#sort of depending on the thing. like an object can be worked on fixing in down time
princessdarth-vader · 5 months
genuinely forgive me for spiralling abt this thing i just made up but the concept of rolling on the relationship track potentially giving people a stress token is making me want to see riz snap all the more. i think it would be so appropriate to the whole like "the moment he slows down he will break" thing for him to finish these huge challenges and successfully pass all of his classes for the year with flying colours and have a chance to take a breath and use that to try and, for the first time in months, reach out to his mother.
and then it just all comes crashing down and he takes a rage token and fights with sklonda and logically he knows that this rage isn't helping but he's so angry at this system that forces him to work himself to death and sklonda is just. there in the moment; a face for him to yell at. and even if it's not fair he can't control his anger. in the moment he suddenly feels much closer to kipperlilly than he ever has. who sees what she considers an unfair system, and is pissed at the people who enforce it and benefit from it.
idk obviously there are larger plans for the rage tokens as a whole (tying into ankarna, probably pushing them closer to like, being this corrupted being) but it would make so much sense for riz, after everything else has fizzled down, to just crash into a wall and break.
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dailyadventureprompts · 9 months
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Homebrew Mechanic: Fixing D&D’s Gameplay Loop with Item Degradation
Normally I have snappy titles for these, but in this case I wanted to be super upfront with what I was getting you all into. 
Some people are not going to like the idea of introducing item degradation into the game, and they’re ABSOLUTELY right to be hesitant. Just about every attempt I’ve seen (includig both RAW versions from previous editions, examples from videogames, and those I’ve put together myself in the past) have been horribly clunky exercises in beancounting that only ever existed to needlessly slow down gameplay for the sake of joyless realism. 
I’ve come at it from another angle however, but to explain we’re going to need to get into some game design talk. 
The basic gameplay loop of D&D is supposed to be: 
Seeking adventure leads you to face challenges
Overcoming challenges leads you to rewards
Rewards Help you get stronger 
Getting stronger allows you to seek tougher adventures
After a while this system starts to break down specifically with regards to gold as a method of reward. Even if you’re the smart sort of DM who flouts the rules and gives their party access to a magic item shop, there’s an increasingly limited number of things to spend gold on, leading to parties acquiring sizable hordes of riches early on in their adventuring career, completely eliminating the desire to accept quests that pay out in gold in one form or another. This is a pretty significant flaw because adventures that centre around acquisition of riches ( treasure hunts, bounty missions, busywork for rich patrons that will inevitably betray you) are foundational to storytelling within the game, especially early on in a campaign before the party has gotten emotionally invested.  Most advice you can find online attempting  to solve this problem tends to dissolve down to “let them pour money into a home base”,  but that can only really happen once per campaign as a party is unlikely to want more than one secret clubhouse. 
TLDR:  What I propose is the implantation of a lightweight system that forces the party to periodically drop small amounts of wealth into maintaining their weapons/armour/foci. The players will be motivated to seek out gold in order to keep using their best stuff,  giving value to treasure drops that previously lacked it.  Not only does this system act as an insulation against powercreep at higher levels, it also encourages a party to engage with the world as they seek out workshops and crafters capable of repairing their gear. 
The System: 
Weapons, armour, shields, and caster foci (staves, holy symbols etc) can accumulate “ticks” of damage, represented by a dot or X drawn next to their item entry on the character sheet. Because you get better at handling your gear as you level up, an item that exceeds a total number of ticks equal to its bearer’s proficiency bonus breaks, and is considered unusable until it is repaired. 
Weapons and Foci gain a tick of damage when you roll a natural 1 on an attack made with them, or if they are specifically targeted by an enemy’s attack.
Armour and shields gain a tick of damage when you roll a nat 1 on a saving throw or when an enemy beats your ac by 5 or more. A character equipped with both can decide which of the two items receives the tick
Creatures with the “siege” (or any “does double damage to objects” ability) deal an extra tick when attacking gear. 
A character with a crafting proficiency  and access to tools can repair a number of ticks of damage equal to their proficiency on a four hour work period. This rate is doubled if they have access to a properly equipped workshop.  A character with access to the mending cantrip can repair ticks on any kind of item, but is limited to their proficiency bonus per work period.  
Having an item repaired by an NPC crafter removes all ticks, but costs vary depending on the rarity of the item:    5g for a mundane item, 10g for a common item, 50g for uncommon, 250 for a rare, 1250 for a very rare, 6250 for a legendary.  The DM decides the limit on what each crafter can repair, as it’s likely small towns have access to artisans of only common or uncommon skill, requiring the party to venture to new lands or even across planes if they wish to repair end game gear.
As you can see, degradation in this system is easy to keep track of and quite gradual, leading players into a position where they can ignore obvious damage to their kit for the sake of saving their now precious gold.  It likewise encourages them to seek out NPC crafters (and potential questhooks) for skills they do not possess, and encourages the use of secondary weapons either as backups or to save the more potent items in the arsenal for a real challenge. 
Everyone knows the old joke about players hoarding consumables from the first adventure past the final bossfight, it transcends genre and platform, and speaks to a nature of loss aversion within our shared humanity.  However, giving players items they’re never going to use amounts to wasted time, resources, and potential when looking at things from a game design perspective, so lets work on fixing that. 
My inspiration came from witcher 3, which encourages players to make frequent use of consumables by refreshing them whenever the character had downtime. The darksouls series has a similar feature with the signature estus flask, which provides a limited number of heals before it must be refreshed at one of the game’s checkpoints.  When the designers removed the risk of permanent loss and the anxiety it creatures, players were able to think tactically about the use of their consumables confident in the knowledge that any mistakes were just a resupply away from being fixed.  
My proposal is that while the party is in town they can refill the majority of their consumable items for a small per item fee. Just like with gear degradation, this encourages them to seek out crafters and do quests for the hope of discounts, while at the same time encouraging them to explore new realms in the hope of discovering higher level artisans. 
The price for refills is set at: 5g for common, 25g for an uncommon, 125g for a rare, 625g for a very rare, 3125g for  legendary.  I encourage my own players to keep a  “shopping list” in their inventory with prices tabulated so they can hand out a lump sum of gold and have their kit entirely refreshed. 
Characters with a relevant skill and access to their tools can refill a number of items equal to their proficiency bonus during a four hour work period. With access to a proper workshop, this rate doubles.   ( At last, proficiency with brewers supplies, carpenters tools etc become useful) 
I encourage you as a DM to check out this potion flasks system, which I’ve found adds a delicious factor of uncertainty back into the mix.  Attached is also my super lightweight rules for tracking gear and supplies, which I absolutely refuse to shut up about.
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kokoasci · 6 months
hey hiii love your art and i am astonished by your background composition, is there a process behind that or maybe tips you would share ?
hi!! thank you! this kind of like depends per piece, im not a professional artist (compsci student, so take my advice as a student with no formal art studies with enough salt to taste) but i do have a kind of general-ish process that i can talk about like with this scara piece comp:
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i work pose first, composition second: i.e. i draw a pose and usually refine it before i start thinking about a background lol 😭
working general -> specific is my best friend, and I think it also helps me evolve a drawing as i go, since i don't usually have an idea for a full composition when i start (that's so stressful to me LMAO) you can see this progress here (i erased the basic guidelines though so theres no facial features, but i usually leave the face for last anyway because it helps me fit in an expression better)
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by the time i have a full pose THEN ill start refining to an actual composition. this is also the point at which i decide to start putting actual effort in
then i just. fill the background with objects, usually ones that have a connection to the character or vibe im trying to fit. this is a weird example because the only things i know about scaramouche is there's some sort of like connection with puppets and he also likes his vision so i played with that idea, which is kind of where those fishes and the general pose came from. (i go into more detail about this here!)
i originally wanted to have puppet strings for those objects as you can see below but it made the final piece kind of muddy so i took them out :(
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then its just coloring, which is usually what takes me the longest because im so. indecisive 😭 i like to keep depth and 3d space as the like #1 thing in my mind while coloring though and how shadows will work with that, because i think it helps a piece pop out way more
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and that's how i get my compositions !! i make it seem pretty streamlined here please know it's a lot of redoing whole parts of the drawing and fixing the background/foreground until im happy with the finished result
thank you for asking, i hope this helped answer the question <3
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blackteatarot · 1 month
Meditation and Visualization
In plenty of spell work and smaller day-to-day rituals many practitioners will meditate to focus themselves and their energy on the task at hand. For me visualization goes hand in hand with meditation so I’ll be describing how I use it to help meditate.
I always start with music. I’ve put together a playlist that makes me feel rather spooky and I’ve been using it for so long now that just hearing the songs helps to get me in the headspace for witching. It may help you to make one as well!! Whether it’s music, ambient noise, or even the lack of sound, I recommend finding a way to have some kind of fixed audio. Random noises or talking tend to make me lose focus or make me paranoid. I’d like to add that many popular songs have noises recorded into them that you may not have otherwise heard or been paying attention to, even things like door knocks and whispers. Just be aware!!
After your sound is sorted, get your space set up for whatever it is you’re gearing up for. Get out any tools, herbs, etc. you may need so you can go directly into working once you’re focused. I usually light a candle and arrange my altar into a fitting formation, even if it’s just something small for reading cards. This is the time when, if visualization doesn’t work for you or you would prefer another method, I would recommend choosing something to focus on. When I don’t use visualization to meditate, I usually stare into the flame of a candle or at some object of significance. With that form of meditation I try to think about things related to the work that I’m doing, repeat a phrase or prayer, or clear my mind if possible. A personal favorite for tracking how long you’ve meditated is by having a birthday candle burn in its entirety, finishing meditation as the flame extinguishes.
Once your space is arranged, you’re ready to visualize!! Visualization is all about creating a more concrete idea of what and where your energy is so that you can more easily manipulate it. In my case, I find it easiest to think about my energy like the ocean. I close my eyes and focus on my breathing. Once it’s steady and I feel calm, I breathe in and visualize that I am drawing my energy into myself. As I breathe out, this energy flows out around me, but never out of my control. When I breathe in again, it comes back to me. I push and pull it like the tide. I repeat this breathing and visualizing process until I feel ready to work. That’s really all there is to it!! If you’re having trouble visualizing, imagine literal water. Think about how it laps against the shore. Imagine it rushing up to you the same way waves draw up before they break and crash. Hold in your breath and imagine controlling the breaking of the wave. When you breathe out, imagine how this wave rushes out, foaming and fizzling around you. When you breath in, imagine it drawing back again like the tide. Repeat this. This imagery can be as detailed or vague as you feel necessary. Between the breathing, focusing, and overall intent of harnessing energy I consider this to be my meditation. It can last anywhere from fifteen minutes to over an hour depending on my mood or need to meditate. I’ve found it to be incredibly effective and it tends to clear my mind completely, allowing me to approach my practice with a level head.
That’s it from me!! If this version of visualization doesn’t seem right for you, chances are you view your energy differently and that’s completely okay!! There’s plenty of ways to visualize energy because it’s yours!! I’m not well versed in other methods, but digging in the tags may give you some insight. As always, do your own research, stay safe, and happy witching ♧
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FairlyOddParents: New Wish OC
A Fanfiction that I'll never Make including more Art 🎨 of these Lovely Characters.
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Here's the Size Different Between a Grown Up Fairy and the Kids all together ❤️
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Know here's the Random Info Dump of Each Character you see here 👀
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Fairies - Has inherent their notoriously fast healing & free-spirited and whimsical Personality including the abilities to touch Clouds.
[Left Round Fairy Wing]
Pixies - Has inherent their Square-Shaped Wings & Good with hiding their Emotions by talking in a dry, boring, and monotone voice.
[Right Square Pixie Wing]
Genies - Has Unlimited Wishes with Rule Free Magic & has inherent their Flight Abilities without needing Wings.
[Has No Legs unless she Transforms]
Elves - Got their Round Head & Short Stature while inherent their Knack for Building or Creating Anything including Fixing.
[Smaller than other Kids]
Leprechauns - Inherent their Pointed Ears & Dangerous Strength & their Extremely Protective of their Stuff & Territory including People.
[Sharp Ears]
• Autism - A developmental disorder of variable severity that is characterized by difficulty in social interaction and communication and by restricted or repetitive patterns of thought and behavior.
• Alexithymia - Lack of emotional awareness or, more specifically, difficulty in identifying and describing feelings and in distinguishing feelings from the bodily sensations of emotional arousal.
• Insomnia - People with autism tend to have insomnia: It takes them an average of 11 minutes longer (Or didn't get any sleep at all) than typical people to fall asleep, and many wake up frequently during the night. 
Some people with the condition have sleep apnea, a condition that causes them to stop breathing several times during the night.
Sleep in people with autism may also be less restorative than it is for people in the general population. They spend about 15 percent of their sleeping time in the rapid eye movement.
• Mild Germaphobe - (It depends on the situation and what type of Germs she does not like. For example, a Classmate coughed into their hands instead of in their Arms and she offered hand sanitizer to them but they said no thank you. And now I they don't feel safe and gross out at the same time including being worried.
• Memory Difficulty - Autistic people experience specific difficulties with memory and memory strengths. While memory difficulty is not part of the diagnostic criteria for autism spectrum disorder (ASD), it is a common symptom experienced by many autistic people.
• Birth Defects - Basically structural changes present at birth that can affect almost any part or parts of the Body (Heart, Brain, Foot). They may affect how the Body looks, Works, or Both. Birth defects can vary from Mild to Severe Depending who has it.
• Speech Impairment - Has Fluency Disorder & does Stammer Occasionally.
• Trypophobia - Trypophobia is mainly visual. If you have this phobia, you might feel anxiety, disgust, and discomfort when looking at things. goosebumps, chills, or the sensation of your skin crawling. a strong desire to get away from the image or object.
• Merchandise Creator
• Street Vendor
• Mailer
• Influencer (YouTube)
• Owner Of An Entertainment Business & Hygiene Products.
(Video Games/Bored Games/Comics/Manga/Cartoon/Anime/etc. Shampoo, Hand Sanitizer, Conditioner, Lotion, etc.)
• Shape Shifting - Can Transform to any Objects or Animals.
• Reality-Bending Magic - Basically Brake Physics & Logic with this type of Magic.
• Teleportation - Basically can Transport anywhere in the World or Universe.
• Accelerated Healing - Their Body heal themselves very Fast but they still can die.
[Good Thing she has Plot Armor.]
• Flight: Can defy gravity and float in the air.
• Space Survivability: Can evidently survive in the vacuum of space without any sort of protective equipment.
• Rainbow 🌈 Magic - Instead of Farting Rainbows like Leprechauns, they use it to make Magic Runes or Marks.
• Extream Luck Magic - Use this Magic to be extremely Lucky or to Protect themselves from Danger & turn bad days into good days.
• Supper Strength & Good Stamina - Extremely Strength & Run or Fly Very Fast.
• Choas Magic - Since their Bloodline is from 5 Magical Being, their Magic is Very Strong, but also it can Easily Kill themselves as well.
[She have to be Very Carful when using Magic.]
• Crafts & Builds - Their really Good at Creating or Fixing Stuff.
• Acting - Their Very Skillful of Acting so their very good at Manipulating & Tricking People, they mostly use this skill for Good & their Shows & Games they are creating.
• Immune to Magic Influence - Yup, Don't have to worry about getting mind controlled or etc.
• Armadillos: The armor of an armadillo is immune to magic.
• Sensitivity - Blake's body reacts to the environment they are in Including drugs, chemicals, or other substances. For example, a person who is sensitive to the sun may have skin that burns easily or get a rash when exposed to the sun.
• Magical Build-up - Blake will explode & turns into Magic Dust if they don't use there Magic for 3 Months of Time depending on what they do, since Blake use their Magic Offten they don't have to worry plus. If they Explode that Leftover Magic could Knock Magical Being Out or make them Dizzy or a state of Confusion which is not a good idea.
(Since they don't want to get Captured or People Finding Out about their Existence & try to use them. Also the Part that they don't want to go to Magic School since the School System in their Past Life is SMOOF UP!)
Hot 🔥 & Cold 🥶 - Blake gets Extremely Weak & Tried in the Heat while the Cold they are very Active & Strong depending on what they do & the temperature in the environment.
Laziness - Blake is Extremely Lazy & Does not want to Work Hard 😑 so they usually Hire People to do it for her unless it's something she wants to do & Enjoy or Motivated.
• Reading 📚 Fanfiction or Manga & Comics
• Creating Fanmade Food
• Story Telling & Cosplaying
• Creating or Listening 🎶 to Music 🎵
• Creating Video Games & Acting
• Creating Shows & Movies 🎬
• Creating Educational Shows & Video Games
• Role-playing
• Eating Snacks From Different Countries & Shows that Exist in The Fairly OddParents Universe including Plants.
• Helping Characters to have a Happier Life & Character Development to be a Better Person In The Future.
• Doesn't care what people think of them, she just loves to be themselves, & Hopefully survive from any Toxic Stereotypes.
• Having Multiple Identity & Creating New Invention With Magic.
(Made Sure That their the Only Once, who has access to their Invention including their most Trusted Friends who is their Counterpart.)
• To Have Good Security on Everything.
• To Live a Happy & Confortable Life.
• An Extremely Clean & Safe Environment.
• Healthy Body With Good Hygiene.
• Make a Safe Workplace for Staff.
• Destroy Gender Stereotypes.
• Create Badass Female Characters & Feminine Male, characters can relate to while slowly Influenced the new Generation of Kids not not make the same mistakes from the old Generation.
• Secretly Be Extremely Rich while Having All My Money Safe 💰 In a High Quality Bank 🏦
• Make Friends While Creating My Fake PERMANENT RECORD for my Backstory.
• Change The Past & Future for the Better.
• Make Sure any Wish Timmy or other Kids make won't Effect themselves and their Friends at all just to be Safe.
No Magical Being or None-Magical Beings knows about their Existence and only a few select people knows. ✨️ Florian Blake Harper lives in their Fanmade Country that became Reality once she got Reincarnated into their Merge AU Universe they wanted to Live in.
Blake's Home Country is called "GenvesFepre"
It kinda works Similar like "Hogwarts" we're Magical Beings are allowed to know their Existence while Muggles are ignorant.
But in this Reality, Magical Being who are Born in that Country are not allowed 🚫 to tell people outside of their Home Country. Only a Few Select People are allowed to know and can visit this Place 🏡 and Experience their Culture.
It's a Country we're Magical and None-Magical Beings are Living Together in Harmony like Humans, Fairies, Pixies, Genies, Elves, Leprechauns and Surprisingly Anti-Fairly live Among them Perfectly Fine without Causing Trouble and Living their own Lives.
If a Foreigner somehow got Accepted into "GenvesFepre" is literally a Utopia to these people because how Perfect it seems, but the problem is... it is Perfect! Since the System in Place is Flawless. NO WONDER why these people who are Born in GenvesFepre are Perfectly Happy and Content with their Lives.
Of course there's a Few Bad Apples and People who are not Content with their Lives, but Lucky the System deals with these type of People Perfectly Fine, after all "GenvesFepre" made sure the that these People who are Born in their Country are Unaware of their Perfect and Flawless System in Place, to help them Grow and Learn and Find their Purpose in Life.
But it really depends on the Person because the System can't Reform every Bad Apple or Save People who doesn't want to get Saved, since it's there Lives and Actions they Decide to make. And they have to Deal with the Karma Bitting them Back or be Sented to Death.
Blake made their own Magical Phone 📱 since they don't want to pay any Bills or have anyone tracking them down, please they can change their phone to Camera Mode to take better Pictures 📸 while being able to print 🖨 Stuff Out.
It also Works like a Magic Wand, even though she doesn't need a Wand in the First Place to make Wishes come Ture, but she can use her Phone as a Wand if she wants to.
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Sapphire is Lively, Vivacious, Intelligent, and Affectionate. They can make for great service dogs with adequate training and are best suited for mental and intellectual disabilities rather than physical ones.
Blake legit Befriended Star Stial because it's Cool to find another Hybrid other than themselves.
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Flake's Help Deal with Yugopotamia Customers since Blake is too Germaphobe to Deal with them.
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littlemoonastrology · 10 months
All About: VIRGO ♍︎ - The Zodiac Signs
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This post will cover all the basic information needed to understand Virgo, the sixth Zodiac Sign!
Take a look at my other posts to see more information on: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer and Leo!
The next one coming is Libra, the seventh Zodiac Sign.. keep a look out!
If you feel like this post has helped you feel free to Follow, Reblog or Repost (as long as I'm credited! I'm relatively new to Tumblr so I'm still learning about how all this works)!
Virgo ♍︎
Date (Only applies to Sun Signs): August 23 - September 22
Symbol: ♍︎ - The Maiden
Associated House: Sixth
Associated Degrees: 6°, 18°
Associated Energy: Feminine
Planetary Ruler(s): ☿ Mercury (Modern and Traditional)
Element: Earth
Modality: Mutable
Keywords: Strategic, Ethical, Intelligent, Selfless, Analytical, Honest
This placement can make someone very strategic, intellectual. analytical and ethical! Whilst Virgo placements have a reputation for being very conservative, organised or traditional, you'd be surprised by how unconventional and creative they can really be. This sign makes for someone very realistic and grounded, taking into consideration every little nuance in order to understand a situation and make a decision. When they dedicate their time to something they can become highly skilled before moving onto the next thing, sort of like a Jack of All Trades. However, whilst a Virgo might be skilled in practical things - they may have some issues socially and find they can be quite awkward in certain settings (unless they have developed this skill, they can become extremely charismatic!) and shy. These signs are deeply emotional, amazing at giving practical advice and great during a debate! A Virgo also loves to serve those that they are closest to, and will do their best to make sure their close friends are happy and healthy.
However, getting close to a Virgo is quite difficult and takes a lot for them to trust you - in some aspect they may be quite anxious and read into what you say... Or if you have bad intent they will easily snuff you out and make sure you won't get close to them. Maybe in some aspect of their life they had been taken advantage of at some point, been in a controlling environment or something else which resulted in them using their intellect to solve problems or develop trust issues.
When a Virgo feels incapable or worried, they might get defensive and completely refuse to open up at all - focusing on their hobbies as a way to distract themselves and feel less anxious. On the other hand, they may give in too easily and sort of become a "people pleaser" or try to be the peacemaker in a situation, only to sort of feel like they've been left the short end of the stick. They may start to overthink... a lot. In some cases when a Virgo closes up or feels tense they may even resort to methods of control over their environment (such as keeping objects neat as it allows their brain to focus on something else) or become quite snappy.
When Virgo feels safe and capable they can really develop anything, but the issue is they may not see something through long enough to fully reap the rewards, maybe become somewhat careless in what they do. When it gets to this point, it is important for someone with this placement to maintain some sort of discipline, stick to what they care about and remain grounded.
Zodiac Sign
Each of the Zodiac Signs are a constellation. The Zodiac Sign shows how a Planet/Asteroid/Fixed Point/House is being represented and expressed. Once a Planet/Asteroid/Fixed Point/House falls into a Zodiac Sign, it adopts the energy of it.
For example: if Mercury falls into the constellation Sagittarius, Mercury adopts Sagittarian traits. If the 6th House falls into the constellation Aquarius, the 6th House adopts Aquarian traits.
Associated House
The Houses in Astrology are dependent on the time and location of birth in a Natal Chart and there are 12 different ones. Each of these 12 Houses are then assigned to a Zodiac Sign and 1 or 2 Planetary Rulers. The Houses in Astrology show you what area of life the energy of the Zodiac and Planets/Asteroids/Fixed Points is appointed to and helps provide depth into the chart.
For example: Capricorn's Associated House is the 10th House.
Associated Degrees
When a Planet/Asteroid/Fixed Point/House falls into a Zodiac Sign constellation, it will be appointed a Degree. This Degree shows how far along the Planet/Asteroid/Fixed Point/House is in a Zodiac Sign. Each Degree is also associated with a Zodiac Sign, meaning when this Degree comes up it can nuance the way the Zodiac Sign of a Planet/Asteroid/Fixed Point/House is being represented.
For example: Mars is 6° in the Zodiac Cancer, 6° represents Virgo - therefore the Cancer Mars also takes on Virgo traits. The 2nd House is 23° in the Zodiac Scorpio, 23° represents Aquarius - therefore the 2nd House in Scorpio takes on Aquarian traits.
Planetary Ruler(s)
This phrase refers to the Planet(s) that rule a Zodiac Sign. When a Planet falls into the Zodiac Sign it has rulership over, the energy of both the Planet and the Zodiac Sign is amplified.
For example: Pisces' Planetary Ruler is Neptune.
Modern / Traditional
These words are associated with two kinds of Astrology: Modern Astrology and Traditional Astrology. Traditional Astrology refers to Astrology that was practiced before the 19th century, whilst Modern Astrology refers to Astrology that is practiced now. Some people choose to practice Traditional Astrology, some people choose to practice Modern Astrology, whilst some others might practice both types or combine them together.
Each Zodiac Sign/Planet/House/Degree is associated with an Element and this covers certain traits which are unique to the Zodiac Sign/Planet/House/Degree they correspond to.
These Elements are: Fire, Air, Water and Earth.
Much like an Element, each Zodiac Sign/Planet/House/Degree is associated with a Modality. The Modality describes what the focus of a placement is and how the energy is expressed.
There are 3 different Modalities: Cardinal, Mutable and Fixed.
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thescribblings · 4 months
Question; if this's your future leo after war what about the rest of his brothers? Are they dead? Alive? And what are they doing?
Ooo, you're asking the big plot related questions 👀
I haven't gotten into this part of my AU yet due to, well, not being able to properly tell the story. But since you asked so nicely :]
(Seriously this got out of hand so fast-)
Here's a bit copied and pasted from my personal notes
*ninpo, he's more practiced than leo due to his portals vanishing at age 20-30, he doesn't need his nagamaki to portal anymore, and is very skilled with his portals all in all.
-can create countless tiny apple sized portals as long as he has enough focus to plan the trajectory of the apple, he can do tricks like that with little difficulty, and loves using it in battle
-he can phase his body between reality and the portal dimension, letting him pass through physical objects, and people
-he can summon his nagamaki, but he can also summon Leo's swords, depends what mental state he's in, along with which is closer. Same goes for teleporting to his, or Leo's weapon
*his inability to portal wasn't due to having lost his ninpo, per se, he had just used it up, kinda like being burnt out, but on a whole nother level
-his ninpo vanished due to his body using it as a life source, keeping him alive, at the very least. It did have severe side effects, his ninpo making up for skipped meals, dehydration, lost sleep and more.
-ninpo side effects consisted of being severely underweight from his habit to skip meal after meal, his scales dry and dull from his lack of water, and a constant wear and tear on his body from the lack of sleep for nights on end. When he'd finally crash due to his energy literally running out, he'd collapse on the spot, passing out and finally getting some well deserved sleep
-after appearing in the past, his body was so used to its survival tactics that he couldn't sleep, despite the undeniable safety. he couldn't eat without a trashcan in arms reach, and after his third time violently upchucking his food he avoided eating entirely, having to get iv fluids and a feeding tube with the lightest nutritional liquid they could manage, instead. He did still drink water, after marveling at how clean it was
-to combat the previous point, they slowly started introducing foods easy on the stomach more and more, eventually deciding to have him snack throughout the day instead of full meals. To help with his sleep issues, they tried giving him a small dose of a drug to knock him out, he didn't like it but it worked for the most part, casey would often spend the night in the medbay with him as a comfort for them both.
*His brothers, after meditating and talking with karai for the first time since his portals vanished, he saw three pairs of eyes staring into his, across from him. his brothers signature colours were swirling around him. He then passed out, and the colours shot out in a multicolored shockwave of sorts, wrecking his surroundings. his recovered ninpo completely drained from his body in mere seconds. In this scenario his ninpo had been drained despite his brothers ninpo having fused with his own, this however means that when he recovers his ninpo, it's as strong as the four of them combined, along with being multicolored from then on.
-he wasn't aware of what happened, afterwards, not remembering the encounter with his brothers
-his ninpo started recovering four times as fast, which wasn't a lot, but it was an improvement
-the stronger his ninpo got, the more his brothers could interract with the world. They were completely invisible, and not really there physically for the first few weeks, but as their ninpo grew, they started doing things around the lair, Akari (donatello) going into his counterparts technology, leaving notes on how to fix coding, improve tech. Michaelangelo helping everyone out with aches, illness, bad moods etc, giving them a mental and physical boost. Raphael protecting them by redirecting projectiles, acting as a shield if necessary, and even helping them find things they misplaced.
-eventually his brothers are visible to mikey, but the transition from invisible to visible was freaky, seeing glimpses of eyes, tall silhouettes around corners, feeling watched, the horror movie experience. Unlike mikey, the others needed to activate their ninpo to be able to see his brothers, but the latter are always capable of physically interracting with the world
-later on donnie and Akari work together to create cloaking brooch esque pendants that let his brothers be visible to the naked eye
-his brothers can still use their ninpo seperately, but they're usually careful, as they could easily drain nardo if it got out of hand
Here's just a bit of clarifying info ig?
Orions brothers are dead, they're tethered to him, in a way, but they're not stuck to him. The further away from him they are the less of their ninpo he has access to, it causes them no harm to wander around and he encourages them to live their lives the way they want to, and not just stick around him because them leaving affects him, it just so happens to be that they want to be around their brother, their family.
Like i said, it causes them no harm to wander, including Orion. Physically, at least (more on that later). Ori is just fine with just his own ninpo, he's still as powerful as he needs to be to protect himself and those he loves,
Their fused ninpo works kinda like a tracker, if Ori were to lose his brothers he could search until he felt more of their ninpo, and then follow that until he finds them, so on and so forth.
when they're all together, everyone can feel the others ninpo, Ori is just the vessel when they're together. This does however mean that one of, or all of Orions brothers could accidentally drain all of their ninpo, so they usually stay out of petty fights and let Ori handle them, but if there's something that needs a bit more teamwork? You'll get to see what they can *really* do when they fight as a unit
If their ninpo were to be completely drained, Orion would pass out and his brothers would fade and be put into a foggy dreamlike state, they won't be solid or visible anymore until their ninpo recovers. By the time he wakes up again he'll be exhausted, dizzy, and suffering from a horrible migraine.
This dreamlike state is how they first came to be in the present, after he spoke with karai and triggered the explosive reaction in the training room, The little bit of ninpo he'd recovered was completely drained. Which led to him collapsing on the spot and waking up a few minutes later, dizzy and with the worst migraine he'd ever experienced. After this, his ninpo recovered four times faster than before, but he wasn't aware that his brothers were with him again
As his ninpo recovered, his brothers became more tangible and aware, their perception growing clearer by the day. Eventually they started kinda haunting their family, in their own unique ways
Aaaand here's a whole set of notes on Orion and facts under the cut :p
(All words btw, it is split up a bit and i think i made it okay to read?)
-weight, 230 kg
-height, 7'4, 223cm
-age, 40
-calorie intake, 6377, eats 1600cal meals, usually getting the last 1500 through snacking
*Will throw out food (especially meat) the day after it expires, the smell of rotted meat is too reminiscent of krang/sickness. Any and all leftovers are eaten within days most times, often not more than two as he has nothing against eating the same food for breakfast, lunch, and dinner
*often very resourceful, knows survival tactics and avoids wasting food (the previous point being an exception), is usually a very efficient meal planner, he's an omnivore, but he likes to lean more towards a carnivorous, protein rich and high fat diet. occasional keto meals
-any type of meat, often favoring red meats
-most fruits, berries, favorite is peach (sliced)
-any and all nuts, common snack, but he does also like incorporating them in meals
-vegetable enthusiast, loves trying different combinations and adding them in smoothies and the like
-has a sweet tooth, usually satisfies it with fruits, rather than candy and the such, although he does eat the occasional pastry, in moderation
-He avoids overly sugary foods, as they affect his more feral state, making him jittery, paranoid, and anxious, similar to being overcaffeinated
*basically immune to spice due to tastebuds being obliterated by the atrocious sensations he had to put them through
-figured this out when he had no issues eating one of mikey's extra spicy meals, leo tried a bite and struggled with the sheer amount of spice mikey had crammed in there
-it's a 'can handle spice' scenario, rather than a 'can't feel spice' scenario, find something outrageously spicy and he'll still have the typical 'ate something too spicy' reaction; reclined, fanning face, sweaty, flushed, panting with a slight grin, the masochist.
-he likes spicy food, since it scratches a masochism itch in his brain, though he rarely goes over his spice tolerance
*coffee enthusiast, his energy levels are on an all time low, so he can rely on the stimulant a bit much. Around five cups on bad days, though he tries to limit himself to max three, most days
*stress stims
-clicking in back of throat, very common one, usually represses it
-scratching at self, pants, furniture
-rubbing prosthetic thigh, often when phantom pains flare up
-compulsive hissing, uncommon, usually if he feels threatened, rather than stressed
-bursts of growling, more common than hissing, usually used as a "back off" sound, also if he feels threatened
-fiddling with clothes, nearby object, bracelet, nearby person
*sometimes, to comfort someone he'll start humming very quietly, not to be heard, but felt. The vibrations of his voice a comforting sensation to his family
-he started doing this in a desperate attempt to quiet casey down as a kid, when they couldn't afford to make noise, then it stuck
*has his occasional 'off day' where his feral tendencies are greatly exaggerated, memories of off days tend to be foggy. Easy to trigger episodes during off days
*despite his over all lack of energy, he loves exercise and is borderline a workaholic at times, the others having stepped in on numerous occasions when he starts getting too close to 'won't be able to walk tomorrow' territory.
-his favorite thing is running, will often go on early morning, late night, midnight, mid day runs, sometimes multiple a day, but usually just his daily ones
-enjoys the peacefulness of yoga, flexibility training, compared to his other interests
-weight lifting multiple times a week
*ninpo, he's more practiced than leo due to his portals vanishing at age 20-30, he doesn't need his nagamaki to portal anymore, and is very skilled with his portals all in all.
-can create countless tiny apple sized portals as long as he has enough focus to plan the trajectory of the apple, he can do tricks like that with little difficulty, and loves using it in battle
-he can phase his body between reality and the portal dimension, letting him pass through physical objects, and people
-he can summon his nagamaki, but he can also summon Leo's swords, depends what mental state he's in, along with which is closer. Same goes for teleporting to his, or Leo's weapon
*his inability to portal wasn't due to having lost his ninpo, per se, he had just used it up, kinda like being burnt out, but on a whole nother level
-his ninpo vanished due to his body using it as a life source, keeping him alive, at the very least. It did have severe side effects, his ninpo making up for skipped meals, dehydration, lost sleep and more.
-ninpo side effects consisted of being severely underweight from his habit to skip meal after meal, his scales dry and dull from his lack of water, and a constant wear and tear on his body from the lack of sleep for nights on end. When he'd finally crash due to his energy literally running out, he'd collapse on the spot, passing out and finally getting some well deserved sleep
-after appearing in the past, his body was so used to its survival tactics that he couldn't sleep, despite the undeniable safety. he couldn't eat without a trashcan in arms reach, and after his third time violently upchucking his food he avoided eating entirely, having to get iv fluids and a feeding tube with the lightest nutritional liquid they could manage, instead. He did still drink water, after marveling at how clean it was
-to combat the previous point, they slowly started introducing foods easy on the stomach more and more, eventually deciding to have him snack throughout the day instead of full meals. To help with his sleep issues, they tried giving him a small dose of a drug to knock him out, he didn't like it but it worked for the most part, casey would often spend the night in the medbay with him as a comfort for them both.
*His brothers, after meditating and talking with karai for the first time since his portals vanished, he saw three pairs of eyes staring into his, across from him. his brothers signature colours were swirling around him. He then passed out, and the colours shot out in a multicolored shockwave of sorts, wrecking his surroundings. his recovered ninpo completely drained from his body in mere seconds. In this scenario his ninpo had been drained despite his brothers ninpo having fused with his own, this however means that when he recovers his ninpo, it's as strong as the four of them combined, along with being multicolored from then on.
-he wasn't aware of what happened, afterwards, not remembering the encounter with his brothers
-his ninpo started recovering four times as fast, which wasn't a lot, but it was an improvement
-the stronger his ninpo got, the more his brothers could interract with the world. They were completely invisible, and not really there physically for the first few weeks, but as their ninpo grew, they started doing things around the lair, Akari (donatello) going into his counterparts technology, leaving notes on how to fix coding, improve tech. Michaelangelo helping everyone out with aches, illness, bad moods etc, giving them a mental and physical boost. Raphael protecting them by redirecting projectiles, acting as a shield if necessary, and even helping them find things they misplaced.
-eventually his brothers are visible to mikey, but the transition from invisible to visible was freaky, seeing glimpses of eyes, tall silhouettes around corners, feeling watched, the horror movie experience. Unlike mikey, the others needed to activate their ninpo to be able to see his brothers, but the latter are always capable of physically interracting with the world
-later on donnie and Akari work together to create cloaking brooch esque pendants that let his brothers be visible to the naked eye
-his brothers can still use their ninpo seperately, but they're usually careful, as they could easily drain nardo if it got out of hand
*protective over his leg port, when his prosthetics are detached
-often growls if someone comes to close, bites if you're unlucky
-only lets leo touch it without arguement, even his donnie always got growling during check-ups
-rarely goes without a prosthetic, if his leg is gone he'll use the built in spare, reminiscent of an endo skeleton
*The colour pink is traumatic, for obvious reasons, will trigger episodes, but he comes back quick when the colour is out of sight again. Not without agressive hissing, growling, and possibly pouncing if you're unlucky. If you're very unlucky he might go straight for the 5'7 nagamaki blade that he can summon on demand
-donnie designs contact lenses that cancel out the colour pink, until the exposure therapy pays off
*Recurring flashback dream, vividly relives sister krang torturing him as slowly as she can, slowly snapping his arm off before tossing it to some krang hounds as a treat, but mainly carving off most of his thigh, cutting into his femur from hip to a bit below the knee, before reaching into his leg and excruciatingly, slowly twisting the bone out of its socket, doing the same to his knee joint. Then ripping the last bits of flesh keeping his leg even remotely attached before holding up the femur as if in amusement (cue his screaming)
*dissociates quite often, can be completely gone, or barely there at times, other times he's just a bit out of it
*michaelangelo helped him teach his brain to wake up to certain triggers due to their special circumstances, words, patterns, etc
*when a panic attack is triggered he will flee, running as far away as possible (kilometers) before hiding somewhere quiet, dark, and secluded. Tends to scratch at neck, thigh, nape etc as a form of unintended self harm, the pain helping him stay somewhat grounded
-this can result in deep gashes from his nails, but due to his healing factor, they heal within days, and rarely ever leave a scar. If there is a scar it's usually barely noticable
*when an anxiety attack is triggered he'll likely dissociate, along with a lot of stress stimming
*neat freak due to being forced to live in filth for two decades, keeps the lair spotless, always does chores in time, daily showers at least, just feels most at home when everything is tidy and genuinely enjoys the process of cleaning
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theblackshit · 8 months
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Every now and then I am reminded that we spend the vast majority of our time indoors: at home, at school, at the office, in shops and retail spaces, in bars, clubs and restaurants, in the apartments of friends and relatives, in train stations and moving vehicles, in hotels, venues and theaters, in museums, churches and hospitals – big boxes and little boxes with varying ratios of functionality to ornament.
Every now and then I am also reminded that we live in an air-conditioned dream/nightmare. In standard hotel rooms, split AC units are now as common as bedside bibles used to be. In most cases, these units are fixed to the wall above the entrance door, so that upon entering the room, guests can briefly enjoy a view unencumbered by the sight of the bulky appliance – a sort of icon corner in reverse, since an icon corner is usually located to be visible when you first enter. Once you lay down on the bed and gaze up at the familiar yet bewildering piece of engineering, you might begin to wonder: what’s the optimal temperature? Will I get sick if I sleep with the AC on? Is this thing more ugly than it is convenient? Would natality rates suddenly drop if these machines didn’t exist? Is this a tool that “brings energy home” as Ursula K. Le Guin would have it, or one that “forces energy outward?” How does it work? What’s inside the box? Is it good, is it bad? Where is the remote control for this thing?! 
Although the overhead placement of these split units is clearly a matter of practicality, I can’t help but overthink and ask myself if we also tend to place them at such heights, along with other physical objects including speakers, curtains, wall reliefs and friezes, because they pertain to immaterial realms such as temperature, sound, light and narration. As a “unit,” this compact object is at once whole and dependent upon an unseen network, which suggests a hidden elsewhere beyond the confine of the room. While its boxiness could bring to mind minimalism’s so-called “specific objects” (objects that can be apprehended on a phenomenological level), the idea that it contains unseen parts and is linked to an unseen system constitutes a conceptual or even metaphoric opening. Philip Seibel’s quietly baroque Gehäuse sculptures consciously play with this dichotomy. 
In borrowing some of the formal qualities of these units, Seibel paradoxically empties them out, thereby turning what first appears to be an enclosure into a container or a vessel where other ideas can get on board like stowaways. Looking up at his Gehäuse makes us aware of the many other vessels and boxes that create and sustain the conditions for our lives, those that shield us and our belongings, or again, those which act as receptacles for our fears and aspirations. Like ships made of reeds, there is something sensible but absurd about Seibel’s encasements. Their sleek finish seems to conceal something that is beyond our reach; or at least, it blurs the line between the manufactured and the handcrafted, the real and the fake, the readymade and the not already made, the functional and the decorative, the office, the hotel and the gallery. 
Emile Rubino
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withlovelunette · 1 year
Hey! do you have any tips on assessing your own writing better? Im fairly new so I can't tell if what i write sounds decent or amateur (I am an amateur so it probably does sound that way but still)
Hello there! A perfectly valid question regardless of skill, this can be tricky for anyone if you ask me :,)
Read it out loud!
This is definitely my number one tip to check if my writing sounds clunky and if it flows well. In my experience, when I’ve been working with my own writing for long amounts of time, there comes a point where my internal monologue kinda just skims what I’m reading. I don’t pause as much when I come across punctuation when I read it in my head vs when I read it out loud. Try to read it out loud as if you’re reading it to someone else (or even read it to someone else if you’re comfortable with it!). If you find yourself struggling to get through a sentence out loud, then chances are that something about the word-choice or sentence structure is clunky and wordy (though I’m also the type to just stumble in general when I read out loud; but this is an intuitive thing you’ll be able to pick apart with better accuracy as you learn!)
Take a break!
Step away from your writing!!! How long you choose to step away from your writing can really depend on preference and how much you intend to edit. If I find myself stumbling through my writing but I can’t quite figure out exactly what’s wrong with it, then that’s usually a sign for me to take a break from it for a day or two. A lot of times you’ll be able to troubleshoot your own writing much more objectively when you approach it with a fresher pair of eyes, because you’ve detached yourself from the writing a little bit.
Have someone else read it!
If you’re comfortable and want an even fresher pair of eyes to look at your writing, have someone else read it! Whether they do so out loud to you or just for themselves is a preference thing, I’ve found both to be very helpful in different ways.
When someone else reads your writing out loud, you get to experience what it’s like for someone to read your writing without your voice influencing it. (When I say your voice in this instance, I’m not talking about your literal voice, but rather your “writing style”, preference in sentence structure, word choice, etc. Even when you read your own writing out loud, there’s a chance that you can miss clunky writing because it’s in a “voice” that you’re already accustomed to!) But I understand that it can be scary to have someone read your writing, especially out loud to you, so it's definitely not a method I turn to all too frequently :,)
Focus your nitpicking!
It can be very easy to get caught up with fixing every little problem, especially because there's almost always something that can be improved. However, I think I usually get more out of my own assessments by focusing my nitpicking instead of nitpicking... Everything. That isn't to say you should ignore problems that you come across if it's not part of your primary focus (especially if it's a relatively easy quick fix, like readjusting sentences a little bit). However, when tackling larger issues, like story structure, themes, character arcs, environmental descriptions, etc., it can be helpful to focus on only one thing in the editing process, or you'll easily find yourself lost and disorganised in the process, at least from my own experience ^^;
Read books!
And finally, I highly recommend to read! This is sort of a redundant tip to give, but this really does help me for a variety of reasons. The main thing is that it helps me "escape" my own voice, so when I come back to my own writing, it feels fresher and easier to approach objectively.
The second thing is that you can pick up on a bunch of advice whilst reading without even realising it! It's much easier to assess your own writing if you have something to compare it to, particularly if you're new to writing and might not be as "conscious" of the various writing choices you're making.
I won't make a very fancy outro, as this answer is long overdue, but I hope these tips were helpful! If there's anything I missed or you want me to elaborate on something, don't hesitate to shoot me another ask and I'll do my best to answer :,D Can't promise it'll be super timely considering my health situation, but I'll try to get to it as timely as I can manage :,) Thank you for the ask and good luck with your writing! <3
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catonator · 1 year
Addendum: Game Engines
The post about Unity I wrote yesterday was the longest one I’ve published so far, and even then I feel like I left out about a hundred things. One of the most important ones I wanted to talk about was complexity.
When I first moved away from Game Maker in 2018, I really couldn’t imagine actually writing my own games without using a premade engine. I mean, Game Maker is a massive tool that’s been developed for decades, and the source must have thousands of lines of code, right?
Well, yes. But you don’t need to recreate Game Maker. You can make a lot happen with something called MVP; Minimum Viable Product. Let’s look at a practical example.
Super Mario Bros.. Released in 1985, for the Nintendo Entertainment System. Somehow I doubt it ran on Unity.
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Let’s start with the most important part: the stuff that moves around and does things.
Now, I’ve looked at SMB1’s engine code, and it actually kind of sucks, so I’ll instead focus on a high-level version of a system that matches what SMB1 has, but doesn’t recreate it one to one. Remember, I want to encourage you to get something made yourself, in your own chosen language and framework, instead of getting stuck looking at hex and memory address behaviour.
We can define an object as something that’s interactable, and can change its state. This locks out stuff like the background bushes, clouds, mountains and also the ground (since it remains constant). However, this means that something like brick blocks and question mark blocks are objects.
In its simplest form, an object base would have a few parameters that every object in the game have: X and Y coordinates, current object state, and whether the object is active or not.
Most of the objects in SMB1 are either very boxy or actually just boxes, so for collision we’ll simply use an axis-aligned bounding box.
How you make the object do, you know, object things, probably depends on what language you’re using. In C I’d use some sort of overcomplicated function pointer array to point to object state functions. In more modern (and reasonable) languages like C#, Java and even C++ you’d probably just inherit the class and make the language figure out what to do with the object.
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As for actually managing the objects, well that’s quite simple. The camera in SMB1 moves to the right, and never backtracks, so in essence you just have to worry about objects that appear from the right side of the screen. If you spawn objects only as they’d appear on the screen, and despawn them as soon as they disappear off the left side of the screen, you can easily get away with just a fixed-size array of say, 32 indices, and a for loop to update the active objects.
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My very first game was quite literally just this. It’s as basic as it gets, and it totally works!
Level creation!
Generally speaking, one of the most frustrating parts in game development are level creation tools. Without a level, you don’t really have a game, and if your tools suck ass and level creation is a pain, your game won’t turn out so good. As of writing this, I’ve spent about 3 months writing a pretty comprehensive level editor for Radium. However, your first game (super mario) won’t be as complicated. We’ll use something tangible as an example again!
Let’s look at world 1-4, the first Bowser castle. At first glance it looks rather complicated, there’s floor, a ceiling, both change height at several points, there’s pits, all sorts of traps. It looks like a cohesive place.
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But remember, video games are all smoke and mirrors. Ultimately all of this is just numbers in memory.
With that in mind, if you stare at the stage for a while, you might start noticing some strange details. Ignoring all enemies and simply looking at the ground, you might notice that the level never features any overlapping geometry. Bricks and question mark blocks may occasionally form platforms, but as far as the ground and ceiling goes, there are never any overhangs, tunnels, multi-layered passthroughs… it’s simply all solid blocks.
SMB1 constructs its worlds by defining a floor and ceiling height. The level itself is constructed by placing markers along the stage that change the floor and ceiling height from that point onward. If the floor is 0 grid units high, it’s a bottomless pit. Therefore, if you simply wanted to make a clone of the world generator and Mario’s player controller, the collision detection would at its simplest be whether or not Mario’s feet are below the ground level. For walls, you can scan the stage forward by Mario’s width and see if the ground level changes at all. If it does, you can check if it’s again higher than Mario’s feet level.
Thus, we have a level creation toolset that doesn’t even require tiles. It might not be suitable for a WYSIWYG approach to level design (for that I’d recommend Tiled or similar), but for a starting position you can quite literally just hardcode a list of ceiling/floor height change instructions separated by N amounts of tiles. Level design without an editor.
That’s not all I could talk about, but I already feel like this is a lot to swallow. Stuff like sprite batching, tile rendering, texture atlases etc. are all topics you'll probably encounter sooner or later. I'd really love to go on about stuff like this, but I'm trying to avoid writing a book. My hopes with this post are to showcase that making games outside of the carefully curated toolsets of modern engines isn’t always as difficult as you’d imagine. The likes of Unity and Unreal have made us believe that game engines are gigantic, unscalable mountains of code. In truth, a game engine is simply something that runs a game.
When I started my engine journey in 2018, I hadn't really realized this. I jumped to MonoGame because I thought custom engines were rad, but I didn’t really know how to actually make an engine, let along a game in one. It didn’t take long to figure just how many corners you can cut to just make something work in the most basic of senses. For every challenge, you have infinite solutions, far beyond the templatized ones provided to you by online Unity tutorials.
I made the source code for my first ever custom game open when I finished the game. It was written in about 2 weeks, and during the production I learned MonoGame, C# and engine design philosophies, all for the first time in my life. You can take a gander at it here and witness it in all its hacky glory. Despite that, it’s a game that you can play.
I’ve also opened up the questions page on my Tumblr, so maybe I can assist with some issues you may have when starting out. I hope I’ve at least inspired you to give a shot for outside the box thinking. The game you want to make may be a lot simpler than you initially imagined.
Happy carefree programming!
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Hello frank! I have a question for ya: if you had the power to summon one type of dragon, what type of dragons would you summon?
(Personally I would summon space dragons. I think that'd be dope)
This is a great question but I'm not sure I really know how to answer it. I can't tell you which "type of dragon" I would "summon," nor what I would "summon" from.
I'm not sure that there is anything one "type" of "dragon" I would particularly "summon," at least not in any easy to understand, non-ambiguous way. I could maybe "summon" something from within the universe I inhabit? But the "type" of anything "summoned" from here would depend on all sorts of factors and might not even be an intuitive thing to think about.
At best I could answer this sort of question by saying something like "I would summon one who could be the size of a planet, and who could fly fast enough to move across the observable universe in a year, and who could breathe fire with such force that the blast could easily annihilate the nearest solar system, and who would probably have a mind big enough to contain everything that could think, and... " etc. I could say what this dragon would look like, etc., but this is just like saying what a house "should" look like, or what a star "should" look like, except I don't know how to draw a line between "what a star looks like" and "what a star does look like."
The same goes for "summoning" or "allocating" (to use the technical term), to the point that I sometimes just think of this as a purely "human-level" question. I wouldn't really know how to "allocate" to something unless I could be sure I knew all the relevant facts about its properties.
I suspect this is one reason I'm interested in "AI safety": the way we describe intelligence (e.g. with formal or informal analogies to physics or biology) leads us to think of it as being possible to "summon" or "allocate" in a deterministic and objective way, and the fact that we can't do this (and that we're continually surprised by unexpected capabilities in artificial systems) tells us that maybe this isn't really how "intelligence" works. Perhaps "intelligence" is not a fixed property of something that "you just add it in" (in the way we think of "space dragons," as, e.g., Turing machines or the "Godel string"), but a property of a system with an internal "bio-machinery" (like us) that has been able to "summon" its own "bio-machinery," which it "allocated" to certain "tasks." (This is basically what I mean by saying we "don't understand what 'intelligence' actually is.")
This means that if you can "summon" and "allocate" without being able to do the sort of "deterministic optimization" we expect in some ways, the very nature of the world may be different. Perhaps this is why it took evolution so long to "allocate" a brain: the ability to "allocate" is a new and mysterious thing that required so much of the world to come in advance in order to understand (perhaps because only a tiny fraction of the world had it, or because it was "random enough" or what have you), and so it may have taken millions or billions of years for humans to realize how this was done, even though it was basically the "same thing" all along.
Or maybe this isn't what "intelligence" is at all, and we will eventually realize that and never need "space dragons." I'm not sure. At any rate, I can't really answer this question without getting into all sorts of meta-level discussion that is pretty much "theoretical speculation," and where there is so much uncertainty we won't really know how useful it is to speculate about it all. Maybe it will turn out there is a "type of dragon" you can "summon" by just sitting down and thinking about it; maybe it won't.
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kumicienta · 2 months
A perfect game (sort of)
I've been playing the sims since I was a child (and I'm in my 30s) and at this point I know I can't trust EA to deliver a good game that is NOT full of bugs and glitches.
But still, complaining is free and that's exactly what I'm gonna do: complain about the things I want to see in the games but I know I won't have because, you know, EA doesn't care about what the simmers want.
You can reblog this and add some of the things you would like to see in the games too!
If you know some mods that make any of this happens, please tell me, I will forever be grateful.
Personalities I need sims that don't act exactly the same as the others, sims that talk, move or just act different depending on their personality. I would die for a flamboyant sim with mannerisms, loud sims that can't help but be, ya know, loud in any aspect. You could say that I need some singularity for my sims, feel that they're not just a carbon copy of the others.
More traits And more meaningful at that. I'm still waiting for a sim who don't like animals, bossy sims, sims that hate being bossed around, obsessive sims, sims who are fans of the supernatural, insecure sims... Exclusive traits for any age: like smug teenagers, hiperactive children, unpredectible toddlers... there are so many possibilities but I feel EA didn't exploit this feature enough.
More possibilities for pets Do you remember Sims 2? Where the pets could have jobs? Or Sims 3 where the pets could actually find objects and hunt for minor pets? Well I think we need that back, please and thank you.
Minor pets Yes, I know we can have hamsters (sort of), but I think having minor pets like we did in the Sims 3 is way more interesting. Adopt bunnies, chinchillas, guinea pigs, ferrets, birds, turtles... and maybe have them escape sometimes and making a little mess. I have this mental picture of children gaining responsability everytime they care for their pets, or lose it if they let their pet unatended (or if they escape). Parents could scold them if they don't care for them or even put them for adoption and find them a better home.
More parental dynamics Over protective parents, parents that just don't care enough, maybe weird dynamics (as a "I don't know how to act around them weird") for step parents... Spice it up a bit. Also more meaningful interactions between family, it's unnerving seeing my sims act with their kids like they act with a friend.
Following sims to work I know following sims to work gets boring at some point, but it would be awesome if we could follow our sims for more than just three jobs. Dang we could even follow our kids to school sometimes! Example: a kindergarten teacher who has to keep her class under control, or a high school teacher who is trying not to unalive themself in the middle of the class. Maybe an idol career?? Or modeling, professional dancers...
More skills Remember the hobbys for the sim 2? Something like that. I miss my sims being able to sew some clothes.
Exclusive activities for ages I want my sims to be able to write fanfiction, to read/draw webtoons and comics, to talk about the shipps of their favourite show... Just imagine: you start writing fanfiction as a child, keep writing them in their teens and then become a writer as an adult (and write fanfiction just for fun sometimes). Add some weirdness to it and make them have a moment of panic because someone discovered their old fanfiction after they became famous.
Open and interactive worlds I know open worlds can have lots of negative effects (let's not forget how hard it was in the Sims 3) but at this point I highly doubt EA couldn't do anything to fix it if they wanted.
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ALS Treatment with Stem Cells in Austria No.1 ALS Treatment with Stem Cells in Austria No.1 Stem Cell Therapy for ALS in Austria is available with affordable cost. ALS as a rule strikes individuals somewhere in the range of 40 and 60 years of age; men are more impacted than ladies. The sickness is by and large brought about by a change or deformity in a specific quality, whose careful capacity is as yet unclear. Until this point in time, no fix exists for those determined to have ALS. Nonetheless, late improvement in stem cell therapies offer expect those battling with this infection. Definition of Stem Cell Therapy for ALS Treatment in Austria Stem cells are the body's maintenance component, having a regenerative capacity and the ability to form boundless into various sorts of cells, like muscle cells, synapses or red platelets. The stem cell therapy reestablishes the engine neurons stocks as well as different cells to safeguard engine neurons and to renew the microenvironment inside the spinal rope and mind. Thinking about the infection cycle, convincing results have been accomplished subsequent to consolidating various sorts of stem cells Cost of Stem Cell Therapy for ALS in Austria Package The average Cost of Stem Cell Therapy for ALS in Austria starts from $16000. Data in regards to definite expense will be given to the patients after pre-activity test and research facility reports. Procedure Country Cost ALS Treatment with Stem Cells Austria $16000 ALS Treatment with Stem Cells USA $32000 ALS Treatment with Stem Cells UK $37000 Note: Cost can be different depends upon treatment hardships and patients condition. For additional data about definite cost, contact Customer Representative at the present time. Procedure of ALS Treatment with Stem Cells in Austria While some stem cell types can safeguard the harmed engine neurons and add to their recovery, different kinds of stem cells can make fresh blood vessels to further develop the blood stream to the impacted region - which prompts a superior cellular movement. For instance, mesenchymal stem cells are, because of their ability to separate into neurons and astrocytes to supplant harmed neurons, a potential treatment answer for the patients determined to have ALS. These cells additionally discharge development factors (counting the mind determined neurotrophic factor, otherwise called BDNF) which have a huge commitment at the engine neurons' endurance. Notwithstanding, as every clinical case is unique, the doctors will analyze each quiet and suggest a customized stem cell treatment plan. The stem cell therapy for ALS can get upgrades respects to coordination, balance, muscle strength and tone, weariness, the illness' sluggish relapse and quakes. Similarly as with any stem cell therapy, enhancements change from a patient to another and can't be ensured. It's vital that the patient and their darlings to remember that treatment isn't a fix. ALS is, all things considered, a dynamic sickness and the objective of the therapy is to briefly switch the manifestations and accomplish a superior personal satisfaction. Regardless of whether the stem cell therapy can't stop the infection's movement, it has a fundamentally job in easing back it, and working on the engine work. Advantages of Stem Cell Therapy for ALS in Austria Here are several advantages of using Stem Cell Therapy for ALS in Austria: Enjoy the great hospitality of Austria Low risk of tissue rejection Cures or improves chronic diseases No risks of tissue injury World-class facilities Experienced and Qualified doctors and medical staff Fast recovery No recovery required Affordable price Inclusions in Package ALS Treatment with Stem Cells in Austria Here are several inclusions you can find at Package of ALS Treatment with Stem Cells in Austria: Pre and post-operative consultations All medical fees (doctors, anesthesiologist and nursing staff)
All hospital fees with night stay Post-surgery garments Exclusions in Package ALS Treatment with Stem Cells in Austria Here are several exclusions you can find at ALS Treatment with Stem Cells in Austria Package: Airfare Hotel or recovery house Preoperative lab work List of Pre-Op Test in Stem Cell Therapy for ALS Package in Austria Here are list of pre op tests you can find at ALS Treatment with Stem Cells in Austria Package: Laboratory tests for genetic or metabolic problems Vision impairment Intellectual disability test, etc Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Cranial Ultrasound Electroencephalogram (EEG) Top Clinic for ALS Treatment with Stem Cells in Austria .svc_categories_filter_963 li a.active{color: !important;background: !important;} /*for dropdown start*/ /*for dropdown end*/ div.svc_post_grid_963 article{ background: !important;} div.svc_post_grid_963 article:hover{ background: !important;} div.svc_post_grid_963 article header{border-bottom: 3px solid #dd3333 !important;} div.svc_post_grid_963 article section p a.svc_title{color: !important;} div.svc_post_grid_963 article section p a.svc_title:hover{color: !important;} nav.svc_infinite_963 div.loading-spinner .ui-spinner .side .fill{ background: !important;} Kobinia Med – Leading Stem Cell Clinic in Vienna Austria Read More  var wl = jQuery(window); jQuery(document).ready(function(){ jQuery('.svc_load_more_963').click(function(event) { event.preventDefault(event); jQuery('nav.svc_infinite_963 p').css('visibility','hidden'); jQuery('nav.svc_infinite_963 div.loading-spinner').show(); var div_position=jQuery('#svc_form_load_more_963').position().top; jQuery('#svc_paged_963').val(Number(jQuery('#svc_paged_963').val())+1); var params=jQuery('#svc_form_load_more_963').serialize(); jQuery.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: 'https://globalstemcelltherapy.com/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php', data: params+'&action=svc_layout_post', success: function(response) { isotop_callback(response,''); } }); }); var container = jQuery('#svc_post_grid_963').imagesLoaded( function() { jQuery('#svc_post_grid_list_container_963').show(); jQuery('#svc_mask_963').hide(); svc_imag_animation(); container.isotope({ itemSelector: '.element-item', filter: '*', layoutMode: 'fitRows', }); //var ic = 0; //var ci = setInterval(function(){container.isotope();if(ic>10){clearInterval(ci);}ic++;},400); }); var filters = {}; jQuery('#svc_categories_filter_9630').ddslick({ onSelected: function(selectedData){ //var filterValue = selectedData.selectedData.value; var filterValue = ''; jQuery('.filter_child_divs_963').each(function(){ var v = jQuery(this).children('div').children('div').children('.dd-selected-value').val(); if(typeof v != 'undefined' && v != '*'){ filterValue += v; } }); if(filterValue == '**' || filterValue == ''){ filterValue = '*'; } container.isotope({ filter: filterValue }).isotope(); } }); jQuery('#svc_categories_filter_9631').ddslick({ onSelected: function(selectedData){ //var filterValue = selectedData.selectedData.value; var filterValue = ''; jQuery('.filter_child_divs_963').each(function(){ var v = jQuery(this).children('div').children('div').children('.dd-selected-value').val(); if(typeof v != 'undefined' && v != '*'){ filterValue += v; } }); if(filterValue == '**' || filterValue == ''){ filterValue = '*'; } container.isotope({ filter: filterValue }).
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n like way, it gives strong outcomes; constantly giving individuals better quality life due their dynamic ways of life or calling that require them being on their feet the entire day. Is Stem Cell for ALS in Austria Safe? Yes, it is. with its stimulated culture and warm individuals, Austria will feel like a second home to you. You can get access a piece of your dear treatments, for example, Stem Cell Therapy while researching this brain blowing nation moreover! Start Journey with ALS Treatment with Stem Cells in Austria! ALS Treatment with Stem Cells can give improvement for your awesome health! Have you whenever had a credible issue that isolated before at long last recuperating in isolation or maybe the annoying was so astounding. You will be given science and progression from Austria to assist you with getting improvement you really care about. Click button under to communicate with us: Contact Us: https://globalstemcelltherapy.com/contact/
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tellykolira · 1 year
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Keto Gummies Australia Chemist Warehouseare the normally formed delicate easy to swallow pills that are not difficult to process and compelling for fat individuals. These oral chewy candies are figured out utilizing novel blend fixings that focus on the main driver of expanding body weight and guarantee to consume the fat stores and repositories across the body. The recipe animates the normal fat consuming component of your body and helps in consuming the fat cells rapidly and effectively. It conveys quicker results without putting your body at the gamble of incidental effects. Since it utilizes the regular fat consuming cycle, there is no gamble of fostering any sort of adverse consequences.
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eyeballtank · 1 year
Companion remade, their CRAWL states, checkpoint, power up, sprite/skin system and a bit more.
After a while, i might as well make another news post about Project Nortubel just to see what's happened:
Remade Companion
First things first, i had to remake Companion with a new variation called Comp4. This is because of 3 major reasons:
CCopy used a complicated code that i couldn't easily modify in my favor.
CCopy specifically used methods that i assumed could be troublesome for future players and hardware.
The fact that CCopy moves left and right when close to the Player might be odd to some and i couldn't even take advantage of sees_player() from Gonkee's project, but at least Comp4 stops when close enough during FOLLOWME.
It took a while but i eventually managed to fix issues they had.
Companion on ice
The Companion finally has ice physics. Besides the fact that ICERUN/FOLLOW have some build up when direction changes, the fact that ICEIDLE can be slippery (And even so the "idle" part of when they're close enough to the Player during ICEFOLLOW) is also good.
Companion crawl states
First i added a "CrawlCheck", then the "enter/exit Crawlzone" areas, then some code based on touching those areas, then some code related to resizing/positioning the collision shapes and then code related to the commands and movement.
So it's there. The main idea here is having a reason to seperate the characters in some scenarios and trying to make the little bro/sis character a bit more useful in some scenarios.
Slow floors
These floors are kinda like opposites to the ice floors and mainly exist because when i was working on the Pushable object, i tried a method of "it automatically slows down the Player when they touch it" which made me realize i could make this a thing.
Visually, think of it like some really thick and slimey mud (And this feature might as well be rare depending on how annoying it'd be for players).
The first power up (A lifeguard floater)
To make this work, i simply had to learn about set_monitoring because unlike with the Melee attack, i couldn't call the collision of the Area2D with dot disabled = false. But at least it's there.
What it needs is some sort of visual feedback for both during activation and when it's picked up/gone.
Originally it was going to be a green jacket but a lifeguard ring/floater makes more sense with the setting (Plus, depending on potential character sprites, i don't want to make the characters wearing a green jacket when i already thought of 3 Player characters).
So far, it only works on the Player by turning their hurtbox temporarily.
Checkpoint system
A checkpoint is something i always had in mind and when i first implemented i faced a lot of issues in regards to scene instancing and node names.
So i used a tutorial video by matinator9185/MateuSai to make a checkpoint method that "drags" the Player to a specific spot as the respawn spot.
However, this had another issue which was the game crashing if you haven't set a checkpoint prior due to needing a place for the player to respawn to.
So i created a "playerspawn" scene to fix that (And did the same for the Companion).
Even had to tweak the visuals to make sure each character is made invisible, so they seem like they actually disappear and reappear.
Export var behind Door
Now the Door scene that ends levels has an export var, so i can change the next level in the inspector instead of creating specific scripts
Still not finished but i implemented various character sprites and even got an export var to select specific characters by levels.
The sprites themselves look weird but at least some mechanical stuff is there.
I also found a way to fix the Player's pushing animation.
Though the placeholder sprite scenes still exist (Are set behind the characters' AnimatedSprite scenes), partially because of comparison stuff and other test related things.
I also had to redo how the Player's melee works because somehow i broke it (Ended up creating a seperate PlayerMelee scene that the Player spawns in the spot of their original hitbox).
Current issues
The Player's new "Hurt" animation using AnimatedSprite and/or HURT state are messy; One issue i noticed is how the Enemy can still hurt the Player because it takes a while for the "playerhurt" animation to actually play. I want "playerhurt" to start RIGHT when the Player's hurtbox collides with the EnemyHitbox.
I felt like redoing how the Player receieves damage, even if i broke it.
The current Pause Menu scene isn't AutoLoad/"universal" because it's set as a node under a CanvasLayer node in each level, so i need to make this as an actual recurring game scene.
The Pause Menu shows up ABOVE the SceneManager's animation but it doesn't pause the animation: Therefore the scene changing animation still plays and changes the scene (And i only didn't make the Pause Menu AutoLoad because i don't know how to make it unavailable in certain scenes like the Main Menu).
The Companion's AI could improve as it only jumps when it's "under" the player's position (And there's more to consider depending on what will eventually be added to the game).
Current health bars are attached to the main characters and not part of an ingame HUD attached to the screen.
Companion shakes during climbing when close enough to the Player, as seen in the AnimatedSprite still retaining the "Climbidle" frame when supposedly moving.
There may be a subtle bug on Comp4 during "Pushing" animation where it returns to "Running" while on PUSHRUN state i guess.
Comp4 doesn't have the "updated but still broken" take on getting hurt that the Player has (Part of this is because i want to learn how you make an scene change to a previous state, because i don't know how a script can keep a "previous state" in mind, so the Player's HURT state just changes to MAINSTATE which can be weird if the Player was on CLIMB state).
Other stuff
Just learned that Gonkee's video on the Jared AI project is gone. Because not only do i borrow code from that project, it's a specific version where unlike the Jared thing, i don't have that "sees player" code used on may game.
With the checkpoint, i'd like to work on a life system: Ideally, both characters share "lives" despite the health being seperate meaning that if one dies, both characters respawn.
Another idea i consider is an oxygen system. Maybe make it that the number is 100 by default/outside water but when is_on_water(), it slowly goes down and whether or not it's insta death or health drain depends.
I need to do something about collision shapes for stuff since i added new sprites for the characters.
I got too ambitious with this game but if i tweak/add enough stuff, i like to think i'm close enough to make a playable demo.
Project as usual is here https://github.com/EyeBallTank/PROJECT-NORTUBEL-main-ish
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dendraletheia · 2 years
Attention & Will by Simone Weil
We do not have to understand new things, but by dint of patience, effort and method to come to understand with our whole self the truths which are evident.
Stages of belief. The most commonplace truth when it floods the whole soul, is like a revelation. We have to try to cure our faults by attention and not by will.
The will only controls a few movements of a few muscles, and these movements are associated with the idea of the change of position of nearby objects. I can will to put my hand flat on the table. If inner purity, inspiration or truth of thought were necessarily associated with attitudes of this kind, they might be the object of will. As this is not the case, we can only beg for them. To beg for them is to believe that we have a Father in heaven. Or should we cease to desire them? What could be worse? Inner supplication is the only reasonable way, for it avoids stiffening muscles which have nothing to do with the matter. What could be more stupid than to tighten up our muscles and set our jaws about virtue, or poetry, or the solution of a problem. Attention is something quite different.
Pride is a tightening up of this kind. There is a lack of grace (we can give the word its double meaning here) in the proud man. It is the result of a mistake.
Attention, taken to its highest degree, is the same thing as prayer. It presupposes faith and love.
Absolutely unmixed attention is prayer. If we turn our minds towards the good, it is impossible that little by little the whole soul will not be attracted thereto in spite of itself. Extreme attention is what constitutes the creative faculty in man and the only extreme attention is religious. The amount of creative genius in any period is strictly in proportion to the amount of extreme attention and thus of authentic religion at that period.
The wrong way of seeking. The attention fixed on a problem. Another phenomenon due to horror of the void. We do not want to have lost our labour. The heat of the chase. We must not want to find: as in the case of an excessive devotion, we become dependent on the object of our efforts. We need an outward reward which chance sometimes provides and which we are ready to accept at the price of a deformation of the truth. It is only effort without desire (not attached to an object) which infallibly contains a reward. To draw back before the object we are pursuing. Only an indirect method is effective. We do nothing if we have not first drawn back. By pulling at the bunch, we make all the grapes fall to the ground.
There are some kinds of effort which defeat their own object (example: the soured disposition of certain pious females, false asceticism, certain sorts of self-devotion, etc.). Others are always useful, even if they do not meet with success. How are we to distinguish between them? Perhaps in this way: some efforts are always accompanied by the (false) negation of our inner wretchedness; with others the attention is continually concentrated on the distance there is between what we are and what we love. Love is the teacher of gods and men, for no 01w learns without desiring to learn. Truth is sought not because it is truth but because it is good.
Attention is bound up with desire. Not with the will but with desire — or more exactly, consent. We liberate energy in ourselves, but it constantly reattaches itself. How are we to liberate it entirely? We have to desire that it should be done in us — to desire it truly — simply to desire it, not to try to accomplish it. For every attempt in that direction is vain and has to be dearly paid for. In such a work all that I call ‘I’ has to be passive. Attention alone — that attention which is so full that the ‘I’ disappears — is required of me. I have to deprive all that I call ‘I’ of the light of my attention and turn it on to that which cannot be conceived.
The capacity to drive a thought away once and for all is the gateway to eternity. The infinite in an instant.
As regards temptations, we must follow the example of the truly chaste woman who, when the seducer speaks to her, makes no answer and pretends not to hear him.
We should be indifferent to good and evil but, when we are indifferent, that is to say when we project the light of our attention equally on both, the good gains the day. This phenomenon comes about automatically. There lies the essential grace. And it is the definition, the criterion of good.
A divine inspiration operates infallibly, irresistibly, if we do not turn away our attention, if we do not refuse it. There is not a choice to be made in its favour, it is enough not to refuse to recognize that it exists.
The attention turned with love towards God (or in a lesser degree, towards anything which is truly beautiful) makes certain things impossible for us. Such is the non-acting action of prayer in the soul. There are ways of behaviour which would veil such attention should they be indulged in and which, reciprocally, this attention puts out of the question.
As soon as we have a point of eternity in the soul, we have nothing more to do but to take care of it, for it will grow of itself like a seed. It is necessary to surround it with an armed guard, waiting in stillness, and to nourish it with the contemplation of numbers, of fixed and exact relationships. We nourish the changeless which is in the soul by the contemplation of that which is unchanging in the body.
Writing is like giving birth: we cannot help making the supreme effort. But we also act in like fashion. I need have no fear of not making the supreme effort — provided only that I am honest with myself and that I pay attention. The poet produces the beautiful by fixing his attention on something real. It is the same with the act of love. To know that this man who is hungry and thirsty really exists as much as I do — that is enough, the rest follows of itself. The authentic and pure values — truth, beauty and goodness — in the activity of a human being are the result of one and the same act, a certain application of the full attention to the object. Teaching should have no aim but to prepare, by training the attention, for the possibility of such an act.
All the other advantages of instruction are without interest.
Studies and faith. Prayer being only attention in its pure form and studies being a form of gymnastics of the attention, each school exercise should be a refraction of spiritual life. There must be method in it. A certain way of doing a Latin prose, a certain way of tackling a problem in geometry (and pot just any way) make up a system of gymnastics of the attention calculated to give it a greater aptitude for prayer.
Method for understanding images, symbols, etc. Not to try to interpret them, but to look at them till the light suddenly dawns. Generally speaking, a method for the exercise of the intelligence, which consists of looking. Application of this rule for the discrimination between the real and the illusory. In our sense perceptions, if we are not sure of what we see we change our position while looking, and what is real becomes evident. In the inner life, time takes the place of space. With time we are altered, and, if as we change we keep our gaze directed towards the same thing, in the end illusions are scattered and the real becomes visible. This is on condition that the attention be a looking and not an attachment.
When a struggle goes on between the will attached to some obligation and a bad desire, there is a wearing away of the energy attached to good. We have to endure the biting of the desire passively, as we do a suffering which brings home to us our wretchedness, and we have to keep our attention turned towards the good. Then the quality of our energy is raised to a higher degree. We must steal away the energy from our desires by taking away from them their temporal orientation.
Our desires are infinite in their pretensions but limited by the energy from which they proceed. That is why with the help of grace we can become their master and finally destroy them by attrition. As soon as this has been clearly understood, we have virtually conquered them, if we keep our attention in contact with this truth.
Video meliora . . . In such states, it seems as though we were thinking of the good, and in a sense we are doing so, but we are not thinking of its possibility.
It is incontestable that the void which we grasp with the pincers of contradiction is from on high, for we grasp it the better the more we sharpen our natural faculties of intelligence, will and love. The void which is from below is that into which we fall when we allow our natural faculties to become atrophied.
Experience of the transcendent: this seems contradictory, and yet the transcendent can be known only through contact since our faculties are unable to prevent it.
Solitude. Where does its value lie? For in solitude we are in the presence of mere matter (even the sky, the stars, the moon, trees in blossom), things of less value (perhaps) than a human spirit. Its value lies in the greater possibility of attention. If we could be attentive to the same degree in the presence of a human being…
We can only know one thing about God — that he is what we are not. Our wretchedness alone is an image of this. The more we contemplate it, the more we contemplate him.
Sin is nothing else but the failure to recognize human wretchedness. It is unconscious wretchedness and for that very reason guilty wretchedness. The story of Christ is the experimental proof that human wretchedness is irreducible, that it is as great in the absolutely sinless man as in the sinner. But in him who is without sin it is enlightened.
The recognition of human wretchedness is difficult for whoever is rich and powerful because he is almost invincibly led to believe that he is something. It is equally difficult for the man in miserable circumstances because he is almost invincibly led to believe that the rich and powerful man is something.
It is not the fault which constitutes mortal sin, but the [degree of light in the soul when the fault, whatever it may be, is accomplished. Purity is the power to contemplate defilement. Extreme purity can contemplate both the pure and the [impure: impurity can do neither: the pure frightens it, the impure absorbs it. It has to have a mixture.
From Gravity and Grace, translated by Emma Craufurd, Routledge and Kegan Paul, London, 1952. Originally published as La Pesanteur et la Grace, Plon, Paris, 1947.
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