#and I'm hoping maybe since they're new accounts this will hide me?
kedreeva · 2 years
Since I'm literally being spammed with like 100+ bot followers a day currently, I've swapped the settings on my blog to be hidden from search engines and hidden to anyone not logged in. It's not permanent, I'm just going to see if that has any effect. So if my blog acts weird for you, that's what is happening.
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I (26, NB) dropped a long-term friend (23, not disclosing gender, I'll call them X) for being a proshipper, and now they're trying to get in the way of my other friendships.
A little more than a month ago, an old friend from when I was an itty bitty teen on the internet (we met when they were 12 and I was 15 or so) messaged me on twitter asking if we could share discord since they're more active on that platform, and they missed hanging out. Ok, no prob!! I missed talking to X and life was going kinda icky for me at the time. We exchanged discords and started talking more frequently, before we would talk through twitter dms maybe one day every few months, and we went from almost no contact to talking every single day. It was like being a teenager again; we still shared similar interests and we really fast clicked over old and new fandoms we were in. We talked about college and how they're starting to get the hang of their new job but needed support, talked about our family lives, etc., and in general I felt really comfortable and happy to be chatting again with someone I've known for so long. We were inseparable for weeks.
However... of course, as adults, and having known each other for YEARS, we started talking about fandom ships and fics we enjoyed. We didn't have the same taste in pairings, but that was okay. Until it wasn't anymore.
I shared my NSFW twitter with them, and they followed me. A few minutes later X told me, "I see you have "proship DNI in your bio, I just want to let you know that I am a pro-ship and enjoy some things in fandom that you might think is gross. I hope that's okay."
I was kind of weirded out, and told them that as long as they didn't like anything that would be criminal in real life, that's fine. They told me they *did* enjoy things in fiction that they "wouldn't condone in reality" and even though they "don't talk about it publicly" they still wanted me to know. For some reason. ?? Even though they KNOW that I have an irl history of abuse as a kid, they still told me this.
I was so fucking uncomfortable and really, really sad, and honestly I felt betrayed? I stepped away from my account for like, an hour before messaging them back and saying I didn't want to continue talking to them anymore. That I didn't know they were that kind of person and I'm not comfortable being their friend. I didn't read their response to me because I soft-blocked them.
While I was getting over that and trying to move on, a few days later I was talking to another mutual friend of ours when they asked if I was still friends with X. I got chills remembering how I broke off with them, and said no, we weren't talking anymore. That they were the kind of person that made me really uneasy and uncomfortable to be around. The mutual friend, I'll call R, said that X was "feeling kind of down about losing a friend recently" and talked about it in a discord server they share. X didn't mention my name but R wondered if it was me who dropped them since I was really touchy about boundaries online. I freaked out a little thinking about them talking about me, and asked what else they said, and R told me "not much, just that they felt sad but it was your choice in the end because you two were different" and I don't know why but it left a bad taste in my mouth. Were they trying to make people seem like I was the bad guy or something?? Idk.
I told R the reason why I stopped talking to X, and that X is a proshipper who likes things like inc*st and rape, and R wasn't as supportive as I thought he would be, saying that he understood how I felt but if X was being honest and open about their interests, it probably meant they trusted me and didn't want to "lie" to me. I don't understand how that's even relevant if X is a fucking proshipper. I don't want their trust in the first place if that's who they really are, and I felt betrayed that someone I knew for so long was hiding that for me until we were bonding again. R basically dropped it there and said "idk then" and I told him I was going to shut off my notifs for a bit. I really don't want to talk with him again right now especially since he didn't seem THAT bothered by X being a proshipper who's into really criminal shit.
Since then, friends of mine who are also friends with R (because he's a friend of X still, for some reason), haven't been replying to me as much anymore and I'm super sensitive to noticing these things, at first I told myself it was nothing, but there's an obvious decrease in our interactions. I can't help but think that X actually said bad stuff about me, and R didn't want me to know, or maybe X convinced R that I was a terrible person or something. I still haven't read X's reply to me because I genuinely do not want to interact with them ever again, but for the past few days I've been so angry and hurt by my other friend's actions that I can't help but want to blame them, since this all started when I left them.
AITA for dropping a friend because their interests made me SEVERELY uncomfortable? I don't know what to do.
What are these acronyms?
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ridreamir · 9 months
If you're still taking requests, could I ask for some general HCs for Kieran and maybe Drayton that take place at bb academy? If not feel free to ignore this :)
A/N: Hey! Yeah of course! I'm struggling to write the Kieran fic because I think I'm way in over my head (I'm freezin' up lol the pressure to figure it out is getting to me) so I guess I can take a break and write some headcanons instead!
I'll write for 'em both, but it's post-DLC, I hope you don't mind! Potential spoilers ahead!
These ones are a little silly in retrospect! I did em fast too, so I hope they're not too bad :p
Kieran's secretly your top fan. Not that you notice because there's no way he'd let you catch him, but he's literally dropped what he was doing to run to the entrance of the academy because your name was announced over the intercom. If you're having a match he'll actually full speed sprint to through the school just to be there, but any time you look over he instinctively hides, flush with embarrassment. You don't come and visit him in his dorm room often since you're on such different schedules, but he's had to flip over his pinboard and hide his piles of notes because they're all about you and trying to understand your strategies and, well, other things... His sister won't stop bugging him about it 'bein' weird', but she knows he's flat obsessed with trying to figure you out! The league club has a social media that posts all of your recent matches, and he's had to beg Carmine to show him how to use the phone app because he's new to having a smart phone and Arceus does he have to watch every single one. He didn't even want a phone until now, but he can't believe he's been missing out all this time. No wonder everyone has one of these things! She was reluctant, but it's Kiki after all... It should be fine, right? Well... that was before all the pinboards and sticky note nonsense that looks straight out of a detective movie or something. He's the type to not like posts because he's scared of what you might think, but accidentally hit the heart button on a match from like a month ago. He definitely drops his phone on his face and panics, trying to undo it as fast as he can. Little does he realize that it's actually Lacey who's in charge of the social media account and not you, and also that she can see who's the most active on the page.
She thinks it's cute, and since she loves cute things, she's letting it be for now. She's always giggling and hiding her smile when he pops into the clubroom to check and see if you're there. Most of the time though he ends up running off before he can say hi because he doesn't want to talk to Drayton.
Since he's gotten the phone he hasn't stopped checking it and he smiles like an idiot any time he thinks he's alone. (News flash, he's really bad at hiding what he's doing. Like he could be in the middle of the cafeteria where everyone sees him watching your battles back to back like they're a tv series.) The only reason nobody really thinks much of it is because you're practically a celebrity and not even just in the Academy but, like, big time. And Kieran is probably one of the only people to not know because he's been so chronically offline. You act so low-key, talking to someone like him like he's just, just another person that it's shocking news to find out that the whole world has probably heard your name by now! As in, his (best?) friend!! (Friend??) It gets kind of annoying now how people follow you around asking to take photos with you like you're some kind of, of tourist attraction and not a person! But there's only one thing that's worse, and it's-
"Hey bud, ready to battle?" Drayton! Kieran's... Kieran's... worst nightmare!! Drayton's gotten really buddy-buddy with you over the time that Kieran and Carmine were on break, and he's not happy about it. Unfortunately for him, Drayton's all too aware of Kieran's contempt and loves to push his buttons. As if calling him "Ex-Champ" all the time wasn't enough, you've been helping him with his homework and sparring together every day! What he wouldn't do for you to spend that much time with him...
And it grinds his gears how often Drayton nudges you or ruffles your hair like you're some sort of pet, though you never see the way their pupils shrink at the sight of each other. Kieran here, hiding behind whatever he can to stay out of sight and Drayton who knows that he's there and makes direct eye contact with him. It's infuriating the way his smile quirks just a little when he catches Kieran spying.
As if he's saying look all you want, look at what you can't have.
And Kieran takes that as a challenge.
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sam-blackbird · 7 months
An analyse of Umbrella Academy s4's posters (beware of s3 spoilers, ofc)
Hi! Today, the official Umbrella Academy Instagram account published season 4 posters, and since I'm very excited about this, I'm gonna try to analyse the posters, or what I can tell about them.
It's going to be long so grab a snack if you want / can, put on a cool playlist, and let's dive down! I'm going to do it poster by poster, in the order it was posted, from the oldest post to the newest (so not in numeral order).
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We can notice that the characters are cut in two, the Portal way.
Anyway. First of all: Viktor !
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Ngl, I had a moment when I saw he had the masculine uniform.
But past my joyful moment, my mind went racing so fast I couldn't keep it down, I had to share my thoughts (even if there may be only one person reading me, but whatever).
First thing first, it's interesting that the first one isn't Luther but Viktor, who is, the main character of the show (or at least, that's how I see it). Or a least the most important one. (if the last scene is Viktor ending his reading of his new book, about his siblings, not only would it be a fucking good epanadiplosis but it would make me cry the hell out of me)
After all, the show open with him, following him. And nothing would happen if it wasn't for him. He's the one trying to get the family stick together, and (unwillingly) starting apocalypse (twice or thrice, shit happens).
Let's focus on the poster now. On the left, we have a clothing reminding us of the Umbrella Academy days, or rather the "how it was before the show", except they are adult, and Viktor is here shown post-transition (and not pre-, as he was in the first two seasons). What does that mean? Fuck if I know. That being said, I think it have its importance (if they wanted to put children instead, they would have, wouldn't they?). However, we can note that he is not wearing neither the boy shorts (nor girl's skirt, for obvious reasons), but some secretly third option, aka a grey pant (is it the sport pant?). He is standing out himself, as a trans man (not wearing a skirt, yet not wearing the boy uniform either, as if he wasn't fully in that category somehow? idk).
Viktor's posture is straight (lol), and I associate it with being calm, obedient (he listen to everything Reginald says (ex: take these pills), and since Reginald is perceived as a father figure, it makes sense that Viktor wants to obey him, maybe hoping he (Viktor) will be loved and recognized as valuable). And also with being like a puppet. Or a muppet. The point is: He's not free of his movement, he doesn't have free will.
His face doesn't look happy. Nor sad. Just... neutral. He's just... there.
On the right, we can't see his face, yet his posture seems way more relaxed! He's wearing casual clothes, more modern ones, adapted to the world without powers they're now seems to live at the end of season 3.
His looks reminds me of the one of Tyler Ronan from Tell Me Why, a game by the studio Don't Nod (I fucking love that game). Both characters are trans man.
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(These are pictures of Tyler)
Anyway. Casual clothes. Blue, like the uniform. I won't analyse that, this post is already long enough.
Tbh, I haven't saw again the last episode of season 3, so I don't remember if it was the clothes they were wearing or new ones.
Also, Viktor is holding an umbrella in his right hand, probably a reference to the Umbrella days. Like, it's a part of him, he can't leave it behind, he physically have it with him (even if he doesn't have the power).
And the Umbrella is closed, unlike the ones from the previous seasons's posters.
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Like, season 2's were opened (and full), and season 3's were opened and damaged (and they were hiding the protagonists' faces, showing implicitly the influence of the academy on them).
Next one, Luther !
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We almost can see his face on the right!
But anyway, let's start by the left. Luther is walking, straight, in what could be either a military walk or a relaxed one (? don't quote me on this please, I can't explain). His posture screams "confidence" and "I'm number one, I'm a leader, follow me!". Or something like that, I'm no posture reader, just someone who watched way too much police and detective shows. He's wearing the Umbrella uniform (and it's so fucking weird to see it on a grown ass man!). His hair are cut short.
On the right, he's wearing a more casual look. There's something going one with his arm muscles, but I can't be bother to search what. His hair are longer than on the left. He is wearing gloves and an umbrella, and walking shoes. His umbrella is cutting his name (does it have some symbolism? Maybe.)
He's still wearing blue (like Viktor), even if it's a different kind of blue (and it kinda fit him).
Nothing more to add. (yes, I have my favorites, and despite liking Luther, I won't kill my eyesight anymore than necessary for details).
Next! Diego!
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Let me preface this by saying that it's so fucking weird to see him in that uniform. On the left, he's walking like a good little soldier, following the leader.
On the right, he's the embodiment of a relax guy who can (and will) definitely yeet you out of the picture if needed. He's not wearing anything casual. It's more like a killer / soldier clothes, with his precious knifes.
He's holding the Umbrella on the shoulder, as if he can't be bothered with it (and/ or he's gonna use it as a weapon).
Next! Not number 3, but the one who's linked to Diego! Lila!
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Love that she's officially "Lila Hargreeves".
The left outfit is like the one she had in season 2 when she was with the Handler and stuff about her past was revealed (so interesting and meaningful choice of outfit). Her heels are thin, as if she wasn't stable (with her life situation and all).
Yet, on the right, her heels are thicker, more stable to move (she's more free to go).
Her clothes are modern and the flowers fit her really well, I might say. Her hair are put up, like the active badass woman she is. They're brown again, and not white/ blond anymore, it's more natural.
She overall looks like a business woman, with a casual chic.
She too, is holding an umbrella, which make her fully part of the family. She hold it casually.
Next, another girl: Allison.
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Ngl, I'm no big fan of hers, so this will be short.
On the left, she's confidently wearing her UA (Umbrella Academy) uniform. Her hand move don't really feel natural (saying this as someone who sometimes draws human beings). Her hair are like the one from season 1.
On the right, she looks like a business woman and a mom. Her posture looks aslo determined, while relaxed. She have business to do, and no one will stop/ prevent her from doing so!
Girl power and all that.
(I'm trying, I really can't stand how her character was wrote during season 3)
Neeeeext! Let's go with one of my fav, Klaus!
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I have to say, it is criminal that a) his hair are short on th right side (loved his long hair) and b) where's the skirt?! He slayed in it! Anyway.
On the left, his walking looks very mechanical, as if he was a machine, a robot (lol) (I won't do any joke about Grace). Yet, his posture his not natural (no one walks naturally torso in one way and legs in another, if that makes some sense).
His eyes are closed. Why are his eyes closed? Idk. Maybe he closing his eyes on what happened during the UA days. Maybe it’s symbolizing his absence of choice. His face is still, resigned, accepting his fate. Maybe to show he’s kinda dead inside?
Klaus had always been closed to death, more or less metaphorically speaking, as he can see ghosts (= dead people, or what remains of them).
His hair is all over the place, reminding the crazy days he had to get fucking blasted to avoid said ghosts.
Right side is colorful. He's beauty, he's grace, WHERE ARE HIS HAIR?! No but more seriously, cutting one's own hair symbolise change in many culture, and more specifically letting go of the past, embracing new beginnings, and/ or undergoing spiritual or personal transformations. I have no idea how to interpret that.
He seems to float, to ascend (plz don't kill him). He is bare foot (bare feet? idk) (fun fact: in the comics, he could only use his power when sober and with bare feet) (I won't go down the rabbit hole of barefoot symbolism and its link with death, I'm not mentally well enough to do that).
He his wearing a yellow coat with flowers (flowers, like Lila!). Yellow is associated with joy, fest, sun (and Klaus is a comic relief, a feel good sunshine character), and flower, life. (again, plz don't kill him)
What reinforce that idea of tragedy is that the umbrella he's wearing is the only one who isn't black: it's the umbrella he was holding during Reggie's funeral in s1. Plus, he's holding it with three fingers out. What's the meaning of three? Idk. Maybe it’s for Allison? Maybe it has a link with God (the Christian one)? Yk, Holy Trinity and all that. After all, doesn't Klaus met God (the little girl in the afterlife) regularly?
Does that look good or bad for Klaus? No idea.
Speaking about looking good, Ben is back, alive. I won' t go far enough to say "well", but he's alive.
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On the left, he's standing straight, walking in a unnatural posture. Following only.
On the right, he is bend (idk why tho) forward (his hips are forward his shoulders, curbing like a closing bracket). His clothes are casual (and looking alike the one Viktor had been wearing during s3). His umbrella also cut his name (like Luther's). He's a Vans' boy!
(please, no mustache for him)
We can't see if he's wearing glasses or not.
Last of the Hargreeves kids (if you count Lila as one, and if not, last one of the power-gifted Hargreeves): Five.
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On the left, his posture is haughty. His hands are in his pants pockets. He know what he wants, he is very sure of himself, maybe because he thinks he is better than everyone (he can think that, given what happened) (some might even say he have a bratty attitude, but I'll answer, well have you seen him during season 1???)
(my personal theory is that he is bend forward to be smaller on the left than on the right, because he appears to be)
On the right, he left the UA uniform for a more formal suit (some call it 'the grandpa / old man suit'). His hair are longer.
He's walking down like he had no shit to give anymore (he doesn't) and he's ready to throw hands (he totally his).
HOLY (S)HIT HE'S HOLDING THE UMBRELLA IN HIS RIGHT HAND! Why? Why is he te only one wearing the umbrella on the other hand? Is it to accentuate his difference with his siblings (+ Lila)? Is it to show how differently he see his time at the UA an how differenlty he uses his powers? I mean, given he didn't spend as much time in the UA as the rest of them, ofc his vision and perception of the UA is different. Even his vision of time is different.
Or he’s just left-handed.
And now, BEWARE! THE REGINALD JUMPSCARE! (or is it scare jump? Anyway, I've been working on this post for more than an hour and a half, plz be indulgent, it's late and the day had been long)
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On the left, we see the whole umbrella for the firs time on these posters. Said umbrella is closed but not entirely (it could be open anytime).
Reggie is wearing a lilac/ purple suit, which is a color hard to dye (so it costed a lot and was reserved for royalty / rich ppl before industrialization and the use of chemical products for clothes dye; and we know Reggie arrived/ was on Earth on 19th c., so during the industrialization). He is “young” looking (like he was in the 60s), and seems well assorted (who tf have two jacket pockets on the same side tho?)
On the right, he's old and wearing a brown suit. Brown can symbolize the Earth, which can provide: ppl are depend on it to eat and therefore survive. In a way, he was a Earth for his children, as they were dependent on him (does that makes him a good father? Absolutely not!). (that thought, of Reggie being a Earth, is funny given he is an alien / an extraterrestrial being)
And if you put them all in order, you get :
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(notice how Klaus's picture / posture melt greatly in Five's?)
And that's it! Damn, that was long. Don't hesitate to let me know what you think about all of that in the comment!
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theminecraftbee · 3 years
AU where Grian didn't leave the dragon egg behind on the rocket and Boatem has to deal with a baby dragon in the void?
"Hey guys," Grian says.
That, Pearl thinks, is a dangerous tone of voice. Not dangerous in the 'Grian is about to make up new games' sort of way, or even dangerous in the 'Grian has had more cows on his side of the void' than me way - Pearl has been winning the cow game, by the way, and she will continue this streak that she definitely actually has control over - but in a far more concerning sort of dangerous way.
That tone of voice is dangerous in the way of 'we have been trying not to talk about the revelation Impulse gave us the other day, or our general lack of food/hope/way out, and whatever he's about to say is going to rub up against that somehow'. That tone of voice is dangerous in the way of Grian doesn't want to talk about it but is anyway.
"Yes?" says Scar cheerfully, either entirely failing to pick up the tone Pearl had, or deliberately ignoring it.
"How mad would you be if I said I was hiding something?"
"I would kill you," Mumbo says.
Everyone looks at him for a moment. His expression is light. Pearl mentally says a prayer for Grian. F.
"Right," says Grian. "So, hypothetically, if I were to tell you I kept the dragon egg -"
"Hypothetically, I would kill you," agrees Mumbo.
"Hm. Maybe I shouldn't say that it's hatching then."
Pearl blinks. "Oh, it won't have a suit."
"Technically neither do we," Impulse says.
"Thanks," says Pearl, trying not to look at the crack in her suit.
"No problem!"
"I'm just saying, though. Your hypothetical dragon won't have a suit. What if it gets cold?"
"Don't dragons live in the End?" counters Impulse. "Dragons don't normally wear suits there."
"I mean, we don't either," says Mumbo. "Should we? Maybe that's why Endermen attack us. Because we aren't wearing suits. I don't think that makes sense, but it could. Maybe I should test that. Someone normally builds a nice enderman farm, so if I tested it -"
"I think dragons don't breathe," says Scar.
"What?" says Grian, baffled. "No, wait, focus. So, my hypothetical dragon egg is hatching -"
"It'll be so cold and alone," Pearl says.
"Where do you think we'll be?" Grian says.
"I mean, if I were a baby dragon, I would not want to be here with you all," Mumbo says.
"Mood," Impulse adds.
"AS I WAS SAYING," Grian says. "My hypothetical dragon egg is hatching. Should we like... make a plan?"
"How?" Pearl asks.
All five of them contemplate this for several minutes. Pearl considers their options. They've all only gotten somewhat better at moving. Maybe a dragon, with its wings, would be better at moving than they are? There's not really air. Actually, maybe Mumbo had a point - does the End have air? How did they breathe there? Maybe the suits have been a placebo all along, for real, instead of anything else happening? Anyway, she's not sure how to make a plan. Not that she can't plan. Several well-executed pranks indicate otherwise. No, it's that she has no plan-making tools on hands, and four other idiots to account for. These are not ideal planning circumstances. These are, in fact, anti-planning circumstances.
They're interrupted from contemplating how to make a plan when there's a very audible cracking noise. Pearl reaches instinctively for the cracks on her helmet, but they continue to do nothing, just as they have since she noticed them.
Instead, there's a tiny chirp as a dragon crawls out of Grian's pocket.
"Aw," Pearl says, all thoughts of plans leaving her mind. "I didn't know they'd be so cute as babies. Oh, I need to teach you to fly upside-down. Who's a sweet little thing?"
"Pearl," says Grian, faintly. "Pearl that dragon doesn't look right."
Pearl looks up. "What on earth do you mean? It's an ADORABLE dragon. Don't insult it."
"Pearl," Grian says again. "Guys. You all see it, don't you?"
The dragon blinks its five, pitch-black eyes and mewls.
"Yeah, that doesn't look right," agrees Impulse.
Pearl huffs. "Stop being mean to it. Come here, sweetie."
"It's leaking black goop," Mumbo says.
"It's a baby!" Pearl says, holding out her arms. "I will teach you to fly upside-down, yes I will, yes I will..."
"I am definitely going to kill you," Mumbo says to Grian as Pearl begins to scratch under the baby dragon's chin.
"You know, that's fair," Grian says.
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On Maxima
Every time DC wants to put Supes in a relationship with someone other than Lois, I always wonder why they don't just go with Maxima.
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Especially since she's basically what they turn Diana into every time they try to hook the two of them up. Why not just go with the actual Superman Rogue/supporting character who is also a warrior-queen? Who is already almost as violent as she is horny, forcing Clark to try to get her to chill out, even as he's tempted to join her? If it isn't already clear, I like Maxima. Her character archetype, the supervillainess who tempts the hero with sex appeal, is one that's pretty damn popular for obvious reasons. Also for obvious reasons, this kind of character can provoke a backlash nowadays.
Personally I think she can still work just fine, she just needs some revamp. The basics of her character and backstory are still solid and offer storytelling potential. She's the Queen of the alien Empire of Almerac. Maxima is drawn to Superman because of his power. The real big fix is changing why she's attracted to his power, and why she came to Earth in the first place, shifting it away from eugenics to something else.
What I'd Do With Maxima
So I'm going to take some cues from the DCAU incarnation of Maxima in that the reason she seeks Superman out is because she's been deposed.
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DCAU Maxima got deposed after she met Superman, but she lost her throne because her people judged her too self-absorbed and immature to lead them. Which she totally was, and changing that formed the crux of her character development over the course of the episode. I'd take a similar route with reworking comics Maxima's backstory.
Maxima has just taken the throne when the Interstellar Empire of Almerac comes under the assault of Mongul of Warworld. Crushing Almerac's defenses, Mongul gives the world an ultimatum: Turn over a selection of their greatest fighters to fight for Almerac's continued right to exist in Mongul's gladiator arenas or he'll reduce the entire planet to ashes. He also demands a sizeable portion of the population be turned over as slaves tasked with keeping Warworld running, and he wants Maxima to be among those slaves as a symbol of Mongul's authority over Almerac. Maxima angrily refuses, but her people don't trust in her leadership on account of her youth and immaturity, and Maxima is overthrown. She's handed over for transport to Warworld, but while en route she breaks free and seizes control of the transport. Alone and without allies, Maxima sets a course for Earth to seek out the one person she's heard is a match for the Lord of Warworld: Superman.
Only interested at first in his power, and planning to use and dispose of him afterwards, Maxima at first presents herself to Clark as a potential mate. Her hope is that will entice him to support her on what could be a suicide mission, and that offering power and wealth via marriage will cement his loyalty. Being betrayed by her subjects still stings her though she takes great pains to pretend otherwise. Superman turns down the marriage offer, but agrees to follow her to take down Mongul and free Almerac. The two travel back to Almerac which is in the midst of choosing who will fight on Warworld. Clark pretends to be a native of Almerac and is chosen as one of the champions. Initially planning to stay on Almerac and purge those who betrayed her while Clark fights on Warworld, Maxima chooses to give herself up to Mongul, after he announces that he will be vaporizing an entire continent as punishment for the Almeracans failure to turn her over to him. Amused at her compassion for those who betrayed her, Mongul adds Maxima to the roster of gladiators, and she departs with Clark to the arenas.
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Over the course of a series of battles, Maxima and Clark butt heads, watch each other's backs, and gradually fall in love with each other. Maxima admires Clark's resolve, restraint, and maturity, traits she's forced to admit she lacked. She's skeptical of his idealism however, seeing it as a flaw that undermines his effectiveness, particularly when it comes to killing. Clark admires Maxima's passion, bravery, and refusal to settle for anything less than the best in anyone including herself. All traits that make him ponder if perhaps she does have it in her to be a good leader. He dislikes her arrogance and entitlement however, particularly when it comes to her royal right to rule. A frequent source of fights between the two is whether the common person should have any voice in government with Maxima scoffing at that and point at how the mob gave in to Mongul, with Clark countering that Almeracans had long felt unheard and cut off from their rulers. Obviously that they're both super hot doesn't hurt as part of why they end up sleeping together.
Ultimately through a series of events Superman and Maxima succeed in freeing Almerac and driving Mongul away. Then everything promptly goes to hell. Having fallen for Clark for real over the course of their adventure, Maxima repeats her offer to him of marriage, except genuinely this time.
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The two have had sex a couple times already, and Clark is genuinely tempted at the prospect of sticking with Maxima. He's grown to enjoy her company (having sex tends to do that), he enjoys the freedom to be himself without having to hide his powers, the Almeracans embrace him as their champion, and as Maxima's consort he could take an active hand in shaping society. At the point in Clark's career where I'd want to do this story, he's growing out of his youthful rage, but he's still not at peace with his lot in life. Earth's inability to meaningfully change at the pace he wants frustrates him, and leaving behind the restrictions of life there does entice him. My point is that I think the appeal of Maxima to Superman should and can be more than just breeding little Clarks as has been the case in the past.
However Clark ultimately rejects the offer. He can't bring himself to cut ties with Earth, Maxima's unwillingness to cede some of her power to her people isn't something Clark can accept, and Clark is also concerned that taking up her offer would compromise his ability to be a hero. As you would expect, Maxima is pissed at his refusal, treating it as another stab in the back. Due to his help in freeing her people and reclaiming her throne, she spares his life but exiles him from Almerac, declaring him persona non grata throughout the Empire.
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Unbeknownst to Clark, who leaves after it's made clear the Almeracans don't want a civil war, Maxima is pregnant with his child. The child allows her to avoid entering into a political marriage, maintaining her independence since she now has a heir. This daughter will be groomed in hidden to take over the Empire, which Maxima now has plans to expand. The humiliation Mongul visited upon Almerac has had a big impact on her mindset. Now she's focused on eliminating any potential threats to her people, and she wants to transform Almerac into the greatest Interstellar Empire in the Milky Way. Then it will never be at the mercy of a foreign power ever again.
For stories, Superman and Maxima are clearly going to clash given she's become an imperialist herself, no better than Mongul. You can tell stories about Clark foiling Maxima's attempts to conquer other worlds, or Earth itself. Maxima would occasionally dispatch assassins or go personally to attack Clark, for the purpose of preventing him from getting "soft". The public reason for this is that he's become a roadblock to her aims, and needs to be eliminated. Secretly, her goal is to constantly push him to be stronger because she wants him to meet his daughter one day. Not for any sentimental reasons mind you, Maxima wants Superman to teach their daughter to be his equal in ability and resourcefulness. After learning everything she can from Clark, said daughter will be charged with leading the invasion of Earth. Conquering Earth, and defeating Superman, will be the girl's rite of passage into cementing herself as Maxima's heir. The world of her father, Superman, is destined to be her own Throneworld as Almerac's is Maxima's.
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Think you could have a lot of fun in giving Clark a "Damian" of his own to deal with. Personally I'd have it so that the "daughter" would be akin to the New 52 Maxima who I thought had some potential. You could have Maxima and Maxima Jr. argue about the morality of Almerac's expansion, with MJ ultimately taking her father's side which causes enormous problems for her mother since she can't disown her daughter without a replacement heir. I think that could be a fun family dynamic to explore.
Wondering where Maxima will show up next. Part of me was hoping Almerac was that part of underdeveloped Superman lore PKJ talked about fleshing out, but that seems to be either Warworld or the Phantom Zone. I still think Maxima and Almerac have a lot of potential to be major players in Superman's world, but it's going to take someone being interested in fleshing them out. Maybe the upcoming Superman cartoon will accomplish that? If not I'll just have to hope someone will down the line.
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hotpotrandomfics · 3 years
Karaoke Shenanigans ft. Weiss
Arsené: so we are really doing this?
Weiss: we lost the that foolish game because of you, you dolt!
Arsené: typical Schnee not taking accountability for themselves. Bite me!
Weiss: why you scoundrel-
Yang: are you two gonna argue and make out or sing?
Blake: please don’t stoke the fire. I really don’t want to get kicked out for potential property damage.
Ruby: come oooon! I wanna hear you sing!
*Arsené sighing hit the play button on karaoke machine, handing Weiss a microphone while he turned on his own*
Arsené: You stitch your dreams, but they'll never hold… You're falling by the wayside… Falling by the wayside… Down you go!!!
*instrumental begins to pick up*
Arsené: There is so much you could be… Endless possibilities… Shake my hand, don't be naive~
*Arsené begins circling around Weiss as she stares nonchalantly*
Arsené: Now you can trust me~ I see potential in your future, we can agree~ I have credentials that you don't, your want is a need~ So if you'd like to try and help us, baby, redeem~ Can't you hear it in my voice?
Weiss: I don't understand what's in it for you~
Arsené: There's no motive, I just wanna make your dreams come true~
Weiss: So why does my heart tell me not to trust, you're only bad news~
Arsené: Well, maybe you should smile, you're never fully dressed, it's your debut~ Now hang the banners, welcome all those on the outside~
Weiss: I'll show compassion and they'll see their future's in sight~
Arsené: Yeah, nothing can go wrong, our deal is sealed air tight~
*Weiss and Arsené make eye contact “the battle has begun”*
Weiss and Arsené: If you wanna feel alive~ We could set the world alight~ There is so much you could be if only you'd join me~ We make one hell of a team~ You are wicked like a torturous dream~ Like a sweet calamity~ There is so much you could be if only you'd join me~ We make one hell of a team~!
Weiss: You're really quite persuasive~ A killer salesman, you try but you cannot hide~ Your inner demon, I know my dreams are hopeful~ But they're not stupid, you treat me like a child~ Lost in delusion~
*Weiss points her index in an accusatory manner which Arsené slyly grins at*
Weiss: But I see you, all of you, clearer than I ever have~ Stone cold, with no soul, loneliness your only friend~ Get it in your head, you're never gonna change me~!
Arsené: No, I only wanna set you free~
Weiss and Arsené: If you wanna feel alive~ We could set the world alight~ There is so much you could be if only you'd join me~ We make one hell of a team~ You are wicked like a torturous dream~ Like a sweet calamity~ There is so much you could be if only you'd join me~ We make one hell of a team~!
Weiss: I'm not who you see~ I know my destiny and~ That girl you see~ Will stay a dream~
Arsené: You're stuck somewhere between and~ You're fraying at the seams and~ The girl you wanna be~ Will stay a dream~
Weiss: Noooooo~
Weiss and Arsené: If you wanna feel alive~ We could set the world alight~ There is so much you could be if only you'd join me~ We make one hell of a team~ You are wicked like a torturous dream~ Like a sweet calamity~ There is so much you could be if only you'd join me~ We make one hell of a team~!
Weiss and Arsené: We make one hell of a team~ Make one hell of a team!
Yang: holy shit…
Blake: that was..
Ruby: amazing!
Ren: I agree, looks like they do make-
Weiss: don’t you dare!
Nora: “one hell of a team!”
Jaune: I didn’t think Arsené can sing. That’s what surprised me honestly.
Arsené: why’s that?
Pyrrha: not to be rude but since you know?
Arsené: know what?
Jaune: you were a bandit, dude!
Arsené: ugh.
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iamyoursinblog · 4 years
Find you
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Pairing: Park Jinyoung x Reader x Im Jaebeom
Genre: fluff
Word Count: 3,1 k
Part: [ 1] [ 2] [ 3 ] [ 3.5 ] [ 4 ] [ ]
 POV Jinyoung
"Run to the library quickly. You've got three seconds!" he hissed into the tube and passed out. He hid behind the book row, looking out the side of the window.
He went to the library to give the book away. Turning to the exit, girl in a red sweater catch his attention, who sitting on a table near the window. He didn't immediately believe his eyes. But it was definitely you! It was their chance with Jaebeom to meet you. So he's acting like he's in a spy movie right now. He got amused because he was acting like a teenager. A minute later, Jaebeom appeared in the doorway, breathing heavily. He ran to the door and grabbed Jaebeom for jacket dragged to the place where he was hiding before.
"What a jerk? What are you doing? Why such urgency?" Jaebeom wanted to keep talking, but Jinyoung covered his mouth with his hand.
"Shut up already!" whispered Jinyoung
He pointed with his finger on the window where you was sitting. Jaebeom turned his head and froze when he saw you. He almost laughed with Jaebeom's reaction. You really act on them just as much. He turned his eyes to you. You sat and read the book. You were wearing reading glasses, and your fingers were playing with strands of your hair. How can someone look so depraved just by reading a book in a library. He rested his forehead in Jaebeom's shoulder. How can he handle it?
"She definitely loves red," Jaebeom said, looking at you.
"Was she also in red when you first saw her? When I met her she was wearing a red dress." he replied
"When I met her, she was wearing a red suit, " said Jaebeom
"We have to approach her," he said, though he lacked the courage to do so.
"Yes, come on," Jaebeom replied. But a few minutes passed, and none of them budged. They looked at each other and giggled. They were arguing over who should go first, turning their heads, they saw that your place was empty. They ran out into the middle of the hall looking around.
"Damn, it's all your fault" Jinyoung slammed Jaebeom on the shoulder.
They ran out into the hallway. "There" Jinyoung pointed to the end of the corridor where you turned the corner. They ran there. Turning the corner, Jaebeom abruptly stopped. Jinyoung crashed into Jaebeom, causing them to fall.
"Why the hell did you stop so abruptly?" Jinyoung said shoving Jaebeom. But Jaebeom did not react at all, looking at the wall. He turned his head and sat down again on the floor, losing his balance. You stood near the wall with your arms folded on your chest, and you watched them on top of your glasses. You squatted, looking at them.
"So that's who was staring at me in the library. I think I've seen you before." "And you too" you pointed your finger at Jaebeom. "Too many coincidences to be an accident," you said before getting up.
"We liked your coffee shop. So we decided to meet each other," said Jaebeom, and got to his feet, giving Jinyoung's hand.
"And you go by promo of 1+1. Meet one, the other as a gift?" you chuckled.
"Yes, and you are against it? I think the offer is very profitable." replied Jinyoung.
"I'm sure you won't regret it" added Jaebeom
"Sorry, but we have to go, miss" the guy in the black suit appeared next to you.
"Yes, let's go," you told to the guy. "It was nice to meet them, 1+1" you looked at them from head to toe, before turning and going to the exit.
"I think we just screwed up," he laughed as he continued to look at you. He looked out the window watching you get in the car before getting out of sight. He turned and saw that Jaebeom was still looking out the window.
"But she remembered us, even though we came separately," Jaebeom turned his eyes to him. "So there's a chance."
"You don't think we've been playing in 'good guys' for too long..." he said, moving away from the window, "Come on, Mark is waiting for us."
They went to the restaurant where Mark was waiting for them. They said hello and made an order.
"Mark, remember that coffee shop you told me to go to?" asked Jaebeom.
"Yes, I thought you'd like it there, they've got a lot of interesting books." answered Mark
"Books are the only reason why you told me to go there." asked Jinyoung
"Yes, and what? You can't just get there. Nobody knows about them, only those who have been told about this by a person who has already been there can come there."
"Do you know the girl in red who works there in the second hall?" asked Jinyoung.
"I know" laughed Mark "But only she is not an employee, she is the owner."
"Tell us about her" asked Jinyoung
"Forget about it. She's not in our league. I'm even afraid to turn to her once again when she's at the bar. I've never met anyone like her. I heard that if you post on the Internet about this coffee shop, it's gone in a minute. She seems to have too much power. Even the two guys who work there, they're not bartenders, they're security guards."
"I've only seen one guy," Jaebeom said
'Me too' confirmed Jinyoung
"The second guy is on sick leave. One of the new customers recently got drunk and threw a glass in her direction, but the bartender stood in front of her and the glass crashed against his head. Usually in such cases there is began a panic, even me feel uncomfortable, but she looked like she saw it every day. A minute later, the customer was entered by security, and she calmly pulled shards of glass from his wound until an ambulance arrived." Mark shook his head "I have to go, see you later" he said, looking at his watch.
"Yes, see you" replied Jaebeom
'She's really something,' he thought to himself. And how do they deal with that. If he had the idea of hiring someone to find out more about her, now he realizes that it could be dangerous.
"Can we hire someone to find out who she is?" asked Jaebeom when Mark left.
"I've thought about it too, but now I'm not sure it's a good idea. Judging by what Mark said about her, she learns that she is being watched for 5 minutes, and in next five will know who exactly do it".
"Why don't we go to the coffee shop tomorrow?" asked Jaebeom.
"She certainly won't communicate with us there. It seems that she often visits the library, it is necessary to meet with her in neutral territory"
"It feels like we're discussing a takeover of a company, not an acquaintance with a girl." laughed Jaebeom
They came home with the hope that they could meet you again.
You were sitting in your office, the day was too busy. You smiled remembering those two guys outside the library. They seemed too innocent. You picked up the phone and dialed the number.
"My goodness. I never thought I'd be able to hear your beautiful voice again." answered male voice
"Too much sarcasm, from someone like you" you answered
"I just thought you were on the side of the angels now. Although it's safer for them if you're on their side."
"You've forgotten, I'm always on my side" you grinned.
"Closer to the point, baby. I don't think you called to find out how I was doing. Who should be found?"
"I sent pictures to your mail." You selected some screenshots from the surveillance camera in the coffee shops and clicked send.
"Ok. Will you come to see me sometime?"
"Have you forgotten? I'm kind of on the side of the angels," you said, and hung up.
A few days later you were sitting in a car looking at the pictures. 'They're really 1+1,' you thought. Always together, live together, even their families are friends. You read the name of the companies that their families own, they seemed too familiar. You took out your phone and opened your mother's letter, which had blind dating candidates. After scrolling through the list, you found two familiar names. 'Best in everything' you grinned. You kept looking at the photo, from home, from the car, from the workout, from the restaurants. You stopped at the last photo "This is more interesting" you said and laughed. You put the last photo in the envelope and put it in your bag. "Get rid of it" you passed the rest of the photos to the driver.
"Yes, Miss"
"I'll be on my own for a few days. I want to check something."
"Okay, miss. I'll be in the coffee shop. Drive your car from home?"
"My father didn't burn it after I refused to be part of the family business?"
He smiled, "He's probably still hoping that in a few years you'll change your mind. As far as I know there were no restrictions on your account"
"A couple of years? Hmm, maybe I'll change my mind" you got out of the car and went towards the library.
You've never been in a crowded place, unnecessarily. You felt like someone was looking at you all the time. When you went out and turned the corner, you heard quick steps in your direction. You wondered who might have been chasing you, so you decided to stop and see. But you didn't expect it to be your clients. You barely kept a smile when they fell in front of you. It's been a long time since you've been entertained. You've decided to see what'll happens.
You went into the library and sat down at your favorite place by the big window. You opened the book and started reading, it always calmed you down. It was a little escape to a made-up world. That's why you opened this coffee shop for those who wanted a break from the outside world.
"Excuse me, can I meet with you?" You looked away from the book and turned to the sound source. There was a nice guy in his 20s, standing in front of you, with a bright smile, holding out a drink for you. Apparently your look was too dissatisfied because you were distract from reading. That's why the guy apologized a few times and putting the drink next to you disappeared from view. You looked closely at the drink before you went back to your book. You heard laughter at the next table. Turned your head you saw two students who giggled and whispered, looking in your direction. Apparently today you will not be allowed to read quietly. You took a deep breath trying not to kill these girls mentally. You were too annoyed by the people who were discussing you behind your back, you could have seen us differently before. But as you were reminded recently, you're on the side of the angels. 'Devil pretends an angel' you laughed at the thought. After looking at the hall, you made sure that those you wanted to see were not here. You got up from your seat and went between the book rows to get the book back in place. You turned on your heels and headed for the exit. When you went into the library, you noticed a coffee shop, you decided to wait for your car there. You were hoping there wouldn't be too many people there at that time. When you got to the place, you went inside, and was happy because only a few tables were occupied. You sit on a table by the window from which you can see the parking lot, and you made an order. You feeling the vibration and picked up the phone.
"Your car will be in half an hour"
You smiled that your wait wouldn't last long.
POV Jaebeom
He was reaching the entrance to the library when he saw Jinyoung standing in front of the entrance.
"Well, what went in search?" said Jinyoung, when Jaebeom came closer.
"People already think we live in the library," he laughed. They were walking past the coffee shop when the red clothes in the window caught his attention. He didn't believe his eyes right away. You were wearing a red smock ruffle blouse and short black shorts that were naked on your beautiful legs. He stopped, but Jinyoung continued to walk towards the library. Grabbing Jinyoung by the collar he drew to himself.
"Hey, what are you doing?" said Jinyoung, stepping back.
"I think our plans have changed. Let's go and take some coffee."
"What? What coffee? Aren't we..." Jinyoung didn’t finish when he saw you in the window. "Coffee? Great idea, I really want to drink a coffee"
They went inside and quickly made an order. The hall was half empty, you were sitting on the couch at a table near the window and something looked at on the phone, with not very happy look. But then she smiled broadly, and from your smile a wave of trembling passed through his body. I think it's the first time he's seen your sincere smile. They took their order and went to your table.
"Is it not occupied?" he asked, and without waiting for an answer, they sat down on the couch opposite you.
You looked up from the phone and first looked at Jaebeom and then at Jinyoung. "You really are 1+1! But usually people wait for the answer to the question they asked before you take further action." you raised an eyebrow.
"I'm sure it's not occupied here," Jinyoung said.
"Then absolutely loses the meaning of your question, if you were sure that the place is free" you turned your eyes again to your phone.
He just loved what you said. I always left the last word behind me. He laughed.
"I think we started the wrong way," he said with a smile. "Hi. How are you?"
"Great" you answered without even looking at them.
"Isn't it customary to ask in response 'how are you' from the interlocutor" said Jinyoung, taking a sip of coffee
"Even if I'm not really interested?" you asked, finally looking at them.
"Even if you're not interested", Jaebeom smiled.
"How are you?" You fake smiled for a second
"We're great too, thank you for asking," Jinyoung replied, smiling broadly.
"We not introduced each other last time," Jaebeom said.
"Are you talking about the time when you both were lying at my feet" you grinned
"Yes, about that time" replied Jinyoung
"I know yours names"
"You know?" asked Jaebeom
"Yes, I do. 1+1!" You sent a stinging smile to them, and goosebumps ran over his skin. 'What a cute devil' he thought to himself.
Jinyoung laughed loudly, "If you like it, you can call us like that. But for help my name is Jinyoung, and this is my best friend Jaebeom"
"What's your name?" asked Jaebeom
"Why are you trying so hard to meet me?" you asked, taking the phone in your bag and completely switching your attention to them.
"We like you, " calmly replied Jinyoung
"Do you like me? Are you two?"
"Yes. Did you forget, after all, you called us 1 + 1" smiled Jaebeom
"Very interesting couple" you said your thought in loud. You looked intently first at him and then at Jinyoung.
Every time you looked at him with that glance, he seemed to fall in love more and more. "In that case, I have a couple of questions."
"Of course, ask everything you're interested in," Jinyoung replied.
"Are you gay?"
"No" they answered at the same time, and you chuckled. "We like girls. And now we like you," Jaebeom added.
"Are you bisexual?"
"No" they answered and looked at each other
"This time the answer was less confident. Perhaps you yourself do not know the exact answer to it." you said carefully watching their every move. "Have you kissed?" you asked, pointing your finger at them
"No" they answered again together. He heard the vibration of your phone before you took it out of your bag. You picked up the phone, but you didn't produce a word, you just looked out the window and nodded. He looked out the window, too, and saw a guy in a black suit, the same guy they saw in the library hallway.
"Then the last question. Did you want to kiss each other?" your view has changed, now he would have called it piercing through.
"No" they almost responded together, and he was glad that his answer coincided with Jinyoung's response.
You smirked and got out of your seat. So without saying anything, you're gone.
"See you " said Jinyoung to you after
For a few minutes they sat in silence, watching you leave the window. He still felt a tremor in his body from your gaze. Each time your presence caused indescribable emotions. He turned his eyes to Jinyoung and saw all the same emotions on his face as he was experiencing himself.
"I wonder if it's progress?" he said, "She spoke to us, but we still not knew her name."
Jinyoung laughed at his words. "I think it can definitely be called progress"
They had coffee and headed for the exit.
"Sorry" to them spoke the girl behind the bar. "Before going out, the girl you were sitting with asked to pass it on to you" she held out a white envelope and he took it
"Thank you" smiled Jinyoung
He turned the envelope over and saw the inscription in beautiful handwriting:
"Are you sure the answer to the last question is 'no'?"
He opened the envelope and the cold walked through his veins, chaining his whole body in a tight knot when he saw a photograph. It was a screenshot from a surveillance camera. In the pictures, he pressed Jinyoung against a wall in a dark corridor, and their faces were only a few centimetres apart.
"We seem to be in trouble," he said, handing over an envelope with a photo of Jinyoung.
'It's time to stop playing honestly,' he thought. He glanced again at the photograph which jinyoung held with trembling hands, and his face was an unreadable mask.
"Let's go" he put his arms around Jinyoung's shoulders, and headed for the exit. "I think we've been at the club in a long time ago" 
Part: [ 1] [ 2] [ 3 ] [ 3.5 ] [ 4 ] [ ]
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tommyscurls · 5 years
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Michael & Maria + Sweet Home New Mexico
Two ten year olds were running in the desert during a storm, a first kiss that left them figuratively and literally struck by lightning. A kiss that lead them to a wedding at 18, with a groom half drunk and a wife attending her reception by herself with puke down her dress while he slept it off.
They were so in love but too stupid to know what to do with it.
7 years later
Micheal stepped out on his porch to see what his dog was barking about, what he saw was the last person he thought he would ever see, causing him to drop the truck part he was working on.
"Shit" he mumbled under his breath. She was still as beautiful as the day she left him.
"Stop staring and get your stubborn ass down here and give me a divorce" Maria said already annoyed by his presence.
"You show up here after seven years without so much as a "Hey there Micheal, remember me your wife" or a "Hi Honey! Looking good"
Maria stands there taking in his handsome face covered in grime and grease "You expect me to tell you you look good? What, they run out of soap at Walmart since I left?" Wiping the smirk off Michael's face.
He turns to walk back into the house. "What are you doing?" She yells. "Leaving. You should recognize the gesture" Michael says as the screen door shuts.
Maria let's out a huff and stomps up the porch steps "Michael! You dumb, stubborn redneck hick! The only reason you wont sign these papers is because I want you to." Micheal swings back around "Wrong! The only reason I ain't signing them is because you turned into some hoity-toity LA bitch, and I like nothing better to do right now than to piss you off!" He says as he slams the door.
Maria rolls her eyes and starts off to get the spare key.
Maria is sitting on the couch pissed as Michael sits on the barstool drinking a beer, all of a sudden he starts laughing as he goes for the door.
Maria then notices the blue and red lights reflecting off the house. "You called the Sheriff! You know Valenti hates me" she hurries to find a place to hide but a voice stops her in her tracks.
"Well, well, look what the cat dragged in" Maria turns with a smile and runs into the arms of Max Evan's as he spins her around in a hug that she has desperately missed these past seven years. "Oh Alanis we missed you around here" Max says as he release her. "Max, I can believe you're the Sheriff now" She has missed her brother in law so much.
"Yup. Get to frisk pretty things like you all day, and get paid for it" He says with a laugh "Just don't tell Liz I said that" He winks.
Michael decides it's time to break this reunion up "Alright Maxwell, let's be a little more professional, we have a crime suspect here". Max turns to Maria putting on a stern face "Now Maria you can't be breaking into peoples houses" He tries to lead her out but she starts walking to her purse "I didn't break in, I used my key" she says holding it up. "Well, it's still not your house"
Micheal wears a triumphant smile "Use the cuffs Max, please". Again before Max can lead her away she goes back to her purse "If you get him to sign these, I'll let you run me out of town." She says with a devilish smirk that if he wasn't so ass backwards in love with Liz, he would be a goner for.
"That's none of your business" Michael says as he tries to take the papers but Max beats him to it. "Divorce papers? I though you said you took care of this Michael." Max plays along for Michael's benefit knowing full well he hasn't taken care of it. "I thought I had" Michael stammers. "Well, since you are still married this is her house too and nothing I can do, I'll let y'all catch up" Max proceeds to walk out the door as Michael starts at him "I suppose shoplifting steaks from Walmart is okay" Maria runs behind Micheal "OH! I took them back and you know it!" she points at him.
Max continues to the door and Michael tries again "You remember that vandalism in the stockyard? Totally her." Maria scoffs at him "Like I could tip a cow, by myself." Max finally makes it to the door laughing under his breath as Michael makes a final attempt.
"Max. Isn't there an outstanding warrant for the person who dumped your jeep in the fish pond" Max stops in his tracks and Maria let's out a huge betrayed gasp.
Ha. Got her.
After a day of cleaning out their joint account and making Michael crazy by sprucing up the place and acting like a wife, she finally got him to sit down to sign the papers, but there were a couple questions on her mind that she needed the answers to.
"What are you doing with all that cash? And since when did you quit Sanders? You're not doing anything illegal, are you, Michael?"
"Maybe I am. So what? I don't ask you about your boyfriend, you keep your nose out of my life, deal?" He looked up at her and she could see the hurt in his eyes.
"Who told you?"
"Honey, just 'cause I talk slow doesn't mean I'm stupid." He looks back down at the papers saying softly "Nobody finds their soul mate when they're ten years old."
Maria feels like she got punched in the gut. "Yeah I guess not" she looks down at her feet. She walks over to the mantel looking at the pictures of her truck that Michael restored for her when they were 16. "I saw it in the garage when I first got here, I can't believe you kept it"
Michael looks up at her and he has never seen a more beautiful person in his life. Right then he decides he needs more time, he can't lose her again.
He looks down at his phone "Oh, hey Maria, you know what? I just remembered I have a date tonight" He stands up "You don't mind if I have my lawyer look at this right?"
"What!?" She let's out. How is it that this man can get her so riled up in 2 seconds flat.
"I'm just a simple country boy, there's words in there I can't even pronounce" He walks back to the bedroom when he hollers out "Thanks for stopping by"
Maria is beside herself and all she can do is release a breathe of frustration and stomp out of the house.
After crashing Michael's date (which was NOT out of jealousy) with a really nice guy named Alex and making a complete ass of herself in front of all her friends she wakes up with a hangover and divorced papers signed on every line, every I doted.
This is what she wants, this is what she came home for. Then why does she feel so hollow?
Maria climbs up to the top of the Crashdown Cafe to finish her apology tour. Liz is already there hands resting on a rounded belly. Maria's heart aches at the sight, for joy for her friends and sorrow for what she lost at 18.
Liz looks up at her approaching and just like that Maria's let's it all out, neverending flow of tears as Liz pulls her down into her arms "I'm so sorry I left." Liz sushes her with "I know" with so much more understanding than she deserves.
With the tears and apologies out of the way Liz let's something slip in hopes that it will help heal her broken friends.
"He went out to California"
Maria is stunned.
"A year after you left. Michael doesn't know I know, Max let it slip one night. He told him he hadn't seen anything like it, saw how happy you were singing on stage, he knew right then he would need more than an apology to win you back."
Maria was still speechless. More tears were building in her eyes as Liz continued.
"He needed to concour the world first, hes been trying ever since."
"That's why he kept sending back the papers" she said with realization. Liz nodded.
"He went back to UNM and graduated at the top of his class. He's started restoring old trucks and selling them all over the country"
So that explains all the money she thought to herself. Michael was finally becoming the man she always knew he could be.
"Thought I'd find you out here"
Michael turned his head to the voice as she joined him on the bed of his truck.
"Still love watching the storms roll in, some things never change" she said as she bumped him with her shoulder.
The two of them just watched the sky in the middle of the desert as the storm rolled in.
"Can't get a view like this out in California can ya Deluca?" He asked still looking out at the horizon unaware of her looking at him not the sky as she replied "No, you can't"
A moment goes by before she speaks again "Ever wonder what would have happened, if" Michael cut her off "We hadn't have gotten pregnant?" Maria nods her head. Michael takes a swig of his beer as he gets his thought together.
"I thought that baby would be an adventure. And it took me a while to realize, it would have been your only adventure. I wanted so much more for your life than to be stapped down with a kid and a husband going nowhere at the age of 18. So I didn't fight you when you left." Maria could see the tears in his eyes.
"I just needed a different life, after we lost the baby, I was just in so much pain" Maria said wanting him to know that she didn't leave because of anything he did.
"You done real well for yourself. I'm proud of you, Maria". He stopped her from saying more. Michael finally turned to look at her and rested his hand on her cheek wiping away a tear.
"I'm just sorry I never danced with you at our wedding, I'm sure this next one's gonna go better for ya."
Maria couldn't take it anymore and brought her lips to his and poured all her emotions into the kiss, hurt, sorrow, love. Michael started kissing back just as much as she was but he was about to do the hardest thing he ever had to do, he pulled back.
"Maria, you have a fiancee, you need to go" Maria pulled back feeling rejection and shame and without a word hopped off the truck and ran to her car.
What do you do when you fiancee shows up and promises to give you the life you always dreamed of?
You plan a wedding.
Walking down the aisle and this should be the happiest day of your life but you know this is not right. As if on queue you see your lawyer running down the aisle and you tell him Michael signed the papers and yes that is true but you didn't.
Knowing you can't marry this man you tell him you gave your heart away a long time ago and never got it back.
You tell your friends and family to stick around your going to go find yourself a groom.
It's raining when she gets to his garage Liz told her he owns. He's under the truck in the open bay when he hears Maria say
"Hey Cowboy, you owe me a dance"
He gets up and meets her out in the rain, the water making his curls she loves so much disappear.
"Nice dress, where's your husband?"
"I'm looking at him, apparently you and I are still married"
Michael can't say anything hes blown away with how gorgeous she looks in that dress soaking wet. What she says next makes him want to kill Max.
"Why didn't you tell me you came to see me in California?"
"I had to make something of myself."
"You about done?" She throws at him.
"What is it about you girls? You can't make the right decisions til you tried all the wrong ones?"
"At least I fight for what I want." Not backing down.
"Oh, what do you want, Maria? I don't even think you know."
"You're the first boy I ever kissed, Michael and I want you to be the last."
"Maybe you and I had our chance." He says as he starts to walk away from her.
"Fine! Have it your way, you stubborn ass!" She says running after him. Michael finally stops and turns around.
"Why do you want to be married to me for, anyhow?" Maria walks over to him and puts her hands on both his cheeks.
"So I can kiss you any time I want."
Michael can't hold it in anymore and pulls her into an earth shattering kiss that makes them feel like their world snapped back into place. Michael releases her and whispers
"I love you so much"
"Baby, you have no idea how much I love you too" Michael pulls her back into him.
Eventually they make it to the reception and finally have their first dance.
Michael has never been so happy, until one night three months later when they're cuddled up by the fireplace and Maria whispers the words "I'm pregnant"
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neuropathicgypsy · 5 years
I was complaining about his pictures.. I didn't like them... Not that he's not beautiful.. I just didnt like h pictures...
People say alot about "me not being there"
But his pictures... He's not there..
I've told him before...
This I watched a thousand times when he first posted it... I didn't know why or why i heard him say id taught him that on date night on accident or that it had hit me in the head..
It felt like only two of us had been there... But with the sound it made it feel like a bunch... Which made me think may Be it was a busy night or maybe we went with a group
By the time he had posted it, i had known he was in my life... But only for a short time...
So I didn't know what he meant. I thought I should message and ask him...
But I didn't. I wanted to tell myself to try.
But i didn't. I just wanted to keep watching.
At first, my reaction was the same as tonight, what a dork. Like REALLY. What a complete dork. No one think he's any thing but annoying and total dork 2 year old too hyper annoying child.
Then i watch it again. And again. And again.
And i see him. When he walks off camera. That's where he is.
It would have made sense to write him since he only appeared off camera.
But i had only seen him once.
What if he was damaged like me? I already knew i was too damaged for myself...
And so I would mess him up.... Because I always do.. I can't hold a relationship. Like never.
I get too impatient. Too angry. Too Me.
I decided to just be glad i saw him. Maybe it didn't make any difference to him and probably I'd forget in all reality. So then in the end it wouldn't make a difference if I saw him...
Now would it?
And so if I wrote him and I was too damaged then i would ruin it all. I always did. Always too much pressure on someone. Me or them.
I wasn't ready.
And I tell you. It's true. The one day I decided to try. He blocked me.
He really did. I just use another account cause fuck that shit, you're not gonna stand in my way Alex Laughlin with that giant phone in your pocket. Unblock me when you're ready. I'll just stalk you not so silently on social media.
Now we'll see about that date night we had...
Michael Jackson asked us to check on the people we sent home. He said he wanted to join the CIA and they checked and watched but he wanted to see if it were all true. Since we knew who we sent home, we should go. So we all four went.
Saint Luches and Jesse Tony went dressed like homeless beggars to see if they'd catch up with a kidnapper or protector.
And we went on a date night to a local putt-putt mini golf.
Alex was freaking out because it was an hour and a half and we hadn't seen them walk by yet. So he had us in the corner nearest where they were supposed to walk up at. He sat on a bench "not even a page" he checked his beeper.
We both knew they were in danger and they were gonna get jacked up. We knew. The plan was they were to get kidnapped. Find the kidnappers hide outs and make sure our girl's were at home, had beem delivered by the CIA. Alex didn't want to be kidnapped. He couldn't handle that. So he went with me. We never went out on date night.
"Give me your ball. You're not ruining date night"
"What? Excuse me? Our friends could be dead and you're worried about you, yourself?"
"Neither one are dead. I would know" i stacked two balls and he threw his hands up in the air. God he could be so annoying in public. I never knew. He is sitting there looking so sexy and doesn't even know. Maybe i should tell him! Strike One. Right. Then I'll get in trouble. Besides didn't I already show him with a blow job in the car? But no all he had to do was worry. That was all. Did he compliant my dress? Strike Two. Yes he did. Of course he did. He Always did. But could he tell the difference between one dress and another?
"Can you tell three difference between me and a suit? The different ones I wear?"
I looked up at him. Yeah. Of course I could. This one was blue with jeans in case he had to run. Tomorrow was black which I preferred with black jeans, again. I looked down at the ground but i was still watching him and the street from the corner of my eye. No one was coming. Not good.
He threw his hands up "not again! Not--!" He stood and pulled at his leg "these ones are blue!"
"I know that honey! I just meant--"
"Why are you whiney?"
"Just stuff."
I felt him lean backwards on me, back to back, slide down and end face up between my legs.
"Get on. Hurry before someone sees" I looked down between my legs at him. His bright blue jeans were undone
"But you're not out yet and you don't like me being on top!"
"Look again"
"Oh you're out already?! But some one could see!"
"You better hide it" i looked down the street. "They're not coming you're right they've been kidnapped. Saint Luches was already. Jesse is still waiting. Mark told me and he told me I better take care of you. Come on! Its getting cold! You're gonna freeze my thing off of me!"
"But Mark shouldn't I lay down?"
"Lets do the proper thing and lay your coat down under her. These guys in this van behind her have been watching her and you." Said Mark
"Lead the way babe! This New Orleans thing aint bad at all when you're with someone who knows how to have fun!"
"I can't ... I can't get it up ... I can't do it when some kidnappers are sitting here watching me! Now they know my face!!"
"Well they can get to know my pussy." He was looking up and i could hear a car "what? Its Jesse isn't it? What was he pointing down at?"
"Time? What? Idk!!"
"He said meet me here. He knows what to do this time and he is gonna attack the kidnappers and take the van. Quick baby get up. Someone is coming. Baby! Look at me"
"Im watching Jesse"
"I can't see. Babe. I feel the ground vibrations. You gotta get up. Babe. Honey please. Babe he's coming to you" he had no idea a kidnapper from the van was coming and the on side he had me pinned down in. I could see his shadow. I didn't know if he was using chloroform and how fast he was. He thought i was talking about Jesse in the van. No. I was talking about the people at our feet!! Not our heads.
"Why don't you trust me i can see just fine!" He looked down at me and kissed my lips and saw the shadow i saw. He looked up. There was 7 kidnappers surrounding us. He still hadn't entered me and had his Dick in his hand. But he was over me so they couldn't see. He looked me in the eyes. Slide your knee up. So I did. Carefully and zip. Then he was up in a milisecond, climbing off me, grabbing the club and swinging. What do i do? "Tuck and Roll!!"
I did away from them, the same direction he had went "Go!! Don't run!!"
He meant hide. He was fighting for the club it seemed.. One was watching and 2 were down and 2 were fighting him and one was nearby to jump in.
"You can't catch me!!!!" I ran toward him. Zig
Zag! "Hey!! You wanna piece of me?!?! I got a pretty pussy!!" I smiled and pulled at the hem of my skirt and twisted my hips back and forth.
The guy fighting him for the club.. He was sickest. I saw it in his eyes. He didn't know what a human was anymore. It was so long since he had been one. Surrounded by evil so long that's all he knew and has become.
Dam if he hadn't distracted me just enough... First i felt a light touch on my ankle, "me" "no, that's enough she can only have me dammit" my arm was grabbed roughly. I felt i was in a horror film and i was the one to die. The man sized thing had a death grip on me and blacked out teeth and a look on his eyes that passed psycho. I was scared. I checked Laughlin. He was just watching keeping cool twirling the golf club like a baton. I could hear Luches saying I said help me and Laughlin saying I said run.
"Let GO!" I yanked my arm. I spun around, bent my knees. There was 4. Shit, all eyes on me! Its time! Go! I ran toward the one i expected to grab me But didn't. Past him fast, jog past Laughlin in heels. I know he liked it. I was in heels. Extra special sauce. Slow jog so he could enjoy. Larger outer rim and super fast towards the kick. I slammed myself into the chain link fence. Ducked down a bit and tight squeeze -- heels to the side. Stand in the middle. I completed a full circle. Dodged behind the storage shed. I only had 6 inches. My ass bent the fence so i could sit a bit, taking pressure off my knees because I put my feet in toe facing toe. I was too desperate to think that step. Man I was scared
"Stay in the middle. He will come and get you. Man look at my baby I'm so proud" I heard my real mom. The one that gave birth to me.
"Mom! I'm scared! There's too many! Is he gonna be alright?"
"Mark will help he will be fine."
"Okay I'll just wait then" I looked down at my nails and picked at the cuticles.
"Don't look up"
I did anyway. It was grotesque. I flinched.
"Don't you want me?" He asked leaning his head in as far as he could between the fence and shed.
"Don't look up"
I did anyway. At least he looked somewhat human. He was probably the Boss. He was the one i expected to grab me. Instead he just stands around while everyone else does the work.
"They're too high to know what they're doing. They'll be alright"
"Mom my heart!"
"Every thing is alright you just need to caaalllm through it" I felt relief
I just need to look at the normal one. That will be okay..
"Are you kidnapped?"
I heard the chain link behind me I looked and he was trying to move in behind the shed. I whimpered.
"Yeah. You are young, too, I expect. I think i know your boyfriend. He work in New York City?"
I gasped "you are kidnapped! What are you doing?!!"
"They made me do it. Said if i didn't they would kill my whole family. So i pretend to be the lookout hoping someone will catch me, them, they pay me good too. Your other friend is in the van"
Alex appeared
"No!!!" I gasped and put my hand in my face as he knocked out the innocent kid "just go get the other--"
"What am I doing?"
"Kill that thing over there"
"What baby? Let's get you out of there" he leaned over to assist
"Oh my God! Watch out!" I saw the shadow loom near him
"Huh? I already hit this one! Just go the other way babe! It'll be alright"
"Oh my God. I hope so!"
"It will just do what you need to" i heard my mom's voice. "He's over here"
"I know" I was so scared to look around the corner and see the eyes of herion on the face of a psycho but I had to, I know Alex was just holding him off. Pretending to fight. I could tell.
"Now run!" My mom said
"Okay!" I was whining "to the van! I know! Right in front of me!" I felt confident. I got past the fence into the lot "oh no! There's two!"
"Just get in! That is what i was trying to tell you!" Mom said
"Okay... I... I... Okay come on door open for me!" It did it smelled like oily car parts "saint Lcuha?"
Okay get in. What? Did he say no? I could smell his cologne. I was in such a panic. My heart was failing me so bad
"Why are you putting your seat belt on for? He wants thou to drive and Don't duck"
Who? Saint Luches? I looked up and saw Alex.
"I'm hoping that other one is empty. I took the keys. Idk why. Now let's find Jesse"
It took 3 weeks to clean up New Orleans. The CIA there went bad. They said they would let people return home but if any one was on the street they were free game. The mini golf was abandoned. Gate ripped off. Cars in the parking lot but no one was there. We got the club and balls our self.
I had to go to the emergency room 4 times because of chronic heart failure.
One time All i could do was bend over and put pressure on my heart but it was too bad. Alex held my hand as he drove. He drove to the hospital, covered in kidnapper blood. Saint Luches had to carry me in. I was already gone.
They said it was heart attacks. Nurses said it was miracles. 3 heart attacks within 10 days. Massive heart failure. Dead for 9 hours one time. About t pronounce me dead but had to wait on a lawyer from NYC. A miracle they said. But I felt like shit.
Only 6 of us against 294 kidnappers, 2/3 were CIA/FBI
No one went to school or work. Only fully loaded adult vans went to stores and not many shelves had food.
The Evil was great in that town. Just East of New Orleans.
Only 294 took down thousands.
Only 6 if us it took to save them all.
We did the same thing every time. 2 homeless/hungry street walkers, sometimes prostituting.
Or 3 if I couldn't go because I was too sick, around my kryptonite heroin and kidnappers.
2 Michael Jackson and T at movie theaters, gas stations, wherever normal went. Sometimes I went with them. Sat in the back seat. Lincoln Continental. Tinted windows. Back seat window slant for privacy. They would lock the doors. I would unlock T's he would use the key or she would open. Sometimes I did both. That's when we knew I was feeling better. I had to unlock 2 doors all day at least 4 days without missing a stop without a reason. Or I had to stay in the car. I got paid. Really sick days I laid down and slept. She would go in through his side door or stay in and sit with me.
9 times I unlocked the door for a kidnapper. I was usually reading a novella. Id see a shadow, think it was her or sometimes Michael. Just unlock it auto matic ally.
The first time I ran screaming from the car when a zombie got in. And collapsed 20 feet away. I felt dumb. I tried to keep my eyes open. To see whose feet i could hear but i was dead.
T telling Michael "2 days after her 3rd massive heart attack and what's she out doing? Exercising. What the doctor say to do? Not that! You not dead yet? We're taking you to the hospital anyway. This will be no fun. Im not taking the fall for that. What was she doing anyway? Unlocking the door for that that thing. I don't blame her I would taken off running screaming too if that thing came near me. What she call them? zombie? Dam things are scary looking. And she opened the door for the scariest. Bet he could smell her sweet pussy like that other one did that scared her so bad. Said he reminded her of her dad that day when she called the police on him but worse. She said she only told me that cause she said I'm a girl and pretty and her mom was giving her a pretty hard time About it and she wondered she should be scared or not, it was pretty dam bad Michael. She had this look in her eyes that i never seen before. She's asleep now. Wuss. Wuss. But it was bad Michael im telling you. That look in her eyes. Shes never had it, it was terror. Complete terror. Wuss. Wake up wuss. She told me to call her that. Might make her angry i don't care about her feelings. Make her wanna fight me. Im her cousin. I could do that. Wuss. Wuss. She's too weak. She can't. She wants to though. She's awake, i told your secret you wanna fight me? She said no. Don't tell them other two boys tho. I already told Jess. She said i could because he's independent like her but the other two seem to rely on her and she don't want them to know. She said Jesse would know what to do and protect them for her. But if they knew how scared she was They would go berserk. But she said they would start fighting how to take care of her. She said it was good you were here tho. You could take leadership over her and they would let you. They want her safe and out of the way the most part thats what she said. Wuss. Get back in your body. I ain't putting up with that shit, she said at the hospital. Theres something happening up a head. She can't see laying down. Van! Kidnappers! She said that is the one the boys are in. She said to follow. Who is in? Oh Jesse and Alex. Saint Luches always goes alone. But Alex won't. Oh he will now? She said he knew something was wrong so he jumped in too. They're trying to figure out what. Or what to do, what is. Oh they don't know what is wrong with her. Get back in Yoir body and sit up. She said no. She's too weak just tell the boys to shove her against the window. You know they won't. They will have a dam heart attack. Sit up! You see this. She's waving her arm at and it goes up 6 inches then thump. She can't do shit. Wuss. She's just a wuss. I'm just unlocking the door for them So they can get in faster. She had a heart attack. She said collapsed she's trying but she has no rhythm. Just rub her hands and legs and feet that's what the doctor said to do. No she's been shaking her head although slightly and nodding. Nodding is clearer but she's only moving near millimeters. Aren't ya? Look! She smiled! She's lethargic. No don't try to move! Just lay there let them help your blood flow to your heart and brain"
Jesse had got in at my head. Alex at my feet. They just slid under my body. When we got Saint Luches, Jesse slid to the middle and bent me up in his lap then laid me down gently into Saint Luches lap.
Of all the people in the car, Saint Luches put his seat belt on.
Boy been thrown in the back of vans with no seats much less belts for weeks!!. Dam boy. I laughed and it killed me..at least I died laughing, i thought. Instead of of terror.
I had to stay over night. Total 9 days in the hospital. For 3 massive coronary and medium to severe heart attack, that wasnt too bad.
Im glad they diagnosed me. My mother said it was a panic attack. I told her I was sure glad she wasn't a nurse! She laughed.
She didn't die laughing, though, she was already dead.
She was right though... She wanted to become a nurse because of my heart condition. It's actually backwards when I was born. Its turned 3/4 of the way backwards now...
Apparently there's extra long tubes so it could turn all the way.
Love is the only cure. My work here isn't done.
Balls to the walls, kids.
So after that... Well the night i got out of the hospital.. My blood pressure dropped from stress, from remembering the last time i had been in the car, so T had to climb over the seat and help the blood flow to my limbs
So after that Alex decided I couldn't ride alone.
So then when i saw a shadow go to the window 2 days after my 4th trip to the hospital after 4 insane heart attacks, and everyone left me in the car alone because there was 7 vans I just unlocked the door
I wasn't really reading. I was trying but really i wss just looking at the book, listening. So when the kidnapper got in, I leaned all the way back in the seat so my head was far as possible. It exposed my chest so if he wanted to perv on my boobs there was nothing I can do. But it was better than being attacked in my spine or head. So i tried to hold the hardcover book to protect me.
I opened my car door to signal a problem.
"Don't move. Stay in the car"
I shut the door. "What is this? I think the seat belt went out" open the door. Slam. "No shit. I really did it this time" open door Slam. "Now the buckle.." Open door Slam. I saw Alex perk on the 3rd. "Now just one more..." Open door. Slam. I heard him. "I'm coming Baby" "got it. Finally" "uhhh sir? I didn't see you in here before. Did you get in the wrong car? Because I don't know yo--"
I realized if he didn't turn around then may be it was better. If I didn't see his face, I had a feeling I wanted to But I didn't know if it was curiosity or instinct. He had a hood up so when he turned his head it wasn't enough.
"Hey... Uhm.. Did you want to get something to eat? One of my friends has lots of money. Did you see her? You're in her seat. You might want to scoot over towards the middle" Alex had came and he had cracked his door open to hear. I knew we needed to find out our situation. And Alex was there. I wouldn't get So scared. If I saw a shadow behind I would just scream and point. This guy wasn't turning around for nothing. He wouldn't see me point out his friends. Of course the shadows were going the wrong direction. But if i could see i could scream, that would make my point clear. I opened up my book to steady my heart. It wzs begining to race and I had to steady it in the beginning. Just think about Alex getting in the car being safe i said to myself.
"Yeah buddy. You may just want to scoot over. Hey did you want to drive or anything? You can the car is already on." Alex climbed in the car. Shut and locked the door and began to mess with his seatbelt
"Where is the girl with the money?"
"Oh they're not coming" Alex looked at me like why did you say that for?
Idk sounded good to me. They were criminals. All criminals wanted money. I was pretty sure he wasn't going anywhere.
"But i took the money. See? I got a hunny" he pulled out a dollar bill from my purse in the floor.
"This is a one!! I need to make me some money!!" He slid over to the driver side
He doesn't even sound human i worried. Alex said he didn't look like he had any eyes.
He put the car in drive
"Alex! No!"
Alex dust busted him anyway, jumped over the seat and put it in park
"He left his clothes?!"
"Yeah. Sit up here with me"
"No I don't want too. Too much strength. Action. Movement. I can't even read. Did you know? Too much strength"
"I had a feeling. But you're smart enough to slam the door to alert me. Put your seat belt on. There you go that's nice. Thank you bunny"
He was driving around the vans looking for our friends. He turned the corner and so many shadows. He parked. They seemed to get bigger.
"Oh no! Alex! Alex!" Then I just literally screamed and covered my head, he reached back and locked my door. Moving slow and still.
"They're just buildings now. You can look"
"Oh no Alex. One just got in the car! He's sitting behind you! Alex! No! Please don't touch me! Alex! Shoot it!"
He tried to climb up the back window. Like the one the day before had when I was just with Michael and T. He laid there mimicking me. And dangling his arm off the back of the back dash. I didn't tell anyone. I didn't know if it was because i had been dead and it was Mark and my brain wasn't working proper cause the blood so i couldn't recognize. T turned around to check on me a lot and Mike checked the review mirror a lot. I knew he was driving but surely he could see if something was dangerous... But his eyes didn't acknowledge. Neither did hers.
"Your mom said i could!" He sounded hurt. In 2020 that attitude pisses me off and i kill things dead immediately, "we were in the morgue! And we were listening!! They said. They said you were scared! And we knew we couldn't kill the Queen! So i didnt turn around! And i was shot! Shot twice!"
Alex looked at me questioningly. "I don't know? If my mom said it's for a reason. I saw him yesterday and didn't tell no one"
"Thats not what i meant and i think i know that. You do, too. You're hiding something from me. Why are you sacred? Why did you let him in the car?" He said as he climbed over the seat. The last question was angry.
"Idk. You're beautiful do you know that? I love you"
"You make me want to fuck you! But I need to know what you're hiding from me, i know you do it sometimes and you haven't said one word about not working and sitting in a car being a door unlocker and you can kill, too"
"I know i can. Its just temporary until i feel better. Your eyes are so beautiful. Lets cuddle"
"Don't make me do this to you. I can't cuddle and you're sick and i know the truth"
"Oh that's okay just put your arm on the back of rhe seat and ill snuggle with you"
"No. I'm being patient with you. Don't look like i just slapped you."
"You did. Not my face but my heart"
"Fine. Lean against me"
"Take your shirt off"
"No I'm not doing that right now, honey"
"Your pants?"
"I would like to say yes but in your condition that's exerting too much pressure on your tonsils"
"What's wrong with T? She hasn't moved since you brought me over here"
"We don't know. Michael is trying to find the answer"
"You just need to shoot her. Here" i reached for the gun on his thigh near his knee
"No!!!!" He snatched it away.
"She won't die! She's not evil"
No way he was like no way
"Babe trust. Look see me. See her? She needs help. She's not like me. She can't move. Whatever hurt her is not her heart. She would have fallen over."
"Let me ask Mike"
"No let me just shoot her"
"You let one alien in the car and you want to kill our friend?!"
"I've let two."
"Oh well! And!" He was losing it.
"She's my cousin!. Trust. I know her. Something that has her is evil. Remember the clothes in the front seat? You shoved them out the door. So her. It must be alien. It must also be evil alien to do that to her. What if there's like a truck to come run her over so they can take her body. Im going to go stand next to her so i can see"
"No baby I'll just ... Ill just try it. But you owe me the truth why you're scared of aliens."
"Did they kill Mike? They killed Mark"
"No he's in a vacant house using the phone takinf9to the alien agency. Are you ready?"
"Yes. Please hurry. Just fire the dam thing already! Ill do it myself!! Ow that's hot"
"I told you I would do it and I did it. Now you owe me the truth"
"i can't im busy"
"You're not doing anything!"
"Im waiting for... She's awake!! Run!! Please hurry!! Hurry!! Let her in!!"
"What's going on!!!!!"
She ran and jumped in. Moments later a big blue worker uhaul type truck plowed into the car.
"The glass didn't shatter this is good. Now we have to kill them. Hurry! No don't get out! Through the window!"
"No one's driving. What if no one is driving? I didn't see anyone-- why is the truck doors opening!!?? No one was anywhere ne--"
I saw them climbing across the hood of the car. To get in. They could just get in. Especially through glass. I started screaming like a toddler. Then yelling "just shoot it!"
"What? Get down!".
Covering my own ears screaming like a toddler, my heart exploding, i sat in the floor board facing the seat. My back against T's seat. Screaming. "Just shoot them! They're every where!! Theres since many!! They're all gonna die!!" I scream like a toddler again.
T is saying over and over to stop screaming.
Alex is losing his mind and fluctuating between adoring and wanting to kill me.
"Just fucking stop it for Jesus sakes!!" He grabs my arm to pull my hand off my ear.
"Are they done? All dead i mean?" I Sat in the seat
"Jesus Christ my babe! Look you screamed so loud you woke the dead, here he comes"
I cover my ears and start screaming again.
"Jesus Christ who woke the kid?".
Alex gets in my face "That's not what i meant!! Okay?!?! Look!! Babe!! Please!! Just look!! Out the window!!"
I grab his hand and cover my eyes and turn to the window
"Jesus Christ. Do you see what she just did!?"
I lift his little finger. Drop it, Thwn his ring but I still can't see so I lift his middle finger and i can see Michael walking towards us
"Really baby?"
"Im not a baby. Im a babe."
"Well you scream like one!" T is excited to see her man "I'm over here!!!!!" She waves to him.
"No don't open the door. Just don't, you don't want her to scream do you?"
"Well how is he supposed to get in?"
"He can get in. He's family. When i scream it feels good"
"Michael is looking at the clothes. She shot me! I'm over here. Her mom told me she would. She said I'm not evil. I'm good and it won't hurt me But protect me."
"Yeah and my mom told me to scream. She said i used to do it when I was little"
"Not to wake the dead"
"Not like we lived next to the cemetery. Besides maybe they think my singing is beautiful and they want to listen more so they come closer and my singing brings them to life because im magical."
T forgot she could move and Michael was sure she was dead. Couldn't figure out how there was skid marks where she was if they had wanted to use her body. Didn't realize she had already moved. Finally she opened her car door and stood. Me yelling did nothing. His jaw dropped. His eyes widened. His head swiveled. He dropped all these papers.a briefcase and ran to the car "oh my honey! I thought you were dead! I was sure of it! I didn't want to go home. Just wait where you died until you returned." He said into her hair all muffled.
"I told you. Love" i say
"Goddamit Youre sexy" she said
"See? All about Love!"
"But how did you get to move? Get to life or whatever did happen?"
"They shot me"
His face went crazy rage "YOU SHOT MY DAM WIFE!?!"
"See?!? I told you! Love!"
"Im gonna fucking kill you!!" He literally threw ber into the door and tried to get to Alex and strangle him
"Or may be not!"
Long story short. She spanked him. He got woke. I went to get the papers he dropped and he abandoned me in the parking lot.
"Yeah what the fuck!" I gathered them up "yeah you're a real stupid ass. Im glad it got hit. I felt pretty bad for you for a minute even though you tried to kill Alex. Now i don't know how i feel. Yeah!! Mad!!!! Leave the abandoned orpahan alone in the parking lot with alien ghosts with a heart condition! 3 massive heart attacks and a really fucking bad one!!! I can have a stroke any minu-- oh my God. I need to calm down im going to die. Im gonna die. Mom i don't know how to breathe I'm gonna choke to death. Mom! Help!! Somebody?!?!" I fell. It was all dramatic and beautiful.
Alex got out of the car that screeched down the street and picked me up "is this what heaven is like?"
"You wish. You've really got some explaining to do"
"This is so romantic! This is so sweet!!" Everything was pink and blue and not the colors they were supposed to be "is the street a river? Is this good?"
Alex walked around to the other side of the car after dropping me off.
"Oh my God!!! Sabrina!! Oh my God! No stop the car! Are you bleeding?! No! You're turning pink! Armageddon wants you back. No don't go we need you to much. Sit baxk. We will pretend we are ina limo"
"Hes not even in the car"
"Then who wss driving? He was in the seat. The world keeps changing too many colors, the people. I need to eat by the way"
"Sabrina what happened to you by the way? Why did you fall? You were all covered in blood out your nose, eyes. Ears, wrists. Then you turned pink like you lived on Armageddon. And the colors you explain are Armageddon but nothing we saw changed but not on you. Not in the air. Nothing."
"They want me back. They want me back. We will have a meeting tonight. I stayed here?"
"Then all will be fine. Lift up your shirt. No him."
"Why do you Keep telling me to do that?"
"To keep rhythm with your heart. My mom told me that's how she kept me alive. That and with screaming. My dad couldn't do it. That's why they always took me to the bar. That's what she said. She said you could do it for me since Mark isn't here. And just about any Earthling or human as long as it's not Jupiter"
I fell asleep. I woke at the hotel restaurant parking lot
"I'm back!!! I went to Armageddon and they said they're a bunch of douche bag bastards and want to take over the Earth and asked what I thought. I said no. They said they believed it was temporary!!"
Michael turned around. He was an alien. Alex was. Everyone was. I laid back in the seat and started screaming and kicking while they tried to eatmy soul.
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