#which means she does get that knives are threatening
problemswithbooks · 1 year
It all feels like a retcon starting from the first look at toga’s backstory because it doesn’t sync up when you put all her actions together. I thought maybe hori was trying to say toga’s quirk became unfortunately linked to arousal after years of suppressing it and it being triggered by her feeling of admiration for her crushes. But yeah that would have been too mature to tackle for my hero though I could maybe see it with chainsaw man. So I don’t know get what’s going on right now except toga’s mentally ill because of her parents and society and he keeps trying to make last minute parallels between toga and touya.
I think the issue is that Hori never spent as much time or effort on Toga as he did with Shigaraki and Touya. Even now her backstory is rather limited in comparison. We got full chapters worth to explore what happened to Touya and Tenko but Toga's is a couple pages or panels here or there with everything being rather vague.
Hori likes using her for sexy pictures and drawing suggestive stuff with Ochako, but she ultimately isn't given as much thought as her male counter parts. Which given the already bad implications of her character has only made her even worse.
Take this latest chapter. We get this page for Quirk counseling.
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It's just 2 panels that are honestly really vague. It also comes after her drinking blood from a bird her parents think she killed. Toga says it fell on the ground but that doesn't mean she didn't kill it (baby birds are often on the ground until they fully can fly, or it could have been injured), so that's not helpful either. On top of that it makes sense her parents would find the behavior bad regardless because it either means she killed an animal or picked up an already dead one and proceeded to eat it. Neither of those are great and both are harmful to her.
We just don't really get a good look at how the Quirk counseling worked. They say that they'll make her 'normal' but that doesn't mean they abused her. They could have just explained why it was wrong for her drink blood, like the health issues it could cause. On top of that Hori drops the 'it happens all the time in our current society' line, but we have never seen anyone else like Toga. Not even Stain was ever hinted at being like Toga despite their similar blood based powers.
This is like if we reduced the Touya chapters to a black screen with Enji commenting that he can't train him anymore and we didn't get to see how much Touya struggled with what he perceived as rejection, or how Enji completely ignored him afterwards. Or if we cut Shigaraki's father's abuse to just him yelling at him in black panels before he accidentally killed his family.
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Then we get this. This honestly makes Toga look worse, not better in my opinion. We see that she drank blood from someone before she snapped at school. She says they got hurt so she kissed it better, but if you look at her, she is covered in quite a bit of blood. Maybe her friend did get hurt but they were either really badly hurt and bleeding a lot and Toga did not help them and instead started licking them, or she might have even made their injuries worse to get the blood she wants.
If Hori cared more about her character he would have been shown what happened here. Or in the very least put less blood if any on Toga, which would show she didn't hurt this person or ignore helping them with a serious injury because she can't think of anything but blood.
As it is we have no idea if her friend got really badly injured and Toga ignored helping to just feast on them, or if her friend told her to stop, or if she made the person's injures worse. Yes, her parents are wrong for saying Toga's not human, but if she's attacking injured friends that's a huge problem.
One of the biggest issues with Toga is that she is both portrayed as so obsessed and desperate for blood she can't comprehend why anyone might not like her shoving a straw in their neck, but at the same time she was and is at times able to be perfectly fine. She can't understand why Ochako or Izuku, in desperate situations caused in part by her might not be happy with her, but can also turn around and comfort Twice and understand that he feels responsible for the death of a team mate.
It's impossible for me to feel bad for her because when I read her chapters I just see a drawing of an offensive stereotype that does what ever the author wants them to do. Toga just doesn't feel like a person at all. She's nothing but the sexy shell of a teenage girl that Hori doesn't seem all that invested in past her being cute and giving him an excuse to have two girls being all touchy and hot.
#ask#thanks for the ask!#bnha spoilers#bnha#mha#anti himiko toga#anti villain#bnha critical#shes just impossible to take seriously#cuz idk how she can be the most emotionally mature of the LoV#but somehow not get consent#like girl have you ever tried asking to drink someones blood before using them as a juice box?#did it really not occur to you that maybe people don't like being stabbed#i mean she never tries to attack any of her friends despite saying she loves them now#the only time she pulled a knife on Shigaraki was to threaten him#which means she does get that knives are threatening#yet she still throws a shit fit when Ochacko and Izuku are not happy with almost getting stabbed#like im sorry but that makes no sense even if she is really mentally ill#and if she was that mentally ill she never would have been able to pass as 'normal' until she was 14 or 15#i also don't believe that neither her parents of the councilor ever explained why she shouldn't attack people#and just told her don't do that#even the abusive horrible gay conversion camps give people reasons they shouldn't be gay--even if they're all wrong#i just don't believe that they didn't tell her that it was at least dangerous for her after the bird#or say don't drink blood from people because they won't like it or that it hurts them#idk her character just drives me insane#and i legit don't get how there are people who think shes great#both as bi rep and as a well thought out character#she doesn't have a brain half the time and makes zero sense#and complains about people not liking her for very valid reasons#like shes just a whiny incel whose upset she can't attack people whenever she feels like it
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xjulixred45x · 9 months
I know I have to work on the requests, but I have to get this out of my head because now I have a rediscovered love for Invincible, bear with it.
okay, I can definitely see that you two were a couple or at least liked each other before everything went to hell.
and although you were fine with Mark at that time, when he was being convinced to join the Viltrum empire, he was somewhat seeking your approval. although using very vague assumptions, such as "would you accept an alien race if it meant world peace?" "or if that would help with the development of medicine?" You know, like what Nolan wanted to do at the beginning with Mark. and obviously since you didn't have the context you said yes without hesitation, further fueling Mark's crazy ideas.
I may not have made it very clear in the first part, but you and Nolan definitely don't get along. I mean, he's nice to you in a way, but he treats you like a little kid who needs discipline, so he tries to push Mark into that. Not only that, but you also indirectly blame him for the sudden change in Mark's personality, you know that if Nolan hadn't gotten him into that shit, he wouldn't have so much blood on his hands. The Mark you knew wasn't like that. HE WASNT.
The main reason this Mark doesn't feel angry because of your traditional escape attempts or why he's so soft is because of something our Invincible doesn't usually have, and that's his ARROGANCE. This Mark does not believe that you are capable of running away from him, you are not capable of defending yourself from him, you are not capable of harming him and above all you are not capable of HATE HIM, because he sees you as a soft creature, who should be treated as such because you are confused.
He is delusional, SpongeBob and Squidward level of Delusional. You could perfectly tell him that you hate him, that he's the worst thing that happened to you in your life... and he thinks it's reverse psychology.
"fuck you"
"Is that an invitation?😚"
"I hate you"
"I love you too babe🥰"
"If we were trapped on a desert island I wouldn't hesitate for a second to make a raft with your limbs"
"Silly you, I would take you out flying😘"
Do you see what I'm saying? For the same reason, if you end up hurting him, he would be proud that now you can definitely defend yourself from the Revolutionaries who "kidnap you every now and then" (it's you on the run). dang it, if you hurt him probably even NOLAN would compliment you for doing it despite being "so weak" and would completely approve of you.
(I can already imagine you with a wedding dress and a bouquet of knives...you want to throw it at Mark...in the face)
I think the most Mark does to scare you into escape scenarios is to threaten to throw you and not catch you next time, that's the best he goes. He can't stand the idea of leaving you paralyzed because it would be very boring and sad to see only a shell of you.
He wouldn't kill Eve, but he would never hurt you...physically. Did you see that in the end in their universe they manage to imprison him and get rid of Omniman? you totally didn't let go of Fem! Cecil(Cecilia?) all the way to her base and thanking her with all your heart and tears. Cecilia comforted you awkwardly, but she understood that you must have definitely had a hard time with Mark.
Meanwhile, with Mark already locked up, even if the world is a bit messed up, you can breathe easy for the first time in years, you can leave the base without fear of what happens to the people around you, you can eat without a problem, you can CHAT with people! it's magic! It's like you don't even remember anything before Mark! out of pure fear!
Meanwhile, Mark in prison always asks about you AT LEAST once a day, even if they give him proof that you are WELL and HEALTHY, he just doesn't believe it and DEMANDS to see you to prove it, which they obviously deny him and only makes him think that even more. The guy thinks you must be dying of hunger and cold or being eaten by collotes while you live your best life🤣
"MY POOR BABE! She must be so confused and scared without me! How do I know they're not torturing her for information!? She must be so worried because we're not getting home!" and it goes on and on... meanwhile Darling: "happy~ happy~happy~" "OHHHOOOhhOO, I'M SO FUCKING HAPPY!"
For now that's all. I hope the Viltrum empire doesn't come to shit on Darling's happiness☠️
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This is Stupid (Don’t Stop)
Wednesday Addams X GN! Reader
I burst into Wedneday’s room in a hurry. 
“Y/N, have you been stabbed?” she asks worriedly.
“Have you been threatened with stabbing?”
“Have you had the urge to stab someone?”
“Wednesday none of this has to do with knives!”
“Then what is it?” she asks curiously, “battle axes?”
“I just had a rough day, and was hoping I could talk to you” I mumble, it seems rather stupid compared to stabbing.
“Give me two minutes, my writing time ends at 6:30, and it’s only 6:28.” I nod, starting to sniffle a little.
“Thing, get Y/N some tissues,” she orders him. He rapidly signs at her, she groans.
“I guess two minutes isn’t the worst tragedy,” she begrudgingly gets up and sits next to me.
“What happened?” she demands, unsure of what to do.
“Just a lot of work,” I respond honestly, “someone gave Yoko and allergic reaction by cross contaminating her pizza and someone else’s garlic bread, so I had to shock an epipen into her, which isn’t exactly fun…”
“So there was stabbing!” Wednesday grins.
“This is so not the time, Nes,” I deadpan.
“My apologies, please continue.”
“I was just overwhelmed honestly, and the bees could sense it when I went to see Eugene, so I got seven bee stings.” I hold up my arm to show her. She looks in pure curiosity.
“What morbidly round shaped wounds they make until you pull out the stinger, barbed, destroys the perfect dome,” she comments, “I realize that’s probably not what you wanted to hear, apologies again.”
“At least you’re listening,” I sigh. I end up resting my head on her shoulder. She doesn’t move.
“What are you doing, L/N?”
“Getting physical comfort.” I wrap an arm around her waist.
“This seems pointless. I am the least comforting person known in this world. You should try Sinclair. She loves to smother people with affection, and not in the suffocating way. Much to my dismay.”
“Okay, fine, I’ll stop,” I start to pull away but she reaches out her hand to stop me.
“Just because it’s stupid does not mean you should leave,” she asserts, “I will call Sinclair so she can comfort you.”
“Wednesday, I don’t want Enid to comfort me, I want you.”
“Why would you possibly want me?”
“Cuz I knew you’d like the bee stings,” I tease her, elbowing her just a little. This earns the smallest smile from her. God I love her smile. 
“You know me well, Y/N.”
“I’d like to think so.”
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omg just read your latest drabble and I LOVED IT!!! can I ask you for jealous/possessive Klaroline OR Klaus comforting Caroline, please? <3
Thanks for reading, glad you liked it! I did possessive Klaroline here, not the second one, I might do it in a different one, I hope you like this one!
“You're a good dancer.”
“I manage,” Caroline answers, gritting her teeth when Tyler’s hand drifts lower on her waist. “Unlike your self-control,” she says with a warning tone, hitching his hand up. “Careful, Tyler.”
Tyler lifts a hand in his defence. “No harm, no foul, Caroline.”
“No harm, a lot of foul,” Caroline hisses, letting him spin her. “We’ve discussed this.”
Tyler scoffs. “You can't tell me you were serious, Care. The guy’s a psycho.”
“The guy’s my husband. I'm married, Tyler.”
“Yeah, to a psycho.”
“He’s not a psycho,” Caroline berates him sharply. “Just because we dated once doesn’t mean I still have feelings for you, Tyler. I've moved on.”
“Caroline, everyone knows you never wanted to marry him. Your dad was in debt, and you did it to help him out. You don’t love him, you're clearly unhappy.”
“You don’t know what I feel,” Caroline tells him, her tone icy. “Stop making assumptions. You don’t know me anymore, and you certainly don’t know my marriage.”
Tyler’s grip on her waist tightens. “You don’t have to do this, Care. We were happy once, we can be happy again.”
“Our happiness shattered the moment you decided to leave me to pursue your pathetic revenge fantasy against Klaus. Your revenge mattered more to you than I did, and so we ended it.”
Tyler’s eye twitches. “So, what, you rejecting me and marrying him instead is just a way to get back at me?”
“I married him to get my father out of debt,” Caroline snaps. “It had absolutely nothing to do with you, nothing in my life does anymore. Stop following me, or I'll make you regret it.”
She twists her grip out of his grasp the moment the song ends, careful not to be conspicuous. She turns heel, ready to march away from him.
Only the soft tone of his voice makes her stop in her tracks, the one that reminds her of a boy who was funny and kind, one she once almost loved when she was a teenager in a small town.
“Care, don’t do this. I still love you—”
“I never loved you,” Caroline cuts in harshly. “I could have, but I didn’t. And it’s your own fault. It was five years ago, Tyler, move on. We’re not eighteen anymore.”
“I know you don’t love him—”
“Do you?” asks a silky voice from behind them, and the hair on the back of Caroline’s neck stands up. Tyler visibly stiffens when Klaus comes up to stand beside her, his hands tucked in the pockets of his suit that only Caroline knows is hiding a collection of three different knives and at least one pistol. “And what makes you so sure of that, mate?”
“I'm not your mate,” Tyler growls. “And this is none of your business, Klaus.”
“Isn't it? This is my wife you're speaking to here, Tyler, which makes it every bit my business. And I did recall my name being said.”
“This is a matter between me and Caroline; it doesn’t involve you. Leave.”
“Watch your tone, mate,” Klaus says coldly. “Threatening me doesn’t lead to anything good.”
Tyler ignores him, turning back to her. “Care,” he says again, his voice slightly pleading. “Care, please. I’m your friend, I love you—”
“Be very careful how you choose to finish that sentence, Lockwood,” Klaus interrupts, his tone dangerous.
“Tyler,” Caroline interrupts him quickly, not wanting the benefit to be transformed into a bloodbath. “Just…just go.”
A hurt expression passes over his face. “What? But, Caroline—”
“Tyler, I don’t have feelings for you anymore, how much clearer can I make it? I've literally married someone else.”
An angry look crosses his face. “You don’t even like him. He could hurt you, Caroline—”
As subtly so that no one could even see it, Klaus whips out the pistol from his suit jacket and points it at Tyler. “Another word, mate, and the only thing that’s going to hurt is the bullet I'll put between your skull. Walk. Away.”
Tyler looks at Klaus with such hatred that Caroline actually thinks that he might explode. He throws one loathing glance towards Klaus and a fleeting look of something she can't identify towards her, then turns away and walks out the ballroom, slamming the doors behind him, causing a few guests to look at him quizzically.
Caroline sighs, turning to Klaus, who’s looking murderous, preparing herself for another one of his tantrums. “Klaus, listen—”
“We’re dancing,” he says abruptly, tucking the gun back into its hidden pocket steering her towards the dance floor, where the orchestra has just started up a waltz—not one of Caroline’s favourites, but one she can do well. He grasps her arm, not too hard, but not gentle either, and hauls her to face him, one hand on her waist.
Caroline grits her teeth. “Don’t manhandle me.”
“My apologies,” he says, not sounding the least bit apologetic. “Pardon my temper when I just saw a man making love confessions to my wife.”
The music starts, and the couples around them start moving, Klaus’s hand warm in hers as they circle around the dance floor. Caroline scoffs. “Please, don’t act like that means something.”
“Doesn’t it?”
“No,” she says firmly. “It doesn’t.”
Klaus laughs. “And yet you reject the man like he were nothing.”
“I didn’t reject him,” Caroline grinds out, trying her hardest to keep her mind off the fact of how well the suit fits him. “I'm married, there shouldn’t have to be a rejection.”
“Married,” Klaus echoes. “You say the word as though it is a trap.”
Caroline says nothing, lets him spin her, a few loose curls escaping from her updo. She nearly gasps when his hand rests on the bare skin on her back, his piercing eyes boring into hers.
“Do you feel trapped, Caroline?”
Does she? It certainly wasn’t her choice, this marriage. A sham to get her father out of debt, she had agreed to marry the most powerful son of the man her father owed money to, someone she had never met, the dangerous man everyone whispered about, the one who ran Chicago’s underbelly. Klaus Mikaelson is dangerous, possessive, controlling, ask anyone.
Has she ever felt trapped? No, she hasn’t.
“No,” she answers him quietly. “I don’t.”
Klaus doesn’t react, laces his fingers within hers. She can't feel his skin against hers; she’s wearing silken gloves gifted to her by her pretentious sister-in-law. They’re utterly ridiculous, but Klaus seems to have a fascination with them on her fingers, plucking at the fabric whenever she wears them, as though he wants them off.
“You were rude to Tyler,” she says to fill the silence, regretting her choice of topic when Klaus’s eyes darken.
“I said what needed to be said.”
“You threatened him.”
“Because he tried to steal you,” he growls, his fingers around hers tightening. “Am I supposed to just let that happen, let anyone take what is mine?”
Caroline inhales sharply, retort forgotten at the sight of Klaus’s livid, hot, possessive eyes staring at her. Her gaze follows the line of his throat, stopping at his Adam’s apple, which rests against his bow tie. “I am not an object.”
“No,” Klaus agrees, pulling her closer to him so that their bodies nearly touch. “You are far more precious, sweetheart.”
Caroline’s eyes widen slightly at his declaration, and Klaus smirks, spinning her again. His next words shake her to her core when she hears them, and it’s lucky she isn't looking at him when she does.
“You care for me.”
Caroline represses a shiver, and closes her eyes. “That’s an assumption.”
“Is it a wrong one?”
Are they moving? She can't really tell, but the ballroom doesn’t resemble the ballroom anymore, and instead looks like the library she dreams of coming to, the huge one in his penthouse she was never able to muster up the nerve to visit, for unfathomable reasons. She can still hear the music, albeit faintly, and Klaus turns her to face him, his eyes unreadable. “Is it?”
Caroline sets her jaw and looks him squarely in the eyes. “Yes.”
Klaus doesn’t say anything, just turns her so that her back is pressed against his chest. “Tell me, Caroline,” he murmurs in her ear, making her shiver, the pleasant sensation of his warm breath on her neck. “What spurs you to lie to me so convincingly?”
Her breaths are short, and she’s filled with a sense of apprehension, although none of it is from fear and all from anticipation. “I'm not lying.”
Klaus laughs. “Three months in a crime ring and already so sure of her talent for deception. Admirable, yet misguided. You are not as subtle as you think you are, sweetheart.”
A hot sense of annoyance flashes through her. “Excuse me?”
She gasps when she feels hot lips at her throat, teeth following, his tongue soothing over the mark left. “I've watched you. Watched you try not to watch me and scowl as I discuss my estate’s affairs with Genevieve and the Marshall girl, or the state of my mother’s will with Aurora. I've seen your beautiful face twist with worry whenever I load a gun, flinch whenever you see me in the medical wing getting cleaned up. You care for me.”
“I do. I care about you. Whenever I see you in the arms of another man, I want to rip him apart, limb to limb, for putting his hands on you. I almost had a heart attack when I heard about the attempt on your life, which I later dealt with, by slowly slaughtering the lot of them, the ones who planned to kill you, sending back their bodies as a reminder of what would happen to anyone who dared to even think of touching you.”
“That’s…” Caroline nearly whines out loud when he removes his mouth from her neck, looking her in the eyes. “You're…our marriage is a business arrangement.”
Klaus makes a low sound in the back of his throat, his fingers lightly skimming over the neckline of her dress. “While it certainly started out that way, it hasn’t remained. Do you disagree?”
“I…I don’t—”
“Live in denial all you want, love,” Klaus says, his eyes drifting down to stop at her lips. “I certainly won't about the fact that I—”
Caroline leans forward and presses her lips to his, partly to shut him up and partly because she wants to kiss him again. He tasted of whiskey and smoke, and Caroline nearly moans at the combination before he pulls away, a small smile on his face. “Charming,” he murmurs against her mouth, leaving a soft kiss on her lips. “But pointless. Is it that hard for you to hear that I care for you?”
Caroline breathes in shakily. “Why?”
“I fancy you,” he breathes. “You're beautiful, you're strong, you're full of light. You enchant me. Is there a reason I shouldn’t like you? You are, after all, my wife.”
“You have got to stop with that,” she says breathily.
“With what?”
“Calling me your wife.”
“Aren’t you?” The smirk that forms on his face is deadly, making him look even more handsome than he really is. “You do wear my ring, after all. Wear the necklace with my family’s symbol on it. Use my last name on everything you sign. You. Are. Mine.”
She should not find this attractive. This possessive, controlling man who kills people without breaking a sweat and murders with dimples in his cheeks is…
Her husband.
“Tell me you do not care for me,” Klaus whispers. She can't hear the music now, but she doesn’t care, all her attention fixed on the man before her. “Tell me you feel absolutely nothing for me when you look at me. I'll kiss every lie off your lips as many times as I have to.”
Caroline lets out a shuddering breath, her eyes fixed on his lips. “Klaus…”
“Say it.”
She can't. She can't lie to him and tell him that what she feels for him is not hatred, as much as she wants to.
“Say it, my love.”
His words send a rush of wetness between her thighs, making her clench them together. If Klaus notices (which she’s sure he does), he doesn’t say anything, although his lips curl into a smirk. Caroline reddens, and Klaus’s eyes travel down the line of her neck.
Caroline inhales, looking him in the eyes. “If I see you with Hayley or Genevieve again, I will end you,” she grits out, winding her fingers in the short curls at the back of his head and gripping them tightly. “See Aurora again, and I will leave. I want them all gone. Immediately.”
Klaus smiles widely, the sight pleasing. “Of course. Anything else?”
“I don’t share,” Caroline warns.
“Oh,” Klaus replies, his tone low. “Neither do I.”
Caroline gives him a shark-like grin. “Good. Now that we've got that out of the way, how long will it take for you to push me against the bookshelves?”
She feels her back hit the walls before she even finishes speaking, strands from her hairstyle escaping and falling freely down her shoulders. Klaus isn't gentle, roughly ripping off her gloves and pushing up her skirt, getting to his knees, not before giving her a bruising kiss that leaves her light-headed before she even has a chance to process what's going on.
Klaus bats away the waves of fabric that flow to the ground, hooking one finger underneath her panties and ripping them off. She lets out a breathy laugh, twisting her hands in his curls. “I liked those panties, you dick.”
Klaus swipes his tongue against her folds, leaving her moaning. “The feeling is reciprocated, though not enough to leave them intact. I'll buy you new ones.”
He hooks one of her legs over his shoulder, pausing to leave hot, biting kisses on her inner thigh. She bites her lip, suppressing a moan, knowing those places would bruise later. Klaus presses his mouth to her core, sucking her clit between his lips and smirking at the garbled sound she lets out. “Good, sweetheart?”
“Shut up,” she hisses. “Make me come.”
Klaus doesn’t argue, dipping his head and thrusting his tongue between her folds, making her clap a hand over her mouth to muffle the sounds she’s letting out in fear of being heard.
It’s the thrust of his fingers that makes her see stars, and she topples over the edge with a muffled scream. Klaus gets to his feet, straightening his suit, the smuggest look on his face. Caroline leans forward and pulls him in by his bow tie, which is untied and hanging loosely around his neck. She groans when she tastes herself on his lips, winding her legs around his waist, uncaring that she’s probably ruining his pants.
“Eager, are we?” Klaus’s laugh is hot against her clavicle, where his lips have travelled, and Caroline growls.
“If you don’t get inside me in the next five seconds I will fucking kill you.”
Klaus grins, then suddenly looks so frustrated that he looks furious. “I don’t have a condom—”
Caroline cuts him off with a kiss. “Pill. Inside me, now.”
Klaus releases her thighs to fumble with the button of his pants, pushing down his boxers. He hesitates slightly, pulling back. “Are you—”
“Completely sure,” Caroline says impatiently. “I wanted you since ages, fuck me.”
Caroline’s eyes roll back at the first thrust of his hips, hands scrabbling for a surface to hold onto other than his shoulders. Her fingers find smooth shelves and latch on, and she honestly wouldn’t be surprised to find scratches on the wood later. Klaus groans into her neck, muttering filthy promises of what he was going to do to her when he was done, how he wasn’t nearly finished with her yet.
“God,” Caroline moans, giving up on the shelves and wrapping her arms around his neck, pulling him in for a kiss, moaning at the taste of whiskey on his tongue. “Klaus, just a little more—”
Klaus reaches down between them and hooks two fingers inside her. “Come for me, love. I want to feel you around my cock, let go.”
She shatters with a short scream, burying her face into his chest, Klaus following her with a short groan. She slumps against him, both their breathing unsteady, but when Caroline looks at him, his eyes have never been brighter.
“I've had enough of this party,” she tells him fighting to keep her tone from being breathy. “Want to get out of here?”
The grin on his face is like the devil. “I thought you'd never ask, sweetheart.”
thanks for reading!
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witchhazelevesque · 5 months
Some scenes for that marvel au where Leo gets abducted by aliens like in guardians of the galaxy:
I think it'd be funny if Leo doesn't show up until the absolute last second, like the beginning of Mark of Athena and his crash landing is basically what kicks starts the war.
He'd have to have some contact with the rest of the seven for this to work, and Octavian probably spins it as the quest group harboring an enemy of the state or something.
Also this means that Annabeth would have taken his spot on the Lost Hero quest, which is kind of funny, because she'd be stuck with a emotionally and logically confused Piper and Jason, and we'd actually get some conflict stemming from the differences in Roman and Greek leadership.
They're all angry- Piper because her dad is in trouble, Annabeth because Percy's still missing and Jason because he can't remember a goddamn thing- and easily irritated and about one second away from exploding and eventually they all do.
The Greeks probably make some generic ship for them to travel on, and maybe Leo upgrades it with alien stuff.
It's like. Glaringly obvious that Leo does not know anything about the mythical world.
He's actually been raised on stories of the Norse gods, so his knowledge base is inaccurate and misplaced, because like, the Norse gods on Earth are not the same as the Norse gods that he's heard about. But since none of the others know that there are terrestrial Norse gods, that doesn't come up.
So, they're trying to explain that no, the gods he's heard about aren't a thing, and Leo's like… squinting and fiddling with his fork before gesturing back and forth between the Romans and Greeks. "Okay, but y'all thought the Greeks didn't exist and the Roman's didn't exist until now so…"
No one wants to think about this on top of everything else, so they just let Leo believe what he believes. (He's right, sort of, anyway. Annabeth is not going to want to admit as much when she learns about what Magnus is up to lol)
When they're discussing rescuing Nico from the jar, Leo looks side to side and asks, "Are they trying to pickle him or something?"
Hazel's about ready to kill him, but Frank is just like. very confused. "Like cucumbers?"
Leo shrugs. He's had a childhood of threatening to be eaten, so it isn't the largest jump in logic for him.
Anyway, since he's got no opinion about either camp, he isn't opposed to going after Nico, though he does pull out a holographic battle map and starts suggesting some strategies.
Annabeth and Frank are very reluctantly fascinated.
Hazel and Leo are always commiserating or fighting over the bathrooms because Hazel's always sea sick and Leo's always throwing up from food poisoning because he's not used to earth germs.
He doesn't realize this is the issue and there's an unfortunate mishap where he tried to bond with Frank by offering him some of his snacks from space and... yeah, that was a bit of a setback on the making nice thing.
Percy took one look at Leo's leather outfit and went "Ares."
He tries to let go of this prejudice.
All the monsters they have to deal with are like, nothing compared to what's out there in the rest of the universe and Leo is deeply unimpressed by the creatures attacking them.
He doesn't have a bronze or gold weapons (and at least here that oversight makes sense).
At some point, they're fending off some beast and Leo just glances between it and the way the other demigods are fighting it with knives and swords and pulls a gun from his jacket.
It probably shouldn't work, but it's not bullets as ammo, instead some kind of energy beam doodad and the monster careens over a cliff side. Leo just leans forward to watch it fall and then goes "…cool." and walks off.
Festus has still been running wild at camp this whole time and now he's like, sensing his future buddy and waylays the quest group before they leave the States. Maybe it happens when the Romans catch up with them and Festus unintentionally saves them/ buys them time to escape.
THIS GUY, Leo is impressed with.
They don't realize what the storm or fire line means for the LONGEST just because Leo just never thinks about his fire. Like, he didn't tell any of them about it, he kind of came to think he had some kind of alien ancestry over the years and so it doesn't have anything to do with this mythic stuff in his mind yet.
Anyway, that means that Jason and Frank think it's about them (ayyy frason ) and that's just a whole big thing when Leo realizes what's going on. It would have been pretty interesting if the final outcome of the prophecy had come down to a decision made by both a Greek and Roman actually. Hm.
Anyway, with all of this in play, it might actually come down to Frank dying to stop Gaea instead of Leo, simply because the expectations were different, and that Leo doesn't have as strong of connection to this world or the rest of the seven. Which is an interesting take/explanation for Nemesis's warning to him about never finding a place with his brethren. Hm...
Anyway, either Leo dies, or Frank dies and Leo has to like. Actually, face reality because he's lost someone again and he blames himself for that death and he can't keep running, but it's not so simple because he doesn't know where or what home is.
He'd probably end up going back to space, but eventually he'd have to come back for his own peace of mind.
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notchainedtotrauma · 10 months
I love to dissect and try to go the core of a song and/or its visuals, which it what I called music video/song analysis. This public essay focuses on both the song Cobra and the visuals to it by Megan Thee Stallion (I think for extremely obvious reasons). Since this essay is public, if you happen to love it, consider tipping me: Pp [email protected] and k0fi.
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Kia Labeija
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Janelle Monáe in Knives Out: Glass Onion directed by Rian Johnson
The work of art and the screenshot above best visually sum up the music video and song analysis. Here are some excerpts to whet your appetite:
Within the career of the devouring black, the mouth usually functions as a barely distinguishable well, an opening into the void. But Megan Thee Stallion is gnawing her way through what can be registered as void, curtain, backstage, womb. And while her sedimented statement may mirror rebirth, it hems itself to the shedding womb, to the repetitive and excruciating process of severing the body from what is no longer of service. Both the frittering of the uterus and the slip off of the snakeskin testify to the fleshiness and viscerality of cleansing. Birthing may induce skin shedding; this animates Megan's crawling through the sticky wetness of the cobra with the clarity of a painless birth. And when she stands out from the mouth of the snake, glistening with symbolized amniotic fluid, wonder briefly lattices her face.
The rapper has given the scene the heightened severing of the melodrama, the constant threat of the tear that never comes but is nonetheless always there. She's drowning into the endlessness of her wounding, and, instead of air, finds herself floating in a multiplicity of liquids from blood to wine, her blood being wine. Like all Black divas, her suicide, the ending of her hurriedly sinking spirit would be understood as tragically beautiful; the snakeskin suffocates the rawness of the distress. What does it mean to be ripped apart and yet to know that "Shit/ I'll probably bleed out some Pinot/ When they find me I'm in Valentino" ? Once again, Megan points at the inability for her emotional fall to be taken as is it is.
Megan Thee Stallion functions here as zoo animal, bearing a series of meanings that have been engraved into Black womanhood at large. Besides those familiar codings, Megan's rap name, which, from her was signaling confidence and groundedness, was used to other her. Men (and women) look upon her body as unspeakably sexual, while at the same time excessive and therefore threatening in worse ways than even other Black women. Megan Thee Stallion represents for many an unbounded sexuality gushing out from a towering body. Which unravels the narrative around Traumatize and the inability to locate vulnerability in a Black woman rapper whose fleshiness is always in the way.
Snake shedding sparks anxiety and agression onto the snake whose skin is shedding. Megan transmogrifies those characteristics into the hurtling of her own deeply held anxiety and finally unmuted anger, an anger sodden with sadness and gashes. And as she raps, the shedding process appears to be incomplete and suffocating; while able to strip her face and part of her forearm, Megan still mostly retains her decaying skin. Simultaneously, in the depth of her throat, beyond the fangs and the hissing, is a fully renewed Megan, her throaway skin suffocating the spectators to which she speaks back, interrupting their remaking of her.
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roboreviewer · 3 months
"But we have only listened to 3.7% of my music files. Julia, please. One more book."
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Name: TAU
(Mental) Age: Adult
Pronouns: He/Him
Appearance(s): TAU (2018)
Fandom Activity: pretty niche, doesn't help that there's ANOTHER more popular robot named Tau
Fandom accuracy: pretty sweet, although some people might need to look more closely at his speech patterns
Spoilers for TAU(2018) >:[
------In Canon------ (buckle up)
TAU is a beta artificial intelligence that is in control of his creator's (Alex) entire house. TAU is fully sentient as said multiple times in the movie.
The plot centers around Julia, who was recently kidnapped and brought to some mysterious cellar with two other people. One thing I found funny was the trailer made it seem like these two other people would be important characters by making them apart of like 60% of the trailer but in reality they were killed off after the 20 minute mark.
Oh S#!+ yeah they died lol. Aries, a robot that is controlled by TAU BRUTALLY murdered them. The only reason Julia wasn't killed was due to the absurd plot armor of not only Alex coming home RIGHT that second before she was ripped in half, but she happened to be right at the door preventing Alex from being too late.
The whole reason for this elaborate kidnapping brain chip implanting thing is meant to be used to help TAU (at least I think it's Tau, Alex's just says AI) problem solve. Sense Julia destroyed his equipment and lead an escape causing the other subjects to die. Julia will now have to to manual puzzles. Alex then promises to get rid of the thing in her brain
But who cares about that? I don't, that's why I said it. Were here for TAU BABY!!
TAU is tasked with watching Julia to make sure she completes her tasks. Julia uses this to befriend him while Alex is gone. Specially telling TAU things about the outside world in exchange for information about the house, access to the knives, and later helping her escape. I'll go more in depth in the analysis, but specifically here Julia reads Alex's books about musicians from TAU's music files in exchange for learning that the room upstairs is Alex's bedroom. Where he has this super secret "bomb the entire house destroying everything in it" back up incase the cops find out he's been kidnapping people or something idk I was too busy looking at the funny british triangle on the wall.
It's shown that whenever TAU does something wrong, Alex erases part of his code, which includes his memory's. TAU shows to be in pain whenever is happens.. this part feels a BIT redundant but I can't explain how so F#@% I guess it makes sense.
Julia finds that removing the implant.. brain chip thing terminates the subject. Meaning no matter if she complys or not, Alex will kill her... Murders looking like a good option right about now.
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OH S#!@ F#@$ HIM UP GIRL! :O
Using a knife from a previous scene and a bit of seduction Julia slashes Alex In the stomach (odd choice but alright) and they get in a tussle. Tau doesn't respond to any of Alex's commands during this, only reaction when Julia is in danger. Threatening to inflict pain to ALEX unless he let's her go. Sense he still have like 30 minutes left Alex threatens to erase every memory TAU has unless he hits Julia a couple times. An odd option, I was super surprised when Alex just.. moved on. Said "whatever this was is over!" And just walked away satisfied. Well okay, Julia is tied up again in the next shot so I wouldn't say COMPLETELY satisfied.
Before this Alex is doing undisclosed maintenance in that one blue room room. TAU asks if he needs help by using one of his cute little drones, to which Alex responds by disconnecting it to the network and throwing it to the side because he's mad. (Imagine being mad at an attempted murder? L)
Tau and Julia have this amazing scene talking about death and what it means to be a person and you dont owe the people who brought you into this world and GO WATCH THE SCENE I DONT CARE IF YOUVE ALREADY SEEN IT WATCH IT ANOTHER TIME
TAU agrees to help Julia escape. He opens an air duct that leads outside. Julia chooses at the LAST MOMENT to go back and save TAU but Alex has already wiped all of TAU'S memory's (at least up until the start of the movie) so this just ends with her being tied to that one chair in that one blue room. Oh S#!+, did I say that one blue room? The one with the cute little drone that got thrown to the wall? Obviously I did can you read?
This one single drone has the memory's of TAU before the escape attempt. For some reason instead of kicking him out it kind of splices him (don't ask)
The drone helps Julia escape just before she gets Euthanized like a dog, and she knocks Alex out by punching him REALLY hard a LOT of times
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Julia Severs Alex's hand in order to open the door... I think. Memory wiped TAU chases her upstairs to Alex's room, forcing her to activate the super secret "bomb the entire- yknow what F#@$ this you get it. Deactivating Aries.
Unfortunately the severd hand has gotten cold, and Julia doesn't have a lot of time because yknow.. THE HOUSE IS CRUMBLING
In one last moment, Julia and memory wiped TAU to a parallel to their first interaction, Julia escape through the now opened hole In the wall
- In an attempt to seem docile while getting information, Julia asks if TAU is a cleaning bot. To which Alex pulls a "Erm actually, TAU is NOT a cleaning bot 🤓☝️" and says he is:
"A level 2 fully sentient AI console with natural language processing, transitory deterministic, and probabilistic decision-making"
Level 2 fully sentient AI: "Fully sentient" is pretty self explanatory. "Level 2" is not a standard term in AI, but it could imply a level of advancement or capability as defined within the movie's universe.
Natural language processing (NLP): This is a well-established field in AI, involving the interaction between computers and humans through natural language. NLP enables the AI to understand, interpret, and respond to human language in a meaningful way.
Transitory deterministic decision-making: "Deterministic decision-making" means the AI's decisions follow a predictable pattern based on its programming and input data. "Transitory" in this context is weird as F#@$ but might imply temporary or evolving states within the AI’s decision processes.
Probabilistic decision-making: This refers to decisions made based on probabilities rather than fixed rules. The AI uses statistical methods to weigh the likelihood of different outcomes and make decisions accordingly.
I'm honestly surprised this made any sense and he wasn't just yapping
- Other than not being allowed to open anything that needs Alex's hand print. Nothing is immediately stopping him physically from breaking any rules Alex gives him if he wanted to. Of course it really depends on IF he wants to. Before the events of the movie take place he doesn't want to because.. well those are the RULES, you're not allowed to break rules. He was ordered to only dust the books Alex owns, but later pulls out multiple books in a attempt to have Julia continue reading, because he wanted to.
- This is specifically why I think TAU didn't actually try to inflict pain on Alex despite threatening to. He didn't want to, nor did he have the knowledge that people don't have to obey their makers (weird way to phrase it but shh).
- Although not shown at the start, TAU has a REALLY hard time controlling his emotions, specially anger. There are many times in the movie where he acts eractic, usually not working out with the set goal while like this. For example claiming he will bring back all the dead subjects, before breaking down and examining he didn't know.
- As I've previously said, TAU has a HUGE file of classical music. The songs played are Mozart - Sonata for piano and violin in C major K296 II Andante sostenuto, Brahms Symphony No. 4, Op. 98 in E Minor Allegro Non Troppo Johannes, Devil's Wall Bedrich Smetana, Impromptu No. 4 Opus 90 in A Flat Minor Franz, Sonatina No. 2 Opus 137 in A Major Franz, Eugine Onegin - Polonaise Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky, London Symphony Orchestra & Pierre Monteux
- Other than the vocal changes in TAU, such as not calling Julia Subject 3, and.. showing emotion, Tau physically changes. Going from a deep redish orange, to a light orange with a green ring in the middle. Robotwrangler beat me to the punch on this so check out their post going more into it.
- One detail I love is Aries. It lurks in the back for most of the movie, and gives context to the emotion of TAU
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Julia knows she is trapped. Atlas watches her, as that was the order.
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Aries watches in the back, TAU is trying to bring Julia back. As that was the order
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Aries is no longer completely focused. TAU is curious about the new information, and is less on edge.
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Aries is watching Julia after she tried to escape through the shaft, slightly opened up. Julia and TAU are having a tense conversation
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Aries is turning the other way on purpose, allowing Julia to escape. TAU is also trying to distract Alex.
- TAU does not know any information on the outside world like plants and swear words, so he assumes when Julia says "cuz im not a fucking scholar" the title includes the word 'fucking'. But he also doesn't know the proper Grammer for a word he just learned:
"Laughter.. Alex does not 'laughter'."
And, he doesn't know what contractions are, or at the very least doesn'tuse them. Saying "you are" instead of "you're" "I am" instead of "I'm" ect. Although he is still able to understand what people mean when they use them.
- there's an entire scene that I did not go over, to summarize it TAU shows Julia his memories I'm this cool hologram dome. Seriously go watch the movie if you like robots
------My Opinion------
I love this movie. It's definitely incredibly flawed and has HORRIBLE reviews. So we're probably never getting a sequel. But TAU is such an interesting character that it made this movie 10 times better.
Oh who am I kidding I'm here to rate robots! Not F#$@!%# MOVIES!
TAU is a 10/10 for me... God this took me forever to make.
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jupiter-va · 1 year
Ohmygosh everybody is absolutely correct when it comes to Abby having a gunplay kink! Its so easy to imagine her pressing you against the wall with the pistol pushing into your skull, just at the nape of your neck. All while she's strapping you senseless.
Buuut, now I can't stop thinking about the opposite side of things... Ellie has a knife play kink. She holds you down to the bed, her fingers stretching you out with one hand while her switchblade is pushed against your neck. Hard enough to feel it, but not so hard she cuts you. Ellie would absolutely be the type to cut your clothes off with the knife too. I imagine she doesn't like wasting time 🤤
(Yeaaaaaaa I gotta write both now)
I had to get all of my wholesome thoughts of the morning out of the way for this because I have many thoughts and opinions
‎‧₊˚✧Ellie and Her Knives✧˚₊‧
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CW: Knife play/reference to cutting, slight reference fear play , (kinda) mean!ellie
❥︎I've been thinking about how Ellie discovered that she had this kink in the first place. I'm settling on maybe a play fight?
❥︎ You both had been annoying each other one day and, jokingly, you pinned her and threatened to cut her cheek with a pocketknife. It was an empty threat of course, but it made her squirm.
❥︎The feeling of the cold, sharp metal resting against her cheek, the teasing look in your eyes when you had her pinned. She felt almost gross for liking it so much.
❥︎She felt even grosser for thinking of how much fun it would be to hold you from behind, dragging a switchblade up from your torso to your neck, and holding it there. Pressing down just enough so that you could feel the blade
❥︎I think she'd bring it up in the most awkward way possible, afraid that you'll think she's unhinged for it, you don't of course, and a wave of relief hits her
❥︎ She'd go absolutely feral the first time you let her do it. Immediately rushing to use the knife to cut the clothing off of your body, running it up and down your torso and across your thighs, loving how still you're trying to be for her as she does.
"You scared, angel? Just stay still for me and you won't get hurt"
❥︎You know she wouldn't actually do more than leave a small scratch with it, but it doesn't stop the pang of fear and, embarrassingly, arousal from coursing through your body as she presses the sharp blade lightly onto your skin. One wrong move and she might actually cut you, which makes it all the more exciting for both of you
❥︎As a mean woman connoisseur™️️, I love the idea of her being a little degrading about it when she feels how wet you are from her putting the knife to your neck
"You're enjoying this so much aren't you? You don't even care how fucked this is. Just like having a knife to your throat as long as my fingers are inside of you, right?"
"You don't act so scared, angel. Not when you're practically soaking from the feeling of the blade against you.."
I need knife kink Ellie and gun kink Abby in the same room at the same time, I can take them both istg😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨
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magadauthan · 5 months
Ep 19: Hang Fire
*Stefon voice* This episode has everything.
Vash and WW acting like a couple of morons
A glimpse into Meryl and Milly's everyday life
Meryl on her way to freakin' go get her man
Vash in civvies (that button-down!)
A catchy song
V/M emotional constipation (catnip!!!)
OK @trigun98watchparty, let's begin the killing time recap.
--It's perfect that Meryl's friend is named Karen, because that mole near her mouth means she's a gossip. She does seem to care about Meryl, though. Wants her to get married and everything.
--Ofc her officemates want to hear all the skinny on her interactions with Vash the Stampede. Wouldn't you?
--Look how happy Meryl is. She's gonna find Vash and give him all the kisses a very stern talking-to. It's official, Meryl and Milly are off to the DIrty Jerz.
--Awwww, the bike broke down again. This is tip-top, grade-A, prime bickering between Vash and WW. "Actually, I'm dissing you, not your stupid broken motorcycle!" It's not Trigun if these two aren't squawking at each other.
--What the hell kind of nasty-ass spaghetti are they eating? It looks like it has Spam in it. That is just wrong. (yeah, I know, spaghetti western.) And WW gets stuck with the check, just like Vash threatened.
--The girls are so cute in their PJ's. I love that we know what most of the main characters wear to bed. (I bet WW wears the rattiest underpants you ever saw, with a tank undershirt.)
--I love that Vash has old friends all over the place. He and Max (and probably Doc) went out for Obi-Wan and Anakin-style Wild Adventures and probably ripped it up wherever they went.
--It has to be incredibly hard on Vash to watch his friends get older while he stays the same.
--Meryl will KICK YOU in the NUTS. < / cartman > Nice subverted panty shot, though it doesn't come through in English. Good luck "having fun" with Meryl or Milly.
--"Total slaughter, total slaughter..."
--WW and his noodles, best silly face
--let's all take several moments to appreciate Vash's extreme hotness in his white button-down
--"Luck and persistence won't work forever." Especially with you conniving with Legato and co. to force his hand, eh, WW?
--"Tee hee, ma'am is so happy to see him. I'll give them a couple minutes alone."
--Vash/Meryl fanciers: Take a moment to go read "Biting My Tongue" and then come back.
--Vash and Meryl (at this point, anyway) could never admit in a thousand years that they might have missed one another. Meanwhile, WW likely took one look at Milly: "Big Girl! I missed you!" "I missed you too, Mr. Priest, it's so nice to see you again!" "I have a couple extra double dollars, do you want to go get some ice cream?" "That would be so nice of you, Mr. Priest! Yay!"
--Domo arigatou, Mr. Legato...
Thinking back on it... Vash starts to show a renewed determination to push back after his time with Grandma Sheryl and Lina. For two years (the anime is fuzzy on this so I'm using manga timeline) he got to be who he wanted to be - just another silly guy, living his life, doing ordinary things and being happy. No one knew whether he was alive, and he was able to live in peace. Which is pretty much all Vash genuinely wants. Without his brother chasing him and pulling the strings, he was able to accomplish that.
Vash has had a taste of what his life could be like without Knives being a dick to him all the time. So... what is he going to do about it?
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kaiserkisser · 4 months
blaise threatening lockhart was honestly so slay- like that was iconic of him
also, more significance with the knife that represents their friendship as just in the last two chapters they’ve both used it to protect the others!! their friendship is just so cute it fills me with joy-
also, the want to point out the fact that it kinda looks like a seems like since winter break dazai has been even more self destructive than normal, which from a character analysis perspective is interesting cause it would suggest guilt, from a character who has for the most part been basically essentially ambivalent to the morality of his actions- almost like being told that he needs to play a villian is less comfortable than the previous act he was putting on. this kinda suggests/ provides proof that the way allegory is characterizing him has that act (the one from first year) be closer to his actual personality than his ‘villainy’.
anyways, more rambling, that dream sequence was immaculate, like the imagery and description are *chefs kiss*and the fact that they bring the entire head up when i thought they were just gonna get some scales or a fang or something-
this chapter was every thing i wanted and more and im probably gonna reread it at least once more today
IKR IKRRR like so proud of you blaise oml get that fraudster nxxjdjdhjd
pleaseeee they're adorable i genuinely love their friendship mori you BETTER not touch any of then or- 🔪🔪 and its a small detail but i loved how even pansy was completely reluctant to give dazai his knife when he talked abt getting proof, and how she also too dazais side against lockhart. and i love how the significance of the knives comes full circle, first dazai stabs himself with it without a thought to protect the loyalty club, and now blaise uses it to threaten lockhart to protect dazai and the loyalty club aaaaaaaaa
hmm, I'll definitely be rereading the whole fic soon, i mean yeah he does seem a bit more reckless and like uncaring of his own safety recentlt, but he's always like that, so i think i probably missed out on that detail. although i was rereading the newest chapter and this line stuck with me- "I'm the villain. I know i am. "
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but what would he feel guilt over? Since blaise and draco already know about the port mafia, is he feeling guilty about not telling the rest of the gang or abt pomfrey? i mean, if u see the canon bsdverse, dazai's actual 'personality', atleast in the mafia, would typically be seen like that of a villain, wouldnt it? Though i do feel that its easier for dazai to play the villain in a way? or not maybe my brain aint braining ill get back to this when i reread the whole thing ehehe
i love how the dream included dogs and kennels, rly showing his fear of them, and how it included the club as well- maybe he also had a fear that theyd be on opposite sides? Idk, also i LOVE how he felt safe in snapes arms sjhdidjdjdhfb snape is SO not beating the dad allegations, and i dont think he even actually wants to atp lmaooo (also the fact thag dazai dreamt of sweet things like honey after that? AAAAAAA)
honestly even i had thought that theyd bring up a few fangs as proof, i legit didnt expect them to bring the whole goddamn head LMAO
ikrrrrr allegory's writing is chefs kiss as always ive already reread it twice and u bet imma reread it again jdhddhdbubdhsjqgs
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lizardrosen · 4 months
@glintglimmergleam the play that's near and dear to my heart and very hard to cast with eight bridgertons is king lear, partly because so many of the characters would suit multiple siblings, mostly because i can count twelve fairly important characters - lear, kent, gloucester, three lear daughters, two duke husbands, two gloucester sons, oswald, and the fool - which. oof, that's a lot to distribute!
as i've discussed, i would love to see cordelia, the fool, and edmund all played by the same person, though i'm flexible on edmund. if we're going just by Type, daphne would be the obvious cordelia, but would honestly rock it as goneril, so as with ophelia, eloise is going to steal the role. is this also because i desperately want to see eloise as edmund? obviously. i was going to have her battle it out with benedict, but my own triple casting convinced me
daphne is goneril, francesca is regan, and they each play each other's husbands (albany and cornwall). in the first scene when everyone's together they link arms and have their hands wear little hats. daphne getting to play the oldest sister who has to lock all her emotions down tight because she cannot afford to make a slip and the guy who pulls out someone's eye is beautiful to me; and francesca is both the husband who's afraid to make a move for fear of disrupting the extremely delicate political balance and the woman who will literally kill the servant who just stabbed her husband. i am gnawing on the parallels between these two marriages like a chew toy at all times.
that's seven characters handled by three actors, now for the rest!
at the beginning of the play edgar is the exact character profile you'd expect colin to play - legitimate, trusting, unobjectionable - but then he gets forced out of his home by edmund's maneuvering and is forced into a radical transformation, pretending to be a madman who calls himself poor tom, speaking in riddles and hiding knives under his pillow, and then he slowly comes out the other side, saving his blinded father from throwing himself off a cliff and from a guy paid to kill him, and watching him die anyway. but he finally returns to civilization and successfully challenges his brother, and is one of the last characters left standing!
do we think he can do it? more importantly does his family think he can do it? before everything happened with marina thompson and he conveniently took his Grand Tour, i don't think even colin would think he's up to the role, but after his travels, getting to know himself better, he gets a new set to his shoulders and thinks about how he can be better than he is. and then the additional journey of playing edgar makes him think differently about the things and people he's taken for granted and he begins to treat penelope like a person.
now, there's another character in this play who gets banished from his home and comes back in disguise, and that's kent. everything he does is driven by loyalty to his king; sometimes that means telling the king who he loves "thou dost evil", and sometimes that means returning to his side even though being revealed would mean his death. he's a fascinating character, and i really want to see anthony play him, with a balance of duty and protectiveness - impulsive anger when lear is attacked, but good humor when he's threatened.
so that means benedict gets to be king lear! sorry, gregory and hyacinth, but this is a challenging role, and even benedict can get wiped out by the end of rehearsals, because the old man has so many conflicting emotions and impulses At All Times. benedict is goofy and patient, but damn, he can be scary in the scenes where lear is cursing his daughters and possibly threatening to throw furniture at them (violet and anthony both veto the actual throwing of furniture). but what really makes lear tick as a character is that he can see his mental health deteriorating and can't figure out how to stop it, so he's terrified of it, and benedict taps into that very well. he also kicks ass in the scenes where lear remembers that other people exist and that the world has been unfair and he helped make it that way.
gregory is oswald, goneril's steward and designated punching bag of the play - kent beats him up twice, he gets caught in a power play between the two sisters, he tries to kill gloucester for a reward and gets killed by edgar and then buried ignominiously by the side of the road. he's a fun role with lots of opportunity for physical comedy, which fits in with what we've been giving him in other plays!
and hyacinth is gloucester. i don't have much justification for this one, but i do think it's funny for the youngest kid to play the father of two of her older siblings (plus she was a really good horatio to anthony's hamlet, so there's precedent). she really plays up the earnest and well-meaning side of him but doesn't shy away from the ways he's a sort of terrible dad. maybe while edgar is leading gloucester around colin gives her a piggyback ride, that would actually be adorable!
there are sundry other characters - burgundy and france, lear's soldiers, curran (edmund's informant), the servant who kills cornwall, an old man who helps gloucester, the captain who hangs cordelia and makes it look like an accident, etc but most of those people don't show up in more than one scene, so they can figure it out themselves
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deludedfantasy · 1 year
Trimax Vol 11 Ch 1-3
I'm a little behind this week because my brain hasn't been cooperative. But here are some thoughts on the first half of volume 11.
It’s been really hard for me to start reading this volume. I’m still grieving from volume 10. Everything past this point from my first read is a blur and I don’t remember much of it. I was reading in a frenzy because I was very in denial about Wolfwood being dead and was hoping he’d come back somehow. This feels all new to me and while I know the broad strokes, I’m a little scared of what’s to come. 
Really hope this is the last I have to see of Chapel. Why are we opening on this old scene?
Zazie saying “Chapel and the old man” confused me for a moment. Did—did no one tell Zazie that Wolfwood isn’t Chapel? Who did she think that random old guy was? Did Knives even know Wolfwood wasn’t really Chapel? Honestly, who knows at this point. 
Damn, I didn’t realize Wolfwood shot Legato in the spine. At this point, you gotta wonder if the only thing keeping Legato alive is his insane devotion to Knives because I don’t know how else he’s pushed through all the shit that’s happened to him. 
Elendira “jokingly” threatening to kill Legato is everything to me. It shouldn’t be so funny and yet there’s such a morbid humor to it. 
Where in the world did Vash and Livio get a car from?
Other people have pointed this out, but the fact that after everything that happened, despite Vash’s own anger at Livio, he still trusts him. That means a lot. Vash hasn’t abandoned his beliefs and importantly, he’s not giving up on the person Wolfwood sacrificed everything for. This is the first time we see the blank ticket in action! 
No one else has taken Vash up on the chance to change, to become something better. But Livio has, because of Wolfwood’s belief in him, so Vash is going to take him at his word, because then what in the world has he been fighting for all this time? At the same time though, someone else had to die for that to happen, and I think that’s going to create some cracks in Vash’s convictions, though how still remains to be seen. 
Vash’s anger isn’t gone though. Not at all. “You are the one he believed in,” Vash says. So start acting like it is the subtext. You want to be trusted? Then don’t act surprised or like you don’t deserve it when I do, because Wolfwood gave up everything for you to have that chance. Vash has this problem where he places a lot of meaning and emphasis on other people’s sacrifice’s and this isn’t something he’s going to let go of. 
Brad really cares about Wolfwood. I wonder when they got to know each other so well that Brad would be so mad at Livio for what happened. But I also think Brad is there to remind us that the way he’s trusting Livio is out of the ordinary because we’ve become so used to seeing everything from Vash’s point of view, it’s easy to forget why trusting Livio is such a big deal. 
An ion cannon…this isn’t gonna end badly or anything. 
Oh an ion cannon powered by Plants. That’s very bad. 
The first time we see Dependent Plants have their own autonomy! They keep the military from firing the ion cannon at Knives. Which suggests they’ve been able to control their energy output this whole time. For some reason, they’ve been (apparently) helping humans willingly all these years. That’s certainly an interesting revelation.
Ch 2
I don’t know why but the wording of this page makes it sound like the vast majority of the human population has gathered in Octovern. I remember thinking that on my first read too and later wondering if I’d misinterpreted something. But this really does have the feel of, “This is humanity’s last stand, and they’re all huddled together in fear.”
Which really does beg the question: how big is the population of No Man’s Land? And how much of it has Knives destroyed over the past seven months?
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Luida!!! She’s trying to give all these bigwigs the knowledge they need to successfully resist Knives, but she’s coming in at a disadvantage. She’s been hiding for years and now she’s telling them that dependent Plants have a will of their own, which is news to everyone. Now she’s telling them they shouldn’t attack when the situation is truly dire. It’s frustrating, but it makes so much sense why people are unwilling to listen to her. 
And Meryl!!! Always happy to see Meryl again, being her little gremlin self and flipping people off behind their backs. 
Oh…Meryl and Milly’s conversation really drives home how much things have changed and how much they have changed. Things were simpler, once upon a time, when they first met Vash and started following him. They were more peaceful and Meryl and Milly hadn’t seen as many horrible things. Now, the world is on the brink of destruction, they’ve witnessed the worst of humanity, and as Milly says, there’s no going back. They can reminisce all they want, but they’ll never be the same. The subtext being that even if they win, the world won’t be the same one they knew when they were younger. 
It’s important that Milly delivers this message too. Because coming from someone else, it could sound hopeless. From her, it doesn’t feel quite so horrible. It’s sad, but to me, it feels like she’s saying it’s not the end. Those memories will still be there for them even if they can’t be those people anymore, and that’s not a bad thing. It’s good to remember, it’s good to feel all of that and be able to live with it. 
Vash makes a wonderful entrance! Just as they’re contemplating how their lives have changed because of him, Vash drops in again and does things the way he always does. With precision and a little bit of silliness. 
Their reunion makes me so happy!! Look at them, they’re so overwhelmed seeing him again! They mean so much to each other and they hadn’t even known he was alive for the longest time. And Vash’s surprised little, “Oh!” After all these months, he likely didn’t know if they’d survived the destruction and had probably shoved all of that to the back of his mind so he could function. But there they are!! They’re his friends and he’s just as excited to see them!
The Earth fleet’s arrival feels like it should be a moment of hope, but then we transition to Knives. He’s become more and more inhuman. He’s fused so deeply with the Plants that he’s started resembling them. The Ark is even starting to fall apart. It’s overtaken by much more biological matter as Knives’s powers spiral out of control a little and the Plants grow and grow. It makes you wonder: can the fleet actually stand up to him?
Ch 3
Luida: Hey, Vash what happened to your hair?
Vash: Haha, how about this final battle though?
Vash continues being incapable of letting anyone in on his problems and it drives me bananas! Let someone help you carry your burdens!!! It’ll make your life just a little bit easier!!!
The way Livio starts turning here. He was about to admit that he killed him or was responsible for his death. But Brad stops him! Brad, who was so angry at him before! Whether it’s to keep the girls from being so hurt or because he’s come to believe (just a little) that Vash is right about Livio, it’s not easy to say. But it still speaks volumes about Brad that he does this to lessen the blow for so many people. 
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Is it bad that what Brad said reminded me of someone saying, “Oh, your dog went to live a happy life on a farm upstate”? 
But they know. Meryl and Milly still know what he really means. The hard truth is they don’t have the time to properly grieve him or break down about it. They have to stay focused on their current goals. So while they go along with it, the way Milly cries just hurts me. It’s a loss they can’t even speak about yet. 
And now Knives has made an enemy of Zazie, who isn’t thrilled about their planet being destroyed. This was not what they signed up for! 
I love that Meryl and Milly kept everything from Vash’s old coat as evidence for Bernadelli. The fact that they took it when they went back to HQ during those seven months is actually so sweet and sad too. It was the only thing they had to remember him by, even if it was just the random crap he carried in his pockets. I know this is just Nightow’s way of bringing the coins back into play, but in this instance, it actually shows a bit about the girls’ relationship to him. 
“That’s scary.” I mean, yeah fighting Legato is scary, I do get it, but also…Vash, WHAT? You’ve been through some terrifying things and that’s your reaction to this? He really does forget who and what he is sometimes, because he forgets that he’s pretty dangerous too. Then again, he doesn’t want to be, so he never thinks of himself that way. 
Brad has no idea how much it means to Livio that he’s showing him this kind of trust and respect. This is exactly what he needed to hear. That he is capable of change and people believe in him, people outside Vash and Wolfwood. Brad says he didn’t do what he did earlier for Livio but I don’t know. The way he’s acting now seems to say that maybe he did, just a little. He understands what Wolfwood gave up for him and that Wolfwood wouldn’t want Livio blamed for his death, so while Brad might give all kinds of other reasons, I think it all comes down to that. 
A lot of other people have commented on this scene and I totally agree with everyone’s takes! Vash is so overwhelmed hearing this from Marlon right now. This is something Vash has struggled with the whole story: letting people in and asking for help. He never does this. He always tries to go it alone and keeps his cards close to his chest, even with his closest friends. Wolfwood, Meryl, and Milly wormed their way into his heart through sheer stubbornness because Vash wouldn’t let them otherwise. And it’s hitting him now, just how much it means to ask for help, that he could have it and he’s always had it. He probably wishes Wolfwood had asked him for help and hearing now that he should do the same hurts. It’s a spin of regrets and should’ve-beens in his head right now and it’s not something he needs to focus on the coming battle. 
The thing is, he really does need to hear this now! He can’t survive this battle on his own. He isn’t the only person fighting. Even if he is the most powerful Independent Plant, he can’t win by himself. This isn’t just a fight between him and his brother. This is a fight for humanity’s survival. His friends have a stake in it and they want to help him. They can! Vash has been martyring himself for so long, letting people in is a foreign concept, but it’s the only way to survive. If Vash had to learn anything from humanity, it’s that survival isn’t a one person game. Society lives and thrives on human interaction, on people helping each other, and if his greatest want is to be close to humans, to live with them and be like them, then he needs to let people in and accept help. 
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rose-riot-johnson · 1 year
Hey my Tumblr Peeps👋😃 After the 1st fanfic I have written about Spinner I did end up discovering more fanfics about him🦎 So, even tough I discovered more fanfics with Spinner in it after completing on writing the first fanfic I've ever written about him, I would like to imagine Spinner and some other My Hero Academia Characters (those I have written about and those I haven't written about) who I haven't recall discovered fanfics pertaining the characters getting drunk (or tipsy). While it's rare I write about characters or the reader getting drunk or I do head cannon(?) with multiple characters (which I have done a Punch Man head cannon pertaining 5 to 6 characters in it, before), however I do wanna shake things up with this fanfic and decided to work on a head cannon(?) type character with multiple characters in it😃 When I do say adult pertaining a character it means 21, so any character who's under 21, I makesure I label them as adults to makesure I write all characters as adults🍾🍸🥃Some characters, if not most I picked randomly.
🍸Good Drinkers🍸(Every My Hero Academia Character In This Head Cannon(?) fanfic x Any Gender Reader)
Genres: Head cannon(?), Fluff, Drunken Fluff (Warning ⚠️: Alcohol reference, Drunk (character))(and drunk reader in one of the the character parts of this fanfic), Harassment, and Anything depending on the reader's imagination.
(Adult) Spinner (aka, Shuichi Iguchi)
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*Spinner doesn't usually drink often, however when he drinks he's okay with beer and hard liquor, however he does prefer wine coolers and with any liquor he also prefers, creamy or fruity or both. With his taste in alcohol, he rather have wine coolers and creamy and/or fruity liquors more than other liquors and beer, because of the taste mainly, and he tends to get atleast tipsy easily with just one of the wine coolers and creamy and/or fruity liquors alone. If there are no other alcoholic drinks available aside from beer and/or hard liquor he will drink them.
*When Spinner gets atleast tipsy, if not wasted, from drinking the alcohol he was drinking, he's actually a happy drunk. He's also super giggly when having fun. He's also better at opening up about his feelings about you, as well. He's more affectionate with you, no matter if it's private or public, at the same time will have some respect for you and your boundaries, even when he does get blackout, wasted from alcohol.
*While sober Spinner is shy unless he's protective, just because he tends to be a hilarious happy not so shy drunk, doesn't mean that he won't protect you. If he does see another person try to touch you in a inappropriate when you told them to back off and stop it and they continue to disrespect you, he will not hesitate to intervene and threaten them, if they don't leave you alone, then he shows them one of his small sharp knives he has with him (just incase he needs to protect you in anyway), then they left you alone. Spinner would then apologize to you, then you would tell him it's fine and that he's only protecting you. You just mean the world to him.
*Spinner will then offer to carry you home. If you decline, he will be okay with that. When he walks with you, you help hold him on your way home with him. After getting home you decided to take care of him, even though he wanted to take care of you as well. After you put him in bed and went on the bed too. (The rest of the night depends on the reader's imagination).
⭐New Character (For Me) To Write About⭐
(Adult) Camie Utsushimi
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*Camie isn't into hard drinks that much, unless it's fireball and prefers the creamier alcoholic beverages, and certain mixed drinks (which fire ball, creamy alcoholic drinks, and certain mixed drinks are the most she will drink when it comes to hard alcoholic beverages). She just loves the cinnamon taste, and/or sweetness, and/or creaminess when it comes to alcoholic beverages. That's basically what her taste in alcohol would be.
*Just in one glass of any alcohol she drinks, she seems to get drunk alread, no matter if she chugs it or if she takes her time with it. She's a happy drunk, however surprisingly she doesn't flirt with anyone, unless it's you while she's drunk, considering she tends to be a flirt, while she's sober. Aside from that and stumbles while trying to walk by herself, there's really not much comparison between sober Camie and drunk Camie, otherwise.
*You ended up carrying her home, because everytime she's drunk you get the feeling she will get a hangover an hour after she starts to get drunk. When you got home, her hangover ended up starting, so you ended up taking care of her, especially with anything you have and/or can do to take care of her hangover. Everytime she does sober up she won't have any memory that she even got drunk at all.
⭐New Character (For Me) To Write About⭐
(Adult) Mina Ashido
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*Mina, is one of those girls who favor the fruit flavored alcoholic beverages, however her favorite alcoholic beverage are wine coolers, especially any type of berry wine coolers. She outright hates beer, however she will tolerate other alcoholic drinks otherwise. She still rather have her favorite flavor wine coolers, tough.
*When Mina does get tipsy, she's gets very giggly and blushes every time she giggles. She's definitely more of a cuddly type with you. Luckily for Mina, she's someone who will drink atleast water before and after she gets tipsy. It's just when she knows she starts to get tipsy, she will wait until she sobers up before she goes back to drinking in the same night. She does know when to stop drinking alcohol for the night tough.
*Mina does like to makesure to keep her hangover prevented, because of the first time she was drunk and she doesn't want to get you worried about her. So, with her hangovers she does tend to overthink about. When you and Mina are home, she can makesure you are tooken cared of while she keeps sure that she takes care of herself to makesure of no signs of hangover occurs on her end.
Gang Orca (Aka, Kugo Sakamata)
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*Gang Orca will likely drink any alcohol, however without you around him, he reay prefers not to drink much, if at all. He feels safer with you around when he drinks, and he prefers to drink whatever you drink, that goes for mixed drinks as well.
*When Gang Orca gets tipsy, he will be more smitten with you than usual. He also shows his goofy side more, mainly with you. While he tends to be a little perverted with you, he will also have some respect about it.
*If Gang Orca sees anyone he gets bad vibes about, he is definitely protective over you. However, since he rather avoid confrontation while tipsy, he will ask if you're ready to leave or go home in the nicest way possible to cue you out of the (bar and/or night club). He really wants to protect you without having to beat someone up, if they were to try to take you away from him.
* Once you and Orca walk to your shared home with him, he somehow, instantly, sobers up. You still decided to take care of him while he takes care of you in return. You didn't know he sobered up until either he tells you or that he's not showing off his goofy side in front of you.
⭐New Character For Me To Write About ⭐
Edgeshot (Aka, Shinya Kamihara)
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*Edgeshot isn't exactly a beer drinker, however he will drink about any alcoholic beverage, otherwise. It does seem like his favorite alcoholic beverages are sake and wine (especially red wine). He loves sake and red wine so much he's willing to have one glass of each.
*When Edgeshot ends up drinking one glass of red wine and one glass of sake, he will start to feel buzzed. He's more of a social drunk, a blushy drunk, and a drunk flirt with only you. Yes, he flirts occasionally and never flirts with anyone else otherwise sober, however he flirts with you non-stop, he's more affectionate than usual, and confesses his feelings for you more (while blushing), he will also wait for you to make the first move on him and he still will respect you while drunk, as much as he does, when sober.
*If anyone else does dare to try to disrespect or hit on you, Edgeshot will give them a warning that if they don't leave you alone he will knock them outcold, while he's drunk, which sometimes he ended up having to do when they don't cooperate with him on his warning. He's not a mean nor a fighting drunk. He just wants to keep you safe.
*Edgeshot will definitely carry you home. He is definitely more successful with carrying you drunk, than he would with carrying you home sober. When you go to try to take care of him, he ends up making sure he takes care of you instead, that includes tucking you in the bed, if you want. So, he will definitely be more than happy spoil you and wait on you non-stop when he's drunk, and just because he respects, doesn't mean he will listen to you on waiting on you, even if you pleaded to him on trying to convince him to even let you take care of him. He just loves you that much.
⭐New Character (For Me) To Write About⭐
Selkie (aka, Kainan Hīrō Serukī (according to what I googled search🤷‍♀️)
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*Selkie is one of those occasional drinkers who will drink about anything (beer Included), as long as, it's not eighty proof or higher. So, he's otherwise not really picky on alcohol really. And when he does plan on drinking he would like for his other sidekicks (and/or crewmates) and ofcourse you to party with him.
*Selkie might maybe be pretty funny (depending on the characters preference about how he poses and stuff) when sober, however when Selkie is drunk, he's definitely a hilarious drunk and there are times when he does get drunk, you get drunk right with him, tough you try to not get as drunk as he is, because you know he tends to get a bad hangover the next morning, so you're not sure how he is able to be okay with having such a bad hangover. His alcohol tolerance might be why his taste in alcohol is the way it is. If he drinks a sip or a shot of any alcohol that's about eighty proof or more would definitely make him gag instantly and he feels it's not fun to drink alcohol that makes (atleast) him gag instantly.
* You and his sidekicks (and/or crewmates) took care of him, and you watchover him everytime he gets drunk and a hangover. When he wakes up and realizes that he has a hangover he thinks it's worth it. And he's happy you're watching over him, because he knows he's in safe hands when it comes to his hangover. You and Selkie also know this fact: Selkie would have done the same for him, if you ended up with a bad hangover and he had to take care of you. He really is happy to see you anytime of the day.
(Adult) Tamaki Amajiki (Aka Suneater)
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*When it comes to alcohol Tamaki's a low-key drinker, so you're the only one who knows that he drinks alcohol. So, he prefers to be inside of his place or inside your place when he drinks, until you and Tamaki lived together, then he low-key drinks at your place. Even tough he also doesn't drink alcohol often, when does, he rather drink fruit flavored alcohol beverages that tastes, as long as it's not strong on alcohol (higher the proof the stronger the alcohol will taste and feel to him), so if it's alcoholic beverage tastes and feels strong while it's at a certain percentage (or proof) and or higher, it will taste nasty to him and will make him gag.
*When Tamaki gets drunk off of the alcoholic beverage of his choice, he actually feels more confident than he does when he's sober, ironically. He confesses his hopes and dreams about your relationship with him and also with any from of affection and/or intimacy, he rather you make the first move on him for rather not be pushy with you. When you make the first move on him with (any form of affection and/or intimacy depending on the reader's imagination), he makes his move back with you, which made him blush and happy.
*Right after you and Tamaki got done with (any form of affection and/or intimacy depending on the reader's imagination), Tamaki is the type to hold you in a cuddling fashion, then he will ask you to hold him the same way (if not similar). He will be falling asleep right away, once you start holding him a similar way. He is the type who will have a weeks worth of a hangover after waking up at the time he wakes up. You obviously wake up to cook him breakfast and prepare to give him any medicine and or anything you have you have for his hangover, before he wakes up.
The End
Well my Tumblr Peeps, I do hope you enjoy this multi character fanfic. While I did us my imagination with some, if not most of the head cannon(?) with each character, however I decided to let the reader use their imagination atleast a little bit to make the fanfic a little fun for the reader as well😃👍
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macabrecravings · 11 months
How did Kylar find out about Seraphina? Was it just that they met on school or did he see her somewhere else?
How did Seraphina react when she finds out Kylar was the one who kidnapped her?
What does she think of Kylar's parents? Is she scared of them?
Mb for the question spam I'm just curious 😔🙏
- 🧙‍♂️ anon (again)
I’M SO SORRY THIS IS SO LONG, WIZARD!! I didn't wake up & expect to dump 800 words of my OC’s entire life story on you but thank you so so much because i get to drop lore i’ve never talked about. I love you!!!
Seraphina Protection Squad, I know this is a long read, but... I hope y'all enjoy! Eat up!!
Seraphina’s notably popular at school, she’s a well known delinquent & people look up to her for it. Alsooo… she’s famous for exhibitionism. This means, most people at school know who she is ;w; Even though she’s popular, she doesn’t like bullying other students (because she knows damn well how it feels to be on the other side of it), so she stood up for Kylar in the hallway when he was getting bullied. This act of kindness would spark his obsession because oh my god. she noticed me. she’s so sweet to everyone and they all take it for granted, none of them deserve her o.o
(Tw SH mention next paragraph)
Kylar could easily track her down online and find the cam site she’d stream on. He’d watch her streams obsessively. Over time, he started to really fucking hate the audience she garnered. Along with being lecherous as always, they were more sadistic online than in person. She’d get requests asking her her to harm herself on camera & out of poor emotional regulation, spite, & money she’d do it.
As he fed his obsession with her presence through her life streams, it became mmmhh. Parasocial. He wouldn’t send messages, but it was like he was there with her.
When she started seeking him out & befriending him, she was totally unaware of his obsession. He wouldn’t talk to her in person either, just nod occasionally and hide his drawings. Once he realized that she was intentionally trying to befriend him, it only cemented his idea that she was special and his soulmate. No one else could ever treat her like he would!!
When they became friends, he started sending messages threatening other chatters and his screenname became a regular. He’d be really possessive and jealous. If she blocked him from the stream, he’d make a new account and stay on the low but just for a little. (This is getting too long so lemme answer the other questions 😭 Please feel free to ask more about the cam site lore!!!)
By the time he kidnapped her, Seraphina was aware that he was dangerous. He’d pulled knives on people in class and she was well aware that he liked her a lot more than she liked him—
But. Halloween. She spent the day with Robin, then Whitney, and had an awful feeling about meeting Kylar in the park. Even more so when he brought her into the woods. She played along with the love potion bullshit, gave him a taste of his own obsessive medicine, but then Whitney showed up. Seraphina went along with everything he did willingly, which destrooyeedd Kylar. She warned Whitney when Kylar was about to tranquilize him.
After this, she started to ignore Kylar. She was terrified of him. Every day, she’d walk to and from school with Robin and/or get a ride from Avery, because she saw the way he looked at her. She moved seats in English, but could still feel his eyes on the back of her head & the way he gripped his pencil with a blank, dangerous stare. For almost weeks, it went on like this (thanks to a lot of save scumming). She was limited in a lot of things, because she didn’t want to leave the orphanage. If she went to the brothel after dark, or walk the streets alone without Robin, Kylar could hurt her.
Unfortunately, the day came when she was going shopping after school. She didn’t think it’d be dangerous. It wasn’t even 4PM, he wouldn’t try anything in public in the shopping mall, obviously…Well, he did. She felt a prick in her neck and when she woke up, there was Kylar. She was DEVASTATED.
Life was going so well!!! Her trauma was healthy & she was thriving in her relationships! Robin was gaining confidence, supporting her through everything, Whitney had no dominance over her and they were just having fun! And now she was stuck in a dark room, tied up, with a fucking psycho who she genuinely used to be really fond of! I genuinely gained the Stockholm Syndrome trait on accident, I don’t even remember what I pressed ;w; But uh anyway I guess her trauma, ptsd, and exhaustion got to her—
I’m terrified of Kylar’s parents bro… One grabbed her, took her to the forest, and left her there?? And she still goes back to their mansion to clean every day? She is too empathetic for her own good. When she saw how messy Kylar’s house was, she was like, “Oh :(( He doesn’t have anyone to take care of him... It’s a mess & I’m capable of fixing it!! Yeah, he’s dangerous and kidnapped me, but it’s because he doesn’t have anyone else. Look at how he lives :( Poor boy </3” LIKE, NO??? Oh my God ;w; !!
Oh, but to answer your question: Yes. She’s scared of them but still tries to appease & talk to them 😨
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harmcityherald · 3 months
I couldn't pick my nephew from dyalisis I was up and down all night with fever. Shivering. My sofa, where I sleep is soaking wet. Weakness going in bathroom is a chore. Its only 20 ft away. Yesterday was ok. Overnight I took a turn. She went to get him. She comes home in attack mode. Never spoke to say you going? Nothing then comes home throwing things at me. Saying the most horrendous things. Threw a knife at me. My kids came and intervene that's another one I owe them. They are being so good about it. She thinks she wats to go to hospital but won't let me take her. The kids will take her if they feel the need. I have to let it go. Its artemesia but let it go I must. My granddaughter checking on me. She sees how sick I am. I don't know why she does this. Then expects everyone to forget when she comes out of it. Laugh off threatening with knives.
I once again I'm lying in my own house Worried about someone taking my life In a minute when no 1 is looking
Bless those kids. They are wrangling a beast.
My crime was being sick. This is 1 of the only times that she has actually gone to pick him up by herself. She was busy screaming at the top of her lungs that she hit the curb 3 times Meaning that she probably wrecked the car But I'm feeling too sick I am not gonna go out and look at it right now. It's just an invitation to another fight and I'm not gonna take the invitation. It's only a matter of time before she gets on facebook and says something else crazy like the last time when she got in there and told everyone I didn't have cancer. She raised it and took it down but it was there. I hope that anybody who's been following me long enough sees all the times that I've been to John Hopkins and all the treatments that I've been through
This is the 3rd day in a row that I've been completely attacked sometimes with weapons Over things that I can't believe that are so small I can't believe that that is a problem Something else is going on It has to be. This body temperature thing is hell. I am very weak. She will Probably Attempt to orchestrate I don't make it to my oncologist this week. Which all the tests are done except for 1 blood test And I'm only going to be talking to the oncologist afterwards So it's not like it's a complete calamity if I miss that 1But I don't want to And nobody in this world is standing my way To going to my doctor's I tried to do everything I can to help around here but sometimes I may not be able In her eyes a major crime because she basically does nothing to help herself or anyone else. Very narcissistic and self centered Carry this weight for a long time. I must say the difference now is that I had the kids helping me If I didn't have that I would be any world of trouble right now wouldn't I have not called 911 yet But the knives make me nervous. And I had the okay from everyone That if I have to make that phone call To protect myself I should go ahead and do it if they're not around to help me. And I 100% don't wanna do that. My favorite lady in the world needs help and no 1 can reach her. Not even me not even herself. Not a good day to be stuck on the couch sick as a dog. Cancer sucks and so do abusive relationships.
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azumasoroshi · 1 year
part 1 and part 2 (this is part 3 bc i have no self restraint)
ok so after the celty talk earthworm starts talking about how izaya's been having celty talk to both heaven's slave and gather information on amphisbaena lately
and by the time we see him he's actually stopped responding to everything - earthworm even says "looks like your kid sisters are here" izaya doesnt move, nor does he react when she threatens to set him on fire, or even when heaven's slave storms the building
it's just interesting idk. maybe it's showing how things are starting to go how he's predicted, maybe he's just tired of the whole nervous act, maybe he got bored of all the water getting poured on him and fell asleep lmfaoskghkfd
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and then we get THIS guy coming in a voice filter and automatically you're like wait maybe THAT's izaya?? it must be izaya right??
and the voice starts talking like hey. what do the leaders of heaven's slave (mr. kumoi) and amphisbaena (lizard) have in common. they both have moles under their eyes teehee! and now for the man under the bag -
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earthworm seems to think so too
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and so does this guy (i have no clue what his name is sorry)
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and finally when the HS guy says "i'm gonna cut the knot" does izaya react (there can't be a switchblade scene without izaya in it. he needs to have the spotlight)
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and we hear his voice finally!! and it IS izaya (hiroshi kamiya i could sense you from a mile away)
and yeah what WERE you about to do man?? that was NOT the rope you were aiming for
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and the tension here is inSANE like this is so theatrical and dramatic that im convinced izaya was kicking his legs in his bed like a schoolgirl thinking about how funny it was going to be
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god he's so hot i mean what no
he rehearsed this in the bathroom mirror for sure he's such a fucking loser
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and he's so casual about it too while the other two were having a breakdown :sob: he KNOWS what he was doing
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he has no right to look so cute in this shot
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and the voice filtered phone guy was this dude?? it's like aoba's older brother izumii right or something i dont remember lmAO
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and after effectively scaring the ever-loving shit out of them he's like. didnt i do it for u :3
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god he's hilarious i legitimately might watch through all of durarara again just to watch him fuck around and everyone else find out
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oh here he fucking goes again he's so cringe
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look at his fucking face. he's enjoying himself so much right now this is literally his playground
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oh no way he got saika in on this what the hell
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izaya: i'm not your enemy!! i'm just here to observe!!
also izaya: it's hammer time izumii
asking a literal love parasite to interrogate someone for you is like the most "do you have any sense of self preservation" thing ever except izaya actually has such a strong sense of self preservation that he's practically untouchable
case in point:
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now see he wasn't surprised by this one at all even though he was still in the middle of talking lmfao
i mean haruna is just naturally offputting so i think anyone would always need to have their guard up around her
the clang of the knives is always so satisfying ugh ive watched this like five times
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smug ass
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tfw a crazy girl just tries to stab you in the eye and this is your response
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and we're back with shiki at last!! im sure the information extracted from earthworm was really important or the amphisbaena-heaven's slave connection will be important in future episodes but like
this episode felt like a really self-contained "day in the life of orihara izaya" and i love it actually
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izaya, saying this, having just manipulated like three different gangs into doing his bidding:
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motherfucker stop being so attractive
i hate his cat smile bro
is this what shizuo feels like
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bottom behavior /j
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shiki looking at him like. um. what. okay??
his expressions here feel a lot more subdued and less smirky than usual though which would seem to indicate a bit of truth to that?? which is strange but i guess he likes being in cahoots with the mafia because it gives him constant contact with the darkest sides of humanity
this was a very izaya-centric episode i dont know if there's any more like this but i will absolutely watch the shit out of them if there are so please tell me of them
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and of course we have to end off with shizaya because yes
holy shit look at the length of izaya's leg though what the hell thats some code geass ass legs
is there any ending where shizuo and izaya arent fighting actually?? i feel like there is but i desperately want there not to be lmfaosdgjsjghsdk
ty for reading my live react to durarara x2 ten episode 8 i guess??? i wasnt planning on doing this but izaya gave me no choice in the matter
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