#and as i went to go buy it i had an epiphany
dawntheduckrb · 10 months
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Game acquired >:)
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sherlock-is-ace · 5 months
#oh wow...#i just had an oh shit fuck moment#wow#i usually complain about the one therapist i had in my entire life and how she wouldn't just listen to what i was saying#if it didn't fit her textbook definition of whatever she was thinking at the time#and how i talked to her about my anxiety and how that made me feel and she would only focus on how i acted#so the example i gave her was the one time i went into a shop to buy something by myself#because my mom didn't want to go in for me and arguing with my mom in front of the shop in public and then inevitably have to#go in myself either way was way worse to me#because of the embarrassement of arguing in public. the fact that my mom was gonna spend the entire walk home telling me how i have to#''just suck it up and learn and just overcome my anxiety because i don't have a problem'' or whatever#and then having to go into the shop where the lady had been watching me from inside the entire time how i clearly didn't want to go in#and possibly be even more awkward with teary eyes because of the anxiety and awkwardness i already bring to the table any day...#all of those things that were going inside my head were trumped by the fact that i did go in and did buy what i needed#although my heart was coming out of my chest the entire time... all that didn't matter to my therapist because in her words:#''if you had anxiety. you simply wouldn't have gone in''#which is ridiculous#but anyways... i just had an epiphany... that was masking wasn't it?#forcing myself to do something that brings me major discomfort to make my mother and the shop lady not judge me?#pretend i'm a normal human being just doing normal things instead of someone who's about to have a heart attack buying embroidery thread?#panicking the entire time because i wasn't prepeared and hadn't scripted the entire transaction in my head?#yet still going in and putting on my ''normal person'' mask to try to seem like i wasn't just dying seconds ago (and still was)?#isn't that literally what masking is?!#and the ''autism specialist'' ass therapist was like ''if you did it then you don't have a problem''#when i'm literally telling her how much of a problem it actually WAS?!#you know what's the best part about all this#that when i told my mom after i left that therapist that she didn't listen to me because [insert everything above]#my mom's response was ''well sometimes therapist will say things that you don't want to hear but you have to accept them''....#same woman who's always saying how much she hates therapists because they ''will say whatever and pretend they know shit''#ok so it's only The Truth when I tell you it isn't...
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lustfulslxt · 10 months
Hii! Would you be willing to write a part two of “polaroids” where matt finds another polaroid of the picture without her face showing and is like “damn chris shes hot” and he gets jealous and realizes hes in love with reader and asks her to be his gf and when she says yes he takes like a candid polaroid of them
Polaroid Pt. 2 - Chris Sturniolo
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warnings : suggestive ?? mentions of sex and masturbation
Polaroid Pt. 1
Chris’ POV
I was currently getting out of the shower, drying off when I heard the front door slam, indicating Matt and Nick were now home. They had just gone to the store, so I used the free time to get myself off.
I loved beating my dick to the polaroids of Y/N. She was so fine and yummy, she just looked so amazing all of the time. Sometimes I get hard at the simple thought of her. Thinking about her makes my stomach twist, an unusual feeling brewing inside of me.
Wrapping a towel around my waist, I make my way back out to my bedroom. Without paying much attention, I head to my dresser to grab boxers.
“Who is this girl, Christopher?” Matt’s voice calls out, making me jump in fear because I hadn’t realized he was even in the room.
I look over and noticed he was going through the small stack of polaroids I had taken of Y/N. My eyes widened in panic, realizing that if he continued, he would come across some with her face revealed. I quickly ran over to him and snatched them up, holding them against me.
“Jesus kid! Chill out would you? She’s hot as fuck though, I’d smash.” He grins, shrugging nonchalantly.
“Can you fucking not? Why do you have to be weird as fuck about it?” I retort, now feeling quite a bit annoyed.
“What the fuck’s your problem? I thought you said you just got them with merch?” Matt asks, eyeing me suspiciously.
I felt my ears getting hot, now being put on the spot. I wasn’t sure what to say, but it was clear that my previous explanation was a lie.
"I did. They came with my black playboy shirt." I continued the lie, hoping he would buy it.
"Then why are you getting so bent over them? So what I think she's sexy? You don't even know her." He says.
"She's mine!" I bite back, feeling even more frustrated with him.
"Chris, who is she really?" He asks again, staring at me expectantly.
As he just looks at me, waiting for an answer, I can't help but let my thoughts run. Why was I getting so mad over this? Sure, it's annoying, but it's more than that. The thought of anyone wanting Y/N made me sick to my stomach. I didn't want anyone to have her, I wanted her all to myself.
I want to be the one to make her smile. I want to be the one to get to listen to her laugh at all hours of the night. I want to be the one to buy her gifts and take her on dates. I want to be the one to make her cum and have her moaning my name. I want to be the one she loves, like she's the one I love.
That's when it dawned on me; I'm in love with her. I'm so mad about Matt being attracted to her because I'm jealous. I'm jealous because I'm in love with her.
"Hello? You've just had an epiphany." Matt states, waving his hand in front of my face.
"What?" I ask, confusion ridden in my entire facial expression.
"You just realized something. Don't even try to deny it, it's written all over your face. What is it?"
After a pause, I couldn't help the smile that turned my lips upright, "I'm in love."
It's been two days since I realized I was in love with Y/N, and she was currently on her way over right now. I was a little nervous if I was being honest. I planned on asking her to be my girlfriend today, I even got her flowers just for it.
Matt was able to pry out the truth from me, so he now knows about me and Y/N. He immediately stopped with the remarks towards the polaroids of her, and he promised to keep our secret. I didn't want anyone knowing anything yet, in case everything went sideways.
Part of me was terrified that she didn't feel the same way as me, but the other part was convinced she couldn't fake things between us. I just hope that part was correct.
A couple of soft knocks pulled me from my thoughts. As I looked up to my bedroom door, Y/N came walking in. She looked stunning. Even though she was in sweats and a hoodie, she still looked breathtaking, and I couldn't get enough of her.
I walked over to her, admiring the bright smile that rose to her lips. I sighed, pulling her into my arms and resting my cheek on her head. She immediately melted into my embrace, making me feel warm inside.
"Hi, love." She greets, her words muffled into my chest.
"Hey, princess." I respond, planting a small kiss on her head.
I knew it was about that time; I have to confess my feelings for her. It was making me so nervous; I could feel my heart beating slightly faster.
"I missed you." She said, breaking away from our hug, before standing on her tiptoes to plant a soft kiss to my lips.
"I missed you more." I smile at her, before my eyes flicker to my dresser. "I, uh. I actually got you something."
"Oh really?" She questions, surprise evident on her face.
I nod, stepping around her and grabbing the bouquet of assorted flowers from the top of my dresser. I turn around with my hand held out, holding them in her direction. Her eyes widened as she took them in her hands.
"Thank you." She smiles, smelling them. "What are these for though?"
"About that.." I trailed off, now feeling more anxious than ever.
"What's up, love?" She asks, encouraging me to speak to her.
"Well, it's a funny story actually." I say, chuckling in an attempt to hide my nerves. "Well, you see, I'm in love with you."
When she stares at me with wide eyes, I swallow my pride and continue, "We've been messing around for a while now, but I've only just realized a few days ago that I don't want to just mess around. I want more with you, I want it all with you. And I never want to be without you. I don't mean to sound like a cornball, but it is what it is. I'm in love with you, kid."
By the time I finished talking, she had a wide smile plastered on her face. She placed the flowers back on my dresser, then swiftly pulled me into her as she pressed her lips onto mine.
My stomach fluttered with butterflies, finally fully accepting what was. We moved in perfect sync, nothing but love and passion between the both of us. We’ve kissed a million times, yet this was by far the best. It held everything in it.
She pulls away, her cheeks growing rosy as she bit her lip. “I was waiting for you to say that. Because I’m kind of like in love with you too.”
“Does this mean I can be your boyfriend then?” I ask her, a small smirk laying on my lips.
She shrugs, “I mean, I guess.”
Happy and joyous laughter escaped both of us as I pulled her into my arms. I couldn’t help but spin her around, incredibly eager to be able to call her mine. Once we pulled away from one another, she quickly grabbed the polaroid camera that was placed on my dresser beside the flowers.
“Shall we take a photo to replace the one in your wallet?” She asks, her lips holding a wide smile.
“I don’t know about replacing it, but we can definitely add to it.” I chuckle.
She grinned, hanging the camera to me. I pulled her into my side and brought her face to mine. As our lips met, she placed her hand on my face and I held the camera out and snapped a photo. The sound of the film printing rang through the air, yet she didn’t pull away. Instead, she deepened the kiss. After a long minute of passionately kissing, she pulls away yet kept her face right in front of mine.
“I do love you.” She whispers, as if to reassure me.
I give her a nod, the smile on my face unwavering. “I love you so much more.”
a/n : not proofread! this was so sucky and short and rushed and i don’t like it.. but anyways, i hope you guys do lol! send in more reqs 🫶🏼 &&& don’t drag me into drama bc i hurt feelings over here 🥰
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boxturret · 5 months
QFTT Cliff Bug
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Recently I was on a bit of a shopping spree, buying a ton of parts for rahi, and this store I was buying from happened to have the long thin panels in yellow so it got me thinking about the Cliff Bug again. Initially I was going to go with my older design, but then I recalled this other really great design by Schlelkohov on twitter which actually incorporates a play feature! The play feature was really tempting, but at the same time some of the design elements from my earlier one still felt right to me. Then I had a sudden epiphany and tore apart my Kewa.
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And it worked beautifully. I felt very strongly about how I had done the front legs, even though that little connector hanging down didn't do anything, it just felt right from looking at the sprites. When I realised that they were the perfect place to attach a rubber band I knew I was on to something! I love those tiny 8 toothed gears, they're so useful, you can sneak them in to so many places.
I was away from my parts when I first had the idea so I basically built it entirely in my head. I guess I've 3d modelled all these parts so many times now they're just permanently in my brain. I was a bit worried about the clearance for the gear behind the eye bracket but once that worked out everything went together just as I had planned.
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mire1li · 4 months
Surprise Stars!
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Robin had been preparing for her concert when, just 10 minutes beforehand, for some unknown reason, she fell unconscious. Luckily though, her manager had caught her and placed her on the couch in her dressing room.
When you, March and Dan Heng heard of the news from Aventurine, who got the information from god knows where, you and March essentially dragged Dan Heng to Robin’s dressing room, her manager pacing around when you three entered.
The manager watched you, confused and worried as she stopped moving, studying the three of you.
“Who…? Oh! You’re Robin’s friends…”
“Ah, yeah, we heard Robin fainted, is she alright?!?!” March immediately stepped forward, frantically, though took a moment to look around in adoration of the large room, seemingly forgetting of the current predicament, before snapping out of her thoughts and jogging over to the couch where Robin lay unconscious.
Robin’s manager shooed March away from Robin, claiming that ‘she shouldn’t be seen at such a vulnerable time’, albeit understandable, it also seemed rather unreasonable, though none of you questioned it.
“So… why are we here again?” Dan Heng chimed in, looking between both you and March for a reply.
“Uhh… well obviously we’re here to help!”
“We are?” You asked “How?”
“Ah! You’re insufferable!” March sighed dramatically, turning away from the two of you.
“Okay… um… well, I don’t really see how you three could possibly be of help in this situation…”
The manager glanced towards the clock nervously, placing her hands over her face for a moment before looking back towards Robin, who looked as though she was taking a casual nap.
“Oh… yeah, uh… I didn’t really think this through… haha…” March chuckled awkwardly, rubbing the back of her neck.
Soon enough, too much time had passed and the crowds were getting restless, causing the manager to panic and return to pacing the room, constantly looking back and forth between Robin and the ground.
"Ok… It's fine!" She exclaimed.
"I could… I could reschedule the show for tomorrow… uh… oh for- ok… I can't do that…" she rambled on and on, when you decided to propose a rather ludicrous idea.
"Ah… excuse me, what if we just… went on stage for Robin and called it an opening act?"
The manager had stopped her pacing, glaring at you, as though you'd just suggested blowing up the entire place (though that wouldn't be too out of character for you). She sighed pinching her nose bridge.
"How ridiculous would that be? Absolutely no one would like that at all!"
"Hey! I'm only trying to help. Besides, you don't know that!" You crossed your arms over your chest, glaring right back at the unnecessarily hostile woman, though you assumed her stress was bringing about her attitude.
"Uh… I… didn't sign up for this..-"
"The trailblazer is always filled with such silly ideas haha! But I think it would be fun… and it could buy you time to wake up Robin!"
March added on, cutting off Dan Heng, clearly trying to rope him into this… impulsive idea, soon-to-be reality.
The manager groaned in irritation, falling back on the arm chair in the room.
"Fine. Fine. Do what you want, however, I'm not involved in this."
And so, there were the three of you, on the stage, dressed in fancy-ish dresses borrowed from Robin's wardrobe, wearing wigs, earrings, and other accessories to really sell the performance.
You tapped the microphone, testing it, causing the audience to go silent, before March stole the microphone from you.
She cleared her throat and confidently spoke into it.
"Hello! Uh… unfortunately, due to uh… technical difficulties Miss Robin's performance is scheduled for a bit later, but don't panic please! We'll be performing first until that time!"
Though, the crowd booed, unhappy with the sudden change, most of them went silent when she began speaking again.
"I'm… ah…" March glanced at you, before being hit by an epiphany.
"Oh! I'm April 1st!" she continued, striking a confident pose, leaving you and Dan Heng feeling… well, not pleased, but you guessed it was better than nothing.
March passed off the microphone to Dang Heng, who also cleared his throat before speaking, though when he did, you and March nearly died laughing on stage as he attempted to mimic a female voice, somehow sounding convincing enough to fool the crowd.
"I'm Cold Dragon Young.." He, or rather, 'she', introduced 'herself' as, trying to sound as gleeful as possible before immediately passing the microphone to you with a glare.
'Nobody forced you' you mouthed to him before introducing yourself as (your chosen name).
Then came the music, specifically "If I Can Stop One Heart from Breaking". The three of you were aware it'd be best with just one singer but… three is always better than one, so if you mess up, at least you have the comfort of knowing you aren't alone!
You began singing the first verse of the song, doing the dance Robin would do at the beginning, though adding some of your own spark to it.
The chorus was sung by the three of you, though it was clear Dang Heng was beginning to struggle a bit, so you decided to give verse 2 to March.
Upon the arrival of the second chorus, you and March decided simultaneously to stay quiet and let Dan Heng take the spotlight, causing him to falter slightly and look at you two in an irritated manner, though continuing to sing.
Whilst you were all performing, Robin slowly began to gain consciousness, causing her manager to gasp and rush over to her.
"Robin! You're awake! Very good, alright, we have to get you ready, you go on in like a minute!"
The manager rushed Robin, though first letting the poor girl gain her footing whilst explaining everything that's happened thus far, though only about half of it registering in Robin's brain.
"Wait, hold on… what time is it…?" Robin asked, still disoriented and slightly shaky.
"Uh… well, the show started 3 minutes ago" Her manager repeated, handing her a glass of cold water, which Robin drank almost immediately, causing her to feel a bit better than before.
"What do you mean 3 minutes ago?! I should be out there!" She panicked, standing up and jogging out of her dressing room and going to stand by the backstage curtain, from where she could see three figures singing and dancing.
Though they were a bit… sub-par compared to her, it was still entertaining to watch. Robin sighed in relief.
"Yes, Robin, I was telling you that your friends decided to help out and… well" The manager motioned to the stage, 'April 1st' slightly stumbling, though now the crowd cheering, enjoying the slightly chaotic performance.
Once the song ended, Robin went on stage, waving to her fans, and standing by the three of you.
"Hello! I apologise for the delay!" She began, looking back at her manager.
"As compensation… I would like to perform a song with my friends here!"
Thee three of you were already rather tired from performing the previous song and were now being dragged into performing another… you could only wonder what tragedy this would end in (though, ultimately, you three accepted anyway).
Most people's attention was turned to Robin now that she was up on stage, therefore less people noticed any minor mistakes and instead enjoyed the collaboration, hopefully to it's fullest.
Eventually, when the song ended, you left Robin alone on stage, allowing her to finish the rest of the concert as it should've been since the start.
Upon returning backstage, you were greeted with the sight of Robin's manager holding a conversation with Sunday, who then turned to look at you and waved you over.
By this point, March and Dan Heng had left, probably to change out of their costumes. You took off your own wig, placing it to the side and walked over to the manager and Sunday.
"I will presume you're both already acquainted. Now to the topic at hand… we were discussing your idiocy, most crowds at a concert don't appreciate such surprises."
Sunday chuckled "Whilst that may be rather harsh, I do agree. You got quite lucky with this crowd, Trailblazer."
"Yes, so you see, I just have too much rizz!" You exclaimed proudly, placing your hands on your hips.
The manager sighed, crossing her arms, momentarily looking behind you, at the stage where Robin was currently performing.
"Sure… well, don't get me wrong, I'm grateful you did that since it allowed Robin to regain her consciousness. I just hope we won't have a repeat of today."
"Hm… well, even if this happens again, I'm sure March and Dan Heng wouldn't mind doing this again~"
"Absolutely not."
"But you must admit, they certainly put on something of a show… enough to entertain the crowds, at least. I'm sure my sister is grateful though."
The three of you continued to talk for a while before you received a text message from Himeko saying that everyone should return to the Express.
You quickly finished up the conversation before bidding the two Halovians adieu and leaving. At least you'd have an interesting story to share with everyone now!
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A Great and Gruesome Height by @moku_youbi. 
So this bind was a wild ride, with experimentation galore. It’s my 10th bind (HURRAY) and I started this bind knowing I wanted to play with thread, given I had so much fun with the stab binding. I had some red thread which i had originally purchased for the VTE bind - and just the right shade i was going for so i went for it.  
the original idea i was going for was ‘red thread of fate, but make it MURDER’ and so this tidy little concept was born. half way through the design conceptualization phase i had a little epiphany while watching season 3 of hannibal that blood spatter stringing was ALSO red thread and i just couldn’t resist (yes i know hannibal’s little murder tableaus seldom have blood but the string! MORE STRING!) 
More photos under the cut. 
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115559 words || 426 pages
Body Text: Crimson Text 
Chapter Headers: Cormorant Garamond
I quite like the experimentation with body fonts and trying to divert away from regular Garamond. So far, I’ve only used Baskerville, Garamond, Liberation serif and Cardo, but I do like this one. I lack the typography terminology but it feels fancy and posh and something Hannibal would enjoy. 
I also aggressively rounded this book - boy is it ROUND, perhaps a little too so. i had a difficult time getting the spine piece to be as round as I liked. 
Also, it was my first time putting a quote on the first few pages - i have zero regrets. Also featuring my new imprint page with AN ERROR (IT’S DECEMBER 2022 NOW OOPS). 
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I didn’t have enough heat-reactive foil and this fic has 40+ chapters so I could only foil the last couple of chapters which were actually short mini-sequels to this fic which I also added in. I have to say, using a laminator over an iron for heat-reactive foil is MUCH superior. I didn’t have to work myself into a frenzy trying to get an even layer of foil on it. 
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Endpapers are a little bunchy because of the thread. But i had to put butterflies because THE CHRYSALIS has hatched (i will never tire of hannibal metaphors).
See below for the conceptualization phase on cricut and er paper. I have zero art skills and have aphantasia so I had to print it out to try and figure out where everything needed to go. 
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This bind is also the bind where I won my blood sacrifice badge - don’t use rusty tools guys. The spouse had borrowed my rotary cutter to cut wrapping paper for christmas wrapping and is RIGHT-HANDED. Self is LEFT-HANDED. Tool returned to me as is and I did not check if the blade protector was on the correct side as the tool will get flipped direction wise depending on the handedness of the user. So guess who needs to get a tetanus shot today? :joy:
 All in all, still a successful bind. It is a little busy, and if I had to do it again, I might not put the titling on the spine (always a little crooked, cause I roll that way). The Siser gold and silver metallic HTV for the hands fought me the entire way, and I’d probably not use it for such delicate lines - only part of it adhered and it made me very upset at first but since the bind is for myself it’s fine. 
I’d also use a thinner red thread next time (the thick waxed linen thread for leather work doesn’t fuck around, WILL NOT BUY AGAIN) because as you can see 3-4 rounds around the finger looks like it’s choking it and i had some space limitations at the edges. 
Well, a fun idea, with less than perfect execution but I’ll probably do it again one day if i ever summon up the courage to consider making this again (perhaps for the author if i get over my massive to-bind pile). PROBABLY NOT IN WHITE - gad WHITE IS SO SMUDGEY - nothing to remind you how dirty your hands are than white bookcloth. this is off-white pearl BUT fingerprint smudges!!! 
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Resources: Page dividers made by evil-robot-cat here. 
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woso-dreamzzz · 4 months
They aren’t the greatest but here you go!
Bambi was VERY sick during her pregnancy with James like super sick. She grace often had to stay at home with bambi with how sick she was.
Grace was a literal saint btw!!! Probably could write a baby book on how much that woman learnt over the course of bambi’s pregnancy
But who was there the times Grace had to go to work… none other than Jenni and bambi’s dad Rafael! He was quick to pull out his wallet and buy all the things his grandson would need!
Cribs yes
Nappies yes
Bottles yes
In fact to he just gave his card to bambi he’s missed out on so much of her life how DARE he miss out on his precious bambi!
Well infact jenni and Rafael had to fight to pay for things or even build them in the end it resulted in grace and Jenni doing the floor things while Anders could do the things on the walls such as painting and shelves thanks to his height!
In her pregnancy with James bambi was terrified. Well and truly terrified. For the silly reason was that James was measure to be massive!
Like once grace got one of those stupid apps and was like oh he’s the size of a grape fruit bambi was very quick to remind grace infact James was very large! (He was…he was born 9 pounds)
Alexia never actually found out Bambi was pregnant from Bambi… or grace or anyone really in-fact she found from being at an away match with Spain and seeing her VERY pregnant daughter. When she returned home she told Olga straight away but when she told Jaume he just replied with a simple nod (he knew of course)
When James was born it was an epiphany in itself Bambi actually went into labour having brunch with her father so Rafael had to very awkwardly help Bambi get to hospital.
The overall labour with James was slow… So slow. Grace actually was offered a bed to sleep in it was that long Bambi in total laboured for over 15 hours. But don’t worry grace didn’t leave her side nor did Rafael or Jenni in the waiting room just outside
It actually caused a very unlikely friendship between the Madrid and Barca fan them bonding over being ex professionals.
Bambi having horrible morning sickness. It was so bad and she felt so ill all the time and Grace used to rub her back as Bambi leaned over the toilet.
Bambi would mention something she and Grace were thinking of getting for the baby and it arrives at the doorstep within the day because Bambi's dad has no concept of restrained and will just buy anything for Bambi.
Jenni also doing something similar and then it's like a war between them on who can buy Bambi what she talked about and Grace is all like 'should we stop them???' and Bambi's like 'no, I want to see who wins'
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lawluaficionado · 1 year
Pregnant Luffy + Distressed Law
Law was stressed most of the time, we can say it was the default setting. Having been dating Luffy for well more than a year is the cure for his depression, and the introduction to anxiety, massive panic attacks and mild high blood pressure.
When he'd met Luffy (again) two years ago, the younger had claimed "You had the yummy tattoos at the hospital!" Yes, claimed. He hadn't even responded when his brothers had already wrestled him to the ground saying he was a creep. THIS HAPPENED AT A COFFEE SHOP!
Two months later they were dating, so...he couldn't be all right up in the head either.
Now, at the age of 28, he's decided it's finally time to invite Luffy to move in with him. That's the plan at least.
Nothing, absolutely nothing goes according to plan with his boyfriend. NOTHING! Here he was making steak when his boyfriend barges through the front door, luggage in hand. "You got me pregnant! Now you hafta take all the responsibility!"
This is what Law meant with the panic attacks...
To be continued later...
So much for Law asking Luffy to move in. When he'd told Luffy about his botched plans, the shorter male had laughed and said "Silly Torao, don't you know by now those never work?"
Needless to say, it's now been two months since Luffy had moved into his house and things had gone from 'We still have time before the baby' to 'oh shit there's literally only three months left'. When Luffy had moved in, he was already four months along, and based from his latest doctor's appointment, their baby is on the smaller side. Which would explain why even at six months, he's much smaller than other pregnant people (on average).
"It's okay, he just takes after me then," Luffy's carefree laugh rang in the exam room.
It eased Law's nerves more than he would admit. "So I guess this means we don't have as much time as I thought to get everything together."
Luffy just waived him off. "We have to get a big party and tell people!" Luffy watched with a odd sparkle in his eyes as the jelly was wiped from his abdomen. "Can we stop for grape jellies at the store? And meat?"
Law instead made a detour into their local supercenter. He had a mental checklist of every single thing he researched on what newborns need. But first... He went straight to the paint section. "Want to choose the color of the nursery?" He smiles down at Luffy.
"Really!?" Luffy bounces around toward some really bright yellows and reds. "I like these! It can be like a sunrise and then we can paint clouds and birds and a pirate ship!" He let Luffy ramble on about the decoration. And from there Luffy started putting in more things into the shopping cart. A lot of carved wood decorations, which he swore he'd paint himself and place in the nursery.
They'd have to call in Ussop, no way was this nursery going to look decent with their art skills.
"Whatever you want Luffy, but we should really at least buy the crib."
"Ohh, I didn't tell you. Your dad, my dad and Gramps got everything already. They said it was going to be a surprise. But if they told me, they should have know it wasn't going to last long," he shurgs. "So we only need to decorate really." By Luffy's dad, he meant his birth father, Crocodile. Guy scared Law as much as Sabo irritated him. The only tolerable one was Ace, and that was pushing it.
Law relaxes a little, "Wait, so when you say they got everything, you mean all the crib stuff and rocking chair, and then the changing table and the stroller and-"
Luffy shuts him up, standing on his tippy toes to kiss him. "You worry too much."
"No, you worry too little," Law leans down, cradling his boyfriend's face between his hands.
"Our dad's were really happy to be grandparents. My Gramps is not as happy but he's gotten over it. They said it was a gift."
"Well, okay then, that makes me feel ten times better than this morning."
Once they are on their way home, Luffy has an epiphany. "Oh I forgot to mention! Your dad and my dad are going to stay with us the last month I'm pregnant. That was kinda the deal we made." He continues laughing as Law's eye begins to twitch.
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storiesbyjes2g · 6 months
Randomness #768
My brother and I just learned the true meaning behind "this little piggy," and we are traumatized LOL. You know...little kids take what they see and hear at face value, and we thought "went to the market" meant the pig went to [insert favorite grocery store] to buy some milk or something...specifically the roast beef the other pig ate lol. We recited that rhyme with visions of the pig tra-la-la'ing down the aisles pushing a shopping cart. 🤣 But today, he sent me a video of people around our age having this same epiphany and realizing the pig was not at Kroger pushing a cart buying roast beef (and milk lol), but in fact going to the meat market for slaughter! 😵
The roast beef? That speaks of the other pig being fattened up for slaughter.
The one who stayed home was too young and needed to mature.
The one who had none? Well, he was too small to go to the market and should probably have some roast beef.
But the one who cried weee weee weee???
I don't have the heart to tell you what that one is, but you already know. I feel like my favorite commercial (and one of my favorite responses) is a lie and now I'm conflicted lol.
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But I've been saying "weeeeee" for like half my life lol. I started saying it even more after I was introduced to Hamilton. Maybe I'll just say it's from there lol. 😅
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seokjinsonlyone · 1 year
wait i need ur ✨expertise✨— u know that old tiktok trend of telling ur significant other “oh i feel like you could have been nicer to me today”? how is bts reactingggg
congratulations you've activated jk's pout his brows are furrowed his eyes suddenly have a slight sheen to them he's apologizing without even knowing what he did wrong and then seriously questioning you about how he hurt your feelings
yoongi raises an eyebrow at you and asks what he did and when you repeat yourself saying "i just feel like you could've been nicer to me today" he shrugs and tells you that improvement is the biggest room in the world (he’s seen the videos he’s not buying it)
seokjin goes down an itemized list of every interaction you had today tryna figure out where exactly he went wrong half joking half in disbelief like he doesn’t think he’s done anything wrong but if he did he definitely wants to get that sorted immediately
hobi’s pulling you into a hug and then he pulls back and is like wait what? bc like he doesn’t remember being mean but then he goes back to hugging you bc it doesn’t matter everyday he should try to be nicer to you than the last
you probably don’t even wanna try this with joon fr like it’s gonna turn into a long and drawn out discussion where you end up baring your souls to each other and like reminisce on the past and plan for the future and figure out how exactly you can love each other better he’s gonna pull out scholarly references from books he’s read like do this with joon at your own risk
tae is another one that you may wanna think twice about doing this with bc i feel like he’s gonna pull a reverse uno and tell you every time you could’ve been nicer to him that day like don’t dish it if u can’t take it
jimin’s the type to get like slightly defensive at first and then realize he’s being defensive and then he’s having like some kind of epiphany he’s apologizing and then you’re in his arms before you know it and he’s reflecting on himself offloading some pent up emotions about what he’s been going through lately and you’re just kinda there like 🥸 bc it was just a joke nd u were unaware of his inner turmoil
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sylvia-forest · 1 year
This call accompanies Shaw's Field Date!
Shaw:  You sent a sentence, 'Are there any folk customs' without a beginning or end, asking for some information. What does it mean?" Shaw: Using me as a source of material, huh?? MC: Oh, how can you say that? I'm working on preparing a folk customs program, and you're the one I know who understands it the most. Shaw: I'm not, Professor Shen is. You should contact him; I'll send you his number. MC: Shaw, why are you like this! Shaw: You misunderstood, I'm not dissatisfied. I just think Professor Shen is more specialized, and his assistance might be more valuable. MC: Woooo In addition to being knowledgeable, you are also the closest person to me, so I only look for you, only-looking for you— Shaw: The fake crying was really unpleasant, stop it. Shaw: So what kind of folk legend do you want? Scary, romantic, or something like heroic epics? MC: Let's see. ..... What about one of your favorites? Shaw: What I like... Well, I recently came across one. Shaw: It's about a wealthy person from a certain ethnic group who possesses everything in the world, but the only thing bothering him is aging. Shaw: So, he decided to go to the southern region to buy longevity. MC: Can life be bought? Shaw: Who knows. So he traveled far and wide, but he didn't find anyone who could sell his life. Shaw: At this moment, he turned around and saw that the willow branches on the way back had already withered and turned yellow, and suddenly he understood. Shaw: "Trees also age, so why should humans be an exception? He let go of the sorrow in his heart, laughed it off, and went back." MC: ……. Shaw: Why aren't you talking? Have you also had an epiphany? MC: No, I just feel that this story is actually very simple, but when you listen to it, it's quite poignant. However... it's also quite free-spirited. Shaw: Of course, folk legends have been passed down for thousands of years, how can they not have some depth? MC: Do you have any other legends? Shaw: There are plenty of them. It's hard to explain over the phone. Coincidentally, I've recently organized a batch of folklore materials. Why don't you come over later? It's better to discuss in person with someone who understands.
⚡ Call 2
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hestialevy · 9 months
~Epiphany ~
Today's the 6th of January, also known as Epiphany day (or Three Kings' Day for some). Christians are celebrating the day of the Magi, when the Three Kings came to see Jesus after his birth.
Traditions calls for a King cake to be shared on this day. The cake is different depending on where you set your eyes to, you may know for example Rosca de Reyes but here we're going to talk about the French one, obviously.
We call it Galette des Rois (there's no real translation), this King cake is made of puff pastry and frangipane (an almond flavored custard) : there's a fève inside (literally translated to fava bean since this is what was used originally) a small porcelaine figurine hidden. If you find the fève you're crowned King or Queen of the day, with a paper crown often sold with the Galette.
Because there's a price (the title and the paper crown) some may accuse the other of cheating, so it's tradition for the youngest one to go under the table and designate a slice to someone randomly.
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a few more words for you under
“I am now your King, you may bow to me !”
And because my brain goes brrr and I have an unhealthy obession with Pierreste, of course I had to :
Of course Pierre had to find the fève and that made Esteban sigh, his teammate wasn’t known to be the  humble kind -at least not in front of him. 
They wanted to make a part of the team try a galette des rois, actually having to buy two because he knew one would never be enough for the group. Their engineers had loved the idea, watching Pierre trying to cut even slices for everyone while Esteban explained at the same time the tradition behind it. 
 Pierre was now wearing the golden paper crown on his head, going to every single person and asking for a bow. Esteban had yet to finish his own slice, too busy watching Pierre and his stupid crown, he hated how well it suited him. And the engineers actually played along and were giving him bows that made him smile, it quickly went away as Pierre was now going his way.
“Your turn !”
Esteban took another bite, getting flakes everywhere on his shirt, and giving himself the opportunity to shut his month. He shook his head, hoping Pierre would simply give him.
He did not.
“C’mon Este, I’m the King.”
“I think you cheated. You’re the one who cut them” 
He didn’t actually think that, Esteban wasn’t a kid anymore, fighting Pierre for the crown and begging his mom to choose the “good one” for him. He remembered how the last time he went to Pierre’s house to eat a kings’ cake with his parents he had been the one to designate everyone’s slices. 
“Alright kids who wanna choose ?”
Pierre’s mom had cut her homemade galette, setting each slices in small plates, still a little warm. She watched as the two 12 year old kids both designated the same  plate and she knew they would fight for it.
“I chose first !” started Pierre
“That’s not true, he copied me !”
That’s when Pierre’s dad arrived and sat at the table watching the two boys bicker again for third time that day. 
“Alright Esteban ! Under the table young man.”
“Why me ?”
Pierre turned to him like he had asked the dumbest question ever.
“You’re the youngest”
“We’re the same age”
“Still the youngest here” 
Esteban couldn’t argue more about it, Pierre of course understood that and stuck his tongue out. His mom stopped the exchange by waving her dish towel in front of them.
“Pierre, behave. Esteban, you both fought about it, so we’re making it fair, the youngest choose under the table. Hop hop.” 
Esteban obeyed.Pierre’s mom took a plate and asked Esteban who this one would go to, until they all had plates in front of them. He still decided that going under the table had to be worth something and pinched Pierre’s leg, he had tried to fight back and kick him but only managed to hit his dad. Esteban had somehow made a good choice, because he almost chipped a tooth on the fève hidden, he had been so certain he’d never get it he forgot to be cautious. 
Pierre had been the one to crown him King that day, he had made sure it would fit him first then placed it on his head. 
“My king” 
Esteban had never been able to tell if he meant it as a joke, to mock him or only to play along. 
“It doesn’t taste good to win like that, I don’t cheat Este … I’m a fair King, so, can I get a bow ?”
Esteban smiled. To be fair, he had decided to play along with Pierre’s antics, until he felt something hard with the last bite. 
Spiting out a little porcelaine baby jesus on his plate, he stretched out his arm to get the second crown and handed it to Pierre.
“ I’m King too, will you bow to me?”
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Final Ahsoka thoughts
I… okay. That was okay. But it was kind of just okay. I… hoo boy this might be unpopular. But.
… Live action Ahsoka never started being Ahsoka to me. She just isn’t it. The low voice, the stony delivery. While perhaps it wasn’t a total miss—sometimes a mannerism hit, like a smirk, or a flicker of body language—those glimpses of true Ahsoka only made me realize how excited/invested I would be if that was her consistent, constant portrayal. And, thus, how disengaged I really feel without seeing Ahsoka through the screen. It’s like a split-second glimpse of color in a black-and-white world—it only makes you thirst more for that world of color you can’t have. And I long for animated Ahsoka and Ashley Eckstein so, so, badly it hurts. I tried to get into Rosario Dawson, I really did. I just… can’t do it. The spark is missing. And without that spark of excitement, the show just couldn’t hit for me.
I don’t think it’s even just the actor’s portrayal, though—this might be controversial, but I don’t see where the arc or development is. Sure, there was an attempt at one, that I can vaguely pick out: Ahsoka is angsty and sad over Anakin. She’s chasing Thrawn. Ahsoka tries to take on her own padawan and finds it difficult, digging up her own fraught feelings over her apprenticeship. Ahsoka goes through a Force vision, reckons with her past, gains peace, and ends up, according to her, where she needs to be.
Except… all of this falls apart upon further probing. It’s all so vague, so blurry, and lacking proper framing. Unless you’ve really done your Star Wars homework and are willing to do the analytic heavy lifting through the force of your own sheer nerd-dom… is the audience really shown her motivations? Her deeper feelings?
Why is Ahsoka shown that intense Force vision at that moment, in episode 5? What induced it? She didn’t seem to stumble across a powerful Force artifact that caused it, did she? Then the only answer is for her to be at such an intense crossroads, such a deep internal conflict, that she had to work it out via the Force. Except… what crisis, what turning point? All we’ve seen at that point is some general my-master-went-darkside angst, and a momentary defeat (but considering the sheer amount of fights Ahsoka has been in, that isn’t special.) So why? Why then? What was the driving need or purpose of the Force vision sequence?
…why, to introduce the casual fans to her backstory and Skywalker connection, and to appeal to nostalgia for the Clone Wars fans. That’s it. For all the meta we can write about the light side/dark side struggle, about her relationship to Anakin, to the order, to the war, et cetera—it’s nothing new. It’s all been done before, and when Ahsoka comes out in the white cloak Gandalf/style, as if she’s been enlightened… I couldn’t buy it, because what enlightenment? Where was the epiphany? What did she truly face that she hasn’t already? What meaning did she really make out of all that jumble? Heck, we aren’t even shown if that vision’s Anakin had anything of real, Force Ghost Anakin in him or not, and it seems like we’ll never know. It’s all so vague. And sure, maybe vague and light-handed is the more delicate way to handle some stories, but there needs to be more framing in order to make the subtlety work. I just didn’t see it.
And why, exactly, does barely-Force-sensitive Sabine want to be a Jedi? We aren’t told. Why did Ahsoka agree to train her in the first place? Since when is Sabine Force-sensitive to any degree at all? Or did she develop the sensitivity through rigorous training? What is Ahsoka’s interest in training such a non-traditional Jedi? This could be fascinating to explore, if we were shown it. A lot of us could get excited about an Ashoka-style non-traditional Jedi order, about her pioneering a different way of how to go about using the Force. But all we can do is extrapolate. Forcing Sabine, the Mandalorian square peg into a Jedi-shaped round hole, just ended up as it started: a dubiously plausible retcon meant only for some cheap Master-Apprentice parallels.
The ending, too… why is that galaxy where Ahsoka needs to be? What does she mean by telling Sabine to let it go (implying she’s letting go, too)? Is she letting go from fighting, because she’s used violence for too long? Some of that theme was there, sure—but to what end? How are the two of them supposed to do anything on that planet? Why is Ezra supposed to have just left them behind?
anyways, less eloquently, because I’m getting tired of typing: Ezra is the best, I love him, best damn part of this show by a kriffing mile, and Sabine was great when she wasn’t being forced to be a Jedi. I loved seeing Anakin soooo much, but honestly, it’s probably just the nostalgia talking. that’s it that’s what I got out of this show
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suppuration · 1 year
experiencing that "adhd urge to tackle cleaning my bedroom in one whirlwind effort" phenomenon this week
a majority of that effort has been the result of an epiphany that i was getting in "clothing hoarder" territory, with how much i own vs how much i wear. my partner and i split the bedroom 50/50 and i do not exaggerate that a third of my side was packed solid with clothes
it was bad enough that while going through stuff, a solid fourth of it was stuff i had completely forgotten i have, and another fourth of it was stuff i liked enough to buy multiples of so i had a backup when the first one got too worn out (some things, the item was either so cheap and/or i was so in love with them that i had as many as six extra)
i was tired of never having space to even use my side of the room to do more than sleep and use my laptop. of owning a ton of clothes i didn't even necessarily like enough to wear, and a ton more clothes that don't even fit. of owning more crap than i can handle owning
so i formed a rudimentary plan and ran headlong into it. it's been messy, but it's made it lower stress to not have too much structure to my approach beyond a simple "finish one step to completion before moving onto the next." (i would put "simple" in air quotes, but punctuating that would've been awkward. anybody with executive dysfunction can relate to the difficulty of forming and adhering to a granular itinerary)
most of this is rambling, but it might be helpful idk. so far it's looked something like this:
pulling everything out and sorting by like items. putting all duplicates in one bin, and making decisive cuts on which extras i actually need to keep. taking a cursory walk through my definite "yes" pile to see what coords i can make with them
it's made it much gentler for me to have a "yes" bin, a "no definitely not" bin, and a bin for "still thinking about it." (and a fourth bin, but that's the trash can, LOL.) not having to think about it in a black and white "decision now" mentality lets me focus on being brutally honest about whether i love each thing, and whether it's past its prime. yeah i have the skills and tools to repair many types of garment damage, but do i love the item enough to spend the time and effort?
i think the hardest thing has been trying every single thing on to make sure it still fits, and fits in a way i like. it's cruelly hot here. there are some winter things i can barely stand to touch right now, let alone put on my body. i have promised myself that i will revisit the off-season bin when it's on-season... but i did suffer through the fall clothes since that's a majority of my clothing, and it's my favs
having that "maybe" bin has also given me the ability to distance myself from the items and marinate. i looked through my maybes one day later, and found making a concrete yes/no was much easier. like the off-season bin, i have promised myself that i will revisit the "maybes" in six months to see if my feelings on them have changed
which, i cannot emphasize enough. clearly label every bin and bag while you're pruning--and date it!!! that way you'll know the last time you went through that particular bin. i didn't have any lingering receipts or anything to go by, but i know that some of these stored clothes have gone untouched for literally a decade. be kind to yourself and never let yourself say "etc, stuff, or misc" either. if you do that, you will have to open it to know what's in it, every single time. if it's a mixture of things--like scarves, belts, ties--write each thing on it. i also don't recommend a blanket "accessories" label on any "yes" bins for the same reason
it's taken me three days to get this far, and i'm just past halfway going through things i think, but i think i've gotten my clothing possessions down by 30-50% with my first pass over everything
once i have all my definite "no"s culled, i am going to make a second pass over everything in my "yes"es to see if they're all still definitely "yes"es. same with the "maybes." i know i can shrink it all down further, but i need to trim the fat before i can work with the meat, to sound like a butcher for a minute
it's been exhausting and very time consuming, but it's also long overdue and i have multiple spoon-adjacent energy restrictions working against me. sometimes the best self-care you can give yourself is getting rid of what you don't need anymore, so you can appreciate and focus on what you do need and love
(yeah, part of it is me looking for stuff that's in good enough condition to see if i can get a resale shop to take it, money is getting that tight... but god i am drowning in belongings and i cannot stand it anymore nefeysfnstksfnstksfnstksfnstnm)
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emailsicantsnd · 1 year
inspired by @imtalkin​ but here’s my sabrina story!!!! took a long time bc there’s a lot of history and i remember it all in great detail so this was written in hella chunks bc a girl gets tired 😗 also adding the cut just so y’all are prepared for the amount of stuff that’s under it lol
so i started watching gmw way back when it first aired and first off just felt so seen by maya’s character and then learned that she was played by the incomparable sabrina carpenter right around the time CBAGFT came out and i just LOVED the song right off the bat esp. because i was really into a guy i did sports with and it was kinda my hype song to get me to ask him out (nothing came of it tragically). with the pilot and following the show so intently as well as loving her music from the get go, i just knew i had to follow everything she did. so i kept watching gmw, started my main blog for the purpose of posting about it (it’s still all there at the start of my archive since i was a diehard lucaya shipper and am still not over it) and patiently waited for her debut album after playing the CBAGFT ep to death (and silver nights, her best christmas song). 
so we keep watching gmw and she releases eyes wide open and i was sad ONLY bc she wasnt touring near me and i really wanted to see her live! but i of course loved the album front to back. the chokehold the lyric “everybody loves to tell me i was born an old soul” had on me was INSANE. also top three from the album bc i feel like it: your love’s like, seamless, and probably ewo (although i would def put some of the ep songs up there in the top 3 but since we had them before the album i only wanna rank the new album songs)
some time passes and she announces on purpose which will always have such a special place in my heart and always be one of my favorite songs of hers forever bc the day after it was released is when i had the epiphany i was in love with my best friend after spending the night with him and that was the song i played the next morning as i was packing my bags to go home and i realized “oh shit i’ve been in love with him for years”  🥴
finally, she releases EVOLution which also is a special album to me bc that was the first tour i finally got to see her on and meet her! i remember buying m&g tickets in my health class and she was actually coming to my city (never happens) so i was ECSTATIC!!! i will never forget that day of the concert, i was wearing the smoke and fire limited capsule merch she did to raise money for the red cross and a pair of booties i had bought that she had worn that one of those like “fashion of sabrina carpenter” blogs posted back in the day. also that tour was so well set up like the line to get to the meet and greet had a stop at the merch table so we could buy our merch on the way which is so smart and im mad no one’s ever done that since (at least to tours i’ve been to w/ m&g). she was such an angel to meet, i was so stupid and the first thing i said when they opened the curtains to the little photo op was “oh my god you’re you!” and she was so nice about me being awkward and she was like “im me!” i told her how i was such a fan and loved her music and loved gmw and she was so nice and thankful and we took our professional photo and a selfie on my phone and i will never forget how she is the only celeb i’ve met who made sure to ask my name bc i always forget to mention it and she would not let me leave until i told her my name, which she said was a “beautiful name” 🥰🥰🥰 and then i went up to the french fry party upstairs w/ the q&a portion. i think i was like one of the only ppl who asked a genuine question whereas everyone else asked her to record a vid saying hi to their friends. i had asked what her favorite song to write on the album was and she said feels like loneliness “becaue it happened like lightning*snapped her fingers*” and explained the writing process (i still have the vid of her answering my quesiton) 🥰 it was the first concert i ever got to be in the front row, and it was AMAZING like the chair dance??? iconic. the neon signature sign???? iconic. that’s when i knew i chose the right person to stan. 
fast forward a while and im still listening as strong as ever, almost love drops, she announces singular, PARIS DROPS and i remember my jaw was on the FLOOR when that came out (im a paris girlie more than a sue me girl like i remember her tweeting something like she’s played both songs and finds certain types of ppl liked paris and other types liked sue me does anyone remember this???). i remember putting my earbuds in and strutting around throughout my day feeling like such a baddie. the most devastating part of this era was that she did not come to my state to tour, and the next closest location i couldnt make it to so i didnt get to see her which was so sad especially bc maggie lindemann was opening for her and i also love her too :( but singular act 1 was and is phenomenal and i adore it so much. not to mention act 2 dropping, i was so glad we actually got exhale instead of it getting the alone together treatment 👀 👀 but im still so sad i didnt get to see any of those songs live. but i am thrilled i’ll get to hear honeymoon fades this month (god i remember the way we acted when she released that song and was dating gr*ffin 🥴 what a doozy that was)
i really dont like talking about the DL drama at all bc it was SO unfair to sabrina and josh and i dont like the way any of it went down and the lack of accountability. all im gonna say is i’ve been a diehard fan of sabrina since day one, and it broke my heart that she went through that at all and nothing could make me turn on blondie. it’s still kinda weird that i have friends that act like it’s a sin when i bring up that im a sabrina stan like bffr y’all are weird for asking me if she’s really my fave... skin was so good tho i loved that song 
anyhow, so onto the eics era!!!! my hot take is that i love skinny dipping (the song lmao), but i feel like fast times would have been a stronger choice for lead single 👀 🤷🏽‍♀️ 👀 (like literally just swap the order, release skinny dipping as the second single w/ the video) i played the SHIT out of fast times like she was right especially after learning how short life is after covid especially, these really are fast times and fast nights. also vicious??? INCREDIBLE i was screaming that shit daily until the album came out. and the ALBUM!!!! i was on vacation in california when it dropped so i think im always gonna associate it with staying up late to listen to it while looking out at the city lights from the suburbs. and i ADORED it. how many things had me crying bc call back to the on purpose story from earlier! by listening to it in california which is where we were last togtheter, not only did how many things remind me of him, but being in the same place again??? ouch my heart 🥴 this makes me want to do a ranking bc i love all her songs and eics is skipless perfection but safe to say the album has been on repeat ever since. sadly, she didnt come to my state AGAIN for the first leg of the eics tour, but she is for this leg so i’ll be seeing her this month for the first time since 2016 and i could not be more excited !!!!!!!!!!
ALSO since i dont ever get to tell this story i was one of the winners of the signed sweet tooth perfume sweepstakes which was fucking insane???? one of the best moments ive had being a fan of hers bc that was insane and it smells so fucking good???? the email saying i had won went to my junk folder so im so glad i actually checked it when i did or i would have been DEVASTATED 
also the deluxe???? opposite and things i wish you said BROKE ME IN HALF and ofc lonesome and feather are also incredible!!!! she doesnt miss ever!!!!
i feel like most of this is just reactions to her albums and my evolution tour story but it really is just that i’ve been a fan since day one and have not wavered in that, and will always be here for miss carpenter  ♥️♥️♥️
sorry that was a lot but it’s been a lot of years i’ve been a fan lol
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marengogo · 2 years
Silver Lining - What If #1 : Blood-Moon
Planetarium - by Ai Otsuka  [LOVE COOK]
[Music is a very big part of my life and I’m MOSTLY INCAPABLE of writing without music, so I just thought I'd share what I am listening to while writing this]
🐺 — 🐺 — 🐺— 
As we got closer to Halloween I suddenly began thinking (before every tragic thing that has happened, in many countries, all at once) about Jikook. I was born and raised Christian, eventually to my mothers dismay ended up becoming spiritual, but Xmas is, and probably always will be, my favourite time of the year. Why? Because my happiest memories with my family were during that time of the year. I may have many issues with my parents but, even though we were among the poorest of families, they made DARN SURE that every Xmas in my childhood would be absolutely magical and this, their love and efforts, has left a permanent impression on me I believed in, wrote, and posted said letters to Santa until the age of 10, that’s how deep it was. 
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So, what does Xmas have to do with Halloween and Jikook? Absolutely nothing, but I always got the feeling that in the same way I feel about Xmas meaning something more to me, even though I’m not Christian, to JK and JM, Halloween may also be meaning something more. From their like of the characters from 「A nightmare before Christmas」which I also LOVE, and I know Marilyn Manson is most of nobody’s cup of the but his version of This is Halloween is 👌🏾, and let’s not talk about Tim Burton for now 😬🥲🙃 as that is not the point of this post…one again: I digress. 
And how to forget  their Halloween ventures during GCF in Tokyo?! Just that made me wonder how they would look dressed as 2 Jack Skellington, or 2 Sally, or Jack & Sally or Sally & Jack? As I kept imagining what they could look like in the spooky corner of my brain, the radio began to speak about an oncoming Lunar Eclipse. I got back to planet Earth and I got excited, as I am a Selenophile (--> Selenophile from Wikipedia). 
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One of our resident Gen-Z explained how he never saw an eclipse of any kind, and myself one of the residen Gen-Y, and my other colleague, one of the resident Gen-X, did what we always do: started making fun of him; that is our love language 😌❤️. Once we had our fun, we then began to share experiences and I got so excited (this particular Gen-Z is so patient with me, I honestly, he is so adorable, also an ARMY in the making thank to Jin's Epiphany and now The Astronaut 🥰...) I decided to show him how rare of an event a total lunar eclipse was. So we went on Google, as one does and found a wikipedia link which listed all types of lunar eclipses and when they would happen (this link → https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_lunar_eclipses_in_the_21st_century ). 
While I was bragging of having seen many during the 2002-2005 period as one doesn’t 😬, I quickly looked to check and see when this year’s total lunar eclipse, aka Blood-Moon, would be. I almost released the most disbelieving and creepiest of laughters when I saw the date: 8 of November. 
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I- Honestly, you need to understand, I usually stay very far away from Jikook-Maths (by that I refer to all the events that some shippers notice being somehow, coincidently or not, we still don’t know, connected to Jikook and important dates/numbers), because things that I can’t proof logically are very hard for me to digest, but I am also spiritual, as there are things I can’t explain, but which existence I can’t deny … so I don’t go around knocking people down. Basically, I don’t bash, but I also ain’t giving cash not buying it. 
The 8th of November is a big one within Jikook-Maths, really big. but aside from all possible calculations, and associated meanings for anniversaries, it is indeed the anniversary for GCF in Tokyo, so my silver synapses sparkled and I immediately thought: “What if they watch it together?...”. Afterall, it wouldn’t be the first time, right? Remember, in Malta? Star, Wind and Romance Mood?
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I swear I couldn’t stop thinking of this, I still can’t stop wondering about it. This thoughts made me want to create the Silver Lining series, because unless they actually do it and show it, there would be no way for us to know, but also it isn’t to absurd a thought to think.The sentimental part of me adding the fact that it is in fact the anniversary of GCF in Tokyo, and also most likely the last time they would spend an 8 of November together for a while (as they would be eventually going to serve). 
It all just made me wonder and ponder … Unfortunately, I can’t see it from the country where I currently live 🙃just my luck🙃, if you do get a chance, and if you want to, try and see if you can catch it, and maybe who knows, you just might all be looking up at this same particular Blood-Moon. 
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Still wondering and pondering, but always respectfully yours,
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