#and a relationship can be revived
princessdarth-vader · 5 months
genuinely forgive me for spiralling abt this thing i just made up but the concept of rolling on the relationship track potentially giving people a stress token is making me want to see riz snap all the more. i think it would be so appropriate to the whole like "the moment he slows down he will break" thing for him to finish these huge challenges and successfully pass all of his classes for the year with flying colours and have a chance to take a breath and use that to try and, for the first time in months, reach out to his mother.
and then it just all comes crashing down and he takes a rage token and fights with sklonda and logically he knows that this rage isn't helping but he's so angry at this system that forces him to work himself to death and sklonda is just. there in the moment; a face for him to yell at. and even if it's not fair he can't control his anger. in the moment he suddenly feels much closer to kipperlilly than he ever has. who sees what she considers an unfair system, and is pissed at the people who enforce it and benefit from it.
idk obviously there are larger plans for the rage tokens as a whole (tying into ankarna, probably pushing them closer to like, being this corrupted being) but it would make so much sense for riz, after everything else has fizzled down, to just crash into a wall and break.
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thatonecrookedsmile · 5 months
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I would say that, considering his history, he's not that wrong, but even I have doubts as to whether that would be right. But at the end of the day, this is just a joke that's been in my head for a while, sooooo…eh.
Oh hey, an attempt at a comic? Made by me? That I didn't give up during the process or lost all motivation? What was my only attempt at this, 2019? Damn, it's been a long time.
I thought about leaving this here without editing or any colors, just the natural ones from the paper and pencil. But something in my head said "HAHAHA, no" so I went back to work. I had to put this idea down on paper this time (literally). If another year passes without me being able to execute this idea, I would lose my mind.
This scenario was inspired by this video by Jehtt, inspired by the original meme by Windii. Credits to both of them.
For a long time I wanted to joke - especially on the anniversary - that I wanted Sammy to only have less than 5 seconds in the next game (or in other words, take his screen time in DR, and shorten it even more). You know, just for the funnies (unless..?) But,thanks to the news released at the beginning of January this year about The Cage, I legally can't do this joke anymore…this year. Don't worry, after that comes out (and finally gives Sam the screen time he wants,hopefully) and we start to crawl into the Bendy 3 production era, I'll make this joke when I can.
Anyway, happy birthday Sammy Lawrence. You may not be my favorite character in this franchise, but there are some things I can actually appreciate about you. Plus, you made me laugh a few moments before (you know what I'm talking about) so there's that.
And happy 7 years to Chapter 2, and by extension, Susie, Norman, Alice, the Searchers, (Johnny????), and Beta Ink Bendy. (I would mention Jack too, but he was only introduced with the release of CH4, so technically it's not his birthday yet, but I'll consider him here).
And now? May I be able to do something for CH4's anniversary. Wish me luck,cus I'll need it.
(it might be really late now, but it's still the 18th where I live, so it's still his birthday, so I still won)
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robertwaltons · 4 days
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behold: the doomed unrequited waltonstein manifesto courtesy of twitter user ustfile
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eskawrites · 1 year
sometimes i still think about the fact that nancy is one of the most powerful, plot-critical characters in stranger things, and how she has led her own arc every single season--from driving the search for barb to taking down the lab to figuring out the flayed to being a fucking general by the end of season 4. and about how she was taking care of the kids during the last half of s3 and how she was the leader of the hawkins group in s4. like, i really cannot emphasize that enough. once the main character with superpowers and the actual war veteran chief of police are out of town, nancy is the unquestionable leader. the person everyone turns to without thinking twice. i’m serious. nancy is a teenage girl who has her every move questioned and doubted and still the only people more powerful than her in the show are a girl with superpowers and a war vet.
and when danger--physical danger--shows up, she doesn’t fucking hesitate. she’s diving straight into the upside down. she’s leading the older group to safety again. she’s shoving aside the 5 different traumatic experiences she just witnessed to put together a multi-step military operation and she’s taking point to go shove a shotgun in vecna’s face. and yeah, they end up not being alone when they face vecna because el is there, but nancy doesn’t know that. she’s fully intending on going to kill an adult man who has control over an entire dimension and has been murdering people with his mind, even though she has no backup, no superpowered el, no hopper and his government contacts, nothing.
and yet.
the vast majority of natalia dyer’s press for s4 was about a love triangle. and i get it, a lot of interviewers can’t get away with not asking those questions, but you know what else you could ask about? nancy’s growth over the last 4 seasons. how it felt being the leader of the hawkins gang. how she thinks nancy feels after losing another friend. what was running through her head when vecna had her. what her thoughts are regarding nancy’s plan, or what’s going through her head during that final scene when she’s *checks notes* standing behind the show’s protagonist and looking at The Plot as it rises from the ground.
or, i don’t know, ask her what it’s like being the person handling guns on set. what those upside down night shoots were like. what her thoughts are on nancy’s choice of college! what she thinks about the perm! for fuck’s sake there are only a thousand different questions that would’ve been far more interesting or at least personal to her character. but no. every interview boils down to team steve or team jonathan, as if a tired, already resolved love triangle is anywhere near as interesting as literally any other part of her character
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yellowocaballero · 3 months
I'VE FINALLY STARTED READING THE SSSHUNTER WEBTOON AND IT'S AMAZING BUT THERE'S ONLY 115 CHAPTERS?? I CAN'T FIND MORE??? did you read the novel because i thought you said you didn't go that far or am i missing other chapters somewhere? or did you not finish it?
i am insane i will be reading it thank you for introducing me i have never understood suffering as a tool forward before quite like this
Yes, unfortunately we're only at 116. Honestly, for a manwha that's pretty long so far - and it feels uncommon to even find a manwha that's finished. I should have warned that it was unfinished, but I'm so used to that :/
I haven't read the webnovel yet! It's on Woopnovel, I think. Unfortunately it's not an official translation, but it doesn't seem awful.
And yes, I love how the work can give such a different perspective into suffering! I feel like it's not just Buddhist, but that it talks about Buddhism a bit: the journey of Buddhism is to reach Nirvana, which is freedom from desire and suffering. This includes accepting suffering as condition of life. But Buddhism talks about how differences and barriers between living organisms are artificial, and cause suffering - SSSCSH proposes that we can achieve understanding of others and break down these artificial barriers by utilizing the shared human experience of trauma.
It's good. So good. I'm glad I spread the propaganda.
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cerealboxlore · 1 year
Smoooooth Operatorrrrr
Listen up, Y'all, listen to mama
So. Y'all know about Captain Marvel and his patrons/gods that gifted him his powers through the living lighting via the Wizard Shazam, right? Of course you do, why else would you be reading a post about DC Captain Marvel by this weirdo typing it out right now at 1 AM? Anyways, his powers can do quite a lot, and when used in the right way can extend themselves to unique situations for a better outcome.
However. Billy Batson himself, the vessel for Captain Marvel, is like 10 years old. A small boy. So with that in mind, there's probably a lot of ways he can use the powers of the gods for other purposes without abusing them. As an education major, let me tell you, kids will find a way no matter what. Think they won't do something? They will. They will push the limits to human possibilities and audacity whenever they feel like it.
So imagine this lovely situation:
Billy Batson, young radio show host to Whiz Radio and known pretty well locally with some fame to his name, does a special Valentine's Day segment where he let's callers propose on the air to their partners and it's all so sweet. It's different from his usual program and schedule of talking about deep and complex conversations from the perspective of a child, but it's cute.
That is, until, a couple ends up getting into a fight on the air for everyone to hear, and Billy has to be the one to calm things down, unable to stop the broadcast for whatever reason.
Summoning up just a tiny portion of the Wisdom of Solomon, Billy does his best to get through the awkward situation. During the whole ordeal, Billy ends up getting through to the couple and talks to them about what's going on. He tries to mediate and pushes for a healthier method of communication between them instead of yelling. Despite being a child, Billy's in depth conversation with them about relationships and their dynamics have them stunned, and very apologetic in the end. The couple starts to understand each other better and their boundaries, while completely forgetting that the entire ordeal was aired live.
Word spreads like wildfire and soon Billy has a line of callers calling in for his legendary relationship advice, saying that he was so incredibly wise beyond his years. Little did they know that Billy was now snacking himself on the head for using the Wisdom of Solomon for dating advice!....oh well, he's just glad he didn't go to Zeus for help.
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spherefish · 2 years
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Taichi and Yamato on their wedding day – Paris, March 2023
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skemford · 1 year
One of my favourite things about bendy is that it doesn't has forced romance
Bendy and Alice? Friends who occasionally annoy each other,as it was portrayed in bendy crack up comic
Buddy and Dot? It was bluntly said that they're not interested in romantic relationships for different reasons; they can simply be friends!
Constance,Bill and Brant have similar things going on; they became close due to the dangerous circumstances they were in
Audrey and the ink demon have shared but different trauma, which has created a connection between them
Even when they do pull off romance like Allison & Tom it's still feels pretty chill and simply exists. Which is really great
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Thinking again about Chanine and Crystalbond
What if you were a robot—a robot created to be emotionless, without feelings or thoughts of your own, created only to serve your master. Your master created you to fill a specific hole in his heart as much as he created you as a bodyguard and foot soldier. And yet, what if you began to feel and think anyways? What if you learned to protect, first, to hate, second, and finally to care. You want your master to be safe, but is it only because you are programmed to protect? You want him to be happy, but you were not programmed for this, were you? You've begun to feel malfunction when your master smiles, is there something wrong with you?
And what if Alpha Grim Sonic, despite not understanding any of this progression, accepted it? What if he accepted that they want Nine to be happy, they want to protect him, that they feel the urge to enact revenge upon his enemies, that they want to be close to him?
And what if Nine, the fox who keeps two robots as his most constant company, only said "Alpha Grim Sonic? No, no. I like keeping him around, but he cannot feel. He can't talk back. He can't want. I programmed him to be without these things, to be no more than a mindless slave. He can no more care for me than he can speak." Nine believes it's impossible because it shouldn't be possible, because it's hard to accept that a being created only to follow his orders could have feeling for him, much less of their own will. And since Nine refuses to read into the signs he can see and Alpha Grim Sonic refuses to cross any potential boundaries or confess, they merely care for each other, believing that anything they could possibly wish deep down is impossible.
But...perhaps when Chaos Sonic isn't around, when Nine misses Sonic or just merely needs physical comfort, he orders Alpha Grim Sonic to stay with him, to hug him. And Alpha Grim Sonic obeys, perhaps with a twinge of joy in his nonexistent heart that he can help his master this way, and that he is allowed to be so intimate with him.
What if you were a robot—a robot created as a copy of someone else? From the beginning you were granted thoughts, feelings, goals, a personality. From the moment you were given life, these goals and certain feelings were affected by the goals of your creators.
And yet...
"Do I hate the original because I was made to? Are my feelings, thoughts, memories, and goals my own?" The robot doesn't trouble himself with these. They simply live freely, acting as they wish.
What if you were a robot, you died, and you were resurrected by someone else? What if this person who resurrected you carried a great longing coupled by a great loneliness within him? What if you were brought back to life merely to fit the missing hole of a certain person in that person's heart, and what if this irrevocably changed you to your core?
You are still you. Despite having been granted life and motivation originally by those with a specific goal, you are still you. You seem largely the same in personality, in goals, and yet...
Without a choice, you've shifted. You've been brought back as someone's companion, and so you are reprogrammed to care about them, to protect them, to follow their orders.
But you were only created to be a friend, right? Perhaps he did not expect making him the center of your world would change you in such a way.
You always hated the original, but now this hate carries a different weight. Now you don't just wish to replace him (out with last decade's model in with the new), but you want to replace him. You hate him for how he made your one and only best friend (your master, your necromancer) feel—for how he treated him. Deep down, you're angry and jealous that your master still cares for the original so, even when he denies it, especially after hearing your best friend's recounting of his experiences and betrayals. You want to replace the original in reality, you want to replace the original in your master's heart and life, and you yearn to treat him better than anyone ever could. You're glad you can be his bodyguard, his companion, that he does not protest when you call him your best friend, but you want other things with him too. Inexplicably, you want to be close to him always, you want to keep away anything that would hurt him, you want him to succeed in his goals, you want him to be happy
And, deep down, you want for him to value you just as much as you value him.
What if you were a robot, brought back to life to keep someone company, practically reprogrammed to care for him like you haven't cared for anyone, and you didn't care? You know things turned out this way because of the alterations to your programming, and yet you care and feel so much that nothing else matters. Maybe you were meant to just fill the hole someone else left, but those feelings (whatever they are) grew stronger and changed and evolved naturally.
Perhaps, Chaos Sonic thinks, he's better off having been brought back as Nine's friend, because (all the frustration and jealousy aside) he likes this life. He likes having such a dear friend, and a master who cares whether he lives or dies. It makes him feel something at the prospect of making his best friend the happiest fox alive.
And yet, what if Nine, the very fox who ressurected him, only thought "Chaos Sonic? No, no. I like having him around. I like that he can imitate a caring friend and comforting presence. But none of this is real. If he cares for me, if he has any feelings, it's because I made it so. He only cares for me because he's slave to his programming, and I made myself his master and friend by force. It would be...wrong to indulge in such care and feelings, pretending that I haven't forced him to become like this." He doesn't believe that Chaos Sonic having feelings is impossible, but he doesn't believe that the robot would have turned out this way if he hadn't forced it. He'd feel wrong reading into these things as real, because he'd forced Chaos Sonic's role upon him out of selfishness. Whatever Chaos Sonic wants or feels regardless him, Nine doesn't believe these are real. He doesn't believe Chaos Sonic would have chosen him or developed feelings without his (Nine's) own meddling.
But that's what's funny. If Nine ever accepts his feelings, he thinks he's loving an unwilling participant, forced to want him. Whether Chaos Sonic realizes anything regarding the nature of his feelings towards Nine or not, Chaos Sonic is perfectly aware of what Nine did to him, and he doesn’t care. And what Nine doesn't see is that even if his meddling was the catalyst, the truth is that Chaos Sonic's feelings and goals and wishes grew beyond simply being a companion, bodyguard, and subordinate to Nine. There is no longer any clear boundary between what is fabricated and what is real.
Maybe Chaos Sonic is different than Alpha Grim. Maybe he does admit to his own feelings of jealousy and is willing to push futher than the other robot. Maybe where Alpha Grim Sonic accepts his fate as long as it continues to be at Nine's side, Chaos Sonic allows himself to want more than that. Maybe Chaos Sonic does commit himself to proving to Nine and his dense ass self to proving that his feelings and wishes and goals are real.
He will take what he can get greedily (Nine's attention, any intimacy, any iota of care), and selfishly strive for the future where Nine only looks at him.
And maybe Nine decides that taking advantage of the fact that he practically programmed these two robots to care as much as serve is fine sometimes, so long as he can admit to himself that they really have no choice. Funny that he doesn't realize how much doing so gives them exactly things they desire or didn't know they did.
Such a complicated set of relationships for the trio of them. Tragic, really, and yet despite the fact that it will never be good and perfect, it is their life together. No matter what is fabricated, the robots don't care. No matter what couldn't be real, Nine is attached too, and would never let them go. No matter the complexities, the miscommunication, the misconceptions, the lack of fully requited feelings, they will remain in this arrangement of the fox and his twin knights, ever at each other's sides.
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onewholivesinloops · 1 year
satoko choosing to drop the chandelier on herself and rika so they can die 'when they're at their most beautiful with their feelings connected' and it's satoko metaphorically saving her memory of rika like 'pressing a flower' as well as literally taking her back from st. lucia for all eternity, then being happy with rika killing her after hearing her declaration of love about how she'd rather do something she despises like looping and destroying everything else than be separated from satoko bc she still can't believe in a happy future or trust others and she wants to die assured of the one truth that rika really loves her. it's just like how sayo wanted to carry out her own murder suicide bc she believed love can become eternal in the golden land as long as everyone dies before it's given the chance to fall apart in the future. satosayo "love can become symbolically eternal if you commit murder suicide with your loved ones" gfs stay winning
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gh-0-stcup · 5 months
My thing is that I just do not trust a single person who was involved in the show. It just seems like a lot of PR to fix their image and foster sympathy/goodwill/interest.
#i haven't seen compelling evidence that anybody actually tried to fight for canon (and reciprocated) destiel#just admissions that they played into the subtext#(which we already knew - that's why spn's been considered a prime example of queerbaiting since like 2011)#and non-committal statements about the pairing being compelling#edlund seemed to specifically say he wasn't censored/forced to rework due to the gay#yeah misha said the cw's homophobic and suggested the network was the barrier#but at least half of what comes out of misha's mouth is bullshit#like he also said they tried to pay him to stay bisexual#and as a result there's now a bunch of support being tossed out to the writers and some fans are talking about them like they're heroes#who valliantly fought against a homophobic network and were totally going to make dean and cas a couple#but were foiled by said network which is why the show ended with the gays being buried yet again#you see in the secret unreleased version...#and if we just let jensen make another season he won't let us down because of xyz vague statements#nevermind that he made a new show where cas was also never mentioned - cw censorship#nevermind the straightwashed version of soldier boy he's playing - that's kripke's fault#nevermind the statements he's made in the past about destiel and dean's sexuality - he's changed his mind#you can tell because he's said it's okay for fans to have their own interpretations about the series#idk maybe i'm too cynical and i'm being unfair#there's just too much vagueness from pretty much everybody for me to put faith in their intentions#especially if they are seriously considering attempting to revive the series - this sort of thing is great for drumming up interest#the writers being censored by homophobic execs is a familiar narrative ofc - but i don't see anything solid to suggest this is what happened#and it's not like there weren't queer relationships on tv when spn was airing - the show ended in 2020#it isn't even like there weren't queer relationships shown on the cw during spn's run - there were more than a few#i just have so many questions#spn#destiel
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swordfright · 7 months
Tell me about Mags's story 🤣🤣🤣 LMAO (you said I could XD LOL)
Well well, if it isn't the consequences of my own posting my cringe oc art actions.
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Magdalena is c!Quackity's daughter from one of the alternate endings of the Ouroboros universe. In classic c!Quackity fashion, nobody knows who her other bio parent is. Is she Wilbur's kid? Some people say she has his nose. Is she Sapnap's kid? Some folks swear she's got his eyes. The one person who maybe probably knows is Q, and he's not saying shit. He's decided to leave it ambiguous, leave a little mystery to capitalize on years later, perhaps. Besides, he figures Mags doesn't need to know. It's not like her other parent is in the picture, so it's not exactly relevant information. L + ratio + what the kid doesn't know won't hurt her. (And, to be fair, she's never asked.)
Quackity is kind of a shitty parent (as you might expect of someone as emotionally maladjusted as he is), but he does try. Mags grows up wanting for nothing. She's crazy spoiled. If she asks for a dollhouse for her birthday, Q has Foolish build her a life-sized barbie mansion. She and her dad have a pretty complicated relationship, but it's not a bad relationship. As she grows up, she gradually becomes aware that Quackity is not just raising a daughter, he's raising an investment. He tried to leave the country to c!Slime, and that didn't exactly work out, so Q went with the next best option: creating someone who could never leave him, never choose to opt out. Mags is not just a part of his legacy, she's going to be the recipient and defender of that legacy. Las Nevadas will be hers one day, so she'd better be ready. He wants to teach her to be ruthless. He wants to teach her to be strong. He wants to teach her to fight - physically, socially, mentally. In the end, he can't quite bring himself to teach her those things, but he tries his best to give her the tools she'll need to protect herself. She's his kid, after all, so she's going to have enemies.
In other words, Mags grows up carefree and happy - and also under a lot of pressure and incredibly lonely. It's a weird way to grow up, but it's not like she has anything else to compare it to. The only thing her father can't buy her is friends, which is why meeting Sigrid (another kid around her age!) is absolutely world-shattering.
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todayisafridaynight · 6 months
any hopes for kiwami 3? like things u wanna see added or changed stuff like that
if they dont keep kiryu's goofy walk stance and the hoof-like walk sounds i dont wanna play it
#snap chats#no one understands how much i love that from y3 and y4 its genuinely one of my favorite things about the game#oh but i guess i have to give an actual answer now. HMPH.#id scream if they revived kanda calling mine limp wristed. homophobia in 4k#OK BUT TO BE SERIOUS uhhhh i dont know. im a real simple guy i think#my only like. If This Isnt There Im Leaving deal is mine's palette and im so serious#rgg's scaring me with all the black-hair/purple-suit mine stuff as of late and i cant stress how hard ill vomit if thats in the final#HYPOTHETICAL final anyways. yk3 isnt coming out for. IDK A WHILE#i wanna say i hope they highlight daigo and mine's relationship more but i dont know how theyd do that#i really like how mine's handled in y3 as is so i dont think i want scenes injected like what they did with yk1 and nishiki#someone said a Mine Saga after the game and... hm ... sounds too unrealistic for me to hope for it#like im REALLY trying to think how they could possibly reference the rggo stories in y3 since those are EXCELLENT but#i think . MAYBE. you could reference the story where richardson calls mine as he's driving to the hospital#the only thing you'd have to exclude though is mine stopping by the bar- like JUST keep the phone conversation maybe#cause in that scene that subordinate does question mine if he can really kill daigo and i think thatd be neat. in my opinion.#yeah i dont know. in regards to rggo its hard to think of what i want without intervening things i already like about y3#its a real head scratcher ...#a really good epilogue addition would be adapting that RGGO bit where daigo ruminates on mine. that's a fair ending for him i think#it also fulfills the need to see how daigo saw mine even if its just a little#and to non-rggo readers it could start to answer 'how does daigo feel about everything that happened'#im still so curious as to if daigo was briefed on EVERYTHING that happened but .... anyways....#sorry all my hopes for y3 are just mine/minedai centric fLVKELKA BUT LIKE. i really am content with everything else with y3 surprisingly#idk. i want kiryu fucking up that curry in high definition tho. thats important to me#THEY HAVE TO KEEP THE QTES DURING THE RICHARDSON FIGHT ILL BE PISSED#i need the fight to be AS CAMPY and unnecessary as it was in the og. INCLUDING richardson's voice acting i need it wack as hell#is it weird i actually appreciate the Diet Building Loredumping being like. in replayable-cutscene form#i thought id prefer just One Long cutscene but im glad theres the option to skip those segments#BUT being able to get a refresher in case you missed something somehow#im running out of tags jesus christ i shouldve put this in the main text but vjALjlagj those are all my thoughts for now bYE
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thewhizzyhead · 1 year
I know the reunion concert was literally just 2 days ago but my bros my guys my dudes I miss WATT so so much and I really do want this show Actually Revived because I miss my cheerleaders, pma's stories and music are fucking great and I wanna hear more, watt has so much room for improvement, and I wanna see watt thrive aaaaaaaa
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bleauktopus · 5 months
Hiii ! Hope im not too nosy for replying to your tag to my post but im just a yap king;; I definitely think that the fact that kaito can pass as shinichi was like, invented after dc and mk got their universes merged? i dont think it was intendet at the beginning at all, but its definitely such a fun gag that, yeah theyre just similar,, and its implemented more nicely that them being related :(
ALSO YEAH EVEN THE TOICHI ALIVE REVEAL ??? I AM JUST PROCESSING THAT ??? imagine thinking your father has been dead for the past 8 years and then ??? IT TURNS OUT HES ALIVE ?? i wonder what will kaito react,, like i would just be in shambles if i would out my father was actually alive and i have been sacrificing my own life once a month just to find his murderers… also from what i heard toichi has been conversing w yusaku; if thats true, why not share it with kaito that his father IS ALIVE even if not well ?? i definitely hope there will be some decent explanations or something but damn,,,
also toichi & yusaku's relationship is definitely more different with the lense of them being siblings ? all these fuckass plot points make me want to rip my hair out at this point i say lets just invent our own plots i really do have to watch the movie as well because ive been just consuming other ppls posts djhgdjdsghkjfs
I was the nosy one anyway. I don't even watch Detective Conan anymore. I really don't like where it's going. Ran and Shinichi dating and she still doesn't know??? Isn't that unfair to her? What happened to hiding because the Black organization will kill his loved ones (such a stupid excuse but fine. Maybe he's scared whatever) wouldn't the Black organization prioritize killing Ran now? She's his girlfriend now after all. Isn't it stupid for such a huge secret organization to just massacre people because one kid didn't die? It's so stupid.
But it is my first anime. I loved it to bits as a kid and it still holds a soft spot in my silly heart to this day.
Kaito and Shinichi being doppelgangers was important so Kaito could pull his stunts so well, even if it happened after the merging of universes (lol) it's still canon that they look the same. Even enough to fool Ran who seems to have some weird Shinichi sixth sense sometimes. But I mostly remember those happening in the movies and the movies are 'not canon probably' most of the time.
It's stupid but????? Kaito Kid's dad is alive?? What? Poor Kaito is getting shot at once a month by the police and the people who almost murdered Toiichi (What's up with the organization Kaito is fighting now? Were they just staged to be killers? Did they fail to kill Toichi???) Looking for a magic red stone of immortality to find his dad's killers and his dad is alive? And you know his dad knows about the stunts Kaito pulls. Kaito Kid is infamous and he'd be a shittier dad if he didn't even check up on his son while in hiding.
What??? Yusaku is involved now?? Did he so easily agree to not touch Shinichi precious Black organization case because he's helping his brother? Are Shinichi and Kaito even aware that they are cousins? Are Yusaku and Toiichi aware that they are brothers? So many questions. It's so stupid I also wanna rip my hair out!
Oh by the way, about the ship stuff. Found this gem on twitter. You guys, just do you XD
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aquietgirlsmess · 2 years
I’m not upset about Scott and Malia breaking up because tbh I didn’t really care about them as a couple. I didn’t mind them but I wasn’t really into them.
But I am upset about what this means for Malia’s character. I mean it annoys me that they’re sacrificing one of her relationships again for the sake of fanservice because yes bringing Allison and making Scallison a couple again is fanservice and not fanservice that I mind, mind you, because I actually love both Allison and Scallison but still you know...
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