#and any other zionist celebs
shehsart · 10 months
I fucking hate Noah Schnapp
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claireneto · 11 months
Right now Hasan Piker started a donation for Palestinian medical relief. The funds will go to Anera, PCRF, Medical Aid for Palestinians, and the Palestine Red Cresent Society. These funds will go to them while helping the Gazan people on the ground. As of right now, the donation goal is at 215k out of 250k in little over an hour.
(You can find links to the orgs. in the titify description too)
(Update: the community and others have raised over 540k in less than 24 hours!!!)
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asgardswinter · 6 months
A thread of Jon Bernthal being a zionist and why all of you should stop supporting him.
Especially if you actually care about Palestinians and ur going around cancelling zionists like Noah Schnapp and Amy Schummer.
You can read my thread on my twitter page:
First of all, Jon Bernthal has liked tons of pro-Israel propaganda posts on twitter
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He signed a letter to Biden in support of Israel like many other celebrities
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He never signed the letter calling for a ceasefire. I think that says enough that he still holds zionist views.
He platformed an ex idf soldier on his podcast. Giving people who have killed Palestinians and committed Genocide a safe place.
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Jon Bernthal’s sister in law (his brothers wife) is Sheryl Sandberg, a billionaire who runs multiple technology companies.
She has spread a lot of misinformation about Hamas. Shes very pro-israel
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After all of this, hes stayed silent on the massacres that has occured in Gaza. Hes stayed silent as children have been bombed and are currently being starved. Over 40,000 innocent lives, mostly women and children have been taken, but he doesnt hesitate to stay silent.
If you care about this then you will stop supporting Jon even if he plays ur favourite character. I LOVED his ver of Frank Castle. But i cant stand by him with his complicit in genocide while i see innocent lives being taken.
In the past month he hasnt liked any pro-israel content, most likely because he saw the amount of support Palestinians are getting and that celebs r being outed. Or his team has told him to stop. I dont believe hes changed his views.
In 2022 he followed the official Israel account on twitter but has since unfollowed it.
If ur gonna continue supporting Jon then block me. U disgust me if you do and you cant go around cancelling celebs like Noah Schnapp because then ur just a hypocrite. If ur against zionism then ull stop being fans of every zionist celeb.
This isnt the only disgusting thing hes done, he platformed an abuser on his podcast. Giving people like them a safe place. Most of the ppl he has on his podcast r men, particularly ex cops and military. Hardly any women. Dude reeks of blue lives matter.
Update: 10/09/24
He had Sean Penn on his podcast. A known abuser who got a felony got domestic assault against Madonna when they were married. Jon calls him his hero in a clip on youtube. In that same clip Sean praises Jon for having Shia Labouf on his podcast, another violent woman abuser.
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sageistri · 4 months
Armys and their fake activism. Not to be that person but this same thing happened in 2020 too and it took 3 years for stans to realize how ridiculous some of them were being with centering their activism around celebrities.
Bts were being called all the names in the book only for it to be revealed that they did donate during the week when everything was at it's peak but the organization and bts were probably waiting for the wire transfer to go through over the week before they made a public announcement.
Nothing y'all say will ever make me believe BTS haven't spoken out because they don't care, yes I do believe that they have a valid reason for not saying anything YET, call that celebrity worship I don't care. And I'm talking about BTS personally not hybe.
Armys are so stupid because once again they've allowed kpop stans to fool them into making BTS the face of activism. Bts are always being boycotted, insulted and asked to speak out by stans whose faves have also been silent and then armys join in because of their constant need to prove that BTS are good people to kpop stans who don't like them.
Some people said if or when BTS does speak out, those presently against the boycott are going to brag about them speaking out, but the thing is y'all also only want them to speak out because you want to justify why you Stan them, and for bragging rights too.
People were being killed in my country and I didn't even have the time to think of BTS or any other celeb so it's always baffling to see people who are fighting for their fellow Palestinians spend all day on Twitter talking about BTS not caring about them, I just feel like you should be focused on more important things considering BTS a Korean group speaking out isn't going to stop the US govt from funding Israel and Israel from attacking Palestine. I feel like discussions about BTS speaking out should be an afterthought or addition, not the focus.
Also I've said this before, but I would need to go through the phone of every Twitter activist to see every single media they've consumed since October before I would be made to feel guilty about who I support.
"Boycott boycott" but I doubt that has stopped any of you from listening to the music you do like from artists that have also not said anything, claiming not to stream some members because of the boycott when you probably don't even stream to begin with or just are not streaming because he's not one of your faves or you don't like the music.
This year has been one of the biggest In music and film in a long time, with multiple hit songs from different artists every month and hit movies with Zionists involved and you expect me to believe any of these Twitter people are boycotting?
You see a hit tweet calling a celebrity a Zionist for not speaking out and then in the next breath see another hit tweet praising a movie that was made by a Zionist or a Zionist starred in.
And no it's not putting being a Stan before my humanity, I just have the sense to think critically.
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censorious-asshat · 9 months
shut the fck up with your Taylor agenda if you have a problem with her that's okay but you don't gotta spread hate
If you have a problem keep it to yourself reblogging isn't going to make any difference
Everyone has a problem with her selective feminism but nobody has a problem with her underserved misogyny and sexism?
Okay I don't see you spreading stuff about any of the other silent celebrities
What about your selective hatred?
To start of, if reblogging doesnt make a difference, then how should it affect you. You shiuld have no problem with it. And everyjne is allowed to hate people.
I know taylor swift has faced a lot of unwanted and undeserved misogyny and sexism. But so have other women. She isnt alone. And she often seems to call any sort of criticisms as sexism. Also, she forgers about intersectionality and belives that she had it the worst, even though she is a rich white women who had conections even before she was 15.
And if you want to see my hate towards other silent celebrities here you go
- selena gomez is a bitch who thinks her own emotions is more serious than the millions of people who are dying in gaza everyday. The same selena who actively spoke up for ukraine. She, her ceo and her beauty brand support the idf and are donating ti isreal while feigning support to palestine.
- lana del ray is a fucking zionist who people are still supporting. Another sexist bitch who gets away with shut cause shes white and has above average music.
- all those fucking celebs who signed the letter in support of bidens desicion, and say that they are neutral, cause neutrality is in support of isreal.
Dear anon if you want me to continue i will.
And i have valid reason to not like taylor swift. Within the last 3 months, she had produced 138 tons of co2 emmisons. She can ruin peoples reputation with one post. She uses 'feminism' to target people who are just saying what they were told. She is infamous for copyright striking people for tiny things. She is a fucking billionaire, and if she cared for people, had empathy and morals, she would never have reached it.
So anon, im not spreading hate, im telling you the actual facts. Just cause im appalled by these people doesnt mean what im saying isnt true.
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akajustmerry · 10 months
wait what did sarah snook do?? i tried to look it up but im not seeing anything
she's been sharing some stuff on her instagram stories. I'm not interested in calling celebs out so instead I'll just explain why these kinds of posts are red flags
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Okay, quick red flag breakdown:
The way this post she has shared says "Israel" and the "state of Palestine" invalidating Palestine as a nation and framing it as a "state" while merely saying "Israel" with no qualifier is implying that Palestine is the occupier and Israel is the occupied when the truth is the opposite. So it's a post that erases Palestine's nationhood, identity and history, while validating Israel's
Her only post solely focusing on children in a literal genocide. Implying that children should be the priority when Israeli forces are bombing indiscriminately and the majority of deaths have been adults. This rhetoric is common among people who view children as blank innocent slates, while they see adults as dehumanised stereotypes. Both views dehumanise Palestinians, and neither actually advocate for humanity.
This post frames the occupation and genocide as a "nightmare" as if it's some randomly generated event with no cause or context. It totally omits Israel's occupation, aggression and escalation.
Through this "both caught up in the nightmare" framing, Palestinian kids and Israeli kids are framed as suffering equally. This is patently untrue. While there are dozens of Israeli kids who have been killed and this is of course Not Good, Palestinian kids are being mutilated, tortured, murdered and incarcerated by the 100s of 1000s by Israeli forces for 70+ years. They are not in any way suffering equally, whether you look at the last month or the last century. It is spineless centrism to claim otherwise.
Overall it's a very weasely, both sides, maintain the status quo keep everyone happy ass type of post. I'm not saying Sarah Snook is a Zionist because I don't know her. But I hope you and other people can understand why these kinds of posts point to someone holding sympathy for Israel over Palestinians, despite what they may claim.
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eleni-cherie · 2 months
the infantilization of grown men has to be studied. like babying whole ass adults (just bc they're east asian? 👀) is not only embarrassing as fck and pretty privilege but surely also some form of deep rooted asian fetishism and racism.
and you can't come @ me bc this is literally my ult bias - but I'm still holding him accountable bc a) I'm mature and not delusionally brainless and b) he's literally THE SAME AGE AS ME. so if I can do my research, so should he. him being a celeb shouldn't make a difference.
like we got zionist collaborations, zionist brand deals, zionist supporting events, content on fcking disney+ and amazon prime.. and now a fcking pic of mcdonalds fries? really the cherry on top. could've been avoided if majority of this fandom wasn't sabotaging our efforts in educating them by fcking reporting posts, comments and fan letters and boycotting the fcking company.
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and also shame on the other kpop idols endorsing zionist brands and collabs ofc, but i'm not stanning any of them to keep up w what exactly they're doing. that's up to their own fandoms.
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ohbo-ohno · 10 months
genuinely it feels so awful that so many cod voice actors are Zionists/support zionism, like at this point it feels like even basic human decency is too much to expect
and idk what with most of the actors sharing a face with their characters it feels hard to even enjoy them anymore
ahhh i see you saw the post elliot knight liked. tbh i think i lost the ability to be surprised at any public figure being a zionist after jordan peele, but it's never not disappointing
i just genuinely just can't conceptualize being a zionist at this point, with all the bombings and cruelty in Palestine being so easy to see. damn near every other video on my tiktok fyp is Palestinian people showing what's happening right now, i just don't understand how you can see entire city blocks leveled, parents wailing while holding their children's corpses, and still support israel. as much as there's a temptation to say "maybe they don't know-" about your fave celebs, there's no way they don't
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thealogie · 4 months
Hi Thea do you have any good advice on how to do compartmentalization? I found it a bit hard to deal with the fact that dt's agent is pro-Israel (I tried not to use the word Zionist) and constantly posts stuff even on her work ig account rather than personal account
I think it’s totally fair if you can’t enjoy his work because of this but personally for me this is not how I consume media or even enjoy actors. It’s not about compartmentalizing for me.
For me, it’s like this: I try to hype up and support the work of people who are decent enough to speak up on Palestine or other issues I care about. And I disengage from the work of people who have either been abusive to those around them and/or use their platform to inflict harm on the world. For everyone else, I recognize that I do not know them and they might not be good people but as long as they are not doing net harm in the world (in my view) I have no problem enjoying them as a celebrity and my personal moral worth is not tied to what someone’s agent is posting on their ig. I recognize other people’s line might be different from mine but I’m just not gonna investigate what every celeb’s friends and family believe it’s not a good use of my time.
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jewishbarbies · 7 months
I remember when celebs signed the letter asking to free hostages from hamas and people were like “LOOK HOW HORRIBLE THIS CELEB IS” and all I could think about is the fact that this is for HOSTAGES!!!
That shouldn’t be seen as a reason to cancel somebody. I remember people were claiming those that signed it were Zionist because of that. Like that’s when I started to get extreme ick from online activist (I’ve always had an ick but it got worse after that and the justification for 10/7).
They’re acting like it was a letter to kill all of Palestine when it was a letter to free hostages hamas was holding. Something that online activist has been saying Israel should do!
these same people were drooling over celebs advocating for progressive, peaceful options in other scenarios but the second they call for releasing the hostages they're all genocide supporters.
like, i'm sorry, but do you really believe that all of these huge A-list celebs would risk the clusterfuck of a pr blunder it would be to openly advocate for the murder of palestinians? seriously? yeah, because american celebrities just do that, apparently.
it's so fucking ridiculous the way leftists refuse to do any further reading into anything as long as they confirm their biases in the headline and/or first paragraph, and i don't understand how that's any better at all than what conservatives do. not to mention they rarely vet their sources and don't know how to engage critically without spinning into a blind rage at the first perceived grievance.
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wewebaggit · 1 year
I am already not paying for Netflix and will not support ST either, especially after Shawn Levy's open Zionist approach.
Look, no one is saying they cannot support their family in Israel. But what they are doing is basically sitting in the US and calling for an open ethnic cleansing against Palestinians, while cherry-picking their words and spreading false information. As we speak, Gaza is basically being bombed to death, an entire place has its water, electricity and basic resources being taken from them. It may be easy to post random shit on your accounts with millions of followers while living in rich houses. But the reality doesn't match that and both Levy and Noah should have been more sensible and learned better before posting dumb shit on your accounts.
You are free to hate whoever. N I'm not even gonna bother to defend them cuz it's not my job nor do I base my politics off of teen celebs. That being said I've read his statement that is just as passionate and devoid of the complete understanding of everything of it like other impassioned posts. That's what passionate posts do. They appeal to an emotion. I'm not sitting here expecting him or any other jewish celeb to say yaaaaaas Hamas. Nor am I gonna raise my brows if they speak for the Jewish side of things.
The statement that people read and ran with saying he's calling all Palestinians terrorists is as inaccurate as whatever false info y'all are accusing him of spreading. I do not blame him nor do I defend him and him is a placeholder for any Jew celeb, cuz I do not base my sense of right or wrong on what they're saying. I've never once felt the need to publicly anonymously denounce the people I don't agree with because I don't usually find myself overcompensating for anything.
Israel - Palestine conflict is not new. What's new is this one actor who everyone's expecting to say politically correct shit (which in his mind he might be doing just that 🤷‍♀️) and I believe that expecting this in and of itself is stupid and an easy way to pass the blame and do nothing at all to look good.
Palestinians right to self determination is not affected by what a nobody says. Nor is Israel's stance on continuing on with its policies of decades. The fact that people are busy harping on this one thing cuz apparently the only source of knowledge is insta and therefore maybe it seems like it's a must to react to whatever is seen on insta. Well, I cannot relate.
The fact that you or whoever if there are multiple anons find it necessary to approach me on anon so that I can be derisive towards him and that somehow it is the most important thing to discuss here - well, it is laughably easy to post while sitting in your home with food, water and power while others are wont to dangerously struggle for them. See how that works? My post is and has never been about Israel Palestine at all and was always in response to anon (and fandumb) who's been at it for a while.
Are we truly gonna say that he hasn't always be hated upon for things he's done and not done? Is there a comparable backlash against other celebs? That being said you now stop liking a celeb. Good for you. What does it achieve? Were you following them for their immense knowledge and wisdom of politics and geopolitical conflicts? Then I suggest you do not mourn the loss.
Also the fucking hypocrisy of everyone on this site to wake up like the Undertaker when it's israel/palestine (not even out of much real love for the people affected let me remind you as the argument is centered around fucking Noah schnapp/jewish celebs of all the people) and then no reaction to what happens in third world non-glamorous countries. (The glamorous here is Israel to be clear). And before you say well it's a reaction to what he said. Well there have been reactions based on what he should say or hasn't said, too. So like I'm judging y'all atp. Like what's the issue? Your heart bleeds for victims or does your mouth salivate over taking someone down with that pitchfork?
Why should I engage in an argument that's not based on what is says its about but the subject matter is celeb not the thing celeb is talking about. That being said I won't even be talking about the thing the celeb is talking about because there's shit happening in the world all the time and I have my opinions on all of them and I choose to keep them to myself lest people read what's not there and call me a genocidal dogwhister. There are 2 sides to a genocide. (And I'm not saying like 2 sides to a story. But a victim and a perpetrator) And the supporters of both sides will have unfortunate reading comprehension if it means they can take down a nobody in the business of nothing to make themselves feel morally superior.
So should he (Shawn and Noah) be more responsible or considerate or whatever? Idk. They can be or they can choose to show their ass. My respect (if any) for them never did rest on what their political beliefs were because, at the risk of appearing repetitive, I don't care.
I do care about the proxy hatred being spewed under the guise of sloganeering though. I'm way too used to it. It happens on the daily where I come from. I'm not gonna pretend y'all are angels. I see this for what it is.
So good on you for not supporting ST and staying true to your beliefs and code. That is always a respectable position to take. Sometimes people are just not in your position. Like you might not be in theirs. As you so pointed out.
TLDR: I trust celebs to post dumb shit. Where have you been to have expected differently?
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noahschnappinfs · 2 months
Today I opened tik tok and a video appeared with photos of Noah with the cast. I was very annoyed when I opened the comments and some said "help Finn"; "Finn blink twice if you need help"; "Natália blink twice if you need help". "Finn, Natália and Joe are more handsome than ever" or "Finn, Natália and Joe are so handsome". In X they were putting stickers on Noah's face and when they talked about him they censored his name as if he were Voldemort. It's such childish behavior. And the worst thing is that they talk as if he's killed someone. As if he's the reason Israel and Palestine are at war. They posted that photo of Noah with Finn and Joe at tennis and there was a comment saying that Finn was making that face because Noah smelled bad💀.
they create so many theories about Noah that I think they're more obsessed and more fans than we are. That's all the Byler shippers. They still keep saying that the cast hates Noah and that they're only hanging out with him because the Duffers threatened to cut their pay💀. It doesn't make any sense to hate Noah but love Finn and Millie. They have to accept that the cast loves Noah and that their favs are still friends and hang out with Noah and they have to stop with their ridiculous narration. They think they're superior to Noah because they're not evil Zionist. But in reality they are only as powerful as the narrative they create about Noah. Sorry if my English isn’t good it’s because it’s not my first language.
my response will sound kind of random but i was listening to “but daddy i love him” by taylor swift and it hit me how that song is a direct portrayal of the parasocial relationships that exist between celebs and their fans. i think we all saw the reaction online to her relationship and how her fans were trying to “protect” her from her new bf. it turns out that outrage only pissed her off and she literally calls them every name in the book in that song for their fake outrage. she calls them “vipers dressed in empath's clothing” and “judgemental creeps” which tbh are great lines that describe so well how fans are when they are babying their favs and i wonder how many other celebs feel that way about how their fans try to police their personal relationships. you might wonder why i’m mentioning all this but what i’m trying to say here is that the celebrities that we are fans of are mostly grown adults that make their own decisions about the people they hang out with. obviously you can dislike the people they surround themselves with but being childish about that by bullying their friends is ridiculous and won’t change anything. the cast have chosen to hang out with noah because they are friends and they would actually dislike most of the fandom if they saw how they treat a friend like noah who they’ve known since he was a child. how the fandom bully noah while trying to claim moral superiority is the definition of a viper in empath’s clothing.
it’s also hilarious how i’ve seen multiple people that now are going as far as being delusional by creating conspiracy theories about how netflix/the duffers/their PR team are forcing people to hang out with noah because they can’t accept that they are friends. they spent months patting themselves on the back because according to them their favs where so above noah that they were ignoring him and now that’s proven wrong, they try to invent another narrative to save face.
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summerlinenss · 4 months
Honestly, some of the BS people spout about Taika wouldn't annoy me so much if most of it wasn't just false information. If he was actively posting pro-Israel stuff that'd be one thing but he isn't. TBH most of the controversies around him have been either false or taken out of context.
I'll be honest when I first heard heard about the letter, I went oh what a shame and didn't question it. It wasn't until weeks later that I did my own research and realised the truth. I'm ashamed of myself that I didn't verify it properly first, but at least I can admit that I messed up. So many of these online activists have turned Palestine into an internet trend, instead of an actual fcking genocide. It's a game of 'which celeb can I bully and be in the right for it' to them
this is exactly what’s been driving me so crazy lol.
if he was actually pro-israel i’d have zero issue calling it what it is. i’ve stopped supporting other artists whose work i’ve really admired over much less. but he isn’t.
apparently eric andré was also on that list, and in the past few weeks he’s not only called for a ceasefire but openly denounced the genocide and called on his followers to donate to palestinian aid, and people are still calling him a zionist. even those i have seen praising him have been called celebrity bootlickers. which tells me more than enough about the priorities of these supposed “activists.”
it’s just wild to me because they should want to be proven wrong. they should be glad to see people they previously believed to be zionists now speaking out against the genocide, even if it took a while. but they’re incapable of letting go of their own egos long enough to make any of this about actually helping palestinians rather than trying to prove their moral superiority by spreading disinformation.
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brucequeensteen · 11 months
the importance of celebrities being pro palestine cannot be understated even if the reasons seem silly. Like iknow a girl who in the first place was only posting "free palestine" things because she knew zayn fucking malik was pro the liberation of palestine. but her superficial support eventually gave way to actually educating herself, so what started out as just doing what her fave celeb was doing resulted in actual meaningful support and talking about it. And of course this only proves the danger of the other side of things – if celebs are spreading misinfo and supporting the genocide in any way, even if its just something as simple as parroting zionist slogans or sharing news coverage that favours the idf, their followers and admirers will follow suit without thinking. which is why its important to keep talking about this, using reliable sources, sharing the voices of Palestinians themselves, and also remembering to always use critical thinking, double check sources, question what your favourite celebrity is posting. just because they're famous doesn't mean they're not susceptible to propaganda and DEFINITELY doesn't mean they're always correct in what they believe
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honeylemony · 3 months
This same blog has tried to deffend Gaiman claiming that people only focus on jewish man predators like him, Weinstein or even fucking Epstein, and therefore implies that calling them out is inherently antisemitic (gee! I guess there's isn't like, an infinite mayority of rich and powerfull goyim celeb men being abusers that haven't been exposed a thousand times? Cosby, Deep, J. Simpson. Nah, it's all an antisemitic conspiracy. It's not like a great mayority of people literally dont even known the first three are even jews because they pass perfectly as white man and jewish culture has little to no appearance on their lives other than maybe being zionists 🤔)
If a person like this is calling you out. Let alone trying and falling miserably to victim blame you. You did something very right and should rest in pride. Keep it strong queen ❤️
thats crazy, I didnt even see that.
Like, sexual assault can come from anywhere. From any group. It is disingenuous and dangerous to pretend like YOUR specific group is immune from harboring abusers just because it might be a minority identity.
THIS is how rape culture is safeguarded and upheld, even within marginalized spaces. Anyone can abuse. Anyone can assault. There is not one identity that is immune.
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mywitchcultblr · 6 months
i tried to look up any sort of instance/proof of tim downie (gale's va) being a bigot but couldnt find anything, could you provide a source for your post like you did the screenshot for dammon's va?
The bigoted part is about Dammon VA (bro following Libs of Tiktok account and other concerning accounts/views) Gale VA participated and starred in a pro zionist show. Some people said its not a big deal and nothing burger but as a muslim I'm not taking my chance here, I thought Jamie Lee Curtis was cool because she's pro trans but she gobble up zionist propaganda and is anti palestine
I refuse to simp any VA after the debacle with Cullen VA lmao. If Tim Downie coming out publicly in full support for Palestine that's great then my distrust would be dispelled but at the moment I'm not a fan
Being a muslim nowdays (and always been tbh) means you will have to put celeb that you like under the microscope just in case the person out of nowhere say you are a menace and a terrorist
No, I'm not attacking Gale fans, I love the guy myself but yeah its important to separate VA with chara just in case shit happen...
Also bg3 fandom need to chill a bit with the VA simping
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