#and also my first time drawing tenko
thelyingjoke · 1 year
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i think this bit was so silly and goofy
they have different motivators!
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buttercupshands · 6 months
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Happy (almost belated) Birthday, Tenko Shimura!
wanted to draw something light after... you know 419...
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I can't design or draw properly, so I'll try to explain in detail how I imagine Tenko's pro-hero suit:
First of all, he dresses mostly in black in honor of Eraser Head and Nana Shimura. One of them is his favorite pro-hero and the other is the pro-hero who inspired them to join UA.
Although he does wear black to pay tribute to his biggest inspirations, there's a deeper reason to his choice. With such a dangerous quirk, Tenko was assigned as a rescue specialist. He should avoid fighting at all costs. He's also been encouraged to create new alternatives for himself, which he did.
Tenko's priorities as a pro-hero are endurance, adaptability and stealth. His motto is that if you can resists long enough, you can beat anything.
Black is the color of those who don't want to be noticed until it's too late. Perfect to blend in and perfect for someone like Tenko, who relies on the fact people normally don't pay attention to him. He's been told he looks really creepy, more like a villain than a pro-hero. Tenko doesn't really care. There are a hundred other flashy heroes with equal flashy quirks to admire. All he wants to do are the jobs that no one else takes, no one else wants, no one else wonders about.
Tenko's suit covers him almost completely, from the elastic like high neck that covers his scratches to the boots designed to make his steps silent. He asked the base of his pro-hero suit to be made of a tight yet flexible material, with thicker parts to protect his vital zones. He relies on his speed and range of motion during attacks and rescues, so he needed a suit light yet resistant to any possible scratch or wound from debris and other objects around him. As a rescue specialist, he can't allow himself to go down. The suit is also designed so Tenko can decay parts of it without decaying the whole, in case of emergency.
The cape is what gave him his pro-hero name and the most distinguishable detail of him.
The inside of it is fashioned to look like the wings of a moth. Outside, it is black and fire resistant. On the inside, it has a kaleidoscope of pearlish hues of purple and red, with a plush feeling to the touch. Since his suit is already creepy (you'll see why), Tenko decided to add something to bring comfort to the victims in his rescue missions, something that would also protect them from the damage of a danger zone. The best secret of it is that the cape are in fact two pieces of clothing superposed at the collar, like a wing folding on each other. They are big enough for him to cocoon a person inside of it if he needed to.
Tenko doesn't use his cape often in battles. Most of the time, he's quick to leave it with the heroes managing the safety zone for the civilians to use or he waves them to call civilians to follow him.
When he uses the cape in battles tho, he's one of the most insufferable beings alive. Combined with his other gear, he shields himself from explosive or fire quirks with the capes, he obscures the field view of his enemies or camouflages himself for a sneak attack. He tries not to get them damaged, since the repairing / manufacturing process can last weeks and he'd be a bit defenseless 'til then.
From afar he doesn't look much different from the Tomura we know at the beginning of the manga: A young man dressed in black, mopey blue hair covering the scars around his eyes. It'd be very funny to see him evolve from an awkward teen in a "creepy butterfly suit" to an actual pro-hero who fills up the suit and the expectations.
If you need some visual reference, his pro-hero suit looks a lot like the outfit he used when he woke up on the War arc. The difference is that this one doesn't have the armor parts on the legs.
Now, my favorite part: hero gear and details!!!!!!
So far I think the suit is too simple. The cape is great, but I've already said he doesn't use it a lot, right? You know how the UA class 1A kids have special gear for special missions? Think of the cape as that.
The gloves are an obvious choice.
They're not to regulate his quirk, despite what you all might think. Tenko has perfect control over his quirk, he's grown used to using only four fingers and can switch without problem between safety mode and action mode, how he likes to call the four fingers vs five fingers grip.
The gloves are to protect his hands from the materials he handles during a rescue mission. He is often dealing with ruined sites full of glass and debris. He also comes in contact with multiple toxic elements or dangerous surfaces, such as the hot metal of doors, for example.
My absolute favorite hero gear is his belt, tho.
Since Tenko cannot fight using his own quirk (he must not decay the villains of course), he invented his own version of Aizawa's scarf:
Positioned at the extremes of a retractable chain, there are hands that work like grappling hooks. By throwing one hand at a certain surface (ex. maybe a windowsill or a balcony), Tenko can make that hand close around the object and attach the other extreme of the chain (the other hand) to himself, using the retractive function to move from one point to the other. Other usages range from the creation of safety perimeters on a catastrophe zone, restraining villains, catching objects far away from the user, to the ability to combine them to create webs capable of breaking the fall of a person, etc etc etc.
They're Tenko's primary tools both during rescue missions and active fights.
Compared to Aizawa's scarf, the chains are not as unbreakable and they come separately, instead of in one piece. Tenko shares with Aizawa and Nana Shimura the fact that he uses mostly his human abilities to fight, relying on their quirks only to take advantage of the situations. Still, Nana and Aizawa adapted their styles to make the most out of their usual territories (for Nana it was the skies and for Aizawa, urban sites).
The advantages of the hand chains include being able to use them separately, being more intuitive to use than Aizawa's scarf, actually being able to punch people lol and of course, being creepy.
Tenko has used them before to lure villains to his traps. By placing them strategically, it looks like there is someone around the corner or under the rubble. He has also used them as cupholders...
Unlike the hands we know from the manga, these open and close so as to mold their form to any surface. They don't have a golden base and the tubes covering the chains are transparent, with a finish that makes it shine like spiderwebs under the sun. They fist on Tomura's belt with the chain retracted, hanging on his sides, next to the back pouch that has his first aid kit and mask.
The general opinion is that the moth pro-hero is creepy as hell. He's pretty obscure, following the path of Nana and Aizawa, but it balances nicely Hana's popularity as the butterfly hero!!
Hana inherited the floating quirk from their grandma. She dresses brightly in yellow (taken from Nana) and purple (taken from Midnight) with details in black (to match Tenko). I imagine her cape being longer and butterfly-like, just one piece unlike Tenko's. She's probably a fight type, maybe more of an important side quick??? She is probably very popular because she's really pretty and daring.
Tenko and Hana are like the bugs pro-heroes lol.
Anyway, that's exactly how I imagine Tenko. It can look a little goofy at the start, just like when Izuku first wore his suit. Yet, combining the moth suit with Tenko's later white long hair and physique?? Now, that's the cryptid feeling I'm talking about.
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azumetapraline · 9 days
9, 14, 18 for the ask game!
Hii, thank you for asking!!! (This post obviously contains spoilers for Danganronpa V3!) (Also I'll focus on V3 for this ask.)
9.) Favorite Execution?
Good question! I hesitate between Kaede, Kirumi and Kaito's executions. Kirumi's execution is especially brutal, both physically and mentally. Kaede's is heartbreaking.
I think my favorite, though, is Kaito's, because the concept is so good. I love the idea that Monokuma's first and last executions find each other like a loop. That this time, it's Kaito who wins, not him, because he dies from his sickness and not from the execution itself. I also like that it's what breaks the game, as Kiibo protects everyone and has his ahoge (or rather antenna) broken by debris. It's one of the only executions that have more impact in the story than a character dying, which is cool. It's one of the rare executions that fills your heart with hope instead of despair.
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14.) Favorite Freetime Event?
I know I'm being biased, but I really like Kiibo's FTEs. The big reason is that they're just genuinely super fun! I felt comfortable putting his here because I know a couple of friends (who don't like Kiibo as much as I do) who agree that his events were fun.
I find really sweet that he wants to create a robot business to promote robots and prove the world that he's just as useful as humans. I find hilarious how he tried to sing for Shuichi, but was so terrible Shuichi became sick. Poor boy, he's doing his best and yet!
I'm also slightly upset by Shuichi's statement here. Does he not know about, ahem, VOCALOID???????
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I also find Shuichi's statement here slightly suspicious. Please draw any conclusions by yourself.
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The ending is also very sweet, it's obvious that Shuichi is genuinely willing to stick by Kiibo's side and be his friend (Kiibo first seeing him an "inferior" can be interpreted in many ways, I don't know where I put my analysis of it).
18.) Favorite In-Game Moment?
I'll say that both secret events from chapter 2 are events I'm super fond of, when I watch someone's playthrough, I'm always looking forward them! I love how overall the characters interact, and these two moments are genuinely so fun and sweet!
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I genuinely love this graphic so much. The girls look so happy to relax, and I love the two awkward gays fellows in the back also happy to be there! I love that in this event, Tenko reinforces Kiibo's non-binarity (YESSS), and that Kirumi is willing to accomodate him with oil instead of juice. (The only caveat is that Tenko was robophobic at the end /j)
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This moment also was GOLD. I love that they expanded on Kaito's gambling curse. Poor guy, he's the laughing stock for this time, but it's all in good fun, isn't it? Everything is perfect: Miu making dirty jokes, Kiyo asking her to "be silent forever", Ryoma being calm and cool, Shuichi awkwardly standing there, the atmosphere, etc.
(I just noticed Shuichi has the EXACT same expression for both events LMAO)
Anyway I hope all these answered your questions! :D
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codenamesazanka · 4 months
I literally saw someone insisting that the only ending that would "make sense" for my hero now is if Shigaraki comes back as a child without his memories and is raised to be a hero and. I cannot express how terrible I think that ending would be
So very sick of people deciding to just remodel Shigaraki/Tenko for whatever reason they think is 'logical'/'merciful'/'fair'. Kid literally spent his whole life being pushed around into restricting roles - first his family denied him the freedom to dream all the while AFO's in the background tugging as strings; then he gets raised into what AFO wanted him to be; then he gets possessed, and possessed again.
Does anyone ever think to just ask Shigaraki if, hey, he would like to continue this life with all its ups and downs? Idk. maybe he would chose to inexplicably be rewound or revived or reconstructed as a five year old for a 'second chance', but how about asking him? But that's never an option, likely because Shigaraki would choose to continue living this life, and that's apparently the wrong choice, it's the choice other people dislike, as if they get a say about his fucking life; and so the plot is always that he cannot consent. He's too injured to know what's going on, he's struck by a beam and it just happens, he revives younger because his fate has been dictated by the universe - all to turn him into something moldable once again. To bring back innocence because the self he lived for 15 fucking years is too unpalatable for people, too different from what they want him to be, too pitiful that they think virtual death is preferable (because what do they think is going to happen to the current Shigaraki/Tenko? They're recreating his body and mind. They're deleting him from the hardware. They're killing him to replace him.)
He gets turned into a child and is raised 'correctly' by Heroes. It's not molding because they're the good guys. He's raised to be a Hero, even, and that's a good thing because why wouldn't he want to be a Hero? Why wouldn't he want to be part of the elite class that maintains rules and draw the lines that decide who's villain and who's not, who's deserving of being saved and who's not, who's human and who's not? My bad, is that attitude only something he could've gotten from AFO? He would never have a desire to befriend outcasts because if he had a proper raising, he would know better? He would love to be part of the norm and enforce them and follow strict lines?
Not to mention, it's severing all ties to the connections he has in his present life. Ties to the League, to places he likes to stroll around and revisit, to favorite games and the memories of grinding until the effort pays off and he clears a game and he's pretty proud of himself. Yes, he will have also ties to trauma, to enemies, to the darkness. Both types of connections makes him who he is. But who he is is wrong and tainted and better off not existing, so yeah. Sever all his relationships and connections to even time and space, and make him a child again. One who can be normal. One who will be normal.
The heroes will make sure of it.
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greenhappyseed · 2 years
MHA Ch.368 leak reactions (full chapter review is here)
I’ve been so exhausted I thought the color page was Hori giving zero fucks and drawing femme Izuku, but it’s actually Hagakure…. Speaking of, where IS Hagakure??? She hasn’t been in this battle at all.
YES to more Mirio. GO SENPAI! I feel like this is the Mirio role that Horikoshi always imagined, and the war was just a “placeholder” to give him his quirk back.
Tenko! Nana! Second! Yoichi! Oh my! (I want Nana to meet Tenko and get to hold him at least one time!)
Izuku actually uses Second’s quirk on himself to, uh, speed up his punch? I hope the full chapter gives a bit more than that because it feels a tad underwhelming???? Fa Jin already gives a speed boost; it just requires storing of kinetic energy first. And Overclock, from Vigilantes, also speeds up the user. There has to be something else going on….
But it is cool to have Izuku get a few good smashes on TomurAFO before shit goes sideways (because this feels too easy, and Original Recipe AFO is on his way).
Izuku’s so powerful that his hair has been flatironing itself. This is how we know he’s on par with All Might.
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secretgaygenttomura · 9 hours
Say do you have any headcanons about principal nezu? Like aside from him drinking tea and such. Since you know he was seen or mentions a few times and yeah we have a snippet of his somewhat life. (And a fanart of him being a smoker, is it true to manga or just an headcanon? I honestly dunno) Like he was a terrifying creature to mess with. And the world smartest creature around the world. I wanna hear your opinions and interpretations about him. Sorry if this is somewhat annoying it's been a while since i dropped by on this fandom. And man i felt overwhelmed hehehe...
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I believe the name spelling comes from a different romanization of the japanese characters, and what the official tag specifies on Ao3. It confuses me, myself, but the Death Note fandom was more egregious about it back when I was in there haha- Romanized versions of Japanese versions of English words, so the different spellings here in the MHA fandom are a little less jarring to me. No worries, feel free to send me fandom asks, I love these! Haha- Most of my personal Nezu headcanons are sort of separate from my more recent works, and come from a friend of mine that I haven't talked to in a while haha- A little more lighthearted- (Actually... Maybe not, depends on where exactly you're looking haha)
Him being a smoker is canon, but I haven't really seen it taken seriously (including by myself) until my recent collab with WordyBirb on this fic! Awesome interpretation, really love how it's handled- In both this work, and their other Nezu one-shot ;)
But what I've written/seen from this other friend of mine myself, has him as a pill-popper rather than a smoker- And more due to an insecurity, and stress over how he appears to the public eye, rather than a more vicious trauma response. Though, of course he does have his own, more unsightly traumas :)
This would be the Nezu you usually see in my drawings with an older Tomura, and if the distinction is needed, with a nick in the left ear ;) He's a lot less keen with the idea of being a father when he first personally meets Tomura, denying how he starts to care about him, when after a deal to keep Tomura hidden instead of shipped off to Tartarus, Tomura uses the codename "Dad" on a whim to disguise his conversations.
And Nezu really does try not to care, it's adorable, but eventually after like five months, he comes to his senses, and decides he probably shouldn't be distancing himself from his feelings by sending Tomura on death-defying missions to do things he personally couldn't. (And Tomura, being the adrenaline junkie he is, doesn't really get why he's not sent on these missions anymore. He thinks they're fun lol.)
Other than current-time headcanons, I do headcanon that he escaped his lab around the time that Tenko had his incident with his quirk, and hopefully I can write more about this scenario where this homeless Nezu has to take care of an also homeless Tenko, just trying to build up motivation, it's a hefty task with my other projects going on haha-
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problemswithbooks · 1 year
It all feels like a retcon starting from the first look at toga’s backstory because it doesn’t sync up when you put all her actions together. I thought maybe hori was trying to say toga’s quirk became unfortunately linked to arousal after years of suppressing it and it being triggered by her feeling of admiration for her crushes. But yeah that would have been too mature to tackle for my hero though I could maybe see it with chainsaw man. So I don’t know get what’s going on right now except toga’s mentally ill because of her parents and society and he keeps trying to make last minute parallels between toga and touya.
I think the issue is that Hori never spent as much time or effort on Toga as he did with Shigaraki and Touya. Even now her backstory is rather limited in comparison. We got full chapters worth to explore what happened to Touya and Tenko but Toga's is a couple pages or panels here or there with everything being rather vague.
Hori likes using her for sexy pictures and drawing suggestive stuff with Ochako, but she ultimately isn't given as much thought as her male counter parts. Which given the already bad implications of her character has only made her even worse.
Take this latest chapter. We get this page for Quirk counseling.
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It's just 2 panels that are honestly really vague. It also comes after her drinking blood from a bird her parents think she killed. Toga says it fell on the ground but that doesn't mean she didn't kill it (baby birds are often on the ground until they fully can fly, or it could have been injured), so that's not helpful either. On top of that it makes sense her parents would find the behavior bad regardless because it either means she killed an animal or picked up an already dead one and proceeded to eat it. Neither of those are great and both are harmful to her.
We just don't really get a good look at how the Quirk counseling worked. They say that they'll make her 'normal' but that doesn't mean they abused her. They could have just explained why it was wrong for her drink blood, like the health issues it could cause. On top of that Hori drops the 'it happens all the time in our current society' line, but we have never seen anyone else like Toga. Not even Stain was ever hinted at being like Toga despite their similar blood based powers.
This is like if we reduced the Touya chapters to a black screen with Enji commenting that he can't train him anymore and we didn't get to see how much Touya struggled with what he perceived as rejection, or how Enji completely ignored him afterwards. Or if we cut Shigaraki's father's abuse to just him yelling at him in black panels before he accidentally killed his family.
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Then we get this. This honestly makes Toga look worse, not better in my opinion. We see that she drank blood from someone before she snapped at school. She says they got hurt so she kissed it better, but if you look at her, she is covered in quite a bit of blood. Maybe her friend did get hurt but they were either really badly hurt and bleeding a lot and Toga did not help them and instead started licking them, or she might have even made their injuries worse to get the blood she wants.
If Hori cared more about her character he would have been shown what happened here. Or in the very least put less blood if any on Toga, which would show she didn't hurt this person or ignore helping them with a serious injury because she can't think of anything but blood.
As it is we have no idea if her friend got really badly injured and Toga ignored helping to just feast on them, or if her friend told her to stop, or if she made the person's injures worse. Yes, her parents are wrong for saying Toga's not human, but if she's attacking injured friends that's a huge problem.
One of the biggest issues with Toga is that she is both portrayed as so obsessed and desperate for blood she can't comprehend why anyone might not like her shoving a straw in their neck, but at the same time she was and is at times able to be perfectly fine. She can't understand why Ochako or Izuku, in desperate situations caused in part by her might not be happy with her, but can also turn around and comfort Twice and understand that he feels responsible for the death of a team mate.
It's impossible for me to feel bad for her because when I read her chapters I just see a drawing of an offensive stereotype that does what ever the author wants them to do. Toga just doesn't feel like a person at all. She's nothing but the sexy shell of a teenage girl that Hori doesn't seem all that invested in past her being cute and giving him an excuse to have two girls being all touchy and hot.
#ask#thanks for the ask!#bnha spoilers#bnha#mha#anti himiko toga#anti villain#bnha critical#shes just impossible to take seriously#cuz idk how she can be the most emotionally mature of the LoV#but somehow not get consent#like girl have you ever tried asking to drink someones blood before using them as a juice box?#did it really not occur to you that maybe people don't like being stabbed#i mean she never tries to attack any of her friends despite saying she loves them now#the only time she pulled a knife on Shigaraki was to threaten him#which means she does get that knives are threatening#yet she still throws a shit fit when Ochacko and Izuku are not happy with almost getting stabbed#like im sorry but that makes no sense even if she is really mentally ill#and if she was that mentally ill she never would have been able to pass as 'normal' until she was 14 or 15#i also don't believe that neither her parents of the councilor ever explained why she shouldn't attack people#and just told her don't do that#even the abusive horrible gay conversion camps give people reasons they shouldn't be gay--even if they're all wrong#i just don't believe that they didn't tell her that it was at least dangerous for her after the bird#or say don't drink blood from people because they won't like it or that it hurts them#idk her character just drives me insane#and i legit don't get how there are people who think shes great#both as bi rep and as a well thought out character#she doesn't have a brain half the time and makes zero sense#and complains about people not liking her for very valid reasons#like shes just a whiny incel whose upset she can't attack people whenever she feels like it
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lioma-art · 22 days
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Nana Shimura redesign for the Spirited Away AU.
Also my first attempt at drawing this character in general. I wanted to make her a seven-tailed Kitsune at first, but I ran out of space on my piece of paper, failed to give her a white-tipped tail, and now she might as well be a wolf spirit ... which, funnily enough, is also fine.
Her disappearing into the spirit realm(and forgetting about her family) led to Kotaro becoming a shitty dad, Tenko/Tomura looking for her and ending up a servant to AFO in the bathhouse. Though by that time, Nana would've already been killed by AFO.
I briefly considered a Tanuki design for good ol Gran Torino, mostly because of his mask, but deemed it too silly. Now that I think of it, the entire AU is silly, so who cares. Might wanna give it a go another time.
PS: Dont't you just love Toshi's haori? I'm so happy with the colors.
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kokiwiouma · 10 months
OK so my Hajime, assigned female at birth just goes by he/him
i came up with this bc 1. i am a girl and we the player play danganronpa as Hajime 2. saw somebody draw hajime with a mullet and it came to me this way 3. his chest size, i know that's nothing but this is my au and if you wanna take up arms with me im not going to argue the issue if you don't like my ideas leave me be cause the first person who tries to come in here and argue with me is getting your ask deleted or blocked YES I CAN HIT THE BLOCK BUTTON
my Hajime is Izuru's sibling and Makoto's cousin, Nagito and Chiaki are his roomates but the house ironically is in Nagito's name and It was Nagito by himself until Hajime moved in and Chiaki soon came after. Later on at some point she got her own place but she doesn't live there she just kinda is here all the time and she's thinking of giving it to one of their friends.
Now we are going into other characters cause this was supposed to only be about Hajime but it turned into something else
Makoto,Byakuya and Kyoko are roomates but Makoto started dating Junko and Bya didn't really vibe with that so he told him if she's gonna stay here your gonna have to go and Kyoka got on him about it so now Makoto lives next door, they live in a apartment. Junko wants to own a house
Junko used to date Nagito when she was crazy but she slowly came to "yo, i need some help im wack" and they broke up
Nagito also dated Mikan but she was wack as well he also dated Ibuki and it's kinda hard to tell if he's dating either of them he doesn't make mention of his love life. Hajime wants the tea lowkey Chiaki already understands and refuses to let Hajime in cause that aint her business.
Chiaki and Junko are worsties
Chiaki is also always over at Maki's house.
Maki and Tenko are roomates they live in a actual house.
not sure about everyone elses situation but before Hajime moved int with Nagito he lived with Fuyuhiko i honestly might just move everyone in together cause why not?
Kazuichi,Fuyuhiko,Peko i guess Mahiru,Hiyoko, and Mikan live together Nagito can't really stand living with Mikan so he can't live with them cause they had a lovers to toxic relationship and he doesn't want to go back but he;s weak to her so he understands he can't put himself in that kind of situation where he's around her so he stays away.
Mikan doesn't give a crap i love her honestly i do
Kotoko is freshly adopted into Nagito's famliy he has a hard relationship with Leon who is also his brother and Rantaro is Nagito's step brother, Nagito,Kotoko and Leon got adopted into his family when Nagito was homeless he lived with Rantaro for a little bit before he got his own place with Kotoko
There is so much stuff about them in my head that is so random like im still including the ultimate stuff but like nobody killed anybody but i don't know how to incorporate that into the story like they aren't normal people the killing game happened? i guess? but it was like a simulation that is everyone is traumatized from the world did get destroyed a little bit i guess? i don't know i don't know how to fit the puzzles together yet
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dashielldeveron · 4 months
CONGRATULATIONS ON PASSING UR MA DEFENCE AAAAAAAHHHH!! IM SO HAPPY FOR U <33333333 also so hyped about the next chapter!! Can’t wait for the mystery dude to be revealed and draw a bunch of scenes for them!!! Speaking of….. here is another scene I drew…. The Dabi fic went so crazy, I loved ur interpretation of post canon sooooo much it’s insane. I’m not usually a dabi enjoyer but holyyyyy shit u made go THROUGH IT. He’s so prickly and shitty at first but once you unpack and get to know him further he’s so endearing??? Like yes let me hear more about how you love my cooking and are fixing up a koi pond for your mom 😛😛😛. I really liked the cafe scene because the way u wrote it just spoke to my visual brain so clearly. I love. I also was like scanning for all the details about Dabis appearance so I could get his in fic universe look right, I hope u enjoy the art!!!^^ (also had to mention that I loved his appearance in tenkos fic, it’s so good, he’s so terrible😭😭😭 ((affectionate)) )
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i. i am LOOKING. at. at him. wow. you have a supreme talent for drawing pouty men looking sooooooooo attractive. his profile is KILLING me, especially his pensive suspicious eyes. whoo. and his sexy naruto-gloved hand GRASPS her FACE the SQUEEZE is so cute. oh my gosh and his hand is almost as big as her head i'm normal i'm normal i'm normal. i need him to manhandle me. i love how UP IN HER SPACE he is; he's not even on the edge of the table; he's just fucking plopped in the middle. cat behaviour. and he looks so fluffy with his hair, gosh, and the crosshatching for his skin grafts is so cool!!! love it. i love HIM.
thanks for the congrats; i have a master's degree in medieval literature now lol. onto my phd in the autumn.,.,..,.but now is the time for fanfiction!!!!! yes yes yes the touya's cafe scene was the very first scene i had in my head for his route, and everything built off of that :) he's a loverboy who hides it, and i need him to be soooooo happy. so happy. i think......i think i would want to cook him french onion soup. i have a really good recipe that's so comforting, and i think he may like it,.,...,.,,..,,.what would you cook him??? and golly THANK YOU so much for the art AGAIN; wow, i love every piece you do!!!! xx.
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Kind of a drabble about adding Miu to my romantic f/os
I've never been so indecisive about adding a (romantic) f/o.
like. I even used to selfship with Wario (even though I never blogged about it. that was one of my earliest selfships).
nggh! on the one hand, Miu is mean, and gross. on the other hand, she's lonely and self-destructive, and I want to make sure she's alright. she's already our friend that we check up on a lot, and got Mikan and Shuichi and Kaede to check up on her too, and we all ended up peer pressuring her to stop turning to drugs or other self-destructive tendencies because she couldn't stop picturing our "sad little faces" (I was touched when Kaz told me she said that. I hadn't asked her to stop doing drugs, the topic makes me feel too awkward, but the others had and I guess with how worried we all were about her, it made her want to work on herself.) But she still seems lonely, and also jealous of a lot of her friends dating each other, especially me and Kaz and Tenko.
so uh, maybe we could fix her with kisses.
(or maybe she'd make us worse? lol)
also, the chaotic potential of adding Miu to the group is hilarious. (in hindsight, the anon that asked me about adding Toko to the group was almost prophesizing 👀).
I've...already got headcanons for her with our kids... I think I trapped myself with this...
like, of all the things to push me to this brink...
(this is so random) have you ever seen Defunctland: The Awful Wiggles Dark Ride?
I found myself thinking about me, Kaz, and Tenko bringing our three kids when they're all still little on this ride (let's pretend it's still in operation, or maybe it got abandoned but it's still there and Kazuichi could get it in working order. So could Miu tbh.)
I couldn't picture us riding this without Miu there as well. We would all enjoy it, mostly because of the kids (I feel like Miu would have the most childlike wonder about it and Kazuichi would still be rambling about the technical stuff an hour later. Especially if it was the broken version where the tvs or rooms would be on/off at the wrong times. Tenko would be the least likely to enjoy the ride itself (which is like me as well, but I've at least got a little nostalgia for the Wiggles), but she's got an excited toddler bouncing on her lap, so she's pretty focused on that.
So after imagining that, I ended up coming up with headcanons about Miu with our kids.
When the first baby (Ren) is born, Miu is the clingiest out of all of us to this baby and keeps saying they're "the spittin' image of me!" (meaning herself). This is false, the baby's bio parents are me and Kaz and they very much look like a combination of us two. Still, we know this is Miu's way of saying she adores this baby. We're not worried about her being unhealthily attached though; she's still pretty busy with invention ideas and always hands the baby back to one of us when she needs to go work on those, or when we ask her to (but only me, Kaz, and Tenko. She glares at anyone else who asks to hold the baby, lol.)
(Pregnancy, and specifically fictional trans woman pregnancy mentioned in next paragraph. Not sure if anyone needs that as a trigger warning, but just in case. I know pregnancy in general can bring up complicated feelings for people).
I was pregnant with the first baby and picked out the name Ren (who later came out as nonbinary). Tenko was pregnant with the second baby, a girl, and picked out the name Aimi. Miu was able to transfer the third pregnancy to herself and become one of the first pregnant trans women in the world (I feel like it is pretty in-character for her to not only try this but end up being successful. Let me dream okay?) She also had a baby girl. We all asked Miu first if she had a name in mind, but Miu didn't want to pick a name and likes most of the names we suggest anyway. Kazuichi picked the name Yoshi. So our kids are Ren, Aimi, and Yoshi.
Not sure when/if I'll draw fanart and write stories for all of this (maybe the Wiggles car ride though), I feel weird about selfshipping with Miu and Tenko even though I'm still writing the fanfic about just me and Kaz (and that fanfic will definitely take a while). But I'm holding myself to ridiculous standards. I can ship with them just because. I also worry about being unfair by focusing on Kazuichi the most, but I know it's okay to have a main f/o.
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fluffykitteninabox · 2 years
The MHA anime is animated weirdly:
ok i just watched the new episode and i have come to a realisation
most of the "ugly" shots of characters are from the front, but the characters look perfectly fine from the side
no no don't leave, hear me out...
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except these 2 shots that are the exact same angle so i don't know wtf happened here:
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rambling under the cut
Now this is very interesting to me because most artists (me included) struggle drawing characters from the side and find the front view easier.
And the specific angle that Tenko is shown from here is (for me at least) one of the hardest in general, because you have to show the way the body turns without making it look weird.
In the baby Tenko screenshot the way his shoulders are positioned and how his neck is turned is unclear and a bit confusing. Or at least I can't see it.
In the adult Tomura screenshot these parts are a lot clearer.
It's not just his face that looks weird, it's the entire thing. The face problem mostly has to do with the hair. They made it less... fluffy!
If you look at the original panel too his ear is supposed to be visible and his mouth is supposed to be bigger
but in the very next shot he looks amazing:
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look at the details, you can even see how his little teeth are crooked!
Bones really half asses specific parts of episodes and puts extra effort in others..
and that's usually normal for an anime,
but there's no real logic to what scenes get the premium treatment and which don't.
Or, to be more accurate, which characters get the premium treatment and which ones don't.
Take for example this scene from the beginning of the episode:
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So I'm ok with how they handled this scene for the most part. Zooming in on his lips with no sound.
cool cool cool..
You can literally read them btw, even though my gif is kind of bad. But it looks like he introduced himself using his first name first and then his last name. (waiting for someone good at analysing shit like this to find what the order is implying 👀)
Hawks' reaction was a bit disappointing however. I was expecting the eye widening to be more dramatic and..
you know... faster
Usually when you're shocked at something your eyes widen at a pace that's definitely faster than this.
I won't pretend I'm an animation expert but i think this has to do with the amount of frames they used.
I usually make gifs from screenshots instead of screen recording, because most screen recorders make my phone really slow. So I have to repeatedly start and pause the video to do that.
Obviously the amount of screenshots i manage to take depends on how fast my fingers are each time, so i might not get every single frame.
But even then the difference in number here seems odd
I managed to get 12 screenshots of Dabi moving his lips, and 17 of Hawks' reaction. And I also miss clicked once and lost about a second of Hawks so there would have been more.
The number might not sound like much, but it's weird when you look at it. Go look at the actual episode if you need to, it's more noticeable there.
Why do we need so many frames for Hawks to react to this??
This sounds like extreme nitpicking but I genuinely think it would have looked better with less frames. Yeah it's cool that it looks smooth but smooth is not always what you want.
He's shocked, this is supposed to look abrupt. It's especially odd when you look at how detailed his face is in that shot.
Why would they choose this part to get the smooth premium animation when that actively hindered the scene
and didn't choose something like... I don't know.. Dabi silently name dropping himself while we see an extreme close up of his lips???
Wouldn't it have been cooler if they had made him enunciate his name and we got to see that in hyper detail?
Because that's the actual important part of this scene. We should be focusing on Dabi, not Hawks' reaction to Dabi.
This is kind of similar to the issues in the Shirakumo reveal scene in season 5. We should have been focusing more on Shirakumo/Kurogiri but because Bones were cowards and didn't animate the Vigilantes flashback chapters, we had to focus on Aizawa instead because that's who the viewers were more emotionally attached to so we needed him as an audience stand in to tell us what we should feel!
I swear if they decide to focus on Endeavor's stupid as fuck reaction during Dabi's reveal instead of him I will lose my shit!!
Also I just realised why the close up shot of Dabi's mouth looks wrong. Scroll back up and look at the gif..
His teeth are too straight!
Apparently someone forgot that humans also have canines!! I mean sure, some people's are less prominent, but his teeth look like they've been drawn with a ruler!
Tumblr posting my drafts again so everything under this point is me editing the post really hastily:
not much else to say
just kind of a conclusion thing i guess
basically i think bones is focusing on the wrong parts of some scenes or focusing on the wrong scenes during an episode in general.
Like Dabi's anger at the beginning of the episode and the dream sequence in Tomura's mind should have been the focal points. That's where the premium animation treatment should have gone.
I appreciate the extra dramatic animation when Tomura wakes up, but that wasn't as important as the entirety of the dream.
Everything looked so static. Yes they had some debris floating around, but if you pay attention to the floating parts of buildings where the characters were standing, all the debris around that wasn't moving at all. It was like it was still attached to the building with invisible strings when it should have probably been moving away.
This is the same issue I had with Twice's clones in the previous episode. He's supposed to be replicating them while Hawks is getting rid of them, but all we see is a static image of a bunch of clones.
Anyway that's enough ranting I think
congratulations if you've read this far, and thank you for tolerating my annoying rambling..
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singeryuri · 6 months
Oh, hey, and here's a final happy birthday post to my love. I drew a Kaoru for the occasion but didn't manage to snap a picture of it and now I'm supposed to be asleep so. Will share tmrw? And sadly didn't manage to draw anything of us together but ah well :'3
I got really sappy so under the cut it goes
This has marked the 1063rd day I've been in love with him, and his fourth birthday during this time. I remember the first ever thing I made to celebrate his birthday one year, a lil gacha club video with Kaoru and him together. It was one of the first things I ever really.. made for purpose of selfshipping? And the first in a few years, I think. And it's stuck with me, the happiness I felt at the idea of us being together to celebrate another year of my darling's life. I hadn't known how much I had truly fallen, but now I'm happy because I know it truly and fully that we'll have many more special occasions to celebrate together.
This is also the first celebration we've had in which I've made up my mind about marrying him once I'm older, which just makes it so much sweeter. I'm happy every day, and the lovey dovey feeling I had celebrating his birthday all those years ago still warms my chest whenever I think about him, about us together, and about the future I hope we'll be able to have. We've both grown a lot in the past 3-4 years and I cannot help but be ecstatic thinking about how different we both may be by the time I get to call him my husband, y'know? ♡♡
In short, Happy Birthday, Tenko. I love you so much, and I always will, until my last breath, beyond the grave, forever and ever. You mean the world to me, my love, my light, my beautiful fiance. Here's to many more years of being able to celebrate this occasion together. P.s, come back stronger than ever and kick AFO's ass. I know you have it in you, and you deserve it. No matter where you go from here, either to redemption or remaining a villain, just with full freedom this time, I'll be by your side through it all to cheer you on, no matter what. Mwah mwah mwah <3
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worldismyne · 11 months
Fixing Up Tenko
Bought a cosplay lot that had 5 of the rack DRV3 costumes of various sizes. It averaged about $20 per costume/wig. I already fixed up Miu and Kaede, so this time I did Tenko. 
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For some reason, the costumes were all different sizes. Tenko's was an XL, I'm a medium at best. Way too long. Also, these socks were not XL, they squeezed the dickens out of my knees.
I bought real tabi socks and used a fabric paint marker to make the details. (I wore them while drawing with mixed results)
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The skirt fit fine around the waist, but was way too long. I hemmed the first layer without cutting, and put a few whip stiches in to preserve the pleats. The bottom skirt was too long for that, and I ended up cutting off a good 3-4 inches before hemming it up and doing the same.
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For the wig, I wanted to expirement with using foam to shape a wig.
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First I used wire to form the shape of the pigtails. Then wrapped it in quilting batting. (I used way too much for the size I wanted. Lesson learned.) 
After sewing that, I painted the batting to match the wig better. (I was trying to save money, so I didn't buy any spray paint. I should have used spray paint. Acrylic just absorbs into the batting and does not color it as thoroughly)
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Then I used old t-shirt scraps to sew the wire/foam dealies to the wig cap. (This allows the pigtails to still move without compromising the shape.) I couldn't get the wig hair to glue down to the foam. Instead, I'd tie elastic around the section and the texture of the batting grabbed the hair and I was able to hairspray it that shape. It's held up pretty well. It's very heavy and not convention friendly, so I'll probably retire it after a convention or two. Not too bad for a first pass though.
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Last, I found a star shaped broach to replace the piece of fabric they used to create a similar shape.
Here's the final result.
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My goal with these revamps is to make it for less than or equal to buying the cosplay new. Retail, this Tenko cosplay and wig go for about $56
I spent $7 on the fabric paint, $8.5 on a broach and $11 on the tabi socks. The rest I had lying around the house. That brought me to a grand total of $46.5 invested into the cosplay. Not too bad.
Next one I work on will be Tsumugi.
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lumilasi · 2 years
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UPDATE: Decided that I wanted to give this meme a different layout this year after all. Also put the image descriptions under the cut so this post won't be so long lol
January: I dabbled in traditional art again and doing an environment, creating some sort of illustration about my character Jurou's island. it came out surprisingly well considering it combined two things I don't do a whole lot: environments and traditional art.
February: I did not draw a whole lot this month it seems, most what I found was reblogs. I did however make this valentine's day Shigadabi thing, so I figured it'd be fitting to put here.
March: Another low-art month, decided to put Toga here as it was apparently the month I started doing my neon palette L.O.V series of sorts.
April: my boy Konjou. HAD to put him here, he's one of my favorites.
May: First time I tried out comic-panel art style with my favorite Spider Dad, Jurou.
June: Another nearly-no-art-month, but I did find this cute doodle of kid Tenko I did in June.
July: My Moth spirit set. Yaguro was my fave from it, as his profile in the image was probably the best profile I'd ever drawn then (and since OTL)
August: Start of my "cool pose ladies" series (that I still haven't finished lol) starting with Yume.
September: Konjou x Jinchou, had to include this one as it was one of the few times I skipped the lineart phase and it actually came out really good.
October: As much as I wanted to include the halloween thing(s) I did, I just absolutely LOVE this piece, so I had to pick it instead lol
November: My favorite villain siblings duo, Angus and Franziska. This one was kinda fun because while I was making it I kept thinking it sucks, but once I finished it, it became one of my favorite pieces I'd made so far. Funny how splashing colors onto a piece can fix a lot of issues lmao
December: Haven't drawn much yet, but decided to pick one of my newest ocs, Kuromoya. I'm quite happy with how that piece came out.
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