#I hope stranger things gets cancelled just cuz of him
shehsart · 7 months
I fucking hate Noah Schnapp
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lizzaneia-elizalde · 5 months
How would Damon react if black belter darling met someone else in the promotion test and ends up hitting it off with them? Spending more time w them, friendly closr sparring ykyk
Yandere! Jock x fem! reader
Another ask of an ask! (Do people not like the original fic/nerd reader ;3;) Hmm, I think this one's pretty obvious, so let's see!
What if: Black belter reader met somebody else in the promotional test?
For new readers to understand this one, refer to this what if fic!
main fic for Damon is this one featuring a nerd reader!
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Damon clicked his tongue.
It's been the fifth time since you skipped training him.
His progress got slower since you decided to focus on other things, which came with your successful promotion to 1st dan. Sure, he didn't mind that. But god, was it torture not seeing you for so long.
He slumped down on the floor, boredly looking at the teacher in front of him. She was teaching them how to do a complicated kick that included a spin in them.
His mind zoned out, thinking back to the last time both of you interacted for a long time.
It was immediately after your promotion. And you, in your excitement, jumped to his embrace in a rare grin filled face.
"I passed the promotion!" You exclaimed, hugging him tightly.
Damon didn't expect this. You were holding him like this without your usual cold attitude, but rather in an excited tone that felt so foreign to him.
He felt like a lost child, suddenly getting hugged by a stranger that has the face of his parent.
"Uh... Sensei?" He whispered, prodding at your reaction.
"Hmm? What's up?" You asked with a smile and he almost buckled to his knees. You didn't even correct him this time!
"N-nothing. Congratulations!" He decided to say despite being whiplashed by the bizzare situation as you grinned widely.
That time was refreshing since you didn't scowl at him as usual. And his masochistic tendencies was soothed, exchanging with the deep need to monopolize your smile just for him.
Do you smile like that for others too?
He shudders at the thought.
Just thinking about it makes his blood boil.
Just as the lesson is finished, Damon got a chat from you.
"And she cancels the sparring again..." He whispered. He missed feeling your strong kicks on his body, marring his skin with bruises that he deserves and loves.
Feeling a bit neglected, he kicks and fusses like a toddler at the back, kind of grateful nobody was paying attention to him-- cuz honestly, it's embarrassing to see this grown man throw a tantrum gently like a kid.
Wait, he tracks your location! So why not see what you're up to anyways.
You weren't cheating on him, right?
The delusional man shook his head. It's impossible that you're cheating on him. Sure, he can let you sparring with other people slide. But your smile is reserved for him and him only.
If others saw it, then a nice pair of eyeballs would be a nice substitute for pingpong balls, right? Maybe not. But he'll be happy to bounce those eyes that are underserving of seeing your beautiful smile.
He got up from the floor and got to his cubby, getting all of his things before checking his phone once more. You're in the city dojang. Good, that means that you're doing work.
He hopes.
He hopped on his motorcycle and revved it to life, driving towards the city proper and to the dojang building.
What excuse would he say when you see him? Hmm...
As he's thinking of what to say, he heard a giggle that was vaguely familiar, yet strangely foreign.
It's a giggle, but from a voice he knew too well.
With a shake in his legs, he peered from the pillar and saw you laughing with a guy, one that he doesn't know, and know that this guy is not a relative.
His jaw ticked, the ugly jealousy reeling its twisted neck to the direction in which you were talking so amicably with this man that's not him. On an equal footing, a place in which he knew is undeserving of.
The usual chatterbox was silent, the sweet himbo facade gone from his perturbed face.
His large hand on the corner of the building, he pears through the side as he watched you amicably invite the man to a match. He noticed that he's also a 1st dan belt holder, and Damon seethes in jealousy. Damon held his now blue belt. He's still too far from your reach.
His grip tightened to the point that a chunk of the building came off, but Damon didn't even give a fuck.
His eyes gazed at your body, and flinched everytime they hit the body of your opponent. At the same time, rage filled him everytime the man hit you back.
Nobody is allowed to hurt you. Nobody is allowed to be hurt by you.
Your pain, only his. Your strength should also only be him to bare.
He knows what to do.
Damon held his face. His elbow on his knees as he sat down on a bench in this abandoned basement of a zoo. He looked tired, and the himbo facade was gone.
In front of him is the glass wall of what looks like what once was an orca or dolphin showroom. The whole pool that was once teeming with activities and water and life, was now empty, except for a man tied to a chair, asleep.
Damon sighed, brushing back his hair as he pressed his forehead on the glass wall. He wants to hurt this man so bad, and from the prominent veins bulging against his skin on his biceps, he was holding himself back greatly.
When he saw the man twitching, Damon backed away and suited up. Disposable boots, a disposable ppe suit, and a mask to cover his face. Along with a bucket filled with quite the rusty tools, he headed up and to the pool.
He slid down from the top to the pool and to the deep end. Damon already sliced this man's tendons, so he can't run away.
It was quite easy to kidnap him really.
In a busy place in the city, he got up to the man and introduced himself. Damon was friendly, wanting to be friends with the man due to being a fan of his martial arts prowess. The man, naive and boastful, liked Damon immediately. Damon is smart, and led the man away to places he knew there's no cctv camera. And making sure what the cameras captured is the man being led back to his house, and acted as if Damon went home.
But in reality, when Damon went home, he invited the man to hang out via conversing with him earlier. So that no digital evidence will be left just like how it would leave an evidence if he used chats or calls. Damon invited the man to a much more secluded part but busy of the city, in which he knew that people will be too busy with their own shit rather than looking around. And it's the industrial parts. Then and there, driving a stolen car that was sold without so much of a contractual and recorded transaction, Damon slowly peppered the man with melanin gummies, making the man sleep...
And, with the injection of a much more powerful anesthesia and sedative, Damon successfully kidnapped the man without so much of an evidence tracing back to him.
With the man waking up, Damon wore the gloves.
Oh, and did I mention the man's lips were sown shut with expired medical threads too?
As Damon approached the scared man, who looks like he's about to piss his pants, Damon only gave him a cold stare of contempt and arrogance.
"Only I get to enjoy y/n. And you, you're an intruder in that small, happy space that only the both of us got to enjoy."
The man is not going to live to tell the tale.
Damon will make sure of that.
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mirrow-hamato · 4 months
Promised Crystal Clay AU headcanons + mostly spoilers to fanfic that I'll probably wouldn't be capable to finish
First thing first that i think is important to this au is "how would Viva will find Clay's brothers?".
I mean, of course we can just say "He told her about them". Right. Yea. But that unlikely would be enough.
So my things to everything is headcanon that Clay having a diary. With photos, some of his thoughts, some sad or angry moments he had, but also a good ones.
(honestly, i built my entire fanfic on this goddamn diary.)
Diary important because:
1. My personal reason is because in the beginning of my fanfic (hello spoilers for something that i haven't finished) is that after founding this diary once again in Clays small library, he'll get very emotional about how he a bit regrets that they split out and that he wasn't capable to do anything about them being eaten (that's what he thinks). So as soon as he sees Velvet and Veneer (that looking for new troll cuz old one escaped) he gets very determined to "finally do something important in his life" and save the other Putt-Putt trolls. And well..
2. He fails because his diary fell of his bag, which he instantly trying to get back. And of course he get himself caught.
3. Viva could use photos of Brozone so she can at least be sure of how they used to look like.
4. Clay would surely write about his brother's hobbies and about the day they split. So even if Viva could think that all his brothers could be eaten, she would give a try to looking at them.
5. Diary have photos! That would prove other brothers that Viva isn't just a stranger but actually someone who somewhat related to Clay.
6. After most of brothers still would much believe her (a bit wrong of saying. They just have some "reasons". Like: JD saying that it's useless for him because he knews that Clay or other brothers wouldn't want to see him. (If they're alive ofc). Bruce would just instantly call the police. Floyd would be terrible worried, but he also have a concert right now and he can't just cancel it (he will don't worry.). And Branch just probably wouldn't trust this and would think that Viva just steal it or find it somewhere in "trash.")
7. P-H-O-T-O-S. Photos are important.
Because every time when Viva will leave another brother after they somewhat rejected her, randomly there will be a photo that will still remind them of how good they were together one way or another and how they miss and worry about each other. (So yea each of brothers gonna have a photo. +Clay have one while he's in the bottle. Yes i love angst)
John Dory would instantly return to the troll tree (where he would find Branch and Poppy).
Bruce would warn Brandy about his leaving. Then he would took something like a bike (let me just imagine Bruce on bike, please.) and goes for the spot of Velvet and Veneer concert.
Floyd cancelled his concert right when he was about to start singing (while looking at photo, he apologised Infront of thousands trolls and leaves the stage. He leaves on limousine tho. Try change my mind.)
Then all of them meets up together in the same spot to save Clay all together.(and also Viva would be there.)
Honestly it's all what I've got. I hope it was somewhat interesting. Have a nice day and don't forget about self care!
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cashiew · 10 months
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Woke up to the news of the cancellation this morning and have spent the day trying to swallow it. I was so looking forward to seeing our girls again and have my fingers crossed that we can see another miracle.
But for now, I offer the gretson playlist I made last year. It follows the spiritual beats of their story, circling themes of flight, making a mark, and finding your way home.
Seven - Sleeping At Last So I look to the future, and I book another fight / When everything feels heavy, I’ve learned to travel light
More to Give - Isabel Pless I keep burning my own bridge whether I lose or win / I’ll always wish I had more to give
if i were a friend - BLU EYES If I wasn't in my head / I could help me settle down / Make all of this make sense / Cuz it doesn't right now
Why Am I Like This? - Orla Gartland Oh, it's like I'm looking down from the ceiling above / Never in the moment, never giving enough
One - Sleeping At Last The list goes on forever / Of all the ways I could be better, in my mind / As if I could earn God's favor given time / Or at least congratulations
Twenty Something - Bre Kennedy Had my first kiss at the corner bar / Fell in love with a stranger in the dark
Everything Has Changed - Alex G, Jon D 'Cause all I know is we said, "Hello" / And your eyes look like comin' home / All I know is a simple name / And everything has changed
Apple Pie - Lizzy McAlpine I found you under an April sky / And you feel like / City life, apple pie baked just right / Home is wherever you are tonight
Ordinary Love - Nick Wilson Just for once / I want ordinary, ordinary love / No smoking gun
Maybe - Duce Williams Maybe, we should hope against the odds / Maybe, fate will place our cause
if i built my home from paper - Lexie Carroll Cause I may be getting older / But maybe I'm still scared / It's a trouble living in this world / But it's home when you are there
Magnificent - Oh Wonder  In the sticky summer heat, I got grass stains on me knees / And I'm infinite / Couple lovers running free, eyes are looking straight at me / And I'm into it
hate to be lame - Lizzy McAlpine, FINNEAS If I love him, if I need him / Maybe that will make him stay / If I lie, will I still feel this way?
counting houses - Luz Let them cast their doubt / We can live without /All their thoughts around
If I Didn’t Love You - Ben Abraham How do you do it? You've got me in it and I can't explain / How you turn me with the fury of a hurricane
Walk Above the City - The Paper Kites, MARO Flowers underneath us now / Towers underneath us now / We walk above the city / You and I
Tonight (I Wish I Was Your Boy) - The 1975 And told her, "Some things have their time / How can I be yours if you're not mine?"
Talking to Myself (Stripped) - Gatlin What if I play pretend / You're holding me again / We're laughing in my head
Another Round - Elina Time always froze when I pulled you close / And we were fine, mhmm / I swear I would give anything for another round
please - Chelsea Cutler, Jeremy Zucker Please don't leave me here / I don't know where my heart is
Leave Your Lover - Sam Smith You'll never know the endless nights, the rhyming of the rain /Or how it feels to fall behind and watch you call his name
Alone with You - Canyon City It's not anything you say, anywhere we go / It's just being alone with you now
I Found You - Kina Grannis, Imaginary Future A sudden gust of wind /From nowhere, we begin / It's like I dreamed you up while I was sleeping
Last Time - Adam Melchor I'm takin' a picture of this in the back of my mind / ‘Cause every time I go I'm scared it's gonna be the last time
Give & Take - John Marc Oh there's a give and take in falling in love / You make it easier than I ever thought
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mvrderer · 3 years
Heard you were doing match ups?👀 feel free to ignore me lolol.
I'm an INXP, which means I go from hating myself and being antisocial, to hating myself but taking care of everyone around me 💀
I have been a caretaker since I was very small and I find myself feeling useless if I am not helping someone(my own health aside) it's bad to the point where I collapse frequently from exhaustion but still try shoving water down everyone else's throats.
I'm 5'8" and apparently shaped like a coca cola bottle(woohoo makin step-ma jealous) I typically cover up in extremely baggy clothes 💃
When it comes to a partner I would want someone who let's me take care of them and enjoys my fretting, but takes care of me/us in return. 💗
I can be a House Spouse, but I need someone to actually appreciate it and possibly kill toxic Ex's, y'know?😩❤
i hope this is good enough for you!
warnings : cursing, lack of proof read
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so i think the most suitable slasher for you is...
Bo Sinclair !
he made the first move to introduce himself to you! the usual ol' charming southern man facade he put up before possibly murdering you (obviously he wouldnt, pretty sure you can guess why)
thinks you're way too self loathing for someone he finds attractive
i mean, he's the bo sinclair! anyone that scores him is a hottie! and he definitely thinks that you are one
he's 6'2", you're 5'8", can i make it anymore obvious [sk8r boi instrumentals blasts in the bg]
adores and even gets an ego boost from the height difference you two have, he definitely teases you for it like a lot of things he teases you for; but not the point it'd hurt of course. you're his "Beau" and he adores every inch of you, he loves you for you and that does not exclude your physical form. if you steal his clothes, he'd act mad but smirk like a smug mf when he sees you in it cuz he's winning
which includes taking care of you. loving you comes with a perk, and that's to be more observant especially towards you.
he loves it when you take care of him, get babied by you, but he of course acts like he doesn't. and sometimes—he actually doesn't because of how you neglect yourself. he definitely forces you to sit down and rest, gives you a massage if any part of your body is sore and just gives his full attention towards you. he's not much of a cook but he tries his best for you and makes sure you fulfill every basic human needs
when you get those types of self deprecating thoughts, he's quick to shut them down.
“ now, now, dont say that about yourself sweetheart. ” and holds you while whispering how important you are to him and how much of a darling you've been towards him. of course, he gets quite aggressive [not physical, in a “ STOP FUCKIN' SAYIN' THAT BOUT YOURSELF!! ” way] at times because he's frustrated that you can't see yourself how he sees you, but he's quick to apologize and quick to reassure you he loves you no less.
when there's a conflict, he makes sure it won't destroy the "us" between you two.
let me be honest, being with bo will have complications. he's mentally ill, you're mentally ill, it doesn't cancel out like pemdas. but he tries so hard to have a healthy relationship, imagining that he's hurt his beau would shatter him so he tries his best to make up, but you'd probably find him stumbling around in the kitchen all messy and he's embarrassed when he explains himself like “ ...i tried making cookies. ” it's okay to laugh at him, as long as you kiss him and help him out
he would love the domestic life with you, and will do anything to have it. <3
which means, he definitely would beat someone to death for you! when you have an honest talk and the two of you share things that has happened to y'all — it makes his blood boil when he hears about your shitty ex. if he's willing to beat up a stranger that looks at you weird what difference would it be when it's someone you've had a bad history with? with that ex gone, now you can move on and be happy with a future with Bo!
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allthingsarmin · 3 years
Hello, can i please request an armin x reader but it’s a modern au where armin is a nerd and the reader is popular, feel free to ignore if you don’t like the idea :)
Thank you for your request, anon! I really hope you like it, and I can always rewrite it if it’s not the way you imagined. Also, sorry it is a little long - I think I got carried away with this prompt haha.
The beginning might be a little angsty, but the ending is cute ^_^
Warnings: one cuss word, mentions of self-doubt, kissing
Word Count: 2,346
Things change - sometimes for the better - like how Armin finally cut his bob-length hair and now has a handsome undercut that suits his jawline and like how you are finally growing taller since it seemed like forever that Armin was the taller one.
Things change - sometimes for the worse - like how you and Armin used to be so close in grade school, but now in college, your relationship is made up of awkward smiles in the hallways, small waves when passing each other in the library, and unfinished conversations on SnapChat.
Things fade - relationships come to an end, people move on, and that’s just life. Look at you now, from a quiet person to a popular student known for your humorous remarks, angelic facial features, a delightful sense of style, and your beautifully color-coded notes. You capture hearts with your smile, and you never fail to make anyone laugh with your stupidly funny puns and nonsense. To put it simply, Armin is a bit different - well, you could say nerdy. Quiet, polite, and has as much passion for the world as he does intelligence. Always heavily invested in school and studying as you could almost always find his nose in between the pages of a book or study guide. Poor Armin - not known for his sweet personality or his above average intelligence. Definitely not known for his sense of style but always comes to class dressed in a rather dashing blazer and keeps a couple Kleenex tissues in his left pocket. Armin barely has any friends, - if any - but he always makes sure to hold the door open for strangers, smile at teachers when entering the classroom, and send you a “Happy Birthday!” text every year.
Some things don’t fade - like Armin’s feelings for you even after you two grew apart and he was forced to watch you from the sidelines. How could he not be so deeply in love with you? When you two were close, you coddled up with each other and read books about the ocean, learning about sharks and so naively believing in the theory of Atlantis. You stayed over at each other’s houses and studied together as well as comforted each other if one of you didn’t do as well as you expected on a test. You used to braid his long blond locks as he told you stories about his grandfather. During the summers, you would use chalk to draw a picture of you two on the blistering sidewalks outside his house, and he would give you handmade bookmarks as a present. Even though you two have grown apart, he is still in love with you, watching you laugh from far away. The way your eyes squint out of happiness and the sound of your hearty laughter makes his body heat up and his cheeks rosy. The way you sometimes send him “Good luck!” texts for when there’s a big test in a class you both are taking makes him smile with teary eyes since it seems that you have in fact not forgotten about him and his intense anxiety when it comes to test-taking. The way you ran up to Armin and gripped his arm when you unexpectedly saw him in the campus coffee shop that one time sent a euphoric tingle throughout his body that made him forget how to breathe properly. How could he not love you when you were always there for him, when you remembered every personal detail he told you during late-night childhood sleepovers, when you tried your best to make him love himself? Armin wants so badly to tell you how important you are to him, how he wants to protect you from everything bad in the world, how he wants to wrap his arms around you and listen to your heartbeat… you are just so hard to reach. He is a nerd, a loser, and you are so popular, surrounded by endless amounts of friends… he’s sure your contacts are completely full and DMs flooding with people who are interested in you and are a lot better than him. What was the point in even trying?
Luckily for Armin, you feel the same way. To be honest with yourself, your stupid jokes, loud laughter, and wide smiles were really just a cover-up for how deeply sad you are. No matter how many friends you have or instant messages you receive from strangers online, you feel incredibly alone because none of them are him. Popularity doesn't matter to you anymore - you just miss your best friend so terribly. You missed walking on the beach together, splashing each other with the salty waves, making study-flashcards together, and being able to touch his beautiful blond hair whenever you wanted. Armin’s birthday is coming up, and you want to make your move and do something big for him that would let him know how special he is to you. This time, it wouldn’t involve loads of friends or a loud party with that overly social and fake personality of yours.
You text Armin: “Hey Armin! We haven’t talked in awhile, but your birthday is this Saturday, and I would like to meet up with you. Are you free to go to the beach on Saturday? I want to give you a present, and I just want to catch up with you. I miss my friend!”
Armin read the text with relief. Even if he couldn’t have you the way he wanted, he still wanted more than anything to reconnect with his old friend. “It’s good to hear from you, y/n! I have no plans for Saturday, so of course we can meet up… around 7pm if that’s okay. I want to watch the sunset! And I miss you too…”
It is November, which means it’s cold. At the beach in November? Even colder, so you make sure to dress warmly.
It is 6:59pm, and you trudge through the moist sand, the harsh wind bearing itself against your face making the tip of your nose turn a bright pink as you grip your hoodie close to your body. In the distance, you see Armin sitting on the sand, shoes off and wearing a dark green sweatshirt with a black beanie. Sitting next to him was his backpack - of course he was the type to bring his school work with him while you always brought your violently vibrating phone with you everywhere.
You release a tired breath as you sit next to him in the sand, setting the bag of presents down beside you and keeping your cold hands in your hoodie pocket. A big smile is on your face as you ask him: “Aren’t you cold, Armin? Why don’t you have your shoes on?!” Armin laughs as he turns his face toward you. At this point, you can see how red his cheeks really are, and this is really the first time you’ve noticed how handsome he actually is. The softness of his blond eyelashes beautifully contrast with the sharpness of his jawline. His smile is soft, and his deep blue eyes pierce into yours. “Hahaha, I don’t know. I just haven’t been to the beach in a long time…” he trails off. “It’s ‘cuz you’re so popular now that you don’t have time to hang out with me,” he states in a playfully butt-hurt tone though you can sense that he is indeed a little upset about it. The waves hitting the shore fill the awkward silence between you two. “I know,” you softly say, “but I think about you all the time. I miss you, and I hope we can be close friends again,” you confess. Armin feels his heart flutter when you say that you miss him. He wants to tell you he loves you and wants to reassure you that he’d always be there for you, but instead he pats you on the back. “It’s okay! I was just joking,” he awkwardly laughs. “Of course we are friends, and I hope we can be even closer too.”
He glances to your side. “What’s in the bag?” he inquires. “Oh!” you exclaim, seemingly as if you forgot about it. You rush to give him the bag and shove it into his arms. “It’s just some stuff I got you for your birthday.”
He rummages through it, going through the endless amount of tissue paper on the top. He pulls out a light blue sweater first.
“It’s almost winter, so I figured I’d give you something warm. I think this color…” you pause and hesitantly reach up to adjust his beautiful blond bangs, “... would look good on you.”
You both make eye contact for a second and quickly look away from each other. “Haha, it’s beautiful, y/n. Thank you!” You are just about to say ‘no problem’ before he is quickly taking off his green sweatshirt and replacing it with the light blue one, his very toned abs peeking through the plain white t-shirt he had on underneath the sweatshirt. You feel your cheeks grow warm and instantly look away. Armin notices and chuckles to himself. He would honestly never mind if you wanted to look at them or even touch them.
“Now, onto the second one,” you say, trying to change the subject. Armin pulls out two matching, homemade bracelets that feature a seashell on both of them. He looks at them silently and intently.
“I made matching bracelets!” you say proudly. “They’re like friendship bracelets, so we both have to wear them all the time! You aren’t allowed to take it off!” you joke.
“They’re so pretty, y/n,” he whispers as he stares at the shells, a sparkle in his eyes. He immediately puts it on and gently takes your wrist to put yours on.
“There,” he says contently, carefully placing your wrist in your lap.
You two sit silently next to each other, shoulders brushing against one another and watching the waves as the sun casts a dull orange and purple glow across the sky. The sounds of waves crashing against the shore and the squawking birds in the sky cancel out the noises of Armin softly crying.
Once you notice, you quickly snap your head around. “Armin, are you okay?” you ask, extremely worried.
“Thank you for the presents, y/n,” he sniffles. “You have always done stuff like this for me,” Armin continues as he gets flashbacks of you two running across the beach and gawking at beautiful seashells, telling jokes to each other in grade school when it was supposed to be reading time, and making funny drawings of each other. “I’ve never told you thank you - for being there for me and comforting me all those times, and just letting me be myself. It’s been such a long time since we’ve done anything together. I miss making you laugh, and I miss going to the library with you and asking you about your day.”
At this point, you feel like crying too because you feel the exact same. You spent so much of your life wanting to fit in, and you finally became popular but at what cost? You nearly forgot about the most important person to you, the one person that actually cares about you.
“I love you,” Armin suddenly blurts out, a tear running down his face. “I want to be yours, and I want you to be mine,” he says so quietly that it’s borderline pathetic. You swear your heart stopped when he said that. You feel a burning sensation all along your body as you forget about the cold air hitting your face, and you feel your breathing stop. The uncertainty you felt that kept you awake every night about whether Armin thought of you the same, all the self-doubt, all the guilt about leaving your friend behind, had been erased in an instant.
The silence between you two is unbearably awkward, and with confidence you seemingly pull out of nowhere, you throw yourself onto Armin’s lips, your arms enclosing his broad shoulders, and both of you falling sideways into the wet sand. Armin, at first shocked, passionately kisses back and links onto your soft lips. The tips of your noses are cold, but you both eventually succumb to each other's warmth. You both pull away to catch some breath. Armin gently wraps his arms around your waist and pulls you closer to him as you bury your head in the crook of his neck. Even after all this time, he still smells the same - vanilla and cedarwood. “I love you too,” you softly say. Noticing that you both are practically wallowing in the sand by now, you apologize. “Also, sorry I ruined your new sweatshirt. There’s sand all over it,” you laugh.
“Oh, it’s okay,” he reassures, shyly placing a kiss on your forehead. “Want to watch the sunset with me?” You nod your head enthusiastically, a smile you couldn’t help leave your lips.
“Oh, fuck,” you quitely exclaim.
“What’s wrong?” Armin asks in a concerned tone.
“I forgot I have an essay due at 11:59 tonight.”
Armin busts out laughing - a sound you wouldn’t mind hearing for the rest of your life even though he’s laughing at your poor planning.
“When the sun finally sets, we can go back to my dorm, and I can help you with it if that’s alright with you,” he politely offers.
“Sure!” you happily reply.
You both sit up and face the horizon. The sun was almost gone, and the sky was a heavenly pink color while the sea began to look indigo. Your hands were linked with Armin’s, and for the first time in a long time, you felt warm despite the air getting cooler.
Getting ready to go to Armin’s dorm, he grabs his backpack and his dark green sweatshirt. You get up and check your phone, not at all caring that you have nearly fifty missed text messages and missed calls asking why you didn’t come to the weekly campus party.
You finally have all that you need.
I really hoped you liked it! Requests are open ~ I have another request that will be posted soon.
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fiddlepickdouglas · 3 years
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Viva Las Vegas, Pt. 15 - Net Zero Change
Summary: Sunset Curve Alive AU, Willex, what’s the truth?, 2.9k
@trevor-wilson-covington​ is the bestie who makes these lovely edits, we stan supportive friends
WARNINGS: death mention, swearing
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11, Part 12, Part 13, Part 14
Alex, Reggie, Flynn and Kyle all sat at a table inside the record store while Willie took care of closing procedures, currently sweeping up around them. Flynn sipped on her soda, eyeing everyone else with a mix of piqued interest and uncertainty.
“I can let you guys stay and talk for about another half hour, but then I’ve gotta kick you out,” Kyle told the three at the table.
“Thanks,” Alex said. “We really appreciate you being so understanding.”
“Not at all,” Kyle said casually. “And Willie’s in the clear, so long as he never pulls a stunt like that again.”
“Thanks for covering for me, man,” Willie said repentantly at Kyle’s rightfully miffed tone.
“I also covered the cost for that jacket, so you owe me for that.”
Alex looked at him, still unable to wrap what had just happened around his head. Climbing somewhere high and screaming felt like an ideal thing to do right then. He wasn’t angry - at least, he didn’t think so - but he still felt like a bottle of Coke that someone had just shaken and dropped a Mento into. His punching bag was already being worn down enough, but since he didn’t have his drums at home it had been a lifesaver recently.
There was Willie, right in front of him, like a miracle. He was so wonderfully unaware of everything, and there was no doubt he hadn’t forgotten Alex. It brought a strange sense of euphoria that battled everything else that had kept his mind dark for so long. He’d used to imagine running into Willie, even for a while after Caleb said he was gone, and thought he’d be the one to catch Willie off guard and rush toward him with joy. Mostly, he’d wanted to knock Willie off his board as slight payback for that one time, but also because it would’ve been satisfying to surprise him for once.
Kyle had gotten up from the table and joined Willie in closing up the store.
“So, you guys all know each other, huh?” he asked.
“Yeah!” Flynn exclaimed. “And I’d like to think that it’s all thanks to me,” she added smugly.
“How so?” Reggie asked in curiosity.
“I helped Willie get into Julie’s concert in Vegas,” she said. “And I’m the reason you two stuck around here.”
Alex looked at her in surprise. Without Flynn, he imagined going with Willie to the Stratosphere or anything else that night wouldn’t have happened. He owed her a serious favor; he wasn’t going to forget that.
“Are you sure you don’t have, like, magic powers or something?” Reggie asked.
Flynn only smiled and quietly sipped her soda again, keeping the mystique for herself.
As Willie disappeared into the kitchen to clean there, Alex looked at Reggie.
“So, do you have as many questions as I do?” he asked.
“Yeah, man,” Reggie said, peeking back toward the kitchen door. “I mean, does Caleb not know?”
“For someone out of the loop,” Flynn butted in. “What’s going on?”
Alex shifted uncomfortably in his seat and took in a deep breath. “So you know how we got signed?”
Flynn nodded. “Uh huh. And congratulations, by the way.”
Alex merely shrugged in acknowledgement.
“Well, the guy who owns the label used to be Willie’s caretaker.”
“Oh, I didn’t know that,” Reggie muttered. Alex suddenly felt a little guilty for missing that detail when talking with the guys.
“Yeah, sorry I forgot to mention it,” he apologized. “Anyway, the day that we signed on, Caleb personally told me that Willie had died in a fire.”
Flynn stared in disbelief.
“Wow,” she said. “That’s fishy.”
“No kidding,” Reggie commented. “But why would he do that? Caleb’s been nothing but good to us.”
“You guys should be careful. He was Willie’s guardian? If his story is that far off, I’d watch out.”
Peering over toward the kitchen, Alex couldn’t get a view of Willie at all. He was dying to hear his side of things.
“I guess we’ll have to see. Flynn, how are you getting home?”
“Oh, I was just gonna take the bus.”
“With your equipment?” he said, already worried. It was a lot for her to be lugging around, whether she could carry it alone or not. “Flynn, let us get you a taxi.”
She looked at him, and he expected her to protest and say she could handle herself. To his surprise, she simply huffed.
“You’re right. It’s getting late.”
“Yeah, and one of us could go with you to make sure you get home safe.”
“I’ll go,” Reggie volunteered. He glanced at Alex and it was clear he was giving him an opportunity.
“Thanks Reggie,” Flynn said. “You guys have gotta keep me updated with everything going on, though. I smell drama. A lot of it.” She finished the last few gulps of her soda and stood up to grab her gear.
“I’ll see you tomorrow, man,” Reggie murmured to Alex, patting him as he rose to help her out.
“See you.”
As he watched them make their way outside, Alex sighed.
“So, Vegas, huh?” Kyle said as he reentered the room, making him jump.
“Uh, yeah,” Alex replied warily. This guy seemed fairly nice, but he could never be too careful about how much he told strangers. He watched him dust the shelves, trying to relax in his seat.
“Willie doesn’t talk about it much, so I’m kinda surprised he had such a reaction tonight. I got the idea he hated the place.”
Puzzled, Alex didn’t respond immediately. He wondered what could’ve happened.
“Well, I’m sure he has his reasons. But when I met him we had a pretty good time.”
“Hmm,” was all that Kyle said as he looked into space thoughtfully before moving on to locking things up.
Alex realized then that he was the only customer left in the store and he’d simply let his friends leave him. His head was certainly not on straight. The time was nearly midnight, and the options of transportation and his experiences with them only dialed up his anxiety. Busses were just weird because everyone could watch him, taxis were expensive and he’d given most of his cash to Reggie, and the chances of having Bobby pick him up were very low.
“Hey,” Willie was standing over him, skateboard in hand. Alex looked up, startled once again, but the feeling of Willie’s hand on his shoulder softened it.
“Where did Reggie go?”
“Oh,” Alex started. “He’s making sure Flynn gets home safe.”
Nodding, Willie glanced outside.
“What about you?”
Alex rose with a sigh.
“I’ll figure something out.”
They left the store and slowly walked to the corner. Willie still gripped his board as he gazed up at the red hand on the opposite side of the street.
“Do you...wanna walk with me to my place?” he asked Alex. “‘Cuz you look like you want to talk. Then we can find you a way home.”
Sticking his tongue in his cheek, Alex eyed him thoughtfully. It was almost like they hadn’t just spent four months apart - Willie could read him like a book.
“Yeah, that sounds good.”
Unfortunately, that made him stuff his hands deeper into the pockets of his jacket. He’d let himself take Willie’s hand before and have high hopes because he’d let himself ignore reality back then. Even when the guy who he admittedly still had a crush on was back from the dead, Alex didn’t want to tempt fate again. As they both crossed the street, he felt himself hunch inward just as he had earlier with Reggie.
“So, I’m guessing it’s a little weird to see me, since you thought I was a goner and everything,” Willie started nervously.
“Dead,” Alex said, looking at him seriously. “You were dead.”
Willie slowed his pace and sucked in a breath.
For a few yards they didn’t speak. Something ate at Alex’s insides, and he couldn’t put a finger on it. Change had always been his worst enemy, but this was a good change. Willie was alive, then he was dead, and now he was back. It should’ve been like net zero change, cancelled out like math. He should be fine about this, right? Why was he not fine?
“Alex, are you...are you mad?” Willie dared to ask.
He paused in his tracks, arms slacking against his sides. Looking over at Willie, then down at the sidewalk again, he nodded.
“Yeah, actually.” Immediately the eating feeling worsened. “I don’t know why that is, but you’re right. I am kinda mad.”
Willie furrowed his brow, but remained quiet for a minute as they continued walking.
“Are you mad at me?” he wondered aloud, finally.
“Maybe?” Alex said, feeling the temperature in his veins rise the more he went on. “That sounds silly, I know, because it wasn’t you who lied to me and put me through absolute agony for weeks on end. You were just the person I thought was dead and so every time I thought about you, it hurt. I don’t even know why it hurt so much. It’s not supposed to hurt when you’re still practically a stranger to me. All I know is that we kind of liked each other and then I thought I’d never find out anything else. I mean, we only knew each other for one day. One fucking day. That was it!”
Alex saw Wilie flinch at the unexpected use of language. A little too late, he realized he should’ve been more gentle. While it was true that he needed to finally release more than just self-pity, it wasn’t worth making Willie miserable for it.
“Wow,” Willie murmured. It already sounded more wounded than Alex could bear.
“That was harsh; I shouldn’t have blown up like that.”
He looked over at Willie to be sure he hadn’t done too much damage already.
“I can’t imagine how awful that was,” Willie said simply.
The pressure that had heated up his veins rapidly began to cool down as Alex realized he was handling this all wrong. He’d momentarily lost control and already saw its potential for harm.
“It’s not you I’m mad at. It’s Caleb.”
“That makes two of us,” Willie told him. “You want to know what really happened?”
“I want to know everything.”
They continued walking along as Willie seemed to try summing up the past few months properly in his mind.
“I don’t know exactly where to start,” he said.
“Well, why don’t you start where we left off?�� Alex suggested. It was only fitting that one of them was walking the other home, just like they’d been doing the last time they’d seen each other. There was a funny sense of poetry to it.
“Okay,” Willie began. “I guess what really started it was when we were up on the Stratosphere, remember?”
“Uh huh.”
“I told you that I have amnesia because I had a memory come back.”
“Right, about your dad.”
“You remember this really well,” Willie commented. Alex bowed his head, feeling his lip curl the tiniest bit. “Anyway, I started drawing the things I remembered. And I mean, I drew every detail I could. Even though back then it was just the one about my dad and then the first time that I ran away from Caleb - ”
“Wait, what?” Alex blurted.
Willie cocked his head to the side as he tried to keep the narrative easy to follow.
“Oh yeah that was weird, I had this dream where everything was backwards and it happened like every night and it took me forever to figure out that it was a memory. Anyway, the reason I have amnesia right now? I was trying to run from Caleb because he was a total a-hole and then I got hit in the head!”
Alex looked at his casual expression with mild horror.
“That’s a lot to process,” he said slowly.
“Yeah, I guess he was putting on a face after that, because he didn’t really get nasty until right before I left him for good.”
By the time Willie finished dishing everything to Alex, they had been standing by his front door for a solid ten minutes. Alex could only stand there and let everything turn over in his mind like a taffy pull. Moreover, a pit of dread was forming in his stomach at the same time as a spark of joy grew in his chest.
“So...Harrison Ford?” he said.
Willie smiled. “Much cooler than Han Solo.”
“I still can’t believe you were literally planning to skate your way here. Even I would’ve ruled that out after a minute.”
Lifting a hand defensively, Willie opened his mouth but couldn’t find words.
“I - I will never live that down,” he chuckled.
Alex chuckled in turn. “No.”
For a moment he just looked at Willie. It was the first time that night where his vision wasn’t clouded with questions or overwrought with mixed emotions. This time, it was just as he’d seen him that first moment when they’d sat across from each other at the diner. That was ages ago, but it didn’t seem to have dimmed or faded one bit in Alex’s memory. Here, he was just Willie. It was so nice to see that again.
“What made you come to LA?” he asked. He shuffled his feet awkwardly. 
“You did.” Willie looked right into his eyes as he said it.
The words were plain and honest. Something swelled in Alex’s chest as he heard them. If anyone else had said that - the guys, Julie, even his sister Abby - he would’ve doubted it a little. That was the awful thing with his anxiety is that it immediately twisted everyone’s words into betrayal. Not Willie’s, though.
“Why me?”
Willie got thoughtful, eyes unfocused for a moment.
“I don’t know. I’d do anything for you,” he said, gazing back up at Alex again.
Alex shifted his weight.
“Because I helped you start regaining memories, right?”
It made sense that if he’d been in that position, the person who’d been with him in those moments would mean a great deal to him, too.
“No,” Willie said. “Just ‘cuz. I still like you.”
Alex blinked and his mind emptied of all thought - a feat he’d never imagined occurring. Soon he found himself caught looking into those brown eyes, and instead of wanting to throw in a line, he wished he could plant himself there and spread roots. If it were up to him, he had no desire to go back home and he would just stay happy where he was.
It took a while to realize that he’d slowly begun to lean forward, lips parted as he gazed down at Willie’s mouth. Their noses were just barely not touching, and they hung in the balance waiting for the other to cross that threshold. Willie looked vaguely hypnotized, if not a little indecisive. His thoughts finally caught up to his actions, and once Alex saw what he was doing he turned away.
Dammit, how could you mess that up, Alex? he berated himself. He was already so out of focus and not thinking about the consequences of his actions; he couldn’t go around treating Willie like something else to dump his turmoil upon. Clearing his throat, he straightened his posture. Willie nervously ran a hand through his hair, visibly confused.
“So....” Alex began awkwardly. “You have your own place?”
Willie nodded, not looking him in the eyes anymore.
“Yeah, it’s kinda nice,” he said plainly. “You’ll have to check it out one of these days. You could see Sheldon, too.”
“Yes,” Alex said quickly. “Yes, I would totally be down to come see you and Sheldon. That would be great.”
He hated that the natural cadence in his voice was so sarcastic sometimes. Right now, it didn’t sound genuine at all and he desperately wanted to convey how much he meant every word.
“Bet you’re sort of busy with the band and school and all, though,” Willie said, clearly a little despondent. Alex really wanted to go back and fix the moment they’d had before. He wasn’t making it any better.
“Well, I’m free all next Saturday. You’re not working, are you?”
“I can arrange things with Kyle to get covered. I’m usually on his good side and he doesn’t stay mad for long, so I’m not worried.”
“That’s good.” A pause. “So it’s okay if I come on Saturday?”
“Sure, sure,” Willie rushed to say. “I’m totally down for that. Uh...I just remembered that we’ve gotta get you back home. Did you know how you were gonna do that?”
“Uh yeah, I was gonna just catch the bus,” Alex said, entirely impromptu. After embarrassing himself so badly with Willie, he could override any fears about using public transportation. All he wanted to do was lift his hood over his head and pull the strings so it closed over his face.
“Got it,” Willie replied.
“But I’ll be excited to see you next Saturday,” Alex added. He saw Willie’s eyes light up a little and it made him smile in relief as he began stepping away from Willie’s door. Biting his lip in his usual cute manner, Willie nodded at him.
“See you then.”
Alex exhaled in excitement as he made his way up the steps to the street, barely able to take his eyes off Willie. Only when he couldn’t see him anymore did he force himself to turn away.
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ofkanes · 4 years
me   pulling   up   wayyy   later   than   expected   :   👀👀,   fhdjs   hi   !!   i’m   nik   but   u   can   call   me   nikolaj   (   b99   stans   only      😤)   &   i’m   here   to   bring   my   mess   of   a   baby   kane   !!   ok   so   i’m   literally   too   excited   for   this   group   pls   don’t   @   me   .   before   i   start   i   just   wanna   say   that   all   ur   intros   ??   shakespeare   is   quaking   !!   send   tweet   .
Tumblr media
[   jack   gilinsky   ,   he   /   him   ,   twenty   two   ,   cis   male   ]   do   my   eyes   deceive   me   ,   or   did   i   just   see   (   KANE   MORGAN   )   getting   out   of   the   car   in   hunnington   ?   i   guess   (   HE’S   )   living   around   (   ROCK   SPRINGS   )   ,   which   i   could’ve   guessed   .   hopefully   they   can   keep   their   (   -   SHORT   TEMPERED   &   -   COMPLACENT   )   shit   to   theirselves   ,   and   focus   on   being   (   +   ADAPTABLE   &   +   CHARMING �� )   to   avoid   any   problems   .   and   for   the   love   of   god   ,   lets   hope   they   don’t   talk   about   the   (   HIDDEN   )   thing   .
ok lemme say that i envisioned kane as a movie bby , you’ll get what i mean in 2 secs . 
his two parents are both movie directors , his mother is an actress turned movie director . the morgan surname is well - known across the silver screens everywhere , not one that people take it lightly . here’s some background about his parents . 
tim morgan : father , but mostly known of his work as a movie director , i wanna say he has the career claim of frank darabont ( directed : the shawnshank redemption , the green mile , mary shelley’s frankestein , the walking dead ... etc ) . he earned his name despite being , at first , a nerdy film school student . very proud person , definitely snobbish . 
ingrid jackson - morgan : mother , but also a very good actress , i was thinking she had the career claim of michelle pfeiffer (  scarface , grease 2 , batman returns , hairspray , murder on the orient express ... etc ) . she comes from a line of models & actresses , so it’s no surprise there . 
now you have young kane morgan , now im ashamed to say he was named after citizen kane , his parent’s favourite movie ( rlly no taste ngl ) & you’ll never guess his middle name .... brando . that’s it , i’m cancelling him . 
but basically he’s a little accident that happened before the marriage , oops ? so really , an unhappy surprise for ms & mr morgan . his mother wasn’t very happy w his arrival because all she wanted to do was to work on movies & NOT take care of a child . 
don’t worry , cuz kane rlly felt that unhappiness ooze outta her . gr8 nannies though , he loves them . 
his father was happy to have someone to teach all his knowledge to , nerd alert , but that was one of the few moments he appreciated kane . that’s it . 
so one could imagine the disaster of a kid being brought up by movie stars ( read : nannies ) , not a stranger to cameras , red carpets & all that good stuff . 
ofc he was a child actor , his parents tried to put him in almost every movie they could , spreading that good morgan family name n all . kane didn’t think much of it , until he was old enough to understand .
he was definitely a little bratty , demanding attention from everyone all the time . being as fickle as they come , but that’s only because his parents didn’t give a flying fuck . 
as he grew up , still on the spotlight , he liked to be on & off the camera . some years , he yearned to be the center of attention & other’s he hated the job . very hard to keep up with . 
when he turned sixteen , he had his first ( & probably not last ) proper hollywood breakdown , almost as bad as brittany circa 2007 . he got a good role & was introduced to the bad side of hollywood . parties , drugs , shady people & all that good stuff . he was influenceable & fell into all the traps . it was only 2 years later that his parents were able to snap him out of it . they ofc paid all the tabloids to keep the good name out of their articles , but if you do your research , you’ll find some pretty pics of lil morgan . 
since then , he has cleaned up his act . ofc he took a couple of years off , went to college, tried to focus on himself & discover who he was ( he wasn’t only a morgan , he was kane !! who is kane ?? ) & he only started starring in roles recently , post college graduation . 
he just got off his first acting job post - hiatus & it’s a blockbuster . i was thinking maybe inspired on those coming of age movies ( à la hot summer nights but w more traction ) & people are freaking out !! kane morgan on the big screen ?? WHAT ?? he came back to nc before he decides on what to do next .
ok so you can already guess that kane morgan is no humble kid . i like to think he has layers , but ppl can’t be bothered to look through all of them . 
some would say that his major problems stem from the fact that his parents didn’t give him enough attention & the public gave him too much . 
having your parents’ attention ? that’s so 2002 . 
for the press i like to think he has this movie star facade down . you know the old charming james dean smile , handsome but kind . loves the underdog , very humble about his social standing . generous , outgoing & loved by everyone . 
idk i never met james dean , all the information i have on him is taylor swift’s song : style .  
now if we dig a little deeper , he’s still quite the charmer ( c’mon he’s an actor after all ) , but maybe not as humble nor kind . he can be quite rude & entitled , but has some good jokes . don’t get him completely wrong , he’s still a bit generous ( he gives 25% tips wow ) . likes a good party , but knows his limits . always down for a good time . 
if we go even deeper , oof , he’s a bit broken . never learned to love properly , all he has it’s movies , which we can all agree are shit if you’re gonna base your attachment type on it . he lives on his own little world & likes to keeps his guards up . a sweetheart really , you can see past all the snobby film critic bullshit & he’s just a boy who wanna have fun & have a good life like all those people on the screen . 
you   would   fucken   think   im   a   film   major   but   NO   ,   i’m   not   even   that   fancy   w   movies   .   and   after   all   reading   all   those   movies   titles   ur   head   must   be   spinning   ,   MINE   IS   !!   but   ily   &   ur   an   absolute   queen   /   king   /   monarch   if   you   read   thru   all   of   this   !!   let   me   tag   my   plot   page   below   hehe   ,   it’s   were   we   get   angstyyy   !
plot page babey
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kusunogatari · 4 years
[ ObiRyū October | Day Twenty-Five | Pent Up ] [ @abyssaldespair ] [ Uchiha Obito, Suigin Ryū, Nohara Rin, Hatake Kakashi ] [ Verse: Best Years of Your Life ] [ Vulgarity, blood ]
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Why, why, why is it so hard to keep ahold of his temper…?!
So much more seems to grate at his patience than it used to when he was younger. Sounds, touches, even smells can start chipping at his mood, making him more and more agitated until something has to give. It’s like his brain has turned into a ticking time bomb, randomly exploding when just the right criteria are met.
Needless to say...it’s made most people wary of him. And now that he’s starting his senior year back in the district he once hailed from, he’s especially wary of being labeled dangerous, unstable, a freak.
He’s already embarrassed himself once. The pool party, barbeque, whatever that Rin invited him to ended in disaster when he had one of his seizures. Right in front of everyone...they all just stared in horror as he seized up, plunging into the pool.
But then the girl who lived there had dragged him up, spurring the rest of them into action. The damage, however, had already been done. By now he’s sure everyone already knows about it before he even steps foot into the high school this morning.
...he just has to stay calm.
Finding his locker, he ignores the dubious looks he gets, the whispers that seem to follow him. Even at the reformative school he’d been transferred to after his accident had seen him an odd one out, mostly due to his appearance...but his breakdowns and spasms hadn’t helped, either. By now it’s all just white noise, fiddling with the combination lock on his locker door.
Half a second late, Obito realizes he recognizes that voice, if only vaguely. A turn shows the girl from yesterday...Ryū? Admittedly he remembers almost nothing about her - only that she used to tag along with Rin when they were younger, and how much harder that made getting the other girl alone.
...of course that doesn’t matter now. Rin’s with Kakashi, for...some reason.
He just blinks at her, watching her approach with her books clutched to her chest.
In turn, she offers a smile. “So, you made it. How are you feeling today?”
The question earns a reflexive tick of annoyance. He gets really sick of people asking him that, but...there’s a genuine concern in her expression most people tend to lack. Usually they’re more exasperated than actually worried. “...I’m fine. Stiff, but it’ll pass.”
“Ah, good...that must have been so scary…”
“I’m used to it. It’s been happening for five years.”
Further sympathy wilts her brows. “...that must be really tough.”
He doesn’t have an answer, simply grunting and opening the door once the lock gives way.
“Well...if you need anything, let me know! Maybe I’ll see you in some classes?”
“I doubt it. Most of mine are pretty low ones compared to a lot of seniors.” And surely she’s not at his held-back level. She seems pretty smart, from what he can tell.
There’s a small awkward pause. “Oh...well, maybe a club…? I’ve been in the theater club since I was a freshman. It’s a lot of fun! But there’s a lot of others too, if you’re looking for something to do.”
Ugh, clubs...aren’t classes bad enough? “I’ll think about it.”
She seems to realize he’s getting annoyed. “Well...okay! I’ll, um...I’ll see you later, Obito. Have a good morning!”
He watches her go. Is she really one of those people that’s constantly peppy and good-natured? Isn’t that...exhausting? Well, whatever. He better get to first period. Last thing he needs is to be late on the first day. People are going to have enough reason to give him crap.
Thankfully he doesn’t have any confrontations on the way there, taking a back row seat and folding arms atop his desk to rest his chin. He’s barely been here ten minutes and he’s already sick of it.
...but he told his grandmother he’d try. She’s so eager to see him graduate from a proper school. All Obito can think is that he hopes she lives that long. She’s not exactly a spring chicken anymore. Out of everyone in his life right now...she’s his rock. The one person he never gets angry with, never gets upset by. Sachiko feels like the only reason he’s been keeping it together.
Even his old friends have clearly changed. Rin, while still friendly, seems a bit more...conscious about talking to him. Especially when Kakashi’s around. And Kakashi’s still quick to butt heads with him over practically nothing. Like yesterday with Rin’s invite to the party. It would have pissed him off...if Rin hadn’t rolled over for him so easily.
...he can’t expect them to be the same, but...he’ll admit, he’s not a fan of these changes. He knows things can’t be the same, but...even Rin no longer feels like a friend.
...maybe this whole ‘coming back’ thing was a mistake.
Morning classes pass in a bit of a fog, Obito in no way motivated to pay much attention. He just wants to check off this day from what will surely be a very long list of days until the year ends. The sooner that gets here, the happier he’ll be.
Come lunch, he’s realizing he’s now going to have to confront a few things. One being the crowds, and the noise. Another being trying to find a seat
Cuz he knows no one’s going to want to sit by -
Jolting a bit with his tray in hand, he spots Ryū waving at him from a table. Nearby, both Kakashi and Rin seem to hesitate.
That narrows his eyes...but he decides to sit anyway. If they’re going to treat him like a stranger, he’ll just do the same. He doesn’t need them. He doesn’t need anyone. They want to distance themselves from him? Fine.
Instead, he sits next to Ryū.
“How were your classes?”
“Boring. But about what I expected.” He pointedly avoids looking at the other pair, working on getting his food arranged on his tray. “You?”
“I already have homework in two classes, but...hopefully it won’t be too bad.” There’s a mild silence, Ryū seeming to notice the awkward air between the three former friends. “...what about you guys? Any hard classes this morning?”
“I had three AP classes but that’s usual,” Kakashi replies, also obviously ignoring Obito. “Schedule’s pretty full, but it’ll be fine. Need them for my college apps.”
Across from him, Obito scowls at the casual bragging.
“Rin?” Ryū gives a bit of a strained smile.
“Nothing too, uh...bad. Pretty typical. One homework assignment so far. Also not sure what club I want to join...I liked gardening club last year but apparently the damage to the greenhouse from that storm over the Summer means it’s cancelled for this semester at least.” Rin’s mouth falls into a disappointed frown. “So I dunno if I should wait, or...join something else in the meantime. Cuz depending on repairs and stuff, it might not happen at all.”
“Aww! That really sucks...you could join theater!”
At that, Rin gives a short laugh. “I...don’t think so. Not really the acting type, and...it’d be weird being there just one semester or one year. You guys are a pretty close-knit group, right?”
“Well, yeah. But we welcome new freshmen every year!”
“Mm...I’ll think about it.”
“What about you, Obito?” Ryū asks, turning to him. “Want to join any clubs?”
“Or you could play a sport!”
“Not sure a sport is a good idea with my condition,” Obito replies, making Rin balk.
“O-oh...right. Sorry…”
“Well, doing some kind of extracurricular activity is good for your educational resume,” Kakashi offers nonchalantly.
“Not sure my educational resume is really going to impress anybody, given the circumstances,” Obito retorts, looking annoyed.
“Doesn’t mean you should just give up.”
“I’ll do whatever the hell I want.”
“Hey, guys, it’s fine,” Ryū cuts in, a placating hand rising. “Everybody does high school differently. APs or not, clubs or not, it’s whatever.”
“Yeah I only got into one AP this year,” Rin confirms with a nod before shooting Kakashi a look.
All the while, Obito tries to keep a hold on his temper. He can tell Kakashi is just trying to get a rise out of him. And while he already has pent up anger concerning the other boy, he doesn’t want to let it win.
So he instead focuses on deep, even breaths while the girls try to diffuse the situation. Now, if only it weren’t so loud in the cafeteria...it’s grating on his nerves.
“I’m gonna go get ready for class,” Kakashi eventually relents, standing and taking his half-empty tray with him.
“Kakashi -!” Looking a bit flabbergasted, Rin tries to call him back to no avail. “...I dunno what’s gotten into him today!”
“Just his typical asshole self,” Obito mutters. “Has to boss everyone else around, has to make himself look good when no one gives a shit.”
“I think he is worried about what you’re going to do after graduation,” Rin replies, looking a little nervous. “I mean...you’ve got an uphill battle ahead of you, given your...um...setbacks.”
Obito’s expression only sours, temper fraying further. “Well he doesn’t have to be such a shithead about it.”
“...it’s just...going to take some adjusting, y’know? Everyone...being back together. We’ve all changed, right?”
That does it. Appetite ruined, Obito stands without a word and dumps the rest of his food, tossing the tray into the wash pit.
Behind him, the girls both jolt in surprise. But only one gets up to follow him.
He doesn’t stop, shoulders hunched and hands in his pockets as Ryū jogs to catch up.
“Don’t listen to Kakashi, he’s just -?”
“Just a massive prick and a pain in my ass,” Obito growls. He can feel the embers of his temper starting to flicker with flame.
“I’m sorry...you didn’t have to sit with them. I just figured -?”
“It wasn’t your fault. You -” You’ve been nothing but nice to me. “...Kakashi’s picked fights with me since we were kids. And...I’ve picked fights back. We’re just not meant to be around each other that much. Don’t worry about it.”
Managing to come around to his front, Ryū cuts off his path, expression guilty. “...still. I...should have read the room.”
“I didn’t have to sit there. It was my choice.”
“...well...tomorrow we’ll sit somewhere else, okay? That way it won’t happen again.”
Sighing, he stares at her. “...why are you being so nice to me?”
The question seems to take her aback. “W...why wouldn’t I?”
“Cuz no one else seems to want to.”
“Well everyone else are just a bunch of jerks. I know this is awkward...for everybody. And maybe Rin’s right, maybe things have changed, but…” She sighs. “...you still deserve to be treated kindly, and given a chance to meld back into things here. So I’m, at least, going to try to help you do that.”
It’s his turn to exhale, far more curtly than her. “...just pisses me off. Rin invited me yesterday, and then let Kakashi walk all over her. She just...abandoned me when she was the only reason I showed up! Then today she lets him say all that shit, and only stutters out excuses. She’s letting Kakashi blindside her.”
“...maybe she is. But...she might come around! You guys just...have to get reacquainted. And that’s not going to be easy. For now, I guess all you can do is...just try to be patient. See how things go. Maybe they’ll settle down, and...maybe they won’t. Only way to know is to try. In the meantime. I’m not going anywhere.”
For a moment he scoffs. She’s not going anywhere, is she? The person he knows the least out of this group? But...then again, maybe that’s a good thing. Whereas he has soured memories and expectations for Kakashi and Rin, Ryū is...a blank slate. Known only briefly. Vaguely.
And already making a good impression.
So despite his original intention to blow her off, he sighs. “...guess you’re right.”
“...I think for now, you guys should give each other some space. Kinda...ease into it, you know? I mean...five years apart is a long time. Trying to act like all that time didn’t pass will only make this more difficult. Take a little while for yourself. Get settled in overall, then you can worry about anything else.”
He considers that silently.
...that is until a pack of unruly freshmen make their way down the hall.
Loud, obnoxious, and clearly not yet learning any respect, they push through between the pair. Ryū, slighter in frame, stumbles back and slams into the wall, head knocking with a hollow thunk.
Something in Obito clenches.
“Watch it!” the ringleader taunts, pulling a face. That is, until Obito grabs him by the shirt front. “Whoa whoa whoa!”
“Apologize,” the Uchiha growls, ignoring the sudden attention they’re getting.
“Jesus man, you look like you got into a fight with a weed trimmer and lost! What the fuck is wrong with your face?”
Clutching her head, Ryū looks up with a wince before panicking.
“Funny, I was just going to ask you that. Cuz you look like a little prick that just got decked in the nose.”
With a crunch, Obito reels back and...does just that. The freshman falls to the floor hard, clutching at his face.
“What the fuck, man? What the fuck?!”
“You hurt my friend. Seems only fair you get a taste of your own medicine. And I’m really tempted to teach you a second lesson…!” His heartbeat is rushing in his ears, his whole body hot with anger. All he can focus on is the blood on this little asshole’s chin...and how much more he’d like to see.
“Obito, stop!” Ryū pulls at his arm, trying to waylay him.
“You’re gonna regret -!”
“Stop!” Desperate, Ryū instead steps right in his path, latching onto him tightly. Face in his chest, she clings arms around to his back.
He freezes.
“...don’t. It’s not worth it. He’s just some little punk. You’ve done enough!”
Blinking, Obito feels the heat receding. His tensed form slowly goes limp.
And all around him are staring eyes, whispering mouths, pointing fingers. But what tops it all off is seeing both Rin and Kakashi. The former stares in horror. The latter glowers.
A shaking seems to overcome him. It’s too much, he - he can’t -?
Urging Ryū aside, he flees.
Not one to give up so easily, she follows even as the warning bell rings.
Ironically, his hiding place is the storage room for theater club props.
“...Obito?” Navigating her way around the odds and ends, she finds him crouched in a corner of set pieces. “...hey…” Carefully, she takes a knee beside him. “You all right…?”
She sighs before just...sitting beside him. “...this has been a really shitty first day, huh…? I’m sorry. How about we just...stay in here for a bit? Let things...settle down?”
“I’m gonna get in so much trouble…! First day back and I’ve already fucked it up! I just...I wanted…” To Obito’s frustration, his voice starts breaking and tears sting at his eyes despite rubbing at them with the backs of his hands. “...I wanted...to get through this. F-for my...for my grandma. She wants me to…”
At that, Ryū softens, laying a hand gently on his arm. “...it’s gonna be okay. I’ll tell the staff what happened. Because to be fair...I did get hurt…”
At her sheepish smile, he looks over, sniffling. “...you okay?”
“My head kinda hurts, but...I’ll be fine. Freshmen are just...brats. Punching them might not be the best way to get them to shape up, but...it is a way,” she admits with a hint of a giggle.
“...I got angry. I shouldn’t have done that, but...I’m just so…!” His hands lift, to bury into his hair, pulling at it in frustration. “...I get so mad! I dunno why!”
Wilting again, Ryū leans against him softly. “If...I had to guess, it probably has to do with your condition. Did you...have any cranial trauma?”
“That can really mess with your emotions, depending on where it happened. People even develop new addictions or behaviors after they get hurt like that. But...you can get therapy for it. Maybe...that’s something you could look into?”
“We can’t afford it,” Obito counters bitterly. “...it’s just me and my grandma. She can’t…”
The thought trails off, and Ryū hums in response. “...well...maybe something will come along. But it sounds to me like this anger isn’t entirely your fault. A lot of it probably comes from the trauma you went through during your...your accident. But I bet you can overcome it…! It’ll just take time, and the right resources.”
Obito, knowing he can’t really access the latter, just stays quiet.
“...how do you feel now…?”
“...tired. Frustrated. But I’m not angry anymore. Not for now,” he adds with a sigh.
“That’s good, though! Think you can go back to class…?”
Another sigh, arms folded atop his bent knees to rest his chin. “...I dunno.”
“Then we’ll just stay here a little longer.”
“But you need to get to class.”
“This is more important.”
Obito’s brow furrows, watching as she stands up. More important?
“I’m really excited for the plays this year...we’re going to do Beauty and the Beast this Winter, and then Grease in the Spring! I hope I get good parts, since it’s going to be my last year…” Ryū looks over props from past productions, a fond smile on her face. “...it’s been a lot of fun. I’m going to miss it…”
“...can you do it in college?”
“Maybe. I dunno if I’ll have time, but...I’d like to. If all goes well, I’d like to go into nursing, like Rin. But theater and choir have made me really happy, too. They’re just...not really stable careers,” she adds sheepishly.
“...but they make you happy.”
“...they do.”
Breaking his gaze from her, Obito looks over the props around him. “...did you guys...build these?”
“Mhm. Well...I didn’t. We have people who work on props, or the lighting, or music. It’s not just actors, after all. But we all have a lot of fun.” She looks to him thoughtfully. “...I’d still say you’d enjoy joining us, if you want. Gives you a creative outlet, and you can make some friends! You don’t have to be an actor if you don’t want to. Maybe...stop in a few times, see if you like it? You can always quit if you don’t.” Ryū smiles at him. “But...maybe an outlet would be good for you. Something to think about and look forward to. Something...new. And fun!”
He mulls that over, looking unsure.
“...well, just think about it. We don’t have our first meeting until Wednesday - last period is cancelled so people can look at the clubs and pick one. Maybe you’ll find another one you can do instead, too!”
Almost immediately, Obito pushes that notion aside. If he’s going to do a club...it would probably be this one...if only because he’d already know someone in it. “...okay.”
For a while, Ryū finds some memorable pieces in the room, showing them off and recounting memories about them. Obito finds himself enthralled, glad for something else to think about.
...but all good things have to come to an end.
A knock sounds on the door, the pair of them looking up as the school secretary comes in. Her arms fold. “There you are. You’re both quite tardy to your next classes. And you’re to come to the office about a fight that happened during lunch period.”
Ryū tenses. “Obito wasn’t -!”
The woman holds up a hand. “A few witnesses said the freshman started things when he pushed you and injured your head, and that it ended when mister Uchiha punched the assailant. Both he and the freshman will be serving detention after school today. Guardians have already been called.”
Behind Ryū, Obito’s face falls. So...Sachiko already knows.
“Obito has a medical condition the school needs to take into account,” Ryū retorts. “Ignoring that will be grounds for discrimination for his disability!”
“You can discuss that with the principal,” the secretary retorts. “To the office. Both of you.”
To Obito’s surprise, Ryū glowers the whole way down, arguing quite haughtily with staff once they arrive. Jiraiya has already shown up, listening quietly to his daughter’s arguments.
“Obito shouldn’t be punished, he needs help! Punishing him won’t address the real problem and leave the possibility it happens again!”
“The school is not responsible for mister Uchiha’s health or disabilities,” the principal retorts, waving a hand. “If he has issues, they’re to be handled on his own time to ensure he attends school properly without resorting to violence.”
“And if he doesn’t have the means?”
“It’s still not the school’s responsibility. Obito’s job while here at school is to attend his classes and pass them, and refrain from poor behavior. If he can’t do that, we’ll have to remove him.”
Ryū bristles, but pauses as Sachiko is ushered into the room. Worry tightens the old woman’s face.
Obito’s head bows in shame.
Suddenly feeling overwhelmed, Ryū looks pleadingly to her father.
Glancing between everyone present, Jiraiya heaves a heavy sigh. “...the way I see it, we have a student on our hands that lacks the resources to be able to attend school as he is. Which means we need to get those resources squared away, so he can use the school his granny’s tax dollars pay for, and that he should have the right to use.”
The principal perks a brow.
“If we get the kid into therapy and his behavior improves, he can stay, right?”
Arms folding over his barrel chest, Jiraiya simply replies, “Then that’s what we’ll do.”
Ryū’s expression brightens, Obito’s slack in shock.
“Oh, sir...you don’t have to -?” Sachiko lifts her hands, looking hesitant.
“Nonsense. Any friend of my daughter’s is a friend of mine. Friends help each other. We’ll get this little snag taken care of, and then everything’ll be fine.” He gives a cool, pointed look to Obito. “...right?”
Looking exasperated, the principal waves them away. “Just...make sure this doesn’t happen again.”
The four of them then leave the office, Jiraiya talking to Sachiko as the teens idle uncertainly.
“...is he serious?”
“Mhm,” Ryū replies, smiling. “Dad helps a lot with stuff at the school - admittedly he’s...made a good amount of money. So he tries to give back. The party yesterday? That’s one of his ideas. He’s been doing it since I started school. He takes a lot of pride in the community, and maintaining it. I think yesterday already made him realize you need some help.”
“...I don’t -?”
She cuts off Obito’s retort with a hand on his arm. “It’s not pity. It’s help. A tool you can use to succeed. Besides, I’m sure he’ll find a way for you to make it up if you want. I know he hates mowing the lawn, so...expect him to wrangle you into something.” Her expression softens. “...it’s gonna be fine.”
Still looking conflicted, Obito just sighs. He’s not...used to this. How is he supposed to react…?
“Well, you two better get back to class,” Jiraiya then offers. “Sachiko and I are gonna hash some things out. You’ve still got your detention Obito, but that should be it. Just try and keep a lid on that temper until we get something figured out.”
“...yes sir.”
“Then off you scoot!” He ushers them down the hall.
“Well...guess I’ll see you later,” Ryū offers. “Think you’ll be okay?”
“...I guess.”
“I can wait after if you -?”
“No,” he cuts in firmly. “You...you’ve done enough.”
“...okay. Well, I’ll see you after class, then.” She gives a little wave, branching off down another hallway.
Obito watches her go.
“...thank you.”
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     Oof, this is very late OTL Almost finished it last night but I just...had a really bad day and an even worse night so I call it quits. Came back with a fresher mind and got it done. Still not 100% sure about it, but it’s done kjdfgjkdhfg      I always struggle with modern and this one felt really hard to write, idk why. I’m not very good at writing grumpy characters kjfdjdhfg but I tried :’D      Anyway I’ve got irl stuff to do so idk if I’ll get more done tonight or not, but I’ll try. Thanks for reading~
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ezm-imagines · 6 years
you give love a bad name: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: Greaser!Bucky one shot
Word Count: 4.8k
Warnings: cussing
Tags: biker!bucky, greaser!bucky, high school au,
A/N: I’ve been sitting on this story for MONTHS and I don’t like it too much, but I figure I might as well publish it if I’m never gonna do anything else with it!!
“What are you doing tonight?” Bucky appeared out of nowhere, immediately falling into step with you.
“What, were you waiting out here for the past fifteen minutes since class ended? For little old me?” You replied sarcastically.
“Actually, for the past hour. I skipped last period.”
“Wow, my hero,” you deadpanned.
He chuckled and took a puff of his cigarette.
You plucked it from his lips.
“Hey!” he protested, smoke leaving his mouth with the syllable.
“First lesson, I don’t go out with smokers,” you dropped the cigarette on the ground and stepped on it as you continued walking, “So if you have more of those in your pocket, then I think the entirety of tonight is booked for me.” You grinned over at him as he shoved his hands in his pocket, defeated.
“Fine, fine, whatever.”
“What, am I not worth the chase anymore if it means you have to give up your gross addiction?” You fake pouted, actually hoping he’d agree and leave you alone.
“Aw, no, you won’t get off that easy, darlin’,” his strikingly white teeth sparkled as he gave you a large grin, “So, I guarantee, no cigs. Is tonight looking a little more free now?”
“It’s actually looking a little more boring. Wanda and I are having a study sesh for most of it.”
You stopped walking, “Cancel plans with my best friend that will help me do better in school in order to have some weird, ‘wild’ night with Bucky Barnes? You really think you’re hot shit, huh?”
“Nah, nah,” he replied, raising a perfect eyebrow, “I know I am.”
You gave a short laugh, “Ah, clever,” you picked up your gait again, “It appears there is a brain behind that big leather jacket.”
“You bet, sweetheart. Maybe if you’re lucky, I’ll let you take the jacket off,” he winked.
You laughed, unimpressed, “If I’m lucky? More like if you’re lucky. Try those BS lines on some other chick, baby.”
You pushed past him and continued toward your car.
“Alright, alright. You’re right.” He put a hand to his heart, “I would be lucky. So whaddaya say, darlin’?”
You tilted your head to the side and stepped forward to face him. “What do I say?” You repeated.
You grabbed the collar of his leather jacket and pulled his smug grin an inch away from your lips.
“The answer,” you whispered, “Is no.”
You grinned and pushed him away from you with a laugh, his eyebrow furrowed with confusion at how you not only rejected hooking up with him, but also even just a kiss with him.
“See ya Monday, baby,” you yelled over your shoulder, strutting down to your car at the end of the lot.
You sung along under your breath with the song playing gently in the background of your room as you typed in the problem into your calculator.
“Oh, perfect,” you frowned, looking between the calculator’s answer and your own, “That is nowhere near what I got. Amazing,” you pushed the books off your lap and groaned, sitting back against your bed. “This is hopeless. I’m gonna fail Calculus, and then I’m gonna fail high school, and then no college will ever accept me and I’ll have to spend my life trying to climb the ranks at McDonalds.”
“Mmm, yup, you’re right,” Wanda replied, laying down next to you. “This one test in one subject will completely blow past your 4.0 GPA and doom the rest of your life.”
“For once can you just let me be dramatic?” You whined.
“Hmm. No I don’t think so.”
You rolled your eyes, but laughed along with her.
However, Wanda interrupted your laughing by holding a finger up and pausing.
You quieted and waited for whatever she was doing.
“Hear that?” She mouthed.
You furrowed your brow and nodded. Yeah, you did.
It sounded like muffled yelling. And it was coming from your outside wall.
You stood up and turned off your main light in order to see the dark outside your window. You raised your window blind and squinted out into the darkness, before seeing a figure raise its arms in victory.
“Who is it?” Wanda asked, beside you.
“An utter idiot,” you replied, unlocking your window and pushing the glass open.
“What on earth do you think you’re doing?” You shouted down at him.
“Getting your attention. And checking your alibi,” Bucky looked Wanda up and down.
“Yes, genius,” you yelled back, “I wasn’t lying. I was actually studying. I know you aren’t familiar with that term, but it is, in fact, a real thing. Why are you even here?”
“I was in the neighborhood and I figured I’d stop by.”
“You’re always in the neighborhood. You literally live four houses down.”
“Oh do I? Hmm, hadn’t noticed.”
You rolled your eyes, “What do you want, motorcycle boy?”
“Motorcycle boy? Oh, come on, doll, I’m worth more than that.”
“Well, now that I see how much you hate that name, you’re forever branded with it.”
“Fine, fine, I walked right into that one. But how about YOU walk yourself down here and go out with me?”
“Or how about no?”
“Come on, sweetheart, you’re gonna have to agree one of these times. I’m trying my hardest here.”
“I certainly do NOT have to agree. But you can keep trying all you want. In fact, feel free to wait outside this window all night. Hell, build a fort down there and sleep here. I don’t care. This is never gonna happen, baby.”
You waved before shutting the window.
“Aw, come on,” he grinned at you.
You closed the blind and huffed back on the bed, ignoring the muffled noises from outside the window.
“So,” Wanda laughed, “What’s the deal with him?”
“Oh, I don’t know,” you shrugged it off.
“He’s cute, you should go for it.”
“Wanda! Not helping!”
“What? What’s so wrong with him? He’s hot, and he seems pretty sweet.”
“Can we just stop talking about this? This is exactly what he wants us to be doing, and I refuse to give in to the enemy.”
Wanda just laughed, but complied nonetheless.
“Fancy meetin’ you here stranger,” a deep voice came from behind you.
You sighed and turned around, readjusting the grocery shopping basket in your hand, “You following me?”
“Believe it or not, sweetheart, you’re not the only one who needs to eat.“
You raised an eyebrow, unconvinced.
“Alright you got me. To be honest, I just wanted to get out of the house for a bit. But no, Miss Egomaniac, I had no idea you were here. I’m actually just here to buy this,” he reached past you to grab something, getting dangerously close as his shoulder-length hair brushed across your cheek.
You froze in your spot, not sure how to react, especially when jesus did he always smell this good?
He pulled back, though returning to a spot much closer than he was before.
He held up a Coke, spinning it around to see the label.
“Hmm, ‘Share a Coke with Your: Better Half.”
He looked directly at you, smugly, as he twisted the cap off and took a long drink.
“Oh, you’re one of those people, huh,” You spoke up, “Using the product before you buy it?”
He shrugged, swallowing the soda, “What’s it matter if I’m buying it either way? They’ll get my money soon enough.”
You shook your head and crossed your arms.
“Come on,” he waved it in front of your face, “We can’t disrespect the bottle, now, can we, Better Half?”
“We absolutely can. Those names are arbitrary anyway; it’s just to get more sales.”
He pushed the bottle toward your further, and you looked down at it.
Ugh. FINE.
You snatched the bottle and took a quick swig. You swallowed it and shoved the bottle back in his hand before pushing past him and down the aisle.
“Aw, come on, doll, it wasn’t that painful!”
“Yes, it was!” You called over your shoulder.
You heard him chuckling as you shook your head and turned into a different aisle.
You shut your locker to find Bucky on the other side of it.
“So, how’d you do on that test you studied so hard for?” He asked, one arm leaning casually against the wall.
“Good, I think,” you began walking, “But grades won’t come out for a few more days so that’s TBD.”
“Was it worth blowing me off for?”
“I seem to recall you made multiple appearances during my weekend, so I don’t know what you mean by that.”
“You still blew me off.”
“Only in your dreams,” you sniped back, staring him down with the statement’s double entendre implications.
He looked away, a large, impressed grin on his face, “Alright, that was a good one, I’ll admit it.”
“Plenty more where that came from, motorcycle boy,” you smiled, stepping away from him to go to class.
“‘Plenty more?’ So you admit you’ll keep talking to me?” He called after you, a proud smile on his lips.
“Don’t count on it!”
You were walking down the steps toward the parking lot to see Bucky leaning against his motorcycle and waiting for you. Again. Except this was the first time that you caught him before he caught you. But before you could start the conversation, Bucky had already seen you and was by your side.
He opened his mouth to speak but you cut him off.
“You know, you can’t just come up to me everyday to try to convince me to go out with you.”
He furrowed his brow, “And why’s that?”
You snorted, “‘Cuz, you just can’t!”
“Well, would you like me to stop?”
You bit your cheek, not sure. You naturally wanted to say yes, like you always did, but that wasn’t completely true. You kinda liked him bothering you. For some odd reason.
“What’s this?” Bucky teased, “Is the great Y/N hesitating in rejecting me?” He chuckled, “Either you’re losing your mind or I’m finally getting to you.”
“I’m gonna go with the former,” you replied, “Much more likely.”
“Sure, sure.”
He was wearing sunglasses that framed his face perfectly, and you were annoyed at the way they partially hid his (beautiful eyes) expressions from you.
So, you took them.
You reached forward and slid them off his nose, and then plopped them onto your own.
“I believe I was using those,” he squinted, his eyes readjusting to the brighter sunlight he was being exposed to.
“And now I am. Go figure.”
“Will I be getting them back any time soon?”
“I wouldn’t bet on it.”
He laughed, and you caught sight of the gum he’d been chewing in his mouth.
“Since when do you chew gum?” You furrowed your brow slightly.
“Since I started trying to quit smoking. Turns out it’s bad for your lungs or something. Who knew, right?”
You crossed your arms, smiling, “Yeah. Who knew.”
“Don’t look at me like that.”
“Like what?”
“Like you’re winning.”
“Hmm, well, it seems to me that I am at the moment...?”
“Shut up.” He was... kind of blushing. Woah.
“Look,” he continued, “As much as I love this exchange, I do have to get home right now.”
“Then go. I’m not stopping you,” you told him, beginning to walk away toward your own car.
“Maybe not purposefully but you definitely are,” he replied, hopping onto his motorcycle. You just shook your head, before straightening up and blinking in realization.
“Oh, hey,” you paused, “do you want your sunglasses back?”
He stopped for a moment before shrugging, “Nah. You look better in them anyway, sweetheart.”
He winked before revving his engine and speeding away.
‘You look better in them anyway.’
After seeing him wearing them, you weren’t too sure about that...
You were lying in bed, scrolling on your phone when you heard a familiar thumping.
Yup. It was him again. But 1am?! Seriously?!
You opened up your window and prepared to yell down at him, “Barnes, what the he-”
You frowned. That wasn’t his normal casual-and-smugly-charming attitude. Something was wrong. You could tell immediately.
“Can I... can I come up?” He asked quietly.
“Buck, my parents would kill me if-“
“Please?” His voice cracked slightly on the single syllable and you exhaled.
“Alright. I’ll meet you at the front door.”
You silently crept down the steps and to the front door.
Slowly, you opened the door to see Bucky standing there.
God, you’d never seen him so messed up over something. His face was twisted like you’d never seen before.
“What happened, Buck?”
His eyes flitted up to yours and you noticed the pain behind them. “Um, can we just... not... I don’t want to talk about it.”
You took a deep breath but nodded, “That’s okay. You don’t have to.”
You noticed the bruise blooming on his cheek and you could put the puzzle pieces together yourself. He didn’t need to say anything.
“Look, I know... I know you don’t really like me that much, and I know that I’m always joking around about this stuff but... can I sleep here tonight? I’ll sleep on the floor or whatever, but I just can’t be home right now...”
You nodded, “Of course. Whatever you need. Um, follow me. But, uh, you have to promise to be completely quiet. If my parents catch you here, then you won’t be able to stay.”
Bucky gave a sad smile, “Don’t worry, I’m pretty good at being quiet.”
Your heart tugged and you wanted to hug him, but instead you nodded before turning around and leading him up the stairs toward your room.
You gestured him inside and began clearing stuff up from the floor so he could walk without tripping over textbooks and dirty clothes.
He chuckled half-heartedly and you looked up to see why.
“Nice bra,” he nodded towards a black lace one hanging off your closet door. You rolled your eyes, feigning annoyance, but in reality, you were glad he was feeling better enough to joke around, even if the smile didn’t quite reach his eyes.
“So I guess I’ll be here for the night?” He motioned to the floor you had just cleared.
“Oh, well. I mean, you could,” you mumbled, “But you can have the bed if you want. I think you’ve been through enough tonight.”
“I’m not about to potentially get you in trouble with your parents AND steal your bed from you, come on. I’m at least slightly a gentleman.”
“It’s not stealing if I offer. And anyway, I wouldn’t really mind sharing the bed with you. I just don’t wanna make you sleep on my cold, dirty floor.”
Bucky paused and stared at you seriously for a long moment.
You returned the look. You felt like this might be the first time you were seeing the real Bucky. Not that that cocky Bucky wasn’t a version of him, but this was the Bucky beneath all that.
“Really?” He asked after a moment, “I know I can make some people uncomfortable sometimes, and I don’t wanna...”
“You’ve never made me uncomfortable,” you answered immediately.
He was giving you that look again. Like he almost couldn’t trust what you were saying. “Serious?”
You gave a small smile, “Yeah. I mean,” you slipped a smile, “yes, sometimes you’re tediously confident and repetitive...” you teased.
He chuckled.
“... But I trust you,” you ended earnestly. And it was the truth. You didn’t know why. But you did. He may be annoying and perhaps stalkerish, but you knew the second you REALLY told him to stop, he would instantly.
“Thanks,” he replied simply, not knowing what else to say to communicate how much that meant to him.
“You’re welcome.”
You two stared at each other for a moment longer, before you reached forward to touch his face.
Your fingers ghosted over his bruise and trailed down to a few cuts and a split lip, “Want me to take care of that for you?” You whispered.
He only looked at you with wide eyes, before eventually moving his mouth slightly to utter a dazed, “Sure.”
You gave him a soft smile and left the room to go get a first aid kit.
You returned shortly and motioned for him to sit on the bed, bouncing down next to him.
You clicked open the kit and poured some cleaner on a cotton ball.
You cringed at him slightly, “This is gonna hurt.”
“Not as much as it did when I got it,” he half joked.
Your heart broke slightly at that, but you continued on.
You counted down before placing it gently on the cut on his lip. You could tell he was trying not to show the pain.
“You don’t have to pretend like it doesn’t sting, I know it does.”
“Don’t worry about it, sweetheart.”
You sighed but pressed a new cottonball on his temple.
This time he let out an audible hiss.
“Sorry,” you whispered, pulling the cotton ball away. And, for a reason you didn’t know, you leaned forward and kissed his temple before rubbing a little Neosporin on it.
You pulled back and proceeded to work on another one of his cuts, fighting down the wild feelings bubbling inside you at the act.
You dared a small glance at him to see his reaction, and saw his mouth was slightly agape with shock.
Realizing you were looking, he coughed and replaced it with cool charm, “Can I get one of those on this one?” He quirked an eyebrow, pointing at his split lip.
“Shut up,” you lightly punched him in the shoulder.
You noticed the wince he tried, and almost succeed at, hiding.
But he couldn’t hide it from you.
“Show me.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
You took his face in one hand, “Buck. Let me help.”
He sighed, relentingly, grabbing the back of his shirt and pulling it off over his head.
Your jaw fell open at the bruises littered up and down his muscles. You could tell they weren’t all fresh.
“Come on, Y/N, I don’t want to-“ he looked away and cut himself off.
He seemed... embarrassed.
“Bucky, there’s nothing to be ashamed about. None of this is your fault.”
He was still looking away. You grabbed his jaw and forced him to face you, “Listen to me. None. of this. is your fault.”
He at least seemed to partly take in what you were saying, but he looked down anyway.
Most of his injuries were bruises, but there were a few more cuts you were able to bandage.
Once you finished, you cleaned up the bandages and trash, then shut the first aid kit.
“You can put your shirt back on if you want,” you replied, walking over and placing the first aid kit on your desk to be put away tomorrow morning.
“And what if I don’t want to?” He winked.
You rolled your eyes, “Just get in the bed so I can turn off the light and get some rest.”
“Yes, ma’am,” he grinned.
You shook your head, grinning back, and waited until he had slipped his shirt back on and was under the covers for you to turn off the light.
You sighed and climbed in next to him, raising the blankets up to your chin.
“Thanks for helping me,” he whispered into the darkness of the room.
“Thanks for trusting me enough to come to me.”
He only hummed in response.
You remember waking up at some point in the early morning, your hand somehow intertwined with his, and the sunlight from your open window streaming in on his beautiful hair and peaceful countenance.
You loved it.
You wished you could wake up to that every morning.
But before you knew it, you’d fallen back asleep. And the next time you awoke wasn’t as kind.
This time, an alarm was blaring, the sunlight was harsher, and there was no beautiful subject for it to fall upon.
You sat up and hit your buzzer, but saw nothing of Bucky anywhere in your room. You frowned and stood up, walking around for a second in confusion before your eyes caught a piece of paper tacked to your bulletin board:
You smiled softly and took the note off, tracing your finger over the 6 scribbled letters.
“What about this weekend?” Bucky persisted, appearing next to you and as you walked down the parking lot.
“You just never give up, huh?”
“I’ve been known to be a persistent asshole from time to time.”
“I think the ‘from time to time’ part of that sentence might be too generous of a qualifier.”
“Ouch,” a smile still cracking on his lips.
You shrugged it off, “I’m busy this weekend, too. You can’t just waltz in and expect me to clear my plans for you Buckaroo.”
“‘Buckaroo?’” He winced, “I think you’re slipping, doll.”
“You know what I meant!”
“You’re right I did. So, what about tonight instead?”
“You heard me.”
“I told you I couldn’t do future plans as it was such late notice, so you decide to try something even MORE late notice? That makes sense...”
“Well, whaddaya say?”
You hesitated, “It’s a school night.”
“And I’m not hearing a no.”
You exhaled, “Fine. You get one hour. But that’s it. And I’ll set a timer to make sure!”
He grinned the widest you’d ever seen, “Pick you up at 7.”
He started running back toward his motorcycle, but you called after him, “Wait, what are we doing on the date?! What do I wear?!”
“Anything! Actually, scratch that, preferably wear nothing.” He winked.
You rolled your eyes, “You’re this close to getting cancelled on, Barnes! Don’t push it!”
He just threw his head back and laughed.
You kept walking, annoyed, but couldn’t fight the grin off of your face.
At 7:00 on the dot, you heard a motorcycle engine outside your house.
At least he was punctual.
You took one last look at your tank top and skinny jeans in the mirror before dashing off and out the door.
“I see you didn’t follow my advice,” he motioned to your outfit as you stepped outside.
“Is that a problem?”
He grinned at you, “Not at all.”
He tossed an extra helmet at you and you caught it just in time before it could hit your face.
“Nice catch,” he chuckled.
“Very funny. Where are we headed?”
“Aw, now you don’t expect me to just tell you out-right? It’s a surprise, sweetheart. Don’t worry about it.”
You slipped the helmet on and took his outstretched hand. He helped you onto the motorcycle and moved your arms to wrap around his.
“Comfortable?” You teased.
“Very,” he purred, sliding his helmet back on.
He jolted the motorcycle forward without warning, attempting to make you jump with the fake-out.
“You’re gonna have to try a lot harder than that to get me to jump.”
“Don’t encourage me.”
Well, let the adventure begin...
“Aaaaand, right here,” he tugged on your hand and got you to stop next to him as you both looked out toward the moonlit playground.
“After weeks of build up, I give you one hour with me and you take me to a kiddie park?”
“Hey, it’s not a kiddie park if there’s no kids around!” He motioned around to the emptiness.
“Cuz it’s past their bedtimes. And they’re smarter than to go on dates with know-it-all bad boys who bring girls to parks. What do you plan on doing, vandalizing?”
“Would you relax?” he chuckled, stepping to face you head on, “I’m not sure if you’re familiar with this concept, but I brought you here to have fun. You seem to have forgotten what that’s like.”
You narrowed your eyes at him. He narrowed his right back.
“Come, on, Doll, it’s really not-“
“Ah!” You screamed as water spat up and hit you from behind, and you squealed, launching yourself forward and away from the sudden attack.
... And right into Bucky’s arms.
“Well, hello there,” he smirked, “Huh. I guess we must be standing in the water fountains area of the park... Wonder how that happened...”
You gaped, “You got me to stand there on purpose, didn’t you?”
He shrugged a shoulder, failing to fight back a grin, “Maybe. Maybe not. You can’t prove anything.”
You shook your head, “Oh, you are SO going to get it!”
He gave one more laugh before running off in the opposite direction. You chased after him, dodging and screaming as water spurted out of the holes irregularly.
He ran in circles, attempting to dodge you, ducking under one fountain stream and another. You couldn’t reach him, but you tried to thwap and splash as much of the water towards him as you could.
You held your sides from laughter as he got on the ground and rolled, pretending the fountains were like lasers in a spy-action thriller.
You were so busy laughing that you hardly noticed when he stopped and started running directly at you. You screamed right before he body checked you, then lifted you up and over his shoulder.
“Bucky, no!” you wheezed in between giggles.
He purposefully walked right in front of fountains, making sure to angle you and get you the most soaked as you kicked in protest.
He eventually put you down and you charged right back at him, knocking him to the ground along with yourself.
You landed on top of him, and one shared look sent you both into hysterics of laughter, the feeling of his chest rumbling beneath yours only making you smile brighter.
“You are so full of it, Barnes,” you huffed, catching your breath.
“Oh, am I?” he replied, but his usual cockiness dimmed as he looked at you, biting his lip slightly.
Your eyes slid to his lips and your breathing shallowed. It would’ve been so easy to just lean down one more inch and close the distance, feel his lips on yours and see if he was really as good at kissing as you had been imagining him to be.
You reached up slowly and threaded a hand through his long hair.
He hummed into the feeling, contentedness flickering in his eyes and stretching across his mouth in a smile. And suddenly, he was just too beautiful. Him, lying beneath you, so peacefully content, was just too beautiful that you couldn’t avoid it anymore.
You stared in his eyes for one last moment before moving forward and connecting your lips.
Fountains bubbled up around you, splashing you with cold water, but you hardly noticed.
It began tentatively, with gentle care and simplicity.
But as the kiss’s length grew on, it became harder, hungrier.
Bucky sat up, guiding your arms to reach around his neck as he reached around your waist. You slid your legs forward and wrapped them around him, pressing yourself as close as possible as the kiss picked up steam. He let his hands slide further down your back as you drug your nails through his hair.
He gasped slightly against your lips, and you grinned, kissing him harder.
It wasn’t until the fountain directly beneath you went off that you finally broke apart for air.
You chuckled quietly, nuzzling your head into his neck and biting back the massive grin across your face.
You heard Bucky’s chest rumble with a chuckle and pulled back to look at him.
He motioned to his watch, displaying the numbers 7:58, “It appears that I’ve used my whole hour up. You still sure you wanna go back to studying Calculus right now?”
"Just shut up,” you rolled your eyes, grabbing his collar and kissing him again.
A/N: Thanks for reading! Please please please leave a comment if you enjoyed!!!! <3
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Not the same anon as before, but could we get some getting together erasermic headcannons?
Okay so i’ve been putting these off under the guise that I’ve been busy--which, in truth, i have been--but part of the real reason i’ve been putting them off is because i don’t actually have concrete headcanons on how Hizashi and Shouta get together D:
So like 99% of these are probably just gonna be Life-After-Getting-Together headcanons and not actually Getting-Together headcanons. But uuhhhhhhhhhh let’s try this anyways!
As much as I love the idea of Hizashi and Shouta being highschool sweethearts, I feel like. They’re too dumb?? To recognize their feelings for each other until they’re in their twenties??
Mic definitely wakes up in a cold sweat one night like “oh shIT I LOVE HIM”, whilst Aizawa’s descent into lovesickness was more subtle and more drawn out, with him just kinda realizing with every sweet thing Mic does for him making his heart beat faster until he’s actively trying to figure out what the fuck is wrong with him
They’re both nervous af around each other; but Mic deals with his issues with humor whilst Aizawa deals with his issues by pretending they don’t exist
Assuming Aizawa doesn’t just flat out tell Mic about his feelings immediately (which is something i honestly kind of expect that he would do), he would throw himself into his work to the point of which the only time he ever comes home to their shared apartment is when Mic is out for his radio show or is sleeping
Mic definitely misses him, and tries to rearrange his schedule in response just so he’ll have some time to spend with Aizawa, much to Aizawa’s simultaneous dismay and reluctant pleasure
As he grows a bit bolder with his crush, Mic offhandedly flirts with Aizawa. 
Aizawa always takes his nice comments as just that--nice comments. Cuz. Mic? The one with hair silkier than some rich dude’s designer scarf?? Complimenting his rat’s nest of a bedhead tied in the messiest braid ever woven by human hands??? Calling it cute???? ‘Mmmmm i dunno know about that one scoob’
Shouta snuffs out the hope that maybe Mic actually means the nice comments pretty quickly. He’s dumb like that.
Eventually Mic’s flirting and touchiness get to be too intense, and as he’s gushing about how cute and cuddly Aizawa is when he’s sleepy Mic ends up accidentally spilling the beans with a “--and that’s why I’m in love with you!”
He’s mortified to say the least. But also--Mic was super obvious with his crush, how could he expect Aizawa to not read into his comments/actions?
Joke’s on him. Cause Aizawa’s a dumb motherfucker who’s just now realizing his hopeless crush is reciprocated
“......Oh. Well now I feel like an idiot.”
They have a good laugh about how dumb they both were dancing around each other with their feelings, and then they smooch. Happy end.
They’re dating is pretty subdued. Because of current society and because of Mic’s status as a famous celebrity and Aizawa’s as an unknown, they keep their relationship a secret from everyone except for a handful of people: The teachers at UA, Tensei Iida, The Wild Wild Pussycats, Detective Tsukauchi, and eventually Miss Joke after Aizawa gets tired of her ‘advances’
in truth, Miss Joke could tell the two were practically married a mile away, and had no real intention of barging in on that. And, like Aizawa, she is also hella gay, and thinks the idea of her and him dating is the funniest fucking thing on the planet
Mic’s pretty sad that he’s not allowed to proclaim his love of Aizawa to the entire world, but he respects Aizawa’s privacy more than his disappointment, and does an ace job at keeping their relationship under wraps
In truth, it’s Aizawa who actually ends up revealing more about their relationship
I’ve mentioned this before in previous headcanon posts but feel like it needs to be put here too: Aizawa’s lack of complaint and lack of suplexing Mic to the ground whenever he so much as lays a finger on him is very telling of how much Aizawa likes Mic.
They don’t partake in PDA because of the secrecy of their relationship, but Mic has a workaround for that: his own personal loophole--he’s touchy with everyone. So he has a perfectly viable excuse to throw himself all over Aizawa in public, pulling Aizawa into hugs, touching Aizawa’s face, running his hands through Aizawa’s hair, clasping Aizawa’s hand in his.
And nobody gets the idea Aizawa’s getting special treatment because Mic is like this with everybody.
Mic could plant a big wet kiss on Aizawa’s cheek in front of a roaring crowd and everyone would just be like “Yeah, that’s normal. That’s just how Mic is.’
Mic most certainly alludes to his #1 Listener on his radio show on a consistent basis.
There are conspiracy theories going around on who Mic’s #1 Listener might be. None of them are even close to being correct.
They all make their way to Mic, and it’s honestly his favorite form of entertainment to read through just how involved some of the conspiracies get
Mic and Aizawa get married at twenty-four, with Aizawa proposing
Their wedding is ridiculously small, per Aizawa’s request, with no more than 20 people showing up.
(this one is courtesy of the 18+ erasermic discord): Mic definitely played keytar for Aizawa during the ceremony. It’s one of two times Aizawa allows himself to cry in public
Mic is the one who brings up the idea of adopting a child. Aizawa kind of dismisses it, joking that they already have a bunch of children in the forms of their students. He then takes the suggestion more seriously and tells Mic that he thinks its a bad idea: they’re both pro heroes who are very rarely at home, they have no time to raise and take care of another human being. Aizawa also expresses concerns for their hypothetical child’s safety in a world of quirks and heroes and villains, where personal attacks on a hero’s family are very much a thing
Not to mention, Aizawa just. Doesn’t think he’d be a very good dad. Mic? Yes, without a doubt. But him? If his reputation as a teacher is anything to go by, he would not be an enjoyable dad
Mic gets what Aizawa is saying. He’s disappointed to say the least, but he comes around to understanding Aizawa’s concerns, and eventually just drops the idea.
The parenting suggestion doesn’t come up between them again until years later, when Eri comes into their lives
Then it’s Aizawa suggesting they adopt her, because 
1. Villains could still potentially be after Eri, and who better than Pro Hero Parents to protect her?
2. Aizawa doesn’t know the people who Eri might get adopted by! What if they’re villains in disguise? Aizawa doesn’t trust them, no matter how nice they seem. 
3. Eri’s already comfortable with them, and she’s comfortable with everyone in the dorms who she lives among. Why take that away from her and force her to acquaint herself with strangers?
4. What if Eri’s quirk starts acting up, and she’s unable to control it? Ain’t no other person gonna be able to safely cancel it out!
And 5...... Aizawa may have gotten attached to her during his role of Care Taker
Mic is quick to jab at Aizawa’s earlier reluctance of adopting, but in truth is very welcoming of the idea of making Eri a part of their family. So he helps Aizawa out with filing the adoption papers, and soon they’re the proud parents of a sweet innocent bby
They end up adopting Shinsou as well, after Shinsou’s dad is killed after a villain attack and he’s left as an orphan
They adopt him mostly to give Shinsou some stability after it was ripped away from him so suddenly. They just want to make sure he can spend his last 3-5 years of dependence in peace, with a place to call home and people he can be comfortable around
Neither Aizawa nor Mic expect him to consider them parental figures, considering how close Shinsou was with his biological dad, but they welcome him into their family with open arms anyways
Aizawa and Mic are very proud of their little family, no matter how shoddily it may have been put together
That ended sad. Anyway, hope you enjoy!
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breakingitswings · 4 years
Not sure if this is all 30 I had to copy and paste one at a time
your favourite playlist (made by yourself or someone else): damn my old crying playlist from like 6 or so years ago. Never ever failed to hit hard
how many houseplants in your room, and what kinds are they?: none, not a plant person, although I like how they look, succulents are cute though
your favourite “grounding” activity (anything that involves using the hands/doesn’t involve “spacing out” or escapism - something like gardening, knitting, dancing, cooking): cleaning, cuz that usually involves dancing
an account on social media whose posts make you smile: my girl somethingabouttheway haha like the last account here I follow that's active. And a girl we know on fb always posts the funniest things.
5 tv shows that cheer you up: the office, brooklyne nine nine, soul eater, ouran high school host club, the good place
how you get relaxed when you’re struggling to sleep: I don't, I just put on YouTube and wait till I knock out
your favourite board game: my bros and I took a monopoly board and made our own, however it's broken and while one bro was getting all these things I still technically won. A version 2.0 patch is still to come
if you were going to write a non-fiction book on any topic, what would it be?: not sure, maybe heartbreaks, just curious to actually talk to people about emotions and thoughts on life in general but pain is always interesting
a quote that you would consider getting tattooed or putting in a frame: "We don't read and write poetry because it's cute. We read and write poetry because we are members of the human race. And the human race is filled with passion. And medicine, law, business, engineering, these are noble pursuits and necessary to sustain life. But poetry, beauty, romance, love, these are what we stay alive for. To quote from Whitman, "O me! O life!... of the questions of these recurring; of the endless trains of the faithless... of cities filled with the foolish; what good amid these, O me, O life?" Answer. That you are here - that life exists, and identity; that the powerful play goes on and you may contribute a verse. That the powerful play *goes on* and you may contribute a verse. What will your verse be?" Dead Poets Society
something you’ve created in the last year that you’re proud of (a playlist, a piece of art, some writing, a craft hobby, a social media account, etc): oof been a year of just getting by, well last how many years I guess. One of my bros and i are trying to write more, we keep brainstorming ideas whenever we hang out
a tip or hack you’ve learned that makes cleaning or tidying easier: nothing, still clean how I usually do
if you could make a candle that smelt like anything, what would you pick?: I don't even know, honestly my favorite scent is usually from a girl so
the last so-bad-it’s-good joke you heard: what's a duck's favorite drug? Quack lol wasn't that good but a friend and I were just sending jokes at each other it was a good moment
an artist (of any kind) whose work you look forward to seeing: in what way? I mean love to see whatever epik high does next. Or I wanna read more of Neil Gaiman. Or now that I've heard of Terry Pratchett I wanna read the Discworld series
the last tv episode that made you laugh out loud: brooklyn nine nine, watch it every week
how you wake your body up when it’s feeling tired, achy or needs a stretch: so I slap my chest, rotate my shoulders and start jumping
a bath, shower, beauty or toiletry product that makes you feel revived, or that you always re-order when it’s running out: nada
a book series you can always escape in: I wanna read series of unfortunate events again, I have most of the books, found them at a place that sells used books
the sport or exercise you enjoy the most, and what’s helped you get better at it: basketball, I still suck, but the sound and movements, the rhythm, feels amazing
a skill you’ve picked up in the past few years: I am a guy of no skill sorry
a youtube video you find useful, entertaining or relaxing:
And this isn't even mu favorite episode
if you were going to dye your hair any colour of the rainbow, what would you choose?: so weeb of me but I been wanting to do a white or silver with black mix. Was actually getting the balls to do it for vacation but that's canceled
the book you just finished and what you thought (no spoilers!): Good Omens was really good, not my favorite from Gaiman but how do i even compare books from my favorite author. It was enjoyable the whole way, i had fun and laughs.
describe the most wacky, weird and wonderful at-home outfit you’ve put together: don't think I have one, I prefer less clothes at home lol
a game you’re playing that takes your mind off things: besides the obvious of animal crossing haha astral chain
the film you watched most recently that you could watch again and again: tough one, I don't watch too many of the good ones over and over like I enjoyed parasite and knives out but not sure I'd watch often. I'd probably get sick of sonic or alita or detective pikachu after too many. AH rush hour was on tv, damn I can watch those all the time and still laugh
your favourite flavour and brand of tea: not sure, kinda just drink whatever tea is lying around the house. Not a big tea drinker but I like it and prefer it over coffee
a good-will story you’ve heard on the news that’s made you feel hopeful: my friend invited me to a fb group called go outside and howl at 8pm and it's just super wholesome seeing strangers send supporting messages or how people can post recovery type stories and find solace. Makes my day seeing it
a favourite easy recipe: 5 ingredients or less, or takes less than 30 min to make: does spaghetti take long? Cuz mom's spaghetti of marinara sauce, ground beef, pasta, brown sugar, sausages and pasta (yes that's 6 but whatever) love it
a song that makes you want to have a boogie round your bedroom:
My favorite singer took one of my favorite songs from him and changed it up and I still love it
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POST #24- J’s Year in Review 2019
Jesus Christ it’s 36 degrees and dark at 5:30. The most depressing time of year for me. I owe my friends a few reviews and keep putting them off. I’ll do them tomorrow. Hell, maybe when I have time over the weekend I’ll get that one out I promised a few weeks ago. Here I am, sitting on the couch trying to figure out which record I want to highlight next. It’s a daunting task. A lesson I’ve learned over the past year. I need to get those reviews out but my mind (and ears) get the best of me. What do I do instead? I listen to a couple of records and skip right to the end. What I mean by end is that cliche year in review article that all music journalists put out with their favorite artists, songs, records, and shows of the year. This is all new to me. Shortly after the new year I decided it was time for me to get in the game. I don’t have much to offer but I wanted to put my perspective on paper. My first article was a piece about Tyler Childers raising awareness and getting a large donation of bottled water for the citizens of Martin County, Kentucky. I knew about Martin County. I didn’t know how deep it went. It wasn’t the meet and greet and small solo set that made me want to write about my experience. It was Tyler’s words. It was the raw emotion and the choked up words that inspired me to be a writer. I wanted as many people to know about this event as I could possibly get the word to. Be it 5, 10, 20 or even 30 people that read the article and learned about the plight of the citizens of Martin County have been in for years. That maybe 5, 10, 20 or even 30 people that may learn how to contact their representative and ask questions. I hope it inspires people to learn about their community and lend a helping hand to those in need. That event was last year, but it inspired my path this year.
Let me begin by saying that I have met some of the most amazing people over the past 12 months. I will touch on as many of those people as much as I can. I am going to highlight the music that has moved me over the same amount of time. I’m gonna forget people. I’m sorry in advance. I could put a list of my top 10 albums out but that just wouldn’t be fair. To be honest, there is one album that stands head and shoulders above all others. It’s not even a competition. How do you compete with amazing art? I look at it like its a steady stream of good shit coming out and keeping my playlist full.
Album of the Year (Any Genre)
Sound and Fury - Sturgill Simpson
It’s f*cking amazing. Earth shattering. Ground breaking. LOUD!
Sturgill Simpson took everything you thought you knew about him and his music, threw it out the window of his muscle car, and backed over it about a hundred times. This man does not give a shit. I screwed up on my first listen. There are two ways this album should be heard. 1) On a turntable with the volume turned as loud as it can possibly go. 2) Watching the accompanying anime movie with the volume turned as loud as it can possibly go. Unfortunately I did neither. Most of my first listen was a track at a time on my phone or in my truck. Dead. Wrong. If I had it to do over again I would most definitely start with the anime.
I get it. Anime is not for everyone. If I could give someone a starting point with anime, it would most definitely be Sound and Fury. This album is The Wall of our generation. After my first listen I posted, “Album of the Year Any Genre”. I fully stand by that assessment.
Favorite Albums of the Year
This is where I will most definitely make someone mad or make myself mad for leaving off someone who deserves to be included.
Home - Billy Strings
Favorite Tracks: Away From The Mire and Watch It Fall
Country Squire - Tyler Childers
Favorite Tracks - Creeker and Peace of Mind
Stranger In The Alps - Buffalo Wabs and the Price Hill Hustle
Favorite Tracks: Buffalo’s Canon and Stewball
Between The Country - Ian Noe
Favorite Tracks: Barbara’s Song and Methhead
Seneca - Charles Wesley Godwin
Favorite Tracks: Hardwood Floors and Seneca Creek
Chris Knight - Almost Daylight
Favorite Tracks: I’m William Callahan and Go On
The Wind - Eric Bolander
Favorite Tracks: Closer to that Flame and Ghost
Josh Nolan - Kind Heart to Follow
Favorite Tracks: Makin’ Eyes and The Honeysuckle
Nicholas Jamerson - Floyd County All Star
Favorite Tracks: Patience and Floyd County All Star
High Expectations - Sean Whiting
Favorite Tracks: Melody and Misery
Songs Only A Mother Could Love - Wayne Graham
Favorite Tracks: By and By and Every Evil Thing
On The Hilltop - Nic Allen and the Troubled Minds
Favorite Tracks: Cheap Pills and Wine and For Heaven’s Sake
Cheap Silver and Solid Country Gold - Mike and the Moonpies
Favorite Tracks: Cheap Silver and Danger
The Gospel - The Local Honeys
Favorite Tracks: Amazing Grace and Let the Church Roll On
Full Moon/Heavy Light - Ona
Favorite Tracks: Young Forever and True Emotion
Trial and Error - Vintage Pistol
Favorite Tracks: Lay It Down and Leave Me Behind
The Pilot Light - Derek Spencer
Favorite Tracks: The Witches of Appalachia and Lit By Moonlight
We Fall, We Break - Walter DeBarr
Favorite Tracks - Wicked Eyes and We Fall, We Break
Alive at Hillbilly Central - Arthur Hancock
Favorite Tracks - Take Me Back To The Country and Kenton’s Outdoor Seating Area
Cuz I Love You - Lizzo
Favorite Tracks: Truth Hurts and Juice
I have to give a shoutout to some amazing visual artists for their work on some of these records. Jimbo Valentine and Colonel Tony Moore did an absolutely amazing job on the Country Squire album art. With Valentine’s futuristic hillbilly aura and Moore’s gritty comic book background, their collaboration is my favorite album artwork in some time. Honorable mention goes to Nashville Tattoo Artist, Squishy Eyes. His work for Billy Strings’ home is colorful and visually stimulating. I definitely want some skin art done by this guy!
Next. Let’s talk festivals. Jon Grace burst onto the scene this year putting on not one but two music festivals. Jon and I go way back. We’ve been to country shows, rock shows, heavy metal shows, nu metal shows, Ozzfest. You name it and we were probably in the vicinity. Laurel Cove Music Festival was Bell County’s first foray into the music festival scene and it started with a flash of lightning, then another, then a shit load of rain. An outdoor music festival being held at a beautiful natural amphitheater turned in to an indoor show in the conference room at Pine Mountain State Park. It was a tough decision to make, but in the end, it was worth every minute. The lineup came together in short order and provided us with two days of blistering sets. Jon then put together the FREE Cumberland Mountain Fall Festival in downtown Middlesboro, KY. Featuring local and regional talent for another two days of fun and music. 2019 set the bar high for live music in Bell County.
Festival of the Red is located in the heart of the Red River Gorge area and put on three days of camping and music. The only downside was that I was only there on Saturday. My buddies Blake and Dave packed in the truck with Dave’s little boy Waylon to make the two hour trip to Slade to catch up with old friends and new.
Master Musician Festival is a yearly mainstay in Somerset, KY. Tiffany Finley and company put together a stellar lineup year after year. My wife and I went for the day on Saturday and returned home with memories that we still laugh about months later. I first want to give a shoutout to the staff of MMF for enduring a brutal storm and having the integrity to cancel the headlining act in the face of severe storms. We were devastated that we missed out on a Jason Isbell set, but we are also blessed that we were not injured in a stupid storm. The party rolled on to Jarfly and into the wee hours of the morning.
This brings me to the granddaddy of them all.
Kickin’ It On The Creek.
The Roberts do it up right on Ross’ Creek. The 5th Annual Kickin’ It On The Creek held on Byron Roberts’ farm is something every music fan should experience once in their life. I went to Irvine in June to attempt to buy tickets in person. I left the house Saturday morning around 4:30. My anxiety hit when I got into town and parked and saw the line stretched nearly a half mile down the road. What do you do though? You hop in line! My friends Jon and Daniel arrived about an hour and a half ahead of me and were about 15 people in front of me. Throughout the morning we made conversation with both veterans and newbies alike. The vibe was jubilant. It was almost like a family reunion atmosphere, and this was just the presale. Long story short, about 3 hours later we get to the front of the line when Byron exits the store to announce the tickets were sold out. My friends who were 15 people in front of me were the last group in. It made me ill to realize I was that close. Never fret, the next step was an online sale that supposedly sells out in seconds. Over the next few weeks, karma would smile on us as we were able to purchase enough tickets so everyone in our group of friends were able to procure tickets. Now the wait.
I’m not a festival virgin by no means. I was fortunate enough to go to three Bonnaroo festivals in the early 00’s. Needless to say, I had an idea of the festival life. However, I can’t begin to explain the giddiness that my wife and I felt driving to the festival that Thursday evening in late September. We made it just in time to set up camp and catch Bedford Band and one of the acts I most looked forward to, Buffalo Wabs and the Price Hill Hustle. The family atmosphere was in full effect. We were home. On Friday we were treated to sets by a variety of artists handpicked by the Roberts family. Favorites included Luna and the Mountain Jets, Crownover, Laid Back Country Picker, Green Genes, Jericho Woods, Vintage Pistol, Magnolia Boulevard, John R Miller and the Engine Lights, Town Mountain, and the ‘Lectric Wooks. Saturday favorites included Abe Partridge, Padre Paul Handleman, Wayne Graham, William Matheny, Senora May, Ona, The Wooks, Arlo McKinley, and festival headliner Tyler Childers. I’m already thinking about KIOTC 2020.
This year was magical. I heard amazing music, saw amazing music, introduced my children to amazing music, and most importantly shared with with my wife. I met lifelong friends and have several shows to look forward to in 2020.
Upcoming shows I’ll be attending are The Wooks, Arlo McKinley, Eric Bolander, Charlie Woods and Deep Hollow, and Dave Shoemaker at the Bell Theater on December 21st. 2020 brings Morgan Wade/Kelsey Waldon, Town Mountain/Buffalo Wabs/Geno Seale, Billy Strings, and Sturgill Simpson/Tyler Childers. The festival circuit is also ramping up with dates set for Laurel Cove 2020.
-Josh Trosper
*This is an independent review. The Hillbilly Hippie Music Review was not compensated for this review.
*The opinions expressed are solely that of the author(s).
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naromoreau · 5 years
Dunkel AU: Late night delivery
Ok so I wrote this super self indulgent smut thing in the Dunkel AU cuz I had to go at Sharky even here. Yeah.
Tagging @deputyshitlordsantana (I couldn't have done it without your help!! ❤️) @deputyoneill @starsandskies @absurdwanderlust and @far-cry-all-the-time bc I used your girls!
“Better luck next time, sweetcheeks,” Santana quipped, palming Becca’s ass while Lila plonked the entire Hurk vs. Roosevelt file on her desk. It fell with a thud. The fucking thing was huge.
“C’mon you guys! Two outta three?"
“Nah, babe. We’re out of here. Your lucky break is over,” Julie chimed in grabbing her perfectly tailored coat, “time to learn how to aim.”
Becca groaned, slouching on her chair. “I know how to aim, thank you very much,” she fretted at Julie, glaring at the dart board, “is that fancy Dunkel shit I can't tolerate-- makes me feel all weird.”
“Speaking of which,” Kat intervened grasping the half empty bottle of expensive bourbon, “it’d be a shame it goes to waste-”
“It’s not juice Kitty-Kat,” Daisy pointed out, scoffing, while grabbing her purse.
“Let the girl speak, Daze,” Santana said, slurring slightly, and falling on Becca's lap.
Kat cleared her throat. “As I was saying, it’d be a shame to see Pappy Van Winkle here go to waste so,” she drawled with the flash of a grin, “what if we finish this at the bar at the corner and have some more? Dunkel pays.” Katherine’s eyes glimmered. She pulled a black card out of her pocket and held it high, between middle and forefinger.
Becca’s second groan got lost in the hubbub.
Everyone readied, sauntering to the elevator door. Santana stood up not before planting her lips on Becca's, defty tongues all wet and hot.
“There, something for the night,” Santana said with a smirk, adjusting her skirt and waving her goodbye.
Fucking tease.
“Thank you very much, Miss Rossi,” Becca yelled from her desk, beckoning at them with a sour smile.
Slowly, the grin ebbed away. She opened the binder and fiddled with the papers, trying to find the letters in dire need to be corrected.
“Mister Dutch Roosevelt.”
Becca started typing, droning on the following paragraphs in her mind. By the time she finished twiddling with the kerning, her mind was in the gutter.
Fucking Santana and her ridiculously plump lips. The thought of certain incident involving both of them on a particularly crammed supply store room three weeks ago, sent a jolt of pleasure that landed between her thighs. She pressed her legs, sidestepping the need to moan. But really. The floor was deserted, and there was not a single soul who could catch her while going at it.
She bunched up her pencil skirt passed the suspenders of her garter belt and drew a shaky hand to her center. Soaked. She stood, still throwing concerned glances to her surroundings. Maneuvering expertly she unhooked her panties from the garter belt and got rid of them, flopping back on her chair.
She found quickly her clit, alternating between rolling it hard and fast and dipping in and out with idle strokes. Her free hand unbuttoned her silk blouse, yanking down her bra. The fabric bundled under her heavy breasts and she didn’t lose a second rolling her nipples with avid fingers. She was getting there, her walls clenching by reflex under a hard rub of her nub, and fucking Christ if only fucking Dunkel would be useful for once. Where was the man when she needed his dick?
She bit her lip in utter ecstasy and her eyelids fluttered open. Next thing she knew she hollered her lungs off.
A man was standing in front of her desk, cheeks flushed and slack jaw.
“Who the fuck are you!?”
Granted. It was a very disrespectful and gamely way of greeting a stranger. For the other hand, she’d been giving him a free show when the only thing he’d had to do was clear his throat. Cough. Anything.
“Uh, m-mailman, Miss,” he said while she tried to compose herself and arrange her scruffed attire.
“What? What happened to Beanie?”
“He uh, he’s going to college ‘cuz he’s all smart and shit, and-and this gig ain’t ‘nough for him anymore,” the stranger blabbered.
“And when on earth deliveries have been so late? Who let you in?”
He took off his blue cap, ruffling his hair. She arched a brow. He was quite handsome. Chestnut hair, grey eyes, really good looking. Her cunt throbbed and she gnawed the inside of her cheek.
“Yeah, sorry ‘bout that, I’ve been hella busy all day helpin’ my cousin movin’ in and y’know how those things are--” he said shrugging, “thought I could just-y’know flip this shit before the day died. They were real good downstairs.”
Becca’s heart galloped when her eyes fell to the front of his pants. A very noticeable bulge straining the blue fabric.
“I-I mean I’m sorry, ” he said, in an awkward slur, shuffling in his spot, “I’m--I’m just tryna make a few bucks ‘mkay? Didn’t wanna disrespect, I mean you gotta do, what you gotta do right?”
“What’s your name?” Her voice was almost hoarse as she made her way to him.
As predicted, his eyes took her all in. He gulped. “Name’s Sh-Sharky.”
“Well, Sharky,” she said taking a step closer, brushing his chest with her hard nipples, her breasts fairly screaming for attention, “I got a problem here.”
He looked down at her, parted lips and hooded eyes. “Yeah? Uh, wh-what’s that?”
“That your arrival was very inconvenient and now, I wonder, can you help me?” She tipped her head up, smiling at him.
“Buckled the fuck up and ready to hit it,” he outright blurted out, dropping his satchel and placing eager hands around her hips.
When she slithered her arms around his neck, he leaned closer trying to repress a wide dumb grin. She angled her head for a kiss and after a minute to sort noses and disposing of his cap, they kissed. He hummed. No, it was more a groan-like rumble that went straight to her cunt and she opened her mouth, allowing his tongue slide against her lips, coaxing a moan from her.
“Wait, wait,” she mumbled, pushing him slightly.
For a second he looked as a boy who was just told Christmas was cancelled. “What gives, shorty?”
“Relax, mailman, we’re gonna switch the party to that office, see?”
She signaled Dunkel’s office, with a big, comfy leather couch, just waiting for them to desecrate it. He allowed himself to be shepherded in, as she pulled him by the hand and pushed him on the couch.
Things went very frantic at speedlight. Soon there was a heap of haphazardly thrown clothes laying around. His cock was already throbbing between her thighs, as his fingers played with the fabric of her garter belt, the only piece of clothing he’d begged her to keep. “See uh, I’m more like a, a Mc’Donalds kinda guy y’know?, never thought my wheels could take me to uh, fancy dine-o-rama land, so I’d like to enjoy the full experience,” he’d said and she’d chuckled doing what he asked.
“Oh fuck, shit!” He bristled, suddenly, “You have any wraps? I’m-- I mean I wasn’t hoping to--” He blushed to his ears while she stood from his lap with a smirk.
“It’s ok boo, I got you.”
She fumbled through the stash of condoms, grunting when she found the box empty. Fucking horny bitches. She included.
“Oh fuck it,” she said, straddling him again, “I’m game if you are.”
His eyes blew wide open. “You sure?”
“Fuck yeah.”
He stroked his cock before pushing in, sliding easily into her. Her eyes screwed shut. Fuck. It was a very tight fit.
“Oh shit, shit!” He whimpered.
Becca whined, lust rendering her speechless. Then she gasped under a torturously slow roll of his hips, and threaded her fingers in his hair. She was desperate to start moving, bouncing on that mind-blowing pressure but he held her in place.
“Gotta go real slow, babe or I’ll bust in two secs,” he gruffed, taking a mouthful of her breast.
She nodded, arching into him and rocking gently as every nerve received the overload of sensations of his teasing tongue and dick.
He was brushing the edges of what she could take, every thrust more forceful than the last one. His groans and moans grew louder as she played her own tricks.
She lifted her ass, dropping down on him, giving a slow grind when his hips collided with hers, feeling his cock twitching inside her.
“Oh fuck, you feel amazing, shorty, so fucking tight,” he breathed on her lips, “makes me want to ask--”
“What?” She panted, through the hard pounding.
“Is this-fuck--a one time only thing?”
Becca kissed him, sucking his breath away. “I don't know, are you gonna keep delivering to this building?” She moaned while he pulled her down hard on his lap, angling his hips.
“Then I, oh shit, I think-- I think we can work something out. Now stop talking.”
There was a silly grin on his face at her words and he thrust with renewed efforts. The endline was just around the corner and when his thumb found her clit, she shattered into a tailspin of pleasure.
“Oh yesyesyes oh fuck, please!” There was a whimpered babble leaving her mouth as an electric volley wrecked her whole, the rolling waves expanding as she clenched around his cock.
She strove to ground again as he now slammed furiously, moaning in her neck. “Imma come-”
He intended to pull out but in the flick of a second Becca remembered the couch and the subsequent mess she would've to face if--
“Inside, come inside me.”
He groaned as he bottomed out, digging his fingers into her hips and spurted into her.
After a moment he kissed her again. It’d been a really productive night under her terms, but when she stood the reality cracked a little.
There was a big, soaked stain on the carpet just beneath the edge of the couch and on the furniture itself from when she finished just seconds ago.
Becca groaned for the third time that night.
“Oh fuck it,” she said, “this office should already be signed as biohazard as it is so...” She shrugged.
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saiangelo999 · 5 years
2019 T.v. show Tracker
Part 2
Mo Dao Zu Shi
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Finished it. Read the novel. Checking out the Cdrama (The Untamed). Obsessed. Watch it, it’s worth it. 
Currently watching season two! Jing Ling is so precious and all the chibis are SO CUTE!
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In progress (~episode 20) - Love it so far! Excited to see where it goes!
Update: Dororo was always precious but I just appreciate this child more and more as the episodes continue. I really enjoyed the lighter episode with the opposite village and the swordsmaster. Also, I am glad that Itachi finally died... but tbh I can’t hate him. Dororo is soo forgiving, my precious child. 
Edit: Completed. Enjoyed the story and the way that it was wrapped up.
My Roommate is a Cat
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Completed - Loved it! Super cute, fluffy and touching. Fun to watch! Really enjoyed the show and REALLY want more! Please make a season 2!!
Fruits Basket 2019
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It’s definitely doing its job of hitting the heartstrings true to Fruits Basket lore (I loved the manga). That opening (1) tho is so depressing really setting the mood for the show I guess... I’m excited for more and aware of the pain that is yet to come. But I am excited (and hopeful) to see them do justice to the plot this time. Update: s1 is almost over and I really enjoyed it! 
One Punch Man
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Loved it!! Finished season one! It was way too short... Will watch season two when all the episodes come out! I actually found the show to have a lot of parallels with The Disastrous Life of Saiki which could be the reason that I enjoyed it so much. I really don’t know how all the fans who watched it when it was first released could have waited so long for season two.
Ruroni Kenshin
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Randomly started it cuz I was planning on watching it for a while and it was on Netflix so I thought - why not. Liking it so far but I haven’t gotten very far yet so it’s hard to form an opinion atm.
Bad Guys
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Completed - Good Binge. 
It was very addicting, very interesting premise that captured my attention initially. It’s a good binge, but around episode 10 the show, the show sort of fizzled out for me. The hitman’s storyline (Jung woo) was a bit too melodramatic for my taste and was a bit off-putting, however I absolutely loved the psychopath’s story. That definitely kept me hooked throughout. One huge plus of this show is the action, and it is a lot of fun to watch if you don’t think about the show too much.
Gibo to Musume no Blues
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Completed - Loved it!  I’d highly recommend it!
This show was so adorable and so sweet and fun to watch from start to finish. I really enjoyed this slice of life and the warm stepmother and stepdaughter relationship throughout the show. It was very heartwarming to watch. I loved how all the characters were treated with respect and didn’t seem like hollow caricatures, I liked the relationships portrayed in the show and the general warmth that this show had throughout.
I am still not over what happened to Ryoichi :( , but I can say that I absolutely loved every single character in this show. The baker definitely grew on me more and more throughout the later half of the show and he became very lovable. Overall, this was a great drama that I am glad I checked out!
Children of Nobody/ Red Moon Blue Sun
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Completed - Loved it! 15/10 would recommend!
This drama was really really gripping. I like how the story didn’t feel very formulaic, and I admit I was quite unsure what was going on in the first 2 or so episodes. But once the plot line was set in motion, I was along for the ride. One huge reason for that is probably the main character Cha Woo Kyung, she won me over very quickly and her backstory was very intriguing. I also really like Yi Kyung’s character as well as his team, though it did take me a while to warm up to him. The children all did a phenomenal job as well - I especially like Ha Na and Si Wan’s acting.Si Wan is another huge factor that kept me watching, the child actor did a great job!
One thing I definitely appreciated with this show was how morally grey all the characters were, it made them more relatable. If I were to compare it to similar mystery/crime kdrama’s I’ve seen, I think so far this would rank the highest - the plot was engaging, the characters were interesting, there was absolutely ZERO focus on developing a romantic relationship and the topic - abuse (child primarily) was handled well.
Her Private Life
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Really loving Ryan Gold so far!! He’s actually super considerate and kind? Love it! Quite like the female lead as well. Love her relationship with her best friend, they are absolutely adorable! Not too happy about what I heard about the Eun Gi thing where they did the Reply staple of making the viewers assume that he’s her brother only to find out he’s interested in her romantically and that they aren’t blood-related... why is this trope so popular? This reminds me a lot so far of Reply 1997. 
Update: show is moving on in a very cliche way... extremely predictable so far. Will maybe stick w it bc I love Ryan’s character and the couple are adorable. TBH I didn’t start this for the plot. Another gripe that I have is just why do kdramas always do the thing where the main couple are meant to be and met during their childhood? I don’t get why that’s so popular... But I do respect the fact that Ryan’s real mom did not abandon him and that arc was resolved quickly.
Overall, it was better than a lot of other dramas in this genre and it was done with much less unnecessary drama. I appreciated how the side characters were handled and liked that they were given time to have their own sub-plots. A decent show all in all.
The Fiery Priest
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Loved it! I like the mix of the action and comedy that was showcased in the show. I found this show to be very similar in the plot structure, comedy (to an extent) and characterizations to Chief Kim so I enjoyed the show a lot and had a pretty good idea of what to expect from the show. It’s a fun show that keeps you hooked for more, and like Chief Kim don’t expect any romance between characters to really develop.
Angel’s Last Mission: Love
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Shin Hye Sun is just gorgeous, omg. She’s also a really good actress. I really liked seeing her in this role coming out of watching Still 17 to see the sheer difference in personality. I am enjoying the contrast. Also, I like her chemistry with Myungsoo. I don’t care for the second lead nor can I bring myself to empathize with him. I also am somewhat disappointed with her family sub-plot because so far it seems pretty cliche so I’m hoping for a plot twist or two. 
Project S The Series: Spike
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I FINALLY finished it! Really loved it. Great acting, loved the pace of the show and how realistic it felt. I really liked watching the team come together and grow together. The few female characters were a delight - Jern is so lovable and adorable. Bright is very sweet and does a lot for the team. Puen’s relationship with the entire team was interesting to see - his strong bond with Singha and now Than, his relationship with Jern and ofc his friends. Than’s relationship with his dad was also portrayed realistically right til the end. It’s a good watch, and I’ll definitely re-watch the series. 
Ao to Boku
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So addicting, waiting for the last episode to be subbed. Please get subbed!
Update: it was subbed! Finished it! Enjoyed the drama overall. A nice mystery/friendship/slice-of-life one. Be warned that although there is a bit of mystery it is mainly a slice-of-life/friendship drama.
The Untamed
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I enjoyed it overall (tho I did end up skipping over some episodes). I thought that it was a faithful adaptation to the novel considering the censorship issues. I love how they took out a lot of the explicit gay but still somehow made parts of the show gayer. Also I LOVE fairy. Fairy is an adorable fluffball that owns my heart <3.
DNF - He is Psychometric
Melo Suits Me/ Be Melodramatic
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So... they really made one of the cutest love stories tragic huh. I’m really enjoying the show so far, I love the friendship between the main 4 leads. I am interested about the industry and I like the balance that the drama has with its humour, friendship, love and slice-of-life elements. I really like the actress and her manager couple they are so cute! I kind of wish I have more cute mother-son moments with the kid so hopefully in a future episode.
Update: Finished it! Liked the ending overall, had one minor qualm. I really liked the Director (Yeller) that was introduced. He was an unexpected delight and I love his dynamic with Eun Jung. I did like that they did end up subverting a romantic relationship and left it platonic. That was unexpected.
T.v. shows
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
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Season 6 - Finally finished it! Lot of fun, and enjoyed watching yet another season of the show. I really enjoyed their Cinco de Mayo heist this year and thought that was a lot of fun. I personally didn’t really feel Gina’s absence too much though her going away words were cute near the beginning of the season.
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Completed - Completely binged season 3! I love this show! 
I forgot how beautiful the cinematography in the show was! Their little village is gorgeous. It’s a bit jarring to watch it after a year or so because my memory of season 2 of Broadchurch was quite hazy. Nevertheless, I absolutely love this show. This season was very different from the previous ones, and it had a good build up but the final reveal of the culprit was quite... predictable. However, there was a twist that came with the reveal that came completely out of the blue. I liked the way Alec/D.I Hardy and Ellie handled the issue at hand and set an example of how cases of rape should be handled within the police force. It was also really nice to see Beth’s growth, the vicar and what Maggie were up to! I also enjoyed seeing Alec and his daughter’s relationship grow. Too bad its cancelled... here’s hoping that one day they’ll renew it. 
Stranger Things season 3
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I personally liked it a lot more than season two because I felt that it had more growth from the characters. I liked Eleven’s character growth and how the dynamic of the relationships changed and seeing the kids grow up. But, I’m definitely getting a bit tired of this show... because although I did enjoy this season, I still feel that in a way it was redundant.
Derry Girls s2
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I loved it! So funny. So adorable. Love the characters and the ridiculous situations that they put themselves in (or are put in). Sister Michael is still my fave, her lines are always pure gold.
Anne with an E season 3
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Trying to keep track of it as it is airing on CBC. I missed the second episode :( But I watched episode 3 and the foreshadowing for the residential schools omg
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probablymango · 5 years
Dungeons and Arcana
Chapter 2: Character Building
Muriel stared at the screen, idly petting Scout as he tried to see if there was any jobs in town. So far, most of them were for jobs he didn’t qualify for or gave him too much anxiety for him to consider. “..... ugh. That’s enough for today.” He closed the laptop and set it aside. After a few seconds of not staring at a screen, he got up and set Scout down. Time for chores. There wasn’t much to do, the apartment was small, but they needed to get it done. Feed and water the dogs and Faust, make sure Scout didn’t try to eat Inanna’s food, make the bed, put clothes in the basket for later, put the dishes on the counter to be washed later, make sure the dogs didn’t shit or piss in the house, take the trash out, and finally, walk the dogs.
As he walked, he hoped that they’d be getting a new home soon. It was cramped living in the apartment with two other people, a snake, and two dogs, but it’s what they could afford. His mind drifted off as he thought about the kind of house they all wanted: out of town, a big backyard, good insulation, and big enough so that they could each have their own room. It wasn’t going to be cheap, but it would be so worth it.
He was about to turn back when Scout stopped and stared at a person, the boofed, grabbing the person’s attention away from their phone. “Hey, Scout, no.” They looked up at him, small tail wagging. “No boofing at strangers.”
He looked up to find the stranger walking up to him with a smile. “Hi, awkward question, can you help me find a place?”
“Um….” Inanna gently nudges his thigh. “Y… yeah. Where are you looking for?”
“Do you know a place called the Rowdy Raven? My brother wants me to meet him there, but the map doesn’t think it exists.” They hold up their phone, trying to prove their point.
“.......” He taps their phone, putting in the address. “This map isn’t up-to-date… There.”
“Thank you!” They grin, bouncing in place, then turning and holding out their hand to him. “I’m Portia, she/her.”
That was the first time someone introduces themself like that, he like it. “Muriel, he/him.”
“Well, it was nice to meet you, and hopefully, we’ll meet again!” She runs off, red hair flowing after her.
Scout snapped him back to reality by barking and tugging on the leash, pointed towards the apartment. He smiles softly, following the terrier hom. When he opened the door, he was hit with the smell of lemons and strawberries. He lets the dogs off their leashes and wanders to the kitchen, finding Mordenkainen watching a pan in the oven. “Hey M.C.”
They look up and smile. “Hey, Muriel! How was your walk?”
“It was alright, someone asked for directions though.” He looked around the room and groaned. “Mordy.” The kitchen was a mess, cabinets and drawers were open, dirty dishes and ingredients were left out. “You can’t keep doing this.”
They look up with an expression that was hard to describe, but gave off the feeling of ‘I know I’m being a brat, but am trying to look as non-guilty as possible’. “Doing what?”
He gestures at the rest of the kitchen. “This aries mess! You know to clean up.”
“I don’t know what you mean.” They squat in front of the oven, as if that would hide their deeds.
“I’m a virgo, you can’t leave messes like this!” He groans, torn between laughing and mortification.
They wiggle a bit in place, smiling. Then a timer goes off and they pull out a cake, lemon with strawberry. Scout comes running into the room, boofing softly and watching the cake. “Not for you, it’s not for you.” They baby voice their dog, setting the pan on the oven. They run a sink full of water and soap, then wander around the kitchen for dishes to clean.
“Thank you.” He sighs, closing cupboards and drawers, then wiping off the counters. “Why did you make a cake?”
“Can’t I ever just make a cake?” They pouted, then nod. “It’s for Julian’s sister and the group, she had a birthday recently and I figured it would be a good excuse for a cake. That reminds me, Lucio agreed to let you join the group.”
He stops wiping the table. “Oh……” He was nervous, he knew there wasn’t that much to be worried about, but groups of people still made him nervous.
They stop and look at him. “We.. we can cancel plans with him, if you really don’t want to.”
He shook his head, he wanted to, but that didn’t stop the worry in his thoughts. “I… What do I need to do?”
They smile and sit at the table and urge him to sit as well. “Well, you don’t need to bring much, just a character sheet. Asra and I can get the other items, like dice and some snacks.” They tilt their head at the cooling cake. “Would you like help with a character creation?”
He thinks for a bit, then nods. “Please.. I don’t even know where to start.”
They leave the room, then return with a laptop. “He said to do a self insert, so you don’t have to really worry about choosing a personality or basic looks, other than your own. We basically just need to select a class, choose some equipment, and then wait for Lucio to give us information on the world so that we can make you a background. Also, at some point we need you to get in contact with him.”
He nods, looking at the sheet they pulled up. “Okay, okay.”
Within a few hours, they’ve managed to do the basics and have them explain some of the finer details. “Remember, if you get confused, just ask one of us, okay?”
“Okay…… You said that… Lucy? Wanted to talk to me?”
“Yes, Lucio, would like to talk to you. Would you like his number or to meet him in person? His discord maybe?”
“....... Discord might be best for now.” They give him Lucio’s discord, then leave him at the table to frost the cake. “What kind of cake did you make?”
“Lemon with strawberry pieces.” They grin, setting the frosted cake into the fridge. “I think Portia will like it.”
Portia.. Could they mean….? “What does Portia look like?”
“Not sure. Julian said that she was him, but shorter and brighter.” They sat down with him again. “He said that most of us will probably get along with her. Why?”
He shrugs. “Met someone who said her name was Portia earlier.”
They grin, leaning closer. “Ooooooo~ You met someone.”
He blushed a bit, pushing their face back. “It’s not like that. She asked for directions, then ran off.”
They laughed, patting his hand. “You met someone, and if it’s the same Portia that Julian speaks of, you’ll see her Saturday.”
He slowly takes his hand away. “Okay…. Can.. can you sit with me while I contact Lu… Lucio?”
“Sure thing, dude.”
He smiles, whistling Inanna to come over, he pet her for a bit, then sent a message to him.
Muriel: This is Lucio? glamorousCapricious: That depends, who’s asking? Muriel: Muriel glamorousCapricious: arsa’s friend? Muriel: yes glamorousCapricious: can you give me a few minutes? Busy at work with a drunk Muriel: ok
He sits back and sighs, he wasn’t sure if waiting was worse, but that’s all he could do. “.... go get some rest, M.C.”
They shrug, trying not to yawn. “Not that tired.”
“Maybe not, but I know you have work tomorrow. Go to bed.” He lightly pushes at their shoulder, urging them to bed.
“Fiiiiiine.” They yawn and get up, gently patting his shoulder. “Don’t stay up too late yourself, okay?”
“Okay, good night.”
“Niiiiight!” They wander to the bathroom, probably to shower.
He hears the notification on his phone and pulls it up. It’s from Asra.
Asra: guess who i found at work! Me: Julian Asra: no Asra: well, yes, but hes not the focus!
Asra sent him a selfie of himself, Lucio, and a vaguely familiar person.
Asra: found your cuz! Asra: did you know he was coming today? Me: I thought he was coming tomorrow
Shit, shit, shit! He got out of the seat and started trying to clean up the living room and extending out the bed from the couch.
Asra: apparently he had to cancel plans due to his break up and just came early Asra: is it alright that he comes to our house a night early?
Me: yeah Asra: ill let him know! Asra: he says hi and thanks!
The shower stops, so he takes his chance. “Mordy! Where did we put the extra blankets?”
“Uhhhhhhh! I think they’re under the bed!”
He runs into the bedroom and looks under the bed, immediately followed by Scout. There was a plastic container filled with blankets. Scout crawled under and batted at the box. “Yes, good puppy.” He struggles to get it, but is eventually able to have the blankets. He picks out some of the warmer blankets and gets them onto the couch. “Pillows, pillows..” Those were easier to find, scattered all over the house. He found a few different ones, not sure what his cousin prefered. “.......... this should be good enough.”
Me: tell him I said hi Me: when is he and you coming over? Asra: after my shift or til he gets bored of this place, so in a few hours or less
That’s not comforting.
Me: ok Asra: i gotta go back to the music, ttyl! Me: bye
He was about to put his phone away when he got a text from an unknown number texted him.
Unknown: This is Muriel, right? Me: who are you Unknown: Lucio Me: how did you get my phone number? Unknown: Arsa. he gave it to me, probably didn’t know that someone else gave you my discord
Yeah, that sounds about right. He saves Lucio’s number.
Me: then why are you texting me? Lucio: texting is faster in here than discord Me: oh Lucio: can I ask you some questions for the game? Me: sure Lucio: do you have a character sheet and a general sense of a backstory? Me: yes, do you want a picture of it? Lucio: that would be perfect
He sends him a copy and a small blurb of the background he’d come up with.
Lucio: interesting Lucio: are you open to suggestions? Some details might work better in the world i’m trying to create Me: what changes? Lucio: instead of living on a mountain, would you be open to the middle of the woods? Me: yes, that works Lucio: also, what would you/your character ask for as a super power from a magical entity? Me: …….. Im not sure Lucio: i see.. Lucio: you wanted them to be an ex gladiator? Me: yes Lucio: do you desire an active part in the campaign or would you like a more passive role for now? Me: passive would be best for now Lucio: did they have a gladiator name and did the crowd like them? Lucio: or do you want me to decide that? Me: don’t have a name, but i think he was hated
It takes a while, but he does respond back.
Lucio: How does Scourge of the South sound? Me: sounds good
The rest of the conversation was determining some of the finer details, like his relation to some of the other characters, a bit more backstory, that he could bring Inanna to the game, and that he was now an accomplice for Lucio to move the plot forward for the others. In his words, ‘The others sometime go on a streak of not doing things and results in them not doing anything, but wanting more to do of what he didn’t plan for.’ He snorts. That sounds like M.C. and Asra.
Maybe this game wouldn’t be so bad.
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