#like like cool. just do it and shut up. ur just teaching kids to hide their age
I love going to people's blogs, and seeing huge pinned posts explaining what they won't tolerate, how to speak to them, how to interact with their blog, their political views, views they dislike, and on, and on, and on
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Makes it much easier to spot the people I'd never ever get along with!
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bangchansgirlsblog · 9 months
Keeping up with the Bhangs
This is a one shot from the little series. Read it if you would like it’s on my master list :))
Warning: Angst
Pairing: Bangchan x reader
Summary: Being a mum is hard when you have to constantly play good cop, bad cop.
"Chan?" She called for her husband. "Chan come look at what your daughter did!" Y/n called again. The sight infront of her was painful. Her little girl was stood in the middle of the room looking so innocent but she had created a huge train wreck around her. She couldn’t believe it.
She tried to keep her cool, she really did but she couldn’t. She heard the quiet footsteps making their way up towards their daughters room. Her anger was being tested and she felt like she was about to blow.
"What is it Y/n? I have a really important-" he paused when he looked up from his phone as he stared at the sight in front of him. "What the hell?" He let out a gasp.
The room was a mess. There was paint everywhere and crayons all over the wall. The collections of toys chan had gotten Soo-min where spread all over the place and her clothers (Soo-min) was covered in dirt, paint and crayons as she stood there looking innocent with the crayon in her hand. 
"Chan look what your daughter did!" Y/n raised her voice a little causing Soo-min to jump. She took little steps quickly to hide behind her father who was now standing fully in the room. It had been obvious she was scolded before this because her little hands were shaking and her lips were quivering.
Chans eyes soften as he loosened the tie that wrapped around his neck and unbuttoned his shirt. He was determined to keep his wife calm and fix whatever was going on. If he had time of course.
"Hey, Y/n calm down. Don’t stress out baby. Its okay," He picked up his little girl with one hand trying to remove the paint of her face. Her eyes on the verge of tears as she pouted. "We can just get the cleaners to clean it-"
Chan being calm about the whole situation pissed of Y/n to the fullest because why was he so put together? Why was he such a good calm dad.
"Chan! you dont get it! this is not okay, she constantly disobeys, this is a huge mess! i left her for only a few minutes!" Y/n groaned frustrated as she threw the cups she had collected from the ground into a basket. 
"Y/n, its fine. She's a baby-" the glare Y/n gave him instantly made him shut up and look at his little girl that was basically holding onto his shirt for dear life. 
"M' sorry," Soo-min chocked on her sobs as tears started to spill and she Sniffed. She didn’t understand why her mum was being so scary. She only wanted to draw to make her happy cause she knew how sad she had been.
Chans heart melted at her little pout.
"Its okay mama, no need to cry. Daddy's got you," Chan wiped the tears from her cheeks and grabbed the crayon and paint brush from her tiny little hands. "Y/n look what you've done, now she's crying."
"Chan you cant honestly think this is okay-" Y/n was buffled. Chan didn't think this was okay, did he?
"she's a kid! kids make mistakes, she's still learning. You don't scold her, you teach her," His voice was now loud aswell. He was getting frustrated. He didnt want his children growing up in a toxic enviroment where they get yelled at or abused. That was his worst nightmare. 
“Then fine! You raise them if ur such a good teacher,”
“I don’t have time for this Y/n I have a big meeting coming-“
“Of course you fucking do, why don’t you just move into your office and abandon your kids and pregnant wife!”
Her blood was boiling. It was like she was getting everything off her chest and she needed it.
“Y/n that’s enough. Your acting like a child in front of her!” Chan growled. “You can’t even control this situation without calling and crying for me,” his chest was moving up and down as he was huffing. Trying so hard to control himself but he was stressed and tired and it was like she wanted to pick a fight every chance she got.
"Chan! why do you always have to be good cop. Why cant you see this is wrong? Stop being a bad parent and-'
"Bad parent?" He scoffs and looked up at her buffled, "I'm the bad parent? just cause you were abused when you were younger doesn't mean you have to put your trauma on my children..." His eyes go wide. He didn't mean it. He was just angry. He didn't mean any of it. 
The tension in the air wise thick. The shocked gasp that left her mouth was painful. Her head started to spin. Her eyes turning red as her body started to overheat. The emotions she felt were overwhelming. A panic attack was coming on. Her eyes landed on her daughter, the little girl was covering her ears trying to cover her face in her fathers chest. Was she a monster?
"Papa? no fighting," The little girl squealed as she still continued to cover her ears. This made Y/n's heart break. was it true? was she becoming her toxic mother. 
 "It's okay mama," He comforted her shivering body, "I-Im going to get her changed so i can go back to my meeting. I'll tell the maids to come clean up," he so badly wanted to hold his wife and apologize but with the way she stood in one place he knew he couldn't have the conversation, well not right now. 
The door closed behind him as her little girls sniffles slowly faded in the distance. Y/n was in shock. Her brain was taking long to react. Her hands were cold and all of a sudden she couldnt hear anything around her.
Was she the problem? Was she being hard on the kids? she never yelled at any of them unless they did something horrible, she never intended for the father of her kids to call her toxic. To embarrass her like that.
It was too much, she was done playing tough guy. she was tired of the constant fight of depression. She was tired of her husband degrading her as she stayed home while he was out all night partying doing God knows what. 
She wanted her life back. she wanted to be fun again. She didnt want to be tired all the time. She was tired of being pregnant.
Her face felt wet. Her hands automatically covering her eyes. Heart wrenching sobs leaving her body as she placed a hand on her belly. The doubt of being a mother was creeping back up. The sudden urge to run away and dissapear haunted her conscious. Truth is she was tired of the fake smiles and the big parties and important business people.
Yes, she loved the big house her husband built for them, she loved the grand cars and the golden credit cards but she wanted to feel again. She wanted to be loved again. By her husband. She wanted to be a teenager again, falling in love and being young and free.
She laid on the called floor. Her arms supporting the heavy bump she was carrying. The tiled sending shivers down her spine. The tears still spilling from her eyes until eventually she grew tired and fell asleep.
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serxinns · 7 months
Could you do a yandere class 1A where reader is Aizawa’s kid?
Teachers Kid
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(yan! Class 1a and platonic Yan aizawa x Aizawas kid reader
Tw: Mentions of abuse, Neglect and cheating
Aizawa was very overprotective of you as a kid Ever since your mom neglecteded you, cheated on him, and left the both of you with another scumbag, he remembered the way you reached your little toddler hands towards her while the snake cling to the scum's arm while they both giggled leaving while she said her final goodbyes it wasn't any Genuine he can hear how eager she was to leave this family the door shutted and you started crying calling out to the snake to come back with ur little grabby arms his heart stung he promised to protect you and to make you don't gotta deal with it again but 1st he had to take care of that woman...
•You lived with your dad your mom wasn't present in your life your dad told you that she did something really bad and now she's getting "Punished" Aizawa homeschooled you through elementary school to middle school it was fun at 1st but you felt a little sad when other kids played with their friends brought back cool stuff like toys and candy while you were stuck in the house either training with him with or without your quirk
•at a young age you dreamed of being a hero like your father and go to UA to be just like him as much as Aizawa loved to look up to you he could never let you be a hero but always shut the topic down with a strict warning you kept pressuring him trying to convince him, bribe him anything you even did the puppy eyes he secretly loves so much but he stood his ground and said no his final answer
•Aizawa was teaching his boring lesson to the class when he heard his ringtone but it wasn't his usual ringtone "Dad pumpkin spit a hairball in your shoe" he quickly turned his phone off flushed red in embarrassment he slowly turned to see the class in shock and some of them giggling a bit "YOU HAVE A CHILD?!"
• the classrooms were in chaos they were now fixated on their teacher's kid they were all asking questions about ur description, Quirk, Personality everything they wanted to know everything about you, Aizawa quickly quieted them down "Everyone needs to quiet down! Yes that's is my kid they're the same age as you all and is are HAPPLIY homeschooled that's it now let's continue " the class tried to answer more questions but Aizawa shut it down completely which made the class groan while Aizawa looked annoyed in the outside in the inside he was panicking, his class all discovered about you and they seem eager
•Even after school they all couldn't stop thinking about you whenever someone mentioned you in their heart. started to race and started to blush they haven't even met you yet so why do they feel this way... They gather around starting to wonder what are you
•while Aizawa was driving home he was just panicking even more his class found out about you he thought he was hiding. you so well why did he have to slip up he didn't want to put you in public high school it was just too dangerous especially if villains are now spawning up more commonly and he thought of something something he didn't like but it was his only choice
•"Y/N!, Kid we need to talk" you walked downstairs to see that your father was looking really serious like this was gonna be a long talk you gulped mentally "yea Dad also did you get my voicemail?" "That's the one we're talking about," your father said his eyes narrowing at you "But another thing since villains these days are commonly targeting heroes these days and I was worried about what would happen to you when you're home alone so I decided to nezu about enrolling you to Ua High-" just when you said that you jumped in his arms hugging him so tight "YES YES THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU" Aizawa may be defeated and nervous but seeing you bleamed up like you used to as a kid made him think you'll be fine "Alright then you start tomorrow im sure my class will love you"
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trixie-pixie · 3 years
every perfect summer's eating me alive (until you're gone)
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Jan has never understood the feeling of love before, not until now, when she’s driving through the city streets with her best friend at 1 AM, singing along to Madonna’s discography that’s playing so loud she could feel rather than hear her voice breaking. Jackie wasn’t a singer by any means, but she’s always indulged the blonde- especially on late summer nights like this when they know they don’t have too many chances to do this again. The air outside is cool with the light breeze of a late August night, but inside the car, Jan feels nothing but warmth and pure love as the end of Madonna’s Like A Prayer faded out.
Jan lets out a giggle as the car suddenly became far too quiet for her liking. Jackie smiles at her in the mirror, not willing to take her eyes off the road but still giving her a look that makes warmth bloom in Jan’s chest, and not just from the slightly excessive amounts of alcohol she’s drunk at the party they’re on their way back from. Jackie had been happy, as always, to be a designated driver, so long as Jan had a good time and got home safe.
“I love this.” Jan says, matter-of-factly. “I love this so much. I love you so much. I just love being alive.”
Jackie chuckled at her best friends excited rambling. “I love you too, Janessa-” Jan could never control her smile when she heard that. “What’s going on in that pretty little head?”
Jan is silent for a moment, ignoring Jackie’s teasing tone. She’s feeling thoughtful (and more than a little bit drunk), and the question just tumbles out of her mouth.
“Do you think you’ll ever fall in love?”
Jackie laughs before realizing that Jan is stone cold serious. The blonde is looking at her like her answer could change the world, like it’s the only thing she’s ever needed or wanted.
She pauses to think for a moment, and Jan thinks that it’s the most beautiful thing she’s ever seen. Jackie’s dark brown curls are pulled back behind her head, but the stubborn ones continue to fall around her face, refusing to be brushed away. She’s wearing a hoodie over the short black dress she had worn to the party, and Jan envies her for being smart enough to remember one. Jackie looks warm, but it might just be because Jackie is warmth personified. From her smile, to her deep chuckle, to the way she can always warm up Jan’s perpetually cold hands, Jackie is warmth.
“I don’t know-” Jackie says quietly, and Jan is intrigued. “How should I?”
“What do you mean you don’t know? How could you not?” Jan shouts, as if Jackie’s answer is the craziest thing she’s ever heard.
“I don’t even think I know what love is supposed to feel like! I mean, I understand liking someone, but I’ve never fallen in love with someone- not real love, at least,” Jan nods along with Jackie’s words, absorbing them like they’re scripture. “What about you, Jannifer? Any plans to abandon me with the hunk of your dreams?”
Jan cackles at that. “God, I have no clue-” She admits. Jackie laughs along with her, and soon their giggles fill the car, louder than the now-forgotten music.
“How could you make fun of me for not knowing when you have the exact same answer! You’re such a hypocrite!” Jackie exclaims, and the girls burst into another fit of giggles, thankful that they’re at a red light because Jackie definitely wouldn’t have been able to pay attention to the road if they had been moving.
“I don’t know, I guess I don’t know what it’s supposed to feel like either!” She laughs, but quickly her tone sobers. “I don’t know if it’s supposed to be like the movies- I’ve never looked at a boy and felt… like that. I’ve never had those butterflies for a boy. It just feels weird, honestly.”
“I feel that,” Jackie replies earnestly. “But it’ll come. Definitely for you, Jan, I mean, look at you. Anyone who wouldn’t date you is an idiot. But there’s a boy out there for you, I know it.”
“Yeah,” Jan replies, and that was that.
She feels unnerved at Jackie’s comment- was it that talking about the L-word made her nervous? Or was it the compliment that is making her feel awkward? Jan shakes it off- it’s most likely the alcohol in her system that’s making her feel off. She smiles as Jackie parked a few doors down from Jan’s house, making it easier for her to sneak back in after being out far later than she should be.
She thanks Jackie for the ride and hugs her tight across the console. Jackie stops her just as she’s about to shut the door.
“Wait, I have news,” Jackie sounded both nervous and excited, and Jan perks up at this, forgetting about her previous discomfort.
“Wait, what? Tell me! I need to hear!”
Jackie let out a nervous chuckle. “Well, uh, speaking of boys-” She started. “D’you know Cody? From school?”
Jan knows Cody- he’s a nice guy. A weird art kid with a mullet that could rival any 80’s boy band, but a nice guy nonetheless. They’ve never exchanged more than a few words, but he’s never been anything but kind. So why does Jan feel bile rising in her throat?
“Of course I know him- what about Cody?” She responds, attempting to hide the discomfort that is quickly returning. Her fists clench, trying to ignore the blood rushing in her ears.
“Well-” Jackie begins, trailing off.
“Well?” Jan pushes. She knows what’s coming- she knows what her best friend is about to say. She knows that her reaction has to be perfect, even if all she wants to do at the thought is cry. Why is she so upset?
“He asked me on a date-” Jackie blurts out, and Jan does everything in her power not to let her face fall. The cool summer air has turned frigid, and Jan feels freezing cold and suddenly sober.
“-I said yes!”
And that’s how Jan’s night ends with her puking on the neighbours lawn at 1 AM.
“Holy shit, Jan, are you okay?”
“I’m fine-” she hiccups. “Just had too much to drink. I’m sorry.”
Jackie looks worried- Jan almost never throws up from alcohol. Even when she gets absolutely wasted, Jan is usually the one to just sleep it off.
“Are you sure? You aren’t feeling extra tired or weak or anything?” Jackie lists off symptoms, and Jan reassures her.
“God, no, I promise I’m fine. Just nauseous- I’ll drink some water and sleep it off. I promise.”
Jackie’s expression softens, and she hugs Jan.
“Text me when you get home safe, yeah?” Jan confirms. Jackie nods into her shoulder.
“You’ll probably be passed out by then, but I will. Make sure you take care of yourself, alright? I love you.”
Jan feels immediately guilty at the expression- Jackie has told her she loves her a million times, but this time, her stomach sinks, and it definitely isn’t due to the alcohol. She simply nods and smiles, not being able to force a response out of her mouth. She gives the brunette one last squeeze before she goes and attempts to sneak back in her house without her parents noticing.
They don’t, of course. Jan learned from the best- the best being her three older brothers, who got caught enough times to teach their baby sister exactly what not to do. Jan was just as much of a troublemaker as the boys, maybe even more at times, but with a dazzling smile and her sweet mannerisms, she could get away with just about anything.
Jan sneaks into her room without incident, making sure to get herself a large glass of water on the way. She feels exhaustion rooting itself in her bones- nearly enough to neglect taking her makeup off before crawling into bed. Keyword being nearly- she may have had a long night, but Jan is not about to take it out on her skin.
She drags herself to the bathroom- her feet are aching from her uncomfortable heels and her head is pounding from her current state, but she makes it there. Right as she goes to grab her face cloth, her phone lights up with a flurry of messages from Jackie.
1:16 AM
Jackie 💜: made it home!!! get some sleep ily
Jackie 💜: i’ll call u after the date tmw
Jackie 💜: i’d get u to help me get ready before but ur gonna be sleeping til noon after drinking that much
Jackie 💜: wish me luck!!!! ilysm babyyyy
It’s at that moment that Jan bursts into tears.
She doesn’t know why she’s so angry at the thought of Jackie going out with Cody- it’s not like Jackie belongs to her. But in a way, she does. Jackie is hers. Jackie has been her best friend since middle school- she’s seen Jan through tears of pain and joy, she’s held Jan’s hands during pre-soccer game pep talks and pre-show encouragements. She’s held Jan close to her chest on some of her worst nights, and Jan has done the same for her. The thought of her best friend in someone else’s arms is almost too much to handle, and Jan sinks to the floor. Jackie is hers- not some stupid boy’s from English class.
Every time she thinks about stupid Cody and his stupid smile, it feels like another knife wound to her heart. She just wants to crawl into bed and be alone- not alone. She wants to be with Jackie. Jackie, the only person able to talk Jan down from her drunken meltdowns. Jackie, who is the only person that Jan would want to talk to about this, and is the only person she can’t.
Jackie. Her Jackie.
Jan falls asleep that night wearing a hoodie stolen from a certain brunette and with tear stains on her pillowcase.
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moonlit-imagines · 4 years
Better Late Than Never
Cal Kestis x reader
a/n: added these two prompts together!
prompt: anonymous: “can you do prompt 2 from fluff with cal kestis pls”// 2: “Is there a reason you’re blushing like that?” 
anonymous: “hello! can u do #6 fluff with cal kestis please? love ur writing!” 6: “Please just kiss me already.”
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“Boo!” Cal jumped out from the bushes of this unfamiliar planet without warning, your first instinct was to yelp and jump back. He’s lucky you didn’t pull your blaster on him.
“Cal!” You groaned once your realized the situation, for someone raised by Jedi, he sure didn’t act like it. “Are you kidding me? You could have attracted some kind of predator!” You argued and heard his goofy laugh take over. “I’m serious!”
“Oh, I know you are.” He shook his head and walked on ahead, you quickly caught up next to him, listening to his chuckled fade out.
“Is there a reason you’re blushing like that?” You asked with a roll of your eyes, it was always something with him.
“You’re just funny without trying.” Cal’s smile was still present, you just had to shake your head. Then he started laughing again.
“What’s so funny, Kestis?” You shoved him to the side while he did absolutely nothing to hide his laughter.
“I’m...” Cal sighed, “I’m just thinking about the way you screamed when I scared you.” He admitted. “It was kind of cute.”
“Shut up!” You yelled at him and picked up your pace, your face was beginning to heat up hearing all that Cal had to say about you. He was such a jokester, you could never tell if he was messing with you or not. Next thing you knew, BD-1 was running by your side. “Come up here, BD.” You invited him to hop on your shoulder and he did so successfully.
“Beep boop boo.” BD trilled out, giving you a bit of a shock.
“You’re kidding.” You blew off the droid’s comment. “Cal is just messing with me because he knows he’ll get a rise out of me.” You shrugged, trying to keep your cool.
“Be-beep.” The droid went on. A few beeps later, you’d heard his whole story and explanation for Cal’s behavior. And why Cal sent his droid over to explain.
“He’s telling the truth, you know.” Cal finally chose to catch up to you, smirking at the reaction he witnessed you giving his droid. “I’m not wonderful with feelings. The Jedi didn’t teach us how to deal with them, only to keep them in. Meditate on them sometimes. Now I can live the way I want to, and I’ve been living that way with you for a while.” The boy explained genuinely, leaving you speechless. BD hopped off of you and watched from the sidelines as you took a few steps closer to Cal.
“Please just kiss me already.” You whispered, giving Cal a feeling of joy. He thought he had really messed this up, but on the contrary. The young Jedi scooped you off the ground and kissed you for the first time, the feeling of your arms wrapping around his shoulders and neck delighted him, he’d never felt this way before. There was a mutual admiration for one another, something that you had both been feeling for some time. It was better late than never...
taglist: @alwaysananglophile // @locke-writes // @sweetheartliz07 // @queen-destenie // @lotsoffandomrecs // @captainshazamerica //
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waveypedia · 4 years
complete and utter chaos [ducktales group chat fic] - Chapter 4
Ao3 I Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3
let kids be kids
6:55 am
TheWebbedWonder: hi :3
Junior-Woodchuck74: you couldn’t have waited five minutes
ICanDeweyIt: it’s the kids gc uncle donald won’t know
Junior-Woodchuck74: knowing him he’ll find a way
ICanDeweyIt: true
ICanDeweyIt: anyway what’s up
Junior-Woodchuck74: over half of us live in the same house as you and we’re all sleeping
TheWebbedWonder: im not
Junior-Woodchuck74: you should be
Junior-Woodchuck74: you stayed up until 3 on facetime with Lena
lenaonme: yes and
Junior-Woodchuck74: when you and Violet come over we’re going to have a talk about healthy sleep habits
lenaonme: you’ll never catch me, nerd!!
ICanDeweyIt: SHUSH huey im bored
Junior-Woodchuck74: I know
adefinitelyrealboy: do you like cat videos, Dewey?
green-sharpie: oh no
adefinitelyrealboy: Webby and I have been sending some back and forth to each other!!
TheWebbedWonder: Finally a fellow cat video enthusiast :3
green-sharpie: webby istg
ICanDeweyIt: oh YES
adefinitelyrealboy: yay!!
adefinitelyrealboy: I’ll send them right away <3
Family Group Chat!!!
7:01 am
mutant-krill!!!!: good morning everyone!!
ICanDeweyIt: good morning!!
Lucky-Gander: good morning!
Lucky-Gander: What’s the haps today
lenaonme: please never say that again
TheWebbedWonder: WHO’S WITH ME
Junior-Woodchuck74: Webby, we just started planning a sleepover
Junior-Woodchuck74: and you’re allegedly planning an adventure?
TheWebbedWonder: I am :3
Violet-Sabrewing: please stop using that emoticon
TheWebbedWonder: :3 :3 :3
adefinitelyrealboy: oh!! That’s so cute!!
TheWebbedWonder: I know :3
UnoCaballero: maybe focus on one thing at a time, webs
TheWebbedWonder: ugh fine
Adventure-Pilot: do you need any help planning your adventure?
TheWebbedWonder: Ooh are you offering?
Adventure-Pilot: sure!
TheWebbedWonder: !!! I’d love that!!
Adventure-Pilot: 💖💖💖
Tea Time: Stop stealing my children.
TheWebbedWonder: aww Granny!!
TheWebbedWonder: It’s okay you can both be my parental figures 💖
TheWebbedWonder: I have lots of them!!
ICanDeweyIt: Webby’s winning in terms of parental figures tbh
Junior-Woodchuck74: true 😔😔
TheWebbedWonder: >:3
green-sharpie: stOP
TheWebbedWonder: no >:3
dr. mad scientist: thanks i hate it
Tea Time: Which one of you children taught him that
Blathering-Blatherskite: I feel déja vu
Lil’ Bulb: I did :3
TheWebbedWonder: YES
TheWebbedWonder: EMBRACE IT
ICanDeweyIt: never
TheWebbedWonder: I CAN AND I WILL
green-sharpie: lol run
Junior-Woodchuck74: Dewey just got up and sprinted away
lenaonme: webby ended our call :(
ICanDeweyIt: you guys called AGAIN
lenaonme: yes and
UnoCaballero: is someone else joining our chat today?
DosCaballero: wym?
Junior-Woodchuck74: Well, Webby seems to add one person every single day
Blathering-Blatherskite: except for yesterday, when she added both of you!
DosCaballero: hah! we’re special!
DosCaballero: @TrêsCaballero get over here we’re being special
TrêsCaballero: Did someone say special?
TrêsCaballero: Because I am very special! ✨
Junior-Woodchuck74: btw Tío José most people use that emoji ironically now
TrêsCaballero: Oh? Well I suppose they just couldn’t handle the sheer power of me! ✨
lenaonme: heck yeah reinvent the world break those stereotypes
lenaonme: @UnoCaballero stop editing my texts
TrêsCaballero: I will!
TrêsCaballero: the sparkles emoji was invented specifically for me
DosCaballero: oh absolutely
UnoCaballero: stop swearing then
lenaonme: ur not my dad
UnoCaballero: but I am your uncle
lenaonme: skdfghgfds
lenaonme: ok 
Junior-Woodchuck74: @Blathering-Blatherskite answer my DM
Scrooge-McDuck: don’t distract my employees at work lad
Blathering-Blatherskite: sorry I was getting something for webby
Scrooge-McDuck: you are working
Blathering-Blatherskite: yes that
dr. mad scientist: hey DUMMY
dr. mad scientist: get over here and work on this chart
Blathering-Blatherskite: why are you texting the mega group chat we're literally in the same room
Scrooge-McDuck: see laddie? work. work that needs to be done
Scrooge-McDuck: I’m not paying them to waste time on their phones, you hear?
ihaveahead!!!: i’m not sure if this is meant for huey or for us
Lil’ Bulb: probably both
Scrooge-McDuck: it’s both
ihaveahead!!!: that checks out
TheWebbedWonder added M.A.M.A. 
Blathering-Blatherskite: M’MA!!
Junior-Woodchuck74: oh hello Ms. Cabrera!!
M.A.M.A.: hello!!
Scrooge-McDuck: oh no my employee productivity!!
adefinitelyrealboy: Hello! I’m Boyd, a definitely real boy!
M.A.M.A.: um, alright.
M.A.M.A.: nice to meet you, Boyd!
adefinitelyrealboy: my name is an acronym just like yours!
M.A.M.A.: Oh really? What does your name stand for?
adefinitelyrealboy: Be Only Yourself Dude!
M.A.M.A.: Well that’s certainly wholesome.
adefinitelyrealboy: thanks! I picked it out myself!
adefinitelyrealboy: what does your name stand for?
M.A.M.A.: María Antonia Magdalena Aldonsa. It’s my name!
TheCrashiestCrash: neat!!
Scrooge-McDuck: welcome Ms. Cabrera, now my employees need to get back to work
UnoCaballero: ok lol
Scrooge-McDuck: what does that mean?
Scrooge-McDuck: Donald, what does that mean???
UnoCaballero: have fun~
dr. mad scientist: HAHAHAHAHAHA your middle name is faulteroy???
Adventure-Pilot: dude your name is literally gyro you don’t have much of a leg here to stand on
dr. mad scientist: neither do you, DUMBELLA.
moonlander-general: HAHAHAHAHA is that really your full name??
Adventure-Pilot: shut up shut up
dr. mad scientist: that’s what you get
Blathering-Blatherskite: Gyro got banned from Starducks because he cursed out employees who thought his name was an allusion to the sandwich
dr. mad scientist: it’s not MY fault they can’t see the brilliance in a perfectly good name!!
dr. mad scientist: i picked it out myself!!
green-sharpie: oh, so it’s perfect in every way
dr. mad scientist: yes!!!
dr. mad scientist: wait was that sarcasm
dr. mad scientist: if that was sarcasm you will rue the day!!!
Scrooge-McDuck: Gyro, what did we say about threatening children?
dr. mad scientist: not to.
Scrooge-McDuck: good!!
Scrooge-McDuck: now get back to work
DosCaballero: you really have a one-track mind huh
Scrooge-McDuck: HEY
Lucky-Gander: he does care a lot about money
wreathedingold: ugh it’s the opposite
wreathedingold: he doesn’t care enough about money
Scrooge-McDuck: come now Goldie
Scrooge-McDuck: i put my family above my money and i’m not shy about it
Tea Time: as you should.
Scrooge-McDuck: thank you, Bentina.
Teach Penny and Mom Pokémon Group Chat!!!!
11:22 am
ICanDeweyIt: ok what’s your favorite pokemon
ICanDeweyIt: this is for science
Junior-Woodchuck74: did you finally escape from webby
ICanDeweyIt: shhh i’m hiding
Ultimate_Scrooge_Fangirl: not for long
ICanDeweyIt: nO
ICanDeweyIt: anyway
ICanDeweyIt: i’ll go first
wildlymisunderstood: i don’t like pokemon
TotallyNotGizmoduck: LIES
ICanDeweyIt: NO
ICanDeweyIt: i can’t believe you’d do this to me gyro
wildlymisunderstood: dr. gearloose
ICanDeweyIt: treason
ICanDeweyIt: treason of the highest caliber
ICanDeweyIt: this calls for… public execution!!!
wildlymisunderstood: lol no
aw-phooey: dewey…
ICanDeweyIt: anyway i like keldeo and jigglypuff
lenaonme: >:o neither of them are even blue
ICanDeweyIt: part of them are!!!
lenaonme: who are you and what have you done with dewey
ICanDeweyIt: shut UP
green-sharpie: anyway i like snorlax
Ultimate_Scrooge_Fangirl: leaked louie fact: he would snuggle with a snorlax
aw-phooey: confirmed
green-sharpie: whaaaaat they look vv cozy
green-sharpie: tell me you wouldn’t
Ultimate_Scrooge_Fangirl: okay fair
Ultimate_Scrooge_Fangirl: i’m writing down “snorlax plushie” as a gift idea!!
green-sharpie: OOOOOH 👀
green-sharpie: WEBS YOU’RE THE BEST
green-sharpie: the rest of you need to step up
Ultimate_Scrooge_Fangirl: 🥰🥰
green-sharpie: hey you know what i also like
green-sharpie: meowth
green-sharpie: meowth plushie go
Ultimate_Scrooge_Fangirl: i’ll put it on the list!
aw-phooey: louie
universesgreatestadventurer: louie
Junior-Woodchuck74: louie c’mon
green-sharpie: ugh fine
ICanDeweyIt: webby go
green-sharpie: you’re just trying to distract her aren’t you
ICanDeweyIt: yes and
Ultimate_Scrooge_Fangirl: fairy types!
wildlymisunderstood: of course
aw-phooey: i like Gyarados!
Lucky-Gander: as you should
moonlander-general: that sounds like Gyro’s name
Ultimate_Scrooge_Fangirl: ooh yeah it does!
wildlymisunderstood: I suppose Gyarados is deserving of my name
universesgreatestadventurer: oh my god-
wildlymisunderstood: della shut up
universesgreatestadventurer: hey
aw-phooey: hey
wildlymisunderstood: any pokemon would be better anyway though
aw-phooey: no they’re not
wildlymisunderstood: incorrect
TotallyNotGizmoduck: hey don’t fight!
Ultimate_Scrooge_Fangirl: uhh
Ultimate_Scrooge_Fangirl changed green-sharpie’s name to Snorlax’s Cuddle Buddy
Ultimate_Scrooge_Fangirl: tell me i’m wrong
wildlymisunderstood: you’re wrong
Ultimate_Scrooge_Fangirl: shut up you don’t actually think that you just wanted the chance to tell me off
wildlymisunderstood: truth
Snorlax’s Cuddle Buddy: okay valid 
Snorlax’s Cuddle Buddy: but how does that solve anything
Ultimate_Scrooge_Fangirl: idk
ICanDeweyIt: mom wbu?
worldsgreatestadventurer: my team consists of a growlithe, a lucario, a garchomp, a zorua, and a sneezel!
Ultimate_Scrooge_Fangirl: oooh very concise i like it
worldsgreatestadventurer: thank you, dear!!
Ultimate_Scrooge_Fangirl: 🥰🥰 skdfdksl;df
ICanDeweyIt: cool cool cool
ICanDeweyIt: writing that down thank you
worldsgreatestadventurer: should i be worried?
aw-phooey: nah
PM between TotallyNotGizmoduck and lenaonme
2:44 pm
lenaonme: yo
TotallyNotGizmoduck: hi, Lena.
lenaonme: so
lenaonme: huey yelled at me
TotallyNotGizmoduck: haha sorry
lenaonme: geez don’t apologize when i’m trying to apologize lmao
TotallyNotGizmoduck: oh! Uh.. i’m not sorry?
lenaonme: that works i guess
lenaonme: anyway it was supposed to be just light teasing i’m sorry for being mean
TotallyNotGizmoduck: it’s okay
lenaonme: you don’t have to say that
TotallyNotGizmoduck: it is though!
lenaonme: okay thanks
lenaonme: and please for the love of all things magic change your name
TotallyNotGizmoduck: one day
lenaonme: but really
lenaonme: i am sorry
TotallyNotGizmoduck: well… I hereby accept your apology!
lenaonme: kjsdfhgjfkdls
lenaonme: thanks
TotallyNotGizmoduck: anytime
2:53 pm
TotallyNotGizmoduck: oh and Lena?
lenaonme: yeah?
TotallyNotGizmoduck: I know we don’t really talk but I still care about you
lenaonme: huh
lenaonme: thanks
lenaonme: i really am sorry
TotallyNotGizmoduck: it’s okay
TotallyNotGizmoduck: I’m here if you need me
lenaonme: thanks
lenaonme: I might take you up on that one day
Family Group Chat!!!!
3:34 pm
UnoCaballero: is everyone okay?
UnoCaballero: sound off
green-sharpie: yep
Scrooge-McDuck: here
Blathering-Blatherskite: yeah, what’s going on?
Junior-Woodchuck74: Mom and Webby unleashed a portal to the boiling isles during their adventure research
Blathering-Blatherskite: oh shoot, do you need Gizmoduck’s help?
Blathering-Blatherskite: cause I can call him. Yeah. i have him on speed dial
Blathering-Blatherskite: cause so many of Gyro’s inventions go haywire!
Lil’ Bulb: oh my god
dr. mad scientist: not evil.
Blathering-Blatherskite: that’s not what I said.
dr. mad scientist: just wildly misunderstood.
Junior-Woodchuck74: Fenton… 
TheCrashiestCrash: I think we’re good! Thanks!
Blathering-Blatherskite: No problem!
TheWebbedWonder: yeah but it was fun! And I’m a lot closer to figuring out our adventure!
TheWebbedWonder: thanks!
Adventure-Pilot: anytime sweetie!
dr. mad scientist: your family is ridiculous
wreathedingold: seconded
Lucky-Gander: agreed
Adventure-Pilot: aw, you love us
lenaonme: you guys realize you’re all part of the family right
Violet-Sabrewing: the group chat is called “Family Group Chat”
TheWebbedWonder: don’t forget the exclamation points!!
Violet-Sabrewing: of course.
TheCrashiestCrash: Dewey and I are still wrangling the last of those demons, mr. d!!
Junior-Woodchuck74: then why are you texting?!
Junior-Woodchuck74: hang on, i’m coming over.
TheWebbedWonder: me too! woohoo, more demons to fight!!
lenaonme: oooh i’m coming over!!
Indy_Sabrewing: maybe not…
lenaonme: oh come on
lenaonme: we face way worse all the time!!
purpleisforthegays: oh that’s true…
Violet-Sabrewing: I’ve already packed by nunchucks.
purpleisforthegays: oh you girls are going to give me a heart attack one day.
Indy_Sabrewing: don’t worry honey, I’ve already doubled our vacation fund budget. I just had to take some away from the Junior Woodchucks donations.
Junior-Woodchuck74: aw man
lenaonme: 😔👊
Violet-Sabrewing: It do be like that.
green-sharpie: [screenshot-my-longest-yeah-boi-ever.png]
Indy_Sabrewing: Lena, you’re corrupting her.
lenaonme: as i should.
Tea Time: we all do need a vacation one of these days.
ICanDeweyIt: ooooooh
Junior-Woodchuck74: Dewey! More fighting, less texting!
ICanDeweyIt: I can multitask!
Junior-Woodchuck74: no you can’t!
Junior-Woodchuck74: studies have shown that multitasking is, on a nanosecond level, virtually impossible
ICanDeweyIt: well, impossible is just another kind of possible!
Junior-Woodchuck74: no it’s not.
ihaveahead!!!: why are you guys texting each other in the main group chat when you live in the same house?
ICanDeweyIt: because we can.
Junior-Woodchuck74: because he’s ignoring me and I can’t hear much over these demons
Lucky-Gander: checks out.
TheCrashiestCrash: we’re all good here!
Scrooge-McDuck: I think that’s the last of them.
mutant-krill!!!!: can you possibly save any specimens for me to study when I arrive in Duckburg?
green-sharpie: webby has ten.
Junior-Woodchuck74: i think Mom has a couple too.
Adventure-Pilot: sure do! and I’d be happy to share!
mutant-krill!!!!: great, thanks!
Blathering-Blatherskite: wait, are you coming to Duckburg?
dr. mad scientist: oh blathering blatherskite not again
Lil’ Bulb: be nice.
mutant-krill!!!!: based on the star and naval patterns I’ve been tracking, Mitzy, Gladstone, and I should be arriving in Duckburg in a couple days!
Junior-Woodchuck74: why didn’t you tell us in advance? We have to prepare!
mutant-krill!!!!: sorry little donald! But this is in advance!
Junior-Woodchuck74: okay fair
ghostbutler: @Tea Time
Tea Time: What
ghostbutler: the house is disgraceful
Tea Time: You bail every time a fight breaks out!
ghostbutler: one of the perks of the afterlife
Tea Time: ugh, you are insufferable.
Scrooge-McDuck: Duckworth was there! He and I fought together!
ICanDeweyIt: can confirm; i stuck my hand through him again!!!
ghostbutler: every time you do that i want to die and i’m already dead.
Tea Time: You saw me fighting twenty demons and bailed immediately.
ghostbutler: it’s a compliment! I figured you could take care of yourself!
ghostbutler: was I wrong?
Tea Time: no.
ghostbutler: perfect! And you still need to clean the house.
wreathedingold: I sense petty drama that somehow I did not cause.
wreathedingold: the world is unbalanced.
Scrooge-McDuck: oh don’t worry, you’ve caused plenty more than your share of petty drama
wreathedingold: oh Scroogey, you flatterer!
dr. mad scientist: i will never understand their romance.
M.A.M.A.: You and me both, and I’ve only been here for a couple of hours!
Blathering-Blatherskite: hey, you two finally agreed on something!
dr. mad scientist: you take that back!
Junior-Woodchuck74: just going to point out that we literally finished fighting five minutes ago and there’s already another fight
green-sharpie: what did you expect from this family?
Junior-Woodchuck74: okay fair
TheWebbedWonder: I’d like to think we’re pretty good 
TheWebbedWonder: especially compared to like the Beagle Boys and Mark Beaks and his mom
dr. mad scientist: HA that’s what he deserves
dr. mad scientist: mark beaks? how about no
ihaveahead!!!: we do not stan
dr. mad scientist: thank you
dr. mad scientist: me seeing mark beaks' name: wish i was jared, nineteen
Violet-Sabrewing: Don’t be mean
dr. mad scientist: i will not be lectured by a child!
M.A.M.A.: (or anyone)
dr. mad scientist: you say that like it’s an insult but it’s true
ihaveahead!!!: but you’re insulted, aren’t you?
dr. mad scientist: shut up.
TheWebbedWonder: hey Violet’s very knowledgeable!!
Violet-Sabrewing: thank you Webbigail!!
Junior-Woodchuck74: It’s interesting; both of those dysfunctional family dynamics are caused by power abuses and imbalances and lack of communication
Junior-Woodchuck74: both of them have gone far beyond that, but that’s the root of the problem
purpleisforthegays: interesting!
DosCaballero: forgive me, but who are these people again?
dr. mad scientist: god i wish that were me
moonlander-general: villainous fiends!!
DosCaballero: oh okay
DosCaballero: @TrêsCaballero time to fight! The Three Caballeros ride again!
TrêsCaballero: the Three Caballeros ride again!
UnoCaballero: The Three Caballeros ride again!
moonlander-general: Are you three going to say that every time you do something together?
Scrooge-McDuck: You get used to it lassie
Scrooge-McDuck: What you DON’T get used to is three freeloaders mooching off your house and food!!
UnoCaballero: haha bye Uncle Scrooge! Villanious villains to fight!!
Adventure-Pilot: Ooh, fights? Where?
UnoCaballero: not for u lol
Adventure-Pilot: HEY!!
M.A.M.A.: Should I be worried you’re all so eager to be violent or-
dr. mad scientist: you’ve punched me multiple times
M.A.M.A.: you deserved it
M.A.M.A.: And I’ll do it again
dr. mad scientist: noted
Scrooge-McDuck: please don’t incapitate my employee when he should be working
M.A.M.A.: So i’ll do it when he’s off the clock, got it!
dr. mad scientist: hey!!
Lil’ Bulb: he’s always working anyway
dr. mad scientist: true
Scrooge-McDuck: that’s right! You need to work less, lad. I don’t want the unions telling me to pay you overtime
dr. mad scientist: so I can get punched?
Violet-Sabrewing: only if you deserve it
dr. mad scientist: very encouraging, thank you /s
M.A.M.A.: you always deserve it
dr. mad scientist: there we go
TheCrashiestCrash: hey don’t worry Dr. G!! I think you’re a nice person!!
dr. mad scientist: that is factually incorrect but thank you
Blathering-Blatherskite: okay okay let’s all calm down
M.A.M.A.: just say the word, pollito, and I’ll punch his face in
Blathering-Blatherskite: that’s the opposite of what I was going for but thank you M’ma
TheWebbedWonder: YES VIOLENCE!!!
Blathering-Blatherskite: Webby no
TheWebbedWonder: I do think Fenton’s right though! Some problems are better solved with love and compassion
TheWebbedWonder: no matter how much I like punching things!!
Tea Time: that’s my granddaughter!
Scrooge-McDuck: atta girl!!
TheWebbedWonder: aww thank you 💖💖
adefinitelyrealboy: I agree! Talking and understanding can solve a lot of problems!!
Junior-Woodchuck74: statistically, a lot of problems are caused by simple miscommunication!
DosCaballero: especially in sitcoms and the like!
green-sharpie: it’s funny tho
purpleisforthegays: no, it’s just hard to watch
lenaonme: the secondhand embarrassment is real
Violet-Sabrewing: sometimes it’s done well, but that’s fairly rare. Of course that’s all an opinion.
TheCrashiestCrash: you gotta be careful to explain yourself before the problems get big!
Adventure-Pilot: that’s pretty insightful!!
PM between Junior-Woodchuck74 and TotallyNotGizmoduck
4:53 pm
Junior-Woodchuck74: Did you see the news?
TotallyNotGizmoduck: no I’m on the clock
TotallyNotGizmoduck: what happened? Is Gizmoduck needed?
Junior-Woodchuck74: I’m not sure
Junior-Woodchuck74: But there was another supposed PK sighting
TotallyNotGizmoduck: Interesting
TotallyNotGizmoduck: That’s the third time this week, and the seventh time this month
Junior-Woodchuck74: Some of them are definitely fake
Junior-Woodchuck74: But this one looks pretty real
Junior-Woodchuck74: If it’s faked they did a pretty good job
TotallyNotGizmoduck: my legal shift ends in forty minutes and Mr. McDuck will be displeased if I stay behind, but as long as I don’t mention overtime it should be fine
TotallyNotGizmoduck: Gyro does it all the time
Junior-Woodchuck74: Don’t take an example from Dr. Gearloose’s sleep schedule
TotallyNotGizmoduck: It is very unhealthy
TotallyNotGizmoduck: I’ve pulled my fair share of all-nighters working on projects, thought
Junior-Woodchuck74: That’s not the same though
Junior-Woodchuck74: I swear that man never sleeps
TotallyNotGizmoduck: He does
TotallyNotGizmoduck: at his desk
TotallyNotGizmoduck: for a couple minutes
TotallyNotGizmoduck: When Manny and I hide the coffee
Junior-Woodchuck74: of course
Junior-Woodchuck74: Well, thanks Fenton! Talk tomorrow?
TotallyNotGizmoduck: Of course
PM between Junior-Woodchuck74 and lenaonme
7:31 pm
lenaonme: so
lenaonme: i talked to fenton today
Junior-Woodchuck74: How did it go?
lenaonme: good, i think
Junior-Woodchuck74: That’s great!
lenaonme: he’s too nice for his own good
Junior-Woodchuck74: Well, you say the same thing about Webby, so I know that’s a compliment!
lenaonme: oh shut up
Junior-Woodchuck74: You know I’m right
Junior-Woodchuck74: anyway I think you guys will be friends!!
lenaonme: i think so too
Junior-Woodchuck74: Lena
Junior-Woodchuck74: You have no idea how happy that makes me
lenaonme: that’s what i’m going for
Junior-Woodchuck74: aww you softie
lenaonme: don’t tell anyone i have a reputation
Junior-Woodchuck74: I think you already ruined that one sorry Lena
Junior-Woodchuck74: we all see how you act around the Sabrewings and Webby
lenaonme: fair
PM between Ultimate_Scrooge_Fangirl and worldsgreatestadventurer
7:51 pm
worldsgreatestadventurer: did you get everything you needed?
Ultimate_Scrooge_Fangirl: yeah I got the amulet! 
worldsgreatestadventurer: perfect!
Ultimate_Scrooge_Fangirl: I almost have the entire adventure mapped out
Ultimate_Scrooge_Fangirl we just need the key from the goblin realm!
worldsgreatestadventurer: you didn’t get that from the Demon Monarch?
Ultimate_Scrooge_Fangirl: they got thrown in goblin jail for a diplomatic miscommunication a few years back and lost it
worldsgreatestadventurer: well that’s fine! more adventure for us, then!
Ultimate_Scrooge_Fangirl: woo-oo!!
worldsgreatestadventurer: so, how do we get to the goblin realm?
Ultimate_Scrooge_Fangirl: I got the incantation we need to open a portal from the Demon Monarch!
worldsgreatestadventurer: perfect! Do you want to invite Lena and Violet over?
Ultimate_Scrooge_Fangirl: do you even need to ask?
worldsgreatestadventurer: I guess not!
Ultimate_Scrooge_Fangirl: Violet and Lena are my supernatural summoning buddies! The boys just don’t have the same penchant for it as we do :(
worldsgreatestadventurer: ngl i think Louie got traumatized by one of your summonings
Ultimate_Scrooge_Fangirl: yeah, we try to do it when he’s out of the house now
worldsgreatestadventurer: good to hear
Ultimate_Scrooge_Fangirl: other than that, I finished the map of the rock course based on the testimony we got from that weird flesh creature from the other dimension!
worldsgreatestadventurer: haha yeah… that was weird…
worldsgreatestadventurer: let’s not think about that!
Ultimate_Scrooge_Fangirl: fine by me!
Ultimate_Scrooge_Fangirl: Do you want to play Death Soccer Obstacle Course with Dewey and I?
worldsgreatestadventurer: do I!!
Ultimate_Scrooge_Fangirl: meet you in the backyard!
worldsgreatestadventurer: I’ll be there!
Family Group Chat!!
8:34 pm
Junior-Woodchuck74: So.
Lucky-Gander: oh no
Blathering-Blatherskite: This can’t be good
DosCaballero: Donal’ used to do the same thing when he was mad!
UnoCaballero: I still do
UnoCaballero: and I am mad
TrêsCaballero: oh no
mutant-krill!!!!: what happened, little donald?
Junior-Woodchuck74: Dewey’s in the ER
M.A.M.A.: what? What happened? Do I need to arrest someone?!
Blathering-Blatherskite: Is there an evildoer on the loose?!
adefinitelyrealboy: oh no!! I hope he’s okay!!
TheCrashiestCrash: wait!! Dewey’s injured??
Tea Time: Launchpad you drove him there!!
TheCrashiestCrash: oh yeah!!
Lucky-Gander: ?
Tea Time: Dewey has a broken leg, but he’ll be fine
Junior-Woodchuck74: He was playing soccer on Webby’s obstacle course and jumped out of one of the third story windows
ihaveahead!!!: oh dear
ICanDeweyIt: it’s called death soccer obstacle course, dear hubert
dr. mad scientist: well I can see where the death part comes in
ghostbutler: In reality a broken leg is fairly tame compared to death
lenaonme: oh true
Violet-Sabrewing: you both would know
Indy_Sabrewing: Hey, be nice. Dewey just broke his leg.
TheWebbedWonder: there’s lots of death! Dewey’s just good enough to escape with only a broken leg!!
dr. mad scientist: jeez you are all crazy
lenaonme: so are you lol
ihaveahead!!!: you have no moral high ground here
Junior-Woodchuck74: Lena, what did we talk about?
lenaonme: bruh
lenaonme: sorry
ICanDeweyIt: nah ur good
dr. mad scientist: eh it’s true
dr. mad scientist:  i’m a scientist i don’t hide from the truth
ihaveahead!!!: …
Lil’ Bulb: are you sure about that
dr. mad scientist: shut UP
dr. mad scientist: you will be silent or i will make you
ihaveahead!!!: oooh i’m so scared
wreathedingold: ooh secrets!
green-sharpie: i am looking
dr. mad scientist: oh blathering blatherskite
ICanDeweyIt: hey this is about me remember?
Junior-Woodchuck74: dewey oh my god
green-sharpie: ok i won’t go with you to the hospital then
green-sharpie: i’ll sit on the couch and watch ottoman empire
ICanDeweyIt: you won’t you love me too much
ICanDeweyIt: right? Louie?
ICanDeweyIt: LOUIE???
ICanDeweyIt: quick everyone help me spam his pms
dr. mad scientist: i have better things to be doing 
lenaonme: i spam his pms daily it won’t make a difference
ICanDeweyIt: yall are the worst 💔💔
UnoCaballero: so no one’s going to mention that that’s just not nice
UnoCaballero: ok
Adventure-Pilot: you’re just salty that I spam your pms daily
Adventure-Pilot: kids did i do it right? Did i use the slang???
TheWebbedWonder: yes good job!!
lenaonme: congrats
Junior-Woodchuck74: good job mom!!
Adventure-Pilot: heck yeah!!
green-sharpie: shut UP i'm coming
ICanDeweyIt: I knew you couldn't resist the Dewey charm!!
green-sharpie: oh trust me, it's very easy
green-sharpie: it's harder to not resist it
ICanDeweyIt: but you do, because you loooooveeee meeeeee
green-sharpie: ...fine
ICanDeweyIt: 😌👊
PM between 22 and ghostbutler
11:25 pm
22: bitch
ghostbutler: How crass, Bentina. It fits you.
22: bitch
ghostbutler: blocked
22: unblock me
ghostbutler: yes?
22: bitch
names (as of the end of the story)
Huey: Junior-Woodchuck74 Dewey: ICanDeweyIt Louie: Lou / green-sharpie* Webby: TheWebbedWonder / Ultimate_Scrooge_Fangirl* Donald: aw-phooey* / Dadnald Scrooge: Scrooge-McDuck* / Moneybags Della: worldsgreatestadventurer* / Adventure-Pilot / universesgreatestadventurer /acepilot Beakley: 22 Launchpad: TheCrashiestCrash Lena: lenaonme Violet: Violet-Sabrewing Duckworth: ghostbutler Gyro: worldsgreatestinventor* / dr mad scientist / wildlymisunderstood Fenton: TotallyNotGizmoduck* / Blathering-Blatherskite Manny: ihaveahead!!! Lil' Bulb: worldsgreatestinvention* / Lil' Bulb Gladstone: Lucky-Gander Fethry: mutant-krill!!!! Indy: Indy_Sabrewing Ty: purpleisforthegays Goldie: Wine-Aunt* / wreathedingold Penny: moonlander-general
*kicks down door* WE'RE BACK BAYBEE!!!!
I'm really sorry about the wait. I didn't intend for it to be this long. I did have a suspicion I might need more time, especially since the day I was originally supposed to post this was the first day of school and just before that I had just pounded out a pretty major piece of writing in two days, so I was a bit burned out. But I've had low motivation because of school, and I've also been working on a pretty big project - I'm writing the script for a fangan comic on instagram (cerealronpa)! (it was pretty fun working on this story and that at the same time because they have COMPLETELY different moods haha.) It won't be out for a while yet and the premise is pretty different from my usual stuff, but I highly encourage you to check it out when it comes out.
anyway between Cerealronpa and school I definitely have less time and motivation than before, so I might push this back to updating every two weeks instead of weekly, sorry about that. I'm not entirely sure if I'll be able to even stick to that, given how long it took me to get this one out, but I'll do my best! it's a little better now that I've settled into a routine anyway.
for the life of me I could not figure out a good username for Officer Cabrera when I was planning this, so I think the wait turned out well because of Frank's ask! I was writing her introduction and trying to think up one on the fly when I was like oH WAIT- djsdfgfd
a very very big thank you to everyone who replied to my tumblr post or discord message(s) about what pokemon the ducktales characters would have! if you responded to this fic offering to help me with pokemon I haven't forgotten that it's just talking to new people is scary so I chickened out this time sjdfgfdfghgfd i'll get you sometime! But for now this is good. I tried to include every pokemon people gave me so I hope it makes sense! Also a thank you to my friend Moon, who's a very big Pokemon fan but not a Ducktales fan, and who did her best to help me. She won't see this but she deserves a shoutout anyway.
Della and Webby's dynamic is one of my favorites so expect more of it!! I was surprised to realize I hadn't written an PM of them yet so here we go!! There'll definitely be more of it in the future.
also there are lowkey Weblena hints in this one if you squint since I just kind of vibed with it while I was writing, but if Weblena's not your cup of tea don't worry. I love me some good Weblena any day, but the focus of this fic has and always will be family and character dynamics. I'm not sure how it'll play out but I love Webby and Lena's dynamic, romantic or platonic, so just a heads up!
don't pull all-nighters like Gyro unless you really need to, kids. get some sleep, it's good for you!
there's a very small tdp reference and a lot3c reference in here and i'm really curious if anyone will catch them 👀
there's also a very small line that's me just like Gyro trans? Gyro trans. Anyway you can pry trans Gyro out of my cold dead hands please and thank you
I think the "Gyro got banned from Starducks" thing is from a very very old discussion (like 2 years ago dsddfgjaksld) I think it might've been @fangirl530 who brought it up? unsure. but it pops up in my head every now and then and i love it so much
I hope you enjoyed and I'll do my best to update again soon!! Your support, especially comments, but even just the hit count, means the world to me. It makes me really happy to hear people are enjoying this story!! I'm so happy it's as fun for you to read as it is for me to write.
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xiezuo · 6 years
hi! can i request hcs for mark tuan as a dad/with a pregnant s/o? i saw ur post about jb and i loved that, so i was wondering if u could do that for mark too 💕
Masterpost | Rules | WIPs
Of course I can I love Mark so much ;-; Wow these posts do make me softWarning : strong language (like in all my posts lmao)
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Mark Yien Tuan (GOT7)
That moment when you lowkey stalk an idol’s dad on Twitter to get an idea of how they’d be as a dad
Ok so I feel like Mark is always super responsible when it comes to sex (wrap it before you tap it kids !)
So if you get pregnant it’s most likely because you planned on having one
So really when you missed your period, you weren’t very surprised, in fact you were really excited
You wanted it to be a surprise so you didn’t tell him about it and bought a pregnancy test on your way back from picking up the groceries
But he knew something was going on because you were suddenly so ??? Weirdly happy and giggly ????? He knew you were planning something
Which you were
So Mark had to leave for promotions for about two weeks and you thought this would be the perfect time to do the pregnancy test without looking suspicious
And surprise surprise (not really), it’s positive !!!!!!!!
You have to refrain yourself from texting all your friends and family about it because you want Mark to be the first to know
And the day before he comes back you let him know you have a little surprise for him at home
Needless to say Mark is super excited and lowkey thinking it has something to do with stuff you do in the bedroom
So he’s a little confused when he comes home and you’re in your pajamas reading a book on the couch in the living room
And he doesn’t even notice the huge banner on top of the couch that says “welcome home dad” for a good minute or two
But when he does it takes him about 20 seconds to register the information before he’s smiling and giggling like an idiot because he’s just ???? So happy ????? He can’t wait to start a family with you
He picks up your book and throws it somewhere behind him and pulls you into a warm bear hug and doesn’t let go for 30 minutes
The first person you tell after that is Mark’s dad
You both call him on Skype to tell him the good news and lowkey Raymond is almost tearing up and so are you
Being pregnant doesn’t change much to your relationship tbh
Aside from the fact that he compliments you 198165189164 times more and calls you sexy mama constantly
You could be taking out the trash and he’d find a way to make it look like you’re a model on the runway
Really though the fact that you’re pregnant with his child is somehow really appealing to him
But other than that, Mark is pretty chill with it
Being a dad doesn’t freak him out at all and he’s confident you’ll both do an amazing job
Parenting books ? Prenatal classes ? What are those ? Mark doesn’t know
He’s a “we’ll figure things out once we get there” kind of guy
He also respects your autonomy so he doesn’t feel the need to baby you and he lets you do your things on your own
But if you ask for help because you can’t do something then he’s there in 0.2 seconds
Lowkey wishes it’s a girl but is still very and if not even happier when you find out you’re expecting a boy
And he can’t help but go into stereotypical father-son territory where he already makes plans about teaching your son how to play sports
But then catches himself and says that he’ll also teach him about arts and music if that’s what your kid’s into
I feel like he doesn’t do anything fancy to tell the boys about your pregnancy
In fact they end up finding out on their own when you’re all hanging out and you turn down the drinks they offer
And they’re like ????? You never did that before
And it’s Jackson who just assumes you’re pregnant and yells it so everyone else hears
And lowkey they’re all mad because Mark never told them but he’s just like “the subject never came up”
Because to him it’s just a normal thing that you’re pregnant
A similar thing happens when it’s time to announce to the world that you’re expecting
Like you kinda lay low when the baby bump starts showing so you and Mark are rarely seen together in public anymore, if ever
The fans are concerned and continuously ask Mark on social media
So Mark eventually decides to post an update about you on Twitter, saying everything is fine and that you’re just being careful not to put the baby in dangerous situations
Let’s just say Twitter goes wild that day
But other than that, the pregnancy goes smoothly
He makes fun of your weird cravings all the time too
As calm as he was during the pregnancy, when it’s time to give birth it’s a whole other story
You wake him up in the middle of the night to complain about really bad cramps
And they feel nothing like the ones you’ve been experiencing for the past 9 months, this shit’s the real deal
And he’s up and ready in 2 seconds, doesn’t even take the time to get dressed, and he’s already out the door with your hospital bag in hand
Ends up coming back to help you walk to the car but he’s freaking out
Speed limit ? Stop signs ? Red lights ? What are those ? You’re thankful it’s 2AM and no one’s on the road because Mark would’ve caused accidents with his reckless driving
When you arrive at the hospital, he’s still freaking out and nearly causing a scene, nearly shouting at random nurses for help
You end up being the one having to calm him down despite being in so much pain
Eventually someone comes in and brings you to an exam room to determine if labor as begun or if you’re just experiencing Braxton Hickscontractions
Turns out you’re not and the doctor can already feel the baby’s head trying to come out
You’re rushed into the delivery room and Mark has trouble keeping up with everything
Boy does he regret not reading those books Jaebum bought for you because he has no idea what’s happening
He tries his best to stay strong for you because you’re screaming and you’re very obviously in pain
He ends up being completely useless
When morning comes he starts getting phone calls from the other members because he’s missing practice and he loses his temper and just texts them “my son is being born shut the fuck up this is more important”
30 minutes later the whole group is in the hallway in front of your room waiting for it to be over
Mark ends up joining them and by joining them I mean you end up kicking him out of the room because as much as he tries hiding the fact that he’s freaking out, he can’t, and you can’t deal with this shit while you’re pushing out a 15 lbs baby out of your vagina
After what felt like an eternity, he finally hears your baby’s cries and it just sounds like music to his ears
He comes back into the room to see this tiny little thing in your arms and his heart stops beating
You’re sweaty and panting heavily and you look like you’ve been run over by a truck but you’ve never looked so beautiful to him than in this moment
He carefully walks up to you and kneels right next to you, resting his head on the bed and stares at his son in your arms while the boys not-so-sneakily take pictures from the door frame
Mark is lowkey scared to hold him when you ask if he wants to because he’s scared he’s going to break him
But once he holds your son into his arms he doesn’t want to let go
And he shamelessly shows him off to the other boys like “look at this beautiful little thing that I made, isn’t he the most handsome boy you’ve ever seen in your life”
He will forever deny it but he cried when the little boy reached out to touch his face
But the honeymoon cuts short after you bring him home
Not really but Mark is the parent who keeps track of whose turn it is to get up to take care of the baby when he starts crying in the middle of the night
Which is every two hours for the first 6 months, at least
And his job doesn’t allow him to take long breaks so he never really stop doing idol things after your son is born, but he makes sure he’s never away from home for too long at once
If he has to leave the country for a long time, he insists on bringing you both along with him
Wants your son to have a great relationship with his grandparents so once your son grows a bit older, he travels a lot to L.A. with him so he can spend some time with Papa and Mama Tuan
I can see Papa Tuan tweeting about his grandson a lot whenever he visits, never missing an opportunity to roast Mark by making it look like your son is already better than him at everything
The fans love it because it’s so cute
As a dad, I feel like Mark is really chill and he respects your son’s opinions, personality and most importantly his privacy
I feel like he’s also very open to talk about anything to him and always answers his questions no matter how many he’s asking
And he’s very honest with him
6-year-old son : “Dad, how are babies made ?”
Mark : “Babies happen when a man and a woman have unprotected sex”
6-year-old son : “What’s sex ?”
You, shouting from the other room : “Something you should only do with someone you love after you marry them !!!!!!”
Mark : *dies of laughter* “Funny you say that since we we weren’t married when—”
You : “Finish that sentence and I’ll make sure marriage never happens”
I also feel like Mark would try his best to make sure he never witnesses when you guys are fighting
And you both mutually agreed that if there’s something that needs to be talked about, it has to be done in private with the doors closed and no shouting
He also doesn’t hold back with the affection he gives you when your son is around so he can grow up knowing what a healthy relationship looks like
I feel like he’s all in for your son experiencing life on his own but he does have some boundaries that if your son happens to cross, things aren’t gonna be so pretty
But your son has so much respect for his dad that the idea of testing his limits never really crosses his mind
In his teenage years your son thinks Mark is embarrassing but literally all his friends think he’s really cool
Mark will forever stay young at heart so it’s easy for him to connect to his son’s friends
Overall Mark would be an amazing dad, and if he ever has problems I feel like he wouldn’t hesitate to ask his own dad for advice
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swoonnu · 6 years
In Your Orbit
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“You see that star up there?” Mingyu takes his hand and points it towards the direction of his words. “There.” Soonyoung’s gaze followed the line of Mingyu’s long slender fingers. “That star is for you. When we’re old and crabby, and you go off to university and get a job, please remember me. When you’re studying the planets and solar system and teaching the world all the new science stuff, please remember you’re the brightest star in my universe.”
After graduating university, he moved to Japan to work for some scientific research program that studied the planets and get his Ph.D. Dr. Kwon Soonyoung, Ph.D., Doctorate of Planetary Science, that title held him in Japan for longer than he wanted to be there. During that time, life became too busy to talk, too hectic to write and too complicated to call.
Ever since preschool days on the playground, Soonyoung had found a sense of hope in the taller’s bright eyes. He was the gravity that held him in place when his mind seemed too clouded with self-doubt. You see, Mingyu was just that, he was hope. He was everything Soonyoung never knew he needed.
At age seven, he defended Soonyoung from bullies. At age twelve he gave Soonyoung his first kiss. And at age seventeen he gave Soonyoung his first heartbreak.
When Mingyu showed up at his bedroom window at 2 am, begging to be let in, Soonyoung obliged. When Mingyu excitedly talked about the girl he just kissed, Soonyoung listened. And when Mingyu told Soonyoung he was in love with her, Soonyoung’s heart broke into a million pieces.
At age twenty, Soonyoung came out to his best friend. Mingyu offered him no words but hugged him. The understanding and acceptance etched itself among his handsome features.
“University is so hard, Gyu. What if I’m not smart enough. What happens when I fail?”
“You’re the smartest person I know Soon; you’re doing so great.”
Four months later, Mingyu got his first modeling job, and Soonyoung took him out to celebrate.
“Soon you’re the best best friend a guy could ask for. Thanks for loving me.” Mingyu was drunk and happy. He was always happy, but drunk Mingyu was a sight that tickled Soonyoung’s heart.
“I love you soOOoooO muchhhhhhh.” Hiccup.
Two hours later, Soonyoung was dragging a very drunk, very heavy man to his bed.
“Kiss me Soonyoung.”
Soonyoung had successfully forced his feelings to the farthest corner of his heart, and moments like this, he begged his heart to stop betraying him.
“Gyu you’re drunk, sleep it off.”
“I know you’re in love me with, I’ve always known.” Hiccup. “And maybe I feel the same way.”
He looked down at his drunk friend, his heart threatening to beat out from his chest. “Gyu, stop please.”
Mingyu’s long fingers found purchase in the confines of Soonyoung’s sweater, pulling the elder closer than Soonyoung deemed necessary. “Please kiss me hyung.”
Whatever self-control Soonyoung had been able to muster at this point, was slowly flying out the window as Mingyu inched himself closer. “I know you want to; I know you’ve always wanted to. Well here I am, please take me. I’ve always been yours.”
There were no fireworks, no grand revelation. There was just warmth, warmth against Soonyoung’s lips and in the breaking of his heart. The warmth between them suddenly erupted as Mingyu pulled him ontop of his frame. Mingyu’s fingers were cold as they squeezed against the flesh of his hips. His breath was hot as it fanned across his collarbones.
Soonyoung squeezed his eyes shut, trying to ground himself from floating too high, too fast.
Please take me. Repeated against Soonyoung’s skin like a mantra, pulling him in deeper, reverberating against the cracks of his heart. “Gyu, you don’t want this. You’re not—you don’t feel the same.” In a feeble attempt to rid himself of the sudden rush of color to his cheeks, Soonyoung removed himself the body of his friend. “You’re drunk, just go to sleep.”
The small whimper that escaped Mingyu’s parted lips did little to calm Soonyoung’s aching heart. “I’m trying to tell you that I want this too. I’ve wanted this for a while. You’re so sure of yourself, Soon. So, sure of who you are and who your heart wants. But for me, I don’t know who I am. But right now, I’m sure that I’ve wanted you to do this for as long as I can remember. I’ve never done this before. Not with anyone. But I know I want to try with you. Please. Please just have me.”
Watching a six foot something man kneel before you, begging you to take him made every reservation Soonyoung had to disappear. He was not expert in the field of sex, but the little experience he had made him sure of enough things.
At twenty-one, Soonyoung woke up alone after taking his best friend’s virginity. And at twenty-one, his heart broke for the second time.
Five days later, Mingyu texts Soonyoung for the first time.
[text from puppygyu] I’m sorry
[text to puppygyu] I know
[text from puppygyu] can I come over?
[text to puppygyu] probably best if you dnt
[text from puppygyu] r we ok
[text to puppygyu] idk. u just left?
[text from puppygyu] im sorry
[text to puppygyu] me 2
[text to puppygyu] give me time
[text to puppygyu] we’ll b ok
[text to puppygyu] eventually
[text from puppygyu] call me when you change ur mind
Two weeks later and it wasn’t better. One month later and it still wasn’t better. Three months later and it finally got…easier.
And at twenty-two, Soonyoung moved to Japan. “You know Gyu, Japan is so cool, and everyone is so different. I wish you could see it.” I miss you was left unsaid.
“Soon, do you think I can visit for Christmas?”
“Yeah sure, kid.”
Christmas was when Mingyu told Soonyoung about him.
“His name is Wonwoo, and he’s so smart and mysterious, Soon. He owns the magazine company my agency works with a lot, and I want to kiss his face. He wears these round glasses all the time, and I’d like him to fuck me with them on.”
Soonyoung groaned with annoyance; he was tired and overworked. He was homesick and just wanted to eat real Korean food again.
“Oh. I shouldn’t tell you about this. I’m sorry.”
Mingyu had come to visit him like promised and all he talked about was this stupid new man in his life. He just wanted to punch his stupid face every time Mingyu spoke about him. “Gyu, you know it’s fine. I’m tired that’s all. We’re past those stupid feelings.”
When Mingyu returned home a week later, Soonyoung ignored his texts for a few days. Mingyu did not seem fazed, too busy with Wonwoo.
[text from mingyu] HE FINALLY ASKED ME OUT
[text to mingyu] fking finally
[text from mingyuI] he's so cute soon. Im dying.
[text from mingyu] wow I’m so gay
[text to mingyu] welcome 2 the club
After that, communication became infrequent. Soonyoung finally finished his program, finishing with honors and landed a job with a great company. Mingyu updated him on his dating life with Wonwoo and Soonyoung played along as being interested.
At twenty-four, Soonyoung met Jihoon and got his heart ripped from his body once again. A year and two months into their, honestly who knew what it was, (pinning for years after your first love doesn’t sit well for a potential boyfriend and said boyfriend being emotionally constipated, does not do well for any type of real relationship), Soonyoung watched as Jihoon packed his things and left his apartment for the last time.
An entire bottle of soju later, Soonyoung found himself drunk texting Mingyu. They hadn’t spoken for months, stubbornness or too busy, who knows.
[text to mingyu] he could have been the one u know
[text to mingyu] he could have made me happy
[text to mingyu] but NO u had to come into my life and fuck me up so tnks for that. I was fine pretending I dnt love u. and then u had to drunkenly hook up with me and suck me into the living hell that is being in love with u
[text to mingyu] I should have said no, I should have pushed u awy
[text to mingyu] I hate you kim mingyu I hate everything abut u and u stupid pretty face
 Incoming call from Mingyu….
“What do you want stupid?” Pause, hiccup. “Soonyoung, stop drinking.” His voice pulled a sob Soonyoung didn’t know he was hiding. “I love you, I’ve loved you my entire life, and you never loved me back. I finally thought you felt the same and then I woke up alone. How can you do that Gyu..how could you watch me break every time you saw me.” Soonyoung was openly sobbing now.
“Soonyoung you cant— I do love— “ Sigh. “Please just stop okay.” Silence.
“I think its best if you don’t contact him anymore.” That must be Wonwoo, Soonyoung thought. “He’s already hurt long enough over you.” Call ended.
At twenty-five Soonyoung needed a vacation, so he returned to Korea for his school reunion.
“I cannot believe it’s been so long. How are you? How’s Japan treating our Star?”
“Jeonghan, it’s been years since I heard you call me that. I’ve missed it. But it’s Hoshi would be the correct term now.”
“Oohhh, very Japanese of you.”  
“Work is hard, I feel like the stupidest person there, but I love it. How are you?”
“Seungcheol asked me to marry him. Which obviously, we can’t do here in Korea but its something.”
If Soonyoung choked on his beer, it was because of the news (not surprising news, those two had been together for 10 years) and not actually because he saw Mingyu make his way over to them, looking all type of fine.
“Oh look here, we have our world-famous model joining us. Mingyu, you tall, handsome man, hug me.” Seokmin pulled Mingyu into a hug, the latter gleefully reciprocating.
If Soonyoung drank his beer a little faster, no one mentioned it. “Hi, Soonyoung-hyung.” Ugh, so formal, Soonyoung hated it.
“Hi.” Was the only response he could muster up.
“Everyone this Wonwoo, Wonwoo this is Jeonghan, Joshua, Junhui, Seokmin, Sungcheol and—“
“Soonyoung, I’ve heard.” If the annoyance was evident in Wonwoo’s voice, no one mentioned.
Two hours later and everyone was drunk happy, reliving their childhood memories. Soonyoung was sitting across the table as Mingyu and Wonwoo stayed occupied amongst themselves.
“If you glare any harder, you’re going to burn holes in their clothes.”
“Shut up Seokmin.”
If Seokmin laughed a little too loud when Soonyoung slapped the back of his head, Mingyu and Wonwoo did not seem to notice.
When Mingyu and Soonyoung found themselves alone at the table later that night, Mingyu was the first to break the silence.
“Are we ever going to be okay?”
“Yeah sure, kid.”
“Don’t kid me. Answer my question.” Mingyu looked across the hall, watching Wonwoo talk with Jun. “Are you and I going to be okay?”
“What is your definition of okay Gyu?”
“Cut the bullshit Soonyoung.” He finally turned to look at him, “Look at me damn it. Look at me and see I am happy. I am finally happy with him, and you should be happy for me.”
“I am happy for you Mingyu.” Soonyoung finally looked at him, “I am happy for you, but I’m also still in love with you. I will never not be. But I am happy for you. I wish I could find that with someone else as easily as you.”
“You think it was easy?! You know nothing.”
“Then enlighten me how difficult it was for you?! When you weren’t the one who was hopelessly in love with your best friend for years. You know nothing about pain until you finally get the person you’ve been in love with only to wake up alone the next morning and not hear from them for days! You know nothing about heartbreak until you finally see that person and they can’t stop talking about someone else. You know nothing, Kim Mingyu and you’re an ass for thinking otherwise.” The commotion between them seemed to go unnoticed by everyone else.
“I left because I was scared and stupid. I didn’t know what it was like to be gay. I had never even thought of myself as gay. And then you showed up and made my heart feel complicated. And then you came out to me, and my heart thought there was something. And then I got drunk, and you looked at me, and I knew all along that I was in love with you just the same. And then I left because I was scared. But then you left thousands of miles away, and I broke done because I went looking for you. I came to your house but your mom told me you moved already, without even saying anything. You were my first everything. My first love and heartbreak. You were also the last heartbreak because I met him.”
“Well fucking congratulations to you. Please do me a favor and give me my fucking heart back.”
An hour later and Mingyu was carrying a very drunken, crying Soonyoung back to his hotel. “I’m sorry gyu.” Hiccup, sob. “I’m so sorry for everything.” Hiccup, sob.
“Shh, it's alright. I know.”
That night, Mingyu made love to Soonyoung. Mingyu had kissed the salty tears from his cheeks, a wordless promise he shouldn’t have made, and that morning, Mingyu was the one who woke up alone, and a single text from Soonyoung flashed across the screen of his phone.
[text from Soonyoung] everything is shattering, and it's my mistake
Two days later Soonyoung had returned to Japan, his heart broken more than before he left. He threw himself back into work, and when he got a text from Seokmin four months after returning, he was eager to see a familiar face.
[text from Seokmin] Let me crash at your place while I'm in jpn
[text to Seokmin] as long as you buy me soju
A week later and Seokmin and Soonyoung were drunk in the latter's apartment.
“Mingyu and Wonwoo broke up you know.”
“Oh yeah?”
“Yeah, Mingyu broke up with him.”
“Hmm, that’s strange. He seemed so in love.”
“Yeah.” Sip. “You still love him?”
“No.” Lie.
That night Soonyoung hooked up with someone other than Mingyu and Jihoon, and it was something. It felt great to feel needed and wanted, and Seokmin was a great addition to his wounded heart.
At twenty-seven Soonyoung found himself moving back to Korea for work and his heart wasn’t sure how to take it. Seokmin had been a constant partner over the last year, but neither wanted to be anything serious. They’d hook up every time Seokmin’s company brought him to Japan and after he’d return to Korea and they’d text randomly.
Mingyu had landed a big modeling gig that he invited the whole group of friends to tag along. Soonyoung had yet to see him since his return to Korea, and during the time Soonyoung had been gone, Wonwoo had implanted himself amongst his group of friends because he and Jun had started dating, Mingyu was actually pretty content with it.
“I don’t think I can go Seok. I mean, I haven’t seen him in a long time, and I don’t know what to say.”
“You’ve been friends your entire life; it’s not like you two are strangers. Plus, you’re with me, and he’s with some fancy photographer.”
“But we’re not actually together.”
“No one needs to know that.”
Pretending to be in a loving relationship with someone was easier than it looked but having a group of nosy, ever-present assholes for friends, made it harder to believe.
“We all know you two are just fucking and not actually together.” Damn you Yoon Jeonghan.
“So what.”
“As long as you two understand that and are happy. Leave them be babe.”
“Do not babe me Seungcheol; this is going to end poorly. I’m tired of walking on eggshells between our friends. It is exhausting.”
“Hyung, we’re okay. We know what we are doing.” Bless Seokmin and his ever-present happiness.
As Soonyoung watched Mingyu walk the runway later that night, he felt a sense of pride wash over his system.
“Hi everyone, this is Minghao. Minghao, this is everyone.”
“Oohhh Minghao is that a Chinese name I sense?!” Junhui had spoken in Mandarin to the fellow Chinese man.
“Yes, born and raised before moving to Korea about four years ago.” He responded in their mother tongue.
Two hours later everyone was eating and drinking, all enjoying each other’s company.
“So you and Seok? I never saw that coming.” The space on the couch next to him shifted as Mingyu sat down.
“It just sort of happened I guess, we’re not actually together though.”
“Yeah I know.”
“So Wonwoo and Junhui huh?” Soonyoung faced his former best friend.
“Yeah that too, just sort of happened. But I am happy for them.”
“We’ve really changed, haven’t we?”
“Yeah I guess we have, hyung.”
Soonyoung finally looked toward the younger and realized at that moment, how much the two had grown. “I’m so proud of you Gyu.”
Minghao and Mingyu did not last very long and when Mingyu ended up at Soonyoung’s door at 1 am, Soonyoung let him in. He was always letting him in.
“I love you.”
“I know.”
And that night, Soonyoung held a sobbing Mingyu while they drifted off to sleep. And that morning, Soonyoung woke up engulfed in Mingyu’s arms. He had stayed.
“Please don’t go.”
“I’m not going anywhere Gyu. I promise.”
Two months later and their friendship had returned to normal. It was like all the years of angst had never happened, but they refused to acknowledge the fact that they were still, hopelessly in love with each other.
At twenty-eight, Soonyoung attended his first wedding as a best man. Seungcheol and Jeonghan finally had their ceremony, still not legal in their country, they had all flown to the US Virgin Islands to experience a week-long wedding party.
“God he looks so fuckable in a suit Gyu. How is it that fair?!”
“You two are already fucking; you know what it’s like.” Mingyu laughed as a drunk Soonyoung ogled over Seokmin wearing a suit. “Your arrangement is weird. Just hooking up, for this long and no strings. I don’t see how he does it.”
“Yeah but but—“ Hiccup. “We’re allowed to do whatever we want and whomever we want. He’s pretty understanding and great and so fuckable.”
Mingyu laughed as he patted his friend on the back, “You’re in love dude. You want more, don’t you?”
Hiccup. “No. I am fine with that arrangement. Because I can still check you out and not feel guilty about it.”
“Even after all these years, huh?”
“Always. My sexy model of a best friend. You were my first love, and I’ll always want to bang you. Or let you bang me, either one is fine by me.”
“You’re a hot mess; you know that.” Mingyu laughed a took another sip of his beer. “I don’t want that though; I want what they have.” Soonyoung followed his gaze towards the newly married couple, “Don’t you?”
“I used to.” The response sounded unintentionally bitter against his tongue.
“Do you think we could have ever worked out?”
“No, we were pretty young and stupid.”
“And now?” Mingyu’s gaze found its way floating back towards Soonyoung, the latter already looking at him.
“We’re old and stupid.”
As the sun set that night, Mingyu found himself being pushed against the door of Soonyoung’s hotel room, the latter’s hands tugging at the hem of his shirt. “Take this off before I die.”
Mingyu obliged. “Oh my god.” The elder groaned as his hands traced the lines of Mingyu’s tanned stomach. “I forgot how hot you were.”
“You only want me for my body.” Mingyu laughed. “Right now, that is true.”
Soonyoung trailed his lips down the taller’s skin, leaving a trail of shivers with them. “Don’t regret me tomorrow, please.” Mingyu pleaded.
“There will never be a day that I regret you.”
As Mingyu pressed Soonyoung into the mattress that night, he felt his heartbreak, wishing for more.
By the fourth day of the trip, Mingyu and Soonyoung had spent more times buried inside each other than they had in the whole time they’d known one another. They had imprinted their names on each other’s skin, like tattoos marking their history together; taking and giving what they had tried so hard to forget.
“He’s in love with you; please be cautious.”
“Wonwoo, I know.”
“No, no you really don’t get it, Soon.”
“I’ve known him my entire life, and I was in love with him for most of it. I know what it looks like.”
“You know he didn’t dump me right. I broke up with him because he called your name during sex.”
Soonyoung stared at him, unable to respond to the information he was being given.
“He cried for hours afterward, apologizing and I knew right then, I knew I would never be you. Minghao wasn’t you. Seokmin and Jihoon weren’t him. You two have drifted far enough from each other for far too long; I think it’s time you give up fighting.”
As Soonyoung watched Mingyu laugh with Joshua, he knew right away what was happening.
“Help me do something please.”
On the second to the last day of the trip, Soonyoung texted Mingyu.
[text to gyu] meet me on the beach.
[text from gyu] right now?
[text to gyu] yes, now
Soonyoung locked his phone and waited. He waited and waited, Mingyu showed up finally.
“Soon, what’s going on?”
“Please sit with me.”
Mingyu took the spot next to Soonyoung on the blanket. And before he lost his courage, word vomit spewed from his mouth, “Mingyu I have spent my whole life orbiting you. I felt that my life meant something when you were around. You offered a part of yourself for me and me only, and I can never undo the fracture that left on my timeline. You have always been the Sun in my colorless universe. I got too close, and I was burned. But I kept drifting around you, in constant need of your warmth. It’s like we are two stars on a course for destruction, but I wouldn’t mind colliding with you.”
“Soonyoung what are you saying?”
“I’m asking if you’ll let me orbit you for a while longer because I love you. I have always loved you. In every universe, on every planet, in every lifeline and in every possibility, I will always pick you.”
“You’ve always been the brightest star in my universe.” Before Soonyoung could respond, Mingyu was tilted his chin up and kissing him. All those years ago, there were no fireworks, but right now as he breathed in Mingyu, he felt like he was breathing for the first time. He pulled Mingyu closer, fear that he would run away. He wanted to imprint himself into the warmth that was Mingyu’s skin.
For so long he thought he was a burnt-out star in Mingyu’s life, Mingyu was just too far to see the light had faded. He was ever cautious about the time it took for them to catch up, afraid he would finally see the dullness but that night as Soonyoung made love to Mingyu, he realized then, that they had finally collided; the Big Bang, the beginning of everything.
At thirty-one, Soonyoung found himself standing on the same beach, marrying his best friend.
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Running Into You - No. 6
Installment number 6 in my series of AU oneshots about Dan meeting his favourite youtuber AmazingPhil for the first time.
AO3 link
Genre: Fluff, with a sort of 2009-ish feel (but it’s still AU)
Warnings: A bit of swearing and some mentions of low self-esteem but literally it’s just fluff
Prompt: Missent Text
Summary: Dan’s on his gap year, so naturally he’s spending most of his time lounging around on the internet, watching his favourite youtubers and scrolling through tumblr. When he gets an accidental text from an unknown number, he doesn’t think much of it, until a series of events start to convince him the sender might just be someone he idolises: AmazingPhil.
A/N: This draft is like 2 years old, but @agingphangirl convinced me to post this while we’re waiting for pinof. It’s epistolary form, so I hope it isn’t too confusing. Hope you like it ^_^
Phil’s texts are italics, Dan’s texts are in quotation marks
6. Missent Text
Where r u?
Sorry what?
Where r u I’ve been here 10 mins
…Am I supposed to be somewhere?
You said on dm you’d be here at 6, I’m getting cold ^_^
Um I’m sorry mate but you must have the wrong number
Oh crap!! Sorry!!
.Lmao it’s ok. Just checked my dms and nothing interesting enough to make me be outside in this weather sorry
Tell me about it x_x I’m freezing. But if you’re not peej then I’ll be here a while
Unfortunately for you I go by Dan
Oh. Well, hello Dan. Sorry for bothering you with my freezing antics
Nvm it’s cool
It’s more than COOL, it’s COLD enough for ICICLES
I’m sure ur exaggerating
No my nose is an actual block of ice
Where even are you? Unless you’re in the Arctic you might want to get that seen to
Sorry! Peej showed up eventually (the friend I thought you were). Turns out he gave me the wrong number. All sorted now. I promise not to bother you again
Honestly it’s fine. I probably need more human contact so you did me a favour
Haha, glad to be of service ^_^ also I was in Manchester. It’s so cold it snowed. My icicle nose is allowed
Manchester? That’s like waaaaay in the north
Not that far but cold enough for icicle noses :P
Yes yes ok you’re allowed an icicle nose
Haha thanks :P so where are you, if not in the north?
Ohhhh so a proper southerner
I guess you could say that
Well hello Dan the proper southerner
God no that makes me sound like a queens guard or something
Do you queens guard people have time to text?
We’re too busy dealing with the corgis and all that shit
I knew it 0.o
XD but really I’m sitting in bed on the internet lol
Actually same
Haha really?
Yep. Which sites you on?
Just the usual. Tumblr, YouTube. My favourite youtuber has a new video due out tonight
Nice ^_^
What sites are you on?
Currently uploading a video to my YouTube channel
You have a channel?!
Haha yeah ^_^
Which one? Would I know it?
I don’t know. It isn’t a huge deal but it’s fun
Yeah I mean I admire that. I’d love to have a channel
Why don’t you?
Idk too scared I guess
Awr ^_^ nothing to be scared about honest, it’s just you and a camera
And the whole of the internet xD
Haha I try not to think about that part 0.o thousands of people watching me
Thousands? Wow so you must be a pretty big channel
Heh I guess, maybe ^_^ so who are your favourite youtubers?
Oh man I have loads XD Smosh, community channel, AmazingPhil (the one I’m waiting for the new video), charlieissocoollike
That’s a good mix ^_^ my new video is 99% uploaded and stuck there x_x
Seriously? Your connection needs to sort its shit out
Haha yeah it really does. I think it’s being attacked by bees
Or wasps
Tiny horned beetles?
Do they even exist?
Idk but if they do they’re attacking my wifi
I’ll send the insect spray
Haha thanks XD it must have worked as my video is finally uploaded!
…Great video. Especially the lion wedding, that was sweet
Haha thanks! Glad you liked it, took ages to get the dress on lioness. Plus my mum nearly walked in on me 0.o
Holy fuck you actually are AmazingPhil aren’t you
Um, well, yes.
AmazingPhil, FantasticPhil, Epic Youtuber
or just Phil if you prefer
I probably should have told you
Jesus shitting fuck I’m sorry for bothering you
Don’t be daft! I accidentally texted you first ^_^
Yeah but I bet you didn’t expect to end up with a weird fanboy. Um. Not that I’m a stalker I promise
Haha it’s ok Dan honestly
I’m not going to spread your number around or anything holy shit like I’m so sorry
Honestly, please don’t worry, it’s been nice talking to you ^_^ I appreciate you not spreading my number around though. I got lucky with you, don’t want to risk a creepy stalker finding me 0.o
Lmao I promise xD how do you know for sure I’m not a creepy stalker though
0.o I’ll set the bees against you
I’ll start running now
So out of curiosity how long have you been watching my videos for?
Oh um a couple of years now
Really? That’s awesome!
Yeah. You actually replied to one of my comments once ^_^ made my day
Aw haha that’s great, which video?
The toxic one
Oh my god >.<
Haha it’s a good video :P
I should remove it from the internet immediately
Don’t you dare! Your fans would be sad
X_x well this isn’t very fair if you know about me but I don’t know you at all
Well you know my name’s Dan
And you’re from Reading. Tell me more? ^_^
unless you don’t want to, that’s fine, I’m just curious
Haha no it’s alright. Um. I’m Dan. I just finished my A levels and now I’m taking a gap year
Oh cool ^_^ going to uni after that?
Probably. Thinking of law
Wow, that’s impressive
Haha we’ll see ^_^
Just checking but how old are you? I don’t want to be a creep 0.o
Lmao dw I’m 18 everything is legal
Phew XD Anything else I should know?
Well I’m currently undefeated at mario kart
What seriously? You’ve never lost?
Nope and I don’t plan to start :P
I’d beat you
I really wish we could test that theory
Haha that would be fun :P we could always test it over Skype sometime?
That’s probably really weird sorry
I promise I’m not a creeper
It’s ok, and yeah, I’d love to Skype sometime
Yeah? Yay! :D
Lmao you’re probably going to want to run a mile when you see me though
I doubt that very much unless you have like five eyes or something
Five eyes? Wtf XD
Idk you could be a giant spider
[insert pic] See? Not a giant spider :P
Oh wow yeah not a giant spider. I spy a cute guy :P
Shut up >.<
Nice hair
Lol I swear I had it like this before I started watching you
[insert pic] And here I thought I’d started a trend
Crap you actually are Phil >.< yeah your hair is cool enough to be a trendsetter tbh
Haha thanks XD and yeah I am Phil. Is that a problem?
Are you kidding me? Nope except I turn even more awkward than normal around people I admire
Aw well awkward people are the best. And at least there aren’t videos of you half-naked on the internet
You make a good point
Hey so I’m uploading a new video tonight but I can’t decide if it’s actually any good. Check it out for me?
Omfg are you seriously saying I get a sneak preview on an AmazingPhil video
Yes please ^_^ I might have overweirded. Need a second opinion
just like
give me a moment
fucking hell
wow ok
I’m calm now
yes I would love to check your video for you
Haha thanks. It’s up as unlisted, [insert link] please be honest with me if it’s terrible
Wow man that’s awesome! I love how interactive it is!
Omfg seriously how are you this creative like you shouldn’t be allowed
Haha really? Wow thanks, I’m not sure about the shot angle though and the lighting is kinda terrible
Yeah ngl the lighting is bad but you can’t control the sun
You never know! I could be a weatherman. But you seriously think I should upload it?
[insert pic with thumbs up] totally I love it
Aw I forgot how hot you are. It’s going up tonight then
Gah I’m sorry
Haha it’s fine, getting called hot is never bad in my book ;)
Would you believe it was autocorrect?
Haha if you want :P sounds pretty unlikely though
I’m hiding in a pillow and never coming out
No! Then your subscribers will hate me for taking you away
[insert pic in a pillow] do you like my new home
XD don’t hide from me seriously like you have a video to upload
[insert pic] ok true it’s on 68%
Damn YouTube upload times
Tell me about it. Have you ever uploaded a video then?
Lmao there’s one of me being a boss at DDR
Yeah? Can I check it out?
>.< Um sure, I’m a lame nerd though
Dan, have you even met me?
Haha ok true :P [insert link] just don’t say I didn’t warn you
No one’s feet should be allowed to move that fast. You’re so good, I fall over whenever I try and play
Haha I could teach you
Please be my DDR master Dan-sensei
Depends what you give me :P
I’ve got Pokemon cards
I’m sold
[insert pikachu with a lion pic] this was too cute not to show you
Awwww! Rawr ^_^ where is that?
Shop called forbidden planet. I’m in London on work experience and went there on my break
0.o London? You’re braver than me, capital cities scare me
Aw poor Phil haha
[insert pic] do I look ready for work?
Very serious
Srs bsns
[insert scared face pic] I’ll take YouTube any day
Haha. Me too tbh. Law offices are big and dull
Why do you want to do it then?
Idk. Job security? Having a point in life?
Fair enough :P
You did English didn’t you? Sorry I swear I’m not a stalker
Haha it’s fine ^_^ and yeah, English language and linguistics. Then a masters in post-production
Wow that’s so cool. So you’re in your 20s?
22 ^_^ My masters is the only reason I know how to edit videos :P
I wish I could
Well I can always teach you
Yeah of course, I reckon you’d be great at making videos
Really? Lmao I’m so awkward tho
That can work in your favour, trust me :P
Haha well if you say so, YouTube senpai
Listen well Dan-kun and you too will learn the ways of the YouTube
Haha you’re so strange
You’re just jealous
[insert pic] so much
Stop taking pics at work
But it’s so boring. At least send me one back, save me from the dullness
[insert pic] on my way to a meetup so might be a bit slow
Oh cool meetup like YouTube meetup?
I guess that must be fun
I’d love to go to one but too scared and awkward lol
Save me work is literally killing me
I can’t actually keep working here
ugh why did I ever think law was a good idea I’m going to die at uni
Whoops sorry I seem to have spammed your phone
Hey Dan, sorry! I forgot to bring my charger to the meetup so my phone has only just come back to me. I mourned it’s passing *plays lion king music*
Oh that’s ok
I really am sorry that I couldn’t distract you from your work
Lmao no worries
Don’t know if it’ll make it any better but I am working on a new video and lion says he thinks law is a very admirable career option
Tell lion thanks and I’d be even more grateful if he did my degree for me
He says sign him up where are you going to uni anyway?
Well I’m not there yet. I have to start applying soon
Looked around any?
Errrr I’ll get on that
Isn’t the deadline soon?
Yeah but I’m an epic procrastinator
Lion is very disappointed
Lion can suck my dick
Lmao I was kidding
besides you’re 18 you have loads of time to sort stuff out
Yeah but I have literally no idea what I’m doing
No one does. That’s why you go to uni - to figure it out
You seemed to have it all together
Haha thanks, but honestly, I was just making stupid videos in my bedroom
does that sound wrong?
Lmao a little yeah
Dw lol if you’re a sexual predator you’re a bit far away to do any real damage
:( I’d rather you were nearer tbh
Even if I’m a sexual predator?
Lol I don’t really think you are though
Well I’m not
And me too, Dan
[insert pic] last day at the office today I literally couldn’t be happier
Lol I can see from your face
[insert pic] is it that obvious
I’ll send lioness to aid you
Lioness not lion?
She’s much fiercer
Lmao probs true either way I’ll take help
At least soon you’ll be free
Yeah I literally can’t wait
Gonna do something to celebrate? ^_^
Lol all my friends are at uni
[insert pic] well Lion and I are proud of you
Aw thanks ^_^ I still forget you’re AmazingPhil sometimes
I’m deeply offended
no but really I’m just Phil and you’re really cool
Na it’s fine I just had to work
Oops XD
I’m hiding out in the toilets now so we’re fine lmao
and I have no issues with you being Phil
I mean it could be worse at least you aren’t a creepy stalker
I hope not. Also uploading another video tonight, I think you’ll like it
!!! Best celebration ever
So I may have been stalking you on Twitter and it seems your birthday is soon?
0.o stalker. And yeah it is ^_^
wait you follow me? What’s your Twitter handle?
Um. Yes I follow you. And this is going to sound very awkward and stuff but I kind of want to send you a birthday present
Omg Dan you don’t have to do that
Well I’d kinda like to so :P should I use your PO box?
Nah that takes ages to check, I’ll give you my actual address
I promise not to hunt you down
Tbh if it’s you I wouldn’t even mind
[insert pic with address] there you go
Lol is that a bank statement?
Yeah I’m so profesh
Phil! I could literally rob you
Well I trust that you won’t :P
Lmao you’d better
What’s your Twitter handle btw? You never said
Uh its danisnotonfire.
But please don’t judge me oh god I’m such a nerd
Dan honestly you’re the coolest person I know
sorry was that a bit much?
No! I’m just struggling to respond to the best youtuber out there calling me cool
Not just cool, the coolest :P wow you’ve commented on my tweets quite a bit
Sorry I never noticed you properly
You accidentally texted me I think that wins
Haha true
Happy birthday!
Thanks! ^_^ I have family stuff but I’ll talk to you as soon as I’m done
Sure sure have a great day!
[insert excited pic cuddling the presents] you’re amazing
you’re so amazing
I can’t believe you
honestly you’re too amazing
how did I ever meet someone this nice and funny and cool and kind and cute and sweet
and I know you must be sleeping it’s like 2am but I have to tell you
OMG you’re too adorable
who let you be like this and you’re too far away :(
I wish you could be here so I could give you a thank-you hug
Wow I’m glad you liked them :P I’ll take a thank-you hug
What are you doing still up?
Can’t sleep how was the party?
GR8 M8! My parents embarrassed me in front of everyone
Oh no what did they do?
Got the baby photos out >.<
Lmao I’d love to see that
I was ginger
OMG for real?!
Yes >.< *hides forever*
That’s adorable
You’re adorable
Your mum’s adorable
Actually shut up
:P aren’t you too old for immature arguments now
Go to sleep
Lmao I’m glad it was good though
Thanks yeah it was rly good
Looking through the photos now
Any good ones?
Mostly drunk XD [insert pic]
Who’s that guy?
My cousin
Lmao ok I was about to say hands off
XD he was really drunk
You look a bit worse for the wear too
I may be slightly intoxicated
Haha tut tut Lester
Shut up Dan :P what is your surname?
Howell? Like a wolf?
Lmao if you like
You’re so strange XD
it suits you though
you’re very brown
XD aren’t wolves grey?
Well yeah
but like
you have their wildness
Lmao I’m taking that as a compliment
You should
you’re hot as hell
but so young and sticky out
like a baby deer
A wolf and a baby deer?
And eyes like an owl
You and your animal metaphors
None of those are quite right though
Like your eyes are too pretty they’re more like the night sky
but coloured with earth
You’re drunk
I mean it though
…I know
I wish I had eyes like yours
No! Yours are perfect
They’re big and weird
They’re deep and beautiful and I could swim in them all day
and I’m not drunk
I should be sleeping
You’re sleep-drunk :P which is actually a thing you know
Right I’m going to sleep
We’ll talk about this when we’re both more sane
But I don’t want you to go
it’s quiet and sad when you aren’t around
and I’m cold here now
and it’s my birthday
Happy birthday you idiot. Now go to sleep
night Dan <333
I’m so sorry about last night I had too much to drink
Haha it’s ok it was your birthday
Yeah but still
I’m so sorry if I made you uncomfortable
You didn’t. There’s nothing to worry about
Do we need to talk about this?
Um. Do you want to?
Kind of
But kind of not
I don’t want to make you feel awkward
I’m always awkward
Dan, for real. You know what I mean.
Yeah I think I do
Do we need to talk about it?
I think we’re both aware it’s there. Let’s just see where it goes?
Yeah ok sounds good. And no awkwardness?
None at all, I promise <3
Good <3
Hey Dan, are you still up for Skype at some point?
Yeah, sure ^_^ tonight?
Yeah! I’ll just finish up editing
Ooh, what’s it like?
Haha spoilers :P what’s your Skype name?
Danisnotonfire same as Twitter
Original :P
added you
‘AmazingPhil has added you to his contacts’ you’re just as original I see
Shut up and answer the call
So my eyes are even bluer on skype? :P
Haha shuddup
They’re even more blue in person
Are they even blue lmao they’re like 3 different colours
[insert pic] mostly blue
Greeny yellow blue
Very poetic
Shuddup :P
sorry I’ll stop
Please don’t
Lol fishing for compliments?
Well if they’re being offered
You’re impossible
That isn’t a compliment
You’re ridiculously strange?
I’ll take that
Haha of course you would :P
So what are you up to?
Actually answering a few texts for once, you?
Throwing around some video ideas but I’m bored now. Who’re you texting?
Some school friends who are at uni
Nice ^_^
Well. Sort of. It’s weird
Tell me about it?
It’s just they all have these lives that are moving forwards and away from home and leaving me behind
and I just
My ex is dating someone else and I’m in exactly the same place as I was when she broke up with me
And I’m not content but I don’t really want to go anywhere or do anything and I just don’t know what on earth I’m going to do with my life
Were you happy with them before school ended?
Idk. I thought so at the time. But I don’t think I’ve ever really been happy, not yet
It’s ok. You don’t have to know right now. And one day you’ll leave all of them behind too and move on to something better
I think I already am. Having you around is better than them
Haha don’t apologise for being so sweet ^_^
Also I’m single now. And bi. Just to avoid confusion
I’m bi too. Probably
Not a massive fan of labels if I’m honest
If I feel something for someone then that’s all that matters
Might be demi, might be bi, might be somewhere inbetween.
And I don’t want you to worry about your future, ok? Everything is going to fall into place
And if it doesn’t I’ll be around to distract you with more lame animal comparisons
Haha I actually love you
Me too <3
Get on Skype!
Ok it’s late you’re probably sleeping
it’s just
ugh I don’t know who else to talk to so I’m going to rant at your phone like a completely normal person
but mum yelled at me for not doing my uni application yet
but I just don’t know what to do I mean law yes but how do I decide where?
This is huge
and I don’t want to rush into it
but she thinks I’m going to miss the deadline though there’re months left
and I just
now she isn’t talking to me
Dan I’m sorry I was sleeping. Skype now?
I really don’t mind you spamming my phone, please do, always, I’d rather you had somewhere to talk about this stuff
And you know, Manchester uni is good. I could show you around
I spoke to mum about going to look around the uni.
She asked where I would stay.
I kind of told her I have friends at uni there.
It’s a half truth right?
Awesome ^_^ Um do you think she’d like to know the truth?
She might freak out and be worried
Because you’re meeting a random man you’ve never met before?
Lmao when you put it like that
Are you honestly ok with this? It’s fine if you’re not
No no I’m so ok. I want to meet you. Like properly
I want that too. So much
So it’s going to happen. I’m buying train tickets
Awesome ^_^ but your mum?
Do you think I should tell her?
I think she’d be happier knowing where you are
Yeah. Yeah I know. I’ll talk to her
Give her my phone number too. And my address
Lmao you after more stalkers?
Dan I’m serious I want you to be safe
You spoon
yeah I’ll tell her everything. She might not be best pleased though
Dw if she locks you up I’ll come rescue you
I told her
!!! And?
She said yes
OMG!!!!! I’m out atm but Skype as soon as I get back?
Yes please :P
[insert happy pic]
[insert happy pic]
Hey Dan you should make a YouTube channel before you visit me
?? Really?
Yeah I mean you always say you want to. And we could do a collab ^_^
For serious?!
Yeah! I mean, if you want to
I’ve been wanting to do a Q and A for a while and it would be fun I think
Is that a yes?
Hell yes it’s a yes
Um only problem is
How do I even make a video?
However you want ^_^ you’ve told me loads of good ideas
But they’re so lame lmao
They’re really not. I promise.
Why not start with an introduction? Then you can go on to your actual content
Omg but like do you really think I could?
Honestly! Yes.
My mum’s going out in a minute so I’ll have the house to myself. I could film
That’s brilliant! I’m about to head out with mum but film whilst I’m gone and we can Skype later yeah?
Ok wow
Phil this isn’t working I sound so stupid
fucking hell I can’t do this
You can! Act like you’re on Skype to me
Can we Skype?
Still visiting my brother sorry :( tonight we will
Ok. I’ll keep trying
You can do it! Pretend the camera is me. Or any friend. It’ll help
Ok <3
Holy fuck Phil I have views.
And subscribers! So many subscribers!
Told you!!
This is because you tweeted it
No, it’s because you’re really bloody talented
>.< I can’t believe I did that
You did and you’re awesome and I’m so proud of you!
Can’t wait to collab :D
Me neither, if you still want to I mean
Silly, of course I want to. Best thing about this month
Um so a bit of a change of plan
??? Do I need to cancel the train tickets?
No no! Just
Turns out my parents aren’t going to be here the weekend you’re visiting.
Is that a problem?
Lmao no why would it be
are you planning to ravish me or something
>.< I don’t think I’ve ever ravished anything in my life
Well you can start with me ;)
Seriously though. Is it ok?
Yeah. Honestly it’s great.
Are you sure?
Are you?
Yeah I mean honestly it’ll be nicer to see you without having to get around them
I just don’t want to weird you out
You won’t
I hope not
Phil honestly I can’t wait
:D me neither
where are you btw? Skype isn’t picking up
Oh yeah, my internet is down, sorry
:O no wifi?!
No wifi. I’m not sure how I’m going to survive
I’ll spam you with texts
Actually I have something better
[incoming call: AmazingPhil]
I’m at the train station and it’s super early I’m not even sure you’re worth it
Sorry! I’ll make it up to you with hot coffee and hugs ^_^
Ok yeah you are worth it
Aw :D
On the train next to an old man who’s threatening to fall asleep on my shoulder
x_X tell him to keep his hands off
Lmao yeah I’m sure you’d really sort him out
I could be fierce
You’re literally a muffin with an emo fringe
I’ll fill your bag with bees
I’ll tame them into my own personal army
Then you’ll be our evil overlord
Can I be on your side when you take over the world?
Your lion powers could come in useful so yeah I guess so
Awesome we can run the world together
Yes :P
ugh the train is running late
:( by how much?
Twenty minutes atm
I’ll still get to the station at ten to
Well it might be running quite late by the time we get that far north
I don’t want to miss you. I’ll be there <3
I can’t wait
Me neither
Stuck in Stoke now. Literally the weirdest station I’ve ever seen
Haha really?
Yeah. And it’s packed. I had no idea this many people travelled this early on a Saturday, I didn’t even know this time exists
It doesn’t and you’re travelling in some other dimension right now
Shut up :P
Just waved my parents off. I’ll head out to the station soon
I’m so nervous
Me too <3
Promise you won’t run a mile?
Promise. I’ll see you soon Dan
See you soon
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fe anon here! Woah I'm actually crying your answer was so Intense and just So Much. Thank you! I love hearing your thoughts on their relationships. Out of curiosity tho, I sent an ask a while back about whether or not you'd be willing to share some more headcanons on how the Nohrian sibs+Beruka and Niles would interact with/react to the deaged awakening trio (and vice versa)? Bc I know u weren't sure you'd continue. Did Tumblr eat that? If ur comfortable talking about it I'd still love to know!
Oh, no, Tumblr absolutely ate that! My inbox is empty 99% of the time, so I definitely would have remembered something like that. If I don’t answer something within a few days, definitely feel free to re-send any asks because that means I didn’t see it!
As a whole, the kids would be wayyyy more wary of the Nohrians right off the bat, even if they’re told what happened and they believe it. They’d be like, “Really? A world without Risen?” and everyone else would say, “what the fuck is a Risen” and then they’d shut up real fast because these are Strangers. All three would probably be convinced they were actually in Plegia somehow until proven otherwise. 
Also, they’d still want to fight because that’s what they’ve been used to their whole lives, but the war is probably over at this point? So it’s just wandering packs of bandits and Faceless to take care of, and if one of the Royal Sibs or even someone the Trio knows goes out to take care of Faceless, the Trio wants to go too because they’re used to protecting their home and they feel restless and anxious to just be sitting around doing nothing. 
“No?” Literally everyone else says. “You’re like fourteen???”
“Yeah, and so’s Elise?” the Trio says, even though Elise is a few years older by this point. “It’s the same thing. But we actually have swords.”
“It’s different.”
“It absolutely isn’t.”
It’s uncomfortable for everyone. 
Also if they actually did sneak away and fight a Faceless, they’d probably be very efficient about it and work together really well, despite bickering almost 24/7 amongst each other in every other minute of every day. Risen are undead, so they don’t “die” the way most enemies would, and Faceless, though without souls, don’t work the same way? A Faceless is bigger but it will fall if you slice it enough times, unlike a Risen that takes extra effort and energy. So Faceless are actually a little easier to kill, but the fact these 13/14 year olds have so much experience fighting to kill would probably bother anyone that thought about it for 0.2 seconds. “Like. I know we grew up in Nohr, but that’s Not Good.” 
Fighting bandits is a different story, and I think if the Trio had to see actual humans hurting other humans, it would mess them up a lot because they came from a time where everyone who didn’t work as a group probably died already? Since lone figures cannot win against a pack of Risen by themselves. So humans vs humans is not anything they really think about until now. Laslow and Odin would probably take this extra hard because their moms were pretty caring and kind people (especially as healers/dancers, whose job it is to help and encourage people), while this would also fuck with Selena but she maybe got a talking to a little more explicitly from her mother or father before they left. (I’m taking this from Laslow’s conversation with Odin in…either the Hot Spring or Harvest Scramble DLC, where Laslow admits that taking his first human life after jumping through time nearly destroyed him because that wasn’t something he thought he’d ever have to do.)
Honestly, living is a peaceful world without fighting is probably the most important thing for their mental health. 
I’ve been lowkey thinking about this for a long time, but Odin would probably gravitate towards Elise a lot? Both because she has a very accepting and bubbly personality (she RP’d with Odin just because it was cool, and now they’re even closer in age so she’d probably do it again) and honestly she probably reminds him of Lissa. Straight up. Blond hair, pigtail style, youngest sibling, healer, cares a lot, etc. Even if he hadn’t recently lost his mom (which was probably semi-recently, since I hc Lissa being the last to go in the doomed timeline), he still would gravitate towards her. So they chill a lot. 
Leo is probably like lowkey jealous? Because Odin isn’t as interested in him anymore whereas he’d been totally devoted as an adult. He just wants to chill with Elise and other “cool” people and sometimes be by himself to fight imaginary enemies, so Leo actually gets a little more grumpy. Plus Odin uses swords now? Even though Leo had figured out Odin hadn’t used tomes all his life, it was still something they connected on and now this kid is insisting that swords and swordsmen are the coolest (like Xander) and Leo is very :/// about it. (Until maybe Odin sees Leo use Brynhilder and gets all starry eyed. Doubly so if you hc Odin’s dad as a mage. Leo coughs and blusters and pretends it’s not super strange to be the loudly admired person out of all his sibs for once.)
Niles would put on a big teasing front for Odin and probably follow him around a lot even though Odin probably is really distrustful of him, both because he loves annoying little punk kid Odin who takes himself so seriously and because Niles feels like he has to make sure Odin doesn’t run off and hurt himself. (Either Leo or Niles is always hanging around Odin, actually, or at least has someone they trust watching all three kids because magic is strange and they don’t want anything bad happening because the kids got spooked in this new world or something.) 
Actually Niles probably spends the most time keeping an eye on Odin because of that interaction they had when Odin was first de-aged, as Odin’s reaction was so uncharacteristic of his adult self. He’s actually concerned about the kind of world Odin grew up in, and he might not pry too hard, but he’s definitely keeping an eye and ear out for any concerning stuff. 
(Odin, meanwhile, thinks Niles is Evil because he’s a creepy guy who keeps following Odin around and he’s heard bad rumors about Niles and Odin’s brain is insistent that this guy Has To Be A Villain.)
(Maybe that changes, but they’d have to have some kind of heart-to-heart first. Maybe because Odin really does go too far and Niles has to pull him out of some trouble.)
Camilla probably wants to dote on Selena pretty hard, but Selena is Not Having It. 
“But this will wear off soon, and it’s not every day I get to see my darling retainer so young and cute,” Camilla coos. “Just enjoy yourself. When you’re an adult again, I’ll having you running errands again in no time.” 
Selena: “I don’t know you!! You’re not my mom!! Stop acting like it!”
Camilla, serious: “I’m absolutely not your mother and never will be/want to be.” (Back to cheerful) “But that doesn’t mean we can’t do X/Y/Z together.”
Basically she treats Selena a lot of the same way she treated baby Corrin, only Selena resists it a lot more. As time goes by and they realize through context clues that the Trio actually had a really rough life, Camilla maybe has a few conversations with her about what it’s like to grow up in a world where you can die at any moment and the whole world is out to get you (Selena via the Risen/Grima and Camilla via assassins/the other mothers of her half-siblings and Garon’s wives.) It’s a tough life, and Camilla gets where Selena’s need to fight and get better is coming from.
Beruka probably doesn’t really have any experience with children at this point? She doesn’t know what to do except treat Selena or the others like smaller adults, which Selena actually appreciates a lot but also maybe stresses her out a bit. 
When they first meet, Selena looks up at Beruka (probably not too far because Selena is really Tall for her age and also in general and Beruka is probably shorter than adult Selena) and says, “So you’re Lady Camilla’s retainer like me, right?”
“Correct,” Beruka says. Because it is.
“Am I a better retainer than you?” Selena demands, hands on her hips, and Beruka. Stares. Because it’s really driving home that Selena’s insecurities started Young.
(Also if Subaki is ever around, she probably hates his guts because he has red hair like her mom and is viewed as “perfect” because he strives to be so all the time and it makes her too uncomfortable and she Hates It. Niles loves laughing at this 13/14 year old girl chewing the hell out of this grown ass man just for existing.)
Laslow is super short, worse about hiding his shyness than he was at twenty-something, and stumbles sometimes when talking to adults (especially beautiful people and people with a lot of power, so Xander is a double-whammy, but so is half the army), but by golly, does he try to flirt with anything that breathes. He’s not as smooth as his adult self, but sometimes he pulls off some okay lines. Even though everyone is like “You…are a child.” 
(Laslow gets that he’s a kid and he doesn’t even usually flirt seriously as an adult, but when people keep using that line on him even when he’s trying to do some good and fight, he gets really internally frustrated because he wasn’t a child when everyone died and he had been fighting a war where half the army was his age, was he? Lot of complex feelings there.)
Xander can Relate a lot because he was also super shy as a child and if this is how Laslow overcomes that in his own way (especially since this was apparently his mother’s advice, who Laslow values a lot), Xander doesn’t really want to be the one to stop him. But also he is Exasperated because he keeps getting complaints that this bratty 14 year old is flirting with half the women in the army and town and can he Not??? Can Laslow just chill for like two minutes?? Is there no better solution????
Sometimes he helps teach Laslow how to spar properly, just like he did for Corrin and his other sibs, and he respects Laslow’s apparent drive to protect others and sees somewhat through Laslow’s cheerful, flirty facade to the more struggling kid underneath.
Peri coos over Laslow a bit, but he’s not big enough to fight with her/by her side anymore and she doesn’t want to kill him, so there’s not a ton they can do together. She watches him when told to, though, and sometimes even withought even being told, and they manage to get a long surprisingly well. (She’s a great cook and sometimes shares her snacks with him, and they bond through that.)
All three kids probably interact the same way they did with each other as immature people, so they actually don’t get along very well? When not in immediate danger? Like Odin’s bffs were Cynthia and Brady, probably. He and Laslow keep getting into brawls, which is… mildly concerning, actually. Laslow keeps stealing his journals (”It’s not a diary! Give it back!” “It absolutely is, and no”) and Odin keeps insulting him. Selena and Laslow don’t get along because Laslow is too flirty and Selena thinks he’s just making fun of her. She’s a little better with Odin (who in their FE13 support I think was said to have still treated her with kindness, even when she was mean to him) but she keeps getting flustered and fed up with his antics and growing up?? Is so hard??? It’s so hard, and nobody understands. 
The difference between getting along as kids and how they get along as adults is astounding. 
(All three of them worry about their friends back home, even though they don’t say anything. Supposedly those guys and gals are all adults now too, but?? Who’s gonna walk Noire to the bathroom at night? Who’s gonna protect Brady? Who’s gonna make sure Gerome doesn’t become too much a loner and die???? They Worry.)
(If you wanted me to expand on something more specific, let me know!)
EDIT: Also one of the kids at some point definitely asks how old they were and get old “like 25” and they are all Shocked. Like. One of them (probably Odin, who also expected to die a heroic death by 16) says aloud “I made it to 20??!??” shocked.
Everyone else takes a moment to compose themselves and remind themselves that there’s a lot they don’t know about these three
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taiey · 8 years
The continuing adventures of “taiey writes liveblogs that probably only make sense with a transcript of the movie to line it up with”.
no peter please don't go after him
he really does get the most dramatic lines—ooh, green reflection in the window!
wow, that's. She really does ask for validation a lot of times
:((( this whole goblin kit thing is really elaborate? like, i thought you would've failed science. there is mechanical engineering. and chemical. for bombs.
That's a really, really stable spider web that is also flexible enough to support them without clinging, at that angle
[obligatory evil meteor mention]
Surprisingly evil-looking mail delivery guy! Uuunless you're her dad and you live here or. Oh, okay.
Oh, May.
But, like, no pressure or anything.
!!! her ring.
ahh evil evil scooter. of evil.
Harry this is not a good way to have an honest conversation. Stop punching your friend. No, I don't care that you're in costume, he's not, that makes it—DON'T STAB HIM!
I guess by the time your friend is yelling at you about his father, while wearing his green goblin costume and standing on his green goblin scooty-fly, it is acceptable to tell your friend his father was the green goblin, despite said father's dying request.
Dude! Attempts at vengeance on your best friend for murder of your father are NOT an excuse for massive property damage! I hope you pay for the repairs OH AND ALSO did no one get hurt by that massive shower of bricks onto a busy street??
"I'm still here! And now I have a lightsaber!"
oh no what if your new superpowers don't cover falling from heights? (I'm sure they do, I know he dies at the end of the movie.)
I wonder, again, if Peter took him out of the goblin costume first. like. awkward.
Wait, what? I thought when that guy jumped/fell out a window he died.
There's marshland in New York? With a terribly ill-secured particle physics laboratory?
OH MY GOODNESS YOU GUYS, YOU'RE TERRIBLE! you can't even check how much mass is in the reactor? How many birds with superpowers does New York have now?
Also awkward: imagine if those cops had gotten there slightly differently and fallen into the spinny thing toooo...
Go. See. Him. and hope maybe he doesn't remember you're spiderman if he doesn't remember you saved his liiiffffe  (oh, good.)
Hey, Peter, you maybe want to. idk. Tell MJ. Some relevant facts, about her friends and his father and.
yikes that's some horrifying sand movement. like. yeeesh no.
Oh... your hand cannot pick up your daughter's locket. :( —yes! go hand, reformed hand! Woohoo! :D
Hey, nice green-ing, sand. Good job. Stripy and everything.
Yeah dude no. Don't start talking about spidey now. The other stuff was kinda okay but not, well.
Okay so when there's a large metal beam swinging about nearby your window... maybe... not? with the walking towards it?
Man, what is wrong with this crane?
you did not pick a good guy to insult peter parker to, whatsyaname. eddy. Ed. idk.
“YOU TELL MY WIFE thank you.” heh. Slight, teeny, tiny, character development, I love.
He didn't see you there, I didn't see you with a camera. Where'd you get the camera from, Pete?
Ed. Shut up. He's paying you $50 for a front page shot, he does not value anything about you.
Like, that could be a conflict for Peter, ‘i could stage that and get a steady job’ buut I already know the plot of this movie and can kinda guess how Edward gets that shot.
That is an excellent Stan Lee cameo.
...how much... exactly... has harry lost of his memory... if he doesn't know he has money...
...oh, Mary Jane.
...oh no don't you be jealous.
This'd be a really awkward parade thing if he decided to not in faaact show up oh no. Oh, no. Oh, man.
Wow, that sure is a conveniently placed "Sand & Stone" truck. Where'd you get that shovel?
Wow, bullets work surprisingly well considering he's made. of sand.
[obligatory note of happiness about the MJ&Harry bit. and. honesty.]
dude put yer mask back on
ehhhh look the thing about the humble never-asks-to-be-thanked thing is that it doesn't work when. this.
Oh my goodness he asks her? He suggests it?? Peter, no!
"No, Spider Man, no!" I relate to this kid.
like, i've seen gifs ofit, that shekissed him but i did not realise he aSKS HER TO
Yeah, same, Mary Jane!
haha but maybe this time mary jane won't be kidnapped
The sand is now driving a truck. Poorly.
Yeeeesh no, stop, no, ~sheriff~? You’re not.
tbh what if you just. Let him take the money. So much property damage going on here. So very much.
This guy... is gonna end up bringing you that ring at the worst possible moment during your inevitable argument. Isn't he. Isn't he, Peter.
You could also try telling him you got fired, MJ. He knows that feeling! Kind of.
...not that you should say that, Peter. 'cause it's kind of only kinda.
how have you not noticed how terribly your spider man/actress analogies go over. every single time.
Like in a literary sense it's kinda cool, there are parallels between their experiences, kinda... BUT NOT RIGHT nooow
shhuuuttt uppp (this is all like 5 seconds, i just keep. pausing.)
Hey, what could make Mary Jane feel worse right now? ENTER GWEN STACY.
“Who kisses Spiderman?? :D” "Me. Most days. When I'm not mad at him for beiNG TERRIBLE."
I. I'm not sure. like. what the point of that question is. There is no good answer.
No. He did not, MJ. He had idea how it would make you feel, because BOY I DUNNO.
um. usher guy. no. SHE JUST LEFT, WHY WOULD YOU SEND THE CHAMpagne in anyway, whyy
Oh, hey! I was right! That other guy did die, probably ...aand it wasn't your fault. technically.
We chased down the wrong guy?
Yeah so I think so far he really hasn't killed anyone. Not counting Norman or Ock on technicalities.
Does he feel guilty? About you or about... okay, don't say "I don't need you" to Mary Jane Watson. That's a bad idea.
The evil ooze has been hanging out in your bedroom for ?? weeks and it's only now that it attacks you? infects. thing.
"Hey, this was a lot quicker than last time I made a new costume."
Spiderman is just, like, an accepted traffic hazard by now, right?
Oh, I'm so glad he's being suspicious of the black goop.
...you're not a biologist, but you can recognise a symbiote on a molecular level in minutes when it's AN ALIEN.
dude please realise you look super evil now. even to —haha like you shouldn't smash people's cameras but also haha
"Little did Spiderman know, I have TWO cameras!"
OK I'll admit the black is legitimately good for hiding on dark ceilings
oh gosh the body horror from this sand thing—hope that pipe wasn't important--ooh, water works.
...also hope this large tank of pressurised water isn't important and won't flood annnything else.
...that's... kinda a valid point? but. I mean sure, he should fix the door, probably, just not being polite
Hey, Peter, you made a good decision! Nice! AND STAY OFF.
Aunt May isn't having any of this "murder can be good" stuff.
revenge == the symbiote ??
Waitress/Singer is a job? ...also maybe you should tell your boyfriend about thi—Harry paints? Cool!
(Does Harry know that MJ's dating Peter?)
Yell at people and they offer you oranges?
Hee Ursula! :D
He also cooks! And they dance!
M. J. Do not. Noooooo whyy
oh no. noo. different no. :((( no. Please, Harry. Keep your eyes off 'the ball' and ahhh—hey, there's that scene that wasn't in the VHS version.
Harry?? This is like 20% of the reason you wear a mask, dude!
whiiiplaaash oh my goodness ahh poor Mary Jane.
:((( see this is the kind of quality anguish you can get when you don't just discriminately kidnap, other supervillains take note
pete. pete. pe ter par ker. "I'm breaking up with you" is not. in fact. a good segue to "Let's get married"
Took them three movies but they finally made acting plot relevant. It's not! that hard!
AND THEN. YOU GO BACK TO PETER. AND PRETEND TO BE HIS AMNESIAC BEST FRIEND oh my goodness and then you use her omitive lie about the shoW AND THEN WE GO FULL SM1
“but. but she broke up with *you*, because she was in love with *me*. !!”
what. Why are. you winking?
Bright green coffee sign!
nooo. emotional anguish---->TERRIBLE LIFE CHOICES
Right, Harry, overall—because I mean high marks for ingenuity and not-kidnapping, but—you're really lacking on the follow through here, like for keeping up the act. And wow that is a lot alcohol in front of you.
Harry please notice the ominous black spidey suit. Please. Soon.
harry im not sure you've noticed but you have blades. on. ur arm.
Takes symbiote!Pete to point out the obvious: that Norman.didn't.deserve you.
Kinda funny how after all that the picture in question is not, in fact, of Peter actually doing anything wrong.
OH MY GOODNESS, IT'S PHOTOSHOPPED? IT'S not even actually symby-spidey?
Yeah, no, Ed. I can forgive a lot of things. But reposts with the watermarks edited out? Not that.
Symby-Pete likes Ursula's food?   . . .ah
*hair flick*
water doesn't kill him forever. :o
symbiote-Pete spends money recklessly.
Oh man, Gwen is so nice.
...alien meteor ooze teaches you to play jazz piano? ...and dance?
blonde hair and the black headband and their clothes and his hair and her earrings... it's a Look.
GWEN STACY IS SO NICE! ("That was all for her? I'm so sorry.")
get. out.
"Who are you?" "Well, Mary Jane, I reckon I'm the exact feeling of a church spire silhouetted against the storm clouds, as lightning crashes in the background."
okay so eddy, brocky, rock boy. don't pray to God to kill people. Don't... don't do that.
How. Exactly. Do you recognise the face of a guy you barely know, four floors up, while he's tearing an alien ooze suit off his skin.
oh no his hair's still black
Continuing adventures of That Awful Door.
I hope Aunt May knows he's Spider man, because otherwise there is just waaay too much backstory to explain here.
I think she also wants him to keep the ring so she doesn't have to wear it.
“Spiderman... didn't have those teeth last time... right?”
Maybe not? with the watching her through her window? Also considering last time your saw her in person you hit her maybe not do that first part in person, perhaps.
"On Broad-way."
...you also locked the normal one away? Or, no, that was earlier this night. You just were using the evil one, and stowed that away. ok. gotcha.
Harry! Harry, you could do. a good. ...oh no. peter don't come also what happened to his face??
OH MAN. BERNARD! i don't think this is gonna work. but. thank you. for. saying that. [it worked!:D]
what happened to your face do you still have superpowers if you're not healing.
It's the real spiderman! He stopped in front of an american flag for a sec!
this reporter overuses the word 'seemed'
you're stiiilll fallling
Listen MJ most of the webbing is really strong, you can actually move along it and even if you fall through one level you've got a decent chance of catching the next.
this reporter is so alarmist. and that one.
Goblin bomb!
"I'm not here for you~"
Burn it & smash it! :D
That kid is awesome! ("Film's extra.")
or. you could. shoot web. and not. jump. And maybe get her down somehow? Ground level would be... safer... lotta floors, elevators proabably not working...
why did that work?
ohh. noise.
oh... kay...
[tragic backstories make everything better]
i f o r g i v e y o u .. ..
i like to think he becomes also a superhero. subtler. smaller. never quite noticed, but. bit by bit.
why in the world is gwen at harry's funeral
(mj you do in fact have a job. and. a song to finish singing. um. but anyway)
"Girl at the final battle" yes. Her. Excellent.
The credit songs this time are so... gentle...
(Balance of probabilities Harry died intestate but maybe he drew up a will at some point when he liked Peter and didn’t revoke it and then they can go help Marko’s daughter, perhaps? Maybe.)
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