#and ash's demiro
storyofmychoices · 8 months
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Nyx Selenastra (original character)
nonbinary, they/them
Book: Blades of Light & Shadow Love Interest: Aerin Valleros Sexuality: Pansexual Aromantic (Demiromantic) Companion (/pets): LunaRose (Unicorn) and NightWhisper (Raven)
What's in a name?
Name Meaning: Night
Name Origin: Nyx is named after the Greek personification of night. I like the idea that the night isn't really dark, there's always light and hope, you just have to be patient and let your eyes adjust to a different perspective
Pronunciation: n-ih-ks
Hair: Black, with a white/silver streak on the right side
Eyes: Amber
Skin Color: Black (but their skin transforms to colors of the night sky at certain times) [more about headcanon here]
Height: 6'1"/187cm
Other Basic Info
Hometown: Ravenswood Ravenswood is a small town up the river from Riverbend. It's near the edge of the Deadwood forests.
Religion: old gods and new gods They particular respect the Mother of Grey.
Birthday: January 13 *January 13 is Make Your Dreams Come True Day
Zodiac: Capricorn
Hobbies: sketching, drawing, painting, journaling, gardening, caring for animals, protecting the forest, stargazing, storytelling, reading, learning the history of all cultures and peoples
Zodiac Traits: perseverant, practical, ambitious, driven, confident, loyal, faithful, demanding, stern, stubborn, workaholic
Nyx possesses a resilient and strong exterior, a result of the trials they've faced in their life. They may seem tough and unyielding when first encountered, but it's only because they have a shield up to protect themselves. They've been hurt in the past. However, beneath their sometimes intimidating exterior, they are warm, gentle and loving.
Nyx's loyalty is unwavering. They are fiercely protective. Once they've formed a bond or alliance, they are completely devoted, standing by their friends and loved ones with determination.
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LunaRose (Unicorn) Headcanons
The unicorn that Aerin meets in Blades 1 and 2 is LunaRose, Nyx's unicorn companion.
Nyx rescued the unicorn when she was caught in a crude animal trap. Her leg was badly injured, but Nyx healed it and has cared for the unicorn ever since. Nyx has a deep bond with LunaRose, at times, it even appears as though they can communicate.
In Blades 2, when Aerin leaves the party after Riverbend, he does so to follow LunaRose, who guides him to Nyx.
LunaRose has some precognition powers and can act as a guide to assist those whose path she crosses.
Nyx's skin tone is naturally black, but it has the ability to transform into a galaxy/night sky tone [read more about this HC here]
Nyx has visited Undermount but is not a fan of how the elves there carry themselves. They believe elves should protect the realm and they can't do that from behind the comfort of their city, with their lavished homes and parties.
Nyx believes in experiencing all the beauties of the world as the Mother of Grey had intended for the elves. [clearly this was written before the Ash Empress....]
Nyx has a strong duty in protecting the lands where they live.
In my fic "Maybe One Day", Daenarya plants a seed in the Deadwood. Each of the characters in Blades 1 do their part to give the little seed a chance, even if they know it's future is bleak. I HC that LunaRose sensed the potential of life and drew Nyx to it. Nyx used their own magic to help it take root and grow. LunaRose also brings water from the lake to it, blessing it with her magic as well.
Nyx's magic is strongest at night under a clear sky and even stronger during a full moon.
Nyx was born during a solar eclipse, so they have near limitless power during those events. Nyx is weakest during lunar eclipses.
Nyx values honesty. Nyx understands people make mistakes, but they value when people are open about them and don't try to conceal them. Nyx doesn't like being lied to. Trust is very important to them.
Best Friend
Nyssa is Nyx's best friend. They helped Nyx discover they were demiro. Learn more about their friendship and history here.
Unicorn leading Aerin to Nyx (drabble)
Crossroads: Aerin follows a unicorn through the woods, only for it to lead him to a mysterious elf. [1.5K]
Nyx in red vest (ID M!MC outfit) + demiromantic HC
Nyx and Aerin get new outfits from The Cursed Heart
Nyx, Aerin, and Luna (unicorn)
Original Post for Nyx
Nyx and Nyssa (another OC)
How did Nyx and Aerin meet? How do they get along with the others?
Nyx and Aerin HCs (not listed above)
How does the demi nature of this character work?
Nyx and Aerin art [gift]
Nyx moodboard [gift]
Got a question about Nyx? Please ask!!! 💛
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onyxedskies · 1 year
i do think ashe and dimitri are demiromantic and i do think felix is ace and i do think hapi and coco are both aro and i do think mercie is greysexual and i do think balthus is aroace (but i don’t think balthus knows balthus is aroace) and i do think yuri is demiro ace
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onceuponanaromantic · 5 years
Learning to Burn
           Liyan has to say that of all the things she was surprised by, the fact that Feiying was getting married before her was one of the most significant.
             Granted, it was to a demon, and it was taking place in Hell, but given that Liyan had never expected Feiying to get married or even get into a romantic relationship at all, the fact that Feiying was getting married was surprising.
             It wasn’t the only surprising thing about this whole situation of course. The surprising and unexpected things about this situation were numerous, not least limited to the fact that she had given Feiying’s eulogy at her funeral. The fact that she had mourned Feiying for the last three years and had only finally started the process of not having nightmares about watching Feiying die and not being able to stop it, when the wedding invitation appeared on that fateful day was a significant factor of course.
             It had been a terrible death, not least because Feiying had been so young when she had died (or appeared to die). A sudden fall, a heart that stopped beating, bones broken, blood spilling like paint over the site of the crime. The police had said foul play, suspected it, said as much to the reporters when the case had finally broken into the news. But the culprit had never been caught and they had been forced to rule it as a suicide.
             (Despite it all, Liyan had been screaming and yelling that Feiying wouldn’t have killed herself to everyone who would hear her. Everyone had put it down to denial, to a soul torn by grief. Feiying, at one point, had been called her other half. They had never gone more than a day without talking to each other, not since they had become friends. Liyan had been questioned non-stop, even suspected of causing her death, if not for the fact that no one really believed that Liyan could have killed Feiying.
             Liyan had held on to that conviction. It was hard, when she had been the one called when they found the body. To identify her, they said.
             The unseeing eyes and the bloodied, broken body haunted her dreams. That was not her Feiying. That was not her lively, clever Feiying. It couldn’t be.)
             Ash, as Feiying called herself, had promised to explain before the wedding. She had killed herself to escape, the letter said. And she could not apologise enough. She had faked her own death, with the help of her now-fiancée, and absconded to Hell. She had cloned her body, and then pushed it over the edge of a cliff. She had no other way to escape her parents. Not her parents, who had so many contacts, that she would never be free. She could not leave any other way.
             (When it had all finally sunk it, Liyan had cried, under the deluge of emotions. She had cried and begged and screamed. Feiying couldn’t have just abandoned her like that. Didn’t Feiying know she would have found her a way to escape? That she would have broken all the laws in the Penal Code herself, risked her own imprisonment if it would free Feiying.
             She had remembered a conversation, long ago when they were both in Secondary school. The edges of her memory of the conversation were crumpled and faded with time. Feiying had been telling her about demons, telling her about the offers she had received from spirits to leave for the spirit world. Or Hell. To leave. Back then, Liyan had laughed it off. Of course, Liyan had known of Feiying’s dealings with the supernatural.
             “If I were to fake my death and go to Hell, what would you think?”
             Liyan had stopped to consider. “Well, maybe I would be a little upset. But at the end of the day, I think I would understand and be okay with it. Just tell me okay? You have my permission to fake a death.”
             Feiying smiled, flopping down into the corner of sunlight at the edge of the AVA room.
             Well, that conversation had certainly bitten her in the ass.)
             The wedding itself was nothing like Liyan had expected from a wedding set in Hell. The demons of Night had helped to explain the traditions. Liyan was Ash’s family in the wedding, as were Caihong, Autumn and Seph. Phoenix had been co-opted by Ash’s fiancée.
             Liyan didn’t know what to make of Koschei of Night. Koschei seemed to care for Ash, and seemed to be a good partner. But Koschei had also facilitated Feiying’s departure.
             Liyan wasn’t even sure what to make of Ash. Ash spoke with a slight accent, something unfamiliar to her voice that Liyan didn’t think of when she thought of Feiying. Ash spoke the tongue of Hell, but she spoke it slower than the demons, and she sometimes asked the demons to repeat themselves.
             Given that Liyan didn’t even speak any part of it, or understand any part of it, she found herself confused by Ash. She could see Feiying in Ash sometimes, edges which reminded that this was once her best friend. The person she could have sworn was the other half of her soul. Moments like when she made jokes and puns and referenced events in the quickfire way they always used to.
             But Feiying would never pick up flames slowly, holding a little flame in her palm, not a candle but a flame. Ash did. Feiying would never hesitate before speaking fast and sure. Ash did. Feiying would never have stopped before turning to her to say something, knowing that Liyan would know what she meant immediately. Ash did.
 Feiying would never have abandoned Liyan. Ash did.
 Liyan picks up the knife that she would press into Ash’s hands, before she will hold Ash’s hands and pass the knife (which is called a ren, she remembers) to Koschei of Night. In some ways, she understood hell customs, and recognised that the demons were including human traditions in the wedding so it wasn’t entirely unfamiliar.
 The rituals would be in both English and Hell’s tongue, for their benefit of them. Ash would be in a wedding dress and she would have a bouquet (though granted the bouquet was of hell flowers.) Liyan would walk with Ash down the aisle (which apparently was not a thing in normal Hell weddings either.)
 Liyan spends and will spend most of her time with Ash. Ash is good company, and it’s easy to lean into her company sometimes. It’s easy to relax, to banter about everything from art. Liyan smacks Ash when Ash explains that demons have cloning technology, exclaiming and complaining about how much having that kind of technology is wasted on Ash. Ash laughs back, responding that Liyan said the same thing with the Apple Pencil and Ash using it for Chinese notes and didn’t that turn out alright? Liyan will scowl, and complain that technology and expensive software is wasted on someone who writes in fountain pen and wood pencils.
 And then Ash will respond that she doesn’t use wood pencils because they keep dropping into the fires when she gets distracted and Liyan will be reminded that it’s Feiying and not Ash.
 But Ash smiles at her the same way Feiying used to. Ash’s humour is sharp and cutting, and she can’t go an hour without making a bad pun which makes Liyan snort and kick her. Ash grins back when Liyan calls her an asshole, and hugs her. Ash is still bony and short when Liyan picks her up, and she giggles, as Liyan nearly drops her again.
 Ash is a person that Liyan thinks she will come to know the same way she came to know Feiying. Liyan thinks she can come to love Ash the same way she once loved Feiying. She may not know Ash, but she didn’t start of knowing Feiying either. And they will need to talk, and Liyan will need to tell Ash about her hurt and pain, and that will come in time.
 Liyan had to say that of all the things she was surprised by, the fact that Feiying was getting married before her was one of the most significant.
 But it wasn’t Feiying getting married, was it? It was Ash.
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me, headcanoning all my favorite characters as demiromantic and ace:
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snoopkat14 · 4 years
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Feeling good and loving myself
Now who wants a smooch
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demiromantic-daily · 4 years
!!!!! may i have the video!?!?!?
:’( I can’t find it! It was a few years ago I think that I watched it. I remember the youtuber was bleach blonde and pretty with makeup and there was a soft pink background (so like every youtube video). Turns out it’s sort of hard to find aromantic videos on youtube now because there are a lot more (yay!) and youtube also gives you the results for “a romantic” (boo!).
Here are some videos I found that looked good even if they aren’t what you were looking for https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BhV4W_s8jlc https://www.youtube.com/user/nikhampshire/featured
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sage-nebula · 7 years
I can’t believe it’s 2017 and the PokéAni fandom is still grasping at unsourced interviews that have been translated through three different languages in thinly veiled attempts to try to stop other people from having headcanons / shipping things. Never change, fandom. Never change.
(don’t reblog, or I’ll block you. hit me up on pm if you really wanna talk.)
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lgbtplusaesthetic · 7 years
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Ace/Pan/Demiromantic moodboard with emo bands for anon!
~Mod Ash
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ace-malarky · 4 years
Happy Meet and Greet Monday, and Happy Pride Month! Give your OCs the floor to talk about their gender and/or orientations.
hey, Happy MGM!
Ok, EtF crew, where y’all at
Miroth: I’m a lesbian but I... think I might be biromantic? I’m not sure, it’s confusing and I’ve really only been thinking about that since I got talking more to Erith while Ifernia was gone.
Saich: Ace demiro, that’s all there is to it
(Miroth: yeah, with a distinct type and emphasis on the ‘ro’, like dang)
Kari: Gay as hell dude, have you seen girls? What other choice was there, I ask you
Seb: I’m transmale, but thinking about it I might be a little more fluid than all that? But it works for now. Also, I’m pan
(Kari: and you still can’t catch a break with your crushes. Find someone available, will you?)
Katie: I think I’m bi. I’m still working that out, but... you know. It’s nice to have people I can talk about it with now.
Ash: So funny story, but my gender was one of the things I forgot to pack when I left home. (xie/xir)
Vechtir: I am asexual and agender (e/eim)
Laestre: I traded my gender for a set of wings and never looked back (they/them). Some people have potentially pretty faces, I guess (demi)
Ifernia: am I... am I the token straight in every group I appear in? Damn.
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aros-in-fandoms · 6 years
Raphael Santiago is demiro ace.
I had to look up who it was and the wiki literally says “In spite of his lack of interest in sexual relationships, he still experiences romantic feelings and finds them worth pursuing. While cold to most, he can show himself to be warm and caring to people that tear down his walls.”
It’s literally canon I’m screaming(Is he in the books as well? I need to re-read those holy shit)
For those wondering: Raphael Santiago is from the shadowhunters series, the tv series based on the city of bones/city of ashes/city of glass book series
I’m screaming
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gmod · 2 years
garchomp just gave me the wonderful idea of demiro ash ketchum!!
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she-toadmask · 4 years
I can’t write well but I just have to get this idea out it’s below the cut and it’s that stupid ‘3 trainers fall into Galar/SwSh and they’re all kind of me’ idea and it’s when Bede tells you that he beat Hop in a battle and is just a fucking asshole and the way the three react is just fun
Ok so the gang gets into Hammerlocke and Bede is just saying his thing about Hop sucking and then, in the middle of young trying to tell him why he’s wrong (anime-style), middle just decks him in the face. (Bede is shocked and probably says some of the chairman bullshit) Old pulls her back and yells at her, middle shoves her off and swears at Bede (old covers young’s ears) and then asks ‘where the fuck did Hop go tell me what direction he went’, Bede tells her (he ran back towards the bridge) and she runs off, old stops young from following her and more calmly yells at Bede, young probably also challenges Bede to a battle if he’s so confident (because the POV-cam follows middle we don’t see who wins, but it’s pretty obvious young beats him and Bede probably makes an excuse or something). Middle finds him in the area past the bridge on the Hammerlocke side. She calls out to him and he looks away, she goes over and pulls him under the bridge to get out of the rain.
She asks what happened and asks Hop about what Bede said and, though there’s a lot of profanity and she doesn’t have the most pleasant tone of voice, basically says that Bede is full of shit: Hop winning or losing won’t help or hurt Leon’s reputation (if Hop’s reputation affects Leon’s aside from if/when Hop beats Leon himself, the public needs to back the fuck off, they’re being stupid), Hop needs to battle and train the way he’s most confident in (Hop mentions that he’s going to change so he can be better) (also talks about how the three girls have different styles and any of them trying to do the other’s style wouldn’t work, Hop needs to do what he feels comfortable with), and more just about Bede being a dick whose ego is inflated because of who’s sponsoring him, don’t worry too much about it. She also tells Hop about punching Bede in the face (and that young is probably battling him now). She may also mention how in some other encounter Bede sniffed at Kirlia not evolving despite being well past the point of when one would usually do so, and said it was the mark of a weak trainer who couldn’t even train their Pokemon properly, while Hop knows how strong her Kirlia is and that she doesn’t want to evolve into Gardevoir. (Basically Bede is full of shit and has a very limited view on what makes a Pokemon good.) She does get around to saying that it’s fine if it’s upsetting (including talk about she’s from somewhere where people said that to her all the time and it really really sucks but sometimes you just have to keep moving, from spite to show them they’re wrong if you can’t find another reason (that’s more inspired from Tumblr than myself)) and if he needs time to think and regain his confidence and all that’s fine, she’s just saying that losses aren’t the end of things, Bede is an asshole, and Hop needs to focus on what’s best for himself and his Pokemon instead of what other people think. She’s not good at it either, but she’s trying.
Hop still has some anxiety and crisis but does recover faster this time because outside help! (And depending on the angst I might go kinda hard on Hop venting about feeling like shit but he doesn’t use that word because middle is just a pottymouth)
Also I really wanted the Kirlia battle to be the one at the mural thing in Stow-on-Side but that doesn’t work with the Hop beatdown, the Kirlia battle can just be in Mine 2 with Pokemon stronger than they are at the corresponding game time.
I have this moment that I kind of want but it’s kind of out of character for both Bede and middle. Like if at the Stow-on-Side incident Rose took away Bede’s Dynamax Band (for reasons I guess) and then Bede didn’t leave immediately, middle were to challenge Bede to a battle in the Stow-on-Side stadium. Bede gets to borrow her Band since she doesn’t really like Dynamaxing much and the winner gets to decide who keeps the Band. I can’t figure out why middle would offer that though, maybe young thinks Rose went too far and tries to give Bede hers but middle steps in since young and old both use their Bands fairly regularly in gym battles, but after a first usage in Milo’s gym when she figures it out, middle doesn’t Dynamax after that. Anyway, they get permission from whoever runs the gym in this fic and have the battle. Middle gets the early lead from Bede once again underestimating Kirlia, but when Bede’s down to one Pokemon and middle has two, Bede Dynamaxes. He takes one out and gets a lot of damage on the second of hers before his Pokemon shrinks back to normal, something something draw because reasons. Bede is really upset that he had such an obvious advantage and still lost, middle reminds him that this is the closest he’s gotten to beating her and tells him to ‘keep the damn bracelet, it’s not like I’m using it. Maybe you’ll learn something.’
Also then when he suddenly enters the field (it’s against the middle one because did you really think the POV character wouldn’t do the leader tourney at the end to face Leon?) to do battle as the Fairy gym leader, he gives middle her Band back. Opal gave him one eventually and he has no use for two. He also half-asks half-orders middle to Dynamax in their battle. He makes some excuse about proving that he’s stronger even when she uses Dynamax, which may or may not be true, but yeah she Dynamaxes and he Gigantamaxes and she wins in the end. When they do the handshake he says the normal game stuff or whatever but also thanks her and it’s just a nice friendship moment. No shipping, young is Ash-brand aro/ace and middle is demiro/ace. Old is irrelevant, but probably gray or demi.
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gcnenineteen-blog · 7 years
#okay but #;; MUSINGS : JAMIE #that demiro ace feel #reminder that jamie is asexual but does have a romantic orientation #but shies from it partly due to his extreme introversion #but mostly because of a feeling of unworthiness #a feeling that pursuing romance would be selfish when he knows that A) he might not be able to satisfy anyone sexually #B) he might not be able to satisfy anyone SOCIALLY #and C) he's going to die five to seven years after his Proving anyway - jericho hill or no jericho hill #and also D) if he married he wouldn't dare have children for fear of passing on his sickness and leaving them half an orphan #before they'd even be old enough to remember him #reminder that jamie de curry has a lot of love to give but that love is like an orchid or a bonsai tree #it's delicate and has to be cared for and given a chance to flourish or it will shrivel and die for lack of being wanted
Decided that this is important enough to have in its own headcanon post. Also, an added thing: If he wasn’t terrified of passing on his illness and if he didn’t know it would be unfair to the woman who helped him do it, Jamie would absolutely have a child with someone solely to give his parents some consolation when he dies, some new life to grow out of the ashes of the old. Because he knows they’d take care of that child as well as they took care of him, and that perhaps it would help to fill the hole he knows he’ll leave - but again, he doesn’t dare, and it’s better that way, because the babe would have died with Gilead like everyone else. 
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transvavsquad · 7 years
other vav things,,, demiro my dudes. thinks it was a crush on ash but nah u played urself kid u aint got no fucking clue what’s goin on. she payed attention to u. u were like ‘shit yeah ok guess i crush on you now’ varied aus he is deffo not Cis no matter what. he can have a dick in some maybe but he aint cis let him have stuffies and play halo in knockoff snuggies that are warmer than real ones by stuffies i mean like. alpacas probably he really wants a bathbomb but he 1) broke as hell and 2) nowhere near a fuckin lush thanks can’t drive ofc xray says: we ride the bus. vav says: oh ok thanks for telling me like a month in advance so i can have 7 or more panic attacks a day any time i fucking think about it. xray realizes he has made a mistake...
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not-poignant · 6 years
Ganache anon here and oh my god please can that be a ship name for those two and nope not a seer but i am taking that as such a big complement thank you x if you every had the time to write it not that i'm trying to force you cause nope .i can just imagine how indulgent it would be me just thinking about it... i need a fan pia your writing is just too good but thank you so much for answering the ask
I mean I don’t pick the ship names, you guys do through usage and what you prefer! But I must admit I do really like Ganache? It’s like accidentally-very-clever and I love that too. :D
I like thinking of the Gancanagh and Ash, in part, because Ash and the Gancanagh both don’t often have any sort of long-term lovers and they both try and avoid emotional commitments. The Gancanagh’s heart is already taken, and Ash is aromantic (though more probably demiro). The Gancanagh’s a switch, but Ash is a pretty 'I’m not the flexible folks’ top. And they both have a really interesting, powerful glamour / dra’ocht.
But also like there’s a big age difference. The Gancanagh is like...not exactly one of the old guard, but he’s certainly older than say, Crielle and a few of the others. He’d be about three times the age of Ash. He’s seen a lot more and he’s a lot mellower, and out of the two of them, he’d be the more emotionally mature. And that intrigues me too, just...having Ash in that presence, and what that might create. :D
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lgbtplusaesthetic · 7 years
Hiya! This is the anon that requested the pan/demiro/ace emo bands theme. I just wanted to say thank you so much!!! It's so beautiful!!! Thanks again
Thank you so much, I’m very glad you like it. I wasn’t so sure, but I’m so happy you liked it!! And any time!
~Mod Ash
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