#who cheer on the murder of innocent civilians
shehsart · 10 months
I fucking hate Noah Schnapp
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hazel2468 · 11 months
"UWU op defends Israel UWU"-
Have I not made it clear enough what I think of the Israeli government? Have I not made it clear enough that what infuriates me the MOST about all of this shit going on is that neither government gives a damn and civilians will CONTINUE to die because Hamas and Netanyahu are cranking that war machine for their own benefit? Have I not made it clear that I think what the Israeli government is doing is fucking horrific, a war crime, murder, a violation of human rights?
Why do I even need to MAKE that clear? Why is it that you can talk about LITERALLY anything else, any other country, and people don't rush to fucking accuse you of personally supporting the government when you discuss the wrongs committed against a people, but the SECOND you're a Jew you have to justify your stance about Israel?
Why is it that I cannot even be angry about the slaughter of MY FUCKING PEOPLE. Innocents. Civilians. Fucking CHILDREN. The slaughter of the Palestinian people. Innocents. Civilians. FUCKING CHILDREN.
Without one of you absolute fucking monsters deciding to slap some shit on an unrelated post about how "uwu op defends an apartheid state just ignore that"? Do you have to make it part of EVERYTHING I do? Do you consider everything I put out there tainted somehow because I don't support your joy, your cheering, your unrestrained GLEE at the murder of Jews? Do I need to publish a fucking thesis on my stance on Israel, Palestine, and their respective governments like a fucking disclaimer any time I want to talk about myself, my oppression, my experience as a Jew, or a disabled person, or a queer person, because you fuckers cannot for five seconds be NORMAL about Jews?
To decide to slap something about Israel and Palestine on a post I made about MY oppression, about how people will oppress you no matter who you actually are- it all depends who they think you are. It's a bit ironic, isn't it? Doesn't QUITE fit, but it's funny that someone would read that post, agree with it, and then think "Ah yes, THIS is the place to put some tags about how OP, a Jew who has been reeling for the last couple of weeks about the violence, who has been checking on their Israeli friends every day to make sure they aren't fucking dead, who is dealing with vicious antisemitism from people who they thought were friends, who watched as the people claiming to be progressive supporters of human rights on this hellsite and others OVERWHELMINGLY reply to the murder of their people with good they deserved it fuck you, is CLEARLY a defender of an apartheid state and that makes them a bad person because something something I don't know what nuance tastes like and I am a bigoted ass."
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moonlayl · 1 year
"According to the United Nations, roughly 6,400 Palestinians and 300 Israelis have been killed in the ongoing conflict since 2008, not counting the recent fatalities." - X
Palestinian deaths: 6,407
Israeli deaths: 308
Palestinian injuries: 152,560
Israeli injuries: 6307
Palestinian children's deaths: 1,437
Israeli children's deaths: 25
Palestinians children's injuries: 32,271
Israeli's children injuries: 524
Palestinian women's deaths: 626
Israeli women's deaths: 36
Palestinian women's injuries: 8,953
Israeli women's injuries: 218
(this is total, so not just civilians.)
168.6 times more Palestinians were killed than Israelis
24.2 times more Palestinians were injured than Israelis
57.5 times more Palestinian children were murdered than Israelis
61.6 times more Palestinian children were injured than Israelis
17.4 times more Palestinian women were murdered than Israelis
41 times more Palestinian women were injured than Israelis
source: UN's Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
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but yes "Israel is protecting itself and not at all carrying out genocide or hurting innocent Palestinians. Israel has never hurt Palestinian civilians and this is totally an equal fight where both Israelis and Palestinians are equally wrong, equally at fault, and Israelis deserve to defend themselves by wiping out an entire region of 2 million Palestinians (most who are children) but the barbaric Palestinians better not fight back, defend themselves or hurt their oppressors.
Israelis are justified in their slaughter and oppression of Palestinians for DECADES because of the action of Hamas 3 days ago, but Hamas’ actions 3 days ago are completely wrong in every way shape or form, no question, despite the war crimes Israel has committed towards the Palestinian people and the people of Gaza for decades. That makes perfect logical sense
Israel has only started harming Palestinians because of Hamas, despite the fact that Palestinians were being murdered and displaced for more than 40 years before Hamas was ever a thing. Again, Israelis are perfectly justified in any horror or warcrimes they've committed and the UN will never condemn them and will sweep their infinite war crimes under the rug, but Hamas needs to be stopped which includes trying to suspend humanitarian aid to innocent Palestinians (even though most Palestinians aren't part of Hamas and this will affect the innocent people in need of help) and also cutting off their medical and water supplies (even though it'll affect almost a million innocent children stuck in an illegal blockade) but billions of dollars, supplies, and military support needs to be sent to Israel immediately!!!
The world cannot remain silent and the Israelis deserve our support, but please do ignore how the world's been silent for Palestinians all these years!!
We will show you videos of horror from other countries taken years ago, or even crimes Israelis have committed but spread the news that it was Palestinians who did such things, but we will not show any of the evidence of Palestinians refusing to harm women and children and instead taking Israelis as hostages, majority of them soldiers.
We will show you Muslims across the world celebrating the death of innocent people (when in reality they're protesting in order to call out their hypocritical governments who support an apartheid state) but we'll conveniently ignore how the people of Sderot (the city nearest to Gaza that Palestinians were recently able to enter after 16 years of being caged in Gaza) used to watch rockets hit Gaza and cheer on, calling it " best reality show" and "better than the world cup" back in 2014 which is one of the deadliest years for Palestinians (more than 2000 massacred).
Israel will warn the people of Gaza to flee and then go right ahead and bomb the only route they could possibly use: the Rafah crossing to Egypt and it will also threaten to target any humanitarian aid trucks trying to enter into Gaza (X, X, X)
Israel will also murder journalists, including an American citizen which is a war crime and illegal, but will face no consequences and try to frame Palestinians instead.
but remember! Palestinians are all terrorist islamist barbarians and you MUST support Israel and its oppression of Palestinians, otherwise you are antisemitic. Every Palestinian deserves to die and Israel is justified in carrying out mass genocide (by taking away electricity, water, and food) with the support of foreign countries because of the actions of Hamas, but Palestinians will never be justified in attacking their oppressors or defending themselves from 70 years of oppression. Shut up, these things aren't meant to make sense, just support Israel.
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stealth-liberal · 1 year
I have now seen the pictures of the children who've been kidnapped and brought into Gaza. These are CHILDREN, little kids. Apparently, videos are being released by Hamas.
So. I am going to be clear, if you support this... I hope you die in a fire. Hamas is a paramilitary terrorist organization, and it is listed as such by over 80 countries in the world. If you support this... you're a monster. This is child abduction and child murder.
I live in a red area, right wing antisemitism is rampant. Both of my children have been bullied to insane degrees for being Jewish (more than for being lesbian in my daughter's case). When violence occurs in Israel, reprisals occur ALL OVER THE WORLD for diaspora Jews. I will be driving my kids to and from school as I don't trust these Qanon antisemites to not try something.
The sad part for me? The leftists will be silent. They don't care about the civilians and little kids abducted into Gaza, where they will most likely be executed. They also don't care that right-wing antisemites are a clear and present danger to my family, and we have quite literally been attacked by them before.
Hamas, other terrorists and right-wingers want all Jews dead. The left is HAPPY to sell them the rope and then turn around and whistle while they declare their innocence.
I support Israel's right to exist, and it's right to defend itself. That does not mean I support everything they do, I am not in a cult. Netanyahu is as evil as the head of Hamas. I stand by that statement. I am against the settlement policy. It is legalized cruelty. I stand by that statement.
But, I think y'all need to realize something about the Jews. We fight amongst each other A LOT. We will scream at each other till we lose our voices. We are not and never have been a monolith.... Until you start trying to kill us. The time from the fall of the kingdoms of Israel and Judea at the hands of the Roman Empire through the Holocaust taught us well. The Haredi man I wouldn't have at my table yesterday to break bread with because I find nearly all of his stances repugnant is family today. Not family I like. Not family I want to spend time with. Not family I enjoy. But he is family today because y'all decided to cheer when people are killing and abducting us. We unite all the way up and down the line when people start killing us and put our other issues with each other on the shelf. Because when the killing starts, y'all tend to either cheer or ignore it, so we have only us to rely on.
If you want us gone, you'll have to kill each and every single last one of us. Every man, woman, child, and elderly person. And we won't go easy, and we'll take as many of you with us as we can before we die. We've learned our lessons well.
If y'all don't like that, then look in the mirror because y'all are the ones who taught us those lessons in one way or another.
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hedgehog-moss · 1 year
I've received some absolutely deranged anons since reblogging that post saying celebrating mass slaughter of civilians is fucked up no matter what. One ask saying "wtf are you talking about, no one is celebrating anything, people think Israel is the victim as always" was sandwiched between two other asks, one cheering for genocide, one confused and uncertain as to whether or not going house to house slaughtering entire families is always a bad thing. Not using the word genocide lightly btw, the first ask was like "death to colonizers, all colonizers should die, there are no civilians in Israel, the death toll should have been higher." Another ask was 3 paragraphs that amounted to a clearly satisfied "reap what you sow." What did the murdered babies sow exactly? Or the abducted grandma who was a lifelong peace activist, who regularly drove people from Gaza to Jerusalem for medical care? I've seen lots of such comments in the notes of one post the other day, bonkers levels of dehumanising antisemitism, which was what prompted me to reblog a post by someone with a moral compass.
For a lot of progressive social media 'activists' the question of whether or not to condemn child murder is a really complex moral dilemma when it's being done by the right oppressed group or, let's be honest, if it's Jewish children being murdered for a good cause. It's repulsive. The idea that you can "side" with the children trapped in Gaza subjected to war crimes by hesitating to condemn war crimes against children on the other side is repulsive. The adults at that music festival and in surrounding villages didn't deserve to be massacred either but it's hard not to keep focusing on the children in the process of desperately trying to find a line in the sand with people who claim to care about justice. I wasn't going to make any more posts because the last thing social media needs is more unaffected people giving their 2 cents on this topic, but yeah I'll just say, if your moral stance is that being oppressed and persecuted long enough gives you the right to fight for your land at any cost, including costs borne by innocent children, then you are ideologically aligned with Israel's current government. Not everything is justifiable if done by / to the "right" people in the "right" circumstances. Look at yourself in the mirror and ask yourself what absolute (not relativistic, not contingent on context, incentives, or purpose) moral values you hold—any at all—if you can't draw a line in the sand with "rape" and "child murder" always on the other side of it.
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bejeweledblondie · 1 year
Simon “Ghost” Riley x F! Reader
Summary: Y/N is a aid worker with UNICEF, while helping treat innocent children from preventable viruses the encampment is taken over by terrorists, the video of her an American being held hostage goes viral & it’s up to Task Force 141 to rescue her & the others
Warnings: mentions of beatings, death, war crimes, murder, it’s kinda heavy
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Ever since you saw Audrey Hepburn walking with the sick, & hungry children with UNICEF you knew exactly that’s what you wanted to do. Help the most innocent & vulnerable children on the planet. You had gone to nursing school already & graduated. Once you graduated you immediately had made it imperative to volunteer your skills to help UNICEF. So now here you sat in the hot African heat & sun. It was absolutely sweltering, but the line of mother’s seeking out proper care for the babies, was extremely long. Your colleagues were offering them water, food rations, anything they needed while you helped administer vaccines. There had been a huge polio outbreak in the region due to contaminated water, & your team decided to administer that vaccine first.
A small frail toddler sat on her mother’s lap while you prepared the vaccine. Her wide eyes looked around the blue tent that was overhead. She looked malnourished, & was clinging to her mother. You had been administering her vaccines for the past couple of weeks now, & started to create a friendship with her mother. It was incredibly important to you to build trust with the little ones mothers, & you wanted them to know how much you genuinely cared for them.
Once the vaccines were ready you went to go & administer the first vaccine into the young child’s thigh when screaming was heard in the distance. The deafening sound of machine gun fire was heard in the distance. The woman in front you immediately picked up her child & ran in the opposite direction. A colleague of yours sprinted in your direction alerting you that one of the terrorist groups in the country had captured the nearby city, & were now taking over the camp. You immediately dropped the syringe in your hand & started to sprint.
Two pick up trucks pulled in front of her. Machine guns were bolted down into the their beds & multiple heavily armed terrorists occupied them. They jumped out, shouting in a language you didn’t fill understand. Shaking now in fear you threw your hands up surrendering yourself. Immediately their hands where on your shoulders dragging you to the truck. They zipped tied your hands behind your back & threw you in the back of one.
“Please you don’t understand I’m not a soldier!” You sobbed out. “I’m a aid worker.” Over the past few hours that felt like an eternity they grabbed civilians, & colleagues of yours. Soon the trucks were driving into the nearby city, cheers & gun fire rang out into the air in celebration. The trucks came to a halt & you along with the other hostages were dragged into one of the many buildings in the city. You could see people holding camera phones trying to get into your face, documenting the kidnapping of western aid workers.
The inside of the building was fairly clean, but lacking in any furniture. All that lay there was a area rug & some cushions. They plopped each one of you on the rug. A man who was somewhat well dressed walked in, a rifle was slung across his chest.
“Which one of you is American?” He asked. Everyone says silent then he loaded a bullet into the chamber of his rifle.
“M-me.” You squeaked out not looking up. He chucked to himself & two of the guards immediately brought you to your feet.
“Don’t worry we won’t kill you.” The man said. “Yet.” He chucked. “Americans, especially American women go for a pretty penny on the black market but I think you’d be best suited for ransom.” He explained. The guards dragged you into a room off of to the side & there sat a chair with a video camera facing it. They forced you to sit down & tied you to the chair. A table was to your left, all laid out were different knives, hardware tools, & other tools that could be used to torture a human being. Then it all hit you, you were going to be tortured on camera. The video would probably broadcasted across every major news network, for all to see. The idea of your family & friends having to bear witness to your bloodshed on television started to cause you to wonder if death was a better fate.
A taller man came up to you & bent down to look at your face. His grimy hands pulled your hair back punched you square in the face. A blood curdling scream escaped your lips as you heard the crack of your nose. The metallic smell of blood filled the air.
“Shut up!” One of them yelled. Your head hung weakly in defeat & pain. One of the men started the camera, & the other stood next to you with a large machete in his hand.
“To the people of the west, we declare war on you. The bloodshed that had spilled on our soil will continue, & it’s time for us to take revenge.” He said in near perfect English. The bastard had a damn American accent. “We have captured one of your own, & it is up to you to make sure she stays alive.” You lifted your head & looked into the camera intently. You reminded yourself of the importance to make sure you could be identified for rescuing. “You have 72 hours to respond.” The man said menacingly as he put the machete close to your neck. Your breathing increased by the presence of the large blade. The camera was then stopped & he removed the machete from your neck. You were soon untied & brought back into the room where the other hostages are. A colleague of yours gasped at the sight of your blooded & bruised face. They threw you to the ground, & you started to sob even more. Your vision kept going in & out from the pain.
“All I wanted to do was help people.” You whispered as you gave into the darkness.
Simon along with the rest of Task Force 141 sat in a briefing room awaiting what their next mission was to be. Price had a bit of a hunch as his wife texted him a news article mentioning the aid workers taken hostage. Laswell came in looking absolutely stressed.
“Afternoon.” She mumbled & put her laptop down on the table. The air suddenly felt incredibly tense by her presence which wasn’t abnormal but something felt off. She flipped open her laptop & started to brief them. “As some of you may know a group of terrorists invaded a city that was once held by rebel fighters. A UNICEF camp was based on the outskirts, a bunch of foreign nationals were there administering medicine to the locals. They attacked, & took an American aid worker hostage along with nationals from other countries.” Kate sighed. “There’s a video they released.”
Everyone looked around the room at each other. “It’s dark.” She simply stated. “This poor woman.” She hit play & the video started. As soon as they all saw the young woman blooded with her head down they sat up. The more the video played Simon grew more angry. Then once the terrorist had pulled her head up Kate looked down. Her eyes where blood shot, nose was already broken, & her whole face was covered in blood. The man held a machete to her neck & they all watched her body tense up.
Simon was pumped full of adrenaline & wanted to snap the neck of the man who held the machete. He was furious.
“Holy Fuck.” Gaz said & shook his head.
“Yeah I know.” Kate said. “The United States has reached out to us, they want us to rescue her. Their Special Forces are conducting other operations. The woman in the video her name is Y/N L/N, & it’s believed her colleague Paul Kessler is also in the compound. Their lives are at extreme risk & we need to extract them immediately. So hop to it.”
They went over the rescue plan, & walked out to the airstrip where a C-130 aircraft awaited them. Their gear was put on board by the crew & they boarded the plane. Simon couldn’t help but wonder about the young woman in the video. She looked so defeated & was on deaths doorstep. It angered him. These were his least favorite type of missions, he hated the idea of innocent people who just wanted to help others be subjected to the worst kind of violence. He had seen so many innocent people throughout his childhood, & adulthood fall victim that he was fueled with anger for this mission.
The plane landed safely at a airbase in one of the neighboring countries. They got off & did a full gear lay out to assure everyone had the correct equipment. Simon took apart his rifle & cleaned it a few times before putting it back together. Everyone could tell from his demeanor that he was going to be ruthless. Both Soap & Price exchanged a glance of worry before looking at Simon again. When they knew he was doing a deep clean of his rifle he wasn’t going to hold back once they landed. Two Blackhawk Helicopters landed on the Tarmac at 02000 (8pm) ready for the Task Force to board.
Simon pulled his iconic skull faced mask over his head, transforming from a man into a force to be reckoned with. Ghost had now taken over, & it was time for him to board the helicopter. Ghost & Soap took one helicopter while Price & Gaz went to the other. Night had fallen & it was perfect for them to be stealthy enough to fly under enemy radar. They lifted off of the ground & headed off to their target.
“Gentlemen, we are now over the border.” One of the pilots said over the radio. “Wheels down in ten.” They were flying so incredibly low that they just barley touched the tips of the trees they flew over. Soon they had reach a now pitch black city & the helicopters started to approach the house were their target was.
“Eyes on target.” Price said into his radio, alerting the task force. A fighter on of the roofs started to fire as the approaching helicopters & was quickly taken out by Price. Soon they were hovering over the roof of the building & repelling down. Once his boots hit the roof of the building his combat mode was switched on. Looking through his night vision goggles he was able to eliminate all of the hostiles on the surrounding roofs. Soap located the door that lead down the stairs & immediately kicked it open. He eliminated one of the terrorists behind the doorway & motioned for them to follow him.
With ease they cleared the stairway & upper floor of the house. It certainly helped that the terrorists were completely unorganized & didn’t know how to properly fight. Soap grabbed one of them & dragged him to where they were holding the hostages.
You kept going in & out of consciousness due to the pain. Your captors had beaten you with every possible way they could. It was a direct attempt to break your spirits & make you ultimately give up hope for a rescue. Your eyes were so bloodshot & after a blow of a rifle butt to the head you couldn’t even fully see anymore. One of your colleagues had to explain what was happening around you. After you slipped out of consciousness again you felt someone’s knee trying to awake you. A overwhelming feeling of dread filled your body thinking it was one of your captors.
“Y/N! Y/N!” The voice screamed, it was one your colleagues Paul. “Wake up they’re here to rescue us.” He said attempting to wake you up. You opened your eyes only to see blurred figures. Hearing gun fire up the stairs you tried to sit up more. Stomping came down the stairs & more shots rang out. You felt a bright light shining on your face & then hands on you. Your bound hands were cut free & your body was lifted from the ground into a fireman’s carry.
“Captain I’ve acquired the target,” A deep British accent said. “Ready for extraction.”
“Affirmative.” A muffle voice said over the radio. Mentally you were thanking whatever higher power that sent them here to rescue you. You let our little squeaks & moans of pain as the two of you made it up the stairs. Your head was beyond pounding now.
“I know love, but I promise we’ll get you treatment as soon as possible.” The voice replied to your small noises. The two of you made it to the roof & the helicopter that was hovering turned around to extract the whole Task Force. You could hear Paul thanking whoever he was in front of at the moment for rescuing him.
“How’s she doing? A voice yelled over the sound of the helicopter approaching. “Okay, not great but we gotta get her immediate care.” The wind of the helicopter blades indicated that it was right above. You felt yourself being strapped to a gurney & lifted into the air. Once in the helicopter & moving you could feel them stabilize your head. A IV was started to replenish your body of it’s fluids. One of the men aboard with a thick Scottish accent kept asking you a series of different questions. You could only respond with hand signals. A bulky piece of fabric was placed in your arms. Your hands felt around the folded fabric only to realize it was an American flag. Small sob escaped your lips as you clutched onto the fabric tighter.
Ghost looked down at the poor woman who was strapped to the gurney. Soap had taken an American flag that was aboard the helicopter & placed it in her arms. They both watched as she sobbed clutching the fabric at the realization that she was actually safe.
“You’re safe love,” Soap assured her. Once they had landed back at the airbase the young woman was handed off to the team of advanced medics on the airbase to be stabilized for transport. Ghost watched from a distance as she was being boarded onto a airplane to be sent to Germany for proper care. He removed his mask revealing Simon. Price walked up to him & clapped him on the back.
“Job well done son,” Price said. “Cmon let’s get some sleep & then we’ll be headed back.”
A few weeks later you were somewhat healed. The doctors were able to place your nose back together properly & you regained your eyesight somewhat. The most difficult part was hearing your speech might be slurred due to the blow you took to your head. You were also told you’d have to relearn to write again. During your entire treatment you refused to let go of the American flag one of the rescuers put in your arms. The doctors had to pry your arms open to gain access to your abdomen.
It sat on the bed side table of your hospital room. You were sat up in bed holding a pencil tracing letters. Your doctor recommended you do so in order to regain the ability you once had. It hadn’t been this difficult since kindergarten. You were so focused on your writing that you hadn’t even noticed the handsome soldier at your door. A soft knock on the side of the door frame alerted you of his presence. You looked up, somewhat embarrassed at your appearance in front of the handsome stranger. The bruising under your eyes was yellowing now from the rhinoplasty.
“I’m sorry for startling you.” He said, & your mind immediately flashed back to that night. That voice. “You may not remember me but-“
“N-no I d-do.” You replied through slurred words. He gave you a soft smiled & walked into the room.
“May I sit?” He asked & you nodded. He pulled up a chair & sat down next to your bed. “I’m Simon.” He introduced himself.
“Y/N.” You managed to get out. He looked down at what you were doing. Embarrassed you tried to flip the paper over but he stopped you.
“What are you doing?” He asked & flipped the paper. “Ah I see. Let me help.” He said. His large hand eclipsed yours as he helped you hold the pencil correctly. He helped you trace one of the lowercase letters properly by guiding your hand.
“T-thank you.” You said & looked at him. He brushed your hair out of your face & then looked at the American flag on your bed side table. One of his large hands ran over it & then placed it in your lap. You reached out for his hand & give it a squeeze. His flesh was calloused but made you feel warm & safe. Those same hands that rescued you would be the ones to have & to hold you for your entire life.
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yandere-daze · 9 months
This is probably the most niche thing I have ever posted but I just finished playing Tyrion Cuthbert: Attorney of the Arcane ( a game you should totally play btw!!) and I have many horrible thoughts about this man. I´m going to go insane if I don´t put this out into the world sooo... here we go!
I also feel like at some parts it kind of doubles as a character study so take that, I guess?
3.4k words
gn reader
tw yandere, stalking, manipulation, murder, societal pressure, guilt-tripping, obsession
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General Yandere! Aster Headcanons
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So Aster himself is a very interesting character in my opinion. He´s very idealistic and sees the corruption of the nobility in the kingdom to be completely unacceptable. He cares a great deal about the commonfolk and because of that, the crown prince is very well-liked by the public, even before he becomes the king
Compared to many other nobles who are haughty, arrogant, or intimidating, Aster gives off the vibes of someone who is very friendly and approachable. Something about him just feels different in comparison.
And it is this friendly and open-minded appearance that would make his darling feel more at ease when approaching him to talk. Talking to Aster just doesn´t feel as scary or annoying as having to speak with other nobles. His positive attitude actually makes conversing with him an enjoyable experience
I think it might actually be more likely for him to fall for a commoner instead of a noble. Nobles in the court are cutthroat and only interested in their own wealth and power and Aster is just sick of that. You being a commoner means that there´s a better chance for you to actually be an honest and hard-working person, something I think he would want in a partner.
If you are a commoner, you might accidentally meet him when Aster is out and visiting the city for once. As we can see in Chapter 3, he would try to hide his identity as the crown prince from you if you don´t recognize him. He much prefers you talking to him as if he was simply any other person as opposed to you bowing down before him and carefully choosing your words if you were to find out who he was. He would instruct the Kingsguard to follow him a bit more discreetly, so as not to catch your eye and to never openly acknowledge his title when in your presence. He´d hate for this casualness with you to be destroyed like that.
You two talk about your daily life and the struggles you face ( him being very careful and vague when talking about his own profession, as he doesn´t want you to find out about his rank). Even though he gives off a cheerful and exciteable impression, he is indeed listening very carefully to what you have to say and makes sure to memorize it all. He needs to know everything there is to know about you, needs to know all of your preferences and opinions.
He listens especially carefully when you mention your frustrations with the nobility, how they wield all the power and money in the world and keep it to themselves while the common folk have to slave away while worrying about if they can afford the roof above their heads this month. His gaze noticeably darkens for a moment as he hears this but it´s quickly gone when he nods his head and agrees with what you´re saying. The nobility is a blight on this land.
It´s very frustrating for Aster to hear this because he knows it´s true. His visits have shown him firsthand how bad daily life for the common folk can be. He has seen with his own eyes how the members of noble houses can get away with absolutely anything. Even the justice system protects them, all their crimes are simply swept under the rug or an innocent civilian is forced to take the fall for them. It´s atrocious and Aster is so frustrated that nothing is done about it. He wants things to change but he´s only the crown prince, he doesn´t yet have the power to change things. He needs to bide his time until he becomes king and then he will rip all these corrupt off their power.
But it´s still quite some time until then so for now, he needs to focus on what he can do while he´s still powerless.
Hearing you speak about wanting to make the world a better place for the common folk in your own way with such conviction really resonates with Aster. All his life, he´s been surrounded by vultures trying to curry favor with him for when he ascends the throne in the future. He has seen countless forced smiles and false promises but he can see in your eyes that you speak with truth and honesty. And he can´t help but really resonate with that. He likes talking with someone like-minded that doesn´t treat him differently, someone that he can be himself around.
Aster can´t help but visit the city more frequently from then on, telling his father that he has important business to attend to there as an excuse. Well, it´s not really a lie, is it? Seeking you out couldn´t be any more important to him.
You´re quite surprised by how often you seem to randomly see Aster nowadays when you hadn´t at all seen him before but maybe he just moved in recently? You don´t know that he secretly orders guards to follow you around daily to then report to him what you did all day. As much as it pains him, he can´t simply go out every single day so hearing about your day is the next best thing. This way, he also gets to learn about the things you do in your day-to-day life or the things you do when you think no one is watching. Oh, how he longs to have been there himself, just watching you! His heart yearns for you and yet his princely duties often leave him way too busy to visit you as often as he would like to. But well, at least he always knows exactly where to find you if he ever finds himself with enough free time <3
But well, there is one very simple but very big problem with this situation, aside from him being the crown prince and you a commoner. He has been in an arranged marriage for years now. Ever since they were little, Aria Steelwind, a noble of one of the four main noble houses has been promised to him. And he has never been more disgruntled by this than now.
Sure, he did respect Aria in some ways. Instead of simply living her cozy noble life, she took her own path as a prosecutor to fight for justice within the corruption that is their justice system. She´s the only prosecutor willing to arrest a noble for their crimes and yet, her actions change so very little. What a naive fool she is to think that working within the system is going to have any sort of lasting impact.
No, Aster knows better. He has seen his father having to make all sorts of compromises to not displease the nobility when introducing changes. What was left were only hollow words and small changes. Small changes would never be enough to truly change this world for the better. Aster knows that if he wants things to change, he will have to take things into his own hands
From there on out, things would go over much like in the game during case 5, which is why this is my last major spoiler warning. Please do not continue reading from here if you don´t want the game spoiled for you as I will discuss the events happening at the end here.
Alright, so. Case 5. Naturally, for the sake of continuing this headcanon post, I´ll have to change up things a bit because otherwise, Aster is a little bit too dead to continue plaguing his darling afterwards. So let´s assume that in this timeline, Aster actually gets away with his crimes for one reason or another.
He used Aria´s affection and love for him and tricked her into signing a blood contract by disguising it as a marriage license. Now, Aster has full control over her mind and body, her soul forever his to use. And he didn´t hesitate for even a moment to use her as a means to further his own goals.
It was way too easy to use the contract to control her body, forcing her to go out and kill several important nobles attending the king´s funeral while he stayed behind, creating an alibi for himself. And truly, after several witnesses saw Aria kill these pesky nobles, who would ever think the new king would have anything to do with it? He wasn´t even close to any of the crime scenes!
And of course, it´s even easier to completely erase Aria´s memories of what took place. And now that he has completely covered his tracks, no one can prove that Aster had anything to do with it.
By doing all of this, Aster has killed two birds with one stone: He has successfully killed two heads of four of the main noble houses and his fianceé is going to prison for what she has done, effectively ending their engagement. Now Aster is the one sitting on the throne with the noble houses significantly weakened without a family head to guide them, making them less of a threat to his power. Now that he has all the power, he will change the kingdom for the better.
Of course, the common folk only learn about the fact that Aster has ascended the throne with the news kindly leaving out the fact that a massacre had taken place. Still, with this new information getting out it´s almost impossible for you not to learn of Aster´s true identity. All this time, the person you had been conversing with so casually was the then-prince, now-king of this kingdom. To say you´re shocked would be an understatement. What are you supposed to do now? Oh, you can´t even begin to think about how many times you must have disrespected him by speaking to him as if he were simply any other person. Surely nobles must have some sort of rules regarding addressing people, no?
Oh, you must have embarrassed yourself thoroughly in front of him! But then again, he was very nice when he was talking to you and even enjoyed joking around. So maybe he was different? You weren´t quite sure but thinking about it that way made things easier for you.
To say you were shocked when King Aster de Wyverngarde stood in front of your door one day would be a grave understatement. You don´t know what to say or what to do, now that you know who he truly was. Are you supposed to bow down in front of him? I mean he´s the king so you probably should, right?
Aster merely sighs disappointedly when you clumsily bow down in front of him.
"There´s no need for such formalities. We´re close, right? You don´t need to bow down in front of me."
"But.. you´re the king, right? I mean, it feels weird to talk to you so normally now."
He´s quite saddened to hear this. He knew this would be how you would react if you found out the truth, it´s the very reason why he went to such lengths to prevent you from finding out.
"Don´t worry, nothing has changed between the both of us. May I take you for a walk?"
He smiles and offers his arm to you, only nodding his head and assuring you that it´s fine when you seem to hesitate. So you go along and let him lead you out of your home and into the bustling center of the city, where the streets are filled with people. Naturally, everyone gathers outside and cheers when they see the new king walking along the streets.
Aster is very well-liked by the common folk for his open and honest demeanor and his willingness to help them. Everyone has high hopes for him, believing that he will be the one to finally make things fairer for them, the one to push back against the corrupt nobles using them for their own gain. And well, in one way or another, they´re certainly right about that. Aster doesn´t hesitate when it comes to removing vultures feeding off of other´s hard work.
After getting over their initial excitement over seeing the beloved king, people begin to notice that you´re holding onto his arm as he walks you around town with a wide smile on his face and people begin whispering amongst themselves. Who are you and why are you with the prince? Judging from your clothes, you are a commoner just like them so how do you know him? And young Aster seems to be holding you awfully close, is something going on there? Everyone has heard that the engagement with Aria Steelwind fell through because she had turned out to be just as corrupt as all the other nobles, breaking Aster´s heart. Were you his new love? It would certainly be something for the king to be in love with a commoner.
You´re beginning to notice the people whispering and you get quite uncomfortable at their staring when Aster suddenly stops and turns around to face you. You almost walk right into his arms at the sudden stop, a sheepish look on your face. Aster simply smiles and takes one of your hands into his, staring right into your eyes.
And then the rug is pulled from right under your feet as Aster gets down on one knee, the crowd quickly bursting into cheers as he pulls out a small little box and presents it to you.
"My love", he begins speaking and you feel your heart plummet into your stomach. You notice that he seems to be talking quite loudly on purpose, as the crown quickly reacts to his words, growing silent as to listen carefully.
" We have known each other for a long time now. We had to hide and share our love in secret. But from this day onward, I want us to show ourselves to the rest of the world, to let them see the love and devotion we have for one another."
You´re just standing there, frozen in shock, almost incapable of processing his words. Our love? Just what was he talking about?!
"As you well know, I have gone through immense heartbreak in the past, I have had my trust and heart broken once before but with you, I want to start over. I trust you completely and vow to be by your side for all eternity if you will have me. I love you more than anything, my love. Will you give me the honor of taking me as your husband?"
The atmosphere is tense, the people around you holding their breath in anticipation but some voices still ring out from inside the crowd.
"I can´t believe it, a king proposing to a commoner! His love for them must be so strong, it´s so romantic!"
"The king is such a kind and benevolent soul, they must be overcome with happiness right now! Look, I think they´re on the verge of tears!"
"It truly is terrible what happened with his past engagement. To be betrayed like that, His Majesty must have been beside himself with grief. He deserves this new chance at love."
You hear voices ringing out all around you, and you feel completely overwhelmed, unsure of what you should do now. Everyone looks at you so expectantly, everyone is practically screaming at you to say yes and yet, that´s not what you want. You´ve never even thought about marrying Aster, to have this sprung on you so suddenly is terrifying. You feel like you´re losing your grip on yourself when you suddenly feel a squeezing feeling on your hand.
With a start, you look down to see Aster holding your hand tightly, enacting almost an excruciating amount of pressure. The look on his face is more akin to a smirk now than the soft and innocent look he had before. He knows that there´s no way you could say no under these circumstances. By dragging you out into a public area he has forced your hand to agree to his proposal.
What foolish commoner would ever reject a king? It would be a blatant show of disrespect and they would surely be shunned by their peers for being so ungrateful. Furthermore, Aster had a great reputation amongst the common folk, no one would show you any sympathy if you tried telling them that he was lying about you being in love. Who would ever believe you over the ruler of this country? If they´re being charitable they would chalk up your protests to being shy about the entire ordeal.
You´d also have to be a real monster to reject King Aster´s heartfelt declaration of love after he had already been betrayed by his past fianceé not very long ago. How could you hurt him after what he went through? Of course, no one knows what really happened with Aria, no one knows how Aster was the one who used and manipulated her. The truth had been conveniently hidden from the public and twisted to serve his own goals. After all, who would want a known murderer sitting on the throne?
And it is through all this pressure that you finally crumble, a solemn expression on your face as you mutter the word Aster had been wanting to hear you say so desperately.
"Yes", you relent.
The dark expression on his face immediately vanishes and he gets up from his kneeing position, wrapping one arm around you while using his other hand to slide the ring on your finger. This is the happiest day in his life and sooner or later, you will see this his way.
Naturally, after what you had just witnessed, the facade is gone and you no longer see Aster as an innocent and kind person only looking out for the best of others. You don´t learn about the true darkness within him and the crimes he has committed in the name of "doing what needs to be done", but you know that he can´t be fully trusted.
Aster is of course saddened by this because he wants you to love him just as much as he loves you but he figures that there´s nothing to be done about it now. You will simply grow to love him in time, there is no other option for you now. Your fate is already sealed, how would you ever get away from the king and more importantly, your fiance? You two are engaged and everyone knows about it, he made sure that the news would be spread fast. A king marrying a commoner is very unorthodox and almost scandalous but if anything, it only makes the common folk trust him even more.
Now that you´re engaged, Aster won´t let you stay at your old home anymore, he sends a carriage to immediately pick you up and take you to the castle where you will be living for the rest of your days. There, he will try to spend as much time with you as possible within his very busy schedule. He believes that sooner or later, you will come around to your new life. He understands that this must be all very shocking for you right now but he´s sure you will get used to it.
In the meantime, he will gift you anything you might ever wish for. Anything to get you accustomed to your new life by his side, anything to win back your favor after the stunt he had pulled when proposing to you.
Rest assured though that he´ll never let you wander away from him too far. You´ll spend most of your time within the castle walls and when he can´t be with you, he will still send guards to trail behind you and keep you safe while also keeping tabs on you.
He tries to be soft with you, trying really hard to gain back your trust. He quite likes holding you close, holding your hand, or kissing your cheek. It feels so romantic. This is the love he had been denied all his life, this is what he always wanted.
Naturally, he won´t let anyone interfere with your relationship. You are his and anyone that thinks differently has to be removed. He has no remorse when it comes to getting rid of any perceived rivals, though he wouldn´t get his hands dirty himself. Anyone that defies him must be removed, it´s the only way that he can build his ideal world, a world in which you are by his side forevermore.
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eretzyisrael · 11 months
by Morton A. Klein
Moreover, Hamas terror attacks on Israelis increase Palestinian support for Hamas. For example, Palestinian support for Hamas increased dramatically after Hamas launched 4,500 rockets at Israel in May 2021.
Second, Gazan civilians actively participated in, aided, abetted, and celebrated the Oct. 7 massacre.
“Ordinary” Gazan civilian workers in Israel (thousands of whom were allowed into Israel due to the Biden administration’s pressure) collected detailed intelligence on every home and citizen in southern Israeli towns and drew maps for Hamas to easily locate Jewish nurseries and families to murder and kidnap.
Then, after the first wave of Hamas terrorists slaughtered more than 1,400 Jews, huge waves of “ordinary” Gazan civilians, armed with knives and screaming “Allahu Akbar,” flooded into southern Israel, and joined in the Hamas massacres and kidnappings. Mobs of Gazan civilians killed and gang-raped innocent Jews, chopped off innocent Jews’ heads, took hostages, entered and burned down massacred Jews’ homes, and ransacked and looted everything in sight — televisions, automobiles, jewelry, children’s bicycles, etc.
Israeli Telegram Channel South First Responders reported: “The assault on Southern Israel was not carried out exclusively by Hamas. It began with the entry of hundreds of heavily armed terrorists and was followed by waves of Gazans who looted the communities.” The mayor of the regional council encompassing most of the Gaza border explained: “The second wave of Arabs who came into the country were just as cruel as the terrorists of the first wave.”
Throngs of Gazan civilians then cheered the ghoulish site of Hamas parading bloodied, captured, and dead Jews’ bodies through the streets. Gazans beat the Jews as they passed by.
Overjoyed Palestinian Arabs in Judea/Samaria (the “West Bank”) also cheered the massacre, dancing in the streets. Unfortunately, this is nothing new. Palestinian Arabs routinely joyously celebrate when Arab terrorists murder Jewish children.
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jilyandbambi · 11 months
The day after the Oct. 7th massacre, before Israel even announced its invasion of Gaza, the New York DSA held a Free Palestine rally where the leader of the NY DSA openly cheered the rape and murder of innocent civilians at a music festival. I saw people post "free Palestine" in the comments of posts from people mourning their relatives or begging for the return of loved ones taken hostage. There was a Twitter thread "calling out" celebrities--many of them Jewish and/or Israeli--for expressing the tiniest bit of sympathy/horror at innocent people being slaughtered and having their bodies paraded in front of a cheering crowd.
I'm not Jewish or Palestinian. I believe in a two-state solution and am opposed to illegal Israeli settlement in the West Bank.
But it's really mask off for a lot of you who had nothing to say on Oct 7, or worse, condemned people mourning an attack against their community, or even worse, celebrated the mass rape and slaughter of innocent people. You say you hate Israel or the Israeli government, but really, for a lot of you, Jewish lives don't even deserve to be mourned.
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the-catboy-minyan · 6 days
So if all Hezbollah members, including civilians that never saw combat (and people who owned a pager but weren't members of Hezbollah), can be classified as terrorists and any innocent child that gets killed when you attack those members are at fault for being in "such close proximity to terrorists to get hurt" even though those bombs were activated when the members were just just doing normal daily task in public such as grocery shopping then can we apply this logic to the IOF?
Can we blame all non-combatant soldiers for the massacres done by other soldiers and can we target those soldiers when they're off-duty in shops, schools, hospitals and if an Israeli child got killed or injured then its their fault for being "in close proximity to terrorists" or does that logic not work because only Christians and Muslims can be terrorists?
Also calling people being disgusted by you for making jokes about this terrorist attack "hatemail" and a "Jews are baby killers" thing (when you're literally laughing and justifying killing children) is laughably pitiful, you get 1/10 for self-victimization.
Plz try harder to not shame your colony of self-victimizers, you can't let those dead children steal the attention from you.
bitch you know what Hezbollah is, right? you understand the concept of terrorist organisations, right? fym "civilian hezbollah members"??
also lmao IOF I see who I'm talking to here
the fact that you're literally projecting how the antizionist movement treats current and former IDF soldiers and using our own arguments against us, it's just hilarious to me. the IDF is an actual military force with branches and roles of people that will never have to hold a gun in their lives except for the mandatory first 5 week training period. my friend reached military age and she's literally about to go serve in a dog shelter, a regular fucking dog shelter, like a volunteer job but getting paid by the government for it.
again, I'm not talking to someone about "think of the innocent children who died from an attack that hit 99% terrorists" from a person who didn't confirm if they cared about civilian israeli lives. over 100k people displaced, >1400 people murdered and raped horrifically, or are we not human enough in your eyes to deserve compassion?
any civilian being harmed is horrible, but you literally can't make an attack on that scale while guaranteeing 0 collateral damage, I did not personally make jokes on that situation, only shared ones I found on reddit, and I would not cheer if the attack did significant collateral damage, and from reports it seems that other people got hurt only in extremely specific situations. you'd fucking cheer if it was done to the "IOF" even if it harmed more kids than soldiers, so don't give me a fucking lecture over my morals, there's a block button at the top right.
these type of jokes are so out of character for me anyways, this is not something I usually joke about, but I had a horrific day yesterday and yknow what I think it's funny to think about how terrorists lost their balls from pagers. the VAST MAJORITY of people sustained minor injuries from that attack, the vast majority of the terrorists who carried their pagers barely even got harmed, this is really the hill you wanna die on? that an attack that barely grazed people is evil because of circumstances outside the attackers' control?
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a7david · 3 months
Yknow, I used to be all for the innocent Palestinians in Gaza. Really, I wished we could destroy hamas with little to hopefully no casualties, even though I knew they are hiding among civilians.
But then October 7th happened. And thousands of hamas members went straight into Israel, murdered 1200 civilians, 300 soldiers, and kidnapped 250 people. Among those Jewish people, Kfir (around 1.5 year old by now) and Ariel (should be 5 already) bibas. Who still hasn't returned home.
And again, I tried to get myself to believe the civilians don't want it. Hamas is threatening them, murdering them, make them poor and starve to death. All of it is true, but not the point.
A month later my brother was killed so I decided to download tiktok back to my phone. There was this particular, amazing person, who helped so much to explain about October 7th. And you know what he said in one of his videos about the attack?
He said:
"You know there aren't innocent civilians in Gaza, because they all cheered hamas when they left to murder jews."
It's not the exact quote, and I don't have his account anymore, but that shit really stuck in me since.
The people who are begging for their lives today, helped murder thousands yesterday.
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rahabs · 8 months
the fact that you would defend the israeli government after they’ve murdered 30,000 innocents in the largest bombing campaign in modern history is literally despicable and borderline evil. if a genocide documented ad nauseam cannot make you cognizant of israel’s colonial and deeply racist regime, then literally nothing can and you are beyond reasoning with. actually incredible how multiple history degrees have clearly taught you nothing about how a genocide works — or perhaps more concerningly, they have, and you simply don’t care because the victims are palestinian. the fact that you would use those very history degrees to excuse israel’s genocide of palestinians is deeply disturbing and indicative of the rancid hypocrisy within western academia. history will exonerate the indigenous palestinians, and it will be unkind to those like you who defended and cheered on their annihilation.
It‘s so amazing to me that you actually believe this, and that you‘ve so wholeheartedly swallowed the propaganda Hamas (known for using their own civilians as human shields, known for paying their citizens extra for killing Jews) has been peddling. So I am going to paste here some points others have already made that I‘ve saved over the course of information-gathering, though I doubt you‘ll bother to read or learn, judging from your asinine little comments here.
1) Palestine Gaza is a genocidal nation. The goal of the Palestinian government in Gaza is literally to destroy and commit genocide against Israel and kill every Jew by every means possible. This is literally written in their founding charter. "The Day of Judgement will not come about until Moslems fight the Jews (killing the Jews), when the Jew will hide behind stones and trees. The stones and trees will say O Moslems, O Abdulla, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him. Only the Gharkad tree, (evidently a certain kind of tree) would not do that because it is one of the trees of the Jews." There is no solution for the Palestinian question except through Jihad. Initiatives, proposals and international conferences are all a waste of time and vain endeavors. The Palestinian people know better than to consent to having their future, rights and fate toyed with.
2) Palestine is an apartheid nation that has ethnically cleansed 100% of their Jews and stole their territory after 1948. There used to be tens of thousands of Jews living in the areas of Judea and Samaria, which was renamed to the West Bank by Jordan. However they've all been ethnically after the 1948 Arab-Israeli war and 0 Jews are allowed to live in Palestine today. 3) Palestine is an authoritarian dictatorship both in Gaza and the West Bank. Hamas won majority of the votes during an election in 2006, but the Palestinian president simply refused to recognize the results of the election and refused to hand power over to them. This resulted in Hamas siezing power in Gaza, executing hundreds of their political rivals, and they never held another election. Likewise, the leadership in the West Bank also refused to hold any elections and still continue to illegitimately cling to power. Abbas, the president of Palestine had a 4 year term which was supposed to end in 2009. He's still the leader today and has continued to postpone election after election. 4) Palestine supports the outright open murder of innocent civilians. I've already mentioned the charter of the Palestinian government in Gaza above where their goal is to eradicate Israel and genocide Israelis, but the Palestinian government in West Bank is just as horrible. There's the Palestinian Authority Matry Fund where they literally pay a salary / pension to any Palestinians who commmit terrorist attacks against Israelis, be it through stabbings, shootings or suicide bombings, and they've paid out billions so far. The Foundation for the Care of the Families of Martyrs pays monthly cash stipends to the families of Palestinians killed, injured, or imprisoned while carrying out violence against Israel.
5) Palestine is horribly corrupt oligarchy. Palestine receives billions from the USA and Europe in aid every single year. Whatever money isn't spent on paying literal terrorists, or on rockets to shoot at Israel ends up going to corrupt Palestinian leaders. Yasser Arafat, the first Palestinian leader, died a billionaire. Abbas the current President is worth $100 million. The Palestinian leaders in Gaza, Ismail Haniyeh, Moussa Abu Marzuk and Khaled Mashal have an estimated combined wealth of over $10 billion. Meanwhile the combined GDP of Gaza is only about $2.5 billion, meaning these 3 leaders wealth is equal to 4 years of Gaza's GDP. 6) Palestinians have caused wars and instability in every country that they've sought refuge in. In Jordan, Palestinains assasinated the Jordanian king in 1951, then attempted a coup of a the country in 1970. After they failed, they were expelled to Lebanon where they started a civil war with the Christian Maronites. This war lasted 15 years and killed several times more people than the entire Israel-Palestine war (150k died in Lebanon civil war vs 25k in Palestinian-Israeli wars). In Kuwait, the Palestinians supported Saddam as Iraq invaded Kuwait. In Egypt, they've been hit by several bombings by Palestinians. 7) There is no freedom of speech or equality in Palestine Gaza. No equality of sexes, no equality of races, and definitely no queer rights in the entirety of Palestine where you could be killed for the crime of being openly queer. [If you identify as a liberal, there is literally] no reason to support a country where majority of [your] friends would either have severely restricted rights, be treated like objects, or be thrown off a building just for existing.
Let me reiterate: Jews are indigenous to Israel. Jews have existed and lived in what we now call the Israel-Palestine region for thousands of years before the foundation of Islam, and even before the foundation of Christianity. In the game of “which Abrahamic religion came first?” Islam ranks dead last.
Israel as an identity as a people has existed for thousands of years and has been recorded as far back as the Iron Age on:
i) The Mesha Stele;
ii) The Tel Dan Stele;
iii) The Kurkh Monoliths; and (potentially)
iv) The Merneptah Stele.
While scholars have argued over the translations on the Merneptah Stele, the general consensus among historians, classicists, archaeologist, etc, is that it refers to the existence of Israel at the very least as a collective identity that existed at the time, and was called Israel.
They were eventually repeatedly forced out by other powers such as the Romans and many others, but that doesn’t change the fact that Jews had a continuous existence in Israel before being forced out by what people like you would normally call “colonising powers” were it not so contrary to your own ill-supported arguments. It also doesn’t change the fact that Jews, and Israel, existed before both Christianity and Islam, and long, long before Palestine.
So if your entire argument boils down to "who was here first" and the ideas of "colonialism" and "anti-colonialism" and "decolonisation", then I am telling you, Jews were there first. You could argue Canaanite groups like Moabites and Ammonites were there too, but Moabites and Ammonites don't exist as a continuous group anymore. No matter how you look at it, you are wrong, so let me parrot your horrible argument right back at you:
The fact that you would defend Hamas, a known organisation whose founding Charter literally calls for the annihilation of Jews, who have systematically purged Jews for years, who launched multiple attacks against innocent Jewish people (the music festival, the babies and the woman and the children slaughtered), the fact that there's a Palestinian Authority Matry Fund where they literally pay a salary / pension to any Palestinians who commit terrorist attacks against Israelis, be it through stabbings, shootings or suicide bombings, and they've paid out billions so far; the fact that you defend the existence of the Foundation for the Care of the Families of Martyrs which pays monthly cash stipends to the families of Palestinians killed, injured, or imprisoned while carrying out violence against Israel, etc... that you would defend this is "literally despicable" and not only outright evil, but ignorant to the nth degree.
If the continuous genocidal nature of Hamas against Israel cannot make you cognizant of Hamas' deeply racist, violence, and terrorist regime (to the point where none of the Muslim countries around them will take Palestinians in; even their fellow Muslim countries want nothing to do with them), then I'm not sure what to tell you. You say I am beyond reasoning, but from where I'm standing, your head is so far up your own ass that I don't even know if you're aware of anything that isn't the smell of your own shit.
It's actually incredible to me how you can ignore what multiple historians and scholars are saying because you want to cling to your idea that Hamas are just a bunch of "poor innocent brown people" who need help from the "evil white Israeli regime". Or perhaps, more "concerningly," that is just it: you hate Israel because you erroneously perceive them as white, and so therefore they must be evil. I don't know, but that is what a lot of anti-Israel sentiment seems to boil down to in the world of people like you.
The fact that you would excuse and ignore Hamas' outright horrific acts and ignore history is deeply disturbing and indicative of the rancid hypocrisy within the west, but particularly within western circles that claim to be "progressive", "liberal", and "leftist."
Hamas has said no to every ceasefire. Hamas has said no to every compromise Israel has offered even before October. If Hamas stops fighting, the war ends. If Israel stops, then Israel is annihilated.
History has already shown that Palestinians are not indigenous if we are playing the "who was there first" game with Israel and Palestine, you're just so ignorant that you will refuse to see the evidence right in front of you. You are the one cheering for the annihilation of an indigenous group, and the one history will frown upon is you.
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jewishbarbies · 11 months
its so interesting that many young leftist who ooze antisemitism these days see themselves as plucky rebels... but the moment they get in trouble for endorsing hamas and tearing down posters they start cowering and apologizing? like dude. if you claim to have some kinda principles at least be ready to stand by them? its straight up pathetic
people were claiming a palestinian guy was losing his job for “standing with palestine” (I think he was in med school or something) and they even included the screenshot of his sm post that literally showed him saying that Hamas did a good thing and those innocent people deserved it. like. if you wanna support genocide and terrorism and the murder of innocent civilians, go ahead - but don’t come crying to anyone when you rightfully lose your job, friends, etc. it’s fucking disgusting and I’m so tired of so called progressives demanding I feel sorry for people that not only excuse that shit, but cheer it on. they’d demand a jew lose their everything for supporting the murder of palestinians, so let’s keep that same energy for literally anyone else.
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just-a-space-rabbit · 5 months
Super Chase
TW: miscommunication, murder, blood, dagger, death. Mood: Light, humorous
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Civilian stood motionless and scared in the dark alleyway. Their breath came out in short, rapid bursts, they struggled to hear their surroundings over their own beating heart. Their eyes darted around the scene in front of them, as their own mind refusering to accept what just happened. “You… You murdered Hero!!!” Civilian yelled before they could stop themself and cover their own mouth, even though it was already too late.
Immediately Villain wiped around startled at the sound of someone else in the alley. Their black mask and hood hid most of their face, while they still held the bloodied knife in their hand as they stood over the lifeless body.
Villain took a silent step towards them, before Cicilian’s scenes kicked in and they bolted in the other direction screaming. As they ran, Civilian heard the villain yelling at them. “Wait, it’s not what it looks like!” 
But Civilian did not believe that for a second and kept running as the villain took off after them.
Superhero lunged forward to attack, only to hit the wall shattering it into pieces as Supervillain effortlessly dodged them. 
“Are you done with that little dance of yours yet?” Supervillain mocked them as Superhero got back up. “you know you're too slow to hit me!”
“I’m only done when you're behind bars, and the ruby is returned to its rightful owner!” Superhero snapped back.
“Oh come on…” Supervillain said mockingly as they again dodged Superhero’s attack. “It's so pretty, can’t you just let me keep it?” they asked innocently before holding the gem in front of them letting it glow like fire in their hand.
Superhero was just about to say something when they were startled as Civilian bolted around the corner, before they crashed into Supervillain's arm sending the gem flying into the air. 
“What tha-” was all Superhero could get out as the Civilian stubbled forward before catching themself, only to look at the super’s they were now next to in terror. 
‘Oh, god, they are both looking mad at me!’ they thought and ran off not even realizing that the ruby had landed in the hood of their jacket.
 Before the two supers could even react to what happend, Villain came around the corner and ran past them both. “Coming through!” they yelled, showing Supervillain to the side.
“Villain!” Superhero yelled before they gave chase after them. 
“The Ruby!” Supervillain yelled and followed.
As Civilian ran they glanced behind them seeing that now both Villain and the Super were running after them. “Why did this have to happen to me? I just wanted to go out for dinner!” They yelled out to the universe, who seemed to then give them the answer of crashing into Right Hand who fell down into a muddy puddle. 
“OI!” Right hand snapped at them.
“SORRY!” Civilian screamed as they kept running. 
“Right hand!” Supervillain bellowed “catch that civilian!”
Right hand did not have to be asked twice as they set off with the ever growing group “On it! Sir.”  
“There is only one way to settle this!” Villain sidekick said as they and Hero Sidekick kept circling each other in the small street. There was a small crowd that stood nearby looking at them intensely. 
“You know that you don’t want to go there” Hero sidekick smirked “I’ll win this time, just like last time.”
“We’ll see about that!” Villain grinned as the two of them readied themself.
“3, 2, 1, Let It Rip!” they both said together as they unleashed their beyblades. The crowd cheered them on. But the two of them were to foucued on the battle to let the crowd distract them, and to foucued to hear the oncoming chase.
“Passing though!” Civilian yelled as they bolted in the middle of everything, barely missing the spinning blades. 
“Watch it!” Villain sidekick yelled, only to stop when Villain and Right hand passed them knocking out both beyblades at the same time. “NO!” they yelled defeatedly as they fell down on their knees.
“This is outrageous!” Hero Sidekick was now the one that yelled, only for them to also stop when Superhero and Supervillain came in behind the others and vanished down the alleyway.
“Um… do we follow?” Villain sidekick asked.
“Come on!” Hero sidekick yelled as they ran off. 
And the crowd also followed.
“Tonight was fun” Henchman said blushing, as they held Other hero’s hand. “I hope we can go out again some other day” They had wanted this for so long, it felt strange that this was real. Part of Henchman still waited for the moment they would wake up.
Other hero smiled gently as they leaned into Henchman “Well, maybe? If that boss of your’s won't get in the way.” they let their head gently rest on Henchman's shoulder.
“I don’t think Villain would mind,” Henchman chuckled as they brought Other Hero closer staring into their beautiful brown eyes. 
“Oh why is that?” Other Hero asked teasingly.  
“Well, because…  WATCH OUT!” Henchman suddenly yelled as he grabbed Other Hero and held them close just as Civilian whipped past only to be quickly followed by everyone else. 
Before the two could fully figure out what happend, Villain sidekicks yelled a “Hi Henchman!”  as they whipped past. Henchman immediately felt the blush growing.
“Hope your date is going well, Other Hero!” Hero sidekick yelled as they caught up and ran past the now embarrassed couple.
As the group got further away the two of them looked at each other before agreeing that they needed to follow, just in case it went wrong.
At this point Civilian was panting heavily, their vision had started to get blurred, but they still kept the pace. 
Of all things to think about, they thought back to high school and how much they hated that their father forced them to do cross country running. But now it seems that their endurance might finally pay off.  ‘If I survive this, then I’ll tell dad that I’m eternally thankful!’
But just after they thought that, they could feel that they were losing speed, and the sound of the ensuing group grew close and closer.
Civilian did not want to know what would happen when they caught up to them, so they narrowed their eyes as they bolted with all their remaining might. They were going to out run them or die trying!
And for a moment they were doing it, each turn the sound of the group got smaller and smaller. For a split second Civilian thought they might actually lose them. 
Then there was a sudden sound in front of them as someone dropped down in front of them, before they yelled “STOP!” Civilian did not react in time as they crashed head first into said person and fell down. 
The last thing Civilian saw as they lost consciousness was Hero’s concerned face.
“They are waking up!” Hero sidekick yelled, as they removed the ice brick they had made to cool Civilian head down. 
It felt like the whole world was spinning as a group of blurry figures slowly came into view.
“Lay still,” Supervillain said calmly, holding his hand on Civilain’s head to heal it. “I think you might have gotten a concussion”
“How long was I out?” Civilian said in a weak voice.
“Just two minutes,” Hero sidekick answered. “So everything is still chaotic… unfortunately”
Then like a light switch went on, everything that had happened came back to them. “HERO!” Civilian suddenly yelled.
“Yes?” Hero just after they sent the group of civilians away.
“You're alive?” Civilian yelled as they sat up only for Hero sidekick and Supervillain having to catch them as they almost fell back. “I thought Villain killed you!” 
“So that's why you were running from Villain?” Hero asked them. Looking at Villain who looked visibly stressed.
“Yes! I saw you! I saw them!” Civilian continued almost in tears. “They had a knife and blood and everything!”
“Is that why you were chasing them?” Hero snapped suddenly as they turned to Villain. 
“I just tried to stop them from running, so I could tell them that there was a misunderstanding!” Villain said defensively though they were not meeting anyones eyes. 
“Villain! What did you do?” Everyone, except Civilian groaned. While Civilian looked confused.
“I killed the robot that Scientist made after it began to run rampant! I’m sorry for helping! It was dark. The robot was made to look like Hero. I totally understand where Civilian took the conclusion that I had murdered you.” villain said clearly flustered.
“What I want to know is why everyone else joined in?” Villain added pointing to the rest of the group. “I mean come on! Hero Sidekick and Villain sidekick dragged a whole crowd with them!”
“We just came along because you ruined me and Hero sidekick’s weekly beyblade match!” Villain sidekick said grumpily “and!” they added “you bent my favorite beyblade when you stepped on it! Look!” They said as they held out the broken beyblade close to Villain’s face for proof.
“Sorry, about that… I’ll buy you a new one” Villain said. 
Civilian could hear villain sidekick mumble something close to ‘you better’ as they sat back down.
“And how about you two?” Hero said smugly as they looked at Other Hero and Henchman who upon everyone turning their head towards them immediately moved further away from each other, “why did you two chase after everyone?”
“Well…” Henchman said “just wanted to help in case things went south” to which the Other Hero nodded. “About you Right hand?”
“I was ordered to by my boss” Right hand said crossing their hand. 
“Wait a minute… supervillain?” Superhero yelled suddenly as they remembered the fight had been in the middle of. “The ruby in Civilian's jacket!”
Civilian “The WHAT?” 
But it was too late, by the time they noticed Supervillain was in a mad laughter as they ran away ruby in hand. Right Hand quickly took the hint and followed suit.
“Get back here!” Superhero yelled as they bolted after them, only to be followed by not only Other Hero, Hero sidekick, and Hero, but also by Villain sidekick and Henchman who wanted to try and steal the gem for themself.
Leaving a very confused Civilian and Villain behind.
Villain made a loud sigh, as they looked down at Civilian. “Come on, I know Supervillain healed you, but just for safety sake let’s get you to a hospital”
“Is your job always like this?” Civilian asked.
To which the Villain only answered with laughter.
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There is no "I don't support Hamas, but". You do support Hamas. You support their stated mission to kill every Jew in Israel. You support the rape of Jewish women. You support the murder of Jewish children. You support the genocide of Jews. You support the Palestinian "civilians" who loudly cheered the actions of Hamas on 10/7. If you truly want to support the supposedly innocent Palestinians that are different from Hamas, you should support Israel's efforts to wipe Hamas out.
Hamas is the cause of all the suffering in Gaza. From the moment Israel pulled out, until today, it's all been Hamas and the Palestinians who support them.
Palestinians could have had a peaceful two state solution decades ago. They refused because they wanted to kill every Jew in Israel. And they've kept refusing again and again whenever Israel negotiates with them in good faith because they want to kill every Jew in Israel.
This is what you support when you support Palestine. This is what you support when you draw false moral equivalence between rapists and murderers, and a government that sometimes does things you don't agree with.
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maeaniseyas · 1 year
“resistance” is when men can feel free to rape, kidnap, and murder jewish women and children who did nothing but exist apparently…
anyone who was cheering on that hamas attack is a nazi and i’m done sugarcoating it and letting people get away with blatant jew hatred all because they said “but antizionism isn’t antisemitism!”
Yall can scream your antizionism isn’t antisemitism all you want, but in the end you’re cheering on the deaths of 1000 innocent jewish civilians - the highest amount of Jewish people dying in a single day since the Holocaust, so that speaks louder than your lil slogan that you swear gets you out of everything.
Quick question though how is beheading Jewish babies “resistance”? What were they resisting there?
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