#and as much as i love horses I'm terrified of riding them now
notsodailycake · 1 year
I have fallen for you baiting with the Zelink kids, I’m begging to hear something about them
If you need something specific maybe their names and favorite hobbies or who they most take after
Whauwie YES
OK OK SO, so far i have built already how they come to be and all, I'm just working on how life will be like after totk (dont have the game yet, but friends do so imma be asking for sum help)
But so far, we have 2 kids! Both of them are girls, 3 years apart. Older sister is named Sonia (yes in honor of Queen Sonia herself), and the youngest is named Adira
Sonia is more like her dad, especially in terms of looks, but she had inherited her mother's eyes and thurst for answers. She's very energetic and adventurous, and likes helping others
She tends to be the guinea-pig to alot of her sister's projects and creations since she has almost no self preservation. She enjoys it tho, thinking it as a fun activity to try out new things and hang out with her sister. She also enjoys carving things, mainly toys and masks. Most of her sister's toys were made by her when they were around 11 and 8
Although she is usually quite the airhead, and not really the brightest (like her dad, cough-), she definitely inherited her mother's overthinker mind. Doesn't help that she also tends to think little of herself, being the firstborn of the Princess and Hero themselves, alot of people put her under alot of high expectations and although her parents tried their best to show she didn't have to prove her worth, the gossip around town was hard to ignore, doesn't help the fact that her sister has started to become a prodigy to her mom, creating inventions to help hyrule and planning to bring the royal system back when she's old enough
Sonia though, has no intention of bringing the royal life back, nor to continue it. Like her dad she wants to explore, she's fascinated by history and wants to disvover every small relic left unseen. And she wants to travel beyond Hyrule one day as well and help those she comes across her path. But also perhaps, escape the duties and expectations others put on top of her, and perhaps prove herself better then those expectations
She loves her sister tho, despite everything, and will never admit to her how jelouse she actually is of Adira. How jealous she was of Adira of being able to hang out with their mom so much, have so much in common with her, sometimes she wonders if she has anything from her mom other then her eyes
Adira is alot like her mother, especially in the looks department, but she has her father's eyes and thurst for chaos. She's usually quiet, but very sassy when needs be, and although seeming quite shy, she got quite the temperament and wont hold back her tounge
Like mentioned previously she becoms a prodigy to her mom, creating and getting invested on inventions to help hyrule and planning to bring the royal system back when she's old enough. She spends most of her time studying and working on anything technology finding it fun to see what possible outcomes it came give
Although sometimes the pressure is too much, as much as her parents give her the liberty to explore her interests, as she had started to show advancements in her creations and helping hyrule, as well as proclaiming to bring back the kingdom (even tho she was a child when she said that), all eyes were now set on her and she is terrified of any failure, and to disappoint everyone, she usually confides on her sister who never cared of her status and just liked to be around her for her (and well, she felt too embarrassed about it to tell her parents about it, they didn't need to worry about such simple things in her eyes, they already fought the townsfolk so much bc of that, she didn't want to make them dislike her parents bc of her)
She admires her sister alot, looks up to her and wishes she could be as cool as her, as free as her, but she isn't good in any sort of physical activities and is usually just stuck in the lab. And that causes a smidge of jealousy as Sonia is able to bond more with their dad then Adira ever could, she feels like she has nothing in common to her dad other then his eyes and need for chaos (which the second part was something looked down apon by others)
And those are the basics i have so far, there is more but I'm unsure about it for now, and aren't 100% concrete yet, so i wont share at the moment
But before i end this, here are some small fun facts:
Both Sonia and Adira are pure glutons, just like their dad XD. They have cooking sessions together quite often, helping around the kitchen when they can;
Sonia loves horses as much as her dad does, but she is terrified of riding them, because when she was little and riding one for the first time, the person who set settle on didn't do it properly and she fell, head first into a rocky ground, and to add onto it, the horse stepped right onto her pinky. Now she has small panic attacks trying to ride them
Sonia actually used to hate Adira. Since Adira was a rainbow baby, Zelda and Link did kinda get overprotective with her, and accidentally neglected Sonia. That didn't last long after Sonia did cause a whole scene with running away and almost getting killed- but that's likez a whole other story in itself lol (i might make a more detailed post about this later). But after that incident they were able to work things out and Sonia ended up being way more protective over Adira then her own parents
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inkyquince · 1 year
YOU MAKE ME WEEP 😭 I MISS YOU AND I HAVEN'T BEEN ON. can't wait for the semester to wrap up. but i did get a job for the summer hahaha!!
i'm trying to get pregnant by kylar or eden. so far i have FAILED.
honestly, i must ask how you would think wren would be as a parent. would love to hear any thoughts on that!!!
DW, we know how Eden and Kylar are. Non stop fuck nasty machines.
Okay, for Wren as a dad, it... Depends?
Like, does he like you as a fuck buddy or does he... Like you, like you? Like Like... Like Love Like?
Cuz if its the first one, I think the best you get is that he's going to be not present at all. Like he sends money, he's going to show up some days to absolutely dazzle your kid with a horse ride and presents and shit, and then won't come and visit for another 8 months. He's flighty as fuck, he's busy. Your kid will have his beautiful hair, maybe his soft brown eyes. Maybe your kid will always love him because he's the cool fun dad who spoils them when he does come around. Maybe they get disenchanted by him by the time they hit their teens. He doesn't pick up when they call, he doesn't come to important events. Maybe one day he comes by with a couple of presents and they flatly turn down going out for a day with him. You might get to watch his face fall a bit. Maybe just his eyes just get a bit duller.
Your kid goes off to hang out with friends and you and Wren get to have a drink together for the first time in ages, since his attention is normally on your kid, never you. He's down. Says he wants to do better. But you know him by now. So you just offer a pat on the back, and wonder if this is the last time you'll see him again, since he's finally been turned away by his kid, and has no reason to come back anymore.
NOW, if you're someone he actually fucking likes?
My god. Wants his annoying input in everything you do. Choosing a flat? "Sunshine, babycakes, darling, its cheaper to get a lil cottage out on the farmlands, and then I can come by every night after work and-" Deciding on a crib? "Sweetheart, muffin, angel face, let me see if i can get it handmade, never should trust the plastic shit, fuck, I slept in the top drawer for the first 3 months of my life, baby-" Like its cute, but shut up babe.
He's going to be in your damn life. Even if you say he can take a backseat, he's fucking taking that backseat out, taking out the gear stick and putting his seat there. Fuck you.
Somehow got into your phone to get a copy of important upcoming dates, and he skids into the ultrasound, all sweaty, just as you're getting your gown on.
He's going to be your fucking best friend in this. That's Wren as a lover, boyfriend, partner, it's as a best friend who really wants to get into your pants and deigns to bombard you with sloppy kisses just because he knows it makes you swat at him.
He would sometimes not show up days in a row, but it's never months. Just a few days, and he comes back with an oversized plush under his arm, or a stupidly big cake or something.
He loves that kid man. He's always gonna love his kid, but they aren't an afterthought anymore. He wants 50 more hours in the day, so he doesn't have to choose between work and his home.
Wren's also fucking terrified. He knows the town he lives in, its why he wanted you in the farmlands, not in town. Will beg you to consider homeschooling. In his perfect world, his kid never steps foot in town, and gets to grow up with nature, and feeling safe. Doesn't matter what age, he wants to be old as fuck, and have his 40 year old kid still at home and training horses or something.
Wren, overall, as a parent would love his kid. But his relationship with you would decide how much he wants to actually be there.
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Yandere Miles Fairchild-kidnapping
Summary: how Miles would act around the whole kidnapping thingie
Warnings: kidnapping, slight manipulation, physical abuse(not done but mentioned), Miles being so nice that you can't even complain about your kidnapping
Asks are always open<3
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Miles would be the type of yandere to kidnap you almost immediately
Most yanders save kidnapping as a last resort solution , if their darling rejects them or is leaving, but for Miles this just isn't true. He would kidnap you with any minor reasoning
He really thinks it's for the best and even expects you to thank him about it sometime in the future
I mean, he has a big home that has everything in it , so you will be the most comfortable there with him, right?('this is your new house' be would say grinning and keep showing you around)
And then you will get to meet Flora a cute young girl that makes you want to protect her. Miles instructs her to talk to you and tell you to stay ' you won't leave too , will you?' her voice is soft and she is giving you the most hurt look she can achieve .
' Everyone leaves us , but I feel it , you're different'
And kidnapping you works in Miles favor in more than one ways
That house is a terrifying old building with floors that creek and doors that shut on their own. The nightmares are inevitable and when they come , Miles is right there to comfort you
' Don't worry y/n , you're ok' he softly sais , hugging you ' here , I will stay with you all night to protect you'
Normally you would have pushed him away , but now you were so petrified and his hugs were warma and his face familiar. So you let him sleep in your bed
Waking up the next morning you find him already awake playing with a lock of your hair. ' I'm sorry for taking you here without your permission.' his expressions seem so genuine that you think he might be honest
' I just love you and didn't want to lose you. Everyone I have ever loved has either died or left me. I just want to protect you'
He guilt trips you in feeling bad for him so you will never ever leave and honestly it works.
All together though, it won't be too awful. Miles is a pretty boy (He would find you staring at him and smile that Miles grin knowing damn well what he is doing). The house is enormous and so are the fields that surround it. He and Fiona will keep you busy and happy enough that you forget you were not here on your free will in the first place
You were frequently taken horse riding. The times that Flora was with you it would be more playful but the ones in which you and Miles are alone? Oh he would be extra flirty , giving you winks , helping you of your horse and kissing your hand, while looking up at you with his pretty smile( 'there is my lady. Careful now we don't wanna hurt ourselfs', 'dont I get a kiss for helping you?')
You would take strolls all around the garden collecting flowers and pretty rocks. Once you even found a hedgehog that you and Flora somehow convinced Miles to take in as a pet('please Miles let us keep him!' Flora begged her brother. 'FINE!' he let out 'keep him, I don't care'. He ended up adoring the little animal)
Exploring the rooms, board games ( in which Miles is unsurprisingly and Flora is surprisingly competitive)and even cooking will fill your days. You have everything you want except of your freedom. As long as you don't ask for that you will be ok.
Also try not to anger Miles too much , since he holds you in his hand. He is usually nice and a gentleman but don't push it. He can take away your things , not allow you to go out or even deprive you from food water or a shower.
He would try not to drug you since he loves your personality just as it is. You could yell at him and even try to hit him and those things he wouldn't mind. But if you ever try to hurt yourself or run away , expect to be a bit drugged for a long time.
He wouldn't easily get physical,('please y/n, I really don't wanna hurt you') but if you act out too much , then he won't hesitate to strike you. If he thinks that in order to stay with him , you have to be completely controlled, then he will brake you and rebuild you as he pleases.
'The house is away from everything else , so please stop screaming. Noone is gonna hear you anyway ,dear'
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kangmoon27 · 1 year
Lick Frick | Jungkook ff oneshot
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Pairing: Manipulative King Jungkook x Married villager Y/n
Summary: When your husband use you to get his position higher by giving you to the King who's overly obsessed with you.
You aren't a tough girl.
You're just a weak little villager girl who do and follows everything they says, you've always dream about being strong and powerful but it's very impossible to happen.
Mens are the powerful, at least that's what they believe but you believe that everyone is equal, woman can be men and even better than men but if you would say something like that Infront of everyone they would think you're crazy cause in this current time, mans   are the one who's in power and woman's only servers for them and satisfied their needs.
As much as you wanted to prove them wrong the destiny wasn't on your side. You wanted to grow, be a strong and respected knight but that will never happen cause someone is already waiting for you.
Your parents agree for you to marry one of the council's son and all you could do is to agree, your family needed the money that they offered so without thinking twice or even asking you, they've already signed a contract saying you will be the wife of the counselor's son.
The wedding was over, the two newly married couples are laying on the bed, you sigh and turn to face him, mesmerizing his face while watching him just staring at the blank ceiling.
"What are you thinking Tae?, You don't seems happy that we're married" you said.
The man turn around and slightly smiled at you, he caresses your cheek and peck your lips. You don't know if you should be happy that you're married to a handsome and one of the best knight of the kingdom or not.
"Of course I'm happy that I'm married to a wonderful woman like you, a pretty woman like you just deserves more than this, like a castle, a kingdom that you will rule.
You just laugh at him, he chuckles while looking at you, how could he say something like that, you aren't even well educated, well mannered and he thinks you deserve to rule a kingdom?.
"Hey come on take me seriously, I promise you. You will be a queen and be a powerful woman that you've always wanted." He said while caressing your cheek.
"I'll only agree to be the queen if you will be my king, let's rule that imaginary castle that you're talking about." As soon as you said that you ruffles his hair and giggle.
"You're so cute, I'm pretty sure I'll enjoy this marriage with you." You smile at him while he just did the same. Closing your eyes preparing to sleep, the man sigh.
He's scared of his life, he should be running away now but he just had to accept his faith. He loves you so much he's been inlove with you for so long without you knowing and as much as he wanted to keep you safe by staying away from you the destiny is the one who made a way for both of you to be put you together and because of that it's game over for him.
He kissed your lips before closing his eyes and whispered "I love you, and I'm sorry that you will go through so much because of me"
One of the king's best and favorite knight was late making the king more mad then he's already is. Soon Taehyung arrived riding his horse, he bow down to the king with respect and immediately ask for forgiveness.
"I'm really sorry your majesty, I woke up late" Taehyung look up only to see the king already glancing at him as if he's ready to throw a blade at him.
"Why did you had so much fun with your new wife?" Tae gulps, he knew something was up with just those stared and now the way that the king is talking so cold to him is terrifying him.
"We made an agreement right Knight Kim? Do you still remember that?" The king ask making Taehyung wishes for the ground to open up and eat him. He slowly nod his head and closed his eyes tight as soon as a cold sharp metallic is placed next to his neck.
"If you remember then state what we have agreed. I commanded it." The king said.
"I agree to not be her husband cause she belongs to you your highness." Taehyung said.
"And what did you do? You betrayed your own king, don't you think you deserve a punishment?"
Taehyung knew exactly what the king wanted to do. He wanted tae to disappear from this world and take you, he also wouldn't stop till he made all of his families and relatives suffer.
"N-no Your highness, I promise to take her with you, she belongs to you so I'll taking her right where she belongs just please spare my life." The man begin to beg making the king satisfied.
The next thing you new was that you're getting married to the king and made you his queen. Taehyung was right, he will make you a queen that will rule a kingdom.
He lied to you, he's a big liar, he made you believe that he's happy in your marriage but turned out he only used you to higher his position in the palace.
He became the chef knight after he surrendered you to the king, you're so mad at him but at least he didn't let anything between the two of you deepen more and the way the king is treating you is way better, he nice, and very sweet. Well at least that's what he shows you at first.
You couldn't do it anymore, you couldn't even feel your legs as they because numb but he didn't care even if you passed out he just keeps on thr"sting deep inside you while looking at you in anger.
His eyes are red, they are burning in anger, he couldn't understand what does Taehyung have that he doesn't for you to keep on chasing after him.
After he saw you staring at Taehyung he got made and started forcing himself to you.
Right now he's on his knees l"cking you out while all you did was to stare at the ceiling, you couldn't feel your body anymore, you're already filled with bruises and wounds.
While he's l"cking you, he also slide his fingers inside you and started moving and didn't even care if his fingers are already covered with blood after being so harsh on you, he just keep on going till he's satisfied, he pulled his fingers and s"ck it getting the taste of your c"m and blood mixed together then he starts l"cking you p"ssy and slide his tongue in and out.
He's like a hungry beast that is eating you up, he climbed the bed and stared at you, caressing your cheek before kissing you, you stared at him blankly.
"You know this wouldn't happen if you only keep your eyes on me right." The king said.
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lilolilyr · 5 months
I have an idea for an Andromaquynh modern AU fanfic
In it, Quynh moves back home to her parents after getting a degree at university she isn't really sure she can or wants to use. She used to think that she's a city girl despising the suburbs she grew up in, but now she thinks she was wrong about that or maybe her preferences changed, she doesn't much like the cities she studied in anymore, first she thinks it's because she studied abroad (in the countries of her ancestors) and could never quite connect to the culture there, but visiting a friend in a city in her home country shows her it isn't just that, she just prefers a quieter environment
In the meantime, her parents have moved to a different part of town and it doesn't really feel like coming home at all. Quynh still struggles with her place in life, she doesn't want to hang around on her parents' couch doing nothing forever but she doesn't know what else to do either and the thought of a regular 9-5 job in an office terrifies her, she has done enough internships in that kind of environment to know she can't stand it for long
Quynh starts taking long walks through the countryside, for her health because she hasn't really found any sports/active hobbies in the area yet (that's an aspect she really liked about the cities, there's always something interesting going on, she used to dance and try out things like shooting with bow&arrow and axe throwing), and to have quiet time to think away from her family. That way she gets to know the area quite well - she actually already knows it a bit because she really didn't live far away as a kid, but she never really walked through the fields on this side of the suburbs before
On her walks she sometimes comes across equestrians, and one time a horse throws off its rider and she ends up catching the animal, which doesn't seem to mind people in general just people trying to climb and sit on it - it won't stay the last time she comes across that particular animal, and she thinks she understands the horse quite well what with not wanting to do jobs they don't like just to be allowed to live comfortably.
Andy's the owner of the horse riding school, and when a girl falls off her horse (probably the one that doesn't much like its riders, Quynh calls it Big Guy lovingly not knowing what it's actually called) and needs medical attention, Quynh ends up taking the horse back to the stables and meets Andy there.
There's a bit of an age-gap between them and even once they meet and fall in love Andy is reluctant to commit to Quynh out of fear of tying Quynh to a life she might not really want, meanwhile Quynh is finally figuring out her place in life and she wants to stay with Andy.
I'll probably never write the full fanfic, I just don't have the time and motivation for it. If anyone's interested in getting the draft and adopting it, I'd love to hand it over for you to write it!
Post is okay to reblog :)
The draft I have is pretty much in bullet points atm, but I'd even go over it and clean it up a bit if someone's really interested in adopting the fic, and I'd be open to either chatting about it and giving more input, or you taking it and doing your own thing with it!
I don't have the time to write a longfic atm and I feel like what with the plot I'm thinking of, it really needs to be 10 or even 20k minimum to start doing it justice... That being said if sb wants to try writing a shorter version or is inspired by it to write anything similar, absolutely feel free! Just pls lmk once it's done so I can read it :D
I also already wrote a college AU horse girl!Andy longfic before, and while that one was happier and this one would probably have quite some angsty vibes before reaching its happy ending, it still kind of feels like I've done this before, also reducing my motivation for it even more :( which is a pity really because I do really like the idea.
If you want to take on the story reply to this or send me an ask/dm and we can figure out how to do this, discord/email/docs or whatever :)
My tog tag list - I know it's been ages, if anyone wants off this list or if someone new wants on it, please let me know! -: @bobeau-beaubo @lesbianlotties (daniwouldnever) @ongreenergrasses @eyeh0rr0r @cantteachanoldguardnewquotes @badwolfkaily @andramaquynhs @depresbianintheclassicalsense @andy-the-scythian @cryhardanddanceharder @my-gaydar-is-on-point @spookyvoidangelskeleton @bookerandy @jackwolfskid @cinnamonplums @cruzwalters @kayivy @blacks-phoenix @binariesarebullshit @tea-lizzard @prevalent-masters @aftermillennia @youssefguedira (pierremichelofavignon) @salzundhonig @moonlightbuckley @genyathefirebird (rupzydaisy) @nickydestati @after-a-millennium @spacewitchqueen @damnbert @not-so-good-omen (innocent-gayngel) @rhubarbdreams-blog @bedalk
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violetswritingg · 12 days
Tyler Owens x OFC!
Description: When cowgirl meets cowboy after a year of no-contact and chaos ensues during storm season!
Rating: M (Mentions of blood and death in Tornadoes and storms alike, angst and loss of loved ones, car accidents, Tornado aftermath, and injury to characters, slight age gap (5 years))
Want to read the other chapters?
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"How long has it been since we've been to one of these?" Riley breathed, a small smile on her lips, looking up at the big red sign Historic Stillwater Stampede and Round-up since 1951! "Someone was feeling nostalgic."
Tyler grinned as he just shook his head, letting her pass by him. His hand hovering over her low back as he guided them through the crowd. Once they had found some seats it was just in time for the finals for the barrel racing event, Riley's favorite. The woman glanced up at the blonde man, catching his smirk and dropping her gaze to her hands in her lap.
"Not nostalgic per say, more like trying to conjure old memories of you laughing whenever I fell off the bull." Tyler quipped and Riley chewed her inner cheek to stave off her laugh.
"You falling off a bull, I do seem to remember that happening yes, I also seem to remember it ended with you in the hospital most of the time. Me laughing at you though? No comment." Tyler's laugh ripped her eyes from the medals being given out and they moved on to the next event.
"I remember that too." Tyler nodded, his denim clad thigh pressing against hers as he shifted to let someone by them.
"I remember how scared I was, the last time. Of course, it was the one time your mom couldn't go and that dad and I could." Riley shook her head, watching the rider control over their horses in a sense of awe. Yes she had lived on a farm but she had always been to scared of the large animals as a kid to ever go near them, much to Nathan's pleasure. Not needing his kid to be a daredevil in multiple aspects. "You looked right through me at the hospital, it was terrifying."
"Hey." Tyler took a chance, gently laying his hand over hers on her knee and squeezing before pulling back, "I'm not looking through you now." His eyes bore holes into her until she was forced to meet his gaze, the contact sizzling and Riley had to be the one to break away first, not trusting herself to keep looking into his green-blue eyes.
""You took the saying a little to literally, I said chase it if you feel it, not let it-"
"Run right over you." Tyler finished, "I remember that much at least."
"If you feel it, chase it." Riley grinned to herself, it was easy, easier to talk about her dad when it was Tyler, because it wasn't sharing stories of someone long gone but reminiscing on the good times, the bad times, the downright ugly. But he understood her grief better than anyone else, she knew that deep down beneath her own issues and hurt.
"Have I ever told you about the first ever tornado I saw?" Tyler asked as the bull riding was announced and the stadium started to get prepped.
Riley had to think about it.
"I-I don't think you have. How could that have never come up?" Riley just shook her head, baffled, chancing another glance at the man beside her.
"I was eight. Driving with my aunt, sirens are going and this vortex..." Tyler lifted a hand, the flat fingers and palm gesturing in front of him, his eyes far away in the memory. "Just lowers right down in the center of the road."
"Wow, and here I though I had the title of youngest to storm chase ever." Riley chuckles, her chest light in a way she tried to burn into her brain, "But looks like you got me beat by a couple years."
"I'm pretty sure that title is still yours." Tyle chuckled, bumping his shoulder against hers. Riley looking down at her lap and tucking some curls behind her ear.
"It's yours if you want it." Riley chuckled, but Tyler saw she wasn't kidding, his eyebrows crashing together, mouth opening to say something, what he had no idea. But she was faster, "Knowing you, you were probably absolutely smitten with the natural chaos of it all, the tornado, the storm. Even at eight, I can't imagine a Tyler Owens without his love of the things people are supposed to run from. Bulls, Tornados..."
The implication clear to him and his frown deepened.
"Were you scared?" Riley breathed, eyes darting to his for a moment. Softer than he had seen all week, looking more like his Riles than ever before and it took the breath from his lungs.
"Yeah, yeah I was." Tyler just looked at her the way that made her insides feel like jelly and she cursed in her head for letting him still get to her like this. "Were you, for your first?" Tyler wanted to keep her talking, keep her warm, and soft. To hold onto the woman he had been in love with for most of his adult life
"No." Riley answered, after a moment of deliberation, "No I wasn't. I was excited, nervous, scared in the moment we rolled maybe but...scared of the storm no. Not back then. Not in the Warlock."
Tyler's shoulders tensed at the mention of the armored vehicle that had deserved retirement for more than a while at this point.
"I guess there was this certainty that nothing bad would happen as long as dad was there and as long as we were in the Warlock behind its steel walls and impenetrable shields, it settled the nerves. But uh," Riley cut herself off, realizing a couple words too late she was spilling top secret information that she had meant to keep locked away. "A Tornado Wrangler, afraid of tornados, but not of riding angry bulls. How's that work? Are you just that good of an actor, shitting bricks the entire time and I just never noticed?"
"No, I surround myself with my own steel and impenetrable shields. Settles the nerves." Lightning like energy crackled between them as Tyler used her own words and his eyes dripped in honey. It was so hard to stay mad at him when he looked at her like that. Clearing her throat, she looked back to the arena, Tyler chuckling to himself and doing the same. Shit eating grin spread across his lips as he took her in, sobering a bit and softening. Melting in the way only Riley ever seemed to draw out of him. "Bulls and Tornados are the same really. What matters is the reason you do it. You don't face your fears, you ride them."
The last bull rider jogging along the side of the arena, meeting Tyler and Riley's eyes. Swirling his hand in the air before nodding to Riley. Tyler repeating the signal and grinning at the bull rider. Riley just watched his profile, his words striking multiple chords in her soul and leaving her aching. Her brain screaming at her to move away from the territory of vulnerability.
"Ya know, looking at you, if I didn't know you have an accent, if I didn't know anything about you, I imagine someone would peg you for a California guy, like one of those California cowboys that like to drive around the small city streets with his massive truck he doesn't even use to haul anything. Just bought it for the aesthetic. And like maybe you played lacrosse in high school." Riley chuckled at Tyler's disgusted face, giggle bubbling up uncontrollably.
"How do you even know what Lacrosse is?" Tyler laughed in disbelief.
"I do pay attention to things other than storm chasing!" She chuckled, shaking her head. Curls whipping around her face.
"What? You're a lacrosse fan now?" Tyler pushed, wanting to keep this going, like it used to be, when things were good. He just wished she was better at hiding when she was actively running away from herself. From them.
Focusing back on the event currently happening Riley noticed how the wind kept picking up and the cells she had been tracking floated around in the back of her head. When a burst of leaves fell from the sky she reached out to grab a perfectly healthy, vibrantly green leaf. Thunder and a flash of lightening in the distance. Riley looking up as Tyler did.
"Have you been tracking cells out here?" Tyler asked, his once easy going smile now turned down in worry.
"A couple, but nothing set to hit till late tomorrow." Riley breathed, her skin prickled and she took a breath, "The air feels heavy. This isn't good." More thunder and lightening, the wind picked up again. Riley watching the leaves rush due south and cursing in her head as soon as the warning on everyone's phones started to go off and the sirens started to blare.
The stadium started to evacuate as the winds started to rapidly accelerate around them, Tyler's hand finding her as she got shoved. Pulling her into his side and keeping her on her feet as they made it out to the fairgrounds with all the carnival games and attractions. Riley fighting Tyler to look back, lightening flashing just long enough for her to see a massive wedge funnel on the ground moving fast. Dark, angry, and coming for blood.
"Gotta go! Go, go, go!" Riley grabbed onto Tyler's shirt as he pulled up a woman who had fallen in front of them and put her back on her feet. Lightly pushing him in front of her as they tore off in the opposite direction, Tyler's grip on her hand bruising but she didn't care, if anything it was her only grounding rod in this moment. Outside of the Warlock, about to be forced to suffer through a tornado live and in person. This was her worst nightmare, besides getting picked up in a vehicle again.
Getting to the parking lot Riley could barely keep up with Tyler's longer legs but her fear was driving her to run faster, seeing Kate heading to the office of the motel she had been staying in and apparently Kate too. After almost getting hit by people trying to flee in vehicles, which was the worst idea you could have.
"No! You have to stop!" Riley tried to get to them, as if she could.
"Riley! We can't help them! Come on!" Tyler gripped her around the waist and dragged her back. Riley's eyes locked with his before darting to Kate. Her heart in her throat, knowing those people probably weren't going to make it. As the now three got under the canopy Riley spotted a mom and daughter rushing. The mom got her daughter in the car and Riley screamed.
"Get inside! You won't make it in a car! Come on!" Tyler held open the door, Riley waiting until both Kate and the mother and daughter got inside. Feeling Tyler's hands on her back pushing her across the threshold and keep a tight grip on her waist.
"Is there a storm shelter?" Kate was spitting out at the front desk attendant who looked pissed off, most likely with the couple berating him. But now was not the time.
"Is there like a basement? Or something underground?" Tyler was pressing, pushing Riley with him as he leaned against the counter with urgency. Which the greasy brunet man didn't like one bit and found within himself to try and start a fight with Tyler, which the man ignored. All of a sudden it hit Riley.
"Oh my god Sarah, my team. Fuck, I don't know where they are Tyler-"
"They know what they're doing, we need to focus on us right now. Look we need to get underground right now. We need to get people underground right now." Tyler redirected her, looking back to the clerk, but Riley's breath started to pick up, but she had to trust Sarah and the others got the warning same as she did and would take care of themselves.
"Look, there's no tornado!" The woman who had been sitting uninterested, annoyed even, to the side piped up in the chaos. Riley wanted to slap some sense into her. "Nine times out of ten it's a false alarm."
"Yeah, well this is that one out of ten chance." Riley snapped, eyes vibrating along with her body.
"You hear that?"
"And now the powers out-"
"I can hear that and I can also knock your power out, or we can sit here arguing while a tornado is descending upon us like the fucking grim reaper! Out there is an easy EF4, which will kill us if we don't get underground. Now!" Riley was panicking, she knew it, Tyler knew it, and Kate knew it too. She tried to slow her breathing; the adrenaline surge would kill her by making her stupid before the tornado ever would. What would Dad do? Not panic for one. Fuck.
They wouldn't listen.
"We need to find shelter. Fast" Kate took off through the open office door to the side and Riley darted after her. Tyler calling her name, his teeth gritting together.
The door was ripped from Kate's hands with the slightest of pushes and Riley had to fight not to gasp. Gripping the door frame for dear life as she peaked out like Kate did.
"Do you see anything?!" Riley yelled over the wind, fighting her hair in the wind. Her eyes stinging, skin starting to tinge a pink from wind burn. Desperately looking for somewhere that wouldn't mean guaranteed death. For a state so plagued by storms they have really shit infrastructure for said storms.
"Yeah! Yeah I do!" Kate bolted back into the main office, calling the others to follow them. Tyler ushering everyone as a large piece of metallic debris crashed through the office window. Riley grabbing the woman's arm from Tyler. The blonde man sheltering Riley with his body, the last out of the office, Kate leading the pack with the mom and daughter.
Riley felt the resistance against her and so did Tyler as the annoyed woman was pulled away by her boyfriend to their truck. Riley's eyes went wide as she screamed, "NO!" Tyler's arms went around her waist and put her on her feet again shoving her forward as she fought him, "No Tyler! They're going to get-"
"We have to go Riley!" He snapped pushing her through the gate Kate held open, the empty motel pool their welcome sight. Riley helping the girl down to her mother as she shook, Tyler pushing her down the ladder next. Kate was still up there and looking at something, Riley backed up, eventually seeing what Kate saw and her hands balled up at her sides seeing the blue truck go flying, Tyler stopping Kate from doing what she almost did earlier.
All she could see was her dad's truck, flashes of bright light, the roar of the wind.
Riley forced down the bile in her throat and scrambled over to the mother and daughter, ushering them to the pipes to the filtration system that's rooted far enough to keep them on the ground. Hopefully.
"You have to stay low! Cover her head and eyes!" Riley instructed, pushing the mom and little girl into the corner. "Hold onto the pipe as tight as you can! Don't let go no matter what! It's gonna be okay!" Riley looked up the sky and saw Kate drop into the pool with Tyler and the desk attendant from the motel. "Tyler!" Riley held out her hand, shaking, lungs refusing to fully expand.
Jolting back when a vending machine crashed down into the pool, right in front of the desk clerk. Tyler so close to her she could touch him. Her fingers digging into his flannel at his shoulder.
"Tyler!" She tried to pull him but he gripped her hand and squeezed it fiercely.
"I'll be right back!"
"NO! Tyler!" Riley tries to dart forward but Kate sees her and grabs her by the belt loops, pulling her back into the woman's chest. "Let me go! Tyler!"
"Stay there!" The man called as he crawled on his stomach towards the lone clerk. Tyler got him out from behind the vending machine, but he wouldn't stay down low. Too much air got under him and slipped through Tyler's fingers. Sliding back to the shallow end of the pool, Tyler having to go that much further away from safety at the pipes to get to the stupid, panicking man. Even though Riley wasn't much better. The man was pulled up with an updraft and his body contorted sickeningly as he was pulled into the vortex. Riley gripping onto Kate's arms with a death grip, her tears mixing with the rain that had started to fall and soak her skin.
The storm was right there. And it was angry. Pissed off to the extreme. Enough to send a truck flying out of the ether and fling it right at Tyler. It was that moment that Riley broke free from Kate's grip and rushed out, holding out her hand to Tyler and staying on her stomach. Screaming his name as the truck was pushed further and further, threatening to fall over on its side and crush the man underneath that Riley cared a great deal about. Riley met him and with a strength she didn't know she possessed pulled Tyler with her to safety as the wind worked against them.
He was slipping though, the closer they got to the pipes. Every second felt like an hour.
"You gotta let go!" Tyler screamed, "It will take both of us!"
"Then it takes both of us! You go I go!" Riley screamed as she pulled one more mighty pull, every muscle in her arms straining as she got Tyler to the pipes. Just as the truck fell over, the edge got caught on the lip of the pool. Tyler jolted forward as metal creaked and wind streaked past them. Wrapping himself around Riley and plastering them both to the pipes. Riley's hand finding Kate's belt loops, as if that would keep her anchored against the mom and daughter.
The older woman telling her daughter over and over that it would be okay, that she had her. It was ticking every blaring red box in Riley's mind and she felt like she couldn't breathe. But Tyler's weight against her back was the only piece of light in her mind. The sound of Kate's cries and grunts as she struggled to hold on.
And then it was over. And once the roar of the wind died down and the roar left her ears it was like Riley could breathe again. Without the wind stealing it from her.
"Tyler? Ty?" Her voice croaked, hands quickly finding his knee and then elbow as his arm fell around her shoulders and across her chest.
"I'm here. I'm here. You're okay. You're okay." Riley let his words wash over her like the tide, unsure if his words were for her or for him. But she couldn't really be bothered to care. He was here. He was okay. Riley's eyes cut over to Kate and the mom and daughter. Eyes swimming with non-storm related water.
"Everyone- Everyone okay?" Riley shakily asked, eyes darting like a addict looking for their next fix, the adrenaline hitting her hard and making her head spin.
"Yeah, yeah." Kate breathed, her nails digging into Riley's hand, when they had clutched tight to the other like that Riley didn't know but was appreciative of one more warm living touch on her drenched skin.
"It's over," The mom cheered quietly, sagging in relief against her small daughter. Pulling the child into her chest more. "It's over."
Riley knew this was just the beginning.
"Oh god. Sarah." Riley breathed, Tyler slowly getting to his feet, setting Riley on hers his hands never leaving her for a second. And she didn't want them to. Needing reassurance that this wasn't some hallucination, and she was crying for a dead body to come back to life again.
"We'll find her." Tyler's rough voice promised, but a lead weight had settled in Riley's chest as they slowly followed Kate, venturing out into the aftermath.
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phoenixyfriend · 2 years
Centaur star wars au?
send me an au and i’ll give you 5+ headcanons about it
I'm going to take this as "Star Wars, but some of the characters are centaurs." Since the most common "Yeah, you're not human anymore" target is Obi-Wan, we'll go with him. But also Qui-Gon, because I want his mane of hair to come with a matching tail.
Qui-Gon's 'breed' of horse is Clydesdale because of course it is. I considered Irish Draught, but they don't have the appropriate stockiness, so Clydesdale it is. Obi-Wan's cross is with Highland Pony. I like the idea of both of them being breeds that were bred for work in the mountains, but that Obi-Wan is a little more 'polished;' the Highland pony is mostly used as a show breed now, as I understand it, but it's still got the hardiness it was bred for, and we all know how often Obi-Wan, well-coifed though he is, just goes full-on brawler in a fight. They both, but especially Qui-Gon, hit their heads on many, many ceilings.
While Anakin is still little, Obi-Wan lets him ride if he's tired. It's not demeaning, on account of how the centaur types view it as no different then, say, a human giving a toddler a ride on their shoulders. It's not the most comfortable, granted, given the lack of saddle, but Obi-Wan wears a decorated blanket equivalent of Jedi robes pretty often, and that does provide at least a little padding for wee little Anakin.
On that note, crechelings and baby clones LOVE getting rides from Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon. They go so fast. They are also a somewhat terrifying mix of horse speed and human endurance, augmented by Jedi Force Bullshit. They can run forever at speeds that are terrifying.
Given that he's already more Stocky Hardy than Agile Bouncy like this, Obi-Wan wears significantly more armor during the war, since he's a much bigger target than canon. Gotta protect those flanks! Hardy for a horse is still. A horse.
Qui-Gon doesn't do much to his hair or tail or even his body fur beyond 'wash' and 'brush just often enough that it doesn't mat.' Obi-Wan, meanwhile, has an entire routine. All that effort we see go to his beard care in the Prequels? That, but with Everything.
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invisibleraven · 11 months
Okay I am prompting cowboys and aliens AU, pairing of your choice bc I am just so curious lolol
It all starts when Reggie's prize heffer goes missing.
It's annoying, because he hasn't heard of any cattle rustlers in the area, and the local kids learned not to mess with him after he levelled his shotgun at Betsy Gunderson's boy trying to bed the daughter of the local preacher in his hayloft.
So he stakes out his fields, waiting for the idiots who decided to steal from him. He's expecting a group of toughs, or maybe one lone guy out to pick off his herd. He just doesn't expect to get beamed up by a freaking UFO.
The space is sterile and white, and there's no sign of Reggie's wayward cow, or anything else for that matter. He's terrified, worrying about lasers and probes, and every other trope that sci-fi movies have taught him to expect.
Only there are no little green men, but a sentient pile of orangey goo that greet him, making weird squawking at him in a pitch that makes his fillings rattle. He holds his hands over his ears until there's some clicks and chirps, then finally a voice.
"Is that better? Can you understand me now?"
Reggie lowers his hands, and sees the ooze almost vibrating as the voice repeats itself. "Um yeah... thanks? What's going on here?"
"I am here to observe your species," the creature says. "No harm, just observe."
"Did you steal my cow?" Reggie asks accusingly.
The creature glows a little, then gives what Reggie assumes is a laugh, though it sounds like tinkling bells. "Yes, I am afraid I did do that. I have been accused of trying to make it what you call a pet?"
"Yeah, cows aren't pets," Reggie replies. "I would kind of like her back if it's all the same."
"Do you have more?' the creature asks. "I would love to observe them all together in a group."
"A herd? I mean yeah... as long as you aren't planning on keeping them," Reggie says. "Though... do you have another form? This one is liable to give people the willies."
"I am the willies?" the creature ruminates, then shift until he resembles a very attractive human with bronze coloured skin, long dark hair, and cheekbones you could slice bread on. He is also very very naked, so Reggie tries to focus on said cheekbones. "I am acceptable now?"
"Sure, let's... get you to my house for some clothes and I'll show you around the farm."
The creature, who insists on going by The Willies (which Reggie just shortens to Willie, much to it's delight) loves the farm. He's less fond of clothes, but Reggie has managed to get him into shorts and a crop top left over from his last boyfriend, which is good enough.
Willie coos over the cows, is terrified of the chickens, a bit cautious around the pigs and is fascinated by the horses. He's a bit of a disaster in the saddle the first time Reggie takes him riding, but he eventually gets the hang of it, whooping as Ferdinand canters alongside Old Red.
Reggie brings Willie into town, biting back a smile as his wonder at other people, the food, the sights and sounds. It's kind of like a kid at DisneyLand, but he also notices that Willie gets overwhelmed easily, nervous in crowds, so he takes it slow.
"Your world is almost too much for me I'm afraid," Willie says as they head back in Reggie's truck, and Reggie doesn't have the heart to tell him he's only seen a small town in Montana, far from the world.
"We can take it day by day," Reggie replies. "World isn't going anywhere."
"My mission won't allow me to linger here much longer I'm afraid," Willie replies. "I'm supposed to report back soon, with all my findings. They've given me all the extensions they can."
Reggie finds he's kind of sad about that. Over the past few weeks or so he's come to enjoy Willie's presence here. The farm is kind of lonely, and it was nice to have a friend around. "Do you think you might be able to come back? I think you'd love winter time."
Willie is silent for a while, biting his plush bottom lip and playing with his hair. It isn't until they're sat at the table, idly sipping on coffee and poking at a slice of pie that he speaks. "In truth, I do not want to go. I love it here, even if it is too much at times. But I have a duty..."
"I get that," Reggie replies. "You are always welcome to stay or come back if you want."
"It is very far, many parsecs," Willie admits. "I do not think I would be able to return in your lifetime if I went."
"Well that's a bummer," Reggie admits. "Can you give me one more day though?"
"That is the least I can do," Willie replies, squeezing his hand. "After you have given me so much."
Willie returns to his ship soon after-holding human form exhausts him after a while, so he must recharge in his natural state. Reggie takes the time to get everything ready, wanting Willie to go out on a bang.
The next morning, Willie appears in the kitchen, looking around and his wide eyed amazement is pure serotonin for Reggie. He's set the house up for Christmas, complete with the tree, a few present, even got the snow machine to cover the outside of the window and a bit of the lawn.
It's an amazing day, with Willie beaming the whole time. They eat and watch terrible holiday movies, and Willie is ecstatic over the funky socks Reggie got him, just in case he takes a form with feet again.
But as the hour grows later, they know time is running short. Willie says goodbye to the animals, giving Daisy the prize heffer a kiss to her snout, murmuring to her in clicks and whistles, but Reggie gets the sentiment.
"I'll miss you," he admits as they walk towards the place where the ship is hovering in the air, camouflaged by some technology that Reggie doesn't understand.
"And I you," Willie admits. "I think I shall keep the name you gave me, to remember you by."
Reggie give him a sad smile, and brings him in for a hug-their first, as Willie is very hesitant about touch. But this he seems to like, letting it linger. Until he pulls away, smiling at Reggie.
"Farewell Reggie."
"Take care Willie."
And then he's gone, the ship disappearing in a streak of light. Reggie takes his time heading back to the house, even longer dismantling the fake holiday. Finds the pack of socks still sitting on the floor by the couch and has a god cry about it.
But then there's a knock on the door, and when Reggie opens it, there's Willie, hesitant and shy. "Hi. I was wondering... if maybe you could tell me what pets we could have?"
Reggie cries even more, but pulls Willie in for another hug. "We can get a dog," he promises him.
And they do-and a whole lot more than that, in the end.
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simpingland · 2 years
Into the Dragonpit. // Ser Harwin Strong x Targaryen!oc
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Part 2 of The Queen's horse with no name. But you can read this first too.
Harwin and Ela reunite and go on a mission. Ser Breakbones may be tough but when dragons appear, his princess will be there to save him.
Plus: Harwin holds a baby in this... and I realised way too late that Elaena and Helaena are sisters...I tried to be original, soz.
The Tournament can be part 3????
Ser Harwin arrived at the Red Keep along with his father, he'd been called a few days back and the King welcomed the rest of the family too, an interesting week was ahead with the big chances of a new born in the castle and the possible feasts organaiced in honor of that. He smiled when he identified Laps, resting in the yard, eating. Her owner was nowhere near. Harwin had yet to tell Lord Lyonel about his feeling for the princess. It was a serious proposal and he didn't want it to be rejected nor accepted without a good thought or meditation. Of course, he had thought about it ever since the hunt. He even dreamed about it, but feelings have a weird way to work. As the time passed, the lord had problems to remember Elaena's face. He was eager to see her. But he understood his position, the low chances he had, so he would be happy enough if all he had permission for was to protect her.
As if the Seven heard his secret wishes, the doors were opened and not only appeared the King himself to welcome them. Elaena walked by his side. As pretty as he remembered her, she had a conformable dress on, nothing like the beautiful gowns she wore on the camp, and also different from her riding suit. She smiled at Ser Lyonel, buy when she looked at him, she smiled differently, wider, sweeter. Greetings done, the parents entered the castle but Harwin was left univited to the council.
"I hope you don't have plans for today, Ser Harwin" smirked Elaena.
"I haven't got the time to arrange anything, my princess" he followed the Princess, who started her mission at the moment.
"Good, cuz were are going to see the little loves of my life" she softly dragged him by his arm. "The dragons".
Harwin Breakbones hid the panic on his eyes as well as he could, but something in the smirk on Ela told him that she was kind of enjoying it. She had explained the main goal of this. No dragon riding would be done, but molesting dragons' sleeps may be even more dangerous.
"My egg was picked by my father, he had so much trouble...you see, the shells usually reflect the color of the dragon inside" she explained.
"But Nyrax is black" he pointed.
"Exactly" she smiled. "My father thought that there would be no egg for me, and every true Targaryen must sleep on the crib with one. The hatching is another story. But when his men told him to give up the searching, Dreamfyre appeared. She is now a dragon without a rider, buy she was once rode by princess Rhaena, the "Queen of the West". Father said that she woke and lighted up the pit, letting him see the egg she just laid. No many times are the dragons the ones willing to let you warm their eggs for them".
"She knew you to were destined to fly together" Harwin felt soft for the princess little story. "You, Targaryens...you are all out of this world, I swear"
"Dragon's are not so terrifying, one just need to reach with confidence".
"Well, I like to stay closer to the ground, my princess". He stopped when they reached the gates. Elaena asked the servants and keepers to open it, and Harwin took a torch already lighten.
"What are you doing?" She asked when she saw him take it.
"I'm going with you, my princess".
She didn't stopped him, she loved his company and how willing he was to face the dragons, maybe he did it to look mainly, maybe because he was bored as hell, or maybe, just maybe, he was worried about her. The last one was the one she wished for. Poor Harwin, everyone was aware of the fact that she was the one protecting him inside there. It was incredibly dark, the steps were carefully walked, Harwin moved the torch following Elaena's directions. It smelled like shit, no one could deny it, but the animals skulls and enormous dragons were much more impressive. They didn't had to travel long before finding a pair.
"There's two, look!"
A silver one and a blue one. Which one would hatch? No one could know. But Elaena remembered Alicent and she packed the silver. She was taking it in her hands when Syrax woke up. It was Rhaenyra's dragon, so that complicated things. Syrax looked at the thieves and expressed her anger through a roar that almost made the torch's fire light off. Harwin was ready to run, buy never without the princess.
"I think you should leave it where it was, princess"
"No, she will understand". Elaena putted her hand slowly in front of the dragon. "Kostilus, syrax, ivestragī īlva mandia share zȳhon crib rūsīr aōha drōmon. īlon jāhor daor gaomagon ziry mirre ōdrikagon (Please, Syrax,let our sister share her crib with your egg. We will not do it any harm)."
The dragon hesitated, she roared again and Harwin truly feared for their lifes. Elaena did too but she holded the egg in one hand and pushed Ser Harwin aside. Syrax spitted a ball of fire in the man's direction, if it wasn't for the princess, he would had been caught. She protected herself by crouching down. When Syrax stopped, the dragon went back to sleep, as if nothing happened. When they opened their eyes, Harwin saw Elaena looking at him. She put her hands one the sides of his face.
"Are you okay, Ser Harwin?" She was trully worried.
"I am, my princess. Lets get out of here, please" he stood up with her help. One of the stones on the floor made a cut on Harwin's leg. She noticed the little limp so she putted his big arm over her shoulders, hurrying to get out. Once in the daylight again, she sat him down on a big rock.
"I'm so sorry, my Lord. I shouldn't had drag you. Does it hurt?" Regretted the girl, kneeling before him.
"Do not worry about it, Princess Elaena...this is nothing. A few cleans and all done...I should have stopped you on the first place"
"Well, you wouldn't be able to stopped me neither way...can I see the wound?"
By the time Harwin put his boot out to show his hurted knee, a maester appeared with the proper aid. It was a small but deep cut and the cares where more painful than what Harwin expected. He groaned, Elaena stopped looking and put herself beside him, holding his face, trying his best to reassure him, he did in fact calmed down. The princess felt guilt building on her entire chest. When the maester was done, he stood up and smiled at her.
"I swear to the Seven, you don't know how terribly sorry I am..." ser Harwin moved his head, not wanting to hear more apologise.
"There's nothing to feel sorry about, my princess. I'll survive" assured the lord.
The walk back to the Red Keep was a much silent one, Elaena couldn't be as cheerful after the scare they just had, but Harwin did try to keep it fun. It was now his turn to tell his own stories. He remembered all the fail adventures he had as a child.
"I once stole the sword of a boy, i just had my 8th name day. And this boy...he was a Tully. He was so tall, older but not wiser... he kept on mocking Harrenhal. He said it was the ugliest place on Westeros. "Shited instead of builded by the gods" he said".
" Oh, I think I know how this men is...second heir of Riverrun?" Asked Ela, invested in the tale.
"Yes, that one...he only spoke fairly about his sword...it wasn't even pretty, but it was useful, able to blind a men only with a quick move...I stole it. And I was determinated to melt it. But I decided to enjoy it before doing it. I was planning on let him know I found it, let him see the sword but throw it in the fire right before he could take it"
"That's harsh for a little kid..."
"I know, and I knew it too back then. But my mother stopped me. She saw me playing with it. And she could easily tell that it wasnt mine".
"She convinced you not to melt it?"
"No, but yes...she tricked me. I confessed my idea, she had that power over me. She just stared and I spilled everything. And she then told me to go ahead" Harwin saw the princess smile, clearly not believing it. "She said that it was a good revenge, but a lesson could be learn. "People put such a soul in objects, they glorify them instead of it's builders. If you put such an efford on a single piece of metal, the boy would still think that what we have or we don't have makes ourselfs valuable. But its not really about swords and castles, son, is about the person who owns it. So, if you want to make that boy cry, melt the sword, he will get another one soon enough, but your cruelty will be remembered. If you give it back to him, maybe you'll have a chance to impress him, to make him respect you"
"And you gave it back?"
"Of course, I asked if he would let me use it for a bit, and his father forced the boy to let me. I was a much better swordsman than him, a much dedicated one. So he kept the rest of his stay quiet. Harrenhal might have been ugly, but offending the future lord couldn't be beneficial. I hope it doesn't makes me sound pretentious, my princess".
"Speaking the truth doesn't make you pretentious, Ser Harwin. Its well known you have a reputation...my father calls you "the strongest men in the Seven Kingdoms ", although I hope it doesn't go to your head too much" she joked.
"My mother made sure of that already, my princess".
Ser Harwin also lost her mother long ago, but she didn't feel close enough to him to ask him about her mother. She wasn't trying to make him suffer so she may as well stop to give him such a harsh time in a single morning. They separated ways when Rhaenyra asked to inform her of something. She kissed him on the cheek, apologising one more time and Harwin got stock right there, feeling the lips on his cheek until she no longer was on sight. He walked to his father's chamber. He found him there, Larys too.
"Father, I must speak with you"
"Why are you covered in ashes, Harwin?" Asked Larys.
He didn't even notice, of course he had ashes, he had spend the morning on the Dragonspit, he had been thrown against the floor, but he had forgotten.
"I went with Princess Elaena to search for an egg...for her new sister...Father, we have to talk..."
"Indeed, we need. Son, the King just offered me something, and I hope it doesn't upset you" Ser Lyonel then handed him something, his son took it, it was the Hand of King's pin. "We'll be moving to the Red Keep, at least Larys and I"
As the future heir of Harrenhal, Ser Harwin was conflicted. It wasn't only about leaving his dear Harrenhal, it was more about losing his father's presence in the castle. He loved his father, always the wisest men in the room, he felt disorientated when he wasn't there, and Harwin still felt insecure about ruling alone, but leaving Harrenhal for such a long time wasn't a good option neither. But his father interrupted his thoughts, he hurry him for the dinner they were about to have with the royal family. A special one in honor of the new Hand.
Elaena bathed before his father could see her. If it wasn't for Rhaenyra pointing it out, she might have never seen the mess she made of herself. They had a quick argument about Syrax' actitude when they prepared the egg. She wanted to surprise Alicent. She learned about the new Hand of the King also by her sister.
"So...Ser Harwin is staying?" asked, and also wished, Ela.
"Well, I think one of them is staying in King's Landing. I hope it's the one you long for..." teased Nyra.
"Oh, shut up, I was just asking" she was blushing as well. When she ended the bath she put on the best dress for the occasion. Something a bit more special than casual, but she wanted to keep it simple. Gods...she felt stupid the moment she asked that to her maidens... But to have Harwin around would certainly be great. She felt treated as an equal, never mocked, with a true friend around. And she found odd the sweetness of such a manly man. She remembered him every time she rode Laps, and she wished for a parter who wasn't a personal guard for once. Not even Rhaenyra wanted to ride with her, not on a horse. He was also the most attractive men she had encountered, but she won't say that because she just expended too much time with older and boring men. But with Harwin, talks were easy, fluids and interestings.
Music sounded on the dinning room, the King already seated, Rhaenyra on his side, Alicent on the other, and the family Strong entered the room. They were about to eat when they realiced that the oldest princess was missing. Viserys was growing impatient and Rhaenyra, who didn't want to ruing the surprise, didn't come up with an argument to defend her and she didn't wanted too, she was hungry and the chicken was getting cold. Finally, the doors opened and they rised from the table to see Elaena. She looked beautiful and Harwin felt his heart beating fast, she carried a grin so big it barely fitted on her face.
"My apologise, my Lords" she talked to Ser Lyonel, and eyed his two sons before talking to Viserys, "but father, I have a surprise for the Queen".
Poor Alicent just had her second baby, and she looked tired but she thought that welcoming the new Hand would be seen as a nice gesture by the daughter of the last Hand. But she was upset, she was angry at Rhaenyra, and she could not talk about it. The baby also tired her. So when the surprise was announced, she was more confused than excited. The servants brought a hot pot, they opened to show the egg. Viserys smiled at the loving gesture her oldest made for her youngest.
"Look, Alicent, an egg for our little girl" said the King.
"We picked it up grey, in honor of your house color, Alicent" spoke the princess. The Queen then smiled, a Targaryen that thought of her as the mother of one, a true part of the family.
"Thank you, princess. Thank you too Rhaenyra...it's a lovely gesture" said Alicent.
"I wasn't involved, I'm afraid" admited Rhaenyra. She realized late, when Elaena's face dropped.
"Who picked up the egg with you then, Elaena?" Visarys became serious. The room when silent.
"It was me, Your Grace" confessed Harwin, looking at the King. "It was no bother".
"It's not about being bothering anyone, dear boy" he was still looking at his daughter. "It's about putting lives at risk. Elaena, did you ask for Harwin to enter the Dragonpit?".
Harwin wanted to speak but his father stopped him with a look, the King didn't want to hear him.
"Well,no...but I did not stopped him..." and he got hurt, that was on the tip of her tongue, but that could only make things worst.
"The maester was called during the meeting. Was it both of you he was aiding?" This time he did look at Harwin.
"It was just a cut, my King" he spoke.
"And the called the maester himself...Eleana, who in the Seven Kingdoms told you to drag him there? I can trust you with the dragons but they are dangerous creatures. Ser Harwin could be hurted or killed just by giving a wrong step. Did you think of that?".
"I know, father, and I do regret. I did apologise to him immediately. Lord Lyonel, I ask for your pardon too" she was stressed.
"You have it, princess. My king, this will not happen again. My son can promise you that" anwered the man, eyeing his oldest son.
They sitted and eated when the King started to eat. Poor Ela sat across from Harwin and she was to embarrassed to look at him. Before his father could talk, the boy spoke firmly.
"Your grace, the princess Elaena has shown me what truly makes Targaryens the powerful house it is...it's not only about the dragons...it's about your unique bond to them. Your daughter had a courage unlike most men have. And, if the now princess is willing to face a legendary dragon to honor a baby sister...one can only wonder what the future queen is willing to do to protect her people.
They went silent again, all staring at Harwin, the princess dared to rise her eyes at him, with a red face and a shy smile. She felt emotional for his hope in her and not many praised her for her actual achievements. The usual praises were dedicated to her dresses, sewings and looks. Viserys was moved too, a genuine show of loyalty to the future queen, who already had enemies around.
"I'm glad someone finally sees what I saw the day I named her my heir...a men your kind are the best to keep close while on the throne. You were raised by a great men and one can tell" the King toasted for the Strong and the dinner gain the celebrating vibe it deserved. Every once in a while, the princess and lord exchanged looks and neither Rhaenyra or Alicent missed one.
"I was thanking, Ser Lyonel, that a tournament would be a great way of celebrating the new princess" proposed Viserys.
"Well, my king, I see no harm in it. It's been long since you celebrated one. And it's cheaper than a hunt, and equally fun" agreed the hand. "So, is the princess as beautiful as the other princesses, your grace?"
"You haven't seen her? Maybe she would enjoy some music...I'll have her brought here" proposed Alicent, wishing to see her new baby once again. Aegon would be sleeping by now, no need to wake him.
One of the queen's ladies brought her in her arms. She was very small and the three blondes melted when she entered. She was just like them and something about her transmited calm and sweetness. She went from arms to arms. The eating was done but they keep on chatting. When Elaena was holding her, she saw Harwin sitting on her side, looking at the two sisters.
"There's something about this one that makes me love her so much..."she confessed in a whisper. "When Aegon was born, everyone was holding a breath, as if my biggest thread just gained a body. And that body in question was just a wet and crying blonde bundle. But this one...this one is special". The princess pushed his sister into Harwin's arm. He took it carefully. "I haven't told you, but your mother must have been an incredible woman...so smart".
"She was, my princess. Unfortunate it was Larys the one who inherited that part". He joked.
"Don't say that, Harwin". Did she just called him by his name? No "ser" around it? She did, but it was late to back out now. "You are smart...but in the best way, not in a cunning one... you are the loveliest man I've ever met. And the most valiant too, even when it becomes more of a dangerous factor" she was blushing, no doubt about it.
"I think you were too impressed with my controll of horses, my princess" he said, making the princess laugh.
The King was quite drunk, and he interrupted the conversation when he asked Alicent for the baby's name way too laudly.
"I haven't decided yet, husband. I will let you choose" Alice was just not having it.
"What about Elaena?" He said.
"You already have a daughter named Elaena" pointed the Hand. The princess was so puzzle she just stared at his father. Her sister also had too many cups of wine, she didn't noticed until she started to talk.
"Maybeee...she can be name after her older sister who brought her that beautiful egg...but to make it stand apart could be an "H" after the man who risked his life for the cause...". Yeah, she was drunk and Alicent too tired.
"Helaena...I like it..." decided the King. Everyone cheered at the name except the mother, the princess and Harwin, who looked at the princess hidding a grin.
She looked at him. "I wish I could say that tomorrow she'll have a different name but I'm pretty sure that we are going to be stuck with the same name for the rest of out lifes"
"At least I do feel flattered, not going to lie"
"You know, Ser Harwin?" She stared at him. He looked adorable with the baby in his arms, even more attractive than before, sweeter and soft. "Everything would be easier if you stayed in King's Landing...".
He smiled at her. If his queen requested it, he will do it, not second thoughts. "Of course I will, Elaena".
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staggersz · 11 months
How do u think tbp boys react to fair rides/ fair food?
I love this question I've actually discussed this with my friends before 🤭
I'm gonna start this off with the ferris wheel and saying Vance is afraid of heights ! He loves rollercoasters and stuff but when Bruce drags him to the ferris wheel Vance is all tense and his eyes are closed the WHOLE time and Bruce just wants his top of the ferris wheel kiss but Vance REFUSES to open his eyes or even move a muscle. Vance only agrees to a kiss on the cheek if Bruce agrees to go on a roller coaster with Vance. Bruce RELUCTANTLY agrees!
Robin and Finney are shoving that in Bruce's face because they're just lost in their own world kissing in the ferris wheel compartment like one away from Bruce and Vance. So safe to say Robin and Finney like the ferris wheel !!
Griffin and Billy also love the ferris wheel but they go on it when the sun is setting so they can just hold hands and enjoy the pretty view. They're in love and in their own little world they're silly.
I feel like Finney, Robin, and Vance are actually fans of roller coasters and like adrenaline rushing rides.
Griffin, Billy, and Bruce; not so much. Griffin and Billy are just frightened and Bruce lowkey has a weak stomach!
On the teacup ride or any ride where you can manually spin the thing you're sitting in, Bruce, Billy, and Griffin are the three just peacefully going around and talking and enjoying their time, while Finney, Robin, and Vance go whipping by screaming as their teacup is literally going as fast as it can go. Surprisingly none of them throw up!
Griffin and Billy LOVEEEE the carousel they go on it a million times and get horses right next to each other. The others don't have to worry about losing them in the crowds because they know they'll just be at the carousel. Either that, or the swing rides where the swings go in the air. I feel like Griffin, Billy, Robin and Finney would love THAT ride because it's like calming but exciting at the same time.
Griffin and Billy LOVEEEE the carousel they go on it a million times and get horses right next to each other. The others don't have to worry about losing them in the crowds because they know they'll just be at the carousel. Either that, or the swing rides where the swings go in the air. I feel like Griffin, Billy, Robin and Finney would love THAT ride because it's like calming but exciting at the same time.
All 6 of them would like bumper cars, no doubt.
Vance and Bruce are the most competitive and literally almost give the others whiplash while Billy and Griffin are just going around the perimeter as fast as possible. Robin and Finney of course team up and slam into everyone else’s bumper cars
Ending off attractions/rides with the mirror maze, Bruce HATES the mirror maze surprisingly. Since he has a bit of odd eyesight now with his right eye being pretty much useless, he can't really comprehend what he's looking at sometimes. So he just holds everyone else's things when they're in there. Griffin and Billy are TERRIFIED of getting lost so they probably skip this one ! Vance just ventures off on his own while Finney and Robin pair up and hold hands while going through. Vance somehow makes it out first and they're standing there for an extra 15 minutes waiting for Robin and Finney to find their way out
When it comes to fair food, Griffin and Bruce aren't huge fans of it. Bruce doesn't want to throw up, so he just gets mint ice cream and a water bottle. Griffin just grew up as a kid who ate really healthy food with the occasional treat. He still has a sweet tooth though, so he shares cotton candy with Billy and gets lemonade! Billy was a kid who grew up going to the fair a lot so he gets pizza and a can of soda. Vance probably just gets a drink because I feel like he wouldn't be a HUGE fan of fair food. He probably also gets a few cherry lollipops. Robin and Finney share funnel cake but also get like popcorn and slushies.
Gonna just add this on since it's a silly prompt:
Since Finney has a pretty good arm, any carnival game that involves throwing something and aiming, he is good at. Doesn't matter how rigged it is.
The day ends with Finney absolutely winning that fair game where you have to knock over milk cans with a baseball. Him and Robin are together at this point, so Finney gets a prize of a stuffed animal and gives it to Robin. Robin is THRILLED he's so happy about it and he's thanking Finney over and over and they’re probably about to start kissing until Billy says “NO PDA”. They're so disgustingly cute /pos
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plaudiusplants · 5 months
Okay I know this was a couple days ago, but you are logged a lot of horse things. Are they your favorite animal? (feel free to go on a long rant if you so please)
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am vibrating!! Yes, horses are my best friends and favourite animals of all the ever and I love them so so much!! They're just like me fr!!! Tall kitty
Horses are the best and I've found that they're actually a lot like really tall cats!! They like to snuggle until the moment they don't, they like to cause problems on purpose, and they really like to feel like they have some control over their own situation. They are being ever so gracious in allowing you to do things that they have decided ahead of time are okay for you to do with slash to them. And, like, don't tell any horse I know that I said this, but they're kind of right. I'm (approximately) 120 lbs; any horse I ride is about ten times heavier than me, give or take. I'm not winning that tug-of-war unless the horse allows it. That physics will not track
I'm gonna start talking about anxiety here and it doesn't get really heavy anywhere but I'll put a read more button in anyway just in case 💕💕 (pictures and gushing about the horse I'm currently riding are also at the end though!)
Okay but so basically though, the way to succeed in an interaction with a horse is to assume they are scared and to let them know over and over again that you won't let scary things happen to them. Scary things include horrifying horse-eating squirrels, terrifying horse-gobbling pigeons, petrifying horse-devouring shadows, Large Noises that could have come from any of the aforementioned things, etc. I figure it's probably good strategy for prey animals to assume that basically anything can and will hurt them, but it also means that horses tend to be very spookable. I shit you not that I have ridden a gelding (boy with no balls) who spooked away from a jump because he saw his shadow right in front of the jump and thought it was dangerous
That said, obviously some breeds are going to spook more easily than others, and depending on training and background there are many many horses in the world who are very good at ignoring such terrifying things as "small children who make noise" and "leaf, blowing in the wind", and even "being the first in a line"
And as someone with a whole metric shit-ton of anxiety (now medicated, thankfully), the idea that I have to be the brave one who looks at things rationally and says "no, actually, nothing here eats horses" has always helped me a lot. If I can say that well yeah public speaking is kind of terrifying, but nothing here will eat me except socially, and I can recover from the social horrors. Probably.
Anyway the horse I'm riding now is named Gracie, just like my cat!! And for a very long time she was a brood mare, meaning she lived in the field and had babies and that was most of what she did for her life. She was trained when she was very young, but for some reason her owners decided not to put any more effort into training her, but now she belongs to my coach, so she gets to play with me! We think that whoever trained her taught her that being good meant going fast and that if she is being good that means she should be going fast? Anyway, in the last few months, she has relaxed admirably!! She enjoys the work, and she thinks that I am a Good People, and she usually stands still for me to groom her 💖💕💖🌻💕💖
She gets incredibly sweaty every time we ride together, even though I tell her often that we don't need to run so fast. It's less and less motivated by her own anxiety though, so I'm happy that she's happy 😊
Also, fun fact! Horses cannot vomit! Vomiting is my least favourite bodily function, whether I am doing it or someone else is, so I am extremely happy about that! Yeah yeah being unable to vomit means other health issues I don't care!
Anyway look at my (not mine) beautiful lovely horse who I love with all my heart!!!!
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heromaker-if · 1 year
I love the horses so much ❤️
Just imagining lil Hero watching as MC has a long conversation with Yennefer(including responding to her points) while affectionately stroking the both of them.
Or even MC getting ready to teach Hero how to ride on their own and when MC goes to get a horse they pull Yennefer off to the side and whisper talk "...and so I trust you, and I'm asking if you can be the first horse Hero truly rides on their own"
...I like horses and I love it when family animals are actually apart of the family.
❤️..less of a ask and more of me gushing sorry!
In real life I'm actually terrified of horses 😨 I think they're beautiful but I'm scared of them LMAO!
Either way, this is all so cute. I can't wait to write interactions between Hero and Yennefer (and Arthur too). MC being all protective of Hero and treating Yennefer like an actual person is so adorable to me. I'm gushing about them too now 🥰🥰
Fun fact: the first ever draft of Hero Maker was a scene between MC and Yennefer, where Yennefer was a long time member of the family and it was a very sad scene (unfortunately, but you all know me by now). That scene was scrapped however, but largely inspired the scene when Yennefer was sick!
Thank you for this ask anon, I think it's so cute the scenarios you have in your head, and I'll be sure to them justice in the actual story 🐎🐎 I can't wait for MC to teach Hero to ride!
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perkynurples · 2 years
Why are you losing weight if not to feel better about yourself?
holy shit OF COURSE I'm losing weight to feel better about myself. I'm doing it because I have high blood pressure at the age of thirty, because my mother never did and now she's having both her knees operated on, because I want to feel strong, because I want to continue to ride horses until I'm too old to climb up.
But I tell people how I'm doing it, and they won't believe me. I tell them no, I'm not on a diet. I eat whatever the fuck I want, I count calories so I am conscious how much of what I want I'm putting in my body, and I move a bit more. That's it. I haven't sworn off chocolate, or fried chicken, or pizza, because the second you swear off anything, you end up craving it that much more.
The second you start categorizing foods as good or bad, you're fucked. But that's not really the point. The post I wrote my tags about losing weight under was about fatphobia, and as I get more interested in the whole process, I notice it everywhere. People are terrified of being fat. Kids at work ask me why I'm fat, and I tell them it's because I love eating, and then ask them if they think being fat is a bad thing, and most of them are too young to really give it a good think, but those who do automatically equate fat with lazy. With bad.
Can't be fat, because you're automatically lazy and bad at taking care of yourself. Can't eat bread can't eat carbs have to eat healthy all the time or you fail at some incomprehensible game that just keeps you from enjoying what you love. Christ's sakes, we all have to eat, and we enjoy eating with other people, and we enjoy cooking, and none of that should be shamed.
Fat isn't a bad thing. It's just a thing. It's just an adjective. And the sooner we start realizing that, the sooner we stop saying 'oh I think I'd kms if I gained a few pounds' or 'it's my cheat day' or 'oh I can't eat this I'm watching my figure', the sooner we'll be able to start learning how to fucking relax.
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shshshquietnow · 10 months
Yes yes I have many unanswered prompts, but this was the vibe I had today, so I had to chase the feeling.
Coal-Black Catch II
Contents: child whumpee, dehumanization, "it" as a non preferred pronoun, sadistic whumper, intimate whumper, pet whump (sort of? Maybe display whump is a better description), manhandling, noncon touching
Andras... didn't pay Kiran much mind the whole way back. Not that Kiran minded THAT, they did not like any attention from the demon whatsoever. He still had an arm around them, grazing through their feathers idly as he shouted commands at the other demons and the horses.
But Kiran couldn't stop looking at Andras. Thet were frozen, even in the bumpy chariot ride home they couldn't bring themself to rip their eyes from the potential threat, it was like trying to look away from a snake you knew was about to strike. They were in danger, danger danger, Andras could do anything to Kiran at any moment and Kiran couldn't do anything and no one would help them...
... but already from that Kiran could see a few things. The demon liked gold, he wore a necklace and a few rings and earrings, and very fancy clothes. Andras had two scars on his purple-y skin, and a few nicks on his twisting horns. One that went straight across his nose, and one that looked like scratches right on his brow.
"... what are all those cuts from?" The world's were out before Kiran even realized, voice small, barely audible over the wheels going over roots and rocks.
"You're a curious one, aren't you?" Andras smirked, moving his hand from their wings to their hair, petting the back of their head while keeping their eyes on the road. It made Kiran's skin crawl. "Hunting incidents, if you must know, sweetheart. Well,the one across my nose was from a spar. I'm quite the swordman, everyone here can attest. Maybe you'll see me in a duel, I'd love to show you off at a tournament... hm. Once you're a little more cleaned up. One would think you've been wandering the woods for years before I claimed you."
Andras... liked talking a lot. Arrogant. They could use that... not now of course, but he didn't seem to see Kiran as intelligent, as a collectable item. They filed the details away... eventually he'd get over confident, and Kiran would have a window to escape. That was it.
... and while Kiran was getting out of here- away from his touch and away from being a... what, decoration? Away from having their whole life being reduced to looking pretty for demons, if Kiran got some answers while captured... there'd be no harm done, and they'd know more to not ever get caught again.
It's fine. This is... it's not fine at all. It's very bad. But be smart, don't reveal anything, take everything in and and find out as much as possible and get out. Kiran could do that much, they've always been too smart for their own good.
"Your feathers are ruffling," Andras chuckled, lightly sing song. "Does that mean you're scared?"
Kiran hesitated. Their whole plan felt so out the window once Andras was actually looking at them. Gods they were really powerless here... they were approaching a large building, Andras's manor, and everyone would be working and looking for Andras's approval, and Kiran would have nothing.
They nod shakily, just once. They were terrified.
Andras smiled, flashing his sharp teeth and ruffling Kiran's oily matted black hair. He hopped out of his seat onto the paved path up to the manor. "Lovely, all the easier to tame."
He took one of Kiran's wings, nails digging, and yanked them out of the cart by it. A few demons snickered at the surprised and pained yelp, Andras looking down at them with such a glint in his eyes... he enjoyed that.
He enjoyed that.
"Hurry along now!" Andras clapped his hands held high, looking to the other demons he had been hunting with. "Load the other game to the kitchens and have them prepared, get someone to bathe and groom this thing so it'll be fit for the tailor's by tomorrow. And set out my swords in the training area for a spar, get to it!"
Demons all hurried off in different directions, Kiran didn't even have time to be unsettled by being called an "it" before two demons- more gruff and older than Andras- grabbed their arms and dragged them inside the manor. Their wings involuntarily beat and flutter, flitting to try and miraculously get away.
They did their best to memorize where they were going, but the manor was a dark labyrinth compared to the forest... right right left past four doors right... but it was difficult to concentrate with the two demon's grips being so tight, and walking too fast for Kiran to keep up with their smaller legs. They swore they got pinched on the shoulders more than once, just for the demon's amusement at their startled squeaks.
"Get us in any trouble, try any shit-" one demon pulled Kiran close, freezing them up and whispering in their ear in a low growl. He grabbed a handful of hair to keep the fallen angel in place. "And I'll beat you senseless, regardless of what your owner says. Got it, birdie?"
Kiran nodded, shuddering in a breath, wishing they were so small no one could see them, or even hold them. At last they were shoved into a room, flourished with gold and rubies like the rest of the manor. A... sink and a tub and towels and robes...
And a mirror. Kiran looked upon the glass. Their hair was a mess, just around their shoulders and tangled, now the same color as their wings, which... haven't been presented in a bit. Not fully anyway, not since falling. Their skin was now a light grey too, dirty from the forest, but what was... oh.
Cracks. Or a pattern like cracks, like a broken porcelain vase, stretching diagonal up their face, one on the neck and... now they look, even one on their arm. They had a halo... before they fell they had a halo, but it's not there anymore, though they still had the wings on the side of their head, pressed to their temples in stress.
Nothing about Kiran was an angel anymore. They were quite literally broken, and the world could see it. And the world was GOING to see it as Andras would dress them all up and show them off to all the demons of the earth...
Once again, Kiran hadn't realized what was happening until sharp clawed hands shoved them in the tub, not bothering to adjust their wings so they wouldn't bend so awkward. More demons had came in while Kiran was distracted, and they began the process of soaking the kid in icy water as they did their best not to thrash and cause trouble.
Just think. Just think and collect and don't think about all the demons touching and...
There was a single window in this room, barely big enough to fit Kiran through, as small as they were. This room would likely always have soap and hygienics in supply. Humans- mortals, Kiran once read they use files on their nails. If there was one of those around or even scissors, Kiran wouldn't have to worry about ropes. Maybe.
The demons were talking. Kiran couldn't hear, all they sensed was hands everywhere, cleaning grime off and touching their hair and going between their featgers... they couldn't move.
Someone slung them over their shoulder, carrying them off... okay okay. Three doors down two lefts one door... that one is easy to remember, still on the bottom floor. The demon carrying them unlocked the door and sat the fallen angel down on a chair in a sort of... office? With a desk and paintings of... he is arrogant. Andras with dead animals mainly, but a few of him with some others that look like him.
It was garish and sterile, Kiran hugged their wings close. They'd be... Andras said he was going sparring, but they didn't know how long that would take. They felt small in the chair, and they felt like the walls were closing in...
... though, an office has a lot of information in it. If Andras was gone a while... this could be very good for getting out.
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loveackermannn · 2 years
Imagine being levis sibling and being the complete opposite of him
YES YES it's giving sunshine and sunshine protector vibes i love it. i'm gonna go off the concept that you're not blood related but you very much consider yourselves siblings nonetheless (it's like isabel and levi!)
your personality has always been a questionable mix with levi's, it made a couple of heads turn in public, making people wonder how it could even be possible for the two of you to be siblings.
it was evident that you had a much more upbeat attitude than levi and ever since he had taken you in from the underground, he made a promise to himself to always keep every aspect of you protected from those who wanted to take it away.
after he lost farlan and isabel, he completely shut off from the world and from anyone who tried to come close to him. though, upon seeing you in a heap of garbage, shivering from the bitterness of the unforgiving winters, he didn't dare bat an eye away.
while he was terrified that the same outcome would turn up again, never knowing if he could be there at the right time for you, he continued to care as he did for his 2 best friends. his love and care would never end with just them.
he's very selfless when it comes to you. if you're still hungry after a full plate, he'll give you the rest of his food. if you need help doing your hair for the day, he'll tie it up in a hairstyle he was familiar with thanks to isabel. can't sleep? he'll keep watch to make sure you get a good night's rest and even tell you stories that his mother used to tell him when he was younger, it always helped. he'll also talk about farlan and isabel, keeping their memory alive through him and now through you.
you have the same twinkle in your eyes the way isabel did whenever mentioning a faraway dream you had, whether that be to live in a cottage of your own while brewing tea for your big bro or becoming a doctor to help those in need. he's an attentive listener and could just sit and listen to you ramble for hours.
lots of head pats!! it's kind of his way of communicating.. it's paired with gentleness and sometimes teasing too. he's not much of a talker, so simple gestures like this make it easier for him to express himself. example: he taught you how to ride a horse one time and once you came back from a few laps in the forest, he'll rest his hand on top of your head as if to say "i'm proud of you". :,(
he never thought he'd be in the position to take care of someone again, but since he met you and joined the corps, perhaps he deserves to have people around him – it gives him a sense of happiness that he hasn't felt in a really long time.
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deathvisited · 6 months
12 years of letters
9 years after leaving
it's your 9th birthday and i'm trying to imagine what you would be interested in. do you like reading? do you enjoy monsters and fairytales? do you love horses? do you like disney movies? or are you into superheroes and villains? do you like marvel and comic books? are you into riding dirt bikes or are you playing with dolls? there is so much I don't know about you my beautiful girl, and yet I like to sit here and imagine that you are doing something that you love. that your dad is making this the best day of the year, as it should be, that he is celebrating the gift of you in his life. i can't imagine anything else, you are to me a blessing, each and every day. and so today, on your ninth birthday, I wish you nothing but happiness and joy, that you smile so brightly and widely that your face hurts, that you laugh until your stomach aches, and I wish more than anything that my absence doesn't dim your day. i hope my shadow doesn't darken your brightness, I hope that you can forget about me, to run and play, whether it's with dolls or toy soldiers and that you are spoiled as much as your dad can provide.
i cannot wait until i'm able to share your birthday with you, if I ever get that gift I promise I won't take it for granted. if I was able to this day would be entirely about you, we'd go out and do whatever you wanted, you'd be able to pick out anything and there would be no such thing as 'no' for you today. i would shower you with love and kisses, i'd have woken you up with your favourite breakfast food and you'd be off school today. i'd love nothing more than to spend the day sitting and giggling with you about everything and anything, and I miss you more than words can say. i cannot wait to meet you Fia and I can only hope that you don't hate me. if you do I'll understand that, I really will, there is no explanation that will make sense for you right now, but one day it might, when you're older. but I'm doing this for you, and more than anything I wish that I could be with you.
as always you are with me every day, of every minute, of every breath, and you always will be my beautiful, beautiful girl.
10 years after abduction
do you remember that time that we snuck into the movie theatre and spent the afternoon there? we watched every movie they had on offer and no one figured us out. i felt so free then, so wild, as if we could conquer the world. i thought you were the height of cleverness, that I had never met a man that's soul sang so closely to my own. it wasn't long after that that I realized there was a difference between us. you're ... not soft, but kind, tender, you err on the side of being gentle whereas I don't think I have any gentleness in me. i think my mother burned it out right alongside my self respect and dignity. i think it was abandoned in the back of a room where I had to take my clothes off and do what I was told. i believe I shed that gentleness when I realized that fia would never be safe from my mother. that she would be hunted, and hurt, and used, like I had been.
i have many regrets nate, leaving you is not one of them.
i've spent 10 years getting everything together to eventually come back, and yet now.... well. i don't know if I have the gentleness to face my daughter if she is anything like you. what if she sees nothing but the bitter twisted corpse that I am remaining? what if you see that? i am terrified of presenting myself to the both of you, but I also know that I am too selfish to stay away. i believe you're happy, I have to. if you're not I have nothing but apologies, but I can promise you that the bitter twisted monster I have become isn't your doing, and I only hope that you benefit from it.
i hope that you are able to recognize me when I walk back into your life and don't gasp in horror and fear at the changes that I have wrought in myself.
i hope that you are able to see the girl that you lit up and turned into something so very different from the broken mirror I had been. you patched me together once without even realizing it, and although I don't expect you to do it again I have hope. then again you might just send me away when you see me and how could I fault you for that?
i am scared beyond words to face you.
11 years after abduction
i'm almost done, and that terrifies me, I have spent so long with this plan, so meticulously long, and I can't even get praise for it. no one will know, not even you, if you ever get this. i do not want to see the horror in your eyes, or the fear on your face when you realize what i can do, what i will do to protect my family. because you are my family. i refuse to think of you or fia as anything else, and i will make sure you are safe. by any means necessary. i refuse to live in a world where you may be in danger and so I'll make certain that you won't be.
i hope that you can forgive me.
i hope that i can forgive myself.
i hope that you don't hate me.
*scribbled out words* because i hate me, I hate myself every day I look at her and know that she drove me to this, but I also love her and seeing her slow decay has killed me right alongside her
i love you. i love fia. i loved our family and sooner than later I'll be with you again. please just give me a chance to explain, please forgive me at least for protecting the both of you.
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