#and after he came to terms with it all he couldn't help thinking -- yah he's an idiot but he's MY idiot
assiraphales · 10 months
yet another case of zoro why are you looking at him like that. zoro. zoro. i'm waving my hand in your face. zoro look me in the eyes WHY ARE YOU LOOKING AT HIM LIKE THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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rushipedia · 2 years
i just discovered ur blog today and i just needed you to know that i love the way you write sm! <33 especially ur recent Gorou HC, i’ve been re-reading it about it 3 times already aaa
i’d love to request a gorou x gn reader wherein he falls in love at first sight but acts all tsundere about it but then , comes to terms with his feelings in the end and we get a cute confession? thank you so much! i’m always looking forward to ur posts <33 have the loveliest of days!
– 🩰
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Won't Say I'm in Love!
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This one might seem rather rushed, there's kind of a time skip to a few weeks later at an awkward spot, and it might be hard to miss..hehe sorry..
I hope his tsundere isn't too subtle. It kind of turned into a shield for the self-doubt he was having... sorry I kind of went astray!!!
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Pairing: Tsundere!Gorou x GN!Reader
Genre: Fluff!!!?!?!? ANGST?!? IDK it's mostly him just pining over you without knowing it.
Word Count: 1475
Warnings: Lots of self doubt from Gorou ummm yah nothing too unusual from my regular fics. I just can't help going there all. the. time
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The army general. For the High Priestess, Kokomi Sangonomiya, no less. The "pointy-eared-general". He was someone a lot of his comrades looked up to, though sometimes he couldn't really figure out why.
He always thought his life would be simple. When it came to love, he didn't think something like that would benefit him. Not that benefit was something he was after all the time. He just didn't want something like that to weigh him down. He had far too many responsibilities.
And then he saw you.
All you were doing was speaking with the High Priestess Kokomi, but it felt like you were doing so much more. Your face was focused and you were discussing strategies for battle. He had never seen you before, but you seemed well-versed in the particular art of war. Someone scarred by the effects of it in one way or another.
He supposed that everyone in this region of Teyvat was. It would be selfish to wallow in self-pity over something like that, though. He stopped gawking as soon as he caught himself and straightened himself up again, entering his lady's camp with the feigned stupor of being completely calm and collected.
Though standing next to his lady now, with you looking at him with such curious eyes, he couldn't keep still. He felt like a child with a crush. Jittery and unable to keep his eyes off you. Though when yours met his, they would flit away instantly.
Embarrassed and confused, every day that he accompanies the two of you in his lady's tent, he tries to remain composed. And though eventually, you start to warm up to him, you were ignorant to the fact that he'd already warmed up to you long before.
Slowly but surely, the two of you ended up with each other more often than not. Running errands for kokomi- though it was much unbecoming of an army general like himself- he didn't mind if he was with you.
It seemed the two of you could talk for hours if it didn't get in the way of both your duties. He didn't know what to do. He wanted to get closer to you.
Then one day, he sat down to write answers for his advice column, and a question stood out to him.
"I met someone recently. He's very cute and seems to like me a lot. His tail wags whenever he sees me! He seems rather nervous, though, and I wouldn't want to drive him away with my feelings. However, I do like him a lot. How should I go about letting him know, Miss Hina?"
Recently. Wagging tail. He was thinking of you again.
Thump, thump, thump, thump-
He looked in the direction of the sudden noise. His tail. It really was wagging. He didn't know what else to do now. Was this question really from you?
It was extremely embarrassing and improper for someone in as high a position as him to be daydreaming about someone. He had far more important responsibilities to attend to, but still, he found you always at the top of his list.
He thought back to when the traveler had assisted Kokomi with some of her work so that she may rest and indulge herself in some of her personal hobbies for a little while.
The wind blew through his hair as he sat under the sakura tree. Not many people were out, and he enjoyed the tranquility at times like these.
He went to work writing a thoughtful response. It took up most of the column in the end. And though he prayed day and night until the next issue was released that the inquiry really was from you and that you were speaking about him.
But as the release date became closer, he started to regret the things he'd written. No, regret wasn't the word. He'd mulled over it for too long. He really did feel something for you, but could it really be love?
He lay in bed, unable to put his mind at ease as these thoughts seemed to conjure themselves.
Maybe he just admired you or looked up to you. No.
He thought about the way the light sometimes hit your eyes and how you always greeted him with a smile and his face felt hot. There was no mistaking the pounding of his heart and the beating of his tail against his bedding as he lay there alongside the rest of his comrades.
'As per your inquiry, they seem to like you a lot, don't they? Maybe you should decide first whether or not they simply admire you or maybe something more. If they act that way around you though, you probably have no doubt in your mind about the answer. Just say what you want to say to him. If they're so dedicated to being around you, something like that probably wouldn't drive them away so easily-"
As stated before, the answer continues. It took up more than half the column. He could only answer two questions this week. Yae Miko had no inquiries about his decision, so he didn't think about how much he'd written.
Somewhere in the tent, he heard shuffling, and he quickly stopped his movements and shut his eyes. The morning came.
Rumors unfolded quickly on Inazuma's main islands about the unfolding love story in Miss Hina's most recent advice column. Those that whispered of love confessions were overjoyed. He didn't really understand how people could be so infatuated with the lives of others, wouldn't they rather focus on their own?
But then again, he was the one who didn't think his "love story" was worth being interested in.
"Gorou!" He heard you call for him, and the wind whipped at his hair the way it had that night as he wrote his reply to, who he was certain now, was you. You were impossibly beautiful when he turned around to see you and your eyes met his bright ones.
"The High Priestess would like us to meet with her later today. I spoke to her earlier this morning. I was hoping I'd catch you here, let's go look at the sakura blossoms afterward, okay?" Time seemed to slow down. Even the beauty of the newly-bloomed sakura couldn't compare to you at that moment.
It was then that he became ashamed of his arrogance.
"Okay, let's have fun." Gorou smiled, though it could never be on par with your bright one, it seemed that he felt happiest by your side as always.
"Let's go get something to eat first." You hummed, letting out a small laugh before you reached out to grab his hand. He went stiff and you pulled him along. The heat he'd felt so many times before returned to his face, and people turned to look.
He became extremely aware of their whisperings from before, and even continuing now once again. What were they saying?
He glanced around.
"Y/N!" He exclaimed before he could even think about it. More heads turned now. You turned to look at him curiously, the two of you still connected where your hand grasped his wrist. He slipped his hand in to yours all the way and held it tightly.
"Right now." The tone of his voice was much softer, "You look beautiful."
Your eyes widened in surprise, and your mouth opened as if to say something, but he cut you off and continued.
"You're quite a determined person, and- having you by my side gives me so much confidence and self-doubt at the same time. But, despite that, I've come to realize that I'm happiest when I'm around you!" The confidence returned to his voice as he continued to speak.
"I think that. I lo- like you. A lot. So isn't it normal for me to doubt myself then...?" The last part was mostly to himself. Trying to justify his feelings. Though it was hard to admit to you, especially with so many eyes on the two of you, it felt right.
You simply smiled at him and continued to pull him along.
"I feel the same way. I even wrote to Miss Hina about it. You plagued my mind so much, I had to do something about it." You hummed, not looking back at him as you spoke. However, he could feel the way your hand trembled in his. You, no doubt, felt the same familiar heat that stretched up to your face and down your neck whenever he thought of you.
Except, you were thinking about him. Someone was worked up. Over him.
"Tell me again after we look at the cherry blossoms, please. When nobody is looking." You said, your voice quivering with your unusually quiet tone.
"O-Okay..." He said, smiling softly as he looked down at where your hands were linked together.
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rushipedia ☆ 2022
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kpop-s-akura · 3 years
Back to You | Chapter One
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Pairing: Lee Suho x OC
Genre: fluff, angst, romance, comedy
Warning(s): strong language, mentions of violence (nothing too bad since I suck at writing), smoking, slight sexual harassment
Word Count: 6.6k
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(Gif is not mine; credits to rightful owner)
"This is stupid and unnecessary."
"You're stupid and unnecessary!"
"Real mature, Junie."
"You just said that meeting my friends is 'stupid and unnecessary', what did you expect?"
Chaewon rolled her eyes, very well knowing that the boy had a point, but still unable shake to her nerves.
Meeting new people has never really been in the girl's forte; no matter how confident she seemed in a crowd, "properly" meeting new people turned her into an entire new shade of shy and introverted.
And the fact that these specific people were important to one of the most important people in her life, didn't make her or her anxiety fare any better.
Seojun noticed and stopped to turn to her.
"Don't be so nervous. These guys are really nice, you'll be fine."
Chaewon nodded, still unsure, but followed his lead up the staircase that led to Suho's house, one Seojun's friends she was meeting.
Seojun spoke in a soft and comforting voice, "I really think you'll like them, Chaewon-ah."
She smiled.
"You're an idiot!"
"Shut up! You're the idiot!"
"I'm not the one who messed with Yongpa High thugs and got them to chase us right now!"
It would be an understatement to say that Han Chaewon was pissed when her post-noraebong bliss with her brother was very quickly squashed afterwards when the two siblings were approached by delinquents from Yongpa High.
Though to be fair, the siblings themselves were both kind of delinquents themselves; but the girl's anger was more directed towards her twin brother, Han Seojun, rather than their chasers for her current mood.
"Just shut up and get on the damn bike!" Chaewon ordered as she did so herself as well as securing her helmet.
"Yah! I'm older than you, don't tell me what to do." But despite the elder's words, he put on his helmet and sped off alongside his sister on their motorcycles.
With Lee Seongyong right on their tail.
Chaewon led her and her brother through various roads and alleyways, knowing this part of town like the back of her hand; Seojun riding just a couple feet behind her, trusting that the younger would get them out of the mess he created for them. She always did.
It seemed like an endless cycle between the two: Chaewon getting Seojun out of trouble while causing chaos herself and leaving him to clean it up and vice versa.
They were quite the chaotic neutral duo, if you would.
And the majority of the time for them, it was fun. Even the slight life-risking aspect of it; although "life-risking" could be a bit of an exaggeration.
It was fun as long as you weren't alone, and Chaewon always managed to snag a sibling or friend (not that she had many of either) and rope them into being her partner in crime.
But as much as she enjoyed the trouble-maker lifestyle, she thinks of it's disgraces. She thinks of Seyeon.
Seyeon and how much he disapproved of her trouble-making since she was much more frequent in doing so compared to her twin counterpart.
Even when he would (un)willingly take part in his friend's mischievous shenanigans, it was something he loved about her. Something he loved about all of them.
Chaewon was aware of this, but what would he think of the current me? She would constantly ask herself questions like these; though the "he" could be any of the three boys that were constantly on her mind.
The thing is, she already knew the answer. It saddened her to think of it, but what else could she do?
She briefly looked back at her brother, wondering what that was about, before realising what he was warning: a girl was straight ahead, and she was about to hit her.
The unknown girl braced for impact while the twins jerkily swerved to each side of the obstacle.
Avoiding her, but not avoiding falling on the ground along with their bikes.
"Shit..." They cursed simultaneously.
The girl recovered from her shock and went to go apologise to them.
"Excuse me, are you two okay? What should I do?" She muttered the last part to herself. "Are either of you hurt?" Seojun irately pulled off his helmet, shaking his hair out while breathing heavily and glared at the woman who stood behind him.
Hearing a moan of pain from Chaewon, still lying on the ground, he rushed over to her and pulled off her helmet as well.
"Chae-ah, are you okay?" Seojun searched for any injuries, spotting g several messy scratches and gashes on her legs.
"I'm fine." The girl grumbled. Seojun lightly brushed over the bleeding wounds, causing her to wince and smack his hand away.
"Sorry..." He said half-heartedly. Seojun could never handle seeing someone he loved in any sort of pain or hurt in any way.
Still somewhat blinding with anger, Seojun carefully helped his twin up before angrily walking towards the worried and now scared Im Jugyeong.
"Yah!" But before the temperamental boy could chew her out, he spotted the group of motorcycles after them and quickly dropped his and Chaewon's helmets to the ground.
He took his sister's hand as they ran away, not realising that they had left Chaewon's fallen sword hair sticks on the ground.
She was struggling to keep up with him, but her adrenaline was going full force and it soon felt like there was never an injury in the first place.
She wouldn't let him carry her, knowing it would just slow them down even more.
They got to a certain point where they decided to split up, Seojun going left and Chaewon going left. A bit of a last ditch effort.
But as some of Seongyong's boys gained on her, Chaewon realized she couldn't run from them forever with her injured legs. So she stopped, putting her hands up and feigning surrender.
The boys caught up with her and grabbed at her shoulders, only for Chaewon to grab one of their wrists and flip them over her shoulder.
She turned to the other guy and back kicked his chest, causing him to take a tumble backwards and onto the ground. Chaewon started walking over to finish him off, not noticing that the first guy was up again.
He kicked her square in the back, causing her to fall onto her injured knees with a pained yelp.
She squeaked slightly when the second boy stepped on her back to push her fully onto the floor, putting more and more pressure every second.
"Not so tough now huh, princess?" One of them taunted before they both grabbed her arms and did their best to keep her under control. The boys brought her to the rest of the group where Lee Seongyong had Seojun cornered.
"Look what we found, boss."
Seojun's eyes went wide at his sister's slightly beat state as Seongyong turned to his underlings and smugly smirked at the captive girl.
"Well, well, well. I thought it was weird when the Han Twins weren't together."
"She put up a bit of a fight."
"I'd expect nothing less." The head gangster (if you could even call him that) chuckled to himself and lifted Chaewon's chin up with his index and middle finger. Seojun growled lowly as he started towards the two but was almost immediately stopped by two boys "guarding" him.
"Such a pretty thing," the slimy boy said, trailing a finger to a loose strand of hair, "perhaps you can be accepted as payment." He brushed it out of the way, only for Chaewon to savagely bite at his finger, Seongyong only just pulling away in time. Seojun chuckled at his reacted while shaking his head.
"You're a delusional bastard to think for even a second that Seojun would agree and that I would allow that." Chaewon narrowed her eyes and glared at the still slightly shaken boy. But nonetheless he went back to being smug.
He walked back over to the male twin while cracking his knuckled. "Well then I guess I'll have to find another way to get even with your brother." Chaewon gasped as Seongyong punched Seojun in the stomach, causing him to fold over.
"Oppa!" She rarely used the term "hyung" or "oppa", but when she did, it was usually blurted out on accident or during a time of distress.
"Hey, when I think about how, because of you," She screamed again when Seongyong kneed him in his stomach, bringing him to his knees. She could feel the pain of her twin almost vividly, she wanted wanted to throw up at it. "I have no money left, I just..."
He brought the boy back up by his jacket.
"Hey. You didn't come out that day intentionally to backstab us, right?" All Seojun did was scoff with a mocking smile. "Did you think we wouldn't do anything if you ignored and avoided us?" Seongyong went in to land another punch, but only ended up hitting air as his target shifted slightly over.
"Don't hit the face." Chaewon mimicked her brother's reaction from earlier in chuckling while shaking her head.
The teenage bullies just started to scoff in disbelief at the boy's brazenness.
"Yes, you avoided it. Okay, you're dead today." Just as Seongyong placed his hand on Seojun's shoulder with his other fist poised for another punch, the sound of a siren alerted the group: causing Chaewon to stop her struggling.
"Hey, the cops are here."
"Let's go quickly!"
Chaewon shook off the boys that held her hostage before straightening out her clothes.
Lee Seongyong however was hesitant before finally letting go.
"We'll meet again, Han Seojun."
As soon as the boys ran off, Chaewon ran up to her brother and practically jumped into his arms with a hug to the best of her abilities. Seojun returned the affection, whispering sweet nothings into her hair and assuring that they were okay now.
"Are you okay? Does anything seriously hurt?" Seojun smiled at the girl's concern for him and just opted for kissing her forehead.
"I'll survive. Are you okay? Did they hurt you?" Chaewon smiled back and shook her head.
"I'll survive."
Im Jugyeong, who had turned on the siren, came out of her hiding place and stared in the direction of where the group of boys ran off.
She slowly backed up with Seojun's helmet in one arm and Chaewon's hair sticks in the other hand, gasping when she distractedly bumped into said boy's solid chest with said girl beside him. The two were staring down at the bewildered girl.
She turned around and became even more intimidated by the twins' height. Although Chaewon wasn't much taller than her, Jugyeong being 5'7 and the other girl standing at a strong 5'9, her stare was enough to make her quiver.
"What's with you?" Seojun said with a blank look on his face.
"Uh, about that... Oh, there!" She pointed at a space between the twins who did nothing but turn their heads slightly at her finger in synchronisation before rolling their eyes.
"What are you doing?" Chaewon said with the same bored look on her brother.
Jugyeong bit her lip, realising she was pretty much screwed before turning to run away, almost falling on her face.
Chaewon caught her by her backpack and brought her back up, causing the girl to slam into her surprisingly also firm figure. Jugyeong slowly turned to look at her.
Chaewon tilted her head. "What do you think you're looking at?"
There was a slight silence before Seojun spoke up, "Run."
The girl seemingly snapped back into reality, running away. "Oh, oh, bye!" She ran away screaming.
"Saebom High School?" The twins pondered in unison.
"What an odd girl..." Chaewon wondered as Seojun scoffed at the interaction. She brushed her hair out of her face and ruffled it when she realized something.
"My hair sticks..."
Seojun stopped as well.
"My helmet!" They looked at the fleeing figure of the girl realizing she possessed their personal items.
"Hey!" But she was pretty much long gone.
"Aish..." He cursed.
"Want me to go get them?" Chaewon offered, ready to go sprint for her and her brother's possessions. They were both of fairly high emotional importance.
"No, you're injured. No more running for you." She rolled her eyes, but conceded.
"Let's go home; Gowoon is probably worried about us." Chaewon patted Seojun's shoulder, he looked at his sister and nodded before they started on their way back to where they left their bikes, the girl relenting in letting her brother carry her via piggyback ride.
"Gowoon-ah! We're home!" Chaewon called out into the mostly empty house.
"Hey! How was noraebong?" Gowoon was sitting at their kitchen table with her schoolwork spread out.
"Good! Until Seojun was an idiot..." Said idiot glared at her.
"When is he not an idiot?"
Chaewon laughed and placed her bag on an empty space on the table when Gowoon noticed her wounds.
"What happened to you?!" Chaewon looked down, she nearly forgot about her messed up legs.
"Consequences of Seojun's idiocy and a little bit of my own." She vaguely said before taking a seat next to her younger sister.
"Need help with anything?"
"Nah, I'm good. But you should clean those up and get some sleep."
"Eh. I'll pass." Chaewon winked with a smirk before getting up.
She's gotten into enough trouble and enough accidents that she's gained quite some knowledge about injuries and how to treat them.
"Imma patch myself up a little and then go out."
After cleaning and bandaging her plethora of scratches on both of her legs, wiping off the little makeup she had on, and changing her clothes, she grabbed her bag and made for the door.
"See you later!" She called out to the other two, though Seojun was probably asleep; that being a major reason as to how Chaewon was allowed out of the house at that moment.
Seojun trusts Chaewon to handle herself, but with everything that had happened earlier that night, his big twin brother instincts were skyrocketing; they have him either keep his counterpart in the house after a certain time, or demand he go with her.
"Be safe and don't get into too much trouble!" Gowoon cautioned.
"I make no promises on either of those things!"
Having decided to take a nice walk instead of rising her motorcycle, Chaewon entered Prince Comics; a place that she's called her safe haven since...
Anyways, the atmosphere of the comfy bookstore had helped her more than she though it would.
She'd spend most of her free days there whenever she just needed a break.
She rarely actually ever read the books, only when she was really bored but not tired enough to nap-- so she just took cat naps.
2-3 hour long cat naps.
The Ahjussi didn't mind though, he liked the company and personality of the young girl. He even put a bean bag, pillow, and blanket especially for Chaewon. He was always happy to see her enjoy it.
Like right now, Chaewon nestled her head further into the bean bag; setting aside the blanket and pillow since she had since changed into short sporty shorts, tucking her exposed and bandaged legs into the warmth of her oversized hoodie.
Lee Suho entered the area with couches and chairs that were bathed in the light yellow-orange light, taking in the place he hadn't come to in awhile.
As he was about to go search for his desired book, he noticed a small, curled-up figure to his right-- face covered by their hood.
He turned to the body, studying it for a second. His eyes roamed over the person before spotting sliver of a certain tattoo on their ankle-- a tattoo he knew all too well.
It was of a key.
"Chaewon...?" He whispered in disbelief. The girl opened her eyes at the all too familiar voice.
Though Chaewon has always been a heavy sleeper, there was one voice that always seemed to get her up and moving besides her brother's.
"Suho?" She said in a similar tone to his. He froze.
God how he missed his name coming from her lips, only she could have that effect on him.
They tried to keep their eyes from checking the other out (in a non-sexual way. sort of.), though their voices and facial expressions already gave away their shock.
It's been so long since she's seen Suho. She noticed how he seemed to get even more handsome, if that was even possible.
But there was something else. Something obvious. But at the same time, Chaewon couldn't quite put her finger on it. Or maybe she didn't want to.
Because this new thing about the boy before her wasn't something good.
She wasn't a fan. Then again, she wasn't a fan of Suho in general.
"What are you doing here?" He asked in a monotone voice while holding a cold façade, Chaewon decided to do the same.
Her expression hardened and became slightly agitated. "Well I was taking a nap before someone so rudely interrupted me." She began stretching out her limbs like a cat, getting prepared to get the hell out of there.
"This is a comic store to read, not a motel to sleep in." He scolded.
"What's it to you where I sleep?" She snipped getting up. The boy slightly blushed at the double-meaning of her words while the girl hadn't cared to notice.
Her new position had exposed her injuries, Suho's eyes notably widening at the sight before quickly going back to indifference.
"What happened to you?"
Chaewon scoffed.
"Since when do you care about me or my wellbeing?"
"Well it's kind of hard to miss all of that." He gestured to her legs. "It doesn't mean I care about you."
The girl just scoffed again and rolled her eyes for what seemed to be the billionth time that night before going to leave.
She didn't need this, not after the day she had.
But she was suddenly pulled back by her hood and stood in front of a puzzled Suho once again.
"The hell?!" She brushed his hand off her hoodie. There was a jolt of electricity when their skin met, though neither addressed it and settled for just staring (glaring) at each other.
This went on for another minute or two when the Ahjussi came back from his bathroom break and went to see if Suho had gotten his book or not.
"Yah, Lee Suho. Did you get the-" He stopped short, noticing the position of the two and their tension.
"Am I interrupting something?" Suho and Chaewon looked at the owner, stepping apart after noticing how close they had gotten. Chaewon cleared her throat before bowing to the Ahjussi, thanking him for letting her stay as always, and then scurrying out of the store.
"Is Chaewon-ie okay?" Suho couldn't bring himself to answer.
He just stood there as he replayed their interaction in his head; wondering what the hell just happened.
"Motorcycles! Motorcycles!" The friend group turned around to see two motorcycles heading right towards them, jumping away just in time.
The twins continued to clear a path for themselves, parking in the designated area for bikes.
The bustling students continued to stare and chatter amongst themselves in awe and shock.
Chaewon and Seojun took off their helmets, shaking their hair out while doing so.
She tugged and tightened her high ponytail as he brushed his fingers through his hair a couple of times.
When they got off their bikes, Jugyeong froze, recognising the two siblings from the other night.
"They're..." The memories replayed in her head as if they were on tape. "They're from out school?" The girl couldn't believe the unbelievable coincidence.
"The Han Twins are back," Sua remarked.
"Why are they here?" Sujin rhetorically asked, Taehoon echoing her. The group watched as Seojun and Chaewon started to walk to the school's entrance; the elder's arm around the younger's neck.
"The Han Twins?"
"Like how there are the Bermuda Triangle in the Atlantic and black holes in the universe," Sua began, "there are three charming students at our school, whom if you fall for once, you can never exit and get out: The chic, cold beauty God Lee Suho; the rough, wild horse God Seojun; and the dangerous, seductive Goddess Chaewon. Just like deciding between three of your favourite foods is so mind blowingly hard, they're the three ethereal beings at Saebom High School. They're the three top ones!"
Jugyeong's eyes comically widened upon hearing Chaewon's description.
Dangerous? She wanted to facepalm herself for already making an enemy out of a girl who was known to be not-so-friendly.
Meanwhile, the Han duo and Lee Suho had finally come to a stand-still at the front of the building, the two boys looking at each other intensely.
Although Chaewon was able to keep her poker face upon seeing Suho, she kept looking everywhere but him.
She didn't know if the feeling she was getting in her stomach from seeing him again were butterflies or knives.
"Forget the top three nonsense, I hate them. Though I can't really say too much for Chaewon since she can be more enigmatic than Lee Suho or her brother at times. And yet they're still the heartthrobs of Saebom boys and girls alike."
Despite the tension between the three being completely visible to anybody and everybody, the students kept chattering away, loving how this was going.
"The Han Twins returned!"
"They'll get into a fight again."
"Oo, it's already so loud!"
"I love it!"
But as Jugyeong and the group started getting nearer towards the three, she could see how they didn't really seem like friends.
"What's with them? They don't get along?" She asked, turning her head towards Sua.
"They used to be best friends, but they somehow fell apart. When they meet, the atmosphere gets so cold. It's especially weird since everybody thought that Suho and Chaewon were together during that time since they acted much closer than the other." Jugyeong was shocked, trying to process and imagine the two together.
In her mind, they fit pretty well look-wise and personality-wise.
Suho saw how Chaewon's eyes could never quite meet his own and kept his eyes on her.
Seojun took notice of this and roughly brought her closer into his side and raised an eyebrow at the boy who had since then turned his attention back to him. Chaewon's eyes traveled to the ground while Seojun turned his head and scoffed before eying his nemesis once again.
"So annoying."
Chaewon, wanting to escape from the situation, started tugging at her brother's hand that was still hanging off of her shoulder. "Let's go, Jun." Seojun kept his eyes on Suho for another second or two before complying with his sister's wishes.
The frozen exterior of Suho's heart cracked a bit as Chaewon's expressions burned and lingered in his mind, watching the siblings walk off.
The girl in question fighting the urge to look back at him.
"Hello!" The teacher greeted the class who greeted him back while walking into the room with Seojun and Chaewon in tow.
Suho slightly perked up as they went up to the front of the room, both with their heads held high and looking bored as ever.
This time it seems, Chaewon had no problem in locking gazes with Suho before looking over the class again.
"Alright, Seojun and Chaewon are back now. Good to see them, right?" The class answered back 'yes' before giving a round of applause as instructed by the teacher.
"Bravo!" Cheers kept ringing throughout the classroom, Seojun looking off to the side in faux embarrassment while Chaewon just kept a blank and cold face, intimidating some of the students into silence.
"One of you can sit next to Suho—" The twins looked at each other in alarm, though not particularly showing it.
"What now?"
They looked at the teacher.
All eyes were either on Suho, who just looked straight ahead, or the twins, one sighing before walking to where Jugyeong was sitting.
Chaewon watched him kick the leg of the desk, startling the girl.
"Yah. You go."
Jugyeong was just as bewildered as when they first met, only being able to point at herself and ask, "Me?" in a meek voice.
"This was originally my sister's spot." That alone was almost enough for Jugyeong to jump out of the seat, not wanting to test the girl's 'dangerous' reputation.
"Oh, Jugyeong has weak eyes, so she's sitting there." The teacher explained, causing Chaewon to quietly scoff and mumble to herself, "'Weak eyes' my ass..."
Though the teacher had heard her, he elected to ignore it before asking Taehoon to move.
"Taehoon. Our handsome Taehoon, can you switch spots?" The boy, of course, readily and excitedly accepted; the class laughing from his antics.
But before he could get up and walk to his newly appointed spot, he noticed that Seojun had still not moved from his place near Jugyeong's seat.
Chaewon walked up to Seojun, noticing that he was about to refute his senior and demand that she have her seat back.
But she was tired and didn't feel that it was necessary; even if it meant having to sit next to Lee Suho, it was better her than her twin.
She nudged him, getting his attention before nodding to the seat in the corner of the class, "It's fine, Jun."
The seat she motioned to was perfect for napping and not paying attention, she really knew how he was in school. But that didn't matter to Seojun if his sister had to sit next to his rival. He started mumbling about how her sitting next to said rival wasn't happening, but Chaewon was persistent in her glares, slightly pinching him and making the boy wince as he felt her sharp, ruby-red stiletto nails.
He conceded, but not before throwing a sharp and dangerous look at Suho, though the boy wasn't phased.
The twins split ways; Seojun going to his new seat in the back, Chaewon taking the one next to Suho's with Taehoon two spots behind her.
She felt Suho's gaze burn into the side of her face, but paid no mind and rested her head on the desk as her brother was doing for a nap.
Not even 5 minutes later, the sound of a door slamming open caused Chaewon to wake up, looking to the side instinctively. She didn't quite know how to feel when she didn't see Suho there, but quickly turned her attention back to the source of the sound that disturbed her sleep.
A group of boy entered the room, crowding around Seojun who still had his head on the desk.
"Yah, Han Seojun. If you and your sister returned, at least one of you should've shown your face and said hi." Chaewon suddenly stood up from her desk, the object making a horrible screeching sound that had all eyes on her. Seojun banged his fist on the desk before doing the same, exchanging looks with his sister once he felt her presence beside him.
The siblings had a stare off with the taller boy, causing the students to tense up.
This continued outside the school, Seojun and Chaewon standing a couple feet in front of the group of boys when the big one spoke.
"Hey, brother. Today's such great weather for you to die." Seojun rolled his eyes.
"Are you guys a girl group or something?" He scoffed.
"Seriously. Why are you standing like that?" Chaewon questioned, but the boys just sneered and chuckled mockingly among themselves.
"Why? Are you going to hit us? Okay, come in. Come here!" They all got into fighting stances.
"Yah, Kim Chorong!" Seojun's voice boomed, the two stepping up to the boys intimidatingly before he spoke up in a mock bravado tone.
"Your joke was a bit too much." That's what did it for all of them. Everyone started laughing, Chaewon even turning to her brother and playfully punching him before mocking his words.
"Hey, great acting for a pair of trainees." Chaewon playfully rolled her eyes at the boy while smirking.
"Ex-trainees, thank you very much." Chorong just stuck his tongue out at her to which she did the same.
"This is so childish." Seojun said, feigning irritation, "How much longer do I have to play around?"
"Yah, brother!… it's honestly fun, you know?” Chaewon started to laugh harder at the sound of their joy and the sight of seeing her brother teased further.
“Have you guys been well?” She asked.
“Woah!” Seojun suddenly exclaimed. “Kim Chorong, I think you gained more weight. Did you bulk up?” The victim of the taunting was staring at the taunter with incredulity while the rest started to crack up again. Chaewon rolled her eyes and shoved her brother’s shoulder, going to wrap her arms around the bigger boy.
“Yah! Leave him alone, Junie.” She pouted.
“Thank you, Chaewon! And for your information, I lost 10 kilograms!” Chaewon giggled at the banter as one of the boys commented that he could see the muscles.
Chorong turned to look down at the girl who was still clinging to his side.
“If your mother better?” He asked. She smiled fondly at her friend’s concern and nodded her head.
“She’s a lot better. Thanks, Chocho.” The two exchanged eye-smiles as the rest let out relieved sighs.
“What a relief. I’m sorry I couldn’t make a munsang.” Chorong said, turning back towards the other twin.
“Yah, what do you mean by munsang, you fool?” Seojun scolded. “It should be munbyeong.”
“Hey, hey, hey.”
Chaewon smiled as her brother proudly pulled her towards him, wrapping his arms around the girl and resting his head on top of her head, both smirking.
It was good to be back.
Chaewon decided to break off from the group to get food from the cafeteria, having forgotten money to go to the snack bar.
While in line, she spotted Lee Suho.
He’s so different... She couldn’t help thinking the obvious, but it felt so unsettling for her to see the boy she once thought she knew so well to be so... cold.
But under the circumstances that occured, it was understandable. And she couldn’t be a hypocrite by saying that he was the only one that changed.
Then all of a sudden—
“That girl...” Im Jugyeong had come to the lonely looking boy and gave him a red ginseng juice.
His favorite.
How did she know it was his favorite?
Why did she give it to him?
Why did I care?
Why am I asking all these questions?
“The hell?” Jugyeong walked away as Chaewon started placing food onto he tray.
Later that day while Chaewon was looking for her brother and friends, she saw Suho sitting on a bench looking at his phone with earbuds in, when the girl came up to him again.
This time, she was holding a large bag and took out one of his earbuds before whispering something to him and quickly running off.
Ah, so she’s another one of his fangirls. I should’ve known. Chaewon rolled her eyes, starting to walk again.
Only to stop again, seeing Lee Suho actually get up and seemingly follow the girl.
Chaewon couldn’t contain her curiosity and decided to quietly follow him, ending up at the rooftop.
She stayed by the door and watched their interaction. She almost felt bad for Im Jugyeong, knowing how harsh Suho could be.
It seemed to be worse this time around though since Jugyeong decided to flee from the rooftop, not even noticing her eavesdropper.
“Wahhh, you’ve really changed, Lee Suho.” Chaewon said walking out from her hiding place.
Suho turned to her and looked irritated, but also somewhat guilty and surprised. He didn’t want her to see that.
“Did you follow me or something?”
“Mm-hm.” He was quite surprised by her honesty, but he should’ve seen it coming. “I was quite curious when that girl was so brazen as to do what she did. I had to see what would happen.”
Silence stood between the two for a moment before Suho sighed and brushed past Chaewon and back into the building. She continued forward to the edge of the ledge and placed her hands on it, observing the view and breathing it in before pulling two things from her pockets.
Suho watched from the entrance as the girl took a cigarette from the box and lit it with her lighter.
“You still do that stuff?” He couldn’t help but to ask. He, Seyeon, and Seojun always hated whenever she smoked, even though it was a pretty rare occurence. But it still came to a point where they organized an intervention and her family had almost sent her to rehab. After that, he thought she was sober, or at least got better at hiding her actions, but things change he supposed.
Chaewon didn’t answer, seemingly unbothered by his still being there and instead blowing another puff of smoke.
“Does Seojun know?”
“I don’t see how that’s any of your busine-”
“I’m making it my business because I’m not going to stand here and let you ruin your life doing that shit!”
“Oh please, Lee Suho. I’ve done plenty of other stuff that’ll ruin my life, and I’m not going to start giving a fuck just because you say so.” 
Suho internally cringed at the stuff implied by her words. He knew she was reckless and liked trouble, but he didn’t know how bad it might’ve gotten over the time they’ve been apart. 
Seeing and interacting with her now made him question how close they really were back then.
“Besides, as if me dying wouldn’t make you happy.” Chaewon softly spoke, it almost sounded sorrowful; though it still held some hot resentment.
Suho felt his facial expressions go awry.
I wouldn’t be happy. I’d be devastated.
“Maybe I should do it more often. Speed up the process, put us both out of our misery, finally put a smile on that frustratingly, emotionless face of y-”
“Don’t.” He interrupted. Neither noticed how close Suho had gotten while she was talking.
“Don’t say those things.” He whispered.
Chaewon didn’t know what to do. She didn’t know what to say. And all she could hear was her heartbeat about to break out of her chest.
“Why not? It’s not like you care about me, right...?” Chaewon shakily asked with an almost mocking undertone.
He didn’t say anthing and neither did she.
After about a minute of nothing, Chaewon turned back around to face forward. She closed her eyes, trying to reel her emotions in. Bringing the cigarette back up for another hit, Suho took the death stick from between her lips and threw it onto the ground, putting it out aggressively with his shoe.
She was too shocked to even scold the boy and his actions, seeing how he had seemingly gotten even closer.
Suho stared intensely at the girl. His eyes were full of caring and warmth. Yet at the same time, they were full of cold nothingness. But Chaewon could see under that, she always could; that’s one of the things that made them so compatible. 
She just didn’t know if her senses were trust-worthy or not this time around.
They could always tell how the other actually felt. But times have changed.
They changed.
They weren’t Suho and Chaewon anymore.
They weren’t anything anymore.
It was the next day during gym.
The students were outside playing dodgeball while Chaewon had her tracksuit jacket wrapped around her waist, exposing her normal clothes, and sat on the sidelines watching her brother play.
She could feel a certain pair of eyes on her every so often as she felt herself do the same, but nobody else seemed to notice it.
“Yes! Han Seojun, out!” Chaewon laughed at the fact her brother was eliminated, especially with it being by the hands of Lee Suho and Yoo Taehoon.
As he walked off to join his sister who was now standing up, the ball from the girls’ side traveled to where the twins were, Seojun stopping it with his foot before Im Jugyeong could grab it.
“Yah. You’ve seen us before, right?” Jugyeong laughed awkwardly as the twins stared down at her.
“What are you saying?” She tried taking the ball only for Seojun to press harder on it.
“You ran off with my helmet and my sister’s hair sticks.” She looked back up at him.
“Did you not?”
Jugyeong’s eyes went to the space beside him and pointed at something, “Oh! Over there!”
“We didn’t fall for that last time either-“ Before he knew it, Seojun was shoved to the side as a ball collided with the back of Chaewon’s head who although wasn’t in any pain, was pretty pissed.
Several noises of shock and disbelief sounded from the boys’ side.
“Chae-ah!” Seojun rushed back to his sister’s side and held onto her. “Are you okay?” Before she could answer, he turned to the culrptiy and glared at him with flaming death and growled, “Aish!”
“S-S-Sor… T-t-t-the class president! It was the class president.” Ahn Hyungyu tried explaining in extreme fear.
Jugyeong stood up with the now free ball. “I’m sorry. I’ll give them both back tomorrow.”
It felt like déjà vu when the girl turned around again about to fall on her face; only this time, no one was gonna help her.
Lee Suho, who was watching the whole thing in silent anger, stalked off, but not before roughly shouldering the boy who accidentally injured Chaewon and stepped over Jugyeong’s sprawled out body.
The show was over and Seojun went to scold Hyungyu who was still apologizing profusely, but Chaewon stayed where she was, staring at the boy who was walking back into the school’s building who wanted nothing more than to ask if she was okay.
Chaewon, Seojun and the rest of their friends walked down the hallway; some girls and boys passing by whispered in awe and silently fangirled/fanboyed.
The twins walked beside each other and smirked at the attention. It was amusing to say the least.
This continued in an almost slow-motion fashion when all of a sudden—
“Wait.” Seojun dropped down to the floor and started re-tying his shoelaces. Chaewon chuckled and jokingly pushed his shoulder, making him lose his balance and making her laugh even more.
“MOVE!” The group looked forward to see Im Jugyeong running down the hallway with a face full of cake.
Although it was a weird sight, Chaewon stayed where she was and stood in front of the panicked girl.
Jugyeong came to a halt with wide eyes in front of the taller girl who had a questioning look with a perked up eyebrow.
She slightly bowed with a quiet “excuse me, sorry” before running past her and jumping onto Seojun’s back and catapulting herself forward.
“Yah!” Chaewon squatted down onto the floor beside her brother who was now sprawled on the floor. “Are you okay?”
“I’m fine.” He gritted looking at the direction of the runaway girl.
But it didn’t stop there; the rest of their class following Im Jugyeong, also in a panic.
Chaewon hurriedly brought Seojun back up to his feet and pushed them both to the wall for safety.
“What the hell is going on?!”
They waited for a couple of seconds to see if anymore people would go stampeding down their way, being relieved when it seemed to be over.
“Are you sure you’re okay, Jun?” Chaewon looked over his body for any injuries.
“I’m fine, Chae. Really.” She smiled at him and linked their arms to start walking.
Then Lee Suho came from the other side of the hallway, the side where they had originally come from and where everyone had gone to.
And he wasn’t alone.
Hiding underneath his jacket was Im Jugyeong, still cake-faced.
The twins had to stop and stare at the unusual scene; neither knowing how to feel at the sight before them.
🌸A/N: Yay! I can’t believe I finally published this. I’m going to start working on the second chapter as soon as possible. Also, I realize that Yeji is also 5’7, but I looked at the height of the other characters and decided that 5’9 was good. Besides that, please excuse any typos or mistakes. I hope you enjoyed!
BTW: The picture below is Chaewon’s outfit. The white dress shirt part of the uniform is unbuttoned and tied in a croptop way, showing the bralette. I tried finding a good picture of Saebom’s uniform but it was pretty hard so I just cropped Sujin’s. Sorry for it’s pretty low quality😅
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sadly-too-sad · 4 years
"16-21, rain stopped play."
It was the scoreboard update on Anushka's phone. He looked at the cloudy sky and gave a grumpy look while whispering, "you're making me sicker"
It was a restless Friday and everyone was ready to go home to enjoy the weekend. Anushka was having a good mood as he was ready to go out on a date with his favourite person. Everything went smoothly until Anushka opened an email which said, "please revise the client's budget. Include 13.5% instead of 9.5%, pl."
It was 04.22 and Anushka's expectations were totally different compared to his work schedule. He started losing his nerves. He saw his tiny table clock ticking second after second. He rolled through his chair to the next table for a quick chat with Sashi, his best 'co-worker' friend. "Eh, boss has told me to revise the proposal. But I want to go men. I told you I have something special, right?", it was Anushka's sad rushing voice. Sashi was clueless and had no options. "Shall we talk to him?", asked Sashi who really wanted to help Anushka. Sashi took her water bottle from the table and gave it to Anushka who was staring at the road through the window. Anushka took a deep breath and exhaled while saying, "maybe it was not the right time", and took the water bottle from Sashi. "I just don't know how to tell her about this", slowly whispered Anushka and glided back to his table. Sashi saw the pale face of Anushka. "You know what, I'll type the terms and conditions, but I'm leaving at 5", it was Sashi's voice which energised Anushka to get back to work.
He checked the time which showed 16:31 on his phone. Anushka got up with the phone in his hand, and went to the restroom with a decision of calling off the date. As Anushka left the table, Sashi took his seat to revise the terms and conditions. Anushka had left his PC on Chrome while he was on the Whatsapp web tab. Sashi took the cursor to the Google docs tab but her eagle eyes saw a very familiar display picture on Anushka's chat. Sashi curiously looked at the DP and read the last message sent to 'Cookie'. It said, "Yeah. Sure" with two emojis. A smiley emoji with a blue ring around the head and two pink hearts, one big and one small.
Sashi didn't want to open the chat but she peeked into the restroom door and saw Anushka standing outside, in a call. Sashi's evil mode was turned on. She quickly opened the chat and ran through the messages. "So this is the cute little girl you said, huh?", Whispered Sashi to herself.
Meanwhile, Anushka was dialling his phone to call Yohani, as he didn't know how to explain his struggle. Yohani, one of Anushka's closest friends, answered the phone and whispered, "I'm still at the office...". Anushka's doubtful voice mumbled, "Um, I have a small problem. Can we have two minutes?"
It was 04.40 and Sashi went through weeks of history on Cookie's chat as her curiosity didn't let her skip the opportunity.
With all the evidences, Sashi switched to the Google docs tab and started making changes in the document. While she was working Anushka came back to his seat and his voice went loud saying, "Hey!".
Sashi was shocked and she turned to Anushka. Anushka looked at the monitor and saw Sashi working on the document. "I turned off mine, so I jumped here", said Sashi who was acting normal even with a fast beating heart.
"Thanks Sush. It's fine, I'll do it", said Anushka who sounded dull.
"You okay?", Asked Sashi who was staring at Anushka's pale face.
"Yah. I said I won't be able to come and she said, "okay" and she hung up", it was the saddest tone of Anushka Sashi had ever heard. Sashi is now speechless. She has no idea about what to say next. Anushka sat in his seat and started working on the document. "Don't worry, it'll be fine", said Sashi, who was on pause for few seconds. Anushka smiled, and Sashi saw the feelings behind his smile.
"Ting", it was Sashi's phone which had a text from Jason. "Got to go", said Sashi. She took her handbag and got up. Before leaving her table, she looked at Anushka who was working with no energy and said, "don't sleep here, okay? See you next Monday". Anushka smiled and replied with a blank "bye".
Sashi, walked down stairs and called Jason, her boyfriend, as it was about to rain. "I'm downstairs", said Sashi. "Okay baby, right in front of G-Flock. Give me 2 minutes", answered Jason.
As soon as Jason arrived, Sashi was cheered with a bright smile. She ran to the car and seated comfortably.
Jason was so interested in listening to Sashi's chattering while driving. So he turned down the volume of the radio. Sashi took the bag of chips from the cubby hole, smiled at Jason and started chattering.
"You know what, Anushka is dating Yohani", it was Sashi, who turned the conversation to a whole new topic. "You mean your friend Yohani?
That girl, who played basketball in your school?", asked Jason.
"Yes, that girl, who you had a crush when you were schooling", said Sashi while smiling with Jason.
And the best thing is, "she's serious", whispered Sashi to Jason. Jason gave a serious look to Sashi. "I saw", said Sashi and laughed at Jason.
"Bla bla bla", Jason replied as he was speechless.
"So how's it going anyway?", curiously asked Jason as he couldn't stop wondering about Yohani who was an amazing girl when they were schooling.
On the other side of the world, the ticking clock showed 5.15 and Anushka was done with his work. He checked his phone but he saw no messages from his favourite person. He started flexing himself and opened chrome to check the champions league scores on ESPN.
"16-21, rain stopped play."
It was the scoreboard update on Anushka's phone. He stared at the cloudy sky through the window and gave a grumpy look while whispering, "you're making me sicker"
Anushka went to the car park after finishing all his work. He took his helmet and got on the bike.
"Vrum vrum", Anushka fired up his new sports bike and he was ready to hit the road. Seconds later, Anushka turned off the engine and kept his head on the tank and hugged the bike. He didn't feel good and the weather made his mood even worse.
He parked his bike once again and walked out from the basement. He went to the road and took a tuk tuk. "Mahatthaya koheda yanne?" ("Where are you heading Mr.") It was the tuk driver who stopped to pick Anushka. "Galle Face", replied Anushka.
In the meantime, Sashi was explaining about the mysterious incident to Jason. "I think these two are in love. Anushka was telling me about her for a very long time. I just didn't know it was Yohani", said Sashi to Jason. "And today, I saw the saddest face of Anushka", continued Sashi.
"Didn't she tell you about him?", asked Jason who knew about Sashi and Yohani. "Not a word. But she asked me about Anushka. I mean, wait a minute...", Sashi paused for a moment. She took her phone and opened Yohani's chat. She scrolled back in lighting speed to the point where she could see the selfies they took on the last outing. "How's Anushka?", it was a message sent by Yohani, the day after the outing. Sashi thought Yohani was asking about Anushka because they poured ketchup in his Sprite the day before and Sashi had replied saying, "he's crazy as usual" with a picture of Anushka who's sitting next to her. "Anaa.... He's so cute" with the emoji of the monkey covering it's eyes, was Yohani's reply to the picture.
Sashi had a doubt but she didn't chase it as everyone loved Anushka and he was the coolest and the most friendliest guy in the office.
"Is this picture cute?", asked Sashi who showed Jason the picture of Anushka which was sent to Yohani. Jason gave a smile to Sashi and said, "Maybe! Who knows. Even you looked cute to me"
Jason started laughing and Sashi punched Jason's arm several times and turned towards the window. "I know Yohani better than you. She's not this type. And she doesn't do this to anyone. ANYONE!", Sashi replied in an attention grabbing tone. "And that day Anushka didn't have his phone with him. That can be another reason why Yohani messaged me", Sashi started giving reasons. "Okay, okay. Maybe she likes him a little bit. Now what?", replied Jason who turned to Sashi and tickled her under her ears while they were jammed in the traffic.
"Don't you think we should help Anushka?", it was Sashi who turned to Jason with a smile.
The sun was fading and the clouds had captured the entire sky. Anushka got off from the tuk and started walking to the beach side. He walked towards the pole where the national flag was waving gently with the wind. While walking along the path, his favourite scent of street food went through his nose straight to his empty stomach and the sad heart.
He forgot his sadness for a moment and rushed to the usual spot. "Ah, Mahatthaya. Ko missi awe nedda?" (Greetings Mr. Didn't the Ms. come today?), it was the shop keeper's voice. Anushka's mood swung over the moon and came back which made him reply in a pale, sad tone. "Mahatthaya wadi wennako, ada thiyenawa maru keamak" (Please take a seat Mr. Today we have a very special menu.), said the shopkeeper while frying the food. Anushka went and sat on the edge of the wall instead of sitting on the bench near the shop. He was looking at the waving sea with an empty mind. While Anushka was enjoying the view, "ting" a text message popped in his phone. Anushka exhaled and checked but it was not from Yohani so he again started staring at the sea.
"Mahatthaya, me chapati eka kala balannako" (Please taste this chapati Mr.), the shopkeeper came to Anushka with a water bottle and gave him a plate of chapati. Anushka smiled and held his hands while the shopkeeper poured water to wash the hands.
At the same time, Sashi and Jason were thinking about Anushka and Yohani. As Sashi and Jason were stuck on traffic, Sashi came up with an idea and took a group call including Yohani, and two other schoolmates. Sashi switched on her video and started blabbering. She saw Yohani who was silent but she didn't ask or tell anything to her. Sashi slowly started to say about her day. She started from the good things and then, she said, "look we're stuck in traffic because of our boss. Jason had to wait for an hour till me and Anushka finished the work". Those few words grabbed Yohani's attention. And the other two girls were telling about their day. "Yeah, we went on a outing last week and we took a day off. But the work chased us down anyway. I'm okay, because Jason stayed for me, but Anushka looked upset. Maybe it was because he was with his bike, who knows. And it's raining here in Dehiwala", continued Sashi.
Yohani heard everything but kept the conversation simple and light.
"Okay then, bye bichaas", Sashi ended the call. Yohani didn't see anything suspicious as a weekend call was a normal thing no matter how busy they were. But she didn't take much time to check out Anushka as the day off was taken to go out on shopping for Yohani birthday. First Yohani went online and checked whether Anushka was online or not. As Anushka was offline, Yohani didn't think about sending a message. She opened both Instagram and snapchat to check Anushka's stories. Anushka was artistic and loved taking pictures. At the very moment, Anushka had posted a status of the sky which was a usual place in Yohani's life. She came out from the public library, and took a tuk tuk to Galle Face.
"You think it'll work?", asked Jason who doubted Sashi. "I know Yohani", replied Sashi with a smile.
Meanwhile, Anushka was enjoying the new recipe. He took his phone to type down a note to update his blog.
"The gentle voice of hers, the soft breaths, it makes myself self calm.
I have no idea, how she is capable of doing such marvellous wonders. Just her presence makes me feel comfortable. Even if I sit in front of the cold breeze of the seashore, I feel her warmth.
What is this connection?
Why I do feel this bond. My mind is so confused and I'm still wondering about her. I'm so overwhelmed by her fragrance.
Is this everything, or is this nothing. Is this love, or is this magic.
I wonder why..."
Anushka typed his thoughts and whispered, "I wish you were here..."
For a moment everything became calm. Anushka could hear his own heartbeat. He looked at the water and closed his eyes. With the windy weather, he felt someone touching his shoulder as a support to sit on the edge next to him.
Anushka opened his eyes as he felt something usual. It was a fragrance which was unique to a person. Anushka turned to his right. “Huh! The usual?”, he pioneered on breaking the fragile silence.
“What else would be my favourite?”, said Yohani, who flicked her piece of hair on her face. She gave a pretty warming smile and Anushka's heart started pumping faster.
“Oh, you mean the roti? You know it's my favourite too, right?”, Anushka chuckled nervously since he couldn't forget the fact that he was upset and sad for making her feel worried.
"A message would have been nice", said Anushka. "You're so bad at making decisions, so I went to the library after lectures", replied Yohani. Anushka was angry with what she said as he knew how much effort he needed to explain his situation.
"Ah, me inne missi" ("Oh, here she is"), the shopkeeper went loud in a happy tone. Yohani smiled with the shopkeeper.
“So? You wanted me to meet here?" Asked Yohani curiously. Anushka turned to her and said, "Let's go sit there".
The shopkeeper knew their favourite plates but he didn't forget to serve the new chapati to Yohani. "Missi, meka aluth. Kaala balannako" ("Miss this is a new recipe, you should try"), said the shopkeeper who served the food to Yohani and Anushka.
"Anyway, why did you want me to come?", asked Yohani. Anushka didn't have an answer as 'that moment' wasn't in his plan.
"Oh, c’mon Anushka. A gentleman never makes a lady wait”, Yohani kept on pushing as she knew there was something special in Anushka's head. Anushka felt like she was reading his mind but he stayed calm. Yohani wanted to ask about the bike but she stayed quiet and instead she started enjoying her meal.
"I'm listening", said Yohani who gave a puppy look while biting a piece of chapati.
“Haha! Very funny! Annoy me of course”, Anushka slowly skipped the moment.
Moments passed by, “I’m sorry", Anushka whispered. Yohani looked at him in the eyes and replied, “No Anushka, I could have waited. I just didn't know what to do after lectures. And I told Dada to come at around 8.30. I'm sorry"
Anushka smiled, as he didn't know how to explain his feelings.
He was afraid of losing her but she wanted him to say three words...
“I wish, you were mine” 😇💕
Based on feelings and thoughts.
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