#and all the weird pointless warnings
I love going to people's blogs, and seeing huge pinned posts explaining what they won't tolerate, how to speak to them, how to interact with their blog, their political views, views they dislike, and on, and on, and on
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Makes it much easier to spot the people I'd never ever get along with!
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not-neverland06 · 1 month
we're dating? ♡
logan howlett x fem!mutant!reader
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One-shot A/N: I've decided using the same X-men name/powers for the reader in my Logan fics is easier because coming up with superpowers is hard and stupid. They call you flux, like once, it's really just a nickname incoming warning for fluff so bad you'll get a cavity Summary: You're on probation from the team and official house arrest after a little accident with your powers. Logan knows you're going stir-crazy so he takes you to the arcade for some fun. And then your friendship takes a weird turn. (80's timeline in mind, but characters not from the 80’s will be mentioned) Clueless!reader
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You’d had an accident, a few weeks ago. Well, accident might be downplaying it too much. You’d destroyed the garden and left a ten-foot crater in the backyard of Charles’ prestigious grounds. In your defense, you had warned them all that it wasn’t a good idea to take your cuffs off. 
The metal bands are entirely necessary to make sure you can’t lose control and wipe out everything around you. Manipulation at an atomic level is beyond fatal. You don’t want to think about what would have happened if you’d had the meltdown and the kids were anywhere near you. 
Charles had been able to shut you down, but now he’s keeping you on probation. You’ve been locked up in the mansion, unable to leave until you managed to get your abilities under control. There’s never been a problem with wearing the cuffs before. You don’t understand why he’s so against them now. 
You’re going stir-crazy. There’s only so many times you can pace your room before you start to lose your mind. He’s not even letting you teach classes anymore. You’re stuck training, all day, every day. 
“Focus!” Charles snaps and you resist the urge to turn his bones liquid. Maybe that would get him off your back. 
Instead of killing your friend, you glare at the large tank of water in front of you. You do what you’ve been doing for the past half hour. It fluctuates from liquid to gas to solid, and then liquid again. An endless cycle of repetition that makes you want to melt your brain so you don’t have to do this anymore. 
You drop your hand and huff. “This is pointless, Charles. What’s this even teaching me?”
He crosses his arms, walks over to you, and pointedly glares at the tank in front of you. You roll your eyes and look back at it. “Shit,” you hiss. In your frustration, the glass has cracked and splintered into dust. Water pools around your stool and leaks through the wood of the floor. You flick your wrist, the glass swirling around you before reforming into the tank. The water follows along, droplets lifting from the floor and dropping back into the container. 
“One moment of frustration, of distraction. That’s all it took.” Charles shakes his head and walks back over to his desk. He picks the cuffs up and you slip them silently back onto your wrists. “How can you be trusted to protect your team on the field if you can’t control this? What are you going to do when you’re panicked and fighting for your life?”
Shame bubbles in your gut. It makes you nauseous and forces your eyes to the floor so you don’t have to face him. He sighs, placing his hands on your shoulders and squeezing gently. You glance up at him briefly and he offers a strained smile. 
“This is for your protection, as much as you hate it, Flux. It’s necessary.” You scoff at the use of your X-Men name. Not much of an X-Man if you’re not even on the field anymore. 
“Right,” you mutter. “Thanks for the lesson in incompetency,” you don’t let him respond and slam the door to his office closed behind you. You feel bad the second you get outside and onto the porch. He doesn’t deserve your bitchiness. It’s your own fault you can’t get a handle on this. You don't have anyone to blame but yourself. 
You let out a dramatic sigh, throwing yourself into a rocking chair and running your hands over your face. The once comforting weight of your cuffs is now oppressing. It just feels like a constant reminder of your failure. You should already have a handle on all of this, but you struggle to even manipulate water. 
“Rough day?” You don’t open your eyes as Logan walks by. He takes a seat on the rocking chair beside you, letting out a low groan as he stretches. 
You let your hands drop into your lap, staring at the sunset so you don’t have to face him. You’ve already dealt with enough dejection today. You don’t need to look at him and be reminded that you want him in a way you can never have. 
“Mhm,” you hum, propping your head in your hand as you watch the sun disappear behind the clouds. The sky is painted in hues of pink and orange that seem too hopeful for how you feel right now. 
Logan chuckles, the sound low and gravely. It makes your heart stutter in your chest and you cringe in embarrassment. You know he can hear the way your heart practically beats free of your ribs when you’re around him. You’re sure with that nose of his he can smell some sort of hormonal change in you every time you lay eyes on him. 
You swear you’ve never felt this way about a man before. You haven’t had many boyfriends before, it’s not really common among mutants. Not many people are accepting of you when they know what you are. And some people are too into you. 
But you've had crushes, and none of them have been as bad as this one is. You want to gnaw on him. It sounds fucking insane every time you think about it. But when you train with him and he tears his shirt off, you want to sink your teeth into him and never let go. 
You feel feral around him, a side of you surfacing that you’re not used to. Maybe it’s because of his mutant abilities. They are very animalistic, it’s easy to blame that on how desperately you crave him. 
You hate being around him and despise not being in his presence. It’s conflicting, and more often than not you sound like a bumbling idiot when you speak to him because your brain is going in a million different directions. 
You hear the familiar click of his lighter and then he shifts again. You risk a peek over at him and regret it the second you do. His head is tilted back, eyes closed in relaxation as he stretches across the porch. Smoke leaks out of his lips as he groans in satisfaction. 
You have to pick your jaw up off the floor and make sure there isn’t drool on your chin. This is insane. You’re a grown woman, how does he have this much of an effect on you? He’s not even doing anything! He’s just sitting there and you want to jump his bones. 
You whip your head around, mumbling incoherently to yourself to get it together. Logan peaks an eye open and you miss the mischievous tilt to his lips. “Something wrong?”
I need to have sex with you or I’m going to explode. 
You stutter for a few seconds, getting your mind back together. “Just training with Charles,” you mutter. 
He sits up a little straighter and quirks a brow. When you don’t continue he sighs. “And?” He prods, impatient for your answer. You hope you’re not reading into it, but you think he’s been as disappointed by your absence from the team as you are. He always complains about being partnered up with Scott. You like to think it’s because he misses you. But you’re probably just delusional. 
“And, nothing,” you sigh. Your hands flop against your legs and you glare at the bands on your wrists. “No progress. I still can’t control them without these on, and my abilities are watered down and useless with the cuffs.”
Logan huffs, you’re caught off guard by the sudden warmth on your thigh. You glance down, eyes widening ever so slightly when you see his hand on your leg. It nearly covers the whole thing and when he squeezes your thigh you think you’re going to pass out. 
You’re friendly. But you’ve never been touchy. At least not like this. The placement of his palm is very intimate and you are struggling not to just get on your knees and profess your undying love. You take in a deep breath, looking up at him so you can get your heartbeat under control. 
But looking at him just makes it worse. Because there is so much faith and fondness in his gaze as he looks at you. His lips are tilted up, eyes soft, and you’ve never had someone make you feel so warm and secure from just a look. 
“You aren’t useless,” he tells you. He squeezes your thigh again before he retreats back to his chair. You have to clamp your jaw shut so you don’t beg him to keep touching you and never stop. “You’re just stuck in this house all day. You’ve got nothing to do but sit in your failure.”
You scoff and throw yourself back in your seat. “Don’t remind me. I’ve begged Charles to let me out.” Your gaze drifts to the crater in the backyard. Some of the kids have been working on filling it in, but whatever energy you’d let go of has left a permanent mark. “He refuses to give me permission.”
Logan laughs, the noise teasing and a little mean. Your brows furrow and you glance over at him with a questioning look. He tilts his head in disbelief like you’re an idiot. “Seriously, Flux? Just fuckin’ leave, who gives a shit?”
“Uh,” you think on it for a minute before weakly settling on, “Charles?”
His face falls and you sink lower into your seat. He looks out at the yard, gaze distant. His jaw clenches a few times before he puts the cigar out on the ashtray beside him. He gets to his feet and you think he might just leave. Instead, he turns towards you. 
You’re caught off guard by the little smirk on his face. “Wanna have some fun?”
Only an idiot would say no. 
You grin and place your hand in his, yelping slightly at how easily he pulls you to your feet. You stumble into his chest and are hesitant to back away when his hand drifts to rest on your waist. He looks down at you, smiling, he squeezes your waist once before he backs up. 
“Come on, kid.” He tugs you inside the house, leading you downstairs to the garage. You already know what he’s going for before the door is even open. 
“Didn’t Scott tell you to leave his bike alone?” Logan takes a step inside. He pauses, glancing over his shoulder and grinning at you. It makes your breath catch in your throat, the happiness on his face. You never see him like this around the others. 
You hate thinking like that. Placing too much importance on your relationship with him will only lead to heartbreak down the road. But, you never see him act the way he does with you with anyone else.
“Since when have I ever listened to Cyclops, sweetheart?” 
“Good point,” you mutter, moving to stand next to him. 
He straddles the seat and looks over expectantly at you. “Don’t you need a helmet?”
You shake your head, “Oh, no, it’ll ruin my hair.” You laugh but he gives you a deadpan look. You don’t regenerate the way he does. An accident would be a lot more fatal for you than it would be for him. You huff, “Relax, Lo, I can use my powers.” When he looks like he’s not going to drop it, you let some energy swirl around your fingers. It solidifies the air around your skin, you reach up and flick at his skull hard enough to hear the metal ding. 
He grunts, glaring down at your hand while you grin. “See,” you whisper, sliding onto the back of the bike and wrapping your arms around his waist. “I’m perfectly safe.” He shakes his head and starts the bike. 
The ride to the arcade is spent in silence. Logan always seems to break every speeding law known to man whenever he takes Scott’s bike out. You’re not sure if he does it to purposefully piss the man off, but it makes you cling to him like a wild animal. You feel like if you hit one speed bump you’re going to go flying. 
By the time he parks your legs feel like jello. He laughs a little at the way your face has blanched. Again, he offers you a hand and holds the door open to lead you inside. You’re trying not to look a gift horse in the mouth, but this whole thing is odd. 
You guys are friends. And you’re friendlier with each other than most of the mutants in the school. But this feels different somehow. For one, Logan kind of despises the arcade. It’s an amalgamation of bad smells and loud noises, and it overwhelms his already sensitive senses. You’ve heard him complain about the smell of body odor and fake cheese enough times when you went on a field trip with the kids. 
Secondly, he’s being more touchy than he normally would. You’re not complaining. You weren’t exactly hugged a lot as a kid, mainly just passed between different mutant fetish clubs. Logan isn’t known for handing hugs out so easily. But right now, he doesn’t seem to be ready to not have at least one hand on you. 
Maybe he’s just cheering you up. You need to stop drifting so far into your mind and just enjoy the night. “Alright, what’s first bub?”
You grin and drag him towards the claw machine. “I’m horrible at these things,” you inform him as you put your quarters in. “But, I hold out hope that one day I’ll be able to actually beat this monster.”
Three failed attempts later, it’s become embarrassingly clear that you will never beat the claw machine. Logan isn’t even trying to hide his amusement as you become increasingly more frustrated. There’s a certain point where this game stops being fun and starts to be an affront to your character. 
Logan peers into the machine and asks, “What are you going for?”
“The pigeon,” you mutter. Your tongue pokes between your lips, and your eyes narrow in concentration. You aim the claw over the pigeon perfectly and slam your hand down on the big red button. 
You’re allowed five seconds of celebration before the damn thing slips out of the claws grasp and tumbles into the pile of stuffies below. “Dammit, Bart,” you let the ridiculous name you’ve come up with for the toy slip.
Logan snorts, leaning against the glass while you jam another quarter in the slot. “Bart?” He teases. 
You shake your head and give him a look out the side of your eye. “What, you think I call myself Flux because I’m good at coming up with names?” You give up after the last failed attempt and turn to face him with a huff. 
He clicks his tongue and shakes his head. “Tough luck, kid.” He slings an arm over your shoulder and pulls you towards the concession stand. 
“Shut up,” you laugh, slapping lightly at his chest. 
The rest of the night is nice. He doesn’t play much except for the strength-oriented games. And then you kind of just exploit him for more tickets. By the time you get back to the mansion, you’ve forgotten all about why you were upset in the first place. 
Nothing had gone wrong, you didn’t have a total meltdown and wipe out the entire arcade. You don’t know why Charles was so afraid of letting you out. 
Logan walks you back to your room, his hand heavy on your lower back as you head up the stairs. You’re talking endlessly, filling up any gap of silence with rambling you’ve lost track of. You don’t know what it is about him that invites you to yap the way you do, but you’re always embarrassed by it the second he leaves. 
You reach your door and smile up at him. “Thanks, Lo.”
He gives you a soft smile, his eyes wrinkling endearingly at the corners. He reaches up and brushes some hair off your shoulder. There’s a certain shift in his expression that has your breath stopping short. Whatever else you were going to say to him tumbles off into an incomprehensible whisper. 
He leans down and every inappropriate thought you’ve ever had about him suddenly surges to the front of your mind. Your lips part in anticipation, thinking he’s going to kiss you and your fantasies are going to come to life. 
His lips brush against your cheek so gently you almost don’t feel them. “‘Night Flux,” he leans back and your body goes with him. He backs off with a smile, walking down the hall to his own room. You feel dazed, eyelashes fluttering rapidly as you fan your cheeks and try to come to terms with what just happened.
He didn’t kiss you, but you oddly aren’t disappointed. You go to bed that night with a lovesick grin on your face. Well, you would have. Were it not for the annoyingly British voice ringing out in your head, “Training’s at four tomorrow morning. Consider it your punishment for sneaking out.”
“Fuck,” you hiss to yourself. Stupid fucking telepaths. 
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You thought the arcade was a one-off moment. But Logan keeps sneaking you out of the mansion. Charles hasn’t officially lifted the house arrest, but he’s given up trying to keep you inside. Besides, you’ve essentially got a chaperone since Logan is always with you. 
You make lunch for the two of you and he’ll take you out to the woods for a picnic. Or you’ll go to the movies together. Sometimes you don’t even do anything, just linger around each other. You enjoy the company, and you love having these quiet moments together with no one else around. 
Your favorite part of all of this has to be the way he’s started touching you. He’s always got a hand on your leg or back. And if he can’t do that, then you’re tucked into his side. It’s feeding into a starved part of you that you’ve left neglected for far too long. 
It’s only been about two weeks of these fun little adventures and odd behavior. You’re dreading the moment they’ll stop. You’re not sure when Logan’s going to deem you properly cheered up, but you’re hoping it’s not anytime soon. 
There have been a few more moments where you think your friendship might turn into something more, and every time you’ve been interrupted. You’re actually starting to feel a little edged. You’ve been considering just grabbing him and planting one on him. But every time you think about it you get sick to your stomach. 
You don’t want to make a move on him and end up getting rejected. You know he’s just being a good friend and taking care of you so you don’t end up spiraling too far in your head. It’s happened before, when you’ve been struggling with your abilities. He’s just keeping you from shutting down again and you don’t want to make him uncomfortable because you’re hopelessly in love. 
When you walk out of your room this morning you’re immediately smacked in the face. “What the fuck, guys?” You yell at the two kids running past your room. Not the best language for someone who's supposed to be a role model. You can’t be bothered though, not when they’re running around throwing pink rolls of streamer at your face. 
“Sorry!” Mary calls over her shoulder, laughing as she pins a heart up onto the wall. You’re sure Charles won’t appreciate the hole in his old ass mahogany wood. It’s only as you watch her run down the stairs that you register just what is going on. 
There is pink and red everywhere. It looks like Dollar Store Cupid has thrown up all over the mansion. You’ve been so caught up in your attraction to Logan that, ironically, you’ve forgotten what month it was. 
You grumble bitterly to yourself as you trudge down the stairs. Another Valentine’s Day alone and single. How lovely. You spot two kids giggling to themselves by the banister, they lean in like they’re going to kiss and you gag. “Hey!” You snap, and they jump apart, eyes wide with fear. “Quit it, get out of here.” They scramble off and you feel just a little bit vindicated. 
“Not a fan of young love, Flux?”
You groan and roll your eyes, turning around to find a very smug Scott watching you bully teenagers. “Shut it, Summers,” you warn. You point an accusing finger at him and he raises his hands in surrender. Faux innocence played across his insufferable smirk. “When you’re in a committed relationship, you don’t get to judge me.”
His brows turn down in confusion, “Wait, but aren’t you and Logan-”
He’s cut off by the sound of a loud crash down the hall. You both turn around just as one of the classroom doors slams open. A bright pink explosion hurtles from the doors and a throng of coughing students follows. 
Jubilee walks out a minute later, a guilty expression on her face. “Sorry, I was just trying to make it more Vanetine-y.” 
You glance over at Scott, grinning widely at him while you pat his shoulder and walk past him, leaving him to clean up the mess. “Enjoy the young love, Summers.”
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You actively avoid Logan all day. You’re already facing constant reminders of how lonely you are. You see kids walking around with baskets of bears and chocolates. Or you catch them passing notes in class with scribbled hearts all over the front. 
There’s only so much a girl can take before she loses it. The last thing you need is to be faced with the man you have the worst unrequited crush on in history. But he doesn’t seem to get the hint. He’s everywhere you go, popping up around corners and trying to catch your attention. 
You keep brushing him off and pretending like you have something urgent you’re going to be late for. Eventually, though, he was going to catch up with you. 
It happens in the kitchen. Most of the kids are in their rooms or the library. The noise has died down and you’re alone. You grumble to yourself, ripping down a pink streamer that keeps drifting across the top of your head and pissing you off. You grab a frozen meal from the fridge and are about to microwave it when he speaks. 
“Huh, thought you’d want something a little more romantic than a frozen burrito.” 
You gasp, clutching your chest and whirling around on him while your heart races. “Logan, Jesus, you scared me.” He’s frowning at you, eyes glaring at the frozen package in your hand. “Um,” you toss it back in the freezer but the look on his face isn’t going away. “Yeah, I might just go with cereal instead.”
He looks at you and then glances behind him. You peer around his shoulder but you don’t see anything. Without much warning, he grabs your wrist and pulls you towards the stairs. “Logan?” There’s no point in trying to resist him, he could just toss you up the stairs if he wanted to. Still, the silence is kind of creeping you out. 
You call his name a few more times but give up when he makes it clear he’s not going to be answering you anytime. There’s a rotten feeling in your stomach. You have this awful idea like you’re in trouble for something. Like a little girl who's gotten her hand caught in the cookie jar too many times. 
He stops you in front of his door and nods towards it. “You want me to go inside?” He crosses his arms and glares down at you. You huff and mutter, “Jesus, fine.” What the hell is wrong with him?
You grab the doorknob to his room, glaring at him while you do. You throw the door open dramatically, taking a step inside and surveying the area. “Wow,” you suck your teeth and shake your head. “You have not decorated at all.”
“Shut up, smartass,” he mutters in your ear. Chills prick at your skin from his proximity. A shudder goes down your spine as the low tone of his voice reverberates through you. “Look a little harder.”
You roll your eyes but acquiesce. Another run over the room finally shows you what you missed. You gasp and rush towards his bed, “Holy shit, Bart!” He chuckles behind you as you pick the stuffed pigeon up. 
“Went back for him after we left,” Logan tells you. 
You glare at him, eyes narrowed in suspicion. “How many tries did this take you?” He mouths a smug one and you roll your eyes in irritation. You look back down at the pigeon and smile.
He smells like the inside of a claw machine. His head is sewed on crookedly and you’re pretty sure he’s missing an eye. But he’s absolutely perfect to you. You’re about to thank Logan when you spot something metal wrapped around the stuffie’s neck. “What’s this,” you mumble to yourself. 
You slide your fingers under the chain and tug it off Bart’s neck. Logan’s dog tags dangle off your fingers and you stare at him in shock. A sudden cold dread washes over you and you find yourself immobile. “Logan,” you trail off, an unspoken question following his name. 
He smirks, walking towards you and slipping the tags out of your hand. “I wanted you to have this,” he says, his voice low like this moment is too precious to break, “so you know you’re not alone. You’re always so afraid of what’s going to happen if you lose control out in the field. But you forget, you’re not alone. You have me, you’re always going to have me.” He places the tags over your neck, untucking your hair from the chain. 
You don’t even have words for him. It’s such a deeply personal gift. But this also feels incredibly intimate. There’s no possible way for you to reason this away. This isn’t something “just friends” do. 
He seems to prefer your silence, anyway. One of his hands drifts from your neck and cups your jaw. With the utmost tenderness, he lifts your face to his. “Wanted to do this for a while,” he whispers. You almost ask what he’s talking about, but his lips are already covering yours. 
It’s incredibly soft, this kiss, softer than you’re used to. He’s barely putting any pressure on you and it makes you realize that you’re still not moving. You’re just standing there in shock, eyes wide open while the man you’ve wanted since you’ve known him kisses you. 
You drop Bart to the floor and your arms come up to twine around his neck. You finally close your eyes, let your body melt into his knowing he’ll catch you. The second you reciprocate he really kisses you. Neither of you hold back, each of you pouring all the pent-up desire you’ve felt for each other. 
You’ve spent so long dancing around this, around each other. It’s like a missing puzzle piece is returned to you as Logan holds you. You feel full, complete, warmer than you ever have before. 
You part from him - needing air - painfully slow. You don’t want to spend a second away from him now that you have him. You wish you didn’t have to breathe. Wished you could have kept kissing him and never stopped. 
Logan chuckles, pressing a kiss against your forehead like he can read your thoughts. You can feel the dorky smile that’s about to split your cheeks. You bite your lip, hoping it might suppress it, but you know it’s pointless. 
You look up at him with a cheeky twinkle in your eye. “Are you asking me to be your Valentine, Lo?”
He scoffs and pulls away from you slightly. “Do you have to ask your girlfriend to be your Valentine?”
Your eyes widen and your mouth opens and closes rapidly. “I- Well- I mean,” you take a full step back from him and shake your head. “What?” You finally settle on. “I mean, I’m not objecting, at all, but what?”
Logan tilts his head, a disbelieving look on his face. “What do you think we’ve been doing the past three weeks?”
You shake your head, stuttering and struggling for an answer. “I don’t know. I thought you were being a good friend!”
He smiles, there’s no irritation on his face at your cluelessness. If anything he seems to be more endeared to you. “You think I take all my friends on romantic picnics in the woods?”
You sigh, letting out a long disappointed breath. You can’t believe you’ve been so blind. When you think about it, his behavior lately makes a lot more sense. You’re not sure how you were able to trick yourself for so long. 
“Well,” you start, walking back towards him as he pulls you into a hug, “certainly not Scott.” He huffs and shakes his head. You give him a sheepish smile, brows knitted together. “I can’t believe we’ve been dating this whole time.”
He just presses another kiss to your temple and shrugs. “It’s alright, sweetheart, you can make it up to me by being my Valentine again next year.”
There’s something unspoken in his voice. A promise that he’s planning to be around for a lot longer than a year. You smile at him, silently promising the same. “Only if you’re mine.”
“Wouldn’t have it any other way.”
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a/n: i’m gonna gag actually. Made myself cringe there at the end. I want a valentine next year so bad, it’s sad. But what’s the point of a valentine if it’s not going to be Logan?
end. — I do not own the characters or the comics/movies Wolverine/X-Men, but this writing is my own all rights reserved © not-neverland06 2024. do not copy, repost, translate & recommend elsewhere.
dividers by @/thecutestgrotto
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atlabeth · 2 months
heat lightning
pt 1
pairing: spencer reid x fem gideon!reader
summary: you end up at the heart of the bau's latest case.
a/n: took way too long but here's more gideon reader! just as irritable as ever with some actual human emotions this time around. send help and prayers bc she's gonna need it. and before you ask there will in fact be some more parts to close up this case, i just have to write them first and it may take approximately 10 years. thank you for your consideration
wc: 4.1k
warning(s): reader still has daddy issues, still hates spence, and still argues w gideon the whole time. more angst! typical cm case stuff (a stalker that has taken vulnerable pics of reader) read w/ discretion if you are sensitive to those things. more drama and more tension and more not being a good time for anyone but me
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“On your right, pretty boy.” 
Spencer stops as Morgan rushes past him back to his desk, eyes trained on the hallway. 
“Why are you in such a hurry?” he complains. “I nearly spilled my coffee.”
“Gideon’s daughter is here again,” he says. “Did you not feel the temperature drop five degrees?”
Spencer frowns. He opens his mouth to say something when he hears the telltale signs of your arrival: arguing. 
“—so typical of you! I have to drop everything the moment you need me, but it’s like pulling teeth to get you to listen to me.”
Gideon turns the corner with you in tow. He has a duffle bag in one hand and a file in his other, his brow furrowed in frustration. 
“That’s because this is important,” he says. 
“Oh, and everything else I try to get you to be around for isn’t?” 
“You know that isn’t what I meant,” Gideon says, keeping his voice level. 
“This is ridiculous,” you spit. 
“It’s necessary,” he corrects. “I’m not going to play games with your safety.” 
“Oh, yeah,” you mock. “Because you’ve always cared about that.” 
He just shakes his head. “I’m not debating this with you.”
“Why? Because you’ll realize that it’s ridiculous?”
You follow Gideon into his office and Spencer watches him close the blinds. The door slams shut, and though he can still hear the muffled argument he can’t make anything out.
“Oh, great,” Morgan says. “Now we can’t even get Reid to read their lips.”
“I don’t think we need it to know what they’re talking about,” Elle says. “They’ve been arguing since she was brought in.”
“Of course they have,” JJ says. “Gideon sent Hotch to pick her up instead of doing it himself. She sees it as another slight.”
“She sees everything as a slight,” Spencer says. “She hates him.” 
“I don’t blame her,” Morgan mutters. “Not when we only found out about her last month.” 
“Surely this isn’t helping with anything,” JJ says wryly. 
Elle shrugs. “Doesn’t matter. Sometimes pointless arguing makes you feel better, even when you’re in the wrong.” 
“That’s enough, agents.” Spencer’s attention—along with everyone else’s—snaps to the top of the bullpen to see Hotch holding a file with the same expression as always. “I need you all in the conference room.” 
“Does it have anything to do with that?” Morgan asks, tilting his head towards Gideon’s office. 
“You’ll find out,” he says. Hotch starts walking to the conference room, the conversation clearly over. 
JJ sighs as she stands up and grabs the files on her desk. “I’ll get Penelope. The rest of you try not to gossip too much.” 
She goes off, and the others disperse back to their desk to finish up some last-minute things before the case takes them away. Spencer can’t tear his eyes away from Gideon’s office, even though he’s not getting anything. 
All he can think about is the last time you were here, when he got caught in the middle of your argument with Gideon—your dad, which was still a little weird—and he can’t help but feel guilty. 
Gideon is a father figure to him, sure, but it isn’t that difficult to end up with that dynamic when Spencer’s the youngest on the team. And he can go into everything about his father leaving and the psychology of that, but it doesn’t matter. Gideon treated him like a son when he had a daughter all along that he’d been neglecting. 
For all Spencer knows, it is his fault. 
“Reid,” Elle says, snapping him out of his thoughts, “you coming?”
“Yeah,” he says, nodding far too many times as he catches up to her in a few quick strides. “Sorry.”
“No need,” she remarks. “Gideon’s kid was all anyone could talk about when she first showed up here. This is only gonna make things worse.”
“He can’t really be that bad of a dad,” Spencer says, “right?”
“All I know is that having a parent in the force rarely ends well,” Elle murmurs. She opens the door to the conference room and looks at him. “We can’t be too hard on her when we probably see Gideon more than she does.”
Spencer recalls his meeting with you, how he barely got a word in edgewise while you spent the whole time arguing with someone half the office viewed as immovable. 
“Yeah,” he says distantly. “I don’t think that’ll be a problem.”
“Why? Because you’ll realize that it’s ridiculous?” 
Your dad shuts the blinds on all the windows in his office, then closes the door behind you. He sets your duffle down on the floor then looks at you, that infuriatingly even expression still unchanged.
“It’s not ridiculous,” he says. “Sit down and lower your voice, please. We have some things to talk about.” 
“I gathered that when you sent your guy to pick me up,” you say, crossing your arms as he walks over to his desk. “Couldn’t even do it yourself?” 
“Aaron Hotchner is the chief of this unit and one of the most accomplished agents here,” he says. “He lives closer to you than I do, and I asked him to pick you up on his way in because I knew you would be safe with him. Sit down, please.” 
“There it is again. My safety.” You remain standing. “Tell me what this is about. I’m missing work right now— I know you can understand that, at least.” 
He lets out a sigh as he says your name and looks at you. “Can we get through this without any arguments for once?” 
“That depends. Are you going to treat me like your daughter or an inconvenience?” 
“You’re my daughter, I love you, and your life is in danger,” he says evenly. 
You open your mouth to retort, but your dad opens the file in his hands and sets it down on the other side of the desk. You can see from your position that they’re photos, but your curiosity ultimately wins out. You walk over to get a closer look, and any words die in your throat as you pick up the first photo. 
A photo of you. 
You pick up the next one, only to see it’s another picture of you. At least ten photos are tucked away in the file, and they’re all of you. Taken outside your work, at your apartment, on your morning run— god, there’s even one taken through the window of your bedroom, half-naked in a towel after a shower. 
You fall silently into the chair, your heart hammering inside your chest as your eyes dart between all of the photos. You want to crawl out of your skin. 
“What the fuck is this?” you breathe. 
“The heart of our newest case,” your dad says. “It appears that you have a stalker.” 
“Yeah,” you whisper, eyes still glued to your oblivious self, “I would fucking think so.”
“These photos were dropped off at my door this morning,” he says, and he flips to the next section of the file, “with that note.”
The erratic handwriting instantly stands out to you as you pick the photocopy up, the lump in your throat growing with every word you read. 
such a pretty little thing. I wonder if she knows it.
you don’t care about her, but I do. she’s just like all the rest of us, everyone that you’ve ruined.
think about your priorities, agent gideon. I’ll be watching.  
“What the fuck is this?” you repeat. Blood pounds in your skull as a distant chill creeps down your spine. “I— I’m one of your cases now?” 
“We’re not sure yet,” he admits. “These only appeared yesterday, but from the looks of it, the unsub has been watching you for a while. Can you pinpoint when any of these photos were taken? 
You stare at him. “Some psycho has been stalking me for a while?” 
Your dad says your name again, slightly strained. “Please. I know this is difficult to think about, but figuring out a time frame would help us.” 
“Difficult,” you scoff. “Yeah, that’s one way to put it.” 
But it doesn’t have the bite your words usually hold. For once, you don’t think you’re mad at your dad. You think you’re terrified. 
“...Yeah,” you finally murmur, and you pick up one of the photos. “I thrifted a mirror a month ago, and this one doesn’t have it.”
Your dad nods, and he picks up two others. “Neither do these.” 
“So this has been going on for at least a month,” you say bitterly. “Great.”
Your dad says your name, quieter this time, and when you finally look at him his eyes have softened. 
“We’re going to figure this out,” he says. “This is a threat against an FBI agent’s family, and it will be treated accordingly. Forensics is doing tests on all the original copies to try and find a lead. The whole BAU will be on your case—I will be on it, and we won’t rest until we find whoever’s doing this.” 
“Yeah,” you say numbly. “You sure that’ll help? Because it looks like all this is happening because I’m your daughter.” 
“I know this is scary,” he says. “This… this is nothing like you’ve ever dealt with before. You shouldn’t have to deal with it. But you have to trust my team. We know what we’re doing.” 
“Of course you know what you’re doing,” you say. “You’re always here.” 
Your words have no bite behind them, more of an instinct as you grab your purse from the ground. You can feel the pinpricks of incoming tears, and you refuse to cry in front of your dad. 
“I— I need a minute,” you say. “This is all just—” 
“I understand,” he says. “Just don’t go far. Stay on this floor.”
You nod and start towards the door, but you pause right before you reach it. Your mouth opens as you try to think of something to say, but it falls shut just as quickly. You shake your head as you reach for the door handle, but before you get the chance, it swings open and you’re met with a familiar face. 
Spencer Reid, the kid your dad likes more than you. He’s nothing less than surprised to see you, from his stumbled step back, the slightly wide eyes, his hand poised to knock on the door. 
A mumbled apology falls from your lips as you move around him, and you can still feel his eyes on you as you speed off. You wonder what ideas he and the rest of the BAU have drawn up about you since your last visit to the office. 
You don’t really care. 
True to your word, you don’t go far—just to the bathroom. Thankfully it’s close, because the moment you make it to one of the stalls, knees stinging as you fall to the tiled floor, you vomit. 
By the time you’ve expelled the contents of your stomach, it feels just as empty as the rest of you. You stare at the wall, breathing slightly harried and skin warm to the touch, and you resist the urge to punch it. 
You have a stalker. Someone has been watching you for a month—at least a month, maybe longer—and you had no fucking clue, and now your only decent hope lies with your dad and his team. 
Normally, you wrote off anything depending on your dad as fruitless, but this involved the thing he loved more than anything in the world: his job. 
You huff a wry laugh at the thought. This wouldn’t get solved because it concerned you, it would get solved because it concerned his job. 
You stand up and walk over to the sink. You rinse your mouth, then just stare at yourself in the mirror. 
It— it feels strange. Looking at yourself like this, knowing someone has been—still is—watching you. 
You recall their words. 
Pretty little thing. 
You don’t care about her, but I do. 
A chill crawls up your spine. You can’t shake the dread settling all over you. 
What the fuck are you going to do?
You have to trust your dad, but you’ve never trusted your dad. God, he’s not even really your dad. He’s Senior Supervisory Special Agent Jason Gideon, nothing more—the estranged kid is an unfortunate side effect of the estranged wife.
You let out another breathy laugh. Would he even care if this psycho actually ends up killing you? 
You stand there for another couple minutes, time idling in the background as you continue to stare at the mirror. 
You haven’t cried, at least. That’s certainly something.
The door opens ever so slightly and someone says your name. Your eyes flick to the mirror almost immediately as your body tenses, and you recognize her as one of the BAU’s agents. She’s pretty and blonde with sympathetic eyes, and you know they’ve been briefed on your situation. 
If you have to deal with an office of pitying looks, you think you might lose your mind. 
“Are you alright?” she asks softly. 
“Just peachy,” you mumble. “My dad ask you to check up on me?” 
She nods. “You can imagine why Gideon is a bit high strung at the moment.” 
“I’m fine,” you repeat. “I just… needed a second.” 
“I understand,” she murmurs. “Do you still need some time?” 
“What do you need?” 
“Gideon wants to talk to you. It’s best if he explains it.” 
You huff a laugh and shake your head. “Fine. Lead the way, Agent…” 
“Jareau,” she supplies. “But call me JJ, please.” 
In lieu of a response, you walk over to her. She offers a thin smile and holds the door for you, then falls into step with you. A moment of silence passes before she speaks up. 
“We’re going to figure this out,” JJ says. “Your dad is one of the best to walk through these doors. If anyone can solve this, he can.” 
“So I keep hearing,” you murmur. 
Spencer watches you hurry off with wide eyes, and it takes a few seconds for him to snap out of it. He’s less surprised by your pace, and more surprised that you actually apologized for bumping into him. 
“Reid,” Gideon speaks up, and his attention snaps back over to his superior. “What do you need?” 
“Is she okay?” he asks instead. He can’t help it—after what Hotch just told all of them, he’s worried about you. 
Gideon gathers the photos back into the file then stands up. “Our job is to make sure she will be.”
“Hotch briefed us,” he says, and his eyes darted back to the doorway almost on instinct. “This— this is crazy. We just found out about her last month, and some guy’s been after her for longer?” 
“What this is is one of my enemies targeting my daughter because they’re too much of a coward to go after me,” Gideon says evenly. “We just have to figure out which one before they escalate.”
“How do you know?” he asks. 
“What you said is true,” he admits. “Hardly anyone knows I have a daughter. Even fewer would know where she lives. Someone who wants to hurt me would have incentive to discover both.” 
“So we look into unsubs you’ve put away that have been released,” Spencer says. “Or ones that are still in, but have family that might be bitter.”
“Exactly,” Gideon nods. “But I have to ask something of you, Reid.”
He frowns. “Anything.”
“We’re working on getting a safe house for my daughter,” Gideon says. “I need you to stay there with her.” 
Somehow, his frown deepens. “What?”
“I need to know she’s with someone I can trust,” he says. “There’s someone after her, and we don’t know who—that means we need to keep this circle tight.”
“So you want me to be her bodyguard?” Spencer marvels. “Do you remember that you had to waive all my physical tests?”
“Less of a bodyguard,” he says. “More just… keeping her company. Making sure she’s alright—mentally as much as physically.”
“Why am I the one that has to keep an eye on her?” Spencer asks. “She hates me!” 
“Don’t take it personally,” Gideon says. “She hates a lot of things.” 
“But it is personal,” Spencer insists. “She hates me because she thinks you like me more than her.” 
Gideon doesn’t seem phased at the comment. “She’s opinionated, but she’s harmless. And right now, I need to know that she’s with someone I can trust.”
“I— I still don’t think it’s a good idea.”
“Please, Reid.” Gideon leans forward, and there’s an uncharacteristic vulnerability in his eyes. "If I'm going to be on this case, I need to know that she's safe. I won't be able to focus otherwise."
Spencer wasn’t going to lie—he genuinely thought it was a bad idea. But… Gideon said he trusted him. And this was his daughter—they might’ve argued, but they still cared about each other. if he could keep Lila Archer safe, he could keep you safe. 
“…Okay,” he finally concedes. “Okay.”
Gideon nods, and he watches the change in his eyes, the slightest bit of tension leaving his shoulders. “Thank you.”
“Just… make sure there are two bedrooms,” Spencer says. “I don’t need her to kill me one day in.”
At that, he cracks a rare smile. Spencer is thankful for it, that he can bring even the smallest amount of levity to Gideon’s life right now. 
“I’ll keep that in mind.”
“You’ve got to be kidding me.”
Your dad says your name, but you hardly let him finish. 
“No! First I find out I have a stalker, then my whole life’s going to be uprooted until you find them, and now I have to be stuck with boy genius?”
“You know, we’re about the same age—”
“Do you ever stop talking?” you cry, whirling on Spencer.
“I actually don’t talk that much when I’m around you,” Spencer says, his brows creasing. “This is the third time I’ve met you, and I’ve only said nine sentences across those meetings. Thirteen, if you count all of these too.”
You let out a strained laugh as you shake your head, trying to blink back tears. “This is fucking unbelievable. I know he’s practically your son, but this is just—”
“A safety precaution,” your dad interrupts. “Doctor Spencer Reid is another one of the BAU’s finest agents, and he is fully qualified to keep you safe.”
“He looks like a strong breeze could snap him in half.”
“This is not a joke,” your dad says sternly. “None of this is a joke. Your life is in danger—you have a stalker that has been watching your every move for at least a month, and we have no idea what their next move will be. Doctor Reid is more experienced than you in every facet of this, and I am entrusting him to your care. I respect him immensely, and you will do so as well.”
You don’t even look at Spencer, quiet rage simmering beneath the surface as you stare at your father.
“You really don’t get it,” you murmur. “Do you?”
“The only thing to get is that your life is in increasing danger with every moment you spend pushing against me,” your dad says, and he stands up. “Get your purse. Reid, get her duffle. We’re leaving.”
He leaves before you get the chance to do anything—you assume he’s finally tired of you. 
You just shake your head and pick up your purse, and Spencer clears his throat as he reaches for your duffle bag. You wonder if it even has anything useful—Aaron Hotchner was the one who packed it. 
“…So,” Spencer says. “I guess we’re gonna be roommates for a while.”
You huff in fully unveiled annoyance, and you push past him on your way out. 
“Great,” he mutters to himself as he follows you. “So this is what Gideon’s trust earns me.” 
It doesn’t take him too long to catch up to you, despite the unnecessary quick pace you’re taking. You bypass the elevator and head towards the stairwell, and Spencer catches the door before it’s able to slam on him. 
He says your name, but you just shake your head. 
“If we’re gonna be stuck together until this is over, I’d prefer silence.” 
“I don’t really do silence,” Spencer says. 
“I’m sure there’ll be plenty of books for you to read in whatever jail cell they throw me in.” 
“It’s actually going to be a pretty nice safe house,” he starts, throwing his hand up against the wall to catch himself from running into it as he turns, because god you are moving fast, “Gideon picked it out himself.” 
“Oh, then it’ll definitely be a jail cell,” you mock. “It’s not like he knows anything about me, so he’ll probably think that it’s perfect.” 
Spencer frowns. “Cut him some slack. This is all just as hard on him as it is on you.” 
You come to a sudden stop, whirling around to face him, and Spencer has to reel to the side to prevent himself from running into you. Had he not already been pressed up against the wall, he would have moved back further, what with the fire blazing in your eyes. 
“I’m not going to cut him any slack,” you spit. “This is the most time I’ve gotten to spend with my dad in months, and it’s only because some creep is stalking me to get back at him. The only reason I’m in this at all is because of his job that he cares about more than me, and now he’s sticking me with the guy that he wishes was his kid. So no, Doctor Reid—I’m not going to cut him any slack.” 
You’re already off on your way again before Spencer even has time to blink, and you’ve made it down the whole last flight by the time he pushes himself back up. 
He takes the steps three at a time to catch up to you, and he once again barely manages to catch the door before it slams on him. He calls your name, finally managing to fall into step with you right before you reach Gideon. He, like a normal person, deigned to take the elevator. 
“You haven’t started arguing already,” he says, passing a glance at Spencer, “have you?” 
“What do you think?” you ask, your arms crossed. 
“I think you’re giving him a hard time that you usually reserve for me,” he says. “Cut him some slack.” 
Your jaw clenches. “I’ve been getting a lot of that lately. Save the profiling for my stalker, will you?”  
“There’s plenty of profiling to go around,” Gideon says. “You two wait here—I need to confirm the safe house location before we head out.” 
“Can we stop by my place before we go?” Spencer asks. “I need to pick up some things.” 
“You have a go bag, don’t you?” 
“Yeah, but I— I wasn’t exactly prepared for this sort of thing when I came in today.” 
“You’ll be fine,” Gideon says. He walks off before Spencer can protest, and he sighs. 
You lean against the wall, your arms crossed with your purse hanging off your shoulder, and for once you don’t pass judgment on his—admittedly small—plight. 
“I changed my mind,” Spencer speaks up, deciding to try and break the remarkably high amount of tension that had built up in such a short time, and your eyebrows rise as you glance at him. 
“About what?” 
“I— I think I can do silence,” he says. “Temporarily.” 
You huff a laugh. “Really?” 
“I don’t really want to annoy you while we’re stuck together in an undisclosed location,” he says. “I don’t know what you’re capable of.” 
And for the first time since Spencer has met you, you actually smile. It’s the smallest thing, just a slight tilt of your lips that’s more akin to Hotch’s moments of levity than anything, but it’s a smile. 
“...Good choice,” you say. It feels like a joke, but Spencer isn’t sure. 
He smiles anyway. You meet his eyes, and for a moment, you’re just another girl. Someone that Spencer could imagine himself stealing glances at in a lecture hall, a regular at his favorite coffee shop that he falls for over the course of an especially cold winter, someone he meets on a night out with the team that he ends up talking to all night. 
You really do have pretty eyes. 
And then your gaze hardens, darts away from him, and Spencer sees Gideon coming back in his peripherals. The moment fractures. 
You’re not just a girl. You’re Gideon’s daughter, you’re in a remarkable amount of danger, and lest he forget, you do in fact hate him. 
Spencer lets out another short sigh. 
At least this safe house won’t have a pool.
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makeupbychio · 26 days
divorce? hell nah // logan howlett x fem!mutant!reader
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Summary: You’d been fighting a lot with your husband Logan lately over pointless stuff, so Laura is worried about the future of her parent’s relationship. So are you.
Warnings: stupid fights, cursing, angst, reader dealing with depression, Logan being the best daddy and husband. Mentions of anxiety, family and work drama. Laura being your daughter so found family. Happy ending, mentions of smut.
Words: 2.5k.
A/N: Once again, a reminder that english is not my first language so I’m sorry if there is a mistake. This takes place in the world of Logan (2017) but everyone’s fine of course, let’s pretend that no one is dy1ng and you adopted Laura. I had a dream about this so enjoy, I wrote it so fast before I forgot it. Love y’all! <3 ALSO, you can read this with my previous Logan fic TRAINING SEASON, this is them in the future.
italics = past.
— — —
“Logan we need to stop fighting like this over stupid shit” you exhaled tired of this. Lately you've been fighting a lot with Logan, so frequent that it feels weird to you. Because not even when you were younger you remember fighting so much, and 80% of the time it was over meaningless stuff. 
The day was over, so both of you were doing your night routine to go to bed. The nostalgia of a sunday night is all over the air. Logan just joined you after putting Laura to sleep, he closed the door of your shared room. You’ve been trying to get up from the bed but the day was really  exhausting mentally for you.
Logan wanted to add that the last fight was you that started it but he held himself to make it worse because it would not add anything mentioning that right now. It was already in the past. “Yeah, I agree.” He just nods and stands far away from you with his hands resting on his hips, he’s looking at the floor thinking for a solution.
You are aware you are not at your best moment, you are dealing with so much lately. You are all the time worried about your family drama, then there are so many things changing at work that are stressing you out too. Also, of course the daily worries that include having a family. 
Logan is aware of this tough moment you are going through and he’s always there to support you, to have a shoulder to cry on, all ears for you so you don’t have to hold anything in your mind. That’s also what you did when he’s dealing with shitty things. 
But lately, god, everything seems to get on your nerves for the both of you. Sometimes the clothes are all spread on the floor, or when you arrived late from work and there is nothing on the fridge left to eat, or when Logan tries to defend Laura for something that really needs a punishment, etc. And it doesn’t help when you had a shitty day at work or keep receiving bad news from your family, so sometimes you just explode and Logan is also mad or had a shitty day so that’s when the fights start. 
“We really need to stop, Laura's been asking if we are okay” you told him with tears in your eyes. “When you went for a run in the morning, she came here to our room and laid next to me in bed so we had breakfast together and she looked under the weather, like she was not having a good time even when we had sweet treats and stuff…” you started to tell him about what happened earlier. “So I asked her if everything was alright and she looked right into my eyes and with a sad face she asked me if we were going to divorce- and- I told you Lo it was the most heartbreaking thing she could possibly ask me and…” you started to sob by remembering that conversation. 
Logan is now sitting next to you at the end of the bed. Holding your hand close to him, all of his attention to you. “And I was so shocked so I put my hands on her face holding her to really pay attention to what I was about to say…” you continued. 
“No, baby. Why are you asking that? Your dad and I love each other so much, and both of us love you so so so so much. We are not getting divorced” you held her face trying your best not to cry in front of her, the thought of being apart from the little family you had with Logan made you sad. 
“I’m asking because last night I heard you guys fighting, I mean you were raising your voices and then dad closed the door really hard. And it’s not the first time” Laura confessed and you felt bad that she had to listen to you argue. “Last week when I was outside playing with Franky I also heard both of you yelling”. 
“I’m sorry, baby. You should not have witnessed that, don’t worry. With your dad we’re okay” you caressed her hair to give her some calm to her mind.
”My friend Dani told me that it happened the same to their parents that are divorced now. So I’m scared that one day dad will leave us just like Dani’s dad” Laura told you with tears in her eyes just at the thought of her dad leaving her and her mom. 
That’s when your heart broke into a million pieces. You kept telling her not to worry, that you were having pointless arguments. You didn’t want to tell her about your problems at work and with your family because she’s a little girl, she should be worried about school and having fun as a kid and not about divorce and her dad leaving. 
So once you noticed she calmed down, you stayed in bed the whole morning and watched a movie together with Franky on Laura’s lap. The dog she adopted never leaves her side especially if he senses that she’s sad. 
And also you made up your mind that things needed to change, to stop these stupid fights with your husband. 
You told Logan about what happened in the morning when he left for his daily workout. Not wanting to tell him during the day because Laura is so concentrated on every attitude of both of you. That’s why you are telling him now that she went to sleep. Logan sighs like never before, like he was holding his breath the whole time you were talking, but never letting go of your hands together. “I know our daughter is smart and so empathetic just like you, so I get why she’s worried. I had to admit that I closed the door so hard, that’s on me. We need to stop fighting over bullshit, babe. We need to fix this, but I’m not leaving you guys”. Logan let go of your hand to stand in front of you squatting down holding your knees, “I’ll NEVER leave you, you hear me? We had been through so much worse, remember? And we made it because I fucking love you and I know you love me”. Logan reassured you too in case the same thought that Laura has is placed in your mind too.
You caressed his cheek and looked into those beautiful eyes of his, “I love our family, Logan. Like you said we made it through so much worse, I’m sorry I’ve been irritated lately. That’s on me, I’m going to do my best” tears flowing down your face. Logan quickly wiped them off. 
“Babe, I’m right here. I don’t know why but when you’re in a dark time you always felt free to cry and told me about it but this time it feels like you’re holding all of this sadness to bury it deep down. What 's going on? What changed?” Logan asked with curiosity because you’ve been together for years. 
“I don’t know, Lo. Maybe the hormones, maybe I don’t want to be a burden for you guys. Like I have to be strong for Laura, she’s my number one priority right now and she had an awful life before she found us so I don’t want to give her all of my shit, she’s a kid. Like I said, she should be worried about school and having the childhood she deserves” you poured your heart out to your husband. 
“My love you’ll never be a burden for me, you hear me? I need you to say it so that you understand. Besides, Laura needs to see us sad too, we can’t lie to her that life is all the time just joy. I’m not saying to tell her all of our problems, but that is valid if we feel some kind of way, we would be faking if we were smiling or just okay all the time”. Logan, the angry wolverine you used to know was gone the moment he met you back then in Charles’s mansion. Anger stopped being his only emotion, you made him feel in that same moment that he was always going to be able to show his real emotions and stopped playing this character of the angry and intimidating man. 
“I understand, Lo”. You finally gave him a smile. It is not fair for you to struggle alone and let go of this stress by fighting. You really need to start saying what’s going on, and Logan is always going to be there for it. Just by thinking of the huge difference of the fights you used to have in the past, a small laugh escaped your mouth. Logan looks at you surprised but happy that you got something off your chest. 
“What’s on your mind now, sugar?” Logan asked curiously. 
“I just remember the things we used to fight when we started dating, I mean we were younger and sometimes really stupid. And also the fights we used to have for mistakes we made on missions. We still fight when the other is on the field out there in danger, the worry about losing the other one always starts an argument…” you answered. 
“Yeah but those always ended up with a make out session…” Logan gave you a flirty grin, his dirty mind already enjoying the memories. To be honest, after a mission with or without an argument it always ends with both of you giving each other so much pleasure and comfort for being safe and sound. 
“ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND?! THAT WAS WAY TO DANGEROUS!!” Logan losing his mind because you almost got killed out there. 
“I HAD TO DO IT, I COULDN’T LEAVE THEM RIGHT THERE!!” you explained yourself why you came back to the field and risked your life. “IF I DIDN’T HELP THEM, NOBODY’S WAS GOING TO!”. 
God, your empathy is one of Logan’s favorite things about you, but more than once it has given him almost a heart attack. 
Once you were back at the mansion, and in the privacy of your shared room, Logan wanted to keep talking about the risk you made, but you just wanted to take a shower to take off all of the work done. “Honey, I’m right here in one piece. I’m fine” you brushed his hair with your fingers to calm him down. Trying to get a smile from him. 
“I insist, I can’t lose you. You’ll be freaking out too if it was me in your position” Logan raised his brow knowing you’ll be worried too about him. 
“I know, I’ll be way worse hysterical” you admitted, but at the same time just trying to calm him down. Right now both of you need to relax after a hard mission. You kept brushing his hair until he stopped talking and just leaned into your touch. Both of you ended up taking a bath together and stayed all afternoon in the sheets making love. Other times the fights after missions didn’t seem to stop and led to angry sex. 
“Now that you said that, it reminds me of Laura explaining to me something she realized when she heard us fighting last night and…” you started laughing but also felt guilty.
“I’m sorry, honey. We didn’t mean to raise our voices, we didn’t mean for you to hear us but sometimes with your dad we had our differences. But everything is fine now, we talked about it and it’s okay now” you didn’t lie. One thing you and Logan hate is to go to bed angry, it’s also true that you didn’t want Laura to hear it.
“Yeah, I know you were fighting because it wasn’t the happy screams you and dad make at night sometimes”. Laura said with the innocent intention a kid has. You almost choked on your cup of tea.
You don’t know if it was because of her powers that she heard the happy screams she’s talking about, because the house is huge and her room is not that close to your shared room. And since she arrived, every time you have sex with Logan both of you are really aware that there is someone else in the house so you keep your voice low and always lock the door. You don’t want to traumatize your daughter.
Not like before having kids, or when Laura is staying the night somewhere else, that Logan asks you to be loud so the neighbors can hear his name.
“Are you fucking kidding me she said that?” Logan laughing at your face, red like a tomato. 
“Don’t laugh at that, Lo! It was so embarrassing to explain to her that it was a conversation for another day…” you hid your face in your palms, Logan still teasing you about your sudden shyness. “So I told her that her daddy was going to explain someday when she was older why adults make those happy screams” now you are teasing him because his face almost dropped. Already anxious about how he’s going to explain to his daughter how babies come to the world and all that stuff. 
“Nope, because she’s never going to grow up. She'll always be our little girl” he tried to convince himself about that. You gave him a pat on his back that he can handle that. 
“Our little girl is almost 12, babe. So you’ll have to have THAT talk sooner that you think with her. But don’t worry I’m sure you’re going to nail that because you are the best daddy”. You assured him.
God, you can picture in your mind the reaction of Logan when teenager Laura will bring her first partner. You’ll need to be there for him because your daughter is about to experience a lot of things and your husband will need your help. 
“Don’t be a brat with me please, sweetheart I’m begging you” Logan easily put you on his lap, brushing your hair out of your face. “What if instead of giving me more anxiety you help me get rid of that anxiety we’ve been dealing with lately?” he kissed your neck, his breath so warm against your skin. 
“What do you suggest, big boy?” his hand now traveling down your spine and you hold his face close to your chest, Logan leaving kisses on top of your clothed breasts. God, you miss this, you miss him being this closer. 
“Maybe a bath or I can fuck you like this right now but we have to be really careful with the noises, especially you doll. I know you like to scream my name and how good I make you feel” Logan already taking his shirt off to whatever option you are down to. You smacked his toned chest at the insinuation, pulling him closer to kiss you with the eagerness you missed so much. He lifted you from your spot heading to take that bath, it was going to be a long night and tomorrow morning you both need to be up early to drop Laura off at school.
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webslingingslasher · 1 year
Modelling all the new lingerie you bought for frat Peter and he's absolutely losing his mind
i want to preface that this is absolutly size inclusive, i just went with victoria's secret for the branding but we're gonna pretend they have all the sizes and inclusitivity they should.
warnings: a lil smutty
Peter eyed the pink and black paper bag in your hand, he tried to be understanding but there is nothing in that store that’s for him. You said you had a surprise and you got him something, but here you were standing in front of him with a victoria’s secret bag and a wide smile. 
“If you want me to wear womens panties during sex I need to hear you say it now.” 
You laugh, “no, that’s not… wait, would you?” 
“I’d do anything for you.” 
You roll your eyes, “always dramatic, parker.” 
He would. He’d do anything for you, you just don’t believe him yet. 
“No, I got these for you…” you trail and have a hand go digging, you pull up a lacy red lingerie piece. 
Dead silence, you start to feel insecure. Mandy assured you he’d like it, go feral even. But he’s giving you a blank stare, you want to throw the fabric over the balcony. After a crushing thirty second silence you feel warmth flooding your cheeks, you scramble to put the fabric back in. It’s pointless, you’d never be able to look at it again, let alone the store. 
Peter’s eyes widened watching your panicked movements, he was waiting for more information. He supposes it’s pretty but he really doesn’t think he could fit in it, plus this is a pretty major kink to throw on him at once. 
Refusing to make eye contact you ramble, “this was so stupid, I hate myself.” 
“Forget this ever happened, this is so embarrassing I have to leave.” 
“Hey,” louder. 
You bulldozed. 
“In fact, I think we could just end this here, peter. I mean this was obviously weird enough for the both-” 
He’s not going to lose you, “I didn’t say anything!” 
“That’s the point! You aren’t into it, Mandy swore you’d like it but-” 
Peter lets out a sigh, “baby, I mean, is that even my size?” 
You stop speaking and blink, you look at the bag and back at your frat boy. 
He thought it was for him, he actually thought you wanted him to dress up for you. 
“No, you dolt! They’re mine, I just wanted to, I dunno.. model them for you.” 
It felt less embarrassing wallowing in silence. 
A cocky grin spilled over his face, his hands interlocked behind his head and he leaned back on his bed, you watched his core tighten and flex with the movement. 
Peter licked his lips, “please do. Leave red for last, it’s my favorite color.” 
You’re glad he can’t see your shy smile, “I know.” 
The conformation makes the heat blossom in his chest. 
Peter loves how you look, he says it every chance he gets, but knowing you put on a skimpy outfit with the goal being observed made you self conscious in a different way. Peter makes sure to dote on you plenty when he’s taking your clothes off, but those are small glances and kisses, this was you presenting yourself and showing off. 
You ran a hand down your torso as you exhaled heavily, you had to trust Peter. You weren’t sure what was happening between you two, it was a weird midway point. It was like you were dating but the casual touching or labeling was way off beat. 
The bathroom door clicks open and you step out boldly. 
Your boy’s head lifted off the bed, the first glance sent him scrambling to hit up. His eyes dragged over your body, everywhere he could see he soaked it in, like he was memorizing each curve of your body. It should make you feel self conscious, but he makes you confident. 
“My beautiful girl, hm?” His hands reach out, you step into his hold and feel him explore. You feel his fingertips race across the black lace of your bra, it’s not covering much, you can feel the heat of his hands through the mesh on your chest. 
You squirm as his tracing tickles you, his thumbs resting at your hips, he can’t stop himself. He lifts up the lace hanging from your front, the baby doll thrown over his head as he presses kisses up and down your torso. You sigh and grab the back of his head, you tangle into the curls and lean into him as his fingers dig into the plush on your waistline to keep you close. 
“So fuckin’ pretty,” batty eyelashes blink up at you, he’s a proud simp and munch. He kisses right above your thong, “how’d I get so lucky?”
His words make your knees weak, he always talks like that, like he’s the most lucky person on the planet to have you in his arms. He acts like you chose him, like you picked the short straw, but you were the lucky one. 
You pat his shoulders and step away, “one out of five?” 
No hesitation, “seven.” 
“Cheat. Don’t go anywhere, I have two more.” 
Peter sputters, “as if you have to tell me?” 
This one was a lot more fitting. 
It was bold, it was a nice hunter green, a bold bra and itty, bitty, crotchless panties. 
It felt like everything but your nipples were out, you’d burn this one if you hadn’t put your foot in your mouth about two more. You tap your foot as you look over yourself in the mirror and shake your head. Peter's seen you naked hundreds of times but you felt more exposed than ever before. 
Muffled, “yes, baby?” 
You didn’t know where to go from there, you heard movement, then a little closer to the door. 
“You alright, baby?” 
You let out a puff of air, “it’s a lot.” 
He’s connecting dots, “the outfit?” 
Peter lets out an airy laugh, “I hate to tell you babe, but I’ve seen it all and love it more every time I do.” 
You nibble your lip, you just need a hype man, he could be that easily. 
“I’m like, naked naked.” 
“It’s dark green.” 
A whine, “please let me see!” 
You crack the door open and peek out an eye, you see Peter watching the ground before looking up and smiling wide. You swing it open and spin slowly, his eyes not leaving your lower half. Peter crosses to the doorway and pulls at your hips and throws you on the bathroom counter. 
You gasp and watch his eyes trail down, he catches sight between your legs and you close them self consciously, his hand stops the meeting, then taps at your knee with his thumb for you to open back up for him. He takes his time drawing you in, his throat low and scratchy when he speaks. 
“Oh, oh I like these. I like these a lot.” 
Peter’s thumb races up the side of your thigh before gently tracing around your inner thigh and higher, you jostle as he rubs over the space your crotch should be, you choke on air and hit your head against the mirror, you open your eyes to see his locked on your face, his pupils blended into his eyes. 
He circles again and you grab his wrist to push it away, “I still have to show you the red one.” 
“I already saw it, I’m about to get on my knees and worship you.” 
Your cheeks feel like they're on fire, “let me show you the last one, then you can choose which one you wanna take me in.” 
Peter gives a sharp inhale, “you’re gonna fuckin’ kill me.” 
A full piece in red, you picked this one out yourself. It screamed Peter, the color, the lace, the style. 
The body had a built in corset, red cinched your waist. The bottom lapels had straps that connected to your thigh belts, this time a cheeky pair of underwear. It contrasted the harsh sex of the bodice, a peek of bum that led more to the imagination, just like your chest being pushed up from the corset. 
It was both the most dressed and undressed you’ve been all evening. The other’s were more uncovered but this one made you feel hot and powerful and confident. 
You didn’t need any help with this one. 
“This gotta be your favorite, right?” 
Peter felt time stop, he was absolutely speechless. He’s never seen you so.. so… gorgeous. A cocky grin, one that told him you knew how good you looked. And he doesn’t care what anyone has to say, his girl wearing his favorite color in lingerie was the down right sexiest thing he’s ever seen. 
His silence doesn’t scare you, it makes you fill with pride. 
“Yeah… that’s the one.” 
You stalked to the end of the bed where he sat, his fingers tugging at your thigh buckles. 
“I’ve never had a girl dress up for me like this.” A delicate confession, while his fingers and hands fondled over your backside and thighs. 
You shrug and run your hand through his hair, “you make me want to dress up for you.” 
Peter pulls at you to straddle his waist, “I’ll never stop being grateful.” 
“Is this the winner? You can take it off whenever.” 
Peter runs his tongue over his teeth, “I kinda just like looking at you right now.” 
The black piece was lust. 
The green piece was passion. 
The red piece was love. 
Three things are very clear to Peter Parker in that moment. 
One, he wasn’t sure when, but you were going to be his girlfriend. 
Two, he’s almost eighty percent sure he loves you. 
Three, this is the hardest he’s been in his entire life. 
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youaintnothinbuta · 5 months
“I’m willing to bet you’d make some pretty little noises.” — Austin Butler x reader
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Summary: You and austin are co starring in a movie which you’re currently in the process of filming for. After a particularly long day, he walks back to the hotel with you. You confide in him, explaining that you’re nervous about the sex scenes you have to film. You invited him to have a drink with you before he headed back to his own room, and one thing lead to another. Needless to say, filming a sex scene will no longer be the most intimate you and Austin have ever gotten.
Pairing: Austin Butler x fem!reader
Word count: 1,600
Warnings: SMUT, 18+, mature language, she/her pronouns, unprotected sex, p in v, oral (f & m receiving)
“Hey.” Austin greeted you as he pushed open the door to your trailer, letting in some of the cool night air. It was late, it had been a long day shooting and you and him having leading roles meant you had the most screen time, and consequently the most hours on set.
“Hey.” You replied, sighing.
“Just came to ask if you wanted to head back to the hotel together? I don’t feel right letting you walk back alone this late.” He spoke as he sat down in your hair and makeup chair, as you were doing up your shoes.
“I’d really appreciate that. I have an unopened bottle of wine there, if you’d like to have a drink with me.”
“Of course.”
He fiddled around with all the things scattered over the surfaces, opening and closing a compact as he waited for you to get your coat on.
The pair of you left your trailer and began your way back to the hotel that most the cast and crew were staying at, which was barely a 10 minute walk from your shooting location. You could’ve had a car pick you up if you really wanted, but it seemed sort of pointless, especially now that he’d offered to walk with you.
You accidentally let a heavy sigh slip from your mouth, lost in thought.
“What’s up?” He asked.
Damn, didn’t mean for that to be out loud.
You decided to fess up to him. “I’m nervous for tomorrow.” You sighed again, looking up at him.
Tomorrow was day one of two, of shooting the few intimate scenes your character and his shared. The thought of having to pretend to— it was just slightly humiliating to think about. Austin smiled a little, placing a hand on your hip momentarily to guide you towards the lobby of the hotel.
“It won’t be any different to rehearsal,” he chuckled, “and we can have a closed set.”
“It will be different, there aren’t cameras in rehearsal,” you argued.
“You do know we’re not actually going to have sex?” Austin teased as you headed to the elevator.
“Obviously!” You gave him a playful shove, “it’s just embarrassing. I don’t wanna make those weird faces and noises.”
He laughed as he pressed the button numbered ‘14’ after you stepped inside. “What weird faces and noises?”
“I’m not doing them in front of you.” You protested.
“Why not? You’re gonna have to tomorrow.”
“So will you.” A wry smile tugged at your lips as you exchanged glances.
“I know, I’m not embarrassed,” he took the keycard out of your hand, scanning it at opening the door for you.
“Besides,” he paused, “I’m willing to bet you’d make some pretty little noises.” His demeanour changed as he dropped the keycard down on the table, looking over at you, sitting on the end of the bed.
You looked up at him, “how much?”
Your heart pounding in your chest as he knelt before you. He extended his arms out, undoing of the buckles on your heels, gently sliding them off your feet.
Austin's smile widened, a mischievous glint in his eyes. “Enough to make it worth your while.”
He stared at you for a moment longer, trying to read your expression.
The room was bathed in a soft, warm glow, the muted hum of the air conditioning providing a soothing backdrop. Austin stood up and moved towards the kitchenette. He reached for the bottle of wine sitting on the counter, the one you mentioned earlier, pouring two glasses.
He handed you a glass, his fingers brushing against yours, sending a jolt of electricity through your body. You took a sip, the rich, velvety taste of Cabernet washing over your tongue, before setting the glass down on the table.
Austin moved closer, his eyes locked onto yours, a silent question in his gaze. You nodded, your heart pounding in your chest as he closed the distance between you. His arms wrapped around your waist, pulling you close, the heat of his body radiating through your clothes.
His lips met yours, soft and tender, a gentle kiss that helped your body relax, the tension of the day releasing as your lips parted to make room for his.
Austin's hands roamed your body, exploring every curve and contour, as if committing you to memory. You ran your fingers through his hair, his soft strands falling through your fingertips like silk.
He pulled back, his eyes dark with desire. “Are you sure about this?” he asked, his voice barely above a whisper.
You nodded, your heart pounding in your chest. “Yes,” you whispered, your voice barely audible.
Austin's lips curled into a soft smirk, a mischievous glint in his eyes. “Then let's take our time.”
He picked up both glasses, handing you yours. After sharing a couple more drinks, he scooped you up in his arms, carrying you towards the bed, the weight of your bodies sending the mattress sinking beneath you. He laid you down gently, his eyes never leaving yours, before joining you, his body pressing against yours, as you both relished in heat and want.
As the night went on, your bodies grew clumsy, your movements slow and deliberate. Austin's lips met yours again, his kiss deep and passionate.
Austin pulled you into his lap, his hands settling on your hips as he ground against you, still fully clothed, apart from his shirt which you encouraged him to take off earlier. You let out a soft moan, your body responding to his touch without a second thought. Austin's breath hitched as he felt your body move against his, his hips rolling up into yours.
“I'm not gonna last very long,” he whispered, his voice strained with desire.
You tugged on his pants, urging him to stand up. Austin obliged, guiding you to your feet as he did the same. You watched as he freed himself from his pants, his cock slapping against his stomach as he did so. His body was perfect. It was exactly as you imagined.
Without hesitation, you undressed yourself, shedding your clothes until you were standing before him, bare. Austin's eyes widened at the sight, his breath hitching as he took in every inch of your exposed skin.
He laid you down on the bed, settling over you as he brushed his lips against yours. “We can stop at any time, remember?” he mumbled, his voice soft and gentle.
You nodded, your hands reaching up to tangle in his hair. “I know, Austin,” you murmured, your lips meeting his in a soft kiss.
Austin slowly inserted himself inside of you, your body tensing as you adjusted to him. He waited, his lips brushing against your cheek as he held still, giving you time to become comfortable with him inside of you. Once you were ready, he began to move, his hips rolling against yours as he thrust into you. His cheek brushed against yours, each other’s skin feeling hot to the touch. Each of his thrusts came with a soft, yet masculine moan.
“Where do you want me to cum?” Austin asked, his voice strained with pleasure.
You looked up at him, your eyes meeting his. “My mouth,” you whispered, your lips brushing against his.
Austin nodded, pulling out of you with a soft moan. He settled onto his knees, his cock in his hand as he stroked himself. You knelt before him, your lips wrapping around the head of his cock as you took him into your mouth.
As you sucked on him, his lips released a strung-out groan, and Austin came undone, his body shaking as he spilled himself into your mouth. To his surprise, you swallowed it all, your eyes meeting his as you did so. He chuckled a little at you, he wouldn’t have expected that from you.
You smiled, settling onto your back. Austin looked down at you, his eyes filled with desire. "Do you want to sit on my face?" he asked, his voice filled with need.
You nodded, your body trembling with anticipation. He laid down, propping a pillow up underneath his head. Without hesitation, you straddled his face, he rested his hands on your thighs, your pussy hovering over his mouth. Austin's tongue darted out, licking at your clit as you moaned with pleasure.
You gripped the headboard, your body shaking as Austin held your hips, his tongue exploring every inch of your pussy. You ground against his face, seeking out the release that you knew was coming.
As Austin licked and sucked at your clit, his fingers exploring your pussy, you felt your body trembling with pleasure. You closed your eyes, your head thrown back as you rode his face, your body moving in time with his tongue, moans and profanity falling from your lips.
With a loud cry, you came undone, your body shaking as Austin held you against him, his tongue lapping at your juices as they flowed over his lips and chin.
As you caught your breath, you looked down at Austin, your eyes meeting his. "Shit, you taste amazing," he whispered, his lips brushing against your pussy. He helped you off of him. He brushed his thumb over your cheeks and your chest, both of which were bright red and hot to the touch with sex flush.
“You’re beautiful,” he mumbled, taking in the sight of you in your post-orgasmic state.
"Will you stay with me tonight?" you asked, your voice soft and gentle.
Austin smiled, his arms wrapping around your waist as he settled beside you. "Of course, I will," he whispered, his lips brushing against your forehead.
“By the way,” he spoke, “I was right.”
You buried your face into the crook of his neck, shyly.
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ejundo · 11 months
˗ ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗
loud outgoing m. reader x introverted cold quiet oc [damien z.]
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warnings . + ♡
semi-public ? , hickeys [claiming?} , teasing , alcohol , drinking , drunk sex, hate sex blabla, pwop, slight bruise (just aggressive sex) , manhandling, .. spit for lube, not proofread , reader is implied to have a cock. bad grammar&purposely lowercase! 。>﹏&lt;。
smut fem dni. ty!
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it's... a mystery to how you and damien zicado ever became friends... the two of you had always had pointless arguments and were clearly polar opposites, everything about you guys. whether it would be the... style! or your personalities. it was different.
see.. you were extremely obnoxious and loud, in a somewhat comforting way. to the point it aggravated damien heavily, you and damien just couldn't stand each other at all. you. thinking of damien as a boring boy who had nothing interesting about him, of course you weren’t wrong. there was nothing intriguing about damien, yet that didn’t stop him from having a decent amount of friends, those same friends being your friends and that is how you met!
. ♡
"damien, you are seriously annoying the hell out of me!" the angry voice spat out your angry voice, you and damien zicado were in a heated argument their only friends who had invited them had went off .. somewhere in the loud club. it was honestly a surprise that the two could even hear each other bickering back and forth.
your face was scrunched up as your eyes squinted at damien giving him a weird look. he simply rolled his eyes at you "oh wow really? me? annoying? woah! get this y.n l.n im not you! " damien spat back. continuing to go off on each other, some people looking at you and him with concern.
damien furrowed his eyebrows the alcohol was fueling his anger as he looked at your figure with hate yet a hint of lust could be seen behind those eyes and it was clear that the two wanted each other so.. badly. well.. he wanted you so badly. the lust was evident and practically surrounded him. causing you to be as enchanted, that didn’t stop you from talking back to him.
in a flash, you were suddenly grabbed by your wrist and held against the wall that damien was previously leaning on "you never know when to shut up. well let me just help you out yeah?" blinking rapidly you didn’t know what to feel other then shock. a whimper left your lips as both his hands held yours against the wall.
by the way damien was holding your wrist it was clear that it would leave a somewhat bruise. his grip tightened as damien pulled you in, lips connecting as damien leaned into it, to shocked to even process what was happening you just let it happen. confusion overwhelmed your body as you tried processing the situation. kissing a hot dude— or rather making out with a hot dude after some heated argument. both a loss and a win?
you had tried to calm down before realizing that he taking a deep breath through his nose and leaned into the session, tongue and all.
the grip on your wrist loosened and soon enough it turned into a more passionate and heated kiss, smiling in relief as you wrapped ur arms gently around his neck. damien opened his eyes and remembered that you and him were still in public
“mmm, as much as i want to show everybody how good i’m gonna treat you… we wouldn’t want to be seen as those types of people right baby?..” damien hummed as he caressed your waist. you could only nod a smile on your lips as you held onto damien for dear life…. this man was doing something to you.
. ♡
you heavily panted as you stared hatefully at damien throuh the mirror,all he was doing was prepping you with his finger and you were acting a mess..
“f..-ngh! fuck….” you gripped onto the bathroom sink as your legs shook uncontrollably. “damien….th…iss is extremely, unsanitary…..” you hissed, damien hummed as he patted your right ass cheek gently. He looked at you through the mirror making direct eye contact, a grin plastering on his face as he watched you become flustered at the contact.
“that’s to bad?… if you want me so badly then you can deal with it.” damien pulled his fingers out a whine emerging from your lips at the sudden emptiness only to be silenced by damien’s fingers “be a good boy and clean ‘em. please.” he said quietly, you did as told damien watching you intently before focusing his self to your ass? or rather something else. you shook your head and continued sucking on the fingers.
you observed your appearance, obviously looking more disheveled compared to damien as half of your clothes were discarded except for your shirt… surprisingly… meanwhile damien was still fully dressed in his lazy clothing… despite going to a club he still wore baggy lazy clothing… no wonder you hate him.
rolling your eyes you opened your mouth to signal that you were done cleaning the fingers. he dragged them lazily out of your mouth and rested his other hand on your hip, now using his dominant hand. focused on the mirror u watched as damien pulled a condom out of his pocket raising an eyebrow. was he planning this or did he just want to get a fuck?
shaking the thought you let out a soft sigh until you hears damien spit, you looked back at him and watched as he lathered the spit “you bought a condom but not lube?” damien glanced over to you, he furrowed his eyebrows before focusing back on his own cock.
you were surprised he didn’t say anything back but shrugged it off. “if you want to stop, safe word is…. green. and if you cant speak, knock harshly on the sink 4 times, alright?” you nodded, and held the counter.
damien wasted no time in fucking you, he slammed in a gasp erupted from your mouth as you lifted your leg in surprised, “hng— fuck!—“ you held your mouth as damien went at an almost inhumane speed. well, thats how it seemed.
groans and grunts were coming from damien meanwhile loud whines and whimpers erupted from you, legs shaking and back arched as sweat trailed down your face and legs. taking a glance into the mirror damien looked like he was in a trance. removing your hand you replaced it with the sink gripping tightly and harshly, "mmhnn.. fuck!- damien..." whispering his name. He was holding your waist so tightly you were extra positive you were gonna get bruises.. seeing that a bruise was forming on your wrist from earlier... many minutes later, you were reaching ur climax "dami- hnhh.. im gonna cum......" you whimpered as you stared up at the mirror, you didn't expect to see damien staring right back, with a grunt he nodded, possibly saying that you could cum. not like you were gonna listen if he told you not too..
and so, you held the sink even tighter as your back arched a loud whine erupting as you reached your climax, the white goo shooting to the floor. damien followed behind as he stopped thrusting. though it was weird.. as you could feel the warmth of his cum seeping inside.
"i thought you wore a condom..." you managed to mutter, he pulled his cock out before glancing at the broken condom. "woops... i don't have anything and I hope you don't either.." you simply shook your head. "im not a hoe." damien rolled his eyes before his head snapped towards the noise, causing for you to look aswell.
it was his and your friend staring at the two of you. with pure shock on their faces..
"err.. awkward..?"
. ♡
this didn't take aslong as i thought it would? BUT i am glad that i finally posted something after like.. 4 weeks. maybe idfk..? but ATLAS! i am donee :3 i hoped you enjoyed meeting damien "zicardo" Z. !!!!!! meowmeow byeee [MY REQUEST ARE OPENN!! pls request i need more motivation.. and you guys are able to ask literally anything idm :D]
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papaya-twinks · 5 months
Can I request a fic about mean/bully Lando x sunshine reader. And one they there is this party or ceremony(something big) and she dresses up all pretty pink and Lando sees her and just amazed at how cute she is. But says something mean and hurtfull thinking she will brush it off but she takes ot seriously and cries? You can put smut in it if you want
Warnings; Smut, 18+, mean!lando
Pairing: mean!lando!norris x fem!reader
You’d been invited to a part with some of your friends and you were more than happy to attend. Alex had chosen a dress for you, pink, with your favourite pair of matching heels. She’d styled your hair into soft ringlets at the back of your head, and you looked pretty, and always. “I swear if I wasn’t with Charles, I’d date you,” she groaned, standing back to admire you as you flushed.
“Shut up, you,” you groaned, covering your face as she jumped up and down, her matching blue dress hugging her body. She’d chosen the colour the match her boyfriend’s race suit in Miami, and pink for you, because you looked good in it. Well, you looked good in everything, but this was your favourite colour too. “Oh my god!” she gasped, seeing her boyfriend in the large party hall.
The lights were turned low so you could barely see, except a few lights here and there to help you. It was light enough to see and make out familiar faces, such as George with Carmen and Alex with Lily and Lando. “Hi Lily,” you smiled warmly at your friend as she gasped. “Girl, gimme a twirl,” she held your hand above your head as she spun you around, “gorgeous, oh my god,”. She clapped her hands as you flushed, waving it off.
A small scoff made you turn to Lando, a small, confused frown across your face. “Hi Lando! Well done your win!’ you congratulated him, a beaming smile on your face. “Cheers,” he shrugged, hands in his pockets. Alex nudged him, making him scowl at the Thai and roll his eyes. “Why are you wearing that?” he said, nudging his chin at you. “M-my dress?” you asked, confused, as Lily went to say hi to Carmen.
“Yeah? What else?” he said, like it was obvious. “It’d a party, I thought I’d wear something that looked nice and Alex said-,” you started, but Lando interrupted. “Yeah yeah,” he waved it off, “don’t need your life story. You look weird,”. His lips turned upwards as his eyes roved over the material. Your cheeks flushed. “Like a right prat, prancing down here, god,” the Brit continued, eyes on your heels now.
“Oh, um,” you said, stepping back slightly. “I need the bathroom,” you muttered, hurrying off into the cloakroom, trying to ignore the tears in your eyes. “Lando, what the fuck?” Alex snapped, looking at the younger man. “What?” he asked, like he didn’t do anything. Lily came back, seeing her distressed boyfriend and turning to him. “Where’s Y/N?” she asked, raising an eyebrow. “This one made her cry,” Alex shrugged, nudging his shoulder at Lando.
“Lando, what the fuck? You can’t even last ten seconds without upsetting Y/N, can you?” she cried, hands on her hips as Lando looked up guiltily. “She’s not crying, she’s-,” he started but Carmen cut him off. “Yes she is, I just went to see her,” she rolled her eyes at Lando. “I didn’t mean to make her cry, it was an off-handed comment,” he said, regretting what he had said. “Fucking move,” he scowled at Alex, walking to the cloakroom. “Don’t you fucking dare hurt her, Norris,” Lily snapped after him.
He ignored her, making his way to the cloakroom. You were sat on the floor, phone in your hand, scrolling through pointless TikToks. “Lando,” you said, wiping your face quickly. “Y/N,” he nodded, shutting the door behind him, “I didn’t mean to upset you,” he said, frowning slightly. “You didn’t upset me, it’s just, um, allergies,” you sniffed. “Really? You don’t always have to be such a people pleaser. I was a jerk, Y/N,” he dead, kneeling down to your height. “It’s your win day, Lando, don’t bother,” you brushed it off.
“Best reward right now would be a smile,” his index finger brushed against your jawline as you laughed softly. “Happy?” you smiled softly, realising how close he was to you. In truth, he found you pretty. And he didn’t know what to do, you were very beautiful, yes, but there was something so enticing about you. Maybe how innocent and adorable you were. How hot you looked, without intending for it to be like that. And he wanted to protect you from anyone else, but he didn’t know how to. He wanted you in filthy ways, in truth.
“Are we gonna kiss?” you asked, his lips a few centimetres from yours. “I dunno. Do you wanna?” he asked, a soft chuckle escaping his mouth. You hummed to show you did, letting his hand come to the back of your hand, other one pushing your knees down so he could pull you in closer. Your legs pushed between the inside of his thighs, his tongue playing at your lips as you gasped. “Lando…” you began, his knee parting your legs as you flushed. “Hmmm?” he hummed, pulling back and attaching himself to your neck.
“I want you,” you said, almost embarrassed. “You have me?” he asked, confused. “More,” you said, tugging at his belt. That was an action he had never predicted from you. “Thank god the music’s loud,” he groaned, unbuckling hidden trousers. The cloakroom was small, like a cupboard, just enough space for about four people if they squeezed, but you’d make do. Lando latched the lock on the door, lifting you into his arms. With his back against the wall, he place you on his stomach, panties pressed against his abs.
“Someone’s wet f’me,” he said, index slightly brushing over your clothed clit as you gasped. “Mhm,” you hummed, letting him move them to the side, the cool air hitting your body. “Gonna make this quick, or Lily would think I killed ya,” he grinned, shuffling you back, his cock springing against your thigh. “Please,” you said, palms flat on his chest as he slid you down, taking his full length. “Lando!” you cried, eyed wide at the stretch.
“Never gonna be mean to you again,” he hummed, bouncing you slightly as he thrust his hips upwards. Your face was above his chest, your mouth open in shock still, cheeks flushed and chest heaving. “So pretty,” he cooed, hand cupping your breast, teeth latching onto the exposed skin. “You like that, yeah?” he asked, tongue running over the faint mark. You nodded, both of his hands coming to your waist to hold you up and firm in place, so he could hammer into you from the bottom.
“Stay with me doll,” he tapped your cheek, your eyes regaining focus as he wiped your hair away. “‘M close,” you mumbled as he grinned. “Me too,” he nodded. You felt yourself release onto him, the music fading your moans as Lando groaned, pulling out and spilling onto his own stomach. “Good girl,” he panted, “wow, doll,” he slid you off of him, cradling your body into his chest. “Gotta clean up before they come back and try to kill me,” he wiped the excess off of his body and helped you look back to normal.
“Where were you two?” George said, eyebrows raised. “Takes a lot of convincing to apologise to her,” Lando said, trying to hide his smirk. “Alright, bro,” Alex nodded, turning back to George. “Mhm,” Carmen winked at you as you flushed,
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whateverloomis · 6 months
Lick me like a lollipop ✒︎ Billy Loomis x GN reader
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Warnings: SMUT, Infidelity, Stu is annoying (lol), oral (male receiving), edging, size kink if you squint, unedited.
Note: Afab or amab people apply for this <33
Readers POV | Word count: 1.4k / Part 2
It was Tatum. She had gotten me addicted to freaking lollipops after I told her I have an oral fixation. Apparently she did too, and Stu was very happy about it, if you know what I mean.
It was Friday after last period, I was at my locker with Billy, Stu and Sid putting away my books -- with a lollipop in my mouth, of course -- before we all left to Stu's house to get ready for movie night. It was a routine at this point. Every Friday night after class we'd go to Stu's house to wait for Tatum to get out of practice and bring Randy over from work. He'd bring a scary movie to watch and criticize all night long until one of us got too tired to continue the pointless debate.
"Stu, we watched that one last Friday!" I said for the third time, patience long gone. That was the fourth week he suggested to watch Halloween.
"But it's Jamie Lee Curtis, man! She's hot as fuck! I bet Randy would be on my side here, you guys are no fun." Stu replied with a huff.
"Yeah, because he has a weird obsession with her too." I replied, rolling my eyes as I pulled the lollipop out of my mouth, it releasing a soft pop sound.
There was a brief pause, Stu smirked at my actions and shamelessly looked at my lips when I pulled the sugary bulb out of my mouth. Billy was staring too, but he was subtle. His eyes raked from my own, down to my lips, lingering a tad bit more than usual before he took a deep breath and glared at Stu. "Shut up about it will you? We're watching Psycho. It was decided last Friday, dumbass."
"Can we all leave this argument for tonight? It's too early for this." Sidney said, closing her locker before we walked out of college and made our way to Stu's house.
Once everyone arrived at Stu's house, we didn't take long to settle and start debating about the movie, because Stu couldn't keep his mouth shut. His argument was that Psycho wasn't even that good because you couldn't see the red color of the blood, therefore it wasn't scary. Randy and Tatum were practically arguing about the topic while Sidney laughed at their unnecessarily serious discussion.
"All I'm staying is; what makes a movie scary is the blood, man!" Stu commented.
"Stu, it's a classic black and white movie. Plus, horror isn't all about the blood and gore." Randy countered, and Tatum agreed. "See? That's what I've been telling you doofus!" She told Stu, and he laughed at her anger.
I decided to pitch in and attempted to cut the conversation to continue watching the movie. "Guys, it's not that serious. Stu is clearly too basic with horror movies-" - "Am not! I bet you haven't watched nearly as many horror movies as me and Billy!" Stu cut me off, and I pointed at him with my third lollipop of the day. "Not fair! Two people versus one person's movie knowledge? That's not how it works, Stu." I countered and Billy placed his beer bottle on the glass table loud enough that it caught everyone's attention.
"You guys are being idiots and I need a refill." The boy said, and I quickly stood up from the couch as I put the lollipop in my mouth, following Billy to the garage.
When we arrived at the door, Billy opened it before me so I could climb down the stairs first. I pulled the lollipop out of my mouth before sending him a small smile of appreciation. His eyes scanned my lips before he caught my gaze and smirked at me. As I climbed down the stairs I could feel his eyes on my back so I purposefully walked a bit slower, adding a bit of swing to my hips.
When I opened the fridge and bent down to look for the beers, I felt one of Billy's large hands on my lower back. "Need help carrying those?" He questioned, following my gaze as I stood up to face him. Placing some beer bottles on the table next to the fridge, I took the lollipop out of my mouth again to answer "yes." He visibly tensed up at my actions.
"You really need to stop doing that." Billy said, voice lower than usual. I looked at him questioningly, and before I could pull the pop out of my mouth again, he did it for me, putting it in his mouth before pulling it out a second later. "This." He said.
I raised an eyebrow and smirked, took the lollipop out of his hand and repeated his actions before I discarded the candy in the trash next to the fridge. "Can't handle your urges, Loomis?" I asked teasingly and he took a step forward, towering over me. A tense silence washed over both of us before he closed the gap and kissed me softly, placing his hand on my hip as he pressed me against him.
"Billy, Sidney is upstairs. We agreed not to risk it like this..." I said, reminding him that our ongoing affair could've cost us a lot.
"I don't care... You've been driving me crazy all day sucking on that lollipop." He replied and kissed me again. This time more desperate and needy. It didn't take long for us to start playing with each others tongues, tasting the sweetness off the candy we had been savoring earlier.
I pulled Billy's hair softly with my left hand and grabbed his shirt with the right, pulling him impossibly close to me. We continued making out hungrily and then he broke the kiss. I leaned on the edge of the table and he pulled me towards him, parting my thighs with his leg so I could rub myself against him.
As I continued kissing Billy, he moved my head towards his neck and I knew what he wanted instantly, so that's what I did. I kissed his neck and made my way down his body, kneeling down in front of him. He unbuckled his belt and unzipped his jeans for me before pulling his throbbing cock out. I opened my mouth for him. Billy smirked at me and tapped the head of his cock against my tongue a few times before sliding half of his length in. I started bobbing my head up and down slowly, moaning softly around his length while looking up at him with the most innocent look I could give him. That drove him crazy, so Billy grabbed the back of my head and started to thrust into my mouth, slowly picking up the pace.
We moved together in unison, never breaking eye contact. I moaned and whined around him while sucking, pushing him closer to his orgasm. As I felt him getting close, I slowed down my movements, edging him. Billy loved it. He hissed at the sudden change of speed and bucked his hips so his cock penetrated deeper inside my mouth. I pushed his length all the way inside and then pulled my head away, opening my mouth with my tongue sticking out. I licked the tip of his cock as if I were licking a lollipop, then I sucked, and licked, and sucked, and licked, and;
"Fuck, baby... Open up." Billy said and I did as I was told, sucking a few more times before opening my mouth for him, tongue sticking out for him to cum inside me. I chuckled at his attempt to keep quiet while the orgasm washed over his body. I swallowed his load in front of him, licking my lips and biting them afterwards.
"Oooh fuck..." Billy moaned. The sensation of his most sensitive spot being overstimulated was enough to get him close again. I noticed the tension building and giggled at the neediness he was displaying. Taking him all the way inside my mouth, I continued bobbing my head like I was before and looked up at him once more observing how he panted and threw his head back in pleasure.
Standing up in front of him, he kissed me and tasted himself on my lips. "You're so good at giving head, my God." He said and chuckled, before zipping his pants up along with his belt and fixing his hair.
"I know." I said, smirking at him before pulling another lollipop from my pocket and putting it in my mouth.
"Leave your window open tonight, we're not done here." He said and kissed me one final time before picking up the beers from the table and joining the group as if he hadn't gotten the soul sucked out of him a few minutes prior.
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risuola · 6 months
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▶ MOM ISSUES — late night talks, cuddles and lots of theatrics. that's what living with your boys mean, but your mom seems to see it a little differently.
contents: college+roommates!au, sa/domestic violence mentioned (it has nothing to do with the story, but it's a warning nonetheless) — wc. 800
a/n: there it is! i've been thinking about this story for months, drafting dozens of scenarios and finally it's happening! this series will be made of short pieces about three best friends turned roommates that slowly realize there's more to it than just friendship. it's not gonna be chronological, more so a series of random moments from their adventure - in the masterlist i'll try and organize it in an order, more or less. also, as you read it, can you hear Suguru's nagging voice when he calls Satoru's name or is it just me?
𝙇𝙊𝙑𝙀 𝙈𝙀𝘿𝙇𝙀𝙔 | series masterlist
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First thing you learned at the beginning of your university journey is that no amount of sleepovers and cuddles could ever justify sharing an apartment with two grown ass men. To your mom, at least, because once you told her that you and your two best friends – Satoru and Suguru – are going to live together, there’s not a single phone call that goes without her assuming you’re being regularly subjected to domestic violence and sexual harassment. They are men, she always tells you and it’s been long since you’ve given up any attempts to tell her otherwise. They were futile after all and what surprised you the most was that your boys are no strangers to her.
With a low grunt you made your way above Satoru’s ass and dropped onto the mattress in the middle. Both men shot you a short glance before resuming their things – the white haired one was playing a game on his phone and the brunette was reading a book.
“How’s mom?” Gojo broke the silence, cutting the thick tension around you with his voice. “Still convinced we’re fucking you dumb every night?”
“Satoru–“ Geto was quick to nag his friend and his manners (lack of them, actually), and the other one didn’t skip a beat before defensively asking “what?”
“No, it’s fine,” you sighed, covering your face with your hands, hoping to squeeze out some stress out of your head that way. “I can’t believe it. She knows you two for over a decade and it’s only now that she’s absolutely convinced I’m being abused even though she knows I’m safe with you.”
“She used to feed us cookies and now what?” Satoru gasped, his theatrics reaching a critical point as he dropped his phone onto the pillow and fake-sniffled dramatically, clutching the fabric of his white shirt over his chest.
“Do you want me to give her a call?” Suguru offered, now focused more on you than on his book. He reached to you, pulling your hands away from your face and brushing some stray hairs away from your forehead. There’s a delicacy to his movements, a subtleness that the other one of your friends lacks and you’re yet again made aware of it, when Gojo throws his arm over your middle, pulling you towards his body as if you weighted nothing.
“No, Sugu, it’s pointless,” you replied, exhaling deeply and patting the strong grip away before it got a chance to suffocate you. The very aggressive cuddle only got more intense and for a brief moment you thought Satoru wanted to squeeze you out like a toothpaste. “Besides, we all know that whenever she talks to any of you, she’s as sweet as honey. It’s only me who has to listen to her weird assumptions.”
Gojo scoffed and giggled at the same time, a huff of air brushed against your cheek as he nuzzled his nose right next to your temple, threatening to bite your cheek. “Told you she’s gonna get addicted to criminal podcasts when you were introducing her to Spotify and you didn’t listen to me,” he said in a light tone and the few seconds of silence that followed made your heart skip few beats. Any sudden loss of words is always a bad sign when it comes to the blue-eyed princess. “Does your mom know about our sleeping situation?”
“Oh god, no,” you whined, pushing his face away before his teeth sunk into the flesh of your cheek that he always insists, reminds him of mochi. Sugar addict.
“Should I accidentally send her a selfie with our bed in the background? On the group chat?”
“Satoru.” Suguru grunted, nagging again and visibly reconsidering all the life choices that led him to being friends with Gojo. You knew that look, you saw it many times over years of friendship with them.
“You can do that, Toru,” you replied, your tone dead serious. “But if you dare, I will change my number into yours in her phone and you’ll be the recipient of the shitshow it will cause. And you know the hell will break loose.”
“Throughout heaven and hell, you alone will be the fucked up one,” Geto mused, pressing the dark red, hand-painted bookmark that you gifted him a year prior, between the pages of his book, ultimately deciding that it’s enough of reading for today.
“Point taken, no pictures then,” Satoru hummed and nodded once, ignoring the obnoxious insult and he let go of you, suddenly not overly dramatic anymore. He got back into indulging his phone-gaming addiction.
You let out a small sound of resignation and helplessness and crawled underneath the sheets. Suguru soon joined you on the pillows and as you quietly chatted the time away, Gojo fell asleep, nuzzled between your shoulder blades.
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disasterofastory · 1 year
Forget them all, Wendy (Brahms Heelshire x Reader)
Forget them all, Wendy // Brahms Heelshire Masterlist Brahms Heelshire x Reader Kinktober 2023 - 4/14 Warnings: breastfeeding kink or nursing kink I'm not sure, mommy kink
Summary: You and Brahms find a new kink. Maybe this is his favorite one.
A/N: I feel weird using a Peter Pan quote in a story like this, but hey, it fits. Enjoy!
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"Forget them, Wendy. Forget them all. Come with me where…" Your voice falters in the middle of the sentence, and your hold on the book loosens. "What are you doing, Brahms?" Your question is pointless, though. You can clearly see what he is doing when you look down at the man with his head still resting on a pillow on your lap. Your other hand that's not busy holding the book is in his hair, playing with his dark curls. "It's boring," he grunts, still pulling and pushing on your shirt. You frown. Your voice is almost upset. "How can you say that about Peter Pan?" The only answer you get is a low, determined grunt. "Now, you are just being rude," you tell him, putting down the book when it's clear he won't let you go back to read. "Brahms!"
Before you know it, the man pushes up your shirt to your neck and tugs on the cups of your bra. Your breasts spill out in front of his demanding eyes. Your nipples harden at the sudden caress of cold air. "Wait," you groan, pulling on your shirt to drop in next to you on the couch and reach back to get rid of your bra as well. The frown between Brahms's thick brows eases at your willingness.
You don't even want to fight against him anymore. After one morning, when you woke up to him sucking on your tits, his obsession with your boobs just grew to the point he was ready to jump on them at any moment of the day. Feeling his hands on you while you are busy with something else doesn't even surprise you anymore. Besides, you found out rather quickly that sometimes, letting Brahms have what he wants is easier than pushing him into a tantrum that can keep going for hours.
A gasp escapes your lips when Brahms latches on your nipple while palming your other breast. His large hand cups your flesh, digging his fingers into your softness just enough not to cause pain. Your hand is still in his hair, teasing and tugging. Your fingers tighten and loosen around his dark curls as pleasure flares through your body. Your spine arches from the back of the couch, pushing yourself closer to him. Your nipple is a hard pebble between his closed lips. His tongue flicks and swipes over the sensitive bud. His cheeks are hollow as he sucks more of your breast into his warm, wet mouth. "Brahms!" You cry out his name. "This is what you needed, baby? Mommy's tits in your mouth?" Your sudden question shocks both of you. His sucking stops, and your fingers in his hair pause too. For a second, panic settles deep in your belly. "Brahms-" you start, but your words turn into a moan when the man grabs onto your tits even more. "Brahms!" His eyes are on you the whole time as he suckles on your nipples, watching your reaction to everything he does. His cock twitches in his pants at the sight of your half-closed eyelids when he tugs on your nipple that isn't in his mouth. His thumb rubs over it before pinching it again to make you moan some more. "Do you like it?" You ask him. "When I call myself your mommy?" Your nipple glints with his saliva when he is willing to let it go finally. His lips are red and swollen, and you want to lean down to kiss him, but your position makes it difficult. "Yes," he answers. His voice is hoarse and close to whining. "Yes what?" You ask him, smirking. You tug on his hair when he doesn't answer fast enough for your liking. His eyes fall shut for a second, and a groan escapes his chest. You can feel it rumbling under your palm. "Yes, mommy," he corrects himself. "Good boy," you tell him. "You are my good boy, Brahmsy." He moans again, wanting to turn back to your tits. There is a pink flush on his cheeks that makes him even more adorable to you. He starts to lap on your nipple again and grope the other one. He enjoys the weight on his palm and tongue. "Come on, Brahms," you coo at him. "Suck on mommy's tits until you cum." Without his noticing, his hips rock upward every now and again. The tent in his trousers is obvious. His lips are around your nipple again, forcing as much of your soft flesh in his mouth as he can while your hand moves further down his body. You can feel his abs clenching under your palm and his hips jerking when you slip under the soft fabric of his pants. Your fingers curl around his erection, twisting gently on the warm skin. Brahms's moan is muffled by your breast. He sucks like his life depends on it. "You are my baby, Brahms," you praise him. He loves it when you do that, and you enjoy seeing him straighten himself with pride when you do it. "And my big, strong man." At this point, your nipple feels numb, and his hips pump up, fucking your hand. You can feel his pre-cum flowing down on your finger. Your thumb ghosts over the small hole at the tip of his cock. His neck stretches with a muffled moan, and you tighten your hold around him. "Cum for me, Brahms," you tell him, stroking him faster. "Cum for mommy." Your nipple falls out of his mouth as he moans and thrusts one more time. His wide chest heaves and a vein bulges out on his neck. You can't tear your eyes away from him. He looks like a fallen angel. "Good boy, Brahms," you tell him softly, caressing his hair while he calms down. "What do you think about a shower?" You can see the protest in his eyes, so you continue quickly with a smirk. "And mommy will bathe you."
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acourtofwhatthefuck · 6 months
Needs Must — Rhysand x Reader
While I put the finishing touches to the next part of Bluebird, enjoy this Rhys x Reader that I got a sudden burst of inspiration to finish this morning!
Summary: War changes everything, and the human-fae war changed the trajectory of your life completely — most pointedly decimating the relations between you and those closest to you. It’s been a long while since you’ve seen your brother, Cassian, and your friends. But that’s all about to change.
Warnings: Suggestions of solicitation/sex work/brothels. Nothing else, really!
Word Count: 1.5k
Enjoy! 💕
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It’s all pointless, you think — the red velvet drapes, the burning candles, the sandalwood-scented smoke that clouds the air and creates a thick layer of fog that hovers just above the shag carpet. Pointless, because no amount of pretty décor will change Salt’s Pleasure Hall from the vacuous and miserable place it is.
Not miserable for you, no. There is no misery in the hefty sum of gold you’ll take home on a night. You are a master of pretty smiles and hooded gazes and saying all the right things that desperate, lonely males wish to hear. There is so much coin to be had in feigning interest and attraction. Bringing their fantasy to life for a night. There is talent in making them feel as though you’ve bared yourself to them, without having removed a single item of clothing.
And to think you once begged your older brother to train you, make you like him. Turn me into a weapon like you are, Cassian. We cannot change what filth sired us. But we can stamp it out from our blood and be better, be more.
And oh, he’d trained you, alright. Turned you into a weapon. Into something he was so fucking proud of. You knew the pride it had once brought him to strut around Illyrian lands with you at his side, clad in leathers just as he was, armed to the teeth just as he was. His way of showing off that he had done something good, something useful.
Oh, how things have changed. How the mighty have fallen.
For all you are confident, comfortable, used to the job you have now worked for some time, you are nervous tonight.
Tonight is different. Tonight is territory that has so far been untouched. Tonight, this room of velvet and silk and sensuality is your domain.
The Juniper Suite is part of the most expensive package that Salt’s Pleasure Hall has to offer. The package is similar to your usual night’s work in that you will smile prettily and pour drinks and ply whichever lonely male arrives with mindless conversation.
The difference is that in Juniper, those things lead to sex. And this is the first time since becoming one of Salt’s girls that you’re crossing that boundary.
So, yeah, you’re a little bit nervous. But — needs must, and all that.
With a soft sigh and butterflies dancing around in your belly, you slowly pace the circumference of the room, stopping every now and then to study the weird little trinkets that Salt has picked up over the years. A strange mishmash of things that you suppose he thinks creates a certain ambience. But tiny metal lions and old, fraying maps will be the furthest thing from your client’s thoughts when the two of you sink into the feathered sheets.
They will be here any minute, and for the first time since you started your work here, you allow yourself to wonder what they might be like. You never usually bother, because the other girls warned you on day one what to expect — that this place attracts a certain clientele, and that never wavers.
So, your guest will likely be far older than you. He will likely have dark smudges beneath his eyes and the weight of the world on his shoulders. There will likely be the faint mark of a removed wedding band on his left ring finger. He will likely want to talk to you about why he is a victim of life itself.
And you will coo sympathetically and pour him drinks, drag your hand down his arm and hold his hand. You will let him know how sorry you feel that life is so cruel to him. You will offer him the bliss of touch and feel, and make him think, for a short while, that you genuinely care about his shortcomings.
And then when he hands you the heavy pouch of coins you so desperately covet, you’ll switch it all off.
You swallow down another sigh and cross the room to the small, compact bar in the corner. You need a stiff drink yourself, something to settle your nerves—
But a knock lands on the door, and there’s no time.
For a split second, you doubt whether you can go through with this. Playing hostess for a few hours is one thing, but giving your body to a client is something you’ve never had the courage to do, despite the extra coin it would bring. But — needs must. You repeat it to yourself as you stride to the door. Needs must, needs must, needs must. You can do this.
You brace yourself, feeling suddenly too hot and sticky in the scant clothing that covers you — a pink lingerie set, barely covered by the sheer robe that sits open and threatens to slip down your arms. You are beautiful — and strong and sexy and confident. This is your body to do with whatever you want. And if this is the course you are taking, that is fine. This will be fine.
You lay your palm on the handle and yank the door open before you have to give yourself another pep talk.
But at the sight of who stands on the other side, you freeze. Your lips part in surprise.
A pep talk is not what you need — but rather a huge hole to open in the floor and swallow you down.
“What the fuck?”
It takes you a moment to realise that you’ve uttered those three words at the exact same moment your client did — Rhysand did.
He’s just like when you last saw him, but…older, now. Even though you were adults back then, too, he seems…more mature, somehow. He’s regal and stunning and night itself.
And fuck, he’s High Lord of the Night Court now.
And yet he’s ruffled, as he takes you in, gapes at you. Neither of you know what to do.
His eyes dip down to what you’re wearing, before travelling back up to your face. And he blurts, “Pixie?”
Pixie. You haven’t heard that name in years. The fond nickname that both Rhys and Azriel had coined for you, because you were so much like Cassian and yet so much smaller, a little pixie buzzing around.
But you are not her anymore. You haven’t been her since before the human-fae war. You had changed, just like the others had changed.
And the new you doesn’t need to explain to an old friend what has brought you to a pleasure hall in Sangravah. Nor does that old friend need to explain what’s brought him here, either. You owe him nothing. He owes you nothing.
But the situation is so bizarre that your mind freezes. You don’t know what to do. All you know is that you do not want to be in front of him, almost naked. You do not want to look him in the eye. The mere thought is humiliating.
So you move fast and try to slam the door shut in his face. You don’t care what kind of reprimand Salt will give you because of it.
But, of course, he is Rhysand, and may you never forget that. He’s quick as lightning, something about him always having been wildly feline. He always bested you when you sparred, always had the upper hand.
He has the upper hand now as he wedges his foot in the door and stops it from closing.
You grit your teeth, feeling just like when you used to bicker with him in Illyria as you bite out, “Move your fucking foot.”
“No,” Rhys snaps, shoving it in further. “Open the fucking—” he growls as he shoulders himself forward. “Pixie.”
“Don’t call me that. Go away—”
You’re not exactly sure what happens next. Either he loses his footing, or you do, or perhaps you both do. All you know is that the door is swinging fully open, and your balance is suddenly off, and Rhysand’s hand is gripping onto you as you fall backwards. Your attempts to right yourself are far too late and seem to make it worse. Down you go to that musty shag carpet, and down Rhysand goes with you,
Air whooshes from your lungs as he lands on top of you, far too close than is comfortable when you’re wearing so little clothing. You attempt to sit up, shove him off you.
But he holds you firm and stares at you with wide eyes. His face is inches from yours. He gives what seems to be a baffled shake of his head.
“Pix, what the fuck?” he blurts.
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simplygojo · 14 days
Silent Moments II
Authors Note: A highly requested (not that highly, but enough lol) part 2 to “Silent Moments”! I hope you all enjoy it :)
Pairing: AgedUp/Megumi Fushiguro x f/reader
Word Count : 2.1K
Warnings : just a light makeout sesh, nothing wild.
Read the first part here: Silent Moments I
Taglist: @chexzavamarie @adoresia @simplyyyuji
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It had been a week since that night outside your apartment, and the distance between you and Megumi had only grown. Each day felt heavier than the last, the silence between you becoming more deafening as the hours dragged on.
No words had been exchanged since that moment—the one where his fingers curled around your wrist, holding you in place, but not in anger. There was a tenderness in the way his grip had lingered, like he was afraid you’d slip away if he let go. And yet, that same tenderness was what tore at you now.
How could everything feel so right in that moment, yet lead to this endless silence? Every time you thought back to it, your heart twisted painfully. The memory of his warmth, the gentle weight of his forehead against yours—those fleeting seconds felt like a promise, and yet, now it seemed like they were a wall keeping the two of you apart.
You’d catch him in the hallways sometimes, just a glimpse of his dark hair or his quiet form retreating into another room, and your chest would tighten. He wasn’t the type to be openly expressive, you knew that. But even he couldn’t hide the fact that he was avoiding you.
The way he moved so deliberately away from you during training, how he kept his eyes firmly on anything but your face. Each action felt like a silent rejection, one that gnawed at your insecurities.
Had you misread everything? Had he regretted almost kissing you that night?
You tried to convince yourself that maybe he was just giving you space, that maybe this was his way of processing what had happened. But that didn’t stop the ache that settled deep in your chest every time he chose to walk away instead of toward you. And each day, the gnawing uncertainty only grew, eating away at the fragile hope you had been holding onto since that night.
The worst part was, it hadn’t gone unnoticed.
One afternoon, during a break in training, Nobara sidled up to you. The two of you had been sitting outside, and while she was animatedly chatting away about something that had happened during her last mission, you found your mind drifting once again—back to Megumi.
You hadn’t even realized how obvious you were being until Nobara’s voice cut through your thoughts, sharper and more focused than before.
“Okay, seriously. What’s going on with you and Megumi?”
Her tone was casual, but there was a pointedness to her question that made your heart skip a beat. You blinked, startled, turning to face her fully. “What?”
“Don’t ‘what’ me,” she said, crossing her arms and narrowing her eyes at you. “Something’s definitely up. You two have been acting weird for days now.”
You opened your mouth to deny it, but the words caught in your throat. Nobara wasn’t the type to back down once she’d caught on to something, and lying to her would be pointless. Instead, you shifted uncomfortably, avoiding her gaze.
“There’s nothing going on,” you muttered, though even you could hear how unconvincing you sounded.
Nobara wasn’t buying it. “Oh, please. I’ve known Megumi long enough to know when something’s bothering him. And you—” She paused, giving you a pointed look. “You’ve been spaced out all week. So, spill it. What happened?”
You hesitated, torn between wanting to keep things to yourself and the overwhelming urge to confide in someone—anyone—about the mess of emotions swirling inside you. Finally, with a heavy sigh, you ran a hand through your hair, your shoulders slumping in defeat.
“It’s complicated,” you admitted softly.
Nobara raised an eyebrow. “Of course it is. It’s Megumi we’re talking about. He practically invented ‘complicated.’” She leaned in a little closer, lowering her voice as if sharing a secret. “But seriously, what happened? You two didn’t fight or anything, right?”
You shook your head quickly. “No, we didn’t fight. It’s just… after our last mission, things got… intense. And we haven’t really talked since.”
Nobara’s eyes widened slightly, a glint of amusement sparking in them. “Intense, huh? You mean like… emotionally intense?”
You felt your face heat up, and you looked away, unable to meet her gaze. “Something like that.”
Nobara’s grin widened, clearly enjoying this new piece of information. “So, what? You two had a moment, and now he’s doing that thing where he overthinks everything and avoids it?”
“Pretty much,” you muttered, feeling a mix of frustration and embarrassment well up inside you.
Nobara hummed thoughtfully, tapping her chin. “Classic Megumi. He’s probably off in his head, freaking out over nothing.” She nudged you playfully, though her tone was more reassuring than teasing. “Give him time. He’ll come around.”
You nodded absently, though her words didn’t do much to ease the turmoil churning inside you. Time. That was all you had been doing—waiting. But how much longer could you stand it? How much longer before you couldn’t bear the silence anymore?
A few days passed, and nothing changed. Megumi was still avoiding you, and you were still haunted by the lingering memory of that night. It became harder to focus on your training, harder to ignore the hollow ache in your chest.
And so, one evening, long after the sun had set, you found yourself in the training hall alone. The quietness of the space felt comforting, the rhythmic sounds of your movements against the mats grounding you. Punch. Kick. Dodge. Repeat.
You threw yourself into the routine, hoping that physical exertion would somehow clear your mind. But no matter how hard you tried to focus, your thoughts kept drifting back to him.
The way he had looked at you that night, the way his voice had trembled just slightly when he said he didn’t want your first kiss to happen like that. It was maddening—this constant loop of emotions and unanswered questions.
You paused for a moment, wiping the sweat from your brow, breathing heavily. Maybe you were overthinking everything. Maybe you should just confront him. Ask him what was really going on.
But the idea of doing that scared you. What if he didn’t feel the same way? What if you’d imagined everything? The possibility of rejection lingered like a dark cloud, casting doubt over everything.
The sound of the training hall door sliding open snapped you out of your thoughts. You turned, your heart leaping into your throat as you saw Megumi standing in the doorway. His usual calm demeanor was gone, replaced by something far more vulnerable, more uncertain.
Your pulse quickened. You hadn’t expected to see him here, not tonight, not like this.
“Megumi,” you said softly, your voice barely above a whisper. “What are you doing here?”
For a moment, he didn’t respond. His eyes locked onto yours, and the intensity of his gaze made your heart race. He seemed conflicted, like he wasn’t sure if he should have come at all. But then, with a deep breath, he stepped into the room, letting the door slide shut behind him.
“I needed to talk to you,” he said, his voice low but steady. There was a weight to his words that made your stomach flip.
“About what?” you asked, though you already had a feeling you knew what this was about.
Megumi’s eyes flickered to the floor, his jaw clenching. He looked like he was struggling to find the right words, and the silence stretched between you, thick with unspoken emotions. When he finally spoke again, his voice was softer, more hesitant.
“I’m sorry,” he said, and the sincerity in his tone made your chest tighten. “For avoiding you.”
Your heart skipped a beat at the apology, your mind racing to catch up with his words. “You don’t have to apologize,” you said quickly, but even as you said it, you knew that wasn’t entirely true. You had been hurt by his distance, by the silence.
“Yes, I do,” Megumi interrupted, his eyes finally meeting yours again. There was a determination in his gaze now, a resolve that hadn’t been there before. “I’ve been avoiding you because… because I didn’t know how to handle this.”
“Handle what?” you asked, though your voice was barely steady. Your heart raced, and the air between you felt charged with something unspoken.
He hesitated, his hands clenching at his sides before he finally let out a frustrated sigh. “The way I feel about you,” he said, his words rushed but sincere. “It’s confusing, and it’s complicated, and I thought… I thought it would be easier if I just stayed away. But it’s not. It’s harder.”
Your breath caught in your throat at his confession. The weight of his words pressed against your chest, and for a moment, all you could do was stare at him, your mind racing.
“I don’t want to avoid you anymore,” he continued, slowly walking closer to you. His voice was steady, but his eyes—those deep, stormy blue eyes—were filled with uncertainty. “I don’t want to pretend that this isn’t happening.”
You felt your pulse quicken as he closed the distance between you; the air between you charged with something intense, something electric. And then, before you could fully process what was happening, his hands gently reached up to hold your beautiful face, his thumb brushing against your cheek.
For a heartbeat, you stood frozen, your breath caught in your throat. But then, instinctively, you leaned into his touch, your eyes fluttering shut as the tension between you seemed to snap.
You felt a lump form in your throat, your chest tightening with emotion. “Megumi…”
“I tried to stay away because I thought it would be easier. But it wasn’t. I couldn’t stop thinking about you.” His voice was nothing above a low whisper—you felt his breath on your skin with every word he spoke.
Your heart was pounding in your chest, and you felt your breath hitch as he leaned in closer, his forehead resting gently against yours—just like that night outside your apartment. But this time, it was different. This time, there was no hesitation, no holding back. “I care about you,” Megumi whispered, his voice trembling with emotion. “More than I know how to say.”
Before you could respond, his lips were on yours.
The kiss began softly, almost hesitant, as if Megumi was still unsure, testing the boundaries of what was allowed. His lips brushed against yours with a gentleness that made your heart race, each movement filled with a quiet intensity.
But then, as though something inside him finally broke free, the kiss deepened. The change was swift and undeniable—his hands slid down to your waist, gripping you firmly but with a kind of reverence, pulling you closer until not a single inch of space remained between your bodies.
It wasn’t just a kiss anymore—it was a release of everything unsaid, every glance and stolen moment, every frustration and desire that had simmered between you for weeks. His lips moved against yours with a new urgency, a passion that set your skin ablaze. It was raw, desperate, and achingly filled with all the emotions he had kept bottled up.
You kissed him back just as fiercely, your fingers threading through his soft, dark hair as you tried to convey everything you couldn’t find the words for. There was no holding back now—this kiss was a confession in itself, an admission of all the feelings you’d both been too afraid to voice.
The intensity of it was overwhelming, a dizzying rush of sensation that made your knees weak. But it felt right—like this was where you were always meant to be, pressed against him, lost in the heat of the moment. His hands roamed up your sides, his fingertips grazing the bare skin near your waistband, sending a shiver down your spine.
A low but soft moan escaped his lips, vibrating against your mouth as he deepened the kiss even further, drawing you impossibly closer. When you finally pulled away, both of you were breathless, your foreheads resting together as you tried to catch your breath. Your hands lay around his neck and his on your hips.
“I didn’t want our first kiss to be out of anger,” Megumi whispered, his thumb gently brushing against your your flushed cheek. “But this… this feels right.”
You nodded, unable to speak past the lump in your throat. It did feel right. More than anything else, this was what you’d both been afraid of—the depth of your feelings for each other.
But now that it was out in the open, there was no going back.
And honestly, you didn’t want to.
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personasintro · 1 year
Mutual Help | #23
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𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐫 𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐭: @kithtaehyung
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↳ 𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬; in order for you to pretend to be his girlfriend, he helps you with your sexual desires ⏤ he calls it mutual help
⇢ 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: jungkook x reader
⇢ 𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: fake dating au, fluff, angst, smut, slow burn
⇢ 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: explicit language, mature content
⇢ 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 5.2k+
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⇠ 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐯. | 𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐱 | 𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐭 ⇢ 
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Sipping a cup of coffee, you savor the taste in your mouth before you swallow while a soft smile plays on your lips. No matter how many times you busy yourself, your mind keeps coming back to yesterday but most importantly, to Jungkook. Having sex with him yesterday felt different, so different that it scares you how much he affected you and your body during it. You felt so content and everything felt so much more intimate than ever. It was Jungkook's way of apology, another way which you welcomed with open arms. Overall, yesterday was amazing and just a simple thought of you two taking a shower together  makes you want to giggle.
Jungkook squirts a shower gel, the one he uses all the time, onto his palm before he starts rubbing your shoulders, washing you with tender and slow movements. Moving to your breasts, he cups them and gives them a proper squeeze that makes you giggle. 
"Don't you have enough?" you ask amusingly, still feeling him between your legs and the pressure his length left there. You're sensitive there and probably swollen as well. 
"Hm, I can't get enough of you." he murmurs, kissing you onto your neck as you find this moment so intimate and sweet. And maybe weird, because for some reason you feel like the two of you are crossing some boundaries. On the other hand, you're glad he doesn't just fuck you and goes straight to acting like none of that happened. 
"Liar," you snort, feeling him moving his hands down to your stomach as he starts washing it. When he's done, his hands hover over your lower stomach before his tattooed hand disappears between your legs. "Jungkook." you warn him, warm water hitting both of your bodies but mainly yours as you stand right beneath the shower head. 
"What? I'm washing you," he murmurs, starting to wash your heat as you gasp. "So swollen." he comments, causing you to blush and murmur his name in embarrassment. 
"Whose fault is that?" you murmur, hearing a low chuckle behind you. 
"Busted," he chuckles, circling your clit. "Too much?" he asks, a worry laced in his tone which makes you smile. 
"It feels good," you answer, tilting your head back against his chest. Your arms find their way behind you, wrapping around Jungkook's neck and gasping when you feel his soft length pressed against your ass. 
"Fuck," you moan, eyes rolling back when he enters you with his fingers. 
And all you can do is enjoy this before the food comes, but that's not on your mind at all despite your empty stomach. All you can focus is Jungkook's fingers and round two of pleasure and a fucking great orgasm ahead of you. 
"How's your boyfriend?"
Memories crash down at the sound of your colleague's monotonous voice that has a slight edge to it, which is recognized as teasing. You think.
"He's not my boyfriend," you roll your eyes, putting the cup down before you glance at Yoongi's amused eyes. "He's my best friend." you add, knowing it's pointless when you notice the quirk of his lips.
"You kiss all your friends?" he asks amusingly, but still remains a neutral facial expression that would probably make you laugh if he wasn't interrogating you.
Narrowing your eyes at him, you open your mouth; "He kissed me." you point out, causing him to snort as he shakes his head.
"From what I've seen, you enjoyed it..." he comments but before you can cuss him out, he adds; "So, you really are just friends?"
You almost want to joke about him being interested in your life. From what you've seen, he barely gets interested about anything and certainly not you, even though he's one of the easiest people to talk to here.
"Something like that." you murmur, reaching for your coffee that you'd like to finish before Junho barges into the break room and starts giving orders.
"Oh, so he's your fuck buddy?" he asks, causing you to choke on the coffee as you swallow it painfully before you start to cough. "You should've just said it." he shrugs innocently, walking away from you just like that but you notice the little smirk he tries to hide.
You'd yell at him, not wanting him to get away with this but you're not alone in a break room and the last thing you want is everyone to hear what you were about to say.
Your phone vibrates on the desk where you put it, causing you to unlock it and open a message.
Kook: what color is your underwear? ;))
Snorting, you start typing.
"I'm not doing this" 
Kook: :(( you're no fun 
"Aren't you working anyway?" 
Kook: I'm on my break, but I can always make some time for you ;) 
"I'm still not doing this" 
Kook: :(( disappointed but not surprised Kook: I'm gonna buy us some takeout on my way to pick you up, any requests? 
You smile, already excited about the food. Jungkook is taking you home today, but you still have to go to his place to get your groceries and the two of you agreed this morning to have dinner together before he takes you home.
"Surprise me :)"
Kook: I will ;)
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"Thanks for the food, it was delicious." you tell Jungkook, patting your lips with a napkin as he cleans up containers where the food had been.
"No problem," he signs out, washing his hands before he turns around and leans against the kitchen counter, eyes already set on you.
He has a weird smirk spreading all over his lips which makes you stare at him confusingly, wondering what's his intention.
"I've got something else for you." he muses, tongue poking his inner cheek as if he's nervous and excited to bring up this topic.
Who knows what's going on inside his head, and you don't have time to try finding out when you're confused and nervous. He got you something?
"What?" you ask curiously, head tilting to a side as he straightens himself and nods his head towards his bedroom.
"Come." Is all he says, already walking there and you've nothing else to do than just follow him and wondering what the hell is this all about.
You're not going to lie, you're curious especially when he reaches for a box that's sitting on his bed. You're definitely confused, you were supposed to have dinner and then he should've driven you home, but here he is. Handing you some kind of white box with nothing on it, not even a bow or something that boxes always have when they're given as a present.
"If something's gonna jump at me, I'm gonna kill you." you threaten, already scared of what's in there.
"Nothing's gonna jump at you," he chuckles, rolling his eyes at you. "Open it." he says, biting his lower lip in anticipation while you eye the box with wary eyes.
Sighing, there's nothing heavy or moving inside of it, so you decide to open it. Your curiosity gets the best of you and you open it, tossing the thin paper away to reveal Jungkook's present to you. Gasping, you almost drop the box when you're staring at one thing that you'd never expect to be there. You'd never expect Jungkook to get you something like that. In other situations, you'd probably die of laughter but all you can do is eye the pink vibrator with a mortified look. Mouth open, eyes slowly averting to Jungkook who seems to be enjoying your reaction. Arms crossed over his chest, he's biting his lip to prevent himself from grinning and all you can do is stutter over your words, before you find a courage to talk properly.
"What the hell? Why would you buy this?" you ask, eyes dropping back to the box.
You can't believe there's a fucking vibrator.
"Well, you've never talked about anything you'd like to try. So I wanted to make this more interesting for you and this looked like a great idea," he explains, watching you as you slowly sit up on the edge of his bed with a puzzled look.
That's true. You wanted him to fulfill your desires, although you're not sure if using vibrator is one of them. You've been so pleased with Jungkook, only him, that you've never thought about other options. Sure, you've tried spanking, throat fucking but that's about all.
Oh my god. Does he think you're boring in bed? Is he tired of you, so he bought you a freaking dildo?
"Please don't overthink this. I thought we could try it, but if you're not comfortable with this we don't have to do anything." he speaks up before you can voice your thoughts, even though you weren't planning on it. Not anytime soon anyway. You're so shocked that you can't even react or talk properly.
"We? You want us to try this?" you ask slowly, looking back at your best friend that gives you a short nod.
"You can try it alone, it's totally up to you."
"What? No! That's not what I meant... I thought you bought this because-- never mind." you shake your head, not wanting him to think that you're just overthinking prick.
"Because what? Come on, talk to me." he says, already walking up to you as he gets on his knees and gently places his hands over yours, trying to look into your eyes.
There's no reason in avoiding him, or his big doe eyes, so you look at him. "I thought... maybe you find me boring, so you bought this."
"What?" he lets out a chuckle, your brows pinching together. "You're not boring. You think that I think sex with you is boring?" he raises his brows, staring at you as if you just said the most stupid thing ever.
"Yeah?" you answer unsurely, lifting your brows. "Argh, I don't know. I certainly didn't think you bought it because you want us to try it." you exclaim, finding it easier to talk to him. Maybe it's his hands that are caressing your knees and the soft gaze he's giving you.
"That's if you want this," he reminds you, "You're helping me so much, and I want to do the same for you. I want you to enjoy this. Although, don't get me wrong, our sex is fucking amazing." He's quick to explain, eyes not budging as he's talking and you listen to him.
Our sex is fucking amazing. It sure is. And the thought that it's going to end soon makes you sad for some reason. Fuck, Y/N. It's just sex, you're going to find someone else. Not just for sex, but someone who's going to love you and you're going to love that person too.
"Is this something you want to try?" you ask him curiously, and you see him relax when he notices your interest and that you're no longer overthinking his present.
"If you want to," he answers diplomatically, which causes you to glare at him. You really want to know if he wants it as well.
The thought of him using this just makes you curious and kind of excited. It's something new. Your sex life used to be boring and you had only one partner in your life, Haechan. And you've never had the balls to buy something like this, not even when you wanted to pleasure yourself. Your fingers could do only so little, that you often ended up more frustrated with no orgasm.
"Fuck yeah, I wanna try this with you but not when we're not on the same page." he tells you, assuring you that you don't have to feel obligated to do this because he wants to.
Good thing is that he knows your personality and you in general, knowing that you wouldn't do something you don't want to. But his own personality has the need to emphasize that this is totally up to you. He doesn't want to pressure you into anything and meanwhile you've been enjoying your sex, just like he's been, he's been thinking about how to make this more memorable for you as well. He knows you're a real freak somewhere inside of you and that you're much more naughty than he thought. You manage to surprise him every time you two are intimate.
"Actually, I'm quite intrigued by this," you tell him, pursing your lips to hide a smile of embarrassment.
Of course, you know there's no reason for you to feel embarrassed because Jungkook always makes sure you're comfortable with everything, but you can't help it. You're still in shock that he bought something like this for you.
"When did you even buy this?"
He chuckles, taking your hand as he laces his fingers with your own. "I ordered it two days ago and it came today." he answers, watching you as you grab the vibrator with your free hand and examine the silicone object.
It's soft, it certainly doesn't feel like a real dick but it feels nice to touch. It looks pretty flexible as well. "Why pink?"
"Is that your question?" he snorts, but seeing your curiosity he answers you anyway. "I don't know, I thought it'd look pretty inside you and it matches with your pussy."
"Jungkook!" you shriek, cheeks burning red.
"What? I'm just honest." he laughs, pecking the back of your hand as he keeps stroking it with his fingers.
"It looks expensive." you point out, eyeing the vibrator's tip.
It looks like a real dick, well minus the pink color and the fact it's fake and made out of silicone, and even the size isn't horrendously big. It kind of matches with Jungkook's size and you wonder if he picked it up purposely.
"It was," he nods, causing your eyes to snap at him. "I'm not telling you the price." he says immediately, knowing that look you give him.
"Why would you buy something so expensive then? I'm sure they had cheaper options." you murmur, hearing him laugh because you didn't tell him he should've bought anything. You said cheaper instead.
He finds it very amusingly, his nose scrunching as his shoulders shake in laughter. He calms down, licking his lips while a soft amusing smile decorates them.
"Just the best for my baby." he tells you simply, your eyes almost bulging out but you control yourself.
Fuck, did your heart just jump?
"Don't say stuff like that." you murmur again, avoiding his eyes as you pretend you're eyeing the sex toy instead.
"Why not? It's true." he tells you simply, placing another kiss on your hand which makes you sigh.
True, what? That you're his baby or he wants just the best for you?
He's starting messing up with your head, not intentionally at least, you know that much. And you're also not stupid to notice that the relationship the two of you have is different. It's not just sex. You're aware of Jungkook's caring and sweet personality, and now that you think of it this attitude and behavior suits him. But you hadn't expected him to be like this with you. He's so sweet, constantly kissing you and calling you all these nice names that makes you want to kiss him and just let him fuck you senselessly. None of you have voiced these thoughts and you wonder if Jungkook noticed it as well. It happened naturally, just like everything in your friendship, and those thoughts just occurred to your mind all of a sudden. You were so focused on Jungkook and how amazingly he makes you feel, that you completely didn't notice how the two of you act around each other. He's always been affectionate with you, but morning kisses and his tender and caring actions could be mistaken as romantic and an act of love.
Love. How stupid.
But this is just sex. And you're going to enjoy it while it lasts. You both settled onto something after all. You pretend to be his girlfriend and he'll help you with your desires. Mutual Help. Yes, that's how he called it and that's what this is.
"Let's try it." you speak up, slowly putting the dildo back into the box as Jungkook's eyes widen in shock.
"Right now? Are you sure? You looked very shocked." he asks, eyes filled with worry but also a hidden lust behind them.
"I did look shocked," you agree, "But I want this." you assure him, giving him a slight smile he returns.
Giving you a little nod, he straightens himself, still on his knees but enough to reach your lips which he kisses. He gives a few pecks to them, before he stands up and hovers over you. Reaching for his shirt and clutching it in a fist, you pull him towards you which surprises him and causes him to stumble.
"Easy tiger," he muses, letting out a soft chuckle while he holds himself in his hands, careful not to crash you.
You giggle, hands too preoccupied to unbuckling his belt. "I should be the one calling you tiger, you bought me a freaking dildo." you joke, causing him to snicker.
"Don't act like you don't like my present." he teases you, pecking your nose while you struggle to take off his jeans which stays underneath his bum.
You start stroking him through his boxers, noticing how he clenches his jaw and tries to control his reactions which to be fair, amuses you.
"Ah, is this present supposed to be a replacement for my ripped stockings?" you raise your brow, mischief sparkling in your eyes when he stares at you through hooded eyes.
"Let's be honest, dildo is much better than any stockings." he snorts, causing you to do the same before you scoff.
"Says who? You?"
Jungkook nods teasingly, nibbling on his bottom lip as you keep stroking him, feeling his length hardening under your touch.
"To answer your question," he gulps when you squeeze him, your lips curving to a slight smirk. "No, it's not a replacement for your stockings. I'll buy them for you. I just can't believe you're still thinking about some stockings." he chuckles, hissing when you squeeze him a little bit too hard.
Intentionally, of course.
"Of course, I am. I'm a woman, I love my clothes." you sneer, wiggling your brows that makes him laugh.
"I'll buy you anything you want, just forget it already." he jokes, your brow raising.
"Careful, Jeon. Don't promise something you can't keep." you tease him.
The corner of his lips quirks up as he starts kissing down your neck, almost shifting your focus but you won't let him distract you.
"All this for some stupid stockings," he mutters against your lips, causing you to giggle. "You're gonna be the death of me."
Pulling his hardening length, he groans quietly as you circle your thumb over his tip that leaks with pre-cum. Pushing against his chest, he seems confused but follows your hands as you switch your position and push him on the bed. He opens his mouth in a mere shock, but licks his pink lips when he sees you smirking down at him. All his attention is on you, eyes watching your every move, drinking you in especially when you spit into your hand before you grip him and start stroking his length. The tip is red, skin velvet and strained wanting some attention. And you give him that.
So far, Jungkook seems to be controlling himself and barely reacting to your touch, which to be honest, quite annoys you. You take it as a challenge, wanting to get some reaction from him except his occasional silenced groans that seem to get out of his mouth unintentionally. The first touch of your lips is when you kiss the reddened tip, tasting his pre-cum and almost rolling your eyes at the sweet musky taste. You've never been so turned on about getting head. But this is not just someone, he's not even your real boyfriend and here you're, almost salivating all over his cock when you barely put him in your mouth. It's everything about him. How hot he looks laying there, almost fully clothed with his boxers resting underneath his cock and exposing that intimate part of him. Or how sharper his jawline looks from below where you're seated between his legs. How his tattooed arm rests over his stomach, those veins popping out of his beautiful skin. And lastly, how eager you're to please him because that arouses you even more to the point your underwear is sticking to your core.
Opening your mouth, you let his cock head inside just to swirl your tongue over it which makes his breath hitch but other than that, he barely reacts. Frowning with a challenge in your mind, you take him deeper and start sucking him off. Going back to his tip, just to go deeper with each time and repeating that process all over again. You always go back to his tip, sucking it and swirling your tongue against it like your life depends on it. Jungkook is not a vocal person during sex, of course he knows his way around words to make the whole enjoyment of sex even more memorable and pleasing. And during that time, you can hear him groaning and growling from time to time, especially when he's about to cum but apart from that, he's not extremely vocal. You're definitely winning in this category, which probably strokes his male ego and embarrasses you when you think about your vocals after sex.
Was I being too loud? Did someone hear me? 
These kinds of questions occur in your mind, not really bothering you or something like that. It's just a simple thought of curiosity and maybe a little bit of embarrassment. There are thin walls everywhere, you wonder if your or Jungkook's neighbors heard you. You drift away during sex so often that sometimes, you don't even realize what you say most of the time during it.
When you pull away, causing his cock slip from your mouth, you lick your lips and watch him slowly open his eyes to meet your dark and lustful gaze. "Was that good?" you almost purr, wanting to hear a praise or something at this point.
You watch his tongue slowly sliding across his bottom lip, cheeks slightly flushed as he gives you a tiny smirk. "Perfect."
But you don't have to be done with him, you'd do anything to feel him cumming inside your mouth again. Just the thought of it makes you clench around nothing and almost forces you to let out a needy whimper.
"You want me to—"
"No," he says immediately, rising from his lying position and suddenly hovering over you even from his sitting position, mimicking your own. "It's your turn."
And before you can protest, because he hasn't cum yet and you'd really want to make that happen, he's already standing up tucking his cock back into his boxers. Smirking, his lips quirk up in amused curl at the way your shoulders drop in disappointment but you don't care how easily he can tell. You're not trying to hide it anyway.
However, you watch him undress his jeans which he drops onto the floor and reaches for the box. Pulling out the pink vibrator, that you've already acquainted yourself with, before he tosses the box onto the floor as well and places the sex toy next to you. Slowly, like a snake that's eyeing its prey, he pins you down with his darkened eyes meanwhile a satisfied grin appears on those appealing lips as your back meets the mattress.
When his lips press against your jaw, neck and slowly move at the top of your breasts, you feel yourself arching from the bed in a desperate need to feel him more and closer. While his lips are preoccupied with your exposed skin that is available to his mouth, Jungkook's hands are too busy gripping your hips, ass and thighs.
"Jungkook," you breathe out, "Please." you whimper, clutching his shirt in your hand as you pull at the fabric.
He pulls away, slowly licking his lips as he starts working on your clothes, undressing you like you wanted him to. When you start tugging his shirt again, he gets the message and takes it off, giving your eyes another worthy sight of his toned abs.
You're momentarily distracted by none other than Jungkook himself, too busy salivating over your best friend to fully focus on his hands that work on your clothes until you're completely bare in front of him. There's not an ounce of shame or embarrassment, it's not the first time he sees you naked and when he drinks you in with those dark orbs, you grow even more needy and confident.
"You're beautiful," he says softly, eyes shifting at your breasts that are perked up just for him. "So beautiful."
"Stop," you whisper, avoiding his mere confusion that settles on those eyes before he shakes it off.
"Why? It's true." he tells you, fingers pinching your nipple that makes you groan at the sudden pressure he puts there.
"You shouldn't," you try to tell him, voice strained while you're having trouble fully focusing on your own words. Again. It's just what Jungkook does. He's completely messing up with your head. "You can't." you add, whimpering when he envelopes your nipple with his mouth and starts sucking your sensitive bud.
"I should," he says, twirling his tongue around your nipple before he adds; "And I can."
You want to protest, tell him that he shouldn't be telling you all that stuff. You know he'd just question it and you'd have to tell him how weird it makes you feel. On the other hand, you're completely giddy all inside whenever he compliments you, you can feel your heart beating so fast that it almost hurts. But he shouldn't be saying this to you, he's not your real boyfriend. He should say those things to someone he loves. Loves differently than you as his best friend. Someone whom he's romantically involved with.
But you can't bring yourself to tell him that, not in the middle of this and especially not when he gives the same attention to your other nipple making your thoughts go away in seconds. He spreads your legs with his hand that slowly palms your heat, humming against your nipple when your wetness coats his fingers.
"You like this, don't you?" he chuckles deeply, still palming your heat while circling his finger around your opening just to tease you.
All you can do is melt under his touch, incomprehensible words in a form of pleading leave your mouth. You can't bear all this teasing, you need to feel something more. You need him and you don't care how desperate you look or sound.
You're too distracted to notice him grabbing the vibrator, until you feel it being pressed against your clit. It's colder than Jungkook's hands and it pries your eyes open, seeing him pressing the pink toy against you. As soon as your eyes meet, the corner of his mouth quirks up in a slightest teasing smirk before your whole body jerks with surprise. The toy comes to life, sending vibrations straight to your clit that makes you arch yourself.
"Fuck," you gasp, not expecting that to happen. "You didn't tell me--"
"What? That it can do this?" he says, pressing the toy even more into your clit that makes you moan. "Oh, baby. It can do so much more."
With that, the vibration gets more intense and faster, your clit throbbing almost painfully while Jungkook starts rubbing the toy at your most sensitive spot. It's different – you've never felt this kind of pleasure. You suddenly understand Jungkook's idea of trying something new and exploring a new field of something you never thought you'd do. He's truthful to his words, doing his part of helping you with your desires that you didn't expect to have and want.
The new pleasant feeling makes your whole body shiver, or maybe it's Jungkook hovering over you almost naked with dark hair falling onto his face, or it's a simple combination of both that takes you over the edge before you can even realize it. With another rub and skilful twist of his wrist, you're cumming undone just from the set of vibration. Jungkook rides you through it, slowing down the vibration until he fully turns it off when you're done breathless.
"How was it?" he asks in a hushed tone, eyes watching you as your own open slowly, meeting his gaze.
He kisses down your jaw, sucking your skin there and you're too fucked out to tell him to be careful about possible marks. You can't be showing up at work with hickeys covering your skin, Yoongi would never let you live and you don't need unnecessary attention from your colleagues anyway.
"Amazing." you manage to let out, still feeling your heart hammering against your chest.
"You ready for more?" he asks against your skin, sending a few rounds of shivers down your whole body as your breath hitches.
"More?" you ask breathlessly, wondering what he's got planned for tonight.
Surely, this is not the end of your night and pleasure. Jungkook's cock is still fully hard and yearning for that attention which makes your eyes widen in realization that he still hadn't cum. You were so fully focused on your pleasure that you completely forgot about Jungkook's for a few minutes.
"You didn't think I'm done with you, right?" he chuckles, pecking your lips as he sits up and takes off his boxers, fully exposing his cock to your hungered gaze.
Smirking, he starts pumping himself and the single sight is enough to make lust clouding your mind all over again. You feel yourself clenching and needing that pleasure all over again, despite that you just came. It wasn't enough, you need to feel him inside and just that thought makes you shiver with excitement. Slowly sitting up, you let his dark eyes watch you as you get closer to him, just to put him closer by the back of his neck. You kiss him, letting your lips linger on his own just for a few more seconds before you pull away.
"I want to be on top tonight," you tell him, met with a tiny smirk as he nods.
He reaches for the nightstand, pulling out a condom that you rip from his hands and urge him to lay down. He listens to you, still smirking down at you even from his position as he makes himself comfortable. You open the condom, eyes locked on his while he plops his arms behind his head, laying in his full glory. With cock slapped against his stomach, you grab him and put on the condom before you give him a few pumps. He bites his lip, still smirking at you which causes you to roll your eyes.
"Why the hell are you smirking?" you murmur, hovering over him while you straddle him, not fully sitting onto him.
"Nah, I'm just enjoying this." he muses.
"What? Me being on top?" you chuckle, grabbing his length as you let him run up and down your slit.
"You being so... dominant," he decides to say, eyes closing for a mere moment as you put more pressure onto his length. "Use me, baby. Make yourself cum."
Fuck, he's killing you.
"You ready?" you ask him, looking deeply into his eyes as he grins, poking his inner cheek with a tongue, a habit of his (extremely hot habit), before he opens his mouth;
"Like never before."
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cherry-pop-elf · 2 months
Human Nature
‘Poof’ Periwinkle Fairywinkle-Cosma x Fem! Reader
Sum: Hazel and Dev were at a cozy little sleep over at your house, since Dev was avoiding his father like the plague. Lead to plenty of talks about Poofs Peri’s childhood. So while the parents are away, it’s time for Peri to play
Warnings: 18+, lots of fluff, , first time (for Peri), boob jobs, Wholesome body positivity, Dominate Reader, it’s very fluffy and wholesome with sex because I said so, nonbinary peri rights, “Woah boobs-“ fairy anatomy vs human, kinda cracky but that’s why you are here anyway, and of course Peri Loves Them Tibbies
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“Finally….” Peri gave a groan, as he would slump onto the floor. Not giving a single fairy fuck that he was laying on the cold kitchen ground. His parents can be overwhelming, and now you got to see it first hand.
Hazel, and Dev, were having a sleep over at your place. You were Dev’s neighbor, and one of the painfully few adults he can trust, so he wanted to feel like a normal kid with doing kid things. Like sleepovers.
The only friend he had was Hazel, and it’s hard to have a sleep over with out company. Has Peri’s god parent he couldn’t refuse. So the whole evening was spent with hijinx’s, and some good old parents squealing and sharing pictures a plenty.
You loved learning more about Peri, and did your best to try and give him breathing room. Being his little shield with trying to be the one to ask questions and happily look through the photo albums, while Peri was trying not to break his teeth from all the gritting.
So here you two were. Cosmo and Wanda making sure the kids were safely sleeping, and certainly knocked out themselves, as you two finally savored the peace and quiet of the rest of your home. Just away from it all.
“Say, not to still keep on topic, but I gotta ask. Your dad was the pregnant one, so um. Does that mean he’s trans?” You were curious. Could it be blamed? It would be interesting to know if such concepts like that were even existing across other beings. Curiosity is human nature, may it be for good or evil.
“Trans-? Oh! Trans! Nah-“ Given Peri was raised rather closely to humans, compared to frankly any fairy he certainly is often more aware of those concepts. There is a difference between taking care of a human, and living with a human after.
“Our genders, or is it sex-? Whatever. It’s flipped flopped. Men have the vaginas, girls have the penises. We also can shape-shift after all, so stuff like that is kinda pointless at the end of the day. Like how I was born a boy, but never really felt like a boy, so now I have a penis and go by he/they.” He explained to you, as you tossed him a soda.
“Huh….Girls have the male anatomy, boys have the female…..Woah.” Certainly fascinating to think about. It’s as if it’s a construct, who would have thought? Really was curious to you. Something new.
“And then there are different types of fairies. At the end of the day it doesn’t matter. Not unless you care, for some reason, or want to be intimate.” They would explain to you, as he drank his soda. Just enjoying the cold floor on his exhausted body. Even a fairy can get tired.
“So….Not to get weird, but like….Is your penis like….similar to a human penis?” You were to curious! Fairies were all so new to you! The only reason you were aware they exist was because Dev kinda made you aware. You were someone he trusted. He just had to have you involved. It’s a lot to handle after all. A kid is a kid.
“That’s one way to get into my pants.” He gave an eyebrow wiggle, as you hid behind your soda. A whine of protest, as he laughed at you. Just always the charmer. The one to lead the tango. Maybe you want to spin that dance around.
“Why don’t you show me what’s under the top and I’ll show you what’s under this bottom~” You knew he was just being all talk. They typically were, before suddenly ready for a panic attack. You didn’t want to give him one, but there’s joy in making someone squirm.
“What are you doing-?” He gawked, as he saw that you were following through. Off your shirt went, and you sent it flying over to his face. How it dangled off their crown, leaving just one big violet eye to stare at you. To watch as you unclasped your bra. It was a long day, and underwire is painful.
“I know they aren’t the prettiest things around-“ You started, only to be met with those big fairy eyes sparkling. Literally. Like his pupils were just big ole hearts and sparkles. Seemed to be utterly enchanted at your half bare body.
The fairy was quick to zoom over to you, with your shirt gone in a vanished, as he seemed to be enchanted by your anatomy. That you had to be the prettiest person in the whole world. The whole galaxy! Their eyes were just pure. Not just driven. Not sexually charged. Just admiring you like a sunset.
“You wanna touch them?” You asked, finding it all utterly adorable. We’re all fairies this cute? Had to. Just look at him. How his wings were fluttering like crazy, and their head nodding in eager need. Need to just swallow you whole with his touch.
They were hesitant, but his hands would soon cup them. They were so gentle. Not an ounce of green in those finger tips. Just a fairy enjoying the beauty that a human had. Made you wonder how different fairy’s breasts were compared to humans. Were they different at all? Not like you wanted to ask Wanda to flash you.
“So soft….” He whispered, as he soon just face planted into your chest. Had you laugh, as he seemed to have found heaven in them. Fluttery wings just going wild, as he snuggled into them. Enjoying how soft they were, and easy it was to hear your heartbeat like this. They were just perfect for them.
“You are precious.” You had to admit, as you soon would play with their hair. Gently running your fingers on the back of his neck. Didn’t want to mess with his curl after all. Just wanted to enjoy the gentle little affection. Seemed he was enjoying it plenty.
“So….Gonna keep your end of the deal?” A muffled ‘hm?’ Was spoken into your chest, as you swore he was ready to fall asleep there. The warmth, softness, heartbeat, breathing, they just couldn’t resist it. His kryptonite.
“Come on, it’s fair. Lemme see your magic wand~” You giggled, as you had to pretty much prey his pouting face from your chest. Poor man wanted more, and you’ll be happy to give him more. Such a pouty baby. Arms all crossed, and all huffy.
“Pretty please~? I promise you can play with my boobs more if you do it~” You offered the magical creature. That seemed to be what finally made him follow through. Slowly with sliding his suspenders off his shoulder, before working on his buckle.
“Promise?” He asked, and you nodded. As if you could ever say no to those beautiful eyes. Such a shade of purple you couldn’t quite grasp. As if it was just a color that the human eye couldn’t quite register. It made for such a need to look at them more.
With the zipper down, and some shimmying, you finally got to see what you were excited for. Deep down, you were kinda disappointed though. Not by the dick as a whole. It was a normal dick, that was the issue. Nothing really made it seem supernatural, besides the well groomed purple patch of hair above it. Shaped like a star no less. Ok, that was cute. You couldn’t argue with it. Was going to make your next idea all the easier to follow through.
“As promises, I’ll let you play with my boobs again. But, I have an idea on how you can enjoy them more.” You offered, as he rose a curious brow at you. What could that possibly mean?
“What are you doing down there?” He asked, as you were soon on your knees. Your face under his cock, with a devious smile. The fact he asked you gave into your theory he may be a virgin. You were certain to make this something he will never forget.
“Showing you the magical world of boob jobs.” You said, before you brought his soft cock between your breasts. Gentle you were, as you would slide his dick between them. Squeezing it between your soft tissue, with little kisses to the tip.
“Oh sweet fairy world-“ He moaned, as he held onto the counter for support. Truly an experience they never had before. Was making their whole world spin, as their cock was starting to harden with in your grasp. Mans was in heaven because of you.
“Like it?” You asked, as they eagerly nodded. Just an utter puddle under you. Luckily not literally. Just figuratively. How they were gripping the counter for dear life as they were panting hard. Those pretty eyes fluttered closed, as those thick eyelashes of his were sparkling with held back tears.
You couldn’t help but drink it all in. They looked so perfect like this. Just letting out moans for you to listen on repeat. How so little was to much. You didn’t even do much, and you swore they would cum already. Would their cum be purple too? You just had to know.
You would speed it up, with a devious grin, as he was aching between your breasts. Just throbbing for you. Such a mess from so little. Suppose breasts were their one way ticket to their own heaven on earth.
“Oh jeez oh jeez oh jeez-“ They kept whimpering. Teeth biting hard into their lip, as he just couldn’t stop his whimpers and moans. A harmony of sounds for you to dance to. Ever growing more eradicated in their sounds.
“Gonna cum? Cum all over my tits?” You asked, as that had his already flustered face even redder than ever. Just looking at the sight under him was too much. He couldn’t handle it anymore. He just couldn’t.
“WAIT WAIT I-! AH-!” His hips were soon bucking on their own, as the orgasm hit him. The way their head threw back as their body was on autopilot. Riding out the climax. Just listening to what the new burst of adrenaline in their system gave them.
You were a little disappointed, you couldn’t lie, that it was a normal color. Was hoping it was at least lavender. Didn’t disappoint in the amount though. Was Al over your breasts, your face, you swore it reached your hair even. That’s annoying, but it’s forgiven for Peri. Their first time after all. Can’t be mad at that.
Poor Peri was just trembling. Hardly able to keep themselves up, as you stood up. You were glad you were still in the kitchen, so you just dampened a fish towel to clean yourself up. Probably safer to not consume fairy jizz. Who knows what it could do to your insides. That’s for another day.
“You alright over there?” You asked them, as you would look over. Poor Peri was just a mess. Hair all over the place, still flushed and panting, legs bend and feet turned in. Thought they might faint. Had you worried, before he was soon back to trying to play it cool. Like nothing had happened at all.
“Yep! Totally! Cool cool cool-!” Pants zipped, hair slicked back, just in a blink and it was like he didn’t just have the best nut of his life. Had you giggling, before you returned to him. A kiss to his cheek, and a hug. Because after care is always vital.
“Say uh, um. Do you….Do you think we could do that again sometime?” They asked, as they avoided eye contact with you. Oh who could resist such a cute face? Not you. You gave his flushed little cheek another peck, as you laced both your hands together. Just all smiles.
“As you wish.”
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agoodroughandtumble · 2 months
You Talk In Your Sleep - Zoro x Reader
Status: Complete but as always might be continued Summary: Reader wakes up in the Crow’s Nest without remembering why, fortunately Zoro is playing his cards to his chest Warning: 18+, Language, implied smut
The sound of heavy boots thudding against floorboards woke you up. That was...weird. Nami was, unsurprisingly, incredibly light-footed – so much so there that had been more than one occasion when you hadn’t realised she was behind you until her voice made you jump out of your skin. So. If it wasn’t her feet… You peeked one eye open, coming face to face with the offending feet and let out a small sigh of relief. Zoro. More confusion washed over you. Why was he in your room? Why were you on the floor? You sat up only to realise that this was not in fact your room. This was the crow’s nest. At least that explained being on the floor and why your hips were starting to ache at the less an ideal sleeping position.
The swordsman had his back to you so you managed a sneaking glance underneath the blanket currently covering you. You were fully dressed.
Zoro must have heard the sigh of relief as he let out a small chuckle, turning to look at you with an amused smile. “We didn’t fuck if that’s what you’re worried about.” A pause. “You don’t remember? Must have been drunker than I thought.”
You narrowed your eyes at him. “Just explain why I’m here. You didn’t kidnap me, did you?”
Zoro rolled his eyes whilst helping you to your feet. “As if I need that headache.”
Growing annoyed at his nonchalance, you sat down on the bench and pulled the blanket tighter against you. It wasn’t like you to forget anything after a night of a few beers – and the fact that Zoro seemed to be taking the situation in his stride was all the more of an attack on your pride. You remembered drinking on the deck with the others – nothing unusual about that. And you remembered deciding you were too tired and needed to go to bed, but, clearly that plan had failed. “Don’t be a smartarse.”
He cocked an eyebrow, “Are you always this grumpy in the morning?”
You glared at him, “That’s rich coming from you.”
A tense silence fell. Despite him being annoyingly right this time, you weretoo stubborn and determined not to be the one to break it. In truth, you did feel a little guilty about being quite so defensive but he was hardly helping the situation, so at least you could be a little justified. You let out a frustrated sigh, crossing your arms underneath the blanket and pointedly looking anywhere except at your green haired crew mate. Somehow, no one else could get on your nerves quite as much as Zoro could. It was as if someone had given him a diagram of your buttons and he was determined to push every single one of them. Repeatedly. Whilst smirking.
His next words did nothing but cement that thought. “You know you talk in your sleep?”
You froze. Oh, shit. You wracked your brain, trying to remember something, anything you could have been dreaming about. But… Nami had never commented on your sleep talking. And since the two of you shared a bunk she must have heard something...wait. You narrowed your eyes again, finally turning towards him with an accusing glare. “Is that so?” This was just another way of him trying to get under your skin again. You tried to relax your face, not giving him anything. In an attempt at remaining causal you leant back a tad, letting the blanket slip down to your waist and patted the seat next to you. Zoro took the hint and joined you on the bench, cross his ankles together, legs stretched out and looking far too smug for your liking. “Indulge me then,” you continued, “What was I saying?”
Zoro let out a theatrical sigh, as if trying to remember. “Something about Sanji being a shitty cook. And how his feeble attempts at flirting with you are pointless.”
You rolled your eyes. “Yeah, right. If you’re going to lie at least be plausible.”
He flashed you a grin. Your hands gripped at the corner of the blanket. “You were very clear. Sanji is a pervert and,” his fingers found the bridge of his nose, as if wracked in thought, “Ah yeah, Zoro is the most attractive man you have ever laid eyes on.”
You snorted, even for him that was a stretch. “So I definitely drank too much then.”
This time, it was any easy silence which fell over you. And you were becoming increasingly aware of Zoro’s proximity to you – so close you could almost feel him. Obviously you hadn’t said that. Otherwise it wouldn’t have taken so much probing but… you chewed at your lip slightly, feeling heat rising in your cheeks. Infuriating as he was, there was definitely something to be said about him. Perhaps not the most attractive man but he wasn’t far off. You fidgeted with the blanket. “Well,” you paused, not entirely sure what your response was supposed to be, “It wasn’t entirely gentlemanly to listen.”
Wow. Smooth. Fuck’s sake.
Zoro laughed. You waited with bated breath, was he laughing at you or with you? And why the hell did it even matter? And, more importantly, why were you suddenly talking like a fucking imbecile – “entirely gentlemanly”? Fucking hell.
“You’re cute when you’re flustered.”
Aaaand. Your brain stopped. You scrunched your face, as if resetting. Fuck. You felt his fingers brushing against your thigh. Fuck. He didn’t seem to register it. You stood up abruptly, blanket now completely disregarded. Embarrassment like a neon sign. “And you’re...tall.”
Zoro leant back against the seat, arms behind his head, shit eating grin across his face. “Got you this riled up, huh? Probably shouldn’t tell you everything you said then.”
You could have punched him. Or yourself. Or just...fuck. “Just. Urgh. Shut up. I’m going back to my bed. And you’re staying here and fuck. Shut up.”
It would have been a more dramatic exist if you hadn’t left your dignity.
* The Night Before *
Zoro had always enjoyed the night watch – usually because it gave him plenty of time to train without being bothered by anyone else. It was part of the reason he liked having his gym up in the Crow’s Nest. And whilst it was a bit annoying that everyone else had been in good spirits and having a few beers and he couldn’t drink quite as much saké as he would have liked, there was a peacefulness he welcomed. He should have been looking at the horizon, watching for any enemy ships but his crew laughing, dancing, enjoying a rare night of calm was far more entertaining. Seeing everyone having fun was his reward for his hours of training, his dedication to his craft, his vigilance to keep them safe. Every now and then his gaze would linger on you, indulging himself a little before reminding himself that just staring at you was getting a...bit weird. But when you were laughing and singing and… just being you, he was far too gone.
Fortunately, self-restraint was almost second nature to Zoro by now and so he had eventually managed to pull his eyes away and focus on the horizon – albeit in the complete opposite direction of where you were. The weights in his hands were controlling all of his nervous energy. So of course you had to wreck his solitude. But he would only complain a little.
He had assumed it was Luffy walking in to complain that Sanji was asleep and therefore not supplying the captain with endless meat. Only it was you. Loudly. And almost tripping. He dropped the weight with a loud thud to steady you. “(Y/N), you okay? What are you doing?”
You pushed him away slightly, although kept a hand on his bicep to keep yourself steady. His skin burnt at the touch. “I came to keep you company.” You grinned, seeming very pleased yourself, and Zoro felt his heart melt a little.
“You don’t need to. You should be in bed.”
“Pfft.” You made a beeline for the blankets and cushions adorning the bench. “It’s boring being up here by yourself. I’m much more entertaining.”
Zoro watched you, almost incredulously as you managed to form a make-shift nest and settled yourself in. Clearly you were not going to be keeping him company but you looked far too adorable for him to ask you to move. “You’re going to stay awake all night with me?”
“Mm-hm.” You were already curled up with your eyes closed. “I’m all yours.”
A small, accepting smile formed on his features as he tried to ignore the sting of your words – wondering whether you had any idea of the impact such a small, meaningless statement would have on him. Wondering whether you would ever actually mean it. He covered you fully with the blanket and went back to his post.
Zoro wasn’t sure how much time had passed, but he could start to see the sun breaking. You had shuffled a few times causing him to glance over, but now you had his full attention.
Hairs stood on the back of his neck. You still weren’t moving, still in your bundles of blankets and pillows but you were talking. Not just talking. Talking about him.
“Th-there’s good.”
He shouldn’t be watching this. Hearing this. He should leave you to it. But he shouldn’t leave his post. Fuck. Why did you have to do this here? His mind was racing – surely this was just because you were here and he was here. It didn’t mean anything. Didn’t mean anything at all. Unless. Did you think about it? Fuck, did he even want you to think about it? Wait, yes. Obviously that was a yes. Fucking hell.
“Ah-fuck. Zoro…”
He picked up his weights again.
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