head. “... well…Whatever…I’m hungry” Lo’ak huffed and crossed his arms in front of his chest as he tried changing the subject.
“How about you guys come to my home? We can all hang out and wait till Aeytemey gets back, he told me he was going out to pick some fruit!” Zawtxsu said that was quickly followed by a “yes! I’m starving!” and “sure, If it's not a bother”. And with that, the three boys raced to the home. Once they had reached the boy’s home they all sat on the wooden stools and made conversation to keep each other occupied till the older brother got back.
“Kaltxì Neteyam, Lo’ak. I didn’t know you guys were coming over” Aeytemey announced walking in with a basket full of fruit held on his side as he greeted the unexpected guest and looks at his younger brother with a raised eyebrow and a playful glare. “They were hungry! And you told me you were going to pick fruit so…I invited them over haha…is that okay?” Zawtxsu smiled sheepishly with his ears lowering in embarrassment.
“Well it’s a little bit of short notice don't you think? It’s fine though, you boys are welcome anytime. You guys are lucky I picked some extra fruit” Aeytemey smiled ruffling his brother's hair before walking to the other side of the home sitting down on a woven mat and placing the basket of fruit in front of him. “(Y/N)! Do you want to help me prepare the fruit?” he called out while beginning to pull all the fruit out.
“Who is (Y/N)?” Neteyem asked and turned his attention to his friend, confused. “Did your brother finally get a mate?” Lo’ak interrupted, also bringing his attention to the boy. “What? No! (Y/N) is my little sister!... You guys knew we had a sister right?” Zawtxsu said, looking just as confused as his friends were.
They all stared at each other in silence before a voice caught their attention pulling their eyes in the direction where the door was. “Sure! But I want to show Zaw the feather we found!” a young girl said while walking in and ran up to Zawtxsu shoving the feather she had found in his face, He laughed and grabbed the younger girl's hand pulling it away so he could get a better look. The feather was a rich blue color and faded to black at the tip with some white stripes on the edges. “Wow, tsmuke! It’s very pretty, where did you find it?”
Neteyam and Lo’ak watched the girl as she walked in with curious eyes. ‘Wow she's pretty’ they thought at the same time while both their tails swung behind them eagerly. Zawtxu gave a glance to his friends and took a mental note before looking back at his younger sister.
“I and Aey found it when we were picking the fruit! It was under the leaves!” She spoke excitedly while pulling her hand back and admiring the feather. “Do you want me to put it in your hair?” Zawtxu asked, the girl immediately nodded her head yes and took a spot between his legs, back facing him so that he could braid the feather into her hair.
As she sat down handing the feather to her brother she looked forward and was greeted by two unfamiliar boys staring down at her. “I’m sorry! I didn’t see you guys there. Kaltxì” She said, giving the boys a bright smile while waving to them with both hands. They returned a smile and waved back saying hello. “I’m (Y/N)! What is your guy's name?!”
Lo’ak, unbeknownst to him, started blushing as he stared more at the girl sitting in front of him, looking up at him with her doe eyes and an adorable smile that caused the corner of her eyes to crease. His tail behind him began to sway more as he introduced himself. “I’m Lo’ak…It’s nice to meet you,” He said slowly, his eyes drifting away from her, up and made eye contact with Zawtxsu who had been staring at him the whole time. Lo’ak quickly cleared his throat and turned away.
“I’m Neteyam, it’s nice to meet you (Y/N)! I hope we can become friends in the future” Neteyam smiled shyly at the girl. “The feather looks beautiful in your hair by the way,” he said while scratching the back of his head. The girl's cheeks slowly turned purple as she covered her face trying to hide the blush. “Thank you Neteyam! I think the beads in your hair are pretty!”
“Really? Oh uhm, thank you!-“ “I’m finished, now go help Aey” Zawtxsu cut the boy off and patted her head while helping her get up. She said a quiet thank you and ran to where the eldest brother was cutting up the fruit and sat down next to him. Neteyam and Lo’ak’s eyes followed her figure as she walked away.
“Can you guys not stare at my little sister like that? She’s off limits.” Zawtxsu said sternly with a slight glare as he watched his friends make googly eyes at his sister. “Wh-what? What are you talking about?” Neteyam stuttered, pulling his eyes away from the girl. “We weren’t looking at your sister..pfft…” Lo’ak replied while looking at his friend and rolling his eyes.
“Your tails have been wagging like baby nantang when seeing fresh meat.” Zawtxsu said with a deadpan expression. “Just stop it, it’s weirding me out, bro”
Finally (Y/N) and Aeytemey finished washing and cutting the fruit and it was time to eat. Everyone gathered around sitting in a circle with a plate in each of their laps, Neteyam sat next to (Y/N) and Aeytemey while Lo’ak and Zawtxsu sat in front of the three.
They all made small talk with each other, talking about their day and what they did, (Y/N) told the boys about when she went to the designer and learned how to weave a top piece, she went on about how she was going to design it with different feathers and pretty sparkly beads, all the boys just listened to her talk. Lo’ak and Neteyam especially as they listened to every word, watching how her eyes lit up when she talked about something she was excited about.
While (Y/N) listened to Aeytemey lecturing Zawtxsu about how he holds a bow and Lo’ak laughing at him, she could feel eyes staring at her. She turned to the side, looking up, and met eyes with Neteyam, when she followed where his gaze was, it was on the yovo fruit that was on her plate.
“You like Yovo fruit too? They are my favorite but my brothers don’t like them that's why we only get one” the girl spoke to the older boy, blush filled his cheeks as he got caught staring. “Oh! Uhm..no-“ but before he could finish Lo’ak butted in. “Stop lying, bro! Yovo fruit are his favorite!” Lo’ak said while snickering.
(Y/N)’s ears twitched up at the news and smiled grabbing a piece of the fruit before holding it up to Neteyam. “Here! Have some!” Neteyam lifted his hand from his lap and went to grab the fruit out of the girl's small hands but before he could grab it she pulled back her hand with a confused expression.
“What are you doing? I’m trying to feed it to you!” She exclaimed and moved her hand up closer to the boy's mouth.
He gets taken back by her forwardness but realizes she probably didn’t understand how it was a little weird to hand feed him like how she usually did with her brothers, so he slowly leans in and takes the fruit in his mouth, a smile on his lips when he pulled back tasting the flavor on his tongue. Lo’ak was right, they were definitely his favorite.
Lo’ak watched with wide eyes, not expecting (Y/N) to feed him the fruit, hes stares in jealousy wishing that it was him who you fed the fruit to. “I like Yovo fruit too! (Y/N) they are my favorite too!” Neteyam looked over at his brother confused, Lo’ak hated yovo fruit…what was he talking about? “Lo’ak you said you hate-“
“Here! I have plenty to share!” The girl reached over holding the fruit up to the boy's lips, Lo’ak stared at the fruit in slight disgust but took it into his mouth chewed it quickly, and swallowed with a forced smile. “mmm m-my favorite!”
Aeytemey laughed to himself holding a cup of juice to the poor boy. “Here you look thirsty,” he said, giving Lo’ak a wink. Lo’ak silently thanked him and drank the whole cup trying to get rid of the horrid flavor in his mouth. “That’s what you get” Zawtxsu muttered under his breath while rolling his eyes at his friends.
“Oh! I have something!” (Y/N) said and abruptly stood up and rushed to her hammock, where there was a small chest underneath. She pulled it out and started digging through it, tossing some toys and clothes that had been in there. Neteyam and Lo’ak looked to the other set of brothers for an explanation but they just shrugged their shoulders and continued to eat. “Found it!” The girl shouted and ran back to the group who were still sitting down with something in her hand.
“I want all of us to be friends! So I made these special beads that you can put in your hair! They are the same as mine!” She said holding her hands out, Aeytemey cleared his throat and gave her a knowing look, telling her to be polite. “Only if you guys want to!..” she said looking down shyly. Aeytemey nodded his head in approval and patted her leg.
Neteyam and Lo’ak sat up and leaned over to look at the beads she held, they were small yellow beads with a design carved into them. “I would love one thank you (Y/N)!” “I’ll take one!” The brothers shouted while picking one out and holding it in their hands. “Yay, we can all match together now! Even Zawtxsu has one too!”
The boys look to their friend who had a grin on his face holding one of his braids and shaking it as if saying ‘you thought you were special huh?’
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perm tag list: @eywas-heir @gender3nvyy @kenzi-woycehoski @ilovejakesullysdick @definitelynot-here @buckyb4rnes @iikatsukii @jakesully-sbabygirl @fanboyluvr
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marvelobsessed134 · 9 months
Sparks Fly part 2
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Series masterlist
A/n: so sorry this took so long to get out 😭 also the timeline is kinda messed up but it’s 90s!tommy in this story so yeah takes place in the 90s
Pairings: Tommy Lee x Fem!Country Singer!reader
And soon enough you got a call from Tommy. He asked you out for dinner and of course you said yes. You’re so nervous, though. You know of his reputation and how he was with drugs not too long ago. But he’s so handsome and was so sweet you. You just had to say yes.
So, you’re in a light pink dress with peasant sleeves. Your hair in a ponytail with a light pink bow on it. Light makeup adorned your face. You had some pearl jewelry and white kitten heels. As you stood in front of the hotel room mirror making sure everything looked good when you got a knock on the door.
You sighed before shoving your nerves down and opening the door. Tommy stood before you with a grin on his face and flowers in his hand.
“Wow, you look…” he trailed off taking in your whole outfit.
You blushed, “Thanks.”
“Oh!” He said suddenly, jerking the flowers towards you, “I got you these. Wasn’t sure what your preferences on flowers were but thought I’d get ‘em anyways.” You took the bouquet from him and brought them to your nose, sniffing them.
“They’re beautiful Tommy.” You gushed before walking over and setting them on the nightstand. You’ll have to find a way to travel with them without them dying.
Then, the two of you were off on your first date. He took you to this very nice restaurant in Hollywood. Despite you having quite a bit of money yourself, it was way more fancy than you’ve ever been to.
The waiter showed you to your table and the questions began.
“So, I noticed you’re in a hotel…is your house getting renovated or something?” The drummer asked.
“Oh no. I live in Nashville but since I did a few shows here I stayed in a hotel.” You explained the most obvious reason why you were in a hotel.
“Nashville huh? So you’re a real country girl.”
You chuckled, “I guess you can say that. I’ve lived there my whole life. It’s my home yknow?”
“Yeah I can see that.”
It was quiet for a moment before you spoke up again, “So what’s going on with the band right now? I heard you guys laid off Vince?” It was a touchy subject sure, but you really wanted to know what the hell they were thinking when they fired the singer.
“Yeah, but it’s all cool cause we got a new guy, John Corabi. It’s better that way.” And he left it at that.
The two of you talked more and more, all throughout the night. You just couldn’t stop asking about each other.
As Tommy walked you out towards his Ferrari you said, “That was one of the most fun dates I’ve had in a long time.”
“Really?” He looked down at you and raised an eyebrow.
You leaned your head against his shoulder, “Yeah.”
“I’m glad then. I guess I held up to your standards?”
“Haha, yeah. I mean it’s not like I have any to begin with but you’re so respectful and sweet. Not to offend you but you’re a lot different than-“
“The media makes me out to be? Yeah. When I find a girl I really like I make sure to treat her as a queen.” Your stomach fluttered with butterflies.
The two of you got in his car and he turned on the radio but turned down the volume so you could still talk.
“I don’t believe I’ve asked you this but how old are you?” He asked.
“23.” You answered honestly.
“Ok, I’m 31. Was just making sure.”
“I thought you liked younger girls?” You teased.
“I do well- not under 18 girls you know…over 18? Fuck.”
You giggled as he tried to explain himself, “It’s fine. You know my mama told me not to go with older men better yet men in rock n roll bands but, you’re just so…different.” Tommy smiled at your southern accent.
“I’m not the best man in the world, I’ve done some pretty fucked up shit. Maybe not as much as Nikki but…” the drummer trailed off.
You put your hand over his that was sitting on the center console. He looked over at you with those brown eyes. “We’re human, we all do things we regret. That’s just how life works. Imagine if we didn’t do anything wrong, that’d be really boring and no lessons would be learned.”
“I see why you have an award for best songwriting.”
“Yeah, I guess Im somewhat of a poet myself.”
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umwillow · 1 year
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forever young~wally clark
warnings: none just some cutesy cornball
based on the song Forever Young by Alphaville (can you tell i love napoleon dynamite)
wally clark was miserable and lonely in his time stuck at split river high, sure he had charley and rhonda, but he longed for something more than just that reassurance that he had people to confide in. (he wants a fuckbuddy. jk.)
that all had changed when y/n l/n died on november 7th of 1997.
the two became fast friends, and soon enough they were both harbouring feelings for one another but neither of them would admit it, both of their reasonings being the fact that if they ever did have a big falling out, they would be stuck in that same place always having to see eachother. so they both pushed away their feelings and replaced them with jokes and shy smiles, a few lingering touches here and there.
everyone else in the split river high afterlife support group were so over the two constantly avoiding their obvious feelings for eachother, but mr. martin would argue that the ghosts having those types of relations would only add to the already stressful and dramatic environment they were in. (bitch).
right now, in 2014, wally and y/n were wandering the halls of split river high badgering about what movies to pick for this weekends famous movie night.
“no, y/n we are not watching pretty woman again!” wally dramatically flails his arms as he tries to reason with his best friend about their movie choices.
“ok big shot, you wanna go there, i’m not sure i can sit through another minute of Rudy, wally.” y/n counters. “plus, i think julia roberts is an absolute goddess, that deserves to be recognized!”
“i am deeply offended that you would even say this in front of me.” wally feigns distress.
“ok, i have literally said this to you so many times how could it be so different from before, like what do you even get from watching Rudy so many times?” they realize her mistake but it’s too late and wally starts his attack.
“YOU LITERALLY DO THE EXACT SAME THING WITH PRETTY WOMAN LIKE ITS A RITUAL!” he yells with a twinge of “haha nerd you just got floored” in his eyes.
“OK WELL- yeah good point.” she starts to yell back but then notices there was really no point whatsoever arguing with wally.
“how did we even survive before we met each other!” he exclaims.
“we were alive?” she bites with a cackle afterward.
“yeah that makes sense.” he discloses.
“so, should we head to the library and possibly look for new movies that aren’t rom coms or terrible sports movies?” she finally speaks after they took a little break to have a laugh.
“sure, but it’s only because i love ya.”
wally wasn’t aware of how frozen y/n was regarding those words. it was like she wasn’t allowed to move in her own body until her subconscious told her it was time to stop.
“ok sweet let’s go!” she quickly recovered from her weird frozen state.
the rest of the walk was surprisingly silent for both of them.
the library air was dusty and smelled of mildew and old ladies, as wally refered to the smell of the soap his grandmother used to stock her bathrooms with.
“footloose, nope. grease, seen it 7789927 times before. say anything, love it but not the vibe tonight. dirty dancing, amazing beautiful spectacular, no.” y/n looks through the library’s dvd collection, “oooh what’s this Napoleon Dynamite?”
“here let me look” wally grabs the dvd case, “hm, looks interesting. never seen it, let’s watch it!” he claps.
“by the looks of it i don’t think rhonda will be a big fan.” y/n jokes.
“she’ll have to suck it up because we’ve never seen it, AND now she can’t criticize me because i only ever choose sports movies.” he grins smugly.
“alright, but you’re taking the blame for this one firecracker!” y/n jumps up from her spot on the floor next to the jock and runs toward the big library doors, “last one to get to the gym has to sit next to mr. martin during group tomorrow!!” she yells with an exaggerated look of disgust.
“oh god no, i am not doing this agai- Y/N WAIT YOU KNOW I TWISTED MY ANKLE DURING FIELD DAY STOP THIS MADNESS!” he yells after her but she is long gone.
the group of dead teens sat on various couch’s and mats throughout the gymnasium, eating popcorn and watching the screen, only, two of the teens sat staring at eachother. one minute wally would look at y/n, and the next y/n would look at wally. he had shared his couch with her for seventeen years and he still finds himself nervous next to her.
what he doesn’t know is that she’s nervous too, and sweating with nerves and stress.
wally finds his hand extremely close to hers and decides to keep it there for good measure. y/ns hand slips a bit closer, and closer until their hands touched and shocked each of them for a moment. they awkwardly looked at eachother but kept their hands together nonetheless.
from across the room, rhonda and charley scoffed at the immature teens who clearly were obsessed with eachother.
“i fuckin love this movie. how is it that it existed all these years and i never knew it was here?” wally confessed.
“me too though, like, it’s so awkward but i love it.” y/n acknowledged.
and that was the last of their conversation for a while.
time passed on in the movie, and now y/n had fallen asleep on wally and the poor boy didn’t know what to do.
“help me charley. what if she wakes up and instantly recoils or something, i can’t have that!” wally desperately whisper shouts to his friend.
“hate to break it to you bud, but do you really think she would do that when all she does is look at you like you hung the sun the moon and the stars?” charley sasses, knowing he’s right. (charley is such a slay i love him sm.)
“what the fuck do you mean by that?” wally is in disbelief.
“i mean that she loves you unconditionally, big guy.” charley states.
“huh. never picked up on that. SHE WHAT?!” it took a minute for wally to understand what the glasses clad teen meant.
“yup, and i know i’m right so don’t even, in fact, we all know i’m right!” charley declares.
“she looks so peaceful when she sleeps. she’s so pretty. she also smells nice. i’m so whipped.” he admits with a sweet grin.
“that’s gross wally, keep your thoughts to yourself. some of us want to keep this popcorn down.” rhonda speaks her disgust.
“i’m just keepin’ it real!” he waves his arms goofily (he’s so silly goofy quirky goofball).
“mind keeping it real somewhere else? we would like to watch our movie in peace.” rhonda once again expresses her distaste for the situation.
“fine, i’ll be oh so quiet!” wally scoffs.
the movie soon ended and now both wally and y/n were fast asleep on their couch in the gym, unknowingly tangled with wally laying on her chest and her hands in his hair.
“should we wake them up or leave them be?” whispered charley to an annoyed looking rhonda.
“let’s leave em’, they need this little push.” rhonda has been scheming about getting them together and saving everyone the frustration of having to put up with their awkward bullshit.
“ahhh i see ms. conniving matchmaker.” charley smirks at rhonda and then at the entangled couple in front of them.
they walk out of the gym to give the lovebirds some solitude.
the first thing y/n hears when she wakes up is wally’s soft snoring .
she opens her eyes to find him laying atop of her chest with his one hand in her hair and the other on her hip, their legs tangled. she has to remind herself to breathe because wally is literally using her boobs as pillows. she decides to just wait it out instead of potentially waking him up if she tries to move.
wally stirs a bit and let’s out a grunt. he cracks an eye open and looks up to the girl he’s been sleeping on and instantly blushes as he realizes what position they’re in.
“sorry, didn’t mean for this to happen.” he says starting to get off of her.
“no, i like it. it’s…comfy.” she smiles nervously.
wally felt a flutter in his stomach and his face heating up.
“oh uh- well i like it too.” he winced as the words came out.
they had a weird moment of silent staring and their faces were like stones, frozen in place.
“i like your moles, they’re cute.” y/n whispered, almost afraid to speak as if she’d scare him off.
“i like your everything.” wally swore he was dreaming.
the next thing they know both of them are slowly moving toward eachother, closer, closer, a bit closer, and there.
their lips touched and it was the most connected either of them had felt to eachother ever. y/n reached for the back of wally’s head to tug at some hair at his nape, while poor wally didn’t know what to do with his hands. taking matters into her own hands, y/n takes wally’s shaking hands in her own, without breaking the sweet kiss, and brings them up toward her waist.
“much better.” she smirks against his lips.
“i love you” wally drops the bomb.
“you- love me?” y/n asks, backing up from his face a little with big eyes laced with softness.
“well yeah i didn’t just say that for shits and giggles.” he scoffs, not without shooting her his signature silly smile.
“wally, i love you too. so much.” she could cry, in fact, there were some tears brewing already.
“great, because it would be really awkward if you said you didn’t.” he jokes a little, being too nervous to look her in the eyes. but his eyes meet hers, and he’s met with tears welling in her beautiful eyes. “hey sweetheart what’s wrong? is this too much?” he strokes her hand with his thumb.
“yes, just kiss me again.” she shakes her head at him.
he wastes no time.
he dove in and they could both feel the emotion that their feelings were real for eachother. wally tasted the salt from her tears but he kept kissing her tears away.
when they pulled away, she pulled him into her embrace and they just sat there, basking in each others presence.
“should we face the others?” y/n asks with a sly grin.
“i don’t know, i mean, if we wanted to be teased and messed with we could’ve just admitted our feelings in front of the others?” wally sasses.
“ok, fair point.”
i’m really excited to finally be putting this out here
i hope you enjoy!!
xo: willow🫶🏻
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leegemma · 11 months
wondering if you'd write a lee!leeknow and lers!chan and changbin with the prompts 69, 70, 71, and 96? (if its too many you dont have to use them all!)
Hi! Thank you for your request, I think this one turned out okay so I hope you like it!
69 - “i don’t think i’ve ever seen your face so red.”
70 - “either i’m really funny, or you’re really ticklish."
71 - “can you use your words?”
96 - “oh? than how about… here?”
Usually when the three oldest Stray kids memebrs were hanging out without the others, they were pretty calm. Usually just playing a game or complaining about the troubles the younger boys were causing.
Today was no different. After the younger members left the dorm to all go and do their own stuff, leaving the other 3 behind, Changbin suggested they watch a movie, the others agreed and they settled down on the couch, lee know in the middle and the other two on both his sides. They searched through netflix until Lee know clicked on a random comedy film he found.
After watching silently for around 20 minutes, Lee know suddenly groaned. "This movie isn't even funny!"
"We just started, give it some time." Chan encouraged and started scratching Lee know's back comfortly.
Lee know mumbled something back but soon relaxed into the nice feeling and went back to watching the movie.
After another 10 minutes went by and passed though, Lee know was getting bored again. "I don't understand why you guys are laughing at these stupid jokes! Comedy movies are stupid!"
"You chose this one!" Changbin said, pointing at Lee know accusingly.
"Yeah, why did you even choose it if you don't like comedies?" Chan asked, stopping the scratches on Lee know's back as his hands were getting tired.
"I just felt like laughing." Lee know shrugged. "But this is not working anyway so whatever!"
Changbin and Chan turned to look at each other over Lee know's sulking face as if they were thinking the exact same thing.
"You know, hyung.. there are other ways to laugh... a comedy isn't the only option." Changbin started, scooting closer the Lee know.
"What do you mean...?" The older turned to look at him suspiciously, missing the fact Chan just moved closer from the other side.
"There are funny animal videos, or comic books, or my dad jokes-" Chan's statement was cut off short when Lee know let ouf a muffled chuckle.
"Your dad jokes aren't funny."
Chan raised an eyebrow. "Oh yeah? Then how come you're laughing?"
"I'm not laughi- Hehy!"
Chan got his revenge when Changbin forced Lee know to lay down and raised his arms above his head, sitting on his wrists. Chan was quick to start tickling, digging into the younger boy's sides.
"Wha- what are you doi- doing?" Lee know stuttered, trying his best not to laugh.
"Oh nothing, I'm just preparing to tell you this joke." Chan said.
"Nohohoho!" Lee know broke when Changbin started wiggling his fingers into his neck.
"Aww he's already laughing!" Changbin teased. "Tell your joke!"
Chan complied, "What do you call a factory that makes okay products?" He turned to look up at Changbin calmly while still tickling Lee know.
"I don't know! Do you know Lee know hyung?" Changbin grinned down at the older boy.
"Nohohoho!" Lee know was now squirming around.
"A satisfactory." Chan announced with a laugh of his own.
Changbin forced himself to laugh. "Haha! That is hilarious, do you get it hyung? Beca-"
"I GEHEHET IHIHIT!" Lee know trying rolling on his stomach, to no success.
"Well obviously you do, look how hard you're laughing." Chan observed.
"Hyung, that might be because we're tickling him." Changbin finally admitted.
"STAHAHHAP" Lee know's helpless cries were pretty much ignored.
“Either i’m really funny, or you’re really ticklish.” Chan nodded at Lee know.
"Are you sure?~" Changbin walked his fingers down to Lee know's armpit, smiling when the other's laughter increased as he hit the inside of his elbows.
Lee know didn't bother to answer, letting Chan do it for him. "Does this tickle, Lee know?~" he questioned as he dug into the younger boy's thighs.
"NOHOHOHO" Lee know shook his head a bit too aggressively. "IHIHIHM NOHOHOT TI- TIHIHCKLISH THEHERE" liar.
“oh? than how about… here?” Chan moved a bit up to his hips, laughing and cooing when Lee know squealed.
"STAAHAHAHAHHAP!!!!" Lee know was flopping around, he was convinced he could have held it together if not for the teasing. It was terrible and he was blushing madly.
“I don’t think i’ve ever seen your face so red.” Changbin said and moved one of his hands down to dig between Lee know's ribs.
"I CAHAHAHNTTT AHHAHAHAHAHA ANAVDHWUAJBAGUK!!" Lee know tried his best to express his feelings through the muffled screams.
“Can you use your words?” Chan asked politely.
"NOHOHOHOHO" Lee know answered. "STOHOHOHOP."
Changbin looked up at Chan and shrugged. "Good enough for me."
Chan nodded back. "I guess so."
They let Lee know go and stayed with him while he caught his breath, after they saw he was fine Chan started playing the movie again, not before turning to Lee now with a mad grin on his face. "You better not interrupt again, or else..."
As if it was planned, both Changbin and Chan started wiggling their fingers at him mischievously.
"Yeah, yeah... I get it, I won't interrupt this movie anymore..." Lee know held back a small smirk until the two turned to look at the movie, and then he whispered in the tiniest voice: "Never said anything about other movies though..."
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harus-simp · 1 year
Everything's alright
-Gunwook x reader-
Warning:none,just really fluffy 😚
Requested: heyyy could u do a gunwook one in which y/n, who's a really strong person, always tough, doesnt cry easily .etc, suddenly starts crying one day while watching a sad movie and how gunwook gets shocked and comforts them,yeah bye haha (Anonymous)
Author's note: hey there anon,here's your request ;))
Thank you for waiting patiently, I really hope you like it <3
When someone asks gunwook to describe you strong is the first word that comes to him, however his opinion might have changed due to a small act of yours.
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When someone thinks of you they don't immediately relate you with a fragile and vulnerable person, quite the opposite actually.
You are known in your school for being like a hard rock, not in the sense of being too serious or too stone faced, but rather having a hard exterior.
In all these years spend at this school nobody had seen you cry once, not once. You don't consider yourself insensitive tho,it's just you didn't need to cry to express your empathy or your understanding in itself (at least when other people were present)
Gunwook your boyfriend found it at first admirable and a little scary at times, because he was the complete opposite. He considered himself a crybaby, he really was a lot more sensitive and connected with people easier.
But throughout time he got used to your behaviour and accepted it completely.
However today was the day were he would see a completely new side to you.
The day was too cold to go out so you both just decided to stay inside and enjoy each other's company. Being as close as you could was an absolute blessing for him so he was really grateful for the weather that day specifically
You had opted to just cuddle and watch a movie which you would obviously pay no attention to, or so did gunwook thought.
He first brought a huge blanket to wrap you both in order to heat you up and keep you warm. Then he came with a bowl full of popcorn because what is a movie without it? Well still a movie, but the fun is not there (you know what I mean, right?💀)
As he had brought the essentials,now was the time to actually choose the movie, which always resulted horribly as y'all's tastes were completely different. While you preferred horror movies and those kind of creepy ones, he was really fond of these cheesy romantic ones. Two complete opposite genres.
"Babe please let's watch this one, you know I don't like horror movies"he said while putting his best puppy eyes so you could give in.
"And I don't like romantic movies!!!!"you whined
"Yeah, but the past few times we've watched what you wanted, now it's my turn!"
(Don't know if you seemed like an old couple bickering or siblings tbh hashjwj)
And before you could protest he used his lethal weapon, his gummy smile. He began smiling and laughing at the situation purposely for you to give out to his petition.
And who were you to turn him down, with that cutie grin that was on his face? Nah, incapable of that.
And that's how he got what he wanted, yeah that pretty smile of his was definitely a problem at this point.
However, the cheesy movie turned quickly into a quite sad one. The main leads were going through a harsh breakup.And that's one of the reasons you didn't like this type of films. You were really cold towards the outside, but in reality you were actually quite sensitive.
Sad things made you cry quite easily, but you didn't want to show a vulnerable image towards others, so when the nostalgic and sadder part came you inevitably started sobbing in silence, not wanting to worry your boyfriend.
But gunwook was not dumb, he noticed it instantly being shocked about it.
"He-hey, jagiya are you okay?"he said pulling you closer to his embrace and engulfing you in a bear hug holding you close.
"What is it babe? You know you can tell me, I would never find anything weird or silly if it comes from you,you know".
And that was enough for you to break and tell him how you felt.
"It's just that this movie is really sad"you answered hugging him tightly
And that made him giggle lightly at your cute behaviour.
"Awww, don't worry y/nnie it's just a story"
"Gunwook, please let's not end like that"
And he didn't even hesitate for a second, kissing your lips softly preventing you from talking. And as he separated he took your hand and gave it a light peck.
"I would never let that ever happen to us y/nnie, I love you too much to let you go through that"
"Thank you gunwookie, I love you so much"
"I love you too y/nnie"
And just like that you cuddled for the rest of the day as he would refuse to let you go in that state (and perhaps he didn't want to break apart either ajssjs).
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lowcosmic · 6 months
Could you possibly write hcs for Kokichi with a s/o that shares an ultimate with their identical twin and the two tend to stay in sync as that's their brand (ultimate circus performers) though due to that they've been lumped together their entire careers.
This is so severe that people think that the twins are the same person despite the two being completely different from each other in daily life. Everyone gets them mixed up so s/o gets feeling of being easily replaceable in people's eyes and is initially attracted to Kokichi as he could kinda tell the two apart pretty easily??
(Sorry if this is too much, I just thought of the cute concept after watching Ouran again 😭)
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— kokichi with a s/o who’s talent is combined with their twin’s .
— 𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: headcannons of kokichi with a s/o that’s so alike with their twin that they feel absolutely replaceable. your ultimates even connect , and everyone always mistakes you with them and them with you. except for …
— 𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞 : fluff
— 𝐜𝐰 : nothing
— 𝐚/𝐧 : haha had no clue how to title this read the actual request pls guys
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you were always mixed up with your twin. so much that you wore such different clothes than them just to be told apart , though it oftentimes didn’t work.
even if you guys were equal in your ultimates , as you both shared one since you both were partners , you always felt that your twin were the better of the two of you.
“ ultimate circus performers. ” maybe you just weren’t trying hard enough. maybe they would talk about you more if you broke a bone during a performance or something …
that was your mindset till you met a guy. a guy named kokichi ouma.
he’d questioned you about your ultimate and stuff , asked for your name , stuff like that. you simply thought of him as another person who would just mistake you for your twin.
but , you were proven wrong when later , he approached you again calling your name. your name.
you were a bit stunned. “ did … you just call me by my actual name? ”
“ well , duh. isn’t that the name that you gave me? or were you lying? i hate liars , y’know. ” he said with a playful tone of voice.
you were still a bit shocked. but then you thought , maybe it was just an assumption. maybe he just guessed who you were. that’d make sense …
but then he started talking to you repeatedly , with you starting to approach him to. all with your name. not your twin’s.
and they were true , fun conversations and hang outs. not those boring ones where everything’s a snooze fest. he asked about your “ career ” , your favorites , and even started following you around a bit.
then , a thought dawned on you — what if he’d never met your twin? maybe that’s why he knows your name — because he didn’t know your twin. you asked one day.
“ oh , yeah. i know ‘em. i talked to them a few times , but then i got bored. ” he’d said.
and then you spilled your lifelong struggle to him. how you always got swapped around and how everyone seemed to like them better. and then you thanked him.
“ your story seems so so so sad , it almost makes me wanna shed a tear. ” he’d said in a faked monotone voice , but you could hear the empathy in his voice.
without thinking , you hugged him. tightly. and that was the first milestone that led up to you both dating …
dating kokichi with your dilemma was fun.
you’d teach him stuff and he’d listen eagerly , and he’d visit all your performances.
… but … there were some times where you thought that he’d be better with your twin.
he always stopped those thoughts , though. his favorite motto only gifted to you is , “ no matter what life throws my way , the only thing that’ll stop me is you. ” ( explanation : he’s not saying that you’re a bad thing. he’s saying that you’re someone who’s always there for him and helps him de - stress from life , hence the “ stop me ” part )
he actually one time flipped off your twin when they tried to flirt with him.
your twin was jealous , since you’d been dating someone and they hadn’t. so , even if they weren’t attracted to kokichi , they wanted to play with you a bit. and so …
you saw the events , and almost cried. until kokichi flipped them off , which made you laugh out loud.
therefore , kokichi will , even in the most meanest of ways , make you feel wanted and irreplaceable no matter what you might think.
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please don’t repost , translate , or claim my works as your own.
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basu-shokikita · 8 months
Kloktober 23 Day 26
Pick a tarot card for inspiration
I actually had another draft I was planning to continue today but I scratched it and started over because I wasn't satisfied with it. And yeah, I do like this better, I think.
Have some young pre-Dethklok Toki for tarot card day!
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“Um…I don’t haves money…” Toki said, but the lady dragged him all the same. 
“Shush.” She waved her hand dismissively, before returning to her cards. “This vision is really strong.” She shuffled her cards intensely before spreading them all face-down on her table. Then, she closed her eyes and her hand began hovering over the cards.
Toki swallowed nervously. It was getting dark and he was walking on the streets when this random old lady told him he needed to get a reading and dragged him inside her stand. What he actually needed was some food because he was starving. He wondered if he could beg for scraps at the bakery again. That one girl was really nice to him…
“Ah!” The old lady opened her eyes and dragged one of the cards, staring at it with a wise smile. “I knew it.” She said, before showing it to him.
In it, there was an illustration of a naked woman and man standing beside each other in what seemed to be a field. At the bottom of the card, there were two words.
“De Lovers?” Toki asked, extremely confused. 
“Yes.” She was still smiling. “Signifies love and harmony. A beautiful connection is upon you, my little…” She stopped, blinking. “What is your name, young one?”
“Uh, Toki.”
“Toki.” She repeated calmly. Suddenly, she clasped his hands tightly. “You’re about to meet your soulmate, Toki. Be very aware of your surroundings today! It’s the most important relationship of your life!”
Startled, Toki looked at the card, hanging at the corner of the table and threatening to fall. While he considered himself a romantic, he was highly skeptical of this whole thing. “Um, ladies, dat ams impossible.” He finally managed.
She let go of him, raising an eyebrow. “And why is that?”
“Wells…” Toki forced a smile. “Ams just a homeless boy. I don’t has a house, or foods. I don’t even has clothes.” He pointed at his stained shirt. “Ams just mes and my guitars.”
Her expression went from shocked, to horrified, to finally disgusted. He was pretty used to that reaction, to people dehumanizing him the moment they found out about his circumstances. Normal people hated the homeless, after all. 
Clearing her throat, she faked a smile. “Oh, that’s…” She stretched the collar of her shirt awkwardly. “That’s strange, haha…Lady Fortune is never wrong.” She looked at the card, as if it was disgusting too and shoved it on Toki’s hand. “You can keep it, but I’m waiting for some clients so…” She made a gesture with her eyes.
Toki nodded. “Okays.” He said, shoving the card in his pocket. “Um, thanks.” He said, even though he hadn’t asked for any of it in the first place.
As soon as he turned around, he heard her spray perfume on her table. Again, he was used to it, but it still stung a little. 
Back in the streets, he got the card out of his pocket to look at it. The illustration was pretty cool, he wondered if he could sell it somehow. Maybe he could trade it to the nice bakery lady for a couple of breads?
He noticed one edge of the card being split, though, which seriously undermined his chances at being able to trade it for anything valuable. Curiosity got the better of him, however, and he tried to separate the ends, only to realize there was a card stuck under. 
This card had a different illustration, of a lady pouring water into a puddle of sorts with one hand, the other one pouring water on the ground, with a starry sky in the background. The bottom text read “The Star”. 
Well, guess the silver-lining of not having money was that you couldn’t get scammed because, what the hell. Not that he had believed the lady at all but was she really going around trying to convince people they were about to meet the love of their life? That was just…lame.
On the other hand, he now had two different cards he could trade for possibly food now. That was pretty good. Perhaps the forced fortune-reading had been the fortune in itself. If everything went well, he could share some of his dinner with the kitty cats from around the area.
A booming noise from nearby distracted him and he looked up, tucking the cards safely in his front pocket this time. It was coming from a bar, blaring lights accompanying the loud bass noise. A menu board outside read “Free entry! Rock music all night!” with drawings of guitars and thunders around the text.
These days, anything that had the word ‘free’ caught Toki’s attention instinctively. And there was a crowd forming outside, which only intrigued him more. Leather jackets, spider hair, dark make-up, he could only imagine the music being played was good to attract these types.
Swiftly, he pushed and squeezed himself until he got inside, merely avoiding a couple of bulky dudes about to fight at the entrance. Perks of being small and malnutritioned, he supposed. 
The people inside were crowded around the empty stage, booing and cheering simultaneously.
“Who ams playings?” He asked the guy next to him. He was bald but had a piercing on his nose. 
“Dethklok!” He said. “They aren’t all that great but they have a cult forming around them these days. Probably because they have that guy from Snakes n Barrels.” He snorted. “Bunch of-”
Suddenly, the lights went out and the crowd went insane. Toki was a little nervous so he unhooked his guitar from his back and grabbed it. He really couldn’t afford to get it repaired at the moment so he might as well take care of it.
Five figures walked on the stage and, after a short introduction by the vocalist that Toki could hardly understand anyway, they started playing. Their music was loud, powerful, unrefined. The crowd started dancing with the beats, pushing one another with the rhythm of the music. 
Lights went on and off as the five men on stage demonstrated their craft. The vocalist roared against the mic, black hair, muscly and intimidating. The red-haired drummer beat his arms and legs against the instrument with a force that could only be described as violent. The rhythm guitar played soberly, knowingly, as he was looking down on the audience. Oh, and they also had a bassist. 
But the real star of the show for Toki was the all-white dressed lead guitarist, whose blond locks covered his face as he headbanged, fingers sliding against the guitar strings as if he were born for this. 
Toki had listened to a bunch of guitarists in his short life, especially of the metal genre. This guy, however, had a different kind of energy. Like an aura of holiness surrounded him and his mighty-shredding axe. It was both beautiful and entracing and Toki felt like he had to get closer. He wasn’t even scared of getting hit by the moshpit, he just needed to be closer and witness his guitar God in all his glory.
He shoved and elbowed his way in, managing to stand right in front of him. Like a flash, blue eyes gazed at him, but they were gone, the golden curtain covering his face again. It was like a spark for Toki, though, like electricity spreading through his body, rendering him to life. He was alive and awake and he needed to play guitar with this man. 
It was ridiculous, but the cards flashed in his mind for a brief second, and he wondered if the old lady had accidentally predicted his future after all.
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crayonfears · 25 days
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My friend and I discussed this so we need your help 🙏 What do you think of the idea of Han Seo and Han Seok switching roles because I once read a fic like that and was really interested in it. We discussed about how different they relationship would be and how that it would affect they future? And we thought about how they canon character would react of each other because damn my friend physically assaulted me 💀 when I said that I want to see a psycho Han Seok and a psycho Han Seo in a room together 🤩 or how a normal Han Seok and a normal Han Seo would react to each other? I’m sorry if this question is a little boring but it’s really interesting If you think about it 🥲 like always patiently waiting for your response 💕 (and your fics :) btw my friend said hey 👋😂
hi there, friend(s)! sorry it took me so long to reply, i've been busy ;; i really appreciate these stray kids memes you keep putting in the ask haha always brings a smile to my face 😂
this is actually a very interesting question! at first i thought you meant role switch like sibling role, ie. han seo being older and han seok the younger one. i think that could be very interesting too because personally i think han seo, the way he was portrayed in canon, could fit very well as an older brother, and likewise, han seok has that youthfulness, that insolence to him that you'd find in a younger kid. besides, the dynamic would be so fucked with han seok manipulating and controlling his big brother, don't you think? it's absolutely delicious hehe
other role switch as you mentioned, psycho han seo/normal han seok, or two psychos and two normals - all so good too. for two psychos, imagine han seok seeing that spark of something in han seo's eyes the moment they first met on that hunting trip. their father doesn't know yet, but han seok does; he does because he has that spark too. maybe han seo does things without realizing - being too cruel with the neighbor's dog; the stray animals coming into their yard, and he never feels guilty, especially so with han seok there encouraging him on. they'd be a goddamn power house when they grow up too hehe. so very into the idea of han seo doing the murders when they were young, han seok watching, han seok telling him they should take trophies (the watches) and han seok being caught because of it, never implicating his darling dongsaeng ("keep out legacy alive when i'm away, yeah, dongsaeng? hyung'll be back real soon."). thinking about han seo straight up planning to murder vincenzo without asking for permission first because he thinks it's right. he's not so afraid of what his brother might do to him - learning about consequences is never his forte.
for two normals, personally i think han seok without his psycho is pretty boring. like that's the spice of his character, but if i must. i'd say them fussing over the taboo of their relationship can be fun. angsty but fun. them knowing it's wrong but can't really help themselves. them coming back to the other at every turn - maybe even cheating on their current partner because the high they get from each other is something they cannot keep themselves from wanting hehe.
for psycho han seo and normal han seok... hmm. idk if han seo would be the abusive type - he was only ever imitating his brother in canon. maybe han seok could teach him to be "normal". get him to act right so he won't be sent away; won't raise any suspicions. han seok doesn't want them to part - doesn't think han seo would be able to fare much without him. the codependency would be absolutely insane here. with han seok thinking he has a responsibility with his baby brother and han seo looking up to him because he's older, he must be right all the time. thinking about han seo slipping sometimes, getting himself bloody from a fight, from something more and han seok's always there to patch him up, make things right. "your mom asked me to take care of you. i don't want to break my promise to her. let hyung take care of you, alright?" i am insane now hahaha
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