#and ask him if he wants to get high and play video games and smooch
brownornaterugs · 1 year
its possible im bi its possible im just kinda goofy in the head and Thinking Too Hard but regardless i am very much having a total crush on this long haired guy at work :U
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vncannyvalleygrrl · 3 months
Charlie Dompler Headcanons
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includes general, dating, and nsfw headcanons in that order (mdni)
He had an interesting childhood. His mom and dad weren't in the picture a lot, so most of the time he stayed with his batshit Uncle or his grandparents. His grandpa died when he was young, but the memories he does have with him are very fond ones.
Him and his Uncle are super close to each other. When he was a kid, he would go dirt biking, hunting, fishing... all sorts of stuff with him. If they weren't family, they would 100% be friends. Only recently though has his Uncle found his love of cars (and hitting pedestrians).
Charlie used to be a massive smoker/stoner all throughout high school. He quit recently, but he occasionally lights up a cigarette or a blunt just to calm down after a stressful day of work.
One of the things his grandma taught him was how to crochet, and while he isn't very good at it he can crochet the hell out of granny squares.
Holds a grudge against every peanut company because peanuts killed his grandma. Straight up glares at any bag of peanuts he sees in a store or in public.
Whenever he sleeps his arms and legs kick around like a dog. Wakes up with random bruises and in the weirdest positions because of it.
Originally joined up with Smiling Friends while he was trying to stop smoking all the time. In high school, he wanted to be a semi-truck driver, but he changed his plans when he went through a massive depressive episode. He decided from then on that he wanted to help others as much as possible to improve their life, using the tips and tricks he gathered to improve his own situation.
He originally met Pim seven years ago when he first started working at Smiling Friends. This is the longest friendship he's ever held, and he secretly wishes they met sooner.
Thunder thighs *chews him up like gum*
Total sleeper build. When he's standing normally and just chilling he looks like a blob of yellow fat, but when he flexes his bicep or his thigh you can really see the muscles.
Charlie is the kind of person that hates being in drama of any kind, but will gladly watch someone else's drama unfold in front of him from a distance. This man cannot mind his own business for the life of him.
Snores like a chainsaw.
He was raised religious, but now he's only catholic when it's convenient. When he's in a life or death scenario, he'll pray and ask for forgiveness, but we all saw where he went in the season one finale.
Dating Him
sorry zoey
Dating him feels like that moment when you wake up with your partner's arms around you. The air around you is cold but you feel comfy under the covers and you juusstt want to sleep for five more minutes... He's just a super chill guy to be around, and that only multiplies when you date him.
Charlie is a portable heater. Puts an arm around you when he sees you're cold. Use his hands as a glove PLEASE he will fall in love with you again.
Loves it when you wear his clothes. Bonus points if it smells like him.
He wants to cook for you! He can only cook mac and cheese but he's really good at it.
Dates at fast food joints, chilling at each other's places, watching movies on the couch, etc. Gifts things like jewelry, video games (if you like playing them), and clothes. Prefers to give things that are practical to your life.
Like stated previously, Charlie tends to kick and shift around the bed when he's sleeping alone, but when he's taking a nap with you he holds onto you like a monkey.
If you sit down on the couch, he lays his head on your shoulder. If you're sitting down on a chair, he leans by your side. Super affectionate but denies it at every chance. The most PDA you'll get out of him is hand holding, maybe a few smooches if he's feeling frisky.
Gets confrontational when he feels jealous. He sees a guy staring at you in public? Either hold him back or hold the camera because it's not ending pretty.
His apartment is literally so pathetic. His mattress is on the floor in the corner, the only table he has is reserved for his gaming laptop and a place for food, his microwave barely works. For the love of God please help him improve his living space.
Has you two together as his phone background, can't help but smile when he gets a text from you.
🚨 NSFW 🚨
Poor guy gets horny so easily. Accidentally brush your ass against him trying to get something? Already semi-chubbed. Start kissing him when you're cuddling and you're a little too firm with your kisses? Hard as a rock. Wear one of his dirty shirts and nothing else? You might as well just bend over.
That being said, he's super into fucking you while wearing clothes. He likes seeing you naked, but something about having sex while wearing clothes makes him feel dirty and he loves it.
Absolutely fucks while wearing his cross necklace. Sorry but it's hot.
Lowkey into semi-public stuff. Obviously wouldn't want to get either of you into trouble, but he wouldn't mind a quick blowjob in a bathroom stall or a car.
One time he tried to shave his balls and it did not end well. Still cringes every time he looks at a razor because of it. Has an absolute bush but he'll trim it when it gets bad.
Prefers to have actual sex and receiving head. Doesn't mind giving you oral, but be patient if you have a dick. He has a bad gag reflex. Besides that he's up for almost anything.
Super sensitive nipples when aroused. It took you awhile to realize this (mostly because he's embarrassed about it), but now it's like your secret weapon. Gets him going when you kiss them.
Gets rougher when he's pissed, leaving bruises and hickeys on your body. Feels bad about it but internally loves it.
Less lenient on using protection, especially if you take birth control. He's had a vasectomy, so he doesn't really think about it much. He will use condoms if you get nervous about it though.
He is a proud ass and thigh man. Especially loves stretch marks, he thinks they make you look hotter.
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blushblushbear · 2 years
Hi, good to have you back!
Okay so hear me out- Double proposals. Their going to propose to their wonderful S/O when they find out we had the same thing in mind. Like we both get on one knee and both end up whipping out rings? What's their reaction?
A headcanon with anyone you think would have most reaction to it
Nimh: He is so so flustered. He was actually low key mentally preparing for you to say no so the fact that YOU were already planning on asking HIM??? He's gonna need to sit down, the room is spinning and his heart is fluttery
Also I picture him asking on a picnic date.
Volks: He's stunned. Like actually just staring at you in disbelief. He'd SAY he knew you were gonna say yes (you had to at this point, ya know?) but part of him was really worried that you didn't actually want to. Or if you DID want to, you didn't want it as much as him, and he hates being the one who cares more (make him feel too vulnerable) (also I feel like he'd ask you at a waterfall???)
He plays it cool (if a bit stammery and flustered) while around you but rest assured when he's in bed later that night he is so excited and giddy and relieved-- he couldn't stop smiling AND NO ONE CAN KNOW
Kelby: He's shocked but like one of those drunk people who got showed some dope street magic. He's so pumped but also can't believe cause NO WAY! OH NO WAY! YOU WERE GONNA PROPOSE?? /HE/ WAS GONNA PROPOSE!!! HAHAHA OH MAN NO WAY!!! later he says that he wished in that moment that he'd told you 'jinx, you owe me a soda' (he asks you at your guys' favorite park, but he waits till sundown to make it extra romantic)
Eli: So this old school romantic fucker made it super obvious he was gonna propose. He showed up that evening on a horse dressed like a prince. And didn't even bat an eye that you were also dressed like royalty. He whisks you away for an evening of cheesy romance but just before he pops the question he actually looks deep into your eyes and gets all poetically sincere. When you smirk and pull out your ring and say "you were gonna ask the same thing" he smirks back with "had a feeling you were going to-- I love you, but I couldn't be beaten to the punch, darling! You understand! NOW PUT A RING ON IT BEYONCE AND GIVE YOUR FIANCEE A SMOOCH!" He jokes and smarms and cheeses but honestly he's really super grateful to have you.
Anon: He actually plays it super casual but the whole time leading up to it he's crazy nervous. He asks in a really low key way-- I think you're just playing video games at his place and he asks if you'd wanna maybe move in and also maybe make it forever and also maybe marry him. He legit plays it like it's a spur of the moment thing that he just blurts out but when you laugh he says he's serious and pulls a ring out of his pocket. He stares at you waiting for his answer and when you stammer he thinks for a moment that he's going to be rejected. But before that sinking feeling can make it all the way to his stomach you pulled out a ring and said you had been trying to think of the right way to ask. He lived and breathed off that high he felt in that moment for about 3 weeks.
Garret: Fully taken by surprise. He cries and scoops you up into his arms. He super can not believe you were planning on proposing too. says he wishes he had waited to ask now so you could ask first and he could give you the same happy feeling you're giving him right now! But he tells you "Don't worry, Garret will find many ways to give you that feeling for the rest of our lives!"
I'm thinking-- maybe apple picking date?? Or a fair date??
Dmitri: Candle lit dinner over looking the sea at a private table at one of the finest restaurants he could find. Rose petals EVERYWHERE, heart shaped EVERYTHING, he is in a tux with his shirt slightly open, HE RENTED A BAND. A string quartet to be precise. He makes the evening as classically romantic as he possibly could. He read you a poem that he wrote with the band playing in the bg. Then at the end of his poem, he gets down on one knee and asks you to be his forever. As you excitedly pull out your own ring he stares at it awestruck. He's silent and unmoving for a moment before his other knee drops down and he's now crying at your feet. He tells you how happy you make him, how lucky he feels, and holds out his hand for you to put the ring on it. He slips your ring on you and then dips you dramatically, telling you "Now kiss me under the stars, my darling"
Ichiban: He streams his proposal. He makes it seem like one of those things were it's like "oh ho ho my S/O doesn't know I'm about to propose to them-- what this~~! >:3" but then you throw him a curve ball and actually pull out your ring and ask him first. He was so sucker punched by the whole thing he ends up crying on stream. The clip of him getting a proposal jump scare goes viral.
William: He actually tries to keep it low key and sweet. Well-- tries to. He's definitely a fumbly nervous mess the whole night. Dinner, dancing and then a boat ride. He brings a boom box out onto the lake. He hits play and then does the whole down on one knee thing and starts his proposal speech, but part way through he realizes that this is the wrong track and asks for just a moment to switch it. He wrestles with the boombox for a bit before fumbling it into the lake. As he watches it sink down in the water, he sighs and feels so defeated, but when you call his name and he turns to you with a kicked puppy look only to see a ring in your hand he legit cannot believe his eyes. He is in stunned shock as you take his hand and give him YOUR proposal speech. The first thing out of his mouth is "REALLY?!" when you laugh and say yes as you slip the ring on his finger, he's still processing it and after a moment of staring at the ring on his finger, mouth agape, he repeats "REALLY?!"
He asks you if your sure or if this is real about a 100 times on the way home that night.
Myx: He got his band to give you a private show to "preview their new set", at the end of which he shouts a declaration of love into the mic and says "and I have just one question for you babe--" and the lights behind him light up with the words 'WILL YOU MARRY ME?'
and as you walk up on stage, drop to your knee and pull out a ring, he can't stop smiling. He kisses you and then WHOOs /SO LOUD/. To say he's over the moon would be an understatement.
Stirling: He takes you out onto a private lake that he owns and has specially flattened so he can skate on it without ruining his skates. He walks you through a graceful yet simple couples routine and then once you've got it down he hits some lights (were those always there?) and you two perform it in full. At the end he surprises you with one final move that was not in the choreography he had shown you-- he slides toward you on one knee, pulling a ring from his shirt and holding it out to you. You look surprised and tell him to wait one second, and then start awkwardly skating out to the end towards your bag. He sits there silently in that proposal pose feeling himself sweat for a second before you come sliding back towards him with your own ring in hand. He stares at it in shock for a moment before smiling sweetly and simply saying "even now, you're still full of surprises.
Scale: He left you a map. Well-- it was more like a puzzle or a riddle. You're own national treasure style hunt towards a 'big surprise' that he refused to tell you. You ran through busy streets, jumps across rooftops, went through a jungle, through a secret entrance behind a waterfall and climbed a secret stairway all the way to the top of a mountain-- all the while feeling like there was someone following you. When you finally got to the top of the mountain it seemed like no one was there-- until a dagger was flung in your direction and embedded itself in the tree behind you. A note was attached to the dagger that read 'turn around'. When you turned, you found a hooded figure looming behind you. "you probably are wondering why I brought you here..." It ripped off it's cloak to reveal Scale in a tux, "I have an important question to ask you." He walked towards you, dropped down on one knee and before he could take out his ring or even begin to ask you pulled out a ring of your own. He looked at it in shock with a blush on his face before leaping to his feet and saying "Wh--WAIT NO FAIR I WAS GONNA ASK FIRST!"
Sven: He had invited you over for a traditional home cooked meal but when you got there you found him in the kitchen, apron still on, oven mitts still on his hands as he was on the floor crying over what looked like it was a souffle but it was so burnt you couldn't be sure. When he noticed you there he started to bawl even harder "NO! NO NO! THIS IS NOT HOW IT WAS SUPPOSED TO GO!!" he curled onto the ground whimpering as he held back more tears and muttered "there was something I wanted to ask you... but I can't do it like this..." you knelt down beside him, petting his hair trying to console him. "I... actually had something I wanted to ask you too." you said. And then you pulled out a ring and his eyes went wide. "Sven-- would you" before you can even finish you are off the ground being spun around in Sven's arms as he beams "YES! YES! A MILLION TIMES YES!"
Cole: Cole planned to play it low key. He couldn't let his hand show too early. Tonight he was going to make you his, and you weren't gonna see it coming. He had booked a dinner at a nice restaurant. Not so nice that it would draw suspicion but definitely a step above your usual place. He was gonna wait till the end of dinner and spring it on you out of nowhere. It was the perfect plan. After the plates were cleared and it was just you, him, and two glasses of wine, he reached his hand over, taking your hand in his and bringing it to his lips to kiss with a sly smile. "Have I ever told you you look breathtaking in the moonlit? I'm sure I have, but it never hurts to be repeated." He reaches into his pocket to pull out the ring "In fact, I think it would be better if you go those sorts of compliments more often. Perhaps, everyday... an easy feat for me to do once your m--" he froze dead in his tracks as he opened his eyes to a ring box in front of you on the table. He let out a nervous laugh, "heh... w-what's this dearest?" Why was his palms suddenly so sweaty??? why was all of him suddenly so sweaty??? No matter, it's fine, it's nothing, he can remain calm. You open the box, holding it up for him, and asking you to marry him.
....YOU.... were asking HIM.... YOU..... were asking.... HIM???????? YOU--- YOU WERE OFFERING YOUR HAND TO HIM???? YOU WERE ASKING HIM???? YOU WANTED TO MARRY HIM???? YOU WERE PROPOSING????? he could feel his pulse racing YOU-- AND HIM--- YOU HAD A RING??????? YOU--- WERE ASKING---- HIM?????????
"Cole?" your voice cut through his sudden panic like knife. ...A soft and gentle knife.... he looked up at your eyes and you were looking at him with concern-- had he lost his cool???? oh, he guesses he HAS been just staring at the ring wide eyed and unblinking for a full minute now HA HA ha... he clears his throat, trying desperate to cover up any traces of swooning or being flustered "ahem-- YES, sorry, I uh--" he pulls out his ring and opens the box towards you, "I guess you beat me to the punch"
Poe: He takes you out into a field, with a picnic and many candles to help you both see. He reads you a book of poems that remind him of you, and then ends it with a poem of his own. He didn't flinch at any of the other sappy love poems he read that evening but as he drew to the end of his own, he was starting to sweat, knowing what comes next. He finishes off his poem and closes his notebook with a sigh. He reaches into his pocket but before he can pull out the ring you stop him and say that you have a poem you wrote that you wish to read him now. He could never pass up a poem from you. He listened to you with wrapped attention, your voice was like a lullaby. He let his eyes flutter close as he smiled and let your words wash over him. When you finished, he opened his eyes to a brilliant night sky, feeling the ring in his pocket. As he pulled it out and looked towards you, he was meet with a ring meant to be a mate to his. He was shocked, though aside from a blush it barely showed. He simply smiled softly and as he slipped the ring on your finger, said, "to the next chapter of our story..."
Cashew: The two of you had spent library dates quietly passing notes back and forth to each other, so that's how he decided he was going to propose. As he sat next to you sweating bullets in a library, he pretended like nothing was different, and this was a totally normal library date with totally normal notes and he totally didn't have a ring in his pocket or a rose in his backpack. Then the time came. You had slid your shared notebook over to him and he held up finger to indicate he was going to write something long and to give him a moment. When you nodded and turned your attention back to your book he covered the notebook a little a wrote 'will you marry me?' on it, he quietly pulled the ring out of his pocket and the rose out of his backpack and placed them both on the notebook, covering it up just enough so that you don't see yet. then he felt a tap on his shoulder and he nearly jumped out of his skin. He glanced over at you and saw a folded up prewritten note that had been sealed with a heart sticker (you were so cute), and as he took it, you glanced at him, pointing to note, indicating that you wanted him to read it. His aniexty flared up and he began to sweat even harder as he thought 'HA w-what if this is a break up note and I'm getting dumped right now? HAHA' with shakey hands he opened the note and a ring fell out pinged onto the table. reading the words on the paper 'will you marry me? Y/N' froze him in a moment. He was sitting there, staring at the ring on the table, clutching the note and vibrating with excitement.
Someone in the next isle shooshed him.
"HOLY SHIT-- I mean---" he lowered his voice, "holy shit!!!!! Y-yes! I---"
he slid the notebook your way, "YES!"
Seth: His was somewhat spur of the moment. He had gotten a ring but still hadn't figured out the right way to ask you. After about 3 weeks of racking his brain for the perfect proposal he finally just said fuck it. One night while you two were lying in bed he looked you square in the eyes and said "marry me?" at first you laughed it off but as he reached out and pulled the ring out of the draw, turned back to you, took your hand and looking at you once more replied, "I'm serious. Marry me." You looked at the ring in shock and surprise for a moment, "L-look, I know this isn't the romantic way to ask you, but I've been thinking about it for forever now and I figured it was time I just--" you rolled over to your side of the bed, digging through your clothes. For a second he thought you were about to get up and storm out on him but when you rolled back over with a ring of your own in your hand, he grew a crazy smile
"Hell yeah!"
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weird-dere · 1 year
Hello my darling love! I hope the world is treating you kindly 💛💛
I am very much in a self-ship mood, so if would be so kind as to share a little thought with me! It can be whatever your heart desires to share -like perhaps what do weekends look like for the pair of you? Where would you go on a date? What does a Wednesday night look like? Do you go shopping together? What does a cleaning day consist of?
Anything at all, I just want to see you gush about them and enjoy the love you share with them 💛
Patchy I am smooching you and holding your hand and kicking my feet and giggling so happily rn ÚwÙ.
Thank you again for being so sweet to me and letting me talk about my loves 🥺
I think I will talk about my special guy Soma Yukihira ❤️. I don’t talk about him a lot so I will be giving him some attention today 🫶🏾.
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What do weekends look like for the pair of you?
On the weekends we mostly relax. Cuddle, play games, maybe watch a movie, nap. He’s always traveling and working in high stakes situations, so when we have down time, we really take it to chill uwu. We also make one or 2 new desserts we find on social media that interests us, to explore food, have fun, and indulge ourselves :3.
Where would you go on a date?
I think we would have fun going to a street market! Taking pictures, eating yummy street food, looking at and maybe getting creative crafts at the stands :3. Or! And arcade date. Playing video games together would also be so fun for the both of us I think.
What does a Wednesday night look like?
A Wednesday for us can be anything tbh. Could be traveling, could be working at Yukihira then going home, could be prepping for a competition, could be another day of downtime. Wherever he is, I will be there supporting him uwu <3.
Do you go shopping together?
Yes! We try to make the time to go and get groceries, household supplies, personal supplies or what have you together uwu. It’s quality time for us, getting to do the mundane for a little while ÓwÒ. We make a list and draw little doodles on it every time we cross something off on it to make it a little fun 💞.
What does a cleaning day consist of?
We have a whiteboard and assign each other what rooms we’re each taking care of. We roll a die to see who gets to assign first, then alternate as we write rooms under names. Once the list is filled out we start cleaning! We are also blasting music in the house while we do; a shared playlist filled with songs we both put on it. Sometimes as we pass one another we’ll sing a song that’s playing to each other if we know it <3. If it’s a song we both know we might drop what we’re doing for a moment and dance together while singing to one another. (Just thinking about has my little heart swooning 🥺) Those days are a lot of work, but at the end it’s so wonderful basking in our hard work together 🥹💖💖💖.
Thank you again for asking patchy! Creating a reality to answer these questions with was so much fun! 🫶🏾
I love you!!
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oriigirii · 3 years
💞 MC is a Genshin Simp 💞
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{ AN: Omg! This is my first ask so thank you anon (๑ↀᆺↀ๑)/!! This is such a vibe too haha, I hope you like it! } Warnings: None [Maybe Refs and Chars you wont get if you dont play Genshin Impact] * Probably a bit OOC too *
Reader: Gender-Neutral [Default]
( ⓛ ω ⓛ *)
< Genshin Impact was a game that took the human realm by storm, with its open-world gameplay, its competitive PvE and aesthatic settings, it was truly something that captured you the moment the beta was announced. Although, as with any Gacha games, you weren’t only attracted to the world and its setting.
No no.
The characters were truly the main eye candy of the game. You’d been worried that when you had been sucked into Devildom, you wouldn’t be able to access the game due to, yknow, realm differences, but luckily that wasn’t the case thanks to Levi, and hence why the moment it dropped, you had been spending your life savings simping for characters on every banner.
Yknow theres handsome bois in devildom too... Theyre just kinda waiting for you to put your game down for a moment and kinda notice em ~((Φ◇Φ)‡ >
ฅ⁽͑ ˚̀ ˙̭ ˚́ ⁾̉ฅ Lucifer
He usually doesn’t mind you playing games
Although, He would’ve preferred if you didn’t cause you kinda need to focus on your studies yknow?
But hey he’s not stopping you
Usually you would stay with him as he works, but he can’t seem to focus with you constantly begging beside him
Small little ‘please’ would be heard every now and then, and a sudden look of disappointment would show on your face.
He tried to ignore it, even giving little cues for you to quiet down, like clearing his throat
You didnt seem to pick up the hint though
He was just about to ask you what you were doing in the first place that has you praying beside him (which is hella rude) but your scream of happiness has him a little more irked and kinda taken back
You show him the screen showing your pull results
The character held a giant claymore with bright red hair
Before he can get another word in, you snatch your phone back and just sigh as if youd just had a heavenly (ironic) experience and mumble
“I seriously love him, Im so happy...”
Bro same though, Diluc pls come home
You were truly one of a kind, because youve just managed to break the Avatar of Pride’s... well.... Pride.
Did he just get cucked by a man in a video game?
Truly outrageous.
He seems to scoff and holds back a bit of an eye roll as he tries to focus back on his work
But boy oh boy, his salt is high
“If you are going to be causing a ruckus MC, May i suggest you doing it with Levi instead, I have no time for such games. I dont see why youre so caught up in such a character anyways, he looks quite basic.”
His words were sharp, and that was enough to shake you out of your fangirl/boy mode.
You were literally ready to fight the first born, a literal fucking fallen angel, for dissing Diluc like that
how dare
But then you notice how he seems to avoid your gaze and a small little red tint was on the tip of his ears.
Lucifer wouldve wanted to see you that happy with him, but no, a game character steals that spotlight.
Instead of being intimidated by the sudden coldness, you giggle and finally close your phone and set it aside
You can continue celebrating and bragging about it later, for now, you wrap your arms around his arm and give him a small smooch on the cheek, which definitely makes him blush a tad bit
“Awww Luci dont be like that, Yknow I love you more”
Potential apocalypse has been diverted
But Lucifer does smile the smallest of smiles as he sighs, finding it silly to really get jealous over such a small thing and says
“I love you too, my dear... but you do have to make up for distracting me from my work...”
Well you kinda deserve it, so it wasnt long before both his work and your phone had been ditched
( After a while you do kinda see him quite similar to Diluc and it just makes you smile everytime you think about it, seems you have a thing for the strict cold men huh?)
Σ(‘◉⌓◉’) Mammon
Why you simping for a fictional character when you already have him?!
He’s your first man!
Your homie!
“Yeah well hes my first 5* so can you blame me?”
But for real, this man is just so clingy
He has heard from Levi that you were playing a new game from the human world, and of course, he had wanted to see what it was about by watching you play.
But since it was quite grind-heavy gacha game, he grew a bit bored and asked you to come with him to hang out somewhere else, or even go to the casino and gamble his money away cause he just got goldie back
But no matter what he suggests, you were just so focused on your grinding.
He’d prefer a different kinda grinding right about now with how lonely he is, ya feel me?
But no, you still werent interested.
“Oi! Cmon MC, whats even so important about this?”
“I already told you Mammon, Im grinding for primogems from the event! Theyre gonna be gone soon and I just HAVE to get them! Ugh I swear to Diavolo, if I dont, Imma cry! I didnt get him on their first banner too... ugh!”
Wait no--
Cmon he doesnt want you to cry!
Mammon kinda stays silent for a bit as he watches you struggle to fight the monsters with your low level team, frustration growing on your face.
But as you finish, Mammon seems to snatch your phone
“Hey! whats the big deal Mammon?!”
“Shut up and show me where the store is geez”
Mammon’s demands kinda surprises you and you raise an eyebrow at him, but you do show where it was, and sit back for a while as Mammon just fiddles around with it. You werent sure what he was doing honestly, was he interested? Did you say anything that made him act this way? All you talked about the game was the gacha system so--
“Mammon! Wait you dont have to---”
“There! I got you as much primo things, or whatever theyre called”
He already has tossed you your phone back and he crossed his arms, looking away as the red blush covers most of his cheeks.
You look at your phone and you honestly felt your heart speed up and stop at the same time at the amount of primos on your account, it was enough for a full 180 pull! If you dont get the limited character on the first 50-50, you have another shot!
You felt your own heart speed up and your face burn so hard, but you do mumble him a quick “But... But why though?”
“Cuz! If you start cryin’ Lucifer’s gonna beat my ass! Dont think I did it for you, you human! I just dont want him taking away Goldie again!”
“But I thought this was your gambling money, isnt it?”
“w-well!... I mean... Hmph.. Gachas kinda like gambling right?, I know Lucifers gonna hang me if he catches me in the casino again anyways, so I thought I might as well just do this... with you...or whatever...” Hes dying, help
But so are you!
Hes too fucking cute and you just glomp him and just hug him as tight as you can!!
Flusterred boi 100
But you do spend you afternoon on his lap, both of you rolling the full 180 in excitement, whether you get that boi/gal you simped for on the banner or not, you still were happy to spend some time with Mammon
He doesnt mind losing a bit of cash for you
but you do promise to pay him back (maybe with a few kissy)
But to be honest, Gacha probably will help him with his gambling addiction...
He doesnt go to casinos anymore but he does whale with you now
Lucifer has such a mix feeling with these results.
But he still confiscates Goldie and your card on the end, yall need to chill.
ヽ(。_°)ノ Leviathan
He probably wasn’t even interested on the game at first
He already has enough games to play, and it just looks like another rip off of some other game he saw not too long ago with that elf looking guy
But when you came to him asking for his help to get the game, you bet your ass that he felt a switch click
Suddenly it was incredibly interesting!
You do share your interests to him almost immediately
By interests, of course i mean the peeps you simp for
The sexy ara ara in the library of mondstat, the pirate looking ass of the guards, the pirate looking ass’s brother thats a wine owner and still highkey reminds you of Lucifer, the demon slayer--- You were actually unsure if you should talk about Xiao but hey hes cool
You explain it all!
From their lore to their voice lines and whatever
But honestly what do you expect from the Avatar of Envy?
Of course hes gonna be a bit jealous! He cant compare to any of these characters! Hes not as witty as that eye patch man, hes not as sophisticated as that red head, hes not as flirty as that ara ara either!
As you go on, you notice that Levi was kinda... half listening....
It made you pout, but then, it made you worried
Uh-oh you know that look
its that, ‘im overthinking’ look
So to snap him out of it, you kinda grab his face as gently as you can
“Need Grimm for your thoughts?”
He flushes and he immediately looks away, but you usher him to look at you as you coo and ask him whats wrong
It takes a bit till he kinda explains to you how hes feeling
In your relationship, you both were practicing being more open with each other, hence why you were proud of Levi for saying it
but you did feel kinda sad and frowned as he finishes explaining
“You... feel jealous?”
“Ugh d-dont say it out loud normie....”
He covers his face with his arm and you just cant help but shake your head with a fond smile, but you do need to address this and comfort him.
“Levi... when you fanboy about Ruri chan, did you ever think she was better than me?”
Your question made him frown and look at you in absolute worry
Did you actually think that you were below Ruri chan?
Of course hes an absolute simp for Ruri but.. cmon
Now that he thinks about it, he does talk about her a lot doesnt he? oh no...
“MC O-Of course not! I love Ruri chan yes, but you... I... I Love... you more...” Levi exe do be dying
But you smile at his response and gently kisses his cheek
“I think thats sweet Levi... But thats how I am too... Youre still better than any of these characters, youre real and they arent, youre mine and I am yours~ Youre my personal 5 star!” You wink at him and Levi just dips
his heart couldnt handle the cuteness and he died, ladies and gentlemen
but for real he did pass out
Must be from all the blood on his head from the blush
But ah, he does get it, and after being showered with love from you, He kinda slowly got over his jealousy
its not immediate but with simple reassurances, you can manage to reel him in and have fun with you
He does end up enjoying the game cause he gets to spend time with you, and he gets to show off when events happen 
He also goes out of his way to memorize locations for materials for you, and when youre sick or busy, he pilots your account
true gamer
But ironically enough hed probably start simping for a character too and of course, you both start bonding over that, which just makes Levi absolutely happy
I wonder if hed simp for Barbara, she is an idol afterall like Ruri chan
Probably lowkey for now
Afterall she looks like a minor so-----
( I dunno i searched shes 16-18 lol )
But regardless, I can imagine you both just cosplaying each others fav characters too
Its a wack looking ship cosplay but yall just simp for each other cause of it, its pretty fun but the rest of the brothers just finds it hella weird
I only have energy for these 3 as always, Im sorry! But i promise Ill do the rest!! I hope you guys do enjoy, and Id love some feedback on the characters personalities cause I know they can be a bit Ooc, But feel free to send me an ask! Im pretty open lol 〜( ̄△ ̄〜)
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kakubun · 4 years
request: hello!! may I request nekoma and shiratorizawa/inarizaki with a fem!manager that has a deep raspy voice and laid-back personality? Thank you!!
Deep Voiced!Manager (Fem)
inarizaki x fem!manager
ooo mamas i got 100 followers, THANK YOUUUU SOOOO MUCCHHH
also i went off topic , i’m SORRY
i could only do inarizaki, sooorrrryyyyyy!!!
comments are appreciated!!
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you know these two idiots, they would be like “woah!!”
miya twins would’ve been friends with you when you were all kids, you would visit them in the gym after your guitar practise
specifically electric guitar
you have a deep voice AND you play electric guitar, you are so cool
and they knew not to break your electric guitar or touch it without permission cause when atsumu did, the neighbourhood was raised a brow to a girl chasing a guy for about 10 minutes before the guy tripped and the girl wringed his neck and another male stepping in to pull the smaller female off the guy who probably died by then 
when you joined the volleyball club in your high school year, you were a lot more reserved since they asked you to behave 
even though you had the power over them, you also don’t want to embarrass yourself and ruin your reputation in front of other boys in the club
with a lot of fangirls 
with the same wack insults  💀 💀
you were done with most of their fangirls, mostly atsumu’s cause you can see the difference
some b: ew you sound like a boy
y/n: if i were to sound like one of yall inarizaki boys, you wouldn’t complain
atsumu’s fangirls were 😻 🔫 the while osamu’s were the 🥰 👉👈
atsumu’s fangirls would die for him, constantly pushing you away just to  give the piss stained hair twin a box of chocolates and smooches but you immediately grabbed them by the shoulder and drag them away
there was a time where you felt a lot more sensitive and the fangirls might have threw a gift in your face since you didn’t want to budge and they waved you off while walking away, telling you to give it to atsumu 
atsumu was doing his serves and you would pat atsumu’s shoulder and he would turn around to see you holding the gift and  👇 👇
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y/n: here’s what your stupid fangirls decided to give this time 
if this wasn’t a volleyball anime, atsumu would’ve been thrown to the wall and killed by now
atsumu could feel his twin’s fury radiating behind him and a scene happened with these two and akagi carried you away from the two idiots and settled you on the bench
kita and aran sat next to you, aran on the right while kita’s on the left 
akagi kneeled in front of you and waited for you to talk 
you quickly wiped your tears and said it was stupid of you to cry about and kita didn’t let you say anything else and hugged your side, telling you that it’s okay to cry and it’s not stupid
i can see everybody staring at atsumu bowing down to you, apologizing a hundred times while you held back the urge to step on his head
but you quickly made him get up and punched him in the chest and asked him to control his fans a little cause you were tired to see confessions everyday 
y/n: i will quit if you don’t talk to them in the morning 8.00 a.m. sharp if you even dare forget about something like that, i won’t hesitate to make you forget volleyball with what i’m about to do tommorow 
even though it was an empty threat, it left chills in everyone’s spines
(suna of course couldn’t take you seriously and thought you sounded like a cool video game villain  💀 💀)
it didn’t help the fact atsumu could have his neck snapped when he woke up late the next day and osamu quickly kicked him off his bed and yelled to his dumbass to not get killed
but he did talk to them so that means less fans on your back  😼 👍 👍
osamu’s fangirls were okay, just a lot of pestering and no violence and you easily shut them out so that’s okay
this led to the volleybal clubs’ door clearing a little which means anyone that actually wanted business and not atsumu could easily wait near the door
which leds to how the team finding out about your electric guitar skills suprisingly weren’t from atsumu’s big mouth but from a kouhai 
when the kouhai stood infront of the door, clutching a book in their hand and aran stopped you from approaching them and intead chose to do it himself
not like atsumu’s big mouth asking them “oh yer lookin’ for me?” or omimi’s harsh comment like “don’t disturb the twins.”, he lets the kouhai speak
“um, is y/n senpai here?” 
this was unexpected but aran just hopes it wasn’t another fan pestering her
“ah y/n senpai, can i have your guitar notes?” the kouhai grinned and suna and aran heard them and you immediately went to your bag to retrieve your notes
suna: y/n plays guitar?
he questions the kouhai and they nod
kouhai: electric guitar in fact!
suna raised his eyebrow when you came back and talked to the kouhai
if you can’t tell when everyone found out, they had a big crush on you
especially with whatever sensual song you sang and how you hit the high notes made them amused and and and-
with a deep voice and the harsh strums of the electric guitar, their imaginations went wild
especially with that smirk you had, how wouldn’t it?
this made me curse in my language a hundred times, i work on inarizaki for an hour and realized that i went off topic 💀 💀
bye i hope you enjoyed it??
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oikadori · 4 years
Reacting to their best friend doing the “Electric Love” trend on Tik Tok
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⇢  Pairings: Atsumu x f!Reader, Osamu x f!Reader, Kuroo x f!Reader, Tsukishima x f!Reader
⇢  Genre: fluff
⇢  WC~ 1,187
A/N: Thanks for requesting ♡! I wasn’t able to include the 5th character, I’m sorry :( There were so many reactions LOL, I hope I got it right. Anon you’re my first request. You have no idea how happy and scared I was HAHAHAAH. Soo, It is my first time writing for Osamu and Tsukki :v (I hope I’m not out of character). Hope you like it! Thanks for reading♡
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You and Atsumu have known each other since middle school and became close during high school
Teasing and annoying the hell out of each other, always ending up laughing was your daily routine
You realize you have a crush on him
So, you’ve seen this tiktok trend and give it shot
You were at Miya’s house, sitting on the dinner table with the twins, studying
You place your phone on the table and start recording
Atsumu immediately knows what is happening when he hears the song
He turns at you with a playful smirk before looking back at his textbook, acting oblivious
Osamu stands up and walks away after sighing loudly
You nervously peek at Atsumu multiple times, your usual sassy nature is nowhere to be found
His eyes soften at your hesitant movements making him smile genuinely
So, when the chorus starts, you are too scared to move
Atsumu quickly closes his book and grabs your face with both hands
He kisses you fully in the mouth, pressing a hand on your neck to deepen the kiss
His lips move feral over yours. You are both out of breath when the video pauses
“What happened, huh? It’s the first time I actually see you flustered”
“Do you want me to hit you in the head, ‘Tsumu”
“I’ll rather want you to kiss me, bug”
And that is what you do, causing the blonde to blush furiously at the contact
“You both are so LAME” Osamu’s head peeks from a corner and then quickly disappears making you pull apart to violently laugh.
⤷The video gets tons of comments about how cute your scared face looked and how hot Atsumu’s reaction was. Atsumu immediately updates his social media to: dating the cutest ♡ bug
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Osamu met you for accident when you exchanged your lunchboxes, making you fascinated with his cooking.
That’s how you asked him to teach you
With each cooking session you became closer, being now his bestie
Atsumu showed you a video of the trend, giving you the idea
You were in your classroom during lunch, hanging out with the second years and some friends
You set your phone and as the music starts to play, Atsumu literally runs away along with your friends
“The hell just happened.”
He is really confused, like why are you biting your lip and looking nervously at the camera.???
“I didn’t know you were into tiktok, Y/N”
Osamu remembers the song because Atsumu showed him the video once, but he genuinely doesn’t remember what was about
When the chorus starts, you just go for it, attempting to forget the fear ghosting you
Your lips crash with his for a few seconds and Osamu’s eyes widen in surprise
But as soon as you pull away, he is already leaning forwards, catching your lips, and making you gasp
The song stops and he slowly detaches his lips from yours. He finds himself surprised by his sudden display of emotion.
“Your lips, they… taste like candy” askjsjkjf Im sorry
“Such a romantic, ‘Samu” you giggle, “Always thinking about food, huh?”
“Except when I’m with you” you stare at him with flushed cheeks “I like you Y/N”
That is all you hear before Osamu pecks your lips softly one more time as you squeeze his hand under the table
“ ’SAMU, you won’t die alone after all!” the other Miya screams
“That’s because I’m the likeable twin, ‘Tsumu, shut your trap already!”
⤷ After you post the video, people got really soft by Osamu’s tender response. You post now some cooking tutorials as a couple.  
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You and Kuroo were the bests in your science class
Your relationship was solely competitive, but your interests drew you both closer
Coming to his games and playing videogames became regular
You both were at Kenma’s house, playing this new game, when you found the video on tiktok
Both were so focused on the game that didn’t notice when you placed the phone on the counter
Kuroo definitely knows this trend as well as Kenma
When the melody starts, Kenma’s lazy gaze catches your phone and he simply walks away
Kuroo stops playing and turns to you with a grin on his lips
“Is something in that little head, smarty?”
“Oh, just thinking about how funny that spiky hair of yours, actually looks”
You both intensely look at each other, letting small chuckles out every time you looked at the phone
“Are you really gonna do it?”
“Huh, are you afraid of a kiss Kuroo-San?”
“Afraid that you won’t be able to handle it (Y/LN)”
The part you were both waiting starts and like a magnet, you both lean in synchronized, smooching your lips together
He pulls you on top of him, laying his back on the couch at the time the sound stops.
“Mmm, who would tell you were such a good kisser, smarty”
“You’re not so bad yourself” you giggle
“Are you done?” Kenma says with a steady voice, entering his living room, finding you over Kuroo’s chest
You shove him away, laughing. You grab the controller ready to play,  trying to show annoyance, but your heart can’t stop jumping on your chest
A hand pulls your waist back
“You are not going anywhere, Y/N”
⤷Let me just say that the video goes wild on the internet, all the comments about Kuroo made his teasing almost unbearable that week
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Tsuki and you started with the wrong foot, thinking you were just some silly girl
But the moment he saw you scolding Kageyama and Hinata, he was like “Oh another intelligent being”
You were at the gym waiting for Yamaguchi and Tsuki when Nishinoya showed you the trend and convince you to do it with Tsuki
Tsuki was a little soft for you so he didn’t say no when you asked him to join you in a TikTok, tho he was really exasperated
There you were standing next to Tsuki , while Nishinoya and Tanaka were on the other side
When the phone starts recording, you grab Tsuki’s arms trying to teach him some movements
“You know how ridiculous this is, don’t you?”
“Don’t be such a bummer, Tsuki, just follow me”
The chorus starts and you quickly lean as high as you can, trying to reach his face
“W-What the hell are you doing?” he pushes your shoulders rather harsh, moving his head away from yours
However, your lips managed to lightly brush his
He storms out of the gym throwing swears to all of you
Everything happens so fast, you couldn’t notice the small blush on his cheeks
“Do you crave attention that much to do such a stupid video?” you catch him outside, a hurt look on his face “Why messing up with people like that?”
Feeling really crappy, you lower your eyes, playing with your fingers
“I’m sorry, Tsuki. GOMEN Tsuki I thought it might be fun but …I did want to kiss you”
“Then, just say it, idiot” he looks away with the cutest blush you’ve ever seen
⤷ The video got tons of comments, feeling sorry for his response. They never guessed the middle blocker asked you on a date afterwards 
✨Please reblog if you like it!! It helps creators sooo much ✨
Thanks for reading ✿
↳ ∴ Master List ∴
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uwuwriting · 4 years
Kenma, Kuroo and Nishinoya finding a pregnancy test
Request: mmmkay, so quarantines got me watching an unhealthy amount of anime, so could i please request kuroo, kenma, and nishinoya finding their fem SO pregnancy tests hidden in their shared bathroom? Thank you! love your writing i cant get enough!❤️❤️❤️ - anonymous
Another pregnancy request? YES PLEASE I LIVE FOR THESE. THEY WATER MY CROPS AND CLEAR MY SKIN. It don’t matter for which fandom it is, a pregnancy and/or domestic request is always a good one. If i get carried away it’s not my fault I can’t help it. Love yaa.💖💖💖
warnings: fluff mainly, maybe some sprinkle of angst on Kenma’s but nothing major
Kozume Kenma 
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-You two have been living together for 3 years now.
-Being in a happy relationship since your third year of high school and then going to the same university, your lives were bound to one another. 
-You weren’t married and it didn’t really bother you.
-Your friends would jokingly call you Mrs. Kozume and Kenma never denied it, he would usually just wrap an arm around your waist and bring you closer to him. 
-So when you discussed kids it was a shocker. 
- “I know we are not married and all, if you want to do that first that’s fine I have no problem with that it’s just that....have you seen how Hinata is with his little girl?” 
-You had seen how happy Hinata was with his daughter.
-She was a few months old but he was so deeply in love with her.
-And you had seen how Kenma looked at them interact.
- “Okay let’s try, but no vlogging our journey or some shit!”
-You hadn’t seen him agree to something so fast in your life. 
-That was about a year and a half ago. 
-It has been a hectic ride and a disheartening one at that.
-You had a miscarriage earlier last year and after that you hadn’t managed to conceive again. 
-At first you panicked, believing that after that misfortune something broke inside of you and you wouldn’t be able to have a child after all. 
-But Kenma, being the calm one in your relationship, took you to a doctor who said that your body was just in shock and you would be able to carry a child. 
- “Just give your body some time to rest.”
-It has been five months since that and now you are standing in the middle of your bathroom staring at the pregnancy test in your hands. 
-You wanted to squeal and cry at the same time, maybe laugh a little. 
-Kenma was setting up his computer to start a stream.
-One that he and 99.9% of his fans had requested to see you in.
-You had been in Kenma’s videos multiple times both on stream and on YouTube. 
-Placing the pregnancy test in the cabinet near the sink you walked out and went to Kenma. 
-You would tell him after this, give yourself time to control your excitement. 
-The stream was going well, you were answering questions *some of them had been asked before but you answered none the less* and giggling along side Kenma as he started telling the story of your failed date at the zoo. 
-A monkey had tried to take the flower that he had given you and it bit you in its attempts to take it.
-At some point Kenma got up and went to the bathroom and you were left alone with the fans showing them some of your favorite pictures. 
-While you were enjoying the stream Kenma was having a heart attack.
-He had opened the cabinet to get some tissues you stored there and came face to face with the pregnancy test. 
-The positive pregnancy test.
-You were pregnant? AND DIDN’T TELL HIM? 
-What if it ended like the last pregnancy?
-Oh god he wouldn’t be able to pull out of there this time. 
-Your laughter rang through the apartment and reached his ears, breaking his train of thought and bringing him back to reality. 
-Walking slowly towards the room his saw you with your back turned towards the door talking to the camera at his fans. 
-Right he was on a stream.
-It didn’t matter.
- “Y/N...this is real right?”
-Turning around you saw him in the doorway, head hanging low looking at the stick in his hands his hair framing his features completely. 
- “Kenmaaaa I wanted it to be a surprise!!!”
-The chat was on fire as Kenma closed the distance between you hugging you tightly before he placed you in his lap and announced that you would be welcoming another Kozume in the world. 
- “And no I won’t be vlogging anything!!!”
Kuroo Tetsuro
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-He married you right after he finished university. 
-You had known each other since your first year of high school but began dating during freshman year in university. 
-Kuroo now an esteemed doctor loved calling you by his last name, it felt unreal.
-It didn’t long for him to start imagining an even more domesticated life with you. 
-You worked at the same hospital as a nurse and you usually could be found in the kids ward. 
-You were always great with kids, making the laugh and helping them stop crying. 
-What did it for him was when you were helping at the new born section and you were cooing at a baby, looking so soft and happy holding the small human that he wanted to have a baby right then and there. 
-He saw you again there helping a mother feed her baby and it felt just right.
-On the ride home he popped the question. 
- “I saw you having fun in the new born isle today.” 
- “Those babies are just too cute, Tetsu!!”
- “Yeah, seeing you got me thinking what our kids would look like.”
-He was trying to play it cool, but you saw right through him.
- “Real smooth Tetsu.”
-Little did he know though that you had already taken three pregnancy test this morning all coming out positive. 
-You had left them on the bathroom counter because you were already late. 
- ‘I need to hide them, make it a surprise.’
-The drive to your shared apartment was full of laughs and Kuroo’s poor sense of humor. 
-It was dad jokes. 
-He was practicing his dad jokes. 
-Surprisingly he didn’t pressure you on the matter of kids.
- “We’ll talk about it later.”
-He had a small pout on his lips but he soon changed the subject. 
-Arriving home you went to place the groceries but you didn’t balance them right and the milk carton fell on Kuroo. 
-There was milk everywhere.
-On the floor, on Kuroo, some of it was on you, on the counter.
- “Way to go kitten....”
-He made his way to the bathroom to throw his clothes into the washer and wash his hands.
-Then he noticed the three sticks on the counter.
-Curiousity killed the cat. 
-And Kuroo is cat.
-He has been a cat since high school. 
-Looking at the sticks it took him some time to realize what they were. 
-His eyes widened at the realization.
-Why didn’t you tell him???
-He was panicking ever so slightly, his breathing becoming erratic.
-Well he wanted to start a family with you didn’t he?
-After a few minutes of breathing exercises he still couldn’t decide if he should start jumping up and down from his giddiness or panic some more.  
-You on the other hand had juts finished putting the things away and mopping the milk off the floor. 
- “What is he doing in there?”
-You know how I said that you wanted your pregnancy to be a surprise?
-And how you wanted to hide the tests before he found them?
-Yeah you forgot and because you were dumb it took you some time to put two and two together.
-Sprinting to the bathroom you flung the door open coming face to face with a wide eyes Kuroo holding the test in his hands. 
- “Surprise?”
-He looked at you, opening his mouth and then closing it not being able to find the right words. 
-Then he was hugging you.
-He was lifting you off the ground and laughing/sobbing in your ear. 
- “Thank you thank you thank you thank you.”
-Now you were sobbing too. 
-The rest of the night was spent with you on the couch surrounded by blankets and snacks, while Kuroo did everything. 
-He made dinner, he helped you undress and put on your PJs, all in all he wouldn’t let you lift a finger. 
-He’s just so damn happy he can barely contain it. 
-Next day at the hospital he was bragging to everyone and their mothers about your pregnancy. 
Nishinoya Yuu
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-Em he’s baby?
-Like literally.
-Living with him is like living with a five year old.
-And god forbid Tanaka comes to visit. 
-Now you’re babysitting two five year olds. 
-Noya our sweet sweet libero here, wanted to marry you since high school.
-He even proposed while you two were in your third year. 
-They had just won a very difficult game and he was on cloud 9.
-You had gone down to congradulate them on their win and give a few victory smooches to your boyfriend when you were tackled to the floor by a very sweaty Noya. 
- “Yes I did, babe.”
-Awkward silence. 
-He didn’t even look sorry after he said it.
-It didn’t sound like it slipped either.
- “What I am going to marry you so why don’t we do it now?”
-Fast forward five years and he truly kept his promise.
-You two share a nice apartment and are living a happy life. 
-Not a peaceful one. 
-Peace is not an option with Noya. 
-Come on...
-You two hadn’t really talked about children but you knew he was great with kids. 
-You saw how he got whenever your nephew and niece came to visit. 
-He would be so playful with them but simultaneously protective and careful which was surprising because well he was Nishinoya. 
-So when you started feeling sick one morning your first thought was to take a pregnancy test. 
-You see Noya em likes to feel free....if you know you know. 
-When the test came out positive you were both excited and nervous. 
-What if he didn’t want kids? 
-What if he left?
-Noya would never leave you and he would insist you went through every difficult situation together as team but you weren’t in the best state of mind at the moment. 
-You were drawn out of your thoughts when his voice rang through the apartment.
- “Babe, Tanaka is here could you get the door?”
-Leaving everything as it was in the bathroom you went to open the door. 
-your brain was running on autopilot.
-You had no brain cells to spare at the moment okay??
- “Heyyyyy Y/N how are you?????”
-And so the game night the two of them had planned began. 
-You were making dinner waiting for Tanaka’s girlfriend to arrive so you can talk about your little revelation. 
-And yes Tanaka has a girlfriend who is indeed Kiyoko. 
-As you were cutting some vegetables, Tanaka stood up and went to the bathroom and at the same moment the door bell rang. 
-Not even two seconds passed before you heard screeching form the bathroom. 
-You had opened the door and were greeting Kiyoko when you remembered the state you left the bathroom in. 
-Le silence. 
-Kiyoko was looking from your stomach to the pregnancy test Tanaka had thrown at Nishinoya. 
- “I’M A WHAT???????????”
-Chaos ensued.
-Noya was talking frantically with you and asking you about when you found out, why you didn’t tell him etc while Tanaka was being scolded by Kiyoko for ruining your surprise. 
-It was a very eventful night to say the least. 
-But a happy one nonetheless. 
TAG TEAM AY: @brattyquirks​ @the-arcana-fan-fic​ @angelwritings​ @reinyrei​ @axerrri​
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moxfirefly · 4 years
So @teenage-mutant-ninja-freak wanted some Halloween headcanon’s for the lads, so let’s hop to it for one of my faves on here!
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• our resident violent teddy bear is pretty neutral when it comes to old hallows eve, he does in fact enjoy the candy
• speaking of candy, will eat pretty much anything even try out that obscure shit nobody likes
• he does also LOVE when you feed him said candies
• will show up at your window and say “trick or treat” with the most cocky grin
• say Treat and he’s gonna give you the MOST SENSOUS SMOOCH
• say Trick, he’s gonna steal a kiss
• send him pics of you modeling potential costumes
• the skimpier the better
• will lowkey Windows Shutdown if you dress up as a boxer. The shorts, the sports bra, the gloves, the whole shebang. rapahael.exe has crashed.
• prefers cheesy horror movies think: Army of Darkness, Tucker and Dale vs Evil, Nightmare on Elm Street: Freddy’s Dead etc
• if he could give out candy he’d def be the guy who high fives the kids and gasses them up and addresses them by their characters
• “oh heck Batman! You better get back to Gotham!”
• oh he’s also the guy who would give out extra candy to the kids
• pumpkin carving king
• Mikey loves scaring the shit out of him
• he claims he was ‘merely startled’
• won’t dress up, will be moody while having a pair of cat ears on his head that you insist upon because Dammit Raph we are all taking this picture and you are participating somehow
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• Halloween Lover™️
• honestly our resident nunchuck bean loves all things spooky
• loves watching the NYC Halloween parade
• loves watching shows, movies, videos anything regarding to it
• will dress up
• has defenatly said that famous “they are coming to get you Barbara” line, it’s drives Raph up the wall
• decorates the lair starting September honestly
• resident scare champion, seriously he has snuck up on Leonardo
• Halloween baking goods, join him this boy will feed you well
• will o.d on sugar cookies
• dress up as his fave superhero or game character, expect heart eyes all day and lots of handsy caresses, this boy will gas you up so much (he already does on the regular)
• cheesy horror films but he’s surprisingly high key into the Based on True Events ones. Think: The Conjuring, Blair Witch Project, Exorcism of Emily Rose, etc
• boy gets extra frisky on Halloween night
• will want to try and get into a party with you
• but if case not be he will throw a rager in the lair with the bros, you and the close friends
• y’all banging while a horror movie plays in the background
• “man if we were in that lake, that pissed of goalie would so kill us”
• “Mikey focus”
• “shit my bad, babe”
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• Our blue boy enjoys Halloween surprisingly enough
• has to be forced into the party tho
• will end up having fun
• but will micro manage because Virgo™️
• actually won’t complain if asked to dress up
• sour candy lover
• old school horror movie lover: White Zombie, House on Haunted Hill, Dr Jekyll/Mr. Hyde, Creature of the black lagoon
• absolutely loves when you hide against his arm, he will purposefully find the goriest movies just so you could watch it basically buried on his chest
• humors Mikey because Big Brother Duties™️ so he helps decorate no matter how absurd it gets
• speaking of brotherly love 🥺 they love Hocus Pocus and watch it together every year cause Danny and Max reminds them of their relationship
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• this precious brainiac loves Halloween perhaps rivaling Mikey
• he loves ghost stories, loves reading up on crimes and crazy events that happened around the time
• spooky podcast play all month long
• spooky playlist plays as well
• from old school Monster Mash style to more modern takes like Black No. 1
• will eat everything Mikey bakes, boys got a sweet tooth
• bring him seasonal coffee and he’s forever in your debt
• send him your Halloween costume idea, this lad will even help you MAKE it like legit even better than store bought
• Sci-Fi/Horror/Suspense/Psychological lover: It Follows, Predator, Alien Resurrection, Heredetary, Event Horizon, Splice, Martyrs, Suspiria, etc
• knows little know facts about certain scenes and effects
• “Did you know how many gallons of fake blood that took to make? Speaking off did you know you can make fake blood out of-“ Cue you screaming bloody murder at a graphic kill
• Resident DJ at the party (I have this headcanon that Donnie likes to make beats, remixes on his spare time when he needs to take a break from a project) Mikey says his transitions are so satisfyingly smooth
• Happily dresses up, begrudgingly helps his brothers with their costumes. They get so diva about it to a point where he’ll just mutter about not being on fucking Project Runway stop horsing around while wearing it of course it’ll tear!
• referees the games
• disqualifies Raphael almost every time
• once put on Halloween special effects noises
• splinter thought they were being attacked
• scared shitless of horror stuff? Let this adorable boyfriend of yours explain why “it’s illogical that a burned demon man in a striped sweater will invade your dreams and kill you my love....Now the monthman though-“
• “No conspiracy theories after midnight yes my apologies”
• once left a fake bug on Raph’s bed, spent the entire afternoon in a headlock
• Donnie and Raph actually spend time playing horror games though. Raph likes to play commentator. “Told ya that door was suspicious genius, but by all means get killed again” Cue Donnie rolling his eyes for the tenth time
• Loves seeing you all dressed up, especially if you dress up as a character he loves like Ripley from Alien.
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juseki-taisen · 4 years
How about how the 12 warriors celebrate V-Day? (Bonus challenge being Doudecuple and Navi)
Thank you for the request @gale-dragon-writer
This was a long one! I hope you guys like!
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Without S/O
This wouldn’t happen, let’s be real. If it did she planned this by choice, so she’s probably busy kicking ass and taking names...and numbers
Probably prowls bars for lonely men/women/they’s ect to buy her drinks.
Never pays for any food or drink of Valentines. She’s hot af and knows it
It’s 50/50 if she’s going to go home with someone
With S/O
Expects to be spoiled. Please spoil her
Despite her immense wealth, she doesn’t expect you to buy her expensive things. She can do that herself. What she’d really like is for a gift that’s full of thought.
If you make her a gift, she’ll play it off but she secretly loves it. It doesn’t matter how shitty it is. If you make her a cute boar figure out of clay and it’s lopsided, but you tried hard and painted it her favorite color, it’s going on her mantel in the living room.
Spoils you too. You will drown in gifts and kisses. Don’t worry, she uses amazing lipstick and it doesn’t stick to your face.
Without S/O
Spends the day giving candy to the children.
Secretly gives his daughter a secret admirer letter, her confidence SKY ROCKETS
Decorates his classroom
This man is great at help kids learn about consent. No pulling pigtails, and if a boy likes a girl and she tells him no, he makes sure he knows not to keep bugging her. Same thing with the girls. If a boy doesn’t like them they’re not allowed to keep bugging them either.
Watches cute love movies with his daughter. He’s her prince charming.
With S/O
You better believe he has you help decorate his classroom
You make cute paper hearts and pick out candy
The kids leave you valentines
He takes you to dinner. His daughter comes too. You guys have a lot of fun. He buys you and his daughter a dessert. Somehow she eats here and half of yours
Snuggles on the couch and a cute movie.
Without an S/O
Doesn’t celebrate
She doesn’t understand why it’s a big deal
Indulges the day after on discount candy
With an S/O
Help her
She wants to celebrate but she’s in Ushii level awkward when it comes to doing anything
Picks the most popular movie out, watches it, and THAT is the basis for her whole idea
Gets you candy. Wears a cute dress. Picks a place to eat. Buys you roses, or do you get her roses? She’ll get them for you...just in case
Candy? Candy. Lots of candy.
Any small thing you get her she’s going to love. She never has really gotten gifts, and one out of love is a gift she’ll treasure forever
If you do get her flowers, she’s going to press them or dry them and keep them forever
Without an S/O
She had a fiancé for what seemed like forever, so a day without one is kind of difficult for her
She’s happy she’s alone, because she’s happy with who she is and now doesn’t have anyone to try and fit her into a mold that she didn’t belong
Kind of mopes though. She wants romance and someone who loves her for who she is and everything she does
Drinks hot coco and eats an ungodly amount of chocolate
With an S/O
So. Excited.
She cooks all day and makes cake, dinner, and everything else from scratch
You get her gifts and feel like it’s still not enough
Honestly? It doesn’t matter what you get her. She just love shaving you around and knowing how much you care for her for who she is
PLEASE slow dance with her in the kitchen while you’re doing the dishes. She’ll remember it forever
Without an S/O
Hangs out at home
Waiting for the candy to go on sale
Babysits for his child so they can have a romantic evening
Watches random shows on TV, but avoids romance stuff
With an S/O
Still wants to hang out at home, but will go out if you want
Uses this as an excuse to DESTROY the candy aisle
Gets you flowers, they’re not red roses because that’s pretty expensive, but he gets cute ones...and a bear
Snuggles and falling asleep to bad rom coms on TV
Without an S/O
Spends it alone
He wishes he had someone, but he’s alright for the most part
Okay he’s not
He’s a big softie inside and somewhat romanticizes the holiday more than he should
Eats cake...and chocolate 
With an S/O
The man goes WILD
Roses everywhere
A romantic dinner he made meticulously after practicing for weeks
Remakes the titanic ship in a bottle, with you two as the figures on the front of the ship
He loves any gift you get him. He cries. He tries not to, but he does. 
He writes you a poem he gets to embarrassed to read. You get it in a card. 
Without an S/O
Steals everything with his brother
Necklaces, candy, and even flowers just so he can light them on fire
Doesn’t think much of the holiday, never has. It’s stupid. 
With an S/O
He’s awkward. He doesn’t know how to celebrate the holiday
He gets you the basics, candy, a bear, and flowers. That’s it right? 
Oh wait, you wanna do something? Uh, can a theme park be romantic?
You have a lot of fun actually, and when inevitably he lights part of it on fire, he has stuff for smores. 
You save the picture from the tunnel of love. You managed to snap it before he lit it on fire. The tunnel was the point of origin. 
Later on down the road he plans more stuff. He may also use fireworks to do your name in the air or something
Steals you a car. 
Without an S/O
Steals stuff with his brother
Gets entirely to many snacks
Does anything but Holiday stuff
With an S/O
Doesn’t want to do anything, but will because you ask him
Takes you for dinner, and he enjoys spending time with you, but because social convention is making him he’s grumpy about it 
If you’re the kind of person who is easily embarrassed, he may send you cheesy emails with stupid valentines cards
Chocolate and all KINDS of snacks
Later on down the line he’ll plan more romantic stuff, and buy you nice things with real money so you know he cares
Without an S/O
He likes the Holiday and wants someone to do it with SOOOO BAD
Watches all those cute movies and cheesy rom coms
Has a “Friend” he takes out on a date
It doesn’t go well
With an S/O
Oh boy. He’s SO HAPPY
He gets you everything. Flower, roses (ignore the blood it’s fine), and he lets you know he’s arrived to pick you up by having his friends hold him high while he has a boom box playing your favorite song. Even if it’s metal. Even if he thinks the holiday begins at midnight. Your neighbors wont care, right?
You will go to ALL the cheesy stuff. Cute rides at a theme park, which somehow gets burned down later on thanks to someone (Takeyasu)
 A dinner and flowers, chocolate. SO MUCH CANDY. He even likes the terrible heart ones. He made you a box filled with ones that have saying that remind him of you
Cuddles, kisses, and smooches that just...don’t stop. Even in public. You gotta tell him to tone it down. 
Without an S/O
Drinks, and mopes
She doesn’t really want to date, but seeing other people happy kinda rubs it in when you’re single
Partakes in day after candy sales
She actually avoids the bars, to many couples being happy and cute
Angrily eats snacks
With an S/O
She doesn’t expect much, other than maybe being one of those annoying couples who steals Every. Booth. In. The. Restaurant. 
Please get her presents. Please. She’ll get really happy and flustered
This girl will actually try and make you chocolate from scratch. Sharyu helps. She even wraps them in a cute wrapping paper she draws herself
It’s pretty casual and after bar hopping you spend it at home. You’re with her so she cuts back so she’s not sloshed. She wants to remember being with you. 
So many cute kisses. 
Hand holding. It still gets her flustered. 
Please get your picture taken at some point. She’ll put it by her bed and fall asleep smiling
Without an S/O
There’s a Holiday? 
He guess he noticed it was harder than normal to get a table for his favorite restaurant
Doesn’t really like sweets so the holiday just annoys him
So many people confess to him and he’s just like “Okay. Cool. Thanks” 
With an S/O
He’s not great with the holiday. He’s smart though, so he tries  to research what to do
Googles top ten most romantic gesture, luckily has the sense not to propose
Gets you candy, roses, and all the stereotypical stuff
You have to tell him to relax, because all the stuff he’s saying is regurgitated rom com lines
When he does relax, he’s actually really sweet. Stupidly sweet actually. 
“I don’t need a holiday to tell me you’re important, you’re already always on my mind, but the candy is nice I guess”
Will watch whatever you want. Is always confused by romance movies, but oh BOY does he love going out to eat with you. Hell. Yes. The desserts are amazing and now he gets to share them with you
Care you a card. It’s ugly, but he tries
Gets you a really cute necklace. It has a small ox on it, so he can always be with you. 
Without an S/O
Eats candy and sleeps. It’s no different than any other day, other than people piss him off more.
He doesn’t like how weird people get 
They also made out on his locker...and he needed his textbook. Please....Let him get his books
With an S/O
Uses his paths so much that he passes out and HARD CORE NAPS before you go out
Has the perfect gift.
Plays co op video games with you
He doesn’t like people, so you get take out and stay home
You watch movies, but they’re movies like Princess Bride, Warm Bodies, and love stories that aren’t so normal and are more fun
If you’re LGBT he goes out of his way to find a good movie ahead of time, because he loves and supports you and this day is about you two damn it! (The other’s would try to do this for their S/O, but would have a harder time. since most of them are not great with technology like Nezumi is)
So much candy and snacks
Selfies and filters
You fall asleep together and nap
get him a gift. He’ll know it’s coming but it still makes him happy
Without an S/O
Doesn’t do a whole lot. Has wine and watches the mortals below
Maybe messes with people just a bit to amuse himself
Does his own thing. He really doesn’t care for the holiday
With an S/O
Wine and a dessert charcuterie board
Gets you an expensive gift, but practical. A coat, a scarf. Something to keep you warm and cozy you can use everyday and think of him.
Makes the impossible possible. A romantic setting with only a few people
Getting the tickets for some play or show the last minute
Please do something cheesy, it’ll amuse him, and he’ll secretly keep it
He may get a gift from you, then anyone who goes in his office will see it. 
“Look what my Love got me. Have you beheld it?”
It doesn’t matter if it’s stupid. He’s keeping it forever 
Without and S/O
Stays home and has snacks and chocolates
Maybe organizes his hat collection
Watches fun game shows or anything without romance
With S/O
Has a special hat he wears for the occasion
Gets you one too
Gets you candy and a single rose, as well as a teddy bear
Uses his tablet to find the best places to go with the best rating. Uses his ability to multiply to hold your place in line so you can actually do other stuff
Ferris wheel. He has to hold his hat on but you guys get an AMAZING picture together. It’s his screensaver. He texts it to Nezumi. Nezumi and him start having a couple picture off. Next year, double date. 
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felswritingfire · 4 years
Hey, everyone!
Have some housamo dad hcs that no one asked for! This guys kind of a monster (7978 big) so it goes under the read more. I just,,,, I really like domestic parent hcs ajlskfjlksdj
I kept the kids older years vague and just kept to biological gender because I didn’t want to complicate anything, if that makes sense, just give a little personality to the kiddo/kiddos but mostly focus on the dads, you know? Anyway Enjoy!
(Also so much thanks to @summonerscenarios for helping me with some of these and reading the beta, much love!!)
(Reader is gender neutral btw)
He’d probs have one and then ask for two more- a weird lion thing you know? So, under the assumption that you’re A) down to give birth to three or B) end up adopting three kiddos, he’d most likely end up with two girls (both a year apart from each other) and a boy (who’s three years younger than the middle girl, making him the youngest and gentlest out of his sisters)
He honestly has a bit of a “Oh shit” moment when you guys gain a kid by either a series of events or you getting pregnant, he’s lowkey freaking out
He’s never had a kid before, I mean, sure, he’s been a role model to young people for a long time, but it’s not like he’s had to raise them from when they were in diapers; and honestly, he has this vague wondering if he’s even too old to be a dad- but then she looks into his eyes and it’s like all his worries wash away and then he’s thinking out loud: “if one can do this to me, Y/N, what do you think five more would do?” 
You’ve never seen him so happy and you’re almost sad when you have to shut him down. Almost. “We’re not having six children, Arsalan.”
                       “Ok, what about two more then?”                        “Arsalan.” 
Jokes on you, Y/N, you have two more.
He’s super involved with all of the babies, like, there isn’t a time where Arsalan isn’t seen with them when they’re babies, since the girls are older than their brother, they were with their papa while he was with their baby brother- btw, despite them being four and three respectively, they still loved him to death- and there wasn’t a time when he wasn’t holding or touching them when they were babies
OH! He doesn’t wear any oil when he’s holding them! Since he almost shit a brick one of the times he was holding your oldest girl because he almost dropped her. His hands were so fucking oily because he just finished a riviting round of ✨Turkish Oil Wrestling✨, that he ended up flailing with her like a melted stick of butter in his hands until he managed to get her into the crook of his arm (she was giggling the entire time). Never again. He learned his lesson the first (and last) time. 
Btw, you weren’t there for that, but if he ever looks at you with guilty eyes you know why
He hates diaper duty with a passion and will vehemently try to get out of it. Though, he’ll do it if you really can’t and he’ll silently accept his fate, even the girls will steer clear when he has to change their brother’s diaper. A lonely soldier left to his fate
He baby talks to them when they’re babies, like, straight up, every one of the kids gets baby talked 
No and’s, if’s, or but’s. They get the baby talk
The girls help you guys out a lot with their little brother, or at least they try their best and that’s all that matters. It’s actually really heartwarming??? They’re so attached to this little bundle in your arms, they love him so much
The two girls weren’t fussy babies, but they were very curious, and they kept that curiosity for their entire lives, so they would get into a lot of things that would cause you and Arslan to panic, while their brother was a little angel, he was very quiet and he rarely cried. Though, he didn’t like when you or Arsalan were away for too long, this was a problem for when you guys needed a babysitter for them, not with the girls though, oh no, they love everyone in the Aoyama Guild, especially Maria and Gabriel (the middle one might have a crush on her, but who knows 💅💅). But your guys’ little boy is a whole other story. He’ll start crying and none of them can calm him down, their only saving grace is surprisingly Nyarl. Which Arsalan dislikes with an immense passion
He’s so afraid Nyal’s going to feed his kids to some eldritch horror or teach them bad habits- *GASP* WHAT HAPPENS IF HE TEACHES HIS LITTLE BOY HOW TO SAY FUCK??? OH NO-
He has entrusted the girls with keeping Nyarl in check and the hyena actually listens to them (of course Maria or Zab is there to keep him in check too, they just don’t let the girls know that they’re actually the ones giving Nyarl The Look behind them)
When they’re toddlers, Arsalan starts teaching them strategy and starts wrestling with them so that they can know how to defend themselves with different fighting techniques 
You know that thing that papa lions do where they’ll feign getting hurt when their cubs bite them to build their confidence??? Yeah, he does that with the little ones. The girls are all proud of themselves each time they manage to “beat” their papa, but your little boy is devastated the first time it happened because he thought he actually hurt Papa Arsalan and he started crying and was too afraid to touch anyone for a good two days before Arsalan managed to convince him that he was perfectly fine and the way for him not to hurt someone is to embrace his strength and learn how to use it for good! Luckly, your little boy accepts the answer and goes over and gives his papa a big hug and Arsalan gives him a big ol’ kiss on the forehead
You still have the video- it’s cute- you’re never getting rid of it
Arsalan definitely takes them to the guild and everyone LOVES THEM
The girls get along best with the angels, the more aggressive ones specifically while your little boy gets along best with the healers of the guild; they listen to all of the stories that anyone is willing to share with them and they LIVE FOR THEM
They all swear up and down that they’re gonna join the Aoyama guild when they get older and protect their dad and Arsalan tears up
They MEET (officially) ZABANIYYA AND YOU HAVE NEVER SEEN MORE STARSTRUCK CHILDREN IN YOU LIFE (He met them when they were babies, but he was always too busy to actually swing by and say hello to the little ones frequently)
They think he’s so cool and he feels a little awkward around them, but he’s accepted his fate as Uncle Zab
By the time they hit their tween years, Arsalan is more in his element, he’s an amazing listener, and coupled with the fact that his advice is some A++ shit, his kids feel at ease telling him their woes. Also he’s always open with his affection so if they need a hug, he’s there for that too!
The girls, at this time, are much more similar to Arsalan, their brother on the other hand is very shy, so they take it upon themselves to act as “bodyguards” for their little brother
Your guys’ kids in general are pretty independent, so they’re pretty self aware of themselves; Arsalan made sure of that, especially since he was in the mindset of “making capable kings and queens”- he was a king after all
The girls would go into sports, something like volleyball or softball, while your boy would take up a lot of writing/medical classes in high- if he has the opportunity, he’d probably go into a philosophy class
Your guys’ oldest girl has a bit of a problem with butting heads with people, she’s opinionated and backs them up with facts, she knows what she believes in and will defend it, so she’ll get into the occasional fight
Your middle girl is your social butterfly and gets along with everybody; she’s super sweet, but she has a temper and strong sense of justice which gets her into trouble every now and then
They both team up to take care of their little brother, it’s actually really cute to watch them 
Your boy is the peace keeper of the group; he’s very passive and fights with his words rather than his fists, but he really wants to go into the medical field 
HAVE FUN DEALING WITH THE FACT THAT THEY ALL GET INTO SHIT LIKE THEIR DAD. You and Arsalan had to go and convince the Tycoons not to hang your oldest by her toes because she punched Ophion straight in the jaw and suplexed Lucifuge (Hakuman was having an amazing time- the other two were not)
When they graduate, Arsalan doesn’t cry, but it’s still super evident that he’s proud of his kids, each one gets a huge ass bear (lion) hug that squeezes the breath out of them
He may be a little shocked at first, but he takes it in stride like everything else in his life; he marvels at the way that your guys’ kiddos grow up so fast. Honestly, having a family was one of the best experiences of his life.
I like to imagine that Ifirt would end up with more than one kid with you, being that if you can actually have a baby/babies or if you guys adopt, he’ll want one right after the other, but only if you’re comfortable with that.
We’re going with the route that you’re comfy with having/adopting at least two children:
He’d probs end up having two little boys that are two years apart.
When you guys bring home your first little boy, Ifrit is a mess of tears and snot and he gives you the wettest and biggest smooch he possibly can on your lips. He’s always wanted a big family (but he was afraid he would never be able to really start one because of his debt until you came along and, thanks to your more skeptical nature and eye for seeing through scams, he finally got financially stable!) and now it’s the start of one and he’s so excited! 
They are rambunctious little babies and are loud just like their father; I’m so sorry.
Speaking of loud- Ifrit does not help with the volume- if anything, he amplifies them; riling up the boys when he plays with them.
When he does play with the boys, he’s super soft about it with them. He’ll go down easily for them and play dead when they play any sort of game that includes a big scary monster.
 The first time he did play dead, his boys started crying and then he started crying after he couldn’t get them to calm down because he was overwhelmed with so much emotion for accidentally making his kids cry- you walked in on the three of them, with groceries lining your arms, cuddled up together on the floor crying their hearts out.
UM, HAVE YOU EVER REALIZED THAT IFRIT HAS A TAIL???? (because I sure as hell didn’t, but no surprise there I’m blind-) YOU KNOW WHAT THIS MEANS:
He was a tad nervous when they first started doing this because he realized that he’s a pretty loud and expressive person, so he didn’t want to accidentally knock one of the boys off when he was super excited or he got angry; after you assured him that he was in fact, not going to hurt the boys, he started letting them cling to his tail. And, hey, you were right. He has never once knocked the boys off since, despite his excitable nature, his tail keeps relatively still when he feels the boys on there
Speaking of tails, if any of the boys ends up having tails or horns or fangs like him (especially if they’re biologically his and they get hit with all three), he’ll have you guys invest in a lot of… chew toys for dogs and scratching posts for cats
                    “Why are we getting dog toys for our kid again, Ifrit?”                     “One fucking word, babe, growing pains”                     “That’s two words-”                     “YOU GET WHAT I MEAN.”
Um, I’m so sorry if you wanted your kid’s first words to be “mama/papa/nano” (I read on reddit that’s a gender neutral term for parent, but like, real talk, if you have any other ones, just hit me up and tell me! I love learning new stuff in the LGBTQ+ community!) you ain’t gonna get it chief. It’s gonna be a cuss word because, let’s be frank Ifrit’s got a potty mouth from Hell (me too, man) and it isn’t going away anytime soon
So your kids are most likely gonna be cussing like sailors by the time they get into middle school/high school 
Ifrit is a pretty great multitasker in general, the other bonus is that he’s not afraid to change diapers, so when the boys were babies he was always ready to go when you needed a break
Just let him slap a clothing pin or shove a couple tissues up his nose and he is ready to go, babe
The kids usually cling to him, though, I feel the younger of the two would cling to you more so than Papa Ifrit, while the older one is attached to Ifrit: he copies everything that Ifrit does and is basically a carbon copy of him personality wise
It was kinda hard to convince them to let you guys go out for date night, but they’re super attached to Ebisu and Fenrir, and then Auntie Benten comes and tuckers them out since she has the same amount of energy as the little balls of chaos. So you guys usually call on them to come and watch the babies; once in a while Ahab and Aegir will join and the boys L O V E THEM (you two are honestly a little jealous tbh)
Ebisu is in charge though. Ebisu is always in charge
He’s a little lost in the tween years, but he figures it out pretty fast, luckily, your kids are pretty easy going and simple minded like Ifrit, albeit more aware of their surroundings since you beat it into their heads since you and Ifrit wanted to avoid some punks taking advantage of your kiddos, so they’re pretty straightforward in their thinking- though, your older boy has a hard time handling his emotions, while the younger boy has a hard time expressing his emotions, so you both have to take your time with them and talk it through with them and see how they’re feeling and to understand their problems. Which really isn’t that big of a problem for Ifrit, he’s a good listener and it’s easy for the boys to express themselves around him because, hey, he gets it. He usually let’s his anger control his decision so, he gets it, man
One thing that Ifrit never taught them, and you don’t know where they got it from, if they have horns, they’ll headbutt each other
This has lead to Ifrit, more than once, having to come and untangle their horns, due to the fact that he’s the only one who knows how horns work, because they got locked together, especially if they have Ifrit’s horns (also thank you Juno for giving me this headcanon, I love you-)
If you two ever hear frustrated yelling, you know exactly what’s happening and Ifrit sighs as he gets up while yelling, “again?”
Teenage years are actually quite chill, the boys don’t really go through that phase where nothing feels right or they’re embarrassed of their parents- they’re comfy in their skin and Ifrit and you provide a solid and understanding home for them, so they actually have the tendency to brag about you guys to other people- especially your oldest
What does cause a lot of problems, even when they were little, is fighting
The boys tend to throw themselves head first into fights because A) they have their papa’s temper and B) they can’t stand bullies
So they kinda act as the designated “Protectors of the Weak” if you will and usually it doesn’t end in a fight, their sheer volume and confidence usually makes people back off pretty quick, and if they’re biologically Ifrit’s, then, like, they also have the height and build along with them- or if they were adopted and they had big ass parents, it goes either way
But when they get into a fight- they throw down H A R D. T O G E T H E R
So, once in a while you two get calls to come and pick up the boys, since they got into another skirmish again with that Billy kid- 
Honestly, the first time it happened, Ifrit was pissed because, what the fuck you two? And then he got their side of the story (because of course he would, he’s a GOOD DAD) and he was like, “WELL, FUCK, HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO BE MAD NOW??” So instead, he goes and gets them ice cream every time they get into a fight because he knows your boys would never start a fight unless absolutely necessary. Also they beat up a bunch of bullies HOW THE FUCK IS HE NOT PROUD? HE RAISED THEM RIGHT
This might be one of the only serious arguments you ever have if you’re against the boys fighting at all (but like, I wouldn’t, they beat up bullies. FUCK BULLIES)
When your sons graduate from High school, Ifrit will cry at each of their ceremonies. Full blown sobbing- he’s so proud of his boys and he’s so ready to see what they make of themselves. 
Ifrit dad rating: 10/10, he’s amazing, please let him be a dad; he’s really matured from his younger days, especially now that he has kids. Being in a family with you has really made his life complete
Ophion, to no one’s surprise, has a lot of experience under his belt. At least we would presume, but plot twist: this dragon is used to dealing with older creations rather than little baby ones. Not to say he doesn’t  have any experience with babies, he’s just… used to his kids being independent on their own. It’s a luxury when you got an egg that pops out Wyvern children who are fully developed left and right
He is totally down for babies tho, please, he actually really likes kids a lot and, when he was the older version of himself, he’d try to covertly play with them out in public if he’s with the Tycoons for whatever reason (they knew. They fucking knew what he did, none of them told him jack shit because Hakuman does the same exact thing and Lucifuge thinks his buddy is adorable when he plays with the babies, so like shit he’s gonna say anything. And Licht holds onto this as blackmail, just in case Ophion decides to really piss him off), younger Ophion gives zero shits about playing with babies in front of the Tycoons. He loves hearing babies laugh, so he’ll make some cool ass light tricks and babies and toddlers alike are in awe
Also, he has this tendency to try to give kids life advice and teach them philosophy that their little heads just do not comprehend, but they think he’s the coolest thing to ever exist so they just nod along and pretend they understand (he knows they don’t he just thinks they’re adorable 
He’d try to convince you to have a horde of children; it’s up to you to talk him down because, holy shit, Ophion we are not repopulating a planet. That’s a lot of kids to take care of-
You manage to talk him down to having two and seeing how it goes from there
Plot twist y’all end up with four children: split even boys and girls
Ok, so, I apologize but I’m gonna be drifting away from the gender neutral territory for a hot minute because, like, Juno pointed this out:
Giving birth to Ophion’s baby would be a nightmare: Ophion is a big dude, if I remember right he’s 6’10”, that’s huge if you didn’t know, can you imagine how big that baby is gonna be inside of you???? And the other thing- if they have any draconic characteristics then, like, have fun pushing out a baby with wings, my dude. So it’s either: pray that the little guy is baby baby sized or C-Section
Which is fine- you have options, so that works out great! Double bonus, you never have to worry about medical bills because Ophion is fucking LOADED; TRIPLE BONUS, SINCE OPHION IS LOADED YOU WOULD BE PAMPARED HALF TO DEATH AFTER THE ENTIRE DEBACLE
SPEAKING OF LOADED, your babies have all of the best shit ever since they were born into a rich family.
I’m talking about gucci onesies all the plushies they can imagine
Now, you might be thinking: shit. That means I have to be the tough parent.
Not necessarily
Ophion is particular about how he wants his kids to be raised up: he wants them to be smart and aware, not spoiled and useless. He honestly expects some sort of perfection out of them since, you know, the whole mindset of: well, they’re my children. Of course they have to be perfect
Which, no, bad Ophion. We don’t hold our children to unrealistic standards in this house, it’s up to you to knock him off his high horse. The good part is that he’ll listen to you and actually reflect on his expectations for his kids, he’ll even work on taking said expectations down a couple of notches which is great. 
You’ll probs still have to remind him once in a while, but he’s pretty good at chilling the fuck out when he needs to
Your kids go in the order of girl, boy, girl, boy; all of them a year or two apart, because of course
The first baby was a very rambunctious baby and Ophion threatened to chuck her out the window more than once- IN THE MOST LOVING WAY HE POSSIBLY COULD, I SWEAR- when she’d wake up crying in the middle of the night, because then he’d come and get her and she’d immediately start giggling and trying to grab his finger
He could never stay mad her and he’d end up staying up and rocking her until she fell back asleep 
The crib was barely used for your guys’ second and third baby- they were both easy babies for the most part, only really making a peep when they were away from one of you. Your boy was quite attached to you while the second girl was attached to Ophion; but your oldest girl and boy’s rooms weren’t really used until they each turned five respectively because they’d just climb into bed with you guys and set their younger sibling in between them- these were some of Ophion’s favorite moments tbh. It was so soft and gentle, it soothes his soul when he thinks about it
Your youngest was another rambunctious baby, not in the sense that he cried a lot, but in the sense that he was very… He had a knack for getting into things that shouldn’t have been possible
Like, you, Ophion, and your eldest daughter almost shit when you found your baby boy on top of the counter; no one put him there- you set him down for two minutes- but there he was, giggling as he crawled all over the polished countertops 
Also, PS: each of the babies has their own designated “nanny Wyvern” that takes care of them, but they’re more like, just huge ass guard dogs because they’ll try to make the babies a bottle of milk and it just… it does not work out so well, because sharp claws and microwaves don’t mix as you’ve come to learn
All the wyvern’s love your kids to death tho, they’d die for them. Nobody touches the babies unless they want to get fucking mauled to death by a thousand basically siblings
Each of the babies has gone with him on business meetings with the Tycoons, not that he was very thrilled- Ophion is quite the possessive dragon when it comes to his family- but you needed the load off, especially when you guys have four kids running around? Yeah. He isn’t gonna let you deal with that responsibility alone. 
So he brings them and the Tycoons were a little hesitant about the kids at first because, I mean, they’re Ophion’s kids, they have to be prideful little shits right?
Lucky for them, you keep what Ophion rubs off on his kids in check- especially the pride shit
So, turns out, that your kids are really sweet, maybe a little too confident, but sweet to everyone, and, surprisingly, Ophion’s kinda stickler for manners so they know how to behave themselves
Ophion is lowkey pissed about it because those are his babies, fuck you, Gyumao
But you’re jumping for joy because um? Babysitter who is legit big enough to handle all of the kiddos in one room???? YES PLEASE
The second oldest really likes Lucifuge and will ask if he can comb his hair and Luci always says yes and convinces the kids to call him Uncle Luci; Ophion also hates this
Hakumen is honorary Auntie, they love her to death, especially the two youngest ones, and she likes to spoil them to piss of Ophion
The youngest really likes Licht and Melusine (all the kids are in agreement that Mel is super pretty and the oldest always asks her if she can hold her tail)
When your kids become toddlers, they’re all curious little things and like to hang around Papa and watch what he’s doing 
They’ll try to mimic him, so you’ve walked into a room and witnessed Ophion standing there looking over Tokyo majestically with a wine glass in his hand and all four of your kiddos lined up next to him trying to mimic him, all with their own respective juice cups (youngest to oldest, all trying to look like their papa??? It’s some soft shit and I will forever love Juno for adding and making this scene even cuter)
He’s got a surprising amount of patience with them, so if they're scared to jump off the top of the couch, he’ll reassure them that he’s there and he would never, ever let them fall- and when they do jump? He catches them and praises them for being so brave and it’s just- *cries*
He’ll also take them out on flies so they can get used to the feeling of the wind on their faces and under their wings; they all get super excited if he does a cool twist in the air with them or something like that
The wyverns are usually out and about with them too, so they get two comfort buddies for the price of one fly!
Like with Ifrit, this dude has a tail, so the kiddos will grab onto it, and if they have tails, they’ll make a train of them holding onto each other’s tails as Ophion walks around the house or the Tower- everyone almost dies, because???? That shit cute.
You have so many photos of them doing this
Once your youngest girl fell asleep on his tail while he walked around and you almost died
When they hit their tween years, since they are confident kiddos, especially your two eldest, they have a tendency to push back with Ophion. And Ophion really doesn’t mind? 
He views it as them developing a true identity for themselves, but if they ever cross a line, pray for the kiddos, because he will put the fear of a god in them. He’s very scary angry
It’s even scarier because he doesn’t lift a finger, it’s just a look. A hard, narrowed, disappointed look. It shuts them up real fast
They don’t fight with you though. They’d never fight with you lmao they love you too much
Your two youngest are relatively easy because they don’t have as dominating personalities as their big sister and brother do. So they’ll still stick close to Ophion and listen to what he has to say
You’re eldest ones have an easier time talking to you about their problems while the little ones go to their papa
Though from time to time they’ll talk to the Wyvern that they grew up closest to and rant to them, all the while said Wyvern is squawking and cooing at them in understanding 
In their teenage years, they’ve been humbled a bit by their experiences, so they’re not as.... Over the top. They’re still dramatic tho
Honestly, they’d probs all go into theater. AND THEY’D BE INCREDIBLY GOOD AT IT
And Ophion would obviously brag about this because of course his offspring are amazing at anything they do
Your oldest girl is probably going to play a sport, probably swimming unless she has wings then she’d most likely play something like Lacrosse; you’re eldest boy would probably really into fashion because of Lucifuge so he’d take any fashion classes he could get his hands on; your youngest girl would be into business, courtesy of Auntie Haku and Uncle GyuGyu; and your youngest would most likely stick to theater and the arts; he fell in love with acting and I have this hc that Ophion is really into art in his spare time (especially since, hello- Old Greek God, where do you think they learned it from???) so he runs with the talent he has and just floors it
They all end up kinda, lowkey, running the school, their personalities just cause them to be natural leaders
When they finally graduate highschool, Ophion, if they can’t fly, will take them in his arms after the ceremony and they’ll fly around Tokyo just talking about everything and anything; if they can fly they’re doing the same thing, just instead they’re both doing kick ass tricks in the air! Either way, Ophion is proud and there’s the Wyvern they were closest to crying and nuzzling them because their basically little sib is all grown up
Ophion would kill for a big family with you and he’s such a good papa??? He’s naturally a good dad, it’s a little freaky- but he has so much fun raising this family. He holds all the memories he’s had with you and them close to his heart
Tadatomo and you would probably have one baby in general, a little girl who’s very bubbly- though if you wanted a bigger family, Tada isn’t opposed to the idea
I feel like with Tada the baby, if you have the ability to have children- Hell, even if you don’t have the ability to have a child- you two still probably end up with having a surprise kiddo: they probably wind up being placed in front of your guys’ door by some random person-
Long story short, he freaks out
He definitely doesn’t know how to take care of a baby- he can barely take care of himself- Y/N, what does he do? Please-
It takes a lot of google searching, Youtube videos and phone calls to get Tada to calm down about the baby
After he gathers his bearings, he actually steps up to the plate pretty easily
Except for diapers, I’m so sorry, but you’re on your own for diapers. He’ll get you the stuff and everything, but, he just,,, He can not handle the smell
You guys don’t ever get a crib, if anything someone else gets you said crib (probably Mori) but you guys never use it because Tada places the baby between the both of you when you two go to sleep and, since he’s such a light sleeper, he’s usually the one to tell when she needs something before she even makes a peep
Not that I think she makes a lot of noise in the first place aside for her laughing- she’s just a happy and easy baby in general
Btw, Tada totally shed a tear when she laughed for the first time, he’ll never admit it but she gives him so much L I F E
He lets her play with his ears/tail, doesn’t matter if she pulls on them (which she doesn’t, she’s a gentle baby) no matter what time or place. He could be threatening someone with a knife and she’d be playing with his ears and everyone is like????? That’s kinda cute????   
He binge watches Naruto with his baby despite them not knowing what the fuck is going on and even gets them an Uchiha onsie because obviously Sasuke and Itachi are the bast characters in Naruto and no, he doesn’t take constructive criticism, thank you very much
He probably tries to convince you to name her after Tsunade, it’s up to you if
 you’re willing to go with it
(you’re kid probs has a hardcore anime phase in middles school and Tada and Shino NEVER LET HER LIVE IT DOWN)
For someone who was terrified of babies at first, he takes baby proofing the house/apartement very seriously; you’ll honestly have to stop him- he’s going crazy:
                 “Tada, for the last time, you don’t need to sand down the corners of the wall.”                  “But what if she runs into it?”                  “Tadatomo Inuyama, if you don’t put down that sander, I will have your head.”
You’ll sometimes wake up in the middle of the night just to find your baby isn’t there, it almost gave you a heart attack the first time because, I mean, HOLY SHIT WHERE’S YOUR BABY???
But when you look over and see Tada resting with her by the window and humming/singing her a little lullaby- your heart has never been more ready to burst in your life
Moritaka and Shino are the main babysitters, she absolutely adores Mori to death and Tada feels a sense of betrayal everytime she clings to him 
Moritaka has so many mixed emotions about it because on one hand: !!! My favorite basically niece! But on the other hand, Tadatomo has been glaring at the back of his head for the past 30 minutes, please, help him-
Shino also spoils her a teeny bit and Mori and Tada will stare at him with wide eyes, like, “dad, WHERE’S MY HUG???”
He starts her training early, because you know he wants his little girl to be able to take care of herself if he isn’t there to protect her, which, that’s not gonna happen, Tada will kill an entire city, don’t test him (also Mori and Shino and you’ll be there and like, nobody wants to open that can of fucking worms)
She’s clumsy at first, but she’s a really fast learner and he cannot be more proud when she starts to pick up stuff, he almost starts crying but, again, denies it if you try to bring it up
If she ends up having fangs of any kind, he will, like Ifrit, invest in chew toys as well, because have you seen puppies when they teeth??? It’s chaos, you will lose so much furniture that way, let me tell you
She develops a really good sense of balance, so it’s a fight to get her to stop breaking into the snack cupboard when she wants a treat; she’ll give it up without a fight, but she will break in again if you don’t watch it
She’s a pretty big ball of sunshine so she makes a lot of friends and invites them over; they all think Tada’s super scary because he’s glowering at them, if you tell them that that’s just how his face is, he’ll be mildly offended, but then you also throw in the fact that he’s a super cool ninja and then the kids are all over the poor transient 
He’s in heaven, but he won’t tell you that. Your guys’ daughter is all too happy to tell you guys all about how people think she has the coolest parents in school
Despite him teaching her how to fight, he’s a bit of a helicopter parent, especially when her tween/teenage years roll around
She’s a pretty easy kid in her tween years too, though Tada has a heart attack when puberty hits her and Aunt Ruby comes a knocking and he calls up Shino of all people to explain it to her, which he does, you’re honestly a little shocked when you get home and you see Shino with a whole powerpoint slide explaining in excruciating detail what a period is to your horrified daughter and your, as equally horrified, husband
He gets her everything she needs or asks you to get it if he can’t BECAUSE YOU GUYS ARE GOOD PARENTS
Tadatomo isn’t the best with emotions so he’s shit with advice, but he’s a really good listener. So, sometimes your kid will just info dump to him about everything that’s bothering her 
When she starts getting into the dating scene Tada HATES IT
He’s always glowering at the partner she brought home because he already hates them, he wants them to go away. She’s his little Shinobi- DON’T TOUCH HIS LITTLE SHINOBI-
You have to be the one to calm him down tbh because he will kill a child with zero hesitation 
Her teenage years are also pretty easy, she’s a rather laid back and optimistic kid and she has a solid relationship with both you and her papa so she doesn’t really have a lot of negative emotions inside of her 
And if she ever gets angry or anything, you know Tada installed a gym in your guys’ home, so she’ll punch the punching bag or work out her emotions
Tada will join her if she’s feeling up for it 
She’s most likely into sports and Tada and you go to all of her games; Tada cheers the loudest but he will DENY IT 
When she graduates from high school, Tada will openly cry. He’s super proud of his little girl and she’s a step closer to being an adult, she most likely got a scholarship for whatever sport she was most excited for and a dozen other little scholarships as well. Tadatomo will give her a big ol’ hug and tell her how proud he is of her, honestly, you’re probs gonna cry too
He is another excellent papa, who would give the world to his kid- he’s honestly so happy that you’re with him because he feels like he would never be able to take care of her as good without you 
I feel that he’d have one child, maybe two, but definitely one; a little boy
It’s most likely you who brings up the idea of having a kid with him; and he is both a nervous wreck and an excited mess because A) Oh! A baby! And you want to have one with him??? WHY??? And B) OH! A BABY! I LOVE BABIES AND I LOVE YOU
He’s a pretty gentle soul, so when you bring home the baby, Xolotl gets the kid to go out like a light every time he starts crying
It relieves both you and Lotl, but definitely Lotl, like, the poor guy always has a mini heart attack when his baby is crying
The baby is a bit of a fussy baby so, he tends to cry if he feels like he isn’t getting enough attention or he wants to be held 
Lotl is super attuned to your kids’ emotions?? Like, to a freaky degree, he can tell just what your baby wants
He records all milestones in your babies life and you know it’s him because you can hear his sniffles in the background
                “Y/N! Y/N! Our baby said ‘dada’! Our baby said ‘dada’!”                 “Yes, Xol, that’s great! Don’t cry on the camera though, please-”                  *Incomprehensible blubbering ensues*
He’ll actually take the baby with him to work if you’re too busy to watch him or if you can’t find anyone to watch him 
AKA: Maria is super busy and can’t watch the baby, which kills her inside because she loves the baby and Xolotl, as much as he loves Garmr, isn’t about to trust him with his baby’s life because that is… a very foolish decision to make, unfortunately
Hakuman got mad at him the first time for this and started yelling at him when the baby started to cry, her maternal instincts kicked in and she was on it; like she snatched him out of his little baby carrier and cradled him, cooing at the baby until he calmed down and then she gave him back to his papa, who was mildly miffed for once in his life, thank you very much (his fur was standing on end, he was ready to throw down with the mistress). She even apologized for taking your guys’ baby without permission and startling him- don’t get her wrong, she was still very much against the idea of Xol bringing his baby to work. It can, afterall, be a very dangerous place, especially the casino, but what could you do? Obviously this little baby needed a place to stay and what better place than with his papa, her top bodyguard, and of course the one and only her!
She ends up convincing him to bring the baby a vast majority of the time he comes around now, she’ll have him take him into meetings she has with the Tycoons and they get nothing done. NOTHING. They’re all too busy playing with the baby. He has a tendency to get really antsy when Ophion comes near his baby, fighting the urge to snap at him, but he learned that Ophion just really likes kids and holding them. Though he did make the jab that you and him would’ve made much cuter children and Hakuman was terrified of Xolotl in that moment because he almost lost his shit 
When the baby becomes a toddler, Lotl is much more confident and experienced, but he’s still nervous, your little boy is still very attached to his papa despite this
When he meets new people that he doesn’t know very well, he’ll hide behind your’s or Xolotl’s leg and peek out at them
It’s really, really cute???? Lotl almost starts crying
SPEAKING OF CRYING, your little munchkin cries a lot
But Lotl never yells at him for it or anything, he just kneels down and rests his hands on his shoulders and asks what’s wrong, more often than not, your kiddo just gets nervous and starts crying, not loud and obnoxious, but those silent tears of stress. But then he gets a big ol’ hug from papa/you and he’s alright 
He likes to try and copy what Lotl does so he’ll pretend he has a tie and fix it whenever Papa Lotl does and he almost screamed when he caught your kiddo mimicking him
He’ll also steal Lotl’s glasses once in a while and wear them, pretending to be a kick ass agent like his dad
Lotl gave it to him when it was his first day of school and told him that papa put some of his and mama/papa/nano’s bravery in it so he’d always have some of his own- and he just- AHHH-
As your little boy grows up, he develops a bit more of a bite than his dad has, so he’ll try to defend you guys from anyone if they try to say anything about his dad crying and hitting on you, they have one pissed off toddler on their hands and he fucking bites, it doesn’t matter if he has the fangs or not, he’ll bite someone
(You guys honestly don’t know where he learned that from-*looks at Garmr*)
When he hits his tween years, the boy is an anxious mess, but he’s not afraid to cry about it, he’s learned that crying is perfectly fine from his papa and it’s actually super healthy to get rid of all that pent up emotion, so you bet your ass when I say: your little boy knows a lot of healthy coping methods, which is awesome
It actually helps his transition through puberty a lot 
Real talk, he almost shits himself when he speaks and he realizes how deep his fucking voice is, even Lotl is freaked out. But then he gets real proud of it and so does Lotl and it’s a cute father-son moment
If he ever gets to be the same size of Lotl, he’ll still get plenty of head pats from his papa
His teenage years are pretty smooth sailing aside from him being a tad anxious and socially awkward about things, but he’ll get through it! With the power of support and him having a safe place to explore himself he’ll learn healthy coping mechanisms to handle his anxiety!
Though if he ever does get really emotionally constipated or it just becomes too much, he’ll go to Lotl or you and ask if you can hug him and he’ll just cry and let it all go, rambling into your shirt, you can barely make out the words, but still nodding along with what he’s saying- it really helps
He has a first job already in the bag: at the water park that Hakuman runs! Because like hell was he gonna work at the casino as a first job, over Lotl’s, your’s and Hakuman’s dead bodies. It really helps his social anxiety and he learns that he actually really likes to interact with people (also everyone loves him over there because he’s such a gigantic teddy bear)
He’s probably super into art and Lotl gets him everything art related that he can get his hands on, he really wants to support his kiddo 
Lotl and you go to every gallery that your son’s art features in and it’s always great because that’s where you get to see him shine the most
When your guys’ son graduates from high school with a fully paid scholarship to his dream art school for his portfolio, you're all crying. You’re all so proud of your guys’ little boy
Having a kid was really good for Xolotl- having a family was really good for him; it helped build his confidence and become more secure with himself. He only wished his brother could be here to see his nephew, but this was fine, he could probably see him know and see how good of a dad Lotl was
Bonus HC for Lotl: he’d be, hands down, one of the best characters to be a single parent. Change my mind
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vagrantblvrd · 4 years
Super self-indulgent FAHC AU wherein for whatever reason Geoff doesn’t come to Los Santos to start the FAKE AH Crew until ~later.
Meanwhile, everyone ends up in Los Santos anyway - because reasons - and have to scrape by without the support of the crew behind them?
Like, hacker/thief/??? Gavin ends up in Los Santos via a series of unfortunate events in which he is a total shit and sticks his nose where it doesn’t belong?
Cue his ~fleeing to the US and meandering his way along - getting in trouble along the way, because of course he does, but also amassing a rather impressive list of contacts and such as well - to Los Santos.
Where, lol, of course he gets in over his head yet again? Young and stupid and tries to get one past the wrong guy and before he knows it he’s got himself an arrangement, right?
Work for the guy he tried to fuck over or be horrifically murderized, and oh, hey? The family and friends he left back in England? Sure would be a shame if something happened to them, you know? They seem lovely.
(Why would you just look at the pictures and videos this guy has of them doing all sorts of everyday things and accidents happen, you know. Awful, that.)
Anyway, anyway, Gavin keeps his head down and plays good little hacker/thief/???.
Gives his new boss what he asks for out of him and no more, doesn’t volunteer information or skills or anything he may have himself or know someone who knows someone who might be useful.
Gavin does what’s asked of him and lets his boss’ goons and thugs push him around - little weasel, a coward and so on?
But also Gavin is making a list (or two or three) that has all kinds of interesting information to be had in them? Things his boss’ enemies or other such interested parties could use to utterly ruin the bastard.
Gavin’s got plans, you see, it’s just a matter of time and all that.
Until then he’s meek and mild and does his part whether it be hacking or off to steal some shiny little bit of interest to his boss or whatever else his boss knows he’s capable of. (Nasty stuff, when you get down to it, strange how his boss never wonders how Gavin knows how to do any of this stuff or rest easy thinking they won’t be used on him, but arrogance will do that to people, I guess?)
Things are going along...well enough when Gavin’s boss brings in a new hacker.
This kid (not really a kid, if anything a couple of years younger than Gavin at most, but he seems young) who buckles down and plays nice without the rough treatment Gavin and the handful of other hackers and “specialists” like him that have been through the base where Gavin works most of the time.
Gavin would let things run their course for this “Matt Bragg” but he’s not like the others Gavin’s been forced to work with?
They were always the same kid of wrong as his boss and his boss’ favorite goons and thugs. Mean and cruel for the sake of it and didn’t worry who they were hurting so long as they made a profit off it.
But Matt Bragg, okay.
Quiet kid, keeps to himself and gets this pinched look on his face when their boss decides whatever information he handed over to him was to be used in the most “efficient” way possible.
Matt gives their boss two different routes to obtain whatever shiny he’s after, one with minimal casualties on all sides but it’ll take a little longer. The other requires guards and security to be killed, but it shaves a hefty chunk of time off the entire operation, and no bet which one their boss chooses.
And, look.
The fact that Matt took the time to come up with two different approaches like that - contingency plans, yeah, sure, that’s a given - but Matt went out of his way to devise a tactic to avoid having to kill people.
Other things like that crop up from time to time, and Matt gets into trouble for it sometimes, taking too long to get the boss the information he wants because he’s concerned about having to kill some hired guns in a batch of mercs or rent a cops or whatever.
But he keeps on looking for those alternatives, and Gavin takes an interest.
Realizes Matt’s in the same boat as him with regards to working for their boss. Details might not be exactly the same, but whatever they are he ended up here same as Gavin, and that’s.
Enough for Gavin to take that interest in Matt, sabotage him here and there so the boss gets pissed, yeah, punishes Matt by restricting his “privileges” and so on?
But there’s a good reason for that.
Because Matt’s good at what he does, too good, and there have been others like him through here before.
Got chewed up and spat out and left to fend for themselves when the cops (or worse) came looking.
Got set up, put on a job and left high and dry in the middle of it while the boss and his flunkies got away with the shiny they were after and a pretty little scapegoat/sacrifice left behind.
It’s where Matt’s headed if he’s not careful, and he isn’t.
Careful, that is.
Goes along with what the boss wants, but he’s the stubborn kind of idiot, you know?
Mouths off when he shouldn’t, and it gets him knocked around a bit. Gets him noticed by their boss’ goons and thugs when it’s the last thing people like them need or want.
Matt’s not stupid, realizes what’s going on and goes to confront Gavin about it, grabs his arm and freezes when Gavin lets out this little hiss f pain, pulls his arm back when Matt’s left staring at him.
Because in all the commotion Gavin’s sleeve got pulled up and there are these marks, bruises and worse and faded scars and -
“What - “
Gavin scowls at Matt, because rude, and also, idiot.
“Leave it alone, Matt Bragg,” he says, meaning Gavin deliberately fucking Matt over and everything else, because you know, because.
Those jobs and tasks and whatnot of Matt’s that Gavin sabotages him on?
Have to get done by someone, and Gavin’s reliable about things like that, isn’t he. (Has to be with everything he’s got on the line and all.)
So Gavin does the jobs/whatever Matt was supposed to and since Gavin has certain skills and the whatnot Matt doesn’t he ends up in the field when Matt would have remained at the base.
Gets hands on experience with whatever conundrum was posed to Matt, and sometimes that means he gets hurt because like hell will his boss offer him helpful support and such, you know?
It’s Gavin thieving about in hostile territory and with the odds stacked against him and shit always goes wrong.
And if it’s not the job/whatever where Gavin gets hurt you can bet their boss’ goons and thugs have something to say about things. (Gavin’s got a mouth on him even now, and makes enemies like you wouldn’t believe without trying.)
So anyway, anyway, Matt is like !!! and oh, you fucking moron, and drags Gavin off to get propery patched up.
Cue Friendship montage in which they realize they’re more or less working towards the same goals - Gavin wants the fuck out of this arrangement he was forced into and would rather do that than burn things to the ground while he’s still inside.
But Matt?
Lol, fucker would cheerfully burn the place down around him and figure his way out from there.
Montage sequence in which they team up and utterly wreck their boss and his operation.
And, you know, because hackers end up filthy rich afterwards.
Fuck around for a while because Freedom and Choice and :DDDDDDDDDDDDDD but then they get word their boss had enemies who are looking to take over his territory and such and Gavin and Matt are like “...wait.”
Between them they have the resources and connections to set themselves for life in Los Santos, so they do?
Start setting up their own little criminal empires in the remains of their former boss’, and they start by bringing in assholes like this Rimmy Tim guy Matt met out at a bar one night?
Recently liberated from their boss and getting a drink to celebrate while Gavin was making sure things were good back in England and his boss’ allies/whoever couldn’t touch them and Matt’s more than a little tipsy, you know?
Mouths off to the wrong guy and almost gets the shit beat out of him but this weirdo in purple and orange (”I remember yellow, too?”) comes along and plays white knight for Matt.
At which point Matt has to buy him a drink as a thank you and the two of then end up getting shit-faced drunk.
Also you know.
Smooches are exchanged because oh, hey, he’s cute/hot/I like his face a lot before the alcohol kicks in and they end up snuggled together on a bed and passing the fuck out.
Not important whose bed, so much as the !!! the morning afterward realizing they went home with some weirdo and...smooched? Before snuggling and passing out???
And then awkward dating, because of course, and hey, since we’re building a criminal empire I totally know a guy, Matt says to Gavin, and then has to add, “It’s uh. We’re dating? But he’s exactly what we’re looking for for the whole...criminal empire thing???”
Gavin would be highly critical of Matt and his everything if it weren’t for the fact a bounty hunter he tangled with a ways back finally tracked him down?
Michael is super not thrilled with him, because of course?
This whole Thing where Michael got sent after this asshole hacker/thief/whatever in Gavin and they ended up being all 80s movies romcom/action flick flirting while avoiding the legit hitmen sent after Gavin?
Saving one another’s lives - at one point administering mouth-to-mouth - and getting matching flesh wounds in a shootout followed by a teensy amount of torture by some baddie?
And then!
Michael rethinking turning Gavin in only for Gavin to make that decision moot when Gavin knocked him out and chained him to a motel radiator before fleeing to parts unknown?
Only not so unknown as Michael finally found him.
There’s a cat and mouse game that ends up with both of then soaking wet - caught out in a rainstorm/went for a swim in a river/body of water - and Michael scowling at Gavin like he’s about to beat the shit out of him?
Only he kind of does...not that, what with the Angry Kissing that’s happening and Gavin’s !!! that turns to :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD and Michael’s >:((((((((((((((((((((((((((( that turns to >:((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( becuase Gavin is a piece of shit and Michael hates him so fucking much, stop laughing you little shit!!1! >:(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((
Gavin and Matt have Jeremy and Michael, and then the rest trickle in?
Gavin worked with a gang a while back that hired this sniper - odd sort, but damn good with a sniper rifle and the kind you can trust to keep their mouth shut.
Ray’s not in it for the long-haul, not looking for a crew, but he’s always up to do a favor for friends and such.
And then Michael meets Lindsay through -
“Don’t fucking ask, seriously.”
And then!
Some friend of Jeremy’s in Trevor - this !!! You!!1! - moment between Gavin and Trevor because Thieves!!1! who may or may not have run into one another in the field and ensuing shenanigans as they were after the same shiny and oh, what a fun night that was, eh?
Alfredo just.
Suddenly fucking there???
Seems to know Michael who is like, “Oh, this fucker,” and no one can tell if he likes Alfredo at first? But then it comes out Alfredo used to be a bounty hunter too before he decided it was more fun being a “bad guy”
(Extenuating circumstances in which he was hired by some people to bring in some poor bastard who was innocent of whatever crime they said he committed because reasons? Alfredo finding out and then shenanigans in which he saved the poor guy’s life and set them up with a new life somewhere and ended up being framed for crimes he didn’t commit and all that. And since he was being framed for crimes he didn’t commit, why the hell not go out and commit actual crimes?
Fun crimes.)
And then!!1!
Just as things are going smoothly, Gavin and Matt’s old boss manages to hire some assholes to kill Gavin? Matt would be great, sure, but the focus is on making Gavin super fucking dead, and everyone is freaking out, right, because for whatever reason they all like the little shit?
General sort of panic/mayhem until one of the assholes hired to kill Gavin actually gets their hands on him?
Catches him alone somewhere and while everyone is panicking trying to find Gavin, Gavin himself is :DDDDDDDDDDDD because the asshole who caught him is the fucking Vagabond.
When everyone gets to where they are Gavin’s like ??? at all the fear/panic he’s seeing and is like. “Guys, it’s my ex!”
Because this whole thing way, way before Michael and such where Gavin met Ryan and somehow wasn’t murdered?
Managed to make friends with the bastard that turned into something more and it was good, really, really good, until it wasn’t.
Someone from Ryan’s past gunning for him and Ryan ran Gavin off - “Bastard shot me!” but Gavin’s not mad, not anymore.
And it wasn’t like Ryan ran him off so much as dumped him at the ER and left Gavin to deal with the gunshot wound and explaining how he came by it to the authorities and then trying to find the bastard again afterward.
Which...he didn’t, but after months looking for him his contacts told him the Vagabond had set up shop in a city somewhere and seemed to be doing well for himself?
And Gavin was like :(((((((((((( because oh, well then, thinking maybe Ryan was better off without him weighing him down and such?
(Because hey, Vagabond and some hacker/thief/whatver in Gavin and honestly, no doubt who the more capable/dangerous one of them was.)
Thinking if Ryan wanted to, he could have come back for Gavin, or at least looked for him, but he hadn’t,so.
Gavin left him to it, kept on his way towards eventually arriving in Los Santos and everything that happened since - including Michael, oh shit - and then, uh.
Super awkward inching towards Mavinwood with Gavin and his feelings for Michael and Ryan and Michael and Ryan with their feelings for Gavin? But also bonding over the fact they have feelings for Gavin, because the guy’s a little shit, you know?
Complete asshole, and oh my God, do you want to hear about this one thing he did once?”
And so on, and also other reasons such as oh no, he’s hot and oh no, he’s an unbearable dumbass, why do I always fall for them?
Fiona comes along because Gavin’s old friends in England get curious about what’s going on with him and there’s a misunderstanding and she kid of, sort of, tries to kill him?
A lot.
Worse than that time every asshole in the city (and beyond) were after the price on Gavin’s head and persistent as hell and “Wait, Dan told you to what?”
And Fiona’s like “He said, and aI quote, ‘Take care of the wanker, for me, would you, Fiona? I’ll owe you,” and other such things and Gavin almost dies from laughing so hard while Fiona’s like “What? What are you laughing at, you asshole?”
More shenanigans and such and by the time Geoff and Jack do get to Los Santos they’ve heard about this weird as fuck crew  - dangerous, rumors say they took out the biggest name in Los Santos’ history to get where they are - and are greeted with Gavin and Matt and all the other assholes, what even??
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kirishwima · 4 years
May I have a request of the RFA+V+Saeran and Mc being Quarantine headcanons?
now here's a relatable prompt lol-quarantine's slowly easing up where i am but it'll take some more time still ;;
i'll be using they/them pronouns for MC!
* He's...not that put off by quarantine at first lol
* The boy's a gamer-if anything he'd take this as an opprotunity to teach MC LOLOL if they don't already play it, and level up his character as far as it can go!
* That being said, even the most avid gamer gets tired of staring at a screen all day, so with reddened eyes he'll turn to MC and ask if they want to try out new hobbies while they're locked in-he'll finally properly learn how to brew coffee!
* Other than his hectic sleep scedhule, he's actually a great person to be in quarantine with-he barely ever gets furstrated with being cooped up (and if he did he'd simply take it out via gaming), he'll cook a l o t (both he and MC will have quite the belly after quarantine lolol), overall just really chill
* He will however demand cuddles and kisses constantly-if you let him this boy will be wrapped around MC like a koala 24/7!
* Now Zen...he's the opossite of Yoosung.
* The man is so active and sporty, he needs to always be doing something. He gets antsy even sitting through a movie, needing to shift and move constantly.
* The first day of quarantine he convinces himself it'll be fine. "I'll spend all day long with my baby!" he says as he leans down to kiss MC's cheek.
* True enough, the first few days are fine-he reads lines and excercises in the living room, spending evenings cuddled up with MC, playing board games or watching TV.
* Eventually though he starts to get antsy-he won't explicitly say so but MC can see he's furstrated, that he wants to go out and do something.
* MC suggests they do some high-intensity work outs together-No Zen, not that (tho lets be real-sex really would help him spend some energy lmao), but what MC meant was finding youtube videos with kickboxing, HIIT training e.t.c.
* It's tiring and fun, and Zen will take every opprotunity he can to help MC fix their posture and moves, and he finally winds down a little lol
* She doesn't really mind the quarantine-she understands how important it is, and that she has a civilian duty to protect the more vulnerable. Plus...spending so much time with MC isn't a bad idea.
* She can't help but be productive, so she spends her time working with MC on plans for the cafe, contacting suppliers to put orders on hold and scedhule new ones for when the cafe will work again.
* The rest of the time..well, that's her holy Zen time. She'll brew some delicious syrupy coffee for her and MC, bringing forth snacks and cookies, and she'll review Zen's plays on TV like a renounced critic, writing down thoughts and comments and reporting her findings on the RFA messenger.
* Honestly, it could become furstrating, but she'll turn to MC with such a bright smile when a scene she really likes comes up, tugging MC close to her so she can share her notes, and well-MC will never say no to some good ol' Baehee cuddles.
* When the cafe opens back up (for take away only! safety first and always), she and MC take shifts working since the going’s much slower in the meantime.
* When each of them comes home, the other helps them properly disinfect; bringing disinfectant at the door so they can clean their hands and mask before coming in, leaving all outer layers of clothing in the corridor before it goes straight to the laundry.
* They’re both extra careful since working and being exposed to people constantly all day is really risky! Honestly, Jaehee would argue that MC shouldn’t go out at all-if anyone has to take this risk it should be only her, but of course MC won’t even hear it. They’re a duo through thick and thin.
* Quarantine? Lol, what quarantine?
* He’ll work from home just as efficiently as at the office, and Jaehee will cry in glee at being able to work form home, even if Jumin calls her 24/7 to organise buisness.
* He’ll take every free moment of his time to spend with MC, be it organising a romantic date at home, taking them up to the rooftop garden to stargaze, excercising at the gym together-the penthouse’s building is literally a hotel lmao there’s really nothing lacking.
* And if MC feels tired of being inside all day long? Worry not, Jumin can just get his private helicopter to take them to his private jet to travel abroad to whichever destination he has a home at. 
* MC has to politely decline and explain that Jumin...this isn’t how quarantine works and even if you’re rich you shouldn’t be putting all these people at risk for your own benefit.
* After some research he actually decides along with MC to donate large amounts of his own money to research and to organisations that are helping people during this crisis-he might not be a doctor or a scientist, but he has the power to help, and he will.
* Other than that, living with Jumin by your side 24/7 is actually...not bad at all. He’s quiet but observant, and if he feels that MC wants their own personal space he’ll leave them to it, simply laying down at the couch with Elizabeth the 3d curling up on his chest, reading or taking a nap.
* He’ll be online at the RFA messenger often enough, sending photos of himself and MC (well lbr, mainly of MC lmao), much to Zen’s dismay.
* “Of course I’m ‘showing off’”, Jumin says as he looks to his phone with raised brows, “I’m showing off the beauty that is MC.”
* He’ll also finally...finally knit that scard made of Elizabeth the 3d’s shedded hair lmao
* (And he’ll try to gift it to Zen as a sign of friendship! Accept his love Zen jeez)
* Quarantine? Were we in quarantine, since when??
* His life is literally...no different lmao. He’s gone so long being indoors and completely alone, sometimes with Vanderwood breathing down his neck for weeks on end getting work done that this...is literally Not Affecting His Life whatsoever.
* The bonus this time though is that he doesn’t have that much work, there’s no Vanderwood here to spray water at his face every time he nods off, and he gets to be locked up at home with MC-every way he sees this is a win-win situation!!
* He too can’t sit still for too long (I headcanon he has ADHD, and only takes his medication when he must really focus on work), and he’s always jumping from working on one project to the next until he’s physically out of bolts and screws to finish up on any of his works lmao, and given the circumstances he can’t go out to buy some nor order any.
* That’s when quarantine starts to get to him-not being able to do something furstrates him to no end, and MC can tell-he’s never mean to them directly, but he’ll sigh and shake his head, tugs at his hands as if he’ll magically produce materials for another tech project through his palms.
* It’s up to MC to find new things he and them could do together-so after some scouring around the house, they found some paint and some glow in the dark stars-the perfect chance to re-decorate their bedroom!
* With Seven’s help, they begin to paint the ceeling with a dark blue wall paint, letting it dry before starting to glue glow-in-the-dark stars on the ceeling, creating their own little asterisms and shapes.
* It takes a couple of days, and in the meantime the two tackle more and more hobbies and tasks-fixing up the house, organising cabinets, organising the biggest mess of all that is Seven’s office-he’s reluctant to do it all at first, but being able to work on their home together-knowing this is now a shared space for him and MC melts his heart in a puddle of warmth, and he’s happy he gets to spend this lock-down with them.
* Once the last star is glued on the ceeling, he and MC flop down on their bed, looking up at their work. Seven shuffles about, tugging himself up to close the lights before flopping back down. He looks up, blinks at the myriad of glowing stars, their own private galaxy.
* His hand finds MC’s in the dark, interlaces their fingers with a tight squeeze. “I love you” he whispers, his eyes looking up to the stars yet only picturing MC’s little smile.
* “I know”, MC says and oh snap-they really *did* that to him, and he’ll literally turn to them with a face as if MC’s offended Elizabeth the 3d at this horrendous Star Wars reference lmao
* Ok..ok look, quarantine sucks, yes, but picture this-
* A little apartment shared with Jihyun, his artworks adorn the walls, the living room’s got big wide windows that look to the quiet city outside, light peeking through white transluscent curtains, blankets thrown on the couch from a night of cuddling and watching movies with Jihyun; the kitchen, a small half-hidden space with counters and trinkets adorning each corner, the scent of brewing coffee as MC makes a fresh batch. They take the mugs, one in each hand and they go through the hallway to their shared bedroom where light peers through curtains, a breeze seeping through half-open windows-
* They meant to wake Jihyun up, but he’s already sitting up on the bed, his oversized pyjamas hanging low across the line of his collarbones, his hair-that had been a prim and proper ponytail the night before, before MC ran their hands through it, tugging at times after last night’s....events, tufts are falling over his forehead, his ponytail loosened as strands adorn his neck, frame his face. He looks up at MC and smiles, graciously accepts the warm cup of coffee and a kiss.
* “Another day in quarantine, huh?” he asks with a little devlish smile, and MC can’t believe they’re this lucky, to have the privilege to spend this grim situation with hope and warmth as they have the man they love besides them.
* Living with Jihyun during quarantine...is the best possible outcome. He’s so gentle, so caring, if MC gets anxious by the events unfolding and the grim faces of the reporters on TV, he’ll hold them tight, turn the TV off as he whispers promises that everything will be okay.
* He’ll be very active in helping others during this time-let’s not forget he’s as much of a rich boy as Jumin is, even if he’s more humble about it. He’ll donate as much as he can to WHO and other organisations helping the situation, and any profits he makes off of comissions of his art or pieces he sells, he’ll give a large portion of them towards any one who needs it; if he sees someone in distress, Jihyun can never not intervene, and that’s that.
* He spends most of the day working away at his paintings, but if MC takes an interest, he’d love to sit with them and sketch, teach them some basics of art if they don’t know them or are interested in learning. He’ll sketch MC constantly, a little sketchbook, leather-bound with coarse blank pages now filled with MC’s form; them sleeping, them making coffee in the morning, them as they lean their back on the balcony’s windowsill, looking up to the warm sunlight streaming through; they were his muse before quarantine, and now that he gets to explore all of them, their ins and outs, he’s even more enarmored by them.
* Let’s be real, he’s an artist, it’s more than likely he’ll have a stash of weed somewhere at home; and he and MC evenutally go through it during quarantine, smoking some as they sit at the balcony pondering about life, some they use to make weed butter to use in baking-they’ll simply sit there, munching weed brownies and laughing until tears form in the corners of their eyes, reading what Jumin or Zen are arguing about this time on the messenger.
* Great now i made myself sad for not having a cute loving Jihyun to spend quarantine with :’(
* He doesn’t mind quarantine per say-I mean, the guy was in a cult and didn’t leave the IT room for days on end, weeks sometimes. Compared to his days at mint eye, being cooped up in his home with MC at his side...it’s really not so bad.
* He’ll spend a lot of time tending to his little garden, smiling as he watches his flowers bloom and grow.
* Spending this much time with MC is always welcome, but he can feel furstrated at times-he’s not used to spending his every minute with someone else, and MC understands it-they feel this way too, so they each have their own little routine around the house, meeting up in the mornings to have breakfast together, sitting outside in the evenings and watching the sun go down, cuddling up at night and talking about anything and everything until they fall asleep.
* Saeran will be thrilled if MC asks him to teach them about gardening-he’ll be a little strict, especially if they accidentantly go to harm one of the flowers, but never mean. He’ll gently kneel besides MC, put his hands over theirs and guide them through the proper motions of pulling out weeds or packing the dirt.
* If he has any flower seeds left over, he’ll bring them out so he and MC can plant and care for them together, their own little creation during quarantine-and seeing MC’s proud smile as the first leaf sprouts, he can’t help but smile along, leaning close to kiss them, whisper an ‘i love you’ on their lips.
* MC will take this opprotunity to catch Saeran up on anything and everything he’s missed during his time with Rika-from films they think he’d like to memes that have popped up over the times. They’ll even show him tik tok, and he’ll secretly make a hyper-lapse video of his flowers and how their leaves move this way and that throughout the day-it actually gains a lot of traction, and the moment his brother catches sight of it, he knows exactly whose garden that is, and sends the video in the RFA messenger with a litany of emojis.
* All in all-Saeran’s glad he can spend this time with MC. Laying in bed with them in his arms, looking out the window to the city lights, he lets his eyes flutter shut, hiding his face onto the crown of MC’s head;
* “Thank you” he whispers before letting sleep take him.
-send me mystic messenger headcanons for character reacitons-
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100 Free Stagedorks Headcanons Babey!
They Infodump to each other constantly
They watch bootlegs together
They have weird noise contests where they just make random sounds and whoever makes the weirdest one wins
Jeremy paints Christine's nails even if he's not very good
She also paints his but she's really good and does pretty nail art.
They say I love you a lot
Christine and Jeremy share stim toys
He finds it a lot easier to be dorky around her
Jeremy calls Christine, "Chrissy"
Jeremy makes Christine a lot of charm bracelets
She makes him little stuffed animals
They listen to musicals on shared earbuds
They practice lines together for shows
After rehearsals they always make hot chocolate or lemonade depending on the weather
They like to bake together and always make a giant mess
They study together, Jeremy helps Christine with focus problems
Jeremy loves to kiss Chrstine...not just on her lips but also her cheeks and her forehead and her nose
Christine likes to steal Jeremy's cardigan and Jeremy finds it adorable
They do cosplay together and make the costumes
When they're both really excited together they're very loud
They play with kittens at the animal shelter even if Jeremy is allergic
They're always so happy to see each other even if they saw each other like an hour ago
They make pillow forts
Jeremy makes her daisy chains and she wears them until the flowers die
They sing along whenever they listen to musicals together
They write fanfiction together.
Jeremy reads the warrior cats books because Christine likes them, he ends up emotionally invested
They both cry at movies
Christine sits in Jeremy's lap
Christine puts her hair in pigtails and Jeremy dies on the spot
They learn sign language together
They like to do scenes from musicals together, with costumes and everything
They're planning to write a musical together
Christine loves learning about Jewish things from Jeremy
Jeremy helps Christine babysit her younger siblings
Christine's five year old sister Sadie asks if Christine is going to marry Jeremy and she always gets embarrassed because yes she wants to but also like they're so young
Jeremy draws pictures for Christine all the time and she keeps them all
They hold hands any chance they get
Christine smooches Jeremy's hands
They try and watch a horror film once and end up terrified
Whenever Jeremy has trouble sleeping Christine rambles to him about something until he's tired
Jeremy loves telling people how pretty his girlfriend is and how he loves her so much
Christine likes to tell people about how her boyfriend is so sweet and she loves him so much
Christine has a weighted blanket and Jeremy loves it so much that she gets him one as a gift
They buy a bag of 1000 ladybugs and release them for fun
They have a roadway trip planned to New York to see a ton of Broadway shows. They can't do it because they don't have enough money but it's very well planned out
The both lose their shit whenever they see a baby because they both love babies
They paint together and make a huge mess
They go thrift shopping together and look for weird clothes
They try weird cooking experiments that usually come out horrible but sometimes work
Jeremy writes Christine love letters
They like going on weird dates and almost never do anything typical like going out to dinner
They see a lot of local theater together
Neither of them will kill spiders, they just name them and it scares their fiends
They paint an underwater scene on Christine's wall. They don't ask her parents for permission
They try and copy the noises of every bird they hear
Christine tries to hand feed squirrels while Jeremy reminds her that rabies are a thing
They feed and try to make friends with stray cats
Christine said I love you first and it took Jeremy a few minutes to say it back because he just could not believe it
Sometimes they have long emotional discussions about the struggles of being neurodivergent
Christine cuddles Jeremy and lets him be the little spoon whenever he's feeling sad
Christine helps Jeremy with anxiety
Jeremy learns ways to help Christine with her rejection sensitive dysphoria
Christine is bad at remembering her ADHD medication so Jeremy reminds her everyday
Christine always sends Jeremy a good morning text
They're prone to talking very late at night, especially during the summer
They go on walks in the woods and nearly get lost every single time
They try and save money for Broadway shows but end up spending it on something stupid
They have a minecraft wedding
They play Pokemon together
They also watch the Pokemon anime
Jeremy watches my little pony with Christine even if he was a little apprehensive about watching a girls show but he got over his toxic masculinity and ended up liking it.
Christine thinks the bright colors Jeremy likes to wear are the coolest.
They take too many couple selfies
Jeremy's got a whole folder on his phone just for pictures of Christine
They build model kits together
Christine tries to teach Jeremy to sew and he injures himself too much
Jeremy shows Christine video games, she ends up better then him
Jeremy makes jokes about Christine being his gamer girl gf
Jeremy teaches Christine all the constellations
They both text with a lot of exclamation points
They go to pride together
They share custody of a betta fish that lives in Christine's room and say it's their son
They talk about moving to NYC together after high school
Jeremy sometimes gets insecure about their relationship but they always talk and work it out
Christine gets upset when she can't make Jeremy feel better when he's sad
They go on dates to build a bear and make bears for each other
Their senior prank is putting glow stars on class room ceilings
They spill glitter on Christine's carpet and they can not figure out how to get it out
They go on dates to the fabric store where Jeremy helps Christine pick out patterns and fabric
Jeremy Instagram is basically just him posting about how much he loves Christine
Jeremy's nervous about Christine meeting his dad but Mr Heere loves her to bits immediately
They like to read to each other
They go all out on snacks for movie nights
Neither of them really like Halloween after Jake's party so on Halloween they watch non scary movies in Christine's room
Whenever they find a new musical or show they listen to/watch it together
They have matching socks
Jeremy can pick Christine up
They go to prom together, Jeremy thinks Christine in her dress is the prettiest thing he's seen ever
They take forever with goodnight texts because they take too long with the the I love yous.
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ghost-kitty · 4 years
Me: I want these prompts to be short, maybe 1000-1500 words  
Also me: *writes 3500 words of p*rn...
Bellamy grins at him through the screen of his laptop, wiping his sweaty forehead and smearing it red with his bloody hands. What an idiot.
“We got all the information we need out of him boss,” he says proudly as if he actually accomplished something big. Law holds himself back from rolling his eyes; if the idiot thinks he will get praised for something as basic as getting information out of a poor bastard with torture, well then he's definitely talking to the wrong person.
“What should we do with him? Kill him?”
He taps his index finger lightly against his lips in thought but before he can answer he gets distracted by a soft noise; a desperate little whine. Taking a sip of his whiskey he leans back in his office chair to look down to his feet.
A smirk soon appears on his lips as he takes in the sight in front of his eyes.
Luffy is sitting on his knees by Law's feet, hands tied behind his back with a silk ribbon and ball gag still placed firmly in his mouth.
He looks delicious like this.
Normally Law doesn’t like gagging him; he enjoys his needy moans way too much. But now and again it’s fun to play with him like this. Especially since Luffy gets so adorably frustrated when he’s not able to shout Law’s name for the whole mansion to hear.
And Law loves it too. However, he has been a bad boy; forgetting to watch his tongue once again. Bad boys don’t get what they want.
Completely ignoring Bellamy on the other end of the video call, he eyes his little pet up and down. The choice of sexy underwear has been a fantastic idea, if he may say so himself.
The teen looks absolutely ravishing in the white lingerie set. Everything from the little bralette to the panties and the garter belt - that looks more like a very short skirt - is made out of ruffled chiffon. The thigh highs match in colour aswell, as do the included choker with the leash attached to it.
He looks perfect. Cute and innocent; as if Law hasn't tainted him in every way possible already.
“Get rid of him,” he finally answers bellamy’s question, eyes not once leaving Luffy’s.
Law licks his lips as he admires his pretty face painted white with his cum from the blowjob earlier.
What a beautiful sight.
They’ve been at this for at least three hours already; with Luffy sitting at Law’s feet like a good boy while he gets some work done. He hasn’t let Luffy cum yet while he on the other hand got to shoot his load twice; the first time down his toys throat and the second time all over his pretty tear-stained face. He really looks too good with Law’s cum all over him…
The thought alone makes him harden in his pants again. He smirks, it’s time for the next round.
Luffy on the other hand seems to be done with the game Law is playing. He glares up at the older man, brown eyes piercing him with an intense stare.
Now that’s not a good pet at all.
To remind him who exactly is in control here, Law tugs at the leash in his hand. 
He tugs hard enough that Luffy’s upper body jerks forward. With his arms tied behind his back he fails to hold his balance and almost topples over if it weren’t for Law’s legs preventing him from kissing the floor
“Be a good boy,” he scolds but can’t help but chuckle at Luffy’s angry expression.
Bellamy clears his throat, forcing Law’s attention back on him. It’s a good thing that he can’t see Luffy on the floor. Good for him or else Law would have to gouge his eyes out…
“Make sure to get rid of his body properly,” he says and with that he ends the call. His erection is throbbing painfully and he can imagine more fun things to do than to make sure that his henchmen are doing their job right. So much more fun things…
Luffy tries to say something through the ball gag and earns himself a slap on his cheek. Not hard enough to hurt him, but hard enough to feel the sting. He feels how warm the skin gets as he gently caresses it with his thumb, humiliating the boy even further.
He lets out a soft whine, fresh tears springing to his eyes but Law can feel his little cock twitch against his leg.
What a good little whore he is, enjoying to be treated like a worthless dog.
“Why so impatient doll?” he asks with a smirk, patting his thigh, “be a good little pet and come sit in my lap.”
Luffy gets up from floor immediately and climbs into his lap like he was told.
Good boy.
With his index, he softly brushes over Luffy’s erection, making the boy shudder in his lap. “Want me to remove this?” he asks while slightly tugging at the gag.
The teen nods vigorously and Law feels generous. He reaches behind his head to undo the buckle and removes the ball. Luffy starts coughing weakly. Tears stream down his cheeks and fuck he looks so unbelievably sexy; Law’s pants are getting tighter by the second. “You don’t like being gagged baby?”
When Luffy doesn’t answer Law grabs a fistful of his black hair and jerks his head back forcefully. The choked out scream sounds like an angel’s choir to the older man’s ear.
Grip still firmly in Luffy’s hair he goes to undo his slacks with his free hand, cock springing free and standing proudly against his stomach.
Luffy’s gaze wanders down to Law’s dick, eyes full with desire. What a perfect little cock-slut – fuck!
“But you love to get your mouth stuffed full with my cock, don’t you.” It’s not even a question. Law knows exactly how much the boy loves to choke on his dick. With his oral fixation he comes easily just from Law’s length shoved down his throat.
Fuck, once again he is reminded just how fucking perfect Luffy is for him.
“Law please,” he begs sweetly, “I don’t want to wait any longer… please fuck me already!”
Finally letting go of his hair, Law tugs at the leash again. “Oh? You don’t want to wait any longer yeah?” he asks mockingly, “want me to bend you over my desk and fuck you stupid? Hm, that’s it right? You want me fill your slutty little hole to the brim with my fat cock and fuck you hard and fast.”
Luffy moans his agreement, subconsciously rocking his hips to get a little bit of release at least.
The tattooed smirks and tugs on the leash again. “Well I have news for you baby boy: this is not about what you want. Now tell me; who’s the one holding the leash baby.”
“Y-you,” he stammers meekly.
“Exactly. And that makes you what?”
“Y-your… your p-pet…”
Gently he pats the teen’s cheek; smiling softly, satisfied with the answer. “See, you can be such a good boy.” Leaning in he whispers against Luffy’s lips: “Good boys get rewards.”
Luffy melts against him as soon as their lips meet. He’s so weak for kisses, it’s adorable.
“So fucking pretty baby,” he mutters, “now, what do I want to do with you…”
His tattooed hands wander to Luffy’s thighs, groping at the exposed skin right above the thigh highs. He pulls at the garter and lets it snap back against his skin.
“Fuck you look so sexy. So sexy for me darling.” Soon he lets his hands wander down to his butt, the soft skin feeling just right in his hands. He kneads the plump butt for a moment, enjoying all the noises coming from Luffy.
“Want to ride my cock, baby?”
He nods, letting out another desperate whine as Law suddenly pulls his cheeks apart - moving the panties to the side aswell - to tug at the butt plug inside of him. “This not enough?”
“N-no! N-not enough! Please… your cock… please!”
Law huffs. “Filthy slut.” The boy shudders at the insult and Law grins. “You really love my cock, huh?”
“Yes! Yes… love it, love it! Law fuck me, please!”
Without a warning whatsoever, Law removes the plug from his slick, lubed up hole and tosses it on the floor. He grabs Luffy’s thighs to hoist him up in the air and line himself up with the teen’s gaping entrance. He cries out Law’s name when he enters him in one swift motion, stuffing his tight little ass to the brim.
“Now be a good little toy for me and ride my cock.”
Without further instructions, Luffy obeys and starts bouncing up and down Law’s length, squeezing him oh so perfectly. “H-hah… Law… oh god! S-so big!”
Law pulls on the leash again, bringing Luffy’s face closer to crash their lips together. Licking his lips he demands for the boy to open his mouth. He, of course, gives in easily and lets Law slip his tongue inside his hot mouth. He licks into it greedily; his own taste still lingering on the younger’s tongue.
They have to part for air soon and Law stops to admire the boy in his lap. The lingerie looks delicious on him, even more so with the debauched look on his pretty face. He’s a mess of tears, cum and drool.
A fucking masterpiece is what he is.
“Good boy,” he praises and Luffy picks up the speed of his movements. He takes Law’s huge cock easily, lifting himself up until only the tip is inside of him and then slams down until his full length is nestled balls-deep inside of him again.
“Please,” he begs, “L-ahh p-please… let me touch… hah… you.”
His speech is slurred and his legs are trembling. With his panties already drenched in pre-cum, Law decides to have mercy with the teen. He frees his little cock and starts to pump him lazily, all while Luffy continues to fuck himself on Law’s dick.
“Hngh… s-so close… hah… please…”
Oh no, that won’t do.
He pulls on the leash – hard – making him fall forwards into Law’s chest. He whines helplessly, being completely at Law’s mercy, yet his ass continues to bounce up and down on the cock inside of him.
“If you cum now,” Law growls, “you will get punished.”
Luffy buries his face in the crook of Law’s neck and sobs: “P-Please…!”
“Do you understand?”
When Luffy only nods his head weakly against Law’s neck, he grips his hair again and yanks his head back. In his deep voice he growls: “You answer me if I ask you a question! Or do you rather not want to talk, huh? Is it that? You want me to gag you again?”
Luffy lets out a sob, a pathetic little sound, and shakes his head as much as he can manage with Law's tight grip holding him in place. “N-no! Please Law… I’m s-sorry…”
“Yeah? You’re going to be a good boy for me?”
“Yes! I-I’m a good boy f-for you!”
Suddenly Law grabs his butt, digs his fingers into the soft flesh, making Luffy mewl in protest when he lifts him off his cock. He stands up from his chair and puts Luffy back down on the floor where he stands on wobbly legs, knees almost giving out under his weight. 
The older man moves his laptop aswell as a few important documents to the side before he slams Luffy face first down onto the desk. With one hand he pushes his face down on the varnished wood while the other is busy groping his butt. He spreads his cheeks and lets out a whistle at the sight.
“Look at that slutty hole,” he chuckles, “it’s twitching. Miss my cock already?”
Before the teen can answer, Law lets go off him completely and takes a step back to give himself some room to admire his toy. His cock feels neglected, missing the tight heat around him, so he wraps his hand around the shaft and starts to sloppily jerk himself off to the erotic picture in front of him.
Luffy lets out a needy moan and wiggles his ass in the air. He holds himself up on his tippy-toes on shaky legs. Law is sure he wouldn’t be able to support his own weight were it not for his upper body to lie flat on the wooden desk.
He looks beautiful; skin glistening with sweat, his black hair a mess and the cute white lingerie a beautiful contrast to how lewd he actually looks.
“Law… please!”
The older man clicks his tongue. “God you’re such a filthy little whore. Acting as if you’re dying without my cock deep inside your ass. Are you that desperate?”
“Y-yes,” he admits with a sob, “n-need it. Need your cock. Please!”
How could he say no to Luffy’s sweet begging?
Quickly Law lines himself up with his greedily fluttering hole and pushes his whole length in with one swift snap of his hips, making the teen moan out his name like it’s a prayer.
Oh, Law definitely is his god and lucky for his little pet, he intends to listen to Luffy’s prayers.
He starts fucking him hard and fast, exactly how he likes it, making sure to hit the sweet spot inside of him with every thrust. He grunts when Luffy tightens up even more, fucking into him even harder. “Fuck you’re so tight baby, feels so good! Aren’t you a perfect slut for me?”
Luffy is panting heavily, his small body being pushed forward with every snap of Law’s hips. It must hurt, the older thinks briefly, the way his skin grazes against the desk. However; from the blissed out look on his face, he doesn’t seem to mind at all.
Law has a firm grip on the younger’s waist, gripping the flesh so hard it will probably leaves bruises for Law to admire the next day. He loves to leave his marks all over his body, making sure that everyone knows Luffy is his and his alone!
“How is it baby boy?” he purrs, leaning forward and blanketing his body with his own much larger one. He nibbles on the boy’s ear, not slowing down his harsh thrusts, and then moves down to his neck; deciding that he needs a few marks there too. “Do you like it to get fucked open by my cock baby?”
“God yes,” Luffy all but screams. His voice sounds hoarse from how hard he got his throat fucked earlier. It makes his sweet moans even sexier. “P-please Law… it’s so good… hahh… your c-cock feels so good! I-I want to cum… god please Law let me cum…!”
The teen begs and sobs, tears flowing freely down his red cheeks. Law kisses them away before capturing his swollen lips for a passionate kiss. It’s almost gentle – for his standard it sure is – but his thrusts are incredibly rough.
Sometimes while fucking Luffy, he thinks he will break him; that there has to be a point for the teen where he just can’t take it anymore. But Luffy keeps surprising him; he never asks Law to slow down or to stop. He just keeps fucking taking it – hell – he even demands Law to give him more.
It’s almost making him dizzy how perfect Luffy is for him...
Only when it comes to sex of course, he quickly adds to his own thought. For Law there doesn’t exist anything else outside of a sexual relationship.
Law rises to his full height again to thrust deeper and harder into the mess that is Luffy.
He growls: “Yeah? Then cum for me baby!”
As soon as the command is spoken, Luffy comes undone on Law’s cock, spilling his hot seed on the expensive wood. He’ll get a punishment for this later but right now Law couldn’t care less. His vision turns blurry for a few seconds when Luffy tightens even more around him during his orgasm, almost as if he tries to suck in more of Law’s dick when he’s already stuffed full. What a slut…
Luffy goes slack after he comes down from his high, basking in his afterglow as he lies limply on the desk, still getting pushed forward from Law’s hard thrusts.
Arousal rushes hot through his veins; he’s close too but not ready to let the fun end just yet.
Luffy slowly comes back into reality. He whimpers softly as Law keeps fucking him past his orgasm to the point of overstimulation. Drool drips down his chin as he cries and whines: “Law… ahh Law please! N-no more! ‘s too much… hah… please!”
The soft pleas turn him on even more and he picks up his pace, fucking him even harder.
He grabs Luffy by the hair and yanks him up; his back arching so much it actually looks painful.
“N-no! L-ahh please s-stop,” he sobs while contradicting his own words by raising his ass higher up in the air to give the older man better access.
His face is a wreck, his puffy cheeks red and wet from new tears. The sight sets something animalistic inside of Law free. He wants to take apart what's left of him; until he owns him completely. The thought alone drives him crazy.
“You love it!” he grunts in his ear. “Love to get fucked until you’re nothing more than a crying, wrecked mess. A perfect little toy for me to use…”
“L-Law it’s… hah… it’s t-too much. Please…!”
Law’s thrusts start to get more frantic as he gets closer and closer to his own orgasm.
The begging for him to stop continues on, spurring Law on to go at it even harder. They have a safe word for when Luffy seriously wants him to stop; he made sure to go through it again before they started, so he’s not worried for Luffy’s well-being at all.
“You can take it. I know you love it baby. Admit it!” he demands, “Tell me what a good whore you are for me!”
Luffy gives in easily. There’s no resistance left in him. Exactly how Law wants him to be. Fucking him stupid until he’s nothing more than a mess and listens to Law’s every word, until he submits to Law completely – that’s how Law likes it best. And Luffy too, he knows.
“L-love it,” he moans loudly, “l-love your cock so much! Law… ahh… I love it! I love you…”
Hearing the last part, Law gets pushed over the edge. He comes hard, spilling his hot cum deep inside of Luffy, filling him even more.
With a few more lazy thrusts he rides out his mind-blowing orgasm before he pulls out. Luffy whimpers at the sudden loss and pushes his butt up higher in the air as if asking Law to stuff him full again. Unbelievable!
He wipes the sweat from his forehead as he watches his cum drip out of Luffy’s gaping hole. The sight never ceases to mesmerize him. He takes a mental note to prevent his seed from leaking out of the teen with a plug next time. Leaving it in the whole day and watching him squirm, he thinks to himself with a smirk on his lips, that's gonna be a lot of fun.
A sob coming from Luffy snaps him out of it. He grabs a tissue from the desk and quickly wipes himself clean, tucking himself back in his pants before cleaning the cum dripping out of the younger.
He frees his hands, tossing the ribbon to the side, and scoops him up in his arms. Sitting down on his chair again he makes sure that Luffy sits in his lap comfortably before he presses soft kisses to his lips, cheeks and forehead. Long tattooed fingers run through Luffy’s damp hair as Law soothes him and helps him to calm down again. “You did so well baby,” he praises, kissing him again softly. “So amazing. You're so beautiful darling. How are you feeling?”
“Good,” Luffy mumbles, cuddling closer to him. “Just… tired.”
“Yeah? Okay we can go to bed and cuddle. Would you like that?”
The teen perks up at that. He looks up at Law through half-lidded eyes and smiles a sleepy little smile, nodding his head as enthusiastically as he can manage in his exhaustion. So cute…
He nuzzles his nose in the tattooed man's neck and lets out a happy sigh.
Law rolls his eyes; Luffy is always so clingy after rough sex… but he doesn’t really mind it and he knows how important aftercare is. And he sure as hell won’t let Luffy drop!
“Okay. But first we’ll take a hot bath. And get you something to drink.”
He mutters something unintelligible – probably expressing his agreement – and Law takes it as his cue to get up from his seat with the teen in his arms, making his way towards his bathroom.
A soft smile appears on his lips when the younger starts to softly snore, already dozing off. He presses a sweet kiss on top of his head.
It's almost a shame that he has to strip Luffy out of the sexy underwear to take a bath. He'll definitely has to wear this one again. Especially the choker and the leash; after all, his little sunshine makes an excellent pet. 
And his training isn't done yet either.
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djbead123 · 4 years
Conlana headcanons 👉👈
Here's a future au that I've been thinking about!! Hope you don't mind!!
♡Connor and Alana are married!! Connor popped the Quesion and Alana happily said Yes!! Connor was the biggest cryer at their wedding though Alana did cry as well but she mostly made sure her husband was ok
♡Connor always wanted to paint his room but never got the chance to, so Alana decides to take him to get some paint so they can go home and redo the walls. Eventually they both settle on a color that connor really enjoys but also fits with the house and they got home and start painting. In the middle of it, they start a paint fight and by the end, they're covered in it. Connor is happy and so is Alana and they share a kiss, alana is cheeky tho and smears paint on her husbands face while sticky her tounge out at him
♡Alana got a bit more adventurous and daring as time went on, she's still does her work and make sure it's always on time but she also loves to take risk and try newer things. As long as Connor is by her side, she's up for almost anything
♡Alana doesn't wear braids as often as she did in high school but when it's out, it's so soft and fluff that connor can't held but t ouch. Alana doesn't mind but he better not have any food on his hands or else her hair will get dirty
♡Connor likes to surprise Alana with dates or gifts or Even just trips. The trips are only for a couple days, one or two but they have fun each time and almost always bring back a little souvenir. They wanna save up and go somewhere farther.
♡Connor is must more chill about family Events and Alana likes going with him and hanging out with the Murphys. Alana is accepted and Cynthia loves her daughter in law, Larry gets along with Alana very well too. Zoey has always been chill with Alana so no beef there.
♡[Part 1]Alana wants a baby lowkey but she panics about how she'd do as a mom. She doesn't tell connor because it's not a HUGE thing but Low and Behold, sometimes accidents happen and now you're pregnant. At first Alana freaks out but then she starts crying because she's going to have her own little family soon.
•[Part 2]Alana puts together a dinner (even though it's take out night) and she waits for connor to come home, he's suspicious and knows that his wife is clearly nervous about something but he tries to figure out what's going on. They eat and Alana tries dropping hints, talking about baby related things and pregnancy stuff. Connor doesn't get it but kinda figures that Alana might want kids so he says "if you're ready to try then sure?". Alana is less afraid to tell Connor now because he seems so calm about it so she nervous pulls out her positive pregnancy test and wraps it in a nap, sliding it over and asking connor to open it. He does and he finally gets why his wife was acting so weird, She's pregnant! Connor laughs and goes to hug his wife, he's so happy! Alana is surprised because connor isn't freaking out, he's also on board with the idea of becoming a parent. She couldn't have asked for a better response.
♡Alana and Connor go to pride Every year (They aren't straight lmao). They wear thier respective pride pins and wave thier flags, Alana even paints little flags on connor's cheek and he does the same to her!! They hold hands while being there and it's a great experience overall
♡Connor either cooks in the morning or at 4am. So very Early Breakfast while sitting on the couch and watching tv isn't uncommon. They cuddle afterwards and go back to sleep on the couch
♡Connor and Alana took a trip to the Aquarium and Connor loved looking at the sharks and bigger creatures. Alana loved the smaller more vibrant colored fishies but absolutely Adored the turtles. When they were about to leave, connor left to "pee" but came back with a HUGE turtle plushy of one of the sea turtles at the aquarium (which was her favorite). That's not all!! The sea turtle has a baby so he got that plushy too and that will be for their little one, Lemme tell u how Alana sobbed because she did, that was so cute that she straight up balled in the middle of the aquarium.
♡The baby is a girl, Once they found out, Connor was a wreck, they were about to have the cutest baby girl. Alana cried too because connor was crying and she couldn't help it.
♡Moody Alana is scary, though seeing her husband makes things a little bit better. Connor brings Alana whatever she needs and will go to the store if she's craving something that they don't have. What makes it all worth it is that Alana loves and appreciates Connor for everything that he does and makes that Very clear
♡Alana really loves Connors butt and will grab and Evan lay on it because it so thicc and sooooooft. Connor wears booty shorts just to tease but also because he loves it when he feels confident
♡Connor is an affectionate weeb and he will hug his wife from behind it give her the puppy dog eyes while asking for snuggles.
♡Connor loves putting his head in Alanas lay and just relaxing. When they go to the park and sit in the grass, He'll often read a book while his head in Alanas lap. Also in bed too, They'll be watching something or playing a video game and connor will be laying his head in his wife's lap.
♡Alana is a gamer and so is connor, So whenever they play multiplayer, the loser usually has to do the ugh chores or cook. It's not too bad, when they make playfully bets, the loser gets a little teasing but ends up getting a smooch at the end of the day
♡Alana tries to eat healthy and she does love her Healthy ass snacks but also loves tasty cakes and hot cheetos so, you can't blame her, sweet and unhealthy shit is good
♡Connor is a crossdresser and some days he'll want to go out wearing more feminine clothing, makeup and such, Alana most definitely supports this and if connor is about to wear a disaster of an outfit she will NOT let him walk out of the house.
♡Connor is a visual artists, he likes to draw animals and environments the most. Though he draws Alana a bunch, usually when she's just doing a something and not moving a whole lot but sometimes she'll post for the picture
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