#and an actual running waterfall. Deciding how to best construct it
ivygorgon · 1 year
I made the terrarium computer desk a few years ago (https://youtu.be/UrrQodJExb0), which is still one of my favorite projects to date. I had a lot of fun with it and ever since, I've wanted to do something else like it. I just wanted the design to be more refined and elaborate. However, I've been planning for this specific build since last year and began making in May. There were a few key features I wanted to include in this terrarium table - a waterfall edge, a live edge, a stream, and an actual running waterfall. Deciding how to best construct it, while retaining a beautiful design was difficult, but I couldn't be happier with how it turned out. It's hands down one of my favorite projects I've ever done. Learn More in my Blog https://www.serpadesign.com/blog Follow SerpaDesign Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/serpadesign/ TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@serpadesign Second Channel - https://www.youtube.com/tannerserpa #terrarium #ecosystem #serpadesign
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Wes Anderson’s Fantastic Mr Fox is the best anthropomorphic media about gender identity and it does so without making animal species a metaphor FOR gender in fact that’s kind of the whole point and beauty of it and why it works. Their animal natures all reflect their human natures, their personalities, in a way reminiscent of classic folktale while allowing gender to exist amongst animals the way it does among people, making it easier to resonate with these themes rather than pulling an anthro bunny girl “radicalization of gender” (because gender and race operate very differently when taken as individual attributes of identity, and by presenting the two as comparable facets of the same dynamic, the way a writer may decide to compare the history and dynamics of African American identity to Native American identity or to whiteness as a construct——because the way the white man oppresses the non white man and the way he oppressed the white woman are fundamentally different and these sort of “what if woman was a fantasy race” analogies obfuscate that and the oppressive relationship between white women and non-white men AND women)
Like the movie basically presents Mr. Fox’s notion that a fox is 2 things
-a wild animal
-a gentleman thief
And it’s no coincidence that one is a product of nature, you’re either born a Fox or you aren’t, and the other is a fully social construct. It is also a gendered construct. Mr Fox (and others) correlate foxhood and manhood throughout the film and in ways consistently demonstrated to be harmful to everyone
Because Mr Fox correlates his Fox identity wi h his gender identity he feels isolated from both sectors as the only adult male Fox in the movie, he doesn’t attempt to reach out to his wife about his foxy dissatisfaction, his cravings to hunt and outsmart humans, because he is correlating these feelings with both his foxhood and his masculine ego, and in recognition of his wife’s femininity determines that she is inherently incompatible with understanding these feelings, despite them both being foxes
It’s also representative of his office-kilter friendship with Kiley and his pseudo-antagonism with Badger, both other adult men, one a husband and father himself, but neither foxes, and so Mr Fox feels frustrated when neither empathize with his fox-based feelings and needs despite them all being men
It’s also reflected in how the children are treated by Mr Fox and those around them as a whole. Ash is by and large shown to be TERRIBLE at performing masculinity while also extremely aggressive, irritable, and desperate TO perform ‘masculinity’. Because despite his poor athletic abilities on the field he is a natural in the actual hunts themselves, and is shown to genuinely enjoy them both as a bonding activity with his father but also of their own merit. He is clever and fast on his feet and a creative thinker, he also has that natural drive to “prove” himself that Mr Fox also describes in the waterfall scene as a fundamental Fox-prone temperament. Mr Fox, Felicity, and Ash are fundamentally extremely similar people with extremely similar temperaments and complimentary skills and inclinations. Ash is an EXTREMELY good and natural Fox, it helps that he has maybe the most “wild” appearance when mask-less, dark circles under the eyes and rough fur that gives him a wild edge the other foxes lack in their design
Comparatively Kristofferson is a young gentleman in the making but not very foxy at all. He is a very skilled athlete, very composed emotionally (contrasted with the wild emotional outbursts of his wild Fox families and their weird games of emotional repression and run around) yet the people around him constantly reinforce the idea that these are natural FOX attributes because foxes being “gentlemen thrives” has been correlated as an inherit aspect of foxhood, being a Fox who is good at being a gentleman must indicate a Fox who is good at being a thief and at being a wild animal, when neither could be further from the truth for Kris, who has few natural instincts, and morally opposes stealing itself. He is rather similar to Kiley, a non Fox man who Mr Fox continuously pushes into Fox scenarios because he wants a companion in BOTH his foxhood AND his manhood because he has determined they are one in the same. It’s also why Kristofferson excites him so much, because if the kid is a Fox and this good at being a young gentleman he must clearly also be a “wild” animal and a great thief when he ISNT because those traits are all differently and not inherently linked. Mr Fox is so swept up in his belief that masculinity and foxhood must me inherently linked or one in the same that he unintentionally hinders his own plans of thievery by enlisting poor poultry thieves and ignoring the sheer Fox talent in his own family
It’s also why his marriage with Felicity nearly falls apart, because Mr Fox insists that foxhood is an extension of manhood he ignores the own Fox related feelings and needs of his wife and presumed that his nostalgia for stealing chickens and his need to feel clever and “fantastic” are concepts that she could not empathize with because she is a woman, meanwhile it is because she is a woman, and a wife, and a mother, that Felicity keeps those feelings controlled enough to keep her family and community safe. She recognizes her gender and her foxhood as separate aspects of a single identity and therefore is able to balance them to what she feels is appropriate, she is self aware and therefore able to express self control. What’s really interesting is the film also suggests that her experience with prefect helped In her recognition of this relationship, her sudden fan unexpected introduction of a third identity that conflicted with the needs and desires of another, yes foxes love to steal and outwit farmers and escape danger, but mothers also need to keep their children safe and cared for and she recognized that she could not maintain both the life of a thief and the well-being of her child, and that the latter was simply more important to her. This is why she’s so upset and angry with Mr Fox and tells him she loves him but she shouldn’t of married him, because by failing to recognize these roles and manage them Mr Fox has communicated that he does NOT share this same value, or doesn’t possesses the maturity and self control to properly practice it. He cannot get over his masculine ego to express his discontentment with his non-Fox-esq life to the other adult Fox IN his life because she is a woman, and by failing this his cannot keep his Fox-feelings in-check to prevent himself from putting his family in danger.
It’s also why Felicity is the one who is able to get through to Ash, because she doesn’t correlate gender and foxhood she is able to recognize that Ash is very much 100% red blooded Fox just like his parents are, but because he cannot perform traditional masculinity this aspect of himself gets overlooked by his father and misunderstood by other adults as Ash tries to cope and overcompensate this disconnect with aggression (something both masculine AND Fox like)
There are some readings that Ash is trans (specifically a trans woman egg) and both readings absolutely support each other. The beaver bully also addresses Ash’s lack of masculinity as femininity but this is also based off a binary model so a NB reading of Ash is also possible. We do not get enough of Felicity or Agnes to really comprehend what “Fox femininity” looks like as a whole to compare Ash’s behavior with. Ash could be equally unsuited towards both. Ash also wears a costume throughout the movie and this can be read as discomfort with Ash’s own identity and body, another failed attempt to project masculinity that doesn’t feel right to Ash.
The lack of other foxes in the movie also helps to convey that Fox-ness is less of a cultural construct, while the animals certainly all have a shared cultural understanding of what a Fox is, the preterition for thievery, risk taking, and cunning that all three red foxes show in the movie is framed more in the way that shared family behavior is often understood. Being “a Fox” is less comparable to “being a Texan” or “being a man” as it is to “being a belcher” or “being a Simpson”. However Mr Fox is too self centered initially to recognize this relationship and instead correlates foxhood to his other most important identity, his manhood, and comes to the conclusion he is the only “true” Fox because he is the only Fox man in his family or community
It’s also been highlighted in other readings that his phobia of wolves is likely a metaphor or derived from his fear of wild inadequacy, that his failure to live up to his standard of what a real Fox, a real wild animal is, is due to him being inadequate at those roles rather than—-as pointed out by the Felicity analysis—-simply the sign of a multifaceted man balancing different identities and values. Felicity doesn’t fear wolves because she knows her dedication to her family and to painting over stealing were choices she made based on other aspects of her identity and other values outside of how Fox-like she is, while for the first half of the movie Mr Fox has yet to come to this understanding and instead internalizes his failure to live in a fancy house off of his earnings as a wild farmer outsmarting bird stealer as his failure to be a Fox, a wild animal, and a man, or in his conflated logic, his failure to be a Fox
The inherent conflict in this conflation is even something Felicity highlights in their real rate discussion, she likes living in a hole because it’s Fox-like, she has a Fox instinct to burrow. Mr Fox presumably does too but is valuing the “value” of a home as the value of a man and his ability to provide for his family OVER his value of his Fox instincts, AND is valuing his Fox-based desire to “show off” and “flaunt” in front of danger OVER the OTHER Fox instinct to burrow away from predators to stay and keep their cubs safe. He is making a choice similar to how his wife has made choices with her life however he is doing so in the most self-centered of ways. He is more in control of his values and identity-expression than he admits because it benefits him personally to play stupid and powerless, “foxes will be foxes” which is where Felicity’s anger with him and Ash’s frustration with himself stem from,
Because Mr Fox refuses to recognize them as fellow foxes, because doing so would require him to acknowledge the inherent responsibility he has for his behavior.
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sunnysviolin · 3 years
Went through your whole blog. Loved it. Would die for anything bread twins related. :]
My favorite weirdos (sorry Sunny :0) Thank you so much nonnie! I'm glad you're enjoying. Today is probably not gonna be heavy on writing (I'm refilling my queue and organizing my Masterpost again haha!) but I did wanna do a little something in the mornings, so today I decided that I wanted to write about my favorite twins!
Bowen is really good at styling hair. Daphne pretty much always wears her hair plainly down, but sometimes it is nice to have a new style. The problem is she is terrible at styling, even dough ends up in lumps and knots under her fingers. Bowen however can make perfect long plaits of bread, and impressive shapes and that skill easily translates to hair. Daphne will sit on the floor in front of his bed and he makes artful waterfall braids or carefully constructed buns with ribbons and bows folded in. They always take them out before they leave their bedroom, but the magic of it never dulls even as they get older
Bowen and Daphne actually really like running their youth group. They started when they were much younger, and they don't ever want to stop. Not only is it a change in pace from the bakery, it's also nice to work with the kids. A lot of their town views them as odd or strange, but the kids in their youth group love them. Daphne usually ends up with at least one on her lap and they're always begging Bowen for another story that he's happy to give. It's always sad when they grow too old to continue to go, but Bowen and Daphne like to hold a 'graduation' ceremony for the oldest at the end of every summer to signify their moving on in a special way.
Once Mav gets over his issues around his family and he and the twins are close again, Mav finally starts to bring his friends around the bakery. They never stay for long and Mav is still pretty standoffish about it, but Daphne and Bowen are extremely happy to see their brother and to know that he isn't ashamed of who he is anymore. Through a little trial and error they find out what baked goods each of the hooligans like (Aubrey enjoys pinwheel cookies, Vance and Charlie both love chocolate donuts, Kim is crazy for their bear claws, and Angel's favorite is raspberry tarts) and they make sure to have at least one of each treat always on hand so if Mikhael comes by with his friends they can enjoy something sweet together
It was actually Daphne that offered the bakery jobs to Hero and Mari when they were trying to save up for Sunny's violin. In part because Mari was her friend and she liked Sunny a lot, but the other part of it was for Bowen.
Bowen hasn't told her his secrets yet, but Daphne knows. She would never press him, Bowen will tell her when he's ready, but she sees how he looks at the boy who lives down the street. No one but her would notice that Bowen gets a little more outgoing when he's around, or that her twin's eyes tend to linger on him. If there was anyone who was worthy of her brother, it would be Hero. He's kind and gentle and has a way of bringing out the best in the people around him, but there is the issue of one of her closest friends dating him.
It's all pretty confusing and more than a little dramatic for Daphne's tastes, but she isn't worried. God has a plan for all of them, and that plan will make things as they should be, but until that plan unfolds, she doesn't mind giving Bowen some more time around his first crush.
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aceofspadegrass · 3 years
Roller disco night in the club at the beach
Can you imagine the absolute ✨flair✨ hatter would use to announce and participate in this soon to be beloved event?
Would participation be mandatory?
Would militants still be scary on roller skates?
You’re the only one with the answers we’re all desperate to know
Roller Disco
Characters: Aguni Morizono, Hatter, Chishiya Shuntaro, Niragi Suguru, Arisu Ryohei, Usagi Yuzuha, Kuina Hikari (Not named, but she's there briefly)
Genre: Fluff. Roller Disco, baby!
1.6k words
I have done it! I have made the rollerskating thing a thing! I tried my best to make it as fun as possible, and even if legally you can't build a whole rink in a few days or so, this is fiction and time is a construct! I am a Time Snipper! Hehe! >:3c!
Anyways I do hope you have fun reading this. :D
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Being the higher ranking members to the Beach, the sole place that had a constant source of food, water, drugs, and electricity, they got the special privilege of having to deal with Hatter a whole lot more than anyone else in the Beach.
Sometimes that meant they were dragged into his silly schemes that Hatter would concoct on a sheer whim, out of boredom and the rule that stated they were allowed to do whatever they want whenever they want. It’s led to strange ideas and occurrences, but usually they were harmless.
Today was similar, Hatter rounding up the executives and militants to the meeting room, as well as Arisu and Usagi. The latter weren’t high ranking at all, left around the 40s in the ranks, but Hatter seemed to enjoy them nonetheless.
Everyone takes their usual seat around the table, save for Last Boss continuing to stand despite the perfectly normal seat, which was taken by Arisu instead. Usagi stood nearby him, everyones attention on the leader to this entire organization. Hatter grins at them, visually brimming with excitement and a new idea that he just had to get out to his inner circle, standing up and scanning everyones expression. It ranged from faces of neutrality, boredom, and slight interest from a few, nobody matching the sheer excitement that Hatter was holding in.
After a few moments of silence, Aguni speaks up, hands folded in his lap and eyes staring straight through Hatter’s favourite sunglasses. “ Mind telling us what this is about?” His voice was tired but inquisitive, Hatter grinning and straightening to his full height, holding his arms out like he was the next coming of a flying squirrel.
“ Yes, yes! Well, I have decided that we, as Beach members, should be allowed to have access to even more fun than ever before, and I hear one of the rooms here is perfectly empty and ready to be used as something that not every place has ever seen before! People here are allowed to do whatever, yes? But there is only so much you can do here without getting bored from the usual sights, so I thought of a brilliant idea!”
“ And that is….?” Aguni’s eyebrow raises up a little, overall not knowing where he was getting at. Hatter just continues to imitate a lowercase T while emitting his usual cheerful chaotic energy.
“ We’re gonna open up roller disco!”
There was several minutes of stunned silence, everyone looking straight at the still eager tomato waterfall, Chishiya’s lip quirking in a half-amused half-mocking smile. Niragi just squints at Hatter, a look of confusion clea on his face. The others were mostly just stunned to the point where their expressions didn’t really change much, give or take minute amounts of confusion.
“ Roller….. disco.” Aguni echoes, flabbergasted. “ You want roller disco." “ Yes! Yes! It’ll be a blast for the Beach! It’ll give them some extra steam to burn off, and it’ll be fun for everyone! Who doesn’t love a good disco?” “ Who likes dancing to disco nowadays? That’s fucking boring.” Niragi pipes up, his lips curled into a mocking sneer. He scoffs, leaning back in his seat. “ And think about it, not everyone would know how to roller-skate and not look like a fucking fool. Hell, I bet the cracked egg over there doesn’t know.” He snorts, glancing at Chishiya, who ignores his glare and keeps his attention on anything else of interest to him. “ Bet you’ll just eat shit and knock yourself out on the rink.” He imitates a person with a hand, crashing it into the table with an exaggerated noise from his mouth, ending it with his tongue sticking out and a bark of a laugh.
Chishiya glances at him, eyes flicking from his face down and back up again in a smooth manner, and his lips curl again, Niragi glaring at him. “ Perhaps it’ll be your fate too~” He chimes, Niragi narrowing his eyes at the smug vanilla eclair. Aguni has to wave him down before Niragi had the chance to leap over the table to strangle Chishiya, or even pick up his gun off the table and threaten Chishiya any more.
Hatter hums at the rebuttal anyways, taking it into consideration. “ Well, then they’ll just have to suck it up and learn if they want to roll with us! The more the merrier that loves roller disco the better! Say, who thinks this is a great idea!” He raises his hand in favour, and the others quickly discuss among themselves, Hatter still vibrating with sheer joy and the thought of going rollerskating with everyone and seeing how many people make a fool of themselves so he can talk about it later in his chambers.
Eventually, a few of them raise their hands in favour, taking the majority of the total group, Hatter’s lips stretching even wider as they agreed with him.
It takes a few days before the rink was ready, a few of them having to go around and look for people with any skill in architecture and craftsmanship to eventually renovate some old rooms into a large, functional rollerskating rink. It took a little bit, but eventually the rink was approved to be skated on. Hatter even took the time to make sure the aesthetics were perfect, setting up a real disco ball in the center and painting parts of the room with fluorescent paint and arming black lights everywhere.
Then came the announcement. It was during his usual game announcements, Hatter standing over the hundreds of Beach members with a proud grin. “ Hello everyone! I know we are all excited to go out and collect cards so that we may soon get out of the Borderlands as quickly as we can, but we have a very special announcement to make before I send you all on your ways to do your best in returning the cards!” Hatter throws his hands out to the crowd, a handful of confetti flying out of his hands, soon accompanied by Kuzuryuu and Aguni setting off the confetti cannons they had in their hands at the same time, raining confetti throughout the awed crowd.
“ Now, as people may have rumoured throughout our beloved Beach, there has been a special surprise coming to everyone for a while, down in the east wing! It’s been many days, many hours of long hard work done by a group of our hardworking people, but we have finally done it! As a gift to all of us, in celebration of still fighting onwards, I, Hatter, am proud to announce that we have built a rollerskating rink for everyone to enjoy at all hours of your time! And what’s more, it’s not just regular rollerskating, but the most greatest version of all: Roller Disco!” Hatter raises his arms out with a grin, people by instinct cheering him on and applauding, many getting excited off of one another and from the thought of a new place to hang out and play. Hatter looks down among his people, giddy from being able to reveal his newest thought baby, and starts his usual encouragement to the Beach about the games and collecting their cards, sending them into a positive uproar of pride and joy before everyone filed out the doors to their possible deaths.
By the time Hatter was back, having gone to a game with his good pal Aguni, people were already flooding the room for the new rink, people skating around in circles and having a good time. It settled a warm spot in Hatter’s heart, the man running off to snatch a pair for himself to try it. In the frenzy he lost Aguni for a bit, but when he comes back out in bright white skates with orange tips and black laces, he sees Aguni already on the rink slowly making his way around by himself. Hatter doesn’t hesitate to get inside and catch up to him, grinning at his long time friend. “ Having fun?” Hatter chirps through the disco music blasting through the speakers, Aguni slowly nodding as he gets comfortable and speed up, people trying their best to skate out of the way from Aguni skating past them with a rather concentrated expression. It only made Hatter laugh, watching Aguni scare off the more frightened skaters by sheer appearance. Hatter knew Aguni never means to, he just was a more serious guy and wanted to concentrate on not eating ass in the rink.
Hatter pauses, laughing to himself. He supposes there’s nothing wrong with that~
A bit later he spots a few of his cherished other high ranked members make their way onto the scene, a few missing from either him missing them entirely or not wanting to skate at all.
Among them was Niragi and Chishiya, of course, Hatter unable to hear the taller charred rock through the music, but still getting the feeling it was one of challenge. The smaller rock of the two apparently accepted as they speed off, trying to out-skate the other. From what Hatter got to see, Niragi was quite literally pushing everyone aside in his race around the rink in order to get past, Chishiya preferring the route of dodging and even disappearing straight form Hatter’s higher vantage point before reappearing meters away from where he was last seen. It was actually impressive.
That woman that Chishiya was always with was there as well, helping a very confused Beach member on the rink as they stumbled like a wee fawn with their proud and stable mother. Something like that, at least. Hatter chuckles, still cruising along as disco pounded in his ears and people laughed around him, some tumbling and others gliding as if one air. Hell, he might’ve even seen someone with bright pink Hello Kitty skates reading a book while they skated, which was fucking magnificent.
Yeah, he wasn’t regretting this idea at all.
Even when he sees poor Arisu immediately skate straight into a wall at hyperspeeds and flip over the wall while Usagi skates after him.
Yep, no regrets.
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June 27th, 2021
Day 2: Out to the Middle of Westfjords Nowhere To See Dynjandi
After an exhausting first day, it was so nice to have a good night’s sleep under our belts and wake up a little more refreshed and ready for another long day of driving adventures. Once we were all out of bed and packed, the first task of the day was filling our tummies up with delicious breakfast provided by the guest house at their attached restaurant/bar. And what a spread it was! The serve-yourself breakfast table was filled with options, from sandwich material, like cheeses, meats, and veggies, to pastries, fruit, cereal, and skyr. What a treat! With so many things to try at breakfast, we took our time and enjoyed a pleasant, slow-paced morning meal, simultaneously taking in the beautiful morning views from our table-side window overlooking the fjord. 
Once our stomachs were full and satisfied, we packed the car and went on a short stroll through Drangsnes. We didn’t walk very far before deciding to turn back to save some time and start our very long trip to Dynjandi, a spectacular waterfall located in the Westfjords that I didn’t have a chance to visit last trip due to winter road closures. Because we needed to get gas before starting the trip, we briefly stopped in nearby Holmavik to fill up our tank and check out its often-visited (by me) convenience store. And just because we were already in town, I decided to quickly drive through town so everyone could get a glimpse of Holmavik before driving out.
We then started our almost three-hour drive up and down gravel roads through beautiful landscapes, countrysides, and fjords on our way to Dynjandi. With time an important factor in our day’s travel schedule, we made very few stops along the way and tried our best to drive straight to our destination with the goal of seeing things, if worth it, on the way back out of the Westfjords. Eventually, by late early afternoon, we reached Dynjandi, a beautifully large and majestic waterfall deemed the gem of the Westfjords. 
To see Dynjandi up close was so cool! It was so huge that you could easily spot it from pretty far out. But as you got closer to the waterfall, you could see that there were a ton of smaller waterfalls that it gave way to as the water slowly rushed its way down toward the fjord waters. As my family and I hiked up toward Dynjandi and along the stream of waterfalls running down toward the fjord in the opposite direction, we couldn’t help but be amazed at the spectacle in front of us! It took a little bit of a hike to get all the way to the base of Dynjandi but eventually four out of five of us made it (mom’s knee, unfortunately, could not make it all the way up the rocky path). Once at the top, we spent some time getting drenched while taking photos and striking some Instagram-worthy poses for the camera. Man, the views of the fjords from the base of Dynjandi were something else and quite awe-inspiring! 
We began our hike back toward the parking lot once the wind picked up and we started to get cold from the water blowing in our faces. After a quick family photo, we jumped back into the car and reversed course out of the Westfjords and toward the very-far city of Akureyri, located in north Iceland. By this point, our appetites were picking up and it was a question of whether we should stop along the way for dinner or try to make it to Akureyri for food, knowing that by the time we’d arrive, the late night dining options would be limited. So we drove and thought about it for a bit and ultimately decided to randomly stop in the town of Búðardalur because we spotted some restaurants located roadside. 
For dinner, we stopped and ate at Veidistadurinn. We originally were planning to stop there because they had fish and chips. However, by the time we sat down, they were pretty much sold out of most things seafood and we therefore had to settle for their sub-par cheeseburgers with better-than-expected sweet potato fries. Even though we were slightly disappointed in the limited offerings, we were still glad to take a quick driving break and finally enjoy our first hot and fresh meal of the trip on an evening where we really needed it. 
After dinner, Minh drove nonstop the rest of the way to Akureyri as we raced the sun to get to Akureyri at a relatively decent hour. Exhausted, I fell asleep for most of the drive and eventually woke up as we neared Akureyri. Unfortunately, given how long our day had been, we ended up skipping a couple of stops along the way to Akureyri to save time and energy. And by doing so, we made it to our AirBnB before midnight. 
Once the car was again unloaded and everyone got comfortable at our AirBnB for the next few days, Minh and I quickly left to grab some groceries from the nearby Extra Verslun 24-hour mini mart so that we could make a hearty and hot breakfast for everyone to enjoy in the morning. By the time we had grabbed what we needed and arrived back home, it was definitely time to clean up and call it a day. Man, how taxing long driving days can be! I must be getting old! Luckily, the next few days will be slower and more chill… at least that’s the original plan heading into tomorrow...
5 Things I Learned/Observed Today:
1. If you’re driving deep into the Westfjords, expect gravel and dirt roads. And expect that some of them might be pretty rocky and rough. And if you have a choice, renting a higher-clearanced car will do you well. 
2. While driving through the Westfjords, we noticed that a lot of road construction was going on and that the people working the construction site with all the heavy machinery were young Icelandic men who seemed like they were in their 20s. I wonder if these youngsters are just working a summertime job or if this is actually their real jobs given how young they look. 
3. Every little waterfall that Dynjandi feeds into has an assigned name and sign to it! Pretty cool! 
4. There are very few trees in the Westfjords. However, as you drive east out of the fjords and into the mainland and central north part of Iceland, you start seeing trees dot the landscape. A stark change. 
5. Don’t get Icelandic hot pots confused with Asian hot pot! Unlike the Asian soup dish, Icelandic hot pots are little pools or tubs (natural or manmade) of hot, geothermal water, sometimes located in the middle of nowhere, where people hang out and socialize while relaxing themselves. They’re similar to the natural hot springs and the well-known Icelandic community swimming pools but usually smaller in size.
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mrslittletall · 6 years
Title: Keeping it together (Chapter 12) Fandom: Dark Souls Characters: Dragon Slayer Ornstein, Dusk of Oolacile, Elizabeth Word Count: 2.245 AO3-Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/16328084/chapters/40622222 Previous chapter: https://mrslittletall.tumblr.com/post/181462833169/title-keeping-it-together-chapter-11 Summary: Ornstein has a talk with Dusk.
While Ornstein just used a wet cloth to clean his armour from any blood or goop, Sif had been bathing completely in the water. Orstein still saw that she needed some help and helped her wash her fur out. He watched as the blood got carried away by the splashing of the waterfall.
It was far too late now for Ornstein to be continuing being out. He had to go back to the mansion and work on the speech now. Enough distraction. He escorted Sif back to the arena or it felt more like Sif escorted him back to the arena, said his good nights to Ciaran and Gough and made his way back.
Back at his room, he saw that everything was still like he left. Even the breakfast was still there. He picked it up, took a bite, but promptly put it down again, after having left out in the open for the whole day, the taste had drastically decreased. He sat down on the table and stared at the words he had already written.
“What would Artorias do?”, Ornstein murmured to himself. The words on the paper felt wrong and foreign to him. As if he hadn't even been himself when he wrote it. How should he be able to get into Artorias mind when he couldn't even understand his own? Ornstein picked the quill up and tapped with it on the table, still not knowing where to go with this.
Also, Ornstein realized that he needed to go and that he was hungry. Oh well, he could take care of the first quickly and then get some food. He couldn't concentrate like this anyway. Ornstein made a quick trip to the outhouse and then got some food that he ate at his room. After he was done and laid down his silverware, there wasn't any reason for him anymore to not write that speech. He picked up the quill again, determined to finally do this, but...
Ten minutes passed where he just sat there deadpan. A deep sigh escaped his lips. He just needed to write a speech to honour Artorias. Why was this so difficult for him? He would put this quill on the parchment right now and just write it!
Moments later Ornstein was walking back and forth through the garden in full armour, repeating “Keeping it together” to himself again and again. His stomach felt upset, he was shivering, he felt close to puking and he didn't want to, not again, not after he barely had kept any food in himself... That was when he heard the sniffling of someone. He turned his head and approached the sound to see Princess Dusk sitting there, the same spot as the last time, tears freely flowing down her face, her long hair unbraided and falling over her back, glittering in the moonshine. When she heard Ornstein's footsteps approaching, she shot around, quickly dried her tears and put on that forced smile.
“...Oh, Sir Ornstein, my apologies, I haven't noticed you...”, she said.
Ornstein just stared at her. “Please don't.”, he said.
Dusk stared at him with eyes wide from confusion. “What do you mean?”, she asked.
“That smile. It's fake. It...”, he stopped for a brief moment, taking some deep breathes, this conversation wasn't the best for his already upset stomach. “It reminds me to much of... someone.”
“I am...sorry.”, Dusk said. The tears started to well up in her eyes again. “My kingdom is in shambles. My people are dead or transformed into hideous creatures. The knight who saved me paid with his very own life.” She put her face in her hands, sobbing. “And nobody can see me cry, cause I am their princess and someone has to stay strong. For them!” She took some deep breathes, sniffling: “And there is no one who can understand how this feels.”
Ornstein sat down next to her: “Princess, let me tell you a story.”, he said. “Once there had been a boy who wanted to become a knight. And he did it, he was known as one of the strongest, brave knights and got handed a specialized armour. Whenever he wore that armour, he was the symbol of the people. They knew they could rely on him, they knew he would be there for them, they knew he would shine for them if hope was low. But they didn't knew, that below this armour, the boy just wanted to cry, to break down, to seek comfort at someone for all the terrible things that happened to him, but he wasn't allowed to. The symbol couldn't falter. He just had to... keep it together...”
Ornstein fell silent, feeling the gaze of Princess Dusk at him. At least she seemed to have stopped crying, he couldn't hear her sobs anymore. She gasped in realization: “The boy in the story...it is you.”
“Yes...”, Ornstein said. “So, um, you are not alone with this feeling, Princess.”
“Thank you... this actually makes me feel a little bit better.”, Dusk said. There wasn't a smile on her face anymore. “It makes me feel... less alone.” They both set next to each other in silence when Princess Dusk suddenly asked: “Can I tell you something?”
“I will listen to you.”, Ornstein simply answered.
“When I was in the abyss, snatched by that best... my faculties were far from lucid but I quite clearly sensed certain emotions.”, the princess started. “A wrenching nostalgia, a lost joy, an object of obsession and a sincere hope to reclaim it... Could these thoughts belong to the beast from the abyss, I wonder?”
“Are you trying to tell me that the beast that killed my friend has just been some misunderstood being?”, Ornstein said. “It shows your empathy, princess, for being able to try to see beyond this but for me, that thing killed my friend and almost wiped a whole city off the ground. I don't need anymore reason to be glad over its death.”
“Of course. I am sorry to having bothered you with this.”, Dusk said. “The blame is to put on Oolacile, if we had never awakened it, none of this would have been happened. I know it isn't enough, but I only can owe my sincerest apologies to you.” The tears started to well up in Dusk's eyes again.
Ornstein waited a few more minutes, but the princess had felt silent and eventually he got up and returned to his room, staring at the parchment which still had no useable speech on it. It was already so late and Ornstein had to groan only thinking about sitting down at this table another time. He decided to get more comfortable, stripped out of his armour, put some more comfortable clothes on and went into his bed, using a book to support the parchment, writing utensils moved to his night stand. Now he just needed to write that thing.
When Ornstein awoke his face had crumpled the parchment and bright line was shining into the room through the windows. He blinked, one time, two times, then jerked up. It was morning already! Oh no, that was bad, really bad. He uncrumpled the parchment to see how far he had come with the speech before he had fallen asleep to see that he didn't add a single word. He got up and sat down on the desk. He needed to write this speech now!
Moments later the dragon slayer was in the outhouse puking out all what was leftover from his dinner. It was no use. How should he finish to write this speech or attend the burial in that state? He needed to take some medicine now.
After asking around a bit Ornstein found Princess Dusk deeper in the forest, where she was overseeing the work on the grave. They were already pretty far, what was to be expected, the ceremony was set for this afternoon after all. The gravestone had already been finished constructed and was in the process of being erected and Ornstein could see some golems with shovels which probably were there to dig out the actual grave. He approched Dusk carefully and cleared his throat to get her attention.
“Oh, Sir Ornstein.”, she said after noticing him. “Have you come to get an overview over the grave for Sir Artorias?”
He shook his head. “No, that isn't it... it is lovely though, I am sure Artorias will like it.”, he said. “Actually, I have come here to ask you for that medicine you have offered me.”
“Of course.”, Dusk said. “I am glad you are finally asking for it. It must be awfully difficult to be sick on top of all of this. Would you please follow me?”
While following Dusk, Ornstein noticed, that Dusk, while keeping a friendly and polite tone, hadn't smiled once to him. It made him smile under his helmet unconsciously. She remembered that it had made him feel uncomfortable. Dusk led him to the area he remembered from a few days ago, near the sanctuary guardian. They stopped in front of a wall where some giant mushroom grew and Dusk said: “May I introduce you to my godmother? This is Elizabeth.”
That was when Ornstein realized that his mushroom actually had eyes. Elizabeth must have been the weirdest being Ornstein had ever seen. She was literally a giant, talking mushroom growing out of the wall. “How...nice to meet you.”, Ornstein said.
“My, my, Dusk, you have brought some famous company with you.”, Elizabeth said.
“Actually, Elizabeth, I am here to ask for your help.”, Dusk said, smiling, and this time it was a genuine smile. She must have felt mostly secure around Elizabeth.
While Dusk talked to her, Ornstein's thoughts wandered to how she procreated, how her offspring would look like and how much Artorias would have loved to see little mushroom kids running around, so he didn't notice when the conversation was directed at him and he had to apologize: "I am so sorry, I didn't listen. Could you repeat that?"
"I was asking which are your afflictions.", Elizabeth said in her calm voice.
"Since a few days I am having nauseating stomach aches.", Ornstein answered.
"Nauseating. Did you need to vomit?", the mushroom lady inquired.
Ornstein first looked down on the ground, pawing it with his foot a bit before raising his head again and answering: "Yes. Quite a few times..."
"I see. Please wait a moment." A short while later Elizabeth handed him an item with a squishy texture that looked like it came straight out of her body.
He stared at it for a while: "I don't know how to feel about this..." Eating something that could very well be a part of Elizabeth's body felt so weird.
"Don't worry, it is absolute safe to eat. And it doesn't affect me badly at all. And you don't need to feel bad about your reaction, I am a mushroom after all.", Elizabeth ended the sentence with a chuckle.
"I am really sorry, I didn't mean to be rude. It's just...", the absurdity of this situation. Ornstein didn't finish the sentence. He heard Dusk chuckle beside him.
“Oh, I know, it can be really off putting the first time, but believe me, Elizabeth's mushrooms are working every time. I assure you. I have taken them myself quite a few times already.”, she reassured him.
After hearing this words, Ornstein did open the visor part of his helmet to eat the mushroom he had been handed. It didn't even taste bad or weird, it actually was quite tasty. And soon after eating the medicine the pain started to dissolve and the nausea instantly got better. "That is amazing.", Ornstein exclaimed. He had never had seen a medicine that worked so quickly. Even Gwyndolin's medicine would take a while to take effect and they often would have some heavy side effects.
"I am quite a good healer.", Elizabeth said. "You can always come back should you need some more. Although they are very much part of my body. I can't make them infinitely without needing to rest."
"I owe you my thanks. This should suffice.", Ornstein bowed before the mushroom. "I can now continue with my work." He and Princess Dusk bid their goodbyes to her and walked back to the mansion together.
“I am sorry that I have interrupted your work, Princess.”, Ornstein said.
“Don't worry about it, Sir Ornstein.”, Dusk said. “I am just glad that you finally came and asked for help. You don't have to endure it alone when you are feeling sick... I am looking forward to hear your speech at the burial later.”
“The speech, yes..”, Ornstein said. They had arrived at the mansion and Ornstein bid his goodbye to Dusk who returned to oversee the ceremonial preparations.
Ornstein sat down at the desk again and stared at the parchment and the words he had scribbled on it already. The speech he was so unsatisfied with. He was letting Gough's and Ciaran's word wandering through his mind. “What would Artorias do?” and “I thought you knew Artorias better than that.” So.. what would have Artorias done? If he would have been still around? Probably having hold Ornstein's hair when he puked... Oh... Oooh, that is what they meant. He took up the quill and started to write. (Author's note: I used some of Dusk's canon dialogue in this chapter.) Next chapter: https://mrslittletall.tumblr.com/post/182168559039/title-keeping-it-together-chapter-13
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jodiwalker · 7 years
Every Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Thing Arie Did in Part 1 of the Awful, Riveting, No Fun, Painfully Mesmerizing 'Bachelor' Finale
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So, as it turns out: "needle dick" was a pretty solid assessment of a highly thoughtless person, gifted to us during The Bachelor's season 22 “Women Tell All” special a few weeks ago. Yes, it was an assessment made by a pathological narcissist with a YouTube channel and a WebMD printout of "laryngitis" symptoms, but still...
On Monday night, The Bachelor decided to air three hours' worth of their chosen testicle-in-charge Arie repeatedly telling his final two sister-girlfriends that he was so in love with each of them, choosing one to propose marriage to, and then breaking off the engagement with That One while a camera crew filmed the whole thing because he figured out he was actually in love with The Other One. Now, let's be clear: Becca K. as she's known around the Bachelor Thunderdome, has dodged the most boring of bullets. When all is said and done — or in the case of Arie and Lauren, when all is just done — this situation will ultimately be nothing but a win for Becca K. She comes out looking like a Minnesota rose with the most treasured quality of all: not being engaged to Arie.
But this entire show is designed to make Becca fall in love with Arie, and she did that. Becca did exactly what The Bachelor asked of her, and they repaid her by having a dude whose personality amounts to "cars go vroom vroom" break up with her in real time on national television. Obviously, the very worst thing Arie did on Monday night was setting his fiancé up for a blindside, and agreeing to film it for mass consumption. But in The Bachelor world, it's near impossible to know what's contractually obligated and what kind of behind-the-scenes manipulation is at play. I put the burden of airing Becca's heartbreak on this franchise; at least until the final two hours of this trainwreck air on Tuesday night when perhaps Arie will explain himself [ed. note: hahhahahahaha omg srsly, wut am i thinking?].
Even with that benefit of the doubt given to Arie about just how callous and insensitive we could believe him to be to the women he claims to love, our Bachelor still spent the entire three hours of Monday's filmed finale in "hold my beer, watch this" mode. Truly, he had moves we've never seen — and a few we've all seen. Without needing to hear a single thing he has to say live on Tuesday night, these are unequivocally The Worst Things Arie did in Monday night's Bachelor finale:
At some point, Arie decided to replace his most-used catch phrase, "I love that," which is entirely devoid of meaning, with a variation—"I love you"—which is one of the most important phrases in the English language. When Ben Higgins told both of his final two women that he loved them, he immediately knew he'd made a mistake, and spent the rest of the finale looking like he was going to throw up on his penny loafers. Because Ben realized telling them such an important thing would make both women feel extremely confident, and eventually one of them would be extra hurt and confused, knowing that he loved her a day ago when they were making out by a waterfall, but he's now rejecting her next to a pedestal from Home Goods with Chris Harrison lurking around in the background. Basically, Ben took one single moment to consider his girlfriends' feelings and was like, Ohhhh, I'm a fucking idiot.
Arie is a fucking idiot who will never, ever realize it, as is evidenced over and over again in his final, excruciating breakup with Becca. He loved that Becca and Lauren both felt so confident about their relationship with him, almost like he never once considered that one of them would be completely traumatized once they hobbled down a Peruvian hillside in the name of an engagement to the man they loved—and who loved them!—only to get a swift Kanye to the face [ed note: you know, Imma let you finish, but Becca had the best wife potential of all time]. Arie telling both women he loved them repeatedly, often, and with mounting conviction wasn't his worst mistake, but it was his most fundamental mistake. It's the infrastructural jackassery upon which his Mount Rushmore of his jackassery stands. Shall we proceed?
Okay, I did kind of savor how rude Arie's parents were without seeming to have any idea how awful they were being. While I could empathetically understand that it would suck for Becca that Arie's family kept being like, Yes when we met Arie Jr.'s other girlfriend Lauren yesterday, we enjoyed her exactly as much as we are currently enjoying you…it was also a little hilarious how insensitively clueless they were. Heyyyy, it's almost like that characteristic runs in the family or something! Food for thought.
My family's opinion matters to me too — wanting to keep that opinion hovering around "only slightly worried about her delayed progression into adulthood" is one of the many reasons I would never go on The Bachelor (the other reasons are that The Bachelor wouldn't take me because I have curly hair, have never been a catalog model, and unabashedly ate a cookie for breakfast last week). What I'm saying, is your family's opinions go out the window the minute you decide to do any of this. But Arie clearly couldn't get past his family's assessment of two women they'd spent maybe three hours with, and whose only immediate differentiating features are: one is shy-nice, and one is outgoing-nice and they have two different hair colors, though I can't for the life of me remember which belonged to which woman. I want to say there was a Sarah. Was someone named Sarah, Arie Jr.??? Anyway, pick Becca—she talks!
This situation was doomed from the moment ol' Pillow Lips himself explained that he wanted to be able to tell Lauren something that would help her understand why he was breaking up with her, "But I have no real reason to give her."
All I wanted to say to Arie throughout the entire finale was: TRY, Arie. Why don't you just try to explain it? It's a good practice, trying! I get that it's hard, but if you put in the work, and try even a little bit to understand your feelings, I swear you can ink something out, even if it's just: I do love this, and I don't love this. Those words are very solidly in your vocabulary, I know it. Just TRY to relay your feelings to the people you supposedly love, you weak-willed doofus!
Rude, so rude. This woman literally hates to speak, Arie—that is what you love about her! (I think!) And you're going to let her go on and on, quite eloquently might I add, about how you've inspired her to let her walls down and how she's soooo glad she finally let herself believe that this love could be real??? This man's spine is made of pudding cups.
At this point, the idiocy truly became astounding. Not only has he blindsided and traumatized a woman who he has been telling that he loves for weeks by choosing another women over her, but now he's going to tell Lauren that he loves her moments before proposing to Becca? Has he considered that might be painful for his alleged future wife? Of course not! I think if you told Arie that other people have internal thoughts and feelings just like him, his head would explode, and then he'd just go on living his exact same life as a headless torso being told what to do by the Bachelor producers. But at least this brings us to...
I know this will shock you, but the best thing Lauren did during the finale was speak a series of words out loud — and boy were those words dead on the money. In the limo, feeling shocked and betrayed, she repeats out loud one of the idiotic things Arie told her when he broke up with her: that he didn't know who he was going to choose until just that morning. "Does that not terrify him?" she asks. "How could you get down on one knee if you weren't sure, like, three hours ago?" An excellent question, and proof that even Lauren would have been a more equipped Bachelor than Arie.  
Obviously, Arie's biggest mistake, from which there is no turning back—although he sure does try, that stinker!—was exactly what Lauren couldn't wrap her head around: he got down on one knee and proposed marriage to Becca when he had been completely in love with another woman and unsure of who he wanted to spend the rest of his life with just hours before. 
Never has it been clearer how toxic the construct of this show is than now, when it's been thrust upon a canvas as blank and malleable as Arie. He spends the entire finale saying he's not sure about one woman, spending time with that woman, and then being completely reassured that he's in love with her, basically because she is in love with him; lather, rinse, repeat with the next one. I truly believe that if Becca had the first final date with Arie, and Lauren had the second spot, Arie would have chosen Lauren instead. He has the emotional retention span of a drunken dance floor makeout. I think a baby trying ice cream for the first time might have a stronger grasp on what love is than Arie.
Oh, and let's not forget this standout line from Arie’s proposal of marriage: "I choose you today, and I choose you every day from here on out." Arie apparently thought "here-on-out" was like one of those Old English words like "wherefore" or "fortnight" where it sounds like it means one thing (forever), but actually means another (two months, or whenever the camera crew is available to come out to this mansion in the Hills).
Assessing the production genius and emotional sociopathy of the decision to show Arie breaking Becca's heart in real-time split-screen is for another time. For now, let's just block off the next four hours to discuss every single stupid thing Arie did during said exploitative disaster. First, after sitting Becca down for a serious talk, Arie tries to ask her how a recent trip to Las Vegas was and compliment a new tattoo. [Ed. note: The distraction of trying to figure out if the tattoo had anything to do with Arie, and ultimately, the immense relief that it did not but was merely your average bumblebee wrist-tattoo, was at least appreciated.]
Becca, however, is like, cut the shit and tell me what you want to talk about; that is our first sign that Becca is equipped to deal with the fuck boi nonsense that is about to be presented to her. I would like to be clear though, that just because Becca is strong, and Arie is weak, would not make this any less painful for her. 
Arie then proceeds to explain in great detail how he can't explain why he's breaking up with her, except to say it in the absolute harshest, and most callous way possible: "The more I hung out with you, the more I felt like I was losing the possibility of maybe reconciling things with Lauren." I honestly think the worst part of that awful statement isn't saying that you've been thinking about someone else the entire time you’ve been with Becca; it isn't saying that you're leaving her for another woman; it isn't naming that woman by name just to really drive the knife right in the bumblebee tattoo; it's calling your engagement "hanging out." GROW UP, ARIE!!!
Becca's flawless response: "Are you fucking kidding me?" NEVER CHANGE, BECCA!!!
Arie goes on to say just about every wrong thing possible. He didn't think "it would be fair" to stay with Becca if he was only half in the relationship. "So are you going to be half in with her?" Becca asks. Nope, Arie's gonna full-love Lauren, and he feels like he's been "pretty upfront" with Becca about how he's been struggling to get past his feelings for Lauren. That's when Becca's left hand with her giant engagement ring briefly dips below the split-screen, and without saying anything, comes back up diamondless. And that's when I fall in full-love with Becca. Perhaps, Arie says, he didn't let Becca know "the extent" to which he hadn't moved on from Lauren. "Clearly," says Becca, a queen.
Then this martyr-ass-muthafucka tells the fiancé he's breaking up with in order to go chase after another woman that he "thought it would be good for us to talk about this now," rather than doing it on After the Final Rose. Becca tells him it would have been good if he hadn't proposed to her in the first place. She says she's done here, and goes in the back of the house to start re-packing the suitcases she brought with her when she was assuming this would be a romantic weekend with her fiancé…
People talk to me about The Bachelor a lot. Even when I'm not writing about a season, or not really watching it, they know I'll be down to clown about The Bachelor and I love that — always talk to me about The Bachelor, I beg of you.
The number one thing I've heard from women who watched last night's slow-motion disaster, is how sick they felt watching Arie hang around that house and follow Becca around, and ask her to talk to him, even after she’d repeatedly told him that she wanted him to leave and had nothing to say to him. Because there is a certain type of immature man than many women (and men, I'd imagine) have dealt with: men who want women to reassure them that they're still good men even though they're doing a bad thing. Arie begged Becca to talk to him some more, and when she relented, he stared at her in silence. Because he was waiting and waiting for her alleviate the emotional weight of his guilt for him, so that he wouldn't have to feel it anymore.
Becca refused to do that: she refused to hug him goodbye. She refused to tell him that it was okay. She refused to tie an ugly situation up with a pretty bow in order to take this man's emotional baggage onto her already heaving load. And that is the admirable, strong, very good, incredibly courageous thing Becca did.
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notspoondere · 6 years
May 2018 List Re-Review
I did this once before for fun and wanted to do it again. For the reference, the May 2018 analysis was here.
If you’re not familiar with the idea, in this post I will be highlighting statements where I made predictions about the shape of the format to come and scoring them based on how accurate they turned out to be, then tallying those scores at the end to see how well I did. Let’s get into it.
(Also, September 2018 list analysis is on the way. I didn’t want to do it at first but have received a request for it.)
Master Peace, the True Dracoslaying King
Yep, this is Luster Pendulum.  He’s now Zoodiac Drident crossed with Apoqliphort Towers, and naturally he’s on the banlist again.  Feel old yet?
To continue on that analogy, I fully expect this deck to go the way of Qliphorts and continue to see play as a stun variant.  Note that nerfed Draco is still a better deck than Qliphorts, unfortunately.
Correct on both fronts: Qliphorts are still bad, and Draco is still seeing play as a stun deck with two variants, one using The Monarchs Erupt, and the other using Ghost Reaper & Winter Cherries, both with the intent of winning by preventing your opponent from playing the game and drawing cards to beat them down once they can’t.
Phoenixian Cluster Amaryllis
Woohoo, we won’t get Plant FTK!   With that, I have the feeling we’ll be getting the Aromage Link Monster next set, since that’s the card that enables this FTK.  Once again, a good hit.
Wrong: We didn’t get the Aromage link monster, but who cares. I’m not going to score this because this post isn’t really about my predictions about Konami’s product design, but rather the metagame.
Oh and we technically got a plant FTK involving Samsara Lotus. Whatever.
That Grass Looks Greener
I’ve been a 60-card player since around this time last year, and Lightsworn is my favorite deck of all time, so I’m sad to see this one go, but it was absolutely responsible for 60-card decks’ most unfair hands.  “Oh, you decided to drop Ash Blossom on my Lonefire?  Here, let me just mill a third of my deck real quick and end on Naturia Beast or Void Ogre Dragon with Fairy Tail - Snow and Shiranui Spiritmaster in the GY.  Oh, and you only have three cards in hand.  Sorry, not sorry!”
There’s nothing factually wrong about this since there’s no real prediction, but I would like to mention here that a totally different 60-card deck has seen play since: it turns out that there are some Pendulum variants that legitimately have 60 cards they want to play and wouldn’t have played Grass even if they had the chance. Shine on, you crazy diamonds.
Dinomight Knight, the True Dracofighter
This is the best card in Draco that isn’t named Master Peace, and is the sole reason for why I think the deck isn’t totally dead.  Return and Apocalypse are still absurdly strong cards going first and this card searches them. 
Correct: I don’t think anyone would disagree that this is still the scariest card left in that deck (unless you think it’s Rivalry, but Frogs and Altergeist play that too).
Gem-Knight Master Diamond
Here’s another “spin the wheel” hit; the Gem-Knight that actually burns is Lady Lapis Lazuli, but hitting this hurts the deck’s attempts to play legitimately, too. Problem solved, I guess, but at what cost?
They can’t make Calamities anymore, either, but that matters much less when they can’t actually kill you, either.
Wrong, unfortunately. Gem-Knight FTK has topped once since this hit happened. I don’t know how and I don’t really care. They should have banned Lazuli.
Chain Strike
And there’s a strange hit!  Chain Burn has been a nuisance since, well, the release of Chain Strike, and this hit is kind of out of nowhere, but who cares.  Chain Burn is dead if you don’t draw an insane hand.  Better now than never.
Correct, haven’t seen this deck since. Don’t care to either.
Semi-Limited Cards
Apoqlihport Towers
Ring of Destruction
I’ll take “Cards that have seen no play” for 800, Alex.
Though much weaker in a format with copious Extra Deck-based removal by battle, this card’s namesake lives on as a reference point for insurmountable boss monsters.
This card’s errata in 2015 addressed its infamous problems in tournament by preventing it from stealing games and forcing draws.
Neo-Spacian Grand Mole
Compulsory Evacuation Device
Fairy Tail - Luna saw no play and Solemn Strike is still at 3.  Who cares.
Also Correct.
Grandsoil the Elemental Lord
The functional errata is effective already, though we won’t get it in print until FLOD: SE.   Elementsaber buff, though the deck really isn’t good anyways.
I don’t remember getting this spicy. Yeah, Elementsabers didn’t turn out great. Correct.
This is still a solid card, honestly.  I could see it seeing play again in decks that don’t need a Normal Summon, or if they finally unban Construct.  I don’t think that deck’s in the game right now, but it could be soon.
So Mathematician saw no play whatsoever, but I still think it’s because the right deck doesn’t exist; after all, Armageddon Knight is arguably more restricted than Mathematician, and that card does see regular play (in Gouki because it’s a Warrior, in Dinosaurs because it can send Overtex, and in Zefra because it can send Destrudo). All that really proves is that a monster which consumes a Normal Summon in order to send something generic to the GY is good enough to play, and Mathematician is definitely that, so I think we’ll see him come up again once a more useful Level 4 or lower target is introduced for a Type or Attribute that doesn’t already have a better alternative, or for ones that need three more copies of it (with Armageddon Knight, Dinosaurs have eleven cards that send Overtex to GY or search a card that does). For that reason, I’ll call this a maybe--ultimately, as much as I can try to demonstrate that it’s a good card, it depends on whether that deck comes to exist.
Atlantean Dragoons
Dragoons was tearing through boards years before SPYRAL Tough was, and honestly, there’s very little stopping it from doing so now with Light of Sekka in the game (Abyss-scale is a brick and chances are that you don’t run any spells that do anything more impactful than drawing two cards and fixing your hand).  This is kind of like when Charge of the Light Brigade came back to 3: It’s a fairly solid buff to a fairly solid deck.  Add onto that the imminent reprint of Moulinglacia and the new Mermail Link Monster, and the deck is looking like it’s soon to be in a very strong place.
Mermails have seen minor competitive play, but it is certainly stronger than before, and indeed, the deck plays Sekka’s Light over Abyss-scale. Correct.
Ignis Heat, the True Dracowarrior
This means virtually nothing compared to Dinomight coming back to 1.
Okay, hear me out.  Ignis was the deck’s best play going second since it grabs Heritage, which plusses off of disruption.  That’s fine, but:
Amano-Iwato stops your opponent from doing anything to stop you already.
You are going to search your spells with Diagram anyways, and you don’t need your opponent to be using effects on your turn to do that.
Heritage is still a disruptable card itself, and the proper play with Ignis is usually to let him hit the board and swing over him later in order to give the opponent Heritage on a turn when they can’t immediately use it.
For these reasons… yeah, Ignis doesn’t actually matter that much.  Draco would still be fine with Ignis at 1, and I don’t really expect that he’ll be run at more than 2 at MOST due to the way optimal ratios work with Card of Demise.
This is a pretty contentious portion of that post and I kind of regret being so bold. Actually going through and looking at what was right and what wasn’t here is a mixed bag because much of it plays upon theory that is half-true and ended up being half-followed. Let’s take a look.
Ignis is an important card in Draco.
Ignis is a good card in Draco, and the deck often plays two or three copies.
True Draco with Master Peace and Demise regularly played the same ratios of eight monsters in the Main Deck: 3 Amano/Boarder, 1 Ignis, and two Majesty and Master Peace.
The current incarnation of the deck plays roughly nine monsters. It has lost two of the previously available ones and gained a potential three more; not counting the other Dracos, this would account for 3 Amano/Boarder and Ignis, 2 Majesty, and 1 Dinomight, but about half of the lists I’ve seen play two Ignis and a sparse few play Dreiath and/or Metaltron.
Waterfall of Dragon Souls is a fair bit more popular now than it was then, too.
Finally, optimal ratios for Demise necessitate as few monsters as possible, but optimal ratios for Desires insist that you play more cards in triplicate than usual.
So with that said: I feel safe in saying Ignis can be justified at 2 or 3 copies, and I definitely feel safe in saying that he’s a worse card than Dinomight. Going off of this, I’m tempted to say I’m right, but my language was a bit too decisive and derisive (surely people would have played 3 Ignis even if it was demonstrably wrong), so I’ll say this was at least partially wrong and call it a maybe.
In the last section, I made a bunch of predictions about various decks; I’ll go over them each and judge how they should be scored. I’ll also tally this separately just to see how well I guessed how the format would pan out; these will not be scored twice if I mentioned them earlier.
Magicians nerfed.  FTK and Zexal builds murdered.  Pure deck is still viable.
Every other pendulum deck nerfed, though pure Metalfoes arguably lost the least. (Zefra didn’t use Astrograph at all, but really needed AFD.)
Magicians are still a tier 1-2 deck (is Gouki tier 0 or 1?). Pure Metalfoes actually really liked having Astrograph, though for what it’s worth, it is the only one of these decks that doesn’t need to play bad cards in order to make Vortex. Zefra also did play Astrograph, though at the time, the only Zefra player I knew complained that it took two slots in a very tight extra.  Maybe on this.
Draco nerfed.  Still viable, mark my words.
60-card is dead outright.  The best playmakers are still there, but Left Arm into Grass is no longer valid backup for Lonefire Blossom.  You may see 40-card Dino or Zombiesworn lists in the future given good enough hands, but there’s no good way to fit the Lonefire combo in 40 cards without bricking too often.
So this is a weird one. The Lonefire combo has seen play at least once in the form of a Gouki deck, but that follows a different combo route than the Lightsworn variant did and is demonstrably a worse version of that deck: it’s hard to get more explosive than Gouki already is, and it requires at least two more bricks. 60-card decks as we knew them are totally dead, so I’ll say this is correct.
Gem-Knight FTK dead.
As mentioned above, unfortunately wrong. Haven’t seen it beyond that one time, though.
Chain Burn, for some reason, also dead.
Haven’t seen it since. Correct.
Every deck that plays Destrudo into AFD is nerfed or dead.  I expect ABC and Zefra to survive through sheer power, though both lost much in consistency.
This is correct as it is obvious. Calvin Tahan would top with ABC in Nekroz format if it happened again today and Zefra will be better than the best rogue deck until they start losing copies of Zefraath or get horrendously powercrept.
Invoked are fine, though invoked hybrids lost AFD, I guess.
Invoked didn’t really do much but get power crept. I guess this is wrong? The one Invoked hybrid, AKA the deck with six field spell engines and nothing else, did lose this, but it also literally died. So.
World Chalice untouched.  If you think you’re good at this game, try this deck and realize how wrong you are.
I didn’t make an explicit prediction here, so no score, but I should mention that it did top at least once during this time. The only list I can find doesn’t use Knightmares to their full potential, but to be honest, the deck doesn’t entirely need them; it can still do an extra link and make the opponent discard four cards off of an opening hand Venus and any monster without Knightmare Goblin.
SPYRAL untouched.  Easily a top-tier contender.
Deck was really good for a while, yeah. Correct.
Burning Abyss untouched.  Still a solid deck with proper backrow.
Well goddamn, it turns out Burning Abyss is still a solid deck without proper backrow. Current lists run Sekka’s Light at three copies and more than a dozen hand traps. I’d like to call this a coincidental maybe, but I honestly felt at the time that Burning Abyss was only strong due to its ability to pack in powerful backrow without losing consistency, and in that regard, I was totally wrong.
Paleozoics untouched, though the worst part of their worst matchup is totally gone, and they’re very solid versus Altergeist.  Budget players, keep an eye on this deck.
Paleo Frogs were good for about half of the format and dropped off pretty hard. It’s not like what it does it bad, just that there are more counters to it. Also is indeed a budget deck. Still correct.
Neo-Spacians tier 1, obviously.
This dumbass one-off comment I made has come full circle because Neo-Spacian Aqua Dolphin saw regular play in a tier 1 deck, that being Gouki. It is played because it’s a level 3 Warrior that can mulligan your opponent’s hand of hand traps, and in that regard, it is absolutely unmatched. This card’s burn damage closed out the last game of the European WCQ in time. Do I deserve to be correct for this? You decide. I think so.
Trickstar ANYTHING
This deck has fallen off a bit, but Drollcarnation is still legal and the deck is still a threat based off of that alone.
Another funny one. This wasn’t that true early in the format, but so-called Kid Touch (Trickstar Sky Striker) ended up being a tier 1 deck for a couple of tournaments immediately after the implementation of the new end-of-match procedures, though not entirely because of them, and not entirely because of Drollcarnation, but both together ended up being an unbelievably scary combo: Trickstars could now make Link Monsters without drawing Scapegoat, and Sky Strikers could get even more consistent advantage while also ticking away with burn at a time where it matters the most. Correct either way.
Tallies after eliminating duplicates:
11 Correct
3 Maybe
3 Wrong
64.7% correct, 17.6% definitely incorrect. Pretty good ratio.
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spencerpefx726-blog · 5 years
A Beginner's Guide to koi pond supplies
Surprisingly ample, it is frequently in mid-summer time that numerous
gardeners start out to think about putting in a little pond or
water back garden. Ponds need not be weeded or watered, and
they will provide exuberant coloration in the form of drinking water lilies
and lavatory vegetation.
The sound of a splashing fountain or waterfall is much more
attractive than weeding a flower mattress or mowing that section of
lawn. Best of all, no matter how incredibly hot or damp it gets, the pond
just keeps on blooming!
At this stage you may start off to consider the price and
labor of putting in a concrete pond, and our ninety five degree days
are nearly adequate to prevent this pond daydream in its
However, with the advent of more recent pond liners and pre-formed
pools, the distress related to concrete mixing and
ending is usually a point in the previous. Large responsibility pool liners with
10 12 months assures are now popular, and can provide for as very little
as $one.00 a sq. foot.
Preformed ponds in numerous shapes and sizes will also be an
alternative process to make a brief pond at a lot less Price than
employing concrete. Applying these materials, the normal gardener
can put in an honest sizing pond in lower than at some point, and have
it stocked with vegetation, fish and fountain by the next
The best style of pond to construct is definitely an over-the-ground
pond. Given that no digging is required, it always will take Considerably
for a longer period to fill this pond with drinking water than it does to make it!
There are lots of variations on this topic, but for example,
one can use dealt with lumber planks which are no less than two inches
thick by 12 inches large, nail them alongside one another to type a
rectangular shape of the specified Proportions, and spot the
form where by the pond is sought after.
This bottomless "box" is often positioned instantly about the grass,
concrete, a deck, etc., after which you can the bottom is covered with
some form of padding or cushioning content. Most publications say to
use sand, but I do think the right product is roofing felt. It
is affordable, convenient, lies flat, tends to make a barrier to weeds, and
presents a very good cushion for the pool liner.
Once the roofing felt is in position, the pool liner can be
dropped into the shape and you begin filling the pond with
drinking water. Some staples on the outside of the pond form may very well be
necessary to continue to keep the liner from blowing into the pond, but be
sure to use just a couple, and location them at the edge from the
Since the pond fills, the weight of your h2o will do an excellent career
in smoothing out wrinkles, but if you are a perfectionist, you
can assist easy them out by hand ahead of There may be more than one
inch of drinking water in the bottom of your pond. Even though the pond is
beginning to fill, it is possible to Look at the level of the shape, and if
it needs to be raised a little bit on a couple of sides, This could certainly
be finished by cautiously inserting some shims to boost the sorts
where by desired.
If you like the pond to overflow on a particular facet (like,
into the flower mattress, in lieu of onto the deck!) then you may well
want to leave the overflow aspect a quarter inch decreased compared to the
rest of the pond.
You'll want to wait around until the pond is completely stuffed right before
slicing any extra liner or doing any long-lasting stapling. This
will provide the h2o tension sufficient time for you to pull the liner
into just about every nook and cranny wherever it really should go; a few of those
several holding staples which you accustomed to hold the liner set up
may well really tear unfastened given that the pond fills, but should you stapled
the liner on the skin of the form, around the perimeters, then no
harm is completed... you can be trimming several of that surplus liner
off, anyway.
It definitely does take more time to fill this kind of pond than it
does to make it. I at the time developed a 20-by-thirty foot pond in
two hrs but it really took all evening for it to fill with drinking water.
I think an excellent depth for an earlier mentioned ground pond is about fourteen
inches, but it can be further or even more shallow than that,
dependant upon what components you happen to be using for the shape.
Railroad ties, landscape timbers, concrete blocks, and so on. are
all feasible materials for pond making.
Keep in mind that any kind of wood has to be pressure taken care of in case you
want it to final over a calendar year! Though I mentioned
rectangular form, For those who have some carpentry capabilities, you are able to
also do triangles, pentagons, ponds within just ponds, and so on.
Ponds built with taken care of lumber planks tend not to have to have any aspect
support If they're under eight toes or 10 feet very long; in the event you
are making more substantial than that, you'll want to travel a stake
into the ground where the planks are to be nailed together, so
the water tension will not likely make the planks bow outward. So, if
you know how to make use of twelve nails to nail four planks alongside one another,
You'll be able to build a pond. When you are feeling lazy, contain the
lumber yard Minimize the planks to dimension you will need. Borrow your
neighbor's staple gun, locate those scissors buried during the
kitchen area drawer, therefore you are in organization!
Tumblr media
Pond liners may also be used to make an in the ground pond.
The advantage is which you could make any shape pond you would like,
and the bottom itself supports the edges from the liner.
It is actually a good idea to use a versatile backyard garden hose to put out the
pool condition you would like. When All people agrees that it's a
pleasant condition, and it can be large enough, you'll be able to dig a trench
together aspect the hose, and start digging.
Remember, the pool does not have to become over twelve to 16
inches deep, so You should not get carried away. If you need a
waterfall, a lot of the excavated soil is often mounded up close to
the pond for afterwards waterfall building. Sometimes, it
might be helpful to work with a lot of the soil for just a berm across the
pond, so that is definitely another way to dispose of excavated soil.
When the pond is excavated, check the level, choose which side
you need surplus rainfall to movement from, and You then are Completely ready
to line the opening with roofing felt, running it over the
pond, up the sides onto the edges on the pond. Fall the liner
in, weigh it down flippantly with some rocks within the edges,
and begin filling.
Once more, tend not to trim any excess liner right until the pond is
wholly loaded. Some pond guides say you must make a
shallow shelf within the pond right before putting while in the liner, but
they do not have our river sand and rainfall to handle. I
Consider it is healthier to build the pond to some depth of fourteen-sixteen
inches, and just use bricks to prop up Those people lavatory vegetation that
don't desire to sit also deep in h2o. This gives better
flexibility in rearranging the pond crops as you wish, and
avoids the calamity of a shelf quickly slumping in the
pool. When utilizing pool liners, whether or not in the bottom or higher than
the ground, it is crucial to conceal the edges from
sunlight, considering that which is what sooner or later breaks down most
Utilizing stones or lumber planks to complete off the sting of the
pond will make it a lot more captivating, and allow the liner to Stay
approximately its ten 12 months ensure. Even the heavier, preformed
plastic ponds should have their edges coated by sod or some
paving content, so the Solar can't get to it. Some remaining
pointers: if possible, Track down your pond from trees, within a
location that gets not less than 5 hrs of immediate Solar day by day. This
will let you develop lots of pond vegetation.
You'll want to utilize a dechlorinating solution whenever you first fill
the ponds... The brand new substances inside our consuming water usually do not
dissipate speedily and they will kill your fish and injury your
crops, even 10 days Once you have stuffed the pond!
Ensure you will be pleased With all the measurement and shape of your pond
before you start - so you will not say "I must have built it
more substantial, or for a longer period, or rounder, and so forth.", within two hrs of
filling it!
Rule number one in pond constructing is that It doesn't matter how major
your pond is, You mostly want An even bigger 1.
Very last, but not minimum, if you decide to do an in-the-ground
pond, Why don't you serve refreshments and acquire some good friends to assist
. . . good friends will have all types of practical Thoughts on the way you
need to get it done ... which happens to be great, so long as they preserve
0 notes
wintxrsoldixrx-blog · 7 years
Roofers Leeds
Think about, you're standing about the sidewalk, seeking at roofers Leeds. You see the siding, the windows, the entrance doorway, and way up previously mentioned, you see the roof. Does the roof have asphalt shingles? Wood shakes possibly? Probably it really is manufactured from metallic or rubber tiles? A certain item is the place the main target goes, but it truly is everything you never see that basically matters. There is certainly far more to roofing than meets the attention. So let's talk about what goes on, underneath the shingles.   The Roof Deck   We learn how to crawl prior to we walk, so when referring to roofing let's start with square one particular, the surface spot of one's roof which is made of wood. Your wooden roof deck is comparable to an vehicles metal human body. It truly is set up on top of the essential house body to present a surface region on which to install Shingles. Without having a roof deck put in in your home, there would be nowhere to install your Shingles. And naturally with out the shingles, your roof deck would rot absent because of to exposure to the sunshine, rain, snow and ice and and so forth...not a snug home in any respect!   On More recent Properties, sheets of plywood or OSB boards are fixed along with wood trusses in your attic to type the roof deck. Plywood or OSB boards are set up inside a staggered development with tiny spaces in between them to permit wooden to increase and agreement because the wooden heats within the summer season and cools while in the wintertime. Older residences typically have lengths of 2" x 6" set up instead of plywood or OSB board. Once the time will come for you personally to switch your Roof Method, keep in mind to have your roofers Leeds change any and all broken wooden.   Bear in mind, when your roof deck is rotting or broken in any way, men and women going for walks on your roof could potentially crack or break through the wood, creating more harm to the roof technique, this sort of concerning the shingles...and also to the person who walked on it! Nevertheless, most roof decks can face up to just a little bit of exposure to drinking water or ice ahead of it should be changed.   Metal: Drip Edge and Rake Edge   Drip edge and Rake edge may be the very first element on the Roof System for being put in. This is a lengthy and slender piece of metal that's installed along each and every end of one's Roof Deck, ie: along the eaves trough and along the gable ends.   Some spot neighborhood creating codes need the set up of Drip Edge and Rake Edge along with other building codes usually do not. Check out using your regional town constructing workplaces to find out. In roofers Leeds as an example, the Building Code does not require the set up of Drip edge or Rake edge. Therefore a lot of new residences and/or low spending budget roof programs don't have drip edge mounted to be able to permit for additional inexpensive roof rates. We advocate nevertheless that Drip edge and Rake edge be installed on each Roof System, no exceptions.   Drip and Rake edge is available in the assortment of various shades and measurements and might be custom created for that needs of the roof method. Installing an proper drip edge usually saves hundreds and often even 1000's of pounds whenever your roof technique demands changed.   If your Roof Technique will not currently have drip or rake edge mounted, usually do not stress, you are going to endure properly sufficient. Just bear in mind that once your roof should be changed, the Roofing Contractor you might need to exchange some of your wooden Roof Deck on an as essential foundation.   Metallic: Chimneys and Skylights   Arguably the most important element of every full roof method. The metal installed within the valleys, chimneys and skylights take the brunt of water movement on every roof. Poorly mounted, a brand name new roof technique can make a waterfall from your living room.   Every chimney and skylight needs precisely what is called "a again pan", which is made up of sheet metallic folded at all around a 90 degree angle (depending about the slope of your roof) and tucks underneath the shingles and up underneath the siding, stucco or counter flashing within the chimney or skylight. Each roofers Leeds and every back again pan needs a little 2" section of steel sticking out 1" or more from both aspect from the chimney or skylight to divert h2o absent from your corners. Water need to hit the steel back pan and be directed absent on possibly aspect the place it can continue its operate in to the eaves trough.   Steel: Valleys   In the exact same way h2o operates along the valleys between two mountains, h2o runs along the valleys with your roof peaks. Valleys generally get the best concentration of water flowing via them, therefore setting up them correctly is amazingly important!   As pointed out in the Leak Barrier segment, valleys have leak boundaries set up beneath them. Despite the fact that some Constructing Codes don't call for these kinds of a leak barrier to be mounted, we advise setting up one particular constantly in every single valley.   A phrase of caution: Numerous roofing contractors install valleys within a design known as 'closed'. A shut valley consists of Shingles woven within the valley, as opposed to an 'open' valley which has sheet metallic operating from top to base. Each the 'open' and the 'closed' type of installation are satisfactory through the most Creating Codes and by most manufacturers, however, the 'open' fashion set up has constantly out done the 'closed' type...and expenses precisely the same price tag to setup. Ask roofers Leeds to use the 'open' fashion of set up on your roofs valleys, this could prevent from obtaining to switch your roof program prematurely and also can avoid complications within the lengthy run. Usually, an 'open' valley is installed having a 30 gauge sheet metallic, 4' wide, coming in 10' sheets. This steel can be ordered in almost any colour to match the shingles on your own roof technique.   Leak Barrier   Think of a leak barrier as being a "second layer" of defense for your Roof Deck. A backup prepare, should you will, and in addition a defense towards dampness build-up. Leak limitations are practically usually put in on top of the Drip Edge and Rake Edge metal together eaves trough regions, gable regions and valleys since on the threat these locations pose for leaks, ice build up, shingle deterioration and h2o again flow.   If you've ever appeared at your roof for the duration of wintertime, you will discover how ice and snow builds up together the length of your respective eaves troughs and in the roof valleys. As with Rake Edge and Drip Edge, some Developing codes demand Leak Obstacles for being set up and several Developing Codes do not. In Alberta, the Building Code requires a leak Barrier to become installed on all eaves trough and valley locations of the Roof Methods since of issues related to this sort of snow and ice build up. Being an optional upgrade, some top end roof techniques even have leak barriers set up in addition to the complete Roof Deck (rather than only along the specific locations we just pointed out) in which typically a regular Roof Deck Safety would normally happen to be set up.   Practically all roofs in Calgary, Alberta have leak barriers put in, and many various kinds of leak limitations can be found in present day marketplace, each providing a special standard of trustworthiness, performance and warrantee and developed by a lot of diverse makers.   Deciding on an appropriate Leak Barrier and putting in it appropriately is a vital stage in each and every Roof Technique. Talk using your Roofing Contractor to find out more about leak barriers, the best way to decide on the proper one and how to choose an experienced Roofing Contractor to setup it.   Roof Deck Safety   Roof Deck Defense is incredibly just like a Leak Barrier. The primary difference is that Roof Deck Defense is mounted around the total Roof Deck spot instead of only on "special areas" as we point out within the Leak Barrier section.   Generally, Roof Deck Defense is actually a step lower in quality than a Leak Barrier. Just like Leak Barriers even so, you'll find a lot of diverse varieties of Roof Deck Safety offered to choose from starting from fundamental felt/tar paper to innovative plastic woven sheets of rip and wrinkle proof material. Selecting a reliable Roof Deck Safety is an important part of a quality Roof System.   A phrase of warning; most roofing businesses use felt paper as roofers Leeds. Though employing felt paper is really a normal and acceptable apply, some concerns can arise in the event the felt paper gets wet for the duration of or after the installation. At any time notice how paper has a tendency to curl when it dries right after it absolutely was moist? In a equivalent way, felt paper can curl if water or excessive dampness touches it. Because of this, and since the associated fee is kind of modest, we advocate installing a better top quality Roof Deck Protection such being a GAF/ELK Deck Armour. To get a comparatively small added price, you will be rewarded having a much a lot more reliable Roof Deck Safety.   Inquire your local trustworthy Roofing Contractor about which under-layer will be best to your Roof Program any why.  
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Banaue We've spent 3 days in Banaue, and tonight we arrived to Baguio. So I will catch you up on the happenings of these days. Our first day in Banaue we were exhausted from our overnight bus so we spent the day sleeping and then exploring the small town of Banaue, which is high in the mountains and is renowned for its rice terraces. We are staying at a homestay with a lady named Beatriz and a few other travelers, but its kind of more like a B&B. The following day Beatriz got a tour set up for us of the rice terraces. We had a guide named Denver who drove us around and told us about the 2,000 year old rice terraces while hiking endless miles wearing flip flops and chewing Bedel Nut (a red nut that is similar to tobacco, veryyyyyy popular in the north and you can see stains of it all over the ground). He drove us in a tricycle through the mountains until the road got to the point where it was so steep that the tricycle would have tipped over because it was too heavy and the ground so steep, so he drove ahead and we walked about a half mile down the nearly 45 degree highway. After a while, the highway just flat out ended. And beyond it was just forest and mountains. Denver left the tricycle and led us through the forest for a few miles and when we came out the other side of the forest we were at Batad. Batad is a small village of Ifugao people that is surrounded by a gigantic amphitheater of what the area has voted to be the most beautiful rice terraces. They were constructed by hand over 2,000 years ago by the Ifugao people (believed to have emigrated from China) and have held up to this day. We hiked down the mountainside through the rice terraces and saw the rice growing. Rice is very delicate. It has to be farmed by hand, each plant one at a time, in a few inches of water. It takes a full year for the soil to be ready to plant and then for the rice to mature. Each stalk is harvested by hand individually by the women and children, and is carried down the mountainside by the men to be dried. Once dried they are sifted until only the grains of rice remain. The plants themselves are put back in the soil to fertilize the next crop. The thousands upon thousands of plants we saw apparently only serve to barely feed the people of the village. This is an old way of farming rice that they have been doing for thousands of years. Other modern farms use different machines and chemicals to speed up the process but it results in a less natural product more damaging to the environment. We hiked up and down the very narrow steep ancient staircases that were mostly stones stuck in the ground, balanced along the narrow rims of the terraces, and did our best not to topple down. We hiked for nearly 6 hours. We hiked first to the top of the mountain to see the view, then we hiked down and through the valley below until we reached a waterfall. The whole mountain was watered using only this river and an intricate system of bamboo pipes that keep each rice paddy consistently and evenly watered despite having to pump it all over the mountain. It was impressive. We took a break at the waterfall and then began the laborious process of climbing up out of the lower valley and then back up the mountain. It was easily one of the hardest hikes I have ever done in my life. I didn't think it was possible to sweat that much or be that sore. When we finally got up to the top after navigating the very treacherous and extraordinarily steep terrain we were walking along a flat level path and I managed to fall down and roll my ankle. At least I landed in the shrubs and not the wet muddy rice paddy. We finally got back to the village of Batad and had some lunch, hiked back to the highway, walked back up the steep stretch of highway that the tricycle couldn't manage, and then rode through a downpour back to town. The road was so wet and steep that we had to use our bodies to help the tricycle turn and brake. It was certainly an incredible experience that I'm very glad we did but not one I think I'd want to repeat. It was so completely and utterly exhausting. Emily's health thing on her phone said she had walked about 6 miles that the height difference was over 140 stories that day, over the course of 8 hours. The next day we decided to tone it down a notch. We enjoyed the jaw dropping view of the rice terraces through our window and drank tea on the terrace. We then tried to walk a total of distance of 1 mile thinking it couldn't be that hard. But we forgot this town is almost completely vertical. To get through town there is a complicated network of hills and staircases that are all at a very steep inclination. The many children in this town navigated the steps like squirrels but we trudged up along drenched in sweat. We visited a small village on the edge of Banaue called Tam-An, we didn't know what to expect there but we'd been told it was interesting. We climbed about 200 steps to get there and when we arrived a lady in a hut came out and immediately offered to show us the bones of her grandfather, which she had in a sack. She took the bones out and showed them to us and encouraged us to pick up (which we politely refused). He had died over 70 years ago. In the Ifugao tradition the dead are supposed to remain in their family's home for a few days after death. Then they have a first funeral. After 3-5 years they are then dug back up and kept in the home. The families can then choose to keep them in the home or bury them again. It is a way of constantly keeping the memory of their ancestors present. We left Tam-an after that and hiked up to the Cordillera Sculpture Museum that was only .3 miles away but took us an hour to reach because of how steep it was. This was such a peculiar museum. Apparently it was owned by a guy from Seattle (whom we never saw) in his giant out of place modern house. He had an impressive collection of Cordillera artifacts. Cordillera in Spanish mean mountain range, its what the Spanish named this area when they arrived, and refers to the dozens of mountain tribes that live in the area, one of which is the Ifugao, we had been mostly in contact with them in Banaue. It was a weird museum because it was very clear that very little actual research had been done about the artifacts and all the placards were just outsider's impressions of what they saw in pretty insensitive terms. For instance one of the exhibits had a series of what the collector assumed were children's dolls and he had put a Barbie in amongst them with the placard stating(paraphrasing here): "Barbie? What are you doing here? This Barbie exemplifies the epitome of modern beauty, mass produced and spread for pennies throughout the world reaching even these people. Barbie is here contrasted with the Ifugao interpretations of dolls. The difference is amazing!" They also had a photocopy of a fascinating 1912 National Geographic article about the area, in which the Ifugao were referred to as mindless headhunting barbarians whom Americans had the duty to civilize. It was pretty horrific to read such a racist article. But the photographs were incredible. After that we went down to a doctors clinic because my ankle was killing me after that fall yesterday and I got a bandage wrap for it. In the evening we went to the market and then packed up. In the morning the next day Beatriz had arranged for us to be driven by Denver to the bus that would take us to our next destination. We were running late but the bus literally waited for us which was nice. We spent today driving 5 very bumpy hours through the mountains to the larger city of Baguio, which is known for its large university, art scene, and very cool climate. We are staying at a ridiculously nice airbnb apartment here and it is so luxurious. We have a kitchen and cooked pasta for dinner. Tomorrow we are going to relax and enjoy a bit of the town.
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elevanetheirin · 7 years
In War Victory
Chapter 2 The King’s Camp
Characters:  Duncan, Alistair Theirin, Elevane Cousland  Chapter 1 can be found here or read it all on A03
 The camp was bustling with excitement. Everywhere Elevane looked something was going on. Still very much depressed and unable to fully participate in the world around her Ele satisfied herself with watching and gathering information. If anyone paid her any mind she appeared to be some soldier’s daughter or or young wife fascinated with the spectacles around her. After a harried week on the road she didn’t look much like a nobleman’s daughter. 
 She watched the mages perform some type of ritual but when she moved closer a tall gruff Templar ran her off. After visiting the quartermaster to replace her missing supplies and gear that she hadn’t grabbed that awful night she heard a sound that reopened her fresh wounds and followed the baying that reminded her of home. Ele spent hours in front of the mabari pen trading tips with the trainer. It was the only activity that lifted her spirits even though being near the magnificent creatures only reminded her of Granite, her own mabari who had disappeared during the fray at Highever.
 As she walked away finally to decide where she’s set up her tent she caught sight of Duncan who nodded once from his spot near a bonfire in a cursory hello look. She turned away quickly, embarrassed at being caught enjoying herself and headed toward a stream the quartermaster had mentioned was nearby and just inside the wooden walls of the King’s Camp.
Elevane found the stream with little difficulty, she walked up stream until she’d found what she was hoping for and surveyed the area. It was private and secluded. If she placed her tent nearby no one would get by without her seeing them and give her the perfect place to bathe. She’d found a small waterfall, if that was even the word for it as little as it was. The water pooled at the bottom leaving the water level mid thigh instead of the ankle to calf deep like the rest of it down stream. She began setting up her camp the stone mask on her face that dared anyone to bother her or even speak.
 After Elevane passed him Duncan followed her. He didn’t do it to hover like a mother hen, he had wanted to see where she intended to set her tent. He’d watched her pick up the supplies she’d bought from the quartermaster but she was heading the opposite direction from where the rest of the King’s soldiers were camped. He was curious what she intended to do. When he saw where she’d decided to set up Duncan slipped away to find Alistair, his presence not completely un-noticed by the noble scout.
 Duncan found the young Warden by his own tent picking at his dinner. Dinner being a loose term for whatever the brown mush he had in his bowl. Alistair stood up as the Warden-Commander approached him.
 “Sit down son,” Duncan said kindly, “We need to talk about the newest recruit, and I need to ask you to do something for me.”
 “Anything you need Duncan, you know that.” Alistair began.
 Duncan held his hand up quieting the boy, “Just hear me out, please.”
 Duncan took a seat on the stump of wood Alistair had recently vacated. The young Warden sitting on a log beside the nearby fire, his back to the flames. Duncan’s face softened as he began the story of what had happened to Elevane’s and her family, pausing only briefly to answer questions Alistair peppered him with. The young man’s eyes barely contained his tears as he quietly asked Duncan what they could do for the woman. Duncan’s heart warmed. The boy was so much like his parents it was as though they were sitting there with him.
“I’d like you to pull up camp and move down stream. Close to her so you can keep an eye on her Alistair. She’s going to need a lot of support and understanding over the next few days and more importantly she’s going to need a friend. I also think that having a friend wouldn’t hurt you either.”
 Alistair was willing to do what he could, but he didn’t see how he himself would need her the way Duncan was implying. The life of a Warden has been much better than the Chantry. He was happier than he could ever recall being, but if Duncan wanted this then Alistair would do as he was asked. He owed Duncan for freeing him from his life of loneliness and bitterness. When the older Warden had left Alistair waster no time packing up his tent and belongings. He made his way the direction the recruit had camped
Elevane had put up her tent and started a blazeing fire. The damp in the air had given her a chill and she needed to warm herself, now that she’d returned from a much needed bath. While she was gone someone had slipped up to her camp and placed a pot of soup over her fire. Her stomach rumbled for the first time in days as she stirred the pot, checking to see how much longer it needed to cook. She was surprised to find herself wanting at least a bit of a meal. Ele supposed being around more people had helped her more than she’d thought.
 As she was thinking about this a large crash snapped her out of her reverie. Down the bank a large dark blonde man in Grey Warden armor was trying to navigate his way up stream. Ele was amused at the spectacle he made bumbling his way along. She actually smiled a little.
“You there!, What are you doing?” she called out to him
“I’m trying to move away from all those soldiers can’t you see that? Mind if I set up over there?” He pointed across the stream form her but just a bit further down.
“By all means, enjoy!” Elevane turned back to her fire and began sharpening her blades.
Elevane watched the strange man set up his camp, it took him three times as long as it had taken her. She’d oiled her armor and sharpened both her daggers by the time he’d finally had his tent in place. When he started to place his sleeping roll into the tent the Warden hit his head on the fabric and it all came crashing down on top of him. Ele laughed in spite of herself. His grunting and fighting his way out of the collapsed tent made it even funnier, she was enjoying herself and for the moment forgot all about the past few days.
 When he crawled out of the mess that had been his tent he looked sheepishly in her direction. She smiled at the warden and called out to him, 
“ Here, let me do that before you break something.”
As he walked over to her she asked, “Do you think you could watch this pot without burning it? It will be the first actual meal I’ve had in days.”
He smiled broadly at her “you must be the new recruit Duncan was telling me about.”
“Which would make you Alistair I presume? Nice to meet you, now stay here and don’t burn my dinner.”
Alistair watched the newest recruit as she constructed the tent he’d so recently demolished. He could see what drew Duncan to go all the way to Highever in an attempt to recruit her. Duncan had said she fought with two daggers like a rogue, her graceful movements and firm muscles proved she also practiced a lot. He wondered how many actual battles she’d fought, not that he’d had much experience in that area but he had fought darkspawn before.
 It took her no time to finish her task and when she somersaulted over the stream Alistair was impressed with her show. The smile she gave when he stood up and clapped made the overcast day shine as if the sun had shown itself in the sky. He wondered what type of person Elevane had been before the massacre of her family, he also hoped she’d recover that person.
 Ele bowed slightly as she landed her tumble over the stream. Alistair’s reaction had actually made her smile. Her father would have scolded her for showing off like that but she enjoyed the way her fighting movements made her feel and she hadn’t actually practiced in over a week. Ele shrugged to herself as she made her way back to her tent.
 “There you go Alistair, your abode is ready.” 
The Warden’s face warmed before responding, “I could have done it myself you know, I’m not completely useless!”
 The thought that she may have offended him stabbed at Elevane, “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it like that. It’s not you, I suppose I haven’t been very kind to people since...well, the last few days.”
 She still couldn’t bring herself to say the words out loud. Thankfully a commotion running through the camp broke the awkward moment. It sounded as if the whole camp was shouting, and the barking added to the noise did little to explain the situation. The cacophony grew closer as the cause of the uproar broke from the main camp and came into view.
“GRANITE!!” Elevane called gleefully.
 The mabari turned her head towards the sound of Ele’s voice and wagged it’s tail. It veered off it’s current path towards her master. Ele ran to meet her best friend, the two slammed into each other in the middle of the calf deep cold waters of the stream. Granite hit Ele so hard she fell over into the water giggling and laughing.
 Alistair stood on the bank amused at the sight of the woman and her mabari. The sounds of Elevane laughing filling the air with such a pleasent sound Alistair decided he would do everything in his power to make her do it for him.  Maker! He realized he already liked the woman. That was not good, what if she didn’t survive the joining he wondered.
 The soaked pair made it back to shore and as they walked back to Ele’s tent with her hand on the mabari’s head Elevane offered Alistair a bit of her soup. The pair talked for several hours about the Wardens and their childhoods. After Finally the two separated each going to their own tents. Ele and Granite disappeared into her tent.
 As Ele snuggled down with Granite she felt better than she had in ages and thanked the Maker for her sweet mabari. Alistair tossed and turned suffering from nightmares of losing someone he’d just met and couldn’t possibly already like as much as he did considering how little they knew about each other but when he woke his cheeks were wet with tears at the loss the nightmares had brought. 
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austinpanda · 5 years
The Spokane Diaries 03.30.2019
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A lot has happened to the moving plan. And currently the plan could best be described as a vague, amorphous thing, with no clear destination, and too many tear-stained exclamation points. So I think it wise if I pause for a minute to summarize everything that’s happened up till now, with all its context, the choices we made and events which befell us.
When the plan was first formed, we immediately picked the city of Spokane, Washington to move to. It was just the right size; big enough to have everything we need, small enough not to have traffic. Decent amount of snow each year. Not next to a mountain, but a river with a gorgeous waterfall runs through it, and you can take a cable gondola ride across it. It hosted a world’s fair in the 70s, and some of those constructions remain. It has very friendly pot laws--just go in, show your ID, buy your pot.
Then, cause I’m such a genius, it occured to me that we’d picked Spokane kind of quickly, and mostly because we’d just visited Seattle, and this seemed an affordable Seattle. Perhaps, I wondered aloud, we should take a moment to consider the possibility of non-Spokane, of a different city entirely. Surely we didn’t pick the perfect place on the first attempt without even considering the rest of the lower 48, right? What might happen if we think outside the Spokane box?
A good deal of the filtering and decision-making about possible places for relocation occurs quickly and automatically. We don’t want to live anyplace that doesn’t get a decent amount of snow each year, so the bottom half of the country is therefore immediately discarded. We don’t want to live in a state that doesn’t allow recreational weed. We want natural beauty, or at least some sort of geographical or geological feature that makes it a winner. And it had to be affordable; we want to be able to afford living there and save for our dreams simultaneously.
For a period, Bangor Maine ruled the roost. It’s cold. It’s got New England natural beauty, and touches Canada, America’s hat, that country full of nice people who will never shoot you. Stephen King lives part time in a mansion in Bangor; you can take a picture of yourself standing at its spooky wrought-iron gates. It’s affordability was so-so, but it was on the eastern seaboard, less than a day’s drive to places like Boston, which was incredible! And hey, there’s always a chance you might be getting drywall screws at the hardware store and bump into Stephen King and get a selfie with the best-selling horror author ever! No mountains nearby, but...New England! Think of being there in the fall, when the leaves change color. Find a highway that’s not too heavily travelled and go driving in October and take pictures of the red, orange, and gold trees.
Problems began cropping up. The fact that the affordability was “so-so” didn’t help, and while Maine has legalized pot, political wrangling (and the endeavor’s own inherent complexity) have created a situation where dispensaries are not open for business yet, and I can’t tell when they will be.
And if anyone reading this doesn’t know about my relationship with pot, here it is: I have one, and I don’t particularly like living someplace where it’s banned for foolish reasons, such as:
It’s a gateway drug! (Then so is milk, and watching TV, and breathing air. Post hoc ergo propter hoc, dumbasses. You can’t even make that argument with alcohol, which actually can kill you.)
It robs you of your ambition! (Kinda, in that it softens the effects of certain unpleasant realities which I determine can’t be changed, and makes them easier to live with.)
It’s bad for you! (So are bacon and lethargy. That’s my decision to make, not someone else’s.)
It feeds a system whereby people are enslaved, brutalized, and killed! (No, the fact that it’s illegal feeds it. Make it legal, and no one ever shoots anyone over it again.)
Think of the children! (To quote George Carlin, fuck the children. Or possibly give them weed, too. You know how much less trauma I’d have suffered in high school if they’d had a weed club? I could have been networking in high school, for chrissakes. I might even have gone to a better college.)
Pardon that diversion. So, when last we checked, the husband and I were considering Bangor, Maine to be a possibility, but not necessarily the front-runner. What other places could we consider? Friends made suggestions; we checked them out. An early favorite was Marquette, Michigan.
Ah, lovely Marquette. It’s a picture postcard lakeside beauty. It sits on Lake Superior, and has the largest wooden dome--The Superior Dome--in the (country? known universe?). It was a small town, but it had a university and a pride parade, so it wasn’t that unfortunate squalid reactionary kind of small town. It’s beautiful in the fall, even though the fall only lasts a week. And it has that natural beauty/interesting feature we wanted, Lake Superior. With a lake that big, it’s just as good as living on the ocean, in that you can’t see anything but water all the way to the horizon, but without hurricanes. And Marquette was very affordable, best affordability of all considerations so far.
Couple of problems. Weed was just made legal by vote, but no dispensaries yet, and that could take a couple of years. And because Marquette is such a small town, with a population south of 21,000, we grew worried about our ability to find jobs. And then there was the snow.
Marquette gets about 200 inches of snow per year. One may immediately think, “Okay, well, then at least it’s less than 200 most years, right? Like 150 some years?” This year, Marquette had over 200 inches before the end of February, and they have snow as late as May. Let’s say they don’t get much more this year, and end up with 215 inches of snow per this year. That’s EIGHTEEN FEET of snow. I would sum up the first year of such conditions with, “Wow, cool! That’s a ton of snow!” And years two through infinity would be, “Holy fuck, please make it stop snowing!”
By this point, we had started with Spokane, changed our minds to Bangor, changed our minds again to definitely Marquette, then to maybe Marquette, and then all the wheels came off.
The year 2019 began, and it began poorly: the government was shut down, and because he was deemed essential, Zach was forced to continue working (for the IRS!) for no pay. Then he had a traffic accident--for him, a mountain of trauma, stress, and unwanted interaction--and his car was deemed a total loss. And the title wasn’t in his name. And his parents had to sign and notarize things, and he wasn’t close with them at the time, and they live in Montana.
All this stuff results in many extra hours of Bad Brain, lots of anger, and self-recrimination, and stress, and paperwork and interacting with potentially unpleasant people who may give you the help you need, and may not! Meanwhile, we have to keep working. Have to keep paying the bills. Have to keep making music (him) and trying not to subconsciously steer every moving plan we formulate into the rocky, prickly pear-studded embankment of failure with depressed second-guessing (me).
This brings us to a couple of weeks ago. We still have not been paid for Zach’s car by our insurance company, because of the many steps required to get the car titled in Zach’s name, all of which require signing and notarization, some here, some in Montana. And then, my brain decided to throw this out there: We’ve been to Denver. They have weed. They have mountains. They have snow, and jobs, and they’re closer! It’s under a hundo to fly there, and the flight is just over two hours. Easier to move to; easier to visit. In fact, specifically we chose Boulder. It features more snow and fewer traffic jams than Denver, though we could commute to Denver, if necessary for work.
Then, would you believe, problems. Boulder (and Denver, to a lesser extent) are not very affordable at all. It’s just right in every other aspect, but in price, it’s ungood. We’d have to spend maybe $100 less per month on rent there than here in Austin. In Marquette, with a little luck, we could spend $500 less. Think what we could do to Zach’s student loan bills with that shit! Think of the medical care and dentistry and car repairs and utility bills we could afford with that! None of that happens if we choose Boulder. We get mountains, but we pay dearly for them.
Now, to step back a smidge, consider this: I know that there will be problems with any choice we make. We’re not going to make a choice that results in us driving a U-Haul from our microscopic apartment in Austin to a mansion in Shangri-La. And I figure there’s pretty much one thing that’ll soften this transition: money. How much sounds like enough? Here’s how I tend to think of it: I’m about to do something that will involve me hanging from a rope tied to a loose branch over a thousand-foot chasm, and the only thing I’ll be able to influence is how good a rope it’s going to be. How much am I willing to pay to make sure the rope won’t fail? What if a $100 rope isn’t nearly as good as a $1,000 rope? What if the best rope you can get costs $10,000. Are you willing to spend less than that, if there’s even a chance you could save it up? ($10,000 is what we’re aiming for, by the way.) 
Something tells me there’s an easier solution to this conundrum, but it may be prohibitively difficult to find. Like...the perfect mate exists, but unfortunately, he/she/whoever lives in Turkmenistan and there’s absolutely ZERO chance that you’ll ever be within a thousand miles of ‘em, literally or figuratively. But! There’s always the chance that someone reading this may think, “Well, the solution is obvious; you just need to ignore concern X and move to city Y, and you’re kind of a dumbass for not figuring that out yourself.” The choices, then, are to ignore our concerns about weather, jobs, weed, ease to relocate to, distance from Austin, etc. and just move to Boulder, Colorado, Marquette, Michigan, Bangor, Maine, Spokane, Washington, Rapid City, South Dakota, Ashgabat, Turkmenistan (its capital!), or someplace else. Bam. Book it. Done.
This is a lot of the reason why I’ve been depressed recently: because I had a big, fat, beautiful GOAL for a while, and it got turned into a big, distressing, confusion. The best idea we’ve had so far to decide how to approach it? We’re going to save up and visit Boulder. Then we’re going to save up and visit Spokane or Marquette or Bangor. We’ll go to the places. We’ll observe our reactions. We’ll try to smart-decide instead of dumb-decide. We’ll be open to suggestions.
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Marquette, Michigan
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tessatechaitea · 7 years
Suicide Squad #17
In Russia, Zod kneels before you. Shit. I think I have to turn in my writing card now.
All the best covert organizations have headquarters behind waterfalls.
When are we going to get the Nightwing comic book where he goes undercover in an international construction company that builds super villain secret headquarters? Think of all the crime that can be stopped before the villain even has a place to sit backwards in a chair facing a bunch of monitors while stroking a cat! Zod is introduced falling out of a helicopter with the rest of the squad as he screams the thing you expect him to scream. It's hilarious because that's what Zod or people hearing the name Zod always say! He doesn't seem particularly upset that he's been enslaved. As long as he has the illusion of freedom (which he only has due to his delusional nature or why else would he explain to Amanda that he serves no one while doing what he's told?), I suppose he can't get too upset. Besides, he gets to kill people! That's a pretty sweet perk. The Squad have come to destroy the Annihilation Brigade. They're Russia's version of the Suicide Squad. Maybe. I mean, if that's true, why are they located in Zimbabwe? Is it only because there are no famous waterfalls in Russia? I mean, there might be! But only waterfall nerds have probably heard of them! Whew. Now nobody will dare to say I look ignorant by my lack of international waterfall knowledge because they'll be too embarrassed to admit they're a waterfall nerd! The first member of the Annihilation Brigade to die is Tunguska. I first heard of the incident at Tunguska due to In Search Of. That was my favorite show as a kid.
"Zod will invent the ways"? That doesn't make any sense. Unless one of the ways Zod just invented was ramming his boner through Tunguska's liver. I mean, why else is Tunguska screaming like that? I doubt it's due to Zod's breath.
Coming to Tunguska's rescue are his colleagues, Cosmonut and Tankograd. Cosmonut has the power of silly typos while Tankograd has the powers of a city made of tanks. I understand why Cosmonut wears a space uniform while the only thing he can say is a picture of a peanut. But why does he have a head shaped like a hammer? If there's one nut that doesn't need some kind of tool to crack it, it's the peanut! They should have called it the pussnut. Meanwhile in Belle Reve, Harcourt has realized her jigs are up and begins slaughtering people. Amanda probably knew this would happen and didn't warn all the techies because Amanda is a fucking asshole. The advertisement for the King Arthur movie still makes me laugh out loud every time I see it. Who the fuck are these people making movies in Hollywood?! I'm surprised King Arthur doesn't have huge fucking ear gauges in that ad. Um, anyway, Harcourt reports back to The People before setting the self-destruct code on Belle Reve. Fucking self-destruct codes. It's like one lazy fucking hack writer somewhere in the past needed a quick and easy way to threaten the lives of the heroes while also allowing for the utter annihilation of the bad guys so that asshole invented the idea of a self-destruct mechanism built into the evil organization's headquarters. And it was such an easy way to advance the plot and add tension, other lazy hack writers decided to use the premise until it became something audiences stopped questioning. I wouldn't mind if all of our homes were rigged with self-destruct codes just in case a guest stays too long or some Mormon missionaries ride up on their bikes to discuss Christ's new world message. The Suicide Squad discover that The People's compound behind Victoria Falls is their version of Belle Reve. It's full of imprisoned super-powered people with bombs in their brains. Does the Suicide Squad really need to confront an organization that holds up a mirror to their organization so that they suddenly see all of its flaws? I think they already knew how shitty it was. They don't really need a lesson to get them thinking, "Hey! I don't think Amanda Waller has our best interests at heart at all!"
You're right, Floyd. You aren't the Teen Titans. You do more good than they do.
Tunguska blows up, killing everybody. Everybody except the people labeling under the delusion that they're job is so dangerous that they might as well just kill themselves. They never die. They teleport away along with Cosmonut because he's obviously the best prisoner to interrogate.
"Who is behind this?!"
Later in Belle Reve, Amanda confronts Harcourt before she can escape. Remember how I mentioned how Amanda was a huge fucking asshole because she didn't warn the techies earlier?
She's even worse than that! She's also lucky Harcourt didn't kill two techies with one bullet!
Harcourt is a terrible spy. One of the first things they learn is to tell how many bullets are in the clip of your gun simply by weight! Probably. I mean, I'd definitely teach that course if I were running a Spy Community College Program. Captain Boomerang kills Harcourt before she can tell Amanda that Boomer killed Hack. Oh, also before Harcourt can kill Amanda. I just mentioned them in order of importance. I still don't know why Boomer killed Hack but since he liked her, it must have been mind control. Or else that self-loathing I mentioned earlier that he's full of. In the epilogue, Cosmonut is interrogated and Amanda learns what a peanut looks like when spoken. Rick Flag sucks on Harley's finger which, according to earlier issues, was probably just inside his asshole. And Zod speaks with his cohorts inside the Black Vault (probably Faora and that dumb oaf) before attempting to do brain surgery on himself with his heat vision and a mirror. That totally makes sense, right? His heat vision is powerful enough to cut into his own Kryptonian brain but not powerful enough to shatter a mirror. Because light or something! I really need to dig up Ostrander's run on this thing and reread that. Although I might be severely disappointed. I was pretty young when I read and loved it. What if my raging cynicism, cultivated from years of life constantly trying to put me in the ground and my existential terror of just about every mundane task civilization expects out of adults, make me realize it was actually terrible?! Hmm. Now I really want to reread it!
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memfish88 · 4 years
Top 10 Best Filter for Betta Fish Tank Reviews in 2020
Choosing Best Filter for Betta Fish Tank for fighting fish is a very difficult project, so there is often a misconception about this fish. Don’t hesitate to read our complete guide to the needs of betta glamens, siams or more simply the fighting fish.
Which Best Filter for Betta Fish Tank you choose will depend largely on your budget, but also what you find best.
This choice can directly affect the Betta’s Life
See more: 🥇🐠 How Long do Betta Fish Live
The Best Filter for Betta Fish Tank
AZOO Fish Tank Mignon Filter 60 B005VEWCMO
Although the AZOO Fish Tank Mignon Filter 60 isn’t one of the most reliable when you make use of the media that includes it, you can conveniently replace this with your own option of media to obtain ample efficiency for a compact storage tank.
The circulation price is conveniently flexible, so if it’s also strong on full power, you can quickly transform it to produce calmer water for your betta fish.
We would not state this is one of the most sturdy and trustworthy strain there- it’s more of a budget design- but it is extremely affordable.
What Size Tank is it Ideal for?
It is only suitable for very little storage tanks, up to 3.5 gallons, a lot of betta keepers will locate it’s not powerful sufficient for their aquariums.
Area to use filter media of your option Runs really quietly Flexible circulation rate
The media consisted of is ineffective Demands to be manually refilled after being switched off
Corner Filters B00511P8CS
Edge filters are just one of the earliest, tried-and-true kinds of strain there. These filters are developed for suck to 25 gallons in size as well as generally sit in the back edge of the container.
They function by utilizing an air rock to push water with the filter, which has a selection of media to moderate mechanical, biological, as well as chemical filtration.
There are a number of benefits to catch filters. Initially, they can be filled with a custom-made media mix to perfectly match the needs of your betta fish.
Second, they use an air stone to bubble water through the filter, which does not create much current that can interrupt your betta fish. Finally, corner filters are among the least costly filtering options readily available.
The only disadvantage to corner filters is that they can make it more difficult and lengthy to change out the media than container or HOB filters.
Ideal Corner Filter For Your Betta Reviewed: Jardin Aquarium Edge Filter
This small edge filter from Jardin is excellent for little betta containers that are also greatly interrupted by various other types of filters. The filter is as straightforward as it gets, with simply a solitary chamber that can be opened from the top to enable you to add in personalized purification media.
The discharge tubes can be rived to increase just how water is outflowed– whether directly or throughout the back of the tank. With a tiny air stone, this filter will not cause excessive currents even in a little 5-10-gallon betta tank.
Marina Power Filter B0032G8TPW
This Marina Power Filter is a hanging filter with a small style that’s excellent for aquariums approximately 10 gallons. Setup is really very easy, you don’t even need to prime it!
It’s a peaceful filter, as well, due to the fact that the motor is immersed in the water. that has an adjustable flow so you can locate the best speed for your Betta. They additionally include a filter sponge to keep smaller sized Bettas or any kind of debris from being pulled into the filter.
Among the reasons this is such a good filter is because of the cartridges. It includes 2 different kinds, Bio-Carb and Bio-Clear. They both contain Ceramitek, an exceptionally permeable ceramic filter that supplies plenty of area for biological purification microorganisms to prosper.
Aqueon Quietflow Internal Power Filter B00AWV4R8I
For a 10-gallon storage tank, consider this internal filter from Aqueon. The flow rate is 57 gallons per hour and also it just makes use of one small, changeable cartridge. This is a pretty versatile filter.
It’s interior and can be hung in an upright or straight placement. And also, the flow price, instructions, and also height of the water are flexible.
This is wonderful for Bettas because they don’t actually like water that’s too stormy and prefer a mild circulation.
There are 3 phases of filtration. The very first is constructed from thick foam that captures all the fragments and particles. Next is activated charcoal to quit toxins, discoloration, and smells. The last BioGrid where ammonia and also nitrates are gotten rid of by microorganisms.
One more important point to state is that this filter includes a limited life time warranty.
Penn Plax Waterfall Hang-on Fish Tank Filter With Quad Purification System B00T6HPZFI
This Penn Plax filter cycles 20 gallons of water every hour and also is ideal for a small suck to 7 gallons. It has a hang on style that merely slides over the side of the glass into the storage tank.
There’s an integrated leveling gadget to keep the filter in place and also the consumption tube is extendable so you can put it close to all-time low of the tank if you desire. Your Betta will certainly love the flexible flow rate which enables you to reduce the filter down a little at feeding time.
Regarding filtering, this system uses changeable filters that should be altered every 6 to 12 weeks. The initial stage of filtering is the poly-fiber floss obstacle to catch huge items of dust and also particles.
Then, the water travels through turned on charcoal to soak up any impurities that might tarnish the water or cause smell. There’s likewise a house for those all-important bacteria to colonize in this filter to provide the biological purification you require to remove ammonia and nitrates.
These filters are made exactly for this device. Transforming them is very simple and also there’s even a couple of filters consisted of. Set up is simple and it’s ready to go right out of the box.
Sponge Filters B0056XVF82
Sponge filterings system function by sucking water via a permeable sponge product, which serves to offer both mechanical and also biological filtering. The biological purification is very efficient since useful germs are able to conquer the porous spaces of the sponge.
Among the major advantages to sponge filters for a betta storage tank is that the suction via the filter is created by an air stone instead of a pressurized pump. That brings about relatively mild water outflows, which are suitable for betta fish.
In addition, sponge filters have a tendency to be one of the least expensive purification alternatives and don’t call for much upkeep.
The primary downside to sponge filters is that they are big and also not cosmetically pleasing. Most people that utilize sponge filters decide to conceal them behind decorative kelp, in the back of the tank.
In addition, sponge filters do not provide chemical purification. Nevertheless, it is possible to include a carbon filter to the outflow of a sponge filter if required.
Best Sponge Filter For Your Betta Reviewed: Xinyou XY-2831 Sponge Filter
This economical sponge filter from Xinyou is created to offer mechanical and also organic filtering for a storage tank that is 10-20 gallons in dimension.
While the filter does not included an air stone, it is simple to outfit with a small rock to develop a highly efficient suction system that will not stress your betta fish.
The filter is exceptionally easy in style and can be used as a pre-filter or as a standalone filter. The sponge product functions well as a residence for beneficial bacteria, as shown by the destination of shrimp towards this filtration device.
The only genuine downside to this filter is that it is not quite– the black, mechanical-looking design is specific to be out of place with any type of storage tank aesthetic, so you’ll intend to hide it behind some other decorations.
AquaClear Power Filter– 110V B000260FVG
If you’re trying to find a reliable, simple filter for your betta fish, look no further. This model from AquaClear supplies mechanical, chemical as well as biological filtration. Plus, with its refiltration system, water comes into more call with the media for a lot more reliable filtering.
Although the quantity of water circulation it produces at its full output price is too great for a betta fish, you can change the output to a much more comfy setting for your betta.
This is a durable, sound filter that appears to be reliable and lasting, according to fish caretakers that use it.
Fits seven times more filtering media than comparable versions
The circulation price is easy to adjust
Supplies exceptionally effective purification
Not the quietest alternative
Requirements manual filling up in the past starting/restarting
Undergravel Filters B0002APVAC
An undergravel filter is a collection of plates that sits underneath the crushed rock media at the end of your fish tank and also sucks water via the gravel before recirculating it to the top of the container.
This kind of filter gives effective mechanical and biological purification as water travels through the crushed rock, and some models give chemical filtering modules in the outflow tubing.
Significantly, because this sort of filter catches debris inside the crushed rock within the container, it is extremely important to make use of a gravel vacuum on your container frequently to keep the tank clean and keep the chemistry of the water.
Furthermore, while undergravel filters disperse the water inflow across the base of the storage tank, reducing currents in that instructions, the outflow can be rather solid. Relying on the design of the filter, this may be a trouble for your betta or the water may be directed all the way to the water’s surface area.
Finest Undergravel Filter For Your Betta Reviewed: Lee’s 40/55 Costs Undergravel Filter
This low-cost undergravel filter from Lee’s is an optimal option for betta fish due to the fact that it makes use of a single plate that distributes the inflow present throughout the whole base of the container.
Furthermore, the siphons are developed to result water right to the container’s surface to make sure that the effect of the outflow current on your betta fish is as minimal as possible.
Along with filtering system water via the gravel, this undergravel filter includes turned on carbon add-ons that can be connected to the outflow tubes.
Another benefit to this filter is that the plastic bed linens itself is quite durable compared to various other undergravel filters. Consequently, you will not require to eliminate the filter from your tank throughout the life of your betta fish.
The circulation price is conveniently flexible, so if it’s also strong on full power, you can quickly transform it to produce calmer water for your betta fish.
We would not state this is one of the most sturdy and trustworthy strain there- it’s more of a budget design – but it is extremely affordable.
Area to use filter media of your option
Runs really quietly
Flexible circulation rate
The media consisted of is ineffective
Demands to be manually refilled after being switched off
Corner Filters B00511P8CS
Edge filters are just one of the earliest, tried-and-true kinds of strain there. These filters are developed for suck to 25 gallons in size as well as generally sit in the back edge of the container.
They function by utilizing an air rock to push water with the filter, which has a selection of media to moderate mechanical, biological, as well as chemical filtration.
There are a number of benefits to catch filters. Initially, they can be filled with a custom-made media mix to perfectly match the needs of your betta fish.
Second, they use an air stone to bubble water through the filter, which does not create much current that can interrupt your betta fish. Finally, corner filters are among the least costly filtering options readily available.
The only disadvantage to corner filters is that they can make it more difficult and lengthy to change out the media than container or HOB filters.
Ideal Corner Filter For Your Betta Reviewed: Jardin Aquarium Edge Filter
This small edge filter from Jardin is excellent for little betta containers that are also greatly interrupted by various other types of filters. The filter is as straightforward as it gets, with simply a solitary chamber that can be opened from the top to enable you to add in personalized purification media.
The discharge tubes can be rived to increase just how water is outflowed– whether directly or throughout the back of the tank. With a tiny air stone, this filter will not cause excessive currents even in a little 5-10-gallon betta tank.
Marina Power Filter B0032G8TPW
This Marina Power Filter is a hanging filter with a small style that’s excellent for aquariums approximately 10 gallons. Setup is really very easy, you don’t even need to prime it!
It’s a peaceful filter, as well, due to the fact that the motor is immersed in the water. that has an adjustable flow so you can locate the best speed for your Betta. They additionally include a filter sponge to keep smaller sized Bettas or any kind of debris from being pulled into the filter.
Among the reasons this is such a good filter is because of the cartridges. It includes 2 different kinds, Bio-Carb and Bio-Clear. They both contain Ceramitek, an exceptionally permeable ceramic filter that supplies plenty of area for biological purification microorganisms to prosper.
Aqueon Quietflow Internal Power Filter B00AWV4R8I
For a 10-gallon storage tank, consider this internal filter from Aqueon. The flow rate is 57 gallons per hour and also it just makes use of one small, changeable cartridge. This is a pretty versatile filter.
It’s interior and can be hung in an upright or straight placement. And also, the flow price, instructions, and also height of the water are flexible.
This is wonderful for Bettas because they don’t actually like water that’s too stormy and prefer a mild circulation.
There are 3 phases of filtration. The very first is constructed from thick foam that captures all the fragments and particles. Next is activated charcoal to quit toxins, discoloration, and smells. The last BioGrid where ammonia and also nitrates are gotten rid of by microorganisms.
One more important point to state is that this filter includes a limited life time warranty.
Penn Plax Waterfall Hang-on Fish Tank Filter With Quad Purification System B00T6HPZFI
This Penn Plax filter cycles 20 gallons of water every hour and also is ideal for a small suck to 7 gallons. It has a hang on style that merely slides over the side of the glass into the storage tank.
There’s an integrated leveling gadget to keep the filter in place and also the consumption tube is extendable so you can put it close to all-time low of the tank if you desire. Your Betta will certainly love the flexible flow rate which enables you to reduce the filter down a little at feeding time.
Regarding filtering, this system uses changeable filters that should be altered every 6 to 12 weeks. The initial stage of filtering is the poly-fiber floss obstacle to catch huge items of dust and also particles.
Then, the water travels through turned on charcoal to soak up any impurities that might tarnish the water or cause smell. There’s likewise a house for those all-important bacteria to colonize in this filter to provide the biological purification you require to remove ammonia and nitrates.
These filters are made exactly for this device. Transforming them is very simple and also there’s even a couple of filters consisted of. Set up is simple and it’s ready to go right out of the box.
Sponge Filters B0056XVF82
Sponge filterings system function by sucking water via a permeable sponge product, which serves to offer both mechanical and also biological filtering. The biological purification is very efficient since useful germs are able to conquer the porous spaces of the sponge.
Among the major advantages to sponge filters for a betta storage tank is that the suction via the filter is created by an air stone instead of a pressurized pump. That brings about relatively mild water outflows, which are suitable for betta fish.
In addition, sponge filters have a tendency to be one of the least expensive purification alternatives and don’t call for much upkeep.
The primary downside to sponge filters is that they are big and also not cosmetically pleasing. Most people that utilize sponge filters decide to conceal them behind decorative kelp, in the back of the tank.
In addition, sponge filters do not provide chemical purification. Nevertheless, it is possible to include a carbon filter to the outflow of a sponge filter if required.
Best Sponge Filter For Your Betta Reviewed: Xinyou XY-2831 Sponge Filter
This economical sponge filter from Xinyou is created to offer mechanical and also organic filtering for a storage tank that is 10-20 gallons in dimension.
While the filter does not included an air stone, it is simple to outfit with a small rock to develop a highly efficient suction system that will not stress your betta fish.
The filter is exceptionally easy in style and can be used as a pre-filter or as a standalone filter. The sponge product functions well as a residence for beneficial bacteria, as shown by the destination of shrimp towards this filtration device.
The only genuine downside to this filter is that it is not quite– the black, mechanical-looking design is specific to be out of place with any type of storage tank aesthetic, so you’ll intend to hide it behind some other decorations.
AquaClear Power Filter– 110V B000260FVG
If you’re trying to find a reliable, simple filter for your betta fish, look no further. This model from AquaClear supplies mechanical, chemical as well as biological filtration. Plus, with its refiltration system, water comes into more call with the media for a lot more reliable filtering.
Although the quantity of water circulation it produces at its full output price is too great for a betta fish, you can change the output to a much more comfy setting for your betta.
This is a durable, sound filter that appears to be reliable and lasting, according to fish caretakers that use it.
Fits seven times more filtering media than comparable versions
The circulation price is easy to adjust
Supplies exceptionally effective purification
Not the quietest alternative
Requirements manual filling up in the past starting/restarting
Undergravel Filters B0002APVAC
An undergravel filter is a collection of plates that sits underneath the crushed rock media at the end of your fish tank and also sucks water via the gravel before recirculating it to the top of the container.
This kind of filter gives effective mechanical and biological purification as water travels through the crushed rock, and some models give chemical filtering modules in the outflow tubing.
Significantly, because this sort of filter catches debris inside the crushed rock within the container, it is extremely important to make use of a gravel vacuum on your container frequently to keep the tank clean and keep the chemistry of the water.
Furthermore, while undergravel filters disperse the water inflow across the base of the storage tank, reducing currents in that instructions, the outflow can be rather solid. Relying on the design of the filter, this may be a trouble for your betta or the water may be directed all the way to the water’s surface area.
Finest Undergravel Filter For Your Betta Reviewed: Lee’s 40/55 Costs Undergravel Filter
This low-cost undergravel filter from Lee’s is an optimal option for betta fish due to the fact that it makes use of a single plate that distributes the inflow present throughout the whole base of the container.
Furthermore, the siphons are developed to result water right to the container’s surface to make sure that the effect of the outflow current on your betta fish is as minimal as possible.
Along with filtering system water via the gravel, this undergravel filter includes turned on carbon add-ons that can be connected to the outflow tubes.
Another benefit to this filter is that the plastic bed linens itself is quite durable compared to various other undergravel filters. Consequently, you will not require to eliminate the filter from your tank throughout the life of your betta fish.
source https://memfish.net/best-filter-for-betta-fish-tank/
0 notes
licencedtoretire · 6 years
Leaving the NZMCA Park in Bell Block, Dave,  our safari leader had arranged for us to stay in the grounds of the TSB Stadium. Whilst this is not a place that you can usually stay Dave has a good working relationship with the local council and as we are all self contained they were OK with this. Also with the large number of motorhomes in the area for the garden festival it was another place to squeeze some more tourists willing to spend money in the area.
The carpark area is planted with cherry trees between each row which at this time of the year are covered in blossoms making the carpark a pink spectacle and much more than a carpark as our overnight destination. The only drawback with these trees was  given the height of our van we couldn’t park between the trees and had to park across 4 car park spaces but nobody seemed to be worried about this.
One of the great things about traveling with this group has been the happy hours and how everyone has made us feel so welcome into the group. It was a warm and sunny evening sitting under the blossoms with each person sharing their adventures for the day and reliving the bike ride earlier in the day that I wrote about in my previous blog.
That evening we had arranged to all go out for dinner for a smörgåsbord at the Devon Hotel in the interests of road safety I won’t say how most of the group arrived but lets just say a lot of fun was had by all in Des’s bus. With 22 of us there for dinner it was just as well that they had an amazing amount of food on display as I have never seen so many people able to match me plate for plate as we all feasted up large.
@$32.90 per person with the gold card discount and yes they counted Sarah and I as gold card holders it was amazing value for money and a place that all of us would highly recommend. At the end of the night Sarah and I decided that with very full stomachs a good walk was in order so we walked back up the hill to the stadium and the motorhome. [supsystic-gallery id=6]
The following day once the rain had cleared it was time to get out and about. With the stadium right next to Pukekura Park the main park in New Plymouth and the home of a huge botanical garden it seemed like the perfect place to start. We had no sooner entered the park than the rain started again giving us the perfect reason to head into the Fern Houses. A set of 4 greenhouses that are connected to each other through a series of tunnels.
I don’t think it matters where you start here as each of the greenhouses has something special to offer but what they all had in common was they all had an absolute blaze of colour inside. I don’t think I have seen such a profusion of flowers before. The display was truly staggering and one than we would both recommend you come and see.
I actually wondered if the camera would run out of battery given the number of shots we where taking. It seemed almost every direction you looked there was another flower demanding your attention. [supsystic-gallery id=7] Coming out of the Fern houses we wandered down towards the waterfall a gift to the city from NZI Insurance who paid for the creation of this artificial waterfall  back in the 1960’s. It was here we met Roger and Berice (correct spelling) who asked us if we had found the zoo and the talking parrot. We replied that we didn’t even know there was a zoo but would be happy to go accompany them to try and find it.
As we wandered through this enormous park we passed through stands of huge trees some of which must have been there for much longer than the park has been in existence.  Sadly most of the Azaleas had finished flowering but the Rhododendrons were in full flower and in a city that’s famous for them it was quite a show.
We also walked past the arena where the Womad festival is staged yearly and saw the stage hidden from view as it undergoes a massive refurbishment maybe we might back here one year and attend something it looks like a great place to sit on the terraced slopes.
We arrived at the zoo, which in all honesty is probably what you would expect from somewhere that charges nothing for admission but actually delivers a surprisingly enjoyable hour or so if you do take the time and trouble to visit. Although the monkeys kept fairly much to themselves we had a great deal of amusement from the Meerkats who were playing with a Halloween pumpkin.
For Roger and Berice the highlight was this cheeky parrot who after perching on Roger’s finger proceeded up his arm before settling on his camera. This parrot was so friendly that despite Roger shooing him off a couple of times he kept returning. A friend for life!
It felt good to have been a kid again for a period of time wandering around this small zoo and it’s something I would highly recommend that you take the time to do if you are visiting this park. The Zoo did a fantastic job for Halloween with each enclosure having something to associate with this time but we thought this little display was one of the best.
The surprises kept coming when right next to the zoo we stumbled across this historic house and gardens. There was an art show inside the house on that day that we didn’t visit as time was beginning to get away on us. Wanting to be back at the motorhome in time to join the others for happy hour.
In a place that had given us so much already the Kunming Chinese garden and pagoda was the final garden to view for the day. A very peaceful place.
One thing we have learnt on this safari is how important happy hour is to our fellow travelers and it’s not just because it’s wine o’clock time it’s also because it’s an important time for all in the group to catch up with what the others have been doing for the day. Tell each other a few stories and maybe a few exaggerated truths but over all just unwind after another day motorhoming. As they say “It’s a hard job but someone has to do it” and that may as well be us.
It’s usually around this point in the blog that I post my ratings system for the place that we stayed but as the TSB Arena is not an official camping area. In fact they would ticket you $200 if you did park here normally I will not be doing a rating for this place. Tomorrow we are moving on to stay at the Pukeiti Gardens and we are all hoping that the forecast rain holds off.
During our cycle along the Coastal Trail we did stop in at the Belt Road Camping Ground and if you were looking for somewhere central and close to everything this would be a good place to spend a night or two. They have great spots sitting right on the cliff top overlooking the port with rates starting from $23 per person per night (unpowered) not the cheapest place to stay but very well set up.
Continuing the short story about who is traveling with us on this safari are Roger and Berice who have been motorhoming in this their first motorhome a Mitsubishi Fuso for 5 years. They hail from Taupo and have been on a number of rallies and safaris and find it a great way to see the country and meet a wide range of people with similar interests.
Next up are Margaret and Tony hail from Katikati and proudly drive the smallest motorhome in our group an Explorer built on a Toyota Hilux cab chassis that they have owned for the last 7 years. this is to be one of their last trips in this motorhome with construction of their new Fiat Ducato starting in early November.
To view the places we have visited click here to see them on Google maps. You can click the links to read the blog about that area. [cardoza_facebook_like_box] To view the Ratings we have done for other camps click here  [jetpack_subscription_form]
The Garden Festival Starts Leaving the NZMCA Park in Bell Block, Dave,  our safari leader had arranged for us to stay in the grounds of the TSB Stadium.
0 notes